doi:10.14720/aas.2019.114.2.5 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek Longevity and vigour of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) seed stored under humid tropical ambient conditions Moruf Ayodele ADEBISI \ Tolulope Olaitan KEHINDE 1 2, Tunmise Elizabeth OLADIPO \ Isiaq Omoniyi LAWAL 3 Received June 3, 2019; accepted October 15, 2019. Delo je prispelo 03. junija 2019, sprejeto 15. oktobra 2019. Longevity and vigour of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) seed stored under humid tropical ambient conditions Abstract: Seeds of 20 pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) genotypes were evaluated for seed longevity and vigour under humid ambient conditions. Cleaned seeds of each genotype were packed into a polyethylene bag, the packaged lot was electrically sealed and thereafter placed in a seed store under ambient conditions (30 °C, RH 75 %). Seed samples were withdrawn at 0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 days after storage for seed quality parameters evaluation. The experiment consisted of two factors which were genotype and storage duration and was a laid out in a completely randomized design with three replications. Data were collected on rate of seed germination, seed viability, seedling length, seedlings fresh mass, seedlings dry mass and seedling vigour index. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance and significant treatment means were separated using Tukey's HSD test at 5 % probability level. PROBIT modelling was also used to predict the seed longevity of stored pigeon pea. Significant differences were observed in all seed quality attributes evaluated among the 20 pigeon pea genotypes and storage time except seedling fresh mass. Seed quality attributes decreased significantly with increasing storage periods. Genotypes NSWCC-18A, NSWCC-24, NSWC-34 and NSWCC-29A were identified to be superior for most of the seed quality attributes evaluated. PROBIT modelling result revealed that genotype NSWCC-29b had the highest storage life (16.28 months) and the highest storage potentials in terms of seed viability and other seed quality attributes of all seed lots. Key words: PROBIT analysis; seed deterioration; seed storage; seed viability; storage period Dolgoživost in vitalnost semen kajana (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) shranjenih v vlažnih tropskih razmerah Izvleček: Dolgoživost in vitalnost semen 20 genotipov kajana (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) sta bili ovrednoteni v vlažnih tropskih razmerah. Očiščena semena vsakega od genotipov so bila shranjena v zaprte polietilenske vrečke, ki so bile nameščene v hrambo semen pod okoljskimi razmerami (30 °C, RH 75 %). Vzorci semen so bili odvzeti po 0, 60, 120, 180 in 240 dnevih za ovrednotenje parametrov kakovosti. Poskus je bil dvofaktorski, kjer je bil prvi dejavnik genotip, drugi pa trajanje hrambe in je bil izveden kot popolni naključni poskus s tremi ponovitvami. Zbrani so bili podatki o kalivosti semen, njihovi viabilnosti, dolžini sejank, sveži in suhi masi sejank in njihovem vital-nostnem indeksu. Podatki so bili ovrednoteni z analizo variance, poprečja značilnih obravnavanj so bila ločena s Tukeyevim HSD testom pri verjetnosti 5 %. Za predvidevanje dolgoživosti shranjenih semen kajana je bil uporaben PROBIT model. Ugotovljene so bile značilne razlike v vseh ovrednotenih kakovostnih parametrih semen med vsemi 20 genotipi kajana in med časi hrambe, z izjemo sveže mase sejank. Kakovostni parametri semen so se s časom shranjevanja značilno zmanjševali. Genotipi NSWCC-18A, NSWCC-24, NSWC-34 in NSWCC-29A so bili prepoznani kot najboljši v vseh ovrednotenih parametrih kakovosti. Na osnovi PROBIT modela je bilo odkrito, da je imel genotip NSWCC-29b med vsemi semenskimi vzorci najdaljši čas preživetja (16,28 mesecev) in največji potencial za shranjevanje glede na viabilnost semen in druge parametre kakovosti. Ključne besede: PROBIT analiza; shranjevanje semen; propad semen; viabilnost semen; čas shranjevanja 1 Federal University of Agriculture, Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria 2 Corresponding author, e-mail: 3 Federal University of Agriculture, Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 114/2, 317-318, Ljubljana 2019 M. A. ADEBISI et al. 1 INTRODUCTION Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) is one of the most common tropical and subtropical legumes cultivated for