VESTNIK 2024 | VESTNIK 2024 | 107 VESTNIK 2024 | 109 VESTNIK 2024 | 111 VESTNIK 2024 | 113 VESTNIK 2024 | 115 5. POSTNA - TIHA NEDELJA 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 11/60 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 17.3. 2024 Fr. Dra go Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Ce zrno ne pade v zemljo ... Danes nam bogoslužje predstavlja evangeljski odlomek, ki naznanja razširjenje vere v Kristusa tudi med pogane, Grke; ti pridejo in bi radi videli Jezusa. Drugo berilo ta vidik poglobi z opisom Jezusovega trplje-nja in odrešenja vseh ljudi. Prvo berilo govori o novi zavezi: »Vsi me bo-do poznali,« pravi Bog. Ko je bil Jezus v Jeruzalemu, za velikonocni praznik svoje smrti in vstajenja, so tja prišli tudi nekateri Grki. Gotovo so bili verni ljudje, ki jih je pritegnila vera Judov v edinega Boga in so slišali govoriti o Jezusu. Želeli so ga videti. Pristopili so k Filipu, enemu od apostolov, ki je imel grško ime (»prijatelj konj«) in je prihajal iz Galileje, kjer je bilo veliko poganov in so jo zato poimenovali »poganska Galileja«, ter ga prosili: »Gospod, radi bi videli Jezusa.« Filip gre to povedat Andreju, ki ima prav tako grško ime in je Jezusu blizu, ker je eden od prvih poklicanih. Skupaj gresta povedat Jezusu. Jezus ne rece ne ja ne ne, ampak pravi: »Prišla je ura, da se Sin clove-kov povelica.« V prošnji Grkov, da bi ga videli, prepozna svojo »uro«, uro povelicanja. Na koncu odlomka pravi: »Ko bom povzdignjen z zemlje, bom vse pritegnil k sebi.« Jezusovo povelicanje je v tem, da lahko da vec-no življenje vsem, ki verujejo vanj. Toda Jezus dobro ve, da ura povelicanja pomeni tudi uro trpljenja. Zato mora biti »povzdignjen z zemlje«. In evangelist pojasni: »To pa je rekel, da je oznacil, kakšne smrti bo umrl.« Vendar je to povzdignjenje zanj zacetek veliko vecjega povzdignjenja - povelicanja v nebesih. Umreti mora v odkupnino za mnoge, da bi poganom omogocil vstop v božje ljudstvo. Jezus o svoji velikonocni skrivnosti govori v podobi: »Ce pšenicno zrno ne pade v zemljo in ne umre, ostane samo; ce pa umre, obrodi obilo sadu.» Z uclovecenjem je prišel na zemljo. Toda to ni dovolj: tudi umreti mora, da bo rodoviten za vse. Isti zakon velja za ucence. Jezus namrec takoj nato rece: »Kdor ljubi svoje življenje, ga bo izgubil; kdor pa sovra-ži svoje življenje na tem svetu, ga bo ohranil za vecno življenje.« Misel na trpljenje Jezusa vznemiri: »Zdaj je moja duša vznemirjena.« Zato se vpraša: »Kaj naj recem?« V clovekovem srcu se pred ponižanjem in trpljenjem spontano porodi prošnja po rešitvi. Zato Jezus rece: »Oce, reši me iz te ure.« Potem pa preseže prvi clovekov odziv in rece: »Zavoljo tega sem prišel v to uro. Oce, povelicaj svoje ime!« Evangelist Matej pravi, da Jezus na zacetku prosi Oceta, da bi ta ura šla mimo njega, na koncu pa: »Oce ... naj se zgodi tvoja volja« (Mt 26,42). V ocenašu nas je Jezus naucil prositi: »Posveceno bodi tvoje ime, zgodi se tvoja volja«. To sta dve Jezusovi želji pred trpljenjem: ne misli na rešitev svojega življenja, am-pak na Ocetovo slavo in na odrešenje sveta. Po teh besedah dobi znamenje z neba, a mnogi tega znamenja niso razumeli. Nekateri so rekli, da je zagrmelo, drugi, da mu je govoril angel. Sam pojasni: »Ta glas ni nastal zaradi mene, ampak zaradi vas. Zdaj je sodba nad tem svetom, zdaj bo vladar tega sveta izgnan, in ko bom povzdignjen z zemlje, bom vse pritegnil k sebi.« Drugo berilo iz pisma Hebrejcem razkriva, kako se Jezus sooca s trpljenjem. Zaradi smrti, ki mu grozi, je v skrajni stiski in Bogu daruje molitve in prošnje. To nam da razumeti, da moramo tudi mi v trpljenju darovati Bogu molitve in prošnje. Ceprav je bil Sin, se je Jezus iz tega, kar je trpel, ucil pokoršcine. Njegovo trpljenje ga je postavilo v skrajno cloveško bedo, ki mu omogoci, da pokoršcino živi na popoln nacin. S svojo cloveško naravo postane popoln clovek, v polnosti združen z Bogom v slavi. Hkrati postane razlog vecnega odrešenja za vse, ki so brezpogojno pokorni. Njegovo trpljenje vsem daje možnost biti rešeni za vso vecnost. Prvo berilo nam pokaže, da je bil to božji nacrt. V najstrašnejšem trenutku zgodovine judovskega ljud-stva, ki je bilo uporno, s cimer je izzvalo takšno nesre-co, se Gospod ne odpove svoji zavezi: »Glej, pridejo dnevi, ko bom z Izraelovo hišo in z Judovo hišo sklenil novo zavezo.