UDK 621.382:666.5:546.47 Izvirni znanstveni članek ISSN 1318-0010 KZLTET 33(6)487(1999) N. DANEU, S. BERNIK: CHARACTERISTICS OF SnO 2 DOPED ZnO-Bi 2O3 CERAMICS CHAR AC TER IS TICS OF SnO 2 DOPED ZnO-Bi 2O3 CE RAMICS ZNAČILNOSTI SnO 2 DOPIRANE ZnO-Bi 2O3 KERAMIKE Nina Daneu, Slavko Bernik Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Prejem rokopisa - received: 1999-11-02; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 1999-11-19 The in flu ence of SnO 2 ad di tions on the sintering, microstructure de vel op ment and non lin ear char ac ter is tics o f ZnO based ce ram ics in the ZnO - Bi 2O3 - SnO 2 sys tem was stud ied. In tro duc tion of SnO 2 to the ZnO - Bi 2 O3 sys tem re sults in the for ma tion of the Bi 2Sn 2O7 type pyrochlore phase and the Zn 2SnO 4 type spinel phase. For Sn/Bi < 1 ra tio the pyrochlore phase forms and bounds all the SnO 2, while ex cess Bi 2O3 re sults in the for ma tion of a liq uid phase at 740°C which en hances sintering. In sam ples with a Sn/Bi ?1 ra tio all the Bi 2O3 is bounded in Bi 2Sn 2O7 pyrochlore phase and sintering is hin dered. Sintering is pro moted af ter de com po si tion of the pyrochlore phase into a Bi 2O3 melt and Zn 2SnO 4 type spinel phase at tem per a tures above 1000°C. The ad di tion of 0.1% of SnO 2 pro motes ZnO grain growth. In com po si tions with larger amounts of SnO 2, growth of ZnO grains is al ready in hib ited by the in creas ing amount of Zn 2SnO 4 type spinel phase. Mod er ate dop ing with SnO 2 im proved the non lin ear char ac ter is tics of the ba sic ZnO - Bi 2O3 bi nary sys tem, while a large amount of SnO 2 re sulted in its deg ra da tion. Key words: ZnO, varistor ce ram ics, SnO 2 dop ing, sintering, microstructure Preiskovali smo vpliv dodatka SnO 2 na sintranje, raz voj mikrostrukture in tokovno-napetostno nelinearnost keramike na osnovi ZnO v sistemu ZnO - Bi 2O3 - SnO 2. Pri dodatku SnO 2 v sistem ZnO - Bi 2O3 pride do nastanka piroklorne faze tipa Bi 2Sn 2O7 in spinelne faze tipa Zn 2SnO 4. Pri razmerju Sn/Bi < 1 piroklorna faza Bi 2Sn 2O7 veže ves SnO 2, preostali Bi 2O3 pa povzroči pri 740°C na sta nek tekočo fazo, ki pospeši sintranje. V vzorcih z razmerjem Sn/Bi ?1 je ves Bi 2O3 vezan v piroklorno fazo, zato je sintranje zavrto. Sintranje v teh vzorcih je pospešeno, ko pride pri temperaturi nad 1000°C do razp ada piroklorne faze v talino Bi 2O3 in spinelno fazo Zn 2SnO 4. Dodatek 0.1% SnO 2 pospeši rast zrn ZnO. Pri sestavah z večjim dodatkom SnO 2 je rast zrn že zavrta zaradi vedno večje količine spinelne faze Zn 2 SnO 4. Zmerni dodatki SnO 2 izboljšajo nelinearno karakteristiko binarnega sistema ZnO - Bi 2O3, večji dodatki pa jo poslabšajo. Ključne besede: ZnO, varistorska keramika, dopiranje z SnO 2, sintranje, mikrostruktura 1 IN TRO DUC TION Varistor ceramics are produced by sintering ZnO with minor additions of different metal oxides. They exhibit highly non-ohmic behaviour and excellent energy absorption capability. As a concequence of this, varistors are widely used for the protection of electronic devices against voltage transients and power overloads. The non-linear relationship between current (I) and voltage (V) is expressed according to equation 1: I=CV ? (1) where ? is the nonlinear exponent and C is a constant. In commercial varistors the value of ? is usually between 20 and 70. The breakdown voltage separates the linear and non-linear regions and depends on the number of grain boundaries between the electrodes. Therefore, for high voltage applications fine-grained ceramics are required, whereas low voltage applications demand coarse-grained varistor ceramics. The addition of Bi 2O3 to ZnO is essential for the non-ohmic behaviour to occur ( ? below 10). In the process of sintering, Bi 2O3 introduces a liquid phase into the system and forms a skeleton of Bi-rich phases around the ZnO grains. The addition of metal oxides such as Sb 2O3, Co 3O4, MnO 2, Cr 2O3 and others improves the electrical characteristics of the basic binary varistor ZnO-Bi 2O3 system in different