119 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 27 · 2017 · 2 short scientifi c article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2017.14 received: 2017-08-21 RANGE EXPANSION OF ALIEN NUDIBRANCH MELIBE VIRIDIS (KELAART, 1858) IN THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA Lovrenc LIPEJ & Borut MAVRIČ Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, Fornace 41, Piran, Slovenia E-mail: lovrenc.lipej@nib.si ABSTRACT The alien nudibranch Melibe viridis (Kelaart, 1858) was recorded in the waters of Slovenia (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea). A specimen was photographed and fi lmed on rocky hard bottom of the Natural Monument Cape Madona in October 2016. This is the fi rst record of this large sized nudibranch for Slovenia and for the Gulf of Trieste, as well, and a new one among otherwise rare records on this species in the Adriatic Sea. Key words: Mollusca, Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Slovenia, non indigenous species, Adriatic Sea ESPANSIONE DELL’AREALE DEL NUDIBRANCO ALIENO MELIBE VIRIDIS (KELAART, 1858) NELL’ADRIATICO SETTENTRIONALE SINTESI Il nudibranco alieno Melibe viridis (Kelaart, 1858) è stato trovato nel mare della Slovenia (Golfo di Trieste, Adriatico settentrionale). Un esemplare è stato fotografato e fi lmato sul fondale roccioso all’interno del Monumento naturale Punta Madonna, nell’ottobre del 2016. Si tratta del primo ritrovamento di questo nudibranco di grandi dimensioni per la Slovenia e per il Golfo di Trieste, e di una delle poche segnalazioni di questa specie per il mare Adriatico. Parole chiave: Mollusca, Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Slovenia, specie non-indigena, mare Adriatico 120 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 27 · 2017 · 2 Lovrenc LIPEJ & Borut MAVRIČ: RANGE EXPANSION OF ALIEN NUDIBRANCH MELIBE VIRIDIS ..., 119–124 INTRODUCTION Melibe viridis (Kelaart, 1858) (Tethyididae: Nudi- branchia) is a large sized tropical nudibranch with a typi- cal head hood and infl ated cerata. It is widespread across the west Indo-Pacifi c region. The fi rst Mediterranean record of this species (as Melibe fi mbriata) was reported from the island of Cephalonia in the Ionian Sea in 1970 (Moosleitner, 1986), but it has also been recorded from the coastal waters off peninsular Greece (Tzouval & Pettas, 2005), Aegean waters off the island Milos (Kot- soubas & Cinelli, 1997), both the Ionian (Thompson & Crampton, 1984; Cariglio et al., 2004; Mastrototaro et al., 2004) and Tyrrhenian coasts of Calabria (Crocetta et al., 2009), the waters off Sardegna (Doneddu & Trainito, 2008), the waters off Cyprus (Sanchez Villarejo, 2007; Tsiakkiros & Zenetos, 2011), the Strait of Messina (Mo- jetta, 1998), north-eastern Sicily (Scuderi & Russo, 2003), Maltese islands (Borg et al., 2016), southern Turkey (Van Bragt, 2001; Yokes & Rudman, 2004), off Israeli coast (Mienis, 2010) and the island of Djerba in the Gulf of Gabes (Cattaneo-Vietti et al., 1990) (maps and references in Despalatović et al., 2002; Zenetos et al., 2004). Despalatović et al. (2002) published the fi rst records of M. viridis for the Adriatic Sea in waters off the island of Hvar (Croatia) and Jančić (2004) reported it close to the city of Herceg Novi (Montenegro). Recently, Mandić et al. (2016) reported on spawning of this species in Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro) in October 2014. In this note we report on the fi rst record of M. viridis in the Slovenian part of the Adriatic Sea, which also represent the fi rst fi nding for the Gulf of Trieste. MATERIAL AND METHODS On the 25th of October 2016 diver Kristijan Murn photographed and fi lmed a 10 cm long specimen of Me- libe viridis with Go-Pro camera at the location of Natural Monument of Punta Madona in Piran (Slovenia) (Fig. 1) The specimen was sighted at 7 m depth, creeping on rocks at the sea bottom (Fig. 2) in front of the Norik diving club Piran. Photographs and fi lm shots of the studied specimen are stored as a part of species record collection of Marine Biology Station (National Institute of Biology) in Piran. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The observed seaslug was easily determined due to the typical shape, large and dilated buccal hood and other diagnostic features (Thompson & Crampton, 1984; Gosliner & Smith, 2003). This is the fi rst record of this nudibranch in the Slovenian part of Adriatic and at the same time in the Gulf of Trieste and the north- ernmost record in the Adriatic Sea, as well. The speci- men was photographed in rocky environment while crawling over the substrate and scaning the sediment between rocks with its oral veil. The habitat was not typical one for this species, since in most reports M. viridis was found in seagrass meadows of Cymodocea nodosa. However, it is also true that the rocky habitat host a high abundance of many small sized decapods and other crustaceans. The occurrence of M. viridis in the waters off Piran occurred in October, where temperatures are still rather high (above 20oC). At the end of summer the Gulf of Trieste is facing the intrusion of southern water masses into the area (Adriatic ingression) which could affect the occurrence of thermophilous faunistic elements (Dulčić et al., 2004). The possibility that M. viridis could be related with the ingression of southern Adriatic water masses was previously already pointed by Mandić et al. (2016) for Montenegrin waters. Tsiakkiros & Zene- tos (2011) considered the ballast waters as a probable vector of M. viridis introduction into the Mediterranean Sea, since this species was not reported neither from the Levantine waters nor from the Red Sea. The new Adriatic record on this species proved again the importance of an effective cooperation between SCUBA diving organisations and scientifi c institutes. In Slovenian coastal sea at least nine alien mollusks were recorded (Tab. 1) prior the fi nding of M. viridis (De Min & Vio, 1997, 1998; Lipej et al., 2008., Mavrič et al., 2010; Crocetta, 2011; Dailanis et al., 2016; Lipej et al., 2017). Six of them are bivalves, while other are gastropods with three of them being seaslugs (Bursatella Fig. 1: Map of the northern Adriatic Sea with the studied area. The sampling locality of Melibe viridis is presented with a circle. Sl. 1: Zemljevid Jadranskega morja z obravnavanim območjem. Lokaliteta, kjer je bil najden primerek vrste, Melibe viridis je označena s krogcem. 121 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 27 · 2017 · 2 Lovrenc LIPEJ & Borut MAVRIČ: RANGE EXPANSION OF ALIEN NUDIBRANCH MELIBE VIRIDIS ..., 119–124 Fig. 2: A specimen of Melibe viridis photographed on hard bottom in the Nature Monument Punta Madona, Piran in October 2016 (Photo: K. Murn). Sl. 2: Primerek vrste Melibe viridis, fotografi ran na skalnatem dnu znotraj naravnega spomenika Rt Madona v Piranu oktobra 2016 (Foto: K. Murn). Tab. 1: Alien molusks up to date recorded in the Slovenian part of the Adriatic Sea with the locality, year of fi rst record and literature reference. Tab. 1: Tujerodni mehkužci v slovenskem delu Jadranskega morja s podatki o lokaliteti, prvem zapisu in literaturnih virih. Alien mollusk Pathway/ Probable vector Locus year source Arcuatula senhousia (Benson, 1842) mariculture Gulf of Koper 2005 Mavrič et al. (2010) Magallana gigas (Thunberg, 1793) mariculture Sečovlje Bay 1971 De Min & Vio (1998) Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams & Reeve, 1850) mariculture Sečovlje salina 1993 Lipej (1994) Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906) Shipping/ Ballast waters Gulf of Trieste (Slo) sandy environments 1996 De Min & Vio (1997) Anadara transversa (Say, 1822) Shipping/ Ballast waters Piran, Debeli rtič 2011 Crocetta (2011) Brachidontes pharaonis (P. Fischer, 1870) Shipping/ Ballast waters or fouling Cape Strunjan 2012 Lipej et al. (2017) Bursatella leachi Blainville, 1817 Suez Canal/ spreading Marine Biology Station, Piran 2001 Lipej et al. (2008) Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) Shipping/Ballast waters Many infralittoral sites 1983? De Min & Vio (1997) Polycera hedgpethi Er. Marcus, 1964 Shipping/fouling and/ or mariculture Škocjan Inlet 2015 Dailanis et al., (2016) Melibe viridis (Kelaart, 1858) Shipping/ Ballast waters? Cape Madona, Piran 2016 This paper 122 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 27 · 2017 · 2 Lovrenc LIPEJ & Borut MAVRIČ: RANGE EXPANSION OF ALIEN NUDIBRANCH MELIBE VIRIDIS ..., 119–124 ŠIRJENJE AREALA TUJERODNEGA GOLOŠKRGARJA MELIBE VIRIDIS (KELAART, 1858) V SEVERNI JADRAN Lovrenc LIPEJ & Borut MAVRIČ Morska Biološka Postaja, Nacionalni Inštitut za biologijo, Fornače 41, Piran, Slovenija E-mail: lovrenc.lipej@nib.si POVZETEK Tujerodnega morskega polža gološkrgarja vrste Melibe viridis (Kelaart, 1858) so v oktobru 2016 opazili v sloven- skih vodah (Tržaški zaliv, severni Jadran). Potapljač je primerek fotografi ral in posnel s fi lmsko kamero na skalnatem dnu znotraj akvatorija Naravnega spomenika Rt Madona. To je prvi zapis o pojavljanju te velike vrste gološkrgarja v Sloveniji in eden izmed maloštevilnih opažanj te vrste v Jadranskem morju. Ključne besede: Mollusca, Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Slovenija, tujerodna vrsta, Jadransko morje leachi de Blainville, 1817, Polycera hedgpethi Marcus, 1964, M. viridis). The introduction of the bulk of them is related to shipping or to mariculture (Zenetos et al., 2004). Some of them such as B. leachi, Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846), Arcuatula senhousia (Benson, 1842), Magallana gigas (Turnberg, 1893), and Ruditapes philippinarum Adams & Reeve, 1850 could already be considered as established in the area. The fate of M. viridis in the northernmost Adriatic area remains questionable, since these waters are facing low winter temperatures (<10 °C), which have an important impact on the survival of newcomers and probably prevent the establishment of viable populations. For now the occur- rence of this seaslug species in the Gulf of Trieste should be considered purely as a casual one. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to express our gratitude to mr. Kristi- jan Murn and mr. Marjan Makuc who shared with us the information on the presence of the seaslug studied in this paper and provided photographs and movie shoots of the investigated sea slug. The authors acknowledge the fi nancial support from the Slovenian Research Agency. 123 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 27 · 2017 · 2 Lovrenc LIPEJ & Borut MAVRIČ: RANGE EXPANSION OF ALIEN NUDIBRANCH MELIBE VIRIDIS ..., 119–124 REFERENCES Borg, A. J., J. Evans & P. J. Schembri (2016): Oc- currence of the alien nudibranch Melibe viridis (Kelaart, 1858) (Opisthobranchia, Tethydidae), in the Maltese Islands. Mediterranean Marine Science, 10/1, 131-136. Cariglio, D., G. Fanelli & F. Rubino (2004): First record of the alien gastropod Melibe fi mbriata (Opisto- branchia: Tethyidae) in the Taranto seas (Mediterranean Sea). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 84, 1067-1068. Cattaneo-Vietti R., R. Chemello & R. Giannuzzi- Savelli (1990): Atlas of Mediterranean nudibranchs. Roma: Ed. La Conchiglia, 264 pp. Crocetta, F., W Ren Da & A. 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