« Ta zaveza bo drugacna od sinajske. Tega ni povedal Jeremija, ampak Jezus, ki kaže, da je ta zaveza univerzalna, ker ne temelji na rasi ali naro-dnosti, ampak na notranjem združenju z Bogom. »Svojo postavo bom dal v njihovo notranjost in v njih srca jo bom zapisal.« Nova zaveza bo notranja. Verujocega bo spreminjala od znotraj. Sveto pismo o poznanju Gospoda govori v smislu osebnega odnosa z njim. Poznati ga ne pomeni vedeti, da obstaja, ampak imeti z njim odnos, ki spreminja življenje. (prim. Oznanjevalec 2009, št. 2) 106 | VESTNIK 2024 108 | VESTNIK 2024 110 | VESTNIK 2024 112 | VESTNIK 2024 114 | VESTNIK 2024 116 | VESTNIK 2024 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT Response: Create in me a clean heart, O God. First reading Jeremiah 31:31-34 Jeremiah tells us of God’s continuing patience with us even when we are most stubborn. Second reading Hebrews 5:7-9 It is through Jesus’ obedient suffering that we can be saved. Gospel John 12:20-33 St John reveals to us Jesus’ thoughts and apprehension about his coming suffer-ing. “Now my soul is troubled. What shall I say: Fa-ther, save me from this hour?” (John 12:27) Illustration Michael Heath is a British cartoonist. He’s been working for many years and his cartoons have appeared in all sorts of publications. Any topic is a source of inspiration to him. It could be political, social comment or even religious. In one drawing Michael has Jesus standing with a crowd of people round: him, men, wom-en and children. To one side of the picture there’s a rather puzzled-looking disciple who is being accosted by a very self-important look-ing man who says to the disciple, “I wonder if it’s possible to see him privately”. He clearly thought he shouldn’t be with the riffraff and deserved a one-to-one interview. So many people wanted to see Jesus that he hardly had time to rest. Perhaps we could pick out a few episodes in the Gospel stories about some of the various people who wanted to see him. By that I mean the ones who valued him and not the religious leaders who hated him and wanted him dead. There’s the story of Bartimaeus who was blind and begging by the roadside. When he heard Je-sus and the crowd go by, he yelled out “Son of David, have pity on me.” He was so loud and in-sistent the crowd told him to shut up. He was em-barrassing them. But he took no notice and shout-ed even louder. Jesus gave him back his sight and Bartimaeus became one of his disciples. Then there was the woman in a crowd who quietly touched Jesus’ clothes, knowing she would be cured of her illness. Another was the courteous Roman centurion who asked for just a word from Jesus to cure his servant. When Jesus went to the town of Tyre on the coast, he joined in a battle of wits with the Greek woman who plead-ed for her daughter’s health. Jesus said he could-n’t give the children’s bread to dogs. Quick as a flash, the woman replied that even dogs ate the crumbs from the master’s table. And perhaps the boldest of all was the group who tried to get their paralysed neighbour into the house where Jesus was staying. The crowd blocked the doorway, so they decided to take the roof off and lower the man in via the direct route. Gospel reading What all these people, and so many more, had in common was that they wanted Jesus to do something for them. But what about Jesus himself? Who looked after his needs? Today’s Gospel reading is a bit strange; it’s in two parts, which don’t seem to be connected, but it might give us a clue as to what Jesus is thinking. The Greeks who spoke to Philip were clearly very po-lite. Perhaps Philip wasn’t used to such courtesy be-cause he seemed not to know how to deal with them. He had to go and ask advice from Andrew and the two of them went to Jesus. We don’t know whether Jesus even met the Greek visitors, because his reply is con-centrated on the events that he knows are waiting for him and which trouble his soul. Application Next Sunday is the start of Holy Week. We know this is the