T1 ** F .ma,m i mmm S Ukaja ruk daa »esas oa organizirano delavstvo bo-ilo proti mezdnim redukcijam, n ako bodo bankirji iq industrijski magnati začeli s kampanjo, tedaj bodo morali računati na boj, kakršnega dežela ni vi-ela že dolgo vrsto let. "Delodajalci morajo razumeti, predno tvorijo kampanjo, da se bo oran izirano delavstvo borilo pro-Bred ukci jam," pravi Hewitt. Mezd se ne sme reducirati, ker ■že sedaj prenizke. Skema finkirjev je absurdna in nevar-l in povzročila bo resne kon-hkte, če jo bodo skuša!! bankir-in industrijski magnati izva-iati." Ermeao poziva zbornico m pomoč brezposelnim ova iznajdba sprt«ia|a Mlnčne žarka v eMrtriko l*nadba Je v Nemčiji in poskus se je obnese! dvsdolarskl in tridolarski sklad Slovenski &cfalističnl poslanec imata pa velik deficit, ki se po- v Madlsonn je nssllkal temno kriva iz endolarskega. sliko razmer Jednota je imela v teku leta - 784 slučajev poškodnln, operr.- Madison, Wis.—(Izvirno Pro-cij in odpravnin in v U namen sveti.) — John Ermenc, socia-je izplačala skoro $100,000. Iz- lktlčni poslanec Iz MUwsukeeja, redni asesment zadnjo jesen ni Jo te dni v wisconslnskl državni pokril deficita. ' < zbornici naslikal črno sliko raz- V prejšnjem letu je umrlo 480 mer, v katerih se nahajajo brez-članov v obeh oddelkih in jed-lposelni delavci v Milwaukee ju, nota je izplačala približno $300,- ko je predložil resolucijo, ki se 000 v posmrtninah. (kUmsI, nsj dbornica dožene, če bi Jednota Je Izplačala v letu *>fr> mogoče porabiti poslopje državnega sejma v West Allisu za stanovanje brezposelnih. f Ermenc In ostali socialistični poslanci so povedsli zbornici, da Imajo sodišča v Milwaufceeju danes največ opravka z brez posel- 1980 čez milijon dolarjev v vseh podporah.^ Herlin, 3. fdbr. — Dr. Bruno Sk,ftd črednih podpor je do-n*e, 28-letni elektrotehnik v bra ustanova za Jednoto. ^V pre-Himi, je iznašel enosUvno pri- teklem. J*" Je Wk> izpitnih >fsvo za direktno pretvarjanje I8600 b «Iroma- pnfne sveUobe v električno e-'kom' ki 80 brw Pomoči. Pnrijo brez porabe kakega ku-1^"0** «alaga asesment zs t. Iznajdba obstoji iz tenke'«tetine članov, ki so brez dela v lta sile, te več tednov nepre- dihalna delavca mSM nem smislu in predložil je bud-get izdatkov za leto 19S1 v vsoti $75.000. To nsj bi bila najvišja vsota Izdstkov jednotine u-prsve v tem letu. . .. , Gl. odbor je na tej seji znižal ! Anlr .u K najemnino Ujniških prostorov rtJU1*Vn0 MrTt,rlana cenitvi Chicsgo Resi Kstaf Z ,;<:UwMJpir\l? Bosrds znlžsls vrednost jedne- FJ«. Ju Je skušsl sretirsti o N» Turki obesUl 28 verskih vstsšev Angora. 3. febr. — Osemindvajset muslimanskih nazadnja-kov, ki so v decembru vodili ponesrečeno versko revo! t o v Me-nemsnu, je bilo dsne^ zjtrt raj o- --------------- tlnega p Il^.ii*. (,ri-^pevkl, ki so jih pošiljal« kraje vne unije Hrom Ameriko, niso bili zadostni, da bi Obvarovale atavkarje In. njihove družine prod pomanjkanjem ln stradanjem. V zadnjih štirih dnevih stavke nko tekstilci prejeli «ploh nobene podpore. Z oalrotn na obupni položaj nI «tavkarjom preostajaJo drugega nogo umik. Francis Gorman, podpredsednik Uolted Textile Workers unijo, ki jo vodila stav-ko, j« podal Izjavo, da štrajk ni bil popoln polom, ker j« kompanija kjavila, da no bo diskrimi-nirala unljsklh dslavcev ln je v prešlih par dneh v resnici upo-sUU v«> število delavcev, ki so bUl vodilna sila v kampanji ta organisiranje delavcev. Msslaa zaprla pssrsdovslnlrs vrala Besumont, Tet.—Meetns po-: sredovelnlca, ki Js bila ustanovljene prod tremi meeecl. Je ts-prls vrsta. V tem času se je re-gietrlralo voč kot 10.ÍKK) prosil-cev ss delo, tods posredovslnics je dobllš službo samo za 86 ds-Isveev. Pošiljala j« spele na delodajalce, naj preskrbijo dela. toda odziv je Ml slab. Za v »drža mesto KAMPANJA ZA STA-ROBTNO POKOJNINO Otvorlle so jo stavbiaske unljs v St. l/ouisu KI. IxhiIs, Mo. — (FP)-flvot stsvblnsklh strokovnih unij v St. Louisu Je sklical konferenco, katere so se udeležili zastopniki organiziranega delavstva In sklonili, da se organltlra Intenzivna kampanja, da državna zbornica na prihodnjem zasedanju sprejme predlogo zs državno starostno pokojnino. Predlogo je že pred par meseci aeetsvll izvršni odbor držsvns delavske federseljs In potvsl VSO unije v državi, nsj orgsnitirsjo kampanjo. Velika ojw»ra gibanju je tednik "Progresslvs Press," glasilo delsvskih unij v Ht. Louisu, ki Ims precejšen vpliv tudi med orgsnltlrsnlml delavci v oetakh krajih držsve. t*tedr»io 1'Angre Gar-upr odbors se obje v i jo tadi v n« gkvo. Isvršii je ssmomor. Z«! Norih IsUnd v grupi Nove Z«-|iMiMdjaaii, ki so ss zsvtele zs VMJe posredovslalee je____ trm rneetu. Skoda se ceni ansleških iz^rpklh v angleški vzrok navajajo dolgotrajno bol?! »«ndlje Is pi prvih poročilih j« stavkarj' In jim prišle na pomoč potrošilo par tisoč dolarjev, ki * m tJ2Sjl preovett Jmmfr*»«f> ubitih, i« žlvl.1 In denarnimi priepavR ^ m ukoreknč vrženi proč. Rdeči križ In federalne od pomol Weshington, D. C.—Odkloni-i tev Rdečegs križ«, ki je nezna-nil, ds ne mere uprsvlistl odpo-močnih fondov v slučaju, da bi jih kongres dovolil, je n* letela na ostre kritiko s strsnt Ljudske lobijo. Uredniki Lludeke lo-blje pravijo, da bi moral kon-gree ¿¿m 1111 rfil^l ■ a~ii.ii iilhift «i« •. A..JÄJ WnSLPSOL društvene vesti TAKO BOLI! . Bolno grlo je tudi nevarno V SPOMIN DRUGE OBLETNICE SMRTI ukn ljebets »proga la efete ' ANTON ROPARJA Že Je preteklo dve leti ktf il «M rapuatil ie odiel od Ul. ljubi aoprog ie eie. Gomila tih« Tebe krile le <»• leti dal. Grob TreJ cvetljiee pa kraalje v Wagi nate apomie na Te. Zalnjoti ostali: Marija Rapar, aepreca, oinovl la Mere. Mttaburg, Kana. BREMEN EUROPA V BLAGI SPOMIN DRUGE OBLFTNICE SMRTI nafte drage matere ia aeprege katera aaa Je aapeatila dne 1. februarja lili. Ce prav mínelo fe par let, <*i kar al naa aapeetila. Cvetljiee bede kradle Tvoj gn*. ko pride dan venéila Spominjajo« ae Tebe, Tvoj soprog Joka Oenick. béere Mary. Steffi« la Jeoephiee. John In Frank, alnova. Waafcee, Montana. columbus V SPOMIN OBLETNICE SMRTI nalaga dragega la tJeMJenoga alaa la brate DR. P. PAULICH Zapnetil nae Je i. fefc. ItM te ab smrti |e Ul eter If let Odftri é od naa In ni Te eel med nami, ali ml Tebe peeablt! ne mere»* Na* apemln aa Te bo eatel e naiáb »reib dokler Indi mi ne pridemo aa TebeJ. PoAva) e mini K«II. naš «ia In brat. ža lajati eetaH: Jarek In Marija Podboj, aterUa. Pred P»dbol. brat. Wankegan, lit Frank Ermenc brMphha pialnii)« m buMilb SREDA. 4. FEBRUARJA PK O S V E T Ä * Glasovi iz naselbin Zanimive beležke iz raznih krajev talnosti moramo pustiti nz strani. Odvisno je od gospodarskega odbore samega, in od cenifcev v prizadetih krajih. Ako bodo ti vršili svoje dolžnosti, so koristi zagotovcUjone. Gotovo je, da bo s tem nekoliko več dela v gl. uradu kakor tudi več dela za gospodarski odboa* in druge odseke, kar ee pe izplačuje z druge strani, ker jednota dobi nekoiiko yeč o-breeti kot pa od kakih drugih bondov. (Jednota kupuje v smislu zakona in pravil le municipals (vladne) monde ln ne privatnih.—-Uredništvo.) To poročilo smo podali v svrho malo pojasnila članom in zato, da bi se pričela razprtfva o gospodarskih vprašanjih naše jed. note. Cenilski odbor za detroitako o-kolico:—Peter, Benedict, predsednik, Rudolph Potočnik, Ludvik Spol jar, Andrew G rum, Frank Cessn._ Obvestilo Homer CRy, Pa. — V decembru smo imeli dve veselici. Prva je bila dne 26. dec., banket s prosto zabavo v korist SND. Udeležba je bila velika. — Vsled izselitve nekaterih delničarjev SND, je dobro, da se jih obvesti potom Prosvete o sedenjem domovem stanju. Pred dvema letoma smo bili po zakonu primorani postaviti v Domu varnostno razsvetljavo (emergency light). To nas je stalo $820. Takrat smo se nekaj zadolžili, sedaj pa je ostalo še dolga Se maraikaj bi bilo treba preurediti in popraviti, česar pa vsled slabih razmer ne moremo. Druga veselica ee je vršila dne 81. dec. Priredilo jo je društvo št. 290 SNPJ in je bila dobro obiskana* — Dne 14. feb. priredi tukajšnje mlad. društvo svojo veselico.—Frank Ogoreuc, tajnik SND: 117 Oakland ave. Potreba po novih močeh . Cleveland; — Dsei dramsko društvo "Balkan" (v Newbrurg-hu) šteje 90 ¿lanpv, nI v njeni tistega življenja kot bi bilo potrebno. S tem ne mislim reči, da nima uspeha pri uprizarjanju 1-ger. S tega staHftča je zadeva še prUično povoljna, ker smo na zadnje priredbe dobili poeetnike širom Clevelanda. Kar mislim o-menfcti je to, da pogrešamo ljudi iz domače naselbine. Kaj je temu vzrok? Mar igralci delajo ga evoje koristi? Ali niso vloge dobro izvedene? Ne prvo ne drugo ni odgovorno za predpust v Wsnk VVsukegsn, UL — Slovenski narodni dom priredi, kakor vaa to leto, maškeradno veselico na ,ustno soboto, dn^ 14. feb. Ob priliki obilo veselja in saba-ve za vse. Maskam bodo razde jene nagrade, to je tistim, ki ¿odo najlepše in najpomenljive. V navadi je, da odbor izbira sodnike. Tako bo tudi letos. Za-| o bi bilo priporočljivo, da odbor ibere nepristranske sodnike, da ie bo jeze in prerekanja. Izbe-| re naj osebe iz drugih krajev, iz irugih naselbin. To bi ne bilo nič več kot pravilno in pošteno. prsv, da se izbere za sodnika Mebo, katere ožji sorodniki so ilučajno v maskah. Odbor sicer ne more vedeti kdo gre v maeke, ve pa oseba, katere sorodniki — ilani njegove družine — so v »kupinah mask. Tudi ni prav, ja se čaka na gotove skupine, da pridejo na veselico. Nihče naj ne ima prednosti. Priporočljivo bi tudi bilo, da ie ne daje velikšh nagrad, am-iak manjše nagrade in mnogim, cajti na ta način bo ustreženo /eč maskam in občinstvu splošno— Louis Grebene. O jednotinlh posojilih na posestva Detroit, Mkh. — Prožila redna conivencijs, ki se je vidila maja 1929, je napravila poleg drugih tek> važen zaključek, namreč, da ednota pasojuje na posestva na hjvo vknjižbo. Precej jih je že, d ne pojmijo koristi od tega iklepa, katere imajo pos&meeuii liani in organizacija kot celota. Valud teiga je naš namen to ne-Lohko članom pojasniti. Člani, kot posamezniki, imajo e koristi, da dobijo posojilo na icCjAe pogoje in z manjšimi otroki kot. pa od bank. Pogodba za >osojik> je navadno narejena ta-da se dolžnik zaveže poleg ie»todatotnih obresti odplačevati udi letno deeet odstotkov posojila, tako da v desetih letih posojilo popolnoma izplača. To je >recejirnje vainosti, ker dolžnik ako počsai odplačuje svoj dolg; z Hsakim letom je dolg manjši ln bresti so tudi .vedno manjše. Na Joeojilo cd banke pa navadno ne nore odiplačati takorekoč v obročih, in le takrat ko vflonjižba poete. Nadalje imajo posamezniki tu-N te koristi, da ee izognejo vsa-tovrstnim "komiAnotn" pri nabavi posojila in plačajo le fantički atroike. Člani jednote bivajoče v Detroitu in bljižnji okolici * dobili od jednote posojila v »kupni vsoti $43,100.00. Ko eo člani dobili od jednote posojilo, o si prihranili okroglo vsoto $4.-#0.00, in sicer pri dplačilu raslih kontraktov, katere eo prej mdi radi posojila od bank. To Je e precej lepa vsota, kaj ne, ka-cto je takorekoč jednota prihra-^la svojim članom e tem, da jim e pu»«xHla denar na njih poae-rt-va. Kake koristi ima pa jednota organizacija? Precej, in sicer >rv»č v tem, da dobiva v več slugih večje obresti kot pa od mar. ikaterih drugih vredticetnih pa->lrjev (bondov); drugič, poeoji-Z SO ravnotoliko, ako ne še bolj, 'arna kot pe mamlkateri bondi; retjič, jednota tako pomaga evo-im člsnom osamosvojiti se od ugih finančnikov, ln ker pome-*'ojim članom, |)omaga sama ker jednota je le skupine «^meznih članov. Marsikateri ' Mogoče rekel, da denar tapo. Wen ns poseetva nsših členov tsko Varen, kot pa v kj*ih Vsem tem naj bb poja-to. da bondi nbo prav nič ri'K«-ga kot vknjižbe na poeest-a < niortgagee) velik* korpora-a!i kompsnij, in velikokrat Je teh posestev "napihnje->* . kar ae je Že izkezelo. Čemu W*x>pirati velike kompenije, ki ^ <1* Ivacem niso nič ksj pri-i^? Podpirajmo rajši sami Ooloeo je odvisno od tega. ne posodi na posestvo, v m kraju j« dotično posaH- * ln razne droge okoliščine eo v Wzi M Biti moramo stre*o sneta ie kmečkega življenja: Dva kmeta zta v jezi. Eden imz hčer, drugi zinz, ki ze zaljubita. Sledi sprava in — svatba. Dne 10. feb. priredi soc. lokal za Cleveland banket v po-čsst Norpumu Thomasu v prostorih YMOA, Prospeot in E. 22nd st. Večerjs bo* točno ob 8. zvečer; kdor pride po 8:80, ne bo mogel biti postrežen. Pridite pravočasno in si reaervirajte prostor sedaj. Dne 14. fdb. priredi eoc. klub it. 27 v SND na St. Clairju v mali dvorani, novo poelopje, zabavni večer. Udeležite ee. — Društvo Strugglens M. 614 SNPJ priredi dne 14. feb. Valentinovo plesno zsbsvotv SDD ns 1MO& VVsterloo rd. ~ ' BerMč. "Pri belem kenjlčke" Cele. — Slovenski dramski kk*b "Zore" priredi v nedeljo 1*. febr. tridejenko Pri belem konjičku v dvorani sv. Jošefa. Cena samo 50c. Začetek ob 7:80 zvečer. Po igri ples. Igre Hribernlkov orkester. Igra Je I iger, prirejenih za slovenski der. Apelira se na vse Jugoslovane b mesta in Okolice, kakor tudi one Iz bij lin jih mest, zlasti ps na ljubite!dramatike, kateri naj pripeljejo a seboj vse svoje prijstelje, ds ss s nami v duhu prsselijo sa par ur na naš krasni "Blsški otdk." Toraj ns svidenje v gostilni "Pri belem konjičku".^ v La Sslle U Sala, m. — Igra, ki Jo u prizori društvo Mchawk SNPJ dne 7. feb., Je nadvee komične, ime jI Je "Kakršen gospodar, tak sluga". Uprizorjena bo na odru SND. Ker eo slovenske Igre v naši nasslbini zelo redke, Je a-peti, da bo dvorana polna občinstva. Vsbbno vas. prav vse od tu ia k okolice. Radi slabih časov bo vstopnina samo 86c. Po igri v spodnjih prostorih prosta sabeve In ples. Ne porabite opomniti vaše prijatelje na to prireditev. S «Hfrirh DRUŠTVENE VESTI CWvalaad, Or~Dni*tvo it. tte prt-radi domaSo sabsvo v soboto T. fob. ob 7. ivofer v Frank Morvarjevih prostorih na W. cwU in BonAa avs. Uljudno vabimo ves élan* ia «laaieo, prijatelje ia sneac«, da pridejo v o-bilntm àtevilu na nai sabavni večer. Postreiba bo Isvrotn« v vseh esirib, sakar bo skrbel veeelMni odbor. Mary Meklen. tajnice. Grenite City, III.