in prataikor. «cepi Sstardaja, PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Urodnllkt In uprmmllki prostori: 2SR7 South Lawndslt A v« Offic« of Publication: 20.67 South UwndaU Ava. ' Telaphoaa. Rockwall 4U04 Jto-vear XXXL Com liita j« «6.00 KoUrH m mmmUI^Um m«tur January 1«. IMS. «t U>« p^l^ffic« 1 minula, under Ih. Act of Coftcraaa ot March «. 1|1|. 1 CHICAGO, JLL., SREDA, 17. MAJA (MAY 17), IMS In Two Farts—Part 1 ftTKV.—numhek nt» AccopUnco for mailing at special rate of postage provided for In aactio® 1103. Act of Oct. S, 101?, authorised on Juns 14, 191S. remogovniki v Harlanu obnovili but pod zaščito miličnikov Lewis napadel governerja Chandlerja in ga obdolžil, da te hpče maščevati nad organiziranimi rudar jiq#ao mu odrekli podporo v volilni kampanji. Cez 300,000 rudarjev na polju mehkega premoga se je vrnilo na delo o v ila larian, Ky., 16. maja. ~ Na- «t prevladuje v tukajšnjem nogovnem okrožju, kjer se wda ve¿ sto državnih milični-pripravlja na napad na pi-¿Une unije UMWA, katere Min L. I*wis, predsednik te instruirá!, naj preprečijo itev obrata. On je izjavil, ne bo niti ena tona premoga na površje, dokler ne bo atoeijs tukajšnjih opera-lev podpisala pogodbe z unijo. «Jem kompanij je kljub Le-izjavi obnovilo obrat pod lekcijo državne milice, kate-|e poslal operatorjem na po-governer A. B. Chandler. Ta čeraj pognala nazaj 3000 pi-ov, ki «o nameravali prepre-obnovitev obrata. Miličniki, roženi s strojnicami in dru-orožjem, so potem zastraži-► ceste, mostove, premogov-in druge gtrategične točke. ceraj je Chandler poslal na-nih dvesto miličnikov v o-Harlan. Število se je s tem léalo na 900. Tej armadi po-uje general E. B. Carter, ki inoči izjavil, da kooperira s nimi avtoritetami pri "vzdr-nju reda in miru". Možnost bo governer Chandler, ki >ira operatorje na vsej črti, obsedno «tanje v tem pre-jovnem okrožju. veza operatorjev v okliJti uwha, W. Va., ki ni hotela pisati pogodbe z Lewisovo u-je včeraj kapitulirala. U-se zdaj upirajo le premogov-aroni v harlanskem okraju, rge J. Ti tier, tajnik-blagaj-devetnajstega rudarskega rikta UMWA, je poslal oster est governer ju Chandler ju, f poslal miličnike na pomoč ra tor jem. kiladelphia. Pa., 16. maja.— L. Lewia je sinoči vrgel roteo premogovnim baronom v tuckyju in izjavil, "da je nost federalne vlade, da ugo-kaj se godi v harlanskem Lewis je govoril na ivenciji tekstilne unije. v New Yorku sem povedi» so ¿asi, ko so baroni lah-orožjem pognali rudarje na ■minili," je rekel Lewis, cerner Chandler ne bo usta-poh<>da rudarjev in drugih amziranih delavcev v tej de-v Ameriki je se oblast, kí «davila tega blazneža, ki se " maščevati nad rudarji, ker n,H0 hoteli podpirati v volil-•mpanji zadnjo jesen, ko je klini za zveznega senatoria ndlerja dobro poznam, kandidiral za governer-Je obiskal v Washingto-| Takrat je trdil, da on pri-po slovesno podpisana militari-stična pogodba, ki določa vojaško kooperacijo med Nemčijo in talijo v slučaju izbruha vojne v Evropi. Hitler bo imel takrat govor, s katerim bo po trditvi nacijskih krogov, spet "presenetil svet". V Berlinu krožijo govorice, da k> papež kmalu poslal posebnega emisarja v Nemčijo, da pridobi Hitlerja za mir. Papež je nedavno fwzval vlade Nemčije, Italije, Francije, Velike Britanije ih Poljske na konferenco v Vatikan, na kateri naj bi razpravljali o mirni poravnavi perečih evropskih problemov. Ameriški zdravniki se demokratizirajo New York, 16. maja. — Delegatska zbornica Ameriške zveze zdravnikov je včeraj prvič v svoji zgodovini sklenila, da prizna enake zborovalne pravice ženskam in zamorskim zdravnikom. Med ameriškimi zdravniki je o-krog 9000 žensk in okrog 5000 črncev in za vse te do danes ni bilo predstavništva v zdravniški organizaciji, toda odslej bodo zastopane tudi ženske — na to zborovanje je sprejeta samo ena — in zamorci. Glavno vprašanje nu letošnjem zborovunu zdrav nikov je socializirana medicina oziroma javna medicinska skrb za reveže, ki so brez sredstev, da bi dobili privatno zdravniško po moč. gmotno kupčijo, da u SJ° j0, je so- "r»sr.i7.iranega delavst v,»rk. 16. T"' rudarjev drk,. v. " maja. —- Cez na M ju meh je včeraj vrni "»tis« počivali, od- ¡ Mekla Xxla I I^Mlia» S 4r Uy' poirodbe, ki ► u, L ukl,l,4UK provizijo [ delavnice r4 ' mama vrnitev na U v^olici Pittabur- • Hia\ nost stare »J "» se vrnili na de- '»»r 't tej okolici se je včeraj odzvalo pozivu unije, naj se vrnejo na delo. Premogovniki bodo obes tovali |H»ln čas. pet dni v tednu Družbe upaj«, da bodo prod ur i-rale dovolj premoga in s tem pokrile izgubo, ki so j« -utrpele, ko premogovniki ' niso obratovali Rudarji, uposleni v takozvanih "kaptivnih" premogovnikih, k* Tere posedujejo jeklarake in i* lezniške družbe In v katerih pro-ducirajo premog le za svojo ra bo. ae še niso vrnili na delo. To se bo igodilo. ko bodo kompani je podpisal* posamezne pogodbe rudarjev v s rudarako unijo UMWA. Kontrola mednarodne naselbine Angleška vlada poslala protest Tokiju Hongkong, 16. maja. — Kontrola Kulangsa, mednarodne na selbine na otoku Amoy, je izzva-a konflikt med japonskimi avtoritetami in reprezentanti drugih držav, ki vladajo naselbino. Japonski mornarji so okupirali naselbino zadnji petek in zdaj zahtevajo glavne pozicije v administraciji. V upravi sta udeleženi tudi Amerika in Velika Britanija. Slednja je že naslovila oster pro-test tokijski vladi proti okupa-čiji naselbine. Ameriška križur-ka Marblehead je odrinila iz Tsingtaja proti otoku, ko je si tuacija postala kritična. Mestni svet mednarodne na selbine je tudi protestiral pri ju ponski vladi in i>obil trditve vojaških voditeljev, da je bila oku pacija odrejena zaradi protija-ponskih terorističnih aktivnosti. Svet trdi, da nI teroristov na o-toku. r>alje je protestiral proti rabi otoka kot jafionske baze za militarističn* o|>erecfje proti Ki tajcem. Ndko japonsko lelalo Je včeraj vrglo več bomb, ki so padle v bližini vladnih poslopij, a niso napravile velike škode. Mussolim odprl novo letališče Fašistična parada v Turinu Turin, Italija, 16. maja. — Diktator Mussolini je včeruj o-tvoril novo vojaško letališče v Casellu, mestu v bližini francoske meje, nakar se je vrnil v Turin, kjer ti* ho danes vršila parada fašistične milice. Mussolini je odprl tudi noVe avtne tovarne, ki bodo poleg avtomobilov izdelovale tudi vojaška letala. Množica 50,000 delavcev v uniformah je pocdtravila Mussolini-ja. Diktator je v svojem govoru dejal, da je morala Italija zaradi napete mednarodite situacije znižati produkcijo avtomobilov in povečati produkcijo bojnih letal. Cez sto letsl je krožilo v zraku, ko je Mussolini govoril množici. Diktator bo v prihod-nih dneh obiskal piedmontsko pokrajino, kjer je meja med I-talijo in Francijo. Begunci delajo preglavici Franciji Baski agitirajo za neodvisnost St. Jean de Laz, Francija, 16. maja. Spanaki Baski, ki so pobegnili v Frahcijo, ko so Franco-ve čete okupirale njihovo deželo, so postali problem francoske vlado. V tem delu Francije se nahaja okrog 40i000 Baskov, katerih bi se r*da Iznebila. ftaaki iiplajo vsftje preglavice Franciji nego républikanski miličniki, ki so pobegnili iz Katalonije v prvih mesecih tega leta. Fašistična Španija bi radu pridobila Baske za vrnitev domov, a nima uspeha. Le malo število se je odzvalo vabilu, dočim drugi agitirajo v Franciji za neodvisnost svoje domovine. V finančnem oziru Baski niso breme Franciji. Ti dobivajo podporo 15 frankov na dan od baskiške vlade, katere člani so pobegnili v Francijo, ko so fašisti zasedli deželo. Dalje dobivajo finančno pomoč iz Južne A-merike, kamor se je izselilo več družin in te zdaj skrbijo za sorodnike, ki so ostali v Franciji. Baski so katoliki in sovražijo prav tako komunizem kot fašizem. Njih voditelji poudarjajo, da bodo vztrajali v borbi za neodvisnost. To je glavni vzrok, da bi se Jih Francija rada Iznebila. ker še vedno upa. da bo uspeli* v svojih naporih in končno potegnila nacionalistično Apañijo na svojo stran. FRANCOSKO-POUSKI RAZGOVORI V PARIZU Utrditev militaristične-ga pakta GIBANJE FHANCO. SKEGA VOJAŠTVA Pariš, 16. maja. — General Tadeus Kasprzycki, poljski vojni minister, je včeraj dospel v Pariz, kjer se je takoj sestal s člani francoskega armadnega štaba. Njegova spremljevalca sta generala Jaklicz in Karpin-ski. Ko so stopili na francosko ozemlje pri Gare du Northi, jih je poedravil general Maurice Ga-melin, šef francoakegu srinadne-ga štaba. Iz poučenih virov je prišlo poročilo, da bodo generali razpravljali o ojačanju pakta vzajemne vojaške pomoči med Poljsko, Francijo in Veliko Britanijo. Slednji sta ie obljubili oboroženo pomoč Poljski, ako bo njena neodvisnost v nevarnosti. ~ Daladierjeva vlada je včeraj odredila nadaljnje varnostne u-krepe. Francoske čete so bile o-jačane na severni, vzhodni in južnovzhodni meji. Francija posveča veliko pozornost Hitlerjevi inšpekciji trdnjavske cone v zapadni Nemčiji in Mussolinije-vemu obisku severne Italije. Novo vojno posojilo v vsoti $156,000,000 je bilo včeraj podpisano. Razpisano je bilo i namenom, da Francija poveča svojo oboroženo silo na meji in pospeši produkcijo oroftja in bojnega materiala. Akciju je v soglasju z Daladlerjevo dekltgp« Franciju povečala svojo armado na milijon mož, če ne bosta Italija In Nemčija odredili mobilizacije svoje oborožene sile. Fruncosks bojna mornarica, ki je bilu poslana zadnjo soboto proti Tunisijl, Je včeraj priplula v Bizerto, prlstanlščno mesto te francoske kolonije v Afriki. Domače vesti Novoat na čikaškem «dru Chicago. — Znani Plutovi trojčki iz Pullmana, ki s« zdaj stari 11 let. trije dečki, bodo igrali havajsko godbo na koncertu pevskega#zbora Save prihodnjo soboto zvečer, 20. maja, v dvorani SNIM. IMutovi trojčki že nastopajo tudi v radioprogra-mih in za našo slovensko javnost so izredna posebnost. Clan izginil Lloydell, Pa. — Dne 5. maja je izginil is naselbine Josip Petelin. član društva 451 SNPJ, star 56 let in doma is Borovnice na Notranjskem. Pred leti je bival v Moon Runu, Pa. Člani in ostali rojaki so naprošeni, če kje dobe živega ali mrtvega, naj obvestijo Johna Llkariča, Lloydell, Pa. Pred nekaj tedni je izgubil delo — bil je priden delavec in dober član — in potem se je začel obnašati zelo čudno, kakor da se mu je omračil um. V tukajšnji okolici ga doslej zaman iščemo, JugoMlovanuki paviljon v New Yorku New York. — Jugoslovanski paviljon na svetovni razstavi v New Yorku bo odprt dne 2U. maja s slovesnim programom, v katerem nastopijo slovenski, hrvaški in srbski pleajUdJirvaškl tamburaši in slovenski harmonikarji. Nov grob v starem kraju Barberton, O. — Mike Kopač je prejel žalostno vest, da mu je pred kratkim na Črnem vrhu nad Polhovim gradcem umrl sin, star 45 let in po domače Vrhov-V Ameriki zapušča očeta Unija ADF zmagala pri volitvah Washington. D. C. — J. J. Duffy, predsednik mednarodne bratovščine električarjev, včlanjene v Ameriški delavski federaciji. je izjavil, da Je njegova organizacija zmagala pri volitvah glede repnezentacij* pri kolektivnih pogajanjih, ki so se vršile pod nadzorstvom federalne-jra delavskega odborn v delavnicah Burlington k Quincjr žek'»-ntce. Njegova organizacija je dobila 426!» pri volitvah oddanih Cikaiki bogatin podlegel poškodbam Sarasota, Flu., 16. maja.—Pot-ter D'Orsay Pnlmer, |>otomee bogate čikaške familije, je |>od!e-gel (»oftkodbam, katere je dobil v pretepu s Kennethom Noswor-thyjem, mesarjem iz Rranden-tona, zadnji četrtek na pikniku. Slednji je priznal, da Je udaril Palmerja |*i glav'1 potem, ko ga Je Palmer napadel. Šerif C. J Hiitches je dejal, da ni irt-idržal N«sworthyja v zaporu, ker Je ugotovil, da je bil Palmer napadalec. Palmer Je bil vnuk člku-škega kapitalista S I o v a k i i a v finančnih §ti»kah Bratislave, Sl«\akija. 16. maja. — Sun M srh. minister pro-IMigande. Je pričel posnemati MtJtsolinija, ko je %čeraj ponudil železne prstane v zameno za zlate. da poveča zalogo zlata v državni blagajni, ker Je dežela zabredla v finančne poležfcoče. Angleški laboriti proteetirajo London, 16. maja. — Klici: "Sramota!" so včeraj odmevali v parlamentu, ko je bik) naznanjeno, da se bo Maurice Peter-son, angleški poslanik v ftpunljl, udeležil parude Francovlh fašistov v Madridu, v kateri bodo proslavljali zmago fašističnega orožja, prihodnji petek, taboriti so sarkastično vpraševali' re-prezentanto vlade, če se zavedajo, da bodo tudi Italijani, ki so odgovorni za smrt več angleških mornarjev, korakali v pars«li. Kichard Butler, zunanji podmi-nister, Je nu vprašanja odgovoril le, da Je Chamberlaln sprejel povabilo Fraiicovega režima. Polet iz Amerike na S ve d §ko Bangor, Me., 16. maja. — Charles Hackman, mlad švedski letalec, je ainoči odletei s tukajšnjega letališče proti avoji domovini. S seboj Je vzel le nekaj Jestvin in steklenico kave. Ce bo šlo vse po sreči, bo dosis*! v Storkholm, glavno mesto Švedske, jutri. SOVJETSKA VLADA ODKLONILA ANGLEŠKI NAČRT Francija urgira »kleni-te v pakta OBNOVA POGAJANJ V 2ENEVI London, 16. maja« — Sovjetska vlada je v noti, katero je včeraj poslala Londonu, naznanila, da se ne bo pridružila protifašistični fronti na podlug! angleškega načrta, ki predviduje sklenitev vzajemne obrambne pogodbe z Veliko Britanijo in Francijo. V noti naglaSa. da je angleški načrt pomaukljlv. Angleška vlada Je skušala predvsem dobiti zagotovilo od Rusije, da bo priskočila na pomoč Poljski in Rumuniji, če bosta napadeni, pod pogojem, da Velika Britanija in Francija takoj podpreta obe državi v sluča-, u fašistične invaslje. Moskva Je >a nasprotno predlagala poglobi-;ev in rastegnitev vojaškega pakta, ki naj bi vseboval tudi garancijo, da bodo Rusija, Anglija in Francija branile neodvisnost vseh dršav v vzhodni Evropi. Garancija naj bi uključeva-a tudi Estonijo, Utsko in Lit-vinsko. Ruski argument js, ds Sovjetska unija ne bi bila zavarovana pred Invazijo njsnega o-zemlja na zapadu, če ne bi garancija uktjučevala tudi teh drŽav. Pariz, 16. maja. — Diplomatl-čev. V Ameriki zapušča očeta Cnl krogi naglašajo, da ae bo in polaeatro, v atarem kraju pa Francija še nadalje trudila, da ženo, tri otroke In dva omuš#ni yot«j|n« aovjetako Rusijo v pro-Motlfri. Hfttšističnl blok. Ktlikt poalanlk Clevelandake veall Cievsland. — V bolnišnici > za mrtvoudom umrla Ana Rus-perger, roj. Zupančič, stara 42 let in doma iz Bistrice pri St. Kupertu na Dolenjskem. V Ame rikl je bila 26 let In tu zapušča moža, Štiri hčere in bratu. — Dalje je v bolnišnici umrla Mu ry Pavlin, roj. Stroh, stani 54 let In doma z Dobrega polja na Dolenjskem. V Ameriki Je bila .'15 let in zapušča moža in otroke. — V bolnišnici je tudi umrl Jos. Pu |hal ar 55 let In doma od /a gradca. Tu Je živel 85 let. Židje zapuščajo glavno mesto Avatrije Dunaj, 16. maja. — Več ko polovica židovskih prebivalcev je zapustila Dunaj, odkar Je Hit ler okupiral Avstrijo. To Je raz vidno iz uradne štatistike, ki jo je objavil glavni stan urada ži dovskegu Izseljevanja. Urad so ustanovile nacijake oblasti, da posušijo izseljevanje Židov. Delavški odbor udaril kompani jo Chicago, 16. maja. — Federal ni delavski odbor Je odredil, da mora Chicago Link Belt Co. razpustiti "neodvisno" (kompanij sko) unijo in ponovno uposll ti delavce, katere je odslovila za radi unljakih aktivnosti. Vsem mora plaéeti tudi mezdo za ves čas, ko so bili brez zaslužka. gianov. neodvisna unija električarjev pe 1487 glasov, Argentina razpustila fašistične grupe Buenos Airea, Argentina, 16. i maja. Predsednik Robert« M. ¡Ortiz je včeraj odredil razpust naeijske stranke in vseh drugih i političnih organizacij, ki dobivajo navodila iz tujezematva. Med slednjimi je najbolj prominent-na fašistična delavska grupa, ki jo tvorijo Italijani Akcija je aledila vladni preiskavi nacijskih in fašističnih aktivnoati v Argentini. Naciji ustrahujejo Nemce v Kanadi K i U'better, Ont., Kanada. — Max Htreuss je dejal na konven eiji Nemško-kanadske ljudake li ge, da je dobil evidenco o aktiv «oslih Hitlerjeve tajne policije v Kanadi. Agentje te policij terorizirajo in pretejaijo Nemce, ki se upiraj« nocij»ki propaga» di. Ako ae agentje ne morejo maščevati nad kanadskimi Nem cl, po« ta nejo žrttrfe sorodniki teh, ki živijo v Nemčiji. Htrauss je dalje rekel, da je v Kanadi (silno i Hitlerjevih špionov, Jakob Hurlts v Parizu Je včersj konferlral s francoskim zunanjim ministrom Bonnetom o odgovoru sovjetske vlade Angliji, o čigar vsebini je bila takoj obveščena francoska vlada. Istoča-ano so se pričela pogajanja msd Francijo in Turčijo glede sklenitve vojaškega pakta v Ankari, kjer Je francoski poslanik Rane Massigll obiskal turškega zunanjega ministra. Turčija in Velika Britanija sta zadnji teden sklenili iMigodbo vzajemne ob-rambe, V Psrlzu, kakor v Londonu, še vedno upajo, da se bo Rusija tvsntualiko pridružila protifašistični fronti, ki naj bi ustavila agresijo fašistične Italije In na-cljske Nemčije v Evropi. Pogajanja se bodo obnovila prihodnji teden v fcenevl, ko ae bo pričala seja članov sveta Lige narodov, katere ae bo udeležil tudi Vladimir - Potemkln, aovJeUkl podkomisar za zunanje zadsve. Mnenje Američanov je spet proti vojni New York, 16. maja. — Rezultat najnovejšega glasovanja, ki ga vodi Ameriški zavod za Javn« mnenje (Gsllup Poli), Je, da Združene države se ne smejo vmešati v noben« evropsko vojno. Pri tem glasovanju se Je 72.6'/« vol i Ice v Izreklo, da največji današnji problem Amerike Je, da se drži proč od vojne, dru-gi največji problem pa Je, da Amerika čim prej odpravi brez-poselnost v svoji sredi. Nsdalje ho se isti volile! Izrekli z večino , da Združene države ne ame-Jo več jsMoJevatl denarja tujim državam za voJnS namene. Avstrijski nadškof izgubil palačo Salzburg, Nemčija, 16. maja. — Nadškof Slgismund Waltz Je bil poražen v IsirW s riaclisklml Avtoritetami, da obdrži avojo palačo. Ta je poatalu |s»eeat organizacije nacijake mladine. Tajna policija (Gestapo) Je tudi prevzela samostan frančiškanskega reila In več katoliških al-rotišnic ter šol. Nune. ki en poučevale v teh šolah, bodo nadomestili učitelji. J- SREDA. 17 ÖUESA NA NOGAH Mi »fcm ir«ba »•< trpail boladia ratnlk ulj« m l*o»kuaiia HEALO-SALV. hi ur* «trav i in ja antiaapMdaa. Mna*i ao daMtf « toni iivratao pomo*. da ao naawaali parkrat • Ilaalo-Salv mail lom. To maOlo ja narajano po lekarnarju la aa prodaja « v sab lekarnah ali ako nam potljata an dolar ali Momt Ordar, aa C. O. D. aa aa po- lU ja. PLOHAM DBUO CO.. HM —C— 8*. Palaaki Ed.. Cbicaga. HL Dr. John jTZi^T PHYSICIAN /gj* «"ice HOlJts AT Crawly ö,j ' at "M W. Cermtk lu Tal. Caaai llu ' Jr »o AMwa^irSaÄ med njimi. Da l>a bo uspeh gotov, potrebujejo kooperacije in pod-¡tore od strani društev, kakor tudi od jednote. Sledi širša razprava, v kateri govore mnogi navzoči. Končno je bil sprejet predlog, da ima atletski odbor predložiti celoten načrt za leto-fcnjo kampanjo med mladino in ko ae federacija prepriča o tem delu, bo na prihodnji seji, ki ae bo vršila 80. julija, podprla njih tel jo in jih priporočila gl. upra-\nemu odboru za podporo iz a-tletskega «klada za vsoto $200. Ta vsota bi bila smatrana za vso letošnjo podporo za atletiko za to okrožje, kar mnogi navzoči cmatrajo, da bi bilo to pravilno v razdelitvah takih podpor med posameznimi okrožji aorazmer- AGITIRAJTE ZA PR08VET0! SLAVNOST 35-LETNICE S. N. P. j. priredi j Westmorelandska Federacija druitev SNPJ I 30. maja 1939 v Carbon pri Greensbvrghu, Pa. PROGRAM: 1. Joseph Zorko otvori program točno ob 3. uri popoldne. 2. Pevski zbor "Savica" zapoje pestim "Delavski pozdrav." 3. Math Marovich, pred«, dr. št. 223, nastopi z mlad. ^«Melk«,] pozdravi navzoče in nato zanojo Ameriftko himno. 4. Eugene Rus in Frank Pike^deklamirata "O petintridenet letaki! Jednote." pJU^ 5. Pevski «bor "Blud" zapoje: "Na vasi fantje pojejo," "PreigjdnjJ cvetlice" in "Moje sanje." | 6. John Fradel, prod. Federacije, govori o pomenu federacije. 7. Mary Rus in Jennie Rut deklamirata: "O petintrldeietletaki jednote" v angleškem jesiku. 8. Pevski zbor "Ssvics" «spoje: "V tujini," "Pozdrav" in "U boj." 9. Anton Zornik, tsj. Federscije, govori v korist federacije. 1 10. Pevski «bor "Prešeren" poje pesmi "Ne dan" in "Svoboda.' 11. Kvartet zapoje "Jax pa za eno deklico vem." 18. Donald J. Lotrich, čl. goap. odseka SNPJ iz Chicaga, govori» razvoju Jednote od leta 1904 do 1939. 14. Trije pev. zbori, "Bled," "Savica" in "PreAeren" zapoio skup* "Slovenec in Hrvat" pod vodstvom učiteljice Jowphine Mar; X Bukalich. VSTOPNINA K PROGRAMU 25c ZA OSEBO, ZA OTROKE, KI NISO V NAROČJU 8TARISEV, PA DO 1«. LETA VSTOPNINA lic [ Vstopnina za ples «večer za molke 35c, za ženske 25c Igrala bo Martin Serro orkestra. Uljudno vabimo vse občinstvo, domače, bližnje in oddaljene oblice, da poeetite to slsvnost polnoitevilno in ae veselo zabavate i naai Vabi ODBOR. FRANK PAULICH D.D.S., M.DJ3. ' , Dentist-Orthodontist Zobezdrsvnlk (Izravnava sobe) ZIM a IM Ava. • CICESO, ILL Za prihodnjo konferenco so billJ nominirani Cambria City, Moxham, Central City, South Pork in Morrellville. Slednji je prejel največ glasov in se bo vršila prihodnja skupna seja dne ?10. julija ob 2. uri popoldne v dvorani društva 16 J8KJ. (Kažipot Fairfield Ave. na Black Road na levo.) — Seja zaključena ob 5. popoldne. Frank Kauclc, predsednik, Andrej Vidrich, zapisnikar. Seja federacije na antracitnem polju Foreet City, Pa. — Naznanjam vsem društvom in članstvu SNPJ v okrožju trdega premoga, da se vrši prihodnja seja naše federacije v Forest City ju, v Zvonovi dvorani, dne 28. maja, pričetek ob 2. popoldne. Na člane, ki so v bližini, apeliram, da se udeležijo te seje, posebno pa društveni zastopniki, ker moramo nekaj ukreniti glede proslave 85-letnlce SNPJ. Torej na svidenje na 28. maja na federacij-skl seji. Omenim naj tudi, da je prišel iz bolnišnice br. Frank Ra-tajc, kjer se je zdravil šest mesecev. Nahaja se še v kritičnem položaju. Apelira se na člane, da ga obiščejo na njegovem domu. l/ouis SanKo, zapisnikar. tjijfrfiufffrr....................... kose, motike, itd. Starokrajske KARTE za vse izlete Potalki s našim posredovanjem pota- jejo nsjeeneje la zadovoljno. Denarna pošiljke isvrlsjemo točne tn ssneeljlvo po dneva«m kursa. V JUGOSLAVIJO r ITALIJO IN Din ...... 9I.I« M Lir......M U Starokrajske kose «vsno STONICH, katere so rezils, ds jim n«b"u« niso par—kakor tudi motike in drugo—kar Je fte dobro znano Slov««« vse) Ameriki. PoHlJsmo na vso krsjo, poštnino plsčsmo ml Motike, ročno kovsne, po $1.28, večje po..................^ Kose, «vsne Stonieh, * rinko 26-28-10-32 pslcev...........» Kose polirsnke, o«ke, samo 32 palcev dolge...............¡J j Kosilčs, lopo izdelana, javorjev le«....,............— "J Brusilni kamni, Bargamo, po........................ Klepalno orodje; kladivo težko, ostro na obeh koncih..... Srpi, aa i* i JI Ribežni «a repo ribati « dvema nošema..........." Nemške brivne britve, garantirane, $2.76 in po............ - Starokrajske ploinate pile cs isge brusiti, velike po...... J Pisnksče, ročno kovsne, 6 do 8 funtov po............... j Priporočsjte po nsselbinsh trgovcem s šele«nino naj si nabavijo nafcl ds Jih bodete tako lahko kupili pri njih po isti ceni. Raznovrstno pohištvo, pralno stroje, in refrigeratorje. K*»*» milj daleč bresplsčao. Damo as lakks meeečaa odplačil«. Za naslov napišite samo: Chitholm, Mi V VUm laataaaa Intarwa ja. «a pillU aa» ■a mm la pajaaatta SLOVENIC PUBLISHING CG (Qlaa Naroda—Travel Burean) 211 West 18 st New York. N. T ŽELODČNO ZDRAVILO (Impertirsae Is starega kraja) Priporočljivo onim, ki trpe vslod ftelodčnegs sli črevosnegs kstarjs, alsbe prebsve, «apeke, ssbsssnoatl in plinov v trebuhu.—Cena $1.00 s poštnino.—Naslov: M RS. GRETA LESKOVAR MT B. 7lrd »t. New Terk. N. T. STEPHEN STONICH PROLETAREC je slovensko glasilo socisllitične stranko v Ameriki Vsak dela-voe ta rojak, ki so saaima aa socialises«, M ga moral redno «tati, ker vam kale PRAVO SLIKO SOCIALIZMA Naročnina znaša $3.00 na leta, 91.7$ na pol leta Naalov: PROLETAREC 2101 So. UwadHe Ava, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS v tej posojilnici sa varovane do II.MMI pa Federal So Visas a Losa laaaraaee Cor parat loa. Waahiagtea. D. C. Sprejemamo oeebne In drnštvano vlogo Plačane obreatl po 3% St. Clair Savings ft Loan Co. •SSI St. Clair Aveeee • Head. MTC Cleveland. Okie Ta aana ao iMidvrftana apratnawnbl aorl all doll. — Prl v*4JMi mart I h aa da ja aoraima-ran popu«t Mllül ru»Ll S STASIM KNAJKM Kadar rabita poklsaiiU. all kako druao Ii« •lino aa atari kraj. ell. kadar ImiU a starim krajam kako ilm«a opravilo, ja v »ako ko-Hat. da aa obmata eai Krt osvežujoči la kri čistilni Planinski čaj I aa vitke ll.tS PoKnina proeta fUMa pa kraaptalat aa«lh jadllalb SMa« la domaČih zdravil ftakara » KmJ» a kaj%1 Dasakt adraaan math pezdir Boa 772 ( kerek St. Aaaos New Terk. N. Y. SLOVENSKA NARODNA PODPORNA JEDNOTA lads J s svoje pablikadje la Is pooobao Uet Proeveta «a kariati. tor potrobae agitacije eveJHi draštev ia članstva la «a propagande avajUi idej. Nikakor pa ne «a prepagaado druglk podpornik ar g aaisari J. Vsaka orgaalsadja kaa običajno «vaje glaello. Torej sgiUte- 7FNF >k» vam > maaočao ca Li Ii Li (^rtlo) lao- •talo ali ake Jo seredao ali boMe. naročite «i nemudoma moje stare-krajako «laaeeHo zdravite SUne ••.-Pilite ml s polnim aeupenjem. «IRS r.RRtA t.KSKOVAS •er a Ttrd SC Now York. N. t. NA PRODAJ JE S sobna retidenčna hiša—pritličje—furnace gor kot a—Alroka lota ^•ahaja ar na 2&I0 K. Millard ave. U poja«nlb pokličite: OONAI.DJ. l.OTRK'»« Tel. law fkdale 2344 VABILO na veselico i i društva ..... 1 J„. v FLE1NER dvorani na 1638 N. Halated &U Chicago, 111. Zaselek ob 8. zvečer« Igral bo lamburaiki zbor "Svoboda*9. Vstopnina v pfredpredaji 2Scf pri vtatih 36c. Pridite vsi! SREDAjrjtAM SÍVt*^ ¡ - — < - - . . —.