GLASILO MOVENSKE vsak dan rasen praznikov. .„ud daily «eapt Sunday« and li Holidays. PROSVETA l KTQ-YEAR XXV, Cena lista je »«.00 I FORDOVA MI-RwtÄ",S f t KIJA V VOLILNI KAMPANJI OstaMi M i lil «lili «Mttav Jsmmtv M. I«»«. «I» p at CtrtoMo. UH—k. »>4» tk» AM of OwMtw Maw* ». A., »reda, Uredniški In «pravniški prostori: HIT t. LawndaU Ara. Offloa of FubllaeUent MIT South LawndaU Am Talepkoaa. Rockwall 4M« I», oktobra (October 10), 1*82 SubacrlpUon $0.00 ŠTEV.—NUMBER 247 »eveUto jetnikov se oprlo straž-nikom. Vojaške čete poevane v akcijo NET PODAL RE KintfKlon, Ont., nbiavila je "i*vo, v ****** VčerftJ popoldne je izbruhnil u-Hra na svoje delavee, naj Ria-1 por v jetnišnici v Portsmouthu. sujejo za Hooverja 906 jetnikov se je postavilo po . robu paznikom in vojaškim če- ikiroit Mich-, 18. okt. _ Um, ki so prišle na pomoč jet-vJri Motor Company je včeraj niškim avtoritetam iz bližnje L lovila apel na delavce, ki so garni»je. Zini v njenih tovarnah ši- Čuvaji so oddali deset strelov, T e el , vkaterih jih pozivaj da prisilijo vodite* upora na TcSdajo svoje glasove pri no- kapitulacijo toda zadet ni bil JImberskih vo itvah za republi- nihče. V splošni zmešnjavi sta ^skega Predsedniškega kan- bila dva jetnika ranjena. Upor didata. Apel se glasi: ^Fcrd Motor Co. ni zaintere- jetniki podali. je trajal štiri ure, nakar so se «irana v strankarsko politiko. Mi nočemo kontrolirati nobene-n volilca, vendar smatramo prihodnje volitve velike važnosti z Neposreden povod za upor sta bili zahtevi za cigaretni papir in podaljšanje ur za zabavo. Ee- h0dnJe na"industrije d* t^^lL^^^elni^ ttaiimo STSmI ki odložili orodje in začeli uniče-V8^rnaÄiWe vati mašinerijo in opremo. Sku- ^ ^ 80 trsrSova Änirt pSem^ zavzeli dustn,e »n "Po^nost Njegova « ^ ^ ^ ZTi?nok£u ejfJ pe- 8 streljanjem, ako takoj ne pre-normalni tir, že pokazujejo uspe | ^^ ^ unieevanjem. Jetniki so ignorirali grožnje, nakar je bilo poklicano vojaštvo v akcijo. Po prihodu čet so uporniki, ki so izprevedeli, da se ne morejo ustavljati veliki sili, kapitulier, za vrmv*, »H, nakar so jtti stražniki na-bo" časov, nforamo vsi gle- gnali v ceHce in s tem je bila re-dati, da bo Hoover ponovno iz-l volU potlačena. te^^^^^m MB "Prepričani smo, da vsaka zapreka, ki bi utegnila ovirati izvajanje njegovega programa, bi škodovala industrijam. Da preprečimo poslabšanje situacije in ustvarimo podlago za vrnitev! Padec vlade je las vab vprašan je odnošajev med Rumunijo in aovjetako Rusijo. Seatava novega kabineta bo poverjena voditelju kniftake «tränke Bukarešta, 18. ok'„. — Vlada premijerja Aleksandra Vaida-Voevoda je bila včeraj prisiljena na reaignscljo, kar je posledica ostrega spor» med premijerjem in N. Titulesoom, rumunskim ministrom za sunanje zadeve, katerega je izzvala politika ru munake vlade napram Sovjetsk uniji. Tttulescu, ki je nedavno resig-niral kot rumunski poslanik Veliki Britaniji in potem prevzel posle zunanjega ministra, je stalno pobijal načrte glede sklenitve nenapadalnega pakta med Rumunijo in aovjetako Rusijo, politiko, ki jo je zagovarja premijer Vaida-Voevod. Izjalovi j en je načrtov glede sklenitve nenapadalnega pakta med Rumunijo in Rusijo bo morda odgodilo ratifikacijo sličnih paktov med moskovsko vlado in Francijo ter Poljsko. Francosk ministrski predsednik Herriot je včeraj poslal noto Bukarešti namenom, da prepreči padec Va da-Voevodove vlade. Herriot je voljen. "To je naše prepričanje, katerega priporočamo vsem Fordo-1 vim delavcem in njihovim družinam širom Amerike v resno upo-| itevanje". Delavska Domač drobiž b Chicago. — Zadnje dni so čikaški detektivi privedli ii Cincinnati j a, O., nekega Tom^ Sikiča, ki je obtožen, da je eden ■ obljubil, da bo Francija podpirala premljerjevo politiko napram sovjetski Rusiji. Kralj Karol, ki ga je situac ja epravila v zadrego, se je končno odločil za politiko sunan Joga ministra vilic prizadeven ju Francije, ki je ^^ v ij^ Uravnati dire- ^ „X trge podonavskih driav talija. Velika cija okufteje b« čl jo a teh tri** Berlin. — (FP>r|MlMa podonavskih driav ib bÜo vrsdna eno milijardo dolarjev 1. 1989. To vsoto ja predstavljala vrednost blaga, katfffga so Avstrija, Ogrska, JugoelavlJa^ Bolgarska in Rumunijo v omenjenem letu kupile v drugih jMaftfeh. Nemški biznllki krogi so naj večji posamezni f* trgih. Številke, ta Uga narodov, 24.»% vsega iiv akih driav j« «o čim je nemški u znašal 84J% je so bile na ptan je zaeno podal izjavo, v ka- °uulva""' ™ ~ ^..i-i. v t-i rapada Hooverjev rekord, da «to jo»^»J ter objavil delavske točke v so- avtu v Chfcofo,^aitoJim je ušU cialiKtični platformi in imena so- in Jo vso «c^ hodiU po ulkah. cia)-,tičnih kandidatov brez ko- Policija Je Poelalsdeklenazaj mentarja v Michigan. — Jednotino dru- V svoji izjavi pravijo vodite- štvo Pioneer otvori tretje leto lji newyorfikega organiziransga slovenske mladinske šole v sooo-delavatva, da so demokrati po- to 22. oktobra v Boye klubu.— ka/ali na klon jenost - delSvstvu. V upravništvu Prosvete se je dne ko so nominirali Johna Fitzgi- 1«. oktobra zglasila Frsnceii U-b<)n«a, zakonodajnega zastop-kar iz Clevelanda, O., ki je prišla rika bratovščine železniških V Oiicago h pogrebu svoje sva-kWkov, /a kongresnika, Wil- kinje. ' I ' d . en, predsednik Ame- It Mllwaukeejo. — Ana Gori-ri - U lavHke federacije, pa je čar in Avgust Florjane Oe m> in ) iral R. F. .Wagnerja, ki hajaU v bolnišnici, kjer «ta bila p'»no\ no kandidira za zveznega operirana. John Mesiču Je wnatorja. umrl osemeletni sinček Kari. preko rekonstrukcijskeljeni Louisa Klobučarja Joe. Mjnjni'i«» korporacije za olajša ni strani mesU dobila 20-letno n,«-K zpopelnosti. Green ni ni-< m.-nil, da so velik del te Simoniča iz Raymbaultowna. Is Ely Ja, Minn. — Društva ,.„ u. — —I J8KJ so poslala toliko prote-krabiM bankirji, železni- §toy protl „klepu, da al jednota ^ m; t'nat i in zavarovalne drut^ LRrft(|j §voj unMj v Elyju, da 1m " da za delavce ni oetalo ni-L ujnik ^bašnik predlagal aiti brezooselnostše ved-l^j tfboru, naj o tem vprašanju odloči Članstvo i splošnim , J glasovanjem. Če bo njegov »o -odttče odločilo ^Lr€dk)g sprejet, se f* splošno r ^i'ivki davkoolačevakev I ________vriitn t Tako Ja Rumunija že drugič ignorirala obljube, katers so Izrekli njeni pooblaščeni reprezentance, v zvesi s sklenitvijo nenapadalnega pakU z moskovsko vlado. Titulescu je vztrajal nO stališču, da Rumunija ne sme skleniti nobene pogodbe z Rusijo, dokler Moskva uradno ne prizna legalnosti okupacije Besa-rabije po Rumuniji. Kralj Karol je po padcu Vai-da-Voedovega kabineta pozval Jullusa Maniua^vodltelja rumun-ke kmeteke strsnke, nsj se o-glas! v njegovi palač!. Njemu bo poverjena sestava nove vlade, v kateri pa mora Tituleseu biti zunanji minister. ' PovratOk Manlua v načelnlšt-vo Wade fe zadnje upenje kralja, da Rumunija dob! kabinet, kateri bo imel zaslombo v parlamentu, kjer ima kmetska stranka večino sedežev. Vrhovno sodišče ee Izreklo prot manjšim*tm stranka» Tallahassee, Tenn. — Drlov no vrhovno sodišče Je odločilo, da rasen demokratske in republikanske ne bo imela nobena druga strsnks kandidatov na [volilni listi. Vse msnjšlnske strsnke, med temi socialistična in komunistična, so naznanile, da se bodo borile proti odloku vrhovnega sodišča. ti riti . predlog sprejei, «r w -k--- davkoplačevalcev LjMovanje vrtyp takoj po no-18. okt. — üestnel ,«tu ■'«•te, ki so se morale bo- ^ Celo. —- Tu je umrl ■"•"ti finančnim potežkočamPtohn Zbašnik. po domače Peč-iih mesecih radi sUvke,L ^^ u Dolenje vasi Ui. ro jo vodila Aasociatlon of »■»i K-tate Taxpayers, se veee- h clrrttlt^s. _ Joe. Kunčič, • '' ka. katerega je včeraj po- njUa ÄUra go^njaka korenina, n,7no vrhovno sodišče, s z-dnie poletje spet bil na ^n Sklonilo prizlv teorA^^^^^M, Je to V ^ »je proti ocenitvi lostntoe J^mov. Pravi, da - - rook za l 1920 in » v JugoaUnriji. "virala izterjevanje zao- \__. «lodražiee V M v vsoti 1200,000J f wušča rčana. Okrajne ovtorite- AmoriW Jo Wl «Jtot in japu^a po sedaj lahko prodale Ifc Ä irugo lsitnino tistim, ki ^va Jt447»NW. JJJ - nadalje upirali plüov J pSJ avkor. » 'doma is Trnovega na Univerza sondirala pacifiste ■ Baltimore, Md. — Državna u-n!verza Je suspendirala dvajset študentov, ki so se Izrekli proti prisiljenemu vojsškemu veibo-nja. __ STT* Ameriki je bU 27 lot. Bil Je med ustanovitelji društvo št. 142 SNPJ. U Lavaloa, O. — Umrl Jo Pronk Glava n, star 01 lot In doma Is ftkrilj pri Igu. V Ame- valstvo potrebuje «trojov, s ka» teriml bi Jih lahko zalagale so-sedne države« dobro rosvlto industrijo. Ena od tsk sosed—Wemčijs— je uspela In osvojila eno tretjino trgov, kar jssl njsne^tekmo-valke. Te sodšj rsbljo proti Nem-čiji ekonomsko in politično oroš-je z namenom, da se same pola-sto trgov. Podonavsks države nudijo značilen sgled desperatne borbe med kapitalističnimi tekmeci In propadanje evropskega kapltallsms. Rudarji zaotovkaM Blairs vi lie, Pa. — Krog petsto rudarjev Je tukaj zaatavka-lo proti rsdukclji mszde za d vaj set odstotkov. Na«. Minors unl ja Js poslala sem svojego orgs-nlzstorja Geo. Storks, da vodi stavko. Znamenja kaftsjo, da se bo stavka rasšlrils tudi ns bili-njs rudsrske naselbine. Rudarji ss oe bore samo proti redukciji mezde, temveč tudi proti komponljski nadvladi. Premogovne družbe so ürtomale rudarje no vse mogoče načine, kajti pot ribiči ne so morali kupovati v kompanijsldh prods-Jolnsh, kjsr je cena za »0 in več odstotkov višja kot v privatnih. Gsilltl se organlalraJo Philadelphia, Ps. — Konfe-renca med žopanom In prodssd nikom modnsrodne ssocloclje gasilcev Js rezultlrals v dogovoru, do bo mestni zakon, ki prepoveduje gosHcem pridružiti se mednarodni organltodjl, odpo-klican. Posledico togo Je kompanjo, do vsi gasilci postanejo člani unijo. zahtevala jo Sporočila, da so bill vol iköf-.^^ kltlN Äulft yiaoo saje instruirani, naj nUtojrtJo ps-L^, , obbrošeno silo. V prvih, r atirsks pismo na ^•jMo™* tekočega leU Je Jo jdštedo tem posvsrijo duhovščino H» Is- ... b ^„«u, ^ Äs finančne sltuaotjs, doklsr na jike d. se morajo pokorit! vsem jgj^ ^dika^m gibon Ju, civilnim zokonom. toda vsčini teh Je MU Ispušče- ^ ^ku0h^«r^ali cet S! Is Guadalajara Je prišla vast, __ u ko m le zanJe za- ^^ poljubno forslrsU cene na- da so verniki razburjeni, kar Je ^ vigor all navidol potom avojo M,. /I!T.vni u«rt.iaturi mod-l ^ ^^ UfÄ' I kontrole nod krediti, tedaj se bo- ima 18,000 čl njem drugih ferenc v Za lotu sbroli se ne poshišujs ko 98 pri " gibanja kot Js aktivna ImAfniklk J WW911IPP 000 V [ril« in 8 sodolova vskih oifanl-Imela 40 kontih Kanada, va Jo v tom vodili eposšcijo Los Angeles, Osi — (FP) — Na sborovsnju Asociocije sms« rlšklh bankirjev so vodilni fl-nančnlki poudarjali, da n bodo borili proti rsiioiplm zakonodajnim reformam, katere urglrajo vlagatelji s namenom, da as od« pravijo hibe v bančnem sistemu, ki so Jih prtnssU na dan polomi bank v zadnjih letih. Umko lo« tO Js v Ameriki propodlo t J* finančnih institucij. ve ln basirsjo naltrdnlh tradlci-jsh," Js iiavil Harry J. Haas, predsednik asociscIJe. "Remedu-ra M v vrnitvi k temeljnim prindpom, ne po v formulaciji novih sakonov, da urada tiste stvori, ki Jih lohtsvajo Itkulnjo In pravdomost." Neki drugI govornik Jo obeo-jal načrt spojitve dvOavnoga in narodnega bančnega «Jstomo kol radikolno ldsjo, ki bi unišila dvs tretjini bančnih enot, ako bi ss uveljavila. Program progresivne grupo, k! zahteva reformir%nje bančne-ga sistoms, uključujs rastsgnl-tev aktivnosti poštnih hranilnic, gorancijo bančnih vlog potom u« staaovltvs possbnsga sklada, ka-teroga naj hi upravljali federalne rezervne banko j odpravo dr-«avnoga reguliranja bank, da prisili vsa flnanšna inatltu- pa Suša vlada strogo poslovsnjs la knjig, nogo kritikov msal, do na bila v državni lagislsturi predloženo predloga, ki omejuje ite-vllo duhovnikov v mestu ns o» sem, v vsej drževi Jsllsco ps ns petdeset. Guodolojaro Jo drugo ka. Na-šk. olivne mUle proti d° P^^dsjS^ »Ubil-Nemške »l«*« v ne unije Pr«"l noit mors liviratl k is vladne reo okel jam | denarja In kroditov. oetdesot GuodoUJaro Jo drugoi Berlin. - Naviočn^t mini- PoročiU Is konvoncUa bonklr« ^sj večje mestomlhSks^TspuWi- «trs so dslo in njsgovi spoH ns L, organiisoUs kalsjo, do so najvoeja mesio memos rep |konvtnclJI krščanskih strokov- M finančniki Is malo naučlU is nih uvrij niso preprečili sprs- polomov 10,800 bank v sadnjlh jetja resolucije, ki Jo obeojala dooetih letih. RooksIJa Jo celo mezdne redukcije v Industrljsh ««daj bolj vidna kpt pred loti, na podlagi vladnih odrodb., dasl Je tudi v septsmbru, ko so Minister Jo skušol pokasotl flnsnčne Institucije prejel veli-učlnkovltest vlsdnsgs ekonom- ka posojilo li sklods vladne fl-skego programs ln Js obljubo- nadne korporocijo, f« >»nk v val, da odpoklical «nižanje rasnih krajih Ameriko boakro-brez|>oa«lnostne ln druge Mikj. tlrolo. rs, toda njegov govor so več- podvritta kri! ivI koRgrtülk _ pravi, da fodorolao vlado postajs čedalje MJ bi rokratlčna iÄ^r nil «WiSM čelnik kongresnega komMa, ki ^ oaSTL vod! preiskavo vladno kompetl-h1^^*11 soolallstčine unije *s cMe s privatnimi firmami, Je no M zborovonju tukajšnje trgovsksj cijam kot krščanski soolalcl. zbornice branil pravloo kfttteira- —— njo sodišča, kadar U sodišča Is-1 Bsšsfctlv rekajo odloke, ki se nsnolojo ns ■ blaginjo ljudstvo. | Boltlmore, Md. — «. Rophoel, Odvetniki so , . , skega davka Washington, D, C. — Amerl-ška odvetniško asoeiocljs Jo na svojem zasedanju v tom mostu sprsjsls reoolucljo, ki nalags po« sobnemu komlUJu, naj sahtovo od kongreoa od|>oklk sokons o dohodninskem davku in spvoj- Ekaplosljo - «unKIJe lest žrtev Katre Bloe, Brozilljo, 18. okt — Best oseb Je izgubilo življenje, trinsjot po Je bilo ronjenlh pri ' eksploziji munlclje v železnlš-riki Je bil 18 krt in zopušča že- ^ y ko M j# |ft|rt| ^ nO, dvo einove In pet hoero. # | H Brooklyn N. T. - Tu Je yihorjl povorečIM velike " umri Anton Persich. eter 89 let. J v H iginjo ljudstvo. Boltimors, Md, — R. Rophsol, . . , k« ^ V svojem govoru Jo «honnon 41 lot star brezposelni delsvec In me dnuj dejsl, do Je bil «hormonov snti- oče petih otrok, Js mriov, ker Jo PoJ^n vednhn trustnl zokon nojvečjs zokono- .kušol nobroti nekoj premogo no v ^ ^^ jj^^i, dsjs PO clvIlnLvojnl, ki Jo odpre- želesnlški progi 1 * J I! i ri^frT^ vilo suženjstvo. Ts zokon PS Jo Rophoel Je bil pi^J upooUn v ^JT^"^0^^tlrsU sa pootal neučinkovit rodi odlok, neki tovorni, ki po je moreU rs- ^f u k. ns Wago kl wJ M vrhovnego eodltto, v katorem Je dl dopreoije sopreti vrsU. Ker nI «f^^«JJ«^r vlinÄ doh^kov. rečeno, do zokon pokrivo v^k^ imel denarja, da bi kupil p^mo- W> glsvnl vir vlodnBi aoaoaKOV> • __LI___i^JII __1.1 n/JtlMi M IAIMIII. I Iskeriščevonje dslovosv pri vladnih projektih Oulfport, Miss. - Državna delovaka fi'deracijo Je 00 OVOJI konvencij! sprejelo resolucijo, v koteri sahteva, da general Ljrtle Brown, načelnik armodnega oddelka Inženirjev, polo#.l .roalgna-djo, ker dril deUves, ki grade noslpe ob roki Mississippi, v slu tualnl peonsšl. ti- i t, l. Ml Je dolgo čaaa bolan. Clon. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 10. Je Ml društva št. 140 SNPJ. In okt _ vekkl viharji, k! divja-zapušča ženo ln štiri otroke. j jo že pet dni« so napravil! ogront-k ftinrtkerse, O. — Umrla Je ^ ikodo od polju In i*>alopJlb. Mary Sušek. oUra 89 lot lo čU- Komunikacijsko vosi so pretrga oko društva št. 277. Zapušča M |n voled tega ni mogoče dobi tvoje otrok lo 72-letno ti točnih poročil o številu 0ove-dve ških žrtev, ki Jih Je zahteval vi- olator, .r Clevelands po dvo škU ITH I If, VI UVIMIj»! "« —f" I ----- vrstne kombinacije, nanošojoč ga, gs je iei pobirat na lolesnl-oe no ovlronje trgovino. Oher- «ko progo v bližini njegovega man, ki Je sestavil zokon, n! ni- sUnovanJa. Tam ga Je sassčll V. kdor mislil, do gs bo vriiovno so- J. Monghor, detektiv B. ä O. ie-dlšče tolmačilo no tok notin, Je) lesnice, ki Jo oddol nonj štiri dojel kongreenlk Dslje Je Shonnon rekel, do se Je omeriško vlods rssvflp v vU-do birokracije, kajti svosns vlo-do sestoji U somih birojev, ko-terlh vzdrievonje otono dovko-pločevolee ogromne vsoto norjs. krogle Is revolverje la go ns mostu ubil. V miniatra I Birmingham. AU. — Ciarone« A. Hath way, načelnik kampenj akega odbore komunistična stranko. Jo bil oretlrmi v tem mestu, ko Je govor« no *odu svojo st renk« Pollolje Jo oo-volllo no dvorano In pri Um i.rutatllu t.../ prrwpia »a» Dunaj, IŠ. okt. — Major E-oill Fey, bivši vodja dunaj«k*ga hehnwohra, Jo bil včeroj imeno-von so mlnlstrs Jsvne vernosti. Imenovanje Je pooledko nodelj-Mklh rv.liUCnih Izgredov, v ko- Clevelond, O., 10. oW. --. Bev. Urka, boptlstlčnl pri« Si STTd S in ^ dlgor. Je V r^nmlos M Včeroj j. prišlo tu- J«nk Br^ l^tno W d! do nemirov no dunojokl unl- Je ^lonüo njejovo prošnjo, verzi, v ko terlh Je bilo petnajst naj ga por^i.nokor st )o s^ Älh Študentov ronJmHk. v Univerzo Jo zorsdl uga suspen- o WU d i rolo pouk so tri dni. I»« kHlkn0' "ITAUA" — "COSUUCH" US N. Mlcklga» A»«.. Chicago, I«. Telephone: Randolph V261 Direkt;» vgioja v TRST in DUBROVNIK ' ^mmm-mmm— . Lukaurjoani veliki parnlkl ta WtTYarta \ Trat t 11 dm* IZVRSTNO ZDRAVILNO MAZILO Ako im* t« ran«, nfcetico, kotno boleien, slato lilo, «H kekorinekoli drag» ran», poakn-■iU «no škatlo AKOSI ZDRAVILNO MAZILO. Bodete u dovoljnl. Veliko ftkatlo «Bc vrednosti vam polijemo, C.O.D. poitnina všteta. Pilite v vašem jeslku na: P. J. AKOSI Bst Ulf Ixvili, OWi 'Pronveto'? Podptg^jf avoj Hrti I« drnlina. Jm •>« ate prUN la DRUŠTVENE VESTI b urada društva it. 56 New York, N. Y. — Nainan-jam cenjenim članom društva "Slovenija" K. 8« SNl'J, da je društvo na sadnji četrtletni ee-ji sklenilo, da v bodoče ne bomo saiafali članarine za članstvo. Sklep drilMva je, <1^ se ja vnamo p6 pravilih jednote, to je, da mora vsak član ali članica plačati članarino la Ukotf s<*. Vas* dan, kater! teti ne stori, bo flasom Jednotlnih pravil suspendiran ali pa Črtan. Virok za U sklep je, ker smo zadnje čase veliko deffirja zgubili pri Članih, kateri so prosili, da se njim plača začasno članarina, in potem so vseeno pustili društvo. Opozarjam torej