ocena udora kotline starca (hrvaška) z uporabo strojnega učenja algoritmov MILOŠ MARJANOVIC, MILOŠ KOVAČEVIC, BRANISLAV BAJAT, SNjeŽflNfl MIHALIC Ln BILJANA ABOLMASOV o avtorjih Miloš Marjanovic Palacky University, Faculty of Science Tr. Svobody 26, 77 146 Olomouc, Češka Republika E-pošta: milos.marjanovic01@upol.cz Branislav Bajat University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Beograd, Srbija E-pošta: bajat@grf.bg.ac.rs vodilni avtor Biljana Abolmasov University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Dušina 7, 11000 Beograd, Srbija E-pošta: biljana@rgf.bg.ac.rs Miloš Kovačevic University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Beograd, Srbija E-pošta: milos@grf.bg.ac.rs Snježana Mihalic University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Pierottijeva 6, p.p. 390, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvaška E-pošta: smihalic@rgn.hr izvleček V tej raziskavi so avtorji primerjali algoritme strojnega učenja v okviru prognoze drsenja terena. Na osnovi GIS slojev področja kotline Starča, ki so vključevali geološke, hidrogeološke, morfometrijske in druge prostorske podatke, je napravljena klasifikacija mrežnih celic na (i) primerih »drsečega« in »stabilnega terena«, (ii) različnih tipih drsečega terena (»poten-cialen-neaktiven«, »stabiliziran-saniran« in »reaktiviran«). Po optimizaciji parametrov modela za C4.5 decision trees in Support Vector Machines so primerjali dobljene rezultate klasifikacije s pomočjo kappa statistike. Rezultati kažejo, da sta omenjena modela bolje razlikovala med različnimi tipi drsečega terena kot med drsečim in stabilnim terenom. Prav tako je bil klasifikator Support Vector Machines v vseh preizkusih nekoliko uspešnejši od C4.5. Spodbudne rezultate so dobili v eksperimentu, kjer so klasificirali različne tipe drsečega terena, uporabili pa so samo 20% od skupnega števila podatkov o drsečem terenu. V tem primeru so za oba klasifikatorja dobili vrednost kappa okoli 0.65. Ključne besede plazovi, support vector machines, decision trees klasifikator, kotlina Starca 44. ACTA GeOTeCHNICA SLOVENICA, 201l/2 LANDSLIDE ASSESSMENT OF THE STARCA BASIN (CROATIA) USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS MILOŠ MARJANOVIC, MILOŠ KOVAŽEVIC, BRANISLAV BAJAT, SNjeŽANA MIHALIC and BILJANA ABOLMASOV about the authors Miloš Marjanovic Palacky University, Faculty of Science Tr. Svobody 26, 77 146 Olomouc, Czech Republic E-mail: milos.marjanovic01@upol.cz Miloš Kovačevic University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia E-mail: milos@grf.bg.ac.rs Branislav Bajat University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia E-mail: bajat@grf.bg.ac.rs Snježana Mihalic University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Pierottijeva 6, p.p. 390, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia E-mail: smihalic@rgn.hr corresponding author Biljana Abolmasov University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Dušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia E-mail: biljana@rgf.bg.ac.rs Abstract In this research, machine learning algorithms were compared in a landslide-susceptibility assessment. Given the input set of GIS layers for the Starca Basin, which included geological, hydrogeological, morphometric, and environmental data, a classification task was performed to classify the grid cells to: (i) landslide and non-landslide cases, (ii) different landslide types (dormant and abandoned, stabilized and suspended, reactivated). After finding the optimal parameters, C4.5 decision trees and Support Vector Machines were compared using kappa statistics. The obtained results showed that classifiers were able to distinguish between the different landslide types better than between the landslide and non-landslide instances. In addition, the Support Vector Machines clas-sifierperformed slightly better than the C4.5 in all the experiments. Promising results were achieved when classifying the grid cells into different landslide types using 20% of all the available landslide data for the model creation, reaching kappa values of about 0.65 for both algorithms. Keywords landslides, support vector machines, decision trees classifier, Starca Basin 1 INTRODUCTION Prior to any conceptualizing and modeling, dealing with the landslide phenomenology requires a profound understanding of the triggering and conditioning factors that are in control of the landslide process. Difficulties in landslide-assessment practice arise from the temporal and spatial variability of the triggering and conditioning factors and the changes in the nature of their interaction [1]. This research concentrates only on the spatial aspect of landslide distribution, i.e., delimiting landslide-prone areas, also known as landslide-susceptibility zoning. Only selected conditioning factors (geological, hydro-logical, morphological, anthropogenic, etc.) addressing natural ground properties and environmental