NATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA HAЦИOHAЛEH CTATИCTИЧECKИ ИHCTИTУT STATISTICAL SERVICE OF CYPRUS ΣTATIΣTIKН ΥΠНРЕΣІΑ КУПРОУ CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE ČESKÝ STATISTICKÝ ÚŘAD STATISTICAL OFFICE OF ESTONIA STATISTIKAAMET HUNGARIAN CENTRAL STATISTICAL OFFICE KÖZPONTI STATISZTIKAI HIVATAL CENTRAL STATISTICAL BUREAU OF LATVIA LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS CENTRĀLĀ STATISTIKAS PĀRVALDE STATISTICS LITHUANIA STATISTIKOS DEPARTAMENTAS PRIE LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS VYRIAUSYBĖS CENTRAL STATISTICAL OFFICE OF POLAND GŁÓWNY URZĄD STATYSTYCZNY NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS OF ROMANIA INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE STATISTICĂ AL ROMÂNIEI STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA STATISTIČNI URAD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC ŠTATISTICKÝ ÚRAD SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY LJUBLJANA, 2003 CANSTAT S T A T I S T I C A L B U L L E T I N 2003/1 IV The Bulletin is prepared jointly by: Statistični bilten so skupno pripravili: НАЦИОНАЛЕН СТАТИСТИЧЕСКИ ИНСТИТУТ - National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria 2, P. Volov Str. Sofia 1504 Bulgaria Contact person: Mr. Martin Somov fax: +359 2 9857 2488, +359 2 9842911 E-mail: Web: ΣΤΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ - Statistical Service of Cyprus Michalakis Karaolis Street CY – 1444 Nicosia Cyprus Contact person: Mr. George Chr. Georgiou fax: +357 22 661313, : +357 22 602162 E-mail: Web: ČESKÝ STATISTICKÝ ÚŘAD - Czech Statistical Office Sokolovská 142 186 04 Praha 8 Czech Republic Contact person: Mrs. Štĕpanka Čejková fax: +420 257 530 834, : +420 257 531 100 E-mail: Web: STATISTIKAAMET - Statistical Office of Estonia Endla 15 15 174 Tallinn Estonia Contact person: Ms. Helen Tammeste fax: +372 6259 370, : +372 6259 313 E-mail: Web: KÖZPONTI STATISZTIKAI HIVATAL - Hungarian Central Statistical Office II. Keleti Károly u. 5-7 H-1525 Budapest Hungary Contact person: Ms. Eszter Nemeth fax: +361 345 6683, : +361 345 6187 E-mail: Web: http// LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS CENTRĀLĀ STATISTIKAS PĀRVALDE - Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Lāčplēša Street 1 Riga, LV-1301 Latvia Contact person: Mr. Uldis Ainars fax: + 371 783 0137, : +371 736 6920 E-mail: Web: V DEPARTAMENTAS PRIE LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS VYRIAUSYBĖS - Statistics Lithuania Gedimino ave. 29 2746 Vilnius Lithuania Contact person: Mrs. Birute Liberiene fax: +370 2 364 845, : +370 2 364 812 E-mail: Web: GŁÓWNY URZĄD STATYSTYCZNY - Central Statistical Office of Poland Aleje Niepodleglości 208 00-925 Warsaw Poland Contact person: Mrs. Krystyna Gańko fax: +48 22 6083881, : +48 22 6083437 E-mail: Web: INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE STATISTICĂ - National Institute of Statistics of Romania Bulevardul Libertăţii 16 761 062 Bucharest Romania Contact person: Mrs. Corina Maftei fax: +40 21 312 4873, : +40 21 336 3370 E-mail: Web: STATISTIČNI URAD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE - Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Vožarski pot 12 1 000 Ljubljana Slovenia Contact person: Mrs. Avguština Kuhar de Domizio fax: +386 1 241 53 44, : +386 1 241 51 58 E-mail: Web: ŠTATISTICKÝ ÚRAD SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY - Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic Miletičova 3 824 67 Bratislava Slovak Republic Contact person: Mrs. Eva Docolomanska fax: +421 7 555 61361, : +421 7 50236 340 E-mail: Web: Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged. Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira. Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia – Statistični urad Republike Slovenije Vožarski pot 12 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia – Slovenija ISSN 1581-4777 VI FOREWORD CANSTAT Statistical Bulletin provides a regular review of the socio-economic indicators for eleven candidate countries. Since 1991 in the framework of the Central European partnership agreements Czechoslovak Republic (since 1993 Czech Republic and Slovak Republic), Hungary and Poland have decided to elaborate the “Common Bulletin of Economic Indicators” as an expression of their willingness for statistical co-operation and harmonisation. Over the years, the “Common Bulletin of Economic Indicators” became “CESTAT Statistical Bulletin”; it was the common statistical document of National Statistical Institutes from CEFTA countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovak Republic), each partner being responsible for the elaboration of its own indicators, publishing and dissemination of the CESTAT Bulletin in English and native languages. Also, in the process of elaboration and printing of the CESTAT Statistical Bulletin, new countries - Slovenia (1996), Romania (1998) and Bulgaria (2001) - have been included as partners. Beginning with 2002, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, on a voluntary basis, will be included in the process of elaboration of the CESTAT Statistical Bulletin and the document will be renamed CANSTAT Statistical Bulletin. In this context, partner countries will have a useful tool, which will sustain, on the one hand, the mutual co-operation, the exchange of ideas and experiences and, on the other hand, will establish a basis for new common projects among candidate countries. The main objectives of the CANSTAT Statistical Bulletin are: • elaborating, publishing and disseminating of short-term socio-economic indicators of partner countries, in view to improve transparency; • increasing the quality of statistical data and information, through implementation of the same general methodologies used by international institutions as EUROSTAT, UN/ECE, ILO, IMF, WB, etc.; • setting-up data comparability among countries and over time; • meeting users’ needs (such as national and international public and non-governmental organisations, research institutes, business centres, universities, etc.). National Statistical Institutes from candidate countries pay a special attention to these issues and, consequently, the CANSTAT Statistical Bulletin will be available on the Internet page of each Statistical Institute. CANSTAT Statistical Bulletin Editing Board, Bucharest VII UVOD “Statistični bilten CANSTAT” zagotavlja redni pregled socialnogospodarskih kazalnikov za enajst držav kandidatk. Leta 1991 so se Češkoslovaška (od leta 1993 Češka republika in Slovaška republika), Madžarska in Poljska v okviru dogovora o srednjeevropskem sodelovanju odločile, da bodo pripravljale skupen bilten z gospodarskimi kazalniki kot odraz njihove pripravljenosti za statistično sodelovanje in usklajevanje. Z leti je skupen bilten z gospodarskimi kazalniki postal "Statistični bilten CESTAT" – skupen statistični dokument državnih statističnih uradov držav Cefte (Češke republike, Madžarske, Poljske in Slovaške republike). Vsaka država je bila odgovorna za pripravo svojih kazalnikov in objavo le-teh v biltenu v angleščini in svojem jeziku ter za diseminacijo biltena. Sčasoma so bile v postopek priprave kazalnikov in tiskanje Statističnega biltena CESTAT vključene nove države – Slovenija leta 1996, Romunija leta 1998 in Bolgarija leta 2001. V začetku leta 2002 so bile v pripravo biltena vključene še Ciper, Estonija, Latvija in Litva, publikacija pa je dobila novo ime – Statistični bilten CANSTAT. Sodelujoče države imajo tako na eni strani uporabno orodje za medsebojno sodelovanje, izmenjavo idej in izkušenj, na drugi pa osnovo za nove skupne projekte med državami kandidatkami. Glavni cilji Statističnega biltena CANSTAT so: • izdelava, objava in diseminacija kratkoročnih socialnogospodarskih kazalnikov sodelujočih držav z namenom izboljšati preglednost (transparentnost); • izboljšanje kakovosti statističnih podatkov in informacij z uporabo enakih splošnih metodologij, kot jih uporabljajo mednarodne institucije, kot so Eurostat, UN/ECE, ILO, MDS, Svetovna banka ipd.; • zagotavljanje primerljivosti med državami in v času, • zadovoljevanje potreb uporabnikov (domače in mednarodne javnosti ter nevladnih organizacij, raziskovalnih inštitutov, poslovnih centrov, univerz ipd.) po podatkih. Državni statistični uradi držav kandidatk namenjajo tem zadevam posebno pozornost, zato bo Statistični bilten CANSTAT dostopen tudi na spletnih straneh državnega statističnega urada vsake kandidatke. Uredniški odbor “Statističnega biltena CANSTAT” Bukarešta TABLE OF CONTENTS VSEBINA TABEL VII CONTENTS VSEBINA ............................................................................................................................................................................................ VII GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS IN 2002 SPLOŠNE ZNAČILNOSTI V LETU 2002 .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1. SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 1.1 Employment by activities (NACE classification, LFS) Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE, ADS) ............................................................................... 3 1.2 Unemployment by sex (LFS) Brezposelnost po spolu (ADS) ............................................................................................................................................. 9 1.3 Economic activity rate and unemployment rate by sex (LFS methodology) Stopnje aktivnosti in stopnje anketne brezposelnosti po spolu (ADS) ................................................................................. 10 1.4 Unemployment rate by age groups (LFS) Stopnje anketne brezposelnosti po starostnih skupinah (ADS) ........................................................................................... 13 1.5 Retired persons (end of period) Upokojenci (konec obdobja) ................................................................................................................................................ 14 1.6 Pensions Pokojnine ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15 1.7 Monthly gross nominal wages and salaries Povprečne mesečne bruto nominalne plače ........................................................................................................................ 15 1.8 Index of monthly real wages and salaries Indeks mesečnih realnih plač .............................................................................................................................................. 16 1.9 Indices of monthly gross nominal wages and salaries by activities (NACE classification) Indeksi mesečnih bruto nominalnih plač po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) ............................................................ 16 1.10 Structure of household average expenditure (Household Budget Survey) - monetary expenditure Struktura povprečnih izdatkov v gospodinjstvih (Anketa o porabi gospodinjstev) – denarni izdatki .................................... 22 1.11 Monthly average consumption of selected foodstuffs per capita (Household Budget Survey) Povprečna mesečna poraba posameznih živil na prebivalca (Anketa o porabi gospodinjstev) .......................................... 25 2. ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI National Accounts – Nacionalni računi 2.1 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by expenditure (current prices) Bruto domači proizvod po izdatkovni strukturi (tekoče cene) .............................................................................................. 27 2.2 GDP volume indices by expenditure Indeksi obsega bruto domačega proizvoda po izdatkovni strukturi ..................................................................................... 30 2.3 Structure of gross value added by activities (NACE classification, current prices) Struktura bruto dodane vrednosti po področjih dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1, tekoče cene) ................................. 34 TABLE OF CONTENTS VSEBINA TABEL VIII 2.4 Foreign direct investment position (end of period) - millions of USD Stanje tujih neposrednih naložb (konec obdobja) - v milijonih USD .................................................................................... 37 2.4.a Foreign direct investment (end of period) - in percent of GDP Stanje tujih neposrednih naložb (konec obdobja) - delež v BDP ......................................................................................... 38 Finance – Finance 2.5 Central government budget Državni proračun ................................................................................................................................................................. 39 2.6 Foreign debt (end of period) Zunanji dolg (konec obdobja) .............................................................................................................................................. 40 2.7 Deficit / surplus of general government budget in percent of GDP Primankljaj oz. presežek širšega sektorja države, delež v BDP .......................................................................................... 41 2.8 General government debt (end of period) - millions of USD Državni dolg (konec obdobja) - v milijonih USD .................................................................................................................. 42 2.8.a General government debt (end of period) - in percent of GDP Državni dolg (konec obdobja) - delež v BDP ....................................................................................................................... 43 2.9 Balance of payments - millions of USD Plačilna bilanca - v milijonih USD ........................................................................................................................................ 44 2.9.a Balance of payments - current account, in percent of GDP Plačilna bilanca - tekoči račun, delež v BDP ....................................................................................................................... 49 2.10 Money (M1) - (end of period) Denar (M1) - (konec obdobja) .............................................................................................................................................. 50 2.11 Quasi money (end of period) Kvazi denar (konec obdobja) ............................................................................................................................................... 51 2.12 Exchange rates Devizni tečaji ........................................................................................................................................................................ 51 2.13 Official discount rate (end of period) Uradna eskontna stopnja (konec obdobja) .......................................................................................................................... 53 2.14 Average interest rates of commercial banks Povprečne obrestne mere poslovnih bank .......................................................................................................................... 54 Prices – Cene 2.15 Consumer price indices Indeksi cen življenjskih potrebščin ....................................................................................................................................... 55 2.16 Consumer price indices (COICOP classification) Indeksi cen življenjskih potrebščin (klasifikacija COICOP) .................................................................................................. 55 2.17 Industrial production price indices Indeksi cen industrijskih proizvodov pri proizvajalcih ........................................................................................................... 58 TABLE OF CONTENTS VSEBINA TABEL IX 2.18 Construction work price indices Indeksi cen gradbenih del .................................................................................................................................................... 59 2.19 Foreign trade price indices Indeksi cen zunanje trgovine ............................................................................................................................................... 59 2.20 Terms of trade Pogoji menjave .................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Agriculture – Kmetijstvo 2.21 Total agricultural output volume indices Indeksi obsega vse kmetijske pridelave .............................................................................................................................. 61 2.22 Sales or procurement of main agricultural products Prodaja ali preskrba z najpomembnejšimi kmetijskimi pridelki ............................................................................................ 61 Industry – Industrija 2.23 Industrial production volume indices Indeksi obsega industrijske proizvodnje .............................................................................................................................. 65 2.24 Industrial production volume indices by activities (NACE classification) Indeksi obsega industrijske proizvodnje po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) ............................................................ 65 2.25 Manufacturing volume indices by selected branches (NACE classification) Indeksi obsega proizvodnje po izbranih panogah (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) .................................................................... 67 2.26 Industrial productivity volume indices Indeksi produktivnosti v industriji ......................................................................................................................................... 71 Construction – Gradbeništvo 2.27 Construction output volume indices Indeksi obsega proizvodnje v gradbeništvu ......................................................................................................................... 72 Retail trade – Trgovina na drobno 2.28 Retail trade turnover volume indices Indeksi fizičnega obsega prometa v trgovini na drobno ....................................................................................................... 72 Foreign trade – Zunanja trgovina 2.29 Foreign trade volume indices Indeksi obsega zunanje trgovine ......................................................................................................................................... 73 2.30 Imports and exports (current prices) Uvoz in izvoz (tekoče cene) ................................................................................................................................................. 74 2.31 Foreign trade with EU-15 (current prices) Blagovna menjava z državami EU-15 (tekoče cene) ........................................................................................................... 75 TABLE OF CONTENTS VSEBINA TABEL X 2.32 Structure of imports by SITC commodity groups (current prices) Struktura uvoza po sektorjih SMTK (tekoče cene) ............................................................................................................. 76 2.33 Structure of exports by SITC commodity groups (current prices) Struktura izvoza po sektorjih SMTK (tekoče cene) .............................................................................................................. 79 Transport – Transport 2.34 Freight transport Blagovni prevoz ................................................................................................................................................................... 82 2.35 Passengers transport Potniški prevoz .................................................................................................................................................................... 84 Tourism – Turizem 2.36 International tourism Mednarodni turizem ............................................................................................................................................................. 86 GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 88 SLOVAR ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 98 METHODOLOGICAL NOTES ............................................................................................................................................................ 104 METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA ......................................................................................................................................................... 122 TABLE OF CONTENTS VSEBINA TABEL XI NOTE Some annual and quarterly data have a preliminary character. During the year some of them are regularly revised when additional information is available, and others may be corrected. Data and information corrected in comparision with the previous issues are printed in bold letters. OPOMBA Nekateri letni in četrtletni podatki so začasni. Nekateri od njih se med letom redno ažurirajo, ko so na voljo dodatne informacije, drugi pa se lahko spreminjajo. Spremenjeni podatki in besedilo v primerjavi s predhodno izdajo so poudarjeni. Symbols – Kratice in znamenja Bulgaria BG Bolgarija Cyprus CY Ciper Czech Republic CZ Češka republika Estonia EE Estonija Hungary HU Madžarska Latvia LV Latvija Lithuania LT Litva Poland PL Poljska Romania RO Romunija Republic of Slovenia SI Slovenija Slovak Republic SK Slovaška New bulgarian lev BGN (Novi) bolgarski lev Cypriot pound CYP Ciperski funt Czech koruna CZK Češka krona Estonian kroon EEK Estonska krona Forint HUF Forint Latvian lats LVL Latvijski lat Lithuanian litas LTL Litvanski lit New polish zloty PLN (Novi) poljski zlot Romanian leu ROL Romunski lev Slovenian tolar SIT Slovenski tolar Slovak koruna SKK Coroana slovacă USA dollar Purchasing Power Standard USD PPS Ameriški dolar Standard kupne moči (SKM) European currency EURO Evropska valuta Estimate E Ocena Provisional data P Začasni podatki Not available . Ni podatka No data – Ni pojava Not applicable x Ni možno prikazati Modified table in comparison with 2001 editions • Spremenjena tabela v primerjavi z letom 2001 See: Methodological notes * Glej metodološka pojasnila Magnitude more than zero but less than the least unit expressible in the table Break in series, data are not fully comparable 0.0 0.00 _______ Podatek je večji od nič vendar manjši od 0,0 oziroma 0,00 Prekinitev serije, podatki niso popolnoma primerljivi GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS SPLOŠNE ZNAČILNOSTI 1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS IN 2002 SPLOŠNE ZNAČILNOSTI V LETU 2002 Country Surface area in km2 Population - in thousands Prebivalstvo – v tisoč Density of population per km2 (end of the year) GDP per capita in PPS BDP na prebivalca v standardih kupne moči (SKM) Država Površina v km2 mid year sredi leta end of the year konec leta Gostota prebivalstva na km2 (konec leta) 2000 2001 BG 111 002 7 868 7 846 70.7 5 783 a) 5 706 a) CY 9 251b) 798.9 b) 804.7 b) 87 b) 17 110 17 180 CZ 78 866 10 201 10 203 129 12 701 13 752 EE 45 228 1 359 1 356 31.2 . . HU 93 030 10 159 10 142 109 12 224 13 455 LV 64 589 2 338.6 2 331.5 36.1 6 970 c) 7 840 c) LT 65 300 3 469.1 3462.5 53.0 8 070 d) 8 960 d) PL 312 685 38 230 e) 38 215 122 . 9 406 RO 238 391 21 794.8 21 772.8 91.4 5 290 5 620 SI 20 273 1 996 1 995 98.4 15 890 16 830 SK 49 033 5 379 5 379 109.7 . . a) Data source: EUROSTAT. - Vir podatkov: Evrostat b) Data cover the whole of Cyprus. All other data refer to the Government controlled area only. - Podatki zajemajo ves Ciper. Vsi drugi podatki zajemajo le območje pod nadzorom vlade. c) Data source: Statistics in focus, EUROSTAT, Theme 2-20/2003. - Vir podatkov: Statistics in focus, Evrostat, tema 2-20/2003. d) Source: New Cronos Eurostat’s data base. - Vir: baza podatkov New Cronos, Eurostat. e) Data based on the results of the National Census 2002. - Podatki temeljijo na rezultatih Popisa v letu 2002. BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK Agricultural land in per cent of total area (end of the year) Delež kmetijskih zemljišč od vseh zemljišč, konec leta (%) 48.0 34.2 54.18 f) 15.4 g) 63.1 38.3 53.4 59.1 62.2 25.1 h) 49.7 Urban population in per cent of total (end of the year) Delež mestnega prebivalstva od skupnega prebivalstva, konec leta (%) 69.7 69.0 i) 73.8 f) 69.2 64.9 67.8 66.9 61.8 53.4 50.8 e) 56.0 Women in per cent of total population (end of the year) Delež žensk od skupnega prebivalstva, konec leta (%) 51.4 50.9 i) 51.3 53.9 52.5 54.0 53.3 51.6 51.2 51.1 51.5 Population by age groups in per cent of total (end of the year) Prebivalstvo po starostnih skupinah, delež od skupnega prebivalstva, konec leta: 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0e) 100.0 100.0 100.0 – 14 14.6 21.5 i) 15.6 16.6 16.1 16.0 18.3 18.1 17.0 15.0 18.0 15 – 24 13.9 15.5 i) 14.1 15.1 13.7 15.1 15.0 16.9 15.6 14.0 16.6 25 – 59 49.0 46.9 i) 51.4 46.5 49.4 46.9 46.7 48.0 48.2 50.9 49.5 60 + 22.5 16.1 i) 18.9 21.8 20.8 22.0 20.0 17.0 19.2 20.1 15.9 Economically active population in per cent of total Delež aktivnega prebivalstva od skupnega prebivalstva (%) 48.1 47.6 50.4 57.9 40.6 61.8 46.9 45.0 47.1 47.7 48.6 Marriages per 1000 inhabitants Sklenitve zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev 3.7 15.1 i) 5.2 4.3 4.5 4.2 4.7 5.0 5.9 3.5P 4.7 Divorces per 1000 inhabitants Razveze zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev 1.3 1.7 i) 3.1 3.0 2.5 2.5 3.1 1.2 1.46 1.2P 2.0 Live-births per 1000 inhabitants Živorojeni na 1000 prebivalcev 8.5 11.6 i) 9.1 9.6 9.5 8.6 8.6 9.3 9.7 8.8P 9.5 Deaths per 1000 inhabitants Umrli na 1000 prebivalcev 14.3 6.9 i) 10.6 13.5 13.1 13.9 11.8 9.4 12.4 9.3P 9.6 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS SPLOŠNE ZNAČILNOSTI 2 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS IN 2002 SPLOŠNE ZNAČILNOSTI V LETU 2002 end of table – konec tabele BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK Deaths up to 1 year per 1000 live-births Umrli dojenčki na 1000 živorojenih 13.2 4.9 i) 4.1 5.7 7.2 9.8 7.9 7.5 17.3 3.9P 7.6 Natural increase per 1000 inhabitants Naravni prirast na 1000 prebivalcev -5.8 4.8 i) -1.5 -3.9 -3.2 -5.3 -3.2 -0.1 -2.7 -0.6P -0.1 Expectation of life at birth (in years) Pričakovano trajanje življenja ob rojstvu, v letih M 68.6 76.1 i) 72.07 65.2 68.26 65.4 66.2 . 67.61 . 69.9 F 75.3 81.0 i) 78.41 77.0 76.56 76.8 77.6 . 74.90 . 77.6 Expectation of life at the age of 65 (in years) Pričakovano trajanje življenja oseb, starih 65 let, v letih M 13.0 16.5 i) 13.93 12.7 13.04 12.1 13.3 . 13.32 . 13.3 F 15.6 19.1 i) 17.16 17.3 16.79 18.1 17.9 . 16.01 . 16.9 Net migration rate per 1000 inhabitans Selitveni prirast na 1000 prebivalcev . 6.6 i) 1.2 . 0.3 -0.8 -0.6 -0.5 -0.07 1.2P 0.1 Average useful floor space of a dwelling completed (in m2) Povprečna uporabna površina dokončanih stanovanj (m2) 91.0 186.2 i) 104.9 99.2 94.1 236.3 100.9 99.3 104.9 118.4 i) 117.8 Number of dwellings completed per 1000 inhabitants Število dokončanih stanovanj na 1000 prebivalcev 0.7 9.5 i) 2.7 0.8 3.1 0.34 1.3 2.6 1.3 3.2 i) 2.6 Number of passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants (end of the year) Število osebnih avtomobilov na 1000 prebivalcev, konec leta 262.3 404 357.5 295.5 259 266 341 289 . 446 247 Number of cell-phones subscribers per 1000 inhabitants (end of the year) Število mobi naročnikov na 1000 prebivalcev, konec leta 189.2 588 844.1 650.7 678 . 471 248.6 234.0 876.6 543 Number of telephone subscribers per 1000 inhabitants (end of the year) Število telefonskih naročnikov na 1000 prebivalcev, konec leta 368.5 601 1 201.4 351.5 362 j) 301 268 283.0 193.0 500.3 261 Number of internet subscribers per 1000 inhabitants (end of the year) Število internet naročnikov na 1000 prebivalcev, konec leta 17.0 109 161.2 76.4 k) 44 72 i) 68 l) . . 450 25 f) Source of data: Real Estate Register as of 31 December 2002. - Vir podatkov: Real Estate Register, 31. december 2002. g) Share of utilized agricultural land. - Delež kmetijskih zemljišč v uporabi. h) Data are for year 2000. - Podatki za 2000. i) Data refer to the year 2001. - Podatki za leto 2001. j) Including ISDN lines. - Vključno z ISDN linijami. k)The data are not complete. - Podatki niso popolni. l) Data for 2001. Source: Statistic in Focus, Eurostat, Theme 4-17/2002.I. - Podatki za 2001. Vir: Statistics in Focus, Evrostat, tema 4-17/2002. l. SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 3 1. SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 1.1. Employment by activities (NACE classification, LFS) * Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE, ADS) * Country Država Total - Skupaj (O) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 2 795 2 699 2 740 2 650 2 800 2 804 2 704 2 704 CY 279 294 315 . 315 . . . CZ 4 676 4 684 4 730 4 686 4 732 4 747 4 755 4 703 EE 573 578 586 575 581 597 589 577 HU 3 856 3 868 3 871 3 840 3 868 3 886 3 889 3 860 LV 940 962 989 950 987 1 010 997 994 LT 1 518 1 352 1 406 1 356 1 426 1 443 1 399 1 388 PL 14 526 14 207 13 782 13 697 13 821 13 888 13 722 13 589 RO 10 764 10 697 9 673 9 214 9 857 10 062 9 560 8 806 SI 901 917 910 919 922 910 886 885 SK 2 102 2 124 2 127 2 105 2 114 2 138 2 151 2 131 Country Država Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing – Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo in ribištvo (A + B) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 298 255 263 232 299 293 229 224 CY 15 14 16 . 16 . . . CZ 241 225 228 224 232 227 229 215 EE 41 40 41 39 38 47 40 34 HU 255 243 241 238 243 246 237 208 LV 136 145 152 149 151 165 140 134 LT 298 234 251 237 265 266 234 231 PL 2 727 2 719 2 663 2 562 2 714 2 822 2 555 2 395 RO 4 607 4 527 3 534 3 136 3 683 3 882 3 434 2 959 SI 89 94 83 94 89 82 70 73 SK 140 131 131 130 139 133 123 120 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 4 1.1. Employment by activities (NACE classification, LFS) * Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE, ADS) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Mining and quarrying - Rudarstvo ( C ) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 42 41 36 36 40 35 33 44 CY 1 1 1 . 1 . . . CZ 71 67 61 65 65 59 55 53 EE 7 6 6 5 5 6 7 6 HU 20 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 LV 2 1 3 4 2 3 5 2 LT 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 PL 292 274 258 252 272 277 230 236 RO 163 150 149 154 152 153 137 149 SI 6 5 4 4 4 4 6 5 SK 25 22 21 22 21 21 21 21 Country Država Manufacturing – Predelovalne dejavnosti (D) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 676 650 660 648 667 666 657 657 CY 36 38 39 . 39 . . . CZ 1 282 1 310 1 318 1 313 1 326 1 316 1 318 1 296 EE 129 134 128 132 128 119 134 135 HU 937 961 960 969 962 956 954 927 LV 170 156 167 167 165 166 174 186 LT 272 243 261 252 254 262 273 268 PL 2 901 2 830 2 575 2 666 2 606 2 501 2 527 2 563 RO 2 054 2 025 2 063 2 047 2 101 2 056 2 047 1 975 SI 274 279 280 282 287 280 273 272 SK 540 554 574 570 570 576 577 570 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 5 1.1. Employment by activities (NACE classification, LFS) * Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE, ADS) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Electricity, gas and water supply – Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo ( E ) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 58 59 61 64 62 59 60 57 CY 3 3 3 . 3 . . . CZ 78 87 84 88 86 84 77 77 EE 15 11 11 13 12 9 9 11 HU 81 80 74 76 73 75 73 70 LV 21 19 22 24 24 18 24 17 LT 36 35 28 25 28 31 29 28 PL 264 269 263 258 252 269 273 254 RO 196 199 203 217 216 194 188 188 SI 11 12 10 11 11 10 9 9 SK 50 53 46 48 44 47 46 46 Country Država Construction - Gradbeništvo ( F ) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 160 129 139 126 145 146 138 138 CY 28 29 31 . 31 . . . CZ 439 428 425 416 421 428 436 437 EE 40 39 39 38 34 40 44 39 HU 267 272 271 262 267 277 278 274 LV 56 68 60 49 61 64 65 62 LT 88 85 93 76 105 98 94 90 PL 1 024 958 852 836 815 876 880 776 RO 403 430 430 383 421 472 443 406 SI 49 54 55 55 54 53 56 52 SK 168 170 176 167 171 180 185 174 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 6 1.1. Employment by activities (NACE classification, LFS) * Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE, ADS) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Trade and repair – Trgovina, popravila motornih vozil ( G ) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 414 406 411 404 422 416 403 423 CY 51 54 59 . 59 . . . CZ 613 605 620 609 617 625 628 627 EE 79 84 86 85 86 87 87 78 HU 543 550 552 549 555 552 551 557 LV 145 160 148 142 145 155 148 155 LT 219 206 211 200 212 222 211 210 PL 2 044 2 007 1 955 1 923 1 969 1 971 1 958 2 003 RO 928 952 905 861 863 938 956 808 SI 113 113 117 116 120 119 113 107 SK 260 256 272 266 272 273 275 271 Country Država Hotels and restaurants – Gostinstvo ( H ) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 135 117 125 111 135 135 121 114 CY 27 27 28 . 28 . . . CZ 156 159 171 165 172 171 175 172 EE 20 17 18 15 21 23 13 13 HU 134 143 137 136 138 141 134 134 LV 22 22 24 27 22 28 23 21 LT 30 26 28 25 24 34 30 24 PL 241 253 253 249 260 269 232 215 RO 123 131 117 117 113 128 112 111 SI 34 33 35 34 36 36 32 33 SK 65 72 69 66 65 70 72 73 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 7 1.1. Employment by activities (NACE classification, LFS) * Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE, ADS) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Transport, storage and communication – Promet, skladiščenje in zveze ( I ) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 218 208 217 208 219 220 219 210 CY 16 17 16 . 16 . . . CZ 373 363 368 366 370 371 364 359 EE 57 54 55 53 57 58 50 49 HU 313 313 310 312 315 306 307 301 LV 79 78 86 84 82 93 86 84 LT 98 86 87 90 86 87 87 93 PL 893 852 832 848 847 826 807 841 RO 511 519 478 487 474 475 476 463 SI 58 58 58 58 55 59 60 61 SK 167 162 154 158 153 154 153 153 Country Država Financial activities – Finančno posredništvo ( J ) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2001 2002 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 32 38 38 37 37 39 38 32 CY 16 18 18 . 18 . . . CZ 100 101 95 94 97 96 94 94 EE 8 7 8 9 7 9 7 6 HU 84 79 75 79 77 73 72 69 LV 12 14 13 12 10 15 14 19 LT 16 11 14 15 13 12 16 18 PL 380 340 314 318 326 311 302 295 RO 93 76 80 93 76 74 77 90 SI 22 23 22 21 22 24 22 22 SK 37 38 40 39 38 41 41 43 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 8 1.1. Employment by activities (NACE classification, LFS) * Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE, ADS) * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Real estate renting and business activities - Nepremičnine, najem, poslovne storitve ( K ) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 89 109 109 101 105 117 114 112 CY 16 16 18 . 18 . . . CZ 266 256 269 256 263 274 284 279 EE 40 38 44 39 48 46 44 44 HU 205 219 233 225 227 236 242 261 LV 45 41 39 33 42 38 40 42 LT 47 41 55 56 55 58 51 55 PL 531 627 675 671 655 678 695 694 RO 132 124 141 125 149 147 144 149 SI 47 47 46 46 45 46 48 51 SK 91 104 103 104 102 102 104 106 Country Država Other activities – Druge dejavnosti ( L,M,N,O,P,Q ) in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 666 680 678 680 665 676 691 692 CY 71 77 86 . 86 . . . CZ 1 056 1 081 1 088 1 087 1 080 1 092 1 093 1 092 EE 137 147 151 150 145 153 154 161 HU 1 017 995 1 003 979 996 1 009 1 026 1 044 LV 253 257 274 259 284 266 278 273 LT 410 382 374 375 381 369 369 367 PL 3 229 3 078 3 142 3 114 3 106 3 089 3 260 3 317 RO 1 554 1 564 1 573 1 594 1 609 1 543 1 546 1 508 SI 189 190 193 191 199 192 192 200 SK 559 562 541 532 539 540 554 553 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 9 1.2. Unemployment by sex (LFS) * Brezposelnost po spolu (ADS) * Country Država Total – Skupaj in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 567 664 592 642 599 585 544 500 CY 14 12 11 . 11 . . . CZ 454 418 374 392 358 372 375 388 EE 90 83 67 73 61 60 75 69 HU 264 234 239 236 229 246 244 265 LV 159 145 135 141 151 119 131 119 LT 276 284 224 280 213 195 210 219 PL 2 785 3 170 3 431 3 480 3 432 3 436 3 375 3 513 RO 821 750 884 1 029 862 816 828 779 SI 68 63 62 68 58 58 62 67 SK 485 508 487 509 486 480 473 483 Country Država Men – Moški in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 306 364 328 356 329 324 303 278 CY 6 5 5 . 5 . . . CZ 212 193 169 183 164 165 164 171 EE 50 44 36 40 34 28 43 36 HU 159 142 138 142 135 137 138 153 LV 87 82 75 76 87 63 77 64 LT 159 166 121 158 110 103 114 121 PL 1 345 1 583 1 779 1 825 1 788 1 736 1 766 1 870 RO 482 436 515 619 490 460 490 477 SI 35 31 31 34 30 30 31 35 SK 265 283 264 281 263 258 254 270 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 10 1.2. Unemployment by sex (LFS) * Brezposelnost po spolu (ADS) * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Women – Ženske in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 260 300 265 286 270 261 241 222 CY 9 7 6 . 6 . . . CZ 243 225 205 208 193 207 211 217 EE 41 39 31 32 27 33 33 32 HU 105 92 101 94 94 109 106 112 LV 72 63 60 64 64 56 55 55 LT 117 118 103 122 103 92 96 98 PL 1 441 1 587 1 652 1 655 1 644 1 701 1 608 1 643 RO 339 314 369 410 372 356 338 302 SI 32 32 31 34 28 28 31 31 SK 220 225 223 228 223 222 218 213 1.3. Economic activity rate and unemployment rate by sex (LFS methodology) * Stopnje aktivnosti in stopnje anketne brezposelnosti po spolu (ADS) * Country Država Economic activity rate – total – Stopnje aktivnosti – skupaj in per cent – v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 48.8 49.6 49.4 48.5 50.3 50.5 48.4 48.0 CY 60.1 61.7 61.9 . 61.9 . . . CZ 60.4 60.0 59.8 59.5 59.6 59.9 60.0 59.5 EE 59.1 58.8 57.9 57.6 56.9 58.3 58.9 57.1 HU 49.3 49.0 49.1 48.7 48.9 49.3 49.3 49.2 LV 56.3 56.6 61.8 60.0 62.6 62.1 62.1 61.3 LT 60.4 58.4 57.9 58.1 58.2 58.2 57.1 56.8 PL 56.6 56.3 55.4 55.5 55.6 55.6 55.0 54.8 RO 63.2 62.2 57.1 55.4 58.0 58.8 56.2 53.0 SI 57.9 58.3 57.5 58.5 58.1 57.2 56.0 56.2 SK 60.3 60.7 60.2 60.2 59.9 60.3 60.4 60.1 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 11 1.3. Economic activity rate and unemployment rate by sex (LFS methodology) * Stopnje aktivnosti in stopnje anketne brezposelnosti po spolu (ADS) * continued – nadaljevanje Country Država Economic activity rate – Stopnje aktivnosti men – moški in per cent – v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 54.0 54.2 54.3 53.3 55.1 55.6 53.2 53.1 CY 72.8 73.1 72.2 . 72.2 . . . CZ 69.8 69.4 69.3 69.0 69.2 69.4 69.4 68.8 EE 67.6 66.8 65.8 66.2 64.8 66.0 66.2 63.7 HU 58.1 57.8 57.6 57.2 57.5 58.0 57.8 57.4 LV 64.6 64.6 68.4 66.5 69.1 69.4 68.4 68.3 LT 67.1 64.9 64.4 64.5 65.0 64.6 63.6 63.3 PL 64.1 63.8 62.9 63.0 62.9 63.0 62.6 62.3 RO 70.6 69.2 64.5 63.3 65.1 65.8 63.9 61.3 SI 64.5 65.1 64.2 65.6 64.7 63.5 62.8 58.7 SK 68.6 69.2 68.5 68.6 68.0 68.5 68.8 68.2 Country Država Economic activity rate – Stopnje aktivnosti Women – ženske in per cent – v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 44.0 45.3 44.9 44.1 45.8 45.7 43.9 43.2 CY 48.2 50.9 52.4 . 52.4 . . . CZ 51.6 51.3 50.9 50.7 50.8 51.0 51.3 50.9 EE 52.1 52.2 51.5 50.6 50.5 52.1 52.9 51.7 HU 41.6 41.3 41.6 41.2 41.4 41.8 41.9 42.1 LV 49.6 50.1 56.0 54.4 57.0 55.1 56.6 55.1 LT 54.8 53.0 52.4 52.7 52.5 52.7 51.7 51.3 PL 49.7 49.5 48.6 48.6 49.0 48.9 48.0 48.0 RO 56.4 55.7 50.2 48.1 51.3 52.3 49.0 45.3 SI 51.7 51.8 51.2 51.8 51.9 51.3 49.7 49.7 SK 52.6 53.0 52.6 52.4 52.4 52.8 52.7 52.6 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 12 1.3. Economic activity rate and unemployment rate by sex (LFS methodology) * Stopnje aktivnosti in stopnje anketne brezposelnosti po spolu (ADS) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Unemployment rate – Stopnje anketne brezposelnosti in per cent – v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 16.9 19.7 17.8 19.5 17.6 17.3 16.8 15.6 CY 4.9 4.0 3.3 . 3.3 . . . CZ 8.8 8.1 7.3 7.7 7.0 7.2 7.3 7.6 EE 13.6 12.6 10.3 11.2 9.4 9.1 11.3 10.6 HU 6.4 5.7 5.8 5.8 5.6 5.9 5.9 6.4 LV 14.4 13.1 12.0 12.9 13.3 10.5 11.6 10.7 LT 15.4 17.4 13.8 17.1 13.0 11.9 13.0 13.6 PL 16.1 18.2 19.9 20.3 19.9 19.8 19.7 20.5 RO 7.1 6.6 8.4 10.0 8.0 7.5 8.0 8.1 SI 7.0 6.4 6.4 6.9 5.9 6.0 6.5 7.0 SK 18.6 19.2 18.5 19.4 18.6 18.2 17.9 18.4 Country Država Unemployment rate – Stopnje anketne brezposelnosti men – moški in per cent – v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 17.1 20.5 18.6 20.4 18.3 18.0 17.6 16.3 CY 3.2 2.7 2.6 . 2.6 . . . CZ 7.3 6.7 5.9 6.4 5.7 5.7 5.7 6.0 EE 14.5 12.9 10.8 12.1 10.3 8.2 12.7 11.3 HU 7.0 6.3 6.1 6.3 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.8 LV 15.4 14.4 12.9 13.6 14.8 10.7 13.2 11.1 LT 17.3 19.9 14.6 19.0 13.2 12.3 13.9 14.8 PL 14.4 16.9 19.1 19.6 19.2 18.6 19.0 20.2 RO 7.7 7.1 8.9 10.9 8.4 7.8 8.6 8.9 SI 6.8 5.9 5.9 6.4 5.7 5.7 5.9 6.9 SK 18.6 19.5 18.4 19.5 18.4 18.0 17.6 18.9 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 13 1.3. Economic activity rate and unemployment rate by sex (LFS methodology) * Stopnje aktivnosti in stopnje anketne brezposelnosti po spolu (ADS) * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Unemployment rate – Stopnje anketne brezposelnosti women - ženske in per cent – v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 16.6 18.8 16.9 18.5 16.9 16.4 15.8 14.8 CY 7.4 5.8 4.2 . 4.2 . . . CZ 10.6 9.9 9.0 9.2 8.6 9.1 9.2 9.6 EE 12.6 12.2 9.7 10.3 8.5 10.1 9.9 10.0 HU 5.6 5.0 5.4 5.1 5.1 5.8 5.7 5.9 LV 13.5 11.7 11.0 12.2 11.6 10.3 10.0 10.3 LT 13.3 14.7 12.9 15.2 12.8 11.4 12.2 12.4 PL 18.1 19.8 20.9 21.0 20.7 21.3 20.6 21.0 RO 6.4 5.9 7.7 9.0 7.6 7.1 7.2 7.1 SI 7.3 7.0 6.8 7.6 6.3 6.3 7.2 7.2 SK 18.6 18.8 18.7 19.2 18.8 18.5 18.3 17.8 1.4. Unemployment rate by age groups (LFS) * Stopnje anketne brezposelnosti po starostnih skupinah (ADS) * Country Država Total age group up to 24 – Skupaj, starostna skupina do 24 let in per cent – v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 35.3 39.5 36.5 40.2 34.7 35.5 35.4 30.8 CY 10.5 8.4 7.7 . 7.7 . . . CZ 17.0 16.6 16.0 16.5 14.6 16.9 15.9 17.0 EE 23.8 22.2 17.6 17.2 17.3 16.6 19.2 18.1 HU 10.1 11.2 12.6 11.8 11.4 14.2 13.1 14.4 LV 22.5 22.2 20.8 18.9 25.6 18.0 20.8 17.0 LT 29.0 31.1 23.0 30.0 20.4 20.5 21.1 24.4 PL 35.1 41.0 43.9 45.5 43.5 43.2 43.6 46.5 RO 18.6 17.5 21.8 25.6 20.8 19.6 21.2 21.7 SI 16.8 18.1 16.7 18.4 15.0 16.4 17.1 19.2 SK 35.2 37.3 36.1 37.2 36.1 36.1 34.8 33.4 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 14 1.4. Unemployment rate by age groups(LFS) * Stopnje anketne brezposelnosti po starostnih skupinah (ADS) * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Total age group 25 or more – Skupaj, starostna skupina 25 let ali več in per cent – v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 14.7 17.4 15.7 17.2 15.7 15.2 14.8 14.0 CY 4.3 3.4 2.8 . 2.8 . . . CZ 7.4 6.9 6.2 6.5 6.0 6.0 6.2 6.4 EE 12.1 11.2 9.4 10.6 8.6 8.2 10.3 9.8 HU 5.4 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.9 5.1 5.5 LV 13.4 11.9 10.8 12.1 11.6 9.4 10.4 9.9 LT 13.7 15.8 12.8 15.7 12.2 10.9 12.3 12.5 PL 13.3 15.0 16.7 17.1 16.8 16.5 16.3 17.5 RO 5.3 4.9 6.4 7.6 6.1 5.6 6.1 6.3 SI 5.6 4.9 5.1 5.5 4.9 4.7 5.3 5.6 SK 15.3 15.7 15.3 16.1 15.4 14.9 14.8 15.8 1.5. Retired persons (end of period) * Upokojenci (konec obdobja) * Year Thousands – Tisoč Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO a) SI SK 1999 2 381 97 2 573 371 3 141 651 941 9 465 4 228 463 1 195 2000 2 375 102 2 594 367 3 103 641 955 9 373 4 402 471 1 199 2001 2 298 106 2 611 371 3 084 630 948 9 279 4 584 479 1 192 2002 2 344 112 2 605 371 3 070 619 937 9 229 4 701 . 1 201 2003 Year In percent of total population – Delež upokojencev od skupnega prebivalstva (%) Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO a) SI SK 1999 29.0 14.1 25.0 27.1 30.7 27.4 26.8 24.5 18.8 23.3 22.2 2000 29.1 14.7 25.3 26.8 30.4 27.1 27.4 24.3 19.6 23.7 22.2 2001 29.9 15.1 25.4 27.2 30.3 26.9 27.3 24.0 20.5 24.0 22.2 2002 29.9 15.7 25.6 27.3 30.2 26.6 27.1 23.9 21.5 . 22.3 2003 a) Average number. - Povprečje. SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 15 1.6. Pensions * Pokojnine * Year Average monthly pension in national currency – Povprečna mesečna pokojnina v nacionalni valuti Leto BG BGN CY CYP CZ CZK EE EEK HU HUE LV LVL LT LTL PL PLN RO ROL SI SIT SK SKK 1999 66.93 175 5 779 1 394 29 639 57.31 308 762 689 095 75 486 4 521 2000 86.41 184 6 169 1 390 32 986 56.78 311 821 938 063 82 868 5 010 2001 92.37 193 6 687 1 477 38 374 56.98 312 911 1 337 202 89 969 5 384 2002 94.42 . 6 703 1 677 44 445 60.45 321 973 1 688 885 98 187 5 692 2003 Year Pensions in per cent of GDP – Deleži pokojnin v BDP (%) Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO a) SI SK 1999 8.4 4.4 9.4 8.4 9.8 11.7 8.4 14.1 7.4 12.7 7.6 2000 9.7 4.4 9.3 7.6 9.3 10.2 7.9 13.0 7.1 12.8 7.7 2001 9.0 4.5 9.0 6.9 9.5 9.2 7.4 13.6 7.3 12.5 7.6 2002 . . 9.2 5.1 10.0 . 7.2 14.0 7.3 . 7.6 2003 a) Computed based on the data from the state budget, state social security budget and other special funds. - Izračunano na podlagi podatkov iz državnega proračuna, proračuna za zdravstveno varstvo in drugih posebnih sredstev. 1.7. Monthly gross nominal wages and salaries * Povprečne mesečne bruto nominalne plače * Country, national currency Država, nacionalna valuta In national currency – V nacionalni valuti 2000 2001 2002 2002 2002 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN 225 240 272 256 265 268 275 272 CY CYP 852 895 . . . . . . CZ CZK 13 614 14 793 15 857 14 341 16 021 15 567 17 513 15 407 EE EEK 4 907 5 510 6 144 5 721 6 353 5 853 6 512 6 333 HU HUF 87 645 103 558 122 453 111 738 117 101 116 836 144 004 128 750 LV LVL 150 159 173 161 171 174 185 178 LT LTL 971 982 1 119 1 089 1 113 1 127 1 145 1 125 PL PLN 1 894 2 045 2 133 2 156 2 062 2 096 2 225 2 229 RO ROL 2 840 449 4 220 357 5 452 097 5 004 791 5 413 853 5 457 395 5 932 349 6 304 419 SI SIT 191 669 214 561 235 436 225 557 229 684 234 807 251 632 244 095 SK SKK 11 430 12 365 13 511 12 287 13 329 13 146 15 266 13 082 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 16 1.8. Index of monthly real wages and salaries * Indeks mesečnih realnih plač * Country Država Corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – Isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 101.5 99.4 107.1 102.9 99.8 102.4 102.7 105.6 CY 102.7 103.1 . . . . . . CZ 102.4 103.8 105.3 103.3 105.3 106.7 106.2 107.8 EE 106.3 106.1 107.6 107.6 105.7 107.4 107.6 108.1 HU 101.5 106.4 113.6 111.8 111.1 114.6 116.2 113.7 LV 103.0 103.5 106.0 104.3 106.9 105.3 107.6 107.7 LT 94.9 99.7 105.7 101.6 105.0 107.5 107.5 108.7 PL 101.0 103.3 102.4 102.1 100.6 101.1 102.5 102.9 RO 104.6 104.9 103.4 104.1 104.0 102.1 103.5 109.3 SI 101.6 103.2 102.0 101.3 102.2 102.5 102.5 101.7 SK 95.1 100.8 105.8 103.7 107.2 106.1 105.8 99.0 1.9. Indices of monthly gross nominal wages and salaries by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi mesečnih bruto nominalnih plač po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * Country Država Total - Skupaj (O) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 111.9 106.7 112.9 111.3 106.9 107.2 106.2 106.3 CY 106.9 105.1 . . . . . . CZ 106.4 108.7 107.2 107.1 107.7 107.4 106.7 107.4 EE 110.5 112.3 111.5 112.2 110.1 110.4 110.8 110.7 HU 113.5 118.0 118.3 119.4 117.4 118.4 117.8 115.2 LV 106.1 106.5 108.5 108.1 109.4 106.7 109.6 110.2 LT 98.3 101.2 105.2 104.6 104.4 105.6 105.3 103.4 PL 111.1 108.9 104.3 105.5 102.7 102.4 103.4 103.4 RO 147.8 148.6 127.3 139.7 127.1 123.0 122.3 126.0 SI 110.6 111.9 109.7 109.4 109.9 110.0 109.7 108.2 SK 106.5 108.2 109.3 108.6 110.5 108.8 109.1 106.5 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 17 1.9. Indices of monthly gross nominal wages and salaries by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi mesečnih bruto nominalnih plač po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing – Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo in ribištvo (A + B) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 109.7 102.2 105.9 104.0 102.2 100.5 100.5 107.7 CY 105.9 104.3 . . . . . . CZ 107.2 109.3 103.5 107.4 104.4 104.6 98.9 101.8 EE 114.3 117.2 113.3 111.3 115.4 114.0 115.2 107.6 HU 110.7 121.7 116.8 119.9 118.9 115.6 113.9 107.2 LV 113.8 104.3 111.6 113.9 111.0 109.4 112.6 114.2 LT 106.7 103.1 106.1 107.4 107.0 113.0 108.6 106.2 PL 111.9 109.7 . 105.7 105.8 101.3 106.3 92.5 RO 138.2 146.8 123.6 141.3 127.0 122.8 109.7 131.9 SI 106.4 108.0 106.0 104.3 103.7 108.3 107.8 106.1 SK 107.6 108.1 106.8 107.1 107.8 107.1 104.9 105.5 Country Država Mining and quarrying - Rudarstvo ( C ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 121.1 105.7 106.9 110.3 106.6 107.2 102.5 100.7 CY 107.8 105.7 . . . . . . CZ 105.9 106.8 106.3 106.7 106.7 106.2 106.0 104.6 EE 113.9 116.6 109.0 107.4 109.4 108.4 109.4 112.0 HU 117.9 112.7 109.3 107.7 106.4 110.7 111.4 107.8 LV 97.0 105.8 116.1 120.9 117.0 119.1 105.7 112.5 LT 108.8 110.7 103.0 101.5 101.7 100.4 100.9 103.4 PL 108.8 108.7 . 107.5 106.9 106.2 103.0 98.6 RO 158.6 153.2 125.9 136.2 130.2 122.3 117.9 122.6 SI 113.2 113.4 110.6 110.7 107.7 108.9 114.8 109.0 SK 111.5 108.3 107.8 106.7 108.2 107.4 108.9 103.6 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 18 1.9. Indices of monthly gross nominal wages and salaries by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi mesečnih bruto nominalnih plač po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Manufacturing – Predelovalne dejavnosti ( D ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 107.9 103.7 107.5 106.3 105.7 103.4 103.4 104.3 CY 104.9 103.9 . . . . . . CZ 107.5 107.1 105.3 106.0 105.3 105.3 105.0 105.4 EE 115.9 107.9 110.0 110.1 107.2 110.2 109.1 108.6 HU 115.5 114.8 112.4 112.9 113.5 113.2 110.2 109.1 LV 102.6 105.5 105.1 103.7 106.3 102.9 107.2 109.2 LT 99.2 100.8 102.9 101.9 102.1 103.2 102.6 102.7 PL 110.7 106.7 . 104.0 103.5 103.4 100.1 102.2 RO 148.0 147.3 124.0 133.6 124.1 122.0 118.7 123.4 SI 111.9 110.7 109.9 108.1 109.7 110.2 111.3 108.0 SK 109.0 110.1 107.2 109.4 106.3 108.5 104.8 104.9 Country Država Electricity, gas and water supply – Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo ( E ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 101.5 107.8 102.5 102.8 101.6 103.4 103.2 106.1 CY 109.8 105.2 . . . . . . CZ 107.5 107.6 108.4 110.3 108.5 109.6 105.7 107.2 EE 103.7 113.7 108.8 110.6 111.0 109.6 103.2 112.5 HU 114.3 113.5 114.5 113.8 114.5 114.2 115.0 110.8 LV 109.6 105.0 113.7 110.9 116.0 116.1 111.8 107.8 LT 100.0 104.4 104.5 104.2 103.0 103.7 105.7 102.0 PL 111.5 108.7 . 