ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 6 JUKE, 1972 VOLUME 44 No. 43 MILWAUKEE wise The officers of an active branch of S.W.U., No. 43, Milwaukee, Wise, happily acknowledge their achievement in reaching their quota of one new member for each officer. They are: standing, from left, Betty Dvornik, Vice-President, Christine Reberni-sek, Auditor, Frances Widemsek, Sargent-at-Arms and Josephine Verbick, Auditor. Seated, Vicki Spo-ris. Recording Secretary, Mary Tratnik, President and Rose Kraemer, Secretary-Treasurer and State President of Wisconsin. Read their message inside —they still have a big goal— to bring the Wisconsin membership total to 1000! ZARJA - THE DAWN N^r 6 JUNE, 1972 Vol. XLIV Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zvere Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust DATES TO REMEMBER ... July 16 — ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, ILL. Hostess, Br. 2, Chicago, III. Sept. 10— MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 23 Ely, Minn. Sept. 17— COLORADO-KANS.-MO. STATE CONVENTION, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Oct. 29 — RECOGNITION DINNER — OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, Combined Branches of Cleveland, Ohio. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članlice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, m. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, HI. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah uredn/ice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Ul. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JUNE National Officer: June 21 — MARIE PRISLAND, S.W.U. Founder and Honorary President, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Branch Secretaries: June 1 — Ann Pavelich, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. June 2 — Mary Musich, Br. 63, Denver, Colo. June 15 — Wilma Zagar, Br. 72, Pullman, III. June 17 — Christine Meyer, Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. June 27 — Pauline Stolec, Br. 61, Braddock, Pa. June 29 — Ann Prebeck, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. Enjoy beautiful Slovenia & Europe this Summer Members of SWU join your relatives, friends, and members on our direct flight from CHICAGO TO LJUBLJANA leaving on: July 29 - return August 29 Round trip FROM CHICAGO TO LJUBLJANA BRNIK AIRPORT only $288.00 From, Cleveland: June 17 - August.14 June 21 - August 3 June 29 - July 28 August 4 - August 25 September 4-September 25 - $278.00 Round trip from Cleveland to Ljubljana Brnik airport June-July-August only $298.00 Those traveling to Cleveland will get $10.00 credit Departures on: Pan American, Trans International, and ADRIA AVIO Slovenian Airways DC-8 and Boeing 707 Jets. Enjoy first class service and open bar on the plane. Choice of European and Adriatic Coast tours from Ljubljana, hotel reservations and car rental. For reservations please write or call: MRS. CORINNE LESKOVAR 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 (312) 847-6679 A" arrangements by: K0LLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. (216) 531-1082 & 531-4066 589 East 185th St., Cleveland. Ohio 44119 p I JUNE IS MARIE PRISLAND CAMPAIGN MONTH! Enroll a new member this month, the final time before the 45th Anniversary Membership Campaign closes, June 30th, 1972! Honor our Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland on this, her Birthday Month! Every officer and member is requested to bring in one new member before the close of the Campaign. Cash prizes for all. $1.00 for a new Class B member .50 for a new Class A member .25 for a new Junior member Top Award to Campaign Winner with the most new new members! Every Branch reac h i n g its quota of one new member per officer will receive a special souvenir and group photo on the cover of ZARJA. This is the last call! Good luck! EDITOR MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANNUAL MEETING HOME OFFICE, CHICAGO, ILL - March 20-21, 1972 The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Slovenian Women’s Union was held Monday and Tuesday, March 20, 21, 1972 at the Home Office in Chicago, Illinois. On Monday morning at 9 a.m. the Auditing Committee convened to audit the official ledgers of the National Secretary, National Treasurer, Secretary of the Scholarship Fund, Investment Secretary and Editor. The Committee adjourned at noon for lunch after which the entire Board of Directors visited the Metropolitan Brnk & Trust Company in Chicago to check all investments kept in the SWU Safety Deposit Box. The meeting resumed at 3 p.m. at the Home Office with the checking of additional ledgers. The Investment Report was read and Secretary’s financial report given. The reports were accepted as given. Present were the following officers: Hon. President and Pres, of Scholarship Fund, Marie Prisland, National President, Toni Turek, National Vice-President, Marie A. Floryan, National Secretary, Fani Humar, National Treasurer, Elizabeth Zefran, National First Auditor, Ann Podgoršek, Second Auditor, Anne Kompare and Third Auditor, Jennie Feme, also Investment Secretary, Olga Ancel and Editor, Corinne Leskovar. The meeting was opened with prayer led by the president. The reports were read as follows: NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S REPORT Greetings and welcome