FEBRUARY, 1966 NUMBER 2 VOLUME 38 MAKIJA KKANJC-FISCHINGEK Mezzo-soprano hi the spotlight at the Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Benefit ( Concert March 13, 1966 at the Slovenian National Home •>n St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland. ()hio. ik vtT J,4 ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION ZARJA - THE DAWN % Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act oj August 24, 1912. ficial Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America radno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. VOL. XXXVIII — No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1966 LETO XXXVIII — Št. 2 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUI Spiritual Adviser—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. « * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. President—ANTONIA TUREK, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago, Illinois 60608 Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. Director of Women's Sports Activities: ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicaeo 8, Illinois Director of Youth Activities: LOUISE EPLEY, 20294 Emery Rd., Cleveland. 28. O. Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR. 2032 W. Cermak. Chicago 8, Illinois SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. 'JCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, S830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. Slate President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K. K., Cudahy, Wis. State President of Ohio-Michigan— MARY BOSTI AN, 19617 Mohawk Ave., Euclid 19, O. State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND. Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, Pres. HERMINE DICKE, Sec’y ANTONIA TUREK 3717 Council Crest ALBINA NOVAK Madison, Wis. S3 70S * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60608 Tel. Bishop 7-2014 DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Feb. 10 — Valentine Party, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. March 13 - Benefit Concert, S.W.U. Scholarship Fund, Slov. Nat’l Home, Cleveland, Ohio March 20 — Eastern Get-Together Bowling Tournament, Euclid, Ohio March 2(i-27 — Midwest Annual Bowling Tournament, Joliet, Illinois April 17 30th Anniversary Mass, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio at St. Jude’s Church April 24 — OHIO - MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, S.D.D. Hall on Prince Ave., 2:00 P.M. May 1 — 30th Anniversary Banquet, Br. 73 at Amer. Legion Hall, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio May 8 — Corporate Communion for Memebers, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. at St. Mary’s, 7:30 a.m. May 12 —■ Mother’s Day Party, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. June 6 — Pot Luck Supper, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O. July 17 — Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, Lemont, 111. Franciscan Shrine HAPPY HI RT II DAY //V FEBRUARY! Supreme Officers: Feb. 5 - Rose Kraemer, State Pres, of Wis., Cudahy, Wis. Feb. 12 — Vicki Faletič, Supreme Auditor, Cleveland, Ohio Branch Presidents: Feb. 8 — Mary Kuzma, Br. 88, Johnstown, Pa. Feb. 11 - Frances Sietz, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 19 — Sophie Sorcan, Br. 90, Presto, Pa. Feb. 23 — Helen Tomazic, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Feb. 2*4 Agnes Pogline, Br. 63, Denver, Colo. Feb. 28 — Katherine Slogar, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Sept. 12 — Cook-Out, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio Oct. 27 Annual Birthday Dinner Celebration, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio Oct. 30 — 40th Anniversary Banquet, Br. 2, Chicago, III. Dec. 5 — Christmas Party, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, O. Dec. 11 — Christmas Party for Juniors, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS ! 1966 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS The Slovenian Women’s Union will again offer $200.00 scholarship grants to not only two students as customary, but to FOUR of the most qualified high school graduate applicants who need financial assistance, thus to memorialize the 40th anniversary of our organization. The applicant, if a girl, must he a member at least six months and, if a boy, his mother, grandmother or a sister must be a member of our organization. Applicants will be required to submit a transcript of their academic record. Please request Application Forms as soon as possible since they are to be completed and returned before March 30th. The scholarship awards will be given to the FOUR winners after a verification of their enrollment at an accredited college or university is received. For further information and Applications please write to: Mrs. Hermine M. Dicke, Sec’y Scholarship Committe 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 Študentje Višje Šole Pozor! Razpis Šolnin Slovenske Ženske Zveze Za Leto 1966 SŽZ zopet nudi šolninske nagrade v znesku $200 in to ne samo dvema, ampak to leto štirim kvalificiranim študentom zadnjega leta Višje šole. V počastitev 40 letnice Zveze, bodo to leto podeljene štiri šolninske nagrade. Prosilci, če dekle, mora biti članica Zveze vsaj zadnjih šest mesecev, če pa je fant, zadostuje, da je njegova mati, stara mati, ali sestra članica naše organizacije. Prosilci morajo predložiti svoje rede, da dokažejo, da so dobri študentje. Prosilne pole, morete dobiti sedaj, če pišete na spodnji naslov in prošnje morajo biti vložene pred 30. marcem. Nagrade bodo prejeli, potem ko bo univerza v katero se vpišejo izdala potrdilo o vpisu. Za nadaljnje informacije in za prošnje pišite na naslov: Mi rs. Hermine M. Dicke., taj. Šolninskega Odbora 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wis. 53711 SCHOLARSHIP BEHEFIT CONCERT MARCH 13th IN CLEVELAND The S.W.U. Scholarship Fund is a way to help worthy students who wish to continue their education and desire financial help. Dozens of young students have already been helped through the S. W.U. Scholarship Fund and many more will be helped in the future. It only remains for the members to support the cause in any way they can. The members of Cleveland, Ohio are inviting everyone in that area to attend the Scholarship Benefit Concert, March 13, 1966 at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, at which time they will present Marija Kranjc Fischinger, mezzo-soprano in a program of beautiful singing. She will delight you with an entertaining program of operatic, classical1, semi-classical and folksongs. Tickets for the concert may be obtained through the Supreme President, Antonia Turek, State President, Mary Bostian or at the Jo-Ann Sweet Shoppe, 409 St. Clair Ave., in the National Home Building. With your help, this will be not only a successful cultural event, but at the same time, a means of helping our future S.W.U. scholarship students. — Editor. Supreme President’s Message RUBY CAMPAIGN Salutations to the twenty-seven branches who have enrolled one hundred and nine new members in the Ruby Campaign! I was very happy to see such a nice enrollment so early in the campaign and wish that the other Branches who haven’t done their part until now will get busy. There are only two more months to do so. Deadline for new members in the Ruby Campaign is April 1, 19GG! SCHOLARSHIP BENEFIT CONCERT Scholarship Benefit Concert by Marija Kranjc-Fischinger of Chicago is being sponsored by the Combined Cleveland branches and will be held on March 13, 1966 at the Slovenian Nationl Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio at 3 P.M. The soloist, Marija Kranjc-Fischinger is a member of br. 2. Delegates and visitors to the last convention in 1964 will remember hearing her sing. They were very impressed with her beautiful voice and personality, to me she sings like a bird! Admission to the Benefit Concert is $2.00 and $1.50. Tickets can be obtained from the Branch Officers and the following: State President, Mary Bostian, 19617 Mohawk Ave., Euclid, Ohio, IV 1-4710; Jo-Ann Sweet Shoppe, 6409 St. Clair Ave. (National Home Building); and yours truly, at my address, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wick-liffe, Ohio, telephone 944-3996. We are appealing to all branches of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan to help in the sale of tickets to make this concert a great success. And you will be so happy you attended the concert yourself, as it will be an afternoon of beautiful music you will long remember. Besides enjoying the listen-able singing of Maria, you will be helping promote S.W.U Scholarships for our students which is a MOST WORTHWHILE VENTURE! We must help our students reach their goals and higher education is the only way. S.W.U. is planning on giving two extra scholarships this year, in honor of the 40th anniversary. We have appealed to every member and every branch to do your part in supporting the Scholarship Fund to make it grow. In Cleveland, we shall be doing our part this way. I hope each and every member will take it as a personal duty to do something for the Scholarship Fund. If attending the Concert Is your way, wonderful! If you can do more, we urge you to do so. As of Jan 1st, Mrs. Prisland reported a total of less than $200 among the new donations for the Scholarship Fund. I hope each branch will really get interested in this cause and send in all they can to aid our young students. You are urged to plan a social activity or some other project to gather funds as your contribution. Mail all donations to Mrs. Prisland. It is a most fitting way to celebrate 40 years of the Slovenian Women’s Union — to give a chance to our young women and men. A most self-less cause and one worthy of the effort of every member! EASTERN BOWLERS GET TOGETHER MARCH 20th The Pallisade I^anes, 1331 East 260th St., Euclid, Ohio is the location of this year’s Eastern Get Together Bowling Tournament. This modem: 32 lane establishment is right between Euclid Ave. and Lakeland or Freeway. Starting time for teams is 3 P.M. sharp. To all bowlers interested but not yet placed on a tournament team, please contact either Alyce Arko or yours truly and we shall see to it that you are entered. Three-game series will be bowled on a 80% handicap basis. A fee of $3.25 per bowler Is asked for your bowling, prizes and luncheon. After games are rolled, lunch will be served and prizes awarded. One member of each team is asked to bring a specialty of hers in baked goods. These items will be contributed to the luncheon. It is a very enjoyable time and especially so with the variety of delicous baked goods. Most of all, everyone is looking for a taste of something new, and the recipe for it! So, we welcome you all to join the fun of this tournament. If you cannot bowl, come along and cheer for your team. Score-keepers are always in demand, too, so to save time looking for qualified score-keepers, we will appreciate very much if each team would provide one. Entries will be sent out to all previous captains, so bowlers, please get in touch with them! Deadline for entries is March 5, 1966. Mail them in to me at my address, 986 Bryn Mawr, Wickliffe, Ohio, 44092, telephone 944-3996. CONGRATULATIONS TO BRANCHES 70 AND 71 I Celebrating their 30th anniversaries this month are branches 70, West Aliquippa, Pa. and 71, Strabane, Pa., home of our Penna State President, Mary Tomsic. Both branches were organized by Ann Petrich in the southern Ohio and Pennsylvania areas. Congratulations to all officers and members! NEWS FROM WASHINGTON And, we continue to have good news from our Branch No. 102 at Washington, D.C. Slovenian Women’s Union is happy to have you with us, and may your branch prosper and grow. At our last convention it was decided that our next convention in 1967 be held at Washington, D.C. not realizing that members would form a new branch there in the meantime. Good luck to the organizer, Irene Planinšek, all the officers and members. We’ll be meeting you next year! JUNIORS ARE BUSY, TOO Compliments to our Juniors on the fine work they are doing. Looking through the Zarja-The Dawn magazine, I see the fine work by our young members. Kathy Dicke, age 13 years, composed a fine work of art which was in the last issue. She expressed all the work of the SW.U in the 40 years of existence. She is the granddaughter of our Founder, Mrs. Prisland and daughter of Hermine Dicke, our columnist with Pots, Pans and Pastimes. We hope that we will see more of Kathy’s fine work for our Junior Page and continue following in the footsteps of her grandmother and mother. Newly-organized Baton Twirlers of Euclid, Ohio are also doing a tremendous job. They participated in our Slovenian Day Oct. 17th and also in the Christmas Parade in Euclid. We are very proud of all our Juniors for their fine work and congratulations to their supervisors, Ann Cooke and Mary Bostian. Also, I better not forget Pauline Vegal who is busy every Saturday with her Junior Bowling League. To these three ladies who give up much of their time to keep our Cleve-land-area Juniors active and our Zveza in the limelight, our thanks and best wishes. A Happy Valentine Day to all and Happy Birthdays and Anniversaries to all celebrants in February. Speedy recovery to good health to all ailing. Toni Turek TRAVELING WITH CHRIST Travel posters are pleasant things. Even tho there’s little likehood of our actually taking a trip to the colorful sights advertised, they see our imagination soaring; and to dream costs nothing. The Church too, seems to be travel-minded during the season of Lent. But it isn’t exactly travel for entertainment. According to the Gospel, Jesus “took aside the Twelve and said to them: ‘Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem’.” By modem standards, the journey from Galilee to Jerusalem — about 80 miles as the crow flies — would scarcely qualify as travel. But a five or six day journey on foot, over primitive roads, in uncertain weather, with 110 restaurants or motel accomodations, is not a pleasure jaunt. It would make most of us hesitate. The welcome Jesus was to receive on arrival, moreover, Jesus clearly foresaw: “The son of Man will be delivered to the Gentiles, and will be mocked and scourged and spat upon; and after they have scourged Him, they will put Him to Death.” This was to be the decisive journey of His life. For this He came to earth. And He invited his apostles to accompany Him. That invitation He extends to us too. Lent is a special way of our journey with Christ; our goal is to assist at His crucifixion and death — and resurrection — during Holy week and Easter. Our entire life is a journey, a pilgrimage. Citizens of heaven, sojurners on earth, St. Peter calls us; and the very word “parishioners” means “sojourner”; since our true home is with our Father in heaven our entire life is merely a stop-over, a short journey to our goal. Lent, however, in a very special way points up the fact that we are pilgrims. For seven weeks we walk with Christ, in response to His invitation, “Let us go up to Jerusalem.” Then penance, the fasting, and all the other extras of Lent are the hardships of the journey; they are the price we have to pay if we are to be in His intimate company, and share in His saving death and rising. And as pilgrims wear a cross, or some other distinctive badge of their pilgrimage, so the Church gives us the cross of ashes on Ash Wednesday. We carry it gladly, for the world to see: it means that we have pledged our-j selves to walk with Christ during Lent. But even after we have washed off the ashes, we know that to the eyes of God and His angels the mark is still on our foreheads. We have a journey to make, under the sign of the Cross. No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — As we enter Year 1966 the officers wish all members a Happy and Blessed New Year. This is a summary of our branch progress for the last six months. Total membership is 246. New members from July 1st are: Mesdames Mary Jakum and Sylvia Drexler, also Miss Jane Ziegenhorn and John R. Plesetz. A. hearty welcome to our organization. Let each one of us try and enroll a new member for the Ruby Campaign. The card party last September was very successful and a good number of chance books were sold. Thank you officers and members who with your untiring efforts made this possible. The annual meeting was well attended. The officers elected for 1966 are; Olga Saye, president; Mary God-ez, vice-president; Mary Vertacic, treasurer; Anna Modiz, recording secretary and Margaret Fischer, secretary. Auditors: Amelia Zunter, Mary Krainz and Christine Sterk. Sentinel: Mary Brezonik. Our Spiritual Advisor Rev. Janies Schlaffer gave us an inspiring Christmas message. Our sincere thanks to Mary Sauchak for her services as past vice-pres. Reporters re-elected are Mary Godez and Mary Vertacic. A sum of $30.00 was donated to the Scholarship Fund drive. Any additional donations by members will be appreciated. The kitchen committee is as follows: Dorothy Brezonik assisted by Dorothy Kregel, Emma Kotnik, Mary Godez and Antoinette Brulla. Telephone Committee are: Mary Godez, Ruth Sheck, Frances Krolnik, Marianne Gustaveson, Anna Modiz, Mary Vertacic, Amelia Mueller, Rose Ocvirk and Margaret Fischer. We appreciate their good will. A discussion was held on the approaching Slovenian Women’s Union 40th anniversary and state convention our branch will be celebrating in September with a dinner and a Program. A committee was selected. More on this will follow later in the Zarja. Mother’s Day program will be held °n our meeting date in May. Mrs. Marie Prisland and Mrs. Olga Saye will be in charge. Our Mother of the Year is charter member, Antoinette Brulla. Our meeting dates will remain a-Kain 3rd Sunday of each month. A get-well wish to our sick and shut-in members. I still have a few copies of our Cookbook Woman’s Glory on hand. Hope to see you at our next meeting February 20th. May you all enjoy good health and God be with you. Margaret Fischer, Sec’y No. 2, Chicago, III. — Plans for our 40th anniversary celebration were out lined at the January meeting. It will be a banquet on Oct. 30, 1966 at St. Stephen’s Gym Hall. All further details about the scrumptious dinner that will be prepared and all the other activities connected with that day will be reported later We had installation of officers with Mary Hozian as our installing officer. President is Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, completing now her 20th year as president; vice-president is Stephanie Osterman; secretary is Albina Novak, treasurer is Elizabeth Zefran, rec. secretary is Corinne Leskovar, auditors are Sophie Petrovič, Mitzie Krapence and Frances Zibert; sentinel is Luba Troha and hostess is Ann Zorko. We have Father Thomas as our spiritual advisor. The Junior’s Christmas Party on Dec. 19th was a grand affair with 84 gifts given out to our youngsters un- der the age of 10. Thanks go to Liz Zefran for the selection of beautiful and expensive gifts which were all obtained at less than cost, due to her “know-how”! The children really were treated royally at the party with, besides the lovely gifts, calces, chocolate milk, a gay program featuring a large cast of singers, dancers, actors and topped by the visit of Santa Claus and his little elf, “Phroomf!” We enlisted the help of the families of our officers and without a large crew of these young people, it would have been impossible to fix up the hall and stage so beautifully. Thanks to the Novak family, Messrs. R. Nuško, R. Rakovec, Joe and David Cerjak, and Ed Bogolin family. Members are urged to utilize their spare time this winter doing handwork for our booth at Lemont Zveza Day July 17th. All these items will be gratefully accepted. The Bowling Tournament is schedul- READY FOR THE TOURNEY? “O, PROMISE ME” It was a beautiful wedding September 18, 1965 when the former Miss Adrienne Nanette Tome wed Mr. Gaylord S. Donofrio at St. John De LaSalle Church on Chicago's south side. Adrienne, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Tome, 643 E. 101st PI., Chicago 28, III., is a member of Br. 2, since the age of 2 years. Her mother, Mrs. Evelyn Tome, is a member of the S.W.U. for 28 years and a younger daughter, Pamela, Is a lifelong member. Few families can match that record. Heartiest wishes to the young couple who have embarked on the road of life together and to the faithful Tome family. God bless you all1. — N. ed for March 26-27 at Joliet. We hope many of you will bowl or come to cheer on your teams, If not able to bowl. Besides the others, we have a number of young grandmothers who join us each year for the special teams and I’m sure they’ll be with us again to make a nice big entry from Chicago. The members wish to extend the best to Anna Stare who fell and hurt herself seriously and to all our Invalid members. Mrs. Winter was visited this month by the president and Fanny Zibert has been spreading sunshine around with her visits to sick members. We are having a Valentine Party at the Feb. meeting on the 10th and this will be the celebration of Jan. Feb. and March birthdays, too. Make plans to be with us, for certain, and enjoy an hour with your sisters of Br. 2. Beet to all! Corinne Leskovar No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — The annual meeting of Branch No. 7, Forest City, Pa., was held in December at the home of secretary, Josephine Gos-tisha. The following officers were elected for the year 1966: No. 2, Chicago, III., Bowling News. — Half of the season is over for the S.W.U. Chicago bowling league, but first place is still up for “grabs.” The new year found Marquette Service station ahead again, with a record of 34 wins and 20 losses. Running a close second and third were Barbara’s Beauty Shop, 33-21, and Reliance Federal, 32-22. To add to the excitement of the month, Carol Waitkus led our league in Chicagoland’s Beat the Champs tournament and emerged as house leader. She shot 528 and added a 128-pin handicap, for a 657 series. She will represent Townhall bowling lanes in the women’s semi-finals of the tournament soon. Carol bowls for Barbara’s Beauty Shop. Last month we inadvertently omitted the winners of Thanksgiving turkeys. The lucky bowlers were L. Ovnik, G. Schiffler, M. Stuck, G. Norman and L. Putzell. This month we bowled for bottles of Christmas “spirits” and E. Statkus, C. Gospo, C. Waitkus, F. Smulski and A. Vucko, who recently returned to bowling, took them home. The turkeys and bottles were given by Townhall to the bowlers who shot the most pins over average on their respective set of alleys. Marquette’s 2851 series and Zarja’s 1024 game still lead in the high team categories, while S. Gorka’s 678 series and C. Tomazin’s 260 game remain leaders in the high individual categories. Railroad pick-ups this month: A. Fingerhut, 4-7-10; L. Putzell, 4-8-10; A. Vucko, 3-7-10; B. Zurek and A. Post, 5-7; K. Esposito, 4-10, and G. Meinder. soma, 5-10. Barbara Zurek Mrs. Anna Kameen, President; Mary J. Kameen, Vice President; Josephine Gostisha, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Mary Kotar and Mary J. Kameen, Auditors; Rev. Andrew Krusinski, Spiritual Advisor. At this meeting it was decided to have the monthly meetings for 1966 every first Sunday of the month at the home of secretary, Mrs. Josephine Gostisha, 1010 North Main St., at 2 P.M. All members are welcomed. Those of you who cannot attend the meetings and owe back dues, please pay as soon as possible, we have come into a New Year and we would like all members to be paid in full. It would be good if members who cannot attend meetings would try to pay dues at least three months in advance; it would be much easier than to wait months and then the amount gets too big and seems too much to pay. Our secretary must send dues to headquarters every month and she cannot use her own money. No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling Report. — The bowling members of Br. 20 held their annual Christmas party recently at Pastori’s Restaurant. Decorating the site were garlands of red tapers, holly