r » «■ m««««* «Mi GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uredniški ln upravnilkt prostori: MIT South Lawndale Ave Otiles of Publicstlon: 1697 South Lswndals Ave. Telephone, Rockwell 4004 January IS. ISO. st ttoa poit-oftlM Act ol Qnnsr— of MsreS S. 1ST». M CHICAGO. ILL. SREDA. M. JUUJA (JULY M). 1B42 Subscription 00.00 Yearly STEV.—NUMBER 14« Acceptance for »ailing «t special rste postage provided 1103, Act of Oct S, 101T, authorised on June 4. 1018. nacuske kok)- Tedenske kampaiijske novice IE PRODIRAJO PROU KAVKAZU Britske čete začele ofenzivo v Egiptu AMERIČANI RAZPRŠILI JAPONSKE BOMBNIKE Moskva. 28. jul. — Nacijske o-klopne kolone prodirajo naprej proti Kavkazu j>reko ozemlja na južni strani Tsimiljanska. Cilj > okupacija bogatega oljnega polja. Sovjetski krogi priznavali da je položaj najbolj kritičen od začetka vojne. Nemci so preprečili reko Don v več krajih. Berlin, 28. jul—Vrhovno poveljstvo je naznanilo okupacijo Batajska, ruskega trdnjavskega mesta, ki leži dvajset milj južno od Rostova in ob progi železnice, ki vodi v Baku, luko ob Kaspi-ikem morju, v katero prihaja olje iz kavkaškib pokrajin. Nem-|ke in rumunske čete prodirajo naprej ob reki Don od okupacije Rostova in Novočerkaska in zlo-6dpora sovjetske oborožene lile. Bitke s tanki divjajo na za padni strani te reke. I Nemški bombniki so v akciji v ospredju bojne'črte in mečejo bombe na ruske komunikacijske zveze ob reki Volgi in vojaške' iprave na severozapadni strani lingrada, ruskega jeklarskega iiča. Prve vojaške kolone so le do točke, ki je oddaljena to 40 milj od Stalingrada. Kairo, Egipt. 28. jul.—Britaka ožena sila, kateri poveljuje «rai Claude ils "omejene nim četam v puščavi na za- ni Strah} El Alameina. Itali-ke in nemške čete se se mo-umakniti s strategičnih polj. Istočasno so angleški in «riški letalci metali bombe [na Tobruk, osiščno trdnjavo v ibiji, in parnike, naložene z ijnim materialom, na Sredo-kem morju. Bombe so potopile dva parnika, tri pa poško-Idovalo. ICungking. Kitajska. 28. jul.— ¡Ameriški letalci so pognali v |beg 50 japonskih bombnikov, ki Odleteli z letališča pri Hanko-proti Čungkingu. Razdalja ned mestoma je 460 milj. Američani so prestregli Japonce v iračju nad vzhodnim delom rovince Šečevan, 120 milj proč I Čungkinga, in jih pognali na ij. Samo Štiri japonska letala priletela nad Cungking in vr-lla nekaj bomb na predmestja. Melbourne, Avstralija. 28. jul. -Japonski letalci so metali bom-na Darwin, luko v severni Avstraliji, in skušali napasti Townsville, pristaniščno mesto 1 tt'verovzhodnem obrežju, a so li pognani nazaj. Bombe, ki so P» vrgli na Darwin, niso povžro-ile velike škode. Zavezniški leUlci so istočasno ombardirali japonske baze na «ovi Gvineji in vojaške barake Pri IWpanRu, otok Timor. Prej napadli z bombami Kieto na Koku Bougainville, kl ao poru-f več militarlstičnih naprav zanetile fmžare. Devet nadaljnjih prijavljencev za tekmo,— Sedem konlestantov z nad 25 novimi člani Naša zmagonošna kampanja beleži lepe rezultate tudi za pretekli teden. Kljub vročini, ki običajno pritiska v teh časih in kljub znanemu dejstvu, da so poletni meseci več ali manj slabi za take aktivnosti, se z vsakim dnem prijavljajo novi člani, ki se Želijo udeležiti kampanjske tekme in število agitatorjev z vsakim dnevom narašča. To je vsekakor dobro znamenje. Na podlagi tega in kar smo o poteku tega velikopoteznega gibanja že prej ugotovili, lahko pač s precejšnjo gotovostjo računamo, da bo naša kampanja za nove člane lep uspeh. Kakor piše br. Vrhovnik na angleški strani današnje Prosvete, se je zadnji teden spet prijavilo devet nadaljnjih članov, ki se želijo udeležiti kampanjske tekme. S temi in kar smo jih imeli na posebni aktivni listi že preje, je torej število teh izredno agilnih delavcev naše kampanjske fronte naraslo na sto dvalnsedemdeset. In poročilo nadalje izkazuje, da jih je med temi tekmovalci že sedem, ki so dobili 25 ali več novih članov, vsled česar seveda zaslužijo še posebno prizhanje, ki ga bddo deležni ne zgolj V obliki pohvalnih besed, temveč tudi V nagradah materialne vredhosti. Ko smo v poročilu o krasnih uspehih sestre Udovich zadnji teden omenili, da je s tem naš sredozapad stopil v ospredje ter da je naša distriktna podpredsednica Uršula Ambrožič s tem dobila nevarno tekmovalko, se nismo motili. UddvičeVa seveda agitira pridno naprej in nas namerava spet kmalu presenetiti z novimi pridobitvami, medtem pa je tudi že prišlo poročilo tajnice društva št. 130, Eveleth, Minn., o nadaljnjih šestih prošnjah za pristop, ki gredo Ambrožičevi v kredit. Nove svetle zvezde na našem kampanjskem obzorju so nadalje Martin Vrbančič, ki tajnikuje angleško poslujočemu društvu v Veroni, Pa., in ki je zadnji teden tako dobro uspel, da se je prikopal do častnega mesta posebnih kontestantov s 25 novimi člani. Vrbančič je s tem dokazal, da ni samo dober igralec in športnik, temveč tudi dober agitator za nove člane. Do posebno čiastnega mesta s 25 ali več novimi člani se je nadalje prikopala sestra Mary Vidmar, ki tajnikuje društvu št. 3 v Johnstownu, Pa, Tem tesno sledita sestri Irena Vidrich in Olivia Chucheck v Johnstownu in mnogo drugih po raznih krajih. Bratje Barufaldi, Wirant, Man-dich in drugi, ki so si stekli toliko lepih zaslug že prej, seveda pridno delajo in kampanjajo še naprej. ' , Vse to je dobro in velikega pomena slasti z ozirom na bodočnost naše organizacije. In o pridnih agitatorjih ter lepih uspehih, ki jih doprinašajo, je seveda prijetno poročati. Lepo število dobrih agitatorjev in pridnih kampanjskih delavcev imamo in mnogo naših društev je častno zastopanih. Toda boli nas, ko po pregledu seznama moramo zopet ugotovit^ ¿e skoraj od polovic-naših društev ni še nič pravega kampanjskega odmeva. To nikakor ni pra-Auchinleck je vilno in Uko ne sme iti delje! Jednote ne pripada samo nekaterim, ' ofenzivo proti temveč ^e last vseh člsrtov. In kakor hočemo Imeti vsi enake pravice do vseh dobrin, ki jih daje naša dobra organizacija, tako se moramo zavedati, da imamo tudi vsi enake dolžnosti do nje, uklju-čivši dolžnost pridobivanja novih članov. ' Kampanjsko delo torej ni sadeva samo tistih 172 članov ln članic, kl so se še prijavili sa tekmo, temveč nas vseh—vsakega posameznega člana, vsakega društva ln vsake Itferaeljel Zavedajmo se tega, bratje in sestre! Pomislimo, kak gorostasen rezultat bi bil, če bi vsak izmed nas dobil vsaj enega novega člana v teku te kampanje! In vendar s tem ne zahtevamo preveč. To je mogoče skoraj povsod. . . Zsto se pobrigsjmo in izrsblmo to lepo priliko vsi, da bo ime vsakogar in ime vsakega društva častno zapisano v tej zmagonosni kampanji SNPJ, ki je zaeno kampanja za zmago Amerike in zmago demokracije nad strašno zverjo nazi-fašizma! — V. CAINKAR, gl. predsednik. ba obnovila po- y vojnilth^^h GA JANJA Z UNIJO Prosvete le prUošen poseben letak vbsrvah uajniwo u vliWV u pf^b.1 fsdsralnl aaklsdnt dspsrtmoai T Wiehlnf bondov ln Odlok vojno-delavske-ga odborq sprejet THOMAS ZA ŠTABI- LIZACI JQÎtoEZD lovili pogajanje gle-pogodbe. Toje pr-med njimi od polo- | Ind&ana Harbcy.Jnf v ' :iv ■' v calu- metakem distriktu in represen-tant jeklarskih uAj v Indiana Harborju ln Chicogo Heightau Pogaiania med Inland Steel Co. ln jeklarsko unijo ao se pričela v septembru preteklega lete, ko je blls unija priznano kot predstavnic* vseh delavcev. Pr volitvah, ki o^ se vi^le dva me-, seca prej, je unijoTmegsls s veliko večino. Pogejsnjs so se rsz-blls v januarju, ko je kompanl-ja odbila zahtevo glede unijake delavnice ln zvišanja' plače za dolar na dan. Spor je bil potem predložen V rešitev vojno-delev-skemu odboru, Jti je nedavno podal svoj odlok. Druge kompanije "Malega jekla" ao prej sprejele odlok od-bora. Te so Rcpubllc Steel, Bethlchem Steel in Yourtgstown Sheet Si Tube. Vse ae pogajajo z unijo glede aklcnltve pogodbe. Ckleago. 28. jul.—R. J. Thomaa, predaednlk avtne unije CIO, ae je Izrekel za sUbillzacljo mezd ln cen in naglasll, da je tak korak potreben v kampanji za preprečitev inflacljc. On je prišel som, da uradi vse potrebno v zvezi s konvencijo svoje organizacije, ki ee .prične v Chlcagu prihodnji teden. Thomaa je dejal, da bo la konvencija najbolj konstruktivna od vaeh, ksr jih je unije imela. Dalje je rekel, da ima unija čez 600,000 članov v Ameriki in Ksnadl. Domače vesti ; Obiski la poadravi Chicago.—Frank Krznarič ls Park Fallsa, Mont., je 27. t. m. v družbi Johna Karakaza lz Chicaga obiskal gl. urod SNPJ ln uredništvo Prosvete. Obiskovalci 28. t. m, so pa bili: Martin Dragan, John Praprotnik ml. ln 8111 McGlll, vsi iz Indlanapolisa. Noši Člani-vojaki C h 1 c a g o.—Anton Potočnik, član društva 131 SNPJ ln predsednik moškega pevskega sbors Prešerna, jO te dni odl*l v vojaško službo Združenih drlsv. Srečen povretek, Anton! Duluth, Minn.—V tukojšnjl bolnišnici ae nehajo mladi olo-venski vojak WllUam Godec, ki Zadeva saboter jev pred sodiščem Zagovorniki predložili peticije {¿ravniki okrcali Tribuno Ichir^o, 28. jul. — Glasilo *** Ameriških zdrsvnikov je U"110 (''ka4ko Tribuno, ker je Pj^la uvrjdnlk o širjenju žol-I I m. d ameriškimi vojaki. 'Vin.k j»» bazirsl ns poročilu tojniko Stimsona, da je \ u ^ te bolezni od l januarja do 4. Cfj^ :. je 62 vojakov umrlo Kishbein, urednik r^lanizacija zdravnikov, r" d-1« Tribuna skušale na-■ ds /'iravniki aolžnosU. cZZy rrl Korici, Argirokaatru, Valo-nl in Kutajevu. Napadi so tsko pogosti, da so morale Italijanske vojaške oblatfti okllcatl stanje obleganja, Vsak dan je aretiranih več talcev v albanaklh krajih. Ljute bitke divjajo med gr-škimi uporniki ln oalščniml četami ob meji Bolgarija in Albanije. Grki napadajo oalščno ko-iminlkaoijake svea«. Hitler Je moral poalotl nove lete v Rumunljo, do sotre odpor. Uporniki oo nedavno istlrill vlak, naložen z oljem, v bližini Cralo-ve. Navali na rumunaka oljna polja ae nadaljujejo. V bitkah med uporniki ln otreftnUil je bUo več mož ubitih na obeh atraneh. Poljaki guerllcl ao o pomočjo ruskih saboterjev, kl ao ae s pedali apuatill na tla, rasblll nemški vojaški vlak v bližini Varšave. Več nemških vojekov je bilo ubitih ln ranjenih. Večina kongreenikov na počitnicah Waahington, D. C., 28 Jul. — Skoro 90 odstotkov članov kongresa ae nahaja na počitnicah. V Washingtonu ao oetall le kon-grešniki in aenatorjl, ki niso kandldatje v tem letu. Ti ae bodo sestejsll le dvskrst v tednu do 15. aeptembra. Izjema bi bila le, ako bi predsednik Roosevelt zahteval eprejetje vašne zakonodaje Rumuneka vlada zatira eabotako Bern, ftvica. 28 jul - Poro-čila is Bukarešte ae glase, da je bilo 235 eeeb aretiranih serod sabotaže in proti vladnih aktiv noeti. Vse oo bile poslane v kon rentracljska taborišča. Letalo, ki je epremljalo Mussolinija, sestreljeno New York. 28 jul. - Radijsko poročilo la Londona pravi, da je bilo eno izmed bojnih letal, ki so spittmljsla Muaaolinija na poti v severno Afriko, oeetreljeno po angleških letelclh. Diktatorjev osebni šef ln laaničar sta u-tonila ____ Največji reveži v domovini Janko N. Rogelj, direktor publl- dleto slovenske aekciie. J PO Poročila, Id prihajajo iz domovine, ao strašna in žalostns. Precejšnja skupina ameriških Slovencev ne veruje v U poročila. Zato imajo dovolj vzrokov. Imamo še ljudi med Slovenci, ki nikakor ne morejo verjeti, da so nemški in italijanski vojaki Uko nepopisno kruti, neolikani in so-vntfni. Od kar je Amerika stopila v vojno, ao ti ljudje priprli avoje usU, ds se preveč ne sliši, e mislijo še vedno Uko, kot so preje govorili. Imamo še ljudi,! jo, da bo treba naj prvo ljudi v staram kraju nasititi in obleči, prodno bodo mogli s trezno in zdrsvo pametjo določati sistem novega vledanje. Ti ljudje eo mnenja, da je politika prva jed, katera bo aervirana osvobojenim v domovini. Imamo še ljudi med ameriškimi Slovenci, ki so ostali brezbrižni vsled svojege dolgoletnega verskega sli političnega udejstvovanja. Brezbrižni eo, ker gledajo vsako rešitev le v svojem ožjem krogu. De je duševno rezpoloženje in čutenje uh ljudi tako usmerje- nosti zadnjih 23 let. Na eni strani so bile vasi z ipjstno popolnoma pretrgane radi ki se še niso spoprljsznili z ide-lno, to posledice naše p retell r lil ......... èln Ib Ii ■ no slabega in enostranskega jugoslovanskega zastopstva v Wa-ahing tonu, a na drugi strani ni bilo nifcpli med nami gibanje, da smo končno vsi eno, namreč Slovenci, ki smo postali ameriški državljani. Ni nas družila naša slovenska narodnost in ni naa družilo ameriško državljenstvo. Med nami so se pojavili včasih voditelji, toda njeo imeli dovolj opore in jaanih smernic. Naše podporne osganizadje so sicer poizkusil« s skupnim jugpslo- skega udejatvovanja, toda tudi to je zahpejo spanje praviçnegg, ker je nastaja med neka ter jn>i vcxji- de bodo stopile DAROVI ZA RUSKI RELIF Es rusko vojno pomotno skcijo so darovali r Društvo št. 0 SNPJ, Yale, Kansas, nabralo Darovali so: Joe in Anna Bratkovich John P«tfar $2; John Jenčič $1.90; po 91: Andrew Jama, Charles Lenassi, John Po-šun. Anton Adamič. John iraj, Prank Klu-Cevk-k Stanley Korošec 90c. Nadalj.