--Druétvo It. Z80 üfte evojase üana JuUute Hodake. cert. It. 60427. «adnje «aee es je nahajal v Shibuyaanu, Wie.. In menda tudi v Cudahyju, Wie. M6e ee e« radi druitvene eadeve. Ako kdo iimed ila-nov ve saaj, naj blafovoli eporočiti naiemu drsitvu, ali pa naj ee earn javi na naslov: Isidor Modrkh, litt Madison ave., Madison, 111. tslder Medriek, tajnik. Midway, Pa—Opotarjam vse članstvo druttva it. SU, da eo zagotovo v obilnem àtevilu sdoleit »eje dne 9. feb. ob t pop. v drultveni dvorani. Raspravljaki se bo glade poprave dvs^ rane. Eato je potrebno, de vel pridete na sejo. Potrebno je, da veak alill1 kako in kaj as bo stvar uredilo, da ae bo potem nepotrebnih ugovorov. Vsi na sejo!—Jobs Jest, tajnik. Breeey HUI, Kens. — Drultvo It. 66 vabi svoje ilanetvo na redno sejo dne 16. februarja. Relit! imamo važno sadevo glede druitvene blagajne, kako bi pregnali ls nje "večno Urno." Vsled togs ee je druitvo odločilo, da bo dobil vsak nsvmočl Č)an(iea) po eno iterilko na žepni koledarček, nakar bodo Mevilke dvignjene. Pridite na sejo. Morda boste srečni in dobite koledarček.—Kerl Dergaa, taj. Milwaukee, Wla.-Kot Je bilo v Prosveti dne 17. jan. obiirno poročeno, je dne t. jan. tukai preminul Frank Blatnik, atar 49 let In član druitve It 16 SNPJ. Na Um meetu ae prisadeta obitelj »ehveljujo vaem, ki ao Ji iskassli Isrese eočut>, darovali ovetliee, oblekali pokojnega in se udeležili pogreba. Žalujoči ostali: Mary Blatnik, soproga, ln dve omo-ieni hčeri.—J. Boslrii. Cicero, III.—JJruétvu it. 440 je skie, nllo, da priredi pustno veeelloo v Lawndale Maeonic templu. Ker se vrie druge priredbe na datume okrog pusta, ki ker neie druitvo noče delati nikomur koskurence, smo sklenili, da se naša veeellce vrli v soboto, dne 7. marca. Prosi se vse druge okoliike organizacije, da reaervirajo 7. marca druitvu Sosedje It. 44».— Odbor. Perm tagt os, IB.-^IVjeiVsm vse člea-stvo dr uit va It 896, da se segotovo udeleli redne meeečne seje dne 16. feb. Bodite nsvsoii vsi točno ob 16. dop. Reiltl imamo mnogo vsinegs in rasprevljali bomo rsdl prostora ss obdržavsnje eej. Prostor nss stene 8 dol., društvo Iteje 89 čUnov. Prsnk Rrvstin, Ujnik. Cbisbolm. Minn. — Uruitvo It. 116 Je na Januarski seji oevoJUo predlog br. Johna JHihuleta, de se uprlsorl igra ''Stsri grehi," in aicer dne 8. msjs. Pasite na nadaljna nesnanlla. Prask Klss. Ujnik. A^ I I Al IAN-n CCORDIONO Vuk vnrt relNsas IsSelks hersMUS» a Vuk* mSSi Mtltoeih Muk. rillu t* 4mmm set KU ATTA SEREN ELM CO.. 1614 Bise lala od Ave, Dept. 16. DMŽŠOMBli Is Chieaga: Znana Narodna dvorana na oglu 16. ulice In Racine ave., ki je sa napredne kroge slovenske nssei>ine v Chica-cu zgodovinskega pomena — tam se je rodila SNPJ—Je pred nekaj dnevi deloma pogorela, a ne tako hudo, da bi ae ns dals popraviti. Poslopje, ki js žs staro, js dsnes last hrvaškega društva Bratstvo. Is Clovotsnda: Slikar BošUar Jakac ima ta mesec rsastavo svojih slik v International Inati-tutu. Ob tej priliki bo tudi predaval, barltonlat Subcij bo pa •pel. — Avto Je povcell do smrti Antona Meegeca, starega 47 lot, doma od Brezovice na Primorskem in člana dr. št. 142 SNPJ; tu je bil 26 let In zapušča šeno in sedem otrok. Umri Je tudi John Bsbnik, star 61 let in doma is St. Vida nad Ljubljano; tu Je bil 26 let in zapušča šeno. Dalje je umrl Jakob Ceanik, star 48 1st in doma la Palčjega pri Slavinl na Notranjakem. Umrla Je Jennie Gorenčič, roj. Knaus, stara 48 let ln doma ls Dolenjo vaa! pri Ribnici; tu Je bila 1U let in zapušča moda In ssdsm otrok. Dalje je umrla Ivana Va-lenčič, roj. TomašK, stara 86 M ln doma la Huj na Primor-ekem; tu je bUa 10 let lil zapušča mala ln elna. Smrt je vzelz tudi Valentina Dobravca, starega 41 let in doma ia Srednje Game Ine na Gorenjskem; tu je bil 17 let in snpudča šeno in enegz' otroka. — Pri delu v tovarni ze je ponesrečil John Kadunc; dobil je teftks opekline ln Mi v bolnišnici. Is Nsw Yorkas V nedeljo 8. t. m. nastopita Svetozar Bano-vec ln Anton SubelJ v prvem skupnem koncertu v Slovenskem domu v Brooklynu. Nato pojde-ta na nadaljnje skupne konoer te po Ameriki. To bo prvi Banov čev nastop v New Yorku. Is Milwaukee ja t Mary Potllk kl je bila nosna. Je padla no klet-nlh stopnicah tako nesrečno, da si je ullla kri ln imela je eplev. Leži v bolnišnici v težkem stan Ju. Is Rockdale, III t Umrl Je Frank Cen igo J, etar 42 let ln doma Is Malovša pri Cernlčah. V Ameriki je bU 20 let In zapušča šeno. lis Eaat Helene, Mont.: Umrla je Marijana Mole, stara 76 let. Eapuičs štiri sinove ln eno hčer. Zidarji podpleall pogodbo Fort Worth, Te*. — Organi-si rani poklsdalel opeke eo te dni x>dpisali pogodbo e podjetniki, ki določa $18 za oeem ur dela ne dan. Nova pogodba vetopl v veljavo 1. maroa. POZOR, ROJAKI IM ČLANI mmt - Kot večletni poslovodja, vam aso-ntčam, da ss U meaec deblu UKko sa polovično cono barvo la lak ln sicer po 8140 gsl. Skrbel bom, da dobite naJbsUis vrele Maso, kskorisegs is-delujemo sa driavo New York. Vss poMIJetve polijemo ns naročile ss *i>tov densr sH pe aa C. O. D. Ml plačamo prevoanlno is naroiUa od T salon ali več. Vsa naročila poiljiU na naslovi Prsnk Vidmar, o/e Devis Paint Co., Clevelsnd, Ohio. (Adv.) POCORH1 Ker sem namenil iassUtl ae v Qe-neva, Ohio (Ženeva) ln eem semenja! moje poeeptvo aa farpie, ss morem sedaj pripraviti ss delo v vieo-■ redu itd., vetod tega sporočam mu-nu bllinjemu sorodniku Je)u>b 1'uiunu, 1066 B. 74th St., Ul. Genova uf.M, da on lahko isvrli ln nadaljuje s mojim umetnim delom. Kateri ne« meravaU peplrstl la rasne druga Uka dela te priporočam. A. ColarTč. Cleveland, Ohio. (Adv.) BREZPLAČEN ZIDNI KOLEDAR m mi Te dni oblsknjs vss paše naadblne šlrom Kanada naš goep. MIHvoJ Moasčllevlš, kakor tudi naši zastopniki« kateri razdajajo BREZPLAČNO te ZIDNE KOLEDARJE S eeboj Imajo tudi veliko Ublro različnih ur, bodisi ns-vadnih, za vsakdanjo vabo aH boljših, nadalje: verttiee. pr-etane la druge okraske. Blago Je prvpvndno In absolutno Jamčeno. 22 LET V ZLATAR- ' SKEM POSLU Kupite od tvrdkOi ki al Je pridobila ugled. In ki soMdno služI s vejem u narodu še od LETA 1»06. VELIKA ZLATARSKA TVRDKA BRATOV MOMČILOVlfi 1660 Yoags Street, Toronto, Oat. ZA AMERIKO: 1420 S. Broadway, St. Loule, Mo., U. S. A. ZA JUGOSLAVIJO: 26 Teraelja, ■■■naaaaaaaanaannnnannnnnn VABILO NA KONCERT in VESELICO ■kuplne Člknških društev SNPJ VRSl SE DNE 8. FEBRUARJA 1931 V prid bnzpoêûlnim V dvorani SNPJ, 2657 a Lawndale Ava., Chicago, III SPOftEDi 1. 0 pomenu priredbe govori gl. predsednik SNPJ, V lasest Ostaksr Ž. Venoe's Suburban Orchestra, vodi Vanee Blankshain. A Him them Hell M a rrb ,,t,.,,,«,.,,,,,,,.,,,«,,,Itassl 11 Menu Dornt hy Keuh) R L šaha Day.*Csrris Jeeekedked I* Beug Oe-ed «i«..,.%,,••«,,«•.,.,*•,•••«.«*.*•, (Voesl Solo, Hubert VlUk. -Pisao, Kstherine Sanders) 0. tabee Las Oise..................................J, Seredy (Pisno—Dorothy Rauh) D. 1. Somewhere la Old Wyoming j (Vocal Solo, Kobert Vluk.-Pisno, Kstherine Ssnders) ^Ílí # SjO jM e i t i Jtn e ta e 6 e e nt e e- e e e • a 6 9 • e i 6 t |l (Pisno—Dorothy Rauh) I. Pozdravni nagovor—Matthew J. Turk v slov. la Rlehsrd J. Se vert sik v angleškem jsslku. 4. "Prsne» PreierenM a) Ivosas •«.•«••,•!«••. •.»•••«•••,»••.Nedveš b) Unan Is pssdsd.».•♦.•«••».• Medved 6, Edward la Ivan Bruee—Plano, Aeeordlon In Vtolia duet a) March MIMtalre v b) tweet Jessie Lee 6. "Planineka RoiaM issski sbor Is Mllwsukee, Wis. Haass pesmi T. The Hungry Uve» K »retins godbe ns piek. 6. Elsie Vessel—emetnl ples Herriet Vssssl Sale petje (Plano—Mergeret Duller) I. šestletni deiek, muslksllênl wisard Is Aurore, Igra pisne seeeidlss 16. "Urs" s) Miss reše. ,V, Vodupivec '■H'pnes prHetels........................,.V. Vodopive« U. Jsek Nsgode Is Weukegsne, Igra sbrsne komsde ns hsrmeniko II. "Frsnes Prešeren" * s) Rires pri eeeti steil b) Lshks ssi.......»Min«!.........i.......N. V. Vegrieh II. Loáis Vites—Vlelln telo 14, "Sloven" vprisorl Islllvi prizor "Jurij KrsnJÜI prsd aodnlkom" PO PROGRAMU PUM IN PROSTA KABAVA Igre Integrity Royal Sls Orchestra Is PrIieUk toino ob lilO popoldne VeM ODBOR ■ m * « fe è ■ fe fe : fe a fe mmmmmmm ••aiiiiaiiaiin NfegMfe kjfe il vi »t, v Kfeafei fel ZML árltvfeh is pri pravas, saU ksristss ss Tss, ehe se ne le fe aje Is poilljssjc šsnsrje v stare Pri sas BSloženl sseski prissisje obre Naše wsktfHe ■ Posebse vrednosti ss tedt povastslee, M ss epremljese s • seeM6*seev ls Šlgem sadnjlb peit, Uure doeuvljesie pešlljsUlJen g v debas pravilnega isplaCUa. * Enake pevrstnlse 0 pri dels redi M ss sddniji v etsH k«k"r mnufehrst V S asatb alsšsSB tadl ê «2 Certlaadt Street lltlltlttl ATI BANK New York dtp, M. Y. ISSfStSIOSSSt postna hranilnica KRALJEVINE JUGOSLAVIJE tprtjtmt hranilne vingt s 6% obresti ZA VLOGE JAMČI DRŽAVA t poštno nsks/niro po polti poslati dsnar tadi graji Dolarji ao neaMnJeJe po nu I,rev kakršnegakoli odbitka. ZaMevaJU timpfclei ns vodila t POÄTANSKA ÔTEDIONICA BEOGRAD, JUGOSLAVIA, EUROPE 8LOVI • JOHN J. ZAWSMCHNUc IMC. fe Orad In delsvnles 4t2š National Ava, vegal 41H Ara. • TSt nnebefl MSI Ass M. 16 E^l Maškaradni ples zrtXm Î^St KRASNI NAMAM SA NAJBOUC MASKI Društva "NADA" it 102 SN. P. J. V DVORANI 8. N. P. J. BOc e VSe prt PROSVETA THE EN LIGHTEN MINT •MM• «M. kar tau aMb • PIOSVETA LmM A*^. ' M KM BKS Of TU KI DERATED NIM «A.1SS Datum * « taM*. M prt« wr (im. II. INI), poU C vftUM kMM M Mtfto* « « w m Iti tai Smvmi 9» tati* M- HIAIM* a« h K im m «M Sa m w Uri. Socialna zakonodaja Glavni odbor 8. N. P. J. Js ns »voji redni seji, ki Je bil» zsdnjl leden, rszprsvljsl o problemu soclslnegs zsvsrovsnja v Združenih državah in Je zaključil, da društva naše Jednote z večjo vnemo podprejo veako dobro akcijo v emeri tega zavarovanja. Razume ae, da akcija te vrste ni še enotna za vao deželo, zato ae tudi agitacija društev ne more vršiti po neki določeni In za vae države enako veljavni formuli. Poekuai aoclalnega zavarovanja se pojsvljajo le v nekaterih državah} ti poekuai pridejo najprej v Pennaylva-niji in Wlaconainu, kjer ao delavski (socialistični) poslanci v legislaturi, a tudi v par drugih državah ae naprednejši elementi ogrevajo sa starostno zavarovanja In zs zavarovanje delavcev proti brezpoaelnoeti. Kongree v Wasji-intonu, v katerem delavstvo nima — razen "prijateljev" — avojlh reprezentantov, še trdno spl. Društva SNPJ naj gredo na delo v avojih državah kakor hitro Izvedo, da je v leglalaturi predložena dobra, zaneeljiva in praktična osno-va starostnega zavarovanja, zavarovanja zoper brezpoeelnoet ali čeas podobnega, kar Ima koristiti delavakemu sloju. Z resolucijo, osvojeno na društveni eejl In odpoalano rep reze n ta n-tom dotlčnegs dlatrlkta, naj ae oanova podpre in naredi pritisk na poalance, da jo aprejmejo. Razumljivo je, ds val zakonakl načrti ali oenove te vrzte niso popolne; msraiksj js pomanjkljivega. Na primer zakon ataroatnega zavarovanja, ki je bil sprsjet v dršavi New Yorku, Je aiab z delzvakega vidika. Prav tako eo načrti, ki Jih pripravljajo v nekaterih drugih državah, bolj ali manj pomanjkljivi. Toda naše etališSe mora biti, da Je bolje nekaj kakor nič. Veako, še tako alabo socialno zavarovanje je boljše kakor nobeno. Sčaaoma se vse Izboljša in popravi, začetek pa Je najtežji. Poglejmo prve odškodninske zakone za delavoe, kako redki In alabi ao bili, danes pa ao že precej IzboljSani. Tak je razvoj ameriške socialne zakonodaje v celoti. Začetki ao vaslej in poveod zelo Skromni. i Glavno Je, da se prebije led, ps nsj bo za-četek še tako skromen. Zavarovanje delavcs zoper onemoglost ns stare dni, ki ga zalotijo brez aredatev za eksistenco, zoper induetrijake (poklicne) bolezni In teleane poškodbe, zoper brdzpoeelnost, katere al nI aam kriv, Itd., Je ab-aohitno potrebno in to zavarovanje mora izvršiti in voditi država. V interesu vseh podpornih organizacij Je, da nepreatano pritiskajo na zakonodajne zbore za to zavarovanje. Saj podporne organizacije najbolj občutijo pomanjkanje aoclalnega zava-rovavanja, ko morajo v vedno večji meri Skrbeti zs žrtve aocialnlh krivic Amerike. Poeeb-no v sedanji ekonomiki krizi se pozna strašna zanikrnost ameriških zskonodsjnlh zbornic. Težko breme akrbstva za onemogle In brezposelne delavce leži na podpornih organizacijah, kolikor si gs se lasti privatna dobrodelnost. ki pa nI iskrena niti aposobna za uspešno odpomoč. Omenili smo že, da prvi koraki socialnega zavarovanja v Združenih državah se pripravljajo v Ponnaylvanljl In Wisconsinu, kjer so socialisti v državni zbornici. V pennsylvanskl legiilsturl je že predložene osnova zavarovanja zoper brezpoeelnoet P red lotil ji Je sod-allatični poslanec Darlington Hoopea Is Readin-ga Ce bi bil ta načrt aprejet, bi država dobila posebno komisijo v oddelku dela In induetrU. ki bi upravljala (»odporni aklad, v katerega bi država prispevala v začetku osemdeset milijonov dolerjev. Podpora brezposelnim delavcem bi znsšsla za neko dobo najmanj $12 In največ $25 na teden. Opozicije proti temu načrtu je selo velika v vaeh kapitalističnih krogih in težko bo aprejet. Delavci po vsej Pennsylvania morajo a peticijami urgirati poslance svojih distriktov, da glasujejo zanj. Glavni odbor 8. N. P. J. bo skrbno pasli ns vse pojave socialnega zakonodajstva po vseh državah Unije In Prosvcta bo točno ob-veeUla društva in člane, kje in kdaj je trebe pritisnit» s kampanjo a nafte strani. Razume se, da naša akcija te vrste ne more biti odločilna. kajti pritienltl mora delovno ljudstvo v splošnem, če hoče kaj dobiti, vendar pa lahko pomagamo do uspeha. 