R. MOHANRAJ et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RC BEAMS WITH AFRP SHEETS UNDER A SUSTAINED LOAD 365–372 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RC BEAMS WITH AFRP SHEETS UNDER A SUSTAINED LOAD MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI BETONSKEGA NOSILCA OJA^ANEGA S PLETIVOM AFRP POD STALNO OBREMENITVIJO R. Mohanraj 1* , S. Senthilkumar 2 , P. Padmapoorani 2 1 Civil Engineering, Excel Engineering College, NH544 Salem Main Road, Komarapalayam, Namakkal, Tamilnadu 637303, India 2 Civil Engineering, KSR College of Engineering, KSR Kalvi Nilayam, Thiruchengode, Namakkal, Tamilnadu 637215, India Prejem rokopisa – received: 2022-04-22; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2022-05-16 doi:10.17222/mit.2022.481 In this research, an attempt was made to find the permeability of an RC beam with AFRP by making use of the hydraulic con- ductivity test and a double-ring infiltrometer. Based on the state-of-the-art methodology, three different AFRP samples, Kelvar 29, Kelvar 49 and Kelvar 149, were considered as the laminates to prevent the deflection of the beams. Accelerated corrosion was carried out using impressed current, and induced corrosion was calculated using the galvanostatic method. In this project, nine RCC beams were strengthened with aramid FRP sheets. Novel results were obtained using three different layers and three different patterns of AFRP sheets. Experimental investigation showed that the mechanical properties of the reinforced concrete beams were enhanced (by 10 %) with Kelvar 149. The durability and corrosion resistance of concrete were achieved due to the increased number of layers of the AFRP sheet. The entire research shows that three layers of Kelvar 149 allow better perfor- mance of the concrete specimens. No other results based on the abrasion resistance and hydraulic conductivity of beams with AFRP laminates are available in the literature. Keywords: aramid fiber reinforced polymer, kelvar laminates, hydraulic conductivity test, reinforcement corrosion V raziskavi so avtorji na za~etku posvetili pozornost ugotavljanju prepustnosti (permeabilnosti) oja~anega betonskega nosilca (RC), ki so ga pred tem oja~ali s polimernimi vlakni iz Aramida (AFRP; angl.: Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polymer). Preizkuse prepustnosti so izvajali s hidravli~nimi testi prevodnosti in infiltrometrom z dvojnim obro~em. Za preiskave so uporabili tri razli~ne danes najnaprednej{e vzorce AFRP in sicer Kelvar 29, Kelvar 49 in Kelvar 149 kot laminate za re{itev pove~anja odpornosti nosilca proti zvijanju. Izvajali so tudi pospe{ene teste korozije z njihovim obremenjevanjem z elektri~no napetostjo in tokom ter na njihovi osnovi izra~unali inducirano korozijo z uporabo galvanostati~ne metode. Za raziskavo so uporabili devet RCC nosilcev oja~anih z AFRP. Nov pristop in rezultat so dosegli s tremi razli~nimi plastmi in tremi razli~nimi vzorci pletenja laminatnih polnil AFRP (pletenih tankih plo{~). Eksperimentalne raziskave so pokazale, da so se mehanske lastnosti oja~anih betonskih nosilcev izbolj{ale za 100 % pri uporabi laminatov iz Kevlarja 149. Trajnost in odpornost betona proti koroziji se je pove~ala s pove~evanjem {tevila plasti laminata AFRP. Raziskava je pokazala, da tri plasti laminata iz Kevlarja 149 mo~no izbolj{ajo lastnosti betonskih vzorcev. V literaturi avtorji niso na{li podatkov o abrazijski odpornosti in hidravli~ni prevodnosti betonskih nosilcev oja~anih z laminati AFRP. Klju~ne besede: aramidna vlakna, polimer, kelvar, test hidravli~ne prevodnosti, korozija 1 INTRODUCTION The durability of concrete is a potential problem gov- erned by several factors such as low compressive strength, high chance of clogging and low abrasion resis- tance under dynamic loading. 1 The use of FRP compos- ites to strengthen reinforced-cement-concrete (RCC) beams is becoming increasingly common. 2 For many reasons, aramid fiber reinforced polymer (AFRP) is more convenient than steel. The usage of advanced fiber reinforced polymer/plastics (FRP) composites for rein- forced concrete beams has grown in popularity in recent years. 3 This is because the structure: • may require alteration due to aging, • corrosion in steel induced by exposure to a hostile en- vironment may cause it to deteriorate, • may require strengthening to withstand accidental loads such as earthquakes, etc. 4 Flexural failure and shear failure are the two impor- tant failure modes in any flexural member. The former is a ductile failure and the latter is a brittle failure. 5,6 A duc- tile failure distributes the stress and alerts the occupants, whereas a brittle collapse occurs suddenly and is conse- quently disastrous. 