Original Scientific Article Utilization Analysis of Slovenian Hotel Websites Mitja Petelin Vocational College of Hospitality and Tourism Maribor, Slovenia mitja.petelin@vsgt-mb.si Dejan Križaj University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies Turistica, Slovenia dejan.krizaj@fts.upr.si The purpose of the article is to get an insight into the content of thewebsites of Slove- nian four- and five-star hotels and, based on the set criteria, to determinewhichweb- sites are more utilized than others. We defined the utilization criteria and analysed all four and five-star hotels in Slovenia using data clustering analysis. The content of the websites, analysed in 2017, at the first glance seems diverse, but when com- paring their content, we concluded that there are nomajor statistical differences. An important discovery of the research falls on the security ofmost of the analysedweb- sites – it is very flawed and sometimesmisleading. The potential for interactivity and gamification remains untapped despite the various recommendations of experts and academics. Keywords: website, hotel, Slovenian hotel websites, security https://doi.org/10.26493/2335-4194.13.193-200 Introduction The consumer decision-making process in hotel se- lection is compromised by many different factors; one of them is how the consumer receives information (Zabukovec & Čivre, 2012). The latter remains a great challenge for the hospitality industry and we can per- ceive it as a hotel website among other things. Website research is widespread and there are sev- eral different approaches focusing on hotel character- istics and utilization, benchmarks of website design andmarketing, conceptualising website quality, devel- oping a performance indicator of hotel websites, us- ability and evaluation, etc. Website characteristics as an important factor of measurement and development of appropriate in- struments (leveraging structural equation modelling) were discussed in detail by Schmidt et al. (2008). More revealing was an article of Jeong et al. (2003) which came to the conclusion (data was collected using elec- tronic surveys) that the website quality is an impor- tant antecedent of information satisfaction. The re- search results suggested that hoteliers should adopt a more strategic approach to the Internet, preparing the ground for direct contact with customers. Under- standing hotel websites via strategies pursued by hotel websites in correlation of the hotel size and the website proved that significant relationships were not identi- fied (Escobar-Rodríguez & Carvajal-Trujillo, 2013). Focusing on performance among the luxurious, mid-priced, and budget hotel websites revealed signif- icant differences among them (Chung & Law, 2003), which was further supported with research in web- site attribute utilization and effectiveness for hotels of various class levels (using the Star Rating system ap- proach) (Musante et al., 2009). Research with a focus on marketing showed that hotels are not utilizing the internet to its full potential and effectively e-marketing their hotels regardless of Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 | 193 Mitja Petelin and Dejan Križaj Utilization Analysis of Slovenian Hotel Websites the hotel type (Baloglu & Peckan, 2006). Approach- ing the problem via benchmarking and analyzation (over 200 different websites criteria) revealed signif- icant differences in website tools across hotel category and size, but no differences across geographic or lin- guistic region (Schegg et al., 2002). The geographical aspect could be further discussed since Ping-Ho et al. (2013) used content analysis and the eMica model, re- alising that hotels in Asia hadmore features than those on other continents. Usability as a very important factor of a hotel web- site was researched using a heuristic technique and showed no significant difference among luxury, mid- priced, and economy hotels (Yeung & Law, 2006), but this does not mean that mid-priced and economy ho- tels are more informative than luxury ones, since class cluster analysis, bivariate analysis and the Chi-Square methodological approach proved otherwise (Díaz and Koutra, 2013). Establishing a link between quality and profitabil- ity of websites was established by Yang et al. (2014) via two stage dea (ccr and bcc) methodology, but it was concluded that it is difficult to obtain detailed fi- nancial information from individual companies, there- fore such a research approach should be reserved to organisations that have direct access to financial data. The presented theoretical and practical insights have enabled us to consider an appropriate model and taxonomy for evaluating websites of Slovenian four and five-star hotels. Our goal was to get insights into thewebsites and to determinewhichwebsites aremore utilized than others on the basis of the set criteria. We were also looking for research outcomes that would give useful insights for practitioners. For achieving those goals, we had to: • create the utilization taxonomy, • collect information about all Slovenian four- and five-stars hotels and their websites, • try to determine which Slovenian hotels have the most utilized websites. Methodology We decided to use and adapt a methodological ap- proach developed by Križaj et al. (2014) as a part of the scientific article ‘A Tool for Measurement of Innova- tionNewness andAdoption and Tourism Firms,’ com- bining a quantitative and qualitative methodological approach. The model combines three research prob- lems, (1)measuring newness levels and the adoption of tourism innovations, (2) developing taxonomy allow- ing the calculation of correct innovation newness lev- els and (3) statistical analysis of innovation adoption in tourism destinations. The advantage of the model is its flexibility and architecture, which enables the ad- dition of various elements of a tourist company, in our example, of a website. Their basic mechanism originates from the in- troduction of all the necessary descriptive attributes of innovation in tourism companies. They created a database of the adopted innovations and classified and calculated similarities between companies through a data clustering approach. Clusters were represented by a dendrogram in which individual companies stood out based on their more innovative products and pro- cesses. The authors collected the data of 351 tourist companies in Slovenia in the two most widely spread daily Slovenian newspapers, the most widely read weekly business newspaper, five professional tourism journals, three portalsmanaged by the SlovenianTour- ist Board, and the national tv web portal. Data col- lection covered publications from 1 January 2007 to 1 June 2010. The first step in the processing of data was (1) an appropriate description of the tourist compa- nies’ adopted innovations, by means of which (2) the differences between the companies were defined, fol- lowed by (3) calculating, displaying and analysing the differences. Taxonomy was an important part of the research model since it is the key to the correct calculation of the differences between the adopted innovations in tourism companies. The flexible development of the research information input interface allowed ongoing reorganisation or reclassification of the innovation at- tributes they have used and eventually changed during the taxonomy scheme optimisation process and data entry. The data, organised with the help of the devel- oped taxonomy, enabled the statistical analysis of the introduction of innovations in tourist companies. The presented approach was reused in our paper in 194 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 Mitja Petelin and Dejan Križaj Utilization Analysis of Slovenian Hotel Websites Table 1 Website Utilization Taxonomy Category Subcategory Further subcategories Experience Fulfilment On-line booking, sliding photos, high quality photos, hotel video, 3d panoramic view, brochure, website search, etc. Personalisation Changing the colour of the website, costumisation of the website. Gamification Games, sweepstakes, quiz, etc. Information Feedback and support for users Confirmation messages, calendar of hotel activities, faq, live chat, check-in and check-out information, web forums, history of the hotel, newsletter, etc. Contact information E-mail, telephone, location, fax, contact form, Google Maps or similar, Skype Security Safe payment systems (https). Multimedia and interactivity Attractive graphics, sounds, videos, gifs, animations, smart devices applications, etc. Multilingualism en, de, ru, it, hr, etc. Marketing Advertising ‘Best Price’ guarantee, Green Globe Certificate, Congress Star, Zlati sejalec 2010, Trip Advisor Travelers Choice 2015, special hotel offers and packages, etc. Social media Share page option, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, blog, etc. Loyalty programmes Kempinski discovery, ihg rewards club, le club accord hotels, best western awards, etc. ota’s Booking.com, Tripadvisor, Expedia, Agoda, Hotels.com, etc. Destination Weather Weather forecast, temperature, extraordinary weather conditions Events Festivals, conferences, symposium, visits of important persons, calendar of local events, etc. Transport Road conditions, public transport, nearby airports, taxi, other forms of transport Sights History and or description of destinations, attractions, natural and cultural specialties Local products Gastronomic local specialties, special crafts, special products and services order to determine which websites of Slovenian four- and five-stars hotels aremore utilized than others. The main difference in our case is the different content we were analysing: adoption of different types of websites’ content. As in the case of Križaj et al. (2014), we also used a cluster analysis technique (Ferligoj, 1988). Clus- ter analysis is a task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar to those in other groups (Gan et al., 2007). Our taxonomy consists of nominal variables or uti- lization categories, which we defined in Table 1. We merged some of them into groups based on similarity. Each category can have several levels of subcategories. We have chosen the ones that we can objectively mea- sure. In solving the problem of grouping we also had to use intuition to narrow down the possible choices and options as recommended by Ferligoj (1988). We used a hierarchical joining method in order to present the groups in the dendrogram (Ferligoj, 1988), created based on the Jaccard index matrix of differences between the websites. The Jaccard’s index (sometimes called the Jaccard similarity coefficient) compares the similarity and variety of