FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Dom< */i AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN SLwih FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER JMO. 78 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) Friday, October 12, 1984 VOL LXXXVI Doma in po svetu PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Te vesti so bile pripravljene v četrtek popoldne - Reaganovo zdravje sedaj predmet votivne kampanje - Po debati je Mondale res napredoval, a še vedno zaostaja WASHINGTON, D.C. - Reaganova kampanjska organizacija je v skrbeh zaradi vtisa, ki ga je v debati z demokratskim tekmecem napravil predsednik, da ni pri najboljšem zdravju. V debati je bil namreč videti utrujen, nekateri njegovi odgovori na stavljena vprašanja niso bili jasni, kar so opazili tako gledalci kot novinarji. Prvič v kampanji so se pojavili resnejši dvomi o Reaganovem zdravstvenem in tu predvsem duševnem stanju. Znano je seveda, da je Reagan star 73 let, ko bi potekla njegova druga predsedniška doba, bi bil blizu svojega 78. rojstnega dneva. Pri mnogih volivcih je nastalo vprašanje, ali bo Reagan sposoben izvrševati svojih silno odgovornih predsedniških dolžnosti vse do januarja 1979. leta. Vse to pomaga Walterju Mondalu in je ^adi tega ta teden demokratski kandidat videti navdušen, prav tako njegovi kampanjski svetovalci in delavci. Prvič v dolgi kam-Panji imajo upanje na uspeh, čeprav je Reaganova priljubljenost pri volivcih po najno-VejŠih ugotovitvah javnega mnenja od 15 do 20 odstotkov. V republiškem taboru so v skrbeh in skušajo na vsak način preprečiti nadaljnje padanje Reaganove pribljubljeno-sti- Tako je ta teden Reagan zelo aktiven v kampanji, njegova pisarna pa je objavila Poročilo o izidu njegovega zadnjega zdrav-stvenega pregleda, v katerem so zdravniki trdili, da je zelo zdrav za njegovo starost. Opazovalci politične kampanje menijo, da so republikanci kljub vsemu trenutno na defenzivi, da pa še ni mogoče misliti na J^ondalovo zmago na volitvah 6. novembra, f^ruga debata med Mondalom in Reaganom, ki bo v nedeljo, 21. oktobra, bo torej velike-Pomena. V Mondalovi organizaciji so nekateri v skrbeh, da bo Reagan odpovedal udeležbo v tej debati, ki bo v celoti posvečena zunanji politiki. Prepričani so namreč, da 0 Mondale boljši v debati o zunanji politiki kot je bil preteklo nedeljo, ko je bese-a tekla izključno o domači oz. notranji Politiki. (O debati med podpredsedniškima kan-'datoma Georgeem Bushom in Geraldine erraro ne moremo poročati, ker so bile te Vrste pripravljene v četrtek popoldne. Ur.) ^feraj sta se dva astronavta uspešno sprehajala po vesolju - Pristajanje Challengerja bo jutri na Floridi . CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Včeraj v a astronavta David Leestma in Kathy Sulli-y o ZaPustila zrakoplov Challenger in se za kot tri ure sprehajala po vesolju. Sullivan „ s tent sprehodom postala prva ameriška ^fonavtka, ki je to storila, in druga ženska. . tetska kozmonavtka Svetlana Savitskaja v .aan:ireČ 25. julija postala prva »sprehaje-a« Po vesolju. Pri NASA menijo, da so tl0 Jeti to storili, ker so vedeli, da bo Sulliva-v temZaPUSti,a Challenger- Hotel> so biti prvi n . Kljub temu, se polet Challengerja nada-(jaJ^ ^tez posebnih težav. Pri NASA menijo, Ca ° Challenger pristal jutri na letališču pri hto*6 Canaveralu. Vremenarji omenjajo Otu «°St mo^ne8a vetra, kar lahko vodi do Chali tVC pristajanja za en dan. Ker nima vret^en8er nobenega motorja, morajo biti ZeU enske razmere za pristajalni manever |^ugodne. Danes praznujejo v Domikanski republiki ob navzočnosti papeža Janeza Pavla II. 500-letnico okritja Amerike SANTO DOMINGO, Dom. rep. -Včeraj je prispel na ta otok papež Janez Pavel II. Udeležil se bo slovesnosti v zvezi s 500-letnico odkrita ameriškega polobla, do katerega je prišlo 12. oktobra 1492, obhajanja te obletnice bo pa trajalo kar devet let. Preteklo sredo je bil Janez Pavel II. v Španiji, kjer je v enem njegovih govorov kritiziral socialistično špansko vlado, ki ni naklonjena ideji državne finančne podpore katoliških šol. V molitvi je dejal papež, da upa, da bodo imeli očetje v Španijo pravico izbirati tisto izobrazbo, ki jo želijo imeti za svoje otroke. Janez Pavel II. je bil že drugič na obisku v Španiji. Državni tajnik George P. Shultz se mudil v El Salvadorju - ZDA podpirajo sestanek med predsednikom Duartejem in gverilci SAN SALVADOR, El Sal. - Ameriški državni tajnik George P. Shultz je v krajšem obisku v El Salvadorju dejal, da ZDA podpirajo sestanek med predsednikom Josejem Duartejem in vodilni gverilci, do katerega bo prišlo prihodnji ponedeljek v mestecu La Palma. Duarte je bil predlagal sestanek, gverilci so ga pa presenetili, ko so povabilo sprejeli. Duarte pravi, da se zanima za pogajanja, katerih namen bi bil napraviti konec krvavi državljanski vojni v državi. Opazovalci el salvadorskih razmer pa dvomijo, da bo to prvo srečanje uspelo. Shultz se je ustavil v El Salvadorju na poti v Panamo, kjer se bo udeležil zaprisege novega panamskega predsednika Nicolasa Ardita Barlette. Kampanja za nove naročnike Dne 1. oktobra se je začela kampanja za pridobivanje novih naročnikov naše Ameriške Domovine. V tej kampanji že sodeluje več naših prijateljev, ki jih imenujemo spodaj skupaj z imeni novih naročnikov. Veseli bomo, če se boste tej kampanji pridružili tudi Vi! Iskreno se zahvaljujemo sledečim osebam, ki so nam poslali imena novih naročnikov, ter seveda tudi novim našim bralcem. Upamo, da boste z listom zadovoljni, prav tako bomo veseli vaših pripomb in nasvetov! Ludvig Jelenc, Berwyn Illinois -Marica Kučič, Brookfield, III. Martin Hozjan, Westmont, III. Drago Velkavrh, Berwyn, III. Janez Arko, Chicago, III. Paul Košir, Richmond Hts., Ohio -Lesica Evanist, Richmond Hts., O. Stan Skrbiš, Richmond Hts., O. Tonica Simicak, Euclid, O. Rudi Kolarič - Peter R. Osenar, Wickliffe, O. Clement Hren, Wickliffe, O. Tony Lavrisha - Albert R. Amigoni, Euclid, O. Mark Lavrisha, San Francisco, Ka. Janez Dejak - Ivo Gajšek, Islington, Ont. Matt Zunič, Toronto, Ont. Eleanore Karlinger je pa naročila A.D. za g. in go. Josepha Zupančiča, Lynd-hurst, O. ter Ann Krajc, Cleveland, O. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Posebna priloga— V današnji A.D. boste našli posebno prilogo o zgodovini DNU pri Sv. Vidu, ki obhaja to nedeljo svoj zlati jubilej. Vabljeni ste na sv. mašo, potem pa dvorano na zajtrk in program. Koncert— Glasbena Matica vabi na svoj jesenski koncertni nastop, ki bo v soboto, 20. oktobra, v SND na St. Clairju. Pred koncertom bo večerja. Vstopnice po $12 imajo člani, ali pokličite Johna Vatovca v večernem času na 524-4053. Prodaja krofov— To soboto, 13. oktobra, ima Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu ob običajnem času prodajo krofov v društveni sobi farnega avditorija. Pridite! Novi grobovi Anthony Gliha Nenadno je umrl 74 let stari Anthony Gliha, brat Mary Pagon, Lillian Malečkar, Edwar-da in Williama (pok.). Informacijo o pogrebu boste dobili, ako pokličete 486-4584. John L. Lukane V petek, 5. oktobra, je umrl 90 let stari John L. Lukane, vdovec po Heleni, roj. Sila, in Antoniji, roj. Alič, oče Mildred Drake (pok.), Olge Legan, Marie Svrga, Helen Go-snik, Johna in Sylvie Duerr, 16-krat stari oče, 24-krat prastari oče, 1-krat praprastari oče. Pogreb bo iz Brickmano-vega zavoda na 21900 Euclid Ave. danes, v petek, v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete dop. ob 10. uri in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Mary Rita Janes V ponedeljek, 9. oktobra, je v Slovenskem domu za ostarele umrla 71 let stara Mary Rita Janes, prej bivajoča na 428 E. 157. cesti, rojena Kekič, vdova po Leslieju, sestra Ann Galo-vic, Johna, Helen Blatnik, Nicholasa in Thomasa. Pogreb je bil včeraj iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152. cesti na pokopališče Lake View. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele. Vincent Codosky Umrl je 70 let stari Vincent Codosky z 1055 E. 67. ceste, roje v Strabanu, Pa., vdovec po pok. ženi Hedig, oče Marion Scarpucci (pok.), Patricie Talani in Kathleen O’Neill, 4-krat stari oče, brat Mary Krann, Julie Yoncosky ter že pok. Michaela Kolodowskija, Josepha in Johna. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega-zavoda na 6502 St. Clair Ave. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Vida ob 9.30., od tam na Kalvarijo. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, pop. od 2. do 5. in zvečer od 7. do 9. Poroka— Jutri, v soboto, ob pol enih popoldne, se bosta v cerkvi sv. Felicite poročila g. John S. Jalovec in gdč. Janet Marie Lester. Mladi ženin je sin g. Josepha in ge. Ane Jalovec iz Richmond Hts. ter vnuk ge. Mary Jalovec z E. 64. ceste. Iskrene čestitke in vsega blagoslova na skupni življenjski poti! Okrevata na domu— Mary Kokalj iz Saranac Rd. je prestala težko operacijo. Se- V daj je že doma, kjer je še pod zdravniško oskrbo. Zahvaljuje ' se vsem, ki so jo spomnili v času bolezni s sv. mašami, molitvijo, obiski, s kartami, cvetjem in darovi. Posebna zahvala gre Fr. Victorju Tomcu, župniku fare Marije Vnebovzete. Naj Bog poplača vsem. Obiski dobrodošli. G. Ignatius Zupančič z Bonna Ave. pa je prestal operacijo na srcu, v kateri je dobil »pacemaker«. Sedaj okreva na domu. Obema našima naročnikoma želimo hitro vrnitev zdravja! Seji— Redna seja Kluba slov. upokojencev na St. Clairju bo v četrtek, 18. okt., ob 1.30 pop. v prizidku SND na St. Clairju. Vhod skozi vrata v ozadju poslopja. Članstvo vabljeno! Kr. št. 2 PSA ima sejo v sredo, 17. okt., ob 2.30 pop. prav tako v prizidku SND na St. Clairju. Govoril bo predstavnik East Ohio Gas Co. Družabni večer— Vstopnice za družabni večer, ki ga prireja Tabor DSPB v soboto, 20. okt., so že na razpolago. Pokličite Filipa Oreha (943-4681) ali pa Milana Zajca (851-4961), najbolje ob večernih urah. Res izredna podpora— Rev. Viktor Tomc, župnik fare Marije Vnebovzete, je daroval A.D. $200. Sledeči velikodušni dobrotniki so pa darovali po $100: Max Rak, M.D., Inc., Cleveland, Ohio Frances Lausche, Gates Mills, Ohio Helen Levstick, Cleveland, Ohio Nettie Mihelich, Cleveland, Ohio Direktorij Slovenskega doma v Collimvoodu. Vsem naša iskrena hvala! Spominski dar— Mary Stražišar, 19102 Arrowhead, je darovala $15 v tiskovni sklad AD ob 12. obletnici smrti moža Jos. Stražišar. Hvala lepa! VREME Deloma do pretežno sončno danes z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 69° F. Isto vreme jutri, a nekaj topleje. Najvišja temperatura okoli 72° F. 6117 St. Clair Ave. — 431-0628 — Cleveland OH 44103 --------------------83--------------------------- AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $1 5.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja; $1 5.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $28.00 per year; $ 14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $ 1 5.00 for 3 months Fridays only: $1 5.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20 Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, ______6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103_____ No. 78 Friday, October 12, 1984 Slovenci v ZDA in »topilni lonec« ii. Pred dvema tednoma sem v prvem delu tega članka omenil željo nekaterih naših bralcev in naročnikov - ne gre namreč vedno za eno in isto osebo -, da bi postala Ameriška Domovina bolj »odprt« list. Tako naj bi našli veliko več naročnikov, predvsem iz tistega dela slovenske skupnosti, ki se smatra za politično, deloma pa tudi versko »pasivno« ali pa »napredno«. Kar želijo ti ljudje, je, da bi naš list v določenem oziru spremenil svoje dosedanje uredniško stališče. Pravijo na primer, naj bi ne imeli toliko člankov z versko vsebino, prav tako ne toliko člankov, v katerih pisci kritizirajo sedanji režim v Sloveniji in SFRJ ter obravnavajo dogodke iz druge svetovne vojne in revolucije v stari domovini. Predvsem pa ne želijo videti, da bi naš list kdaj kritiziral tiste člane in članice naše slovenske skupnosti oz. njih organizacije, ker v našem mnenju pretesno in preveč nekritično sodelujejo z željami slovenskega režima. Konkreten primer: Prihodnji petek bo v SDD na Waterloo Rd. tu v Clevelandu koncert Ljubljanskega okteta. Ta oktet je glasbeno na višini in bo koncert v tem oziru prvovrsten. Lahko pa tudi pričakujemo, da se bodo pojavili predstavniki Slovenske izseljenske matice, ki bodo predstavljeni občinstvu in imeli tudi nekaj za povedati, morda celo odlikovali nekatere osebe, katerih imena so za to čast predlagale njihove organizacije. Za »napredni« del naše skupnosti naj bi vse to bilo nekako normalno, nepolitično, mi pa, ki smo do takih stvari kritični, mi naj bi bili »politični«! Ali naj bi v A.D. vabili ljudi na ta koncert, ne da bi jim povedali, da bodo poslušali ne samo izvrstno slovensko petje - kar brez dvoma bodo -, ampak po vsej verjetnosti govore predstavnikov režima v Sloveniji? Mislim, da ne. Osebno se bom koncerta udeležil. Govori, ki jih bom poslušal, me ne bodo motili. Poročal bom, kaj je bilo povedano in dodal svoje osebno mnenje. Klic po »odprtosti« pomeni nekaj posebnega, ker je jasen dokaz težnje po enotnosti, ki je vedno vidnejša v ameriški slovenski skupnosti. Iz zelo različno mislečih slovenskih skupin naj bi nastala nova, v kateri bi prišlo do veljave neko posplošeno slovenstvo. Vse oblike tega novega ameriškega slovenstva niso še povsem jasne, nekatere pa so. Slovenski jezik bo imel neznatno vlogo in bo za večji del te nove naše skupnosti celo napota. Politično bo ta skupnost pasivna ali nevtralna do režima v Sloveniji. Sprejemala bo predstavnike režima nekritično, pod pogojem seveda, da ti predstavniki ne bodo šli predaleč v njihovih zahtevah. Pozabiti ne smemo namreč, da so »napredni« Slovenci praktično brez izjeme patriotični, čeprav liberalno usmerjeni Amerikanci in ne bi dolgo trpeli od slovenskega režimovca kritiziranja ZDA. Bil sem že na lokalnih sestankih, na katerih so morali predstavniki slovenske vlade poslušati marsikatero zelo kritično besedo. To »novo« slovenstvo — ki seveda ne bo za mnoge nas nobeno pravo slovenstvo, bo pa obstajalo - ne bo torej hotel dosti ali sploh kaj slišati o medvojnih dogodkih in zločinih. Izgovor, ki ga je najpogosteje slišati od »naprednega« ali politično pasivnega dela skupnosti, je, da je pač bilo klanje na obeh straneh, da so v tem oziru tako eni kot drugi za to odgovorni in nima smisla o vsem tem več govoriti ali pisati. Kar je bilo storjeno, je bilo storjeno in se ne more danes popraviti. Naj na vse to kar pozabimo enkrat za vse- CLEVELAND, O. - Stojimo na pragu štiridesete obletnice največje tragedije, ki je zadela naš narod, odkar se zaveda svojega obstoja. Sramotna izročitev slovenskih domobrancev in njihova veličastna smrt v slovenskih gozdovih, bo za vse večne čase ostala kot strahotni dokaz zverinstva komunistične partije ob koncu revolucije v Sloveniji. Štiri desetletja potekajo od tistih strašnih dni, ko je cvet slovenske mladine umiral