M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS 109–115 OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS OPTIMIRANJE PARAMETROV PRI TORNEM VARJENJU NERJAVNEGA JEKLA NA BAKRENE DELE Mumin Sahin Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trakya University, 22180 Edirne, Turkey mumins@trakya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-01-25; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-13 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.023 St-Cu (stainless steel and copper) parts were friction welded with the aim to optimize the process parameters in the present study. The joints obtained with various process-parameter combinations were subjected to a tensile test. Empirical relationships were developed to predict the strength of the joints using RSM (the response-surface methodology) and the coherency of the model was tested. The tensile properties, microhardness variations, SEM, the EDS analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the welded specimens were evaluated. It was found, with an ANOVA analysis, that the friction pressure/friction time relation has the largest influence on the tensile strength of the joints followed by the rotational speed. However, it was also found that the formation of intermetallics at the interface is responsible for a higher hardness and lower tensile strength of the friction-welded stainless steel-copper joints. Keywords: friction welding, metallurgy, response-surface methodology, tensile strength V predstavljenem delu so bili deli St-Cu (nerjavno jeklo in baker) torno varjeni z namenom optimizacije procesnih parametrov. Spoji, dobljeni z razli~nimi procesnimi parametri, so bili preizku{eni z nateznim preizkusom. Razvite so bile empiri~ne odvisnosti za napovedovanje trdnosti spojev s pomo~jo RSM (Metodologija odgovora povr{ine) in izvr{ena je bila koherenca modela. Ocenjene so bile natezne lastnosti, spreminjanje mikrotrdote, SEM, EDS analiza in rentgenska difrakcija (XRD) zvarjenih vzorcev. Iz ANOVA analize je bilo ugotovljeno, da ima torni tlak/~as trenja najve~ji vpliv na natezno trdnost spojev, sledi pa mu hitrost vrtenja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je ve~ja trdota in manj{a natezna trdnost torno varjenih spojev posledica nastanka intermetalne zlitine na stiku nerjavno jeklo-baker. Klju~ne besede: torno varjenje, metalurgija, metodologija odgovora povr{ine, natezna trdnost 1 INTRODUCTION Parts made of different materials are known to be cost-effective. The life cycle of the materials, especially in corrosive media, is prolonged. Many ferrous and non- ferrous alloys can be friction welded. Friction welding can be used to join metals of widely different thermal and mechanical properties. The combinations that can be friction welded cannot be joined with other welding techniques because of the formation of brittle phases that make the joint poor with respect to mechanical pro- perties. Friction welding prevents distortion of the mate- rials, as heat is not applied. The welding technology is widely used in manufac- turing. The development of new welding methods gained importance along with the developing technology.1–4 Welding of different metals and their alloys is a common application in engineering solutions. Fusion welding is almost impossible in such cases due to incompatible physical characteristics and chemical compositions of different metals and alloys. As a result, friction welding was developed. Several researches worked on the heat in friction welding.5–7 In friction welding, heat is generated at the interface of the workpieces since mechanical ener- gy is dissipated as heat during the rotation under pressure. Friction welding is a solid-state welding pro- cess, using the heat generated through the mechanical friction with a moving workpiece, with an addition of an upsetting pressure to plastically displace the material. Friction welding is generally used to join the parts that are axially symmetrical and have circular cross-sections. However, it can be easily used to join parts without cir- cular cross-sections, with the aid of automation devices and computerized control facilities.8 It is an energy saver since heat is not applied. The friction time and pressure, the upset time and pressure and the speed of rotation are the principal variables in friction welding.9–12 There