its edible seeds. Pigeon pea is fast growing, hardy, widely adaptable, and drought resistant (Bekele-Tessema, 2007). Because of its drought resistance, it can be considered of utmost importance for food security in areas where rainfall is not reliable and droughts are likely to occur (Crop Trust, 2014). At the end of the dry season, pigeon pea provides green forage of outstanding value when other forages are not available (Sloan et al., 2009). Though mainly cultivated for its edible seeds, pigeon pea can be considered a multipurpose species. Pigeon pea stems and branches are a good fuel source and basketry. Among other uses of pigeon pea, trials have shown a potential use as a raw material for paper pulp and also contribute to the environment through its use in alley cropping and as a windbreak, cover crop, shade plant and green manure (Cook et al., 2005). Despite all these numerous benefits of the crop, it is still categorized as under-utilized crop in Nigeria and little information is available on seed quality potential after harvest and during storage. Seed is fundamental to production of crops. After maturation and harvest, seeds have to be stored until required for planting and need to maintain nearly 100 % germinations (Duffus and Slaughter, 1980). Deterioration and reduced longevity in seed is affected by enzymes activity, integrity of cell membrane, and stability of nucleic acid (Roberts, 1983). Seed quality can be influenced by environmental factors during seed production, harvesting, processing, storage and seed treatments (TeKrony et al., 1980; Copeland and McDonald, 2002; Adebisi and Ojo, 2001; Adebisi, 2004). Adetiloye (2005), Adebisi and Oyekale (2005) also reported that seed viability and seedling vigour are affected by the seed moisture level, drying temperature, seed mass, genetics constitution and length of storage. High temperature, high humidity and seed moisture content are main factors influencing seed storage behaviour (Ab-dul-Baki, 1980). The longevity of seeds in storage is a good indicator of seed quantity and vigour in many crops (Ellis and Roberts, 1980; Robert, 1983; Adebisi et al., 2003, Kehinde, 2018). Ellis and Robert (1980) have developed PROBIT analysis method to quantify the initial quality of seed lot and its rate of deterioration using controlled deterioration tests. It's already well known that seed longevity is a function of storage temperature and seed moisture content (Harrington, 1972; Roberts, 1973), stresses before seed storage and initial seed quality (Ellis and Roberts, 1980), genetic make-up (Adebisi et al., 2008a; Kehinde, 2018) and pest and pathogen damages in storage (Kulik, 1995; Abdul-Rafiu, 2007). Seed deterioration in storage follows a negative cumulative normal distribution pattern (Ellis and Roberts, 1980) which make estimation of seed longevity from seed germination data using PROBIT analysis possible (Finney, 1971) and assessment of seed viability under specified conditions (Daniel, 1997; Kehinde, 2016). Longevity of a seed is the period from seed maturation until seed death (Ellis and Roberts, 1981). Hong and Ellis (1996) reported that seed longevity varies greatly among species. This may also vary among accessions within a species. Kashyap et al. (1994) found significant differences among different cultivars and period of storage of wheat seed for all parameters of viability and vigour. There were significant differences in viability and vigour of soybean, rice, sesame and kenaf during storage (Thseng et al., 1996; Nkang and Umah 1996; Kamaswara and Jackson, 1996; Adebisi and Ajala, 2000; Adebisi et al., 2013a). Harrington (1972) reported that germination and vigour in crop decreased as storage time and relative humidity increased. Storage of tropical seeds of different crop species is a problem under humid tropical condition due to high temperature and relative humidity. In Nigeria, pigeon pea farmers are facing problem of preservation of farm save seeds of this crop after harvest due to precarious environmental conditions of temperature and relative humidity. The seed of this crop is not commercially available in seed marketing outlets thereby reducing farmers' access to high quality seed and enabling them to contend with available stock of poor viability with poor seedling establishment and consequently reducing grain yield. However, there has been dearth of information on storage potentials of the selected 20 pigeon pea genotypes under ambient humid tropical conditions but a little information on them was their outstanding grain yield performance. Hence, there is a need to provide information to fill the knowledge gap in the focus of the research. The objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of storage duration on seed physiological quality attributes of pigeon pea genotypes stored under ambient humid tropical storage conditions, and estimate the storage life of 20 pigeon pea genotypes using PROBIT modelling techniques. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 SEED MATERIAL AND SOURCE Seeds of twenty (20) genotypes of pigeon pea used 192 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 114/2 - 2019 Longevity and vigour of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) seed stored under humid tropical ambient conditions were obtained from Institute of Agriculture Research and Training (IAR&T) Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria, and International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (I.I.T.A) Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria. The seeds were freshly harvest in the dry season of 2017. 2.2 TREATMENT, EXPERIMENT DESIGN AND LOCATION Two factors were investigated in the study (pigeon pea genotypes in 20 levels and storage periods in five levels). The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design with three replications. The experiment was conducted at the seed processing and storage unit and Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology Department, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Ogun State, Nigeria. 2.3 SEED STORAGE Cleaned seeds (300 g) of each genotype were packed into thick polyethylene bags (size 15 x 15m) and each of the packaged lot was electrically sealed and thereafter placed under ambient conditions of seed store in seed processing and storage house, FUNAAB. The average temperature and relative humidity was monitored using hygrometer for the period of storage. The packaged seeds were stored for 240 days (8 months) and samples were taken at 0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 days after storage for seed quality assessment. 2.4 SEED QUALITY EVALUATION Standard germination tests were carried out in the laboratory of Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, FUNAAB with the use of Petri dishes. Fifty seeds of each of these genotypes were placed in Petri dishes with 20 ml distilled water and then put in the incubator for maintained at 20 °C for 8 days. From the seed germination tests above, data were collected on the following seed quality parameters: Rate of germination: Germination counts of normal seedlings were taken on 4th day and recorded in percentage of 50 seeds sown to determine the germination rate/speed (Adebisi, 2004). Seed germination: Germination counts of normal seedlings were taken on 8thday and expressed in percentage of 50 seeds sown according to ISTA (1995). Seedling length (cm): Shoot lengths of 10 ran- domly picked seedlings per replicate were measured in centimeter. Seedling vigour index: This was determined using the formula of Kim et al. (2002), modified by Adebisi (2004): SVI = Germination (%) x Seedling Lenght (cm)/100 Seedling fresh mass (g): Mass of 10 randomly picked fresh seedlings per replicate from the germinated seeds under the germination test were measured using a sensitive scale. (Adebisi, 2004). Seedling dry mass (g): Mass of 10 randomly picked seedlings per replicate were measured after oven dried for 1 hour at 130 oC temperature (ISTA, 1995). 2.5 DATA ANALYSIS Data collected on six seed physiological quality attributes were subjected to two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with storage period and pigeon pea genotypes as the treatments. Means of significant treatments were compared using Tukey's Honest Significance Difference (HSD) test at 5 % probability level and PROBIT modelling as proposed by Ellis and Robert (1980) and reported by Adebisi et al. (2008a) was also carried on seed longevity data. 3 RESULTS Table 1 shows the mean performance of 20 pigeon pea genotypes for seed quality parameters. In rate of germination, NSWCC-24 had the highest performance of 78 % followed by NSWC-34 while the lowest performance was recorded in TCC-6 with value of 16 %. Also, for seed viability, the highest performance was found in NSWCC-24 (77 %) but not significantly different from NSWCC-18b, NSWCC-18A, NSWCC-7D, NSW-CC-34A, NSWCC-29B, NSWCC-15, NSWCC-29A (6973 %) followed by NSWCC-18A (74 %) while the lowest performance were found in TCC-6, TCC-1, TCC-8, CITA-1, CITA-2 with range of 16 % - 24 %. NSWC-34 recorded the highest seedlings length (19.25 cm) and seedling vigour index (14. 