Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students Rrezehana Hasani Abazi University of Prishtina Hasan Prishtina Purpose: This paper examines typical management and business students' attributes and whether they are ready for a knowledge economy. Bearing in mind that education is the key driver of the knowledge economy and business and management fields are significantly impacted by the introduction of the knowledge economy, it is clear why this topic was chosen. Study design/methodology/approach: The study contributes to knowledge by answering these questions: 'What are the features of a typical business and management student from Kosova?' and 'Do these students have the skills and capabilities to succeed in the knowledge economy?'. To respond to these questions, a questionnaire is compiled and distributed electronically to students. Findings: The findings of this paper are inspiring and encouraging of the prospect of Kosova in coming years. It seems that students are equipped with knowledge, self- confidence and abilities to succeed in this interconnected world. Regarding skills and capabilities to succeed in the knowledge economy, students claim to recognise the importance of lifelong learning, written and oral communication skills, teamwork and creativity. Originality/value: To the authors’ knowledge this is the first paper that deals with the knowledge economy in Kosova from the students’ perspective. Introduction With its particular geographic position and historical events, Kosova has a unique story of economic and social development. Being one of the last countries to win its independence from former Yugoslavia, it was also left behind from technological and industrial advancements elsewhere. While the rest of the world was concerned with the introduction of knowledge economy, Kosovas' population was facing the consequences of the war of 1998-1999 in an attempt to recover and restore their homeland. Despite everything, Kosova is part of the world. Therefore, it is affected by changes and technological improvements that occur in the developed countries. Notably, technology and globalisation have a massive impact on the economy and education. A survey conducted in Kosova with 500 SMEs found that 3.5% of managers have primary education and 59.7% have secondary education, explaining their lack of knowledge to design and implement business strategies (Latifi-Mustafa & Havolli, 2020). Moreover, even when there are educated managers, it seems that education does not influence business performance. Kosova suffers from the lack of "practical and applicable skills and knowledge that graduates are equipped with when entering the labour market" however, there are still doubts about the kind of skills that the labour market requires keeping in mind that the economy needs to find its orientation (Baćević, 2010). Higher education impacts the knowledge economy by providing lifelong learning through establishing elasticity, independence and a sense of welfare (Pirrie & Thoutenhoofd, 2013). Unlike the traditional economy, the knowledge economy urges university graduates because the need for skills associated with lifelong learning, risk-taking, teamwork is a must that cannot be cultivated anywhere besides university (Davenport, 2002). Moreover, the knowledge economy is unique in various attributes, including concentration on knowledge, increased by innovation techniques, intangible assets, information, trade of intangible assets, knowledge workers who profit from communication technologies (Mousavi, Moeinfar, & Amouzesh, 2013). In the knowledge economy, teachers have different roles, focusing more on developing International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning | ISSN 2232-5697 Volume 10 (2021) 205–218 | "new skills such as brokering, advocacy and advice", all these in service of facilitating learning rather than standing up in front of the class to deliver content (Robertson, 2005). Therefore, it is crucial to create an environment in which activities that include knowledge creation, transfer and application are being implanted in organisational culture, particularly in higher education institutions as knowledge providers (Rowley, 2000). From an economic point of view, knowledge is a public good, in the sense that it cannot be diminished by consumption and cannot be limited to individual buyers (Marginson, 2010). It is essential to acknowledge that students nowadays view education in different manners. Therefore, the curriculum must be designed to meet their demands and capabilities (Bratianu, Hadad, & Bejinaru, 2020). The essence of education should exceed the need to prepare students for the labour market; it should provide students with abilities to be agile, accountable and active citizens (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2018). Large corporations are asking continuously to expand their knowledge base and research through collaboration with universities; hence higher education institutions are being forced to have an active role in national, regional and global levels in the knowledge economy (Deiaco, Hughes, & McKelvey, 2012). According to Paul Davenport (2002), it is wrong to adapt to the "barn model", a condition that allows students to be part of higher education and get a degree regardless of skills acquired and quality of education. There is little evidence of the performance of graduates in labour markets and whether the university had some impact on their preparation for the labour market. However, most higher education institutions in Kosova provide business and management programs (BSC Kosovo, 2019). Hence, this paper is focused on business and management students, to find out whether they are ready for the knowledge economy. Bearing in mind that education is the key driver of the knowledge economy and business and management fields are significantly impacted by the introduction of the knowledge economy, it is clear why this topic was chosen. This study