8 tem pokažejo člani 0. N. P. J« da ae zavedajo avojih dolžnoati In frtreb Is da imajo srnice! zs socialal napredek. Federacije S• Na Pe J. ■ » ■ % Izfrpek zapisnika Vzkodneokij-ider sledeče: po $6: F. A. Vider, ake federacije SNPJ Bridgeport, O. — Na zadnji seji Vzhodnoohijeke federacije SNPJ, ki se je vržila na Boyds-vilhi 26. jsn., je bilo zestopanih deset društev. Navzoči eo bili vsi zastopniki. Društvo it. 18 sta zastopala John Rebol, in Joseph 8noy ; št. 268 Louis Psulinkh; št. 276 Louis Berlot in Anton fikoberna; št. 368 Frank Kolenc in Viktor Hrtber; St. 288 Frank in Mike Lautar; št. 388 Mike Smerdel in Paul Ilovar; St. 662 Joseph fikoff in Frank Podobnik; št. 628 John 2alec in Matt Tankovich; 426 Andrew Preva-rek; 640 Martin Kosa Jr. in Anton Godez. Uradniki eo poročali o raznih važnih stvareh, kar je vseto na znanje. Pismo Roberta Seiberta, v katerem poziva ns demonstracija proti brezposelnosti, js bilo položeno na mizo, ker so biM zastopniki mnenja, ds ae mora de-lavatvo poslužiti boljših metod, ako hoče kaj doseči, in predvsem to, da, na volilni dan rabi svoje orožja—glasovnico. Program, predložen po bratu Snoyju, za priredbo federacije 14. feb., katere čisti dobiček je namenjen v prid bednim članom SNPJ v tej okolici, je bil aprejet. Sklenjeno je tudi bilo, ds ns priredbi igra orkester društva ftt. 18, Nato je bila prečltana resolucija v prid reorganizirani U. M. W. of A. po zastopnikih okrožne Prosvetne matice. Namen re-aoiucije je, da ae federacija izreče za reorganizirano rudarsko unijo, ki napreduje dnevno in je zadnje čaae izvojevala dve bitki v W. Va. V debato o resoluciji in rudarskih razmerah ao posegli ekoraj vsi zaatopuiki, nakar js bila reeolucija sprsjeta. Bilo je tudi aklenjeno, da gresta Martin Koss Jr. in Anton Godez v Bellaire pomagati organizirati angleško poslujoče društvo, ksdsr boats pozvana. Društvo št. 276 as pa oprosti meae-čnih prispevkov do prihodnje ae-je radi slabih flnančnfti razmer, v katerih ae društvo In Članatvo nahaja. Poročilo tajnika In nadzornega odbora se odobri. Glede veselice dne 14. feb. se sklene, da bo vstopnina 50 centov zs moške in 36 centov za šenske, o-troci do 12. leta ao proeti. Sklene se tudi, da se ss tsjnlka in zapisnikarja nabavijo potrebne knjl-ge. Zastopniki podajo razna priporočila za izboljéanje federacije, John Rebolj, predeednik, pa govori obširneje o delavstvu In jednotl v aploinem. Odbor za tekoče leto je alede-čl: John Rebol, predsednik; Frank Lautar, podpredsednik ; Louis Pavlinich, tajnik ; Joseph Snoy, zapisnikar; Paul Ilovar, Frank Kolenc In Joseph Skoff, nadzorniki ; Martin Kons Jr. In Anton Godez sta organizatorja zs angleško poelujoča društva. John Rebol, preda.; Frank Laatar, podpred.;' I ¿oo Is Psulinkh, ta J.; Joseph 8noy, saplsnlkar. Federacija SNPJ čtkaškega okrožja Federacija SNPJ ne sblra le prispevkov v pomoč brespoeel-nim, temveč nabrano pod|>oro tudi vporablja v namenjeno svrho. Trdensko pošilja živlls druži-nsm, katerim Jih valed dolgotrajne breaposelnoatl primanjkuje. Pretekle trt eobote je deti-lila nabrano Obleko onim, ki ao ae zanjo tglasHi. Prihodnjo soboto ae bo zopet to dek> ponovilo v o-bičajnlh prostorih. 8784 W. 264h al., drugo nadstropje. Poleg tega pomaga prizadetim t raznimi naavetl. Številne pismene In ustmene zahvale dokasujejo. ds vrši plemenito delo. Mnogo več bi ss moglo doseči, če bi imela federacija več gmotnih «redštev. Le nekaterim «o je posrečilo najti dalo. s ao na njih me«ta priporočeni novi ahačajl. V federacij in aklad podpore za brespoeel ne ae Je doadaj nabralo $378 02. od katere vaote je že Izdano $888 «7 za živila (grocerijo). Od čaaa zadnjega nosna ma beleži naelednje dohodke: Društvo št. 446 $6, dru-št v« št 3». prispevek br. Char-lee Pogorele« $4. John Vogrtch $6 In naknadni dohodki vwsttc* dni 10. jan. $21.80. Med oaobjem. sapealenlm pri jednotl je nabral br. F. A VI- Ivan Metek; po $3 V. Cainkar in C. Senn; po $2 A. Garden, F. Go-dina, F. Smitt», F. Stuchal, V. Luža, J. Zoul, Ed. Flader, D. Bauer, J. F. Nachtmari; po $1 8. Žele, F. Zordani, 8. Homes, A. Artach, E. Mihelich, H. L. Ka-run, L. Beniger, V. Locniakar, F. Sodnic, A. Golob, J. J. Fekl, J. Zupančič, C. Oleon, V. Gorski in A. Trojar. Skupaj $4». Na Silvestrov! zabavi je br. F. J. Zavertnik nabral $18.76 od sledečih darovalcev: Po $1 A. Furlan, R. J. Zavertnik, Alb. Zupančič, V. Locniakar, Jos Gar-baja; po . ob 7. zvečer v druit. dvorani v Brklgeportu, Boydevil-le. Ker je priredba v dobre -namene, v podporo bednim članom tukajšnjih druit. SNPJ, zato ya-bimo vse rojake od blizu In da- leč. Pokažimo, vsak po svoji moči, ds smo res bratje. Pustimo ¿tare nadležnosti in zsčnimo z resnim delom v prid tukajšnjim druit. in SNPJ v splošnem. Kriza, v kateri ss nahajamo, je pognala deeti naših sobrstov v pomanjkanje. Ako storimo vsak malo v prid njim, bo to velika pomoč, da jih ohranimo še naprej kot člane in eObrate. To Je kar federacija dela. Ne samo to, ie -več drugega In koristnega v prid nas vseh. Opszke tske sli take proti federaciji so nespe-metne. Program bo sledeči: Nagovori predsednik John predsed- nik društva it 640, Martin Koss ml. v angleškem jeziku. "Csnlbal in the Coal Mines", deklamira Raymond Rebol; 'Mother Wept" deklamira Margaret Snoy. Salo-igro v angleškem jeziku, zamorska, bosta predstavila Louis Go-renc in Frank Rsakovich. Nastop pevSkega zbora "Naprej", odsek soc. kluba H. 11. ' Program je bogat In to samo 50c za moške in 26c za ženske vstopnine. Otroci do 12. leta prosti. Pridite vsi! Pripeljite svoje otroke in žene. Ker užitka bo dovolj za mlade in stare. I-gral bo orkester druit. št. 18 SNPJ.—Joseph Snoy, zapisnikar. Prireditev devslandske federacije Cleveland, O. — Clevelandska federacija društev SNPJ priredi veliko veeelico v SND dne 22. feb. Prebitek gre y pomoč brezdelnim in potrebnim. Veselica programom, prične že popoldne, zvečer pa bo ples. Pričetek ob 2:80. (Podrobnosti slede. Vstopnina 26c.—Odbor. Društvene aktivnosti Veselica društva it. 284 Mihraokee, Wia. — V bini je zadnje čase nastalo premirje In boj je nekoliko ponehal. Saj je tudi veliko škodil naša* mu kulturnemu napredku. Cas je že bil, da eo ae napete razmere nekoliko ublažile. Druitvo Bratoljuib žt. 284 SNPJ priredi domačo ssbavo dne 7. feb. v apodnjlh prostorih H*r monla dvorane. Pričetek ob J, zvečer. Vstopnina je $1 za moške in 60c za žensko. Uljudno vabimo vaa sosedna društva Js naselbine in okolice ter vse posamezne rojake in rojakinje, da nas poaetljo dne 7. feb. In ham tako pokaiejo bratsko naklonjenost. Igrala bo dobra godba In prigrizek bo izvrsten. Naše so-sestre bodo poskrbele, da bo vsa» kdo imenitno poetrežen. Zabave bo obilo za vse v vseh oalrih. Gostoljubnost t» prednjačila povsod, in pri vsakem poeetniku. Dasi smo v tesnem objemu Hooverjeve prosperitete in slabi časi pritiskajo skoro ns sle-hemegs delavca, js potrebno, ds ae od časa do čaaa skupsj snidemo na veeelih sestankih. Kaj ti vprav slabi časi morajo dru žiti dslsvce ln sestanki na rasnih društvenih prireditvah nam lahko veliko korietijo. Zato u pam ln želim, da bo dne 7, feb privrelo vse na dan na našo veselico, da ae bomo prijateljsko In bratako sestali in pogovorili v veseli družbi, tsko da nam bo ta dan za vaelej ostal v epom! nu, kot noaltelj večjega bratatva In sloge!—Joe Vidmar, preda. Maikeradna veselica "Nade Chicago. lil. — Torej v soboto zvečer se bo odločilo, kdo dobi krasno nagrado, ko bodo "strogi" sodniki odločevali, katere maake so najboljše, ki ao ae ude* leži le m a* ker ad ne veselice žen skega društva "Nade" št. 102 SNPJ. Zanimanje sa to veselico Je toliko kot še nikdar preje ne. in z goto vestjo ee lahko računa, da bo ta veeelica najbolje dbiekana od Vseh doeedanjlh te vrata Pr v!č v zgodovini tega društva bodo v obilam številu zaatopanl tudi naši bratje In acetre Hrvat! ter. kot se čuje, tudi Srbi. Kajti maškeradne veeeHce društva "Nade" eo postale sploh najbolj priljubljene med Jugoslovani v Chlcagu, ker je v raanlci te vrst-ns zabava In tudi poatreibs v meh oalrih Ako še nimate vetopnire k tej veselici, kupile jo; «edaj se do-btjo še po znižani ceni. t j. 60a. bodo na veiar voeellce pri v dvorano po 76c. Dobite ____i oraškeradami v Slov. nar. domu. Nagrade za najbolj origi-nabiejše kostume. Ne pozabite na 16. febr. in 17. febr. Da so as pa te stvari tsko bHau skupsj vrinfle, je krivda ta, da nismo vedeli kedaj je puet. Udeleiite ae polnoštevilno obeh veselic, ker potem boete imeli mir celih 8 tednov.—A. Leksan, tajnik. jih pri članicah društva "Nade", ako pa je kateremu nemogoče dobiti, naj telefonično pokliče tajnico, ses. Katarino Bernik, I Avvndale 8826, bi ona jo reser- Maškerada "Sloge" Mihraokee, Wis. — Društvo Sloga it 16 SNPJ priredi maš-keradno veselico v soboto zvečer dne 14. fOb. v South Slde Turner dvorani Na tej priredbi bo razdeljenih $200 v obliki nagrad tistim, ki bodo Smeli nsj-bolj smešne maske ln napravili najbolj smešen "stunt". Glede drugih dobrin na veselici je na delu pa pripravljalni odbor, ki bo gostom postregel po na/bolj*ih močeh in z najboljšimi stvarmi. Vstopnina je samo 60 centov in so vabljeni vsi Slovenci in Slovenke iz Mil-wsUkee in okolice, da nas obiščejo ob tej priliki, ker ne bo jim žal.—Jossph Ule. Petletnica druitva št. 667 Springfiekl, flL — Vse tukajšnje in okoliške rojake in rojakinje uljudno vabimo, da pridejo na iyišo veselico ob priliki petletnice našega društva, ki se Imenuje "Lincolnite" št 567 $NiPJ. Naš program za to elav je bo obširen in bogat, tako da ae bo lahko sleherni zabaval. Seveda bomo imeli tudi dober orkester za ples. Na odru bo kratka Aaloigra in par drugih vodvil ekih točk. Ta program prične ob <6:80 zvečer. Ples prične ob 8:80 zvečer. ' Vstopnina je 60c. Prebitek od veselice nam pomaga Izravnati celoletne stroške pri društvu Naie društvo aedaj iteje 102 čla-na. Hočemo pa jih imeti 186 ob koncu tega leta! In vi nam boste pomagali ali ne? Pub. odsek. Veselica društva it. 295 vira in dobili jo boste pri vra-. Brfclgeville, Pa. — Tukajšnje a m aouiii jO ^ pr» 'dn||tvo gj^pj |t< ^ p^j do- tih. Poročano je že bilo, da bo pri plani igral John Kochevarjev orkester, v spodnji dvorani pa harmonika, tako se bo vae vrtelo, staro in mlado. Za lačne in žejne bo tudi najbolje preskrbljeno. Kdor se hoče v resnici poite-no zabavati v teh mizemih časih, naj se udeleži te veselice. Zal ne bo nikomur. Voedični odbor. Chicago, III — Dne 8. februarja priredijo društva št. 89, 86, Uftl, 270, 610, «81 in 682 koncert in plea v prid breaposelnim v dvorani SNJ. Pričetek programa točno ob 8:80 uri popoldne. Vstopnina 60c. Člani SNPJ iz Chicaga in o-kolke so uljudno vabljeni, da se udeležijo koncerta, ker ves dobi-čcfr oziroma prebitek bo porabljen za dobre namene, oairoma za take, ki so v potrebi. Odbor je preskifcel bogst program, kakor js rszvidno Iz ogls za, ki je priobčen v današnji izdaji Pros vete. * Pevska društva France Pre ¡Wren. Lira in Slovan iz So. Chicaga bodo nastopili, kakor tudi žensko pevsko društvo iz Milwaukee. Pevsko društvo 8lovan uprizori "Jurij Kranjčiča pred sodnikom", ki je ena izmed naj važnejših točk na programu.. Glav. predsednik SNPJ br. Vincent Csinksr bo gogorll v i-menu SNPJ; b& Matthew J. Turk govori v slovenskem ter br. Richard J. Zavertnik v angleškem jeaiku. V zgornji dvorani bo igral "Integrity Royal Six" orkester, v spodnji dvorani pa godba is Waukegsns. Clan društva it 181. Ssa Francisco, Calif. — Dne 16. fSb. bo Imele Zveza Slov. društvo r 8. F. svoj običajni letni maftkeradnl bal v Eagtea dvorani. Ker ste društvi 804 ln mladinsko SNPJ tudi v tej zvezi prosim Članatvo, da ae polnoštevilno udeleži te veaellee. 8eve-da bodemo imeli tudi letoa pre-eej darov ae najboljše ali najbolj komične koetume. Prva nebo v gotovini. Puet ni dan m torek 17 febr. In tega dne kot običajno Ae lets ima dru-štvo Tabor Slovanov svoj praznik, ki ga bo praznovalo t doma- bro napreduje kljub slabim raz •meram. Omeniti moramo slabo novico, da smo v prošlem letu iz gubili dva člana, Franka Juvan čiča in Joeeph Glavana. Naše društvo priredi predpu-stno veselico v soboto zvečer dne 7. feb. Uljudno vsbimo vse okoliške rojake, da se udeleže velikem številu. Igrala bo dobra godba in postrežba bo v vseh o-zlrih idborns. Na veselo svidenje 7. feb.! John 2igman, tajnik V POJASNILO V Prosveti z dne 28. januarja na 2. strani je priobčen dopis iz Gillespieja, BI, iz Mterega čitatelj lahko dobi vtis, da se pritožujem radi plače, ki jo prejemam od SNPJ za svoj "nepriljubljen 'job'." En stavek ee dotičnem doplSu o meni dobesedno glasi: "Piše, da ie to zanj mali urad ter da je premalo plačan, ker dobi komaj $16 meeečne plače .. Dopis ima podpise štirih članov SNPJ. Bratje, ki so komentirali do-tični moj Članek, so ga napačno razumeli kajti jaz ee nisem pri toževal ne konvenciji, ne konven čnemu odboru za določen je plač ne glavnemu odboru, ne članstvu in ne v Proaveti rsdl plsče. glavni nadzorni odaefc nisem kandidiral radi plače, niti ne vr šim svojega dela v SNPJ veleč plače. Tolmačil aem le, da ae od predsednika nadzornega odseka ne pričakuje, da bi poovetU vea svoj čas jednotl ter da mu delo, ki ga zanjo vrši, ni preplača-no. Vzrok, da aem to poudarjal je bil dopla nekega Člana v Proaveti, ki mi je svetoval, naj ac -poglobim v jed not in e probleme. za katere aem plačan." Odgovoril aem mu v Proaveti z dne 14. januarja, da plače $16 na me«ec od SNPJ ne prejemam po krivem.