St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 33/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 25. 08. 2013 21. NEDELJA MED LETOM 21st SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Resnoba in odgovornost za odrešenje Jezus je na poti v Jeruzalem, kjer bo s trpljenjem in vstajenjem dokraja razodel svoje božanstvo. Potovanje je trajalo dolgo. Med potjo je Jezus „hodil po mestih in vaseh in učil". Jezus sam je bil prvi apostol in je Ijudi nenehno učil. Med potjo mu je nekdo zastavil vprašanje: „Gospod, all je malo teh, ki se zveličajo? " Vprašanje ima svoje ozadje v judovski apokaliptiki, ki je bila v Jezusovem času zelo bujna. Medtem ko je bil v stari zavezi vsak lzraelec prepričan, da se bo zaradi izvoljenosti ves lzrael resil, je v razcvetu judovske apokaliptike prevladovalo mnenje, „da je Najvišji ta svet ustvaril za mnoge, prihodnjega pa bo samo za nekatere" (prim. 4 Ezdr 8, 1). Tako se je izoblikovalo prepričanje: veliko je ustvarjenih, a malo se jih reši. Seveda pa je spraševanje po številu teh, ki se zveličajo, popolnoma nasprotno s tem, kar hoče doseči Jezus s svojo pridigo. Jezus s pridigo Ijudi kliče k spreobrnjenju in k veri vase, ki je svetu najbolje razodel Očeta. Jezus kliče človeka k taki odločitvi, ki se mora kazati v njegovem sedanjem življenju. Zveličanje samo po sebi ni nikomur zagotovljeno, ne Judom, čeprav so člani izvoljenega naroda; ne kristjanom, čeprav so s krstom vcepljeni v Kristusa; ne tistim, ki so Jezusa osebno poznali, morda z njim „jedli in pili" (v. 26), ampak je zagotovljeno samo tistim, ki se osebno podarijo Bogu in živijo Boga, kakor ga je razodel Jezus. Noben privilegij ne deluje mačidno: izvoljenost ni koristila nič, če Jud ni spolnjeval postave; krst ne koristi nit, če kristjan živi kot civiliziran pogan. Jezus jasno pravi v govoru na gori: „Ne vsak, kdor mi pravi: ,Gospod, Gospod', pojde v nebeško kraljestvo; temveč kdor spolnjuje voljo mojega Očeta, ki je v nebesih" (Mt 7, 21). Jezusove besede so proti tistim, ki preveč lahkomiselno jemljejo svojo vero in mislijo, da se bodo zveličali brez posebnega truda za zveličanje; preprosto zato, ker je Bog dober in usmiljen in ker ne bo dopustil, da bi njegov Sin zaman umrl na križu. Jezus pa nasprotno govori o „ozkih vratih", skozi katera je treba stopiti, kdor hode v življenje. Ozka vrata so podoba za napor, ki ga mora človek doprinesti za svoje zveličanje. CWL - KŽZ On Tuesday, August 20, 2013, the CWL enjoyed a wonderful afternoon amongst ladies of our parish to celebrate fathers 10th anniversary with us. We had about 40 women join in at the Mandarine followed by a photo stop at Spencer Smith Park. On behalf of the CWL, I would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who came out and made this afternoon a special one. Thanks also to everyone who helped with the organization of this outing. We had such a nice time, we all agrees that we would organize a similar event soon. We hope that even more ladies will take advantage of this opportunity. And of course to Father, we say thank you for all you do for all of us here. Heidy Novak Rad bi se tudi z s svoje strani zahvalil za to lepo srečanje in za kartico z darom, ki so mi jo izročile. Ko smo bili pred 10. leti v parku, smo se slikali na stopnicah, ki jih sedaj ni več, je pa zato nov pomol. Takrat sem mislil, da smo se peljali v smeri Niagare, šele čez čas, ko sem se malo razgledal po Hamiltonu in okolici, sem ugotovil, da smo bili v Burlingtonu, v Spencer Smith parku. Fr. Drago Gačnik OKTET SUHA iz Koroške in Podjunski trio Lipusch v naši cerkvi Tirom Lipusch. Oktet je pel med celotno m slovensko sveto mašo. Izredno lepo in globoko doživeto so s svojimi glasovi obogatili slovensko bogoslužje. Po maši so zapeli še nekaj pesmi in pesem »Lepa nedelja« tudi v sodelovanju s Triom in ostalimi spremljevalci. Skupno jih je bilo skoraj 40, tako, da se je v cerkvi kar občutno poznalo, da nas je več. Po maši je trio zaigral še nekaj narodnih zunaj pred cerkvijo, potem pa smo jih povabili v dvorano na prigrizek, ki sta ga pripravili v dvorani V. Jožica in H. Gizela. '-- 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: Go into all the world and proclaim the good news. First Reading Isaiah 66:18-21 The Lord's promise that people of every language and nation will witness God's glory in Jerusalem is a sign of salvation for all. Second Reading Hebrews 12:5-7. 