aims to answer these questions: 'What are the features of a typical business and management student from Kosova?' and 'Do these students have the skills and capabilities to succeed in the knowledge economy?' Answering these questions is crucial in comprehending the level of preparation for knowledge economy from the student perspective. Theoretical Background Jennifer Rowley (2000) argues that knowledge society has already arrived even though companies have not been able to implement their concepts concerning the identification, production and creation of knowledge assets. Knowledge is the component that drives economic and social growth, which led to the concept of a knowledge-based economy that is defined as "an economy which is based on the production, distribution, application and the use of knowledge" (Mousavi et al., 2013). It is essential to acknowledge that managing knowledge in an organisation is not a task to be completed by a single system. Still, instead, it is the people that can do it ", and it is the role of organisations to promote policies and practices that help people want to share and manage knowledge effectively" (Petrides & Nodine, 2003). Powell and Snellman (2004) define knowledge economy "as production and services based on knowledge-intensive activities that contribute to an accelerated pace of technological and scientific advance as well as equally rapid obsolescence." They argue that key components of knowledge economy include "a greater reliance on intellectual capabilities than on physical inputs or natural resources, combined with efforts to integrate improvements in every stage of the production process, from the R&D lab, the factory floor to the interface with customers." The main features of the knowledge economy are scientific knowledge and education, which in the globalised world are the inputs of producing material and nonmaterial goods (Zelinska, Andrusiv, & Simkiv, 2020). To date, universities are known as institutions of higher learning. Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 206 Still, over time, this role has expanded toward establishing them as crucial motors of economic growth through their contribution to research and development activities (Obadić & Aristovnik, 2011). The means to achieve growth in the knowledge economy are discoveries and innovations, "in which university has a central role" (Davenport, 2002). Universities, as part of the knowledge industry, need to realise their impact on the knowledge society through "managing the processes associated with the creation of knowledge assets and recognising the value of their intellectual capital to their continuing role in society, and in a wider global marketplace for higher education" (Rowley, 2000). According to Petrides and Nodine (2003), "knowledge management in education can be thought of as a framework or an approach that enables people within an organisation to develop a set of practices to collect information and share what they know, leading to action that improves services and outcomes". Universities use various inputs to create at least two outputs, referring to research and teaching. To put it simply, research is associated with the number of publications and teaching with the number of graduates (Obadić & Aristovnik, 2011). Powell and Snellman (2004) argue that the downside of literature on knowledge management is the focal point on knowledge production underestimating knowledge dissemination, forgetting that productivity boosts only when new technologies are implemented in organisational practices. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) found that western countries are funding intensively knowledge sectors, "especially education, communications and information", due to their impact on the knowledge-based economy (Olssen & Peters, 2007). Investing heavily in technology design and implementation in education is insufficient if this is not combined with improved decision-making skills since faculty members distrust technology. Also, some managers use this equipment to cut back departments instead of using them to be more efficient (Petrides & Nodine, 2003). Expenses on universities have a positive impact on economic growth. In other words, an educated labour force increases the chances of better economic development (Obadić & Aristovnik, 2011). Additionally, higher education institutions spend a considerable amount of money on knowledge creation and distribution through the payment of staff. Still, they lack the skills to assess their intellectual capital and include it in balance sheets, increasing their assets (Rowley, 2000). Higher education and research is not restricted to providing opportunities and stimulate economic growth only. Their role in the knowledge economy expands to "the promotion and harmonisation of cultural diversity, political democracy and economic trade" (Marginson, 2010). According to Rowley (2000), higher education institutions and consultancy organisations, all in the knowledge business, have realised that knowledge is power because it determines the employability of people. Furthermore, research conducted in 38 UK higher education institutions with 1060 business and management graduates found that the skills acquired during their studies and skills that employers demand are not in accordance (Wilton, 2020). Dr. Nick Wilton (2020) recognises a mismatch between employers' demands and the curriculum of business and management degrees. This calls for better coordination among employers, education providers and graduates to meet the knowledge economy's requests. It is long gone the period when the future was forecasted "by extrapolating the present situation based on deterministic thinking models" since the business environment is no longer stable, certain, simple and plain (Bratianu et al., 2020). Albania's higher education languishes from old curricula, out of date issues, avoids current demands of society and economy, and does not stir innovation (Mora, Ferreira, Vidal, & Vieira, 2015). In addition, the authors recommend overcoming these vulnerabilities by restructuring higher education institutions regarding their contribution to social and economic development by offering "consultancy, applied scientific research and other services". Higher education in Ukraine is far behind developed countries due Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 207 to the old teaching methods and focus on theoretical concepts. As a result, graduates do not have the necessary skills to be competitive in the labour market. Higher education institutions are not up to date, do not satisfy businesses' needs, and are imprisoned by state order (Zelinska et al., 2020). The knowledge economy is different from traditional economy in several features: information and knowledge cannot be decreased with usage in contrast to resources in conventional economy, gathering of knowledge leads to economic growth meanwhile in traditional economy capital and labour plays this part, the formal economy does not consider social relationships, which are crucial in the knowledge economy (Mousavi et al., 2013). A study that investigated characteristics of learning organisations with 150 enterprises from Kosova found that these businesses failed to benefit from this kind of organisation (Berisha Qehaja, Kutllovci, & Havolli, 2017). Simon Marginson (2010) points out the distinction between private and public goods of teaching and learning. Accordingly, the contents of courses and research papers are public goods since they are in the cyber-space, whilst “brands, positional advantages, networking and high-quality teaching provided in elite institutions” are private goods. Method and Findings Kosova has seven public universities and 16 active private colleges, with 19,7441 students of Business and Management programs in public universities in 2017/2018, and there is no official data of how many students are in private colleges in these programs (Ministry of Education, 2018). The nature of this research is descriptive in order to win an accurate profile of students and their level of preparation for the knowledge economy. The choice for descriptive research is in accordance with research questions (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2016). First, a questionnaire is compiled in Google forms to collect data from business and management students. Then, the questionnaire is validated through the assistance of authors' colleagues who read it and gave their insights on the content of items. Furthermore, the questionnaire was also shared with other people, family and friends, to determine whether it is easy to understand and measure what it is supposed to measure. This study was conducted during the fast spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)2, hence it was impossible to visit students physically in universities to gather responses. Therefore, the sampling techniques chosen here are the self-selection and snowball method since these were the only viable options considering the lockdown and difficulties to contact cases otherwise. The questionnaire was distributed via Facebook to students that the author knew, and then they were asked to share it with their peers. Participation was utterly voluntary, and respondents were assured that the answers were confidential and by no means will data be provided to identify participants. Sixty completed questionnaires are accepted from business and management students. Of them, female students are 73.3%, while in terms of age; the sample consists of students 17-21 years old (8.3%), 22-26 years old (38.3%), 27-31 years old (33.3%) and over 31 (20%). The three levels of studies are represented in this sample, whereas most respondents work full time (66.7%), while 10% work part-time, and the rest (23.3%) are not working. The survey question 'Have you ever heard of the knowledge economy?' the vast majority (70%) have heard before about knowledge economy, whilst the rest have answered with 'no'. This question was 1 Calculated from the author, according to official data 2 During July and August 2020 Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 208 formulated to have a clear idea of their level of knowledge on contemporary business issues such as the knowledge economy. Research question 1: What are the features of a typical business and management student from Kosova? To depict a typical business and management student from Kosova, the author utilised IBM SPSS Statistics 26 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to get frequencies for some survey questions. Graph 1 show that students assess their knowledge of the field of study very high and genuinely believe that they can successfully compete with international students from developed countries. Graph 1. Self-confidence of students The survey question ‘the best way to gain knowledge is through:' is multiple response question that allowed participants to check one or more responses. The majority of them (graph 2) learn using different methods, mostly studying at home and using the internet to facilitate their studies. Additionally, lectures and discussions with friends assist students in their endeavours toward knowledge. Graph 2. Methods to gain knowledge Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 209 Regarding the level of English proficiency, students have high knowledge (Appendix B, graph 1), which is one of the knowledge economy demands. In addition, English is the global language of the knowledge economy; consequently, students are encouraged to learn it since "English is the premier language of business and the professions and the only global language of science, research and academic publication." (Marginson, 2010). Considering that participants of this research are management and business students, they are asked to agree or disagree with the claim concerning entrepreneurial aspirations (Appendix B, graph 2). The majority of them (53.33%) do have