ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME V No. 18 - 1 July 1952 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1952 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 117 EXTENSION OF PROVISIONS RELATING TO FISCAL EXEMPTIONS IN FAVOUR OF THE SHIP - BUILDING INDUSTRY — AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 350/1948 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to extend the validity of certain provisions relating to fiscal exemptions in favour of the ship-building industry in that part' of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. W HI TELA W, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The validity of the provisions and of the regulations relating thereto as contained in R. D. 13 April 1939 No. 1101, specified in Article I of Order No. 350 dated 3 November 1948, is hereby extended up to and inclusive of the 31 December 1954. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 19th day of June 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD\A\52\ii4 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 118 SUBSIDY TO UNEMPLOYED SEAMEN AWAITING EMBARKATION WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to confirm the subsidy already granted to unemployed seamen awaiting embarkation and to establish an appropriate fund by means of contributions from shipowners, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Art appropriate Fund is hereby set up at the Office of the Captain of the Port by means of contributions to be paid in by shipowners according to the provisions of the following Article, in order to cover the payment, effective from 1 July 1949 to 31 December 1951, of a special subsidy to those unemployed seamen awaiting embarkation who met the requisites established by Allied Military Government. ARTICLE II For the period from 1 July 1949 to 31 December 1951, shipowners of national merchant ships in commission (furnished with a crew - roll), with the exception of mechanically propelled ships of a gross tonnage lower than 301 tons, sailing-vessels, motor-sailing-vessels, sailing -- vessels with auxiliary motors, mechanically propelled fishing boats (provided they are used exclusively for fishing) and of tugs of any tonnage, shall pay into the Fund contemplated by the foregoing Article a contribution of 2.500.— Lire monthly for every seaman embarked on each ship and, in any case, for a number of persons not lower than that provided for by the crew-schedule („Tabella d’armamento“) and in proportion to the monthly periods in which the ship concerned was in commission. For crews paid on a profit-percentage basis („alla parte“) the contribution shall be at the charge of the shipowner only. The payment of the contribution into the Fund shall be made by shipowners who have not yet paid it, on the basis of an order to pay issued by Captain of the Port, within thirty days from the date of the order to pay. To this end shipowners shall, within the period of thirty days from the effective date of this Order, inform the Captain of the Port of the number of persons forming the crew of each ship and of the monthly periods in which each ship was out of commission. No change is hereby made, however, to the shipowners’ obligation to pay the contributions provided for by the existing provisions concerning involuntary unemployment. ARTICLE III Any shipowner failing to effect thé payment of the contribution within the established term or paying same at a rate lower than that due shall pay, besides the contribution or those parts of contribution evaded, an additional sum equal to' the amount due. Any shipowner knowingly furnishing erroneous or incomplete data shall be punished with a fine („ammenda“) from 20.000 Lire to 80.000 Lire. Any person making or having made false statements or other fraudulent acts in order to unduly secure for himself or for other persons the subsidy contemplated by this Order shall be punished with a fine („multa“) from 10.000 Lire to 100.000 Lire, provided the act does not constitute a more serious offence. The proceeds of the pecuniary punishments shall devolve to the State Treasury („Erario dello Stato“). ARTICLE IV The credits for the sums due by shipowners in terms of Article II hereof shall be privileged in terms of art. 552, Code of Navigation, with the same grade of the credits indicated sub No. 3 of same article. The proof of seach single credit shall be given by the payment-oiders issued by the Oaptain of the Port duly notified to the shipowners. In case of payment not being made within thirty days of the notification, the sums due shall be collected with the means, privileges and procedure in force ih respect of direct taxes. To this purpose the Captain of the Port shall compile the rolls of shipowners in default („morosi“) including the commission, („aggi“) for collection, and shall forward same to the „Sovraintendenza di Finanza“ in order that such rolls be made executory and handed over to the collectors. The debt shall be paid in one single instalment, subject to'prior regular notification of the payment-notes („cartelle di pagamento“) by the collector. ARTICLE Y The expenses for the operation of the services relating to the payment of the subsidy shall be to the charge of the Fund set forth in Article I within the maximum limit of 4% of the amount of the sums paid in by the shipowners in terms of Article II. ARTICLE VI This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official. Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 21st day of June 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD\A\52/104 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 119 AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 55/1951 PHYSICAL AND ECONOMIC TREATMENT OF FEMALE WORKERS DURING PREGNANCY AND SUBSEQUENT TO DELIVERY WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend Order No. 55 dated 7' April 1951, concerning the physical and economic treatment of femal workers during pregnancy and subsequent to delivery in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: Article i Article VI of Order No. 55, dated 7 April 1951, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following new Article VI : „Section 1. — The Labour Inspectorate may order the extension of the period „of absence from work set forth in paragraph a) of the preceding Article for a further „period of compulsory absence up to six -weeks, whenever it deems, on the basis of me-„dical ascertainment, that the conditions of the -work or of the place of work may be „prejudicial to the health of the Woman or the child. „Section 2. — Furthermore the woman-worker shall have the right to be absent „from work, after the period of compulsory absence referred to in paragraph c) of the „preceding Article, for a period of six months, during which her post shall be kept open „for her for all purposes of seniority. „Section 3. — The provisions of the Article XVII hereof shall not apply during „the six months period referred to in the foregoing Section“. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 19th day of June 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General IT. S. Army Ref.: LD¡A¡5I¡I23 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 120 AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 85/1949 EMPLOYMENT AND PLACING OF WORKERS WHEREAS it is deemed opportune to amend Article XIX of Order No. 85 dated 25 April 1949 concerning the employment and placing of workers in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article XIX of Order No. 85 dated 25 April 1949 is hereby cancelled and substituted-by the following : „ARTICLE XIX „PENALTIES „Anyone other than the Labor Office performing any act of mediation in connection with the engagement of workers, shall, on conviction, be liable to punishment „by a fine („multa“) up to but not exceeding Lire 50,000. „Anyone hiring workers directly or through mediators other than the Labor „Office, shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine („ammenda“) of not less than Lire 10,000 „and not exceeding Lire 30,000 for each worker abusively so engaged or employed up „to a maximum of Lire 500,000. „Anyone violating any of the other provisions of this Order shall, provided the „transgression does not constitute a more serious offence, be liable, on conviction, to „imprisonment („arresto“) up to six months or to a fine („ammenda“) up to Lire 500,000 „or both.“ ARTICLE XI This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 19th day of June 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LIJjAj gi¡ 166 Director General, Civil Affaire Order No! 121 CIVIL EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR RELATIONSHIP OF CITIZENS DECLARED UNTRACE-ABLE OWING TO WAR EVENTS OR EVENTS CONNECTED WITH THE STATE OF WAR WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to issue provisions concerning civil employment and labour relationship of citizens declared untraceahle owing to war events or' events connected with the state of war, in that part of 'the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The civil employment or labour relationship with State Administrations, Public Bodies and Private Enterprises, in respect of employees who have been declared untraceable as a result of war events, shall be considered to have ceased as from the date of the disappearance indicated in the record drawn up by the competent Military Authority. From the same date as indicated in the preceding paragraph, the entitled persons shall, as the case may be, be paid either the indemnity or the indirect retirement treatment due, subject to adjustment, for the sole purposes of pension payment, with the allowances already paid. Any of the above allowances exceeding the pension shall not be recoverable. Should it be proved, subsequent to the liquidation referred to in the preceding Article, that a Public Administration employee is alive and in possession of the requisites prescribed ^for his remaining in service, such employee shall be re-admitted to service with reconstruction of his career up to the date of re-admission, in compliance with the principles of Article VII of General Order No, 60, dated 27 May 1946, for juridical and economic purposes, subject to adjustment with the above mentioned, treatment. Should it be proved, to the contrary, that the employee is in one of the conditions contemplated for the placing on retirement, the employee shall be placed in such position with effect from the date on which the above condition occurred, With reconstruction of his career up to such date, subject to the adjustment referred to in the preceding paragraph. ARTICLE