v kraških jamah Kočevskega Roga in drugod po moriščih na slovenski zemlji. Vsa ta štiri desetletja pa današnji oblastniki v Sloveniji niso našli moralnega poguma, da bi priznali ta vnebovpijoči zločin. Prekrili so ga z zagrinjalom laži, zanikovanj in premetene propagande. Toda, stojimo na pragi ne le 40-letnice tega zločina, temveč tudi na pragu dneva, ko jim bo strgana z obrazov hinavska maska »narodnih osvoboditeljev« in bodo pred lastnim narodom in vsem svetom razgaljeni kot največji krvniki slovenske zgodovine. Kot je kri pomorjenih slovenskih domobrancev pronicala v potoke okrog morišč, kot so njihova trupla silila na dan in klicala po krščanskem pokopu, tako nezadržno prodira resnica, ki jih bo slednjič pokopala ter odvrgla v ropotarnico zgodovine tudi vso marksistično navlako, ki jo vsiljujejo slovenskemu narodu. Za mnoge med nami prihajajo ti dnevi prepozno. Mnogi naši soborci so odšli za poklanimi bataljoni, toda resnica sama bo prevladala in v merilu časa in zgodovine je to edino, kar je važno. Leto za leto vas vabimo na svoje prireditve in vselej ponavljamo, za kaj si prizadevamo, * v CHICAGO, 111. - Vsakoletni »Slovenski dan« v Chicagu, ki ga prireja Slovensko ameriški radio klub, se bo to leto vršil v soboto, 27. oktobra, ob 7. uri zvečer v veliki svetoštefanski dvorani na 1835 W. 22nd Pl., Chicago, Illinois. Vabljeni so Slovenci širojn srednjega zahoda na ta »družabni večer leta«, ko obenem praznujemo 34-letnico slovenskih oddaj na chicaškem radiju. Pester, a jedrnat program bo letos osvetljeval orkester Veseli Slovenci iz Clevelanda, pod vodsvtom Dušana »Duke« Maršiča, ameriškega Avsenika. Veseli Slovenci razveseljujejo Cleveland in okolico že več kot 20 let z odlično slovensko narodno glasbo in je že skrajni čas, da bodo tudi čika-ški Slovenci enkrat deležni teh kaj želimo, kaj bi radi dosegli, česa še nismo, in zakaj nam je vaša naklonjenost še vnaprej potrebna. Tak je tudi naš letošnji poziv: pridite v našo družbo, pogovorili se bomo o vsem tem, spomnili se bomo vseh, ki so ostali večno mladi in drug drugemu bomo vlili nova upanja v končno zmago pravice. Stojimo na pragu 40-letnice Vetrinjske tragedije. Prestopimo ga v zvestobi vsem tistim idealom, za katere so umirali naši vrstniki tisto strašno poletje 1945. leta. Prestopimo ga v trdnem prepričanju, da prestopamo tudi prag v obdobje, v katerem bo prevladala resnica o tistih dneh. Krajevni odbor Tabor-a, DSPB vas iskreno vabi, da mu tudi to pot potrdite svojo naklonjenost z udeležbo na našem družabnem večeru v soboto, 20. oktobra, v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Pridite! Krajevni odbor Tabor DSPB lej, itd. Sprememba v tem oziru je v mojem mnenju možna samo v slučaju, da bi prišlo do kakega bistvenega preobrata na samem Slovenskem. V našem listu smo v zadnjih mesecih že večkrat poročali o nekoliko odprtejšem obravnavanju nekaterih medvojnih in povojnih dogodkov v Sloveniji, denimo o vlogi škofa Rožmana, o političnih procesih v prvem povojnem obdobju, itd. Zanimivo pa je, da vse to spregleda na primer čikaška Prosveta, ki je običajno pripravljena poročati oz. posredovati »novice« iz Slovenije. Za takšne novice, čeprav prihajajo iz starega kraja, še ni nobenega prostora. Mnogi naši pisci obžalujejo, da je za mnoge ameriške Slovence slovenstvo to, da gredo na kako veselico ali se udeležijo kakega tekmovanja v peki potic ipd. Na žalost, mislim, da bo vedno več tega. Preteklo soboto po koncertu Fantov na vasi sem govoril s članom zbora Glasbene Matice o zborovem koncertu, ki bo 20. oktobra v SND na St. Clairju. Po prejšnjih nastopih sem bil kritičen, ker poje zbor - v mojem mnenju - preveč angleških oz. neslovenskih pesmi. Povedal je, da o tem vedno debatirajo na zborovih sestankih, spoznali pa so, da publika, ki obiskuje njihove prireditve, ki so sedaj združene z večerjo, v večini slovenskega petja ne razume in se zanj toliko ne zanima, ter da zbor ne more najti novih pevcev in pevk, ki so zmožni slovenskega petja. In ta zbor ni edini, ki se nahaja v tem položaju. Menda zbor »Slovan« ne obstaja več, čeprav o kaki uradni razpustitvi nismo prejeli nobenega obvestila. Ta primer jasno kaže, kako se že obstoječe slovenske kulturne in tudi druge ustanove prilagajajo novim razmeram, pri tem pa dejansko ustvarjajo hote ali nehote tisto novo slovensko skupnost, o kateri pišem v tem članku. Kje naj bi bila vloga Ameriške Domovine v vsem tem bom obravnaval v naslednjem, zaključnem delu tega članka. Rudolph M. Susel dobrot za ušesa, srce in pete. Prepričan sem, da bo ta prvi nastop Dušana Maršiča v Chicagu z velikim navdušenjem sprejet. (V Chicago nameravata priti tudi lastnika lista Ameriška Domovina James in Madeline Debevec. Z veseljem bosta srečala ob tej priliki naše naročnike. Op. ur.) Ljubka »Gospodična Slovenskega dne« Dana Rebrica, učiteljica »malih« plesalcev ŠARC, bo prebrala uradne proglase Slovenskega dne v Chicagu in Illinoisu in naši izurjeni in priznani plesalci ih plesalke ŠARC bodo zaokrožili program. Kakor po navadi, bosta seveda bara in kuhinja dobro založeni z vsemi potrebnimi dobrotami za žejo in glad. Odbor se je potrudil, da priredi prijateljem ŠARC in Slovenske radijske ure od blizu in daleč, v duhu slovenske domačnosti prijeten in spomina vreden večer. Torej prijatelji od blizu in daleč: Na veselo svidenje v soboto, 27. oktobra, zvečer v dvorani pri Sv. Štefanu! Za odbor ŠARC: S.S. Za lačne po svetu CHICAGO, 111. - Misijonski odsek v Chicagu pripravlja misijonsko kosilo prav na misijonsko nedeljo, ki se obhaja letos 21. oktobra širom katoliškega sveta. Naši misijonarji čakajo in prosijo za pomoč. Potrebe niso manjše kakor pred desetletji, saj poročila in slike na TV kažejo in poročajo, da je čedalje več lačnih ljudi na svetu. Ko marsikdo zagleda sliko otroka, katerega je sama kost in koža z velikim in nabuhlim trebuščkom, pravi: »Takoj bi mu vsak dan odstopil svojo hrano, samo, če bi prišel do njega.« In dobremu našemu človeku se nudi taka priložnost! Zaupaj in daruj! Pri slovenskih darovalcih ni nobenega vmesnega člena, ali posredovalca - dolar gladko preide v roko misijonarja ah misijonarke. Premnogokrat slišimo od razsodnih naših ljudi opazke, da imajo sami med seboj veliko potreb za posameznike in za slovenske ustanove. »Te Slovenci ne vidijo, denar Pa ‘mečejo’ tujcem, ki nas nič ne brigajo.« Odgovor naj da tole pismo, ki je pred kratkim prispelo na naš naslov: 25. sept. 1984 Heirachabis. S.W. Africa Spoštovani! Predvčerajšnjim sem prejela vaše lepe in tako dobrodošle 3 pakete, ki so vsi nepoškodova ni. Ne bom vsega imenovala, kar ste poslali, pač pa vam vS' na misijonu izrekamo tisočer »Bog lonaj«. Naš č.g. misijonar si je ^ izbral hlače, ki jih tako potrebuje, ker za sebe nima nilm nič. Vse, kar ima, razdeli ubo gim. Na misijonu smo ime (Dalje na str. 4) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 637. MRS. MARY VAVPOTIČ, prva predsednica MZA ob njenih začetkih in častna predsednica zadnja leta, je umrla v Chicagu 22. septembra. Pokopana je bila v župniji Sv. Štefana, kamor je spadala s svojo družino dolga leta. Pisec teh vrstic je telefonično prosil o. Kalista Langerholza, da ob njenem pogrebu poudari njeno veliko ljubezen do slovenskih misijonarjev in misijonark in še posebej njeno pionirsko sodelovanju pri razvoju sodelovanja v MZA. Dne 20. avgusta je pisala: »Lepo se zahvalim za Vašo skrb za mene. Dvakrat sem videla že v A. Domovini, da ste me priporočili v molitev za zdravje. Sedaj Vas pa prosim, da za zdravje ni treba več moliti, ampak samo še za srečno zadnjo uro. Sem že prosila škofa Barago, da naj mi še toliko pomaga, da bi Vam mogla odpisati. Zelo se mi smili o. Inocenc. Sem poslala o. Kalistu za dve sv. maši, da naj jih opravi za njegovo zdravje. Jaz bom 31. decembra stara *e 96 let, zato zdravja ne morem več pričakovati. Molim samo še za srečno zadnjo uro, ki vem, da se mi približuje. Tudi Vas prosim, da molite v ntoj namen. Ne morem več. Lepo pozdravite o. Philipa in tudi gdč. Sonjo, njegovo sestro. Zelo uPam in želim, da ga škof Baraga ne bo pozabil in mu izprosil zdravje, lahko še s čude-*em. Jaz to pričakujem. Bog z Vami in lep pozdrav °d Mary Vavpotič.« ^r*v gorenjska grča je bila rajna Mary. Ob Prihodu iz Kitajske sem jo pr-^ srečal leta 1952, na potu skozi Chicago. Z možem je ži-Vcla v bližini farne cerkve sv. Štefana. Preprosta je bila, a njena vera in ljubezen do misijonov sta bili izredni. Izšla je iz rodu, ki je v ZD veliko pre-garal, da je družino spravil lahko na noge. V časih, ko ni bilo kot danes, ko si večina, lahko poišče delo in okolje, kot si ga sam želi. Naši izseljenci so morali prijeti za najtežja dela in redko kdo je dosegel kako pomembno mesto. So pa verni ohranili slovenska in katoliška izročila in bili u-stvarjalni na mnoge načine kot marsikdo v novejšem rodu ni več. Mary je živela iz vere. Skrajno iznajdljiva je bila v misijonskem sodelovanju. Vedno je staknila kakega darovalca ali poslala za kako sv. mašo za naše misijonarje. Dobra gdč. Ahačič, Remčeva gospa in Gabrovi so živeli v njeni bližini. Velikokrat je tudi omenjala gdč. Mokorel. Z vsemi je ohranjala tesne stike in bila je kot vir misijonske energije in ljubezni sredi plemenitih misijone ljubečih rojakov. Mož ji je kmalu potem umrl. Njen sin in hčerka sta zvesto ohranjala stik z materjo. Sama pa je kot čebelica skupaj nosila vse, kar je mislila, da lahko misijonsko delo naših pionirjev in pionirk na misijonskem terenu olajšuje in krepi. Vsa MZA bo skušala z molitvijo pri Bogu izprositi, da bi dobra rajna Mary našla v večnosti mir, ki si ga je zadnja leta posebej tako želela. Ko je to in ono odpovedovalo in je videla, kako ji pešajo moči. Kljub temu, da je že silno slabo videla, je zadnje pismo v avgustu še natipkala. V BLAG SPOMIN OB DRUGI OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠEGA DOBREGA MOŽA IN OČETA v BLAG SPOMIN OB TRETJI OBLETNICI našega ljubljenega Moža, očeta, sina IN BRATA Anthony košir ki je za vedno zatisnil svoje blage oči d»c 12. oktobra 1981. Žalujoči ostali: Arine Košir - soproga; 0r|y- Tom, John, Mark -sinovi; Iv ^nt0n Košir - oče; Stance, Francka Jakič, Mara Skuk, Bernardka br ani^ *n Anica Martinčič - irata in sestre (vsi v Sloveniji) °-' 12. okt. 1984. MIKE PINCULIČ ki je zatisnil svoje blage oči 13. oktobra 1982. Dve leti sta minuli tuge in bolesti, dom je prazen in otožen, ker Te več med nami ni. V nebesih večno srečo uživaj, na svidenje na vekomaj! Žalujoči ostali: Žena: Anna (roj. Muhič) sin: Michael Pinculič z ženo Dorothy vnuka: Michael Schneider z ženo Lin, Joseph Schneider pravnuk: Paul Schneider pravnukinja: Mary Louise Schneider ter ostalo sorodstvo tu in v Sloveniji. Euclid, O., 12. okt. 1984. Mary, počivaj v miru Kristusovem, ki si ga s tako ljubeznijo skušala razširiti na svojski način po vsem božjem svetu! Za svete maše prosi v pismu 15. septembra misijonar Ivan Bajec. Takole piše: »Tokrat se Vam oglašam iz župnije Guitry, kamor me je letos poslal tukajšnji škof. Do sedaj sem bil skoraj 8 let v župniji Fresco. Ta župnija ima nekaj več prebivalcev kot prejsfija. Jih bo okrog 30.000. Delo je seveda precej podobno kot poprej. S predstavitvijo se spremeni tudi moj naslov, ki je sedaj: Rev. Ivan Bajec, Mission Catholique, B.P.84, Guitry, C6te D’Ivoire, Afrique. Na isti naslov mi pošiljajte, prosim, tudi Ameriško Domovino. Ob tej priliki se Vam zahvaljujem za vse darove MZA in Vam želim veliko božjega blagoslova pri Vašem delu. Če bi mi lahko poslali kaj mašnih intencij bi Vam bil tudi zelo hvaležen. Lep pozdrav Ivan Bajec.« Nekaj mašnih intencij, ki jih imamo pri rokah, bomo g. Bajcu v kratkem poslali. Ko bomo h koncu leta spet vsem našim na terenu delili MZA letno pomoč, bomo posameznim, ki se za sv. maše priporočajo, tudi nekaj intencij znova priložili. MZA je vedno hvaležna posameznikom, ki za sv. maše kaj pošljejo in po sodelujočih zberejo. Mnogim, ki V BLAG SPOMIN 48. OBLETNICE NAGLE IZGUBE NAŠE LJUBLJENE HČERKICE, SESTRICE IN TETE ALICE PINCULIČ ki jo je ljubi Bog poklical k Sebi dne 26. maja 1936. 48 let je minulo, odkar ljubi Bog Teje tako naglo poklical, in naše prošnje k Njemu pošiljamo, da božja roka Tvoje plačilo naj deli. Žalujoči ostali: Tvoja ljubeča mama brat: Mike Pinculič z ženo Dorothy nečaka: Michael Schneider z ženo Lin, in Joseph Schneider pranečak: Paul Schneider pranečakinja: Mary Louise Schneider ter ostalo sorodstvo tu in v Sloveniji. Euclid, O., 12. okt. 1984. za uboge zvesto zberejo. Mnogim, ki za uboge zvesto skrbijo, je vsaka intencija vedno znova blagohotna pomoč. Iz Batawe, Ontario, se je oglasil 16. septembra poverjenik MZA g. Ivo Medved, s priloženim čekom za 125 kanadskih dolarjev za vse naše misijonarje(-ke), ki so jih darovali: g. Stane Klemenčič $25; Franc Škerl $20; po 10 dolarjev gg. Ivan Trček, Franc Košir in ga. Angela Medved; g. Ivo Medved pa $50. Tole je pripisal: »Ker nas je malo, je tudi vsota skromna. Verjetno Vam je že znano, da je 31. maja umrl moj brat Venceslav. V aprilu pa sem bil v Sloveniji na pogrebu moje sestre. Iskreno Vas pozdravljam Ivo Medved.« V New Yorku je MZA imela misijonsko prireditev v nedeljo, 30. septembra. Predsednica ga. Helena Klesin je v AD o tem nedavno poročala. Upamo, da je bil uspeh popoln. G. Frank Staniša iz Geneve, Ohio, je obnovil vzdrževalnino za domačega bogoslovca in dodal v čeku za $600 še lepo vsoto v pomoč vsem našim misijonarjem. Mrs. Louise Šustersich iz Timminsa, Ontario, pošilja $100 za vse naše misijonarje in se priporoča v molitev. Od sv. očeta blagoslovljen molek si želi in ga bo dobila. Rojaki iz Lethbridge, Alberta, so poslali po poverjenici ge. Antoniji Fylypczuk nabirko za naše misijonarje(-ke), kot to storijo vsako leto. Darovali so skupaj $325 v kanadski valuti naslednji dobrotniki: D. Pahulje $40; Z. Dimnik $30; po $20 tile: F. Šifrer, C. Kaplan, S. Dimnik, A. Boh, J. Dimnik, A. Rogan, M. Pekete in A. Fylypczuk; po $10 naslednji: P. Kveder, S. Špenko, T. Dimnik, A. Toplak, M. Previšič, M. Ambrožič in S. Zrim. J. Vidmar je daroval $8 V BLAG SPOMIN OB ČETRTI OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠEGA MOŽA, OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA JOSEPH KONCILJA Umrl je 14. oktobra 1980. V božjem njivu zdaj počivaj, dragi, nepozabni nam. V nebesih večno srečo uživaj, do snidenja na vekomaj. Žalujoči ostali: Žena — Stefie sinovi — Joe, Frank in Victor z družinami hči — Stephanie Segulin z družino 14 vnukov, 21 pravnukov in 2 pravnuka Cleveland, 12. okt. 1984. in po $5 pa J. Mahnič, L. Novak in J. Hribar. J. Boltazar je dal $2. Ga. A. Fylypczuk je še dodala kanadskih $50 za poravnavo naročnine Katoliških Misijonov ($25) in za petkovo Ameriško Domovino za o. Jožeta Grošlja je obnovila z dodatnimi $25. Iz Sudburyja v Ontariju so poslali Vid in Marija Rovanšek dodatek za obnovo bogo-slovske vzdrževalnine, da znese skupaj za eno leto ameriških 250 dolarjev. Iz Nemčije se je oglasil g. Franc Šeškar in vse lepo pozdravlja. Zvesto mašuje za namene MZA. Molimo za njegovo zdravje. Vsem darovalcem, kjerkoli že sodelujejo z MZA, se iskreno zahvaljujemo v imenu vseh naših na terenu misijonskega pionirjenja. Dr. Janez Janež 18. septembra pošilja spet lepe znamke (FDC) in dodaja: »V Kanadi doživljate spremembo, pri nas pa je vse kot je bilo in lahko kar lepo delamo. Izgleda, da bo zopet Reagan zmagal in dokler bo on na krmilu nas rdeči ne bodo nadlegovali. Naši tu so veseli s spremembo v Kanadi, s prejšnjo vlado niso posebno dobro vozili. Lepe pozdrave vsem znamkarjem in Vam vdani J. Janež.