to our annual meeting. This meeting will be very important as we will have to decide on many important decisions for the future benefit of our S.W.U. and also for our 16th National Convention to be held in Chicago, III. next year. Now is the time to start planning for it. The past year was a very busy one for me. I had a very sick mother whom I visited three times and I thank God she is still with us and will be 85 years old next month. I attended three State Conventions last year. First was the Pennsyvania State Convention in Strabane, Pa.; second, the Colorado State Convention in Denver and third, the Ohio-Michigan in Euclid, Ohio. The reports I read were all good, as I know the representatives attending these meetings and others throughout the states were based on the members’ wishes. The State Conventions are very important and all officers of their respective branches should attend and know what is being done for the benefit of the branches and their members. This is one time and place that your State President can relay your messages and business of Zveza which is very important to you as members. I also attended the Br. 50 Anniversary which was held Sept. 26th, 1971 and the Dawn Choral Concert in November of last year. Very happy that Mr. & Mrs. Hu-fnar also attended. The choral group is very busy rehearsing for their coming concert in the fall, date to be announced later. On August 15, 1971, I attended the Dedication of the Slovenian Chapel in Washington D. C. I was amazed to see so many of our SWU members who came from all parts of the United States to help celebrate their grand occasion. The Slovenian Chapel is the most beautiful one m the Shrine and each and every Slovenian can be proud of it. Salutations to the Slovenian Women’s Union which volunteered to start the drive in raising the funds of $70,000.00 that was needed to make the Chapel a reality. We were also very fortunate that we had our Slovenian organizations and individuals throughout the USA and Canada interested in helping this great cause. Contributions that were received amounted to $73,751.65 and the Chapel payment was $70,000.00 plus $1,572.50 for the marble over the entrance with the inscription "SLOVENIAN CHAPEL” and the balance of the money will be used towards the kneelers in the chapel and the inscription on each side of the entrance. (See Page 24.) I wish to thank each and every officer and member who helped in obtaining the funds for the Chapel. May Marija Pomagaj watch over us all. I am very much impressed on the campaign that is now in effect and celebrating the 45th anniversary of our Zveza and also honoring the branches that enroll the most new members. The prizes are well worth working for. I hope that we exceed our previous campaigns. At this time I wish to compliment Mrs. Marie Prisland on her fine idea that each officer in her respective branch enrolfs at least one new member. And to Br. 2 Chicago and Br. 20, Joliet, compliments for enrolling the first quota of new members, in fact, more than double the quotas signed up! The second Cotillion Ball of S.W.U. will be held on May 13th at the Celebrity Room of the Eastgate Shopping Plaza which will be another elite affair. So far we have 14 Debutantes. All who attended the first Cotillion Ball enjoyed it very much as it really was beautiful with all the young girls dressed in their white gowns carrying big bouquets of red roses and presented to the public with their fathers. In charge of the event this year are .lane Novak and Ann Hočevar with a committee of members. The new 1971 edition of Woman’s Glory-The Kitchen is another beautiful book. The new cover is also beautiful and the sales have been very good. Mrs. Marie Prisland is to be complimented on her work editing the book. 1 would also like to give my compliments to the Croatian Franciscan Press on the fine work they are performing on our publication ZARJA—THE DAWN. Congratulations also goes to our Editor, Corinne Leskovar for the fantastic work and effort she does to make our ZARJA so beautiful. Croatian Franciscan Press also did a marvelous job on the cookbook printing. I am oniy sorry that the cookbooks were not ready early enough for the Christmas season but now they are available and all previous orders have been taken care of. Our Secretary, Fanika Humar who had volunteered her services to our Zveza during the illness of Secretary, Albina Novak and later accepted the office of National Secretary is to be complimented on the fine work she is performing. I still attend most of the social functions held here in Cleveland representing Zveza. In all my reports, services and writing my column in ZARJA, I try to do to the best of my ability. This concludes my report and I wish you good health and a safe journey home. ANTONIA TUREK The president's report was accepted and further discussed. PRESIDENT SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT Hearty greetings to you all! My report will be concerned primarily with Cookbooks, History books and Scholarship Fund. COOKBOOKS: After six months of work and preparation the newly revised and enlarged cookbooks Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen were finally ready for market the first week of December last year. There were delays to get adjusted to the new printshop, but the final product is very