SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 8/60 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 25.2. 2024 2. POSTNA NEDELJA 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Danes berili govorita o Abraha­ movi in o Kristusovi daritvi, evangelij pa o spremenitvi, ki nam vnaprej kaže Jezusovo poveličanje v vstajenju. Celoten post je priprava, ne samo v duhu, ampak z življenjem, na obhaja­ nje Jezusove velikonočne skrivnosti. Tudi Pavel pravi, da je njegov edini cilj, »da bi spoznal njega in moč njegovega vstajenja ter delež pri njegovem trplje­ nju, pri tem pa postajam podoben nje­ govi smrti« (Flp 3,10). Prvo berilo nam poroča kako je Bog postavil Abrahama na preizkušnjo. Pripoved izpostavi Abrahama, ki mora vzeti svojega sina, svojega ljubljenega sina in ga darovati v žgalni daritvi. Gre za preizkušnjo, ki jo hoče Bog, da bi se poglobil Abrahamov odnos z Bogom. Za Jude je daritev pozitivna, ker nas združi z Bogom. Zato razlagajo, da se je Izak čutil počaščenega, da je daritvena žrtev. Mi danes tega po­ zitivnega vidika žrtve ne razumemo več. Z brezmejno velikodušnostjo se Abraham pripravi, da bo Bogu daroval svojega ljubljenega sina, da bi ga ta na skrivnosten način združil s seboj. Toda v zadnjem trenutku ga zaustavi Gospodov angel, rekoč: »Abraham, Abraham! Ne izteguj svoje roke nad dečka in ne stroi mu ničesar!« Angel prizna, da Abraham ni okleval darovati lastnega sina: »Zdaj vem, da se bojiš Boga, saj mi nisi odrekel svojega sina, svojega edinca.« Bog nato prav te besede povzame v izreku: »Ker si to storil in nisi odrekel svojega sina, svojega edinca, te bom zares obilno blagoslovil.« Abrahamova daritev, ki v resnici ni bila izvršena, je vir obilnega bla­ goslova. Bog mu pravi: »Silno bom namnožil tvoje potomstvo, kakor zvezde na nebu in kakor pesek, ki je na morskem bregu ... in s tvojimi potomci se bodo blagoslavljali vsi narodi na zemlji.« Tako se razkriva rodovitnost daritve. VESTNIK 2024 | V drugem berilu Pavel pokaže, da je Bog opravil daritev: ni prizanesel lastnemu Sinu. Apostol to pri­ merja z Abrahamom, ki ni prizanesel svojemu sinu. V Kristusovi daritvi se razkriva neskončna Očetova velikodušnost: Bog je za nas dal svojega Sina. »Bog je tako ljubil svet, da je dal svojega edinorojenega Si­ na ... da bi vsak, kdor vanj veruje, imel večno življe­ nje« (Jn 3,16). Božja velikodušnost vzbuja Pavlovo občudovanje, po drugi strani pa brezmejno zaupanje, kajti Bog ni »prizanesel lastnemu Sinu, temveč ga je dal za nas vse. Kako nam torej ne bo z njim tudi vsega podaril?« Vse drugo, kar nam Bog daje, so darovi, ki so veliko manj pomembni od daru lastnega Sina. Evangelij nam govori o spremenitvi. Ta dogodek ima neposredno zvezo z Jezusovim poveličanjem. Gre za vnaprejšnje poveličanje: Jezus se kaže v svoji slavi tudi pred daritvijo; Bog ga razglasi za svojega ljublje­ nega Sina in povabi učence, naj ga poslušajo. Jezus je vzel s seboj tri apostole - Petra, Jakoba in Janeza - da bi jih pripravil na svoje trpljenje, ki ga je malo prej napovedal. Takrat Peter ni mogel razumeti te skrivnosti in se je odločno uprl. Zato sedaj Jezus vzame s seboj te tri apostole, da bi jih pripravil za zmago nad pohujšanjem križa, ko jim je vnaprej po­ kazal svojo slavo. Spremenitev tudi pomaga, da lahko bolje razloži­ mo Jezusovo vstajenje. Če pred trpljenjem ne bi bilo spremenitve z božjo izjavo: »Ta je moj ljubljeni Sin,« bi vstajenje in celo samo Jezusovo velikonočno skriv­ nost težko razumeli v globini. Da bi ju razumeli, mo­ ramo vnaprej vedeti, da ta, ki trpi in tisti, ki je poveli­ čan, ni zgolj preprost človek, ampak je Božji Sin, ki se je učlovečil, da bi nas odrešil. Tako svetloba spremenitve ne osvetljuje samo Je­ zusovega trpljenja, pač pa tudi njegovo vstajenje. V vstajenju se, človek Jezus, razodene kot pravi Božji Sin. Ne preseneča nas, da Peter v svojem dru­ gem pismu tako vztraja na »spremenitvi«, saj smo prav po njeni zaslugi uvedeni v globoko spoznanje Jezusove velikonočne skrivnosti: ta, ki trpi, je Božji Sin; tisti, ki je bil poveličan, je Božji Sin. Jezus je bil Božji Sin, še preden je v svoji človeškosti sprejel vso sinovsko slavo po tej skrivnosti skrajne ljubezni, ki je njegovo trpljenje. (prim. Oznanjevalec 2009, št. 2) 74 | VESTNIK 2024 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT Response: I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. First Reading Genesis 22:1-2. 9-13. 