106.5 102.1 103.6 103.8 102.2 RO 144.3 151.3 124.3 140.6 127.8 118.1 115.3 116.8 SI 109.4 114.0 110.8 109.6 108.8 108.1 116.5 107.4 SK 111.3 112.6 108.5 108.9 109.9 109.1 106.3 108.5 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 19 1.9. Indices of monthly gross nominal wages and salaries by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi mesečnih bruto nominalnih plač po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Construction - Gradbeništvo ( F ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 100.5 104.4 97.7 107.0 100.0 99.1 95.9 109.6 CY 105.9 105.0 . . . . . . CZ 105.9 108.4 107.0 106.6 108.3 107.2 106.2 105.8 EE 112.9 119.5 112.6 108.4 116.5 115.3 108.8 115.7 HU 113.2 124.1 108.1 110.5 110.5 108.3 104.3 108.0 LV 96.8 103.1 102.9 101.1 103.0 102.8 104.1 112.7 LT 91.5 97.4 108.5 111.2 108.1 107.3 104.7 96.8 PL 111.4 104.6 . 102.5 100.8 102.6 101.9 99.6 RO 137.4 148.9 134.6 144.6 134.0 131.0 131.5 125.4 SI 108.2 108.5 109.1 107.5 109.2 109.5 110.1 107.7 SK 106.5 104.8 104.5 102.3 103.2 105.1 107.0 104.9 Country Država Trade and repair – Trgovina, popravila motornih vozil ( G ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 104.6 105.7 143.7 128.3 116.9 114.4 108.1 104.2 CY 107.4 105.1 . . . . . . CZ 110.3 108.3 106.3 106.6 106.3 106.2 106.3 105.6 EE 109.4 113.9 109.8 110.3 110.4 105.8 108.2 115.9 HU 116.2 116.5 117.6 118.3 118.4 117.8 115.9 108.7 LV 106.3 108.8 105.8 107.6 107.0 103.5 105.2 113.7 LT 97.7 100.2 113.9 104.4 107.1 110.6 109.9 99.2 PL 113.3 106.5 . 104.4 103.0 103.1 102.8 102.8 RO 150.9 155.0 125.1 130.7 124.2 123.9 122.7 122.9 SI 106.3 109.5 109.2 110.4 109.1 108.8 108.9 107.4 SK 109.8 105.8 105.4 106.5 103.6 105.3 105.6 103.8 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 20 1.9. Indices of monthly gross nominal wages and salaries by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi mesečnih bruto nominalnih plač po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Hotels and restaurants – Gostinstvo ( H ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 95.2 107.1 109.3 88.0 82.3 89.6 85.8 111.8 CY 107.0 106.2 . . . . . . CZ 108.9 110.7 103.4 106.6 102.8 103.3 101.5 105.2 EE 130.7 123.5 94.2 95.3 94.3 92.7 96.2 128.8 HU 113.0 120.4 119.0 116.8 116.0 119.1 122.9 113.8 LV 104.5 115.3 104.6 105.8 103.4 103.1 105.9 109.1 LT 91.0 99.1 101.0 98.9 93.2 93.3 96.3 103.7 PL 111.3 104.3 . 102.9 101.0 103.5 100.4 104.8 RO 157.7 162.8 126.1 136.4 119.2 124.9 126.0 138.8 SI 108.2 109.7 107.8 107.8 109.0 108.0 107.0 106.7 SK 108.3 107.4 108.8 107.0 106.9 110.5 110.8 111.0 Country Država Transport, storage and communication – Promet, skladiščenje in zveze ( I ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 108.8 108.5 108.8 108.0 104.0 106.5 106.3 108.8 CY 108.5 105.4 . . . . . . CZ 108.8 108.2 108.0 108.6 108.8 108.5 106.3 105.0 EE 108.9 107.3 109.4 111.9 107.2 105.9 111.6 103.2 HU 112.0 115.8 114.1 115.8 114.5 114.4 112.0 109.2 LV 103.3 103.7 108.6 101.9 113.4 110.6 108.3 111.3 LT 97.6 100.0 102.8 101.9 100.3 98.1 95.5 107.6 PL 113.9 110.7 . 112.4 106.5 107.6 100.5 105.0 RO 150.1 134.0 134.7 146.7 142.4 126.5 126.9 126.1 SI 111.5 111.5 108.2 108.6 108.9 108.7 107.3 111.1 SK 107.7 109.4 106.8 109.0 107.5 105.1 105.4 104.6 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 21 1.9. Indices of monthly gross nominal wages and salaries by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi mesečnih bruto nominalnih plač po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Financial activities – Finančno posredništvo ( J ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 122.4 115.4 114.9 118.4 108.8 113.8 121.7 112.7 CY 107.6 108.0 . . . . . . CZ 110.6 113.7 108.4 115.8 107.5 105.3 105.1 103.8 EE 111.3 112.5 108.2 115.3 100.7 109.7 107.8 129.9 HU 114.6 114.0 111.7 106.2 113.0 110.6 116.1 109.6 LV 114.0 108.9 107.1 113.5 105.8 103.8 105.6 102.0 LT 104.7 107.2 110.8 115.8 110.6 107.8 109.5 104.3 PL 123.0 112.3 . 110.1 105.0 102.1 107.4 102.8 RO 139.8 145.5 138.3 169.7 130.7 138.9 125.3 116.6 SI 109.4 112.3 108.5 110.2 109.0 106.9 108.2 109.0 SK 111.0 110.2 111.0 112.7 109.4 111.0 111.0 111.8 Country Država Real estate renting and business activities - Nepremičnine, najem, poslovne storitve ( K ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 118.3 107.0 128.5 114.9 112.9 114.2 110.0 107.6 CY 109.4 105.6 . . . . . . CZ 104.4 109.4 106.8 108.1 107.8 105.6 105.8 105.5 EE 99.3 126.5 128.9 135.0 123.6 127.2 127.1 96.5 HU 113.0 120.6 109.8 112.4 109.9 109.5 107.6 109.8 LV 107.7 108.3 106.7 108.6 109.3 103.6 105.7 103.3 LT 100.0 101.2 102.3 113.4 112.3 112.4 113.5 103.0 PL 111.5 106.8 . 103.8 99.1 97.3 96.5 96.1 RO 153.8 144.1 120.7 133.7 117.9 117.6 116.8 158.9 SI 111.5 112.3 109.1 109.4 110.1 109.6 107.9 108.1 SK 107.5 110.3 110.0 110.3 110.9 109.3 109.0 107.5 SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 22 1.9. Indices of monthly gross nominal wages and salaries by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi mesečnih bruto nominalnih plač po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Other activities – Druge dejavnosti ( L,M,N,O,P,Q ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 125.7 111.4 116.7 127.8 117.7 111.7 121.6 108.7 CY 107.2 104.6 . . . . . . CZ 102.8 110.4 110.2 106.6 111.5 111.7 110.6 113.6 EE 107.6 111.6 110.3 110.5 109.6 109.8 110.1 110.1 HU 112.2 122.1 128.7 132.1 124.8 129.7 128.1 126.2 LV 107.5 108.5 111.8 111.8 111.4 109.1 114.4 111.4 LT 97.6 102.0 104.5 103.3 103.6 105.7 106.4 105.5 PL 114.7 110.3 . 107.3 102.7 101.9 104.2 104.8 RO 145.5 147.3 127.4 142.4 122.9 118.9 126.7 129.7 SI 111.2 113.9 111.5 111.2 112.4 112.4 110.1 107.3 SK 100.7 107.5 115.1 111.3 118.7 112.4 116.8 109.4 1.10. Structure of household average expenditures (Household Budget Survey) – monetary expenditure * Struktura povprečnih izdatkov v gospodinjstvih (Anketa o porabi gospodinjstev) – denarni izdatki * Of which – Od tega Year, quarter Total monthly expenditures per capita (in national currency) food and non- alcoholic beverages alcoholic beverages, tobacco and nar- cotics clothing and footwear housing, water, electricity and other fuels furnishing, household equipment health transport commu- nication recreation and culture education Leto, četrtletje Skupaj mesečni izdatki na prebivalca (v nacionalni valuti) hrana in brezalko- holne pijače alkoholne pijače, tobak in narkotiki obleka in obutev najemnina, voda, elektrika in druga goriva stano- vanjska oprema in gospodinj- ske naprave zdravje promet komunika- cije rekreacija in kultura izobraže- vanje in per cent of total expenditures – delež od skupnih izdatkov Bulgaria – Bolgarija 2000 86.00 42.2 4.5 5.4 16.3 3.8 4.9 6.9 3.4 3.7 0.6 2001 91.08 43.3 4.2 4.6 15.7 3.7 5.1 6.9 4.3 3.7 0.5 2002 104.33 39.7 4.4 4.7 16.9 3.9 5.3 6.7 5.5 3.7 0.6 2003 I 101.65 37.2 4.2 3.3 20.5 3.3 6.4 6.3 6.2 3.1 1.0 Cyprus - Ciper 2000a) 318.21 17.8 1.6 7.6 19.8 6.6 4.7 18.0 1.7 6.0 3.4 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . 2003 I . . . . . . . . . . . SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 23 1.10. Structure of household average expenditures (Household Budget Survey) – monetary expenditure * Struktura povprečnih izdatkov v gospodinjstvih (Anketa o porabi gospodinjstev) – denarni izdatki * continued - nadaljevanje Of which – Od tega Year, quarter Total monthly expenditures per capita (in national currency) food and non- alcoholic beverages alcoholic beverages, tobacco and nar- cotics clothing and footwear housing, water, electricity and other fuels furnishing, household equipment health transport commu- nication recreation and culture education Leto, četrtletje Skupaj mesečni izdatki na prebivalca (v nacionalni valuti) hrana in brezalko- holne pijače alkoholne pijače, tobak in narkotiki obleka in obutev najemnina, voda, elektrika in druga goriva stano- vanjska oprema in gospodinj- ske naprave zdravje promet komunika- cije rekreacija in kultura izobraže- vanje in per cent of total expenditures – delež od skupnih izdatkov Czech Republic – Češka republika 2000 6 085 23.2 3.3 6.7 18.4 7.2 1.6 10.6 3.5 10.8 0.6 2001 6 508 22.8 3.1 6.7 18.6 6.9 1.7 11.0 3.9 10.6 0.6 2002 6 700 22.2 3.1 6.5 19.8 6.9 1.8 10.0 4.0 10.5 0.6 2003 I 6 098 22.8 3.1 5.9 22.0 6.8 2.0 11.2 2.4 8.4 0.5 Estonia - Estonija 2000 2 070 28.9 4.1 7.3 16.5 5.8 2.8 8.9 4.7 6.8 1.4 2001 2 145 28.9 3.7 6.9 16.1 6.0 2.7 9.2 5.2 7.3 1.8 2002 2 300 27.8 3.9 6.6 16.9 6.6 2.8 8.2 5.9 7.2 3.0 2003 I . . . . . . . . . . . Hungary - Madžarska 2000 29 694 34.9 4.2 6.3 20.2 4.5 6.2 8.8 5.6 4.6 1.1 2001 36 155 34.0 4.1 6.0 20.2 4.2 6.3 9.4 5.5 4.9 1.3 2002 40 976 33.2 4.1 5.7 20.9 4.1 5.9 9.8 5.8 4.7 1.8 2003 I 43 686 29.0 3.7 4.3 24.4 3.7 6.9 11.0 6.2 4.6 2.0 Latvia - Latvija 2000 57.49 33.3 2.9 7.0 18.5 5.1 4.5 8.0 5.9 6.7 1.1 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . 2002 84.89 31.2 3.6 7.3 14.0 4.7 3.4 10.3 6.4 6.9 1.5 2003 I . . . . . . . . . . . Lithuania - Litva 2000 339 37.7 4.5 7.5 15.6 4.5 4.8 8.7 4.2 4.1 0.7 2001 348 35.8 4.2 7.1 15.8 5.5 5.0 8.2 5.2 4.4 0.8 2002 354 34.1 4.2 7.0 16.2 5.2 5.4 7.8 6.0 4.6 0.7 2003 I . . . . . . . . . . . SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 24 1.10. Structure of household average expenditures (Household Budget Survey) – monetary expenditure * Struktura povprečnih izdatkov v gospodinjstvih (Anketa o porabi gospodinjstev) – denarni izdatki * end of table – konec tabele Of which – Od tega Year, quarter Total monthly expenditures per capita (in national currency) food and non- alcoholic beverages alcoholic beverages, tobacco and nar- cotics clothing and footwear housing, water, electricity and other fuels furnishing, household equipment health transport commu- nication recreation and culture education Leto, četrtletje Skupaj mesečni izdatki na prebivalca (v nacionalni valuti) hrana in brezalko- holne pijače alkoholne pijače, tobak in narkotiki obleka in obutev najemnina, voda, elektrika in druga goriva stano- vanjska oprema in gospodinj- ske naprave zdravje promet komunika- cije rekreacija in kultura izobraže- vanje in per cent of total expenditures – delež od skupnih izdatkov Poland - Poljska 2000 599.49 30.8 3.0 5.5 17.9 5.9 4.4 9.9 3.5 6.7 1.4 2001 609.72 31.0 3.0 5.3 18.8 4.9 4.5 8.8 4.3 6.5 1.5 2002 624.99 29.5 3.0 5.2 19.9 5.0 4.5 8.5 4.5 6.4 1.6 2003 I . . . . . . . . . . . Romania - Romunija 2000 656 766 38.5 4.6 8.2 19.2 5.6 3.8 6.9 3.6 4.0 1.0 2001 997 815 37.5 7.9 7.7 17.6 3.8 3.5 7.0 5.0 4.7 1.1 2002 1 288 860 35.9 7.5 7.8 18.7 4.1 3.6 7.1 5.2 4.8 0.9 2003 I . . . . . . . . . . . Slovenia - Slovenija 2000 74 558 20.1 2.1 8.9 11.6 7.7 1.8 19.8 2.9 8.8 0.8 2001 84 476 20.3 2.0 9.4 11.7 7.8 2.0 15.7 3.2 10.5 1.2 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . 2003 I . . . . . . . . . . . Slovakia – Slovaškab) 2000 5 654 26.2 3.1 8.0 16.4 5.5 1.5 7.9 2.7 7.5 0.6 2001 6 281 24.3 2.9 7.8 15.7 5.2 1.5 9.2 3.3 7.3 0.6 2002 6 473 24.2 2.8 7.7 16.0 5.3 1.7 8.1 3.6 7.4 0.5 I 6 434 23.6 2.6 5.6 19.0 4.5 2.1 8.7 3.7 6.0 0.7 a) Data refer to the year 1997. – Podatki se nanašajo na leto 1997. b) According the methodology of calculation of net money expenditures. – Skladno z metodologijo računanja neto denarnih izdatkov. SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 25 1.11. Monthly average consumption of selected foodstuffs per capita (Household Budget Survey) * Povprečna mesečna poraba posameznih živil na prebivalca (Anketa o porabi gospodinjstev) * Year, quarter Meat and meat products Fish and fish products Fats and oils Fresh milk Bread Sugar Potatoes Fresh vegetables Leto, četrtletje Meso in mesni izdelki Ribe in ribji izdelki Maščobe in olja Sveže mleko Kruh Sladkor Krompir Sveža zelenjava in kg – v kg in l – v l in kg – v kg Bulgaria – Bolgarija 2000 2.79 0.28 0.90 2.41 11.23 0.70 2.19 4.78 2001 2.61 0.28 0.93 2.31 11.09 0.70 2.24 4.96 2002 2.80 0.29 1.09 2.24 10.85 0.72 2.35 5.13 2003 I 3.03 0.29 1.08 2.07 10.41 0.74 2.61 1.65 Cyprus - Ciper 2000 . . . . . . . . 2001 . . . . . . . . 2002 . . . . . . . . 2003 I . . . . . . . . Czech Republic – Češka republika 2000 4.81 0.41 1.36 4.68 5.79 0.94 3.49 3.02 2001 4.70 0.40 1.35 4.60 5.79 0.92 3.40 3.12 2002 4.91 0.38 1.34 4.67 5.73 0.95 3.45 3.26 2003 I 4.75 0.33 1.18 4.59 5.51 0.88 2.28 2.15 Estonia - Estonija 2000 5.15 a) 1.29 b) 1.30 c) 6.96 2.77 2.14 10.27 5.16 d) 2001 4.79 a) 1.22 b) 1.30 c) 6.47 2.66 2.01 9.93 5.02 d) 2002 4.82 a) 1.26 b) 1.25 c) 6.19 2.53 1.96 8.19 4.65 d) 2003 I . . . . . . . . Hungary - Madžarska 2000 5.05 . 1.57 5.67 8.57e) 1.48 3.62 4.66 f) 2001 5.12 . 1.60 5.55 8.73e) 1.48 3.67 4.81f) 2002 5.35 . 1.66 5.62 8.85e) 1.35 3.66 5.23f) 2003 I 4.68 . 1.43 5.23 7.82e) 1.10 2.63 2.72f) Latvia - Latvija 2000 5.32 1.26 1.30 5.18 5.43 1.68 11.54 5.26 2001 . . . . . . . . 2002 5.75 1.47 1.34 5.54 5.24 1.72 9.64 5.74 I . . . . . . . . SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIALNI KAZALNIKI 26 1.11. Monthly average consumption of selected foodstuffs per capita (Household Budget Survey) * Povprečna mesečna poraba posameznih živil na prebivalca (Anketa o porabi gospodinjstev) * end of table – konec tabele Year, quarter Meat and meat products Fish and fish products Fats and oils Fresh milk Bread Sugar Potatoes Fresh vegetables Leto, četrtletje Meso in mesni izdelki Ribe in ribji izdelki Maščobe in olja Sveže mleko Kruh Sladkor Krompir Sveža zelenjava in kg – v kg in l – v l in kg – v kg Lithuania - Litva 2000 6.0 1.1 1.3 6.8 4.8 1.5 10.4 5.1 2001 5.9 1.2 1.4 6.6 4.7 1.5 10.1 5.0 2002 5.9 1.0 1.3 6.2 4.5 1.4 9.0 4.8 2003 I . . . . . . . . Poland - Poljska 2000 5.47 0.43 1.56 5.39 6.61 1.80 7.82 5.41 2001 5.39 0.42 1.59 5.11 6.55 1.76 7.45 5.35 2002 5.41 0.40 1.58 4.89 6.33 1.70 7.51 5.46 2003 I . . . . . . . . Romania - Romunija 2000 3.56g) 0.34 1.42 5.58 9.58 0.91 4.68 4.74 2001 3.24g) 0.35 1.32 5.96 9.83 0.84 4.58 4.54 2002 3.37g) 0.36 1.31 5.82 9.93 0.84 4.40 4.39 2003 I . . . . . . . . Slovenia - Slovenija 2000 5.18 0.23 1.51 6.62 5.34 1.23 4.02 4.29 2001 5.10 0.32 1.58 6.70 5.06 1.19 3.49 4.17 2002 . . . . . . . . 2003 I . . . . . . . . Slovakia - Slovaška 2000 4.72 0.38 1.53 6.02 6.00 1.36 3.64 3.21 2001 4.42 0.35 1.51 5.77 5.91 1.21 3.44 2.93 2002 4.43 0.34 1.48 5.76 5.82 1.20 3.40 2.88 2003 I 4.37 0.30 1.38 5.51 5.62 0.90 2.76 1.71 a) Not recalculated on fresh meat. COICOP-HBS group 1120. - Ni preračunano na sveže meso. COICOP-HBS skupina 1120. b) Not recalculated on fresh fish. COICOP-HBS group 1130. - Ni preračunano na sveže ribe. COICOP-HBS skupina 1130. c) COICOP-HBS group 1150. - COICOP-HBS skupina 1150. d) Including frozen vegetables. – Vključena zmrznjena zelenjava. e) Cereals. – Izdelki iz žit. f) Fresh and preserved. – Sveža in konzervirana. g) In equivalent of fresh meat. – V ekvivalentu svežega mesa. ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 27 2. ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI National Accounts – Nacionalni računi 2.1. Gross domestic product (GDP) by expenditure (current prices) * Bruto domači proizvod po izdatkovni strukturi (tekoče cene) * Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Total – Skupaj in billions of national currency – v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN 26.753 29.709 32.324 6.959 7.568 9.118 8.679 7.294 CY CYP 5.5 5.9 6.2 . . . . . CZ CZK 1 984.833 2 175.238 2 275.609 533.963 582.340 569.919 589.387 550.594 EE EEK 87.379 97.895 108.024 24.196 29.174 27.420 27.234 26.443 HU HUF 13 172.3 14 849.6 16 980.1 3 890.1 4 226.9 4 262.2 4 600.9 4 394.4 LV LVL 4.348 4.813 5.195 1.167 1.277 1.318 1.433 1.300 LT LTL 44.7 47.5 50.7 11.2 12.7 13.4 13.4 12.2 PL PLN 713.4 750.8 772.2 178.5 189.5 191.2 213.0 184.5 RO ROL 803 773.1 1 167 242.8 1 512 256.6 260 776.1 335 825.4 410 976.3 504 678.8 327 703.5 SI SIT 4 222.4 4 741.0 5 284.5 1 219.8 1 354.5 1 358.3 1 351.9 1 321.5 SK SKK 908.801 989.297 1 073.613 244.822 272.742 277.653 278.396 268.377 Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Final consumption expenditure – Izdatki za končno potrošnjo total – skupaj in billions of national currency – v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN 23.291 25.818 28.232 6.302 6.634 7.155 8.141 6.739 CY CYP 4.7 5.0 5.3 . . . . . CZ CZK 1 462.411 1 591.639 1 687.710 379.388 418.474 423.784 466.064 400.490 EE EEK 67.589 74.313 83.177 18.664 21.543 20.630 22.370 20.425 HU HUF 9 615.5 11 043.7 13 274.1 3 093.7 3 209.3 3 311.9 3 659.3 3 701.2 LV LVL 3.551 3.918 4.267 0.945 1.071 1.070 1.181 1.030 LT LTL 38.6 40.1 42.1 9.8 10.6 10.5 11.2 9.9 PL PLN 582.2 621.1 650.3 164.7 163.2 160.7 161.7 166.9 RO ROL 692 532.9 994 206.5 1 250 333.8 234 513.5 285 319.5 312 414.0 418 086.8 287 502.8 SI SIT 3 234.9 3 627.4 3 982.3 912.7 1 012.5 1 012.6 1 044.5 997.5 SK SKK 691.007 757.819 817.929 185.592 201.446 205.306 225.585 201.520 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 28 2.1. Gross domestic product (GDP) by expenditure (current prices) * Bruto domači proizvod po izdatkovni strukturi (tekoče cene) * continued – nadaljevanje Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Final consumption expenditure – Izdatki za končno potrošnjo of which households – od tega gospodinjstva in billions of national currency – v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN 18.396 20.511 22.279 5.100 5.261 5.731 6.187 5.406 CY CYP 3.8 4.0 4.2 . . . . . CZ CZK 1 059.564 1 140.309 1 183.900 280.647 293.325 301.481 308.447 290.644 EE EEK 48.584 53.795 60.810 13.606 15.367 15.728 16.109 14.961 HU HUF 6 716.0 7 680.4 8 854.1 2 071.5 2 128.5 2 225.1 2 428.9 2 380.2 LV LVL 2.693 2.989 3.259 0.727 0.815 0.836 0.881 0.804 LT LTL 28.6 30.4 31.4 7.4 7.9 8.0 8.2 7.7 PL PLN 447.3 479.2 504.0 128.5 125.0 124.9 125.6 130.6 RO ROL 553 874.4 798 133.0 999 736.1 191 966.4 232 316.4 249 104.8 326 348.5 231 610.9 SI SIT 2 339.5 2 592.8 2 828.3 641.7 713.4 731.7 741.4 697.7 SK SKK 502.505 552.011 595.379 140.270 147.922 149.946 157.241 152.752 Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Gross capital formation – Bruto investicije total – skupaj in billions of national currency – v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2003 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN 4.894 6.141 6.366 1.260 1.544 1.507 2.055 1.248 CY CYP 1.1 1.1 1.2 . . . . . CZ CZK 588.687 642.299 640.504 154.378 165.953 163.943 156.230 153.768 EE EEK 24.253 28.248 33.930 7.871 8.880 8.640 8.539 9.974 HU HUF 4 064.7 4 030.1 4 082.6 913.8 1 013.2 960.4 1 195.2 878.4 LV LVL 1.174 1.432 1.478 0.296 0.325 0.397 0.460 0.397 LT LTL 9.0 10.0 11.5 2.0 2.8 3.2 3.4 2.3 PL PLN 178.5 157.7 148.1 21.4 33.5 35.6 57.6 25.0 RO ROL 156 491.1 263 527.9 349 462.9 43 311.2 73 865.9 112 134.3 120 151.5 54 914.5 SI SIT 1 138.3 1 141.6 1 227.3 295.8 308.6 306.2 316.6 326.6 SK SKK 245.852 316.784 334.733 75.738 86.863 86.984 85.148 75.416 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 29 2.1. Gross domestic product (GDP) by expenditure (current prices) * Bruto domači proizvod po izdatkovni strukturi (tekoče cene) * continued – nadaljevanje Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Gross capital formation – Bruto investicije of which gross fixed capital formation – od tega bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva in billions of national currency – v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2003 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN 4.206 5.415 5.859 1.035 1.439 1.417 1.968 1.213 CY CYP 1.0 1.0 1.0 . . . . . CZ CZK 561.519 603.287 599.312 128.068 150.109 150.296 170.839 125.770 EE EEK 22.193 25.913 30.815 5.835 7.815 8.366 8.800 7.952 HU HUF 3 179.8 3 508.4 3 786.3 573.7 849.6 939.8 1 423.3 575.4 LV LVL 1.151 1.297 1.371 0.234 0.308 0.351 0.478 0.274 LT LTL 8.6 9.8 10.9 2.0 2.6 3.0 3.3 2.0 PL PLN 170.4 157.2 147.9 25.4 32.1 34.1 56.3 24.7 RO ROL 151 947.2 238 977.5 319 645.1 42 300.0 69 946.0 99 085.4 108 313.7 53 615.7 SI SIT 1 085.9 1 132.0 1 209.1 274.8 306.0 307.5 320.8 299.4 SK SKK 267.931 309.609 319.751 68.438 82.807 78.946 89.560 69.916 Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Exports of goods and services – Izvoz blaga in storitev in billions of national currency – v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN 14.902 16.510 17.172 3.520 4.242 5.458 3.952 3.976 CY CYP 2.6 2.8 2.7 . . . . . CZ CZK 1 385.905 1 539.324 1 483.015 372.412 377.323 352.448 380.832 378.721 EE EEK 81.832 87.534 90.930 20.044 24.011 22.863 24.012 20.924 HU HUF 9 863.1 11 041.6 10 944.7 2 640.1 2 831.4 2 740.8 2 732.4 2 633.5 LV LVL 1.984 2.138 2.361 0.533 0.608 0.616 0.604 0.613 LT LTL 20.4 24.2 27.4 5.9 7.1 7.1 7.3 7.1 PL PLN 201.5 210.6 231.3 47.9 55.7 62.9 66.8 . RO ROL 264 186.6 388 928.9 536 051.4 107 273.7 129 043.7 163 012.2 136 721.8 154 542.4 SI SIT 2 387.3 2 746.6 3 055.2 706.6 778.7 788.5 781.4 756.6 SK SKK 652.432 732.349 781.412 172.576 193.324 204.036 211.476 205.280 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 30 2.1. Gross domestic product (GDP) by expenditure (current prices) * Bruto domači proizvod po izdatkovni strukturi (tekoče cene) * end of table – konec tabele Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Imports of goods and services – Uvoz blaga in storitev in billions of national currency – v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I-II BG BGN 16.334 18.760 19.308 4.090 4.830 4.922 5.466 4.666 CY CYP 2.9 3.0 3.1 . . . . . CZ CZK 1 452.170 1 598.024 1 535.620 372.215 379.410 370.256 413.739 382.385 EE EEK 85.401 91.157 101.061 22.530 26.009 25.206 27.315 25.879 HU HUF 10 371.0 11 265.8 11 321.4 2 757.6 2 826.9 2 750.9 2 986.0 2 818.8 LV LVL 2.360 2.676 2.912 0.608 0.728 0.764 0.812 0.741 LT LTL 23.3 26.8 30.3 6.5 7.9 7.5 8.5 7.1 PL PLN 248.8 238.6 257.5 55.5 62.9 68.0 71.1 . RO ROL 309 437.5 479 420.5 623 591.5 124 322.3 152 403.7 176 584.2 170 281.3 169 256.2 SI SIT 2 538.1 2 774.6 2 980.3 695.4 745.3 749.0 790.6 759.2 SK SKK 674.490 816.041 857.925 187.135 212.556 217.062 241.172 211.733 2.2. GDP volume indices by expenditure* Indeksi obsega bruto domačega proizvoda po izdatkovni strukturi * Country Država Total – Skupaj corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 105.4 104.1 104.8 103.4 105.6 106.4 103.4 103.8 CY 105.2 104.1 102.2 . . . . . CZ 103.3 103.1 102.0 102.6 102.1 101.7 101.5 102.2 EE 107.3 106.5 106.0 103.2 107.2 107.7 105.7 105.2 HU 105.2 103.8 103.3 102.9 103.0 103.5 103.7 102.7 LV 106.8 107.9 106.1 103.7 104.9 107.4 108.3 108.8 LT 104.0 106.5 106.7 103.9 107.7 107.8 107.0 109.4 PL 104.0 101.0 101.4 100.5 100.9 101.8 102.2 102.2 RO 102.1 105.7 104.9 103.2 105.6 104.4 105.4 104.4 SI 104.6 102.9 103.2 102.5 103.3 103.6 103.3 102.3 SK 102.2 103.3 104.4 103.9 104.0 104.3 105.4 104.1 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 31 2.2. GDP volume indices by expenditure* Indeksi obsega bruto domačega proizvoda po izdatkovni strukturi * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Final consumption expenditure – Izdatki za končno potrošnjo total - skupaj corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 105.7 104.4 104.1 103.7 102.6 102.6 107.3 105.9 CY 106.6 106.2 102.5 . . . . . CZ 101.6 104.1 104.4 104.5 104.2 104.3 104.7 104.7 EE 105.2 104.0 108.2 103.5 109.3 113.6 106.7 106.8 HU 104.5 105.3 107.8 107.3 106.7 108.2 108.9 107.8 LV 105.0 106.0 105.9 104.5 105.2 107.4 106.2 107.2 LT 105.9 103.0 104.8 102.9 105.6 105.8 105.0 104.0 PL 102.5 101.7 102.8 102.8 102.6 102.8 103.2 101.0 RO 101.5 106.0 103.0 103.0 102.9 103.6 102.9 103.5 SI 101.4 103.0 102.1 102.5 101.5 102.0 102.6 103.1 SK 99.0 104.2 104.9 105.3 106.3 104.3 104.0 101.8 Country Država Final consumption expenditure – Izdatki za končno potrošnjo of which households – od tega potrošnja gospodinjstev corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 104.3 105.2 104.2 104.4 101.9 102.4 107.6 106.1 CY 108.2 105.0 102.4 . . . . . CZ 102.3 103.8 103.9 104.1 104.3 103.6 103.8 104.6 EE 106.5 104.8 109.3 103.0 111.1 116.3 107.1 107.1 HU 105.5 105.7 110.2 110.3 108.8 110.8 110.6 109.2 LV 107.4 107.8 107.2 106.0 106.4 108.6 107.6 108.6 LT 106.4 104.0 105.0 104.0 107.4 105.5 103.3 105.2 PL 102.7 102.0 103.3 103.5 102.9 103.1 103.5 101.4 RO 99.2 106.3 103.2 103.7 103.4 104.0 103.0 104.0 SI 100.8 102.6 101.9 102.3 100.9 102.1 102.4 102.7 SK 98.2 104.0 105.4 105.2 105.9 105.0 105.3 102.6 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 32 2.2. GDP volume indices by expenditure* Indeksi obsega bruto domačega proizvoda po izdatkovni strukturi * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Gross capital formation – Bruto investicije total - skupaj corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG . . . . . . . . CY 108.2 96.5 110.5 . . . . . CZ 109.4 107.2 101.3 94.8 98.9 106.8 105.4 99.7 EE 125.9 112.0 117.5 116.3 120.0 114.1 119.8 124.1 HU 104.4 94.0 98.0 91.0 90.5 102.7 108.0 94.0 LV 100.6 124.8 103.4 102.0 110.3 108.1 96.3 128.6 LT 88.2 117.0 111.6 106.1 117.6 117.2 105.3 119.1 PL 103.9 87.4 93.7 82.1 94.5 94.4 96.3 112.7 RO 119.8 118.0 107.4 97.6 104.5 111.3 106.4 106.7 SI 100.5 95.4 103.7 102.3 102.9 102.9 106.5 106.8 SK 99.3 116.5 104.1 100.0 96.6 101.7 120.9 98.7 Country Država Gross capital formation – Bruto investicije of which gross fixed capital formation – od tega bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 115.4 123.3 109.3 104.6 111.6 104.1 114.7 115.8 CY 104.1 102.5 110.1 . . . . . CZ 105.3 105.5 100.6 102.3 100.4 100.4 99.9 97.5 EE 113.3 112.2 116.1 109.6 123.6 119.1 112.0 132.9 HU 107.7 103.5 105.8 108.6 105.1 105.2 105.5 98.8 LV 120.0 117.0 110.4 105.4 120.6 109.7 107.6 119.7 LT 91.0 113.5 112.4 108.9 120.9 119.3 103.4 106.2 PL 102.7 91.2 93.2 87.2 92.1 94.1 96.4 96.4 RO 105.5 109.1 108.3 104.4 106.5 109.6 108.5 106.8 SI 100.2 99.2 103.1 102.5 102.6 103.2 103.9 105.6 SK 101.2 109.6 99.1 99.2 100.1 98.8 98.5 98.0 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 33 2.2. GDP volume indices by expenditure* Indeksi obsega bruto domačega proizvoda po izdatkovni strukturi * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Exports of goods and services – Izvoz blaga in storitev corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 116.6 110.0 106.2 95.9 104.7 112.6 109.3 113.6 CY 109.3 104.0 95.0 . . . . . CZ 117.0 111.9 102.8 103.7 104.0 102.3 101.2 104.0 EE 128.6 99.8 106.0 89.5 107.6 117.3 110.4 105.0 HU 121.0 108.8 103.8 104.5 106.1 103.3 101.2 103.2 LV 112.0 106.9 106.3 102.7 104.3 110.4 107.9 106.4 LT 109.8 121.2 119.5 117.6 124.6 119.2 116.7 115.4 PL 123.2 103.1 104.8 99.2 107.2 106.6 105.6 . RO 123.4 111.1 116.9 104.0 116.1 127.9 117.5 117.6 SI 112.7 106.4 106.1 102.9 106.8 107.4 107.0 102.8 SK 113.8 106.5 105.9 95.9 105.2 110.1 112.4 121.4 Country Država Imports of goods and services – Uvoz blaga in storitev corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 118.6 114.8 104.7 100.6 105.4 101.7 110.3 113.9 CY 110.2 103.9 99.6 . . . . . CZ 117.0 113.6 104.3 101.8 104.3 106.1 104.9 104.8 EE 127.9 102.1 110.2 95.9 108.7 119.4 117.6 115.7 HU 119.4 106.1 106.1 104.4 104.7 107.6 107.6 105.3 LV 104.9 112.6 104.5 103.1 107.6 110.2 98.3 115.5 LT 104.7 117.7 117.4 115.6 123.3 120.1 111.7 110.3 PL 115.6 94.7 102.6 97.1 107.0 104.0 101.9 . RO 127.1 117.2 112.1 101.7 108.2 129.7 108.6 115.0 SI 106.1 103.0 104.8 102.9 104.3 104.9 107.2 105.7 SK 110.2 111.7 105.3 94.6 104.2 109.9 111.9 116.4 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 34 2.3. Structure of gross value added by activities (NACE classification, current prices) * Struktura bruto dodane vrednosti po področjih dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1, tekoče cene) * Year Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing – Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo in ribištvo ( A+B ) in per cent of GVA – v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 16.3 4.2 4.2 6.6 4.8 4.4 8.5 3.9 15.1 3.6 4.2 2000 13.9 3.8 4.3 6.1 4.3 4.9 8.0 3.6 12.5 3.4 4.3 2001 13.4 4.0 4.3 5.6 4.3 4.7 7.2 3.8 14.8 3.3 4.1 2002 12.5 4.3 3.7 5.4 . 4.7 7.1 3.2 13.1 . 4.2 2003 Year Mining and quarrying - Rudarstvo ( C ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 1.9 0.3 1.5 1.1 0.3 0.1 0.5 2.6 2.5 1.2 0.8 2000 1.6 0.3 1.4 1.0 0.3 0.1 0.7 2.6 2.4 0.7 0.8 2001 1.5 0.3 1.4 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.7 2.4 2.5 0.6 0.7 2002 1.4 0.3 1.2 1.0 . 0.2 0.6 2.4 2.6 . 0.6 2003 Year Manufacturing – Predelovalne dejavnosti ( D ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 16.9 11.0 26.3 16.5 23.5 15.3 18.4 21.1 21.5 27.0 21.7 2000 17.7 10.7 26.9 18.0 24.0 14.6 19.8 19.9 24.8 26.5 20.7 2001 17.5 10.4 27.4 18.4 22.7 14.9 20.5 17.9 25.9 26.6 21.3 2002 17.1 10.2 26.7 18.6 . 14.8 19.4 17.4 26.7 . 20.5 2003 Year Electricity, gas and water supply – Oskrba z elektriko ( E ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 4.3 2.0 4.0 3.6 3.9 4.5 4.4 3.4 4.2 3.1 4.0 2000 5.2 2.2 3.9 3.3 3.6 3.9 3.8 3.1 3.7 2.8 3.6 2001 5.1 2.2 4.0 3.1 3.2 3.8 4.2 3.7 3.1 3.1 2.4 2002 4.8 2.2 3.9 3.1 . 3.6 4.2 4.0 3.2 . 3.1 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 35 2.3. Structure of gross value added by activities (NACE classification, current prices) * Struktura bruto dodane vrednosti po področjih dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1, tekoče cene) * continued - nadaljevanje Year Construction - Gradbeništvo ( F ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 5.0 7.7 7.2 6.0 4.7 7.1 7.8 8.8 5.7 6.2 5.0 2000 4.6 7.1 7.1 6.1 5.2 6.7 6.0 8.2 5.5 6.1 4.9 2001 4.6 7.1 6.7 6.2 5.1 6.1 6.1 7.2 5.5 5.8 4.6 2002 4.4 7.4 6.6 6.6 . 6.1 6.5 6.5 5.6 . 4.9 2003 Year Trade and repair – Trgovina, popravila motornih vozil ( G ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 7.8 13.0 14.3 14.4 11.0 17.6 16.0 20.6 12.7 11.5 13.0 2000 8.2 13.0 14.3 13.9 10.7 18.0 16.6 20.3 11.6 11.3 13.7 2001 8.3 12.9 14.8 13.9 11.4 18.5 17.5 20.5 12.2 11.5 13.8 2002 8.2 12.9 14.7 14.3 . 19.9 18.0 20.9 12.1 . 13.2 2003 Year Hotels and restaurants - Gostinstvo ( H ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 2.3 9.1 2.0 1.4 1.8 1.3 1.7 1.3 2.8 3.0 1.5 2000 2.1 9.6 2.3 1.5 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.3 2.7 2.5 1.5 2001 2.0 9.7 2.2 1.5 1.8 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.5 2.5 1.4 2002 2.1 8.7 2.1 1.6 . 1.2 1.6 1.3 1.6 . 1.2 2003 Year Transport, storage and communication – Promet, skladiščenje in zveze ( I ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 10.0 9.2 8.0 15.2 10.2 15.3 10.6 6.8 11.3 8.1 9.8 2000 11.5 9.4 8.1 16.2 8.5 15.4 12.5 6.9 11.3 7.2 9.9 2001 12.8 10.0 8.4 16.4 8.4 15.5 12.6 7.3 10.6 7.1 11.2 2002 13.8 9.8 9.0 15.5 . 14.5 13.7 7.8 11.1 . 10.2 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 36 2.3. Structure of gross value added by activities (NACE classification, current prices) * Struktura bruto dodane vrednosti po področjih dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1, tekoče cene) * end of table – konec tabele Year Financial intermediation – Finančno posredništvo ( J ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 2.8 7.1 4.9 4.0 4.0 5.0 2.3 2.2 2.0 4.2 3.3 2000 3.0 7.5 4.5 4.1 3.6 5.4 2.2 2.3 1.7 5.0 3.7 2001 3.2 7.0 3.6 4.1 3.5 4.8 2.3 2.2 1.7 4.3 4.2 2002 3.2 6.6 4.1 4.5 . 4.6 2.3 2.2 1.6 . 5.6 2003 Year Real estate renting and business activities – Poslovanje z nepremičninami, najem in poslovne storitve ( K ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 17.8 14.0 12.1 11.2 16.1 9.4 8.4 11.8 11.5 12.0 13.1 2000 16.9 14.0 12.1 11.0 17.3 10.4 8.5 12.3 11.4 14.5 14.4 2001 16.7 13.9 12.0 11.6 17.7 11.2 8.3 13.1 10.1 14.7 14.0 2002 17.2 14.5 12.5 11.3 . 11.1 8.1 13.7 10.2 . 13.8 2003 Year Other activities – Druge storitve ( L, M, N, O, P, Q ) in per cent of GVA - v odstotkih od BDV Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 14.9 22.4 15.5 20.0 19.8 20.0 21.5 17.5 12.4 20.1 14.2 2000 15.3 22.4 15.1 18.7 20.8 19.4 20.4 19.5 13.6 20.0 13.5 2001 14.9 22.5 15.2 18.2 21.5 19.0 19.0 20.6 13.2 20.5 13.6 2002 15.2 23.1 15.5 18.1 . 19.3 18.4 20.6 13.4 . 14.4 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 37 2.4. Foreign direct investment position (end of period) * Stanje tujih neposrednih naložb (konec obdobja) * Country Država Total-World – Skupaj-Svet foreign direct investment – neposredne naložbe iz tujine in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG 3 831 4 644 4 766 4 875 4 899 5 114 5 316 CY . . . . . . . CZ 21 644 27 092 28 683 37 060 37 502 39 395 41 639 EE 2 645 3 160 3 469 3 888 3 889 4 226 4 661 HU 20 154 23 398 24 008 27 678 28 030 30 934 . LV 1 842 2 284 2 362 2 604 2 671 2 657 2 760 LT 2 334 2 666 2 713 3 463 3 564 3 981 4 247 PL 27 142 33 563 . . . . . RO 6 551 7 708 7 966 8 233 8 449 8 814 9 210 SI 2 893 2 665 . . . 4 015 . SK 3 738 4 777 4 807 5 364 5 785 7 580 7 891 Country Država Total EU-15 – Skupaj EU-15 foreign direct investment – neposredne naložbe iz tujine in millions of USD - v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG 2 965 3 700 3 771 3 843 3 915 3 987 4 129 CY . . . . . . . CZ 18 192 22 903 . . . . . EE 2 207 2 543 2 770 3 171 3 157 3 445 3 921 HU . . . . . . . LV . . . . . . . LT 1 502 1 709 1 742 2 058 2 088 2 368 2 523 PL 27 351 . . . . . . RO . . . . . . . SI 2 416 2 207 . . . 3 147 . SK 2 917 3 874 3 901 4 352 4 707 6 288 6 552 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 38 2.4.a. Foreign direct investment (end of period) * Tuje neposredne naložbe (konec obdobja)* Year Total world, in percent of GDP– Skupaj svet, delež v BDP Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 21.85 . 33.20 5.8 3.5 5.2 19.4 13.4 2.9 13.4 11.3 2000 30.41 . 41.23 7.6 3.0 5.7 20.9 16.5 2.8 15.3 18.6 2001 34.15 . 45.16 9.6 1.9 2.1 22.4 18.3 2.9 13.6 23.3 2002 32.86 . 50.93 4.4 1.9 4.7 26.0 . 2.4 18.3 . 2003 Year Total EU -15, in percent of GDP– Skupaj EU-15, delež v BDP Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 13.97 . 28.64 4.9 2.6 . 12.2 13.4 - 11.0 8.1 2000 23.54 . 34.66 6.6 2.4 . 13.4 16.7 - 13.7 14.5 2001 27.21 . 38.18 7.4 0.8 . 14.4 . - 12.8 18.8 2002 25.62 . . 3.8 1.4 . 15.5 . - 13.7 . 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 39 Finance - Finance 2.5. Central government budget * Državni proračun * Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Revenues – Prihodki in billions of national currency – v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN 11.064 11.837 12.523 2.782 3.285 3.113 3.343 3.222 CY CYP 1.48 1.47 1.57 . . . . . CZ CZK 586.2 626.2 705.0 148.8 199.7 173.4 183.1 158.4 EE EEK 28.1 30.6 36.1 7.7 9.7 9.1 9.6 . HU HUF 3 679.3 4 083.6 4 365.8 1 009.4 993.5 1 027.2 1 335.7 1 110.5 LV LVL 1.335 1.458 1.526 0.354 0.397 0.375 0.400 0.384 LT LTL 7.5 7.5 9.5 . . . . . PL PLN 135.7 140.6 143.9 31.3 33.8 39.3 39.1 33.4 RO ROL 238 040.5 301 380.5 374 191.9 78 667.8 88 108.0 99 590.8 107 825.3 93 192.2 SI SIT 991.0 1 144.6 1 173.1 188.9 313.3 315.7 355.2 322.1 SK SKK 213.5 205.3 220.4 47.9 54.9 58.1 59.5 46.4 Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Expenditures – Izdatki in billions of national currency – v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN 11.234 12.017 12.733 2.821 2.975 2.893 4.044 3.112 CY CYP 1.86 1.70 1.9 . . . . . CZ CZK 632.3 693.9 750.8 164.5 184.9 194.0 207.4 190.2 EE EEK 28.4 29.7 34.3 7.5 8.8 7.9 10.1 . HU HUF 4 048.7 4 496.8 5 840.5 1 196.2 1 166.2 1 175.1 2 303.0 1 334.5 LV LVL 1.464 1.550 1.455 0.358 0.391 0.387 0.319 0.374 LT LTL 8.4 8.1 10.6 . . . . . PL PLN 151.1 172.9 183.0 47.7 42.3 43.5 49.4 48.4 RO ROL 269 809.8 334 169.4 413 158.6 87 519.0 98 297.4 105 251.6 122 090.6 98 209.0 SI SIT 1 028.9 1 194.2 1 313.3 311.5 351.8 303.6 346.5 350.0 SK SKK 241.1 249.7 272.0 63.1 64.4 65.6 78.9 64.2 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 40 2.5. Central government budget * Državni proračun * end of table – konec tabele Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Deficit (-) or surplus (+) in billions of national currency – Primankljaj (-) ali presežek (+) v milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG BGN -0.170 -0.180 -0.209 -0.039 0.310 0.221 -0.701 0.109 CY CYP -0.37 -0.26 -0.28 . . . . . CZ CZK -46.1 -67.7 -45.7 -15.7 14.8 -20.6 -24.3 31.8 EE EEK -0.3 0.8 2.0 0.3 0.9 1.3 -0.5 . HU HUF -369.4 -413.2 -1 474.6 -186.9 -172.7 -147.8 -967.2 -224.1 LV LVL -0.129 -0.092 0.071 -0.004 0.006 -0.012 0.081 0.009 LT LTL -0.9 -0.6 -1.1 . . . . . PL PLN -15.4 -32.4 -39.1 -16.4 -8.5 -4.2 -10.3 -15.4 RO ROL -31 769.3 -32 788.9 -38 966.7 -8 851.2 -10 189.4 -5 660.8 -14 265.3 -5 016.8 SI SIT -38.0 -49.6 -140.2 -122.6 -38.5 12.2 8.7 -27.9 SK SKK -27.6 -44.4 -51.6 -15.2 -9.5 -7.5 -19.4 17.8 2.6. Foreign debt (end of period) * Zunanji dolg (konec obdobja) * Country Država Total in million of USD – Skupaj v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG 11 202 10 619 10 946 10 475 10 799 10 749 10 946 11 099 CY 3 064 1 179 1 504 . . . . . CZ 21 608 22 374 26 281 21 566 24 898 24 550 26 281 26 021 EE 3 007 3 279 4 704 3 488 4 111 4 166 4 704 5 199 HU 24 580 24 547 25 973 22 894 24 953 24 556 25 973 . LV 4 701 5 569 6 974 5 716 6 091 6 375 6 974 7 058 LT 4 857 5 268 6 199 5 025 5 955 5 709 6 199 6 776 PL 69 465 71 797 81 946 72 966 78 759 78 735 81 946 . RO 1) 9 832 11 461 53 350 11 624 13 067 13 536 15 123 15 776 SI 6 217 6 717 8 799 6 680 7 785 7 850 8 799 9 311 SK 10 804 11 042 13 188 11 220 12 032 11 881 13 188 13 811 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 41 2.6. Foreign debt (end of period) * Zunanji dolg (konec obdobja) * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Per capita in USD – Na prebivalca v USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG 1 272 . . . . . . . CY 4 580 1 681 2 121 . . . . . CZ 2 103 2 112 . 2 051 2 370 . . . EE 2 192 2 399 3 456 2 563 3 020 3 060 3 456 3 834 HU 2 410 2 412 2 558 2 252 2 456 2 417 2 558 . LV 1 988 2 374 2 991 2 441 2 605 2 730 2 991 3 032 LT 1 393 1 516 1 790 1 447 1 717 1 647 1 790 1 959 PL 1 798 1 858 2 121 1 893 2 045 2 041 2 121 . RO 438 513 2 392 521 586 607 678 706 SI 3 124 3 370 4 410 3 429 3 903 3 933 4 410 4 410 SK 2 021 2 053 2 452 2 086 2 237 2 209 2 452 2 576 2.7. Deficit / surplus of general government budget in per cent of GDP * Primankljaj oz. presežek širšega sektorja države, delež v BDP * Country Država in per cent – v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG -0.7 -0.6 -0.6 -0.12 0.96 0.68 -2.17 1.49 CY -3.0 -2.8 -3.49 . . . . . CZ -3.1 -2.4 -0.5 -5.5 16.9 -5.2 -8.8 -2.1 EE -1.0 0.4 1.2 1.6 2.4 4.1 -3.3 . HU -3.6 -3.0 . . . . . . LV -2.8 -2.1 -2.5 -0.3 -0.05 -1.2 -7.7 1.1 LT -2.6 -2.2 -2.0 . . . . . PL -2.2 -4.3 -5.1 -9.2 -4.5 -2.2 -4.8 -8.4 RO -3.9 -2.8 -2.6 -2.0 -2.9 -1.4 -3.5 -0.06 SI -1.3 -1.3 -3.0 . . . . . SK -3.3 -4.6 . -4.6 -0.8 47.6 a) . . a) High increase was influeneed by high single income from privatisation to the National Property Found. – Visoka rast je rezultat visokega enkratnega prihodka od privatizacije. ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 42 2.8. General government debt (end of period) * Državni dolg (konec obdobja) * Country Država Domestic – Notranji millions of USD – milijon USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG 848 842 1 128 859 999 1 030 1 128 1 285 CY 4 830 4970 . . . . . . CZ 7 712 10 293 13 147 . . . . . EE 89 115 161 99 126 140 161 . HU 20 619 19 669 27 214 20 403 23 670 24 314 27 214 27 988 LV 364 401 491 387 450 467 491 581 LT 778 826 1 393 . . . 1 393 . PL 35 234 46 416 57 145 49 603 52 432 52 178 57 145 57 613 RO 2 855 2 941 3 237 3 021 3 361 3 135 3 237 3 409 SI 2 343 2 654 3 991 . . . 3 991 . SK 3 270 6 062 7 369 . . . . . Country Država Foreign – Zunanji millions of USD – milijon USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG 8 970 8 525 8 525 8 424 8 632 8 512 8 525 8 580 CY 1 318 1 180 . . . . . . CZ 1 080 863 1 600 . . . . . EE 161 148 190 148 242 208 190 . HU 6 500 8 447 14 559 8 996 10 414 11 413 14 559 16 034 LV 568 716 782 710 766 759 782 785 LT 1 932 1 949 2 086 . . . 2 086 . PL 29 165 24 812 28 279 25 272 26 958 27 665 28 279 29 626 RO 4 387 5 298 6 718 5 397 6 223 6 275 6 718 6 948 SI 2 235 2 366 2 650 . . . 2 650 . SK 2 867 2 567 2 875 . . . . . ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 43 2.8.a. General government debt (end of period) * Državni dolg (konec obdobja) * Year Domestic, in percent of GDP – Notranji, delež v BDP Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 8.8 56.8 12.3 2.3 48.49 3.9 6.1 20.9 12.4 14.1 17.0 2000 6.7 41.3 14.7 1.9 44.65 5.1 7.0 21.5 9.6 12.6 16.2 2001 6.3 38.7 17.2 1.9 36.89 5.3 6.9 25.3 8.8 14.0 29.6 2002 6.6 . 17.4 4.1 36.09 5.6 9.1 30.2 7.9 16.7 . 2003 Year Foreign, in percent of GDP – Zunanji, delež v BDP Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 74.2 16.9 2.2 4.2 12.38 9.2 17.1 20.2 11.6 10.9 11.8 2000 70.5 11.3 2.1 3.1 14.07 8.0 17.3 17.7 14.3 12.0 14.2 2001 63.7 9.2 1.4 2.7 15.84 9.5 16.4 13.5 14.3 12.5 12.5 2002 49.7 . 2.1 1.6 19.31 8.9 13.6 14.9 14.8 11.1 . 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 44 2.9. Balance of payments * Plačilna bilanca * Country Država Current account – Tekoči račun in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG -704 -842 -238 -383 -55 -677 -391 CY -456 -400 -347 -483 -302 -516 . CZ -2 718 -3 273 -778 -1 705 -3 198 -4 523 -553 EE -293 -339 -193 -353 -527 -801 -398 HU -2 899 -1 754 -422 -1 087 -1 370 -2 656 -1 060 LV -493 -732 -56 -228 -409 -659 -127 LT -675 -574 -129 -340 -390 -734 -139 PL -9 952 -7 166 -2 346 -3 978 -4 887 -6 700 -1 544 RO -1 363 -2 317 -286 -909 -957 -1 573 -170 SI -548 31 65 145 368 375 -20 SK -702 -1 756 -312 -868 -1 211 -1 939 -126 Country Država Of current account – Od tekočega računa trade balance – trgovinska bilanca in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG -1 176 -1 581 -252 -664 -884 -1 593 -315 CY -2 609 -2 539 -619 -1 358 -2 058 -2 860 . CZ -3 131 -3 068 -251 -639 -1 242 -2 286 -241 EE -767 -789 -219 -503 -804 -1 104 -394 HU -2 910 -2 236 -402 -625 -1 124 -2 121 -817 LV -1 058 -1 351 -266 -611 -975 -1 444 -378 LT -1 104 -1 108 -254 -585 -855 -1 337 -90 PL -13 168 -11 675 -2 628 -4 864 -7 262 -10 352 -2 376 RO -1 684 -2 969 -482 -1 145 -1 729 -2 613 -446 SI -1 139 -619 -79 -113 -67 -243 -162 SK -904 -2 135 -407 -882 -1 306 -2 131 -179 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 45 2.9. Balance of payments * Plačilna bilanca * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Of current account – Od tekočega računa services, net – storitve, neto in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG 506 544 -4 150 649 594 -60 CY 2 049 2 149 249 845 1 676 2 217 . CZ 1 414 1 524 253 539 620 668 116 EE 562 580 80 247 400 489 54 HU 1 117 1 458 -21 228 685 613 -197 LV 443 496 149 300 419 544 160 LT 380 457 115 248 419 543 78 PL -1 686 -976 -304 -516 -838 -1 005 -506 RO -254 -209 -45 -83 15 -27 7 SI 450 502 122 301 425 556 159 SK 438 480 108 177 308 456 16 Country Država Of current account – Od tekočega računa income, net – dohodki, neto in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG -323 -304 -69 -95 -201 -228 -154 CY -23 -32 5 0 33 60 . CZ -1 373 -2 197 -844 -1 771 -2 913 -3 781 -746 EE -205 -283 -84 -160 -220 -331 -97 HU -1 426 -1 339 -125 -909 -1 271 -1 592 -193 LV 24 44 10 -25 -44 -19 -1 LT -194 -180 -36 -109 -127 -174 -164 PL -759 -896 -278 -815 -1 193 -1 588 -471 RO -285 -282 -58 -275 -376 -469 -79 SI 19 19 -6 -86 -79 -71 -25 SK -353 -313 -36 -234 -313 -456 -29 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 46 2.9. Balance of payments * Plačilna bilanca * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Of current account – Od tekočega računa current transfers, net – tekoči transferji, neto in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG 290 498 88 226 381 549 137 CY 126 22 19 30 47 67 . CZ 372 467 65 166 337 877 317 EE 116 153 31 63 96 144 39 HU 318 359 127 220 341 447 145 LV 98 78 50 105 189 260 92 LT 243 258 46 107 173 233 37 PL 1 681 1 986 389 886 1 532 2 180 540 RO 860 1 143 299 594 1 133 1 536 348 SI 115 129 27 45 91 134 9 SK 118 212 23 72 100 193 65 Country Država Capital account – Kapitalski račun in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 CY 0 0 0 0 2 -6 . CZ -5 -9 1 1 -3 -4 -1 EE 17 6 8 11 19 20 1 HU 268 318 45 102 125 179 -113 LV 29 45 6 10 13 18 2 LT 2 2 6 18 47 57 5 PL 13 -1 -18 -5 14 -8 -15 RO 36 95 9 17 76 88 41 SI 3.5 -3.6 0.4 2.1 0.7 1.7 1.5 SK 92.1 77.7 -5.2 38.2 64.5 107.3 7.7 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 47 2.9. Balance of payments * Plačilna bilanca * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Financial account – Finančni račun in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG 781 663 112 736 714 1 253 11 CY 272 242 329 426 291 475 . CZ 3 836 4 544 1 431 6 823 10 053 11 198 1 199 EE 394 270 210 333 495 805 381 HU 3 873 1 561 -734 -738 -700 147 3 663 LV 491 639 71 217 427 706 102 LT 546 419 29 161 160 535 142 PL 7 645 2 981 2 231 2 792 5 572 6 630 2 781 RO 1 197 1 434 466 830 933 2 261 783 SI 502 -80 -34 -143 -374 -410 -1 SK 1 228 1 641 99 263 3 590 5 068 294 Country Država Of financial account – Od finančnega računa direct investment, net – neposredne investicije, neto in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG 998 803 126 228 250 450 179 CY -40 -54 49 106 119 315 . CZ 4 943 5 476 936 5 971 7 978 9 029 1 095 EE 324 343 96 106 104 153 290 HU 1 152 2 253 101 401 477 595 -710 LV 400 151 107 238 338 388 117 LT 375 439 32 390 538 714 157 PL 8 169 6 928 997 1 840 2 475 3 789 884 RO 1 051 1 174 244 480 749 1 090 375 SI 71 371 258 564 1 032 1 748 -64 SK 1 904 1 460 67 264 3 367 4 007 349 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 48 2.9. Balance of payments * Plačilna bilanca * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Of financial account – Od finančnega računa portfolio investment, net – investicije v lastniške vrednostne papirje, neto in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG -179 82 -172 -97 -143 -77 -60 CY -204 76 148 -170 -237 -475 . CZ -1 803 832 213 192 95 1 559 -1 131 EE 92 -37 -64 56 169 201 348 HU -429 1 511 -29 -117 549 1 580 1 374 LV -321 127 -48 -149 -182 -228 -66 LT 265 264 -22 216 -5 -3 473 PL 2 591 1 109 1 462 1 795 2 331 1 671 3 156 RO 101 575 -49 289 270 391 -14 SI 188 81 -18 -17 63 -67 -20 SK 819 -229 113 241 444 552 24 Country Država Of financial account – Od finančnega računa other investment, net – druge investicije, neto in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG -38 -223 158 604 608 879 -109 CY 507 830 678 608 704 1 061 . CZ 696 -1 764 282 660 1 981 3 728 1 235 EE -22 -37 178 171 222 451 -257 HU 3 153 -2 203 -806 -1 021 -1 727 -2 029 3 000 LV 402 665 -0.4 56 265 536 -93 LT 37 41 75 28 -82 246 73 PL -3 382 -4 715 483 133 1 659 2 050 -1 060 RO 976 1 169 445 900 1 349 2 582 497 SI 422 752 -31 -158 -363 -224 11 SK -1 496 398 -81 -242 -215 507 -67 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 49 2.9. Balance of payments * Plačilna bilanca * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Reserve change – Spremembe rezerv in millions of USD – v milijonih USD 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG -409 -275 338 -46 -336 -586 164 CYa) -12 -597 -578 -129 -324 -424 . CZ -819 -1 765 -385 -5 028 -6 350 -6 627 -417 EE -122 47 -37 -24 -26 -56 -48 HU -1 059 96 973 1 457 1 535 1 781 -2 828 LV 7 -305 13 65 -5 -2 153 LT -131 -325 -55 -473 -291 -423 -416 PL -676 423 -578 54 -1 066 -645 -905 ROb) -928 -1 484 -174 -839 -1 435 -1 802 -75 SI -178 -1 285 -243 -532 -1 104 -1 866 72 SK -824 -143 80 411 -2 778 -3 646 -308 a) – denotes an increase in reserves and + a decrease. - – označuje povečanje + pa zmanjševanje rezerv. b) Reserve assets of the National Bank of Romania. – Likvidna sredstva Romunske nacionalne banke. 