Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 64(2018)2 Contents Contents Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering volume 64, (2018), number 2 Ljubljana, February 2018 ISSN 0039-2480 Published monthly Papers Primož Ogrinec, Gregor Čepon, Miha Boltežar: Introduction of Welds into the Dynamic Model of Laminated Structures 73 Selguk Erkaya: Effects of Joint Clearance on the Motion Accuracy of Robotic Manipulators 82 Yumo Wang, Zhifeng Liu, Ligang Cai, Qiang Cheng, Xiangmin Dong: Optimization of Oil Pads on a Hydrostatic Turntable for Supporting Energy Conservation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization 95 Tamás Mankovits, Tamás Antal Varga, Sándor Manó, Imre Kocsis: Compressive Response Determination of Closed-Cell Aluminium Foam and Linear-Elastic Finite Element Simulation of ^CT-Based Directly Reconstructed Geometrical Models 105 Mehmet Direk, Eren Soylu: The Effect of Internal Heat Exchanger Using R1234ze(E) as an Alternative Refrigerant in a Mobile Air-Conditioning System 114 István Hatos, Imre Fekete, Tamás Ibriksz, József G. Kovács, Mária B. Maros, Hajnalka Hargitai: Surface Modification and Wear Properties of Direct Metal Laser Sintered Hybrid Tools Used in Moulds 121 Minghui Zhang, Minli Zheng, Bin Jiang: Judging Method of Tooth Damage Behavior of the High Speed Milling Cutter 130 Strojniški vestnik - Journal ofMechanical 73-81 © 2018Jourunl of MechaninalUnuineerlng. Alleightsnesnrved. DOI:10.5545/S-rme:2017.49SV Original Scientific Paper Received Vor aevlnw: 2017-09-11 ReceinaV rnvlsedVormi 2018-01-06 AccegaaVfnr fabllcatinn:2018-010>5 Introduction[)f Welds into the Dynamic Model of Laminated Structures Primož Ogrinec — Gregor Cepon* — Miha Boltežar University of Ljubljana, Faculty ofMechanical Engineering, Slovenia Laminated structures, like an electric stator package, exhibit orthotopic behaviour and high levels of internal damping due to the inter-laminar friction forces. Modelling the complex geometry, number of laminae, spatial pressure distribution, and the effects of welds on the dynamic response of laminated structure remains a challenging issue. The presence of welds, that serve as a physical connection between laminae, results in non-uniform pressure distribution between laminae. Usually orthotropic material properties are proposed to account for lower stiffness in the sheet stacking direction. These models assume uniform distribution of friction forces and may even lead to occurrence of additional, unrealistic mode shapes. In this paper the dynamics model of the electric machine stator is proposed that employs a new contact formulation using beam elements, characterized by stiffness and damping parameters in the tangential direction and nonlinear contact stiffness in the normal contact direction. The welds and the welding process itself are represented using spring-thermo elasto-plastic bar model. As the contact model assumes nonuniform pressure distribution it is possible to include the effect of residual stresses that occur after the welding process. The validity of developed numerical model is demonstrated by comparing numerically and experimentally obtained eigenfrequencies and modes for three different stator packets that differ in geometry, position and the number of welds. Keywords: Laminated structure, electric stator package, dynamics, contact model, weld, modal analysis Highlights • Laminated structures are significantly more flexible as their solid counterparts and are often welded to preserve shape. • Welding process affects the pressure distribution between the laminae, which greatly affects its dynamic behaviour. • A two stage model is presented for modelling steel laminated structures, which determines the contact parameters based on the pressure distribution between the laminae. • Experimental modal analysis was used to validate the model. 0 INTRODUCTION In order to reduce Eddy currents and consequently heat losses, the magnetic cores in electrical devices are usually made of large number of thin metal sheets. These sheets are stacked together and are often line welded in order to preserve shape. The magnetostriction and magetic forces are a phenomena accompanying the magnetisation process and present a problem in terms of vibrations. The intensity of vibrations depends on the dynamic properties of the structure and the magnitude of the excitation phenomena. By optimizing the design of the laminated structure, the resonant frequencies can be avoided. In order to predict the dynamic response of such structures a valid structural model must be developed, including an effective and reliable model of a contact-dependent structure, with friction between the laminae. Laminated structures are usually substantially more flexible than the equivalent homogeneous structures [1] and [2], and exhibit orthotropic behavior and high levels of internal damping due to the interlaminar friction forces [3] and [4]. The numerical model of a laminated structure has to account for the pressure distribution between laminae, as it influences the stiffness distribution within the structure [4] to [6]. The authors of [6] observed a significant increase of the eigenfrequencies even for small increases of the pressure between the laminae. Some analytical models also exist for the estimation of modal parameters of a stator packet [7] and [8]; however, they fail to take the frictional contact between the laminae into