III Employees of Private Enterprises declared untraceable who, subsequent to the effective date of this Order, are proved to be alive and fit for work, shall be entitled to re-assumption by the enterprise with which they were employed at the moment when they were declared untraceable, provided, however, the relationship was not a seasonal one. Where the contract in questions is based on a time-limit, the running thereof shall be suspended. Where the contract involves an indefinite period of time, the re-assumed employee shall not be dismissed before the elapse of one year from his re-assumption. In order to obtain re-assumption the employee shall, under penalty of forfeiture, place himself at the disposal of the employer within thirty days from the date of repatriation. Failing this, or whenever the citizen declared untraceable has spontaneously remained in foreign territory, the cessation of the employment relationship in terms of Article I hereof shall remain effective. The economic effects of re-assumption shall run from the date on which the employee has placed himself at the disposal of the employer. , ARTICLE IV AH benefits. provided for by the existing provisions in favour of relatives of persons fallen in war shall be applicable also to relatives of citizens declared untraceable as a result of War events. ARTICLE V Whenever, except in the cases provided for by Article I, a Public Administration or Private Enterprise employee has disappeared for reasons connected With the state of War and it has not been possible either to know whether he is still alive or to ascertain his death, the Administration or Enterprise concerned, or the entitled persons, may request the Mayor of the place Where the disappeared person had his last known residence, that a record declaring the person in question untraceable be drawn up, for the purposes of rescission of the employment or labour relationship. The Mayor shall draw up the above record after having taken such information as he deems necessary. The record shall shown the personal particulars of the disappeared person, the circumstances concerning the time and place in Which the disappearance occurred, as well as the requesting Administration, Enterprise or person. In the eases provided for in the foregoing paragraph, there shall be applicable the provisions of Articles I, II and III hereof. The rescission of the employment or labour relationship shall run from the date of disappearance as indicated in the above mentioned record. ARTICLE VI ) This Order shall become, effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 21st June of 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD\A\51/194 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 122 AMENDMENT TO THE TABLE SHOWING TRADES REQUIRING NON-CONTINUOUS WORK OR SIMPLE ATTENDANCE OR CARETAKING WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend the table showing the trades requiring non--continuous work or simple attendance or caretaking, as approved by R. D. 6 December ig23 No. 2657, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, 7, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Paragraph No. 4 of the table showing the trades requiring nou-continuous work or simple attendance or care taking, as approved by R. D. 6 December 1923, No. 2657, is hereby amended to read as follows : „No. 4 — Messengers (excluding those performing a work calling for assiduous „and continuous activity), ushers, and attendants. „The ascertainment that the work performed by messengers is of a continuous „nature shall be carried out by the Labor Inspectorate/' ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at'TRIESTE, this 23rd day of June 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/A/32/18 Director General, Civil Affairs APPORTIONMENT OF FUNDS FOR THE FINANCING OF PATRONAGE OFFICES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to proceed, in accordance with Article VIII, Section 2 of Order No. 77 dated 27 December 1947, with the apportionment of funds for the financing of Patronage Offices for the year 197,1, and WHEREAS those participating in the aforesaid apportionment of funds for the year 1951 are the „Ufficio Confederale Assistenza e Previdenza della Camera Confederale del Lavoro“ and thè „Patronato A.C.L.I.“, and WHEREAS the said Offices have duly submitted the documentary evidence as provided for in Article VIII, Section 3 of said Order No. 77 for the year 1951, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 1. — The amount of Lire 8,250,182 is hereby assigned to the „Ufficio Confederale Assistenza e Previdenza della Camera Confederale del Lavoro“ for the financing of its activity as performed during the year from 1 January to 31 December 1951. Section 2. — The amount of Lire 3,794,202 is hereby assigned to the „Patronato A.C.L.I.“ for the financing of its activity as performed during the year from 1 January to 31 December 1951. ARTICLE II The sums referred tq in the foregoing. Article shall be drawn from the special account headed „Dipartimento del Lavoro“ at the „Banca d’Italia - Sezione Tesoreria Provinciale“ in accordance with Order No.-'77 dated 27 December 1947, as amended by Order No. 80 dated 14 April 1949. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th day of June 1952, JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LDIA/52113.2 Director General, Civil Affairs PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE ORGANIZATION OF „ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASSISTENZA PER I DIPENDENTI DA ENTI LOCALI“ (I.N.A.D.E.L.) WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to issue new provisions concerning the organization of „Istituto Nazionale di Assistenza per i Dipendenti da Enti Locali“ (hereinafter referred to as „I.N.A.D.E.Lin that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW. THEREFORE, I. JOHN L. WHIT FLAW, Brigadier General Ü. S. Army, Director General, Civil :Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The compulsory insurance with I.N.A.D.E.L. shall, as from 1 January 1950, be extended, to all personnel of. kindergartens („scuole máteme“) depending on Local Bodies („Enti Locali“), in accordance with the provisions regulating the insurance of the other permanent and non-permanent personnel of Local Bodies. ARTICLE II The personnel depending on Local Bodies whose emoluments are less than 36,000 Lire yearly shall be excluded from the obligation of insurance with I.N.A.D.E.L. ARTICLE III Section 1. — For the purposes of medical assistance in .terms of Order No. 305, dated 23 July 1948, the following persons shall be considered as family dependants of the insured persons : a) the wife, unless legally separated from her husband by her own fault; b) the husband of the insured woman, if permanently disabled for work and fully, supported by her ; c) unmariied children, legitimate, legitimated or natural if legally recognized, step--children, adopted, affiliated, foundlings regularly committed, living with and supported by the insured person and not older than 18 years ; if they attend regular studies the assistance shall be prolonged till the completion of such studies but, in any case, not beyond 21 years of age ; d) the parents, the step-father or the step-mother, living with and supported by the insured person ; e) brothers and sisters living with and supported by the insured person and not older than 18 years, save in the case of attendance to regular studies as contemplated in the preceding letter c). Section 2. — The age limits referred to' under letters c) and e) of the preceding Section shall not be applicable in case of total and permanent disablement. Those family dependants who are entitled to medical assistance by another Body by reason of an insurance of their own or of other members of the family, shall be excluded from the medical assistance under this Order. ARTICLE V The hospital fees and the compensation to the physicians of the hospitals for the personnel depending on Local Bodies and assisted by I.N.A.D.E.L. shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of articles 81 and 82 of R. D. 30 September 1938, No. 1631, and subsequent amendments thereto. ARTICLE VI The action to obtain the medical assistance shall be forfeited („si piescrive“) after one year from the beginning date of the sickness or delivery or miscarriage respectively. ARTICLE VII Against the decisions of I.N.A.D.E.L. concerning the granting of medical benefits an appeal may be lodged, within 30 days from the notification of the decisions to the person concerned, with the Administrative Board of said Institute which shall take a final decision within ninety days subsequent to the submission of the appeal. If within such term no decision has been issued the appeal shall be considered as granted. ARTICLE VIII Section li — Out of the funds destined for medical assistance, to be managed apart from those for the general social insurance, mo tuning-subsidies („sussidi lutto“) shall be granted to the family of the deceased insured person, or to the insured person in case of death of his spouse or of his children eligible for assistance in terms of Article III, Section 1, letter c), of this Order. Section 2. — In case of death of an insured person the mourning-subsidy shall be granted to the surviving spouse unless legally separated by his or her own fault („colpa“) ; if there is no spouse to his children or, if there are no children, to his parents or brothers and sisters in equal shares. ' Section 3. — The rate of subsidy shall be fixed annually by the Administrative Board and may.not exceed one month’s amount of all fixed emoluments enjoyed by the insured person in the month of the occurred death. Section i. — The granting of the mourning-subsidy shall be requested within two years from the date of death or else the right thereto shall be forfeited („decadenza“). ARTICLE IX Section 1. —■ The service indemnnity („indennità premio di servizio“) in terms of article 18 of Law 2 June 1930, No. 733, and of article 11 of R.D.L. 2 November 1933, No. 2418, shall be due to those personnel who cease from their service after a period of at least 20 years. Section 2. — The indemnity shall be liquidated at the rate of one hundredth of the salary computable for pension and collected in the last twelve months of service, for each year of service rendered. For all purposes of this Article fractions of a year exceeding six months shall be considered as a whole year. Section 3. — The indemnity shall be increased by the following percentages : 25% for those persons who have completed 25 and not more than. 30 years of service computable for liquidation ; 30% for those persons who have completed 31 and not more than 35 years of service computable for liquidation ; 40% for those persons who have exceeded 35 years of service computable for liquidation. Section 4. — The new rate of the service indemnity set forth in this Article shall be applicable to cases of cessation from service subsequent to 1 January 1948. ARTICLE X Section 1. — The minimum amount of service indemnity in cases of cessation from service subsequent to 1 January 1948 is hereby increased to 6,000 Lire for wage-earners (,,sa-lariati“) and to 8,000 Lire for employees („impiegati“). Section 2. — Eventual increases in said service indemnity may be decided upon by the Administrative Board, within the limits consented by the Institute’s budget. ARTICLE XI Section 1. - Life annuities shall be granted as a right to those personnel who have been placed on retirement owing to old age, inf;rmity, or for reasons independent from their own will, provided, however, they are not entitled to pension. Section 2. — Besides the survivors of the insured person set forth in article 39 of R.D.L. 20 December 1928, No. 3239, also his/her unmarried brothers and sisters formerly living with and supported by him/her, under age, or of age if permanently disabled for remunerative work, shall be entitled to receive the life annuity reversion („riversibilita“). Section 3. — The said brothers and sisters shall be entitled to the above benefit only if there are no other relatives set forth in the aforequoted article 39. The reversion of the life annuity shall not be due to those relatives of the insured person who are entitled to a pension of their own. ARTICLE XII Section 1. — The life annuities to be paid to the insured persons shall be calculated on the basis of one sixtieth of the salary computable for pension and collected in the last twelve months, for each year of service rendered. Section 2. — The minimum amounts of annuities are hereby increased to 8,000 Lire yearly for the insured persons, 6,000 Lire for widows with children, 5,000 Lire for widows without children and for orphans without both parents. Section 1. — A contingency indemnity of 18,000 Lire yearly shall be paid to recipients of direct life annuities liquidated prior to 1 January 1948. Said indemnity shall be reduced to 12,000 Lire yearly in respect of indirect life annuities. Section 2. — For life annuities liquidated as above and in terms of the preceding Article XII, the above contingency indemnity is hereby fixed at the rate of 12,000 Lire yearly in respect of beneficiaries of direct annuities, and of 9,600 Lire yearly in respect of beneficiaries of reversion annuities. Section 3. — The rate of the contingency indemnity may be increased, within the limits of the budget, by decision of the Administrative Board. ARTICLE XfV In annual competitions a part of'the free-board posts („posti di rjcovero in convitto“) or of the scholarships shall be reserved for professional and artisan training as well as for university students for their maintenance in boarding-houses. ARTICLE XV Section 1. — With effect from 1 January 1950 those Bodies whose dependent personnel are insured with I.N.A.D.E.L. shall pay the Institute a.contribution of 4% of the salaries of the permanent (,,di.ruolo“) personnel computable for pension and a contribution of 4% of all emoluments of the permanent (,,di ruolo“) and non-permanent („non di ruolo“) personnel. Section 2. — The first of said contributions shall be! assigned to the general social insurance purposes of I.N.A.D.E.L., whereas the latter shall be assigned to medical assistance. Section 3. — The Bodies shall recover from their dependent personnel insured with I.N.A.D.E.L. an amount equal to one half of the two contributions due pursuant to Section 1 hereof. Section 4. —. The contribution to the charge of the Bodies for the period 1948-1949 are hereby established at the rate of one half of that set forth in Section 1 of this Article with effect from 1 January 1948 for permanent personnel and with effect from 1 August 1948 for non-permanent personnel. No change shall be made to the rates of contributions to the charge of the personnel insured with the Institute as set forth in Articles I and III of Order No. 305, dated 23 July 1948. ARTICLE XVI Section 1. — The Bodies may pay' the increase in the contributions payable by them for the two-year period 1948-1949, unpaid on the date of publication of this Order, by two--monthly instalments within 31 December 1957. On the two-monthly instalments which will be paid after 31 December 1953 there shall be paid interests according to the rate charge by the „Cassa Depositi e Prestiti“ for ordinary loans granted by same with the funds of the Social Assistance Institutes („istitut! di previdenza“). Section 2. — The Bodies intending to avail themselves of the foregoing possibility shall inform the Institute not later than sixty ddys from the effective date of this Order. Section 1. — Under observance of the provisions which will be contained in the Regulations for the implementation of this Order and starting from the effective date of the said Regulations, I.N.A.D.E.L. shall provide for the guarantee service of the operations pertaining to the quinquennial or decennial cession of the salaries or wages of the insured permanent personnel in