2.9.a. Balance of payments * Plačilna bilanca * Year Current account, in percent of GDP – Tekoči račun, delež v BDP Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 -5.03 2.3 -2.66 -4.7 -5.1 -9.8 -11.1 -7.5 -4.0 -3.5 -5.37 2000 -5.58 3.9 -5.28 -5.8 -6.2 -6.9 -6.0 -6.1 -3.7 -2.9 -3.49 2001 -6.19 3.1 -5.72 -6.1 -3.4 -9.6 -4.8 -3.9 -5.5 0.2 -8.58 2002 -4.35 . -6.51 -12.4 -4.0 -7.8 -5.3 -3.5 -3.4 1.7 -8.19 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 50 2.10. Money (M1) - (end of period) * Denar (M1) - (konec obdobja) * Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta In billions of national currency – V milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG BGN 3.976 4.884 5.543 4.594 4.403 4.805 5.543 5.089 CY CYP 1.001 1.012 1.039 0.890 0.933 0.938 1.039 0.969 CZ CZK 497.7 583.6 692.3 568.8 617.5 647.4 692.3 683.6 EE EEK 23.4 28.7 31.4 27.8 29.6 29.2 31.4 31.4 HU HUF 2 378.3 2 775.9 3 306.1 2 644.2 2 808.5 2 893.8 3 295.4 . LV LVL 0.745 0.842 1.021 0.831 0.896 0.917 1.021 0.991 LT LTL 5.7 6.7 8.3 6.4 6.8 7.4 8.3 8.5 PL PLN 106.5 118.3 136.3 114.8 126.1 127.4 136.3 136.2 RO ROL 46 331.1 64 308.6 88 304.6 55 881.3 64 366.4 71 435.2 88 304.6 79 940.2 SI SIT 385.9 462.5 523.8 447.8 495.3 492.5 523.8 523.9 SK SKK 187.2 228.5 246.1 210.3 218.7 221.1 246.1 240.9 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 51 2.11. Quasi money (end of period) * Kvazi denar (konec obdobja) * Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta In billions of national currency – V milijardah nacionalne valute 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG BGN 5.572 7.217 8.039 7.494 7.473 7.785 8.039 8.103 CY CYP 6.533 7.403 8.165 7.381 7.579 7.760 8.165 8.146 CZ CZK 914.6 1 012.4 955.0 1 012.8 963.0 958.2 955.0 938.2 EE EEK 33.0 40.8 45.3 40.9 42.1 43.6 45.3 46.3 HU HUF 3 576.8 4 178.6 4 613.1 4 157.9 4 219.4 4 284.7 4 613.1 . LV LVL 0.531 0.699 0.844 0.815 0.815 0.819 0.844 0.923 LT LTL 4.8 5.9 6.5 6.4 6.2 6.6 6.5 6.4 PL PLN 194.3 210.1 185.3 204.6 196.3 193.5 185.3 184.7 RO ROL 138 728.9 206 203.3 285 407.8 219 444.7 236 545.4 245 897.3 285 407.8 289 510.5 SI SIT 2 005.1 2 615.4 2 934.6 2 695.4 2 768.9 2 803.8 2 934.6 2 959.9 SK SKK 414.3 451.8 467.6 455.7 460.2 468.6 467.6 469.4 2.12. Exchange rates * Devizni tečaji * Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Average exchange rates – Povprečni tečaji national currency per 1 USD – nacionalna valuta za 1 USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG BGN 2.1233 2.1847 2.0770 2.2322 2.1295 1.9890 1.9571 1.8225 CY CYP 0.622 0.643 0.608 0.657 0.629 0.584 0.572 0.541 CZ CZK 38.590 38.038 32.736 36.233 33.125 30.747 30.882 29.478 EE EEK 17.0 17.5 16.6 17.8 17.1 15.9 15.7 14.6 HU HUF 282.27 286.54 239.23 278.44 264.50 249.38 239.23 226.95 LV LVL 0.606 0.628 0.618 0.640 0.627 0.603 0.602 0.585 LT LTL 4.0000 4.0000 3.6733 3.9702 3.7665 3.5074 3.4566 3.2208 PL PLN 4.3464 4.0939 4.0795 4.1297 4.0430 4.1488 3.9967 3.9006 RO ROL 21 692.7 29 075.6 33 055.5 32 350.3 33 328.3 33 063.0 33 480.2 33 155.5 SI SIT 222.68 242.75 240.24 254.57 245.73 231.15 229.53 215.64 SK SKK 46.20 48.35 45.34 48.17 46.86 44.54 41.79 38.96 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 52 2.12. Exchange rates * Devizni tečaji * continued - nadaljevanje Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta Average exchange rates - Povprečni tečaji national currency per 1 EURO - nacionalna valuta za 1 EURO 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG BGN 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 CY CYP 0.574 0.576 0.575 0.576 0.578 0.574 0.573 0.580 CZ CZK 35.610 34.083 30.812 31.756 30.405 30.247 30.853 31.628 EE EEK 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 HU HUF 260.04 256.68 239.29 244.07 242.94 245.21 239.29 243.63 LV LVL 0.560 0.563 0.583 0.561 0.574 0.594 0.601 0.627 LT LTL 3.6990 3.5849 3.4605 3.4842 3.4528 3.4528 3.4528 3.4528 PL PLN 4.0110 3.6685 3.8557 3.6214 3.7149 4.0822 3.9974 4.1845 RO ROL 19 955.9 26 026.9 31 255.3 28 344.3 30 667.5 32 522.6 33 486.7 35 620.0 SI SIT 205.03 217.19 226.22 222.92 225.28 227.37 229.33 231.30 SK SKK 42.59 43.31 42.70 42.25 42.97 43.83 41.71 41.80 Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta End of period rates – Tečaji konec obdobja national currency per 1 USD - nacionalna valuta za 1 USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG BGN 2.1019 2.2193 1.8850 2.2419 1.9607 1.9836 1.8850 1.7952 CY CYP 0.617 0.650 0.547 0.660 0.582 0.582 0.547 0.536 CZ CZK 37.813 36.259 30.141 35.354 29.347 30.729 30.141 29.317 EE EEK 16.820 17.692 14.936 17.948 15.778 15.913 14.936 14.391 HU HUF 284.73 279.03 225.16 279.18 246.72 247.36 225.16 227.02 LV LVL 0.613 0.638 0.594 0.641 0.605 0.606 0.594 0.587 LT LTL 4.0000 4.0000 3.3114 3.9587 3.4794 3.5314 3.3114 3.2287 PL PLN 4.1432 3.9863 3.8388 4.1321 4.0418 4.1482 3.8388 4.0512 RO ROL 25 926 31 597 33 500 33 445 33 477 33 055 33 500 33 189 SI SIT 227.38 250.95 221.07 257.25 226.88 233.47 221.07 216.33 SK SKK 47.39 48.47 40.04 47.68 44.96 42.96 40.04 38.63 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 53 2.12. Exchange rates * Devizni tečaji * end of table – konec tabele Country, National currency Država, nacionalna valuta End of period rates – Tečaji konec obdobja national currency per 1 EURO - nacionalna valuta za 1 EURO 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG BGN 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 CY CYP 0.574 0.575 0.573 0.576 0.580 0.573 0.573 0.584 CZ CZK 35.090 31.980 31.600 30.845 29.260 30.300 31.600 31.945 EE EEK 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 15.647 HU HUF 264.94 246.33 235.90 243.50 244.67 243.28 235.90 246.84 LV LVL 0.570 0.561 0.610 0.561 0.596 0.593 0.610 0.628 LT LTL 3.7212 3.5272 3.4528 3.4528 3.4528 3.4528 3.4528 3.4528 PL PLN 3.8544 3.5219 4.0202 3.6036 4.0091 4.0782 4.0202 4.4052 RO ROL 24 118 27 881 34 919 28 684 33 296 32 508 34 919 36 168 SI SIT 211.51 221.41 230.27 224.19 226.31 228.31 230.27 232.14 SK SKK 44.00 42.76 41.72 41.77 44.31 42.01 41.72 41.43 2.13. Official discount rate (end of period) * Uradna eskontna stopnja (konec obdobja) * Year in per cent – v odstotkih Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 X 7.0 5.0 X 11.0 3.5 10.4 21.5 35.0 10.0 8.8 2001 X 5.5 3.8 X 9.75 3.5 5.5 14.0 35.0 11.0 8.8 2002 X 5.0 1.8 X 8.5 3.0 10.0 7.5 X 10.0 6.5 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 54 2.14. Average interest rates of commercial banks * Povprečne obrestne mere poslovnih bank * Country Država Deposit interest rate – Pasivna obrestna mera percentage per annum – letna obrestna mera v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG 3.2 3.2 3.0 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.2 CY 6.5 4.8 4.2 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.2 3.9 CZ 3.4 3.0 2.2 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.8 1.7 EE 4.5 2.7 3.1 2.8 2.7 2.6 3.1 2.7 HU 9.9 8.4 7.6 7.0 7.3 7.8 7.6 5.1 LV 4.4 5.3 3.2 4.0 3.2 2.9 2.9 2.8 LT 3.7 2.9 1.6 2.0 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.5 PL 15.0 8.0 4.6 7.5 6.4 5.4 4.6 4.2 RO a) 32.7 26.4 18.7 23.5 20.3 16.4 12.8 11.4 SI 10.0 9.9 8.2 9.4 8.1 7.8 7.6 6.8 SK 8.5 6.2 5.6 5.8 5.8 5.9 5.0 4.7 Country Država Credit interest rate – Aktivna obrestna mera percentage per annum - letna obrestna mera v odstotkih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV BG 12.2 11.7 9.8 9.8 9.8 10.1 9.3 9.2 CY 8.0 7.5 7.2 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.3 CZ 7.2 7.0 6.2 6.7 6.4 6.1 5.8 5.6 EE 8.4 9.8 5.9 9.6 5.0 7.8 5.9 5.6 HU 12.8 11.2 9.7 9.8 10.1 10.7 9.7 8.2 LV 12.1 10.8 7.5 10.0 8.7 7.1 6.0 5.3 LT 12.1 9.6 6.6 7.8 7.1 6.2 6.1 6.0 PL 21.5 14.0 7.5 12.0 10.0 8.5 7.5 6.5 RO 53.5 45.1 35.2 39.6 36.7 32.5 28.9 25.9 SI 15.8 15.2 13.2 14.9 13.7 12.2 11.8 11.4 SK 11.8 9.3 9.1 9.0 9.2 9.5 8.6 7.5 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 55 2. ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI Prices - Cene 2.15. Consumer price indices * Indeksi cen življenjskih potrebščin * Country Država 1995 = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 3 447.1 3 700.8 3 915.9 3 965.7 3 925.6 3 851.0 3 921.2 3 989.7 CY 115.4 117.7 121.0 118.8 120.6 121.3 123.4 124.5 CZ 138.7 145.2 147.8 148.4 148.0 147.9 146.8 147.8 EE 159.1 168.2 174.2 172.8 175.2 174.2 174.7 177.0 HU 201.9 220.5 232.2 228.4 232.6 232.1 234.1 239.0 LV 140.3 143.8 146.5 146.6 146.9 145.5 147.2 149.4 LT 145.0 146.9 147.3 149.0 147.7 146.0 146.4 146.6 PL 182.0 192.0 195.6 195.2 196.0 194.2 195.0 196.2 RO 1 194.9 1 606.8 1 968.9 1 859.2 1 940.2 1 992.4 2 084.0 2 168.9 SI 148.5 161.0 173.1 169.0 172.8 174.2 176.3 179.7 SK 144.0 154.6 108.8 108.2 108.8 108.8 109.5 116.4 2.16. Consumer price indices (COICOP classification) * Indeksi cen življenjskih potrebščin (klasifikacija COICOP) * Country Država Total - Skupaj ( 00 ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 110.3 107.4 105.8 108.2 107.1 104.6 103.4 100.6 CY 104.1 102.0 102.8 102.6 102.3 103.5 102.8 104.8 CZ 103.9 104.7 101.8 103.7 102.3 100.7 100.6 99.6 EE 104.0 105.8 103.6 104.3 104.2 102.8 103.0 102.4 HU 109.8 109.2 105.3 106.2 105.5 104.6 104.8 104.6 LV 102.6 102.5 101.9 103.3 101.9 101.0 101.5 101.9 LT 101.0 101.3 100.3 102.5 100.5 99.2 99.0 98.3 PL 110.1 105.5 101.9 103.4 102.1 101.3 100.9 100.5 RO 145.7 134.5 122.5 126.9 124.3 121.3 118.4 116.6 SI 108.9 108.4 107.5 108.0 107.6 107.2 107.1 106.4 SK 112.0 107.3 103.3 104.7 103.1 102.5 103.1 107.6 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 56 2.16. Consumer price indices (COICOP classification) * Indeksi cen življenjskih potrebščin (klasifikacija COICOP) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Food and non-alcoholic beverages – Hrana in brezalkoholne pijače ( 01 ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 110.2 106.5 100.0 106.0 102.6 95.5 95.6 93.1 CY 105.5 104.1 104.6 109.3 105.1 103.9 100.5 104.1 CZ 101.0 105.1 98.1 103.5 99.3 94.7 94.8 94.0 EE 102.4 108.3 103.0 108.3 105.3 99.9 99.0 96.9 HU 109.0 113.7 104.4 107.9 105.6 101.8 102.2 101.5 LV 100.7 104.8 103.4 108.1 103.6 100.8 101.3 100.8 LT 97.6 103.6 99.3 105.3 99.4 97.1 95.5 93.4 PL 110.0 105.0 99.3 102.2 99.9 97.8 97.5 96.5 RO 144.0 136.1 118.3 122.7 119.2 116.8 115.3 115.7 SI 105.5 109.2 107.5 111.4 108.0 105.4 105.2 103.8 SK 105.2 105.6 101.4 104.3 102.0 99.3 100.2 102.0 Country Država Alcoholic beverages and tobacco – Alkoholne pijače in tobak ( 02.1, 02.2 ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 102.1 100.6 127.0 116.1 130.5 130.9 130.4 113.6 CY 108.2 102.8 113.3 101.0 107.7 121.6 122.9 135.2 CZ 104.2 103.2 101.9 101.8 102.0 102.2 101.7 101.8 EE 103.3 102.8 101.4 102.3 101.9 100.6 100.9 101.6 HU 110.8 110.3 109.3 108.7 108.4 108.8 111.1 111.0 LV 106.9 102.7 102.7 103.5 102.2 102.5 102.8 102.3 LT 90.4 99.5 101.7 101.6 102.0 100.9 101.9 102.2 PL 108.0 104.3 102.3 104.5 103.9 103.1 97.7 96.6 RO 129.7 131.1 117.4 128.1 112.7 114.3 116.2 116.0 SI 104.3 107.6 114.3 114.5 112.6 114.8 115.2 113.1 SK 109.6 103.3 110.0 111.0 109.4 109.2 110.3 106.1 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 57 2.16. Consumer price indices (COICOP classification) * Indeksi cen življenjskih potrebščin (klasifikacija COICOP) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Clothing and footwear – Obleka in obutev ( 03 ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 96.0 100.3 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.6 99.8 98.4 CY 99.5 93.3 96.5 96.9 96.0 95.4 97.8 101.0 CZ 98.1 98.3 97.4 98.4 97.9 97.1 96.3 95.2 EE 103.4 103.8 104.1 104.5 104.8 104.2 103.0 103.1 HU 106.1 105.6 104.2 104.9 104.4 103.8 103.8 103.0 LV 101.2 100.9 99.2 97.9 98.0 98.7 102.0 103.2 LT 99.2 95.8 96.5 95.7 96.9 95.8 97.2 96.3 PL 105.5 101.5 99.2 99.7 99.3 98.9 98.9 98.2 RO 129.8 128.0 115.6 119.8 115.7 114.0 113.6 112.6 SI 106.9 101.9 103.3 99.6 102.9 103.7 106.9 110.9 SK 103.1 102.4 103.1 103.2 103.0 103.1 103.2 103.0 Country Država Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels – Najemnina, voda, elektrika, plin in druga goriva ( 04 ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 113.7 107.4 114.7 110.9 110.5 121.0 116.3 113.4 CY 105.5 101.6 104.1 101.8 103.5 105.4 105.6 105.6 CZ 108.3 109.9 106.1 108.0 106.5 105.4 104.5 101.3 EE 102.7 109.8 108.2 105.6 109.0 109.0 109.3 106.8 HU 109.7 110.8 106.2 107.2 106.8 106.1 104.9 104.8 LV 104.4 102.7 101.2 100.9 101.2 101.2 101.4 103.0 LT 112.4 102.2 102.7 103.1 103.3 102.6 101.7 100.5 PL 111.2 110.1 105.9 107.6 105.9 105.4 104.8 103.8 RO 163.6 134.2 136.5 143.1 144.5 135.3 126.4 120.8 SI 118.3 111.1 106.8 106.3 106.6 106.3 108.0 107.7 SK 132.5 117.2 103.7 106.1 103.2 102.9 102.6 116.3 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 58 2.16. Consumer price indices (COICOP classification) * Indeksi cen življenjskih potrebščin (klasifikacija COICOP) * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Transport – Promet in prometne storitve ( 07 ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 121.0 106.8 100.9 102.2 99.0 98.3 104.1 108.6 CY 105.7 102.3 100.4 100.3 100.7 100.2 100.4 101.5 CZ 111.0 100.3 98.1 98.4 97.9 96.8 99.5 102.1 EE 116.1 102.9 97.7 96.0 96.7 97.4 100.6 103.8 HU 115.5 102.7 101.3 98.2 98.7 102.7 105.5 108.0 LV 105.4 99.9 101.7 99.5 101.4 102.0 103.7 105.2 LT 109.4 96.7 98.9 97.9 97.6 96.1 103.8 106.8 PL 120.0 99.6 101.1 98.4 100.0 101.6 104.3 107.2 RO 141.7 139.2 131.1 130.2 132.2 134.1 128.0 125.6 SI 114.0 110.3 107.3 107.6 107.5 107.3 106.9 105.8 SK 115.6 103.2 98.7 98.8 96.8 99.1 100.2 108.6 2.17. Industrial production price indices * Indeksi cen industrijskih proizvodov pri proizvajalcih * Country Država Corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - Isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 100.0 103.7 101.3 99.9 100.5 100.8 104.0 108.0 CY 105.7 102.0 101.9 101.4 100.9 101.6 103.4 102.9 CZ 104.9 102.9 99.5 100.1 99.6 99.0 99.2 99.4 EE 104.9 104.4 100.4 100.2 100.4 100.0 101.0 100.8 HU 111.6 105.2 98.2 97.6 98.1 98.8 98.4 100.7 LV 100.6 101.7 101.0 101.8 100.8 100.5 100.7 102.1 LT 116.0 97.0 97.2 93.9 96.0 98.1 101.0 104.1 PL 107.8 101.6 101.0 100.2 100.7 101.4 101.9 103.0 RO 153.4 141.0 124.7 126.4 125.9 124.0 122.7 123.3 SI 107.6 108.9 105.1 105.8 105.6 105.1 104.0 103.0 SK 110.8 106.5 102.1 102.1 101.9 102.1 102.2 108.5 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 59 2.18. Construction work price indices * Indeksi cen gradbenih del * Country Država Corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - Isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG . . . . . . . . CY 104.5 104.0 103.9 103.5 103.4 104.0 104.6 105.1 CZ 104.1 104.0 102.7 103.1 102.8 102.5 102.2 102.2 EE 102.5 105.7 104.0 104.4 104.5 103.9 103.4 103.7 HU 111.2 110.1 104.5 104.8 104.2 104.6 104.4 105.2 LV 98.1 95.0 97.1 95.8 97.0 97.5 98.1 97.7 LT 100.9 99.5 100.0 98.9 99.9 99.8 101.4 100.7 PL 107.9 103.8 101.2 102.0 101.4 101.0 100.6 99.4 RO 146.0 138.1 124.2 127.6 123.7 124.6 123.2 125.9 SI 104.9 104.3 101.0 . . . . . SK 108.9 106.8 105.1 105.6 104.8 105.0 105.0 104.9 2.19. Foreign trade price indices * Indeksi cen zunanje trgovine * Country Država Imports - Uvoz corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG . 98.3 . 99.0 95.1 94.3 96.3 100.6 CY . . . . . . . . CZ 107.1 98.0 91.7 92.7 90.3 90.3 93.7 97.7 EE 106.1 100.6 99.6 99.4 99.9 99.4 99.9 99.1 HU 112.9 102.5 94.6 94.1 94.1 96.1 94.3 96.6 LV 106.7 101.7 105.8 103.1 104.6 107.4 108.1 107.4 LT 105.2 96.7 95.1 92.0 95.0 95.4 97.9 100.1 PL 105.4 93.8 101.6 93.2 100.8 105.2 106.7 111.9 RO 95.2 96.2 99.8 94.2 98.4 101.1 104.2 111.7 SI 96.8 99.8 104.3 94.3 102.6 109.7 111.3 122.5 SK . . . . . . . . ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 60 2.19. Foriegn trade price indices * Indeksi cen zunanje trgovine * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Exports – Izvoz corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG . 97.5 . 94.9 99.7 93.2 94.7 101.8 CY . . . . . . . . CZ 104.1 99.8 93.1 95.0 92.1 91.3 93.9 97.7 EE 107.8 132.9 99.4 123.9 94.1 93.6 90.7 98.1 HU 109.9 102.2 95.0 95.3 94.9 95.5 94.1 96.4 LV 98.7 102.6 102.7 101.0 102.1 103.2 104.6 107.2 LT 106.4 97.3 95.0 91.2 93.7 95.7 100.2 103.5 PL 101.2 96.0 104.4 98.9 106.1 104.2 107.9 107.6 RO 98.5 98.1 103.7 96.7 100.3 108.6 108.1 119.8 SI 91.8 100.7 106.2 96.1 105.7 110.4 112.6 123.2 SK . . . . . . . . 2.20. Terms of trade Pogoji menjave Country Država Corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - Isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG . 99.2 . 95.9 104.8 98.8 98.3 101.2 CY . . . . . . . . CZ 97.2 101.9 101.5 102.5 102.0 101.1 100.2 99.9 EE 98.6 108.1 94.4 92.5 93.2 91.3 100.7 98.5 HU 97.3 99.7 100.4 101.3 100.9 99.4 99.8 99.8 LV 92.5 100.9 97.1 97.9 97.6 96.1 96.8 99.9 LT 101.1 100.6 99.9 99.1 98.6 100.3 102.3 103.4 PL 101.2 96.0 104.4 98.9 106.1 104.2 107.9 107.6 RO 103.5 102.0 103.9 102.6 101.9 107.4 103.7 107.3 S I 94.8 100.9 101.9 102.0 103.0 100.6 101.1 100.6 SK . . . . . . . . ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 61 Agriculture - Kmetijstvo 2.21. Total agricultural output volume indices * Indeksi obsega vse kmetijske pridelave * Year Previous year = 100 - Predhodno leto = 100 Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 102.7 107.4 100.6 89.6 99.5 89.4 85.5 94.8 104.0 98.7 97.5 2000 90.6 91.5 95.5 108.2 94.3 104.1 105.4 94.4 85.2 102.4 87.7 2001 99.4 105.6 102.5 99.0 110.8 106.7 94.6 105.8 122.7 . 109.9 2002 104.1 103.1 95.6 96.9 95.6 104.0 106.0 98.2 . . 105.3E 2003 2.22. Sales or procurement of main agricultural products * Prodaja ali preskrba z najpomembnejšimi kmetijskimi pridelki* Country Država Pigs for slaughter - in thousand tons of live weight – Prašiči za klanje – v 1000 ton žive teže 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 28.8 18.5 21.2 4.0 4.0 5.0 8.2 4.1 CY 74.6 72.3 67.0 17.2 15.8 16.2 17.8 16.1 CZ 508.9 511.0 515.4 126.9 127.4 123.9 137.2 127.5 EE 21.9 22.8 30.7 7.1 7.4 7.7 8.5 8.2 HU 487.6 447.1 459.8 109.6 118.9 113.5 117.8 132.4 LV 15.0 14.2 21.1 4.7 5.5 5.3 5.6 6.7 LT 43.1 47.7 63.0 12.9 16.3 16.6 17.2 18.1 PL 1 484.6 1 458.2 1 705.4 252.2 248.4 244.8 298.6 291.8 RO 670 613 635 . . . . . SI 43.7 43.5 44.3 11.1 11.6 10.2 11.4 3.3 SK 181.0 170.3 174.7 42.0 45.2 42.0 45.4 45.9 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 62 2.22. Sales or procurement of main agricultural products * Prodaja ali preskrba z najpomembnejšimi kmetijskimi pridelki* continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Cattle for slaughter - in thousand tons of live weight – Govedo za klanje – v 1000 ton žive teže 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 9.5 9.5 6.2 1.5 1.1 0.9 2.7 0.9 CY 5.6 4.8 4.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.1 CZ 208.0 208.5 201.7 52.9 49.2 48.6 51.0 50.3 EE 15.1 14.7 18.5 2.8 4.4 5.8 5.5 4.5 HU 85.5 69.7 67.3 16.3 18.6 16.1 16.3 18.4 LV 17.0 12.5 16.2 3.2 3.9 4.2 4.9 4.7 LT 86.5 50.0 49.3 10.5 11.0 14.1 13.7 15.1 PL 423.7 391.5 398.7 55.6 50.0 55.4 61.6 60.6 RO 330 295 319 . . . . . SI 39.6 47.9 48.3 10.8 14.6 11.8 11.1 3.2 SK 79.7 63.4 69.2 19.3 16.3 18.8 14.8 16.8 Country Država Poultry for slaughter - in thousand tons of live weight – Perutnina za klanje v 1000 ton žive teže 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 10.2 9.2 14.7 2.7 2.7 4.0 5.3 3.1 CY 43.6 45.4 44.6 9.8 12.2 11.7 10.9 9.6 CZ 274.3 292.5 296.6 73.6 69.6 77.6 75.8 67.5 EE . . . . . . . . HU 308.5 350.1 369.4 76.8 90.9 100.2 101.5 74.4 LV 10.0 12.2 14.1 3.5 3.6 3.2 3.8 4.6 LT 22.6 26.0 26.4 6.4 6.1 7.2 6.7 7.4 PL 721.5 906.2 1 028.7 194.3 191.1 214.7 228.0 218.4 RO 324 355 425 . . . . . SI 58.3 63.9 56.6 12.6 14.5 14.8 14.7 5.7 SK 94.5 103.6 110.2 26.3 27.4 27.3 29.1 26.6 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 63 2.22. Sales or procurement of main agricultural products * Prodaja ali preskrba z najpomembnejšimi kmetijskimi pridelki* continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Cow milk - in million litres – Kravje mleko - v milijon litrih 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 170 174 190 43 57 51 39 36 CY 142 137 141 34 34 37 36 35 CZ 2 514 2 532 2 536 622 662 645 607 . EEa) 408.7 427.6 495.3 106.7 140.5 135.1 113.0 112.1 HU 1 686 1 674 1 725 426 457 437 405 411 LV 398 403 385 73 104 125 83 79 LT 1 074 1 123 1 111 203 305 357 246 209 PL 6 583 7 025 7 219 1 499 1 946 1 974 1 588 1 586 RO 1 549 1 680 1 831 . . . . . SI 437 449 468 112 124 121 111 41 SK 948 987 1 042 238 278 277 250 249 a) In thousand tons. – V tisočih ton. Country Država Cereals - in thousand tons – Žito - v tisočih ton 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 1 153.8 1 081.1 1 438.3 115.5 137.8 577.9 607.1 154.3 CY 48.0 127.4 141.5 0 30.0 111.5 0 0 CZ 4 054 4 393 4 973 786 464 2 366 1 356 644 EE 115.8 156.4 266.3 . . . . . HU 4 483 5 637 5 281 789 720 1 860 2 212 466 LV 330 431 434 37 12 323 62 37 LT 585 692 695 91 40 331 233 66 PL 6 462 6 153 6 971 508 444 3 014 1 492 464 RO 9 223 8 022 7 703 . . . . . SI 123.6 116.3 142.2 6.6 3.8 97.2 3.5 3.8 SK 1 635 1 935 2 328 398 312 817 801 . ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 64 2.22. Sales or procurement of main agricultural products * Prodaja ali preskrba z najpomembnejšimi kmetijskimi pridelki* end of table - konec tabele Country Država Potatoes - in thousand tons – Krompir – v tisočih ton 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 0.5 2.0 0.6 0.1 0.3 . 0.2 0.2 CY 117.0 121.0 142.0 16.2 122.0 1.7 2.1 16.4 CZ 482 527 537 86 69 161 221 84 EE . . . . . . . . HU 41 39.2 52.2 7.7 9.6 19.7 15.2 8.3 LV . . . . . . . . LT 14.7 7.8 15.1 0.6 0.3 5.6 8.6 3.6 PL 1 278 1 138 1 269 91 77 446 566 99 RO 594 1 996 1 858 . . . . . SI 15.1 16.5 13.1 2.5 1.6 4.5 4.5 3.5 SK 73 141 127 18 5 28 76 . ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 65 Industry - Industrija 2.23. Industrial production volume indices * Indeksi obsega industrijske proizvodnje * Country Država 1995 = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 100.0 101.6 102.2 96.8 103.7 110.5 116.8 114.4 CY 105.4 105.1 105.1 96.6 110.5 107.7 105.5 94.7 CZ 110.4 117.6 116.6 115.1 118.5 110.7 122.1 122.3 EE 135.9 148.0 156.8 144.1 160.1 155.1 167.8 161.5 HU 100.0 103.6 106.2 101.7 103.5 105.2 114.6 106.2 LV 100.0 106.9 115.5 110.4 108.2 108.4 125.5 121.2 LT 100.0 116.0 103.1 113.0 118.2 116.5 130.5 136.8 PL 142.0 142.0 144.1 136.7 139.4 149.9 151.1 142.6 RO 104.5 113.3 116.8 108.2 118.3 120.3 120.5 109.5 SI 111.8 115.0 117.8 116.3 119.5 116.2 119.3 117.2 SK 100.0 107.2 114.2 105.9 113.4 113.1 124.3 117.5 2.24. Industrial production volume indices by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi obsega industrijske proizvodnje po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * Country Država Total – Skupaj corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 108.2 101.6 101.0 91.0 103.2 103.1 106.4 118.2 CY 104.5 99.8 99.9 98.6 102.5 100.9 97.7 98.1 CZ 105.4 106.5 104.8 104.1 104.9 105.6 104.7 106.3 EE 114.5 108.9 105.9 99.1 108.7 109.3 106.6 112.1 HU 118.1 103.6 102.6 99.7 101.1 105.4 103.9 104.4 LV 104.7 109.2 105.8 100.1 105.8 107.3 109.9 109.8 LT 102.2 116.0 103.1 100.9 106.4 103.6 101.7 121.0 PL 107.1 100.0 101.5 98.4 99.6 103.3 104.6 104.4 RO 107.1 108.4 106.0 103.1 104.0 108.2 108.4 101.1 SI 106.2 102.9 102.4 101.7 102.4 104.1 101.6 100.8 SK 108.4 107.2 106.5 101.1 105.9 109.4 109.5 110.9 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 66 2.24. Industrial production volume indices by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi obsega industrijske proizvodnje po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * continued - nadaljevanje Country Država Mining and quarrying – Rudarstvo corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2001 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 102.7 96.8 101.8 102.9 100.3 103.4 100.6 104.4 CY 103.9 95.3 111.3 95.9 108.8 120.8 120.8 103.2 CZ 109.2 101.9 100.3 101.1 96.9 98.7 104.3 102.7 EE 105.0 103.9 114.5 97.2 138.8 119.1 103.3 109.1 HU 90.8 116.3 90.9 107.3 94.8 88.0 79.7 71.6 LV 107.4 116.7 109.0 76.2 116.8 116.2 113.2 162.8 LT 108.8 132.7 95.4 110.7 101.8 86.6 87.1 97.5 PL 98.3 94.9 96.6 96.6 93.4 97.4 98.6 95.7 RO 105.0 105.0 96.1 98.8 97.0 97.6 91.0 92.0 SI 97.3 92.1 107.7 116.4 110.0 99.7 105.4 90.2 SK 97.8 86.9 128.6 129.8 131.9 126.8 126.1 98.6 Country Država Manufacturing – Predelovalne dejavnosti corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 107.2 100.6 101.0 88.9 102.4 104.7 107.9 125.3 CY 104.0 98.0 97.5 95.7 99.8 98.3 95.9 95.0 CZ 105.0 107.5 105.4 105.0 105.7 105.6 105.2 106.1 EE 116.6 110.0 106.1 100.2 108.3 109.5 106.3 110.4 HU 120.6 104.3 103.6 100.1 102.0 106.8 105.4 103.5 LV 106.6 109.7 106.2 100.9 106.1 107.9 109.6 109.3 LT 105.3 115.8 102.9 99.9 105.9 104.1 101.5 116.1 PL 107.3 99.5 102.1 97.7 99.8 104.3 106.2 104.9 RO 108.1 109.9 107.9 104.4 105.2 110.3 111.5 102.2 SI 107.0 102.8 102.0 100.4 101.4 103.9 102.1 101.3 SK 109.3 110.4 108.5 101.5 107.4 112.1 112.6 113.4 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 67 2.24. Industrial production volume indices by activities (NACE classification) * Indeksi obsega industrijske proizvodnje po dejavnosti (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1) * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Electricity, gas and water supply – Oskrba z elektriko, plinom in vodo corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2001 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 118.3 111.0 100.1 99.8 111.4 91.0 100.2 108.7 CY 106.6 107.5 108.5 111.0 113.8 107.7 102.0 108.4 CZ 107.0 101.9 100.2 97.6 97.4 108.3 99.4 109.2 EE 100.5 101.2 101.2 92.4 101.3 101.5 109.9 124.7 HU 97.9 99.9 98.9 98.9 95.8 99.1 101.0 114.4 LV 95.7 106.3 104.4 99.1 104.2 104.6 110.3 105.6 LT 85.8 115.1 105.4 104.3 111.3 103.3 104.5 143.8 PL 111.0 106.5 99.8 103.8 101.1 97.8 96.6 104.5 RO 99.6 98.7 98.3 96.6 98.7 98.8 99.1 101.5 SI 101.6 109.4 105.5 109.2 112.4 107.7 95.3 101.6 SK 106.8 98.2 94.0 95.6 93.4 92.3 94.3 103.0 2.25. Manufacturing volume indices by selected branches (NACE classification) * Indeksi obsega proizvodnje po izbranih panogah (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1)* Year, quarter Food products; beverages and tobacco – Hrana, pijača in tobak ( DA ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LVa) LT PL RO SI SK 2000 99.3 104.0 97.0 107.1 106.2 102.5 106.0 100.9 110.7 105.4 99.0 2001 97.2 93.1 100.6 109.8 99.4 105.2 102.5 102.8 117.3 100.2 101.5 2002 95.8 91.5 103.5 99.4 101.9 105.8 97.8 103.4 111.9 98.4 104.9 2003 I 111.3 98.0 101.4 101.6 96.3 104.9 109.3 100.7 101.4 96.7 99.8 a) Food products and beverages (NACE 15). – Hrana in pijača (NACE 15). Year, quarter Textiles and textile products – Tekstil in tekstilni izdelki ( DB ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 112.8 92.9 111.9 118.6 113.1 110.4 107.1 99.8 112.6 104.3 105.0 2001 118.5 96.5 102.1 113.5 101.6 103.9 110.3 97.0 111.8 92.0 109.6 2002 118.5 81.2 98.6 108.4 96.8 100.2 99.5 99.8 107.8 87.5 103.9 2003 I 135.0 71.0 98.9 110.7 87.6 107.3 112.5 103.3 101.7 88.6 99.2 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 68 2.25. Manufacturing volume indices by selected branches (NACE classification) * Indeksi obsega proizvodnje po izbranih panogah (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1)* continued - nadaljevanje Year, quarter Leather and leather products – Usnje in usnjeni izdelki ( DC ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 106.1 86.9 80.1 114.3 99.3 58.4 122.0 98.8 113.3 104.1 114.6 2001 108.5 92.7 81.8 88.2 99.8 93.5 83.6 93.4 104.1 98.4 111.9 2002 108.9 91.0 72.7 99.3 91.2 59.3 86.0 97.4 103.3 84.9 115.1 2003 I 119.1 62.4 65.1 103.6 75.4 70.5 101.6 80.0 94.9 83.5 117.4 Year, quarter Wood and wood products – Les in leseni izdelki ( DD ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 102.7 106.9 115.3 118.8 116.8 114.4 133.2 113.3 106.3 101.6 113.7 2001 103.7 101.7 105.3 115.8 105.0 107.9 114.0 95.6 85.5 91.5 101.8 2002 117.1 98.3 106.1 105.2 110.8 105.8 123.6 97.7 104.2 103.0 97.0 2003 I 132.3 95.1 103.3 109.3 89.9 114.2 131.1 97.0 134.0 92.4 103.9 Year, quarter Pulp, paper and paper products; publishing and printing Vlaknine, papir in papirni izdelki; založništvo in tiskarstvo ( DE ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 105.1 111.2 101.6 116.5 121.6 90.5 98.6 104.6 116.1 102.9 117.5 2001 91.9 106.4 101.1 111.4 107.4 100.9 108.9 102.1 123.8 95.8 115.0 2002 104.1 97.3 102.8 103.7 95.9 98.1 93.7 107.1 93.8 105.4 96.4 2003 I 118.1 97.4 105.1 112.7 99.1 103.7 119.1 105.2 98.2 102.6 109.8 Year, quarter Coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel – Koks, naftni derivati in jedrsko gorivo ( DF ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV b) LT PL RO SI SK 2000 . 99.5 101.3 . 97.9 . 91.9 123.7 104.3 70.9 111.8 2001 . 98.0 120.2 . 97.3 . 149.1 102.8 110.5 32.6 103.0 2002 . 94.0 103.8 . 100.4 . 93.6 84.2 112.7 107.6 111.1 2003 I . 85.0 103.0 . 86.9 . 110.3 93.9 120.8 117.4 116.1 b) Confidential data. - Zaupni podatki. ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 69 2.25. Manufacturing volume indices by selected branches (NACE classification) * Indeksi obsega proizvodnje po izbranih panogah (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1)* continued - nadaljevanje Year, quarter Chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres – Kemikalije, kemični izdelki in umetna vlakna ( DG ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 114.4 103.0 97.7 100.8 110.8 84.2 107.4 108.2 121.9 110.4 105.3 2001 97.1 112.0 103.2 102.9 96.2 109.6 89.3 102.4 102.6 108.1 102.6 2002 97.5 100.6 100.3 97.7 102.1 115.9 124.1 106.6 105.0 105.9 104.5 2003 I 109.3 91.2 107.3 91.1 106.5 95.9 114.3 114.1 106.6 113.2 112.7 Year, quarter Rubber and plastic products – Izdelki iz gume in plastičnih mas ( DH ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 107.6 98.4 115.5 128.1 114.8 114.7 121.4 110.0 102.0 110.1 125.7 2001 99.9 93.8 111.6 132.8 116.0 119.4 130.2 106.3 126.3 101.2 109.5 2002 94.0 105.9 118.6 112.0 110.9 114.5 116.0 112.4 103.0 98.6 113.2 2003 I 129.7 93.9 118.9 104.3 99.1 112.4 165.1 116.0 129.2 98.0 119.8 Year, quarter Other non-metalic mineral products – Drugi nekovinski mineralni izdelki ( DI ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 96.5 106.2 105.3 114.8 110.0 90.4 95.9 107.4 101.1 96.4 97.5 2001 105.2 102.3 104.1 106.3 103.9 111.3 102.5 97.3 99.4 100.1 110.2 2002 106.8 111.2 104.0 107.6 103.3 115.3 103.8 102.3 94.4 100.8 101.3 2003 I 111.9 111.6 100.1 115.6 86.7 102.3 138.1 96.5 95.7 91.9 105.0 Year, quarter Basic metals and fabricated metal products – Kovine in kovinski izdelki ( DJ ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 114.2 109.4 96.8 126.7 121.0 110.0 120.1 111.2 115.7 112.5 108.0 2001 92.4 103.2 104.2 122.7 102.8 113.1 118.3 95.4 108.8 104.6 107.2 2002 99.5 110.5 99.0 108.8 96.6 106.3 101.8 103.5 119.5 103.5 109.2 2003 I 158.8 94.7 102.7 135.8 107.0 108.7 126.2 104.5 85.0 103.8 119.0 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 70 2.25. Manufacturing volume indices by selected branches (NACE classification) * Indeksi obsega proizvodnje po izbranih panogah (klasifikacija NACE Rev. 1)* end of table - konec tabele Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Machinery and equipment n.e.c. – Stroji in naprave, neomenjeni ( DK ) corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 97.8 111.0 109.8 149.2 111.0 119.7 93.9 102.3 102.4 105.4 115.8 2001 107.9 98.8 117.2 135.0 109.8 127.5 121.5 99.0 114.8 115.5 109.0 2002 114.6 96.4 102.6 116.4 132.0 110.4 130.5 103.1 100.5 111.4 107.6 2003 I 137.5 81.5 104.9 107.2 108.1 110.9 103.0 107.3 92.2 96.6 117.9 Year, quarter Electrical and optical equipment – Električne in optične naprave ( DL ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 114.6 107.1 111.5 130.3 153.9 123.0 109.4 110.0 92.4 114.1 107.8 2001 112.8 97.5 129.5 75.3 108.7 101.5 109.4 104.1 104.6 106.4 131.7 2002 115.2 97.8 127.5 117.2 104.8 121.4 116.4 103.6 102.9 103.6 120.4 2003 I 120.2 88.3 103.3 131.1 110.8 193.1 126.3 117.4 100.2 122.3 116.1 Year, quarter Transport equipment – Prometna sredstva ( DM ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 93.2 97.7 118.4 110.7 115.9 131.0 121.6 114.1 86.7 111.0 122.3 2001 111.8 111.3 102.8 123.6 104.0 76.5 116.1 88.3 101.7 101.4 114.7 2002 98.7 123.8 103.3 111.9 101.1 104.4 101.4 96.2 105.4 105.0 112.0 2003 I 104.6 103.7 117.1 102.0 114.6 86.3 99.0 99.8 108.3 94.1 109.1 Year, quarter Manufacturing n.e.c. – Proizvodnja, neomenjena ( DN ) Leto, četrtletje corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 122.9 101.4 115.3 115.3 121.0 101.4 141.8 107.8 117.8 99.6 106.3 2001 101.5 94.7 100.3 119.1 115.9 119.1 117.1 101.8 99.0 108.4 124.4 2002 118.3 96.9 102.6 108.3 118.4 107.0 121.5 111.6 110.4 98.2 122.7 2003 I 153.4 84.4 99.6 111.4 78.0 113.2 127.4 125.3 121.7 96.5 185.6 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 71 2.26. Industrial productivity volume indices * Indeksi produktivnosti v industriji * Country Država Corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - Isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG . . . . . . . . CY 104.2 101.2 102.8 . . . . . CZ 110.6 105.0 106.4 103.4 105.0 108.1 109.1 109.2 EE 117.6 115.3 107.8 101.2 110.1 111.2 108.9 112.4 HU 116.6 105.1 105.1 101.8 103.9 108.6 107.4 107.8 LV 105.0 106.7 105.8 101.3 105.8 106.6 109.5 101.4 LT 104.9 118.1 103.1 . . . . . PL 114.3 105.4 107.6 105.5 106.5 109.0 108.9 107.8 RO 113.8 106.9 113.7 108.2 111.0 117.4 118.1 108.7 SI 108.4 103.5 105.6 104.7 105.9 107.3 104.1 102.7 SK 111.6 108.6 103.0 103.1 99.3 103.6 105.7 108.9 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 72 Construction - Gradbeništvo 2.27. Construction output volume indices * Indeksi obsega proizvodnje v gradbeništvu * Country Država Corresponding period of the previous year = 100 – Isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 108.0 112.8 77.7 90.0 80.0 68.6 79.2 102.2 CY 97.6 103.7 104.3 . . . . . CZ 105.3 109.6 102.5 103.7 102.8 100.2 103.8 99.3 EE 118.7 105.5 121.8 125.9 124.4 118.5 121.0 101.5 HU 107.9 108.3 120.1 123.5 123.2 122.7 113.7 86.5 LV 108.0 106.0 110.8 105.5 105.8 108.4 123.4 117.5 LT 82.0 106.8 112.8 107.2 120.2 109.0 113.0 121.2 PL 98.0 90.1 89.5 84.4 86.6a) 90.2b) . 76.9 RO 102.6 104.1 105.9 103.2 105.8 105.8 107.0 105.3 SI 102.8 97.8 103.3 100.2 103.1 104.2 105.3 104.7 SK 99.6 100.8 104.1 96.5 105.1 103.8 108.7 103.0 a) I-II quarter. - I-II četrtletje. b) I-III quarter. - I-III četrtletje. Retail trade - Trgovina na drobno 2.28. Retail trade turnover volume indices * Indeksi fizičnega obsega prometa v trgovini na drobno * Country Država Corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - Isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 120.6 106.4 100.6 100.3 99.4 100.8 101.7 102.4 CY 105.7 105.9 101.0 102.2 100.2 96.7 104.9 100.0 CZ 104.3 104.5 102.9 104.2 102.8 102.5 102.2 102.9 EE 116.1 112.7 114.5 113.3 114.1 115.5 114.9 114.4 HU 102.0 105.4 110.7 114.5 112.5 108.3 109.1 108.4 LV 109.0 109.5 117.6 111.3 116.4 119.8 121.9 113.2 LT 113.1 108.0 112.6 112.9 116.4 114.0 107.9 108.2 PL 101.5 100.7 101.6 105.8 100.7 103.9 102.6 101.2 RO 96.2 100.4 100.8 97.8 101.9 103.1 99.9 102.9 SI 107.4 107.8 104.7 103.2 102.7 105.7 104.8 104.0 SK . 104.5 105.8 105.8 108.8 103.1 105.6 93.5 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 73 Foreign trade – Zunanja trgovina 2.29. Foreign trade volume indices * Indeksi obsega zunanje trgovine * Country Država Imports - Uvoz corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG . 116.7 . 100.9 105.7 104.2 118.5 115.7 CY . . . . . . . . CZ 119.7 114.0 104.2 100.8 105.0 106.8 104.2 107.4 EE 126.0 105.2 106.7 93.0 108.9 107.4 117.5 103.5 HU 120.8 104.0 105.1 103.3 104.4 108.3 108.6 104.3 LV 111.9 111.9 113.1 109.8 121.1 122.4 108.0 110.7 LT 107.3 120.4 118.1 115.8 124.4 120.6 112.1 109.5 PL 110.8 103.2 107.3 103.5 110.4 107.0 108.1 104.8 RO 129.9 123.9 115.1 105.2 108.5 130.1 117.1 119.4 SI 103.7 100.5 103.3 100.8 101.8 103.7 105.9 106.4 SK . . . . . . . . Country Država Exports - Izvoz corresponding period of the previous year = 100 - isto obdobje predhodnega leta = 100 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG . 111.6 . 102.2 104.9 120.5 115.8 96.8 CY . . . . . . . . CZa) 118.5 113.5 105.7 103.4 106.4 108.7 104.9 108.2 EE 137.6 99.8 104.8 95.3 107.5 106.4 110.0 99.8 HU 121.7 107.7 105.9 105.5 108.5 108.8 104.8 100.3 LV 114.5 110.0 109.0 99.3 106.8 120.4 114.6 109.1 LT 119.2 123.6 116.5 110.9 120.7 116.8 115.7 121.6 PL 125.3 111.8 108.3 100.4 108.3 110.5 113.5 108.7 RO 124.0 112.0 117.5 104.3 117.1 116.6 132.2 116.4 SI 111.3 105.2 105.4 100.4 105.8 107.6 107.6 103.1 SK . . . . . . . . ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 74 2.30. Imports and exports (current prices) * Uvoz in izvoz (tekoče cene) * Country Država Imports - Uvoz in million of USD – v milijon USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 6 507 7 261 7 806 1 571 1 878 2 017 2 340 2 190 CY 3 856 3 924 4 077 965 1 103 969 1 041 . CZ 32 110 36 472 40 723 8 895 9 977 10 260 11 591 11 471 EE 4 236 4 300 4 810 993 1 196 1 238 1 383 1 419 HU 32 079 33 682 37 612 8 492 9 139 9 421 10 559 10 369 LV 3 191 3 504 4 054 809 1 003 1 061 1 181 1 086 LT 5 457 6 353 7 709 1 529 1 920 1 966 2 294 2 044 PL 48 940 50 275 55 113 11 906 13 616 14 188 15 403 14 914 RO 13 055 15 552 17 862 3 646 4 318 4 719 5 179 4 860 SI 10 116 10 148 10 932 2 465 2 703 2 719 3 046 3 213 SK 12 724 14 763 16 626 3 386 3 963 4 267 5 011 4 683 Country Država Exports - Izvoz in million of USD – v milijon USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 4 825 5 113 5 578 1 200 1 325 1 639 1 414 1 709 CY 950 974 838 204 232 209 193 . CZ 28 996 33 397 38 359 8 641 9 582 9 630 10 506 11 229 EE 3 166 3 312 3 443 726 851 865 1 001 961 HU 28 092 30 498 34 337 7 834 8 631 8 627 9 246 9 108 LV 1 869 2 001 2 284 488 572 608 616 633 LT 3 809 4 583 5 476 1 086 1 386 1 456 1 548 1 665 PL 31 651 36 092 41 010 9 047 9 785 10 580 11 598 11 567 RO 10 367 11 385 13 876 2 897 3 317 3 765 3 897 4 039 SI 8 732 9 252 10 357 2 318 2 584 2 669 2 786 2 943 SK 11 849 12 641 14 459 2 983 3 489 3 840 4 147 4 504 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 75 2.30. Imports and exports (current prices) * Uvoz in izvoz (tekoče cene) * end of table - konec tabele Country Država Balance – Saldo in million of USD – v milijon USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG -1 682 -2 148 -2 228 -371 -553 -378 -926 -481 CY -2 906 -2 950 -3 239 -761 -871 -760 -848 . CZ -3 114 -3 075 -2 364 -254 -395 -630 -1 085 -242 EE -1 070 -988 -1 367 -267 -345 -373 -382 -458 HU -3 988 -3 184 -3 275 -659 -508 -795 -1 314 -1 261 LV -1 322 -1 503 -1 770 -321 -431 -453 -565 -453 LT -1 648 -1 770 -2 233 -443 -534 -510 -746 -379 PL -17 289 -14 183 -14 103 -2 859 -3 831 -3 608 -3 805 -3 347 RO -2 688 -4 167 -3 986 -749 -1 001 -954 -1 282 -821 SI -1 384 -895 -575 -147 -119 -50 -259 -269 SK -875 -2 122 -2 167 -403 -474 -427 -864 -179 2.31. Foreign trade with EU-15 (current prices) * Blagovna menjava z državami EU-15 (tekoče cene) * Country Država Trade with EU-15 – Menjava z EU-15 imports – uvoz in million of USD – v milijon USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 2 865 3 582 3 925 789 975 1 040 1 121 1 057 CY 1 990 1 993 2 162 479 588 525 570 . CZ 19 929 22 533 24 486 5 457 6 109 6 186 6 734 6 748 EE 2 653 2 428 2 781 585 715 720 761 755 HU 18 760 19 464 21 161 4 721 5 234 5 403 5 803 5 821 LV 1 674 1 842 2 146 439 528 560 619 537 LT 2 361 2 795 3 427 687 896 871 973 830 PL 29 951 30 865 33 999 7 369 8 428 8 819 9 383 9 075 RO 7 388 8 918 10 431 2 107 2 630 2 709 2 985 2 719 SI 6 856 6 865 7 430 1 674 1 875 1 840 2 042 2 148 SK 6 225 7 344 8 364 1 686 2 018 2 164 2 496 2 305 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 76 2.31. Foreign trade with EU - 15 (current prices) * Blagovna menjava z državami EU-15 (tekoče cene) * end of table – konec tabele Country Država Trade with EU-15 - Menjava z EU-15 exports - izvoz in million of USD – v milijon USD 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 I II III IV I II III IV I-II BG 2 474 2 798 3 116 682 755 892 787 953 CY 346 373 425 91 135 97 102 . CZ 19 906 23 023 26 208 6 079 6 615 6 506 7 008 7 990 EE 2 423 2 302 2 339 504 575 579 681 680 HU 21 117 22 651 25 782 5 961 6 493 6 470 6 859 6 906 LV 1 208 1 225 1 380 296 341 367 376 396 LT 1 824 2 189 2 646 560 671 696 719 681 PL 22 144 24 987 28 181 6 374 6 765 7 178 7 875 8 245 RO 6 618 7 720 9 310 2 059 2 239 2 517 2 495 2 783 SI 5 580 5 758 6 138 1 460 1 526 1 550 1 601 1 828 SK 7 000 7 566 8 751 1 858 2 088 2 279 2 526 2 899 2.32. Structure of imports by SITC commodity groups (current prices) * Struktura uvoza po sektorjih SMTK (tekoče cene) * Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total imports – Deleži sektorja v skupnem uvozu Food and live animals, beverages and tobacco – Živila in žive živali, pijače in tobak ( 0&1 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 4.8 . 4.6 8.0 2.7 11.6 9.0 5.6 6.5 5.7 5.3 2001 4.9 . 4.4 8.6 2.9 11.7 8.5 5.9 7.2 5.8 5.4 2002 5.1 . 4.5 8.6 3.0 12.1 7.2 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.2 2003 I 4.8 . 4.4 7.7 3.3 11.4 7.2 5.3 5.7 5.2 4.7 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total imports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem uvozu Crude material, inedible, except fuels – Neobdelani materiali, razen goriv ( 2 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 5.5 . 3.2 4.1 2.0 3.5 4.8 3.4 4.3 5.4 3.9 2001 5.5 . 2.9 4.1 1.8 2.9 4.0 3.1 3.3 5.0 3.7 2002 4.4 . 2.9 4.4 1.8 3.3 4.1 3.0 3.1 5.0 3.6 2003 I 6.0 . 3.0 4.2 1.9 4.4 4.4 3.0 3.3 5.1 3.8 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 77 2.32. Structure of imports by SITC commodity groups (current prices) * Struktura uvoza po sektorjih SMTK (tekoče cene) * continued – nadaljevanje Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total imports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem uvozu Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials – Mineralna goriva in maziva ( 3 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 26.8 . 9.7 5.8 8.4 12.3 21.7 10.8 12.1 9.1 17.5 2001 22.1 . 9.1 5.8 8.2 10.6 20.3 10.1 12.7 8.1 15.2 2002 19.6 . 7.6 5.5 7.5 9.2 16.5 9.1 11.2 7.1 13.4 2003 I 20.4 . 8.2 6.4 8.1 12.9 23.1 10.7 14.3 9.3 15.4 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total imports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem uvozu Animal and vegetalble oils, fats and waxes – Živalska in rastlinska olja ter maščobe ( 4 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 0.3 . 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 2001 0.4 . 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 2002 0.6 . 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 2003 I 0.5 . 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.2 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total imports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem uvozu Chemicals and related products – Kemični izdelki ( 5 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 9.4 . 11.2 8.7 8.9 12.5 12.3 14.1 10.0 12.4 10.9 2001 10.1 . 10.9 9.0 9.0 12.4 12.2 14.6 9.9 12.7 10.3 2002 10.3 . 11.2 9.5 9.2 12.7 11.5 14.9 10.7 13.4 10.7 2003 I 10.5 . 11.4 8.9 10.7 13.0 11.4 15.3 10.3 13.5 10.6 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 78 2.32. Structure of imports by SITC commodity groups (current prices) * Struktura uvoza po sektorjih SMTK (tekoče cene) * end of table – konec tabele Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total imports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem uvozu Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materials – Proizvodi klasificirani po materialu ( 6 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 18.7 . 20.8 17.2 16.6 18.8 17.1 20.0 26.7 21.9 17.7 2001 19.9 . 20.2 18.6 16.3 19.2 16.6 20.6 27.9 22.9 18.5 2002 20.5 . 20.6 20.1 16.4 19.1 17.6 20.6 29.1 23.0 19.1 2003 I 19.7 . 19.9 18.9 16.2 18.2 16.2 19.9 27.4 22.4 19.1 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total imports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem uvozu Machinery and transport equipment – Stroji in transportne naprave ( 7 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 24.9 . 40.0 45.2 51.4 28.2 24.5 37.0 29.2 34.2 35.6 2001 27.5 . 42.2 42.2 51.6 30.0 28.5 36.4 27.9 33.6 37.6 2002 27.7 . 42.4 40.4 52.0 30.7 33.8 37.6 28.2 34.0 38.2 2003 I 25.9 . 42.1 43.5 50.0 28.5 29.4 36.7 27.9 33.7 36.5 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total imports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem uvozu Miscellaneous manufactured articles – Razni končni izdelki ( 8 ) BG CY CZ a) EE HUa) LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 7.5 . 10.3 10.7 9.8 12.5 7.6 8.6 10.9 11.0 8.8 2001 8.7 . 10.1 11.3 10.0 12.5 7.7 8.8 10.9 11.4 9.0 2002 9.9 . 10.6 11.0 9.9 12.2 7.2 8.8 11.5 11.4 9.7 2003 I 10.5 . 10.7 10.1 9.6 10.9 7.0 8.7 10.8 10.4 9.7 a) Including commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere (9). – Vključno z izdelki in transakcijami, ki niso razvrščene drugje. ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 79 2.33. Structure of exports by SITC commodity groups (current prices) * Struktura izvoza po sektorjih SMTK (tekoče cene) * Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total exports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem izvozu Food and live animals, beverages and tobacco - Živila in žive živali, pijače in tobak ( 0 & 1 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 9.1 . 3.7 5.6 6.9 5.8 11.1 7.9 2.6 3.6 3.0 2001 8.7 . 3.5 7.6 7.5 8.8 11.7 7.8 3.1 3.6 3.1 2002 10.6 . 3.0 7.7 6.8 9.7 10.0 7.5 2.8 3.6 3.2 2003 I 9.0 . 2.9 7.1 5.8 7.8 9.2 7.8 1.7 2.9 2.7 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total exports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem izvozu Crude material, inedible, except fuels - Neobdelani materiali, razen goriv ( 2 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 5.9 . 3.5 13.8 2.1 33.5 7.3 2.8 9.1 1.9 3.3 2001 5.3 . 3.0 11.6 1.8 27.8 6.3 2.5 6.1 1.8 3.3 2002 6.0 . 2.8 12.4 1.9 26.8 6.5 2.5 5.5 1.7 3.0 2003 I 4.6 . 2.9 11.1 2.0 25.9 6.0 2.7 5.0 1.7 2.5 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total exports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem izvozu Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials – Mineralna goriva in maziva ( 3 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 14.7 . 3.1 2.0 1.8 2.5 20.9 5.1 7.2 0.7 7.0 2001 13.5 . 3.0 1.7 1.9 1.4 23.1 5.6 6.2 1.0 6.6 2002 9.4 . 2.9 2.3 1.6 1.5 18.7 5.0 7.9 1.1 6.1 2003 I 8.6 . 2.7 2.9 1.6 1.9 23.4 4.9 9.1 1.3 6.6 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 80 2.33. Structure of exports by SITC commodity groups (current prices) * Struktura izvoza po sektorjih SMTK (tekoče cene) * continued - nadaljevanje Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total exports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem izvozu Animal and vegetalble oils, fats and waxes - Živalska in rastlinska olja ter maščobe ( 4 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 0.2 . 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 2001 0.2 . 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 2002 0.3 . 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 2003 I 0.1 . 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total exports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem izvozu Chemicals and related products Kemični izdelki ( 5 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 11.5 . 7.1 3.9 6.7 6.4 9.5 6.8 5.8 11.2 7.9 2001 10.7 . 6.4 4.5 6.6 6.4 7.5 6.3 5.2 11.6 7.3 2002 9.3 . 6.0 4.8 6.6 5.9 7.4 6.4 4.7 12.4 6.9 2003 I 10.2 . 5.9 4.3 7.2 6.3 7.6 6.6 4.4 13.5 6.5 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total exports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem izvozu Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materials - Proizvodi klasificirani po materialu ( 6 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 25.9 . 25.4 16.5 10.8 26.2 13.5 24.8 19.5 27.3 26.7 2001 23.6 . 24.3 18.6 10.6 28.1 12.0 23.9 18.9 26.8 27.4 2002 22.6 . 23.5 21.0 10.3 29.4 12.2 23.8 18.8 26.1 26.8 2003 I 24.0 . 22.6 21.0 10.7 30.4 11.1 24.5 19.3 26.5 26.5 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 81 2.33. Structure of exports by SITC commodity groups (current prices) * Struktura izvoza po sektorjih SMTK (tekoče cene) * end of table – konec tabele Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total exports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem izvozu Machinery and transport equipment - Stroji in transportne naprave ( 7 ) BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 9.6 . 44.5 39.9 59.8 7.1 17.4 34.2 18.8 36.0 39.5 2001 11.0 . 47.4 36.3 57.6 8.3 20.0 36.2 19.9 36.1 38.5 2002 12.6 . 49.6 29.1 58.8 8.3 26.1 37.6 21.2 37.0 39.5 2003 I 12.9 . 51.3 30.5 60.0 7.9 23.3 35.2 21.0 36.7 40.9 Year, quarter Leto, četrtletje Commodity groups in per cent of total exports - Deleži sektorja v skupnem izvozu Miscellaneous manufactured articles - Razni končni izdelki ( 8 ) BG CY CZa) EE HUa) LV LT PL RO SI SK 2000 21.3 . 12.5 18.1 11.6 18.4 20.0 18.3 36.7 19.3 12.4 2001 25.3 . 12.2 19.5 13.8 19.2 19.1 17.6 40.2 19.1 13.5 2002 27.6 . 11.9 22.3 13.8 18.1 18.8 17.2 39.0 18.0 14.3 2003 I 28.8 . 11.5 22.8 12.6 19.4 19.2 18.3 39.3 17.3 14.1 a) Including commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere. (9). – Vključno z izdelki in transakcijami, ki niso razvrščene drugje (9). ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 82 Transport - Transport 2.34. Freight transport * Blagovni prevoz * Year Leto Total in million ton-km – Skupaj v milijon tonskih km BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 88 538 _ 56 417 30 497 31 804 22 436 18 222 310 698 45 989 42 389E 19 996 2000 88 136 _ 58 955 16 344 32 193 24 573 20 149 282 559 42 131 40 148E 19 829 2001 81 937 _ 59 438 16 180 32 447 27 069 20 798 253 269 40 647 41 298 18 501 2002 76 340 1 275 63 123 16 047 31 506 26 221 25 371 248 685 47 333 36 271 18 113 2003 Year Leto Of total, in million ton-km – Od skupaj, v milijon tonskih km railway – železniški BG CY CZa) EE HU LV LT PL ROb) SI SK 1999 5 297 x 16 713 7 295 7 734 12 210 7 849 55 471 14 679 2 784 9 859 2000 5 538 x 17 496 8 102 8 095 13 310 8 918 54 448 16 354 2 857 11 234 2001 4 904 x 16 882 8 557 7 731 14 179 7 741 47 913 16 102 2 837 10 929 2002 4 627 x 15 772 9 697 7 752 15 020 9 767 47 756 15 218 3 078 10 383 2003 a) Railway traffic total (include small carriers) output in tariff tons-kilometers. – Železniški prevoz skupaj (vključno z malimi prevozniki) v tonskih kilometrih. b) Tariff of length voyages for transported goods. - Tarifa dolžine poti prepeljanega blaga. Year Leto Of total, in million ton-km – Od skupaj, v milijon tonskih km road – cestni BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 6 389 _ 36 964 3 975 18 599 4 161 7 740 70 452 13 457 4 240E 8 474 2000 4 127 _ 39 036 3 932 19 123 4 789 7 769 72 842 14 288 5 252E 7 212 2001 5 423 _ 40 260 4 677 18 503 5 359 8 274 74 403 18 544 5 507 6 557 2002 6 644 1 275 45 059 4 387 17 143 6 120 10 709 74 679 25 350 4 611 6 799 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 83 2.34. Freight transport * Blagovni prevoz * end of table – konec tabele Year Leto Of total, in million ton-km – Od skupaj, v milijon tonskih km oil pipelines – cevovodni BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 3 300 x 1 795 _ 4 457 6 055 2 627 19 417 1 636 _ _ 2000 3 637 x 1 612 _ 4 024 6 467 3 457 20 354 1 392 _ _ 2001 3 692 x 1 661 _ 4 904 7 524 4 780 21 093 1 769 _ _ 2002 3 720 x 1 717 _ 4 912 5 071 4 892 20 854 1 779 _ _ 2003 Year Leto Of total, in million ton-km – Od skupaj, v milijon tonskih km inland waterway – rečni, jezerski BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 320 x 915 2 958 _ 3 1 028 2 802 _ 1 663 2000 397 x 773 1 891 _ 1 1 173 2 633 _ 1 383 2001 365 x 606 0 1 259 _ 1 1 264 2 746 _ 1 015 2002 535 x 543 0 1 668 _ 1 1 126 3 642 _ 600 2003 Year Leto Of total, in million ton-km - Od skupaj, v milijon tonskih km maritime - pomorski BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 73 169 _ _ 19 221 _ _ . 164 236 12 147 35 361 _ 2000 74 391 _ _ 4 304 _ _ . 133 654 5 817 32 035 _ 2001 67 551 _ _ 2 943 _ _ . 108 517 1 474 32 950 _ 2002 60 814 _ _ 1 958 _ _ . 104 190 1 333 28 578 _ 2003 Year Leto Of total, in million ton-km - Od skupaj, v milijon tonskih km air - zračni BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 63 _ 30 4 56 10 3.0 94 20 4 0.1 2000 46 _ 38 5 60 7 4.1 88 19 4 0.1 2001 2 _ 29 3 50 7 3.4 79 12 4 0.1 2002 . _ 32 5 31 10 3.3 80 11 4 4 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 84 2.35. Passenger transport * Potniški prevoz * Year Leto Total in million passenger-km - Od skupaj, v milijon potniških km BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 14 390 _ 19 957 3 191 24 332 3 590 2 388 65 260 22 525 3 395 14 918 2000 14 348 _ 22 516 3 651 25 393 3 352 2 119 62 055 21 559 3 152 12 728 2001 13 908 _ 24 303 3 330 25 546 3 287 2 102 60 073 20 078 2 976 12 747 2002 15 789 _ 23 157 3 282 26 102 3 443 2 031 56 963 15 645 2 686 12 355 2003 Year Leto Of total, in million passenger-km - Od skupaj, v milijon potniških km railway - železniški BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 3 819 x 6 954 238 9 514 984 745 26 198 12 304 623 2 968 2000 3 472 x 7 300 263 9 693 715 611 24 092 11 632 705 2 870 2001 2 990 x 7 299 183 10 005 706 533 22 469 10 966 716 2 805 2002 2 598 x 6 597 177 10 531 744 498 20 809 8 502 749 2 682 2003 Year Leto Of total, in million passenger-km - Od skupaj, v milijon potniških km road - cestni BG CY CZa) EE HU LV LTb) PL RO SI SK 1999 7 891 _ 8 649 2 222 11 265 2 368 1 224 33 250 8 324 1 940 11 703 2000 8 619 _ 9 351 2 630 12 115 2 348 1 003 31 735 7 700 1 581 9 608 2001 9 123 _ 10 605 2 461 12 021 2 305 1 042 30 996 7 073 1 470 9 603 2002 13 191 _ 9 665 2 330 12 097 2 361 973 29 295 5 282 1 143 7 924 2003 a) In 2000 change in data collection. – V letu 2000 sprememba v zbiranju podatkov. b) Only public transport. – Samo javni prevoz. ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 85 2.35. Passenger transport * Potniški prevoz * end of table – konec tabele Year Leto Of total, in million passenger -km - Od skupaj, v milijon potniških km maritime - pomorski BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL ROc) SI SK 1999 _ _ _ 433 _ _ 32 165 10 . 4 2000 _ _ _ 455 _ _ 44 168 15 . 4 2001 _ _ _ 376 _ _ 43 154 19 . 4 2002 _ _ _ 420 _ _ 36 150 18 . . 2003 c) Inland waterway. – Rečni, jezerski. Year Leto Of total, in million passenger-km - Od skupaj, v milijon potniških km air - zračni BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 2 680 _ 4 354 298 3 513 238 387 5 629 1 887 832 243 2000 2 257 _ 5 865 303 3 539 289 461 6 034 2 212 866 246 2001 1 795 _ 6 399 310 3 477 276 484 6 412 2 020 790 335 2002 . _ 6 895 355 3 445 338 524 6 672 1 843 794 376 2003 ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 86 Tourism - Turizem 2.36. International tourism * Mednarodni turizem * Country Država Arrivals of foreign tourists in accommodation establishments – Prihodi tujih turistov v nastanitvene obrate in thousands – v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG 751 873 88 359 917 1 040 108 CY 2 238 2 339 233 830 . . . CZ 4 666 5 194 912a) 2 323a) 3 702a) 4 579a) 834a) EE 825 908 135 434 817 1 003 127 HU 2 992 3 070 386 1 276 2 463 3 013 362 LV 268 323 45 149 293 361 50 LT 299 354 54 175 326 395 53 PL 3 122 3 158 472 1 401 2 577 3 150 459a) RO 867 915 144 420 811 999 150 SI 1 090 1 219 190 548 1 076 1 302 194 SKb) 1 046 1 212 257 562 1 152 1 385 272 Country Država Overnight stays of foreign tourists in accommodation establishments Prenočitve tujih turistov v nastanitvenih obratih in thousands - v tisočih 2000 2001 2002 2003 I I-II I-III I-IV I I-II I-III I-IV BG 5 170 6 190 321 1 992 6 607 7 055 401 CY 16 816 18 089 1 695 6 057 . . . CZ 16 471 16 854 3 075a) 7 363a) 11 886a) 14 589a) 3 020a) EE 1 253 1 446 279 868 1 633 1 998 296 HU 10 514 10 894 1 192 4 170 8 717 10 361 1 082 LV 697 847 120 360 710 871 129 LT 963 1 073 155 479 954 1 149 145 PL 6 909 7 015 1 043 3 117 5 821 7 105 1 028a) RO 2 149 2 391 348 1 039 2 109 2 534 364 SI 3 404 3 814 601 1 646 3 355 4 021 634 SK 3 704 4 347 1 091 2 078 4 214 4 986 1 135 a) Data refer to collective accommodation establishments. – Podatki se nanašajo na skupinske nastanitvene obrate. ECONOMIC INDICATORS EKONOMSKI KAZALNIKI 87 2.36. International tourism* Mednarodni turizem * end of table – konec tabele Year Overnight stays of foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments Prenočitve tujih turistov v hotelih in podobnih obratih Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 4 326 16 110 11 921 1 045 7 539 718 600 3 973d) 1 960 2 662 2 557 2000 5 104 16 790 12 811 1 253 8 062 691 579 4 945 2 085 2 756 2 761 2001 6 122 18 066 13 648 1 446 8 405 837 672 4 918 2 301 2 879 3 101 2002 6 989 . 12 520 937 8 260 853 719 4 999 2 471 3 014 3 572 2003 Year Average number of nights spent by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments Povprečno število prenočitev tujih turistov v hotelih in podobnih obratih Leto BG CY b) CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SK 1999 7.4 11.3 2.9 1.5 3.1 3.0 2.4 2.0d) 2.5e) 3.1 3.3 2000 6.9 11.2c) 3.3 1.5 3.1 2.6 2.2 2.0 2.4 3.1 3.3 2001 7.1 10.3 3.1 1.6 3.1 2.6 2.2 1.9 2.6 3.1 3.3 2002 6.8 11.1 3.0 2.0 3.1 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.5 3.0 3.4 2003 Year Number of bed-places in hotels and similar establishments Število ležišč v hotelih in podobnih obratih Leto BG CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SKg) 1999 101 83 204 16 145 12 12 120 203 30 50 2000 121 84 212 16 144 12 11 120 199 31 44 2001 117 87 204 18 148 13 11 118 199 28 49 2002 150 90 246 16 155 14 12 128 197 28 54 2003 Year Net occupancy rate of beds in hotels and similar establishments - in per cent Neto zasedenost ležišč v hotelih in podobnih obratih – v odstotkih Leto BGf) CY CZ EE HU LV LT PL RO SI SKg) 1999 29.7 63.0 33.6 25.4 33.9 29.6 24.6 38.6d) 37.1 36.6 31.9 2000 28.1 65.1 46.0 28.1 34.7 32.0 22.8 35.1 38.4 39.4 37.0 2001 28.8 74.1 45.1 29.9 33.6 32.0 25.1 32.7 38.4 45.4 37.2 2002 30.5 . 39.7 57.5 32.6 31.1 27.2 30.4 37.5 47.5 40.0 2003 b) Average number of nights spent by foreign tourists in any accommodation establishments. – Povprečno število nočitev tujih turistov v vseh nastanitvenih obratih. c) Data refers to period June-December 2000. – Podatki se nanašajo na obdobje junij-december 2000. d) Data refers to period January-September 1999. – Podatki se nanašajo na obdobje januar-september 1999. e) I–II quarter. – I.–II. četrtletje. f) Gross occupancy rate of bed-places. – Bruto zasedenost ležišč. g) From year 2000 permanent beds only. – Od leta 2000 le stalna ležišča. SLOVAR GLOSSARY Povprečne obrestne mere poslovnih bank (i) Povprečne obrestne mere poslovnih bank za hranilne vloge se nanašajo na kratkoročne (od enega dne do enega leta) obrestne mere za nefinančne stranke (gospodarske družbe, prebivalstvo, država, drugi) (ii) Povprečne obrestne mere za kredite se nanašajo na kratkoročne (od enega dne do enega leta) obrestne mere za nefinančne stranke (gospodarske družbe, prebivalstvo, država, drugi). Povprečne obrestne mere poslovnih bank za hranilne vloge in kredite so izražene v državni valuti. Objavljene so ocene letnih in četrtletnih povprečnih obrestnih mer poslovnih bank za hranilne vloge. Izračunane so kot netehtana aritmetična sredina na podlagi ustreznih mesečnih podatkov in niso vključene v statistiko obrestnih mer, ki jo uradno izkazujejo nacionalne banke v posameznih državah. Povprečne mesečne pokojnine (glej: Upokojenci in pokojnine) Povprečno število nočitev tujih turistov v hotelih in podobnih obratih (glej: Mednarodni turizem) Povprečno število upokojencev (glej: Upokojenci in pokojnine) Plačilna bilanca Plačilna bilanca je statistični izkaz, ki za določeno obdobje sistematično zajema ekonomske transakcije med enotami gospodarstva države in tujino. Transakcije zajemajo: transakcije z blagom, storitvami in dohodki; finančne terjatve in obveznosti do tujine ter (npr. darila) transferje, ki vključujejo protivknjižbe - v računovodskem smislu - za izravnavo enostranskih transakcij. Transakcija je opredeljena kot gospodarsko gibanje, ki odraža nastanek, preoblikovanje, menjavo ali propad ekonomske vrednosti in obsega spremembo lastnine blaga in/ali denarnih sredstev, oskrbo s storitvami ali oskrbo z delovno silo in kapitalom. Plačilna bilanca vsebuje dve osnovni vrsti transakcij med rezidenti in nerezidenti: tekoči račun, in kapitalski in finančni račun. Tekoči račun zajema vse registrirane transakcije, razen finančnih, med rezidenti in nerezidenti. Razdeljen je na saldo blaga, storitev, prihodkov in tekočih transferjev. Kapitalski in finančni račun ima dve temeljni sestavini: kapitalski račun, ki zajema kapitalske transferje in transakcije z neproizvodnimi nefinančnimi sredstvi, in finančni račun, ki ga sestavljajo: saldo neposrednih naložb, saldo naložb v lastniške vrednostne papirje, saldo drugih naložb (posojila in trgovinski krediti, valuta in vloge, drugo) in spremembe sredstev rezerv. Tekoči transferji Tekoči transferji zajemajo vse realne vire in finančne postavke, zagotovljene brez kakršnega koli nadomestila iz enega v drugo gospodarstvo. Tekoči transferji neposredno vplivajo na raven razpoložljivega dohodka v gospodarstvu in na porabo blaga in storitev. Mednarodne rezerve Rezerve vključujejo tiste terjatve do tujine, ki so takoj na voljo državni banki (tj. državi) in so pod njenim nadzorom za uskladitev plačilnobilančnih neravnovesij. Rezerve zajemajo denarno zlato, posebne pravice črpanja, sredstva rezerv v Mednarodnem denarnem skladu, tuje valute (gotovino in vrednostne papirje) in druge terjatve. Vknjižbe v tej kategoriji se nanašajo na transakcije z dobroimetjem državne banke, ki ga upravlja emisijski oddelek. Podatki o spremembah rezerv ne zajemajo dobičkov in izgub iz posedovanja kapitala. (Vir: IMF, Balance of Payments Manual, Fifth Edition, Washington D.C., 1993). Bazno obdobje Bazno obdobje je obdobje za katerega so bili zbrani podatki, ki so osnova za indeks ali kak drug količnik. To obdobje je pogosto eno leto, vendar je lahko tudi samo en dan ali pa povprečje več let. (Vir: Kendall, Sir Maurice G., and William R. Buckland for the International Statistical Institute, 1982; Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Fourth Edition, London, Longman Group). Koledarska in sezonska četrtletja Glede na referenčno obdobje, statistične ankete lahko zagotovijo podatke in informacije po koledarskih ali sezonskih četrtletjih. Ankete, ki temeljijo na sezonskih četrtletjih ponujajo podatke z enomesečnim zaostankom v primerjavi s koledarskimi četrtletji: npr. prvo četrtletje zajema december, januar in februar, drugo zajema marec, april in maj, tretje junij, julij in avgust, četrto pa september, oktober in november. Pri anketah, ki temeljijo na koledarskih četrtletjih so referenčni meseci naslednji: za prvo četrtletje januar, februar in marec, za drugo april, maj in junij, za tretje julij, avgust in september in za četrto oktober, november in december. Kapitalski in finančni račun (glej: Plačilna bilanca) Klasifikacije blaga (glej: Zunanja trgovina) Konsolidiran javnofinančni primanjkljaj/presežek Konsolidiran javnofinančni primanjkljaj/presežek je razlika med naslednjimi elementi: (i) tekoči in kapitalski prihodki in subvencije; (ii) tekoči in kapitalski odhodki plus neto finančne transakcije za financiranje izvajanja fiskalne politike. Primanjkljaj je negativen, presežek pa pozitiven. Metodologija Mednarodnega denarnega sklada za konsolidiran javnofinančni primanjkljaj/presežek ni povsem enaka izračunu javnofinančnega primanjkljaja (dana posojila in prejeta vračila danih posojil niso vključena na neto osnovi – vračila so del prihodkov, dana posojila pa del odhodkov). (Vir: UN/ECE Secretariat, International Financial Statistics, IMF, Washington D.C., 1984) Stalne cene Obseg BDP pogosto izražamo kot "BDP v stalnih cenah". Ko izdelujemo časovne serije z množenjem vrednosti baznega leta z Laspeyresovimi indeksi obsega s fiksno bazo, je prav, da dobljeno serijo opišemo kot serijo v stalnih cenah baznega leta. Ko pa vrednosti baznega leta ekstrapoliramo, tako da jih množimo z letnimi verižnimi indeksi obsega, ni povsem pravilno, da jih opisujemo na ta način. Kljub temu pa so serije vrednosti izražene v splošni ravni cen baznega leta, zato jih je primerno še naprej opisovati kot "v stalnih cenah". (42, odstavek 16.71) Ta kategorija se ne nanaša le na BDP, ampak je širše uporabna v makroekonomskih raziskavah. (Viri: United Nations, Commission of the European Communities, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and World Bank, United Nations and others, 1994; System of National Accounts 1993-SNA 1993-, Series F, No. 2, Rev. 4, United Nations publication Sales No. E.94.XVII.4). Gradbeništvo Gradbena dejavnost podjetij in družb, vključenih v področje F Gradbeništvo klasifikacije NACE, je določena kot gospodarska dejavnost katere cilje je graditev, obnova, popravilo ali širitev osnovnih sredstev v obliki stavb, izboljšave zemljišč in drugih objektov kot so ceste, mostovi ipd. Indeks cen življenjskih potrebščin Meri časovne spremembe splošne ravni drobnoprodajnih cen izdelkov in storitev, ki jih referenčno prebivalstvo kupi, uporabi ali plača. Podatki o cenah izdelkov in storitev so uteženi s podatki o porabi v gospodinjstvih. Indeks cen življenjskih potrebščin je ocenjen kot serija sprememb v cenah določenega niza izdelkov in storitev stalne kakovosti in značilnosti, ki jih referenčno prebivalstvo kupi, uporabi ali plača. Gre za tehtano povprečje velikega števila osnovnih agregatnih indeksov. Vsak osnovni agregatni indeks je ocenjen z uporabo vzorca cen za določen niz izdelkov in storitev kupljenih v določeni regiji iz določenega niza prodajaln ali drugih virov izdelkov in storitev. (13) Metoda izračuna indeksa življenjskih potrebščin: Indeks cen življenjskih potrebščin izračunamo kot Laspeyresov indeks s fiksno bazo. (Viri: International Labour Organisation, ILO, 1988; Current International Recommendations on Labour Statistics, 1988 Edition, Geneva). Valuta Bankovci in kovanci v obtoku, ki so uporabljeni za plačevanje. Niso pa zajeti spominski kovanci, ki niso dejansko v obtoku. (Viri: United Nations, Commission of the European Communities, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Cupertino and Development and World Bank, United Nations and others, 1994; System of National Accounts 1993- SNA 1993- Series F, No. 2, Rev. 4, United Nations publication Sales No. E.94.XVII.4). Konverzija valut (glej: Zunanja trgovina) Tekoči račun (glej: Plačilna bilanca) Tekoči transferji (glej: Plačilna bilanca) Eskontna mera je mera, po kateri centralna banka daje posojila bančnemu sistemu, bodisi z neposrednim posojanjem bodisi z eskontiranjem vrednostnih papirjev bank. (Viri: IMF, Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics, Annotated Outline Washington D.C., 1997). Aktivno in neaktivno prebivalstvo Vse osebe obeh spolov, ki sestavljajo delovno silo za proizvodnjo izdelkov in storitev (zaposleni in nezaposleni, vključno z iskalci prve zaposlitve), kot določa sistem nacionalnih računov (SNA) v določenem referenčnem obdobju. Vključena je proizvodnja vseh izdelkov in storitev, ki so bile dobavljene enotam, ki jih niso proizvedle, ali naj bi bile dobavljene, vključno s proizvodnjo izdelkov in storitev, uporabljenih v procesu proizvodnje takšnih izdelkov in storitev; proizvodnja izdelkov, ki ostanejo pri njihovih proizvajalcih za lastno porabo ali investicije, proizvodnja stanovanjskih storitev s strani stanovalcev lastnikov ter domačih in osebnih storitev, ki jih opravlja plačana gospodinjska pomoč. (Viri: United Nations, 1998b; Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 1. Statistics Division, Series M, No. 67, Rev. 1, United Nations publication, Sales No. E.98.XVII.1; United Nations, Commission of the European Communities, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Cupertino and Development and World Bank; United Nations and others, 1994; System of National Accounts 1993-SNA 1993- Series F, No. 2, Rev. 4, United Nations publication Sales No. E.94.XVII.4). Stopnja aktivnosti Odstotni delež aktivnega prebivalstva med vsem prebivalstvom, starim 15 let in več. (Vir: ILO, Recommendation of the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1982). Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo so osebe, stare 15 let in več, ki živijo v zasebnih gospodinjstvih in ki so v tednu statističnega opazovanja vsaj eno uro opravljale gospodarsko ali družbeno dejavnost proizvodnje izdelkov ali storitev, torej: − delale najmanj eno uro za plačilo, dobiček ali plačilo v naravi v družbi, podjetju ali organizaciji (vključno s kmetijo) ali − delale najmanj eno uro brez plačila v družinskem podjetju ali na kmetiji (npr. pomagajoči družinski člani) ali − bile zaposlene, pa so bile začasno ves opazovani teden odsotne z dela. Z letom 2002 uredba evropske komisije št. 1575/2000 določa novo registracijo zaposlenih, ki so začasno ves opazovani teden odsotne z dela. Osebe na obveznem služenju vojaškega roka in osebe na dodatnem (delno plačanem) porodniškem dopustu niso vključene. (Vir: ILO, Recommendation of the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1982; ILO, Current International Recommendation Concerning Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1988; European Commission Regulation no. 1575/2000). Devizni tečaji Relativna cena ene valute, izražena v drugi valuti. Devizni tečaji so večinoma prikazani kot cena tuje valute, izražena v domači valuti. Devizni tečaji se nanašajo na določeno obdobje. Letni povprečni devizni tečaji so izračunani iz navadnega povprečja mesečnih deviznih tečajev. Četrtletni povprečni devizni tečaji so izračunani iz navadnega povprečja treh mesečnih deviznih tečajev. (Vir: IMF, Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics, Annotated Outline, 1997). Zunanja trgovina Zajetje (splošne smernice) Priporočeno je, da statistika mednarodne blagovne trgovine evidentira vse blago, ki povečuje zaloge materialnih virov države z vstopom v njeno ekonomsko ozemlje (uvoz) ali jih zmanjšuje, ko ga zapušča (izvoz). Blago v tranzitu in začasno sprejeto ali umaknjeno blago (razen blaga za notranjo in zunanjo predelavo) ni vključeno v statistiko mednarodne blagovne trgovine. V številnih primerih ekonomsko ozemlje države v veliki meri sovpada s carinskim ozemljem. Sistem trgovine Za prikaz mednarodne blagovne trgovine se na splošno uporabljata dva sistema zajemanja: sistem splošne trgovine in sistem posebne trgovine. Razlikujeta se v načinu evidentiranja blaga, ki vstopa v skladišča in prostotrgovinske cone ali jih zapušča. Splošna trgovina: Sistem splošne trgovine se uporablja, ko se statistično ozemlje države sklada z njenim ekonomskim ozemljem. Po sistemu splošne trgovine uvoz vključuje vse blago, ki vstopa na ekonomsko ozemlje države, ki zbira statistične podatke, izvoz pa vključuje vse blago, ki zapušča ekonomsko ozemlje države, ki zbira statistične podatke. Posebna trgovina: Sistem posebne trgovine se uporablja, ko definicija statističnega ozemlja vključuje le določen del ekonomskega ozemlja, namreč del, ki sovpada z ozemljem, kjer velja prosti pretok blaga. Obstajata dve definiciji sistema posebne trgovine: (a) ozka definicija (statistično ozemlje obsega le področje prostega pretoka blaga) in (b) širša definicija (po kateri je blago, ki pride v državo ali jo zapusti zaradi predelave, in blago, ki pride v industrijsko prosto cono ali jo zapusti, tudi vključeno v statistiko mednarodne blagovne trgovine). Statistična vrednost uvoza in izvoza Priporočeno je, da se statistična vrednost uvoženega blaga izraža v vrednosti tipa CIF, statistična vrednost izvoženega blaga pa v vrednosti tipa FOB. Vrednosti tipa CIF vključujejo transakcijsko vrednost blaga in storitev (stroški prevoza, nakladanja in razkladanja, zavarovanja) za dostavo blaga do meje države uvoznice. Vrednosti tipa FOB vključujejo transakcijsko vrednost blaga in vrednost storitev za dostavo blaga do meje države izvoznice. Konverzija valut Kjer je potrebna konverzija valut, se uporablja devizni tečaj pristojnega organa države poročevalke. Odražati mora trenutno vrednost valute v komercialnih transakcijah. Če ni razpoložljiv dnevni tečaj na dan izvoza ali uvoza, se priporoča uporaba povprečnega tečaja za čimkrajše obdobje. Država partnerica Možno je uporabiti različna merila za državo partnerico. Država porekla je država, v kateri je bilo blago proizvedeno (pridobljeno) ali v kateri je bilo pomembno spremenjeno. Zadnja znana namembna država je zadnja država - kolikor je znano v času izvoza - v katero naj bi bilo blago dostavljeno s strani države izvoznice. Klasifikacije blaga Za analizo blagovne strukture zunanjetrgovinskih tokov se uporabljajo različne mednarodno sprejete klasifikacije blaga, ki so različno podrobne in temeljijo na različnih merilih razvrščanja. Standardna mednarodna trgovinska klasifikacija, tretja popravljena izdaja (SMTK, 3. revizija) je klasifikacija blaga, ki so jo pripravili Združeni narodi. Blago razvršča glede na stopnjo proizvodnje in je primerna za ekonomske analize. (Vir: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division: International Merchandise Trade Statistics, Revision 2, Concepts and Definitions, United Nations, New York, 1998). Zunanji dolg Zunanji dolg je vsota izplačanih in neporavnanih pogodbenih obveznosti rezidentov države do nerezidentov za odplačevanje glavnice, z obrestmi ali brez njih, ali za odplačevanje obresti, z glavnico ali brez nje. V tej publikaciji zunanji dolg vključuje naslednje elemente: (i) javni dolgoročni dolg in dolgoročni dolg z javnim jamstvom, (ii) zasebni dolgoročni dolg brez jamstva, (iii) uporabo MDS-jevih posojil in (iv) kratkoročni dolg. (Vir: External Debt: Definitions Statistical Coverage and Methodology, 1988, IMF, World Bank, OECD, BIS). Neposredne tuje naložbe Gre za kategorijo mednarodnega investiranja, ki odraža cilj rezidenčne enote v določeni državi ("neposredni investitor"), ki pridobi trajen interes v podjetju v drugi državi ("podjetje, ki je predmet neposrednih tujih naložb"). Trajen interes pomeni obstoj dolgoročnega odnosa med neposrednim investitorjem in podjetjem. Odnos neposrednega investiranja nastane, ko je tuji investitor lastnik 10 % navadnih delnic ali več ali ima glasovalno pravico v podjetju, ki je predmet neposrednih tujih naložb. Podatki zajemajo naložbe nerezidentov v referenčni državi kot kapitalske prispevke, plačane v gotovini in v naravi, vključno s posojili nerezidenčnih podjetij svojim podružnicam. V tej publikaciji neposredne tuje naložbe predstavljajo podatki plačilne bilance od leta 1990 do konca opazovanega obdobja. (Vir: International Financial Statistical Yearbook, IMF, Washington, D.C., 1993; Balance of payments Manual, IMF, Washington, D.C., 1993 Tovorni prevoz (glej: Transport) Splošna trgovina (glej: Zunanja trgovina) Bruto investicije Bruto investicije zajemajo: • bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva, • spremembe zalog, • pridobitve minus odtujitve vrednostnih predmetov. (Vir: EUROSTAT, European System of Accounts ESA, 1995, Chapter 3 item 3.100). Bruto domači proizvod v tržnih cenah (BDP)[1] Bruto domači proizvod v tržnih cenah je končni rezultat proizvodne dejavnosti rezidenčnih proizvodnih enot. Določiti ga je mogoče na tri načine: − BDP je vsota bruto dodane vrednosti posameznih institucionalnih sektorjev ali dejavnosti, povečane za davke in zmanjšane za subvencije na proizvode (ki niso razporejene v sektorje in panoge). Je tudi izravnalna postavka računa proizvodnje celotnega gospodarstva. − BDP je vsota končnih porab blaga in storitev rezidenčnih institucionalnih enot (dejanska končna potrošnja in bruto investicije) povečana za izvoz in zmanjšana za uvoz; − BDP je vsota porab v računu ustvarjanja dohodka celotnega gospodarstva (sredstva za zaposlene, davki minus subvencije na proizvodnjo in uvoz, bruto poslovni presežek in raznovrstni dohodek celotnega gospodarstva). (Vir: EUROSTAT, European System of Accounts ESA, 1995 Chapter 8 Item 8.89). Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva zajemajo pridobitve zmanjšane za odtujitve osnovnih sredstev s strani rezidenčnih proizvajalcev v danem obdobju, povečane za določena povečanja vrednosti neproizvedenih sredstev, ki so rezultat proizvodne dejavnosti proizvodnih ali institucionalnih enot. Osnovna sredstva so opredmetena ali neopredmetena sredstva, proizvedena kot rezultat proizvodnje v procesih proizvodnje, ki se v proizvodnem procesu uporabljajo večkrat ali nepretrgano v obdobju, daljšem od enega leta. (Vir: EUROSTAT, European System of Accounts ESA, 1995, Chapter 3 Item 3.102.) Hoteli in podobni obrati (glej: Mednarodni turizem) Anketa o porabi v gospodinjstvih Z anketo o porabi v gospodinjstvih ugotavljamo izdatke gospodinjstev za porabo izdelkov in storitev. Poleg nakupov v denarni obliki izdatki vključujejo tudi ocenjeno vrednost določenih izdelkov in storitev, npr. vrednost lastne proizvodnje, prejemke v naravi, stanovanjske storitve, vodo, elektriko, plin in druga goriva razen pripisanih najemnin. Koncept vključuje le izdatke za neposredno zadovoljevanje potreb gospodinjstev in ne izdatkov v zvezi z opravljanjem poklica. Na drugi strani pa ne zajema naslednjih elementov: (i) naložb gospodinjstev (npr. nakup hiše, material in delo na novogradnji); (ii) velikih popravil, delnic, tujih valut; (iii) proizvodnjih izdatkov kot je nakup domačih živali, hrane in sanitarno-veterinarskih storitev zanje, nakup izdelkov za setev ipd.; (iv) neposrednih dajatev in davkov, plačanih različnim upravnim organom; (v) obveznih plačil (takse in davki), vračil posojil in kreditov, hranilnih vlog v bankah in vrednost pripisanih najemnin, neposrednih taks in davkov, plačanih različnim upravnim enotam in prihrankov prebivalstva. Denarni izdatki za življenjske potrebščine Denarni izdatki za življenjske potrebščine zajemajo le nakupe, ki jih dejansko opravi gospodinjstvo. Od izdatkov za potrošnjo odštejemo vrednost blaga, proizvedenega za lastno porabo, prejemke v naravi in pripisane najemnine. Denarni izdatki za življenjske potrebščine zajemajo denarne izdatke za nakup hrane, neprehrambenih izdelkov in plačilo storitev. Investicije gospodinjstev (nakup stanovanja ali hiše, gradnja, nakup zemljišča, živine itd.) niso zajete. (Vir: EUROSTAT, Household Budget Survey in the EU, Methodology and recommendations for harmonisation, 1997). Indeks realnih mesečnih plač Indeks realnih mesečnih plač je izračunan kot razmerje med realnimi mesečnimi plačami in mesečnim indeksom cen življenjskih potrebščin gospodinjstev zaposlenih oseb. Industrijska proizvodnja Industrijska proizvodnja zajema rudarstvo, predelovalne dejavnosti, oskrbo z elektriko, plinom in vodo (po področjih dejavnosti C, D in E klasifikacije NACE Rev.1). Predstavlja končne proizvode, dostavljene ali namenjene dostavi, polproizvode iz lastne proizvodnje, surovine in materiale, industrijsko delo (storitve) namenjene drugim enotam in razlike v zalogah med polproizvodi in nedokončanimi proizvodi. (Vir: United Nations, 1983.International Recommendations for Industrial Statistics. Statistical Office, Series M, No. 48, Rev. 1) Indeks cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih Cene industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih zajemajo dejavnosti C (Rudarstvo), D ( dejavnosti) in E (Preskrba z elektriko, vodo in plinom) klasifikacije NACE. Merijo spremembe cen pri proizvajalcih na domačem trgu. Indeksi so Laspeyresove vrste in temeljijo na referenčnem letu. Cene ne vključujejo davka na dodano vrednost in trošarin. Indeks industrijske produktivnosti Indeks produktivnosti v industriji je razmerje med indeksom obsega industrijske proizvodnje in indeksom povprečnega števila zaposlenih oseb. Za zagotavljanje kontinuitete indeksne serije na različnih osnovah je izračunan "povezovalni" koeficient kot zveza med Laspeyresovim indeksom na stari osnovi in drugim indeksom za isto leto na novi osnovi za vsako poročevalsko raven. Mednarodne rezerve (glej: Plačilna bilanca) Mednarodni turizem Mednarodni turist je tuji obiskovalec, ki preživi vsaj eno noč v obratu skupinske ali zasebne nastanitve v obiskani državi. Glavni namen obiska ni izvajanje pridobitne dejavnosti v obiskani državi. Prihodi vključujejo število tujih obiskovalcev, registriranih na meji. Odhodi vključujejo število obiskovalcev države, ki potujejo na tuje in so registrirani na meji. Isti tujec lahko v referenčnem obdobju naredi več poti v državo in je vsakič znova registriran kot prihod. Isto velja tudi za odhode. Nastanitveni obrat je definiran kot obrat, ki potnikom nudi prenočišče v sobah ali kateri drugi enoti. Število prostorov mora biti večje od določenega minimuma za skupino oseb, ki presega družinsko enoto. Vsi prostori v obratu morajo biti pod skupnim komercialnim vodstvom, tudi če obrat ni profitnega značaja. Hoteli in podobni obrati: Značilna zanje je urejenost v sobe, število pa presega določen minimum. Obrati so po skupnim vodstvom in nudijo določene storitve, kot so npr. sobna strežba, dnevno pospravljanje postelj in čiščenje sanitarij. Hoteli in podobni obrati so grupirani po razredih in kategorijah glede na zmogljivosti in storitve, ki jih nudijo. Niso uvrščeni med specializirane obrate. Povprečno število prenočitev tujih turistov v hotelih in podobnih obratih: Število izračunamo z deljenjem števila prenočitev tujih turistov v hotelih in podobnih obratih s številom tujih turistov. Neto stopnjo zasedenosti postelj v hotelih in podobnih obratih v letu izračunamo z deljenjem letnega števila prenočitev z zmnožkom števila ležišč, ki so na voljo, s številom dni v ustreznem letu, pomnoženo s 100, da je rezultat izražen v odstotkih. (Vir: EUROSTAT, Applying the EUROSTAT Methodological Guidelines in Basic Tourism and Travel Statistics, A Practical Manual, March 1996). Laspeyresov indeks Gre za obliko indeksa pri katerem so cene, količine in druge merske enote v času utežene glede na njihove vrednosti v določenem baznem obdobju. Laspeyresov indeks je sintetični indeks cen, izračunan kot navadno povprečje individualnih uteženih indeksov z izdatki za vsak izdelek ali storitev iz baznega obdobja. Izračun cenovnega indeksa temelji na nespremenljivih utežeh, ki ustrezajo relativni porabi vsakega izdelka ali storitve v baznem obdobju. (Vir: Kendall, Sir Maurice G., and William R. Buckland for the International Statistical Institute, 1982, A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Fourth Edition, London, Longman Group). Denar (M1) Denar zajema prenosljive vpogledne vloge denarnih oblasti in poslovnih bank ("M1"), razen osrednje ravni države, ter gotovino v obtoku plus, če je to primerno, vloge na vpogled zasebnega sektorja pri poštnem sistemu in pri Zakladnici. (Vir: International Monetary Fund- International Financial Statistics Yearbook, Washington, D.C., 1984). Mesečne bruto nominalne plače Mesečne bruto nominalne plače vključujejo: • mesečne plače v denarju in naravi za zaposlene, ki dejansko delajo (vključno z dodatnim delom) glede na vrsto plače, dodatke in odškodnine, odobrene kot odstotek plače ali kot fiksen znesek, druge dodatke, zneske plačane za čas, ko oseba ne dela (regres za letni dopust in plačan študijski dopust, plačani prazniki in drugi dela prosti dnevi, mesečni zneski, plačani za zdravstveno zavarovanje), mesečne premije, • mesečni zneski, plačani iz neto dobička. Neto nominalne plače Neto nominalne plače so izračunane kot razlika med bruto nominalnimi plačami ter davki in prispevki za socialno varnost. Neto stopnja zasedenosti ležišč v hotelih in podobnih obratih (glej: Mednarodni turizem) Paaschejev indeks Paaschejev indeks je sintetični indeks cen, izračunan kot navadno povprečje individualnih uteženih indeksov z izdatki za vsak izdelek ali storitev iz baznega obdobja. Izračun cenovnega indeksa temelji na spremenljivih utežeh, ki ustrezajo relativni porabi vsakega izdelka ali storitve v baznem obdobju. (Vir: Kendall, Sir Maurice G., and William R. Buckland for the International Statistical Institute ,1982, A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Fourth Edition, London, Longman Group). Država partnerica (glej: Zunanja trgovina) Potniški kilometer (glej: Transport) Potniški prevoz (glej: Transport) Paritete kupne moči (PKM) Paritete kupne moči so tisti pretvorniki valut, ki odpravijo razlike v ravni cen med državami. Pretvorba s PKM pomeni, da je BDP na prebivalca v vseh državah izražen z istim nizom cen, tako da primerjava med državami odraža le razlike v količini proizvedenih izdelkov in storitev. Podatki, ki temeljijo na pretvorbi s PKM se lahko razlikujejo od podatkov, ki temeljijo na uporabi deviznih tečajev. (Vir: UN Dictionary, Washington, D.C., 2002; OECD, EUROSTAT and the Austrian Central Statistical Office, European Comparison Programme, ECP). Kvazidenar (M2) Kvazidenar obsega hranilne in vezane vloge v domači valuti ter vloge v tuji valuti rezidenčnih sektorjev, razen osrednje ravni države. Denar in kvazidenar sta pogosto označena z "M2". (Vir: International Monetary Fund- International Financial Statistics Yearbook, Washington, D.C., 1984). Indeks obsega v trgovini na drobno[2] Indeks obsega je enostaven vrednostni indeks (cena, pomnožena s količino) in je neposredni indeks, saj primerja tekoče obdobje s fiksnim obdobjem baznega leta. Za odpravljanje učinka cen na prihodek se uporablja deflator prodaje. Prihodek zajema vse račune opazovane enote v referenčnem obdobju, kar ustreza prodaji izdelkov in storitev tretjim strankam na trgu. Prihodek vključuje vse dajatve in davke na izdelke ali storitve, ki jih je enota zaračunala, razen davka na dodano vrednost, ki ga enota zaračuna strankam in drugih podobnih odbitnih davkov, ki so neposredno povezani s prihodkom. Prihodek vključuje tudi druge stroške (transport, paketiranje ipd.), ki jih plača stranka, tudi če so ti stroški na računu posebej navedeni. Znižanja cen, popusti in rabati kot tudi vrednosti vrnjene embalaže je treba odšteti. Znižanje cen, rabati in popusti priznani strankam kasneje, npr. ob koncu leta, niso všteti. Drugi dohodki iz poslovanja, finančni dohodek in izredni dohodek so izključeni. Subvencije s strani države ali institucij Evropske unije so tudi izključene. (Viri: According to COMMISSION REGULATION, EC, No. 588/2001 of 26 March 2001 on Implementing Council Regulation, EC, No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards the definition of variables) Upokojenci in pokojnine Povprečno število upokojencev zajema vse osebe, ki prejemajo pokojnino ob koncu opazovanega obdobja, razen kmetov. Vrste pokojnin so: starostna (polna in delna), invalidska (polna in delna), družinska (pokojnina za vdove, vdovce, sirote), za dolgoletno službo (polna in delna), socialna pokojnina in pokojnina za ponesrečene in vojne invalide. Povprečne mesečne pokojnine, izplačane ob koncu obdobja, pomenijo povprečen znesek pokojnine za enega upokojenca ne glede na vrsto pokojnine, ki jo prejema. Kmetje niso vključeni. Posebna trgovina (glej: Zunanja trgovina) Standardna mednarodna trgovinska klasifikacija (glej: Zunanja trgovina) Statistična klasifikacija ekonomskih dejavnosti (NACE) Statistična klasifikacija ekonomskih dejavnosti (NACE) je evropska klasifikacija, uporabljena za industrijsko proizvodnjo. Po tej klasifikaciji so ekonomske in socialne dejavnosti razdeljene na pet ravni (področje, podpodročje, oddelek, skupina in razred); osnovna načela klasifikacije NACE so homogenost in podobna klasifikacijska struktura vključenih postavk v vsaki ravni. Statistična vrednosti uvoza in izvoza (glej: Zunanja trgovina) Sistem trgovine (glej: Zunanja trgovina) Pogoji menjave Zunanjetrgovinski tečaj je izračunan kot razmerje med indeksom vrednosti izvoza in indeksom vrednosti uvoza. Tonski kilometer (glej: Transport) Transport Tovorni prevoz je prevoz blaga po železnici, cesti (javni cestni prevoz in cestni prevoz za lastne potrebe), kopenskih plovnih poteh in naftovodih, morju in zraku. Tonski kilometer je merska enota, ki pomeni prevoz ene tone blaga na razdalji enega kilometra. Za seštevanje podatkov je potrebno pretvoriti tonske milje v tonske kilometre. Tonske milje pomnožimo s koeficientom 1,852. Potniški prevoz je prevoz potnikov po železnici, cesti (javni cestni prevoz in cestni prevoz za lastne potrebe), zraku in morju. Mestni potniški promet ni vključen. Potniški kilometer je merska enota, ki pomeni prevoz enega potnika na razdalji enega kilometra. Indeks obsega kmetijske proizvodnje Indeks kmetijske proizvodnje je seštevek cenovno uteženih količin različnih kmetijskih proizvodov po odštetju količin, uporabljenih kot seme ali krma, tehtanih na enak način. Vsi indeksi na nacionalni, regionalni in svetovni ravni so izračunani po Laspeyresovi formuli. Količine vsakega proizvoda so utežene s povprečnimi mednarodnimi cenami v baznem obdobju in seštete za vsako leto. Za izračun indeksa je seštevek za posamezno leto deljen s povprečnim seštevkom baznega obdobja. V izračun indeksa kmetijske proizvodnje so vključeni vsi pridelki in živalski proizvodi v posamezni državi. Praktično so zajeti vse proizvodi, razen krme (12, 1995, p. ix). (Vir: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, FAO Production Yearbook, Rome). Brezposelne osebe Brezposelne so osebe, stare 15 let in več, ki v referenčnem tednu nimajo dela in so v zadnjih štirih tednih aktivno iskale delo in so bile pripravljene v naslednjih dveh tednih sprejeti delo. (Vir: ILO, Recommendation of the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1982). Stopnja brezposelnosti Odstotni delež brezposelnih oseb med aktivnim prebivalstvom. (Vir: ILO, Recommendation of the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1982). GLOSSARY SLOVAR Average interest rates of commercial banks (i) Average interest rate of commercial banks for deposits refers to the interest rate used for non-financial customers (economic units, population, government, others) for short - term deposits (with maturity from one day to one year). (ii) Average interest rate for credits refers to the interest rate used for non-financial customers (economic units, population, government, others) for short term credits (with maturity from one day to one year). Average interest rates of commercial banks for deposits and credits are expressed in national currency. In the present document, the estimates of yearly and quarterly average interest rates of commercial banks are calculated as non-weighted arithmetic mean on the base is of corresponding average monthly data and are not included in the interest rates statistics, officially disseminated by the National Banks of the countries. Average monthly pensions (see: Retired persons and pensions) Average number of nights spent by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments (see: International tourism) Balance of payments Balance of payments (BOP) is a statistical document (statement) that systematically reflects all economic transactions of the national economy with the rest of the world during a certain period of time. Transactions consist of those operations involving goods, services and income; those involving financial claims on, and liabilities to the rest of the world; and those (such as gifts) classified as transfers, which involve offsetting entries to balance - in an accounting sense - one - sided transactions. The transaction itself is defined as an economic flow that reflects the creation, transformation, exchange, transfer or extinction of economic value and involves changes in ownership of goods and/or financial assets, the provision of services or the provision of labour and capital. The balance of payments registers the transactions between the residents and non-residents. The two main sub-accounts of the balance of payments are the current account and the capital and financial account. Current account includes all the registered transactions, except for financial ones and it is addressed to the residential and non- residential entities; it is further divided into the balance of goods, services, income and current transfers. The component “goods” from the current account of Balance of Payments includes: The capital and financial account which has two major components: (i) the capital account that consists of capital transfers and acquisition/disposal of non-productive/ non-financial assets and (ii) the financial account which is composed of the following sub-accounts: balance of direct investment, balance of portfolio investment, balance of other investment (loans and trade credits, currency and deposits, other) and change of reserve assets. Current transfers Current transfers are all real resources and financial items provided without a quid – pro – quo from one economy to another. Current transfers directly affect the level of disposable income of the economy, and the consumption of goods and services. International reserves Reserve assets include those external assets that are readily available to and controlled by the National Bank, of each country (the government), for direct financing of BOP imbalances. The reserve assets comprise monetary gold, SDRs, reserve position in the Fund, foreign exchange assets (consisting of currency and deposits and securities), and other claims. The entries under this category pertain to transactions in the NB’s external holdings. The data on reserve assets changes excludes holding gains (losses). (Reference: IMF, Balance of Payments Manual, Fifth Edition, Washington D.C., 1993). Base period The period of time for which data used as the base is of an index number, or other ratio, have been collected. This period is frequently one year but it may be as short as one day or as long as the average of a group of years. (Reference: Kendall, Sir Maurice G., and William R. Buckland for the International Statistical Institute, 1982; Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Fourth Edition, London, Longman Group). Calendar and seasonal quarters In accordance with the reference period statistical surveys could provide data and information concerning calendar or seasonal quarters. The surveys based on seasonal quarters offer data with one month delay, as compared to the calendar ones; for example the Q I. refers to the following months: December, January and February; the Q II. refers to the following months: March, April, May; the. Q III refers to the following months: June, July, August; Q IV refers to the following months: September, October, November. The surveys based on calendar quarters have as reference the following months: Q I. refers to January, February and March; II.Q refers to April, May and June; Q III refers to July, August and September; the Q IV refers to October, November and December. Capital and financial account (see: Balance of Payments) Commodity classifications (see: Foreign trade) Consolidated general government budget deficit/surplus Consolidated general government budget deficit/surplus, or financing requirement, are defined as the difference between the following elements: (I) current and capital revenue and grants; (ii) current and capital expenditure plus net lending for policy purposes. The deficit is negative, the surplus is positive. The IMF methodology for consolidated general government sector deficit/surplus is not completely equal to the general government sector deficit calculation (as lending and repayments are not included on net basis – repayments are a part of revenue, lending is a part of expenditure). (Reference: UN/ECE Secretariat, International Financial Statistics, IMF, Washington D.C., 1984) Constant prices The volume measure of gross domestic product (GDP) is frequently referred to as "GDP at constant prices". When time series are constructed by multiplying the values of the base year by fixed base Laspeyres volume indices, it is appropriate to describe the resulting series as being at the constant prices of the base year. However, when the values of the base year are extrapolated by multiplying them by annual chain volume indices it is no longer strictly correct to describe them in this way. Nevertheless, the series of values are expressed at the general price level of the base year and it is convenient to continue to describe them as being "at constant prices". (42, para. 16.71) That category does not refer only to GDP; it has a wider use in macroeconomic studies. (References: United Nations, Commission of the European Communities, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Cupertino and Development and World Bank, United Nations and others, 1994; System of National Accounts 1993-SNA 1993-, Series F, No. 2, Rev. 4, United Nations publication Sales No. E.94 XVII.4). Construction Construction activity of corporations included in the NACE classification, section F Construction, defined as economic activity intended to the creation, renovation, repair or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements and other such civil engineering construction as roads, bridges etc. Consumer price index (CPI) CPI measures the changes over time in the general level of prices of goods and services that a reference population acquires, uses or pays for consumption. The data concerning the prices and weights of goods and services are collected by means of the household integrated survey (HIS). A consumer price index is estimated as a series of main measures of the period-to-period proportional change in the prices of a fixed set of consumer goods and services of constant quantity and characteristics, acquired, used or paid for by the reference population. Each main measure is constructed as a weight average of a large number of elementary aggregated indices. Each of the elementary aggregated indices is estimated using a sample survey of prices for a defined set of goods and services obtained in, or by residents of a specific region from a given set of outlets or other sources of consumption goods and services. CPI calculation method: CPI is calculated as a Laspeyres type index with fixed base. (References: International Labour Organisation, ILO, 1988; Current International Recommendations on Labour Statistics, 1988 Edition, Geneva). Currency Those notes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments. Commemorative coins that are not actually in circulation should be excluded. (References: United Nations, Commission of the European Communities, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Cupertino and Development and World Bank, United Nations and others, 1994; System of National Accounts 1993- SNA 1993- Series F, No. 2, Rev. 4, United Nations publication Sales No. E.94.XVII.4). Currency conversion (see: Foreign trade) Current account (see: Balance of Payments) Current transfers (see: Balance of Payments) Discount rate It is a rate at which the central bank extends credit to the banking system; either through direct lending or by discounting trade paper and other eligible paper held by banks. (Reference: IMF, Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics, Annotated Outline, Washington D.C., 1997). Economic activity rate Percentage of economically active population in the total population aged 15 years and over. (Reference: ILO, Recommendation of the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1982). Employment Comprises persons living in individual households aged 15 years and over who carried out an economic or social activity producing goods or services in view to obtain a compensation (salary in cash or in kind or other benefits) and who, during the reference week in which the survey is being realised, accomplish one of the following conditions: • worked one hour or more for pay, profit or payment in kind, a job or a business (including in agriculture), • worked one hour or more without pay in a family business or in a farm (i.e. unpaid family workers)-in case of self- employed and unpaid family workers who work in agriculture, minimum duration is 15 hours; • were employees who had a job from which they were temporarily absent all of survey week. Starting with 2002, in the European Commission Regulation no. 1575/2000, appeared a new meaning concerning the registration of the employees who had a job from which they have been temporarily absent during the survey week. Persons on compulsory military service are not considered as employees, as well as persons on additional (partially paid) maternity leave. (Reference: ILO, Recommendation of the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1982; ILO, Current International Recommendation Concerning Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1988; European Commission Regulation no. 1575/2000). Exchange rate It is a relative price of one currency in terms of a unit of another currency. Exchange rates are mostly expressed in terms of the domestic-currency cost of the foreign - currency. Exchange rate refers to a strictly defined period. In the present document, average quarterly and yearly estimations of the exchange rate are calculated as a simple average of monthly average exchange rates. The quarterly average exchange rates are calculated as the simple average of three monthly average exchange rates. (Reference: IMF, Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics, Annotated Outline, 1997). Foreign debt Generally, external debt is the amount, at any given time, of disbursed and outstanding contractual liabilities of residents of a country to non-residents to repay principal, with or without interest, or to repay interest, with or without principal. From this document point of view, foreign debt includes the following elements: (i) public and publicly guaranteed long-term debt, (ii) private non-guaranteed long-term debt, (iii) use of IMF credit, and (iv) short-term debt. (Reference: External Debt: Definitions Statistical Coverage and Methodology, 1988, IMF, World Bank, OECD, BIS). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment is a category of international investment that reflects the objective of a resident entity in one country (the “direct investor”) obtaining a lasting interest in an enterprise located in another country (the “direct foreign investment enterprise”). A lasting interest implies the existence of a long-term relationship between the direct investor and the enterprise. A direct investment relationship is created when a foreign investor owns 10 per cent or more of the ordinary shares or voting power in the direct investment enterprise. FDI data refer to the investments of non-residents in the reference country as capital contributions paid in cash and in kind, including the loans granted by non-resident firms of their branches. In the present document FDI is represented by cumulated flows from the balance of payments since 1990 until the end of the reference period. (Reference: International Financial Statistical Yearbook, IMF, Washington, D.C., 1993; Balance of Payments Manual, IMF, Washington, D.C., 1993 Foreign trade Coverage (general guidelines) It is recommended that international merchandise trade statistics record all goods, which add to or subtract from the stock of material resources of a country by entering (imports) or leaving (exports) its economic territory. Goods in transit or temporarily admitted or withdrawn (except goods for inward or outward processing) are not included in the international merchandise trade statistics. In many cases a country’s economic territory largely coincides with its customs territory. System of trade There are two trade systems of recording in common use based on which international merchandise trade statistics are compiled: the general trade system and the special trade system. They differ mainly in how goods entering or leaving warehouses and free trade zones are recorded. (i) General system of trade: The general trade system is in use when the statistical territory of the country coincides with its economic territory. Under the general trade system, imports include all goods entering the economic territory of the country and exports include all goods leaving the economic territory of a country. (ii) Special system of trade: The special trade system is in use when the definition of statistical territory comprises only a particular part of the economic territory, mainly, that part which coincides with the free circulation area for goods. There are two definitions of special trade system: (a) strict definition (statistical territory comprises only the free circulation area) and (b) relax definition. The special trade (relax definition) is in use when goods that enter a country for or leave it after inward processing, as well as the goods that enter or leave an industrial free zone are also included in international merchandise trade statistics. Statistical value of imports and exports It is recommended that the statistical value of imported goods should be a CIF-type value and the statistical value of exported goods should be a FOB-type value. CIF-type values include the transaction value of the goods, the value of services (the cost of transport; loading, unloading charges; the cost of insurance) performed to deliver the goods at the border of the importing country. FOB-type values include the transaction value of the goods and the value of services performed to deliver goods at the border of the exporting country. Currency conversion Where the conversion of currency is necessary, the rate of exchange shall be that of competent authorities of the reporting country and shall reflect the current value of such currency in commercial transactions. If a rate is not available for the date of exportation or importation, it is recommended that the average rate for the shortest period applicable should be used. Partner country It is possible to use different criteria for assigning the partner country. • Country of origin is a country in which the goods have been wholly produced (obtained) or in which goods have undergone substantial transformation. • Country of the last known destination is the last country - as far it is known at the time of exportation - to which goods are to be delivered by the exporting country. Commodity classifications The commodity structure of external trade flows is analysed using various internationally adopted commodity classifications, which have different level of detail and are based on different classification criteria. The Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC, Rev. 3) is commodity classification of the UN, which classifies commodities according to their stage of production and is suitable for economic analysis. (Reference: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division: International Merchandise Trade Statistics, Revision 2, Concepts and Definitions, United Nations, New York, 1998). Freight transport (see: Transport) General system of trade (see: Foreign trade) Gross capital formation Gross capital formation consists of: i) gross fixed capital formation; ii) changes in inventories; iii) acquisitions less disposals of valuables. (Reference: EUROSTAT, European System of Accounts ESA, 1995, Chapter 3 item 3.100). Gross domestic product at market prices (GDP)[3] Gross domestic product at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: • GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account; • GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (actual final consumption and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services; • GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account (compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports less subsidies, gross operating surplus and mixed income of the total economy). (Reference: EUROSTAT, European System of Accounts ESA, 1995, Chapter 8 Item 8.89). Gross fixed capital formation Gross fixed capital formation consists of resident producers’ acquisitions, less disposals of fixed assets during a given period plus certain additions to the value of non-produced assets realised by the productive activity of producer or institutional units. Fixed assets are tangible or intangible assets produced as outputs from processes of production that are themselves used repeatedly, or continuously, in processes of production for more than one year. (Reference: EUROSTAT, European System of Accounts ESA, 1995, Chapter 3 Item 3.102.) Hotels and similar establishments (see: International tourism) Household Budget Survey (HBS) The Household Budget Survey corresponds to the expenditure effected by households in order to consume goods and services. This includes, in addition to purchases in monetary form, the estimated value of certain goods and services, e.g. the value of internal production, the benefits in kind, housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels expenditure, excepting imputed rents. This concept includes only the expenditure intended for the direct meeting of the needs of households, and not expenditure incurred within an occupational framework. On the other hand, the following items are excluded from this concept: (i) the investments of households (e.g. purchase of a house, major works on housing, materials and manual work for new construction); (ii) the capital repairs, shares, foreign currency; (iii) the production expenditure as buying of domestic animals, food and sanitary-veterinary treatment for them, buying of sowing products, etc; (iv) the direct duties and taxes paid to the various administrations; (v) the compulsory payments (fees, taxes), returning loans and credits, savings deposited in banks and value of imputed rents, direct fees and taxes paid to different administrative units and population savings. Monetary consumption expenditure Strictly monetary consumption expenditure includes only the purchases actually done by the households. This involves subtracting from the consumption expenditure the value of the goods produced for own consumption, benefits in kind and the imputed rental value of housing. Money consumption expenditure include cash expenditure for purchasing food products, non-food goods and for payment of services. There are not comprised consumption expenditure, as investments (purchasing of dwellings, houses, construction, lands, and animals) (Reference: Household Budget Survey in the EU, Methodology and recommendations for harmonisation, EUROSTAT 1997). Index of monthly real wages and salaries The index of monthly real wages and salaries is calculated as a ratio between the monthly gross or net wages and salaries and the monthly population consumer price index, for the households of employees. Industrial Producer Price Index Industrial Producer Price Indices cover NACE, sections C (Mining and quarrying), D (Manufacturing) and E (Electricity, water and gas supply). They measure the changes in producer prices on domestic market. Industrial Producer Price Indices are derived from Laspeyres type indices, based on a reference year. The prices do not include VAT and excise duties. Industrial production Covers mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electricity, gas and water supply (according to the NACE Rev. 1 classification - sections C, D, E). Industrial production represents finished manufactured products, delivered or intended for delivery, half-finished products from own production, manufacturing of raw materials and of customers materials, industrial works (services) intended to other units and of stock difference of half-finished and unfinished production. (Reference: United Nations, 1983.International Recommendations for Industrial Statistics. Statistical Office, Series M, No. 48, Rev. 1) Industrial productivity volume index Industrial productivity volume index for industry is calculated as ratio between industry production volume index and the index of average number of employed persons. In order to assure the continuity of date series built-up on different bases, a “junction” coefficient is calculated as a relation between Laspeyres type index, on old base, and another one, for the same year, on a new base, for each level of reporting. International reserves (see Balance of Payment) International tourism An international tourist is a foreign visitor who spends at least one night in a collective or private accommodation unit in the country visited. The main purpose of his visit is other one than carrying out an activity remunerated within the visited country. Arrivals include the number of foreign visitors registered at the border. Departures include the number of country’s visitors who travel abroad and whose departure is registered at the border. The same foreign person can make several trips to the country during the reference period, each new trip being registered as a new arrival. The same is carried out for departures. Accommodation establishment and similar units An accommodation establishment or a similar unit provides: (i) overnight lodging for the traveller in rooms or in other similar units and must take into account the following condition: the number of places which it provides must be greater than a specified minimum for groups of persons exceeding a single family unit; (ii) all the places of the establishment must be under a common commercial- type management, even if it is not for profit. Hotels and similar establishments are defined as: (i) being arranged in rooms, in number exceeding specified minimum; (ii) coming together under a common management; (iii) providing certain services (including room service, daily bed-making and cleaning of the sanitary facilities); (iv) grouped in classes and categories according to the facilities and services provided; (v) not falling in the category of specialised establishments. Average number of nights spent by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments: the number is obtained by dividing the number of overnight stays of foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments by the number of foreign tourists. The net occupancy rate of bed-places in hotels and similar establishments in a year is obtained by dividing the total number of stays by the accommodation capacity available for tourists, during the reference period, and multiplying the result by 100 to express the result as a percentage (Reference: EUROSTAT, Applying the EUROSTAT Methodological Guidelines in Basic Tourism and Travel Statistics, Practical Manual, March 1996). Laspeyres index A form of index number where prices, quantities or other units of measure over time are weighted according to their values in a specified base period. Laspeyres index is a synthetic index of prices, calculated as simple average of individual weighted indices with expenditure for every item (goods and services) from the base period. The price indices calculation is based on fixed weighting coefficients, corresponding with relative consumption expenditure for each item in the base period. (Reference: A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Kendall, Sir Maurice G., and William R. Buckland The International Statistical Institute, 1982, Fourth Edition, London, Longman Group). Money (M1) Money comprises transferable demand deposits of monetary authorities and deposit money banks ("M1"), other than those of the central government, and currency outside banks plus, where applicable, private sector demand deposits with the postal checking system and with the Treasury. (Reference: International Financial Statistics Yearbook, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C., 1984). Monthly gross nominal salary earning Monthly gross nominal salary earning includes: • Monthly salaries, in cash and in kind, to employees for actually done work (including for supplementary worked time) according to the salary type applied, bonuses and indemnities granted as salary percentage or as fixed amounts, other legal bonuses, amounts paid for non-worked time (indemnities for holiday and study leaves, holidays and other free days, monthly amounts paid for salaries fund for medical leaves), monthly premiums. • Monthly amounts paid from net profit other funds. Net nominal wages and salaries Net nominal wages and salaries is calculated as difference between the gross nominal salary earning and applied taxes and social security contributions. Net occupancy rate of bed-places in hotels and similar establishments (see: International tourism) Number of pensioners (see: Retired persons and pensions) Paasche Index Paasche index is a synthetic index of prices, calculated as simple average of individual weighted indices with expenditures for every item (goods and services) from the base period. The calculation of price indices is based on variable weighting coefficients, corresponding with relative consumption expenditure for each item in the base period. (Reference: A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, International Statistical Institute, Kendall, Sir Maurice G., and William R. Buckland, Fourth Edition, London, Longman, Group1982). Partner country (see: Foreign trade) Passenger-kilometre (see: Transport) Passenger transport (see: Transport) Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) Purchasing Power Parities are the rates of currency conversion that eliminate differences in price levels between countries. When converted by means of PPPs, the GDP per capita for countries are in effect expressed in the same set of prices so that comparison between countries reflect only differences in the volume of goods and services produced. The figures based on PPPs conversion may differ particularly from those based on using exchange rates. The Combined Nomenclature (CN) represents an extended version of the Harmonised System (HS), used by member States of European Union, according to which goods are classified based on nature of goods and mainly is used for custom needs. (Reference: UN Dictionary, Washington, D.C., 2002; OECD, EUROSTAT and the Austrian Central Statistical Office, European Comparison Programme, ECP). Quasi-money (M2) Quasi-money comprises time and at sight savings in national currency and foreign currency deposits of resident other than central government. (Money plus quasi-money is frequently called. "M2"). (Reference: International Financial Statistics Yearbook, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C., 1984). Retail trade turnover volume index[4] The turnover volume index is a simple value index (price multiplied by quantity/volume), and is a direct index that compares the current period with the fixed period in the base year. In order to eliminate the price effect on turnover, a deflator of sales is used. Turnover comprises the total receipts by the observation unit during the reference period, and this corresponds to market sales of goods and services supplied to third parties. Turnover includes all duties and taxes on the goods or services invoiced by the unit, excepting the VAT invoiced by the unit vis-à-vis its customer and other similar deductible taxes directly linked to turnover. Turnover also includes all other charges (transport, packaging, etc.) passed on to the customer, even if these charges are listed separately in the invoice. Reduction in prices, rebates and discounts as well as the value of returned packing must be deducted. Price reductions, rebates and bonuses conceded later to clients, for example at the end of the year, are not taken into account. Income classified as other operating income, financial income and extraordinary income in company accounts is excluded from turnover. Subsidies received from public authorities or the institutions of the European Union are also excluded. (References: According to Commission Regulation, EC, No. 588/2001 of 26 March 2001 on Implementing Council Regulation, EC, No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards the definition of variables) Retired persons and pensions Number of pensioners includes all persons who receive pensions, including farmers. The following pensions are paid out: old-age (full and proportional), invalidity (full and partial), widows’, widowers’, orphans’, wives’ pensions, pensions for long-term service (full and partial), social pensions and pensions granted according to accident insurance provisions or according to a war disabled act. Average monthly pensions paid out at the end of a period represent an average amount of pension coming to one pensioner irrespective of the type of pension he/she receives, including pensions of farmers. Special system of trade (see: Foreign trade) Standard International Trade Classification (see: Foreign trade) Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (NACE classification) Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (NACE classification) is the European classification used for industrial production. According to NACE classification the economic and social activities are divided into five levels (section, subsection, division, group and class); the main principles used for NACE classification are homogeneity and similar classification structure of items included into each level of references. Statistical value of imports and exports (see: Foreign trade) System of trade (see: Foreign trade) Terms of trade Trade exchange rate is calculated as ratio between export value index and import value index. Tonne-kilometre (see: Transport) Transport Freight transport is transport of goods by rail, road (transport for hire or reward and transport on own account), inland waterways and oil pipeline, air and sea. Tonne-kilometre is unit of measure representing the transport of one tonne of goods over one kilometre. For the purpose of adding up the data into total, conversion of tonne-miles into tonne- kilometres is needed. It is necessary to multiply tonne-miles with a coefficient 1852. Passengers transport is transport of passengers by rail, road (transport for hire or reward and transport on own account), air and sea. Urban road transport is not included. Passenger-kilometre is unit of measure representing the transport of one passenger over one kilometre. Total agricultural output volume index Agricultural production index is based on the sum of price-weighted quantities of different agricultural commodities produced after deductions of quantities used as seed and feed weighted in a similar manner. All the indices at the country, regional and world levels are calculated by the Laspeyres formula. Production quantities of each commodity are weighted by average international commodity prices in the base period and summed for each year. To obtain the index, the aggregate for a given year is divided by the average aggregate for the base period. The commodities covered in the computation of indices of agricultural production are all crops and livestock products originating in each country. Practically all products are covered, with the main exception of fodder crops. (Reference: FAO Production Yearbook, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome). Unemployment (ILO) Comprises persons aged 15 years and over, who during the reference week: have no job and had actively sought a job during the previous four weeks and are available for work within the next two weeks. (Reference: ILO, Recommendation of the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1982). Unemployment rate Percentage of the unemployed in economically active population. (Reference: ILO, Recommendation of the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva, 1982). 1 Za večino držav podatki temeljijo na ocenah četrtletnih računov, ki so konstantno ažurirani do objave letnih nacionalnih računov. To je tudi razlog za uporabo začasnih podatkov. 2 Vrednost prodaje v trgovini na drobno je vsota prodaje komercialnih in nekomercialnih subjektov. Podatki se nanašajo na dejavnosti, razvrščene v NACE 50 in 52. [3] The data published in this document (for the majority of participating countries) are based on the estimation of quarterly accounts. The data are continuously processed until the annual national accounts are published. This is the reason of preliminary data using in the present document. [4] The value of retail sales is the sum of sales realised by commercial and non-commercial entities. Data refer to the activities included in NACE classification 50, 52. 1 Za večino držav podatki temeljijo na ocenah četrtletnih računov, ki so konstantno ažurirani do objave letnih nacionalnih računov. To je tudi razlog za uporabo začasnih podatkov. 2 Vrednost prodaje v trgovini na drobno je vsota prodaje komercialnih in nekomercialnih subjektov. Podatki se nanašajo na dejavnosti, razvrščene v NACE 50 in 52. METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL NOTES Splošne značilnosti CZ BDP na prebivalca v standardih kupne moči (SKM) v evrih. Podatke je objavil Evrostat 18. decembra 2002. Podatki za 2000 so končni, za 2001 pa začasni. EE Delež kmetijskih zemljišč od vseh zemljišč je izračunan kot delež kmetijskih zemljišč v uporabi od vseh zemljišč. LV Za BDP na prebivalca v ameriških dolarjih in paritetah kupne moči za leti 1999 in 2000 je podatkovni vir OECD. Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo po dejavnosti (tabela 1.1) BG Podatki za leto 1999 se nanašajo na november. Letni podatki za leti 2000 in 2001 so izračunani kot navadno povprečje ustreznih četrtletnih podatkov. Podatki za prvo četrtletje se nanašajo na marec, za drugo na junij, za tretje na september in za četrto na december. CY Podatki, zbrani z Anketo o delovni sili (ADS), se nanašajo na drugo četrtletje vsakega leta (april-junij). Seštevki se zaradi zaokroženja ne ujemajo. CZ Celotna časovna vrsta je pripravljena po metodologiji iz leta 1998, ki se kasneje ni spremenila. Vključene so osebe starejše od 15 let, ki so zaposlene v družbenem sektorju, tj. brez oboroženih sil (ISCO-88), glavne skupine 0 ter oseb na porodniškem dopustu. Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo so vse osebe ne glede na poklicni status, tj. vključno s pomagajočimi družinskimi člani, ki so v opazovanem tednu delali vsaj eno uro in vse osebe, ki so bile zaposlene (zaposleni in samozaposleni), a so bili v opazovanem tednu odsotni z dela. Razlike med seštevki in posameznimi postavkami so posledica zaokroževanja (zaokroženi so le seštevki in ne posamezne postavke). EE Zajete so osebe, stare od 15 do 74 let. HU Podatki so uteženi na osnovi popisa iz leta 2001. Vnovič uteženi podatki bodo objavljeni tudi za nazaj. LT Od leta 2000 ADS zajema osebe, stare 15 let in več. Podatki za prejšnja leta zajemajo osebe, stare 14 let in več. Osebe na služenju vojaškega roka niso vključene, so pa vključene osebe na porodniškem dopustu, če so obdržale zaposlitev. Zajete so osebe v zasebnih in skupinskih gospodinjstvih. LV V letih 1999-2001 je Anketa o delovni sili (ADS) zajemala osebe, stare 15 let in več, v letu 2002 pa osebe stare med 15 in 74 let. Podatki za 1999-2001 so popravljeni glede na podatke popisa prebivalstva v letu 2000. Podatki za drugo četrtletje se nanašajo na maj, za četrto četrtletje pa na november. Vsi podatki so letna povprečja. Seštevki nekaterih kazalnikov se zaradi zaokroževanja ne ujemajo. RO Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo so osebe, stare 15 let in več, ki so opravljale gospodarsko ali družbeno dejavnost proizvodnje izdelkov ali storitev v trajanju vsaj ene ure (za samozaposlene in pomagajoče družinske člane v kmetijstvu pa vsaj 15 ur) v referenčnem tednu za plačilo v obliki plače, plačilo v naravi ali drugo obliko plačila. Od leta 2002 delovno aktivno prebivalstvo ne zajema oseb, ki so začasno odsotne z dela v opazovanem tednu in ki niso prepričane,d a se bodo na delo vrnile v treh mesecih. Vključene so osebe, ki so začasno odsotne z dela in od delodajalca prejemajo manj kot 50 % plače. Podatki za prvo četrtletje 2003 so bili ocenjeni na podlagi rezultatov Popisa prebivalstva in stanovanj v marcu 2002. Podatki za 2000-2002 bodo popravljeni po reviziji podatkov o prebivalstvu iz rezultatov popisa. SI Podatki ne zajemajo iskalcev prve zaposlitve. SK Od leta 2000 se četrtletja ujemajo s koledarskimi. Podatki ne vključujejo oseb na obveznem služenju vojaškega roka in oseb na starševskem dopustu. Vključeni pa so poklicni vojaki, osebe na služenju civilnega roka in osebe na porodniškem dopustu. Brezposelnost po spolu (tabela 1.2) BG Podatki za leto 1999 se nanašajo na november. Letni podatki za leti 2000 in 2001 so izračunani kot navadno povprečje ustreznih četrtletnih podatkov. Podatki za prvo četrtletje se nanašajo na marec, za drugo na junij, za tretje na september in za četrto na december. CY Podatki, zbrani z Anketo o delovni sili, se nanašajo na drugo četrtletje vsakega leta (april-junij). Seštevki se zaradi zaokroženja ne ujemajo. CZ Celotna časovna vrsta je pripravljena po metodologiji iz leta 1998, ki se kasneje ni spremenila. Specifikacija kazalnika je v skladu z metodologijo Mednarodne organizacije dela. Po priporočilih Eurostata so v brezposelne osebe vključene tudi osebe, ki so našle delo, a ga bodo začele opravljati v treh mesecih. Zmanjšanje stopnje brezposelnosti je posledica naslednjih dejavnikov: - pri popolni uskladitvi nacionalnega vprašalnika z Eurostatovimi standardi od začetka leta 2002 velja dogovor o drugačnem vrstnem redu vprašanj. Predvsem gre za vprašanje o dejavnosti osebe v opazovanem tednu. Če anketiranec odgovori, da je delal vsaj eno uro, je v skladu z metodologijo Mednarodne organizacije dela uvrščen med zaposlene osebe; - povečalo se je število oseb, ki nimajo dela in ga tudi ne iščejo aktivno, so pa pripravljene delo sprejeti. Število delovne sile v rezervi (v skladu z Eurostatovo metodologijo) je v četrtem četrtletju leta 2002 doseglo številko 133,000. Razlike med seštevki in posameznimi postavkami so posledica zaokroževanja (zaokroženi so le seštevki in ne posamezne postavke). EE Zajete so osebe, stare od 15 do 74 let. HU Podatki so uteženi na osnovi popisa iz leta 2001. Vnovič uteženi podatki bodo objavljeni tudi za nazaj. LV V letih 1999-2001 je Anketa o delovni sili (ADS) zajemala osebe, stare 15 let in več, v letu 2002 pa osebe stare med 15 in 74 let. Podatki za 1999-2001 so popravljeni glede na podatke popisa prebivalstva v letu 2000. Podatki za drugo četrtletje se nanašajo na maj, za četrto četrtletje pa na november. Vsi podatki so letna povprečja. Seštevki nekaterih kazalnikov se zaradi zaokroževanja ne ujemajo. LT Od leta 2000 ADS zajema osebe, stare 15 let in več. Podatki za prejšnja leta zajemajo osebe, stare 14 let in več. RO Podatki za prvo četrtletje 2003 so bili ocenjeni na podlagi rezultatov Popisa prebivalstva in stanovanj v marcu 2002. Podatki za 2000-2002 bodo popravljeni po reviziji podatkov o prebivalstvu iz rezultatov popisa. SK Od leta 2000 se četrtletja ujemajo s koledarskimi. Specifikacija kazalnika je v skladu z metodologijo Mednarodne organizacije dela. Po priporočilih Eurostata so v brezposelne osebe vključene tudi osebe, ki so našle delo, a ga bodo začele opravljati kasneje. Stopnje aktivnosti in brezposelnosti po spolu in starostnih skupinah (tabeli 1.3, 1.4) BG Podatki za leto 1999 se nanašajo na november. Letni podatki za leti 2000 in 2001 so izračunani kot navadno povprečje ustreznih četrtletnih podatkov. Podatki za prvo četrtletje se nanašajo na marec, za drugo na junij, za tretje na september in za četrto na december. CY Podatki, zbrani z Anketo o delovni sili, se nanašajo na drugo četrtletje vsakega leta (april-junij). Seštevki se zaradi zaokroženja ne ujemajo. CZ Celotna časovna vrsta je pripravljena po metodologiji iz leta 1998, ki se kasneje ni spremenila. Razlike med seštevki in posameznimi postavkami so posledica zaokroževanja (zaokroženi so le seštevki in ne posamezne postavke). EE Anketa o delovni sili zajema le osebe, stare od 15 do 74 let. Stopnja aktivnosti je število delovnih aktivnih oseb, starih od 15 do 74 let, glede na seštevek vsega prebivalstva, starega 15 let in več (število prebivalstva, starega od 15 do 74 let, iz ADS plus število oseb starejših od 74 let iz demografskih virov). HU Zajete so osebe, stare od 15 do 74 let. Podatki so uteženi na osnovi popisa iz leta 2001. Vnovič uteženi podatki bodo objavljeni tudi za nazaj. Stopnja aktivnosti je število aktivnega prebivalstva, starega od 15 do 74 let, glede na seštevek vsega prebivalstva, starega 15 let in več (število prebivalstva, starega od 15 do 74 let, iz ADS plus število oseb starejših od 74 let iz demografskih virov). LT Od leta 2000 ADS zajema osebe, stare 15 let in več. Podatki za prejšnja leta zajemajo osebe, stare 14 let in več. LV V letih 1999-2001 je Anketa o delovni sili (ADS) zajemala osebe, stare 15 let in več, v letu 2002 pa osebe stare med 15 in 74 let. Podatki za 1999-2001 so popravljeni glede na podatke popisa prebivalstva v letu 2000. Podatki za drugo četrtletje se nanašajo na maj, za četrto četrtletje pa na november. Vsi podatki so letna povprečja. PL Osebe na porodniškem dopustu so vključene, osebe na služenju vojaškega roka pa ne. RO Od leta 2002 so brezposelne osebe tiste ki v zadnjih treh tednih niso iskale zaposlitve ker so jo že našle in bodo z delom začele prej kot v treh mesecih ali ker so samozaposlene in čakajo na rezultat. Upoštevane so tudi osebe, ki so začasno odsotne z dela v opazovanem tednu in ki od delodajalca prejemajo manj kot 50 % plače, niso prepričane, da se bodo na delo vrnile v treh mesecih, in aktivno iščejo delo in so ga pripravljene sprejeti. Podatki za prvo četrtletje 2003 so bili ocenjeni na podlagi rezultatov Popisa prebivalstva in stanovanj v marcu 2002. Podatki za 2000-2002 bodo popravljeni po reviziji podatkov o prebivalstvu iz rezultatov popisa. SI Med delovno aktivno prebivalstvo so vštete tudi zaposlene osebe, ki so začasni ali trajni presežki, in osebe na porodniškem dopustu. SK Aktivno prebivalstvo, uporabljeno za izračun stopnje aktivnosti in brezposelnosti, upošteva tudi osebe na obveznem služenju vojaškega roka. Upokojenci (tabela 1.5) BG Za leto 2001 brez kmetov. CY Vključene so vse osebe, ki prejemajo starostno, družinsko ali invalidsko pokojnino kot tudi osebe, ki prejemajo podporo za sirote in dodatek za pogrešane osebe - kar vse izplačuje Sklad socialnega zavarovanja - ter osebe, ki prejemajo socialne pokojnine, plačane iz splošnih davkov. Upokojenci so razvrščeni glede na vrsto pokojnine, ki jo prejemajo in ne glede na poklic, ki so ga opravljali. Podatkov za kmete, ki prejemajo pokojnino ni. CZ, SK Število upokojencev vključuje tudi upokojence oz. pokojnine plačane osebam, ki živijo v tujini. HU Podatki vključujejo povprečno število upokojencev in drugih oskrbovancev. LT Kazalnik vključuje vse osebe, ki prejemajo pokojnine. LV Število upokojencev vključuje vse osebe, ki prejemajo pokojnine (starostna, invalidska, družinska, vojaška pokojnina, pokojnine po posebnih predpisih), brez prejemnikov pokojnin, ki jih izplačujeta ministrstvo za notranje zadeve in ministrstvo za obrambo. RO Povprečno letno število upokojencev. V podatke niso vključeni upokojeni kmetje. Podatki za 2002 so začasni. SI Brez kmetov. Pokojnine (tabela 1.6) CZ, SK Povprečne mesečne pokojnine so objavljene na podlagi podatkov za december posameznega leta. HU Povprečni mesečni seštevek pokojnin in drugih oskrbnin. PL Podatki ne vključujejo družinskih podpor in dodatkov za nego, ki so plačani iz državnega proračuna družinskim članom upokojenih oseb. RO Povprečne mesečne pokojnine. Podatki ne vključujejo kmečkih pokojnin. SI Izdatki Pokojninskega sklada za pokojnine rezidentov in nerezidentov. Brez kmečkih pokojnin. Povprečne mesečne bruto nominalne plače (tabeli 1.7, 1.9) BG Ocene so izdelane na osnovi mesečne vzorčne ankete. Zajeta so vsa podjetja v javnem sektorju in podjetja v zasebnem sektorju, ki imajo več kot 50 zaposlenih. Za ostala podjetja je uporabljen stratificiran slučajni vzorec. Vojaške enote niso vključene. Končni podatki o plačah in zaposlenosti so dobljeni iz letne ankete o podjetjih. Podatki za 2002 so predhodni (tabela 1.9) CY Podatki so dobljeni iz letne vzorčne ankete o plačah, ki zajema več kot 30 % zaposlenih. Referenčni mesec je oktober, anketa pa zajema zaposlene s polnim delovnim časom v vseh sektorjih gospodarstva, razen področij P in Q klasifikacije NACE. Vsi državni uslužbenci so vključeni v področje L. Mesečne bruto nominalne plače vključujejo redne mesečne plače, dodatke, plačilo za nadurno delo in trinajsto plačo. Bruto plače so plače pred odbitjem davka na dohodek in prispevkov za socialno, zdravstveno in drugo zavarovanje CZ Podatki zajemajo podjetja z 20 in več zaposlenimi (v finančnem posredništvu ne glede na število zaposlenih) ter vse organizacije v nepodjetniški sferi, vključno z zaposlenimi na ministrstvu za obrambo in ministrstvu za notranje zadeve. Podatki pa ne vključujejo zaposlenih v nekaterih podjetjih, ki jih statistika ne zajema, sodniki, pripravniki, osebe na porodniškem dopustu, osebe na služenju vojaškega roka (tudi tisti, ki služijo civilni vojaški rok) in delavci po pogodbi. So pa vključene osebe s sekundarno zaposlitvijo. Vir podatkov je anketa o podjetjih. EE Podatki so dobljeni z mesečno anketo o plačah. Statistične enote so podjetja, institucije in organizacije. Zajete so vse državne in občinske institucije in organizacije. Isto velja za podjetja z več kot 49 zaposlenimi. Za preostala podjetja, tj. podjetja z 49 zaposlenimi ali manj, pa uporabljamo stratificiran slučajni vzorec. HU Podatki se nanašajo na družbe s 5 in več zaposlenimi ter institucije financirane iz državnega proračuna. Podatki o družbah s 5 do 49 zaposlenimi temeljijo na vzorcu, družbe z več kot 49 zaposlenimi in institucije financirane iz državnega proračuna pa so zajete v celoti. Podatki o povprečnih mesečnih plačah se nanašajo na zaposlene s polnim delovnim časom. LT Letni podatki so rezultat letne ankete o plačah, ki zajema vsa podjetja, institucije in organizacije, ne glede na lastništvo. Dodani so tudi podatki o plačah zaposlenih pri samostojnih podjetnikih. Četrtletni podatki so rezultat vzorčne četrtletne ankete o plačah, v kateri pa niso zajete samostojni podjetniki. Uporabljen je stratificiran slučajni vzorec. LV Ocene so narejene na podlagi četrtletnih vzorčnih anket. Zajete so vse institucije, ki se financirajo iz proračuna, podjetja z državnim kapitalom, podjetja z vsaj 50 zaposlenimi in podjetja, ki so v prejšnjem letu ustvarila vsaj za LVL 300 000 prometa. Za ostala podjetja je uporabljen stratificiran slučajni vzorec. Zasebne kmetije niso vključene. PL Podatki o skupnih bruto nominalnih mesečnih plačah zajemajo vse nacionalno gospodarstvo. Do leta 1999 se podatki za področja nanašajo na osebe, zaposlene v poslovnih subjektih z več kot 5 zaposlenimi, od leta 2000 pa z več kot 9 zaposlenimi (brez zasebnega kmetijstva, oboroženih sil in uslužbencev ministrstva za notranje zadeve). Od leta 1999 podatki vključujejo prispevke za obvezno socialno zavarovanje (pokojninsko in zdravstveno), ki jih plača zavarovani delavec. RO Podatki o letnih bruto nominalnih plačah so dobljeni iz letne vzorčne ankete, ki zajema vsa podjetja z vsaj 250 zaposlenimi, za ostala podjetja pa se uporablja reprezentativni vzorec. Podatki o četrtletnih nominalnih plačah so izračunani kot povprečje mesečnih podatkov dobljenih iz vzorčne ankete o plačah, ki zajema vsa podjetja z vsaj 250 zaposlenimi, za ostala podjetja pa se uporablja reprezentativni vzorec. Enote z manj kot štirimi zaposlenimi niso vključene. Letne in mesečne vzorčne ankete ne vključujejo vojaških oseb. SI Bruto plače v podjetjih, družbah in drugih organizacijah razen tistih v zasebni lasti z 1 ali 2 zaposlenima osebama. SK Podatki o vseh poslovnih subjektih (brez prihodka podjetnikov). Brez oboroženih sil, žensk na porodniškem (starševskem) dopustu in oseb ki delajo po pogodbah. Indeksi mesečnih realnih plač (tabela 1.8) Indeksi so izračunani z deljenjem indeksa bruto nominalnih plač (BG, CZ, EE, PL, SI in SK) ali indeksa neto nominalnih plač (HU, LT, LV in RO) in: - indeksa cen življenjskih potrebščin (BG, CZ, EE, HU, LT, LV, SI in SK), - zajeti so le zaposleni s polnim delovnim časom, - indeksa cen življenjskih potrebščin gospodinjstev zaposlenih oseb in lastnikov kmetij, brez naturalne porabe (PL), - indeksa cen življenjskih potrebščin gospodinjstev zaposlenih oseb (RO). BG Podatki za 2002 so predhodni. CY Realne plače so plače v denarju, deflacionirane z letnim povprečnim indeksom cen življenjskih potrebščin. Struktura izdatkov v gospodinjstvih (tabela 1.10) BG Denarni izdatki za življenjske potrebščine so definirani po klasifikaciji COICOP. CY Podatki so rezultat zadnje ankete o porabi v gospodinjstvih, ki je bila izvedena leta 1997. Naslednja se je začela izvajati septembra 2002. Skupni mesečni izdatki na prebivalca ustrezajo skupnim izdatkom za življenjske potrebščine v gospodinjstvih, tj. tako denarnim nakupom kot vrednosti prejemkov v naravi. Struktura skupnih izdatkov po postavkah ne predstavlja vseh izdatkov, ker kategoriji (i) hoteli, kavarne, restavracije in (ii) razni izdelki in storitve nista vključeni. CZ Podatki o povprečni porabi v gospodinjstvu so dobljeni z uteževanjem podatkov za posamezne družbene skupine glede na rezultate Mikropopisa 1996 (povprečje na prebivalca). Ta zajema neto denarne izdatke po klasifikaciji CZ-COICOP. V skupini najemnina, voda, elektrika in druga goriva niso vključene pripisane najemnine. EE Skupni mesečni izdatki na prebivalca vključujejo denarne izdatke za življenjske potrebščine in druge izdatke na člana gospodinjstva. HU Obdelava četrtletnih podatkov se razlikuje od obdelave letnih podatkov. Gre za tekoče izdatke gospodinjstev za življenjske potrebščine. LT Pri računanju je uporabljeno uteževanje. V letu 2002 porazdelitev vzorca po stalnem bivališču, spolu in starosti ustreza dejanski porazdelitvi prebivalstva po podatkih popisa iz leta 2001. Porazdelitev vzorca do leta 2002 ustreza porazdelitvi prebivalstva pred popisom prebivalstva 2001. LV Podatki za leto 2002 so rezultat nove ankete o porabi v gospodinjstvih, ki je bila izvedena maja 2001. Anketa je bila dopolnjena z nekaterimi metodološkimi spremembami. SK Skupni mesečni izdatki na prebivalca - neto denarni izdatki (brez porabe lastne proizvodnje). Mesečna poraba posameznih živil na prebivalca (tabela 1.11) BG Za ocenjevanje količin proizvodov, ki jih porabijo gospodinjstva vsak mesec v določenem letu, je uporabljena bilančna metoda. CZ Kruh vključuje pekovske izdelke. CY Zadnja anketa o porabi v gospodinjstvih, ki je bila izvedena v letu 1997 ni zajela podatkov o porabljenih količinah. EE Mesečna poraba izbranih živil vključuje porabo kupljenih in proizvedenih živil ter živil dobljenih brezplačno. HU Obdelava četrtletnih podatkov se razlikuje od obdelave letnih podatkov. Meso vključuje ribe. LT Meso in mesni izdelki v ekvivalentu mesa. Sveža in zmrznjena zelenjava. LV Poraba mesa in mesnih izdelkov, rib in ribjih izdelkov ter maščob in olja je bila preračunana na primarne proizvode. RO Meso in mesni izdelki v ekvivalentu svežega mesa. Maščobe in olja. Kruh - vključno s pecivom. SI Letni podatki so bili preračunani na mesečno raven. SK Poraba kupljenih živil vključuje porabo v naravi, ugotovljeno z anketo o porabi v gospodinjstvih. Bruto domači proizvod (tabeli 2.1, 2.2) in Struktura bruto dodane vrednosti po dejavnosti (tabela 2.3) BG Seštevki v tabeli 2.1 se nanašajo na BDP po proizvodni metodi. Ker so podatki za 1999 in 2000 še začasni, prihaja do statističnega odstopanja med seštevki in posameznimi komponentami, tj. izdatkovni in proizvodni pristop še nista povsem usklajena. Podatki v tabeli 2.3 - za leto 2000 (i) "Poslovanje z nepremičninami, najem in poslovne storitve" (K) vključujejo pripisane najemnine v lastniških stanovanjih; (ii) "Gostinstvo" (H) in "Poslovanje z nepremičninami, najem in poslovne storitve" (K) sta vključena v "Druge storitve". CZ Četrtletni podatki za leto 2000 so bili usklajeni s »polkončnimi« letnimi nacionalnimi računi za leto 2000. Četrtletni podatki za leti 2001 in 2002 so predhodne četrtletne ocene. HU Podatki za leto 1999, 2000 in 2001 so končni, za 2002 pa začasni. RO Letni podatki so zbrani z uporabo kazalnikov iz administrativnih, statističnih, finančnih in proračunskih virov. Podatke preračunavajo, dokler ne dobijo input-output tabele oz. splošne tabele transakcij (z dvoletnim presledkom). Za četrtletne račune pripravijo poenostavljeno input-output tabelo (13 panog), ki temelji na kratkoročnih kazalnikih. Podatki za leti 1999 in 2000 so končni, za leto 2001 »polkončni«, za 2002 pa začasni. Četrtletni podatki za leti 2001 in 2002 so začasni in niso usklajeni z letnim BDP. SK Podatki za 2000-2002 so začasni glede na četrtletne nacionalne račune. Razlike med seštevki in komponentami BDP so posledica statističnega odstopanja. Metodologija izračuna: BG, CZ, EE, LT, LV, RO, SI Evropski sistem računov (ESA 1995). PL Evropski sistem računov (ESA 1995). Od leta 2000 so bile sprejete nekatere metodološke spremembe: sprememba zajetja institucionalnih sektorjev, sprememba zajema transakcij sektorja država iz denarne osnove na odmerno osnovo, uporaba novih meril za vključevanje gospodinjstev v posamezne podsektorje, povečanje števila podsektorjev s 4 na 6, vrednotenje osnovnih sredstev v tržnih cenah. Vsi prej objavljeni podatki za leti 2000 in 2001 so bili popravljeni glede na zgoraj omenjene spremembe. BG, HU, Sistem nacionalnih računov (SNA 1993). SK Evropski sistem računov (ESA 1995), glede na stopnjo implementacije v nacionalnih računih za leto 1999. Bazne obdobje za izračun indeksov: BG, PL Cene predhodnega leta. CZ 1995 (uporabljeni so indeksi cen, povprečje leta 1995 = 100, izračun narejen v oddelku za nacionalne račune). EE Cene leta 2000. HU Za leti 1999 in 2000 so indeksi cen izračunani iz cen za leto 1998, za leti 2001 in 2002 pa iz cen za leto 2000. LT Stalne cene leta 1995. LV Povprečne cene leta 2000. RO Cene predhodnega leta. SI Stalne cene leta 2000. SK Povprečne cene leta 1995 = 100. Cene uporabljene za izračun: V tabelah 2.1. in 2.2. so uporabljene tržne cene; V tabeli 2.3. so uporabljene osnove cene. LV V tabelah 2.1. in 2.2. so uporabljene tržne cene, v tabeli 2.3. pa osnovne cene. PL V tabelah 2.1 in 2.2 so uporabljene osnovne cene. SI Glede na ESA 1995. Tuje neposredne naložbe (tabela 2.4) BG Viri podatkov: plačilna bilanca Bolgarske državne banke. CZ Od leta 1997 podatki zajemajo posredne naložbe v gospodarstvo, reinvestirane zaslužke in druga sredstva. Vsi podatki za 2001 in 2002 so četrtletni in ne kumulativni podatki. HU Od 1. 1. 2000 madžarska narodna banka objavlja podatke o plačilni bilanci in dolgu v evrih. Podatki za to publikacijo so pretvorjeni v dolarje po tekočem uradnem tečaju. Neto tuje neposredne naložbe. LT Vir podatkov je Banke Litve. Podatki o neto tujih neposrednih naložbah so pretvorjeni v ameriške dolarje z uporabo tekočih uradnih deviznih tečajev. LV S prvim četrtletjem 2000 podatke o tujih neposrednih naložbah zbira in prikazuje Banka Latvije. Pred tem je to delo opravljal državni statistični urad. S prvim četrtletjem 2001 je bila posodobljena metodologija, narejene pa so bile tudi spremembe v definiciji rezidentov. RO Vir podatkov je Romunska državna banka. Podatki predstavljajo neto. SK Vir podatkov je Slovaška državna banka. Podatki zajemajo lastni kapital in reinvestiran dobiček za gospodarski in bančni sektor skupaj. Za izračun naložb uporabljamo srednji tečaj na zadnji dan opazovanega obdobja. Tuje neposredne naložbe (tabela 2.4a) SI Podatki o tujih neposrednih naložbah (stanja) v odstotkih od BDP. V tuje neposredne naložbe so vključeni podatki o lastniškem kapitalu, reinvestiranih zaslužkih in drugih sredstvih v skladu s Priročnikom za sestavljanje plačilne bilance (Balance of Payments Manual, IMF, 1993). CZ Podatki za 2001 in 2002 so predhodni. Državni proračun (tabela 2.5) BG Podatki v tabeli 2.5 se nanašajo na državo v širšem smislu in vključujejo podatke za državo v ožjem smislu, sklade socialne varnosti in lokalne proračune. Državni dolg je prikazan v nominalni vrednosti, podatki pa vključujejo dolg z državnim jamstvom. Državni dolg, ki ni izražen v ameriških dolarjih, je preračunan z uporabo tečajev ob koncu opazovanega obdobja. CY Državni proračun ne vključuje lokalnih proračunov in zunajproračunskih skladov (sklad javnih posojil, amortizacijski sklad, skladi socialnega zavarovanja). Pet netržnih, poldržavnih organizacij prav tako ni vključenih v državni proračun. Od leta 2000 je obrambni sklad (prej razvrščen med zunajproračunske sklade) vštet v državni proračun. Podatki so zbrani na gotovinski osnovi in po metodologiji ESA 95. CZ Državni proračun ne vključuje proračuna na lokalni ravni ter državnih zunajproračunskih skladov in drugih javnih skladov. Prihodki zajemajo obročno odplačevanje vseh kreditov in posojil iz državnega proračuna, izdatki pa zajemajo njihovo najemanje. Podatki so zbrani na gotovinski osnovi. HU Bilanca državnega proračuna je vzpostavljena na osnovi vladne finančne statistike (GFS), ki jo je izdelal MDS. GFS brez plačila dolga in dohodkov iz privatizacije. LV Konsolidiran državni proračun, vključno z osnovnim in posebnim proračunom (sklad socialne varnosti in drugi posebni skladi). Lokalni proračuni niso vključeni. LT Državni proračun vključuje državni proračun, posebne sklade in zunajproračunske sklade za obdobje 2000-2002. Za letni DDV, trošarine in podatke o obrestih je uporabljena odmerna metoda. Do leta 2000 so podatki o državnem proračunu zajemali samo državni proračun. PL Podatki zajemajo nekonsolidiran državni proračun, ki je glavni del državnega proračuna. RO Državni proračun vključuje državni proračun, sklade socialnega zavarovanja, zunajproračunske sklade in sklade ustanov, ki se financirajo same. Podatki so usklajeni s priročnikom »Government Finance Statistics« (1986). Podatki za 2000 in 2001 so končni. Podatki za 2001 so bili popravljeni. Za leto 2002 in prvo četrtletje 2003 pa so podatki začasni. SI Presežek/primanjkljaj državnega proračuna vključuje le nefinančne transakcije. (Prejemki iz naslova privatizacije niso vključeni.) SK Za izračun bilance državnega proračuna v tekočem letu je uporabljena metodologija Mednarodnega denarnega sklada. Na strani prihodkov ne bodo več prikazovani prihodki od državnih kreditov in posojil, pač pa bodo izdatki, povezani z obroki odplačevanja omenjenih kreditov in posojil, prikazovani na strani odhodkov. Prihodki in izdatki, vključeni v letu 2001 v državne sklade, so v letu 2002 del prihodkov in izdatkov državnega proračuna. Zunanji dolg (tabela 2.6) CZ Bruto zunanji dolg v konvertibilnih in nekonvertibilnih valutah HU Bruto zunanji dolg v tujih valutah, brez neposrednih naložb in trajnega kapitala v vrednostnih papirjih. Od 1. 1. 2000 madžarska narodna banka objavlja podatke o plačilni bilanci in dolgu v evrih. Podatki za to publikacijo so pretvorjeni v dolarje po tekočem uradnem tečaju. LT Vir podatkov o bruto zunanjem dolgu je Banka Litve. LV Zunanji dolg je spremljan v skladu s priporočili MDS “External debt statistics: guide for compilers and users” iz novembra 2001. Statistika zunanjega dolga je skladna s koncepti SNA 1993 in BPM5. Bruto zunanji dolg je dolgovani znesek tistih dejanskih sedanjih (in ne morebitnih) obveznosti, ki zahtevajo, da dolžnik nekoč v prihodnosti plača dolg in/ali obresti. PL Bruto zunanji dolg vključuje naslednje kategorije: kredite neposrednih investitorjev, sredstva na tekočih in žiro računih nerezidentov v poljskih bankah, dolžniške vrednostne papirje, izdane na domačem trgu in v lasti nerezidentov, komercialne kredite, druge kredite in posojila (vključno s finančnim lizingom) in zunanji dolg lokalnih oblasti. RO Zunanji dolg vključuje: zunanji javni dolgoročni dolg in dolgoročni dolg z državnim jamstvom; zasebni dolgoročni dolg brez jamstva; posojila Mednarodnega denarnega sklada. Zajet je srednjeročni in dolgoročni dolg. SI Skupaj zunanji dolg je seštevek (i) dolgoročnega dolga z javnim in državnim jamstvom, (2) zasebnega dolgoročnega dolga brez jamstva, (3) uporabe MDS-jevih posojil in (4) kratkoročnega dolga. Podatki se nanašajo na najeta posojila, ki so jih uporabili slovenski subjekti; v podatke ni vključen delež Slovenije v nerazporejenem dolgu nekdanje Jugoslavije (razen obveznosti do Mednarodnega denarnega sklada). Popravek je bil narejen v seriji podatkov o zunanjetrgovinskem dolgu. Portfelji euroobveznic Republike Slovenije v lasti rezidentov so bili izključeni iz zunanjega dolga. SK Po merilih Narodne banke je 1. 1. 1999 prišlo do metodološke spremembe, ki je povzročila zmanjšanje zunanjega dolga komercialnih bank. Primanjkljaj oz. presežek širšega sektorja države, delež v BDP (tabela 2.7) CY Primanjkljaj ali presežek širšega sektorja države je bilanca vseh konsolidiranih nefinančnih transakcij državnega proračuna, zunajproračunskih skladov ter lokalnih in poldržavnih organizacij. Vse transakcije so zajete na gotovinski osnovi in po metodologiji ESA 95. CZ Bilanca proračunov širšega sektorja država vsebuje konsolidirane prihodke in odhodke državnega proračuna, državnih finančnih naložb, državne sklade, privatizacijske sklade (Sklad državne lastnine in Zemljiški sklad), sklade zdravstvenih zavarovalnic in lokalne proračune. Izračun je skladen z metodologijo Mednarodnega denarnega sklada GFS 86. Četrtletni podatki zajemajo dejanske bilance posameznih segmentov v proračunih širšega sektorja država, razen zdravstvenih zavarovalnic. Letni podatki so sporočeni za vse komponente sektorja država na osnovi dejanskih rezultatov. LV Proračunski presežek ali primanjkljaj je razlika med finančnim presežkom/primanjkljajem in neto posojili. PL Podatki o primanjkljaju ali presežku nekonsolidiranega državnega proračuna, ki je glavni del državnega proračuna. RO Državni proračun vključuje državni proračun, sklade socialnega zavarovanja, zunajproračunske sklade in sklade ustanov, ki se financirajo same. Podatki so usklajeni s priročnikom »Government Finance Statistics« (1986). Podatki za 2000 in 2001 so končni, za leto 2002 in prvo četrtletje 2003 pa začasni. SI Presežek/primanjkljaj širšega sektorja države vključuje nefinančne transakcije konsolidirane bilance državnega proračuna, proračunov lokalnih skupnosti, Zavoda za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje in Zavoda za zdravstveno zavarovanje. SK Podatki o presežku ali primanjkljaju širšega sektorja države zajemajo bilanco državnega proračuna, vključno z državnimi skladi za posebne namene, privatizacijskimi skladi, socialnovarstvenimi skladi in podatki o proračunih mest in občin. Državni dolg (tabela 2.8) BG Podatki o državnem dolgu so izraženi v nominalni vrednosti in vključujejo dolgove, za katere jamči država. Podatki o državnem dolgu, ki niso izraženi v ameriških dolarjih, so izračunani z menjalnimi tečaju ob koncu poročevalskega obdobja. CY Državni dolg je skupni bruto dolg širšega sektorja države v nominalni vrednosti, ki je neporavnan ob koncu leta, razen tistih obveznosti, katerih ustrezne dolgoročne finančne naložbe so v rokah širšega sektorja države. Širši sektor države vključuje državni proračun, zunajproračunske sklade, sklade socialnega varstva, organe lokalne samouprave in številne netržne, poldržavne organizacije. Od leta 1998 podatki o zunanjem dolgu vključujejo jamstvo države. CZ Državni dolg obsega širši sektor države. HU Državni sektor vključuje: državni proračun, zunajproračunske sklade, sklade socialnega varstva in organe lokalne samouprave (centralna banka in javna podjetja niso vključeni). Dolg v nacionalni valuti je izražen v nominalni vrednosti, zakladne menice pa v emisijski ceni. Dolg v tujih valutah je izražen v nominalni vrednosti. Zunanji dolg je preračunan po srednjem tečaju ob koncu obdobja. LV Državni dolg je seštevek vseh denarnih obveznosti, ki so krite iz državnega proračuna. PL Podatki zajemajo državni proračun, tj. dolg večjega dela državnega proračuna. RO Podatki o državnem dolgu so objavljeni po metodologiji Evropske komisije (ESA 1995). Z junijem 1999 uporabljamo za pretvarjanje notranjega javnega dolga v ameriške dolarje menjalne tečaje med leji in dolarji s konca poročevalskega obdobja. SI Dolg širšega sektorja države vključuje dolg Republike Slovenije kot pravne osebe, dolg lokalnih skupnosti in skladov socialnega zavarovanja. SK Podatki o državnem dolgu vključujejo dolgove javne uprave (širšega sektorja države) in rezultate konsolidiranega državnega dolga, ki predstavlja obseg nakopičenih obveznosti države z dne 31. decembra do domačih in tujih kreditorjev. Plačilna bilanca (tabela 2.9) CZ Od leta 2000 finančni račun (portfeljske naložbe) vključuje novo postavko "izvedeni finančni instrumenti" (2000 I- IV. Q -36; 2001; I.Q 9; I-II.Q 31: I-III.Q -25; I-IV.Q -85; 2002: I.Q -2; I-II.Q -117, I-III Q - 107; I-IV. Q-131). HU Od 1. 