data sets (in our case, tree leaves, since every website is presented as a tree of its utilization categories and subcategories). Jaccard’s index is the ratio of the number of common tree leaves divided by the number of all common leaves and all the different leaves on two trees (Jaccard, 1912). By calculating the distances between all pairs of hotel websites, we got a matrix of distances (a comparison Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 | 195 Mitja Petelin and Dejan Križaj Utilization Analysis of Slovenian Hotel Websites of sequences) that shows the levels of similarities be- tween the trees. To determine the taxonomy for website utilization categories and subcategories, we have largely used the article ‘A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making model to evaluate the hotel website’ of the authors Ak- incilar and Dagdeviren from 2014. They created an advisory board composed of academics, businessmen and experts to determine categories. The purpose of the board was to identify and evaluate categories col- lected from various publications that affect the quality of the website. Academics were selected from a variety of disciplines such as tourism, engineering, manage- ment, and the economy, and experts from successful hotels were added to the mix. Akincilar and Dagdeviren (2014) identified cate- gories focusing on (A) user, (B) technology, (C) mar- keting, (D) security, and (E) other, where they in- cluded everything they could not include in the cat- egories A–D. After reviewing Akincilar and Dagde- viren’s categories for the purpose of our research, we have made some modifications to reflect the actual website content in our study dataset. The categories in Table 1, representing our web- site utilization taxonomy approach, are based on the mbsc (‘modified balanced scorecard’) scheme and Akincilar and Dagdeviren’s (2014) categories, enhan- ced with insights and findings from Yeung and Law (2004), Ping-Ho et al. (2013), Yang et al. (2014), Díaz and Koutra (2013) and Bastida and Huan (2014). The category experience is based on how the user experiences the hotelwebsite and consists of three sub- categories (fulfilment, personalisation and gamifica- tion). Fulfilment is seen as the option of online book- ing, sliding photos and their quality, panoramic and 3d views, brochure, website search features and other similar aspects. The information category is directed towards how hotel information is presented and how detailed it ac- tually is (does it include feedback and support, contact information, security in terms of online payment and https protocol, language support and interactivity). The marketing category compromises features that could be described as advertising (different certifi- cates, recognitions, special offers and packages), so- cial media presence, different loyalty programmes and presence on different Online Travel Agencies (book- ing.com, hotels.com, etc.). The destination category is more focused on the destination itself including weather, events, transport, sightseeing opportunities and local products. Results We obtained a list of 346 Slovenian hotels, as available on June 4, 2017, from the eCategorization web registry (www.slovenia.info). Out of 130 four- and five-star ho- tels we found in the list we excluded four hotels that were closed or their website was not working on the selected day. The survey sample therefore covers 126 hotels (n = 126), of which 116 are four-star hotels and 10 are five-star hotels. A more in-depth presentation of the sample is as follows: • Number of hotels in each of the Slovenian statis- tical regions: 23 Gorenjska, 5 Goriška, 10 South- East Slovenia, 1 Koroška, 23 Obalno-Kraška, 16 Osrednjeslovenska, 10 Podravska, 8 Pomurska, 4 Posavska, 2 Primorsko-Notranjska, 24 Savinjska. • Superior: 32 yes, 93 no. • Hotel type: 20mountain, 7 castle/mansion/estate, 6 gaming, 1 cave, 10 lake, 29 city, 20 seaside, 34 spa/thermal. • Hotel chains: 3 Best Western Premier, 2 Euro- tas hoteli, 1 Marriott Four Points by Sheraton, 7 hit/hit Alpinea, 1 Hotel Lek, 2 Hotel Sava Ro- gaška, 3Hoteli Bernardin, 1 ihg/Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts, 6 Istrabenz turizem, 3 jgz Brdo, 2 Relais & Châteaux, 2 Remisens Hotels & Villas, 3 Rimske terme, 9 Sava turizem, 2 Terme Dobrna, 9 TermeKrka, 5 TermeMaribor, 2 Terme Olimia, 2 Thermana, 4 Union hoteli, 4 Unior. After categorisation of all 126 hotels and running data clustering analysis we got one statistically signif- icant cluster and two trees that do not belong to it. These two websites had the least characteristics or fea- tures that we have categorised (Hotel 002 had 20 and hotel 054 had 9 characteristics. The average of charac- teristics of all hotels is 30.7). Despite the high level of 196 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 Mitja Petelin and Dejan Križaj Utilization Analysis of Slovenian Hotel Websites similarity of all other hotels in the statistically signifi- cant cluster, we looked more closely into the five most diverse sub-clusters 1–5. Cluster 1 The cluster 1 websites are Grand Hotel Toplice Bled, Hotel Park, Hotel Golf, Grand Hotel Primus, Ho- tel Izvir, Hotel Radin, Hotel Livada Prestige, Hotel Ajda and Hotel Termal. All hotels are owned by the company Sava Turizem, d. d., which has a general website template