Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 49/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 08. 12. 2013 2. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 JANEZ KRSTNIK OZNANJA Izaija skoraj evangeljsko opiše Kristusovo duhovno podobo. Vsaka beseda se prilega Odrešeniku in kako lepo bi bilo, ko bi mu skušali biti podobni. Advent nas vabi k motrenju te edinstvene osebe zgodovine in k vsaj skromnemu posnemanju njega. Po krstu smo prejeli poklic kristjana, ki naj bi bil v hoji za Kristusom. Najprej prerok govori o Kristusu kot poganjku iz posekanega Davidovega drevesa. Odrešenik prihaja iz človeštva, a svojo božanskost neprenehoma kaže s svojo močjo, ki presega naravne zakone. Kristjan je človek, ki se vceplja na ta poganjek in zato uspeva tudi takrat, ko se morda vse podira. Nezadržno zaupanje in moč rasteta iz vere v Kristusa Odrešenika. Vsa Jezusova osebnost izžareva to modrost in moč, in ves evangelij ju je poln. Izaija ga predstavlja kot popolnoma pravičnega, ki »ne sodi po videzu svojih oči«, ampak »pravično sodi neznatne in delo pravico v prid ubogim«. Prava moč je samo moč duha, moč dobrote. V ljudeh, ki se bodo predajali tej moči Kristusovegaduha in vokoljih, ki bodo živela ta duh, bo čudovit, nepremagljiv mir in sodelovanje. To nedeljo Kristus še odstopa mesto in besedo Janezu Krstniku, ki pripravlja Gospodu pot. Svoje oznanjevanje o prihodu Odrešenika začenja z isto besedo, s katero bo tudi Jezus začel svoje delovanje: »Spreobrnite se, nebeško kraljestvo se vam je približalo.« To opozorilo bi lahko bila vodilna misel našega adventa, pa tudi adventa vsega življenja. Naša naloga in naš poklic je, da drugim pomagamo razvijati se v dobrem, kar je delal tudi Janez Krstnik. Z vsem svojim bitjem je pristopil k oznanjevanju. Advent je v preverjanju naših naporov, ki jih posvečamo tvarnemu, in tistim, ki jih usmerjamo v duhovno. Da ne bi tudi na nas letel Janezov očitek farizejem: »Obrodite torej vreden sad pokore!« Ne zanašajmo se torej na svojo, morda le papirnato pripadnost krščanstvu! Gotovo je advent čas ognja Svetega Duha za tiste, ki bodo zanj odprti. Gospod, naj tvoja velnica, ki čisti gumno, najde v nas dovolj zdrave pšenice! _ ______Božična pošta ne gre sama v kuverte. Pridne roke: Ob zaključku leta vere, se je v nedeljo, 24. nov. 2013 Franka Novaka in njegovega brata Stanka iz Slovenije, zbralo lepo število vernikov iz raznih vseh koncev naše Terezije S. in Gizele Hv so zložile pošto skupaj. Kdor je škofije. Škof Douglas Crosby je vodil sveto mašo. še ni vzej, naj jo čimprej vzame V ponedeljek, 25. novembra so se članice Mirko Zorko in Joe Prša sta se tudi letos še Slomškovega oltarnega društva spomnile pokojnih članic pravočasno potrudila, da je naša okolica cerkve dobilo pri večerni maši. Za vsako od njih so pred oltarjem božično prebleko. Olga Prša pa je že začela s krešenjem prižgale svečko. Po maši, pa so se zbrale še na kratkem notranjosti cerkve, saj smo že začeli adventni čas. srečanju in klepetu v župnišču. CWL CHRISTMAS SOCIAL Our CWL Christmas social was a great success. With Nativity scenes from around the world being the center of our theme, it was a wonderful spiritual start to the Christmas season. There was a lot of cheer and a whole lot of laughter shared by all. With some fancy moves and some fun surprises a good time was had by everyone. We send a special thank you to everyone who helped out! Because of your commitment, our event was a success. On behalf of the CWL, we wish everyone in our parish a Wonderful and Blessed Christmas Season! Prva skupina za »izdelavo nudlcev« se je že dvakrat zbrala in prido »pridelovala«...Bazaar je že blizu... Članice KŽZ so se v sredo 4. decembra zvečer zbrale k duhovnemu in prijateljskemu druženju. Ob prigrizku so si pogledale slike od leta 2005, reševale težko nalogo, pa se skupaj z dekleti tudi nasmejale. Le čemu neki? Povprašajte jih, morda vam razkrijejo skrivnost ... 