članstvo na ta sklep, da ne boste potem dottili tajnika, ako bo kateri suspendiran ali ps črtan. Apeliram tudi na članstvo, da se bolj pogosto udeležujete sej, ke zadnje čase se težko dobi zadostno število članstva, da bi za-mogli otvoritl sejo. Upoštevajte, da je vsak posameznik del jednote in da se moramo vsi zanimati, kaj se godi pri društvu in jednoti. Največkrat pride tudi slučaj, da Usti člani, ki se skoraj nikoli ne udeležujejo sej, najbolj kritizirajo take sklepe društva kakor tudi jednote. Torej še enkrat, ako vam Je kaj pri srcu napredek društva in jednote, udeležujte se sej, posebno sedaj ko je prihodnja konvencija takorekoč pred vrati, in pa radi tega, ker v teh slabih časih pride marsikaj naprej, kar v normalnih časih ni pričakovati. Članstvu tudi naznanjam, da je umrl naš dolgoletni član Joseph Žagar. Pokojni je bil član jednote od leta 1016, in je skoraj ves čas živel v Guttenber-gu, N. J. Društvene seje se vrlijo vsako prvo aoboto v mesecu v Lepl-čevl hali, 101—ave. "A," New York City. Začetek seje ob oami url zvečer. Novi društveni zdravnik Je dr* Edward Bero, 29 E. 7th St., New York City. Anthony Cvetkov Ich. taj. zavar j" Žete roke, da ne more točno delovati, ker v največ ne ve, kaj in kako naj sklene, da zadovolji vsaj večino društvenega člpn-stva. Zato vaa še enkrat prosim, da se v prihodnje udeležite društvenih sej potoošlevifcp, kar bo v koriat vam, društvu in INPJ. Jacob Muh viel», tajnik. Reuen opojni* članatvu! Cleveland, O. — Depresija še vedno traja in nobenega izgleda ni, da se bo hitro poslovila od nas. Naše društvo št. 6 SNPJ jo je dosedaj kaj kfepko prenašalo in pomagalo jo prenašati tudi članstvu s tem, da se Je za o-ne, ki so v stiski, zalagalo ascs-ment iz društvene blagajne. Sedaj pa je tudi naše društvo zagrabila ta preklicana depresija in Je osušila društveno blagajno tako, da zanaprej ne bo več mogoče zalagati asesmenta iz društvene blagajne, ter ne bo preostalo drugega kot da ai bo članstvo moralo na en ali drugi način preakrbeti denar, da poravna asesment. jpj^^T ff^fjifftt^ ve, da zanaprej gotovo plača a-sesment do 26. v mesecu, kajti oni, ki ne bodo poravnali istega, bodo suspendirani, ne zato, ker nimajo pri društvu kredita, ampak zato, ker j« društvena bla-gaj na prazna» Kot ste čitali v zadnji številki glasila, je razpisan v operacijski in odškodninski aklad ponovni izredni asesment po 46c na člana, prezrite i a sea Hisment, smem sprejeti rednega. Človek nerai in talko napiše taka poročila, toda depresija nas je v to prisilila. Apeliram na članstvo, da se potrudi in akuša plačat] pravočasne aaeemeni, 4» y bo sue- no v slučaju bolezn/^alTnez go de If razočaranja, ker ni deležen čf ima astsnvnt pfečan. L Medyesjhek, tajnik. ter <£ ae U> resotn-državni zborfici. tudi Sklenila, v drfn- fedotk v* pozval 6 < kol, laveri a* tog«» Republic, Pa. — Letos je pri našem druitvu št. » SNPJ u-mrl že tretji član. Dne 11. oktobra je preminil br. Anton Qbra-novlč, doma iz sela TUimpol, pošta in fara Kočevje, Jugoslavija. Pogreb je bil oktobra na tukajšnje pokopališče. Pokojni je bil šele 28 let star. Zar pušča žalujočo soprogo, enega otroka in več sorodnikov tu in v domovini. V imenu nišega društva ae zahvaljujemo Članom društev št. 628 HBZ, št. 28 8R-PZ, št. Ill JSKJ In vsem ostalim, ki so ae udeležili pogreba ter pomagali ter spremili pokojnega k zadnjemu počitku. Ohranimo trajen spomin pokojniku, njegovi soprogi In otroku pa izrekamo iskreno sož*ljef Naj še dodam, da je bila to nagln smrt, kar nam pač dokazuje, da moramo biti pripravljeni, da moramo oatatl dobri in zvesti člani naše jednote, da ne bo prepozno. Ivan Golub, predsednik. Federacije S. N. P. J. Društvena objava Iii, — Naznanjam članicam društva št. 1!» ENIM, da bom na seji dne 28. oktobra pobirala 10 centov veš, to je za dva venca, ki jih je društvo podarilo umrlima bratu in aestrl ed društva 568 SNPJ. Francas Zakovftek, tajnica. la urada društva «t. 181 Ollberl, Minn. — Na seji dne 9. oktobra je društvo "Slovanski rudar" št. 182 SNPJ sklenilo, d« mora vsak član in članica na) j?« društva plačati Izredni asesment v znesku 60c v društveno blaga j no. Kdor ne bo plačal Izrednega asesmenta, ne bo mogel plačati rednega. To je bilo potrebno, ker društvo nima s čim plačati svojih uradnikov in društvenih stroškov. Doeedaj je društvo na lotilo le eno društveno naklado v znesku 2ßc, Čeravno smo prej šnja leta, in to v boljšfti časih, navadno plačali dvakrat po (VOc društvene naklade na leto. Odbor društva ae sicer zaveda, da Je teiko članstvu plačati isrcd-no naklado, toda drugega izhoda nI. Dalje je naše društvo izvolilo tri Člane v odsek, kateri ima nalogo izvedeti, katero drultvo ae hoče združiti z nami v avrho Izvolitve delegata aa prihodnjo konvencijo, ki se Ima vršiti me-aeca maja 1988 v Chicagu, III. Ker se bliža čaa konvencije, priporočam članstvu našega dni-Itva, da sedaj ob zimskih večerih vzamejo večkrat v roke pravila, Jih čltajo in študirajo ter dajo nasvete u izboljšanje istih v našem glasilu. Ca« sa to delo Je sedaj pred konvencijo, ne pa po konvenciji. Torej, pridite na dan s dobrimi nasveti, da ui > šamo našo lastno organlaacijo, I še Je izboljšanje mogoče ali potrebno. Zelo potebno Je tudi. da vas opomnim, da se društvenih aej udeležite bolj v polnem številu. Caea. miaiim. trna veak sadontl v teh čnaih depresije. ker vsak lahko opravi hišna dala Itd. med tednom, v nedeljo, ko Je «aja. bi pa moral biti vsak član In članica navzoč na sajL Žalostni Je. ko Izmed 91 članov pride le 10 ali 18 članov na aej«. S tem pokate-te. da se ne brigate an svojo last-no organizacijo, sa svoje lastno društvo. Obenem pa odboru ve- Weatmorelandaka federacija Herrn inie, Pa. — Konferenca westmorelandske federacije društev SNPJ se ima vršiti četrto nedeljo v oktobru, to je dne 28. oktobra, in sicer v Slovenski dvorani v Collnzburgu, ki Je približno eno miljo od West New-tona preko reke. Na prošll seji sta bili določeni dve mesti: w. Newton in Clarldge. Ker se je ciariško jednotino društvo pri-klopilo federaciji v Pittsburghu radi rtmen»«ki»irn poslovanja, zato se J« odbor odloČil za West Newton, četudi bi bilo bolj pri-pravno sborovati v Clarldgu za vsa društva. Tako torej ostane sa enkrat, ieleti pa Je, da Clarldge pristopi k Westmoreland-ski federaciji, kar bo ceneje j radi jezika ni nobenih potaškoč, ker . se rabita oba, angleški in alo venski. Skoro ne verjamem, da bi bil Jesik vzrok temu. MoJe mnenje je, da mora nekaj drugega tiča-U v tem. Med našimi slovenskimi trpini imamo precej Izdajal cev delavskega razreda in pa strahopetcev, radi katerih moramo vsi trpeti. Nekateri naši rojaki so se naučili posnemati politlkarje stare šole in raketir je. Za par Judeževlh grošev hočejo zapeljavati rojake in Jih vo-dlti po temnih ulicah ter jih nagovarjajo za nadaljno meidjno suženjstvo. In akd ae vrši v bližini takih naselbin koferenca, ki diši po rdečem, je seveda republikanska ali demokratska agitacija otežkočena. Pa naglašajo vprašanje, če bi morda v sled tega ne bila v nevarnosti bara. Hm, kot bi šlo v glavnem aa barel Caa Je, da spoznamo, kaj nam je storiti, da nas politika starih strank ne bo nikdar rešila, četudi nam "protektira" kje kakšno baro. Tu gre sa delavake principe, za osvoboditev delavstva izpod krivic«, katero trpe vsi delavci, njihov« fene in otroci I Prav v tem J« oči vidna neve-dnoat, ki isvira Is strahu, strah pa is nevednoatl. Ti dve lastnosti — ali bolje: slaboetl — sta neločljivi Odpravimo nevednost, pa se bomo rešili strahu. 8tra-hopetnost najbolj tepe delavski & razred. Zato pa ae mora delavstvo te more otresti, da bo lahko samo mislilo. Ce ana delavst» vo samo misliti In v koliki meri zna samo misliti, se bo pač naj* bolj Jasno pokaaalo prav kmalu — na volilni dan dne 8. novembra. Mnogokrat se ta ali oni znese, češ, da politika ne spada na društvene seje n« v gfe*ilo To Je ko uvedejo povsod: v cerkve, liste, radio, na bankete, sestanke itd. Vaepovaod, kjerkoli morejo. V tem bi jih moralo posnemati tudi delavstvo, da bi razpravljalo o politiki, o delavski politiki seveda, kjerkoli sc delavska zborovanja, seje, shodi aH sestanki. Vsled tega je logično, da politika spada na nale društvene in federacijske seje in shode vselej in povsod. To si moramo zapomniti! Sedanji krivični sistem Je že na tisoče delavskih družin pometal na cesto. To je znano vsake mu. Torej je dolžnost vseh delavcev, da so proti takemu si «temu, ki ubija. Pa ne znmo z besedo, ampak tudi z dejanji. Delavci morajo postati del delavskih organizacij in na voliln dan morajo voliti za delavske kandidate. Propagirati in agltl rati morajo za delavsko stvar sa delavsko gibanje. Oni dan dejal milwauškl soc. župan W. Hoan, če bi ae danea znašlo na cestah 12 milijonov konj brez gospodarja lačnih, da bi Hoover brŠ sklical iaradni kongres, da se določi par milijonov dolarjev za nasičenj« teh konj. Nihče pa «e ne zmeni za 12 milijonov brezposelnih delavcev, ki trpijo glad in mraz. To je pač dovol jasna primera današnjega via dan Ja. Ako pa al bi ljudstvo tfvojllo platformo soc. stranke in jo podprlo dne 8. novembra a glasovnicami, tedaj bi ae odpra vilo sedanjo mizerijo in gorje ter brezposelnost. Zato je priporočljivo, da naši rojaki vsepovsod volijo za Normana Thomasa James M a ure rja ter sa vse kan dklate, ki so na soc. llet|»Ml Brstje in aeetre! UcWtoM».* seje weetmorelan* i«d-UAitß federaciji FedfrafiJ» Jih bo odobrila kot JI njene finančne razmere dopušftijo. iskrena tivala vsem rojakom n članom iz Lincolna in iz drugih naselbin, kateri «o se ude e-žili fideracijskega piknika v Lincolnu, 111. Čeravno ni uspel kar cor smo želeli, vseeno ne smemo obupati; moramo iti naprej po začrtani poti. Hvala tudi glavnemu predsedniku br. V i Wen tu Cainkarju za poeet na federacij sld seji m na pikniku, čeravno oi bilo dosti naših ljudi, da bi se bik> splačalo držati govor, vseeno J« napravil dober vtis za naselbino in vobče. Anion Stigl, prednik CJF. Seja pettnsylvanake federacij« I Pittsburgh, Pa. — Kot «e poročeno v zapisnik« zadnje feder racijske seje, se vrši redno zasedanj« federacij« SNPJ društev zapadno Pennsylvanijo dn« 28. oktobra ob dssetih ii>iii» v Društvenem doma na teto-an, Pa. Vsi zastopniki so naproieni, de prinesejo s seboj svoje poveril-nice in da dospejo v zborovalno dvorano pravočasno. Naprošens so tudi vsa ostala društva, katera ne pripadajo v federacijo, da pošljejo svoje opazovalce in se prepričajo o našem delovanju ter poročajo o tem na svojih društvenih sejah. Apeliram na vsa društva SNPJ v 4apadni Penni, katera so in katera še niso pri federaciji, da s« udeležite vsi skupaj te seje Cim več nas bo pri federaciji, tem laglje bomo pomagali najbolj potrebnim. 8 tem bomo storili koristno delo za posamezne Člane in članic«, obenem pa po- nj ih zerpah in skupne zaključke nato objavilo v'razpravah za pravila konvenciji. Konvenčni odbor za pravila se bo gotovo na to bolj oziral In upošteval navodila in priporočila, katera bodo prihajala od skupnih društev, ki so pri federaciji del jednote. Ker j« konvencija skoro ie pred vrati, j« da /.ae «en|o o tem rfzprftvl^fti, d« n§m bo lnlje kaj debrega in kerietne-ga priporočati za pravila prihodnje konvencije, do katere je š« malo časa. Apeliram še enkrat ns vs# druŠtv» v zapa. ali poiljita Mon« * ' \ daMa. COUTOUMANOS BEOS. Uataaovljsno 1»0». 727 ga. H elated St. Chtcage. lit JA PLUTJA! .. Aogm'w .......... ft™* Novembra t................. 12 .........Cen^(ir.ndr Noveaabra 16 .............. * ............ Au/uJ " Ugodna poflufa. Iavratna kuhinji Ura. Upa hvaJa tail S. IT r mri. ki ei me aeeraa NjZMAHliO W ZAHVALA g t al ni n ereen aamanjam eorodnikom prijateljem ta menoeC preminul moj l|ebljeai ftaiortno ve«t. da io LOBIS OREŠMIK Rojen le aH ▼ LJubftem v f^ai» Ur}**m dolini na Su^rabem. Umrl |e U. ftM v ataroeil «• let In dra k «a ardni napaki la oo*>M /dr -me< mu nI mogla v«f re*iti «vlfenl. Pj^ eo J« v rili dne 14. e» gueU. t. L po obredu na p«»kopt|i«e Pe*e » K***'^ Wyo. V aure« kr^a ^a bra^j" vef drngik sorodnikov, tukaj pa »eee aeproga. Dolteeat »e vete. da fi neJAa tabvalte vse«. M ao C« bolosai In ga toUtttt. kakor U.«« Jm ^ Teem, ki a» «• eMnkali ob SMiKS^» - ~1 Je bH poboja* M. 04. R. S. ft. f. Samoa«ejea prtlatsUl la anand: Mr I« mra. Praak Hla*nn. »r -r^ mr. |p mra. Praah Unterer fta nr. Jeba Kote%ar, ar. Mat» PettriJasL mr. Nartia H ribami k. mr. In mra. JHw Petered -/-J", r. te mra. tona A. hi ar. ii mra. Prna^ *aae«kn. la ftaHi 8prln?ea k pogreba In ate apMaH poko|ne-a ki eto mo i .toMll v ari ftrfe*l ki Prleei nOe. Mary Ms#lt08VtT* Apeliram na člane in društva, naj o tem razpravljajo na svojih sejah. Vaaka atvar ima dobro in slabo stran. Dnevnik Prosveta je bil skoti 16 let neprecenljivega agitatoričnega pomena ta jednoto. Boljšega sredstva za avojo agitacijo si SNPJ ni mogla izbrati kot to, da je začela isdajati dnevnik. Za časa dnevnika amo narasli v članstvu preko vseh drugih slovenskih organizacij in list je dal članom precej izobraževalnega Ctlva. t mimo vestjo lahko rečemo, da smo * izdajanjem Prosvete izvršili »elo koristno delo aa naše delavce v Ameriki. Se ena opazka, da bomo popolnoma na jasnem, Ves čaa, odkar Uhaja dnevnik, ni bilo treba za list kakih doklad ali finančne podpore iz upravnega sklada, čeprav je imel dnevnik deficit. Vaak primanjkljaj je bil vedno pokrit iz čistih dohodkov TEDNIKA ali iz prebitka jednotine tiskarne, ki je bila ustanovljena za izdajanje dnevnika. Toliko v pojasnilo, da boate lažje razpravljali. Vprašanje v glavnem torej je, ali naj še nadalje Izdajamo dnevnik? O tem naj se razpravlja in pa, KAKO in KJE dobiti sredstva. _PHILIP GODINA, upravitelj. Nekaj pojasnil slade združevanja in valitev delegatov ■ Pred kratkim smo priobčili v Prosveti opoeorltev, da ae bliža čas, ko bomo morali zopet imeti konvencijo, in povedali smo, da je treba že sedaj delati priprave. Opozoril^ smo, ds naša pravila določajo, da moramo obdržavati konvencijo jednote enkrat na vsaka štiri leta in da pride naša deseta redna konvencija meseca maja prihodnjega leta. Takrat smo povedali m9d drugim tudi, da je potrebno, da ima društvo najmanj ato članov, da lahko iivolt enega delegata, in nadalje, da je potrebno za manjša društva, da se združijo, ako JL Takih pisem smo ie prejeli—in še ve^no p£kajaj torej bodočnost za Blovennke liste v Ameriki? . . . ... Z izumiranjem stare imigraclje polagoma umirajo tudirazne K-ntimentalnosti, nacionalne, verske itd., ^ w w dolRa leU grupirale med imigrantl» in si dajale Izraza v razn h listig NM» mladina je brezbrižna za te razlike in noče se deliti v naprednja-W in "nazadnjake." Taka je moja sodba v tem oziru. Hratje in sestre! Z žalostjo v srcu sem napisal *o moje po, jannilo in mnenje. Letos v decembru bo že dvajset let, war vodim upravo glasila SNPJ. V tej dobi je bilo Bile ho že prej krize, ali premagali smo jih In napredovali, včas počasi in drugič hitrejše, toda šlt smo vednonaprejnr^ ua ne. pa je tu velika kriza In vse kale, da smo bili v letih 1^-3929 na vrhuncu, od tedaj pa lezemo navzdol. Ne samo pri naši orp nizanji in našem llstupri vseh slovenskih organiz^J-hl^^-Pi-ih Kremo nazaj. Po mojem mnenju je sestal^ «g^ iMgo se ne bomo mogli upirati in že danes ee moramo odloČiti, je najbolje v danih razmerah. . nlf(inpiio I>anes ao na dnevnem redu razprave za prihodn o konvene jo^ Nekaj članov se je že oglasilo in pov^lalo^oje mislL Ab^utno več in to je nepotrebno, dokler imamo svoje glfsilo, katerega vzdržujemo v prvi vrsti zato, dawse v njem javno obveščamo in pomenimo glede društvenih in Jednotinlh stvar}, To je veliko bolj idatno in pametno kakor pa pojasnjevanj posameznikom s pismi. V glasilu mislimo torej odgovarjati vsem in na vsa taka vprašanja kakor najbolj točno nam bo mogoče, in le v izrednih m bolj nujnih ali potrebnih slučajih direktnp s plemom. Ne bo pa menda škodilo, ako pri tem omenimo, da prejemamo razna pismena vprašanja, n* katera bi si člani lahko sami našli odgovor v pravilih In s tem prihranili pisanja In čakanje na odgovor. Izgleda pač, da se nekateri člani neradi bavljo s čltanjem pravil, nekateri pa ae menda preveč ne zanesejo na to, kar so pravilih čltall In zato pišejo še za poseb^ jpojesnile Iz gl. urada. V današnji številki torej odgovarjamo na |>o/j važna vprašanja, ki so pred nami, na druga bomo pa (JaJeli pojasnila od časa do časa, kakor bodo prihajala, pričakujoč, da bo članstvo Ista tudi upoštevalo ln da bomo tako preprečili ponovitev konfuzlj In ne-priiik, ki navadno naatanejo vsled nevednosti ali pa površnosti pri nekaterih društvih tik pred konvencijo, in katere se rade zaneso potem še na konvencijo in tam povzročajo zamudo in zapravljanje dragega časa. ' » Kaks člane naj te šteje? Vpričo dejstva, da naša pravila omenjajo »amo člane, izgleda navidez nekoliko smešno, da ae stavijo taks vprašanja ln skoraj odveč, da se na Iste odgovarja in pojasnjuje. VMsr pa t^mu nI tako. Kajti pri nas imamo različne člane-all JflfVhaJ rtazivamo člane, pa če tudi nimajo članskih pravic. Imamo poleg odraslih članov tudi mladoletne, nadalje pasivne člane. Glede njih pravic je nekaj nejasnosti ln to zahteva pojaanlla in rsejUnJenj*. Po državnem zakonu in pa v smislu določb naših pravil, katera so aestavljena v soglasju državnega «akona, lmajp pravico pri upravi jednote eamo redni člani odraslega oddelke. To se pravi z drugimi besedami, da čkuU mladlsaket« oddelke to Pa pasivni člani m pridejo v poštev pri ftietjil «tonov drftva »avollUv delegata In da mom društvo Meti najmanj pto dobroatoječlh od-raX članov, de sme vliti enega ^HaU,lnwjmai,Jdvj.lo ena In netdeMt za izvolitev dveh delegatoV. Nadalje je potrebno, da združena društva itejejo aknptj najmanj elo dobroetoječlh odraslih članov sa skupno UvoUtev delegata. Kdaj Je pravi čas za volHva? Tudi glede tega nekaterim ni Jasno. Takoj po priobčitvl poziva, da se naj društva, ki Imajo manj ko sto članov, združijo v svrho volitve, sirto prejeli nekaj takih vprašanj, namreč če se morajo združiti takoj ln tudi takoj voliti ali kako imJ ise r Pravila določajo, da predsednik