15-18 Abraham is willing to offer his only son to God, but God spares him. Second Reading Romans 8:31-34 Since God gave up his only Son for love of us, what else will he not do? Gospel Mark 9:2-10 Transfigured with heavenly light, Jesus reveals his divinity to the disciples. “There in their presence he was transfig­ ured.” Illustration Have you ever spent ages trying to figure something out, only to have a flash of inspiration just when you have forgotten all about it? Some people call it “a lightbulb moment”. Often it happens when we least expect because lightbulb moments come from the unconscious mind. We cannot bring them on, but we can welcome them all the same. Sudden clarity may lead to a burst of energy or renewed sense of purpose. The eighteenth-century British engineer James Brindley often had to rely upon inspiration. He was the first of the great canal-builders, pioneering techniques that had never been attempted before. Whenever Brindley met with a problem, he would take to his bed until a solution sprang to mind! One of his lightbulb moments was a simple but brilliant idea called “contouring”. Building canals through hillsides involved earth-moving on a massive scale. It suddenly occurred to him… why cut through the hill when you can go round it? back to life. The disciples were unsure. Their confidence in Jesus had been shaken recently. His earlier popularity seemed to be waning, and he kept talking about suffering and death. Then, suddenly, here on the mountain, they saw him speaking with Moses and Elijah. He was radiant with light. It was wonderful for their Master to be in such company. Peter even offered to build shelters, assuming the prophets to have come back to life. It was then that the realisation struck. Jesus’ dazzling appearance was not reflected glory coming from Moses or Elijah: the light was coming out of him through the weave of his clothing! If they had had any doubts about whether Jesus ranked alongside these greatest of prophets, those doubts were now banished! Jesus was far greater: he was divine! Wonder turned to terror as the disciples found themselves enveloped in the bright cloud of God’s presence and heard the Father’s voice bestowing upon their Master a unique authority: “This is my beloved Son, listen to him!” By this time, Moses and Elijah had faded from view. It was hardly surprising… the disciples had eyes for no one but Jesus. Lightbulb moments are not confined to engineering. It is possible to have a lightbulb moment about a person. We may suddenly see someone “in a new light”, as they say. It is not that they have changed in any way. More likely, we have by spending more time with them, or listening more attentively to what they are saying. Gospel Teaching Peter, James and John saw Jesus in a new light, literally so, when they accompanied him onto the Mount of Transfiguration. Mountaintops in the Bible are places of revelation; of encounter with God. It was on a mountain that Elijah called down fire from heaven; on a mountain that Moses received the Commandments. Coming down from the mountaintop, the face of Moses shone. People had been speculating whether Jesus might be another Moses… or Elijah … or even John the Baptist come Application The mountaintop can be a metaphor for any transitional space where things… or people… are seen from a new perspective. We do not have to climb mountains for this to happen. A time of prayerful meditation can offer such a space. This Lent, we may like to spend time alone with Jesus, just as Peter, James and John did, listening to him as our heavenly Father bids us. The thought may not appeal to everyone. Some might even share the disciples’ terror, for the voice of Jesus can be a challenging one, urging us to forgive and pray for our enemies. It commands us to love, and there may be something inside us that resists. Rather than build Jesus a shelter, some might prefer something more robust: to keep him safely contained! However, it is not possible to compartmentalise our lives. The bright cloud of God’s glory reaches out to wherever we may be. Today’s Gospel describes how heaven keeps spilling over into our world. In revealing Jesus in his divinity, it calls us, too, to be holy as well as human. We are all sons and daughters of God, all beloved, and though we may pass unnoticed in a crowd, there is in each one of us a little of the glory seen in Jesus. There will be moments when other people notice something different about us; moments, too, when we become suddenly aware that the person next to us is more special than we thought. It all depends how much we let them shine! VESTNIK 2024 | 75 SLOVENSKA ŠOLA Vsako zadnjo soboto v mesecu imamo zjutraj, ob začetku Slovenske šole sveto mašo s šolarji v naši cerkvi. Maša je v slovenščini, vmes pa veselo prepevamo. Prav tako imamo zadnje pol ure v šoli pevske vaje. Ob začetku leta smo se pripravljali za Miklavža, sedaj pa vadimo za Materinski dan, da bodo otroci lahko nekaj pokazali ob koncu šolskega leta. Nekaj utrinkov iz včerajšnje sobotne šole na slikah. 