are two types of friction-welding techniques: continuous-drive friction welding and inertia friction welding. Different metals have different hardness values and different melting points. Interface activity during friction welding forms brittle intermetallic phases or eutectics with low melting points. Clean welding surfaces are also of prime import- ance.13–15 In welded St-Cu joints, the joint strength in- creases with the increasing upset pressure up to the critical value. An increase in the friction time causes a lower strength of a St-Cu joint compared to the Cu base metal.16 A deformation of the material during friction welding is generally due to the diffusion involving a Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 109 UDK 621.791.1:669.14.018.8:669.3:519.61/.64 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)109(2016) migration of lattice defects, which can be influenced by an external electric field.17 Sintered powder metallurgical preforms have a low mass, high stiffness and, therefore, their natural frequency is high. Having inherent porosity, they can also be good dampeners besides possessing the latent lubricant.18 Maalekian19 found that the formation of hard interlayers, such as intermetallic phases, when joining dissimilar materials may cause a joint to become brittle. Further, Sahin et al.20,21 showed that the interme- tallic phases formed in the interface cause a decrease in the strength of the joints. However, based on the literature review, Murti and Sundaresan22 carried out a study about a parameter opti- mization using a statistical approach based on factorial- experiment-design friction welding of dissimilar materials. The response-surface methodology (RSM) is a collection of mathematical and statistical techniques that are useful for designing a set of experiments, developing a mathematical model, analyzing the optimum combina- tion of the input parameters and graphically expressing the values.23 To obtain the maximum strength, it is essen- tial to have complete control over the relevant process parameters as demonstrated.24 Therefore, in this work, an attempt was made to opti- mize the process parameters of continuous-drive friction welding to achieve the maximum tensile strength of stainless steel-copper parts using the response-surface methodology. Tensile tests were performed on the welded test parts. A microstructure analysis, EDS anal- ysis, XRD analysis and microhardness variations were also carried out on the test parts. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK In the experiments, AISI 304 austenitic stainless-steel and copper parts having a diameter of 10 mm were made using the continuous-drive friction-welding process parameters. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of the stainless-steel and copper parts are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively, as given in25. Different combinations of the process parameters were used to carry out the trial runs. Process parameters were tested by varying one of the factors while keeping the rest of them at constant values. The working range of each process parameter was determined for a smooth appearance without any observable defects. The selected levels of the process parameters and design matrix with their units and notations are presented in Tables 3 and 4. However, in order to examine the intermetallic phases formed at the interface of the joints, SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and EDS (energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) were applied to the joints. Examinations were carried out with an SEM-JEOL JSM 5410 LV microscope and in the field of 200 kV. In addition, the weld zones of the joints were analyzed in this work since an XRD analysis of the phase constituents in the weld zone is of a great importance. Then, the strength of the joints was related to the hardness variation within the HAZ. The hardness vari- ations across the welding regions of the joints were measured using a 0.3 kg load Vickers microhardness test. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Empirical relationships and the optimization The responses, the tensile-strength (TS) values of friction-welded joints, are the functions of the friction- welding parameters such as the friction pressure per second (F), the forging pressure per second (D) and the rotational speed per second (N) and they can be ex- pressed as: M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS 110 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 Table 1: Chemical composition of austenitic stainless steel used in the experiment25 Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava avstenitnega nerjavnega jekla, uporabljenega pri preizkusu25 Material % C % P % S % Mn % Si % Cr % Ni Tensile strength(MPa) AISI 304 (X5CrNi1810) < 0.07 < 0.045 < 0.030 < 2.0 < 1.0 17–19 8.5–10.5 825 Table 2: Chemical composition of copper used in the experiment Tabela 2: Kemijska sestava bakra, uporabljenega pri preizkusu Copper % Sn % Pb % Zn % P % Mn % Fe % Ni % Si % Mg % Al % Bi % S % Sb % Cu Tensile strength(MPa) 0.00222 <0.0020 <0.0010 0.00137 <0.0005 0.0381 <0.0010 0.00745 0.00376 0.00500 <0.0005 0.00251 <0.0020 99.93 300 Table 3: Feasible working limits of friction-welding parameters Tabela 3: Obmo~je delovnih parametrov pri tornem varjenju Parameter Notation Unit Level –1.68 (–1) (0) (+1) +1.68 Friction pressure/Friction time F MPa/s 3.78 5.82 8.82 11.82 13.86 Upset pressure/Upset time D MPa/s 2.96 5 8 11 13.04 Rotational speed/sec N s–1 18.46 20.5 23.5 26.5 28.54 TS = f {F, D, N} (1) The second-order polynomial (regression) equation used to represent the response surface Y (TS) is as follows: Y = b0 + bixi + bii xi 2+ bij xi xj 2) and for three factors, the selected polynomial could be expressed as: TS = b0 + b1(F) + b2(D) + b3(N) + b12(FD) + b13(FN) + + b23(DN) + b11(F 2) + b22(D 2) + b33(N 2) (3) Regression coefficients are b1, b2, b3, … b44 where b0 is the average of the responses and they depend on the respective linear, interaction and squared terms of the factors as shown in26,27. The significance of each coefficient was determined with a t-test and p-values, listed in Table 5. The value of a coefficient was calculated using the Design-Expert software. The values of the probability>F of less than 0.05 indicate that the model terms are significant. In this case, F, D, N, FD, FN, DN, F2, D2 and N2 are significant model terms. The values greater than 0.1 point out that the model terms are not significant. The results of multiple linear regression coefficients for the second-order response surface model are given in Table 6. The final empirical relationship was obtained using only these coefficients, and the developing final empiri- cal relationship for the tensile strength is given below: TS = [221.36 + 18.16F + 10.90D + 13.05N – 6.62FD – 9.12FN + 2.88DN – 14.74F2 – 12.80D2 – 6.08N2] (4) The ANOVA (analysis of variance) technique was used to check the adequacy of the developing empirical relationship. In this investigation, the desired level of confidence was taken to be 95 %. The relationship is considered adequate if the calculated F-value of the model developed does not go over the standard tabulated F-value and the calculated R-value of the developed relationship exceeds the standard tabulated R-value for a desired level of confidence. It was found that the above model is adequate. In the same way, interactions FD, FN, DN had significant effects. A lack of fit was not signi- ficant though it was desired. The normal probability plot of the residuals for the tensile strength is shown in Figure 1. It reveals that the residuals are on a straight line, which means that the errors are distributed nor- mally. Each predicted value matches well its experimen- tal value, as shown in Figure 2. The response-surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the friction- welding parameters in this study. The response contours can assist in the prediction of the response for any zone in the experimental field as observed in24,25. M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 111 Table 4: Design matrix and the corresponding output response Tabela 4: Postavljena matrika in ustrezni dobljeni odgovori Standard order Run order Original value Tensile strength (MPa)F D N 16 1 8.82 8 23.5 223 18 2 8.82 8 23.5 222 4 3 11.82 11 20.5 190 9 4 3.78 8 23.5 150 20 5 8.82 8 23.5 218 6 6 11.82 5 26.5 210 15 7 8.82 8 23.5 223 1 8 5.82 5 20.5 130 7 9 5.82 11 26.5 213 5 10 5.82 5 26.5 180 8 11 11.82 11 26.5 215 12 12 8.82 13.04 23.5 217 11 13 8.82 2.96 23.5 160 10 14 13.86 8 23.5 216 3 15 5.82 11 20.5 150 19 16 8.82 8 23.5 222 17 17 8.82 8 23.5 219 13 18 8.82 8 18.46 200 14 19 8.82 8 28.54 