ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 5 MAY, 1966 VOLUME 38 et<^/)cu. The Frank Miheliehs of Gilbert, Minn., and their seven daughters The Joseph Erjavec Family of Joliet, Illinois Twelve grandchildren pose with their grandparents on this photo, and they belong to the Edward Ancel Family (6), Rudolph Pucel family (4) and Ruth family (2). They are members of Br. 20, where Grandmother is Recording Secretary. The Frank Mihelich Family of Gilbert, Minnesota Seven daughters of this family provide happy moments. They are: Ana, Marija, Helena, Martina, Theresa, Vida and Blažena. Their Mother’s story is written in the special feature inside. They are members of Br. 19 in Eveleth. ZARJA - THE DAWN ? Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Pott Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. fficial Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America radno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. VOL. XXXVIII — NO. 5 MAY, 19(56 LETO XXXVIII — ŠT. 5 NEW CAMPAIGN FOR NEW MEMBERS: PRE-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN This Campaign is in preparation for the 14th National S.W.U. Convention May 24-28, 1967 at Washington, D. C. Prizes will be cash awards following the point system for every new member AND, ALSO FOR TRANSFER MEMBERS! Class “BEE” Member will give the worker one full point and one dollar cash! Class “AYE” Member will be worth one half point and one half dollar cash! HOW THE TRANSFER MEMBER CAN EARN POINTS A member transferring to a higher class will earn the same points as a new member. From Class AYE to BEE, is one point — from Class JR. to AYE is one half point. Cash awards will be counted as well, on the same basis, for the amount of the higher class WHO WILL BE THE S.W.U s "TOP SECRETARY?" ....A special award will be given to support the branch secretary and help her earn points for this title.. Let’s all honor our diligent Secretaries in the 1966 PRE-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN! On until Dec. 31, ’66 JUVENILE MEMBERSHIP FACTS S.W.U. Juvenile Department: Boy or girl, from birth, may join the Juvenile Class for $100.00 funeral ben-fit. The premium is 10c per month. The Juvenile member may remain in this department for his or her lifetime, paying the 10c premium. If a Juvenile member is enrolled at birth or anytime until the first birthday, the assessment until the first birthday is FREE. A $50.00 Rider is attached to the adult policy at the time of transfer, if the juvenile is enrolled at birth. This Rider stipulation is in effect as of March 1, 1966. A Juvenile member may transfer to the adult class, either Class A or Class B, at any time between the ages of 14 to 21 years. A boy member of the Juvenile Department may remain in the Juvenile for his lifetime or transfer to the adult class if he prefers, upon reaching the age of 14 to 21 years. DATES TO REMEMBER: May 1—Corporate Communion, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts, O. May 1!—Mother's Day Party, Br. 46, St. Louis, 12:30 p.m. May 2—Mother’s Day Party, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts, O. May 4— Mother's Day Party, Br. 95, S. Chicago, 111. May 4—Mother’s Day Dinner, Br. 21, Cleveland, 6:30 p. m. May 8—Corporate Communion, Br. 15, Cleveland Ohio, Br. 20, Joliet, 111., 7:30. Br. 68, Fairport Harbor, O. May 8—Corporate Communion, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. May 9—Mother’s Day Program, Br. 25, Cleveland Ohio May 9, 10, 11—Rummage Sale, Br. 100, Fontana, Cal. May 10—Rummage Sale, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. May 11 Mother’s Day Party, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio May 12—Mother-Daughter Prayer Hour, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Covered Dish Dinner, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio May 15—Mother’s Day Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Anniversary Banquet, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. — Members’ Mass, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., O. —Dinner Party, Br. 68. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio May 17—Luncheon Party, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Party, Pa. May 18—Mother-Daughter Dinner, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio, May 22—PENNA STATE CONVENTION -30th Anniv. Br. 71, Strabane, Pa. H im BIRTHDAY //V MAY Supreme Officers: May 1—Marie Floryan, Supreme Vice-President. May 10—Mary Tomsic, State President, Penna. May 15—Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer, May 26—Frances Gaspich, Supreme Auditor. Branch Presidents: May 2—Frances Anzelc, Br. 39, Biwabilc, Minn. May 5—Ann Satkovich, Br. 56, Hibbing, iMnn. May 9—Agnes Klarich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. May 9—Catherine Hoefler, Br. 106, Meadowlands, Pa. May 11—Christine Konte, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. May 18—Ann Jackjvich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. May 21—Angela Voje, Br. 84, New York, N. Y. May 24—Antonia Kastelic, Br. 42, Maple Hgts, Ohio May 25—Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 30—Mary Snezic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa. OUR SECRETARIES’ BIRTHDAYS May 6—Gladys Buck, Br. 16. So. Chicago, 111. May 10—Marie Beck, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio May 11—Theresa Zefron, Br. 30, Aurora, 111. May 13—Anna F. Svet, Br. 84, New York, N. Y. May 13—Mary F. Mejac, Br. 103, Washington, D. C. May 18—Jennie Ožbolt, Br. G, Barberton, Ohio May 22—Ellen Nortnik, Br. 63, Denver, Colo. May 22—Jennie Tavchar, Br. 65, Virginia, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ACTIVITIES Sheboygan, Wis., No. 1. Greetings to all from Sheboygan branch. Plans are on the way for our Mother’s Day program on May 15th, after our meeting which will commence at 2 o’clock. We hope all members will be able to attend. The junior department will perform. There will be table favors and refreshments. Mrs. Marie Pris-land and Mrs. Olga Saye are in charge of the program. Our Motlier-of-the-Year Mrs. Antoinette Brulla will be honored at that time. The state convention will be held September 11th in the St. Cyril and Methodius Hall in conjuction with our 40th anniversary. We will hold our meeting before gathering in a body for the 11:30 a. m. Mass. Dinner will be at Standard Hall at one o’clock followed by a program in which Marija Kranjc Fischinger, mezzo-soprano from Chicago will sing. The following will be in charge of the festivities: Mesdames Olga Saye, Chairman; Anna Modez, program book; Sylvia Drexler, ticket committee; Marie Prisland, program and Margaret Fischer publicity. We enrolled three new Class B members recently who are: Misses Linda Martin, Barbara Schmidt and Mrs. Barbara Lilyquist. We welcome them and we hope they enjoy being members of our branch. Our sympathy goes to the Malwitz family upon the passing of Mrs. Louise Bowhan, mother and mother-in-law, who was a long-time member of good standing in our branch. May her soul rest in peace. A thank you for a generous donation into our treasury from Mrs. Josephine Vogrin, Smyrna Beach, Florida and Mrs. Josephine Remshak, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Our branch renewed its membership with the County Welfare Council. Delegates are Mrs. Marie Prisland and Mrs. Dorothy Kregel. A quick recovery is hoped for all sick members. We hope to see you all May 15th. Margaret Fischer, Secretary No. 2, Chicago, III. We are inaugurating a new idea for the annual Mother’s celebration this month. On May 12th, we shall have a Mother-Daughter Prayer Hour at St. Stephen’s church at 7:30 p. m. and then retire to our regular meeting place in the lower hall for cake and coffee. Every member of Br. 2 is invited to bring along her daughter, granddaughter, niece, or some other relative or relatives, however it applies to your case. Grandmas will bring their daughters or grandchildren, mothers will bring along their little ones. This will be a Special Prayer Hour with Benediction and the singing Litany of the Blessed Virgin and many other Marian Hymns will be (Please turn to page 99.) Supreme President’s Message Dear members: RUBY CAMPAIGN RESULTS The Ruby Campaign closed April 1st with 2G6 new members. It was not the goal that we had expected, but still, we are very satisfied with this number. With so much bad weather and snow, we know everyone had a difficult time getting around this past winter. I am very proud of my own branch, No. 50, and extend congratulations to Ohio State President, Mary Bostian who came in first as the top individual worker. Br. 50 will be awarded $25.00 as the first prize among branches! Mary will be the winner of the beautiful Zveza charm and cash besides. All other winners will be listed in the final report on the Ruby Campaign. Thanks to all who have done their part in procurring new members and we hope you will all continue to work in the Pre-Convention campaign now in effect. Pennsylvania State Day Preparations are in readiness for the Penna State Convention and 30th anniversary of Br. 71 to be held at the KSKJ Hall in Strabane, Pa. on May 22, 1966. The meeting will start at 1 p. m. sharp and the banquet at 2 p.m. All bianclies in Pennsylvania and Ohio are invited to attend. Many of our members know each other from previous conventions and this will be a fine time to get re-acquainted. Important topics will be discussed and we hope to have our National Secretary, Albina Novak, on hand to talk over any business matters which need explanation. Your State President, Mrs. Mary Tomsic is trying her best in every way possible to keep your branches active and lively and so, by attending this convention you not only are helping your own members, but, you will be showing Mrs. Tomsic that you are working with her and giving her that inspiration to help her in the times ahead. So, we’ll all be seeing you at the Convention, May 22 at Strabane. Congratulations to the following branches celebrating their 30th anniversaries this month of May: Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa., organized May 6, 1936 by Magdelina Widina. Br. 78, Leadville, Colo., organized May 8, 1936 by Mary Stariha. Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash., organized May 10, 1936 by Mary Planter. Celebrating their 25 th anniversary will be: Br. 102, Willard, Wis., organized May l'l, 1941 by Marie Prisland. Eastern Bowling Tournament Eastern Bowling Tournament of March 20, again turned out to be a very fine tournament despite the fact that we had 4 fewer teams this year than last. This was due to the fact that many bowlers were on the sick list. The luncheon served after the bowling was enjoyed by all and the prizes were given to the winners during the luncheon. Thanking all the bowling enthusiasts who participated and all who donated delicious pastry; to all the score keepers, Alice Arko, Joe Lea and Miss Dobnikar who assisted with counting the final scores and we can’t forget the wonderful ladies who prepared the luncheon, and they were Mary Bostian, Helen Kolar, Frances Sietz, Anna Godlar and Frances Lindich. The results of the tourney will be itemized in the June issue. Top team was from Br. 15, Capt. B. Zupančič! Best to all and keep up the good bowling! To all Mothers, I wish a very beautiful and happy day and may the good Lord provide you with many more healthy years among your family and friends. Happy Birthday to all observing this month and speedy recovery to the ailing. Toni Turek SPECIAL MOTHER’S DAY FEATURE, PAGES (08 to 121 The continuing story of Washington, D. C., the nation’s capital tells of landmarks of the great city which will be the site of our 14th National S.W.U. Convention in 1967. The author, Miss Irene M. Planinšek, Is the president of Br. 103 in Washington and although a native of Joliet, III., resides in a suburb of Washington and teaches high school drama. Her preliminary outline of the places she will describe foretell a wonderful series. This is the second. II The Capital reflects various styles of architectural design although most of it conforms to the classical Greek and Roman. Its white imposing buildings are seldom over four or five stories in height throughout the area. Hundreds of monuments and memorials honor the heroes and statesmen of America and our allies. Educationally, Washington is the home of American University, Georgetown University, George Washington University, The Catholic University of America, National University, Howard University and Gallaudet College for the deaf. There are more than two hundred libraries in Washington. The largest and most splendid is the Library of Congress, one of the world’s greatest research libraries. It was first only intended for the use of Congressmen, but is now open to all scholars and contains over 35 million items. The Folger Shakespeare Library, located behind the Congressional Library, owns nearly 150,000 volumes and specializes in Shakespearean works. Within its walls can be found a theater, museum and many early editions of rare books on or by William Shakespeare. Noted museums in the area are the Smithsonian Institute, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Geographic Society and the Natural History Building. Culture-wise the most important art galleries are the Corcoran Art Gallery, one of the oldest and best known art institutions in the world, the National Gallery of Art which is one of the most beautiful buildings in Washington and the Modern Gallery of Art. Many of the public buildings in Washington also display some of the world’s finest paintings and sculptures. Regarding entertainment, the repertory is vast, interesting and ever changing, from sports, dance, and concerts to the theater. It would be impossible to list in detail all activities available to Washingtonians during the entire year. Of the many churches in Washington, there are three which people most often visit: The Washington Cathedral, The National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and the Franciscan Monastery. The park system of Washington is made up of five large parks and several hundred smaller areas which are used as playgrounds and athletic fields. Rock Creek Park covers 1,600 acres of fields, forests, cliffs, bridle paths, footpaths and bridges. In any season of the year it is a rewarding experience to ride or walk through scenic Rock Creek Park. The Zoological Park comprises 109 acres and boasts mammals, birds, fish and reptiles from all parts of the world. On the banks of the Potomac River are East Potomac Park and West Potomac Park which were once swamps but their 737 acres have been drained of water and turned into playgrounds, golf courses, picnic grounds and a tourist camp. The Washington Botanical Garden has an arboretum which includes cacti, orchids, palms and other tropical shrubs and trees along with a bird sanctuary. With a population of about 764,000, Washington ranks ninth among the cities of the United States. The metropolitan area which includes Washington, D. C., and the outlying sections of Maryland and Virginia have a population of two million. Government is the business of Washington. About one out of every three workers is an employee of the Federal Government, ranging from members of the President’s Cabinet to the lowest paid clerical workers. Washingtonians have come to the capital from farms, villages and great cities throughout the United States, its territories and possessions. In peace or war, these workers man the Federal agencies that make up the nation’s nerve center. Negroes make up more than half the population of the city. This is the largest percentage for any major American city. A significant portion of the population changes from year to year. This is partly because many persons work in the city for a few years to gain specialized experience in government positions before transferring to government jobs elsewhere. Shifts in the political control of the federal government also cause periodic changes. Millions of visitors from all parts of the United States travel to Washington each year. Most Americans feel that they want to visit their national capital at least once. In the articles to follow the most popular sights that tourists want to visit will be discussed in detail. A number of the most frequented landmarks are listed: The Capitol The White House Supreme Court National Archives Washington Monument Lincoln Memorial Jefferson Memorial National Gallery of Art Smithsonian Institution Mount Vernon Franciscan Monastery Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Statue) Kennedy’s Grave Arlington Cemetery Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Bureau of Engraving and Printing Custis-Lee Mansion F.B.I. Building Folger Library Library of Congress Lincoln Museum (Ford’s Theater) Phillips Collection Washington Cathedral Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Wax Museum Voice of America These landmarks compress the historical heritage of America, how it came about, how it grew and why it still stands as a symbol of freedom and justice in the world. In Washington, D. C., there is evidence of the struggles that have been made and the struggles and sacrifices that must yet be made to keep the goals of freedom and justice alive for all. (To Be Continued) No. 2, Continued— sung by the entire community present. A word of cheer to sisters Mary Markovich who is ill and to Christine Dolmovich who will be undergoing surgery this month. We are proud that we enrolled 24 new members in the campaign. 10 of them due to the efforts of our president, Mrs. J. Z. We also have committees arranged for Lemont Zveza Day on July 17th and wish to thank sister Anna Beranich for her generous donation of hand-made prizes for the booth. We hope she is feeling better now. Mrs. J. Z. reported all is in readiness at Lemont for the outdoor Mass and usual afternoon festivities. Discussion on these important topics will continue at the June meeting. In May we will only celebrate (and the secretary will collect dues). We will also honor our Mother-of-the- Year, Mrs. Sophie Petrovič, our auditor for many years, who is another of our very finest members. A happy Mother’s Day to her and all our mothers of Zveza! See you May 12'th. Corinne Leskovar MY MOTHER’S DAY WISH for you will be Like prayers upon my rosary. Each bead a prayer to cheer, bless. Linked on a chain of happiness. I pray that you may have true peace. And that God’s graces never cease. I pray your heart’s contentment, too May fill the years ahead of you. Submitted by Paula Ozbolt, Br. 2 No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News. The bowling season has certainly flown by. The Midwestern tournament is behind us and we are entering our last ‘month of bowling. We had a grand time in Joliet. Chicago was represented by 11 teams. Many of us bowled singles and doubles on Saturday—those who stayed overnight can vouch for the warm hospitality shown us. Meanwhile, back home, the fight for first place continues, although it is narrowing down to a contest between three teams. As of March 29, St. Paul Federal, with a record of 58 wins and 35 losses, topped the list. Marquette Service Station and Reliance Federal ran a close second with 5fi wins and 37 losses. It, is amazing how many bowlers were able to pick up railroads this month. (I think they just want to see their names in print.) March’s stars were S. Gorka, C. Waitkus, L. Ovnik, S. Melissa, and A. Persa, 5-7; J. Vucko, 2-2-10; L. Hasek, 5-10, 4-5-7, 5-7-9 and 3-7; E. Kroschel, 3-10 and 5-7; B. Zu-rek, 5-7 and 5-7-9; S. Persa, 4-10; M. Zefran, 5-7-9; E. Statkus, 3-10 and "5-10; C. Tomazin, 5-10 and 5-7; V. Rank, 3-10; C. Gospo, 2-7 and 3-10; A. Kovacs, 3-7 and 2-6-10; F. Zefran, 2-4-7-10; F. Smulski, 5-10. Barbara Zurek 25th ANN1VEKSAKY ME MOKI AM No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — Many thanks to all for the cards, flowers and calls during my recent illness. Thanks to the doctors, lodges and friends from near and far, who sent me greetings. This long illness has been a trying thing, but because of all the consideration shown me by my friends In Zveza and other organizations, I have been able to endure these trying times. Now, that I am at home again, having spent my anniversary in the hospital with my husband, Martin, by my side, I am feeling better. I am just waiting for the spring flowers to bloom to add joy to my days. Mary Slanec, past president No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Mother of the Year, Ann Stich, was honored at our breakfast April 24th following the 9; 30 Mass. The location of our breakfast was the Holiday Inn and President Rose Scoff, was chairman of the day. We are very proud of our Ann who has been nominated Mother of the year twice, but declined last year in favor of her mother, Barbara Nemanich, our charter president. This gesture was a lovely one because Barbara passed away soon afterward. This is the kind of person Ann is, so generous and always thinking of someone other than herself. So, Happy Mother’s Day, to our youngest grandmother! Our officers for 196G ask your complete support for each and every meeting. They are; President, Rose Scoff; Vice-President, Mary Ansel; Corresp. Sec’y Ann Stich; Treasurer, Margaret Fager (Rose’s sister); Rec. Sec’y., Mary Fager; Sentinel, Katie Lampe (Rose’s other sister). Looks like our president’s family is well-represented. New members are Elizabeth Wheeler, Robin, lleneč Thomas and Doris Lovrin, whom we are lucky to have Doris is a real worker and an asset to any organization. I’ve worked with her before, so I know. Elizabeth McGivney is improved after her surgery and we wish her a speedy recovery. We have missed you. Liz. Mrs. Nahtigal was the mother of three children, Frank, John and Antonia (Brant) and since 192'3, was a resident of Chicago, 111., and a member of Br. 2. Before that, Mr. and Mrs. Fr. Nahtigal lived in Aurora, Minn., after their immigration to the U. S. Her husband passed away Aug. 20 1902'. He was a native of Gameljne, Slovenia. Surviving relatives also include two grandchildren, Karen and Jerome Brant. Mrs. Brant and daughter are both members of Br. 2. This month of May, when all the good Mothers of the world are remembered with love, the Nahtigal family remembers their mother who is resting in eternal peace. May her memory be ever-lasting. Ann Stark is improving rather slowly. I’m ashamed to say I haven’t been to see Ann recently, but I hear she is getting better. Keep up the good work, Ann, we all think of you and miss you so. Great-grandmothers: Sophie Sulli- van and Ann Stich are comparing notes. These gals don’t look old enough to be grandmothers, much less great grandmothers! Our charter member, Mrs. Bodnar passed away. Daughter, Olga Kastel-lic, is much improved from her accident and we are so happy to announce this news. Sister Lena Hupke lost her husband. It will be difficult for her because this was a really close two-some. May God make your loss easier to bear, Lena. So much news. Sorry for my neglect in getting articles in oftener. Fran Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Our April meeting was concerned with the last minute details of the Mother of the Year program for our May meeting. Plans for our Fall Card Party were discussed and a committee appointed for getting everything properly organized so the card party will be a success. The date to remember is October 2, 1960 at 3 p. m. at the Yugoslav Center, Recher Ave. in the lower hall. Mary Koljat donated lovely crocheted Easter chicks. Mary Perusek, Stanislava Vehovec and Louise Reja donated to our “good -time” fund. Thank you, Ladies. During the month of March, three of our members passed away, namely, Jennie Virant, Helen Kaucic and Rose Marn. To their families we extend our deepest sympathies. Our condolences to Pauline Boštjančič on the loss of her husband recently. After the serving of refreshments, by Vida Kuhar and her kitchen-help-ers, everyone joined in the “after meeting games.” Our next meeting, May 3, 1906 is an extra important one — we are going to celebrate our three month Birthdays and especially honor our Mother of the Year. Hope each mem- Johanna Nahtigal The family of Johanna Nahtigal, born Sept. 10, 1880 at Černiče, Slovenia, remembers with sadness, her death on April 8, 1941, 25 years ago. BENEFIT CONCERT SPIRITED AND GAY Cleveland branches celebrated the 40th anniversary of the founding of our Slovenian Women’s Union by sponsoring the Scholarship Benefit Concert on March 13th at the Slovenian Home on St. Clair Ave. with proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund. Curtain opened at 3 p. m. with a few words addressed to the audience by yours truly. Then appeared petite soloist Marija Kranjc Fischinger and her accompanist, Mr. William Browning. Marija was smiling in her beautiful light blue chiffon gown, her black hair combed in high l'ashion and her large brown eyes gleaming. First half of the program she sang classical songs and one from the opera, Barber of Seville. For