for all of their hotels. There are no significant differences between these websites, only minor alterations (for example a special offer or a prize/recognition that a hotel in the chain has, and not others), which is no surprise. Cluster 2 The websites of cluster 2 are Hotel Krka, Hotel Šmar- jeta, Hotel Svoboda, Hotel Kristal, Hotel Vital, Hotel Sport, Hotel Balnea and Hotel Vitarium. All of the ho- tels are owned by the company Terme Krka, which, similar to Sava Turizem, d. d., has a general website for all of their hotels except Grand Hotel Otočec, which has its own website structure and content. Neverthe- less, the calculated difference was small. Cluster 3 Cluster 3 sites belong to three different hotel chains: • Hotel Sava Rogaška (Hotel Zagreb, Grand Hotel Sava), • Rimske terme (Hotel Zdraviliški dvor,Hotel Rim- ski dvor, Hotel Natura, Hotel Sofijin dvor), • Unior (Hotel Vital, Hotel Atrij, Hotel Planja). The reason is the considerable generic characteris- tic of their chosen websites’ structure. Cluster 4 Cluster 4 sites belong to two hotel chains: • hit/hit Alpinea (Hotel Kompas, Ramada Hotel & Suites, Ramada Resort), • TermeMaribor (Hotel Piramida, Hotel Habakuk, Hotel Bolfenk, Hotel Arena, Hotel Bellevue). There is also no major difference between the abo- ve-mentioned hotel websites. It again seems that hotel websites are very similar in spite of their diverse own- ership. Cluster 5 Cluster 5 sites belong to two hotel chains: • Istrabenz Turizem (Hotel Apollo, Mind Hotel Slovenia, Hotel Mirna, Hotel Neptun, GrandHo- tel Portorož, Hotel Riviera), • Terme Olimia (Hotel Breza, Hotel Sotelia). Again, there are nomajor differences between them. It is more than obvious that hotel chains have standard- ised websites when it comes to content. Discussion We have selected a set of criteria that define the uti- lization of hotel websites through various sources and literature and prepared an extensive list of four- and five-star Slovenian hotels and their websites, and pro- cessed data using developed taxonomy and existing data clustering methodology, which, at the end, pro- vided us with relatively generic data. Hotel websites seem much different at first, but after comprehensive research and in-depth analysis, we can draw a con- clusion that they are very similar. There are no ma- jor and statistically significant differences between the analysed websites. The presented research was exten- sive since taxonomy development and categorisation of 126 hotels was time-consuming. Although the initial quest gave no other statistically significant answer than that the hotels’ website utiliza- tion in Slovenia is very uniform, several other findings were gathered through the analysis and categorisation of the used (and missing) websites’ functions divided into three areas: security, gamification, and interactiv- ity and multimedia. Security The biggest and most interesting conclusion is the challenging security of Slovenian four- and five-star hotel websites. Security is a big part of tourism and must be upheld on all levels, not to mention the sen- sitivity of the relationship between security, human rights, pleasure, discretion, and integrity (Mekinc & Bončina, 2006, p. 14). Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 | 197 Mitja Petelin and Dejan Križaj Utilization Analysis of Slovenian Hotel Websites When booking a room, tourists submit a lot of per- sonal information (name, surname, contact, address, phone number, gender, bank details, etc.). The https url address gives us muchmore security than http. Our research showed that, in the time window of our research from 26 June 2017 to 2 October 2017, 62 ho- tels (49 of all analysed hotels) did not use the https protocol. The situation is serious and one would ex- pect that this kind of security malfunction would be spotted in smaller private hotels. But it is the opposite. Smaller hotels often use booking systems for online travel agencies (for example, booking.com) that are in- stalled as plug-ins on the site and have state-of-the-art security protocols. Bigger Slovenian hotel chains, that were mostly included in our research, develop their own booking engines that, as shown, lacked appropri- ate security in almost half of the cases in 2018. On the positive side and due to the European Data Protection Regulation (gdpr), effective from 25 May 2018, and the Slovenian Personal Data Protection Act (Jadek & Pensa, 2019), the security situation has chan- ged a fewmonths after our research. On 14 April 2018, we re-checkedmost of the analysed hotel websites and foundthat they have changed their booking sites to https, confirming the need for systematic and regu- larly updated safety and security legislation in highly digitalised tourism. Reviewing the security of hotel website booking systems showed that on 29May 2020 the vast majority of the analysed websites were using https protocol when making a reservation but approximately 18 of the hotel websites landing pages (some of the websites are not accessible any more) are still using the vulner- able and outdated http protocol. Gamification Gamification can be understood as an activity that combines the mechanisms of games and prizes in or- der to motivate users and thus increase the customers’ interest in the hotel and consequent loyalty (Lucassen & Jansen, 2014). A