conditions were included in the investigation. A conceptual standard developed for the landslide assessment [2] was adhered to, and this involved: (i) generation of a landslide inventory, (ii) identification and modeling of a set of natural factors that are indirectly conditioning the slope instability, (iii) estimation of the relative contribution of these factors in generating slope failures, and (iv) classification of land surface into domains of different susceptibility degrees, in our case with respect ACTA GeOTeCHNICA SLOVENICA, 201l/2 160. M. MARlANOVIC ET AL.: LANDSLIDE ASSESSMENT OF THE STARCA BASIN (CROATIA! USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS to (i). The essential idea behind it suggests that if there were landslide occurrences under certain conditions in the past, it is quite likely that a similar association of conditions will lead to new occurrences [2]. The estimation of the relative contribution of a factor in the overall stability (iii) (which herein comes down to a classification problem) ranges over a broad variety of methods [3]. These include the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) [4], conditional probability [5], discriminant analysis [6], different kinds of regression models [7], Fuzzy Logics [8], Support Vector Machines (SVMs) [9], Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) [10] and decision trees [11]. Relatively few researchers have dealt with the machine learning approach, but recently it is getting more popular in geo-scientific communities, especially for comparative studies of landslide susceptibility [12], [13]. Following such a trend, we herein utilized C4.5 decision trees and SVM algorithms for mapping landslides and distinguishing between different landslide categories. Thus far, researchers did not experiment with multi-class classifications (usually binary classification case studies can be found in the literature) and here we challenged the classification in that context. The theoretical advantages of the chosen machine learning approaches are numerous, particularly regarding the handling of data with different scales and types, independence from statistical distribution assumptions (the drawbacks of regression and discriminant methods) and so forth [14], which was also one of the motifs for its implementation in present research. The proposed model might serve for a landslide-susceptibility assessment in other areas of the City of Zagreb, under the assumption of similar terrain properties, primarily geological ones. These are urbanized and densely populated areas, hence less explorative for the field investigation of landslides. In such circumstances, the presented approach might lead to certain benefits, but more detailed investigations are needed to obtain reliable results. The latter involves testing the model against several pilot areas and tracking its performance. The biggest obstacle to the completion of that goal is a lack of detailed landslide inventories at the moment. 2 METHODS The different stages of research called for different procedures, imposing a variety of methods, including the pre-processing of input attributes, machine learning implementation, and performance evaluation. All the related machine learning experiments and the subsequent algorithm-performance evaluation were placed in an open-source package, Weka 3.6 [15]. Assuming that our inputs are organized as raster sets where each grid element (pixel) represents a data instance at a certain point of the terrain, our approach leads to a classification task that places each pixel from any terrain attribute raster into an appropriate landslide category associated with that particular pixel. We will herein explain the classification problem and machine learning solution in depth, and from the perspective of their particular application in landslide-susceptibility assessment. 2.1 PROBLEM FORMULATION Let P={x|xeR«} be a set of all the possible pixels extracted from the raster representation of a given terrain. Each pixel is represented as an «-dimensional real vector where the coordinate xj represents a value of the i-th terrain attribute associated with the pixel x. Further, let C={q,c2,.. .,q} be a set of l disjunctive, predefined landslide categories (j=1,l). A function fc:P^C is called a classification if for each xjGP it holds that fc(xj)=j whenever a pixel xj belongs to the landslide category c. In practice, for a given terrain, one has a limited set of m-labeled examples (j=1,m) which form a training set (xj, cj), xjeR«, cjeC, j=1,...,m (m being a reasonably small number of instances). The machine learning approach tries to find a decision function fc' which is a good approximation of a real, unknown function fc, using only the examples from the training set and a specific learning method [16]. 