pozove društva že početkom oktobra pred konvencijo, da se začnejo zdruUvat n da ee morejo take združitve izvršiti najkasneje do X. februarja konvsnčnega glede volitev ln to menda Jki ee nanaša na volitve, merca, da bodo veljavno članov. Da ne bo radi tega vprašanja kakih nepotrebnih neprilik in mogočih konfuzij, je odrejeno, du velja 1. februar 1983 kot datum za štetje članov za volitve delegatov, kar pomeni, da ae Ima šteti vae tiste člane oddelka odraalih, za katere Je društvo prejeki vee aaeement plačan do 31. januarja 1933 ln za katere je aaeiment tudi poslan jednotl o pravem čaau, ln da ae članov, ki nlao dobro-stoječi 31. januarja 1933, ne upošteva pri štetju članov sa volllev delegata sa našo deaeto redno konvencijo. Kako pravico imajo paaivnl člani? Kako pravico imajo paaivnl člani pri teh volitvah, je tudi vprašanje, katero nam v preteklosti, ko ni bilo toliko brezposelnosti, rti delalo preglavic. Ob časih prejšnjih konvencij se to sploh ni smatralo sa nobeno vprašanje. Drugače je sedaj, ko je veliko članov, pasivnih in mnogi amatrajo, da imajo kljub temu še vedno članske pravice. Glede tega vprušanja imamo tudi več pisem in zato smatramo za potrebno, da pojasnimo. Eno društvo n. pr. nam piše med drugim: mprl nas vlada splošno brezdelje še par let ln valed tega je večina naših članov na paaivnl listi. Ko smo prečltall vaJ» poziv, da se naj mala društva zdrušljo sa skupno volitev delegata, smo začeli premišljevati, kako pravico imajo pri tem pasivni člani in bo pasiven član lahko "ronal" za delegate. Zato prosimo, dajte nam pojasnila ln obrazložite natančno, kake pravioe imajo pasivni članiH Is tega je razvidno, da je med članstvom še zmeraj precej nevednosti glede pravic paalvnlh Članov, dasl smo v našem glasilu že večkrat spregovorili o tem kako besedo in pojasnjeva 1. NI dvoma, da je mnogo dobrih članov valed depresije in po-manjkanja raje postalo pasivnih, kakor da prosijo. Čeprav nismo delavci direktno sami krivi te mizerlje ln čeprav je Prosjačenje v teh razmerah nekaj vsakdanjega, se vsak, ki kaj na sebe drži, prav težko odloči, da prosi, ln še težje prenaša reslgnlranost in ponišanje, katerega vsak pošten človek pri tem čuti. In n dvoma, Tso med pasivnimi člani sedaj mnogi, ki ao svoj čas ve iko dela 1 za društvo ln nekateri bili tudi ustanovni člani ali pa celo organizatorji. Vsak tek se še sedaj več «11 manj zanima ln marsikateri bi rad naprej sodeloval pri aferah naše organizacije. Vendar i>* ie na lMKllagl naših pravil in zakonov direktno sodelovanje nedo-luustno ln pasivni člani se smejo udejstvovati pri aašlh aferah 1« Uuli rek tno. Kaj ti glasovati ln voliti ter biti IsvoUenl v-MM •««•ail h mit v r ali Jednote imajo prt naa pravico aamo aktivni člani. Pi^ven^laan Iv ečak t iv en i! njegov položaj ali stetua v tem«ru al nič dnigačen kot je atattta odetopllh. črtanih In drugih bivših členov jednote. VINCENT CAINKAR, predsednik 8.N.P.J. "l Will! — I Wont!" U Salle. Ill - Nastop jeaetli ne pomeni, da moramo vedno ^loma samovatl v teh tužnih dnevih depresije. Ravno v teh časih potrebujemo razvedrila ln zabave, da človek vsaj za par ur malo pozabi na avoje vsakdanje težave. Zato pa Članice dlnjskega kluba £ND namera« vamo prirediti na 6. nov. Ispo igro in šicer v angleškem jetiku, Igra se imenuje Will!-«! Won't l" "Jaz bom — jaz ne bom t" Podrobnosti bodo poročeno pozneje. Uljudno vabimo vse in ee priporočamo za obilno ud»-Uibo.—Odbor. Sm. M. Olwv« tU ji dr. p. paulich i Mhaaimaft •m S». M.4 Am Onn, OL ! fWtt— Tal Otet UM isis fhtaflm sm« iü DOMAČA ZDRAVILA v muiti tamb miim olut». kmii* te ke^e IP % • Ha. kelefe s* 11 Khsle- domaČi zdravnik MATH. PEZDIR Hm T TI. city Hall Ife. WKW VüKH. N. Y. ŽENE «IM IMN (NftaW, M> n4m in malt mhs ^^lim iilienjts eefeette M iiefv* stallt hsnivii» omm m*«|m |t.—fv (MiS sl 9 i^Hn StftstesHI M^|MMl|NI I ma saara ummovab ttf a ttMl St.. K»» T«ftu n. v. mmm Agltlrajtc ■■ Pro«veto 1 ZAPISI» SIJE IL. iriMIIM IIIEU ■ 4m R. oktobra IUI Pradaadnik o~ «4ooaph Bodmak ta an meteci Augutt Kodelja ss dva mateea. it. !4e^John «offner In Anna Potittk ss dvs it 144—Karto Dolnatlch, Jotaph Omjar, frank Vlah In Anton tagsr sa dva maseca. it. 177—'Itlja Heto in Mary Margaret «logar aa en maaac i Mary In Math »tabo. Mary iUbe in Jo-a voh Zlogar as dvs mttecs. lt. ISO Mary in Jo««ph Paullch ss dvs mttata. R. IM John PtUn «a dva mataca. , m Jottph Zupan ln Jakob Otrly sa dvs ma. Jk. Ill-Mary ObertUr aa dva mtatea, It. M» -Tony Brain aa dva meatea. k-u». Ü» m 9* WUi m to*. MMt«« II.N. FubacrtotfM »Uit tor Ib. UnlM «UU. <•«•!* CMc^o» u4 Cu*4» HM p* r*w. Cbi««« Ctow I»»* CuratoB cuuBtfW» $$M rmr. . Cm« p« tovor*. If lupiil M M A4 v. x lisi nc ntm tm ««n^nL-Mw—rr'.pu w01 •«* bi NuUf n m, to I« itt I IM*mi PROSVUTA SMT-M Sm* Lmwmd*U A«. CMm**. Illtoil» MKMBES or TBK KKDKRATKD Drama in glasba Kulturne priredbe naiih organizacij Itt Težki dnevi za rudaije V premogov ntm okrožju Iilinoisa je civilna vojna. Osredotočena je pred vnem v okraju Christian, kjer so pohodi rudarjev in spopadi n «eriflkimi četami ter miličniki na dnevnem redu. Pred nekaj dnevi je bil eden rudur ustreljen in več ranjenih; med ranjenci je tudi neki slovenski rudar. jteya krlfttnegh položaja je prišlo, ko hi je v zadnjih tednih začela nova rudarska unija, Progieceive Miners Union, krčiti pot m uveljavljati v Jllinoisu. Preporod v rudarski onjan/aci ji je končno prišel. Največja rudarska postojanka, katero je še kontroliral zIo'fiAifli Uwül s svojimi Mhenehmani"f se je razbila. Ogromna večina članov stare rudar-skV unije 12. dlstrikta se je oklenila nove unije, ki je imela ta me*ee svojo prvo konvencij» v Glllcspieju in začrtala nova, veliko naprednejša pota in smernice za rudarje, v glavnem pa strogo kontrolo članstva nad odborniki, da se nc bo ve5 mogla zagrizti v organizacijo malina diktatorjev kot je bila doslej navada. Nova rudarska unija je hotela ohraniti prejšnjo mezdno lestvico s $8.10 dnevne mezde, potem ko je članstvo z veliko večino dvakrat zavrglo lestvico stare unije z reducirano mezdy $ß. To pa ni uspelo. Boj Za staro mezdo je danes nemogoč. Nova unija nima fleriurja, rudarji so finančno Izčrpani in ne morejo ostati brez dela vso zimo; na druge organizirane delavce se tudi ne morejo obrniti za pomoč, ko pa je silna brezposelnost povsod In delavske organizacije imajo prazne blagajne. Lastniki rovov so rekli novi uniji, da jo priznajo s pogojem, če pristane nn re-| ducirano mezdo dnevnih pet dolarjev. Unija je pristala in podpisana Je bila pogodba do prihodnje spomladi z večino premogovnih dru/ Le 'repriča predno kaj govori. To je plačilo za moje trdo delo in skrbi, ki sem jih imel. Storil bi bil še več, da se niso nekateri po nepotrebnem zbali, da se sam okoristim s tem. U oeh našega baseballskega kluba jim menda ni bil všeč pa so ga oni prevzeli in zdaj hočejo uničiti moje delo. Prodati hočejo gralne obleke. Sramota, če se to zgodi. Uoam, da se položaj spremeni. Danes me je potlačila depresija kakor je milijone drugih, vendar nisem nikomur prav nič nevošč-jiv; tudi onim ne, ki se ne zavedajo, v kakih časih danes živimo. Želim pa, da bi prihodnja konvencija SNPJ kaj ukrenila na polju atletike, tako da bodo tudi člani naše jednote lahko pokazali, da ameriški Slovenci ne zaostajamo za Američani. Ob koncu hvala onim, ki bi me radi obesili v plačilo za moje delo. Joaeph Indof mi., društvo 169. simo, da se potrudite in pomore te do uspeha naše veselice s prodajo ter * tem, da sigurno pridete na veselico. Sedaj bo celo vstopnina nižja, namreč samo 40c. Ne bo vam žal, ker program bo v vaeh ozirih zadovoljil ljubitelje godbe in plesa. Uljudno vabimo društvi št. 66 in 580 SNPJ. Razume se, da tudi dobrih stvari ne bo manjkalo. Ve&elični odbor. Društvene aktivnosti Veselica društva 140 Brooklyn, N. Y. — Kakor je večini članom že znano, priredi naše društvo "Bratska Zveza" Št. 140 SNPJ svojo jesensko veselico v soboto dne 6. novembra v zgornji dvorani Slovenskega Vabilo na veselico Johnstown, Pa. — Društvo "Mirni Dom" It. 448 SNPJ priredi 'Halloween' plesno veselico v Ciril-Metodovi dvorani na St. Clair rd. v Morrellvillu, in sicer v soboto dne 29. oktobra. Priče-tek ob 7. zvečer. Vstopnice se bo dobilo pri vratih po 20c za moške in ženske. Člani, posamezniki in sploh vse občinstvo je va bljeno, da pridete na to prireditev. Na programu bo tudi par govornik^, zato je želeti, da bi prišli tudi na*i govorniki ali kandidatje, ker imamo par slovenskih kandidatov, ki kandidi rajo na soc. listi. Saj smo mi delavci v večini, zakaj bi potem dovolili, da bi nas kapitalisti ve dno izmozgavali in zavajali! Slišal sem že volilca, ki se je izrazil, da Uo volil za onega, ki kaj ima, ne za tistega, ki nima nič. Dotičnl se seveda ni zavedal, da bo sebi v škodo oddal svoj glas, ako bo volil za delavskega sovražnika. Zato pa želim, da bi prišli brez kakega posebnega povabila tudi naši slovenski kandidatje in govorniki ter da »bi navzoče navdušili za svojo stranko. Saj vfem, da vsakdo či-ta Prosveto, zato pa naj to služi kot vabilo. Uljudno vabimo na to veseli co vse občinstvo, staro in mlado. Za ples bo igrala dobra godba, veselični odbor pa bo poskrbel za lačne in žejne. Torej na veselo svidenje dne 29. oktobra!—Frank Mikueh, tajnik. 19th 8t. Snov te drame I bil h »n < nikar \ čsmi «ti» vo-I |ffne borbe, ko je ma' / število «Hločn.h mol hotelo ustaviti na-i val reakcije, ki je fn>?ilu popla-! viti celo deželo. BIH so poraženi, i In oni. ki se niso hoteli i*>datl, bili so občutno katnovnni. Udeležit« se U predstave! Kupite vstopnico takoj, ker v j predprortaji Je samo fttk ; ako ne pridete v dot Iko t nobenim, k I j Jih prodala, pokllčlt«» t«lofonlč. no urad Proletarca: K»*kw«»ll j 2M6\ tn na ian pfrdotave jo bo-i sU dobili po predprm'aini ceni; pri bistrajnl bo **mre! ce^a vm.m i^m 7ÄC. Ra«' t Jo i narodi«» ^e prej. Po pr«' u *av| bo In prosta labsva; gral bo Jnhn KoJhevtfJtf Tonoxno: Ne ramurtlto to pri- Po delu dolgih let Fitz Henry, Pa. — Podpisan sem Član društva Svobodomble-cl št. 169 SNPJ že od svojih troških let. Vse razmere pri društvu so mi dobro znar.e. Naše društvo je bilo močno na članstvu In blagajni. Vselej je rado pomagalo svojim članom. Imeli smo člana, družinskega očeta, ki je bil na vsaki Bejl prvi za pomoč, če je kdo vpralal za njo. V zadnjih rudarskih stavkah je pa bil ta član s svojo družino vred hudo prizadet — kakor mnogo drugih slovenskih družin -— In bil je črtan iz jednote. Bil je dober in pošten član, skoro med u-stanoviteljl jednote; vsa svoja mlada leta je polteno plačeval asesment, a ko so ga večne stavko potisnile v stiske, je moM pustiti jednoto. Meni je bilo zelo žal ker mu naše drultvo ni moglo pomagati. Blagajna je bila prazna. T.»daj sem poskusil vse, kar je bilo moji moči, da bi se društvo vrnilo na dobro finančno podlago. Tudi drugI so delali v tej smeri. Bilo Je res hudo. Pogoste stavke In slabi časi so nam odjedali člane in blagajna je padla na ničlo, Clanl so mi ponudili tajnUtvo. Prevzel sem in vodil stvar. Dve leti sem plačeval vse društvene stroške in še izgubil precej denarja, ker sem plačeval za nekega člana, ki sem ga hotel olidr-žati v i id noti. Ko sem videl, da je lri»ba nekaj ukreniti, sem poskusil z u-stanovitvijo novega društva, da dobim nove člane jednotl, kajti pri starem društvu so nastale zapreke. V t uka fin ji okolici drlajo vsak dan. torej Je dovolj prill- doma,, 268 Irving ave., Brooklyn, N. ¥. Pričetek veselice ob 8. zvečer. To bo resnično muzikalična veselica ter mnogo interesantneje kakor navadna plesna veselica. Posrečilo se nam je dobiti slavni orkester rojaka R. Lisjaka ml ki je dosedaj nastopil samo enkrat pri slovenski prireditvi, na mreč pri koncertu "Slovana" za dnjo spomlad. Takrat je Lisjak prejel lepo priznanje in vsakdo ki je njegovo godbo slišal, bo gotovo želel slišati zopet sedaj, ker Lisjak je resnično umetnik. N še dopolnil 16 let, a je že vodja svojega orkestra, kateri igra na radio in je igral že pri mnogih slavnih prireditvah v znanih hotelih in letoviščih. Udeležite se te veselice, da ga slišite o-sebno in zagotavljamo vas, da ob krasnih zvokih harmonike podi spretno roko nadarjenega slovenskega mladeniča boste pozabili na depresijo in na vse druge težkoče. Nadalje pri tej veselici nastopi tamburaAki orkester bratov Blozen. To je popolen orkester osmih tamburic, priznan kot e-den najboljših hrvatskih. To bo prvič ko bodo Blozenovi bratje igrali pri slovenski veselici. Vsi so izvrstni igralci ter bodo gotovo zadovoljili vsakogar s hrvatskimi kakor s slovenskimi komadi. Kot dobrega člana društva "Bratska Zveza" vas torej pro- I 20-letnica društva 187 Franklin, Kana. — Naše žensko društvo "Sestrinaka ljubezen" št. 187 SNiPJ bo slavilo svojo 20-letnico na 80. okt. na Ste-fančičevi farmi, ki nam jo je dal na razpolago brezplačno. Ako bo mrzlo, bo pa slavnoat vt BIH Dobrančevi dvorani, ki gotovo vsakemu znAna, da je*izvrstna za ples. Dolgih 20 let že obstoji društvo "Sestrinska ljubezen" št. 187 SNPJ. Mnogo je že bilo priredi tev v teh letih, mnogo veselih u-ric in sedaj še več žalostnih. U-pämo, da se bomo vsi veselili pri vinski trgatvi in glaiku sladkega mošta, povrhu pa pri kranj skih klobasah. Vsi bomo pozabili na vsakdanje depresijske te lave. Uljudno ste vabljeni vsi posa mezfniki, vsa društva in vse občinstvo od tu in iz vse bližnje in dalnje okolice. Vsi čutimo slabe čase, pa bi ne bilo lepo, če bi članice "Sestrinske ljubezni prezrle ta jubilej. Potrudimo se vse članice, da bo naše slavje lepo in da bo vsak zadovoljen. Ne bom na drobno opisovala, kaj vse bo. Vsak se naj sam prepriča. in nikdar mu ne bo žal.} Vselej poprej je bila vstopnina, sedaj na farmi pa bo vsak prost vstopnine. Ako bo zaradi slabega vremena v dvorani, pa kolikor bo kdo hotel darovati in s tem pomagati plačati muzikan-te in dvorano, zakar bomo vsakemu iz srca hvaležne. Na svidenje 90. okt. ob 1. popoldne 1 Za odbor,—Helen lieber. Novo orožje proti otroški mrtvičnosti ----(S Z veliko točnostjo, kakršno pozna le malo-katera druga kužna bolezen, se proti konta poletja pomnožijo primeri hrbteniške otrošk.. mrtvičnosti, ali kakor se običajno imenuj«, otroške paralize. Tako je tudi letos in mar^ sikatero materino srce je v strahu. Dejansko spada U bolezen, tudi če ni tako razširjena kakor Ikrlatinka in ošpice, med najhujše m vražnike mladostnega človeka, kajti tu ne Kre za ogražanje življenja le za kratko dobo, tem-več tudi za možnost pohabijenosti za vse živ-ljenje. Deset in sto tisoči pohabljencev pre. naša jo svojo nesrečo skozi življenje samo na račun mrtvičnosti, ki jih je bila napadla v mladih letih. Zdravnik dr. Heine je 1840 prvič poročal o I tej bolezni in odtlej smo v vseh važnih točkah razkrili njene skrivnosti. Vemo n. pr., da jo povzroča majhen, okrogel mikroorganizem, ki opravlja svoje razdirajoče delo v hrbtenici. Usodni so tu, kakor pri marsikaterih drugih kupnih boleznih, tako zvani "kliconosci", ki imajo povzročitelja v sebi in ga prenašajo na otroke, redkokdaj tudi na odrasle osebe, ne da bi sami mnogo trpeli zaradi njega. Ti nosilci kalejo mogoče malo katarja v grlu ali lahko vnetje bezgavk, ali navidezno nedolžen črevesni katar, pri govorjenju, kašljanju ali z iz-ločki pa razpršujejo bakterije okoli sebe. Nevarni mikroorganizem so odkrili sele v zadnjem času in s poskusi so ugotovili, da je brezpogojen povzročitelj bolezni. Dejstvo, da so navzlic njegovi patogeničnosti možni navidezno zdravi nosilci bolezni, se da razlagati edino s tem, da je velik del prebivalstva okužen z njo, a da je postal bolj ali manj imun zanjo. Iz tega, kar smo tu povedali, sledi, da je spoznanje bolezni precej težko tem bolj, ker v prvih dneh okuženja ne kaže nedvoumnih znakov. Diagnoza ni posebno sigurna. Čeprav delujejo oblasti na vse načine s tem, da jim je treba prijaviti obolenje, s spomenicami, z dognanjem okuževališča, kolikor se da proti temu, da bi se bolezen ne razširila, mora tudi vsak posameznik paziti na to, da sodeluje z istim ciljem. To velja predvsem za bolnike in takšne, ki bi utegnili "biti nosilci okuženja. Njih hrkanje in kašljanje pomeni za okolico nevarnost, ki ae je morajo zavedati. Otroci, zlasti v časiih in krajih nakopičenih bolezenskih primerov, si morajo pridno izpirati usta z enoprocentno raztopino vodikovega super-oksida in umivati roke. Da se morajo izogibati bolnikov vseh vrst, je umljivo samo po sebi. Kar se tiče pobijanja posledic te bolezni, je znano, kaj lahko vse doseže moderna ortopedi-ja. Njej se moramo zahvaliti, če so se mnogi, sprva brezupni primeri mrtvičnosti popravili toliko, da otrok le ni ostal popoln pohabljenec. Se bolje pa Je to, da ae nam obeta nov način zdravljenja, ki bo posegal v bistvo bolezni same. Dr. Eckhardt je v nekem strokovnem listu predlagal zoper otroško mrtvičnost serum, ki bi ga pridobivali iz krvi spet ozdravljenih otrok in pohabljencev, ki so postali to po tej bolezni. Takšni ljudje so najmreč trajno ali vsaj za dolgo varni pred novim obolenjem in snov, ki jih dela imune, tiči v njihovi krvi. Z velikim uspehom so takšen serum uporabljati že v Ameriki, v Evropi pa ga bo pričela v večjih količinah pridelovati velika tovarna. Slovenska mladinska šola v Chicagu Društvo Pioneer At. S59 SNPJ oivori tretje ftolako leto sa slovensko mladino v ho bot o 22. oktobra. Organizirana boata dva razreda. . Priprave ca božtčnieo. konvencijo in predavanja. Chicago. — Tretje leto slovenske mladinske Šole društva Pioneer It. &M SNPJ prične prihodnjo soboto, 22. oktobra, v navadnih prostorih na 28. cesti in Ridgeway ave. Vpisavarije bo ob 1. popoldne, nakar sledi organiziranje razredov in pouk. Sola ho letos popolnoma prosta ta vse dc5ke in deklice, za Člane in ne- ke. da bi se i ridobilo precej mla- Člano. Šolsko vodstvo ostane I- sto kot lani, poleg tega pa se u-•tanovl predavateljski odbor, ki bo prcfrtsvl! šolski mladini vešče predavatelje. To j? v kratkem začasni program leta l9$2-8n. Dodatne is-bolllave in spremembe se objavijo prihoda iič. V teku so priprave ta igro, ki dih fantov za jednoto, pos bno onih. ki bi radi Irali pri našem ba«ehall klubu. Dokler nismo i-mcli l'u«ebs!l kluba. nI širša javnost sploh ukla. da so Slovenci v teh krajih. Ko na je naš klub premagal v igrah vse vodilne klube v okolij, posebno poljaki cmlthtonski klub štirikrat zapo- { r. loma. so časopisi poročali o nt* vrak ted«n In to jt bilo v#ll-kt ga agitacijskega jo ho s)oven«ka mladinska šola upr torila «a boiičnieo. katero aranžira federacija člkaških dru- / Itev SNPJ. Poleg tega je v delu tudi program, katerega bo dala na oder lolska mladina ob času jednotine konvencije meseca maja. ob zaključku šolskega leta. Pripeljite ali pošljite vale O; t roke v označeni prostor to soboto ob 1. popoldne. Sprejema ae učenke in učence splošne šolske starosti. Pomnite, da bo letos šola popolnoma prosta za vse šolarje, ki se telijo naučiti slovenskega jezika v pisavi, branju in govorenju. in to potom veščega diiektnefa pouka In potom vaj v igrah, petju in na predavanjih. Ker bosta letos na razpolago dva razred*, se pričakuje le več zanimanja kot lani. Na ni den je v soboto ob 1. popoldne* Boys' kl'jbu na 2S. cesti fn R Uapadn.i stran) vabi rW glede iivriujočib delavskih za- ke na javno predavanje (open konedaj, in to je v prvi vrsti za forum) v petak dne 21. oktobru brezposelnoetno podporo, ter Ha ob 7:30 svt&ar v Slovenskem de-poiljejo to resolucijo pravočas- lavskem domu, 4H7 Bo^Uver gJJfV) j. LOTRICH. drugi podpreda^ 1937 S. Trumbull Ave.. Chicago. Iii ' . . / . .. « akd nji um j ZAVERTNIK, gl. zdravnik........3724 W. Ä6tb St.. Cbicago. III flv0- kl,BJ 8lun »JJJ vsaKoanji tOHN y ZAVÜ-Äin* • nABJJK1 nnARK, kruh z delom svojih rok, in ker GOSPODARSKI ODSEK: -iKK ALESH, predsednik..........2124 8. Crawford Ave. Chleago. Ill Poataie in ker Se postajajo ^nu ni ip .............8- Prospect Ave., CUrendon Hills, m gospodarske razmere V Minneso- JQ?EPH SiskÖViCH.............16118 Huntmere Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. I — . j^.. .». POROTNI ODSEK t GORSEK, predsednik ............414 W. Hay St, Springfield, IH JOHN ANTq JOHN'S fRANGES ZAKOVSEK Vurnv ÖULAR...................................Anna, Kana. TRČELJ...............................Bo* 267, Strabane, Pa. roANK PODBOJ................................... 