Karin Bakračevič Vukman Andreas Demetriou COGNITIVE ABILITY, SELF-UNDERSTANDING AND PERSONALITY: DY NAMIC INTERACTIONS IN ADULTHOOD 35-50 univerza v mariboru oddelek za psihologijo koroška 160 si-2000 maribor e-mail: karin.bakracevic@uni-mb.si university of cyprus department of psychology p.o. box 20537 1678 nicosia ciper 36 Anthropos 1-2 (221-222) 2011, str. 35-50 karin bakračevič vukman, andreas demetriou izvirni znanstveni članek 159.92:159.923.3:165.194 ::POVZETEK KOGNITIVNE SPOSOBNOSTI, SAMORAZUMEVANJE IN OSEBNOST: DINAMIČNE POVEZAVE V ODRASLI DOBI V priujoi študiji smo raziskovali povezave med kognitivnimi sposobnostmi, samorazumevanjem in osebnostjo. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali so sposobnosti na različnih področjih rezoniranja ter samoevalvacije in predstave o samem sebi na teh področjih, povezane z velikimi petimi faktorji osebnosti. Na podlagi dosedanjih raziskav smo predvidevali, da obstajajo povezave med dimenzijami kognicije, samorazumevanja in osebnosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da so osebnostne značilnosti različno povezane s kognitivnim delovanjem in s predstavami o samem sebi kot kognitivnem subjektu. Kognitivne sposobnosti so bile sicer statistično pomembno, ven- dar šibko povezane z dvema od velikih petih dimenzij osebnosti, in sicer odprtostjo in vestnostjo. Faktor kognitivne samoreprezentacije pa je kazal visoko statistično pomembno povezavo z odprtostjo in zmerno korelacijo z ekstravertnostjo, prijetnostjo in vestnostjo. Ključne besede: kognitivne sposobnosti, samoevalvacija, predstava o samem sebi, osebnost, razvoj ABSTRACT Th is study investigates the relations between cognitive ability, self-understanding, and personality. Th at is, the study was designed to specify if reasoning ability in diff erent domains and self-evaluation and self-representation in these domains are related to each of the Big Five factors of personality. Th e general assumption, which is suggested by a number of recent studies, is that there indeed are relations between these three distinct dimensions (i.e., cognition, self-understanding, and personal- ity) of the person. Th is study aspires to further decipher and clarify these relations. Th e results revealed that personality is variably related to cognitive functioning and cognitive self-representations. Specifi cally, cognitive ability was signifi cantly but weakly related to only two of the dimensions of personality, namely openness and conscientiousness. On the other hand, there was very high positive correla- tion between the general self-representation factor and openness to experience, and moderate correlations with extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Keywords: cognitive ability, self-evaluation, self-representation, personality, development 37 cognitive ability, self-understanding and personality: dynamic interactions in adulthood ::THE MIND Recent research by Demetriou and colleagues (Demetriou, Christou, Spanoudis, & Platsidou, 2002) suggests that the mind is a three-level hierar- chical structure. It involves three functionally distinct levels. Th e fi rst level interfaces directly with the environment and it includes several specialized capacity systems addressed to the representation and processing of diff erent domains of the environment. Th e other two levels comprise general-purpose mechanisms and processes, namely processing potentials that defi ne repre- sentational and processing capacity and hypercognitive processes allowing self-awareness and self-regulation (Demetriou, Efklides, & Platsidou, 1993; Demetriou & Kazi, 2001, 2006; Demetriou, Mouyi, & Spanoudis, 2008). Specialized capacity systems are inferential and problem solving devices that specialize in the representation and processing of diff erent types of informa- tion and relations in the environment. As such, they include domain-specifi c procedures and mental operations which refl ect the peculiarities of the elements and the relations that characterize a specifi c part of reality. Finally, they are symbolically biased in the sense that the symbolic systems used are the most conductive to the representation of its own elements, properties and relations (Demetriou, Mouyi, & Spanoudis, 2008). Empirical research has identifi ed the following six domains of thought. (1) Th e categorical system deals with similarity-diff erence relations. (2) Th e quan- titative system deals with quantitative variations and relations in the environ- ment. (3) Th e causal system deals with cause-eff ect relations. (4) Th e spatial system deals with orientation in space and the imaginal representation of the environment. Mental images and operations on them belong to this system. (5) Th e propositional system deals with the truth/falsity and the validity/invalidity of the fl ow of information in the environment and in systems of representa- tion about the environment. Diff erent types of logical relationships such as implication and conjunction belong to this system. (6) Th e social system deals with the understanding of social relationships and interactions. Mechanisms for monitoring non-verbal communication or skills for manipulating