good example is Starwood Hotels and Resorts, which linked its loyalty programme with Foursquare. In this way, the guests collected points that could be redeemed for special services. Addition- ally, the ‘ambassador’ (‘the spg Mayor’) was selected on a monthly basis, encouraging them to share their experience and advice, thereby increasing their virality (Mashable, 2011). In 2011, the InterContinental Hotels Group (ihg) introduced the gamification approach with the ‘Win It in a Minute’ incentive, allowing users to compete for free points for ihg’s Priority Club. In the first two weeks, users played the game 100,000 times and earnedmore than 100 million points. In the game, there were five questions related to travel, which had to be answered in a limited time (InterContinen- tal Hotels Group, 2011). Both presented examples are considered to be very successful, as they have achieved very good results and have increased brand loyalty and visibility. Gamification features on Slovenian four- and five- star hotel websites were totally ignored during the time of the presented research. Even the simple fea- tures such as sweepstakes were rare, not to mention more elaborate approaches. There were only 36 four- and five-star hotel websites (28.5) that had some sort of sweepstakes. We must emphasise that these were very simple approaches that can be understood as a very simple gamification process (for example: send an email address and participate in a prize game). Per- haps we can connect the lack of the gamification func- tions in the analysed hotel websites with the smaller size of the Slovenian hospitality market. Interactivity and Multimedia The definition of interactivity can be understood as the extent to which users can participate in changing the shape and content in real time (Steuer, 1992). Im- portant elements of interactivity are two-way commu- nication, simultaneity and control (Mollen & Wilson, 2010). The consistency refers primarily to the ability of the site to quickly provide response or feedback (Yoo et al., 2010). The possibility of control is understood as the possibility that the user can choose the time, con- tent and sequence of communication (Dholakia et al., 2000). In addition to the above-mentioned basic fea- tures of interactivity, there is also a possibility of socia- bility, which allows users to connect with other peo- ple (chat channels, blogs, online social networks, etc.) (Macias, 2003). Our taxonomy categories covered the usage ofmul- 198 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 Mitja Petelin and Dejan Križaj Utilization Analysis of Slovenian Hotel Websites timedia and interactivity of Slovenian four- and five- star hotel websites. We found that most hotel websites have plug-ins for various online social networks (some more, others less), and some also used blogs, which largely acted as marketing announcements of various campaigns. We analysed which websites have attrac- tive graphics, sounds, videos, gifs, animations, web applications for mobile devices and videos. We found that only a few websites included sounds or music, and attractive animation. 21 hotels had a virtual tour of the premises and only one had a bird’s eye perspec- tive of the whole property facilities allowing visitors interactivity (Pule Estate). gifs and animations were not found on any hotel website, and only 7 hotels had videos portraying more than just the hotel’s property. The development of applications for hotel mobile devices demands a high level of experience person- alisation, conducting effective dialogue and providing sufficient resources to customers in order to facilitate their value creation process (Lei et al., 2019). Such a process could be a very expensive endeavour, so it is understandable that only hotels of major international chains can usually afford it, which was confirmed in the study (only one hotel in Ljubljana had it). Another special feature found in our dataset was a hotel with their own application informing guests about the ski slopes situation in the vicinity. With all the presented Interactivity andMultimedia findingswe can conclude that the area of interactivity of the hotel website in Slovenia has a lot of development potential. Conclusion Our research provides an overview of Slovenian four and five-star hotels’ characteristics and contents of their websites for the year 2017. The methodology and sample of 126 hotel websites provided us with little sta- tistically significant differences, but revealed a lack of interactivity and multimedia, gamification leverages and, foremost, weak protection of user personal data. The latter seems to be the biggest revelation. Results of this study are therefore a valuable resource of infor- mation for Slovenian hoteliers in order to review the most common weakness and opportunities. Further research could reassess the condition of the sample in order to see if hoteliers acted accordingly with the gdpr (General Data Protection Regulation) require- ments. Another research opportunity could be more detailed analysis of website interactivity. Further recommendations to the Slovenian hotel industry would be to focus more on digital transfor- mation (blending physical and digital), mobile appli- cations and data driven customer experience. 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