« Takole MZA po vseh koncih kontinenta skrbno orje in seje misijonsko misel in ideje. Mnogi, ki doraščajo ob dobrih starših, bodo polagoma prevzeli v MZA vloge, ki jih čakajo... Rev. Charles Wolbang, CM Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Nekaj zgodovine DNU fare sv. Vida (nadaljevanje iz 8. str. posebne priloge o DNU) Leta 1935 se je vršil svetovni Evharistični kongres, katerega se je udeležil tudi tedanji Ijubl-janski škof dr. Anton Bonaventura Jeglič. Člani Društva Najsvetejšega Imena Jezusovega fare sv. Vida smo se polnoštevilno udeležili sv. maše v clevelandskem stadionu. V stadionu se je zbralo nad 150.000 ljudi, ogromna množica se je počasi zgrinjala v obsežni prostor. Člani Društva Najsvetejšega Imena od Sv. Vida smo prišli že ob enajstih in stali nad tri ure, nato pa odšli domov peš, ker so bili avtobusi prepolni. Več članov Društva se je pridružilo nočnemu češčenju Sv. Evharistije. Enkrat na mesec smo molili po eno uro med 11. zvečer in 6. zjutraj v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Euclid Avenue in E. 40 cesti. Na Veliki četrtek smo v naši cerkvi sv. Vida imeli več let molitvene ure od 10. zvečer do 6. zjutraj. Zadnja ura od 5. do 6. je bila slovenska. Vodil jo je pokojni France Sever. Od začetka je bilo Društvo Najsvetejšega Imena župnikova desna roka v fari. Že prvo leto je dobilo srebrno kupo, ker so naši fantje pro-(Dalje na str. 4) Za lačne po svetu... (nadaljevanje z 2. str.) zadnji čas zelo veliko dela, tudi dva jubileja: 50-letnico mašniškega posvečenja, jaz 50-letnico zaobljub. Poleg g. škofa, je bilo navzočih mnogo duhovnikov in sester ter ogromna množica katoličanov in tudi nekatoličanov. Vsak je nekaj dobil za pod zob. Dobri g. misijonar je kupil vola, katerega so spekli in razdelili. Pri teh ljudeh mora biti vedno kaj za želodec, drugače niso zadovoljni. Ubogi naš misijon! Kje vse to dobiti, da nasitimo na stotine ljudi? Že šest let ni bilo dežja; za živino, ki je še živa, moramo kupiti vso hrano, saj tudi ne gre več ria pašnike, ker tam ni ničesar. Ljudje se zanašajo na misijon. Če jim kaj manjka, so hitro tukaj. Večina belcev je že odslovila svoje delavce, ki so pazili na živino, ki so jo imeli na pašnikih na tisoče, pa ne sedaj več. Najmanj tri četrtine živine je poginilo. Bojimo se, kaj bo s toliko brezposelnimi in misijon ni zmožen vsega. Imamo velik naval. Z veliko hvaležnostjo pozdravlja vse dobrotnike Sr. Marie Vincent Novak Druga misijonarka, Jeanne Elizabeth Pogorelc, se lepo zahvaljuje za paket, v katerem so bile odeje za otroke in lične male jaslice iz kartona tudi za otroke. Ona pa prosi še za denar, da bo lahko plačala carino — in to v »bogati« Južni Afriki. Da se nabere malo več denarja za slovenske misijone tudi v našem Chicagu, imamo že nekaj let pri fari sv. Štefana misijonsko kosilo. Kosilo organizirajo, pripravljajo in delajo v kuhinji, v dvorani in pri postrežbi samo dobro volj-ci, taki, ki imajo smisel za potrebne in lačne po svetu. Resnično, zelo potrebujemo tukaj v Chicagu za to velikodušno zbiranje darov mlajši in delavni odsek ali misijonski odbor, ker starejši omagujemo zaradi visokih let in šibkejšega zdravja. Naj se oglasi kdo in reče: »Pripravljen sem pomagati in sodelovati.« Prosim! Iskreno vabimo za udeležbo kosila! Cena je $6 za odrasle in $3 za otroke. Serviralo se bo v nedeljo, 21. oktobra, opoldne. Verjemite, da je vsem težko prositi, a vendar rabimo: pomoč pri delu, pecivo, dar v denarju, mogoče tudi darilce za srečkanje (raffle). Kajne, da vsi razumemo? Bogastvo je brezsrčno, revščina pa tako kruta. Ana Gaber Nekaj zgodovine... (nadaljevanje z 2. str.) dali največ srečk za piknik združenih društev fare. Pomagamo pri vseh prireditvah v korist fare. Prve “bingo” igre so bile pod vodstvom našega društva, prvi karnevali v korist cerkve so bili v rokah članov našega društva, prav tako evharistični ministri. Naše društvo je več let sodelovalo pri Zvezi Društev Najsvetejšega Imena slovenskih fara v Clevelandu. Pri tem so bili posebno delovni: pokojni Matt Tekavec, pokojni Frank Hočevar, pokojni Ignacij Resnik, pokojni Anton Grdina in pokojni Lovrenc Bandi st. Ko je prišlo 20. oktobra 1944 do eksplozije treh velikih tankov plina East Ohio Gas Company na njenih prostorih med E. 55. in 62. cesto, je ogenj zajel večino hiš v bližini, mnogo je bilo popolnoma uničenih. Pri nesreči je 131 oseb izgubilo življenje, med njimi tudi več članov Društva Najsvetejšega Imena. Cerkev sv. Vida, poslopje Ameriške Domovine in Slovenskega narodnega doma so bili komaj kaj prizadeti. E. 61. in E. 62. cesti sta bili na novo urejeni, ob njih so zrastle nove, modernejše hiše. Rojaki! Priporočajte Ameriško Domovino svojim slovenskim prijateljem in znancem! MALI OGLASI Good income producing bar, St. Clair location, D-2, 2X, 3 & t, 3 living suites and rear house. Must sell. 531-6302. Terry. (78-81) Slipcover Sewer Needed Full time work. Power sewing machines. Apply bet. 8 and 3, Mon. thru Fri. Eastern Slipcover Co. 589 E. 185 St. Euclid, OH 44119 486-2310 (78,80) Dne 7. oktobra je praznovala svoj 92. rojstni dan ga. Theresa Tomič, ki jo vidite na sliki skupaj s svojo dveletno pravnukinjo Julie Ann, ki je pravkar obhajala svoj 2. rojstni dan. Družina se je ob tej priliki zbrala na 1145 E. 167. cesti v Clevelandu. Navzoči so bili hčerka Theresa Telisman, vnukinje Nancy Wirbel, Rosemary Jankowski, Janet Saxon in Joyce Kucharson, pravnuki in pravnukinje Mary, Thomas in Mark Wirbel, Frank ml., Joseph in Julie Ann Jankowski, Douglas in Jonathan Saxon ter Michael Casey in Matthew Kucharson. Ga. Tomič stanuje na 6110 Orchard Grove Dr., Cleveland. Help Wanted Experienced cooks & waitresses. Apply in person -11394 Kinsman Rd. (Rte. 87) in Newbury, Ohio. Call 564-7339, ask for Henry or Rose. (78-85) Needed Live-in companion for senior citizen. Willoughby Hills. Prefer Croatian or Slovenian person. Call 944-3769 after 7 p.m. (78-79) STANOVANJE V NAJEM spodaj, z garažo, blizu Marije Vnebovzete. Pokličite tel. 531-6879 (77-80) FOR RENT 6 sob, spodaj. Ogrev s plinsko pečjo. Garaže. E. 74. cesta. Pokličite tel. 944-2043. »Slipcover« šiviljo iščemo Polni čas. »Power« šivalni stroji. Javite se med 8. zj. in 3. pop. od ponedeljka do petka pri: Eastern Slipcover Co. 589 E. 185 St. Euclid, O. 44119 486-2310 (78,80) Going to Slovenia? Taxi, Chauffer, Guide Service. Very reasonable rates. Call Joseph at 951-7544. (74-83) PrijateVs Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUD! ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Petrie Barber Shop 783 E. 185 St. 481-3465 Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spomlnlkov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Lepo, novo enodružinsko hišo z urejenim vrtom v mirnem predelu središča Brežic, v bližini vseh trgovin, prodam. Površina J 86 kv.m. Primerno za bivanje starejših oseb - Čateške toplice 2 km. Cena okoli $120.000. Informacije po telefonu. Brežice, Slov. 068-61-215. FOR SALE All brick 6 apt. bldg, with big office or store space, 6408 St. Clair. Good investment. For more details call MARICA UGRIN — REALTOR 944-3953 STANMOR REALTY 946-2240 (76,78) (77-80) V NAJEM Tri sobe, neopremljene. Kličite 391-4914 po 4. uri pop. (77-80) ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa zidarska in tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike itd. Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 486-5545 (FX) FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING _NEEDS ANZLOVAR’S DEPT STORE TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica St. Vitus Parish PRESENTS Christmas Celebration Dinner - Dance Benefit FEATURING Fantje na Vasi — Kres Folklore — Ed Baucar — Ray Champa Saturday Evening, Nov. 10 St. Vitus Auditorium, 6102 Glass Avenue (East 61st and St. Clair Avenue) Admission $15.00 Proceeds Benefit St. Vitus School and Auditorium For Presale Tickets Contact Persons: Stan Kuhar 431-2994 — Jim Logar 486-3532 f Madeline Milakovitch 881-1423 * Louise Strauss 531-2966 — St. Vitus Rectory 361-1444^ i f \ f T.K. General Contractors, Inc. Predelujemo kuhinje, kopalnice, delamo strehe, »driveways«, nove garaže in vsa potrebna gradbena dela na hišah ali poslovnih stavbah. Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj in tapeciramo. Zidamo tudi nove hiše in poslovne stavbe. - Vprašajte za brezplačen predračun! ' - 831-6430 - SLOVENSKI HOTEL »BLED« V RlM^ Monthly Economic Review October, 1984 By Daniel A. Pavšek Economist — AmeriTrust Company Little doubt now remains that the pace of economic activity has moderated; despite concerns to the contrary, cyclical forces seem to be proving irresistable. The consumer sector, which has been bearing the standard of the recovery from the start, has retreated from its free-spending ways of earlier. Retail sales have declined for two consecutive months while the sale of autos and homes has been showing persistent weakness. Retail sales - including autos - are expected to pick up again in the fall with the new model year and with the holidays approaching, but the housing sector has most likely seen its best days of the cycle. These developments, along with the anxiously awaited slowdown in business credit demand, helped long-term interest rates to continue their decline. The shorter end of the yield curve remains relatively high and has moved higher, partly in response to the actions of the Federal Reserve, which has as yet been reluctant to make a significant easing move. This could still change, as long as money growth and economic activity remain moderate. Agnes Rufus Enjoys Recipes Editor: Since I am the directress of Promotion for the Cause of Bishop Baraga here in Marquette, Mich., and for the entire Baraga Association, it is natural that the first thing I look for in your paper each Week is something about Earaga. Occasionally I do read something, especially when Father Victor Tome is planning a Baraga trip. I do wish there were more frequent teminders about Baraga’s Cause and the need for in-yolvement in that Cause. However, the reason I write donates to St. Vitus HNS Mrs. Christine Verbič donated $5.00 to the St. Vitus Holy Name Society for their Special Edition. this letter has nothing to do with business. Like so many other women, I, too, look for recipes. At long last I have found one my dear Mother used to make when I was a child. I refer to the Roux Soup which was submitted by Marie Dular. It was in the September 28 issue which I received today (Oct. 4). Thank you and Marie for that recipe. I have tried many and have shared them with many friends. I believe that the Finnish, French, and others with whom I have shared them have found that Slovene cooking is something special! Agnes B. Rufus Cause of Bishop Frederic Baraga 239 Baraga Ave. Marquette, MI 49855 BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 / Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Grdina Funeral Homes !053 East 62 Street 431-2088 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 Grdina Furniture Store 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 Clair Featured in Mag lllDeathlS FRANCES PERCIC Frances Percic (nee Bresar), 76, died suddenly at her Euclid home Oct. 4 She was the wife of Franc; the mother of Filip of Willoughby Hills, Janez of Jugoslavia, Mario of Richmond Heights, and Wilma and Olga, both of Euclid; the grandmother of 12; the greatgrandmother of 2; and the sister of Joza of Canada, Angela of Yugoslavia and the following deceased: Franc, Andrej, Janez, Micka, Johana and Marija Bresar. She was a member of the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Mary’s Church (Collin-wood) and St. Joseph Lodge No. 169 of KSKJ. She was born in Slovenija Kranj and came to the U.S. in 1949. She moved from Cleveland to Euclid in 1976. For more than 20 years she worked as a machine operator for Morrison Products. The funeral Mass was Monday (Oct. 8) at St. Mary’s, with the Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., in charge of arrangements. Burial was at All Souls Cemetery. Pensioners to Meet Thursday The St. Clair Avenue Pensioners Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 18, in the annex of the St. Clair Slovenian Auditorium. If you have a friend who qualifies for membership, bring him or her along. We are still accepting new members. Also bring your ideas and suggestions on how to make our meetings more interesting. We should begin now to plan a program for the coming year. We need your help. Stanley J. Frank Secretary Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to these Special Residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged for the Month of October: Matt Kern, 95 Anne Serschen, 82 Josephine Turk, 73 Theresa Pavlench, 93 Justin Martinčič, 82 Frances Julylia, 91 Rose Novak, 83 Elizabeth Smalic, 89 John Barbie, 84 Mary Quate, 84 Andrew Blazich, 89 Leopoldina Vozel, 83 St. By Joseph Zelie The October issue of the regional magazine Ohio Magazine, carries a fascinating article about Saint Vitus neighborhood. It is entitled, “The Neighborhood That Wouldn’t Die.” Subtitled, “A Little Bit of Cleveland That is Forever Slovenian,” it is the staff assignment of Sue Gorišek. She is a senior writer for Ohio Magazine, working out of Cleveland. The article is beautifully illustrated by color photographs of a highly skilled and artistic photographer, Jay Paris. A very unusual shot of the front of Saint Vitus Church from the yard across the street presents a strikingly unorthodox view of our fine Romanesque structure. A casual inhabitant in dishabille leans against the house, oblivious of the photographer. In another scene we glimpse an unposed Joe Smole in front of the old barbershop located directly across from Saint Vitus "chool on Glass Avenue. In a third picture we see Helen Zele unobtrusively watering her little patch of colorful flower garden on Addison Road, right behind the Zele Funeral establishment. The article itself is no less intriguing. Written with a good command of the American language, it gives an excellent portrayal and conveys the atmosphere of the old neighborhood. Gorišek is well versed and did her homework, for the story is well documented. Apparently the occasion for the article is the fortieth anniversary of the great and tragic East Ohio Gas Company gas tank explosions and fire. While the article dwells mostly on