Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 31/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 04. 08. 2013 18. NEDELJA MED LETOM 18th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Kristjan je različen od sveta Temeljno sporočilo današnjega evangeljskega odlomka je: "Kakšno naj bo stališče kristjana do bogastva in gmotnih dobrin." To vprašanje je bilo zelo pomembno, posebno za kristjane, ki so živeli med ljudmi, katerih življenjski cilj je bilo uživaštvo in kopičenje gmotnih dobrin. Luka od vseh evangelistov najbolj naglaša nevarnost bogastva za zveličanje. Samo on je zapisal Jezusove besede: „Gorje vam bogatinom, zakaj dobili ste svojo tolažbo!" Bogat človek ima vse, zato misli, da Boga ne potrebuje. Ker se zaradi bogastva Bogu odtujuje, je v nevarnosti njegovo zveličanje. Človek, ki je prosil Jezusa, naj bi razsodil v njegovi pravdi zaradi dediščine, ni bil Jezusov učenec, ampak nekdo iz množice. Morda je šele prvič poslušal Jezusa oznanjati božje kraljestvo, zato še ni poznal njegovih hotenj. Vsekakor je presojal Jezusov nauk samo v luči svojih osebnih potreb. Najbrž se je prav takrat pravdal z bratom glede dediščine. V takih primerih so se Judje radi zatekali k učiteljem postave. Judovsko pravo je temeljilo na Mojzesovi postavi in ker je ta predpostavljala kmečko družbo, je močno ščitila posest. Najstarejši sin je po očetu podedoval hišo in posestvo ter dve tretjini premičnin, drugi otroci pa so si naprej delili ostanek premoženja. Morda se je starejši brat branil to deliti, zato se je mož zatekel k Jezusu, da bi razsodil med njima. Jezus pa ni maral biti razsodnik v svetnih stvareh. Jezus je vedel, kako tvegano bi se bilo postaviti na eno ali drugo stran, zato pravi možu: „Človek, kdo me je postavil za sodnika ali delivca čez vaju? " Njegova dolžnost ni bila možu pomagati do pravičnega deleža, ampak ga opozoriti, naj se bogastva ne oklepa tako, da bi bito zanj duhovno zlo. Jezus svoje ravnanje utemelji z izrekom: „Glejte in varujte se vsake lakomnosti, zakaj življenja nima nihče iz obilice svojega premoženja", kar pomeni, da ni nihče gospodar svojega življenja in nikomur premoženje, pa naj bo še tako veliko, ne zagotavlja življenja. Življenje vsakogar je izključno v božjih rokah. Svoj nauk je Jezus podkrepil še s priliko o neumnežu, ki je kopičil bogastvo, ne da bi pomislil, da bo še tisto noč umrl. 80 let najstarejše slovenske organizacije v Kanadi_ Vzajemna podporna zveza Bled je preteklo nedeljo, 21. julija, praznovala 80 letnico delovanja, kot najstarejsa slovenska organizacija v Kanadi. Visok jubilejni praznik društva je privabil veliko množico rojakov južnega Ontaria. Slovesnost se je začela s proščenjem ob 11. uri. Maševal je g. Jožef Pozderec . Ob 14. uri je bil na sporedu skrbno pripravljen kulturni program, ki sta ga dvojezično vodila Ivan Antolin in Margarette Antolin - Labricciosa. V uvodu je bilo predstavljeno bogato poslanstvo Vzajemne podporne zveze Bled. Od njene ustanovitve kot zavarovalnice slovenskih rojakov v Kirkland Lake-u, pa do sedanjega načina delovanja s svojim sedežem v Beamsvillu pri odseku Bled Planica 13, ki je bil tudi gostitelj tega praznovanja. Kako pomemben je bil ta dogodek za širšo slovensko skupnost je dokazala možicna prisotnost in sodelovanje zastopnikov društev na proslavi in sicer: predstavniki vseh slovenskih organizacij Koordinacijkega odbora Niagara, predstavniki Vseslovenskega Kulturnega Odbra, diplomatski predstaniki Republike Slovenjije in zveznih, provinciskih in lokalnih kanadskih prestavnikov oblasti. Sporočilo številnih govornikov je bilo: občudovanje in pomen dogoletnega delovanja Zveze Bled, še zlasti pa vabilo novim generacijam, naj nadaljujejo njeno poslanstvo tudi v bodoče. Ob visokem jubileju Zveze Bled so od gospe. Irene Gril, odpravnice poslov slovenskega veleposlaništva v Ottawi, prejeli priznanja za njihov dolgo letni doprinos: Jože Špiler, Mirko Kolmanič, Jože Gimpelj, Lojze Lesica, Egidij Kodarin, Ivan Krušič, Francka Seljak in pokojni Franc Štadler. Kulturni program so obogatili: Otroški pevski zbor Bled Planica 13, Moški zbor Bled in Folklorna skupina Mladi Glas. Po kulturnem programu so sledile otroške igre in zamimiva nogomenta tekma med mladimi dekleti in fanti. V dvorani je bila na ogled razstava slovenskih ročnih izdelkov. Za dobro voljo in ples pa je poskrbel ansambel Murski val. Člani drustva Bled Odseka Planica 13, so se znova izkazali kot enkratni gostitelji. Njihov trud za izvedbo tako mmožične, duhovne, kulturne in družabne prireditve, je spoštovanja vreden. Poleg tega, so bili obiskovalci deležni okusih domačih dobrot z uslužno postrežbo. Vse to je doprineslo, da bo visok jubilej Vzajemne podporne zveze Bled ostal obiskovalcem v najlepšem spominu. Frank Novak 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: Lodr, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. First Reading Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21 -23 The attitude of the affluent towards their possessions is called "vanity". Second Reading Colossians 3:1-5. 