the second half, Marija changed into her beautiful Slovenian costume and sang Slovenian songs. One song she dedicated to the memory of the late Mr. Anton Schubel and another to the late Mr. Ivan Zorman, both our unforgettable Cleveland artists. Lovely little Joyce Zabukovec who is a member of Br. 14 and a baton twirler, presented Marija with a bouquet of red carnations. The program ended with smiles all around when State President, Mary Bostian presented little Joyce with an early Easter Bunny which prompted her to make a big bow to the audience. We wish to thank all who attended and helped in many ways to make this concert a success and especially to soloist, Marija Kranjc Fischinger and her accompanist of Chicago, 111. We were so sorry to hear that four days after the concert, Marija had to undergo an emergency appendectomy and a big sigh of relief came when we realized that it could have happened a week sooner. Those things often do. Anyway, we are wishing Marija good health in the future and great success in her career. Among our out-of-town guests were her lovely mother Mrs. Adolph Kranjc of Chicago, Mrs. Mary Tomsic and her two sisters from Strabane, Pa. and a whole busful of members from Barberton, Ohio. Many of our officers staffed the committees and they represented all the Cleveland branches. Ushers for the concert were members of the Br. 50 Drill Team. To all, our deepest thanks. T. Turek ber at our April meeting will call an absent member and see if they would come to our next meeting, so we’ll have a large attendance in May. Antoinette Zabukovec No. 16, So. Chicago, III., Despite the rainy weather, we had a very good attendance at our March meeting. Plans were being made for our annual chicken dinner to be held some time in May. Members attending six or more meetings within the year are eligible to a free dinner. They are as follows: Mary Brebrick, Mary Borota, Anna Buck, Gladys Buck, Jean Bulc-vich. Mary Maricich, Angeline Novak, Rose Salakar, Rose Skul, Anne Springer, Katie Triller, Frances Wine, Katie Vidmar, Anna Wolfgang, Anna Jan-caric, Mary Matasich. Other members are invited, of course, but they must make reservations with the officers in charge. Exactly where we will have this celebration has not yet been determined, but we would like to make it big since Gladys Buck is also observing her twenty-fifth year as our secretary. Everyone agrees she has done much in the way of progress of our branch. Our Games Party, March 6th, was a huge success. By far, it was the most profitable. Our chairlady, Frances Gratkowski, really went all out for this affair and got us many donations. We are certainly grateful to her and the following who assisted her in the running of the party: Marge and Sylvia Spretnak, Marie Cieslik, Anne Springer, Mary Maricich, Katie Triller, Gladys Buck, and Josephine Krai. Also, to all who donated refreshments and prizes. We certainly have very generous members. Our treasurer, Anna Buck, had the misfortune of breaking her wrist in a fail in her home. We certainly hope she will soon be able to be back with us. Mrs. Josephine Blasovich was chosen as our "Mother of the Year.” She is one of our very active members. Don’t forget our meetings, the second Thursday of each month. Rose Salakar, Rec. Sec’y. No. 20, Joliet, III. SPECIAL NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS! All members of our branch are required to have their dues paid to date or in advance to be in good standing. It is to your advantage that you take care of your dues at once, or at the next meeting which will be May 15th, the third Sunday as usual. The secretary forwards all dues collected to the home office, and if your dues are not on hand by the end of the month they will not be mailed with the others. So, please look at your dues books, and take care of them without delay. If for any reason, you do not want to be a member or cannot come to the meetings or cannot forward your dues by mail, then it is your privilege to call the secretary, phone: 726-5105, or my phone, 727-8563, or the president, Mrs. Planinšek, phone 727-9675, or the vice president, Mrs. Muster, 727-7489, or Mrs. Sumic, 723-0570. You have your choice to call whoever is more convenient to you and we shall call for your dues. But, please do not stay in arrears any more from now on. This is very important. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Recently I received an anonymous letter which reads in part as follows: “To the publicitor of Joliet for the Zarja: Two of our sisters belong to Zveza for many years and we lost our beloved brother in 1965. It seems you favor only certain people as you did not report our brother, who died in 1965. It was mentioned in the Herald-News. If you cannot mention all brothers and sisters then do not men- tion any. It makes us feel bad.—Unsigned. (My explanation). I never slight any one. It is not my intention to omit any one, but it can happen if the names of the close families are not known to me as related to our members. I do not have the roster of membership. In all cases, if you wish your loved ones mentioned, kindly call me, or any officers about sick ones in your family. Time and again, I have asked in the Zarja for any such information, but since many do not come to our meetings to report, I unintentionally omit family news which is of importance to them. Our condolences to the family of Josephine Kolenc who passed away recently. She was born at Smihel. Novo Mesto Slovenia, Nov, 26, 188X joined our branch June 20, 1929, recommended by dec. Jennie Muster. She is survived by her son-in-law, Mr. Imparl, and grandchildren of the Imparl and Petrie family. Her only daughter, Jennie Imparl, passed away some 15 years ago. Mrs. Kolenc was a very good member during her life time and came many times to the meetings before she became ill. May she rest in peace. Our members prayed at her bier on the day of our meeting, and escorted her on her last journey. Our condolences to the Suhodolc and Kauz-laric families upon losing their brother Mr. Weeditz. Also condolences to Mis. Mihaela Maren who lost her brother, John Riffel. This is her second brother within a year to pass a-way. May they all rest in peace. Our past auditor, Mrs. Jennie Smrekar, was selected as our Mother of the Year for 1966. She is succeeding Mrs. Jo. Goran. Now that our Mid West bowling tournament has so successfully concluded in Joliet this year and since the various details are not complete, I will report this in a future article. At this time, I congratulate the de- serving winners, and thank all the hard-working committees, the officers of the branch and bowlers, the visitors from Joliet and out-of-town, and hope that everyone had a nice time. Our members will receive corporate Holy Communion on Mother’s Day at the 7:30 a. m. Mass. Please join us. We’re inviting everyone to our next meeting in May. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers of our branch. Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. Our regular March meeting was held on the 16th at St. Anthony’s church hall with president Rose Novak opening the meeting with prayer. With such mixed-up weather we are having here, the attendance was not too good. It was decided to have our anniversary banquet at Vertin’s Blue Room on May 15th. After the meeting, popular games were played and lunch was served by the committee in charge. Mrs. Helen Kotchevar took home the attendance prize. Lunch committee for April was: Rose Lobe, Pauline Polyner, Mary Knapp, Rose Pucel, Pauline Pishler, Florence Markovich, Jennie Zupančič, Mary Starkovich, Helen Kovali and Margie Gornick. To all who are ill, we wish a speedy recovery. Happy Mother’s Day. Ann Rowe, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. Hearty greetings to all our members this beautiful month of May, the beginning of our long-awaited spring. I hope you are all in good health and will celebrate Mother’s Day with your families. As we did not select one mother to represent our branch as Mother-of-the Year, we are extending this wish to all mothers. Our deepest sympathy to former treasurer, Ani Lušina who lost her husband Ludwig, also to her daughter. Ana Marie Pengler who will miss her father very much. He is also survived by a sister, Antoinette Ferenchak and brothers Rudi and Hendrik, plus many other relatives. To all, our condolences. May he rest in eternal peace. Our member, Josephine Omahen sorrows after her brother who died suddenly also. Primos Kalin leaves three sisters and other relatives. To him, also, our wishes for eternal peace and to all, our deepest sympathy. We hope to see you in greater numbers at our meetings this spring and ask that you pay up your delinquent dues, please. Also, I wish to remind you of the 50c special assessment for our treasury which we collect once a year from each member instead of the card party. This year we lost 5 members and I wish you would help us to enroll at least that many to take their places. Best wishes to you and hope to see you at the meeting. Angela Strukel No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Tron-tel, our president opened the March meeting with prayer as usual. The attendance was good. At this meeting, we discussed again our plans concerning the luncheon and card party to be held as previously announced on May 17th at one o’clock in the afternoon at the Slovenian Hall on 57th St. At this meeting we also all agreed to give an Easter donation to our church. Anyone wishing to go to the State Convention at Strabane on May 22nd kindly get in touch with anyone of the committee. Please make reservations as soon as possible. Condolences are extended to the family of Anna Starcevic who died on March 14th. The Starcevic family moved recently to San Diego, Cal. Mrs. Starcevic was blind and an invalid for many years. May her soul rest in peace. We have many sick members but this last week two of them have been very sick. Katherine Planton and Mary J. Hudak, daughter-in-law of our Mother-of-the-Year. Get well wishes are sent to these two and all of our other members. Happy Mother’s Day to all the members of Br. 26 and throughout the U. S. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 29, Broundale, Pa. Our monthly meeting was held at the home of our president, and we were sorry that more didn’t attend. We had bad weather and much sickness which must have kept the members away. We lost our oldest member, Mrs. Mary Katspek, and our sympathy goes out to her family. Also, to Mrs. Frank Verboys who lost her sister, Mrs. John Medved of Vand-ling. Sympathy also to Mrs. Mary Nagoda’s family. She didn’t belong to our branch but always came with the ladies to give us a hand. She, too, will be sadly missed. Hope you all attend the next meeting and God bless you all on Mother’s Day. Fannie Harvatin, Pres. No. 30, Aurora, III. Almost 5 months after Christmas, I wish to write my thanks to all my good friends for remembering me with cards and letters. I appreciate it very much. They were from Theresa Zefron, Mary DeKing, Pauline Wackerlin, Mary Klemencik, Veronica Propernik, Emma Tomse, Marie Verbic who also sent a photo of herself decorating the tree. Thank you, Marie, you sure look good as I remember you. Also cards came from Sophie Gusman, Florence Aister, Barbara Fayfar, and Mrs Zefron wrote a note saying she’ll visit me but, so far, I haven’t seen her. I know how busy you are with three grandchildren and helping others. A card and picture was sent by Mr. and Mrs. Tony Verbic and they look like a million dollars. Mrs. Rasich and her son John and his wife, Emma Tomse, came to see me and that was wonderful. A great big thank you to all. Mrs. Rasich keeps a nice vigil on Mrs. Frances Kranjc, our good friend of Aurora, calling her up many times and visiting with her. She is such good company and now is so lonely as we all are who live away from our friends. Talking to Mrs. Kranjc is re-living old times. I was proud to get cards from Br. 2, Chicago, namely from Mary Pol-den, whose nice card I am keeping for its sentiment, also from Josephine Železnikar, Albina Novak, Corinne Leskovar, Mary Krapenc, Frances Zibert and Alvie Jerin. Thank you, ladies. Mrs. Livek of Oglesby and Mrs. Prisland of Sheboygan, sent me wishes and complimented me on my writing in Zarja. I, too, love reading all the articles from other members and in other states. Recently I received a letter from my good friend, Tillie Kumick of San Francisco telling me how glad she is to read my little articles in Zarja. She is happy to hear news from her home town. She has two step brothers there, John and Edwin Aister, one step sister and many nephews. Our Florence Aister is her sister-in-law, John’s wife. Tillie also writes of my good friend Mary Slanec and how she’s doing since her hospitalization. Mary is always interested in news of her friends and old Aurora, 111., too, and they keep each other informed since they both live in S. F. You know, someone once said: You are rich when you have a true friend! Isn’t that the truth! To all members and all branches, my best wishes. Josephine Mezan, 8600 S. Wolf Rd„ Hinsdale, 111. 60521 No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — So far this year, very few attended the meetings. That's expected in the winter months. With Easter, spring in the air let’s get out and see each other. This is an invitation to all members to attend the meeting in May. It is a beautiful month, dedicated to our Blessed Mother and among us, we honor all mothers and Mother-of-the-Year. We also celebrate birthdays for this period of four months. Our lunch is so good and we like to entertain if the attendance is big enough. Let us pay up our owed dues, also. A reminder to you who may have forgotten about the additional 5c which started Jan. 1, 1965. Those of you who were 80 years of age before July 1, 1954 are free, after that, you pay only 25c per month. To our treasury, Mary Hochevar donated $2. To birthday or good-time fund , Caroline Peck and Frances Perme each gave $1. Thanks to all Mr. and Mrs. John Chinchar an- nounce the engagement of their son, Joseph, who is in the Navy in Scotland. He will be married there. Congratulations to parents and best wishes to the young couple. We sympathize with Frances Klune who lost her mother on March 11. She was a good member, Mrs. Frances Mese of Br. 41. She lost her husband just recently, may they rest in peace. To our sick members and their families, may our Blessed Mother bless you and yours. In closing, Happy Mother’s Day to all and please come to the meetings Anna Tekavec, Rec. Sec’y No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Despite a strong, cold lake wind and cloudy skies, we had a well-attended meeting. Regular business was discussed. Our sick members include, Lillian Filiatrault, Barbara Giacomini, Ann Cla/rk and Lorraine Mlodyzniec. To them and any others that I may left out, with God’s help we wish them a speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathy goes to Marion Baskey and Anna Vesel who mourn the loss of their sons. May they rest in eternal peace. At our May meeting we will honor our Mother-of-the-Year. After our regular meeting, which will start at 7 P. M., we will have Dr. Glenn Holt speak on cancer. This should be very interesting and educational for all. All members are urged to attend. Lunch will be served. I received a lovely letter from Ann Podgoršek. It came today, just in time to take to our meeting and in my haste. I forgot to take it with me. Well anyway, Ann expects to be back home by the first of May. Ann visited in San Francisco and Rose Scoff, who is the California State President, invited Ann to attend their branch’s breakfast. Hope you all had a very nice Easter, blessed with health and may God fill your hearts with happiness through His abiding love. Next month Ann will be back at her post again, doing the good job she always does. Josephine Gregorich No. 42, Maple Hgts., O. A big “Thank You” to all our members who baked and were so generous with the strudels, poticas, bread, noodles, cookies, you name it — we had it — at our Bake Sale Jan. 30tli. Also, thanks to the members for monies donated to the treasury. Congratulations are in order to Mary and Louis Fink, when their daughter, Mary Lou (McHenry) gave birth to a lovely baby girl. This is Mary Lou’s first child, but, Mary and Louis Fink are now grandparents for the 3rd time with two children in the family of their other daughter, Jean. The re-sewing on grandpa’s shirt took place shortly after! Congratulations to all. Mary Fink is a long-standing member of our branch and a good helper. We have some members on the sick list. Frances Tomsic had the misfortune of breaking her leg and she was in the hospital for about 6 or 7 weeks with her leg in a cast. She is home now, and will spend many months recuperating. Cards will be appreciated very much and I know from my own experience how cards can cheer a person. Mrs. Agnes Vrcek also broke her leg from a fall at home. She has her leg in a cast, too. Cards will be appreciated and I know you will oblige to bring happiness to this good member. Our deepest sympathy to Frances Glavic and families on the loss of their father, John Breznikar. He was well-known in Maple Heights. His wife preceded him in death some years ago. The two will now meet in Heaven and spend their eternity together. Our “Planina” singing Choral Group will give their concert May 1st at the Slovenian National Home in Maple Hgts. The performance will be superb as usual. To our mothers on Mother’s Day and every day in the year, “God bless you and keep you for many more years!” To our deceased mothers, who have attained the Crown of Heaven, keep watch over us on this troubled earth and with the Heavenly Virtue given to you keep us on the straight path so we will meet some day with you again. God keep all of you in His love and goodness. Louise Prhne, Sec’y No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. In March we had a very well-attended meeting. The luncheon and card party was a success. The date of our Rummage Sale is Tuesday, May *10th at St John’s Hall. Anyone wishing to dispose of any articles should please contact yours truly and if you have any articles to be picked up, Christine Rebemisek will be glad to oblige. Amanda Esperes left for Yugoslavia on April 7th to visit relatives and friends. We hope her voyage was a pleasant one. Sincere sympathy to Frances Schei-der on the death of her brother, Benny, also to Josephine Peterson, her beloved mother and to Ella Viduski on the loss of her brother. May they all rest in peace. Since Mother’s Day will fall on our meeting date, we are postponing it to the third Sunday, May 15th. A Happy Mother's Day to all moms and grandmas. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Our last meeting in Feb. was held at the home of our new president, Viola Pisoni. Other officers are: Margaret Dolenz, Vice-Pres.; Helen Skoff, Fin. Sec’y and Theresa Gabrian, Rec’d. Sec’y. and Reporter. At our last meeting we decided to have our annual Mother’s Day party on May 1, at Lemmons Rest., 5800 Gra-vois. Ave. We will eat at 12:30 p.m., and have our meeting right after. Also will have games. For reservations call either Pauline Ruckiza or myself. Our deepest sympathy go out to the children of Margaret Zvanut who passed away on March 10, 19G6. She was one of our longest and oldest members of our branch. She was always ready to contribute, and do what ever she could. In the last 2 years she has not been in good health so was not always able to be with us She is survived by two daughters and five sons. May she rest in peace. I’m sure she has entered into her reward in heaven, so good a person and devout Catholic. Tip until she became too ill to go to Mass she went every day. So I’m sure if she isn’t in heaven she will soon be. It was good to see Clarence Moen-igman at the funeral parlor. He’s the husband of Mary Moenigman who has been laid up for a long time. Good to see you making progress, Clarence. Keep up the good work. On April 17, Sunday after Easter we were again invited to receive Communion with Sacred Heart of Jesus Society at St. Joseph’s church. See you at the Mother’s Day party on May 1. Marie Thompson No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. We are sorry to announce the death of our dear member, Mrs. Margaret Zvanut on March 10, '1966. Mrs. Zvanut was a charter member and Mother of the Year in 1963. A nice group of members attended the funeral home for the praying of the rosary. She is survived by seven children, 29 grandchildren, and one great grandchild. She will be sadly missed by all the members and will be remembered in our prayers. Our slncerest sympathy to her family. Theresa Gabrian, Rec’y Sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, O. The meeting was opened with prayer led by president Frances Sietz and followed by the roll call that found recording sec’y Rose Želodec absent due to flu and auditor, Theresa Komat also absent. The minutes were read by reporter Angie Lube and everyone commented that Rose’s Minutes did not miss a thing! The meeting began with an introduction of a new member who gave a beautiful speech about the Red Cross. Emily Unik was the member-speaker and she spoke in behalf of volunteer workers, as she is a very energetic one. We hope she reached the ladies’ hearts because her speech certainly was wonderful. Ladies, here is a good way to get out of the dol-Please turn to page 104. REFRIGERATOR DOUGH POTICA FOR MOTHER’S DAY PARTY PARTY STYLE POTICA, A DAINTY ROLL THAT CUTS BEAUTIFULLY Hermine Prisland Dicke: This familiar recipe has been changed by my mother, Mrs. Prisland, who has developed a “rolling” technique for more dainty slices which I found easier to serve for a party. Note: This recipe is being given in c omplete detail for those of you who have never attempted potica. The refrigerator dough is being used because of the favorable comments received on its adaptabiity and convenience and because it works so beautifully with this rolling-up technique. 1. Yeast 2 ounce cake of compressed yeast % cup lukewarm milk 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons flour In a small bowl crumble the yeast Into the lukewarm milk, add sugar and flour, mix and let stand to raise, (about 10 minutes.) 2. Dough. . 7 cups sifted flour % cup butter (one and one-half sticks) G egg yolks, beaten rind of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon salt Vs cup sugar 1 cup warm milk In large bowl combine flour, salt, sugar, lemon rind. Work in softened butter with fingers until all butter is absorbed. Make a well in center of flour-butter mixture, add milk, yolks and raised yeast. Mix and knead for a few minutes until smooth. Oil top of dough, cover well and refrigerate for at least six hours or overnight. Take bowl out, let dough warm at room temperature for at least 1 hour. On an uncovered floured table roll out dough from center outward, turning it over occasionally at first, re-flouring the table if necessary. Roll the dough into an oblong shape about 2Gx40 Inches. 3. Filling 1 pound finely ground walnuts Vi cup milk or cream Vž cup honey 1/2 cup butter (1 stick) 1 teaspoon cinnamon G egg whites 1 and 1/2 cups sugar 1 cup white raisins 1 ounce rum (J/2 cup chocolate chips can be used instead of raisins) Night before: Soak raisins in hot water for at least 10 minutes—drain on paper towel. Put in small bowl, add rum to raisins and let stand over night to absorb rum. Over low heat, heat milk, butter and honey stirring until butter melts. (If you are using chocolate chips add at this time to melt.) Pour the hot mixture over the walnuts and mix. Add cinnamon. Beat egg whites until stiff then start adding gradually 1 cup of the sugar beating all the time. Fold into walnut filling. Spread filling smoothly over entire dough. Sprinkle the remaining /2 cup sugar and the raisins over the filling. 