38 %) compared to other genotypes. Seedling dry mass and fresh mass were also with highest values in NSWDD-34(1.01) and CITA-2 (6.21) respectively. From the result in Figure 1, the highest rate of germination was attained at 0 month of storage (67 %) but statistically similar values were obtained at 2-3 months of storage with 62 and 61 %, respectively while seeds stored for 8 months recorded the lowest germination rate (39 %). For seed viability, seed stored at 2 months Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 114/2 - 2019 193 M. A. ADEBISI et al. Table 1: Mean performance of 20 pigeon pea genotypes for seed quality parameters over storage periods under humid tropical ambient conditions (30 °C, RH 75 %) Genotype Rate of Germination (%) Seed viability (%) Seedling length (cm) Seedling fresh mass (g) Seedling dry mass (g) Seedling Vigour Index NSWDD-34 64.00cde 66.00bc 15.35cde 3.05ab 1.01a 10.22bcd NSWCC-18b 70.00abc 72.00ab 14.37de 2.79ab 0.87ab 10.35bcd NSWCC-18A 69.00abc 74.00ab 18.82ab 2.82ab 0.93ab 14.44a NSWCC-24 78.00a 77.00a 16.61a-d 2.67ab 0.82b 13.02ab NSWCC-35A 59.00de 65.00bc 16.00a-e 3.22ab 0.84ab 10.62bc NSWCC-29b 66.00b-e 66.00bc 16.24a-d 2.94ab 0.86ab 10.98bc NSWCC-7D 68.00a-d 71.00ab 17.92a-d 3.07ab 0.89ab 12.88ab NSWCC-34A 71.00abc 72.00ab 16.18a-d 2.97ab 0.79b 11.86abc NSWCC-32 61.00cde 67.00bc 13.84de 2.87ab 0.79b 9.24cd NSWCC-34 56.00e 58.00bc 12.57e 2.16ab 0.75b 7.30d NSWCC-29d 69.00abc 69.00ab 14.56cde 3.18ab 0.85ab 10.39bcd NSWCC-15 65.00b-e 68.00ab 13.27de 3.04ab 0.77b 9.38cd NSWCC-29A 69.00abc 72.00ab 16.40a-d 3.02ab 0.89ab 12.38abc NSWC-34 74.00ab 73.00ab 19.25a 3.17ab 0.85ab 14.38a NSWCC-3D 64.00cde 65.00bc 15.69b-e 2.82ab 0.78b 10.40bcd TCC-1 20.00fg 16.00d 3.57h 0.49b 0.33c 1.25e TCC-6 16.00g 16.00d 9.03f 0.59b 0.29c 1.93e TCC-8111 21.00fg 21.00d 5.24gh 0.46b 0.27c 1.95e CITA-1 29.00f 24.00d 7.81fg 0.72b 0.32c 2.73e CITA-2 27.00f 19.00d 2.66h 6.21a 0.73b 2.00e Means followed by same alphabet along column are not different from each other at 5 % probability level according to Tukey's HSD test at 5 % probability level. showed highest performance of 68 % above value obtained at 0 month (66 %) while the lowest value was obtained after 8 months (37 %). For seedling length, 0 month stored time had highest value (16.02 cm) followed by 2 months and 4 months with 14.89 and 14.99 cm, respectively. But seedlings fresh mass value was statistically similar during the 8 months of storage while seedling dry mass had its best performance at 0 month (0.93 g) followed by values at 2 months and 4 months while it was least at 8 months. Seeds stored for 2 months had the highest seedlings vigour index (11.59 %) above seeds stored for 0 month storage time (11.29 %) followed by 6 months of storage while least seedling vigour index was in seeds stored for 8 months (4.29 %). Bars followed by the same alphabet along the column are not different from each other Table 2 shows the effect of storage time on rate of seed germination in the 20 pigeon pea genotype. From the Table 2, at 0 month of storage, NSWCC-24 (93 %), NSWC-34 (92 %) and NSWCC-29A (90 %) had the highest germination rate while TCC-6 (18 %) and TCC-1 (20 %) had the least germination rate. At 2 month of storage, the highest performance was also observed in NSWCC-24 (87 %) closely followed by NSWC-34 (85 %) and NSWCC-29A (80 %) while the least performance was recorded in TCC-6 (27 %), TCC-1(25 %) and CITA-2 (23 %). Also at 4 months of storage, NSWCC-24 (83 %), NSWC-34 (80 %) were with the highest values and least performance was in TCC-6 (23 %) and TCC-1 (18 %). With increase in the storage time to 6 months, NSWCC-24 (78 %) showed the highest germination rate which was followed by NSW-CC-34A (70 %). However, for seed stored for 8 months, NSWCC-18b and NSWCC-7D (57 %) had the highest germination rate and closely followed by NSWCC-34A, NSWCC-15, NSWCC-3D and NSWDD-34 with (5253 %). The least germination rate was also recorded in TCC-8111, TCC-1 and TCC-6, with values of 8 %, 10 % and 13 %, respectively. Effect of storage time on seed viability of 20 pigeon pea genotypes (Table 3) shows that at 0 month 194 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 