— _ —— Nekaj o dodatnem, posojilu s strani jednote na Dom na Waterloo Roadu v Clevelandu ___«unreke bili delničarii /utrotnvlioni Ho J» moj namen delati »pr£e JLU Slovenskega delavskega I n. Waterloo Roadu v C e StoObfc kateri je zakljui.l Kviti kegljišče na zemlj.Mu. Tuit doma in na katerem i-, jednota posojilo v znesku J ¿00. in "» katero pr1Zidavo "'bi jednota posojila nadalj- > S ,18,000, kar p««'¡¡J» ku*o posojilo potem znašalo «o 000 Toda, ker sem poučen, večina delničarjev članov \pj in ko sem čital številke ihodkov in izdatkov v dopisu „t« Franka Barbiča, ki je izšel dnevniku Prosveti 5. maja, natram, da ne more biti vseeno elničarjem doma, kaj se z de-rjem $60,000 zgodi, ker če bi slučajno ponovila usoda Hr-»tskega doma v So. Chicagu, prizadela tudi tiste delničar-doma, ki so člani jednote. Poglejmo stvar z gospodarske ■trani. Po mojem mnenju in mnenju udi, ki se hekaj razumejo na Mpodarska vprašanja, je keg-jtfe ravno tako špekulativna tvar, kakor so bili industrialni ondi, s katerimi smo imeli brid-izkušnje in sedaj se jih pre-idno ogibijemo. Argument onih, ki se ogrevala dodatno posojilo — katere-. je gospodarski odsek jednote večino že odobril — je, da bo l dohodkov s kegljiščem in ta-bodo lahko tudi več odplače-ili na dolg, ter, če kegljišče ne i prizidano, bo trgovina v se-mjih prostorih pričela pešati tako ne bodo mogli zmagovati ojih obligacij. Ampak z več-mi dohodki se bodo z novim ilopjem zvišali tudi izdatki in ijbrie veliko več kot se sedaj tdvideva. Barbičeve številke pokazale nekaj, kar je najbr-marsikomu nerazumljivo in cer, zakaj so stroški enega do-| toliko večji kot drugega v lmeri z istimi dohodki in v i-:m mestu. Jednota je na omenjeni dom ►sodila leta 1928 vsoto $52,-K). Glavnica je do sedaj zni-ina za $10,000 in plačane so o-«sti, kar pomeni, da se je z o-■estmi vred povprečno odplavalo po $2,488.00 letno. Po-dba, katero so podpisali od-vorni uradniki delavskega do-i, predpisuje, da se mora na ivnico odplačevati po $2,000 (tno poleg obresti, dosedaj je l odplačano le po $1000.00 let-kar je izredno važnega potna pri nadaljnjem posojilu. Nova pogodba, sestavljena na •dlagi amortizacije za dobo ^'h let pa pomeni, da - bodo »rali delničarji doma skrbeti, i bo jednoti — vsaj za prva le-~ odplačevano po $500.00 aečno ali $6000.000 letno, po- I tega odplačila pa še za keg-*« onemu, ki ga postavi. Se-»J je tarnanje, da ne bo mogo- jednoti odplačevati niti vso-"i je bila odplačevana do hc-J Z novim prizidkom si pa »J« odplačevati po $6000.00 Moti in Ae drugim dolžnikom. II iellm onim, ki ao zaintere-r*'u l)ri orKanizaciji delavske-»doma, vso sredo s kegljiščem, k''mi"i Pa, in sicer resno,, da ' biznes 8 kegljiščem izbolj-" kot atr odstotno — kar se ¡""[f!' L* bonte hoteli zmago- obligacije — ker v Chica-' Je precej kegljifc bankrot-n M" a m tudi, da bo no-poslopje z namenom, ki ste si omislili, odvzelo dohodke se-domu, posebno v koli-T* to kulturne strani tiče. V ki ga povzroča kegljišče, močan, posebno še, ko v bliži- «ma. da I« motilo priredbe lt7*o ® ljudje prisiljeni to. purane, v kaurih bodo lah- I programe nemoteno. m' 'U ^''nipeticijo kegljišča J;1;11 m,W« računati. Na „reveč ne zidajte! K j ali tam, kjer u r.?» ? otirMje kako £ r«t>«H denar. I»,' •■'« ">a nato — kar r v. dopi.u «»menja, da so bilí delničarji zagotovljeni, da jih poslopje ne bo stalo ničesar — da bi se potem jednoti prepustilo vse posestvo, nakar gA bo primorana prodati nazaj za nizko ceno, pa rečem na tem mestu, da ni pošteno.» Denar, ki je bil in če bo še slučajno posojen, so prispevali naši člani delavci skupno in ne samo enega mesta ali naselbine. Ce bomo kaj prihranili, naj dobijo sadove prihrankov vsi člani enako! Tistim, ki bi mogoče argumentirali, češ da smo izgubili tudi pri bondih, naj že na tem mestu odgovorim, če bi bili imeli tako jasno sliko pred sabo v vseh slučajih, ko se je investiralo v bon-de, kakor je baš v tem, potem sem skoro prepričan, da bi bile tudi pri bondih manjše izgube. Bratje in sestre, ki ste delni čar j i Slovenskega delavskega doma, jaz vas opozarjam na previdnost v teh resnih in negotovih časih, da si nikar ne nalagajte težkega finančnega bremena In odgovornosti na svoje rame. Zapomnite si to, da končno boste le vi sami plačali račune na en ali drugi način. Ker vam želim dobro in da se med nami ohrani prijateljstvo, posebno do jednote, katero ste tudi vi pomagali graditi, premislite vaš korak. To sem napisal pred dvanajsto uro vašega odloka kot sobrat in prijatelj, o Čemur ste lahko uverjeni, ne oziraje se, kaj bodo mogoče vam govorili. Pretehtajte moje argumente in napravite sodbo. — F. A. Vider, član društva št. 1. PRO?VETA Federacije SNPJ Izčrpek zapisnika federacije za juini Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wis. — Seja se je vršila dne 23. aprila popoldne v dvorani SST. Odborniki vsi navzoči razen podpredsednik Leonard Alpner ml. Druitva so zastopana, in sicer Štev. 16, 104, 192, 584, 686 in 747. Društveni zastopniki poročajo, da so se vsa naša društva izrekla za kooperacijo na pikniku dne 30. julija v Lake De-noon in so pri volji storiti vse, kar se storiti da za boljši uspeh ter da med članstvom vlada veliko zanimanje glede proslave 35-letnice SNPJ, ki se bo vršila 22. oktobra v dvorani SST. Poročila se odobrijo in sklene se, da se takoj podamo na delo in pričnemo s pripravami. Zapisnik zadnje seje se sprejme. Poročilo tajnice o dohodkih se vzame na znanje. Blagajnik poroča o izdatkih in vsebina se odobri. Nadzorni odsek poroča, da je pregledal poslovne knjige in odobril račune; v blagajni se nahaja vsota $88.15. Poročila odobrena. |Brat Schweiger poroča, da je krožek AH Stars št. 4 imel svojo zabavo dne 22. aprila in da je zabava dobro izpadla* Mladina je bila vesela in je zelo zadovoljna s svojo ustanovo. Njih blagajna je obogatela za $15.20. Poročilo se vzame na znanja in priporoča vsemu članstvu, da vselej in povsod sodeluje z mladino. Zastopniki društva Vijolice poročajo, da je to društvo ustanovilo mladinski krožek z imenom Violet Rays in da želijo krožek priklopiti k federaciji. Poročilo se odobri in sklene, da se' krožku vsestransko pomaga pri svojem razvoju in se ga sprejme pod okrilje federacije. Po daljši razpravi se sprejme predlog, da tudi naša dva krožka prispevata po 50 centov za oglas v Prcsvdti kadar imata svoje priredbe. Leo Schweiger in Msth Smole poročata, da je mladina navdušena in priprsvljens organizirati se v pevskem klubu. Poročilo se vzame na znanje in sklene. da se voditeljem krožkov podeli polne moč. ds takoj organizirajo pevski zbor> * Blagajnik poroča, da je glav. ni odber odobril našo prošnjo in nam poslal ček za $50 za financiranje naše mladine, ki se izobražuje v krožku. Poročilo se vzame na znanje in sklene, da se dotična vsota razdeli na dva enak» dela med naša dva krožka All Stars in Violet Raysi voditeljem krožkov se pa priporoča, da pazijo, da bo vsota porabljena v koristne namene. Sklenjeno, da izvolimo pripravljalni odbor za piknik dne HO. julija, in sicer od vsakega društva dva zastopnika. Izvoljeni so: od društva Št. 16 Anton Tratnik in Matlt Smole, od 104 Anton Yersin in Vincent Pu-gelj, od 182 Anna Puncer in Jo-sephine Slapnik, od 564 Leo Schweiger in Frank Slapnik. od 686 Barth Yamnik in Adolf Yersin in od 747 Joe Vidmar in John Klopčič. Ker ni društvo 234 zastopano na današnji seji. se sprejme predlog, da se ga pismeno obvesti, naj izvoli dva zastopnika. Sprejme se predlog, da se dobiček od te prireditve deli na deset enakih delov — med krožkoma, društvi in federacijo. Na članstvo se apelira, da se udeleži tega piknika in po svoji moči pripomore do popolnejšega uspeha. Sprejeto, da federacija vsako leto priredi piknik zadnjo nede* Ijo meseca julija. Predlog sprejet, da se pošlje zastopnika na konferenco Prosvetne Matice v nedeljo 28. maja v Chicago, III. Plača se mu vozne stroške in kosilo. Izvoljen je Vincent Pugelj. Poročila zastopnikov o društvenih priredbah se vzame na znanje in sklenjeno, da skupaj sodelujemo, zlasti na proslavi 85-letnice SNPJ, ki jo priredi društvo Vijolica v nedeljo dne 28. maja v dvorani SST. Prihodnja seja se vrši v petek zvečer dne 28. julija ob 7:30 v dvorani SST. Seja zaključena ob 5. uri popoldne. L. Ambrozich, zapisnikar. Društvene priredbe Proslava druitva 6 Sygan, Pa. — Društvo Bratstvo 6 SNPJ obhaja svojo 35-letnico dne 30. maja, ko bo praznovalo dolga leta svojega žilavega in marljivega dela na polju bratstva v zapadni Pennsylva-niji. V tem času je izvršilo veliko koristnega dela za razvoj društvenega življenja v tej okolici, kakor tudi za napredek naselbine v vseh ozirih. Bilo je prva veriga SNPJ v zapadni Penni. Seveda je imelo društvo 6 u-godne prilike za razvoj, ker takrat so bile razmere bolj ugodne kot dane«. Takrat je bila premogovna indutsrija zelo razširjena. Društvo je izrabilo vse prilike in hitro zraslo v močno postojanko. Porodila se je tudi ideja, da društvo zgradi svoj lastni dom, v katerem naj bi se zbiralo članatvo in ki bi nsselbi-ni služil sa centrum. Seveda so bile razne potežkoče s tem v zvezi, toda drultvo Bratstvo je šlo na delo in al zgradilo svoj dom. Z zgraditvijo doma se je rsz-mahnilo tudi naše družabno in kulturno življenje v naselbini. Ustanovljena je bila Čitalnica, kakor tudi šola za sngleščino. Ko je bila sprožena ideja, da bi društvo ustanovilo godbo z* mlade fante, se je tudi to storilo. Godba je obstajsls le nekaj časa, ker s tem ni zaslužka, pač pa j« bila bolj za kratek čas. Ve- lik korak k napredku je društvo Resnice teh dni Frank Kerie, Now York (Nadaljevanje Vse to se mi je zdelo vredno, da zapišem, da bo članstvo vedelo, kakšne težave in krize mora prenašati tisti, ki si upa v našo javnost Kolikokrat sem videl stvari in razmere, ki bi bile rabile kritike, smeri in izboljšanj, a nisem mogel, nisem smel. Kolikokrat se je meni iz-vil vzdih: oh, ko bi bil vsaj kdaj tako neodvisen od naših ljudi. In naših razmer, da bi mogel povedati vse res tako, kakor mislimi Preidem s tem na razpravo br. Moleka, ki je obširna in se dotika vseh mogočih vprašanj, na katera ne morem in ne smem ostati dolžan odgovora. Kakor mnogi drugi, bi tudi jaz sam rad več jasnosti in v marsičem nekaj drugega, kakor je danes. Najprej pri vlečem tisto nesrečno svobodomiselnost, za« stran katere je trpela marsikatera glava in marsikateri pisalni stroj. Ali bi segle vse kolone od New Yorka do Chlcaga ali ne, tega ne vem. Vem pa, da je bilo tega dovolj In tudi preveč. Ko so začeli naši ljudje prihajati v Ameriko, so prinesli s sabo ne samo avoje krepko telo z vsem, kar je imelo dobrega, pač pa tudi razmere, iz katerih smo prilli. Najprej so se izseljevali s kmetij in dežele, koder je s pičlimi iijemami vse verno. Kasneje so pritisnili tudi iz trgov in mast. Imeli smo tedaj V stari domovini! fkerlkafizem, liberalizem in nekaj socializma, kar je začelo prihajati polagoma do veljave tudi v Ameriki. Vse je začelo poganjati po tistem kopitu, kakor doma, četudi ni bilo pravega vzroka za to. Cerkev je bila v stari domovini ne samo verska, ampak tudi politična organizacija v precej tesni zvezi z vlado In 6 storilo tedaj, ko je organiziralo mladinsko ali angleško poslujoče društvo, ki danes dobro napreduje v članstvu in je že preraslo starejfte dtuštvo. V lanski kampanji za mladinski oddelek je prejelo prvo nagrado, Seveda smo mu pri tem pomagali tudi starejši člani. 1 Naše društvo je bilo tudi vedno naklonjeno socialističnemu klubu JSZ in ustanovilo je tudi Ženski gospodinjski odsek. Podpiralo Je vedno vse napredne akcije in ustanove. Naj še omenim, da je bilo mesto bre« vseh naprav — brez plina/elektrike in vode — ko so se naši ljudje pričeli naseljevati v Syganu. Ceste so bile slabe, blatne. Naše društvo Je bilo aktivno za izboljšanja naselbine tudi v tem oziru. Za sygansko naselbino ima društvo Bratstvo torej velike zasluge. Po 85 letih je še močno in šteje nad 100 Članov, mladinsko pa več, kaker sem že omenil in na kar smo ponosni. Uspeh mlajše generacijo smatramo tudi za naš uspeh. Njej je treba le poguma. . Za našo proslavo se pridno pripravljamo. Postregli vam bomo najboljše. Toraj bratje In sestre, prijatelji in znanci, vsi ste vabljeni, da nss posetlte v velikem številu na tej proslavi dne 30. maja. Imeli bomo dober program. Za vaš pi set se že naprej zahvaljujemo. Lorenz Kaurlr. sistemom. Kot taka je bila seveda podvržena javni kritiki, imela je pristaše in nasprotnike, kakor jih ima vsaka druga politična stranka. V Ameriki nima cerkev in vera nobene zveze z vlado samo in ni tudi politično organizirana. Je prostovoljna institucija, kakor vsaka druga organlsacija. Ce bi bili upoštevali princip, da dela vsak Človek po svojem prepričanju, daje tja, kamor se mu zdi, da bo najbolj prav, bi se bili lahko ognili vseh bojev. Meni so se zdeli od nekdaj nepotrebni. Jaz grem, mislim in delam prema svojemu prepričanju, to je moja pravica. Ampak to pravico ima tudi moj bližnji in ne samo Jaz. Kar je zame dobro in pravilno, ni s tem rečeno, da mi mora biti napoti sosed, ki ima drugačno prepričanje. Ako zahtevam zase, da apoštuje vsak to/ kar je mojega, je samo pravično in logično, da dajem enake pravice ne samo sosedu, ampak vsem. Lahko govorim in pišem o svojem prepričanju, lahko ga propagiram in iščem pristašev in zaveznikov, a to že davno ne pomen ja, da imam pravico loputati z lopsrjem po tistih, ki so drugačnega prepričanja. Nismo upoŠt#va)l in razumeli, da je Amerika drugačna dežela z drugačnimi razmerami. Kar smo videli in Izkusili v stari domovini, to smo ponovili v Ameriki in že pred tridesetimi leti je bil tak boj javnosti, kakor da res nismo imeli drugih problemov med nami. Prvi so se organizirali v A-meriki katoličani, ki so započeii s svojimi organizacijami in listi. L. 1904, ko se je ustanovila SNPJ, smo imeli tri večje podporne orgsnizacije, ki so bile v načelnih zahtevah vseskozi katoliške. To so bile KSKJ v Jolle-tu. JSKJ v Ely ju in Sv. Barbara v Forest City ju. ?rva je bila stara že deset let, ko se je rodila SNPJ, ki naj bi bila to, kar se je imenovalo v stari domovini liberalno, narodno, napredno sli svobodomiselno. Vsi ti izrszi so se rabili izmenoma In so pome-njall eno in isto, to se pravi: svobodno na vse strani brez ozira na to, ali je to v skladu z vero ali ne. Četudi niso začetna pravila nikjer omenjala tega, ae je dalo presojevatl to podlago že po I-menu: Narodna. Beseda naroden pomenja že sama na sebi svobodomiselnost, ker ne Jemlje za podlago vere, ampak nsrod, kakršen je. Ko smo imeli tretjo konvencijo v letu 1907, sem izdelal jaz vsa nova pravila in jih vseskozi moderniziral. O tej konvenciji bom pisal enkrat daljše spomine, kskor tudi o razvoju, borbi in težavah v SNPJ med letom 1907 in 1911. Pok. Zavertnik Je pissl sicer po naročilu jednote zgodovino o tem. ki pa Je za ta leta In tisto dobo vseskozi ne-točns. Podatki Iz te zgodovine se ponavljsjo od Časa do čssa in vidim Jih spet v ladajl Pro-svete zs 35-letnlco. Nikogsr ne dolžim s tem. da Je napravil namenoma kaj napačnega, ne pok. Zavertnika. ki Je pobral svojo snov Is zapisnikov, niti br. Molka, ki se naslanja na to, ksr Je zapisano. Važno pa Je eno: to, kar je pisanaga, jc bilo za jav-nost. Vsi večji in važnejši vzroki so ostali nezapisani. (Dalje Jutri.) Glasovi iz naselbin "Dva potepuha" v Strahanu Strahane, Pa. — "Kam pojde-mo v nedeljo popoldne dne 21. maja?" "Na vsak način gremo v St raba ne pogledat šaljivo burko 'Dva potepuha'." To je vprašanje in odgovor, ki se sliši po naselbinah zapadne Penne. Da, 21. maja bo dramski klub Soča uprizoril "potepuha,\ to je burko, ki se ne vidi pogosto in tudi ne vsako leto. Meseca februarja leta 1936 jo je uprizoril dramski odsek SND v Waukega-nu, III., in če se ne motim, jo je pozneje ponovil v Chicagu za klub 1 JSZ. V Pennl še ni bila igrana. Ce jo je kdo videl v stari domovini, jo gotovo še Želi videti. Kdor pa še ni videl "potepuhov", ima sedaj priliko do obik) smetho in šaljivih prizorov, V 86. štev. Prosvete s dne 3. maja je bila v mojem dopisu neljuba pomota, namreč, da se I-gra vrši na 6. maja, kar pa je uredništvo popravilo v Prosveti dne 5. msjs, da se igra vrši na 21.rmaja ob 2. popoldne. Prosim občinstvo, da to vaame na znanje in neljubo pomoto oprosti. Vsebina igre je bila opisana v izdaji dne 8, maja. Upam, da se občinstMo odzove k tej tigri iv čim večjem številu ter se nekaj časa duševno zabava in pokram-Ija med inancl in prijatelji. Igralci in igralke se pridno vadijo pod vodstvom Johna 2ig-mana in upam, da bodo kos vlogam, ker igra zahteva Izveiba-nlh Igralcev. John Kokllch, 188. Protestne demonstracije aagtoékft sievkarjev pné pealepjem Klemene Broa. âfs.f Undone. Opomin na kampanjo liarberton, O.—Članstvo društva Triglav 48 SNPJ opomin-Jam na kampanjo sa nove Člane. Vsakega Člana je dolžnost, da pridobi kakega novega Člana, a-ko ima priložnost, pa naj bo v članski ali mladinski oddelek. Kampanja je sedaj za oba oddelka' in razpisane so tudi nagrade,' katere bo dobil vsakdo, ki bo dobil kakšnega novega člana. Torej na delo. Ne glejte samo nu uradnike, da bi morali vse sami napraviti. Vsakega člana J« dolžnost, da deluje za napredek društva in Jednote. Federacijska veselica na 10. a-prila upam, da je dobro uspela. Udeležba je bila velika in program dober. Videli smo premične slike iz starega kraja. Videl ssm tudi Franka Zaltza. predsednika nadzornega odbora Jednote, ki je bil glavni govornik. Njega sem že prej poznal, toda se Je zelo spremenil, od kar sem ga zadnjič videl. Zdelo se ml je, da se Je precej zredil, menda od žganoev, ko Je bil na obisku v stari domovini. No, od žgancev se še človek zredi, zakaj bi se tudi zajec ne. Govoril Je tudi Frank Barblč. glavni porotnik, toda nJega nisem razumel, ker slabo slišim. Franka sem prvikrat osebno videl. Kad bi videl tudi tisto kra-vo is Halerna in tisto žensko, ki Franka zalaga z mlekom, toda Je menda Imel obe nekje skriti. Lotfla Oeepek, tajnik 48. O proslavi 10-letnics Prstema ( hleago. — Minulega 23. a-prlla Je moški zbor France Prešeren obhajal 10-l«tnlco svojega obstanka s koncertom, igro in plesom. Poleg Prsšerna sta so-delovala tudi mešan zbor Slovan iz South Chicaga In češki moški zbor Lira. Vsi zbori so dobro peli. Po pevskih točkah je ustanovni član in prvi tajnik Anton Udovich orissl aktivnosti zbora skozi 10 let in koliko je zbor storil v tem čssu. Udovlchu lepe hvals. a Za ^tem sta Mlf uprizorjeni dve igri, ena od stsrejšega odseka. druga od fantov. Obe igri sta bili dobro Izvajani. Kakor se sliši, so bili posetniki zadovoljni s vsem Pa saj se človek najbolje počuti med pevci, ko zaigra srce in pozabimo na senč- ne ure. Zbor Prešeren je bil skozi vso dobo aktiven in naklonjen rasnim orgsnizacijam. Vedno se je odzval in pomagal oleplatl program, če je bilo mogoče. V tej smeri je pripravljen sodelo-vati tudi Še naprej. Za svoje plačilo je zbor zadovoljen, ako občinstvo poseča njegove koncerte ■s tako udeležbo kot je bila zadnje čase. Prešeren si» zahvaljuje vaent posetnikom za naklonjenost, vsem oglaševalcemf lovskim zborom za sodelovali je. Prosveti In sploh vsem, ki so kaj pripomogli k tej proslsvl. Pre-Aeron je zadovoljen z izidom 10-lotnice, ki je izpadla dobro v vseh ozirih. Prihodnja .priredba je piknik dne 23. julijp pri Keglu v Willow SprlnbsiSr jesenski koncert pa dne 12. novembra. Prosi se društva, klube in druge pevske zbore, da to upoštevajo. Frank TeropŠič. član. O OporoW zadevi Cleveland. Sledeč« poročilo' o zadevi mladegu Rudolfu Opure je zadnje dni prinuael The Cleveland Plaln Dealer: "Lansko leto meseca julija je mrs. Francés" Valen t Ič z 061 K. 239 st. prejela pismo od svojega sina Rudolpha Opure z naznanilom, da je bil ujet v Španiji po Francovi falističnl armadi v bil-šini Msdrida In poslan v /.mrugoso. Od takrat mrs. Vulentič nl več slišala o svojem sinu. Pred-no Je bil ujet. Je pisal domov vsak mesec. Od držuvnegu de- partmentu v Washingtonu so pozneje Izvedeli, du je bil Kudolph Opara obsojen nu smrt. todn nu intervencijo državnega depart* menta Je bila obsodba pozneje ipremenjena v dosmrtno ječo. Opara Je zapustil Cleveland v lullju leta 1937, nekaj tednov potem, ko~'Je izpolnil 21. leto. Njegovi sorodniki izpovedo, du je Imel véliko Željo do potovanja, iti med svet. Ko ss je pridela civilna vojnu v Španiji, jo iotel iti prostovoljno v Španijo in se pridružiti lojallstom. Mati nl pristalu r.u to in nl hotelu podpisati potnega lista. Kukor hitro pa je bil preko 21, leta, si )• sam preskrbel potni list, da obišče Jugoslavijo, rojstni krsj tvojih staršev. Ko Je odiel, so Coz mesec dni prejeli pismo is Španije, du je tsm In zdrav. Potem Jo skoraj vsakih )>ar tednov pisal svoji materi. V nekem pismu ja omenil, ds Je bil lahko rsnjen v demo roko. Zadnje direktno pismo t)d nJega pu J« bilo datirano 1. Julija 1038 in pisano v Španskem Jeziku po JetnlŠkem uradniku. Rečeno Je bilo. ds Je bil ujet. Od tskrat niso domači več slišali o nJem. In tako sta pisala njegova se* •trs Olga in brat Joseph državnemu tajniku. Državni depart-ment Jih Je obvestil, ds Je bila bratova smrtna obsodba spre menjena v dosmrtno Ječo in da ja bilo to vse, kar je mogls vlada v Washingtonu pronajti o njegovi obsodbi. Olgs se je zdaj obrnila na reina slovenska društva, du bi kuj ukreniltt in apelirala na državni department, da bi pod vzel ko* rake in osvobodil njenega brsta Rudolphs. ki je Ameriški državljan. V Washingtonu so se izrazili, da so obvestili ameriškega predstavnika v Španiji o tej zadevi in da on skuša, kar Je mogoče, da bi tešil mladega fanta Iz Ječe." Kakor Je razvidno, Jc amerlš-ka vlada o tem slučaju Zts obveščena in deluje za osvoboditev Rudolphs Opsre is špsnske Ječ«, Vse to Je vlada storila broz kakih naših resolucij In vsekakor bo tudi v bodoče, Frank llarl>i#, 53. Ali ste ts naročili Prea?«te ali tfladlnskl list svojemu prijatelju «II sorodniku f domovino? To je «tflnl dar traja« vredr.ost l. ki g« U mal den«r lahko pošljete «ve)> 9 dnMAvillA. «.v.CH., MOVERS ridite na KONCERT SAVE v SOBOTO, 20. MAJA I PriUtrk ob 7:30 zr«*r r DVORANI SNPJ, CHICAGO - Up pr®fr.m -PU.T«** dvoranah - Fin« «odb« - V.lopnin. 40c - Vabi h ni vm. PROSVETA I THE ENLIGHTENMENT CLASILO IK I.AMTMINA SMJVBNSBB MABODNB rOOrOBNK JEDNOTB OVSM •* mm4 irtHili'« * «W M*>«m N«UmJ BmwTH tort#0 NtfUklM mm Unl*M 4rUv M M pol W«a. II M M totrt WU J u CkkM" I* (Itm rr.M m Ml« Uto. »171 h pel Uu; a* Hmmmm»!«« *«Wrt»OuA nlM i for Uw U»IU* KUUi («uwfl •«4 KM t~r tmr. Cktcw« »««• Ctom 17.M i»r |W. MNiiriM WM POT ymr. Cm* «Imm |n> 4wm«tu IUkot>Ui to n»f.»rU» lU»r*r*s v^tU* I> »DM «*h pb——i. 4* «mb to • upi 4i P«M«tt« |P »W^MM. 4« M «M I H«Élé M* Jubilejna kampanja Jubilejna ¿lanska kampanja SNPJ v letu H-letnice jednote ie je zatela 1. aprila t. L in bo trajala do konca leta, torej devet meneče v. Oba Članska oddelka »tejeta v tej kumjuinji in določene nagrade veljajo za prulobljene otroke kakor ta odrasle nove člane. Pravilno je, da SNPJ v tej jubilejni kam)w-nji v letu tvoje 86-letnice dobi najmanj 3500 novih članov v oba članska oddelka. Kako bo ta cilj kampanje najlaie doseten? Tako, da vsa druitva SNPJ sodelujejo! Vinko druitvo naj te potrudi, da dobi v devetih mesecih najmanj SEDEM novih članov, odraslih ali otrok ali obojih — in cilj bo doteien. Naprej, bratje in isstret Kje smo mi prav % za prav doma? Kakšna sreč« za nas, ameriške Slovence in sploh Jugoslovane, da Američani ne razumejo našega jezika in ne morejo čitati naših listov niti poslušati naših fanatičnih pridigarjev, kjerkoli nastopajo! To Je res naša sreča. Kajti, če bi Američani dobri, demokratični Američani — razumeli aaš jezik ln doumeli naše početje — če bi namreč vedeli, kaj počenjajo naši ekstremiti in fa-fiatiki vseh barv, ki rešujejo politiko v starem kraju in nahruljujejo vsakogar s fašistom ali komunistom, odkoder že pihajo, ki ne tuli v njihov rog, dalje, če bi vedeli, kaj počenjajo ameriški Hrvatje in Srbi, ki so takisto do patu v starem kraju, tu se pa med sabo opletajo, dS strah, glede vprašanja, kdo naj bo diktator v starem kraju — bi nas resno vprašali, kje je prav za prav naš dom in kaj delamo v Ameriki! Vprašali bi nas, čemu ne poberemo svojih Šil ln kopit in ne gremo tja, če nas Evropa bolj skrbi kakor Amerika! K sreči ne vedo in ne vidijo vsega, ksr počnemo — smpak nekaj le vidijo. Ko namreč ridijo, da mora priti šest policsjev na hrvaški shod — to se je zgodilo pred nekaj dnevi v Chicagu — mirit pobesnele zborovske, ki so razdeljeni nu dve polovici in ena polovica zmerja drugo s fašisti, druga pa prvo s komunisti, tedaj morajo vedeti, da je nekaj narobe z ameriškimi Jugoslovani. In to ae lahko maJkčuje nad nami vsemi; predsodkov proti tujezemcem nikdar ne manjka in a prvim preobratom, ki ga ml ne moremo preprečiti, se predsodki lahko izprcmene v netoleranco, splošno mržnjo in preganjanje — in zaradi fanatizma nekaj stotin ekstremistov bomo trpeli vsi tujerodci, kajti kontrafsnatizem Američanov ne bo poznal razlike. Simpatije a staro domovino, rešpekt do rojstnega kraja in naših ljudi tamkaj je eno, ampak uganjati tukaj starokrajsko politiko, Je pa drugo. Prvega nam nihče ne brani in nihče nam noče odvzeti, toda drugo nsm zamerijo, ker znsči dvojno pripadništvo — nihče pa ne more biti iskreno pri|mdnik dveh držav ali dveh domovin. Zlasti to velja za vse naturalizirane državljane. Vai oni, ki smo ameriški državljani, nimamo pravice udejstvovati ae v politiki v interesu katerekoli tuje drŽave; če to delamo, zlorabljamo ameriško državljanstvo In nismo vredni, da smo državljani ameriške republike. Oni pa. ki niso ameriški državljani, so tukaj as-mo gostje in grdo zlorsbljajo ameriške civilne svobodščipe. ako ao aktivni v |>olitiki, katera služi ititrresoni kakšne tuje drfave. To se lahko grdo maščuje nad njimi — naj vsi prizadeti ne pozabijo tega. To nI nobena aroinja, marveč I« svarilo, kajti mi vemo. kaj lahko pride — imamo izkušnje. Druga izkušnja — prav za prav imamo več iskušenj — naa lahko uči, tla stari kraj se ne zanims za naše nauke, nasvete ali skle|te. Voditelji v starem kraju ae zanimajo lr /a naš denar — in vai njihovi apeli na nas, kadarkoli so naslovljeni na ameriške Slovence, ao Is za denar, ne za naše naavete ali našo |N»litiko. To lahko vidi in ve vaakdo, ki ni slep. In ml ae radi odzivamo z denarjem, na vsak apel af odzove zdaj ta in zdaj ona akupina. za kar že fre — in to Je vse, kar moremo tu storiti. Kdo se briga v starem kraju za naše resolucije, na- Obletnica SDD Detroit, Mich. — V nedeljo 28. maja bo naš Slovenski delavski dom praznoval svojo 13-letnico. Izvajan bo zanimiv program za stare in mlade po igralcih in godbenikih iz Clevelanda. Torej se nam obeta nekaj izrednega za 13-letnico. Uljudno vabimo vse delničarje in sploh vse občinstvo na obletnico tega našega skupnega in dostikrat težkega dela. S tem bomo pomagali SDD do boljšega uspeha, ker dom nam nudi velike ugodnosti v našem društ-tf>nem in kulturnem življenju. Naši možje so v tem času napravili veliko dela, prav tako tudi ženski gospodinjski odsek, ki je že veliko pomagal domu. Zato obema skupinama prisrčna hva-Želimo, da se zanimate še v bodoče in da skupno nadalju-emo z našim delom za napredek. Vabimo tudi Kanadčane na to priredbo, sploh vse od blizu in daleč. Obeta se nam nekaj prav zanimivega. Po programu bo servirana fina večerjna. Vstopnina v predprodaji 30c, pri vratih pa 40c. John Kralj, blagajnik. fKOBTETA ramo pa vas, da pridete v dvorano začasno, ob 7:30, najpozneje pa do osmih zvečer, da ne zamudite kaj programa. Torej na svidenje prihodnjo soboto zvečer v dvorani SNPJ. Savan. To in ono iz Strabana ca decembra mjeseca 1 naša je gtrab»ne, Pa. — Veselica go-zadača da dobijemo što više član- rtpodinjakega kluba društva 138 stva. mt Prema tome naša je dužnost da dodjemo u doticaj sa svim našim radničkim obiteljima i po-jedincima, ko j i stoje izvan redo-va jednote, te da im objasnimo s vrhu i cilj naše organizacije te pogodnosti ko je im priiža u slučaju bolesti ili nesreče, i ja sam uvjeren da nečemo imati pote-škoča dobit iste u naše redove. Msročitu pažnju trebamo i moramo posvetiti našoj mladoj generaciji, ko j a stoji izvan naših redova, a možda su učlanjeni kod koje insurence kompanije, gdje nemaju pravo glasa niti po-godnasti, koje im pruža jednota. Zato, bračo i sestre, dajmo se na posao i,poradimo i privadite u redove svoje prijatelje i djecu, koja se nalazi izvan naših redova. Mi u našem gradu i o-kolici imamo dobar broj mlade generacije da do vedemo u naše redove. Zato dajmo se na posao rezultati če bez dvojbe biti po-voljni. Izgradimo veču 1 ojačaj-mo našu radničku ustanovu — , ednotu. E. Movrlch, tajnik odsjeka 486. Izf/radimo jaču in vetu naku SNPJ Park Falls, Wia. — Nešto boje od dvije decenije, kako se je naš rad ni narod počeo za stalno naseljevati u ovaj sjeverni ili studeni predjel VVisconsina, za vrljeme dok je šumska industrija se kretala do velikog stupnja, naš radni narod u ovom predje-u se najviše zanimao šumskom radnjom po običaju iz stare nam domovine. Plače u Aumskoj industriji bile su Jako niske, a radni uslovi do skrajnosti slabi. Dočim za vrijeme prošlog svjet-skog pdkolja, a naročito kako je ova zemlja stupila u rat, plače su bile dosta povoljne, dočim radni uslovi su ostali tamo gdje su bili i pri je. (< Slabi radni uslovi još In da-nas prevladavaju, a radnici, možem sigurno konstatovati, rade zu vrlo mizernu nadnicu. Dočim sama činjenica, kako je CIO pokrenuo pitanje organiziranja Šumskih radnika da su se radni uslovi bar nešto poboljšali, do čim ne do želječeg stupnja. Na ši radnici, te radnici uopče pred dvije do tri decenije, bili su sa-sma slabo ili niita zaštičeni šumskoj industriji. Mnogi naši radnici su to zabilježlli gorkim iskustvom. Te kao rezultat tog iskustva mnoge je ekonomski si stem prisllio da se organizira-ju u organizacije gdje če dobit zaštitu u slučaju bolesti ili ne sreče. Pred 18 godina po prvi put u ovom mjestu pokrenuo je tako Savin koncert je prihodnjo soboto Chicago. — Na drugem mestu Prosvete je priobčen Savin oglas za njen pomladanski koncert, ki se vrši prihodnjo soboto zvačer dvorani SNPJ, kjer bo zopet donela naša pesem. Ko sem oni dan pondil prijatelju vstopnico, jo je rad vzel ln dostavil, da n mu dopate, ker bo koncert v aor boto zvečer in ne v nedeljo popoldne, ker bo v nedeljo l^hko počival, ako se bo zakasnil aa koncertu. Upamo, da bo tudi za druge številne posetnike to boli prikladno, ker ob sobotnih večerih človek rad kam gre na zabavo in razvedrilo, ln na Savinem koncertu bo obojega dovolj: z%, bave In duševnega razvedrila, France UdoVich, predaedniH Save, je zadnji teden omenil, da», bodo na tem koncertu nastopili tudi 11-letni Plutovi trojčki Herman, William in Joseph iz West Pullmana, ki igrajo na ha* vajske kitare. Pozabil pa je meniti, da so že nekajkratnastopili tudi na radioprogramih. Naši posetniki bodo sedaj imeli' prvo priliko, da se z njimi seznanijo. Upamo, da se bodo fautje dobro odrezali. Razume se, da bo radi večernega značaja koncertni program nekoliko krajši kot običajno, da bo potem več časa za ples. Sa va ga bo odprla z znano lepo delavsko pesmijo "Prebujenje du^ hov", kateri bo sledil fcirovnikov "Potrkan ples". Nato bo ženski zbor zapel Krabčev-Kristanovo važno pltanle jedan od naših pi-1..zimski maj" ln "Padel list t __I__..L.Ul Um«* G* I . ... _li_i -IJ.Jkl SNPJ dne 15. aprila je prav dobro izpadla. V imenu odseka najlepša hvala vsem, ki ste se u-deležili in članicam, ki ste prodajale vstopnice pred veselico. Posebno naša mladina od društva 589 SNPJ nam je pomagala v vseh ozirih, da smo imele u-speh čim večji. Tudi iz Sygana je bila velika udeležba. Najlepša hvala vsem skupaj. Dne 30. maja bo društvo 6 S. N. P. J. v Syganu praznovalo svojo ln jednortino 36-letnico. Takrat bomo gotovo poset vrnile. Naša tajnica Julia Balle je bolna že precej časa. Nahaja se v domači oskrbi, kakor tudi Jo-sephina Benuš. 