PROSVETA Urediti*! in upravniškl , 2M7 South Lawndale OUtct ot Publication: 2657 South Lawndale Avo. Telephone, Rockw«U 4804 ed d*ilj Sund«y« and Ho GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE CHtCAOO. ILL. SREDA. T. APRILA (APRIL Th 1943 Subacription 8« 00 Ytarly . ŠTEV.—NUMBER 99 At-ct-piancn tor mail mg »t gpccial rste of posUgt piovidod asctlen 1101, Act of Od S, 1917. authorlaod on June 4. 1118. Domače vesti Voditelji odbora borbo• nih Francosov rosoiorani OSVOBODITEV POLITIČNIH JETNIKOV It i.vjM a? 6, t r I i t ' Londsa, 9. a p r i l s,—General Charles de Oaulle, načelnik odbora borbenih Prancosov, ki Ja imel danes odpotovati v Aliir, da se Um pogaja s generalom Giraudom, vrhovnim* komisar-Jem severne Afrike, glada adru-titve vaeh franeoakih političnih grup, Ja odložil oblak u nedoločen čaa na apel amerilkaga generala DwighU D. Eisenhower-jt. Poalanica, katero ja Eisenhow-er naslovil Da Oaullu, Ja uljud-na in odločna, obenem pa nagla-ia, da ja energija vodilnih oaob-noati v aeverni Afriki v Um momentu earedotočena na bitko aa kontrolo Tunisije. Ia taga raalo-ga naj De Oaulla odlofti oblak. Diplomatični krogi v Londonu trdijo, da ja Elaanhowarj9v apel povesan a miliUrističniml operacijami v Tuniziji. Saatanek med Da Gaullem ln Oiraudom bi lahko povzročil smaAnjavo med franooakimi Četami, kl 99 bora na atrani saveaniška arma* de proti oailčnl sili Domneva Ja, da aa bo konferenoa mad generaloma vrAila, ko bodo Namcl ln Iulijani pognani ii Tunizija ia ba prilel Čaa ta zavezniško in vasi Jo Evrope. „ Člani odbora borbenih tmo* tov priznavajo, d9 jih ja liaen-howerjev apel razočaral. Ti 89 bodo danea sestsli na avoj i aeji ln razpravljali o razpletu situacije. Ameriški krogi ao izvili, da ao vojaški in politični vodiuljl zavzeli sUllšče, da ja odložitev De Oaullevpga oblaka aeverne Afrike zažeijiva. Celo general Oeorga Catroua, Da Oauuev re-prezentant in zaupnik, je predlagal odložiUv oblaka. Konferenca med Da 0aull9m in Oiraudom naj bi se vrAila Čez dva ali tri tedne, ko aa bo položaj v Afriki izboljšal in naaUnajo pogoji za sklenitev dogovora, ki naj bi tvoril podlago tt združenje vaeh franeoekih političnih gruo. Aliir. Alierlja« 9. apr—Skup- na komisijs sa politim Jetnika in begunce je naznanila, da bodo val politični jetniki v francoski tovarni Afriki kmalu dobili svobodo. Med temi je več tiaoč španskih republikancev, ki so pobegnili v Afriko pred in po Prsnkovi zmagi v civilni vojni. Ti bodo morda dobili lavetje v Mehiki. eldmaršal Rommel Prosto, Pa.—John Sramaa mlajši, član društva 160 SNPJ, si je pri delu v tovarni zlomil nogo in zdaj se nahaja v bolnišnici Merey v Plttsburghu (drugo nadstropja, sapadna stran in številke sobe 204). Člani ao na-prošeni, da ga obiščejo. Ia Clevelanda Cleveland.—Dne I. apr. Ja v bolnišnici umrl Anton Brunek, stsr 57 lat in rojen v Dragi pri 6t. Rupertu na Dolenjskem. V Ameriki je bil 32 let in tukaj zapušča ženo. Vesela veel ia Penite Slovan, Pa.—Bmma Mithel (Mlačnik), članica druitva 241 SNPJ, je U dni dobila hčerko prvorojenko, naša JednoU pa novo članico. Čeetitket Koordinacij* namikt oborožana iiU London. 9. apr.—Moskovska radiopoataja Je sinoči ponovno naznanila, da se nemški feld-marial Erwin Rommel, admiral Canarla in Heinrich Hlmmler, načelnik OeaUpa, nacijake Ujna policija, nahajajo v južni Italiji. Glavni aUn južna obrambne cone Je bil ie Um uatanovlian. Naznanilo trdi, da Je bil Rommel imenovan za vrhovnega poveljnika oborožene aila na l|op-nem, admiral Canarla za vrhovnega poveljnika pomorake sila, feldmarial Keaeerling pa za poveljnika leUlake aila. Govornik na moskovski rsdio-posUjl je dej#, da Ja blU Rom-melu poverjena koordinacija vsa osiščne oborožene sile. Ic tega se sklepe, da ja Rommel vrhovni poveljnik nemške in lUlljanske oborožene sile, ki ja koncentrirana v Italiji in na francoakem obrežju ob Sredozemskem mor- Povojna stabilizacija denarstva i t> vc» Zakladnik Morgr an-thau MiUvil načrt Waahinfton. D. Cm 9. aprila,— federalni zakladnik Henry Mor-genthau je aeaUvll načrt, da Amerika prispeva pet milijard doUrjev v slstu v sklsd za mednarodno stabilizacijo denarstvs ir> izvedbo progrsma rehabilitacije zavezniški^ drŽav po vojni Ur poepeiiUv trgovine v povojni dobi po vsem svetu. > Morgenthau Je nastopil pred .18 senstorjl, ki so se sesUll na Ujnl seji. Povedsl jim Je, ds bo morsl kongres sprejeti potrebno zakonodajo, preden se začne program glede povojne sUbtllzacije denarstvs Izvajati. VsoU pet milijard dolarjev Je potrebna poleg dveh milijard dolarjev, kl Jo določa obetoječ! zakon o devaluclji dolarja. Ve-Ijavnoet tega sakona poteče .10 Junija tega leU. Zakladnik Je dejal, da Je bil načrt predložen v odobritev vladam 43 držav v marcu a povabilom, naj pošljejo svoje re-prezenUnU v VVashington na konferenco, ne kateri bo razprava o stabilizaciji denarstva. Nekaj vlad ae je Že odzvalo povabilu In oetale jim bodo sle-^Ue. _________ Sporazum mod rudarji in oporaiorji blizu v New York, 6. apr,—Dr. John R. Steelman, direktor apravnega biroja federalnega delavskegs departmenU, je izrekel upanje, da bo mezdni spor med rudarsko unijo UMWA in operatorji izravnan brez vmešavenja a atrani vo j no-d ela vskega odbora. Edvard R. Burke, ftredaednik organizacije operatorjev iz južnih držev, je ponovno apeliral na odbor, naj poseže v spor. Proslava 200-lotnlco Thomasa Jofforsona • Chicago.—Čikaški odbor Unije za ameriške civilna svobodščine priredi velik javni ahod v proslavo dvestoletnica rojstva Thomasa Jeffersona, očeU civilnih svobodščin in demokracije v Združenih državah Ur tretjega predsednika ameriško republika. Shod ae vrši 19. aprila ob 9:lt zvečer v Orchestra Kalil Ut vstopnins bo od 90 centov na galeriji do $1A0 za prve sedeže spod a) Nastopili bodo dobri govorniki. Obenem bo U protestni shod proti nacifašistitoemu ma-sekrirsnju Židov, Rohruliranjo Francozinj za dola v Nomčiji London, 9. spr —Glavni stan borbenih Francosov trdi, da ao Nemci začeli rekrutirati Ženske v PatUu ui okolici aa obvesno oelr s nemških tovarnah. Matere f otroci ao izvzeta. i . * \ O I >M PROSVETA Jugoslovanski pomožni odbor v Ameriki SLOVENSKA SEKCIJA i vol uradniki« Vincent Cainkar HSf S. La Jooophina Erjavoc 617 N, Tifnf*- Jw»h Zalar Ml M. Cliiisgs M. Blagajniki Uo Jurjovoc. 1140 W. 22nd Plačo. Nadaornikt: John Gornik. §403 Si. Cteir Ara. John Ermenc. 711 W. National Avo. MUaraukoo, Wla. rrank J. Wodlc J01 Lama Stroot Joliot OL ------- Josophlns Zakrajsok. TSSS Garante Avow Clsvslanl Ohio Charlio Benavol. 14007 Holmaa Avo. Clovotend. Ohio Dirokior publidlolot Janko ». RogoiJ. S2SS Scbodo Avo. Clovolaa&O LOKALNI ODBORI JPO SSt LekfH' odbor Št 1. JoUet. 11L~ prodoKlmk: Joa. Zalar, 15! J * OJ cago St: tajnik John Adamich lito Highland Ave. w blagajnik. KutUurl 754 N- Hlckorj St LffVt«^« odbor It. I* Clavaland. O. _Predsednik: John Pollock. 6407 St1 Clair Ava.; tajnik; frank Turek, SI »7 St Clalr Av». in hlasajnik: Joseph Okom, 1000 Eaat 68 St Lfrkt'-' odbor it 3. Chiaholm. Minn. — Prodandmk- Frank K ne. 41S_3rd Street, N W; ujnica: Margaret Janeskh. 808—6th Street. H. W. in blagajnik: John Lamuth, 24—Srd Street. N. W. odbor it 4. Shaboroan. Wla.—Predaedniaa: Maric Prisland, 1034 DUlingham Ave.; Ujnica: Jo-hanna Mohar, 1138 DiUlngham Ave. m blagajnik: Martin Jelene, 1037 S. Sth Street Lokalni odbor it S, Mllwsukoo. Wla— Predsednik: John Oblak. 215 W. Walker St; Ujnik: Rev D. M. Betniear, 1210 So. Siat St in Magaj-nik: Rev. Anton Schlffler, 623 W. Mineral St. Lok sini odbor it I. By. Mirni— Predsednik: - Anton Zbašnik, AfU Buildinf; Ujnik: Ivan Tausrli, Kly. Minn. in blagajnik: Louis Champa Sr„ Ely. Minn. Lokalni odbor it 7, St Louis. Mo. —Predaednlk: Geo. Kovacevich, 2003 So. Jefferson St.; Ujnik: Kuselio Kulč, 401 E. Mareoau St. in blagajnik; John Maruiii, 3751 Park Ava. Lokalni odbor it 6. Chicago. IU. —Predaednlk: Anton Krapenc, 1635 Wcat 21at Plače; Ujnik: John Gett-iieb, 1846 Weat Cermak Rd in blagajnik: Loo Jurjovac Br., 1840 Weat 22nd Pisec. Lokalni odbor it 6. Wsukogan, Ol—Predsednik Anton Kobal, 1016 Commonwealth Ave., North Chica-go, IH.; tajnik: Joaeph Zore, 1045 Wadaworth Ave., North Chicago, IU in blagajnik: frank Nagod«, 913 McAlister St., Waukegan, III. Lokalni odbor it 10, LloydaU, Pa -Predaednlk: Joaeph Matičlč; Ujnik! Joaeph Arhar, P. O. Bo* 1S0, ln blagajnik: John Jereb. Lokalni odbor it 11. Butto. Mont Prodaadnik; Charlea Propp, 1144 Eaat Second St; Ujnik: Ignacij Ora tem, 2020 Walnut St In blagajnik: t:harfe« Lovaen. 201 Eaat Park St. Lokalni odbor it. it. Piu»burgh Pa—Predaednlk: f. J. Kreaa. 118-57th St; Ujnik: John Dečman in blagajnik: Nick Povie. Lokalni odbor it 13. rarroll. Pa. —Predsednik: frank Kramar, P. O Bos 141; Ujnica: frances Gorenee, 036 Cedar Ave., Sharon, Pa. in bla-Joaeph Garm Sr., 887 Cedar Sharon. Pa odbor it 14. Loraln. Ohio. —Predsednica: Mias Mary K Polut nik, 1711 Eaat 30th St; Ujnloa: Matilda Ojstanek. 1848 East 34th St In bligajničarka: Uermina Zor t*. Lokalni odbor it. II. Clinton. Ind. —Predsednik: Anton Jarc. RR 2; Ujnik: frank Bresar. 1160 Anderaon St. in bUgainik: frank Prašni kar, RR 1. / Lokalni odbor it 16. Salida, Cele. -Predaednlk frank Umik, RfO 72; ujnica: Katherine Drobnik, 411 Eaat 3nd St. in bUgajniks Loui« SkuU, RT Bos 180 Lokalni odbor it 17. Ročk Springs. W je— Pr rdaedn i k: Anton Starman, 1218— 16th St. Ujnik: Josoph Uoaar. 41T Tlsdrl in blagajnik: John Janko Jr„ 1118 Clark St Lokalni odbor it. 16. Barborton. Ohio—Piedsednik Joaeph Lekian. 108—82nd St N. W ; tajnica: Jbse-phiae Porok. 10-16U» St. N. W. In blagajnik' Louis Ar ko, 1222 W Wooster Rd Lokalni odbor ii. 16. Aspon. Cele. —Prodaednik John Lovshln, Bo* 252, As pen, Golo. »M V.t*UOI tajnik: Jo Avp., Shar Lokalni it M. Puoblo, Colo. John Germ. 817 E C Street; Ujnik: frank Peehnik, 1232 EUor A Ve in blagajnik: frank BraJ da. R. I. Box 2. Lokalni odbor it 21. Don vae. Colo. -PrcdaeditJIc: AnUiony Jerain. 4816 Waahtngton St; Ujnik: frank Okoren, 476» Penrl St in blagajnik: George Pavlnkovich. 4671 Pearl St ' t odbor it 22. Le Salie. III. —Predaednik: Leo Z«vnik. Lincoln Ave.; Ujnik: frank Kobliaek, Gar field Ave, in blagajnktarka: Emma Shimktas, 717—5th St . Lokalni odbor M. 23, Johnatown. Pa—Prodaednik. Andrew Vidrich, 708 forest Ave.; ujnik: John Lan gerholc Jr., 618 Linden Ave. ln bla gajnik obenem. Lokalni odbor it It Trtnldad, Cele—Predaednik: Metk Karcicb, 1811 Lineoln Ave.; tajnik: John Li pec. P. O. Box 18, Bon Carbo, Colo. in blagajnik: frank Tomažin, 1603 Linden Ava.| Lokalni odbor it 16. Clarldge. Pa. —Predaednlk: John Kerče, R. D. 1, Esport, Pa.; Ujnik: Anton Zornik, Box 202, Hermlnie, Pa.; in blagajnik: Aleaander Skerl, Eaport, Pa. Lokalni odbor it 28. Indianooolia. Ind—Predaednik: Louia Znidariič, 038 N. Ketcbam St; Ujnica: Jennie Gerbick, 718 N. Holmes Ave. in blagajnik: Anton Hren, 018 N. Haugh Street. > Lokalni odbor it 87. Strabnno. Pa. —Predaednik: John Bevec, Bo* 16, Strabana, Pa.;«Ujnik: John Bole, Box 138, Strabane, Ps. in blagajnik: John Troha, Strabane, Ps. I^hrinl odbor it 38. Eaat Helena. »Cent—Prodaednik: I»uia Smith, P. O. Bo* 371; Ujnik ifl blagajnik: Joaeph M. Saiek, P. O, Bo* 331. Lokalni odbor It 38. Brldgeport SerdavUla, Ohio Angleški zunanji mlhlater Anthopr Eden vinov, ruski poslanik v Wsahlngtonu. seph Snoj, RfD 1, Bo* 7. Bridgeport, Ohio; Ujnik in blagajnik: John Vitez, Bo* 848, Barton, Ohio. Lokalni odboe it 38. Sen Francis- oo, Celil—Predaednik: Andrew Lek-aan. 649 Rhode Islaad St.; Ujnik: Joaeph fabUn, 634 UUh St. in blagajnik: Valentine Laharnar, 702 San| Bruno Ave. Lokalni odbor it 31. Evoloth. Mlnn.—Predsednik: Jacob Setnikar, Bo* 152; Ujnik. John, «sbjan. 610 Dotiglaa Ave. in blagajnik: John Puuchnik, 727 Summit St. Lokalni odbor it 32, South Chicago. IU—Predaednik: Prank Koale, 0758 Ave. J; Ujnik: Louia Koaele, U842 F.vvtng Ave., in blagajnik: Jacob Brljavac, 10121 Ave. M. Lokalni odbor it 33. North Brad-dock. Pa.- Predsednik: Nickola Pa-vlakovich, 1513 Brin ton Ave.; Ujnik: Anton Rednult, 1710 Poplar Way, in blagajničarka; Frances Marthahua, 1015 Braddock Ave. ^ .. Lokalni odbor it 34, Detroit Mich. —Predsednik: Mathew Urbas, 12023 W h i t c o m b; Ujnica: Katherine Krainz, 17838 Hawthorne Ave., in blagajnik: Anton Cedilnik. 1221 Ne-vuda. Lokalni odbor it 36. Clavaland. Ohio—(Okrotje Collinwood). Prodaednik: Joaeph Tarblian, 14707 Hala Ava.; Ujnik: Josaph Dum, 15606 Waterloo Rd., in blagajnik: John Leskovec, 940 East 250 St., Euclid, fOhlo. • f Lokalni odbor it. Otrard, Ohio -Predaednik: Anton Kili 16 Eaat Lucius Ave., Youngsttmn, Ohio; Frank Rezek, 167 Trumbull Ave., (llrard, Ohio; in Juhn. Rovan, 62 Smithsonian St., Girard, Ohio. Lokalni odbor it 37, Clavaland. Ohio prUpevsjte v U sklad po udeleže v obilnem itcvilu. Anna Berblč. tajnica. Warren, O.—Dne 2. sprils je tukaj umrl po dolgi in mučni bolezni Joseph Lunder, .tar 67 M iIv>ice naiega dru. let Bojen Je b l v v„i L?4če Jt k, ^ ^ , «k na Dolenjakem in član društva'. D^^.JtZT ,;..„„ 421 SNPJ. V Ameriki je živel »ffi 42 let. Tukaj zapušča dva sino-1Članom' da Pri ^ J F programu, ld. aprila se pa ude>- va, od katerih je eden pri vojakih, in štiri hčere, v starem kraju pa brata, če še živi. V imenu društva izrekam vsem preostalim naše-sožalje. Joe. Ješ, Ujnik. Escpori. Ps. — Nam vsem jc znano, da se je organiziral Slo-vensko-anu i ižki narodni svet a-11 SANS, čigar naloga je pomagati trpeči Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji. Ker so s tem v zvezi veliki stroški, je na nas vseh ležeče, da jih pomagamo nositi. O tem bomo razpravljali na prihodnji seji našega druitva 317 SNPJ dne U. aprila. Zatorej želim, da se te vezno seje vsi udeležite. Jacob Bele. tajnik. IndlanapolU. Ind.—Vabim vse člsna druitva 34 SNPJ, da se u-deležite prihodnje seje 11. aprila, na kateri moramo rešiti zelo vužna atvari. Vprašanje je, ali hočata doklado ali ne (po mojem mnenju ni potrebna). Pridite tudi tisti, katerim ni vieč noben zaključek seje, samo da lahko zabavljate izven seje. Žalostno je tudi to, da pri tolikem številu članstvs, kot ga ima naše društvo, pride na sejo komaj 1&-20 članov. Torej vsi na aejo 11. a-prlla Ob devetih zjutraj. John Sparenblek. tajnik. Stfdbeno. Pa. — Članstvo društva Postojnske jame 138 Povojih močeh, vaaka vsota bo do-[SNPJ je uljudno vabljeno, da se bro doila. udeleži polnoitevilno prihodnje Kunčno v imenu našaga druit- seje, ki ae vrti 18. aprila ob 10. va iztekam globoko sO&tljs vsem dopoldne. Med drugimi važnimi prizadetim, ki ao izgumli avoje zadevanji bo na dnevnem redu dragu na tako grozen način pri tudi ptai-a druitvenega Ujnika. Red Lodge. Moniana. — Druitvo Solnce 81 SNPJ je na svoji M ji aklenilo, tla » I. aprilom plača vsak Član ui članica |>et cen- razatrelbl v rovu Smith Mine. tov več mcMino v druilveno bla-Kajno kol do zdaj. Izvzeti ko le člam-vojakt. Ta doklada pomeni, /a vse lelo. V/t ok je ker ae S Sedanjimi prispe, ki ne pokrivsjo druitvenl stroški \»letl vojnih ra/mer in pa radi /adnjc nept »-takovane nearete Proaim tu