ideas to start a business, and only 15% do not have such intentions. Research question 2: Do these students have the skills and capabilities to succeed in the knowledge economy? Answering this question requires determining what skills and capabilities are necessary to succeed in the knowledge economy. The new pattern of business education demands more effort from students and their commitment in the search for knowledge (Bratianu et al., 2020) instead of sitting down and listening to lectures. Canadian employers are asking universities to equip students with abilities of leadership, communication, both oral and in writing, to solve problems, critical and creative thinking, team working, all of these requirements to decrease the ratio of student-faculty (Davenport, 2002). Andrews and Higson (2010) argue that business education programs need to pay closer attention to developing 'softer' business skills and verbal communication skills. These are essential for employability among graduates to express their business knowledge. In addition, the knowledge economy demands a new kind of employee, one that is highly educated with technological competence instead of less-educated labour who are being substituted by computers (Powell & Snellman, 2004). To evaluate the chances of success of management and business students from Kosova, the author of this paper asked participants to agree or disagree with some statements regarding lifelong learning, business ethics, commitment, writing and presentation skills, teamwork, creativity, research and computer skills and problem-solving skills. Students are aware of the impact of lifelong reading and learning in the economics and business field (Appendix B, graph 3). Concerning business ethics, results are somewhat more diverse since not the vast majority believes in being ethical to reap long-term benefits (Appendix B, graph 3). One of the main challenges of students is developing written and oral communication skills (Andrews & Higson, 2010; Davenport, 2002). Higher education seems to positively impact these issues (Appendix B, graph 4), slightly more impact on written than presentation skills. The knowledge economy requires creative people who can work in teams since routine and individual work are disappearing. From the findings of this study, respondents appear to acknowledge teamwork and become creative over the years (Appendix B, graph 5). Most of the students surveyed are interested in entrepreneurial activities, and the majority of them have a significant level of English proficiency. Still, there seems not to be a correlation between these two variables (graph 3). Therefore, the level of English knowledge does not impact entrepreneurial aspirations since the vast majority of respondents rank their level of English proficiency above average. Still, only 53.33% are willing to start their own business (Appendix B, graph 1 and 2). Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 210 Graph 3. Entrepreneurial aspirations and English proficiency Discussion of Findings This study aims to examine attributes of typical management and business student and whether they are ready for the knowledge economy. To accomplish this goal, the author utilised descriptive statistics to create a perception of students' characteristics and their awareness and commitment toward a knowledge-based economy. The findings of this paper are inspiring and encouraging of the prospect of Kosova in coming years. It seems that students are equipped with knowledge, self-confidence and abilities to succeed in this interconnected world. These days, technological innovations are spreading quickly and with lower costs than ever before. This has a huge impact, particularly on young people, who adopt them faster and use these innovations to facilitate their lives, in terms of learning, regardless of economic development in their country. Thus, Kosovas' students appear to make good use of technological innovations, overcoming obstacles of living in a post-conflict country. This paper suggests that business and management students are convinced that they have sufficient knowledge of their study fields and are at the same levels to compete with their foreign peers. This is a promising result considering that high self-esteem positively impacts attitude toward academic and work-related challenges. In addition, they use various sources to gain knowledge. Consequently, this makes them more knowledgeable, open-minded and ready for the knowledge economy. Although all respondents claimed to possess a certain level of English, most of them ranked their knowledge advanced or superior. The majority of these students have ideas to start a business even though this is not in their short term plans. In a study conducted with 1138 business and management students in Kosova, just 9.95% plan to establish their own business and not look for a job, while 26.70% plan to continue their studies, 21.47% will look for a job. The rest are indecisive or will not be employed for other reasons (BSC Kosovo, 2019). Perhaps students have ideas for businesses, but they do not think it is time to start a business without any work experience. Furthermore, according to another survey in 2012 in Kosova, "the main reason to start – up a business is the 'desire to realise my dream of having my company' (32.6 %), followed by the spot of a business opportunity (26.1%), and 'being unemployed and had to do something to earn a living (24.0%)" (Krasniqi et al., 2011). It is essential to acknowledge that higher education institutions in Kosova do not provide lore and competencies to students to prepare them for entrepreneurship Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 211 and the labour market (Qorraj, 2017). The government needs to be particularly concerned with technology, industry, and education policies since a strong collaboration between these strengthen the national economy (Mousavi et al., 2013). Overall, a typical business and