Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 09/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 03. 03. 2013 3. POSTNA NEDELJA 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 MOLITEV NAS PRIPRAVLJA NA POKORO IN RODOVITNOST V DOBRIH DELIH Leta 35 so Pilatovi vojaki brez napovedi napadli Samarijane na gori Garizim, ko so se zbrali k verski slovesnoti, in jih iz politične nestrpnosti pobili. Zločina Judje niso mogli preboleti. Pilatov zločin pa je bil tokrat gnusen bolj zato, ker je napadel uporne Galilejce, medtem ko so v templju darovali, in njihovo kri pomešal s krvjo daritvenih živali. S tem je oskrunil tudi daritveno dejanje. Ljudje, ki so Jezusu to pripovedovali, so pričakovali, da bo Jezus Pilata obsodil. Jezus pa ni hotel biti v političnem sporu razsodnik. Pilatov zločin je izrabil za verski pouk. Hudobiji nujno sledi kazen. Krivica mora biti kaznovana, zato so bili tudi uporni Galilejci kaznovani in kakor so bili uporni Galilejci kaznovani, tako bodo pokončani vsi, če se ne spreobrnejo, kajti uporni Galilejci niso bili pred Bogom večji grešniki, kot so vsi drugi Galilejci. Jezus izrabi dogodek v templju za ponazorilo, kako Bog prav zdaj po njem ljudi kliče k spreobrnjenju in če ne bodo prisluhnili njegovemu klicu k spreobrnitvi, bo Bog tako zanesljivo poslal nadnje kazen, kakor so bili kaznovani uporni Galilejci. Samo resnično in vsestransko spreobrnjenje naredi človeka drugačnega. V podkrepitev svojega nauka Jezus navede še drug primer: porušenje stolpa pri Siloi. Jeruzalemsko obzidje več stolpov. Ko je Pilat gradil jeruzalemski vodovod in denar zanj vzel na jezo Judov iz tempeljske zakladnice, se je kaj lahko zrušil zidni stolp nad studencem Siloe in pod seboj pokopal 18 meščanov. Jezus ne pravi, da so bili ponesrečeni Jeruzalemčani kaznovani za svoje grehe, ampak samo pravi, da ponesrečenci nisi bili večji grešniki kot drugi Jeruzalemčani in da zato Bog lahko vsakega grešnika kaznuje, če se sam ne spreobrne. Bog nas po znamenjih v naravi in dogodkih kliče k spreobrnjenju. Kako malo zaležejo božja svarila, Jezus pove s priliko o nerodovitni smokvi, ki že tri leta zapovrstjo ne prinaša sadov, zato gospodar ukaže viničarju, naj jo poseka. Prilika se nanaša na Jezusovo delovanje med rojaki. Nerodovitna smokva je judovsko ljudstvo, ki Jezusa ne sprejema za Odrešenika. Ker se ob Jezusovem nauku noče spreobrniti, je podobno nerodovitni smokvi in zato dvakrat greši, najprej greši proti sebi, ker se noče rešiti in nato proti drugim narodom, ker zgublja mesto, ki ga je imelo v odrešenjski zgodovini; ker se samo ne spreobrne, se tudi drugi narodi ob njem ne bodo spreobrnili. Viničar, ki se zavzema za smokvo pri gospodarju, je Jezus sam. Poskusil bo še to leto. Še in še ji bo govoril in če se potlej ne spreobrne, naj jo poseka, se pravi, naj preneha njegovo poslanstvo, ki ga je imelo v zgodovini, se mu kraljestvo vzame in da drugemu ... LETNI OBČNI ZBOR ŽUPNIJE SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA_ V nedeljo, 24. februarja smo se ob treh popoldne zbrali v župnijski dvorani k letnemu občnemu zboru. Udeležilo se ga je 66 faranov. Pregledali smo zapisnik lanskoletnega zborovanja, posamezna društva so podala svoja letna poročila, gospodarsko in finančno poročilo - nato je bil kratek odmor, nadaljevali pa smo z odmevi na prebrana poročila. Sledila so imenovanja za nove člane župnijskega sveta. Trije od predlaganih kandidatov so sprejeli nominacijo in sicer: Emily Archer, Sonya Podrebarac in Tony Horvat. Hvala vsem trem za pripravljenost, da bodo sodelovali v župnijskem pastoralnem svetu. Nato so bili predstavljeni načrti za izboljšano upravljanje z dvorano in zaključili smo srečanje s nagovorom župnika. Sledila je še malica in počasi smo se razšli vsak na svoj dom. The original Lojze Slak ansambel singers: fantje s praprotna With Ansambel Brajda St. Joseph's Annual Banquet March 17, 2013 Only one mass at 10:00 A.M. Lunch at 12:00 noon St. Gregory the Great Hall Organized by: St. Joseph's Society and Club BLED The admission to the banquet and concert: adults: $35.