—Frank Zaltz. Seja klaba it 37 Mihraokee, Wie. — Redna seja soc. kluba št. 37 bo dne 12. feb. ob 8 zvečer v SST dvorani. Nastopili bodo govorniki, valed čeasr «te vabljeni val člani in članke, da ss udeletite. Pripeljite s adboj tudi svojo prijatelj« ln eomlšljenlke—Joeeph Ule, sa pdb. odsek. Delavska izobrazba "" 'l V Prosveti z dne 28. januarja 1.1. jeul priobčen članek pod gornjim naslovom, ki napisal Louis J. Dugar iz Clevelanda. Stvar U1 vzbudila mojo pozornoat. Začel aem ¿iuti i» čimdalj .sem bral, tembolj aem bil presen«*, in obenem razočaran. Saj pisec niti ne ve/wi pomenita besedi: delavaka izobrazba! To o*1 ra biti jasno vaakomur, ki je prečital to čudno "razpravo" o predmetu, ki je piscu očividci popolnoma tuj. Pisec se vprašuje: "Kaj prav za prav hod«® poj miti pod naslovom: 'Delavska izobrazba'?" Odgovoril si na to vpraianje ni, ker se mu k zdelo neumestno, ker ae mu vidi vpraiank "premlado in preobširno" Itd. Jako "duhov?i začetek, ki ti pove, kaj lahko pričakuješ d čiankarja! Potem vprašuje, kaj je delavcu po. trebno, da ve? Politik* ekonomija, sociologi, ja, računstvo, geografije, geologija, astrona mija, dušealovje, biologija itd.? In pisec moško odgovarja, da bi ae delavec prav malo naučil, iz vsega tega, kajti "naše življenje je prekrit. I .ko, ds bi se mogli vsaj deloma podkovati v teh predmetih." To je prva zmota v omenjenem članku, I Kajti tudi delavcu je potrebno — vsaj v glav. nih potezah — znanje teh predmetov in nafc življenje nikakor ni prekratko, da bi se ne mo. gli podkovati vsaj deloma " teh predmetih, h to lahko doseže vsak normalife razvit delavec, Če ima le voljo do učenja. Druga točka pa je, da je delavstvu vse to znanje potrebno in si p bo moralo pridobiti če bo hotelo, da kdaj postane svoj gospodar! Kajti — in to je važno! — dokler delavec ne poseduje primernega dela znanstvenih pridobitev, tako dolgo se tudi ne more otresti verskega praznoverja in hlapčev. ske miselnosti ki je s prvim v tesni zvezi; dalje ne more postati sam svoj gospodar, odločevati sam o svoji usodi. To se tiče delavstva v splošnem, kajti posamezni delavec ne pomeni nič, je le kaplja v človeškem morju, ki se uveljavi zi-eno z maso. V petem odsUtfcu je pise^ zapisal: "Pe mojem bornem mnenju je delavcu najpotrebnejša izobrazba, kako si ohraniti zdravje — če zdravja nima je revež — ostala nadaljni izobrazba nima pomena zanj." (Podčrtanje moje.) Torej delavec naj se nauči varovati ljubo zdravje, vae ostalo naj mu pa ostane slej ko prej deveta briga ali španska vas! Sicer priznam, da je zdravje neprecenljivo in da se mora vsakdo varovati, ampak da bi a delavec brigal aamo za svoje zdravje, vse drugo pa puščal v nemar, je pa zares preveč reakcionarna zahteva! Delavec se mora brigati tudi za druge stvari, predvsem pa za izboljšanje obstoječih neznosnih razmer, v katerih živi in katere je ustvaril njegov dedni sovražnik kapitalizem, razmer, ki ga degenerirajo fizično in moralno! Odpraviti mora sedanji krivičsl družabni in ekonomski red, ki temelji na bm-srčnem izkoriščanju in tlačen ju milijonov delovnih ljudi po posameznikih, na lažeh, hinat-ščini, zlobi in krutosti; čim to 'doaeže, mon zgraditi novo socialno strukturo, ki mora temeljiti na pravičnosti. Vsega tega pa delavstvu ne more doaeži, dokler ae ne izobrazi, da bo vedelo, kdo je, kaj je, kje ga tiiči, kaj hoče. kake odpraviti zla, ki ga tišče k tlom, kako ustvariti nekaj novega tam, kjer je staro zanič, kakšni! aredatev se pri tem poslužiti itd. Torej je j» no, da delavec potrebuje nekaj več kot goli nasvetov, kako se obvarovati raznih boleui In naloga delavskih čaaopisov ni podajati li zdravniških nasvetov — za to so posebne revije, ki so dostopne vsakomur, kdor se zanim za taka vprašanja — temveč vzbujati v delavcih zavest, da so izkoriščani, da so njihovi gospodarji samozvani nasilnlki, katere je trebi onemogočiti, zavest, da to lahko store, če s združijo v delavskih organizacijah, dalje, ds e val producenti upravičeni do pravičnega deleža produciranih dobrin, da ne sme biti ne fo-spodov niti hlapcev, da je nov družabni red, ki bo temeljil na pravičnosti in enakopravno« neobhodna potreba itd.; nadaljna naloga lavakega časopisja je, da delavstvu pokaže poU in sredstva, s katerih pomočjo bo dosegel cilj: samooevoboditev. Proaveta to dela, k* Ukor je pač mogoče v danih razmerah in lalde rečemo, da je dober delavski Čaaopis. Res je, da posamezen delavec ne mott obvladati popolno vseh panog sodobne znsi* sti. To je nemogoče. Ni ps pretirsno, ie i* čemo, ds vsak umsko normslno rszvit dela»» lshko doseže delno znsnje o vsem, kar te J tiče posredno in neposredno. Delavstvo t» « moralo osvojiti vse panoge znanosti p red no » v stanu osvoboditi se ter začrtati človeštvu * vo pot v njegovem razvoju. Preidimo k masni izobrazbi, o ^ateri pisec, ds je frszs, puhlica. Pisec omenij» "rszprsve" se prsv gotovo še nI nikoli v& bil v predmet, ksteregs "kritizirs", »icer bi mogel ssm poslati v svet — puhlice Z«** masne izobrazbe je Jako dob» zapopad«« pesmi L Moleka: "Mi vsi Jaz aam — »J mi val — vae!" Piščeva trditev, da je vsak g aameznik popolna celota zase, je površna r semeznik je celota le kot todividij. tod« ¿loV# je socialno bitje, ki je navezano na družba Pisec dalje trdiA da je "zavest, ds je vse izkoriščan, da je suženj, da je gok> v rokah kspitalističnsga sislems le neka»» prebuja iz spanja" ln ns delsvsks i**"** J s, zlome k. kaj pa pomeni ta preteta br«*»-izobrazba? Trganje hlač po višješolskih peh? (Deljt na 1 sttasl.) ■m/* ~ m SREDA, 4. FEBRUARJA Nove slovenske in hrvatske COLUMBIA PLOŠČE 2657-51 So. Uvakh Ar«, CWeafo, I1L T«L Roekfsrd 4884 glavni oa>bor s.n.p.j. UPRAVNI OD8EK: vincent CAINKAR». prednik.....8887 8. Uwndals Ave* Cblaago, iu FRKD A. VIDER, »L tajnik.........1617 8. Undal« Ar«., Ckteaco, IU BLAS NOVAK, tajnik boL oddslka... .8687 8. Lawndala Chicago, HI john VOGRICH, «L blagajnik.......8667 8. Lawndala AvChicago, m FILIP GODINA. apraritalj giaalla... .8667 8. Lawndala At*, Cbkaffo, ni JOHN MOLEK. uradnik glaafte......8867 8. Lawndala Av*. Chicato, m ODBORNIKI andrew YIDRICH, prrl podpr«da«dnik, 060 RoaaaU Ara^ Johnstown, Pa donald J. LOTRICH, drogi podprsda., 1887 8. TrumbuU Ar«., Chicago, 111 john j. ZAVEBTNIK, gL adravnik..../...8724 w. 26th St.. Ohieaco, Dl GOSPODARSKI OD8RR: frank ALE8H, pradaadalk..........8184 8. Crawford At«., Cldaag«, IB john OUP................................... W. 27th 8t, Chtoafo, IB joseph SISKOVICH................100& B. 74th Street, Cl«v«land, Ohio t POROTNI ODSEK: john gob&EK, pr«da«dnik..............414 W. Hay BU Sprlagfiald, III anton ŠULAB...................................Box 87» Arata, Wfit john TRČELJ..................................Box 847, Straban«, Pa frank PODBOJ................................Roc 81, Park Rill, Pa frances ZAKOVSBK.................1014 Adama «t, No. Chicago,. IU OKROŽNI ZASTOPNIKI) < ' george SHBEKAR, prvo okroij«.......187 Mala At*, W. Aliqulppa, Pa john lokar «L, drago okroftj«........606 r. X68nd St, Cleveland, Okla frank KLUN, trot j« okrožje.................Bok 668, Chiaholm. Minn joseph BRATKOVICH, {«trto okroij«..........K. B. 6, Pittabarv, Kaaa FRANK KLOFČIČ, p«to okroij«..../.......Box 163, Bock Springs, Wyo. NADZORNI OD8KK: frank ZAITZ, prodaadnik.................8688 W. 86th 8t, Chicago, III ALBERT HBAST..................1016 W. Pi«rea St., Milwaok««, Wla michael PLESHE..............610 Madison Aro., N. 8., Pittaburah. Pa 10 ineh 75c Ha)a M. Idovkb-J. Usadi« 26164 Pa »t l r*«k —Loroc. 25160 Eno ro4oo ljubim. MoJ fantM J« prij««du. 23144 H lic s prt roat' «tojl. Pojmo t«m!o idravloo. 23140 Kaj ml auca planinca. Plonio« J« prala. Pni« aio4k! bvsrtai Jadran 23067 61ov«n«e Mm—l'«rlc». -'mmmi o mrsku.—DolanJaka. Tiha Luna.—Rojakom. 23088 Takrat t «tarlh ¿ailh—Poidrav, tur I.udwlc atrancar It. II». Kraneea Laaaroto 914. Joaato Ba> mk iso. k >11 Jaaepblaa Klndernoy m. Row Krioteric MS. Peter labra M4. h. 111. Helena Mojalk 114. Amollo sup«». oto 111, Peter Pukvtn Ml. OtMUT Htruppek St. omit* Hronovlch Ml. At 111 Mary Mwwk M, Amito Miho-tovtob iii. Franom l. Borto 111. Mm Rodo-oovtob MM. John Koaatoob M, Nlkoloo He-kultok MS. Mieboel Kontoni I1M. At. 1M. Miehaal Marlngo Ml. it. 117. Amalla Nouerk M. PraaoM b-kmjoak 111. jMint« lmtak 117. emm Pto-■Ml 111. PrnnoM Oruden 114.11. Mathilda Kaateite 111. Mary Vo*rin M& At. 141. Mary MUnar $11. ÍL 147. Miehaal Maatnak «11. Louie Golf III. Aston Kovarle |M. Mary Kuwr «44. Luba StoJko 971. Auto* Spondol 164, Praak Kovoe Ml. At. 141. Pauto Mlrt Ml. Prtwto K rocker Mit. 1M. Hatone Patovlc lit. Paul Orsurto Ml. J art TurkalJ M> At. 1M. Sophia AvM M4. Thmu Bubi« M4. Look Parma 114 At. Ml. Miehaal Rovonoak 114. Jobn Janear M7. Anton Draaar Ml. fru«M Breeovaok Ml. Praqk Euipnele IP l'atar Vhidleh IK I Ml. ^ • At. 171. Mato Tomlnae Ml. ac 171. Prank Oetroh Ml. Praak Antlovar M. At. 17S. Prank Treboc |I7. KlUaWth Dor. uuviok At. m. Analto Kodak M. Mary Patella 111. Rooo k*«tovtoh 111. Oaorca Sever 111.11, aiHtolph I'eroun 9M.,Martin Ka*tovlo 9TI. At. 174. Codito afrto im. Jooepb Ne.li. Ml. At. 111. atore Darnoveok Ml. Jooopb Liu- 25188 Na morK «maSno. 1. in t dal. 26187 Pr«dpu>tna~-br«a ovinka Ut soli. 23141 ftabj* avalba—Kukovca. Za plen—llojar Trio 23148 Samo tab« Uublia—Kraina Ka-rokna. 26188 V«a«la UrAka, va)4«k. Rib««- 4an Urban, polka. 83180 Ooadni valiek —vaaali goda«, polka. 23188 Mvja ljubo«, vaMak—Katarina, polka. VoJaAka godb« 23163 N»pr«J laatava «lava- Naiim junakom. 12043 Wi«n blalbl WU»n.-^Dopp«lad. lor Maraah. 26084 Bodimo w««li, polka, laatru* m«ntal Trio. Na Jadranaki obali, valiak. 23140 Kranjikl v»M«k. Kmoika godba. 8lov«naka narodna koračnica. Godba. Hrvataka ploMo U46 gvlbanjika rutica, vale. - V«- mii putnik, polha. 1186 Sima KarU, Butlatfar, I, |Q 8, dlo. Adamov Ou. 1184 Moja ml kaianana, brata Lat-kovleh. Zaito «i m udala, brata Iat> kovlch, 1183 Volwm m Ju—Ja aam mladi Bri* co. Brata Utkovich. 1188 KriUnJa, komiina, 1, ln 8. dlo. • Adamov Co. ■) nM dobiU lUdl ^ ZARTONJ 200 flainlh ig«l kdor kupi 4 ploM« «U va«, 8« priporočam, vai rojak, Ít. IM. Hophto Yootoh M. U Ml. Luka Mlakulla lil, Mitoo Vujovtoh 'lt. im. Wank Tárete M7.ll. Anton Va. Tim. "> i ■ • MM." uvmuv P wrack a 111, 171. Iran Rfkaayk 171. VtoStolav ato-Storekl Ml. MtckoM lowonekuk MT. At. 177. Antonia Palto M7. At. IM. Mtohael Ltoeeky. Jr. Ml. OoarM Yete Ml. Tbumu VsiDuvfeh M. LouU Bavor 114. it. Ml. loooph Ualaekl 917. Charleo Vatoo it M4. A anee Bombad. 111. it. IM Volon tin Maatovoki M4.M, Catho-rlaa timmieh fM. 8kBP0i-ai7.7M.ia. v Daai Je bil aklad Uradnih podpor uatanovljen predvaem v pomoč starim ln onemoglim članom naše jod note, ae. v teh časih sploftfte dOpreaije pomaga, kjerkoli Jo pomot potrebna, posebno pa s* talaganje asesmen-ta onim, ki so bre* sredstev. Razumljivo Je, <1* posebno visokih podpor is omenjenega sklada se ne moro pričakovati, ker prispevkf'Bt; litjih pločojemo v ta nameri, ni jK*iebno veliko. Paziti ié mora í>a¿ na to, da se bo pomagalo v prvi vrati članom za zalaganje asesmenta, in sem-patam z malo podporo, da tako, če mofOČe, prekalimo brez, huj-Alh posledic tofctiso. Zadnji članek br. predsednika naj se pač razume tako, da za izredno podporo vprašajo tisti, ki 8o v skrajni sili in potrebi. Co bi flnanoe nam dopuščale, bi bil zato, da ae pomaga vsem Članom, aH ker tega ni, se moramo omejiti in pomagati le najpotrebnejšim. Da bo ta podpora razdeljena pravično in pošteno, za katero prispevajo tudi taki člani, ki 5e teiko pogrešijo v teh časih, je pač dojtnost članstva, posebno društvenih odborov, da za to! skrbe. Osebnost, prijateljstvo ali sovraštvo ne sme tu igrati nikakšne vloge t Ce vidite člana v potrebi, daai ravno mogoče ni vaš prijatelj, pomagajte mu, priporočite ga sa izredno podporo, obratno pa, če bi vprašal za lato. vaš najboljši prijatelj ln ste prepHčsnl, da ni v posebni potrebi, podučite ga, da Je veliko potrebnejših ln naj on še počaka. Ako vidite, da se godi krivica pri delitvi podere članu ali jednoti, ae pritožite na društvo, če tam nič ne doaeiete, sporočit« na gl. urad, obenem pa tudi priporočam, da ae nikogar ne "tošari", iz gole osebnosti ali zavisti, ker s tem človek po-niiuje samega. sebe. Dolinoat naa vaše, da val varujemo interesa naše Jed note in obenem gojimo bratako ljubezen do bližnjega brata. Članom, ki ao brez dela in ne morejo plačati mesečnega ases-menta, priporočam, naj ne čakajo s prošnjo do zadnje minute, na m reí toliko časa, da so črtani. Je pa tudi salo nevarno čakati do zadnjega trenutka, kar pričata dva slučaja v preteklem nseeecu. Neki član se Je kmalu po črtanju nevarno po-nesrečil. drugi pa Ja umrl in ao dediči ob posmrtnlno. Covajte si zavarovalnino in ae pobrigaj» ta sa aeeement ob pravem čaau! Dalje naj pooovno omenim, naj člani nikar na pošiljajo prošenj sa IZREDNO PODPORO IZKAZ NEIZPLAČANIH PÖÖMRTNIN 21. droembra 1030 ^IM. Mary BhUto 911. IM. Mary Nemo« 911. John Derda M. Miehaal Kkovtoh Ml. Prank Komlnokl IM. it. 904. atolla VraUrlah 114. Jokn KuMk IM. Ooorve Rov toon Ml, Ivan Paloto Ml, Mary SaHak M0. Mito Sokoate 9M. rotor it. IM. Martin Boaaina 971. Lauto Cirar 111, Anton Oroaoreto 914. Praak Cuka>ajrtar 914, Lillian Hauptman 911. Jakn Ortohar Ml. At. tin Mirko Tkatolc 9M. "•At. 111. MB* Katootra 9M. At. Ml .Tkorooa BUrika MT, Mary Joltok 910. St. 91«. ahm aomprlMoonlk M1.M. Joba Bkaadol 110. Anton Tltookor IM. Joeeph Oro. okovieh 1111. it. 111. Mtohiol Morooo Ml. jaoob BokU IM. Coorao Knoeovtoh IM. Stove Skert M0. Praak Borlot 9M. Philip Lovtook 917. ttrr. Dan to! Mlrtok Ml. MO. Mary Knete!to Ml. Jakn trabado 997, Jofcn Parale 9M, Thome. Mororae |M. Liubo Rat kov Ich 111. it. IM. Adam Tabak 9M. Joka Carr »IM it. 141. Mary Losokor M. Aaneo Lakner IM. it. 141. Laute Com 919, Praak U vrtne M7.M, Vida Kim IM. Praak Krtoatk 9M. Joeeph Mtoleooal» 171. it. MI. Joka K oll» h 9M. / It MI. Anten Komm IHM. it. IM. Andrew Mokoravtoto 9M. Anten Jeanen 941. bt. MT. Louie K ruin Ik IM, Mai I. Prttaol MT. it. MI. Joeeph Kolon M. Hormon Ortotea-bor« 9IIM, Anten Rolba MT.M. Marko Junko M«, Prank Mlklaaoto 9M- it. «71. Iba Markovtoh MI. Hopbto Prtoa 97«. Milan Divio M7. Mark Maokaa Ml M. t IM. Aaaa Viele 919. ■ IM. Asmo Lobar |ll, Edward Pomion 914. Btora Katfuoha 9M, Kon PodeoU MI, John Kri von f»S. Trank Onuo 9M. it >*t. Pauline Martin 911. it. IM. Jaooph l)oJio 911. Antea Clnaaoar III. Annto Billy IHM. Jooopb Mliaarir IHM. Mary Oaorara IM. Iraa Orukaoto 971 it. IM. Jakn Vidmar III. Brale Soba 914. Mary A. Likar 911. Paul CaJrtoi M4. Adán, In* In prllroM^^^ Hutfnar John....... Motutfch Matt...... 01«van Joeoph...... Mu»l John.......... fUlohar I^opold.,.. PeUrnH Jurij...... Ret«* Martin....... Btrenorr Ludvik.... JCUtrilo P.ilwerd.,.. Vaivodlch Mltar.... hok Krank......... Vindlsh 1'eUr....... Kitprowtky A Irk t... ««■lin J «ihn......... tlertman Krank..... Borov.ltjr Martin.,.. Mitkvlch Kota....... TreUr J.