7,8 To strengthen flexural members against a brittle failure, different strengthening tech- niques/materials are commonly adopted. FRP is one of the strengthening materials recom- mended, instead of steel, for several reasons. 9 Compared to steel, the FRP material has higher ultimate strength and lower density, as well as being easier to install and requiring no interim support until it reaches its full strength. 10 This material can be easily shaped into com- plex shapes and cut to the desired length on the job site. Fibers are normally classified as GFRP, CFRP and AFRP. 11,12 From a structural standpoint, FRP is primarily used in two areas. The first is the use of FRP Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 365–372 365 UDK 625.843:620.194 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 56(4)365(2022) *Corresponding author's e-mail: rsrirammohan@gmail.com sheets/plates to reinforce structural components using externally applied FRP. 13 The focus here is on potential enhancement of the toughness and durability provided by synthetic macro-fibers, which helps us to develop new applications of AFRP. 14 Steel has a stronger ultimate strength but a lower density than aramid FRP, as well as being easier to install and requiring no interim support until it reaches its full strength. Among the above fiber polymers, aramid fiber rein- forced polymer is interesting and challenging when used for improving mechanical and corrosion resistance of concrete specimens. 15–17 However, expanding its use be- yond the lime-based concrete in historical buildings to commercially available goods would help us to better comprehend its potential in its current applications. Therefore, in this research, aramid fiber reinforced poly- mer was used for laminated sheets in fresh and hardened concrete to evaluate the durability and corrosion resis- tance of concrete. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials Portland Pozzolana cement of 53 grade was used in this investigation. The cement was tested as per IS 2720 Part-3. Fine aggregate (FA) for the experimental exami- nation was obtained locally and used in accordance with IS: 383-1970. Coarse aggregates are manufactured from stones by breaking them. A 20 mm aggregate (max.), lo- cally available for our work, suited the nature of our op- eration. 18 Coarse aggregates (CAs) were examined in ac- cordance with the Indian Standard Specifications, IS:2386-1963. Steel bars of grade Fe 415 (HYSD) with 6-mm, 8-mm and 12-mm diameters were used. 12-mm-diameter bars were utilized as the tension rein- forcement, while 8-mm-diameter bars were employed as hanger bars. 6-mm-diameter bars were utilized as shear stirrups. The cement, sand and coarse-aggregate proper- ties are displayed in Table 1. Aramid fibers, known un- der their trademark name Kevlar, have unique and bene- ficial properties. The brand name Kevlar is owned by DuPont. 19 Poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide was the chemical name for Kevlar when it was first developed in the 1960s. 20 Kevlar has idiosyncratic properties such as excellent impact resistance and low density. 21 The three different patterns of the AFRP sheets used in this study and their properties are listed in Table 2. Kelvar 29 has a knitted mesh reinforcement shape, Kelvar 49 has a chicken mesh reinforcement shape, and Kelvar 149 has a honeycomb reinforcement shape, shown in Figures 1a to 1c. Table 1: Physical properties of the materials Physical property Cement FA CA Specific gravity 3.13 2.66 2.76 Fineness modulus (%) 2.32 3.71 7.42 Water absorption (%) – 0.6 0.5 Consistency (%) 30.5 – – Initial setting time (min) 34 – – Final setting time (h) 10 – – Table 2: Properties of different AFRP sheets AFRP patterns Density (g/cm 3 ) Tensile strength (MPa) Modulus (GPa) Kelvar 29 1.44 2920 83 Kelvar 49 1.44 3600 124 Kelvar 149 1.47 3450 174 2.2 Hydraulic conductivity This is a property that permits fluids to flow through interconnecting voids, and can be measured in terms of permeability (k) and infiltration (I). Here, permeability was measured with a constant head permeameter, and in- filtration with a double ring infiltrometer. 