R. ERTAN: SYNERGISTIC EFFECT OF ORGANIC- AND CERAMIC-BASED INGREDIENTS ... 223–228 SYNERGISTIC EFFECT OF ORGANIC- AND CERAMIC-BASED INGREDIENTS ON THE TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BRAKE FRICTION MATERIALS SINERGISTI^EN VPLIV SESTAVIN Z ORGANSKO IN KERAMI^NO OSNOVO NA TRIBOLO[KE ZNA^ILNOSTI MATERIALOV ZA TORNE ZAVORE Rukiye Ertan Uludag University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Automotive Engineering, Görükle, 16059, Bursa, Turkey rukiye@uludag.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-09-11; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-04-08 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.225 In this study, the composition of a brake friction material was experimentally investigated with respect to the effects of the proportions of organic (cashew dust) and ceramic (ZrSiO4 and Fe2O3) based ingredients on the tribological properties. The tribological properties of the friction materials were evaluated using a Chase-type friction tester. The effect of the ingredient proportions on the wear resistance and friction stability were obtained in relation to the test temperature and the number of brakings. A scanning electron microscope was used to study the effect of braking on the sliding surface of the friction material. Results showed that the complementary nature of the organic- and ceramic-based ingredients provided the optimum friction behaviour, such as the coefficient of friction stability and the wear resistance. Keywords: sliding friction, brakes/clutches, wear testing, electron microscopy V {tudiji je bila eksperimentalno preiskovana sestava materiala za torne zavorne obloge, glede na razmerje organskih (prah indijskih ore{~kov) in kerami~nih sestavin na osnovi ZrSiO4 in Fe2O3 ter na tribolo{ke lastnosti. Tribolo{ke lastnosti tornih materialov so bile ocenjene z uporabo preizku{evalca trenja vrste Chase. Vpliv razmerja sestavin na odpornost proti obrabi in stabilnost trenja je bil ugotovljen glede na temperaturo preizkusa in {tevilo zaviranj. Vrsti~ni elektronski mikroskop je bil uporabljen za {tudij u~inka zaviranja na torni povr{ini tornega materiala. Rezultati so pokazali, da komplementarna narava sestavin na organski in kerami~ni osnovi, zagotavlja optimalno obna{anje pri trenju kot sta koeficient stabilnega trenja in odpornost na obrabo. Klju~ne besede: drsno trenje, zavore/sklopke, preizku{anje obrabe, elektronska mikroskopija 1 INTRODUCTION In a brake system, the energy input begins as a driver presses the brake pedal, is then mechanically, hydro- pneumatically, electrically or with a hybrid method transmitted to the other components and ends at the disc/drum brakes. This kinetic energy is mostly distri- buted as the heat resulting from the friction between the brake friction material and the disc/drum interface.1 Thus, the design and material characteristics of the friction material, the disc/drum material where friction is generated and energy transformation occurs are important for the brake system. Especially brake friction materials are crucial for the stopping distance and noise propensity of a vehicle.2,3 A commercial friction material generally contains more than ten ingredients including metallic-, organic-, ceramic-, polymeric-based powders or fibre materials in a thermoset polymeric matrix. The understanding of the synergistic interaction between the ingredients has lar- gely relied on hands-on experiences and systematic studies of friction materials for the optimum brake per- formance.4 In particular, hard ingredients used as abra- sives in brake friction materials, with a relatively high hardness control the level of the friction force and remove pyrolyzed friction films at the sliding interface.5 The amount of abrasive is limited in vehicle brake pads because it does a lot of damage to the disc.6 The abra- sives used in commercial brake friction materials are generally ceramic-based, in various sizes and forms of oxides and silicates, such as zircon, alumina, quartz, magnesia, etc. The organic ingredients of the friction composites such as resin, cashew dust, aramid pulp, etc., are softer than the ceramic ones and responsible for the fade (a decrease in the braking efficiency or coefficient of friction with an increase in the average temperature of the braking surface) which is an extremely undesirable feature.7 From references list, it is seen that only a few studies report about the synergistic effect of the organic- and ceramic-based ingredients in friction materials and their roles in the brake performance.8 On the other hand, individual effects of organic- and ceramic-based ingre- dients were extensively investigated.8–11 The purpose of the present investigation is to investigate the organic- and ceramic-based ingredients together, with regard to the tribological characteristics of a brake friction material. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 223–228 223 UDK 539.92:620.178.1:539.538 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(2)223(2016) 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Material preparation The brake friction materials used in this study are non-asbestos organic (NAO) materials and the propor- tions of the ingredients are given in Table 1, including the average densities of the finished products. Friction- material specimens were manufactured by mixing, hot pressing, and sintering. The ingredients were weighed and mixed in the given proportions in a plough shear mixer for 10 min. Aramid fibbers were added initially, followed by other pulpy materials and finally by powdery materials. The manufacturing parameters were chosen according to the study of Ertan and Yavuz.12 The mix was moulded at 150 °C under a pressure of 7.5 MPa for 5 min in a steel die. Heat treatment was carried out in a mechanical convection oven at 165 °C for 12 h. The total amount of ZrSiO4, Fe2O3 and cashew dust was not changed and was set as 15 % of mass fractions for all the specimens. 2.2 Friction testing and microstructure analysis Friction and wear performances were conducted using a Chase-type friction tester (Figure 1), according to the national standard of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J661, determining the friction coeffi- cient, the friction force, the wear loss and the types of wear. Gray cast iron with a 280-mm diameter and a hard- ness of 210 HB was used as the counterpart. The applied load was exerted on the specimen in the holder with a closed-loop servo system and the maximum hydraulic pressure was 540 N. The speed was held constant at 411 min–1 and controlled by a variable speed drive. The test procedure consisted of a burnishing stop, the fade and recovery tests. The test procedure began with the baseline-I operation of 20 applications. This was followed by the fade-I test at constant speed and load, where the frictional force was recorded continuously at 28 °C intervals while the drum temperature rose to 289 °C. Then, the drum was cooled to 93 °C and the fric- tional force was recorded continuously at 56 °C intervals during the recovery-I test. This was followed by the baseline-II, fade-II and recovery-II test, similar to the first one, but with the temperatures going up to 345 °C. The wear test, which consisted of 100 applications, was conducted at the end of the testing. The weight of the pads for each sample was measured before and after the friction test, and the spe- cific wear was determined with the mass method follow- ing the standard of TSE 555 (1992)13 and calculated with the following Equation (1):    = × × −1 2 1 1 2 R f n m m m (1) where  is the specific wear rate (cm3/N m), R is the distance between the centre of the specimen and the centre of the drum (m), n is the number of revolutions of R. ERTAN: SYNERGISTIC EFFECT OF ORGANIC- AND CERAMIC-BASED INGREDIENTS ... 224 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 223–228 Figure 1: Chase-type friction tester Slika 1: Preizku{evalna naprava trenja, vrste Chase Table 1: Ingredients of the friction materials investigated in this work (in mass fractions, w/%) Tabela 1: Vsebnosti tornih materialov, preiskovanih v tem delu (v masnih dele`ih, w/%) Ingredients A1 A2 A3 A12 A13 A23 A123 Ceramic-based abrasives ZrSiO4 Fe2O3 10 2 3 9 3 2 6.5 5.5 6.5 2 3 5.5 6 4 Organic friction modifiers Cashew dust 3 3 10 3 6.5 6.5 5 Reinforcements 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Binders 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Lubricants 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Fillers 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Density (g/cm3) 2.13 2.11 1.80 2.03 2.01 1.95 2.05 the rotating disk, m1 and m2 are the average weights of a specimen before and after the test (g),  is the density of the brake lining (g/cm3) and fm is the average friction force (N). The densities of the specimens were deter- mined with the Archimedean principle in water, and the density calculations were repeated five times for each specimen after the sintering. The friction surfaces after the testing were analysed using a scanning electron microscope (Fa. LEO 1455 VP). For all the observations, the samples were carefully cut from an actual-size brake pad in order to avoid any modification of the friction surface, with a sample size of 2 cm × 2 cm × 1 cm. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experimental observations were made to determine the effects of the ceramic and organic constituents on the changes in the COF related to the temperature, the ave- rage COF, the braking number and the specific wear rate. The friction test results for the A1, A2 and A3 specimens are given in Figure 2, showing that the COF was gener- ally decreased at elevated temperatures. For all the specimens, it is seen that the COF continued to increase until 150 °C. The explanation of this behaviour is that the growth of hard particles in the brake material gene- rated a large shear strength and the maximum COF at 150 °C. After this temperature, the COF started to decrease. This behaviour can be explained with the destruction of the resin structure and the loss of the local binding properties as well as the formation of the friction film on the surface, called the fade. A compaction of the wear debris generated at the friction interface accounts for the formation of the friction film.14,15 After 250 °C the COF exhibited a stable change, with the increasing tempera- ture, in the A1 and A3 specimens, but the COF stability of the A2 specimen containing a high proportion of Fe2O3 was the lowest, especially at elevated tempera- tures. The abrasive effect of the Fe2O3 powders increased the wear rate (Figure 2b) and the wear debris were built at the friction interface and formed a friction film. This friction film reduces the contact between the pad and the disc. This film (with loosened debris, a stable friction level, and low wear rates) can be maintained at various temperatures, as long as it is not destroyed.16 These results were confirmed with the microstructure analysis given in Figure 3. The areas covered with a disconti- R. ERTAN: SYNERGISTIC EFFECT OF ORGANIC- AND CERAMIC-BASED INGREDIENTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 223–228 225 Figure 2: Friction test results for A1, A2 and A3 brake-pad materials: a) COF depending on the test temperature (°C), b) the average COF at elevated temperatures and specific-wear rates Slika 2: Rezultati preizkusov trenja A1, A2 in A3 materialov zavorne plo{~ice: a) COF v odvisnosti od temperature preizkusa (°C), b) povpre~je COF pri povi{anih temperaturah in specifi~ne stopnje obrabe Figure 3: SEM micrographs of the worn surfaces of the brake-pad specimens after the friction test: a) A1-general, b) A1-detailed, c) A2-general, d) A2-detailed, e) A3-general and f) A3-detailed Slika 3: SEM-posnetki obrabljene povr{ine vzorcev zavornih plo{~ic po preizkusu trenja: a) A1-splo{no, b) A1-podrobno, c) A2-splo{no, d) A2-podrobno, e) A3-splo{no in f) A3-podrobno nuous friction film on the friction surface are shown in Figures 3a and 3b. The brake pads containing more Fe2O3 powders than ZrSiO4 and cashew dust show an unstable friction beha- viour and a low fade resistance, and the areas covered with the friction film on the friction surface are increased (Figures 3c and 3d). The surface of brake pad A2 is very rough and exhibits large, locally delaminated friction- film regions. Several reasons may explain these differen- ces, some of which are merely physical, such as the particle-size distribution and the hardness.17 The average COF of A3 at elevated temperatures (between the 165–345 °C) was very high (Figure 2b). The abrasive proportion in this brake pad was minimum. The SEM images indicate very thin and locally delami- nated friction-film regions on the surface of the specimen (Figures 3e and 3f) that do not reduce the contact bet- ween the pad and the disc. As shown in Figure 2b, sample A3 exhibited a high wear rate. The increase in the wear rate of sample A3 is associated with the tem- perature sensitivity of the organic-based cashew dust (Figure 3e). When both the ZrSiO4 and Fe2O3 amounts were increased in a mixture (A12), the average COF at ele- vated temperatures (between the 165–345 °C) exhibited the lowest value (Figure 4b). The decrease in the COF and a high wear rate (Figure 4), therefore, appeared due to the low fade resistance and the large friction-film regions at the sliding interface (Figures 5a and 5b). The degradation of the organic particles and the increased abrasive effect caused a decrease in the COF at elevated temperatures. When the worn surfaces of A12 were exa- mined, the areas covered with the friction film were larger and thicker than in the cases of the other speci- mens. The friction-film areas were locally delaminated from each other. These areas decreased the average COF and the stability of the friction material because a friction film reduces the contact between the pad and the disc.18 The abrasive effect of the ceramic particles caused R. ERTAN: SYNERGISTIC EFFECT OF ORGANIC- AND CERAMIC-BASED INGREDIENTS ... 