satisfactory. HISTORY BOOK: Four branches still have copies on hand of the book, From Slovenia - To America; others are almost sold out. Since I wished to fulfill my promise that the proceeds from the book will benefit Zveza’s Scholarship Fund, last December I deposited $ 800.00 into this Fund. An additional $200.00 was paid out for one scholarship grant in 1971 bringing the total of scholarship proceeds from the book to $1,000.00. It is with pride that the proceeds are given to the scholarship fund which I founded almost 30 years ago. May I also mention that $100.00 from the book has been donated to the Bishop Baraga canonization fund. A few writers have reproduced historical articles from the book, From Slovenia - To America, without mentioning the source. This book does have a copy right, but it pleases me if parts of the book are quoted. At the Wisconsin State convention, last October, I presented a resolution (which was accepted) that the U.S. State Department shall seriously consider the establishment of a Consular Office in Ljubljana. This has been done in the form of a United States Information Service. A Reading Room and Library will be established in Ljubljana. Our good friend, former U. S. Senator Frank Lausche, was authorized to make all the necessary arrangements in Ljubljana. SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Scholarship grants started with two stipends at $200.00 each in 1949. This year the Slovenian Women’s Union will give four $200.00 scholarships and one at $250.00 which will be named the Adolph Žnidaršič Scholarship in honor of Dr. Adoph Žnidaršič, of Cleveland, who contributed $750.00 to the Fund. This scholarship will be awarded to the applicant with the best 1972 academic record. Honoring the book FROM SLOVENIA — TO AMERICA, one $200.00 scholarship will be awarded to the most qualified applicant who plans to follow the nursing career. FINANCIAL REPORT of SCHOLARSHIP FUND is as follows: (The first six months of the year report was published in September Zarja). Balance on Hand July 1, 1971 $ 12,250.29 INCOME Frances Zakrajšek, Cleveland, in memory of her husband Anton and son Edward 10.00 Jennie Kitz, Chicago, in memory of Albina Novak 5.00 Branch 103, Washington, D. C. 20.00 S. West State Bank, Sheboygan, interest 115.00 Branch 20, Joliet, in memory of Mary Plankar and Anna Schnell 2.00 Dr. Adoph A. Žnidaršič, Cleveland 250.00 lllinois-lndiana State Convention 75.00 Mary Tomsic, Strabane, in memory of Albina Novak 2.00 Branch 41, Cleveland, in memory of Albina Novak 20.00 Branch 20, Joliet, in memory of Jennie Sprengel 10.00 Josephine Muster, Joliet, 4.00 St. John Hospital, Joplin, Mo. Interest 175.00 Kohler Company, Kohler, Wis. Interest 157.50 Anchor S. and Loan, Madison, interest 28.28 Anchor Savings and Loan, Madison 31.22 From proceeds of books FROM SLOVENIA — TO AMERICA, (one scholarship of $200.00 is already paid) 800.00 Total Income $ 1,705.00 DISBURSEMENTS Scholarships paid: Carita M. Ancel, branch 20, $ 100.00 Margaret J. Gorensek, branch 50, 100.00 Martha F. Hajduk, branch 91 100.00 Ivanka Antolin, branch 103, 100.00 Jerry Kosanovich, branch 33, 100.00 Typewriter for the Secretary 165.36 Total Disbursements $ 665.36 Gain in six months 1,039.64 Total in the Treasury, Dec. 31, 1971 $ 13,289.93 MARIE PRISLAND, Manager Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Fund Report accepted. SECRETARY OF SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT Dear Board Members: My greetings to you and sincere best wishes for a successful annual board meeting. POTS, PANS AND PASTIMES seems to be well received. A number of complimentary letters assures me that some readers are finding the column interesting and enjoyable. Nevertheless, your comments are most welcomed. Gradually more members are sending favorites for the column which are deeply appreciated. To date, there are 16 requests for SCHOLARSHIP application forms including one student desiring to enter the nursing profession. The deadline date for the required information is March 31st when the number of students who will actually be participating will be known. All who request application forms do not necessarily follow through. The winners do write that the money is most appreciated and compliment the organization for its endeavor in providing scholarship opportunities for its high school seniors. As you already know five of our talented young ptople will receive scholarships this year. This is possible because of the generous contributions from many members and especially the $1,000.00 donated by Mrs. Ma-•ie Prisland from the proceeds of her recently published book. From Slovenia - To America and from the contributions by Dr. Adoph Žnidaršič totaling $750.00. Thank you for the lovely Electra 120 typewriter. It operates beautifully and should give many years of service. I wish each of you a pleasant day and a safe return. Respectfully submitted, HERMINE DICKE The president of Scholarship Fund report was accepted as read. The Board also extended its heariest appreciation to the Committee Secretary, Mrs. Hermine Dicke for her conscientious work and report. They commended her also for her writing in Zarja, the homemaking column Pots & Pans, and thanked her on behalf of Zarja’s many readers. The report of the vice-president followed. NATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT Esteemed National Officers of the S.W.U. My sincerest greetings and best wishes to you for a great success in all your dicussions at this meeting for the progress of our organization. The Post Convention Membership Campaign has ended with 326 new members. It was hard work and the diligence of many officers and members made it possible. Congratulations to all. Progress of the present campaign is that our Branch has gotten its quota and we are hoping to double It. I am sure that most of the branches will participate in this campaign, so it will also be a huge success. The new Woman’s Glory cookbook came out with it's new cover and the books are moving very well. Many people have commented on the new addition. The brief history of S.W.U., showing the progress we have made, the membership contributing their favorite Slovenian recipes, and the First Ladies’ contribution. Our meetings are well attended and it is a pleasure to be an officer as there is very good co-operation between the members and officers, and I am very proud to be part of them. Our Christmas party combined with the presentation of the children gifts among the juveniles was again succes-fuil, and that also brings in a larger attendance to the meetings. I have attended the historic day, the dedication of the lovely Slovenian Chapel at Washington, D. C. It was a great moment in our lives to be able to be present for this great occasion especially for the American Slovene. I am sure no one will forget the ceremonies and the granddeur of that day. Congratulations are in order to S.W.U. 45th, anniversary and to Sheboygan’s Br. No. 1 Mrs. Prisland, our founder, who thru hard work, courage, and faith had opened a new way for many women. May S.W.U. prosper thru the years. They combined the anniversary with Wisconsin State Day on October 3, 1971, which was a great success. It was an honor to be one of their guests and it was wonderful to see such co-operation among the members and branches. It was a memorable day and I had the occasion to meet many members and friends which are dearly treasured. Congratulations are again extended to Mrs. Prisland when on Jan. 26, 1972 at the 2nd. Annual Recognition Banquet held at Grand Executive Inn, Sheboygan, the Mayor Roger D. Schneider presented her with the Community Service Award and the Certificate of Merit conferred by the Slovenian Research Center of America. Mrs. Prisland certainly deserves the awards. Words cannot express the sadness in our hearts when we heard of the death of our past national secretary and president, Albina Novak, who had endeared herself to a vast number of friends. She was a dear and loyal member and officer, who always was for the progress of the organization. The S.W.U. has lost a great leader. My deepest sympathy to the family. May God rest her soul. Sincere thanks to all of the national officers for their hard work in performing their duties throughout the year. Compliments to our national president, Antonia Turek for her monthly message, Rev. C. O'Korn, editor Co-rinne Leskovar and the columnists including the Junior Page for their interesting material in making Zarja such enjoyable reading. In conclusion, best wishes and may God bless you with good health and happiness. MARIE A. FLORYAN Vice President The report was accepted as read. The secretary presented her written report in Slovenian language which is printed in its entirety in the Slovenian section. Highlights of her report follow: NATIONAL SECRETARY’S REPORT Esteemed oficers: We have come to the yearly meeting to examine the statements and accounts of the past year and to review our successes and plan for the future. I am particularly happy to present the work of the past year as I know all matters are in perfect readiness and balance. With a look to economy, some dollars were saved and altho we have felt the inflation of the times, we have been able to progress nicely. What we have achieved is not necessary for me to repeat, but I am more interested in what we have not done. 1 would like to suggest that we have not given enough time to plans for the future. We are still dwelling on what has been done and by whom. We have not given enough consideration to the problems of the growth of our organization. Only a few have written about the election of new committees in the branches and their programs for the year. To join the past with the future is very difficult but very necessary if we wish to continue to celebrate anniversaries to come. I know we can do much better in this regard, because I am convinced that the Slovenian nationality is most beautiful and our heritage most valuable. And I also believe that organization for which I have the honor to work is the best thing in our lives. If any member does not think so, it is her duty to reflect and examine it as the organization is a mirror of our wishes and desires. It is what we want it to be. Never before did people talk of and work for peace among us and love of our neighbor as much as now. It is now up to us to find new methods to attract our members to join in a common effort. Times have changed and we must change with them. We are honored to have with us our Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland, who will help us with her vast experience to find ways to secure our future. The campaign