account. An efficient contact model in the field of multibody dynamics was presented in [9], which separates between the normal and tangential influences of contact parameters on a highly flexible body. Laminated structures are also commonly modelled using orthotropic material properties [10], [11] and [12] that are obtained experimentally, by measuring a real structure and consequently updating the numerical model. Simplified models are used in order to reduce the complexity, number of components in the analysis, number of details and number of degrees of freedom. Many of these models were developed for the modelling of composite structures. These methods are commonly referred to as homogenisation methods [12]. Some of the methods employ simplifying the laminated structure by determining equivalent homogeneous material properties [13] and [14]. A more sophisticated analytical solution was proposed in [15] for determining the laminated structure's equivalent elasticity matrix. The paper [16] describes the Reissner- Mindlin model for numerical homogenisation of orthotropic structures. A very thorough review of these homogenisation methods is presented in [17]. Modelling of the structure using the orthotropic material properties is performed by modifying the shear and elastic moduli of the equivalent homogeneous structure. The obtained material parameters are applicable to the specific laminated structure and assume a uniform pressure distribution and friction forces between the lamina. Thus, each modification regarding the geometry, number of laminae, number and position of welds, etc. has to be evaluated experimentally and then the valid numerical model can be created. Moreover, the introduction of orthotropic material properties can also lead to the occurrence of additional unrealistic mode shapes [4]. The usage of orthotropic material properties in the case of cylindrically symmetric structures also means that the modes occur in pairs, at similar frequencies. This is, however, not necessarily the case when dealing with welded laminated structures, as shown in this paper using the extended linear contact model. Just recently, the authors of [4] developed a new general numerical model of laminated structures that accounts for the non-uniform distribution of inter-laminar friction forces. This numerical model employs contact elements characterized by stiffness and damping parameters in a tangential contact direction and non-linear contact stiffness in the normal contact direction. The algorithm for modelling of a contact using beam elements made it possible to accurately predict the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes for various configurations of clamped laminated stacks. In this paper the model presented in [4] is extended in order to predict the modal parameters of welded electrical stator packages. The originally proposed algorithm for modelling a contact-dependent structure in [4] was used to model simple cubic laminated stacks without welds. Here, the developed model is general and may be applicable to geometrically complex laminated structures, e.g., electrical stators. As the contact model was thoroughly tested in [4], where the influence of stack height, surface treatment of the laminae and steel types were analysed on 18 different configurations of the packages. Therefore, only the influence of non-uniform contact pressure distribution is of interest in the experimental analysis in this paper. Effect of welds is additionally introduced into the laminated structure model as the stators are commonly line welded to preserve stack geometry. The welds serve as a physical connection between laminae and due to residual stresses influence the inter laminar pressure distribution within stator packet. Residual stresses result in a force, that influence the frictional conditions between the laminae. Analytical methods to deduce the residual stresses usually follow the calculation of heat flow and thermal expansion [18], where material properties are temperature dependent [19]. Some authors model the heat flow and thermal expansion through the continuous material using 3D [20] or simplified with 1D finite elements [21]. Here the weld and the welding process itself was modeled by spring-thermo-elasto-plastic bar model [22]. To introduce the weld model into the laminated structures the formulation presented in [22] had to be additionally extended in order to enable the implementation of the model in a finite element environment. To validate the developed model of laminated structures several stator packets that differ in geometry, number of laminae and position of welds were experimentally analysed. The article is organised as follows. The second section presents the development of the numerical model, its application to the complex geometry of a stator packet and the modelling of the welds. In third section, the experimental procedure is presented. The fourth section presents results and the validation of the model based on the three different stator packets. 