«rph....... 1'lul Mihael......... Hwrrtnich Mihael... Ntil Mary......... l'inlarlch Krank..., Ke,i novičk John..... Opelnik John...... Klaninlk Kari...... summ.rvleh Marko. Npulua Joko........ Krencmkovlck Mika M«rohnich Krank.., H»nii>vr Anten ... «luth Martin....... V.«k.l«|| JfNM*f»h ,,,, JoMTh Kimunovlob. I^>fmlk liooto.,... • "«k«ich Merk.,., Millich J,.«ph..... Zup«n4l4 Anton... ^mr^ar J,««ph. ... hlirh Ilona Ventura. Mulec Jidin........ t'udirh Kail«....... Z vek teh JuraJ...... S"»r J<«|p...... V»M,vlrh Hot«,..... Krr«,i„: John |..... Turi Anton........ K tavati j, Jiiaeph.., ^«•'ak Stephen.... K"» John......... In ter John....... M<»l.ar John....... laiHidovich Ivo.,,,, ®"jir.off Dimitrij ! »«■ fHeru h (>eor«e.. I'epa Matt ........ Tir,« Moro« ...... Kudolpli..... >U»n«vt Anne..... Hladnik. , Jaknl, k-nk....... 1'UIm >.i»wrna...!. T'fetik IMi t....... **k llaaarleh. va.a Sjnllron. ... Anton 1'oarga...,.. Meadwlande^'r """*'. Bridaevilie. Pa..,,,..... Herminio. Pa............ Imperial, Pa....... Ji.... Bo. Brow navil le. Pa..,,. IM *HoakSon. K:^?:! Ml Melntrro. Po.------- 1M Conomouah. Pn...... tSI Oroonokart. Pa...... ITS Potrat City, Po..... ITI Koraot City, Pa..... ml Honsiato. Pa........ 810 MoKom Rook, Pa. .. IM Cloratond. O......... ITI Ctoveto ml. O......... •M Powhatan Point, O, 1T0 Akron, O............ 41 Oirard. O........... •It Cleveland, a,.;..... 141 Ctoratond, O......... I Chicago, I IL......... Ml Orient. 111........... 411 Cool lo, III........... til Paorlo. 111.......... MO Qranite City, 111.... TT DeKalb. Ill.......... 4M Aurora. Ill.......... XM Granite CKy. Ill..... Ml Atultor. Colo....... SEZNAM PRIREDB SLOV. ORGANIZACIJ V CHICAOU 7. februarja (aobaU)i Draft* t va "Nada" št. IOS SNPJ, •Ml 8t. Clair Ava., CUvdMd, a rani SNPJ, W. I7th .t in Lawa4ale a ve. 14. februarja (nobota)s Druft. tvo "Pioneer" št. M», SNPJ, Valentinova sabava, ▼ dva« rani SNPJ, W. 27th at. In S. I sandale ave. 22. februarja (aodalja)t Angfts. škl dramakl odsek št. 1, JSZ, angleška Igra v SNPJ dvorani. W. 27th at. la LawndaJa are. 2H. februarja (aoboU)t Društvo **SlavJja0 št I, KNPJ v jod-notifM dvorani, W. 27th la Ijawi|dale ave. 22. marca (nedelja) t Klub ftt. 1, JHZ, d nunska predstava v C»PS dvorani, 112« W. lSth 2«. aprila' (aodolja)l Pevnkl zbor "Sava," koncert v dvo I rani SNPJ, W, rth ot. In S. laandale ave. 1. maja: Klal» št. 1, JSZ, prvo. majnlška proslava v dvorani SNPJ. Federacija SNPJ ladaja soma« priredb v s vrbo, da a tam pnpomoir ti rusivom T aoiisor mogoče, da ae ne prireja vaš prirodb na lall dan. Draštva la klubi, IU nlao člaal federacije, sa-morejo potoni teh seznamov oglašati priredbe proti odplačilu Me od vsaka priredbe. BI,AS NOVAK, tajnik. Loadvllto. Colo......... Aepen, C-oto............ Trlodetphia. W. Va.»V.i Millburn. W. Va........ Rich wood, W. Va....'.. Butte. Mont............ Ptlnt. Mtob............ Dodamrllto. Mtob..... Iron Mountain. Mtob... Miwtoubae. Wto....... Milwaukee, Wto.I W. Allto. Wto.......... Milwaukee, Wit........ Milwaukee. Wto...... Milwaukee, Wto......J, Oefao, Wyo..........«... Diamondv|lie, Wyo...... Htandardvllle, Utek..,. Murray. Uteb.......... Gallup. N. Mm......... Bryant. Obto........... Ponteaa, Caltf......... Kratotb, Minn........... Moon Rua. Pa........ Cleveland. O........... rhi|hm|s| »be iiiM.ii GrUnlte* CftjrT tO^l'. Cleveland. O.....'....J domača zdravila semena V ssiogi imam naJbolJAa polj. äks, vrtna in evstlUna asman a. I'iilia po braipiséni asmaiuki asaOb Blau o poilijam p o i t n i n « proat«. MATH. FEZDIR Mot 778, OI y Hall gis. New Vsrfc, N. T. DOMAČI ZDRAVNIK MATH. PEZDIR Ses 778, CHp Ball tla. WKW YOBS, If, T, POROČILO O NAKAZANI UOLNIfiKI PODPORI "akaiaaa ds« 14. issasrjs 1881 1 k rutina Rai« h IHM. Mary Mioonry ; H.r, ITU m J.dia Hllkar MI. Prnnooo ,,7* 14,1 K,"tetito Rakav la M«. Jaeapb Mo. »a. I.ukne Grneor Mt. Mary Ribo« M. ■•'i'». H»mljna «7, Anten Uber! »M. Louie M»nee| .j, L , ' y'«n-biao DmoUn III. Mary Corla-V* A««a Ko«nikar IM. Keila Rapoeb J«^oa Ml atopban Itobntob Mt. "■a \<4rr«ne I4CM * a, ' ' lumim) 914, Mary Mara tW. ko,.i. m. Andrew Serato 9M. Laote «toran M«. Anten VMrteb I,, . ««^be^ SM J.S« Rrooan 9M. i" r«rae^ MI Jabn Mofen 919. Pf. »'•srnrato III J «Sa K rae** ae MT. Ii. M m Praaooe Rrarttob k k ra a. aar Ra \ a M. Anaa SorU MM. RAD III IZVEDBI. kje se nahaja John Podrta j (po domače AndreJOev Janea). Nadalje bi rad isvedel ta naslov njegovega svaka Alojslj Podr-ta j, doma is vaal Mala Račtia, Št. tO, pošta Grosuplje, Jugoslavija. Proeim prijatelja in inance, ako kdo vo sa njih naslove, naj jih opocori na ta oglas, sa kar bom salo hvaleten, ali pa naj se sami prijavijo meni na naslov: Joeeph Adamich. 1410 E. IWnd Ktr., CUrveUnd. O. (Adv.) gA I* Ml IKV KIHCI. as ssolsv Prsni GruialJ it, PrH Irana toil )• odéal I« (iallsp, Na« Mat., saiam t Csltfsml)«. Uo)sfcs prrMlst, to kA) H u sjs««v saskrv, Ss ml »»»«ta nnananl m bar m v aa* prs| isbvslim Abs bs pa asm »Hal U afta«, naj M I»amu4oma )svl na sasiav: A»»U>s gs4«J. U V«U 0Ua It, t»i II, ok ril*, ' á¡* .i .d . /črn jt -"Jb-/: w^.. t¿ - . ENGLISH SECTION Campaign Talks MOT GUILTY A tL 0 0 0 mm* tm+%, .toMMae *to UJInai FLASHES • I rs* ail ■ at «V wltoi to «i * Mto Ml ft MUflL 0 0 0 TLrJL -¿zz iLStott! r MpNton V* «Mt r tor Mto MM M flto|M ftoM MM toMhm Ito i M^mmT^ • • • ££E rtiiii tsTtoif toiiiiMUi at k their defeat in an admirable 'pint, and the boys say it was a real trest to compete with them. We also want to epress our heartfelt grstltude to Badger George HCh-nlng for the wondesful work he did >« directing and producing the play, *«• extend our congrstulstlons and good wishes to Jack Plesnlck and his bnde. These two are our newest pair of n'wly-wed« and we all wish them msny years o marital bliss. Ah long ss our lodge haa been in existence, we've had a Valentine box d«*k at the February masting, ■ill we have one this year? We re-q«"t that the members of the entertainment or refreshment committee for this month's meeting kindly In-| m either Check or Double-check, and well do our part as far as notifying the members si conosrned. We advise the members to buy their Valentines beforehand, because the chances are that we will have our usual Valentfae Box.. i-u*r In last week's Prosvetd We mode the announcement of a Domača Zabava to be held at Tamss'aon Feb. 7th. Many Badgers and Others got the mlstsken idea that this was to be a Badger affair. No, it Isn't, but the typlcsl Badger representation v/ill be there. This sabava Is sponsored by the new Jugoslav Orchestra, and we hope that a great many of the Badgers and their friends will be present to put it across. How many members will we initiate at the next meeting? Are we going to go UP or DOWN in our membership? As Bubbles would say: "Excuse our dust, we're on the road to Success, and It's up to each and evory one of us to get a nsw member. You get you re, and 111 get mine. Don't forgot to pay your monthly dues. Our Secretary, Frank Obluck, has moved to #02 W. Mineral Street. Please note and govern yourselves accordingly. At the same time, don't forget our sick members. We dont know what effcct this may have on some of you« but oar next meeting takes place on Friday, Feb. 18, and Tex and Bones are on the refreshment committee. The Revellers9 Column A«bridge, Pa.—A fraternal unión «Jnt gives to all ita members equal ' irht» must be supported by all mem-No society can be a permanent «•<*«■ if only a few shoulder tho for its upkeep. The SNPJ is ar, organlsation ron for the ben-•fit of a few Individúala, It guaran-' «mal benefits to ita entip mem-<*rshio. Honeat cooperaron for good » "f sbeolute neeessity in thls 8o-ty Argumenta, dlaagreementa and Wrrel. shoald net exiat within the ^»»niiation. All such matters should * .'r.lghtened ont as soon a. pee- WIU, pw,™ co^^ton thls «■J* SosMy can reaeh unto great * cou.tent, asolees btekerlag k f<*th will retard ''«''Hgant person quickly nanee of eoepomticui lg-' «nd selfiahneas are ueaally * «■■«•"S of equabblec. • a e ¡Jálala eatf athletles are —»n keep*, tfh» toUroet la sad alee they are i*, »ncreaaed rnemhcroklo. msBÉhÉNMBt Jhe Seeoiw deeee of Jan. 84 wa. Z ead financial triumph it^Ti10099 Ambridr"-u, »5* ¡TJ, Clarity mí the Bereiter. ' >'ftHh Speaki*^ PansyIvania, and they will rise yet higher If they work cooperatively and creatively as they should. Since their start the Revellers have been highly suceossful ia every way and It is hoped they will not now slacken their pace. It |f well te remember that one bad step can undo all the good that it took months to have done, a a a. At the dance ths ReveMcra certainly worked hard. The day before was apent la decorating the hall. The large crowd en Setarday evening kept all members busy. It was eery gratifying te aae the whole hearted cooperation given by ear owe nsembers. Chairman Liker and the entire committee should he complimented epea the splendid work done that evening. Working always together will take the levellers far epea the path of ■ i ■ i ■>■ ■ a Ikal |.a(4. In inrM*ll profrvw »nil ■>•» m» • • 4' B«tng tee eiach In e crowd, having toe many geod tlasea are net very to the aslnd. Company enjoyment aee fisi Te thiak eae mast PROSVETA Dohd Pastir KSKJ; Zavedni Slovcn-d No. 41 SSPZ; and St. Nicholaa No. 804 HhZ From AVqaippa were two branches of the SNPJ, lodges Qrosd end Excelsiors The Mooa Ran Musketeers came in an exceptionally large number. Pioneers of Canoas-barg were ia evidence. Lacty Stars of Imperial, Cla. Naroda of Midway, Vere^an« of Verona, Ramhlera of Harmarville, Jolly Jgrwor« of Syghn end Morning Stare of Pittsburgh, were each represented at the dance. A few from Uaioatewa, McReea Rocka and Burgettatawa were also present. QuiU a number of ot)»tr names we did not get were at the dance too. As time and opportunity permit the ReWliors will return the visits of the various lodges for we appreciate the generosity and large attendance of our visiting lodges. • a • The Pioneers of Washington County are holding a Valentine Danes on Feb. 14 at the Slevene llaN In Stra-bane. The Pioneers, being one of the most active lodges in this state, promise all who come that day a very enjoyable evening. The Revellers hsven^t been in Canonsburg lately, so a trip to thst town would be rather nice. a a a Since working conditions are poor at the present time in Ambridge, any Reveller who Is unable to psy his monthly dues please let the secretary know about it and we'll see what can be done. • It was nice of John Kutoh, "Sally of Moon Run an« the Excelsiors of Allqulpoa to boost our dancc In their articles. • a a Greetings to the Sunflowers of Kansss state. Goog luck to you for the year of 1081. Louis Kespta—A Reveller. J Beacons Cleveland, O.—Beacons' next big event falls on Puet gite, Feb. 17, when they stage another of their hi larious dsnctf known as The Mys tery- Masquerade Dance." The com mittee, under, the direction of Bro. Baumbich, is working hard to mako this occasion something our patrons will remember long after ordinary dances have passed Intp oblivion. Under the onergetlc leadership snd driving power of Bro. Lokar, tho memboxship drive of the Strugglers ledge, together with the Quscks "forward gang" spirit, shows the amount of enthosiasm that ean be stirred up by the mombors if ooopsration, and objective and a dogged spirit aro brought into play and united to bring with one mighty* effort, success. Headless of the fact that majority of the nonmombers still are, involun tsrily, enjoying the popular Hoover "vacation," we wish the Stragglers success. • Sun., Jsn. 18, at the 81ovehe Labor Aud., the Balkan Dramatic Society gave an excellent performance of two Slovens plays: "Tri sestre" and "Rsstresenca," in which sevsral Boa cons, namely: Jennie Dedek, Msx Traven and Frances Matko, played their respective roles with a sest. _____ * July 4 is the date est for the biggest evsnt ever held by the Beacons. The attraction will be a picnic which will be something more than an or dlnary affair. Here Is a great apportunlty for oet-of-town lodgsa to Invade Cleveland (the home of fifty thousand Slovenes), visit our various lodges and meet various "big shots." No better choice could have been made when Bro. Kovach was elected far the trtfieo of president. The members seem to have the impression that, following the installation of of. fleers, they ean, after shifting tho burden, sit back and watch the pro* ress of the lodge under the direction of the new officers. Where are tho coopératif« members of last y sert Remember—"United we stand, divided we fall." Jehe Ayalk. Chicago.