2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT Response: In his days may righteousness flourish, and peace abound forever. First Reading Isaiah 11:1-10 Even when everything around seems full of upheaval and threat, the Lord's justice and love for his people promises hope, and a future of peace and knowledge of his friendship. Second Reading Romans 15:4-9 Hope in God's great love for us is the foundation of a deep security, which frees us to offer true friendship to all people, regardless of how different they seem from us. Gospel_Matthew 3:1-12 The coming of Jesus is a moment of promise but a moment, too, of a difficult message for those like the Pharisees. The promise of God's love in Jesus calls for repentance, a change of life built on an honest humility about who we really are. "I baptise you in water for repentance, he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire." Illustration For many of us, particularly in Western industrial societies, the links between the seasons and the production of food can be barely noticed. We get used to summer foods being available in the middle of winter, and can take for granted warmth and light when the days are cold and short. Yet to be mindful that in nature there are patterns of plenty and of scarcity can be an important part of deepening our awareness of our dependency on God's love. The wisdom that comes from living closer to these patterns - maybe simply through keeping a small garden - teaches us that, even when the ground seems bare and lifeless, there are mysterious things taking shape below the surface. Without our being very much involved, shoots do, eventually, appear, flowers bud and fruits set. Of course, what any gardener will want to add is that this fruitfulness always requires hard work and patience. Earth needs to be cleared, dug over, fed and planted if the barren months of winter are to hold any promise for the seasons of harvest. Gospel Teaching The realities of planting and growth are never very far from biblical texts. The prophetic vision of Isaiah sees the coming Messiah as just that kind of shoot of green that heralds new life. For John the Baptist, too, the coming kingdom is compared to that ruthlessness that all farmers and gardeners know: what is fruitful is nurtured, but what fails to bear fruit is harshly treated. Indeed, fruitfulness depends on hard pruning, strenuous digging and ploughing, and surviving through the barren times of winter. These images of plants and growth are not only beautiful images of God's mysterious providence; they are also a summons to some hard labouring in the fields. It is in this way that we can hear John the Baptist's call to prepare the way - and, in particular, his demanding call to repentance and the confession of sin. This turning over of our lives is like the toil of the plough turning over cold, hard ground; it is a necessary work for the blessings of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus brings us, to take root and grow in us. Enduring apparent barrenness, and keeping up the constant work of digging over, is the activity of hope we are drawn into especially in Advent. As Paul makes clear, it is "when we refuse to give up" that we learn the meaning of hope, and become able to befriend one another properly in Christ. This Advent hope is no passive, weak optimism. Rather, it provides a strong pattern and rhythm to the seasons of Christian disci-pleship. Christian hope is what makes sense of the hard labours of our daily life - the digging and the pruning; it is a hope that drives us on to build friendship and unity, to make crooked ways straight, for the coming of Christ into the lives of all people. Application In our daily life we are surrounded by news that can make hopefulness seem a foolish response to the complexities of injustice and human sinfulness. But the Advent hopefulness that we celebrate today is not only a virtue built on God's sure promises, but also a hope that calls to action - to the hard work of repentance, of changing the direction of the ways we live. St Augustine is attributed with saying: "Hope has two beautiful daughters: their names are anger and courage. Anger that things are the way they are. Courage to make them the way they ought