76 | VESTNIK 2024 DIOCESE OF HAMILTON DIRECTORS AND COORDINATORS OF MUSIC, Cantors, Musicians, and Choir members are invited and encouraged to participate in a Music Ministers Retreat on March 16, 2024, at Annunciation of Our Lord Parish in Hamilton. The session begins at 9:30 a.m. and continues to 3:00 p.m. The facilitator for the day is Dr. Glenn Byer, and his theme: Near Occasions of Grace! Dr. Byer is an award-winning author who has written widely on liturgical and pastoral ministry, including a series in Today’s Liturgy. The day will begin with sung Morning Prayer, followed by four 45-minute sessions on Transfiguring our Lives and Relationships through Sacred Music. The presentations will invite participants to sing hymns and reflect on themes. Check here for registration. An uplifting Lenten experience! YOUNG ADULTS NIGHT Fr. Mark Morley invites all young adults (ages 20s and 30s) of our diocese to celebrate the Easter Season by attending an evening of Adoration, fellowship and praise music in support of your vocations. The Young Adults Night includes a Holy Hour (6:30pm-7:30 pm), social with food (7:30pm8:00pm), praise night with vocations testimony (8:00pm-9:00pm), and Compline (9:00pm) on Saturday, April 6th at the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate (28 Norfolk Street, Guelph). Sponsored by the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Hamilton. For more information, please contact: HOLY WEEK RESOURCE FOR TEENS The Office of Youth Ministry will be publishing, Walking the Way a Holy Week Journal for Teens. This resource has been developed for youth aged 13 -16 in mind. The journal bridges the Gospel readings for each day of Holy Week to practical ways young people can live out the message. The journal also has reflections from Pope Francis’ letter, Chistus Vivit for young people to consider. The Holy Week Journal can be found here: yyxvxwyj ADULT FAITH FORMATION THROUGH VLCFF The Diocese of Hamilton is proud to partner with Dayton University’s Virtual Learning Community for Adult Faith Formation (VLCFF) to offer certificate programs for ministry and enrichment for adult faith formation. We are currently taking enrollment for the Youth Ministry Certification Program and the Catechist Formation Program for the Diocese of Hamilton, which begins in September 2024. Three & five week e-seminars are also available at a discounted rate for all adults in the Diocese looking to further their learning. For more information about our programs, and how to register, visit us at VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WORKSHOP 2024 The Office for Evangelization and Catechesis invites all parish ministers, youth ministry leaders to join in our annual Vacation Bible School workshop in preparation for summer children’s ministry. New to VBS? Looking to learn more about recruiting youth volunteers? Want a peek at new VBS kits available this year? Come and join us for this informative virtual workshop on April 10, 2024 from 7:00-8:30pm. Registration is available on the Diocesan website: PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH Vacations or ‘Stay-cations’ are a wonderful time to step away from the busy-ness of everyday family living and reconnect with each other. As you laugh and play this March break, do not forget to stay connected to your faith. Be the family that plays and prays together. Take some time to talk about Lent and how it leads us to the great celebration at Easter! VESTNIK 2024 | 77 78 | VESTNIK 2024 LENTEN MESSAGE 2024 February 1, 2024 Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Lent is upon us – a time to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ and seek inner transformation through fasting, prayer, and acts of generosity. The Church assists us by providing many supports. Throughout Lent we are invited to participate in community celebration of the Holy Eucharist – on Sundays and at daily Mass during the week. Reading and reflecting on the Scripture passages of the day is an excellent practice, as is any reading that guides you closer to the Lord. Throughout Lent, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered in your Parishes. If you are unable to find a convenient time, contact your Parish Priest who will be happy to find a time suited to your schedule. Most Parishes pray the Stations of the Cross as a faith community. Or you can pray them privately at your Parish church. The Holy Rosary is always a prayer that promotes inner peace and closeness to the Lord. The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace / Caritas Canada provides a variety of ways to offer “alms” to brothers and sisters in need through the Share Lent campaign. Create Hope is the central theme of this campaign for the coming five years. The specific theme this year is Reaping our Rights, echoing Pope Francis’ recent reflections in Laudate Deum, “Everything is connected” and “no one is saved alone”! We are invited to uphold the rights of peasants, human rights, and environmental rights, ensuring respect for all. The Cross traced on our forehead on Ash Wednesday reminds us that “we are going to die”! If we know we are going to die, we must decide “how we choose to live”! On Easter Sunday we renew our Baptismal Promises and are sprinkled with Easter water – washing away the ashes, and renewing the assurances of our faith! We choose to live by faith in Jesus Christ – who saves us and lifts us up! We enter the Lenten Fast committed to make a difference in our own lives, in the lives of those we love, and in the lives of brothers and sisters in the Global South. Please be generous on Solidarity Sunday, March 17, 2024 – the Fifth Sunday of Lent. May God bless us all as we begin this sacred journey. Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton VESTNIK 2024 | 79 80 | VESTNIK 2024 VESTNIK 2024 | 81 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV 3rd - March - Lipa Park - Spring General Meeting - Election of New Executive - March 3rd - CWL - KŽZ - Bazaar - Mass 10 a.m. - March 17th - Sv. Jožef - Banquet - Mass 10 am - March 24th - St. Gregory - Palm Sunday - March 24th - London - Mass at 3:00 p.m. - March 29th - Slovenska šola - Fish Fry 4:30pm (Good Friday) - March 31st - St. Gregory - Easter Sunday CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - March 2nd - Lukežič & Volčanšek team BRALCI - READERS - FEBRUARY 25TH Slovenian - Sue Augustin English - Sidonia Poppa GIFT BEARERS AT MASSES - Feb. 25th - Terezija Sarjaš in Štefka Eržen - March 3rd - CWL members DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA Na mizi v cerkveni veži so še kuverte za članarino. V kuverti je članska izkaznica za leto 2024. Dajte denar za članarino ($15) v kuverto in kuverto oddajte v nabiralnik za nedeljsko nabirko. St. Joseph will have their Annual General Meeting on March 3rd, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. PRVI PETEK Ta teden je že prvi petek v mesecu marcu. Od 5:30 do 6:30 p.m. bo priložnost za sveto spoved in molitev pred Najsvetejšim, ob 6:30 p.m. bo pobožnost Križevega pota in ob 7:00 p.m. sveta maša. Vabljeni! 82 | VESTNIK 2024 CWL - KŽZ CWL members are asked to pay their membership dues if they have not already done so since a cheque needs to be sent to our national office by the end of January. Our CWL invites our parish community to our BAZAAR on Sunday, March 3rd. The day will begin with a Mass at 10:00 a.m., followed by a luncheon and a myriad of activities for all ages. We kindly request some contributions to enhance our bazaar. Please bring in prizes on Saturday morning, March 2nd, and baked goods early on the morning of Sunday, March 3rd. We thank you in advance for your generosity. Luncheon tickets will be made available at Sunday Masses. Prepayment is required to make a reservation and receive a ticket; please prepay by Sunday, February 26th. Ticket prices: 13 yrs and up: $25.-; 6 -12 yrs: $10.