social interactions belong to this system (Demetriou, 2000; Demetriou & Efklides, 1985, 1989; Demetriou et al., 1993; Demetriou & Kazi, 2001). Processing potentials constrain the complexity and effi ciency of information processing at any given moment. Th ey are normally defi ned in terms of very general processes, such as speed of processing, executive control enabling selective attention and inhibition of task-irrelevant stimuli or responses, and working memory (Demetriou et al., 2002, 2008). In traditional theories of intelligence, these processes are considered to be causally related to individual 38 Anthropos 1-2 (221-222) 2011, str. 35-50 karin bakračevič vukman, andreas demetriou diff erences in general intelligence (Jensen, 1998). In developmental theories, changes with age in any of these processes are considered to be systemati- cally related to changes in the kind and complexity of thought (Case, 1985; Demetriou et al, 1993, 2002, 2008); Halford, 1993; Pascual-Leone, 1993). Hypercognition includes self-awareness and self-regulation knowledge and strategies which operate as the interface between (a) mind and reality, and (b) any of the various systems and processes of the mind. Hypercognition - concept, very similar to metacognition (Flavel, 1979), involves two central functions, namely working hypercognition and long-term hypercognition. Working hypercognition is a strong directive-executive function that is responsible for setting and pursuing mental and behavioral goals until they are attained. Th is function involves processes enabling the person to (1) set mental and behavioral goals, (2) plan their attainment, (3) evaluate each step’s processing demands vis-à-vis the available potentials, knowledge, skills and strategies, (4) monitor planned activities vis-à-vis the goals, and (5) evaluate the outcome attained. Th ese processes operate recursively in such a way that goals and subgoals may be renewed according to the online evaluation of the system’s distance from its ultimate objective. Th ese regulatory functions operate under the current structural constraints of the system that defi ne the system’s current maximum potentials (Demetriou, 2000; Demetriou & Efklides, 1989; Demetriou & Kazi, 2001). Consciousness is an integral part of the hypercognitive system. Th e very process of setting mental goals, planning their attainment, monitoring action vis-à-vis both the goals and the plans, and regulating real or mental action requires a system that can remember and review and therefore know itself. Th erefore, conscious awareness and all ensuing functions, such as a self-concept (that is, awareness of one’s own mental characteristics, functions, and mental states) and a theory of mind (that is, awareness of others’ mental functions and states) are part of the very construction of the system. In fact, long-term hypercognition comprises the models and representations concerning past cognitive experiences that result from the functioning of working hypercog- nition. Th ese models involve descriptions about the general structural and dynamic characteristics of the mind and prescriptions and rules about the effi cient use of the functions. ::Personality Research in the psychometric tradition has established empirically a fi ve-factor structure of personality (McCrae & Costa, 1997). Th is structure includes the dimensions of Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, 39 cognitive ability, self-understanding and personality: dynamic interactions in adulthood Emotional Stability (or Neuroticism), and Openness to Experience. Demetriou and Kazi (2001) suggested that the Big Five factors of personality correspond to the domain-specifi c systems that reside at the environment-oriented level of knowing. Th at is, the domain-specifi c systems of understanding channel the functioning of the mind and the Big Five factors channel patterns of ac- tion and relationships with the social and cultural environment. Th erefore, personality theorists argue that personality provides the framework within which intelligence and mind operate. In other words, the various dimensions of personality may be seen as alternative dispositions to relate and interact with the world in particular ways (Costa & McCrae, 1997; Ferrari & Sternberg, 1998). As such, they constitute alternative formations of temperament which is the dynamic aspect of processing potentials. Th us, the processing potentials constrain the complexity and type of information that can be understood at a given age and temperament constrains how information is to initially be received and reacted to. Th ese constructs are controlled and intertwined by the active processes of self-knowing and self-regulation involved in working hypercognition. Th erefore, these processes generate representations about personality dispositions in the same way that they generate representations about cognitive abilities. In line with this model, several studies have shown that the Big Five fac- tors of personality that emerge from self-rating tests of personality are highly related with measures of self-representation and self-evaluation (Demetriou et al., 2003; Demetriou & Kazi, 2001, 2006). Th e relations between actual cognitive ability and personality are generally weaker. Specifi cally, signifi cant correlations have been found between openess and general intelligence (Austin et all., 2002, Kyllonen, 1997 and Moutafi et al., 2003) and signifi cant negative correlations between Neuroticism and intelligence (Ackerman and Heggestad, 1997, Kyllonen, 1997, Moutafi et al., 2003). Findings on the relations between intelligence, on the one hand and extraversion or conscientiousness, on the other hand, have been controversial. Some studies have shown positive and some negative correlations between these variables (Furnham, 2008). Th ere is always some kind of self-awareness about one´s own cognitive, per- sonality, and behavioral characteristics. However, accuracy in self-awareness varies both within developmental phases and along life-span development (Demetriou and Bakracevic, 2009; Demetriou and Kazi, 2001, 2006). Spe- cifi cally, self- awareness is inaccurate at the beginning of each developmental phase and it tends to become more accurate by the end of the phase. Th is indicates that individuals need time and experience to acquire sensitivity about the condition of the cognitive processes that characterize a particular phase. Overall, accuracy in self-awareness and self-representation is fi rst attained for 40 Anthropos 1-2 (221-222) 2011, str. 35-50 karin bakračevič vukman, andreas demetriou more easily observable aspects of mental, emotional, and behavioral processes and it then extends to more internal and abstract processes. Moreover, it is assumed that, with age, persons become more refl ective and self-aware of their own cognitive processes and abilities (Bakracevic Vukman, 2005; Baltes & Staudinger, 2000; Demetriou, 1990; Demetriou & Kazi, 2001, 2006; Harter, 1999; Kuhn, 2000; Labouvie-Vief, 1992; Moshman, 1990; Nicholls, 1990). Th e main aim of this study is to specify how the Big Five factors of personality interrelate with actual cognitive performance and with self-awareness about it as it is refl ected in cognitive self-representations and self-evaluations from adolescence to middle adulthood. In the sake of this aim participants were examined by tasks addressing three of the domains specifi ed above, that is spatial, verbal, and social reasoning. Th ey were asked to evaluate the diffi culty of the tasks addressed to them, their subjective success on them, and their general self-representations about their performance in the various domains. Personality was examined by the Big Five factors of personality inventory. Based on earlier research, it is expected that personality would be closely as- sociated with hypercognitive processes. Of the Big Five factors, openness to experience and conscientiousness would be more closely associated with actual cognitive performance than the other three factors (Demetriou et al., 2003). ::METHOD ::Participants Th e study involved a total of 282 participants, drawn from four diff erent age groups, namely adolescence (13-15 years of age), early adulthood (23-25 years of age), middle adulthood (33-35 years of age), and mature adulthood (43-45 years of age). Specifi cally, the youngest age group involved 42 adolescents (22 males, 20 females) drawn from the last year of compulsory education. Each of the three adult groups was equally divided between a sub-group of persons with university education and a sub-group of persons who only completed compulsory education or they attended the equivalent of vocational educa- tion. Genders were equally represented in all (i.e., there were 20 males and 20 females) but one (there were 18 males and 22 females in the sub-group of the 33-35 yrs-old adults with university education) of the six adult sub-groups. ::Task Batteries and Inventories All participants were examined by the following tasks and inventories. Reasoning. Th e reasoning battery addressed the three domains of reasoning 41 cognitive ability, self-understanding and personality: dynamic interactions in adulthood mentioned in the introduction, namely spatial, verbal - propositional, and social reasoning. Each domain was addressed by three tasks of increasing diffi culty. Th ese tasks are described below. Spatial reasoning. Th e tasks addressed to spatial reasoning (see Figure 1) examined mental rotation and the ability to integrate mental images. Figure 1. Some items of clocks task Note: Correct options are b, a, and d for the three Figures, respectively 1) a) b) c) d) d) a) b) c) 4) d) a) b) c) 6) 42 Anthropos 1-2 (221-222) 2011, str. 35-50 karin bakračevič vukman, andreas demetriou Diffi culty in this task was controlled in reference to the complexity of the fi gures involved and the eff ect of rotation on the various components. Spe- cifi cally, task 2 is more diffi cult than task 1 because it requires conceiving the eff ect of rotation on two independent elements (the larger square and the smaller square inside it) whereas task 1 only requires conceiving of the eff ects of rotation on the orientation of an integrated diamond. Task 3 is considerably more complex than the other two because it requires the mental rotation and integration of