114/2 - 2019 Longevity and vigour of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) seed stored under humid tropical ambient conditions of seed storage, NSWCC-24 (93 %) had the highest viability closely followed by NSWCC-18A and NSWCC-18b with values of 88 % and 87 %, respectively while TCC-6 (18 %) and TCC-1 (20 %) had the least value. At 2 months of storage, NSWCC-18A, NSWCC-24, NSW-CC-29A and NSWC-34 were with highest seed viability values which ranges from 85 % - 90 % while the highest values at 4 months were obtained in NSWCC-18b (82 %), NSWCC-18A (82 %) and NSWCC-29A (82 %). Also, for seed stored for 6 months, NSWCC-24 (72 %) had the highest viability which was closely followed by NSWCC-7D and NSWCC-34 (68 %). Intrinsically, TCC-6, TCC-1, TCC-8111, CITA-2 exhibited the lowest viability of 2 - 17 % across the storage periods evaluated. The effect of storage time on seedling length of 20 pigeon pea genotype is presented in Table 4. At 0 month of storage, NSWC-34, NSWCC-18A and NSWCC-7D were with the highest seedling lengths of 20.86 cm, 20.81 cm and 20.23 cm, respectively while least values were obtained in TCC-6 (8.96) and TCC-8111 (9.76). Similarly, NSWCC-18A (21.48) and NSWC-34 (20.79) had the highest seedling lengths for seed stored for 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and 8 months respectively. Conversely, TCC-6, TCC-1, TCC-8111, CITA-1 and CITA-2 had the lowest seedling lengths throughout the storage periods used for the research. In Table 5, at 0 month storage period, NSWCC-29A had the highest seedling dry mass of 1.22 g followed by NSWCC-34A (1.20 g) while the lowest dry mass were found in CITA-1, TCC-8111 and TCC-1 with values of 0.48 g, 0.46 g, and 0.43 g, respectively. After 2 months storage period, NSWDD-34 (1.18 g) had the highest seedling dry mass, keenly followed by NSWCC-35A (1.09 g), NSWCC-29b (1.06 g) and NSW-CC-7D (1.04 g) while the lowest dry mass was also recorded in TCC-811, CITA-1 and CITA-2, with values of (0.04 - 0.37). Similarly, the highest dry mass value was Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 114/2 - 2019 195 M. A. ADEBISI et al. Table 2: Effect of storage time on rate of seed germination in 20 pigeon pea stored under humid tropical ambient conditions (30 °C, RH 75 %) Genotype Storage Period (Months) 0 2 4 6 8 NSWDD-34 75cd 68c 70b 55c 52a NSWCC-18b 87ab 67c 78a 62c 57a NSWCC-18A 88ab 73b 70b 67b 48b NSWCC-24 93a 87a 83a 78a 47b NSWCC-35A 65e 60d 58d 62c 48b NSWCC-29b 72d 75b 73b 65b 47b NSWCC-7D 80c 75b 67c 63b 57a NSWCC-34A 80c 73b 80a 70b 53a NSWCC-32 75cd 70b 63c 58c 40c NSWCC-34 63e 66c 57d 67b 37c NSWCC-29d 83bc 77b 70b 67b 48b NSWCC-15 67e 68c 67c 68b 53a NSWCC-29A 90a 80a 75b 60c 40c NSWC-34 92a 85a 80a 63b 52a NSWCC-3D 75cd 67c 70b 57c 52a TCC-1 18g 27f 23f 20d 13d TCC-6 20g 25f 18f 7e 10e TCC-8111 28f 45e 37e 4f 8e CITA-1 31f 42e 40e 13e 13d CITA-2 31f 23f 42e 23d 20d Means followed by alphabet along column are not different from another according to Tukey's HSD test at 5 % probability level. recorded for NSWDD-7D (1.09 g) after 4 months storage period, which was closely followed by NSWCC-29A (1.00 g). After 6 months storage period, NSWDD-7D (0.96 g) was the best performing genotype in terms of seed dry mass and this was followed by NSWCC-7D (0.89 g). Also, for seeds stored for 8 months, NSWDD-7D (0.83 g) was the best and it was followed by NSW-CC-18b (0.66 g). Meanwhile, TCC-6, TCC-6, TCC-8111, CITA-1 and CITA-2 were the least performing genotypes throughout the storage periods used. The effect of storage time on seedling vigour index on seeds of 20 pigeon pea genotypes is presented in Table 6. At 0 month of storage, NSWCC-18A had the highest seedling vigour index of 18.74 and was followed by NSWC-34 and NSWCC-24 with values of 17.75 and 17.03 respectively while the lowest value was in TCC-6 (1.73). After 2 months of storage, the highest seedling vigour index was also found in NSWCC-18A while NSWCC-18A showed the highest value after 4 and 8 months while NSWC-34 (11.51) was found to have the highest seedling vigour index. Conversely, the lowest values throughout the storage periods were found in TCC-6, TCC-1, TCC-8111, CITA-1 and CITA-2. The results of PROBIT analysis of seed viability data in 20 pigeon pea genotypes over 240 days of storage (Table 7) reveal that the values in all studied varieties of genotypes of pigeon pea indicate that the seeds maintained its viability irrespective of the storage