—Ws aak an opportunity of bringing to ' your attention the English Auxiliary of the SNPJ which was organised Isle last decade for the p lessors, Insurance and fraternal Ism of the Slovene youth. It is our purpose to emphasise Integrity, rellablll-ty and stability as typified by the history of the Integrity Lodge No. «81, to lend the Influence ef this Lodge to the Slovenes, and te eondue; oar activities ea that they may roe-tribute te the eentluned progreea and benefit of the SNPJ. If there Is some doubt in year mind shoot the pleeoere snd fas yea would derive fro« the Integrity activities. we aeggeet that yea watch ear anneeacemciite fer the eemlatf Tile first hég defcigs ef the gear Is (ha Belief Cemarfttfe of SNPJ Ledges nanee with which ear Mr Is affiliated It Ii to he held la the SNPJ Mees», ÍW7 Be. Lewndale eve., ee Feb 8. An aneeaal program will he usee Il y ar the miad stag r< a a a te all thees who were present at the denre we wish to thank. Hera aes a few ef the ledges that were la Amhridge en Jaa. M AmbrOgc: Mal Dem No. 88 ef (he SNPJ; Ledge ades Oa Feb 8 have the Jelly ABie teems to the letegrittoa This wMI he the first ef the qaletoto and a Is la the beekhig The AlNa aatatots are wlm*«g gemee by f By A. E. Cleveland»—The Comrade's third social will ¿m held Feb. ft at the St. Clair Neighborhood Ccator. As usual, there'll be carda, hunco and danoing. So—«'mon—let's ae how many of ua can be present. Lot's of fun, and It'a all free of charge, you know. Bring your (fiends with you. At kast ona hundred Comrades and their friends should turn out. ■to The bogs' basketball team is certainly getting aloYtg great. They're In great shape, and are working hard to carry off the Eastern Division Championship. Herr's wishin' you loads of success, fcjeysl—All the fans who wish Ao follow the boys, caa get all ths information in our local papers. Ths girls' basketball team has a new coafh in "Sammy" Zamejc. They are all woririiig hard, practicing and playing I Ouir girls belong to the In-ter-Frat League and play at the St. Clair Neighborhood 4 Center every Wednea^x evening. The Progreseivea and Comrades are the only two SNPJ teama l/t this league. Really* everybody In Cleveland Is snxlouslgy waiting for Comrade's "BATTL® Or MUSIC," which will feature two orchestras, "The Virginia Nlte Hawks" and "Sovereigns." What a dance It's going to be! Just Imagine! TWO 0HCHESTRA8. Con-TINUOUS DANOING. A real "Battle of Music" at the SloV. Auditorium on Feb. 18. How many ef our SNPJ members will bo there? Well, we'U 'N then—after this battle will be over, we're going to present Com-radee' AnaivorsaQr Program, which will consist of Vaudeville and Dance. How atoour campaign teams get« ting along? Whose names are going to appear on tj» cup? Whose names are golnj^'to appear on the Honor Roll? What Cleveland lodge is suing to receive (he Fedffation Award? Dont forget, Ccunrades, It all de-pends upon eleh Individual member( C'mon, bring In at least one new member to the . Februsry meeting. Let's show the otbd lodges thst Comrades ste net asleep! The boys' bowling tesm le getting up near the topi It's up In the first division sew. Keop It up! Comrades, let's all tutu out for the Stragglers Valentine Dsnce. Ws know that ths Ktrugglcrs will be at the "BATTLE O». MUKICI S^et's rOr turn our visits! [ a >n . Messrs. Louis Belle and Frank Plut, both members of the SNPJ, have alreedy returned from New York, where thay recorded for the Columbia records. We heard ths proof records snd thay certainly are great. Why don't we see any more artlclee written by Jee FifoK, Susie—the Talkative Stenogi Alloa Bellnger, Jee Jatc, and Cecelia Strltcf? C'mon, let's get going! 1 *....... "B1 11' ' Waukegan North Chicago, IlL-Ut us take our plsrtt pf "Review" snd trivel back for s period of a little more than five years In this land of the SNPJ; a pleturssqus and prosperous country. AVrlvIng at our destination we find In the foreground of this vast teritery a recent annexation knowh as tttf English Speaking Movement. One by eae various groups form snd mske s permanent settlement here. On the evening of Feb. 4, 108«, a hand of young adventurers, namely, Louia Leh, frank Kasnlk, Mary Cat-area, Christian Jeroh, Jennie Celares, Jensie Kauthnlk, Mary Kusnik, Ann Kerenin, Mamie Lah, Mary Zeleanlk, Louis Kasnlk, Mary Prince, Teay Pierce, Frank Center, Angela Dohre-vole, Frances Dolenae, Mary Debro-vele, Mary Hednlk, John Sehlffer, Vincent ftok, under the guidance ef John Oatgar if., aad Frank Pieres, Journeyed te this fertile land and eon-atructed a sturty "Little Fart," Immediately on the completion of the fortese* the nsW settlers sought refuge inside the barrier. They seen learned It was neaesoery te have leaders so the following were ebooen. Christina Jereb, Frank Pierce, Mary Zeleanlk. Vlaeeet Pinfc. Mary Hodnik. John Sehlffer, Frank Oat.tar aad Jeanlc Celarec. Much ctedlt must he given theee first officials for their untiring «fforto which helped to end the flrat year ef the Eaglish Speak lag Lodges successfully ae there was an unmistakable view ia sight ef a greater SNPJ through this new movement. Though the body ef workers were busy la aiaking improvements for the aik trophy. AH the teams indhdtn| basketball and ffrls' Indoor displayed c|»an apertamanshlp aad t "litInueci to bring to light their abtlitlee which ae poe red as the making ef future SNPJ champs. On April f, 1MB, a Sports Club comprised of members from Sloga, Moftka Jedaakopravnest an Little Fori was orgenited and as a eonaseuence all SNPJ «porta of Waukegan were trenaferred te this club. • The years 108«, 17 and 18 bring to our msmory days which were spent In making acquaintances with o«r neighbors, the first being the Pioneers who had msny a splendid rep-ressntstion at our picnics, dances and regular meetings, and In justice to them may It be said that the Pioneers' cooperation when U was needed Is sincerely appreciated. Other visits from neighboring lodges were from the Stalwarts, Badgers, Lincolnkes, and Mohawks who all added to our happiness. One of tho outstanding events of Little Fort to date Is the purchase of the lodge flag In 1088. The flag in iteetf is a beautiful piece of work, hut the moral behind it is worth Its beauty a thousand fold. The flag Is a symbol, of friendship which must exist between members if progress Is to be achieved. Starting the fourth year we now find 71 members gertaklng of life and enjoying U at Its best. Howeter, faith did net design our lives to be rt all in sunshine and the first 1 to mar the happiness in Uttle Fort was the retirement of Bister Mary P. Zelesnik dus to ill health. Then on July 17, 1080 the black hand of death reached down and selected for the first victim Brother Louis Petkovftek. Time speeds onward snd Liltlo Fort, s branch of the Slovene Nstlonal Benefit Society and an oducatlonai oenter for the Slovene youth of Waukegan and North Chloago. enters the sixth year with a honorable record, a eomoetent stsff of officials and a totsi of 188 IVttWtwf 1*9 • Msry Agnes Hodnik. e News Nôtès Sidewalks ef Detroit By Herman Itagel We have completed the first month of 1081, One would nsarly come |o the conclusion and ssy, "it won't h» long until 1081 will be over," snd If times are not going to Improve until 1088, we would hope that tlms would Unravel much faster. The membership esmpslgn will soon be over. Am sorry to sxprese hero that final results for our lodgo #tt show n| poorly; sm not blaming the members for this by any means, but ths conditions. One fact that can alwsys bs engrossed to one not insured In s fraternity Is thst how hsahhy he may be today, he will not remain In this condition always. If anyone has a friend that Is not insured, explain ths principles of the SNPJ and forget about athletics. One does not need to jbln a fraternity for just that Sole reason. The membership of this lodge woe Just ss grost be/ore ws hsd athletics, 40 ho credit can be gteen to athletics. Thé members seem te get great piss su re In athletics not giving s thought ss to the cost of their pless-ore, HtONKfR VALENTINE DANCE CMcage. — Pieneer Lodge will give a Valentine Dance on Feb. 14 at the BN P J hall. Beautiful decorations and alt—Pub. Cam. FRIENDLY CITY LODGE Johnatown, Pa.—Our aext meeting Is on Feb. 18. Come one and all. Our meetings are very Important.—Lodge «00 will tfcre a play March 7. Elsie Dimlc. KEYSTONE TROJANS Broughtaa, hi.—Our anniversary celebration "went over big." Our next meeting Is on Feb. 0 at M p. m. Important business, JOLLY JUNIORS woaaesMsewMBi Sygaa, Pa.—We are holding our flrat danee on Feb. 14. Quod music and refre4»mants. Come In large numbers for ft goad time. Thapsa Ganter, Proa, ON AW AH LODGE Werreh, O.—Our officers are: Pres. g, Mahali; V. Pres. M. Yakovaej See'y, J. Riffle; Ree. See'y. A. Palao; Trau. N\' Kovic. Meetings every 8rd Sun. Let* all attend them. Betty Medick. IftDGB NO. 880 Halts, rti,—This lodge holds a danto on Feb. 7 at 7 o'clock at Bro. J. Cabrón'». Admission ftOc. Come one snd Wll.—CemmHtee. HEARTS OF AMBRICA Kansas CUy, Kaas. -Our regular monthly meeting will be on Feb. II. Our neat dance will be on Feh. II at t lie <'l outish Home. M. Velk, Pub. Con». MORNING STARB Every outsider will be oourteously greeted at the doer by Bros. Joebe Símele and Andy PrUatol, aad Bieters Mary Dolence and Bertha Intl-bar. Admtaeion $1, and a goad time will be had by all.—Frank Bolte. .. I MUaburgh, Pa.—Our Lodge will give a dahce st the SBH on Feb. 14. are cordially All eurroundlng ledges Invited.—F, J. Mlklsvle, Pres. LODO II MODBRNS pisy »bayai*, Wla.-We will give In MSrch snd slso a dance. Pah. Cam. CR VSA ORRS. NOTICE! Lorain. O,—Ceins to the réguler monthly meeting« snd sttend the bunco parties after. A prise will be given (o ths winner st every session. Re-frsshmsnts will slso be served fol* lowed by* music fer dsnclng. Come snd hsve- an enjoyable evening. Jeeeph Brceek, See'y, VAtBNTINB DANCR CLAIRTONIAN NEWS Ctatrtoa, Pa.—Another fine meet* lag was held by the Clalvtontens la January, and fear nçw members were nominated. It showá that \he Clair-tonlans are Intoreetod snd active In the procent campaign. After the buslneas part of the meet-Ing Is over a social hour Is enjoyed by all. That* what brings nearly h 100% attende nee at our meetings. > The Cla trt on la ns entend their hsarty congratúlanos and host wis haa for your sueeees, Silver Stars of Yukon. On March I there Is gelag ta be a drawing for M In gold. Be at this meeting for you may be the lucky peroon.—Antlmay Prlaee, President. LUCRÎ STAR Imperial, Fa.—The number of our membership Is not what It »hould be In a town such as Imperial, with quite s few Slovene Inhsbltants. The Kngllsh Speaking lodge was organised to benefit us, to help us aleag la this English Speaking era. But the youth has failed to show up, failed to do as they should; the reason Is unknown or Indefinite. Once again the young Slovenes of Imperial are asked to please Jain the Ueky Stars In their itruggtes to succeed so that they, too, ean boast of a large membership and lis doings. Hoping to see new faces, those wishing to help us out, at eur flrat dsnee of tho yesr, on Feb. 7,. Invl-tstlons are extended to the Revellers, the Musketeers, the Pioneers, the Jal-ly Juniors, and all others who may find It possible to attend, and enjey a goad time. Fraakle and Jahuay, Lucky Stars. MOHAWKS LODGR U Balls, 111—Ths committee thai was sppolned at the December meeting to guide the destiny ef the Mo-hswks, worked Industriously and what It accomplished will be seen Feb. 7 at the Slovenian Dom when a Slovenian play, entitled "Kakrton gospod, tak slugs," based on a soldier's life, will be presented. The csst hss determined te mske this eae of the outstanding plays of the Library, Pe.~On Feb. 14 ths Joseph Zsvertnlk Lodge will hold lie first dam? ef the year, a Valentine's | Novelty Banco, featuring the well known "Oollfornls Night ^oa,. Tar va£ * f 1 and a Slovenian Orrhe.tr. In the « ** ***** AthleUc basemen«. Benefit of this occsslon will go to the sub-branch, sa fhet we udll have a f"od start now. Our next meeting will be held Friday, Feb. «. up 4i MIU lag during lent come to Six Mile aad Weedwaid sva. ea Valentine's day, Setarday ere,, Feb. 14. The ladlea of the SND are holding a masquerade dance. Jettf ftlto Le4|e He. 188 little Pert cad far their band they mill found tlsm far rocasatlaa each aa pieaie and a Halloween danee which later became eaaeet affaire Te ssmmswarete the passing the firm year e drama entitle« "TomphlM Hired Mea" was Weal AlUs. Wie.-What', the mat-tor with the Jelly AIMef Met an ar-tkto fee over a menth. Yea surely didn't make a reaolutlea act to write any mere srtleleef Oer meeting, are well ettoaded, why net write articles too ? I Act meeting we only Initiated oaa ^ ^ f w w ^ ^ _ new members And we enly'have two ^ ■»ore months ef the sampalga l»«mt -forget ear meeitog Fib. I« aad pre-p^bo yotiF mm iMM^èfi' f #nt#n#in«b#nt I thing new far nrst meeting Let's all attend end sec what It ls_4 group of Jell y AIHs members en toyed the play give* by the Bedgers, Sen., Jen. In the Proiveta of Jsn. 88, by Bro, Issue ef Jsn. 7,1 only mentioned thst J., Mejssch of Lodge ««I, those queetlons were not answered. "An snewer To Athletics Being thst he Is president of ths Alnre whan did lire. Western Dlvlel4n Athletles I ask him Mejaech become an officer to look Into the matter of that letter Board? | to the secretory. The contenta of the Those questions were to be sns we red letter were as followsi "At the W set-by the Beard who arc the only one. em Athletic conference, May 17, a Who know and can answer them cor. motion was made and carried that the really, I am net Joelous of anyone ; pressed, of the NettonsI Becketball and the Iptot Jealous of pay officer Tournament bo denoted to the Yeuag of the eald Board. Didn't I refuse to Americana whe sponsored It." Nine run fer esndldeto for Vice Pres Ideal montha have passed end still his diet the annual meeting? I am answer- virion has net paid this money. As lag him only what concerne him. If far aeking whe paid the entry fee, he were an officer ef the NAB t would every member ef the SNPJ bee a anawar to everything he wrote. Since right to ask aay queetlon pertaining he le the President of the Weotorn SNPJ Athletics. That Is why wa have Athletic Divlaloa, I will anawcr to a NAB and If the Beard refusee to the kaowledgc ef my net. knowing act and a newer and bring before their whe the secretory Is ef the Woetora. meeting, letters of any kind from Athletic Dividen . lodges Or Individual members er pub- Queetloa No. 4, wee published ie1 Hah the minutoe ae the meetings aro the Proevcto. issue of Oct. 88, 1080, ¡actually held then H Is time to draw SS follows: ''How msny lodges rap-!a resolution to have s referendum reseat the Western DI vielen snd who'veto sad to ehelich the eald Board, le their aecretaryf" In Issue ef Pre- Personally, I don't bnew whe he Is, sveto Nov. 18, I found the get of ef- ! bet this ertlclc is not written with aa fleers ef the Weotorn Division Nov. ' totoatUm of spllttiag our frlendchlp 80, 1080, I wrote to the secretory ef ar, cay, brotherly lee«. you see,1 Andre* (¡rum Jr, Member Ledge Mi Sie Rees Laurich Is e«,the .Ich Met Why eat dree In and give her a word ef cheer? Her addreas Is 488 •lot Ave A Teceto. ea la given by 0M< MATIJ ROA Y B VENINO, NtlIRUABY T Hl« vea lea Nati, Hsm. Pea ri St «Ist M. LORAIN, OHIO Maate by JeBy Ramhlera S. N. P. J. SPORTS RATNMUL ATUIW NOTICE, EASTERN LODGES Cleveland, Ohio.