61, Park Hill, ml FRANK ivu VMtetvw ..................loie Adams St., No. Chkago. Ill OKROŽNI ZASTOPNIKI: rrnpr.F SMREKAR. prvo okroije......127 Main Ave* W. Aliqnippa, Pa. JOHN I OKAR JR.. druao okrožje......1198 E. 170th St., Clevelund. Ohio, j za ameriško delavstvo, ti. in po vseh Združenih drŽavah vedno opasnejfce za ameriško de lavstvo, radi velike brezposelnosti in pomanjkanja socialnih za konodaj v tej državi kakor tudi v vseh Združenih državah ameriških, in ker je socialna zakonodaja velika življenska potreba ■oTnkKLUN. tretje okrožje...................Box 66«, Chisholm, Mlnn. S«PH BRAWOVICH. «.trto okroije..........R. R. 5. Pitt.bnr«, Kana Vr \NK KLOPCIČ, peto okrožje.......Star Rt. 4, Box 31, Cle Elum, Wash. • NADZORNI ODSEK: utvir zAITZ predsednik.................»689 W. t6th St., Chicago, III ffSrr H^VT^............1016 W. Pierce St. Milwaukee. WU. fRED MAlXSAlf«.........................<-'» *ntral Park« 111 r,rMI)„aM. a gtomlml aSbarnlht. U M»J» t «t aro««, m »t« tek»Ui vb* PISMA kl>» »»i«)« M »••«• «1- Pr^^ilk*. m| m Mal*«* »s M*4M4alit«*. Iii K -nAkl« Ui^. rf. e«»... — to R «M* zato nalaga članstvo minnesot-ske federacije SNPJ na svoji redni seji, zborujoči dne 25. septembra 1932 v Ely, Minnesota, no pred driavno zbornico in kongres Združenih dr£av, in da se zahte\a od njih, da to takoj pomagajo poüpeÄiti in da sprejmejo za ameriško dela\ stvo potrebno zakonodajo. V tem smislu je gornje sprejeto Članstvo mirna sotske federacije SNPJ na svoji redni saj i dne 25. septembra 1932 v Ely-ju, Minn., da tajnik federacije to predloži na prihodnji skupni seji Članstvu vseh podpornih organizacij, da članstvo o tem razpravlja, ako se s tom strinja. (Podpis odbora.) Prihodnja seja bo zopet na E velethu dne 30. oktobra ob en! uri popoldne. Ta »«ja bo imela namen, seznatiti m z vsemi delavskimi kandidati, da bo imelo Članstvo boljio sliko in da bo dalo svoje glasove delavskim zastopnikom. Zato bo pozvano vse minnesotsko članstvo, da se u deleži te važne seje. Max Marts, zapisnikar. nois. Predmet: "Svetovna politična situacija". Svoboda govora vsakemu jamčena. Odin*. "Orlova" veaelica Pueblo, (V.o. — Vabilo na p!© sno veselico, katero prir^ii društvo "Orel" št. 21 SNPJ v nedeljo 23. oktobra ob 8. zvečer v Orlov i dvorani. vabi vs* člane lil člknice, kakor tudi vse ostale rojake. Obilo zabuve ta stare in mlade.—Veteellčnl odbor. USTNICA UREDNIŠTVA Froteshni resolucija Chicago. 111. - Društvo Franci-sco Ferrer M IS1 SNPJ je na seji dne 13. oktobra t. I. Vielo v pretres poMopanje gl upravnega odeska SNPJ o nsatavljenju tsdnje zača? ue moči v gl. uradu in po daljši razpravi je sklenilo, da protestira proti gl, odseku o njegovem postopanju v tej zadevi. Gl. upravni odsek je uposlil seatro Mary Jug v Času šolskih počitnic tekočega lota, akorav-no je imela službo kot učiteljica v West Mineralu, Kan«. Isti čas je gl. upravni odsek odslovil sestro Elizabeth Mihnlik kot za 2) Lets 1!>11 je prišla sest« Jug v Chicago In je bila takoj" uposlena \ gl. uradu SNPJ fca^a-i Močitnic, in kakor hitro so šolske počitnice potekle, je odpotoval« nazaj v Kansas v svojo stalno službo kot učitelji. :i) Leta 1MI, ko ki ;i počitnice, je sestra Jug zopet prišla za delom v Chicago in gl. upravni odsek jo je sprejel v sluibo sa ves čas počitnic tekočega leta in odslovil sestro Eli-zabetlv*Mihnlik ter tako postavil zadnjo V brezposelno armado. Sestra Mihulfk je bila prvič začasno uposlena v gl uradu SNPJ leta ltmi In drugič leta 1032 ter je več mcsecev prispevala po $4 v sklad izrednih podpor. Kaz 4 So. Chicago, M. Vr, — Vsako društvo naj samo počisti svoj hlev. Pittsburg, Kana., A. C. — Na podlagi dokumentov v gl. uradu je stvar drugačna kot vi poročate. Agitirajto za Prosvetol od *loo do mesečno. Siro iMiaautnn vi(ino ^ je bila sestra Miha- Hno moV ' «tTda ie Mk sposobna za delo v gl. uradu, nega vzroka ti Ij w»M»H , \ b, g), upt, üd, napravil prostor .a sostro lug. I k ^^ ^^ kol Naše društvo je prišlo do za- pomif, KI i ur k u, da gori navr Jeni »lučaj Korak gl. upr. odseka ni bil na ni bratsko delovanje gl. uprav- meatu, ko je odslovil sostro MU nega odseka SNPJ, in sicer i* halik in na njeno mesto uposlil BledeČlh razlogov: sestro Jug, katera Je imela zad- 1) Sestra Mary Jug je dobila njih par let stalno slulbo v drža- stalno službo v gl. uradu leta vi Kansas. 19*10, katero pa j^' odklonila, ker Sprejeto na soji dne 18. <»kto- je istočasno dobila službo kot bra in sklenjeno, da se ta pro-učiteljica v državi KansAs s pla-|teHt objavi v uradni Pro« vet i. Umrli člani Slovenske Narodne Podporne Jednote (Nadaljevanje od 16. junija iw:i2) VSI DKN4BN* »*4Uj*l»* S?« t'.- - a-», «i - - w . V8E PRITOŽBE (M* M*i*'"J« « «t ** M«1^ »*MUaJa ee late O^ik». Tek-! VknJ. itv. I MI». KJnSpiSI 1« ***** ■»>•!. aa«afc«IU. ■M.lalaa le a»M «m, to» h » ,,iLmo» ldn*t*. m|h a.*iU. .* -I-Bosvrro.- assr a la... ta ' ^.WhLt wkk ta* Snpr*«* ülflc. MS»«^ M <*U*»*i C«mmurlc»J*B* Z lh. P^t JJJ^ ^ ^ AU rtmiU*n«** td MMT «M tort»** w»r«ratae i*a«w «M ^^ MMfil .houia k* .«Hr****4 to tto Mcr*torr'* lih* Mttur. *( lick k«n*nt ihnM to «SStmmS to «to Kl,.»rtel .*«*» u>4*r tto torWleü.« *l tM •«U hi*- ^ _. . „ . CcmplalnU WMWll ta* «Ml M »n* • (.11,, ehalrMUi mt tks BmmI ml tmpmrrtmn. turi« r*mpl*lat* «M *pp**l* atoaM to VAŽNO NAZNANILO 18« 1ST IM 159 If« I«1 I« 1*8 ICt IM IM I «7 IM IM ITO IM III "I IM IM Vsled Številnih vpraÄanj in pritožb s stran* društvenih tajni- ^ kov kakor tudi posameznih članov, zakaj se temu ali onemu ni | m odobrilo posojilo za aeesment, naj bo pojasnjeno sledeče: ^ Sklad izrednih podpor, Iz katerega smo dajali izredne podpo- rt, zalagali za asesmente in nazadnje pričeli članom posojevati, je m kontno izčrpan. Upravni odsek nima namena razpisati izrednih j 1M d,klad za imenovani sklad, mora pa enostavno om^il^pore. im \ IMJDOCB SE BO IZ IZREDNEGA SKI^,A1>A X^it^v ČLANOM ZA ASESMENTE LE TOLIKO, KOLIKOR BODO V JJ TO DOPUŠČALI I'REJßTI DOHODKI Kurent ,.,. M 34 J ar o» Qlito ..... :.! .»» AlMrt, M*r**ku j, S in UMm» .. w »148 AndrtJ Manr* .., 514» Jurij iakraj .... »14» Andrej KaAča ... »151 Jnnip Suhadtilnik 8181 Pranr Heven .... »III Pa»*l Htekan .... A114 Pranr llukltk ... »I8T Nik*l*J K*l*Mir »•4» Anion Z*hr**tnik »•»I Mi4*to V*r*»l4 .. »MT IMnN 1'olaaek . 5»»8 J**ip Clrsr ,. .<.. • 587S Anton Hlaftej .... »»k« Pranr Oranna» l.»»4 Pr*»r Ga »peri i« 5IM KMC SrM* , »110 Pranr Kirn .... AUS Kari Kuliovif ,. 5121 Alajg Vodiiek .. 5114 Pral»« Zu»*»4W 51IT Mati J* K lomenr 511» Jnaipina P*lell* »1ST Jahn C. Kohlm. Z*v*r». v»n a* i »1.00».— I,»M.— I .»M.— , a»».— a.M».— »M,— 1,»0»,— a»»— 108— u».— »M.~ 18» J» »M.-— I.»M.— »»•.- II».— M0.~ •M.— IM.— kiiU „'i . I.»»».— .Ctan dn»44r* It».________»_.....■ tx l»H S*. Kr*wna«ai«. P«.. »T» Bra*k*nri4o. P*. Ml Parrel. P*. ........ 188 Pr**t*. P*. ......... 481 North lleoaemor. I'*.. 3H8 likiar>. P*., s ...... IIS H*aaaley. Pa. ..... »41 Slovan. P»......... 58.1 Hyoatuta. P*....... "M U*r»ea. P*, ..,,,.., M rh**w|«h. P*. ...... 2»3 Itiakop P«. W<....... 380 Duryea. Pa. ...... 15 Kapakiie. i'*. .... 41 Van4Un( »V ..,. Ill ASamuhar«. Pa. lik ! Piltahurvh Pa. . Ml 1'nraopoll». P*. ... TI4 M**4*wtaH4«. .fa. 187 Boom mer, K. . ,ru i 134 Portal (My, Pa M8 While V*lle>, Pa. II» Ca no« »kure, Pa. 354 Hon Air. P*. ....... I1H Pittak*r«h. Pa, ..... »TO M***nt*»n, p». 101 Ur«M l.andin«, P*. , 117 Y«k*n, P*, 'i P.------ - »14 N*m»r*iln. Pk. tM CWwilk, P*. .. ... »» lUPMkllr. Pa......... 284 L.«a*rn*.' P*., ....... 134 P*r**t CIO. P«..... fill W«»hinti«n, pa. i,M 33 Darragh. Pa. jVt.T/.l SI» fi'ray, Pa. I'mrl da*.i 18. maja M. junija t. janija «0. maja IT. maja T. janija II. janija T. JvklJ* ». juidia 3». maja 14. janija I. julija 4. talija 1». julija 17. Julija ». julija 14. JtfUJe li. JtillJ« II. julija M. julija 31. julij* M. julija I. aviaata {. avtaala Ü Varah »mrtli l»Ü i'sMa* hlh* I »33 ' I etika IM3 1 Samomor l»»3 i Pljalnlen I»II Puiiearo^en V rudnik« I»12 : Kivat.ik na molgan« I m j h« t'n.» hiha IMV I Kr.olok na m«taan« l»ll I Bak I »»I I »S3 I »13 I »M t Ml I »II H» HM I »89 IM! I Ml l,M0.— I 31 Hharan, Pa. »h' ti (! v amostojmm klubu, . imenom 32nd Ward 8o-• Uranch. Na shodu bo rt-več dol»rih govornikov, ^iiml tudi aodruga B«»»e-1 Jos. Mart nek. oba zelo govornika. Vsi, ki se zani- __ .1 iv»i;t ifna vpraša ■ i-robleme, pred katerim! in katere Je med vremi 1M »S» 34» 341 343 141 344 14» 84« 84T 34» 34* 8»» a»i 353 lil 254 Ml 3 »8 317 |M IM 283 M ameriškimi strankami zmožna rešiti samo socialistična stranka, ste iskreno vabljeni, da se shoda udeležite. S tem boste pokazali svojo politično zrelost in dokazali boste tudi, da se zavedate, kaj ste in od koga lahko priča kujete rešitve iz neznosnega položaja. Ne pozabite: V sredo 26. oktobra ob 8:30 zvečer v Slov. dom na Holmes ave. in E. 157 st. Clan kluba št. 49. Izvleček zapisnika J. F. Buk). Minn. — Odlomki zapisnika Jugoslovanske federacije v državi Mlnnesoti s seje, ki se je vršila dne 2. oktobra v E- velethu, Minn. Navzočih je bilo Čez sto zastopnikov od različnih podpornih jednot. Na tej seji Je zbornica sprejela skupni program, in to bo njen cilj za bodoče delovanje. Izvoljen je bil tudi stalni odbor. Za predsednika John Kobi, za podpredsednika John Koche-var in) trije nadzorniki: Marko-nich, Frank Klun in John Debe-ijak. Zbornica'Je tudi sprejela pre-dlog, da se Izvoli po tri organizatorje v viski naselbini, da se tako pospeši delo za skupno delovanje. Izvoljeni so sledeči: za Eveleth: Kobal In se«trs Oza-nich; Chisholm; Klun Turk in Medved; *a Kizvllie: Rlbicii In Podlipnik; ia Gilbert: Zadnikar. Bozich in sestra Ravnihnb; za Kly; sestra Jenko, brata Urku in Chrep; xs Auroro: O^r"; Jerich in Poli»krh; ia ttowey: »J So« ta rich, Dlmich in Ob^no- mi vich; za Duluth: Tomich in Bojr-, m damvlch: za Buhl: Gn» M**?**» Mr rte. TI» organizatorji »odo skrbeli, da bodo obdrževali po i .«»».— 258.— 1.80».— 1.8M.— 1,8M.— l.tM^-8M.— • My— I .»»».— M».— I.»M— 1,00».— I,»M.— I»».— IM.— I »II I Ml i»ia IMI 1131 IMI l»ll IMI Ikll IMI IMS IT4 Kray«, Pa....... . 5. Br*u«ht*n. P*. .. MT Bum*ltat«wn. P«. »13 Hermlni«. Pa. . 141 IJnlwaal, Pa.',.. Ml lanlmlla. Pa. .... M Ofleaky, III. 180 Jmlltt. lil........ » Chlcaai. HI. s.. .i. • Ml C*rlln*4tl*. III. 11» (»ranit* en*, in. 311 Auburn. III. ....... 1H» J*li*4. Ill..... MM Wauke«*n. III. •M *V»ok»«a«, III. M» NokomW. I". 4M UlIlMpI*. III. Julij* p, J«ltJ* V. avfuaia Id. umit I», ««imata ft. avit«*U II. «veutta M. avffuata 4, rptemhr* 1111 14, lltvii« IMI I. aeplemhr* 1*11 II, avauata IMI % * venal* I »11 3». at««*l« IMI 4. a#pl*aahra 'IMI II. a,pt*mhr* IMI ■ilitfki« IMt **pt*iabr* Ikll M. aepltmhra l»M hrfna hiba Kak Sladhwrn* holeaen I kli «d u»«*rn««* *vt«n»*hll* Nadah* Ponearefen v rudnih» Na oprraciji žoM^n* alj**a UMl v « «mireči Pljarnira Pan »are, en v rudniku IliarhM Sam*mor Jata* Uhlt *d vlaka P*n*ar«4en v rudniku Krvotok na m«to*n* I»31 Hrt,trn hlha Na aa*rMiJI J «tika I PIJuri.Ua Sr4na hika 15».— Hl Waat Prankfvrl, IU. ni IT« III m ITI ITI trt IM ITI rail» u* I«l IM IM IM Ml IM M T MS I»» IM IM I »147 Martin Virant........ IUI Pranc Or««vit IUI Anton l'enra ....... MIT iud>lk MO*h ,,,:,.. MM Ana inlda rill ...... |»M Ivan h*i«a Praalltto B«kov«e Mit Ctaar M«4to ....... Mf« Iv«n IMtr«a MTT MB« Pa«harW ..... •III Katarine V*r*4IJ* .. l 1117 Milan B.-H MM Andrej BnO ..... »IM Marti« lto«4'«ril ... •II* • «lanli ...... UM i «to« »raaa M»e M«rije K«r» ....... j MM laan V«B* . ...... F MM Prane OatoNMi ..." •IM Atola Oeaifttk ,,..< :«7» , Aleja Ztor*JMt ,. i MSI Badall Meatoh ..... 1 J*at« ft«ar •IM MI! J. . . »III M «M« K atol «U .... MM J**»« WS MU ..... M78 IBla VB..Ü ...... •IM Marija Brina« ,,.«• •IVI , Matij* Inrm« ,,. UM J «aH» O, «te ...... M4I lea* BatoNM • •• - UM lad» r e «* o . M ,,, •aaf I««« Pa»to ....... MM Atol* Kaa ........ «H— MO»— |MS— 80».— IM— 800.— IM— 8M— l.»M— I.8M — 888.— IM— 1.4M— IM.— IM.T» l,»M— 1.5M— 1.88».— I,IM^—• IM— MM— I chile««*, nt ....... M» rhlra«o. III. ........ 58T Sprin«lield. III. 4M B**t Peorla. III..... II/ I* Sali». III. ...... IM ttaat Malin«, III 2«r. New »alnlh. Mlnn.., IT» MrKinUy. Minn ., IM K*»w*tln. Mlnn. .. |»l Naw Uulaih. Mlnn. IM BvaMh. Min.. .... MI Kltfville, Mlnn. ... IM VirginU, Mlnn..... IM New Bnlath. Mlnn. M t level*nd, O Ill Cleveland. 0. ...... IM Cleveland. O. ...... a»T 4 levaland, O...... 4M t'laealand O....... I < t< vtland, Ok ...... |M < level«*d. O. •14 4 »ev«4and, O. ...... I Cle*viand, O. ...... 135 Akron, O. •3:. Akron. O. MM I »31 IMI I »82 I »II IMI IMI I »II IMI IMI I »M IMI IMt I »II i»ia Hak 111.11 * rudni tki ok.ploiijl Urin» hlh* Sawoinar Mrrnu hiha l*anll*ba k «Hal Ja Na opeiaiiji J.».fc« Mamomur Va*tje ledi.' I «Jan dne i »toina. »kraj delava ^ I», julija IMT Klevlahu, i.vmher«, Poljaka it Junija IMI *»»*• M. d«»jaht» 188? laka,a». l.lkblJana. Juanalavii* I», navala bra I h,«7 Ktora Uka. Kranj. Jaa*al«.ti. II, avgaat* IMI K»>«»v. Vvlow^ |I«IIJh II. januarja IM* Hkidmure. l olambua, Kauaa» 15. mala l"®2 Wealmor.iaitH, I'« II. JaalJa l >M Tv»l»eli»*«. WUJ*. .ltmw«!»vU« II, n>«Ja |HHft »'«««»I«. {T»Mila. '»«"Ja I», »pwmhra IHM Oitrah« I de«*Mfcr* MM Seire. KtknJ. Jn»u*l«vU« 1». i.kraarj« IMk T«MJ* JiMUmlavlJ« 18. nacMta" l«ra Krtina, Kamnik. Ju»«Multra IMI Vrbav«k*. JaiioaUtlJ« 4 teutamhp« II • Htn« US4 r» 14. JanaarJ« 1»»? Prlm*4 na P*h«rjn. UarnJI «irad, Jti«o»lavlJ« I«.4 V «liha l.uka, Je, Jim «t. I« »t J« j„,3 Itrtkrl«, Pribram, Celmal«*«hiJ* Hmlhol4Kt«>|il4», Movomv.i«, Juan»l*«IJ« IH»k Praamial, Pnljaha IHM M«l«*ov« k I do. tSmkaJna. OallJa i,tlI Hv. Martin, M«m«h*r. Ja»*»l*vlJa |U»I Pi«M«rje rjukfjaft«, Jn«u«la»IJa IM9 Mirnaael, Natumoal*. Jugo^UvU« IHN» l.a.inj», J«a**la»IJ» JMU Kne^ak, P«*t*Jtta, llalila M. lahrnarj« IMI » **t8»J». J*|la 14. Jmurf IMt WlMBWi J|»MI>Ul I», aavamhra tat« TtahnJa, ha^m**., Jaaoalavlja . fr.t •• , -1 I». Mfitemhr* I Mi 1-aalaJ». Ptaaravln*. J.i«Wa»iJa M. ! IM^- Sfl «ar». InS. .......... MV— Iti 1 nato« laS. %**.— M IndtonaiM^ut. Ind. , ITT K. «<«n W**h. itoa^- 1» Bmrh a,«rt«a« Wv« IB*- IM IWa manleBta* • a«» — II B««4» ««»'»•• Wra. 1M- ' MT S«hto|. Wim T, ... v Mt— ' m a^toto N.N f, - »M — LMt Mario«, M. V. IB,- M "e* V«f» N. » . ae».— Ilf «Wt » »»umohllabl b*IMJl I »»I j hrena b*a i »JI J Mik a IMI i ('kil r avU»m*hlloki koli^ijl IMI 1 Hrrit« ha« |»I| /.aatraaUenie krvi |»»| Vr.aja J«t.r IMt Sr#«a k a« I »II Piju/alra l»ll Pljučnica IMI ' Srfna hlha IMt ' Sr/na Mb* |»II ] iMika MIMmm > Jedka M. mola If, main II, a»»«'' a II. aprila II. januarja I. Imembra II. im ja II, mar«« I, mar«» ' M. Junija M. «fctofcra I. aprila II. JaniJ« I«, m«l• a a». J«nj* 14. JnnOa II, «area 1«. *>««ata II. april« II. arami« M- Ja«»J* M. toni u M. (aul<* M. JaalJa II. jtftij* II. JnUJ* I. *Vfuala II. |t|»*ia n. jliiu* !•• «v»«M)J II. Julija IT. ««gnala I, ««»umhr« IMI II. aaptMabra IMI aeptembra I »31 i *r*«a hlto «. a»pl«mbra 1»M ' J«*lka I» Janila JnUJ* II. JalJJa MM« JnMja II» avfaaia II- JnnlJa d aapfmbr« IMI II. JaalJa IMI II' nepaata lili II. I^IJ« l»»l I. «eatemkia tMt 14. «.»temto« l»M Jaalla I »M If. Jan»!« IMI II' «eiMu IMI M. JaalJa MM I8M IMI I «M IMI H. Jalll* MU toWa IMI h aa»4embra I »M 14, Matnak» IMI mi I rHaMMa I »II arrn* Mto mt) Maaaaat I »II I 1*4«din* uljao* IMI Mi J»»l OMI V radaik« I »II 1'onanr*d*n • rtontha arm* hlto latCa *«»• Mto |!i|» Vlruln M««l. Jiii".l*»IJa ii,J7 Sa#a, Tulmln. Ilalil« I ,4 Uk« l-.k«, Mnbliana. Ju»«»UviJa I Uri, i »«ui«., Juuu«la« lJa ItIM Kemt'lJa '*A 117» Huna I»r, Plaj, Jupaal»vlJa M«k«l«*«r Knprirnita. J««nM*larlJa mu« Hade/e, Krika, Jn»«.laviJ« tf, •*!>■< Mbca MM ICaataa. V»l*ak*. U*tlJ* I M mar<* ftfl VHhot». Itiravah« t»,ir*»a, P«H«k* i all Ah «I Ja I-«t». Kratil, JnanaUvlja It,nn Ikiaun. r»lwala»»hlja mal ll^J*. BrMI^*, Ju«aalavlJa |iM Orur, Satamhvrk. Ia«.»l«v4ja 1114 N*. t hira»», Uk*. lIHnul. j»|| Waukeaan, toh», lili.tola ur» l.