most solemn part of the Church’s year. As the week unfolds, we find that Jesus, who has done so much good for everyone, is himself left almost friend-less. In Gethsemane, when he is in agony, his closest apostles fall asleep and give him no comfort. He is be-trayed by one of his own; the disciples run away when Jesus is arrested. Peter denies he even knows him. The crowd which cheered and waved palms when he en-tered Jerusalem now turns nasty when they find he’s not going to drive the Romans out. Shouts of “Hosanna” become “Crucify him”. Jesus is degraded and mocked by the soldiers. The religious leaders vent their hate on him and Rome condemns him unjustly. Jesus accepts all this suffering for our sake. As we heard in the reading from the letter to the Hebrews, “he became, for all who obey him, the source of eter-nal salvation”. Of course, we can’t be physically with Jesus as we remember and re-enact the events of so long ago dur-ing Holy Week, but by opening our hearts as we pro-ceed from Passion Sunday, through Holy Thursday and Good Friday, we can share in the joy of the risen Lord on Easter Day. If we let him, the Lord will write his law of love within our hearts. THE YOUNG SAINT PATRICK By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB Patrick was born in 389 AD in Britain, in a Cath-olic home. His father was a dea-con and his grandfather was a priest (before the days of mandato-ry celibacy). They had land and raised animals on their family farm. They were Roman citizens living on the border of the empire. It was a holy home, with one book, the Bible. Patrick was raised on the stories of the Gos-pels. From his autobiography The Confessions, we learn that Patrick, although he was raised in a home of great faith, was also very restless. As a typical teenager he got into a fair share of trouble. He ad-mits that he was not taking his relationship with God all that seriously. That all changed one day when Patrick was 16 years old. Instead of tending to the flocks and doing chores, he wandered down by the waterside and was suddenly kidnapped. The raiders were “pirates” from Ireland who would sneak onto the English coast to loot and confiscate. A healthy young teen would bring in some money when they got back to Ireland. Tying him down they threw him on their boat. The lad Patrick ended up a slave of a chieftain. At that time Ireland was divided up into territories held by family clans. Chieftains were the rulers. The biggest chieftain in an area was the known as “king” of the entire province. Patrick’s captivity was spent tending sheep. It was a lonely job for a young man in captivity with little hope for escape. This terrible experience gave Patrick lots of time to lament his misfortune. It also gave him time to reflect on the meaning of his life. What did he do for hours while monitoring the sheep? He began to pray! Patrick de-veloped the strong habit of praying. In his own words: “I’d even stay up at night and pray in the woods. Before daybreak I used to be roused to prayer in snow, frost, rain and I felt no sluggishness in me, because the spirit was fervent within me.” One night in prayer he heard the voice of God saying to him, “Lo, thy ship is ready. You will soon go back to your fatherland.” He made the move to run away and at Wicklow he saw a ship about to slip its moorings. He approached the captain who said, “On no account will you be going with us.” But the ship was filled with Irish wolfhounds (big dogs). They were to be delivered to France. The sailors were at a loss as to how to take care of the dogs – they’d be a handful on a 2 to 6-week journey. Seeing Patrick some of the crew said to the captain, “Take the lad with us and he’ll manage the dogs for us.” And so they did. The ship hit heavy weather and the trip did not go as easily as expected. The slave Patrick (he was still a slave – now to these traders) got the whole crew praying to Jesus and the storm ceased. The ship finally landed off the western coast of France far off from the original port of destination. A journey over-land ensued, through dangerous country. It lasted for 28 days with the dogs in tow. Legend says