  • če krvnik uropati m na kateri smo nabrali za črnijo, na kateri amo se rodili ležite seje. Frank Kolone. Ujnik. Gowanda. N. Y—Joseph Peč-nik in Louis BuŠčaj, člana našega društva 325 SNPJ, se jednoti epo zahvaljujeta za prejete znake, na katerih je zapisano, da sU člana 25 let. Tudi članstvo želi obema še mnogo let lepega zdravja! Na bolniški listi imamo tri (Mane; Johna Veharja, Tonyja Kluna in Johna Jansicha. Članstvo želi vsem hitrega okreva-nja. m t Mary Stlbll. tajnica. RAD BI DOBIL ŽENJKO zs opravljati domača hišna dela, na sUroat se ne gleda, aamo da zna aku-tiati in počiatiti v hiši. Jaz aem ie precej sUr in sem pod "Kompen-zeinom," dobivam po 81875 tedensko in iraam tudi nekaj gotovine. Stanujem eno miljo od, PowhaUna Lilli Run. Plača po dogovoru. Katero veaeli. naj ae prijavi oacbno ako je v bližini ali pa pismeno na moj naslov. T<>ny Kvaa. Bo* 213, PowhaUn Point, Ohio. —(Adv.) OFFttf Ako trpita radi naduba, kaSlj.. lelken dl-hania ah piskanja, pilila po BRJCZPLAČ-MO POaKUSNO PONUDBO pr^netljlv. moti. Zrn krripoaioMia slu*«)« m po. •akno laalmamo PiMU aa: MACOn. SSS T. SI.t. Lita Old«. tadlanapolU. I»d. Dr. John J. Zavertnik PMYSICIAH ft BUROEON 3734 W ToL e omet nouna ISS-4 T. M. rvMp( W«d and Rua • 10 k> 14 P m. Barvpt Wad. Sat and Sun Roaldoneot 3316 S. MdeawaT Ave. tr no AMswcn cau Auina vm I#win>Pae — Zadnja sejs west-morelandske federacije SNPJ se je vršila 17. januarja v West Newtonu. Predsednik Fradel jo odpre ob treh popoldne. Zapisnik prejšnje seje je sprejet, kot tudi odborov« saje, ki se je vršila meseca novembra v White Valleyju. Te seje so se udeležila sledeča društva: Št. 725, 223, 63, 611, 64, 232, 117, 583, 199, 87 in 317. Poročila zastopnikov so prav po-voljna. Večina poroča, da so pridobili po par novih članov in koliko članov imajo že pri vojakih. Na podlagi teh poročil je v službi Strics Sama okrog 70 članov. Poročilo Ujnika je sprejeto, kakor tudi poročilo o veselici, ki se je vršila 26. decembra v Exportu in je bila obiskana dobro. Tajnik dobi naloge, da pošlje obvestilo vsem društvom, ki so zaosUU z asesmentom federaciji, da ga poravnajo. Sklenjeno je tudi, da se piačatjo vozni stroški ($20) dr. Čoku, ki je prišel v Export in nastopil kot govornik na veselici 26. dec. Dobiček $77.50 od te veselice se dk ffPO-SS in tudi SANSu se daruje vsota $25. Prihodnja seja federacije se vrši v Herminieju 25. aprila — Četrto nedeljo. Glede plač uradnikov je sklenjeno, ds ostanejo kakor so bi- niki pa Lorince, Previc in Mary Fradel. Frank Shuater. zapisnikar. Is urada brldgeportake federacije Bellgire, O. Vsem društvom SNPJ v tej okolici naznanjam, 4a je federacijakj odbor sporazumno z več društvi preložil prihodnjo federacijsko sejo z dne 25. a{)riia na 23. maja. Prične se ob dveh popoldne v društveni dvorani na Boydsvillu. Vzrok tej preložitvi je, ker bo društvo 562 (Barton) imelo veselico 24. aprila, katere se bodo seveda u-deležiH člani in zastopniki bližnjih društev. Znano pa je, da se Članstvo dan po veselici najraje odpočije doma. Torej smo sejo preložili, ker bi radi te veselice na 24. aprila ne bila tako uspešna kakor je želeti. Drugo pa je, da sedsj se tukaj dela šest dni na teden po eden, dva in tri šihte na 24 ur. Tako torej pri najboljši volji ne Vidimo drug drugega skozi ves mesec razen na društvenih sejah. Apeliram na društva, ki so priključena k naši okrožni federaciji SNPJ. da upoštevajo to naztianilo in se korporativno u-deležite njene seje 23. maja ob pisnikar Frank Shuster, nadzor- *d~a jo b^mo v bllftnii E?6tni' potrebovali v večji meri kot H jo v preteklosti. 0 Louis PavUnich. tajnik. NA PRODAJ IMAM fino Mervarjevega izdelka tri vratno čiato novo harmoniko. Prodam jo za $50.00. Pridite pogledat osebno ali pa piiite lastniku na naalov: Vid Pierce, R.F.D. 2, Box 100, Liabon, Ohio. —BREST! PO 3« Si. Clalr Savlnjs » Loen Co. S33t St Clair Avosma Hand. 44TS CLEVELAND. OHIO NA PRODAJ IMAMO najnovejio slovenske, srbske in hrvatske f onografske ploice MOJA BABA JE PIJANA Voonl (Mr JoUy WUo) KO PRIDEM SKOZI LOO. VALČEK Vesel (Coming Through the VaBo?) NA ZDRAVJE. POLKA > Inatv. (Oaed Ltsek Polka) NOVA DOSSOVTNA. VALČKK Inatr. (New Koma) Walts ▼ ZELENEM GOZDU. VALČEK Inatr. (In tho Oroon Woods) Walts VESELI FANTJE. POLKA Inatr. (Neppe Bera) Polka PA NA KMS PRI EN WŠ Voonl (at a Meuao la Um i ROŽA. VALČKK Vocal (Raaa Walta) NEBO JE ČISTO JASNO POD MOJIM OKENCEM DOLINCA. vnliok COLLINWOODSKA. Polka Vsaka plaiča Ttt In 8* , BALKAN MUSIC Ca 1425 W. 18tk 86. Chleago^ IU. Bil Je šrtev raaatralba v Smith peamogorovu v Baar Craaku, Meni., v katerem ae Je pripetila ta grosna nooroča. Rojan ja bU 7. decembra 1883 pri Sv. Oiboltu na Goronjskonu JugoaUvija. Pogreb ae Je vrŠU 13. marca t. L na Red Lodge pokopališču V Ameriki Je bival 35 let. BU Je član ter prodaodnik druitva "Sonca" št 81 SNPJ tov član projinjo. SSPZ in Unltod Mino Workcrs of Amori-ca. Tom potem ae Šalim najlepše aahvaliti vaem. Id ate nam kar koli pomagali tar dobraga storlU v lah aa nas naposabnlh dnah atia mžrHTv hlaStei ar^^Mmljtl-^^r^^r^F^nlTK^iviik. aoproga; sinova John Krop mL v Red Ledgo, Mont. in Stalf Sar-geant Stanlof Kropp v Sen Ana. Jtemy Air Baaa, Calii.; Jsrry Pa., brati aaatra Rese Kropiviok v Hiw in vnukinj, kakor tudi voč drugih sorodnikov v stari 1 Naznanilo in zahvala Žaloatnoga srca nasnanjame sorodnikom, anancom in prijstaljam "-----' da je preminula naia draga aoproga in mati || MARIJA SPOLAR * (rojena OROUIUČ) Umrla Je 3. februarja 1643 po dolgi ln toiki bolomi. Rojena )• bUa lete 1887 v Oorici pri Skrade. Pogreb ae Je vriU 7. februarjs t L po katoliikacn obrodu in pokopana Je bila na Bmock pokopali Mu. Srčna hvala vaem. Id ate Je obiakall v času njeno bolosni ia ob mrtvoikom odru/ Lopa hvala vaom. ki ate poloilll krasna vanc« in cvetica ob njanl krsti, ter vsem. ki ate daH avtomobila na raspo-lego in Jo apramUl ne njanl aadnji poti na mirodvor. Srčna hvaU društvu it SM SlfPJ v Unioatonmu, Pa. la njenim odbornikom, ki ae ae udateftlli pogreba s sasteve na Čelu in tako olopiali spravod. lakrona hvala aobratu A SorUtu aa glnljlv govor ob odprtom grobo. Lepa hvala tudi članstvu druitva št 283 SNPJ. katoroga ja bUa pokojna članica, ki ofte nam dali voliko pomoč in toteibo v urah ialoati. Ae onkrat najlopia hvala vaem alrape). Tebi. draga soproga bi mati naša. pa šelime. počival v miru in naj TI bodo lahks amoriika gruda^-2alujoči oaUUt Martin Spalar. soprog; Johnni* ▼ Beltlmora. Md. In Anthonr. sinova; Anna omoiona Piton r Roralu. Pa^ Marr bi Agnas. hčara doma. Choatnut Ridga, Psnna. Naznanilo in zahvala Potrtega srca noananjamo, da J4 preminul noš ljubljeni sopro« bi oče |FRANK HOČEVAR » oo Jo ponooročU dno 8. marca 1843 v tukajšnjem prsmo-Pokopan Je bU po civilnem obredu po njegovi Ustni šam 13. marca t L na Dunmira pokopališču (Adams Toamsh^l Poslovilna govore ob grobu so lmoU druitva it 188 SNPJ. " 1,5 ABZ te lokalna unija U. M W. ot A., katerih član Ja bil P<*ol««-ae kar nJim lopa hvala, šo ooaobno pa uradnikom omenjenih dra-itev. Lepe hvaU tudi sorodailram: mra. Agnoa Brodnik, mra MfT Flor« In druitnt mr. U mra. Mnrtte Barbnrich Jr. In mba Christui« la Indlanopolloa. Ind. Nedelje hvale aladačim mrs Si vae In druilna. mra. S.balj U PueolJ. mra. e pomoči mra. Vooolj In druilna. mra. MUovoc U Brlndak mi*. val b 8t Kaučič te mra. Frank te drašini Pa. mr. In mrs. Tra- Drušinl čabeon la uni janamč. druMni Martin«* Pa. Druifal ai In Franklin _____Pa.; druilni Fink la ranam angka Pa.;__ SaUy MIC Hov te drušlnl Skrboc la Bon Alra. Pa.;---mJ is Park HUte. Pa.; drušlnl Sturm la Farndntee. Pni druilni M-r^ S vaom. ki sta daravaa sa aitumchila. Mlaloj* tea hvala vaom dru U akt N.1 ln evorteo. koš ln voaiU v hvala te soatram. ki sto pokojnika oMakaB ob raosn. Id ste aa udolailll pugiska te ga spi lil So enkrat najlapia hvala nsm ■ ln nas toteiUl v uri šslssti Takt **iinv> počivaj v miru in lahka naj TI bed žalujoči aatnU; Uršula Hočovar. soproga; La ■ kčt St Mlcbool Pa. poHtka §R£!1 7. APRILA^ PROSVITA Glasovi iz I naselbin u jgodorin« društvi 124 formi Clty. P** Podal bom [^pregledala 12 zgodov ne « a Mednarodne zveze 124 E* ustanovitve leta 1910 doL^l908 sem ponovno prišel • to ogromno in bogato deželo L^no v Forest City oziroma Vtndling- Nastanil sem se pri 23 pokojnem Franku Ratajcu, ti bil zelo dobro poznan kot Moeir jednote in orač na polju luiavstva. Pri njem je bil že li brat. To je bilo takrat, ko ubila ta dežela v zamahu ustavljanja podpornih organizacij. Ko smo se pogovarjali o Ameriki in stari domovini, me je Frank Hatajc vprašal, če bom pristopil k kakemu društvu. Seveda, sem BU pripomnil. Ko sem bil prvič f tej deželi leta 1901-1903, sem »padal k društvu sv. Jožefa ISKJ, kajti drugega takrat ni kilo v naselbini. Potem pa so [gtanovili še samostojni društvi ,v Lovrenca in sv. Barbare. Frank je dejal, da spada k sv. 1 fovrencu in da grem lahko z ajim na prihodnjo sejo, pa me bo predlagal. Rečeno, storjeno. r Nekega večera me Frank vpraša, če kaj čitam. Seveda čitam: sem naročnik lista Štajerc, ki ga urejuje neki Linhard in ahaja v Ptuju na Spodnjem Štajerskem—tam, kjer sem delal mostove preko široke Drave pri pionirskem bataljonu v letih ; 1905-1908. Moj vojaški inštruktor je bil Joseph Radiček, nekda-j iji glavni odbornik SNPJ. Na ^ringfieldski konvenciji sva bila skupaj, sedaj pa mi ni znano, ali je še živ ali ne. List Štajerc in njegov urednik ita bila do pike podobna Glasu Svobode in Martinu Kondi. Prvi kot drugi se je najrajši pečal {duhovščino, delavstvo pa mu je bilo deseta briga. Frank mi je pripomnil, da starokra jski list nima velikega pomena, ker ne prinaša novic iz te dežele in da Ust ni zame. Frank je poznal rda še iz stare domovine, it časa trboveljskih bojev. On je bil ze takrat naročen na Pro-ca in seveda mi ga je pokali pripombo, češ, ta list je zate: ko dobiš kako plačo, se napoči nanj in ga čitaj in boš [videl, da se ti bo dopadel. V resnici se mi je list takoj dopadel Ob moji prvi plači sem Franku dal naročnino za ProleUrca in od tedaj sem njegov fUlni naročnik, torej že 35 let in se nisem še nikdar kesal. Takrat je bil Proletarec neuradno glasilo SNPJ; in če ni W glasilo, je pa veliko pisal in agitiral za jednoto, ki je bila tavno tista leta ustanovljena. Marsikaj \o pisal v dobrobit te, delavstvu koristne organizacije. M žal, da članstvo jednote tega * upošteva in mu da priznanje a tisto neprecenljivo pionirsko d« 1 s tem, da bi ga malo bolj podpirali>. frank Ratajc je pričel ome-Vti, (ia bo ustanovil novo društvo ga priklopil SNPJ. On je eden najagilnejših članov »PJ v tej .naselbini in daleč •rog; nikdar ni bil utrujen za » društvo in jednoto in mar-jvo delal do konca svojega živ-jnja Pri društvu mu ohranijo masten spomin! J^nku so se pridružili še ži- J*' Emest Kruli, sedaj rahlega *rjvja, -n brata Frank ln Ign '■•' i< ia i »ivlt« na far, ' biiž.^^HMiHIBM dali ac •daj živita na farmi " K"M-st Cityja. Ustano-so društvo 10. februarja 1910, ime Mednarodna -zveza w priklopili SNPJ. Ako se ■C) ,1 je bil U- ir1 tajnik John Verder-m n " društvu dal številko Ejjjjjk Hatajc je bil prvi ■mest Krall pa taj- no 114 !P*'JMflmk tuk l>ruiiv. JJjtoj! n e«*, k i idil, ku ku j< bilo ustanovljeno v 'Vandling, čar-' bil i/dan za Forest ' " leto pozneje pre-druitvo in sicer radi ' >azmere za nje-ugodnejše. Tisti I • m delavci so bili h dan in vsa čast o »e, da delajo za ko u ta novo. ~ Mm oženil in Frank me je zopet pobaral, če bom pristopil k novemu društvu. Ker sem takrat že imel društvo, "copakov" pa je bilo malo, sem odlašal, toda Frank ni dal miru. Povabil me je zopet leta 1912, naj grem z njim in pristopim. Res sem šel na sejo in pristopil. Še istega leta sem bil izvoljen v društveni odbor, V katerem sem še danes. Bil sem zavarovan za tri, štiri in pet dolarjev in sem za pet dolarjev še danes, toda ves ta čas sem prejel le $22 bolniške podpore—leta 1918, ko sem imel "flu". Ali bil sem že večkrat bolan—torej nisem simulant in izkoriščevalec bolniških skladov. Udeležil sem se vseh sej razen treh—enkrat me je zadržala bolezen, dvakrat pa konvencija. Nikdar še nisem bil suspendiran in moj asesment je bil vedno plačan na društveni seji za vso družino. In za to mi ni bilo še nikdar žal in sem po-kojnemu Ratajcu hvaležen. Ko sem pristopil v društvo, je bil tudi on predsednik, tajnik pa Krall. Z mano vred je takrat pristopilo še enajst drugih. Društvo je takrat štelo dvanajst članov, dvanajst pa nas je pristopilo na tisti seji Ko nas je tajnik vpisaval, je bil seveda jako zaposlen. Frank je prijel za svinčnik in mu pomagal. Franka nisem videl tako zadovoljnega še nikdar prej niti pozneje. Samo ob sebi se razume, da je bilo v tako katoliški naselbini veliko nasprotstva že ob ustanovitvi društva. Potem, ko se je pomnožilo naenkrat z 12 na 24 članov, je bilo nasprotnikom pa že malo preveč. Pa so nas de-nuncirali in prezirali vsepovsod. Nas so imenovali "I. W. W", ali naše delo ni prav nič zaostajalo. Neka podla oseba se je tako daleč zmotila, da nas je zatožila pri superintendentu, da smo •ustanovili postojanko—I. W. W. Boss je poklical tajnika Kralla na zagovor v pisarno. Tajnik je šel, mu razložil pomen organizacije in pripomnil, ako želi pravila organizacije, so mu na razpolago. In res je Krall nesel pravila v pisarno, dva dni pozneje pa ie bil povabljen, naj pride po-nje. Ko je prišel v pisarno, mu je boss dejal, da ni videl nič slabega in mu je sploh čestital, ker smo ustanovili bratsko podporno društvo. To je bila največja klofuta zagrizencem.—(Konec prihodnji teden.) Joseph Čebular, 124. Tomalševa sugestija sapadnlm društvom Corwln, Hoapltal. Pueblo. Colo. — Ker so dnevi daljši od tedna ln noči daljše od meseca, si bo treba na kak način krajšati čas. S pisanjem sicer nl nič prijetno, če mora človek ležati na hrbtu, ali počasi že gre. In čeprav se včasi Izpusti kakšna črka, saj u-redniki velikokrat znajo misli dopisnika in bodo torej že uredili. Ker se počutim bolje, ml je začela rojiti po glavi SNPJ. To naj bo posebno za društva in članstvo po zapadu. Mislim, dk ste že vsi čitali zapisnik letne seje glavnega odbora. Vsakega člana je dolžnost, da je poučen 0 poslovanju in gospodarstvu jednote, kakor tudi o sklepih za njen napredek. Iz zapisnika lahko razvldite, da imamo v tem letu dve važni obletnici, in sicer 30-letnico mladinskega oddelka, kl je zelo pomenljiva. Ako bi Ukrat ne bili ustanovili te veje, bi danes ne imeli Uko velikega mladinskega oddelka in s Um zelo dober dotok ali vir za odrasli oddelek. Druga zelo pomembna obletnica | pa jr petletnica mladinskih kro/-| kov, kaUrih je danes že precej-šnje šUvilo. Toda ali naj osU-nemo ori tem iUvllu? Gotovo ne! Radi tega prosim vse članstvo po zanadu. da poskušate na U a-li drug način usUnovitl mladinske krožke. Ako pogledate ŠU-vtlke Iz zadnje kampanje, bosU 1 videli, da ie bilo največ porasti 1 um. kjer že obstoje mUdinaki krožki. Torej ne odlašajte s Um važnim korakom, kajti od uspeš- nega krožka boste tudi vi sami imeli zadoščenje. Ker sU leto* dve obletnici mlad. oddelka, je naša dolž-nonost, da jih na U ali drug način proslavimo. Toda v mnogih krajih valed vojne ni mogoče prirejati večjih proslav za agitacijo. Radi Uga apeliram na vaa, da greste po vseh naselbinah na delo in pridobiU vsakemu društvu pat novih članov. To bi bfla še največja usluga, kar sem jih še prejel. Posebno pa upoštevajte U moj apel iz bolnišnice, kajti pošiljam ga vam ležeč na hrbtu in pojdiU takoj na delo za večjo in močnejšo SNPJ. Ne pozabite svoje dobre matere, ki vas ne pozabi v nesreči. Na delo vsi! —- Pozdrav vsemu članstvif S. N. P. J. Ed Tomsic. Vsakega malo Sygan. Pa. — Od nas dolgo ni bilo nobenega poročila. Vzrok je menda v tem, ker so vsi preveč zaposleni: nekateri v rovih, drugi v tovarnah, me žene pa doma. Tudi več naših žena že dela v tovarnah. Naš stari dopisovalec Lovrenc Kaučič je pa bolan. On je večkrat kaj napisal za Prosveto. Želimo mu, da kmalu okreva in se zopet kaj oglasi v našem listu. Kakor ste videli v Prosveti, se je naše društvo 6 SNPJ dobro povečalo v tem letu. Ta