1 NUMERICAL MODEL Laminated structures are usually modelled using the orthotropic material properties, which implies that the shear and tension-compression modulus are independent. Here the contact description between two adjacent laminae is based on two stage linear contact model as it is presented in [4]. In the first stage the link elements are spanned between laminae and pressure distribution is deduced. In the second stage the link elements are replaced with beam elements (Fig. 1). A linear relation is assumed between the computed pressure distribution and the beam shear modulus Gf in order to model the effect of the friction forces and the sliding. In the first stage the lamina surface pressure distribution is computed using static analysis based on known clamping pressure. In this paper the first stage of the contact formulation is extended to account for the influence of the welding i Normal deformation r Constant stiffness Lamina Fig. 1. Linear contact model [4]; a) first stage, b) second stage process on the pressure distribution between laminae. The application of the proposed dynamic model of a contact using beam/link finite elements to the stator packet is presented in Fig. 2. Finite elements on the laminae are of different sizes and shapes. As the contact parameters are proportional to the size of a finite element, the geometry of each individual element had to be identified. This was not required in [4] as the authors applied the model only on simple geometry, which was meshed with an equally sized rectangular finite elements. The deformation pattern of applied beam finite elements used for modelling the contact conditions between the laminae consist of flexural, shear and axial deformations. Only the shear and compressional deformations are taken into account in the contact model. The shear deformation, that describes the frictional contact between laminae, is assumed to be linear. Linearisation enables the application of implicit methods in the framework of linear dynamics. Beam finite elements were proposed to model the contact elements and shell elements to model the laminae. The beam elements had the cross-section area equivalent to the area of the corresponding shell elements on the adjacent laminae. The length of the beam elements was equal to the height of an individual lamina. It was observed that the material properties of the laminae influence mainly the in-plane modes of the structure, however the frictional contact parameters have the biggest influence on the out-of-plane modes. Compressional deformation is also allowed, and is used to determine pressure distribution between laminae in the first stage of the linear contact model. 1.1 Introduction of Welds into Laminated Structure Model In this section the effect of welds on the dynamical behaviour of stator packet is identified and integrated in the linear contact model. Before the welding process the stator packets were compressed with 2bar of pressure. The packets were line welded in several places along the circumference, Fig. 3. The number of welds varied depending on the type of the stator packet. Assuming near and far regions of the weld, the welding process can be modelled with a spring-thermo-elasto-plastic bar model [22]. A mathematical model for prediction of the residual stresses is presented in Fig. 4. The weld model is based on thermo-elasto-plastic bar, where A represents the cross section area of the weld, E the Youngs modulus and a as its coefficient of linear thermal expansion, (Fig. 4). The Keq stands for the equivalent stiffness of the spring, that represents the part of the structure that is not affected by the heat treatment (welding process). Near regions of the weld are modelled using a thermo elasto plastic bar, which is subjected to deformations due to the clamping force and thermal expansion, during the welding process. Ideal elasto plastic material is proposed. As the far region is not in the heat affected region it can be represented as a spring, that deforms elastically during the clamping process. The welding process is modelled in four stages: In the first stage, the packet is compressed with the axial force F. The compression results in a deformation u. The weld that is represented with thermo-elasto-plastic bar is then exposed to a temperature gradient AT, which heats the bar to its melting point. During the heating process the bar expands, thus the clamping force in the weld region reduces. It is assumed that the elastic modulus and the yield strength of the stack material reduces linearly with temperature [22]: ^(T) = °o(1 - T) , (1) E(T)= Eo(\ - , (2) \ Tm J where E0 and a0 represent the values of elastic modulus and yield stress at room temperature, T represents the temperature, which ranges from room to melting temperature, and Tm the melting temperature of the laminae material. The melting temperature of 1450 oC was proposed for all three stator packets. At melting temperature the stresses in the weld are equal to zero. In the third stage of the welding process the weld cools from the solidification to the surrounding a) Fig. 2. Shell elements (laminae) connected via frictional contact elements (beam) Fig. 3. Line welds on the stator packet. Far region Near region a) Thermo-elasto-plastic bar A, E~a Keq Equivalent spring of the material - in the far field b) Fig. 4. Modelling of the welded laminated structure; a) schematic representation of near and far field of the weld model, b) model of the weld for prediction of residual stresses temperature. The governing equation in the cooling phase can be written as: a — ( h + E ) « - (3) The keq represents the equivalent stiffness of the far region of the packet, h the height of the packet, E the Young modulus of the stator material and £ the deformation in the stator stacking direction. The