Aluminium alloys for cylinder heads Aluminijeve zlitine za glave cilindrov Stanislav Kores 1, Hennadiy Zak 2, Babette Tonn2 'University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Aškerčeva cesta 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail: 2TU Clausthal, Institute of Metallurgy, Department for Foundry Technology, Robert-KochStraße 42, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany; E-mail:, babette.tonn@ Received: February 14, 2008 Accepted: July 17, 2008 Abstract: Nearly 100 % of all cylinder heads of the current light displacement vehicle production consist of aluminium cast alloys. The alloys have to sustain continuously growing requirements in terms of strength, ductility and heat resistance at an elevated temperature. Three different aluminium cylinder head alloys AlSi6Cu4, AlSi7MgCu0.5 and AlMg3Si1ScZr were examined and compared to each other with respect to fluidity, mechanical properties and hot cracking behaviour. Izvleček: Skoraj 100 % vseh glav cilindrov aktualne proizvodnje avtomobilov je narejenih iz aluminijevih zlitin. Material glav cilindrov mora dosegati vedno večje zahteve po trdnosti, duktilnosti in obstojnosti pri visokih temperaturah. Preiskane so bile tri različne zlitine za izdelavo glav cilindrov AlSi6Cu4, AlSi7MgCu0.5 in AlMg3Si1ScZr ter med seboj primerjane glede livnosti, mehanskih lastnosti in nastanka razpok v vročem. Key words: Al-Si alloy, cylinder heads, fluidity, mechanical properties Ključne besede: Al-Si zlitine, glave cilindrov, livnost, mehanske lastnosti Introduction A contribution to reduce emission can be made by weight reduction, but at the same time an increase in power and torque are expected by the automotive customer[1]. Figure 1 shows the development of the power rating in diesel engine construction. Future developments will further aggravate this situation, because the next generation of diesel engines is likely to achieve a specific power rating of 75 kW/l and igniting pressures of 220 bars[2]. The cylinder head is one of the most complex and intensively loaded component in the engine (Figure 2). Not only camshaft Specific power rating in l