2.2 SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES CLASSIFIER Originally, a SVM is a linear binary classifier (instances could be classified to only one of the two classes), but one can easily transform an «-classes problem into a sequence of n (one-versus-all) or «(«-1)/2 (one-versus-one) binary classification tasks, where using different voting schemes leads to a final decision [17]. Given a binary training set (xj ,y), xjeR«,yje {-1,1}, i'=1,...,m, the basic variant of the SVM algorithm attempts to generate a separating hyper-plane in the original space of « coordinates (xj parameters in vector x) between two distinct classes (Fig. 1). During the training phase the algorithm seeks out a hyper-plane that best separates the samples of binary classes (classes 1 and -1). Let h^ wx + b = 1 and h-1: wx + b = -1 (w,xeR«, beR) be possible hyper-planes such that the majority of class 1 instances lie above h1 (wx + b > 1) and the majority of class -1 fall below h-1 (wx + b < -1), whereas the elements belonging to h1, h-1 are defined as Support Vectors (Fig. 1). Finding another hyper-plane h: wx + b = 0 as the best separating (lying in the middle of h1, h-1), assumes calculating w and b, i.e., solving the nonlinear convex programming problem. 48. ACTA GeOTeCHNICA SLOVENICA, 2011/2 M. MARlANOVIC ET AL.! LANDSLIDE ASSESSMENT OF THE STARCA BASIN (CROATIA! USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS The notion of the best separation can be formulated as finding the maximum margin M between the two classes. Since M = 211 w 11-1 maximizing the margin leads to the constrained optimization problem of Eq. (1). min ■—I Iwl w b 2 :+c E * (i) w.r.t: 1 — s{ — yt (w ■ xf + b) < 0, —ei < 0, i = 1,2,...m Despite having some of the instances misclassified (Fig. 1) it is still possible to balance between the incorrectly classified instances and the width of the separating margin. In this context, the positive slack variables ei and the penalty parameter C are introduced. Slacks represent the distances of the misclassified points to the initial hyper-plane, while parameter C models the penalty for misclassified training points, that trades-off the margin size for the number of erroneous classifications (the bigger the C the smaller the number of misclassifica-tions and the smaller the margin). The goal is to find a hyper-plane that minimizes the misclassification errors while maximizing the margin between classes. This optimization problem is usually solved in its dual form (dual space of Lagrange multipliers): * m w = E a-y-x- , C > a- > 0, 11 vi i — i — i=1 i = 1,...m, (2) where w* is a linear combination of training examples for an optimal hyper-plane. However, it can be shown that w* represents a linear combination of Support Vectors xi for which the corresponding ai Langrangian multipliers are non-zero values. Support Vectors for which the C > ai > 0 condi- tion holds, belong either to h1 or h-1. Let xa and Xb be two such Support Vectors (C > aa, ab > 0) for which ya = 1 and yb = -1. Now b could be calculated from b* = -0.5w*(xa + Xb), so that the classification (decision) function finally becomes: m f (x) = sgnEay, (xf ■ x) + b' . (3) i=1 In order to cope with non-linearity even further, one can propose the mapping of instances to a so-called feature space of very high dimension: $>:Rn^-Rd, n << d, i.e., x^-0(x). The basic idea of this mapping into a high-dimensional space is to transform the non-linear case into linear and then use the general algorithm, as already explained Eqs. (1-3). In such space, the dot-product from Eq. (3) transforms into ^(x^^x). A certain class of functions for which k(x,y) = 0(x)-0(y) holds are called kernels [18]. They represent dot-products in some high-dimensional dot-product spaces (feature spaces), and yet could be easily computed into the original space. After initial testing on our sets, a Radial Basis Function (Eq. 4), also known as a Gaussian kernel [19], gave encouraging results and was implemented in the experimental procedure. k(x, y) = exp(—7I |x — y Figure 1. General binary classification case (h0: wx+b=0; h1: wx+b=1; h2: wx+b=-1). Shaded points represent misclassi-fied instances. (4) Now Eq. (3) becomes: m f (x) = sgnEaiyik(xi ■ x) + b* (5) i=1 After removing all the training data that are not Support Vectors and retraining the classifier by applying the function above, the same result would be obtained as in the case of classifying with all the available training instances [18]. Thus, the ones depicted, Support Vectors could replace the entire training set containing all the necessary information for the construction of the separating hyper-plane. 