1. 2000 madžarska narodna banka objavlja podatke o plačilni bilanci in dolgu v evrih. Podatki za to publikacijo so pretvorjeni v dolarje po tekočem uradnem tečaju. LV S prvim četrtletjem 2000 plačilnobilančne podatke zbira in prikazuje Banka Latvije. Pred tem je to delo opravljal državni statistični urad. Zaradi metodoloških izboljšav vprašalnika za podjetja in vključitve statistike nebančnih plačil, od leta 2000 podatki o storitvah (morski, zračni in drugi transport) niso primerljivi s podatki za prejšnja obdobja. Od leta 2000 so v izračun reinvestiranih zaslužkov in nerazporejenih dobičkov vključene tudi izgube neposrednih investitorjev (nefinančnih podjetij). Podatki o dobičku in izgubi neposrednih investitorjev (bank) so vključeni. LT Vir podatkov je Banka Litve. PL Tekoči račun vključuje "nerazvrščene transakcije na tekočih računih, neto", ki niso prikazane posebej. Vrednost teh transakcij je bila (v milijonih): 3638 (1999); 3980 (2000); 730 (2001/I), 1704 (2001/I-II); 3070 (2001/I-III), 4395 (2001/I-IV); 475 (2002/I), 1331 (2002/I-II), 2874 (2002/I-III), 4065 (2002/I-IV). RO Postavka "druge naložbe" vključuje zamenjavo in kliring ter dokumente v tranzitu. Postavka "spremembe rezerv" vključuje rezerve romunske državne banke. SI Podatki o reinvestiranih zaslužkih za leto 2002 še niso na voljo, zato so bili podatki o reinvestiranih zaslužkih od leta 2001 ponovljeni kot ocena. V letu 2003 bo ocena zamenjana z dejanskimi podatki o reinvestiranih zaslužkih za leto 2002. Trgovinska bilanca LV Vir podatkov za blago je zunanjetrgovinska statistika, ki jo zbira državni statistični urad. Informacije do pridobljene tudi iz četrtletne ankete o transportu in storitvah posredništva, podatkov o ekstrateritorialni trgovini in statistike o nebančnih plačilih. SK V trgovinski bilanci sta izvoz in uvoz prikazana po pariteti FOB. Tekoči transferji BG Transferji so vsi dejanski viri in finančne postavke brez quid-pro-quo iz enega gospodarstva v drugo. Tekoči transferji neposredno vplivajo na raven razpoložljivega dohodka gospodarstva ter porabo blaga in storitev. LV Od leta 2000 so vključeni podatki o tekočih transferjih zasebnikov, izvedenih preko bank (nakazila, pokojnine, darila, dediščina ipd.). Od prvega četrtletja 2002 so vključeni podatki o vseh plačilih zasebnikov, izvedenih preko bank. PL Od začetka leta 1998 tekoči transferji ne vključujejo gotovinskih vplačil in dvigov z računov prebivalcev, ampak so del "nerazvrščenega tekočega prometa". Mednarodne rezerve BG Forex rezerve bolgarske državne banke. Izključene so spremembe valuacije. Negativni predznak (-) označuje naraščanje rezerv, pozitivni znak (+) pa padanje. LV Rezerva so likvidne, tržljive in kreditno sposobne terjatve v tujih valutah do nerezidentov, zlato ter posebne pravice črpanja in rezervne pozicije pri MDS. PL Podatki se nanašajo na spremembo uradnih rezerv, posojila Mednarodnega denarnega sklada in izredno financiranje. SI Spremembe rezerv vključujejo rezerve Banke Slovenije. Denar, M1 (tabela 2.10) CZ Zunajproračunski skladi širšega sektorja država niso vključeni v agregate češke državne banke. Neto krediti širšega sektorja država vključujejo zunajproračunske sklade na lokalni ravni. Zunajproračunski viri države in drugi viri širšega sektorja država so vključeni v druge neto postavke. HU M1 zajema gotovino zunaj denarnih ustanov in enodnevne vloge. LT Vloge na vpogled in denar v obtoku, ki ga zagotavlja Banka Litve. LV Denar M1 je gotovina v obtoku (minus gotovina v bančnih trezorjih) ter vloge na vpogled domačih podjetij in zasebnikov v domači valuti. RO Denar zunaj bank in bančne vloge na vpogled v domači valuti. SK Podatki so izraženi v stalnem tečaju. Kvazidenar, M2 (tabela 2.11) HU M2 zajema M1 in vloge, vezane do dve leti. (Z letom 2003 je madžarska državna banka prenehala objavljati podatke o kvazidenarju.) LT Vir podatkov o kvazidenarju je Banke Litve. Kvazidenar so vezane vloge v domači valuti in tujih valutah. LV Kvazidenar so vezane vloge domačih podjetij in posameznikov v domači valuti in v tujih valutah. SK Podatki so izraženi v stalnem tečaju. Devizni tečaji (tabela 2.12) LV Uradni devizni tečaj izračunava Banka Latvije. LT Vir podatkov je Banka Litve. SI Srednji tečaj Banke Slovenije se izračunava dnevno kot drseča sredina tečajev na deviznem trgu v zadnjih 14 dneh. Mesečna povprečja so izračunana iz dnevnih tečajev (nedelje in prazniki niso vključeni). Letni in četrtletni povprečni tečaji so izračunani kot aritmetično povprečje mesečnih tečajev. SK Srednji devizni tečaj. Uradna eskontna mera (tabela 2.13) CY Podatki se nanašajo na obrestne mere za posojila centralne banke. EE V Estoniji obstaja sistem, ki ne dovoljuje takšnega posojanja. HU Osnovna mera: obrestna mera, po kateri madžarska državna banka odobri dolgoročna posojila drugim denarnim ustanovam in določena posojila za državo. Od julija 2001 je referenčna stopnja državne banke na isti ravni kot obrestna mera na dvotedenske, vezane vloge madžarske državne banke. LT Obrestne mere za enodnevna posojila Banke Litve. LV Obrestna mera refinanciranja s strani latvijske državne banke, kot odstotek. PL Obrestna mera rediskonta. RO Od leta 1997 ta vrsta posojila ni bila uporabljena. Od februarja 2002 jo je nadomestila obrestna mera, ki je izračunana kot tehtano povprečje obrestnih mer na sprejemanje depozitov in »repo posle« romunske državne banke v mesecu pred objavo (za december 2002 je bila referenčna mera 20,4) SI Eskontna stopnja je bila uradno ukinjena z januarjem 2003. Od leta 2003 se objavlja obrestna mera za refinanciranje pri Banki Slovenije. Povprečne obrestne mere poslovnih bank (tabela 2.14) Obrestna mera za vloge BG Obrestne mere za kratkoročne (od enega dne do enega leta) vloge na letni osnovi. Povprečne letne in četrtletne ocene so izračunane kot netehtana aritmetična sredina na podlagi ustreznih povprečnih mesečnih podatkov in niso vključene v statistiko deviznih tečajev, ki jo uradno izkazuje Bolgarska državna banka. Uradni podatki Bolgarske državne banke so objavljeni v mesečnem biltenu kot tudi na spletnih straneh banke – WWW.BNB.BG. CY Do decembra 2000 se podatki nanašajo na maksimalne obrestne mere Centralne ciprske banke na vse vloge ne glede na trajanje in znesek. Od januarja 2001 – po sprejetju zakona o liberalizaciji obrestnih mer – se podatki nanašajo na navadno povprečje reprezentativnih obrestnih mer (konec meseca), ki jih dajejo tri največje poslovne banke za trimesečne vezane vloge in za zneske nad CYP 5000. CZ Skupne povprečne obrestne mere za ustrezno obdobje, le v domači valuti. HU Podatki se nanašajo na vloge nefinančnih korporacij, vezane do enega leta. Podatki se nanašajo na tehtane povprečne obrestne mere v zadnjem mesecu opazovanega obdobja. Uteži so vrednosti posameznih posojil, odobrenih v opazovanem mesecu (od leta 2001) in vrednosti posameznih pogodb (od leta 2003). Od maja 2001 podatki ne zajemajo obrestnih mer za samostojne podjetnike. Podatki ne vključujejo obrestnih mer za enodnevne vloge. LT Vir podatkov je Banka Litve. LV Povprečne tehtane letne kratkoročne obrestne mere kreditnih ustanov na vloge v domači valuti, %. PL Podatki se nanašajo na povprečne tehtane obrestne mere za dvanajstmesečne vloge gospodinjstev v domači valuti (do konca leta 2001 osebne vloge) pri poslovnih bankah ob koncu obdobja. RO Četrtletni podatki se nanašajo na zadnji mesec v četrtletju. SI Povprečne obrestne mere za vezane vloge od 31 do 90 dni. Četrtletni podatki se nanašajo na zadnji mesec koledarskega četrtletja; letno povprečje je netehtana aritmetična sredina četrtletnih podatkov. SK Povprečne obrestne mere za vezane vloge. Podatki se nanašajo le na vloge v domači valuti (slovaške krone). Obrestna mera za posojila BG Obrestne mere za kratkoročne (od enega dne do enega leta) vloge na letni osnovi. Povprečne letne in četrtletne ocene so izračunane kot netehtana aritmetična sredina na podlagi ustreznih povprečnih mesečnih podatkov in niso vključene v statistiko deviznih tečajev, ki jo uradno izkazuje Bolgarska državna banka. Uradni podatki Bolgarske državne banke so objavljeni v mesečnem biltenu kot tudi na spletnih straneh banke – WWW.BNB.BG. CY Do decembra 2000 se podatki nanašajo na maksimalne obrestne mere Centralne ciprske banke na vse vloge ne glede na trajanje in znesek. Za obdobje januar 2001–december 2001 se podatki nanašajo na navadno povprečje minimalnih obrestnih mer (konec meseca) na posojila podjetjem, ki jih dajejo tri največje poslovne banke. Od januarja 2002 se podatki nanašajo na navadno povprečje reprezentativnih obrestnih mer (konec meseca) na posojila podjetjem, ki jih dajejo tri največje poslovne banke. CZ Skupne povprečne obrestne mere za ustrezno obdobje, le v domači valuti. HU Obrestna mera za posojila se nanaša na kratkoročna posojila nefinančnim korporacijam. Od januarja 2003 so uporabljene kratkoročne obrestne mere namesto kratkoročnih posojil. Obrestne mere ne vsebujejo drugih dajatev in taks. Podatki se nanašajo na tehtane povprečne obrestne mere v zadnjem mesecu opazovanega obdobja. Uteži so vrednosti posameznih posojil, odobrenih v opazovanem mesecu (od leta 2001) in vrednosti posameznih pogodb (od leta 2003). Od maja 2001 podatki ne zajemajo obrestnih mer za samostojne podjetnike. Podatki ne vključujejo obrestnih mer za prekoračene bančne vloge. LT Vir podatkov je Banka Litve. LV Povprečne tehtane letne kratkoročne obrestne mere kreditnih ustanov na posojila v domači valuti, %. PL Podatki se nanašajo na rediskont. Gre za letno obrestno mero za rediskont, ki ga poljska državna banka nudi poslovnim bankam. SI Povprečne obrestne mere za kratkoročna posojila za tekoče poslovanje. SK Povprečne obrestne mere za posojila. Podatki se nanašajo le na posojila v domači valuti (slovaške krone). Indeksi cen življenjskih potrebščin (tabeli 2.15, 2.16) CY Uteži, uporabljene za izračun kazalnika so izvedene iz ankete o porabi v gospodinjstvih v letih 1996/1997. CZ Uteži za izračun indeksa cen življenjskih potrebščin so do leta 2000 temeljile na izdatkih gospodinjstev v letu 1993 po statistiki družinskih proračunov. Bazno obdobje za izračun indeksa cen življenjskih potrebščin je bil december 1993. Z letom 2001 temeljijo uteži indeksa cen življenjskih potrebščin na izdatkih gospodinjstev za leto 1999 po statistiki družinskih proračunov. December 1999 je bazno obdobje za izračun indeksa cen življenjskih potrebščin. EE Od leta 2001 podatke o indeksu cen življenjskih potrebščin izkazujemo na podlagi letnih verižnih indeksov (1997 = 100). HU Uteži za izračun indeksa so izdatki, ki jih gospodinjstva namenijo za posamezne skupine izdelkov in storitev. Uteži izhajajo iz makropodatkov nacionalnih računov v skladu s podatki iz anket o porabi v gospodinjstvih. V letu 2003 uteži ustrezajo družinskim izdatkom iz leta 2001. Bazno obdobje za izračun indeksa je december predhodnega leta. Uporabljena je verižna metoda. LT Za izračun kazalnika uporabljamo povprečne letne uteži, izvedene iz ankete o porabi v gospodinjstvih. Uteži za košarico na državni ravni so popravljene vsako leto. Bazno obdobje za izračun indeksa je december predhodnega leta. Uteži so popravljene na to obdobje. LV Uteži so iz ankete o porabi v gospodinjstvih, izvedene v prejšnjem letu. Uteži so popravljene vsako leto. Cene iz decembra predhodnega leta so osnova za primerjavo cen. 1995 je bazno leto za primerjavo indeksa cen. PL Indeksi cen so izračunani z uporabo strukture izdatkov gospodinjstva brez porabe sredstev iz lastne proizvodnje v letu pred opazovanim. Od januarja 1999 so indeksi izračunani po klasifikaciji COICOP. Indeksi cen na osnovi 1995 = 100 (tabela 2.15) so izračunani po verižni metodi z uporabo indeksov prejšnjega obdobja = 100. RO Cene oz. tarife zbiramo v sedežih občin oz. okrožij. Cene glavnih prehrambenih izdelkov zbiramo v večjih urbanih naseljih iz vseh okrožij. Uteži so rezultat strukture povprečnih mesečnih izdatkov na gospodinjstvo, ki jih spremlja anketa o porabi v gospodinjstvih. Z januarjem 2003 so uteži rezultat strukture povprečnih mesečnih izdatkov na gospodinjstvo v letu 2001. Skupni indeks in indeksi COICOP skupin za 2003 so izračunani na bazno leto 2001. SI Od leta 2003 uteževanje temelji na podatkih o strukturi izdatkov gospodinjstev za osebno porabo v letu 2001, za kar so bili osnovni vir podatki iz kontinuirane Ankete o porabi gospodinjstev iz let 1999, 2000 in 2001. Nove uteži so preračunane na cene decembra 2002, ki je tudi cenovno referenčno obdobje. Prehrambeni izdelki vključujejo hrano in brezalkoholne pijače. Pijače in tobak pa vključujejo alkoholne pijače in tobak. SK Do leta 2001 so bile uteži za posamezne reprezentante izračunane na osnovi podatkov statistike družinskih proračunov za leto 1995 in podatkov pridobljenih iz raznih administrativnih virov. Od leta 2002 je bazno leto za uteži 2000. Do leta 2001 je bilo referenčno obdobje za izračun indeksa december 1995, od leta 2002 pa je to december 2000. Indeks cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih (tabela 2.17) Indeks cen gradbenih del (tabela 2.18) BG (tabela 2.17) Indeksi merijo spremembe cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih na domačem trgu. Kazalniki so izvedeni iz indeksov Laspeyresove vrste, ki temeljijo na povprečnih cenah leta 1995. Kot utež je uporabljena prodajna struktura na trimestni ravni klasifikacije NACE. Cene ne vključujejo davka na dodano vrednost in trošarin. Od januarja 2003 je bazno leto za indekse cen industrijskih proizvodov leto 2000 (2000=100). CY (tabela 2.17) Indeks cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih je Laspeyresov indeks, ki zajema podjetja z zaposlenimi. Zajema tako domači trg kot izvozne trge. (tabela 2.18) Uporabljeni sta Laspeyresova formula in stroškovni pristop. Glavni sestavini indeksa sta mesečni indeksi gradbenega materiala in stroškov dela ter letni indeksi za administrativne in druge proizvodnje stroške. CZ Do leta 2000 je izračun indeksa temeljil na strukturi prodaje v letu 1993. Od leta 2001 izračun temelji na strukturi prodaje v letu 1999 (v gradbeništvu glede na proizvodnjo v letu 1999). Za izračun je uporabljena Laspeyresova formula, indeksi pa ne vključujejo davka na dodano vrednost in trošarin. Indeks cen industrijskih proizvodov meri spremembe v proizvajalčevih cenah na domačem trgu. EE Od leta 2002 so podatki o indeksu cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih predstavljeni kot letni verižni indeks (1995 = 100). Indeks meri spremembe v proizvajalčevih cenah na domačem trgu in izvoznih trgih. HU (tabela 2.17) Indeks cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih vključuje področja C, D in E klasifikacije NACE Rev. 1 in vključuje domače in izvozne cene. Gre za verižni indeks z letno spremembo uteži. Uteži so izračunane na osnovi podatkov o prodaji dve leti pred opazovanim obdobjem. Posredni davki (davek na dodano vrednost in trošarine) niso vključeni. (tabela 2.18) Pri indeksih cen gradbenih del je uporabljena ocena, ki upošteva spremembe v cenah gradbenega materiala in plačah oseb, zaposlenih v gradbeništvu. Indeksi teh dveh vrst stroškov so uteženi s podskupinami glede na razmerja, ki jih sporočijo družbe v svojih letnih poročilih za prejšnje leto. Indeks cen za gradbeništvo kot celoto je izračunan iz indeksov podskupin po Laspeyresovi formuli. Uteži so vrednosti gradbenih dejavnosti v prejšnjem letu. LT (tabela 2.17) Indeks zajema izdelke prodane na domačem trgu in izvožene izdelke. Kot utež je uporabljena prodajna struktura na štirimestni ravni klasifikacije NACE. Uteži so izračunane na osnovi podatkov o prodaji v letu pred zadnjim, medtem ko je bazno obdobje za cene december predhodnega leta. Trenutno letne uteži niso usklajene z baznim cenovnim obdobjem. Cene izvoznih izdelkov so prikazane po pariteti FOB. (tabela 2.18) Indeks je sestavljen cenovni indeks s stalnimi utežmi in je izračunan po modificirani Laspeyresovi formuli. Od leta 2002 je bazno obdobje za primerjavo cen december 2001. Uteži so pripravljene na osnovi izdatkov izbranih gradbenih podjetij v letu 2001. Pred tem je bilo bazno obdobje za uteži leto 1998, za cene pa december 1998. LV (tabela 2.17) Indeks cen industrijskih izdelkov pri proizvajalcih vključuje področja C, D in E klasifikacije NACE Rev. 1 in vključuje domače in izvozne cene. Indeksi so izračunani po Laspeyresovi formuli. Uteži so izračunane na osnovi podatkov o prodaji dve leti pred opazovanim, medtem ko je bazno obdobje za cene december predhodnega leta. Cene ne vključujejo davka na dodano vrednost in trošarin. (tabela 2.18) Indeks cen gradbenih del je izračunan na podlagi metode enotnih modelov. Tipični in reprezentativni projekti (modeli) gradbenih objektov so bili izbrani za najpopularnejše vrste gradenj. Za vsak enoten model je bil narejen izračun uporabe gradbenih materialov, dela in gradbene mehanizacije. Podatki o cenah teh virov so pridobljeni od gradbenih podjetij. Trgovska podjetja prav tako zagotavljajo informacije o cenah gradbenih materialov. Za izračun je uporabljena Laspeyresova formula. Kot utež je uporabljena gradbena dejavnost dve leti pred opazovanim, bazne cene za primerjavo pa so povprečne cene iz leta 1999. PL Obe vrsti indeksov zajemata "osnovne cene" (cene brez davka na dodano vrednost, trošarin in popustov povečane za subvencije na izdelke ali storitve). Indeks cen pri proizvajalcih je izračunan na podlagi mesečnih reprezentativnih anket v industriji (področja C, D in E) in gradbeništva (področje F). Agregirane indekse cen v letih 1999 in 2000 smo izračunali z uporabo strukture prodane proizvodnje iz leta 1995. Od leta 2001 je uporabljena prodana proizvodnja v letu 2000. RO (tabela 2.17) Kot utež je uporabljena vrednost industrijske proizvodnje iz leta 1998. (tabela 2.18) Indeksi so izračunani z agregacijo indeksov cen materiala, indeksov povprečnih bruto plač in indeksov gradbene opreme, transportnih stroškov in posrednih izdatkov ter se zbirajo ločeno za novogradnje, velika popravila ter vzdrževanje in tekoča popravila. Uteži so dobljene iz strukture gradbenih del v prejšnjem letu. SI (tabela 2.17) Indeks, objavljen po Standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti, pokriva področja C, D, E in Gozdarstvo, ki je del področja A. Uteži spreminjamo vsako leto. Nove uteži so preračunane na cene iz decembra 2001, ki je cenovno referenčno obdobje. (tabela 2.18) Indeksi cen gradbenih del so podani za tipsko stanovanjsko stavbo. Letni podatek je izračunano povprečje podatkov po stanju 31. marca in 30. septembra. Podatke sporočajo izbrana podjetja s področja F. SK (tabela 2.17) Indeksi cen pri proizvajalcih in indeksi cen gradbenih del so izračunani z uporabo modificirane Laspeyresove formule iz podatkov o cenah izbranih reprezentativnih izdelkih na domačem trgu. Indeksi ne vključujejo DDV in trošarin. Bazno obdobje uteži za izračun indeksa cen pri proizvajalcih je struktura v industriji iz leta 2000. Bazno obdobje je december 2000. Indeksi do leta 2001 so bili preračunani po shemi, veljavni od leta 2000; brez davka na dodano vrednost in trošarin. (tabela. 2.18) Bazno obdobje uteži za izračun indeksa cen gradbenih del je struktura v gradbeništvu iz leta 2000. Bazno obdobje je povprečje leta 2000. Indeksi do leta 2001 so bili preračunani po shemi, veljavni od leta 2000. Indeksi cen zunanje trgovine (tabela 2.19) Metoda zbiranja podatkov BG Od leta 2001 so indeksi povprečnih vrednosti izračunani z uporabo liste reprezentativnih proizvodov. Vir so carinske deklaracije. CZ Podatki so izračunani v nacionalni valuti z deflacioniranjem po dvomestnih šifrah (odsekih) SMTK s tekočimi utežmi za zadevno četrtletje ali leto. Popravljeni podatki za leto 2002 so bili objavljeni 16. aprila 2003. Predhodni podatki za leto 2003 so bili objavljeni 20. maja 2003. EE Posebna anketa. HU Do leta 2002 so bili indeksi povprečnih vrednosti izračunani na osnovi podatkov o vrednosti in količini trgovine, evidentirane v okviru carinskih postopkov. Od leta 2003 temelji izračun indeksov cen predvsem na zbiranju dejanskih tržnih cen. Indeksi cen homogenih skupin blaga (hrana, pijače, tobak; neobdelani materiali; goriva) se računajo po prejšnji metodologiji. V primeru indeksov cen heterogenih skupin blaga (končni izdelki, stroji in transportne naprave) so uporabljeni podatki, ki jih posredujejo podjetja. Indeksi so agregirani z uteženim skupnim prometom blaga. LT Indeksi povprečnih vrednosti. Glavni vir so carinske deklaracije. Izvoz je ocenjen v pariteti FOB, uvoz pa v pariteti CIF. Bazne povprečne vrednosti in uteži so popravljene vsako leto. LV Za izračun indeksov povprečnih vrednosti so za nehomogene proizvode (za izvoz) uporabljeni indeksi cen pri proizvajalcih, za določene reprezentativne proizvode pa cene, zbrane od uvoznikov (za uvoz). PL Četrtletni indeksi so izračunani kot razmerje med vrednostnimi indeksi blagovne menjave in indeksi obsega blagovne menjave. Vrednost blagovne menjave je prikazana v zlotih. Kumulativni četrtletni in letni indeksi so izračunani na osnovi opazovanja cen izbranih izdelkov na najnižji ravni CN. Kot sistem uteži se uporablja vrednostna struktura zunanje trgovine v opazovanem letu. RO Indeksi povprečnih vrednosti za izvoz in uvoz. Vir so carinske deklaracije (in statistična poročila za elektriko in zemeljski plin). SI Indeksi povprečnih vrednosti (vir: carinske deklaracije). Podatki za 2002 so začasni. Formula za izračun indeksa BG, CZ, PL, RO Paaschejeva. HU, SI Fisherjeva. EE, LT, LV Laspeyresova. Bazno obdobje BG Povprečne vrednosti v prejšnjem letu. CZ, HU, LV, PL, SI, Ustrezno obdobje (leto, četrtletje) prejšnjega leta. LT Bazno leto za uteži in povprečne vrednosti je prejšnje leto. EE Uteži: prejšnje leto. RO Povprečna vrednost v prejšnjem letu. Valuta BG bolgarski levi CY ciprski funti CZ češke krone EE estonske krone HU madžarski forinti LT litovski litasi LV latvijski lati PL Zloti RO Indeksi povprečnih vrednosti zunanje trgovine so izračunani iz vrednosti v ameriških dolarjih. Nacionalna valuta: romunski leji SI Indeksi povprečnih vrednosti so izračunani iz vrednosti v ameriških dolarjih izvoza in uvoza blaga. Nacionalna valuta: slovenski tolarji SK Nacionalna valuta: slovaške krone Posebne opombe BG Povprečne vrednosti so izračunane iz podatkov o rednem izvozu in uvozu. HU Indeksi so izračunani iz podatkov o rednem izvozu in uvozu. LV V primeru heterogenih skupin so za izvožene proizvode uporabljeni indeksi cen pri proizvajalcih, za uvožene proizvode pa cene, ki jih registrirajo uvozniki. LT V primeru heterogenih skupin so za izvožene proizvode uporabljeni indeksi cen pri proizvajalcih. Pri izračunu indeksa so zajeti vsi izvozni in uvozni postopki po sistemu posebne trgovine in tisti, ki zadevajo predelavo blaga, pomembnega za litovsko trgovino. RO V izračun indeksov povprečnih vrednosti ni vključeno blago iz poglavij 71, 88, 89 in 93 Kombinirane nomenklature. SI Od leta 2000 so transakcije povezane z oplemenitenjem vključene v izračun indeksov povprečnih vrednosti. Pogoji menjave (tabela 2.20) SI Podatki za 2002 so začasni. Indeksi obsega vse kmetijske pridelave (tabela 2.21) BG Predhodno leto. CZ Indeksi temeljijo na vrednotenju vseh kmetijskih pridelkov v stalnih cenah leta 1989. Bruto pridelava vključuje tudi krmila in semena. EE Vrednost pridelave v stalnih cenah je vrednost kmetijske pridelave v opazovanem letu v prodajnih cenah iz leta 2000. Indeks obsega kmetijske pridelave je izračunan kot razmerje med opazovanim letom in prejšnjim letom, v stalnih cenah. HU Indeks obsega bruto kmetijske pridelave v osnovnih cenah prejšnjega leta. LV Indeks obsega kmetijske pridelave je izračunan v stalnih cenah prejšnjega leta. LT Indeks je izračunan v stalnih cenah prejšnjega leta. PL Indeksi temeljijo na spremembah posameznih kmetijskih pridelkov v stalnih cenah prejšnjega leta. RO Od leta 1998 je bila vrednost kmetijske pridelave preračunana po Eurostatovi metodologiji ekonomskih računov za kmetijstvo. Torej gre za ekonomske račune za kmetijstvo in ne za bruto kmetijsko pridelavo. Indeksi obsega kmetijske pridelave temeljijo na oceni posameznih kmetijskih pridelkov in storitev v osnovnih cenah prejšnjega leta. SI Indeksi so izračunani iz podatkov o rastlinski in živalski pridelavi in triletne drseče aritmetične sredine povprečnih odkupnih cen. SK Bruto kmetijska pridelava se računa iz bruto prometa v tekočih cenah in se preračuna na indeks cen iz leta 2000. Indeks obsega bruto kmetijske pridelave se računa iz letnih podatkov v cenah leta 2000. Prodaja ali nakup glavnih kmetijskih pridelkov (tabela 2.22) EE Podatki se nanašajo na kmetijske pridelke, ki jih kupijo živilskopredelovalna podjetja od vseh vrst kmetijskih gospodarstev. HU Podatki se nanašajo na nabavo glavnih kmetijskih pridelkov. LT Kmetijski pridelki, ki jih živilskopredelovalna in druga podjetja kupijo od kmetijskih proizvajalcev. Mleko je preračunano na 3.4 % maščobe in 3.0 % proteinske vsebnosti. LV Podatki se nanašajo na količino kmetijskih pridelkov, ki jih kupijo živilskopredelovalna podjetja od vseh vrst kmetij (brez pridelkov, prodanih na drug način in uporabljenih za lastno porabo). PL Podatki se nanašajo na nabavo kmetijskih pridelkov pravnih oseb. Polletni in letni podatki vključujejo tudi nabavo fizičnih oseb, kadar presega 10 tisoč zlotov. Posledica tega je, da polletni in letni podatki niso seštevek posameznih četrtletij. RO Na voljo so samo letni podatki. Podatki o žitaricah, krompirju in kravjem mleku se nanašajo na neposredno prodajo vseh kmetijskih pridelovalcev v skladu z bilanco pridelovalcev (brez prodaje znotraj sektorja kmetijstva, tj. med pridelovalci). Živa teža živali za zakol je živa teža živali, ki so namenjene za zakol za porabo. SI Zajete so količine, ki jih podjetja, zadruge in druge organizacije prodajo iz lastne pridelave ali jih odkupijo od kmetov. SK Od leta 2003 so podatki o žitaricah in krompirju na voljo vsake pol leta. Indeksi industrijske proizvodnje (tabele 2.23, 2.24, 2.25) Zajetje BG Podatki o letni industrijski proizvodnji so rezultat letne ankete o industrijskih podjetjih. Četrtletna anketa o industrijski proizvodnji zajema vsa podjetja z več kot 100 zaposlenimi. Podatki za podjetja z 10-100 zaposlenimi so zbrani z vzorčno anketo, ocene pa so razširjene na celotno populacijo. Ocene za podjetja z manj kot 10 zaposlenimi temeljijo na informaciji o prodaji iz statističnega registra. CY Indeks industrijske proizvodnje je Laspeyresov indeks, ki zajema podjetja z zaposlenimi. Izračunan je iz indeksov za podjetja. Indeksi vseh podjetij v isti panogi so uteženi z vrednostjo njihove proizvodnje v indeks celotne panoge. CZ Indeks industrijske proizvodnje je Laspeyresov indeks, ki zajema podjetja z 20 in več zaposlenimi v rudarstvu, predelovalnih dejavnostih in oskrbi z elektriko, plinom in vodo (NACE C, D in E). Podatki so zbrani z mesečno anketo in pokrivajo 88.6 % industrijske proizvodnje. EE Podatki so zbrani od vseh podjetij s 50 in več zaposlenimi ter podjetij z manj kot 50 zaposlenimi, če je njihova prodaja v letu 2000 presegla 15 milijonov estonskih kron. HU Zajeta so vsa podjetja z več kot 49 zaposlenimi, podjetja s 5 do 49 zaposlenimi so zajeta z vzorčno anketo, medtem ko so podjetja z manj kot 5 zaposlenimi ocenjena iz administrativnih virov. Podatki po skupinah in podskupinah se nanašajo na družbe, ki imajo več kot štiri zaposlene. LT Indeksi prodaje industrijskih proizvodov. Prodana proizvodnja je deflacionirana z indeksom cen na štirimestni ravni. LV Mesečne ankete o rezultatih industrijskih dejavnosti vseh podjetij v javnem in zasebnem sektorju z 20 in več zaposlenimi v industrijski dejavnosti ali s prometom, ki je v prejšnjem letu presegal 300 000 latvijskih latsov. Indeks zajema vso proizvodnjo poročevalske enote. Letni podatki o industrijski dejavnosti so zbrani z anketiranjem vseh državnih podjetij, podjetij v katerih ima država kapitalski delež in podjetij v drugačni lasti, ki imajo 20 ali več zaposlenih ali katerih neto promet je v prejšnjem letu znašal vsaj 200 000 latsov. Podatki o drugih podjetjih so zbrani s slučajnim vzorcem. PL Do leta 1999 indeks zajema prodano proizvodnjo podjetij z več kot 5 zaposlenimi, od leta 2000 pa podjetja z več kot 9 zaposlenimi (anketa je mesečna). Mesečna anketa pokriva več kot 90 % prodane proizvodnje, ki jo pokriva letna anketa. Prodana proizvodnja je deflacionirana z indeksom cen na trimestni ravni. RO Indeks industrijske proizvodnje je Laspeyresov indeks, ki zajema podjetja z več kot 50 zaposlenimi v industriji (CANE 1010-4100 - Klasifikacija dejavnosti v nacionalnem gospodarstvu). Podatki so zbrani z mesečno anketo, ki vključuje okoli 4 600 podjetij. Z letom 1999 je referenčno leto za izračun indeksa postalo 1998. Zajetih je 78.3 % vse industrije. Od januarja 2001 je za izračun indeksa industrijske proizvodnje uporabljenih 1 621 proizvodov (INPROD), za katere obstajajo količinski podatki o proizvodnji. Podatki za leti 2000 in 2001 so končni, za leti 2002 in 2003 pa začasni. SI Indeks industrijske proizvodnje je Laspeyresov indeks, ki zajema podjetja z 10 ali več zaposlenimi. Podatki so zbrani z mesečno anketo, ki vključuje okoli 1 600 podjetij in enote v sestavi z okoli 207 000 zaposlenimi in zajema okoli 85 % industrije. SK Zajema najmanj 80 % industrijskih dejavnosti na Slovaškem. Indeks je rezultat mesečne statistike proizvodnje industrijskih izdelkov in je Laspeyresov indeks fizičnega obsega. Indeks računamo iz rezultatov statističnega raziskovanja v podjetjih, katerih prevladujoča dejavnost je industrija in ki imajo 20 in več zaposlenih, ter v izbranih podjetjih, ki imajo manj kot 20 zaposlenih. Indeks industrijske proizvodnje ni desezoniziran glede števila delovnih dni. Metode uteževanja BG Indeksi so izračunani iz vrednosti industrijske proizvodnje v stalnih povprečnih letnih cenah leta 1995. Podatki so preračunani na stalne cene 2000=100. Povprečje meseca 2000=100. CY Indeks vsake panoge na petmestni ravni je utežen z dodano vrednostjo za bazno leto do ravni celotne dejavnosti (C, D, E). Indeks je izračunan kot nedesezoniziran in desezoniziran glede števila delovnih dni. CZ Za izračun indeksa industrijske proizvodnje je uporabljeno dvostopenjsko uteževanje. Uteži prve stopnje so deleži proizvodnje opazovanega blaga (reprezentanta) v skupni proizvodnji skupine (štirimestna raven klasifikacije NACE). Uteži na drugi stopnji so deleži dodane vrednosti po posameznih skupinah (štirimestna raven klasifikacije NACE) v skupni dodani vrednosti panoge. Do leta 2001 je bilo bazno leto za izračun indeksa industrijske proizvodnje leto 1995. Od leta 2002 je bazno leto 2000. EE Indeks industrijske proizvodnje je Paaschejev verižni indeks; serije so utežene z bruto proizvodnjo, uteži pa so popravljene vsako leto. HU, LT Indeks industrijske proizvodnje je Paaschejev verižni indeks; serije so utežene z bruto proizvodnjo, uteži pa so popravljene vsako leto. Od leta 2002 je povprečje meseca 2000=100. LV Za izračun indeksa obsega industrijske proizvodnje je uporabljena Laspeyresova formula. Z letom 2002 je kot utež uporabljena dodana vrednost v industriji, podatke o njej pa smo dobili z anketo v podjetjih, izvedeno v letu 2000. Kot osnova za primerjavo je uporabljena povprečna mesečna proizvodnja v letu 2000. Indeks ni desezoniziran. Od leta 2002 je povprečje meseca 2000=100. PL Indeks je izpeljan iz seštevka vrednosti po kategorijah in računanja sprememb med leti za vso industrijo. Uteži ne uporabljamo. RO Primarni indeksi fizičnega obsega industrijske proizvodnje so agregirani po sistemu sukcesivnega uteževanja z uporabo povprečnih cen baznega leta (1998). Za zgornje ravni agregacije (razredi, skupine, oddelki in glavne industrijske skupine klasifikacije dejavnosti v nacionalnem gospodarstvu - CANE) je uporabljena bruto dodana vrednost v faktorskih stroških (GVACF), ki ustrezajo baznemu letu (1998). Prvi agregirani indeksi so na ravni razreda klasifikacije CANE. Naslednji agregirani indeksi so določeni z aritmetično sredino indeksov na ravni razredov, skupin, oddelkov in sektorjev klasifikacije CANE in uteženi z GVACF, ki ustreza baznemu letu (1998). SI Podatki o količini so uteženi z vrednostmi fakturirane prodaje v letu 2000, ki so popravljene z deležem dodane vrednosti na štirimestni ravni klasifikacije NACE Rev. 1., kateri določeni izdelek pripada. Uteži so popravljene vsakih pet let. Indeksi izračunani na štirimestni ravni so agregirani v sestavljene indekse višje ravni. Pri agregaciji so uporabljene uteži, ki predstavljajo deleže dodane vrednosti za vse ravni dejavnosti od četrte navzgor. Uteži so ažurirane vsako leto glede na spremembe v strukturi dejavnosti. SK Za določanje uteži so uporabljeni podatki o dodani vrednosti iz letne ankete podjetij za leto 1997 in proizvodnji, izraženi v vrednosti, iz mesečnih anket v industriji za leto 2000 po klasifikaciji PRODCOM, ki je bila uvedena leta 2000. Zato indeksi industrijske proizvodnje z baznim letom 1995 niso na voljo. Mesečno povprečje leta 2000=100. Indeksi produktivnosti v industriji (tabela 2.26) CY Indeksi industrijske produktivnosti so izračunani kot razmerje med dodano vrednostjo v stalnih cenah in številom zaposlenih v industriji. CZ Od leta 2001 je indeks industrijske produktivnosti izračunan iz prihodkov industrijske dejavnosti. Podatki za prejšnja leta so bili preračunani. HU Podatki se nanašajo na podjetja z več kot 4 zaposlenimi. EE Razmerje med indeksom industrijske proizvodnje in indeksom povprečnega števila zaposlenih oseb. LT Indeks industrijske proizvodnje zajema rudarstvo in predelovalne dejavnosti. Podatki o industrijski produktivnosti se nanašajo na industrijsko proizvodnjo na enega zaposlenega. LV Razmerje med indeksom industrijske proizvodnje in indeksom povprečnega števila oseb zaposlenih v industrijskih dejavnostih. PL Razmerje med indeksom prodane industrijske proizvodnje in indeksom povprečnega števila zaposlenih oseb v industriji. Do leta 1999 se podatki nanašajo na podjetja z več kot 5 zaposlenimi, od leta 2000 pa na podjetja z več kot 9 zaposlenimi. RO Podatki temeljijo na strukturi iz leta 1998. SI Indeks produktivnosti je izražen kot razmerje med indeksom obsega industrijske proizvodnje in indeksom števila zaposlenih oseb. SK Razmerje med prejemki iz industrijske dejavnosti in povprečnim registriranim številom zaposlenih oseb. Podatki temeljijo na strukturi iz leta 2000. Indeksi obsega proizvodnje v gradbeništvu (tabela 2.27) BG Letni podatki temeljijo na letni anketi o gradbenih podjetjih. Četrtletni indeksi so izpeljani iz (i) četrtletnih anket o gradbenih podjetjih s 30 in več zaposlenimi, (ii) stratificiranih vzorčnih četrtletnih anket o gradbenih podjetjih s 5 do 29 zaposlenimi in (iii) ocen za gradbena podjetja z manj kot 5 zaposlenimi. Za leti 2002 in 2003 so podatki predhodni. CZ Podatki vseh gradbenih podjetij, registriranih v državi. EE Indeks temelji na deflacionirani vrednosti proizvodnje. Zajema vsa gradbena podjetja, registrirana v državi. HU Podjetja z več kot 49 zaposlenimi osebami so zajeta v celoti; dejavnost podjetij s 5—49 zaposlenimi osebami je zajeta s stratificiranim vzorcem na podlagi reprezentantov, dejavnost podjetij z manj kot 5 zaposlenimi pa je ocenjena. Končni letni podatki temeljijo na letni anketi statistike gradbeništva. Četrtletni podatki so izpeljani iz mesečnih anket in so začasni. LT Izračuni temeljijo na četrtletnih anketah. V anketo so vključena vsa državna in občinska gradbena podjetja ter zasebna podjetja z več kot 20 zaposlenimi. Podatki o zasebnih podjetij, ki imajo manj kot 20 zaposlenih so ocenjeni na podlagi letnih podatkov. LV Podatki o gradbeništvu so zbrani z anketiranjem vseh državnih podjetij, podjetij v katerih ima država kapitalski delež, in podjetij v drugačni lasti, ki imajo 50 ali več zaposlenih ali katerih neto promet je v prejšnjem letu znašal vsaj 300 000 latsov. Podatki o drugih podjetjih so zbrani s slučajnim vzorcem. Indeksi so izračunani iz podatkov v stalnih cenah. Podatki o gradbeni dejavnosti temeljijo na četrtletnih anketah. PL Do leta 1999 se podatki nanašajo na gradbena podjetja z več kot 5 zaposlenimi, od leta 2000 pa na podjetja z več kot 9 zaposlenimi. RO Četrtletni podatki so rezultat ankete o podjetjih, katerih glavna dejavnost je gradbeništvo. Zajeta so vsa podjetja s 20 in več zaposlenimi osebami, manjša podjetja pa so zajeta z vzorcem. Gradnja v lastni režiji (podjetij, katerih glavna dejavnost ni gradbeništvo in prebivalstva) je ocenjena na osnovi podatkov za prejšnje leto. Letni podatki so zbrani tako za gradbena podjetja kot tudi za gradnjo v lastni režiji. SI Indeksi so izračunani iz dodane vrednosti v stalnih cenah leta 2000. SK Obseg proizvodnje v gradbeništvu na ozemlju Slovaške in v tujini, ki je rezultat dejavnosti gradbenih podjetij in enot negradbenih podjetij katerih glavna dejavnost je gradbeništvo in so registrirana na Slovaškem (vključno z obrtniki). Indeksi so izračunani iz podatkov v stalnih cenah (povprečne cene leta 2000 = 100). Indeksi fizičnega obsega prometa v trgovini na drobno (tabela 2.28) BG Podatki se nanašajo na promet z izdelki in storitvami podjetij, katerih glavna dejavnost je razvrščena v NACE 50, 52. Podatki za leti 2002 in 2003 so predhodni. CY Indeks fizičnega obsega v trgovini na drobno zajemajo vse dejavnosti razvrščene v NACE 50 (razen 50.2 in 50.4) ter vse dejavnosti razvrščene v NACE 52 (razen 52.46). CZ Indeksi prodaje izdelkov in storitev podjetij, katerih glavna dejavnost je razvrščena v NACE 50, 52. EE Indeksi obsega prodaje na drobno podjetij, katerih glavna dejavnost je razvrščena v NACE 50, 52. Indeks cen posameznega izdelka je uporabljen za izračunavanje indeksa obsega prodaje na drobno v stalnih cenah. HU Trgovine spadajo v eno od naslednjih dejavnost NACE Rev. 1: 50.1, 50.3, 50.4, 50.5, 52.1—52.6. LT Obseg trgovine na drobno (brez DDV) zajema podjetja katerih glavna dejavnost je razvrščena v NACE 50, 52. LV Promet v trgovini na drobno zajema podjetja za katera je trgovina na drobno bodisi glavna ali dopolnilna dejavnost (plus DDV). NACE 50 (brez 50.2) in 52 (brez 52.7). PL Podatki do leta 1999 zajemajo podjetja, ki imajo več kot 5 zaposlenih, od leta 2000 pa več kot 9 zaposlenih. RO Podjetja za katera je trgovina na drobno glavna ali dopolnilna dejavnost. Od leta 1997 so indeksi obsega izračunani za ves promet podjetij, katerih glavna dejavnost je trgovina na drobno, zajeta v NACE 52. Podatki so dobljeni z mesečno anketo. Od januarja 2000 so indeksi obsega izračunani s primerjavo s povprečjem leta 1999=100, od januarja 2003 pa je referenčno leto 2000=100. Podatki za prvo četrtletje 2003 so začasni. SI Podatki so rezultat mesečne ankete o podjetjih, katerih glavna dejavnost je trgovina na drobno (NACE Rev. 1: 52, brez 52.7), vključno s prodajo motornih vozil in goriv ter popravili in vzdrževanjem motornih vozil (NACE Rev. 1: 50). Indeksi v tekočih cenah so deflacionirani z ustreznimi indeksi cen na drobno, od leta 2000 naprej pa z indeksi cen življenjskih potrebščin. SK Do leta 1999 so vključene dejavnost NACE 50, 52, 55 in 63.3. Od leta 2000 so vključene dejavnosti NACE 50, 52 in 55. Indeksi so izraženi v stalnih cenah decembra 2000. Indeksi obsega zunanje trgovine (tabela 2.29) BG Indeksi obsega so izračunani z deflacioniranjem indeksov vrednosti z indeksi povprečnih vrednosti. CZ Podatki so izračunani v nacionalni valuti z deflacioniranjem po dvomestnih šifrah (odsekih) SMTK s tekočimi utežmi za zadevno četrtletje ali leto. Popravljeni podatki za leto 2002 so bili objavljeni 16. aprila 2003. Predhodni podatki za 2003 so bili objavljeni 20. maja 2003. HU Indeksi vrednosti zunanje trgovine za leto 1997 so bili izračunani z uporabo podatkov za leto 1996 in preračunani glede na metodologijo iz leta 1997. LT Blago v tranzitu in začasno sprejeto ali umaknjeno blago (razen blaga za predelavo) ni vključeno v statistiko zunanje trgovine. LV Indeksi obsega glede na leto 1993. SI Indeksi obsega so izračunani z deflacioniranjem indeksov vrednosti z indeksi povprečnih vrednosti. Podatki za 2002 so začasni. Zunanja trgovina (tabele 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33) Zajetje BG Zajetje temelji na enotnih carinskih listinah (ECL). Zunanjetrgovinske transakcije, za katere se ne zahteva enotna carinska listina, npr. elektrika, zemeljski plin, državna trgovina in oskrba z gorivom, so prav tako vključene v izvoz in uvoz. Merilo za razporejanje zunanjetrgovinske transakcije v določen mesec je datum, ko je carina sprejela enotno carinsko listino. CY Zajetje temelji na enotni carinski listini (ECL), ki je izpolnjena ko blago prečka državno ali carinsko mejo. CZ Popravljeni podatki za leto 2002 so bili objavljeni 16. aprila 2003. Predhodni podatki za 2003 so bili objavljeni 20. maja 2003. Vključuje se vse blago, ki povečuje zaloge materialnih virov države z vstopom v njeno ekonomsko ozemlje (uvoz) ali jih zmanjšuje, ko ga zapušča (izvoz). Blago v tranzitu in začasno sprejeto ali umaknjeno blago (razen blaga za predelavo) ni vključeno. Ekonomsko ozemlje je enako carinskemu. EE Sistem posebne trgovine zajema praktično vse blago, razen tistega v trgovinskih prostih conah in carinskih skladiščih. HU Podatki vključujejo gibanja blaga, ki vstopa v ekonomsko ozemlje države ali ga zapušča. Zunanja trgovina ne vključuje transakcij, ki se nanašajo na poslovni lizing in popravila. LT Blago v tranzitu in začasno sprejeto ali umaknjeno blago (razen blaga za notranjo ali zunanjo predelavo) ni vključeno v statistiko zunanje trgovine. Zajeto je vse blago, ki povečuje ali zmanjšuje zaloge materialnih virov, torej vse blago, ki vstopa v državo ali jo zapušča. LV Podatki o zunanji trgovini se pripravljajo na podlagi informacij iz carinskih deklaracij in statističnih anket. Razen carinskih podatkov, so zunanjetrgovinski podatki zbrani z mesečnimi statističnimi anketami o izvozu in uvozu elektrike in zemeljskega plina. Začasen izvoz in uvoz zaradi popravil, lizing, blago za diplomatska predstavništva in veleposlaništva in do leta 1999 humanitarna pomoč niso vključeni v zunanjo trgovino. PL Vključuje se vse blago, ki povečuje zaloge materialnih virov države z vstopom v njeno ekonomsko ozemlje (uvoz) ali jih zmanjšuje, ko ga zapušča (izvoz). Blago v tranzitu in začasno sprejeto ali umaknjeno blago (razen blaga za predelavo) ni vključeno. Ekonomsko ozemlje je enako carinskemu. RO Menjava blaga med Romunijo in drugimi državami: neposredni uvoz blaga za potrošnjo, uvoženo blago za potrošnjo, vzeto iz carinskih skladišč ali prostih con, izvoz domačega in nacionaliziranega blaga ter blago uvoženo v finančnem lizingu. Popravila blaga niso vključena v statistiko zunanje trgovine, vendar se spremljajo ločeno za potrebe nacionalnih računov in plačilne bilance. SI Statistika zunanje trgovine ne spremlja blaga, za katerega je priporočeno, da je izvzeto iz podrobne statistike mednarodne blagovne trgovine, vendar naj se evidentirana ločeno za nacionalne račune in potrebe plačilne bilance. Sistem trgovine BG Od 1. januarja 1999 se uporablja sistem posebne trgovine (širša definicija). Podatki za leto 1998 so bili preračunani glede na omenjeno definicijo. CY, LT Sistem splošne trgovine. CZ, HU Sistem posebne trgovine, brez blaga, ki pride v industrijske proste cone ali jih zapusti. EE, PL Sistem posebne trgovine. LV Sistem posebne trgovine - širša definicija. RO Sistem posebne trgovine - širša definicija (delno je vključeno tudi blago, ki pride v industrijske proste cone ali jih zapusti). SI Sistem posebne trgovine - širša definicija (vključena je predelava v prostih carinskih conah). SK Sistem posebne trgovine (širša definicija), brez blaga, ki pride v industrijske proste cone oz. carinska skladišča ali jih zapusti. Statistična vrednost BG, CY, EE, HU,LT, LV, PL, RO, SI Uvoz: vrednotenje tipa CIF, izvoz: vrednotenje tipa FOB. CZ, SK Statistična vrednost uvoženega in izvoženega blaga je izražena po vrednotenju tipa FOB. Konverzija valut BG Za konverzijo valut uporabljamo uradne tečaje Bolgarske državne banke za predzadnjo sredo v prejšnjem mesecu. CY Devizni tečaji ciprske centralne banke. CZ Za konverzijo tujih valut v češke krone se uporablja tečaj češke nacionalne banke, ki je veljal drugo sredo v mesecu pred prejetjem enotne carinske listine. Opomba: Od 1. julija 2002 je v veljavi sprememba Carinskega zakona št. 1/2002 (§ 78). EE V carinski deklaraciji je konverzija iz tujih valut v domačo narejena po tekočem tečaju Banke Estonije na zadnji delovni dan v prejšnjem mesecu. 1995–1998: za pretvorbo podatkov iz domače valute v ameriške dolarje je uporabljen povprečni mesečni tečaj Banke Estonije. HU Za konverzijo vrednosti v nacionalno valuto se uporabljajo tečaji Narodne banke Madžarske, ki so veljali v ponedeljek v tednu pred dnevom carinjenja. LT Tekoči tečaj Banke Litve. LV Za konverzijo podatkov iz domače valute v ameriške dolarje je uporabljen tečaj Banke Latvije na dan, ko je bila izpolnjena enotna carinska listina. PL Tekoči devizni tečaji Narodne banke Poljske. RO Za konverzijo vrednosti v nacionalno valuto in ameriške dolarje za statistične namene se uporablja srednji dnevni devizni tečaj Banke Romunije, ki velja na dan predložitve carinske deklaracije. (Carina uporablja tedenske devizne tečaje, od vsakega četrtka za dobo enega tedna). SI Za konverzijo vrednosti v nacionalno valuto, ameriške dolarje in evre za statistične namene se uporablja srednji dnevni tečaj Banke Slovenije, ki velja na dan predložitve carinske deklaracije. (Carina uporablja mesečne devizne tečaje). SK Za konverzijo vrednosti v ameriške dolarje za statistične namene se uporablja posebno mesečno povprečje dnevnih deviznih tečajev Narodne banke Slovaške. (Carina uporablja devizni tečaj, ki je veljal drugo sredo v mesecu pred prejetjem enotne carinske listine; Carina uporablja devizni tečaj, ki je veljal predzadnjo sredo v mesecu v katerem je bil carinski dolg zaračunan). Država partnerica BG, CY, CZ, EE, HU, LT, PL Uvoz-država porekla, izvoz-namembna država. LV Izvoz je razvrščen po zadnji znani namembni državi, uvoz pa po državi porekla. Če je država porekla neznana, pa po državi iz katere je blago prispelo. SK, RO Za izvoz se uporablja princip "namembne države" (države v kateri bo blago porabljeno), za uvoz pa "države porekla" (države v kateri je bilo blago proizvedeno ali v kateri je bilo nazadnje spremenjeno). SI Uvoz-država porekla, izvoz-zadnja znana namembna država. Klasifikacije blaga BG, EE Blago je klasificirano po carinski tarifi, ki temelji na Kombinirani nomenklaturi. Uporabljamo prevajalnike za Standardno mednarodno trgovinsko klasifikacijo (SMTK, 3. revizija). CZ, PL, SI, SK Standardna mednarodna trgovinska klasifikacija, tretja popravljena izdaja (SMTK, 3. revizija) in Kombinirana nomenklatura (KN). CY Kombinirana nomenklatura (KN). Podatki so pretvorjeni v skupine po SMTK. HU Zunanjetrgovinski podatki so zbrani po Madžarski kombinirani nomenklaturi (HCN), ki je na osemmestni ravni enaka Kombinirani nomenklaturi EU. Za pripravo podatkov o strukturi blaga so podatki z uporabo korelacijskih tabel preurejeni glede na SMTK, 3. revizija. LT Blago je klasificirano glede na carinsko tarifo in kombinirano nomenklaturo zunanjetrgovinske statistike v Litvi, ki temelji na Kombinirani nomenklaturi EU; SMTK, 3. revizija; klasifikacijo širših ekonomskih kategorij (BEC) in statistično klasifikacijo ekonomskih dejavnosti (NACE, Rev. 1). LV Blago je klasificirano glede na latvijsko kombinirano nomenklaturo. To je sistem poimenovanj in šifrskih oznak blaga, ki temelji na Harmoniziranem sistemu (HS) in Kombinirani nomenklaturi EU. Tabele vsebujejo šifre za posamezna imena skupin blaga. Uporabljamo prevajalnike za Standardno mednarodno trgovinsko klasifikacijo (SMTK, 3. revizija). RO Zunanjetrgovinski podatki so razvrščeni v romunske carinske tarife glede na Kombinirano nomenklaturo, ki je podobna Kombinirani nomenklaturi EU na osemmestni ravni. Podatki po področjih Standardne mednarodne trgovinske klasifikacije (SMTK, 3. revizija) so prikazani na podlagi korelacijskih tabel med to klasifikacijo in Kombinirano nomenklaturo. Primerljivost podatkov v časovnih vrstah BG Podatki za 2001 in 2002 so začasni. Podatki za 1999 in 2000 se nanašajo na 17. oktober 2000 in so prikazani po metodologiji, ki velja od 1. julija 2000. CZ Od leta 1999 so podatki prikazani po metodologiji, veljavni od 1. 7. 