zasluga gre našemu bratu J. Barufaldiju, ki se je Uko trudil in delal v kampanji, da je prišel do zmage. Vsa čast njemu in upam, da bo še v bodoče delal za našo jeo trdno, da jim nobena Žrtev nl prevelika. To naj bo dan, ko jih podkrepimo v tem silnem boju, polnem nadčloveškega junaštva. Našla se bo pot, da se jim sporoči, kar bo zanje nedvomno mogočno bodrilo, in sicer da s« Slovenci po vsej Ameriki spominjajo njihove tragedije in nji* hovega odpora in da so pripravljeni storiti svoj delež sa njihovo zedinjenje, za njihovo osvoboditev in srečnejšo bodočnost. Ta dan naj opozori tudi Amc-rikance na krivice, ki so bile storjene nad slovenskim narodom — n« le v sedanjem sporu, ampak Že po prvi vojni, ki so namastu edinstva ln svobode dobili razkusanoat ln tuje jarme. Z ozirom na važnost tega praznovanja vaa proaimo, da s« ga udelažjte v vsaki naselbini, kjer niso razmere take, da bi to bilo popolnoma nemogoče, če ae ne mora prirediti velik zbor, pa Imejte vsaj sejo, na kateri naj se sprejmejo primerne resolucije, Uko da bomo mogli rojakom v stari domovini sporočiti, da so se jih spomnili Slovenci po vseh naselbinah in jim obljubili svojo pomoč. V mnogih naselbinah bo mogoč« doseči, da proglasijo župani to n«d«ljo za SLOVBNSKI DAN. V takom slučaju sa potrudite, da to storijo. Vsako veliko gibanja potrebuje reklame; Slovenci si morajo pridobiti simpatij« am«rišk«ga javnega mnenja, da se na ta način izpodbije vpliv volkov v ovčjih kožah. Ponekod bo mogoče dobiti mestno dvorano za zborovanj«; tudi to koristi naši pravični propagandi. Porodilo bo vprašanja, kaj hočejo Slovenci, ln pojasnila, kl jih morate dati na to, bodo vzbudila zanimanja za našo krvi. Kajpada ml ne moremo pustiti na cedilu ljucfl, kl v gro- (i zl živijo v zasedenih i deželah. »»JM« raamera v tvojih naael-Kajpada, oni računajo na Ame-!b,nah ln ^ste najbolje vodell, riko kot enega izmed glavnih n«Jv«* virov osvoboditve. Kajpada, mi. *PJp*' ne smemo pozabiti na svoje bor- " mo™" i»bf»ti iz bone zaveznike. Oni >o od nas popolnoma razumljivih •razlogov; ob delavnikih i« v sedanjih razmerah vsaka podobna proslava nemogoča. Ne pozabilo nam sporočiti o poteku tvojega praznovanja in poslati prepisa sprejetih resolucij, Treba j« pokazati, da j« to ljudsko gibanje, neodvisno od vqpko vlade ln Izvirajoče iz ljud-akega prepričanja, iz ljudske volje za resnično zmago nad fašizmom in vsakim zatiranjem sploh. ' odvisni za orodje, kl ga potrebujejo, da dovršijo svoja delo. Napravite sedaj takoj svoje načrte, kško boste nakupili čim največ bondov, da se zagotovi rana zmaga. Zdi se, da bi bila najbolj uspešna akcija, če bi organizira- li nabiranje prispevkov od hiše do hiše in obiakali vsakega Slovenca v naselbini. Mlalim, da ne bo nihče odrekel, kadar nabiralci potrkajo na vraU in bo z veseljem daroval dolar ali več v ta namen z zavestjo, da je storil nekaj za trpeče Slovencu onkraj morja. Oni so naši brutje in sestre, ki z obupom gledajo in pričakujejo naše pomot i in rešitve, za kar nam bo^lo do smrti hvaležni, namreč oni, ki bodo preživeli U pekel. Vemo, da je naša prva dolžnost, pomagati Ameriki do zmage s tem, da jo podpiramo v vseh vojnih prizadevanjih in naporih. Torej kupajmo vojn« bonde, ker 1« v Um, to j« v zmagi zaveznikov j« možna rešitev zasužnjenih narodov, med katerimi so tudi Slovenci in sploh Jugoslovani. Ker smo vsi uposleni, lahko poleg drugih izdatkov damo š« kak dolar za naš narod v stari domovini. Joseph Irman. fl.l.V V slovo prijateljici Na v/ CaatU, Pa«--Naznanjam, da nas te 27. marca za vedno zapustila moja draga prijateljica Mary Ter ček, omožena Kot ur iz Strabana. Bila je zalo prU**11*' ga značaja. Pridno ja delala, po-šUno živela in rada j« po«ti»gla marsikomu brezplačno v svoji gostilni. Kar ne morem verjeti, da jo jc nemila bela žena Smrt odtrgala od nas. Kar zima me j« stresla, ko sem prejela br/ojsv. Draga Mary, sladko počivaj spanj« večnosti! 0«tela mi boš v trajnim toomiflu. Tončka Skafr«. SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV priglašenih k federacija* S. N. P. J. Prilagamo vam d v« resoluciji; če nimate časa in prilika, da bl sesUvili svoji, lahko sprejmeU ti dv«. Storite, kar moreU, da bo U prir«diUv uspešna; kajti čim v«Čji bo nj«n usp«h, Um bolj bo pomagala cnašim bratom in sestram v domovini. Za Sloveitaki umeriški narodni av«t: Etbin Kristan, predsednik. Resolucija 1 «' Današnji zbor, > spominom na neopravičeni, a davno nameravani in pripravljeni fašistični napad na Slovenijo, ki je pomenil začetek tragedije slovenake-ga narod«, izreka svojim rojakom v stari domovini svoje naj-iskrenejše simpatije in njegovim borcem zoper fašistično ti-ranstvo najtoplejše pozdrave. Ob«n«m obljubujejo zborovale!, da bodo storili vse, kar je v njihovih močeh, za narodno o» svobodltev ln sa uraanlčanja slovenskih idealov v Z«dlnJ«nl Slov«niji in v novi, federativni, resnično demokratični Jugoslaviji, Nezaslišane žrtve slovanskega naroda ne smejo biti zaman, na razvalinah Umne preteklosti se mora zgraditi nov svet, kjer bo svoboda ln dejanska enakopravnost delež vaega človeštva in bo torej tudi slovensko ljudstvo moglo ušlvatl dobrine demokracije in svetlob«. Za ta cilj se zborovalcl zavezujejo, da bodo dali Slov«nak«mu umerlškemu narodnemu svetu, dokler ostane zvest sklepom prvega Slovenskega narodnega kongresa, vso svojo podporo. ReeolucUa I Ker j« prvi pogoj uresničenja idealov, kl Jih Ja predsednik Roosevelt označil ■ svojimi "štirimi svobodami" in podpredsednik Wallac« z besedami o "revoluciji navadnvga Človeka", zmaga Združenih narodov dosledno zmaga Zedinjenlh držav nad fašizmom ln reakcijo, ponavlja današnji zbor obljubo, da bodo Slovenci v Uj daŠall storili vse potr«bno za poapašenje ameriških vojnih naporov. Zbo-rovalci (majo pred očmi nepopisno trpljenj« zasužnjenih narodov v Evropi, Aziji, Afriki ln Oceaniji vštevši braU Slovane« kakur tudi njihov odprti ln pod-Ulnl odpor in razumajo, da ne more biti v dvajsetem stoletju ln v bodočnosti svobode ln varnosti nikjer, Če ni prost ln varan ves svet. Žrtve, brez kaUrih ja zmsga nemi g očrt, s« doprinaša-jo za dosego i\a}višjlh ciljev človeštva; Slovenci v UJ deželi so doprinašall žrtv« doslej in Jih bodo doprinašall, dokler na bo osišče brezp^ojno kapltullrslo in tiranstvo pcrsženo enkrat sa vselej, PRIREDITVI PRUlTKV CMICA8KE FEDERACIJE S. N. P. J. DRUŠTVO "PIONEER iT. »»t BNPJ »rtredi »vol letni »tkalk v •obet« 7. aveuals INI v Pt!a«a Parka, na ti. at. in Albenr sv«.. CMcaga. III. dhuštvo iT. ii d ni"* tlsls11' HT*11** Dr ušiv« nai p*sr«š«sae sv«|« priredb« tajnik« na FRANK A LESU ti M A. Pnlastd M T«ti Lawadale mi CHICAOO. ILL. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUlTEV iNPJ sa WaatmaraUnd, PanaerlveaU WESTMORELAND9EA FEDERA Cl/A SNPJ k« «frdrUv«U ksalsfinas da« M. «*rtln—tetrft« n«delta v sassssii «k 1 uri P*P«j dna v »lnv«naknni aerea«0(W aa* ma na Nenlsklv Pa. N«. I. DRUŠTVO iT. 17 SNPJ «rl#«di mIIm Cm 1». aaete v m\4 M»d n« ln iiMHšas *«*»« v tvejem 4amm na Herm4aln|M< Pa. N« I. U4elnšM« se r>olno4i*vllnn. vs« OPOMBA i DmšlVs nn| prilavlp primdMv« anjnlšn* F«d«r««IH M iMstovi ANTON ZORNIK. Pa. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJI DRUlTEV SlfPJ ZA CLEVELAND IN OKOLICOi H^p fMSvv tnip vtriNNMi •t Clalr iv«. opomba tajnikai društva. m srivejsjn »'«*• piknike in vsemsa. saj i« ptsesšssa« nasaaalje lalaik« f«nii ni LASTNINA SLOVENSKE HASODVE PODPORA JEDNOTE ■ ef »ebllahed br m tete. UN m pol lote. fl Ji se teivt tetei M r J« 10 colo lote, H.7I so pol lotej aa ■ tet tho United Štete* ( nd Cloaro $7M pat _______te M iaS^tim^0^^^ r atašeju. te Ja priloiU wtll mi bo plara. POMM. etc* wlll ho by MU-addraaaad nd •a tm. kar Ima atlk i PROSVETA 2S67II So. Laamdale An« HgMifB OT THE fEDERATED PRESS — "Prosveta stali prod m propagandi ss SVPJ, nato ps Isabras bi ta kulturi r amialu politično, ekonomske ta aocialno demokra djo ter svobodno mialL" - Is resolnctje o publikacijah SNPJ no 11 rodni konvenciji SNPJ v Plitaburghu, Pa. "Z odrom na današnjo svetovno situacijo ta lo posebej na odno-laja Združenih drlav do sunsnjsgs svata ter s odrom aa našo sta re domovino. Slovenska narodna podporna Jednota po evojlk se ^^»nk M 12. redni konvenciji v Pittsburghu, Pa« naJstsolJe obnjs diktatorsko ta barbarsko totalltaiatvo vsake vrsto-ta pou dar J a svojo globoko vero v demokracijo ta v končno smago demokracije po vaem svetu." — Is resolucijo o starem kraju ta svetov nem polotaju, sprejete as 11 redni konvenciji SNPJ. Naj bo ta mesec simbol naše solidarnosti Zadnjo sredo smo ns tem mestu omenili sklep gl. izvrlnega odseka SNPJ, s ksterim so pozvana drultva in federacija naie jadnota, naj masaca aprila obhajajo spomin na narodno nesrečo Slovencev v stari domovini z ustanavljanjem podružnic Slovenskega ameriškega narodnega sveta ln z nabiranjem prispevkov zs nalo pomožno, kakor tudi politično akcijo. 01. predsednik br. Cainkar je povedal Uto v svoji koloni. Na prvi strsni danalnje Prosveta ps Etbin Kristan, predsednik SANSa, razglala cvetno nedeljo, ki bo letos 18. sprils, zs Slovanski dan, ki naj bo posvečen istemu nsmenu, kakor je zgoraj omenjeno.—• t Na prvi pogled to ne bi soglašalo s sklepom nsiegs Izvršnega odseka, v resnici ps ni nobenega konflikta. Eksekutiva SANSa, ki ja dala Kristanu nalogo, naj razglaai cvetno nedeljo za Slovanski dan, ja imela prod očmi fsktični dan invazije Slovenije in Jugoslavija sploh, kar je pravilno; cvetna nedelja je bila takrat 6. aprila, letos pa bo okrog dva tedna kaaneje. Izvršnemu odseku SNPJ sa ja pa zdelo, da ja en sam dan, pa naj bo nedelja ali petek, premalo za tako važna aktivnosti kot je organiziranje podružnic SANSa ln nabiranje prispevkov, zsto jc zaključil, da za nalo jednota valjajo ta aktivnosti ves mesec april, u ključi vti cvetno in velikonočno nedeljo. To je vsa rszliks, ksters pa nikakor ni v škodo razglssu SANSa, temveč v toliko večjo korist. Nsmesto Slovenskega dneve velja za nas Slovanski mesec!—Upsmo, ds tudi člsni drugih slovenskih organizacij, na primer katoliških jednot ln drultev, sa na bodo omejili ssmo ns cvetno nedeljo, peč ps bodo sktivni ns delu za staro domovino vas mesec april. Da bo čim večji uspeh teh aktivnosti, je potrebno, da so ta naie aktivnosti zs staro domovino Izključno pozitivne in konstruktivne. To se prsvi, ds se ts mesec vzdržimo jsvnlh polemik in ms len-kostnsgs kavsanja ter sa posvetimo ssmo orgsnizirsnju podružnic SANSs in nsblrsnju prispevkov zs obe nsli akciji, pomožno in politično, po vseh slovenskih naselbinsh Amerike. Oolo jamranje nad nalo narodno nesrečo ne bo nič pomsgslo nslim ljudem v starem kraju. Pojamrs se lshko snkrst sli dvakrat—večno ponavljanje tega pa malo zsleže. Prsv tako ne bo nič pomsgslo, ne nsm tukaj ln ne ortlm preko oceana, če se bodo nsls drultvs in fsderacije izrekale zs to sli ono bojno strsnko v Jugoslaviji in s tam izzivala spor med nami, katerega je ža zdaj preveč. Na ta način na bomo amerilki Slovenci zgradili nobenega gibanja okoli SANSa-ln podrli bomo le to. kar že imamo. {Velik ln pozitiven uspeh lahko doaežemo ta mesec le v znamenju dobre volje in solidarnoati pa prizanesljivosti in tolerantnosti. Le v tem znamenju pojdimo na delo, ki nas čaka ta mesec! Medtem pa nikakor ne smemo pozabiti, da naie prve obligacije veljajo Ameriki in njeni zmagi nad osličem. asovi iz naselbin Milvraučanl v akciji sa SAVI Milwhse Dne 28. marca se je tukaj vršila izredna sej za ustanovitve podružnice SANSa. Vriila ae Ja pod pokroviteljstvom tukajinje federacije SNPJ in zastopana so bila vss drultvs jadnota v Milwaukeeju in West Allisu. Sejo je vodil Louis Mar," predsednik federaci-Ja. Sprejeti so bili sledeči sklepi: 1) Ds tajnik pismeno povabi vsa slovenaka drultva v obeh naselbinah, ki želijo z nami ao-delovsti, nsj polljejo svoje zastopnike na prihodnjo sejo, Id se bo vriila * nedeljo, 18. aprila pri Šoštarichu. 2) Da se med tem časom priporoča pri vseh društvim, da si članstvo nsloži pet centov do-klade v ta namen, tako da na prihodnji seji zsstopniki poročajo o mnenju društev. 3) Ker nismo bili še v takem položsju, je sklenjeno, ds počakamo do prihodnje aaje, če se društva povoljno odzovejo, da bomo izvolili odbor, ki bo vodil vso stvar in pričel z zbiranjem prispevkv. Ker bo ta skcijs izključno zs podporo SANSu, je priporočljivo, ds se pogovorimo med sabo, kako pričeti, da bo boljši uspeh. Ker pri tej skciji strankarstvo ne bo igralo nobene vloge, ker gre samo za rešitev slovenskega naroda, upam, da ne bo oporekanja, ker vsi vemo, da je potrebno ln za kaj gre. V tem duhu vam kličem: pripravite se, zavihajte rokave, odprite žepe vsi dobrosrčni in darujte po svoji zmožnoatl. Ne odganjajte nabiralcev praznih rok, kadar vas bodo obiskali. Joaepk Radelj, zapisnikar. Vabilo aa kart no ssbsvo Milwaukee. Wla. — Organizacija Slovanski dom priredi kart-no zabavo v nedeljo, dne U. a-prlia v Sostaričevl dvorani na 539 So. Oth St., začetek ob 2. url popoldne. Vstopnina bo 35c za osebo. „ Dobiček od te zabava ja namenjen, da se obdrži zs te čsse do-movo imetje brez dolga. Davki od zemljišča so vsi plsčsni, dolgujemo ps $160 zs hodnik (slde-walk), katerega so mestni uslužbenci prensredill prošlo jesen. Zsto vsblmo vse delničarje ln prijatelje te organizacija, da pridete na to zabavo in pomagste s tem poplačati ta dolg. Sedanji direktorji se trudijo, da obdržijo to podjetje brez dolga, vseh nas obvezna dolžnost ps je, ds jim pomsgsmo do uspeha pri tej1 zabavi, ki je namenjena vsem za v prijazno razvedrilo. Anton Tratnik. 16. * Naše bližnje naloge Zdaj, ko je spet pomlad v deželi ln kmalu pridejo topli dnevi, ae bližajo članstvu SNPJ nove naloge, mimo katerih ne mora Iti kljub splošnim vojnim naporom in Izrednim razmeram, ki ao nam precej omejile naše aktivnosti. letošnje aktivnosti našega članstva se v glavnem tičejo naše mladine. Leto liM.i jo leto naraščaja SNPJ. Imamo tridesetletnico mla-dinskegs oddelka in petletnico mladinskih krožkov. Meseca junij ln »eptember sta namenjena tema obletnicama. Junij bo kmalu tukaj Obe obletnici je treba vnj do neke meje proslaviti n prireditvami ln posebnimi kampanjami sa organiziranje novih krožkov m pridobitev novih članov v mladinski oddelek (•lavni urad bo dal navodila ln pomagal bo, kolikor Je ta stvar v njegovem podr -SM7 So. Lindii. Av«.. Chicago. U\. JM7 So. Lnorndala Av... Chicago. IU. sui So. u»»dik Av... chicago, m. ■SM1 So. I*wndato A v.., Chicago. IU. JM1 So. Latvndato Av... Chteoto, DL ■SM1 So. Lawndato Ava.. Chicago. Ul. POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPOHI M t». MIN im« ivort or sick acMvrrr pavmsut rifMMi .1 Nutk U. I Ml 1 JcdtM t Giumi $M 4 John So«Urtch $14. $M. K Ari Dernac M Antoni« snubat k M«ry itomao Kiaaovoo S Anion Jmrlfir $11. S John Tomecol MS. Jacob US. rrank Dobrovmk M> 10 Apoloni)« Kavclc IM. rrank IH.tocnlk MT. P«ter Mualch Sli. KoUa 1'ernae SIS. Joaeph NagUcIt M. John Dttnaar M*. rr«nk Fortuna MO. lgnuc ftoao v»ch«i M«. Krank Orum |l». KrtRk G rum Mi. John Ans«Uc Ml .M. Vaton-Un Jugovlch MO. Valentin Jugovtoh MO. Flillip Mlhanovlch |H Hi I m MS IM. Jam«« Hudoo $11. Tomo Javor m- «ni Mary Moakon |ll. Uo Lomahek 110. Jack I'oklic h |M. Anion Bresnlkai ||u Joaoph Bresnlkai $M. 3M Sophla Amlsoakv $47 Ml Am«ll« P«k>wakl US IM Louia Malem«* fl«. . Joaeph Tesak Ml Anion f»i*k IM MS MIK« Maynarlch |M. MarUia Yakae- v kovlo $14. Andrevv Pravtolc $M MO John KaatellS MS. John Kaateltc |M. Agne« Kiren IM M. Sophla Um k« IU. Anna Bogataj $»» $0T Franve* Hafntr |ll, Franov« Kolenc 11». r o*. «T Marv Kine $|4, Mar> Kine 114. Ivana Rupnik IM. Adolph Tomalv lil A> dolph Tomalc |M. Ntkula Klaanuh MS John tfetar M3 50, k441 Marr Gibal« tlMIO 4411 Potei Sik l lic« UP 4M r(ank J«i«r ||S, Ann« M«ndn $M, John Kmc IM, Loula« Polocai |M 411 Mary KmnAni, . 