the whole lot of them were near starved and frustrated. The captain said to Patrick, “How is it Christian, thou say-est God is great and almighty, and why can’t you pray that we may be saved from starvation?” Patrick went off and prayed and sure enough a herd of wild pigs passed by, were caught, and the sailors were saved from starvation. The captain and the crew let Patrick go free and the young man made his way back to see his family. Patrick, now 22 years old now (the year was 411), told his family he intended to give his life in service to the Church as a priest. In time he arrived at the monastery of Lerins, in France. He sought entrance into the monastery to begin formation for the priest-hood. The monastery in Lerins was a famous place of Christian learning in France. There Patrick studied theology for several years. He grew in his love for the Church and her doctrines. Like many seminarians, Patrick had his doubts about his vocation: “Should I stay here? Am I really meant to be a priest? Am I supposed to get married?... Does God really have any special plans for his life?” Going back to his family in Britain he hoped to find answers. One night he had another vision and heard yet another message from God. He saw in the vision a group of Irish people tell him, “We beseech thee, holy youth, to come and walk with us once more.” For Pat-rick it was as a divine command to become an evange-list to the Irish people. Patrick returned to the seminary. He grew to have a remarkable command of the Bible. He wanted to go to Ireland as a missionary. Yet he was not “connected” with the bishop or the pope in Rome so there was little hope he’d be given the chance to serve in Ireland. The pope appointed another scholarly man named Palladius as the first bishop of Ireland. In the year 432 a clear indication that Patrick was destined to go to Ireland came: Bishop Palladius died suddenly. Palladius died a broken man. There were few converts and he had had little effect in Ireland in his time there. The Church was desperate! The bishops of France looked around – was there not anyone who had a history or connection with Ireland? Was anyone crazy enough to want to go there? Patrick’s name came up. Ready or not, no one was more qualified than the former Irish slave, Patrick. Bishop Germanus ordained him and off he set for Ireland that same year. (Story to be continued…) KRST - BAPTISM V soboto, 16. marca je zakrament svetega krsta prejela Maya Jade Chlan. Starša deklice sta oce Beau James Chlan in mati Brittany Erin, roj. Tougher. Iskrene cestitke ob krstu njunega drugega otroka, naj jima bosta dobra starša in zgled globoke vere. Naj družino spremlja božji bla-goslov in priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije. THANKYOU - ZAHVALA On behalf of the Prša family, we express our heartfelt gratitude for your presence at Joe’s funer-al. Your condolences, words of comfort, and the outpouring of support during this difficult time have been deeply appreciated. We are sincerely grateful for the beautiful flow-ers and the generous donations in honour of Joe, who was our husband, father, and papa. We sincerely thank Fr. Drago for his comforting words and guidance throughout the funeral service. A special thank you goes out to everyone who brought cookies and sweets, as well as Nancy and the dedicated ladies in the kitchen for preparing such delicious food. Your thoughtfulness and gen-erosity provided comfort to our family and guests. SLOVENIAN SUMMER DAY CAMP SLOVENIAN SUMMER DAY CAMP is happening Tuesday August 13th to Friday August 16th. The reason for the change in weeks this year is because this is the only week I could make work with everyone's busy schedules. I've had many re-quests for the dates so that parents and grandpar-ents can be sure to make themselves and their kid-dies available. We have a lot of plans in the making, but I am looking for more adult and student help. Even if you are able to help out for a day or two, that would be a big help. We are already planning our events and hope to have some great surprises for everyone! Our SSDC will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day