«#*. t al j». J Vi »lavlia Uit Po'litih, l ilij». Juvaalavlja flT» Novomeat«. J«»»»l*viJ« I mi fl ««t4»i|J, .JOftMlavllp ...... ................. t »I I Chirac», I '*«t>, llllitnlt IMI» Mil* A».»Mi« I, natamhra UM ill Jetn»J, Srlk«. Ju»m.lavi'a II, S*ee«ibr* UM «el* l«rtw, N**nm<»l* II, MM Oi«tovi,8, Kuvan^t«, |af**UOJ* i. a«a»»*ij« II,« MM K »ti., j Peraall. lH«**lavt|« II. laaU» Uli Itelnlea, Ja««.*lpvlJa I.'fabruarj* IHTI P«d»ara. Kal*«»* Jn»a*li.»ll* I«, phlobr* HTI ftele«. i«Ur, Ju»**l*»iJ* M. aovetukra I»hT V*U». r**l*Jna, Itallla M. aepumbia l»«4 Za*.mbe»#, N«v«»«M«. Juaoal.vil* II. Jua la 18»! Mar«*lr«, lu»»»lavlJ« U. 4to-embra UM Pl*l*, fcarl*», IMÜI* 14, apnu lltb Ookr.polje, V »lih» Ulit Jupaaltvlja I. maj* UM Vrhi Jana. U*MJ*na, J«8w*l*vlJ* II, «aplrmbra lil« tl*v«l»nd, Ca»ahrMia. Ohh. P. Janija l»M B-h. KolevJ*. Jua«*l*vij* IT, Janu.tia lati Kiaiai, fitoalaaaHJa M. aapumkr* |a»P Slnden*. PaMnJna, I MBU» 11, fpSraarJ« IMI Jau«»U*, K*r»»Je. iaamdavlja U, lahrwar Ja I8»l Krab«. lna«ml**«J» II. P#fli* IM* Petrlaje, |*«a*i*vlj* I I». I*M eirhnUa, lapotlaelJa ! i, JtUiJ« l«M Brali« J», V.Jatk. J v »«tal*. I »a 1 M. Janija |8M OnraaJ* Va», l.«lja. ln»»^a»IJp II. aaptamkr* laTI K»«Jle» la«. .lavHa ||. Smemkr* Uli CM-Uto, 1'atatoaa. I 14, JnnO« tata l»*na*U( Kamnit. |«a«*la»U» J I, laBJa. IkTf N«Hra*#«ta, loam avij« If, r«hr«*rj* IM» Praomonl. 1'amN» I Br l«»*r*d« I i, 4*** mi. i * lili « •**!«»IJa II, »»•«•♦« j i. fahm«*J« < II. I«'M« I II. attvbte M. «»»»a M. atamrta ! If. anveotkr* I*. Btaja j it! Zp^lembra IM» Smihet atapM«, N«v«mmdn laamdavlja HhB v Je4ib* aei4Nn*hll«kl balulJI« tod» JtoB » Jan» j* a. Za«4r»pOenJ« h» vi / «o« ro«l Jon Je Krina bih« ■ l'ij«r«...« ' •"HM MiM Mha t a*»Mnikia I »M 1 BamatraM 18. j «r»l je I »M Knmrapl!*«!' hrvl 1». Jani la IM» HMMra II. a»«vaU IMI I I nMa tak*nla U av*M«* IMt aWtaa hlh« 9». j «rti I« IM» M*« II. Ml j« IM» to M. (w.u ipv! Bah I».* IPM SrlaBIna M itn«. »Mt POa#n»«a H, Mflrakr« 1817 BnihmJ M I. Bati« IMI I Hap »a. IMI laiadjaah I aeaaoi« IPM II. nptankri i Mi M mal» IMt IfbB «I ♦••!* at r *««mt« 1M9 < Jai«h* • Ml»* i B IMI ' I'M »d ihkint» Im »««4Ja« / SMt • a Mal Omaalat. ^rnamall. J«-«^lavl|« |«f» 4e*o*f«. I'oetojt.a, I talila IMI <»ra'«ba r»*«ln«, f»toele*«!.ij« i **l ZaBaa*. Kr**l. Ida^ievahiJ* i i»| ItvnJ« l<*#«*ba, J«aaal«v|Jn I »a4 naMMik Ja«**u«lja I •» »ar. 1-alHe N^»m«r«l Ja»«da«IJa t, «nvemkra i »M Si. P« te» MM««»«ot« |*»«*la«IJa II. Jw«O« l»M KaSlarJ^p, B«»l«. Jaamdpn»* II. aMr.« I Ml atnnj. M. J*aaaft' IM» Ja.«»*«a. Krinl. J«»»d«tij. II, a IBtl Bedaia, tlBV Iu#aa4«»ll« II. akt*t". MM dura lir»d» ka Ja«*da»IJa la»| lM*n«vaa, lWd» n« la«a*laeija i »»I llraabt. f*IJ<*« MM M*keon«|, Br k«. J%«ela»Oa i «»T < »i*»m«4j Japanlaalla I »M l.inhMn »j«e*d J«p*a>.e« t * «i .«iti i e Kraal, I «««eUvile |Mt l-J-b.o iSnlKi>«4 J*»n*4a«lM IMI l«a«4*«, J«ao*ta»'>a 1**« IfW.lH, 'eSJ* Jo«^vla»IJa l«S UL t*har, |aa-*«»0* I »ad K-> an»-», I «»«••• »4J* IMtBrta«. OladM, i o» »da rti« i»f| tifkto», C—« met i In» «al* »tla • »»I ItartHi, M «t« ; .*oai4«tl*e __ I »ti a a «t* v, V »t. «ha BM» a*«8*iaW. i «TI ■««»« Ink. B*«ni, JmmMS iatf frekn»e. Bate«»***«. I ^ ' I. J««»»-II, Jami« I, JnMJa I, Sm*I«k» a M IPtouar)* II. toraaii« M. me»'« I. «MtJe M. maj« V. »«'»la I, Jar>o*'>a II, 4to*«Mk»a M. |>r«n' n T. la. IbBj« f. «me* a ri. »«».«n . M- S^.mhra M «p» It« M. M «I. i«, nmr.a IS», la«*«' i* si, «Phraarj* M. n«rHa ||, Jnntj« IMI Hl«ra 14*. a«*nj 1 »«•'da mM vidam. Koievle t—wdWfWi et|a •41* l*M ht Into. Srak«, i Resolumjskl odbor: Anten M rant. JOhail Koycth. Nick Vu-kelleb,—-DruÄtveni odbor: Matt-Ihew J. Turk, predsednik; l«aw-renče CJrwdWek, tajnik; Victor '/.upan$it, blatfajnlk. Komentar uprnvneira odseku: V sle 11 kritik, ki so so ^»tokrat pojavljale n« ssjah «I. odbora. ötv^, knkorhitro je najt»-tu začasna pomo^, ostane za stalno, Je upravni odsek, kakor tudi odgovorni načelnik, zavzel stull-A6c, da se da prilika ratnlm Članom organizacije In jih tako proiikusl. kateri je bolj »poseben za dolu v nuAem uradu. To postopanje smatramo «a korist organizacije in se ga bomo drlalii dokler ne bo članstvo napAivilo dnmnčnih zakljuftkoNf, Ksr upravni odm*k ne more kot skupina iskati začasnih moči za rMino departmsntne urade. Je osvojil princip, da si vsak načelnik lahko sam lzliere pomoč, za katero delo Je tudi odgovoren. To postopanje tudi smatramo v I nt «rs au organizacije. Os bo pri naM organizaciji prillo tako lia-Uh\ da bo Upravni odsek ali na-Mnik kateregakoli departmenta prlmoran vpraAati gotovo sku-pino planov v Chicagu, kater« l*-redne moči sme nastavljati aH odslavljatl, potem bo lalostno m nnio jednoto, Hobena bratska organizacija v ta| detrll in tako tudi na*a jednota ne more in ne bu rellla brorpoAoinostl. Ce hočemo govoriti o bratstvu, potein bi morali s{Hisllti vse člane, k) so pri or-| ganizaclji In l»j«me, kar je po znutio tudi onim, ki protestiralo, ijs je to nemogoče. IMt in' l»o članstvu poti \lirfi»m, da se v n»ft«m uradu "patronlzi-rajo" samo gotovi člani, naj bo tu pojasnjeno, da za časa seda-njega tajnika Je bilo v tajni-Akrm uradu začasno uposlenlh sedem članov In med temi *est Iz Chlcaga, oairoma tu ilvečih. Torej nI tajniltvo napravilo ni-kakega zločina, če se Je drznilo nekoga najeti tudi od zunaj; zunanji člani Imajo v očeh tajni-Atvit 1st« pravice kot to »Iveči člani, kar ae organizacije tiče. Smatra se, da je sestra Jugg prav tako upravičena do dela v uradu orgsnlzaeljc, kater«? Je članica, kakor ona, ki Je bila pred njo uposlena. Njen oče, kateri livi * druilJto v Kansasu, je brez dela *e (kakor smo jsiučenl) o-krog medeni let In ona Je edina pomoč družini, sestaja joči 1« Hh os^b. Vsled ili-presljt* Je tudi več učiteljic izgubilo delo, tako je hlls tudi sluAba omenjsnega dekleta omajana In ni pričakovala, če Iki ixMiovno uponlena. Torej se nI armada brezposelnih s tem, tla Je bila ena odslovljpntt (ki je bila U dvakrat u|sislens) In druga uiBislena, ne pomnožila ne zmsnjAala. Kadar so protesti iskrt nI In v Interesu akupiiostl, so vedno do-kndsr |ia nlat» umestni, HaA* dol "<»xt, da vso stvar IBiJasnlmo člsnstvu. Za upravni odsek, Fred A. Vider, gl. tajnik. AH »te ž* naročili Proave-to ali Mladinski Hat »vojemu prijatelju ali sorodniku v domovino? To Je «Hnl dir trajne vrcdnoatl, ki fa z« mal denar lahko poiljaU , svojcem ? domovino. WÄriSS! jjrf — —*« *ti PAGE BIX ___ENGLISH SECTION POK MEMBERS Of SLOVENK NATIONAL aF.NEpTT SOCIETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES laportaai NoHm Referring: to the numerous inquiries and complaints received from the lodge secretaries and also from individual members, asking why this or that member did not receive his assess-ment loan, the following information is given: The special benefit fund from which were paid the special benefit«, the aasessments for our members, and, lastly, assessment loans, is now completely exhausted. The Administrative Board has no intention levying a special assessment for that fund, and must, therefore, eliminate benefits. From this fund, in the future, the members will be given loans for aasessments only amounting to what the receipts to the fund will allow, and no more. Average monthly benefit payments made from the fund have amounted to over four thousand dollars, and the average receipts now amount to about seventeen hundred dollars per month. From this, it can readily be seen that our policy for making payments must be changed, for we positively can not loan out more than wc receive. We already have at the supreme office enough applications to take care of the money Which will be received In this fund for the month of November, and most of the applications which still will be received shall have to wait until the necessary reserve in the fond is attained. Therefore, we ask the members as well as the lodge secretaries not to write to the Supreme Office aaking why this or that application has not aa yet been paid, because payments wMl be made in the order of the receipt of the application, and when the necessary amount of money Is In that fund. Frei A. Vider, Supreme Secretary. Tilt Doming Wiitor There la no Indication that over eleven million jobs will be forthcoming before winter comes. There will be widespread suffering unless generous and unprecedented rsllef Is to hand. So many people are feeling the pinch of depression that usual sources of giving can-not contribute with their usual liberality. The problem of relief must be tackled from new approaches. This is a matter for consultation betwefn the various groups of the community so that those who represent the needy may talk over possibilities of various methods with those who can give relief. The unemployed want a chance to earn their way. First the normal sources of employment should be urged to go on a five-day week and shorter shifts so as to Increase the number employed. Hourly wage-rates should not be decreaaed but should be Increased proportionately with increased efficiency. Such an arrangement enables employers to share the costs of relief entailed In "»baring the work." In the second place, opportunities for exchanging services for shelter and food should be developed and organised. Many who cannot give money would find such a contribution a personal source of helpfulness and gratification. In the third place, an appeal for relief contributions should be urged upon those able to give. No understanding person can enjoy the comforts of shelter, food and clothing unless he has given aa much as ho can to those destitute through no fault of theirs. American Fed erat i on i «t. "Projrml»«" Politic» aa* H» "Liberals" The "liberal" complex la emerging in capi-tal ist politics and RooaevsAt is wooing it. In Washington the "progreasive" phase of liber-allam also gets under way with a manifesto. The "liberal" la the free lance intellectual of middle claaa views and the "progressive" Is the politician In a capitalist party who wanta to hold hla job but feara the dissatisfaction of a section of his voting stock back home. The "liberal" and the "progreasive" want capitalism with more bearable exploitation of workers. They fear the upper magnates of the capitalist oligarchy and equally fear the working class and ita aaaertlon of any claims of Its own as an independent power in politics. "We are very certain these days that the Democratic Party is progressive." said Governor Roosevelt in the West. That Is to say, that It la safe for large and small capital Invested In the exploitation of labor. Hla program for the rallroada la consistent with the rule of capitalist enterprise. He would helf> them to a more healthy portion In the structure of capitallam and that is what Hoover Is trying to do with Ms Flnsnce Corporation. Roth are agenta for rival show» presenting the same entertainment. No other nation la afflicted with this "lib-eraliam" and "progreaalvUm" In polltlea and the main reason why it is a phaae of American pollclta la because our working class ha» not yet built a powerful party of its own. —The New Leader. e Reveliers9 Column AMbriSf«, Pa.—A rapidly concoct-j Jambor«» on Oct. 81 at Um 67th fit. •d column U herewith predated. A sort of a jab at «orne conclusion», which may hit or mias their mark. That tho added burden of the additional 46c per month for thoae insured for «ick benefits will be widely dlseukaed In SNPJ cirelea la certain. Considering the time» it mesna a large sacrifice on the part of the mfetnbers. There la no need to mention that even the pre-new dnea were a constant strain on th» finances of th# ifcdMduala. A portion of th» membership may seridUsly consider dropping their affiliation« with the Society. To offset auch a disastrously contemplated tendency (via., on the part of many E. 8. lodge members) a force with a superior argument in behalf of membership retention sheaid be »et in motion! A convincing proof that compcnaation shall inevitably follow a period of hardships! Every measure of encouragement, of perserve-tanoc'by printed or »pokca word, and by action should be fostered. An aim-lesa chatter of cooperation must be supplanted by a cooperation in actuality! Studious efforts muat be exerted towards meeting every phaae of the atek department—that present stumbling impediment so detritasntal to the Society. It la a grave problemi but, it ia not beyond solution. And it will require the beat bralna of the Society to find a solution. In addition, it will need sn intelligent membership to Solidly back same proposals, plus earefui watch against crafty simulant*. • • • On Friday, Oct. 14, Mr. Nick Vis-ale, husband of Sophia Ogulin Visile, died. Por many years Mr. Vlsaic wsa in business in Ambridge, widely known and reepeeted. He wsa s member of Lodge Nai Dom, Ambridge. His many friends bear keen regret at his passing. • ..........- ........e • » .. . _________________ Noting with interest Bro. Gram's timely diacuaalons of the SNPJ bylaw!, particularly his latest aubjoct d»alltt? with th» passivity prlvil»g«s of members who may leave their locals In the course of their atudent years bring« to the public mind the perplexity of thst article. Why ahouldn't it possible to allow members to pursU* their studies even in foreign coOfvies with the esme passivity rights as grsnted to members study-tnr''*ithln the Jurisdläto« dt the 8N*J, 1. e., the United Ststea, Csn-sds or Mexico? t •»i • * • ALL THAT SORT OF THING. Too msny folks read the dnlly newipspers with their eysa. Thejr is no mental dtgeation of the papers' contents. The A la little st tempt at thought, the why snd wherefore. And thd public remsins In s somewhat bambooaled atage . . . Beeek aends word from Notre Dame, plus a few kindly sent! menta for Kress, Bolte and Stringa Too many lodge offlcefe take their dutlee aa a joke, or in indlffer ••nre; which leada to vepeated setbacks Instesd of forwarda. They usually are among the first to won-der why othera aucoeed. Tis unwarranted . . . Si«. Frieda Keraan la back at the hospital after only a very ahort stay at home . . . Gerty Uhernik of the lev tribe spent s week with the Nsgel dsn st Midwsy. Probably giving Anne Uksr some sid in annoying that Franki» guy . . . Some of the lodges arc going to find themselves taking a back-seat if no action toward consoltdsting for convention delegstea ia taken soon . . . These of the Revs who have moans ran go to Universal, M«»on Run or Sygan on Oct. 29 for another night of Frolicking. And Home. Some of the gang would like to go bot can't. Yoa who can, be represenuttvoa . . . John Grsndovk of Nsi Dem membership is steadily improving after a prolonged illness. Aa ia Frank Jakae of the same group Msny lodges would give encouragement to their officers if they extended a helping hand, or an occasional word of prsiae ,.. Smitty Cvit-ko and Snipe-Hunter Rogina of Rew fame have Hollywood sapirstiona . . . No eplseh in these sheets has been lately by Johann Liker, Rudy Pelts, Martin Spec, Prexy Psvllk or Tony Grsnd4t girl, how could you help but attend the Little Fart Hsllowcen Dance ea Oct. 29, st the Slovene Home on the Corner of 10th snd KcAllister. The sdmis sion is 26c in advance snd Mc at the door. The Young Folks Dramatic Club is staging the three-act comedy, "Hans Von Smash," instead of the Little Fort Lodge, aa I have etsted in one of my previous arttcles. Little Fort has chosen "Glare»»*," s four-set comedy fsree to be presented st the seventh attilVersat* in February. ■ '•' '• ™ The nutting and apple picking Reason which cornea with tha cool October days, aeema to be quite pqpula r with Jake Novak, Frank Frank, John Hodnik, Iggic Geniel, Foxy Btyeec, snd Gus Trolls. ' V . ' , ■ t* • H® »e ft» public is im-lted lo danobato the music of Thai Rush aadiuMs Rhythm MSeters every Sstwddsy night st the Slovene Home. Admission is 25c for lsdies and 35«. for ' } ' lt. - Be sure te attend the Little Fort meeting to-nite as s complete import on the plsy "Clarence" will be giv rsducvd »specially for thla eve*t I» 16c for g»nta and 10c for ladles. Mak» plana to attend this sf fair. Rem»n>her the crowd» are all for th» Mohawk». " K »ep Year Dsn Paid t> A • portal rommitte» has bee p»lnt»d to serv» refreshment* for the sest regular meeting b» held In November, The committee Is made »p of boy* who have proimr+d s greet surprise for t lie weak** sea. Being 1 am requested to atta boysl^^^H Save Year Memb»rahlp Square Up In du» recognition to one chap who, slthough very mo^eet, has won respect of not only the Mohswks but of everybody he hss eome In contact with. Being s member of the Mohswks, he hss done hie shsrs towards the Intoreata of the BN P J movement Now with Um football »eseoa wsy, thla boy playing for the high school hss established hiatostf s i rtple-throst maa, a| blocker and puater. His haa helped hla teem metes remain undefeated. Altho* this la hla first year on the high school team, he le only a sophoasore. Th» chancM ef picked on th» all-stato tesm sr» vary bright H» has helped his team defeat two of Chlesgeland's greatest prep teams. Tilden Tsch by im of 17 to 0 and Crane Tech by a seers of IS to 0. With two mere yean of high school football to be played. Im will establish himself sc U «eile-Peru s grestest stheto. Th» Mofcewk Udge Is proud of yea, Jobs Hirell Keep up the good work. A Michael R. Kamer. rr - —No*, v— The first s# S series of concerts,; to be given by the einging society "Cvet", wMl be held thla Sunday, Okt. 98, st the Slovene Lsbor Aud. st 6:90 p. rn. Th» neighboring singing society "Zvon" will slso präsent s few number», while the Beacons' Melody Pilots will offer s few classical songs. A few of the songs thst lodge "Cvet" will render sre: Bels, rde*s Je gredica snd Vsaovslec by the men's chorue; Ns vssi, men's octet; Tam gori ss nsio vaajo, ladies quartet; Ciganski otrok, mixed octet; Pomlad, a duet by the Ban sisters, and Slanica by the men's quartet. All the selection» will be accompanied by