- je John Počar, Ujnik istega društva nabral med ČUni drugih društev 19.00 so: po 92 Louis Oersel, Frsnk Joseph Lampič, ml, Joseph Lam St. po George Smrekar, Andy Fa-Frank Strubel, Kdwsrd LampC Fred Bortol Yerant, Marko Haram-bašič; po 90c: John SUkloaa, Frank Drglin. John KalČevit, Tony Žagar, John Bor*. Andy Antenčič 29c Poslala Theres« OeT-sol, Ujnica Drufttvo 9t 119 SNPJ. LoetonU, Minn. ... PosUl Jerry Kosimrri. Ujnik Društvo 9t 119 SNPJ, Strsbane. Pa. ........- Naht »In mrd «Uni Darovali so: John Žigman 99; John Loja-voe. st 92; po 9t: John Koklieh. John Tor-ohol. Jacob Pav«i«, John Kosmoch. John Progar, Victor Vodišok. Frank Martini, Tony Laonikar, Albert Florjončlč, Mark«. Tokavac, Louis Potočar. Joooph Progar, Joseph Sodmak. John Adam. Louis Anton i-oil. JtNu-ph Zupan«*, Anton Mavi^i«. John T» oh«, John Ceonik, ft. Joseph Mavrič, John Coonik, ml , Anton Sütel. Louis Bortol, Ignac Brada«. Joe D«loot John Bold, Joseph Hajn, Frank Mikec. Anton Petrov-«19. Frank Bisjak. Justin Martin**, Frank Samsa. Mike Sketal, Anton Samsa. Alio« Aufurth, Anton Strajner, JohnrCb*iU; po 90c: Frank BUrU, John öadel. Frank BrbM^R^i M^IR lCir^Hi lgaoc Tomšič. Anton Kutane. Anion Pro-gar« John Betsei. Lovrenc Kovčič, po 29c: Frank BatisU. John Albenini. Maks časnik PosUl John Troha. blagajnik Društvo 9L 199 NNHI. Dawson. New Mezko n4l^rilo m#d fluni >m<»»«whim.m* Darovali so: John Krevic gS; po 91 BolU-sar Bskrs, Anthony OrulMli«. Henry Mo-djek; Paul Broaovlck 90s. NablraUe Anthony Orubošlč. PosUl Anton Grubešič. S. Diultvo št 192 SNPJ, Milwaukee. Wis _ Nabrslo na seji društvs ....................4___ Darovali so: po 91 Josephine Flesek. M» nr Muaich. Ann« Puneer, Mary Srhuler, Jennie Jenko. KllsabeU Ätrural, ChrisUna NosWy, Mary Vasil, Josephine Slapnik; po Christina Bev«c. Jo»rphinr Kertič. Mary OU van, FranoM Žagar, Anna Vld-1eei. Jerice H««evar. M«ry Mlh«lt«. HoU-na Podrtsy 40c. PoslaU Jooephina Slapnik. Ujnica ^^ DruSlvo 11 197 SNPJ, Ironlon, Minn_______ Nabi.io med «lani ...------------------------ Darovali 00 Marion Kor«« 92; po 91 Anton KrmpoU«, Sam Jovsnovi«, John Mrko-nl«. John Petri«. Kudoll Itérait SUve Pr-ptf Poslal Manon Koral, Ujnik DruSlvo St 291 SNPJ. Primraa». Pa _____ Poslal For t un» t Ma««k. tajnik Društvo a 291 SNPJ. SmitMleld. Pa. _ PoaUU Kose Debeve. tajnica. Druitvo 499 SNPJ Iran MounUU. Mlch . Nakraio med «lani ............................ Darovali ao: pu 91 Jot* Urbèok. Paul U Mary Markovich. po 90c: Oeorae Stjan. FVenk imf Kistal Paul Markovkh, MÉÉL Druitvo «t 901 SNPJ. Bieaa Landing Pa. _ PosUl Matthvw Bartrh, Ujnik Darttvo M 91» SNPJ. Akran. O., nabralo v naselbini ... ...........;.........._____ _ Ognil se; AmmSsnsko sUvsoakl klub 910. po 91: Joavph Irsson. Joaoph k» Jooe-Pkinv Hilbnao po 91 K0U0 Komarrh Ml-k« m la»beW Korošec*. Louk VaUni Pe-U Bkvar«. M« rt in Bolka. Jonnie In Mike PMShelk. Pele Marfcovieto 90e; Frank An* 4ÊM S9r PosUl» J«naše PiS >9H. Uj Druitvo It Î0U KNPJ _ Martin U Mary Mrsnorkh Mont Dsmvpli so: po 90c Joe DoUnc (494), Mary Piuscnc (229); po 29c: Heorih Dolenc. Anion Zagst, Mary Kreus. Anton Vičič, «Mary Cansel. Mary Beth (vsi od dr. 9t 27>. Joe Pillih (229), Anton Potiaek (229). Bfrbgra Bürger (229), Neimenovapi. —/ Poslsl lohn Pečar, Ujnik. / 9t.il. Ollbert Minn X w nmgar »e» »«»»»»»ny«»«»««ee«» «*st< a» w>h»»r>»>« Andrew war, tajnik 9t. 192 SNPJ, Chicago, HL._......- med členleemi ln diugind Jr,, IJt -'ali ao: Ana Vidmar 92; po 91: Hale-Trakonja. John Darov«c, Zel Bro». 1 ßtehlay, Anna Senica. Fred Andres, r Tomafln. Francas Vroček; po 50c: Louise Vogrich, Kose Kudman, Boso AnMary Forančak, Pauline Borger, Aadroos; Ano Bas h s 29c. Nabirala Andreas. IzroČlU Mary ftifrcr, bU-jnica. • „ 9t 109 SNPJ, Ely, Minn___________ Nabralo na sej!........................-............... Darovali ao: po 91 France« Sollškar, Frank Qolob; po 90c: Frances Jenko, Frances Po-rushek, Boso Mochnik, Christine Kaplan; Katharina Skradski 90e; po 29e Francas Frances*p£rko, Mary Polanc, Anna Urbes! Ivana Somrak 19c. Poslala Frsncos Peru-shek, Ujnica. It IM SNPJ, Aliquippe, Pa.____ •r 2.00 .50 10.00 Mary Krsta, Jktrolt Mich., nabcalg med rojaki ■.■..^»Ji....................... Darovali so: mrs. A Naprudnik 91 In Joseph Cerne 91; Frsnk WerhelU üc. Prej9nji Iskas 9 290.19 Skupaj dO sedaj prejeto v gl. uradu SNPJ 4*1*M9 V naslednjem so navedeni darovalci sa ruski reltf. katerih skupne poslane vsote so še bilo prej priobše- ne v Prosveti, imen poedincev po nam radi pomanjkanja prostora v listu in časa za pripravo tedaj ni Pri dm«lna št 13?. l'aoordofs, üa. (skupno nsoša pHobčfnd J4. ioaijo> so doroeel1 Anton Cioči« 91.90 Lsdui Zidar. Jakob Belič. Nick Baron 00 fl vsakiXiuo Mtftevi«. Mile Devič. Andy fUjfslT'fcsepfi bSnan/jÄob Kaučič, M. OiU rmsn, Psul Kolek, A Toniidk, J. ktetonl«; J. J. Dojinar. K. Kumar. J. BeU, g. Bon- utl, A^. Tischler, Tony JtUt. Steve Bilosich, C. Kazborsiš, : Joseph Odok. J. W. Hogan, S. Bregar, J. Orabaor, J. Ferenčtf, Antony CanoMn, N. Sanies po 90c vsak; M Coiovioh, M Abranovič, M Jurman, J. Zupanči«, L Tomažm, M Jurman. Bp. Kerich, T. Strelovski, Kari Mance, B. Fldel, J. Kobi, S. Puš-• kar, g- Cunko, J. Mason, T. Sachinskl, T. Brown, B. MoCarke, A Berkenbough, T. Berken beug h, I no Zigman, Sam Darwoy, Mike Stasuich, PeU North, J. Menozzi. V. Seplch, Oeo Berganski. Zlz-- Ue Beneški, J. Bosedich, J. Pulkar, N. CapspoU, Jarnos Hast, M. Arhnover po 2Sc vsak; O 19c; J. Koderman 10c. Skupaj 929.79 la is drašt-veno blagajne 910.00, kakor Im priobčeno. Uradniki društva as toplo zahvaljujejo vsem, ki so se tako vehkodulno odrvsli klicu ns pomoč. Pri Uruitvu 41. 12J. IXprqH, Mich (.kupna vsota priobčem1 I julija) so darovali Charles Gaber 910; Frank Oblak po $lt Josip BraeU, Joooph Korli«, Loo Junko, Anton Cedilnik, Tomo Gmojlovieh. Tom Bros, Joe HupanCi«. . Leo Kocjan. Ana Kos, Antonija RešBnik, Anton Skofic; po 90c:>r. Padar, Ana Travnik. Nick Pa-v lov ich, Louis Dasovich, Frank Krose, Isabelle TschilUch, Katarina Junko, FTSnk Bole, Albin Ser-wRUii J^ltok) Cioi*\ipi J^t^ph he lieh, Joseph Tenko. Agnes Sonc, David Chopp; . p» 19c: Frsnk Keiilnik, Andrew PreggL Rom Host-'nik.Jes AnbeU. Johniehslj, Lawrence Sluga, An- 10.00 9.90 dfew Äemrov, ml.; Aha Trulnovoc 20o; LW. Beuel 919c; James Abramovsc 10c. Skupaj $2190 In lz društvene blagajno $29.00, kakor še priobčeno. Pri društvu it. 146, Cktt Mint, Pa. (skupno vsota priobčeno 1. julijej SO darovali. Ženski gospodinjski klub 99; po $2: Mary Kršen In Vlooont Palčič; Anton ŠufaačU $1.90; po $1: Ivaaa Vidmar, John Suša, Matt Vidmar, Louis Vidmar, Frank Vidmar, Andy Pagon, Frank BogaUj, John Lah', Matt UšonKnlk, John Racman, John Pangoršl«, Simon Rihtarti«. Luka Mlklaučič, Emil Pajk, Frank Drobil, Andy Prarok, Anton Kebe,' Mary Progelj. Joosph Jaki. Mary Pangoršl«. Paul Burne, Mary Uaeolialk; po 90c: Katarina Kok«lj, Msry Redek, TerosUs lifler. Noša Lah, Ana Vidmar, Pranoso Rosman, Cecilija Suša, KaUrlna Uloniinik, Ivana VMmar. ml.; po 29c: Tomaž tlf-Ur ln Frank Plvk. Skupaj $37.50 ln la društvene blagajne 99.00. kakor ie priobčeno. Društvo ss v Imenu junslkih toplo sahvaljuje. Pri društvu It 199, občane 1. julije) Po 91: John ,¿Bgie. Jack 90c SUve ko, John Koohura, ruaklh borcev vsem darovalcem so PrpIC, Pe. (skupna osota pri- II; Vaslljev Kavdtura. Antón lado); Joo Omosto Vftc; po I Metulaj, Nick Kllmen- Y Meara laáof Ui, W'j>lK?Uv* FUo- Jo* Igjírrat Pri drplivu ir. 409. Jmaorur. Po. (skupna osota pH-ult¿*na i jul«>«) so *darae«li Job» Erten ^Utattmu Vemnik ilJS; podL AnUm PoIjUk Kr^Ülba». Frank Vidrioh. Frank Augustin Louls Bog|Uj. Tony MlkUv«!«, Simón Henar. Frank Kerta. Jooeph Sheffor, John Yam-n^i. Ivana Zafrao. FVmnk U han. Ana Yamnik. An-Un Bono«. Antón Qeoonc, Ano Ooreae, BUa Cuy-«uv. Mtkr Vki.rh. Mett Paaluovk. Ju^h Oorenc; 1a «y: rqpk Kruher. Joooph Ul«, Jo» plrOrel. VVanoes Hladlah. Aona Forre, Antón ~ stover. Jakob Dolinar. Joooph ñor. Mary Loonard. Mnf J*kob Tiimaljl. JennU t, Mary Al ■mm IM» Nkek Kepialy; no Met Anno Baak» Y Frank Poqpar. Nai-menovan, Anna MdMakan. gliialtslk Nor. Eli-■abeth Barcoaki. fiSpRliai 3S!rBlSrK.U rtna Kal tek i JOe; Priselil» Fodor ttc Skupaj ' 94S so In Is Množica teh revnih delovnih rok severe ne more nejti kruha na domači njivici in v domači rebri. Mnogim se posreči, da dobe zaposlitev v tovarni, nekateri ee porazgube v obrti, tu pa tam gre Mo na trnjevo pot slo-: venskega štuimU. Veliko, salo veliko je pa takih, ki iščejo priložnostne upoelitve pri večjih sosedih, kot gozdni delavci pri lasni trgovini, «pri rasnih javnih delih. Ta velika množice veftkih ljudi apada v skupino nepolno u-poslenih delavcev, v skupino dni narjev, ki dolnjo iz dneva v dan, raztreseni pri pajrgzličnejtih de- wcorjRnliirftn 1, sluroiriiii zadovoljni, de jim z bolje obloženih mir odpade'vsaj majhen košček kruha. Makaj dni so zaposleni, več dni eo brez posla, po-zintf navadno^nimgjo upoelitve in zato tudi tfS zadostnega kruha. Ti ljudje ipadajo med najbed-nejše slovenska delsvee; delavec tovarni in v'obrti ali v trgovini uživa ved'eli manj solidno socialno zaš&to? zanima ae za organizacijo in v|& samoobrambo ima redne dohodke, čeprav skromne. Tip slovenskega dninarja tvori naš žalostni socialni problem. Ta človek nima zakoni-U socialne zaščite, vaaj ne v praksi, ni organiziran, slabo je plačan, večkrat je brez posla, lačen je, raztrgan in navadno bos, sU-nuje bedna Z njim propade često mnogoštevilne družina. Za U tip slovenskegs življe 90 nihče prev pe zanima; aem aebi prepuščen hodi svojo trnjevo pot. KmeUke organizacije sanj ni-mejo zanimanja, ker ni "kmet", ker ima premelo zemlje. V sku- Cno delavcev zopet ne spede, r sam nima zadosti delavske zaveeti. Njihovim srcem je pri- kravftee v hlevu in prsiiček v svinjaku I^HH rebri Tudi so preveč rastreee-ni. da bi jih obfak delavski duh. Zsto so oetall ns sredii Enaka tragika prežete eo leU onemoglosti naftoga poklicnega kmečkega delavca, hlapca in dekla. Kadar ni več ae delo, ee ga otopejo vat Deeetletje je ga* tal, ko prideto sUroet in bole-een, je neNxtlgattaba« v pomanjkanju In trpljenju lake svoje kazalke smrti. V najčtttth primerih ni to krivda kmeta, aaj Je U navadno ita bi lahko sa delo poeebno fte, le )p bil pri kiM k malo Čaaa, kakor Je to v večini primerov. Problem kmami poeta, fclggoa An delte, je pro-blaa» apae. v mnogočam ■ od prefcftsma bajtarja la r ibati Vendar pe bi skrbstvo obe tt dve veliki giMs fl naloge prfbiuatetva v marši, katerem pogledu lahko «ajeto akupno In istočasno Bajtar, dninar, hlapec in dekla. kadar » atari in betešni. ao mučend našega podeieija Na videgno je bgjiar med njimi v to-Hko ne boljšem, kar ta je v svoji koči ugovoril "kot" in hrano ter je loceJ po imenu preu*£arJ Todg cas samo po imanu. kajti tudi njegov aaalednik je le bajtar, ki ftg si sebe in avoje otroke nimg dovolj hrane, pg morajo preulitkarjeve napisane pravice, tudi pri aiiboUM volji lamo 0- sUti umo ns papirju, a kaj je la as k slabim razmeram pridruži le slaba volja. Odigra, vajo ae nepopisne zaloigre, ki tu in tam * obrnejo nage pozornost širše jsvnoeti, s se zopet kmalu posadijo, kakor da bi pač nujno spadale k pestroeti nalaga življenje. Včasi se malo glssneje oglasi kaka vest, ki zavpije: ga božjo voljo, dajto tem siromakom skromno starostno in one« moglostno preskrbo, odprs\jte ¥kot"! Toda tudi taki glasovi fcmBbi utihnejo ln igginejo v'vrvežu vsakdanjega življenja." SlOKftnska sebcija Jugoslovan ega pomožnega odbora v Ame-Irf bo storila le veliko delo u-omiljeni», ako t>o poskrbela po tej bončani vojni, di bodo ti baj t»r}i, dninarji, hlgpci in dekle dobili kolček kruha tn toplo o-bleko. In ti so prav tako naši brstje in sestre, kakor so oni vaši sorodniki, kgterim mislita poslati po končspi vojni. Slab izgovor je: Jez bom ie svojim poslal, ko bo čas. — Kaj pa oni, ki nimajo Sorodnike v Ameriki? Ali naj poginejo ob avitu blelčeče zarje svobodnega sonca? Lačnega in razstrganege hlapca bo peklo in žgalo sonce Svobode, ka« tero bo vsUlo nad Slovenijo, kajti lačnemu dej kruha, raztrganemu dai obleke in zaaužnienaoiu daj-e#vobode. (Wia tri stvari po-trebuje, da bo zopet grecen člo-vek. Xq bo vse to JsiBl ps ga vprašaj; Kdo ngj ti geddj vlada? i ' Ce bi bili mi ameriftki Slovenci tako dobrosrčni in usmiljeni, da bi poskrbeli 90 Wago#Unje naših revežev v domovini, potom bi nas morda tudi vprašali za kakšne sugestije, kako naj se uredi njihova bodočnost v domovini. Roka roko umije, obe pa obrez. Naše preizkušnje v Ameriki so dovolj veUke in bogata, de bi prav lahko svetovali dobre smernice za bodpčnost. Toda, dokler nismo pripravljeni pomagati tem ljudem dO tolesne in duševne moči, dotlej tudi lahko molčimo o naših sugestijsh. Danes imgmo v Ameriki 27 lokalnih odborov JPO-SS. Ako bi vsak lokalni odbor poslal vsej $100.00 mesečno, bi letno naša blagejna narastla za $32,400.00. — In to je še majhna vsota kajti potrebe v domovini je neizmerne. ,n,M A, r • Dej, bret, daj; pomagaj sest rs! preživljal hišah ni še nič urejeno. Ljudje le nieo na jasnem in bo trebi o Uj skeiji fte precej pisati. Ne seji so bile tudi poročene stvari, ki so skoraj neverjetne. V neki naselbini je neka žena namreč naredila sveter za vojaka. V U sveUr je všila pismo z opombo, kdor gg dobi, naj poroča, kako se mu dopade. Žena je prejela odgovor, da se mu sveUr dopade, toda stal ga je tri dolarje, ker je moral plačati račun Rdečemu križu. Poročevalec je napravil vtis na zborovalce, da ljudje ne-kej dobijo, vendar pa ne vsega. Navedel je še par drugih primer, ampak jih ue bom omenjal. Br. Molku, uredniku Prosvete, odgovarjam le p par besedami glede "neodpuatljivega greha," tp le glede zahtevane garancije o bodočnosti naše stgre domovine. Br. Molek, zahtevamo obnovitev 4BZ ali nekaj sličnega, nakar se hodo svobodoljubni rojaki v Ameriki lahko opirali. Kralji ip cesarji so Amerikancem ie od nekdaj zoperni, kajti ti so jih pognali po svetu. Ako br. Molek želi večje razprave, se oglasim pozneje, ko bo več časa. Anton Zornllt Ujnik federacije. Weotmorelandska tederecljffn Export, Pa.