215 2 20 11.82 5 20.5 195 Table 5: ANOVA test results for the response of the tensile strength Tabela 5: Rezultati ANOVA preizkusa za odgovore natezne trdnosti Sum of squares Mean square F-value P-value si gn if ic an t Source df prob > F Model 14726.69 9 1636.30 13.39 0.0002 A-F 4503.47 1 4503.47 36.85 0.0001 B-D 1622.62 1 1622.62 13.28 0.0045 C-N 2325.93 1 2325.93 19.03 0.0014 AB 351.12 1 351.12 2.87 0.1209 AC 666.12 1 666.12 5.45 0.0417 BC 66.13 1 66.13 0.54 0.4789 A^2 3132.15 1 3132.15 25.63 0.0005 B^2 2360.38 1 2360.38 19.31 0.0013 C^2 532.80 1 532.80 4.36 0.0633 Residual 1222.11 10 122.21 Lack of fit 1199.28 5 239.86 52.52 0.0003 Pure error 22.83 5 4.57 Cor. total 15948.80 19 Std. dev. 11.05 R-squared 0.9234 Mean 198.40 Adj. R-squared 0.8544 Table 6: Estimated regression coefficients Tabela 6: Ocenjeni regresijski koeficienti Factor Estimated regression coefficients Tensile strength (MPa) Intercept 221.36 F–friction force/friction time 18.16 D–upset force/upset time 10.90 N–rotational speed 13.05 FD –6.62 FN –9.12 DN 2.88 F2 –14.74 D2 –12.80 N2 –6.08 The end of the response plot shows the maximum achievable tensile strength. Figures 3 and 4 show that the tensile strength increases with the increasing friction pressure/time relation and rotational speed and then it decreases. The maximum tensile strength of the friction-welded joints was attained under the following welding con- ditions: a friction pressure/time relation of 8.82 MPa/s (a friction pressure of 75 MPa and a friction time of 8.5 s), an upset pressure/time relation of 8 MPa/s (an upset pressure of 160 MPa and an upset time of 20 s) and a rotational speed of and 23.5 s–1, showing the accuracy of the model. During the welding processes, the strength of the welds obtained with dissimilar materials strongly de- pends on the temperature attained by each substrate. Differences in the mechanical and thermophysical properties and behaviour of the substrates at the interface influence the quality of the joints during the welding as reported in20,21. 3.2 Metallurgical analysis The macrophotography of the joints is given in Fig- ure 5. There is no evidence of cracking or other defects in the joints. Due to the variations in the strength of the materials, an appreciable variation in the width of the HAZ (heat-affected zone) region is evident from the joints. However, the microstructure of stainless steel is characterized by equiaxed grains, in the austenitic-grain structure being the natural structure of this type of steel at room temperature (Figure 6). M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS 112 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 Figure 4: Contour plots of the process parameters for the tensile strength Slika 4: Prikaz obrisov procesnih parametrov na natezno trdnost Figure 2: Correlation graph of the response Slika 2: Prikaz korelacije odziva Figure 3: Response plots of the process parameters for the tensile strength Slika 3: Prikaz odziva procesnih parametrov na natezno trdnost Figure 1: Normal probability plot of residuals Slika 1: Normalna verjetnost izrisa ostankov However, copper is formed of eutectic particles, having dark points indicating that it is a mixture of pure copper and cuprous oxide, dispersed in the ground copper (Figure 7). The effect of melting was minimal at the interface because the heat-affected zone (HAZ) was small (Figure 8). It is also observed that the joints have larger deforma- tions on the Cu side compared to the steel side (Figure 5). Welding flashes occur on the copper side of the inter- face because the melting temperature of copper is lower than the melting temperature of steel. However, stainless steel does not undergo an extensive deformation while copper undergoes an extensive melting because of the high generated and concentrated frictional heat. Since copper has a higher thermal conductivity than steel, the heat-affected zone on the copper side is wider M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 113 Figure 9: EDS analysis of the intermetallic-phase zone of a joint: a) SEM, b) EDS spectrum Slika 9: EDS-analiza intermetalne faze na stiku: a) SEM, b) EDS spekter Figure 7: Microstructure of copper Slika 7: Mikrostruktura bakra Figure 8: Image of the interface of a joint Slika 8: Posnetek stika v spoju Figure 5: Macrophotography of a joint Slika 5: Makroposnetek