active service with Local Bodies. In older to set up the guarantee fund for said service the permanent personnel shall release from their own allowances computable for pension a contribution of 0,12% in addition to that set forth in the preceding Article XV. Section 2. — I.N.A.D.E.L. shall keep in its budget a separate account („gestione“) of said guarantee fund. Section — This Article shall not be applicable in respect of Communal and Provincijal Secretaries. ARTICLE XVIII For those insured persons who are provisionally retired („nella posizione di aspettativa“) for health reasons and receive a reduced treatment, the contribution shall be due on the emoluments actually paid to them. ARTICLE XIX Section 1. — Article 10 of Law 2 June 1930, No. 733, providing for payment of the contribution chargeable to the Bodies for vacant posts, is hereby repealed. Section 2. — Any provisions contrary to or inconsistent with those of this Order are hereby repealed. ARTICLE XX This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette ; its provisions shall be applicable as from 1 May 1950, unless otherwise provided for therein. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of June 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LDfA¡52¡ 115 Director General, Civil Affairs AVERAGE CONVENTIONAL WAGES OF THRESHERS IN THE 1952 SEASON WHEREAS'it is considered advisable to determine the daily average conventional wages for threshers of cereals in the 1952 season for the purposes of liquidation of indemnities due for occupational accidents, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW,. THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The following table of the daily average conventional wages of threshers („addetti alia trebbiatura“) of cereals in the 1952 season is hereby approved for the purposes of article 40 of R. D. 17 August 1935, No. 1765: 1) engineer operating mobile steam-power stations ..>........... L. 2) fireman of mobile steam-power stations ..................... „ 3) engineer of combustion or electric motors .................... „ 4) non-lieensed operator of combustion or electric motors ....... „ 5) assistant of motor engineer or fireman........................ „ 6) threshers-feeder ............................................. „ 7) compressor and checker of straw, corn, sieve („eamarolo“) and the like „ 8) helpers (men)................................................. „ 9) helpers (women) .............................................. „ 10) helpers under 18 years of age ............................ „ ARTICLE II In view of article 39 of R. D. 17 August 1935, No. 1765, the basic wage to be taken into aeoount for the liquidation of the indemnities due for temporary disablement shall be equal to 300/360 of the average conventional wages indicated above. The annual basic wage to be taken into account for the liquidation of the annuities due for permanent disablement and of the annuities due to survivors shall be considered as equal to 300 times the afore mentioned average wages. There shall be no change to the provisions of the third paragraph of the above mentioned article 39. Said wages shall be regarded as inclusive of meals eventually given to the workers by their respective employers. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette, Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of June 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LDIAI52I129 Director General, Civil Affairs 1.155 945 1.155 977.50 945 892.50 840 735 630 577.50 AUTHORITY TO ’’CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI TRIESTE” TO GRANT CREDIT TO ARTISANS AND ARTISAN ENTERPRISES - (AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 169/1950) WHEREAS it is considered advisable to increase the original loan fund for credit operations to artisans and artisan enterprises in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, and to clarify the rank of the priority for repayment granted to ‘ ‘Gassa di Risparmio di Trieste“ over some other prior liens, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General tj. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article II, second paragraph of Order No. 169 dated 9 September 1950 as amended by Order No. 82 dated 17 May 1951 is hereby deleted and substituted by the following : „For this purpose “Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“ will use an amount not less than „105 million lire.“ ARTICLE II Article III, first paragraph of Order No. 169 dated 9 September 1950, as amended by Order No. 82 dated 17 May 1951, is-hereby deleted and substituted by the following : „Allied Military Government guarantees the Cassa di Risparmio of Trieste against „eventual losses arising out of any credits granted in terms of this Order which are not „covered by the reserve fund set up in Article VII hereof, up to 70% of each effective loss „and up to a total sum of losses of 150 million Lire. The remaining loss shall be borne by „the “Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“. ' ARTICLE III Article IV of Order No. 169 dated 9 September 1950 as amended by Order No. 82 dated 17 May 1951 is hereby deleted and substituted by the following: „Allied Military Government deposits with “Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“ the „amount of 45 million Lire bearing a 3% interest per annum as a contribution to the „investment provided for in Article II.