ways: (i) by influencing KOVINE, ZLITINE, TEHNOLOGIJE 33 (1999) 6 ZnO grain growth during the sintering process with the formation of pyroclore and spinel phases, (ii) by altering the conductivity of ZnO grains, (iii) by influencing the characteristics of intergranular phases and (iv) by the formation of inversion boundaries (IB's) in ZnO grains 1 ,2 . The influence of SnO 2 on ZnO-based varistor ceramics has been investigated by Viswanath et al. 3. They reported that the addition of SnO 2 increases the nonlinear exponent ( ? up to 20), electrical resistivity in the prebreakdown region, and promotes linear shrinkage of the basic ZnO-Bi 2O3 binary varistor system. In this paper the influence of SnO 2 doping on sintering, microstructural characteristics, formation of secondary phases and electrical characteristics in the ZnO-Bi 2O3-SnO 2 system is reported. 2 EX PER I MEN TAL PRO CE DURES The samples were prepared according to conventional ceramic procedures. The reagents: ZnO (99,8%, Union Minier), Bi 2O 3 (99,8%, Alfa) and SnO 2 (99%, Alfa) were weighed and mixed using absolute ethanol as the media for homogenisation in a planetary mill. The homogenised mixtures were dried at 70°C. The powders were pressed into pellets using a pressure of 200 MPa. The samples were sintered in a tube furnace at 487 N. DANEU, S. BERNIK: CHARACTERISTICS OF SnO 2 DOPED ZnO-Bi 2O3 CERAMICS 1200°C for 2 hours in air with a heating and cooling rate of 5 K/min. Samples with the following compositions (in molar percentages) were prepared: (99-x) % ZnO + 1 % Bi 2O3 + x % SnO2 for x = 0 (ZB), 0.1 (SN01), 0.5 (SN05), 2 (SN2), 10 (SN10) For comparison, samples of "pure" ZnO (label Z) were also prepared. Sintering curves were obtained on a Leitz heating microscope by heating to 1300°C at a heating rate of 10°C/min. The crystalline phases, present in the sintered samples, were determined by the use of X-ray powder diffractometry using a Philips PW 1710 with Ni filtered CuKoc radiation in the range 2©=10°-60° with a step of 0,04° and recording time 1 sec/step. Microstructural investigations were performed on a Jeol 5800 scanning electron microscope (SEM), operated at 20kV and equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). For SEM investigations, samples were diametrically cut and mounted in acrylic resin. Cross-sections of the samples were ground and polished. Half of each polished microstructure was etched with dilute hydrochloric acid. The ZnO grain sizes were estimated using an equivalent-circle-diameter function, that computes the area of an irregular shape and transforms it to an equivalent-circle-diameter. For electrical measurements, silver electrodes were fired on both sides of the samples at 600°C. The nominal varistor voltages (Vn) at 1 mA and 10mA, and leakage current IL at 0.5Vn (1mA) were measured. The threshold voltage Vt (V/mm) and the nonlinear coefficient a of the samples were determined. 3 RE SULTS AND DIS CUS SION Sintering curves, showing the shrinkage of samples with different nominal composition, are compared in Fig. 1. In pure ZnO sintering starts at 650°C, maximum densification rate is at 840°C and shrinkage ends at 1130°C. In samples ZB, SN01, SN05 and SN2 sintering starts at 740°C, while in sample SN10 the onset of sintering is delayed up to 900°C. The lowest temperature of maximum densification rate is observed for sample ZB at 760°C. In samples SN01, SN05 and SN10 maximum densification rates are at 780°, 800° and 1070°C respectively. The sintering curve of sample SN2 shows enhanced sintering around 770° and 1050°C, while it is slowed in the temperature range from 780° to 1010°C. The shrinkage is completed at 980°C in sample ZB, at 1040°C in samples SN01 and SN05, while in pure ZnO and samples SN2 and SN10 densification ends at 1130°C. The final linear shrinkage AL/L0 of pure ZnO is 14.6% and for the ZB sample 12.5%. In samples doped with SnO2 the final shrinkage is in the range 14 to 16% 488 Fig ure 1 : Densification curves of sam ples with dif fer ent start ing com po si tions Slika 1: Krivulje zgoščevanja vzorcev z različno izhodno sestavo and increases with higher amounts of SnO 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of samples with varying amounts of SnO 2 are given in Fig. 2 . Results of XRD analysis show that the major phase present in all the samples is ZnO. Since the quantity of Bi 2O 3 is the same in all samples, the type and amount of secondary phases depend on the amount of SnO 2 addition. The secondary phases determined by XRD analysis in the SnO 2 doped samples are: ?