4. Preparing for the pans. On one long side, start rolling up the dough to the middle stretching back slightly to make a tight roll— repeat on other side. With edge of saucer cut the double roll into four sections to fit your greased bread pans. (51/2x10%). Cover again with cloth and let raise in a warm place for about 2 hours or until double in bulk. 5. Baking. Before baking brush tops with i/2 beaten egg for a shiny crust. Bake for 1 hour in a preheated oven of 350 degrees. (If pyrex pans are used, the temperature should be 325 degrees.) Cool in pans before removing. Separate the rolls by cutting the loaf lengthwise then slice for serving. If desired you may freeze potica but not until completely cooled. While my mother was visiting us recently she made the potica from the above recipe and my husband took the pictures. The next day I entertained a group of friends to meet my mother. Everyone raved about the potica. Thank you, Mamma! A Happy Mother’s Day to you and all mothers. May all of you be served breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day. Fondly, Hermine (Ed. Note: Photo above was taken at Mrs. Dicke’s tea party tand another of the two making a Potica appears on page 117.) Recipe For Happiness Take: 2 heaping cups of Patience 1 heartful of Love 2 handfuls of Generosity Dash of Laughter 1 headful of Understanding Sprinkle generously with Kindness Add plenty of Faith and mix well. Spread over a lifetime and serve to everyone you meet, by Helen Mejac of Washington D. C., our Junior Member. REPORT OF OHIO-MICHIGM STATE PRESIDENT March 13th was a very big day for the Cleveland Combined Branches of Slovenian Women’s Union. It was a big thrill to be the first to hold a concert of this kind, for the benefit of our young scholars. I am sure many members knew Marija Fischinger, but not any of them knew what a beautiful, golden voice she has. Everyone had the opportunity on this day to hear this wonderful voice. When Marija sang the beautiful Slovenian songs, it gave many in the crowd a special thrill and some cried a little. Mr. Browning also was wonderful. They, together, presented a most harmonious team and we are very grateful to have them give their talents and time to help us raise money for the Scholarship Fund. We thank them and hope that they enjoyed their visit to Cleveland, though it was for such a short time. I am sure they both needed a rest after so much excitement! (Ed. Note. One week later, Marija underwent an emergency appendectomy in Chicago from which she is now rapidly recovering. When asked if she felt any discomfort before, or possibly in Cleveland, she answered no. Wasn’t that a lucky thing! And isn’t it fine that she is nearly well and back to her singing without a lengthy interruption from her studies and career. C. L.) At this time, we are unable to determine how much was realized from the conceit, however, we are sure that it will be a sizeable amount for our Scholarship Fund. We want to thank Mrs. Mary Otoničar and her staff for preparing such a wonderful menu in the kitchen and also to Mrs. Okorn and her staff for making the delicious krofe. We just couldn’t get enough of them made for the demand. Mrs. Otoničar also made a “batch”—but, I think the ladies could be making krofe all week and still not have enough for all our hungry guests. Oh, our Cleveland ladies are such good bakers. That’s why we can’t stay thin! Bless their hearts! It’s a good art and they are certainly gifted with it! 1 want to thank all who paricipated in making this event a success and I am so grateful to all. Without everyone’s cooperation it couldn’t have been so wonderful. I want to thank the darling little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zabukovec for her part in presenting a bouquet, of flowers to Marija on the stage. This little one is a living doll. I also want to thank Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, for presenting Marija to our Cleveland people as it was her idea to begin with. And, under the chairmanship of our Supreme President, Toni Turek, it all came about so successfully. A very happy birthday wish to all celebrants this month of May, and to all our Mothers celebrating their day on the 8th! Mary Bostian No. 50, Continued: droms, and away from the boredom of daily life. Help others. Mary Bostian couldn’t make a final report on the Concert that was held March 13th because it was still incomplete. But, she did say that we could compliment Toni Turek for selling 65 tickets all herself. Thank you, Toni. It was a beautiful concert, I must say. Toni Turek introduced our soloist, Marija Kranjc Fischinger and her accompanist, Mr. William Browning. From then on, it was marvelous. The singing was superb — havent’ heard anything like it for years. It was a great honor and pleasure to have Marija perform for us. Eight girls of the drill team served as ushers at the concert They were: Rose Želodec, Ann Dekleva, Sophie Zagorc, Marie Azman, Ernestine Je-vec, Anna Maver, Ann Kumse and Angle Lube. Thank you, ladies for a job well done. Our Carole Traven also gave up her day to be back stage with Marija and offer any help she could give. All in all, I would say that to all those from other branches who donated their services, thank you, very much. State Convention plans were made for the affair April 24th with branch 47 as hosts. We’ll have more to report on that later. Our Br. 50, Slovenian Beatles were scheduled to make an appearance there for the benefit of those who have not seen them as yet. Toni Turek reports that at her semiannual Board meeting in Chicago they made some new policy changes for juniors. Eastern Bowling Tournament which was held at the Pallisades Alleys in Euclid was a huge success. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. We were all very happy to see our four new members at the meeting, they have transferred to our branch recently: Frances Nemanich, Sophie Volcansek, Vi Zak and Emily Unik. Ladies, hope you will enjoy our meetings as much as we enjoy having you with us. Since we were sacrificing something for Lent, we decided to go without refreshments after the meeting, so instead we had community singing. Wouldn’t be a bit surprised if we put together a choral group since we have so many beautiful voices in the group. Hear that Carole Traven? That’s a hint! We missed Bernice Somrak at the Bowling Tournament in Euclid but she had a good reason—a date with the stork! A brand new baby girl (a new member, Bernice?) was born to her and her husband. Congratulations Also Vida Furlan of Geneva, O., was hospitalized for a while, but is now on the road to good health. Till I see you at the next meeting, hope this news keeps you in touch and feeling fine. Happy Mother’s Day! Angie Lube, Reporter No. 55, Girard, Ohio. Hello everyone! It has been a little while since I wrote in the Zarja, but I’m elected to write in place of our regular reporter, Mary Mehalco, who at this time is convalescing at the North Side Hospital in Youngstown, Ohio. Get well, Mary, from all members of our branch! Our last meeting was very well attended and I will add, nice to have Mrs. Theresa Lozier at our meeting. Hope you will be able to attend many more, Mrs. Lozier. Our sympathy to Mrs. Fannie Serca (a dear, loving, sister member of our branch) who lost her husband Anthony this past week. Both she and her dear husband were active in every lodge and organization of which they were members. Our sympathy to all other relatives, too. Just a brief reminder that for the month of May, all officers are on the lunch committee and a “covered dish” is in the making. At this time, I will ask all members to please attend our May meeting as we are going to have the greatest pleasure of honoring our Mother of-tlie Year, Mrs. Biscan. She is most deserving of this honor. Congratulations, Mrs. Biscan. She, as chairlady of last. month’s commttee, along with her wonderful helpers, Mrs. Svetkovich, Mrs. Krivac, Anna Marie Racic, served us strudel as only she can make it. That’s all for now, see you at the meeting. Barbara Umeck, Pres. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Hearty congratulations to our honored Mother, Mary Bissonette, our active member since 1934. In Feb. and March we had poor attendance at the meetings due to the bad weather. We sure had our share of snow. Hope we have a better showing in May. The business meeting was short in March and games were played after it. Prizes went to Amelia Domen, Agnes Barkis, Anna Strojan, Katherine Marino, Anne Satovich and Mary Meadows. No lunch was served but hostesses for the April meeting were selected as Anna Stauduhar, Katherine Muh-vicli, Elizabeth Draskovich and Ann Mainerich. We have decided to hold no meetings during June, July and August, so members, please pay up your dues to Mary Meadows, so she can keep up with the monthly assessment. We have had several on the sick list and In the hospital, namely, Angela Genac, Emma Kozak, Sylvia Latick and to all others wishes for a speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathy to Mary Putzel on the loss of her mother. As you all know, Minnesota Day will be in Crosby this year and we are planning to charter a bus; so ladies, those of you who plan to attend should make preparations. We will notify you by phone. Take this day off from your daily routine and come enjoy your visit with the Slovenian ladies of Minnesota. Believe me, you will have a very good time. Hope to see you all at the May meeting. Anne B. Satovich, Pres. No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. Hello! It has been some time since I made a report concerning our functions and progress of our branch. This was due to the fact that I have been in the hospital and had some surgery done. Now, I’m doing fine and wish to thank everyone who sent me cards. It is good to know that one has so many friends who care. We wish to extend our sympathy to Mary Drodesko, whose husband passed away. We all miss him, for he was a wonderful person to know. We celebrated our anniversary last year at the Blue Sky Inn and danced to the orchestra of Eddie Klonzar. Everyone had a wonderful time. This year, in February, we celebrated at our own Croatian Club. Our 30th anniversary party included dancing to Joe Pitco’s orchestra. We elected the same officers for the year and also, our president, Mary Snezic celebrated 30 years as president. We had a nice Christmas party. Anne Mediste won the prize at the February meeting. Please members, remember to look at your dues book and see if you you are paid up or not. We can’t expect the treasurer, Mrs. Brodesko. to pay and then, try to collect from you. This is very important so take it to heart, also come to the meeting as we like to see new faces from time to time. I wish to thank all the ladies who elected me to be the Mother-of-the-Year. I ain both pleased and proud of the honor bestowed upon me. I pray that the Blessed Mother keeps on helping me to be a good mother and grandmother of 7 little ones which I am very proud of. May God bless each and every one of you and to our sick friends and members, a speedy recovery. Mary Percic No. 68, Fairport Harbor, O. Our thanks once again to the ladies who attended our Dinner-Dance in December, especially those who came by charter bus from Euclid, Ohio. We are happy to acknowledge that the members of the Progressive Women’s of Euclid chartered the bus and made all the arrangements. Many of the same ladles are members of our SWU. Toni Turek was there, too. So, ladies, please accept our thanks and forgive us for giving the wrong impression in an earlier article. Julia Grabelsek No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio — Condolences to Mrs. Frances Skra-bec and Mrs. Skrabec Ulle on the loss of their husband and father. Some of our members attended the S.W.U. Concert and donated $10 from our branch’s treasury to the Scholarship Fund. At our last meeting, plans were discussed for the corporate communion on Mother’s Day. A sum of $5 has been given to St. Anthony’s church for a Holy Mass to be said for all our deceased and living members. The group is also going out to dinner on Sunday, May 15th. On June 25th a Garden Party will be held to celebrate our 30th Anniversary. Our branch was organized by Mrs. Anna Petrich. Our congratulations to her and all our charter members. Going to the Convention and Dinner on April 24th were Mrs. Jennie Molioric, Mary Grzely, Mrs. Frances Bajc and Mrs. Frances Pillar. After the meeting, games were played and refreshments served. Door prizes were taken by Miss Angela Braun, Mrs. Jennie Zupan and Mrs. Carol Satej. See you all at our next meeting and a Happy Mother’s Day to all. Betty Pirman, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. I have just heard the sad news that Mrs. Levstik fell down the stairs and is in the Little Company of Mary Hospital. We all hope that your injuries were not too great and that you will soon be home and well again. We are sorry to report that we have quite a number of sick members at this time. Mrs. Andolsek, Mrs. Zadnik and Mrs. Dolinar were so sick at the time of our March meeting that they could not attend. We were most happy to see Mrs. Sheeliy, Mrs. Arko and Mrs. Ne-menich, who have been on the sick list but who wrere well enough now to come. Keep up the good work. To all our sick members — perhaps I’ve left some out but if I did it is only because I did not know about them — you are always in our prayers and we you speedy recoveries. Our next meeting will be held on the second Sunday of June, at my home, 10445 Wabash Ave. Please try to attend. This year marks the 30th anniversary of our Pullman branch No. 72 and we would like to remember the year with some of a celebration. Please come to the meeting so we can make some plans. I am happy to say that most of you members are keeping your dues paid up-to-date and in advance. There are a few who are still behind. I would like to call this to their attention. It would be a great help to your Treasurer if you kept your dues paid up-to-date. Thank you. We had a very nice March meeting. Please come out in large numbers to the June meeting. We need you to help make some decisions. Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts, Ohio. The Bowling Tournament is over and the ladies had fun. Ann Predovic was captain of the team consisting of K. Yuratovac, A. Yoger, R. Spre-mulle and B. Adler. The scores? They are really not important, but they were smashing. Ladies, remember next year and all are welcome! L. Epley and M. Herak watched and really enjoyed it. Good luck and health in your new home in Solon, O., to Kathy Kainec Skok. We all wish Helen Kunka a very speedy recovery. She has been in the hospital 3 weeks. We miss her at our meetings because she always attended them. L. Epley just called and asked if I would remind all the members of the historical scrapbook she is making about our doings. Any items of interest you have saved will be appreciated. Please think a little and if you come up with something, call her. Our heartiest congratulations to Kay (our president) and her husband, Pete Yuratovac on their 25th anniversary May 17t,h. They have three children, Robert, Magdeline and Annette. Kay has been president of our branch for six years and we love having her. We wish the family good health and much happiness in the years to come. We also wish to send our deepest sympathy to L. Majersic and M. Schneider on the loss of their father, Mr. Chesnik, also to Mary Chesnik, <------------------------------------- Tired of the Rest? Get the Best! HEATING SERVICE $10.50 Spring Special! ALL-TYPE GAS SERVICE MO 2-HH72 Warrensville Hgts., Ohio CLEANING - INSTALLATION REPAIRS on Furnaces, Boilers, Hot Water Tanks, Incinerators, Copper Lines ----------------------------------- his daughter-in-law, our member. May he rest in peace. Each of our members having birthdays in May is wished a happy birthday and many wishes for happy returns. Also, to our sick members, a speedy recovery. B. Bayus, Reporter P. S. Hope you all had fun at our banquet May 1st and the decicious dinner! No. 77., N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. To all members and friends, a reminder about our Anniversary Party to be held May 12th. Please come and join your friends playing everyone’s favorite game. We hope each of you will bring a gift, so that we will have many gifts from which to choose. We would like to get started promptly at 8 p. m. See you at Javor Hall. Also, don’t forget our Annual Picnic, which will be held July 21. It will be held at the Activities Building in Riverview Park. Lunch will be served at .1 p. m. We will have plenty of food and refreshments for everyone. Good luck to our sister branch No. 71 in Strabane, Pa. We hope your Anniversary Dinner will be a huge success. Our branch will be represented. Betty Ann Murphy, President No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. We didn’t have as good an attendance at the March meeting as we normally do, so there isn’t much news to report. Our vice-president, Mrs. Katherine DePetro, is seriously ill at the Hibbing, Minn. General Hospital. We offered special prayers for her recovery and we should all remember to offer daily prayers that the good Lord will give her strength and good health returns. Following our business session, we enjoyed a social hour playing cards. Prizes were taken by Christine Meyer in Bridge and by one of our guests, Mrs. George Gustafson, in Canasta Our president, Mary Zakrajšek served a very delicious lunch. We hope to see more members at the next meeting. How about it, girls? Anne Mazar, Reporter No. 89, Oglesby, III. At the spring meetings we discussed ways of making money for our treasury. It was decided to give away a $25 US bond at the July meeting; this would give ample time to sell tickets for the project. It was also decided that all members, even the inactive ones, be given one card to buy or sell and if possible two cards. This worthwhile work would help the treasury and also be a patriotic gesture. Places for the May dinner were talked over and several suggestions were given these to be talked over by the committee. The charter was draped for de- ceased member, Ursula Mencin, who died in San Diego, Calif. The prayer was led by Mrs. Josephine Morrison. No lunch was served because of Lent. Mary Kernz, reporter No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Once again, dear sister members, please accept my apologies for being so late with our news. Going way back to Christmas, we had a very pleasant gathering at the Grubstake. Turkey and all the trimmings were served. We also exchanged Christmas gifts and found who our secret pals had been the past year. Ann Malenšek and Frances Pogorelz were responsible for this wonderful party. Thanks, for a nice job. In January, we met in the church basement. Ann Malenšek and Margaret were hostesses. The officers of the past year were elected unanimously to serve again another year’. Mrs. Matt Kapushion, a member of Br. 92, and now residing at Glenwood Springs, was chosen as our Mother-of-the-Year. Congratulations, Mary. At this time, also, I was very happy to present Father with $121.00 which we collected in donations as well as fruit cake sales. Thanks to everyone who helped. In February, we motored to Gunnison to the home of Frances Guerieri where we had our meeting. She and Josephine Krizmanich were hostesses For March again, our meeting was held in the church basement with Frances Pogorelz and Ann Mul'ich as hostesses. We also elected Pauline Stayduhar as secretary, owing to the death of our secretary, Josephine Somrak in Febrary. In April we again motored to Gunnison to the home of Eva Lubin. She and Myrna Krizmanich were hostesses. God bless you all and a very sincere wish to all our Mothers this month. Helen Cobai No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Our Mother’s Day salute goes to all "darned good” mothers who are all just "darned good” sports. For those of you who don’t know what to buy mother, there is always available the gift of appreciation, sometimes referred to as a kind word. This, I think, happens to be an all-time favorite of mine and with mothers everywhere. Verbal expressions like: “Mom. you’re a jewel for .-hortening my skirt!” or "My mother’s strudel and potica is absolutely the greatest!” will add a sparkle to her eyes. There’s a certain little boy (who is a big boy now) has been known to avoid gift buying for years simply by boasting (at extreme intervals) in a loud, clear voice “MY mom bakes the best chocolate cake in the whole world!” These kind words cannot be wrapped in gay paper, but the memory lingers on. And, after all, isn’t that really what all moms want for Mother’s Day? On second thought, our salute goes to all such dauntless mothers. Many happy returns to the following who are celebrating their birthdays in May: Mary Barsevac, Eva Cora, Johan na Malcicli, Mary Prebeg, Margaret Rozich, Lucille Svalina, tnd Matilda Turica. A speedy recovery to all of our shut-ins who are at home, hospitals and rest homes. Sometimes they are on the critical lists for days and days. In your charity, please remember them in your daily prayers. In conclusion, don’t forget to attend our May 4th meeting when we will be honoring our Mother-of-tlie-Year, Mrs. Rose Boerner. On our program is Mrs. Mary Maras, Sales Representative of AEREA Travel Bureau. She has made arrangements to have Mr. Couler, Field Representative from Pan Am Airlines, narrate a beautiful color film titled, “Wings In Yugoslavia”. This film has won the blue ribbon award at the American Film Festival. During the course of the evening, bags will be awarded to the lucky winners. Plan to attend, and bring along a friend for a gala evening. Mildred James, Pres. No. 96, Universal, Pa. Our March meeting was held at the lovely home of Elsie Bogatay in Renton, Pa., where we had a very nice group in attendance. Our main topic for discussion was the coming 30th Anniversary celebration which will be held in Strabane, on May 22nd, Mary Tomsic, the State President of Penna. is extending an invitation to all branches to attend the state convention that will be followed by a banquet at 2 p. m. in the Strabane KSKJ Hall. Wo are making plans to attend in a group with the ladies from Verona and Oakmont area. Tentative plans are being made to travel by bus. Our branch meeting ended with the members playing games, after which a delicious lunch was served. Everyone commented on the luscious desserts made by our hostess. The next meeting will be held on the second Sunday of June, that is June 12, at the home of Helen Snozik in Renton. We pray that Frances Velicic will soon be completely recovered from the eye operation which was performed recently. Our get well wishes are sent to her and all our sick members. Happy month of May to all. Antoinette Mozina, Reporter No. 100, Fontana, Cal. The March meeting was held on Thursday, the 3rd and fourteen members attended. The regular business was discussed and also the date and location for the Rummage Sale on May 9, 10, 11 at Fontana Square. We all hope that the women will make this project a success. The social hour followed with many birthday honors extended to the following liiembers: Mines. Arne-sen, Zdraze, Rupert, Martin, Zeleni-Uar, Susel, Ancin and Armentz. Hope to see a large attendance at the next meeting. Sincerely, Mary Morovic No. 103, Washington, D. C. — The meeting of Sunday, March 13, was indeed with the largest group present to date. Twenty of our members enjoyed the hospitality of hostess, Maria Mejao in her lovely home in Silver Springs, Maryland. Guest speaker for the afternoon was Anton Urbančič of Washington, D. C. Mr. Urbančič demonstrated the Slovenian method of egg decoration and his unique designs and lovely coloring received much praise from our ladies. This demonstration was quite appropriate for the Easter season. Equally skilled in wood carving, Mr. Urbančič discussed this art and exhibited his large collection of hand-carved figures representing the traditional costumes of the entire Yugoslav peoples. This collection is truly outstanding and we hope to exhibit these forty figures during the coming convention. A warm welcome to our new members: Esther Cernigoi, Ida Gregorič, Ana Menapace, all of Washington. D. C. and Rebecca Jo Michelitch of Virginia. We are happy to announce our Mother of the Year is Mrs. Mary Michelitch. All the members congratulate her and wish her many years of good health and happiness amid a fine family of sons and daughters. Mrs. Michelitch’s two daughters, Freda and Becky Jo are members of our branch. Following the business meeting our hostess served tasty refreshments which we all enjoyed immensely. Most of us lingered over the second cup of coffee and were reluctant to end the meeting which again turned into a very pleasant afternoon. Irene M. Planinšek No. 105, Detroit, Mich. We had our monthly meeting at Julia Panzica’s home in March and the attendance was nine members. A very low count by comparison to our previous meetings, we still managed to conduct some business. We opened the meeting with a prayer and welcomed a guest, Frances Snyder, Julia’s sister. She is a grand person. 