the destruction of East 61 Street; East 62nd and East 63rd are almost overlooked. Nevertheless there was extensive damage also on those two streets. And Kurje Vas (Chicken Village) on Lake Court was all but wiped out. Today, no vestige of those once thriving humble people’s houses remains. For this very well written article, Ms. Gorišek is to be warmly complimented and we would like to see more of her specialized work in print in t future. The same goes for N Jay Paris, photographer < traordinare and senior wri for Ohio Magazine. Even despite this worthwh contribution, Ohio Magazi is a highly recommended sli magazine. It not only contai • articles about Ohio and Ol inhabitants, but it is cramm with exciting advertisemei and guides for the lot gourmet and touri throughout Ohio. ■Recipe! APPLE MEAT LOAF 2 1/2 lb. ground beef 11/2 cups bread crumbs 2 cups diced apples 1 egg 1/4 cup minced onion 2 tablespoons mustard 2 tablespoons Worchestt shire sauce 1/3 cup catsup Mix all ingredien thoroughly. Bake in a greas. loaf pan at 350 degrees for 1/4 hours. Miss Stefl Clevelai Bake Sale St. Mary’s Altar and Rosa Society is sponsoring their a nual “Bake Sale” on Saturd and Sunday, October 13 ai 14 in the school auditorium Enjoyed Kress Dane Editor: Recently I attended the s cond performance of the Kr Folklore Group at the St. Ch Slovenian Home and I mi say this was an afternoon w spent. The young men and worn as well as the children of t dance group did themselv proud in presenting tl various dances and tl Gaspari painting interpret tions. I also commend the i structors who prepared t dancers for this fast movii and colorful show. On behalf of the Board Directors and myself, 1 wi them continued success ai am pleased they perform he at our Slovenian Nation Home. John N. Perence^ Secretary, S.N.l From Slovenia Maps of Slovenia and Yugoslavia Records and Cassettes Books: Slovenia the beautiful Slovenia Art Treasures of Sloveniš 1985 wall calendars with beautiful pictures. For more information write or call: Tivoli Enterprises 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-5296 Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postreZbo Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. — Ambulance Service Available — 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families.l Roy G. Sankovič, director____ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 12, 1984 By Madeline Debevec Louis Kompare, a Lorain hometown to present a videotape program on computer use at Epcot Center. The 43-year-old corporate manager for scientific systems at Walt Disney World’s Epcot, is repsonsible for the magical special effects visitors see at the center as well as in the park’s Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean and Hall of Presidents. He also is in charge of development of computer special effects for the company’s motion pictures and for computer operations that run the day-to-day functions at the resort, which covers 27,000 acres near Orlando. The son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kompare of the well-known Slovenian family, he was graduated from Lorain High School in 1958. His wife Emily is also from Lorain. After two years of study at Case Institute of Technology, he moved to California in 1962 where he became a mathematics technician for a subcontractor who built control systems for nuclear submarines. In the next eight years, Kompare learned as much as he could about computer systems and eventually got a degree in applied math. Just down the street from where he worked, Kompare stopped one day at a small “nebulous building with no name on front,” which turned out to be a divison of Walt Disney Enterprises. Before he knew what happened, he found himself helping design the computer systems for the Magic Kingdom in Florida, which opened in 1971. In 1981 Kompare began working on plans for Epcot and since then has been called on to do a number of things, including riding the Space Mountain rollercoaster hundreds of times to test the computer controls. As part of his management training, he also had to dress up as “Brer Fox” and wander around the park in preparation for the day he and other management employees might have to fill in in an emergency. * * * RUS-BONUTTI WEDDING Ms. Elizabeth Marie Rus, daughter of Dr. Vladimir J. Rus and the late Mrs. Rus, wed Captain Anthony George Bonutti, son of Mr. and Mrs. Attilio J. Bonutti, on September 8. Bishop A. Edward Pevec performed the ceremony in Gesu Church in University Heights. The bride was attired in a custom-designed powder white gown of peau de sole and tulle with an attached cathedral train. It had a sheer mandarin collar and yoke. The gown had a fitted bodice embroidered with an intricate floral motif. This motif was exquisitely replicated in the three-quarter royal wedding sleeves and in the wide border of the full skirt and train. Memo from Madeline He Makes Magic for Disney’ Mrs. Bonutti wore a wreath of seed pearls together with satin roses and leaves. A cascade veil of two tiers flowed from the wreath, with the cathedral length tier complimenting the floral pattern embroidered throughout the train. She carried a formal bouquet of fragrant white gardenias and orchids. Sprigs of baby’s breath and ivy foliage completed the floral design. Ms. Sonja M. Scancar served as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Ms. Katherine Grado-jevich and Ms. Helen Malhotra. The attendants wore floor length gowns of old rose peau de soie, with elbow length puff sleeves and crossover bodices accentuated with narrow folds. They carried bouquets of pink rhubrum lilies and carnations intertwined with baby’s breath and ivy foliage. Miss Angela Bonutti, the groom’s niece, and Miss Gret-chen Fiebig were flower girls. They wore dresses of ivy moire with short puff sleeves and long skirts, trimmed with ruffles and lace. They carried nosegays of tea roses and carnations. The groom wore the officer’s summer dress uniform of the U.S. Air Force, including a short white jacket, white shirt and black bow tie. Larry Etzel served as best man. Capt. Thomas Hunter and Capt. Michael McKenna were groomsmen. The sabre bearers were Capt. Joseph Alfano, Capt. Brian Dobbert, Capt. Raymond Johns, 1 Lt. James McFeeters, Capt. Peter Penta, 1 Lt. Lawrence Ruggiero, Capt. Brian Sutter, and 1 Lt. Robert Wind. All of the gentlemen were attired similar to the groom. The sabre bearers also wore sword belts and carried sabres. The Gesu Choir sang for the wedding service. Choir director Adeline Huss was also the organist and Mary Jane Carlin was soloist. Elizabeth Marie (Rus) Bonutti A wedding brunch at the bride’s home immediately followed the nuptial ceremony. An evening reception was held at Casa Di Borally where the tables were decorated with rose candles and nosegay-confetti. In keeping with military custom, the bride and groom cut the first slice of wedding cake with the groom’s sabre. The traditional Slovenian unveiling, led by Mr. and Mrs. Jože Likozar, highlighted the evening’s festivities. Formerly, the bride, who graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a master’s degree in business administration, was assistant director of materials management for the Cleveland Clinic. The groom, a graduate of the Air Force Academy, is a commander with the U.S. Air Force, currently stationed at McGuire Air Force Base (New Jersey). The couple will reside in Mount Laurel, New Jersey near the groom’s base. * * • 45th Anniversary Garden Surprise Fred and Josephine Strniša recently renewed their marriage vows at a Mass at St. Mary’s Church, with Father Victor Tome officiating and Toni Lamovec and Tillie Špehar doing the singing. Five grandchildren also took up the offering at the Sunday, Aug. 5, Mass. Afterwards there was a surprise garden party at the home of daughter Joan and son-in-law Walter Simmons. The 45th anniversary gala included five hours of continuous music in a beautiful garden tent, with tables and all the trimmings. Surprising the couple from New York were their son. Dr. Fred Strniša, and wife Diana. Also in on the surprise party were Greg and Pat Strniša, along with the Simmons’ clan. * * * Ignatius Zupančič of Bonna Avenue in Cleveland recently returned home from the hospital where he was fitted with a pacemaker. Best wishes for good health from everyone at the American Home. * * * The Slovenian American Radio Club of Chicago is celebrating its 34th anniversary with a dinner-dance and program on Saturday, Oct. 27, at St. Stephen’s Hall. Dinner will be served between 5-7 p.m., followed by a short program featuring the Radio Club Dancers and “Mladinski Orkester,” a new orchestra of teens, under the direction of Father Vendelin Spendov. The latter group will lead off the program with the National Anthem. The Duke Marsic Orchestra will provide music for your dancing pleasure. * * * Art Show The eighth annual Mayfield Area Recreation Council (MARC) Art Show is inviting all artists to submit their entries for a juried art show Oct. 22-28. Entries will be accepted from noon to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19. The show is a joint community venture of Mayfield Heights, Mayfield Village, Gates Mills and Highland Heights, through MARC. All area artists are welcome. Original work in painting, drawing, pastels, sculpture, textiles, graphic prints and photography will be accepted. This year the show will share the excitement with the people of Highland Heights and use their new building at 5927 Highland Road, where entries should be delivered. Artists may submit three works, with an entry fee of $3 per entry. Entry blanks can be obtained at the Mayfield Regional Library or at any of the city halls of the four MARC communities. Or, you may write to the show’s director, Judith Opalich, at 477 Hickory Hill Dr., Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143. Judges will be Joseph Jankowski, professor emeritus of the Cleveland Institute of Art, and Lawrence Krause, head of painting at the Cleveland Institute of Art. Photo judge will be Peter Nungesser. * * * Speaking of art, Enika Zulic and Mildred Hoegler, our well-known Slovenian artists, have been chosen to exhibit their paintings at “Earth Images,” a prestigious juried art show. Sponsored by the Creative Artists Assn, of Lake County, the exhibit runs from Oct. 14 through Nov. 11 at the Garden Center of Greater Cleveland, 11030 East Blvd. s Epcot ha An opening reception will ^ be held from 2-4 p.m. Sunday. ini * * * pc Art lovers also may be m- sjc terested in a folk art trip to Pittsburgh on Tuesday, Get. ns 23, sponsored by the John ^ Carroll Celebrates Cleveland ch group. nii Exhibits at both Duquesne University and the Universi y of Pittsburgh are on the agen j da. Cost is $22 for the all-day trip and a. meal. Call Mr ^ Fran Babic at 491-4371 0 ^ 442-0231 for reservations. * * * ‘“J si. pj^ejsr if j 17th Street, will host its an m, nual fall Italian dinner ro 1 noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, 21 ^ The entire dinner is $5 fo 4; adults and $3 for chil r __ be Tickets are available at th ^ door or by calling the churc at 861-1798. fo St. Peter’s is a beautifdn ^ historic German churc ^ downtown Cleveland, n originally established ni than 130 years ago to sefve ts needs of German immigr and is also the mother c u of St. Vitus, which *8S G] established later. eS Q Currently, the church ser ^ the German com.mxinif[i ^ downtown senior citizens ^ students from Cleveland a f0 University. It is staffed ^ Slovenian pastor. Rev. P. Kosem, and two *tai ^ associates in residence. * * * Nearly New Sale at The 26th annual nearly » f sale, sponsored by the »e j pj Board of Euclid , f0r sb Hospital, is a sure winne ^ smart shoppers. .., can ^ Bargains of every k,n‘jL(i- to be found at the annual ^ raiser from 10 a.m. to ^ on Monday, Oct. 15, and v 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. °n day, Oct. 16. -inthi1^1 45 The sale features cio ^ jewelry, shoes, smal ^ ^ nishings, household ^ ■ - • c bo°^ phances, toys, games, ^ H “ j ’ . •. am0 and decorative items, jf, other bargains in good r.jj ^ Money from the sale ^1 used to purchase new n> equipment and hospita nishings. Those attending sal« should enter throng $ hospital’s south door. S® to guards will be availa assist with parking. .jj is Kay Petkovič of ^ueVeflt' chairman of this year * J pllt, cnairman or tms yc«- yni*' Co-chairman is I^ar'e^ny0,,s also of Euclid. caf wishing to donate arrange for pick up by ca 531-3841. The Great Prognostic^ Football fans across »of tion were surprised to ^0 Purdue’s upset of nurnf ranked Ohio State la5 day. iy. We enjoyed a great it Purdue and took ^, e a^' >art in the events. . e ninistrators we SP . yeforehand didn’t t*lin uafl««. Boilermakers had a But I predicted to J1 limmy that Purdue win. ce 1 (Please turn to P8* id Memo From Madeline (Continued from page 6) Purdue’s Coach Burnett had inspired the team and their fans with positive think-jll even flew in Fred y. M'Us, the president of EDGE ncM a firm that promotes n. p°sitive-thinking, to walk the t0 Adelines with him. •t. words “desire,” in .