Anthony Rocmsn, s member of the Melody Pilots. The Bescons' Melody Pilots sre to perform for the dsace which follows thp concert. —Nov. if— The snniversary committee Is arranging s great but varied program for the Bescons' Fourth Anniverssry, Sunday, Nov. 27. Plsns sre now in tihe constructive procese, snd if they mstorislize, a grast srray of rsdio, singing, dancing, ventriloqUistic, necromanic and oratorical talent win be entertafhing our public oa Nov. ft. As for dsncign, your "dogs" will find that the Beacons' Melody Pilots will provide the incentive necessary for the proper maneuvering on ye ol' waxed floor. The dance alone is going to be an affair that should cause your Aunt Nelly te alt up and take notico. John Aynik. Q FLASHES W' By /scsfs/fe Hera we are, for years trying to build up a good, atrong and solid Organisation only to htfve a horrid depression render our work practically futile. But let'« take heart and new courage snd let us make the expert ences of the peat guide ua in our fa otheis, we're going td hsf/s S delightful crowd. And why shouldn't we have a big crowd? Don't we hsve a „ cleSn place, Ideally eltuated within easy res*h of svsryonst Doni ws h*ve some of the best orchestras in Mte city plsy up-to-date tunea? And don't eome of the finest young people In the city gather at our dances T ' ■ ® e e • YeSslree, the Pioneer dances have alwrts been the medium of catching up tjnth many of your old acquaintance from far and near. In the y disposed crowd one sheds the of the day. One goes on with the many, doing the things with the many in the ways of the many. Oet t of your isolation. Get into, the „*od of gayety at the Pioneer Annual Fall Dsnce on Ssturdsy, October 20, st the SNPJ Auditorium ♦ • • Somehow only s few of the more Storfing elders pertlctpstc In the Pioneer dsnces. This group is large enough for the ordinary affairs. In orrfef to Increase the sttcndsaee of the elders we will hsve two musicians ill the lower hall with specific inatruc Uons to play polksa and waltses for tketa,—A few more minor details mualjbe pot Into ehape, then our plans wm be complete snd well be ready coming convention 1 » * Did you ace the Utoeary, DlgeeVofJ-j «, trM last week? And the splendid photo-> graph Sf Norman Thomas on the cover psge?v Net only th platform and program, Norman Themaa, thfe Socialist csndidate for the president cy, haa it all over his two major opponents in looks and appearance. Newspapers everywhere give credit to Thomas' straight from the Shoulder talks. There 4s no dilly-dallying about his remarks. He cares not for Hoover or Roosevelt, but he lam-basts the system which both Hoover and Roosevelt stand for. of S grsnd crowd, e e e to tske care .That special sMcusment of M> cent» per moatfc. until further notice, ia only agalnat thooe carrying operation and d lability benefits. pio peera Insured for death benefit only are not subject to tho levy.—It Is to have a spe> when tka people are 4» te atsed K. but wfcea mere Is paM eat thsa la accema-la. ther« mmu «a b» ae altorsstlv». Ws pay 9100 for operations which are done for $?r> sad Most of you generally vote for whst you don't wsnt. Why? You voted tor the depression in 1929. Will you vote for something worth-while this year? "Repeal Unemployment" is the worthwhile problem, Socialista contend. That's the pressing problem now. Hoover has not been capable to do it in the U. 8.; Rooee-Velt has not been able to do it in New York ststo, because their eyatem will not permit them. We Socialiste will do it by chsnglng the system. By voting fbr Roosevelt to displace Hoover you only change umbrallaa in rainstorm. Vcte Socialist and change the system which causes all the rah) • >e Without regard for human Uvea private property of the rich coal barona ia having its wsy. The Ns-^ionsl Guards, psid by the cltlsens of our sovereign Ststo, hsve been or dared to destroy the miners' union In the southern psrt of the Ststo for the sake of more profit for the greedy exploiters. Men sre shot down with out warrant, peaceful aseemblage la prohibited, free speech, (?) there Is hone, becsusd the rich want It so. yeI the werker» esnaet understand thai Ss _sf everything thle ÄJI® not I Ml ^ ■ e '» •» atrong seatlmsat la bem* ■ to reduce the disability and operation beaeflts st the Convention next May. * We must sleo ehsnge our S4sws to mahe total disability pay le from the mortuary fund rather than boa the operation faad ae bere-tofore. Aa arrangement should alao me fend to another In critical like th»M te hs repaid bettor tlase» return. And th» important deeteka should be to belM s rseei va sufficiently large te tide ae a be The Slovene Juvenile School, conducted by the Pioneer lodge, will begin Its third year of teaching tha Slovene youth their mother's tongue this coming Satarday, October IS, at the usual place, Boys' Club No. i, 9901 So. Ridge-way sve„ at one o'clock. There will be ao fee chsrgee thla year. All boys sad girls Sf school sgs, members snd non-messbers. will be admitted snd sre cordially Invited. Two classes wni be organised—one for beginners and one for older puplle. Preparations sre being asade to stage two p I ays j oae la December for Federation Xmss party, aad one la May at the KN P J Convention. Other interacting feataree will he added to thla year's rograat Parents sre rele bring or send their chlldrea le the Slovene promptly at osie o'clock Oct 99 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19. Wbt istb« "PiMlc Eitmy- Now? Many times in the last few years, when the d^ily papers were filled with tales of Chicago', "public enemies," LABOR has insisted that the list was incomplete. Making no apology or excuse for "Al" Capone, LABOR has held consistently that Samuel Insult was by far the more dangerous public enemy of the two 'Probably, many readers were shocked at this statement—but who is the public enemy now' One may admit at the start that Samuel Inj sull has not killqi his victims-chough if J man be held responsible for those whom he drives to suicide, that distinction is not likely to last very Ion*. For the rest, "Al" Capone was a piker compared to Insull. For a generation, Insull has robbed con-sumers of the Chicago district with extortionate charges for utility service; and for a good part of the time, he has robbed investors of the same region with fake "securities." Half a million people have lost their savings in the spreading mire of Insull holding companies. Their total losses are in the neighborhood of a billion dollars already, with every prospect of going higher. And, yet, even that is not the complete story. He has corrupted the whole public life of a populous region. He has vetoed or approved the appointment of Federal judges. He has used the money twisted from his overcharged customers to put his men in state offices; and probably no mayor of Chicago has been elected for 20 years without Insull's help or consent, though he has changed sides now and then. If Chicago now had half the money which Samuel Insull has taken from her by unfair methods, the city would not need to borrow from E. F. C. Yet this man is living in luxury in Eut-ope today; and, so far as tftie record shows, the effort to call him to account is being feebly pressed. Public enemies? They are many, and at their bead is the public utility magnate who "stands in" with the underworld that he may loot the home, and corrupts governments that may extort ransom from the people. —Labor. Oil of DäI® m ViWi The Democratic candidate's power stand, regarded as advanced two or three years ago, has in the light of more recent developments become almost conservative. Like to many of his other positions, it really amounts to a warning that private interests had better be good and deal honestly with investor and consumer, lest something more drastic happen to them. Some of the more careful students of the problem now believe, not only that holding companies ought to be reguüated, but that many holding companies ought to be abolished entirely. Few of these aggregations represent logical grouping, such as would be made for purposes of efficient power administration in the interest of the public. Agafn, the public ownership of a few great central power stations as "yardsticks" is now believed a measure not likely to get us very fa», unless the public can also own transmission and local distributing systems, ss in On tario. For ft is in distribution that most of the excess costs and confusions lie, as far as domestic electric rates are concerned. There is a growing group which believes that the time has come when we ought to be advocating public ownership, not as potential competition against wicked private utilities, but for the sake of Its own proved superior efficiency. Why try to rescue regulation, when it has so thoroughly broken down in the past?—The New Republic. i.y. In spite of aH the faults that may justly be found with it, it is a simple fact that there his never been a time in the history of the woria when the average cWien, the working m»n and woman, could command anything like tne comforts and amusements and opportunities for education and intellectual pleasure that he aad she have now. With all Its fsulU, civilisation of the 20th century is the hsppW« and best for the average man and womsn tha the world has seen.—Dean William R Inr This bU of capitalist philosophy ws* cur-f«t in 1929 and 1930. But It sounds rswr flat right now. Assuming that it wsa trut then, It surely isn't true today. Becau*■» few years ago, the working class had thinr it doesn't poses« today. Principally Jobs * the last argument of Hie supoprter of the pre* ent system, that It Is the best we ever rm. fallt with a dull thud, amidst the tesraj» f**en and the cry of little children for f«« ' What the world needs Is an industrial 'V Um that will provide all these good thing» occasionally, as lo the past, but daily, witsa constant increase as we Improve m methods and knowledge. _ 1 -J* Aoerfcao IFW* WEDNESDAY, QCTOBEB 19. _ Lest We Forget Verona. Pa- — Veronian athletics | What do you ntdm think we mvr finali? restfhed a temporary lall writtn, P»ul and Prank, wer« dome partly the nn up support ELT Altogether, £ ^^from flrrnt members was »o pleasing, to enthuse en attempt at writing the dosed sessott's experience. Diffkrultie» are always to be en. «jantered, no matter what one trie« Z dO, M the minor faults such an a shortage in transportation funds, an .«sufficient number of player» ap-pe.ring »t time», thereby annoying while all this was going od: star gas-big or something? It & a poor policy to praiee oneself and siftee no one is expected to condemn themselves, our playing ablHty most remain a puttie until you find out personally. No one Individual can claim tho glory of the following record, resulting from this1 year's efforts which speak for themselves: 2nd 1» the 1st half of the PUt*. division in the SNPJ schedule; since keen rivalry exists between the Retailers, winners, It was p jt os y jb TX Lodge No. 573'Ä . I Tony Bu ads to be put on the jackets. The coa| of an ad wiU cover the price of a jacket. These jackets will belong to the player» receiving ads; other member* may also b*y jackets the following last yajr basketball »«its ar« out, and ar« to b« waahad and returned to th« custodian at. -y, - , M.. . I... one»; Numbers 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, lp. Base- | Hon of if^**»^hlnf_ wktth hjs U Salle. HL-Puring the past His garage U Late4*i|w5 lander, radiator, d»»r ar any ■•f four ear, when at a vef? I Mir "Beacon m«M» Bubmc, will months, H K>«me, th« Mohawk Udf^ with iU uaaal few members attending |Ljf the meeting«, has Üütad a graft por Don't forget him. Lodge News Notes bgU suits also are to be raturnad at once, and must b« cleanld before ro-turned. A discussion on our Halloween Masquerade Dante which will be bold on Oct. 22. Two prlsee will bo awarded for the belt maeks. A deep discuuion on cutting down expenses at o«r dances. Doing away with u morale by having to round between the Revellers, winner*, It «ras ... . ' yO r ? r. .It piy. „„ hop*to UbU. .M* tj« ffitLWll: up tkossMMMR »orne occaaions due to the sxcitement of those who claimed favoritiam and ther natural team ailmenta. After Townahip League and won °insidering everything tho, the team1 other independent akirmishea. Ath. Board blasted by curtailing ath letics. Emerged victors in the P«nn ' * many considering ected splendidly, the rootars furnished plenty of support and many contributed financially and physically towards building up an A-l team thru collections for miscellaneous expenses and building a presentable home field. This opportunity many aa well be Uken, and it only aoema proper at this time to comment and alao list mmes of players: Paul Kern, Capt.; Frank (Ruaky) Röakiewhc, Mgr., outstanding performera or all-atars; Matt, Tony and lohn Wycic, John With the close of this aeaaon, the athletic fund (s quite secure from debts; thanks to the fellows on the team who pitched in .and after win ning, voted the nest into the fund. casions. Paying leaa for our orchos-tra aad other coata to be lowered, ao that the committee does not work only far hall rent and orchestras. A committee was appointed to secure new miarters for the lodge. Joining the YMCA we will have frö« rent for meetings and dances, also the gym, the coat will be only fifteen dollars a year. At present we are paying Before docir,*, it is not amiss to foryt^ight hilars just to ho^ meat- mention that tn the past, the Ve ronlan lodge supported to a large measure In the expenditures of athletics and ao it remaina that the lodge is proud of ita teams and the teams are earnest in Representing the loige. ings once a month. Th« English speaking lodge of CfU ia located there. Bro. Nagel, manager, and his aa aistant, Bro. Berry, gave a r«port on SLaOE-^^ * i - ju.... th« Boys' Baseball team, winning the Basketba». id now entering discus- P|rk Q championship, sums and up hope the same »plrU „JJ |Uted th,t cott ^ whicH Ein the nan t ÖOln ,Uted tH,t tH® f°f* <# aa in in« pasi, n| to dollars was and Mike Liposky, Louis and Matt, sions and we hope t Kern John Lessor, Store Rafoy,! prevails in tW future Leonsrd (Levy) Jakovac and Prank fcr we havo much formidable oppasi-j h ^ u ^ would (T.rzan) Perone. Stars: Frank Mo- t.on «»»d tejmWork mu«t ag. n ^ di.. hftv< .t^e b^inning of bar. Tom Zol«U Vic Jakovac and Bill1 played If thp Veronianp want to close h ^ ^ ^JJ en Radojcich. The following got apecial^ another vicarious season. ur share a little mention di« to th«lr noble att«mpt' A few in the accompanying explanatioh: campaign Tony Wycic, a lat« poasesaion from of the expense or the junior«, turned «at to b« a won-1 mor« that won't be derfol shortstop and it ia certain that benefit of th« less fortunate brother he will develop into one of the finest who may lack money and wish to Veronian players. Taraan Perone, be- j play; if some one rise is a better ing a big he-man ih leveVal' clubs,I player, be sporty enough to admit it was undecided whom to aupport' and boost him along for the aake of thoroughly and so we see him as a [your team; never make falsa accuaa-home run king «nä |»ri«« catcher for tiona and a^bove all, crUlelao only at the proper pjac« or in other worda, at they tered tho League which la now broke and cannot buy them any trophl«1 I The coat of this advertisement too i great when so many people are starr missed for th« | mg. It was suggested that a«gt set poinie rs for a successful : Try io care for your shi pitch in ■■ made tho todgo prosper Mohawks eoifthioe to be a eomobodyt Or will It tutu out to bo a nobody? The only bopo the Mohawks ha* of getting anywh«ro »• through «o^por-ation. TK« mombor who doM fot raallt« thla, nor tinderttanda that U la ao, la aim ply not there. Som« member« usually rovoal a laek of «**»• 'On their part. That la do-_______ lom« members are ao indifferent ia norar to be wUling to do anything to tloto »»b« their own lodge a better and more effective organisation. Such members are juat a pur« and «impl» m>body who la not willing to do a tingle thing to bottor their own and f«rbody elaVa condi t ion in lifo.1 Suppose all th« membora did lik« wiae. They would all stay away from the meetings with the idea that some-body else would aomehow carry oi for them. Th» would i>e tha there would b« D» meetinga. Aro you a nobody ao far aa yo;r Lodg« I« con Spied? tf yoo are, it la high timo at you turn over a n«w leaf in your Conception of tho duty you ow« yout-and your brothers and aiatora by ming to a rcaliaotion of tha fact at it I» the toombera of the Mo-wk Lodge Who function and who reftponalbt« for all that (a accom pllahed by It. Oo to tbf' ihooMhf» »nd prov« that was th« 9trd f»re»t. dri^o to. Wo cartainly were glad to hear of Sugar's" aafe return. H«-r rekeuers «rta inly deserve «rodit W« are waiting for the time of the danao *t which "Sugar" will U introduce! ta the public. Sunday, October 21, einging society "Cvet" will sponsor a concert at the Slov. Labor Auditorium «MTfrlnce avenue. Followtorf th« concert whllh Will b«gin at 9:30 o'clock there will b« dancing with muaic by the "Boa-cons' Melcdy Pilots'* who will 4o their bit acorchlng th« atmoaphoro with their irr«sls(ibl« melodies. Practlckl-ly one-thlrd of tho'members ar» B»»-cons, and they aro promising ev»rt-body attending a delightful ev»nin|. Hot-cha-cha! Let's g») Itd» Dance In be given October 2S »t 241 Victor evenu», near Oakland. •%ANt> OP fALMtf* LODGE g«f^er^vaa ^j^y^theT^ Two grand priaea will be gii Ray" Tomsk on Sunday, Oct. 9, in to J^jt holfor o} One of Our short time mem- Kveryb*y entitled to compete. b*r» Julia Juvan. Šh» has booh |«a * — WT*"1--- given away dr« **«d. , A good, peppy olrbeatra will bo there. ao bring your dancing foot and ah em^y stomach, which can II) ferved Ih the b»»«ment. All Wolver-In» members