—Na zadnji seji westmorelandske federacije društev SNPJ, ki se je vrfcja 19. julija v Hermlnieju, Pa., je prigto-D|lo v federacijo društvo št. 109)' SNPJ iz Arone, Pa, Je pa se nekaj društev, ki še niso v naii ie- Seja tikaske šMpraclj* Ckioago. — Pozivam zastopm- Wnkr, Ki Kii ^ ^ M* federaciji pridruženih dru-dergciji, dobro bi bili da m tu- štev na prihodnjo,sejo fedsi,. di U zdramijo in pristopijo k ie- cije SNPJ za čikaško okroži deraciji. Iz poročila federacijskega bla-gajnika je razvidno, da je bilo v blagajni 18. julija $873.76 gotovine in $200 pa v vojnih bondih Sklenjeno je bilo, da ie vloži nadaljnjih $300 v vojne bonde. Dalje je Wlo sklenjeno, da vsota $25 se prispeva v sklad JPO-SS, za ruski relif $25, v podporo Proletarcu pa $5. Ker je e4en zastopnikov želel vedeti, kaj se bo zgodilo, če se federacija razpusti, je bilo sklenjeno, da v slučaju razpusta federacije se imovina razdeli pro-porčno (sorazmerno) po številu članstva med vsa društva, ki so včlanjena v federaci njenega razpusta. Toda seda, m nobenggp znaka, da se ^ ieomageuT«rltalo.ti U speemili oataga draga«. üZTTZJ?,SSu. Tobt dragi rta ta bral aal. sapuatil si nas v pseaonl mladooM U odšel od nos so vodno, talimo TL počival v miru dokler Indi mi as Naznanilo m zahvala OAf O A C <■ a in 29 JUJ-UA vam tudi na bo tal, kajti lmall bomo vsa na raspolago. Pripravljeno bo tudi aa ona, ki inajo dobro balinati, aa otroka pa bodo takme. Tudi bi radi videli vaa is 8. Chicaga od društva 8, kot tudi od društva 400 in 810. Torej na veaelo svidenja na pikniku v nedeljo. Vaa vabi— Plknlški odbor. njeno, da društvo ne bo dalo po-grebcev sa nobenega aunanjega ¿lana, ker stana preve* denarja, članstvo pa noče plečeti doklade, poslani* pa bodo cvetlica vsakemu umrlemu članu. Člani našaga društva ste torej oposorjeni na U sklep. Ker ae sej, pa bile redne aH Itredne, itak na marate udeležiti, smo bili prlmorani to storiti, ker ne upoštevate bratstva kot bi moralo biti. _Anten »r»llh, tajnik. DELO ŽELI DOBITI vdov« br»* otrok pri Munakem rojaku. Mani j« več sa dober dom kot sa plačo. Imam nekaj svojih prihrankov. Oglasi naj ae oni, ki ima stalno delo in svoj dom ali pa aveio kmetijo Pišite na naslov: A. K Vdova, I8A7 ■. Lawndale Ave., Chl- UgUviU listo srbečico PROSVETA PROSVETA GLASILO m LASTNIMA tut m pol tels» 8148 ae Mrt toftat m 9fM a» Ml* teto. tt.7» n prt Mm m lo« Um Usdled Urnim (« •aá dom 07 J« pav ?eai. m m vvate)*> Rokopkt Mmm tnMm (trtic«, potmU Ud.) aa vrooje pošilJaNUa to * atašeju. «a to petto« PROSVETA SSJ7-M 8» La MPOCT OT THE FEDERATED PREM Glasovi iz P naselbin Datum v oklepaju na primar (July 11. 1043). poleg vi na naslovu pome«*, da vam je • tem datumom poukla naročnina, vito to pmvoloopo, da ao vam liât na usUvi. imena Pono- Kako je s Primor jem 'Prod nekaj dnevi je državni tajnik Cordell Hull govoril po radiu. Njegov govor je bil važen. Tikal se je vprslanja, zskaj se Združen« države bojujejo in kaklni ao njihovi mirovni cilji. Hull je pravilno označil vzrok, ki je potegnil Ameriko na stran demokracij fte pred vojno, dobro je utemeljil nsgibe, ki vodijo Združene države do popolne zmage na strani Združenih narodov nad nacifašističnim osličem ln ze glevni mirovni cilj Amerike je ns vedel svetovno orgenizedjo narodov, katera bo Jamčila za mir. Poudaril je tudi, de točke Atlantakega čarterja fte vedno veljaj^ kot osnovne točke bodoče ureditve sveta. Ker je značilnega v Hullovem govoru za nas, ameriške Slovence, Je to, de je drževni tajnik večkrat imenoval Hitlerje in Japonce, toda Italijo je v vsem svojem, tri četrt ure trajajočem go-voru Imenoval aamo dvakrat. To si lahko razlagamo na dva načina. Prvič Itelije denes ftteje kot neodvisna bojne sila tako malo, da je ni vredno omeniti— drugič jI pe Itelije ignorirene namenoma, v pričakovanju, da morda kmalu odpade od osiftčs in sklene seperatni mir z Združenimi narodi. Prvo bi bilo logično in dobro, ne pe drugo, ki lahko u ključu je spletke, Id so nevarne združitvi Slovencev. Sicer si teftke predstavljamo, da bi Amerika in Anglija čutili potrebo kak-žnegs "apizanja" Italije na račun Jugoelovenov v primeru aeps-ratnege premirje, toda že seme slutnjs ne to naa vznemirja. Medtem pe tttamo o neprestanih ln nezesllienlh hudodelstvih, ki jih dan se dnevom isvrftujejo italijanski fsšisti nad Slovenci v "ljubljanski provinci." Vse kaže, de podivjani Italijani tekmujejo s podivjanimi Nemci v terorju ln krvoločnosti napram slovenski raji. Citamo tudi, da Muasollnljev list Popolo d'Italia 2. junija grozil slovenskemu ljudstvu s "popolnim iztrebljenjem" iz razloga, ker "se ni niti en sem Slovenec izkazal hvaležnega in dostojnege do Italijanov." Hvaležnega čemu??? Nesreča g nami v Ameriki je, ker fte nismo toliko dorasli, da bi imeli skupno politično skd jo, katera bi bila zares nekaj vredna in katere bi lahko dosegla drževni depertment v Waahingtonu ln podučila temkajftnje gentlemane, da so Mussllinijevl faftisti prav Ukine svinje kot so Hitlerjevi nečisti aU japonski Uroristi. Kajti vsa kale, de bi v drUvnem depertmentu v IVashtngtonu radi ns-redili razliko med iulijenskimi falisti in osUllmi osllčnlkl . . . Monde le ne poznajo ali nočejo poznati divjeitva lUlijanakih fašistov, ki koljejo in drugače zatirajo primorske Slovence že dvsj-sat Mt # • • Strupena propaganda lUlijanakih "demokratov" a U grof Sforza & Compagnia BelU Je menda ros dokrsja sejeU drževni depertment v Washingtonu!— Italijanski misijonarji v Rusiji Zadnji teden smo opszilt v Čikaških Daily News nenavadno vest. V poslednjih treh letih smo vsjeni člUtl marsikaj "nemogočega," vender U groteska prekaša vse. Vest Je ds tirane U Borne, ftvlcs. ln dtira lUlijanakl katoliški liat L'lUlia is MlUna. ki pove. da je lUlijanakl kardinal ln nadškof Luigi Lavitrano is Palerma poslal lUlljenake katoliške misijonarje v okupirane dele Rueije. Vest ne pove. pokaj so IU lUlijsnskl katoliški misijonarji v zaaedenc ruske kraje, ampak Uftko si mislimo. KatoMškiin pro* tesUnlovski misijonarji že od nekdaj hodijo med divjake v Afriki. Aziji in na Paciflku-«ekot so bUi zaposleni tudi med Indijanci v Ameriki—da Jih po svoj« dvillzlrajo. Is tegs izvajamo, da je kardinal Lavitrano zaključil, da ao Ruai veliki "divjaki." ki jih je alevnt civilna tor Hitler—Uko mlall o Hitlerju precej katoliške duhovščine v lUlij i-končno osvobodil in zdaj je treba miaijonarjev, ki U "divjake" »preobrnejo. Ker je Muaaolint zaveznik in prijatelj Hitlerje. Jo zadnji aevoda dovolil, da kardinal Lavitrano lahko pošlje mialjonarje v Rusijo. Kaj in koliko bodo lUlijanakl mlaijonarji dosegli v okupirani Ukrajini in v drugih krajih zaaedenc Rusije, nI važno sa naa Imamo p« neko vprašanje, če lUlijanakl mtaijonarjt roe llčejo divjakov in barbarov, katerim je treba vcepiti v srca vsaj trohico kričanakrga usmiljenja in ljubezni do bližnjega, čemu jih Iščejo med Rusi* Čemu jih llčejo med boljševiki? Zakaj ne pogledajo malo bližje? Zakaj ne gredo v Slovenijo — samo čez mejo — in Um bi lahko našli največje divjake, kakršnih ni nikdar bilo v vsaj Airtki In Oceaniji ~ perfektne divjake v Ustnih rojakih. lUlijanakih faliatth' Da. na Klovenalum od Soče dalje bi lUlijanakl mlaijonarji lah-ko našli lUlijanak« fašistične divjake, ki pobijajo In koljejo ne-dolfne »lovenake ljudi, streljaj«« nedolžne talce, po^ljujejo dekleta. mučijo sUre m mlade sa prašen mč — in pošigajo vaai kakor še nieo deUli nobeni drugi divjokl na svetu, ln če bi la maki pogledali na Goranjako in Štajersko, kaj delajo zavezniki in prijaulji nacisti, bi lahko videli cele armade divjakov . . . Zakaj )e kardinal m nadškof Lavitrano v Palermo takšen hinavec, da pošiljp milijonarje k "divjakom" v Rusijo, ne vidi pa svojih fašističnih divjakov, ki delajo kardtnalno sramoto in škandal civilized ji prav pred njegovim noaom? Prijsvilo^ao aa narodni dan SlfPJ Cleveland. O. — Kot je bilo že poročanp, se vrši v soboto, nedeljo in ponedeljek, 5., 6. in 7. septembra 1942 Narodni Da« SNPJ v Clevelandu in sicer radi obstoječih razmer v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. CUir Ave. Za zunanje goste bomo preskrbeli steaovsnje, toda prigU-siti s« morajo do 22. avgoeta pismeno Ludviku Medvešku, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Na vse zunanje goste torej apeliramo, da izreže-te kupon, ki je priobčen na angleški strani in gs pošljete ter sporočite eli želite sUnovsnje za en ali dva večera. Na čUne in rojake v Clevelandu apeliramo, Tla naznanite, ako imate za te dni kako sobo ns razpolago. Naznanite to L. Medvešku ali pa UJniku S. N. doma Johnu Tavčarju, 6409 St. CUir Ave., ali pa pokličite EN $115, da bomo vedeli koliko sts-novsnj ja na razpolago. Za sUnovsnjski odbor — > ' Ludvik Medvešek, 5. Slovanskim staršem v Now ' Yorku New York. — Kot Je bilo že mimogrede poročano, so Združena društva v New Yorku skleni-U, da se skuša usUnovitl nekakšna slovenska ura zs našo mladino v tem okraju oziroma v newyorški okolici. Dne 18. julija se je vršil prvi sesUnek v U nsmen in odzvslo se je nekej nsših rojskov, drugi ps so sporočili, da bodo z veseljem sodelovsli s tem, da bodo poslsli otroke k tej slovenski uri, kadar bo stvar organizirana. Zelo uvaževalno se mi je zdelo, ker je prišel na U sestanek mr. Gerjovič, učitelj naših dobro poznanih tamburašev, ki jo rekel, de bo pomegel s tem, da bo otrokom priporočil, da se poslužijo slovenske ure ob soboUh in veds bo priŠU zraven tudi njegove hčerka Dorothy. Rojak Ručigaj Je prišel s sinom in MvnoUko je prišel rojak Me-ki je obljubil posUti svojs dva otroks. Beljanov sinček je bil s avtom v Domu in bo seveda tudi prišel z osUllmi vred. Prijetno ps nas je vse prese-netlU gs. Furlsnove, žene profesorje Furlsns, kl Je prišls k stsnku ln nsm obljublU svojo pomoč. Rekls je, ds je v listu čiUU o stvari, pa je prišla pogledat, če bomo imeli kaj odziva. Ga. FurUnova ima za seboj dolgoletne izkušnje kot učitelj les v domovini in njeno sodelovsnje nem bo torej veliko pripomoglo k uspehu slovenske ure za nsšo mladino. Ne tem prvem sesUnku smo so navzoči dogovorili, de pridemo zopet skupsj v soboto. 1. av-ob 1 popoldne, da neprevidno načrt sa redno sobotno poučno uro v slovenskem jeziku. Ga. Purlsn je dejsU, ds bi one polite vala mladino tudi o zgodovini Jugoslavije ln le poaebej o naši slovenski sgodovlni, da bi mladina tako imele jasen pejem, odkod prsvsaprsv izhaja in kak-šen jd*ta slovenski narod, o katerega odporu proti ooišču danes toliko člUmo v svetovnem časopisju. Naša mladine je danes ponosna, ker lahko reče, d§ je a-merUko-jugoalovanaka mladina, a k temu ponosu je t rabe tudi t«m«ljnegs znanje, kakršnega bi mladini nudila slovenska ura en krat ne teden. Slovenske sUrle, ki imejo Šoloobvezno mladino, torej prav le- boto, so naprošeni, da pridejo naslednjo soboto ob istem času. Sedaj, ko hočejo s silo zatreti jezik naših pradedov, skrbimo vsaj mi v tej daljnji deželi, ki nam Še dovoljuje to svobodo, ds naša beseda in naša kultura ne izgine doceU. Kot narod smo sieer majhni ali vzlic temu smo se znali ohranili skozi stoletja zatiranja, in če imamo res svoje nepske, kot jih imajo tudi dru gi narodi, smo pa, kot je pel naš Gregorčič, narod poštenjakov in narod marljivih ljudi. Mladina, ki bo poznaU svoj slovenski izvor v tej luči, ne bo preziraU in se ne bo sramovala svojih sUr-šev ln ne svojega porekU. Naša kulturna prizadevanja in pridobitve niso omadeževane s preli vanjem krvi sosedov in z zasuž-njevanjem in vandalizmom, kakršnega denes širijo v takozvani kulturni narodi po Evropi — naše uspehe v tem pogledu smo kot nsrod pridobili oldne, 2. svgusU. Poskusili bomo napraviti kak copak za društveno blagajno. Kake redne priredbe tu pri naa ni mogoče napraviti ls več razlogov, katerih pa tukaj ne bom; omenjaj društvo pa rabi denar. Kmalu bo zopet konec lete in treba bo poravnati naše rednč obligacije. In tako bo treba zopet poseči v žep in plačati izredni društveni asesment, ker storimo vsako leto. Sicer članstvo pUču-Je redno v društveno blagajno po 15c na mesec. Tisti, ki ne pridejo nikoli ns seje, vprašujejo, kaj društvo počenja z denarjem, saj sd vendsr redni dohodki. Nsj bo vsem povedeno, ds naše društvo se vedno odzove ns prošnje, ps bila zunsnje sli od lsstnih članov, sli pa za salo-žitev asesmenU. Odzvali smo se precej dobro sa jugoalovanski in ruski relif, dali za Ameriški rdeči križ itd. Sedaj smo pa kupili is bUgajne stodolsrski vojni bond. In Uko se blagajna do mala izčrpa. Radi tega smo so odločili za naypden Ulet. Sklenili amo. da vsak moški, ki se udeleži, prispe-vs dvs doUrJa. Ženske ps le po Mc. Pri tem bo proaU pijsča in prigrizek, in to Seveda le za tiste, ki bodo ptsčsli to vsoto. Za vožnjo ps bo moral vsakdo sam skrbeti Naš poznani trgovec Louis Chstiner je obljubil, da bo nekaj pomagal s svojim trokom tja in nazaj Omenjena vsoU mora biti plačana vnaprej Kdor ae želi udeležiti tega izleta, naj plača pri Ujnici našega drultva Tereziji Gerzel v Narodnem domu na 334 Erie ave. Prijaviti se morate do petka zvečer, 31 julija, da bomo vedeli, koliko po-trebščin nabaviti SesUli se bomo v Slovenskem domu med eno in drugo uro v nedeljo. Kdor hoče iti pa naravnost na Jakličevo farmo, lahko to stori. Pričetek piknika bo nekako med drugo in tretjo uro popoldne. Članstvo je prošeno, kakor tudi drugi prijatelji, da se udeleži vsakdo, komur je mogoče, da se bomo skupno zabavali nekaj ur v prosti naravi pod velikim hrastom na čistem zraku. 