2000. EE Vsi podatki v časovnih vrstah so primerljivi. HU Od leta 1997 ni bilo bistvenih sprememb v primerljivosti podatkov. LV Ni bistvenih sprememb v primerljivosti podatkov. PL Po letu 1992 ni prišlo do nobenih pomembnih sprememb v primerljivosti zunanjetrgovinskih podatkov. RO Od leta 1991 ni nobenih večjih sprememb v primerljivosti zunanjetrgovinskih podatkov. Podatki za 1999 so bili popravljeni z zmanjšanjem izvoza za 16 milijonov USD in dopolnitvijo uvoza CIF za 161,6 milijonov USD, kar je posledica popravkov Carinske uprave, po tem, ko je carina preverila vrednotenje blaga, ki je bilo vključeno v poslovni ali finančni lizing in nekatere ladje. SI Po letu 1992 ni prišlo do nobenih pomembnih sprememb v primerljivosti zunanjetrgovinskih podatkov. V letu 1996 je začela veljati nova carinska zakonodaja (uvedba enotne carinske listine, Kombinirane nomenklature, nov Carinski zakon z novimi carinskimi postopki), vendar smo dosegli največjo možno primerljivost podatkov pred letom 1996 in po njem. Po letu 1996 je prišlo do manjših sprememb v zajetju, povezanih s spremembami v carinskih postopkih; v letu 1998 je bilo zajeto tudi vrnjeno blago. SK Podatki za 1999, 2000 in 2001 so končni, podatki za 2002 in 2003 pa začasni in obdelani v skladu z odločbo Ministrstva za finance Republike Slovaške, št. 251/2001. Blagovni in potniški transport (tabeli 2.34, 2.35) BG Podatki o cestnem transportu se nanašajo samo na javni transport. Podatki o cestnem blagovnem transportu za 1998 in 1999 temeljijo na stari metodologiji, medtem ko so podatki od leta 2000 naprej rezultat ankete o cestnem blagovnem transportu v skladu z uredbo EU. Podatki o cevovodnem transportu vključujejo transport zemeljskega plina prek bolgarskega ozemlja. Podatki o cestnem potniškem transportu se nanašajo na avtobusne prevoznike (le javni transport). Podatki o pomorskem transportu in transportu po kopenskih plovnih poteh se nanašajo le na bolgarske prevoznike; v letu 2002 transport s trajekti ni vključen. Podatki o zračnem transportu za 2002 bodo objavljeni kasneje po Predpisu o zbiranju statističnih podatkov za civilno letalstvo v Bolgariji. CZ Javni cestni transport - javni avtobusni transport ne vključuje lokalnega javnega transporta. Trenutno Češka nima v lasti morskih ladij. Podatki za leto 2002 so začasni. EE Blagovni transport zajema le podjetja, katerih glavna dejavnost je nudenje transportnih storitev (NACE 601, 602, 61 in 62). Podatki o cestnem blagovnem transportu (NACE 6024) so bili dobljeni z vzorčno anketo. Vsa državna in občinska podjetja kot tudi podjetja z več kot 19 zaposlenimi so zajeta v celoti. Vzorčna anketa zajema preostala podjetja. Potniški transport zajema le podjetja, katerih glavna dejavnost je nudenje transportnih storitev (NACE 601, 602, 61 in 62). Potniški transport z osebnimi avtomobili ni vključen, transport s taksiji pa je vključen le delno. V Estoniji ni cevovodnega transporta. HU Od leta 1998 anketa o transportu vključuje vsa podjetja v transportnem sektorju, razen pri cestnem transportu blaga in transportu po kopenskih plovnih poteh (od leta 2001). Podatki o cestnem transportu blaga zajemajo transportne storitve in dejavnost transporta za lastne potrebe s tovornimi vozili (do leta 2001 je njihova nosilnost lahko presegala eno tono, od leta 2002 pa lahko presega 3,5 tone) podjetij, ki so registrirana v sektorju za cestni transport blaga ali izven njega. Anketa je reprezentativna in temelji na stratificiranem slučajnem vzorcu. Podatki so agregirani glede števila vozil v obratovanju. Transport po naftovodih vključuje tudi transport zemeljskega plina. Od leta 2001, skladno z zahtevami zakonodaje EU, podatki o transportu blaga po kopenskih plovnih poteh zajemajo transport blaga z madžarskimi ali tujimi ladjami na madžarskih kopenskih plovnih poteh. Potniški transport vključuje tudi podatke o transportu po kopenskih plovnih poteh. LT (tabela 2.34) Transport po kopenskih plovnih poteh vključuje trajekte. Vključena so le plovila, registrirana v državi. LV (tabela 2.34) Transport po naftovodih vključuje tudi transport naftnih derivatov. Postopek postopne preregistracije latvijskih tovornih ladij pod tujimi zastavami je potekal do leta 1998, zato ne zbiramo več podatkov o blagovnem transportu s temi plovili. (tabela 2.35) Cestni potniški transport vključuje le potniški transport z avtobusi, vključno z mestnim potniškim transportom. RO Leta 1998 sta bila spremenjena zajetje in metoda zbiranja podatkov za cestni transport blaga. Anketa zajema transport blaga za lastne potrebe in za druge s cestnimi tovornimi vozili težkimi 3,5 tone in več. Potniški transport zajema tudi rečni transport. Cestni potniški transport ne vključuje transporta potnikov s taksiji. Tovorni promet po morju zajema transport z ladjami pod romunsko zastavo. SI Od leta 2001 o cestnem blagovnem transportu poročajo izbrani poslovni subjekti (pravne in fizične osebe), ki imajo v lasti, najemu ali upravljanju registrirana tovorna motorna vozila z vsaj eno tono nosilnosti, in sicer tako v javnem transportu kot tudi transportu za lastne potrebe. Podatki za leta 1995–2000 so ocenjeni na podlagi prejšnjega raziskovanja cestnega transporta blaga, pilotnih projektov, izvedenih v letih 1999 in 2000, tekočega raziskovanja cestnega transporta blaga, podatkov o prehodih tovornih vozil čez državne meje, rezultatov štetja prometa in podatkov o poslovnih subjektih, ki se ukvarjajo s cestnim blagovnim transportom. Cestni transport potnikov zajema le javni transport brez avtobusnih transportov samostojnih prevoznikov in transportov potnikov s taksiji in osebnimi avtomobili. SK (tabela 2.35) Podatki za leto 2000 so začasni. Cestni transport prevoznikov, katerih glavna dejavnost je transport; vključno z mestnim potniškim prometom. Vodni promet vključuje pomorski promet. Mednarodni turizem (tabela 2.36) CZ Od leta 1997 vključno z ocenami za nastanitvene obrate, ki niso poslali izpolnjenih vprašalnikov ali niso bili vključeni v vzorec. EE Nastanitvena statistika vključuje podjetja, katerih glavna dejavnost je po estonski klasifikaciji ekonomskih dejavnosti (EMTAK- ki temelji na klasifikaciji NACE Rev. 1) 551-hoteli; 552-kampi in druga kratkoročna namestitev ter podjetja, ki zagotavljajo namestitev kot dopolnilno dejavnost in ki so vpisana v seznam nastanitvenih obratov pri turističnih informacijskih centrih. Prihodi tujih turistov v nastanitvene obrate EE, HU, LV, RO, SK Podatki se nanašajo na skupinske nastanitvene obrate. PL Podatki zajemajo skupinske nastanitvene obrate in nastanitev v kmečkem turizmu. Za leto 1999 so podatki ocenjeni. Prenočitve tujih turistov v nastanitvenih obratih EE, HU, LV, RO, SK Podatki se nanašajo na skupinske nastanitvene obrate. PL Podatki zajemajo skupinske nastanitvene obrate in nastanitev v kmečkem turizmu. Za leto 1999 so podatki ocenjeni. Prenočitve tujih turistov v hotelih in podobnih obratih EE Podatki za 1998-2001 zajemajo vse skupinske nastanitvene obrate, od leta 2002 pa prenočitve tujih turistov v hotelih in podobnih obratih. Povprečno število prenočitev tujih turistov v hotelih in podobnih obratih EE Podatki za 1998-2001 zajemajo vse skupinske nastanitvene obrate, od leta 2002 pa povprečno število prenočitev tujih turistov v hotelih in podobnih obratih. Število ležišč v hotelih in podobnih obratih EE Podatki za 1998-2001 zajemajo vse skupinske nastanitvene obrate, od leta 2002 pa število ležišč v hotelih in podobnih obratih. Neto zasedenost postelj v hotelih in podobnih obratih CZ Le stalne postelje. EE Podatki za 1998-2001zajemajo vse skupinske nastanitvene obrate, od leta 2002 pa neto zasedenost postelj v hotelih in podobnih obratih. RO Vsi skupinski nastanitveni obrati. METHODOLOGICAL NOTES METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA General characteristics CZ GDP per capita in EURO in PPS: Data published by Eurostat on December 18, 2002. Year 2000 – final data; year 2001 – provisional data. EE Agricultural land in per cent of total area is calculated as the share of the utilised agricultural land of the total area. LV For GDP per capita in USD in PPS for the years 1999 and 2000, data source is OECD. Employment by activities (Table 1.1.) BG Data for 1999 refers to November. The annual data for 2000 and 2001 are calculated as simple average of relevant quarterly data. Quarterly data for Q1 refer to March, for Q2-to June, for Q3- to September, for Q4- to December. CY Figures refer to LFS data collected in the second quarter of each year (April - June). Figures may not add up to total due to rounding. CZ The whole time series are governed by 1998 methodology that did not change in the following years. Included are all persons over 15 years of age employed in the civil sector, i.e. excluding “armed forces” (ISCO-88), major group 0 and excluding persons on child-care and paternal leave. The employment comprises all persons without regard to the professional status of first job holders, i.e. including contributing family workers, who were working during reference week at least 1 hour and all persons, who had a job (employees and self-employed), but were absent at work during the reference week. The differences between the total and the individual items used to provide the total are due to the rounding off (it was the total that was rounded off and not the individual items). EE Persons aged 15–74. HU Data are reweighted on the basis of 2001 census. Reweighted data will be provided backward in time continuously. LV In the years 1999-2001 the Labour Force Survey (LFS) cover persons aged 15 years and over, in 2002- population aged 15-74 years. Data for 1999-2001 are revised according to results of the 2000 Population census. The quarterly data for Q II of 2001 refer to May and those for Q IV - to November. All data are annual averages. Due to rounding adjustments during data processing the totals of some indicators may slightly disagree with the net results. LT Since the year 2000 the LFSs cover persons aged 15 years and over. Data of earlier years cover persons aged 14 years and over. Data excluded conscript members of the armed forces, include women on maternity or parental leave, but the official ties were not broken off with the working place. Population was interviewed in private and collective households. RO Employment comprises all people aged 15 years and over, who have carried out an economic or social activity producing goods or services, with a duration of one hour at least (for self-employed and unpaid family workers from agriculture, the minimum duration is 15 hours) during the reference period (one week), with a view to achieve certain income in form of salaries, in kind payment or other benefits. Starting with 2002 there are not considered employed persons who are temporarily absent from work in the reference week, who are not certain if they will come back to work sooner than three months. Also, are included employees temporary absent from work who receive less than 50% of their salaries during the absence time, who are not certain if they will come back to work in three months time, at most. Data for quarter I 2003 were estimated on the basis of Census results for population end dwellings from March 2002. The whole series of data will be recalculated after total population estimation on the basis of census results. SI Data exclude the persons who are seeking work for the first time. SK From 2000, the quarters of survey correspond with the calendar quarters. Data exclude conscripts on compulsory military service and persons on parental leave. Employment comprises also professionals in military service, persons on community service and persons on maternity leave. Unemployment by sex (Table 1.2.) BG Data for 1999 refers to November. The annual data for 2000 and 2001 are calculated as simple average of relevant quarterly data. Quarterly data for Q1 refer to March, for Q2-to June, for Q3- to September, for Q4- to December. CY Figures refer to LFS data collected in the second quarter of each year (April - June). Figures may not add up to total due to rounding. CZ The whole time series are governed by 1998 methodology, that did not change in the following years. Specification of the indicator is in accordance with the ILO methodology. Included in the unemployed, as recommended by EUROSTAT, are also persons who have found work, but will commence the work within 3 months. The decrease in unemployment rate is influenced by these factors, too: - Within the full harmonization of national questionnaire with Eurostat standard since the beginning of 2002 there was an arrangement in the order of asking questions. Primarily the question on economic activity of person in reference week is interrogated. If the respondent stated that s/he was working at least 1 hour, s/he is strictly classified as the person in employment in accordance to ILO methodology; - The number of persons who don’t have any job, are not seeking job in active way, but declared their willingness to work increased. The number of labour force reserves (in accordance to the Eurostat working papers methodology) reached in 4th quarter 2002 the number of 133 thousand persons. The differences between the total and the individual items used to provide total are due to the rounding off (it was the total that was rounded off and not the individual items). EE Persons aged 15–74. HU Data are reweighted on the basis of 2001 census. Reweighted data will be provided backward in time continuously. LV In the years 1999-2001 the Labour Force Survey (LFS) cover persons aged 15 years and over, in 2002- population aged 15-74 years. Data for 1999-2001 are revised according to results of the 2000 Population census. The quarterly data for Q II of 2001 refer to May and those for Q IV - to November. All data are annual averages. Due to rounding adjustments during data processing the totals of some indicators may slightly disagree with the net results. LT RO Since year 2000 the LFS survey covers persons aged 15 years and over. Data of earlier years cover persons aged 14 years and over. Data for quarter I 2003 were estimated on the basis of Census results for population end dwellings from March 2002. The whole series of data will be recalculated after total population estimation on the basis of census results. SK From 2000, the quarters of survey correspond similar with the calendar quarters. Specification of indicators is in accordance with the ILO methodology. Unemployment also includes persons who have already found a job, which will start later (according to the EUROSTAT methodology). Economic activity and unemployment rates by sex / age groups (Table 1.3, 1.4.) BG Data for 1999 refer to November. The annual data for 2000 and 2001 are calculated as simple average of relevant quarterly data. Quarterly data for Q1 refer to March, for Q2-to June, for Q3- to September, for Q4- to December. CY Figures refer to LFS data collected in the second quarter of each year (April - June). Figures may not add up to total due to rounding. CZ The whole time series are governed by 1998 ILO methodology, which did not change in the following years. ILO methodology is utilised for calculation of both rates. The differences between the total and the individual items used to provide the total are due to the rounding off (it was the total that was rounded off and not the individual items). EE LFS accounts only persons aged 15-74. The current economic activity rate is the number of economically active persons aged 15-74 to the sum of (or in percent of) the number of population aged 15+ (number of population aged 15-74 taken from the LFS plus number of persons aged over 74 taken from demographic sources. HU LFS monitors only persons aged 15-74. Data are reweighted on the basis of 2001 census. Reweighted data will be provided backward in time continuously. The current economic activity rate is the number of economically active persons aged 15-74 to the sum of (or in percent of) the number of population aged 15+ (number of population aged 15-74 taken from the LFS plus number of persons aged over 74 taken from demographic source). LV In the years 1999-2001 the Labour Force Survey (LFS) cover persons aged 15 and over, in 2002-population aged 15-74 years. Data for 1999-2001 are revised according to results of the 2000 Population census. The quarterly data for Q II of 2001 refer to May and those for Q IV - to November. All data are annual averages. LT Since year 2000 the LFS survey covers persons aged 15 years and over. Data of earlier years covered persons aged 14 years and over. PL Persons on child-care leave are included. Persons in compulsory military service are excluded. RO Starting with 2002 there are considered unemployed, persons who did not search for a job in the last three weeks because they already found it and they will start working sooner than three month or because they tried an activity as self-employed and are waiting for results. Also, are considered unemployed temporary absent persons from work in the reference week, who receive less than 50% of their salaries, who are not certain if they will come back to work in three month period, who had actively searched for a job and they were ready to start working. Data for quarter I 2003 were estimated on the basis of Census results for population end dwellings from March 2002. The whole series of data will be recalculated after total population estimation on the basis of census results. SI Workers on lay-off and persons on maternity leave are classified among persons employed. SK Economically active population used for the calculation of the economic activity and the unemployment rates includes also conscripts on compulsory military service. Retired persons (Table 1.5.) BG For the year 2001- excluding farmers. CY It includes all persons entitled to old-age pension, widows pension, invalidity pension, disablement pension, orphans benefit and missing person’s allowance, all payable out of the Social Insurance Fund and persons entitled to social pension payable out of the general taxation. Pensioners are classified according to the type of pension they receive and not according to their occupational category. No available data for farmers who receive pension. CZ, SK The number of retired persons includes, also, pensioners or pensions paid to persons living abroad. HU Data include average number of pensioners, renters and other beneficiaries. LV The number of pensioners includes all persons who receive pension (old-age pension, disability pension, survivor’s pension, service pension, pensions under special regulations), excluding pension recipient registered with the Ministry of Interior Affairs and the Ministry of Defence. LT All persons who receive pension. RO Average number per year of pensioners. Data do not cover farmer pensioners. Data for the year 2002 is provisional. SI Excluding farmers. Pensions (Table 1.6.) CZ, SK Average monthly pensions are published on the basis of December data every year. HU The average monthly sum of pensions and pension-like benefit. PL Data do not cover family and nursing allowances paid by state budget to the family members of the retired and pensioners. RO Monthly average pension per year. Data do not cover pensions of farmers. SI Outcomes of the Pension Fund for pensions of residents and non-residents. Excluding pensions of farmers. Monthly gross nominal wages and salaries (Table 1.7, 1.9.) BG Estimates are made on the basis of monthly sample surveys. All enterprises in public sector and those in private sector with more than 50 employees are observed exhaustively. Stratified simple random sampling is applied for the rest of enterprises. The military units are not included. The final data on wages and employment levels are obtained from annual comprehensive survey of enterprises. Data for the year 2002 are preliminary (Table 1.9) CY The data are derived from the annual sample survey on wages and salaries, which cover more than 30% of employees. The reference month is October and the survey covers full time employees in all sectors of the economy, except P and Q of NACE classification. All Government employees are included in section L. The monthly gross nominal earnings include normal monthly wages and salaries, bonuses, allowances, overtime payments and portion of thirteenth salary. Gross earnings are given before any deductions for income tax and contributions for social insurance, medical and other funds have been made. CZ Data include entities with 20 and more employees (in financial intermediation regardless of the number of employees) and all organisations of non-business sector, including employees of part of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior. Data do not include the employees of businesses not measured by statistics, judges, apprentices, female on maternity leave, persons on parental leave, persons on compulsory military service (including those on compulsory community service) and persons engaged by companies under work execution or working activity agreements. Secondary jobs are included. Source: enterprise reporting. EE Data are obtained from the wages and salaries monthly survey. The statistical unit for observation is an enterprise, institution or organisation. State and municipal institutions and organisations are enumerated completely. The same rules are applicable to enterprises with more than 49 employees. From the remaining part of the population, i.e. from enterprises with 49 or less employees, a stratified simple random sample is selected. HU Data are obtained from the institutional labour data collection system and related to the corporations with 5 or more employees and to all budgetary institutions. The corporations with 5-49 employees are observed on representative basis corporations with more than 49 employees and the budgetary institutions are observed on full-scope basis. Monthly average earnings data refer to those with full-time employed (from 1999 pensioners employed in full time are, also, included). LV Estimates are made on the basis of quarterly sample survey. All budgetary institutions and enterprises with central and local government capital; enterprises where the number of employees is at least 50 and enterprises where the turnover in previous year has been at least LVL 300 thou. are surveyed 100%. Stratified simple random sampling is applied to the rest of enterprises. Private farms are excluded. LT Annual data are derived from annual survey on wages and salaries, which covers complete enumeration of enterprises, institutions and organisations of all kinds of ownership. Data on earnings of employees working for sole proprietorships are added. Quarterly data are derived from quarterly surveys on wages and salaries, sole proprietorships are excluded. The survey is conducted applying sampling methods. A simple random stratified sample is used. PL Data for total monthly gross nominal wages and salaries cover all entities of national economy. Data for sections until 1999 data relate to pay employment of entities with more than 5 employees, since 2000 – with more than 9 employees (excluding private agriculture as well as entities of National Defence and Internal Affair Ministries). Since 1999 data include contributions to compulsory social security (retirement, pension and illness) paid by the insured employees. RO Annual gross nominal wages and salaries are obtained from the annual sample survey which cover the units with 250 employees and over and a representative sample for other division classes, for all activities of the economy. Quarterly nominal wages and salaries are calculated as an average of monthly data obtained from the sample survey on wages and salaries, which comprise the units with 250 employees and over and a representative sample for other classes of enterprises. There are excluded the units with less than 4 employees. Both in annual and monthly sampled survey the military staff and assimilated is not included. SI Gross earnings in enterprises and companies except that in private ownership with one and two persons in paid employment. SK Data on all entities (excluding entrepreneurial incomes). Excluding armed forces, women on maternity (parental) leave and persons working upon labour contract. Index of monthly real wages and salaries (Table 1.8.) The indices are derived from indices of gross nominal wages and salaries (BG, CZ, EE, PL, SI and SK) or indices of net nominal wages and salaries (HU, LT, LV and RO) by dividing by: • consumer price indices (BG, CZ, EE, HU, LT, LV, SI and SK); • refer to full-time employed in main job, from 1999 on due to methodological changes to circle of reference includes full-time employed pensioners as well (HU). • consumer price index of households of employees and employees possessing farms, excluding natural consumption (PL); • consumer price indices of household of employees (RO). BG Data for the year 2002 are preliminary. CY Earnings in real terms refer to earnings in money terms deflated by the yearly average consumer price index. Structure of household expenditures (Table 1.10.) BG Monetary consumption expenditure is defined according to COICOP. CY Data are derived from the latest Household Budget Survey, which was carried out in 1997; the next one was launched in September 2002. Total monthly expenditure, per capita, corresponds to the total household consumption expenditure, that is, both purchases, in monetary form, and in kind benefits. The structure of total expenditure by main items does not sum up to 100% as the categories of (i) Hotel, cafes and restaurants and (ii) Miscellaneous goods and services, which are not included in the table. CZ Data for average household obtained by re-weighting of individual figures for social groups, according to the structure surveyed in the Micro-census 1996 (average per capita). It concerns net monetary expenditures corresponding with the CZ-COICOP classification. Only the group Housing, water, electricity and other fuels does not include imputed rents. EE Total monthly expenditures, per capita, include monetary consumption expenditure and other expenditure per household member. HU LV The quarterly data processing differs from the yearly system. References are for current consumption expenditure. Data 2002 are derived from new redesigned HBS implemented in May 2001. The new survey was supplemented with some methodological changes. LT Weightings are applied for calculation purposes. When a weighting system is applied, sample distribution 2002 by residence place, gender and age is in compliance with the actual distribution of population (Population Census 2001 data). Sample distribution 2001 and that of previous years comply with distribution of population claimed before Population Census 2001. SK Total monthly expenditures per capita-net monetary expenditure (without self- consumption). Monthly consumption of selected foodstuffs, per capita (Table 1.11.) BG The households use Balance Method for estimating the quantities of consumed products for every month of the reference year. CZ Bread including bakery goods. CY The latest Household Budget Survey, which was carried out in 1997, did not collect data on consumption in quantity terms. EE Monthly consumption of selected foodstuffs included the consumption of foodstuffs, which had been either purchased, self-produced or received free of charge. HU The quarterly data processing differs from the yearly system. Meat, including fish. LV The consumption of meat and meat products, fish and fish products, fats and oils has been re- calculated into the primary product. LT Meat and meat products, converted into meat. Fresh and frozen vegetables. RO Meat and meat products, in fresh meat equivalent. Fats and oils. Bread – including pastry products. SI Yearly data have been re-calculated into monthly level. SK Consumption of purchased foodstuffs including in kind consumption found out within Household Budget Surveys. Gross Domestic Product (Table 2.1, 2.2.) and structure of gross value added by activities (Table 2.3.) BG In Table2.1. totals refers to GDP estimated by production approach. As far as data for 1999 and 2000 are still preliminary, there are statistical discrepancies between the totals and the sum of components, i.e. the expenditure and production approaches are not finally balanced yet. Table 2.3. – For the year 2000 (i) “The real estate renting and business activities” (K) included imputed rent of owner occupied dwellings; (ii) “Hotels and restaurants” (H) and “Real estate, renting and business activities” (K) are included in “Other activities”. CZ 2000 quarterly data were reconciliated with 2000 semi-definitive annual national accounts. Quarterly data of 2001 and 2002 are preliminary quarterly estimates. HU For year 1999, 2000 and 2001 final data. For 2002 provisional data. RO Yearly data are compiled using indicators from administrative, statistical, financial and fiscal sources and are continuously re-calculated until the Input-Output Table, respective by the General Table of Transactions are created (two years lag). For the quarterly accounts a simplified Input-Output Table (with 13 branches) is accomplished, based on the infra-annual indicators. The data for 1999 and 2000 are definitive, for 2001 are semi-definitive and the data for 2002 are provisional. Data for quarterly GDP for 2001 and 2002 are provisional and there are not reconciliated with annual GDP. SK The data for the years 2000 - 2002 are preliminary, according quarterly national accounts. Differences between the total and the sum of components of GDP are statistical discrepancies. The methodology of the calculation: BG, CZ, EE, LT, LV, RO, SI The European System of Accounts (ESA 1995). PL The European System of Accounts (ESA 1995). Since 2000 some methodological changes were implemented. These are: the change in subjective scope of the institutional sectors, the change in the recording of transactions of general government sector accounts from cash basis to an accrual basis, the application of the new criterion of qualifying households to the individual sub-sectors, the increasing of the number of sub-sectors from for 4 to 6, the valuation of fixed assets according to market prices. All previous published data for 2000 and 2001 were corrected following the upper mentioned changes. BG, HU The System of National Accounts (SNA 1993). SK The European System of Accounts (ESA 1995), according to the degree of implementation in national accounts for year 1999. The base prices for calculation of volume indices: BG, PL Previous year prices. CZ 1995 (using price indices with the basis „average of 1995=100”, in the meantime calculated in the national accounts division). EE 2000 prices HU 1998=100 in the year of 1999 and 2000. 2000=100 in the year of 2001 and 2002. LV Average prices of 2000. LT At constant 1995 prices. RO Prices of the year preceding the examined one. SI 2000. SK Average prices of 1995 =100 The prices used for calculation: In the Tables 2.1.and 2.2. were used market prices; In the Table 2.3. was used basic prices; LV In Tables 2.1. and 2.2. market prices were used, in table 2.3. - basic prices. PL In the Tables 2.1. and 2.2. – basic prices SI According to ESA 1995 Foreign direct investment (Table 2.4.) BG Data sources: Balance of Payments, Bulgarian National Bank; CZ Data cover investment equity, re-invested earnings and other capital. All data for years 2001 and 2002 are provided as quarterly data and not cumulative data. HU From 1 January 2000 data on Balance of Payments and debt are published in EURO by NBH. Data are converted to USD, at current official exchange rates. Net foreign direct investment. LT Data provided by the Bank of Lithuania. Data on net foreign direct investment are converted to USD using current official exchange rates. LV Starting with the data for the first quarter of 2000, foreign direct investment are compiled and published by the Bank of Latvia. Until then the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia did it. Starting with the first quarter of 2001, methodology was up-dated and changes made in the range of entities considered as residents. RO Source of data is National Bank of Romania. The data represent net cumulated flows. SK Source of data is National Bank of Slovakia. Data account equity capital and reinvested profit for corporate and banking sphere total. The calculation of capital position is carried out with the foreign exchange mean valid as of last day of reference period. Foreign direct investment (Table 2.4.a) SI Data on foreign direct investment (positions) in percent of GDP. Foreign direct investment comprises equity capital, reinvested earnings and other capital in accordance with Balance of Payments Manual, IMF, 1993. CZ Data for the years 2001 and 2002 are preliminary. Central government budget (Table 2.5.) BG The Data in Table 2.5 are for the General Government and include Data for Central Government, Social Security and Local Governments. General government debt is reported at face value and the data include government guaranteed debt. General government debt denominated in currencies different from USD is calculated with the exchange rates as of the end of the reported period. CY Government budget does not include local government budgets and extra-budgetary funds (public loans fund, sinking fund, and social insurance funds). The five non-market semi-government organisations are, also, not included in the central government budget. From the year 2000 and onwards the defence fund (previously classified as extra-budgetary fund) was incorporated into the central government budget. The data are compiled on a cash basis according to the ESA 1995 methodology. CZ State budget does not include local budgets and government extra-budgetary and other public funds. Income cover instalments of all credits and loans from the state budget. Expenditure covers their drawing. Data are compiled on cash basis HU The IMF carries out the compilation of the Central government budget balance on the basis of the Government Financial Statistics (GFS) elaborated. GFS is without debt payment and privatisation income. LV Central government consolidated budget including central government basic budget and central government special budget (social security fund and other special funds). Central government consolidated budget does not include local budgets. LT Central government budget includes state budget, special funds and extra-budgetary funds for the years 2000-2002. The accrual method is used for annual VAT, excises duties, interests data. Until 2000 data on central government budget cover only state budget. PL Data cover non-consolidated state budget (the main part of the central government budget). RO Central government budget comprises state budget, social insurance fund budgets, extra-budgetary funds and self-financed institutions budgets. Data are in accordance with the manual “Government Finance Statistics”(1986). For the years 2000 and 2001 data are definitive. For the year 2001 the data were revised. For the year 2002 and the Q1 2003 are provisional. SI In the state budget surplus/deficit only non-financial transactions are included. (Receipts from privatisation are not included). SK State budget balance of the budget calculation in the current year is pass with methodology of International Monetary Fund. In the revenue part, credits and loans of the Government will not be presented, in the expenditure part the expenditure coherent with instalments of the mentioned credits and loans as the same. Revenues and expenditure included in year 2001 in state funds are in year 2002 components of revenues and expenditure of state budget. Foreign debt (Table 2.6.) CZ Gross foreign debt in convertible and non-convertible currencies. HU Gross foreign debt de-nominated in foreign currencies, excluding direct investment and equity securities in portfolio investment. From January 1st, 2000 data on Balance of Payments and Debts are published in EURO by the National Bank of Hungary. Data are converted to USD, at current official exchange rates. LT Data on gross external debt provided by the Bank of Lithuania. LV External debt is reported in accordance with IMF draft “External debt statistics: guide for compilers and users” as of November 2001, Washington D.C. External debt statistics is consistent with the concepts of 1993 SNA and BPM5. Gross external debt, at any given time, is the outstanding amount of those actual current, and not contingent, liabilities that require payment(s) of principal debt and/or interest by the debtor at some point(s) in the future. PL Gross foreign debt includes the following categories: credits of direct investors, current accounts and deposits of non-residents in Polish banks, debt securities issued on domestic market and held by non- residents, trade credits, other credits and loans (including financial leasing), as well as, external debt of local self-government. RO Foreign debt includes: foreign public and foreign state guaranteed long-term debt; private non-guaranteed long-term debt; loans from International Monetary Fund and refers to foreign debt on medium and long-term. SI Total foreign debt is the sum of the following items: (i) public and state guaranteed long-term debt; (ii) private non-guaranteed long-term debt; (iii) use of IMF credit; (iv) short-term debt. Debt data apply to loans used directly by Slovenian beneficiaries; Slovenia’s share of the federal debt of the former Yugoslavia (except obligations toward the IMF) is not included. The correction was made to the external debt data series. The portfolios of Eurobonds of Republic of Slovenia owned by residents were excluded from Foreign Debt. SK By an order of National Bank of Slovak Republic, a methodological change has been made from January 1st, 1999, which caused the cancellation of the coefficient of the currency position for currency purpose and a decrease of the foreign debt of the commercial banks. Deficit/surplus of consolidated general government budget, per cent of GDP (Table 2.7.) CY Deficit or surplus of the general government is the balance of all the consolidated non-financial transactions of the central government budget, the extra-budgetary funds, and the local government and semi-governmental organisations. All transactions are recorded on a cash basis and classified according to the ESA 1995. CZ General government balance consists of consolidated revenue and expenditure of the state budget, state financial assets, state funds, privatisation funds (National Property fund and Czech Land fund), health insurance companies and local governments. Technique of calculation is in line with the GFS 86 (IMF) methodology. Quarterly data cover actual balances of individual segments of general government sector, apart from health insurance companies while qualified-estimates are employed. Annual data reported for all components of general government sector on actual outcome basis. LV Fiscal surplus or deficit is the difference between the budgetary financial surplus /deficit and net lending. PL Data on deficit or surplus of non-consolidated state budget (the main part of the central government budget). RO General government budget comprises state budget, social insurance fund budgets, extra-budgetary funds, self-financed institutions budgets and local budgets. Data are in accordance with the manual “Government Finance Statistics”(1986). For the years 2000 and 2001 data are definitive. For the year 2002 and the Q1 2003 are provisional. SI General government surplus/deficit includes: non-financial transactions of the consolidated balances of central government budget; local government budgets; Pension and disability insurance Fund; Health insurance Fund. SK The data on surplus or deficit of general government budget cover a balance of a state budget of Central Government including the items on special-purpose state funds, privatisation funds, funds of social security and the data on budgets of the towns and municipalities. General government debt (Table 2.8.) BG General government debt is reported at face value and the data include government guaranteed debt. General government debt denominated in currencies different from USD is calculated with the exchange rates as of the end of the reported period. CY Government debt is the total gross debt at nominal value outstanding at the end of the year of the sector of General Government, with the exception of those liabilities the corresponding financial assets of which are held by the sector of General Government. The sector of General Government comprises the central government budget, extra-budgetary funds, social security funds, local government and a number of non-market semi-governmental organisations. CZ Debt concerns general government sector. HU The government sector includes: central budget, extra-budgetary funds, social security funds, local governments (the central bank and public enterprises are excluded). Debt denominated in HUF is valued at face value, but discounted treasury bills are valued at issue price. Debts de-nominated in foreign currencies are valued at face value. Foreign debt is converted at the end of period, average rates. LV Government debt is the total sum of debt liabilities, in cash, which are covered from the state budget resources of the General Government Budget. PL Data concern debt of state budget, for e.g. the debt of the main part of Central Government Budget. RO General government debt includes the general government debt calculated according to the European Commission methodology (ESA 1995). Beginning with June 1999, for conversion of domestic public debt in USD, there have been used the exchange rate ROL/USD at the end of reporting period. SI General government debt covers debt of the Republic of Slovenia as legal entity, debt of local governments and social security funds debt. SK General government debt includes a sum of debts by the items of public administration (central government) witch results in total consolidated governmental debt that represents a volume of accumulated liabilities of general government as of 31 December due to domestic and foreign creditors. Balance of Payments (Table 2.9.) CZ From 2000 financial account (portfolio investment) includes new item “Financial derivatives” (2000: I-IV. Q -36; 2001: I.Q - 9; I-II.Q – 31; I-III.Q -25; I-IV.Q -85; 2002: I.Q -2;I-II.Q -117; I-III. Q. –107; I-IV.Q-131; 2003: I.Q -21). HU From 1 January 2000 data on Balance of Payments and debt are published in EURO by NBH. Data are converted in USD at current official exchange rate. LV Starting with the data for the first quarter of 2000, Balance of Payments data are compiled and published by the Bank of Latvia. Until then, the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia did it. As of 2000, data for the services (sea transport, air transport, and other transport) are not comparable with the data for previous periods due to methodological improvements in the questionnaire on enterprise external settlements and the inclusion of statistics on non-bank external payments. As of 2000, the losses of direct investment enterprises (non- financial enterprises) are, also, included in the calculation of reinvested earnings and undistributed branch profits (previously, only profit). Likewise, data on the profit and loss of direct investment enterprises (banks) are included. LT Data provided by the Bank of Lithuania. PL Current account includes "Unclassified transaction on current account, net" not shown separately. The value of these transactions in mln is: 3638 (1999); 3980 (2000); 730 (2001/I), 1704 (2001/I-II); 3070 (2001/I-III), 4395 (2001/I-IV); 475 (2002/I), 1331 (2002/I-II), 2874 (2002/I-III), 4065 (2002/I-IV). RO The account sold "Other investments" includes barter and cleaning accounts and documents in transit. The account sold "Reserve change" referrs to the reserve assets of the National Bank of Romania. SI The data for reinvested earnings for the year 2002 are not available yet; therefore the data for reinvested earnings from year 2001 was repeated as estimate. In 2003 this estimate will be replaced with the actual data for reinvested earnings in 2002. Trade/ Goods balance LV The data source for general merchandise is foreign trade statistics compiled by the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Information is also derived from the quarterly survey on transportation and intermediary services, data on extraterritorial trade by shipping vessels and statistics on non-banks’ external payments. SK Exports and imports in FOB prices express data. Current transfers BG Transfers are all real resources and financial items provided without a quid – pro – quo from one economy to another. Current transfers directly affect the level of disposable income of the economy, and the consumption of goods and services. LV As of 2000, data on private persons current transfers through banks (workers' remittances, pensions, donations, inheritance, etc.) are included. As of the first quarter of 2002, data on all types of external payments effected by private persons through banks are included. PL Since the beginning of 1998 cash payment and withdrawal transactions on “A” currency accounts of the population were excluded from the current transfers and were moved to the item “non-classified current turnover”. International reserves BG BNB Forex Reserves. Valuation changes excluded. A minus sign (-) denotes an increase in the reserves, a positive sign (+) – a decrease. LV Reserve assets refer to highly liquid, marketable and creditworthy foreign currency-denominated claims on non-residents, gold, and special drawing rights and the reserve position in the IMF. PL Data relate to change of official reserve assets, credits from IMF and exceptional financing. SI Reserve change includes reserve assets of the Bank of Slovenia. Money, M1 (Table 2.10.) CZ Extra-budgetary funds of the general government sector are not included in money aggregates of the Czech National Bank. Net credit of the general government sector includes extra-budgetary sources of local governments. Extra-budgetary sources of central government and other sources of the general government sector are reported within other net items. HU M1 comprises currency outside monetary institutions and O/N deposits. LV Money M1 is currency in circulation (less vault cash balances) and demand deposits of domestic enterprises and private persons in national currency. LT Data on demand deposits and money in circuit provided by the Bank of Lithuania. RO Currency outside banks and demand deposits in domestic currency. SK Data are expressed in fixed rate. Quasi money, M2 (Table 2.11.) HU M2 consists of M1 and deposits with an agreed maturity up to 2 years. (From the beginning of 2003 the NBH has discontinued the publication of Quasi-money.) LT Data on quasi-money provided by the Bank of Lithuania. Quasi-money cover time and saving deposit in Litas and deposit in foreign currencies. LV Quasi-Money implies time deposits of domestic enterprises and private persons in national and foreign currencies. SK Data is expressed in fixed rate. Exchange rates (Table 2.12.) LV The Bank of Latvia set the official exchange rates. LT Data provided by the Bank of Lithuania. SI The official exchange rate is calculated daily by the Bank of Slovenia using a moving average of the daily market rates on the foreign exchange market over the preceding 14 days period. Monthly averages are computed as arithmetic averages of daily rates (Sundays and holidays are not included). Annual and quarterly rates are computed as arithmetical averages of monthly rates. SK Weighted (monthly) average of main exchange rates. Official discount rate (Table 2.13.) CY Data refer to the interest rate on the marginal lending facility of the" Central Bank". EE In Estonia there is a Currency Board System and, consequently, this type of lending does not take place. HU Base rate: it is the interest rate, at which the National Bank of Hungary (NBH) grants long-term re-financing credits to other monetary financial institutions and certain loans for central government. From July 2001 the reference rate of the NBH is at the same level as the interest rate on the 2-week non-callable deposit facility of the NBH. LV The Bank of Latvia’s refinancing rate, as per cent. LT Interest rates on overnight loans of the Bank of Lithuania. PL Interest rate of bill rediscount. RO Since 1997 this type of credits has not been used. Since February 2002 replaced by reference rate calculated as a weighted average of the interest rates on NBR’s deposit-taking and reverse-repo operations in the month prior to that of the announcement (for December 2002 the reference rate was 20.4). SI The discount rate was officially abolished in January 2003. Since 2003 the main refinancing rate at the Bank of Slovenia is published. Average interest rates of commercial banks (Table 2.14.) Deposit interest rate BG Short-term (with maturity from one day to one year) deposits interest rates on annual basis. Average annual and quarterly estimates here presented are calculated as non weighted arithmetic mean on the base of corresponding average monthly data and are not included in the interest rates statistics, officially disseminated by the BNB. Official BNB figures are published in the monthly Information Bulletin, as well as on the BNB’s web site – WWW.BNB.BG. CY Up to December 2000, data refer to the maximum interest rate prescribed by the Central Bank of Cyprus on all fixed/notice deposits irrespective of maturity and amount. From January 2001 onwards, after the Interest Rate Liberalisation Law was effected, data refer to the simple average of the representative interest rate (as at end of month) offered on 3 month notice deposits and for amounts over CYP 5 000, as reported by the 3 largest commercial banks. CZ Total average interest rate for the respective period, concerning only domestic currency. HU Data relate to deposits of the non-financial corporations with a maturity of up to one year. Data refer to weighted average interest rates of the last month of the periods. Weights are the amount of loans granted in the reference month (from 2001), and the value of individual contracts (from 2003). From May 2001 data do not include interest rates for sole proprietors. Data do not include the interest rates of overnight deposits. LV Average weighted annual short-term interest rates on deposits in Latvian Lats in credit institutions, per cent. LT Data provided by the Bank of Lithuania. PL Data relate to the average weighted interest rates of 12-month zloty deposits of households (till the end of 2001 – personal deposits) in commercial banks, as of end of period. RO Quarterly data refer to the last month of the quarter. SI Average interest rate for deposits 31-90 days. Quarterly data refers to the last month of the calendar quarter; yearly average is non-weighted arithmetic mean of the quarterly data. SK Average interest rate of time deposits. Data concerning only deposits in domestic currency (SKK). Credit interest rate BG Short-term (with maturity from one day to one year) lev-credits interest rates on annual basis. Average annual and quarterly estimates here presented are calculated as non weighted arithmetic mean on the base of corresponding average monthly data and are not included in the interest rates statistics, officially disseminated by the BNB. Official BNB figures are published in the monthly Information Bulletin, as well as on the BNB’s web site – WWW.BNB.BG. CY Up to December 2000, data refer to the upper limit of lending interest rates prescribed by the Central Bank of Cyprus. For the period January 2001 to December 2001, data refer to the simple average of the minimum interest rate (as at end of month) charged on secured loans to enterprises as reported by the 3 largest commercial banks. As from January 2002 data refer to the simple average of the representative interest rate (as at end of month) charged on secured loans to enterprises as reported by the 3 largest commercial banks. CZ Total average interest rate for the respective period, concerning only domestic currency. HU Lending rates refer to short-term loans to non-financial corporations. From January 2003, short-term interest rate fixings are uded instead of category of short-term loans. The interest rates do not contain other charges and fees. Data refer to weighted average interest rates of the last month of the periods. Weights are the amount of loans granted in the reference month (from 2001), and the value of individual contracts (from 2003). From May 2001 data do not include interest rates for sole proprietors. Data do not include the interest rates of bank overdrafts. LV Average weighted annual short-term interest rates on credits in Latvian Lats in credit institutions, %. LT Data provided by the Bank of Lithuania. PL Data relate to bill rediscount. It is the annual rediscount rate offered to commercial banks by the National Bank of Poland. SI Average short-term working capital, loans interest rate. SK Average credit interest rates total. Data concerning only credits in domestic currency (SKK). Consumer price indices, CPI (Table 2.15, 2.16.) CY The weights used for the computation of the indicator were derived from the Household Budget Survey of 1996/1997. CZ Weights for calculation of CPI were specified (until 2000) on the base of households’ expenditure in 1993 according to the household budget statistics. December 1993 was a basic period for the CPI calculation. Starting 2001 weights for calculation of CPI are specified on the base of household’s expenditure in 1999 according to household budget statistics. December 1999 is a basic period for the CPI calculation. EE From 2001, the CPI data are disseminated on the basis of an annually chain linked index (1997 = 100). HU The weights used for the CPI calculation represent the ratio of good and service groups within the households’ final monetary consumption. Weights are derived from the macro data of National Accounts, in accordance with the data deriving from household budget surveys. In 2003 the weights correspond to family expenditure structure of 2001. The base period of the index computation is the December of the previous year; the chain index computation method is used. LV The weights are derived from the previous year ‘s household budget survey. The weights are revised every year. Prices of December of the previous year are taken as a base for price comparisons. 