2.3 DECISION TRee CLASSIFIER (C4.5) C4.5 is a well-known univariate decision-tree classifier [20]. In this approach, an instance (described with a set of attributes) is classified by testing the value of one particular attribute per each node, starting from the root of the tree. It then follows a certain path in the tree structure, depending on the tests in previous nodes and finally reaches one of the leaf nodes labeled with a class label. Each path leading from the root to a certain leaf node (class label) can be interpreted as a conjunction of tests involving attributes on that path. Since there could be more leaf nodes with the same class labels, one could interpret each class as a disjunction of conjunctions of constraints on the attribute values of instances from ACTA GeOTeCHNICA SLOVENICA, 201l/2 55. M. MARlANOVIC ET AL.: LANDSLIDE ASSESSMENT OF THE STARCA BASIN (CROATIA! USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS the dataset. The interpretability of the derived model enables a domain expert to have a better understanding of the problem and in many cases could be preferable to functional models such as SVMs. Let us briefly explain how the tree can be derived from the training data (xi ,q), i=1,...,m, where ci is one of k disjunctive classes. C4.5 deals both with numerical and categorical attributes, but for the sake of simplicity we first made an assumption that all attributes are categorical. The tree construction process performs a greedy search in the space of all possible trees starting from the empty tree and adding new nodes in order to increase the classification accuracy on the training set. A new node (candidate attribute test) is added below a particular branch if the instances following the branch are partitioned after the test in such way that the distinction between the classes becomes more evident. If the test on attribute A splits the instances into subsets in which all elements have the same class labels that would be a perfect attribute choice (those subsets become leaf nodes). On the other hand, if the instances are distributed so that in each subset there are equal numbers of elements belonging to different classes, then A would be the worst attribute choice. Hence, the root node should be tested against the most informative attribute concerning the whole training set. C4.5 uses the Gain Ratio measure [21] to choose between the available attributes and is heavily dependent on the notion of Entropy. Fig. 2 explains the calculation of Gain Ratio. Let Sin be the set of N instances for which the preceding test in the parent node forwarded them to the current node. Further, let n, be the number of instances from Sin that belong to class q, i=1,...,k. The entropy E(Sin) is defined as a measure of impurity (with respect to the class label) of the set Sin as: If all instances belong to the same class then the entropy is zero. On the other hand, if all classes are equally present, the entropy is a maximum (log2k). In our problem the setting A denotes the candidate attribute of an instance x. Since by assumption A is categorical and can take n different values v1,v2,.,vn , there are n branches leading from the current node. Each Sout(A=Vj) represents the set of instances for which A takes the value Vj . The informative capacity of A concerning the classification into k predefined classes can be expressed by using the notion of Information Gain: IG(Sta,A) = E(Sin)- £ |S°u'(t= v)E(Sout(A = v)) (7) N ve|v1 ,...,vn j In Eq. (7) |Sout(A=v)| represents the number of instances in the set Sout(A=v) and E(Sout(A=v)) is the entropy of that set calculated using Eq. (6). The higher is the IG, the more informative is the A for the classification in the current node, and vice versa [14]. The main disadvantage of the IG measure is that it favors attributes with many values over those with fewer. This leads to wide trees with many branches starting from corresponding nodes. If the tree is complex and has a lot of leaf nodes, then it is expected that the model will overfit the data (it will learn the anomalies of the training data and its generalization capacity, i.e., the classification accuracy on unseen instances, will be decreased). In order to reduce the effect of overfitting C4.5 further normalizes IG by the entropy calculated with respect to the attribute values instead of class labels (Split Information) to obtain the Gain Ratio (GR): SI(Sm,A) = - E MAt = V)log2|So"t(A = V) , N N (6) GR(Sin, A) = IG(Stn, A) SI (Sin, A) (8) Figure 2. Calculating Gain Ratio of an attribute in the internal node of the growing tree. C4.5 uses GR to drive the greedy search over all possible trees. If the attribute is numerical (this is the case for most attributes in our application) C4.5 detects the candidate thresholds that separate the instances into different classes. Let (A, ci) pairs be (50, 0), (60, 1), (70,1) (80,1), (90,0) ,(100,0). C4.5 identifies two thresholds on the boundaries of different classes: A<55 and A<85. A now becomes a binary attribute (true or false) and the same GR procedure is applied to select from among the two thresholds, when considering the introduction of this attribute test into the growing tree. Finally, C4.5 uses the so-called post-pruning technique to reduce the size of the tree (complexity of the model). After growing the tree that classifies all the