95 NAČELO VIŠESTRUKOG PREDSTAVLJANJA: PREDSTAVLJANJA DOKUMENATA KOJA SU STVORILI RAZLIČITI SUDIONICI The Principle of Polyrepresentation: Document Representations Created by Different Agents Dora Rubinić, Drahomira Cupar in Alenka Šauperl Oddano: 2. 9. 2014 – Sprejeto: 5. 1. 2015 1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek 1.02 Review scientific paper UDK 004.78:025.4.036 Abstract Purpose: The paper gives a review of literature on the principle of polyrepresentation formulat- ed by Ingwersen in the nineties of the 20th century. The principle of polyrepresentation points out the necessity of existence of different cognitive and functional representations of the same document, created by different agents in order to answer to different representations of user’s needs. The main goal of the paper is to give an overview of the principle of polyrepresentation as well as the translation of terms into Croatian which provides an opportunity for further devel- opment of terminology of related areas, e.g. information retrieval, subject indexing etc. Methodology/approach: The method used in this paper is the analysis of selected research pa- pers on development of the principle of polyrepresentation. The literature was selected due to its importance and approach to the topic and was limited to papers mostly dealing with subject access to documents. Research limitation: The review was limited to just one aspect of the model – the representa- tions of documents. The second part of the model – the cognitive sphere and its application in IR systems was excluded from this paper. Originality/practical implications: The paper implies the importance of the principle of polyrep- resentation in the context of current trends in subject indexing in online systems. Although there is a number of articles referring to the principle, as well as some empirical researches using some elements of the principle, subject access of it is often not included in them. This paper emphasizes the importance of the principle primarily in the context of current trends in subject indexing used in online systems (e. g. use of subject headings or access points in online cata- logues, social tagging, including different agents involved in subject indexing online etc.). It also