1995 is the base year for price index comparisons. LT The weights used in the current compilations are average annual weights derived mainly from the Household Budget Survey (HBS). The weights for the national level market basket are updated each year. December of the previous year is taken as a base period of prices. The weights are price up-dated to this period. PL Price indices are calculated using structure of expenditure (excluding subsistence consumption) of households from the year preceding the one examined. Since January 1999 these indicators are calculated according to COICOP classification. Price indices at the base 1995=100 (Table 2.15.) are calculated by chain method using the indices at the base of the previous period=100. RO Prices/tariffs is pursued in the municipalities-county residence. For the main food-products, the prices are registered in main urban settlements of all counties. The weights correspond of the structure of monthly average expenditure per household, resulted from Integrated Household Survey. Beginning with January 2003, are being used the weights which result from the structure of monthly average expenditure per household in 2001. The total index and the COICOP groups’ indices for 2003 are computed with 2001 as base year. SI Since 2003 weighting is based on the data on the structure of expenditure for consumer goods in 2001, for which the primary data source were continuous Household Budget Surveys in 1999, 2000 and 2001. New weights are recalculated to December 2002 prices, which are, also, the price base period. “Foodstuffs” include food and non-alcoholic beverages. “Beverages and tobacco” include alcoholic beverages and tobacco. SK Up to 2001 weights of individual representative items were computed on the basis of data from households budgets statistics in 1995 and data obtained from various administrative sources. Since 2002 the base year for weights is year 2000. Up to 2001 index reference period (table 2.15.) was December 1995. Since 2002 the index reference period is December 2000. Industrial Production Price indices, IPPI (Table 2.17.) Construction work price indices (Table 2.18.) BG (Table 2.17.) They measure the changes in producer prices on domestic market. Indicators are derived from Laspeyres type indices based on 1995 average prices and sales' structure at 3-digit level of NACE is used as weights. The prices do not include VAT and excise duties. Since January 2003 the base year for Producer Price Indices has been changed at 2000 = 100. CY (Table 2.17.) The industrial production price index is a Laspeyres index, which covers enterprises employing 1 person and over. It covers both the local and the export market. (Table 2.18.) The Laspeyres formula is applied and the cost structure approach is used. The major components of the index are the monthly indices for construction materials and labour cost. CZ Until 2000 all indices have been calculated on the structure of sales in 1993. Since 2001 the published price indices are calculated according to new revised index schemes, on the structure of sales in 1999 (in construction work according to 1999 output). Calculation is made according to the modified Laspeyres formula. Indices do not include value-added tax (VAT) and excise tax. The Industrial producer price index measures the changes in producer prices on domestic market. EE From 2002, the IPPI data are disseminated on the basis of an annual chain linked index (1995 = 100). IPPI measures the changes in production prices both on domestic and non-domestic market. HU (Table 2.17.) The industrial producer price indices covers NACE Rev. 1. C, D and E section and include the domestic and export sales prices. The index is a chain index with annually changing weights. The weights are derived from sales data two years prior to the reference period. The indices exclude indirect taxes (VAT; excise duty). (Table 2.18.) Price index of construction activities calculated on cost-base; an estimation method has been used taking into consideration the change in the producer’s prices of the materials used in the construction and in the earnings of employees in construction. Sub-branches weight the indices of the two types of costs with the ratios indicated in the corporation annual report of the preceding year. The price index for the construction as a whole is calculated from the indices of sub-branches by a Laspeyres- weighting. The weights are the values of the construction -installation activities of the previous year. LV (Table 2.17.) Industrial production price indices cover NACE Rev.1 C, D and E sections and include the domestic and export prices. The indices are calculated according to the Laspeyres formula taking as the base weights the breakdown of the production sales two years ago by the industries, with the prices of previous December serving as a base for price comparisons. The prices do not include VAT and excise taxes. (Table 2.18.) The construction cost indices are calculated on the basis of the method of uniform models. Typical and representative projects (models) of construction objects were selected for the most popular types of construction. The calculation was made for each uniform model of the use of specific construction materials, labour and construction machinery and mechanisms. Data on the prices of these resources are obtained from construction enterprises. Trade enterprises also provide information on the prices of construction materials. The Laspeyres formula is used for calculation. Own account contractual work performed two years ago was taken as weights, with the average prices of 1999 serving as the base for price comparisons. LT (Table 2.17.) The index includes both domestically sold and exported goods. Sales structure at 4-digit level of NACE is used as weights. The weights refer to the sales volumes in the year before the last, while the base price refers to the price for December of the previous year. Presently, the annual weights are not price adjusted to align with the price base period. The prices for export goods are the FOB prices. (Table 2.18.) The index is a composite price index of fixed weights and is compiled according to the modified Laspeyres formula. Since 2002, December 2001 was taken as a base period to compare the prices. Weightings were prepared on the basis of cost outlays of the 2001 selected construction units. The period of earlier index weights is the year 1998, while the base price refers to December 1998. PL Both kinds of producer prices cover „basic prices” (prices decreased by VAT, excise tax, any rebates and discounts and increased by product or service subsidies). Production price indices are calculated on the basis of monthly representative surveys in industry (sections C, D, E) and construction (section F). Aggregate price indices in 1999 and 2000 were calculated using as the weights the structure of sold production in 1995, since 2001 – sold production in 2000. RO (Table 2.17.) It is used a constant weighting system for the successive aggregation of the data for the industrial production value in 1998, data being recalculated as 1998 reference and structure year. (Table 2.18.) Indices are computed by aggregating price indices of materials, price indices of gross average wages and salaries and indices of constructions outfits, transport expenditure and indirect expenditure; separately compiled cost indices for new construction, capital repairs and maintenance works and current repairs. The weights are got from the structure of the construction works in the previous year. SI (Table 2.17.) The index published according to the Standard Classification of Activities covers sections C, D, E and Forestry as a part of section A. The weights are changed every year. They are recalculated to December 2001 prices, which is also the price base period. (Table 2.18.) Price indices of construction works are given for typical residential building. The annual data are the calculated average of data as of March 31 and September 30. Reporting units are selected enterprises. SK Producer (Table 2.17.) Production price indices and construction price indices are calculated according to the modified Laysperes formula from prices of selected representants surveyed at domestic market. Price indices exclude VAT and excise tax. The weights for the production price indexes calculation are delivered from receipt structure in industry in 2000. The price base is December 2000. Indices up to year 2001 are re-calculated on conditions of revised schemas of 2000. (Table. 2.18.) The weights for the construction index calculation are derived from construction structure in 2000. The price base is the average of 2000. Indices up to year 2001 are re-calculated on conditions of revised schemas of 2000. Foreign trade price indices (Table 2.19.) Method of data collection BG Since 2001 unit value indices are calculated using catalogue of representative commodities. Customs declarations are the source. CZ Data are calculated in national currency value by deflating according to the SITC 2 digits with current weights of the quarter or year concerned. The revised 2002 data were published on April 16, 2003. Preliminary 2003 data were published on May 20, 2003. EE Special survey. HU Until 2002 the unit value indices were calculated on the basis of value and quantity data of trade recorded within the framework of customs procedure. 2003 onwards the calculation of price indices is based primarily on the collection of real market prices. Price indices of homogeneous commodity groups (food, beverages, tobacco; crude materials; fuels) follow the former methodology. As for the price indices of heterogeneous commodity groups (manufactured goods; machinery and transport equipment) data supplied by enterprises are used. Indices are aggregated by total turnover weights of commodities. LV For calculation of unit value indices producer price indices are applied to non-homogenous goods (for exports) and on the basis of price registration data for specific representative goods in importing enterprises (for imports). LT Unit value indices. The main source is the data of customs declarations. The exported goods are estimated in FOB prices and the imported – in CIF prices. The base unit values and weights are updated annually. PL Quarterly indices are compiled as the relation of the turnover value indices to the turnover volume indices. The turnover is given in zlotys (PLN). Cumulative quarterly and annual indices are calculated on the basis of observations of prices of selected commodities on the lowest CN level. As the system of weights, the structure of foreign trade turnover value in the surveyed year is used. RO Unit values indices for export/import. Source: customs declarations (and statistical reports for electric energy and natural gas). SI Unit value indices (source: customs declarations). Data for the year 2002 are provisional. Index formula BG, CZ, PL, RO Paasche. HU, SI Fisher. EE,LV, LT Laspeyres. Base period BG Average unit value of the previous year CZ, HU, LV, PL, SI, Corresponding period (year, quarter) of the previous year. LT Previous year is a base period for weights and for unit values. EE Weights: previous year. RO Unit value of previous year. Currency BG Bulgarian Levs (BGN). CY Cyprus Pounds (CYP). CZ Czech Crowns (CZK). EE Estonian Kroons (EEK). HU Hungarian Forints (HUF). LV Latvian Lats (LVL). LT Lithuanian Litas (LTL). PL Zlotys (PLN). RO Unit value indices in foreign trade are computed from values expressed in USD. National currency: Romanian Leu (ROL) SI Unit value indices are compiled from USD values of exports and imports of goods. National currency: Slovenian Tolar (SIT) SK National currency: Slovak Crowns (SKK). Special notes BG Unit values are calculated from data on the normal trade. HU Indices are calculated from data on the normal trade. LV In the case of heterogeneous commodity groups, producer price indices are applied to exported goods and price registration data supplied by the importing enterprises are used for imported goods. LT In the case of heterogeneous commodity groups, producer price indices of exported goods are applied to calculation of export unit value index. All export and import procedures according to the Special Trade System plus those associated with processing of goods being as important in Lithuanian trade are covered for the compilation of indices. RO There are not included in calculation of unit value index goods from chapters: 71, 88, 89 and 93 of Combined Nomenclature. SI Transactions related to processing are included in the calculation of the unit value indices from 2000 on. Terms of trade (Table 2.20) SI Data for the year 2002 are provisional. Total agricultural output volume indices (Table 2.21) BG The year preceding the examined one CZ Indices based on evaluation of all individual products of gross agricultural production in constant prices of 1989. In gross agricultural production are included the commodities used as feeder and seed, too. EE The value of output in constant prices is the value of agricultural output produced in the reference year in the sale prices of 2000. The agricultural output volume index is calculated as the ratio of the value of the reference year to the value of the previous year, in constant prices. HU Volume index of agricultural gross output at basic prices of the previous year. LV Agriculture output volume indices are calculated at constant prices of the previous year. LT The index is calculated at the constant prices of the previous year. PL Indices are based on changes of all individual products of gross agricultural production in constant prices of the year preceding the examined one. RO Value of agricultural output was recalculated since 1998 according to EUROSTAT Methodology on Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EEA) and it refers to the output of EEA, not gross agricultural production. Agricultural output volume indices are based on the evaluation of individual agricultural products and agricultural services in basic prices of previous year. SI Indices are calculated from the data on crop and animal production and triennial moving arithmetic mean of average output prices. SK Gross agricultural output from gross turnover is calculated at current year prices and is recalculated by the price index on price level of 2000. Index of gross agricultural output is recalculated from annual data at 2000 prices. Sales or procurement of main agricultural products (Table 2.22.) EE The data refer to agricultural products, which are purchased by processing enterprises from all kinds of holdings. HU Data refers to the procurement (buying up) of main agricultural products. LV The data refer to the quantities of agricultural products, which are purchased only by the processing enterprises from all kind of farms (excluding products sold in other ways and used for own consumption). LT Purchases of agricultural products by food processing and other companies from agricultural producers. Milk is recalculated with 3.4% fat and 3.0% protein content. PL The data refer to the procurement of agricultural products run by legal entities and independent units with legal incapacity. Semi-annual and annual data cover also procurement run by natural persons, when its value exceeds 10 thou. PLN. As a result of this, the semi-annual and annual data are not the sum of particular quarters. RO Only yearly data are available. For cereals, potatoes and cow milk data refer to direct sales achieved by all the agricultural producers, in accordance with the producers balances (excluding sales within the agriculture sector, i.e. between the producers themselves). Live weight of animals for slaughter represents the live weight of animals to be slaughtered for consumption. SI The data refer to the quantities of agricultural products, which are sold by companies, co-operatives and other organisations from their own production, or they purchase these products from the farmers. SK Data refer to sales of basic agricultural products from primary producers expressed in weight units. From the year 2003 data for cereals and potatoes are available half-yearly. Industrial production indices, IPI (Table 2.23, 2.24, 2.25.) Coverage BG Annual comprehensive survey in industrial enterprises, which provide data on annual industrial output. Industrial production quarterly survey covers all enterprises with more than 100 employees. Respective data for enterprises with 10 to 100 employees are collected by sample survey and the estimates are expanded for the entire universe. Estimates for enterprises with less than 10 employees are based on information about sales provided by Statistical Register. CY IPI is a Laspeyres index, what covers enterprises with 1 or more employees. The index is calculated from specific indices. The indices of all establishments in the same industry class are weighted with their output values into an index for the industry in question. CZ The IPI is a Laspeyres index that covers enterprises with 20 or more employees engaged - in mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electricity, gas and water supply (according to the NACE classification, section C, D and E). The data are collected by means of a monthly survey (enterprises with 20 or more employees) and cover 88.6% of industrial activity. EE The data were collected from all enterprises with 50 or more employees and from enterprises with less than 50 employees, whose sales in 2000 exceeded 15 million Estonian kroons. HU Enterprises having more than 49 employees are observed by full-scope survey, between 5 and 49 persons by sample survey and below 5 employees the data are estimated from administrative records. The data on branches and sub-branches refer to enterprises with more than 4 employees. LV Monthly surveys on the results of industrial activities are carried out in all enterprises of the public and private sectors where 20 or more persons are engaged in industrial production or where the turnover in previous year was over 300 thou. Latvian Lats. All production of the reporting unit is included in the index. The annual data of industrial activity are collected by surveying all central and local government enterprises with central and local government capital participation and business companies of other ownership forms with 20 or more employees or where net turnover in the previous year had been over 200 thou. Latvian Lats. Other business companies are surveyed applying simple random sampling. LT IPI cover the sold production. The sold production is deflated by price index on the 4-digit level. PL IPI covers the sold production of enterprises which employed more than 5 persons up to 1999 and more than 9 persons since 2000 (monthly survey scope). The monthly survey covers above 90% of total sold industrial production monitored in yearly survey. Sold production is deflated by price index on the 3 figures level. RO The industrial production index is a Laspeyres index which covers enterprises with 50 or more employees and having industry as their main activity (CANE 1010-4100 - Classification of Activities from National Economy). The data are obtained from monthly survey what covers about 4,600 units. The year 1998 is using for the calculation of IPI as a reference year beginning from 1999. Covering degree per total industry is 78.3%. For the calculation of industrial production indices are using 1621 products (INDPROD), for which are registered quantitative data regarding production. Data for years 2000 and 2001 are definitive, and for the years 2002 and 2003 are provisional. SI The industrial production index is a Laspeyres index what covers enterprises with 10 or more employees. The data are collected by means of a monthly survey, which includes approximately 1600 enterprises and their units with a total of about 207 thousand employees and covers approximately 85 percent of the industrial sector. SK It covers minimal 80% of industrial productivity and it comes out of monthly statistics of production of industrial products and is of Laspeyres index of physical volume character. IPI is calculated from the results of statistical surveys in enterprises with industrial prevailing activity with the number of employees 20 and more and in selected enterprises with the number of employees less than 20. The Industrial production index given is not adjusted of number of working days. Methods of weighting BG Indices are calculated from industrial production values at constant 1995 average annual prices. Data are calculated at constant base 2000 = 100. Average month 2000=100. CY The index of each industry at five digits level is weighted with the value added figure for the base year right up to the all industry level (C, D and E). The index is calculated both as an unadjusted index and as an index figure corrected for working days. CZ For calculation of IPI a two-stage weighting scheme is used. Weights for the first stage are proportions of the output volume of measured commodities (representatives) in the total output volume of the group (NACE/4). Weights for the second stage are proportions of the value added created by individual groups (NACE/4) in the total value added created in industry. Until the end of 2001 IPI was calculated on the base year 1995, since 2002 is calculated on the base year 2000. EE The index of industrial production is a Paasche chain index; series are weighted by gross output and weights are changed every year. HU, LT The index of industrial production is a Paasche chain index; series are weighted by gross output and weights are changed every year. Starting from 2002 average month 2000 = 100. LV For the computation of the volume index of industrial production, the Laspeyres type volume index formula is used. Beginning in 2002, value added in industry drawn from the enterprise surveys in 2000 is used as weights in the calculation of the volume index. The average monthly production output in 2000 is used as the basis for comparisons. Index is not seasonally adjusted. Starting from 2002 average month 2000 = 100. PL The index is derived from summing values across categories and calculating changes from year to year for the whole industry. Weights are not used. RO Primary indices of industrial physical output are aggregated by a system of consecutive weightings, using average price of basic year (1998), according to statistics of selected products. For upper aggregation levels (CANE class, group, division or main industrial group) is used the gross value added at the cost of factors (GVACF) from the base year (1998). The first aggregated indices are those at the level of CANE class, the following aggregation levels being determined as a arithmetic weighted mean among indices (of CANE classes, groups, divisions, sections refereed to the new structure), weighted with GVACF corresponding to basic year (1998). SI Output data collected in quantity terms are weighted by the values of invoiced sales in 2000, which were corrected by the share of value added at the branch level (4-digit NACE Rev. 1 level) to which a particular product belongs. The weights are revised every 5 years. The computed indices for the 4-digit level are aggregated to compile composite indices for higher levels. This aggregation is done by weights, which represent the shares of value added for all levels of activities from 4-digit level up. The weights are updated in each year, according to the changes of activity structures. SK For weight specifying there are used data on value added - from annually enterprise survey for the year of 1997 - and on output, in monetary expression, from monthly industrial surveys for the year of 2000 according to the PRODCOM classification, which was set-up in the year 2000. For this reason industrial production volume indices are not available for the base year 1995. According to statistics of selected products average month of year 2000 = 100. Industrial productivity volume indices (Table 2.26.) CY Industrial productivity index is calculated as the ratio of value added at constant prices and the number of persons employed in the industry. CZ Since 2001 industrial productivity index is calculated from receipts of industrial activity. The data for preceding years were corrected retrospectively. HU The data refer to the economic entities with more than 4 employees. EE Industrial production index divided by index of persons employed. LT Industrial productivity index covers mining, quarrying and manufacturing. Industrial productivity data relate industrial production per 1 employee. LV The ratio between the industry production volume index and the index of the average number of industrial employees engaged in industrial production. PL The ratio between the industrial sold production index and the index of in paid employment in industry. Until 1999 data relate to entities with more than 5 employees, since 2000 – more than 9 employees. RO Data are calculated as 1998 reference and structure year. SI The productivity index is expressed as a ratio between the industrial production volume index and the index of persons in paid employment. SK The ratio of receipts from industrial activity to the average registered number of employees. Data are calculated as 2000 reference and structure year. Construction output volume indices (Table 2.27.) BG Annual data are based on annual exhaustive survey in construction enterprises. Quarterly indices are derived on the basis of quarterly surveys, which are (i) exhaustive surveys - for construction enterprises with 30 and more employees. (ii) stratified sample surveys - for construction enterprises with 5 to 29 employees; (iii) estimates - for construction enterprises with less than 5 employees. For the years 2002 and 2003 the data are preliminary. CZ Data for all construction enterprises registered in the country. EE The index is based on the deflated value of production. All construction enterprises registered in the country are covered by the index. HU Data on construction activities - in case of enterprises with more than 49 employees are surveyed on a full- scope basis, the enterprises with 5-49 employees are observed with stratified sampling, on the basis of representatives; the activity of enterprises with less than 5 employees is estimated. Quarterly data derive from the monthly survey and are preliminary. LV Data on construction are obtained by surveying all central and local government enterprises, companies with central and local government capital participation and business companies of other ownership forms that employ 50 or more persons and where net turnover in the previous year exceeded 300 thou. Latvian Lats. Data on other companies are obtained by simple random sampling. Indices are calculated from data in constant prices. Data on construction are based on quarterly surveys. LT Calculations are based on quarterly surveys. All state and municipality construction enterprises, private enterprises employing 20 and more persons are included in the survey. Data of enterprises employing less than 20 employees are estimated on annual data. PL Until 1999 data refer to construction and assembly enterprises with more than 5 employees; since 2000- more than 9 employees. RO Quarterly data are obtained by the survey in enterprises with construction as main activity, observing all those with 20 employees and over and a sample of smaller units. The own account construction activity (of enterprises with other main activity and of population) is estimated based on the data of the previous year. Yearly data are collected both for construction enterprises and for the own account construction activities. SI Indices are calculated from value added at 2000 constant prices. SK Construction production realised at the territory of the Slovak Republic and in abroad by supplier construction enterprises and establishments of non-construction enterprises with prevailed construction activity registered in the Slovak Republic (including small tradesmen). Indices are calculated from data in constant prices (average of year 2000 = 100). Retail trade turnover volume indices (Table 2.28.) BG Data refer to turnover concerning goods and services of enterprises whose main activity is included in NACE codes 50, 52. For the years 2002 and 2003 the data are preliminary. CY Retail sales volume index covers all activities classified in NACE 50 (except 50.2 and 50.4) and all activities classified in NACE 52 (except 52.46). CZ Indices of sales of goods, own products and services for enterprises whose principal activity is classified in NACE 50, 52. EE Retail sales volume index for enterprises whose principal activity is classified in NACE 50, 52. The price index of respective commodity is used for calculating the retail sales volume index in constant prices. HU Retail outlets are belonging to one of the following activities of NACE, Rev.1: 50.1, 50.3, 50.4, 50.5, 51.1 ÷ 52.6. LV Retail trade turnover is surveyed in enterprises where retail trade is either the main or a secondary activity (plus value added tax). NACE 50 (excluding 50.2) and 52 (excluding 52.7). LT Retail volume (VAT excluded) covers enterprises whose principal activity is classified in NACE 50, 52. PL Until 1999 data cover entities with more than 5 employees, since 2000 – more than 9 employees. RO Referring to enterprises with retail trade as main or secondary activity. Beginning 1997, the volume indices are calculated for the total turnover of the enterprises having as main activity the retail trade corresponding to NACE 52 based on a monthly survey. From January 2000, turnover volume indices are calculated as compared to the average of year 1999=100, and since January 2003 reference base is 2000=100. The data for quarter I 2003 are provisional. SI The data are obtained with the monthly survey of enterprises whose main activity is retail trade (NACE Rev. 1:52 without 52.7), including sale of motor vehicles and fuels and repair and maintaining of motor vehicles (NACE, Rev. 1: 50). Indices at current prices are deflated with appropriate retail price indices, from 2000 with consumer price indices. SK Until 1999 activity is included in NACE 50, 52, 55 and 63.3 activity. Since 2000 activity is included in NACE 50, 52 and 55. Indexes are in constant prices of December 2000. Foreign trade volume indices (Table 2.29.) BG Volume indices are calculated by deflating value indices with unit value indices. CZ Data are calculated in national currency value by deflating according to the SITC 2 digits with current weights of the quarter or year concerned. The revised 2002 data were published on April 16, 2003. Preliminary 2003 data were published on May 20, 2003. HU Foreign value indices of 1997 relative to the corresponding period of the previous year are computed with the use of data for 1996 recalculated according to the 1997 methodology. LV Volume indices relative to 1993. LT Goods in transit or temporarily admitted or withdrawn (except goods for inward and outward processing) are excluded in foreign trade statistics. SI Volume indices are calculated by deflating value indices with unit value indices. Data for the year 2002 are provisional. Foreign trade (Table 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33.) Coverage BG Based on single administrative document (SAD). Foreign trade transaction for which SAD is not required, such as: electricity, natural gas, states trade and bunkering are also included in total export and imports. The criterion for referring the foreign trade transaction to a calendar month is the data of acceptance of SAD by the customs authorities. CY Based on the Single Administrative Documents (SAD) filled in during the procedures taking place either when goods cross the national boundaries or when goods cross the customs boundaries. CZ The revised 2002 data were published on April 16, 2003. Preliminary 2003 data were published on May 20, 2003. There are recorded all goods which add to or subtract from the stock of material resources of a country by entering (import) or leaving (export) its economic territory. Goods in transit or temporarily admitted or withdraw (except goods for inward and outward processing) are not included. Economic territory is the same as customs territory. EE The special trade principle covers practically all goods except those in commercial free zones and customs warehouses. HU Data includes the movements of goods entering or leaving the economic territory of the country. The operational leasing and the repair transactions are excluded from foreign trade. LV Foreign trade data are compiled on the basis of information taken from customs declarations and statistical surveys. Apart from customs data, the foreign trade turnover is compiled using monthly statistical surveys on electricity and natural gas exports and imports. Temporary exports and imports repair trade, leasing, goods for diplomatic corps and embassies, and, until 1999, humanitarian aid are excluded from the foreign trade. LT Goods in transit or temporarily admitted or withdraw (except goods for inward and outward processing) are excluded in foreign trade statistics. It is recorded all goods, which add to or subtract from the stock of materials resources: all goods entering the country and all goods leaving the country. PL There are recorded all goods which add to or subtract from the stock of material resources of a country by entering (import) or leaving (export) its economic territory. Goods in transit or temporarily admitted or withdraw (except goods for inward and outward processing) are not included. Economic territory is the same as customs territory. RO Goods exchanges between Romania and other countries, namely: directly imports of goods for consumption, imported goods taken out from customs warehouses or free zones for consumption, exports goods of national origin and nationalised goods and goods imported in financial leasing. Repairs of goods are not included in foreign trade statistics, but they are registered distinctly for national accounts and for Balance of Payments. SI Goods recommended to be excluded from detailed international merchandise trade statistics but recorded separately for national accounts and Balance of Payments purposes are not available from foreign trade statistics. System of trade BG Since January 1st 1999 Special Trade System (relaxed definition) was applied. Data for 1998 are also re- calculated according to this definition. CY, LT General trade system. CZ , HU Special trade system without goods entering or leaving industrial free zones. EE , PL Special trade system. LV Special trade system (relaxed definition). RO Special trade system – relaxed definition (goods entering or leaving free zones are partial included). SI Special trade system - relaxed definition (processing carried out in customs free trade zones is included). SK Special trade system (relaxed definition) without goods entering or leaving free zone and customs warehouse. Statistical value BG, CY, EE, HU, LV, LT, PL, RO, SI Imports: CIF- type value, exports: FOB - type value. CZ Statistical values of imported and exported goods are expressed in FOB prices. SK Statistical values of imported and exported goods are compiled like FOB type value. Currency conversion BG The currency conversion is made using the Bulgarian National Bank official exchange rate for the pre-last Wednesday of the previous month. CY Exchange rates provided by the Central Bank of Cyprus. CZ For the conversion of foreign currencies into Czech Crowns shall be used the foreign exchange rate declared by the Czech National Bank on the second Wednesday of the month preceding in which the customs declaration was accepted. Note: Since 1.07. 2002 there is in force the change of the Customs Act No. 1/2002 (§ 78). EE In the customs declaration the conversion from foreign currency into Estonian kroons is made according to the current exchange rate of the Bank of Estonia on the last working day of the previous month. 1995–1998: The monthly average exchange rate set by the Bank of Estonia is used to convert data from the national currency into USD. HU The cross-rates of exchanges valid on Monday of the week preceding the day of the customs clearance quoted by the National Bank of Hungary are used for conversion of values to national currency. LT Current exchange rates of the Bank of Lithuania. LV The exchange rate set by the Bank of Latvia at the day of filling-in the SAD document is used to convert data from Latvian Lats into USD. PL Current exchange rates of the National Bank of Poland. RO The average exchange rate of the Bank of Romania valid on the day of submission of the customs declarations is used for conversion of values to national currency and USD for statistical purposes (Customs Authorities use exchange rates from every Thursday on next week period). SI The average exchange rate of the Bank of Slovenia valid on the day of submission of the custom declaration is used for conversion of values to national currency and USD and EUR for statistical purposes (Customs Authorities use monthly exchange rates). SK Particular monthly averages of daily exchange rates pronounced by the National Bank of Slovakia are used for conversion of value to USD for statistical purposes (Custom Authorities use exchange rate pronounced on the penultimate Wednesday in month, which foredate the day of imposing of customs debt). Partner country BG, CY, CZ, EE, HU, LT,PL Imports: country of origin, exports: country of destination. LV Exports are classified to the indicated country of ultimate destination and imports to the country of origin. If the country of origin is unknown the country of consignment is indicated. SK, RO For exports is used the principle "destination country" (country where goods will be consumed) and for imports "origin country" (country where the commodity was produced or suffered the last transformation). SI Imports: country of origin. Exports: country of last known destination. Commodity classifications BG, EE Commodities are classified according to Customs tariff, which is based on the Combined Nomenclature (CN). There are conversion tables to SITC, Rev. 3. CZ, PL, SI, SK Standard International Trade Classification (SITC, Rev.3) and Combined Nomenclature (CN). CY Combined Nomenclature (CN). Data are not converted to SITC groups. HU Foreign trade data are collected according to the Hungarian Combined Nomenclature (HCN) which is similar with the EC - CN at eight-digit level. For compilation of data on the commodity structure the data are rearranged according to the SITC Rev.3 using correlation tables. LV Merchandise is classified according to the Latvian Combined Nomenclature. This is a description and coding system on the basis of the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System and the EC Combined Nomenclature. The tables contain code numbers that are given following the names of commodity groups. There are conversion tables to SITC, Rev.3. LT Commodities are grouped according to the Customs Tariff and Foreign Trade Statistics Combined Nomenclature of the Republic of Lithuania, which is based on the EC Combined Nomenclature (CN); SITC, Rev. 3; Broad Economic Categories (BEC) and Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (NACE, Rev. 1). RO Foreign trade data are registered in Romanian customs tariff according to Combined Nomenclature, (which is similar with EC Combined Nomenclature) at 8 figures level. Data by sections of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC, Rev.3) were set up based on the passing tables between this nomenclature and Combined Nomenclature. Comparability of data in time series BG Data for 2002 and 2001 are preliminary. 2000 and 1999 data refer to October 17, 2000 and they are according to the methodology effective since July 1st, 2000. CZ Since 1999 data are according to the methodology effective since 01.07.2000. EE All the data in time series are comparable. HU Since 1997 there are no essential changes in the comparability of the data. LV There are no important changes in the comparability of the data. PL No important changes in the comparability of foreign trade data after 1992. RO Since 1991 there are not the major changes for comparability of foreign trade data. Data for 1999 were rectified by reducing exports by 16.0 million USD and by supplementing imports CIF by 161.6 million USD. This was the result of corrections carried out by General Customs Directorate, after customs offices checked the evaluation of goods included in commercial operations of financial leasing, as well as, of some ships. SI There were no important changes in the comparability of foreign trade data after 1992. In 1996 new customs legislation came into force (introduction of Single Administrative Document- SAD, Combined Nomenclature - CN, the new Customs Law with new customs procedures). Nevertheless the best possible comparability of data before and after 1996 has been achieved. After 1996 there were some minor changes in coverage connected with changes in customs procedures; in 1998 returned goods were included in the indicator coverage. SK The data for 1999, 2000 and 2001 are definitive; data for 2002 and 2003 are preliminary, processed according to the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic no. 251/2001. Freight and passengers transport (Table 2.34, 2.35.) BG Freight road transport data refer to the transport for hire or reward only. Freight road transport data for 1998 and 1999 are based on the old methodology, while since 2000 onward are obtained on the basis of the conducted survey on freight road transport according to the EC Regulation. Pipeline transport includes data for oil natural gas transported through Bulgaria. Passenger road transport data refer to bus and coach transport operators (only transport for hire or reward). Maritime and inland waterway transport data refer to the Bulgarian transport operators only; for 2002 WT ferries operator are not included. Air transport data for 2002 will be published later on, according to the Ordinance on statistical data collection for the civil aviation in Bulgaria. CZ Road passengers transport – public bus transport does not include local public transport. At the present, Czech Republic does not own any seagoing ships. EE In freight transport only the enterprises whose main activity (NACE 601, 602, 61, 62) was rendering of transport services were surveyed. The data on the carriage of goods (NACE 6024) by road with trailers are received by using the method of sample survey. All state and municipal enterprises, as well as enterprises with more than 19 employees are observed totally. Sample survey is applied to remaining enterprises. In passenger transport only the enterprises whose main activity (NACE 601, 602, 61and 62) was rendering of transport services were surveyed. Passenger transport by passenger cars is not included; passenger transport by taxis is included only partly. There is no oil pipeline transport in Estonia. HU From 1998 the survey on transport performances in full-scope for the enterprises operating in the transport sector, except for transport of goods by road and inland waterways (from 2001). The data on transport of goods by road cover the transport services performances and the transport activity on own account by goods road motor vehicles (up to 2001 with loading capacity of 1 tonne or more and from 2002 of 3.5 tonnes or more) of enterprises listed to and out of sector of transport of goods by road. The survey is representative and based on the stratified random sampling. The number of registered goods road motor vehicles grosses data up. Oil pipeline transport also includes the natural gas pipeline transport. As from 2001, in compliance with the requirements of the EU legislation, the data of transport of goods by inland waterways cover the goods transport performances of Hungarian and foreign ships on the Hungarian section of inland waterways. Passengers transport includes the inland waterway transport. LV (Table 2.34.) Oil transport through pipelines, also includes oil products transport. The process of gradual re- registration of Latvian cargo ships under foreign flags took place until 1998; therefore data on cargo transportation by these vessels are not collected any more. (Table 2.35.) Road passengers transport includes only passenger transport by buses including urban passenger transport. LT (Table 2.34.) Inland waterway transport includes ferries. Only vessels registered in the country. RO For road freight transport, since 1998 the coverage and the method of data collection were changed as against previous years. The survey covers transport of goods on own account and on others account by road transport motor vehicles of 3.5. tons and over. Transport of passengers comprises also river transport. Road transport of passengers does not include transport of passengers by taxi. Sea transport of goods refers to transport by ships under Romanian flag. SI Since 2001 under road goods transport we cover selected business subjects (legal and natural persons) which are owners, leaseholders or managers of registered goods motor vehicles with at least one tonne of load capacity for hire or reward and own account. Data for 1995–2000 are estimated on the basis of the previous survey on road goods transport, pilot projects performed in 1999 and 2000, the current survey on transport of goods by road, data on cross-border traffic of goods vehicles, results of the road census and data on business subjects performing road goods transport. Road passengers transport: Only transport for hire or reward is taken into account. Transport of passengers by taxis, buses by independent transports and passengers cars is not included. SK (Table 2.35.) Data for 2000 year are preliminary. Road public transports for transport operators with transport as a main activity; including urban passengers transport. Maritime transport including water transport. International tourism (Table 2.36.) CZ Starting 1997 including estimates for accommodation establishments, which did not submit the questionnaire or were not, included in the sample. EE In accommodation statistics, the population of enterprises includes enterprises whose main activity as defined by the Estonian Classification of Economic Activities (EMTAK- based on NACE Rev.1) is: 551-hotels; 552- camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation, and enterprises which provide accommodation services as a secondary activity and which have been entered in the list of accommodation establishments of tourist information centres. Arrivals of foreign tourists in accommodation establishments EE, HU, LV, Data refer to collective accommodation establishments. RO, SK PL Data include collective accommodation establishments and agrotourism lodgings. In 1999 – estimated data. Overnight stays of foreign tourists in accommodation establishments EE, HU, LV, Data refer to collective accommodation establishments. RO, SK PL Data include collective accommodation establishments and agrotourism lodgings. In 1999 - estimated data. Overnight stays of foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments EE All the collective accommodation establishments 1998-2001. Starting from 2002, overnight stays of foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments. Average number of nights spent by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments EE All the collective accommodation establishments 1998-2001. Starting from 2002, average number of nights spent by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments. Number of bed-places in hotels and similar establishments EE All the collective accommodation establishments 1998-2001. Starting from 2002, number of bed-places in hotels and similar establishments. Net occupancy rate of beds in hotels and similar establishments CZ Permanent beds only EE RO All the collective accommodation establishments 1998-2001. Starting from 2002, net occupancy rate of beds in hotels and similar establishments. All the collective accommodation establishments.