2.3 Abrasion-resistance test methods These test methods were used to determine the ravel- ing resistance (ASTM C1747) and surface wearing (ASTM C944). A Los Angeles abrasion-test apparatus was used to determine the toughness and raveling index, and a rotating-cutter drill press was used to determine the disintegration and degradation. Cylindrical samples with a diameter and height of 100 mm were used in these tests. R. MOHANRAJ et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RC BEAMS WITH AFRP SHEETS UNDER A SUSTAINED LOAD 366 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 365–372 Figure 1: Kevlar patterns: a) Kelvar 29, b) Kelvar 49, c) Kelvar 149 2.4 Flow index The flow index is a direct measure of the workability of a freshly prepared concrete mix. 22 The effects of the change in the aggregate size and change in the fiber length on the consistency of the flow percentage are demonstrated in detail in Table 3. The consistency in the flow percentage of a fresh concrete mix was inversely proportional to the aggregate size, i.e., the flow index in- creased with a decrease in the aggregate size. The flow index of a given fresh concrete mix was also inversely proportional to the fiber length, i.e., the flow index de- creased with an increase in the fiber length. The elevated values of the flow index observed for the aramid-fi- ber-reinforced polymer mix were high due to the addi- tion of a viscosity-modifying agent: Eucoplacant-721. Table 3: Flow index values Mix ID Conventional Concrete with AFRP Flow (%) 98 111 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Compressive tests on concrete cubes As per IS 10262:2009, 12 concrete mix proportions for M40 grade were designed. This ratio determined the de- sign procedure using the properties of the materials. A mix ratio of 1 : 1.01 : 2.92 (cement : FA : CA) was ob- tained based on the mix design method. 23–25 The water-cement ratio for this design was 0.41. The com- pressive test results are shown in Table 4. Table 4: Compressive tests on concrete cubes Test specimen Grade of concrete cube Compressive strength after 28 d (N/mm 2 ) Average com- pressive strength (N/mm 2 ) 1M 40 43.67 43.40 2M 40 42.38 3M 40 44.16 3.2 Hydraulic conductivity 3.2.1 Permeability Permeability (k) of cylindrical samples was tested, as shown in Figure 2a, using Equation (1). The samples were subjected to a vacuum wash before testing to get more accurate results. k QL Ah t = Δ (1) Here, Q is the volume of discharge (m 3 ), L is the specimen length (0.1 m), A is the cross-sectional area of the cylinder (m 2 ), h is the water head (m), and t is the time interval (s). R. MOHANRAJ et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RC BEAMS WITH AFRP SHEETS UNDER A SUSTAINED LOAD Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 365–372 367 Figure 2: Test set-up for measuring permeability (k) and infiltration rate (I): a) constant head permeameter, b) double ring infiltrometer 3.2.2 Infiltration Infiltration (I) testing required two cylindrical rings, one with a diameter of 300 mm (the inner cylinder) and the other with a diameter of 600 mm (the outer cylinder) placed over the slab specimen with a length of 1000 mm and depth of 100 mm as shown in Figure 2b. Initially, water was poured into the cylinder and then the rapidity of infiltration of the water was noted using the scale at- tached, determining the time and depth of the infiltration into the slab specimen using Equation (2). The values of the infiltration rate are given in Table 5. I V Dt i = 4 2 πΔ (2) Here, V is the volume (m 3 ) of water added in time t, D i is the diameter of the inner cylinder and t is the time interval (s). 3.3 Accelerated corrosion test and calculation Corrosion of the reinforced steel was carried out us- ing the impressed current technique. Beams of 1 m in length and with a cross-section of 150 mm × 200 mm were cast for each optimum AFRP mix and the control mix (the total of 10 samples). The tension reinforcement was wound with wires at two points so that uniform cor- rosion was initiated in the rebars. 26 Only the corrosion of the tension reinforcement was considered for the study. The test set-up for accelerated corrosion is shown in Fig- ure 3. The impressed current technique, applying direct cur- rent constantly to the steel embedded in the concrete for a short period, allowed accelerated corrosion, which was later observed on the steel after inducing electrolytes in the concrete. The rate of corrosion was accelerated through the concrete with the help of electrolytes (3 % of sodium chloride solution). For the provided power sup- ply, the induced corrosion was determined using Faraday’s law. If the source current was increased, the rate of accelerated corrosion was also increased. The amount of weight loss of steel was calculated using a gravimetric test, determining the weight loss during cor- rosion. The source which consisted of an anode and a cathode was connected to the steel bars and the counter electrode – stainless steel plates, respectively. The rein- forcements fabricated for the corrosion acceleration test are shown in Figure 4. Current readings were noted