-; 5 yrs and under: Free Contact person is Terezija Sarjaš: 905930-7990. As you are well aware proceeds of our bazaar directly support our wonderful St. Gregory the Great Slovenian parish. Thank you! Our next CWL meeting will take place on Wed. March 13th, not March 6th after 7 PM Mass. - Hvala! - Rosemary Š. DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: $200 - Jože Lovrenčec z družino namesto rož na grob pokojnega brata Štefana. $100 - Aranka Dundek v spomin na pokojnega Tonija Ferko. Hvala vsem za vaše darove. VEČNA LUČ V mesecu marcu bo večna luč gorela za pokojnega Jožeta Hanc po namenu žene in družine. maziljenje. Sveta maša bo ob 2:00 p.m. in ste vabljeni, če je mogoče, da se je udeležite. Ta dan doma v župniji ni maše, ker smo vsi duhovniki v katedrali in imamo po maši kosilo skupaj s stalnimi diakoni in bogoslovci. S tem se začenja Veliki teden s sveto mašo zadnje večerje - Veliki četrtek in Veliki petek z bogoslužjem ob 3:00 p.m. - češčenje križa. POSTNI ČAS - PRIPRAVA NA VELIKO NOČ Druga postna nedelja je za nami. Začenjamo mesec marec. Prvi petek, križev pot vsak petek pol ure pred večerno mašo. Ta zadnji petek nas je bila kar lepa skupina pri pobožnosti križevega pota. Ob premišljevanju skrivnosti Jezusovega trpljenja se tudi sami duhovno pripravljamo na Veliko noč. V nedeljo, 17. marca je sveta maša samo ob 10h, ker je po maši v dvorani banket sv. Jožefa. Vstopnice so že natiskane, Cena vstopnine s kosilom je $25.- Več informacij pri Petru Novaku in pri članih odbora. V sredo, 20. marca, bo duhovna obnova s priložnostjo za sveto spoved. Začeli bomo ob 5:00 p.m. Spovedoval bo Fr. Leopold Valant, župnik slovenske župnije Brezmadežne v Torontu. V času spovedovanja bo izpostavljeno Najsvetejše za češčenje in molitev. Ob pol 7h bo zopet križev pot in ob 7:00 p.m. sveta maša s kratkim nagovorom. V nedeljo, 24. marca je cvetna nedelja. Na začetku obeh svetih maš bomo blagoslovili zelenje. Tudi palme bodo prišle, kot je navada. V ponedeljek, 25. marca, je v Katedrali Baziliki Kristusa Kralja krizmena maša med katero škof blagoslovi sveta olja, ki se uporabljajo za podeljevanje zakramentov: olje za katehumene, sveta krizma in sveto olje za bolniško DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Zelko Mozetič Glavač Kovič Pavlič Martin Ljudmila Marija Vinko Maks February 26, 1999 February 27, 2003 February 27, 2023 February 28, 2013 February 28, 2020 SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2024 | 83 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 2. POSTNA NEDELJA 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT 25. FEBRUAR Alojzij in Kalist, muč. † † † † † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Ann Božnar Frank Gimpelj Jr Ana Doma Štefka Rihar Maks Pavlič Štefan Lovrenčec Ivo Delać Joe Lackovič PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 26. FEB. - Aleksander, šk. †† za duše v vicah TOREK - TUESDAY 27. FEBRUAR Gabriel Žal. B. M., red. † † †† † † † † Anton Vengar Tilka Vengar Vsi pok. sorodniki in prijatelji Marija Glavač Marija Glavač Marija Glavač Marija Glavač 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - John Božnar z družino Družina Kolmanič Terezija in Ignac Sarjaš z družino Jožica Novak z družino Žena Milka z družino Brat Janez Lovrenčec 11:00 A.M. Hči Ivana Bartula z družino Žena Vera z družino 7:00 P.M. H. K. 7:00 P.M Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. Matej Glavač z družino Joseph in Agata Hozjan Družina Lagua (Montreal) Družina Ayala (Montreal) SREDA - WEDNESDAY † Vinko Ković, obl. 28. FEB. - Roman, opat † Cveto Ković ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 29. FEBRUAR - Ožbolt, škof †† Za duše v vicah 7:00 P.M. Stojanka Zečević Stojanka Zečević Križev pot PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY † Eileen MacKenzie 1. MAREC - Albin, škof † Terezija Jereb 6:30 P.M. Stations of the Cross 7:00 P.M. N. N. Ana Plosinjak † †† † † Neža Praška, devica Angela od Križa, red. ust. † † SOBOTA - SATURDAY 2. MAREC 3. POSTNA NEDELJA 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT 3. MAREC Kunigunda, cesarica 84 | VESTNIK 2024 †† † † †† † † † † † 7:00 P.M. H. K. Frank Gimpelj Winie in Robert Benks Bronco Balažic, obl. Ivan Glavač Stanislav Glavač Dimitar Vishanin 5:30 P.M. Mama z družino Družina Malevič David in Jenny Antolin z družino David in Jenny Antolin z družino David in Jenny Antolin z družino Georgi Kadev Za žive in rajne župljane Janko in Tončka Demšar Leopold Kline Jože Zadravec Pokojni Farani Joe Hozjan (Mississauga) Štefan Hozjan (Fonthill) Štefan Lovrenčec Joe Hozjan (Mississauga) Joe Prša 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Jožica Novak z družino Družina Kolmanič Milka Pavlič z družino Toni in Marija Franc Štefan Petek z družino Štefan Petek z družino Brat Jože z družino Jože in Marija Magdič z družino Jože in Marija Magdič z družino B A Z A A R