time. All genotypes recorded relatively low rate of deterioration ranging from 0.0142 in TCC-8111 to 0.0016 in TCC-1. Relatively, NSWCC-29b showed the highest time taken (493.08 days) to lose 1 PROBIT viability followed by NSWCC-35A (350.45) while TCC-811 with the value (70.56 days) recorded the lowest time taken to lose 1 PROBIT viability. NSWCC-29b recorded the highest value in days to seed half-life (244.1 days) while CITA-1 (18.6 days) which had lowest value of seed half-life. However, the longest seed storage life of (16.28 months) was obtained in NSWCC-29b followed by NSWCC-35A, NSWCC-7D, NSWCC-15 and TCC-1 with storage life of above 12 months but others exhibited storage life between 8 and 11 months except 196 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 114/2 - 2019 Longevity and vigour of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) seed stored under humid tropical ambient conditions Table 3: Effect of storage time on seed viability of 20 pigeon genotypes stored under humid tropical ambient conditions (30 °C, RH 75 %) Genotype Storage Period (Months) 0 2 4 6 8 NSWDD-34 75c 78b 70b 58b 47bc NSWCC-18b 87a 78b 73b 65a 55a NSWCC-18A 88a 90a 82a 62b 50a NSWCC-24 93a 88a 82a 72a 50a NSWCC-35A 65d 78b 73b 67a 43bc NSWCC-29b 72c 73bc 72b 63b 52a NSWCC-7D 80b 80ab 75a 68a 52a NSWCC-34A 83b 82b 78a 68a 50a NSWCC-32 82b 83a 77a 60b 33c NSWCC-34 65d 67c 65c 58b 33c NSWCC-29d 70c 85a 77a 60b 55a NSWCC-15 62d 82ab 77a 67a 53a NSWCC-29A 85b 88a 82a 63b 43bc NSWC-34 85b 85a 80a 67a 50a NSWCC-3D 72c 77b 73b 58b 46bc TCC-1 18f 12f 23e 17c 10d TCC-6 20f 23e 25e 7d 7d TCC-8111 28e 43d 33d 2d 5e CITA-1 32e 43d 33d 13c 1e CITA-2 31e 18e 30d 17c 13d Means followed by same alphabet along column are not different from another according to Tukey's HSD test at 5 % probability level. NSWCC-29d (6.18 months), TCC-8111 (1.99 months), CITA-1 (1.24 months) and CITA-2 (2.72 months). 4 DISCUSSION Storage period is an important stage in the seed production process, the preservation of seed during this process, that is, from harvest time to the time of its use is an essential aspect to be regarded in the production process, because the effort spent in the production phase may not be effective if the seed quality is not maintained (Oliviera et al., 1999). Also, the utilization of high quality seed lot constitutes one of the major factors responsible for successful crop production. The analysis of variance shows that replicate effect was not significant and this could be attributed to the homogenous environment in which the research was carried out. The variations observed in all seed quality parameters among genotypes revealed that the studied 20 genotypes significantly differed in their genetic make-up, which led to a variation in their responses to different storage periods. The study revealed that there were significant differences among the seed quality attributes in response to increased storage periods. Rate of germination, seed viability and seedling vigour index attributes decreased as storage period increased. Similarly, Khalequzzaman et al. (2012) reported that seed quality parameters were significantly influenced by the increase in storage period of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.J. Similarly, the report of the findings of Adebisi et al. (2008a) in sesame, Daniel et al., (2012) in maize and Adebisi et al., (2012 and 2013b) in water melon and kenaf respectively all corroborated the findings of this study that differences in genetic makeup of genotypes could influence storage performance in different crop species under the ambient tropical conditions. On the storability performance, among the 20 genotypes, NSWCC-18A, NSWCC-24, NSWC-34 and NSWCC-29A were identified to have superior performance regarding most of the seed quality attributes studied, which could be due to superiority in the ge- Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 114/2 - 2019 197 M. A. ADEBISI et al. Table 4: Effect of storage time on seedling length of 20 pigeon genotype stored under humid tropical ambient conditions (30 °C, RH 75 %) Genotype Storage Period (Months) 0 2 4 6 8 NSWDD-34 15.77c-f 16.45d-g 15.74def 15.40abc 13.36b-e NSWCC-18b 14.68def 14.99f-i 14.68fg 14.07bcd 13.45b-e NSWCC-18A 20.81a 21.48a 20.17a 16.04ab 15.60ab NSWCC-24 18.11ba 17.77cde 17.40bcd 15.36abc 14.41a-d NSWCC-35A 16.12cde 16.72d-g 16.10c-f 15.57abc 15.46ab NSWCC-29b 17.44bc 17.40c-f 17.18b-e 14.70abc 14.48abc NSWCC-7D 20.23a 