414 Ruth Aibredftt SM m l«.t.r VukotMR |M Anlonla Muaao M». Jolm Galovtoh $41 101 Joavph Pln Ur $43 »o, 110 M«ry IMnlaik-h |M. IM Mlohael Sarlch $14, John Kvdrlch $M MO nurolhy Vllar M M4 George Cvlrn IU. Albin Junko |M. 111 Magd« line Klemene 11« IM J c nn le K lope le $1« M. Jonnie Klopelc IM, francea Jerleh M M), France« Je-rlch |I4. Joa«ph l.owe II«, Jtmepn Lova« IU. Samo Maloaovlch IM, m Joaoph Zlbart M« «IU» Gabrlei Popovtch MO. HM Jamo« Saga 4-4». 114 rrank Bubnloh IM. III Anlonla MatoMoh i Tli Andr«w Uamtlfnlk aar Uo. « * 111 Anton Prlno<$M. JSSfiUt mikhtr __________pa»Mt'i" Jokn Itoaar Ptonk anatom.11 Jolm J. Molly Llaka EUward ^Ceanlh Valentin L Anton Oorlnc ...4........1.,..,, llV^PIaake rrank Plllnav Jaaok Mahova«".'lUAi.'. .. .. WllUam Saaalv .. . . Ooorvo A utu*lov,tok M«l| Mollnak Calharln« FlAifit t Cllla O.vM Moolca Traka Anion Šaman Mlhav«; ValVmh" II M«lod m II Helen Kuafk |M a i« MMhlld« Pollch |U. M«ry J«p«lJ M. Joaeph Ogrln $11, Apn« Novak $14. John Ke lesnik $S4, Frank Setlna |M II John Jarto |M. Mai > Sur«j 17», Anton StrukfU M. IgnaU Kualjan IM. Joaa^h Slrutool M0. John Heleli I19.M. John Jaklič |M. John Rabael |I4. Anion Strucil |I4, Mary Zu>«k IIS. Pilila VogricU |U, Mary Zagat |M. »ronk Veael M' 4 11 Prank l'avk>vcic $1. John Nvol $14. Johana KragelJ U" Joa^>h Uralo |M II Joaeph Skeiiam- |ll. Fr«noe« Tom aich $31. Frank Bmeraj« $11. Hudolph BolU M , M Frank Krliar $00 John D«b«I)ak $11. Jo« Komle I1S.M. Frank Kravaa M. Si«ve Uihatich M. M Mihael Pencil $1 John Zorko Jr. $44. Anna sv Ig*t) $M, Ma* Sankar IM. Anton Skoda IM. Chrlatlne Cebrtin U4. Frank No-voaelc |10, Prank Grebene |M. Ann Yurkovloh $1$. rrank Plut $M. rrank Plut $M. ' M Martha Turk $M. Mary Brlanlk SM. Andraor Olaur Ul U Orosor M ar k«, ta |40 M Joavph Meatok |M. Louia Javnlkar |40 M Chartoa WllUama IM. Anton Vldhrar $14 SO, Tony Ogrinc $M. frank Sine $U. Anion Homar Ml. V«lfenUn Lu«> nar $10. Valanlln Lutnar $M, M Mary Hroval $1$. Mary Kuncloh SM. Frank Prostor $38, Joaeph Heg«' |U, John Prudlc lil. Ivan Traven 114, John Koael M. John Drmasltja IU U Frank Prlmoslch Jr. |M. Prank Pri- m osteh Jr. IM M Andy C«rn. IM. Frank Slnkova« IM. Jolm Kolar |M. Joiin Kotor Ml. Prank Povirk U4 M Matt Saraon US. 71 Potor Habjan IM. Frank Boatiamlo lil. Anton Komat« |!4.M U Mary Pavlovoih MO. J0a«ph Glavač III, Joaaph Dcrstvenaek |M. Victor Hodo Ul. Jo««ph I.lska $1». Martin Logar |14. Margsrat ch«r«nsky lil. M Matija Maook MO. »las KovMtok 114. Frank Aub«U M Jacob M«hovn« $11. Jacob Mahovne 111, Joa«ph Dolenc IU. M Anthony Petrovich II. Joaeph Beovl« III II Loula Oster M. Joaeph Pit* I1B HO. M Ivana Krchut $14. John »arble Prancea Kosell $11. George Mt«yak IM. Joaaphln« Pohar MO. ValenUn. Aub.1 U0 M Anna S«rH M. Anton Dolano Frank Mplcmlltor |M IM Mary Slrlslc $M. Anton Marttnaak MO. Anton Oorlcar $11. Prank Kopač IM Irance* Augustinr M. Anton Trovan Ml. Frank Blatto $M. Thnmas Shaflar $11, P«ter Norkus ISS Robert Lom- ^ &TT............ bardo M. John Jankovlch $U. J«*aph ' C«rln MO. IM Barbara Markovlch |M. PranOM Ka lan |U. Prancea Otrtn $11 IM Vlrginla Melisa« $14. Angelo CormoM M. Angelo Blasutlclt $41 1)1 Anna Sleple $M t 114 Loula Marhar $M. Anna Ambrottolt iH Sa'ry Tlllian $ao ' ** IM Mm v lliovat $30, Frank Zupatuie $M. 1 Aiulae Kauavk Ml. Loula Sofran $14. rrank llieakvai $M, Joaoph Cancula $M. Kari Stotner $13.60. Umls Alilln Ml, lil Mary Branovlch $M, rrank Porovsak Hi, IM Anton ChaaoJavar $11. Anton Choan)«-var III. III Rafaela Smuk IM. PauHna Mlslc M3M. Oortruda Bostoli IM. Anlonla Skrlep II«. Amalla Goloh $14. Joh«n< na DoUak Ml. Mary Sabaniks 114. Mary Hodnik 114, farollna Satkovlch |M. Anna Gabpr $U, Bllsabath Smrdel IM, M«ry Clmperman IM. Ger. truda Kacar IM. Teroslja KUiarl IM. Joaaplilne Jeieli IM 140 Thomaa Jakova«- 13» IU Paulina Tomaleh M IU Roa. Vukovtoh Ul . 111 Anton Shafter $14. Albin« Curl >4, l^uia Changle $1«. Loula liamint-il Ml. Edward Ooroeky $U III Ros« Urbanctoh $11. Ger t rud« Urban tic $11. Mary Blatnik $M IM Ignac Petje $M. IM Ft ancoa Ber let $M. francea W«U hick Ml IM Stava Jakova« «M IM Joaaphln« Sehmldt MO, Fronoa« Tial nlk IM. rrancoa Tratnik $M, Joaeph in« Botri IM ' Ml Mary Monter« |ll SM Anna Bortoh $11. ..._ ^ $13 Mary Stlth IU Anion Kodrlah 91 114 Johann« MeC arthy $M. Monry Smgei $11. Loula« Gomh« |M III Anton Mkllc U SM 0«rtrude KskeO |M M3 Joaeph Sever MS, Loula Ooretu $14, Loula O uren c $14 BM John Oratohon $14. M0 M«ry »urcin $8$. MS Bersotl« Stanov leti $M IM P«tor N upnik $1$ IM Vinrcnl Bukovao IM, Prano«« Bi/)«k MS rranoes Kordlcit IM Ml Matilda Skander M. MS frank Paulla II«. SM Martin llrkaa IM, Pranclaka Vahar M Mi frank Lawrto»i $M, frank lonr $|i, Agata Marolt SM, John Sha«a $M 170 Vara R«»sors $M. francos Vran- $M frank Medkrh $14, Gaor«« Mil'* $14. fronoa« OokrsvM $M. franooa Lomi $M. Joaeph Polu h $S7 m John Pečar #r. M0 Jolm Pooai $Su Angel« Skrbo« $13 M Kathorlro Ker ko $M Štefani« Vukovtoh $S0. An drete Uneltok $91, Simon Markoviu $1$ IM Joaopli Seatlr $1«, Joaeph Kobri $M. John Prealopnlk $1$. Klisab«4|i pn.irh Ml. Jonnie Eelenlrh $M M» Loon Santrom IM. Oorolomo 0rag«r si IM. ttoail Baroni II«. Mel«r> Gra-boanlk IM Rok Vene-* $M AI*'W« $M Mary Kiavekt $M, Frank fi*«»>aii SM MS Chartoa Breclnakl $M Joaaph Brarurtl , ■ Ml. Martin Kauoto $M. Pto |Ue* tasil Tomo m I frank f«e«a Ml J«*epli Zupon |M, Marr PMIHfft« | r»aMi NeoMok mm J«n Anloo BoBe • solil II«. Ooor§« Sloa Mi "tefcol SM Boae Kocte $M. Frank Nroaaok $1». Znpansis .. Mo« Laple M. Me« Copte M i MmMm IM Boae Vukovtok IM. John Joaap4» BeoaMkar $M I»uia l^ear $M John Ttoak M ! UotM»w» Nodnik Man Udovtok SM. Anton Soai>i»r | Jea«pklna feadtok PaSeeoel rKl.. 7i I J«4m feetoasa |amM Bo«Bo«os Mati Taeool $M, Louis SltMl- IM Valarla fortuna $S0 T$l l.ouia itesic $m. Jolm Srobornok $1$, Jolm Srcema k $30 SKUPAJ -TOTAL M.III U ■ Lawv«o«a Ora.l«ak. tej Bol Odd. ~aw'y a B Dept Društvene vesti Huichonaon. Pa. — Dne 25. marca jc bil zopet poklican k vojakom nadaljnji član naScga društva 683 SNPJ, namret Carl M. Ponobahek. On je fte 11 član natega dr uit vu v službi Strica Sa- ma. Fraak Juvan. W. Allqulppa. Pa. — Na redni soji društva 122 SNPJ dne 21. marpa je bilo sklenjeno, da se prestavi prihodnja seja s tretje nedelje popoldne na tretjo soboto zvočer ob 7:3Ui Vzrok temu je delo nekaterih druitvenih odbornikov ob nedeljah. Ta sprememba pride v poitev meseca uprila. Članstvo naj vzame to na znanje in obenem vas proaim, da se udeleiite naiih sej bolj pogosto kot do sedaj. « Ooorgo Smrokar. zapisnikar. IZKAZ, IZPLAČANIH OPERACIJ IN ODŠKODNIN v marcu. 1M9 REPORT ON OPERATIONB AND PllABIUTIEB PAID in March. 1MI Carl. II. «orl. Bo. J>70« Mm mu TTMT MTI$ MIM 11111$ I1IMI NsjMjbMi a%mi Ould« Paalaasl ,, , ■ &aals SmrmiM >» «•« ■ M«ry Oroe«rl«k rronooa YakB4M ju*..,.., Kvan Kuka«4iB ' v!.'.' Jokn PMlaa „*,........... r ranča frank K« faoUao SUM Anna iSBo^'"'-'^' ..'."'" Oeor«e WooWo ig Barbara l.snui^fjsll Mary Zaloil« PiNf šUmtm • i Maskoto PaMBki Jl-. Jako Bolltok . ....., Sliva M.mul. ' lehn ifhwfkitf it4m 4I0TI MIM MIM UU IIMM $V$M IIMMi mm I Ml I ll$M$ UMI IfNI $MI$ M$$ I MM IMfM MIM IIMII IIMM MIM SSi 6lan| II.-Ho. Um U Salto, N. --------n Clifiiaal. O. ■. Rook Iprlna.^ W»o. B,T' Pa. Po. .......... I « $ 1$ 14 M M 41 _ u KEKS: V. Mi ■MNMMHMAi * »J Cleveland. O si Raalvn. Waak. TI Nim, Pi« HlMNUl Jl^Ml« $ MM MM Vaato MM i» uu MM Msgdsla#a Rla«$$Qil$ frank Ssvaak i.i.. Jako orudoa .^f. c> Joaeph Slkorl j[..i Vloeool A. Slraom Mary H«««k IIIM MIM MMI uin IIMII 1147$ MMI PPI Udari UMI MtM MIH MMI l«l$M 7«7M MIM niaai •i Ml MIM I7MI Mlt$ M Mldtoav. Pa. nu iu I 11$ PUlakugvR. Rili« Oallup. Mi« Moa. IM Oallop. N. Ma«. i M l.aaMnla. IM IvgllUk lil Clovoload. O. IM Pe« 141 Clavaland. O. IM Clavaland. O. . IM Ruslld O............ III PMkiM. lil D«ovM. Its Manallald O Ml »V, ' lil StoVetond. O- tU. MM IIM n.M MM UM MM O. O. 117 III Ml Stolna, U Salto. IH. • Soolk fagk. Pa. ...... 177 Banlan. Waak. Ml Ukvarv. Ri............... IM Llkrary, Pa. v........... Ml Pora«lav«, W, Va. ... Nft IslflMi PS* > -•«.' ->".». Ml lalatef. Pa. ..... 117 Cresled Boli«, Mani, «11 rradortok. Coto. 1 4M m!tosanT"o. . IM Oab C rook, Ooto. ...... Ml Soolk Bond Ind. CklM««. lil . C'l«v«land, O. ....... Clavaland. O. .. SprtealtoM. Ul. ....... lodianapolto. Ind. fltM^VPttHVMN^r Mlltoookoo, WU Slrakana. Pa. Sar iMM^IIHI Cen4ertfMfl. Pe. S u Male B V. . S $7$ $$l MM 10 M 7MI MM M.M 7IM HM MM MM UM * HM HM HM 711 7M MM Roporl. lili SKVPAJ—TOTAL P. A. VIDBB. vL tolnik. Ima pjprtofa ilona hmMM IZKAZ IZPLAČANIH 8MRTNIN V MARCU. IML REPORT ON DEATH CLA1MS FAID IN MARCH, IM) Vkn|. M Član droMvo Mamkof M Lod«o Pito Ba_MBo ., ,,„„ ># i i $M$ 1 • Clovotood. O. . ,, r , ■ I 14 I« Ulim Tf^lNMi ^^ Marr Molntovto . . •Ur t fsfd| . Marv amrke Je4m Poenlk , . WIIIUm Pato T.,?.. M«ry Stooioksr Louis Javnlkar Man MU £ Svaan WaolM oW »MM P«ol A- T utrni • fronk Baalok Mary Jaaa^k OlfaBa Oaelrod« Nar«a MU MM MII M7I MII frank Devjek fj f il«' III Marr Mlhalovin. Ili $17 Miltea K«nese«rakl H, Unaek III, Anton M toT aaetoe m Joaep Mlaka« III. Martin Ano«. Mar •II Pa MI4 82 M M M M M M IM III IU 114 IM IM IM Iti Si III •u Ml O. Wte. Olrard. O. _____« gHaisa. Ind DoPoa III Rvtlilki NNMk U Salto IU ai Loula. Mo Smrsassk, MIM Cleealood O. čb I te a *k#a Wto ap«e.le» Pa. sooikvto«, Po. iary. ind l.M »ria.eviUe Pa Sprto. Oton Utok •»addaek. Pa- ... Otovcland. O. Ctovatood. O Vtofioto Minn. Bonld. lil Cle Slom. Moafc. Por««« cuv. Pa. O reva. W. Va. O. Vurtol $14 M. Jokn Podtoaor MS, Jolm L mar Ml Frank Soft IM, ■$• m BaiBor« M tak tot« ia Prank JU*«*« m. Pvtof 0akMK IU, Matt Paro COv Salto. Utok Ctlv. Utok SKOPAJ TOTAL MIJM« I r. A VIDBB. «t to)Mk. SNPJ in 39th Year of Fratarnal Service ---1904-1949 t ENGLISH SECTION ~_ 30th Annivereary of SNPJ Juvenile D ep* t Fifth of Juvenile Circl« »»MUK« pa(;k six For Membete ot National Benefit Society Slovene« WEDNESDAY^aprIT7~ Our Juvenile Jubilee YearcfwffM3 Buckeye Biu Juvemle program It Is ezpectod that celebrstions of the SNPJ Juvenile Jubilee year will soon get into full swing. The spring and summer months sre most suitsble for obaervances of this kind. We are referrlng to our two juvenile anniversaries—the Thir-tieth Anniverssrjr of the SNPJ Juvenile Department and the Fifth Anniversary of our Juvenile Circles, which both deserve our full attention. As announced here previously, the Su preme Boerd of the SNPJ st its February meeting adopted a flve-point program for the celebration of the two events. Ali lodges and federations sre ealled upon to sponsor fitting celebrations in which 'the juveniles will have the leading role. The months of April, May and June have been designated as organiziral months of 4*ew-JuvenUe Circles, snd every SNPJ communit^ is urged to organize a Circle. Seven juvenile members sre necessary to start a Circle. AU newly organized Circles will be given financial support and ali organisers will be prop-erly rewarded. Lodges and federations thst have not already made pisna for the cbservsnce of the two juvenile snniversaries sre urged to do so and to write the Main Office for program material and suggestions. Local talent should be utilized for entertainment features. It is suggested that lodges snd federations shall select one monthly meeting for the celebration with appropriate program features. The Pioneers cf Chicago, Lodge 559, the seeond largest untt of our Society, will observe the oocasion at their May 21 mcnthly meeting. The celebrations will continue throughout the rest of the year, many having already been planned for future months. Due to wsrtime conditlons it will not be possible to plan large-scale celebrations. For this reason lodge meetings can be utilized aa a good substltute. 0 0 0 S It ls correctly said that group strength ls the m«nt potent ' poarer ln thls country today. It ls belng cxerted in many weys, snd fraternalism is the best illustration of this. Tbe pioneers of our Society reslized this and actually put it to practice nearly forty yeers ago. The exerciae of group strength perticularly among our juveniles ls more needed today then ever. 1 It is also said that children often have a better appreciation , of what fraternalism signifies than do grownups, for they mani-fert It in a higher degree toward those whom they contact, as a rule. They sre less selfish, more receptlve to new ideas snd group aetion. Thoae lodges whlch svall themselves most frequeitfly and fully of the talent among the children of members when arranglng an entertainment or program are most successful ln getting out the crowds, which is a highly essential fsetor ln fraternal work. And what offers our lodges a better opportunit/1&'hiltivate fraternalism smong our juveniles than the Juvenile Clrclss! There are sports, drtll snd other tesms to be orgsnized snd sup-parted; muslcsl duha, booster dube, snd msny other deslrsble aetivitlea. 0 0 0 In an effort to fittlngly observe our Juvenile Jubilee Year, our Society wlll not neglect to utlllze its offlclsl juvenile orgsn, the Mladinski List, whlch enjoys a large circulgtion among the juvenlles. Appropristely enough, the Mladinski List wlll hsve two annl-versary numbers The June lasue wlll be dedlcsted to the Fifth Anniverssry of our Juvenile Clncles and the October issue Wlll be devoted to the Thlrtleth Annlverssry of the Juvenile De-23 rt m en t. , r Also, « juvenile membership csmpslgn ls belng planned for some time later thls year. No aonlversary celebration Can afford to neglect the opportunity to bring ln new juvenile membera. We must culttvate the goodwtll of the children and traln them ln our ways so that ln the future our ranka may be filled wlth three who wlll be acqualnted w[th our Sodety and Its work. Ut us meet the changlng times wlth new Ideas and Ideala. Look to our youth to csrry on. but let us give them sU we have to encourage and lnsptre thern Into carrytng out their ldeaa to greater accompllshmenta ln nsaturl$^ 1 ' ¥ Badgerl and News »CLWAUKEE. WIS—Rrmrmber t« krep Msy lst open for Badgars' danee al th* TlvoU Hali. W» wt«j|d «»peelatly lika to «ae šotne of «mr nrishborinf lodsrs present and we can prumtse a good 11 mat - Whm ran wp »ay or do lo set our mreikers to attrnd the mo«*thly i«.«^l»ns»? II irrroa that thr «ame mt-mhrra eotm rvrry Ume, arrv* on commlittfi. rte. Whrre are the olhcr«? A few hours. once a inonth toni aahins lou much of anyorw aad I in surr your Ume wilt be wed aprnt. Y«u'd br aurpriard a| how mueh fun you ran have al a meet-tn« Pvt Malty Graf won ihr )1 •ttmdancr award laat month F'»day nit*, a numlier*af Ihr Hodgrrs donated blood lo thr American Rrd Croos Naval Training School tn Wahpctan, N. D. PATT1R: We notlced ln the Comrades' Note BOok that our Cleveland kln have transferred to that lodge now that thev are settled ln that city.