11-13 An explanation of suffering in terms of the training that the Lord gives to those he loves. Gospel Luke 13:22-30 Salvation cannot be taken for granted. It is given by God to those who respond in faith. "I am coming to gather the nations of every language." Illustration "Not many former prisoners of war want to revisit the site of their former prison camp or evoke memories of the past. But in 1992, eight ex-POWs, some of the remnant of hundreds of Italian servicemen captured in the North African campaign of World War II, returned to the site of Camp 60 at Lamb Holm, Orkney, off the northern coast of Scotland, where they had been taken fifty years earlier. They had come not only to remember that anniversary but also as pilgrims to a special place. During their time at the POW camp they had worked on the Churchill Barriers, causeways built of vast quantities of stone and concrete, which served as a means of defence against attack by sea from the east on Scapa Flow. Like most camps, Camp 60 had been a rather cheerless place, but when Major T.P. Buckland arrived as their new commandant, he wanted to make life as tolerable as possible and encouraged the prisoners to brighten up the camp. So they laid out flower beds, built a theatre, a recreation room, even a concrete billiard table. Though they had a chaplain, there was no chapel until, supported by the commandant, they joined together two corrugated, tunnel-shaped Nissen huts. Then began a remarkable process: wood from a shipwreck became a tabernacle, scrap metal and other abandoned materials were transformed and in time a sanctuary appeared. An altar was built of concrete. Leading the team of POWs was a talented artist, Domenico Chiocchetti. Above and behind the altar he painted a picture of Our Lady Queen of Peace and, on either side, as if in stained glass windows, pictures of St Francis and St Catherine of Siena. He adorned the sanctuary vault with frescoes that included the evangelists and angels. Next a wrought-iron rood screen and gate were fashioned. Then plasterboard (obtained by the commandant) was attached to a wooden framework and the whole building was covered and painted to resemble brickwork with a dado of carved stone. Finally, the outside appearance of the building was changed so that all trace of the former huts disappeared; in their place stood a beautiful chapel with a belfry and Gothic pinnacles. Camp 60 has long since gone. The "Italian Chapel" remains and is lovingly preserved, attracting thousands of pilgrims and visitors every year. Gospel Teaching Bruno Volpi, an ex-POW who returned to Lamb Holm in 1992, said that the spirit and will to express oneself creatively is "stronger than any limitation to freedom". Such limitation takes on many forms: captivity, forced exile and even slavery were no strangers to the people of Israel. Theirs was a history in which freedom to be a people in their own right had been taken from them time after time. Imprisonment is the most obvious form of limitation to freedom. It can have the effect of taking away part of a person's self-worth. In extreme regimes, where a prisoner is no more than a number and where his or her family, ethnicity, religion, culture, talents or ability count for nothing, this effect can be total. In harsh regimes the purpose of imprisonment can be to force an admission to false accusations so that ultimately prisoners will confess to anything because they are made to believe that they are worthy of nothing, that they are nothing. In the eyes of Jesus, every person is of infinite worth whatever his or her ethnicity, culture or