1 could tell that she enjoyed herself very much, especially since it was her birthday. It was a pleasure for us to celebrate with her. Katherine Musick, our secretary, also had a birthday and she was presented with a lovely gift from Alice BRANCH 92 MOURNS SECRETARY On Febrauary 16, 1966, our dear secretary of Br. 92, Mrs. Josephine Somrak, passed away at St. Mary-Corwin Hospital, Pueblo, Colo., where she was taken in January for surgery. Josephine was buried from All Saints church in Crested Butte and is interred at the cemetery there. Surviving are her husband, Rudolph, two sons, Rudolph, Jr., and James, one daughter, Mary Jo, employed by the U. S. Forest Service in Gunnison, her mother, Mrs. Mary Sedmak, two sisters, Mrs. Mary Rozman and Mrs. Evelyn Mraule, and three brothers, Rudy, Joe and Lewis Sedmak. Josephine Somrak was born Nov. 16, 1920 in Crested Butte, daughter of Mary and the late Rudolph Sedmak, Sr. She received her schooling in Crested Butte and was a graduate of the Crested Butte High School. She was married on Jan. 13, 1939 in Denver to Rudolph “Shammy” Somrak, Sr., and they have made their home in Crested Butte since that time. Mrs. Somrak, “Babe” as she was known to her family and friends, was a member of Queen of All Saints church and was secretary of the Altar and Rosary Society and Pine Tree Lodge, Br. 92, Slovenian Women’s Union. She was also a member of St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s Lodges. And so, we have laid to rest another sister member, one who worked diligently for the good of our branch and a very dear and faithful secretary and friend. We hope she is looking down on us from heaven and that she will pray for us. “Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace, Amen.” H. C. ■»' ■»■ ■■»■ ■■■ ■■■ ■»' Kocjan, a pair of yellow butane nylon candles. She also received a perfumed compact, cameo sachet watch case that she donned immediately, and wore throughout the meeting. It had a lovely scent. She was also a winner of a plastic clothing bag during our games. Lucky Katherine! Our guest won the other prize, donated by Alice Kocjan, which was a beautiful bone china cup and saucer. It did our hearts good to see her so happy and appreciative. Donations were made to our treasury and extra donations by Gail Simon and Alice Kocjan were made. Nice to have Gail back again. It was grand to see how happy Katherine was with all her gifts, too. She has been our good secretary for years and deserves all our attention. Anna Anzick will have a birthday coming in May and also Julia Zrimc. So, many happy returns of the day, ladies. Zorka Maisel received a postcard from Rose Jamnik in Florida, where she is combining business with pleasure. She sent warm wishes (80 degrees) to us from sunny Florida. We could have used some of that temperature that day! We hope to see Rose at our meetings. I think it is about time Mary Zimmerman and her spouse hi-tail it back to Michigan, too! How nice to be able to spend this long and drawn out winter where it is warm. Especially for someone who likes it warm all the time. As I have said before, it’s not for me. I’m strictly a Michigan gal! Like variety! Ann and Frank Perhay are happy these days with their daughter vacationing home from college (Oklahoma.) Isn’t it nice to be home even for a short while with mom and dad? Fulvia Rosa is flying to her home town in Minnesota in May to be at the celebration of her mother’s birthday. God luck and good health to your mom, Fulvia. We had a delicious lunch, Quiche-loraine, hot rolls, sprigs of broccoli and for dessert, cake-a-la-mode with strawberries on top! Calories, wow! Thank you, Julia, it was very delicious. Pauline Adamic’s husband, John, has a sister, Margaret Steblaj, who is in a sanitorium since January. She resided in Barberton, Ohio and reported in Zarja from Br. 6. She’s at the Edward Show Sanitorium, Akron, O. I know she would love to hear from you, so why not send her a card of cheer? That will make her very happy. It. takes so little to raise the spirits of the ill. Our next meeting will be at Ann Anzick’s home. I hope we will have a better attendance. To each and everyone, take care and be happy. God bless you all. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter Mrs. Brulla Mrs. Petrovič MY MOTHER’S LOVE _________i Mrs. Blasovich REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O. F. M.: Who is a mother? French philosopher Francois Mauriac gives us wondeful description of his mother and by that token of any mother. So did our mother appear to me: a creature above all creatures ... It is strange to think that the most mediocre women and even the most wicked have been in the eyes of their little boy this almost divine being. The child must grow, withdraw from his mother; it requires separation from him to judge this creature from whom he was born. It is necessary for her to let this man, her son, try his luck, take risks, love a woman and take her to himself. All that seems simple and in keeping with the wish of nature. Yet, it is just that which gives rise of a drama more often than one would think. The hen drives away the grown chick who persists in following her, but, many women do not have that instinct. In their son they never see the child die; and this graying man that they wait on, that they scold, is still a little boy to them. As we advance in life we perceive that man in his declining years has as much need of his mother as when he was a child. In truth, the child in us never dies; as soon as sickness attacks us and disarms us, the child is there again, that demanding child, who needs spoiling, confidence, who wants to be consoled and cradled. And that is why very often, the wife from instinct becomes a mother again at the bedside of this sick man; she assumes for the man whom weakness has reduced to a child the role of the mother who is no longer there. Such is perhaps the greatest marvel of the feminine heart— the intermingling of maternal and conjugal love within it, so fused into one that there remains only this tenderness of the wife bending over her wounded and suffering companion. Coleridge has said so well: “A mother is a mother; still the holiest thing alive.” ANTOINETTE BRULLA No 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Mrs. Antoinette Brulla, charter member, is the Honor Mother of our branch this year. Mrs. Brulla was born In 1905 in Sheboygan, as the twin-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Melanz. — Mr. Me-lanz is the only living Committee member in charge of building of our Slovenian church. Her mother passed away some years ago. Antoinette was married to Joseph 13rulla, a welding mechanic, on Oct. 29, 1924. Three children were born to them: Phyllis, Daniel, Rogene. All are married and there are 19 grandchildren: 12 boys and 7 gills. “Toliča” as she is lovingly called, is an excellent nurse, although she never attended a nursing school. For 20 years she nursed her mother-in-law who lived with her. Mrs. Brulla, Sr. had diabetes, necessitating the amputation of both legs and for seven years she was a total invalid. TonCa cared for her and nursed her lovingly until her death several years ago. Our branch is proud to have a member with this kind of love and devotion. Antoinette is a member from the beginning of our branch. Her two daughters are members since they were babies. With 7 granddaughters, the Brulla family has the largest membership in our branch. The best wishes to “Tonca” and her nice family from all of us. Marie Prisland SOPHIE PETROVIČ Br. 2, Chicago, III. The chosen mother of Chicago branch is an energetic-type person who holds a full time job at Chicago’s famed Marshall Field Dept. Store and tends to a family of three daughters. Her husband, John, well-known Slovenian businessman, passed away suddenly several years ago, and left Sophie to take full charge of the girls and his insurance business which she still manages to keep in order. Sophie is a member of 2i8 years standing and 1ms always been depended upon to do some of the hardest jobs and do them well. She has overseen many committees including registration of delegates at the 1964 national convention in Chicago. She loves people and to mingle with them and is extremely good at figures, that’s why she’s an auditor of the branch. With daughter Margaret away following her nursing profession, Sophie has her two^other girls, Frances and Anna May both at home with her. They too, are members of long-standing, since they were little. They reside at 419 Humphrey Ave., in Oak Park and Sophie just celebrated a birthday on March 8th (1909). Her many friends and sisters wish her good years ahead and may God bestow His choicest blessing on her. Mrs. Globokar MARY RAJŠTER No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — For a woman 75 years of age, Mary Rajšter is a very independent and active lady. She work’s as a chemist’s assistant on a part time basis at the American Bio Synthetics Co., does her own house work, has a garden in the summer that produces more vegetables than she can use, so, she is very generous in giving them to her neighbors and friends. She also belongs to two Senior Citizens groups which she enjoys very much. She raised three daughters, Mary, Fannie and Annie and when at the age of 27 years, daughter Frances died leaving a little girl, Mary Rajšter kept her and raised her as her own. This granddaughter, one of her three grandchildren. is now married and has made her a great grandmother four times. She spends many happy hours baby sitting for them. Mary is never too busy to visit her sick friends and is an active parishioner at St. John the Evangelist church since its beginning 50 years ago. She still attends all its functions and is a devoted member of Br. 12 which meets there monthly. She resides at 627 W. Virginia St with her husband, John, to whom she has been married 53 years. She is a native of Sostanj, Slovenia and came to America in 1912 a few months before her marriage. The branch is proud of having such a wonderful member and exceptional mother. God bless her. ANNA STICH No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Not only a wife and mother, and member, but more, the person who knows all there is to know about Br. 13, is their chosen Mother of 196G. She is Anna Stich, financial secretary for the past 8 years and a very good one at that. Her good example for branch activity was her mother, Barbara Nemanich, charter president who is now deceased. Besides her duties as secretary, Anna is the cook and kitchen chief for all their social events, too, which makes her practically indispensible! Mrs. Nimmer Her family consists of five children, Jean, son Jerry, Joanne, Judy and Jackie. She and her husband, John, were married Oct. 25, 1925 and now have 9 grandchildren and a great grandchild. She is a native of San Francisco, born there on March 1, 1908 — how lucky to have lived in this beautiful Bay City all her life, which many consider the loveliest city in the world! The Stich residence is 579 Rhode Island Ave., a place where there is much activity and love. Besides Anna’s excellent participation in Br. 13’s functions, she has enrolled all her family and daughter Jackie is their most active junior member. A great lady and mother — S. W. U.’s Anna Stich! MARY LOUISE GLOBOKAR No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. The members of Br. 14 are very proud of their young Mother-of-the-Year, Mary “Mit-zi” Globokar! She comes from a strictly S. W. U. family, with all the ladies in her (Tomazin) family and her husband’s family members since the beginning of the organization. Actually, Mitzi began her membership as a junior member of Br. 25, when they lived near St. Vitus church. She was with the Junior cadets as a small girl, then graduated to the St. Vitus Drill Team as a young lady and after her marriage in 1955, and subsequent residence in Euclid, transferred to Br. 14 where her three daughters are ail active in the new junior baton twirling group and she herself has helped in numerous ways. Her mother and monther-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Tomazin and Mrs. Frances Globokar, respectively, were presidents of their branches, (25 and 14) and Mrs. Globokar served as Supreme Vice President for two terms. They are both very lovely matrons with a deep sense of pride in their heritage and nationally. Mitzi’s husband, Vince, was during his youth, the first accordion-accompanist for —-—- —— ----------- LOVE & MARRIAGE . 1 Mrs. Rajšter the Br. 14 juniors, under his mother’s direction. The young Globokar family resides at 19200 Abby Ave. There are 2 boys and 3 girls: Vince, Mary Ann, Carol, Sharon and Paul and all have a lovely time working to help their mother keep a growing garden each summer. Mitzi is also a very adept seamstress and one of her latest projects was the making of the SWU “Twirlettes” banner which they us« whenever parading. Young and pretty, Mitzi is of the new generation of adult SWU members and her children comprise the 4th generation of members in her family. All good wishes to them! JOSEPHINE BLASOVICH No. 16, So. Chicago, 111. — When Josephine Jakse was first brought to America in 1905, she was a little baby. After a few years the family returned to Europe where she had her primary schooling, but in the 1920’s they came back to this country to stay. The subsequent years brought marriage in 1928 to John Blasovich and the birth of two daughters, Joan and Joyce. As residents of 10648 Ave. B., in So. Chicago, the family grew and mother Josephine was occupied with her home and doing various kinds of handwork such as crocheting and knitting. She is considered a very good cook, too, and her favorite sport is swimming. She is active in many church functions and attends the monthly meetings of Br. 16 regularly, contributing toward all their social affairs. Josephine and her husband. John, visited Yugoslavia in 1955 and plan to make another trip this summer. Mrs. Hočevar Mikrut and Althea Tverberg. Sous, Francis and Laurence are married and Philip is still at home. There are 9 grandchildren. Affairs of Br. 33 and at St. Elizabeth's church are uppermost on the list of activities for Mrs. Sever. Her husband, Frank, often has to sit back and wait for "mom” to get home from all these doings! She also was secretary of the branch at one time. Mrs Sever was born in Slovenia on July 7, 1895 as Anna Rozi eh and was brought to America as a child of 5 years in 1900. In September of 1918, she married and began raising her family. The members say of Mrs. Sever: She is a very cooperative person to work with, willing to do more than her share; so, always it’s a pleasure to be with this charming member, (rod’s blessing on her! ANGELA (YAPEL) PLANTON Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Mrs. Planton is a trustee of I! ran eh 34 for over 15 years and always active in their doings, attending meetings etc. She also has spent countless hours as a catechism teacher for the religious instruction of Catholic school children from the third grade at publie schools for the past nine years. This does not minimize all her energy spent taking care of her husband and family which is an everyday job in itself. Daughter, Mary Lou and sons, Prank Jr., and Raymond are all grown up now. Mary Lou was married in 1900 to Joseph Zupancich of Ely and they have three children, Mary Jo, Angela and Joseph III. Frank, Jr. is married to Joseph Zu-pancich’s sister, Zoe Marie, (in 1961) and they also three children, Margie, Frank III and John. Son, Raymond is ;m elementary school teacher in the Babbitt School. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Planton were married in 1936 and celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary in 1961 Mrs. Sever Mrs. Planton Mrs. Zgonc She is held in highest esteem by her relatives there and they remembered her on her feast day, March 19th with a lovely bouquet of red carnations, the Slovenian flower, seen in this photo. A daughter, Joan Piazza, is a teacher at the John Foster Dulles School in Stickney and daughter Joyce is in the Public Relations Department at the Chicago Circle Campus of the University of Illinois. There are also two grandchildren that provide many hours of pleasure for grandparents, Josephine and John. A lovely, diligent mother and member, Mother-of-the-Year, Josephine Blasovich is extended every good wish for a happy lifetime. J. Buck JOSEPHINE NIMMER Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Mrs. Nim-mer, her two daughters and four grandchildren are all members of Br. 17. She is very active with organizational work of all kinds., and has a deep loyalty to the S. W. U. because she is a charter member and the daughter of the charter president and organizer of the branch, Mrs. Josephine Schlosar. Particularly close to her heart is the SWU Scholarship Fund to which she contributed generously at the time of the passing of her husband, Herbert E. Nimmer. She is a former businesswoman, having operated the Schlosar women’s apparel shop from 1958 when her mother retired, until 1962. Since then she had been occuping herself with social work, as a hospital volunteer at Misercordia Hospital, is the Social Chairman of Fine Arts at Alvemo College and spends time in her garden with her flowers. Needless to say, her four grandchildren take up many hours of her time when she gladly baby-sits for them. Her home is at 1420 N. Victoria Circle in Elm Grove, Wis., and May 10, 1910 is her birthday. Members of Br. *17 have elected her as auditor for four years and enjoy her membership very much as she is most attentive to her duties and dili- TRUE ; [ LOVE j gent in attending all their functions They join in wishing her a most happy Mother’s Day this year and always ANN LAMONTAGNE No. 22, Bradley, III. — Mrs. Ann LaMontagne belongs to the generation of energetic and enthusiastic “lodge” people who joined various organizations as young gilrs and have kept membership in good standing all these years, proving to be quite an asset to every one. Mrs. LaMontagne is a member of 35 years standing with Br. 22 and for the last 6 years has been their secretary. She is a member of St. Anne Society of St. Joseph’s church for 38 years and of the Darche Circle of Isabella of Bradley for 30 years. She is a native of Michigan, bom there on June 4, 1907 as Anna Pe-chauer. On June 14, 1927, she married Bernard J. LaMontagne at St. Joseph’s church and they have a son, Bernard Jerome. Two grandchildren, Karen, 5 years old and Kevin, 4 years, are her pride and joy. Many of Mrs. Montagne’s family are members of the branch, including her two sisters and a niece. Her mother, before her passing, was also an active member. The family residence is at 284 S. Grand Ave. in Bradley. Best wishes for good health, good fortune and good years ahead to her! ANNA SEVER Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. The members of Br. 33 love to see the smiling face of Mrs. Anna Sever regularly at their meetings; she adds so much to any company. She participates in all their activities and is a diligent helper. At home, which is at 312 — 103 rd Ave. West, she takes care of her family of 5 children, and does lots of crocheting in the winter and gardening in the summer. The five Sever children are all grown up and two daughters are members of the branch. They are Virginia Mrs. Ahlin Mrs. Techar Mrs. Gregory Mrs. Logar Mrs. Kresse at about the same time their two married children were having their own weddings. Needless to say, Angela was a busy mother and wife during this period. The family observed the Silver Wedding at an “open house” at the home of her sister, Mrs. Louis Chiabotti. Gardening and her flowers take up much of her time in the warmer months while needlework occupies her during the long winters. The Planton home is always filled with the smell of good things baking, as she’s a very good cook and baker! Angela, whose birthday is May 31, 1907, has a pleasing personality and all members of Br. 24 wish her and her lovely family a long and happy life amongst many friends and well-wishers. B. Yapel JENNIE AHLIN No. 39, Biwabik, Minn. The members of Br. 39 are very happy to announce that our Mother-of-the-Year is Jennie Ahlin from McKinley, Minn. She was born in McKinley on March 15, 1913 and was married to Joseph Ahlin, Jr. on August 26, 1931. They have a son, Gerald and a daughter, Roberta, both married. Recently, Roberta (Mrs. Faragher), became the proud mother of twin girls, Jane Anne and Karen Marie. Jennie has been a devoted and active member for the last 25 years or more. Her mother is Mrs. Johanna Zallar, our president for 25 years and their close-knit family has been the inspiration for Jennie to follow her mother in everything. Mother-in-law, Anna Ahlin is also an active member and was our chosen Mother previously — making Jennie third in the family for this honor. Besides all her activities at St. John’s church she has many skills and finds great pleasure sewing and gardening, and is the proud possessor of a very lush vegetable plot and beautiful flower garden, and does a fine job arranging them for parties, etc. Her large rolling lawn is one of the neatest places in town, not to mention her beautiful heme that she and her husband work hard to keep up Jennie is well-deserving of this year's Mother-of-the-Year title as she <——~— '——-------— — YOU ARE LOVE has been a diligent and helpful member, always working for the branch’s projects. Being in her company is always a treat because she is so cheerful and good humored. All members extend hearty wishes for a life time of sunshine and happiness. God love her, our Mother-of-the Year, Jennie Ahlin! A. Karish ANGELINE A. ZGONC Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio. The chosen Mother of Br. 40 is the daughter of Mrs. Frances Tomazic, an active members who at 83 still is young in heart, quite energetic and was Mother-of-the-Year some years ago. The family is close-knit as Angeline herself says, and finds enjoyment in celebrating all birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions together. There are 26 nieces and nephews, so you can see they have a lot of them receiving First Holy Communion, Confirmation and graduating each year. Angeline was born on March 15, 1912 at Lorain and was married to Frank J. Zgonc on Oct. 4, 1941. They operate Frank’s Market at 3110 Pearl ave. and specialize in their own home made rice and smoked sausages. For a time, Angeline was a Girl Scout Lieutenant at Ss. Cyril and Methodius parish and a member of the church choir. She raised two children, a daughter, Marilyn who is now Sister Mary Alaine a Sister of Notre Dame attending St. John’s College and a son, Alan, a freshman at Ohio State University at Columbus. She still manages to find time to be in her garden each summer and on cool evenings, relaxing while knitting. The family home is at 1688 East 32nd St. Angeline extends her own thanks to the members for choosing her for the honor, and the members in turn, wish her lots and lots of happiness and contentment as the grandest lady of them all in 1966! MARY HOČEVAR Br. 42, Maple Hgts, Ohio. A quiet, unassuming lady was chosen to be our beloved Mother-of-the Year. Mary was born in America, in fact in the St. Clair district of Cleveland, March 20 1901. She also had a brother here and subsequent to his death, buried here. When Mary was two years old, her parents took her back to Žužemberk in Slovenia. She left Europe when at the age of 19 and returned to America on Sept. 12, 1920, living with an aunt, Mrs. Josephine Smrekar. When Mary came back to America, she left her parents, 3 sisters, 4 brothers and now of this large family only Mary and two sisters remain, which is a great sadness to her. Her quiet, lady-like ways caught the eye of one Charles Hočevar and on May 1st, 1922, they were married at St. Lawrence church by the late Msgr. John J. Oman. They lived in the neighborhood of that parish until 1927 when they moved to Maple Hgts. to the home they have now at 15916 Raymond Ave. Their sons, Charles, Frank, Raymond are all married and have children of their own which makes Mary and Charles very happy. They have a lovely garden: lettuce and everything else that our people grow in their gardens abound in theirs. They also have a Shrine to the Blessed Mother in the garden. Husband, Charlie is retired and their life together is very good. He doesn’t get in her way, nor she in his. I’ve often overheard ladies complain of this his about their husbands and say, “I can’t do anything — he’s always underfoot!” Mary is, in my estimation, a wife and mother that any man would be proud and happy to have and the children proud to have as mother or mother-in-law. They were given an anniversary surprise in 1947 when they observed their 2'5th year of married life. We are very proud of Mary as she has done her share of help as needed in our lodge. She held the office of treasurer for four years too. May God bless her with good health and an abundance of good things for many years to come. Our Mass and Communion will be LOVE is a MANY — SPLENDORED THING Mrs. Želodec June 5th at 10 a. m. Mass at St. Lawrence church, with special honors to our Mothers and Grandmothers. To our mothers who are dead. May their souls rest in peace. To our living Mothers, many more years of joy with your families. L. Prhne MARY KRESSE Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Mary Kresse was born on Nov. 1, 1901 at Ljubno ob Savinje in Slovenia. She has been in America since August 14, 1920 and was married June 6, 1921 to her husband, John. They reside at 3812 S. 77th St. and have two sons, Edmund and William and a daughter, Theodora. Five grandchildren, CarolAnn, Ri-chy, Kevin, Billy and Jean Marie occupy much of their free time especially when its time for one of their birthdays when parties are the thing. During her free time, Mrs. Kresse spends hours sewing and knitting but now that it’s getting well into spring, she’ll be out in her garden with her flowers which are her pride and joy each