bows, miniature trees, dolls, potted poinsettias and a large brightly decorated Christmas tree. Later, Santa Claus (in the person of Mr. Joe Gregoiy) distributed the gifts to all the members. Evelyn Gregory and Elaine Panian were two of the best photographers as the slides turned out just wonderful. Later games were played and prizes awarded to members. I’m sure that everyone had a good time. Our special chairman, Jo Mlakar, and her group certainly did a wonderful job as usual. Mary Rudman, Rep. BOWLERS MEET FOR 30TH MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT MAR. 26-27, 1966 at RIVALS LANES, JOLIET, ILL. All entries are due March 1st! Contact Midwest Bowling Association Secretary, Mrs. Liz Zefran, 1941 W. Cer-mak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608; VI 7-6688. EASTERN GET - TOGETHER TOURNAMENT SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1966 Pallisade Lanes, Euclid, Ohio For Entries, see Mrs. Turek or Alyce Arko, of Br. 15. As it is, she is a widow and must live on a small income, herself. Congratulations to our spiritual advisor, Father Krusinski who celebrated the 20th anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Priesthood on Dec. 20, 1965. God Bless you Father. Also belated birthday wishes to oui secretary, Mrs. Gostisha who celebrated another birthday Jan. 1. Happy New Year to all, ailing and well! Miss Mary J. Kameen No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. — May you all enjoy a bounty of good health in the year 1966. Unhappiness visited the home of sister, Pauline Verzuch, who lives in Montana. Pauline’s grandson, Bill Sav-oren was killed in Vietnam, serving with the 3rd Marine Division for the past 10 months. He would have celebrated his 20th birthday Dec. 19th. II seems so strange to have so much r S.W.U. SCHOLARSHIP FUND In November issue of ZARJA an appeal was made for contributions into Scholarship Fund to make possible the granting of four scholarships this year in commemoration of the 40tli anniversary of our organization. To date $402.00 was contributed by the Supreme officers, branches and friends. This amount is far from what is needed and what was expected. Besides the combined branches from Ohio, which donated $50.00, only four individual branches have responded. We sincerely hope that soon the other branches will realize what a wonderful help a scholarship is to our young students and will do their part. THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: Marie Prisland Antonia Turek No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Our Janu-a>'y meeting was concerned with the >'eading of Financial Report of 1965 and the installation of the new officers. Congratulations are in order to Mrs. Mary Stražišar — our Vice President — on becoming a grandmother again. Sympathy and prayers are extended to Mary Grajzar. Her husband pas- sorrow come from a place that was unknown to us and remote as could be just a few years ago. I know Bill’s father, Bill Savoren, Sr. since birth and I know the closeness of this fine family. Togetherness was the keynote of this group. But, at least it’s good to know his sacrifice is not in vain; a kind of life much better than ever known will be won for those people of Viet Nam, and young Bill will have played a most important Part despite the high cost. May God bless this fine family and make the loss a little easier knowing we are all with them in prayer. Young Bill’s mom and dad live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Ann Stark, at this writing, is in hospital. She suffered a set back; but, lighter that she Is, she is on her way to good health once again. Take it easy, Gal! We miss you, so hurry and get well. Mary Slanec, past president, is ill at Notre Dame Hospital. Mary has had a rough time of it these past few years. But, we hear she, too, is feeling better. Nice going, Mary. Bocause of the lack of interest these Past few months, it has been proposed that we meet every three months rather than monthly. Our attendance has been very poor of late, so come on girls! It’s on the first Thursday of the month and we need you to voice an opinion. We want an active group and a really hustle-bustle branch! It’s up to you. Fran Chiodo, Rep. No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Happy New Year to each and every one of you, with the hope that you all stay well during the coming year. Our annual meeting and Christmas party was very well attended. Our president, Marion Marolt, was absent due to illness and we extend best wishes to her for a speedy recovery from the officers and members. The vice-president, Vicki Kastelic, presided at the meeting and did a very good job. We would like to see many more faces at the coming meetings. The officers were re-elected for 19-G6. Honorary President is Josephine Schlosar. President is Marion Marolt, Vice-President is Vicki Kastelic; Secretary, Marie A. Floryan; Treasurer, Frances Piwoni; Recording Sec’y, Rose Schubert; Auditors, Josephine Imperl, Josephine Nimmers and Mathilda Muren. Rev. M. J. Setnicar is Spiritual Advisor. The Mother of the Year was chosen and she is Josephine Nimmer, a charter member, holding the office of auditor. She is well-deserving of his honor. Meetings will be held as usual every 3rd Sunday of the month at 2 P. Albina Novak sed away recently; and, also to Rose Marn and Rose Schmidt on the death of Frank Marn. At the meeting the following made donations to the Good-time fund: Angela Kern, Vida Kuhar, Mary Krnel, Jennie Krajacic, Josephine Cebul, Rose Rupert, Mary Simončič. Our Juniors, combined with other Euclid, Ohio S.W.U. branches — are known as: "S.W.U. Twirlettes” — were requested to march in the Euclid, Ohio Christmas Parade, which was held on December 10th, 19G5. The girls were lovely in their new uniforms and they performed very well. Thanks to Cathy and Carol Cooke, who instruct the Juniors every Monday evening. (See photos on Junior Page) In closing, A Happy and Healthy New Year to all. Antoinette Zabukovec M. at St. Mary’s Auditorium, Room 3. No meetings during June, July and August. A dollar donation is asked for the treasury from each member; this will help cover current expenses. Also, 10^ is asked whenever we have a deceased member for the High Mass offering. Two card parties will be sponsored during the year. One will benefit the St. Mary’s Church fund and the second will be for our own treasury, later in the year. Donations will be welcomed for these two big events. A baby gift will be given to the 1st baby born to a member and flowers or a gift will be sent to a mem-mer reporting illness in the hospital. For the deceased member, flowers and an offering of High Mass is given unless otherwise specified. During the year 1965, we had 9 deaths: Anna Godec, Ethel Sudich, Katherine Horvath, Elizabeth Tkavc, Anna Senica, Louise Barborich, Mary Raly, Agatha Zevnik, Mary Schwigel. May they rest In peace. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Mary Schwigel who was a charter member of our branch. May God reward her and grant her eternal rest. Members will receive Holy Communion in a body on Sunday, Mother’s Day at 7:30 A.M. at St. Mary’s Church. I am appealing to all members to please pay their dues promptly and please Include the $1.00 contribution to the treasury plus 10 cents for each deceased member. Distribution of the children’s Christmas presents was made after the business meeting; also exchange of gifts among the members. And at the conclusion, cake and coffee (and wine!) was served. It was all very delicious. Many thanks to the members for their donations not only at this annual meeting, but thru the year. God bless you all. Marie A. Floryan, Sec’y CHICAGOAN IS STARRED AT CLEVELAND CONCERT Concert-goers attending the Slovenian Women’s Union Benefit Concert on March 13, 19GG at Cleveland’s Slovenian National Home will be treated to a delightful afternoon. Starring in this concert is Marija Kranjc-Fischinger, mezzo-soprano of Chicago, Illinois, a member of Br. 2, S.W.U. Her voice has been called unique and the kind infrequently encountered among today’s sopranos. Singing the wide range betwen mezzo and coloratura is quite effortless for this little lady. Her reputation for delighting audiences has reached far and wide since she began her professional career about 5 years ago. She is now known in Minnesota, Milwaukee and Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Joliet and Chicago, Illinois. Marija herself needs no introduction to many members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Those who attended the events connected with the 1964 National Convention in Chicago were thrilled by her presentation of songs at the banquet and at St. Peter’s Church where she sang Slovenian hymns at the special commemorative Mass. Marija Kranjc was born in Yugoslavia and became a resident of Chicago when her family arrived in the U.S. some 15 years ago. She is married to Dr. Peter Fischinger, a young scientist engaged in medical research. Her natural talent for music and voice began at the very early age of 5 years when she made her debut sing- Accepting a bouquet from little Miriam Leskovar after one of her successful performances, Is Maria Kranjc-Fischinger, guest soloist at the S.W.U. Benefit Concert for Scholarships. A diligent student, Marija has grown musically under the watchful guidance of Rev. Fr. Vendelin Spendov, O.F. M., B.A., M.A., the able choirmaster of St. Stephen's Choir, Children's Choir and Youth Choir. ing in a children’s concert in Austria. She has gone through years of advanced study with determination to use her God-given talent to its fullest. Needless to say, she has had the love and inspiration of her family and many friends and colleagues in this regard. Her undergraduate studies were made at De Paul University School of Music where she was recently awarded her B.A. degree. Now she is working for her master's degree at the American Conservatory and studying with Miss Frances Grund. Her vocal coach is Mr. William Browning, who will accompany her on this concert. Scholarship Artist In Cleveland, Marija will be singing for the benefit of future S.W.U. scholarships, but, actually, scholarships are well known to her as the recipient of several. She won the Farwell, Chicago Musical Club and Kramer Memorial Foundation awards among others and has appeared as soloist with the De Paul University and Community Symphonies. She was also awarded the voice scholarship of the Chicago Alumnae Chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, music sorority at De Paul. This month, on February 6, she will be the guest soloist with the Skokie Valley Symphony Orchestra and on the evening of April 29, will appear in her own vocal recital at De Paul. Marija is a busy girl and enjoys performing for such organizations as the Chicago Musical Arts Club, Czech Singing Society Lyra, Highland Park Women’s Club and Chicago Artist Association, to name a few. She has been the featured singer for Slovenian audiences appearing in numerous concerts and song feslvals. The Slovenian American Radio Club starred her in last year’s Slovenian Day program in October. She enjoys the reputation of being always asked for a return engagement, wherever she appears. TO BENEFIT S.W.U. SCHOLARSHIPS At St. Stephen’s Church where she got her start, she is best known for her beautiful soprano voice singing beloved songs that soar to the rafters or can be as quiet as a prayer. Often, Father Vendelin Spendov, her mentor and teacher at St. Stephen’s, has her perform in solo some difficult and intricate compositions that give added beauty to the church services. She is also able to play the massive organ at St. Stephen’s when called upon, tho she is far more at home at the piano accompanying herself or tutoring a few select pupils. As an accomplished actress, she has played operatic and nonmusical parts on stages across the city. beautiful and expressive dark eyes which she uses to full advantage especially when the lyrics of her song call for an extra sparkle. An appearance on stage never fails to emit sighs from a surprised audience totally unprepared for her petite beauty. Proud to Wear Native Garb To endear her even more to Slovenians living within the sound of her voice is her loyal and enthusiastic feeling for all things Slovenian that make her proud to wear her native costume and promote the nationality whenever she can. Many of her extracurricular activities take her to folk fairs and pageants throughout the city and there she wholeheartedly demonstrates her knowledge of Slovenian art, culture and folklore. Undoubtedly, thousands of Chicagoans know of Slovenia from hearing about it from a little girl named Marija they met at one of these affairs. In the spirit of the modem American girl, well-trained in her field and with great natural talent, plus a heritage to be proud of, Marija is out to capture the world, and well she may. On March 13th, Cleveland will unquestionably capitulate. Ever since there has been an annual Slovenian Christmas tree at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, it has been one of Marija’s prides to help trim it. Holding one of the beautiful ornaments, miniature Slovenian articles, she places the final touches on this year’s tree, considered by all to be one of the loveliest in the history of this custom. Slovenian Songs Her Favorites Marija loves to sing Slovenian songs and finds great enjoyment in varying her interpretation to suit the mood or occasion. Her rendition of “Gor čez jezero” and “Tam na vrtni gredi” never fail to bring listeners tears of nostalgia, for her eloquence and mastery of the language add greatly to the beauty of the song. Those who understand the language always comment on her ability to give true Poetic meaning to the song. Operatic and classical selections are, in addition, full of the warmth and feeling intended by the composer. She prides herself in being able to create a rapport between her audiences and herself. In her Cleveland concert, Marija will present a variety of her best-known selections. This, plus her excellent stage appearance, is a combination certain to please. She is petite and dark-haired and makes the most of her Mr. William Browning Mr. Browning is a brilliant soloist and an experienced professional accompanist and coach. He has performed in Europe as well as throughout the United States and for the past several years, in addition to many other professional activities, has appeared with the Chicago Chamber Orchestra. He is associated with radio and television station WGN as accompanist for the Illinois Opera Guild Auditions of the Air and has recorded for Tape Master Recordings. Mr. Browning's appearance with Marija Kranjc-Figchin-ger will make that happy combination of musicianship which will bring out the finest in every selection offered. No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Mrs. Antonia Nemgar was elected president of No. 19 at a meeting Thursday, December 9, at the home of secretary, Mrs. Mary Lenlch. Others elected to office were Mrs. Katherine Pollack, vice president; Mrs. Mary Lenich, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Frances Sterle, recording secretary; Mrs. Mathilda Reberts and Mrs. Johanna Zadkovich, auditing committee. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Jer-she is the spiritual advisor. A Christmas social followed the meeting. Several prizes and an attendance prize were awarded, and lunch was served at a table decorated in a Christmas motif. Hostesses were Mrs. Pollack, Mrs. Anna Mrkonich, Mrs. Johanna Zad-kovich, Mrs. Sterle and Mrs. Lenich. The cookbook, “Woman’s Glory, the Kitchen,” and songbook, “Let’s Sing!” are still available. Anyone wishing books may telephone at 741-5780. Wishes to all for a happy New Year, and happy Valentine Day. Mary Lenich, Sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. — Hope all of our members and their families commenced this New Year of 1966 with good health. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Anna Mute from 727 N. Broadway celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Our congratulations! And, condolences to Evelyn Gregory on the passing of her father. Also, to Mrs. Josephine Zelko who lost her brother, Charles Kompare of So. Chicago. The final rites were here at St. Joseph’s. Sympathy to the family of Joseph Mihelich who died at the age of 89. His residence was at 823 N. Broadway. Five sons and two daughters survive and among them are our two members, Mrs. Anne Plc-co and Mrs. Mildred Briskle. Mr. Mihelich’s sister and brother also survive. Christmas greetings were mailed out by our secretary, Frances, to all the sick and ailing members, namely, Mmes. Frances Koncar, Veronika Ta-dey, Amalia Plese, Antonia Struna, now at the Pleasant Center Nursing Home and Mrs. Mary Jerman, also at Pleasant Center. Mrs. Anna Pluth, at a nursing home in Chicago, Helen Pluth, Anna Ferlin, Anna Adamich, Barbara Dragovan, Catherine Drago-van, Catherine Lamuth, Antonia Nosse and Mary Vlasich were also remembered with cards. To all, a speedy recovery. At this meeting, a congratulatory card was signed by all members present and sent to Mrs. Marie Prisland on the 40th anniversary of Zveza. She was our organizer and I’m sure that 40 years ago she didn’t dream the organization would grow to this extent. With best wishes to all members, and an invitation to the Feb. meeting, I am, sincerely yours, Josephine Erjavec, Rep. No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. — Mrs. Rose Novak was elected president of the Dawn Club at the annual election meeting and Christmas dinner party of the organization. Rose Novak succeeds Miss Mary Shikonya. Mary and her staff of officers are to be commended for directing the activities of the club so well the past two years. Others named to office were: Mary Korent, vice-president; Helen Kotch-evar, secretary; Margery Gornick, treasurer; Ann Rowe, reporter; Julia Zgonc and Emma Pucel, auditors and Mary Starkovich, sunshine committee chairman. The new officers were to be installed in January. The dinner meeting was held at Ri-ik’s Inn with refreshment hour and a delicious dinner. Gifts were exchanged and a musical session followed. Committees in charge of this gala affair were: Refreshment, Barbara Rosandich and Mary Jamnick; Decorations, Margaret Shuster and Helen Kotchevar; Entertainment, Mary Got-chnik and Mary Starkovich. Committee in charge of the a'range-ments for January wer«>- J irbara Rosandich, Ann Miklaucic, Emily Mainer, Victoria Skala, Mary Donnovan, Ann Lunka, Frances Zakrajšek, Margaret Maki, Rose Ferderber and Angela Kosir. Door prize was won by Mary Donnovan. Margaret Somrock, Rep. No. 23, Ely, Minn. — First of all, on behalf of our branch I wish you all a very Prosperous and healthful New Year — 1966. The past year our branch was quite active and hope this year will be even better. We were indeed very happy that we increased our membership by seventeen members, but are sad that four of our members passed away this year. The members that passed away were Mrs. Mary Adams, Frances Colarich (also was a member of our Dawn club), Mrs. Mary Zbasnik and Mrs. Anna Grahek. We all extend our deepest sympathy to their families and may they rest in peace. In August our branch chartered a bus and attended the Minnesota Zveza Day held at Aurora. They all enjoyed themselves and it indeed was a fine banquet which the ladies prepared and also the program and souvenirs couldn’t have been better. We want to thank them again. On December 8th, we decided to have a Turkey dinner for the members charging $1.00 and the re»t to be taken out of the treasury. Also we had Santa Claus distribute the gifts the members brought to ex change. After the dinner Christmas songs were sung then games played. It so happened that instead of taking the money out of the treasury we made a profit, so we decided that we should remember the members who couldn’t be here due to illness. We had beautiful fruit and candy baskets made with a huge bows on them — they really looked nice. Mrs. Slogar and I went to distribute them to the homes and hospitals — there were 12 altogether. They really were happy that they were remembered. I think that something like this should be done each year. The Christmas dinner was a huge success. There were over 100 that attended it. Mrs. Barbara Rosandich was the chairman and was assisted by her capable committee composed of Mary Jamnick, Mary Zgonc, Mary Stubler and Mrs. Mary Shikonya. The older members were indeed happy that something like this was done especially when they don’t have any doings for them. At the December meeting as usual the officers were re—elected again. I can’t say re-elected but as the same saying goes — “po starem,” is the way they elect. I think that they should have nominating committees and then the members won’t insist that the same officers stay in again. Mrs. Katerine Slogar — President; Barbara Rosandich — Secretary; Angela Marolt — Recording Sec.; Mary M. Shikonya — Treasurer; Mary Zgonc, Mary Deyak, Margaret Shuster — Auditors; Therese Koschak — Vice President; Rev. Frank Mihelčič — Spiritual Director. Fraternally yours, Mary M. Shikonya, Rep. No. 24, LaSalle, III. — We have stepped into the new year and our wishes to all for a very successful one. In 1965 we lost 4 members and now in 1966, it should be our aim to enroll at. least as many to help balance the roll of membership. You all who have relatives and friends that are not members; please try to sign them up. On Dec. 15th, we lost a member, Theresa Kobal, at the age of 57 years. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to her husband, August, a son and two daughters, three sisters and four brothers. Sympathy is also expressed to sister Angela Cenczak who lost her sister. After a short illness, our member Dorothy Ann O’Keefe passed a-way at the age of only 44 years. She died Dec. 30th. Her maiden name was Urbane. Surviving lior are her husband, William and five daughters who are all our members. She also left a brother and three sisters, also our WIN THE BEAUTIFUL S.W.U. EMBLEM CHARM! FOR 10 POINTS EARNED IN THE 40th ANNIVERSARY “RUBY CAMPAIGN” UNTIL APRIL 1, 1966! Casli awards for every Class B member: $1.00; for every Class A member, .50; for every Junior member, .25. Besides the cash awards, points will be counted as follows: Class B, 1 point; Class A, x/i point; Junior Class, V2 point. For 10 points, you will receive the special award, the S.W.U. Gold Emblem Charm to be wrorn 011 chain or bracelet. BRANCHES CAN WIN, TOO! $20.00 cash award for the First Place Branch with largest total of new members; $15.00, $10.00 and $5.00 cash awards for the next three top branches! Join us in celebrating the great, 40th Anniversary of S.W.U.! members. In times back, they were very good bowlers for our branch. To Rose Furlan, Florence Smrkol and Ann Mathews and families, our sincere sympathy. Also to our member, Anna Oklesen, we send condolences 011 the loss of her husband, Anton, who died 011 Dec. 10th. There are also seven sons and three daughters surviving and the girls are all our members and also bowlers in past tournaments. To all our departed, God grant eternal rest. Dear members, I hope that you all made a new year’s resolution to attend all the meetings of our branch so that the officers have your cooperation. The one hour you spend with us a month will not be wasted. Also, to those in arrears with their dues, please start the new year with a clean slate and take care of this important matter at your earliest convenience. To all our sick members, heartiest wishes for good health. Recuperating at home is our member, Ana Sojer, who underwent a serious operation. Best wishes to all. Angela Strukel, Sec’y No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — On the night of our meeting in December, we had very nice weather. We had 34 members attending the annual meeting; the entire committee was re-elected. Meetings will be held as usual every third Tuesday of the month with no meetings in July and August. It was also agreed that if the weather is really bad, there would be no meetings in January and February. Congratulations to Mary Hudak on being selected as our Mother of the Year. Mrs. Hudak is a charter member and very deserving of the honor. She recently celebrated her 75tli birthday. On Dec. 13th, her daughter, Mary, had a little party for her at the Slovenian Hall, and all who attended had a very nice time. After the meeting, we had our Christmas party and the usual exchange of gifts. Get-well wishes are sent to all our sick members and may God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Our Christmas meeting was held at the home of our president. It was well-attended and games were played. We are sorry to report the loss of another member, Mrs. Rose Gerdine. Sympathy goes to the Gerdine family on the loss of their mother. God bless all our sick members and grant them speedy recoveries. Wo would like to see you all at the next meeting. Happy New Year and good health to all members. Fannie Harvatine, Pres. No. 39, Biwabik, Minn. — I would like to wish all the members a belated Happy New Year and that you shall have the best, healthiest, happiest year of all. December the 12th, we held our Christmas party which is our best of the year with dazzling decorations, delicious food, beautiful packages and lovely members present to make a gay Christmasy spirit. I would like to thank our hostesses for the party, Shirley Sherek, Helen Erchul, Anne Strukel, Julia Croteau and Mary Ber-lcness, our lunch chairman, for the lovely party. The dollar gift exchange was wonderful, too, and again, Anne Spehar won the door prize. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Setnikar on their 25tli Wedding Anniversary and wish they have many more. A donation of $50.00 was given to our church and plans made to hold a breakfast and bake sale after all the masses on Sunday, Jan. 20th. Meetings from now 011 will be held in our homes, on the second Thursday of the month. We hope we have more members attending. Fran Anzelc held the first meeting (Jan.) and Anne Kostelez is taking the second meeting of the year in February. Please attend the meetings, members, and take heed how fast life is cut short. So be kind to one another and don’t take everything so seriously. God takes care of everyone in His own lovely way. We are to have the Penny Social again and part of it will be for the regular door prize at the meetings. Don’t forget the sick and lonely members and whenever possible, please visit one of them. I am sure it would be greatly appreciated by our sick if we see them occasionally. A wish for good health and continued courage to them. May the Lord hear our prayers. The election of officers then took place! It was voted that the same members serve for another year, namely, Fran Anzelc, pres., Mary Geržina, vice-pres., Shirley Sherek, sec.-treas., Angeline Karish, reporter and Julia Croteau, sick committee. The president reminds all of the 40-tli anniversary campaign now on — and urges us to try to enroll a few new members. For those who are ill, may God restore them health. Best wishes to a 11! Angeline Karish Hermine Prisland Dicke: a. n d. »AS1***1* It’s a real pleasure this month to offer you family recipes from three enthusiastic and capable executive board members of the S.W.U. We discussed the interest for such recipes at the board meeting last August and they have, therefore, been kind enough to share their personal favorites with you. FARINA DUMPLINGS "Our Supreme President, Mrs. Antonia Turek, makes excellent farina dumplings,” says my mother who has been her guest. 1 large egg, well beaten % cup farina, less 1 teaspoon. Mix well. Let stand for 10 minutes. Do not stir again. With teaspoon drop little dumplings into boiling beef soup. Cover. Simmer about 15 minutes. Serves 6. HEAVENLY MUSH (Also submitted by Mrs. Turek) (Delicious for the February Holidays! ) % angel food cake 1 package lemon or strawberry jello 1 package Lucky Whip, prepared as directed on package. I - 10 oz. package frozen strawberries. Make jello according to directions. When it begins to jell (thick and syrupy, just before it sets) fold in the prepared Lucky Whip. Then stir in the thawed strawberries. Tear off small pieces of half the cake and place on bottom of an ungreased 7 x II pan. Spoon half of the jello mixture over the cake. Cover with the remaining pieces of cake and top with the rest of the jello mixture. Place in refrigerator for at least two hours before serving. Cut in squares to serve. This can be prepared the day before. MOČNIK Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, our Supreme Treasurer, has sent in an old Slovenian favorite which always could be: served on Fridays and frequently during Lent. 1 cup sifted flour 1 egg, well beaten 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon bread crumbs G cups water with 1 teaspoon salt. Place flour in a bowl, add the egg. First with fork and then with fingers work the egg into the flour to get small crumbles. Work until all the flour is used up. Slowly drop these crumbles into boiling water stirring all the time. Let simmer for about 20 minutes. In the two tablespoons of butter, brown one tablespoon bread crumbs. Add to the močnik and serve. Sprikle with finally chopped parsley. Serves about 6. You can also use clear beef or chicken soup as the base. (I have a friend who frequently serves it to her five little children at lunch using chicken broth and they just love it.) ***** Since liver is almost a perfect food packed with nutritive value, recipes using liver will occasionally be included in this column. Everyone should eat liver at least once a week in some variation. Inexpensive beef liver is just as nutritious as calf liver and can be made as delicious through careful preparations. Experiments have proved that liver has top position a-mong meats from the standpoint of Vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin B (6), B (121), iron, phoe-porus, copper and biotin. These elements help agains infectious bacteria, replace and rebuild red blood cells to prevent anemia, build and maintain body tissues and regulate body functions. No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. — Our Christmas party was lovely — food was delicious — tables were beautiful and there were favors for each one. Thanks to the cooks, Mrs. T. Simon and Ann Dragonic. Our gift to the Holy Family Cancer Home in Parma was gratefully accepted an also the juices. Sister M. Mathew, the Superior was very happy that we remembered them again. We had some nice prizes for the members: Infant Jesus of Prague statue all dressed up, donated by Theresa Filips; bottle of cheer from Frances Zak; plaque with the statue of the Blessed Mother inserted in the center from Frances Glavich and two crocheted shawls from Antonia Matis. Mary Hočevar gave two aprons, Louise Prhne, some nylon net aprons and there were numerous other prizes, 14 in all. A few items were also for sale. Many thanks to all who brought, and those who bought the tickets. It all helps. Marie Matis was home from college thru the holidays. She is now back at Kent studying like a beaver! Milly Lipnos is a grandmother for Mrs. Corinne Leskovar, our vibrant and able Editor of ZARJA, shares with us her family recipe for Liver Dumplings. Liver Dumplings for Chicken Soup 1 pound chicken livers, not cooked 1 cup bread crumbs 1 egg 1 teaspoon oil Chicken soup stock, fully seasoned. Chicken livers should be chopped by hand — that is, working with a knife gives you a better consistency of liver — not too coarse and not pureed. The liver gets runny, so you can chop a little at a time as I do. To the chopped livers I add one egg and beat by hand. The bread crumbs go into this mixture a little at a time and the oil is the last ingredient. The livers at this point reach a consistency of soft mush. Drop by teaspoonful into boiling soup. Simmer for about 15 minutes. The dumplings expand in the soup while cooking, so be sure you have a large enough pot. This recipe gives you approximately 40 dumplings and the recipe should be cut down to your own needs. You can still use a whole egg for half the recipe, however, the more egg there is, the less fluffy the dumplings. A half recipe is really sufficient for a family dinner. Thank you Antonia, Josephine and Corinne. Happy Valentine’s Day! Hermine the first time; her daughter gave birth to a lovely baby girl. She had to tighten the buttons on all her dresses, so proud is she. And on grandpa’s shirts, too. Congratulations! Our ladies are still convalescing. Agnes Vrcek, Jennie Perko, Ivana Hrovat, Mrs. Mary Prhne, Mrs. Antonia Legan. When they are fully recovered, we hope they will stay well. Husbands of our ladies are still recuperating, too, namely, Jack Yemec and John Lipnos. Cards would be appreciated by all the above-mentioned. Our bake sale was to be held January 30th. I know we will have a nice assortment of baked goods and a good supply, too. Our ladies are very generous. Our meeting will be held Feb. 16, because the 4th Wednesday is Ash Wednesday this year and we know the ladies want to go to church. Our April meeting will be held on the 27th. So, mark these dates down on your calendar and there will be no reason to say, I forgot! We have some new officers to whom I say, welcome! To our past officers we say: job well done! It was my privilege to work with them. I prom- CLEVELAND LOOKS FORWARD TO MARCH 13th! by Mary Bostian, State President, Ohio-Mich. At our Combined Branches meeting we enjoyed a large attendance. The discussion centered on the Benefit Concert on March 13, 196G at the Slovenian Home on St. Clair Ave. and the first appearance in this area of the beautiful little singer from Chicago, Marija Kranjc-Fischinger. She is just out of this world, I tell you! Don’t anyone miss this concert because if you do, you will be sorry. I could listen to her singing all night! She is very gifted, bless her heart! This concert is for the benefit for more scholarships and I am sure that everyone will want to help some boy or girl. So, this is the time to show your interest. Each branch is asked to participate selling tickets and if you can, to donate to the Scholarship Fund directly. Open your hearts for this good cause. Our member, Nettie Strukel is in the Sunny Acres Hospital, Richmond Road. She would love to have visits so do go and lighten her life. She is in very poor health. Happy birthday to all and speedy recovery to our sick. That bug has gotten many of us this winter! May God bless you all. On Dec. 9th, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., had their Christmas party and I joined our Supreme President, Toni Turek, in visiting them. We enjoyed meeting the members and the party, which did not follow their meeting as we usual-'y have, but preceded it! They served what I call a “banquet” first, and have the meeting afterward! It was a pleasure to meet the new Mayor of Bedford Hgts., Mrs. Lucille Reed, who is our member! They are very proud of her and rightly so! This branch should go to the top with a popular member as Mrs. Reed and such loyal members. I wish them a lot of luck and success. We are also not giving up on Michigan, and hope to see those members attend one of our affairs coming up. Let’s see you in 1966! Oh, I must not forget to tell about the Euclid Baton Twirlers group. It’s growing and getting so popular. On Sunday, Dec. 12th they participated in the Euclid Christmas parade and they invited the St. Clair Baton Twirlers to join them. These children were so attractive with their new outfits that I was so very proud of them. They were darlings! Bless their hearts! I also want to thank Mitzie Globokar and her husband, Vince, for leading with a convertible, in case some little one couldn’t march all the way. And, yours truly joined the Globokars. Mitzie made a banner flag and it was just beautiful as you will see in the picture. (See Junior Page — Ed.). The banner, in the same color as the uniforms, was carried by 2 cadets. I am also happy that the mothers of the Baton Twirlers of Euclid are so willing and enjoy cooperating with Ann Cooke, our instructor. Hats off to all of them and most of all, to Ann and her daughters, Kathy and Carol. They surely do a wonderful job teaching these children like they do. We are fortunate to have them. ise to co-operate with the new officers as much. To have a beautiful Easter, try to live each day in Bent as though it is your last day on earth. That is how 've will fill our crowns with diamonds and rubies — with our good works, thoughts and deeds. Cod keep each and everyone in His love and goodness. Louise Prhne No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Our December meeting was held at Majhen-ich’s (Triglav meeting hall). Election of officers was held and all the 1965 officers remained. Our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Mary Kresse, was selected. December 19th, the Children’s Christmas Party was held at St. John’s Lower Hall. Our juveniles were entertained by a movie, then they sang Jingle Bells and finally, Santa Claus arrived. Mrs. Josephine Kolar, our President, played the part of Santa and did an excellent job. Each child was Presented with a gift, a stocking full °f candy and pop-corn ball. The parents were treated with cookies, cake and coffee. Everyone had an enjoyable afternoon. Two of our older members were hospitalized. Mrs. Jennie Prah is convalescing at St. Luke’s Hospital and 1'heresa Salopek is at Mt. Carmel Nursing Home. To these members, and all of our others who may be sick and ailing ,a speedy recovery. A message of sincere sympathy goes to Mrs. Sophie Bevsek and her family on the recent loss of her mother, Mrs. Tevz. May her soul rest in peace. Mr. and Mrs. H. Strukel celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Several of their friends gathered at their home and wished them many more anniversaries. I was just informed that Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hinich celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. To the above two couples, the best of wishes and sincere congratulations, too. These occasions mean so much to you. May your joys of this day be doubled in the years to come. A big thank you to all who helped at our Christmas party, Mrs. Kolar for the grand portrayal as Santa, to Eddie and Vickie for the lovely movie. Birthday greetings and happy anniversaries to all February celebrants and a happy St. Valentine Day to all. Next meeting is Sunday, Feb. 13th at 2 P.M., St. John’s Lower Hall. Rose Kraemer, Sec. No. 45, Portland, Ore. — Attendance at our Christmas meeting and party was only 18 — that mainly because of illness. The usual attendance is about 25 to 30. We missed those not present. Mrs. Olga Mlrcovicli is still very ill and our prayers are with her. Refreshments for the party were donated by members and hostess, Florence Lolich is to be thanked for the use of her party room. Gifts were exchanged and everyone had a lovely tima We took in another $10.50 on our dance receipts of last September which takes us out of the red, with a profit of $3.68. Mrs. Suvaljko and Mrs. Bouiss are out of the hospital now and Mrs. Bouiss is in a nursing home at Maryville in Beaverton. Good health to them. Mrs. Matulac, Miss Matilda Leov-ich and Mrs. Bouiss were remembered at Christmas time with a gift from the branch. Election of officers resulted in the same for the new year as last year with the exception of Mrs. Pezolt who dropped out. The Calling Committee list was taken over by Ann Carlisle. Our regular meeting place will remain the same as last year, at my home, 2634 N.W. Savier, on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 P. M. Everything else is the same also. Mrs. Mary Mircovich was nominated as Mother of the Year from our branch. The meeting was closed with prayer. I would like to thank all the members for the lovely lead crystal vase that was given me at the Christmas party. Wishing all members of all the branches a blessed, happy and prosperous New Year. Ann Carlisle, Rec. Sec. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — The final meeting of the year, and 40 members were present. Along with the officers, it nearly hit the 50 mark! No. 50 always has much to discuss, so we started early, about 3:30 P.M. followed by a Christmas party which lasted until 9 o’clock. The nominations committee worked hard and sincerely to have their slate ready for the meeting. The following members accepted the nominations and will be the officers for 19-66: Pres., Frances Sietz; Vice-Pres., Antonia Turek; Sec’y, Marie Beck; Recording Sec’y, Rose Želodec; Publicity, Angie Lube; Sentinel, Mary Bencin; Auditors, Marie Azman and Theresa Komat; Alternate, Angie Lube; Hostess, Mamie Marin and Personality Sec’y, Frances Glavan. Installation of officers took place at the January meeting. One of the decisions of the yearly meeting is that the monthly metings will be held as usual every third Monday at the St. Vitus Club room, but 3 meetings may be held in the Euclid vicinity, this to enable more members to attend. The members will be notified when this takes place. A concert is planned to help boost the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund on the 40th anniversary of Zveza and this event will have the full cooperation of our members as well as those of all Cleveland branches. Read more a-bout the Concert in this issue. It’s scheduled for March 13th. Guest member at the Christmas party and yearly meeting was Ann Cooke of Br. 32 who talked about our active Junior Group. IIow hard they worked to start a uniform fund! This group is now selling chocolate candy and tooth paste holders, which were passed around to those interested to purchase same at our meeting. Get-well cards were sent to Frances Braidec, Mary Muniza and Julia Woda; all of whom were hospitalized for a while. They are home now, on the road to good health. Introduction of three new members, Josie Urbančič , Florence Mohar and 252525252SaSHHS25ffia525?52525a5J5HSHK52S5HS25HS?,i Professor Viktor Smolej, of Ljubljana, editor of the complete works of the late Msgr. Ksaver Meško, has requested information about one of Mesko’s books. This book, entitled, Meškova knjižnica, I. zvezek, containing prose and poetry, was published in 1916 in Duluth, Minn., by Narodni Vestnik. It was edited by his uncle, John or Janez Smolej, who was editor of the Narodni Vestnik at that time. A photocopy of the front cover and frontispiece is desired. Anyone having information about this book should communicate with Mr. Joseph Zelle, 1227 Addison Road, Cleveland, Ohio, 44103. E52SHSE52S25H52SH52S2S2SH252S25JSE5H5S525E52S2S2525 YOUNG S.W.U. MUSICIAN LOUIS AZMAN, Jr. Jan Novak (Jan just came as a guest and decided to become a member right away!) and transfer members, Emily Unik and Vida Zak took plac e. Initiation of the new members was a solemn occasion. All members were asked to repeat the pledge, along with the new members, to stay good members. A donation of $10.00 will be sent to Father Baraga to help along with the canonization of Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek of Maribor, Slovenia. To our past officers, Ann Dekleva, Sophie Koplan and Mary Kobe, a big thank you for the fine work you did while in office. Today in a rushed and busy world, many forget their obligations. But, among those members of our branch, we have three sisters, Frances Macarol, Julia Giambetro and Mary Mihelčič who gave their all to take care of their mother, a helpless invalid for many years after a severe stroke. Mother Mihelčič, a member of Br. 50, became a widow while her children were very young. This good lady raised her family with love and kindness, which they never forgot. She passed away in December. Br. 50 expresses deepest sympathy on the loss of their mother to our members, Frances, Julia and Mary, and we shall always cherish fond memories of their “Mom”! Two big events happened to Betty Lee Jevec. In June she graduated from St. John’s School of Nursing and on Thanksgiving Day she promised to “love, honor and obey.” Betty Lee worked with the Junior Cadets for 4 years during her high school days at Notre Dame. To Betty Lee Typifying the boy all mothers and grandmothers of Slovenian descent like to think about is Louis Azman, Jr. of 6507 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. In his great-looking complete native costume which was brought from Slovenia by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prijatel, along with his beautiful accordion, Little Louis strikes a happy pose! He has been studying the accordion for two years and enjoys playing — no doubt his family comprises his best audience. He is also an avid bowler and joins the juniors each Saturday morning at Grdina’s for a round of bowling. He is a member of Br. 50 as is his mother. They were in the group pictured on the cover of ZARJA last September before the successful Ohio Slovenian Day sponsored by the Combined Cleveland Branches. O.K. Lojze! Go to it! We’re hoping for your success with the accordion and that you will continue being a fine Slovenian lad! and her new husband, Robert Gorgan, we extend our wannest wishes. Holiday season were unhappy days for Mary Kobe. Her mother, Mrs. Bartol passed away after Christmas. We all remember Mrs. Bartol as a lovely and friendly person who always had a pleasant smile for everyone. The Marie Prisland Cadets surprised their captain, Frances Sietz, with a set of beautiful sofa pillows, just the right colors for her home. The Christmas party committee headed by Mary Bostian, is to be congratulated for an afternoon of fun and laughter. The food was, Ohhh!! Delicious!! The games, hilarious! The skit, stupendous! (Taken from Zarja about a forgotten birthday gift!) The actresses were Rose Želodec and Mary Bostian. Thanks, girls, for giving us all that fun! Exchange of gifts were passed out by Santa. A “parkelj” was also present to check on those who missed meetings during the year! After fond Good-byes! See you next year! Make some good resolutions! — we left the home of hostess Toni Turek, thanking her and her committee for their great arrangements. Members have the memory of a fine year of 1965 for Br. 50. Now, remember to help our Campaign Lady! Bring a member along to our next meeting. Frances Glavan Fight BIRTH DEFECTS J(wt MARCH OF DIMES No. 54, Warren, Ohio. — A new year is here again and my -wish for all is good health, happiness and prosperity. Our group enjoyed a wonderful covered dish dinner for our Christmas meeting. It was held at the home of Betty Vadas and she certainly was a “swell hostess”! We had a nice attendance, could have been better, tlio. And, we all ate too much! The dinner was followed by a meeting at which time we had election of officers as follows: President, Rose Racher; Vice-President, Mary Waltko; Sec’y Treas., Joanne Ponikvar; Rec. Sec’y, Jean Ponikvar; Sgt.-at-arms, Josephine Kassan; Auditors, Mary Ponikvar, Betty Vadas and Virginia Shine. Our meetings will continue at the homes on the third Tuesday of the month. Mother of the Year was elected and this honor went to Victoria Zerga, a charter member and a deserving member of our branch. Following the meeting, we sang Christmas carols and had our gift exchange. It was a lovely evening and again, Betty, thanks for your kind hospitality! Christmas at our house was fun and hectic—with three little ones around! We thank God for letting us have Grandma and Grandpa Racher and Grandma and Grandpa Ponikvar to celebrate our holidays with us. Our condolences to the Gradishar family on the death of their beloved Joseph. His sisters Hattie, Ann and Elsie are all faithful members of our branch. Sympathy also to the Lukačič family on the loss of baby granddaughter, Lisa. To all who are in arrears with their dues, please pay up! My address is 1040 Meadowbrook S. E. Our next meeting will be at the home off vice-president, Mary Waltko, 2058 Milton S. E. Our best wishes to all in 1966 and speedy recoveries to all who are ailing Joanne Ponikvar No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — Greetings from Girard, Ohio. May God grant you all the wishes your heart desires in 1966. May you have the very best °f health and happiness. The December meeting was a covered dish dinner. Mrs. Nettie Juvančič, Mary Skufca, Jennie Selak and Catherine Ancek. The attendance prize was 'von by Mrs. Alice Cernick. All who attended had a very good time. Mrs. Barbara Umeck conducted a business meeting and at this time Mrs. Helen Biscan was chosen Mother of the Year. Since it is only second month of the year, why not resolve to attend all the meetings during 19G6 and bring a relative or friend along who would like to become a member. The more the merrier. No one is on the sick list. Let’s pray that it will remain so during 1966. We’ll see you at the meeting which will be held at the same place, Slovenian Home, same time, 7:20 P.M. every second Thursday of the month. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — After an absence of two months, I am back to the grind again. My husband and I returned from a vacation of the western states which we enjoyed immensely. Our vice-president, Agnes Barkis, took the reins over while I was gone. At our December meeting, we had a pot luck supper given by the committee in charge. Gifts were exchanged and carols were sung and games played. Everybody present had an enjoyable evening. At our business meeting, we elected the same slate of officers with the exception of our reporter who will be Theresa Hattam. Mary Bissonette was chosen as our Mother of the Year, an honor well deserved. With all the happiness of Christmas and our party we had a sad note of sorrow as our member, Mary Chacich had passed away that morning. Our members paid their last respects at her bier. Left to mourn her are her husband and nine children and a grandchild. Her mother, (deceased) was one of our charter members. To her family, our deepest sympathy and may God grant her eternal rest. At this time I would like to stress the paying of dues on time. Our secretary has several members in arrears. She would like all of you who are behind in payments, to pay, or else she will be forced to suspend you. It only takes a few minutes to call her and let her know your intentions. So take care of this immediately, you who are in arrears, please! Hope you all had a nice holiday season and I wish you the best of everything in 1966. God bless you all. Anne B. Satovich, Pres. No. 57, Niles, Ohio. — Here we are into another year, so a happy new year to one and all. We had a very nice Christmas party at Albertini’s Restaurant and a good time was had. Many nice gifts were exchanged. Viola Logar was nominated Mother of the Year. Congratulations to her from all the members. We were very sorry to have Mary Macek, our Secretary, leave us after so many years of good service. It was nice working with you, Mary, and we thank you for everything. Virginia Zevkovich is our new secretary — we welcome her. The list of officers for 1966 is: Prances Yer-man, president; Mary Opalka, vice-president; Virginia Zevkovich, secre- tary; Mary Moler, recording secretary; Mary Strah, treasurer; Mary Moler, Reporter; Frances Hribar, Mary Duffalo and Eva Duffalo, auditors and Nancy Segreto, sargent-at-arms. Mary Macek’s grandson, Gerald Maj-ovsky is in the air force and is stationed at Nellie Air Force Base in Nevada. Gerald is engaged to Marsha Buser. Our president, Frances Yerman, had the pleasure of a month’s visit from her son, Edward, and his family from South America. He is now stationed in Japan. I’m sure it was a very happy visit, Frances, with your grandchildren, too. New grandmas are a favorite topic. Frances Stanek is a new grandmother. A baby girl, Cynthia, was born to her daughter, Pat Kazimer, of Cleveland. Mary Moler is the proud grandma of a baby girl bom to Lewis and Leona Moler. A get well wish to all those ill at this time. See you at the next meeting. Mary Moler, Rep. No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — A very happy Valentine’s Day to everyone. It’s time to get out of the old slumber and start to work preparing for spring again! We extend our sympathy to Mary Ann Stariha whose mother passed a-way in December and also to Mary Louise Penny, who is a granddaughter and a member of the branch. We were happy to see my sister’s family from Illinois, the Louis Yan-kovich family, visiting us. With them also was their oldest daughter, Charlotte, a postulant in the Benedictine Convent in Illinois. They came here to attend the funeral of Martin Yan-kovich, dad and grandfather. Our very best wishes and prayers to all those on the sick list. Remembering Johanna Zallar and Antonia Zupan’s son who was in the hospital again in December. Pray for peace. Cecile Adamic No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. — Our Dec. 6th Christmas party was a gala affair. All members got a little corsage as we entered. The tables were set in a Christmas motif and then came the Pot luck supper. Just to mention a few items, there were jello molds, sauerkraut and dumplings, pork roast, Swedish meat balls, po-tatoe salad, ham, pizza and cakes, home-made donuts, strudel and candy and nuts. We had our afglian project next and it was especially touching as it was donated by the deceased mother of our member, Pauline Marklus. We profitted by $27.50 and are sending it in memory of this fine lady to the SWU Scholarship Fund. The afghan was given to Mrs. Rivacek. She is so thrilled with it. It was made in a Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barbich with their daughter, Mary Joy Debs on her wedding day. 35th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY IN SO. CHICAGO mixture of brown tones and is very pretty. Doris Horvath donated a beautiful centerpiece and it was given to Betty Adler. A darling Christmas cake was donated by B. Adler and that was taken by Vilma Potaki. Thanks ladies, for the three lovely donations. This money was added to Pauline’s making a total of $32 in all, sent to the SWU Scholarship Fund. Next on the list was our election of officers. All of us thought our present staff did so well, that by unanimous vote, we kept the same ones. Congratulations to all and keep up the good work and co-operation. Our Christmas Party would not be complete without (J. Naso) Santa and she brought a gift for each member .— a handy cosmetic bag. Thanks to Santa! Gifts were wrapped by K. Yur-atovac’s daughter. Thanks. Then, we played crazy “B” and had loads of fun. Thanks to everyone for a wonderful night. Also, Hi! to two guests, Ellen Walters and Doris Horvath. Nice to meet you both and come again soon. On our list of activities for 1966 we have so far: April 17, our Communion Mass at St. Jude’s Church. Also, this year, Br. 73 is celebrating its 30th Anniversary on May 1st with dinner banquet and dance at the Amvets Hall on Emery Rd. More news on this when I get more details. Also, Rose Zbasnik brought our branch the check from the booklets we sold at the Ohio Bazaar, $125.33 was our share. We were in 4th place out of 17 branches cooperating. Another job well done, ladies. Keep up the good work. Thanks .again. Another grandchild for Helen Kun-ka. Congratulations; hope both are fine. We all wish to express our deepest sympathy to Florence Duale on the loss of her mother-in-law. May she rest in peace. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barbich, 9330 Muskegon Ave., So. Chicago, 111., recently renewed their marriage vows, on the 35th Anniversary of their wedding in Sacred Heart Croatian Church in the presence of their daughters Violet Furjanich, Ann Hufford, Barbara Marino, Mary Joy Debs and Christine Barbich, their husbands and 20 grandchildren. The reception was held at Milan’s Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge which was a family affair with a few relatives. Mrs. Barbich said when they met she and Joe were only kids. “Thank goodness, we have been happy with a few ups and downs,” she said. Mr. Barbich retired from General Mills after 34 years of service. In ad- Helen & John Dusek are in Florida, but we are having Florida in Ohio with 60 degr. temperatures today, Dec. 31st. Happy New Year everyone. Richard Lee (Mrs. L. Epley’s son) is home on furlough — nice to have you home for the holidays. Betty Bayus, Rep. No. 85, DePue, III. — There were twelve members who attended our Dec. 19th meeting. My mother, Mrs. Anna Lapuh, from Evansville, 111., was accepted into our group. We hope she will enjoy the company! At the elections of officers, we all accepted our respective offices: president, sister Mary Stupar; Vice-President, Theresa Grilc; Financial Secretary, Marie Jermene; Recording Secretary, Frances Machek; Treasurer, Mary Zabovnik; Reporter, Frances Machek. We accepted the by-laws of our branch and plans were discussed for raising money this year, but due to the shortness of time at the meeting (the men would have the hall for their meeting following ours), we tabled our plans for the present. We held a gift exchange and I’m very well-pleased with my gift! I’m sure all the members were! Our president expressed her good wishes to all and hoped that we would all get together in 1966. God willing. After the men finished their meeting, we played games, then the yearly “spread” was on. There was enough food and liquid refreshments for an army! A few songs were sung by those who can sing (I knew the words to the Slovenian songs when I was a lt-tle girl — but found I’d forgotten them!) and a few pictures were taken by my husband. I should start a scrapbook of all our get-togethers. Our best wishes to all members throughout the nation for a happy New Year. Christmas cards were sent dition, to a number of home improvement projects, the couple spend much of their retirement attending church functions and visiting their family, which Mrs. Barbich calls their “main hobby.” Sophie Barbich has been a member of Br. 95 for a good many years. Sel dom do we run across a woman so loyal that no night is too cold, nor any day too hot, nor any task too difficult for her. Whenever an occasion exists in the interests of a member, she will perform her duties. Her devotion to our branch knows no limits. It is our sincere hope and prayer that Mr. and Mrs. Barbich will be blessed with good luck and many years of good health and happiness. Mildred James to all the sick and to members who still retain their membership in our branch, tho they live elsewhere. Again, may the new year bring us peace and a better understanding of all nations. Frances Machek, Rep. No. 89, Oglesby, III. — With the closing of the holiday season, the branch is ready to begin the New Year. The shut-ins were remembered by the members attending the Christmas party. Instead of a gift exchange, each member gave a silver donation for our sick members. The books were audited by the three auditors in the home of president, Mrs. Frances Meglich. It was hoped all members would see that their dues would be paid so> as to close the good year for the secretary. Mrs. Anna Vogrich has been ill and spent time in the hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. The members are asked to assist with her secretarial work. The installation of officers for 19GG was at the January meeting. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Emma Folty whose brother passed away and to all of his family. Mary Kernz, Rep. No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — Now that all of us have greeted the New Year properly, we should all take a good look and take time out at least once a year, more if necessary, to evaluate the direction that our branch is taking, how close it is to its original goals, and how its members are performing. To be worth the effort the entire membership must be strongly motivated and its members loyally attending our meetings. Remember, you are the life’s blood of our organization! For Instance, how many of you have reported any change of address, or made necessary changes in THE WASHINGTON SCENE your policy beneficiary? perhaps you have a loved one who is ill, or celebrating an anniversary which we are not aware of. Remember we are not mind readers, it is up to you to report to us. These are the things that are very important to all of us. Sincere, and best wishes to the following birthday celebrants in February: Polonia Ashenbrenner, Mary Brozynski, Ljuba Brunski, Louise Dolan, Benedicto Marino, Mary Provich, Antonia Svorcina, Anna Velcich, Ann Hlacer, Agatha Mesin and Sylvia Mitchell. In closing, we have on our sick list my mother, Cvita Chorich who suffered from a stroke a year ago and unfortunately did not recover from it. At the present time she is resting at Heaven of Rest Nursing Home, Box 128 Beaverville, Illinois 60912. I would appreciate it very much if some of you would take a little time out from your busy schedule and send my mother a word of cheer. I do know she would be happy to hear from you. Plan to attend our next meeting on March 2, 196G, when we will have an interesting program planned for you. See all of you then. Mildred James, Pres. No. 96, Universal, Pa. — The December meeting of our branch was held at the home of president, Pauline ICokal on Dec. 5th. It was attended by a large number of members. The refreshment committee served a delicious variety of pastries, potice, etc. It was the final meeting of the year at which time decisions and plans were made for the coming year. It was moved that we continue with the branch by-laws as in the previous years in regards to funerals, praying the rosary, etc. Josephine Perrino was elected as the Mother of the Year. All officers were re-elected to carry on the duties of the branch in 1966. Tentative plans were made for attending the Penna State meeting in Strabane in March. The officers are: President, Pauline Kokal, Secretary, Mary Klemenčič, Treasurer, Mary O’Block and Recording Secretary, Mary Sacek. Get-well wishes are sent to all our sick members. And, happy birthdays to Prances O’Block who will be 86 years young and Agatha Mozina, 85 years! These members celebrate in February. To all S.W.U. members, a Happy New Year! Antoinette Mozina, Rep. No. 103, Washington, D.C. — The days of December 5, 6 and 7 were red letter days for Branch No. 103. We were honored by the visit of Cor-inne and Lud Leskovar to Washington, D.C. Although the trip was basically one of 1967 SWU National Convention business, we were able to squeeze in a few social hours for them during that much too short 48 hours. The Washington Hilton Hotel (site of the Slovenian art exhibit in Oct '65) was their official residency while in D.C. Members, Mary Mejac and lea Zebot entertained the Leskovar’s as dinner guests in their homes, Sunday and Monday evening, respectively. After dinner each evening, SWU members and personal friends of the Leskovar’s dropped by to welcome them to the Nation’s Capital. Before long the gathering was reminiscent of all Slovenian social events and a happy time was had by all. This was not Corinne and Lud’s first visit in the area and we are assured it will not be the last for we are expecting a repeat performance in the near future — our 1967 SWU National Convention. The ladies of the Metropolitan Washington D. C. Branch met for their regular monthly meeting, Sunday, Dec. 12 at the home of Nika Kovačič. The highlight of the afternoon was a demonstration of decorative floral arrangements for Christmas. The speaker, Mrs. Doris Parmalee is an interior and floral designer from Alexandria, Virginia. Her talk centered around the inexpensive yet attractive ways that various objects in the home can be decorated for the festive holiday season. Some of the items used for the demonstration were: a candy dish, ash tray, fly swatter, No. 96, Universal, Pa. — At the annual meeting, all our officers were retained as before — all re-elected. On the sick list we have Mrs. Jennie Snoznik, Sr., and Mrs. Jean Os-wad. We wish our ill a speedy revoc-ery. The March meeting will be at the home of Elsie Bogataj in Renton, Pa. at 2 P.M. on the second Sunday. In June, it will be at the home of Helen Snoznik at Renton, Pa., also at 2 P. M. on the second Sunday. Anyone wishing to join us going to the State Convention at Strabane, Pa., should let us know so we can charter a bus. Please make reservations early. Our condolences to the family of Andrew Pryatel of Universal who lost his wife, Victoria. She is survived by 2 married daughters and a son. We wish you all and your families, a blessed and prosperous new year all through the months of 1966. Paula Kokal mug, rice bowl, compote dish and bread tray. The completed arrangements were then awarded to members who held lucky numbers: Agna Javornik, Matilda Podborsek, Alenka Javornik, Mary Mejac, Tillie Ausich, Blaine Fleming, Freda Micheiitsch and Maria Mejac. The hostess was also presented with a table arrangement. Three new members were welcomed into the group during this meeting: Miss Freda Micheiitsch and her mother Mrs. Micheiitsch from McLean, Virginia, also Mrs. Zora Slogar of Washington, D.C. On Dec. 31st, our members, auxiliary and friends welcomed the New Year in a gala celebration held at the home of Maria and Cyril Mejac, Silver Spring, Maryland. Their spacious recreation rooms were decorated for the festive occasion with colorful balloons, streamers and lanterns by the committee: Tillie Ausich, Irene Planinšek, Stane Sustersic, Mirko Javornik, Maria and Cyril Mejac. The refreshments, which kept us happy and content the entire evening, were arranged by Mary and Conrad Mejac, Iča and Čiro Zebot. Two tape recorders provided a continuous stream of delightful dance music and couples whirled on to the early morning hours, thanks to our music man — Stane Sustersic. Needless to say a delightful time was had by all and our only regrets were that the host and hostess (Maria and Cyril) spent many hours the next day sweeping up streamers, hats, noise makers and broken balloons and that the entire evening had to end. Plans were made for the January meeting which was of a religious nature. In addition to the installation of officers, a Mass was celebrated in the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on January 9th at 11:00 A. M., in the Lower Church, Crypt Chapel, by the Rev. Francis Blatnik, SDB of Paterson, New Jersey. This was the first time that a Mass was celebrated in the Slovenian vernacular within the Metropolitan Washington D.C. area. Following the Mass there we had a lecture and presentation of slides by Rev. Blatnik at the home of Mrs. Agna Javornik. At the close of the business meeting, delicate and tasty refreshments were served from a table centered with fresh holly. The red net tablecloth decorated with Christmas designs was the handiwork of the hostess, Nika Kovacic. All the decorations added to the gay Christmas spirit. Following the refreshments a door prize, provided by the hostess, was awarded to Iča Zebot. Irene M. Planinšek June 2nd June 3rd June 4th June 5th June 6th June 7th June 8th June 9th Join Our S.W.U. Travelers Touring Europe This Summer PILGRIMAGE TOUR TO LOURDES, JUNE 2! INCLUDING STOPS IN AMSTERDAM, PARIS AND ROME, CONCLUDING THE TOUR IN SLOVENIA, Departure June 2, Returning June 23 or July 28. Itinerary For June 2, 1966 Pilgrimage Tour 2nd — Leave New York Arrive to Amsterdam in the morning; transfer to hotel “Polen,” rest. Alter lunch excursion to the chapel of “Our Dear Lord in the Attic” where Mass was celebrated in hiding. Afternoon canal ride. Dinner and overnight at hotel. After breakfast transfer to the airport; fly to Paris; transfer to the Hotel “Anglo-American”; afternoon in Paris at leisure; dinner and overnight at hotel. Morning sightseeing to the Chapel of Miraculous Medal, where Mass will be attended; then on to Notre Dame and Sainte Chapelle. After lunch sightseeing of the historical Paris Dinner and overnight at hotel. 6th — After breakfast transfer to airport to board flight for Lourdes. Arrive to Lourdes, transfer to hotel “Ambassadeurs.” Afternoon devoted to visiting the shrine. Dinner and overnight at hotel. Attend morning Mass and group Communion at the Shrine. After Mass and breakfast transfer to the airport for flight to Rome. Arrive to Rome, transfer to hotel. Lunch and afternoon at leisure. Dinner and overnight at hotel. 8th — City sightseeing and Audience with the Holy Father in the morning. After lunch sightseeing of Rome by motorcoach. Dinner and overnight. 9th — Morning tour to the summer residence of Holy Father — Castel Gandolfo, Lake Albano, Lake Nomi, Marino, Grotaferrata and Frascati (taste the world famous frascati wine); Dinner and overnight at hotel. June 10th — Transfer by motorcoach to the airport for flight to Zagreb. The total cost of the Pilgrimage Tour, including Round Trip Fare from New York to Zagreb, with all the above-mentioned stops, all hotels, three meals a day, sight-seeing trips, transportation, transfers and services of an expert guide, based on a 3 week excursion fare is $538.00, (accommodations in Jugoslavia not included.) $508.00 for those returning June 23; or $538.00 for those returning July 28. Direct Flight To Ljubljana, $395.00 ! Departure June 14, Returning July 14 - Aug. 12, Sept. 8 Departure June 21, Returning Sept. 8 Departure June 28, Returning July 28 Departure July 12, Returning Aug. 12 Travel with Slovenian Women’s Union Tours for a carefree trip filled with fun and pleasure. For reservations and information, please write to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 1937 WEST CERMAK ROAD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60608 PHONES: Bishop 7-2014 or Bishop 7-7999 Members who wish to travel leisurely on a luxurious ocean liner, we recommend May 25 or July 5 departures via S.S. Queen Elizabeth. All land arrangements by: AUGUST K0LLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 TEL. 431-4148 $395.00 iz New Yorka do Ljubljane! Za leto 1966 smo odločili naslednji spored za članice S.Z.Z. in njihove družine: ODIIOD DNE 14. JUNIJA VRNITEV DNE 14. JULIJA, 55. SEPT. IN 12. AVG. ODHOD 21. JUNIJA VRNITEV 8. SEPTEMBRA ODIIOD 2«. JUNIJA VRNITEV 2». JULIJA ODHOD 12. JULIJA VRNITEV 12. AVGUSTA Odhod na romanje v Amsterdam, Pariz, Lurd in Rim z zaključkom v Sloveniji, DNE 2. JUNIJA — POVRATEK 23. JUNIJA IN 2». JUNIJA. VOZNINA Z JET LETALOM OD NEW YORKA DO LJUBLJANE IN NAZAJ JE SAMO $395.00 Romanje v Lurd in Rim Slovenska Zenska Zveza je vesela, da so v zadnjih letih stotine naših članic imele priliko obiskati znane romarske kraje, kot Lurd in Rim; da so potovale skozi več Evropskih držav in končale potovanje v prelepi Sloveniji in so ves čas potovale v družbi članic in prijateljev. Izleti v letu 1966 bodo zopet nudili našim članicam in njihovim družinam brezskrbno potovanje in ob istem času za veliko nižjo- ceno kot, če bi potovale posamezno. Popust pri skupnem potovanju je več kot $200.00 za osebo manj od regularne cene v sezoni. Romarska skupina odpotuje iz New Yorka 2. junija, 1966. Vozni red in kraji, kjer se bo skupina ustavila je v angleškem poročilu. Skupna cena za romarski izlet in v tej ceni je vključeno prenočišče v hotelih, trikrat na dan jed, ter vsi izleti po mestih in v tem je tudi slavni Pariz in Amsterdam na Holandskem ter v Lurdu in Rimu, vse skupaj bo stalo samo $538.00. Skupina bo imela skoraj dva tedna za obisk Slovenije in se vrnila 23. junija. Za podrobnosti se obrnite na naš glavni urad: SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Lahko pokličete tudi po telefonu številka v pisarni je Bishop 7-2014 in na domu glavne tajnice Albine Novak, Bishop 7-7999. Sedaj je čas za rezervacije. Ne odlašajte, ker je važno, da imamo število skupine vsaj do 1. maja, 1966. IN MEMORY OF OUR DEPARTED SISTERS OF 1965 #1, Sheboygan, Wis. Boyance, Mary Mar. 3, 1965 Startz, Rose Apr. 17, 1965 Bemot, Mary Apr. 29, 1965 Dragan, Mary May 1, 1965 #2, Chicago, III. Zunich, Agnes Blai, Mary Telban, Mathilda Kegl, Anna Gregorio, Margaret Grill, Irene Bencan, Agnes Dec. 30, 1964 Dec. 26, 1964 Jan. 22, 1965 Feb. 5, 1965 Mar. 7, 1905 Apr. 14, 1965 Sept. 9, 1965 #3, Pueblo, Colorado Kochevar, Mary Krašovec, Mary Zbačnik, Johanna Bayuk, Matilda Muhic, Gertrude Kocman, Mary Apr. 10, 1965 Apr. 18, 1965 June 23, 