19.41abc 18.77ab 15.50abc 15.71ab NSWCC-34A 17.12bcd 17.18c-f 17.17b-f 14.93abc 14.50abc NSWCC-32 14.60de 14.57ghi 14.81efg 13.27cde 11.97def NSWCC-34 13.04f 13.20hi 12.93gh 12.03de 11.66ef NSWCC-29d 16.24cde 15.28e-h 15.04d-g 13.40cd 12.85cde NSWCC-15 14.25ef 15.74efg 15.30d-g 10.90e 10.15f NSWCC-29A 18.77ab 18.64bcd 18.50abc 14.41bcd 11.67ef NSWC-34 20.86a 20.79ab 20.67a 17.16a 16.74a NSWCC-3D 17.14bcd 17.01c-g 16.69b-f 13.90bcd 13.74b-e TCC-1 8.96g 2.66k 3.20j 3.05f 9.94f TCC-6 17.17bcd 13.11hi 12.87gh 2.00f 6.83g TCC-8111 9.76g 9.24j 8.09i 1.17f 5.05g CITA-1 13.28f 12.62i 11.10h 2.03f 1.37h CITA-2 5.48g 3.47kl 3.30e 2.89f 1.00h Means followed by same alphabet along column are not different from another according to Tukey's HSD test at 5 % probability level netic make-up of the genotypes combined with other physical characteristics of their seeds. These genotypes, TCC-6, TCC-1, TCC-8111, CITA-1 and CITA-2 were the least storable in all the seed quality attributes which could be due to their genetic weakness and weak physical characteristics of their seeds. The highest seed viability percentages were recorded at 0 and 2 months of storage while there was a great fall in seed viability at 6 months of storage and seeds stored at 8 months of storage had the lowest seed viability. However, seed stored at 0 month had the highest seedling vigour index while seeds store at the end of 8 months had the lowest seedling vigour. This decline in seed quality could be due to deteriorative process which occurs in all biological organisms. Ageing gradually sets in and advanced with length of storage and was further aggravated by the high temperature (30) and high relative humidity (75 %) of the ambient humid conditions which enhanced higher respiration and led to higher degradation of assimilates leading to the death of many of the stored seeds. Seed deterioration is associated with various cel- lular, metabolic and chemical alterations including chromosome aberrations and damage to the DNA, impairment of RNA and protein synthesis, changes in the enzymes and food reserves and loss of membrane integrity (Kibinza et al., 2006). According to Kapoor et al. (2011), seed deterioration is the loss of seed quality (viability and vigour) due to the adverse effect of environmental factors and is a natural process which involves cytological, physiological and biochemical changes. The rate of deterioration fluctuates critically from one species to another and also among varieties of the same species (Jatoi et al., 2001; Jyoti and Malik, 2013). The deterioration is evident in the reduction in percentage germination, production of weak seedlings, loss of vigour, seed become less viable and ultimately seed death (Murthy et al., 2000; Tilebeni and Golpayegani, 2011). Furthermore, the study observed that storage period under ambient should be given due consideration when storing seeds, irrespective of genotypes available for storage. The environmental conditions in storage are very difficult to maintain and highly influenced the period of seed survival (Jyoti and Malik, 2013). Lower 198 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 114/2 - 2019 Longevity and vigour of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) seed stored under humid tropical ambient conditions Table 5: Effect of storage time on seedling dry mass of 20 pigeon pea genotypes stored under humid tropical ambient conditions (30 °C, RH 75 %) Genotype Storage Period (Months) 0 2 4 6 8 NSWDD-34 0.97de 1.18a 1.09a 0.96a 0.83a NSWCC-18b 0.98de 0.97b-f 0.88b-f 0.86abc 0.66b NSWCC-18A 1.18ab 1.07abc 0.97abc 0.83abc 0.61bc NSWCC-24 0.94de 0.92def 0.87b-f 0.77bc 0.60bc NSWCC-35A 0.92de 1.09ab 0.91b-e 0.82bc 0.46d-g NSWCC-29b 0.88e 1.06abc 0.91b-e 0.86abc 0.58bcd NSWCC-7D 1.02cd 1.04bcd 0.93bcd 0.89ab 0.56b-e NSWCC-34A 1.20a 0.78g 0.77f 0.74cd 0.48cde NSWCC-32 0.97de 0.97b-f 0.85c-f 0.76bc 0.43efg NSWCC-34 0.96de 0.84f 0.83def 0.79bc 0.33g NSWCC-29d 0.98de 0.95c-f 0.95def 0.74cd 0.61bc NSWCC-15 0.94de 0.86efg 0.83bcd 0.75cd 0.48c-f NSWCC-29A 1.22a 0.99b 1.00ab 0.81bc 0.41fg NSWC-34 1.02cd 0.92def 0.91b-e 0.78bc 0.60bc NSWCC-3D 1.05bcd 0.87efg 0.80ef 0.62d 0.56b-e TCC-1 1.15abc 0.32j 0.18h 2.03-16e 9.20-16 e TCC-6 0.73f 0.48hi 0.54g 8.92-17e 8.80-16 e TCC-8111 0.46f 0.37ij 0.51g 1.33-16e 1.18-15 f CITA-1 0.48f 0.61h 0.49g 9.00-17e 3.30-15 f CITA-2 0.30f 0.04k 0.26h 2.04-15e 3.08-14 f Means followed by same alphabet along column are not different from