Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 05/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 03. 02. 2013 4. NEDELJA MED LETOM 4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Usmiljenje za vse ljudi Z Jezusovim delovanjem v javnosti je nastopilo „leto božjega usmiljenja". Izraz spominja na jubilejno leto, ki so ga Izraelci obhajali vsakih 50 let. V tem letu so vsi, ki so zemljo prodali, dobili zemljo nazaj. Bog to zahtevo utemeljuje s tem, da je vsa zemlja njegova last, zato se ne sme za vedno prodati, kajti Izraelci so samo prišleki in naseljenci na božji zemlji. Prav tako so v jubilejnem letu sužnji dobili svobodo in poravnane so bile vse krivice. Šlo je za veliko osvobajanje in to izključno iz verskih razlogov. Jubilejno leto je bilo torej leto izjemnih milosti in zato težko pričakovano leto. Nastop jubilejnega leta so naznanili s trobenjem v rog, kar pomeni hebrejsko „yobeel" in od tod ime „jubilejno leto". Jezusovo javno delovanje pa prinaša ljudem še veliko več kot jubilejno leto. To leto kvečjem samo ponazarja dobrote Jezusovega javnega delovanja. O tem so se vsi Nazarečani strinjali, zato „so mu vsi pritrjevali, ko so slišali besede milosti, ki so prihajale iz njegovih ust". Jezus je namreč govoril rojakom o božji darežljivosti in o izrečni božji volji, da vse ljudi reši. Prav ob tem pa se je začelo zapletati. Da Bog hoče rešiti Izrael, je bilo vsem razumljivo, toda, kako naj Bog reši tudi pogane, to nesveto in brezbožno ljudstvo! Kako naj pogani postanejo nam enaki? Kdo pa je izvoljen narod, mi ali pogani? Kdo je luč, če ne mi? Zato jim Jezusove besede o rešitvi vseh ljudi ne gredo v račun. Kaj takega ni učil nihče od prerokov ... Navdušenje se je sprevrglo v negodovanje. Najprej so ga zavrnili rojaki, da se je tudi na njem uresničilo: „Nobenega preroka ne sprejmejo v njegovem kraju". Jezus je ob primerih iz stare zaveze rojakom razločno povedal, da je božji odrešenjski načrt mnogo širši, kot mislijo v Izraelu. Bog se je že v stari zavezi oziral na pogane. Kakor so preroki v stari zavezi naklanjali milosti tudi neizraelcem, tako jih bo on naklanjal poganom. Čudeži v Kafarnaumu so dokaz za to, da so tam živeli pretežno pogani. Jezus je s tem napovedal vesoljnost odrešenja. Bog želi zveličanje vseh ljudi, zato je on poslan k vsem. V soboto, 26. januarja so dekleta Catholic Girl's Cluba zopet, s pomočjo staršev, organizire že tretji »Spaghetti Dinner«. Kar veliko dela je potrebnega za celotno pripravo in organizacijo in je dobro, da se že mlade tega naučijo in iskusijo na lastni koži. Trio »Šibaj« je popestril dogajanje z glasbo, na platnu so se vrtile slike od lanskega dogodka, ob koncu so poskrbele tudi za nagrajence. Dobiček - ki bo šel za Rdeči križ - ni niti tako zanemarljiv. Hvala vsem za udeležbo. POKOJNI 1. februarja 2013 je zaspal v Gospodu naš faran ERNEST FRUMEN. Zadnja leta je preživel v Pine Villa Nursing Home, Stoney Creek. Od pokojnega se boste lahko poslovili v ponedeljek zvečer med šesto in osmo na Lake Avenue v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home. Ob 7:45 bo molitev rožnega venca. Pogrebna sveta maša bo v torek, 5. februarja ob 11:00 dopoldne. Pogreb z žaro bo v Sloveniji. 1 Sunday's Readings 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: "My mouth will tell, O Lord, of your deeds of salation." First Reading Jeremiah 1:4-5. 17-19 God promises to make Jeremiah strong in his vocation as a prophet. Second Reading 1 Cori. 12:31 - 13:13 Paul tells us about the three great theological virtues of faith, hope and love. Love is the one that lasts for all eternity. Gospel_Luke 4:21-30 Jesus is rejected in his home town of Nazareth as he preaches the universality of the Good News. "I tell you solemnly, no prophet is ever accepted in his own country. " Illustration Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington, was one of the great soldiers and statesmen of the nineteenth century. He fought a long, hard war in Portugal and Spain to liberate those countries from