-Bi 2O3 phase, Bi 2Sn 2O 7 type pyrochlore phase and Zn 2SnO 4 type spinel phase. The Bi 2Sn 2O 7 type pyrochlore phase was determined by XRD analysis to be in all SnO 2 doped samples. In the samples SN01 and SN05, XRD analysis also revealed the presence of the ?-Bi 2O3 phase, while in samples SN2 and SN10, characteristic XRD peaks of ?-Bi 2O 3 are not observed. SEM/EDS analysis revealed traces of an intergranular Bi 2O 3 rich phase (probably ?-Bi 2O 3) in the sample SN2. However, in the sample SN10, the presence of a Bi 2O3 rich phase was not detected by SEM/EDS analysis. The presence of the Zn 2SnO 4 type spinel phase is evident from XRD patterns Fig ure 2: X-ray dif frac tion pat terns of SnO 2 doped sam ples: ( a ) SN01, (b) SN05, (c) SN2, (d) SN10. Z: ZnO, SP: Zn 2SnO 4 type spinel phase, PY: Bi 2Sn 2O7 type pyrochlore phase and ?: ?-Bi 2O3 phase Slika 2: Rezultati praškovne difrakcije vzorcev dopiranih s SnO 2: (a) SN01, (b) SN05, (c) SN2, (d) SN10. Z: ZnO, SP: Zn 2SnO 4 spinelna faza, PY: Bi 2Sn 2O7 piroklorna faza in ?: ?-Bi 2O3 faza KOVINE, ZLITINE, TEHNOLOGIJE 33 (1999) 6 N. DANEU, S. BERNIK: CHARACTERISTICS OF SnO 2 DOPED ZnO-Bi 2O3 CERAMICS Fig ure 3: SEM back scat tered elec tron (BE) im ages of non-etched micro struc tures of sam ples, fired at 1200°C for 2 hours; a) SN05, b) SN10. Z: ZnO phase, B: Bi 2O3-rich phase, PY: Bi 2Sn 2O7 type pyrochlore phase, SP: Zn 2SnO 4 type spinel phase and P: pore Slika 3: Mikrostrukturi vzorcev, žganih pri 1200°C 2 uri; a) SN05, b) SN10. Z: ZnO faza, B: Bi 2O3-bogata faza, PY: Bi 2Sn 2O7 piroklorna faza, SP: Zn 2SnO 4 spinelna faza in P: pora in all SnO 2 doped samples, except in sample SN01. SEM/EDS analysis showed that a small amount of spinel phase, below the XRD detection limit, is also present in this sample. In Fig. 3 , SEM backscattered electron (BE) images of samples SN05 and SN10 are shown. In sample SN10 a significantly larger amount of Zn 2SnO 4 type spinel phase is present in comparison with sample SN05. While in sample SN05, the Bi 2O 3 rich and pyrochlore phases form an intergranular layer at the grain boundaries of the ZnO, the pyrochlore phase is the only Bi-containing phase in the SN10 sample. The sintering behaviour (see Fig. 1) of the investigated samples can be explained by phase formation e.g. the presence of a liquid phase. In comparison with the ZnO sample, where solid state sintering has already started at 650°C, the onset of sintering is shifted to higher temperatures in the other samples, due to the presence of additives. In the sample KOVINE, ZLITINE, TEHNOLOGIJE 33 (1999) 6 BZ, the presence of Bi 2O3 results in liquid phase formation at 740°C (melting of the Bi 38ZnO58 phase4). It promotes rapid shrinking, which is finished at 980°C. The addition of SnO2 to the ZnO-Bi2O3 system results in the formation of pyrochlore and spinel phases. Our previous investigations5 of the Zn2SnO4 type spinel phase showed that it starts to form between 800° and 900°C according to the reaction: 2ZnO+ SnO2 —--------->Zn2 SnO4 (2) The Bi2Sn2O7 type pyrochlore phase5, however, already formed at temperatures below 700°C in the binary system Bi 2O3-SnO2 as well as in the presence of ZnO, according to the following equation: Bi2 O3 + 2 SnO2 —--------->Bi2 Sn2 O7 (3) In the presence of ZnO approximately 1-1,5 at.