- Our sympatltles to Al Ralnes of Loyalltes for the recent loss of his mother. Scallions for the weather man who is inflieting on us December weather in Aprili,. . Our best vvishes to SUn Zupon of Loyalites who's ln the army now. Here's hoping Alice Zalar «nd Toni Bmcik go great guna ln that bowling tournament in Akron. Likew is« the wholc Buckeye team >vhen they go Into aetion in Cleveland on April 17-18. We'll be rootln* for 'eml :----- Hoosier Pals, Attention i INDIANAPOLIS, IND. — Last month only six members attended the regular lodge meeting. You elected the officers of Lodge 578. We can not de our part with-out your cooperation The next meeting will be held Wednesday. April 14. Sureiy you can spend S hours out of < very 710 hours a mohth at the meeting. It takes your prompt a t tendence at 7:30 for th« m«eting to begln on time. To the trustees. You were elected and accepted the offiee—do your part and chock the booka. The first quarter of thls yeer is over, and none of you has even bothered to come to a meet leg slncc your dreti on How about II? Won't you perform your VAL RBPfHOLD. Prra. Travrltns tU< hrlm who had Ihr fin Detroit Slavenes Help Servicemen DETROIT.—Th« ladies of our Svoboda entertainment committee vere confronted with the problem of points and rationing. but they ably solved the dlfOcult|r, although thr rt? wiU be a searcity of canned goods at our bingo party. The pro-ceeds of this affair will be held in a soldiers' fund. After 4he games, we urili have dancing. Refresh-meata are quite aaturally an indis-pensahle part of our affairs. Who would want to go ali eveaing with-out a little saort a glass of beer, pr evep a soft drink? The party will be held this Saturday, April 10, at 1718i John R. , The day before, Friday, AprU 9, Is the date of our Young American montWy meeting. Evcryone who is pUhning to participate ia the Cleveland tournament ahould contact Joseph Golia. our sports chairman, at our regular meeting. Bowling shirts will also be given out, so that *re can appear ia the tournament with matehed appereL We have two girls' teams and two boys' teams already organized; if others wish to join us, please be Mt our meeUng F*iday The round-trip tlckets cost I«.00. Most of us are leaviag at 8t80 Saturday evening, ao that ure won't interfere wlth defense sched' ules on various job*. Recently, Mike Nagel purchased one-lhousand dollar war %bond. Mlke's wife, Marie, is treasurer of the Yeuag Američana. Investment in the future of America is the greatest single ureapon ure possess on the home front ADOLPH KOSS, 564 lntegrity Broaicast CHICAGO.—Thls column was on a little vacatlon and now ure resume our reportlng to inform our members urhat ure have in the way of actlvi- _ ^ S ^ 8NPJ. wiii Pi.y SNPJ Wolverines Corrimlllrr jmnounr«, DETROIT-Thete wUI be a meet-*Ilvrn *w*y m ihe Wolverlae SNPJ I^gr SnJtSSSTor No 677 ^ ^as VSrHtr Mnrrh fS jj!S2i I ^ h*U 7 J0 P m hour before the meeting atarta Wr nsoldont nI the newly fortned Atrar should have full repreemtalton ot i »ee* ©»»alian Couaetl organlrrd te thia meottng. Engllah spraking piometo unily among not only kidgr reprreentaUveo are eaperully, Američana of Croatien doocvni |Hit i invited to attend i brtvoen thror groupa aad oihr« I ANTON SORN1K Sec y ' Amerlean* uf Slav doerrnt Louiai Adamics heok. MWbat'a Your Namr?" uraa rrraaitly revt»wrd herr in Girard Made a favorahtr im prraaton FRANK REZEK S41 Our March dance was a financial succeas. many thanks«to those who made lt possible. The ureather was extremely adverse and ure do not blam£ anyone who did not come. Our regular meeting was very poorly attended. There should be ao eseuse for not attending meetings. At least one from each family could attend once a month. Many problema oome up urhich are vital to the members. Yet if jmu are not attending sueh vital matters eannot be properly handled to tt)e satišfac-tion of alL It is the duty of «11 of us to earry on in spite of the war. Wo hope that you will take greater interest in your own lodge from nour on. ^ The Integrity membership stand-ing as of March 31 was 166 adults and 146 juveniles, or a total of 312 members. We are proud of our record and ure hope that ure will continue our progress and grovvth ln the future, urlth your cooperation, which needed if ure want to see our Lodge grour and prosper. Brothers and Slsters. let us bulkl up our ranks by enrolling aH those ln our own families urho are not yet members of our Society. We can make our Lodge stronger by addtng neur members each month. There are many adult and juvenUe proepeete—bring them in. r ' MICHAEL R. FLEISCHHACKER, Secretary of Lodge No. 631. A Statement CHICAGO. — Pioneer Lodge No. 880 of the Slovene National Benefit Society, Chicago, Illinoto, on behalf of Its 030 members proUets the aetion of the Union or Slovene Par-Ishes (Zvesa Slovenskih Župnij) agalnst Louis Adamič and declares that Mr. Adamič was malicioualy attacked thereby. The facts urhich have been pub-liahed beer out this conteatioa. and we deplorr that thia aetlen could have been possible. and trust that those responsible urili not forget again that Uie Slovenian American National Council of wMch Mr. Adamič is honorary prrsident is the duly elected body to repreeent our Circle in Your Lodge By Vrkovaik. Juvenile Direetor Adoptrd at the regular meeting March 10. 1043. A. B. CARTIER. Proatdent DONALD J. LOTRICH. Sec'y VVestern Leeders Mark Anniversary April 21 BUTTE. MONT.^The Wrstem Leaders. SNPJ lodgr SOS. will eele-brate their IftUi. anniveraary on April SI. et the Narodni Dom Hali. urlth a social followmg the regular meeting at thr lodgr. u hieh is ealled t® oedee at 7 30 p. m. A good at-t« ndonrr ia deolred. Pteaar pay your dura on tlmr and avoid bring suapsndrd 1 ANN K PROSPER, Sec y This is the openlng week of a three months campaign to organi* Juvenile Circles throughout the SNPJ, and to make those alreadv organized more aetive and progressive—more valuable in rwtnr ways to the Lodge, Society and community where each is locat^ It was five^ears ago, March 27, 1S3S, to be exact, when the fim SNPJ JuvenUe Circle was organized in Walsenburg, Colorado It was organized by Brother Edward Tomsic, Sixth District Vic* President of the Supreme Board and, before the end of a year nearly a acore of Circles had come into their own in various mh.' of the country. ; I, - ^ ' • ' • -1___■ 4 s ^ ~ It is in honor of the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of the JuvenUe Department, and particularly the 5th Anniversarv 0f the Juvenile Circles that the current three months campaign U being conducted. Circles throughout the Society are urged to observe these anniversaries, and lodges not having a Circle are cdlled upon to organize their juveniles so that they, too, may enjov more of the beneflts offered by the SNPJ. 1 A number of weeks ago, an outline on how to organize a Juvonlls Circle appeared in the English Sections of the Prosveta. If tho copies containing these instructions have been misplaced or for other reasons are not at hand, you can receive a similar outline and any additional information you may desire by writing to the JuvenUe Direetor.' It will be greatly appreciated if ycu do this without delay. Wkat ia tke good of a JuvenUe Circle? It would take many col- umns to answcr that question in fuU. I need only to recall my own boyhood days to realize the value of a Juvenile Circle, and the same could be said for many of our members everywhere. The SNPJ did not have JuvenUe Circles or even English-Speaking Lodges in those days. We knew little of what was taking pbet within the Society. Outside the school, we had few organized activities of any kind. These usuaUy were of short duration and not very successful. In school aa you know, not everyone had a chance to be on the baseball, football or basketball team, or in the school play or program—only the best were chosen. Conse-quently, many of the boys and girls did not have the opportunity to develop and display their talents in competitive activity before the public, urhich is so essential to improvement and eventual success in any field of endeavor. I know that I would l>ave given almost anything to have had the opportunity of belonging to a Juvenile Circle, sueh as we have in several SNPJ communities, today. I mean an aetive Circle—one that is doing things or at least trying. I recall so many times in my juvenile day^ when play was stopped in the middle of a game, because the boy who owned the bali or bat, or both, decided to quit because he thought he wasn't getting a square deal—maybe he wanted to. piteh or play some other position we knew would be disastrous. More often than not, we gave in just to keep the game going and the team together. AU too frequently, this was the cause of the team's break-up. Now, that wouldn't happen so easily, if we had an organization behind us like the SNPJ to give some financial support, and the loca| lodge to provide leadership and management. When you don't have a reliable organization back of you, no matter what the activity yoii are trying to promote, the road is always more dlfficult and uncertain. The stronger the organization, the more certain it ia that you vvill succeed. The SNPJ is the lsrgest, the strongest and most progressive Slovene organization in the world. We are not only interested in organizing Juvenile Circles wherever there is oppcrtunity, but offer liberal financial support when needed. Take advantage of the oppprtunity to organize a Juvenile Circle in the current campaign. Organize sports activities of ali kinds. Equip yoiit teams with attractive uniforms. Adverti* the SNPJ in every way possible. Let's work and grow with our Juvenile Circles! Seeond Annlversary of Nasi Iavasloa It was two years ago on TueadayL April 8, when the Nazi hordes started their march into Jugoslavia, destroying and pillaginf everything before them. Hundreds of thousands of Slovenei. Serbs and CroaU have since lost their Uves. Perhaps. as many more thousands have been separatcd from their families and sent to concentrationcampa or fofced to slave in the fields and factori« to perpetuate the Nazi war machjne. Whole towns have been wlped off the map, but the Jugoslavs have not quit fighting as w evldenced from reports read of the guerrilla fcrces who continue to wage bitter warfare against heavy odds. They will fight to the end. Liberty or death will be their reward, wlth death prcferred to the Nazi yoke of slavery. The whole month of April has beegi set aaide as a period in which the lodges and members of the SNPJ shall commemoratc snd honor the brave men, women and cbjldren of Slovenia who hsve dled for the cauae of freedom, and the llving who carry on the fight We hope that aome day in the not too distant future. Slovenia will be one of many sUtes forming a Unlted Sum ot Europe, with aH the people united under one flag, spesklng a crm-mon language while retain ing their own natlonality and culture. under a government of the people, by the people and for the pe* ple. It la my firm belief that only under a set-up of that kind wm the people of Europe eventually learn to llve and thrive tc^ethei in peace and happinesa. Indlaaapolla—Last Saturday evening a crowd of nearlv thr* h und red members and friends of the Sdfciety ettended the M?0*'^ of the SNPJ movies of SloveaU in the Holy Trinlty ScbcK^ M^ in Indianapolis. The affair waa sponaored by the three local W Lodges No. 34. 105 and 575. The entlre proceeds wUI go t* Slcvene American National Council. In additlon to the n**'"* ' Sloveala. which took up nearly turo hours of the progrsm reels of the Society's activities were also shown. sU of well received by thoee present. Congratulations are extended ali three lodges on the succeea of thls affair. and thank* ever--much for the hoapitallty accorded me during my visit over week-end. ,ur Front | By Louis Benigar «rutrfying to note that in 2'ESTUi« Američan press krssu attcntion to E?aodSiP«^. Itappears fTvoicf of about tvvo million ° fjnallj heard and that GL« of their homeland ia iZnismg. They deserve Um P"' V«»v constitute Juvenile Circles 'JT because they constitute * 2 L most virile national units "MrL* but alao becauae cul- jJTt£y >re on M hi«h 8 level JEJ other nation. for instance, illiteracy in Slovenia JI the war was only 3%, as K^ed to more than 30% in rTand lower even than in the Ed States. This apeeks elo-*ntly for the Slovenes and their especially considering that ETachieved this high »tatu* in Zi Of age-long oppression. Ifjs^ Eaiiy too, the Slovenes have a JJji to their existence, for they lived in their present home-T„d for nearly 1140 years, having S«! there in the lattef part of f* 6th century—in 568. On March 30, M. W. Fodor, lib- „1 »riter for the Chicago Sun, had bi interesting article in hia column, gled "Italy's Peace Drive" in ^J he takes up our cause. He ■an that Mussolini and hia Italians Viay hope that they can get a „tce which will save most of their Sne frontiers as well as a part of colonial possessions." He ,Uy states that "we (America) ,1H see to it that Italy is forced S surrender the Slav provinces ,ich became a part of Italy after „orld War I. ltaly got those Slavs fcrough a secret treaty . . . Wood-row WUson refused to acknowledge tbe validity of this pact . . t and pergetically protested agalnst the nnsfer of 500,000 Slovenes and OO Croats to Italy. Soviet Rus-never recognized this conquest _ »ust- she had no delegates at the lesce conference." *By entermg the war on the side 4 Germany," continues Fodor, "Ita-definitely forfeited her dubious tghts acquired in the secret pact g London. The eastern part of ltaly. containing the Slovene and Croat minorities, must be returned to Jugoslavia. In addition, the itment of these Slav minoritiea by the Fascist authorities haa been cruel that this alone vvould for-fcit Italy's right to these eastern inces. This should be kept in aind when we consider a separate |nce with Italy." Dolenjka, our regular London cor-ipondcnt, in her letter published Prosveta of April 5, deals with Itovene textbooks and highly praises their contents because in them one find* a lesson based on human r«hu. In her column of that date there is plenty of food for thought *rticularly for us American ^lo-wnes, and I sincerely hope that «very Slovene mother and father vili read her stirring message— »d do something about it if it is a>t too late. He Doesn't Know the American People A lot of our military leaders are ttill »uffcring from the delusion that Ihe American people do not know an at war," and they continue to do their best to scare us to death. Brigadier General A. H. Waitt, of "•fhemical Warfare Service, told « 'New Jersey audience: "The cas-JlUes are mounting. Make no mis-about it, and by Spring these *J» will aopall us and we shall be-P to realize how serious war has Then the entire nation will * rtadv to go all-out for vlctory ■m nght th. n we shall start to vvin.1 ■The American people went "ali w for victory within an hour after p , " ^tan dropplng bombs on Harbor. If the general does ** know that, he is not very well "Juainted with the American peo-J* at thi« moment are giving " «hib.tlon of limitless devotion u v "^om, if ever. equalled hut(J,y of the worId,—Labor. "Ycuth of America" Circle Wlll Give Three Programa JOHNSTOWN, PA.