to be." Augustine knew that, in the face of our own sins and those of others, we are not, as Christians, lamely to say, "Well, I hope it gets bet- ter." Rather, we are to hope with that passionate action which grows from being rooted in the Father's will for justice and peace, and conversion towards the kingdom. So, if we are really to learn hope better, let's allow ourselves to be properly challenged by John the Baptist's call to repentance - to know our sins, to repent of them and seek forgiveness from those we hurt, and from the love of Christ expressed in the sacrament of reconciliation. Let's actively treat others - all others - with the friendship with which God has treated us in Jesus. Perhaps there are two or three small changes of routine - small "conversions" - which can make this hope a concrete work of preparing the way for Christ to come into the lives of all we meet. Greetings to all Parishes and Parishioners of the Diocese of Hamilton This is an invitation to attend the Second Annual Bishop's New Year's Day Levee This is a Social Gathering for all parishioners in our Diocese, young and old, to come out and meet our Bishops, the Most Rev. Douglas Crosby and our Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Miehm. Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King Wednesday, January 1st , 2:00 to 4:00 King Street West at the 403 Highway Refreshments and goodies will be served for the enjoyment of all. We respectfully request that the above notice be published in your Parish Bulletins on the weekends of December 21st and 22nd and the following week December 28 and 29th in order that all parishioners are aware of this Special Event. Thank You Obvestila - Announcements zbor - pevske vaje Ob četrtkih imamo redne pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. Zbor naslednjič poje na božični večer in na Božič. soča - Children's folklore group Otroška skupina SOCA is having practices EVERY Saturday starting at 12:30 in our church hall. Never too late to for new members to join! For more information, please contact Dave Antolin, 905.664.5980. družinska pratika, p ismo, koledarji V atriju lahko kupite Mohorjevo DRUŽINSKO PRATIKO. Cena Pratike je 8.00 dolarjev. Vzemite tudi kuverto z Božičnim pismom, kuverto za Božič in koledarjem za leto 2014. Naročnina za OGNJIŠČE ostaja za Kanado enaka kot lansko leto, $76. Prosimo, da sporočite, če boste naročniki tudi prihodnje leto in čimprej poravnate tudi naročnino. društvo sv. jožefa vabi na ... Tuesday Social evenings are held every Tuesday at the Villa. Break up the long winter nights join us for conversation, socializing or a game of cards. All members of the parish are welcome to attend. Tuesday, December 17th we will be holding our Annual Christmas Social & light Dinner. Our entertainment will be provided by "Polka Maestre" - Tony Jalovec. All friends, mem- bers and spouses are invited to attend. Villa Slovenia Residents* Christmas Party will be held on Friday, December 20th at 4 PM. Christmas Turkey Dinner will be served. Baking as has been our tradition would be welcome. All residents are welcome to attend with a member of the family. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ Nedelja 8. december: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - ob 12:30 kosilo in nato Miklavževanje v župnijski dvorani. ♦ Ponedeljek, 16. december: začetek božične devetdnevnice pri večerni mašI. ♦ Torek, 17. december: Društvo sv. Jožefa - po maši Božičnica v prostorih društva. ♦ Četrtek-petek, 19-20. december: Duhovna obnova v cerkvi: več v božičnem pismu. ♦ Nedelja, 22. december: Maša in prilika za sveto spoved v Kitchenerju (ob 12:00h) in v Londonu (ob 4:00 p.m.) - cerkev St. John the Divine ♦ Torek, 24. december: božični večer - maša ob 6:00 p.m. (Angl.) in ob 10:00 p.m.