% of Zn2+ incorporates on Bi3+ sites of the Bi 2Sn2O7 type pyrochlore phase. It was also observed that in the presence of ZnO the pyrochlore phase decomposes to the Bi2O3 liquid phase and Zn2SnO4 spinel phase at 1100°C, according to the following equation: Bi 2 Sn2O7 + 4 ZnO —1100°c—> 2Zn2 SnO4 + Bi 2 O3 (liquid) (4) This results show that in samples containing SnO2, the pyrochlore phase already forms at relatively low temperatures, before the sintering starts. In the pyrochlore phase the atomic ratio Sn/Bi is 1. Consequently in samples SN01 and SN05 with a Sn/Bi ratio below 1, free Bi 2O3 is present and forms a liquid phase at 740°C, which enhances the sintering process. The shift of the maximum sintering rate to higher temperatures for the samples SN01 and SN05 in comparison with samples BZ is explained by formation of the pyrochlore phase and hence a reduced amount of liquid phase. In sample SN2, where the Sn/Bi ratio is 1, the formation of the pyrochlore phase is not yet completed at 740°C. Therefore in the early stages, sintering is enhanced by the presence of a small amount of liquid phase and later hindered due to the pyrochlore phase. In sample SN10, with a large amount of SnO2 (Sn/Bi ratio 5), all the Bi 2O3 is bounded in the Bi 2Sn2O7 pyrochlore phase and no liquid phase is present at lower temperatures. The beginning of sintering is delayed till 900°C in this sample by the presence of the pyrochlore phase and the Zn2SnO4 spinel phase which results from a reaction between ZnO and excessive SnO2. The maximum sintering rates at 1050°C and 1070°C in samples SN2 and SN10, respectively, are associated with the decomposition of the pyrochlore phase above 1000°C and formation of the Bi2O3 liquid phase. The Bi2Sn2O7 type pyrochlore phase was present in the SN samples, despite sintering at 1200°C for two hours, which is well above the decomposition temperature (equation 4) of this phase. It is well known that the Bi3Zn2Sb3O11 type pyrochlore phase in ZnO -Bi2O3 - Sb2O3 system decomposes at a temperature of about 1000°C into the Zn7Sb2O12 type spinel phase and 489 N. DANEU, S. BERNIK: CHARACTERISTICS OF SnO 2 DOPED ZnO-Bi 2O3 CERAMICS Fig ure 4: SEM im ages of etched micro struc tures of sam ples, fired at 1200°C for 2 hours; a) Z, b) ZB, c) SN01, d) SN05, f) SN10 Slika 4: Mikrostrukture vzorcev žganih pri 1200°C 2 uri; a) Z, b) ZB, c) SN01, d) SN05, f) SN10 B i 2O 3 liquid phase. On cooling, it forms again with the reaction between the spinel and Bi 2O3 phases 6,7 . Similarly, the Bi 2Sn 2O7 type pyrochlore phase forms during cooling in the ZnO - Bi 2O3 - SnO 2 system. The secondary phases in the investigated samples strongly influence ZnO grain growth. Microstructures of 490 samples with various compositions are presented in Fig. 4 and their corresponding average ZnO grain sizes are given in Table 1. In the pure ZnO sample, the average ZnO grain size is 11 µm. In the presence of the Bi 2O 3-liquid phase, grain growth is promoted and sample ZB has an average ZnO grain size of 14 µm. In the pure KOVINE, ZLITINE, TEHNOLOGIJE 33 (1999) 6 N. DANEU, S. BERNIK: CHARACTERISTICS OF SnO 2 DOPED ZnO-Bi 2O3 CERAMICS ZnO sample intergranular porosity dominates, while in the ZB sample intragranular porosity is clearly evident as well. The addition of a small amount of SnO 2 in sample SN01 results in a significantly larger average ZnO grain size of 22 µ m. However, in comparison with the ZB sample, intragranular porosity is significantly lower in sample SN01 as well as in other SN samples and intergranular porosity is the dominant feature. The addition of 0.1% of SnO 2 only results in a small amount of Zn 2SnO 4 type spinel phase which does not influence significantly the ZnO grain growth. The amount of Bi 2O 3 rich liquid phase in samples ZB and SN01 is practically equal. Therefore increased ZnO grain growth in the SN01 sample can be attributed to the influence of SnO 2 on the wettability of the Bi 2O 3-rich liquid phase. In samples with larger additions of SnO 2 the grain growth of ZnO is already inhibited due to the increasing amount of Zn 2SnO 4 spinel grains at the grain boundaries. The inhibition of grain growth is especially significant in the SN10 sample where a large amount of spinel phase is already formed at much lower temperatures with the reaction between ZnO and excess SnO 2 (Eq. 2). In samples with a Sn/Bi ? 