226 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 223–228 Figure 4: Friction-test results for A12, A13, A23 and A123 brake-pad materials: a) COF depending on the test temperature (°C), b) the average COF at elevated temperatures and specific wear rates Slika 4: Rezultati preizkusov trenja A12, A13, A23 in A123 materialov zavornih plo{~ic: a) COF v odvisnosti od temperature preizkusa (°C), b) povpre~ni COF pri povi{anih temperaturah in specifi~ne stopnje obrabe Figure 5: SEM micrographs of the worn surfaces of the composites in the Chase test machine: a) A12-general, b) A12-detailed, c) A13-ge- neral, d) A13-detailed, e) A23-general, f) A23-detailed, g) A123-ge- neral, h) A123-detailed Slika 5: SEM-posnetki obrabljene povr{ine kompozitov v Chase pre- izku{evalni napravi: a) A12-splo{no, b) A12-podrobno, c) A13- splo{no, d) A13-podrobno, e) A23-splo{no, f) A23-podrobno, g) A123-splo{no, h) A123-podrobno an increase in the wear rate. Therefore, the maximum wear rate was obtained for sample A12. The brake pad with a high relative amount of ZrSiO4 and cashew dust (A13) has a stable COF at elevated temperatures, but the values are not so high. This result can be explained with the lubricating effect of the cashew dust and the stable friction behaviour of ZrSiO4. The friction-film formation is more homogeneous and locally delaminated than in the case of A12 (Figures 5c and 5d). However, the wear rate is lower than that of A12. When Figure 5e is examined, it is seen that the areas covered with the friction film increased and the stability decreased with the increasing amounts of Fe2O3 and cashew dust. The abrasive effect of Fe2O3 decreased the stability and eliminated the cashew-dust lubrication effect. The COF exhibited an unsteady change, espe- cially at elevated temperatures, as shown in Figure 4a. It can be observed that large, locally delaminated friction- film regions formed on the surface of sample A23. A low wear rate with the increased amount of Fe2O3 and cashew dust is associated with the strong and durable friction film (Figures 5e and 5f). Sample A123 exhibited the highest fade resistance among the brake-pad samples due to its stable COF changing with high values. When the worn surface of this sample is examined, it can be seen that the friction film was barely formed on the friction interface (Figure 5g). The synergistic effect of the ceramic- and organic- based constituents is clearly seen from the wear rate (Figure 4b). The wear rate for this sample is the lowest among the tested samples. This optimum tribological behavior of the A123 brake-pad material can be ex- plained with a combination of the stable friction behavior of ZrSiO4, the aggressive behavior of the high COF of Fe2O3 and the lubricating effect of the cashew dust. The COF change related to the number of brakings can be seen in Figure 6. From the literature review, it is observed that the number of braking applications has the strongest effect on the friction-interface temperature.19 Consequently, the COF change decreases with the number of brakings. The stability of the COF is slightly reduced after the 50th braking. It can be seen that A1, A13 and A123 exhibit high and stable COFs, while A3, A12 and A23 exhibit low and unstable COFs. 4 CONCLUSION The friction characteristics of the brake pads including organic (cashew dust) and ceramic (ZrSiO4 and Fe2O3) based ingredients in different combinations were examined. The results showed that the organic and ceramic ingredients used as abrasive and friction modi- fiers have strong synergistic effects providing the ave- rage COF, the friction stability and the wear resistance. The friction film on the brake-pad material was mainly affected by the proportions of the ceramic-based ingre- dients. Increasing the cashew-dust proportion increased the average COF in the specimens. The wear resistance of a brake pad was decreased with an increase in the ceramic ingredients. On the other hand, an addition of a certain amount of cashew dust greatly improved the wear resistance. This complementary nature of the organic and ceramic ingredients provided the optimum friction beha- vior. In this study, the best friction behavior was obtained in the brake-pad material with the proportions of the ingredients close to the composition of specimen A123 (6 % ZrSiO4, 4 % Fe2O3 and 5 % cashew dust). Acknowledgements The author deeply appreciates the Frentek Automo- tive and Brake Lining Industry Corporation, where the brake-pad production and the experimental work were carried out. 5 REFERENCES 1 D. J. Kim, Y. M. Lee, J. S. Park, C. S. Seok, Thermal stress analysis for a disk brake of railway vehicles with consideration of the pressure distribution on a frictional surface, Mat. Sci. and Eng. A, 483–484 (2008), 456–459, doi:10.1016/j.msea.2007.01.170 2 S. W. Yoon, M. W. 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