^crifice,” “discipline” and id ,prcparation” were on the chalkboard in the Boiler-^ akers’ meeting room. They are the words Mills believes are the keys to success. The theme of the Saturday night Mass was victory. Even the priest emphasized it was not luck that won the big game, but the fact that Purdue worked harder to win and played a better game. * * * If you wish to place ads or submit articles for the Slovenian Society Home of Euclid Special Editon, please contact Joe Petrie at 481-1098. Klub Ljubljana Celebrates Oct. 21 n-iy rs °r a^n0t^er Oct°fier has arrived L* *'th it comes the Klub Ju Uana annual dinner-c *-This ^th gala celebra-m- ni n W'^ *3e held at the Slove-)H’ Av" ^OC'ety Home, Recher ct' 2lst' ^UC^’ on Sunday, Oct. rof 4^ner will be served between ;n. l 7:30 p.m. Chef will ^ . ary Ster and she will be ch CreIStet* by her very capable . f.1,W op girls. Immediately Jll| lu °Win8 the dinner, the Joe * tain J ^Sregation will enter-3fe °r ^stening and dancing, the jits rch vas All this for the nominal donation of $9.00. A telephone call to the following will reserve your invitation: Christine Kovach 481-0205, Steffie Jamnik 261-7977, or Caroline Lokar 731-8373. The dinner is limited to 400 guests. Be sure to procure your invitations no later than Monday, Oct. 15. If. the above numbers can’t be reached, call Mitzi Miklavčič at 731-5633. Don’t get shut out. Rudy Lokar Fantje na Vasi members applaud the capacity audience at their concert at the Slovenian National Home on Sat., Oct. 6. (Photo by Ivan Hauptman) Thank you for donations Glasbena Matica Concert Oct. 20 qi ^Saturday, Oct. 20 the Qj bena Matica Slovenian ar|jrus will present a Concert w: j. pinner Dance at the ,n National Home at at f0 J*1- Clair Ave. The theme is “Night With li^Jl Jv has rCCt0r Vladimir Malečkar Pro *5rebared a very interesting ?ram °f popular Slovenian ,e. 6. . English melodies. Jal Pia^ald Resnik will be at the fof singers t0 accompany the heaut” t^le past’ tbe ha** be t0 decorated in order pr0 everyone present in the mo°d to enjoy the 8 under the stars. rig’ *ss>fr>e Smolič and her ■uf (ie|ic.ants will again prepare a aP' ^Us full course dinner. °*tS cheh( °'antz with his fine or-' _ ra> win sak tPe irity to dis en1, flih’ c*1' 10 0\ um and onto the field. All the honor and glory of His : 0 ^ Name. A memorable and ^Piring occasion. Hieve it was the witnessing ^ Participation in this great a 0 V Name Rally that planted at^ed m the mind and heart of ®ast one of these men from St- Vitus. Som*16' See^ *ay dormant for °f rf t'nie' ^rue’ *t was a topic aSis1Scussi°n on occasion, but that °^ten tbo case, it appeared Hoi ^ream °f a St. Vitus y Name Society would re-P,n a draam. (jj ^rtUnately, Lawrence Ban-gr’ Zea*°us young man of our allow»< Would not and did not the thls to happen. It was in pe®arly fad of 1933 that he hiip aded me to accompany Rive t0 3 semtnar in Rocky HojJ’^Jbe subject was, “The to 0 Name Society and how ^ganize in your parish.” I934 3 resub °n January 14, With I30 *nf°rrnal gathering 'C^ae* Kolar, Frank Uwr °VeC’ Anthony Baraga, the !!nce Bandi, and myself, actual first ““ten brllbl!shing steps were yith definite intent of ^*s,vitrName tVe he„ t^le decision was made, acti0n a“t° plan our course of t’On |o Irst was the presenta-^0nihv° 0ur Pastor, Rev. "'cIcq ai, f°r approval. He ttised w tbe ^ea and Pro‘ stre^„,ls fall support. Father must ChTsc««cpS„ tive, 0ciety’s prime objec-att a So reminded us that ^tpgy^Pt had been made HNs ars Prior, to organize a Kibiv ^ Vitus, but failed ^Uhino t16 t0 iuadequate 4'vare) ^ ‘^us we were made at to bring our dream ST. VITUS HOLY NAME SOCIETY OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS IN 1934: Seated, left to right: Martin Svete, Board Member; Michael Kolar, Vice-Pres.; Rt. Rev. Msgr. B. J. Ponikvar; P rank Brooks (Zabukovec), President; and Stanley Frank, Board Member and later that year, Secretary. Standing, left to right: *Louis Shuster, Board member; ‘Lawrence Bandi (who became Rev. Abbot Bonaventure Bandi, O.S.B.), Secretary; Joseph Modic, Board Member (now Dr. Joseph Modic, M.D.); ‘Rudolph Kasunic, Treasurer; and Anthony Baraga, Board Member, (‘deceased) to life, much planning beforehand would be necessary. And so, during the following weeks, this group of five and our pastor met often to acquaint ourselves with the rules and by-laws of the HNS, to plan how best to organize the men, to lay the groundwork for the eventual election of officers, and to consider the best possible plan of grouping of the potential candidates into Senior and Junior divisions. All of these areas had to be resolved before approaching the men of the parish. Announcements were made of the intention of forming a Holy Name Society in the parish. We met with three separate groups and outlined the purpose of the Society, and our plan of organization. Applications for membership were distributed and Feb. 18 was announced as the date of the first meeting. Approximately 130 men answered the call. Acting chairman, Michael Kolar, welcomed all and gave a brief history of the HNS and told of our desire to form a branch at St. Vitus. The major business of the first meeting was the election of officers. Elected were Frank Zabukovec, president; Michael Kolar, vice-president; Lawrence Bandi, secretary; and Rudolph Kasunic, treasurer. To complete the Executive Board, Father Ponikvar appointed the following to serve: Anthony Baraga, Joseph Modic, Martin Svete, and Stanley Frank. The new president announced further business would wait until the next general meeting on the first Tuesday of the month. The Executive Board worked diligently to make this the most active and exciting club of the parish. Records show it held a total of 35 Board meetings that first year, and 11 general monthly meetings. It instituted quarterly group Communions, along with a Eucharistic group of voluntary monthly communicants. At that time, it was felt the first effort should be the introduction of quarterly Communions, and at some future date, change over to a monthly schedule. (The Eucharistic group, for example, would act as a catalyst for bringing this about). Recognizing that additional activities would be necessary to satisfy the needs of the young men, the Executive Board scheduled speakers from all walks of life to address the members at the monthly meetings. It also polled the membership to determine its other interests. As a result, a baseball league of six teams was formed. Also a bowling league, basketball and gymnastics. Music interests saw the formation of an orchestra, and a Gregorian choir. There were hikes, a card (Continued on page A5) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 12, 1984 How the Holy Name Newspaper was Born By Joseph Zelle Among the many activities that sprung up with the formation of the Saint Vitus Holy Name Society was the Holy Name News. The project was the brainchild of the late Abbot Lawrence Bandi. The first issue of the Holy Name News was dated Sunday, May 13, 1934. On the front page it carried a picture of the Rev. B. J. Ponikvar, H.N. Spiritual Director and pastor of St. Vitus Church. The paper was a legal-sized type-written mimeographed version of a newspaper, published in the interest of St. Vitus. On the editorial page the statement was brief and direct: “The Holy Name News is making its first appearance today as a part of the Society’s program. To further the cause of the Holy Name organization and to acquaint the parishioners with its activities is our prime purpose in publishing this organ. We wish to instill in everyone, nevertheless, a spirit of cooperation in all parish undertakings and thus give an impetus to that vital question of the day, Catholic Action.” The editorial board consisted of Lawrence Bandi, editor, M. M. Kolar, R. A. Praznik (who later became a priest and eventually pastor at St. Vitus), and J. F. Zelle as associate editors. Sports editor was J. L. Modic. Art editors were Matt Mlinar and Edward Baznik Sr. Martin J. Svete was listed as business manager and Ernest A. Ogrinc was the advertising manager. During its existence, serving as a kind of church bulletin, it contained articles in both Slovenian and English. Various features began to appear from time to time. For example, Matt Mlinar had a cartoon entitled “High Lights” which put in pictorial form some of the interesting events of the month. A Holy Name Orchestra was started under the direction of William Kremžar. H. N. championship baseball series was reported in glowing terms. The annual Fall Festival was started at this time. An essay contest sponsored by the H. N. News was won by Fr. Frank Kuret. The story was entitled, “The Presek Pass”. With the Sunday, October 14th issue of the same year, Joseph Zelle became the H. N. editor. More editorial changes Join the St. Vitus Holy Name Society See any of our Holy Name officers for an entry blank to join St. Vitus Holy Name Society, or stop in at the parish rectory and sign up. occurred at this time. F. G. Zabukovec became an associate editor, and A. E. Baraga the sports editor. Some of the men were going off to college and to the seminary. In paging through the issues of the News, it is interesting to see the advertisements. There was the Beros Studio at 6122 St. Clair Ave., Novak’s Confectionery, 6128 Saint Clair Ave., Dominic Krašovec of 6025 St. Clair Ave., Norwood Floral Shoppe operated by John Murgel, Jr. at 6120 St. Clair Ave. All of these establishments are gone, and in several cases even the buildings have disappeared. But there were more, many more businesses which are no longer in existence. There was Frank Belaj at 6205 St. Clair Ave., Ogrinc’s Market at 6414 St. Clair Ave. featuring home smoked meats. There were also Frank Butala, Gornik’s Men’s and Boy’s Wear, Frank Čebul, Lud Metlika, Dr. James W. Mally, Henry J. Frank, Frank Černe Jeweler, Mrs. Mary Kushlan’s Slovenian National Home Confectionery, Kozan Shoe Repairing, John Potokar’s Double Eagle Bottling Co., and Komin’s Pharmacy. All of these businesses and businessmen which were thriving along the Slovenian Strip of Saint Clair have since disappeared. Some of the names, however, are still in evidence today. They are A. Grdina & Sons, Anton Anzlovar, John Smrekar, and Frank Azman. They are still on St. Clair operated by sons and daughters of the original owners. In preparing the “News” a tremendous amount of work was required from writers, artists, and mimeograph printers. In those days, though, young and old were largely unemployed due to the Great Depression. Therefore these persons had plenty of time on their hands. The enthusiasm engendered by the new Romanesque structure of Saint Vitus Church, which sparked the founding of the Saint Vitus Holy Name Society, was carried over into all of these extra-curricular activities. The final issue of the News is dated Sunday, December 9, 1934. Its demise in part was the result of a column. Holy Name News, which began appearing in the Ameriška Domovina, in the American language. For the first time young people who did not have too good a knowledge of Slovenian were now able to read of Slovenian events in the English vernacular. The column was started by Joseph Zelle at the request of Mr. Louis Pirc, owner and managing editor of the Ameriška Domovina. The masthead for the column was designed and drawn by Matt Mlinar. In fact the present day masthead of Ameriška Domovina is also the work of Matt Mlinar who today lives happily married in Parma. Gradually other columns began to appear in the Domovina. First from St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave., then St. Christine’s in Euclid, and St. Lawrence’s in Newburgh. Even Barberton was reporting from time to time. Eventually a full page of English articles were appearing in the American Home. When Zelle accepted a radio engineering job at CBS in New York in the Fall of 1941, the editorial duties fell to Michael Kolar Sr. who was plant foreman at the American Home print shop. He was helped by the late Vic Knaus and his brother Jerry Knaus. Subsequently the entire task fell on the shoulders of James Debevec Jr. and his capable wife, Madeline. They are the present publishers and editors of the American Home, with Dr. Rudolph Susel as the editor of the Slovenian section. In retrospect, the Saint Vitus Holy Name News made a very valuable contribution not only to the Saint Vitus parish, but to the entire Slovenian Catholic community. It started to mold the younger generation of Slovenian parishioners in what would have been a continuation of the Slovenian tradition of the old timers, the Slovenian immigrant pioneers who with their toil and troubles helped to make our country the greatest country in the world. Our hearty Slovenian pioneers, one by one left to sleep the sleep of peace. World War II broke out and our young men and women were scattered throughout the world. They never came back to our community. Gone, gone are all the old familiar faces and business places, but the pioneer Slovenian tradition still lives on. It is a part of American history. This special edition of the Holy Name News, commemorating the Golden Anniversary of the St. Vitus Holy Name Society was prepared and edited by Michael M. Kolar Sr. Now retired from the Ameriška Domovina for some time, Mr. Kolar is still active in parish activities. 1984 ST. VITUS HOLY NAME OFFICERS, Left to right, are: Emil Goršek, Slov. Vice-Pres; Charles Winter, Treasurer; Joseph Hočevar, Eng. Vice-Pres.; Gregory Hribar, President; Daniel Postotnik, Slov. Rec. Secretary; and John Hočevar, Eng. Rec-Secretary. 50 Years of Presidents—1934-1984 1971-2 Albin Orehek 1973-4 Anton Oblak 1975-6 Stan Hribar 1977-80 Joseph Hočevar 1981 Wencel Frank 1982 W. Frank, Joseph Zevnik 1983-4 Gregory Hribar ♦Deceased Spiritual Directors of St. Vitus Holy Name * Monsignor B. J. Ponikvar *Rev. Francis M. Baraga Rev. Victor N. Tome Monsignor Louis B. Baznik Rev. Victor J. Cimperman ♦Rev. Raymond T. Hobart ♦Rev. Rudolph A. Praznik Bishop A. Edward Pevec Rev. Joseph P. Boznar ♦Deceased Family Rosary Crusade Rosary Crusade. 1934 Frank Brooks 1935 Michael Kolar 1936 ♦Dr. John Dejak 1937 ♦Emil Trunk Anthony Martinčič 1938 William Tome 1939 Andrew Sire 1940 Dr. Vincent Opaskar 1941 Michael Kolar 1942 Frank Branisel 1943-6 Michael Kolar 1947 John Persin 1948 Anthony Baznik 1949 Ken Tomsick 1950 Michael Kolar 1951-2 Anthony Sajovic 1953 ♦Charles Winter 1954-5 ♦Frank Matjašič 1956-7 ♦Frank Oblak 1958-9 Albin Orehek 1960 Frank Zupančič 1961-2 Edward Thomas 1963-5 ♦Frank Grdina 1966-8 John Hočevar 1969-70 Edward Arhar Bv invitation of Bishop Edward F. Hoban, Rev. Father Patrick Peyton led our Cleveland Diocesan Rosary Crusade on a beautiful Sunday late in June, 1953. All 80,000 present at the Stadium were encouraged to recite a Rosary with their entire family, daily. The Diocese requested each parish to organize a committee to reach every household in their parish, to conduct the Crusade. “The Family that prays together will stay together” was the slogan that was popularized during the St. Vincent De Paul Steady at St. Vitus In the first Issue of the St. Vitus Holy Name News there is mention of the St. Vitus Conference of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul. The Conference has been in existence at St. Vitus parish since 1928. Our St. Vitus Holy Name Society was named to organize a team to visit each family-The men had certain streets to contact. In our parish hundreds of families signed the pledge to say the Rosary daily- Subscribe to American Home Newspaper Subscriptions for Friday edition editions (with English sections) are only $15.00 for 49 issues. If you subscribe to the Tuesday (all Slovenian) and Friday (Slovenian and English), the cost is $28.00 per year in the U.S.A. Send your subscription to. American Home Publish' ing, 6117 St. Clair Ave-Cleveland, OH 44103. St. Vitus Holy Name Society at the church Diamond Anniversary, 1968. Officers and Chairmen 1984 j President ............................... Greg Hribar Vice-Pres. (Slov.).......................Emil Goršek Vice-Pres. (Eng.).....................Joseph Hočevar Recording Sec’y...................;.... John Hočevar (Eng.) Dan Postotnik (Slov.) Corresponding Sec’y...........................Stan Hribar Assistant Sec’ys..........................Frank Zupančič Joe Hočevar, John Hočevar Treasurer.................................Charles J. Winter Program Chairman.......................... Edward Thomas Assistants................................... Ken