equivalent stiffness of the far region of the packet keq can be obtained using the following equation: keq — AE (4) After the cooling process, the clamping force is removed, thus the spring modelling the far region expands and the axial load on the bar is applied. Stresses in the weld can be higher than the yield stress of the material. When the stresses reach the yield stress, the governing equation changes to k eq a —-y « + où . h (5) Considering the yield stress, it is possible to iteratively calculate the deformation of the weld itself. Resulting deformations can be applied to the nodes of the laminated structure, that represent the end points of the weld. Based on this deformations it is possible to deduce the pressure distribution in the stator packet due to the welding process (Fig. 5). The four stages of Fig. 5. Pressure distribution between the laminae after the welding process the welding are schematically presented in Fig. 6. 2 VALIDATION OF THE DEVELOPED NUMERICAL MODEL The developed numerical model was validated by comparison of numerically and experimentally obtained eigenfrequencies and modal shapes of three stator packets. Experimental modal analysis (EMA) was performed to obtain the eigenfrequencies and modal shapes for three different stator packets, that F u * 0 o > 0 Ft Stage I. AT u * 0 o = 0 Stage II. -AT u * 0 o < 0 Stage III. u « 0 o << 0 Stage IV. Fig. 6. Modelling of the residual strains and stresses during welding are presented in the Table 1 and shown in Fig. 7. Experimentally obtained modal parameters were used to deduce the material parameters, as well as to validate the numerical model. As the stator packets 1 and 2 had the same lamina geometry, it was possible to deduce the lamina material and contact parameters based on experimentally identified modal parameters of stator package 1. The identified parameters were then used to predict the eigen frequencies and mode shapes for the stator package 2. This enabled the validation of the developed numerical model of laminated structures with welds. The stator package 3 was included into the analysis to demonstrate the influence of asymmetrically distributed welds along the stator perimeter. a) b) 2.1 Experimental Modal Analysis In order to obtain the Accelerance (frequency response function), the system was excited with an electrodynamic shaker, with frequency range up to 6.4 kHz (Fig. 9). The excitation performed with the electrodynamic shaker was necessary due to the high levels of structural damping of the stator packets. The response of the system was measured with a rowing three axial accelerometer. The accelerometer was positioned on two bands around the circumference of each stator packet. The positions of the accelerometer can be seen in Fig. 8. The stator packets exhibit distinct in-plane and out-of-plane modes. All modes occur in pairs and are shifted along the symmetry axis. The selected c) Fig. 7. Stator packets under investigation; a) packet 1, b) packet 2, c) packet 3 mode shapes are presented in Fig. 10. The measured eigenfrequencies are presented in the Tables 3 to 5 and are compared with the results of the numerical model. 2.2 Eigenfrequencies corresponding to In-Plane Modes The eigenfrequencies of the in-plane modes are in direct correlation with the material parameters of the laminae. The in-plane modes namely have the same values of modal parameters regardless the number of laminae in the stator packet, contact parameter or the Fig. 8. Accelerometerpositions during EMA Fig. 9. Experimental setup number and distribution of welds. Therefore it is possible to validate numerical model in the fist stage by comparing the eigenfrequencies corresponding to in-plane modes. The value of elastic modulus was 206 GPa for all three laminae, and the density value of 7850 kg/m3 was used. In Fig. 11 the comparison between experimentally and numerically obtained mode shape for first in-plane mode is presented. Based on error assessment it is evident that numerical model accurately predicts the value of the eigenfrequencies associated with in-plane modes. 2.3 Identification of Contact Parameters The simulation procedure to deduce the contact parameters for given lamina and consequently modal parameters is presented in Fig. 12. It is assumed in this paper that contact parameter Gf is independent of the pressure distribution within stator package and is not influenced by the number and position of welds. The contact parameter Gf is presumably a function of the frictional conditions between the two laminae. The contact parameter for stator packets 1 and 2 that were made from the same laminae, were obtained based on measurement of stator packet 1. The identification of contact parameters relies on experimentally identified modal parameters that b) c) d) Fig. 10. Mode shapes; a) 1st in-plane mode, b) 3rd in-plane mode, c) 1st out-of-plane mode, d) 2nd out-of-plane mode a) b) Fig. 11. Third mode shape (1st in-plane mode) for stator packet 1; a) numerical model, a) EMA correspond to out-of-plane modes. The optimization function is defined as: errG = A/£{fexp,i - fnum,i (Gf )) 2 (6) where fexp,i is the i-th experimentally identified eigenfrequency and fnum,i is the numerically identified eigenfrequency. In the process of calculating the contact parameter Gf only the eigenfrequencies corresponding to out-of-plane modes were used, Eq. (6). The algorithm to obtain contact parameter Gf is schematically