management student from Kosova believes that she/he has adequate knowledge on her/his field of study, can successfully compete in the international arena, has significant English language proficiency and has entrepreneurial ambitions. Regarding skills and capabilities to succeed in the knowledge economy, students claim to recognise the importance of lifelong learning, written and oral communication skills, teamwork and creativity. In addition, participants of this research are aware that continuity in reading and learning is vital for success in business and management; however, it is another issue if they indeed practice this. These findings are consistent with a study conducted with 260 participants in Hong Kong which revealed that competencies most desired by employers are “ability and willingness to learn, teamwork and cooperation, hardworking and willingness to take on extra work, self-control and analytical thinking” (Pang, Wong, Leung, & Coombes, 2019). Perhaps the business environment in Kosova does not offer sufficient incentives to be ethical, which may be why respondents do not share the same views about ethics and long-term benefits. Students declare that writing skills have become slightly more advanced during studies than presentation skills, possibly since most exams are in writing and not all students have the chance to practice presentation skills. A study that aimed to assess higher education business programmes in terms of meeting European marketplace demands in the UK, Austria, Slovenia and Romania indicates that employers of these countries have all similar requests on graduates, including problem-solving abilities, interpersonal and communication competencies, levels of discipline-specific skills, and ability to work with the minimum of supervision (Andrews & Higson, 2010). The same study found that business graduates feel that they lack the skills to make verbal presentations because, during their schooling, they did not focus on these skills. Keeping in mind that employers ask for both these skills, higher education institutions should meet their requirements by making curriculum changes. Teamwork and creativity are particularly essential in an economy that depends on technology and innovations. Students reckon that they benefit from teamwork during the acquisition of knowledge and becoming creative over the years, which the author of this paper believes that university has some credit in the latter. Conclusion This paper provides empirical data to describe and evaluate management and business students concerning the knowledge economy. According to its findings, it appears that these students are aware and somewhat ready for the knowledge economy. They possess some of the qualities demanded by this type of economy. With some changes from the government and other actors involved, they can genuinely play a vital role in world development. In this sense, students seem to own knowledge, self-confidence and necessary skills to succeed. Participants acknowledge the importance of lifelong learning. They have a high level of English proficiency, use various modes to gain knowledge, consider entrepreneurial activities, upgraded their writing and presentation skills, have the confidence to compete with international students. Nevertheless, governments need to become aware of the importance of public policies associated with technology, industry, and education to create an environment of cooperation between university, industry, and country, hence facilitating economic development (Zelinska et al., 2020). Kosova's education system needs to create and disseminate practical knowledge and social skills necessary to participate in the democratic world (Baćević, 2010). A study conducted with 516 students in a university in Romania found that they perceive that university enables them Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 212 to acquire entrepreneurial skills in this order: first comes judgement and decision making skills, followed by complex problem-solving. Then, critical thinking skills and the least developed qualities during studies are creative and active learning skills (Bejinaru, 2018). This research indicates that there is a huge potential among young people to race and win in the knowledge economy. Therefore the dilemma lies in the ability of government institutions to take advantage of these opportunities. Students of management and business programs should develop some particular thinking skills to become employable after graduation. These are: "Searching, collecting and organising data, information and knowledge, Problem-solving, Creative thinking, Learning to learn, and Strategic thinking" (Bratianu & Vatamanescu, 2017). Politicians and policymakers in the United Kingdom are advocating personalised learning, which consists of an approach to 'learning to learn as a reaction to traditional schooling (Robertson, 2005). In Austria, a lot of national policy programs aimed "to promote knowledge transfer from universities to firms and stimulate university-industry partnerships" (Trippl, Sinozic, & Lawton Smith, 2015). Among the programs are COMET, BRIDGE, COIN and Christian Doppler Laboratories, all of them attempting to coordinate activities between universities and the business sector. On the other hand, in Kosova, there is no clear coordination between universities and the private sector. Moreover, the USA is the sole leader of higher education worldwide for several reasons: it has the largest GDP in the world, spends the highest amount of GDP on tertiary education, benefits from English as a global language, American research universities lure talents worldwide, universities attempt continuously to build a network with American universities, American scholars lead science, and they establish norms of university and system organisation (Marginson, 2010). Philip G. Altbach (2013) defines research universities as "academic institutions committed to creating and disseminating knowledge, in