summer. She willingly helps out at Br. 43 whenever possible and has been a good member of long-standing. Živio! Mrs. Kresse, and many wishes for a Happy Mother’s Day! MARY GREGORY Br. 46 St. Louis, Mo. Mary Cvelbar was a young lady when she came to America in 1920 from her native Slovenia, where she was bom Jan. 11, 1898 at the village of Vratno, parish of St. Yernej. She was married at Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1924 to John Gregory with whom she spent 40 years of married life. He died G months after their 40th wedding anniversary, in 1964. They resided in St. Louis all of their married life and raised three children, John, Lillian and Raymond. Oldest son, John is a real estate appraiser, is married and has two daughters and two sons. Daughter Lillian is married to an electrical en- gineer and has a son and three adopted children, two boys and a girl. And, Mother Mary lives and cares for her youngest son, Raymond, who is dependent because of poor health. She is another of our industrious mothers, loves to spend her time well and when her home and family don’t need her full attention, she enjoys crocheting. The members appreciate her very exceptional kindness and sweetness and consider her an outstanding Mother. May she receive a rich reward for her goodness on earth. ROSE ŽELODEC No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — Our Mother-of-the-Year is a member we are proud to have. Even after five major operations, Rose is ready to cooperate to keep our branch alive. Of a large family of three brothers and five sisters, Rose received training in her early years to keep active. Her parents were Ignatius and Rose Herbst. Her aunt, Mary Planton, was the organizer and first president of Br. No. 4 in Oregon City, Oregon. Perhaps this was what inspired her to become an active member herself. November 26, 1927, she said “I do” to Max Želodec, an accomplished accordionist. To this happy couple a son, Max Jr., was bom. They reside at 986 Addison Rd. She is a proud grandmother to Sharon Lou, Susan Marie, and Lisa Marie. Her hobbies are gardening, sewing, cooking. She also holds a real estate license. Rose held office of president for two years. At present she is recording secretary. A winner for getting new members, Rose made First Princess at the 1964 Convention in Chicago and was crowned there. Rose belongs to our active groups: Marie Prisland Cadets, Gay Nineties, Bloomer Girls, Slovenian Singing Group and the Slovenian Beetles. Mrs. Biscan She is a marvelous actress and a great comedian in all our stage productions. You can bet that every relative belongs to Br. 50! Heartiest wishes to Rose, a real treasure! Rep. FLORENCE TECHAR Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. A worker for the branch who is generous with her time and efforts is Mrs. Florence Techar. She resides at 212 4th St., in Kitzville Location and counts her birthdays since March 7, 1930. She is a native of Ilibbing and there has lived all her life. Florence Gutzwiller married William Frank Techar on Nov. 2'2, 1947. They have reared four children. Marilyn is 18 years old, William 14, Franklin 10 and Shelly only 6 years. They enjoy many sports together and especially a family sport, volleyball. During their long winters in Minnesota, they ice skate and enjoy the outdoors. When Br. 52 has a bake sale Mrs Techar is one of their most versatile contributors. Her family also has a wonderful time with mama’s baked specialties. Trying a new recipe is lots of fun for Florence! To her from all the members go heartfelt wishes for many more wonderful times and a Happy Mother’s Day. VICTORIA ZUGA Br. 54, Warren, Ohio. — Victoria is a charter member of Br. 54. She is always willing to help out for the betterment by donating her time. She is a lovely baker and everybody knows about her good pastries and look forward to seeing what she has made that's new! She is a devoted Mrs. Bissonette mother to her three children, liose-lyn, Leonard and Karen and has a darling 1 year old grandchild. Her husband, Frank, has been in the grocery business for years and they are both well-known in the community. They are about to celebrate their 28th wedding anniversary this July 20th, in observance of the day when Victoria Lunder promised to love, honor and obey! They reside at 1846 Monticello Ave., N. W. and Vickie’s birthday is Oct. 26, 1914. Among her most interesting hobbies is traveling and home-making, includes an enjoyment of baking. She is the auditor of the branch, also. Our fond felicitations! HELEN M. BISCAN Br. 55, Girard, Ohio. Mrs. Biscan was born in Yugoslavia and came to this country in 1921. She married her present husband, Joseph, in Youngstown, Ohio in 1922 and they reared two children, Dr. John J. of Belleville, 111., and daughter, Mary, of New York. Also, there are seven grandchildren. Mrs. Biscan enjoys attending the meetings of Br. 55 and is a faithful member for many years. She can be counted on for any help when called upon. She enjoys driving her car and visiting friends, especially those who are sick, and for this is a dear friend to many of the older members of the branch. Mrs. Biscan loves to travel and plans a trip to Europe this summer. With wishes of bon voyage go more wishes for a pleasant Mother’s Day with her family and loads of good health! MARY BISSONETTE Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — It’s May time again and in the month of May we honor our Mother-of-the-Year who is Mary Bissonette. She is a member since 1934 and has been an active one, too, which is very admir- Mrs. Dusek Mrs. Deblock able. She has served as auditor for several years and has really done her share to keep our branch going strong. In her younger years, she was our “Urna Nežka” and also played the role of Santa Claus for our Christmas parties. She had tricks of all kinds and masquerades she would fool us with. Now, as the years roll on, she has slowed down but still has a little “kick” once in a while. Mary is a native of Hibbing and was born on Sept. 13, 1903. She has been married 42 years to Joseph Bissonette and their five children are Mary Lou, Peter, Kenneth, Bernard and Edward. Most of her time is spent taking care of her 20 grandchildren and entering contests for which she has won many prizes and many of them valuable. She also likes to play cards, so there’s never a dull moment for her. She has been auditor of the branch for several years and is one of the few who can boast membership of 32 years. We wish for Mary a lot of good times ahead and may she keep smiling forever. Anne B. Satovich VIOLA LOGAR Br. 57, Niles, Ohio. Itiglit at Mill-creek Rd., at house number 149, is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ignace Logar, where the family has lived many happy years. They were married Sept. 5, 1931. Viola Logar is the mother of son Frank and daughter, Mary Ann Leonard, and grandma to three children. She loves to take care of these little ones, and to cook for all of them on special occasions. Son, Frank is a musician in North Hollywood, Calif., and is a teacher of music to several movie stars’ children. She and her husband are planing a trip there this July and will visit part of the time at Lake Tahoe where their son will be playing at the newly opened Sahara night club. Her daughter is living in Austintown, O., where there is never a dull moment with three dranddaughters: Lu Ann, Mary Jo and Karen Sue. Mrs. Konte When the house is quiet, she’s an enthusiastic embroiderer, crocheter and loves to read. Of course, there’s a garden at the Logar home which Viola tends lovingly. She is a good member and is very sociable. In fact, dances are her favorite places to go where she can meet old friends in a gay atmosphere. The members wish her many happy years — she just had a birthday April 21st (1910) and hope that she will have a Happy Mother’s Day this year and always. MARY KVAS Br. No. 63, Denver, Colo. Shortly after our mother of the year, Mrs Mary Kvas, was chosen by our lodge, she went by ship to the Hawaiian Islands. From all her reports she is having a wonderful time. She was among the first ladies in the Union having joined 34 years ago. The lodge has always been uppermost in her mind as she has served as President and most of the other offices. The members elected her as convention delegate in 1943. She has also been present back East during the celebration of Zveza Day in Lemon t, 111. Being a widow she now spends a good part of her time visiting the sick and writing letters to cheer our Slovenian people up. As a member of Holy Rosary parish keeps active in all the activities. She has four children, two sons and two daughters, also six grandchildren. One son, Robert, is a Christian Brother. Her daughter is a nun in the order of Sisters of Charity as Sister John Regis. Wishes to Mrs. Kvas for many blessings and much happiness in her senior years. CHRISTINE KONTE No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Christine Konte was born May 11, 1902 in Leadville, Colo., in the mining dis- MELODY OF LOVE LOVE Makes the World go ’round Mrs. Curti trict of Oro City. At the age of 16 years, her parents, Anton and Mary Rozman moved to Canon City. On June 14, 1920 she married Frank Konte, a native of Canon City and I hey are the parents of three children, a son and two daughters. One daughter, Mary, died Sept. 3, 1941 at the age of 18. She, too, was a member of SWU. Their son Frank and family live in Anchorage, Alaska and have 2 sons and a daughter. Daughter Christine lives in Canon City and has a son and a daughter. Both the granddaughters are members. In the year 1952, Frank and Christine moved to Weston, Colo., for a residence of 10 years. After his retirement, they moved back to their home at 112 W. Catlin Ave. Besides being president of Br. 66 she is also president of the St. Michael’s Altar and Rosary Society and the Regent of Queen of Heaven Circle of the Daughters of Isabella. She is an expert homemaker and delights in baking and cooking, has a wonderful collection of african violets and a beautiful garden. She also loves to go fishing! She is a very hard worker for Ihe welfare of others and this branch is especially proud of their president. They extend all their love and affection. HELEN DUSEK Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. — This energetic mother is also a business woman and such a good cook that her home in Florida is known as “Helen’s Kitchen,” to all who come down to visit. All her relations like to come down to Aunt Helen’s as her meals are so heavenly. Mrs. Kapushion She hasn’t had too much time for other hobbies as she has been assisting her husband, John, in the operation of a lumber yard and cement plant most of their married life, which is 22 years this November 10th. They live at 21223 Aurora Road and their son, Timothy has married and become the father of two lovely sons, Steven and Tim. Helen has enrolled many friends and relatives into the branch. She is a very willing worker and has donated countless number of door prizes. She pitches in to help in any way possible at all their affairs and meetings. Helen’s two sisters are members, Ann Yoger and Estelle O'/og; three sisters-in-law are Kay Yuratovac, Pres., Helen (S.) Dusek and Ann Butorac and a daughter-in-law, Gloria, is Rec. Sec’y of the branch. Mrs. Maxine Dusek, her late mother-in-law, was a member for many years and a cousin, Mary Jura-tovac is past-president. We heartily congratulate her on this honor bestowed upon her and wish her health and happiness. Kay Yuratovac BERNICE STRAHLER Br. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Bernice Strahler, nee Boskovic, is a young mother of five children, Mark, Thomas, Susan, Sally and Carol. She and her husband, Charles, have been married 15 years since May 30, 1951 and the young family resides at 1042 Goehrlng St. She was born on July 21, 1928 in Pittsburgh and particularly enjoys playing the organ, even to the extent that the three older children, Mark, Thomas and Susan, also take lessons with their parents. What a musical household! Bernice is also busy this year as she Is teaching religion class at St. Ambrose parochial school, now that all her childron are of school age and away all day. They are also Mrs. Nico preparing for Sally’s First Holy Communion this May. The members wish her a long and loyal membership with Br. 77 and much happiness with her wonderful family. MARY DEBLOCK Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. The members of Br. 83 have selected to honor their hard-working secretary of many years, Mary Deblock as their Mother-of- the Year for 196G. She will be completing 29 years in this post on June 8th. She is not only a diligent officer but has been active and helpful since the beginning of the branch. On Feb. 3, 1965, she and her late husband celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary among family and friends. Just a few months later, she lost her husband, Anton, who is also survived by two daughters, Mary Belt and Antoinette Nanik, a member for many years, also. Mary’s history begins at her birth in Slovenia and her subsequent arrival in America as a young lady in 1.913. She was Mary Zvokel, then. Her early training in the domestic arts has resulted in absorbing hobbies in her later years, which include crocheting and taking care of her flowers. To Mary and her family, many wishes for happiness and to a good secretary the branch sends hearty thanks. MARY L. GRAM Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. The members of Br. 86 have many good Limes together and one of their most beloved members is Mary L. Gram who has also served as president and vice-president for about 10 years, previously. Mary is the wife of Roy Gram and they reside at 508 1st St. They reared three children, a son, Roy, Jr. and two daughters, Elizabeth Gassert and Joyce Fiskewold who are all married and have given grandma and grandpa the joy of 16 grandchildren. Mary’s birthday is Feb. 15, 1907 and she is a very lovely person whom no one would think lias been married 42 years. A Happy Mother’s Day and Everyday is our wish to her! ANGELA NICO Br. 89, Oglesby, III. The value of education is well-appreciated by Mrs. Angela Nino, who as a mother ot two students, is pursuing an education herself. Due to domestic responsibility in her girlhood, she found it necessary to terminate her high school education; but, after raising her family, she took the opportunity in 39G4 to return to school and in 1985 she completed her high school work, graduating with distinction. She was I hen awarded a four year scholarship to any state college of her choice in Illinois and this day, she continues with her academic career at the LaSalle Junior College, taking 10 credit hours of work. She has many hobbies and most interesting among them is the analyzing of hand-writing. She became interested in this subject over 15 years ago and now has a collection of 12 books. Analyzing hand-writing is a modern science and is taught in several colleges in connection with psychology, which was once considered a pseudoscience. When she appealed at psychology classes to do some analyzing recently, the instructor and class were amazed at the accuracy of her descriptions of their characters since they were all strangers to her, and they invited her to return again. With Br. 89, she has been rec. sec’y for 5 terms and auditor for one. She has served on various committees including the past Ill.-Ind. State Convention in Oglesby and as a representative of her branch at last year’s meeting in Joliet. She and her husband, Sylvester, observed their 25th Wedding Anniversary four years ago. Their son, Bill, 20, is at the Univ. of California Math Research Dept, studying for his Doctorate in Math and daughter, Lorraine, 16%, is a high school junior. Their family home is at 115 Portland Ave. and March 10, 1918 is Angie’s birthday. Her mother, Frances Kuhar, is still with her and Angie takes good care of her. She can read and write in Slovenian, too, so to be able to correspond with her mother’s relatives in Slovenia and this is a great comfort to Mrs. Kuhar whose eyesight is failing. Angie Nico is a wonderful person and is recognized as an outstanding citizen, social and domestic worker and all of these combined attributes makes Br. 89 proud and happy to name her their worthy Mother of 19G6. Josephine Livek ERNESTINA CURTI Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Mrs. Ernestina Curti came to the United States from Italy as a young bride. Her winning "ays and pleasant peaonality soon helped to make many life- long triends. She has been a loyal wife Mrs. Boerner Mrs. Parrino and a devoted mother. As an active member of the branch since March 1939, she has always taken part willingly in any event that took place. She also belongs to two Italian lodges and is an officer of one. Ernestina and her late husband reared four children, Armando, Adelina, Matilda and Jimmy. Now there are already nine grandchildren. She is an excellent cook and has served as chair lady to many of the church suppers. She also has a beautiful singing voice and is very often asked to sing at banquets and social gatherings. She enjoys her family and to all of them, sincere wishes and congratulations. MARY KAPUSHION Br. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. A name often mentioned in branch 92 reports from Crested Butte is that of this worthy mother, Mary Kapu-shion. She is very active and has taken part in all their social events for the many years of her membership. In fact, Mary was the secretary for two years some time ago, but now has enough work to keep her busy at her job. She is working with and for people at the Glenwood Springs Hot Springs Lodge near her home. There she sees many people and finds their stories quite interesting. Mary also admits to loving the surroundings at Glenwood Springs which is situated in beautiful mountainous country. She is a native of Colorado and lived in her home town of Crested Butte up until 8 years ago. She is married to Matt Kapushion since Nov. 14, 1930 and together they reared four children, Mary Jane, Arnold, Donald and Matthew Jr. There are six grandchildren now, too. The family home is at 915 Bennett Ave., and we wish for Mary an a-bundance of good will to keep her forever happy. God bless her! Mrs. Horzen ROSE BOERNER Br 95, So. Chicago, III'. The members of our branch named Mrs. Rose Boerner, 43, of 9G32 Muskegon Ave., a mother of four, namely: Allen, Rodger, Donna Lee, and Mary Kay, as our Mother-of-the-Year. Mrs. Boemer, a trim brunette who looks younger than her years, is the wife of Adolph. When she was chosen, she gasped, then replied: “I’m surprised, over- whelmed and feel extremely humble. It seems to me there are many other women worthy of the award.” The members cited her for exemplifying family life and dedication to our branch. Parenthood and an atmosphere of unity, culture, love, spiritual devotion, mutual confidence, patriotism, unselfish service and is always eager to lend a helping hand in all of our projects, and shrewd discipline were always the dedicated objectives of her homelife. She feels a good mother needs to be well-rounded in all fields. Winning honors is certainly not new to her. Not too long ago her husband was selected the winner of the Chicago Daily Calumet “Millionaire Father Contest,” when 30 business firms showered them with many beautiful gifts. To round out affairs, baking, cooking and performs many outdoor tasks. The Boemer family are active members of Sacred Heart Croatian parish and other organizations. We are terribly proud of Rose Boerner for her many contributions to our branch, and to her family, and we consider it an honor to call her our own. Dear Rose, it is our wish that the happiness you and your family are now enjoying may continue and increase for the rest of your days. Mildred James LOVE ME TENDER Mrs. Svette Mrs. Plazar JOSEPHINE PARRINO Br. 96, Universal, Pa. A charter member of Br. 9G is their chosen mother this year. She is Mrs. Josephine Parrino who lives with her family at 134 Hamilton Dr., in Pittsburgh. Of Josephine’s four sons, one is deceased. They are Frank, Andrew and Edward Borkovich, bom during her first marriage to Frank Borkovich which ended at his death in 1921. Since 1957, Josephine and Nick Parrino have made a happy household for her boys and 17 grandchildren. They are also proudly a-waiting the birth of their 1.8th grandchild this August. Josephine was born on May 18, 1904 in Yugoslavia and came to the U. S. in 1914. She loves sewing and with so many precious granddaughters in the family, spends many, many hours sewing and embroidering pretty things for them. To this wonderful member and mother go fond felicitations on this happy occasion. CECILIA HORZEN Br. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Mother of Br. 100 is the mother of three sons in the Armed Forces. Son Frank, Jr., is serving with the U. S. Air Force in Viet Nam; a second son, Dick left for service in March and the third son, Tony was due to report to the AirForce in April. This makes Mrs. Horzen a brave and admirable woman who will surely have extra blessings from God to soothe her heartfelt worries now. Mrs. Michelitch The Horzens, Frank and Cecilia have another son at home, James, and two daughters, Barbara and Cecilia who make things happy at 8541 Oleander Ave., in Fontana. When Sept. 22 comes around they celebrate mom’s birthday which took place in Virden, 111. in 1919. Then, along comes Feb. 15th and that’s mom’s and dad’s anniversary, since 1942 when they were married at St. Joseph’s church in Fontana. When time permits, Cecilia is active at bowling, gardening and cooking up something special. She also likes people and serves on the branch’s sick committee cheering up any member who is under the weather. Her husband, Frank, is 3rd National Vice-President of the KSKJ and she, too, is a long-time member. All the Horzen ladies are members of Br. 100 for many years. All good wishes to her for a happy observance of Mother’s Day in the hearts and minds of her family and friends. PAULINE SVETTE Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio. The sun shines on Pauline Svette, and has made her a happy lady with love for her family, home and garden. She is another of our horticultural-minded mothers who delights in a beautiful garden of flowers. Their home is at 23380 Wood St., in Bedford Hgts., and Pauline is a native Clevelander with Jan. 20, 1907 as her auspicious birthdate. Since July 15. 