- students: $20. Contacts for Tickets and reservations: Ivan Krušič (905) 393-6594 Frank Erzar (905) 643-0285 Tour sponsored by the Slovenian Hunters & Anglers Club 1 Sunday's Readings 3rd Sunday of the Lent Response: "The Lord is merciful and gracious." First Reading Exodus 3:1-8. 13-15 In a mysterious and wonderful way Moses becomes aware of God's presence and that he has been chosen for a special mission by God. Second Reading 1Cor. 10:1-6. 10-12 Under the leadership of Moses, the people of Israel passed from slavery to freedom in the Exodus. Paul sees the passage through the sea of reeds as prefiguring baptism and God's gift of manna in the desert as prefiguring the Eucharist. Gospel_Luke 13:1-9 Jesus urges repentance and uses a parable to illustrate the loving mercy of God. "And the Lord said, '...Yes, I am well aware of their sufferings Illustration In May 2012 a famous work of art, The Scream, by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, was sold at auction for the record sum of £74 million. Even then, it was not the original work but one of a number of later versions. The picture is of three figures on a bridge against a background of a blood-red sky with frantic streaks of orange, yellow, brown and blue. Beneath the sky are hills and in front of these is a mass of water, in parts swirling and forbidding. But the most striking aspect of the picture is the figure in the foreground with 60 | VESTNIK 2013 head clasped in hands, eyes staring wildly ahead, face wrought in utter anguish and mouth wide open. The figure, almost corpse-like, is screaming and the scene is so powerful that you could imagine you are hearing The Scream itself. The other two figures are a distance away on the bridge, apparently unaware of the one in the foreground who seems totally alone in the experience. Munch wrote that his inspiration for the picture came from an occasion when, while he was out walking with two friends, the sun went down and "the sky suddenly turned to blood and I felt a great scream in nature". These words bring to mind the passage in Romans where Paul says that from the beginning until now the entire creation has been "groaning in one great act of giving birth". But Paul speaks here within the context of Christian hope in eternal salvation through the gift of the Spirit. There is no suggestion of hope in The Scream; there seems to be only despair. Perhaps the origins of the picture go deeper than Munch said and are to be found in the inexplicable sufferings of his life. His mother died when he was five, his older sister when he was twelve; experiences he revisited in a number of his paintings. Another sister was mentally ill from childhood and Munch himself was afflicted by addiction and depression. Gospel Teaching Examples of inexplicable suffering are found in today's Gospel: the Galileans whose blood the Romans had mingled with their sacrifices and the eighteen who were killed when the tower of Silo-am fell on them. In Old Testament thought both the cruelty of the Romans and the natural disaster would have been seen as the consequence of sin; and the greater the suffering, then the greater must have been the sin. But this way of thinking presents a false image of God: it leaves no room for God's infinite mercy and compassion; it offers no hope and can lead only to despair. Jesus does not reject the reality of sin, but he does reject this way of thinking. He tells us that sin is to be dealt with by repentance and that means turning totally away from sin and living a new life of faith. The parable of the fig tree illustrates the loving mercy of God who waits for us to change our minds and hearts in repentance. This is the only way in which we can "bear fruit" or do the work that God wants us to do. The fig tree is a sign of hope and the parable can be linked to the first reading where God's presence is manifested to Moses on Mount Horeb in the flame of fire in the middle of the burning bush. Like the fig tree, the bush is a sign of hope - for God's loving care and promise of deliverance from suffering into freedom are revealed. Application In Shakespeare's play Henry VIII, Cardinal Wolsey, having fallen from the king's favour, bids farewell to his greatness and remembers that it began when he put forth the "tender leaves of hope". The leaves