2elimo hitrega okrevanja. Kot je bilo že poročano, je bil tukaj ustanovljen mladinski krožek članov društva 138 in 589, ki prav dobro napreduje. Mladina bo imela sedaj priliko, da se uči slovenskega jezika. Za učitelja je prevzel John Žigman, ki se bo potrudil in jih učil dvakrat na teden. Zatorej je dolžnost staršev, da pošiljajo svoje otroke v slovensko šolo. Kakor izgleda, se prav dobro zanimajo in imajo veselje. Tisti, ki še ne spadajo v krožek, naj se vpišejo, ker imeli bodo dosti zabave in razvedrila, kar je tudi potrebno za mladino. Seje mladinskega krožka se vršijo vsak prvi torek v mesecu ob 7. zvečer. Le tako naprej. Delujmo skupno in prido-bivajmo nove člane, kajti letos praznujemo 35-letnico naše najboljše in največje podporne organizacije, SNPJ. V nedeljo dne 21. maja priredi dramsko društvo Soča igro "Dva potepuhaV Prav uljudno ste vabljeni vsi prijatelji dramatike, da se udeležite v velikem številu, kajti imeli boste dosti u-Žitka in smeha, da boste vsaj za r ur pozabili na slabe čase, v Vladimir Kokkinaki, ruski letalec, ki je od letel iz Moskve proti New Yorku. kü it .terih se nahajamo. Vloge so v rokah aamo izkušenih igralcev. Žal ne bo nobenemu, kdor se udeleži. Režira John 2igman, suf-Hra pa Mary Tomšich. Torej v nedeljo vsi v Strabane, pričetek ob 2. popoldne. Mirni Pavšič, 138. pili bodo trije pevski zbori — Savica iz West Newtona, Prešeren iz Pittsburgha in Bled iz Library ja. Nastopili bodo tudi štirje mladinski člani našega društva 223 — Eugenie, Mary in Jimmie Russ ter Frank Pike —ki bodo deklamirali "Ob 35-letnici SNPJ". Glavni govornik bo Donald J. Lotrich iz Chicaga. Program se prične ob 2. popoldne, potem pa bo ples in zabava pozno v noč. Za ples bo igral trio Martina Serra. Odbor je pridno na delu, da aranžira vse primerno temu jubileju. Pripravljeno bo vsega za lačne in žejne. V slučaju grdega vremena se tudi ni treba bati, ker so veliki prostori, da bomo lahko vsi pod streho. V imenu odbora torej vabim vse, da se udeležite te naše proslave v čim večjem številu. Vabljeni so tudi naši bratje Hrvatje in drugi Slovani. Vsi dobro došli. Tako velike slavnosti za SNPJ še ni bilo v tej okolici kakor bo na 30. maaj v Carbonu v Pušnikovi dvorani. Matija Marovich. SRE^j^l Kurivo iz bombažnega sem^J Med tem ko je bil znanstveni na J^M prejšnjih časih bolj ali manj ^I ključu, skušajo današnje industrij bolj sistematično rešiti kakšen probll stveni zavodi industrije in kemije , Z' hitrejši in cenejši napredek, negffc?**! na kakšnega izumitelja in njegove ¿Sjl Navzlic temu je seveda še vedno dovoh ^l kovalcev, ki se trudijo neprestano da h l* ■ šne probleme rešili na nove načine , 1 no nepričakovanih strani. V Ameriki f? I enega najuspešnejših med temi raziskn .i* ženir Francis E. Wilkilison. «J V Glenadalu v Kaliforniji 8i Je wI zgradil laboratorij, v katerem dela svoie ^l rimente zlasti z uporabo visoko frekvenc kov. Razpolaga s toki, ki štejejo do m lil jonov frekvenc v sekundi. S temi toki JtI delaval vodo, zemeljski plin, surovo olje niški papir, krompirjeve olupke in kar i, L I dobnih stvari Eden njegovih najzanimivei^l uspehov je bil ta, da je nekega dne iz bomhl J nih semen z dodatkom nekaterih drugih ,1 sestavil kurivo za motorje, ki je splošno 11 rabno. Zemeljski plin je razčlenil v vodik ogljik in je dosegel vodik v posebni obliki Ki je potem razkrojeno sadje in nabrekla semeJ bombaža bombardiral z visoko frekvenčnim tU kom, je o uporabi tega vodika dobil neki altoJ hol, poleg tega pa tudi stranski produkt ki J dišal natančno tako in se je dal tudi tako 0 J lovati kakor guma. ~ .i Ali je kratkovidnost podedljiva? Vedno znova se poraja vprašanje, da li Jt kratkovidnost podedljiva. V marsikaterih družinah je opaziti to zlo. Liineburški zdravnik dr. Paul je skušal to stvar pojasniti s stati-stiko. Ta zdravnik je proučil nič manj nego 87» rodovnikov, ki so obsegali očesne preiskave za več nego 4000 oseb. Pri tem je zdravnik ugotovil sledeče: Če nihče izmed starSev ni bil krat-koviden, tedaj se je šele na vsakem 4. ali 5. me-stu pojavil kratkoviden otrok. Če sta bila obs starša kratkovidna, tedaj se je kratkovidno« pojavljala že pri vsakem 1. in 3. mestu. Stati-stika je torej jasno pokazala, da imajo za kratkovidnost svoj pomen tudi zakoni podedovanja. onira, pokojni brat E. Perkovič, te u vrlo kratko vrljeme organi-zirao s pomoču ostalih pionira naš odsjek 436 SNPJ. U toku vremens radnici u redovlmu na-šeg odajeka su počeli uvidjati da jednota im daje aaščitu u slučaju bolesti ili nesreče, te kao rezultat odsjek Je počeo se po-množati. Pokojni brat Perkovič je vršio čast u odsjeku kao pred-sjednifc, n večinom kao tsjnik, te stslno radio u industriji sve do pred tri god i ne. kada je obo-I|o od srčsne bolesti od koje je eventualno in |>odlcgao. Na 22. marca je zatvorio svoje patnič-ke oči i |M>šao iz naših redova. Smrču brata Perkoviča naš odsjek je izgubio dobrog in lo-jalnog člana, što najbolje imka-zu je fakat, imajučl u redovima jednote cljelu avoju obitel. Sada ovisi o nama, bračo i sestre. ds |Hipunimo prazno mje-sta brata Perkoviča. a to čemo naama lahko učinitl. samo ako s« damo na |Mmao. Naš zadatak je mnogo Veči in dalekoaaftniji. na O razmerah in jednoti Greenaburg, Pa. — O delavskih ^razmerah ne morem poročati nič dobrega, ker so zefo ne-povoljne. Tukaj v okolici Greens-burga vidimo vsak dan večjo armado brezposelnih. Ko to pišem, rudarska pogodba še ni podpisana, pri WPA pa odpuščajo delavce. Wadsworth Co., kjer sem jaz uposlen, je tudi odslovila 3001 došel. delavcev z izgovorom, da nima naročil. Kaj se bo iz vsega tega. skuhalo, bo pokazala bodočnost, toda ml delavci ne smemo držati rok križem in čakati na milost podjetnikov. Kar se tiče društvenega življenja. pri našem društvu 223 SNPJ stojimo na trdni podlagi. Do sedaj še nismo izgubili nobenega člana. Zahvaliti se moramo temu, ker imamo pri SNPJ sklad Izrednih podpor. Kateremu članu ni mogoče plačati svojega ¡asesmenta. se mu odobri proš- Kovferenca Prosvetne Matice Chicago. — V nedeljo dne 28. maja se bo v Slovenskem delavskem centru, 2301 S. Lawndale a ve., vršila pomladanska konferenca Prosvetne Matice tega o-krožja. Poziva se vse društvene in klubove zastopnike od She-boygana do Chicaga, naj bodo na msatu ob 9:30 dopoldne. Na tej konferenci se bomo pogovorili o našem delu na kulturnem polju. O tem predmetu bo referiral Ivan Molek, gl. urednik Prosvete. Chas. Pogorelec bo poročal o stanju PM, JSZ in našem tisku; Frank Zaitz bo odprl diskuzijo o brezpomembno-sti pansiavizma za delavstvo, Joško Oven in Anton Garden pa o vojni. Zborovanje bo javno in je vsak delavec ali škric dobro Steklo-iz vode Tajnik. javora", obe zelo mični skladbi. Za Savankami nastopijo Plutovi trojčki, ki nam bodo zaigrali nekaj komadov na svoje hatajske kitare. V naslednji točki bomo zopet slišali Savo, ki bo zapela tri skla-dbe — Lahamarjevo "Pogovor h Hlaveem", Jerebovo "Kam si Ma" in Pahorjev venček "Veseli brat• ci." Za zborom nastopita v due- tu Allce Artach in Marya <>»n«i;]nja za «sesment iz omenjenega hen, ki bosta zažgoleli "Na tujih lkUfU pri nftAem druAtvu j* tleh", Jenkovo "Dve utvi inJ™Hludi večina članov spremenila goče še kakšno za nameček, ¿daj kvoje č|anilk€ certifikate, da si ae že bližamo koncu progrsma, ldj|j ko BO br„ dfj|l ,fthko it_ katerega bo Sava zaključila s p^jj«, xa a„esment. Jaz bi a-Adamičevo nagajivko (idrijska) L^,^, nj| V8akega člana in čla- ZmA*u mi r aoete gre" in| Schwabovim prekatnim "/)o-šnm jutrom." Po programu pa se bodo zavr*. teli v obeh dvoranah in nsdslje-vsli z žinganjem domačih v spodnjih prostorih, kjer bo vodila petje s svojim sočnim sitom Ce*| snikovs Tončka z North Sideja, ki se je zadnjič pridružila tudi Savi. Imeli bomo tudi fino god- "jnlco. da spremeni polico. Kar se tiče mlsdlnskega oddelka. smo v kampanji leta 1938 napredovali za 20 članov. Zdaj O posetu priredbe in opereti Canton, O. —- Zopet je prišla cvetoča pomlad, ki nam obeta dosti veselja, ker sedaj bodo spet pikniki. Na federacijski priredbi v Barbertonu na 16! aprila je bila dvorana napolnjena. Slike so hile j ako lepe, le premalo jih je bilo. Naše društvo 315, ki spada k federaciji, se je udeležilo te priredbe z busom. Vsi so bili zadovoljni. Želeti je, da se snidemo skupaj tudi prihodnjič, ko bo federacijski piknik enkrat v poletju. Kaj bo, bo že še poro-spremenila |(\ano Naznanjam naših članom in ' Jugoslovanom v Cantonu, da bomo tukaj imeli imenitno predstavo v nedeljo popoldne dne 28. maja, ko American Jugoslav Citizen Club priredi opereto i "Chonita". V tem klubu je dosti naših članov. Proizvajalo jo *V nekih področjih tehnike uporabljajo električne obločnike, ki razvijajo izredno toploto. Te obločnice je mogoče zapreti seveda s utekli, toda silna vročina uhaja tudi skozi steklo. Dr. O'Brien z vseučilišča v Rochestru je našel drugo rešitev. Iz posode, ki ima na dnu okro-gel razpor, spušča tako rekoč zaveso iz vode, ki obda obločnico. Da se vodna stena ne pre-trže, ji je treba nekaj dodati, potem teče kot neprekinjen plašč in zadržuje vročino. Isto-časno filtrira svetlobo. Dr. O'Brien je s taki* pripravo obratoval n. pr. z 10-kilovatno obkf-nico štiri ure in se 30 cm visoka vodna ste» ni pretrgala. ^ Pred dvajsetimi leti imamo apet kampanjo za oba (lru|tVo Ana Glee Club iz oddelka. Morsmo se pripraviti Farrella, Pa., po številu 80 oseb. na sgltscijo, ds dobimo čim večlTake priredbe Jugoslovani še ime ne samo da popunimo nje-¡bo za polke in valčke, v zgornji govo prazno rhjeato, vec da dobi- dvorani pa bo igrsla godba Jamo što več I broj članovs u re-hna Kochevsrjs. «love jednote u ovom mjeatu i o-1 Vse je torej pripravljeno za novih članov v oba oddelka v tem letu. Morda se bodo tudi delavske razmere fcaj spremenile, da bomo imeli boljši uspeh v kampanji. Kakor je razvidno iz dopisov, se po mnogih- nsaelbinsh pri-prsvljajo na proalsvo 36-letnice kolici. Medjutim. nsš glavni od- večer veselja in zabave, kakráne| jednote Tudi pri nas bo west-bor Je pokrenuo vrhi važnu kam- mogoče že niste dolgo «imeli., m0i>landaka federacija prazno-panju, koju treba svaki član I, Vstopnina bo zelo nizka. w»mo|Valata jubilej na 30 maja Pro-članica uzetl vrlo ozblljtio u ob- 36c v predprodaji In 40c pri v ra- ¡ sla val bo vršila Carbonu Pušnikov pri Greens- zir Ova kampanja ima \r\o tih. Vabimo torej vae ljubite- dvorani vsžan značaj za cijelokupno član- I je petja in veaele družbe na so-jburgu T\ prostori ao večini že stvo jednote. naime kampanja botni koncert Save. ki ae udaj-1 gnani,'ker je federscijs že dva :t&-godi*nj!ce opatanka jednote. atvuje kot delavski zbor, od tek, j krat imela tamkaj svoje x«.|e Ova kampanja če trajati do kon- kluba 1 JSZ. že dolgo let. l'rgi-«> Program la» zanimiv Nasto^ niamo videli v tej naselbini. Sedaj boste imeli priliko, ds boste slišali lepo petje. Vstopnina samo 50c v predprodaji in 60c pri vratih. Začetek ob 2:30 popoldne v Bondijevi dvorani na 1208! Belden st., N. E. Pričakujemo veliko udeležbo. Vabljeni ste vsi od blizu ili daleč. J<*tephine Odar. zspianiksrica 315. (Iz Prosvete, 17. maja 1919) Domače veeti. V Herminieju, Pa., je v ro\i ubilo 18-letnega Fr. Pirša, člana SNPJ.-»' Aurori, Minn., je umrl 21-letni Alojz v Ameriki. Iz gl urada SNPJ. Društvo 131 v Chicap je objavilo iniciativni predlog za izpreme treh členov v pravilih. Delavske vesti. Učiteljska zveza porodi I napredku svoje organizacije. Po svetovni vojni. Avstrijski mirovni d* gatje dospeli v Pariz in prejeli pogodb-Bolgarski boljševiki so izzvali krvave v Kustendžu. Sovjetska Rusija. Ruski boljševiki ^ mati v Berlinu so izjavili, da Nemčija ni dobiti boljše mirovne pogodbe za lucije. (Dalja t» prr« kolona.) še deklaracije in celo načrte, kako je treb»£ (liti ali vladati Jugoslavijo? Ali m nu . mo, če bi nas kdo urgiral od tamkaj, w -j mi delamo? Smešno! Mi. ki smo se v Ameriki za stalno t^jU imamo tu svoje družine in ki borno w ^ imamo dovolj svojih problemov^« ^ največje važnosti. Imamo svoje pod|»r j nizacije, za katere smo mi sami iKl* ^ in nikdar4>i ne dopustili, če bi nami» ^ komandiral, kaj naj mi počnemo* naj - ^ notami. Imamo gospodsrske P'oWfn\ ¿0 dan zija v nas ameriška politika. d smo odvisni — nismo ps prav nu ^ politike v Evropi! Boj zs P^^TTa* nam je najprej in najbolj potreben riki! <• Kaj torej hočemo v starem kraj« ^ je pooblastil ali povabil, nas. amrn ^ liane, naj sodelujemo v pol^' * Nihč-e ! Tam hočejo, kot smo « ^ ^ Ali st« naročeni na dnevnik MPro«veto"? Podpirajte Mvoj list! denarno pomoč. Dobro. Ce dam« nj^ moramo vedeti, zakaj ln komu jm ^^ za to, da podplrsmoj^JS^Jfl no akcijo v prid onim v starerr. ^ ^ koli _ ampak nobene politične vojaške akcije, nobene zavajam» r ^ttt^jkaNarglma gubportta Iritaota HÏÏlTiTLswsdal« Are. GLAVNI ODBOR 6 ui- '„..ulj ODBKKi .....J..........MM a. Lawn4ale A»*.. Chicago. Mínala \ Ml S«i>».i* Coffer .............HIT S. Lawnéale A»*.. ( Ura««. IHlnal. ............MST ». Lawndale At«.. Chica«*. llllnai. ............MST 8. Lawn4ale At«.. ( kit*—, llllaei. ........... SMT a. Lawnëale A««.. Cklun. llllaei. ............MIT S. Lavndale A»«.. Chica«.. Illin.l. PODPREDSEDNIKI: TM P«ra«t Ava.. Jahnatown, fa. llth St.. Mllwa«h«e, Wla. Ban MT. Htrabane. Pa. .MIT W. «St h St.. «hi. ............«1« Tad« at.. La gall.. III. ............lias 134. Walarnburg. Cala. L v**. ¿SSSÍ: ...................» ff«r^Ä-' ...........- r-^ÍÍ......- peMre^nth...... k «"r^L , firti äi.irifctni |»o*Pr M4 Krank M bevaek Daniel IjtliMc . IM Irana C. Arlar.. SM William Proga r . Halan M Kolar Anna M Laako,. Antoinette K. G •TU« •TIM •TIM •Till •Tll» •TUT •T1U •Till •Tllt •TIM •T1I4 .•TIIS •TIM •TIM «M lliri. W. (äalbr.alh •* ItV ifirk. faiak.r .......... VÜW ............. ..................; «Hi» „k M1*' K" " A y u j. ui'«*....... ^ W»......... L» S»*' .......... . ....... U VraUrich "Trrelj.............. uni. _ IUI«*' • • a*»*«*»»-........ (.OHPODAK8K1 OD8KK : I ................. .. ,163 E. 1IUI 81.. ClavelaaJ. Ohle ...............MIT 8. L.wA va., Chira«.. Mínala .............MST B. LawnSal. Av... Chlcaga. Illinai. ...............MST 8. Lawnd.le Ave- Chirac*. lllineU ..............131 8. Praapart A va.. ( larenMn lililí. III. .................IMT 8. Trumbull Ara.. Chira»«. III. .....................I4M 8. Lamhard A??.. Ilerwjra. I» POHOTNI ODSEK« ........................414 W. Hay 8!.. SprlngfioM. III. ...................IMI1 M«*kuka Avr.. (le velan«. Ohi. .......................*...........Has iT. Aria«. Kanaa. ..............................313 Trner 81..*rne. P«. ..................................Ras 257. Hlrahanr. P«. NADZORNI OD8KK: .................IM1 8. I.awndalr A v«- Chira*«. Illinai. ..........................M Wralrlas Ara.. Par«. Illlnala ....................11312 Arcad. Ara.. CUvalaad. Okla a pisnik gospodarskega odseka SNPJ riedek zapisnika s seje z dne Tri čevlje zemlje poleg posestva mara t 1. Predsednik odse- na 9624 Commercial je prodal IVtrovic odpre sejo ob 9. do- Aerif in jednotina ponudba je [dne Navzoči so vsi člani od- dobila zadevni kos zemlje, za-Vpisnika redne seje z dne katerega dobi lastninske pravi-feb. in izredne seje 6. marca ce po preteku odkupninskega sprejmeta. roka- etrovič poroča, da youngs- Nove investicije. Sledi daljša nsko posestvo se je prodalo razprava glede posojila collin-kontraktu in predloži Trčlje- j woodskemu SDD, nakar se o avellskem Sloven-, me 01 ipov predlog, da se posojilo m domu, v katerem pravica j izvede, ki pa ne sme presegati mu dali člani društva 292 fca- 50-odstotne cenitvene vrednosti oljiva pojasnila za podaljša-j in ne več ko $18,000. Za so gla-morgiča. Blagajnik Vogrič' sovali Cainkar, Petrovič^ Olip in izvija, da je bil vposlan od-; Zupan, proti pa Vider, Vogrič in vor na vprašanje glede obno- LotriČ. Posredovalni načrt za ve zadevnega posojila in za nižje posojilo ni prejel večinske anje $100. Domov oskrbnik podpore. Dalje se sprejme Oli-ča.i je pismeno pojasnil za- pov predlog, da se vpraša za mor-z izgubljenim čekom v zne- gič vseh sedanjih in bodočih pre-fr>C, ki je bil izdan na imemičnin poslopja. Soglasno spre-Inote in ki jra ni prejela. Naljeto, da se za to posojilo izda 20-ivotasno obvestilo se je izpla- J letni amortizacijski rok za pla-originalneRn čeka ustavilo čila po 4'*. nakazal se je novi ček. Pred-1 Soglasno sklenjeno, da vsota nikCainkar predloži pismo o $25,000 se naloži v vladne bonde »ju avellskega doma. Spre-j p«, 2y,„ 1960-65. Sklenjeno, da o, da se morgič podaljša za vsota $20,000, namenjena za no-t let s plačilom na glavnico po ve bonde Commonwealth Edison, I» mesečno. j8e pridrži dva tedna, nakar se Na priporočilo tajnika Vidra sme haložlti" v vladne bonde. predsednik odreka udeleži let •OS Eva fakir lila n ob« M • 1« Richard Klna.i .. 814 Helen . Laurie ... Sophia M ra mor (ilT ChrMtlnv 8trriWha Barbara Kovano C:tl Ruth M K nas... Helen Kindern.y Añila C-rvl .... .........»7170 TimM . v; 171 •TUt ..»7173 ...•7174 ...•TITS ...»717« ...•7ITT ...«TIH .. k: I 7'.» M« IS« so« M« 2iO MiO IM SO« son CS« Amalla K. Vrr.nth. .97IM» I.OO« C57 IM i* Jarkf wie« . .. .•Till MO C«9 Ir mando far Ii. i .,. ,071x3 250 177 Utrair Klpllu .......»71X3 SOO •7» Krane«. Zornada ... »T1I4 SO« CM Walter Oa.tkow.kl .,17111 SSO Mik« 8«iftenear ......»71M M« Tit Gordon A. f)aÍMlry.. .•TlIH M« ltaymond J. fudr.aky .071HU 250 William R. Sloan____®7II»U 110 7U l««li A. WruU her. .97181 SM 711 Nick Squat I la ......»71M SM 71« William Ba.tarolK .. .VTIM M0 Anthony farcin .....»7194 IM TIO Juliu. Otoniiar .....V7I9S 1,000 Mary O'Mallry .....«TIM 260 John Chabul ........97197 ISO 718 Kraneei K. Remits. .»TIM SO« T47 Mary Rrpnik .......97300 MO GUcI« Mrdvrd .....97301 »SO 7AC Carl PriKtaver ......«730t SM 717 Ruby Maaaariaa _____97208 IM Mary Goryl .........»7M4 1.0M Ann Upleh ........ 97305 60« Mlhlrad Voirrinee ... 9720Ü 850 Frank SunUr ........7307 l.OOo Frank U*aar .......«7309 1.000 John Frrderber .....»7200 500 Tony Massarina .....«7310 6M Ronald F. Andrrium . .97311 SINI I^ouia KaiiuinU .... 97213 350 ADMITTRD APRIL I. IMS loo IN t.M I.M 1M l.M oa. 1.« 1.« II I.I I.« 1.4 l.M IJ iJ 1. U l.M l.M I. L l.o« l.M 1.00 1.00 l.M 1.00 l.M l.M 1.00 l.M t.M 1.00 3.0« 2.00 3.00 t.M 1.00 1.00 3 10« l.M IM , ... SM SM SOO SM 100 600 SM 17 Albart Prlmoaie . ...970fi7 tl Sylvi« Htnimbel .....07(Hi9 46 Albert Blodnlkar ....9-7076 William Tabular ....97077 64 Kdward Bo.taneie ....070R3 84 l+rry ' Yowan ......OTOM 10« Margaret Hosirk ...,«7M7 117 Albert Krav.nj« ...,«7MH 149 Alma Gorar ........97107 173 Dan Vukotich ......«710» IM 354 Mllavrr .......»7110 600 t70 Thum«. Btrekrl ..."»7126 600 2KB Helen Vldlvir .......97127 100 SIT Gcorn* Wuailck ....971ÏG 600 312 Anton 8ali.hnlk .....9713K 500 4U6 Matthe« Spraits ....«TU» SOO 6«4 Mary Gruber .......0TI6S SM Frank Zupan .......97160 600 7SO Adolph Kobe .......07199 l.OM ADMITTRD MARCH I. IM« IC Adolph W. Holen«*. .9706« MO 1.00 31 Jtnnie M. Crtln ....97074 1.000 l.M 1H9 Joirph R. Sanira ...97112 S«0 3.14 Mary A. Fritx ......»7117 1.M0 l.M 4«.M Mary Ann Kats ... BT14« 500 l.«0 ADMITTRD PEBRUARV I. IM» 2T0 Dorotihy M. Dobravae.ST 123 1.0M l.M 7M Mary Phillip. . ......0T1K7 360 1.00 ADMITTRD JANUARY I. IM» 207 Hrl«n Osanieh .......Tili 6M .,. P. A. Vidar, «I. ta J.- Sup. 8er'y. l.M 1.0« l.M Dia. 1.00 1.00 l.M l.M 1.A0 l.M 100 l.M l.M SM Kuh < «mint IM, Malt IS««r««r JM< IM Kranen Tillman IM Jennie K va II 4.M. Ann« H.Upi. 134. Pate leipMMi. IM. rr«itM A. M«, Clril Ktom»»-rir IM. J Map k Hain. I«0 SM Pru Mahalick III. Mary VMrih IM. Juh« Türnich M4. SM Ruaa Potochan MO. Gaykord L. Vanc. 14t. Jahn Hebelak «Tt. Frank (¡«tov.r.ic MI. Ill Frank Obraaa IM. 1ST Mary Kuol.alk 114. Jo**phin. Ger«vvich IN, Mary c»*IMr mi IM RoMlia H.nuIícvm II. Gaor«r foylo ISO, Marko Pudurieh II». Tom C.rman III. Barbara Malnar MI, Malt Suork M«. Marko Halen IM. • 373 Frank Medved 134. SM Pred Gotj« ISS. R»4ol|.h IW.L IM 40« Mildrad Wekluk |40. M.ra.rrt Novak MO. Mary Babar IM So. David Kolirh •4«. Nick Zun leb Ml 411 Mary Burteh IS». 483 Susana Kontra «M 432 feter M, l.jeaevtrh 117. Mirhael Vuko-lieh MO. Jo«eph Jamnik 133, fero l.u-barda lit. Prank Snu il. *H9 4M Mary Movrich fil. Tom Hieanle IIS. Ivan Majnnrlr |1l. 44« F.rmlnl« Vrro««al M5 441 feter SlkirlM IIT.I0 MO Ivan« Golr IM. 4IT Ljudmila Krivo« »31. 4TT Mary Bradar II«. AMuu Kocina III. 414 Remo. Šiftar M. SON Nkk Kowalowle* 911. SM III]« l^tlc« ML S30 Anton Moh II». ISN Kl*le Smith M. 141 Prank foUrlln Mt. 649 Mary Crew. IM. Stellii Kenlrh |«H. II«. leu Smith IM. Rœe Uauriu.vlch lit. Ixiiil. Surla M4. Marko Blasie lit. SM Blas N«»iic Ml. AlouU Flan Jak |M. STI Jennie Llpka M4. Mary llankn |83. ITI Mary l^aall* 111. 614 Jennie Zele.nikar 12« SM Jennie Terehel 110. 100 Btella Stravaanlk 110. Anua Kiikenber* i--. IM. MC Nikola Sarlja IM. «05 Flunk lUie.«k ML Sophia Markmi^k ML TI0 Anton Bkublta 118. 732 Walter f«dro M0. TS» Mary M, Uril«. III. T43 Francai Iila«ieh M« 747 Anna FrUhkovm 110. Skupaj—total |7.IM.ft(l. Urmn (iradliek. pomoliti tajnik A ..'t. Her'y, KREDIT ČLANOM MLADIN8KECA ODDELKA ■s SKMiMent v maju ob pr«at»pu v oddelrk o4r8«lih CRKDIT POB ASIRSSMRNTS givbn TO iUVBNIL% MKM MM WHO TRAN8PKRR» II IN to TSB ADUI.T DRPARTMRNT IN MAV. ■•a*? MM««« ôafc |WW Aa vi oje delničarjev Ohio Forge Foundry kompanije 8. marca. (Hevelandu je na razpolago le jhno število morgičev FHA in «kje mnenja, da se ne bo ba-z visokimi posojili $17,000. izprava o Moodyjevih investi-skih priporočilih se prične na rilski seji in mesečno pri poroti te firme o nakupih in bon-Lori Jndios ter o bondih Met-olitan Water Districta se vza-na znanje, priporočilo iste we, da se liondi Produce Ad-nistration Huildinga obdržijo, pa odobri. Pismo collinwood-m SI)I) so Odloži za poznejAo pivo. ajnik Vider poroča, da je 1111-|< Bond Collection Service po-Fvinudbo za bonde Tessville (•¡al Assessment. Zupanov Wlotf. da He ti bondi prodajo aktualni ceni, se sprejme. *»jeiio, da se bondi Los Indios ,Ki;,J" po (iri ali v iS je. Sledi tpnvu o pismu dr/.avnega za- U4m No. Nam« Cert. ADMITTRD MAV I. 1939 2 Helen M. MaJir.l... .97059 8 Kdward fejurk .....07000 S Francej M. Popotnlk .970(11 10 Louiae fuchow.kl... .97003 Joe'8. Rebol........970C2 11 Mary Grill .........97u«l 14 Maruaret Geriel ....97065 1» Lucille Juan ...... 9700K 22 Jo.. G. Klobueher... .•707« M. (Buret Kramer... »7071 John Osanieh ......»TOTS 30 J a me. V. Mancln.. ,»T«73 34 Martin Dr«aan .....»7076 49 John Rarick ........0707N Elisabeth Sridler ... 97079 63 Marrarat A. Line...»7080 Frank Zukrajhok ....07081 Hlavn Pcr.ln ........»7082 CO Mury Iler.iah ......07084 «2 Hiiro W. Hun-lber« .97(185 74 Amelia Roje ........97087 82 Antony Chucheek ... 9708H Carolina Kirel ......97089 John F. DratvenMk . .»7«»0 Glome R Horner . .97091 William e. Umek .,, •7092 Herman C. Ritchie. .97093 kT, , ---| HI William Drnach '... .•TM4 •yair.inskejfa pregledovalca mm v. vidm.r ....»t«m ■»«•«'jSnjih investiclj in po- ,i!M'ry u ***...... Itev. Matt Petrovič, predsednik F. A. Vider, tajnik D. J. tatrič, zapisnikar. NOVOPRISTOPIL1 ČLANI NRW MRMBRRS De« t h Sena-flft Siek Señora ISC Anthony R. Yurrec 97099 William K. Gabrenja »71M (nik Vogrič poroča o in- l';>j;h V morgiče FHA v vso- ■ .'r>-Rl. V ZVCZne hnriHi» ! r^i 2' 134 H «.len Fabian .......»7101 IM J et. nia Medofer .....»7102 Frank Kolov ir h ....«TIM 14t Kdward Sütel ......»7104 Kl»a Shine ........ »TIM , j » ' PMrr /.Iben .......»TIM kanadske m p^^ry ferme... trie« Nailt« .....W71I9 v t , , 176 8tanley Tr<»t ......7111 ^a razpola- IM Joe Verieh ..........«7111 v hladne hranilne $7,500, xu Kr" !»|.ilH7.i;i. u utiranje v tem mase^u,f#4 ****** ....»tiu l,ril;!i/l:0 A 15 000 - U tt1Cl.arWo P Krlat.n ..»7IIC Zupanov M4 Adoi»h aUmt .... .mu s<> ,)om,i VVinnett ¡i ^ «rf ......."I" • j . tl Pil ,, , ,, 8«î Mary Vuklea .......»7181 Y l)0 tli bolje, se S«8 V.lmtine Kosman ...»7128 ' da se nemo-j!;ÏPfSîi 1 , ..» . . ' M4 Pauline M Rkiwli ' e M»re j me načrt m m^k. f^vek.r rrun>*> ki bi prinaial S% L, M ill I,: .I..I _ .. ... 1 "I K laie DeMab ... dal za približno 129,- t«- <>...i»i .,. •nndov. Protinredls. ' 1 "■fr"' »ujirt ma- k , Hl>re'me. načrt po cr»Meh ... Jtl ii- "krog Mik^iirh ¡¡¿¡^TgiaMl ______ MS Itove V. Blrrfcens .. »714« •7141 I 60« LOM 1.000 600 6O0 600 1.000 1.000 LOM 600 l.«00 1.000 6M M0 6M 600 100 6M 1.000 850 260 600 SM 860 . 860 250 210 60« 860 81« 100 AM SM tM SINI y M sao sao 2M 11.00 LOO 1.00 l.M 1.00 LOO LOO l.M LOO l.m LOO 1.00 LOO LOO 1 00 l.M LOO 1.00 l.M l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 t.M POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI , MakaMUl« dna 11. maja UM RKPORT OP SICK BKNKPIT PAYMENT Payment, of May 11. 193» 2 Air neu Derganre 120, Franca. Srhmlls 120, Johana Pohar 120. Annie Novak 126. Maria llrinovee IIS. Anna WayU-«ick 111. Josephine Jeraa 119. Frank Malli MS. Christine llopp MS. feter Krans 14. Albina Gaistal 114. Loul. K»-roa«o 170, Ktephen Mshnieh 110. C Mary M Uma. Ml, Frank P.. Rayar M«. Frank Radelj IM. Frank favlln 117 50. Amela Rayer IM. Alóla 129. Vlc> tor Intihar MO. Anton Zaldarale ' II«, Anton Peterlln 161,6«, Prank Cerne 170, Anton furalj 17«, l^opold Krlsman IM, Frank Ogrin MO. « Mary Matulovl« lit, John Virant 114. 7 faullnc Zarobsky »20, Matthew Garvaa 19. Frank Novak 114. Valentin Rodnak |t8, Michael fraanlk |M. Praaeaa Flo-rljanrie 140. Mary flvlr 117.10, Julia , Ra loh 8.11, Matt Moa«on IM. 10 Blas Taucher III. Prad Her.noek 135 50, Valentin Subie III, Rudolph 8tr«ui MT, Roman Salan III, Thom«. Mlklavclr 122, Ivnae llosovlehar IM. Anton Cer«r 141, Mary Tomleleh 17«, Anlon lt.mauah Mt, Frank Tominc 171, Prank Vrhunr 178. Frank Jucovlc M«, John Ansalje |M. Frank Htarman 14«. 13 Frank Kocjan«le |ll, Joaeph Prlne lita. Rudolph Ku.i« M. Joneph Strau. MI.M. IC Amalla Blsjak 17, John Rosman III.M, Thtresa Juvanc 821, John Wolaemut •IS, Joi«phlne Rutar III, Mike Kiwvl ■ 131. Rom Steh fc'Vlh Il; l'fWV, mi John fateiali ■ ovali Zupan,'zam»««^« I'etrovi/ iti I ^.é-'x v. Sterbe in l/otrič, za i«( th..«». a t..iir 'v I'« >ider, Vorrič in z^«* M7 J William Stanr. i 4«1 »lun«^i Poliča,- da Hn-staki T i"1*? l,r 1 , . »Olllll iuiim |U«r^le|| »; M,-*i in fioznejAe po- Monwy k<«<* ... mo^lf. vDoitavati ' ™ 1—* ^ * * l^^t^VaiL, F rano« Kaorleti •7184 •7 IM •71M •7IM •71M •TISI •T I8t •71M •7184 • i 184 ♦7IM •TIN MUS •1148 • 71 «4 •TIM •7147 •Tli« •TIM •TIM 112. Lovren« BraUnie 825, Jacob Ros le M«, tl Jennie I/evc IM, France. Socman IM. 24 Krneatlna Grilc IM, Joba Blimeo 180 S«, Pranre. Strmet* |8t. ... SO John Zupančič M4. 41 Mary Crecorlch SIT. Anton llaudlk III, Martin Allah MI. 44 Jennie Memich IT. 4M Joieph V. lene le It», AnUm Btelilay 19. Mary Drohn loh 140. Jo^ph Lukesie 114, A loi. (> ne pek IM. Frank Oeepeh IT«. 49 Frank Ramon |7. St F.lla Ooriaek II. John Areh MO, AnUm H vet oha IM «8 Mlrharl Vondck ML M Mi ry Vrrbovaok M. •t Frank Mum I". Mary Llporlav IM. Jo .. pH Iii. .ka 134. ] oft III 8am Frgaeie MS. John fr«h 14«. IM IIS Km ma Moaber IM. II« Matt K rpan MS. Boa« Vlahovich MS 187 Sylvia Mevor «88. Mary Bebenlk IS«. France. Zupln 14«, Karolina llltl III, Fianee. Orara «81, Rom Ja«a«vieh 14«, Apoloni. Ub Mt. Katarina Kelan III, Jo^phin« Kemle II«. 141 Jerry Cavada IM, Frank IS«, franre Uojl III. Ilto* Cbellk IM 147 Frane*« I*m»t 117. fet-r Smrdel III, Anton Maker Ht. J«h« P. Maiael lt. John Nhi Her «M S«, John Klemene ||«. IM Anton Vidmar IM I«« Jaro*. Iireaer II«, HImun Kanaler IM, Martin Birk «M. Frank Seve III Prank £••1*1*1r Ml. M lava Hadar y M« 171 Andre« J. K «M« »M. J«eob Medved 131. Prank Hk rabe |M. |71 Prane*. Sever III. Anna KaeVeile 114, Martin <¿r«0wrrtr M«. Amalia Kode« •«« ITT Fa««y Kaien IM. IM CviU VerovM» II«. Vinrent Paver III, Michael '»ergura. IM l.M IM IM IM l.M l.M I «0 1 M I 100 i 10 l.M i «o l.M IN IM IM IN La« l.M IN Društvene vesti» McKinlev, Minn.—Prosim vse Člane in članico na6ega društva 175 SNPJ, da so udeležite red ne seje dne 21. mitja ob 0:80 dopoldne — ne popftldne. Seja bo dopoldne radi važnega razloga. Prosim člane, da to upoštevate, da ne bo potem kakšnega prere kanja. Pruv tako vas tudi opominjam, da »e bolj redno udeležujte dri^štvenik hoj. Ako je več članstva na sejl;^M lahko ka koristnega naredi za društvo in jednoto. Agnes ftiškar, tajnica. > Hal en M. Malgai 6 Fr«ne«a Popotnik 1.1 Mary Grill 14 Marfaret Geiial IT Albert PrimoRlc 10 Lucille Jure 21 Rylvls Strumbel 31 Jennie Cetin 34 Martin Draran 45 Albert Ulotinlkar William Cebulur 40 John Racick ' 5.1 Muiguret 54 Ktlwsrd Ruatunclc 04 luul Vid mm* 100 Margaret Rotlrh 117 Albert K ruvanju 120 A iiton Yuro* William Gttbit>njs MR Jennie Midofnr 142 Kdwsrd S imel 140 Alm« Gora« 151 Roasmsry Herme 172 Dun Vukotich 176 Stanley Troat 1R0 Joseph Sónica 100 JoHeph' Yerich 204 Milien Junjevich 207 Helen Oisnich 2H4 Mury A. Frits 254 Elaie Mllavoc Krad Malgui ............914 00 Ludvik Medveitek ... 