religion. The beautiful prophetic imagery of Isaiah in the first reading, proclaiming that people from every language and nation will be brought to God's holy mountain in Jerusalem, finds fulfilment in the Gospel when Jesus declares that people from "east and west, from north and south, will come to take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God". Application Every person is infinitely loved by God. To the one who asks if there will be only a few saved, Jesus replies that all must strive to "enter by the narrow door". Salvation is God's gift; neither a Christian's by right nor confined to any particular religious belief. It is given out of love. Though we often struggle in our response, through the gift of faith God enables us to enter the "door" to eternal life. The freedom given by God's love was expressed by the POWs of Lamb Holm in creating beauty to the glory of God. May we never be so imprisoned within ourselves that we cannot see God's love and promise of salvation in people of other races, cultures and religious belief. PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH_ Tip #71 September brings with it a change of pace from the slower days of summer. School, extracurricular activities and involvements create hectic days for busy families. The research is clear on the importance of family time for the well-being of children. As the schedule becomes more frenzied, be sure to remember that a meal together each day, daily prayers and weekly Mass shared as a family will bring long term benefits to all members of your family. (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250) Obvestila - Announcements DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 25. agust 2013 - Children's camp pri društvu SAVA: maša ob 12:00h, kosilo ob 1:00h ♦ 31. avgust 2013 - Sv. Jožef-Bocce Tournament ♦ 1. september 2013, Nedelja - SLOVENSKI PARK - Maša ob 1:00 p.m. - Baseball Tourney ♦ 2. september 2013 - BLED - Picnic, Bocce Tournament. ♦ 7. september 2013 - Romanje v Midland ♦ 22. september 2013 - JESENSKI BANKET in začetek praznovanja 50 letnice župnije. ROMANJE V MIDLAND V soboto, 7. septembra 2013, bo v Midlandu tradicionalno srečanje Slovencev. Že dalj časa nismo organizirali skupnega romanja. Letos smo se odločili, ker ne gremo na Baragove dneve, da bi šli vsaj sem, saj je pot veliko krajša. Ob 10:30 bo program pri križu, nato križev pot in ob dvanajstih bo v cerkvi sveta maša. Po maši boste imeli še nekaj časa , da si ogledate park in se tudi telesno podprete. Odhod avtobusa proti domu bo ob 3:00 popoldne. Ob prijavi poravanjte tudi ceno prevoza, ki bo stal $35. Prijave sprejema Terezija Sarjaš: 905-5601218. Čimprej se prijavite, da bomo lažje organizirali prevoz. BOCCE TOURNAMENT, 31. avgust 2013 TURNIR V BALINANJU bo v soboto 31. avgusta z začetkom ob 10:00 dopoldne. Po končanem turnirju, okrog enin popoldne bo kosilo in podelitev nagrad zmagolacem v Villa Slovenija. Gostje in člani društva ste vabljeni na kosilo, cena kosila je $8.00 po osebi. Porosimo, da potrdite udeležbo na telefon Franku Erzarju 905-643-0285. Bocce Tournament will be held Saturday, August 31 and begin at 10 AM with lunch and awards presentations to follow in the Villa after 1 PM. Guests and members are welcome for lunch at $8.00 per person. Please confirm attendance with Frank Erzar at 905-643-0285. OKTOBERFEST, Saturday October 19th Breslau - Kitchener - OBERKRAINER HAUS Hosted by "SAVA", sponsored by Slovenian Society St. Joseph Society - Društvo Sv. Jožefa, Hamilton Saturday, October 19th, 2013 - Departure - 12:00, St. Gregory's Parking Lot SPECIAL PACKAGE- $55.00 per person includes: • Visit to St. Jacob Market and Flea Market • Admission ticket to Sava Club • Visit to St. Jacob Market & Flea Market • Delicious Dinner (6:30 PM) • Dancing to live band • Kitchener German Oktoberfest Dancers • Taxes & Gratuities • Comfortable Motor Coach transportation Reservation only with full payment of: $55. Cheque payable to St. Joseph Society! Act soon, one