1930 when she married Anton Svette, Pauline has been a housewife and mother. There are three daughters and a son in the family, namely Edward, Pauline Brown, Antoinette Wyskocil and Mary Ann Hrdlicka.. Yes, the sun shines on Pauline and she has turned the sunshine on others as well. She was "sunshine chairman” in fact, for Br. 101 in previous years, spreading a little cheer wherever she could. Right now, she is their active vice-president and is always eager and willing to help in whatever way possible for the success of their projects and gatherings. Heartiest wishes to her and lots more sunshine in all her days! MARY MICHELITCH Br. 103, Washington, D. C. From Cerknica, Slovenia to Washington, D. C. is a long jump, but not so long at that when you consider the wonderful personality of Mary Michelitch who has given all her family first hand experience at knowing what it is to be an American-Slo-venian lady. She was Mary Žnidaršič when she came here in 1913 and was a young lady ol’ 18 years. Her birthday is May 1, 1895. Then a few months after her arrival, she married John Michelitch and began raising a wonderful, large family of fifteen children, nine of whom are still living. They are Frieda, Herman, Mary, Edward, Joseph, Robert, Philip, Harry and Rebecca Jo. From this prolific family have come eleven grandchildren and she is seen on the accompanying photo with three of them, Sandra Michelitch, Michele Petrick and Janie Michelitch. They live at 9000 Old Dominion Dr., in McLean, Va., where housework and gardening are Mrs. Miche-litch’s chief occupations. She also enjoys meetings of Br. 103 where she sees many of the Slovenian ladies living in this area. The members are indeed proud of her and her fine family which typifies the perfect family with the perfect mom and grandmom! ANNA PLAZAR Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. Anna Kup-sek was just a little girl of 4 years when brought to the new country, America from Radeče in Slovenia, Yugoslavia in 1905. She was schooled and reared in the Detroit area and it was on Oct. 1, 1925 that she married Anton riazar and began her own housekeeping. They were blessed with two children, a son, Anthony and daughter, Gertrude. When the family comes together for mom’s birthday, it is always April and what a wonderful time they have! She must have a beautiful garden because flowers are her pride and joy and takes most of her leisure time each summer. God’s fondest and kindest blessings to Mrs. Plazar and may she continue to enjoy good health and happiness for many years to come. 1 LOVE YOU TRULY {__________________ Marie Prisland: Učencem slovenske šole v Clevelandu, Chicagu, Mil-waukeeju, Jolietu in še drugod, poklanjam v zabavo naslednjo mično zgodbico: TRIJE PUJSKI Trije debeli pujski so v svinjaku gorkem stanovali. Siti, leni in tolsti so zadremali, zaspali. Tedaj — škrt — škrt — podgana je iz kota pridrčala, skoz ozke zobke je hudobno zarenčala: “Priboljškov iščem najrajši meso jem! "Prešiček je prevelik, a rep njegov? Zakaj pa ne? Prav rada ga pohrustani in pojem.” In z zobki šavsnila je sek — prašičku, revčku spečemu odgriznila je repek. Zaman je pujsek jokal, klical in ihtel. “Tvoj repček v moji shrambi bo visel,” iz luknje je podgana zaklicala, “kot klobasa lepo bo dehtel.” Ostala dva prašička sta se najprej bala, potem pa iz dna trebuščkov tolstih se krohotala: “Juj, juj, juj-in-hi, hi, hi, kakšen pa si? Gladina prazna zadej se blesti!” Sta revčka bratca strašno razjezila, da ga do repka bivšega rdečica je oblila: “Ni spak, zdravnika bom že še dobil, bo nov in lgpši repek mi prišil!” Ko pujsek prvi strah in jezo je prestal, je šel na pot, da bi zdravnika poiskal. Pri miški — srebmodlaki — najprej pozvoni: “Sem slišal, da zdravnica si! Mogoče mi poveš zdravilo, ki moj repek bi vrnilo.” A miš za uhlji s krempeljčki je popraskala: “Nič ne bo,” je z glavico majala. “Sem le kirurg, kako naj to storim? Kar je preveč, to jaz odrežem in zdrobim.” In pujsek milo jokajoč, šel je k zdravnici muci po pomoč. A muca si je brke oblizala, stegnila se in dejala: “Mijav, mijav, sem ranocelnik le; jeziček lep in čist imam, zdravim, zližem rane vse, a mrtvim repkom jaz pomagati ne znam.” Povesil rožnati je rilček naš prašiček, k zdravniku vranu tekel je v gozdiček. Čarovnik vran na vejici sedi, si perje skubi, gleda s hudimi očmi in na plaho prošnjo pujsku odgovori: “Nov rep, neumnež, ti že preskrbim, pa ne zastonj, le če plačilo prej dobim! Ajd, z rilčkom mi preorji griček ves, da iz zemlje pobiral boni mrčes. S tem mnogo hrane boš mi preskrbel; še le potem ti bom nov rep pripel.” Po gričku je prašiček ril, se mučil, trudil in potil, čez teden dni ga je zoral. Lepo ga prerahljal. "Zdaj pa se obrni,” mu je vran dejal, prašičku zadaj nekaj je brkljal, potem pa hitro ga nagnal: “Le pojdi, rep si zdaj prejel!” Nov rep prašiček čutil je vesel, se dolgo okrog sebe je vrtel, da novi repek bi uzrl, a kje! Saj bil je predebel. Ves srečen je domov jo ucvrl. Nasproti mu metuljček prifrči, do solz prašičku se smeji: “Kje pa si, pujsek, takšen rep dobil?” “Čarovnik, stari vran, ga je prišil!” ponosno srečni pujsek je odgovoril. Še bolj metuljček se je zasmejal: “Ta vran te, norček, je ogoljufal! Saj vejica s smreke zadaj ti štrli! Krepko ti jo s smolo je pritrdil! Lepo goljufati si se ti pustil, vsaj drugič sleparjem ne boš več verjel!” Od jeze prašiček je skoraj znorel. Metuljček pa rešitev ve: “Nikar se ne sramuj!” mu de. “Nesreča se večkrat v korist spremeni — brezskrbno do konca boš živel vse dni! Brez repka mesar te ne bo zaklal, ker za repček nihče te ne bo držal! Mi, hi, hi, ti norček debeli ti!” — in metuljček odfrči. Prašiček ves blažen je vejico snel, v svinjak k svojim bratcem je brž odhitel. A bratca od smeha sta rilček zvijala: “Še zdaj nimaš repka!” — oba sta kričala. A pujsek naš tudi se je smejal in z velikim veseljem ponosno dejal: “Ko za koline mesar bo vaju vzel, bom jaz v hlevčku spančkal, prijetno se grel. “Ha, butca neumna,” je še dodal: “Kdo neki brez repka bi me zaklal?” Sta od začudenja bratca kar sedla — potem pa drug drugemu repek pojedla. ❖ * KAJ PA Tl PISKAŠ Kaj pa ti piskaš, kaj pa ti vriskaš, mladi pastirček svojim ovcam? Kaj bi ne piskal, kaj bi ne vriskal, zato piščalko svojo imam. Moje ovčice so tovaršice, večje jaz sreče tu ne poznam. Čreda se pase, radostni glasi, ptiček v grmovju, mi pa žvrgoli. Slikca kaže Mrs. Prisland in hčerko Hermine, ko pripravljata potico! Mmm-mmm! (Izdelek vidite na st. 103.) Mamice zlate ve Kaj bi bil svet brez vas? Zlate, prezlate ste In nežen je vaš obraz. Mrs. Mishmash MARY MISHMASH št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Članice št. 3 tso lotos podelile naslov častne matere sestri Mary Mishmash, 1008 So. Santa Fe. Rojena je bila 8. decembra, 1875, v vasi Vinice, fara Sodražica. Dekliško ime je bilo Žlindra. V Ameriko je prišla 16. marca, 1902, in se isto leto poročila s Charles Mishmash. Mož je umrl leta 1937. V zakonu so se rodili štirje otroci, dva sta umrla v mladostnih letih, sin Charles je umrl 9. maja, 1965 in živi še sin Victor. Stanuje pri snahi (pokojnega sina Charles, ki skrbi za njo kot za lastno mater. V decembru je sestra Mishmash dopolnila častitljivo starost 90 let. Sedaj težko hodi in vid ji je opešal, kar je za njo velik udarec, ker je rada čitala priljubljeno Zarjo. Članice Zveze je že 39 let. Njeno najbolj priljubljeno razvedrilo je bilo v ročnem delu in med cvetlicami na vrtu. Vedno je rada zahajala na seje. Poklonila je nešteto komadov ročnega dela za dobrodelnost. Bila je vedno izvrstna dru-žabnica in vesele narave. Njeni vnuki, katerih je šest in pet pravnukov, jo zelo ljubijo in jo obiščejo vsako nedeljo. Zaslužni materi želimo obilo božjega blagoslova in še mnogo let med nami, draga, nam vsem priljubljena častna mati, Mary A. Pachak P. Claude Okorn, o.f.m. Junaške matere Vsaka žena, ki postane mati, je junakinja vsaj z ozirom na njene otroke. Za nobeno težavo ne smatra to, da skrbi za bolne otroke, da skrbi zanje, da jim pomaga in če preti nevarnost, bo storila vse, da jih reši. Jezusova prispodoba o koklji in piščancih je nad vse ganljiva. Zelo nazorno pokaže materino skrb za njene otroke. V časih to njeno junaštvo vidno raste pred nami. Zgledi iz vsakdanjega živlenja nam to pripoveduje vsak dan. Dnevno časopisje je prineslo naslednjo zgodbo. Fantje iz neke srednje šole so se šli kopat. Ker niso poznali dovolj obale se je zgodilo, da jih je precej utonilo. Neka mati je izgubila ob tej priliki dva sina. Naprosili so nekega duhovnika, da bi šel in sporočil to žalostno novico materi. Čudovito se je zadržala. Ni se pritoževala in ne očitala. Nastalo je vprašanje kdo bo obvestil o nesreči druge matere. Takoj se je ponudila, da bo ona to storila. Nič ne bodo mogle reči, zakaj jaz sem izgubila dva. Ko nastanejo težave in pridejo preizkušnje se zdi, da matere dobijo posebno moč. Neka mati iz severne Francije se je namenila, da bo vzela svojega bolnega otroka na romanje v Lurd in da bo takoj prosila za ozdravljenje svoje hčerke. Zdravniki niso dali več nobenega upanja. Toda božji načrti so drugačni kakor človeški. Materi Božji se je zdelo verjetno bojše, da odvzeme otroka kakor pa da ga ozdravi. Na pol pota v Lurd je otrok umrl. Na naslednji postaji so spremenili čakalnico v mrtvaško kapelo. Mati ni prav nič jokala. Držala je otroka v naročju in molila. Nekdo izmed množice, ki jo je dalj časa opazoval je šepnil poleg stoječemu človeku: “Zdi se ti, da je kakor Marija sedem žalosti.” Nič je ni vznemirjalo. Potopljena je bila v svojo žalost vendar si imel občutek, da je nad žalostjo. Ni vzdihovala, le molila je. Občutek si imel, da jo obdaja svetniški sij. To so matere. Naše niso izuzete. Prav je potem, da se poleg redne pozornosti, ki nam jo dolžnost nalaga, še posebej spomnimo na materinski dan te svete duše, naše matere. Mrs. Žnidaršič s soprogom MARY ŽNIDARŠIČ Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. — Zaslužna mati pri št. 6, je letos sestra Mary Žnidaršič, 402 Fraze Ave. Rojena je bila 9. oktobra, 1893 v Cerknici pri Rakeku; deklišpo ime je bilo Ilbančič. V Ameriko je prišla 10. januarja, 1910. S Frankom Žnidaršič se je poročila 17. februarja, 1912. V zakonu so se rodile tri hčerke, Mary, Frances in Ana, vse poročene. Stara mati je 12 vnukom. Njeno posebno zanimanje je šivanje, kvačkanje in rada dela na vrtu, kjer ima vseh vrst rože in lepe gredice zelenjave. Dne 17. februarja, 1962 sta z možem in družino slavila Zlato poroko. Bila je skozi vsa leta aktivna pri podružnici in je ustanova na članica ter je več let opravljala urad nadzornice. Med vnukinjami sta dve učiteljice; ena poučuje v Northern High School in druga v Clevelandu. Vrli sestri Žnidaršič izrekamo iskrene čestitke in želje za mnogo let družinske sreče! MARY KOTAR Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. Za letos je bila imenovana sestra Mary Kotar, 742 Hudson St. za najbolj zaslužno mater pri podružnici. Rojena je bila 1. februarja, 1898 v vasi Veliki Gaber na Dolenjskem. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Strajnar. V Ameriko je prišla 1. oktobra, 1922 in se takoj naslednji mesec poročila s Frankom Kotar. Rodili so se trije otroci od katerih živita hčerki Mary in Olga. Njeno najbolj priljubljeno razvedrilo je v ročnem delu in na vrtu, katerega pridno neguje. Pri podružnici je bila štiri leta nadzornica. Vedno rada pomaga ročni blagajni, za kar so ji vse članice hvaležne. Svoji častni materi Mary Kotar tem potom pošiljajo prisrčne čestitke in želje, da bi jo ljubi Bog blagoslovil še mnogo let z zdravjem in družinsko srečo! 11 Mrs. Kotar ŠTEFI KONCILJA Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. ■— Naslov častne in zaslužne matere je bil za letos poklonjen sestri Šteti Koncilja, 15611 Saranac Rd. Njen rojstni kraj je bil v Soteski na Dolenjskem dne 10. januarja, 1898 in dekliško ime je bilo Kraker. V Ameriko je prišla 20. januarja, 1921. Dne 14. aprila, 1921 se je poročila s Josephom Koncilja. V zakonu ko se rodili štirje otroci: Joseph, Stephanie, Frank in Victor. Stara mati je 14 vnukom in prastara mati štirim. Kadar ji čas dopušča najde največje razvedrilo v kvačkanju in pletenju. Dne 14. aprila je poteklo 45 let zakonskega stanu. V družini se odklikujejo s štirimi generacijami in to s hčerko Stephanie, poročena Segu-lin, vnukinjo in pravnukinjo. Uradovala je tri let za predsednico in to je bilo 1931-32 in 33. Sedaj je nadzornica. Redno pride na seje in je članica že 39 let. Društveno delo je za njo v veliko zanimanje in veselje. Iskrene čestitke in na mnoga leta družinske sreče ji kličemo skupno! JENNIE RESNIK Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), Ohio. Letos so članice imenovale sestro Jennie Resnik, 3599 E. 80th St., za svojo častno mater. Rojena je bila 30. julija, 1898 v vasi Zgornji Bernik, fara Cerklje, pri Krajnu. Dekliško ime je bilo Blaž. V Ameriko je prišla v marcu, 1921 ter se 23. maja, isto leto poročila z Jakopom Resnik v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca. V zakonu se je rodilo šest otrok. Živi so: Jean, Prank, Mildred in Albin; umrli sta Theresa in Brigita. Stara mati je šestim vnukom. Njeno veselje je vrt, katerega pridno neguje in je okrašen s cvetlicami, da je krasno za pogledati. Z možem bosta 23. maja slavila 45 letnico zakona. Za sestro Resnik je največje veselje, ko se v družini praznuje rojstni dan in pridejo vsi skupaj. Članice jo imajo rade, ker redno pride na seje in mnogokrat prinese okusen štrudelj za okrepčilo navzočim. V uradu ni, Mrs. Koncilja toda vedno sodeluje pri vsaki dobri in koristni stvari. Želimo, da bi dočakala Zbito poroko in Bog blagoslovil vso družino z zdravjem! TERESA MIHELICH Št. 19. Eveleth, Minn. Ena izmed najbolj odličnih mater je prav gotovo sestra Teresa Milielich. Njej se lahko da naslov: 100% Zvezina mati, ker ima vseh sedem hčerk včlanjene pri podružnici. Sestra Mihelich, dekliško ime Osmek, je bila rojena v vasi Zg. Kašelj, fara Dev. Marije v Polju, 9. oktobra, 1909. V Ameriko je prišla družina v februarju, 1956 in se naselili v Minnesoti. Zaslužna mati, oziroma takrat brhka dekle, se je poročila s Frank Miheličem 17. avg. 1935. V zakonu se jerodilo sedem hčerk: Ana, Marija, poročena Ferkul; Helena, Martina, poročena Michals; Teresa, por. Thomas; Vida, por. Lanari in Blažena. Stara mati je šestim vnukom. Kot vzorna mati lepe družine se razume, da je prvovrstna gospodinija in rada peče, šiva in se zanima za vrtnarstvo, Nageljni so njena posebnost. Največje veselje je za njo, ko pridejo poročena hčerke z družino na oblisk, ker ima zelo rada svoje vnučke. V odboru za enkrat ne zavzema mesta, ampak rada pomaga in poskrbi, da so hčerke pripravljene za nastop v petju. Saj je veliko veselje vsej naselbini imeti Miheličevo družino med seboj. Naše iskrene čestitke in želje, da bi dolgo let uživali vsi skupaj družinsko srečo in naj ljubi Bog poplača njihovo požrtvovalnost z zdravjem in zadovoljstvom. Živeli, vsi Miheličevi! JENNIE SMREKAR Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Častna mati za to leto je sestra Jennie Smrekar, 1310 No. Hickory. Rojena je bila 29. oktobra, 1897 v Budganja vas pri Žužemberku. Deliško ime je bilo Skobe. V Mrs. Resnik Mrs. Zupan Ameriko je prišla v septembru, 1920 in 13. oktobra, 1920 se je poročila s Steve Smrekar. V zakonu so se rodili trije sinovi: William, Albin in Edward. Sinovi so vsi oženjeni in lastu-jejo svoje domove. Sestra Smrekar je bila več let nadzornica ter ob vsaki potrebi nudi pomoč in vedno rada sodeluje pri podružnici. Največje razvedrilo najde v kvačkanju in tudi zelo rada bere. Leta 1962 je obiskala svojo sestro v Sloveniji s katero se nista videli 39 let. Bil je to res velik doeo-dek v življenju obiskati svoj rojstni kraj in zopet videti svoje sorodnike. Želimo ji še mnogo let zdravja in družinske sreče ter ji prisrčno čestitamo. Josephine Erjavec JOSEPHINE ZUPAN Št. 21, Cleveland (West Park), O.—- Bilo je vsem članicam v veselje imenovati sestro Josephine Zupan za svojo najbolj zaslužno mater v tem letu. Sestra Zupan je bila rojena 8. septembra, 1892 na Studencu pri Sevnici. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Mandelc. Poročila se je 8. novembra, 1908 s Leo Zupanom in v Ameriko sta prišla 30. decembra, 1910 in to je bilo v Bridgeville, Penna. Potem sta živela več let v Washington, Penna., nato se selila v Cleveland. V zakonu sta imela pet otrok: Mary, poročena Stevens; Josephine, poročena Intihar; sinovi Frank, Stanley in Frank, vsi oženjeni ter lastujejo svoje domove. Stara mati je 19 vnukom in enkrat prastara mati. Soprog Leo je umrl 2G. junija, '1949. S soprogom sta bila botra naši zastavi. Sestra Zupan je več let uradovala kot zapisnikarica. Njeno Mam’ca ima danes velik’ dan njej gre j o voščit srečo radi bi zveselili vedno skrbečo mamco. Poldan odzvanja stari zvon mam’ca na vratih čaka, da sprejme svoje otroke pod njihov rodni krov. Mrs. Mihevc največje veselje je pri gospodinstvu. Naše iskrene šestitke zaslužni materi ter želje, da bi še mnogo let uživala družinsko blagostanje! ANTONIA MIHEVC Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. Za častno mater smo v tem letu imenovale agilno sestro Antonijo Mihevc, 1135 E. 60 th St. Rojena je bila 28. decembra, 1893 v Sežani, dekliško ime Miklavec. V Ameriko prišla 28. oktobra, 1913. Poročila se je 1. julija s Josephom Mihevc. V zakonu so se rodili trije otroci: Josephine, poročena Flajšman, Edward in Sylvia. Stara mati je petim vnukom. Obdelovanje vrta in negovanje krasnih cvetlic je njeno najbolj priljubljeno razvedrilo. Kadar ji čas dopušča tudi plete. Rada tudi potuje po Ameriki in še posebno v stari kraj, kjer se je nahajala lansko leto. Pri podružnici je nadzornica že 11 let. Redno se udeležuje sej in pomaga pri raznih prireditvah. Hčerka Sylvia je izborna pevka in je članica Glasbene Matice že odkar je odrasla. Pošiljamo ji najsrčnejše čestitke in želje, da bi jo Bog blagoslovil s srečo in zdravjem! MARY HUDAK Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa.— V veselje je bilo vsem članicam imenovati sestro Mary Hudak za zaslužno mater v tem letu. Sestra Hudak, 5243 Duncan St., je bila rojena 13. decembra, 1890 v trgu Vinica. Deliško ime je bilo Bubash. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1912 in 28. januarja, 1914 se poročila s Frankom Hudak (zdaj preminulim). V družini so se rodili štirije otroci: John, Katherine, poročena Feffer; Mary, poročena DeKleva in Joseph. Sestra Hudak je devetkrat stara mati. Najstarejši vnuk John Hudak in žena bosta dodala še enega pravnuka v mesecu maju. John bo promoviral iz Du-quesne University v juniju ( Bachelor Degree in Science). Tudi ostali vnuki imajo visoko izobrazbo, za kar je po-krbela sestra Hudak. Njeno največje veselje je iti v cerkev in to dela vsak dan, če vreme in zdravje dopušča. Pri podružnici je tudi agilna in pomaga, kjer more. Poskrbela je tudi, da so vsi včlanjeni pri Zvezi. Podružnica je ponosna na svojo zaslužno mater ter ji želi še mnogo let zdravja in zadovoljnega življenja. Za 75 letnico rojstva 13. decembra, so se zbrali vsi v družini in ji priredili vesel party za visoko obletnico. Na kejku je bilo 75 svečk, katere ji je pomagal vnuk Eddie upihnit. Bog jo blagoslovi! MARY ZELE Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Za zaslužno mater v tem letu je bila izvoljena sestra Mary Zele, 20970 North Vine St. Rojena je bila v vasi Hrib, župnija sv. Lenart, občina Loški Potok pri Ribnici. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1923 v Cleveland, kjer se je leta 1925 poročila. Dekliško ime je bilo Vesel. Bilo Mrs. Zele Mrs. Hudak je v cerkvi Sv. Vida, kjer je stopila v zakon s Charles Zeletom. V zakonu so se jima rodili trije otroci: Dorothy, Elsie, poročena Ljubi in Charles. Stara mati je šestim vnukom s katerimi ima veliko veselja. Njeno najljubše razvedrilo je v vrtu, katerega pridno neguje. Gospodinjstvo je njeno veliko zanimanje. Udeležuje se dnevno sv. maše, kar je za njo posebno razvedrilo. Pri podružnici ni v odboru, ampak je skozi vsa leta dobra in zvesta članica ter pride redno le sejam in pomaga kjerkoli je potreba. Naši vrli častni materi, sestri, Mary Zele, želimo še mnogo let zdravja in blagoslov v družini. Leta 1953 je obiskala mater v stari domovini, ki je obhajala 80. rojstni dan. Mati, Alojzija Vesel ji je rekla: “Sedaj rada umrjem, ker sem Te vidla.” Leto pozneje je umrla. JENNIE BIZJAK Št. 47, Cleveland, Ohio. Naša častna in zaslužna mati je za letos Jennie Bizjak, ustanovna članica podružnice ter v vseh ozirih pripravljena pomagati za korist podružnice. Rojena je bila 14. decembra, 1890 v vasi Repnje pri Vodicah na Gorenjskem. Dekliško ime je bilo Kušar. V Ameriko je prišla leta 191® in to k svoji teti Marjeti Hafner na 36. cesti v Clevelandu. Kmalu po prihodu v to deželo se jo seznanila s Pavlom Bizjak, po domače Janov iz Vižmarjev pri Ljubljani. Poročila sta se 5. aprila, 1913. V zakonu Rta bila srečna. Bog je jima naklonil deset otrok od katerih je sedem živih Mati je znala urediti prijeten dom za vse. Prišli so veseli časi in tudi žalostni. Maja meseca leta 1938 je umrla starejša hčerka Julia, poročena Koračin v najlepši mladih letih. Soprog Pavel je umrl v novembru, 1955, sin Edward leta I960. Skozi vsa ta križava pota ni omahnilo materino srce. Zavedala se je da mora deliti materino ljubezen ostalim, ki jo nepopisno ljubijo in spoštujejo. Bog Vas živi, sestra Bizjak, že mnogo let in ohrani dokler je božja volja. Jennie Pugely AGNES LIPOVAC Š . 64, Kansas City, Kansas. Zaslužna mati pri št. 64 je v tem letu sestra Agnes Lipovac, 611 Northrup, rojena 31. decembra v Kansas City. Deliško ime je bilo Majerle. Poročila se je 15. oktobra, 1932 z Anthony Lipovac. V zakonu so se rodili trije otroci: Don, Agnes Ann in Jim. Stara mati je trem vnukom. Njeno največje razvedrilo je šivanje in kvačkanje ter je ljubiteljica slovenskega petja. V veliko veselje so ji družinske proslave in obletnice. Pri podružnici je prva nadzornica že od ustanovitve. Njen sin Donald, je bil odlikovan kot najboljši igralec na harmoniko v USA in je nastopil v Belgiji na World’s Fair in povabil ga je tudi Lawrence Welk na televizijski program, kjer je zaigral dve poskočni slovenski polki. Bil je prav aktiven pri Slavic kolo klubu. Vsa naselbina je ponosna na nadarjenega muzikanta in še posebno starši, ki imajo odličnega sina, ki je dosegel lepe uspehe. Naše čestitke in želje, d'a bi uživali še mnogo let zdravja in Zadovoljstva. Bog vas živi! A. Kastelec MARY KOCI AN Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. Naslov častne in zaslužne matere je bil letos poklonjen sestri Mary Kocian. Rojena je bila 24. aprila, 1900 v vasi Jablan pri Mirni Peči na Dolenjskem. Deliško ime je bilo Brezovar. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1920 in se naselila v Clevelandu. Leta 1923 se je poročila z Johnom Mikolich. Hodila sta se dva otroka, hčerka in sinko. Mož je umrl leta 1928. Dva leta po njegovi smrti je porodila Roberta Kocian, vdovca s tremi otroci. Dve leti pozneje sta se preselila v Stiabane in rodila se je jima še ena hčerka. Imeli so se srčno radi med seboj. Toda neizogibna smrt je zahtevala življenje ljubega moža in očeta v letu 1946. Pri Zvezi je že 30 let in zapisnikarica pri podružnici od leta 1953. Posebno je čislana kot izvrstna kuharica in ima pri vsakem banketu glavno vlogo. Za kra- Mrs. Kocian tek čas rada balina in je tudi pri tem športu odlična. Pri proslavi 30 letnice podružnice bo gotovo imele veliko dela v kuhinji, saj je ena izmed tistih, ki zelo rada pomaga in jo imajo vse članice In znanci radi. Želimo ji še mnogo let zdravja in sreče, kakor tudi uspešnega delovanja za podružnico. Lucille Smith JOHANNA LOGAR Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — Članice so imenovale sestro Johanno Logar za častno in zaslužno mater v tem letu. Sestra Logar, Rt. 3, Box 675, je bila rojena v Ljubljani dne 24. decembra, 1880. V Ameriko je prišla 10. oktobra, 1912 Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Canker. Poročila je Johna Canker v februarju 1912. V družini se je rodila osem otrok: Frank, John, Bill, Henry, Joan, Mary, Ann in Tillie. Stara mati je 28 vnukom in devetkrat prastara mati. Razvedrilo najde v vrtnarstvu, branju, petju, šivanju in obiskovanju prijateljic. V veliko veselje so ji obletnico (birthdays) in vsako poletje, pride vsa družina sku- paj za piknik. Pri podružnici je že od ustanovitve. Rada prispeva za ročno blagajno in vedno ima dobro besedo za Zvezo in članice. Pošiljamo ji najlepše čestitke in tople želje, da bi dočakala še več obletnic in se veselila med svojimi. Bog živi, vrlo mater! FRANCES KOPRIVA Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Zaslužna mati pri št. 88 je sestra Frances Kopriva, 429 Woodland Ave. Rojena je bila 15. septembra, 1893 v Brestanica, Rajhenburg. V Ameriko je prišla 3. novembra, 1907. Dekliško ime je bilo Omerzu. Poročila se je 19. januarja 1909 s Frank J. Kopriva (sedaj preminulim). Rodilo se je jima osem o-trok od katerih je živih šest: Sophie, Veronica, William, Frank, Genevieve in John. Sophia je poročena Machich; Veronica, por. Koplin, Genevieve por. Mandrgoc. Stara mati je 13 vnukom in devetkrat prastara mati. Stara mati je postala v starosti 34 let. Njeno razvedrilo je negovati cvetlice v posodicah v hiši. Zelo je rada kvačkala dokler je imela dobre oči In jo ni nadlegoval arthritis. Mož je umrl 22. decembra, 1950 v starosti 63 let. Družina Kopriva je bila med prvimi farani pri misijonski cerkvi sv. Ane. Sestra Kopriva in vsa njena družina se je lnnogD žrtvovala za cerkev in so vsi otroci vzgojemi v solidnem verskem duhu. Otroci so vedno izkazovali veliko ljubezen do svoje matere in isto ona do njih, zato je med njimi božjega blagoslova. Vsi so tudi izvrstni pevci in so člani cerkvenega pevskega zbora. Več vnukov sedaj služi v armadi Strica Sama. Družina Kopriva je dosti doprinesla k razvoju naselbine. Bog jim daj srečo in zdravje mnogo bodočih uspešnih let! Materi naše iskrene čestitke! Mrs. Kopriva DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Ker vemo, (la bo tca številka Zarje že preobložena z zanimivim gradivom, zato bolj na kratko naznanimo letošnji program in spored za našo podi'., kakor smo ga odobrile na sejah in predvsem na glavni letni seji. To leto Zveza in naše podr. praznujeta 40 letnico obstoja, obenem bomo imele drž. konvencijo in sestanek podr. iz Wisconsin tukaj v Sheboygan dne 11. sept. Odobren je bil naslednji spored: Zborovanje gl. odbornic, zastopnic in navzočih članic se bo pričelo točno ob 10 uri dop. v cerkveni dvorani Sv. Cirila in Metoda. Vse članice so povabljene. Nato se bomo skupno u deležile slovesne sv. maša ob 11:30 za žive in umrle članice podr. Ob 1 uri pop. bo slavnostni banket v Standart dvorani. Na programu bomo imele odlične govornike in ponosne naznanjamo, da bo nastopila koncertna pevka rojakinja in so-sestra, Marija Kranjc Fischinger. Na to pomembo zabavo in obletnico že sedaj vljudno vabimo naša društva in podružnice ter vse članice od blizu in daleč. Tega dne, 11. sept. bo pomembna slavnost SŽZ v Sheboyga-nu. Podrobnosti bodo še objavljene. Vse sestre od naše podr. pa lepo prosimo, da bi dobrovoljno sodelovale z odborom in načelnicami za to slavnost. Upamo, da bo ta proslava v ponos vsem. Za vsa pojasnila se obrnite na sledeče načelnice: Glavna načelnica, Olga Saje, tel.: 457-7489. Za program M. Prisland, 452-9554. Vstopnice za banket, Silvia Drexel, 452-2991. Programska knjiga in oglasi: Anna Mo-dez, 452-0365. Reklama: Margaret Fischer, 457-3931. Kakor vsako leto, bomo tudi letos praznovale Materinski dan v nedeljo 15. maja, po kratki seji v cekveni dvorani ob 1 uri pop. Počastile bomo našo zaslužno mater, Antonijo Brulla, ki ima veliko zaslug pri Zvezi, vedno je rada pomagala, ima izredno dobro srce in je pridna delavka za skupnost. Tončki še enkrat naše najlepše čestitke. Živela še na mnoga leta v krogu njene odlične družine. Za materinsko proslavo, bodo naši mladinski člani pripravili lep program pod vodstvom sestre Prisland in Olge Saje. Potem bo tudi nekaj okrepčila in kuhinjo imata v oskrbi ses. Dorothy Brezovnik in Dorothy Kregel. Vljudno vabimo vse članice, da pridete na to proslavo, tudi imamo nekaj stvari u-kreniti glede 40 letnice. Dne 17. marca je bila rešena dolgega trpljenja sosestra Louise Bowhan. Molimo za njeno dušo, saj naše dobre Lojzke ne bomo hitro pozabile, ker je bila dobra duša in smo se velikokrat zatekle k nji za vsako malenkost obraznih prireditvah. Nikoli ni odrekla pomoč. Naj v miru počiva, družini izrekamo sožalje. Pozdrav vsem, Mary Godez, poročevalka V1AJNIŠKI KRALJICI V POZDRAV! Kakor na pisanih preprogah belih vetrnic, pojočih zvončkov in ljubkih šmarnic, je priromal med nas lepi maj. Njegov prihod oznanja skrivnostno šumenje čebel, ki brni kot lahen odmev daljnega zvonjenja. Spet so se razcveteli vrtovi in gaji, travniki in gozdovi. Vsa narava se je spremenila v en sam cvetoči rožni grm. Tako je čarobno lepa, kot da bi šel sam Bog Stvarnik v spremstvu svojih angelov preko božje narave in bi nastrosil vsepovsod dišečega cvetja,, da ga pokloni Njej, ki je Roža skrivnostna, najlepša Roža majnika. Ves majnik je en sam celomesečni praznik, ena sama nepretrgana hvalnica in nenehni slavospev na čast majniški Kraljici. Zato so fntje za ta praznik nebeške Matere prebelili vaško znamenje, skromno kapelico; brhka dekleta so pa napletle dolge metre vencev za njen oltar v farni cerkvi. Toliko rož in cvetja so nanosile okrog njenega prestola, kot ga zmorejo le ljubeča srca Marijinih otrok. Vmes pa odmeva majniški Kraljici v pozdrav šmarnična pesem: Spet kliče nas venčani maj k Mariji v nadzemeljski raj. Že šmarnice nežno cveto, nebeški Kraljici pozdrav in slavo pojo. Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Mesec maj ni priljubljen samo zaradi svoje naravne lepote kot znanilec pomladi, ampak tudi ker je posvečen na čast materam. — Sestre; zopet praznujemo materinski dan. Lepe misli doživljamo dnevno ob naših ljubljenih materah, posebno tiste, ki ste še tako srečne, da jih še imate žive. Zdi se, da je v dandanašnjem modernem svetu pomanjkanje ljubezni in spoštovanja do matere. Bog ve, koliko mater je svojim otrokom v nadlego, njihov dom je za ostarele (rest home.) Naj nebo rosi svoj blagoslov na vse matere-tovarišice in vodnice njihovih družin, želim vsem, da bo srečno in veselo praznovale Materinski dan. Marčna seja je bila povoljno obiskana. Sprejele smo nove članice, Helen Centa, Loraine Pechnik in Mary Malenšek. Dobrodošle v naši podr. in mnogo razvedrila! Sporočam, da se bo naša državna konvencija vršila dne 28. avgusta pri podr. št. 63 v Denver, Colo. Vsem članicam podr. se sporoča, da v poletnih mesecih (junija, julija in avgusta) ne bomo imele mesečnih sej, ki se zopet redno pričnejo v mesecu septembru. Ses. Gertrude Jordan se zdravi na domu po operaciji v bolnišnici. Ses. Mary Rupar žaluje za zetom Floyd Fossceco, soprog hčerke Mary,. On je umrl po kratki bolezni. Umrl je tudi John Perko po dolgi in mučni bolezni. Kot veteran druge svetovne vojne je bil deležen pogreba z vojaškimi častmi. Pokojni je bil še samski. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo naši članici, njegovi sestri, Frances Perko, ki mu je v bolezni materinsko stregla. Komaj so farni zvonovi odzvonili, že smo izvedeli o prerani smrti Johna Plut, ki je preminul v bolnišnici po dolgi in mučni bolezni. Njegova soproga Theresa, ki je naša članica in njene hčerke so vse mu potrpežljivo stregle in lajšale trpkost bolezni. — Moji osebni prijateljici, Tlieresi želim, da jo Bog tolaži ob bridki izgubi, soproga Johna, ki ga je Stvarnik poklical v večni počitek v nebeški raj. — Vse članice podr. tudi izrekajo globoko sožalje Somrakovi družini ob izgubi žene in matere. Josephine Somrak, ki je umrla 16. febr. v Pueblo. Pok. je živela v Crested Butte, Colo. in bila je članica št. 92. Naj vsi prerano umrli počivajo v miru, vsaj vas več ne zdramijo naše solze. Ohranimo vse v nepozabnem spominu. Članico Antonijo Savoren prosim, da mi oprosti, ker nisem poročala o smrti njenega brata Rudolfa Sedmak, ki je umrl v Crested Butte, Colo., v julija lanskega leta. Zgoraj omenjena Josephine Somrak je njena nečakinjn. Ses. Antonia S. sprejmi izraze sožalja članic naše podr. Vsem, ki bodo potovali letos v staro domovino na obisk, želim prav veselo potovanje ter nad vse srečen povratek v našo novo domovino. Izročite vsem naše najlepše pozdrave in želje za srečno bodočnost v prelepi rojstni Sloveniji. Ob zaključku želim Happy Birthday naši Dorothy Zakrajšek, ki se selo trudi za lepo slovensko petje, ker sedaj se pojejo slov. pesmi pri vsaki pogrebni maši. — Priznanje zasluži tudi Irene Planinšek, preds. podr. št, 103, ki skrbi, da Slovenci prihajalo na površuje v naši prestolnici, Washington, D. C. Lepe pozdrave vsem, Vaša Anna Pachak Št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Ker sem še vedno v sončni Floridi, predvsem v Miami, se oglašam z par vrsticami v naši priljubljeni Zarji. Naprej naj-lepše pozdravljam drage sestre pri podružnici. Ko boste čitale te vrstice bo že topla pomlad tudi pri vas. Oprostite, da vam nisem prej pisala, ker je res veliko, stvari za videti. Z možem in z enim parom iz Kanade smo si hitro ogledovali lepe morske obale, hotele in parke. Pri kopanju, pa me je sonce ožgalo, da sem bila rdeča kakor “lobster”, a tudi malo revmatizma sem pustila tukaj. Upam, da ste vse zdrave v Indianapolisu. Ob tej priliki želim izreči vsem mamicam vse najboljše za Materinski dan, posebno obilo zdravja. Ker nisem bila na zadnjih sejali sicer ne vem, kako ste ostale v odboru. Upam, da je ostalo vse po starem, ker boljših odbornic bi bilo težko dobiti. Pozdrave vsem in naj mi oprostijo, ker nisem imela naslovov. Gasparijeva slika: Začetek in Konec O sliki piše umetnik sam: “To je Rojstvo in Pogreb ena izmed mojih najlepšili razglednic!” da bi se vam vsem oglasila. Gotovo je že naša pridna Sophie Mumaugh kaj napisala, ker ta mlade Uidi rajše čitajo, akor pa pišejo in tudi ona največ novic izve, ker gre v mlado druščino. Še enkrat vsem najlepše pozdrave od Julke Št. 6, Barberton, O. V bolnišnici se nahaja naša zapisnikarica in poročevalka, Mrs. Margaret Stebla j (Kaluža). Prehladila se je tako hudo, da je morala iskati zdravniške pomoč. Želimo ji kar najhitrejše o-krevanje. Njen urad je začasno prevzela Mary Kovacich. Mary zna govoriti in pisati oba jezika, zato je zelo dobrodošla pri delu za Zvezo. Prav lepa hvala! Naši dobri članici Mrs. Angeli Nag-lich, je umrla hčerka, Frances Horvath. Naše iskreno sožalje! — nadalje je umrla Mrs. Mary Virant, dobra mati naši članici Agnes Hiti, vsi zelo vnete za Zvezo. Naj jim bo Bog bogat plačnik. Žalujočim naše globoko sožalje! Lepo pozdravljene vse članice. Jennie Okolish, blagajničarka Št. 10, Collinwood, Ohio. Zopet se malo oglašam iz Clevelanda. Zima je že za nami in bliža se nam cvetoča pomlad. Vse lepo brsti in zeleni, da se človeku obudi notranje veselje občudovanja božje narave. Pri naši podr. se seje vršijo redno vsaki drugi torek v mesecu. Naša tajnica, Mary Camloh in pred. Anna Markovič vas lepo vabita k številni udeležbi. Hvala vsem, ki redno prihajajo še v kar lepem številu. Želimo pridobiti kaj novih članic, ker naše starejše sestre kar prehitro odhajajo iz naših vrst. V febr. smo izgubile sosestro Mary Hočevar. Bog se usmili njene duše, a užaloščeni družini naše globoko sožalje. 13. marca se je vršil slov. koncert v S. N. D. na St. Clairju. Dobiček od koncerta bo šel v Šolninski sklad. Za 1. 19G6 so darovale v našo blagajno naslednje članice: Frances Vadnal, Jennie Batič, Josephine Debevc in Josephine Barba. Prav lepa hvala vsem skupaj. V upanju, da vse članice širom Amerike uživate veselo cvetočo pomlad, vse najlepše pozdravljam. Phyllis Cermely, podpreds. Št. 10, Collinwood-Cleveland, Ohio. To je moj prvi dopis to leto. Prve tri mesece v tem letu je na sejah manjkalo nekaj sester, ki so bodisi onemogle, ali pa bolane, toda so vedno rade prihajale. Želimo jim hitro ozdravljenje in tudi želimo, da bi začele tudi mlade članice v večjem številu prihajati na mesečne seje, kar bi Povzročilo več živahnosti med nami. Naša ses. Jennie Trampuš je tako nesrečno padla in se poškodovala na nogi, da se je morala podati v bolnišnico. Enako tudi Mary Zupančič in Rosi Sluga. Več časa pa je tudi v bolnišnici Tina Jagodnik. Bolane so tudi naslednje članice; ki se zdravijo na domovih: Mary Urbas, Rosi Jankovič, Millie Novak , a v Rest Home se nahajata Frances Salmich in Mary Agnich. Vsem tem članicam želimo, da se kmalu pozdravijo in vmejo med nas. Imamo pa tudi nekaj veselih novic. V kratkem sta dve naši članici praznovale zlato poroko: Frances Marticli in Louise Ipavec. Obema želimo še mnogo let zdravja in srečnega skupnega življenja. Letos smo že izgubile dve članice; prva je bila Mary Hočevar, ki je bila dalje časa v Rest Home, a druga je pa Ivana Keršman. Žalujočim ostalim naše sožalje! V blagajno so darovale: Jennie As-seg, Anna Jaltoš, Frances Leskovec, Mary Korošec, Ivana Gombach, Ivana Valenčič, Jennie Russ, Mary Pavšek, Jennie Batich, Frances Karish, Mary Urbas, Sophie Magayna. Najlepša hvala vsem skupaj. Meseca marca so obhajale svoje rojstne dneve: Mary Komidar, Jennie Koren in Mary Camloh. Za častno mater tega leta smo izvolile sestro Stefi Koncilija. Prav lepe pozdrave vsem članicam. Mary Camloh, tajnica Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Pomlad je tukaj, čeprav smo jo dolgo časa čakali. Po prvem soncu je zopet pritisnil mraz in vse drobne rožice so se zopet skrile. Ko boste pa čitale te vrstice bo pa gotovo vse že v najlepšem cvetju, v najlepšem mesecu maju. Udeležba na naših sejah je še kar precejšnja. Med članicami je bila živahna razprava glede priprav za card party, ki bo v jeseni dne 2. okt. V zadnjem mesecu so umrle kar 3 članice: Mrs. Virant, Mrs. Kavčič in Mrs. Mani. Vse so bile naše dobre članice, zato jih bo Bog dobro poplačal za ves trud, stanovitnost in dobro voljo pri društvu. Naj v miru počivajo. Ostali družini naše sožalje! Bolanih je še vedno več članic. Težko je bolana Mrs. Troha. Zadnje čase zelo trpi ter jo priporočamo v molitev. Zadnji mesec je bila na operaciji Milka Krulc, ki se sedaj zdrav- vi doma. Zadnji mesec sta se mudila na kratkih počitnicah v Minnesoti, Frances Globokar in njen mož John. Frances nam je poslale lepe kartice. Tudi naša podpredsednica Mary in njen mož Joe sta šla za en mesec v Kalif, in sta se od tam nam oglasila. V good time blagajno so ta večer darovale: Lojzka Reja, Slava Vehovec, Mary Perušek in Vida Kuhar je prinesla pecivo. Najlepša hvala vsem! Vse sestre lepo pozdravljam. A. Sustar Št. 15, Cleveland, O. Ko bo a dopis priobčen v Zarji, bo med nami že lepi, krasni Marijin mesec majnik. Majniški kraljici se izročimo in njej priporočimo naše potrebe. V blagajno so darovale: Jennie Resnik in Mrs. Kouumplik. Koncert je minul, bilo je lepo vreme in lepa udeležba, tako, da smo vse bile zadovoljne in vesele. Bog daj mladi pevki zdravja, da bi še dolgo prepevala lepe slovenske pesmi. V juliju in avgustu ne bomo imele sej zaradi počitnic. 8. maja pa bomo imele skupno obhajilo za žive in mrtve članice ob 10 uri v cerkvi Sv. Lovrenca. Dne 11. maja pa bo seja in po seji Materinska proslava za vse članice, posebno še našo društveno mater. Pridite vse članice, da se skupno poveselimo. V tem Marijinem mesecu jo prosimo za zdravje in mir, ki smo ga potrebni. Veliko članic imamo bolanih, vsem želim naj jim Kraljica Majniška skoraj zdravje podeli. Srčni pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam SŽZ, posebno pa sestram pri št. 15. Frances Lindich, poročevalka Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Kako hitro beži čas; komaj so minili prazniki in zaželjena pomlad že kuka okrog vogala. Starka zima nas kar počasi zapušča. Prihodnja seja bo v sredi maja. Po. slušajte oznanilo na radio in pazite na časopis, kjer bo poročano. Vabljene ste vse, ker bomo praznovale Materni dan in imele malo razvedrila. Vsem materam želim, da bi bile zdrave in vesele v krogu svojih družin ter i-mele svoje hčere ln sinove navzoče. Mati je središče rodbine. Moja mati počiva v hladnem grobu že več let in ji poklanjam naslednje vrstice. “Ni Vas več, draga Mati, da bi Vam poslala dar za ta dan. Vaše roke so sklenjene k večnemu počitku. Vaše srce več ne bije; ostane mirno 2a več no. Ljuba mati, kako rada bi Vam položila venec na gomilo, toda to mi ni mogoče. Zato pa grem v duhu do Vas ljuba mati, tja do Vašega groba in poklanjam šopek gorečih molitev. Na Vas se bova vedno spominjala jaz, Vaša hči in sini John v Chisholm.” — Na tem mestu izrekam vsem sestram, ki imajo matere pri Bogu, so-čujte in želje, d'a se združimo v molitvi. Vsem živečim materam naj Bog podeli blagoslov in nakloni vso srečo in zdravje v družini. Pri naši podružnici je bila letos izbrana za najbolj zaslužno mater sestra Milielich, ki je poskrbela, da je vseh sedem hčerk pri Zvezi, torej o-sem članic iz ene družine. Vse priznanje Miheličovi družini, ki se zaveda dolžnosti do skupnosti. Vse hčerke so nadarjene z mnogimi talenti in so že večkrat nastopile v javnosti ter ljubko prepevale slovenske pesmi za kar gre zasluga vzornim staršem. Oče je pevovodja pri cerkvenem zboru in stori kar je v njegovi moči, da se širi naša pesem. Vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu slišmo naše krasno slovensko petje na radiju ob pol dveh po poldne, za kar se zelo pridno udejstvuje z vajami g. Vilko Kuntara. Mr. Milielich tudi večkrat nastopa na prireditvah in poje v duetu z g. Kuntarom, da je veselje za poslušati. Saj je malo tako zavednih očetov, ki so vedno pri volji delati drugim ljudem, poleg svoji družini, razvedrilo in kratek čas. Iskrene čestitke! Miheličeva družina naj bi bila v zgled drugim, kjer imajo otroke, da bi jih vpisali v Zvezo in s tem ohranili našo narodno zavest! Pomnite, da mi se staramo in prišel bo čas, ko bo mladina morala zavzeti vodilna mesta in je v splošno korist, da sedaj pristopijo v Zvezo, saj članarina je zelo majhna, kar vsaka družina zmore. Več naših članic je bolnih. V bolnišnici so bile sestra Sterle, Rakovec, Sershe in Brenk. Sedaj se zdravijo na domu. Vsem bolnim želimo sko-rajšno okrevanje. Čestitke sestri F. Kvaternik, ki je postala stara mati. Pri sinu Franku so dobili krepkega sinčka. V aprilu in maju več naših članic praznuje svoj rojstni dan in med temi je naša predsednica sestra Nemgar in tudi sestra Zadkovich. Da bi dočakale še mnogo srečnih let je naša iskrena želja vsem skupaj. Vse najboljše naši glavni blagajničarki, Josephine Železnikar, ki bo slavila svoj rojstni dan 15. maja. Vojaška dolžnost kliče tudi sinove naših članic. Sestra Pollack ima kar dva sinova pri vojakih, sin Joe je že več mesecev v Viet Nam in drugi, Jimmie, je v taborišču v Kentucky. V službi Strica Sama je tudi sin sestre Lillian Primozich. Dal Bog, da bi kmalu bilo konec vojske in se brhki sinovi srečno vrnili! V septembru se vrši Zvezin dan v Crosby, Minnesota. Vse smo vabljene k udeležbi! Vesele Materni dan vsem sestram! Lepe pozdrave, Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. Važno naznanilo za vse članice! Vse članice ste na-prošene, da imate porovnane prispevke pri podružnici ob času, ako hočete biti dobro stoječa članica. Poglejte v Vaše plačilne knjižice,, da vidite ako ste zaostale, in pridite na prihodnjo sejo v maju, ki bo tretjo nedeljo v mesecu in poravnajte Vaš za ostali asesment. Odslej naprej se ne bo za nobeno zalagalo, ker tajnica bo pošiljaja na gl. urad samo za one, ki imajo plačano ob času ali v naprej. V slučaju, da Vam je nemogoče pri-(i na sejo, ali poslati denar po pošti, potem pokličite tajnico štev. 72fi-510.r>, ali moj telefon 723-8563, ali predsednico Mrs. Paninsek 727-9675, ali podpredsednico Mrs. Muster na 727- 7489 ali blagajničarko Mrs. Sumic na 723-0570. Tu imate izbiro kjer je Vam bolj na roke in pripravno, da plačate Vaše prispevke. Ako nam sporočite tudi lahko pridemo na dom pobrati Vaš dolg, da se Vam ne bo tako od meseca da meseca nabiralo. To je važno za Vas in Vašo družino, da ne boste več zaostali z Vašim asesmentem. Tudi polagam na srce vsem članicam, ako imate kako novico, da Vam je umrl brat ali sestra, ali da je katera sestra bolna, da mi sporočite, da se ne boste čutili nato užaljeno, da sem izpustila iz Zarje, kar ni moj namen. Pokličite mojo telefonsko številko 723-8563, ali pa pritie na sejo in sporočite. Ni prav, da obsojate, da nisem hotela priobčiti, ker jaz nimam imenika. Naše sožalje družini Josephine Kolenc, ki je umrla pred par tedni, roj. v Šmihel, Novo Mesto, 26. nov. 1883; pristopila 2K). jun. 1929. Priporočena po pok. Jennie Muster. Zapušča zeta John Imparl in vnuke Imparl družine in Petrič družine. Edina hčerka Jennie Imparl ji je umrla pred 15 leti, kakor tudi njen soprog pred več leti. Pok. je bila zelo' dobra članica. Naj v miru počiva. Naše članice so šle ob rakvi molit na dan naše seje, ter jo spremile na zadnji poti na pokopališče sv. Jožefa. Naše sožalje tudi družinam Suho-dolc in Klauzlarič ob izgubi brata Mr. Weeditz. Dalje, Mrs. Mihaela Maren ob izgubi bratra John Riffel. To je že drugi brat, kateri ji je umrl v teku enega leta. Naj počivata v miru. Naša prejšna nadzornica Jennie Smrekar je bila izbrana za mater naše podružnice za to leto. Ona bo naslednica Mrs. Jo Goran. Sedaj ko je minula naša Srednje zapadna kegljaška turneja, ki se je vršila v Jolietu, in je bila na vse strani zelo uspešna, se želim zahvaliti vsem odbornicam kegljaške lige, vsem odbornicam naše podružnice, katere so sodelovale, vsem obiskovalcem iz Jolieta in drugih mest, vsem kegljačicam, in spolh psem, kateri so sodelovali za uspeh, ter v imenu podružnice naše čestitke zmanoval-kam. Ker pa nimam še vseh podatkov na roki, bo bolj obširno poročano v prihodnji Zarji. SREČNI MATERINSKI DAN SHEEHY FUNERAL HOME, INC. 502 Adams Ave. Evelelli, Mimi. L. __________________________________________ . VESELO OBHAJANJE MATERINSKEGA DNEVA! ITALIAN BAKERY, INC. MAKERS OF THAT CRISPY ITALIAN BREAD! EVELETH, MINN. — SH. 1-1694 VIRGINIA, MINN. — SH. 1-694 Vacm materam poSiljamo NajlepSe Pozdrave na Njihov Dan, ter jim želimo zdravja in boijefja blagoslova I LOUIS MAJER SHOE STORE 6408-10 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 14103 Naša podr. bo imela skupno sv. obhajilo na Materni dan 8. maja pri pol osmi sv. maši. Prosim udeležite se! Vabim vse članice na prihodnjo sejo na čast materam, ter vsem materam želim “Happy Materni dan!” Bog Vam daj zdravja še mnogo let. Na svidenje na seji dne 15. maja. Josephine Erjavec Št. 24, LaSalle. III. — Lepo pozdravljam vse članice naše podr. in želim vsem bolnim ljubega zdravja. Nahajamo se sredi lepe pomladi v najlepšem mesecu majniku. Vsem materam voščim veselo obhajanje Materinskega dneva, da bi ga slavile v zdravju sredi vaših družin. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo naši bivši blagajničarki, Ani Lušina, ki žaluje za svojim soprogom Ludvik Lušina. Ravno tako izrekamo sožalje hčerki Ana-Marie Vengler, ki žaluje za očetom Ludvik Lušina, ki je umrl nepričakovano. Za njim žaluje tudi sestra Antoinette Ferenčak in bratra Rudi in Hendrik ter več drugih sorodnikov, kakor tudi 3 hčere in trije sinovi. Pokojnemu naj sveti večna luč, a žalujočim naše iskreno sožalje. Za svojim bratom Primož Kalin žaluje članica, Josephine Omahen. On je preminul po kratki bolezni in zapušča tri sestre. Naše sožalje vsem družinam in pokojnim pa večni mir in naj počivajo v miru. Vse članice vabim, da bi se v večjem številu udeleževale sej, ker bi tako lahko kaj več napravile za napredek podružnice. Prosim tudi, da bi poravnale vaš asesment in dodajte 50c za našo blagajno mesto card party. V enem letu smo izgubile 5 članic, ki so odšle v večnost. Poskusimo izpolniti nastale vrzeli s tem, da pridobimo nove članice. Dajte vpisati svoje hčere in sorodnice. Pozdrav vsem članicam in upam, da se vidimo ne seji. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Zopet smo dočakali prelepi mesec maj. Hvala Bogu, saj to je najlepši mesec leta, ko se vse prebuja in ko praznujemo Materinski dan, ko vse počasti svojo Nebeško in zemeljsko mater. Tiste, ki imate še žive svoje matere jih obdarite z darili in molitvijo in se ji zahvalite za vso skrb in delo, ki ga ima. Počastimo pa tudi našo dobro nebeško mater. Pri naši podr. smo letos izvolili našo spoštovano ses. Antonia Mihevc, ki je naša dobra članica. Redno pride na seje in skoro nikoli ne pride praznih rok ter vedno rada pomaga pri pri-ljubjenih igrah. Materinski dan bomo praznovale po seji 9. maja ob 7 uri zvečer z lepim programom. Izbirale bomo zopet našo letno kraljico in se tudi bomo dobro imele. Končno poročilo RUBY kampanje, zaključena 31. mar. 1966 RRANCH A B Jr. T No. 1, Sheboygan 1 6 — 7 No. 2, Chicago 4 5 15 24 No. 3, Pueblo — 4 4 8 No. 5, Indianapolis 4 1 — 15 No. 7, Forest City — — 1 1 No. 10, Cleveland — 1 — 1 No. 12, Milwaukee — 1 1 2 No. 13, San Francisco 1 2 4 7 No. No. 14, 15, Cleveland Cleveland 1 2 3 1 5 2 No. 16, So. Chicago — — 3 3 No. 17, West Allis 1 1 5 7 No. 20, Joliet 2 6 1 9 No. 23, Ely — 1 3 4 No. 24, LaSalle — — 2 2 No. 25, Cleveland 2 8 15 25 No. 31, Gilbert — — 3 3 No. 32, Euclid 1 1 20 22 No. 33, Duluth 1 2 2 5 No. 35, Aurora — — 1 1 No. 40, Lorain 1 1 — 2 Na prvem mestu med podružnica No. 43 No. 46 No. 47 No. 50, No. 52, No. 55, No. 56, No. 57, No. 63, No. 68, No. 73, No. 77, No. 78, No. 89, No. 90, No. 95, No. 101, No. 103, No. 105, No. 106, Totals Milwaukee St. Louis Cleveland Cleveland Kitzville Girard Hibbing Niles Denver Fairport Harbor Warrensville Pittsburgh Leadville Oglesby Presto So. Chicago Bedford Heights Washington Detroit Meadowlands 16 8 I 2—3 18 23 41 — 11 1 — — 1 — 1 3 — 3 — 14 14 — 2 1 1 1 4 — 2 2 — 2 — 10 4 21 -1 — 1 -2 — 2 36 90 140 266 Na drugem med podružnicami je št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. Na tretjem: št. 2, Chicago; četrtem št. 32, Euclid; in petem št. 103, Washington, D. C. Najbolj pridna posamezna delavka je bila Mary Bostian, drž. predsednica Ohio, ki je vpisala 34 članic. Čestitke vsem pridnim sotrudnicam! Albina Novak, gl. tajnica V TEKU JE PRED-KONVENČNA KAMPANJA od 1. aprila do 31. decembra! Vsem bolnim želim ljubega zdravja. Ravno sedaj se nahaja v Charity bolnici, Josephine Alich iz Bonna. Sedaj se pa lepo zahvalim vsem, ki ste svoj asesment poravnale in še dru- V V maju je bil rojstni dan naše ljube mame in stare mame, Angela Križman, ki že tri leta počiva v hladnem grobu. Njeno življenje je bilo polno dobrih del, ki so gotovo zapisana v božji knjigi, za katera u-živa večno plačilo v kraju, kjer ni trpljenja.