14.00 John Kocjsnclc ,. .."., 14.00 Krsncea ArUch ...... 14.00 John Bruee ...... H.00 Frank Ju«s ............ 11.00 Frank Peehnik ........ 1.00 Joaeph Paulenich .... 0.00 John Jeiftn .......... 14.00 ..................................... 14.00 ............................ . 14.00 John Sksrhec ......... 2S.00," I John Tuneok '.........; ILM Joaeph F. Dum .. U tk) Albinu K ruvanju ..„14.00 Joaeph Jovun .......... 10.00 Frank lleralc .......... 0.00 Frank Chuchek Jeric» Gorjup Frank Klune .. John Guielll .. Frank Medvod M.00 14.00 22.00 14.00 i:i.oo 12.00 14.00 in. oo 14.00 I, John J, Gubrenju ... 27.00 John Zlamnn ....j...., Frunk SuNtumic :. , Mary Draksler ........ Jacob Rregant ........ John Ntmanich ........ Agnen Slakar ........... Philip Uebar ....... Frank Kauelc .......... Frunk Uuloh ,...,...... Mary Jeniker .......... Joaeph Frits ........T. Joaeph Wldmar ...... 14.00 12.00 7.00 14.00 1.1.00 3.00 14.00 10.00 0.00 1.00 7.00 13.00 U Na. Name al arnkin ^ m ^^^^^ Pig r »▼•■v^ tek »r«>al tajal« Dr. It Ime «Um VMM 270 Dorothy Dobravoc Frank Vidmar .. ..., 13.00 275 Roae Sinod ich Anton Hkoberne .. .... 14.0O 270 T human Htrekel Joaeph Konen i na .. .... '4.00 284 Tauline Skudar Anton Mahnlch .. .... 18.00 2*0 Helen Vidivic .... 0.00 Martha Govokar ........................M........ .... 14.00 William Soatarlch ............................ .... 11.00 Alex Kramer ....... .... 31.OU 202 Klnio Debelak •10H Mary (Irubich 310'Joaeph Mikolich 317 George Vukelicll 321 John Petrich 322 AnUm Setinnlk 335 Rone V, Sterbens 355 Jennie Z.clek 307 Joaeph W. Slogu r 403 Donna Thompaoit 40H Anton Gcanleh Mary KnU 414 Ropo Ronce vie h 432 Stanley Kogoy 430 Matthew Spralti 47if France« Kaurioh 500 Charlen Margaret« 51H Ida Teminur Kdward Potochan Tom Pavllck ....... John Gianda, Jr.. Jacob Rele ........... Joaeph Jai i„ ...... Jennie iVin.h John Homes ....... I^ivrenc Raje ... Joe Taaak .......... Joneph MarcoIJa 12.00 11.00 13.00 7.00 14.041 14.00 13.IMI 14.00 14.0U 3.00 V.00 12.00 GiHirge Kvaternlck ... 21.00 George Roncevlch Roue Kralnti ......... Knill Mavrlch ...... Frank Kaurich ..... Geo igo Holevata ... Frank Tehovitlk ... 550 Natalie Chuvich Helen /.upan H,00 ... 11.00 ..... 0.00 ..... 2.00 ..... 11.00 .....f 5.00 3.0t! HUM 504 Mury Gruber Frank /upan 5S3 Sophia Coffer 5H0 Irene A i lach 5S0 William Progar 010 R le ha i*d KUaa 017 Christine StrnUha 700 Mary l'hilllpii 73H F raneen F. Remit« 730 Adolph Kobo . Donald IAltrich 13 00 ........... ..... MO i 2 00 Mary Travnik ........ 11.00 Joaeph Klun ...... John Artae ...... Franeen Podboy Agnen 1* Dar« . John R«ivoi« ... Frank Ravnikar Agnen Remita .. John Kobe, Jr.... 11.00 1400 14.00 14.Ott 14.00 14.00 14.00 12.00 Total .....................$801.00 F, A. VWrr, gl. tajnik. jako važno zu vsakega člana. Potrebno je torej, da ste navzoči, da se ne bo potem kdo jezil o tem, kar se bo sklenilo na seji, ker sklepe bomo morali vsi upoštevati. de enkrat: pridite na sejo prihodnjo nedeljo ob 2. popoldne. Helen SternUa, tajnica. Sacramento, CftL — Članstvu društva 649 SNPJ se naznanja, da bo prihodnja seja v nedeljo dne 28. maja ob 2. popoldne v Dante Club Halli, 1511 P Str. Prošeni ste, da pridete na sejo vsi in izrazite svoje mišljenje, ako ste zadovoljni, da se naše seje v bodoče vrše v tej dvorani in ob tem času, katerega je izbral odbor. To je zudeva vsega članstva )n ne samo odbora. Potrebno je tudi, da se udeležite vsaj vsake tretje seje, da se spoznate s svojimi brati in sestrami. Je dovolj slabo, ako pride bolezen ali smrt, toda ne vemo, da je bil dotičnik član našega društvu in jednote. Torej prihajajte bolj pogosto na sejo, predvsem pa pridite na prihodnjo sejo 28. maja popoldne v prej na-vedenen^ prostoru. Joneph Huzlch, tajnik. IN I M IN IM IM I I«« |«| Vir»or Knau. M«, M«rr MihellHi 114 ... |M «te»M«ie «torn»» IM ,.. ' tM J. nit Jema 143 I M tM Ann« tob M. IM t(t Ir »et« Koroaw 114. J«-N« freier MT IM- ' A ni.." Jerma« M«. M«tl Ho.« MT l.M 841 AI«*» JI.Morto MI Htrabane, Pa.— Članstvo društva Postojnske jame 13M SNPJ je vabljeno, da se v polnem številu udeleži prihodnje seje dne 21. maja ob 10. dopoldne. Nu dnevnem redu bo mnogo zelo važnih zadev. Predložena bodo društvena pruvila članstvu v odobritev in spremeniti bo treba tudi nekaj sklepov decembrske seje. Spremembe in društvena pravila so potrebna radi državnega zakona glede točenja pijače v društvenih prohtorih. Prihodnja seja bo torej važna ^n je dolžnost vsakega čluna in članice, da je navzoč. John Zi^man, tajnik. Joliet, 111. — Pozivam članstVo društva JolieUka zavednost UA SNPJ, da s« v polnem številu u-deleži te prihodnje seje dne 21. maja* Imeli bomo govornika Iz Chicagu in razpravljali bomo giede .10-Mnice natega društva in .'Ift-ktnici* jednote. To bo Cleveland. —- Poživljam članstvo društva Cloveland 126 SNPJ na prihodnjo sejo, ki bo zelo važna, ker moramo rešiti važne probleme za vašo korist. Pridi te 100^, da ne bo potom prerekanja s strani onih članov, ki ne prihajajo na seje. v Ako ste kam namenjeni tisti dan, odlo žite na prihodnjo nedeljo, ker jih bo še dovolj čez poletje. Naj bo povedano vsem, da imamo vsi enake pravice do besede in glasovanju, ako imamo plačane svoje mesečne prispevki. Torej ni izgovora, da se komu kratijo članske pravice. Vsakdo dobi besedo, ki jo prosi. Društveni člani ste vsi, imate enake dolžnosti in pravice. V teku je jubilejna kampanju za oba oddelka. Potrudimo se, da ne bomo zadnji ostanke pobirali kot se to rado zgodi. Pregovor pravi, kdor dosti govori, malo stori. J. J. Gabrenja. Warren, 0. — Članstvo društva 321 SNPJ je vabljeno, da se udeleži prihodnje seje dne 21, maja, ker je važno, da tudi mi nekaj ukrenemo glede proslave jednotine 35-letnlce. Pu tudi^a-ša blagajna je prazna, toda na zadnji seji Je biia premajhna u-deležba, da bi mogli o tem kaj sklepati. Pridite torej na prihodnjo sejo v čim večjem številu, da bomo lahko Izdelali program za to proslavo, Tajnik. Presto, Pa. — Društvo 100 8NPJ priredi svoj letni .piknik na 30. julija na svojih navadnih prostorih. £e nedaj uljudno vabimo vse občinstvo Iz bližine in daljne okoli«?, tla nas poM-tllc v obilem številu. Zabave dovolj zs vse. Odbor. Terre llsule, Ind. — Naznanjam članstvu društva Delavski venec 221 SNPJ, da «em se preselil. Moj novi naslov J#: 2217 No. 271 h «t., Terre I lan t* Sporočam tudi, da bom v bodnčr čakal na domu In sprejemal aaes-ment le vaški zadnji torek in petek v meaecu. JoNeph Ktergar, tajnik Trinidad, (k>k>. — Članstvu društvu 06 SNPJ naznanjum. tla sem bil izvoljen za tajnika. Prosim vas tudi, da poravnate svoj asesment o pravem čaiiu. Tony Marlnac ml. (H. F. D. 2), Društvene priredbe Vewliea druAtvn HO Chicago. — Poslovila se Jo dolga zima In obiskale sq nas zopet pomlAdne cvetlice. Krasota narave zopet prebudi življenje, tako «Iu se Človek ! počuti bolj živahnega. Delsvske razmere so tukaj kot povsod — slabe. Dolgočasno je, ko vidiš kur trume mož, sposobnih zu delo, ki tuvajo po ulicah. Da pa ae skrb vsaj za nekaj časa pozabi, bo imelo društvo Slovenski dom H6 SNPJ prihodnjo soboto, 20. maja, veselico. Kdor bo navzoč, bo užival par veselih ur med znanci. Zabave nušega društva so bile vedno dobro obiskana In pričakujemo, dtt tudi prihodnja. Odbor se trudi na vse načine, da bodo gostje zadovoljni. Na tej veselici bo svi-rala godba na strune, kar se malokdaj sliši na naših priredbah. Slovenci ste vabljeni, da nas po aetiLe, zabave in užitka bo dovolj za vse. To bo tudi zadnja zabava za nas do prihodnje — več nas l>o, bolj lušno bo. Na svidenje v soboto zvečer v Flelner- jovl dvorani na 1038 N. Halated st. ob 8:30. Zapisnikar. Nntla ¡»innvjt 30*htnko ( hlcngo. — Mnogokl-at slišimo v javnosti pohvalo ameriških Slovenk, kako so aktivne nu društvenem polju. Tudi svojo centrallziruno podporno organizacijo imajo. Vedno so pa pozu-bij a, da je društvo Nada 102 SNPJ prvo žensko podporno dru-šivorkl Ipto» praznuje tvojo. $0-letnlco. Torej «e žensko glban* je v podpornih organizacijah pričenja z ustanovitvijo društva Nade. Naše društvo bo proslavilo svojo 30-lstnico z banketom v soboto dne 3. junija v dvorani SNPJ. Ker Je to društvo nosilo prvenstvo med ameriškimi Slovenkami, jo ne le dolžnost članov in članic SNPJ, da posetijo tu banket, marvoč Nadačapko zaslutijo, du jim dajo vso ameriške Slovenke priznanje kot pionirkam. Članice društva Nude smo ponosne,-da smo prve^ ki snu» se dvignile do stopnje enakopravnosti z moškimi. Zato tudi pričakujemo, du bodo tu vočer med nami vse napredne Slovenke Iz Chicuga in okolice. Vstopnina k banketu Je samo 75c. Pri-četek ob 7:30 zvečer. Za rezer-virunje se prijavite društveui tajnici—tel. I.awndale 09ftl. Minku Aleah, tajnlcu. Avstralski Inženirji zažigajo mine v blilinl saliva Port Philips. Victoria. --------« »« Kaorta* »7IM SM IN 84S Alm. J.nkovle HI__^—~~ 1 , , ■ 'etika proslava PIONIRJEV 35 LETNICE dr. št. 6, SNPJ 30. maja 1939 (oecobito« my) na Sygan, Pa. 'očno ob 2. uri popoldne in m nadaljuje do ? • R*zni govorniki r alov«nak«m in anfletkem jeziku • Glavni govornik br. F. A. Vidar. gl. tajnik SNPJ. • D«kla-c,,e "»ladih članov in članic ml. oddelka. • PevJto druitvo is Slrabane nam zapoje par lepih pe.mic. • Torej vtem: na •videnje 30. maja na Sygan, Pa. ODBOR., 35th Annivrtary of SNPJ April 9,1904 PROSVETA ENGLISH SECTION a ■ Enroll Your Friend, in the SNPJ in 1939 »»»»»«»MO»...... PACE SIX For M ember $ of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenes WEDNESDAY, MAY Our Goal Sets Own Monthly Quota Last week's official campaign report shows that the first of the nine campaign months brought us 272 new members, 157 adults and 116 juveniles. This is a good result if we consider the traditional fact that we are rather slow at the beginning of each drive, gaining momentum gradually and reaching our highest point during the concluding period. In this campaign, however, we cannot afford to follow that tradition but must step on the gas right at the very beginning in order to reach our goal of 3500 new members by the end of the year. It would be entirely out of proportion if we put off our campaigning until the closing period. The goal of 3500 sets its own monthly quota which is not less than 389 new members for each of the nine campaign months. On this basis, we are shy more than one hundred new members for the first month. Therefore, it is necessary that we make up for that number during ,, each of the succeeding months by bringing into our fold an average of 400 or more new members. At first glance the quota of 400 new members, adult or juvenile or both, may seem high, but it isn't Not if we '' consider the result obtained in April, the first month of the campaign, which was nearly 300. With a little more ' work the quota can be attained. Let us remember that hi this year's campaign has an even better chance of succeeding than last year's which was limited to juvenile appli-* cants. This year's drive has a much wider scope both in cash awards offered to active campaigners and in its broader field of prospects, because both adult and juvenile applicants count in this campaign. Last year's campaign, however, had the advantage of running twelve months whereas this year's has a shorter run by three months. But this is easily made up by the added campaign features already mentioned. _ . Will our campaign report for the current month reach its quota of 400 new members? It is all up to you active members and lodges—especially up to the English speaking lodges. Let's see it go over the top! Westmoreland SNPJ Federation Plans Annual Decoration Day Affair May 30 LATROBK, I'A- Brother a and Hls-lrlety for only 2ftr for adults nod 10c tars. fallow Sloven*« and frtenda! for children. Let's put our «lad rag. on and ahuffle Wf.„ ^ |ooklnf for you ,nd you «»if to Greenshurg "to roll out the Thli hig ufMr w„, ^ h.,d Pu„h barrel and have a barrel of fun wlthl nkk's Hall at Carbon, near South the annual turnout of Slovanaa and <;i«en»burg. the Westmoreland County Federation . ' . __. , , of SNPJ lodge* on Decoration D«y, We * J^"' w,lcom* May 30. .t Pushniek's Hall at C.rbon, our ™"«tlon.. near South Greensburg, :i0 mile J J FRADEL. 725. eaat of Pittsburgh on tha Lincoln hithw.y, |To Members oil We estand a hearty Invitation to all lodgea and fedaratlona far and near to enjoy this rich proftam wel TERRE HAUTE, INI).—Notice have planned for you. First, the members of Lodge Delavakl Venae Hinging Club* from Pittsburgh. LI-1 SNPJ 221, th«t your Secretary Joeeph brary and Waat Nawton will alng a 8tergar la changing hia addreaa u few Mluvena selections. Secondly, • 2217 N. 27th at. 1« T«rr« Haul«. Hare group of 40 Slovene young«ters.| after ha will be at home to receive SNPJ membera, will enrich tha pro- asaeaamenta only tha bat Tuesday gram with thalr singing, Third, we and Friday of each month. to will have the honor and great pleasure of having with us Bra. Donald J. l/oirlrh, one of SNPJ's active and well-known speakers. After listening to this wonderful display of exceptional talent there will be jolly Slovene bartenders to serve you raid drinks and plea»ant Slovene girls to serve you sandwle! and fhen all of a sudden -you'll hear a crowd go oompapa and others tra-la-la. It will be the old gang awing-ing doing the polka te that ever-popular and well-known Martin Sarre's orchestra. In caee you don't know, JOSEPH STERGAR. Secretary. 7. Z. Jrs! Announce Double Anniversary LIBRARY, PA.—Just a word or two to kaep you poatad of what to expect on July 4 when celebrating the 20th and 10th anniversaries of Lodges 3S6 and 6S2. The program which begins at 2 'clock E. S. T. will consist of the following ingredients: s[»fakers, Donald Lotrich of Chicago; Michael Kumar, Preaident of 8. Federation; Jacob Ambrosic, Secretary of S. 6. Federation; Jacob Dole nee giving a summary of Lodge 38« and their doings; Frank Ambrosic doing the same for Lodge 682. Singing clubs from PitUburgh, Wast Newton and «Library. One act comedy given by the J. Z. Jrs. (Unique, short and funny.) I Take all those and sit. sift and enjoy 'til dona (about 5 o'clock). Then add som« lessoning power (beer and sandwich«») to pep you up for dancing which begins at 6 o'clock. The maestro will be Frankie Vankovic who will present his WGAR Broadcasting orchestra from Cleveland. His music will swing out tha modern-day polkas along with those of 36 years ago when the SNPJ firat originated—remember? Incidentally, you jitterbugs will also find that Frank's music will jut* hit the spot. . The J. Z. Jrs. rigged up a mushbal! team and obtained quite a number of transfers. Nice going, now lot's go out and give some competition. Open data May 21. Anybody interested call Frank Ambrosic.—Congratulations to Bertha Intlhar and Frank Mlakar who are now Mr. and Mrs,—Until againi It's June 26 SNPJ Day at Clairton; July 4. anniversary celebration at Library; July 8, Slovene Day at Wast View Park. Pgh.; and July 21. Boat Ride on Queen St. Paul, Wood Street, Pgh. FRANCES DERMOTTA, Lodge 6S2. ioneer Moonlight icnic Sat., Juné 10 CHICAGO.— The annual Pioneer Moonlight Picnic will be held on Sat. urday eve, June 10. at Stersinar's Grove. There are throe orchestras under consideration at the present time. Sterxinar now has a good lighting system and in case the moon not shining you can be assured tha lights will be. As always we shall have good drinks and eats. Admission shall be fifteen cents with a courtesy tickat and twenty-five cants without 6na. Tha bus companies are being asked fpr their bids so that we may have transportation for those without cars. Frank Groser is the ch«irm«n of the committee and Agnes Jurecic is sec retary. The last committee meeting was well attcifdod. The next committee meating will be held on the fourth Friday of May, I. e. May 26. Anyone wiahlng to attend ia invited. It might Interest you to know that the lodge treaaury is very low. This affair needs the greatest support an affair has needed for a very long time. OSCAR B. GODINA, 569. Comments on This and That Bj IVAN MOUSE, Editor MANY ASPECTS OF OUB FRATERNAL LIFE Man ia a creature of diversified interests, and, especially, he is a social animal. He cannot live in a desert alone; he must belong to this or that nation, state, society, or tribe. He is attracted to join a club, league, company, party, and many other outfits either from slieer necessity or just for the fun of it. And when he does so he is expected to be an asset to the group he joins and not a liability or shame. A fraternal society is not only "another outfit;" it is more. It is almost of every purpoae. This is especially true of our Society which sprang into beipg not simply as an insurance outfit but also as an institution for educational, cultural, social, and even healthy athletic possibilities. You and I joined this Society for the many-fold necessities that it supplies and also for the fun that is in it. In short, we all joined it for benefits of various kinds. Moreover, we all want these benefits promptly when due to each of us; otherwise we would not have joined the Society. We all know, or should know, that the management of our Society must be honest. In any case of dishonesty in the Society management the whole Society would suffer, and should this occur repeatedly it would seriously endanger the exiatence of the Society. That is why we demand, and must have, an honest and efficient management. But, in demanding and expecting the honesty and square deal from those of us whom we entrust with our dues, we, too, must expect an abligation from pur trustees. We must continue to be honest, fair, and square with the management and the Society as a whole. The responsibility and fair dealing must be mutual and binding on all parties. The members must exercise fairness not only in payment of dues on time but also in cooperating with the local or supreme of ficers in every uflorthy undertaking within the SNPJ. We have the right to criticise but not to abuse or misapply. When we criticise some decision or motion of a lodge or the Society we should have, first, a complete knowledge of the thing we criticise and, second, we should propose something better in its place. A wholy negative criticism builds nothing; instead, it creates only suspicion and mischief. Let us acquire the habit of recognizing only the constructive criticism. This is honest, fair, and democratic. Let us be fair in all aspects of our fraternal life: in dealing with benefits or social activities, in furthering the Society educational efforts or athletics or in expressing an opinion at the lodge meeting or in tha Prosveta, and then ^e will deserve a better Society with an all-afrtand better leadership. * ¡ -».. | No organization, tribe, nation or state is better than is the majority of people that makes it. Announce Buckeye Midsummer Night9s Dance, Review SNPJ Bowling Tourney Lodge 138 Will Hold Important Meeting STRAP AN K, PA.—All members of Lodge Postojnaks Jams, SNPJ 13t. are Invited to attend the next regular meeting, Sunday. May 21, at 10 a. m. Important matters wiir be discussed, tha new lodge by-laws will be submitted for your approval and several changes pertaining to our annual moating will be made in accordance with the new Stat* laws. This meet-Ing will be of vital Importance and It Is the duty of every member to attend. JOHN ZIGMAN. Secretary. By Oh BARBERTON, O. —Wasn't it a grand tournament?!' The SNPJ world certainly took advantage if it and the St. Clair-Eddy Bowling Alleys resounded to the pin spilling, greeting, talking 'n' everything. The wholo thing started off beautifully with Secretary Vider rolling the first ball for a strike! From then on thru Sat. and Sun. the bowlers took over. No doubt, the most conspicuous team on the alleya was the Golden Eagle quintet of Girard, O. Their brilliant shirts which caught all eyes can serve as such an excellent alibi to those of us who needed one! Probably the most conspicuously missing were the Jolly Allls' keglers and perhaps our "We Three" deserve that "championship." By now, you are familiar with the outcome of the tournament. We congratulate the winners upon their fine bowling acores and offer a big hand to those people behind the scenes who made it all possible. Our own "Eagle" Ocepek had the honor of rolling the laat ball in the tournament. Viva Wankegan! Badgerland News MILWAUKEE, WIS. — The SNPJ Bowline Tourney has com? and gene with the Badgers winning the title. New friends were met and old friendships «rare again renewed. In (levaland we vletted Mr. and Mra. Martin Korre and his'gang are aetlrel Kotiman ««d Alhjrt Klavora (of Eu-members af (he SNPJ-ee they'll put brothers, Frank on th»ir v.ry beet spirit, pep «ml t*ml\\m (of Lorrain). 1 vigor, and they'll feel at home am.».,f|*«"t «• opportunity SNFJera. Are you rom ing out to spend a day with u»? Of rourae you are Even1 though we fin« many placea te ge «n DecotaUon Day, ft will be hard to find a piare where yon will gat eurh an excellent program and eeeh va T*rmim*Ufg Hard—What «ra your terms student boarders thia saaawnt Landlady—Seme aa las« buaa«, la«fern, nt» gund* end «1« beata. thanking all far their kind hoaplulity and I want te Invite all af my old friends to come to la Salle. 111., for the SNPJ day on Labor day and have a real get-together ThU V That Mr. proud and MM Nat'l have «nnounced their engagement Ceng rata.—So now It finally comas out. Frankie Obluck and Wanda Nar-lock have been married since Labor day. aad John Lenko (Freckles) and Joeephin« Magister also have holding out—they have been married since August Congratulations to all of yen. Ceasing EvenU Ledg* Vijolica la celebrating the 36th aanivertary of the SNPJ on Sunday. May 2«. at the S. S Turn Hall with a fitting pr o* t em On this caslnn a short play will also be given by the Viole« Raya, juvenile circle af »"d Mrs. Henry Mere are t h it» North aide Se let's give them a perenta of « baby bey Mr head b> attending thalr affair Mathew Eeleenlker (¿ee It won't W long new uli Ptcnk for Jenko) are p rotad p« rent a of a baby Uaae. Badgers are holding the t re on girl. Our future Badgers we hope July li at Sagadla'e Grove. Alee, Cooffrau -Anne Marttneek is with the SNPJ federation «til held theirs I «he otrle' Bend touring the senth and at lake De-Nnon on July * K~p enthweai. THaaka far the eenl. Ann ilae»e dole* In mind, Josephine Spek and Bar! G Maw j , LIO SCI1WK1GKR, 664. ——r-7^- . 1.......-—> ..,,. Our last Huckeye meeting was rather poorly attended. 'Sa nity. Steven Beres was elected as our new trMsurer. The lodge don«ted 65 to the local Slovene Juior Chorus "Slavt-kl" for their coming concert tour to PitUburgh. July 1 was chosen aa the date for our Midsummer Night's Dance at the Hopocan Gardens Com mlttee in charge la Charles Dormlsh, "Ksgle" Ocepek. Frank Ocepek, Frank Segolin, Mary Platner, Nelle Valen check, Stephie Matotel and O. Valen check. This committee Is to meet at tha Valencheek home on May 16 to discuas more plana. Tenrnameat QueSatiens Joe Kerns quip: "If you want to write about something no one else writes abouj, write about Steffler and Frank Ken»'" (Ain't he the one!) "Eyes n Ears" Slalnlk w.mld any "Oh, definite-ly'" And then to and the whole thing •Up V Down" KUnrh would i But that's be»»da tha point!?* I he'd go on with his elevator duties Seema Ikaw Wolverine lade were all over the place hat this dep't finally did meet up with a genuine Waiver iae laeele, Je Klsrteh! Rupert was Universal Comets Complete Plans for Annual Spring Dance Saturday, MQf UNIVERSAL, PA.—If you get the weekly issue of Prosveta on Friday ar even on Thursday—then It's time for you to make final «rr«ngements. Final arrangements, y^s, to attend the Comets' Annual Spring Dancc this Saturday, May 20, in the Universal Slovene Hall. The music of Frank's Trio, those popular radio artists of WHJIB, wilj entertain the greater part of the evening. But there are other forms of entertainment, too singing, polka dancing, chatting with old and new friends, and all those things that make up a jolly good time. Maybe you haven't yet arranged whom you're going with, or what tinm you're leaving. It may be thst you forgot to invite your good friend along. Do these things, and your hosts, the Comets, will take care of the rest. , v We wsnt to express our thsnks for the cards we received from those promising to attend our dance. Those «ctive SNPJ brothers from South Fork, George «nd John Resick. tell us to k««p things wide open for their first invasion. Well certainly do that. So coma out, more of you. We fissure a great time and you can depend on our reciprocation. »»i Any article this year would hardly be complete without some mention of the Jubilee Campaign in progress. If « successful campaign is our goal—and it is—then we've got to make ourselves campaign conscious, and publicity in Prosveta ia ont» inexpensive and valuable way of doing that. To spur ue on even more, the Society has offered many liberal campaign prises. ' seen displaying a pair of powerful binoculars. Our guess is that his umpire's job will be a cinch in this season's baseball games! Mike Kumer should soon have something to say about the new "Experience Speaks Club." Mr. and Mrs. Tex Bolka offer themselves aa living proof that "married life is what you make it" and you can make it a success. Frank Groser was a spectator during bowling events and all because of an infected finger. Emil, Berth« «nd Eddie were pfep«red for « verbal bar-range from a group of femmea and their comebacks were terrific! Thi^ dep't decided that if Lefty Kovach didn't blush Sunday p. m. it wasn't Anne Groser's fault! The Waukegan gals were tickled pink at having won the fight for the 1940 tournament. Everyone else seemed to be having difficultlea rounding up their strayed flasks for the homeward journey and It wasn't our fault If you failed to notice the oodles 'noodles of times certain people said their good-bys. Yep, there is a let-down when it's all over! Manor Cadet* Planning Dance Sat., June 17 MANOR, PA.—On June 17 (Sat.) the Cadets are sponsoring a dance a} Pleasant Valley Slovene Hall. The music will be furnished by Martin and his Slovene Commanders, who have been gaining vary much reeog nition around these parts. There will be all kinds of refreeh menta and the committee will aee to it that you «re Uken care of. You bet they will—It's an all-girl committee So how about making a date with the Cadeta on June 17 and make this affair a success. The softball team is progressing fine; they will be ready ia take on any team wanting a game with the Cadeta. Write to John Bosk. Manor, Pa. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE, 740. With three additional recruits to bolster the squad, the Comet softball team will be up there battling for top position in the Western Penna. E. S. Federation league. Only one defeat in seven starts mars a perfect record thus far. This Sunday, Mgr. Roaignoli sends the boys againat the Strabane Pioneer te«m, last season's strong winners. The game will be played in Univcrs«], beginning at 3 o'clock (D.S.T.). The ide« of a Comet girls' softball team has caught a firmer hold. More news of their team will follow just «s soon «a the girls get definitely or ganised. D" we understand correctly that the Strabane Pioneer sisters have a team organised? With regard to that golf match, Bro. Art Dermotta of >Syffan, be assured that the Comets will not forget your bid. Ferh«ps « good time to talk that over Is at your 35th Anni versary Celebration on May 30. It must be emphasised again and again, particularly to us E. S. L. mem bers, that the financial and moral support for our athlatic «ctivities we receive from the Society In the future will depend very largely on our inter eat «nd results shown in membership campaigns. We ought sever to pass up the opportunity of advertising the SNPJ and thia membership campaign at any lodge affair of any importance through the medium of newspapers speaking and radio programs. Fur ther, we ought to take a little time to take stock .of our neighborhood prospects—and there are many—ac- quaint ourselves with the ki«j. insurance in the SNPj and what each class will cogt a person per month. Knowing our classes of in»a and determining jU8t What , tive member will pay ^ trivial matter, for it really take, a few minutes to learn. But if, tremely important, and too f« g members know thia information of us are the salesmen of the & we have no paid insurance we don't know cxactly what ■ selling and don't know what the is, how can we expect to do but LOUIS V. KUMER, U^ West Point Cadet. L, Outdoor Dance May] Urge Meeting Prei POWER POINT, 0.