presented in Fig. 12. Based on the geometry of the stator packet the finite element model is generated. The packet is meshed and populated with link/beam elements. The cross section of each beam is calculated, based on the finite element mesh of the laminae. In the first contact stage all of the link elements have the same elastic modulus. By knowing clamping force and the number as well as the position of welds the pressure distribution between the laminae is calculated (Fig. 5). In the next step a) the initial value for the material shear modulus Gf is selected. As the calculated nodal pressure between the laminae is non-uniformly distributed it is necessary to deduce the element shear modulus for each individual beam element: Pi,beam Table 2. Identified contact parameter Gf Gf J ( p) = Gf- Pmax (7) where piibeam is the nodal pressure at given node i and pmax is the max. value of identified nodal pressure within the lamina. The shear modulus Gf ,i (p) represents the friction forces by modeling beam shear deformation between two nodes on adjacent lamina. Based on the identified contact parameter the out-of plane modes are numerically predicted and the cost function errG is estimated according to Eq. (6). If the cost function is not satisfied the optimization process is repeated with new value of contact parameter Gf. Using this procedure it is possible to deduce the contact parameter for the given type of lamina. Based on the Fig. 12. Simulation algorithm optimization algorithm presented in Fig. 12 the contact parameter Gf was identified for the stator package 1 Stator packet Contact parameter Gf [GPa] 1,2 0.3962 3 0.1744 and 3. The values are listed in Table 2. In this way it was possible to validate the developed numerical model of laminated structures with welds. a) b) Fig. 13. First mode shape (out of plane) for stator packet 1; a) numerical model, a) EMA Table 3. Comparison of numerically and experimentally obtained eigenfrequencies for packet 1 Experiment Numerical model Mode Mode plane Eigenfreq. [Hz] Eigenfreq. [Hz] Diff. [%] 1 out-of-plane 318.40 307.43 -3.45 2 out-of-plane 346.80 309.70 -11.98 3 in-plane 432.54 427.17 -1.24 4 in-plane 444.71 429.73 -3.37 5 out-of-plane 702.37 703.11 0.11 6 out-of-plane 892.97 837.03 -6.26 The experimentally obtained values were used as a reference to estimate the relative error of numerical model. It can be observed, that the difference between eigenfrequencies for the out-of-plane modes is not negligible. However the agreement can be considered satisfactory as the laminated structures are also subjected to great deal of uncertainties during the manufacturing process. The generality of proposed numerical model is demonstrated by accurately predicting the eigenfrequencies for the stator package 2. As the stator package 1 and 2 were made from the same type of lamina the contact parameter G^1 was obtained based on updating algorithm using stator package 1. Although the stator package 2 had different number of laminae and with this a different pressure distribution within stator package the numerical model correctly predicted the values of eigenfrequencies and corresponding modal shapes. Thus, once the contact parameter Gf is identified for given lamina it is possible to predict model parameters of stator packages that differ in geometry, clamping pressure and the number and position of welds. Table 4. Comparison of numerically and experimentally obtained eigenfrequencies forpacket2 Experimeat Numerica| mfde| Mfde Mfde plane Eineafreq. [Hz] Eineafreq. [Hz] Diff. [%] 1 fut-ff-plaae 195.30 419.98 14.55 4 fut-ff-p|aae 464.35 414.13 -15.01 3 ia-p|aae 345.44 343.13 -0.39 3 ia-p|aae 330.39 345.53 -3.89 5 fut-ff-p|aae 630.35 656.88 3.06 6 fut-ff-p|aae 1035.49 969.13 -0.49 TaWe 5. Comparison of numerical and expierimen^ty otitained eigenfrequendes for packet 3 Experimeat Numerica| mfde| Mfde Mfde p|aae Eineafreq. [Hz] Eineafreq. [Hz] Diff. [%] 1 fut-ff-p|aae 334.95 334.83 -0.03 4 fut-ff-p|aae 356.05 333.85 -4.84 3 ia-p|aae 504.50 590.39 3.13 3 ia-p|aae 613.46 656.80 0.11 5 fut-ff-p|aae 690.16 608.13 -1.03 6 fut-ff-p|aae 840.00 063.03 -6.03 Moreover the proper modeling of the weld and the welding process Uself can be demonstrated by observmg eigenfrequencies of stator package 3. As the stator packets 1 and 2 have symmetrically distributed welds around the perimeter the first and the second mode shapes appear in pairs and shifted along the symmetry axis. It can be observed that first two eigenfrequencies are located closely together (Table 3). However this is not the case for the stator package 3 (Table 5), as the experimentally obtained first and second eigenfrequencies are placed distinctly apart. This is the result of unsymmetrically distributed welds along the perimeter of the stack, and the developed numerical model successfully predicted this behaviour. 