Tomsick, Louis Petelin Sr., Al Orehek 1984 ST. VITUS HOLY NAME OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS: Front row, left to right, Frank Zupančič, Charles Kikel, Greg Hribar, Stanley Hribar, Michael Kolar and Daniel Postotnik. Back row, left to right: Albin Orehek, Edward Thomas, Wencel Frank, Emil Goršek, Charles Winter, Joseph Hočevar, Frank Kern, and John Hočevar. Sf. Vitus Holy Name News in Pictures St. Vitus Holy Namers Congratulate the late Charles Winter Sr. on receiving the Holy Name Medallion Circle Award from Bishop Anthony Pilla. The presentation was made at the annual Holy Name Officers Bishop’s Dinner at the Towne and Country Restaurant in Strongsville, Ohio on November 1, 1980. The Medallion Circle Award is the highest honor in the Society and is given as recognition “for dedication and excellence in working for the honor and glory of God through the Confraternity of the Holy Name.” The late Charlie Winter certainly earned the award as he was a 50-year charter member of the St. Vitus Holy Name and had held just about every HNS post in the group. He was also active in many other parish activities. to right: Frank Kern, Rev. John Kumse, John Hočevar, Wonoree Charles Winter Sr., Joseph Hočevar, Charles Winter r*, and Frank Zupančič. Not in picture are Dan Postotnik and Ken Tomsick. to right: Wencel Frank, Joseph Hočevar, Mrs. Bernice a ' Son> Mr William Hallisy, Albin Orehek, Edward Thomas ^ f'»nk Zupančič. ***** pr Holy Name Society Pro-Life Dinner Committee gj S^nted two checks of $1,020.00 each to Mrs. Wilson of atho anc* ^r‘ William Hallisy of Womankind. The $p l[nt was realized from profit from the Chicken and °the Ctt' ^'nner ®ct- 1980 at St. Vitus Hall. Various er clubs of the parish assisted at the dinner. The Early 1950’s Although the Society was low in numbers at this time, an influx of New Slovenian families from Slovenia settled in our parish. They were encouraged by our pastor, Msgr. B. J. Ponikvar to join our group. Some of them were go-getters, especially Mr. Franc Sever who recruited nearly 200 new members. Mr. Sever was thrilled to find a society for men only who so practiced their faith by the regular reception of the Sacraments. He and others organized a Slovenian Men’s Retreat at the Diocesan Retreat House on Lake Shore Blvd. and had Bishop Rožman as their Retreat Master. Men like Tony Oblak, Miro Odar, Frank Kamin and others served on our Board and fully cooperated with our English speaking group. We, at this time, inaugurated bi-lingual meetings. So the society’s growth at its peak in the early 1960s reached a figure of nearly 500 men! Annual Retreats Our first retreat at the new Diocesan Retreat House on Lake Shore Blvd. and E. 185 St. was on the last Sunday in September of 1948. This was at the peak of the year for the Indians Baseball team which was battling to get into the World Series. We maintained strict silence for three days at the week-end retreat, yet we were wondering what was happening to our beloved Indians who were playing the New York Yankees that weekend. On Sunday afternoon we found out the Indians won two out of three games and went on to win the American League title in a playoff game with the Boston Red Sox and eventually won the World Series. Retreats have continued annually at St. Joseph’s, St. Stan’s, and Loyola of the Lakes Jesuit Retreat House. Some of the men have made it every year since 1948. — Mike Kolar Catholic Action...........................Anthony F. Spech Committee.......................................Janez Sever Right-to-life................................ Wencel Frank Membership Committee......Joseph Hočevar, Emil Goršek Assistants.........Stan Hribar, Frank Zupančič, Ivan Cugelj Marshalls........................Edward Avsec, John Kosir, John Budic, Greg Goršek Sick and Vigil..............................William Vidmar Assistants........................Anton Oblak, Mike Kolar, Frank Kamin, Frank Bisjak, Daniel J. Postotnik Publicity Chairmen.......Daniel J. Postotnik, Frank Zupančič Youth Chairman............................ Greg Hribar Assistants...................Stan Hribar, Joseph Hočevar Retreat Chairmen.....Mike Kolar, Frank Kamin, Miro Odar Breakfast Chairman...........................Mark Oblak Assistants......................Greg Hribar, Leo Pretnar, John Budic, Charles Kikel, Mike Mivsek Special Asst.’s................................... Joseph Zelle Audio............................................ Robert Mills Illustrator...................................Edward Thomas Pancake Breakfast Chairman................ Joseph Hočevar Chef.......................................Joseph Komat Assistants......John Kerzisnik, Joseph Zevnik, Emil Goršek Frank Zupančič, Miran Dolinar, Frank Bisjak Edward Avsec, John Skrabec, William Vidmar, Joseph Cimperman, Frank Kern, John F. Skrabec, Greg Dolinar Auditing Comm...................Joseph Hočevar, Ed Arhar Joe Marinko, Al Orehek Delegates...........John Hočevar, Jr., Charles Winter, Jr., Wencel Frank, Anton Oblak Ye Olde Fall Festival 1934-1984 By Frank Zupančič For the first 27 years, the St. Vitus Holy Name Society sponsored an annual social event called, “Ye Olde Fall Festival.” A dinner of sauerkraut and sausage, a floor show and a band that provided music for dancing were the main ingredients. The hall was decorated with corn stalks, pumpkins and strung leaves. The atmosphere was definitely rustic-country since the idea for the event was a spin-off of the popular barn dances. The first Fall Festival headlined the appearance of the Clevelanders’ Orchestra. The Vadnal Trio entertained with some old-fashioned songs followed by Mike Suhadolc’s Skating friplets who perform- ed fancy feats in a roller skating act. Some 300 persons jammed into the tiny school hall (now a library) in that very first festival in 1934. Admission and dinner cost a total of 50 cents! This popular social presentation continued on through the years, featuring mostly talent from the parish, the Matt Mlinar Orchestra was a perennial favorite and they had the distinction of playing for the last Fall Festival held in 1960. That year, a professional songstress made an appearance along with parish talent and the menu was beef goulash. Price was $1.50 - a small sum today. Roast Beef Dinners on Sunday afternoons replaced this long running event in 1961. trflfil ‘ZL ‘WMiAniAinn wnjoiudi, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 12, 1984 A4 The Pancake and Sausage Breakfast Takes Hold This year the St. Vitus Holy Name Society sponsored the 25th Pancake and Sausage Breakfast and celebrated the Silver Anniversary of the event. In 1960, one of our more active members, the late John Spech, a grocer, suggested that our group try, a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast. John personally secured all the necessary information and costs pertaining to staging this breakfast. With his urging, the first Pancake and Sausage Breakfast became a reality. Sunday, March 27, 1960 dawned and on that memorable morning 650 persons were served the hearty meal. The admission was only $1.00. It was also an “All you can eat” event. Through the succeeding 24 years, the attendance for the meal has averaged approximately 1,000. The chef in charge has been Joe Komat. Joe has been an excellent and dedicated culinary expert. To him is owed a debt of gratitude. The original chairman was John Spech. He was succeeded by Frank Zupančič and since 1974 Joseph Hočevar. 35th Anniversary Memories By Frank Zupančič A Concelebrated Mass for the living and deceased members of the St. Vitus Holy Name Society took place on-Sunday, Oct. 20, 1969 at 11:45 a.m. It marked the observance of the 35th Anniversary of the Society. Nearly 500 Holy Name members, wives and friends attended the Anniversary Banquet at 1 p.m. in the parish hall, following the Mass. Chairman of the event was Frank Zupančič, along with much assistance from Miss Eleanore Karlinger, then Parish Secaretary, and also President Edward Arhar. Two of our officers, Michael Kolar and France Sever were guest speakers. Both men had done much to promote the Holy name to unexpected heights. Since Msgr. Louis B. Baznik had just been transferred to St. Patrick’s Parish in Thompson, our 35th Anniversary Banquet afforded an opportunity for all to welcome our new pastor. Rev. Rudolph A. Praznik. Msgr. Baznik was the emcee at the banquet. It was wonderful to see so many of the former presidents, officers and past members of the St. Vitus Holy Name. To them is owed a debt of gratitude for their efforts in the early days of the society. During the program, the Holy Name Men’s Choir sang several selections in Slovenian as well as “America the Beautiful.” Some of the excerpts of Michael Kolar’s talk included the following, “Our founders, including Msgr. Ponikvar would indeed be happy to see the results of their labors in starting the society, to see that after 35 years, we have an active Holy Name Society with nearly 500 members... ” “The first guest speaker at our monthly meeting was then Judge Frank J. Lausche who rose to even greater prominence in future years... “After participating in the 1935 Eucharistic Congress, conventions and in the Slovenian Holy Name Union, World War II slowed our pace as many of our members were in Service — and many didn’t return... “The East Ohio gas explosion in October, 1944 caused the loss of some of our historical films... When the boys came back after the war, the society swelled its ranks with many displaced persons fleeing Communism in Slovenia. Among the most active and most cooperative was Franc Sever... “Our Society had a capella choir led by Mr. Ivan Racic and later by Martin Kosnik... Retreats began to be an annual event for our men at the St. Joseph Retreat House... “In conclusion, it is a great honor to be able to welcome back home our new pastor, Father Rudolph Praznik who was an associate editor of the Holy Name News in the beginning years...” Scene taken in the early 1950s — A Holy Name Men’s Outing 1961 PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST PHOTOS: Front row, left to right: Ed Kuhel, John Spech, Joe Cimperman, Chef Joe Komat, Frank Bisjak, Anton Oblak, Joe Conaley an Charles Winter Sr. Top row, left to right: Julius Baca, John Royko, Jim Glavich, Victor Strauss, John Hočevar sr., Franc Sever and Ted Zak. . Shown in the bottom photo, left to right: Ed Thomas, Chairman John Spech, John Royko, an Frank Zupančič, president in 1960. President’s Message of Congratulations Congratulations to the members of the St. Vitus Holy Name Society on marking their 50th Golden Anniversary. They have been dedicated to spreading and increasing love for the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ by word and by the example of a sensible religious life. Every member, young and old, must continue to be dedicated to this cause even more today. “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. ” John 8:31-32 The members of the St. Vitus Holy Name Society, past and present, young and old, are truly His disciples. Congratulations again and 1935 Eucharistic Congress at Stadium The world-wide Eucharistic Congress was held in Cleveland in 1935. The largest crowd ever to assemble at Cleveland Stadium showed up when 150,000 men attended the Midnight Mass there. Our St. Vitus group walked to the Stadium and back. We joined the group from Pittsburgh to get into the stadium. All the seats were taken by 11:00 p.m. So we and thousands of others had to stand on the field. Huge as the stadium is, every inch of space was filled with humanity all over the field. Holy Communion was not distributed because of the huge turnout. Many HNS Members Saw Military Action WORLD WAR II HONOR ROLL OF THE 1,089 St. Vitus parishioners who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Fifty-three gave their lives, the supreme sacrifice. This Honor Roll, as you see by the picture, was at the Blessed Virgin Altar in St. Vitus Church. Most of our Holy Name members, Seniors and Juniors, were in the military service and some lost their lives. The Holy Name Society in our parish was down to less than 50 members during this time. At the war’s end, our men returned home and became active again. But as they came back, many of them married and moved out of our neighborhood. The rest were active once more in the Society. — Mike Kolar continue to work in His Name- Greg Hribar President, St. Vitus HNS In Appreciation We wish to thank all of oU^ patrons for making 1 historic story and highlight 0 our Society possible. . We especially wish to t*ian our feature writers Stan e Frank, Albin Orehek, JoseP Zelle, and Frank ZupanC,c’ especially, for his time in aC cumulating the material. We wish to thank 1aIIie Debevec of the America Home for his help and P tience with us in preparing tabloid. p\] Thanks also to j0* . Melaher for his proofrea ^ If there are any mistake omissions, please forgive uS', “Commit^ _ three gave their lives. _ ........................... ri h HOLY NAME BOARD (25fh Anniversary Celebration): Front row, left to Fh * *^'*,arles Winter Sr., Anton Oblak, ‘Frank Grdina, Rev. Victor J. Cimperman, Michael Kolar, "'Srd Thomas, Frank Bisjak and Albin Orehek. Second row, left to right: ‘Frank Sever, Victor Strauss, Stanley Streiner, Julius Baca, Frank uPancic, Raymond Novak, and ‘Frank Oblak, (‘now deceased) Holy Name Society (Continued from page Al) *°Urnament, and outings. a 1934 we presented our first a k Festival. For a mere “1/2 buck,” as the ticket stated, s°u Were entitled to a lunch of ,ausage and sauerkraut, danc-and a floor show. The Fall estival theme became a °Pular annual event. an organization of the atish, we participated and ^ePed in the various parish nts> and gave support to ■ er Parish organizations. It t(i°uld be noted here, that in ^ r”> the young ladies of the /->, al*ty and the Baraga Glee Club ander the capable super- ^Sl°n of Eleanore Kariinger, FalT ^reat to us at our festivals, Communion ^akfasts, etc. Eleanore also tbe organ accompanist for e ^fegorian choir. Kol t^e Urg'n8 °f b°th Michael an<^ Lawrence Bandi the pu, embarked upon a task of new 'Shng a monthly Paper, it was given the D© ^nn To ^ ^ranl( Zupančič Ipb^i Comniemorate the Silver M 'lee of the St. Vitus Holy Lj^6 Society, a Mass for the was g anc( Deceased Members Dec °((ered on Sunday, \lassmber 14, 1959 at 8 a.m. A , ’ Hoi, Uge ,Urnout of over 400 °ly Name title of Holy Name News. Its page size was 8 1/2 x 14”, and each issue consisted of four to eight pages, with a special Christmas issue of 12 pages. Printing was by mimeograph process, a slow and messy job, when compared to today’s method of copy reproduction. Many hours were spent by the editor and his staff in editing, typing of the mats, printing of the copies, and finally assembling the pages. The first editor