—Th« Natl, bowl-inff and haaketball tourn.rrunt. art near, amf as rat no definite pro(ran has baaa outliaed by the eastern lodge* la theae competition«. A permaaeat Eaatorn division ahould be formed to draw up schedule«, etc., between the eastern lodgaa to decide on the eaatorn champ« for both tournament«. This Is necessary, in order to avoid diaputoa aad ill feelin« in the ranks of the eastern lodge«. la ardee to form a permanent East, arn division, a meeting of the repro-aentoUvet of the lodges wishing to participate hi any of the athletk events under the jurisdiction of the Natl Athletic Aseoc. maat be called at oace. Thla meeting must take place la February. Every lodge 1« entitled to two representative«. Each lodge to bear thf expense« of their repreeentatlves unless otherwise decided by the Eastern division meeting. The writer, therefore, request« all af the lodgaa to diecaea this matter at their meetiags and report the action taken by their lodge at one« Please address your correspondence to Otto Tekauts, 10000 Marcella ltd., Cleveland, Ohio. Pratornally, Otto Tekaats. Vice Prea. Natl. Ath. Board. • "SPI BITS" St Leaie, Ma.—The Spirit« miaed doubles has finally started with the oouplee that were named in the issue of the Pros veta of Jan. 38 as the participants, and the first week's matches were quite Intereetiag as well at cloee. The bowlers were In fairly good form considering the fact that H was the first time they had bowled for mora than a month. The n?st week's matches are to be how led lat the German House alley«, Lafbyetet ave., ju«t east of Jeffer-eon. Feb. i.—Lea Kraaa. PIONEEB HPORTS Chicago, III—The Pioneer Boy«' basketball team won one and lost one game last week. They loet to the Gage Park team in the American legion at the Boys' Club Thursday by a toll. Jim Jack I no was high point m*n scoring one basket and five free tosses. A. Klaacalk played his first game. Saturday night they played the Lawndale Shamrock team that gave them their first setback, of the acaaon. The Pioneers had little trouble in winning by a »0-88 score. The boy« will have a busy weak playing three games la four days. The firat game being on Thursday against Harvey, then on Saturday they play the Ranger«, both games are to be played at the Boys dab. On Sunday both the girls sad boys travel to Waukegaa where they meet the "Little Giants" of the Little Fort Lodge. The Pioneers will be at their full strength for the flrat tin* this saaaon. (Iodine and Dvorak wilt lie with the toab who eapeet to break the winning streak of the Glanta. Go-dine will be a center while Dvorak will be at guard. The Pioneers play all hoaw games at the Boys' Club which Is located at go. AU donation« will be appreciated. SSth Stand, Ridgeway ave. Rooter« For aa afternoon and evening of are invited, so Pioneers at every op-1 real entertainment, be «are to attend If yoa know of any are in need of ianaediato help, or if you have any old clothe« or can donate a small sum for the relief of the unfortaaato, yoa may send re-quests and donation« to Relief Committee Secretary. Bro. Lawrence Gra-disek, 2707 S. Lawndale ave., Cb ka- po rtu nlty when the Pipneers are play inr be sum you are among those present. All members to practice; the boys practice every Sunday at Franklin Park, Hth and Klldare ave., between the hours of two and four la the afternoon. On Wednesdays the boys are practicing at the Boys' Club at t p. m. F. C. TKI-LODGE LEAGUE Varana, Pa,—The SNPJ Tri-Lodge Bowling League is steaming ahead fall blast. It Is composed of the Vero- "The Relief Committee Concert a»! • I want to thank all the Spirits for their kind appreciation and their coa-fidence «hown me. I hope the lodge will grow and that we rise'to greater lode. In itarwM wtk .«h ^ tkm m „„, , ,.« EBfltoh •» «" ' • that the younger generation does not RAMBLERS LODGE NO. 711 Hftrmarvlfle, Fa.—On Sunday, Jan. niane. Ramblers, and Cometo, each u lhc firit meeting of the year of lodge being represented with two ^ Federation of the SNPJ lodges teams. Taking into consideration the w>< ^ tbe Slovenian Auditorium long distance which some must travel pittaburgh, Pa. Many lodges were in order to bowl eaeb week, and thi| repreMflud. but not as many as there present unemployment situation, the „Hould have been, league has been very successful, a| p^n^iyani« there are over 200 good percentage are always oat each lodfM, both English Spealing and week to k*ep the interest up and fur- glovtn# »poking. Now. only the nish keen competition. It haa also 81ovtn# inking lodges have much MM I By W kosit St. Louie. Mew—Now that we have had the installation of the new officers, an entirely new crow, we must all give oar doe appreciation to tbe old leaders In view of the many changes in the world today, in adjustiag to new condition», we too,have made chances to the new conditions Our afternoon and 25c evening. AH P>«f its will gc to Cleveland's unemployed 8NPJ members. a o •-» • We are glad to bear Sis. Pogoreic (Moonbean) in back on our page again. Keep it up. Ann. • • o My stay in Chicago waa of vital internet. I had the pleasure of seeing the Pioneer basketball team in ae0on. It can be said that the team baa the making* of championship caliber. Following the game we went to Ace Arcade bowling allys where 8NPJ bowling league held ita away. All in all we enjoyed a very intereeting evening finiahing the evening at the club rooma of Hambone C hewer«. e. o a- - Your truly wishes to thank Mr. and Mr a. Blaa Novak for the kind^ \ shown me on my recent stay in Windy City." is.: o • • We can proudly say that the Sttugglere lead Campaign over (he entire country for firet t montke. Now Struggle», let's not give up. W« mutt finish in aaroe poeition on March 31. Bring them in today! Already six new English locals were organised so far this year, which makee our English lodge roster number 85 lodges in all. tioaa among them. At pfeaent the formidable Cuba team from Universal are leading the merry chase for league honors, with the Pirates exactly two game« behind them, the Braves bringing up third, Cards fourth, Giants fifth, and Dodgers In sixth place. Although tbe girls do not hara an organised league this year, they have been exceptionally well represented on bowling nights, a large aumber from each lodge attending every Taesday. As they number some expert bowlers among them, It la hoped that next year they will have their own league organised. "Vic" Jakovac. GIRLS' BASKETBALL Detroit, Mich.—The Young American girls' basketball team practices every Wednesday night from 7 to 0 at WJllard school Davison and Ham- care what happens to th* Society after the older people are dead and gone. The younger set must get together and strive to pull the strings In one and only one direotion, and make a great success of their work. Let us try to mske the Federation the greatoat of its kind. The Federation has 4pne s great deal in helping to build new lodges, and it atill does, and always shall, In the future. The members of this Society should back up sach an organisation. The Ramblers visited the nearby lodge Veronians on Saturday, Jan. 31. The cause of the visit waa a dance at which, I am sure, every one had a hilarious evening. It «come that the bowling season for thf Veronians, Comets, and the Ramblers Is drawing to a close. Ths Veronians, of course, are in the lead. I request thst all members pay their dues before the 26th of each month In order to avoid confusion and gramme high percentage of «ttendance at our next meeting at 8 p. m. Joseph Sampeon Jr, llton aves. _ The girls' schedule In the Women'« .'^„.lon.'" Th0«e not "paying their Recreation league has been changed du#, ,„ the i[m9> will suffer due to one team dropping out of the conge«urnc< league; the new schedule la as fol-| Joaeph Ungua, Secretory. Iowa: Tueeday, February 10, at 0 with tbe VWCA; Tuesday, February 24, at 7 with Field A.C.; Tuesday, Msrch 9, at 7 with Morning Star«; Tuesday, March 10. at 7 with Junior Collegs. « The Young American girla have played throe games In the League and have won two and lost ons. The SPARKS The enstomary delegation of the Sunglare and Integrity members attended the Calumet Sentineia Social., We ahall be waiting for another one of your affaira In the near future. If . that same bunch that was working in boys hsve played three games and tht hltoh#n w[n ^ h#Ip ug won two and ktft one. Young Amer- jrfbt 8 at ^r Big Charity Dance, we lean girla are tied for second place wm be aure that every hungry one In the League. Andrew Gram. Secretory. NOTICE, UNCOLNITE BOWLERS! Sprieifield. Ill—We are bowUng st the Capital City alleys from Sunday, Feb. I, to 10. There will be no Leagoe game« the 10th. We expect to bowl the "We Gang" and the Plo-neeiu at our annual tournament. Lin-colnlte« who want to bowl In this tournament come to the Capital City alleys Fob. 0 about 2 o'clock or before. Kdw. Jensen, Lodge 507. BLCKEYRS Harber toe. Ohle.—The following officers have been elected for the equipment and which will not have to be bought again for s number of year«. pre««nt year: Freer« Mesalkar,! MlU^^st ^ m^th. rZLZ'SZSt ZZTrnZ^' Kn«,l,h Kub B'"*h * the socialist T «vTv J^ , c,ub 114 "M (Hwlr meeting, An Tree« ; Alice Jaae«a. Hoc. Herniary; ,nUrtBtlnf dtb-u> |n Slovene will be rraak re*. Hergeeni-aUarms. prepared by Comrade« MenUm and The regular monthly meeting. hav.| lJrUn |(f c||||> ,|4; Comrades Rugtl# lawn rhaaKd to the flrat Fri. of the Menl<(,( j wml lhf und<,r. monto . ► m. Ihtes piaat he ^ w||1 K |u|w paind bef«r. the Itth ef the month, Th, ^^ vU, bes CapilslUm vs. at the amoUag or tho Sanatory s .goci.„im< Everybody i. InvHed. De-1ü0#Ur m . I*** »»• after the meeting. w t ™ .t ASi!ÜI*?ruD!!W!.7wM.i#l'n»U changed from Feb, heUI St the Domovins Hall, 14th St .lg jf^ 7 7 Feb. 7. Ticket« on «ale by a few, .' .. . memUri;»frt them at your Secret.-L Hrrt »» Vi^V I M,KJ" "T ry'. heme Muaic will be furnished °r JS r°n,m^ by Hem. the • aeeoHloa man," you've ijT of u .^i^ s lWaraJi heard them on the sir through «t..1 I>anc# " Wile will be taken care of. e e e Waokegan's 5th anniversary, coleb-rated last Sunday was another and one of thoae real gala affairs. The play, with Its wonderful cast of character« who are to be compliment ed, went over big. Lodges of tho Western Divialon Mlped the Lit^ls Forts greet their sixth year, and from the looks of things, LIUlo Fort is going to make the others stand up and take notice. And to be sure 40% of the Sanglsre lodge were there, e « « Kolar'« Florists "ksgUng" team scored up In the limelight last Thuroday nits when they Ailed 046 for high team game for the aeaaon Zele, the over enthualaetlc bowler, alao ♦bowed up for a high «ingle game of 24* for a «eries of 0.12. Incidentally Zele Is loading the league with an In dividual average of 100. Berger plans to roll a 'j»mi game this week. • • * Jos Tolar haa offered hi« service« for the needy and unemployed Char Ity ball. Thanks. Jee. Feb. 0 is the Mg day of the dance to be held at the HNPJ Hell. Don't forget to attend If you want to have k god time. tum WA DC. Let's med. whoope« et ^ ^profit r*. for the Slovene thu gl ret affair, and make It a .«r ¡T1 TT*^ ^ i Deal fnrgrt the»» date«. lot « al^ Ar. M«r »f the neighboring lodge. ***** and have .ome fun goiag to ettend? Andrea (.rem Jr.. Socrvt.ry, Freer a. I*a|e. Trva*. NOTHK. W)l Nt, AMERICANS , Wrinkled, old womea, faltering in lietrwM. — Tb« Voung Aawin«.',^ '^lu ' the^h.Ts.^k'lng'l^ci.tlH^iinc"»; entertainment committee ha. ar U ^' of Hub 27. hrid ««January II. w.. rang,., u, b«.d a dance on gatordey. ^ ^h^« ^taíe Íí«^ ^ February «a, at II« K Sls MIU rd. ^ÜTtílíf H MaeDaaaM. tho atote PWaa. k~p that dale op»n for on. ¿ ™ jMs- promptly et R o'eleek ne fee ItW thet < be BN F J l^dge. ef Chic.g« CI. In ¿¡¿* dab reJa. Let*, keep WHBTMtlRKLAND CITY NEWS k — Congretuletions to the Milver Star lodge. That' the way, Yukonlte« eieo eonaratulata Bro. Frank Kol eaha aad Martin Urana upon their in organising the new lodge On Fal> 21 there will be a confer, once ef the JHF club«, lodge« and dramatic elub« affiliated with it« Educational Duieau, at Slovenian Home on ft7th and Butler ete., Pitt*, burgh. Pe. The la.t FImnI City h*d«e affair waa a autcee« Thank» to all for their hospitality.—Jane Fradel. KKI.U F .FOM THE t'NFMIUlYED NEW SOCIALIST Hit A NC 11 Cleveland The flrat meeting of Flood City Notes Johnstown. Pa. The Flood City Lodge 712 held their regular month-ly meeting on Janunry 16. Average attendance. Installation of officers. Due to the fact that our Treasurer Stanley Bette resigned, we elected Tho ma« Beekman as our treasurer. We hope he will do his best for the lodge. Our next meeting will be held Fob. 10 at 7: SO o'clock sharp. Pleaac be prompt, We ars going to have a Proficiency Chart to see J get how many members aro really interested and doing all they can to make this lodge a success. A gold 4ar to be placed on the chart is for being present; a red star for absence; and bltle star for being absent in case of illness. Let's see how many gpld ^ars "M be plafcod after your name. Have you madf the following re-solutlons at the beginning of the year to: ■ 1. Attend tip meeting of the Flood City Lodge regujany and on time. 2. Secure new members. 