a range of disciplines and fields, and featuring the appropriate laboratories, libraries, and other infrastructures that permit teaching and research at the highest possible level. While typically large and multifaceted, some research universities may be smaller institutions, concentrating on a narrower range of subjects." Research universities are the course of action to enter the knowledge economy since they provide possibilities to be part of the top academic community in global science and scholarship (Altbach, 2013). It would be an enormous step to consider the establishment of a research university in Kosova. Altbach (2013) proposes this since poor and developing countries lack the resources to have a research university; however, they can create regional academic alliances to engage in global science because they also need to have a say in world development. The results of this study have implications for practitioners and policymakers. First and foremost, government officials should become aware of students' potential and how the country can benefit from them. To do so, closer cooperation between higher education institutions and the business sector is necessary. Universities should review their curriculum to reflect the demands of the current world, considering the requests of students and the labour market. Moreover, the findings of this study can help the business sector by revealing that management and business students of Kosova are capable of dealing with business issues of this century if given a chance. In conclusion, the empirical findings of this paper suggest that Kosova is ready for a knowledge economy from the perspective of students. In other words, students are prepared to compete and collaborate with their international peers in a knowledge-based economy. Nevertheless, the author has serious doubts about the level of preparation by government institutions and academic staff in this regard. The results of this study may not be generalised for several reasons. First, the sample was small and did not cover sufficiently students of private colleges. Second, participants may not be Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 213 sincere, and some of their responses potentially could affect the results. Finally, this paper measured what students think but not their factual knowledge and how they act. However, the findings are concise and represent a certain reality. Other studies should expand the scope of research to include students of different study areas. The preparation of Kosova for knowledge economy could be further explored by examining government institutions and academic staff. Accordingly, future studies could analyse issues associated with the skills necessary for employment in Kosova as part of the globalised labour market. References Altbach, P. G. (2013). Advancing the national and global knowledge economy: the role of research universities in developing countries. 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Knowledge economy: trends in the world and analysis of Ukraine. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 7(1), 104-113. doi:10.15549/jeecar.v7i1.325 Appendix A Questionnaire Note: I assure you that all information provided will be treated confidentially and will only be used for this study. 1. Gender: Female Male 2. Age: 17-21 years old 22-26 years old 27-31 years old 32 years or older 3. Where do you study? Universiteti i Prishtinës “Hasan Prishtina” Universiteti i Prizrenit “Ukshin Hoti” Universiteti i Gjilanit “Kadri Zeka” Universiteti i Pejës “Haxhi Zeka” Universiteti i Mitrovicës “Isa Boletini” Universiteti i Shkencave të Aplikuara në Ferizaj Kolegji AAB Kolegji Arbëri Kolegji AUK Kolegji Biznesi Kolegji Dardania Kolegji ESLG Kolegji FAMA Kolegji Globus Kolegji Ndërkombëtar për Biznes në Mitrovicë (IBCM) Kolegji Iliria Kolegji ISPE Kolegji Pjeter Budi Kolegji Riinvest Kolegji UBT Kolegji Universum 4. Please indicate the study field or department where you study: 5. What level of studies are you currently pursuing? Bachelor Master PhD 6. How do you assess your knowledge of your study field? Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 215 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. Are you currently working? Yes, full time Yes, part-time No 8. Have you heard of the knowledge economy before? Yes No 9. Do you think that you can compete successfully with students from developed countries? Yes No I don’t know 10. The best way to gain knowledge is through: Lectures Study at home Discussions with study colleagues Internet Other, please specify 11. Which languages, other than your mother tongue, you speak: 12. What is your level of English language proficiency? Superior Advanced Average Beginner 13. Express your opinion regarding the following statements: I don’t agree Neutral I agree People with more education have higher chances for a bette job. Business requires lifelong reading and learning. Being unethical in business does not result in long-term benefits. Students should take the initiative to learn and study beyon the requirements of professors by insisting on their goals. I have significantly improved my writing skills during m studies in higher education. Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 216 Appendix B Graph 1. English level Graph 2. Entrepreneurial aspirations My presentation skills have been advanced throughout m studies in higher education. Teamwork helps me gain knowledge and skills. I have become more creative over the years. University has helped me develop research skills. My computer skills have been advanced through facult lectures. I can solve complex and unpredictable problems. I have ideas to start a business. Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 217 Graph 3. Business ethics and lifelong learning Graph 4. Writing and presentation skills Graph 5. Teamwork and creativity Hasani Abazi | Is Kosova Prepared for Knowledge Economy? Case of Business and Management Students 218