every hour using a multimeter and the average current reading was used in the calculation as the applied current (I app ). The beams were kept in the acceleration corrosion process for 120 h. Lead wires were connected at two points of each tension reinforcement to ensure uniform corrosion throughout the beam. Only the corrosion of the tension reinforce- ment was considered. After generating corrosion on the beams, the bars were retrieved from the beams by fracturing the concrete and measured using the gravimetric test to determine the average loss of steel due to induced corrosion. To remove any rust products, the bars were cleaned using chemical cleaning and weighed to calculate the steel net weight. R. MOHANRAJ et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RC BEAMS WITH AFRP SHEETS UNDER A SUSTAINED LOAD 368 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 365–372 Figure 3: Accelerated corrosion set-up Table 5: Hydraulic conductivity test result Concrete mix k/(cm/s) Coefficient of variance (%) I/(cm/s) Coefficient of variance (%) Conventional 1.31 23.1 0.30 2.3 AFRP concrete 1.12 10.0 0.32 14.6 Figure 4: Reinforcement for the corrosion acceleration test Following ASTM G-1-90 (ASTM, 1990), the corrosion test specimens were prepared, cleaned and evaluated. For the current capacity of the circuit, the current ap- plied to the fiber specimens was found to be lower than that of the control specimens. From Table 6, it can be understood that the conduc- tance of the fiber specimens was lower compared to the control specimens, which in turn indicates higher poros- ity of the control specimens. Thus, it can be concluded that the fiber has a higher corrosion resistance and it can effectively be used in an aggressive environment. The mass loss percentages of the fiber specimens were found to be lower than that of the control mix without fiber. In accordance with Faraday’s law, the theoretical mass of rust (M th ) was determined with Equation (3): M WI T F th app = (3) where M th is the theoretical mass of rust or mass loss (g), W is the equivalent weight of steel (27.925 g), I app is the current applied (A), T is the period of induced corro- sion (s) and F is Faraday’s constant (96487 As). After the corrosion test, the specimens and rebars were extracted by breaking the concrete. In accordance with the gravimetric test (ASTM G1), the actual mass (M ac ) of rust was calculated with Equation (4): M WW DL i ac f = − π (4) where W i is the initial weight of the rebar, W f is the weight of the rebar after corrosion, D is the diameter of the rebar and L is the length of the rebar. Assuming that the actual and theoretical mass of rust were equal (i.e., I corr = I app ) and by equating M ac and M th , the equivalent corrosion current (I corr ) was calculated with Equation (5): I WWF WT i corr f = − () (5) Where, W i – Initial Weight R. MOHANRAJ et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RC BEAMS WITH AFRP SHEETS UNDER A SUSTAINED LOAD Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 365–372 369 Table 6: Accelerated corrosion test results Beam ID No. of Layer Average I app (A) Initial weight (g) Final weight (g) Actual weight loss (g) Theoretical weight loss (g) Actual weight loss (%) Conventional – 1.02 2823 2703 120 126.56 4.22 B FRP K29 1 1.19 2858 2665 193 150.11 5.06 B FRP K29 2 1.57 2836 2657 179 97.84 6.24 B FRP K29 3 0.81 2860 2782 78 102.14 2.80 B FRP K49 1 0.73 2835 2767 68 89.60 2.40 B FRP K49 2 0.75 2808 2733 75 95.05 2.67 B FRP K49 3 0.76 2841 2764 77 95.67 2.71 B FRP K149 1 0.77 2853 2775 78 93.63 2.77 B FRP K149 2 0.87 2851 2766 85 107.69 3.02 B FRP K149 3 0.87 2861 2775 86 107.38 3.07 Figure 5: a) Reinforcement details of a beam, b) cross-section of a beam, c) beam failure W f – Final Weight F – Faraday Constant W – Equivalent weight of steel T – The period of induced corrosion The percentage weight loss (P) was calculated with Equation (6): P WW W i i = − f × 100 % (6) 3.4 Tests with beams 3.4.1 Experimental work This experimental task entailed casting M40 rein- forced concrete (RC) beams with cross-sectional dimen- sions of (150 × 200 × 1000) mm. Two of 12 mm diame- ter were placed at the base, at a 160-mm center-to-center distance, with the top having 2–8 mm and 6mmver - tical stirrups. 27,28 Single, double and triple-layer AFRP were three alternative patterns and layer combinations used to strengthen the beams utilizing AFRP sheets. 29 Totally, ten reinforced concrete beams were cast and kept in water for curing for 28 d. 3.4.2 Experimental set-up All the specimens were put through their paces in the loading frame, and the deflection was measured with a linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) ma- chine. 