1965 July 24, 1965 Sept. 18, 1965 Nov. 10, 1965 #4, Oregon City, Oregon Pavlinac, Barbara Mar. 19, 1965 #5, Indianapolis, Ind. Medvešček, Rose Mar. 30, 1965 Kovach, Anna July 28, 1965 Mausar, Anne (Jr.) Oct. 29, 1965 #7, Forest City, Pa. Romig, Mary Mar. 9, 1965 Kandziola, Kathryn Dec. 17, 1965 #6, Barberton, Ohio Casserman, Jennie Dec. 5, 1965 #8, Steelton, Pa. Matesevac, Mary Dec. 2, 1965 Jakofcic, Mary Jan. 7, 1965 Pilsitz, Anna Jan. 31, 1965 Bucar, Mary Sept. 24, 1965 #9, Detroit, Michigan Molec, Agnes Dec. 6, 1965 #10, Cleveland, Ohio Sustarsic, Ursula Dec. 27, 1964 Tomazic, Rose Jan. 3, 1965 Jelercic, Jennie Jan. 22, 1965 Hribar, Rose Feb. 15, 1965 Trunkely, Angela Mar. 29, 1965 Otoničar, Anna Apr. 29, 1965 Erjavec, Mary May 15, 1965 Peruselc, Mary June 1, 1965 Grmovšek, Caroline July 12, 1965 #12, Milwaukee, Wis. Oreskovich, Anna Feb. 1, 1965 Koropec, Mary May 8, 1965 Erman, Mary Aug. 8, 1965 Berginz, Josephine Nov. 27, 1965 #13, San Francisco, Calif. Nemanič, Barbara July 15, 1965 Yerman, May July 2, 1965 Hugel, Mary Oct. 29, 1965 Sporar, Josephine Nov. 16, 1965 #14, Cleveland, Ohio Jevec, Katherine Jan. 28, Pihlar, Anna Jan. 13, Cernelich, Theresa Jan. 19, Somrak, Helen Jan. 21, Hoffart, Jennie Feb. 25, Kolar, Frances Feb. 27, Koren, Mary Apr. 4, Novinc, Mary Apr. 8, Vodnik, Jennie June 29, Mukavetz, Anna July 30, Gregorich, Emma Sept. 22, Gersin, Mary Oct. 29, #15, Cleveland, Ohio Jeric, Marj' Zala, Jeannie Gliha, Frances Papes, Elizabeth Prijatel, Mary Aidisek, Mary Feb. 7, June 28, July 14, July 18, Aug. 2)0, Nov. 8, #16, So. Chicago, III. Martich, Boja Dec. 31, Perlinski, Stella Dec. 24, 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1964 1965 #17, West Allis, Wis. Godec, Anna Jan. 27, 1965 Sudich, Ethel Feb. 15, 1965 Horvath, Katherine Mar. 17, 1965 Takve, Elizabeth Apr. 23, 1965 Senica, Anna June 16, 1965 Barborich, Louise July 6, 1965 Raly, Mary July 9, 1965 Zevnik, Agatha Sept. 11, 1965 Schwigel, Mary Nov. 23, 1965 #19, Eveleth, Minnesota Skriner, Anna Feb. 26, 1965 Filipovich, Magdalena May 25, 1965 Kržišnik, Frances July 4, 1965 #20, Joliet, Majnaric, Agnes Malialik, Isabelle Gregorasli, Barbara Skul, Agnes Wilhelmi, Barbara Gragrian, Ursula Plut, Jennie Legan, Mary III. Jan. 7, 1965 Apr. 4, 1965 Apr. 12, 1965 Aug. 6, 1965 Aug. 7, 1965 Oct. 10, 1965 Oct. 14, 1965 Nov. 7, 1965 #21, Cleveland, Ohio Ilahne, Mary Dec. 30, 1964 Borek, Sophia Feb. 22, 1965 Slabe, Mary May 15, 1965 #22, Bradley, III. Hartman, Christine May 31, 1965 #23, Ely, Minn. Tkalcic, Johanna Adams, Mary Zbasnik, Mary Colarich, Frances Grahek, Ann Dec. 14, 1964 Aug. 11, 1965 Nov. 22, 1965 Nov. 28, 1965 Dec. 15, 1965 #24, LaSalle, III. Majcen, Josephine Strukel, Marion Kovacic, Theresa Kobal, Theresa O’Keefe, Dorothy Jan. 14, 1965 Feb. 1, 1965 Mar. 11, 1965 Dec. 15, 1965 Dec. 30, 1965 #27, Braddock, Pa. Pavlakovich, Katherine Nov. 23, 1965 #29, Broundale, Pa. Gerdin, Theresa Dec. 9, 1965 #31, Gilbert, Minn. Indlhar, Rose Aug. 21, 1965 Presheren, Mary Dec. 9, 1965 V SPOMIN NAŠIM UMRLIM, LETA 1965 #25, Cleveland, Ohio Klančar, Anna Mar. 25, 19G5 Muchitz, Julia Mar. 24, 1965 Ratkay, Anna Apr. 11, 1965 Baznik, Mary Apr. 24, 1965 Makse, Julia May 21, 1965 Zupančič, Anna May 22, 1965 Piks, Louise May 26, 1965 Fabian, Marie Aug. 9, 1965 Poklar, Anna Aug. 18, 1965 Sestan, Antonia Aug. 19, 1965 Mihelčič, Frances Sept. 5, 1965 Stražišar, Mary Sept. 13, 1965 Hlad, Jennie Oct. 24, 1965 Gnidica, Lucille Oct. 29, 1965 Smolic, Theresa Nov. 22, 1965 Kastelic, Anna Dec. 8, 1965 Urbančič, Agnes Dec. 17, 1965 Mihelčič, Frances Dec. 15, 1965 Gorišek, Mary Dec. 19, 1965 Bartol, Kati Dec. 29, 1965 #32, Euclid, Ohio Popovich, Julia Dec. 20, 1964 Cercek, Mary Feb. 12, 1965 Femec, Josephine May 19, 1965 Tekavec, Anna Sept. 29, 1965 #33, Duluth, Minn. Stilinovich, Mary Nov. 23, 1965 #34, Soudan, Minn. Dragovan, Jane (Jr.) Feb. 24, 1965 Erchul, Mary Feb. 27, 1965 #35, Aurora, Minn. Bradach, Josephine July 9, 1965 Jerich, Angela Nov. 24, 1965 #37, Greaney, Minn. Starich, Mary Oct. 21, 1965 #38, Chisholm, Minn. Zalokar, Mary Jan. 7, 1965 Lesnak, Frances Apr. 29, 1965 Susnik, Mary June 1, 1965 Vesel, Alojzija Oct. 4, 1965 Separovich, Mary Dec. 16, 19G5 #40, Lorain, Ohio Baraga, Fanny Sept. 23, 1965 #41, Cleveland, Ohio Boštjančič, Rose Feb. 7, 1965 Stefančič, Ann Mar. 10, 1965 Laurich, Mary July 24, 1965 Slapnik, Frances Oct. 7, 1965 Tibjash, Helen Oct. 31, 1965 Pintar, Frances Nov. 26, 1965 SLOVO Z Bogom, srce plemenito, več ne bo te videl svet, v ozki jami si zakrito s cvetjem grob tvoj je odet. Kot cvetlica ponosita duša v raju se blesti, lepša zarja tam ji svita, solnce lepše ji žari. Duh pri Stvarniku počiva, truplo krije grob teman, govori pa božja njiva, da vstajenja pride dan. Takrat, Stvarnik, nas usliši, med izvoljene nas štej. daj nam delež v svoji hiši, vse nas združi za vselej. Skolar, Anna Bencelich, Julia Dec. 25, Dec. 30, #43, Milwaukee, Wis. Krosi, Mary Dec. 29, #45, Portland, Oregon Sincik, Maria Jan. 6, #47, Cleveland, Ohio Bricel, Katherine Mar. 29, #52, Hibbing, Minn. Strazishar, Lena Dec. 1, #54, Warren, Ohio Smuke, Carolyn Aug. 24, #55, Girard, Ohio Zimmerman, Gertr. June 12, #56, Hibbing, Minn. Javorina, Margaret Jan. 20, Davich, Katy May 2, Chacich, Mary Dec. 14, #57, Niles, Ohio Zuzolo, Johanna Mar. 4, Supek, Mary Aug. 9, #59, Burgettstown, Pa. Laurich, Johanna Nov. 29, #61, Braddock, Pa. Tomina, Helen Apr. 8, Segina, Agnes Aug. 29, #63, Denver, Colo. Rostohar, Frances Oct. 15, 1965 1965 1964 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 #64, Kansas City, Kans. Pintar, Julia Feb. 1, 1965 #65, Virginia, Minn. Babich, Rose Mar. 12, 1965 Kraker, Margaret July 5, 1965 Zagar, Gertrude July 23, 1965 #66, Canon City, Colo. Straziscar, Ivana Apr. 10, 1965 Dremel, Frances Nov. 21, 1965 #71, Strabane, Pa. Plovec, Julia Jan. 20, 1965 #73, Warrensville, Ohio Drsek, Julie July 8, 1965 Mrklas, Pauline Aug. 5, 1965 #74, Ambridge, Pa. Samsa, Mary Oct. 25, 1965 #79, Enumclaw, Wash. Trilip, Josephine Dec. 6, 1964 #81, Keewatin, Minn. Knaus, Caroline Feb. 1, 1965 #83, Crosby, Minn. Zauhar, Mary Oct. 9, 1965 #84, New York City, N.Y. Osolin, Anna Nov. 18, 1961 #85, DePue, III. Spular, Angela Jan. 26, 1965 #88, Johnstown, Pa. Noszak, Louise Jun. 28, 1965 Respet, Mary Aug. 2, 1965 Ulle, Mary Aug. 20, 1965 #93, Brooklyn, N.Y. Pogačar, Mary Aug. 2, 1965 #94, Canton, Ohio Krznarich, Mary May 23, 1965 1965 #95, So. Chicago, III. 1965 Dean, Mildred Feb. 6, 1965 1965 Cuzella, Florence Apr. 8, 1965 Chorak, Johanna May 29, 1965 1965 Andretich, Mary Oct. 10, 1965 1965 Lisac, Anna Oct. 8, 1965 Mazar, Manda Sept. 27, 1965 1965 #96, Universal, Pa. Prijatel, Victoria Sept. 30, 1965 1965 #100, Fontana, Calif. 1965 Janesh, Jennie July 17, 1965 #104, Johnstown, Pa. 1965 Gall, Johanna Feb. 12, 1965 Marie Prisland: ltojalt je šel na obisk v Slovenijo. Vrnivši se nazaj v Ameriko je ugotavljal: “Lepo je res bilo v stari domovini. Krasni kraji, prijazni ljudje, dobro vino, izvrsten golaž, a njih slovenščine bi pa kmalu ne razumel. Na deželi še govorijo nekako tako kot smo nekdaj mi, a v mestu, posebno pa v časopisih, kar mrgoli tujk. Pravijo, da je slovenščina živ jezik, ki se mora spreminjati, oblikovati, izboljševati. Če je temu tako, zakaj zlomka ne poiščejo slovenskih besedi za spreminjanje, oblikovanje, izboljševanje ne pa v naš lep jezik mešati tujke kot wikend, miting, diskusija, konsekvenca, disproporci, adekvaten, garsijonera, itd. Kdo bo to razumel?” Pravilno! Neudomačene tujke v lepem slovenskem jeziku nas motijo, a Slovenci menda ljubimo tujke v domači govorici, naj bo tu, ali onstran morja. — Spominjam se govorice iz mojih mladih let, ko je kar mrgolelo nemških besedi v našem jeziku. Naprimer: — Sosedov Francelj je bil na štelengi potrjen. Jutri bo ainrikov k Soldatom. Peljal se bo z šnelcugom. — Kako lahko bi to v lepi slovenščini povedali, pa nismo. In naša ameriška slovenska govorica? O joj! Vsa je pomešana z angleškimi izrazi. V naših časopisih čitamo pravilno slovenščino, govorimo pa po svoje. Pač, vpliv tujine. Časopisi v Slovenji bi pa vseeno morali čitatelje vzgajati v čisti slovenščini, v jeziku svojega naroda, dasl so v strokovni rabi tujke večkrat neizogibne. Slovenščina je lep, milodoneč jezik. — Kako krasno slovenščino je obvladal pokojni ljubljanski škof dr. Rožman! Ves dan bi ga poslušala. In pisana beseda pisatelja Cankarja, Finžgarja, Meškota, Mauserja! Kot bi rožce sadil! ***** Pogovor, ki sem ga slišala v Ljubljani: Prvi: — “Kaj si svoji ženi poklonil za rojstni dan?” Drugi: — “Kupil sem ji lep hausrok na foršlus.” (For-šlus je zadrga, po naše ziper.) ***** V družbi smo se pogovarjali o tistih časih, ko smo prišli v to deželo. Govorili smo o težkih in nevarnih delili v tovarnah, kjer so zlasti inozemci morali opravljati najtežja dela. V tem pogovoru je prišla na dan sledeča vesela neizogibne. “Moj mož, je bil vedno močan in zdrav,” je rekla ena izmed navzočih. "Nikdar ni potreboval zdravnika in nobenih medicin ni jemal. Spal je trdno, da bi ga tudi vojaška godba ne zbudila, če bi pod našim oknom igrala. Tek je imel dober in obraz rožnat. Skratka, bil je fejst fant in hudo rada sem ga imela. Neko jutro se mi je pa zdel popolnoma drugačen. Pričel je namreč delati v cement fab liki. Delo je bilo težko in umazano. Dva dni že je opravljal to delo, a nikdar poprej ni bil v obraz tako čuden. Imel je skoro sivo barvo in kolobarje pod očmi. V skrbeh sem ga vprašala če morda ni bolan. Mož odvrne, da je zdrav kot riba v vodi. Po zajtrku se pa vseeno pogleda v zrcalo ter nekako zaskrbljeno meni, da je barva na obrazu res nekoliko sivkasta. No, saj mu ni nič, le okrog srca mu je ravnokar tesno postalo, a to bo prešlo, je dejal. Svetovala sem naj ostane doma. Ni me poslušal. Opoldne pride ves zdelan domov in pravi, naj hitro pokličem zdravnika. Nekaj mora biti z njim narobe, ko ga je v fabriki vsak delavec vprašal, kaj mu je, ko tako slabo izgleda. Celo njegov forman mu je prigovarjal, naj gre domov, dasi drugače jako nerad vidi, če kdo od dela izostane. Domov grede bi kmalu omedlel, tako slabo mu je postalo. Torej zdravnika! Zdravnik pride, moža preišče in pravi, da ne more ugotoviti nikalce bolezni. Počaka naj dva dni, da bo bolezen sama prišla na dan. Mož se sesede kot papirnat balon. — ‘Kdo bo čakal dva dni! Do takrat že lahko umrjem’, -je tarnal. Odpravil se bom k specialistu za srčne bolezni. Ta učen mož bo že našel kaj je z menoj. — Če umrjem, da se ne boš takoj prvi dan poročila, je zabrundal, predno je šel v kopalnico, da se umije in obrije, da bo pred slavnega zdravnika stopil tak, kot se šika. Ko se mož z milom dobro po obrazu namaže ter prične vleči britev preko obraza, opazi, da je lice pod njo belo, sveže in rožnato. O kaki nezdravi barvi ni več ne duha ne sluha. Ker sem se za moža bala, sem kot nora letala som in tja; iz kuhinje v kopalnico in nazaj ter tako videla učinek njegovega britja. Široko se postavim predenj in vprašam: — ‘Frenk! Kdaj si se nazadnje umil? Ali pred tednom dni?’ — Mož počasi in nekoliko osramočeno odvrne: — 'I, umil sem se vsak dan, le žajfe nisem danes rabil. Samo splahnil sem obraz, ker se mi je mudilo. Torej je cementni prah tisti, ki mi je pokril obraz ter povzročil to šmentano sivo barvo, ki mi je toliko skrbi napravila’. Ko se je mož dobro obril in umil ter se preoblekel, je izgledal kot jutrajni cvet. Njegove bolečine — srčne in druge — so takoj prenehale in spet je stopal možato in pokoncu kot maršal Radecki, da sem ga kar z veseljem gledala . . Taka je zgodbica o cementnem prahu. ***** Naj gospod in gospa Turek oprostita, ker objavljam mične opazke, ki sem jih od članic prejela na mojo omenitev v Zarji o delu, ki ga za Zvezo vršita. "Lepo je, da si opisala Mr. in Mrs. Turek, da vemo, kako sta za Zvezo delavna. Bog ju živi! ” . . . piše članica iz Penna. “Mr. Turek je fain za pogledat” . . . javlja članica iz Zapada. “Veseli nas vedeti, da ima naša gl. predsednica šolanega moža, ki se tudi za Zvezo zanima,” pripominja tretja. “Prav, da je Mr. Turek dobil poseben naslov —• Šef pomožnega odbora — ker ga zasluži z delom za kuharske bukve," soglaša članica iz Minnesote. “Zveza je srečna, ker ima požrtvovalno in korajžno predsednico, ki se ne ustraši ne dela, ne daljave,” zaključuje članica iz Illinoisa. Tončka in Frank! Bodita zdrava in tudi v bodoče aktivna! ***** V mojem arhivu sem našla staro pesmico o tobaku cigaret takrat menda še ni bilo. Pesmico je najbrž zložil mož, čigar žena je kadila in mu izmikala tobak in pipico. Naj pesmico objavim za predpust. Tobak Tobak je Bog ustvaril, samo za moški stari. Tud’ ženske ga kadijo, katerih nič ni sram. 'no fajfco s’ga nabaše, pa ga pokadi, Potem pa vsa zmešana, tri Šprahe govori. Obljubo je storila: Kadila več ne bom! Tobak je za moške, za ženske pa polom! ***** Iz domovine sem prejela prisrčno pisemce s sledečimi zaključnimi besedami: “Sprejmite lepe pozdrave iz naše daljave in od tistega kraja, kjer sonce vzhaja. Od tiste strani, kjer se slovensko govori.” ***** Naši požtrvovalni in priljubljeni bivši glavni odbornici in tajnici Zvezine največje podružnice št. 25 v Clevelandu, gospej Mary Otoničar, je nedavno smrt ugrabila dobrega in ljubljenega soproga. Njej, kot družini, izrekamo naše globoko sožalje! Naj pokojni g. Rudolf Otoničar počiva v božjem miru! BOŽJI OBJEM Čim starejši postajamo, bolj hrepeneče bi se morali ozirati proti nebesom. Nebesa so* naš končni cilj. Bog nas skozi vse življenje pripravlja na to. Počasi nam odvzema naše majhne radosti, stvari, ki so razveseljevale našo mladost. Neka DO let stara žena je v bolnici v Kansasu rekla duhovniku, ki jo je prišel pogledat: Father, molite, da ne boste nikoli stari. Človek je tako sam in zapuščen. In to je način s katerim nas Bog pripravlja, da se nam začne tožiti po naši končni domovini. Zato sprejmimo težave starosti, križ, da smo drugim v na poto, da si ne moremo pomagati ali poskrbeti sami zase. V vseh preiskušnjah in težavah naj nas tolaži misel na nebesa. Misli na veselje in užitek, ki ga nam nebesa pripravljajo. Seveda je to skoraj nemogoče. Seveda moramo nebesa naprej videti, da jih lahko cenimo. Kdo pa je videl nebesa in se vrnil, da bi nam povedal o njih? Sv. Pavel je to storil. V svojem videnju je bil takorekoč z eno nogo v nebesih. Kaj pravi o tem: Tako jeclja kot kakšen otrok. “Oko ni videlo in uho ni slišalo.” Veliko nam s tem ni pomagano vendar pa toliko, da nam je lahko pokazal, kaj so nebesa vredna. Sv. Pavel je bil spoštovan, cenjen in ugleden kot farizej. Vse to je zavrgel, da je postal norec za Jezusa Kristusa. Vrgli so ga iz shodnic, žel je nezaupanje pri drugih apostolih, izdali so ga njegovi lastni bratje, trikrat je bil šiban, večkrat vržen v ječo. Vendar mu nihče ni mogel vzeti poguma. Vedno se je znova in znova prizadeval pridobiti si krono, ki mu je bila obljubljena. Mi smo Kristusovi sodediči in z njim dediči nebes. Če bomo z njim trpeli, bomo z njim tudi poveličani. Zakaj trpljenje dan-šnjega časa se ne da primerjati prihodnji slavi, ki se bo razodela v nas. In on je moral to vedeti. Nic čudnega 111 potem, da je ta stari bojevnik pri 70 letih s skoraj deškim razpoloženjem položil svojo glavo na tnalo pod rabljevo sekiro. Smrt je pravzaprav rojstni dan za nebesa. Tako lahko rečemo, da se življenje začenja pri 50, GO, 70 ali celo več letih. Kdaj se bo začelo naše rojstvo za nebesa. V trenutku, ko se bo pretrgala zavesa tega življenja in ne bomo več gledali Boga kakor v uganki ampak iz obličja do obličja. Takrat se bomo naekrat zavedali pomena: Oče naš, kateri si v nebesih. Takrat nam bo sv. Duh navdihnil bese do: Oče. Sam nebeški oče nas bo objel v svoj večni objem in nas ne bo pustil iz tega objema vso večnost. Zato ima prav sv. Avguštin ko pravi: Sedaj žgi in reži, samo, da v večnosti prizaneseš. Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Drage ses- Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. — Dne 5. decembra smo se zbrale na naši letni seji. Članice so se udeležile v kar po-voljnem številu. Ta večer smo tudi obhajale božičnico. Bilo je razpolago vsakovrstnega okusnega peciva. Prelepi božični prazniki so' minuli. Kamorkoli se je ozrlo naše oko vsepovsod smo videli prelepe božične okrase in vesele razvetljavo z lučkami. Posebno so se veselili Miklavža otroci v pričakovanju daril. Božični čas je ■'es najlepši v letu. 5. dec. je preminula našo dobro članica, Jennie Casserman, ki je dosegla lepo starost 77 let. Naj počiva v miru in naj ji sveti večna luč. Žalujoči družini naše iskreno sožalje. Lep pozdrav vsem članicam in na svidenje na seji dne G. februarja 19G6. Margaret Steblaj Kaluža, zapisnikarica tre: Na glavni seji v decembru je žal bila bolj slaba udeležba. Lepa hvala vsem, ki ste prišle, saj nekaterim ni bilo mogoče zaradi bolj slabega zdravja. Med temi so tudi sestre Gertruda Urbas, Fannie Kavšek, Mary Medved in Jennie Shamro, ki se je morala zopet vrniti v bolnišnico. Želimo vsem, da bi se čimprej popolnoma pozdravile, da bi tako zopet lahko redno prihajale na naše seje, ker jih pogrešamo. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor: Anna Kameen, preds., Mary J. Kameen, podpreds.; Josephine Gostisha, 1010 N. Main St. je pa tajnica in blagajničarka. Naše seje bodo v letu 19G6 vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu ob 2 uri po- poldne na domu naše tajnice Mrs. J. Gostisha. Prva prihodnja seja bo dne 6. febr. ob 2 uri pop. Rade bi pridobile kaj novih moči, toda ni prišlo do tega, toda če Bog da, upamo, da nam bo novo leto prineslo več sreče in napredek naši organizaciji. Nekaj naših članic je zelo dobrih, ker skrbijo, da imajo svoj asesment plačan ob pravem času. Nekatere bolj oddaljene pa so še tako dobre, da pošljejo celo znamko za poštnino, ko jim asesment poteče. Nekatere so pa tudi take, da pustijo, da se jim nabere za celo leto. Vljudno prosim vse, da bi redno plačevale. Tajnica mora skrbeti, da je asesment poslan vsaki mesec na glavni urad in ona ne more zalagati iz svoje skromne pokojnine, zato prosim, da to upoštevate in da greste odboru na roku, ker v skupnosti je moč! V zadnjem letu smo izgubile dve sestre, Mrs. Mary Romich iz Hones-dale, Pa. Zelo jo pogrešamo, ker je bila dobra članica in je vedno rada kaj darovala. Izgubile smo tudi ses. Kathryn Kandziola. Bog jima bodi dober plačnik. Spominjajmo se jih v molitvah. Vabljene ste na naše seje, ki so družabne, ker po vsaki seji imamo zabavo s pokrivanjem številk. Happy New Year to all members everywhere! Mrs. Anna Kameen, preds. Št. 10, Collinwood, O. — Naše seje se vršjo redno vsaki drugi torek v mesecu. Naša zapisnikarica, Sophie Magajna je še vedno odsotna zaradi službe. Upam, da se bo kmalu vrnila. Na tem mestu se želim prav lepo zahvaliti vsem članicam, ki so darovale v blagajno v letu 1965: Josephine Debevec, Frances Koriš, Jennie Batič, Josephine Zrnič, Jennie Rus, Jennie Asec, Mary Koroseč, Ivana Gombač, Sophy Magaina, Mary Ber-dak, Mary Urbas, Karolina Boice, Anna Markovič, Mary Poveršek, Helen Može, Mary Vinšek, Ivana Krsman, Mary Tomšič. Enako se lepo zahvalim članicam, ki so darovale v blagajno v letu 196G: Frances Vadnal, Jennie Batič, Josephine Debevec in Josephine Barbo. Hvala članicam, katere so darovale za našo blagajno in enako iskrena hvala tudi vsem, ki so tako pridno prodajale listke za skupni bazar, da se je naša blagajna zopet opomogla. V novembru sta obhajala zlato poroko Mr. in Mrs. Frances in Frank Perko. Želimo jima obilo zdravja in sreče v nadaljnem življenju. Sedaj pa voščim vsem uradnicam in vsem članicam širom Amerike mnogo sreče in zdravja v tem letu 19GG. Phyllis, Čermelj, podpreds. Josip Jurčič: pogumna dekla Imeli so sosedovi deklo Katro. Bila je za pol komolca večja od drugih žensk, pa močna in pogumna je bila kot malokateri moški. Ko so se nekoč menile deklice na preji, da jih je tako strah, da ne bi šle za noben denar zdalje na pokopališče v Rupe, ustavi Katra vreteno in pravi: “Mene pa ni nič strah, deklice! Ako bi mi kdo dal šmarni tolar, bi šla precej.” To zaslišijo fantje za vrati. “To je pa težko, da bi bila res ženska; marsikoga, ki nosi hlače, bi bilo zdalje strah iti do Rup,” menijo mladeniči in naglo zlože za šmarni tolar. Eden ga dene na mizo, rekoč: “Katra, tukajle pred može sem položil denar. Ti pojdi do Rup in tvoj bo. Mi pa ne bomo drugače verjeli, da si bila tamkaj, kakor, da boš zasadila kolček, ki ti ga bomo dali.” Pastir prinese kol in ga poreže v hiši, da bi se rajši zasadil v zmrzli sneg. Katra vzame kolček in odide. Vsi strahoma pričakujejo njenega povratka. “Tone,” pravi naposled ded gospodarju, ko je minilo že poldrugo uro. "Tone, also imaš katero brezovo baklo suho na izbi, le naj gre eden ponjo, prižgite jo in pojdite gledat, kaj da dekliča ni. Bojim se — ako pa nimaš bakle, vzemi butarico trsak ali pol škopnika. Sam bi šel rad z vami, ali moje noge so preslabe, težko bi vas dohajal. Le pojdite, Tone, pa če imate kaj vode, na sv. Treh kraljev dan blagoslovljene, poškropite se z njo in poiščite deklico! Ve ženske bi pa molile.” Šli so z lučjo dekle iskat, a so jo prinesli šele zjutraj mrtvo domov. Ker je bil sneg zamrzel, da je držal vsakega človeka, so sledili sosedje izkoč Katre, njene stopinje le tako dolgo, dokler so se zamazani čevlji poznali po snegu. Ko so se bili čevlji odrgnili, tudi sledu niso več puščali, snežena skorja pa se ni vdirala. Ko pridejo do Rup, ne najdejo Katre nikjer. Iščejo dve uri, pri Rupah, po poti sem in tja ali nikjer ne najdejo. Šli so domov, mraz jih je moril in se menili, da se jim je Katra skrila doma. Šele drugo jutro jo najdejo dober streljaj daleč od Rup. Čepela je na tleh napol, pred njo je bil kolček zasajen skozi močni predpasnik globoko v trd sneg. Oči so ji bilo izbuhle, lice bledo kakor sneg pred njo in v telesu ni bilo več duše. Praznoverni ljudje so dejali: “Strahovi so jo umorili. To je res, za denar, Bog obvaruj, ponoči kam hoditi!” Um nejši možje pa, duhovnik, zdravnik in drugi, o katerih pravijo, da znajo več kot hruške peči, so razkladali to reč takole: “Katra se je hotela izkazati in je šla mimo Rup že malo dalje. Zasajala je kolček in ga po nerodnosti zasadila skozi svoj predpasnik. Ko potem pripeta ni mogla vstati, je mislila, da jo vrag drži nazaj. Ker se je prav dobro sledila lisica iz Rup in zopet na Rupe, morda je baš v tem strahu videla še lisjaka, lezočega iz jame proti njej, je to prazne vere polno dušo toliko prestrašilo, da je omedlela. Potem je zmrznila.” Tako je potrdil zdravnik, ki jo je preiskal. Zdravnik je tudi trdil, da bi jo bili morda oteli smrti, ako bi jo bili našli ponoči. PREDPUSTNO RAZVEDRILO SMEHLJAJ Poskusi se smehljati — Kadar ti pogum upada in ti srce trepeče; Kadar ti vera v pravičnost izginja in se ti svet zdi črn kot noč; Kadar ne vidiš nikakega svetlega žarka nikjer in se ti nobena reč ne zdi vredna poiskusa: Kadar izgubiš veselje do dela; Kadar vse poskušnje ostanejo brez uspeha in se ti zdi, da je Bog zelo oddaljen — takrat se ne vdaj obupu, temveč poskusi s mehljajem. Težbo bo šlo, a poskusi vseeno! Mal nasmešek prežene momentne težave, dober in prisrčen smeh pa razsvetli ozračje, razvedri dušo in odžene temne misli. Poskusimo to zdravilo! SOVRAŽNIKI Nihče ne pride do uspehov, brez da bi si ne napravil sovražnikov. Močna osebnost vbuja zavist; za povprečnost se nihče ne zmeni. Zaslužno življenje ne more biti brez težav in ljudske nevoščljivosti, saj ima celo cestni pometač; sovražnike, ki mu delo zavidajo. Čim višje se povspeš, večje so žrtve uspeha. Človek na višini je izpostavljen napadam na vse strani; vsak lahko vajn vrže kamen, medtem ko masa sama sebe protektira. Kmet pride k zobozdravniku, da bi mu izdrl zob. Toda, kakor hitro sede na stol, ga prime tak strah, da ne more ust odpreti. Zdravnik se odloči za majhno zvijačo; od zadaj zbode moža v stegno. Kmet od bolečine široko odpre usta in zdravnik mu hitro zob izpuli. “No, ali je bilo res tako strašno hudo,” vpraša zdravnik kmeta. “Tisto ne. Ampak nikdar bi ne mislil, da ima ta vražja škrbina tako globoke korenine,” pravi kmet in si drgne stegno. Žena: Frank, ko boš šel nocoj iz dela, stopi no v pro- dajalno in mi prinesi pol jarda blaga kot je to vzorec. Frank: (bistra glava, ki nerad hodi v prodajalne;) O, ali naj grem po blago k tisti čedni prodajalki, ki ima tako lepe oči?” Žena: “Nu, pa ni treba. Bom že sama kupila. Kaj se boš martral