Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru - mnenja študentov o študiju Smo dobri ali slabi, kje smo v primerjavi z drugimi? To so vprašanja, ki se nam vedno znova postavljajo. Kaj je tisto, kar nas bo naredilo boljše, nas popeljalo v svet najboljših? Obstajajo različni sistemi za razvrščanje univerz in fakultet, obstajajo številni seznami najboljših univerz. Želja nas vseh je, da se naša univerza uvrsti na seznam najboljših, da se njena ocena iz leta v leto izboljšuje in da Medicinska fakulteta kot ena izmed članic Univerze v Mariboru bistveno prispeva k temu. Pri vrednotenju univerz se uporabljajo različni kazalniki. Najcelovitejša lestvica razvrščanja in ocenjevanja univerz na svetu je Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, ki vključuje več kot 26.000 visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanov. Revija Times Higher Education tako od leta 2004 objavlja seznam najboljših univerz. Pri ocenjevanju oz. razvrščanju ocenjuje temeljno poslanstvo univerze, to pa so poučevanje, raziskovanje, vpliv objavljenih del, prihodki iz sodelovanja z industrijo in mednarodna vpetost. Rezultati Times Higher education World University Rankings so pokazali, da je Univerza v Mariboru v primerjavi z rezultati ocenjevanja med univerzami, kot so Univerza v Ljubljani, Univerza v Beogradu, Univerza v Gradcu, najslabša na področju poučevanja in raziskav, na izjemnem zavidljivem drugem mestu glede citatov, kjer je sicer Univerza v Gradcu v močni prednosti, in na drugem mestu glede industrijskega priliva. Glede mednarodne vpetosti je Univerza v Gradcu v močni prednosti, z ostalimi univerzami smo približno enaki. Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor - the students' perspective Are we good? Are we not so good? How are we compared to others? These are the questions we keep asking ourselves. What is it that will make us better and lead us to become the best? There are different systems for ranking universities and faculties as well as different lists of top universities. It is a common desire for our university to be among the best and grow each year, and the Faculty of Medicine, as a member of the University of Maribor, to contribute to this growth. Different indicators are used to evaluate universities and faculties. The most complete ranking and evaluation list worldwide is the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, which includes more than 26,000 higher education institutions located all over the world. Since 2004, the Times Higher Education journal has published a list of the best universities. Evaluation and ranking is based on the university's fundamental mission, i.e. education, research, impact of published works, industrial income and international involvement. The results of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings have shown that the University of Maribor, compared to the evaluation results of universities such as the University of Belgrade and University of Graz, ranks lowest in the field of research, has an enviable second place regarding citations, with the University of Graz taking a strong lead, and is in second place regarding industrial inflow. The University of Graz is well ahead of other universities regarding international involvement; compared with other universities we have a similar ranking. Na lestvici QS Top Universities, ki objavlja podatke o 900 najboljših univerzah na svetu od leta 2014 dalje, se Univerza v Mariboru nahaja na mestu slabše od 700 v letu 2016. Kaj se ocenjuje? Ugled univerze, razmerje med številom učiteljev in študentov, število citatov na učitelja, delež študentov iz tujine, delež učiteljev iz tujine. QS World University Rankings razvršča univerze razvijajoče Evrope in Srednje Azije (QS EECA). V njo je razvrščenih 200 najboljših univerz. Univerza v Mariboru je na 69. mestu. Pri uvrstitvi na lestvico University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP), ki zajema že 2.500 univerz, je Univerza v Mariboru na 809. mestu. Pri tej lestvici se upošteva število objavljenih člankov in citatov, kvaliteto revij (impact factor) ter obseg mednarodnega sodelovanja. Druga lestvica uspešnih univerz je U-Multirank, ki razvršča univerze in študijske programe po naboru kazalnikov na petih različnih področjih, kot so kakovost poučevanja, ugled raziskovalne dejavnosti, uspešnost pri prenosu znanja, mednarodna usmerjenost in prispevek k regionalnem razvoju. Študentska anketa na Medicinski fakulteti za obdobje 2014 do 2016 je pokazala, da je zadovoljstvo študentov ustrezno. Vprašanja so se nanašala na 12 parametrov, in sicer na ponujene tečaje, organizacijo študija, podporo s strani učiteljev, študij v tujini, knjižnico, industrijske vire, prostore, usmerjenost k raziskavam, razmerje med kliničnim in predklinič-nim delom, simulacijske centre, učenje ob postelji, vključitev praktičnih izkušenj. Večina študentov, kar 92 %, je izrazila, da so najbolj zadovoljni s prostori fakultete, kar nas ne sme presenečati, saj je Medicinska fakulteta zgrajena na eni najlepših mestnih lokacij in razpolaga z vrhunsko opremo. Klinično in predklinično učenje, učne