with our annual BBQ and campers vs. parents and grandparents/uncles/aunts soccer game. This week truly is a good time for everyone. The kids hang out with friends; they make some new friends while their parents and grandparents share some laughter with members of our community that they may not see very often. We will have another update for you soon, but wanted to make sure you marked your calendars and are ready for our 21st annual Slovenian Summer Day Camp here at St. Gregory's! See you outside on the field for role call August 13th! - Heidy Novak DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA Zadnje case se ob torkovih vecerih kar pogosto praznuje. Tokrat smo slavili rojstni dan Danny-ja Demšarja. Nekaj dobrega za pod zob, nekaj sladke-ga za povrhu, pa še nekaj tekocega, da gre vse lažje dol... Lep, prijeten, družaben vecer je hitro minil. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - March 17th - Sv. Jožef - Banquet - Mass 10 am - March 24th - St. Gregory - Palm Sunday - March 24th - London - Mass at 3:00 p.m. - March 29th - Slovenska šola - Fish Fry 4:30pm (Good Friday) - March 31st - St. Gregory - Easter Sunday - April 14th - St. Gregory - Spring Banquet - April 20th - Slovenski Park - Clean up, Apring AGM 2:30 p.m. - April 27th - Slovenski Park - Spring Banquet CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - March 30th - Štefka Eržen team BRALCI - READERS - MARCH 17TH - Slovenian - English: Sue Augustin GIFT BEARERS AT MASSES - March 17th - St. Joseph's members DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - BANQUET The annual St. Joseph's Banquet will be held this Sun-day March 17th. Please join us for lunch after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. No sales at the door. Na mizi v cerkveni veži so še kuverte za clanarino. V ku-verti je clanska izkaznica za leto 2024. Dajte denar za clanarino ($15) v kuverto in kuverto oddajte v nabiralnik za nedeljsko nabirko. INCOME TAX RECEIPTS Income-tax potrdila, ki jih niste vzeli, smo poslali po pošti. Ce se vam zdi, da številka ni tocna poklicite. POSTNI CAS - PRIPRAVA NA VELIKO NOC V sredo, 20. marca, bo duhovna obnova s priložnostjo za sveto spoved. Zaceli bomo ob 5:00 p.m. Spovedoval bo Fr. Leopold Valant, župnik slovenske župnije Brezmadežne v To-rontu. V casu spovedovanja bo izpostavljeno Najsvetejše za cešcenje in molitev. Ob pol 7h bo zopet križev pot in ob 7:00 p.m. sveta maša s kratkim nagovorom. V petek, 22. marca, je poseben križev pot, kjer bodo v živo predstavljene postaje križe-vega pota. Tokrat bo besedilo v anglešcini. Mary Ann pripravlja vse nastopajoce. Vablje-ni, da se udeležite križevega pota saj je tudi to lepa priprava na Veliko noc. V nedeljo, 24. marca je cvetna nedelja. Na zacetku obeh svetih maš bomo blagoslo-vili zelenje. Tudi palme bodo prišle, kot je na-vada. Popoldne ob 3:00 p.m. je sveta maša tudi pri slovenski skupnosti v Londonu. V ponedeljek, 25. marca, je v Katedrali Baziliki Kristusa Kralja krizmena maša med katero škof blagoslovi sveta olja, ki se uporab-ljajo za podeljevanje zakramentov: olje za katehumene, sveta krizma in sveto olje za bolniško maziljenje. Sveta maša bo ob 2:00 p.m. in ste vabljeni, ce je mogoce, da se je udeležite. Ta dan doma v župniji ni maše, ker smo vsi duhovniki v katedrali. Veliki cetrtek - 28. marec - ob 7:00 h zve-cer je maša - spomin zadnje vecerje. Po maši je kratka molitev z »Jezusom na Oljski gori«. Veliki petek - 29. marec - ni svete maše, je pa bogoslužje ob 3:00 p.m. s cešcenjem križa. Po obredih pa Slovenska šola vabi v dvorano na »Fish Fry«. Velika Sobota - 30. marec - ob 10:00 a.m. je blagoslov velikonocnih jedi v Londonu, v cerkvi St. John the Divine. V župnijski cerkvi bo blagoslovi jedil ob 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. in 5:00 p.m. - Ob 8:00 p.m. - Velikonocna vigilija Velika noc - nedelja 31. marec - svete maše so kot ob nedeljah. DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali V spomin na pokojnega Franca Majzelj: - $200 - Družina Malevic - $100 - Canadian Slovenian Historical So-ciety - $100 - Hribljan Anton v spomin na pok. Marico in Franca Majzelj in $50 - v spomin na pokojnega