—N o w that spring has really arrived in Johns-town, Circle 47 members got busy and put two bali fields in A-l con-dition. It took a lot of raking, dig-gipg and rolling. but (hey're ali set for our outdoor activities now. In addition to the sports we've en-gaged in ali winter, we've added baseball and mushball to the list. At present we have ten teams al together—3 baseball and 7 mushball. With this lineup we should have some keen competition in our own ranks. Gene Kehl is managing the baseball players with Bruce Constable aetin« as his assistant. The boys' mushoall teams have James Lees as their manager, while Dorothy Hody is in charge of the girl. On Sunday, March 28, our Circle held a marble tournament. The day was much too eold for marble playing, but then we nev^r know what lies ahead of us in that line. Gene Kehl emerged the vietor with Jack Mishler coming in second. Gene certainly has mastered the technique of the game and deserves hearty congratulations. Three programs to be presented in April and May are being prepared at this time. Plans for the Easter and Mother's Day program are com-pleted, but the anniversary affair will require more time before aH is in readiness. The foilowing Easter program will be presented on Tuesday evening, April 20. 1. Spring Fever, Charles Beam. 2. Piano solo, Dorothy Sudonick. 3. Easter, Betty Jane Dyba. 4. Ac-cordion solo, Stanley Skidle. 5. The Little Easter Lily, Janet Strozur. 6. The Easter Špirit, Law renče Fret,-zel. 7. Tap Dance, Charlotte Shi-kullu. 8. Easter Bills, Roger Hovv-yrd. 9. Play, "Ham and Eggs": Ham, Gerald Johnston; Egg, Jack Maldet; Voice, Williarn Kuzma. 10. Tony's Easter Špirit, Jrthn Koplin. 11. Master of Ceremonies, Phyllis McKinley. The Mother's Day program will be presented especial)y for mothers on Sunday afternoon, May 9, at 2:30 in the Lorain School The complete program is as follows: 1. Master of Ceremonies, Frances Strozar. Z To Our Mothers, Doro-thy Rubrecht. 3. Mother's Day, Wilma Laidig. 4. Poor Stepmother, Maxine Lehman. 5. Piano duet* Shirley and Gerald Johnston. 8. A Trihute tg Mother, Marjorie ^retzeL 7. Vocal solo "My Močiti," fc ose Marte Dezelon, accompanied by Sadiel Younker. 8. Our Mother, Elsie Ma-' rine. 9. To Mothers, James Valentine. 10. Vocal solo "Mother." Ruth Fletcher. II. One act comedy, "What's the Matter with Mother," čast to be selected. 12. To Mother, Esther Hol-mok. 13. Mother, Thomas Culkar. 14. Star of My Life, Helen Pinelli. 15. Vocal solo "Litlle Mother of Mine," Rose Marie Dezelon. We've added a few more dollars to that |32 we contributed to the Red Croas War Fund in November. This time we had a "Movie Sacrifice Fund." Each member vvho wished to help sacrtficed one movie and gave that money to the Rad Cross. A few of our members gave up several movies on ther own initiative for this very worthy cause. The Red Cross mu v well be proud of them. OLIVIA CHUCHECK, Mgr. Snr«- v? tNorw". ^ h Ui,\ w wlu be shot ne«t i L f,ri,»if Miuad«. Ther ^ ti, ef ali t>ma lirta of future rte- ^ H hy the Naši terw AJU?.?,Hr '»uldhit iackala. kr,M"r »Hat the dmr of vft U '"i for them. *n»ey i :,,n*Hi« _ -mli mun J **t!i t • r r »t i ... ,, ' * I >'»u r«n afToni not f «. Tromm r, 0T*. Juvenile Circle No. 26 to Meet Saturday, April 10 CHICAGO.—To ali members of Circle No. 28. This is to let you krovv that there will \fc a meeting this Saturday, April 10. at SNPJ hali at 10 a. m. At this meeting we will choose a name for our Circle. Some pieturfa will be taken of our group. The committee members had a meeting on April 3 at which time our cem-ing program was dlscusaed. Copies of the play, "When Mother Went Away," were given out j^o the members who have speaking part* ln it. AU members are urged to be present at the meeting 8aturday. SYLVIA TROJAR, Scc'y. Doughboy Found a Rose in Irpland," Rose Marte Dezelon, accompanied by Sadie Yunker; "Just Like a Book," Patricia March; 1 Movies" by Thomas Cihkar. In the drive for books for soldiers we have had grand results for we have collected over 300 very Interesting books. books which will prove good reading for thp soldiers. We were complimented on the fine seleetion we had. A skating party was arranged for March 31, to "sort of initiate" the coming of the spring seaaon. Last week mushball and baseball teama werc organized. CapUins were cho-sen for tbe boyi' teams as well as the girls'. Practice proves very interesting as well us entertalning. Games such as vol ley bali, dodge-tennis, etc., will be well on the way soon. Gene Kehl has been appointed manager of tho baseball teams with Bruce Conatable aeting as his assistant. The boys' mushball teams are under Janios Lees' supervision, and the girls*. teams are being managed by Dorothy Hody. At least 100 members are actively particlpating in these games. During the making of the serap-books for the soldiers we certainly have a hilarious time. One finds a good joke and has to show it to aH, then ali work stops while we laugh at it. Although we have contributed to the Red Cross we feel it our duty to again contribute but in the form of a sacrifice. We have decided to sacrifice one movie and ali expenses and give that money to the Red Cross War Relief. Fund. We had a silk drive for old silk stockings. We had a lot of fun eol-lecting them and after we had collected gi|Jtc a bit we gave them to John Koplin, a most uncomplaining person to work on. We had tied his arms up because they were too heavy for him to hold up whilc we snapped his pieture. He made a very funny sight. The Vouth of America Circle has niany momenta of joy and happiness and will continue to have it because they say that if you want to remain young, keep happy. DOROTHY RUBRECHT, Sec'y. Chicago Circle No. 26 to Stage Program for Parents CHICAGO.—Circle No. 28 ha« outlined a full program of events for this year. Prepurations are under way for a Parents Day program. Then too, we now have a membership drive, and our goal is 25 oew member*,by April Ul A piiaa will go to the person who has brought the most members. Before and after oui* meetings wc, get together and make upi recrcational center ali our own. We enjoy playing ping pong. checkers, bingo and dart games. I want ali SNPJ juveniles of Chicago to kno\V that tbey are welcome to attend our meetings and become members of our Circle. If you do this you too can )oin in on our fun after and before meetings. We are soon to put on a dramatlc sketeh and perhaps there is a chance for you to give a demonstration of your dramatlc ability. There may be other acts that may be accepted. May I urge you at this time to attend our next meeting this Satur-day, April 10, to acquaint yourself with our members, and maybe you too vvill soon be a member of the Circle. I FRANCES SENICA, Treas. Touth of America' Circle No. 47 Melpa War Effort JOHNSTOWN, PA.—The "Vouth of America" Circle ia continuing with IU activities and we ore planning more. I shaii try to enumerate some of them. Wc have outlined a program for the Lorain-Borough Parent Teich ers' Association and it cenlers around a patriot »o theme, We ako had s committee putline a pregrani f«»r Lincoln'a and WaahlngUm's birth-days. In mld-March o program was given for the members and frlend« and thr im st evening for the p«rent* and teOcher*. Tla* prognun included group singing Ud by Doitithy H<»dy. accompanud by Sadie Youniw r on ihe piano;- "Strietly Confidcntlal' by Jack Maldet; piano due t by Shir-lry and Oeraid Johnson; "Then We're Iriah' by CharU* Beam; tap dance by Charlotte Shikaila. aceo-n-panird by Margaret Zore; reading Mrs. OToole at the Teiephom* Ivy MaijorU Fretarl; trumpH **> "Wbn» hUh Ey*-* An- Smilmg/ Char b « Ifcmdak. ramoua Iriahmen. Johnny K^plm; vocal solo, *'Johnny Juvenile Circle No. 26 Planning Many Activities CHICAGO. — Recently. I picked up a copy of the Prosveta, and the first thing that caught my eye wat the large hcadline giving the resulU of the SNPJl membership campsign 1t was something well over 5,000 That set mo to thinking. If the adults could bring in ove» 5,000 new members. why can t we juvenile members do the same thing? Our Circle is having a campaign of its own to bring new members into the SNPJ and into our Circle. If every SNPJ Circle also startod a membership drive, Tli bet wo could do tmi as well as thi> adult«. There must be hundreds of juvenile SNPJ members who do not belong to a Ciicle yet, and theri' are nmiy more that do not even belong to the SNPJ. Each Circle should make U ita Job to find these members and nonmem-bers. and get them lnterested in the 8NIU. and ln your own Clrele. Aftor ali. the suceess of a flub depC Cipoth family held a part# on Hunda*. March 21, vvhlch šorrie memwrs attended und a swell time was had by all.-rDur ing the month of Miirch we wlsh the following a very happy birthday: Helen Bratnik, Mamic Turk. John Bratnik, Jos. 8knrl Sr., Jack Turk, und Mary Skarl. AH members are asked to pay their dues on time to Financial Bec'y Jos. Pssarich. If you can't pay your dues ln person, send it by another member or else use Uie money order thru tha U.S. mali. Flve dollars was given to Uie American Red Cross from our treas-ury. Any amount, large or »mali, is greatly appreciuted by the Red Croas. Give. The ncxt important meeting will be held on Bunday. AprH 14, at f p. m. Lefs have anothttr well at t« nded meeting and don't forget the date, time and plare. ' For Publicity Committee, MARY fiZDIRC, Lodge 540 No Alternativa Kind-hvarUd old ladjr—PtwrBikm, willingtKrtia to work, etc., and theae you nave, iw w\u> ™ If i trumi*™, jolned th« Circle brraiue Un CiarU haa a Wide vartely of ac- tht y t*trimw wl»at lt could he »tulit tivitic s. It iluiuld not be very diffl-jup to. They have workrd wlthout cult tO get new menibers lnU*r«-ated. coriiplaining. and floWly but aur»ly Take thr m to one.W your meeting*. | they have aeeomplliJted whai we or to a party whlrh the Circle iajhave today. That li what we Uy to ,|)))n,(ll inK Kvrry boy «"d girl likes p*#lnt out to buys and glrls who arr U, Im long to some sorf of a club. ] not jri t membets of our Cl»*l* There isptriallr U in that club hr find«^ many U .mg« that are as yet un new mlert«t« and new friends. \dtme, Planning. firiiinA. and fi-In our own Clrele. we have plannr 1 nully senpg th# re«uK of tb^lr work a varlrty of eventa whlrh will be end Uk m |pyn»ent H »ifings to them -carrkd out through the whole year Vlves and others. iS omet h ing that Wr havt had one party alrea. is to go out and ff, mrnthers to make our Clr-iwriny t« pul on a big ptcMluetton «ks bleger end betltr than ever Si^Snvr this fall. Wr wlll al«, hrf.^r, 4 EI#WA*D UtKlVICH. •Uit to plan p trn trs and out ing« as ' President. VERONA, PA—This Sat. nlgbt, April MK beginning at 10 p. m. and endlng at 2 a. m., arill see the Veronians holding their second Sat. night social Because the first Sat night social of a few weeks ago was a success without any publu-tty, tho Veronians vvill attempt to hold them ever.' other Saturda^ Sun-day night socials vvill contiat^e as befoi^e, starting at 9 p. m. and end-ing at one. Wlth the wai mer weath er aetting in it arill be a pleasure having our veranda doors wlde open so thst our members and frienda can come and enjov that avallablf space we have adjoining our dance floor. Thia Sat, April 10, lt wil) be Jlmw Sabula s orchestra, and oa Sun., April U, it wiU be Patochnik s band. Announcing for the first time our Pcnnsylvanla's Eighth Annual 8NPJ Dance that vvill be held at Syg^n on Sunday, June 27. Tho FederaUon la already hard at work making plani for this affair that vvill bo held at the most centralised point making it most conventent for ali SNPJ mem bera. Becauae of old times* sakes, this should be one affair that ought to be atiended by as inany SNPJ members as poaaible, if only to say hello to tha people that we onee knew. When I say hello, I meam just that, beeause almost ali of tha old gang are papas. That moans wateh ing the little one as vvell as the youngsters vvho sre danelng tha polkas and jitterbugs. So with more detalls later on thia affair, l'd say "Lefs aH keep June 27 open." Ouass Whoi When you unseram-ble the word "Tanaskisa," you will have the last name of the person woh is In today's quis. What are you called when you are in your second year of high school? Wall then, take th« first four letters from that and add "ia" to It and you wlll have this person's first name. Ona exprcsslon of our« thesu daya ls. "What*s eookln'." Well, the parson in today's quiz, vvho esn alwuys be seen at our Sun. night sociala, can answer that alwaya, beeuuse of this clue. Center Ave. and grlU. Last week's ansvver. Alfred Easterday. Are those grand avvard tlekets getting disposed of? If not. pleaao return them to your eomm. Iieeauae the people that have alrcady sold theirs are asklng for more. Only one more month 'to go, the date, to be cxact, la May 9, f muke another aueoess that will mean so muoh to our Veronian Club. Yes, it takes money and hard work when the beginning of any venture takes ptaee, but I'm sure that the Veronigns wtll cooporate in both this spring. Fel-lows vvho have had exparlanoe in the constructing of balinka courta are request«d to glvs tha Veronians a hand. The old hume»Uted adjoining our club on our property has beon torn dovvn, aireadjr giving our plače a better appoaranee. Naws Notesi Don't forget Uie bond driva that wjU be held for two vvaeks, from April 1» to April SO, in-clusive. Buy a bond to help our boys vvith ammunltlon at the front, and also to help ourselvas by sav-ing for tha future, and also to help our Veronian club, vvhlch has been selected as ona of the organisations to seli those bonds. Wln the first prlse of 8200 in War Bonds. Bo remember when our members who wlll hsve Identification tags authorislag them to seli bonds, come to your houae don't turn them dovvn but buy as much as you can afford. With what bonds we buy we will know that even If we aran't wlth our boys on the front we are giving them the best of evet^thing whleh they really deserve, fighting our bat-tles for us the way they are. One good thing about having your own club ls that visltors from other SNPJ lodges csn be eapectad at any time, as was the čase last vveek when those girls from Librsry who like Patochnlk's music so much (or is it the music?), and when Eddle Rosenberger and Lewls Uhernlk from Ambrldge paid us a vlslt. L*w arho wlU soon be inductad into the ermy has U» best wlshes of ali of our Veronians. Oee, I wlsh many more of,our older members would come dovvn to the club. Ask Mr. Cestnik. Mr Gurgurlch. Mr. Sil vsak. Mr. Kuba I, vvho are Veronians. or Marko and Mr. Mrhelic and Mr and Mrs. Zlb-reg who are lodge 218 mamhers. if they don't have an et\joyable time there. Estral Estrat AH members who have their blue elub card« wiU be given a free key to our stowly bul surely up and coming barroom, Yes str. my predletlona are that Uie Ve-ioni« r i club flve years from now wlll compete with the beat of them Say, did you see Uiat pietuie of Charles Mehaiich in the mon»lng paprr about a week ago, wbire he and other študenta wefe tuining over a lot of equlpment for our lxiy«' reci« ations at eamps? Card« were reerlvad from Tommy "Itod" Fer-guaon seytng hello to the Veronians from Nashvllle. Tenn, adterr he Is tak Ing hia pre-flight training aa an alr radrt From Frankie Bloaai arho m nda his best to the men. and Love to thr drla, from deep io Uie heart oi Tevaa. And Kan Hulton arho si steOoTMid at Tacoma, Wash, tells ua what s big kiefc he got out of h« at ing that Prear Elmet Klffln ls now a paoa. From Frank "Copprr BrrgoU-h arho ia doing his training ln Florida, end from George Lipraky arho sevs he likee It vrry mudi at ram p, and arhu alao gor« on to sap thet thr eaddvtng hr bed donr »h»k at homr ls helping him on thoae long Veroniana good dane« n be the best the