-0ur fu door dance of the year will be the Slovene Home in Chucks on Decoration Day, May 30. The ( mittee in charge of this affair i the best music available. Refn. menta of all kinds will be served i plenty to eat. The admission is 25c for adults and 10c for over 12 years of ajfe. The will start at 2 o'clock and will until everyone is ready to call i day. A cordial invitation ii extca to all our neighboring lodges, nan Palestine, Salem, Girard, Youngiti Struthers, and Sharon. Our May meeting was well att but as usual ther£ still are a members that we haven't teen A year as yet. I think that there ia any reason at all for not attea " our meetings. However, if then I something that the stay-away n bers don't like at our monthly sions, they may b<> sure that ti things will nsver be changed by t staying at home. The simplest of changing them is by attending tl meetings regularly and becominfi active member. I am sure that i can, all get along very nicely if r will all come to the meetings and a operate with the rest of the wi berj. Our next regular meeting will held on Sunday, June 4, at 10 o'ek in the morning at our regular as ing place. JACK POZENEL, Sec'y Lodge IS. dan Pipetown Lodge Duel It Grand Succesi PIPETOWN, PA.—I want to III this opportunity to announce that f SNPJ 35th anniversary danc« « cored by Lodge Lui Sv iubitance. Wcddiat bells will be ringing out „■J of our fine lads and lassie. L Eddie Hudale and Berth, ton Us; for Jimmie J.chine TLee Gratchner on June 17, and E» Vidmar and Bill PekH on UV 27 The Hudale, Hra.t, Jachino, nVbner and Vidmar name« stand prominently in the past history tte Pioneers. Everyone ofthose ^ ,nd lassies are swell "fella." orth their weight in gold. We only »ope that the? will be just a. happy wedlock as they have been here-,fore and that they will not forget Heir food old pals-Pioneer lodge. We came back from the Cleveland National SNPJ Bowling Tournament tfrtty well "fatTged" out but happy Uf. we had a good time and another happy journey. Many of our „Iks did not go to work on Monday ptnuse of the tremendous strain of trip and the good time. John Jarovec, one of the main live-wires, ft hi» voice on the train with the ft'aukeffan ladies. That's why th-s 'ournament will be in Waukegan next nr. Frank Groser learned how to pair blowouts and how to look for ire« at all hours of the night. George arda was not only the Chairman of Tournament Committee, but the !hief Greeter as well, for which the Chicago gang was thankful. Our ng can't get over the big beei [laws used in Cleveland for water nd other purposes. Wi reviewed the «suits last Sunday again and found t thai the Pioneer No. 1 team which supposed to win the Men's Cham-ionship, didn't get this coveted prise rause they forgot to bring their tcot along. Jake Mangan, who de his first trip with the Pioneers, joyed the crowd so well that he's inic to have his wife join the Pio iters, too. Despite all these good hings, we aro happy that the 1940 wrncy will be within easy reach tr us. The next Pioneer venture will be he Moonlight Picnic on Saturday, me 10, at Stezinar's Red Gate Grove, 7th and Archer. Ticket, are now ing printed and the rest of the work I been started to put thi. picnic ver big because the Pioneer treasury quite low. The Picnic Committee ml lust Friday at the Slovene Labor ♦nter and will hold its next meeting here on Friday, May 26. We were ltd to see so many members pre. nt to deliberate on the various es-titials of the Picnic. Let's make a bitf and enjoyable affair. Here's something good! Altogether W"iity.three new bowlers have prom-d to join thu Pioneer League next All, of them are members who * nolirolled with the Pioneer, in Imt yeur. Wv ^re very'happy learn this fact which will mean tot *< will be able to take additional Hey» Wherever we bowl. Of the •enty.three bowlers, eight of them for the women's squads. A meet •« of all the bowler« and all tho* «Hnlcrf„t«! in bowling |e called * Monday. May 22. at the Slovene Labor « enter. Han* for the 1939-40 Uague will be started. al!. Ameha Slog a r postcard, from the York World's Fair and writes P W! u, what a splendid thing It 1. Urk M*kult makes the proud an-2Z7*n% of the »«-rival of an 8* * boy, Marie Kreachel and Helen Kvine ■re the late addition, to our •"lagf list on May 13 and Marie plan, to be married sometime in June.—Mary Robaik Haecker i. on the .ick list. Anna Miako, Millie BaUgroaki and Anne Okorn are .till oa the .tek liet. Our boys have joined the Tebbet's Softball League and took a couple of lickings laft week by score, of 4 to 2 and 7 to 5. They will play Thursday, May 18, at 7 p. m. The Tebbet's field i. located on Lawndale, ju.t south of Cermak. Come and watch the team play. There is no admiaaioo charge. Will you be at the SNPJ hall this Saturday night for Sava'a Spring Con cert? In order to allow certain ae ;ommodations, Sava singer, have made several postponements of their spri concert, but are fit a. a fiddle to pot on a real exhibition thi. Saturday. Tickets for the Concert are Me in advance and 40c at the door, and if they can .tart on time, which i. 7:80 p. m., well be able to dance to Koche-var's music afterwards. You might just as well be one of the supporters, which mean, that you might just as well be there when the certain goes up Saturday night. DONALD J. LOTRICH, 65». Lodge 686 Reporting WEJST ALLiS, WIS.—Well, did ev-eryono have a nice time at our dene on May 13? Do I hear everyone shout ye."? That sure i. swell. We really had a nice crowd but I don't see why more of you'member, didn't come out. U .ure was a swell night for dancing and having fun. We were well represented by the Badger mem bers; that show, the real apirit. Well he sure and -do the .ante for you at your next doings. I now wi*h to My "thank you" to all those who were' .o willing to work. You all did nice job of handling all the work that had to be done. Words don't exprea. how much we appreciate all you did I hope all you mother, didn't have to work too hard on mother', day Ju.t think, a day set aside for you and what happens on that day, noth ing but having had to work. It really is a shame. You should have gotten after Dad and made him exchange place, with you for that one day. MIDGE, 686. Keystonians Lodge to Hold Two Dances HERMINIE. PA.—Saturday, May 20, the (Senior Lodge 87 will hold a Polka Dance. Time, 8:30 till It p. m. Music by jovial frank Korachin featuring hitt siaging .¡iters. (Frank's trip can be heard over Green.burg station WHJB en Monday, and Wednesdays at 3 p. m.) Hi. style of mu-aic ean be enjoyed by young and old alike, ao give your mothers and dad. a treat and bring them along. Bat. May 37. Sat.. June 17 The Jteyatonian. are sponsoring two daneea. The firet a dance to be held on Saturday. May 27. at the Slovene Hall m Herminie, music by Lee Zorn and his smooth swing band. Lee had just completed an engagement at the popular Webster Hail ia Pittsburgh. If you love to swing and away, why not come out our way? , A good old-fashioned polka dance will be held on Saturday, lane 17. Further details regarding this dance will appear In a later edition of the Prosvete. v ■ Committer Meeting All meafibers of the Entertainment Committee are kindly requested to attend a meeting to be held at the home of Joseph Beti* on Thursday. May 18 The purpose of this meeting will be to arrange and prepare for ear Anni evraary Celebration on September 8, 3 and 4. A laat reminder for all te come to our dance on Saturday aad epehd an enjoyable evening. RUDY OSOLNIK, Lodge 613. 221U Silver Stars' News 'Sava' in Spring Concert Saturday Eve, May 20 -a CHIC AGO.—This Saturday evening, May 20, "Sava" will present It. annual spring, concert at the SNPJ hall. A well-selected program consisting of vocal and musical number, ha. been carefully planned. It will consist of "Sava'a" mixed and ladles' choru. and a duet. Our gueate for the evening will be the Plut triplet, from West Pullman, Wiliam, Herman and Joaeph, playing the electric guitar.. We believe that this concert will be among the very beat Sava ha. ever given, not only because of ao many new songs, but because of the prevailing good apirit among the member. and cooperation between Sevang and their friends. Many are anxiously waiting for the concert, and we are certain they will thoroughly enjoy it. Several out-of-towners are also expected and welcome. We have practiced and worked hard with our diligent director, Mr. Muha, and we shall prove that to you at the concert. In view of the fact thaf. the concert will be on a €~turday evening, the program will begin promptly at 7:80, bo that there will .till be plenty of time for dancing and pro.ta sebava. Kochevar'. orchestra will play in the upper hall and, of course, there will be Slovene music downstairs, where the refreshment, will al.o be served. The admission ia 35c in advance and 40c at the door. From the tickets so far .old, a large crowd is already expected. Are you among them? Don't forget, this Saturday night! MARYA OMAHEN. YUKON, PA.—"Strike three and you are out!" That's a tune that'a becoming a bigger rage than the Beer Barrel Polka now. It won't be long now until you will aee the 8. S. lined up there bringing home the acore. Oh, no! We are not a bit modest. The S. S. Polka danee on April 16 waa a huge .ucceu. The .uceeea be ing due mostly to all the SNPJ lodge, represented. We wi.h to thank all those lodges that were there, too numerous to mention them all here. A few weeks ago there appeared in thia paper an article written by Louis Ko.ela pertaining to those article. In the Proaveta containing argumenta about various subject., on religion mostly, and which are of no benefit to the readers. I agree with Bro Ko.ela on that. Why pick on relig ion? Of course, there are priests and preacher, who practice the oppo.ite of their teaching.. But isn't there crooked work in every profea. ion and occupation? I'm sure you have bought something sometime or other, My, for 85, whereas at another .tore you .aw the same thing for |4. You did not write to the paper, of the hooking you got. A Key.tonian looking amaaed be cause the girl at the ticket window knew hi. name. You know we re-porter, know everything. (Well, almost everything.) Everybody accusing Angeline Htech for being responsible for that writeup signed "A Silver Star Booster." C'mon now, 'feaa and tell us who you are. Were thoso by any chance a couple of Rambler, seen loitering on the streets in Yukon a few weeks back? A few date, worthwhile remembering are May 30—Western Pa. Federation of SNPJ lodge, annual affair at Carbon, Pa.; June 25—t rn^U"8 our member- ' »' iner«..ed by two new and Bro. Frank USfive dollar, award. 1 that nite The im- Erav ,h4>,,: Li.ur. 'J *,>u«*a .ncounter the >Jr- • " f0r tMr Inter- L game of the N* b V !' MaJr ,f> Gordon N«., Su «• tinW, 6:30 p. m ■ >f 'a.thfol and boMi 'am Hfct^^tM 17 ' ap the curtain on their ua „ at Olenridge farm rrankie Yankovic'. or-1,1 '»rmih the 1 /•¡i^St? * tad Vita Hl| -mmrnM fflr bff <,,,., f fmn , I lager music Shorty.- More ■» tbe feture ieaues ** thr émtw m,ru1 g'M (he w for y no Now it i. time to .tart patting them on the back. Thanx to all tbv Loyalite member, wlto really worked to make the tournament a aaceeM along with other.. Congratulations to Stan Sustarcic. single, champ, and all others who came out iwtr the top Stan also ia in line for eon*ratuIs tione for hi< prewes. in the SNPF League. In fact, Stanley walked off with half of the price money. Loyal-He team 3 composed of BUn. Andy Zadeil. Oxay (tataneb. John Laerich. and Joe Kagoy fiatalwd first in the League Thi. clone, bawling notM for the season tbo it waa great while It laatad. Out of our price gebbooe - That eer tain May 7 Waukegan Pee Wee made a promise. Don't forget. .Wbrn Birchie started to km Prexy Zadeli and Shorty stood on table* it wm time to go horn«. Eye. and Ears. I bepe you atraigbtened n' my atarital problems. Crooner Kara ia out U Juvenile Circles "Integrity TMna" Reporting CHICAGO. ILL. — The Integrity .uvenile circle held its April meeting on the 14th. Our officer, are: Wilfred Wilke, president; Anthony Ko-pacc, vic?-piesident; Dorothy Gabreil, rec. secretary; Helen Wilke, secre« tary; Elmer Piatt, treasurer; George Seberg, cergeant-at-arm.; Agnes Me-iaach Heidenreich. Adviser. At our March meeting the mom-bers voted on a name for our clicle which was the "Integrity Teens." This name seemed most appropriate because most of our member.' ages range between fourteen and sixteen. On March 30, w«e held a roler skating party at the Broadway Armory, under the management of Sister Agnes Mejaach, and everyone—all the members were present—had a very good time. We hope to have more parties in the future. At the April mMting Mch member was presented with an emblem-button and a copy of the by» law. Mnt to u. from the Main Office. Our meeting, are held on the third Friday of Meh month at 3136 N. Re cine ave. at 8 o'clock in the evening. If there are .ome member, who have never been present at our circle meet Ings, please try to attend our next meeting. Remember, after each clr cle meeting we have refreshment, donated by the members, we play games and have a good time. Come and join ua! HBLKN WILKE, Secretary, Circle 17. Wagner Asks for Health insurance , • . ' f * - A plea fer health Inau ranee was voiced before the Senate Committee on Labor aad Education last week by Senater "Beb" Wagner, sponsor of legéelation for a Federal program now he fere CengMM. The American people, be •iced, are already paying a ing bill of 83^00.009,00« for "Their plea ta.* Wagner "that the bteeeinaa <>t modern cal stifiee be brought within the reach of all. They eCk. M eJoquenÜy ex preyed at the recent National 1er» Attention, AU Boya of Circle 18! CLEVELAND, OHIO,—All boya of Circle 13 Interested in baseball and would like to be on the team ahould meet in front of the Slovene National Home oa Saturday morning, May 20, at 10 o'clock We had a hike on May 6 and hiked about 8 mllM, and were we tired I While we were walking we mw all the trees in and the birds chirping, and you could Ju.t fMl that .pring was in the air. We aaw tome of the Cultural ( Garden.; although they aré not completed they did look beautiful. When thvy wil be com pleted I'm .ure We can be proud of them. Finally Wt got eo exhausted that we juat coiildn't walk another step, ao we Mt under a shady tree and ate our lunches. After resting for a while'we started to play ball. The girla .had a game against the boy. and of Bourse the boys won Did you Me onb Adviser Mr., Med veaek .winging at the ball., and did they go! Boy, It certainly wa. fun watching Angelá Bratkovich and Elaie Widmar running around the base.. We played ball for about two hour., then we had to re.t again. Finally somebody mentioned humo which ntant son»« more walking. When we did get near home everybody wa. hungry. I'm .ure all who went had a good time. ALICE POPOTNIK, President, Circle 13. New Circle In Sharon SHARON, PA.-On Sunday, April 23, a new Juvenile circle came to life here in Sharen-Karreil, consisting of juvenile members of three SNPJ local lodge.-—31, 262 and 766. A special meeting was called for thi. purpone and a targe number of juvenile, responded! Two temporary officers were elected, namely, Marie Mtambal, preeldent, and Evelyn Trobentar, vlce-preeident. The following 00 juvenile, belong to the circle: Frances «tambal, Mildred Novak, Betty and Albert Locni-kar; Frank Kramar, Junior, Frank, Raymond aad Bob Ziekar, Norm» Trobentar, Theresa and Frances Luin, Edward aad Helen O'Korn, Dolores and Lois Bteibly, Lawrence and Peter Garm, Margaret, Edward, Leonard and Bom Marie Cimpermann, William, Rom and Mary Macek, Richard Robich, Walter Biagoich, Edward Mia kar, and the two officers, Marie Itambal and EvcJ/n Jrpbentar. gis, Fmates Novak gotlatlng a closed shop with the Her shey Chocolate Corporation. Electric Irons It U expected thai all Oie JoveiUk member* will attcatf their meetinr* regularly. We congratulate them and wish them smmm w^leh (hey ran attain Willi lb* eod the «Ml. «bout %,\p**ßm/m, should not be «set by ^ In- w.«*4 h«v# U ' * t« company with th lr parent* Two plaew wIM Le gívee. The J unter gf member. Mr. and Mm. John ¡¿tin-merman who are celebrating their 26th wedding anniveiMry. Here's hoping you have many more of them. What'a all thla planning going on among our board of trustees? Wa hear there's a surprise coming out pretty soon. Any member who hu not yet I wen able to check in for their danee ticket« please do m ac eoon as |h»s stblv. Stanley lloivaUne and I'ate Kmot are the mretako« c of the t)<%I*M Forty-five fires a day, it ha. been estimated, start because housewives forget to disconnect electrlo Irons And most of the danger comes from Iron, of the old, non-automatic type which get hot enough to burn through the protective pad or stand and .et the ironing board on fire. Since it Is possible to avoid tho risk and obtain a mure convenient iron, with a thermo stat, for a« low a price as 83.46, Con sumer. Union recommends only Uic automatic type. Eighteen brands were tested for construction, Insulation, efficiency and performance at varying Ironing speods. Only Irons taking 1,000-watte were able to maintain their tempera tures while doing heavy lronlng( but 700 watt Irons were satisfactory for light work. The following brands were Best Ruy.t Sears' Heateiaater Cat, No 766, 700 watts, 83.45; "C»*p De Use Automatic No. 424, 1,000 watt., M.26 Sunbeam Ironmaater Cat, No. A-4 1,000 watte, 88.96; Ward's Supreme quality Cat. No. 4980, 1,000 watta $0.45, invitation to visit CU'a exhibit at the New York World's Fair. YOUR DOLLAR I. s regular month-ly feature. The facts and opiniuns given are based on Consumers Union Heperts. the monthly magasine of Consumers Union, 17 Union Squsre West, Now York City, s non-profit organisation whose matn object Is to safeguard buyers by tectlng and reporting on consumer geods. Note especially the information on labor londltionc under which products are made. Committee Prepares Aliquippa SNPJ Day ALIQUIPPA, PA,—This picnic Is promised to be s gsla topping of previous picnics held by the lodge. Plans . are being made for the 36th Mlebra-tlon of SNPJ schoduled far June 11 called the Aliquippa 8NPJ Day. Entertainment feature of Aliquippa will be dancing to the rhythm of Joe Kramer UMBS Radio ArtlaU snappy polkas and popular tunes. Joe Kramer Is one of the most popular musician. In the Unlontown Section, lie can be heard every Saturday at 4:16 Daylight Saving Time. We regret the mistake in my la.t article having stated that Joe Kera* cin aad bia Slovene Am. would furnish the music "for our next picnic. We will have Joe Kramer and hi. trio. see Being a Sport. Do you chance ever te have thought of what Is involved In being a good spoitT The subject la worth a passing thought. It geea without saying that good sportsmanship la involved, la fineness It ylolls only to suoh unforgetable and, for* tunately Inescspsble words such as courage and loyalty and love. It smecka of ooarteay and fair play and unielflahneas. It meant playing always to win, always at one's best but always within rules, U mean, knowing how to win modestly and lo*e generously, He should have aest for the game and for life. He should be able to laugh at appropriai times— and what a joy and asset a hearty laugh an be. He should be spontaneous. Spontaneously he will cayi "Oh, a good shut I" when an opponent deserves It. There he radiates enjoy* ment and the more joy ho radiates the more he has for hlmkelf. It It nut a poor thing to Uu proiuaired a "good sport." , Members, don't forget to attend the next meeting and bring along your new member, Keep amlllng, JOY, Til. Consumer« Haien at New World'« Fair Yark We give advice by Uie bucket, but lalMr it by lh« grain. Alg»-r. In an endeavor to reach millions of consumers with It« vital information oil consumer goods and Mrvlees, Cnn Kiimers Union has aet up a provoea live and uaclting exhibit at the New York World's Fslr. Located In the Consumer Interest! Building sdjolnlng the Thame Center of the Fair, Consumers Union', ca III bit drive, home the nood for educa tlon against dangerous foods, drugs and cosmetics and for quality com psrlMiis of competing brands of goods, Five important subjects dominate the CU exhibit, Thee* aril tire», co» mat lea, household appliances, trl> chinos is and nosedrops, Readers of YOUR DOLLAR have seen something of CU'a comparisons of competing brands of the first three Items, but few know about CU's expoM of the dangers of mineral oil nosedrops, which can cauae pneumonia in children, and the forthcoming articles on trichinosis in pork—a serious public health hasard. To the readers of YOIJR DOLLAR,CV eatonds a hearty see both reecmbles yours truly. And now *UI Iocim** la value ah. (and el-rnx On it >mr la«t m^Utg we eeM»d the PP^HMBHMm rin' (I . " n»B4- wi< <•"» _ ........."" ' ........ " This ap*«t*'» ^ ^^ tm mafcr f«r ike beifí» ef "I'nised W«vr«r." Udge. Na. 6el, S*ri. «elerdar. Me» iT, tete Ab^ve le t be •f lb« Mel|«v«c OrcbeMre ot Wik», #*e. (eS members I keep (bat dete In my beert belong* Detroit. 4«»f H« Stngle Tr«« t ( like mo»»*r tfwd of lim |ir««f»t«m, tk. JUNIOR, ±P L'thi 'aar All of oi Ike «ireofe ball m MBrtM-ll «ireH. eUrr«lag omr llth and NNI'J'a 3»lb Lodge No. 41 Dance IRWIN, PA.—Th« SNPJ Udg- 41 will hold a dance May IT, will bo furnished by the Silver Star, of Center, Everybody Is welcom«. let ua all turn out for an evening of fun, MARY ROM INCH, Lodge 41. American-Slovene Day to Be Held at West View Park July 8 IMPERIAL, PA,—The first Amer* lean-Slovene Day In the history of Pennsylvania will take place on Saturday, Ju|y 8, at West View Park, Pittsburgh, Pa, The perk, ona of •he best In the dlstrlst, Is located on U. S. Route 18 and visitors should have no difficulty In loMting It. Sponsors of this first Slovene Day are the Federation, of SNPJ of W. Pa. a. well as Federations of JSKJ and KSPg and various Slovene organl* sat ions In this district. The committee In charge •ruta« I« Km PiwiU. sSasr*« ««• Ml**ia« Mi I, ra* SmSMm Im Uoo elflM I* Mm. 4»t tm Sm«I iillwi ToMdar I*»»«— a Mik mmk i IIOM rw Moo ««»ami to «««•'• Im« OilHill»«. » Wrti* U*iMt um« MNg Itd0 W pépt' Mil. m »»a* nw tmtm. ImM, ««• 1*1 Mi mm aialt« mtm 9—m HWilll, • i,|«« imtt mm méérm» mo4 mi« momkmi mm mm m> %m ni8 Set um nasi. mm Ml et mmmmom»t Ml «• taM —A — » . â —* * — - - mviev» ea f*#a §» «, i mimm miumtm mmm mmé pfiurm mOt mm im mt* » t méttm mmm*m Mm i mmm mttO Mm s»4ae* « mmmi MU, m ««UM* kmmM tm t. tMmt «M «■■■ssl»slts«i Mgvea m sett a law «es ia inkaoe, ill* r»M«»r» s. ava. OüTOfOCUr ti. r AmétmrmeJ USiwf, L»y»l !» L. H re»-M. PU.Mi Wolver tt. K IMir J. LaLar. Kiru«... M L. Mor nick'V Itnu. Waive. IL K. '¿eéteAi. nek*. CMiMi M. i Maroit W. K avie, Straaa M. ». Darovk-L Kramer Pió... 94. 2u*ek-Kuid1k. Cleveland . .... M H Hadmak-J. ■■ if «Il M»lw„ la th* ma gava 76«; of the entry money and the balance of 31% wa* given by !he girls. Of this percent-eg* the girls received that much from the SNPJ donation and the balance from the entry blanks sent in by them. We feel the list made up is accepted by our members as we try and give as many prises as we can and we do not try and give the better bowlers Ale advantage as we are all one; to create bettor feeling this should be done at every tournament, and then we can expect more people to participate. The complete entry blanks, also the scores, are being sent to Bro. Prank Groaer, Sec'y oi the SNPJ Athletic Board, for a checkup by him. After he is through with these the writer would like to have them back to be j>ot in our files. Hoping everybody arrived home safely, The best of luck to Wau-kegan for the 1940 SNPJ National Tournament. rOMPLKTR rilll LIST OP SNPJ TOUR. MAMKMT BBLD IN CLEVELAND, MAY », «. T. IMS at St Clalr-Bddr Bee. TEAMS (MEN» liaee- Te. m\+4me à City Score1 Pris« 1. Badser ('Samps Hi, Mflw'kee 2116 MO. M I. Y. A. Pirata» M4. Detroit.. 1744 U. M I. Wolvrrlaea Blue* «77. Detroit M»7 11.00 4. Pioneer* il) ftM. CHUaao .., 2«M 20.0« ». Y. A. Simaeara M4, Detroit MM I7.M «. Loyal lidomber» MO. Clave. MM IS.M 1. Gow. Sooateta 71«. tiowanda M4I I4.M f. Uysllte Bouklm MS, Clave MSI 14.M Pio. Kla»hea II». Chicapo ,. Mil ll.M 1«. Strucflara (1) «14, Cleveland 2M< 11.00 11. Comradas (I) |M. Clave..........SMS IS.M II. Badser OpU Milwaukee IMI 10.00 II. LoyaJlte» lit CM. Cleveland 2547 «.00 M. Integrity «II, Cklca*o....... M22 »00 1*. C levels** ltd, Cleveland..........1414 S.M 1«. Pio. Iaitky S. Mt. Chlaaao. MM S.M 17. PI*. 014 Time IM, Chlra*o. «4M 7.00 II» «trugalera (I) «14. Cleveland MM 7.M II. Oomradas (It IM, Cleveland, ttti «M 10. Brooklyn IM, Cleveland..........SIM «.M 11. Beaapns ««7, Cleveland...... MM «.M M. Comrade« It), M4. Cleveland 1147 I.M II. Loyalltaa (1) IM, Cleveland. M41 I.M M. Gowanda ill 71«, Gowanda.. IM4 I.M U. Strufflsm ill 014, Cleveland 2125J 1.00 _, HKIfS SIMPLES #>_ Plsse -Mama I*d*e |Scera| Prlaa much spprecisted. We an* not above welcoming constructive criticism. That is neca'sarjr in order that improvements msy be made in future handling of such affairs. But the time for this would hove been at the tournament, or at the Midwest meeting held in Milwaukee two weeks ago. Queer that nothing of this nature was brought up when the discussion of the 1040 tournament was in progreaa, at thia meeting. ' Nevertheless, in order to avoid the glaring mistakes of our last tournament, are have taken it upon ourselves to thoroughly consider and di«-, cuts the complaints« The first complaint was that the Marino Bowling Alleys were too hard to find, and that there were no signs. The address was on the bowling blanks and w*s slso in the Prosveta, end there ore signs to the alleys. But, to avoid having anyone looking for the alleys ¿or he If sn hour, slthough directly in front of the building, we offer these ramediei. At our next (?) tournsment the building will be pointed s bright yel. low snd srrsngements will be made to hove s tribe of Indisns csmp on top of the building, snd st five minute interval» send up smoke lignsls. The next complaint wss thst 9 games Hi s row hod to be bowled snd one of our critic« didn't he v.» time to est, therefore wss so hungry he couldn't bowl good. It hspptnod thst this lodge requested thst stl their bowling be done on Sundsy. We complied with their request, snd bccsuse there were only four shifts to be bowled on Sundsy, the men were re* quired to bowl 9 gsmea In s row in order to give the girls «onto rest in between gsmea. But sfter profound deliberation the committee hss do-tided thst st our next (?) tournsment in order to prevent hunger from Ntslklng the atomschs of our pin knights, stesk asndwiches will , be served sfter every ftth frame, snd sfter every third gsme, ten minutes will be taken out for lanch at which time chicken snd T-bone stesk din-sers will be served. Our friend from the country might bring slong s heslthy Holstein snd si this contented bovine wsndera shout the slleys, anyone who wishes may partake of s re-1 freshing drink of the white liquid. Also, st our next (?) tournsment] we expect to get Hsnk Msrino's consent to plsce himself In sn informs-1, tlon booth to enswer sny snd sll ques-j! tions. We wish to assure sll of o^ri out-of-town friends thst we hsve morel thsn 10 bowling slley« In one establishment, contrary to snything you] msy hsve heard In Cleveland. And though we were entirely unswar* of ihe fact, we sre extremely grateful! for the wonderful publicity given to our tournsment by our very dear! friend, which publicity sccording to! our friend, bed so much to do with the I auccess of our tournament. In vlewl of his wonderful work In the »ubiety field, we hsve decided thst sll of our publicity in the future will bo pieced In full chsrgo of this modest snd SNPJ spirited young gentleman. Any further complslnt« msy be dl-l reeled to our committee in ehsrge,l who, we csn assure you, will consider! them in the asms spirit they sre given. PRANK OULUCK, Lodge WM 1. LitUe P. IM, Wattes*n .... «1« I. Nap Slav. 117. ClevelandJ... I MM I. Y. A. Soakato Ut. Detroit.. Ml« 4. Uadaer Girl» ftM. Mv..