bus only! Contact: Jerry Ponikvar@ 905-333-5813 or Frank Erzar@905-643-0285 DAROVI_ Marija Glavač je darovala $100 za misijone. V spomin na pokojnega Volfa Ferdinanda so iz Toyote darovali za GS $50. V spomin na Janka Demšar so za gradbeni sklad darovali : $50 Marija in Alojz Prilesnik, $100 John Jalovec in Laura Nines, $25 Patricia J. Zetel, $50 Magdalena in Jože Razpostnik, $20 Vlado in Mary Mlacak, $100 Sidonia in Robert Poppa, $100 DCG Gils, $50 Veronika in družina Cocco, $50 George J. Marinič, $75 Stan Pelcar, $100 Steve in Mary Vučko, $40 Audrey M Whitz, $25 Kevin in Faith Rogerson, $50 Društvo sv. Jožefa, $20 Josie Rocnik, $20 Ann in Joe Rocnik, $50 Frank in Lura Pinter. Hvala vsem za darove, Bog vam povrni. MARRIAGE TIP OF THE MONTH_ Tip #51 - When we first fall in love it is difficult for anyone to point out the flaws in our "perfect" mate. Over time though, we become well aware of those less than perfect qualities! When we continue to see the good qualities that attracted us to each other, we can tolerate the imperfections, but if we focus on the negative we can become critical and dissatisfied. Take the time to focus on the good characteristics of the one you love - and tell them why you love that part of them. You will see a more positive person come forward. m SLOVENSKI PARK presents... 27th Annual Baseball Tournament August 31st-September 1st, 2013 ♦ Round robin games start at 8:00 am Saturday 4 Playoffs on Sunday 4- Baseball registration $150.00 per team ♦ Cash prizes 4Camping $30.00 4 Includes: admission to park 4 Corn roast 4 Swimming ♦ DJ Saturday evening 4 Sunday Picnic- Lunch and Dinner available 4 On Saturday evening: ? Roasted Chicken Dinner, potatoes & salad - $10.00/dinner SUNDAY PICNIC with ensemble "MURSKI VAL"! Call Dana Ryall 416-8160387or Dave Pusic 905-5601177 email: , svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. don bosco svete mase - masses 21. Nedelja med letom 21st Sunday in O.T. 25. August Ludvik, Patricija Za žive in rajne župljane ff Jože in Marija Groznik Bogu v zahvalo za 40 let poroke ff Matilda in Jože Stanko ff Pokojni člani društva Sava 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:00 noon Družina Groznik Magda in Vinko Benc Joe in Olga Hanc Društvo Sava-Breslav Ponedeljek Monday 26. August Tarzicij, muč. f Štefan Prša f Martina Kolar ff Pokojni iz družine Mikola ff Bratje, sestre in starši Ray 7:00 P.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa /3/ Irma Gomboc Družina Bregar Štefan in Gizella Ray z dr. Torek Tuesday 27. August Monika, mati sv. Avguš. f Frank Gimpelj ff Marija Puscher in Vera Staniša Za zdravje ff Pokojni iz družine Česen 8:00 A.M. Toni Nardin Toni Marij Franc Majda S. Lojzka Saje z družino SREDA Wednesday 28. August Avguštin, šk.-c.učitelj ff Terezija in Jože Gazvoda f Drago Hauzar, obl. f Vinko Kovič f Minka Puscher 7:00 P.M. Hči Lojza Saje Žena Gizela Stojanka Zečevič Marija Plevel Četrtek Thursday 29. August Muč. Janeza Krstnika f Ivan Zupančič f Darinka Ferletič, obl. ff Starši in Darinka Ferletič, obl. f Ivan Sobočan f Marija Puscher 7:00 P.M. Žena z družino Milan, Sandy in Mike Julija Sagadin z družino Cecilija Sobočan Marija Hočevar Petek Friday 30. August Feliks(Srečko), muč. ff Pokojni Zorčič f Frank Gimpelj f Steve Prša V čast Mariji Pomočnici 7:00 P.M. Jožica in Ivan Vegelj Marica Kobetich Družina Gergyek Julija Sagadin Sobota Saturday 31. August Pavlin, škof Po namenu za Jureta f Frank Gimpelj ff Irma in Ludvik Hull f Fredy Volf f Frank Gimpelj 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Angela Kobe Janez Selšek z družino Janez Selšek z družino Zinka Uduč Toni in Marja Franc 22. Nedelja med letom 22nd Sunday in O.T. 01. September Brezjanska Mati Božja Egidij, opat Za žive in rajne župljane f Blaž Čulig f Ignac Krampač f Robert Zver ff Martin Pušič in Stane Napast 2:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. f Janko Demšar SLOVENSKI PARK Olga Čulig Olga Čulig Družina Žižek Frančiška Napast Družini Demšar in Scarcelli