training examples as 48. ACTA GeOTeCHNICA SLOVENICA, 2011/2 M. MARlANOVIC ET AL.! LANDSLIDE ASSESSMENT OF THE STARCA BASIN (CROATIA! USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS well as possible (overfitted model) it converts the tree into a set of equivalent rules, one rule of the form if A=v and B1.5 m) The Land Use map was prepared by a direct visual interpretation of a 1:5000 orthophoto according to the CORINE classification. The map was generalized as the attribute: - Land Use (a categorical attribute with 4 thematic classes, similarly arranged as in the case of Lithology. The classes included: Agricultural areas 30%, Artificial surfaces 4%, Forests and semi-natural areas 65%, Water bodies 1%) 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The experimental design was governed by the characteristics of the dataset, particularly the unbalanced distribution of the landslide inventory classes. Since the non-landslide class turned out to be predominant over all the landslide classes combined, the sampling strategy was tuned accordingly. Two different dataset cases were induced: - S01 with a binary class labels, i.e., class c1 - absence of landslides, and class c2 - presence of landslides (Fig. 6a). It contained 20% of the original dataset (randomly selected), or 24500 out of 122513 instances. - S123 included only landslide instances (Fig. 6b) from the original dataset distributed in three different classes: c1 - dormant and abandoned, c2 - stabilized and suspended, and c3 - reactivated landslides (a total of 10500 instances). Thus, the classifier trained by the first set was used to locate the landslides throughout the area, while the classifier trained by the second set was used to discern between three landslide types. In this way, featured expert judgment is simulated and could be applied to the remaining part of the terrain, as well as to the adjacent ground. Both sets passed through the identical experimenting protocol discussed subsequently. For the C4.5 algorithm we used the default parameters of Weka explorer: 0.25 for confidence level for pruning, while the minimum number of objects in leaf was held at 2. The optimization of SVM also comes down to the fitting of only two parameters: the margin penalty C and the kernel width y. The parameters are found in a well-established cross-validation procedure2 over the training set in each performed experiment [31], [32]. It turns out that the optimal parameters (C=100, y=4) are the same for all the performed experiments. - Experiment#1: testing was performed on S01 (24500 instances) and S123 (10500 instances) data in a single run (no iterations), through 10-fold cross-validation (10-CV). The value of the representative k was 2 In k-fold cross-validation (k-CV), the entire set is partitioned into k disjoint splits of the same size. Validation is completed in k iterations, each time using a different split for the validation, and merging the remaining k-1 splits for training. 50. ACTA GeOTeCHNICA SLOVENICA, 201l/2 M. MARlANOVIC ET AL.! LANDSLIDE ASSESSMENT OF THE STARCA BASIN (CROATIA! USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS a) 55592 55612 b) 556 1 23S | dormant & abandoned stabilized & suspended I reactivated landslides Figure 6. a) Landslide inventory map for S01, b) Different landslide categories (dormant and abandoned 1, stabilized and suspended 2, reactivated 3) for S123. obtained directly after the cross-validation was run. For the C4.5 algorithm it reached 0.52 in the S01 and 0.82 in the S123 data set. The SVM algorithm reached a very similar performance, i.e., a fraction higher in S01 (Table 1), meaning that it is somewhat more reliable in mapping landslides but equal in discerning between different types of landslides. - Experiment#2: Both sets were randomly divided into 20-80% splits. The training was performed on 20% of the data (5000 instances in S01 and 2000 instances in S123). In order to obtain statistically relevant results, five different 20-80% splits were generated and the median among the obtained k values was considered as being representative (Table 1). As expected, the performance drops significantly, especially in S01. It is also apparent that SVM is slightly better than the C4.5 in this set, while in S123 the algorithms are leveled. - Experiment#3: generating seven 15-85% splits (3800 instances in S01 and 1500 instances in S123 for training purposes), otherwise analogue to the previous. A further decrease of the average k is noticeable, as well as a slightly advantageous performance of the SVM algorithm (Table 1). - Experiment#4: generating ten 10-90% splits (2500 instances in S01 and 1000 instances in S123), otherwise analogous to the previous. The dropping trend continues, as k values became rather temperate for both algorithms within both sets (Table 1). Viewing the experiment results altogether, a slight preference for the SVM over the C4.5 is obvious in both S01 and