1 , Ker že nadlegujem uredništvo, naj mi bo dovoljeno, da omenim še spremembo v odboru našega društva 122 SNPJ. Predsedništ-vo tega društva sem vodil jaz zadnjih 16 let, na zadnji letni seji so tai pa naprUli še zapisni-karstvo. Naše društvo šteje 127 članov v odraslem in 71 v mladinskem oddelku, ali na žalost moram xeči, da je na letnih sejah Tsilno težko dobiti društveni odbor, posebno pa še zapisnikarja. Menda vsakdo bolj nerad piše — saj tudi jaz ne rad, toda ko vidim potrebo, pa tudi to storim, kajti delo mera biti izvršeno. Torej dva dela vršiti e-ni osebi je pa že preveč in tudi ni častno za srednje veliko društvo, kjer so in bi se morale dobiti sposobne moči za vsako društveno delo. To aem povedal na zadnji seji in apeliral na navzoče člane naj izvolijo novega predsednika jaz bom pa zapianik vodil. Končno se jg po dolgem prigovarja hju to zgodilo in izpolnila moja želja. Predsedništvo našega društva bo v bodoče vodil Anton Groznik, ki je zmožen, previden in izkušen v raznih odborih. Torej priporočam članom da bomo z njim kooperirali, in sicer vsaj toliko ali pa še bol, kot ste z menoj v zadnjih dol gih letih, v katerih jc bilo tud precej slabih in razburjenih časov. Vsem, ki ste se udeleževali društvenih sej, izrekam hvalo za sodelovanje. Društvu želim obilo uspeha in da osUne na stopnji poštenega človekoljubnega prepričanja kot do sedaj. Tore vam Š9 enkrat kličem: vsi na iz let v nedeljo na prijazno Jakli čevo farmo. George Smrekar O dolu in pikniku SpringlUkL 111. — Z delom gre tukaj s polno psro po tovarnah in po premogovnikih. V rovih se dela po pet dni na teden, tovarnah pa ¡>o šest dni. Torej deU je dovolj, kdor ga ima, toda veliko jih je še, ki bi radi delali, toda le nimajo, dela. Naše mesto šteje nekej nad 78,000 prebivalcev ia je že tudi dalo precejšnje število mladih fantov v armado Strica Sama, in to vsake narodnosti. Tudi slovenskih fantov je že šlo veliko nad tiste tri hudičke, katerim bodo Že dali po grbi enkrat za vselej. Upanje je, da bo U vojna tudi Ameriko nekaj naučila, da bo po zmagi vedela kako narediti mit, da n« bo več tega groznega klanja in da bo v pesnici sijslo solnce vsem narodom po vsem svetu. Zs rusko medikalno pomoč se je zavzelo tudi naše društvo Zmagonoana krona 184 SNPJ, da bo vsak član prispeval po svoji moči. Kadar se pobere od vseh, potem bo nsbrsna vsote poalans gl. predsedniku SNPJ. Nsše društvo se je na seji 12. Julija tudi zavzelo, da priredi piknik v nedeljo, 2. avgusU, na Petjevih prostorih. Cisti dobi-< ok je nsmenjen v društveno bUgajno, ki je zelo nizka. Pik-niški prostor je na južni strani mests ob cesti 13. Kdor nims svoje "lizike", naj se poaluži bu-sa št. IS in se pelje do konca, potem pa po isti cesti preko Bon parka in boste na mestu. Z avtom ae pa pel j i te južno po cesti U do konca Bon parka. Um vijete vzhodno dva bloka ip ste na mestu. Torej člani in čUnice n drultva: udeležite so v polnem številu, ker to Je nam vsem v korist. Vabljeni ste tudi drugi s= SREDA, 29. julija člani in rojaki iz tega mesta ka. kor tudi iz Lincolna, Aubim*. Wirdena in tudi iz bolj daljnjj naselbin ste dobro došli. o trpljenju vse vojne v zgodovini človeštva. Prej bodo dobili pomoč skozi naše pomožne akcije, in sicer stvari, ki jih najbolj potrebujejo, in to brez razlike, kje se nahajajo, kajti delo bo izvršeno po našem pomožnem odboru f pomočjo Rdečega križa, kot je bilo po prvi svetovni vojni. Do pišem zato, ker sem sam osebno prepričan, to je iz lastnih izkušenj. Bil sem deležen take podpore po prvi svetovni vojni in sem še danes hvaležen ameriškim Slovencem. Nikoli ne bom pozabil tistega trenutka po prvi svetovni vojni, ko smo prejeli ii Amerike od očeta velik zavoj obleke, kave, sladkorja itd. In U zavoj je prišel s posredovanjem Rdečega križa in s pomočjo naših ameriških Slovencev. Bratje in sestre v Sen Fran-ciscu in okolici! Pridružite se in podpirajte našo pomožno akcijo, ker s tem pomagamo svojim lastnim bratom in sestram, obenem pa pokažemo drugim narodom, da se zavedamo, kakšna krivica se godi našemu mi-roljubnemu narodu onknj morja. Klub Slovenija bo žrtvoval v ta namen svojo letno zabavo, to je vinsko trgatev. Klubova blagajna bo s tem precej oškodovana, ali nič zalo, kajti članstvo kluba se zaveda svoje dolžnosti Vinska trgstev in plesna zabava se bo vršUe mesece oktob ça pod imenom Jugoslovanskega pomožnega odbora in postojank« it 30. za kar smo prejeli poalovnico i< glavnega urade slovenski sekcije.—Zs pomožno akcijo— Joooph Fabian. Pred dvajsetimi leti io ste M* (Iz Prosvete, 29. Julija 1922) Domačo veetL V DelaguH Colo., je bil apopad med ¿oven-skimi stevkokazi in sUvksrj*' Zadev« SNPJ. Gl. porotni odsek SNPJ je selo zeposlen * ob-tožbami členov zaradi stav*'* kaštva v sUvki rudarjev Delavsko veetL Ameriška vir da opazuje, kako se bo "hoiJJ. "kopanj« premoga pod z-»**1* vojaških bajonetov." Inosemstvo. Francij* 1« * ključiU ekonomsko konferenca v Haagu a flaskom Sovjetska ReaiJa. It javljajo, da je lelezniik. v Rusiji spet normalen ^J^ JULIJA ODBOR ffljB Cl. predaednik «.iaM RUS. IXl"loi- ................. WILU^I kJhhT7 blagajnik.......... "ffi&fcE oSadi»«. tajnik bol. odd. ¡¿£3£ VRHOV*«. dlrekt mUd. oSdel. S^boDWA. upr.vit.lj glasila.----- ---------SU7 So. Lswndate Ave, Chicago. IU. ----------SUT So. Lawndale Avt., Chicago, 111 .......-SM7 So. Lawndsle Ave.. Chicsso III ■ Lawndale Av«, Chicago. Ul. M87 So. Lswndate Avi., Chicago. Ul. 8M7 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Ul. JM7 So. Lawndale Avs„ Chicago. Ill MB7 So. Lawndste Ava,. Chicago. 111. JM7 80. Lawndale Ava.. Chicago. Ul. PeSjeedsedalka KUMER. prvi podpredaednlk michail r kumw.pmi CAMILUS ZARNICK. drugI ---- ---Box 14. Universal, Pa. 38S7 W. 18th St, Clevelkad. Ohio ¡AMES MAGUCH. drugo «AretK^.^J RAYMOND TRAVNDC. tretje okrogje ........... «wn SPILLER. 6etrto okrolje........................... SvLA AMBROZICH. pato okrotje.------------- EDWARD TOM SIC, leite CULKAR. prvo okrotje. HATH PKTROVICH. predsednik vincent cainkar------------- y a. vider ----- MIRKO G. KUHEL..... jacob zupan ............... DONALD J. LOTRICH. rudolph LISCH ------------- anton shular. predsednik ... frank vratarich---------------- frank barbic .......... andrew vidiuch........ JOSEPHINE MOČNIK...... FRANK ZAITZ. prediednlk milan MEDVESEK ------ andrew grum ............. JOHN 0LIP........... FRED M ALG AI -417 Woodland AH.. Johnstown. Pa. -------t*. D. No. i. Oak dale. Pa. -78M Middlepointe. Dearborn, Mich.. ..........SSV* Randall St., St. Louis. Mo ------4IS Pierce St.. Eveleth. Minn SB W. 7th St, Welsenburg, Colo. ........m E. 151st St, Cleveland. Ohio' JM7 80. Lawndale Ave, Chicago. 111. 8M7 So. Lawndale Ave, Chicago. IU. M87 So. Lawndale Ave, Chicago, m. ...1400 So. Lombard Ave, Berwyn. 01. .1837 So. Trumbull Ave, Chicago. IU. ----------.700 E, 860th St, Cleveland. O. 270 «71 »7« S7S m •7ft »7« 177 ITS S 1 «so i IM m m rx .........m-.....Bo» «7, Arma. Kansas. -----—.............. SI» Tener St, Luxeme, Pa. ---ISSll Muskoks Ava, Cleveland. Ohio. -----------706 »brest Ava, Johnstown. Pa. 771 X. 188th Street. Cleveland. Ohio ....../ «4119 •« MOI So. Lawndale Ave, Chicago. Ul. -.....ISS Arcade ^va, Ctevstead. Ohio ......171SS Snoden, Detroit,Mich Pfrcapect Ave, Clarendon Hills. 111. ............JS Wastclox Ave r. J. ARCH ^ 4» »1 IM N10 .84 "•nos 7.M MM IM 348 08 ewi - IM 49 8.70 IM 44 7 08 IM.S3 17.11 312 03 IM 64 4M 4.70 •m so 874 MB 40 4SI MIO 137 43 17 M M.35 •M 1MM 111 M.74 157 M ~~ 7.8» 178k07 /• «M 65 82 Ml NIM fil 3806 LM 134 85 53 38 IM v 8.78 ■sa , M.30 , 487 10 17 A, '1-78 Ml 81 IBM .«IM 7 M .484.09 17 M •15.51 6 M 40.18 . 1.70 Ml M 11.14 33 82 4 60 338 78 14.73 380 68 5.M 848 53 8.18 148 11 3 40 4M.10 MM -VPLAČILA- . KPLAČIBA St Oénm I MlgSn OMoall I MUd Or. ■ aA0m "^liHlIiU^ oddelek 1 oddal Mo. Adult 1 Juva*la Adult 1 Ju es le MOS l.OMOO 360.00 M00 •M.M MOO U00 300 50 — 97.00 MM , ,81.M 1,000.00 , 734» ' 74SÉ . 70.00 J 5700 14 68 SUM 131 M SM. 00 SM. 50 IM 00 8 M 71 00 SM >18 IM ...... •15 518 517 ns MO Ml 5M M3 534 5M Mr. ».ž,.. U- it.....H B Ml 5M NS m »M 637 •M •M MO 843 844 M7 M8 680 683 863 584 1M.M j 18 »S 1ISS4 t; 118 M SS MSI MM 7?.n 35 B nm ïi 118.M 70» n.M 3MM iE 17 J0 131.14 1 «s M.M MM M 114 IM 18 M 115 IM 100 ,rM ..73 no -Im .M . 18.43 * *M SM IM »•** SM ¿.00 M • S.44 ■48 IM M 10.31 IM 300 4M 1 Ott 1301 SIM IM n.M 141 18 M 1MM MM -.H ......* M.M 41M 188.00 •7 Mi 17 06 GL*.«. a 4000 BIM •M.M IBM BIM M.M ----------- SPREMEMBE PRI DRUŠTVIH / > Meseca junija MEMBERSHIP CHANGE» June, ¡942 Dr. It LodscNo. 1 Umrl: Msrko Caspar, c. 15319. 7 črtan: Joseph Do Marcki. c. 90419. 10 Črtan: William Ocenas, c. 98200. Umrl: John I vlek, c. 17644. 14 črtana: Roae Merslickor, c. 90098. 16 črtan sopot «prcjrt: Anton Kas-tigar. c. 70490. Črtan: Lud wis Kramer, c. 82266.. 27 ČrUp: Ignac Kir us, c. 321S9. SO Črten: Louis Prislan, c. 14809. S3 Umrli Paul Spislc, c. 28428. M Črtani xopet sprejeti: Richard Pfeuffer, Jr., 0. 95467, F. Jorome . Pfeuffor, o. 95469, Jsmos J. PfouUfr, c. »5468. 29 Črtan- Anton Koren, c. 88191. 49 črtani: Rose Ramosh, c. 1032UD. Viola Rosten, c. 11065t. 50 Umrl: Bruno Qorae, c 56275. 55 črtana sopet spielet«: Mary Lukami, c. 97801. Črtano: Go-neviovo Herman, c. 100489. 55 Umrla: Eihma Cof, c. 119044. 62 Črlon: Gregory Shalt*, c. 100495. 65 črtan sopot sprejet: Frank An-sur, c. 92549. črtani: Oeorgo Brodle, c. 95775, Joseph C. Loško. c. 102106. 64 Črtana: Ksthoryn E. Valonclc, c. 102016. 68 Umrl: Frank Slana, c. 5828. 69 Umrl: John Gornik, c. 69920. c. asm Umrl: John Nosssk, c, 92556. I ' . nov» .Mil I 86 Črtani» Anns Babntr, e. 9897A Mary Wichen*, c. 81388. 88 Umrl: Alois Knavs. c. 40768. | 89 Črtan :'Vklly Bardn, C.'28727. 96 Umrl: Jernej Serjun. c. 7096. 98 Črtana: Antonia , Uiunlçh. c. I)0ö4r ^^ 99 Črtan: Russell M. HUI, o. 102901. 102 Črtsns: Margaret Wukup, c. 94068. 105 Črtsni sopot sprrjati; Louise Salok. c. 111237, Harry Olotvor, c. 111211. črtani: Clifton 8. Brown, o. 111285, Maymo E. Brown, c. 111288, John Hron, o. 111223, Julius A. Qualltsa, c. 111204, Lova Bolle Qualltsa. c. 111145. Bam SUnlch, o. 111187. 108 črtana: Edith Bohince, c. 102122. 114 Umrl: Joseph Pirts, e. 26808. 115 Umrl: Joseph Msrentic, o. 12986, ïrtan: Edward Roganc, c. 100257. črtani sopet sprejeti: Joaephlne Smerdel, c. 83139. Marija C, Turk, e. 11007. 119 črtsns: Antoinette Zelenik, o. 89526. 121 črtan sopet sprojet: Anton Za- krajlok, c. 6271. 126 Črtsns: Mary Seruchar, o. 98831, Črtani sopot sprejeti! Mary Hribar. c. 41616. John Mivsok. o. 56110. 129 Črtan: Frsnk Mshnioh., c. .Wts, Ï37 Črtsns sopot spre jota: Frances Zakrajlok. o. 56562, 141 Umrl: Thomas Provic, e. 39085 143 Črtano sopot sproiota: Agnes Plsmoht. c. 92729. Črtana dred Walter, o. 102856. Joseph Spends!, c. 14949. Črtan: Frank Somas, c. 86404. Črtana sopet sprejeto: Rose Fu S>k. c. 117378. rtan sopot sprejet: Andre, Kopnik, e. 28128. 170 črtana: Tress M. Yurkoshek c. 96671. 172 Črtani sopet sprejeti: Mortin Délai, c, 926, Joseph Delsch, c 77656. 185 črten!: Mirko Kalac. c. 114096 Julia Kambor. o. 114095, Rila Penoaa, o. 114049. Marija Zu pa ne le, c. 41818. 188 Umrla: Mary Radosovleh. c 75163. 204 Črten: Nlcholos Rodnovlth. e 88986. 307 črtsns sopot sprejeta: Carolyn* McGrsth, o. 92421 CrlonJ, John Petrlts, c. 7 tri*, c. 791 S. 98686, Anns limonU>h, c 22899, Louis Simonkh, « 93988 209 UmrlSt Mory OoMilkor. % 55188. 213 črtani sopot sproioti Tribu Isk, e. 1IM81. IfHfciljsk. t HOSTS. ' 220 Umrlr Vid VrsSos, o. 28701 224 Črteni: John Unoir. e, i Margeruth Mugir, o, 46U(»i 240 Črtan: Joseph Hrutkoy. g. 99493, 244 črtan: George Kvosieh. o. 67395 250 Črtonl: Thomas J. Schiller, e. 111612. John L. Sodlsoek, c 111828, 359 črten: Frank Junko. s. 89003 263 Črten: Steve Hruby, s, 100944 Črtana: Joaephlne Poploski, s, 89236 278 Umrls: Branislava Kaufman, g. 20973 277 Umrl: Pilo Lončar, c. 24114. 384 črtana: /oeephine Soibert, e 118891. 