3 CONCLUSION In this paper a numerical model of laminated structures is presented in order to predict the eigenfrequencies and modal shapes of laminated stator packages. The model uses sheh and Hn^eam finite ekments to model the contact conditions between the laminae that expedite the computation time of the modal analysis, thus practically justifying the modelling of each individual plate in the stator package. The welds and the welding process are represented using spring-thermo eksto-^astic bar model. In order to identify contact parameters and to validate the numerical mo^ three different stator packages were analyzed. The experimentally identfied eigenfrequencies and corresponding mode shapes were used in the optimization process to extract the values of contact parameters. It has been shown that the in-plane modes are in direct correlation with material properties of the lamina. The out-of-plane modes are however governed by the value of contact parameters. The generality of proposed numerical model is demonstrated with the stator package 2 where the contact parameters were identified based on stator package 1. Although the stator package 2 had different number of laminae comparing to to stator package 1 the numerical model correctly predicted the values of eigenfrequencies and corresponding modal shapes. Moreover the proper modeling of the weld and the welding process itself is demonstrated on the stator package 3. In this case the experimentally obtained first and second eigenfrequencies are located distinctly apart which is the result of unsymmetrically distributed welds along the perimeter of the stack. In order to successfully predict this behaviour it is necessary to model the physical connection at the weld location as well as the influence of the welding process on the pressure distribution within the stator package. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge the partial financial support from the research project EVA4Green. 5 REFERENCES [1] Garvey, S.D. (1989) The vibrational behaviour of laminated components in electrical machines. 4th International Conferenceon ElectricalMacMnesandDnves,p.226-231. [2] Wang, H, Williams.K. (1997). l^l^ec^ti al laminations on the vibrational behaviour of electrical machlne stators. JournalofSound and 0iSration,w\. 202, no. 5, p. 703-715, DOI:10.1006/jsvi.1996.0845. [3] Popp, K■1Dan2ing L, Se6tro,W.(20f3).V¡brat¡oagan2¡6gDs fron the vibrational behaviour of electrical machine na a o, 419-4VV, D0I:10.1177/VV0754e03030780i [4] PI mat, 5)., Mkpot.G, Boltezar, M. (2013). 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D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2017.4534 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2017-04-25 Received revised form: 2017-07-15 Accepted for publication: 2017-08-24 Effects of Joint Clearance on the Motion Accuracy of Robotic Manipulators Selguk Erkaya* Erciyes University, Engineering Faculty, Mechatronics Engineering Department, Turkey Accuracy is one of the key features that improves the quality of robotic manipulators for many industrial and medical applications. Even with an accurate design and manufacturing process, clearance problems in joints cannot be eliminated in articulated systems. This leads to a loss of accuracy in robotic manipulation. In this study, the effects of joint clearance in a robotic system are investigated. The need for the trajectory of end effector is considered to analyse the motion sensitivity. The kinematics and dynamics of a six-DOF robot with joint clearance are evaluated relative to a robot without joint clearance. Different scenarios for clearance values and working periods are performed to fulfil the required motion task. A neural model is also used to predict the trajectory deviations during the working process. The results show that clearance has a significant role in the motion sensitivity of robotic manipulations. Trajectory errors can also be determined by using a dynamic neural predictor with suitable input variables. Keywords: Trajectory error, joint clearance, NARX model, 3D motion accuracy, uncertainty Highlights • Accuracy is one of the key features in robotic manipulations. • Clearance in a joint is inevitable and worsens the system performance. • Joint clearance effects in robotic systems are analysed for end effector trajectory. • Kinematic and dynamic outputs are compared for different working scenarios. • A neural model is proposed to predict the trajectory deviations in robotic systems. 0 INTRODUCTION Robots have been introduced in many industrial and medical areas where high accuracy, repeatability, and operation stability are desired. These are key features for robots. Some error sources in robots originate from assemblage, servo actuator resolution, reducer backlash, and joint clearances [1]. These errors reduce the accuracy of the robot and must be controlled to ensure the quality of the desired movement. In this regard, increased importance has been given to the accuracy of robots through various contributions in the relevant literature [2] to [5]. In comparison to machine tools, industrial robots are flexible and relatively cheaper in terms of cost. At the same time, such robots are susceptible to errors from many sources due to their serial structure. To ensure the positioning accuracy of a robot end effector as well as to reduce the manufacturing cost of the robot, it is necessary to quantify the influence of the uncertain factors and optimally allocate the tolerances. A novel and simple approach to identify the positional and directional errors due to the joint clearance of linkages and manipulators based on a geometrical model was introduced [6]. A general probability density function of the endpoint of planar robots with joint clearance was established to derive the distribution functions for any position tolerance zone and any joint distribution type [7]. Some errors arising from link stiffness and clearances were considered to predict the accuracy of the parallel