spoja Figure 6: Microstructure of stainless steel Slika 6: Mikrostruktura nerjavnega jekla than that of the steel side. There is no change in the grain size on the steel side. The presence of small particles on the copper side reveals hardening on this side. There are equiaxed  grains and Cu2O particles on the copper side. The interface elements of both materials diffused along the interface and some intermetallic phases were formed at the interface as reported in20,21. The EDS analysis performed at a defined zone of the interface showed that the interface was formed of 2.70 % C, 0.98 % Cr, 2.96 % Fe and 93.36 % Cu (Table 7). Thus, the presence of intermetallic phases at the inter- face is obvious. Copper-oxide films were broken into pieces due to an excessive deformation at the interface caused by the rotation (Figure 9). According to Figure 10, the X-ray diffraction results for friction-welded stainless steel-copper joints indicated that FeCu4 and Cu2NiZn intermetallics were formed in the welding zone. The thickness of the layer containing the inter- metallic phases varied between 8.72 μm and 17.53 μm (Figure 11). 3.3 Microhardness measurement The microhardness of a joint was measured across the weld region and the values were plotted as shown in Figure 12. The microhardness is maximum at the inter- face; this may be due to the formation of brittle inter- metallics, and it is one of the reasons for a lower tensile strength of dissimilar joints. 4 CONCLUSIONS Stainless-steel and copper parts were successfully friction joined in this work. The following important conclusions were obtained from this investigation: • Empirical relationships were developed to predict the tensile strength of the friction-welded stainless-steel and copper parts incorporating process parameters at a 95 % confidence level. The friction-welding para- meters were optimized with the response-surface methodology to attain the maximum tensile strength. • The maximum tensile strength of 223 MPa was attained in the friction-welded joints under the following welding conditions: a friction pressure/ time relation of 8.82 MPa/s, an upset pressure/time relation of 8 MPa/s and a rotational speed of 23.5 s–1. • The friction pressure/friction time relation was found to have the greatest influence on the tensile strength of the joints, followed by the rotational speed. • Various intermetallic phases such as FeCu4 and Cu2NiZn occurred at the interface. The formation of intermetallics at the interface is responsible for the M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS 114 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 Figure 12: Microhardness variation across the joint Slika 12: Spreminjanje mikrotrdote preko spoja Figure 10: XRD results for the welding zone of a joint Slika 10: Rezultati rentgenske analize (XRD) v zvaru stika Table 7: EDS analysis of the defined zone at the interface Tabela 7: EDS-analiza ozna~enega podro~ja na stiku Element (w/%) (x/%) C 2.70 12.72 Cr 0.98 1.07 Fe 2.96 3.00 Cu 93.36 83.21 Total 100.00 Figure 11: Thicknesses of the intermetallic phases at the interface Slika 11: Debelina intermetalnih faz na stiku higher hardness and lower tensile strength of the friction-welded stainless steel-copper joints. • The intermetallic phases at the interface are also expected to play a role in the hardness variations. Acknowledgement The author would like to thank Trakya Univer- sity/Edirne–Turkey, Hema Industry/Çerkezköy–Turkey and TUBITAK MRC/Gebze–Turkey for the help in the experimental part of the study. 5 REFERENCES 1 V. I. Vill, Friction Welding of Metals, AWS, New York 1962 2 W. Kinley, Inertia welding: simple in principle and application, Welding and Metal Fabrication, (1979), 585–589 3 N. I. Fomichev, The friction welding of new high speed tool steels to structural steels, Weld. Prod., (1980), 35–38 4 C. R. G. Ellis, Friction Welding; some recent applications of friction welding, Welding and Metal Fabrication, (1977), 207–213 5 K. P. Imshennik, Heating in friction welding, Weld. Prod., (1973), 76–79 6 T. Rich, R. Roberts, Thermal analysis for basic friction welding, Met. Const. and British Weld. J., (1971), 93–98 7 A. Sluzalec, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 32 (1990) 6, 467–478, doi:10.1016/0020-7403(90)90153-A 8 M. Sahin, H. E. 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