1 ratio, the spinel phase forms at higher temperature with the decomposition of the pyrochlore phase (Eq. 4). In these samples, intergranular and intragranular spinel grains can be observed. In addition, inclusions of the Bi 2O3 containing phase are occasionally present in ZnO grains. In these cases, the pyrochlore phase was most probably overgrown by ZnO. The mechanism of grain growth inhibition by the spinel phase is known and has been studied in other ZnO based compositions with spinel forming additives, such as Sb 2O3, Al 2O3, TiO 2 and others 8 ,9 . Ta ble 1: Av er age grain sizes of the in ves ti gated sam ples Tabela 1: Povprečne velikosti zrn preiskovanih vzorcev Sample Average grain size ( µm) Z 10,8 ± 5, ZB 14,1 ± 6,7 SN0 21,7 ± 9,5 SN05 16,1 ± 6, SN2 12,8 ± 5,5 SN10 5,6 ± 1,9 All investigated samples exhibit nonlinear current-voltage (I-V) characteristics (Fig. 5) . The nonlinear coefficient obtained for the ZB sample is 3. Doping with SnO 2 increased the non-linearity and the highest nonlinear coefficient ? of 9 shows in the sample doped with 0.5% of SnO 2. A large addition of SnO 2 results in the degradation of the nonlinear characteristics in sample SN10. 4 CON CLU SIONS The influence of SnO 2 addition on the sintering, microstructure development and nonlinear characteristics KOVINE, ZLITINE, TEHNOLOGIJE 33 (1999) 6 Fig ure 5: Non lin ear co ef fi cient ? of SnO 2 doped sam ples, fired at 1200 °C for 2 hours Slika 5: Koeficient nelinearnosti ? vzorcev dopiranih s SnO 2, žganih pri 1200°C 2 uri of ZnO based ceramics in the ZnO - Bi 2O3 - SnO2 system was studied. Introduction of SnO2 into the ZnO - Bi 2O3 system results in the formation of the Bi2Sn2O7 type pyrochlore phase and the Zn2SnO4 type spinel phase. The pyrochlore phase forms at temperatures below 700°C and the spinel phase starts to form between 800°C and 900°C. Therefore for a Sn/Bi < 1 ratio the pyrochlore phase forms and bounds all the SnO2, while free-Bi 2O3 results in the formation of a liquid phase at 740°C which enhances sintering. On cooling the liquid phase stabilises as an oc-Bi2O3 modification. In samples with a Sn/Bi >1 ratio all the Bi 2O3 is bounded in Bi2Sn2O7 pyrochlore phase and sintering is hindered due to the absence of a Bi2O3 liquid phase. The excess SnO2 results in the formation of the Zn2SnO4 spinel phase. In compositions with Sn/Bi >1 sintering is promoted after decomposition of the pyrochlore phase into the Bi 2O3 melt and the Zn2SnO4 type spinel phase at temperatures above 1000°C. The pyrochlore phase recrystallises during cooling from the firing temperature. The addition of SnO2 strongly influences ZnO grain growth. The addition of 0.1% of SnO2 promotes ZnO grain growth due to the influence on the properties, most probably wettability, of the Bi2O3 rich liquid phase. In the sample SN01 the average ZnO grain size was determined to be 22 jam and in sample ZB to be 14 jam. Larger amounts of SnO2 in samples SN05, SN2 and SN10 resulted in a smaller ZnO grain size, due to an increasing amount of the Zn2SnO4 type spinel phase. While in the sample ZB, besides intergranular, also intragranular porosity is clearly evident, in SnO2 doped samples there is practically no intragranular porosity. Moderate doping with SnO2 improved the nonlinear characteristics of the basic ZnO - Bi2O3 binary system, while a large amount of SnO2 resulted in its degradation. 49 N. DANEU, S. BERNIK: CHARACTERISTICS OF SnO 2 DOPED ZnO-Bi 2O3 CERAMICS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Slovenia. The financial support of the INCO-COPERNICUS Pro gram of the European Commission (Project HIPOVAR; IC15-CT96-0749) is also gratefully acknowledged. 5 REF ER ENCES 1 D . R . Clarke: J.Am.Ceram.So c ., 82 (1999) 485-502 2 T. K. Gupta, J.Am.Ceram.Soc. , 73 (1990) 1817-1840 3 R. N. Viswanath, P. Ravi, S. 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