30 They were subjected to the same testing proce- dures. After the 28-d cure time, the beams had three lay- ers and three patterns, there were also conventional beams. The load arrangements for evaluating all sets of beams included two-point loading, and reinforcement de- tails are shown in Figures 5a and 5b. The testing of a beam is shown in Figure 5c. 3.4.3 Beam specification The length of a beam was 1000 mm, its span was 800 mm, its width was 150 mm, its depth was 200 mm and the numbers of layers were specified as shown in Table 6. 3.4.4 Beam results The performance of the specimens under load was noted. It was discovered that, with the growing load, the cracks additionally began to show up, constantly increas- ing. A few cracks went throughout the beam. The crack pattern was also noticed. The values of load and deflec- tion for various volumes of Kelvar 29 and conventional concrete were examined and listed in Table 7. Table 7: Deflection of conventional concrete and Kelvar 29 Load (kN) Deflection (mm) Conventional concrete Single layer Double layer Triple layer 00000 50 0.112 0.090 0.050 0.025 100 1.730 1.001 0.800 0.475 150 4.192 3.002 2.182 1.290 It is seen that the bend followed a straight pattern un- til the first break load. With the additional increase in load, numerous cracks were formed, the number of which increased as a certain load was reached. The out- comes obtained show improved primary conduct, like that of FRP. If the number of layers increased, the deflec- tion against the load decreased. The values of load and deflection for various volumes of Kelvar 49 and Kelvar 149 were analyzed, and their properties are listed in Table 8 and Table 9.I ti sp e r - ceived that the bend followed a straight pattern until the first break load. With the additional increase in load, nu- merous cracks were formed, the number of which in- creased as a certain load was reached. Table 8: Deflection of Kelvar 49 Load (kN) Deflection (mm) Single layer Double layer Triple layer 0000 50 0.0925 0.066 0.039 100 1.115 0.978 0.575 150 3.125 2.264 1.390 Table 9: Deflection of Kelvar 149 Load (kN) Deflection (mm) Single layer Double layer Triple layer 0000 25 0.030 0.017 0.005 50 0.046 0.037 0.015 75 0.280 0.230 0.130 100 0.560 0.548 0.292 125 1.890 0.880 0.520 150 1.625 1.264 0.800 4 CONCLUSIONS The outcomes obtained show an increase in the strength with the increasing the number of layers. The deflection against load was lower for three-layer Kelvar 49 and 149. The physical properties of the materials, hy- draulic conductivity, flow index, compressive strength of a concrete cube were tested on the beams and the results obtained are presented. The aggregate size and fiber length were inversely linked to the consistency in the flow percentage of a fresh concrete mix. The increase in the flow index of aramid concrete compared to the conventional mixes was due to the addition of a viscosity modifying agent. The addition of macro-synthetic fibers reduced the perme- ability and infiltration rate of the test samples. This was observed to be most significant for a high dosage of long fibers. The infiltration rate was about 5 times lower com- pared to the permeability values for the other mixtures. Concrete mixes containing fiber showed a higher value of compressive strength than the conventional con- crete. The maximum increase in the compressive strength of 22.08 % was obtained for the Kelvar 149 con- R. MOHANRAJ et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RC BEAMS WITH AFRP SHEETS UNDER A SUSTAINED LOAD 370 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 4, 365–372 crete. Concrete mixes containing fiber showed lower val- ues of water absorption than the conventional concrete, hence the plugging of pores was better than in the con- ventional concrete. The corrosion resistance of the AFRP concrete specimens was found to be higher than that of the conventional concrete specimens. The weight loss percentages were higher for the con- trol specimens when compared with the fiber concrete specimens. Based on performance, a triple layer is better than a double layer or a single layer. It was also observed that the influence of the fiber length was not as substan- tial as that of the aggregate size. The effect of the sudden release technique should be further examined. Additional research is needed for aramid fiber-reinforced polymer members with different types of concrete (i.e., light- weight concrete, high-performance concrete, etc.). Acknowledgements This research is supported by Excel Engineering Col- lege and KSR College of Engineering. 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