| «42 I. Olca Hemic, Milwaukee .... 6U I. Mallle Knapp. Comrade* .... ftM 4. Prance. Elm. Waukciran .... 477 I. Helen ManUm. N, A ..............M7 I. Mils Cberniab, Ptpneer* .... M2 7. Mary Primaaafc, Mjp. iSlevenko 4»l I. Albina Oarln. Waukesai. ... 44* I. Prance» Strauaa, Gowanda... 444 1«. Millie Lank* MSwaukee.... 44» 11. Anna Goipb. Comrade. ..........41« II. Ann Groaeit. Pioneer..............4M II. France» Nagode. Waukaeran.. 441 14. Laulae ZeWnlk. Waukaaan., 42« lfi.vVeraniaa Oram. Y. Americans 4M 1«. Kila Meyers. Y. American* .. «17 17. Charlotte Analek, Wolverinaa 41« II. Mary Golear. Wolverine* --------414 II. Sylvia Kirn. Waukesu»..........«47 M. Ilermlns Hocevnr. Oomradm..) 400 Midwest SNPJ Athletic League to Conduct Popularity Contest ' CHICAGO.—At the April SO Mid-w*at SNPJ Athletic iesgur meeting in Milwsukoe it wea decided to hold s popularity contest smong the SNPJ girl« for the SNPJ Day which will be held at U Salle, III., on Ubor day. This will give the girl« a chance to psrticipste sctively in the celebration and not only the boys. We hope that all lodges in the Midwest Lesgue will cooperate snd try to select s winner. Tollowing sre the rules for the ^on- £ 1. To Mil tickets st two cents each; there sre on* hundred ticket« |A s book. f. Each lodge will be entitled to half of the «el* on ticket«. Esch book Is to count for 200 votes towsrds the populsrity contest. ♦ 4. Esch lodge msy pick one or more girls for the contest, ; .ft. Only single girls era eligible to tompet* in the contest. | / Prises on the tickets will be ss follows: First, 93; Snd. 92. in silver. Also other prises will be given. The contest winner will receive a free trip to La Salle for the SNPJ Day on Ubor dsy, where she will be honored ss "Popularity Girl of the Midwest SNPJ Athletic League." Sec-ond and third wisners will slso receive prises. To be eligible to compete in this contest s girl must be s member «* sn SNPJ lodge sfflllsted with the Midwest SNPJ Athletic lesgue. Where's the admiral?*' He's below—seasick." Plaga-Mama tef» - |l 1. L. Zeleanlk-S, Eira, Waukaaaa I. M. Lenko-O. Samic. Milw'kaa I. Y. Klrn-A. Oarln, Waukaaan 4. A. Kaaar-M. Prlmoach N. S. I. M. Golcar-C. An lick. Wolver. 4. M. Iloerbelt-P. Stmua*. Oow. 7. A. Golob-J. Eaapp, ComraS. «. M. Chernlcb-S. Mraet. Pio... I. M. Knapp-P. Oasaar. Comr. 14. Matasal-Valanabask. Barb'ton II. i. Hoalnlk-H. Manían. Y. A. 11. A. Cersa-M. Cedilnik. Y. A-. II. T. TWhllUb-H. Zrlasec. Y. A. 14. F. Nasode-M. Eira, Wauk'an II. V. Gram-A. Basaty. Y. A.... MEN'S ALL-KVKNTS HOME HINTS Pockets of sweeter« will hold their shspe If they sre lined. To crisp celery, plsce it in a psn of wster with s lemon for sbout an hour before serving. If you wish to give s soup rich color snd delicious flsvor add a condensed bouillon cube. Apples for bsking should be slit with a knife in a few places before they go into the oven. If this U done it will prevent the «kin« from wrinkling or bursting open. The old braae bed need not stay an eyesore in this enlightened age. Apply two costs of fist cresm psint snd when thoroughly dry cover with a wslnut «tain. It will change the whole atmosphere of the bedroom. . A colorful combination for a vegetable plate is baked potato, green broccoli, fried or broiled tomatoes, well-buttered, and' a crisp celery ntalk stuffed with pimento or seasoned cream cheese. Save all odds snd ends of toilet soap of every description. When enough has accumulated, break in very small pieces and put through the food chopper, using the medium cutter first, and then the fine cutter. To one cupful of this granulated soap add one and one-half cupfbls of corn mesl snd put through the food ^chopper sgsin until reduced to s cosrae meal. Thi« may be facilitated by rubbing between the hands io loosen the particles. When all will paaa readily through a meal sieve, add one ouncc of olive oil to each two and one-half cupful« of the soap and corn meal mixture. Blend thoroughly. An ordinary fruit jar with the rubber ring in place makes a good container. A quantity of this soap powder kept on the kitchen sink or in the bathroom will be found invaluable for deeming very «oiled hand« and keeping them «oft and smooth, besides being perfectly hsrmless snd costing next to nothing. Keeping Poor Away From Ballot Box Poverty is to be regsrded ss s crime, to be punished by disfranchisement, under legislation thst hss been put through the Pennsylvsnis Senate. Its «ponaor, Senator George Woodward, Philadelphia millionaire, frankly admits its purpose is to keep the poor away from the ballot box. "I speak for the underprivileged rich," Woodward declared. "Americsn« should be willing to pay something for the privilege of voting. We have too many voters. Tho^e who have a «take in the government should have some preference," The poll tax isn't new. In ancient Greece, Aristotle called it a "must Ignominous imposition which none but slaves paid to tyrants." If the proposal goes through, it will be to the everlasting iharn^ of a commonwealth in which was written the Declaration of Independence. —LABOR. I..S. HuaUrsle, Loyalltaa .. 2. Al Jarar, Milwaukee ... t Y. Hastsik. Y. American» 4. Kd. K romar, Leyslite* .. ft. s. Salo, Pioneer ...... 4. A. Golear, WaiverIse».,,, 7. i. Jechine, Pioneer ,,,.,, 1. V. Haetnlk, Youn» Amar. I. A. Zadali. Loyalltaa .... I. C. Nagel, Gowanda .... 4. A. J »ray. Milwaukee ... ft. M K romar. Loyal itn. .. II. W. Altanas, Pioneer...... II. B. Travnik, Y. American.. II. V. Zr.u, Com mador m ..... 14. V. Malevki, Planear ....... I>. P, Na*le. GowasSa ....... II. S. M tad le IL New Kra ..... 17. A. Sa del I, Loysiltas ...... 11. S. Cur|a, Camrsde* ...... 11. B. Brmkvar. Llps ........ II. loe Brleely, Y. Amer lean . II. J. Lprkner. Wolverine .... M. 0. Scblmak, »lesear ...... 14. A. OMttab. Milwaukee .... 'il, f. Cbelippy, I«yalite» ... |M. ! Hesser, Strugslar ..... 27. L Bramar, Pioneer ...... If- J Sri mec, Y. American . 21. S- Sedata II. Milwaukee ... M. A. Tak au t < Comrades ... ai A. Vaiblcfc. Milwaukee II. L float nil. Y. Ameritan ai. J. Elskells. K. Pliubur*h 34. P. Nermann, Integrity... M. Jee Bvass. Uwslitaa ..... M. Bd. Mit. Struavlem .... «7. P. Golob. Str «tes 1er ...... M. P. Yaakovir. l-oyalite .... M. J. Aaolovsr. Uyallte 4*. W. Ram k Milwaukee ,'.., GIRLS' ALL-KVBNTS Lodae Place--Name L A. Zaear. Nap. Slovenke. C. O. Ramie, Milwaukee ... I. M. gfinpp. Cumrndm ... 4. ¥. Strauaa. Gowanda The baseball aesson will be on soon, hâtes of gsmes will be In tha hands of sli msnsger« by June 1st. We do hope sll plsyera will dlsplsy good sportsmsnahlp on the field s« well «« off the field. MICHAEL PLE1SCHHACKER, Secrets ry. Our Bowling Tournaments MILWAUKEE, WIS.—All the Bsdg-era who we* In Clevelsnd for the HNPJ bowling tournsment reported s vftry anjoyshlr week-end. Their only Complslnt wss thst it wss entirely too short. The bowling, dsnce, snd bsn- Cot sll nerved to round out s grand ne. For msny of ua, It ws« our firat trip esst, snd we won't mlM our aest opportunity to be there. The 1940 SNPJ bowling tournsment will be held In Wsukegsn. Though • he Badgers did want the touijnsmenl in Milwsuke«, we csn ssaure Wsu* kegan that the Radgera will be well represented at the 1040 tournsment. and we wish th*m a big success. The criticisms of the recent Midwest tournament coming a* they did in Cleveland were In »xceedlngly bad taste. In Milwaukee after the tournament, we received for the efficient manner In which it was handled noth* ing but pralM, from this very same group who criticised In Cleveland. A little less prating In th* columns of the Prosveta about cooperation and aportsmsnahip, and a little more of this in actual practice would be very Too Fresh Service Station Man—Where's your radiator cap?" , « Motorist—On the front end of my car, but don't call me Cap. Hit Contribution It wa« a reunion of old frieaè and, a« a bit of fun, the guevts «en each asked to bring something to the feast. The Englishman brought a bot* of whisky, the Irinhmsn a tin aI biscuits, and the ScoUmM he brothel- ! K «pena* Angling is somewhut like poetry; men sre to be born so.—Iraak Walton I. L. Msetnlk-V. Hmtntk. Y. A. 117* 114.04 I. a. EdOeban.V Sait*. Commml lilt 12.00 I. J. llabelSk-A. Maeeaai. Waive. UM II.M 4. A. Be4aei-S Kupnn. Loyal.... IIM ».ft« ft. 0. NaeatJ Manear. Gowanda 1111 I.M I. O. aklmek l- Komuabar. Pio. 111« » M 7. J. Manaes. Y. Malackl, Pio... I III l.ft« I. B. Brskfcvar.R. Soja. Lipa... tOM I.M I. J Nasi(v»ar-M Suatamia. Lapal.i I0M I S 10. P. Herman J. Abram Intas.. 1M0 I.M II. A. Obluak-A Verklek, Mllw.. I0M 7.10 H. V. Paraebek.J Tolar, Ht ru».. I0SI 7.M U. R. Travnik T Tacbiltab. Y. A l«7l 7.M 14 J. Saisie A Kaehland. Comr. 1*7« 7.M Ift. J. Kmalk.r Latrick. Pie,... 107« ««• 1«. ». SHesaaJ. Oèlla. Y. A.... 1M7 «.M »». ». Grum-P Oram. Y. A...... IM4 ft.M II. V. Imparl M Abram. Intae.. IM4 ft.M 11. T. l'Ikl-A. Jeray. Mllw kev . 1017 ft.M M. A. Gateará Laakner. Waiver. IM4 ft.M II. Mlklavale-Miklavck. Hiruga.. IMI ft.M M.S. Sala-W. Arbanaa. We..., IMI 4M M », RvaaaNl Oreaarela. I^yal.,. 1M7 «.M 14. E. Hrnak-k Múdala, ploneem IM7 IA« M. ». Skallr-G Mladtck. N. Kra! IMI I.M M M. Sebeppark O. Jerab. Mllw.l l«M « M Almost Despondent Gsme Warden—Are the fish biting todsy? Weary Angler—I don't know. If they sre, they're biting each other. Sympathy Lecturer (angrily)-WIII th" who know nothing whatsoever of the subject kindly stand? After a «light pause one «tudeS rose to his feet. , Lecturer (grimly)-So you kaM nothing, eh? Student—it's not quite sW* thst, sir, but I hsted to m f* stsnding alone. Notice, Pioneer 1 Bowlers! CHICAGO.—All Pioneers Interested In bowling in the Pioneer Rowling Leaguea next year, are Invited to attend a meeting Monday, Msy 32, st 8 p. m., at the Slovene Labor Center.] The purpose of the meeting Is to «o-J 1ect the slleys for next yesr, elect officers snd aet up rutea governing' the tournament. . PRANK GROSER, 659, Cssh Offer! On one of the toll bridges which spsn the Ohio River s little old csr coughed and wheeled up to the keeper'« gate and stopped. The engine gave s Isst gsp snd quit. "Fifty cents," called out the brige attendant. "Sold!" said the owner as he climbed down from the front seat. "I'll just wslk from now on." Not So Dad "How many revolutions doee the earth make in a day? It's your turn, Willie Smith." "You can't tell, teacher, 'til you see the afternoon paper," Employer Pays Jobless Men , York.—The Internatlonel BiothethtMMl of Klvttrlrul Workers mstkrd off a new müeatone lett wrok in benffits it ha« won for mem* ÔÈNTLIMBNi X WANT TO v. CONOKATOtATC VCHJ A4.W ON TM« SUCK WORH TOO 0»0 [TTÏhrr-i ON TMt eOiAB\MGl J MrvC aorr TO wôhw /4NO HAT TVE M AT mm OWN «AMB.1 CaOT A HUNCH \W X »OtVOW 1 rAtOHT Ô«T AT •ottcwn or THI soMainat ' It nrgnlialrtl sn sgreemotit with Sludwortli. In*.« Mtskers of elartrical eaialpinpnt, undet wltlrh workers whu are Is id sff w.ll gpt jobless competí-aaiHMt from the emploi ar. plua unemployment ÍM-i»rflta from the atete. The ci'ttipany's pay menta sre to pun fittr.i 97 U> 91(1 wr<-kly for a maximum of 10 weeks each year. SMite romftennallon Ut the j obi pas rane»* «*p t» 91k weekly, thua aaaur-Meg Bludwurth amploy*a a total of as Mgh as IVr. a w*ak when laid off. ffiCAULVNO. THAT "THE.T AA« ON TH* ?M SOCVIN« THE. BOMWN^, KAT ANO V*» MÇlJP QP 7M( NCWSMIN'f UNION, l»f»OCUM« (tfCOmiNft MACHINE*-- KAY MANAatl TO TH* MtCNOWHONE tN H\HI'S OPElCB -C.COtT ANO H%« HCNCHMCN MAKS fUW* "" TH« UNION ANO * AW. feO AD JfR^ K gvwy WORO OI» ****** fin*! kNO «OKA« TO- HASObO^1 SO ««CVIN« " rugi de XXXI. Entered il mtmiklm matter January 1«. 1»U. ai Um pokUotflc« PRO SV ETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NAiyHE PODPORNE JEDNOTE ■ Chicago, ilu Wednesday, may 17, im> In Two Parte—Pari II part ii NUMBER % Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for ta aection llOS, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorised on June 14. 191». linutes of the Supreme Board Meeting of the Slovene National Benefit Society | Held February 9, 10, 11, 1939, at Headquarter» 2659 S. Lawndale Aw., Chicago, ///. SESSION 1 February 9, a. m. I*« Supreme President. The order ^„Ud'aTsubmitted. All member. CrCd Pre-. Reports of the I to Board Member.: Report of Supreme President U vear 1938 has been a year of numerous activi-tKtie» that were succewful and brought u. ■iTSi we observed the 26th Anniver-of our Juvenile Department during the past The observance of this Anniversary was util-the fullest extent, with extensive agiUtion, k strengthened the morale among our mem-,nd brought satisfactory gain«, nowledgement is due to a great extent to the and federstions that so loyaUy extended their and support in furthering the Anniversary ,tions, st which occasions many Supreme Board in appeared as speakers and representatives Society snd where educational programs were 26th Juvenile Anniversary campaign, in "of continued hsrd times, was quite aucceasful, ct far better than expected, for which we again „d due thanks snd appreciation to the lodges federations that carried on special agitational as well as offering their own campaign in addition to ones offered by the Society. wwledgement is also- due to the individual rs who worked specially hard in securing ember« and thus helped to make this campaign ful. campaign again proved the great value of nal contact with members. Article« and ap-published in our Organ are necesaary and tie, as these tend to instill enthusiasm and t, and lighten the work of the agitators. But Tnow-a-daya do not join the Society them-or insure their children on their own initla* [therefore it is necessary to make personal con-ai much as possible. Where members en-into individual campaigning the resulta are better than where they did not. It 1«, there-recommendable that in future csmpsignrf attention is given to this phase snd higher [be offered to individusl campaign partic- cosnectioii with the membership fear, wc also had a few radio program«, which to be of much agitational value and it is ridable to further avail ourselves of the in various localities where large affairs are planned by federations and lodge« of large erahip. For such affairs it is already cus to have an officer from the Main Office or Supreme Board member as speaker, and thus (io program would not cost much more, as Iodic stations are now fairly reasonable in price, propaganda derived from radio Is in return the expenditure, litation for new members has been lightened acceptance of.the new up-to-date certificates enable our agitators to convince the pros applicant»* that we offer the forms of in ' most desirable for the workingman and better rate« than any other company. With new form» of insurance certificates we are ablr U) compete with other Insurance Com-The general membership is not familiar *ith all the provisions of these new forms wrance and is therefore not able to fully thin in their agitational work. Personally, convinced that greater returns, especially in luvrnile Department, could be made If our fr" *«re more familiar with the different of in»uranee and were able to properly ex-tke value of each and that the premium was »nd value greater than any other private "tee company tould offer. » certain extent athletics also aids in our »".hip campaign», although not as much or w»H expected at our last convention. u Id Board believe« that our athletes fain* more fully that the Society sponsors » f"r agitaUonal purposes and it should "n «"d«svor to show greater results in this 'r In the future this will have to be done in be entitled to greater financial support. •I". began during the past year, as known H lh' "r*«m«stion of Juvenile Circles, which «^«t in the fraternal education of "¡■lh 1 P to thia time 17 circles were organ-*h,eh "»"»' »re very active. This work is «p-'itant and of greater significance than] 7ld "rdi'iarily believe, and will be of great I 11 faithfully continue this necessary work." *rt *pt In learning the parliamentary Wim i and 're proud to conduct their own meetings, 1 activities, and they will thus soon agitators, enlisting their friends as flf 4,1 tht Shifty. In this way we not only I 'ytunity of increaaing our membership '-lucaUng them to become reliable and ail l"' Wh0 Wi" ,n t,m* *«•»»• *dttlt Hadera 0f our organisation. The dif H tw"' **c,,rin« capable members leader |J As in previous few years, we also observed during the past year the celebration Of SNPJ Day—one in Pennsylvania and a more important one in Detroit on Labor Day. The attendance waa large, members coming from far and near, which means that these celebrations are of great agitational value. That is why we extend financial aid from the Main Office, as well as to the larger bowling tournaments held during the past year. In regards to finance matters, I wish to report that during the past year wo sold quite a few properties that we acquired due to defaulted mortgage loans. Though it was necessary to sell some at a loss, we believe it was better for the Society to do so instead of waiting for better times, which at the present, seem far distant We have yet to sell a few homos and the Croation Hall in South Chicago, which causes the greatest difficulties, as the building cannot be used for any other purpose than that originally intended, and as such Is hard to sell. The majority of Society's surplus money is monthly invested in P, H. A. loans, which are considered safe and give a fair interest return, and in Municipal and Public Utilities bonds, i Further detsils on these mstters will be given by Finance Committee. Improvement in our investment portfolio ha% been realised, its status is rapidly becoming better, and the general financial standing of our organisation is good. No special changes have been made in our Publi cations and Printery and the general status remains about the same as reported at last Supreme Board meeting. The financial and other detailed reports will be given by Publications Manager and Editor. This year we again have an important Anniver-sary—the 35th Anniversary of the founding of our organisation, which deserves a. worthy observance. The Executive Board has already decided to issue a special Anniversary edition of Prosveta and all members of the Supreme Boatd are invited to write articles and thus contribute to its composition. All Federations and Lodges are urged to observe this 35th Anniversary and to arrange programs with representative speakers and worthy, fitting pro grams wherever possible. It is further proper that we have a membership campaign during this An ikiversary year and the Executive Board has pre pared a plan for that purpose, which will be pre sented to you later. I recommend that the Supreme Board approve this proposition. During the later part of the past year the SUte Auditors made a lengthy and minute examination of aH our books, records, business transactions, st i» end of which they msde very favorable and satisfactory comments regsrding business management and our organisation in general. According to the present law each organisation undergoing such exsmination must psy the cost of examination to the SUte Auditors, which means that this examination was quite an expensive matter. From the detailed reports and financial accounts to be presented by the other Executive Board mem-bors, you will learn of the exact status of each class of our insurance and its funds. In short, I wish to mention that wc have msde a nice step forward both in membership and flnancisl standing, which is, after all, of utmost importance to our organisa- ti0"' VINCENT CAINKAR. Report accepted. Report of Vice-President Like all other reports of the Supreme Board my report will also pertain to a review on our work for the past year, performed as individuals and as a whole. The observance of the 26th Anniversary of the Juvenile Department was part of this work and was celebrated with a special Juvenile Member-ship Campaign. The report of the Supreme Secretary shows that we acquired the set quota of Juvenile members during this campaign, but if wa consider the site of our organisation, its principles, we can realise that this quota was very small. The reason for not realising a greater membership gain Is no doubt due to the poor economic condition^ that confront the majority of our people, living either in industrial cities or mining camps. There are also other causes, evident and non-evident, that retard somewhat the progress of our united efforts, and we are erstwhile on the Job, in ad dition to the private insurance companies and their sgents. There are force« that utilise all means in holding the masses in the dark so that they may be exploited on all side«; u«lng religion as a weapon in furthering their own aims and «caring people with "hell." which ha« for the unrea«onlng mass quite a «trong Influence, and the* people themselves aid In furthering this propaganda. It Is well known to the leaders of this propaganda that SNPJ extends full religious and political freedom all its member« and that no member ha« ever SNPJ. I shall talk further on this when the question comes up for discussion. All correspondence with thc M»iu oificc or Individual lodges has beoa taken care of promptly and to my best ability and I have no reason for any complaints whatsoever. ANDREW VIDRICH. Juvenile Ci reíos. It Is imperative ■■^^^Htwponaiblo person, and as this ability, much work and effort, it Is ■fiLT* "uch •»«•«•nr leaders. There WZ, \ Brt c*P»We and willing to do who arv at the same time of the same Cu*. "d ideals as our organise- ">tHout capable and willing leaders w * »■"•faetonr. It will be , *N««sie. to . certain extent at their If we are to retain this »r* . Progreee. It will also ri«ht «atarlal for for''!^ Alrm+ there have been IJ ****** - I we will have to ^ *«r~4vee. Wp. but Is net sufficient to to —.___________ been persecuted for their religious beliefs. We have a great field to eover snd the last cam-paign 1« just the beginning of this work, which we must continue this year with the ob~rvence of the 36th Anniversary of our Society. During this year's campaign we all must become agitators, going from house to house in order to secure who have not a« yet become our member«. During the pest year I attended quit» s number of local lodge affair, in the state of P-nnsylvn ^ Some of the affairs were very successful, especially thoee sponsored by our district federations, and which usually attend* by .1« The individual lodgee, 1« «P»«* continued hard times, wen. very active during lh. p^ r-r with their affair«, which were also attended by other members of the Supreme Board as sp«*^ well a« by other member«, young and old, and this without any compensation. Jt zzzzz r«ssirva Ft^SZZ* Improvised wi* talking fi.rn.Jhe showing of thee» fllme weald iavile a greater namber'of p~*lo. T^^kn r films 1 oot attend ear affair. offer s very good opportunity to sra^t laf« Ilea rsgafdiaf the benefits Report accepted. Report of Second Vice-President Fellow .Officer« and Members of the Supreme Board: I herewith submit my report and recommendations to this semi-annual masting. I have attended as many Wdge celebration« a« I possibly could; tho majority of which were moral and financial succesaee in spite of the fact that many of our members are-out of work and many arc working shorter hours, and therefore, do not have the money to patronise tho social functions of their respective lodges. Many people attend theee lodge affairs, who are not moaners of the SNPJ, and social affairs of local lodges create new friend* ships and in that wsy «it now members for our organisation. I think it wotttd be wise to stross this point, with a circular lotto to all of our lodge« both big and small, old and young; especially this yoar being the 85th Annlvtieary of the founding of the SNPJ. Lodge celebration« should revive some good agiUtion for the 31th Anniversary Campaign for new members. Tho Juvenile Campaign, that was just completed, has proven to us, success can be accomplished if th# | entire membership is awakened to thc fact that a goal has been set. and that we should not stop until that goal is reached No doubt many of our a*eihbers have not taken quite the interest ip the last -Juvenile Campaign as they should have, possibly, saving their energy for the 36th Jubilee Campaign Due to the fact that many of our members are not Slovene and cannot road the Slovene lsnguagc, and because there are many vital questions and actions concerning tho entire SNPJ in tho minutes of tho Supreme Board, I would recommend that the minutes of both the Supreme and tho Admlnistra tive Board be published b+th In Slovene and En glish in our official organ, the Prosveta. I will also recommend that any supplies pur chased, If at all possible, ihould be henghl with the union label. The SNPJ, hei*g a prog»ossiva organ isation of working people, should practice what preaches. It has always be* on the tide of organ ised labor and should patronise products menu faetured by union labor. SNPJ buying non union made good« is just as bad, in my estimation as a good union man going out and buying non union made clothe«, etc. Let us use our strength to promote tho cause of unionism and elevate the working conditions of the working men and women of this country. Lot us not disintegrate Into just another insurance organisation, but keep up the principle« and ideals on which the society was founded. Naturally, poepW who are not friendly with our organisation will condemn and criticise our actions, bvt as long «a« our effort« gain result«, let them criticise. I believe that our Society should have had Its voice heard In this present session of Congress especially on the reduction of the WPA approprla tion. Fundamentally, I am opposed to the WPA and know that it is not a cure for our present economic ills, but it seems thst the WPA is here to stay for a white so let us lake advantage of It. Many of our members arc on WPA, and with the appropriation bein# drastically reduced, many of them are apt to lose their jobs. With employment in private industry very low, theee members will not be able to find other jobs. The SNPJ should come to the assistance of these unfortunate people, and raise it« voice in their behalf. Thi« Is my report and recommendations, and I hope these sugge«tions are seen in the ssme light as I «ee them—constructive criticism in order help build s bigger sad better SNPJ. FRANK BOLKA. Report accepted. Report of Vice-Preeident Firet Dietrict Brother Chairman: ' There is nothing I have to report, excepting the usuel report of visiting and attending vsrious lodge affairs in my district. The Juvenile Campaign was considered a success by the E. S. Federation of W. Penna. and there i. some sentiment for a 36th Anniversary campeign this coming year. The National Duck-pin Bowling Tournament was a success both finaiiclally and in the manner In which it brought e«ud4»rebie publicity to our or gan isation. . . . Some Juvenile Circles have been oigeniwd Pennsylvania, and la the next few days, the Htra-bane Pioneers Udge 6S1> will have a Juvenile CirHe organised and ready to hold their first meeting and that is about aU that I have U report JOHN PODBOY, JR. Boport Accepted. I have also been very active in athletics, and am a member of the Cleveland SNPJ Federation. Athletic Board. At this time I would mummend that I some change be made en the distribution of the I athletic fund. I would like to take this opportunity to cordially extend an invitation to you to attend the Bowling Tournament which will bo held in Cleveland, Ohio, | May 5—7 of this year 1930. I feel that tho 36th Anniversary Campaign of the SNPJ will be successful, if not more, than the| Juvenile, and will do all in my power to mako it the success it should be. CAMILUS E. ZARNICK. Report accepted. Report of Vice-President Third\ Dietrict JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Membership as of January 1. IV»» ....... New admitted ............ tMlHIHlHtHmUtlltMHMIIlMtilll Total ..................................................... Deceased .................................................... 16 Transferred to adult department..........1,I0U Cancelled .................................................... 4»0 Membership as of Deoember 31. 18SH........... Membership as of January 1, 1938 .............. 13.895 2.831 1K.92U I,«14 14,81! 