ar» invited, ao don't for-get th» dato and place, October it, at >41 Victor ave., near Oak-entertainment Committee. Wo I iii'ly" Lokar marriage? Why wonder-Why 1» »» happy ibfil Carolin« Ksar Ukaa tO hear th» name of a certain "B«acon follow" men tioned ? Why Pals Inc. «till did not invade N«wburgh? And If number 909 had anything to do with tho m-ignation of our roeordlng secretory, John Aynik? What*« behind It all, Johnny ? Two Beacon Ha. heiorettoC* Our. MM, ko4|f 594. for th« past 19 Wbnthl «ud, »a I understand. Is on« of the oid«et SNPJ members Mator' Juvan M moth«r of a large family, A gr«tt lady Ml »f fun and really eitjoyei tha little surprise 1991 far»w«t1 party. We f«lt proud that land, we wert ibW to have hor enjoy such " 11 "* ■1 • send-rff. LODOB NO. 719 It this rather hard for us to loae Buffalo, N. Y,—At our meeting k»r friendship and membership, for held last Friday, we decided to post-she la ao proud of th« SHW. I hop« pone miT Hard Time Party until Oo-mm*' welcomes her haefe where toher 99 Instesd of October 99 inas-she left a short tlm» agO, and since madh as the Uowanda Pathflndora aha Is really homesick for tiwt atate. are miming i dance on the Sind. Good work, Kenan*, aa long M you Rr9 being made to hold a can M.aki people homsalek for y»ur dan»» lom» tlm» during th» lator of the Veroniafls in the early part the wesson and then swinging to «erne one else ;Taraan, we all hope* to have you stick the whole period next year and share our winnings. Vic jakovac, the dependable war horse, doing more than manv other would; letting subs in his place to help sstisfy everyone and then again jumping into the swim when needed against tough opposition. Since pitchers sre the backbone In a game, their compliment should also follow; loui* Kern coming out on top in the pitchers' tussle for honors, Steve Rafay stepping in for shut-out games when meetings. Our neighbors, the Conquerors (CPU), are holding a dance this Sat., Oct. 22, in the Costa Hall and they entreat the local crowd to attend. Bavin* toad our whole article, which must' h»ve been done to get this far, wo now recommend an eye-opener in the following: The Veron-iana' Annual Dance on New Vaafa five, Sat., Dec. II, in the Costa Hill, Verona, has manv engaging promises. These promised need never be voiced,' by others will cause aome people to son the team will play indeponden ball which costs very little. On October 9 a Mass Meeting hold by the Socialist clubs A Slovene Workers' Homo. Comrade panter, a candidate /or governor of Michigan, Ccmrade AUen for Con gressman of the fifteenth district of the Socialist party, Comrade Rue tor and our member, Comrade E. Men-ton, spoke on various subjects Concerning Socialism and ths coming election. Much litoratuv« was handed out-and « food sise crowd assembled The proceeds tvent for the benefit of ProletaÄ"' Vi ♦ ' »•''• ' hi By nature, a human b«lng is endowed with a free will, but It is a peculiar fket how fcar of criticism you have ft» rfrht stoff in you by your attendee*. Thatls a trait possible of dtvelopment tn all individuals, no mattdr how backward th»y may imagine theinsaltas to bo In other rt-spects. JM Äs » meiner of t>c Mohawk Lodge present to so» what> ye Is nothing that goos e direction of developlpg I live and aggressive lodge as th» attendance of a large percentage of the membffshlp. «how enough loyal-ty to your loige by attending your lodfce meetings rsgulaity. Be a somo-body in f« lodge to at least this extent. * In et»ry lodge there are two class»«, you shou^l > pr tr« Sr for all the ^erfcaians' friends and all ..„rr.......... ...... ..........the Veronian boosters snd all others able to break away from his position that attend' Vkronian affairs, know on a leading locsl baseball team and'just what to expect; a grand and pie. especially this year, want to vote Levy Jakovac contending for firat'royal time. until ah injury to tyff. arm that night, this chaaOOr - Ti Frank honors spoiled this cha*tf# C6me out, be one of us Ra^MrriacyPanlK^m. Silver Stars of Yukon m^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmm^mm^ do something contrary and just tho c ppcalt«^ to what they realty want to do. It is surprising how many poo of fear tfatt Socialism, but neighbor, usslsss. To Which gt The useful class Yukon, Pa.—Yukon is a small mining community about twelve miles weit of Greensburg and six miles esit of West Newton* Pa. At th« present time the people of our town hsve become very unfortunate due to the fact that the mine was closed seversl months ago, and ju*t recently the local bank closed Its doors leaving quite a number of people in dia-tresH. All of tMs has extremely lot to do with our Silver Stars. It sot-ma as though half of our local members who were always active have lost all interest in the lodg». The majority ae a rule live on federal relief. Dkl I say living? For thst isn't the word, we might aay starving, for how many can live on $5.00 a month? Someday, though, this depreaaion will bo over and then we csn drift to other fields and "try to make our first million". The fact remains that there has been little in «rosse in employment, if any, while <>n the other hand thooe that are em ployed, wage cutting still exiata in all pert« of the country. Very fortnnate indeed is a person with a job today r<*ardless of the kind and wages w< «II know that you can not »Ven •»uy a job today. K lection time ia drawing near and ">»t win be the time to remedy thie. Vote for the man who you know will •x- for the working class, not for the capitalist. , Your conscience must tell you. lowe'en dance. "Lindy" and his gang show you a goby! the Mmsle w«11 havs will wtalis Everybody be on their toes all ov»-nlnff. Doa't forget It is to bob«ld «t past, changs front from now on. Wi|th 0 X functioning right «way. Be- 1|)clw|, g ^ . Yl\l Van Esssn and your life. If yc j kaye bsen Äat In j 0/ ptttshurgh Start _ _ come » help Instead of a hindrance. Be a IW» Olk Instead of a dsad on». WÄSIiwö^ Quito a f»w strsst moetlngs apd street meetings ws had Qt. William l*tons ar» already In oHsr for In-tofrtty |th Anniversary «elebratlon. . Wk want y KWiiYBODY WBUfBLfl^^^^^^^^H m immm m"4 Tslr i' IhB yoit all preSdVft. 'WllryiSf and Hits for our plan hi bottor and bottor each year. Publicity Com. -Joan Hayebt. Ht ^ wuKfmmmmm and alfton and evontnnlly the hawk I/odge will be rewarded. T lak. «M hope you will remain with ua for many year« to come. ♦ » • October 20 will be a very buay night in W. Pa. Way out wcat of Pittsburgh, In M°°n Bun, the Musketeers are holding a maaquerade dance. Then traveling further »south > Sygan, «fhere the Jolly Junlora will have the aamc kind of eventa. Coming oqt East the Comets make Hallowe'en merry every yepr and do* to the nearness it will be most likely tkat the Silver Stars will go there. Then tho local young, having no means of going anywhere, can make whoopee in the local burg by attending the masquerade danee and compote for prise« ,U be offered for the best dressed, funniest, etc. • • • And a last reminder for the Silver Ri.kler. R.Mii.p HarmarvUle, Pa^-I wonder what'e happened to our star reporter*—Ann and Mary? They ba writing ahymors. I think I know I the trouble with Aon. It's Herman,, isnt It? dome on now, toll us about It. And what about BUI the B. V. (big vocabulary) man from Verona t Keep on writing, old man. I just bought a new dictionary. (You should see tho old one. the pages are surs worn.) It's easier to wear ii |ait though than It la to swalfrw ths dsm thing. But that's your Job) Willie, and you'r« do-ing fine. Keep up tho good work. Tke monthly meeting of the Ramblers was hold on Sunday, October B K."«TflK zsar™ d of N«w York, as ill» principal speakers; at the Indoor mooting we hoard May Harris Main-Isnd, a child welfare worker, also from Now York, who a poke at ths sudltorlnm of the CambHa Public Library. Interest here In Jcknstown, like everywhere, Is growing, and why not, when Boe'eliem Is t bo only war cat Literature Is being sold at each meeting, and tho Socialist Party platform« ar« Iptributod In irsat numbera, aa well as fvae literature, Mo far the meetings havs all lean sao-ccssfui, airier branch la dattj plating r With Comrades Clevsland.—ou» Rar roll Daw lodgs «aa sdvanse I! the proved to be o gig«*«!« waae«e. Bv- bin» and all »Irfee for pi er yens Hi tke hall was kavihg h'^oap knocking another dooontbring won't com-prog roes I One tiri/Mil«» ptosis d AMflilbl . rCiMi looking at ths snHlM on ths bird, «specially far beautiful Ulk will lesd the girls. Ths subjoct, "Resolved thst women wlB be tbe future Rulers of tho world." AH de-bators are members of eur lodge and all the Young American members are invited to attend. Andrew Gram Jr. Universal .»octing baa always been hold the se l&jf ond Sunday of «very month at t p. m. At the last mooting, however, the present again—but we want everyone loft that care to to turn out. Are you all planning to attend tb« P On Tuesday, October It, our member and «qeally loyal I mi sens oo W Rt ^piiRimii ly with com «talks and orange and brown trimmings. faaaM as ihongk SBJpmgot "Old Nd« P»prn. slon' w«s around, flat'« ike way to __set! No use ^hJaH tllwÄrS all that 1 have to say U, that If youiMOJ; .. . doni like u, read It, you do not have1 "L4*,™ lTi.1 tot It Is there, but you are not "u weekly that the Silver Stars are Jibing a Second Annivertary dance, eventa that will take place in ■•Slovene hall at Yokon, Pa^ oo J»nuary ai^-The Silver Stara toke 'his opportunity in wlaking the Prog-r^ssivf. the best of lack to make 'h*>r Iiern dance a eooeeea^-Thoee >n ' !. vH.nd on Oct. 29 will do well t0 visit the Struggles annual Hal- Stars. Remember the msny surprises that Will feature the meetlag of November i So be thero and name this Mystery writer. A word to Herman. Suppose you hurry up and get over the writer's cramp, for I find It hard to write *s you do. e • • Thought for today—Vlrtae wKb-ers away if It has no opposition. ' * (The Mysterious «. leyel There doesn't s«sm to be much big friend n,Ws in sight yst, until that big Nsw JOLJA ths Voronlons gets Will you be thero with us, Universal? You'U aee the Ramblers thei-e. Well hear mom '»f Ulltr'f *""M I. Romata, Pros. Stella Pl«tor«ek trotted up th« Isle year's dance of with Jos DeBone, a promising young f„ the headlines gentlemen. Cofgrstulatl put In Its placs, and M ^y con Were WM Year ire voty glod to boar 1***" frt and sm If tktt will pot them In /M«d Imd thm minut« tke New tlMlr places. k WSII nt*Xld afl We lake tkls opportoalty to tkank «» i ■----nnrstj^' ami find out who OUT various members who worked at 'iuttrZ. ThsVsay7MMe«t 'Sugsr» »*t Nervest dance Wo thnnk our to tirna" And we certainly triH, Froektont, Joe Jarr, Vloe PVoeident, sinee "guger" ha. causml m much #okn ^o.., Feeret.ry, Otto Tkk.uts eaeHemcnt and has had so much hnd 'ohn nm0i0> Kudy Young Americans' News iMrwt, Mich.—The Young Amorl-r,n' be Id their regular meetiag Oc-9. two Kern brother« of the * "Iverine Lodgo were preset. SIs-, r Meie« Cansel trensferred from elected to toam thie to ** Viola I ihe girl«' basketball HUtor Buck want« ' »ne could play if ehe wn* wmmmmmmt »to want to stand on the side- ^ manage. After botog oa-*kal manager« eon play ehe the srvftdaey end was elect-'t «osrtd be advisable for bor te •rpomt Bro Rerry far sistant; as Bra. Rerry produced a pretty fair boys' team, be woato do likewise with the girls '•ro. Jos. Hibelleh, oar treaew. waa elected te manage the boys' team this year. Sid. Crnbevkb. a greet athlete. wiU can* the boye should produce a wlnotog^tenaa. A4 ---tho "Two forgottea ettes" aro T Ro far WO have heard look I To Louis wrong acali again who "Saint or (aro). Hard to ,*ark, frank Slake, Moris Xnkrajsok, Resale we cay, "You're tank Medic and a few others whom < try mud maka a tfuess W« do not knOW by nsms, » vr" """ .."".T"7 frk... _,,t k. . .i_____ about w Hsdtowe'on Hov«lty Dano«, 0V.rybo4y blamed ogeepting us. ha/e yeu t Theft* It-October *, «t puaae d« not biomo ouT lanocent Sygan Hall. We rot only want yon ^^^ k^s, for w« aro OIRLRf to remember the dote aol pl.rj tort u ^ ae aee and meet at tue we want yen to be sure to be Pf^t. kuMI> rourtk Anniversary on Mo- seeing yeu at tho aeat meet'a g As yoo Jb&w If is th« iWd iTJiÄ ^ end Re may be too or fifteen In this toam of I **aint and Stone*" or perkops one gtoMiff (la) Tkers will ke a dance at th« Slov, toll, Louie, there "otionel Home en OctoUr g7. The purpose of thie danee Is to provlds a good time for overytody for the sntolleet smo nt poMlble. That Is for tko Jell I« noted for ssesis |g ghNjgp Noticed Mr President, Joe Jare, fko reasoa why ttief are oaly ehar|-wrote a lovely article for the m the "froo/eta." Joe Tftoee of you who hove attended our dances know what you're letting par self In for. riut to M M W ' token advantagf of we ro grvmg ■ nm ner not regret K. Leo tbrp Mb waflBHHHI readton Playl ys will #0« Ws cs rU inly would lilw snaggy tone» for this spe stol cvealog boge we ona show Tony Yank and ble.jglaly can writ« Interesting articles os their | and we do hope to writos another ono bo Now enite wiU kb bought for the boys tbi. year; the second teem will got »e old one. which ore to pretty good ehape ye«. The team will reeslv» only shirts end tränke and aR «toy-ma sijwH te^bjy I Ltody" Leker. lUJg, tgo senior I« bod their Tenth Move eey Into tha hosri of giggk|pie- u i,i.. will once again be here to thrill you with hie enfhnptlng strain«. UN#' Members, bow about a Title googo- nivereory eelehretten, and kg rat en t TWe lo a Bnl'owe'an Nevally.llU speeeb mae not aaly Interesting Dance, yea know, and «Vie In dire bat alar oduMitonai. They or« al- gate Is OfsRar gf. aaed oi pomgktoe. mf etolko and ways shorn and to «Rg petot. wbtoh, Mog« to m Mm I one of the Unrest gtet 'otifh of the »tete ^rhood stores or wlro. preferably cblckea wire. If yon wo ore eure, all da have aay en hand kindly inform Af- and TOsMooo nes Rai-ni or Paul WLant. Any belo talks In Stovieno. will be gsantfg ogpi silo ted. Wa'll be eaato' yoo Sateaday. OC TURRR ». AT SYOAM HALU ornsn^- rifk ag In a very short whSo. Wond0T Why "fuslo," "Jbumsl Joe-show the people!ele" and a fOw others dent write? Another member who uegd to wrHo «mte a bM «ma ear fefuw preoldoist, John Abets. We have an idea wRt •Rasle" and John Allah don't write, II teU fm "why" la January. K things torn eat m their blocke j favor In Janonry. You The' nm awns, ^ T . JHBs Og«asMmilH H tor ssan y of os toolty ? Co sgmnMsnl I« Ämast beautiful danee baU ia Weot and ws'l for tki« oesaslea Mm Concord, Tkg> % et., Ipgge fair Park. Radfors, main arts s Ladies Ü ai«n. Reiths end Indige of Rbrngn. Udg* «very Ms archer /bar« the ledge, Me. ta« SNPJ end alf other ledges, tn this lodge? Will thore evor be föderal M and «or betoveg »MPJ. Tb« «Helle Mies Sgoebok of l Mg» Mo.| |gg% e^nporai^a In R Mng ag -nclrtM* »von. i vet end Do* ggg «f Raneno City, Kanena, and Mrs.'oalag around to difforsM sli saag esiegt anally wdl. Ii. «ms* of PertlMsd. Oregon.) |)net con't kelg I Why dries sr« j ad la a sac wMk at Tito Lone Regis. * bor» and thore Cerulnly no «tub or Ing fifteen «onto. Just I magi n« on* paying f If Iren «eota te danee to that poppy music by Bo*> Teksuts ond his S-nieee orchestra. There is also sn-other reoscn why ws shea Id attend, ftae are a great numker of Comrades who help at the Jeornel office and have put in a great deal of advertising for our dub. A few of tfigbi ar»t Joe Jarc, Prank Traden. Tony Stritof, Otto Tekauts. Anne Kreta and Holale Martin. »^lekot« will be O« sale at Kushiaa's «agfastionary. Slovene National Homa nt Blatnik's confect ennry. Oct pa«r tickets esrly and oome ond have ' glortooo tins for the fifteen cento. We'll g genad and agMll amoun'. bo seeing yon there! W«nd#r why Jack •BlHngs" dont wrHet Aynlk forg«t to write, Prejsa and Noticed John '?lfa Furlan all being preecnt al the meeting. The Spirit» have decided to paw up an elaborate affair for their Pooith Anniversary but have planned ti» have a »< rt of get-together party inttcad. Thin party will be for the members of the past and present The «wua.ttce has full charge of making arrangements for this party to be held within the next few weeks. All members will be notified by a «ord of th« date, oho, an article will ui.nounce the date In the Prosvetft* no please watch for it a» the party pitmisea to he very good. By passing up the usual big affair for their Fourth Anniversary the Spirit* ln-t«.*.d to start planning for a mon-atrous Fifth Anniversary program. Please watch for the date to be announced in the near future. The members of the Spirits ar« rci|ueaUd to bear in mind the data of January 22, H»33, which will be the data of the flrat Joint Dance and Program given by the Špirita and Leader». There will be a short three act ptay callad ' "School Days" in which ti» Špirita will be represented. The bulletin committee scema to be getting along with their work very good and are to be compliment-ed for their work. It seem« as though John P. and Lao K. are the ■subjects of quite a few h u mo roue remarks as their namea have appeared in ear h bulletin issued so far. How come? It must be that they have solved the unemployment problem. Olga Purlan has asked thla writer to inform the member«, through this column to make a correction of the last article of Sptrit-O-Graina. The correction being that instaad of having to walk four mila« to a car line she has to walk only two milaa. That'» It, Olga, »tick up for your rights. Just the same the writer would like to know how the boot and shoe line works. Please write an article and erlighten thla scribe on the »ubject. It ha» been rumored that a certain member of the Spirit« live« wh«r« they take up the sidewalk« at night. Did you say it la taken up at daytime, Speedy? You know thi* writer has a bad memory and seems to have forgotten when the sidewalks were takfn up. Please give u« the low-down as we are all agog (notice the phraee!) about it. The writer of Beacon Highlight», John Aynik, it requested by the Špiritu to try to get a photograph of Stringe, to that the Spiritt may eom-j/are it with Speedy SpUlor to tee if they could /*»•* for twine. If you wilt do thie we nrül gladly tend you a photograph of "Speedy", if we had a photo of Speedy to »end you. The writer is getting the well known cramp and with the «un shining brightly in a Shanty in old Shantytown I close with "A Song in My Heart for You." Wolverine News Detroit. Mkh.