several fi gures. Verbal- Propositional reasoning. Th ree series of dialogs (problems) were pre- sented and the participant was to draw the logically valid conclusion suggested by the dialogues by integrating the premises. Specifi cally, the participants were told that their task was to fi nd where a ring is located from what is said by each of the two girls, Verity (who always tells the truth) and Falsity (who always tells lies). In logical terms, the fi rst two problems were addressed to modus tollendo ponens and the third to modus tolens. In terms of diffi culty, the fi rst problem was the easiest of the three, because the thinker must integrate a disjunctive proposition with a simple affi rmative proposition that specifi es what of the two alternatives stated by the fi rst proposition is not right. Th e second problem involved two disjunctive propositions thereby increasing the mental objects to be represented and transformed. Finally, the third problem was more complex than the other two problems because the thinker must integrate a complete syllogism with a statement that defi nes its truth value. Social reasoning. Th ree tasks tapped social reasoning. Specifi cally, each of these tasks presented a story about a social incidence leading to confl icting views on the basis of moral criteria or criteria of personal or social interest. Th e participant’s task was to evaluate the information presented in the story and take a stance related to the confl icting views presented. Th us, in general, these tasks addressed moral reasoning and social understanding. Problem 1 was considered to be easiest of the three because it referred to a rather simple and familiar situation. Problem 2 was more diffi cult and problem 3 was the most diffi cult of the three because it referred to a complex socio-political situation where correct response required to integrate action of two diff erent collective agents. In term of Kohlberg’s (1984) stages of moral development, problem 1, 2 and 3 represent level 4, 5 and 6 of moral reasoning. Cronbach’s alpha for the battery as whole was moderate (.52). However, this is understandable given the small number of items involved and the fact that performance on them was scored on a pass-fail basis. Self-evaluation of performance. After solving each of the nine tasks, the par- ticipants were asked to evaluate their performance and the perceived diffi culty 43 cognitive ability, self-understanding and personality: dynamic interactions in adulthood of the task in reference to a seven-point scale. In concern to the evaluation of performance, the participants were asked the following question: “How cor- rect do you think your answer is?” Th e 7-point scale in regard to this question varied from 1 (it was completely wrong) to 7 (it was absolutely correct). In regard to the evaluation of perceived diffi culty, the question was as follows: “How diffi cult was this problem for you? “ Th e 7-point scale in regard to this question varied from 1 (it was extremely easy) to 7 (it was extremely diffi cult). Cronbach’s alpha was very high for both evaluation of performance (.88) and perceived diffi culty (.85). Cognitive self-representation. A cognitive self-representation inventory was employed that was fi rst used by Demetriou and colleagues (Demetriou & Kazi, 2001; Demetriou et al, 2003). Th is inventory focuses on the person’s self-representation about cognitive abilities. Specifi cally, this inventory probes one’s self-representation about general cognitive processes and characteristics, such as learning, memory, and effi ciency of processing, and specialized domains of reasoning, including the three domains addressed by the tasks presented above. Th e inventory involves a total of 77 statements describing a particular cognitive process or ability, and the participant’s task was to specify how much it applies to himself or herself in reference to a fi ve-point scale that varied from 1 (almost not at all) to 5 (very much). Th ese statements addressed the two general levels of the architecture of the mind, that is, the processing and the hypercognitive system, and the six specialized domains, that is, the domains of categorical, quantitative, causal, spatial, verbal, and social reasoning. For the purposes of the analyses to be described below, only self-ratings about the three domains of interest (i.e., spatial, verbal, and social reasoning) and also about self-monitoring and self-regulation were used. Cronbach’s alpha for this inventory was very high (.93). Personality. Finally, participants were examined by a test addressed to the Big Five factors of personality that was standardized in Slovenia (Caprara, Barbaranelli, Borgogni, Bucik, Boben, 1997). Th at is, this test addressed the factors of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. ::Procedure Participants were tested in groups, but they worked individually and inter- action between them during testing was not allowed. A booklet was given to each of them, which contained all of the problems and inventories. Within each domain, problems were presented in the same order to all participants, from easy to diffi cult. Presentation order of