S123 data sets, due to the smaller k decrements (0.03-0.05) with a reduction of the training sample size. Table 1. Performance evaluation of the C4.5 and SVM classifiers by K-index. Experiment S01 S123 C4.5 SVM C4.5 SVM #1 (10-CV) 0.52 0.58 0.82 0.82 #2 (5x20-80%) 0.38 0,47 0.63 0.65 #3 (7x15-85%) 0.33 0.44 0.58 0.60 #4 (10x10-90%) 0.31 0.40 0.48 0.55 In all the experiments the algorithms exhibit a better generalization with the S123 set, meaning that they are better in categorizing landslides than actually mapping them, concerning the present study area and the chosen sampling strategy. Preliminary results suggest that using the same input attributes, it would be interesting to impose the algorithms over adjacent areas (which are urbanized, but have similar terrain features) in order to suggest to the expert which types of landslides are present prior to the real field mapping. Since we have been using a classifier based on information gain values (C4.5), we evaluated the ranking of the input features according to their IG values (Table 2). It appears that the most informative layers are Lithology, Channel Network Base Elevations, Altitude Above Channel Network, while surprisingly Slope turned out to be mediocre to low, hand in hand with the terrain Convergence Index and Land Use for instance. One possible way to explain this is an exaggeration of the geological and, to some extent, the hydrogeological influence on the landslide occurrence, so that they obscure the effects of slope steepness and land use for instance. ACTA GeOTeCHNICA SLOVENICA, 201l/2 55. M. MARlANOVIC ET AL.! LANDSLIDE ASSESSMENT OF THE STARCA BASIN iCROATIAl USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS Table 2. Information Gain (IG) ranking of the input layer attributes. Terrain attribute IG rank Lithology 0.06157 1 Channel Network Base Elevations 0.04034 2 Groundwater Table 0.0268 7 Stream Power Index 0.03038 4 Aspect 0.02828 5 Altitude above channels 0.03078 3 Topographic Wetness Index 0.02789 6 Land Use 0.02129 10 Downslope Gradient 0.02413 8 LS factor 0.02241 9 Slope 0.021 11 Convergence Index 0.01723 12 Plan Curvature 0.008 14 Buffer of Faults 0.00938 13 Profile Curvature 0.00605 15 5 CONCLUSIONS The general conclusion that can be attached to this study is that it brought about a constructive facet on the machine learning application by challenging the capability of mapping the landslide instances and/or the landslide categories, between two different classifiers. It yielded partly eligible solutions for the posited landslide-assessment problem, especially in terms of particularizing between different types of landslides. Although the classification was not so promising in terms of landslide instances' mapping (k=0.47, model derived from 20% of total points), the research gave some encouraging results in terms of categorizing landslide types (k=0.65, model derived from 20% of total points). Distinguishing between landslides and non-landslides gave acceptable results only in the case with the maximum training data (90% for training). When comparing the two algorithms, a small advantage was observed for the SVM over the C4.5 in terms of both aspects (landslide instances mapping versus instances' categorizing). The SVM generalizes better than the concurrent algorithm, especially over smaller training samples, but the C4.5 is less time-consuming and hardware-demanding, and thus should have some preference if time and hardware factors are the prevailing criteria. This research lacked in testing of the model against unknown instances, i.e., instances of adjacent terrains, thus, a major guideline to further the research is the inclusion of adjacent terrains within the urbanized area of the City of Zagreb, in order to prove or negate the plausibility of the method. The results could then be represented as preliminary landslide forecast map products, not just as performance-evaluation parameters (as in this research), but visually too. In the future research we plan to estimate the potential increase in the classification accuracy by using an ensemble of different classifiers (C4.5, SVM, Logistic Regression, etc.) and then to combine their individual decisions through various schemes, such as voting or weighting techniques. REFERENCES [1] Carrara, A. and Pike, R. (2008). GIS technology and models for assessing landslide hazard and risk. Geomorphology 94, No. 3-4, 257 260. [2] Crosta, G.B. and Shlemon, R.J. (eds) (2008). Guidelines for landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning for land use planning. Engineering Geology 102, http://www.australiangeomechanics. org/common/files/lrm/LRM2007-a.pdf [3] Chacón, J., Irigaray, C., Fernández, T. and El Hamdouni, R. (2006). Engineering geology maps: landslides and geographical information systems. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 65, No. 4, 341-411. [4] Komac, M. (2006). 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