of the paper was Lawrence Bandi. In September, because of the pressure of his school work, Lawrence asked to be relieved of his duties as editor of the paper and also as secretary of the society. Frank Zabukovec temporarily assumed the duties of editorship, and then appointed Joseph Zelle from associate to editor. Eventually, through the efforts of Michael Kolar, the American Home publishers granted us space in their newspaper, for a weekly c. 14, 1959 25th iversary Celebration i >0 ie Seniors and s'8ht 'Vas a mosl impressive °norary Woman HNS Member Th ^ciet ^ Vitus ^°*y narTie htale has an honorary member. She is Miss ^Ipedfe ^arhn8er who has ti, 0ut at different func- tu/1*1 *ler advice and typ-^ may be 'he first Holy hav°Ciety 'n lhis country ’heujk e a lady honorary er for 50 years! After the Mass, a Breakfast was served in the new parish hall. Shortly after, a brief program began with President Albin Orehek and Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, pastor, awarding Presidential plaques and pins to all the former presidents. Thirteen of 15 were in attendance to accept the awards. Father Victor J. Cimperman, who guided the Society from 1955 to 1960 at St. Vitus was given much recognition at this event for his ardent zeal and labors in promoting the Holy Name Society in our parish. It was under his guidance that the Society reached unparalled heights with a membership of over 500 men. Rev. Leonard Bogolin, O.F.M. was the guest speaker at this Silver Anniversary Breakfast. “Holy Name News” section. Stanley Frank took over the duties of secretary. Lawrence Bandi continued with the News as associate editor, and remained as a member of the Executive Board. At the same time, Louis Schuster, a very active and major asset to the HNS, was added to the Board. Of the original “Five”, Lawrence Bandi (Rt. Rev. Bonaventure Bandi) died on June 16, 1984, after a long bout with cancer. He lived to see the beginning of our 50th anniversary, since February 18th was the actual date. It was his hope to be able to celebrate the occasion with us this fall. But it was not to be. Of the other four, Frank Zabukovec (Frank Brooks) lives on the West Side of Cleveland. Anthony Baraga after his retirement, moved to Florida. Michael Kolar and I have remained at St. Vitus. Special recognition must be given to Michael Kolar. Not only does he have the distinction of being one of the original five, but he has also continued to be an active and participating member throughout the 50 years. Truly a dedicated member! Paper Dedicated to Abbot Bandi This 50th Anniversary celebration of the St. Vitus Holy Name Society in Cleveland tabloid newspaper is dedicated to the memory of the late Abbot Bonaventure Bandi, OSB (Lawrence Bandi). He was one of the original founders of the Society- When we visited him in the summer of 1983 at the Cleveland Clinic, he was hoping to live long enough to join in this celebration. He did live to see the 50th birthday in February, but died June 16, 1984. His heart and soul was in our Society. May he rest in peace. 50-Year Highlights • Our own baseball league, consisting of eight “indoor teams”. • Society-sponsored bowling league with six teams. • Society’s “Holy Name News,” a mimeographed monthly paper. • Society Orchestra, also Holy Name Choir with Mr. Ivan Racic, Director • Holy Name reporters began the first “English Page” column in the American Home • Nocturnal Adoration Society at St. Paul’s Shrine, E-40th and Euclid • Annual picnics, wiener roasts and hikes, etc. • Celebration of new Masses by our members — 11 in all. • Guest speakers which included among others Senator Frank Lausche, Judges Pryatel, Lavrich, Turk and Tally, also Chinese missionaries Rev. O’Donnell and Rev. Francis Rebol — and many other notable speakers. • The continuous “Ye Olde Fall Festival” which ran for 25 years in a row. •Formation of the Junior Holy Name Society a few years after the Senior Society was formed. • Starting of Penny Bingo - later regular Friday night parties. The proceeds went for a stained glass window in our church sanctuary and for other parish needs. • Prayer hours for Forty-Hours Devotion. • Prayer hours for Good Friday and Holy Thursday. • “Millionaire for a Day” Party which turned into the regular annual parish bazaars and carnivals. • memberships in the Slovenian Holy Name Union. • During the war years, when most of our members were in Service, “Give him a Spiritual Bouquet of a Communion Sunday” was initiated. Many letters and gift packages were sent to the servicemen. • Following the end of the war — The Fund for the disabled member veteran was established. • Formation of the parish bowling league at Grdina Recreation. • Change-over from Quarterly Communion to monthly receptions, after the war. • Prayer hours for the deceased members and close relatives. • Origination of the closed retreats at the Diocesan Retreat House, St. Stan’s and Loyola of the Lakes in Akron. • change of meeting date from second Tuesdays to Sunday mornings with Group Communion at 8 a.m. Mass, followed by a breakfast-meeting in the church hall. • The Annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast event has been held for 25 years consecutively. • Five St. Vitus Holy Name men have been bestowed with the Diocesan’s highest award, the “Circle Medallion.” The quintet includes Rev. Victor Cimperman, Michael Kolar, the late Charles Winter, Albin Orehek, and Frank Zupančič. • Our Society has been well-represented with delegates in the National Holy Name Conventions in Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Buffalo and New Orleans. • Holy Name Chef Joseph Komat, with help from the ranks, has prepared and served such culinary delights as Chow Mein, Chinese Roast Beef, Italiano Spaghetti and Meatballs, Hungarian Goulash and Southern Fried Chicken. The food was well-received by the general public who attended past dinners with attendance hovering around 800. • Parish Outings sponsored by our society were held in the 1960s at the Pristava and Saxon Acres in the early 1970s. 3 View of the Holy Name Rally at the Cleveland Stadium in September, 1931. Ulrich Lube Super Salesman Ulrich Lube, who passed away nearly 10 years ago, was the most successful ticket seller in our Society. His selling techni- que was unmatched and needless to say, we still miss the late Ulrich and his energetic sales pitches. +tOci 4-71 unarN i ‘wmi a/^lAi/^n w\joiu-ii AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 12, 1984 The remains of some of the tanks and the devestation of homes and property after the East Ohio Gas Explosion in 1944. Gas Explosion and Fire A6 A Founder Writes Dear Mike: ... In regard to the Golden Anniversary of our St. Vitus Holy Name Society. I used our advisedly as I happen to be one of you during the Organization Drive. I can truthfully say that we were all fired up when we gave those talks to the younger boys to get them to join the Holy Name Society. We were like the Evangelists sincerely and whole heartedly preaching the merits of our new church organization. I believe even Monsignor Ponikvar was impressed because we sincerely believed in this undertaking. I do not know at this time if I will be able to attend the 50th Anniversary of our beloved St. Vitus Holy Name Society. 1 hobble around a bit as I have arthritis in my left kneee, more of an inconvenience than an ailment. Give my regards to all “old timers” from the St. Vitus Holy Name Society. Sincerely, Tony Baraga Altamonte Springs, Fla. (Tony Baraga is a brother of the late Rev. Frank Baraga who was our spiritual director from 1945 to 1950. PRE-1934! Just as we are ready to go to press, we have been told that as mentioned in our history, an attempt to found the Holy Name Society was made earlier. Now, we are told that some meetings were held in the old Sodality Room in the St. Vitus School basement. No dates or records are available, except that Lawrence Bandi and Anthony J. Urbas were the organizers. On October 20, 1944 on a Friday afternoon at 2:40 p.m. one of the liquid gas tanks exploded and then ignited another larger tank at the East Ohio Gas property between East 55th and 62nd St. (Please be advised that at that time East 61 Street met at the corner with East 55th So. so there were no other streets between E. 55 and E. 61 St.) The frozen liquid gas fell over the whole E. 61st, E. 62nd, Sts., partly covered E. 63rd, E. 55th and also Lake Court Ave. Before long the next larger cylindrical tank (shaped like a ball) blew up. This caused a flame hundreds of feet in the sky and it looked like the whole Slovenian community would be destroyed. Luckily, the wind shifted and blew the flames towards the lake across the railroad bridge and tracks to old Kurja vas (Chicken Village). The two photos show what the area looked like after the fire. One-hundred and thirty- one persons died in the fire. Most of the dead were East Ohio Gas employees. Our neighborhood casualties numbered 10 dead, and over 100 homes burned to the ground. Many of our members were in service at the time and Nazi propaganda showed pictures of the fire as if they had bombed Cleveland. The description in newsreels and newspapers said the whole area from E. 55 to Addison was destroyed, but fortunately our church, Slovenian Home and American Home were not. The “Junior” By Albin Orehek The St. Vitus “Junior” Holy Name was organized soon after the “Senior” Holy Name in 1934 to serve the spiritual and social needs of our parish’s young boys. The Juniors were then transferred to the Seniors at adulthood. The first Moderator for the Juniors was the well-known Charles Winter who acted as liaison between societies. The Juniors were autonomous, having separate meetings conducted by a junior slate of officers who depended upon the guidance and advice of the senior group. Many memorable, happy and productive years can be recalled for those who were active members. They had their own “Namer” news journal which provided up-to-date news to its members. The Juniors also provided many enjoyable hours to audiences who attended the Minstrel Shows, capably produced by members for many years in a row. One of the “sparkplugs” instrumental in organizing and promoting activities was Fred “Bam” Orehek who in later years became a Chicago Tribune journalist prior to his untimely death seven years ago. Rev. Joseph Boznar To Be Light To All By Rev. Joseph P. Boznar Pastor of St. Vitus Church and Spiritual Moderator of St. Vitus Holy Marne Society On Sunday, October 14 at the 9:15 a.m. Mass, the St. Vitus Holy Name Society will observe its 50th year of life and activity at St. Vitus Parish. Fifty years spans nearly two generations in human life, but in the life of an organization such as the Holy Name Society, 50 years means so much more than the number of years in existence. It means the many youthful years of growing pains, of the dedicated founding members, of sincere welcoming of hundreds of men into the ranks of real men who consciously chose to live from the sacramental life of the Church and from the teachings of Christ. It means working closely with the Pastors of St. Vitus Parish to achieve the goals of the Society, of reaching out to the youthful members of the parish, who, in short years, grow into manhood and who remain loyal to the ideals of the Holy Name men, of growing spiritually in the spirit of Christ and conquering temptations in order to do what is good and right. Not the least, being a member of the Holy Name Society means attending the many meetings for mutual encouragement and many times coming to pray for the final Christian farewell for a deceased member. In the course of 50 years, many members have come and gone in the St. Vitus Holy Name Society, yet, thanks to the effective and hard working officers throughout the years, this Society grew into what is still today one of the largest Holy Name Societies in the Diocese of Cleveland. In the name of St. Vitus Parish I wish to congratulate Greg Hribar the current President of the Society, all his Officers and members for a continuation of the worthy and needed work of the Holy Name Society. May the St. Vitus Holy Name Society continue in the spirit of the One whose Name it bears, and may he bless everyone. This is the same area taken after the East Ohio Gas Explo*'011 nns were I which burned down homes in the area and many person* This picture is of houses on the West Side of East 61 St. taken ^ U] year. You can see St. Vitus Church tower in the backgroun • | IV( HNS Active Eventually the popularity of Minstrel Shows diminished and the Juniors in the early forties began producing Variety Shows which remained popular through the fifties. Moderators during the Variety Show days were Revs. Francis Baraga and Victor Tome who served countless hours to help direct and produce the shows. Talented Ken Tomsick serve-ed as the popular “M.C.” for the Variety Shows for many years and Don Močnik contributed immensely helping to produce yearly shows. Space does not permit listing all the in Own W$$ 7ants who worke^ieStyt lly keep brant and ac s are deceased, , ill recall the happy (h^ days spent with , God only knows h ^ oung boys aV°cejving ;ted life by tjVe ed life by jv£ 1Uo1feared/^>, the Holy Name b ^ ia 50th Golden Anniversary and Family Communion St. Vitus Holy Name Society , Cleveland, Ohio SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1984 9:15 A.M. Concelebrated Mass of Thanksgiv'^9 ^ for the Living and Deceased Mem ^ the St. Vitus Holy Name Socie y>^ ^ Family Communion. — The Litu'^j0Cese opened with remarks by Cleveland Bishop Anthony M. Pilla. 10:30 A.M. Family Breakfast and Celebration o Golden Jubilee of the Society. PROGRAM pastor 1. - OPENING PRAYER Rev. Joseph Boznar, r and Spiritual Dire 2. — ANNOUNCEMENTS President Greg 3. — GREETINGS pqS 4. — INTRODUCTION OF PRESENT OFFICtn 5. — INTRODUCTION OF PAST PREslDENJ”SB0znar 6. - MAIN PRESENTATION Rev. Joseph Rev. Joseph^^j MAIN PRESENTATION 7. - CLOSING COMMENTS 8. — CLOSING PRAYER SPOMINSKA PRILOGA ZA 50-LETNICO DRUŠTVA NAJSV. IMENA V FARI SV. VIDA 1934- 1984 FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) Friday, OCTOBER 12, 1984 VOL. LXXXVI nekaj zgodo vine društva najsvetejšega imena pri fari sv. vida iv V01 slo'e,Ja je bilo v fari fiv \. '^a po*no življenja in I. ”e8a delovanja. Tedanji p n‘k rajnk> msgr. Jernej J. ! Var jc ustanovil veliko 3l, 1 0r8anizacij, med njimi '■eklia0 dru5tvo» Marijino Lira ° dru^tvo> pevski zbor '•o°;l:"sk^oa Ljjv ° ^ 'melo obsežen pro-Wok' ni bil omejen na uh: ^ °’ ampak je obsegal i»ura,krvatik°’ p61-'6 in tam' '*v°ran S*uP’no- Naše šolske 'efe,. 