8. Pay your (Juap on time. 4. Do all your .share for the benefit of the lodge. Tho time Is drawing near and ths membership campaign is coming to a cloee. Lot's see how many members we can secure until our first anniversary. It isn't too late to stast now. How many of you members hsve aigned up for Urn Dramatic Club which Is noW beihg reorganised in MovhamT The more members in it the quioker the club Is to be started. Let's If all our members'will Join. Msry Elisabeth Umek. Struggled certain! eel«d la oar affairs. We will held our emoting* over y a Od fourth Friday af the Qtrie' SI lie»« Oar .1 waa very emnl*. eltheugh amet aa p*n«e a< »emulated hy buy lag athlrtke ft and Lyene. fo«m«d a »•» ' ,1t up and get ahead. »ttt.. See'y. By J. L. ,, Cleveland.—The Supreme Board of the 8NI*J met laat week and maay problems of vital fraternal Interest for our membera wore discusaed. To all thoss that figures talk It can be aaid that tt lodgea teerc orgnieed In HNPJ in 1030. Financially we In crcaaed our assets for 2580.002.87 in 10.10 making our total 84.704,1 Hfl.8* at the close of laat Veer, which goee to ahow that the 8NPJ is beat largeat Sloven» organisation In the country. • e e Feb. 14 ia aure to be a big day With our Engliah «peaking local« all over the country staging * affairs Rtrugglers' Valentine dance in Cleveland, Joseph Zavertnik lodge in LI hrary, Pa., Sunflowera in Kansas, snd the Bridgeport SNPJ Fedora tlon. If you are a booster of our young organisation, attend your neighborhood SNPJ affairs Feb. 14. But, Cleveland, don't forget us on that nKe. On« god turn deeervsa another. . • e New« aent to me by His. There «a Yaktevleh of Ciravd, Ohio, inform« me that they will Invade our 4lh An nlwrsary celehraMen on April 20 A full bu« load Is prootised. giwe me greet pleasure to inform our out-af-town local« that Ctrard tiolden Eagle« wore flrat to reply What about Zipper* Buckeye«, < ru«adera, Buffeb Big 4. Gowanda Rooeter« and ear Quack« from Johns-team. Pa? • e « I wieh te coraeet thi«: (iiratrd Kagie. will hold tha^ da nee on Sat.. Feb. f, net Feb. g|. • o « Preparation era well under way for Cleveland'« Menatroaa Vnemploy ed Benefit Cancert and Daaee. apons* sored by Cleveland Fedatntlen SNPJ to be held at Slav. Rem« St. Clair Sunday aftoinoea and evening. Feb, 22. Such prominent singer« aa Phit. Belle. Podbi y. |va-naeh and.elaging «octetlea »Srj. («Id end new|. Cvot. Jadraa, el». D petaos will be awarded to all lucky winners. The mu«~ .wore deaatod to oar Fed« re Mod hp feeding SWv merchant«. AdmieaUa' will he REVELISBB OP AMBKIDQE Do you have any "queer standards" for judging people and for picking your' friends? Do you talk of nothing but money and your social poeition? In everyday life we find many poo- plo who posaees "queer standard«" like the ones mentioned above. They do not associate with people of a lower standing or perhaps of a poorer class. They adhere strictly to typos of their own standin; or of a higher calibre than themselves. • . e Because you hold an eminent position is no reason to class some unfortunate below you. You might profit by companionship with him, ytt you utterly avdid him. Since you muot always pattern yourself after someone or other, why can't you pick out some admirable character? e e » The chief fear of tho most important people IS that companionship with someone in a lower group will ultimately lower their own standard. It can frankly be aaid that thla is one of the big mistakes in Hfe, for close contact with "genuine persona" will be far more beneficial than detrimental. e e . | Imagine yourself in tho following position: You are wtihout friends; because of your policy of oonduot you have few acquaintances that have progressed to the stage of good fellowship. Your life as a success seems to bo turniag to failure. e e • It Is against such a background of a long, unrecognised, loneliness that one begins to realise the importance of a "genuine friend." Get "genuine friends!" Dont lot anything such as position, wealth, etc., prejudice you in choosing a friend or friends. Keep in mind that "Glory leads but to the grove." « e e A bit of bowling news just came in. The Jadkatoers won two.out of three from the Kaissra, while the Rol-lora too|t two out of three from the Officera. Tho MnncHng to. date: Jackateera, won four—lost two; Kaisers, won three—loet three; Rollers, won three--lost three; Officers, won two—loat four. • e e Have you forgotten the important event achedulod tor the 24thf The level lore' Dance takee place at the Croatian Hall at Ambridge on that date. The importance of thla danoe esn be recognised by the fact that it Is even sat off as a holiday on the SNPJ calendar. Look for yourastvos! Let's see how many outside will be repre«ento(i. Fraternally, « Capitoliam will never ceaae," states Bro. Joeeph Becek of Ambridge in an article recently. "It is only logical to reason that the wealthy class ahall always rule over the poor." I dlaagree with that just aa other progreaeive youth will and in thia article I will diaclose my views that Bro. Becek is mistaken. In the past week our paper« told us of a battle being waged by Wall Street bankera over 880,493,008 paid to officera and director« of the Bethlehem Steel Corp. aa bonuaea aince 1011. In the course of the trial Mr. Charles M. Schwab testified that he haa received in five and half years a sum of 85,481,084 as bonua. Ia 1025, 8700,478; 1028, 8852,100; 1027, 8721385; 1028, 8881,445; 1029, 81r 028,758 and for the first six months of 1080 be reoived 8701,968. Those are extremely high wages, but our labor Is not receiving them. I agree that money flourishes but in the pockets of a very small minority. How many Schwabs or Fords are there in his community? They, live in palaces, riot in luxury and extravagance—ouch as no «words can do-scribe; as makee the imagination reel and stagger; makes the soul grow sick and faint. They spend hundreds of dollars for a pair of shoes, a handkerchief and a garter; they spend mllliona for horaea, limousine«, and yachte; for palacee and banqueta, for shiny stones with which they deck their bodies. Their life is a contest among themselves for supremacy in ostentation aad rockleasness; in the destroying of useful and neceesary things; in the wasting of labor and Uvea of their fellow-creature, the toil and anguish of the nations; the swat and tear« and the blood of a human race! Yes, it is all theira, the whole of society is in their grip; the whole labor of the world lies at their mercy —Snd like fierce wolves they rend and destroy; like ravening vultures they devour and tear. The whole power of mankind belongs to them, forever and beyond recall, do what it can, strive as it will humanity lives for them and dies for them. They own not merely the labor of society, they have bought tho governments snd everywhere they use their rapid and stolen power to intrench themselves in thsir privileges, to dig deeper and wider the channels through which the river of profit flows to them. Wage-elaves, working men, women and children have been brought up to it, we plod on like beaata of burden, thinking only of the day and it's pain. Your clergy promisee you heaven if you are good, honest and worthy slaves. Oh! what a great consolation to a blindfolded public in this day of civilisation. To-night as you sit/at your table reading this, somewhere in a Southern cotton-mill, a child, a mere child is staggering with exhaustion, numb with agony and knowing no hope but the grave. Somewhere a mother is sawing by candle-light in her ton- PIONEER8, ATTENTION I Chicago.—Pioneers, don't forgot to attend Nada's Mask Dance on Feb. 7 at the SNPJ Auditorium. Prises snd all.—P. Svetilk, Pub. Com. forced to separate after the lor* ^ j weary yea re together, they trod ow. the* fcill to tho poorhouse, the f«Z goes to one side of the institution «afl the dear old mother goea on the oSI aide, heartbroken, they awah2| day and ita pain«. Bro. Becek stotea that "poverty fai thia country is not due to low wmZI but primarily due to the iraproviSl character df the average A merits; worker." I say that poverty^ cauaed by the defected system of Italian and I am aure that tho«e ¡3' have studied it thoroughly will < with me. 1*1 Capitalism is baaed on the toey philosophy of vented interests and a without central control; it'« motiS force ia private gain rather tha„ ^ rial welfare, and It compels its work, ers to bargaia for their wage«; tk more efficient its productive for* •become, the less efficient it beconm socially. Socialism, however, u3j based upon vested interests, ¡u motive foraa is social welfare rsthar than private gain; the wage« of tin workers are set by reference to tional income; and the more efficient its productive forces become, the mon efficient it becomes socially. ^fl Joh.. (Continued.) Kutck. CRU8ADERB LODGE 664 Lorain, Ohio.—The Crusaders v, giving a gala Snowball Dance Feb 7 and lnv|to all the neighboring or-ganisetiona of Cleveland and vicinity to attend thia affair of uncanny beau, ty. Something that haa not been wit. neesed in many a year. Don't forget, Feb. 7 is the date. Music will be fur. niched by the hottest and fa«t step, ping orchestra , of Lorain county. v Secretary, Theatre News A VARIETY Chicago.—The sub-branch of Soc. 1 Club No. 1, JSF, just organized, u busily preparing to entertain the pub. lie on February 22 at the SNPJ halt at 8 p. m. Thia is a first sttempl, so it can really be called an initiation into public entertainment for the new club. Several entertaining number* have been selected, instrumental «elections, solos and vocal duets; S«va, singing choir, is offering a few numbers; several comical dialogues and a one act play will also be rendered by a well chosen cast. Johnny Koch-over's well known orchestra will fur-nish music.—There will also be a speaker.—K. B., Pub. Com. J "BATTLE OF MUSIC" Preeented by Comrade« Cleveland, O.—We're juat rarin' to toll the world all about our big VaU „ . | _____entlno Dance, to be hold on Thursday enment-garret, weary and weeping, evening, Feb, 12, In the upper hall amltten with the mortal hunger of of the Slovenian National Home. At her babies. Somewhere a man lies this Comradw Valentine dance, then upon a bed of rags, wrestling in his: la to be a ¿rent feature. Something last sickness and leaving his loved' entirely different, something extra- ones to perish. A young girl .is somewhere walking the streets of a horrible city, beaten and starving, and choosing between the brothel and the lake. They, countless victims, whoever and wherever they are, are caught in the wheels of the juggernaut of GREED. Everywhere the voice of humnnity criee and pleads, to be relieved of hunger and privation but each day the struggle grows fiercer, the pace more cruel; each day you are forced to toil a little harder and you feel the iron-hand of circumstances close upon you a little tighter. Today, tons of thousands of women are shut up in foul pens and driven by hunger to sell their bodiee In order to live. We know It and yet we make It a jest. These women are made in the image of our moth-era, sifters and daughters. Today there are hundreda of th on «anna of old people caat-off and helpleea, waiting for death to take them from their torments. Thouaanda of old men and fathers and mothera am ordinary. The feature is the "Battle of Music," which will be fought by the two orchestras, "The Virginia Nit« Hawks," apd the "Sovereign«" Mo* of the members of both orchestral ars members of Comrades. Just think. Two orchestras, continuous dsncisf, no intermissions. All for 50c st tin Comrade Valentine Dance. Comrades want to see the Struggle», Loyalitss, New Eras, Bescon«, Progreslsvaa, Zippers, Buckeye* and everybody at oug fiance! So, c'mon, gang! Lot's get sll of our friends to attend. Lst's be thert. Lefa advertiae this big affsir. aee how many of us can attend t* Big dance of the year. Well be serin* you Feb. 12 « Comrades "Battle of Muaic/'-A- & Make year owa campaign, bet id Jit JRrmori&m mary mantz Oar beloved wife, mother, deeghter aad slater «h« died J pital, and wa« buried Joaoory 28 at Bohe 25, 1081, at St. Aalhoay a H»«- Natioaal Cemetery. »Wed Our ai acere thanks to all relative« aad friends who called to pay their lwt 1 reports, and ed the deceased at the heepHal: to her ancle. William Lami and to Jahn Hadmvar aad Jas. I • ho sacrificed their bleed In aa attempt ta aave her life; to Ledge waa a member; to its members far the kiad eervfc«. rendered; to Pap« BevmMch. far his made the farewell eddreaa at the grava. at the heme, aad to Bro. d. J. Letrich. U1 SNFJ af which tho Ma Vko-Fraallaat of BNFJ obe Oer «lacere thaahs to the fellewtag far their beantlfat floral tribute. Raee Daugaa. Mr. aad Mra. William Lami. la^Hi. an s Mre. WilBam Lami. Integrity Ledge U1 SNFJ, Ledge »SS Mrs. I i P Ä*' Wm W#m L-i. Weift, Mra. Lena Wolft, Mr. and Tí »r mmi and family 1 Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Jeheeidee Mr. Jeha Hashevar Jr. Mr. and Mra. r.ai O. Bregar. Mra. Im C Mr. and Mra. Malh VIdegar aad famRy. Mr. and Mra Kapper Mr. and Mra. Mr aad Mra Je.. Keren and Mra. Paul Garrieh ef Detroit, Mich.. Mr aad M and Mra, Steve Capital aad family. Mr. aad Mra p.„i L..aie Mr. Jot. Jack Cool. Mr. Gao. Grabe*er ikovieh aad family. Mra. Johi Mr. and family. Mr. F. Verhy.ee Mr. A. Verheeoe. Mio. Beraire. aad Mr. and Mra. oa. elwaya. Chicago, Miart« deoriy beloved! Though yea have gone from aa. LOUS M ANTS, be.be ad; M AB Y O. BERLOtNVK. párente, and FRANK BERLOZNIK. ■hall dwell wHk FRANK aad MAST