delavnice in učenje ob postelji so ocenjeni kot dobri med 61 in 69 %, med 50 in 60 % študentov je ocenilo, da so organizacija tečajev, predavanj, študija v The QS Top Universities list, has published information on the 900 top universities worldwide since 2014, and ranked the University of Maribor just below 700th place in 2016. The parameters evaluated include the university's reputation, relations between teachers and students, the number of citations per teacher, share of foreign students, and share of foreign teachers. The QS World University Rankings ranks the universities of developing Europe and Middle Asia (QS EECA). It ranks the 200 top universities with the University of Maribor in 69th place. The University of Maribor took 809th place in the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) list, which included 2500 universities. The list considers the number of published articles and citations, impact factor and the scope of international cooperation. Another list of successful universities in the U-Multi-rank list, which ranks universities and study programs according to indicators in five different fields, such as the quality of education, reputation of research activities, success at knowledge transfer, international orientation and contribution to regional development. A student survey at the Faculty of Medicine for the period 2014-2016 showed that satisfaction among students is appropriate. The questions were based on 12 parameters related to the courses available, organization of the study, support from teachers, study abroad, library, industrial sources, premises, orientation towards research, relations between clinical and pre-clinical work, simulation centres, training at bedside, and inclusion of practical knowledge. Most students (92%) stated that they were most satisfied with the faculty's premises, which is not surprising, as the Faculty of Medicine was built in one of the most attractive city locations and uses top equipment. Clinical and pre-clinical training, workshops and training at bedside were evaluated as good by 61%-69% of students. 50%-60% of students rated the organization of courses, lectures, study abroad, re- tujini, raziskovanje in vključevanje praktičnih izkušenj dobri. Najslabše je bila ocenjena usmerjenost v raziskovanje, s 45 %. Poslanstvo univerze oz. njene posamezne članice je poučevanje, raziskovanje, vpliv objavljenih del, prihodki iz sodelovanja z industrijo in mednarodna vpetost. Posamezna članica lahko veliko prispeva k skupnemu deležu. Zelo veseli in hkrati ponosni smo, da nam je uspelo, da je mesto Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru med članicami med bolj prepoznavnimi. Ne smemo pozabiti, da je za vse te dejavnosti izjemno pomembno, kako dolgo posamezna članica že deluje znotraj univerze. Za Medicinsko fakulteto kot eno izmed najmlajših članic je vsakoletna ocena še toliko pomembnejša. Pokaže nam, kje smo, kaj delamo slabo in kaj dobro. Pokaže nam naša najšibkejša področja, področja, o katerih moramo razmisliti in jih izboljšati, če je to možno. Vsakoletna evalvacija in predvsem mnenja študentov so tisto, kar nas vodi k pregledu in analizi rezultatov ter ustreznemu ukrepanju. Mnenje študentov je objektivno merilo naše pedagoške, strokovne in znanstvenoraziskovalne dejavnosti. Naloga učiteljev je, da k temu ustrezno prispevajo, vsak po svojih zmožnostih, naloga učencev je, da nam kažejo pravo pot. Cilj? Z velikimi koraki naprej, k skupnemu in uresničljivemu cilju nas vseh. search and inclusion of practical experiences as good. Orientation towards research received the lowest rating (45%). The mission of the university or its individual members is education, research, impact of published works, industrial inflow and international involvement. An individual member can contribute enormously to the common share. We are very pleased and proud that the Faculty of Medicine in Maribor is one of the most recognisable members of the university. We should not forget how important the period an individual member has been functioning within the University of Maribor is in terms of these activities. Being one of the youngest members of the university, each annual score is very important for the Faculty of Medicine. It shows us our current status and whether what we do is good or not so good. It points to our weakest fields in which we need to reconsider and improve if the opportunity arises. The annual evaluation and students' opinion are guiding us towards a review and analysis of results. The students' opinion is an objective measure of our educational, professional and scientific research activities. It is the teachers' task to contribute to it appropriately, each according to their abilities, and the task of students to show us the right direction. Goals? Taking large steps forward to our common and achievable goal. Prof. dr. Dušica Pahor, dr. med. odgovorna urednica Audiatur et altera pars. (Seneka) Poslušati je treba še drugo stran. Prof. Dušica Pahor, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief Audiatur et altera pars. (Seneka) The other side shall be heard as well