Slavka Slobodnika. - $100 - Vera Lackovic z družino v spomin na pokojnega Joe Ivan Prša. - $50 - Hema Kosednar z družino v spomin na pokojno Frido Babic Hvala za vse vaše darove. SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a per-sonal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 DON BOSCO Svete maše - Masses V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: 5. POSTNA - TIHA NEDELJA 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT 17. MAREC Patricij, škof †† † †† †† † † † † † †† † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Peter Berkovic Frank Gimpelj, obl. Jože in Norma Tompa Franc in Matilda Lovrencec Jožef Balažic Joe Tompa Ivan Tompa Tony Ferko Lojze Prilesnik Pok. iz družine Fabjan Za zdravje Aljaža Ilija Bartula Slavko Štern, obl. Stephanie Pust, obl. 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - Zlatko in Marija z družino Jože Gimpelj Milka Pavlic z družino Sin Jože z družino Hci Emilia Lovrencec z družino Jožef in Marija Magdic z družino Jože in Marija Magdic z družino Aranka Dundek Žena Marija Marija Prilesnik z družino Marija Prilesnik z družino Sin z družino Žena Marija z družino Družina Pust Rožic Boris March 18, 1996 Lenart Ana Martina March 18, 2014 Halas Teresa March 19, 2008 Stergulc Draga Emma March 21, 1990 Kuzmic Josef March 21, 2011 Suhadolc Anthony March 21, 2021 Stegne Miroslav March 22, 1990 Medica Branko March 22, 2022 Glavac Martin March 24, 2001 Kricaj Stephanus March 24, 2021 FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION This year First Communion and Confirmation will take place on Sunday, May 26, 2024 during the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Preparation for Confirmation will start after Easter and for First Communion in the beginning of May. If you come to the church there is a Form to fill up for whoever would receive First Communion or Confirmation. Or send email to and I will send you a Form. SVETE MAŠE - MASSES PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 18. MAREC. Ciril Jeruzalemski, šk-c.uc. † Eileen MacKenzie 7:00 P.M. N.N. TOREK - TUESDAY 19. MAREC Jožef, mož device Marije †† † † † †† † †† †† † Jožef in Marija Heric Jožef Raduha Jože Hozjan (TO) Florian Miklavcic Jožef in Marija Heric Jožef Raduha Jože, Stanko in Metod Terezija (obl.) in Ivan Halas Joe Ivan Prša 7:00 P.M. Štefan in Francka Antolin Štefan in Francka Antolin Vera Lackovic z družino Žena Anica z družino Hci Anica Miklavcic z družino Anica Miklavcic z družino Brat Tone Kuzma z družino Alojz Sarjaš z družino Vera Lackovic z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 20. MAREC Klavdija, mucenka † Ela Gosgnach 7:00 P.M. Rosemary, Heidy in Adam Novak CETRTEK - THURSDAY 21. MAREC Nikolaj iz Flue, kmet †† Rozalija in Joseph Kolenko 7:00 P.M. Kathy Prša z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 22. MAREC Lea, spokornica † † † Križev pot Theresa Halas Russel Hotrum Franc Majzelj 6:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Stations of the Cross Jožica Novak z družino Jožica Novak z družino Marija Korošec z družino SOBOTA - SATURDAY 23. MAREC Gospodovo oznanjenje Mariji (liturgicni praznik) † †† † † †† † Martin Glavac Martin in Marija Glavac Marija Glavac Jožef Rajbar Franc in Marica Majzelj Joe Ivan Prša 5:30 P.M. Matej Glavac z družino Nikola in Marija Fabina Dragica Macrlje Ana Gergyek Družina Malevic Marija Korošec z družino 6. POSTNA - CVETNA NEDELJA 6TH SUNDAY OF LENT PALM SUNDAY 24. MAREC Katarina Švedska, red. †† † † † † † †† †† †† †† † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Pok iz družine Vegelj Ivan Glavac, obl. Bronco Balažic Štefan Dundek Frida Babic Štefan Lovrencec Pok. iz družine Škrban Pok. iz družine Žižek Pok. farani, prijatelji, znanci Pok. starši, brata in sestre Daniel Nedelko Martin Lukežic, obl. Pokojni Sloveni iz Londona 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. - - - - - - - Jožica Vegelj z družino David in Jenny Antolin z družino David in Jenny Antolin z družino Aranka Dundek Mirko Kolmanic Družina Škrban Družina Škrban Družina Škrban Družina Škrban Jožica Novak z družino Toni in Marija Franc Sin Boris z družino St. John the Divine Parish