13.M95 817 1NCREASK ................................................... Membership of tho Adult Department, December, 1938 .................................................. 36,8:il Membership of the Juvenile Department, December 31, 1938.................................. to in Report of Vice-President Second District Deer Brothers of the Supreme Board: It U «la months since we aseembUd tot the la-t soni annual ineetlaB Of out Society and reports bended down by the various members were g «rally good, and la all reapm-U. advaatagoous. The economic situation which eonfrentad us the feat six months did not prevent us from making the Juvenile Campaign a huge .ueeees. I participated la the campaign, and devoted eoaeiderabU tiase sama, and was quite eeeeeesfal. The only official eemmenleatieo received fr the Esecutive Board was to ettewd the Ohio Stats Fraternal Congress held at Hotel Cleveland, O her f7—SB. I tag. Cleveland, OWe I can truly say H was a great esperWe end aa edaeeUoo la It- Dear Brothers of the Supreme Boardt I herewith «ubmit my report to you brothers fur your approval. In the pa«t year 1 had attended an many doings I a« possible in the district I am in. In have talked to their officers and many of them report a gain) in membership and else in finance«. A« far a« Juveniles are conoerned in my district I it was a success to a certain extent but not as well as could bo expected, as juveniles aie well in hand) as possible. JOHN KLANSKK. Report accepted. Report of Vice-President Fourth| District Brother President and fellow members of Supreme Board: Silice the last meeting of the Suprome Board much agitational and progresaive work was accomplished by local officers and members in conjunction with the Executive Board of tho Society. In commemoration of tho Jubilee Campaign of the Juvenile Department, the members of tho lodges in my district also secured a nice gain in spite of the hard timss* and mads a fairly astlsfsctory response to our call for activo participation in this campaign ; although we hope for better success during the next one. The federation merits much recognition for this gain, as U uUliaod all 1U forces to the utmost, as well a« supported financially the Juveuile campaign. Becauae of this, 1 hope the success of tho campaign was altogether satlsfac tory In both depsrtmPnts. U Is also my wish that the Supreme Board meeting decide« to «ponsril another campaign In observance of the 86th Anniversary of our Socisty, snd that at the end of which we will be able to note further Increase of membership in both our adult and juvenile departments. . Regarding my work as member of Supreme Board during the past year, I wish to report that I en-deavored to do all I possibly could,^—agitating for new members, attending meeting« of varlou« lodge« whenever possible, and the Jubilee oelebratlon of the Juvenile Department held In Denver, Colorado, which was very successful. The largest picnic in celebration of tho Jubiles Campaign was held in Walsenburg under the sole auspices of the local lodges. The federation of this district will observe the 36th Anniversary with a large picnic, for which a sum of money from its treasury has already been pledged. In regards to the Juvenile Circles, J wish to say thst every locality should Work as much as paisible in securing end retaining its juvenile membership, as well as teaching them the principles and purpose of HNPJ, which is of main importance. Regarding my work with the Main Office, ! am satisfied and state that I received prompt and full explanations in every case. This is my short report for the past period of office. EDWARD TOM SIC. Report accepted. Report of Supreme Secretary I hereby submit my customary r«"lew of our| business for the past year, which ia essential 1» planning our future program of work and artivltie«,| a« well a« a sound financial organisation. An imporUnt event In the history of our Society last yeai was the fftth Anniversary of the Juvenile| Department, which was observed by staging a Ju venile membership campaign. The results of thej rampaign were hotter than sntulpaled due to lhr| efforts of our active members who enthusiast nal |y and whola-heartedly responded to our campaign appeals From the Msin Office we also endeavored | I/> do all in oui power to inspire action In our mem hers to the fullest extent All of our campaigns,I present snd past, have shown except»ooel results where Individual members had taken the initiative of personally contacting people, explaining the neeaaaity and Importance of being inaured In an or | gan isation surh as osrs. This Is also the proved-ing opinion among members who participated la | last campaign and who had obtained eatlsfaHory results. However, as this type of campaign Incurs end lose of time, it is obvious thet without financial aaaiaUnce and awards, sufficient résultai cannot be expected. The membership status at the end of the past| year Is as follows! Total Membership Deoember 31, 1938 ........ Total Membership January 1, 1938.............. INCREASE IN TOTAL MEMBERSHIP FOR THE YEAR 1838 .............................. 14,312 61,143 49,804 1,689 To tho above memberahip report, I wish to add that 618 membera, secured during the month of December, arc not included, because they were admitted Into the Hocioty under the date of January I. , 1939, which means^that our aotuai gain during the last campaign, incroasod our membership for over 8000 members. The problem of our cancelled membership, with which the Supreme Board has already dsslt with, Is a difficult one. which I doubt wo shall be able to remedy even though we have endeavored to nur utmoat to do so. Wo can be oontont that this con--, dition has gradually become bettor, Thore were 348 deaths, Including both depart-monts. during tho past year, or 80 loss than dui-ing the preceding year. A specie] detailed report on death causes has been prepared! therefore, It Is not necessary to make further oommonts here. At the ond of last year our membership standing, according to sex, was as follows: Adult Department had 81,491 men and 16,840 women; Juvenile Department 7.866 boys and 8,N7 girls. 688 members received operation benefit and 34 received disability benefit for various Injur!««, as noted In the following special report i REPORT ON OPRRATION AND DISABILITY BENEFITS pata daring the year 1888 No. of OPERATIONS/ eases Amount Appendectomy ........................ ....... 160 610,410.00 Hernia ...................................>„ ...... 104 7,410.00 (iall bladder ............................ ....... 64 " 4,087.60 „ Laperatomy ............................ w •'1.688.60 Hemorrhoidectomy ................ 41 2,186.00 Thyroidectomy ........................ ....... 30 2,860.00 Hysterectomy .......................... ....... 25 1,876.00 Opsn reduction for fractured bones .................................... ...... ¡9 4(16.00 Cancer ...................................... ....... 14 1,086.00 Varieose veins ,,..,................... ....... 11 410.00 Kxcislon of glands ................ ....... 11 606.00 Hydrocele ................................ 8 248.60 Cataract .................................. ....... K 7 686.00 Osteomylltis ............................ 8 :t86.oo Nephrectomy ......................... S 460 00 (Jsstric ulcers .... ................. 6 ¡176.00 Mastoidectomy ...................... 6 »76 00 t 'aaaa fe'ftmii ........... g 876.00 Ectopic pregnanry ............... 8 286 00 Thorocoplasty ........................ ;...... 8 100 00 Varicocele .............................. '2 70 00 laminectomy ......................... 2 160 00 Removal of breast ........ .„, 8 160.00 Threphiiiing ,„............... 1 76.00 Total operations ......»... ....... SÉp. 884,688.60 Number of DISABILITIES < rases Amount Less of sight-eyes........ .... IS 8 6,400 04 I>>..< r.... i 300.00 Broken ba«k ............. ..... i 40000 Total Disabilities .... ..... »4 1 MttOO mu m i m ' « • 1 400 00 .. 1 " IA00 00 1 160.00 . 1 I4MJ0 >• 1 MOJO .. 1 160 eo Ml 1*7*0* PEQgVETX FINANCIAL REPORT for tho period July 1 to Dwtmbar 31, 1938 ADV LT DEPARTMENT Mortuary Fund KkctiipU Disbursements Balança at of July l. IM« .96346,72631 9 Unpaid death daim» July 1, 198« Not incoma from invest - 21.170.78 '/04.766JK) Htf ,49ft .61 Death daims f»id. cash wlthdrswsls... Unpaid doath claim« December 81, 1088...... Balance Doc. 81, 1988.,.. 117,018-64 844 AH 1636258 6324.18830 96.aM.U6M #6^8,146.66 Diaabilitjr Fund Receipts Disbursements juiy i, low.......» nmm 8 Assessment .j______jsim Claim« pay (Operations and Dlaabilities) ............. ' " Balance December 31, 1938. 803*030 106,801.04 9127,881.04 8127,861.04 Bick Benefit had 91 class Balance July 1, 108«....... Assessment ............... 92*140 Returned sick benefit...... 1«0 00 Sick benefit paid ......... Balance December 81, 108«.. 76,287.60 230/412.01 $806,649.61 9306^40.61 $2 cIshs Balance July 1, 1988.......81^.^72 22 Aaeeesment ........... Hick benefit returned ...... Bick benefit paid ......... Balance December 81, 108«. 7H,288.60 81.80 76.801.22 188,761.80 Balance July 1, 1088......9 11,866.81 Assessment ............... HJ67.00 Sick benefit paid ......... Balance December 31, 1038. 9210,642.61 9210,642.61 0,736.00 18,487.81 9 26,228.81 9 98,228.81 H peels I Benefit Fund Balance July 1, 1088...... .9 63,624.74 Assessment............... 12,661.48 Bpoelal benefit returned ... 1,688.10 Special benefit and donations paid ».•••««.••••»••••••• Balance December 81, 108a. 11346.71 66^68.70 9 77,714.41 9 77,714.41 Building Fand Balance July 1, 1088 ....... 9 77,182.88 Rent-Offices and Halls... 4,289.00 < leaning, heat, lights, repairs, taxes, etc........... Depreclstion of building.... Knisnce December 31, 1M8, 4,004.66 1361.02 76.066.71 Sick benefit fund: 91 class .. 280,412.01 218,608.01 92 class.. 188,761.80 18IJ7232 93 class .. 1838731 18J6631 Special benefit fund ............66368.70 63324.74 Building fund 76,066.71 y 77,182.88 Convention fond ............88326.71 28,002.09 Expense fund 3836933 2«309.04 16313.10 1379.17 139130 236836 1,116.67* 4,422.72 10,96030 87327,917*0 96,000370.08 9228347.72 liabilities Unpaid death claims ...«.9 Prosveta ,.. Social Security Tax ....... 16362.63 9 64.70 180.06 21,170.78 9 161.10 18732 6,01630* 8630 1.24 Total ities Liabil- Total Reserve, 9 16366.20 9 21360.66 9 630336* -- . .îuruiua m Liabilities ..97,248.374.09 97,021,120.78 9222 344.36 t 6738637 72320.74 408,430.81 600364.60 460,68231 Nl ,267.76 131636038 ASSETS Und and BuUding (Home Office)....! Real Estate acquired ................ Real Estate First Mortgages......... Real Km late First Mortgages F.H.A... U. 8. Government Bonds H.O.L.C...... Loans on Membership Certificates..... U. S. Government Bonds............. Stale, County, Municipal Bonds—not in default ........................... 2,641,061.04 SUte, County, Municipal Bonds— in default............................ 188360.42 Industrial A Public Utilities Bonda—not in default ........................ 320,202.76 Industrial A Public Utilities Bonds—in default............................ 21630036 Asseeament in process of collection... Checking Account: Harris Trust A Ssvinga Bank ................98831831 Continental Hi. Nat'I. Bank A Truat......... 18386.90 Lodge Suppliea Salaa receivable campaign is to begin A*ril Ut end to end at fee conclusion of thia gear. You hove noted from the minute* of the «Mgotive Committee the amprda or prize« to be effaped to purtkipmKa, and ceaaions for new members However, concrete M»g-gesUona at thia meeting shall he appreciated. In view of much extra work in aoaaoetien with athletics impoeed on the Executive Committee lsat year, especially the Secretarial Deportment, 1 am compelled te recommend to the Supreme Board te make rules which will el.ndaate thia sort of rep* tition. The Supreme Secretary, regardless who he amy be, muat comply with the rulee and dedeiona of the Supreme Board or Executive Committee, which fact the members of the Athletic Board should comprehend. However, I am oppoai-d to all waste (unless expenditure) of members' money during these times, especially when many have difficult* in paying their assessments, and if wo hare any «*ra money, we ehould help those members who ar# really In need. There la a great deal of work in our office, but we are able te accompliah the work on time and without complalnta. The cooperation from the employees, local lodge officers, aa well aa members la good, for which I express due appreciation. Au dita were made by certified accountants and our Supervisory Committee, who will submit their own reports. F. A. VtDER, Supreme Secretary. Report accepted. WEDNESDAY un reducing of benefit, nevertheless, it ia important for ail of you officers te be aeQMinUd with theae facta which wIM undoubtedly help to aolve the problem 1n the lateroot of the Sodoty. The condition of our Canada lodgea again shows a deficiency, both financially and in memberahip of the adult department. The deficit of 91 class for the peat year amounts to 9716.00 and 92 daas to 91,022.60. The Supreme Board at its aeaaion in Auguat, 1087, temporarily suspended the apodal aa-sesament for members in Canada on the ground that several complalnta have been received that they are unable te aecure new membora becauae of special assessment, but the report ehews that their membership declioed since the suspension of apedal aessment. Doe to the fact that their defidt ia continuously increasing, we are forced to levy apecial assessment again. LAWRENCE GBADISEK, Aaa't. Bec'y. Report accepted. Report of the Treasurer for the period from July 1 to Dec. 31, 10381 CHECKING ACCOUNT ADULT DEPARTMENT Balance aa of July 1, 1988: Harris Trust A Savings Bank. .940,883.31 9 Continental Illinoia National Bank A Truat Co.......... 13,024.07 62387.88 76,061.63 102340.71 2030 Matured Bonda receivable ......................211388.76 Intereat' warrants ........................3,162.60 Stooks .................................38,030.00 Special deposit St. Clair Savings A Loan Co., Cleveland, 0........................6,161.12 TOTAL .........................87,24à374.00 Juvenile Department Receipts Balance July 1, 1088......868«,404.20 Assessment ............... 16300.16 Net income from Investment 0360.26 Claims paid ............... Paid te Membora tranaferred to Adult Dept........... Transfer to Expenae Fund . Balance December 81, 1038. Disburse menta 2,020.00 • 6,106.00 7,601.67 647326.04 9 81,421.88 9 81321.38 Convention Fund Balance July 1, 1038..,.;.9 28302.09 Assessment............... 4,422.72 Balance December 31, 1038. 33326.71 9 88326.71 9 38,826.71 Expense Fund Balance July 1, 1938.......9 Asseeament......... Initiation fee ............. Lodge supplies aslea....... Transfer from publication fund .................... Transfer from prlntery fund Traasfer from Juvenile fund Transfer from mortuary fund Salaries of the ExecuUve Officers ......>.......... Salaries of Judiciary Committee ................... Soieries of Superviaing Committee ................... Salaries of Vice-Presidents. Salary of Chief Medical Eaatniner ............... Baiarie» of Employee»..... Medical examinations of doubtful sick members,... Traveling expenses of Sup. Bd. members — invest iga • 28309.04 26,68030 368.00 186.76 6,000.00 6300.0(1 631840 6,060.00 6,000.00 488.01 308.60 310.00 460.00 732138 206.10 9662362.61 9662,862.61 ASSETS First Mortgsges Resl Estate F.H.A...9 11300.64 U. S. Government Bonds H.O.LC..........30316.63 Real Estate Flrat Mortgages..................62,48237 Second Mortgage Real Estate..................1,100.00 U. fl. Government Bond»..........................172,740.67 State, County A Municipal Bonda—not in default ..................................................167,617.40 State, County A Municipal Bond«—in default.............#............................7300.00 Induatrlal A Public Utllltlaa Bonds—not in default..................................................62331.26 Industrial A Public Utilities Bonda-in default ......................................................0,076.00 Aasoasment in process of collection... 2,666.02 Checking Account Lawndsle National Bank ..........................................................6.786.61 Real Estate acquired..................................1,744.04 Matured Bonds resolvable................10,78636 Stocks ............................................................1,120.00 Report of Assistant Secretary FINANCIAL BTATEMENT OF SICK BENEFJT FUNDS PROM JULY 1 TO DECEMBER 81, 1988 91 Claaa RECEIPTS: July.......................916,420.76 August .................... 16326.28 September ................. 16,390.65 October.................... 16364.60 November ................. 16300.80 December.................. 16360.76 , # Returned benefit....... 100 00 Total .......................... • 03,060.60 DISBURSEMENTS:* July ...................,..9123W.76 Auguat.................... 11,906.76 September ................. 12317.26 October ................... 13,233.26 November ................. 11322.76 December......v........... 14362.76 Total ......................T... 9 76387.60 Subscriptions—Weekly....... Subscriptions—Magasine Advertising ....................... Maintenance Fund for «â»aine (ShiPi»'' Editor's and Office Service for Ja*! (SNPJ) ..................* Interest on Securities...... TOTAL AiL RECEIPTS........... DISBURSEMENTS: Commissions and Discounts on Sub*.*. tiona and Advertising......... Coat^of Printing Proaveta snd ¿¿¿¿j Editor's" wd' Ö(Hm Sa la rte*. '.i...... Stationery and Office Supplies ........ " Depreciation on Furniture and Fixture«" General Expense ............ Audit Feea ......................... Rent ............................ Advertising Expenae .........\t[ ..... Postage and Shipping Expense,, . ....... Second Class Peetage (Prosveta and Ml. dinski Liât) .................... Publishing Expense ........... .......■ Old Age Benefit Tax............!!!!!"' Unemployment Compensation Tsx..,..'.' Exchange on Checks ............... Dead Açcounta—Advertisers .......... Losfc on typewriter disposed of....]" Deposits from July 1 to December 31, 103«............................... 786,867.701 Total Expenses Net Loss ..... , 9840316.171 Disbursementa from July 1 to December 31, 1038 ........................... 746,066361 Balance as of December 81, 1988...... 8102,240.711 Reconciliation ef Baak Statements as of December 81 1938: Harris Trust A Saving» Bank.8112,002.26 Outatanding checks......... 24,078.44 9 «8,013311 Total ..-•«84J Continental Illinoia National Bank A Trust Co.........9 27,666.61 Outstsnding checks......... 14320.61 13336.00 Surplus ........................ 16318.10 Balance June 30................. 21830831 Balance December 81, T' 8230,412.01 9t Class RECEIPTS: July................ Auguat ............. September ....... October ............ November .......... December ........... Benefit returned Total ........... .918,04030 . 18,044.00 . 13,027.00 . 18,07230 . 13,088.00 . 18,06730 81.80 9 78,370.39 DISBURSEMENTS: July.........................912304.00 Auguat.................... 18,004.72 September October ,, November December Total 12301.00 12312.00 10,000.00 14,680.60 8 7630122 Total assets December 81, 1038.., " July 1, 1088........ INCREASE .................... 647386.04 636,404.20 9 10,881.84 Assets of the Adult Department, December 81, 1038 .................... 87348 374.00 Assets of the Juvenile Depsrtment, December 81, 103«,................ 647326.04 Insurance Department fees. Exchange ................ Social Security A Unemployment Insurance Tax.. State Examiner» ...... Rent of Secretary's office... Office A I »die Supplies... Actuary cards indes....... Advertisements ........... Campaign expenses ....... Subsidy to Juvenile Ctreles Calendar....... • t flf tf ♦ Postage and express....... Telephone and telegrams., Mladtnski Lut (Juvenile Magasine ) ............. Supplement to Official Organ ......-............. Meeting of Supreme Board Litigations................ Furniture and fixture« .... Actuary and Accountants . N.F.C. of A, membership doe» .................... Meeaenver insurance ...... Donatio«« ................ Subsidy to AthleUc Board,. Balance December 81, 1088, 17138 17.00 108.9« 640.60 3,467.60 1300.00 1370.70 967.07 1,148.17 1.441.48 176.00 4,18037 •262 66 8,160 84 m (M» l.iao.M 19630 •834 A 826 00 1M.66 60 00 281 00 1360 88 9 77306 90 9 77306 00 Total Asaets of the Inaurence Department, December 81, 1088 ........... 7,700,700.13 Total Asseta of the Inaurance Department, January 1, 1088 ............. 7378,782.68 Htatoa of Feeds BRSKSYR Dee. 81,1086 July1.t9ia 96384,1863« |6346.:M 31 I larteate Der——* Jpd ., Disability fund ... 10630134 P839«6a 19,70436 INCREASE IN 1088,,................9 411,01730 The aemi-annual financial report shows an In crease of 9288,07630 in asset* for the laat six months; the total financial tncreaae, including both departmenU, for the laat year la 9411317.60, and tha total aaaeta of the Society at the end of Decern ber 81, 1088, amount te 97393317^4. The general expenae fund, not including the 910, 000.00 transfer, shows a small surplus. I have already deacribed the aituation of thia fund in our Official Organ, but I assume it necescary, for a better understanding, te hereby mention that two bills for alhtetiea still remain unpaid, and alao that med leal examination fees for the nee members obtained during last year's campaign are yet to be reim bursod. Nevertlulee», 1 hope that with careful man agement and limitation of expenses wherever pe»-nihle, this fund shall nlet be jeopardised You are alrvedy familiar with the fact that our records were examined last year by the State Au dttora. ami I want to »ay that fraternal benefit societies are gradually becoming more and more under strict state supervision. Such control should have been applied long ago. Up to the la»t «semination, the examiner» did not devote much time te the »lek and disability fend»: however, according to the new code, thnr cl»»»»a will al»o be under more careful State tnapee-lion and aep»rvt»iea. With reference to aiek benefit», it will be eeaary te Install a system by whkh we will be able to ascertain whether or not our present accumulation ef reserve* wilt be »off it lent te meet Ita obligation. This year we will ob»eeve the-JI6th Anniversary of the founding of «»ur Society, and Usn. the Kaeeutive Committee has decided te have a membership campaign for both department«. The Surplua .......................< Balance June 80............. Balance December 81..»........ 98 Claaa RECEIPTS: July.........................81316.20 August...................... 1,00830 September ................... 1,010.00 October...................... 1360.70 November ................... 1388.80 December.................... 1,870.00 Total ............................ DISBURSEMENTS: July.......................;.91,486.00 1,470.17 132372.22 9188,76130 811367.00 August September October .., November December Total 1,182.00 1,727.00 237030 1310.60 1,703.00 BALANCE AS OF DEC. 81, 1088 ...... 9102,240.71| JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Balance aa of July 1, 1088: Lawndale National Bank...:............8 3,482.62 Deposits from July 1 to Dec. 81, 1038 ..... 46,702301 960,276.11 Disbursementa from July 1 to December 31, 103« ............................. 43,480.60 Balance as of December 31, 108«.........« 6,78631 Reconciliation of the Bank Statement aa December 81, 1888: Lawndafe National Bank ...............8 7370.61 Outstanding checks..................... 486.00 DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS: Caah in Northern Truat Company Bank., Cash in Millard ttaak (In receivership) , g Accounts Receivable (Advertisers)...,„,■ Accounts Receivable—Weekly Subscriptions due from SNPJ................. Deposit—Second Class Poatsge for Pro- sveta ................................ Deposit—Second Claaa Postage for Mla- dinski Liat........................... | Securities (U. S. Treasury Bonds).......¡7/ Furniture and Fixturea (at cost).....I Total...............................4fi,l Less Reserve for Loss on Millard Bank Funda ............................... ij TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES, RESERVES > AND NET WORTH: Old Age Benefit Tax....................$ Unemployment Compensation Tax....... Reserve for Depreciation on Furniture and Fixturea ............................. 6 Reserve for Loaa on Funds in Millard State Bank (In Receivership)......... tj Surplus ....................*......... 9 0,736.00 Surplua .......................... Balance June 30................... 1,681.00 16366.81 Balance December 81.............. 818,48731 The aubmitted figures revest s fsirly good prog ress In the last six months of 1038. The total as seisment collected for all three sick benefit classes amount« to the sum of 9182,787.00, while the pay menta represented the amount of 9162364.72, leav ing a eurplus of 919.0S837 which covera the deficit of the first alx months. However, the largest amount of the surplua has accumulated in the 91 claaa. The condition of individual claaaea for 1088 are aa follows:. Receipt« of 91 class smount te the «um of 9183383.04, while the payments represent the amount of 9167,:120.67, leaving a surplus of $18,-66336. Receipt« of 98 cla«« amount to the «um of 916739130 and it« payments te 917138632, leaving a deficit of 914344.88. Receipt« of 93 claaa amount to 983,068Jul and iU payments to 920316.00. leaving a surplus of 9236200. The balance of combined sick benefit funds on December 31, represent a sum of 9382.661.21. Six months ago I stated in my report that according to the present rate of benefit payment« and on the heal« of regular assessment collected, the deficit of 92 class will amount to about 910,000 a year, but evidenUy the amount will be nearly 916,000. I have also pointed out that the deficiency has been caused by the increase of benefit at the laat convention. I believe that constant change« of the by-laws regarding payments of benefit ia impractical for the Society, and furthnmow, it ia a very unpleaaant problem to deal with. Obviously if mktake is made. It is poceasary te make the correction, and If we fall te adjust this problem In accordance with the law. we may be compelled te do so. / The insurance laws of this state, adopted about a year ago, provide that the contributions and benefit* most be arranged in order that each fund accumulate« a certain reserve However, the It cla«« «till ha« a •iroag nseerve oad there 1« no neee»«ity for immediate change, which can be carried out only throush general referendum In impressing ef a«ees«ment or BALANCE AS OF DEC. 31, 1038 ....... 9 6,78631 INVESTMENTS l All information regarding purchases, sales, maturities and reorganisations of investmsnts will be given by the Finsncp Committee, that is why I do not include same in my report. „ I wish to mention that during the past year no investments were defaulted, and all Interests were paid regularly, except on some smaller first mortgage loans, which we hope will be settled in a reasonable length of time without any court action. It ia alao evident that during the year 1030, quite a few defaulted bonds or investments will be settled, the majority of which will be through process of liquidation or reorganisation, with losses In some cases; in this way the list of defaulted investments is slowly becoming, smaller, and our investments will again be in good atanding. JOHN VOGRICH, Treasurer. Report accepted. Report of the Manager of the Society^s Publications My report for the paat alx montha is, as usual, rather brief. Business is about the aame as in the first half of the year, although the economic crisis still haa effects on it. Thia is especially true for our investments. During the last six month period Prlntery lost the total amount of the original 81,236.00 Investment on a Texas property, plus 9381.66 for court expenses, total loss on the property 81366 66. Loss on sale of another property amounted to 82346.36. (8132638 on sale, plus 81,021.07 for taxes, court and attorney's fees, together 92,64636.) Loss on both Investments total« 94,118.00. As per instructions of the Supreme Board in ses sion of August, 1988, the amount of 810,000 (96,000 from the Prlntery and 96,000 from Prosveta) waa given to Society's General Fund. PROSVETA The weekly or Wedaeeday issue of Prosveta printed in 27300 copiea, several hundred more because of the increase of membership in the csmpaign Daily, however, Is printed In 6300 copies, aame aa in the firat half of the year. There were 847 new aubacribera in the year 1088. On the other hand many subscribers died or atopped aubscribing for various reasons, leaving the balance of subscribers about the aame. Because of the deprsaaion, it extremely difficult to Increase the subscriptions. MLADINSKI LIST is printed in 7300 copies monthly, Our juvenile members sppear to bo very saUsfied with it because of its contonte and pleasing appearance. Every family having one or more children members of the SNPJ. ie entitled to one copy of Mledioski List, f RINTRRY A new electric controller for the large press coating 9800.61 was bought and installed in September Otherwise, there were no chengee in operations of the printing department. Correspondence and work of the departments la in accordance with the mem bership'a wishee as much aa poaaible, and ao far aa I know, there were no major complaints or disagreements. The book» of aeroant of both department«, during the laat half of the year, were examined by the Illinoia Inaurance Deportment, our profeeeienal ae rountanU and alao by the Society's suditing com mittee. This Is my report In general. If any farther details are to bo explained. I «lull personally do so at the Supreme Board sseeting. FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT (Preovete and Mladlaaki Lie«) Sis montha ended December 81. 