~Now that winter has come upon us, 'moat everyone i« trying to find a way to «pend hi« evening«. So HI present a few plača« where you can have a god time and be som« advantage to you: At 110 K. SI* Mil« Rd. the En-«lieh section 114 J. S. F. hold their meeting« every flr«t and third Thursday of eve»y month. Whether you belong to the club or not youfrt invited. Most of the older folks «ay, "Oh, what I« this world coming to? Th« younjer generation doesn't seem to take any interest In our government. All they think of I« sport» and a good time." So 1 urge the old«r folks to on» and ko« for themselves. Come The flret Prlday of «very month tho Wolverines hold their monthly meeting at LWernol« and South After the meeting we hold a party at the expense of the Wolverines. All you have to bring is a smile and a friend. At their next meeting the .Wolverines are holding a pinocle tournament. With so many teams saying they're champs the Wolverines hav« decided to mak« it official. The following teams have already entered; Skender and F. Strauss, M. Obed and St«ffl«r, Smarda and E. Strauss, Kaitner and Renk«, Capone and Trovan. With prosperity "'Just around the corner", «o in soccer. Baseball has passed out of the picture so let'a and see a young man or woman get' make our Sunday afternoon habit tight up before you und Uli you what .turn to soever. Ye», good old Soc- he thinks of this government. Tb« latest Literary Digest poll i;ave Thorn«» 10MM or 6.30 per cent. Tl»e gain« mad« by Thoma« drtw thi« comment from the magasine: "Yoath gave Thomas one-fifth of hi« ballot atrength." The next m««tlng will be held October 40, which 1« the second Thursday of this month. There'j going to be something of unusual interest. Ye», a d rhu 11 between the girls awl boy. The subject to be debated Is cer. It sura .feels nie« to go out th«r« and boot that l««th«r hide around. Whether you can play soccer or not, come out and enjoy your-reif with tho gang. Report at Michigan contral field Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings to Martin Obod who will assure you an honest Wolverine tryout. The Second Sunday of ev«ry month th« Young Americans hold their monthly meetings at Victor hall. Did you know that the Wolverines are holding a dance October 2tf and all time attendance "Retplvwi that womon will be the .......... _ _ future ruler« af th« world." What expect to break 4a >ou think T 1, myself« think that record? tho women belong in the kitchen. So lot's all go there Thursday and ««« If thty can convince u« different. Co trie on, Wolverine«, let'« go over there and give them a big hand. Th« einging «ocloty "Svoboda" S «t« his manicure and finger moet» every Friday. If you care to! from Fan Potochan? »ing, they will gladly accept your membership. Mr. Henry Bosleh I« Invited. Thi lotaot report Is that he'« taking up crooning as a profession. That the admission I«—ladle« 20c, gentlemen 00 cents? That the hall Is located at Liver-nols and South? That Gooch Brown, the college boy, wave Stragglers, Note! Beginning No. 1, all the SNPJ m< mbers, including the Struggles who are insured for »ick benefit, will have to pay along with their dues a special aaaeaameut of M centa instead of the usual 6 cents. The reason for this is that the fund covering operations, etc., show« a deficit of $23,002.12 for the last three month«, and according to «tate law» must be in good standing. Thi« move had to be mada for your protection. Plea»« abide by it. • * e ; J It ia jubilant new« to hear from our varioua English lodge leader» in regard to their careful study in selecting of candidates for the SNPJ convention In Chicago next May. Lodge numbers are urged to pick leader» with a clear mind and those that merit th« honor, If the English lodga» organ'»« into one group and put our English locals before the public eyes, we can demand repre»entat;on. We must submit a resolution whereby we will be able to h*/e at i«ast one English speaking delegate on each of the .Six Supreme Board Committees. Whst do you say? e e e STBUGGLERS By "PaUie" Coliiawood.—B a n g! Here I am, folks, onea more to gho you a few pointers on what the Struggier» are doing. Now to look where all the good times are going to be. We must not forget "Strugglers' Halloween Frolic," Oct. 20, at the Slovene Workmen's Home on Waterloo. Next comes Comrades' Thanksgiving dane«. I wonder if they're going to serve turkey? The next In line comei November 27, Beacons' Fourth Anniversary dane«. Ar« w« going? And how! Wec«rtainly had a lovely time last year. Then cornea Doc. 17, Progressiv««' Mistletoe dance. I wouldn't miss that. Plenty of kiese». The Struggle»' 0th Anniversary dance, and if you think the Fifth was a big affair, wait until ths Sixth comes. Something bigger and hotter in «vary way. Wa'r« even going to have our "(Canary" do en act for us, probably in the eating contest. That Stragglers' champion bowling team is again starting up with b«st of spirit. And why not, when their backer is none other than Broth er Gusf Svetek. We all know him as a wonderful undertaker, the best economical «aivlee can be had at Sv« tek's undertaking. So, folks, step right up and make youip reservations now. Brother Loui« Kosela from the Rev«lisr« certainly know« how, wh«n it comes to writing article«. I sure would like to meet that cave-man: ha'« my ideal. 1 suppose you'll be asking Lindy who I am, but you're out of luck, for this I« on« time "Lindy" doesn't know. [Well, folks, I'll be "leaving" you. Do not forget Struggle»' Halloween Frolic Oct. 20. I forget to mention before that aa a novelty we're going to have ojr singing club "Kaatrola" to sing a few numbers. Kanary and Tolar have tried to harmonic« for so long that they've forgotten what they're supposed to sin I mean to continue thla column every week, and only honest crlticlrm will be g.ven for any faults that I see. My name is unknown, 1 had from Strjggler«' camp. PROS V E2A Sidewalks ol Detroit By Herman Kugel I Detroit.—Here are a few brief last minute social happening announce-mente for the near future. Fri., Oct. 21, at 7 JO p. m. at the Workers' Home. 437 So. Linernoia, the Socialist Club 116 will hold a special meeting. S ho K five minute speeches by «griou» comrade». An open discusaion for all. Free admission! WoJverin member» are eapeoially urged to attend. But, oh I Those Young Americans will Hall bria City Hall (for further detail» of thi» meeting «fttafc Mg* weck'» Prometa). San day, Nevemtor at 2 p. m —at the St. Louia Hall—Cone-mough. We invite all Socialists and ryoipathiser» to attend this meeting. Come and help spread the Socialist propaganda.—We're growiag day by * day. Pleaee keep the above dates in mind, and attend the»« meetings. Fraternally, France» Laegerholr. JOLIET HUSTLERS Joliet, HL—Members are hereby requested to attend our regular monthly meeting which is to be held Friday be raising havoc at the Victor | t>/e., Oct. 21, at 8 p. m. at Bro. Ster-..... on Sat. eve., Oct. 22. It's a'nlsha'» home, 1610 No. Wilcox st. Halloween dan«e. Bring your tuxedo» There are some very important mat-if you have one. You lj\\ have a'ter» to be d»»eu»aed at thia meeting tim# .and every member is expected to be First prise goes to the couple hav- on »»and. Special notice ing the molt beautiful co»tume. who have been falling back SiK'ond prise goo to the one being - ^tending tj^1»^ the most eomkal. October decora- if .. _ ... .T..TT, tK_ ... be made and a member is unaware of tlon. will prevail; the ^er»ge. to W their own hard luck ault your taste and climate We ' .. . whjch obligate oursehlM to «how aH the _______ members and our fru nda a good time. mamb^ wiflbicaHed for not attending thia meeting which is purposely called to benefit the The October Y. A. meeting was snappy. The members were brief, and stuck to the iwint. Quite an improvement flprer all previous meeting». That's the idea, brothers and sisters; if you want good meetings stick to the subject that i« on discussion. Helen Cancel, transferred from lodge 121 into our fblda. She became an SNPJ. member in Kansas at the early age of three. Another Kansas "Sunflower« sa" in our lodge to have you with us. upon to give his or her opinion of the important matters w« have on he docket for this month'« meeting. So make it your business to be at this meeting and you won't have anything to kick «bout later. Fraternally, Frank C. Mandell, Sec'y. FLOOD CITY NOTES Johnstown, Pa.—Oct. 22 is our Hal-loween dance to which you are all GIad cordially invited. We would like to see everyone come maaked. There will be several prize« given. Music will be furnished by Stanley Zalar and hl» piano-aocordion. There will be plenty of "klobase." Admission only 26c. I Yukon, Pa.—We wish to announce I see we hü apellk for satisfy your deeires for fine entertainment. Is it necessary to »ay more?—We depending on its leader. Uhem»elves, and therefore we just sdd One of the instructors at the De-\__uYmr attendance will not only ben- HALLOWBEN DANCE GIVEN BY LODGE NO. 448 Johnstown, Pa.—Our Lodge No. 448 Don't miss it, it's tha treat gNPJ will hold a Halloween Dance Remember the date— Saturday, October 29, at Cyril-Method MILL. (ioblin. Oct. 29, tha day of Halloween, gob- httll on gt< cl>ir „j. in MorreUville. Uns, witches and the like. Be there at 7 p m Admission tickets will be g£k#Jjtrry ty one night^least. on ptle at the door at 20c for gents and adies. You are all cordially invited to attend aa good time is in store for all who will be present. There will be stVeral speakers on th« program, and I hope that among them there will be one or two Slovene speakers who are candidates for different offices on the Socialist Party Jolly Aids Went A Ilia, Wie,—I hear that the girls are practkjhw basketball which wa» something 'for the boys to won pression University calls the students into the classroom. Here he endeavors to give the audience as many false impressions concerning his opponents as he dares. "The wagon Eupported by the wheels of progress shall not be hitched to either an Elephant or a Jackass, but to the Socialist horse," he say«. "If you want to remain in the crlai« you have been forced into, just hitch up to either of those two animal», but if you wish to retrack your »tep» out of the mire, let me place my harness at your disposal." Then he goes on to explain der about «3 it swprised them ticket. For dance we will have good greatly. The bey« are hoping that ««sic, and refreshments will alsobe you go places thi« winter and bring home the'bacow Thoy want to ahow the boy« that they are just as good or better than th«y are, even though they are suppoqu to be a weaker sex. The girl« with a few more practice« will challenge any team because they mean businesa this year. With all tho girls turning out for practice evory Monday nite at the Mann Cym, they will win the championship this year. So come on all you girls who like available. See yoü Saturday. October 29, at 7 p. m.—Frank Mlkuah, Sec'y. CARD OF THANKS Gowanda, N. Y.—Now that I am on the road of recovery, giving my heartieat thanks to the "Gowanda Boosters," its members and all other friends and telativea, for the beautiful Horace j plants, flower» and other dainties brought to me while in the hospital and home. Hoping when I am well to run and get'that I will be of the greatest helft to m ume exerciae, We aro «11 Pioneers' Activities the girls 03t for Monday. The boys' bsaketball team is not practicing yet as there are a number of them playing football. It is a That It takes a man to make a man apologia«? That somebody borrowed Capono's car and forgot to bring It back? Windy. STRUGGLERS < levrland. Heady to toe the chalk ' try ? line wiien the bell t ilia* for the open mg of the Inter-1/»dui* league t mighty S\rtck'» Strugglers champion* du l.x of 1931-32. Again it-ady to carry thi» banner of our loyal lacker AaguH F. Svetek, Col-iinwood'a Slovene undvi taker, who ha» done more for the bennflt of Strugglcr»' s^oita than any othtr individual and who ha» I «-en loyal U Chicago.—What hot We bring Into exlatonce a now kind of entertainment for the* member« of the Pioneer lodge. On Friday, October 21, the mc«ting shall end at 9:30 and th«n begin« a nit« of lnter«»ting ballyhoo. Members, take notice ao we can be sure that the meeting will be over at 9:80. There will be two ainger», Mil dred Hrank and Frank Wegel. A fcms-le trio, composed of "Bib»" Bu 'car, Tllllf Fifcter ani Dot* Piahutnik. I 7 here wi'.l be a musical comedy we are sure you choru» et m posed of the entire Ent. Com. The entire committee will be By Lindy If you did, llkod Utem. So why don't you »ug are i gost them at >oui lodge meeting'in the garb of cook and maid», with when you have your n«xt danc«?: Ooacray as master of ceremoniee. They have rendered a draatic reduc-jTh« hall will bo d«corat«d in cabaret tion in their price with special low faahion, table» and all trimming» In rates to out-of-town lodgea. Remem- eluded. That'» enough about the hall »er. they always make a hit and get ~come and »e» the rest for yourself. Open Forum __Detroit, Mich. — Soc. iClub majr:purPrrn WeirAl": and /olfylNo. 116 (West aide) will hold AUls ha» a numb«r of football play- an open forum Friday, Oct. 21, •r«. I Huppoue basketball praticejgt 7:30 p. m. in Slov. Workers' will start as soon as football season comos to end. The boys who are supposed to be bef.«r than the girls think that they don't need very much practice to beat them, but miranlos do happen. I Now for further sport review. I _ust wonder whete the National Ath-lot'c Board is hiding aa we don't aee anything in the Prcavets and wish to know If th? board exists. If in exist-ance, wish to communicate with the secretary of the board for some information about fut r« «porta. Mail answera to John Podlogar, Jr., 051 S. 11«t St., West Allis, Wis.—You * I. trbucked, »0 if care for further in formation as to price», etc., juat drop a line to "Llndy" Lokar, UM Kaat th* Strugglers In g«n*r»l. We can't j:o St., Cleveland. Ohio, and you will very well a*k y»u to give htm your be well taken care of. petiuna^f n.iw. bjt when yojr friends need u price». tl»C >Olt. focutt'd «iumt liM irg t'i 1 tan'l (a la- 1 uv it'-k a :» at' pruvi-d wn< * Yen act r. kl Joe hi«n go over the fall» (we don t hear fiom him) ? Why »ome people alway» M , . m>d 11 her people'» affair« more than! Hutrcraftil ulay dramatic rlub%"Ve- k<»ani«.l for ihe f»r»t I'm« y "Veh'Wiriat." wti«-h «i y ud «»tli.tiettnn. SUtrr vV»e Kaff'.ie, I» dinar and his wife f.u-Jh» put plenty if e«»tn«"dv r a idUnce, .1 «ly aaatrted hy K*er>'one did Ma W#t an cm lüde that the optnine 1 l' «eeaaa waa great, the ti liatmmy Ac*d "t m«.' ' II cording to the candidates of both par-ti«e, the prosperity is coming along with them, if that means anything. All you hear over the radio 1«, what the next president will do for us workmen and how they are going to «tamp out the corporation«. Try and rea-ion it out.- Do you people really believe a word of that? It doesn't make a bit of difference what you are, a Socialist, Republican, or a Democrat. They (the old parties) will not move a finger for you unle«« they will get some benefit from you. And when you cease to be profitable, you Just don't count anymore. You don't hava to take my word for this, you know it as well as I do. This I« your world, not the president«', kings' or corporations', and as long as you will think that they should rule, they will, and you will be a* you are now, coming out of tha •mall end of the horn. Try and pause for a moment. Do you really believe in your heart that a Democrat or a Republican president will work for your Interest? Do you really believe that either one of these president» that works »0 hard during election year, I» doing all thia Juat that ha might help you have a decent living? Do you believe that the heavy contributions from corporation» that go In for the election campaign, do this for me and you? Not a dime would they give if they didn't expect something in return. So why couldn't we get somebody to Washington that would work for mo and you? Wa could at leaat expect auch a person m Norman Thoma« to help u«. When we would go to the election polls we woaM know that we ato voting far our kind. We know that if wa elect a man Hke Norman Thoma* far president that to will repreaent m ia Waahington and not the corporation» and auch. But If I you vote for a Democratic «r a I IN MEMORY Friendly Olty.—We, • the Friendly City Lodge No. «84, SNPJ, of John*-town, wi»h to expre«« our »ympathie» to Mra. Wagner and family for the loa« of the departed husband and father, Michael Wagner of Park Hill. Pa. Hasel and Nellie, daughter» of tha deceased, are our active SNPJ ii«ter« and ideal members. We hope that they'll soon be among us. With the fondest of thoughts and sympathies dear We wish to express snd make it clear, That since the loss of your beloved dad We want to «Und by you; and we're very aad. • It leave« you with «orrow And u«, weakened with grief, To think that auch a friend Had to take a «udden leave. However, we're taught alw»ys That the be«t have their day, And when destiny choose«, They must go away . . . So, beloved SNPJ «Uters, Don't grieve quite so much, TI« «ure that the lo«s we'll slwsjr» regret, But his wonderful spirit never forgot. , Sophia Bricely. well