“ ARTICLE IV Section 1 of Article IX of Order No. 169 dated 9 September 1950, is hereby deleted and substituted by the following: „Section 1. — The “Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“ shall have a prior lien up to „the amount of the loan outstanding (principal, interest and accessorial expenses) on „all the assets of the borrower on which the loan is secured with priority for re-payment „over all other credits of whatever kind subject to the exception of (a) credits for eixpenses „of justice {“spese di giustizia“) specified in articles 2755 and 2770 of the Civil Code ; (b) „credits for wages and allowances as specified in article 2751, paragraph (4) of the Civil „Code ; and (c) credits guaranteed by any record created prior to the date of the granting „of the loan. „The security for the loan shall, upon request of the “Cassa di Eisparmio di Trieste“, „be registered without any expenses, as to real estate in the Land-Book ; as to ships in „the Naval Registry; as to motorcars in the Automobile Public Registry; as to patents „relating to industrial inventions in the Patent Registry mentioned in articles 37 and „66 of R.D. 29 June 1939, No. 1127 ; as to movable property in general in the special „register specified in article 1524 of the Civil Code ; as to shares, the security shall be „constituted by the deposit of said shares at the “Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“. article y This Order shall become effective on the date of its. publication in the Official Gazette and the provisions of Article IV shall be operative as from 11 September 1950. Dated at TRIESTE, this 26th day of June 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref.: LD/A/521125 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 127 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR THE CONCESSION OF THE CIRCULAR RADIO BROADCASTING AND TELEVISION SERVICE AND OF THE WIRE TELEDIFFUSION SERVICE TO „ENTE RADIO TRIESTE“ WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to approve the Agreement for the concession of the circular radio broadcasting and television service and of the wire télédiffusion service to „Ente Radio Trieste“, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British United States Forces„ NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General Ü.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, > , ORDER: ARTICLE I The agreement stipulated on 25 June 1952, in terms and the purposes of article 168 of the Posts and Telecommunications Code, between Allied Military Governmént and „Ente Radio Trieste“, for the exclusive concession to said „Ente“ of the service for circular radio broadcasting, circular television and wire télédiffusion, if intended, to circularly diffuse the programmes of the same origin and nature as those diffused by means of radiophonie or telediffusion stations, is hereby approved and made effective. The said Agreement is attached to this Order as „Annex A“ and shall be deposited at the Department of Legal Affairs, Allied Military Government, where it may be inspected by any person concerned. 394 A. M. G. - F. T. T. Gazette — Vol. V, No. 18—1 July 1952 This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 27th day of June 1952. JOHN L. WH1TELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. ; LD/A/52/122 Director General. Civil Affairs Order No. 128 BLACK AND WHITE TELEVISION STANDARDS WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to determine the standards to which the television service shall conform, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General Ü. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The black and white television service in the Zone shall conform to the following standards : 1. — The width of the television broadcast channel shall be 7 Mc/s. 2. — The picture carrier shall be located 5.5 Mc/s lower in frequency than the sound carrier. 3. — The sound carrier shall be located 0.25 Mc/s lower in frequency than the upper frequency limit of the channel. 4. — The characteristics of an ideal standard picture-transmitter shall be those shown in Annex 1. 5. — The total number of scanning lines per frame period shall be 625, interlaced 2 to 1. 6. — The functioning of the television system shall be independent of the supplying network frequency. 7. — The scanning lines’ frequency shall be 15625+0.1% c/s, corresponding to a filed frequency of 50 c/s with 625 lines, or 60 c/s with 525 lines. 8. — The standard aspect ratio of pictures shall be 4 units horizontally to 3 units ver- tically. 9. J— During the active scanning intervals, the screen shall be scanned from left to right horizontally and from top to bottom vertically, at uniform velocities. 10. — As to the modulation of the picture carrier, there shall be used the amplitude modulation with asymmetrical side-bands according to the diagram shown in Annexes 1 and 2. 11. — A reduction in the source light intensity shall Cause an increase-in the radiofre- quency radiated power (negative modulation). 12. — The black level shall be represented by a definite carrier level independent of light and shade in the picture : this level shall correspond to 75% (with a tolerance of i 2.50%) of the peak carrier amplitude. 