another according to Tukey's HSD test at 5 % probability level. temperature and relative humidity delayed seed deterioration process thereby leads to prolong viability period (Mohammadi et al., 2011). Earlier reports by Adebisi et al. (2003, 2008b), Esuruoso (2010), Adebisi and Oyekale (2005) and Oni (2012) have utilized probit modelling to predict storage life of soybean, rice, kenaf, okra, and sesame, respectively under ambient humid storage conditions. In this study, the result of PROBIT modelling showed that the seeds maintained its viability, irrespective of the storage time of a period of 240 days. The pigeon pea seeds had very low rate of deterioration, in all the (20) genotypes used in this study implying that seed longevity was prolonged. NSWCC-29b had the highest value in days to seed half-life indicating high storability potential of such seeds, while CITA-1 had the lowest value in days to seed half-life indicating that this genotype was least storable under ambient humid conditions. Both genotypes also exhibited same rate for storage life. Nevertheless, the PROBIT modelling predicted that NSWCC-29b can be stored for an average of 16.28 months before it starts deteriorating, if the seeds are put under good storage conditions. 5 CONCLUSIONS There were highly significant differences in all included seed quality parameters among 20 studied pigeon pea genotypes. These seed quality parameters were greatly influenced by storage period and all seed quality parameters declined with increase in storage duration due to the intrinsic factors in the seeds, irrespective of genotype as well as other factors such as endosperm size, seed coat, hormonal profile of the seed, the type of assimilate that is predominant in the seed among others. Storage period of pigeon pea under ambient conditions should be between 1-6 months in order to maintain high seed quality parameters. NSWCC-18A, NSWCC-24, NSWC-34 and NSWCC-29A were the best genotypes across the seed quality attributes across the 240 days of storage and should be considered in selection for high quality seeds. The highest estimated seed Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 114/2 - 2019 199 M. A. ADEBISI et al. Table 6: Effect of storage time on seedling vigour index on 20 pigeon pea genotypes stored under humid tropical ambient conditions (30 °C, RH 75 %) Genotype Storage Period (Months) 0 2 4 6 8 NSWDD-34 11.89e 12.99de 11.02f 9.07b-f 6.14abc NSWCC-18b 12.70de 11.68e 10.84f 9.13b-e 7.04ab NSWCC-18A 18.74a 19.31a 16.38a 9.25abc 7.80a NSWCC-24 17.03ab 15.71bc 14.20abc 11.01ab 7.15ab NSWCC-35A 10.80ef 13.18de 11.88c-f 10.52ab 6.70ab NSWCC-29b 12.92de 12.83d 13.31c-f 9.33a-d 7.49ab NSWCC-7D 16.11bc 15.47bc 14.10bbc 10.63ab 8.09a NSWCC-34A 14.26cd 14.09cd 13.43b-e 10.20abc 7.30ab NSWCC-32 11.95de 12.12d 11.36e 6.80f 3.98c NSWCC-34 8.53d 8.75f 8.39g 6.97ef 3.88c NSWCC-29d 12.06de 13.18de 11.59def 8.04c-f 7.08ab NSWCC-15 9.29f 13.06de 11.83def 7.24def 5.45bc NSWCC-29A 15.95bc 16.51b 15.13ab 9.16b-e 5.17bc NSWC-34 17.75ab 17.17ab 16.54a 11.51a 8.37a NSWCC-3D 12.40de 12.97e 1316c-f 8.10c-f 6.36ab TCC-1 1.73h 3.30h 0.73i 0.49g 0.00d TCC-6 3.47gh 3.03h 3.15h 1.76-15h 0.00d TCC-8111 2.82gh 4.17gh 2.75hi 1.76-15h 0.00d CITA-1 4.16g 5.43g 3.62h 0.41g 0.00d CITA-2 4.08g 6.29g 1.00i 0.51g 0.20d Means followed by same alphabet along column are not different from another according to Tukey's HSD test at 5 % probability level. storage life of 16.28 months was derived for genotype NSWCC-29b. Storage of pigeon pea seeds under favourable ambient environments offer good potential for short term pigeon pea seed quality maintenance. 6 RECOMMENDATIONS Seed quality of pigeon pea deteriorates as storage time increases therefore, storage period should not exceed 6 months NSWCC-18A, NSWCC-24, NSWC-34 and NSWCC-29A were recommended for breeding process with utmost aim of high seed quality. 7 REFERENCES Abdul- Rafiu, A.M. (2007). Effect of genotype and seed treatments on Sitophilus zeamais infestation and maize seed quality. M. Agric., Dissertation. Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 83 pp. Abdul-Baki, A. A. (1980). Biochemical aspect of vigour. Hortscience, 15, 765-771. Adebisi, M. A. (2004). Variation, stability and correlation studies in seed quality and yield characters of sesame, PhD Thesis., Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 148 pp. Adebisi, M. A and Ajala, M. O. (2000). 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