is in progress and many branches are hard at work. But, many branches have not yet awakened from their sleep. Some of the members of the Board of Directors should also begin to realize that they are setting the example for others to follow. How many members did we enroll? if we expect others to work, we also must work. We must use this campaign as a stepping stone to the future celebration of our golden jubilee. Much work has been done with the help of you all who are here today. Compared to your activity, I am the youngest among you. So I am neccesarily counting on you for your experiences and guidance so that we can bring this organization to the next generation to cherish it and nurture it for the good of all our people. Last year we lost the strong pitlar of the S.W.U., a woman for many years working successfully and unceasingly for this organization as president, editor and later as secretary, Albina Novak. She has gone to her heavenly home. She was present with us at the last annual meeting and this year we miss her very much. Her picture on this wall reminds us of the magnetism she possessed in great measure. Her memory will be forever kept in our chronical. To all the officers my heartiest thanks for cooperation and help in the past year. May I ask for your kind support in the future so that we can work together and stand before the delegates at the forthcoming convention with reports that we have done our best in the tasks they entrusted to us in Cleveland. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 1971 INCOME: Total Disbursements 1971: Income: Disburs: $80,914.80 71,180.33 Assessment Class A $22,551.65 Assessment Class B 23,236.10 Assessment Class JR. 2,716.20 Socials 458.05 48,962.00 Interest 29,669.47 Rent 1,878.00 Gain on Sale of Bond 348.53 Misceleneous Income 56.80 Total Income 1971 DISBURSEMENTS: 80,914.80 Death Claims: 175 Class A 17,500.00 20 Class B 4,500.00 1 Junior 100.00 22,100.00 Zarja - The Dawn publication 21,908.65 Salaries 12,999.32 Administration & Travel expenses 6,406.77 Office Rent 900.00 Stationary & Advert. 810.80 Postage & Telephone 741.65 Secretarial Awards 694.35 Accrued Interest 836.21 Real Estate Tax 710.56 F.I.C.A. Tax 669.92 Fuel & Electricity 671.72 Actuarial Services 361.00 Bowling 302.00 Donations 279.75 Miscellaneous 375.26 Insurance 70.00 Cleaning 40.00 House Repairs 274.27 Department of Insurance 27.00 Tax adjustment 1.10 71,180.33 Gain 1971 9,734.47 Balance December 31, 1970 Balance December 31, 1971 $537,392.29 547,126.76 Secretary FANIKA HUMAR Secretary The report was accepted as read. The next report to be heard was that of the treasurer. Heartfelt greetings to all gathered together for this important meeting, and I hope we have worthwhile deliberations for our organization and that we more than reach our goal of new members in the new campaign. Congratulations to Mrs. Marie Prisland on her award from the city of Sheboygan, Wise. The Children's Christmas Party for Br. 2 was a huge success. A big Thank You to all who helped in any way for this affair. Washington trip: 87 people left the Midway Chicago airport and we thank Irene Odorizzi for helping to make our 3 day trip a memorable one in Washington. My sincere thanks to the National Secretary Fanika Humar, for her cooperation with me in matters pertaining to our organization; an itemized statment will be given by her with which I totally agree. The last: In memory of Albina Novak, for all the good deeds, for the many things that she did for our Zveza. May we never forget her and her memories, may her soul rest in peace. LIZ ZEFRAN The report was accepted as read. The committee on auditing presented the following report. REPORT OF AUDITING COMMITTEE Honorary Pres. Mrs. Prisland, National Pres. Mrs. Turek, and members of the Executive Board of the Slovenian Women’s Union: Greetings and sincere good wishes to all of you present here at the Annual Board meeting, called to order on March 20th and 21st, 1972 at the home office in Chicago, Illinois. As chairman of the Auditing committee, I am happy to report, that after a careful examination of all the Union’s transactions. Scholarship Fund and Editor's account for the year 1971, all have been found in satisfactory order. Income from branch assesstments, interest and other incomes were checked. Disbursements were checked and reviewed as to issuance of vouchers. Bank deposits and records of our National Secretary, Mrs. Fanika Humar and National Treasurer, Mrs. Liz Zefran, were checked and verified. A general review was made of all other items on record. On Monday, March 20, 1972, a visit to the Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co., was made by the entire Board and a complete check and count of all bonds and other securities on deposit in the bank safe box, were made and accounted for according to the records. The Committee appreciates the assistance if our National Secretary, Mrs. Humar and her excellent and efficient maintenance of records. The undersigned members of the Auditing Committee hereby state, that to our best knowledge and belief, the Slovenian Women’s Union records for the year 1971 based on our review, are correct and true. Slovenian Women’s Union Auditing Committee: Chairman: ANN PODGORŠEK Auditor: ANNE KOMPARE Auditor: JENNIE FEMC My report is strictly financial business. During the past year our investments have been increased by approximately $8800.00. The following purchases were made: $15,000.