Cutaneous Hodgki11's disease Case report CUT ANEOUS HODGKIN'S DISEASE G. Torlone, K. Peris, G. Mazzocchetti, E. Caracciolo, I. Schmidt and S. Chimenti ABSTRACT A 40-year-old man presented with a one year history of erythematous papules and nodules on the trunk and in the right axilla. Three years earlier, a diagnosis of stage I Hodgkin's disease had been established. Complete remission was achieved following 4 cycles of ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomicin, vinblastine, dacarbazine) combination therapy. Histologic examination of a skin biopsy specimen showed the presence of a diffuse, dense infiltrate throughout the whole dermis to the subcutaneous tissue. The infiltrate was composed of small lymphocytes, eosinophils, plasmacells and Reed-Sternberg cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed the positivity of neoplastic cells for BerH2 (CD30) and LeuMl (CD15) antibodies. Reactivity of small lymphocytes for UCHLl (CD45RO) was also observed. Routine laboratory examinations were within normal Iimits. Bone marrow biopsy and instrumenta! investigations (chest X-ray, computed tomographic seans of abdomen and pelvis) showed no abn01malities. The presence ofEpstein-Barrviral (EBV) genome was analysed by polymerase chainreaction (PCR) technique. EBV DNA, however, was not found. Based on histologic and immunohistochemical findings, a diagnosis of secondary cutaneous Hodgkin's disease wasmade. KEYWORDS Hodgkin's disease - specific skin lesions INTRODUCTION Hodgkin's disease (HD) is amalignant I ymphoproliferative disorder histologically characterized by dense, mixed infiltrate of small T lymphocytes, histiocytes, plasmacells and acta dernwtovenerologica AP A. Vol 2. 93, No 4 eosinophils, and typical Reed-Stemberg cells ( 1 ). Cutaneous involvement in systemic HD may be either non-specific or specific. Non-specific skin manifestations include pruritus, 115 purpura. urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis, bullous lesions and herpes zoster. Specific skin lesions are far less common and may appear as plaques, papules, nodules, tumours or erythroderma, alone or in combination (2). We describe a case of cutaneous Hodgkin's disease in a 40-year-old man in whom nodal HD had been diagnosed and treated three years earlier. CASEREPORT A 40-year-old man presented with one-year history of persistent, erythematous papules and nodules, 0.5-3 cm in diameter, scattered on the trunk and in the right axilla (Fig. 1,2). Physical examination failed to reveal any lymph node Fig. l. A 40-year-old man with papules and nodules on the trunk. involvement. Histologic examination of a skin biopsy specimen showed a diffuse, dense dermal infiltrate extending into the subcutaneous tissue (Fig. 3). The infiltrate was 116 composed of small lymphocytes, histiocytes, eosinophils and multiple atypical large cells with prominent, basophilic nucleoli (Reed-Sternberg cells) (Fig. 4). Immuno- histochemical investigations, perfo1med with a standard 3- steps immunoperoxidase technique on routinely fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections, demonstrated the positivity ofneoplastic cells for BerH2 (CD30) and LeuMl (CD15) Fig. 2. A reddish plaque in the right axilla. antibodies. Positivity for LN2 (CD74), KPl (CD68) and UCHLl (CD45RO) was also found. Negative reaction was observed with B lymphocytes associatedmarker such as L26 (CD20). The presence of Epstein Barr vira! (EBV) genome has been evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique on formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections employing oligonucleotide primers that bracket IRl and IR3 regions. EVB-infected celi line P3T was used as positive control; normal kidney and placenta with no clinical, serologic or morphologic signs ofEBV infection were used as negative controls. Samples containing all PCR reagents with the exception of target DNA were also used as negative controls. EBV DNA was not found in our specimen. Three years earlier, stage I HD had been diagnosed on iliac lymphnodes.Histology showedfeatures ofnodular sclerosing subtype according to the Rye-classification. The patient had beensuccessfullytreated with4cyclesof ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomicin, vinblastine, dacarbazine) combination therapy. The staging work-up of the patient, during our observation, revealed either normal or negative results for the following: routine laboratory examinations, bone marrow biopsy, chest X-ray, CT seans of the abdomen and pelvis. Based on patient's clinical history and histologic and immuno- histochemical findings, a diagnosis of secondary cutaneous Hodgkin's disease was established. The patient has been treated with PROMACE/CytaBOM combination therapy. acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. \!o/ 2, 93, No 4 Fig. 3. Scanning magnification shows a dense, diffuse infiltrate through the whole