9-11 A warning against materialism, greed and intolerance. Gospel_Luke 12:13-21 The parable of the rich fool, highlighting the futility of greed. "Watch, and be on your guard against avarice of any kind, for a man's life is not made secure by what he owns, even when he has more than he needs." Illustration The Secret Millionaire is a reality television show in which millionaires live undercover in a deprived area for a week. They volunteer in the locality and find individuals or projects whom they feel deserve financial help. On their final day, the millionaires reveal their true identity to the people they have chosen, surprising them with gifts of thousands of pounds. In 2009, businesswoman Dawn Gibbins was invited to film an episode in Bristol, England. She had made her millions in a flooring business, and put aside $40,000 to help needy projects. She had no idea that the experience would transform her life. Dawn ended up investing $250,000. Projects included Project One25, a charity that helps women step away from prostitution; Wild Goose Café, which feeds 70,000 homeless people every year; and the Teenage Parents Project, which supports young parents. She said afterwards: "Six months ago if anyone had asked me who inspired me, I would have said Richard Branson or Bill Gates. You can forget that now. The people who inspire and amaze me now are the wonderful volunteers who give their time and their money selflessly to help others make a better life for themselves." Dawn has now downsized her business commitments to concentrate on her charitable foundation. "I decided that I didn't really want to run a business any more," she said. "I wanted to dedicate my life to supporting charities, to supporting communities, and, wow, it feels so good." Gospel Teaching Today's readings warn us that possessions can assume such importance in life that they become obsessions, and we forget the place of God in our life. This is what seems to have happened with the man who addresses Jesus at the beginning of today's Gospel. Jesus is not against him having wealth, nor is he against justice being done between the man and his brother. Jesus is disappointed that after listening to his preaching, the first concern of this man still remains his share of an inheritance. To illustrate his point Jesus tells the parable of the rich fool. When we read the parable, perhaps we ask ourselves, "What wrong did this man do?" The man did honest work on his farmland. The land gave a good harvest. The man decided to build larger storage for the crop so that he could live the rest of his life in comfort. But he did not know that the rest of his life would last less than twenty-four hours. Jesus uses him as an illustration of greed even though he took nobody's money. His greed lies in what he did not do. Instead of sharing his excess he hoarded it. It never occurred to the rich fool that when his barns could not hold any more, he could have given some of his wealth away. Notice how often the man says "I" and "my". The man is completely focused on himself. This is exactly the opposite to the way Jesus taught his disciples to live. Application So where do we get our own security and fulfilment? The voices of our society tell us that financial success is the yardstick that determines the significance of a person. But in God's kingdom the size of the investment portfolio or bank account is not an acceptable criterion for the evaluation of a person's life. Covetousness is an attitude; it is a mindset glued to excessive profit and privilege. It can infect anyone. Wealth can have a damning effect on our lives. Greedy thinking eventually builds bigger barns, bigger houses, multiple houses. We are living in a time