28l:črtana »i.pet s«m rjetei Madeline Stanley ' ItrosoM k, ef M>oi>5t Umrli: WCssr Forbe gor, g. «114289, OotiTge Skof, gl 191288 * , . 288 Çrteng: Emme Tore!la, c. 99342 IM Črten sopet yrejoi: falls Pau! Martiocie, S. 11S988. 397 Umrl Frank Jasboe. s, 48122. MU Umr! 71112. lUtberiu« Pe 181. Mary K. Pétrit* Andrew CSsnss NStr, • c 299 črten 10247a 304 črten!: 112297. umr, I122S0 211 črten sopet eprejei John Ko ter. s. 1 212 črlon 98782. 217 Črtani Poms. Christino Schnell« i, 8 Joseph Potrusirli s. Frank S. Žagar, g. e. Huddle liinanf Ii Dr. It. Lodge No. 380 Črtana sopet sprejete: Frances Kovalczyck, e. 40045. Umrl: John Muhar, c. 40053. 361 črtana: Virginia M. McGinn, c. 113122« 383 Umrl: Marian Karoglav. c. 46037 386 UmrltfVrank Sadltr, c. 30400, Frank Sadler, o. 115153. 306 Umrl: Nikola N. Padjen. c. 89303. 398 Umrl: Andrej Petrlch. c. 49931. 407 črten: William Dlotti. c. 103695. 408 Umrl: Jvan Klarich. c. 49860. 434 ¡Umrla* Jennie Bituma, c. 37394. 436 črtana: .Katscine Sanovlch, c, 90333. 434 Umrli: JYgnk Godlna, c. 4772, Îe regija Upe j. c. 31297. rtan sopet sprejet: Mike Mo-vlch. ç, 77293. 450 Črtana sopet sprejete: Frances Spelko, c. 78425. 456 črtan: Marvin Youte. c. 102185. 461 Črten: William Smodila, c. 114546. 462 črten: Carl Goalovlch, c. 102357. 464 Črtani gopet sprejeti: Nlckolas Turkaly, c. 103347, Joaeph Tur-kalj. c. 100273. 469 črtana sopet sprejeta: Theresa Cccchinelll c. 115215. 477 črtana sopet sprejete: Julis Krnajiçh, c. 77S05. 465 Črtana sopot sprejete: Ljubice Skara. c. 74610. črtani: Geoigc Momcllovlch, c. 46585, Milka Momcllovich. o. 61931. 489 črtan sopot sprejet: George L. 2ruketta, c. 88264. . t rtana: Joaephlne A. Triller, c. .»■• 103615. t 503 črteni: John Jurca, r. 100800, Sylvia Jurco, c. 100798. 530 črtSnh John Sedushak, c. 71190, JoscpHi Bodushak, c. 87170. 530 črtan: John Kudron. c. 78949. tfeS Črtana:'Olga Mlaltlgh, e. 92491 559 Črten! sopot sprejeti: Margaret Krantg. f. 94404. Charles Hlovik. , c. 47992« Jenny Slovlk, c. 77248. črteni: Moth Arbanas, e. 78342, John F. Collins, e. 92340, Fred Dlvlsok, c. 98798, Mary Gori-shek, 0,89331, Marle E. Vom, c 73439, VJjBtor Bostlc, c. 87150, Chrlstlnfc Mlhalovlch, o. 86308, Ralph Mihaljovleh, 0. 86889, Ray A. Oloch, e. 69093, Alox Petras, c. 102622. 564 Črtana sopet sprejeto: Emms Dodich, c. 99928. 566 Črten:, Stanley Gabru vsek, o. 90636. ,A 567 črtanih Anton Kirar. 0. 64888, Joaeph Ihlmanchas. o. 103897. 573 Črtana: Mary Harrlaon, e. 63366. 575 črtani: George Al Butcher, 0. 116807, Matilda A. Hren, c. 111218. Mathilda Verhovnik, 0. 67171. 584 črtana: Roae Mary Puool, e. 99222, 588 črtanj Frsnk Loakovoc, e. 118278. 588 Črtan sopot sproiot: Samuel 417 Zsmpsn, c. WS861.f 890 črteni sopot sprejeti : Nlok Diets, g. 99942, Frsnk Zupon, c ?)848, Louise Zupon, e. 98802. rtsn: Victor Gstoa, o. 91179. 603 Umrls: Msry Lusnar, o. 78128 608 črten sopet spre jot: Fred J. O solin, 0. 99071. 626 črtana! Alice Zalar. c. 101428 659 Črtana: Anno Vertovsok, 70892. i 066 Črteni: John Jurgel, o. 114270 Robert F. Jergol, e. 114249. 677 Črten: Edwin W. Kendall, 102840. 684 Črtana; Margaret Ukmar, 98293, 686 Črtan!: Frank Be ves, c. 94220 Ïrank Fuser, e. 94636. rtenll; George M a let Ich, 83406, Joaephlne Maletleh, 87170, Mary Robovsky, o. Mary Zor an le k, e. 88808. 712 črten sopet sprejet: August Osbold. c. 97288, 718 Črtana sopot sprejete: Roso Ms rteO'Brlon, 0. 88946 788 Črten sopot sprejet: Carl Ola , ser, g. 9fi»ûH, • 784 črten: John Žagar, e. 92884. f, A. Vider, Supremo Soc'y. vovoraifTOPILI ČLANI Oert. Al I8417S IU4IIB 184174 ' 10417« 104178 IMI78 104100 IMI8I IMIM I04IS3 IMIM IMIM 104IM IMIM IMIM ' 104101 104183 104107 IM Parkel Frank J 104187 8M Petrlch Rose M ..1S4IM SIB Mavetic Sylvia M 104IM SM Eupsn Joe........... Shiga Dorothy •87 Kay das Oeorge ... Rose Tony ........ MB Jgnesich Fred M Cruny Michael ...... Vance Nell C....... Klvmvnta Marie Andielni Clede Ori Oeno .. ..... . SOS Yurslc Jennie .... SM Hlsa Lillian P. . 311 Blaako Pauline M 3M Noeen Dorothy „. Pshule John ..... Slerle Anne R. .„ 347 Yurkwvich John... Pollock John 387 Pogorelo Evelyn M.1M1M 407 AHS»I Adam ..... IQMpO Miharlc JuUs ------|i»4S0l Stucin Katherine I04IM Wilber John '-„.. .A 18MM Wllber Mary K..... I84SM 411 roster Roae Marie I048M 4M Oipalo Mildred .. I04M7 8M Cades Stanley J. rv40 Clpoth William .... Turk Anna B. «... M8 Helbrr* Paul . ... Kobilca Jennie . 6M Dan all Charles SSI Rolliok Edward W mm Drab Bernard . ... 6M Bertoaa Andy .. M4 Ratkay Oeorge ..... «11 Harass Em 11 M. ■ •18 Knaplch Oliver W I84IM Ml Smalley Charles | tO Mehak Maids . •78 Pltol Klaie ......... SM Nessr Juaeph ... Kris toff John J. Kubala John ., J Uuvs Robsr^ R 800 IMS 8M 1.000 IMS 8M M0 1000 I.0M 1,000 1.000 5M 104310 I8M11 10411a I0MI1 104318 »0431* 104318 I04MI 1SM8I 104MB li 104330 104M1 I 1 ZÄ 1.000 1.0M 1.0M , MO 6M i ihk» 1,000 1,000 1.000 1.0M 1.0M 500 I.0M I.0M 1.000 i.OM 1.000 1.800 1.80») 048M 1 (mm) fit IM 1 00 14S IM 100 IM 100 IM IM 100 IM IM IM IM IM 1*8 SM IM IM • M IM IM IM IM 100 IM IN IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM Dia 1« M I 104140 Mooney Roae M I Proeoplo Trlataa 104837 < Ruakewte« Stephen I04SM (IM MorrvII Also A. „„ 700 gwimauach Ruth Dodda Uly R 716 Daneu John D. ,..,. i M arov loh Oseega III Straslssr Skis 784 Ru bim Joaepl,l»e A I04MI 7M Deauoovieh Bli ,v„ I04BM ADMITTED /VMS I. IBM 8 Prosen RuaJell B, IMIM ■ I Vueloh Msry « . ,t,..IB4i44 104114 10413« 850 IIMfft I04S47 •I Bogultn Irma M. 47 Vehove Paul g..... •4 Oregurleh Mary....... 78 stoioff J oha............. M Kumerday Sylvia IM BoslsJ Pranlt ........... III Kodrioh Robert ..... SMs M word Lesnik Karol ........ 117 Chernan Sarah IM Moorhsad Brnms IM Mshnic Zdenka. IM Tomieh Emil MB O ruden Msrths ... •II Morel Sdwsrd____ •I« Msloverh Hilda .... MI Jseksnie« Pete u..« SM Volk Prsnk ......... . Ml Deaelon Prank ....... 478 Stimsc John M4 Pollenlk Sylvis A. 6M Kriselt Rudy IMIM 1M1M 104 MS 104134 lOtlJU IM14I IMIM IMI4I I04I4S 10414« IMIM UM IM. IM17I 104117 I04IS« IMIM 104 Mm l( 100 IM IM IM 100 IM IM 100 IM 3 00 ISO DIS. ISO MO IM MM) ISO 1,000 1,000 1,000 MS MO MO 1MB 1000 I0MI7 M irglnlg uline „ B. - sopet apre joti: Mildred g. 98741, Ooot0B Paich, r, 191182 247 Črtsn; Charles Sedier, S. 94028 271 Crton *a»pvt aprejet Frank A Tiiptoo, g. 87788. 1 v new w Ledge Cert nt Steh Sfj, AOSOTTBB MM. V 1. IBM i , I Hribar John t 184OS0 liooo Il M * w ■HMB MÉNNy IBMM BM IM Mt'fok Nssils II. I8MM S00 IM Doug tea Harold S I0MM * SM IM Dreamleh Oeorge I8MM SM Oossett Bey 104007 MS IM Hyett Vlneent ISMM M0 IM Le ver ««tli Josepli I04SM M0 IM l .naes" Slala V . MM99 M0 IM M lattis Msry IMIM M0 IM Mor sen U Peter IMIM •OS IM Oewsrd Pete IMIM M0, IM ShsreO John IMIM ISM IM Sheereon Mteheel IMIM ate IM a Urina» Lee If. IMI07 M0 IM Va ten t in« Joseph . IMIM MO IM VSSÉH 1 If iisii IMIM M0 IM Euh Chartes IMII0 1MB IM Miller Samuel M I04SM M ISS 1 Perteti Miller IMlll \m Dte IS Opte gllaebsth la« IMIM UM IM 14 Suetersto Hlldu« IMlll MB IM SI Pteath Marten IMII8 MB IM M Ds Polio Ms lpt1 I. •Ml IB ISM ISS Komar Anas Mae IMIM ISM IM , Beyer* Hgffy Beyers BMnerd IMIM IMIM S « «■ IMIM BM IM M FSOIOOIBB NOVMBM IOMM S IM SI Mte^alk Ml rupiMi J "espo M4IM IM 104187' \m ISS M KeeMi Helen IMIM BM IM is Map is Sdwsrd 1. 108181 1MB IM M K «meter M Udi »4 IMIM MS ISI M PreOae Usten IMIS7 MB IM M M ih levels Ao4ente IMIM IM IM Pteee Met» # IMIM 1MB IM IM OomlS Thersae , IO4I0I BM IM K reft leBe IMIM M0 IM WÊÊÊH/ÊÊÊÊ& Wtmm •e4ISI MB IM OveOM Mefgs»e< MUM BM issj UsaM Prsnsee IMIM BM ISS ISI ( «Oui Aim« Mao IMI87 IM lie m aw Bees iaM07 BM 171 galshsi PeuBws •Mies BM IM 114 Bender martes K •MIS l 600 ISS Negter Vmesni IMIM IM IM '*e»tes teilHsm D 104 »as MB IM Ms«4*sto Phfsf- "■ Ie4t04 tta IM Vote Mary , „ — IMIM m ------ m*m SM Keemerl VI SM Mesgev Paul III Hoapodsr M Kokal Veneil R 7m Ceh Jenny . . .. 748 Msrtlnovleh Harry i84sm 7m Böhlas Alisa .....L i848m ADMITTED MAY t. IBM » 7 Us rman Lawrence IMI1I • Maroll Olgs .... „.IMIll so ptisiiarifh Helen' I.IMIV m Ooslevnik Frank k 1 im 1 sa 111 Moder Oars My........S8Ü4V IM Mehls Walter 1. IMIM IM Norvst Helsa IMIM MB Abramovieh Csrlo IMI77 •71 Proaenlk Margaret 1041TI •77 Brumen Roae Mae |o«tM Orrtal ta Mildred L« I (MISA 4M Radoaevteh Louis IMIM ml Prttgsi Anthony /, lS4Me iii CindrteH Anns *.....10*341 ADMITTED APRILI I, IBM s BteokewlM oeo 04001 fisher Raymond V 1040*1« m Blat'han Virginia . 1941» 107 isrut Viola imim OahiN Su VMas, I ISN IM LIM ISO efi'l 1.M 6M IM IM IM 1MB IM !VOU 141 1 000 H*. MS ISI MO ISS 60« t m,„ MS ISB no« ISS MO . *'•■• BM ISO BM ISB MB IM IM MO Dte M IM 1,000 IM MO MO 500 IM MB MO Dia. IM MB IM t'y. DRUŠTVENE VESTI Ronton. Ps.-Ns*c druAtvo it. 400 SNPJ jo prod krstklm izgubilo ¿tens. Dns 5, julijo Je nsm-reč umrl br. Silvester Ksstelic st. po večletni bolet nI Zap u^u tri hAere, pet sinov, tnegs brats In pet vnukov. Njegovs lens Helens jo umrls 13. sept. 1S40. Pokopsn Je bil poleg svoje lene ns pokopslittu Plum Creek, New Texss, Ps. Pokojni se Je rodil 31. dec. 1873 v Sloveniji In je prilel v Ameriko lets 1S02, sme-rllkl drftevljsn ps je poetsl lets1 1900 Po poklicu je bil rudgr In je ves ¿mm bivanjs v tej detell ilvel tukaj. Bil Je ¿Isr. druitvs it. IA bi vie HSPZ IS let In drui-ivs it. 33 ABZ v Centerju 37 let. Sinovi In htoie pok'>Jnogd Ksstelics se iskreno sgh vsi ju jejo vsem prljstoljem in sosedom ter drugim ss poklonltev venccv v tsdnje slovo otetu, Abbo P. Kaoielic. tajnica ShlrkievUle. lmd.~Mrsecs Junije se je porolilg Clonics nsie-Ha druitvs 461 MNPJ Kedlkg Verhovnik t Ksyjem Bibičem Is Universale Druitvo jima Seli obilo sreče. V bolniinici imsmo dvs člana Frances Mahnil in Antona Flernetll. Bolan je tudi Vincent Verhovnik; njega je pritisnite ksrs v majni Block Berry, ko je fursl po jsml. Dete sS m precej dobro. Nsie druitvo Je ns redni seji sklenilo, ds priredimo piknik S. septembrs ns Verhovnlkovi farmi O tirm bomo Ae porntall. Ivanka V«fc UJnics. ENGLISH SECTION Por Member* of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovene* Integrity Mail-Order Group Insurance wneer ¡M SNPJ m 38th Year of < ' - ~ r; Fraternal Sanico ---1904.194X - fain. .YAQPJ in —......aim—........ Enlitt in SN P J Victory ' f u i C^fftpaign— It Wiii Help Your Country PACT SIX WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 We hava often stated that our Society ofiers the best type of insurance protection to insurable adults and juveniles at the lowest rates poesible. This fact has been proved time and again in countleea instances which are a living testimonial to the soundness and stability of our organization. Moat of our members are aware of our Society's service, but there may be some who might become prey to unscrupulous individuals or groups who« sole purpoee and motive is centered on personal gain at the expe*oe of the unaware. We have In mind a new type of ~grenp insurance' racket which has recently been expoeed by a reliable labor Information agency. Our readers are acquainted with the work of Consumers Union largely through its monthly feature "Your Dollar/' appearing in these columns once e month. The facts and opinions given therein ere beard on Consumers Union Reports, the monthly magazine of the Uaaa* a nosi-profit organization whoae main object is to safeguard buyers by testing and reporting on fgoods, and to. give information on labor conditions under which products are made. In last week's Praoveta the feature carried an item dealing with a new form of meil-order renrr racket, called "fw-ly Group Life Insurance." with which workers are being victimized umjalsit. • We cell attention of our members to the Item in question which k reprinted below along with the comments msdc by Consumers Union. • e e According to Consumers Union "Your Dollar" feature, a typical mall order insurance advertisement la as follows: ♦There la no reason now why any member of your family should be without life insurance. One policy, costing only f 1 a month, can inaure them ill." >' The company, according to Consumers Union, accepts all members of a family group, ages I to 7», without rfiedical examination, under a $1-a-month insurance policy. The maximum benefit la stated as $1,000. The policy buyer naturally 'assumes this means that each member of the family la fthaured for $1,000. That la far from the truth. In the firat place, the maximum benefit ranges from $100 to $1,000, depending on the age at death. And aecondly, this maximum benefit for each Individual is divided by the number of persons covered CHICAGO.