Fagopyrum 36(1):5-9 (2019) 5 Research paper Mechanical characterization of buckwheat noodles mixed with seaweed (fu-nori) Yuya ASAMI1, Sena OOTO1, Masanori KITAMURA1, Kenta SAKANASHI1, Tesshu TAMAI1, Tsuyoshi FURUMOTO1, Sayoko IKEDA2 and Kiyokazu IKEDA*2 1 Faculty of Agriculture, Ryukoku University, Seta oe-cho, Otsu, 520-2194, Japan 2 Faculty of Nutrition, Kobe Gakuin University, Nishi-ku, Kobe 651-2180, Japan * Corresponding author: Prof. Kiyokazu Ikeda, Faculty of Nutrition, Kobe Gakuin University, Nishi-ku Kobe 651-2180, Japan, Fax +81 78 974 5689 E-mail addresses of authors: Yuya ASAMI: yuya_asami@agr.ryukoku.ac.jp, Sena OOTO: n150404@mail.ryukoku.ac.jp, Masanori KITAMURA: n150413@mail.ryukoku.ac.jp, Kenta SAKANASHI: sakanashi@agr.ryukoku.ac.jp, Tesshu TAMAI: ttamai@agr.ryukoku.ac.jp, Tsuyoshi FURUMOTO: tfurumoto@agr.ryukoku.ac.jp, Sayoko IKEDA: ikeda-k@nutr.kobegakuin.ac.jp, Kiyokazu IKEDA: ikeda-k@nutr.kobegakuin.ac.jp DOI https://doi.org/10.3986/fag0006 Received: December 5, 2018; accepted: January 30, 2019 Keywords: common buckwheat, mechanical characteristics, noodles, seaweed ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to clarify the effect of incorporation of seaweed, i.e. funori (Gloiopeltis tenax (Turner) J. Agardh) into buckwheat noodles on their mechanical characteristics. Mechanical analysis of buckwheat noodles with funori showed that incorporation of funori into buckwheat noodles enhanced breaking stress and energy. On the other hand, incorporation of funori into buckwheat noodles enhanced decreased solubility of the albumin plus globulin frac- tion. The present study findings suggest that the endogenous protein may be an important factor responsible for the mechanical characteristics of buckwheat noodles with seaweed. Assami et al., (2019): Mechanical characterization of buckwheat noodles with seaweed 6 (A) (B) (A) (B) called “hegi-soba”. These buckwheat noodles are prepared by incorporating into buckwheat dough a kind of sea- weed, i.e. funori, (Gloiopeltis tenax (Turner) J. Agardh) as a dough-binder (Zen-men-kyo, 2014). Before ingestion, the noodles prepared with funori are usually put on a unique wooden-tray which is called “hegi”; so these buck- wheat noodles are called “hegi-soba”. Although this buck- wheat dish is traditionally utilized only in Niigata region, many Japanese people currently often enjoy these local buckwheat noodles. Hegi-soba noodles have a unique masticatory sense with refreshing sense on ingestion. Mechanical characterization of “hegi-soba” noodles is an interesting subject in view of buckwheat research. In this background, the present study was conducted to charac- terize noodles made from buckwheat flour with seaweed. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials Buckwheat flour (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, var. Kitawase-soba), which was harvested in Hokkaido (in 2017), was used in this research. Buckwheat flour was kindly provided prepared from Terao Milling Co. (Hyogo, Japan) and stored at -80oC until use. Ground seaweed, i.e. fu-nori in Japanese, Gloiopeltis tenax J. Agardh) used in this study was a commercial product (Oowaki-man- zou-shoten Co., Fukui, Japan). Fig. 1. Buckwheat noodles. (A), non added seaweed; and (B) added seaweed (1.7% addition). INTRODUCTION Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) is an important crop in some regions of the world (Kreft et al., 2003; Ikeda, 2002). Buckwheat flour contains various beneficial com- ponents for human health such as protein, polyphenolics, rutin and minerals at high levels (Ikeda 2002; Ikeda and Yamashita 1994). Thus, buckwheat can contribute as an important dietary source of such beneficial components. There is a large variety of buckwheat products pro- duced on a global basis (Ikeda, 2002). Attention has been currently paid to the palatability and acceptability of buckwheat products from the perspective of their cook- ing and processing. However, there are still unanswered questions on the palatability and acceptability of buck- wheat products. As buckwheat flour has low cohesiveness, dough-binders, such as wheat flour, egg, seaweed, Japa- nese yam flour, are often