—N. ■i' ■■■ '9' ■■■ »I« 'i' f ■■» 'i' ge prosim, da bi bile točne, ker gre v skupno korist. Prav lepo vse pozdravljene in na svidenje na seji 9. maja. Mary Otoničar Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Upam, da ste vse članice imele lepe velikonočne praznike, sedaj smo sredi lepe pomladi v najlepšem mesecu maju. Žal smo izgubile dobro članico, Mrs. Kacperk. Pokojna je bila vedno pripravljena pomagati kjerkoli je bilo potrebno za napredek naše podružnice od vsega začetka. Jaz sem jo poznala in čislala odkar sem v Ameriki od začetka sem bila pri njej na “bordu”. Res je bila vzorna in dobra žena, ki bi v kratkem bila dosegla visoko starost 100 let. V svojem življenju je rada zapela tisto lepo pesem o pomladi: ‘‘Prišla bo pomlad, učakal bi jo rad; da bi zdrav, vesel lepe pesmi pel; to me veseli, trav’ca zeleni in ptičica žvrgoli.” Spominjam se tudi svoje prijateljice, Mrs. Nagode, ki je bila veliko pri meni, smo skupaj priredile priljubljene igre ter je vedno rada darovala za skupno stvar. Naj ji bo Bog dober sodnik in plačnik, a domačim bodi tolažba, ker ona počiva večno spanje. Naj velja vsem, ki so zapustile ta svet naša želja za mirni počitek v hladni zmelji. Urednici se lepo zahvalim, ker vedno dobro uredi moje dopise in sploh lepo urejuje našo priljubljeno Zarjo. Vsem najlepše pozdrave. Mary Pristavec MAMI IN STARI MAMI SPOMIN marijin Čeveljc Nekatero rože so tako lepe, kot bi jih naredili Kami božji angeli s svojimi zlatimi prstki ter se jim potem sami čudili, ležeč ob njih v travi in mahljaje z drobnimi perutkami. Ko se poslavlja sonce od znamenja dvojčkov, zacvete pod stoletnimi bukvami v gori roža puščavnikov, Marijin čeveljc. Nihče ga ne obišče, razen bleščečih žuželk, zajcev, srn, veveric, in lisic. Kajti puščavnikov z dolgimi bradami ni več v naših gorah — morda se roži toži po njih, morda se seli za njimi v nebeške vrtove, kajti vedno manj je je, vedno bolj se skriva. Hudourniki ob njej šumč razjedajo pobočja in od daleč je slišati mukanje živine. Velik polž leze pod žametno bleščečimi se listi: leze, leze, kaže svoje roge, slini se, godrnja, velik polž. Res: ko je Marija potovala v gore k svoji teti Elizabeti, ji je čeveljček ožulil nogo, pa ga je sezula ter nesla v roki. Ko je pokleknila ob studencu, da bi se napila, ga je položila kraj sebe in ga tam pozabila. Potem se je v njem naselil martinček. Ko se je potem Marija vračala, je našla na tistem mestu prelepo rožo: rumen čeveljček, znotraj podložen z rdečepikasto svilo, ki so ga krasili veliki škrlatnorjavi trakovi, nasvedrani kot antilopni rogovi. In Marija je vedela, da je njen čeveljček postal zdaj brat dišeče vanilije in vseh tistih prečudnih pragozdnih orhidej, pa naših ponižnih kukavic, muhovnikov, mošnjic in Inačjih ušes ter tiste lepe, dišeče murke po planinskih travnikih, ki morda iz same ponižnosti ni sprejela imena Marijina čokolada. Marija je to videla in se razveselila ter rožo blagoslovila — zato ima ta še danes čudežno moč, da vrne mladost starcu, ki zaužije njeno korenino. (Legenda) Št. 41 .Cleveland, O. — Ne vem zakaj mora biti vedno več žalostnih poročil, kot pa veselih? Smo pač v dolini solz. — Na kraj miru in pokoja smo žalostnih src spremile sestro, Francko Meše. Pokojna sestra, je bila pred leti zelo aktivna pri podružnici, sodelovala je pri vsaki naši prireditvi, ter vedno gledala za napredek podr. Bila je več let predsednica podr., pred tem pa pod predsednica, bila je takorekoč steber podr. Spavaj v miru Ti naša požrtvovalna sestra in večna luč naj Ti sveti; v naših srcih boš ohranjena v lepem spominu. Hčerkama, sinu in sorodnikom pokojne, pa izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje. Po dolgi in težki bolezni je preminula ses. Mary Bayuk, sorodnikom in prijateljem pokojne izrekamo naše globoko sožalje, pokojna sestra pa naj sladko sniva in večna luč naj ji sveti. V blagajno sta darovale ses. Katie Artel in Frances Jamnik. Obema prisrčna hvala. — Po seji smo praznovale rojstne obletnice, ses. predsednice Mary Debevec in Rose Pujzdar. Obema in vsem, katere ste godovale v aprilu in katere boste v maju, želimo najboljšega zdravja in zadovoljstva še mnogo let. Vsem mamicam in starim mamicam želimo vse najboljše za Materinski dan. Pridite vse na našo prihodnjo sejo 7. junija ob pol dveh popoldne v navadnem prostoru. Iskrene pozdrave vsem. Ella Starin, taj. Št. 47, Garfield Hghts, O. Mesec maj najlepši v letu, posvečen je Mariji materi našega odrešenika. Tudi naših zemeljskih mater se s ljubez-mijo spominjamo živih in mrtvih (moja mati že nad GO let uživa večno spanje). V maju se tudi vsa narava oživlja in razcvita, oživimo se tudi me članice Slovenske Ženske Zveze. V nedeljo 15. maja bo darovana sv. maša v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca ob desetih, za žive in umrle članice naše podružnice. Prosim vas, udeležite se, od naše podružnice jih je že odšlo 47 v večnost, večina matere. Pri tej sv. maši se s hvaležnostjo spomnimo tudi našega 31. letnega duhovnega vodja, Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. J. Omana, bil je 14 marca odpoklican v večnost — naj mu bo Bog dober plačnik za vse njegove lepe, poduč-ljive nauke in nasvete. Bil je visoko spoštovan, toda vedno priprost in prijazen, za nas farane je bil vedno le Father Oman, kadar smo ga povabile se je vedno s veseljem odzval, bil je zelo priljubljen med starejšimi kot z mladino — vse ga je spoštovala in ljubilo. Prijazno vas vabim drage sosestre, da se 12 junija ob drugi uri udeležite seje v dvorani na Prince Ave., poročani bodo računi o izidu Aprilove prireditve. Počastile bomo Mrs. Jennie Bizjak, katera je za leto 19GG bila izvoljena za častno mater. Po seji se bomo med sabo zabavale s pri-grizkam, se prijatelsko pomenila in kakšno lepo zapele na čast vsem materam. Lepe pozdrave vsem, in nasvidenje 15. maja, v cerkvi, in 12. junija na seji — ne pozabite ta dva dneva Helen Tomažič Št. 49, Noble, Ohio. — Spodobi se, da se vsaj za mesec maj oglasim, to pa zato, ker v tem mesecu obhajamo Materni dan. Zaradi slabega vremena je bila seja slabo obiskana in nismo imele prilike izbrati častno mater. Vse pa smo bile mnenja, da smo matere in zaslužimo biti ob tem času častne matere. Vsem članicam pri naši podružnici se zahvaljujem, ker točno plačujete članarino, kar mi je v veliko veselje biti deležna vašega sodelovanja. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubo zdravje. Čestitam št. 47, ki bo v obhajala 35 letnico ustanovitve. Želim, da bi vas vse ta dopis našel pri ljubem zdravju in posebno pri naši podružnici: Mary Stušek, preds. in tajnica Št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. “Sonce ne sije tako lepo, kakor pogleda materino oko ... !” O, kako smo- bili srečni v mladih letih, ko smo bili še pri materi. Tudi vi, ki imate še mater med seboj, ste srečni. Spoštujte in ljubite jo. V nedeljo 8. maja bo Materinski dan. Spomnimo' se svoje matere. Poklonite se ji s tem, da jo obiščete. Nobena mati ne gleda na darilo, kaj ji boste prinesli, ona si samo želi vašega obiska in navzočnosti. Tiste matere ki pa spe v grobu, se jih spomnimo z molitvijo, ki oblake prodira in bo gotovo segla do njenih duš. Prihodnji mesec v juniju pa bomo praznovale Očetovski dan. Želim, da bi bil vsak oče na svetu deležen tople ljubezni od svojih otrok. Bog blagoslovi vse očete za njihov praznik! V tem lepem mesecu maju tudi praznujemo obletnico naše podr. in to bo že 30 letnica, zato vas vse vabim, da se udeležite te važne obletnice. Pridite vsaj enkrat na leto, ker vaša navzočnost in pomoč je nujno potrebna. Bo vse, kakor prejšna leta, le želeti je vaše udeležbe. Proslava obletnice se bo vršila dne 12. maja zvečer v navadnih pro-torih. Res bi bilo lepo in veliko presenečenje za vse, če bi prišle tudi tiste, ki se nikdar ne udeležite naših prireditev. Mogoče bo prišel dan, ko bi rade prišle med nas, pa iz enega, ali drugega razloga ne bo mogoče. Torej ne pozabite drugi četrtek v maju. Iz glavnega urada nas tudi pozivajo, da bi pridobile kaj novih članic. Poglejmo na okoli, mogoče da bi pridobile kakšno ženo ali dekle, da bi bila pri volji pristopiti v našo podružnico. Imamo tudi več članic, ki so na bolniški listi; vsem bolanim želim hitrega zdravja in da bi zopet prišle na seje. Vsem odbornicam In članicam podružnic širom Amerike, želim iz vsega srca zdravja in sreče in naj vas Bog blagoslovi. Minka Chrnat, tajnica Pridružite se izletom SŽZ! Prihranili si boste nad dvesto dolarjev na osebo. Vožnja iz New Yorkn do Ljubljane stane samo $395.00 na jet letalu l/.leti trajajo po tri, štiri, šest, osem in enajst tednov. Za podatke pišite na glavni urad SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 1937 WEST CEItMAK ROAD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60608 PHONES: Bishop 7-2014 or Bishop 7-7999 OBISK LEPE SLOVENIJE IN EVROPE BO NEPOZABLJIV, ČE POTUJETE S POSREDOVANJEM KOLANDROVE POTOVALNE DRUŽBE. AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 TEL. 431-4148 Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — Na naši seji v marcu je bila prav lepa udeležba, čeprav je bilo zelo mrzlo. Sporočam, da je naša članica, Mary Potočnik še vedno bolana. Njeno zdravje se bolj počasi vrača. Poškodovala si je nogo, ker je nesrečno padla. Upam, da boš kar hitro ozdravela, da boš zopet spekla potice za naše prireditve. Sklenile smo namreč, da bo mo napravile skupno s št. 162 A. B.Z. plesno veselico in tako praznujemo 30 letnico odkar smo ustanovile našo podružnico. Pred 20 leti smo imele 8 članic, ko smo pričele in jaz sem v uradu še danes, ne uvem kako dolgo bom še. Hvala Bogu za dobro zdravje doslej. Za našo častno mater podr. smo izvolile našo ustanovno članico, Johana Logar, ker ona prav rada pride na seje, če le more. Sedaj pa, drage članice, lepo vabim, da bi se vse udeležile veselice in da bo vsaka kaj pomagala, da bo bo res lepo praznovanje naše 30 letnice ustanovitve. Prihodnja seja bo 8. maja in podpisana do takrat vse najlepše pozdravlja in kliče nasvidenje. Mary Mihellch, predsednica Št. 81, Keewatin, Minn. — Pozdra-Ijene vse članice SŽZ po širni Ameriki. Ker vidim, da se nobena ne oglasi iz našega kraja, sem se jaz namenila napisati nekaj vrstic, da ne boste mislile, da smo mogoče vse zmrznile v tej zimi, ker je bila precej huda. Ko boste čitale te vrstice bomo že sredi zelene pomladi in veselo delali po naših vrtovih. V novem letu smo izgubili zopet eno članico, Mrs. Kate (Milielich) Schutte, ki je bila bolj slabega zdravja dolgo let, zato se je preselila k sinovom v Phoenix, Arizona, kjer je živela zadnjih 10 let. Umrla je IG. jan. v lepi starosti 84 let. Njeno truplo je bilo prepeljano v Keewatin in pogreb se je vršil iz cerkve St. Mary. Članice smo se udeležile maše in jo spremile na pokopališče, čeprav je tisti dan 20 pod ničlo. Pokopana je bila na Maple Hill pokopališču, poleg moža in treh sinov. Za njo žalujejo poleg moža še sin John v Keewatin ter sinova Peter in Mike v Arizoni, kjer je živela zadnja leta. Pok. je bila rojena 13. maja, 1881 v vasi Blaževec v Sloveniji in v Ameriko je prišla najprej v Brooklyn, N Y. in nato se je preselila v Minnesoto, kjer je živela 50 let. Naj ji bo ohrajen lep spomin in naj mimo počiva v ameriški zemlji. Ostalim pa izrekam iskreno sožalje. Naj omenim tudi, da sem iz domovine Slovenije prejela žalostno vest, da je v Ljubljani umrl moj edini še živeči brat Karl Prijatelj, po domače Jernačev Korle iz Malih Lašč. Sporočam zato, ker ga mnogi poznajo. Nekateri so ga spoznali ob priliki skupnega obiska stare domovine. Vesela sem, da mi je bila dana prilika, da sem ga obiskala. On sedaj počiva na Žalah pri Ljubljani, poleg žene in hčerke. Ob smrti je bil 75 let star. Pokopali je bil 26. febr. Bog mu daj mirni počitek v rodni mu zemlji slovenski. Vse njegovo življenje mu je bilo trnjevo in bridko. Dragi brat, vse si prestal, sedaj je vse končano. Zapustil je žalujočo ženo, sina, sinaho, vnuka in vnukinjo, 4 nečakinje tam v Sloveniji, a tukaj pa mene in sestro Prances Vessell. —Vsi bomo enkrat združeni v večnosti, saj “sveti križ nam govori, da vidimo se nad zvezdami! Moram končati, da ne bo urednica v koš vrgla. Ob koncu vsem lep pozdrav. Mary Kolar Št. 89, Oglesby, 111. Še iz šolskih let sem si zapomnila to pesem. Ker se mi zdi primerna za materni dan v mesecu maju, jo pošiljam za objavo v naši priljubljeni Zarji: SKRBNA MATI Dete revno dete malo; Kdaj mi bodeš poplačalo Vse kar zate skrbna mati, Mogla sem in bom prestati. Sem pod srcem te nosila, v bolečinah te porodila; Zate moč in dan skrbela, Zate sem in bom živela. Postelj kol’ko krat postlala, Zibel tvojo sem zibala, Pesem ti zapela sladko, Da zaspalo si črez kratko. Crez te se bom nagnila, Srčno Boga sem prosila: Oče večni ti ga brani, Meni, sebi ga ohrani. Dete revno in ubožno, Bodi pridno in pobožno, S tem skrbi mi boš plačalo, Dete revno dete malo. Mary Jazbec Št. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Naša aprilska seja se je vršila v sredo mesto v četrtek, da nismo zamudile cerkvenih obredov. Obisk je bil vseeno zadovoljiv. — Prečitano je bilo pismo od Mrs. Škof iz San Francisco, da bi imele letos state dinner in drž. konvencijo v počastitev Mrs. Prisland. Zelo nam je žal, da nemoremo sprejeti, ker nas je nidlo po številu, pa še te smo večinoma bolj stare in slabega zdravja Hvala urednici za poslane lepe pesmi in deklamacije, katere bomo ob priliki uporabile. Sprejele smo tri nove članice in sicer kot social members: Mrs. Močan, Mrs. Skubek in Mrs. Petričevich. Kličemo jim “dobrodošle". Mrs. Petričevich odpotuje v stari kraj ter ji želimo veliko zabave in srečni povratek. Za materinski dan bomo imele pot luck dinner, za meso gre iz blagajne drugo prinesejo članice. Na ta način bomo tudi počastile našo častno mater leta, Cecilijo Horzen ter želimo, da ozdravi do omenjenega dneva in Happy Birthday Cecilija in hvala za dobrote, katere si poslala na sejo. Ne pozabite tudi, da bomo imele naš rummage sale, 9. 10. in 11. maja. Vse prav pride. Mrs. Avčin je še vedno bolna, kakor tudi druge. Ako zveste za bolno sestro, prosim, sporočite uradnicam In jih obiščite. Želim vsem preljubo zdravje, ki je največji zaklad na svetu. God bles^ you all! Christine Filips, poročevalka Financial Report for the Month of January, 1966 Finančno poročilo za mesec Januar, 1966 Branch Assesments Membership Branch Assessments Membership 1 $100.80 178 56 83 11.60 21 3 2 190.05 334 139 84 60 4 3 153.60 278 167 85 12.00 28 5 4 4.65 16 — 86 11.35 20 — 5 95.60 108 31 • 88 13.50 27 5 6 52.25 118 12 89 34.95 81 34 7 62.20 106 101 90 22.60 48 16 8 23.90 55 — 91 37.15 60 14 9 32 2 92 14.30 23 2 10 157.05 358 37 93 63 _ 12 79.30 195 47 94 16 1 13 52.30 107 16 95 108.90 173 38 14 147.70 299 27 96 25.15 49 2 15 117.00 200 21 97 12.40 22 5 1G 72.05 137 78 99 8.95 21 — 17 79.35 153 68 100 23.75 43 9 19 62.30 130 25 101 27.55 39 9 20 188.00 411 126 102 18 4 ! 21 53.80 95 53 103 10.60 15 4 22 20 — 104 9.10 24 — 23 118.40 239 63 105 12.05 21 6 24 80.10 166 74 106 28.50 23 1 % 25 26 366.05 47.80 691 103 187 10 Totals $4,491.15 8,559 2,426 27 32.90 61 4 t s Asses, pd. for * Jan., Feb.; ; ! Dec.; 28 43.25 80 9 # Oct., Nov., Dec. Jan.; % Dec., Jan.; 29 11.60 29 5 & Jan., Feb., Mar.; # Oct., Nov. 30 18 - - ! Dec. 31 32 33 34 35 50.25 238.10 88.75 19.15 36.00 102 110 151 45 59 35 35 78 7 # Income — dohodki:. Assessment from members Rental Income in January $4,491.15 155.00 40 Interest on Investments 1,265.62 37 38 9.00 55.50 24 139 3 1 TOTAL — Skupaj $5,911.77 39 25.00 52 19 Disbursements — Stroški: 40 45.95 97 3 M. Matesevac, br. 8, Steelton, Pa. $100 41 104.20 243 33 Mat. Schober, br. 12, Milwaukee 100 42 26.10 50 3 Frances Mezget, br. 14, Euclid O. 100 42 75.75 136 75 Veronica Tadej, br. 20, Joliet, 111. 100 45 54.00 59 7 % Dor. O’Keefe, br. 24 La Salle “B” 300 46 15.05 31 5 Agnes Urbančič, br. 25, Clev. 100 47 59.55 119 26 Katie Bartol, br. 25, Cleveland 100 48 6.55 11 1 Mary Gorišek, br. 25, Cleveland 100 49 30.80 38 8 Mary Svete, br. 25, Cleveland 100 50 117.25 179 107 Mary Tekavec, br. 25, Cleveland 100 51 8.45 16 — Jennie Krall, br. 25, Cleveland 100 52 29.60 53 16 K. Pavlakovic, br. 27, No. Brad. 100 54 40.30 72 56 Anna Skolar, br. 41, Cleveland 100 55 34.95 68 11 Julia Bencelich, br. 41, Cleveland 100 5G 45.65 100 15 Kati Shutte, br. 81, Keewatin 100 57 40.05 68 32 Zarja—The Dawn, Jan. 16. pp. 1,061.75 59 32 3 Salaries and administration 1,015.00 61 11 Director Internal Revenue 620.90 62 33 1 i Electricity, fuel, water 77.34 63 112 41 Home office monthly rent 75.00 G4 53 2 Printing, office supplies 152.07 65 2'6.65 57 24 Telephone, Postage 121.09 06 28.30 51 17 Miscellenous, Juniors Christ- 67 41.30 72 13 mas Parties 131.12 68 33.20 52 8 Accrued interest 151.26 70 71 22.05 57.55 14 115 3 18 & Total — skupaj 5,105.53 72 11.95 30 4 Balance Dec. 31, 1965 $509,759.23 73 58.75 105 75 Income in January, 1966 5,911.77 74 77 78 11.70 28.75 45.75 40 56 25 4 33 15 $515,671.00 Disbursements in Jan. ’66 5,105.53 79 80 18.25 25.65 31 14 22 Balance January 31, 1966 $510.565.47 81 8.95 22 — Albina Novak, Sec’y From HI Magazine When The Angels Sang By Father H. J. Heagney “Oh, it was lovely, so very lovely. Never before have I heard such sweet voices, for it was the angels, singing just like they did when the Blessed Baby was born.” Peter’s dark brown eyes were dreamy, his voice hushed, as he told of the angels singing in the old brown-stone church. All the boys and girls were standing around him. Some tapped their brows and made comic circles around their heads, some were puzzled and a few looked in awe at the small dark-haired boy. “But, Peter, it was a low Mass,” said a tall pleasant-faced girl. “There wasn’t any singing.” “But I heard it. Didn’t you, Amelia?" “No, Peter, only you heard it and this isn’t the first time you’ve told us about heavenly music.” “Then we’re all deaf except Peter,” mocked the bully, Giovanni. “You made it up, didn’t you, Peter?” asked Rul'ino Chianti, whose father owned many vineyards in the country. Rufino, a serious boy, was looking keenly at the little fellow. “Come now, tell us the truth. Tell us that you make up the stories.” Peter was bewildered. He liked Rufino, and it pained him to know that his friend thought he was making up a big story. “You mean that Peter’s a liar, don’t you?” Giovanni retorted. “No, he’s just a storyteller,” said Rufino. “He makes up beautiful stories, like poets do. But I’m afraid he believes his own stories.” “But Peter’s holy,” said Clara. “He is so good that our Blessed Mother lets him hear the angels sing. You know, the angels are always singing during Mass, only we don’t hear them!” “That’s so,” said Rufino. "And Peter wanted to hear them so badly that he imagined that he really did.” "No, no, I didn’t imagine it,” said Peter with tears in his eyes. “I believe you,” spoke up little Clara. “I wish I were good like you. You are God’s child.” Rufino took little Peter by the hand. “Let us go and see Don Vincent,” he said. “He’ll know if you really hear the angels or not.” Don Vincent listened carefully to all that Peter said, and asked many questions. “Perhaps our Lady is planning some great work for you to do when you grow up, Peter,” he said at last. “Oh, no,” said Peter. “I don’t want to be great. I want to be alone and far from the crowds.” “Peter always tries to hide when he wants to pray,” Rufino told the priest. "But the children always find him.” [ i Junior’s Page 111, HOYS AND GIRLS! The month of May is simultaneous with Mary and mother. What are the qualifications of a good mother? Or is there a book on how-to-become-a-successful mother ? We seem to know a lot what daddies do like delivering mail, putting out fires, working in factories, driving trucks, directing traffic or selling shoes. But what do mothers do? Well, mothers pick stuff up. They spend many hours picking things up and putting them down again: in wash ing machines, garbage cans, dishpans, dresser drawers, refrigerators, toy boxes, closets or kitchen cabinets. But there’s much more! “A good •‘But now I have a new place,” Peter said happily. "No one will find me!” Don Vincent blessed the two boys and sent them away. As he watched them go, he wondered if God really was planning some special work for Peter. The Church needs holy men, lie thought, for great Roman families such as the Colonna and the Orsini were fighting to see who would be elected pope. Many rulers and kings tried to get special favors from the pope. But our Lord will save His Church, Don Vincent said to himself, for He has promised to be with H always. Peter’s new hiding place was the best he’d found. It was near the village and not many feet from the high road. Through a thick screen of tangled vines you could see the rich folk riding by on their mules and the poor walking beside their little donkeys. Great rocks towered overhead and you could see only a small patch of the sky. Peter trudged up the dusty highroad, turning to look back at the village. He could see the tall bell tower of the church. Oh, how he loved to hear that bell! It was God’s voice calling all the people, for all must hear it—old and young, rich or poor, saint and sinner. Peter saw no one on the road, only (he dust blowing up in a strong warm breeze. Then away in the distance, far, far away, he saw a horse and rider. He slipped in between the vines so he wouldn’t be noticed. Then he stopped in amazement, for there before him were a golden chalice and two silver candlesticks. He looked a second time. There was no mistake His heart leaped with joy. Our Lady must have put those wondrous objects there. Oh, how wonderful, more wonderful than the angels' voices! When Rutino and all the girls and boys saw these magnificent things, surely they would believe him. And Don Vincent mother gives her children, to the best of her ability, patient understanding and unselfish love—and some ideals to live up to,” and each quality improves with prayer and practice. How does one prepare herself for motherhood? Start right now to cultivate orderly habits and the ability not to look for easy victories. God has given each of us a wide variety of gifts and talents, which are to be developed to the utmost. With whatever gifts mother is blessed, she dedicates them first of all to the love and service of others. Her first happiness she finds in her family. A mother’s ideal is the mother of Jesus, whom she admires and imitates. Loving, sympathetic and humble, Mary is regarded as the ideal symbol of Motherhood. On Mother’s Day we pray that Mary keeps our mothers close to Her Son all their days! Your friend, REGINA would be the happiest priest in the whole world when he saw what our Lady had left. “I’d better run back and get Don Vincent,” Peter decided, for he dared not touch the chalice. Only a priest could do that. It was small, but he was sure it was of great value. It was very beautifully designed with a cross at the base ,a little cross sparkling with diamonds. It must be worth thousands of scudi. He picked up the candlesticks. They were solid silver. Peter knelt down and began to pray to the Blessed Virgin, but today he could not see her sweet face nor hear her sweet voice. Perhaps she had done enough, leaving the chalice and the candlesticks. Or perhaps he was not good enough today. Harder and harder Peter prayed, but the gleam ot’ the wondrous chalice and the candlesticks clouded his vision. Suddenly he heard the soft thud of horse’s hoofs. They stopped outside his hiding place! A man came through the screen of foliage. Peter’s heart was pounding. He had never seen this man before, but he must be the rider Peter had spied in the distance. He was dressed in a fine doublet and hose. Over his shoulder was a cape of black velvet, on his head a gay feathered cap. His belt was studded with silver. This stranger must be rich, very rich. “He’ll think I’m a thief,” Peter thought. “He’ll think I’ve stolen the chalice and the candlesticks.” “What are your doing here?” the man asked in an icy tone. “It's it’s my new hiding place,” Peter said. “I came here to pray, and today our Lady left the chalice and and candlesticks here for me.” “You are a fool,’ ’said the bandit “Our Lady had nothing to do with it. I stole the chalice and the candlesticks and hid them here. And now I intend to take them away.” As he spoke, he pulled out a dagger A HOY’S MOTHER James Whitcomb Riley My mother she’s so good to me, Ef I was good as I could be, I couldn’t be as good—no sir!— Can’t any boy be good as her. She loves me when I’m glad er sad; She loves me when I’m good er bad; An’, what’s a funniest thing, she says She loves me when she punishes. I don’t like her to punish me, — That don’t hurt—but it hurts to see Her eryin’. Nen I cry; an’ nen We both cry an’ be good again. She loves me when she cuts an’ sews My little clak an’ Sund’y clothes; An’ when my Pa comes home to tea, She loves him most as much as me. She laughs an’ tells him all I said, An’ grabs me up an’ pats my head; An’ I hug her, an’ hug my Pa, An’ love him purt’ nigh as much as Ma. and took Peter by the arm. “I am sorry, little one,” he said, “but I must kill you!” Peter closed his eyes. “Oh, Blessed Lady,” he begged, “don’t let this man steal the chalice and the candlesticks Please stop him! Save his soul! Don’t let him do this wicked deed, for then he will never see you and Jesus in heaven.” The dagger was pricking the boy’s throat, but the bandit waited a minute. “Don’t you fear for your own life?” he asked the boy. “Why, no,” said Peter, “our Lady will take me to her. Usten—don’t you hear the angels singing around our heavenly Mother?” The bandit stopped. His fingers opened, and tike knife fell to the ground. “I hear them oh, I hear them!’’ and falling on his knees he began to weep. Peter’s eyes were filled with tears, too Our Lady had come with her angels to save the robber. He knelt and prayed until the heavenly voices died away. Then the robber spoke: "What shall I do, my boy? If I give myself up, I’ll be hanged—” “Come with me to Don Vincent,” said Peter. “You can confess your sins to him. Don Vincent will take the chalice and candlesticks to their owners, and no one need know who stole them.” “Yes, yes,” murmured the robber. “I will confess my sins. I thought I would sell the candlesticks and chalice and be rich and happy, but now I am happier than I ever been in my life.” “We are always happy,” said Peter with a smile, “when we are the Blessed Lady’s children.” And all through his long, wonderful life, Peter was still the sane simple, holy child of Mary. The Church honors the hermit-pope as Saint Peter Celestine. His feast comes in Mary’s month, for he died May 19, 1926. Franees Gorše X 665 Wo’cMwd Rd. •Ridgewood 27, N. Y. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois D. GRDINR&SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 02 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: IIEndcrson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Use It Yourself - or Give It FOR MOTHER’S DAY! JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AVE AFELY 813 East lOStVt Street 2 5 0 0 0 Euclid Avenue 6236 St. Clair Avenue X .1 CI to*' ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 ***5)2» @ FULL <=) METROPOLITAN X SERVICE ji 4 HANK 3 —. STATE BANK 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois, 60608 S.W.U.’s Famous Cookbook . . . j WOMAN’S GLORY - S.W.U. New Little Songbook, THE KITCHEN LETS SING! Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone! ONLY $1.25 POSTPAID. . . ' Order your copy now! Send $2.75 (postpaid) to: Send order lo: Antonia Turek MRS. ANTONIA TUREK 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., 986 BRYN MAW II AVE. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 WICKLIFFE, OHIO 44092