devices [8]. By considering the positional and directional errors of the robot hand and the manufacturing cost, the optimal allocation of joint tolerances was investigated. Interval analysis was used to predict the errors in the manipulator performance [9]. Singularity analysis and modelling of the joint clearance effects on the parallel robot's accuracy were conducted. An analytical model was presented to easily predict the pose error for a given external load, a nominal pose and the structural parameters [3]. A procedure to calculate the positional error in parallel manipulators due to both clearances and elastic deformations was proposed [10]. For analysing the location of the discontinuities, a methodology was presented and the advantages of approach were analysed using a 5R planar mechanism [11]. The effect of joint flexibility on the dynamic performance of a serial spatial robot arm with rigid links was studied by using three developed models [12]. A novel method based on trajectory planning to avoid detachment of the joint elements of a manipulator with clearances was presented. An improved detachment criterion for the different joint types was proposed [13]. The clearance effects on an industrial robot were studied during 2D welding operations. The kinematics and 82 *Corr. Author's Address: Erciyes University, Engineering Faculty, Mechatronics Engineering Department, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey, dynamics of robots were investigated for different clearance sizes [14]. The kinematic sensitivity of a robotic system with joint clearances was studied and tested for the effectiveness of the proposed model [15]. A methodology to analyse the assembly conditions and compute the maximum pose errors of parallel manipulators was presented by considering geometric errors, joint clearances, link flexibility, and joint elasticity [1]. A space robot manipulator system was considered to analyse the joint clearance effects. A computational methodology based on the nonlinear equivalent spring-damper and Coulomb friction models was proposed [16]. The effect of joint error on the positional accuracy of a robotic manipulator was presented. A serial chain two-revolute joint planar manipulator was modelled. Under the influence of the joint clearance, a formulation was presented to analyse the positional accuracy of the end effector [17]. A spherical parallel manipulator with clearance and manufacturing error was analysed to determine the pose error of the platform in the presence of these imperfections [18]. The trajectory of a walking mechanism in a mobile robot with joint clearance was studied. A neural-fuzzy model and genetic algorithm approaches were designed to improve the system performance [19]. The effects of joint clearance, link flexibility and lubrication on the kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms were extensively performed with analytical and numerical studies [20] to [22]. For improving the mechanism precision, optimization methods were also introduced to decrease the deviations owing to the clearance joint [23] to [25]. Artificial neural networks were used to evaluate the vibration characteristics of a mechanism with or without joint clearance [26] and [27]. Both theoretical and experimental studies about joint clearance were presented [28]. The effects of joint clearances on the kinematics and dynamics of planar and spatial mechanisms with rigid and elastic links were also investigated [29] to [35]. Dry contact including the friction and lubrication effects between journal and bearing parts, different sizes of clearances and joint types were investigated in many case studies. A general and comprehensive approach was proposed to automatically adjust the time step to simplify and increase the computational ability in multibody systems. 2D and 3D partly compliant mechanisms having joint clearance were studied to show the positive effects of flexural pivot on the undesired effects of joint clearance [36] and [37]. A general computer-aided model of a 3D revolute clearance joint in multibody dynamic solvers was presented [38]. A new technique for assessing the influence that the clearance of spatial revolute joints has on the kinematics and dynamics of multibody systems was presented [39]. Examination and comparison of several friction force models dealing with different friction phenomena in the context of multibody system dynamics were presented [40] and [41]. A comparative study on the most relevant existing viscoelastic contact force models was studied [42]. A critical review was presented about the existing knowledge on the computational model of normal directional impact on rigid bodies [43]. It is clear that even with an accurate design and manufacturing process for the whole system, it is not completely possible to eliminate the clearance problem in joints. In this study, motion insensitivities arising mainly from joint clearance on a robot manipulator, which can be used for laser cutting, welding, medical applications, etc., were considered. Both the trajectory of the end effector as a kinematic characteristic and necessary force/torque as a dynamic characteristic were investigated. A dynamic neural model is proposed to predict the trajectory deviations arising from joint clearance. It is possible to evaluate the end effector deviations from the desired trajectory. The outputs of this study can be used to obtain the necessary control outputs for improving the motion sensitivity by a robust controller design. This paper is organized as follows. The mathematical model of the clearance joint and motion equation of the robot manipulator are outlined in Section 1. The basic theory of the neural predictor is given in Section 2. The obtained results and conclusions are summarized in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. 