po štacunah, ko ves dan trdo delaš.” VARČNI GOSTILNIČAR. Šegavi Ribničani bi radi drug drugega spravili v kašo. Tole so mi natvezli o Ulčarjevih, ki da so bili varčni še bolj kot drugi Ribničani. Imelj so gostilno, in zvečer, ko so zadnje pijance vrgli skozi vrata, so ustavili uro, da se ne bi kolesca po nepotrebnem preveč zrabila. Še bolj kosmata pa je ta, da so svojim otrokom prepovedali gledati skozi okna, da se ne bi steklo preveč izrabilo. ? «TJ ,Ctxvl Petsto narodnih in drugih priljubljenih pesmi v priročni knjižici pod naslovom “ZAPOJMO!” se nudi vsem, ki radi pojejo in so jim poznane melodije. Vaši otroci bodo z veseljem sledili besedilu in morda si bodo s pesmijo naučili vsaj nekaj slovenskih besed. Knjižica stane samo $1.25 s poštnino. Naročila sprejema in razpošilja Mrs. Toni Turek 968 Bryn Mawr Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Nahajamo se v novem letu 19GG. Želim vsem članicam in njihovim družinam in vsem podružnicam, da bi Bog dal napredka Zvezi in vsem članicam mnogo sreče in zdravja ter miru božjega. Na dan naše mesečne seje, smo imeli nepričakovano prijetno vreme, zato je tudi udeležba bila izredno velika. Pri volitvah sta bile sprejeti dve no- vi odbornici, Mrs. Rozi Skur, predsednica in Mrs. Zakubovec, tajnica. Sprejele sta mesti pod obljubo, da bodo po svojih močeh delale za napredek organizacije. Bolanih je več članic, med njimi sta dve težko bolane, Mrs. Vera Troha in Mrs. I^apuh iz 200 St.., ki je prejšnji mesec prestala težko operacijo na srcu. Molimo za nje In za vse bolne, da bi jim ljubi Bog naklonil najhitrejše okrevanje. Prejšnji mesec je tudi umrla naša večletna članica, Mrs. Mezgec, ki je več let ležala onemogla v težkih bolečinah. Naj ji Bog da večni mir in večna luč naj ji sveti. Žalujoči Mezge-covi družini pa naše sožalje. Naša podpredsednica, Mary Stražišar nam je ponosno sporočila, da je njen sin Ali, ki služi v ameriški vojski že 14 let, bil povišan v čin majorja. Istočasno je tudi poročala naša novoizvoljena preds., Rozi Škur, da je tudi njen sin v zadnjem času postal major. Torej naj veljajo naše čestitke na obe strani! Sestra, Mrs. Josephine Čebulj, ki je več let na vsaki seji kuhala kavo, se je tega večera odpovedala kuharski službi zaradi bolj rahlega zdravja. V imenu društva in vseh članic se lepo zahvalimo, Mrs. Čebulj, da ste nam več let kuhali v kuhinji in nam lepo postregli ne samo z kavo ,ampak tudi večkrat prinesli vsakovrstnih drugih dobrot. Bog vam daj zdravje! Od sedaj naprej je kuhinjo prevzela Mrs. Vida Kuhar. Kakor vidite, brez kafetka ne bomo. Ta večer so darovale v denarju: Angela Kern, Vida Kuhar, Mary Krnel, Mrs. Kraučič, Josephine Čebulj, Rozi Rupert in Mary Simončič. Vsem darovalkam naj Bog poplača z ljubim zdravjem. Darilo prisotnosti (door prize) je ta večer dobila Mrs. Simončič. Prisrčna hvala ses. Amalija Povirk, ki je Prinesla dobre krofe. Vse članice po širni Ameriki iskreno pozdravlja, A. Sustar, poroč. St. 15, Cleveland, O. — Staro leto smo končale. Smo že v drugem mesecu novega leta, toda ako bomo to leto preživele, je v božjih rokah. Vsi si posebno želimo miru na svetu, katerega smo zelo potrebni. Zopet poročam žalostno novico, da je naša ustanovna članica, Josephine Gliha, vdova, izgubila edinega sina, ki je umrl po kratki težki bolezni. Poleg matere je zapustil ženo, otroke in več sorodnikov. Članico Mary Novak je pretresla strašna žalost, ko je zdrav sin, star komaj 40 let, dobil srčni napad in bil na mestu mrtev. Zapustil je ženo, sina, starše, brate, sestre in sorodnike. Obema članicama iskreno sožalje. Sinova pa naj počivata v miru. Decemberska seja je bila lepo obiskana. Bilo je tudi lepo vreme. Ponovno je bil izvoljen ves lanski odbor. Tudi pravila ostanejo kakor doslej. Po seji smo obhajale božičnico. Bilo je vsega za piti in jesti tako da smo bile vse vesele in prepevale lepe Božične pesmi. Več članic je na bolniški postelji. Vsem želim ljubega zdravja. Spomnimo se jih v molitvi ter prosimo Boga, da bi kmalu prišle zopet med nas. Srčna hvala Helen Mirtel za dar v blagajno. Želim vsem glavnim odbornicam, duhovnim vodjem in vsem članicam SŽZ, blagoslovljeno leto 196(5. Prisrčno pozdravlja, Frances Lindich, poroč. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Zdravo in zadovoljno novo leto želim v imenu podružnice vsem članicam in odbornicam Zveze z željo, da bi imele pri vseh podružnicah lep napredek ter se izkazale hvaležne naši vrli ustanoviteljici Mrs. Marie Prisland za 40 letnico obstoja. Lepi pozdravi in voščila nam kipijo iz src do vseh, ki delujejo za dobrobit Zveze in članstva. Kar skupno želimo je gotovo sporazum med narodi in mir na svetu. Da bi s starim letom izginilo sovrašstvo in sebičnost ter vse bolesti src. Saj to je edina pot, ki nas bo privedla do pravega in zadovoljnega življenja. Skozi preteklo leto se je nabralo precej veselih in žalostnih novic. Začela bom najprvo z veselimi: Naše seje so lepo obiskane in to 6 krat na leto. Vršijo se na mojem domu, kjer se zberemo kot ena vesela družina. Glavni predmet razmotrivanja je kako pridobiti nove članice ter napraviti naše delovanje zanimivo in prijetno za članice, ki pomagajo pri vzdrževanju ročne blagajne, ker stroški so zmeraj. Sklepi so vedno v zadovoljnost članic. Po vsaki seji imamo malo zabave in požrtvovalne članice prineso nekaj dobrega za prigrizek. Sedaj imamo veliko posodo (percolator), ki drži kave za 35 skodelic, za kar so prispevale članice. To posodo imamo že od aprila meseca ter jo imenujemo “dar pridnih članic.” V maju smo imele zanimivo sejo. Ker smo za vse matere praznovale Materinski dan, kar se je prav lepo izvršilo. — V juliju smo skupno vsi Jugoslovani imeli velik piknik. Zberemo se enkrat na leto na proglašen Jugoslovanski dan, ko pridimo skupaj iz vseh strani. Več naših članic se pridno udejstvuje ter pomagamo na potrebnih prostorih. — V avgustu smo imele na seji pogovor o skupni udeležbi Zvezinega dne, ki se je vršil v Aurori. Gostiteljica je bila podr. št. 35. Dopoldne 29. avg. smo se zbrale v Legion dvorani, kjer smo bile postrežene s kavo in pecivom. Med članicam vlada najlepše razpoloženje, ko vsaka z veseljem stisne roko poznani v pozdrav. Počutimo se srečne priti skupaj na naš dan. Med nami je bila glavna podpredsednica Mrs. Marie Flory-an iz West Allis, Wisconsin, ki je bila prvič med nami kot zastopnica glavnega odbora, kar je bilo članicam v čast in veselje jo osebno spoznati. Mrs. Floryan je zelo ljubezniva oseba in je napravila prav lep vtis med navzočimi. Na seji je lepo razložila pomen Zveze ter nas bodrila k bodočem delovanju za napredek svojih podružnic in Zveze. Apelirala je na srca navzočih, da bi vpisale v Zvezo svoje hčere, sorodnice in prijateljice. Sejo je prav zmožno vodila državna predsednica, Barbara Rosandich, ki je tudi naglašala važnost skupnega zanimanja za korist organizacije. Po seji smo se skupno udeležile svete maše, kjer smo slišale poučno pridigo ter krasno petje cerkvenega zbora. Bil je res velik duševni užitek za vse. Po sveti maši smo se podale v dvorano, kjer je bil serviran odličen banket, katerega so servirale mlada, brhka dekleta. Program je bil res lep. Agilna in prijazna predsednica sestra Mary Smolich je imela dosti dela in glavna zasluga za lep potek gre njej. Imela je dobro organiziran odbor, zato je šlo tudi vse v lepem redu pri programu. Imeli smo velik užitek, ko je nastopil moški pevski zbor pod vodstvom veščega dirigenta, g. Vilko Kun-tara, katere bi človek poslušal in poslušal. Lepo je nastopil tudi harmonikar. V veliko veselje nam bil tudi nastop samih žensk pod vodstvom Mrs. Kochevar, ki so imele za inštrumente kuhinjske opreme. Njihov nastop nam ne bo šel nikdar iz spomina, ker je bilo smeha na koše. Za zaključek nam je pa Sam zapel pesem: “En starček je živel.” Oblečen je bil v lepi narodni noši, ko poslušas, človeku kar srce zastane. Bog blagoslovi vse pevce in vse, ki se trudite za našo zabavo. Pri-liodji Zvezin dan se bo vršil v septembru v Crosby, Minnesota, pri št. 83. Glavna seja v decembru je bila tudi za vse navzoče v veselje. Ponovno je bil izvoljen ves prejšnji odbor, kot je bilo že v Zarji priobčeno. Sej bo še pet v tem letu, to bo aprila, maja, avgusta, oktobra in novembra, na domu tajnice, pričetek ob pol dveh popoldne na drugi četrtek v mesecu. Odobreni so bili vsi prejšnji sklepi. Upamo, da se boste v velikem številu udeležile molitve in pogreba sosester. Bolnim sestram se pošljejo voščilne kartice za okrevanje, kakor tudi voščila za Božič in Novo leto. Dalje želimo, da bi se v lepem številu udeležile bodočih sej, ker nam boste napravile veliko veselje s svojo prisotnostjo. Lepa hvala vsem, ki ste prispevale pecivo za “bake sale” in tudi za seje. S tem ste veliko pomagale k uspehu v letu 1965. Bog vam povrni z ljubim zdravjem. V Nursing Home se nahajajo sestre Strahan, Levstek, in Setnikar. Iz bolnišnice se je vrnila na svoj dom sestra Shersa. Operaciji se je morala podvreči sestra M. Turk. Sedaj se zdravi na domu. Sestre, obiščite bolne sestre. Vsem želimo hitro okrevanje. Sestra Anna Sedaj in mož John sta praznovala 50 letnico zakona. Poročila sta se leta 1915 v Ely, Minnesota. Leta 1918 sta ustanovila svoj dom v Eveleth in začela grocerijsko in mesarsko trgovino. V zakonu imata tri sinove in hčerko, vsi poročene in imajo svoje domove. Pred par leti je Mr. Sedaj izročil trgovino sinovom Rudy, Billy in Bobby. Dolgo let so skupaj delali, sedaj se je Mr. Sedaj odločil za počitek. Lepo urejena trgovina je v ponos naselbini, na kar starši s ponosom gledajo napredek otrok. Članice jima čestitamo in želimo, da bi v zdravju in veselju dočakala še mnogo ob- letnic v krogu svojih otrok, vnukov in prijateljev. Zelo spoštovana trgovina je tudi Pri-možičeva. Primožič Grocery and Meat Market. Pred leti so sinovi in dve hčerki skupaj s pokojno materjo vodili dobro idočo trgovino. Po smrti matere so sinovi in hčeri nadaljevali in lepo prenovili prodajalno, ki je v ponos mestu. Vsako leto dajo voščilo za praznike v Zarjo. Od družine Primožič je sedem članic pri podružnici, katere je vpisala pokojna Mrs. Primožič. Sedaj otroci lepo nadaljujejo, da je materina želja izpolnjena. Sin John vodi mesnico, hčeri Paula in Mary ter sinova Billy in Eddy so pa pri groce- riji. Joe Primozich vodi gostilno (Tavern). Ugledna družina je obče spoštovana. Ponosni smo tudi na sina od sestre Mary Steblaj. Joe ima zelo lepo urejeno trgovino z zlatnino vseh vrst. Sedaj je preuredil trgovski prostor v lepo novo prodajalno, katero je odprl v lastnem prostoru ravno pred prazniki. Tudi on vselej daruje voščilo v Zarji. Želimo mu mnogo uspeha. Vsem, ki dajo oglase v Zarji z voščilom za praznike želimo mnogo sreče. Mi pa podpirajmo te trgovine! Več naših članic se veseli novega naraščaja v družinah. Pri sinu od sestre Pollac so dobili sinkota. Sestra Mihelich je letos postala kar trikrat stara mati. Od družine Mihelich je osem članic pri Zvezi in zdaj vse v odraslem oddelku. Štiri hčere so poročene in tri so še samske. Vsa čast družini Mihelich. Ponosni smo tudi na očeta, Mr. Mihelič, ki se zanima za Zvezo; tako bi bilo želeti med vsemi očeti. V letu 1965 smo izgubile tri članice. Umrle so sestra Anna Skriner, ki je bila članica od ustanovitve ter dolgo let blagajničarka. Druga je bila sestra Filipovič, ki je bila tudi požrtvovalna članica in tretja je bila sestra Kržičnik, ki je umrla v juliju. Vsem preostalim naše globoko sožalje. Pokojnim pa večni mir in pokoj. Umrl SOLNINSKI SKLAD BO V čast in veselje nam je predstaviti clevelandskim ljubiteljem petja, gospo Marijo Kranjc Fischinger iz Chicage, ki je dobila mnogo priznanj kot ena najboljših mezo-sopranisk v okolici. Marija, je posvetila mnogo let šolanja v petju ter s svojo nadarjenostjo dosegla tisti višek v iz-vežbanju glasu, da je sedaj pripravljena nastopiti pred najbolj kritično publiko. Njena želja sedaj je, da bi imela priložnost nastopiti v slovenski naselbini v Clevelandu in da bi gmotno pomagala drugim nadarjenim učencem, ki imajo edino pot do višje izobrazbe potom šolnin. Kot članica Slovenske ženske zveze želi, da bi z uspehom koncerta pomagala našemu šolninskemu skladu, iz katerega so prejeli štipendije že mnogi učenci in učenke. Clevelendske podružnice sedaj nudijo svojim članicam in prijateljem priliko najprvo uživati krasno petje šarmantne pevke in obenem pomagati šolninskemu skladu. Program bo vseboval mnogo lepega petja in spremljal jo bo na klavirju profesor glasbe od De Paul univerze v Chicagu. Vstopina bo samo $1.50 in vzrok nizki ceni je, ker bi radi imeli napolnjen avditorij Slovenskega Narodnega Doma na St. Clairju. Koncert se vrši v NEDELJO 13. MARCA, pričetek ob treh popoldne. Po koncertu se bo v prizidku servirala večerja ter vsakovrstna okrepčila za kar bodo poskrbele pridne kuharice, na čelu Mrs. Mary Otoničar, ki je poznana za eno izmed najboljših. Njene pomočnice bodo kuharice od vseh clevelandskih podružnic in isto nata-karij in natakarice prvega reda. Na veselo svidenje 13. marca v Slov. Narodnem Domu na St. Clairju! DOBIL LEPO PODPORO! DONESKI ZA SOLNINSKI SKLAD Zadnji izkaz $197.00 Novi doneski: Frank Erinenc, pogrebnik v Milwaukee 100.00 Helen Corel, bivša gl. odbornica SŽZ 50.00 Podružnica št. 30, Sheboygan 30.00 Antonia Turek, gl. predsednica SŽZ v spomin Rudolfa Otoničar, Cleveland 10.00 Mary Otoničar, bivša gl. odbornica SŽZ v spomin pokojnega soproga 5.00 Mary Tomsic, državna predsednica za Pa. 5.00 Mary Boštajnčič, Strabane, Pa. 5.00 Skupno do 10. jan. 1966 $402.00 Gospod Frank Erinenc, zavedni rojak iz Savijnske doline (Ljubno), ki lastuje moderno urejen pogreb-niški zavod v Milwaukee, nas je presenetil z lepim doneskom — $100.00 — za Šolninski sklad. Najlepša zahvala g. Ermencu in njegovi soprogi, ki je že več let članica naše Zveze. Gospa Helena Corel, ustanoviteljica in večletna predsednica podr. št. 93 v Brooklynu ter bivša Zve-zina gl. odbornica, ki točasno stanuje pri hčerki Helen Majer v Clevelandu, je skladu poklonila lepo vsoto $50.00 s pripombo: ‘ Težko pišem, ker slabo vidim. Bila sem operirana na obeli očeh. Šolninskemu skladu poklanjam $50.00 v upanju, da bo kateri izmed otrok, ki bo šolnino prejel, zmolil zame en očenaš . . Gospa Corel! Srčno želimo, da se Vam zdravje vrne in vid izboljša ter se Vam iskreno zahvalimo za Vaš velikodušni prispevek. Naj bi Vaša lepa gesta našla odmev tudi drugod Mr. & Mrs. John Sedaj ZASLUŽI Sl TA ZLATI ZVEZIN ZNAK ! VAŽEN OPOMIN! — Kampanja za nove članice bo zaključena 1. aprila. Ostaneta le dva meseca za delo in za mične nagrade, ki se nudijo podružnicam in posameznim delavkam. Podružnica, ki ho pridobila največ novih bo prejela nagrado $20.00; druga nagrada za podružnice je $15.00; tretja nagrada $10.00 in četrta $5.00. Prosi se vas, drage sestre, da greste na delo in pomagate podružnici priti do ene izmed nagrad. Vsaka članica, ki ho pridobila skupno 10 točk bo prejela Zvezin znak in dodatno tudi denarne nagrade, kakor sledi: * Za novo čla. razreda B., 1 ločka in $1.00. * Za novo čla. razreda A, 1/2 točke in 50**. * Za novo mlad. članico, \ točke in 25^. Tako bo vsaka članica v tej “rubinski” kampanji deležna denarnih nagrad in spominčka, če bo imela skupno vsaj 10 točk. — Albina Novak, gl. taj. je Anton Udovich, mož naše članice; sin od sestre Matilde Rebetz ter sin sestre Frances Sterle. Smrt nič ne izbira, mlad ali star. Vsi se moramo ukloniti usodi, ki nas zadene. Vsi so-čutstvojemo s prizadetim družinam. Bodite vsi potolaženi. Naj počivajo v miru božjem. Na tem mestu se želim v imenu podružnice zahvaliti vsem za sodelovanje v preteklem letu. Ker nimamo nobene posebne naklade za ročno blagajno, zato z veseljem sprejmemo vsak prostovoljen prispevek. Naj vam bo vsaki dar, ki ga darujete v blagajno stotero povrnjen. Ob zaključku se želim zahvaliti vsem, ki tako lepo prepevajo vsako nedeljo na radijo in to že deset let in sedem mesecev, pod vodstvom g. Kun-tara. Vsi poslušamo z velikim veseljem in užitkom. Čestitamo vsem pevcem. Kako lepo je bilo slišati lepe božične pesmi v slovenskem jeziku na božični dan. Pero ne zmore zadostili besed zahvale izbornim pevcem. Kličemo vam; Nadaljujte širiti preljub-ljeno slovensko pesem. Priznam, da žrtvujete veliko truda in v drugem oziru, ampak imejte v mislih nas, ki smo vam. iz vsega srca hvaležni za vaš kulturni doprinos. Prisrčna hvala pevkam iz Aurore, ki so lepo nastopile na radijo 2. januarja in krasno zapele Zvezino himno. Prosim vse članice, da se udeležite seje na drugi četrtek v aprilu ob pol dveh popoldne na domu tajnice. Najlepše pozdrave vsem članicam širom Amerike. Zvezi pa veliko novih članic v novem letu! Mary Lenich, taj. št. 20, Joliet, III. — Upam da ste vse članice pričakale Novo Leto z zdravjem v Vaši družini. Mr. in Mrs. Joseph in Anna Mutz iz 727 N. Broadway sta praznovala zlato poroko. Naše iskrene čestitke! Umrl je Mr. Nemanich, oče članice Evelyn Gregory. Dalje Charles Kompare, kateri je nekoč živel v So. Chicago, ter brat članice Josephine Zel-ko. Prepeljan je bil v Joliet za pokop na pokopališču Sv. Jožefa. Dalje Mr. Joseph Mihelich star. 89 iz 823 N. Broadway, kateri zapušča pet sinov in dve hčerke, katere sta naše članice; Mrs. Anne Picco in Mrs. Mildred Brieski. Zapušča tudi brata in sestro. Naše sožalje vsem preostalim. Božična voščila bolnim članicam, za katere so bile znane tajnici Frances, in sicer kartice so bile poslane Frances Končar, Veronika Tadey, Amalia Plese, Antonia Struna, katera se sedaj nahaja v Pleasant Center Nursing Home, Mrs. Mary Jerman, ki se isto-tam nahaja, Anna Pluth v Nursing homo v Chicagu, Anna Adamič, Barbara Dragovan, Cath. Dragovan, An na Ferlin, Cath. Lamuth, Helen Pluth, Antonia Nosse in Mary Vlasih. Vsem tem želimo vse članice hitrega okrevanja. Na seji se vse navzoče članice spomnijo Mrs. Marie Prisland z čestitkami k 40 letnici ustanovitve Zveze in enako za Božično voščilo. Takrat pred 40 leti gotovo ni Mrs. Prisland pričakovala da bo Zveza tako narasla. Vsem članicam pa naše pozdrave in nasvidenje na seji v Febr. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — Dne 5 decembra je bila mesečna seja in volitev odbora za leto 1966. Udeležba je bila lepa in po seji je bilo servirano okusno kosilo, katero je bilo pripravljeno od Hočevar postrežbe iz Maple Hts. Nakar smo izmenjale božična darila in imele prijetno domačo zabavo. Kakor vam je že znano, se je k nam pridružila podr. št. 53 iz Brooklyn, Ohio. Pri naši podr. so članice in uradnice zelo aktivne, posebno še tajnica Stella Dancull. Uradnice za to leto so skoro vse iste, le stole so presedle. Izvoljen je bil naslednji odbor. Preds. Anna Pelcic, podpreds. Theresa Lach, tajnica Stella Dancull (TU 4-8217), blag. Josephine Weiss, zapisnikarica Cecilia Brodnik, rediteljica Frances Kave in nadzorni odbor: Theresa Kožuh, Anna Kosale in Frances Cimperman. Poročevalka je Anna Jesenko (Tel.; AT 1-7776). Opozarja se članice št. 53 in 21, da pogledate knjižico, če imate asesment plačan. Mesečne seje so prvo sredo v mesecu. V zimskem času bodo prvo nedeljo ob 2 uri popoldne, to je za zimske mesece: jan., febr. in marca. Seje se vršijo v Slov. Narodnem domu W. 130 St. Na jan. seji se je sklenilo, da bodo na mesečnih sejah nagrade prisotnosti (door prize), zato le pridite na seje, da nas bo več. Odločeno je bilo, da bomo zopet i-mele malo materinske proslave, kakor vsako leto za Materinski dan. Za častno materi leta je bila izbrana Mrs. Josephine Zupan, ki je grandma 19-krat in prvič great grandma. Meseca novembra sta obhajala svojo 35 letnico zakona Mr. in Mrs. Walter Stevens. — Josephine Kmet je postala v tretjič grandma. — Dne 12. febr. se poroči sin naše tajnice, Richard Dancull z Patricia Welling. — Čestitke na vse strani! V kolikor mi je znano o novicah članic št. 53 kot sem spadala tudi jaz, bom poročala novice, samo da mi sporočite pravočasno. Vsem bolnim članicam želimo zdravje. Tistim, ki se nahajajo v Domu ostarelih, pa želimo počitek in vesele ure z ostalimi stanovalci. Srečno in zdravo leto, vsem podružnicam in glavnim uradnicam. Anna Jesenko, poroč. Št. 24, LaSalle, III. — Smo v novem letu. V zadnjem letu 1965 smo izgubil« 4 članice. — Ker smo v teku članske kampanje, zato prosim, da bi se potrudile in pripeljale kako svojo prijateljico ali sorodnico, da nadomestimo vrzeli zaradi izgub naših dobrih članic. Dne 15. decembra je preminula Theresa Kobal, stara komaj 57 let. Za njo žaluje mož August, en sin in dve hčere ter tri sestre in štirje bratje, Rudolph Otoničar umrl v decembru 1965 Drug za drugim se poslavljajo v večnost naši pionirji. Mr. Rudolph Otoničar, rojen v Metlanah na Blokah leta 1885, je prišel v Ameriko v starosti 18 let, to je bilo v letu 1903 ter se naselil v Clevelandu. V januarju 1960 sta s soprogo Mary, dolgoletna taj. največje podr., št. 25, slavila zlato poroko v cerkvi sv. Vida v Clevelandu. Pokojni Je bil nadarjen v večjih poslih in je rad "cimpral” ter rad pomagal, kjer je videl potrebo. Mnogo je storil okrog cerkve in šole in to v tistih časih, ko je bilo delo za “bog-lonaj.” Svoji pridni ženi Je tudi raznašal in donašal stvari, ko je videl, da je preveč dela za njo. Blagi po- kakor tudi več drugih sorodnikov in mnogo prijateljev. Sožalje izrekamo tudi Angeli Con-czak, ki žaluje za svojo sestro. Nadalje je po kratki bolezni preminula 30. dec. naša mlada članica Dorothy Ann O’Keefe iz Otave .Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Urbanč. Ob smrti je bila komaj 44 let stara. Zapušča žalujočega moža William in 5 hčera, ki so vse naše članice, dalje enega brata in tri sestre, ki so tudi vse naše članice. Bile so tudi vse dobre keglja-čice pri podružnici, to so: Kose Furlan, Florence Smrkal, Ana Mathews. Nadalje izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje članici Ana Oklešen, ki žaluje za svojim soprogom Antonom, kateri je umrl 10. dec. Zapušča tudi 3 hčere, ki so vse naše članice in dobre keg ljačice v vsaki tekmi. Nadalje zapušča sedem sinov. — Vsem pokojnim naj bo Bog dober plačnik in naj jim sveti večna luč. Družinam in ostalim sorodnikom pokojnih pa naše globoko sožalje. Drage članice, sedaj smo v novem letu ter vas vabim, da bi se v večjem številu udeležile naših sej, ker same odbornice ne moremo nič narediti. U-pam, da si vsaka lahko vzame čas in se udeleži seje za eno uro. Opozarjam tudi vse, ki ste v zaostanku z asesmentom za pretečeno leto, da bi prišle in poravnale. Imamo več članic, ki se zdravijo na domu in jim želimo ljubega zdravja. Težko operacijo je prestala Ana Sojer, sedaj se zdravi doma ter želimo njej in vsem bolnim sestram hitrega okrevanja. Najlepše pozdravlja, Angela Strukel, taj. kojnik si je gotovo pridobil lepo plačilo pri Bogu. Preostalim naše globoko sožalje. Ranjkemu pa večni mir in pokoj. — N. Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Zimski čas je zopet tu in božični prazniki so že za nami, nahajamo so že v drugem mesecu novega leta. Upamo, da bo leto 19G6 dobro uspelo v korist vsem. Naša glavna seja je bila kar lepo obiskana. Navzočih je bilo 35 sester, kar je lepo število za tako majhno društvo. Bile smo vas vseh zelo vesele. Navzoče so bile lepo pogoščene z izvrstnimi dobrotami, pa tudi same so prinesle okusnega peciva in tudi vina je bilo dosti, da smo ga dale na listke. Tudi božična darila smo si med seboj izmenjale, kakor vsako leto in tako je naša party bila res kar vesela. — Ko je pa prišlo do volitev odbora, je pa zopet šlo vse po starem. Hvala vam vsem skupaj, v imenu odbora, da imate tako zaupanje v nas in bomo tudi me z veseljem delale za dobrobit podružnice. Na seji v novembru sva bile odsotne podpredsednica Antoinette Stajduhar in jaz, pa so nas druge odbornice lepo nadomestile. Ses. Stajduhar je šla na počitnice v Florido, a midva z možem sva se podala v sončno Arizono, kjer živi naša hči z družino: Mr. in Mrs. Bill Fink in sinova Bill in Bobby. Ogledali smo si lepo mesto Phoenix, njihove visoke gore in obiskale smo Sun City, kjer živijo sami upokojenci. To je lepa dolina, ki je bila v tem času lepo zelena in vse rože so bile v cvetju. V času ko je Pittsburgh imel 38 stopinj na toplomeru, je bilo tam toplo 74 stopinj. — Dne 26. nov. smo se podali z automobilom, ki ga je vozil zet Bill z ženo k nečaku in njegovi družini v Los Angeles, Cal. Z njim to je Frank Ivanich smo se zopet vozili okoli in se ustavili na oceanski obali, potem v Beverly Hills in Hol-liwoodu, obiskali smo več cerkva, muzej Forest Lawn Memorial Park v Glendale. To je visoka gora, ki se vidi naokoli v dolino1 in skoro cel Los Angeles. Tukaj imamo tudi predstavo Kristusovega trpljenja, goro Kalvarijo, kar prikazujejo vsake dve uri. Zelo znanimivo. Tudi v Fontani, Cal. smo se ustavili v Domu za upokojence, ki ga oskrbujeta Mr. in Mrs. Par-kell, ki so nas tudi lepo postregli in nam vse razkazali. Tudi F. Ferlich nam je razkazal njihov vrt, kjer oskrbuje vsakovrstne rože in tudi solato in drugo zelenjavo. Potem smo se vrnili nazaj v Penna., kjer je sicer bolj mrzlo, toda se bo treba privaditi in uživati zimsko naravo. Preteklo leto je bilo zelo razveseljivo pri naši podružnici, ker nismo imele nobenega smrtnega slučaja med članicami. Bolnih sester pa imamo vedno nekaj, toda upamo, da se vse hitro pozdravijo in se vrnejo med nas. Molimo za nje in spomnimo se jih s kako karto, za kar vam bodo res hvaležne. Vas pozdravlja vse članice in glavni odbor in vam želi uspešno leto 1966, Mary Bahor, blag. Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Urednici Corinne Leskovar ter vsem bralkam naše priljubljene Zarje voščim vso srečo in blagoslov v tem letu 1966. Lepe pozdrave tudi pošiljam kleve-landski znanki Mary Otoničar, ki je res izvrstna kuharica. Želim ji še mnogo veselih let. Prav rada berem lepe katoliške članke v naši Zarji. Bog vam povrni, ki se trudite za slovensko in katoliško stvar. Sporočam, da nas je zapustila Tereza Gerdin. Bila je zelo dobra v življenju, toda reva je izgubila obe nogi in otroci so ji lepo stregli, toda ji niso mogli pomagati. Naj blaga žena počiva v miru. Žalujočim naše sožalje. — Tudi moja soseda Mrs. Jaklič je izgubila nogo in je res huda reva, a njena hčer je dobra in se nikoli ne pritoži. Bog daj ljubega zdravja vsem bolnikom in vsem članicam Zveze pa voščim zdravja in sreče ter blagoslova v tem letu. Pozdravlja, Mary Pristavec Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Pozdravljene v novem letu 1966! Naj vam to leto prinese kar sl same želite, posebno ljubega zdravja in mir med narode, katerega si ves svet želi z izjemo nekaj oseb. Pri naši podr. je ostal ves stari odbor. Seje so vsake tri mesece pri članicah in na sejah je prav “fletno.” Članice se med seboj dobro razumejo, vsaka nekaj pove in tako je večer kar prekratek in treba je iti domov. Aurora Beacon News nam je prinesel novico, da bomo dobili veliko bolnišnico, ki bo imela 240 postelj. To je več kot St. Joseph in St. Charles bolnice skupaj. In ker Aurora tako hitro raste, so zdravniki ugotovili, da v par letih ne bi imeli dovolj postelj in oskrbe v sedanjih bolnicah, zato potrebujemo novo in veliko, ki bo stala čez 11 miljonov. 5 milj. bodo skušali dobiti v tej okolici. Povečali bodo tudi Cofley Hosp., tako da bo imel MO postelj in okrevališče za stare in mlade. Stroški pa bodo okrog 4 miljonov. Pa tildi v nesrečah napredujemo. V preteklem letu je bilo 1,630 automo-bilskih nesreč, ranjenih v teh nesrečah je bilo 932, ubitih 10, v letu 1961 pa samo 5. Casper Ahačič sin lastnika velike pralnice, je premikal eno izmed strojev in po nesreči mu je mašina padla na nogo in mu jo na dveh krajih zlomila. Bil je 2 meseca v bolnici, zdaj je doma in zdravnik je rekel, da bo moral biti še dolgo doma, predno bo zopet šel na delo. Želim mu, da se bo kmalu in dobro pozdravil. Naj vam še povem pogovor žene s sosedovim fantkom, pri kateri hiši so imeli kokoši. Žena reče: Spomlad bom postavila “sign” na moj vrt, ker nočem, da bi vaše kokoši hodile na moj vrt. Fantek pravi: Chickens don’t read. Žena odgovori: Kaj meni mar, pa jih pošlji v šolo, da se bodo naučile brati. Fantek pravi: If chicken go to school to learn to read, they would have to go to 3rd grade and that won’t be fair, because us kids have to start at the first grade and I’ll tell my ma not to send chickens to school. In mama je slcoro gotovo tako rekla kakor je "smart” njen sinček. Zimo imamo v času ko to pišem še zelo lepo. Pred Božičem je bilo samo toliko snega, da je bil bel Božič. Toda tudi mraz in sneg sta potrebna. l.epe pozdrave vsem, Frances Kranjc Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. — I.etos smo dobili sneg zgodaj, imamo ga veliko, toda mrzlo ni preveč. Na decemberski seji je bila lepa udeležba in članice so prinesle vsake vrste okusnega peciva in darila, da je bilo med nami res vse lepo. Iskrena vam hvala za vašo velikodušnost. Smrt se vedno oglaša med nami. Preminula je Mary Presheren, ki zapušča moža in 10 otrok, 2 brata in sestro. Umrl je tudi mož od Josephine Gorsha, ki zapušča ženo in 6 sinov. Preminul je mož sestre Karoline B10-dach, ki zapušča ženo in 2 sinova. — Ravno tako je preminul Louis Prosen, ki zapušča žena, bivšo dolgoletno taj nico in 3 hčere ter 5 sinov. Bil je dobri mož in skrbni oče svoje družine. Vsem pokojnim naj Bog nakloni večni mir. — Žalujočim družinam izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. V nursing home se nahaja Mary Kauli, v bolnici je bila Theresa Shus-tar, ki se sedaj zdravi doma. Vsem bolnim sestram želim zdravja, ker to je največje bogastvo na svetu. Bog z vami v letu 1966 in na svidenje na seji. Antoinette Lucich, taj. Št. 32, Euclid, O. Zopet je šlo eno leto v zaton. Želimo, da bi novo leto bilo zdravo in blagoslovljeno. Na naši decemberski seji je bila lepa udeležba. Po seji smo praznovale božičnico in naše pridne članice so prinesle dobrot ter darovale v denarju za rojstni sklad. Dobrote so darovale sledeče: Anne Požun, Josephine Camenshek, Theresa Potokar, Jennie Gustinčič, Frances Gerlich, Edith Tegel, Pavline Morili in Frances Klun potico, ki je šla na številke in pomogla blagajni. V denarju po $1 so darovale: Mary Rupar, Frances Sokach, Angela Jarm, Barbara Baron, Pavla Vrh, Angela Barkovich, Mary Erčul, Jennie Jagodnik in $2 Elenor Gatewood. Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki ste pripomoglo k lepemu večeru. Dobile smo tudi pozdrave od Ana Petrovič iz Floride in Kristine Filips iz Californije. Hvala, tudi me želimo vem vsem najbolje. Za častno mater je bila izvoljena Mary Žele. Ann Cooke je bila pa skrivnostna kraljica na prireditvi skupnih društev. Ona ima v oskrbi 50 deklic igralk batona in njene hčerke poučujejo. Za leto 1966 je bil izvoljen naslednji odbor: duhovni vodja, Father J. čel-esnik, preds. - Terezija Potokar, pod-preds. — Barbara Baron, tajnica — Josephine Camenshek, 924 E. 223 St., Euclid, O. (tel. RE 1-8698), blag. — Ana Godlar, zapis. — Annie Tekavec in računski odbor: Frances Perme, Ann Chinchair. Poročevalke, Annie Tekavec v angleščini in Frances Perme v slovenščini. Zastopnice skupnih podr. Ana Godlar in T. Potokar. Seje se vršijo vsak prvi torek v mesecu, razen v juliju in avgustu. Razvedrila imamo po sejah in sicer s pokrivanjem številk, trikrat v letu pa obhajamo slavnostne prireditve: v maju, materinski dan, in rojstne dneve, v oktobru obletnica podr. in rojstne dneve in v decembru, božičnico in rojstne dneve. Članice le pridite na razvedrilo med nas in tako pozabite svoje težave. Če se članica poroči, dobi dar v vrednosti $3. Za umrlo članico se gre moliti rožni venec, pop. pred pogrebom. Pred pogrebom članice molijo poslovilne molitve ter jo spremijo v cerkev. Daruje se za sv. mašo za po- koj njene duše in plača se auto za prevoz čla. udeleženkam pogreba. Ob vsakoletni obletnici podr. se daruje za sv. mašo po namenu živih in mrtvih članic. Za Božič se daruje cerkvi Sv. Kristine $10. — Kakor vidite je precej izdatkov, poleg malih plač odboru in najemnine za zborovalne prostore. Naš edini dohodek v letu 1965 je bil delež od prireditve skupnih podr. Več tistih knjižic se proda, večji je dohodek. Zahvala velja naši preds., ki se udeležuje sestankov in prodaji knji-žič in pa Ana Godlar, ki je najbolj pridna pri prodajanju istih. Upamo, da se boste s časom vse zanimale, ker imamo vse enake pravice, da bo v blagajni za poslujoče stroške. Kar članice darujejo na sejah, pa gre v sklad za proste zabave po sejah. Sedaj pa še ena važna prošnja, da bi redno plačevala članarino, ker tako olajšate skrbi tajnice, ker ona mora poslati vsak mesec redno na glavni urad in ne smete pričakovati, da za vas zalaga. S pozdravom vsem, posebno pa našim bolnim članicam, daj Bog, da jim olajša bolečine in nakloni jim ljubega zdravja. Zdravim pa kličem, na svidenje na seji. Prav ob zaključku tega dopisa, je prišla žalostna novica, da je umrl John Baron, mož Barbare, naše novoizvoljene predsednice. Ni dolgo ko je izgubila mater, sedaj po zopet hud udarec. Naše iskreno sožalje Barbara, Tebi in Tvojim. Naj Te Bog tolaži v teh težkih urah. Pok. Johnu pa večni mir in pokoj. Frances Perme, poroč. št. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Srečno leto 1966 vsem članicam SŽZ! Ob začetku leta so bile ustoličene odbornice naše podružnice in sicer nova predsednica, Frances Blatnik, nova tajnica Eliz. Misčevicz, 418 W. McGonagle St., in nova podpredsednica Josephine Gre-gorich. Novi tajnici se prav lepo zahvalim, da je prevzela tajništvo in prosim vse članice, da ji pomagate pri težkim opravilu s tem, da gledate, da je članarina pravočasno plačana vsaki mesec. Ob udeležbi mnogo članic so mi podarile ovratno verižico, ki mi bo vedno v nepozabni spomin. Ne vem, kako bi se vam zahvalila za vse, ker ste bile vedno dobre sestre in mi pomagale pri delu. Ne vem drugega, kakor, da vam želim, naj vam ljubi Bog poplača za vse kar ste dobrega storile skozi 25 let mojega dela. Več naših članic, tudi Anna Podgoršek, se nahajajo v bolnišnici. Želim vsem, naj Bog nakloni ljubi zdravje. Najlepše pozdravlja, M. Shubitz Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Koncem meseca novembra smo se poslovile od ses. Prances Pintar, v decembru smo pa izgubile zvesto sestro in nekdajno odbornico Ano Skolar, a na zadnji dan leta ses. Julijo Bencetich. Sorodnikom pokojnih izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Pokojne sestre pa naj sladko snivajo in ohranjen naj jim bo blag spomin. Težko operacijo je prestala ses. Mary Markel; ses. Nettie Strukel je še vedno resno bolana. Ses. Louise Pakiž je pa tako nesrečno padla, da si je zlomila roko v zapestju. Vsem prav od srca želimo čimprejšnjega okrevanja z željo, da bi bilo to leto bolj srečno in zdravo za vse. Odbornice smo pa še kar iste z izjemo podpreds., Mary Markel, katero je nadomestila ses. Theresa Mihevc. TJverjene smo, da bo prav vestna odbornica. Naša agilna ses. Ančka Skok in soprog sta pred nedavnim sloveeno obhajala zlato poroko. Zlatoporočencesma prisrčno čestitamo in jima želimo še mnogo srečnih in zdravih obletnic. Ses. Louise Pylick je v korist blag. darovala krasno umetno izdelano rožo in še pet dolarjev, za kar ji prav prisrčna hvala. V blagajno so prispevale tudi sestre: K. Plemel, M, Germ, J. Cekada, A. Kožel, J. Lukane, M. Paulin, A, Maček, K. Kren, P. Polc, M. Rogell, A. Vadnal, R. Sabec, G. Koshel, P. Dus, V. Jelenič, M. Prelogar, U. Ponikvar, L. Sever, R. Strumble, Lucia in Lucille Romih, M. Poje in F. Ost-relich. Vsem prav iskrena hvala! Vsem našim darežljivim odbornicam in članicam, ki so nam postregle z vsem najboljšim, po seji v decembru in januarja, prav prisrčna hvala. — Sedaj je v teku kampanja za nove članice. Vse ste prošene, da se potrudite pridobiti vsaka eno novo članico, da nadomestimo naše umrle sestre. Najboljšega zdravja in napredka v tem letu želim vsem odbornicam in članicam naše Zveze. Vas vse sestersko pozdravljam, Ella Starin, taj. Št. 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio. — Pozdravljene vse članice SŽZ. Želim vsem srečno, blagoslovljeno leto 1966, da bi nam vsem Bog dal zdravja in veliko dobre volje za napredek Zveze. Božično sezono smo lepo zaključile, navzočih je bilo lepo število članic. Seja je hitro minula, le žal nam je bilo, ko je bila odsotna naša sestra predsednica, R. Shuster. Morala je iti v Minnesoto k bolnemu očetu, sedaj že pokojnemu Joseph Blenkush. Naše iskreno sožalje njej in družini. Žalost se je naselila v družino Se-gulin iz Reno Ave., ko je po dolgi bolezni preminul Peter Segulin, soprog naže čla. Jennie in oče Willlam-a in Jennie, hčerke poročene Samecki, da- lje vnuke, brata Gasper Segulin in več nečakov. — Ob istem času je bila tudi nesrečno ubita hčerka naše članice, Prances Lozier (Jakulin iz Gary, Ind.), bila je povožena ko je šla preko cegte. Zapustila je soproga, hčer Rozalijo, brata, mater in očnui Franka Lozier v Gary, kakor tudi več drugih sorodnikov. Vsem omenjenim potrtim družinam naše globoko sožalje. Res nihče ne ve, kje nas čaka smrtna božja dekla, da nas izroči v večno posmrtno življenje. Ker smo imele vse to v mislih pri obilno obloženi mizi, le ni bilo pravega veselja. — Mizo so članice lepo okrasile. Nekaj smo potrošile iz ročne blagajne, a štrudel je darovala Anna Kreševic, krompirjevo solato, Ann Christofek, slovenske kifeljce, Rose Vatovec in Jennie Pugely, Antoinette Janders, cookies, Ann Horsh sirovo solato. Za vsako članico in za okras mize je oskrbela Jennie Praznik. — Ses. Mary Vlcek nam je darovala sladkega za grlo in napravila tri pušeljce za door prize in za mizo lep pušeljc. Srečna je bila naša častna mati, M. Rusjan ter Frances Mlač, Ann Christofek ter Nettie Boldin. — V denarju so darovale: S. Mahnič, F. Mlač, J. Mezgojec, J. Gerk, R. Praznik, A. Rus, H. Tomažič, T. Bizjak, C. Shuster. V imenu podr. prav lepa hvala vsem za darila in družabnost. — Sedaj pa na delo, da se pripravimo za 35 letnico, katero bomo praznovale 24. aprila. V načrtu imamo že nekaj programa, sem prepričana, da takega še ni bilo v naši okolici, zato že sedaj apeliram, da si rezervirate ta dan. Ker bo istočasno tudi Ohio državna konvencija, ste vabljene vse, da se skupno poveselimo. Vse priprave so v oskrbi novega odbora: Rev. F. Baraga, duh. vodja, častna preds. Terezija Bizjak, preds. Helen Tomažič, podpreds. Jennie Cvelbar, tajnica Jennie Pugely, blag. Antonia Dolinar, zap. Jennie Praznik. Nadzornice: Anna Kresevic, Stefania Mah-nich in Carolina Sustarsic. Čestitke ses. Mary Sliolar, ko je postala petič stara mati. Pri hčerki Ester Boncser so dobili koncem dec. zalega sinčka, da bo delal družbo sestrici Kristy Marie, a očetu Josephu in mamici v veselje ,starim staršem Mike in Mary Sholar pa kratke čase. Bog vas živi vse v zdravju in veselju še mnogo let. V decembru je več naših članic praznovala rojstne dneve, enako tudi v januarju, zato želim vsem skupaj še mnogo veselih in srečnih dni. Našim bolnim sestram pa ljubega zdravja. Vse skupaj pozdravljam, Jennie Pugely, taj. Št. 68, Fairport, Ohio. — Smo že v novem letu. Preteklo leto 1965 je bilo za našo podružnico še kar dobro uspešno. Pridobile smo 7 novih članic, izgubile pa, hvala Bogu, nismo nobe- ne v tem letu. Udeležba na naših rednih mesečnih sejah je tudi vedno lepo številna. Na zadnji letni seji je bil soglasno izvoljen razen poročevalke v angleščini, ves stari odbor. Na novo je bila izvoljena za poročevalko v angleškem jeziku, Elizabeth Pirman. —- Sklenile smo tudi, da se bomo v prihodnjem letu po možnosti udeležile skupne sv. maše za materinski dan v Fairportu. Prav ko to pišem, se nahaja naša dobra članica Ana Švigel iz Fairporta v bolnišnici v Clevelandu. Želimo ji hitrega okrevanja, da bi se zopet kmalu vrnila med nas Vsem članicam želim srečno, zdravo in uspehov polno leto 1966. Lep pozdrav vsem. Frances Bajc, poroč. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Lepo pozdravljene glavne odbornice in članice v novem letu. Želim vsem ljubega zdravja in mnogo sreče v tem letu 1966. Naša letna seja je bila lepo obiskana, čeprav bi udeležba lahko bila še večja. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor. Članice so rekle, da smo dobre voditeljice, zato moramo še za naprej voditi. Vsekakor pa bo enkrat le morala mladina prevzeti vodstvo podružnice. Po seji smo se prav lepo zabavale ob praznovanju naše božičnice. Naša tajnica je darovala več door prizov in Alice Anceski je bila srečna, da je dobila prvo nagrado, lepo košarico sadja. V letu 1965 smo izgubile eno članico. Slišala sem, da je bila v bolnišnici Mary Dougan iz Pueblo, Colo. Želim ji ljubega zdravja in upam, da je medtem že popolnoma ozdravela. Upam, da ste vse imele lepe in blagoslovljene Božične praznike. Pozdravljam vse, posebno še Corin-ne in njeno družino. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. — Sedaj se nahajam v Clevelandu, kjer sem bila operirana na očesih, ne oba enkrat, ampak vsako leto eno, za očesno mreno. Septembra meseca sem bila v New Yorku in ostala šest tednov. Tam imam dva sina, eden je oženjen, drugi je še samec ter imata vsak svoj dom. Med časom, ko sem bila tam je podr. št. 93 imela skupno večerjo za članice. Zopet sem imela priložnost biti med prijateljicami Mimi Guček, Mrs. Fajdiga in Mrs. Jazbec. Mimi je iz Ribnice ,rodom Arko. Njen oče je v mizarski obrti. V družini so štirje otroci in so vsi dobro stoječi. Mož Frank je doma iz Drage in je izvrsten NOVICE IZ AMERIŠKE PRESTOLICE družabnik. Večerja je bila zelo okusno pripravljena; mize so bile bogato obložene s pecivom in raznimi dobrotami. Vidla sem tudi Mico Majestic, ki je zelo prijazna žena. Njena mama je stara nad 80 let. Bilo mi je v veliko veselje biti tam po dolgem času. Res je lepo biti pri ženski zvezi, katero nam je ustanovila Mrs. Marie Prisland, ter posadila dobro seme, ki je obrodilo stoteri sad. Ponosni smo tudi na naše glasilo Zarja, ki nam prinaša novice iz slovenskih naselbin. Delujmo skupno in privabimo mladino, da bo dobro delo organizacije še dolgo procvitalo. Saj ženske smo kot čebelice, ki ne odnehajo z delom temveč pridno skupaj nosijo, da zbirajo med. Hvala Bogu, da imamo dobre voditeljice, ki se neutrudljiva žrtvujejo za močan obstoj Zveze. Iskrena vam hvala! Bog daj v novem letu vsem zdravje in obilo blagoslovov za dobrobit članstva in Zveze. Bog živi našo Zvezo! Helen Corel, 6410 S, Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Št. 96, Universal, Pa. — Na letni seji v decembru je bilo navzočih veliko članic. Vse naj ostane po starem, so rekle naše članice in tako je ostal ves prejšnji odbor. Hvala lepa za jestvine in vsem, katere ste pomagale v odboru za decem-bersko sejo Članice so izvolile Mrs. Josephine Barkovich Perrino za posebno zaslužno mater za leto 19GG. Naša marceva sejo se bo vršila pri Elsie Bogataj, to je na drago nedeljo v marcu, 13. marca ob 2 uri pop. lten-ton 1 Locust Str. Katere se mislijo udeležiti pensil-vanijske državne konvencije, prosim, da sporočite eni ali drugi uradnici, da bo prostor rezerviran na busu. State convention bo letos v Strabane. Naše iskreno sožalje družini Andrew Pryatel iz Universal, ob izgubi žene, ki je bila naša članica 26 let. Zapustila je tudi dve poročeni hčerki in enega sina. Resno bolane so, Jennie Snoznik, Jean Oswalt in Frances Oblock Sr. Njim in vsem članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Paula Kokal Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Naša januarska seja je bila zadovoljno obiskana. Imele smo volitve in z malo prošnjo so sprejele prejšnje odbornice z malo spremembo. Odbor je naslednji: Preds. Jenny Kurelich, podpreds. Mary Vidergar, taj. Dorothy Petricli, zapisnikarica Mary Omejc in nadzornice: Josephine Susel in Mary Jasina. Za bolnike obiskovati, Mrs. Ustar in Cecilia Horzen, rediteljica Ana Pet-rich in poročevalke so v angleščini Prances Vidergar in v slovenščini Kristina Filips. Sprejele smo novo članico Jenny Št. 103, Washington, D.C. — V ned. 9. januarja 1966 smo imeli Slovenci iz Washingtona in okolice prvo slovensko sveto mašo v največji ameriški cerkvi Brezmadežnega Spočetja. Sv. maša je bila ob enajstih dopoldne pri glavnem oltarju v spodnji cerkvi. Zelo smo vsi hvaležni Fathru Francis Blatniku, da je lahko prišel iz države New Jersey in tako raztegnil svoje pastirsko poslanstvo. Pri maši na prvo nedeljo po Raz-glašenju Gospodovem ali prazniku Sv. družine se tudi ni manjkalo prelepe slovenske cerkvene pesmi. Navzoči smo lepo po slovensko odgovarjali na slovenske mašnikove molitve. Peli smo nekaj najlepših cerkvenih pesmi kot Božji nam je rojen Sin, Lepa si, lepa si, Roža Marija, Kaj se vam zdi, pastirci vi, Tebe ljubi moja duša, Glej zvezdice božje, za zaključek pa še Ti, o Marija. Tudi pridiga sama o tem, kako potrebno je, da Slovenci daleč od svoje domače zemlje pridemo včasih skupaj, nas je povezovala in našim najmlajšim še okrepila zavednost slovenstva. Naj bi se nikdar ne našel kdo med nami, ki bi zatajil svoje slovensko ime, ampak naj vedno s ponosom pokaže, da je izšel iz enega najbolj kulturnih narodov sveta. Gospod dr. Ciril Žebot je prav dobro opravil svoje delo kot komentator, prav tako tudi Erik Kovačič kot lektor, ministriral pa je Ciril Žebot, mlajši. Članice Slovenske ženske zveze v Washingtonu in okolici pa smo s to prvo slovensko mašo dobile potrdilo, kako potrebno in koristno je naše društvo, katerega predsednica je Miss Irene Planinšek iz Jolieta, 111. Cerkev Zaube, kateri kličemo “dobrodošla”! Za častno mater leta je bila izvoljena Cecilija Horzen. Naši zaslužni članici iskreno čestitamo. Sklenjeno je bilo, da se daruje $5 v namen proglasitve blaženim našega svetniškega slovenskega škofa Antona Martina Slomšeka. — Za umrle članice ostane po starem; za cvetlice se daruje $7 ter se da za mašo; za soproga in za matere se da za mašo. Sprememba je, da se ne kupi več na-gcljov, katere smo dali sestram, ki so spremljale pok. sestro k zadnjemu počitku. Sklenile smo tudi, da bomo v marcu priredite rummage sale, zato se vam priporočamo, da kar ne rabite, prinesete ali pokličete eno naših uradnic, da pride iskat. Vse prav pride. Po en dolar so prispevale v blagajno: Mary Kovacich, Mary Ercek, sestra Rupert in sestra Para. Najlepša hvala vsem! Po seji smo praznovale rojstne dne ve Pavle Vidergar in sestre Kukman. Hvala za dobrote ter vam še enkrat je bila proti pričakovanju polna, kar je vsekakor dokaz, da se naš slovenski rod v ameriški prestolici zanima, raste in zori. V najbolj skritem kotičku naših src je še vedno ukoreninjena moč in ljubezen do naše skupne zibeli, ki nam jo je naša mati Slovenija ali pa slovenska naselbina v no- vi domovini mehko postlala s skupnim jezikom, skupnimi običaji in eno vero. Po maši smo imele naš redni sestanek na domu Mrs. Mirko Javornik. Po prebranem zapisniku naše zadnje seje v decembru, je Father Blatnik umestil odbornice našega društva št. 103. Odbornice so naslednje: Irene Planinšek, predsednica; Nika Kovačič, podpredsednica; Mary Mejač, tajnica; Iča Žebot, blagajničarka; Tillie Au-sich, zapisnikarica; Elaine Fleming, vratarica; Maria Mejač, Ivanka An-tolin in Agna Javornik, nadzornice. Temu je sledil nadvse prazničen in okusen zajtrg, katerega je pripravila gospa Javornik. Gospa zasluži vse priznanje za svoj trud. Tudi dom sam je bil še ves v božičnem razpoloženju. Božično drevesce in jaslice so nam vsem napolnila srca z božično radostjo. Father Blatnik je bil posebni gost na tem sestanku in nam je pokazal diapozitive v barvah iz Vatikana. Tudi predavanje samo je bilo nad vse zanimivo, kar je Father sam živel v Rimu v letih 1948 do 1953. Ko pa bo drugo leto konvencija celotne Slovenske ženske zveze v Washingtonu bo naše društvo počaščeno s tem, da bo lahko pozdravilo delega-tinje iz cele Amerike. Do takrat pa prav lepo vse skupaj pozdravlja Nika B. Kovačič želimo mnogo let zdravega življenja. Lepo smo se zabavale s pokrivanjem številk. Hvala gre Josephine Sušel, ki je to priporočala in hvala vsem prijateljicam, ki so se udeležile. — Vsem bolnim članicam pa ljubega zdravja. Vsem gl. uradnicam ter vsem članicam želim zdravo, srečno in blagoslovljeno leto 1966. Kristina Filips, poroč. IŠČE MEŠKOVO KNJIŽICO Ljubljanski professor, Viktor Smolej, urednik zbranih del pokojnega mon-signora, Ksaver Meško, prosi za informacijo o eni Meškovi knjigi. Ta knjiga, MeSkova knjižnica, I. zvezek, ki vsebuje nekaj proze in pesmi, je izšla v letu 1916 v Duluth, Minn., poti pokrovltelstvom Narodnim Vestnikom. Uredil jo je Smolej John ali Janez, professorjev mrzli stric. Professor Smolej bi rad imel fotokopijo naslovne strani, zunanje in notranje, knjižnice. Kdor bi imel informacijo o tej knjigi je prošen, da se obrne na Mr. Joseph Zelle, 1227 Addison Road, Cleveland, Ohio, 44102 s podatki. OFFICERS OF S.W.U. BRANCHES — 1966 No. 1. SHEBOYGAN. Wis. Pres.: Olga Saye, 1210 So. 20th St., Sec’y.: Margaret Fisher, 516 Washington, Kohler, Wis. Treas.: Mary Vertacic, 1223 Mead Ave. Meetings: Third Sunday, Church Hall No. 2, CHICAGO. 