1888 RECEIPTS: Subscriptions—Doily....................9 6046.90 (On Auguat 10,1038, 86,000 wss transferred from Surplus to the SNPJ General Fund) Total ..................................«,U Less Reserve for Loss on Millsrd Bank Funds ....................... ....... Ml TOTAL 4 (PRINTING DEPARTMENT) FINANCIAL STATEMENT Six months ended December SI, 1M* RECEIPTS: Publications Sales (Prosveta and Mladin ski List) ............................ Sslea to SNPJ.......................... " 44 Prosveta ..................... _ " 44 Customers ..................... House Sales ..................... RH m Total Receipts for Completed Work. Waste Paper Salea .................... Cash Discounts Earned ................ Interest on Securities ................. Interest on Mortgage Loans............ Income from Rent ..................... TOTAL ALL RECEIPTS .............. DISBURSEMENTS: Paper Purchasea ..................... Ink Purchasea ........................ Miscellaneous Materials ............... Publications Postage .................. Factory Pay Roll ..................... Rent ................................. Fire Insurance ........................ Depredation .......................... Power ................................ Machine Metal Waste ................. Liability Insurance .................... Stock Handling Expense .............. Departmental -Machine" Expense....... Work in Proceaa June 80, 1088.......... Total Factory Expenses....-Lena Work In Proceaa Decern*' 1088 ...................... Manufacturing Coet of Sales Shipping aad Mailing Deportment Advertising Expense ....... Office Salaries ............ General and Office Expense. Poatage ................... Exchange on Checka ....... Old Age Benefit Tax SI »J 111 H Unemployment Compensation Audit Feea ....................... ... Loss on Sale of Reol Estate A TOTAL ALL BXPBNSBS Losa in Department for 6 »em- Total ............................... 3 a Diatribe tie« ef Aoaola: Cash on hand.............. Balance in Amalgamsted Trust lags Balance ceivership) Accounts___ Materials Inventory (roper Work ia_____ Investment« (Manic*!» Inv^uaents"(First M""'"' . ' Baak .............-'IL* iL ^ , in Millsrd State Bs*k M rehip) .............................M f. ûûïi!: *>M » Machinery end E«ui| Unexpired liworeure r«*) „«m»«' '»Mnt"7v......;:: ¿ZTrcu* I»»"«"* ..... 552^ iÄ'........ 68.03 47.09 106.48 8.64 $128,476.72 . 62.682.01 ^lerve ............ 1Ali ASSETS ........... ^ Xrt Worth .«I R""«*! ^^ds.i.Vi«'::::::::-- •ÇrÂ*"« ¿nk (in Receivership)........ SNPJ Investment ............ $ 64,898.71 82.49 82.86 130.08 300.26 49,913.88 8,668.13 60,000.00 14,848.07 L a neust 19, J»» W'000 from Surplus to SPj General Fund) was the fjpj General ru„u, .........$128,4*5.72 ....................... ........ 68,682.0* inerve ..................................... Iwerve ......... PHILIP GODINA, Manager of the Society's Publication«. ort accepted. eport of the Editor of the Society's Publication Mitral routine of work in the editorial «f Prosveta in the apcond half of 1988 we. not rnbly altered from that in the previou« re-There is no apecial report f or. 4his period. r Were there any apecial affairs or problems this time- , . tv changes were made in the work of the al office at the beginning of the year. The issistant editor, Louis Beniger, is sgsin help-th the Mladinski List. He also edits the Eng-ction of the official organ. I have undertaken if his former routine work, and Anton Garden in* the Slovene contribution«, has also been some change in regard to our corre«pondent. Since he secured a perma-sition with Slovenska matica in Ljubljana, id aot fulfill all his obligations for Prosvejta. ¡port» became more brief and appeared at r intervals. Becau«e of thi« I had already ir advised him to discontinue hi» connection prosveta. There had been complaints about irk from aome of our executive officers. Hi« van that in view of the changed conditions I, he proposed that his report be condensed he form of "A Letter from Ljubljana" to be ekly and for which he would be remunerated i of $15 per month. This plan was agree-the Editor and the Manager, whereupon the live committee gave its approval. 8uch is rangement at the present time. News from d country is now derived directly from the itions received from there. Mladinski List is being continued in its id form this year also. I have omittad several i that appeared last year and substituted that may have more appeal for the young-I have secured some new contributors who charge of their respective columns so that uling matter has more appeal and variety. Our School" contest which appeared last irought favorable results. We received 779 . of which 396 were awarded prizes totalling ); this includes the sum of $19.00 awarded ■embers whose contributions throughout the tad been outstanding. The total number of , therefore, was 409. nature of the contest is different this year, * response to date is overwhelming. Prises awarded at the end of each six month period, h here to address an appeal to thoae members Supreme Board who are also officer« of fed-u in their localities. It concern« tho«e fed-u which submit regular and detailed report« minutes of their meeting« to Pro«veta. They rily demsnd much space in the official organ; n' ^y are important only to the lodges of federations. Would it be possible for the ton* to submit their detailed proceeding« to Iff* concerned and send only aynopses to the 1 organ? Such is the prooodure of some fad- for example, the Chicago federation, and lis lost thereby. Why should not thi« prac •dopuM by all the federation« and in this 9 c°n"erve space in Prosveta T IVAN MOLEK, Editor of Society Publication«. •rt accepted. port of Judicial Committee * the |a*t Supreme Board meeting, the Ju uimmitt*«. settled »even cases, which are as Tw„ complainta regarding sick benefits ■V1" rejected, and in the other sick benefit waa rejeeted, allowing sick benefit for w«»»nir period. There were three »rardinjc rejection of disability; in one »a* approved and in the other two 11 ■ ,lW0 eompl.inta againat members; in ■I Penalty w.. d«*lared and in the other '.,f. m; '"k-rship cancellation of four f tke Intal aiMMt, $11.V Um ( levdaud ama and «ei t atan. I>w* »vi .$876460.14 creasing demand and competition for theae mortgages from banks and inatirance companies, we were forced to change our rule about buying them at par and have decided at the November meeting to pay 101. for them. We have been able to obtain them at thia price in the Chicago area, bat in Cleveland they are sold at a higher price. Because of the scarcity of theae mortgagee it Beams that in the future a «mailer percentage of our funds will be inveated in them. ♦ 1 Second: United Statea Government Bonds Purchases of U. S. Gov't. Bonda were as follows: Date of Purchaae Amount 7-19-38.... 87,600.00 9-26-38... 9-26-38.... 10- 6-38.... 12-22-88... 16,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 26,000.00 Interest Rate 2\k% 2%% 2%% 2%% Total ,...|62,600.00 Coat $7,600.00 16,169.38 10,106.26 6,160.00 26,626.00 $63,540.63 United Statea Govt Bonds are aelling at about the highest price in history and the average yield on long-term maturity is about 2.60. The reason« your Committee continues to invest part of our funds in Government bonda are: First, because F. H. A. Mortgages are not obtainable in sufficient quantitiee; second, a correspondingly low yield on high-grade municipal bonds. Many business ad-visora predict a lower price on government bonds in the near future. The question of buying short-term, low-yield bonds, haa been discussed by your committee. It has been decided, however, that we continue to buy Government bonda for a higher yield, rather than short-term bonds as a speculation againat future price changea. Coat Rate Due Amount Third: Municipal Bonds Parch Int. Name Metropol. Water Diat. S. Calif..... 4% 1971 $26,000.00 $27,105.94 Metropol. Water -, 0. A loaa of $1,-800.00 was taken on thia sale. Real Estate Aeqeirod, Owned and Sold There waa no real estate acquired In the six-month period ending Dec. 31, 1938. Four of the properties previously acquired were sold; two of them in Chl-i cago, two in Cleveland. A lo«« waa incurred on. each of theae propertie«. We still own eight properties in the following cities: Chicago. 2; Springfield, III., Ii*Bo. Chicago 1; Milwaukee, 1} Youngstown, 1; Detroit, 1; and Gary, Ind., 1. The Committee is doing everything possible to aell theae. The one causing moat trouble ia Croatian Natl Home in So. Chicago. III. In spite of our willingness to make eonalderable sacrifice, j we have basn unable to find a buyer. Mortgage Payaeenta Despite depreaaing conditions of induatry and widaapread unemployment tber* is no difficulty with payments of Intoreat and principal of mortgages held in our portfolio. The mortgages have been paid in fall: No. 140A. Kenosha. Wise.; No. 14J. Gary. Ind.; No. 84J, Waat Allls, Wlac.; No. 72J, Cicero. Ill .. . This conclude« a joint repert. " farther in formation ia deslrad It will be given when Committee reports are consider«! and diacasaed. MATT PETROVICH, Chairman of Finance Committer. Report accepted. Report of Supervisory Committee t re- Total....................... Juvenile Department: State k Municipal ....... Induatrial ....................... Matured Unpaid Bond« Total........................................................$87,611.26 The total of defaulted bond« in both departments amount to $662,066.27, or 8,6K% of total aasets. June 80, 1938 we had $726,609.09 Bonds in De fault, or 9.90% of total assets at that time. This status is therefore slowly but auroly 1m proving from year to yesr. Assets by Percentage Dec. 31, 1988 the total assets of Adult and Juvenile Departmenta amount to $7,523,912.61 bonds and firat mortgage loans, or in sssets by percentage aa follow«: State and Municipal Bond« ......................... 87.22% Government Bonds ..........................................................27.77% Loans on Property ........ Bonds In Defsult .......... H.O.L.C. Bonda .............. Induatrial Bonds ....................................... Building, Inventories, Banks Depoeit, etc . Total I .100.00% During the laat half year the inveetment expense amounted to $11,178.17, and daring the first half year to $6,426.77. Thia eapens* includes salaries, per diem, traveling and other various expense of Finance Committee in the amount of $1,416.86; Moody' Investor's Service in the amount of $2K>0.00 i Inveetment investigation $1,604.86; General Expense Fund trsnsfer of $6,060.00 from Mortuary Fend for Inveetment eapenae paid to Executive Board mem bera who have work pertaining to this phaaef H. A. expense of $1,106.76, and tbh remainder for varioua ether axpensea. The majority of th(s esp*nae was paid from U>< Mortuary Fund whereas a few years heck this eapcnM- waa covered from the general aapenae fund. Geeeral Bapauae Fend Income of General Expense Fand was aa follows Juvenile Dept. for expense .. Mortuary Fund for expmiw ................... Meppltae, "»M t" lode*« —..........•■• Mis«-. ................................................... The ftuperviaory Committee began Ka bruary 6th. 19«. which review lasted ti An examination of bond., which are in the Harris .... iwnosit Vault Ce- was aaade ee January Total IM^MM Trust ftafety Depoeit Vault Co-6. IMS. Theae preeont at the esamluation Eseretive Cowmttlec members. F. A. Vider, John Vegrteh and Vine~t Ceinkar; ¡JjH vteory CouMUittoe. Pr*.k ZalU a* Heiter. Praaédent of firm Philip » Heiter and (>o- <>ertiflerf IííüdTtírT» order, as well as all Intorsrf An amount tunili« $11,00040 was transferred i the general expense fand: $646040 from the Jot the Printery. $64<*)40 from PwMieatione Fund and the balance from the Mortuary Fund. During the laat half year $f.71646 jnore waa transferred for espenee from the Mortuary fend than during the first sts -naonth period, and $141*40 fnore from the Juvenile ItefMrtmont for aame Lfe* $|, 1936 the general expense fund amounted to $88,669.53, or almost $10,000 more than on June) 30, 1938. The increase ia due to the aforementioned transfers. The disbursements of the general expense fund could not be met with only the income front the asseeeutenta, as tlx « xpenseaj have increased greatly during the past few years. The eoit during the second half of 1938 for agitational purpoHo« in securing new members MMMd to $1,441.48. This is a direct Item for this purpose; indirectly, the support of athletics is alsol listed as a means of agitation for new mi-mbers. | From the Society's treasury an amount of $1,660 was allowed for this purpose, or a total amount of over $3,000 was expended during the last half) of 1938 for ugitatlonul purposes of securing new members and during the first half of 1938. ftplM», | or a total exceeding $6,000 for tho entire year. The report of Supreme Secretary shows an In-oreaH<> of 1,589 member« in both departments. If we consider that our two publications also serve I our campaigns, and that other expenses are also involved, we readily can ae thHt the «•xponditurea I ftii this purpose in comparison to the results are| correspondingly high. The traveling and per diem expense of Society [ speakers amounted to $M27.14 during the first half of 1938 and $698.4H during the last half, or a to-1 tul of $1,430.62 fur the whole year. This amount is included in the expense item of "agitation for| new membera." Advertisements ^ The advertisement expense during the paat half-year amounted to $1,147.17 and during the firat | half-year $1,261.90;--a« follows: July—Deo. Jan.—June] Advertisement in Prosveta...$ Advertiiement in other publication« ......................... Advertisement on hall curtains .......................I............. Advertisement in program book« ...................................... Films ...................«.................... Rudio Programs ........................ Emblems, pocket calendars, "" T...................................- 276.00 $ 276.00 145.00 25.00 72.00 166.88 37.60 437.79 160.00 85.00 116.001 181.11 48.86 I 896.00 $1,261,9(1 $1,148.17 Employeee In the Msin Office there sre now 17 employ« Nine in the Secrutarisl Department, four in the office of Publications and Printery, and three in tho | Editorial Department and the Building Manager. Building Fund The rental receipts of Building Fund for the lastl of paat year amounted to $4,289.00. There were no other receipt«. The cxpen»e for the aame period amounted to $5,366.67, or $1,116.67 more than receipts. The expenie alio exceeded the recelpta| during the firit half period of past year. During the last half of 1938 the salary of building manager amounted to $1,360.00, healing and other necessities to $M83.73, washing of walls | $592.60, decrease In property value $1,361.02, loud* spesker in hsll $366.40, tsxes $417.67, eto. If devsluation of property is deducted from! amount, the building did not actually operate under | loss. Income of Building Monthly Receipts July ...........................$ 10.00 August .................................47.00 September ................ 82.00 October ...................... 170.00 November .................. 301.60 December'.................. 90.00 Percentage Net to Msnsger Receipts I $ 18.00 42.30 73.HO 15840 270.90 81.00 Total .....$710 $71.00 $639.00] Net income for the first half of 1938 amounted to $915.30. The SNPJ Hall Is not rented ss much now ss during previous yesrs, which Is the resson for its grsdusl decrease far sbout two hundred dollsrs In compsrison to tho inoomc of 1937. Minera' lieaefiçUry Fend The Minors Beneficiary Fund amounts to $101,-788.15, of which over $92,000.00 is in Bonds and First Mortgsge Loans. It hss $32,192.00 in Bonds in Defsult, or over one third of totsl smount Invested in bonds. It hss s reserve of $17,140.16, Publics t Ions The sssets of publications smount to $43,604.40 or| $6,242.» 1 less than on June 30, IU3M. As already reported, thia is due to the transfer of $6,000 from Its fund to General Expense Kund. Of thdhe assets of Publications over $27,000 is In Government I Bonds and ovar $0400 In equipment. Financially, [ there have been very few changes In this fund during the last half of past year, except for the mentioned tranafer transaction, Priatary From the assets of Printery, s deduction of $1^| 666.66 wss made in cancellation of loan made on 7'exss land, (T. Kngel, Southland D»velopin»iit : Co.), This loan waa mad« year« ago on 21 aere« of land in said Bute. I¿»ss was also made on intereat due. It was impossibls to get a buyer forj said property. The loss on the sate of the Printery property In Indiens Harbor amounted to $2,244.36, in addition to sates expense of $602.00, During the first half of psat year the Printery' suffered a loas of $6400 In the bond Investment of I Centrsl Texaa Telephone Co., which went bankrupt Dec. 81, 1968 the aaeets of Printery amounted to $64408 71, or $10466.46 leas than on June 30, 193a This decrease ia due to ths aforementioned losses and the tranafer of $6400 to the General Expense j Fund. board approves such investigation, shall the Society pay the Incurred oxpense. Lodge 68tt of Strabane. Pa., presented a com-plaint against the executive committee and athletic committee, which haa not as yet relntburaed them for expenses involved |n sending their team to s Society tournament held In Detroit. We investigated the matter and came to the de-clsion that the presented bill be paid. Att this mat-tor does not only pertain to the payment of this hill but also to the queation of athletics Itself, which the Society supports, and the evidence of the short-comlngN In dealing with athletic question and disputes that arise, we move that the Supreme Board olod a special committee to take rare of these mat-ters and present recommendations for the betterment of athletic management uf our lodges. — Trustee Hoard of J. R. t. Examination wss also made of the sccounts of Trustee Board of JRZ. This asset is under supervision of three executive officers of SNPJ and three executive members of JSZ. The accounts are In order. Maaagement Regarding the management of each department we con ferret! with the officera If any changes for the betterment of same are In order. In a few Instances we suggested that the bills which an« pre. seated for payment, should be more detailed, ex. plieit, so that those who have no other connections with It but to examine them would be able neverthe-lias to understand the tranaactlons. FRANK ZA1TZ MILAN MEDVESKK FRED MALGA1. w President of Supervisory Committee explains thst the report on Trustee Boerd of J. R. Z. does not Include a financial report, as same was not written as yet. It will be presented at afternoon session. Report sccepted. For the Educstional Committee, Bro. Milan Med. veaek reports thst due to the resignation of Bro. Jacob Zupan, ss chslrman and member of thia Com-mlttee, there la no report on aotlvltlea of this Committee. Bro, Frank Zaita, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, aubmit« the edmplalnt filed by lodge No. 689, pertaining to the athletic matter; the motion of the Supervlaory Cnmmlttee ia that a apecial com-mlttee ahull be elected from the membera of the Supreme Board and this Committee «hsll oonslder this complaint, Investigate and Institute a hearing to which all persons oonnocted with the Athletic Committee «hsll be called, and «hall submit to the neat aesalon of thia meeting a detsiled report and recommendstlona aa to how to avoid almillar Incidents In the future, which sre detriments! to the whole sthletlc movement in the Society; further exlpslns that the trsveling expenses of the team Is of minor importsnce and therefore the recommendation of the Supervisory CommiUe Is to pay in full the traveling expenses of the team of lodge #589; mo-tlon seconded. Bro. I und Millard State Sank (In liquidation).^ 217.71 Kaspar American Stole Sank .—......................46 JI Tote I $ 2674.' Chicago, Illinois, December 81, 1988. CMARLKM POOORRLBC, Sec'y. PHILIP OODIMA, Treaaurer. A id Htm y Ceetmlffeer S. M. P. J.i J. S. Z.i FREI! MALGAI ' ANTON GARDEN LUD VIS MBDVESEK JURTIN ZAITZ Report accepted as submitted. ____. Bro. Frank Groacr. Secretary of Nalumni Athletic Board aubmila the following report: Feb. 11. 1939. Supreme Board Membera: I will attempt to rive a brief report on activities of athletica in the SNPJ alnce the laat meeting of the Supreme Board. • The Labor Day Celebration held in Detroit. Mich., waa attended by more lodges than any of the pre-vioua celebrations. Some confuaion waa caused by the appearance of two teama from Penna. Thia matter haa been referred tc/you. The balina tournament held in conjunction with the SNPJ Day Celebration waa not aa aucccasful aa should have been, because the games were played of» courts that were in very poor condition. The athletic committee recommends that if suitable courta are not available in La Salle, that this aport be dropped. But would like to see it continued if at all possible. The National Duck Pin Tournament sponsored by the E. S. Federation of West. Penna. at Carrick New Year's Day waa a successful undertaking and should have benefited the SNPJ. The apirit of all partkipanta and spectators was very good. The work of the committee in handling the tournament waa excellent The SNPJ received much publicity in the Pittsburgh daily papers and the community papers where the SNPJ haa active lodgea. Much more intereat is being ahown by the lodgea in the SNPJ, not only in athletica but in other thinga. Thia ia especially true in Penna. The results of the laat Juvenile Campaign will ahow the E. S. Lodgea were very active in bringing in new membera to the Society. Future policies governing athletica will be reported by another committee. To date not much definite Information is had by me concerning the National Bowling Tournament which will be held in Cleveland. Definite plana will be publiahed in Proaveta soon. Brother Frank Za-del of Cleveland, member of the Board, Had sent in hia resignation to me. I wrote him asking him to remain on the Board until thia meeting. At the time of hia ra?«nation he had certain personal difficulties which hampered hia work on the committee. Thia haa cleared and he ia again willing to act on the Board. Fraternally yours, FRANK GROSER, Sec'y, Athletic Board SNPJ. Motion carried that report be accepted. By ruling of the Supreme Board meeting laat Auguat, Bro. Supreme Preaident submits the new achedule of athletic districta: First District: Pennsylvania and all other Statea east and south of Pennsylvania; Second District: Ohio and southeastern part of Michigan; Third Diatrict: Illinois and all northern and weatern Statea. The National Athletic Board shall consist of five members. Bro. Vidrich moves, that Pennsylvania, West .Virginia and New York constitute two districta, Ohio and southeaatern Michigan one district, and other atates as at preaent. Schedule aa submitted by Bro. Supreme President approved by motion by Bro. Go-dina. Upon explanation of Bro. Lawrence Gradiaek, Assistant Secretary, that the regular aaaeasment paid by members of lodges in Canada does not suffice to maintain the necessary reserve in the Sick Benefit Fund, Bro. Philip Godina moves that under the provisions of the By-laws a special assessment of $1 for each dollar of sick benefit insurance shall be levied on all members of Canadian Lodges; Motion carried by a W to 2 vote. Bro. Gradisek moves .that this special assessment shall be levied aa of April 1, 1939 and to remain in force until adoption of further ruling; motion carried unanimously. Resolution submitted by the SNPJ Federation of Colorado and New Mexico concerning the merger of SNPJ with SSPZ, read and placed on file. In regard to Consolidation of Jugoslav Fraternal Societies, Bro. Vincent Cainkar, Supreme President, submits the following declaration: - DECLARATION The Supreme Board of the Slovene National Benefit Society at ita session of February 11, 1939, took cognisance of the revived question regarding merger of the Jugoslav Fraternal societies and in this connection anew declares ita position, namely, that such merger it not only possible but also recommendable on its part, as it would greatly benefit the mebers of all fraternal societies concerned if properly and justly carried out. Injured miners in the Appalachian coal fields (Penna, Ohio. W. Va etc.) | often face "every conceivable obstacle 1 ... put In their way by the operators | and operator-controlled doctors to i prevent their receiving their Just ca*h ' benefits" under the workmen's com- < pensaUon laws, it was asserted In a survey report of the Bureau of Cooperative Medicine, made public recently by Dr. Kingsley Roberts, the Bureau's Medical Director. Even though the laws of all our states say that "the full expense of the rare of a compensable injury must be borne by the employer," Dr. Robert* and his medical and lay associates on the investigating committee discovered that "most of the expense is petd for indirectly by the miners themselves,** out of deductions from their pay checks for medical care and hospitslitatloa. t Horn« of the problem* faced by an injuiod miner in attempting to get the rash benefits to which he is legally entitled are listed in the report thus: In the first place, the company doeUt often attempt* to show that hi* injury is not compensable. For instance, a man was carrying explosive* In the mine and was killed wh»n they were ac-ctdentaly detonated. The doctor called It suicide. Anotbei man's back was broken in the mote and he died three deys 1st»i of an ensuing pneumonia. The hospital said death was due to "natatal causes'*. In anoth-et case, death fro«» an obvious fractured bark wa* registered a* due to "meningitis." One mine doctor la West Virginia recently lost his Job because he certified that a man's death was due te carbon monoxide poisoning Instead «f "heort failure" or "steas^rh trouble" as the company insisted Often, te. the foreme«^iry to show that the * injury did not error tb* Joh mr - wa* the reenit of hreahiag • safety Thirty-six out of every hundred peraons applying for aocial-aecurity numbers in 1988 were women, according to an analyals of old-age insurance records made public May 12 by John J. Corson, Director of the Social Security Board's Bureau of Old-Age Inaurance. "Women," he said, "accounted for some 2,100,000 of the 6,700,000 applications received last year—36.4 percent as compared to 27.4 percent for the period prior to 1938. Women also make up a larger proportion of the total applicants thsn might have been anticipated. According to the 1930 census, women constituted about 22 percent of the persons gainfully employed. But at the end of 1938, they held about 28 % percent of all the social-security account numbers assigned—nearly 12,000,000 out of a total of approximately 41,900,000. "This proportionately large showing," Mr. Corson explained, "is due to the high turn-over among women in Aft-CIO PEACE CONHJISNCI Wf art stUl wait lug.