(Slovenska). ♦ Sreda, 25. december: BOŽIČ - redne sv. maše. ♦ Četrtek, 26. december: Sv. Štefan - maša v cerkvi ob 9:30 a.m., popoldne ob 4:00h maša pri Lipa parku. ♦ Torek, 31. december: maša ob 5:30 p.m. in ob 6:30 p.m. Silvestrovanje v naši dvorani. posebna nabirka za filipine_ Hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby, po spodbudi kanadske škofovske konference, vabi vse župnije, da bi organizirale posebno nabirko za pomoč prizadem na Filipinih. Zadaj v cerkvi imate posebne kuverte, ki jih s svojim darom oddaste med redno nedeljsko nabirko najkasneje danes, 15. decembra, Kanadska vlada je podaljšala čas zbiranja darov za Filipine. Kodr še ni dal, pa bi želel, lahko to še stori do naslednje nedelje 15. decembra. Kuvertne nikamor ne pošiljajte! Če kdo napiše ček, naj se glasi na: St. Gregory the Great. Napišite svoj naslov ali številko od vaših nedeljskih kuvert. Mi bomo denar oddali na škofijo in ta ga bo oddala naprej. Hvala vsem, za vašo velikodušnost. priprava na božične praznike_ Čas gre hitro naprej in naša priprava na božične praznike se bliža pravtako. Že v ponedeljeK, 16. decembra bomo začeli z BOŽIČNO DEVETDNEVNI-CO pri večernih svetih mašah. Sedaj že ob zelo znanem odpevu: »Kralja, ki prihaja...« se bomo poglabljali v skrivnost Odrešenikovega prihoda. Kot sem omenil že v pismu, bo letos med nami duhovnik, salezijanec g. Štefan Krampač, doma iz Gornje Bistrice v Prekmurju. Pride v torek, 17. decembra in bo ostal med nami do prvih dni meseca februarja. Dobrodošel v naši sredi. Letošnja duhovna obnova bo v četrtek in petek, 19. in 20. decembra. Ob 5:30 p.m. bomo začeli s spovedovanjem, pozneje pa je še sveta maša z nagovorom. Natančen program si poglejte v božičnem pismu na zadnji strani. Prilika za sveto spoved bo tudi kasneje v času božičnie devetdnev-nici pred ali po maši. krofi - Slomškovo oltarno društvo_ Članice S.O.D. danes (Nedelja 8. decembra) pečejo in prodajajo krofe v spodnji dvorani. Christmas Eve Pageant We welcome all the children in our parish to come out and show their talents by participating in our Christmas Eve Pageant- Dec. 24th 6:00pm Mass. We are looking to have practices on Dec. 14th and Dec.21st at 12:30pm for approximately an hour. All children are welcome to come and have some fun with music, acting and of course singing. Please contact Father Drago (905-561-5971) or Mary Miklavcic at 905664-4927 ( and let us know that will come join the fun. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in m\* s'oven'an 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 08. 12. 2013 DO 15. 12. 2013 svete mase - masses 2. Adventna nedelja 2nd Sunday of Advent 8. December Brezmadežno spoč.D.M, Za žive in rajne župljane f Blaž Čulig f Štefan Prša ff Vera in Frank Staniša ff Rozalija in Ivan Marinko MIKLAVŽEVANJE 9:30 a.m. Olga Čulig Olga Čulig 11:00 a.m. Družina Gojšič Družina Marinko 12:00noon Župnijska Dvorana Ponedeljek f Frank Gimpelj 7:00 p.m. Allen Sudac Monday f Jože Langenfus Žena Sonja z družino 9. December f Rober Šneler Družina Veličevič Bernard Jezusov, red. ff Martin in Marija Veličevič Družina Veličevič Torek - Tuesday 10. December Judita, sp. žena f Jožef Elijaš ff Vera in Frank Staniša 0,nn, „ Sestra 8:00 a.m. p. „. .„ Družina Klaric Sreda f Anton Gomboša, obl. 7:00 p.m. Žena Slava Wednesday f Eugenio Filice Mary Ann Demšar 11. December f Janko Demšar Družini Demšar-Scarcelli Damaz, I. papež f Nuška Gantar Družini Demšar-Scarcelli Četrtek Thursday 12. December D.Marija iz Guadalupe f Stanley Knaus f RudiHanc f RudiHanc f RudiHanc f Alojzija Novak, obl. 7:00 p.m. Julie Balažic Anica in Franc Saje Lui in Slavka Gačnik Veronika Čurič Družina Novak Prvi Petek f Terezija Markoja 7:00 p.m. Terezija Zadravec z družino First Friday ff Štefan Zadravec in starši Terezija Zadravec z družino 13. December ff Pokojni iz družine Kolarič Terezija Sarjaš z družino Lucija, dev.mučenka f Rudi Hanc Manja Erzetič Sobota f Frank Gimpelj Saturday f J°že[ Gerič' °bL f Frank Gimpelj 14. DECEMBER ff pavla in Rudi Levstek Janez odKr-m duhc.uč. ff Matija in Martin Zelko 8:00 a.m. Štefan Lovrenčenc z družino 5:30 p.m. Žena Elizabeta z družino John in Sonya Podrebarac Magda Udovč Marija in Toni Franc 3. Adventna nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 3rd Sunday of Advent f Štefka Rihar Tanja Rihar 15. December f Vinko Marinko 11:00 a.m. Žena z družino Kristina, devica