—The Pioneer annual Pn/i and Juvenile picnic will be held at Skavich's Red Gate Grove on Sunday, Aug. 29 We take this means to invite aH SNPJ lodges and | members tp attend. As at past picnics sn entertaining I program will be planned, which will include games for all and dancing. All Juveniles attending prill be given 26c worth of chips each. More and complete details will be published later. SHORTS: Frank Vidmar is our I newest recruit to serve our country; he has enlisted in the Navy and will join Monday. A farewell party in his behalf will be given Friday. | July 31. at the Center, 2301 8. Lawn-dale Ave. All his friends are invited to attend. Betides Frank, other members of the Slovene Labor Center In the | service of Uncle 8am include Char-| les ftak, Ermo Peehnlk, Joe Zvekel, Tony Kegl Jr., Mike Kumer, Irnest Raven, Frank Norleko, Liike Groser Jr., Ernest Dreshsr and Oscar Go-| dina All are members of the Pioneer lyjdge except Kumef. Mike was In Chicago to say good-by to hia many friends before putting on the uniform of Uncle Bern. Well mias him as much as the SNPJ and Western Penna. Dr. Nachtmad Is proprietor of the Psvilion st Channel Lake, Antioch, 111. He invites the Pioneers to come ¡out sny weekend. The Pioneer Softball team hopes to play at Indianapolis. Not that | they expect to win, but have heard «0 much of our member» there that they would like to make the trip. REMEMBER THE PIONEER IPICNICI GET NEW MEMBERS IN THE MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN. BUY WAR BONDS TO INSURE I VICTORY FOR OUR UNCLE SAM FRANK GROSER. W9. under the policy. For example, if a family of 10—grandparents, psrenta snd |two Dances at Midway, children-is insured under such s policy, snd If the grand- M.woi/snw.su.m»i J9 father dies st 70, the family gets just $10. ($100 msxlmum benefit st 70, divided by 10, the number of persons covered.) These family group insurance policies, aaya the Union, lead people to believe they ere protected by insurance, when the amount of protection they get may be negligible.' "Your Dollar" further ststes tAat its future iaauea will compare costs of mail order policies with other insurance, will explain the "No Medical Examination" clauae and will expoee hidden jokers. "If you hsve slready been taken in by," aaya the Union, "or are considering, family group insurance, you should reed the complete articles about it now appearing in Consumer Reports." • • • We are in the midst of a vigorous Victory Membership Campaign which has already brought hundreds of new adult and juvenile members. Theae are people who know what aefe insurance ia, and who know that you can't get "something for nothing." Our members everywhere will do welt to enroll all Insurable prospects now. Most of our people sre gainfully employed, and now ia the time to bring them under the protective winga of a true and tried fraternal organIzetlon—the Slovene National Benefit Society. Do not let any "mail order inaurance" racket play with the future of your family, Insure yourself and your family in the SNPJ which Is now In Its JWlh year of continued fraternal service. Mediag Note» CHICAGO.—The regular monthly meeting of Integrity Lodge «31 last Thursday evening was not attended up to par. We must have more member* attending our meetings. All we sre hoptafis for more action from our members, and hope is all we can hope for. Sister Rose Roycht was the winner of the $1 attendance award that we give away each month. Why not try to be present st the next meeting. Four transfer members were accepted into the lodge. SNPJ Wolverines DETROIT, MICH -It s the bigger and better Wolverine field day, and that ever-impertSnf date is Sahday, Aug. ». at Horvath's farm on Warren and Gully reeds. We are expecting a large crowd to be on hand to help Us celebrate this annual Wolverine affair. With Frank Yankovieh's orchestra foam Cleveland furnishing the music we know that a gang of Loyailtes will be down aa well as many more of our Cleveland friends.' <' How about Chicago, St Louis, Milwaukee, our many Pennsylvania, friends, and many, many others?' Let's make it a real Field Day Au gust S. When are the Detroit lodges go- I August 1st and 22nd MIDWAY, PA.—An Emergency Relief Dance will be held In the SNPJ Hall at Midway on August 23, sponsored by the Slovene La dies' Cfkb of the same community With us on that day wUl be Jakie Martlncic and his orchestra. The public Is cordially Invited. The Slovene Ladies' Club and Juvenile Circle No. 2S of Midway sre holding s joint wiener roast for all members and their families. This wiener roost will bo held on the SNPJ Rsll premises on Saturday evening, August 1st, and wo expect to kee every member prObent, as Wo con have a very enjoyable everting together. _ COMMITTEE. record demanding that Dr. Arch abides by the by-laws; if not, the Supreme board should act on his case at the coming semi-annual meeting. Sister Angeline Cirar (Teaten) -I do" to Walter Cirar recently. The lodge wishes them lots of luck snd hapineo* Victor» The SNPJ to having a Victory campaign for new members. Thus for the lodge enrolled several new members in the drive. This campaign is for oil ef us to get new members. This la o splendid chance to Inruasa our tonka by bringing in all insurable prospecta, both adult and juvenile. Let's remember that the SNPJ offers sound and safe protection to its members. Fraternal insuranee ef the type offered by our Society is desirable by every man, woman and child; It is desirable becauso it safeguards your future. Bring in that prospect—NOW! The Integrity lodge has the quality of membership that *ould do plenty if they would just come forward and march with the rest who are active and do-the work for all. Action always speaks loader than words. Person*} «ffairs should not bo the stop sign tor anyone. We all should do things together. Lefs Hope Action In the month ol< August wo hope to have action from all points of Chicago where oustnembets are living. Let's show .mat the Integrity spirit ia once mete on the march, and when our spirits op the march —Victory Is with us. Sister Josephine..Mikottls spent two weeks with "the children in Greenwood, WlsJ ; Bref *'Rudolph Kaltinger visited Willatd, Wis., on his vacation. Stirter Mejasch is spending some of her time in her Victory Garden outside of Chicago. We wonder what become of Joe Beumbich, Marty Abram that we do not see days. Come up and see us some time. Please pay your dues on At this meeting we siso went on [mg lJae with the re* oT ' the SNPJ campaigners and start getting new members for the Vic lory drive now lh progress? There« ore many prospects waiting to be taken to the doctor to be examined,; bet Jt »ems that gqhas thp; time to g# petto* fo .this ^orki 6« -^comeTort, DerotterslTliSt's, ¿sK# up, get in ltae fW'tnl «ÉrnyW-tory campaigner* end ******* ifc insurable prospecta infefter FRIENDLY VIEWS: ~ fee a visitor in Sorty w* tttlssed See Kumer* new In the Am*, arid the SNPJ will lose o swell guy Jor the duration. t •4-UatjrV'iio \ We met *n old friend from La Salle, III., Mrs. Mary (Frkol) Obr I nik now making her hám* in De-* troit. Just wondering if Stan Eu-pan, Shorty Zadel, the Reese sisters, Joe Fifolt, Laddy end the rest of the ClevelAnd sang expect to be on hand for the big celebration. Wej moon the Wolverine field day Aug. 9.' HENRY RUPERT. 177/ Michael Vrhovnik. Campaign Director 7< íencr ■P oast BUTTE, MONT.—The Western Leaders Lodge 60S ore proud Ic"announce they Invested in s $100 War Bond during the July oomi Member« of the Western ore asked to attènd th* next lag Aug. 1$ at Slavonic Amt Hall,to complete arrangements for a wiener roast foUowirfg'dar regu lar meeting. Members' odvoe, husbands and friends will The following"!^ in the U. 8. service in___________ those already lifted: Nfek Sagoto-vlch, Army; ' Anton e tops end this affair certainly will help that feetgr, therefore we urge you ell to sUrt planning youVtrip to Cleveland for the Labor Day week-end efd the lodgea to organize teems to participate Igk the athletic eventa, Immediately. The Clevclarul SNRI Federation extends s cordial invitation U eU of you and your friends to spend and enjoy e three-dey celebration with uel, A goed time for the young and old! RESERVATIONS FOR tLEKTOfO QUARTERS , The Housing Committee. In connection with the National SNPJ Dey Sept. 5, • and 7, is asking aU of those, who will attend thU "much teiked about" a|^r and wiah that the committee take care o| sleeping quarter* for them, fill out thia blank and U to Mr. L. Medvesek, 6400 St. Clair Ave.. ClevelM* Ohio, en or betoco tat. Aeg. tt. You will all JSSol i the boot accommodations available IfXly vou will cooaerate with ua and ebeervg the dew you (young ins by auto, take s lltth and Mor gan car on State Street or a earn bipation at bue and streetcar aervtei on Ha 1st end Street Either wil bring you within s start walklnj dieUnee of the píenle , . , After t hi walk In the worm aun« n.glea* o cool drink will be moat refresh Ing .. „ You're aU wolcoms. an wha do yo« any we It s a date! a get together Sunday* mTT.T, Ualge 100. In eritiml or history. H Is rights without ful , NATIONAL M»J I>AY--CLEVELa6R%B#>-SEPT. L 1 AND t i rrtervatioms FOR ■IJOfiO QUARTERS , [ f ■ .1 * jsg * ' '' * v i.C « —-« Jam, 8 süss Dele el arrival..» « . 1 . in 1 mJL , -- n'a t i4 K-' • II * 1 4 ? ' ' 1 f 1 r Matt Ala blank to Mr. L Hi i.....k. MSI t. CU Ir Ave. Cleveland. O. en es bsisee Ae«. HL ISO. • ANN OPEKA. Lodge 57«. estions, w OTOtJ issjest we sow the ssed that wiU again Ignite the world, and the boys and girla of today become the aoldlers of death tomorrow What Kind of Front lo Your Ledge One more week la gone and stll no sign of a strong second front in Western Europe. It appears mere obvloua daily that England ! war leaders are waiting and hoping for aome kind of miracle ta happen that wUl crush Into defeet all who threaten her position as the dominant world power.Rut not. so in our greet pstriotk SNPJ Victory Campslgn, for good news oontinuss to arrive st the National Headtpiarters from many old end newly established fronts. Our Victory Campaign contestsnts know that mirscltf don't just happen. They go out end do aomethlng to make the« happen. They realize aU too well that yoù Can't ait back twiddlinl your thumba forever and expect to make progress. They know, too, thst sooner or later John and Mary, who are constantly o* the job, sre bound to tire of helping those who do nothing to ski the common front That's why they sre all-out to insure victory in our membership campaign. They are slive to the needs of * creasing the strength of our SNPJ ranks with every aval lab* prospect Their love tor fraternity end democracy, their fsith la the future impete them to take this stand. WHAT KIND or CAMPAIGN FRONT HAS YOUR LODGE ESTABLISHED? * the waiting and hoping fee e miracle bread, or la R of the typ* that la wide awake to the dangers that surround us, using erey means at commend to build and hold, sharing responsibility rquH-ly like true brother! end sisters of the common front. Since our last report fo the cempeign, à sperkling bit of set"« look place on Minneeota's Iron Range, the result of which enables Joeopkine Frames. Secretary of Lod£ Hp. 130, Eveleth, to forw-J six membership applications to the Nstionsl Office, eech to Ursals Ambrgskk. establishing her more firmly in firot P4-^ for individuel honors over John Shatter ef Crivitz, Wlseonsi in. PROSVETA News ,,ih(lafi *** <* ^ t month of our war w at tipH S actual war Jitua on the home front IAOGALEY, PA.—Once again ft spotlight k focused upon SNPJ «fee 318 "Luč Svobode" after tal seemed to bo a prolonged si- iowever, we ere not to be out-specially in those critical uh*, it is our purpose to follow UV in the footsteps of our lore* »¡he«, maintaining the Light of •»•rty our symbolic name. In thi» respeet the combined "fees of the Pipe town Slovene Hall r* sponsoring a dance Sunday. Au-« I, with the proceeds to be do-«•d to the Jugoslav Wsr Relief ™ The distress and suffering Wch our beloved ones are under-B»l is indeed a tad story In which ** is no point in discussing. What seeded is help. before, one and a)l, dp pprtlci- rt* in our worthy cause by attena-* this affair and Joining in our ««d mirth, wJTwS? be fur-l by Jpe Koracin of whom J Jnd ««»ur Of music be r*n- fcn't forget August 2 from 8 to : m P'lx town is tbe placet A 'oaofrful time la sesuivd ajfc, v ' MARY I. MATKO. 318. ritsr. The Ceeeeis, leraotohs oil »1.1.. SllAttto« tnJ , rwmrrw RHOTwifi iiio lip juuiigRWii sla ^SgJ ^P^ii^ jpolden bathing salts. Sostjtnirki and many others ware all In there, having the time of theh lives SS Sioee big wat^M kept bobbing over their Are yau going to Mmer Sifter's 1 term on Sunday, Aug 0, for one of I thoer »Mtre ap*»«''' f"»"»l times? If you see, then notify the tonus, of rosy todge^se ttu^esn ^n»ajia ^s rj- n Torene, at to how many we can mm end what teed end drinks will u iii'fdrd On the VMtflisn eemm Is FeHty Bourne All *»re-nttae that ose going. let htm know 1 folic at Bsm Aug/8 Sr 8 Utopians are holding annual barn dance at oW Orson Rood.1 Cleveland's leading ¡T ,m'*«<*«gatn has been en-l" Play fohtkit affaie gbould ¿louditinw in Store lor au dance "dmlaaion is Me. so "ut iind epcriri «a ilepabte w»th the Utopians. « 0°nUr/;«^ ">oX% meeting. UTJ"!*- Utoplane htS K viaitor in Ifirko Eu- ^ 'KJ' ""ireme board ~rt1r J Ckiea*. who wae vacaUonma »ZZly™ HUshwi •w' *** osngrat- TStf; *«»* «^¿eSSt rti IT^ * "»W • '«£ *, « ^^^ i*M in/l . ■'^'og^r, A as i «nd »mooth tailing. Ed? JOH* J kpu a,^ otheri whoee outing SUCUBt OIJO, Onae mare the rogrsetivfo. SNPJ lodge #41, ore ving 0 bom donee lor their mem m fad Spends We sre .