added in preparing buckwheat noodles (ZMCS, 2004). A variety of buckwheat noodles with various dough-binders has been traditionally avail- able in Japan. We reported mechanical effects by addi- tion of various dough-binders to common and Tartary buckwheat noodles in view of two analysis, i.e., tensile analysis and breaking analysis (Ikeda, et al., 2005). How- ever, further systematic analysis is needed to understand the exact mechanical effects of various dough-binders to buckwheat products. In Niigata district, located in the middle region of Japan, there is a famous buckwheat dish. This dish is Fagopyrum 36(1):5-9 (2019) 7 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 0.0% 0.3% 0.7% 1.0% 1.4% 1.7% a a a ab b c 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0.0% 0.3% 0.7% 1.0% 1.4% 1.7% a a a a ab b Seaweed blending ratio of buckwheat flour to total Seaweed blending ratio of buckwheat flour to total 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 (A) (B) Br ea ki ng st re ss (P a X1 05 ) Br ea ki ng e ne rg y (J/ m 3 X 10 4 ) Mechanical measurements For the study of the effects of the seaweed on the mechanical characteristics of buckwheat noodles, buck- wheat noodles were prepared by hand. The mechanical characteristics of buckwheat noodles were evaluated by breaking analysis. Prior to the mechanical analysis, the buckwheat flour which had been stored at -80oC was placed in a desiccator at room temperature until the flour exhibited a constant moisture content. The moisture of the flour was measured with a moisture analyzer (ML- 50, A&D Co. Ltd., Japan). Seaweed was boiled, and sticky seaweed was added to buckwheat flour. The buckwheat dough was prepared just prior to mechanical analysis to have a moisture content of 42% by adding the appropri- ate amount of distilled water. Then the buckwheat noo- dles were made from the buckwheat dough using a hand- made pasta machine (SP-150, Imperta Co., Torino, Italy). Figure 1 shows buckwheat noodles prepared in this study. The buckwheat noodles obtained were subjected to me- chanical analysis. Before the mechanical analysis, buck- wheat noodles prepared were heated in boiling water for 150 seconds and subsequently were cooled for 150 sec- onds at 4oC. Immediately after cooling, mechanical meas- urements of the noodles were performed. The breaking analysis of the buckwheat noodles was performed with Rheoner RE2-3305C (Yamaden Co. Ltd., Japan). Meas- urements of breaking analysis were performed with a load cell of 200N and measurement speed of 0.50 mm/ sec. A wedge-style plunger (No.49: W 13mm, D 30mm, H 25mm) was used in measurements with the Rheoner RE2-3305C. Mechanical measurements were replicated twenty times for each sample. Protein determination For chemical analysis of the combined fractions of buckwheat albumin plus globulin (AG) in the heated noo- dle samples which had been subjected to the mechanical measurements, the noodle samples were lyophilized and then ground into flour. The flours obtained were extract- ed with a ten-fold (v/w) volume of 0.2M NaCl for 1hr at Fig. 2. Breaking characteristics of buckwheat noodles made with seaweed. (A), breaking stress; and (B), breaking energy. Vertical bars in the figure show the standard deviations. Values that within the same row that are not followed by the same letter are significantly different at P<0.05. Assami et al., (2019): Mechanical characterization of buckwheat noodles with seaweed 8 N aC l s ol ub ul e pr ot ei n co nt en t (g /1 00 g flo ur ) Seaweed blending ratio of buckwheat flour to total 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 0.0% 0.3% 0.7% 1.0% 1.4% 1.7% 4oC. After extraction, the suspensions were centrifuged at 17,000 Xg for 20 min. Protein concentration was de- termined using the Bradford method with bovine serum albumin as a standard protein. Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was conducted using a personal computer with the program Excel (Microsoft Co., USA), Ekuseru-Toukei 2015 (Social Survey Research Informa- tion Co., Japan) and SPSS Ver.23.0 (IBM, USA). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mechanical characteristics of buckwheat noodles made with seaweed Figure 2 shows the breaking characteristics of hegi-so- ba buckwheat noodles prepared with funori-seaweed. The breaking stress and energy of the hegi-soba noodles gradually increased as the added concentration of funori seaweed increased (Fig. 2 (A and B)). A significant high breaking stress (Fig. 2 (A)) was found with hegi-soba buck- wheat noodles with a concentration of funori seaweed with 1.4% or over as compared the buckwheat without funori seaweed (P<0.05). Similarly, a significant high breaking energy (Fig. 2 (B)) was found with buckwheat noodles with a concentration of funori seaweed with 1.7% as compared the buckwheat without funori seaweed (P<0.05). These findings characterize showed the unique mastication characteristics of hegi-soba noodles. Protein compositions of buckwheat noodles made with seaweed Figure 3 shows the NaCl-soluble protein content of buckwheat noodles made with seaweed. The NaCl-solu- ble protein exhibits the combined fraction of the major buckwheat proteins, i.e., albumin plus globulin (Ikeda, 2002), designated as the AG fraction below. Changes by the addition of the seaweed in solubility of the AG fraction were found (Fig. 3). Incorporation of seaweed Fig. 3. NaCl-soluble protein content of buckwheat noodles made with seaweed. Vertical bars in the figure show the standard deviations. Fagopyrum 36(1):5-9 (2019) 9 into buckwheat dough was found to reduce the solubil- ity of the AG fraction in buckwheat dough as the funori seaweed added increased (Fig. 3). The seaweed contains dietary fiber at high levels (Ooishi, 1993). Judged from our previous findings (Ikeda and Kusano 1983), this phenomenon may be due to in-solubilization of proteins arisen by dietary fiber in seaweed. Interest in the nutri- tional function of dietary fiber for humans is currently increasing. Dietary fiber has many beneficial effects on human such as blood glucose increase suppression and antihypertensive (Mori and Tsuji, 1997). Considering in view of current nutritional science concerning the bene- ficial effects of dietary fiber, the intake of buckwheat noo- dles with seaweed with high level of dietary fiber, should be recommended as a key source of dietary fiber. Relationships of the observed breaking characteris- tics (Fig. 2) to the protein components (Fig. 3) was ana- lyzed. The AG fraction content (Fig. 3) negatively corre- lated to their observed breaking stress (Fig. 2 (A)) with r = -0.934 (P<0.01), breaking energy (Fig. 2 (B)) with r = -0.942 (P<0.01). These findings suggest that proteins in the AG fraction may be an important factor involved in the observed changes in mechanical characteristics aris- en by the addition of funori seaweed. Finally, the present study shows changes in mechan- ical characteristics of buckwheat noodles made with sea- weed. The present study suggests that changes in the pro- tein of AG fraction in buckwheat noodles with seaweed may be an important factor affecting the mechanical characteristics of buckwheat noodles, although the exact mechanism remains uncertain. The present findings pro- vide a scientific basis in the understanding of palatability and acceptability of buckwheat noodles. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the Research Institute for Food and Agriculture of Ryukoku University, Japan. REFERENCES Ikeda, K. and T. Kusano., 1983. In vitro inhibition of digestive enzymes by indigestive polysaccharides. Cereal Chem., 60: 260-263. Ikeda, K., 2002. Buckwheat: composition, chemistry and processing. In: S.L. Taylor (ed.), Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Academic Press, Nebraska, USA, pp.395-434. Ikeda, K., Y. Asami, R. Lin, Y. Honda, T. Suzuki, R. Arai and K. Yasumoto, 2005. Characterization of buckwheat noodles with various dough-binders with respect to mechanical characteristics. 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Ugotovljeno je, da dodatek alg poveča občutljivost na lomljenje in energijo. Dodatek alg funori pospeši zmanjšanje topnosti albuminske in globulinske frakcije beljakovin. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so proteini testenin pomemben dejavnik, ki vpliva na mehanske lastnosti rezancev z dodatkom alg.