perished in his "high-blown pride" and he reflects that when a man who "hangs on princes' favours" falls, he falls "like Lucifer, never to hope again". His "tender leaves" did not bear hope in God, rather a self-centred hope, and this can lead to despair. The terrifying despair so prominent in The Scream is not found in Munch's later works. Instead, warm and lush colours fill his palette to form land and seascapes, starry skies and children standing before an enchanted forest. Perhaps The Scream reflects Munch's inner self at that time; his later works depict calmness and inner peace. In times of inner turmoil or des- pair, may the "tender leaves of hope" be allowed to rustle in the gentle breeze of God's eternal love. THE FAITH WE CELEBRATE: DIOCESAN CONFERENCE ON THE SACRAMENTS All are invited to a Diocesan Conference on the Sacraments which will take place at the Hamilton Convention Centre on Saturday, April 13, 2013 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Our keynote speaker, Father Bill Burke, the Director of the National Liturgical Office, will lead us in reflections on our experience of the rituals, signs and symbols used in the sacraments. Workshops on the sacraments and sacramental elements of the Christian life will be offered. See The Faith We Celebrate page at for registration information. Deadline for registrations is March 22, 2013. Obvestila - Announcements in need. We will be delivering these purchases to the Red Cross so that they can be dispersed as required to help children 3 years and younger. Thank you again for supporting our fundraising efforts through our Spaghetti dinner so that we are able to help others in need. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - OBČNI ZBOR Danes, 3. marca 2013, ste člani društva sv. Jožefa vabljeni na letni OBČNI ZBOR, ki bo po prvi maši v prostorih društva. Na srečanju bodo tudi volitve za tri nove člane odbora. Postregli vas bomo s kavo in krofi. Vabljeni v čimvečjem številu! POKOJNI_ V četrtek, 28. februarja 2013 je po daljši bolezni umrl naš faran VINKO KOVIČ. Bil je v 79. letu starosti. Od pokojnega se boste lahko poslovili v ponedeljek, 4. marca popoldne od petih do osmih v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home na Lake Avenue. Ob 7:30 bomo za pokojnega zmolili rožni venec. Pogrebna maša bo v torek, 5. marca ob 11:00h dopoldne. Pogreb bo, zaradi upepelitve, ob poznejšem času. Iskreno sožalje Stojanki in vsem PEVSKI ZBOR Pevske vaje za mešani zbor bodo v četrtek po večerni maši. Zbor bo pel zopet 17. marca 2013, ko je tudi banket društva sv. Jožefa. CWL KZZ CWL - our Bazaar is finally here. Our members have worked hard to prepare a wonderful afternoon for everyone. We have Noodles, Krofe, Strudel and many more wonderful events awaiting all of you. There are still a few lunch tickets available. They can be purchased at the door. We look forward to seeing all of you this afternoon. A reminder that the CWL will be MEETING this Wednesday, March 6th at 7:30pm as this is the first Wednesday of this month. CATHOLIC GIRLS CLUB Catholic Girls Club, came together on Friday, March 1st, 2013 /Every first Friday they have regular meetings/ evening to shop for young children soordnikom. Pokojni Vinko pa naj uživa večni mir n pokoj. BANKET DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA: 17.3.2013 17. marca 2013 bo društvo sv. Jožefa skupaj z društvom Bled pripravilo BANKET. Ta dan bo SAMO ENA SV. MAŠA in sicer ob 10:00h dopoldne, začetek kosila bo ob 12:00h. Po kosilu bodo nastopili FANTJE S PRAPROTNA, spremljal jih ansambel BRAJDA. Cena vstopnice je $35 za odrasle in $20 za študente. Rezervacije in vstopnice dobite pri Franku Erzarju 905-643-0285 ali pri Ivanu Krušiču 905-393-6594. DAROVI_ Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: $100 Terezija Kralj, $500 Sophina Virant, $50 Društvo sv. Jožefa v spomin na pokojnega Štefana Prša. Hvala za darove, naj vam Bog povrne za vso velikodušnost. DUHOVNA OBNOVA_ Letošnjo duhovno obnovo bomo imeli v četrtek in petek, t.j. 21. in 22. marca 2013. Oba dneva bo popoldne od 5:30 p.m. do 7:00 p.m. prilika za prejem zakramenta sprave - SPOVED. Tokrat bosta spovedovala gospoda Alojz Letonja