6 So zasedene vsak I Na/veSi5nimi Vajami- k)sVex Ja Pozornost je bila tavgtjJ?3 mladini, njenemu iskj U’ Vz8oji in vodstvu v vsaito°7hSkih načel-todaij z!rno so pripravili in ^°ran’ Sn tr' *8re v ^nausov' /tpo '• kovanje “Orla” se Ra l92on0.raztegndo 0<^ jeseni s°^venii ’ k° ^uPnik dobil iz itjf ittu rCV' Matij° Jagra. ve|. Vij maga Pri delu v fari n^sebgj a' Novi kaplan je iutprei»> ^0sPeševal telovadbo. za^el nastopati v h£*St. q601 nar°dnem domu ^ Avenue pa tudi na deželi. Za nastop na prvem Slovenskem ameriškem dnevu v Chicagu in v Lemontu so najeli cel vlak. Iz Clevelanda se je te pomembne prireditve udeležilo okoli 300 ljudi. Rev. Matija Jager je režiral tudi več iger, s katerimi je njegova igralska skupina nastopila v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Avenue, pa gostovala z njimi tudi v Collinwoodu, Newburgu in West Parku. Ko je rev. Jager po nekaj letih opustil “Orla” in je ta organizacija svoje delo omejila bolj na družabno področje, je ustanovil “Slovenski oder”. Prostori, ki so dotlej služili za telovadbo, so služili poslej za igralske vaje in odrske nastope. Ker dvorana ni bila velika, imela je le okoli 250 sedežev, so igre ponovili enkrat ali dvakrat zapored, da so jih mogli vsi videti. Rev. Matija Jager je ustanovil tudi “Dekliški Baragov zbor”, ki je imel več koncertnih in drugih nastopov. V tej dobi je prišlo do velike n« jve ‘N^d, O. — Ko so j® 1,1 DNI pri Sv. Vidu, ,, 1W trgal hlače v Ijubl-‘ S J°lah- Takrat si pač h0 'ki a ls*d* da bom kdaj h, mer*o. 1 Na*!3”1 VojaSki službi na k\rei > sem prišel v ^kev o ' K /naši sem hodil v ** farnV' ^'da, toda aktivno ž'vljenja nisem '^° v Evropi ni bila C AS BEŽI H > d rijateij°Sti Vedel. Člani, moji ^Pricj.’!? me vabili, naj se ',vki: lni- 'Končno sem se V a Postal član. Žal mi je ^1. \ije(je8a Prej nisem le K*«'**r\Kar je 0,10 fe' ^Hd°m0 " % i'ivajsefkC1Je in Prireditve. ^1 JS.etlh letih ______ tudi o DNI h^il km C*an‘ DNI sem se Zei0 dorna’ ^ar je bd° sem ,1b1|,VenerakraV,ja,i svoje akcije ir ^Priliv-” ,etih sem zopet :j ranCe 1 na duhovne va-Vs^ver je pod okril-.^ske d k° leto organiziral I1? adet0;nevaje-Koje ^ te’* ^ence, ni nikdar ^vedef Predn° ‘O". N ’ Sem že biI na C 5ei. ? mi bilo žal, da ik^ked,‘fte čase so bile A ;“£»»vne,ajc, karse ^etiSp^ na višku. ^10 m Ti> Erance, da si Podrezal in me *•, pridobil, da sem šel na duhovne vaje! Ko Franceta Severja ni bilo več, so slovenske duhovne vaje začele počasi umirati. Nismo mogli več dobiti dovolj mož in fantov, da bi dobili prostor v domu. Tudi jaz sem pomagal pridobivati udeležence, a nisem imel Francetove gorečnosti in požrtvovalnosti. Ko ni bilo več slovenskih duhovnih vaj, sem se pridružil skupini, ki je hodila na angleške duhovne vaje. Tedaj sem bolje spoznal moža, ki je bil globoko veren in je dobesedno gorel za DNI -Frank Grdina. Na vsakem sestanku vzpodbujal, naj veliko molimo, posebno za papeža in Cerkev. Bil je vedno živahen in vesel, čeprav njegovo življenje ni bilo posejano s samimi rožicami. Samo enkrat sem v osebnem pogovoru z njim zaslutil, koliko trpi. Čeprav že v letih, je bil delaven član DNI do svoje smrti. Ne bom Vaju pozabil. Hvaležen sem Bogu, da sem vaju srečal. m. o. * Z veseljem sporočamo da smo imeli letos v februarju zopet slovenske duhovne vaje v domu za duhovne vaje na Lake Shore Blvd. blizu 185 ceste. Tudi prihodnje leto bodo zopet. Stara lesena cerkev sv. vida vsredini, na levi Župnišče na desni pa stara lesena šola sv. Vida. Ta poslopja so še stala koje bilo DNU ustanovljeno leta 1934. Sedaj je na tem prostoru nova farna dvorana in parkališče. depresije, ki je trajala od leta 1932 pa vse tja do začetka druge svetovne vojne. Mladi fantje so se tedaj začeli bolj zanimati za ameriške športe, baseball, basketball (Košarko) in kegljanje. Septembra 1931 je bil v novem stadionu velik nastop moških iz vsega Clevelanda pod vodstvom Društev Najsvetejšega Imena iz fara vsega mesta. Tudi iz fare sv. Vida nas je bilo nekaj navzočih. Mogočni zbor, ki se ga je udeležilo nad 50.000 mož in fantov, je napravil na nas močan vtis. Navdušeni nad tem smo šli k župniku msgr. Jerneju Ponikvarju in mu predložili ustanovitev Društva Najsvetejšega Imena tudi v naši fari sv. Vida. Župnik je imel tiste dni veliko dela in skrbi z gradnjo nove cerkve, tako nam je svetoval, naj počakamo, da bo nova cerkev dograjena in urejena. Dejal je, da bo tedaj na razpolago več prostora in bomo imeli boljše možnosti za shajanje in seje. Ko je bila nova cerkev blagoslovljena, so se pobudniki za novo organizacijo 14. januarja 1934 zbrali v Kolarjevi hiši na 1021 E. 61 St., da svojo zamisel izvedejo. Navzoči so bili: Lovrec Bandi (pokojni opat Bonaventura Bandi), Stanley Frank, Anthony Baraga, Frank Zabukovec (Brooks) in Mihael Kolar. Sklenili so, da gredo k župniku in začno z društvom. Župnik msgr. Jernej J. Ponikvar nas je veselo pozdravil in sprejel ter nam obljubil vso pomoč. Povedal nam je, da je že dolgo mislil na ustanovitev društva, ki naj bi (Dalje na str. A8) Po vaših delih vas bodo poznali, da ste moji učenci Ob nedeljah in zapovedanih praznikih hodimo v cerkev k sv. maši, prejemamo sv. obhajilo, opravljamo vsakdanje molitve, izpolnjujemo božje in cerkvene zapovedi, smo torej katoličani, celo tudi dejavni katoličani. Za take nas imajo sosedje, znanci, okolica na splošno. Jezus je dejal svojim učencem, ko so ga vprašali, kako naj se izkažejo, da so njegovi učenci: “Po vaših delih vas bodo spoznali!” V teh Jezusovih besedah ni obseženo le zunanje izpolnjevanje božjih zapovedi ampak še bolj notranja združitev z Bogom. Ta se izraža v vsem našem življenju povsod in vselej. Če se vedno zavedamo božje prisotnosti^ če hočemo vsak čas služiti Bogu, če vsak čas gorimo v ljubezni do Njega, potem se to tudi vsak čas odraža v našem življenju, v naših odnosih do soljudi, v našem odnosu do dela, v izpolnjevanju naših dolžnosti in obveznosti. Če v nas gori resnična ljubezen do bližnjega, bomo to kazali v svojih dejanjih, z ljubeznivo besedo, z dobrim zgledom. Kot člani Društva Najsvetejšega Imena sodelujemo z drugimi društvi in skupinami v korist fare, njenega vzdrževanja in rasti. Pri tem naj bi nas vedno vodila misel, da delamo v božjo čast, da iščemo najprej božjo slavo, saj nam je rekel Gospod: “Iščite najprej božje kraljestvo in vse drugo vam bo navrženo.” Ko bi se ravnali po teh Jezusovih besedah pri vsaki razpravi v farni skupnosti, posebej ko te neposredno zadevajo faro, njeno cerkev in farno versko življenje, bi med nami ne bilo zadreg in trenj. Četudi ne bi bili vedno vsi enakih misli, bi ljubezen do Boga in bližnjega vselej našla pot k mirni, prijateljski rešitvi vseh nesporazumov, zadreg, različnih želja, razhajajočih se mnenj. V katoliških krogih že skozi vrsto rodov razpravljamo o dolžnostih katoličanov javnosti, v javnem življenju in delovanju. Tisti, ki so resnično prežeti s Kristusovim naukom, niso imeli in nimajo posebnih težav. Odločajo se v vsem, kot bi se odločali in kot bi delali v Njegovi prisotnosti, torej v vsej globini in obsežnosti Njegovega nauka. Precej kristjanov, tudi precej katoličanov živi svojo vero v svojem domu in v božjem hramu, v javnem življenju in delovanju pa se drži poti, navad in morale svoje okolice. Pri tem se niti ne zavedajo, da tako ravnanje vzbuja dvom v njihovo resnično vernost, saj življenje po veri pomeni službo Bogu, izpolnjevanje Njegove volje, izražene v božjih zapovedih, v Kristusovem nauku. Kot člani Društva Najsvetejšega Imena premišljamo ob petdesetletnici našega društva, sklenimo posebno to da bomo poglobili svojo vero, da bomo z življenjem in delom po njej kazali, da smo Njegovi učenci! (član) Most Rev. Bishop A. J Edward Pevec > Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik F Rev. Joseph F. Boznar ; Rev. Victor J. Cimperman j Rev. John Kumse ' Rev. Joseph J. Ozimek iP ATRON S SHISSIP ATRON S .v. Mr., Mrs. Vinko Lipovec Mr., Mrs. Joseph Kuhel Mr., Mrs. Joseph F. Sterk John and Joyce Hlad Mr. Anton Meglič Mr., Mrs. William Vidmar Mr. Andrew (Andy) Sire Pictured, left to right, are our former spiritual directors, Rev. Victor J. Cimperman, the late Rev. Raymond Hobart, Rev. Victor Tome, and Msgr. Louis B. Baznik. Rev. Joze Simcic Rev. Julius Slapsak Rev. Victor N. Tome Rev. J. W. Vovko Rev. Fortunat Zorman Dan and Mollie Postotnik Rikk and Emilee Jenko Emilee’s Beauty Salon Mr., Mrs. John Zarnick Mr., Mrs. Albert Koporc Mr. Frank Selic Mr., Mrs. Raymond Novak Mrs. Frances Novak Rudy A. & Doris J. Klemenčič Mrs. Mary J. Pangonis Mrs. Jennie Feme Mrs. Ann Zak Mr., Mrs. Joe Ambrosic Miss Marie Orazem Anonymous Mr., Mrs. Edward Avsec Mr., Mrs. Edward Thomas Mr. John Kerzisnik Mr., Mrs. Henry Zupančič Mr. Ignatius Zupančič Mr. Frank Zupančič Mr., Mrs. Edward Kuhel Mr. John Brodnick and Mrs. Maria Brodnick Mr., Mrs. Louis Cimperman St. Vitus Society No. 25 KSKJ Mr., Mrs. Frank Macerol Mr., Mrs. John Štempihar Mr., Mrs. Frank Brodnick Mr., Mrs. Joseph S. Baškovič Mr., Mrs. Louis Petelin Mr., Mrs. Frank Sieworek Anton, Vida, Marko Oblak Mr., Mrs. Mirko Stupnik Mr. Frank I. Baraga Mrs. Anna Fortuna Mr. Frank J. Branisel Mr., Mrs. William Tome Mr., Mrs. Joseph J. Kolar Friend of the St. Vitus HNS (Mich.) Friend of the St. Vitus HNS (Mich.) Mr., Mrs. John V. Oblak Mr., Mrs. Frank Brooks Mr., Mrs. Frank J. Godic Mr., Mrs. Miro Odar Mr. Frank Kamin Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Spech Mrs. Anne Larko Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Opaskar Mr. Joseph Zelle Mr. Martin Kostansek Mr., Mrs. Walter A. Buckley Mr., Mrs. Anthony J. Brodnik Mr., Mrs. Anthony J. and Valerie M. Baznik & Mrs. Mary Per Mr., Mrs. Donald F. Carey Mr., Mrs. Peter Sterk Mr., Mrs. Michael J. Kolar (Calif.) Mr. Joseph Marinko Mr. John J. Hočevar Mr. Joseph V. Hočevar Mr., Mrs. Albin M. Orehek Mr., Mrs. Wencel A. Frank Mr., Mrs. Michael M. Kolar Mr., Mrs. Frank E. Kern Mr., Mrs. John J. Persin Jr. Mr. Janez Sever Mr. Charles J. Winter Bencin Family Mr., Mrs. John F. Celesnik Mr. Anthony A. Pozelnik George & Rose Poprik Mr. Greg Hribar Mr., Mrs. Emil Goršek American Home Publishing Co., Inc. Mr. James V. Debevec Madeline D. Debevec James V. Debevec, II Mrs. Dorothy Urbancich John Urbancich Family Mr., Mrs. John Mahne (NC) Mr., Mrs. Joseph Ambrosic Mr., Mrs. Jos. Ambrosic, Jr. Mr., Mrs. Anthony Martinčič Mr., Mrs. Stanley Frank Ed and Jo Bradach Mr. Stanley Martinčič Miss Eleanore C. Karlinger Mrs. Mary K. Cerne John and Jane Lube Mr., Mrs. Donald L. Močnik Mr., Mrs. John J. Marinko United Altar Societies of Slovene Parishes Members of the Bandi Family Martin & Albina Kostansek Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Ogrinc Mary & Frances Cizel Mr., Mrs. Edward Arhar Mr., Mrs. Anthony Petkovšek Mr., Mrs. John Orehek Mr., Mrs John Cimperman Rudy J. Sterk Mr., Mrs. Louis Krivacic Sr. Mr., Mrs. Louis Krivacic Jr. Mr., Mrs. Mike Spisich Martin Svete Mr., Mrs. Anthony Baraga (Fla.) Upgrade, Inc., J.P. Gibbs, pres. Judge Edmund J. Turk Mrs. Mary Turk & Family Mrs. Joseph Turk (E. 61 St.) Adolph & Fran Kotnik Mrs. Frances Nemanich Mrs. Ivana Lunder & Daughters Mr., Mrs. William Danner Zak Funeral Home (St. Clair Ave.) Mr., Mrs. Stanley Krygier Mr., Mrs. Louis S. Hlad Rose Cimperman Mary Cimperman Josephine Strumbel Miss Jo Mohorčič Mr., Mrs. Frank Glavan Mr., Mrs. Joseph Jakomin Anthony J. Urbas John & Agnes Oster Mr., Mrs. Michael Malloy Mrs. Antoinette Malnar Henry Szymanski Family Mrs. Irene Reiman Bill Hrastar "*%. m. Former Parish Secretary and Honorary Holy Namer, Miss Eleanore Karlinger. State Rep. Michael P. Stinziano Ms. Agnes Turk Ms. Sylvia Turk Mr., Mrs. Ken Tomsick Grdina Funeral Home Mrs. Ann Krajc Miss Bernadine Sajovec Mr., Mrs. Anthony Sajovic Mr., Mrs. Joseph Starin Miss Josephine Tome Mrs. Josephine Sustarsic Mrs. Frances Laurich Mr., Mrs. Andy Andrews Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. Mrs. Olga Marinič Mr. Henrik Kremžar Družina Cugelj Stella Vokac Mr., Mrs. Earl Conley Frank Hlad Family IN MEMORIAM Rt. Rev. Monsignor B. J. Ponikvar Rt. Rev. Abbot Bandi Rt. Rev. Monsignor A. A. Andrey Rev. Francis M. Baraga Rev. Raymond T. Hobart Rev. Rudolph A. Praznik Mr. Frank L. Grdina Mr. Anton Vidmar Mrs. Frances Baraga Mr. Frank J. Brinovec Mr. Elmer Kuhar Mr. James Turk Mr. Charles J. Winter Sr. Mrs. Mary Zupančič and son, Pvt. Stanley Zupančič Cyril Stanonik Joseph F. Strumbel Fred Orehek (III.) Mr., Mrs. Anton Orehek Franc Sever Joseph J. Nemanich Rudolph Kasunic Emil F. Trunk Ivan Cugelj Joe Komat, chef extraor-dinare, has prepared over 35,000 meals for Holy Name events, and every meal was a delectable delight!___________ NEKAJ ZGODOVINE DRUŠTVA NAJSVETEJŠEC* IMENA PRI FARI SV. VIDA (Dalje na str. A7) vodilo “katoliško akcijo” v fari sv. Vida. Svetoval nam je, da se dobro pripravimo, pred-no bomo sklicali člane na ustanovno sejo. Iz župnijskih knjig smo dobili imena vseh graduantov farne šole zadnjih deset let. Imeli smo tri pripravljalne seje, na katere smo vabili te fante in jim razložili namen in pomen Društva Najsvetejšega Imena. Potrebno gradivo o tem smo dobili iz glavnega urada tega društva v New Yorku. Fantje so se odzvali in pokazali veliko zanimanje. Ustanovna seja je bila v dvorani pod cerkvijo v torek, 18. februarja 1934. Župnik msgr. J. Ponikvarje z očitnim zadovoljstvom in veseljem pozdravil kakih 135 navzočih. Govorili so tudi Lovrenc Bandi in drugi iz skupine petih pobudnikov in ustanoviteljev društva. Udeleženci, večina višješolci, visokošolci in semeniščniki, so navdušeno sprejeli predložene programe. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bomo imeli skupno sv. obhajilo vsake tri mesece. Nekaj let kasneje smo se odločili za skupno obhajilo vsak mesec. Seje so bile določene enkrat na mesec, vršile naj bi se zvečer, odbor pa naj zboruje tedensko. V prvem letu je bilo 35 od-borovih sej. Pri volitvah so bili izvoljeni v prvi odbor društva: predsednik Frank Zabukovec (Brooks), podpredsednik Mihael Kolar, tajnik Lovrenc Bandi, blagajnik Rudolph Kasunic. Župnik je nato imenoval v odbor še Stanleyja Franka, Josepha Modica, An-thonyja Barago in Martina Sveteta, sam pa je prevzel mesto društvenega duhovnega vodje. Društvo Najsvetejšega Imena je vedno znova poskrbelo za različne dejavnosti, ki naj bi pritegnile in zaposlile mladino. Ta je imela v času velike depresije veliko časa, saj kake zaposlitve ni bilo mogoče najti. Imeli smo “baseball” ligo s 6 skupinami, “basketball” s 4 skupinami in 5 skupin za kegljanje. Pripravili smo izlet v naravo, pričeli z orkestrom in pevskim zborom, organizirali jesenski festival z večerjo in zabavo, kateri se je nato vršil vsako jesen skozi 25 let. MOLITEV K NADANGELU MIHAELU Sveti nadangel Mihael, bf nas v boju zoper moči ten1® | zalezovanje hudobnega ^ Ukroti naj ga Bog, Pon‘^\njI to prosimo. In Ti, v0 j,, nebeške vojske, satana druge hudobne duhove* , hodijo po svetu v pogubo ^ z božjo pomočjo v P pahni! Amen. * * * , if To je bila najdražja 'n°^ ^ ranjkega Franka Grd’119^. našega priljubljenega P° ^ j nega bivšega predsedniku angleškega vodje kal°1 akcije. Pogrešamo njegove M1 misli na naših sejah. Na sliki vidimo telovadce sveto vidskega “ORLA” leta