111. Pres.: Josephine Železnikar, 2046 W. 23rd Sec’y.: Albina Novak, 1931 W. Cermak Rd. Treas.: Elizabeth Zefran, 1941 W. Cermak Meetings: Second Thursday. Church Hall. No. 3. PUEBLO, Colo. Pres.: Mary Guzzol, 1025 W. Orman Seo’y.: Frances Simonich, 1113 Mahren Treas.: Josephine Turk, 1150 N. Warnian Meetings: First Wednesday, Church Hall. 7 p.m. No. 4. OREGON CITY, Ore. Pres.: M. Polajner, 1112 J. Adams St. Sec'y.: Mary Gerkman, R. 2, Box 59 Meetings: Second Tuesday. 8 pm. No. 5, INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. Pres.: Sylvia Stanfield, 744 N. Haugh St. Sec’y & Treas.: Josephine Turk, 1150 No. Warman Meetings: Fourth Sunday, S.N.D. W. 10th St. No. 6, BARBERTON. Ohio Pres.: Jeanette Killoran, 906 W. Tusc. Av. Sec’y.: Jennie Ozbolt, 160 W. 30th St. Treas.: Jennie Okolesh, E. Cassell Ave. Meetings: First Sun., Sec’y’s home No. 7. FOREST CITY. Pa. Pres.: Anna Kameen, 87 Depot St. Sec’y. & Treas.: Josephine Gostisha, 1010 No. Main Meetings: 2nd Sunday, Home of Sec’y No. 8, STEELTON. Pa. Pres.: Mary Messersinith. 323 Myers St. Sec’y.: Anne Pavelich, 222 Myers St. Treas.: Katie Bellcic, 245 Fredrick St. Meetings: Last Sun., Members’ homes No. 9. DETROIT, Mich. Pres.: Henriette Van Haverbeck. 21070 Ehiert, Warren, Mich. Sec’y.: Mary Jamsek, 18711 Stahelln, Detroit, Mich. 48219 Meetings: livery third month. Secretary’s home. No. 10. CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Anna Markovich, 15706 Holmes Av. Sec’y.: Mary Camloh. 15726 Holmes Ave. Treas.: Mary Camloh, 16726 Holmes Ave Meetings: Second Tuesday, Slov. Home, 16810 Holmes Ave. No. 12, MILWAUKEE. Wis. Pres.: Frances Plesko. 2908 W. Green- field Ave. Sec'y.: Theresa Sukys, 1311 S. Dayton Blvd. 53215 Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 1028 So. 9th St. No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. Pres.: Rose Scoff, 2208 Mariposa St. Sec'y.: Ann Stich, 579 Rhode Island Treas.: Margaret Fager, 500 Utah St. Meetings: First Thursday. Slov. Home. No. 14. CLEVELAND 19. Ohio Pres.: Theresa Skur, 18223 DaSalle Rd. Sec’y: Antoinette Zabukovec, 215 E. 328th St., Willowick, Ohio 44095 Treas.: Mary Iskra, 18814 Mohawk Ave. Meetings: First Tuesday, Slov. Home, Recher Ave. No. 15, CLEVELAND 5, Ohio Pres.: Frances Dlndic, 3644 E. 80th St. Sec’y.: Frances Novak. 3552 E. 80th St. Treas.: Theresa Jeric, 3683 E. 81st St. Meetings: Second Wednesday, S.N.D., 80th Street. No. 16. CHICAGO 17. III. Pres.: Katie Triller, 1724 Stanton. Whiting, Ind. Sec’y.: Gladys Buck, 10036 Ave. L Treas.: Anna Buck, 10036 Ave. L Meetings: Second Thursday. St. George’s Hall. No. 17, WEST ALLIS, Wis. Pres.: Marion Marolt. 1512 So. 53 Str. Sec'y.: Marie A. Floryan, 5830 W. Mineral Treas.: Frances Piwoni, 2635 So. 70th St. Meetings: Third Sunday. St. Mary's Hall. * p.m. No. 19, EVELETH, Minn. Pres.: Antonia Nemgar, 117 Jones St. Sec’y. & Treas.: Mary Lenich. 609 Jones Meetings: Jan.. Apr., May, Aug., Oct.. Dec. — Second Thursday No. 20, JOLIET, III. Pres.: Emma Planinšek. 1314 Elizabeth Sec’y.: Frances Gaspich. 619 Nicholson St. Treas.: Jos. Sumic. 1305 No. Center St. Meetings: Third Sunday. Ferdinand Hall, 2 p.m. No. 21, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Anne Pelcic, 13320 Crossburn Ave. Sec’y.: Stella Dancull, 13390 Settlement Acres Dr., Cleveland 42, Ohio Treas.: Josephine Weiss, 12619 Kirton Meetings: First Wednesday, J.D.N. Hall. No. 22, BRADLEY. III. Pres.: Ann Richards, 324 So. Blaine Sec’y.: Helen SebastianI, 283 So. Wabash Treas.: Anna La Montagne, 284 So. Grand Ave Meetings: 4th Tues. every other month — member’s home No. 23, ELY, Minn. Pres.: Katherine Slogar, 411 E. Harvey St. Sec’y.: Barbara Rosandich, 1212 E. Sheridan St. Treas.: Mary Shlkonya. 846 E. Chap. St. Meetings: 1st Sunday St. Anthony Hall 7:30 P.M. No. 23, ELY, Minn. DAWN CLUB Pres.: Rose Novak, 11 Semers St. Sec’y: Helen Kotchevar, 127 E. Sheridan Treas.: Margery Gornick, 25 La'wrence St. Meetings: Third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Room 132, Comm. Center No. 24, LA SALLE. III. Pres.: Mary Krogulski. 1237- 6th St Sec'y & Treas.: Angela Strukel, 536 La-Harpe St. Meetings: 1st Sunday St. Roch’s School No. 25. CLEVELAND. Ohio Pres.: Mary Kolegar, 7005 Hecker Ave. Sec’y. & Treas.: Mary Otoničar, 1110 E. 66th Street Meetings: Second Monday. St. Vitus School Hall. No. 26. PITTSBURGH, Pa. Pres.: Anna Trontel. 701 Kendall St. Sec’y.: Anna Frankovic, 6332 Key»tone St. Treas.: Mary Bahor, 604 Kendall St. Meetings: Third Tuesday. Slov. Home. No. 27. NORTH BRADDOCK, Pa. Pres.: Mary Stephenson, 1721 No. Ridge Sec'y.: Mrs. Frances Kucic, 146 Churchill Road. Turtle Creek, Pa. Treas.: Frances Celigoi, 1719 Poplar Way Meetings: First Sunday, 1629 Ridge Ave. No. 28, CALUMET. Mich. Pres.: Ann Helneman, 109 8th Street Sec’y.: Mary Jakovich. 810 Oak St. Box 15 Treas.: Stephanie Ryan. 107- 6th St. Meetings: 2nd Wed. St. Joseph’s Church No. 29, BROUNDALE, Pa. (P.O. Forest City. Pa.) Pres.: Fannie Harvatlne, Main St., B’dale Sec’y.: Mary Hadley, 217 Vine St. Treas.: Jos. Debevec, 337 Main St. Meetings: First Monday. No. 30, AURORA. III. Pres.: Emma Tomse, Twin Lane Rd. 1, Box 311 Sec'y.: Theresa Zefron, 1227 Superior St. Treas.: Barbara Fayfar, 611 Honkes Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday. Members’ homes. No. 31, GILBERT, Minn. Pres.: Rose Veronick, Box 52 Sec’y.: Antoinette Lucich, Box 752 Treas.: Antoinette Lucich Meetings: Second Wednesday. Community Hall 8 P.M. No. 32, EUCLID, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Potokar. 19850 Kenwood Sec’y: Josephine Comenshek, 924 E. 223rd Treas.: Anna Godlar, 20971 Wilmore Ave. Meetings: First Tuesday, St. Christine’s Hall. No. 33. DULUTH, Minn. Pres.: Frances Blatnilc, 532 99th Ave., W. Sec’y & Treas.: Elizabeth Misiewicz, 411 W. McGonagle Meetings: 1st Wed., St. Elizabeth Hall — 7:30 P.M. No. 34. SOUDAN. Minn. Pres.: Mrs. J. Pahula Sec'y & Treas.: Mary Pahula. Box 26 Meetings: Third Wednesday. C.M. Clut’ Hall. No. 35. AURORA. Minn. Pres.: Mary Smolich, 112 W. 3rd Ave Nu Sec'y & Treas. Frances Bradach, 28 N. Erie Meetings: 1st Wed. 7:30 P.M. — Village Hall No. 37, GREANEY. Minn. Pres.: Helen Shuster Sec’y.: Mary Krall, Gheen, Minn. Treas.: Anna Skraba. Gheen. Minn. Meetings: Second Sunday, Church Hall. No. 38, CHISHOLM. Minn. Pres.: Frances Hren. 300 - 1st St. N.W Sec’y & Treas. Anna Trdan, 215 5th S.W. Meetings: First Wednesday. S.N.D. No. 39. BIWABIK, Minn. Pres.: Frances Anzclc, Box 168 Sec’y. & Treas.: Shirley Sherek, Box 662 55708 Meetings: 2nd Thurs., Members’ homes No. 40. LORAIN, Ohio Pres.: Frances Bresak, 1769 E. 31st St. Sec’y.: Angela Kozjan. 1628 W. 29th St. Treas.: Mary Klinar, 1765 E. 34th St., Meetings: Second Wednesday. S.N.D. 7:30 p.m. No. 41. CLEVELAND. Ohio Pres.: Mary Debevec, 14926 Sylvia Ave. Sec’y.: Ella Starin, 17814 Dillewood Treas.: Mary Debevec, 4926 Sylvia Ave. Meetings: First Tuesday, Slov. Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. No. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, Ohio (P.O. Bedford, Ohio) Pres.: Antonia Kastelec, 5087 Stanley Av., Sec’y: Louise Prhne, 5141 Miller Treas.: Cecelia Hočevar, 16312 Raymond, Meetings: 4th Wednesday every other month, 7:30 p.m. S.N. Home, 5050 Stanley Ave. No. 43 MILWAUKEE, Wis. Pres.: Jos. Kolar, 3104 W. Becker Ave. Sec’y. and Treas.: Rose Kraemer, 4304 So. K. K.. Cudahy, Wis. Meetings: 2nd Sunday. St. John’s Auditorium No. 45, PORTLAND. Ore. Pres.: Mary E. ltoso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave Sec’y.: Flo. Lolich, 2816 N.W. Raleigh St. Treas.: Rosemary Koso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave. Meetings: First Thursday. No. 46. ST. LOUIS. Mo. Pres.: Viola Pisoni, 6704 Clayton Ave., Sec'y & Treas.: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway Place Meetings: Second Sunday No. 47, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Helen Tomazic, 434 E. 264th St., Sec'y.: Jennie Pugely, 10724 Plymouth Treas.: Antonia Dolinar, 8805 Vineyard Meetings: 2nd Sunday every other month, S.D.D., 10814 Prince Ave., 3:30 p.m. No. 49. NOBLE, Ohio Pres.: Mary Stusek, 29664 Grand Iilvd., Wlckliffe, Ohio. Sec’y.: Mary Stusek Treas.: Mary Gombach, 22300 Arms Ave Meetings: Second Sunday, every thlro month, 22300 Arms Ave. No. 50, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Frances Sietz, 308 Richmond Rd. (24) Sec’y & Treas.: Marie Beck, 25854 Highland Road, Cleveland 24 Meetings: Third Monday, St. Vitus School Hall No. 61. KENMORE, Ohio (P.O. Akron, Ohio) Pres.: Jennie Zoker. 2110 Manchester Rd. Sec'y. & Treas.: Dorothy Zakely, 601 Marengo Ave. Meetings* First Sunday, Slov. Club No. 52, HIBBING, Minn. (Kitzville) Pres.: Jos. Oswald. 330 - 2nd St.. Hibbing Sec'y &. Treas.: Rose Chiodi, 312 4th St., Meetings: First Wednesday, Little Grove Club Room. No. 54, WARREN, Ohio Pres.: Rose Racher, 2205 Burton St. Sec’y. and Treas.: Joanne Ponikvar, 1040 Meadovvbrook S. E. Meetings: 3rd Tues., Members* homes No. 55, GIRARD, Ohio Pres.: Barbara Umeck, 19 Harmon St., Niles, O. Sec’y & Treas.: Mary Ann Mehalco, 1022 N. State Meetings: Second Thursday, S.N.D. No. 56, HIBBING, Minn. Pres.: Anne Satovich, 3414 VV. 4th St. .Sec’y.: Mary Meadows, 1410-15th Ave. E. i'reas.: Mary Drobnick. 3609 W. 4th Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, Assumption Hall. No. 57, NILES, Ohio Pres.: Frances Yerman, 2110 Robbins Ave. Sec’y: Virginia Zevkovich, 70 Chestnut St., Girard, Ohio I'reas.: Mary Strah, R.D. #1, Mineral Ridge, O. Meetings: Second Tuesday at Mrs. Yer-man’s Home No. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, Pa. Pres.: Frances Korošec, Main St. .^ec’y.: Virginia Bendich, Main St. I'reas.: Margaret Godish. 1 E. Market St. Meetings: 1st Tuesday at Slovenian Home No. 61, BRADDOCK, Pa. Pres.: Johanna Chesnik, 1223 Milton St. Sec’y.: Pauline Stolec, 2019 Monroe, Pittsburgh 18, Pa. Treas.: Jennie Novosel, 901 Greensburg Pike, E. Pittsburgh. Meetings: Second Sunday, Croat. Home. No. 62, CONNEAUT, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Colangelo, 549 Chestnut St. Sec’y. & Treas.: Anna Mundi, 591 Buffalo Street Treas.: Anna Mundi, 763 Broad St. Meetings: 1st Saturday, individual members’ homes. No. 63, DENVER, Colo. Pres.: Agnes Pogline, 4776 Filmore St. Sec’y: Ellen Nortnik, 8570 W. 57th Ave. Treas.: Cecilia Kreiling, 4638 Logan St. Meetings: Last Sunday of month. Slov. Home, 44th & Washington No. 64, KANSAS CITY, Kans. Pres.: Antonia Kostelec, 617 Splitlog .Sec’y.: Catherine Lastelic, 637 Orville Treas.: Regina Cod, 317 Orchard Ave. Meetings: 3rd Sunday, Holy Family Hall No. 65, VIRGINIA, Minn. Pres.: Celia Simlch, 805 8th St., N. Sec’y.: Jennie Tavchar, 719 - 10th St. N i’reas.: Jennie Tavchar Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 2 p.m., Sacred Heart Church Clubroom No. 66, CANON CITY, Colo. Pres.: Christine Konte, 112 Catlin Ave. Sec’y.-treas.: Cecile Adamic, 1330 So. 4th Meetings: 2nd Sunday, every 3rd month. Lodge Room, 319 Elm St. No. 67, BESSEMER, Pa. Pres.: Mary Snezic, Box 547 Sec’y.: Frances Samsa, Box 545 I'reas.: Mary Brodesko, Box 449 Meetings: Second Sunday, Croation Hall 8 p.m. No. 68. FAIRPORT HARBOR. Ohio Pres.: Jennie Mohorčič, Taylor Road., Painesvllle, Ohio Sec’y & Treas.: Mary Grzely, 1055 N. St. Clair, Painesvllle, Ohio Meetings: 3rd Sun., Amer. Slov. Club, 616 Third St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio No. 70. WEST ALIQUIPPA. Pa. Pres • Stplln CMrroni. 104 Main Ave. Sec’y: Stella Cicconi Treas.: Mary Derglin, 85 Maple Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, 104 Main. No. 71, STRABANE, Pa. Pres.: Mary Tomsic. Box 202 Sec’y.: Lucille Smith, 37 Latimer Treas.: Mary Boštjančič, Box 68 Meetings: Second Wednesday, KSKJ Hall, 7 p.m. No. 72, CHICAGO, III. (Pullman) Pres.: Angela Bezlaj, 1516 Shirley Dr.. Calumet City, 111. 60409 Sec’y & Treas.: Wilma Zagar, 10415 Wabash, Chicago 60628 Meetings: 2nd Sun. every 3 mos. No. 73, WARRENSVILLE, Ohio Pres.: Kay Yuratovac, 19511 Sumpter Rd. Zone 28 Sec’y.: Louise Eppley, 20294 Emery Rd., Cleveland 28, Ohio Treas.: Agnes Walters, 24717 Emery Rd. Meetings: 1st Monday at 22710 Vera St. No. 74, AMBRIDGE, Pa. Pres.: Mary Habich, 160 Maplewood Ave. Sec’y. & Treas.: Stephanie Plese, 112 Merchant St. Meetings; Second Sunday, Slov. Audit. No. 77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, Pa. Pres.: Bettyann Murphey, 1610 Walz St. Sec’y.: Mary Chrnart, 937 Haslage Ave., Spring Hill, Pittsburgh 12, Pa. Treas.: Eliz. Conway, 1610 Waltz St. Meetings: Second Thursday, Javor Hall. No. 78, LEADVILLE, Colo. Sec’y.: Mary Vidmar, 414 W. Third St. Treas.: Mary E. Faidiga, 319 W. 2nd Meetings: Last Thursaay, 414 W. Third No. 79, ENUMCLAW, Wash. Pres.: Mary Mihelick, 1730 Hillcrest Sec’y.: Fanny Ramshak, 661» Stevenson Treas.: Anna Anderson, 409 Raineer, Meetings: Second Sunday, every third month. Members’ homes. No. 80, MOON RUN, Pa. Pres.: Ann Petanovich Sec’y.: Mary Christian, RFD 1, Box 57, McKees Rocks, Pa. Treas.: Josephine Pogachnick, Box 171 Meetings: First Thursday, Miners Hall. No. 81, KEEWATIN, Minn. Pres.: Anna Jackovich Sec’y.: Anna General Treas.: Margaret Cenjar Meetings: Second Thursday, Village Hall. No. 83, CROSBY, Minn. Pres.: Frances Vidmar, 20 - 4th St., N.W. Sec'y.: Mary Deblock, Box 61, Ironton, Minn. Treas.: Mary Deblock, Box 12, Riverton Meetings: First Monday, 8 p.m. No. 84, NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. Pres.: Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine St. Ridgewood, Brooklyn, N.Y. Sec’y.: Anna F. Svet, 1830 Cornelia St., Ridgewood 27, L.I., N.Y. Treas.: Pauline Kralj, 6901 — 66 PI., Glendale, L.I., N.Y. Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 4 times a year, Silver Court Cafe, 68-17 Forest Ave., Ridgewood. No. 85, DE PUE, III. Pres.: Mary Stupar, Box 381 Sec’y.: Maria Jermene, Box 205 Treas.: Mary Zabavnik, De Pue, 111. Meetings: Third Sunday No. 86, NASHWAUK, Minn. Pres.: Mary Zakrajšek, 602 2nd St. Sec’y.: Marian Dergantz, 214 — 4th St. Treas.: Christine Meyers, 225 — 4th St. Meetings: 4th Tues., Memorial Bldg. No. 88, JOHNSTOWN. Pa. Pres.: Mary Kuzma. 218 View Street Sec’y.: Jennie Stusek, 541 Russell Ave. Treas.: Mary Zupan. 546 Forest Ave. Meetings: Second Wednesday, St. Ann’s Church Hall No. 89. OGLESBY. III. Pres.: Frances Meglic. 321 Maple Ave Sec’y.: Anna Vogrich, 322 Mormon St. Treas.: Sophie Frank. 311 Elm St. Meetings: 2nd Monday. Dickenson House No. 90. PRESTO. Pa. Pres.: Sophie Sorcan, 1326 Washington Pike. Bridgeville Sec’y.: Julia Klemenčič, 220 Charlett St., Bridgeville Treas.: Ann Sorcan, 1327 Washington Pike, Bridgeville Meetings: Third Sunday, St. Barbara’s Hall, Presto. Pa., 3 p.m. No. 91, OAKMONT, Pa. Pres.: Anna Kastelic, P. O. Box 287 Oak-mont, Pa. Sec’y.: Amalia Sorch. 409 Virginia Ave. Treas.: Anna Flisek, 721 3rd St. Oakmont Meetings: 1st Tuesday, March May. Sept., Dec., at secretary’s home No. 92. CRESTED BUTTE. Colo. Pres.: Helen Cobai, Crested Butte, Colo. Sec’y.: Josephine Somrak Treas.: Margaret Malenšek, R. 3, Gunnison, Colo. Meetings: 1st Sun., Church Hall No. 93, BROOKLYN. N.Y. Pres.: Agnes Klarich, 1644 Putnam Ave. Sec’y.: Anna Kerkovich, 182 Chestnut Treas.: Helen Hodnick, 6042 - 68 Rd. Meetings: Third Tues. each month, Amer. Hall, 253 Irving Ave. No. 94, CANTON, Ohio Pres.: Kathryn Pauline, 1201 Faircrest, S.W. Meetings: Fourth Sunday. No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, III. Pres.: Mildred James, 10727 Ave. M Sec’y: Mildred Poropat, 8314 Saginaw Treas.: Helene Golich, 9633 Manistee Ave. Meetings: 1st Wednesday at Croation Hall No. 96, UNIVERSAL, Pa. Pres.: Paula Ivokal, 2820 Reiter Road., Pittsburgh, 15235 Sec’y.: Mary P. Klemenčič, 3401 Clements Rd., Plum Boro, Pgh, Pa. 152-39 Treas.: Mary E. Oblock, R.D. 1, 668 Center Rd., Monroeville, Pa. Meetings: 2nd Sun. Mar. Jun. Aug. Oct. Dec., Members’ homes No. 97, CAIRN BROOK, Pa. Pres.: Nancy Satkovich, Box 6 Sec’y. and Treas.: Mary Satkovich, Box 125, 3rd St. Meetings: 2nd Sunday, secretary’s home 2 P.M. No. 99, ELMHURST, III. Pres.: Victoria Volk, 243 Larch Ave. Sec’y.: Mary Podgornik, 148 Maple Treas.: Mary Rebek, 248, Larch Avenue Meetings: 1st Sunday, Members’ homes. No. 100, FONTANA, Calif. Pres.: Jean Kurilic, 9415 Acacia Sec’y & Treas.: Dorothy Petrich, 9350 Palmetto Meetings: 1st Thursday: K.S.K.J. Hall 7 p.m. No. 101, BEDFORD HGHTS., Ohio Pres:. Betty Matjašič, 24101 Aurora Rd. Sec’y.: Dorothy Kastellic, 5206 Joseph St., Maple Hgts.. 37. Treas.: Barbara Orlosky, 5897 Lehman Dr. Meetings: First Mon each month, Bedford Hts. City Hall No. 102, WILLARD, Wis. Pres.: Josephine Artac, Route 1, Willard, Sec’y.-Treas.: Agnes Lesar, Rt. 1 Meetings: Third Sun. each month, West Side Hall or member’s home No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Pres.: Irene M. Planinšek, 12 S. Van Dorn, Apt. 28, Alexandria, Va. Sec’y: Mary F. Mejac, 4445 Butterworth PI., Washington Treas.: Ica Zebot, 4332 46th St., N.W. Meetings: 2nd Sun. No. 104, JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Pres.: Rose Hribar, 622 Cooper Ave. Sec’y.: Theresa Zallar, R.D. 1, Box 163 Treas.: Mary Anzelc 1115 Virginia Meetings: Third Sunday, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Hall. No. 105, DETROIT, Mich. Pres.: Pauline Adamic, 16844 Griggs Av., Detroit 21. Sec’y: Catherine Musick, 7528 Pinehurst, Dearborn, Michigan Treas.: Alice Kocjan, 18846 Carree Ave. Meetings: At members’ homes, 3rd Sun. No. 106, MEADOW LANDS, Pa. Sec’y.: Catherine Hoefler, Box 197 Treas.: Anna Pavello Meetings: Third Thursday, Church Hall JUNIOR’S P A Q E From llic Director of Youth Activities: YOUTH OK PARADE The children on this picture are the children of Mr. and Mrs. John Sever, Vandling, Pa., and the grandchildren of the late Christine Menart who died June 12, 1963. Mrs. Menart will be remembered as a Supreme Officer and our secretary for many years until death took her away from us. She attended many S.Ž.Z. conventions and took great interest in the organization. The children are as follows: Carl — S months old, Luke — 3 years, Nancy — 10 years, Bobbie — 13 years, Paul — 7 years, John Jr. died at the age of fi years about 9 years ago. Mrs. Sever is the former Claire CHICAGO CHRISTMAS REMEMBERED IN SNAPSHOTS VALENTINE BOOKMARKS Valentine’s Day gives us an opportunity to show our love to those we love and whose friendship we enjoy. A bookmark can be a pretty and practical Valentine. To make the first bookmark, cut a strip of white or light colored paper G inches long and 2 inches wide. Fold one end down 2 inches, as in Picture 1. Draw a heart on this folded part and color flowers, bird of other pictures on the whole strip (Picture 2). Make another bookmark by cutting a strip of paper 5 inches by 2 inches. On the top 1% inches draw a heart, as in Figure 3. Cut along the line of the heart from the lower tip to the beginning of the curve on each side (where the dot is in the picture). Color the rest of the strip with bright pictures. The cut-out heart will slip over the page of the book to hold the place. Instead of coloring the paper strips, perhaps last year’s Valentines could be used to complete the bookmarks. (From MINE magazine) Menart and is a registered nurse. She also has a sister, Mrs. Alan (Margie Menart) Winchell who lives with her husband and 3 children at Windsor, N.Y. They, as well as the Severs, are all members of Branch 7, S.Ž.Z. A Happy Valentine’s Day to you all! * * * * * Ralph: What did Washington say to his men before they crossed the Delaware? Sam: I don’t know. What. Ralph: Get in the boat. Part of the crowd of Juniors and their moms and grandmoms who attended the Br. 2, Chicago Christmas Party December 19th. Santa and his little elf, “Phroomf," brought lots of beautiful presents for the kiddies who were treated to cookies and milk. Mrs. Mary Podder and her two little angels, Joanne Marie and Steven, were among the 84 juniors feted at the party. Ill, BOYS Al\l) GIRLS! “Love makes the world go around” is the opening line of a well-known song. There are many types of love. There’s love in the home among members ot the family, love for neighbors and friends and if we heed the Gospel “love thy enemies.” Some important February dates show other kinds of love: fourteen-year old Bernadette Soubirous’ love for the Blessed Virgin Mary, who made her ifrst appearance at Lourdes more than one hundred years ago; St. Valentine’s great love for Christ for Whom he was martyred; Abraham Lincoln’s love for the common man; George Washington’s love lor victory and independence. Other loves are love of country and flag, of fame, of money, love for our work, love for music, love for a good book, love for happiness and love of life. Love for fellow-man and a love for knowledge was beautifully demonstrated in a biography I’ve read recently. This American provided us with over 300 products of the peanut — including milk, ink, dyes, shoe polish, creosote, salve, shaving cream, mayonnaise, cheese, chili sauce, shampoo, bleach, axle grease, linoleum, metal polish, wood stains, adhesives, plastics and of course, peanut butter. Through his experiments the human knowledge has been enhanced in agronomy (theory and practice of field-crop production and soil management), nutrition, chemistry, genetics (biology dealing with heredity and variation), myclo-logy botany dealing with fungi) and plant pathology. Some of his ideas as the instant and frozen foods took 25 years to be realized. He declined all money offers, as he was astonished that anyone expected him to claim rewards from the gifts that God had given him. His thought on death was: “One of the things that has helped me as much as any other is not, ‘When am I going to die?’ but ‘How much can I do while I am a-live?’ ” He won the friendships of three presidents — Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge and Franklin Delano Roosevelt — and in the last years of his life, kings and princes journeyed to see him. In this age of hard-to-undersand and reconcile with civil rights it is enlightening to read of an American whose epitaph on his grave reads: “He could have added fortune to fame, but caring for neither, he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world.” Named after the first president because of his childhood truthfulness, this American was a Negro —- George Washington Carver. With the first day of Lent on the 23rd we commence forty days of sacrifice and penance, our display of love to God, Who loved all mankind that He gave His only Son to redeem us. Every flower has a root which is faith, a stem which is hope, and a blossom which is love, the most important of the three. Here’s a Bishop Sheen quotation: “We become what we love. If we love what is base, we become base; but if we love what is noble, we become noble. Hence the importance of the right kind of ideals. Our Lord said, ‘Where your treasure is, there is youi heart also’.” In discussing the meaning of love our nearly-seven year old daughter said, “That’s simple — God is Love and Love is God.” Your friend, REGINA HOW THEY IX) TWIRL IN CLEVELAND!!! These photos show The Baton Twirling Team of Euclid, Ohio in action! Photos were taken at the Christmas Parade in which they marched with their organizer, Mrs. Mary Bostian, State President of Ohio-Michigan. They’re off to a great season, only their second as members of this newly-organized group. Good luck and best wishes! PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 XV. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois R.ERDIHIIS SOKS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 62 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin (mS YUM, YUM, FOR VALENTINE’S DAY! A DELICIOUS NEW TREAT FROM WOMAN’S GLORY -THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone! Order your copy now! Send $2.75 (postpaid) to: Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 JOS. ZFIE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AVE 813 East 105th Street 25000 Euclid Avenue 0236 St. Clair Avenue ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. ' Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 @ FULL k METROPOLITAN X SERVICE £ STATE 4 RANK £ iCQpn — r