—US Treasury 5%% Bonds $25,000.—Central Maine Power 4%% Bonds $12,500.—No. West Community Hospital, Arlington Hts., III. 8V-i Bonds $15,000.—St. Francis Community Hospital, Greenville, So. Carolina 8% Bonds $10,000.—St. Vincent Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida 7% Bonds $15,000.—Borgess Hospital, Kalamazoo, Mich. 7% Bonds. During the months of February and May $61,000 worth of US Treasury bonds were matured, while a $9,000 Sisters of Charity, Cincinnati, Ohio bond matured. Total interests and dividends for the year from bonds and loan associations amounted to $29,669.47. May this annual meeting contribute greatly to our Zveza’s future. Peace! OLGA ANCEL Investment Secretary Report accepted as read. FIRST AUDITOR'S REPORT My best wishes and health to each of you present at this 1972 board meeting. Since our Convention will be held next year I’m sure our meetings will be very important and many decisions to be made, we pray they will be beneficial to our membership. Due to illness I was unable to attend many of our meetings. By all reports our branch is very active and have large attendances at the meetings. Past and present officers should be given much credit for their splendid work. At present our Juvenile directors are in the process of making plans for our youth for 1972. This is always a huge success, and enjoyed by our younger members. I attended Minnesota Zveza Day, hosted by the Kitz-ville branch on September 12, 1971. Forty of our branch members also attended. It was a glorious event throughout the day. The most impressive was the beautiful Mass which was dedicated to our deceased Albina Novak. Father Perkovich gave such a touching sermon praising the marvelous work Albina did for the organization and membership. God rest her soul. Her memories will live with us forever. Following the Mass our State Convention was held with State President Barbara Rosandich presiding. About 400 attended the banquet. We were most happy to have our Scholarship Chairman and Pots and Pans editor, Hermine Dicke as our guest speaker. She was accompained to Kitzville by her husband Bob. Each of them gave a talk on their trip to Jerusalem. They were so interesting you could hear a pin drop. We regret that the out of town branches couldn’t stay to see the movies of their trip, because the buses were chartered to return on schedule. I know everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. Ely, Minnesota will host the 1972 delegation. We regret that our attendance from the Minnesota branches for the Chapel dedication in Washington was small. Very few responded to express their desire to attend. The package-deal was too expensive so there were not enough passengers to charter a bus or plane. Toni Turek and Albina Novak (deceased) deserve a lot of credit for making this historical event a reality. Our founder Mrs. Prisland again did a first class job. Thanks to her for the many hours of hard work in revising and adding more interesting recipes to our "Woman’s Glory” cook book. We owe a great deal to Mr. & Mrs. Turek, who are taking charge of the mail orders and to the many who are selling the book. This is a big job, but of course very profitable to our organization. May God bless you all. ANN PODGORŠEK Report accepted as read. SECOND AUDITOR’S REPORT Honorary Pres. Mrs. Prisland, National Pres. Mrs. Turek and members of the Executive Board: Its is a pleasure and a privilege to be with you again for our annual meeting in 1972. As a member of this Board, I would like to make the following report on my activities during the year of 1971: After our annual board meeting and audit in March 1971, I ateo attended on March 28th, the annual Games Party given by Br. No. 16 in South Chicago, at St. George’s Hall and was impressed with the fine cooperation and activity cf the officers and members. During Holy week, I was shocked by the sad and sudden death of our beloved past nat’l secretary, Albina Novak. I attended the wake on Holy Thursday and on Easter Saturday, it was my sad task to act as a pallbearer along with other members of the Board. May this “good and faithful servant" rest in peace. On July 18th, I attended “Zveza Day” in Lemont. Hosted by Also Br. 2 in attendance with me was Mrs. Mildred Poropat, our secretary of Br. No. 95. On August 12th, my husband and I with a group of members from South Chicago, had the privilege to join a delegation of officers and members from Br. No. 2, on a flight to Washington D. C. to attend the dedication of the new Slovenian Chapel of “Our Lady of Brezje” and on Sunday, August 15th, attended a solemn pontifical Mass in the main church of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It was a memorable event and the high point of our lives. We also visited the Croatian Chapel dedicated last year to “Our Lady of Bistrica” which also is the name sake of my Br. No. 95. It was a beautiful sight, never to be forgotten. I attended the Union’s Illinois State Convention on October 3rd, hosted by Br. No. 20 in Joliet and presided by State Pres. Mrs. Anne Lustig. Besides the regular convention proceedings, the day’s events aiso included a Mass at St. Joseph’s Church, after which a fine dinner was served at