Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 02/49 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 13. 01. 2013 JEZUSOV KRST BAPTISM OFTHE LORD Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Hall rentals 905-518-6159 Krščeni v imenu Očeta ... V bogoslužju praznujemo danes praznik Jezusovega krsta. Prav je, dasei ob tej priliki spomnimo svojega krsta, ki smo ga v večini prejeli v dobi, ko se še nismo zavedali. Zato ga tudi nismo mogli osebno in zavestno sprejeti, čeprav je krst prvo zakramentalno srečanje človeka s Kristusom; takrat nismo vedeli, s kom se srečujemo. Za Jezusa in njegovo življenje je bil krst odločilnega pomena. Jezus sicer ni j potreboval krsta, ker je bil brez greha, tudi izvirnega, in mi vemo, da krst izbriše vse grehe. Toda krst v Jordanu je ločnica v njegovem življenju. Ljubljeni Sin je doslej živel v tihem Nazaretu med svojimi ljudmi. Gotovo je čutil veselje in ljubezen do doma in domačega kraja, toda po krstu ga kliče nova dolžnost, Očetova volja je, da zapusti to okolje in gre ljudi odreševat: oznanit resnico, odpirat slepe oči, jetnikom prinašat prostost, žalostne tolažit, bolne ozdravljat ... In ko se je Jezus svobodno odločil za to poslanstvo, ga je Oče razodel vsem in o njem zaklical: »Ta je moj ljubljeni Sin, nad katerim imam veselje, njega poslušajte!' Krst je v Jezusovo življenje prinesel bistveno nove elemente. Začel je svoje javno delovanje in prav od krsta dalje in v moči krsta je začel živeti samo za druge. Vprašajmo se ali je tudi za nas krst ločnica v življenju? Ali nas dviga krst k dejavnemu krščanskemu življenju? Catholic Girl's Club Dekleta in nekatere matere so so zbrale na prvem srečanju v novem letu. Glavna tema srečanja je bila priprava in načrtovanje za Spaghetti Dinner, ki ga pripravljajo že tretje leto, zadnjo soboto v januarju. Kar precej je načrtovanja, dogovarjanja. In prav je, da se že od mladega učijo in spoznajo koliko dela to vzame. Na delovno srečanje sta v petek prišla tudi salezijanska sobrata John in Mike iz Toronta in smo tudi načrtovali dejavnosti v okviru salezijanske skupnosti. V nedeljo, 6. januarja popoldne je Ignac Horvat s svojimi najbližjimi praznoval 80. letnico. Čestitke in vse dobre želje, da bi mu zdravje še dolgo služilo. CWL - KZZ Članice Katoliške ženske zveze so se, v sredo 9. januarja, kar v velikem številu zbrale k srečanju. Tudi njihov sestanek je v bil v znamenju priprav na vsakoletni BAZAAR, ki bo letos 3. marca, na tretjo postno nedeljo. Tudi ta dogodek zahteva veliko priprav, organizacije, dogovarjanja... Z današnjo nedeljo zaključujemo liturgično praznovanje božičnega časa. Začenjajo se nedelje med letom. Naslednji dogodek je pustovanje, ki bo letos 9. februarja, pepelnična sreda in začetek postnega časa je 13. februarja, 31. marca pa je Velika noč. Na spondji sliki mojster Joe Pontrelli, ki je končal s polaganjem pološčic pri zadnjem vhodu v kuhinjo. Hvala Alojzu Sarjašu, ki je pomagal, da smo našli dobre mojstre. Sunday's Readings Baptism of the Lord Response: "O bless the Lord, may soul!" First Reading Isaiah 40:1-5. 9-11 The messenger of God announces that the Lord is coming with power. Second Reading Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 God has saved us through the cleansing waters of baptism. Gospel Luke 3:15-16. 21-22 Jesus is baptised and receives the Holy Spirit and his Father's acknowledgment. "The Holy Spirit descended on him... like a dove. " Illustration One of the traditional treats of the Christmas season is a family trip to the theatre to see a play or a pantomime. One of the favourites is the children's classic play Peter Pan, written by J.M. Barrie. Peter is a mischievous boy who, among his many talents, can fly. He lives on a small island called Neverland. There he has adventures with other children, and battles against characters like the evil pirate Captain Hook. But, of course, the thing we always remember about Peter Pan is that he is the boy who never grows up. There are quite a few adult people who are like Peter Pan. They never seem to grow up and their emotional life remains at the level of a child. They may be attractive people but they don't want to get too attached to anything. They prize their freedom and independence above all and dislike having any boundaries or restrictions. And so they avoid taking on the responsibilities that would help them to mature. Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel we see the adult Jesus for the first time in this Christmas season. The babe at Bethlehem is now a grown adult standing by the Jordan ready to commit his life at his baptism. He joins the movement of John the Baptist. This fiery preacher offers Israel a ritual by which its people can make a break with their corrupt society. But why does Jesus submit to baptism? Jesus decides to identify himself with Israel and all its failings, and through baptism shares a solidarity with his people which will reach its climax when he submits even to death on the cross. As he prays after his baptism, the heavens open and he is anointed by the Holy Spirit. And then his Father acknowledges him as his beloved Son and the servant who will bring justice to the nations. Jesus will now reveal the life of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as he lives it out in his ministry. That divine life is a community of love in which Jesus' vocation will mature. But he will be severely tested by the forces of evil as he proclaims the kingdom of God; and finally he will be killed. Yet his death is not a defeat. His resurrection illustrates the central paradox of our faith: that life comes out of death. We grow only by taking the risk of trusting God. The risen Jesus will offer his disciples a share in his risen life. But it will be through baptism. The Holy Spirit will be poured out upon them and they in turn will begin to baptise those who believe. It is not enough just to have faith in Jesus and remain unattached. Their faith will only mature if they are baptised into Christ and become part of the Church, which enables them to share in the community life of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Application This feast of Christ's baptism is a good opportunity to reflect on our own baptism. Do we sometimes behave as though we have remained with Jesus in the manger, allowing our faith to remain childish? Or have we let it grow into an adult faith, which is ready to make a deeper commitment as Jesus did at his baptism? Many people today prefer to remain unattached. Yes, they say, I do believe in Jesus, but I don't want to get too involved with the church institutions; let me stay independent and free. It is a very modern attitude, which is willing to believe but not to belong. Maybe our own baptism took place, like the majority of Catholics, when we were babies. And maybe our faith has remained at that infant stage, without the time and the nourishment that it needs to grow. One of the best times to deepen our faith is when we have to think about the baptism of our own children or we are asked to be godparents. We are faced with new responsibilities, which can help to make our faith more mature. We can take time to study and understand it, as we would with any other serious commitment. This feast of the Baptism of the Lord is an invitation to take the plunge anew into the baptismal waters with Jesus. It is an invitation to grow in our faith and discover the depth and riches of the life of God. We are invited to share in that community of love which is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hamilton Right to Life is pleased to present a day of apologetics with Stephanie Gray on Saturday February 2, 2013 from: 9:00am - 4:00pm at Heritage Fellowship Baptist Church 557 Garner Road West, Hamilton. Please come and join us. This is a great hands on learning opportunity for you to present the pro-life message. There is not cost for the day but a free will offering will be taken to cover expenses. Lunch will be provided. Please call our office to register for this day. 905-528-3065 Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR_ (J 3 Ker so imeli pevci v letošnjih božičnih praznikih precej dela s /jju 8\ petjem bomo imeli 14 dni počitnic. V) SOČA_ F.S. SOČA will be starting practices for children 7 years of age and older in the new year. All children and teens are encouraged to join and become familiar with their Slovenian cultural roots through dance, song and music. For more information, please contact: Dave Antolin: or 