13. — During the modulation of the picture transmitter, the level Corresponding to the peak white levels shall not be lower than 10% of the peak-value of the carrier. 14. — The synchronizing signals shall have the waveform shown in Annexes 3, 4 and 5. 15. — As to the sound trasmission, frequency modulation shall be used with a frequency deviation of + 50 kc/s, corresponding to a 100%, modulation. 16. — The sound modulating tensions shall have a preemphasis the amplitude-frequency characteristic of which shall correspond to the impedance-frequency characteristic of a series inductance-resistance network having a time constant of 50 microseconds. ARTICLE II The attached diagrams shall form an integral part of this Order as Annexed 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and shall be deposited at the Department of Legal Affairs, Allied Military Government, where they may be freely inspected by any person concerned. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 27th day of June 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General D. S. Army Be/. ; LDjA/521126 Director General Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 36 AUTHORITY GRANTED TO „CHIESA DI S. ANTONIO TAUMATURGO“ OF TRIESTE TO ACCEPT A LEGACY WHEREAS the „Chiesa S. Antonio Taumaturgo“ of Trieste has made an application for authority to accept a legacy left to it by Mrs. Teresa Piskulic widow Marzi in her will dated 28 June ig42, opened and published on 8 May ig44, according to Notary Dr. Ferruccio Boccasini’s deed Rep. No. 6137 in Trieste, WHEREAS the above application has been duly approved by the Zone President of Trieste and there is no objection thereto, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — Authority is hereby granted to the „Chiesa di S. Antonio Taumaturgo“ of Trieste to accept, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the will hereinafter mentioned, the legacy left to it by Mrs. Teresa Piskulic widow Marzi in her will dated 28 June 1942, opened and published on 8 May 1944, according to Notary Dr.Ferruccio Boccasini’s deed Rep. No. 6137 in Trieste. .2. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 23rd day of June 1952. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Executive Director to Ref. : LDfBl52!35 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 37 APPOINTMENT OF DOTT. PASQUALE LAZZARO AS MANAGER OF THE „MUTUA SANITARIA TRA I FERROVIERI DELLO STATO DI TRIESTE“ WHEREAS it is deemed opportune to repeal the appointment of Avv. Ferruccio FRANZIN as Commissioner of the „Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato di Trieste“ made by Administrative Order No. 62, dated 1 October 1951 and to appoint Dott. Pasquale LAZZARO as manager of the said Office, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. The appointment of Avv. Ferruccio FRANZIN as Commissioner of the „Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato di Trieste“, made by Administrative Order No. 62, dated 1 October 1951, is hereby repealed. 2. Dott. Pasquale LAZZARO is hereby appointed manager of the „Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato di Trieste“. 3. This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 26th day of June 1952. Ref. : LD/B/S2I36 VONNA F. BÜRGER Colonel Arty Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs CONTENTS Order Page , No. 117 Extension of provisions relating to fiscal exemptions in favour of the ship-building industry — Amendment to Order No. 350/1948........................................ 379 No. 118 Subsidy to unemployed seamen awaiting embarkation ........................... 379 No. 119 Amendment to Order No. 55/1951 — Physical and economic treatment of female workers during pregnancy and subsequent to delivery........................ 381 No. 120 Amendment to Order No. 85/1949 — Employment and placing of workers.. .. 382 No. 121 Civil employment and labour relationship of citizens declared untraceable owing to war events or events connected with the state of war.................... 383 No. 122 Amendment to the table showing trades requiring non-continuous work or simple attendance or caretaking ................................................. 385 No. 123 Apportionment of funds for the financing of Patronage Offices................ 386 No. 124 Provisions concerning the organization of „Istituto Nazionale di Assistenza per i Dipendenti da Enti Locali“ (I.N.A.D.E.L.) ............................... 387 No. 125 Average conventional wages of threshers in the 1952 season.................. 392 No. 126 Authoiity to „Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“ to grant credit to artisans and artisan enterprises — (Amendment to Order No. 169/1950) ................... 393 No. 127 Approval of agreement for the concession of the circular radio broadcasting and television service and of the wire telediffusion service to „Ente Radio Trieste“ 394 No. 128 Black and white television standards.................................'........ 395 Administrative Order No. 36 Authority granted to „Chiesa di S. Antonio Taumaturgo“ of Trieste to accept a legacy ................................................................. 397 No. 37 Appointment of Dott. Pasquale Lazzaro as manager of the „Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato di Trieste“................................... 397