in Antonijo Burja, oba sta iz reda Misijonske drušbe lazaristov. G. Alojz deluje v Beogradu in bo za letošnje velikonočne praznike pomagal v Torontu. Oba dneva bo med sveto mašo tudi nagovor. Prav je, da poskrbimo, da bo v našo postno pripravo na velikonočno praznovanje vključena tudi sveta spoved. THE YEAR OF FAITH_ THE SECOND CONVOCATION OF PRIESTS TAKES PLACE ON MARCH 14th at Holy Family Parish in Kitchener. This session will review financial norms and practices in the Diocese and in our Parishes. THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC MISSION FOR 2013 will be broadcast on Vision TV on Monday and Tuesday evening of Holy Week, March 25 and 26. Trust and Remembering will be the focus of the three speakers, Father Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, Father Anthony Gittins, C.S.Sp, and Father Pat Fitzpatrick, C.S.Sp. Another opportunity to nurture our faith in this Year of Faith! DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 3. marec 2013: BAZAAR - CWL-KŽZ ♦ 17. marec 2013: Banket društva sv. Jožefa .Ta dan bo samo ENA MAŠA in sicer ob 10:00h ♦ 21. -22. marec: zvečer DUHOVNA OBNOVA ♦ 24. marec 2013: Cvetna nedelja ♦ 25. marec 2013: Veliki ponedeljek - Krizmena maša v Katedrali ob 7:00 p.m. ♦ 28. marec 2013: Veliki četrtek - Spomin zadnje večerje - po maši molitve. Pri maši poje zbor. ♦ 29. marec 2013: Veliki petek - Obredi velikega petka ob 3:00 p.m.; nato v dvorani Fish Fry ♦ 30. marec 2013: Velika sobota - blagoslov jedil: 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 p.m. in zvečer ob 8:00 p.m. bogoslužje Velikonočne vigilije. ♦ 31. marec 2013: VELIKA NOČ ♦ 14. april 2013: SPOMLADANSKI BANKET ♦ 13. maj 2013: MATERINSKI DAN ♦ 26. maj 2013: PRVO OBHAJILO ♦ 2. junij 2013: Procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi v župniji in popoldne v Londonu; ♦ 9. junij 2013: 1:00 p.m. - Procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi v Slovenskem parku. ♦ 16. junij 2013: Očetovski dan - Bled /12:30/ ♦ 23. junij 2013: SLOVENSKI DAN - Društvo SAVA OD 03. 03. 2013 DO 10. 03. 2013 svete mase - masses 3. Postna nedelja 03. Marec Kunigunda, devica Za žive in rajne župljane ff Starši, brat in sestra f Marija Suhadolc CWL- BAZAAR 9:30 a.m. Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš 11.00 a.m. Družina Pust 12:30 p.m. ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA ff Sorodniki Železen 7:00 p.m. Cilka Lehner Ponedeljek - Monday ' ' . . . . ...........r •„,»•- ff Irma in Ludvik Hull Franc in Vera Maric 04. Marec ff Lepopld in Veronika Gimpelj Frank in Elizabeth Gimpelj Kazimir, kralj f Ante Vidas Božica Pleša f Vinko KOVIC 11:00 a.m. POGREBNA MASA Torek - Tuesday f Irma Hull 8:00 a.m. Sorodniki 05. Marec ff Starši Tompa, obl. Družina Alojza Sarjaš Hadrija, Olivija, muč. f Marija Suhadolc Anton Suhadolc f Ernest Frumen Alojz Ferenčak z družino Sreda - Wednesday 06. Marec Fridolin (Miroslav) f Anton Hočevar ff Ida in Jože Ftičar, obl. ff Ida in Jože Ftičar, obl, Po namenu CWL 7:00 p.m. Anica MiklavCiC Jožef FtiCar Ana in zoltan Gergyek CWL - KŽZ Četrtek - Thursday f JJ* 7:00 ^ K™ ^ *** f Stefan Prša Joe in Grade Giudice 07. Marec ff Družina Kološa Majda Kološa Perpetua in Felicita f Matija Vlašič, obl. Žena in otroci Petek - Friday ff Bratje Raduha in sestre 7:00 p.m. Družina Raduha ff Bratje in sestre Marinič Križev Dot Družina Raduha 08. Marec ff Marinič in Batagel . Q.™Dm Družina MariniC Janez od Boga, red. ff Starši Balažic ' p' ' Elizabeth Virag z družino f Stefka Kovič 8:15 a.m. Stojanka Zečevič Sobota - Saturday f Ana Selšek 5:30 p.m. Veronika Obal 09. Marec f Elizabeth Tanko Družina Tanko Frančiška Rimska f Boris Madon Hilda Žigon z družino f Jože Smodiš (Montreal) Terezija Zadravec 4. Postna nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 10 Marec f Bla Čulig Olga Čulig in Janet '. , , . ff Pokojni sorodniki in znanci 11.00 a.m. Bojan Milosavljevič Kunigunda, devica •j • svete maše - MASS times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in ^TX Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian -11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation >°n BOSCO (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561 -5971.