when materialism has become the god of mainstream society. Yet millions are excluded and live below the poverty line, especially in the global south. The natural world, too, suffers when it is just seen as a resource for human society to devour as quickly as possible. Could we focus less on accumulating more than we need and focus more on sharing and working for justice? Jesus asks his followers to identify what is most valuable in their lives. Life is to be about honouring God and all God's creation, and the human family. Every time we and our parish community recycle, support charities, give time to mentoring young people, value people who do voluntary work, then we are living in the spirit of today's readings. Jesus calls us to ask ourselves today: What do I value most in life? And how do I reveal that in the way I live? Obvestila - Announcements Slovenian Heritage Secondary School Credit Course We have approval to offer a high school Slovenian Heritage Credit Course under the auspices of the Hamilton Wentworth Catholic School Board. In order to launch a course, a minimum number of students is required. During the next few weeks, we will be gathering information to determine the interest in our Slovenian community in launching a course. Please encourage your teenage children, grand children, young adults and those interested in learning the basics of the Slovenian language, oral conversation, culture, history and geography of Slovenia. Secondary school students will be able to achieve a high school credit for their secondary school transcript and diploma requirements. For more information, please contact Dave Antolin at 905-664-5980 or email: DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 6. do 9. avgust 2013: DAY CAMP na našem župnijskem prostoru pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem ♦ 11. avgust 2013 od 1:00 p.m. Naprej »Music in the Park« - v LIPA PARKU. ♦ 18. avgust 2013 - Piknik pri društvu TRIGLAV -London ♦ 25. agust 2013 - Children's camp pri društvu SAVA: maša ob 12:00h, kosilo ob 1:00h ♦ 1. september 2013 - SLOVENSKI PARK - Maša ob 1:00 p.m. - Baseball Tourney ♦ 2. september 2013 - BLED - Picnic, Bocce Tournament. ♦ 7. september 2013 - Sv. Jožef - Bocce Tournament. 222 | VESTNIK 2013 y » svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti /baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke/ marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v don bosco bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. svete mase - masses 18. Nedelja MED LETOM 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 04. August Janez Vianej, duhovnik Za žive in rajne župljane f Blaž Čulig f Lado Doma f Štefka Rihar f Martin Pušič, f Stane Napast f Janez Hočevar SLOVENSKI PARK 3:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Olga Čulig Olga Čulig Tanja Rihar Frančiška Napast Frančiška Napast Ivan Cimermančič Ponedeljek Monday 05. August Marija Snežna (Nives) ff Emil Hodnik in Angela Šribar f Marija Puscher f Marija Puscher f Marija Petek Za zdravje 3:00 A.M. Manja Erzetič Cecilija Sobočan Romana Novak Marija Glavač Majda Torek Tuesday 06. August Jezusova sprem. na gori ff Anton in Malka Marušič ff Ivan in Ethel Simončič f Frank Gimpelj f Janko Demšar Za zdravje 3:00 a.m. Frank in Thea Marušič Društvo sv. Jožefa Marija Štern Sv. Jožef-torkovi večeri Majda SREDA f Janez Horvat, obl.. 7:00 P.M. Veronika Obal Wednesday Po namenu CWL - KŽZ 07. August f Janez Šušteršič Heidy Novak z družino Kajetan, duhovnik f Jože Uduč Zinka z družino ČETRTEK f Frank Gimpelj 7:00 P.M. Family Krminac Thursday ff Sorodniki Družina Šemen 08. August ff Pokojni iz družine Bunderla Ana Dominik, ust. Dominik. f Cecilija Kelenc Marija Hočevar Petek f Marija Suhadolc 7:00 P.M. Anton Suhadolc Friday f Jože Jerič Vinko in Marijana Granič 09. August f Ivan Sobočan Maks in Milka Pavlič Terezija (Edith Stein) f Jože Jerič Maks in Milka Pavlič Sobota SATURDAY 10. August Lovrenc, Diak-mučenec ff Borštnikovi ff Marija Šlebič in Marija Zelko ff Bratje Malevič-Oberman f Boris Madon f Ivan Obal 8:00 a.m. Ivanka Borštnik z družino 5:30 p.m. Veronika Obal Družina Malevič Družina Žigon Vendel Kristina Knaus 19. Nedelja med letom 19th Sunday in O.T. 11. August Klara (Jasna), devica Za žive in rajne župljane ff Marija in Martin Ternar f Ivan Mertuk 9:30 A.M. Družina Jerebic /Montreal) 11:00 a.m. Kathy in Joe Prša