«„.huHy eking all our SNPJ OgpWni to tend the Psngreeslvt "tUjuvene m Mftra Dene. -t Maiuhuia % im, (lienridge rood. Saturday. Mg lot Hook by Tony Motovosie Id Ms WMOtaekete. from S p. m lit ALSIRT MSU1.AN, Traas Br buying War Bands we;,tl> SNPJ Sports National SNPJ Sports News Softball activity, which ha» been on the wane during the past two or three year«, reached e new low this ■eaaon. With the army and navy taking their quota of eligible» and many of the boys at home too busy at work to take time off for play, the number of active SNPJ teams has been reduced to a minimum. In fact, the situation is such that, ia one or two Districts, trouble Is being experienced in trying to arrange play-offs to decide the District Champion and winner of free trips to the national event at Cleveland. However, in spite of the difficulties. it is expected, when the time is here to board the trains for the scene of our National SNPJ Day. there will be a strong team representing each of the four soft-ball Districts of the Society Softball play-offs in the Second District are in progress and before many more days, well have st hand the information whether the winning team is the crack Veronlan aggregation. last year's SNPJ Champs, the Universal Comets who have organised s fine group qf youngsters, or the Strabane Pioneers, who year in and year out manage to put to-.gather a strong combination and give s good account of themselves. May the best team win. The soft-bell play-offs in the Midwest District are begtnins to take shape st last The Milwaukee Badgers, we have been notified, have e team that is ready and willing to meat any challenge. The Chicago Pioneers are rounding their boys together, and from Indianapolis comes word that Lodge No. 10» (Danica) is Interested in making it a three-cornered battle for the Midwest title. We're hoping they come through. The Badgera have always been a hard team to beat; the Pioneers, from advanced notice, will be s bit rusty; while the Indianapolis team will be practically the same youthful aggregation who won the final 8SPZ championship last year. The Cleveland-Detroit play-offs have yet to materialise, but we have no doubt that the District wUl be well represented . . . The Johnstown. Pennsylvania, ares has an active softball team in Triglav, Lodge No. IS, who saw action in last year's Meet at Chicago, and current indications point to another well-balanced team. We look fbr golf to get off to a flying start this year as we expect no leas than fifteen to twenty foursomes, s majority of them from the nearby districts of Western Pennsylvania, Lower Michigan and Ohio. The Champions, team and Individual. ot. the Midwest and eastern Sectional Tournaments will be on hand to compete far national honors. The Universal Comets foursome will represent the East-em Tournament, while the Wsuko-gan foursome will wear the winning colors of the Midwest event. The individual SNPJ Sectional Champs. Jacob Drobne of Sygan, Pennsylvania. John "Pewee" Dolenee and Elsie Gantar. the latter tu(o from Waukegan lodges, will tie on hand to demonsti ate their ability and to attempt to add to their laurels . . . The runner-up team of the Eastern v Golf Tournament. Lodge No. 0, Sygan, Pa , swarded a free trip to the national event by the E. S. Federation, is a sure entry. Teams also are expected from Chicago, Milwaukee and Indianapolis lodges to add to the further attraction and success ot the first National SNPJ Golf Tournament. MICHAEL VHIIOVNIK. Athletic Director. Athletic League News The' entire social program will be held at the Slovene Home on St Clair. Starting the proceedings will be a dance Saturday night with the Juvenile program oo Sunday afternoon and the farewell dinner at noon on Monday. Between these affairs will be the baseball and golf tournaments which will be announced shortly. NOTICE! District No. 3. Get your rosters In with cert. Nos. included so the playoffs can be run off three weeks before the National tournament. JOHN J. SPILAR, Sec'y. CLEVELAND, OHIO-The Alh telle League social held at the HNPJ Farm turned out to be a grand slam in the way of social success. A iatge crowd attended and deeplte Ihr nuisqultoa and thr heat a good lime was had by all An air of hospitality hung around lhi- premises ss different members chatted and danced to the wee hours of Utt> morning Joe Franoel and Kmnk Kovtca had the dance floor jammed all «-vvning as the couplet twirled around to their breeiy polkas Always botheied but In a way were Matte Stefanic and Uttie »later Margir who sold refraahmant tickets ln the kitchen then plenty of hot dogs whtsh itandrd out by A Vehar, A. Skok and A J eric, llrhtnd the bar the fair art were I' Spik and ntt-n'i side there were J. Jerse. H. 7,"i man Shorty" Zedetl and J nat W« wish to express ou^thanks to thru |M*oplt for their 1km H»«ming around the hall Stan Zu|»,n Mr and Mrs. f Eadell and Mi and Mrs F Chellgoy of the Loyalties. Ml and Mra. Lunder. M Jet ir Mi and Mrs J. J ape I and T. Duaa of the t'uncoedtone, Ernie Mlklavic and wife, of the 8lets, Mt and Mrs Cam Zernlk of Ihe Commodores. C. wife from the Btooklyn i h«wt of other* your to n<4e , It was quite S t evrtybhdy having a Hevt ft S end 7 the Nat Day will be held bete in Resolution of American Slav Congress, Midwest Division, Chicago, III WHEREAS, newspaper reports relative to the war are designedly or unwittingly written in such a manner as to aid the cause of the enemies of the United States and are giving aid and comfort to the foes of the democracies; and WHEREAS, this is especially true of the newspaper accounts and reports of action from Africa, in which the deeds of General Rommel are given the headlines and are featured, when there might well be reported the heroic defense end courageous action of our allies and our own soldiers and sailers on various betUe fronts; and* ' WHEREAS, this is also especially true in the accounts of the mass murder of innocent hostages and townspeople in the occupied countries of Europe, in which certain newspapers, copying similar reports from the Axis centers of communication. refer to the unfortunate victims of Axis persecution as "Communists. bandits and Jews"; and WHEREAS, our enemies have secured through press reports snd newspaper stories, published in this country, Important military and naval Information and are thus endangering the lives of our fighting men on land and sea, our defense workers, as well ss our civilian population; e NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED by the American Slav Congress at Chicago, lllnois, that all of the above and foregoing practices be condemned; that instead of constanUy repeeting the deeds of General Rommel, emphasis be placed upon the heroism snd courage of our own American soldiers snd sailors and their allies; that in place of constant reference to the unfortunate victims of Nasi brutality as "Communists, bandits d Jews," all newspaper reports speak of them ss "patriots"; that everything possible be done to discourage the publishing of important naval and army information, thereby endangering the safety and the lives of our fighting men, our defense workers, and our civilian population. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Slav units In other cities of this nstlon, affiliated with the American Slav Congress of the United States, adopt similar resolutions. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the United Press, the Associated Press and the Interna ttonal News Service, as well as all news agencies, with the request that they take such action as they deem appropriate or In conformity with the suggestions made In this Reaolulion BE IT FURTHER RES' >LVED that a copy of this Resolution be submitted to Elmer Davis, Director of War Office Administration. and also to the headquarters of the AMERICAN SLAV CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATU, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Unanimously adopted at Chicago, Illinois, on June SI, 1843. by the duly constituted representatives pf the American Slav Congress, Mid West Division, Chieege, llttnots. focinrsrs quality leether. OPA should require price reductions equivalent to the lower costs to the manufacturer. Meanwhile. Bread 6 Butter believes that it makes little sense to exhaust the stocks of shoe/ now available without control. They ere the only shoes of fairly decent quality that will be available for the duration. They should be rationed before the adulterated products appear in the Fall and Whiter. Food Poisoning With Summer temperatures comes the usual number of newspaper reports of illnesses and death from poisoned foods. That, added to the number of minor ailments from the same causa—so-called n ptomaine, Summer diarrhea, scute indigestion —which never reecl».newspapers or even doctors, adds up to a staggering total. One interesting fact characterises outbreak of Summer food poisonings. When authorities are able to check back on the meal of the people affected, one of the items almost always turns out to be some form of creamed food: cream puffs, mayonnaise, Hollendaise sauce, creamed meet, chicken salad, etc. And if the examiners ere able to get samples of the food, they are usually able to find some form of staphyloeeesus bacillus in the offending products. Such rich foods are ideal feeding grounds for these tlon° ths'&rt^lS^doV'to ^ swsy from creams and "sauces when you est sway from home. Never sttempt to prepare any kind of creamy sauce or dressing if you have aqy sore or infection oo your bands or arms. Anything you do prepare should be made as close to the time of eating as possible and kept in qne of the colder parts of refrigerator until eaten. Church supper committee members should take special note. For Hollandaise sauce, creamed chicken and tuna salad, mainstays ot many such meals, rank high es causes of food poisoning. f— ' . Looking Through "Great Guns" With Morgan, Reporter for Battery A: Something new has been addedt Mama! When one of our men wss lets for reveille the other morning, he brought along an excuse signed by his mother. • Although it might have worked in school. It is not felt In official circles thst such measures ere exactly adequate now. Get an excuse signed by your fsther. (Or your uncle.) With Zenco, Reporter for Battery D: New currlculsr activities will begin this month: . . . The monthly course^ In speculative seienoes dominoes, cards, fee., will be extended for s few days to meet the new financial condition of the bet tery . . , Pvt. Cooper will conduct the guitSr players' class. He will tesch the boys "Hill Billy tunes' and free hand strumming . . . Welly Pickett will sponsor a correspondence course la love-letter com position. Applicants for this course will be psycho-analysed before they ars sdmitted to this class . . . Sergeant Birnbaum hopes to organise s mathematics class. If you are worse thsn he is at numbers you are welcome to attend... Pvt. Devid BUk Will coach the boys ln polishing rifles, brassware and shoes . . . Pvt. Kendall will conduct a laundry course ln addition to his guard mount bucking course. After successful completion of his course the students will be awarded twenty-four psssee. "Chief of Mess" Lorens will sponsor s cooks clsss, The class will be highlighted with Interesting lectures en food sabotage by the coOks. ens'p classes wlU be t open to cooks only . . . Pvt Hiley wfll con duet a Class on artistic etypw bending. The entrance fee is one beer. 77. dorpOral Ghost will teach «Ww War Savings Program Outlining the Treasury's War Savings Program, folders designed to Interest the 12.000.000 reeders of foreign language newspapers snd periodicals In the United States, printed in twenty two different languages are being distributed by the War Savings Staff of the Treasury DepartneaA The folders, printed in red and blue oo white paper, attractively illustrated, explain in simple language the aims and the necessity for the .War Bond drive, and the benefits to purchasers adopt a Continuing .program-through payroll savings, group agents or personal pledges. They ■ for which the toward Hitler—whether pursued by Franee, England or Russia—is timely, tbo painful to our memories. This competent Czechoslovak scholar does more than tell a story of the lives and trials of the peoples of Eastern Europe—the Balkans, Czechoslovakia. Greece and Poland. He delves into a difficult problem, contribute» towards its solution and pens some basic aspirations for these impoverished industrious folks who have been suferring so much. Would that I, the ranks and officers of our aamed forces were acquainted with the contents of this book! Such acquaintance would only help Jepd .greater purpose to our etnaM*..