Veronians have had. WUh RHev Whlltenberger, io Stanlk, Paul Safers. John LI-y. Frunk Perrovne. Frank Bou« hikes ln Uie infantry. Ali we oan aay here st home is that we'r« vaiy glad when we haar from these boys and wlsh them the best of luck always. Dominic and Johnnie Falvo. tha eouple who beaidrs thamaeivea have often t>ioiig|ji their dad doarn to um elub, havo^Ifcome popular wlth our lohnnie basldes being s a a »vvell slngar. vvho to our estimation could hold his own with eny of our local band« W1U the Veronians have a «oftball team this y«ar, thafs the questioo. lt seems th«t there is plenty of mati iial uvallable for a good t .un, but will there be enough of teamj to form a Irugue? The golf team shapes up to be the besMhe Veronians have ev< i ' • — • Mirko pesky ma and Damty Trebac along wlth Sddlc Maraka the Veronians should be outatandlng ln this šport this year, Want to ste something smooth. then you should vvateb the Saldarl sisters, Anne and Carrle, dancing together at our Sun. night socials. These girls syrt like to dance and the people sure cnJoy vvatchlng them, Helping to maka our last 8at. night soelal on March 27 a suceess waa Anne Bamencar and her hu»« band Georga vvho brought along two other couples. lielen Golavich and Mary Boatjancic, tvvo of our girl defense' Workers vvho are being employed at the plant along Plum Creek, can't vvalt till tha swlmmlng seaaon Thla scrilie recalls funny Incident that happened when these tWo glrls and Jean Mar-kowski vvere «wlmmln8 in front of tha club. It is the duty of this seribe vvho ,ig parataker of the Veronian club. to not let non-membars use our float beeause of some aoci-dent that might befall them making our club rosponsiblo f6r their la-jurles. I told them at that time that they would have to lieeome mtmbara to onjoy the privlleges of the club. New they are Veronians, and darn good onas at that. In časa any of our buys m the services do 40} get a Plttabui gh paper, the L0Wer Meram basketball team dafeated Farrell by a seort? uf 19 to 28 for aoholastlc honors. Also hera on tlu> home front Chubby Gostky, Mary Mehaiich, June Bab-Ion, Franeeii'Makaaek, Mary Miko leUc, and Sue Dsur aro lak ing yoyr places working in tha Atnerloaii Steel FoundrioSk employed as oore-makers. WHh a eheery hello to aU of our boys in the servic« from Uui Ml say Ho long until Veronians, neat weak. MU C11A KL LIPKHKV. Beby Fooda slstency, particl< The tasta indl Consumers Union Is testlng 7 va4 rtelles of baby food« packed by four leadiag manufactui-eia—Clapp. G er-ber, Heins and Beech-Nut. Apple-sauce, green baana, beets, oarrota, peaa, prunas and spinach ara lialng testad for vitamin BI ton ton t, oon-iicle sisa, and off*flavors. ieata that t bare are no major diffei*ftces bclween brands, lt Is not possible to rate tha brands on a prlce basis, since prleea vary from store \o store. Can sise varled from 4H os to 0 os. wlth the Halns produeta ln aU easas Urnost 4n vvelght Hovvever. the consiaiancr testa lndleste that the Halns tods are also the least watery of qil brands tested. In the tosts, Oerber s green besna, Oerbar'» eahroU, and "Beeeh-Nul peas are showlng the highest vita. min BI ccmteilt. Tha differanoes are small, howevar, and may vary in dlfferent batehas. Indx«t«, prunas, spinach and appleaeuM*, Uie dlffar-enee ln vitamin BI cdhient betaroen diffurunt brands aras Inaigniflcant, Špirit-o-Grams By Whuosit ST. LOUIS, MO.—Another month haa gone by and our regular monthly meeting vvill be held this Friday, April 9. at 8 p. m. at Con-cordla Turner Hull I3th and Ar-srnaL All memb< 1« are urged to attend this meeting becuuso a lot df important subjeeti vvill be dis- lite masa miting, vvhirh was hald April 4, vvill bo diseussad by Brother SpiUer, and also nuw de-Velopinents regartilng our Spring faaUval whlch wlll ba held in the near future. As ali members know wa are. going to hold a Spring danee this coming month and there-fure want to urga aH members to b« praaant at this meeting to maka suggvstlans so that our dnaee vvill bo a great suceess, 1 knovv that the glrls vvho are on the committee will do their best, bul that is not enough. Wu muat have the support of ali tha mem-Im;-s espeetally in theae trying Hmea. Wa must show our lMiys arho are fighting for ali of us that wt can get together and bring success to our organiiation. 1 knovv that al) our boys over there vvill ba very glad to huar that w« are vvorking hard on Uia hotne front in koopin* thing« going juat aa though they wert here to help us out. Thcy have a job over there und we alsc have a job here. We must aH piteh in »nd work hard. Whooait ia especting to see a large attendance at this all-lmportant meeting, and 1 am sure the membera wiil not let me dovvn, I alao ow pavt to see a lot of faces \vbub I haven't seen at \he meeting« for a long time. Ali thoae whn are not vvorking nlghts and vvho are vvell are eapaeted to ba praaant at thia maatlng, The weather ls getting wsrm and tha uanaportalion fa«ili-tie» ara improvlng, »o a large at-teudanoa is eapected, Remembttr vou have a very important date this rriday. What has happened to our lodge membership drive? Lefs gat out and find some more new juvenlles. You knuw our futura dopends on theae juvenlles. IH eapeit to aeo soma new upplicanta ut uur nest meeting. Our bond selling department is doing a swell jub, Lefs ali lielp them reach a record this coming month, I suppose all the memiiera know that in a great number of larae citira they ure holding a special bond drive during thr month of April. Let u» buy all the War Bonds and Stamps we poasibly oan. THia AND THAT; Wo sure would like to see Frsnk Kokal Jr. at our meetings, * fto how about it, Frank and ttte8?< Bring the big man down Hometlme«. I haar Utat our IHtle Juvenile niurletle butnite is beginning to write letters to her grandparents, Bro. und His. Zim-marman. ahe's only flve years old. itarting early, aren't you. Soon she esn join our correapondlng club and write to the bovs In the service. They vvould really lika that. Again I arant to ramlnd all members to ba sure and come to our meeting Wriday. AprH 0. Record Production of Ship^ U Forecaat The American shipbuilditig Indua-try thla yaar wlll "more Uian dou-ble" last reai^s output of 8.000,000 tpns of cargo vasseis. Uie Marilime Cunimiaslon forecaat thla week. Thla Fear^ goal has been set at nearly , 11,000,000 tons, but ean be stopped up to 20,000,000 tona, lt material« ara made available, tha eomm las Ion Melared. | More Ihan 800,000 man and wom-en are building merehant shlp« In 80 shlpyards, it was tevealed dker % mtheWo*lnk K®nc™1 WM *** that ten trophlas would be given "S gun ln theae heatoO seasions to winners. Since then we havs "g* games of 221 and 213 for gone up two mora so^ there wUl belJJ} JMovks foOw»Sd wUh a CLSVELAND. OHIO —The Utopian Cncketa. occupants of the bot-tom run g lo the standlngs for most of the currant seaaon, roee to un eapectod heighU as they put on a spectacular diaplay of pin busting ' for a sensational 1039 game and twe!vc awards for participants to ^ shoot at. Conte and get them. • M7ser^ with a 209 game Zak s SNPJ bowlers! Striss and S. Lunder a 512 se- Spehar JOHN J. SPI LAH, Tournament 8ec'y, Complete Victory by Comrades No* 3 Team CLEVELAND.—With the bow!tng seaaon practlcally over, the last burst of energy is being put to tast by the girls. Of the ten teams, Comrades No. 3.was the only one which made a clean sweap over their opponents, Struggler« No. 2. This places the Comrades vvithin two games of first plače snd ona out of second. The Skok sisters went to worl and blast-ad toUls of 400 and 447. Struggler« had Lokar with a 106 game and 476 aerias. The second game wa» a heart-breaker, lost by only two pins. Spartans took the Concordian No. 2 over for the count pt two. Val Kaucic led the girls in series with 462, followed by Zabkar with 401, Conoordians had Agnes Jeric top-pling the pins for a score of 360. Japel fotlowed with 373. The leading Concordian No. 1 quintet again bowad to their op-ponenU, Utopians this trip, for two games. A 109 by Lunder took top honors, whlle tha series went to Man leh for 397. Mam nest Ui line bowled a series of 378. Utopians had a new top man in person of Jo De beljak, who supeiaedod Straziaar. Her score was 440 whilc Mary fol* lowcd wiih 446. The battie bet »vee n Comrades No. 3 and 4 ended vvith No. 2 eoming out the victor. • Two games were won bv the former, first by 26 pins, and the «ocond by 2 pins. A simple spara miased by Paula in tha laat frame, insured the third game for Comrades No. 4 by a mar«in of 10 pina. High seoras w«re bowled by Paula wlth 400 and Jean Beljan with 401 including a 104 gama. Ste-fanlc alao had a fflgh The gamea inl Utopian wonm hold a ti I cordians | maining on tha former starred with a 074 of 206 and 300. Vours truly in artth a 000 serias and a 210 game and Jeras a 039 aerias vith a 221 game. Far tha lattar Jelinek had a 609 sarias and a 30« game and Lube a 011 aeriaa. Standlngs: Utop. Palcons won 06 leet 30; Concordiana won »3. laat 40; Lund. t Adamič won 00, lost 43; Utop. Wolvaa won 47. lost 46; Comrade« won 36, loat 60; Utop. CrickeU won 30, loat 07. Pertla ln Uniform Team High. S CrickeU - JT70 Lunder« —2770 Fskons ......J70O Wolves —2667 Team Htgh S'gU CrickeU „1039 Lunder« ......1010 Wolves--1007 Comrades ...1000 Ind. High 3 Jelinek —6 Japel ---------J Jerse .............63« Simcic ______",JS Ind. High SingU Perme ..........200 Simcic .....J...JM Jerse .............JST Jelinek .........J81 JOHN J. SPILAR, Sec'y, Cleveland Athletic League. game of 062. ries. For the Wolves who now have sunk to fourth plače, Jelinek had s 046 sarias and Perme a 029 series with s 206 game. 1* Stefamc Sinka Fatcom Led by anehorman Eddie Stefa nic the Comrades dofmed the laague leading Utopian Palcons In two close contesU. After losing the first game the Comftdes took the last two by margins ef 10 and 0 sticks to remain the No. 1 past against the Falcona thk seaaon. Štefanic aga^n resumad ell respon-sibility as he barrelad in games of 210 and 209 for a 602 ssries. For the Palcons yours truly had a 673 serias and a 206 game, Jerse a 036 serias and H. Zorman a 020 serias with a 202 game. Lundert Roll On The tunder-Adamič aharpshooters took over third plače after taking two games from the Concordiana. Simcic with a 042 serias «nd a 200 ss follows: gsme and Poklar with s 017 serias K. Zaverl ......107 and a 203 game vvere ,high for the g, Barkovich. 102 winners. Japel wlth a 017 aerias j. TsehUtsch. ..100 and A. Lunder vvith a 203 gama » RussalL... wera best for the losars. ' j* gp«ndal Stuzen Slap« 613 Series q Wlth Stuzen in the starring rola the Concordiana coasted to a three gsme win over tha Comrades in tha second half of the Sunday doubleheader. Stuzen c r a mam a d Kames of 214 and 201 tor hia 012 series to lead the rout Duša follow*d with a 070 series am! a 214 game and Jary a 009 series. Stefanie vvith a 027 series was topa for the Comrades. The Lunder-Adamlc crcw ce-mented their hold on Uiift plače after applying the whitewash bruah on the Utopian Crickets who now offered little resistanea after shoot-ing their bolt in tha first thraa games of the afternoon. Prime led the Lunder« with a 067 series which included games of 210 snd 200. Svi-gel swung ln with s 043 serias, Ysvnf Amricaas' News DETKOIT.—Tha Cleveland East-ero Invitational Bowling tourney week-end ia drawing nearer (April 17-10) and the V. A's have 2 boys' sfld one girls' teams that are sli set and only naed a few more boys to make up s third team. Any Your\g American wiahing to make the trip to Cleveland please get in touch with this writer before April 10 by calling Tw. 1-2001. Tratn reserva-tion« can be obtainad three days in advance. Trakt schedule for Satur-day afternoon is: trains leave Detroit at 1:10 p. m. and 0:30 p. m. and arrive in Cleveland at 4:30 p. m. and 0(00 p. m. respectively. Train fare 06.90 round trip plus 10% Ux. What do you say, Wolverines, why not send one or two teams to Cleveland for the tourney? In tha women's division of the Slovene-Croatian Bowling league the Y. A.'s won more than their shsre of the prise money. Final team standlngs: The Y. A. V.'s took the champkmahip, Y. A. CadeU 2nd, Y. A Marines 4th and Y. A. WAAC« 9th. Individual Y. A. averages are Official Proceedings SNPJ FINANCE COMM1TTEE I changed to the 3rd Thursday of Meeting was held Feb. 10 at ao-l^k month at the aociety's head- ciety's headquarters at 9 a. m Ali «u*rte™ a,,««™. , members are present except Liach have 0113,000 to_u»veat due to defense work. Minute« of1 from the direetor of in- thc Nov. 14 meeting approved. I»urance of Illinois in which he e*- Report on the financial setup of. tended the time for the diapoaal of the Louisiane^Arkansas Railway C^ is ^tiatoetonr. to^rt of th; » W "6? PSid high .100 sway Simcic a 016 series and Stokol a Struggler« No. 1 took two No !l Zupančič 011 series. For the CrcikeU Gla- sparkled with a 401 serU*s and a 107 vic had a 062 series and a 219 game game. Comrade« had Riaia wlth a and S. Lunder a 520 series. J. Nagel ........129 V. Travnik......127 A. Marn..........125 f. Hostnik......124 144 A.OBranovich 121 143 V. Jseklich ...121 ■ O. Koss_________119 S. Hometz......110 D. Karun........104 m. Cedilnik.. .140 m. Warholtz .l00 L. Zrlmec........134 L. Trsvnlk......129 Attention, Y. A. members. Regular monthly meeting Fridsy, April 9. v Attend and the same time you ean aee our Service Board vvhich wss splendidlv redecorsted by Char-lia Kaitner. Names added reccntly to the board—Hsrry l^ramer who Is statloned st Orest Lakcs Train-ing School, and Frank Hostnik. Home oh s furlough from Ft. Ben-ning, Oeergia, is Pvt. Frsnk Gaber who says he has a couple of SNPJ pals at camp. Blngo and dance at the 81ovene National Home April 10 given by the Singing club for the benefit of their boys ln the services. AU Y. A s are lnvlted.' JOSEPH OOLIA, Nafl Athletic Board. S. N. P. J. EASTERN INVITATIONAL 0OWLING TOURNAMENT APRIL 17-18. Tournament Headquartors: Slovana Warkiafmen's Hame 10338 Waterloo Road Cleveland. Ohio at IS43 CLEVELAND. OHIO Combination Entry Blank Men'« Entry............ .......□ n's Entry------ .......a TEAM Cert. No. DOUBLES 1_________ 2 !1 1_____ Nurnr of tram Captasn t A ..........— t--- RNTKY FFE -03 PER PEKSON FOH EACH EVENT. 1NCLUD1NO IMUNO Mali aH entries and feae to JOHN J SIMLAR. Secrelgrt, FASTERN SNPJ INVITATIONAL BOtrUNO TOURNAMENT 1MI33 Tmfalgar Ava^,C»r*land. Ohio, bf SATUROAY, APRIL 10. 