the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte. Later, when Napoleon escaped from Elba, Wellington commanded the allied army which defeated him at Waterloo. For these achievements, Wellington was showered with honours from Portugal, Spain, Prussia, Russia, Austria and France. Back in his home country, he was voted large sums of money by the British Parliament as a reward. When he returned to England after Waterloo he was cheered every step of the way from landing on the coast until he reached London. The name of a newly constructed bridge over the Thames was changed to Waterloo Bridge in his honour. He could hardly appear in public owing to the huge crowds who would gather to cheer and try to touch him. However, just a few years later a mob smashed all the windows of his London house. He was booed and hissed whenever he appeared in public and several extremists, from both right and left, hatched plots to assassinate him. The newspapers printed terrible stories and savage cartoons about him. A fire was lit under his pew in the church of his home village. All this shows us that public opinion is always fickle, usually badly informed, and frequently manipulated by ruthless media. As Oscar Wilde would put it: "Public opinion... an attempt to organise the ignorance of the community, and to elevate it to the dignity of physical force." Gospel Teaching A similar thing happened several times to Jesus. Most obviously, the crowd that hailed him as he entered Jerusalem was the same one, less than a week later, that was shouting, "Crucify him!" And today's Gospel reading starts off with everyone approving of Jesus and ends up with them trying to throw him off a cliff. What has Jesus said that upsets them so much? Basically, he is simply repeating the message of the prophets. By referring to the widow from Sidon and Naaman the Syrian he is reminding the people that the whole point of having a chosen people is that they are supposed to be a witness to God's goodness in the world, and an example to others. God's choosing the children of Israel was not so that they could benefit exclusively from God's favour, but so that they could mediate God's presence to other people. This was symbolised also by the fact that Solomon's temple, the dwelling place of God on earth, was built by craftsmen who were not Jewish. The bringing in of the Gentiles was always part of God's plan. The people of Jesus' home town of Nazareth seem to have forgotten this aspect of their faith. God does not choose people or nations because they are good or lovable. It is being chosen by God that makes people or nations good and lovable. It is, then, fitting that they should reflect the goodness and lovability of God to the world. Application This can also be applied to the higher gifts that St Paul talks about in the second reading. Nobody deserves to receive the theological virtues of faith, hope and love. They are purely the gift of God. They are intended not just to sanctify us, but to equip us to help sanctify the world. The gift of faith helps us believe what God reveals about the divine nature. It comes to the aid of our intellect. The gift of hope gives us a real trust in God's promises and our future happiness with God. The gift of love is the gift that makes all the other gifts live. We will not need faith in heaven when we see God face to face. We will not need hope as we will have gained what we were hoping for. Love is the one virtue that will come to complete fulfilment and endure for all eternity. Love is the gift that helps us understand that God's love is for everyone and that we can be witnesses to God's love in the world. We can nurture these gifts in various ways. Learning more about our faith helps that gift and strengthens our minds. Meditating upon the joy of eternal life enlivens our hope. Living a sacramental life in the Church and doing good works helps increase the love of God within us; and so we are enabled to fulfil our calling to spread God's love in our world. SVETI KRST - BAPTISM_ V nedeljo, 27. januarja 2013 je zakrament svetega krsta prejel deček CHASE ALEXANDER WATSON. Oče otroka je Luke Watson, mati pa Lauren, Hunter. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob tem pomembnem družinskem dogodku. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR_ 0 Q Pevske vaje bodo v četrtek po (^^«{f^) večerni maši. Zbor bo zopet pel pri /Pju K 1 //s i maši v nedeljo 17. februarja, na prvo postno nedeljo CWL KŽZ_ Catholic Women's League is very pleased to announce that we have a new Executive council for the 2013-2014term. Please come welcome and support them at our Installation Mass ,Wednesday Feb.6 at 7 p.m.. This mass will be followed by a very important meeting where we will be finalizing Bazaar preparations. Our members attendance and help is needed for our biggest fundraiser of the year to be a success. Membership fees are past due. Please hand in your fees as soon as possible so they can be forwarded to National on time. As our members start preparing for our Annual Parish Bazaar, Sunday,March 3, it is at this time that we would kindly ask our parish members to please donate new and or crafted items that we could present at the raffle and penny sale tables. Lottery Bazaar Tickets are being sold before and after 9:30 mass. All proceeds from our lottery ticket sales are given directly to the parish. We ask that all our members attempt to sell 5 booklets. We rely and hope for your attendance, generosity and support to make this family parish event a success. Our intention for the February 6 mass is for the success of our new executive. NOVI ČLANI ZA ŽUPNIJSKI SVET_ Mesec februar se hitro bliža in tudi letni Občni zbor. Vsake leto potrebujemo tudi nove člane za Župnijski pastoralni svet. Župnijski svet je desna roka župnika pri načrtovanju in upravljanju župnije. Potrebujemo pripravljene prostovoljce, ki boste s svojim znanjem in sposobnostmi pomagali, da bomo še naprej ohranjali delovanje naše župnije. Nove ideje, novi pogledi so vedno dobrodošli, saj nam to pomaga pri načrtovanju dogodkov in prireditev. Pred nami je 50 letnica župnije v letu 2014 in bo potrebno veliko načrtovanja in organiziranosti. Naslednje leto smo tudi gostitelji Slovenskega dneva. Ne se ustrašit, češ to pa ni za mene, naj drugi to delajo; vsak lahko doda svoj delež in tako bomo lažje in lepše gradili našo prihodnost. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 6. februar 2013: CWL-KŽZ - Installation Mass. ♦ 9. februar 2013: PUSTOVANJE /dvorana/ ♦ 10. februar 2013: Maša pri društvu Sava v Breslavu /12:00/ in v Londonu - v cerkvi ob 4:00 P.M. ♦ 13. februar 2013: Pepelnica /obred pepelenja med mašo/ ♦ 24. februar 2013: Občni zbor - General meeting ♦ 3. marec 2013: BAZAAR - CWL-KŽZ ♦ 17. marec 2013: Banket društva sv. Jožefa skupaj z društvom Bled - Nastopajo FANTJE S PRAPROTNA ob spremljavi ansambel BRAJDA. Ta dan bo samo ENA MAŠA in sicer ob 10:00h in začetek kosila ob 12:00. ♦ 24. marec 2013: Cvetna nedelja ♦ 29. marec 2013: Veliki petek ♦ 30. marec 2013: Velika sobota - blagoslov jedil in zvečer bogoslužje Velikonočne vigilije. ♦ 31. marec 2013: VELIKA NOČ ♦ 14. april 2013: SPOMLADANSKI BANKET ♦ 13. maj 2013: MATERINSKI DAN ♦ 26. maj 2013: PRVO OBHAJILO ♦ 2. junij 2013: Procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi v župniji in popoldne v Londonu; v katedrali je ta dan ob dveh popoldne maša za vse, ki obhajajo okrogle obletnice porok. ♦ 9. junij 2013: Procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa v Slovenskem parku. ♦ 16. junij 2013: Očetovski dan - Bled /12:30/ ♦ 23. junij 2013: SLOVENSKI DAN - SAVA/ BRESLAV BLAGOSLOV SVETEGA BLAŽA_ Danes, 3. februarja obhajamo god sv Blaža, škofa in mučenca, ki je zavetnik zoper bolezni v grlu in spada med 14 pomočnikov v sili. Ob koncu slovenske maše bomo podelili Blažev blagoslov (žegen), tako da duhovnik ob tem podrži dvoje prekrižanih in na svečnico blagoslovljenih sveč pri vratu. CANADIAN SLOVENIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY - 9™ GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING At Dom Lipa, Saturday, February 9th 2013, at 10:00 a.m. - Conference room We are inviting all members and friends of CSHS to attend the 9th General annual meeting. The executive members of the Board will present the reports of the activities in the past year. You will have a chance to nominate a new candidate to the Board of directors. You will also be able to see a part of the display presented in Slovenia in June of 2012. SEMINARY EDUCATION COLLECTION_ Seminary Education Collection helps in the training of future priests for our own diocese of Hamilton. We have been blessed with many good vocations to the priesthood and we hope that the number of those called to serve at God's altar in our communities and parishes will continue to grow. Presently we have 15 seminarians studying for our diocese at 3 different seminaries in Toronto and London. We invite you to join us in supporting the formation of our future priests by making a contribution to our annual Seminary Education Collection on the weekend of Feb. 9-10. May God bless us with many holy priests to serve in our own diocese of Hamilton. - Fr. Wojciech Kuzma Vocation Director, Diocese of Hamilton 60. LET POROKE_ V četrtek, 14. februarja 2013, bosta Pavla in Frank Pelcar obhajala 60 letnico poroke. Ob 5:00 p.m. sveta maša, potem pa ste vabljeni na okrepičilo v spodnjo dvorano. BANKET DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA_ 17. marca 2013 bo društvo sv. Jožefa skupaj z društvom Bled pripravilo BANKET. Ta dan bo SAMO ENA SV. MAŠA in sicer ob 10:00h dopoldne, začetek kosila bo ob 12:00h. Po kosilu bodo nastopili FANTJE S PRAPROTNA, spremljal jih ansambel BRAJDA. Cena vstopnice je $35 za odrasle in $20 za študente. Rezervacije in vstopnice dobite pri Franku Erzarju 905-643-0285 ali pri Ivanu Krušiču 905-3936594. ŠKOF SAMPL POSTAL NADŠKOF_ Papež Benedikt XVI. je ta teden, enajstega Baragovega naslednika na škofijskem sedežu v Marquettu, škofa Alexandra K. Sampla, imenoval za nadškofa metropolita v Portlandu v ameriški zvezni državi Oregon. OD 03. 02. 2013 DO 10. 02. 2013 svete maše - masses 4. Nedelja med letom 03.Februar Blaž, škof in mučenec Za žive in rajne župljane ff Starši Raduha f Oskar Madon f Ivan Zadravec 9:30 a.m. Družina Raduha 11.00 a.m. Hila Žigon z družino Vera in Štefan Gonza Ponedeljek - Monday 04.Februar Leon, mučenec f Ivan Sobočan f Milan Lušin f Alojz Lušin f Liliana Gambacorta 7:00 p.m. Družina Dim Družina Dim Družina Dim Družina Dim Torek - Tuesday 05.Februar Agata, devica in muč. f Štefka Rihar, obl. t Irma Hull f Ivan obal f Ciril Virant f Ernest Frumen 8:00 a.m. Božnar John in ann Družina Hull Veronik, Frank in druž. Obal Družina Bregar 11:00 a.m. Pogrebna maša Sreda - Wednesday 06.Februar Doroteja, muč. ft Ethel in Ivan Simončič f Štefan Prša f Družina Ritlop f Martin Glavač Po namenu 7:00 p.m. Frank in Betty Gimpelj Ivan Kirec in družina Hčerka in družina Sin Matej CWL - KŽZ Četrtek - Thursday 07.Februar Nika, redovnica f Tončka Demšar f Ivan Sobočan f Štefan Prša f Terezija Sukič 7:00 p.m. Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš Janez Lovrenčec Mešani pevski zbor Verona in Franc Marič Petek - Friday 08.Februar Hieronim, redovnik ff Starši Žižek f Vinko skale f Ludvnik Hull f Janez Hočevar 7:00 p.m. Kazimir in Anica Žižek Žena in družina Slovenia Credit Union Amalija Štadler Sobota - Saturday 09.Februar Apolonija, mučenka f Ignac Krampač f Tončka Demšar f Frank Novak f Stane Napast f Ludvnik Hull 8:15 a.m. Ana Krampač z družino 5:30 p.m. Jožica Vlašič Romana Novak in otroci Žena Frančiška Napast z dr. Hema Kosednar z družino 5. Nedelja med letom 10.Februar Sholastika, redovnica Za žive in rajne župljane f Ivan Sobočan f Janez Recek f Justika Mencigar ff Pokojni člani društva Sava ff Pokojni člani društva London 9:30 a.m. Družina Vuk 11.00 a.m. Jožica Recek Jožica Recek 12:00noon SAVA - BRESLAV 4:00 p.m. LONDON - St. John the Div. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.