^,.., . „,JL : ' Official Proceeding s No Other Leland Mew York, ff. Y. Rere is another over-ell picture of Sent re well repreeented by F Preoeren. and aa the Shoes t Rationing Ahead By next Spring, if not before, it Is expected that shoes will have to be rationed. WPB Chairman Donald Nelson recenUy hinted that shoe rationing was coming. Becauee Of the preoent shortage of leather It would seem that the sooner raUon-ing is started, the better for cooau mars. Reduced imports of hides have much to do with the leather shortage More than a third el the hides tanned In the United State* used to be imported. meeUy , from Argon Una. Theee sources have been cut off entirely or draatlcally reduced a tvault of the shipping shortage. Expanding military and demands have also cut la to an increasing extent on the reduced supply of leather. The Army ports that e soldier needs s minimum ef 10 pairs a year It is eetUnated that output for civilians will drop about S0% dur ins Ihe nest IS months «As quality, the trade press (eporta that will have with I SNI'J weight" so lea and use oufcatitutee the kind now found Ih wome shoes, that women s shoes wilt have fewer styles and even poorer quality at present prices are high Men's 11% In one yea Ihe server si price freeoe went inte effect, work shoes went up than Mt. and women's shoes by ssore than 14%. With tell of the United Nations sre fighting, snd ex* plain that this fc a war for the life and safety of freedom-loving people more everywhere. To win this fight a months before vast expenditure of money will be neeeaoery The cash which the loyal people of the United States—of every national origin—invest in these bonds will put arms and munitions in the hands of the men who fight. Such investment will also help the government to fight inflation. On the beck of the single pege folder is set forth the Treasury's plan for investing in War Bonds, Series E, with interest st S.9 if held over e ten year period to maturity. 'Thdte is also a blank for ordering beats direct from the Treasury Deportment. i,t|. Among the Better Books to Freedom, by Alfred JL Knopf, easy-reading WprU going to pieces. To the author we ere indebted for the significant' snd scathing exposure of the Chamberlain way of handling the defense of Norway. T^e treatment of Russia's military exploits in Finland smacks of what is now hackneyed, but the moitl and political evaluations of this venture ase sound. Most stirring in this volume are the peges dealing with the Baikal* particularly the world-gripping story of Greece resisting the bloated Mussolini setup. . One cannot attach too much import to Stowe's emphasis that "Un-we win atdbome, %ur armed ..will i newer be victorious, wherever they mpOf fight" Tha author's conclusion!, is ds sound ss it is chylous. Theiwinnig of the war and the winning, of the. passe ace inseparable. In, both cases it is more than armaments that we need. The expansion end betterment of our demooretls <7 institutions sre s must for victaoHiy war and peace. The Nature of wjl¿l thé general price a very good chance able to geCan you freez< ■there's that you'll be need. OPA is permitting canners to raise the price of the new pack by about 18%. so retail prices may rise still more. But the government ia king every effort to guarantee that there will be eneugh supply for home needs as well as for the grmad forces and lend-lease shipments. \ In terms of vitamins, peas are rich in vitamins A, B complex and C. A rich supply of minerals is stored ust under the skin. And If you u5a ftOquojT' hi which thq peas dye packed, you gain Much/toed "^ftfttechnlcisns are et present testing 60 brands ofcenned peas. ^lowlng'brands wln'iffik mgh^ Sugar Belle Blended Sweet Peat. (Table Products Oo.) Pacific Small Early June Peas (A P Stores). <4jpjp Atco Fancy Small f*rlty Peas (American Stores). Highway Sweet Peat (Table Products Co.) Kroger1» Country Club Quality Sifted Sweet Peat (Kroger Grocery it Baking Co.) Lily of the Valley fxtra Sifted Early June Peat (Snider Picking Cprp.). i U haunt Privates. by FR ,^sle|hbiC Women's fur garments—coata, muffs,, Steles, scarfs, capes, jackets, etc.—have been placed under price ceilings by OPA Manufacturers, wholesaler* and retailers are permitted to add last season's percentage markups to present costs. OPA stated in Its order, however, that the new price for e fur gar-not exceed the highest which the came type sold Consequently, manu- will tend to skimp en _ linings sad workmanship in order Is maintain lasWyear* prices liters are ao many different furs and 4y!as. and so ins shopthat It This is an exoallent story ot tha wax: invaders. It is a simple story, with s very alight plot*but with a t | rifle emotional appeal. It tells s email band of guerrilla fighters pfmBmSf armed with rifles who. from their sgounteln retreats, plunder and bar«* the mighty ar miee of the invaders. The suthor. himself e soldier and of the people, writes leeUsticaiiy these struggles * The Mrecters hie story are real and sympathetic You will fool with them, laugh with them and understand their prob t against They sre village in not oe would into safer sections but fought back the invasion as it U will Is "ißt thsr be very diffkult to* determine this Season* co*t-phi. price no more than last year's prices would be high even If held el lip ia«l ' ■ n<1 retail laat veer—fur M% et retail—and la eédltton e 10% retell lueed by OPA far establishing soiling maki high profite «a setters ■■ to le merely a for plundering thr public end ae their the enemy Is ■< re- i or Inet* Wool Label* The Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning to mat* turers, distributors and others af-rected by the Wool Products presented la a men» nor se objective and tnclaéve as to lend permanent value ta the text The author 's analyeès of the ruin-J ef ti Europe, LODGE SECRETARIES AND RROeVETA REPRESENTA -, íJTVXM, PLEASE MOTH O^AKa ese paywy end see entitled to twe copies ol tha SNPJ FINANCE COMMITTEE Meeting of Jume IS Meeting wee called to order at 9 a. m. All nine members of the committee were in attendance. Minutes of* the March 13 meeting were approved. Chairman Petrovieh prepared a report on the following matters: Kansas City Crushed Stone company, formerly known as the Consumers Material company; our original investment was $0700. In the reorganization, the company took pcriy of this company under A net profit of Í29J49 was made on last year's operations and dividend of one dollar per share was paid in Ipil. The balance sheet shows current assets of 0*3,016 fixed assets st |10ft,348, giving total assets of $100,808, and llablities of only $33,843 ih addition to the bonds and stocks. Our units were recently quoted et $8 per unit He recommended that we keep this stock for the present. The committee concurred ih the report He gave a detailed report on the Ohio Forge k Machine Co. stock, -whjch we held. .The company Showed great progress In 1041. Shipments were 6ft% better then the yeár previous and unfilled orders were 310% better than the year before. The company made a net Soflt of $1^90,014.12, equal to $14.-per Miare. Assets of the com-pany are $3,943,651.78, of which $819,480 is in cash. Current liabilities amount to otfly $188,877.64, and there is no funded debt Reserves aré set for federal taxes and capital and earned surplus amounts to $1,-174,513. The company has a good earning report for the past few years. After some discussion It wss decided that Kuhel would secure information es to the eligibility of this investment and further action would be taken at one of the coming meetings. ^ Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District, Hidalgo County, Texss. Our original investment was $25,000 at a cost of $37,884. We now own $35,000 in new refunding bonds plus $7,553 in certificates of indebtedness. Edinburg is the county seat of Hidalgo éounty. Agrilcuture is the main industry. Assessed valuation is $7,783,030, and the bonded debt ls $3,978,000 or about $40% of valuation. These bonds have been quoted variously from 23 to SO and Id 1043, 39 was offered The bonds ^ have a low interest coupon, which means that there will be no big rise in the price of the bond. The report was accepted. Philip B. Heller's written report on the annuel meeting of the City NaUonSl Bank Building Omaha, bonds, was reviewed and accepted. Kuhel made the following report: Mortgage 134A has expired and needs to be extended; original loan was $3000, the present unpaid balance is $900. It was unanimously agreed to extend this loen. to be extended loen was $8000, FHA, 64, Chicago, $3985 75; FHA 108, Chicago, $466; FHA 48, CW land, 61986.54; reg. 3, Cleveland $1036.56; reg. 3, Willard, $1200 ' I A liquidation dividend of $87tg was received from the Van Swe-ringen certificates of indebtedness Two Tessville bonds were sold. Bonds called were as follows Willacy County, Texas, $3000 m*. tured and paid April 15. B—HOLC 2V«% due in 1044 called July 1, ¡¿w amount: $7750. C—Beaufort County, N. C., Int. funding bonds called at par July 1, »43, amount moo-D—Morton County, N. D., $5000 i* funding bonds called July 1, 1942. Brothers Calnkar, Kuhel and Vi. der ordered $60.000.U. S. War Bondi in May. Some discussion took pis« on this purchase but the action w* approved. By a mall vote of five to two fifteen FHA loans were purchased In the Chieago area from the Amity Federal Savings and Loan Association in the amount of $71,993.15. We have $30,000 to invest. Calnkar reported that one of our properties was withdrawn from the sales list because the eociety needed additional storage end is using the building at 37th street and Pulaski, Chicago, for that purpose. The property at 10317 Wentworth avenue, Chicago, was sold on aa. tract tor $3800 with a $300 down-payment and monthly payments of $35 thereafter. This sale w« unanimously approved. The committee went over the prospects for the sale of our other buildings, including the one at 245-47 West 103rd street, Chicago. It was decided thst this building should bring $30,000. The building at 3854 N. Hermitage avenue,'Chicago, was sold for $9000. It was decided that the vacant lob be sold for the best price available. Investment«. It was unanimously decided to place the $30,000 avail-able for investing, into U. S. War bonds. »» ' Meeting adjourned at 1 p. m. Matt Petrovieh, Chairman, F. A. Vider, Secretary, Donald J. Lotrich, Record. Sec'y. Loan 133 A needs also. The original the present unpaid balance is $3000 It was unanimously agreed to extend this loen. Loan 136A has expired also. The original amount was $3000, the present unpaid balance is $1800. It was unanimously agreed to extend this loan for a five year period with quarterly payments of $78 and interest Loan 73S with an unpaid balance of $1600 has expired; original loan was 63600. It was unanimously agreed to extend this loan and to ask for payments of $80 quarterly and Interest Leen 70A has expired May 16, 1941., The original loan was $8000, an uapald balance ot $4300 is due now. It was unanimously agreed to allow an extension on the amortization plan with payments of $44 monthly. Other mortgages which need extensions are: 12LA, 133A and 135A On motion, it was decided to ask these mortgagors to make extensions for theee loans. Loans repaid were FHA. Chicago, $3487.36; FHA 16, Chicago, $1483; ■ SNPJ Lodge 41 Mourns Death ot Bro. j. Gross IRWIN, PA.—We regret to report that Brother John Gross, active member of SNPJ lodge No. 41 of Pleasant Valley, Pa., was killed in mine accident July 33. He wto horn on Oct. 8, 1900, at Pleasant Valley, Pa. He is survived by ha wife, son, and four daughters. He will be sadly ^ missed by his ledge members. We extend our sincere sympathy to the family and rela-tjves. \ WILLIAM BOHINCB, Secy. Black Market Racket . OPA has exposed a racket which has sprung up among some refrigerator dealers. It works this wsf the dealers make prospective customer rent second-hand refrigerston for a specified period before selling them at ceiling prices. In effect, the consumer has to pay a premium (the rental charge) in addition to the legal ceiling price. OPA warns that such practice are clear evasions of the price regulation for refrigerators. If you come across anything like this, report it to the nearest OPO office immediately. Bread A Butter has been informed that this "black market" technique is also being used in cities that have rent ceiling. Ifew tenants are msde to go through mock purchases ot dwellings they want to rent. They have to make a down-paymetil representing a substantial premium to the landlord, and their monthly charges are. also generally higher than rent would be under the ceiling. : ^ It is to be hoped that OPA will not be contend to wait until such practices become widespread Severe crackdowns are necessary if prwe aqd rent ceilings are not to w groesly violated hy "black marker operators. —............................... Fryer Funeral Home > II»" or MM* J Centrally located to serve Wash, snd Allegheny Counties. Penna. Call Btldgeville II _ _ PROMPT PUBLICITY IN PROSVETA J