1 MODELLING OF JOINT CLEARANCE, CONTACT FORCE, AND MOTION EQUATION Clearance can be considered to be an imperfect joint characteristic. It is inevitable, due primarily to manufacturing errors, assemblage, and wear. In fact, a suitable value of clearance in the joint parts is essential to allow the relative motion of the adjacent links. In the presence of joint clearance, different motion types between the joint parts can be observed, that is, free-flight, impact, and continuous contact modes. These motion types fully affect the kinematic and dynamic performances of the systems. During the current trajectory, it is seen that the clearance joint exhibits nearly a similar characteristic of a 2D planar revolute joint with clearance. Due to computational efficiency, neural predictor characteristics and the robust controller design for the next studies, this negligible 3D effect of this joint is not considered. As given in the literature [23] and [29], radial clearance in a joint can be defined as the difference between the journal and bearing radii (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Contact forces at the collision plane The bearing and journal are parts of the ith and jth bodies, respectively. The relative penetration depth (5) between the journal and bearing is outlined as [29] and [34]: S = e - c, (1) in which e is the magnitude of the clearance vector between the bearing and journal centres, and c is the radial clearance. In a clearance joint, the force is explained by two different situations. The first one is no contact forces (FC) if the joint parts are not in contact. Otherwise, there is a contact between joint parts, and the contact-impact forces are modelled according to a nonlinear dissipative force model based on the Hertzian contact theory (normal force, FN) and Coulomb's friction law (tangential force, FT). These two conditions can be given as [29]: if 5<0, if S> 0, Fc =0 Fc =Fn+Ft (2) when the magnitude of the clearance vector is greater than radial clearance, an impact occurs, and the penetration depth is calculated using Eq. (1). The contact force is modelled as a spring-damper element. If this element is linear, the approach is known as the Kelvin-Voigt model. When the relation is nonlinear, the model is generally based on the Hertz contact law [29] and [44]. In the case of an unlubricated joint, the Hertzian contact force model is an appropriate choice [44]. While the original Hertzian model does not include any energy dissipation, an extension by Lankarani and Nikravesh includes energy loss due to internal damping. The contact force model is key to describing the collision dynamics between the journal and bearing in a clearance joint [45] and [46]. Due primarily to the simplicity of its contact force model, applicability to impact in multibody systems, easy calculation, and fast convergence (inclusion of energy dissipation modelling upon impact), the model developed by Lankarani and Nikravesh [47] is widely used in the dynamics of multibody systems with joint clearance. The normal force is expressed as [29]: Fn=K5(3/2)+D<5, (3) where the first term represents the elastic force component and the second term explains the energy dissipation. K is the generalized stiffness parameter and D is the hysteresis damping coefficient. K depends on the geometry and physical properties of the contacting surfaces and is defined by [29]: K=- 4 (EiEj ) (Ej M )+E; (1-vj )) _RRj_ R-R (4) v and E are Poisson's coefficient and Young's modulus associated with journal and bearing parts. The hysteresis damping coefficient is outlined as [29]: D= [3(K2 )K53'2 ]/4v0 (5) where Z is the restitution coefficient, and v0 is the initial impact velocity. Friction is a complex phenomenon that comprises the interaction between the surfaces of contacting bodies and may lead to different friction regimes, such as sliding and sticking. Generally, Coulomb's friction model is used to represent the friction response in impact and contact process. However, the definition of Coulomb's friction law poses numerical difficulties when the relative tangential velocity is near zero. In the current study, a modified Coulomb friction model is used to represent the friction behaviour between the journal and bearing [29] and [48]. ft =-v{ut )fn (t/ m ) (6) where is the coefficient of friction. It is a function of relative sliding velocity (ur) in the collision point of journal and bearing, which is the velocity component in the tangential direction which is not a constant, is introduced in the modified Coulomb friction model. is a function of the tangential sliding velocity, which can represent the friction behaviour in impact and contact process as well as the viscous and microslip phenomenon in relative low-velocity cases more accurately. Furthermore, the modified Coulomb friction model can avoid the case of abrupt change of friction in the numerical calculation as the change v(vT ) sign (l ) - + (s -»d ) lu -u I -u 3 - 2 u + u 2u 2 I -u 3+ I for ||| >| | sign (| ) for |