905.664.5980. DAROVI_ Pri organizaciji silvesterskega večera smo imeli $4047.65 dobička. Še enkrat hvala vsem, ki ste pomagali pri uresničitvi prireditve. STATISTIKA ZA LETO 2012 KRSTI V letu 2012 smo imeli v naši župniji 16 krstov. Krščeni so bili: 1. Luke Michael BOSILJEVAC, 2.Tyler Lukas TOMPA, 3. Kyle Alexander HARDING, 4. Coco MILICEVIC, 5. Gavin BAOTIC, 6. Krasna Kata -Ana BAOTIC, 7. Bailey Amber Lynn TITLEY, 8. Skylar Amanda Lynn TITLEY, 9. Anthony Frank BARTOLAC, 10. Holly Emily ARCHER, 11Jannifer Madison TAYLOR, 12. Aaron Henry MARINIC, 13. Frank Patrick GIMPELJ, 14. Zachary Robert HERRINGTON, 15. Owen Edward PARRY, 16.Hannah Connie MESOJEDEC. PRVO OBHAJILO Zakrament sv Evharistije so prejeli: 1. Bosiljevac Ava, 2. Rok Curkovic, 3. Benjamin Košir, 4. Bailey Titley, 5. Illyria Volčanšek, 6. Skylar Titley. BIRMA Zakrament svete birme so prejeli po rokah hamitonskega škofa Douglas-a Crosby-ja: 1. Kristina Hode, 2. Veronika Košir, 3. Tonya Miklavčič, 4. Amanda Novak, 5. Leah Škerl, 6.Skylar Titley. POROKA Zakrament svetega zakona sta sklenila: Leo Arthur Jolicoeur in Tatjana Mary Lesica. POGREBI V letu 2012 so umrli naslednji farani: 1. Antonia Demšar, 2. Stephanie Rihar, 3. Slavko Štern, 4. Ivan Obal, 5. Ivan Sobočan, 6. Jože Jerič, 7. Ciril Virant, 8. Irma Hull, 9. Ignac Krampač, 10.Ksenia Nedelko, 11. Maria Suhadolc, 12. Ludvik Hull, 13. Elizabeth Tanko, 14. Ethel Simončič, 15. Štefan Prša, 16. Skale Vincent, 17. Janez Hočevar, 18. Maria Rejc KRSTI 30. decembra 2012 sta zakrament sv. krsta prejela: 1. OWEN EDWARD PARRY - Oče dečka je James in mati Christine roj. Whaling. 2. HANNAH CONNIE MESOJEDEC - Oče deklice je Andre in mati Jodie roj. Detweiler. Iskrene čestitke staršem, da bi dobro vzgajali svoje otroke. DAROVI Catholic Girl's Club SPAGHETTI DINNER In support of children's charities Saturday, January 26, 2013 6:30pm to 8:30pm at St. Gregory the Great Upper Hall 125 Centennial Pkwy N., Hamilton Adults: $10.00 Children 12 and under: $5.00 Children 2 and under: Free LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS, SO PLEASE PURCHASE IN ADVANCE TO AVOID DISSAPPOINTMENT. Tickets sold after every mass. Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: $50 Simončič Kathy$300 Frank in Jožica Pavlakovič z družino; $100 Jože in Marija Bregar; $150 Marija Števančec. Vsem iskrena hvala za darove. Te dni smo končali stopnice pri zadnjem vhodu v zgornjo kuhinjo. OD 13. 01. 2013 svete maše - masses DO 20. 01. 2013 Jezusov krst Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. t Jože Jerič Ivan Kirec z družino 13.Januar t Vinko Skale 11:00 a.m. Žena in družina Veronika, devica Kitchener 12:00noon Sava Club London 4:00 p.m. St. John the Divine Ponedeljek - Monday 14. Januar Oton, redovnik t Irma Hull f Sonja Nedelko t Lizabeta Tanko ff Starši Fortuna ff Ludvik in Irma Hull 7:00 p.m. Frida Pintarič z družino /To/ Anica Miklavčič Manja erzetič Kazimir in Anica Žižek Marie Oravec Torek - Tuesday t Irma Hull 8:00 a.m. Veronika Obal 15.Januar t Ludvik Hull Gizela Hauzar t Ludvik Hull Društvo Sv. Jožega-Torek v. Pavel, puščanik t Ethel Simončič Cecilija Sobočan Sreda - Wednesday 16.Januar Marcel, papež ff Anton, Agnes in Elizabet t Irma Hull f Jože Jerič f Sofija Vinčec, obl. ff Starši, sestra, brat 7:00 p.m. Judi & Silvia Marija Štern z družino Štern in Podrebarac Mož Toni Vinčec Julija Sagadin z družino Četrtek - Thursday t Sidonia Tompa 7:00 p.m. Sestra Verona Tompa t Stane Udovč Magda z družino 17. JANUAR t Irma Hull Joe in Kathy Prša Anton (Zvonko)pušč. t Walter Fylypiw_Mary Fylypiw Petek - Friday t Tončka Demšar 7:00 p.m. Jožica Vlašič t Irma Hull Jožica Vlašič 18. JANUAR t Marija Kolenc Manja Erzetič Marjeta Ogrska, red. t Jožef Sarjaš Regina Halas z družino t Ignac Krampač 8:15 a.m. Ana Krampač z družino Sobota - Saturday t Irma Hull 5:30 p.m. Toni in Marija Franc 19.Januar t Anton Vengar, obl. Pavel Novak z družino Suzana, mučenka tt Pokojni iz družine Grosak Marija Košir t Irma in Ludvik Hull Irma in Herman Gomboc 2. Nedelja med letom Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 20.Januar tt Starši Sarjaš Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš Fabijan in Boštjan, muč. t Ethel Simončič 11.00 a.m. Joe in Kathy Prša svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.