a Iccal hotel, with entertainment and guest speakers. It was a successful convention with a great number of members present and rep.esenting various Illinois branches, including 10 members from my own Br. No. 95. During the year I attended all the meetings of my branch, also participated in ai the programs and events. Our Pres. Mrs. Mildred James, is consistently on the lookout for interesting programs for each of our meetings, and new members are joining regularly. I also have compiled a number of recipes for our "Pots & Pans" which have been printed in the Zarja. For this annual meeting, I am happy to report as a member of the auditing committee, that the audit of the S.W.U. records for the past year of 1971 has been completed and a signed report submitted to the Executive Board. Respectfully submitted, ANNE M. KOMPARE My heartfelt greetings. Seems like we just had our annual 1971 meeting and here it is already 1972. I hope you all had an enjoyable and healthy year. Our Br. 25 was very busy this past year. In July we had a bake sale. Mrs. Otoničar and her helpers made krofe all day. It was a big boost for our treasury. In August we attended the beautiful blessing of the Slovenian Chapel in Washington D.C. So much was written about that weekend so I won't go into it. May Marija Pomagaj of Brezje watch over aOI the members of Zveza and their families. In Sept. I attended the Ohio-Michigan State Convention presided by Mary Bostian, State President. After a good meeting, we all went to the 40th Anniversary banquet of Dr. 50. A good time was had by all who attended. We had two combined branch meetings since last fall. Many new ideas were discussed to benefit the branches. A nice luncheon was served at the December meeting to celebrate Christmas. I attended the fine performance of the Dawn Choral Group in November. Mary Bostian and Frank Gorensek deserve a lot of credit for its success. We are also proud of the good singers. Cleveland branches are very busy signing up debutantes for the 2nd Cotillion Bail which will be held May 13th. Jane Novak and Ann Hočevar are very busy seeing that it will be even bigger and better than the first one in 1970. On the s?d side, I have to report that the Lord called 27 of our members of Br. 25 to their heavenly reward. May they rest in peace. Our Br. 25 extends deepest sympathy to the family of our dearly departed National Secretary, Albina Novak. In the beautiful month of May, 1971, we attended mass for the repose of her soul at St. Vitus Church. May she rest in peace. Fanika Humar, our National Secretary is the best as besides her secretarial work she takes such good care of the out-of-town Board Members so that we are accommodated. Bless her. Sincerely. JENNIE FEMC Report accepted as read. EDITOR’S REPORT Dear Officers and members of the Board of Directors: My heartiest greetings to you and after a year's absence, I am happy to see you all again looking so well and happy. In the past few months, Zarja has undergone perhaps the biggest change of the past two decades since I have become the Editor and this is the major subject of my report. Late in August, 1971, we were advised by our former printer that the September issue of Zarja would be the last they could print for us necessitating a complete and immediate change in printing and mailing which service the Benedictine Press had done for us for over 25 years. After conducting an immediate search of local printers and making a study of the costs and schedules that would be the basis for a new contract, I found the Croatian Franciscan Press of 4851 So. Drexel Blvd. in Chicago to be the most reasonable and because of the bi-lingual nature of our monthly publication, the Croatian Press could give us the best service in Slovenian typesetting. Therefore, the transition began at once, with many hours spent preparing the material that would be transferred to the new shop and acquainting ourselves with the new system. Thus, since October, we have now printed six full issues of Zarja at the Croatian Franciscan Press, all very much to our mutual satisfaction. Slight problems that arose with the first editions are being eliminated and we shall soon, we are certain, come to find a smooth running operation. The finest cooperation exists at the new Press for which we are all grateful. We hope that when studying the portfolio of the costs, etc. that went into the decision to accept the Croatian Press, you will find that the choice was also a good one financially. The biggest job in the transition between printers had to be done expediently at the Home Office to prepare a list of the members for the new addressogrph plates that had to be made for the new system of addressing. This necessitated tedious and conscentrated work to change a file from alphabetical order to postal zones. In just three weeks from the time we began this task, we were able to have the October issue of Zarja ready for mailing. I am most grateful to the National Secretary, Mrs. Fanika Humar for all her help in this transition and it was thru her efforts that we both had the energy and stamina to complete the work under the pressure of short time. To re-covert the new mailing listing back to our regular files has taken almost two months of work which none of us has found pleasant. I have willingly accepted the responsibility