domains was counterbalanced 44 Anthropos 1-2 (221-222) 2011, str. 35-50 karin bakračevič vukman, andreas demetriou across participants. Evaluation of success and diffi culty always followed the solution of each task. Personality test (BFQ) was given to the respondents after the cognitive tests. ::RESULTS ::Th e Structure of Abilities and Processes To test our predictions about the structure of the various processes and specify their relations, a complex structural equations model was examined. Th is model is depicted in Figure 2. It can be seen that this model involved the following factors. First, each set of three tasks addressed to a domain of though, each set of three evaluation scores representing the participants’ evaluation of their performance, and each set of three diffi culty evaluation scores representing subjective diffi culty of the task addressed to the same domain were prescribed to load on a separate factor. Moreover, there were four cognitive self-representation factors, one for each of the three domains of thought and one for self-monitoring and self-regulation. Each of these factors was associated with three mean scores representing self-ascription of ability as given to the statements involved in the self-representation inventory. Th erefore, in total, there were three domain-specifi c performance factors, three domain-specifi c self-evaluation, and three domain-specifi c diffi culty evalua- tion factors, three domain-specifi c self-representation factors, and a general self-monitoring and self-regulation factor. Each of these four sets of fi rst-order factors was regressed a second-order factors. Th us, the four second-order factors stand general cognitive performance, general self-evaluation of performance, general self-evaluation of diffi culty, and general cognitive self-representation. Moreover, the following relations between factors were built into the model. Th e general self-evaluation, general self-evaluation of diffi culty, and general cognitive self-representation were regressed on the general cogni- tive performance factor. Th is set of relations refl ects the assumption that all kinds of self-evaluation and self-representation somehow refl ect the condi- tion of actual abilities. Th e two self-evaluation factors were also regressed on the general self-representation factor. Th ese relations refl ect the assumption that self-evaluation, in addition to the actual condition of ability at a given moment also refl ects the persons’ general cognitive self-concept. Moreover, each domain-specifi c self-evaluation factor was regressed on the residual of its corresponding domain-specifi c performance factor and each domain- specifi c diffi culty evaluation factor was regressed on both the residual of the corresponding performance factor and the residual of the corresponding 45 cognitive ability, self-understanding and personality: dynamic interactions in adulthood self-evaluation of performance factor. Th is set of relations examines the as- sumption that self-evaluation of performance and diffi culty, in addition to general processes and dynamics is aff ected by processes and dynamics related to the particular domains, such as possible diff erences in the perceptibility Figure 2. Th e structural model of the relations between the performance, self- evaluation of success and diffi culty, self-representation, and personality factors. Fit: X2(857) = 1327.222, p=.000, CFI=.908, RMSEA=0.044, 90% confi dence interval of RMSEA=.039 - .049 * 2 7 . * 2 2 . * 9 3 . * 8 4 . * 9 4 . 0 1 . - 4 1 . * 8 2 . 7 0 . * 2 2 . * 3 2 . 6 1 . - * 6 4 . * 1 3 . -.43* * 8 3 . - . . spatial Gperf spatial Gself verbal social spatial verbal social verbal social spatial verbal social Geval Gdiff E A C N O Selfmon 46 Anthropos 1-2 (221-222) 2011, str. 35-50 karin bakračevič vukman, andreas demetriou of diff erent kinds of mental processes (contrast, for example, mental rotation with syllogistic reasoning). Finally, the fi ve scores standing for the Big Five factors of personality were regressed on the general performance factor and the residual of the general self-representation factor. Th ese relations aimed to specify how each of the fi ve factors of personality is related to cognitive ability as such and self- representation about it. Th e fi t of this model is fully acceptable,  2 (857) = 1327.222, p = .000,  2 / df= 1.548, cfi = .908, rmsea = .044, 90% confi dence interval for rmsea = .039 - .049). Th e pattern and size of relations in the model suggest some highly interesting conclusions about the relations between the various proc- esses. First, although of varying magnitude, all of the relations between the second-order factors built into the model were signifi cant. Specifi cally, self- evaluation of performance was related to both actual performance (.456) and general cognitive self-representation (.310). Evaluation of diffi culty was related to all other factors, that is, actual performance (-.434), self-evaluation of performance (-.382), and, to a lesser extent, general self-representation (-.1 58). General self-representation was moderately related to actual perform- ance (.232). Th erefore, it is clear