Radio/ Oncol 1995; 29: 240-7. Analytical representations of dinical electron beam central axis depth doses Wieslaw Wierzbicki1 and Ervin B. Podgorsak2 Departement de physique biomedicale, Hopital Natre-Dame; 2 Department of Medica! Physics, Montreal General Hospital Montreal, Quebec, Canada Analytical expressions proposed to date to approximate central axis electron beam depth dose distributions are reviewed and their quality of fitting discussed. A recently developed analytical expression based on only four fitting parameters is analyzed. The expression approximates well the measured electron beam data from two commercial Zinem· accelerators in the field size range from 4X4 cm2 to 25X25 cm2 and in the energy range from 4 Me V to 22 Me V in all four regions of the depth dose curve: build-up, dose maximum, dose fall-off, and bremsstrahlung contamination. Key words: electrons, particle accelerators, depth doses Introduction The particular energy loss characteristics of electrons as they penetrate into tissue make electrons suitable for use in treatment of super­ficial malignant diseases. Advantages of elec­trons over superficial x-rays and brachytherapy are a better dose homogeneity in the target volume and a lower dose in tissues surrounding the target. The electron beam depth dose distri­butions consist of four regions: buildup, dose maximum, dose fall-off, and bremsstrahlung contamination. Ever since the first depth dose distributions of clinical electron beams were measured in water, attempts have been made to describe the measured distributions with analytical expressions. In the individual dose Correspondence to: Wieslaw Wierzbicki, Ph.D., De­partement de physique biomedicale, H6pital Notre­Dame, 1560, rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, Quebec H2L 4Ml. UDC: 615.849.5:621.384.64 regions, it is relatively easy to approximate the dose distributions analytically; however, the distributions are difficult to describe accurately with a single expression covering ali four re­gions simultaneously. In 1953 Laughlin et al. 1 proposed the first analytical expression to reproduce electron depth doses in water. Since then, attempts to describe analytically depth doses of clinical elec­tron beams have continued with varying degrees of success.2-12 With each subsequent new pro­posal, the analytical expressions became more accurate but also, to a certain degree, more complicated, as they depended on an ever­increasing number of empirical parameters involved in the curve fitting process. In this note, we present a summary of expres­sions that were proposed to date by various · authors to describe electron beam depth dose data analytically. For each expression, we show the fit it provides to a typical measured depth dose distribution. We also provide an analysis of an analytical expression which we developed recently for description of electron beams of various energies and field sizes. 12 The expres­sion reproduces electron beam central axis depth doses well in ali four regions of the depth + a, a. s(a.-1)) exp[ -(a, s + a, s' + a, s (a,) + a, s (a,)] + B (7) where Xm again is the depth of the Ficki sizc (c) ·;g !Oxl0cm2 110 c:5 o::: 4100 Electron cncrgy (McV) 80 0 4 " 8 60 o 12 6 18 II 22 40 o 4 „ 8 . 12 20 6 18 " 22 90 80 70 60 50 0 1 l 'f(it), 1 JU!!lt:-: 1 ":1...r 1 1 '--'-.'--'--'.--'-'.._L_._,__!_..L,_.c.L._._,,.-C.J..J 40 Depth in water (mm) Figure 2. Central axis pereentage depth doses for a eorresponding dose distributions calculated with Eq. field size of 10 x 10 cm2 and various clinical electron (12) are represented by solid curves. Parts (b) and ( d)beams produced by two linear accelerators: (a) and show in greater detail the build-up and dose maximum (b) Varian Clinac 2300C/D; and (c) and (d) Philipsregions of parts (a) and (c), respectively. SL-25. Measured data are shown as data points and Table l. Optimized values of fitting parameters a, b, and e and measured parameters B and D, for 10 x cm2 electron bcams with various nominal energies for two commercial linear accelerators: a Varian Clinac 2300C/D and a Philips SL-25. Nominal Parameter elcctron encrgy (McV) a X 107 (mm-3) b X 108 (mm-4) C (mm) B D, VARIAN 6 1283.3 595.82 13.65 0.65 70.6 CLINAC 9 278.29 146.30 19.89 1.31 77.3 2300 C/D 12 15 76.647 24.050 42.505 15.052 25.96 27.71 2.14 3.44 83.4 90.3 18 11.810 6.1579 25.88 4.13 93.1 22 7.1493 2.2432 20.44 5.14 94.4 PHILIPS 4 3652.7 1295.1 8.86 0.036 74.7 SL-25 6 1104.0 406.77 12.5 0.54 77.3 8 369.59 135.71 16.74 1.08 80.5 10 178.34 78.031 20.54 81.8 12 85.550 39.118 23.54 2.49 85.2 15 33.882 16.287 24.52 3.12 90.4 18 15.922 8.5102 27.14 3.31 92.0 20 8.3512 4.1550 23.33 3.68 94.0 22 4.7616 l.9890 15.79 4.06 94.8 the fitting procedure. Equation (12) with four fitting parameters thus provides a relatively simple yet precise means for expressing clinical electron beams analytically. Conclusions Ever since electron beams have been used clinically, attempts have been made to describe analytically the measured central axis depth dose distributions. These distributions consist of four regions: dose buildup, dose maximum, dose falloff and bremsstrahlung contamination. Numerous analytical expressions to approxi­mate electron depth doses in ali four regions have been proposed to date. The quality of fitting generally improved with each new propo­sal but the curve fitting equations were beco­ming increasingly more complex as they de­pended on larger and larger numbers of fitting parameters. Analytical expressions developed in recent years for descriptions for electron beam depth doses provide an excellent fit to measured data. Improvements in this area can in the future sions which rely on a smaller number of para­meters. We have recently developed a relatively simple expression based on only four parame­ters. We show in this paper that the expression represents, with a high degree of precision, measured electron beam depth doses for various beam energies from two commercial linear ac­celerators. The conclusion can be made that the expression may be applied to describe the electron beam depth doses generally for any linear accelerator, any field size, and any beam energy. References l. Laughlin JS, Ovadia J, Beattie JW, Hendcrson WJ, Harvey BS, and Hass LL. Some physical aspccts of electron bcam therapy. Radio/ 1953; 60: 165-83. 2. Bagnc F. Electron beam treatment-planning sy­stem. Med Phys 1974; 3: 31-8. 3. Pacyniak JM and Pagnamenta A. Central axis percentage depth-dose for high energy electrons. Radiat Res 1974; 60: 342-6. 4. Jette D, Lanzl LH, Rozenfeld M, Pagnamenta A. Analytic represcntation of electron central-axis depth