de1mis to the subcutaneous tissue (H/E, 25x) Fig. 4. Higher magnification reveals typical Reed-Stemberg cells (H/E, 400x) acta dermatovenerologica AP A. Vol 2, 93, No 4 Complete remission was achieved after 6 cycles. After a follow-upperiodofoneyear,norecurrencehasbeenobserved. DISCUSSION The first case of specific cutaneous lesions of HD has been already described in 1906 by Grosz (3). The patient was a 21- year-old man with lymphoadenopathy and skin nodules, some of which were ulcerated. Histology revealed "lymphogranulomatoid tissue and Reed-Sternberg cells" in both specimens. Since that tirne, severa! other cases of specific cutaneous involvement in HD have been reported. The incidence varies from 0.5 % to 7.5 % (4). Reddish papules and nodules located on the trunk are the most cornmon clinical aspect. They usually occur in advanced stage of the disease and are associated with a poor prognosis (5) . Our patient, however, had a history oflirnited disease and no evidence of systernic involvement at the tirne of our observation. The histology of skin lesions in HD can be classified according to the R ye classification ( 6). In our case, the nodular sclerosing subtype had been previously demonstrated on the iliac lymph nodes. The immunophenotipic pattem can be useful in the diagnosis of cutaneousHD (6). Particularly, BerH2 (CD30) andLeuMl (CD15)recognizeReed-Stembergcells whereas KPl (CD68) and LN2 (CD74) react with rnonocytes, macrophages and histiocytes respectively. Small lymphocytes can be CD4 or rarely CD8 positive. In this contest it should be mentioned that most reported cases had been rnisdiagnosed such as mycosis fungoides and lymphomatoid papulosis (1). 117 Primary cutaneous HD has been described but its reai existence is stili controversial (7,8). Silverman et al. (7) suggested that one must find a skin infiltrate consistent with HD and no demonstrable nodal involvement for at least three months after development of the skin lesions. However, following the literature, most of the reported cases, as our patient, represented secondary cutaneous HD (2,4-6). Recently, the monoclonal form of Epstein-Barr viral genome has been demonstrated in some cases of nodal HD using molecular analysis (9-11 ). This finding suggests that EB V mayplay anetiopathogeneticrole atleastin aproportion ofHD. In our patient, however, EBV DNA was not detected by PCR. Treatment of cutaneous HD does not differ from that used for the nodal counterpart. In our case, local electron beam radiation therapy could not be performed because of the deep cutaneous involvement whereas PROMACE/Cyta BOM combination therapy was successfully employed. In conclusion, an unusual case of secondary cutaneous Hodgkin's disease has been described in which the patient had had lirnited HD of iliac lymph nodes three years before. REFERENCES l. Chirnenti S and Lombardo M (eds). Malattie linfo- proliferative cutanee e sistemiche. Genova, Scuola Intemazionale di Oncologia e Medicina Sperimentale, 1992, 245-246, 259-261. 2. Hayes TG, Rabin VR, Rosen Tet al.: Hodgkin's disease presenting in the skin: case report and review of the literature. J Am Acad Dermatol 1990; 22: 944-947. 3. Grosz S.: Ueber eine bisher nicht Beschriebene Hauterkrankung (Lymphogranulomatosis cutis). Beitr Pathol Anat Allg Pathol.1906; 39: 405-430. 4. White MW and Petterson JW. Cutaneous involvement in Hodgkin's disease. Cancer 1985; 55: 1136-1145. 5.DerrickEK,DeutschGPandPriceLM.Cutaneousextension ofHodgkin...,.s disease. J R Soc Med 1981; 84(1): 684s685. 6. Cerroni L, Rieger E and Ker! H. Histologic and irnmunophenotipic analysis of cutaneous Hodgkin's disease. J Cut Pathol 1990; 17 :289. 7. Silverman CL, Strayer DS and W asse1man TH. Cutaneous Hodgkin's disease. Arch Dermatol 1982; 118: 918-921. 8. Brehmer-Andersson E. The validity of the concept of primary cutaneous Hodgkin's disease. Acta Dermatol Venereol 1976/1977; (Suppl.) 75-78; 124-125. 9. Anagnostopoulos J, Herbst H, Niedobitek G, Stein H: Demonstration of monoclonal EBV genomes in Hodgkin's disease and Ki-1 positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma by combined Southem blot and in situ hybridization. Blood 1989; 74(2): 810-816. 10. Weiss L, Movahed L, Warnke R, Sklar J: Detection of Epstein-Barr vira! genomes in Reed-Stemberg cells of Hodgkin's disease. N Engl J Med 1989; 320: 502-506. 11. Herbst H, Niedobitek G, Kneba Metal.: High incidence of Epstein-Barr virns genomes in Hodgkin's disease. Am J Pathol 1990; 137: 13-18. AUTHORS' ADDRESSES 118 Giancarlo Torlone M.D., Department of Dermatology, University ofL'Aquila, Via Vetoio, 67010 Coppito, L'Aquila, Italy Kety Peris M.D., same address Giampiero Mazzocchetti M.D., same address Ernesta Caracciolo M .D., same address Iris Schmidt M.D., same address Sergio Chimenti, M.D., professor and chairman, san1e address acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. \/o/ 2, 93, No 4