1943 ^^^ * ^r. C ERTIFIC ATIOM Thi« u to teitify that the abov< liatrd t*>wlen are ali membe«. m k«»od standm« of No .... SNPJ Btgnature of Lodge HeereUry I cg the natlon's armed services to ba aSmltted to practlee before tha U. a Supreme Court is ■Osign Ludlle Pryor, 33, of Mar* tinaville, Ind. A member ot tha WAVES, aha Is sttached to the Jud#S Advocata Oeneral'a Offlce and will handle ca«e« for the U. S. Navy*s tax buiaau. Boosting Salaries and Boni The extent to which the salaries of corporstkm esecutives have sky; rocketed since Paarl Harbor was re-vealed this sredi by Congressmsn A. Leonard AUeh (Dem., La.) who presented to the Houso a tabulation by the Securltkn and Eschange Commission reporting paymenU of officials of "typieal" corporations. The five pages of "samples" offered by AUen Include the salary inereases of officials of many well-known concerns. The compensation of Presldent Eugenc R. Oraee ef Bethlehem Steel was boostad from; $271,224 to 0037,-784, snd his bonus wss incraased from 0298,144 t§ $307,784. Thafs doing pretty well ki war tlmes, when ali Američana annsupposed to sac-rifice. /' President H. e. J*ewis of Jones & Laughlin Steel was hiked from SllSJKH) to 0100,000; President J. W. Frazer of Willy»-Overland, from $120,000 to 0103,000} President S. G. McAllister of International Harvest-er. from $63,368 to 0121,000; President D. W. Douglaa of Douglas Avia-tion, from 064,683 to $101,769; President B. F. Fairless of United SUtes Steel, from $138/110 to $162,010; President R. W Clark of Hayes Man-ufacturing Compnny, from $18,000 to $864,410; Charles Msrcus, vice president of Bendla' Corporation, from. 040,892 to $77,043, to whlch a bonus of $298,144 was added. ■And that is only par« of ihe storyl But no newspaper suggcsU that thcsc staggering inereases will "lead to infiation." —Labor. Eating Out Pretty soon there will be no more seven course dinners and one pound stesks for those who dine out. The Department of Agriculture is reported to be working on an order which would limit &e number of course« and the size of portions served at ali types of public eating places. The proposal noW in the works is said to permit no more than three courses for a meal, This might al-low a choice of anpetlzer or soup, for instance, but not both. A Umit would be placed on the number of ounoes of meat per serving and a choice would have to be made of two vcgeUblca, or one vegetable and a salad. At present, restauranU recetve only fiaed allotmenU of sugar, coffee, pmce«aed fruiU and ve-etable». But despite these rsslriction.i thoae who eat out ar& in effect. allowed larger rations of meat and other foods than are masi of the people who cat aH their mcala at home. It is e«HmaU± that reaUurants now account for fhout 28* of our nattonal food ctinsurOption; it uaed to be only about 10K. Hence. ros-taurant regulations sheuld be framed to prevent waata of needed food-»»tuffs on eatravsgant meal% which < nered the norma 1 r*quiremenu for a healthful diet . Railroad Securitiea Lead Stock Market Railroad aecui iUaa are leading the ■toek market thrat days. In fact. they supply pm« tkaUy ali the "gin-grr" diaplayed b) Watl Stieet oper- ators. According to IhaM^orUt«^ Preas, ■ ail Umds ha v« »ttMnri the high-eet average in haa fOSrs Ev Klen t ly. invi-alars •«« not »ca red by the raite' p->ipsgsrda that the prtipnard wage w»i1 luin th««n ■ Hlitkii They know \he ■tend an advance. prtfits witl ti»factory. Report Title & Trust buildtog owned by the Green^ield Development Co. now bi the procesa of liquidation is read and filad. Matter of the Ogrizek loan was investigated and reported. Report on ali financial transactions in the previous six mo. period to be submittod to the supreme board meeting as the commlttee^ report. • In December $70.000 U. S. bonds were purchased and in January in-sufficient funda made it unoc—ry to hold a meeting. Matter of war damage Insurance. It was originally agreed that war damage insuranea ba placed on ali properties on which we hanre loans. Agreed that the home offlce use dis-cretion in the matter of requesting war damage insuranee coverage Jan. 1: a—Bloom Township school. District 0«. $0000 edlled; b— Winnett, Mont, 01000 matured; c— Catahoula, Parrish, La., 03000 matured and paid; d—Will County, IU., 010,000 matured and pakl. Mortgage loans repaid in full: a— FHA, 30, Cleveland, 08294.13 paid Jan. 21; b—FHA 07, Chicago, 02119.04 paid Dec. 31; c—FHA 100, Chicago, 01276.71 paid Dsc. 31; d— 62J, Chicago, 0000 paid Feb. 2; 3— 106A, Avella, Pa., 82100 paid Nov. 18; f—174A, Cleveland, 0840.73 paid Nov. 24. Purchaaes made since last meeting a—$20,000 U. S. treasury, 2V4% bonds due 6/16/87-62 at 100 17/32 from Harris Trust a SavingS Bank; b—$20,000 Camden, N. J., 3.20% due 1959 on 3.10 baais from Boyle, O'-Conor Sc Co.; c—075,000 U. 8. Vlc-tory loan 2tt% at par from Federal Reserve Bank; d—$10,000 U. S. Vic-tory loan 2Vt% at par from Federal Reserve Bank (juvenlle department). $5000 in new bonds regeived from Chatanooga, Tenn., with adjustecl interest, for a like amount of old bonds. ^^HHHI Dividends: a—A dividend of $1 per share recelved on the Southurast Manufacturing Co., totaling $80 b—Ohio Forga and Machlne Corp. paid a dividend of 8100 per share totoling 01800; o—South* Public' Service Company paid 16 Hc per share, totoling 127.00; d-^ National Gas Sc Electric Corp. paid 15c per share totoling $30.75; e— Iowa Public SerVlce Co.: pakt lOe per share totaling $20.80. An amougt of 0130 waS received for due interest on Westchesto* special assessment bonds. 150 shares of Sloux Clty Gas 6c Electric Co. stock sold to Kneeland St Co. Extensions for mortgages granted a—Loan 150A, Cleveland, Ohio, $1700 for five years, 5% interest and $200 annual prepayments on prln-cipal, original loan $3100; b—Loan 172A, Chicago. balance $3060, ex tended at 0% on a ten year amorti-zation plan, original loan 08000. Notice of the Waahington Gas A Electric reorganization la filed. The equipment waa being gradually dls-posed of and the proceeds wlll be dlstributod to first lieh and general mortgage bond holders which bonds are secured by stock of Oragon Gas Sc Electric Co. Report of the New Produce Building Co.. assets 0108,-880, report for the Lake Ports Sup-ply Co. and report of the United Fuel St Supply Co. are flled. Report ot the Associated Gas Si Electric Co. shows that tha bond-holders who have exchanged their 5% debentures of the AGCO for income bonds of the AGE Corp. at a lower interest rate, wlll lwMvo preciation of 0% a year be taken and that a revised list of book value, depreciatian and appraisad value on properties be presented st the next meeting. By unanimops consent 0100,000 is ordered placed in Series G War Bonds bearing 2% intereat The additional $13,000 is ordered placed in U*. S. Victory 2%% bonds 1968 maturity, by unanimous agree-mant Matter of the ineligible assets; will check over list and secure as many reports on them as jpossible. Meeting adjourned at 2:80 p Matt Petrovieh, Chair. | Mirko G. Kuhel, Sec'y D. J. Lotrich, Rec. Sec'y. p. m. poročilo o nakazani bolniški podpori Mi ^^^ mt^mt ^ PATiccarr WEDNESDAY, APRir , ICT0RY spt ISRBD 8TAT80 STAMPS gU Vukovlch Z ran c« b^ Purento SIS Joaeph Poranu SM. «17 50, AUce S»0 Mika Pekle M0. lato lUkvlc m t ^Matleh SM. Pr^ce. Oeorge Osanlc «1« «■- SU John ParsSo SIS. St« Frank Boale |U, Johann« MihAiv M SU Albert Mlhevc «13. Jtvco • John Jorln «40. Jowph Z.jc i,,!!' Joseph Zaje «40JO. Matt »UnLl £ John Yoaer Jr. «U. 171 SM Helena Beber «S7. Frank k--Jakob Sabac «14. AnOrew B^J, S' Joaeph Lach N. Frank RerW S Anna Stamplhar «47. John Bab«, $M. Mary Mavrtch «ia.M. Helenah povleh «34. Marlan Jurakovich nijl «40 Jo« Oorsha «S0, Frank Farman £ John KalShar «17. Matt Lubtch S'I Nlek Verbanac «S0. John Kogar m' Jojjph^Jaluha $1«JO, Valentin Jtot- 1 Mary Omana 031. John Prtbllch tu WUllam Snop «SS Jo^ph Kvu » Joa Puoal «M, John Zobeu jr. «u I Sam Sabolovlch «14 JO. credit for the difference according to court decUion. E. A. Arthur Sc Co. of Mllwaukee offer to buy our Racine Hotel bonds at 34. More in-formatioA U sought. Hemmel Sc Co. want our best offering for the diapoaal of Maricopa Reservoir U Powcr Co. unit, the bid was only 8110 per unit and not accepted. John Nuveen Sc Co.'s offer to ex-change our Hollywood, Fla., 3% bonds for refunding bonds which are not callable but whleh bear interest at %%% is not aecepted. The Ogrizek Juntor mortgage owner promiaes to begin paying as soon as poasible to cacth up the arraarage. Received 610 per bond on the Detroit City lee and Fuel Co* total payment of 0300 in dividends received in 1942 HIU Bro. s (St. Louis) offer to purchase our Detroit Fuel Sc lee first mortgage bonds at 90%; decided to secure more Information before the offer Is accepted. Notice of annual meeting for the Hotel Sherman Corp. is {IM. ' A financial statement for the Kansaa Ctty Cruahed Stone Co. was received and filed. Conaiderable progreaa waa made in 1942 and a dividend of 91 per share paid $28 -000 Chioago Park DMtrict aeriea B 4 bbnds are ca I led as of March 1, 1943. and $2000 4 % bonds called aa of that da te Blanchard Securitiea aak for a 10% eommlaaion on the diapoaal of any of our Teaa-1 its AMe* vilie special aaaraamrnt bonda !m f""* 1 John ZonU «IT. 9 Oeorge Saspotnik «S0, Loula PeUk m. John Dragar «M. Matt Pwlak «M. Nlkola Spanovic «M S Louis Terslner $14. Joa^k Bratko-vich SM. Joseph Bratkoelch «43JO Frank SuaUralc ««3. Agne. Setlna ««7 JO, Frank Ponea «M USlava Barker «40, Anton Tasak «34, Manda Devlch «40. U Anton Modrack «U • 14 Frank Meaac «41. U Agne« Mayarla «M. Anton Oalleh Ml JO. Mary Pouacha $14, Joaeph Oevjik «1«. Blas Oremua «33. M Ooorg« Llpotf $7. Josaph Dragoah SIS. Josaph Orafoah «M. Frank Turt-na «43. SS Antonu Oaaaar «1«. Jo—ph Bava « Simon Markovlch «14. Frank Anselc SM, Josaph Panter «U. Blaa PauMk $1«. 31 Frad Paulanlch «U, John Zale «M. Dan Falcan «3S. Dan Falean «M. SI Mary Cheraka «U. • 15 MarUa Mirt HM. Frank HogUr «M. 37 Gregor MatkoU $01. 00 Agaas Žerjav $S 01 Aatpn Pustovrh «14. John Zelene «30, John Koran «31. Frank Benehlna «30. Oobnlk «44. Frank Sustek «43. Benchln «14J0. Horvat «M. Jarry Horvat «40, Metelko «39. Fine |N. AtneUa Llska «M. Loufe «1«. ^SkSu^Ol!?4 •Ua m. Pater Zupančič IM, Orohar IM. M Msrtsrat Matanteh «33, Marko Blllc Kuhar «17, John Drasan IM. Novak «14 j0. 8tknWy Novak «13 JO, Joaeph Brenca Frank Zltko «14. Anton Atman la M3 Joaeph Bon «Sf. SM Frank Cergol «14. Marko Mohmet n Frank Marae «M. France« M lach tu m Matt Prlmorich «43 JO «73 John Vldamaak «4S, Luka* Dernova* «13. Oarhart Lompa M. Mary Medvte «7« Frank Spandal «M. «79 Mlchael Kubica Ml JO. FOrnk Mteri novici |«|. 377 Matt Slaba «M. Martha Calic m Loula Kopriva IU. Peter Uko no ' m Frank Koran |M. Frsnk Koran nt 3M Jernej Hrtbar «14 3M Mayme Klnney «M M7 Harry Powh Ml, Martin Klemcncie «37JO, Martin Klsmencic Ml, Anton Hribar MO, Frank Nemeth m 3M Alas Kramar |M. SM Bdvard Tomalc Mi. Mary Pip lak tU. Mary Strova« «M. NeUie Mattivi ni. Martin Bencieh «30. Michsel Ciaaak 306 Mary Jankolleh 114.30. Frank BaU-3M Helen VlaaeteUch «11 John Draiic 313 Mary Bauchar M0. France« Petrovič lil. Anton Batic «7. Loula Cernlgol IM. 313 Stanley Kendryhow«ki «18. Grga MrU 114. Joeeph Supancic |M IU Ouldo Paolassl II«. 31« Frank Kraaovoc «M, Margaret lUkau- «ky «13J0. 317 Mary Koho«ek «30. 31« Paul Oula M JO. SM Katarina Blcanic «34. Kate Petrak lil, Mary Pakl« Ml. Milk« Bmilanlch |UJt, ■ IMS Bajaeic «37. SM Joeeph Psvlovlch «M, Oeorge Jelidi IM. 341 SUrr^ltolterJllJ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ IM Anton Lunka $49. Ml Paullne Macbak $9. John Turk IM. Joaeph Prymak «14. Andrew Loacak Mllasevleh «31 M. John PopovMi Rauh «30. Marte BU Bogataj |M. Jdfm Vahovc Kumar IM- t M Man Flllpovlch NO. Frank Co« MS. I^uMa Chernigo] «33. John Nartnlk «30, John Natrnlk «40, Frank Beutz Ml. Anton Novak MO. Anton Kaucic N- , H 70 Tharaaia Kali« «1«. 7« Stankov starcavic «14 M Joeeph ftogel 101. M Tharaea Jaaenlk IM. Samuel Blnl 110 M Anna Kanoch M. M Roae Marte Hamilton M0. Oeorga Martlncic «M. Frank Zornlk It«. M Tom Ivanctch |ll. «7 Albina SedaHtlk «14. M Mary Hlll M0. 100 Franca« Dufter I13J0, Stava Jana« «M 1M Mary Van Dervoordt M IM Mary Cordaa ft«. IM Olaaalia Slavoy «1«. France« Turk «10, Roae Ban leh «M. Roae Banlc «14J0. Wnitem Be«ely «M 11« John Kran «30, Martin Papeah 117 Pataf Cheran «40JO. Frank Omaje «M 1U Pater Troha M«. Anten HrvaUn 114, Kraak Koc H Anten Pugelj «M. Al-no MutlnaUi Ml, Frank Pecman «M 1«1 Mary Koeevar |M. France« Pavlovle |M. Joaeph Botate I13J0, Matt Osa-nteh «M, Matt Bombae 114. Joaeph ioca «a Anton Obrano vic IM, Ooorfa arhovlc M0. IM P«ter Wuralnger «11 JO, Vida Orm 1 SS Cithfrln« PooafMteh «23. Jaoob Borovi ch «1«. John Tomljanclch «88. Man da Rukavlna «43 IM Frank Skerl IM. Aliton Smola SM. Frank Veael «M, John Simcic |14J0. Simon BUjak «14. Frank Campa «14. Joalp Florlandc M-IM Anaala PutealJ «13. Oartruda Kužna M«. Franca« Oavald «17. Katarina MaceK «JS • » IM Matt Broateevle 9*1. Loulae Mohar «38. PhlHp atimach «M. Hattle Oa-brlck «13 137 Katarina Jevc «M IM France« Drentk SM. Zlate Koamach «14. George Klobučar «10. Mary Ko-ter «M. John Cvetan «M. Joaeph Ba-nuah «M. K i tie Mauric «34 143 Anten Stafandc «14. Stave Cuk Ml. Mary Spllar «14. Ivana Srabot «M. John Kavalar «M. John Kavalar «M, Frank Berlan «14. Anton Leakovec 814. Joaeph Ponlkvar «S0, Loul« Bučar «14. Roae Valencic «18. Dorothy Maurich «M. Mlchael Hribar «M. Stella No vote r «M. Valentin' Gor) up «M. Mary Valter 148. Frank Kopal «MM. Anten Zaman MS. Kari Kumar 314. Jerry Krebal) «M. Anton Zorko «U IM Štefan Blagotinaek «14. Anten Miha I de M4, ■ 144 Anna Murta 814 IM Anten Krtaman «M Mary Toatovranlk «M IM Joaeph Vtttc* «14 M IM Joaapfc Mat t tel «11. IM Jate Stenanelc «M 1« Jennie Trajar 8M Agnae Kovač M4. Franfe Otsmark 188. Marko Culjat «M IM Chavtea Bratehun «14. 814 17« Ton v 17« Frani IM Matt «M. Anap____ ITI Ivana P«»l|anae «88 B. Vietena Urtei 814 8M. J« Mila Buteraa 814. Agreed A loan of 08000 was made 1 iaB J ' to the Veronian Club. SNPJ lodge 1*7 jZme Omana M S00. on their property on Feb 4.1 Jak« Petrtch m and'IlZmlio^irtEJ! USTT! ** O^TTSiTm. Nlek KranarVh and unarumously agreed they b«, «m Praoče« RaSevanovteh «l«te 371 KMsabeth Hefterle M0 »H Anton G*ady «14 JO. Lovi. Matko lil Franoee Roaenstaln «13. Vida Podbev-«ak IM. SM Mila TurkaU MS, Jacob Zupančič «14. Ftanoae Zupančič «7. Franc Jeram «8. Jacob Zupančič SM. Prank Krnim 8M. Tom Sokol SM. John Sim Sle 170, Paullne MUavec Ml Mik« pfalfer gs«. SM Tbomaa Kokuba «11. John Kapel IU. Ntek Fumltch «32, Frank Burlaphuk M. Frank Urrtch |«. rrank Knau« «8«. SM Darnella Sherry «30. George Soteo IU. 4M Juat CarmelJ Ml- * 411 Anton Potoean «30 ^ _ 41« Anton Verbic M«. Anton Laakovlc to Frank Pivtk IM. 4M John Olavan «M. m Joa Skadal IM. John Kraaevec IT 4M Mary Marovlch «1330 4M John Urblch «14. Victor Mlllch Ml. John Grslncla |14. 4M Zllsabeth Kura M7 4M John Beclch IU. Paul Sublc III 4M France« Cooper Ml. Thoma« Vukovlch 144 4M Joaaphlna Marott «M. John OrbacIK Loula Urbane «87. rrank Baclc Ml Eva Spoljarlc SM. 4M John Dabavec Mili« Loulae Analovar |UJ0. «1« Štefan Kuffnar «M. Tereaa Kurtt^i 114. Mtehael Oeber M. Anton P°to P kar MS. Anton Potokar «44 «37 Parka Sulantlch «1«. Julla Chllcha M0. Ml Stava Mamula «43 SM George Mlhalek «4 SM John Stanlaa MT. Nlek SM Anna Gaberaek «37. Angala WaUoJ «M, Anna Bunatte «18. Mltsl Chernk* N Jeanett« Orbtoon «13. Mjr«.-^ Kad lee ML John Schwet««r «» A" ■ tonia Rlhel «1«. ^ ^ ^ M Ml Roae Kattna «M. Catherlne Pate>H »» Lucy FlUlponl «M. 3SS Joaeph ine Kremrar«M, AntonK^ $13. Mam le PelkU»wlcx MO. AUee m Ml Mary A?dlch M«. A— Ml Mary Roa« «M. Mary Rollh «*• ^ ter Oarblc «M Vteaane Mirt «M. SSrSSrras^ «13. Anton SkuWO ** ^^ SMKank 9ehwelgar MS. FraSJ^^ Antente '"SS^S Z*. r- ■ns. Frank Potevlch «M SM John Haramleh «34 SM Steva Simonovleh «M «43 Bintea Zora M« 8M Auguatln Plakulle MS ^ SM Bertha Polandlak «M. Ar*" SU. Btanlay Ke. lor k |»4J8 0 Joeephln« Urbea MS. Frank i>n>^ SM Arthur Vamnik M. ' Z rteh SM. John Ravnikar «M 7tn Kate Gorte M«_ ._ utiM. m 7M Joaeph Msgltok 7M Peter Batt Jr H«. Feter 7M Mika Seball SU. 70» Wlkna Ktepetok Ml aroiu-tm-RL mmmj« ^ LAWRZNCC GRADtSKK UJ 8ee"y s b Dapt ...........11.......... Funeral H<#* F rymr Allegheny Cafi __ ........