that task-specifi c subjective evaluations are not arbitrary. Th ey are geared in actual performance and to a considerable extent refl ect its status and they are also aff ected by one’s general cognitive self-concept, which actually is the distillation of cognitive experiences and self-evaluations of the past. Likewise, self-evaluation of diffi culty refl ects actual performance, self-evaluation of it, and general self-representation. At- tention is drawn to the fact that of the various relations between the fi rst-order factors only those involving the domain of spatial thought were signifi cant. Th is fi nding, which is line with previous research (Demetriou et al. 1993; Demetriou & Bakracevic, 2009; Demetriou & Kazi, 2001, 2006) suggests that spatial processes are more amenable to awareness than other processes, especially social reasoning. Finally, attention is drawn on the relations be- tween cognition and personality. It can be seen that, on the one hand, all fi ve factors were signifi cantly related to the general cognitive self-concept. Th ese relations varied from low (with neuroticism) to very high (openness to experience). On the other hand, the relations between the Big Five factors and actual cognitive ability were much weaker and they reached signifi cance in only two cases (that is, conscientiousness and openness to experience). Th us, it is suggested that all of the Big Five factors but neuroticism involve a strong cognitive self-representation component and one of them is almost commensurate with it. At the same time, only two of these factors are related, to some extent, to the actual condition of cognitive ability. Th ese fi ndings, 47 cognitive ability, self-understanding and personality: dynamic interactions in adulthood corrohorate and extent earlier research on the relation between personality and cognitive processes (Demetriou, et al. 2003). ::DISCUSSION Traditionally, research on intelligence employs only measures of intellectual abilities. Only rarely these measures are related to self-processes of monitor- ing, evaluation and regulation of cognitive activity (Demetriou & Kazi, 2001, 2006). Moreover, it is only recently that research focused on the relations be- tween various aspects of cognitive ability and personality. Th is study included measures addressed to all three types of processes, that is, cognitive abilities, self-processes about them, and personality. Th e results revealed that personality is variably related to cognitive functioning and cognitive self-representations. Specifi cally, cognitive ability is signifi cantly but weakly related to only two of the dimensions of personality, namely openness and conscientiousness. Moreover, only openness to experience was signifi cantly related to cognitive ability in all age-groups. Th is is in line with earlier studies which found that openness is the personality dimension that is most consistently related with intelligence (Zeidner, Matthews, 2000). Th ese results support the assumption (Demetriou et al.,, 2003) that openness to experience may be conceived as the translation of cognitive ability into personality dispositions related to cognitive functioning. Open, curious individuals tend to explore their environment, have wide range of interests and try to fi nd answers to many questions (Furnham, 2008). On the other hand, neuroticism was in two age groups negatively cor- related with cognitive performance. Th is fi nding is not surprising, because there is negative correlation between intelligence and anxiety, which is one of the sub-factors of Neuroticism (Moutafi et al., 2003). Research has shown that anxiety can infl uence intellectual performance, especially in test-taking situations. Th ere are also fi ndings which show that state anxiety in cognitive task can to some extent be predicted by self-effi cacy (Endler, Speer, Johnson & Flett, 2001). Th us, it should be stressed that all fi ve personality factors were signifi cantly correlated with self-representations about these cognitive abilities. Th ere was very high positive correlation between the general self-representation factor and openness to experience, and moderate correlations with extraversion, agreeable- ness and conscientiousness; the relation with neuroticism was low. Th is is in line with the explanation advanced by Demetriou et al (2003) that cognitive self-representations operate at the same level of the mind as self-reported per- sonality characteristics, because both of them, are self-representations. Th us, self-representations include a branch dedicated to cognition and one dedicated 48 Anthropos 1-2 (221-222) 2011, str. 35-50 karin bakračevič vukman, andreas demetriou to personality and these are interrelated and integrated by the self-monitoring, self-representations and self-regulation processes of the hypercognitive system. In other words, hypercognition is the liaison between cognitive and personality functioning. Th is fi nding is in line with the construct of “intelligent personal- ity” proposed by Chamorro-Premuzic and Furnham (2006), which includes ability, personality, and self-insight. 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