of producing regular uninterrupted monthly editions of Zarja, whatever the problems that have arisen and whatever the delays and conditions and I know that we have been successful because not one issue of Zarja was missed through the entire procedure and we have been receiving compliments on the new look of Zarja since the transition. Since this report covers the year 1971, we note the many events of the year and the issues that Zarja commemorated. Just a month after our last annual meeting in March, 1971, we lost our beloved mother, pioneer officer and friend to all our members, Albina Novak. Since Zarja was her work for 19 years as Editor and indirectly for all its years before and after her editorship, I felt it was appropriate to publish a memorial in the June issue that would tell of her great work with Zveza. Her loss is still felt, perhaps more do we realize now what she meant to this organization than we did while she was still active with it. She cared and that feeling permeated our lives so that since her passing, we can see many aspects of her love that are missing. It will soon be a year since she is gone and I hope you will remember her in your prayers that God would grant her everlasting peace and happiness. In the January issue, the first of 1971, we had the sad commemoration of the death of our former beloved officer of three decades, Josephine Železnikar of Chicago. She too is sorrowfully missed and we pray God will give her heavenly peace. Throughout the year we have read of the passing of many of our pioneer members and officers and knowing we are losing our elderly members makes us feel sad and lost. It is that much more difficult to carry on, when their memories are fresh and the world that they have left is so fraught with problems of all kinds. A happy occasion was remembered and honored in the July-August issue as we took part wholeheartedly in the historic Dedication of the Slovenian Chapel in Washington D. C. I had several hundred extra issues printed of the commemorative issue and had them distributed at the festivities in Washington. We felt it was necessary that people who are not as yet members of ours, also become aware of the great organization we have and of our contribution to the Slovenian Chapel individually, in groups and as parishioners of the Slovenian churches. Many hun- dreds of our members attended the Dedication and it was a privilege for me to be there with my daughter and over 100 members from the Chicago area in our own chartered plane. I was most proud that 8 nat’l officers were there officially representing our organization. The S.W.U., also enjoyed the 3 day Washington tour for our members prepared by Irene Odorizzi organizer of Br. 103 there. We highly commend the committee for their design and selection of materials for the Chapel itself which is truly a beautiful place to worship the Mother of God, our Slovenian Patroness, Marija Pomagaj of Brezje. May she continue to grant her favors on our Slovenian people here and all over the world. And, I would like to suggest that we invite our members to visit the Chapel in Washington in groups and with their families on annual pilgrimages there under the auspices of S.W.U. We will soon be preparing the May issue and Mother's Dedication which honors all the mothers and members of our Zveza who have been chosen worthy by their sister members. We observe that many branches are honoring member who may or may not be mothers, for their unselfish work and popularity. Altho the honor is intended for Mothers primarily, we think it is proper that any branch which so desires make their selection of honored mother-member on any basis they see fit. I am happy to see the fine response given the new edition of the cookbook now in circulation. With pleasure I accepted the assignment of final checking the material being printed and especially finding suitable art work for t‘ie cover. The artistic drawing Dy Emilija Razman-Bucik set3 the book off most beautifully and that, combined with new recipes inside, becomes a great attraction for a new market of sellers and ultimately, a good financial result. It was my pleasure to attend the 1971 State Convention for III. Ind. held in Joliet, III last fall. It was a fine event and a successful sounding board for our members. I’m sure many problems and questions were resolved then as at the many other State Conventions held throughout the Union according to their various reports in Zarja. As we have helped to successfully conclude the Slovenian Chapel Fund Drive begun at our Convention in Washington in 1967 and concluded at the Dedication in August, I would respectfully submit the suggestion that our S.W.U., sponsor a fund drive for the Slovenian College in Rome, SLOVENIK which is intended to educate young Slovenian priests in the center of Christiandom. This is a worthy cause and it needs our help. The Sisters at Alvernia Manor in Lemont have asked us for help in collecting funds which we have done in recent issues of Zarja. In this day and age when we need to strengthen our Slovenian identity, I feel that any cause for and by Slovenian people or groups needs and deserves our support. Similarly, I think our committee should look into ways we could help in the drives for the Home for the Aged in Cleveland or any other cities. It is another suggestion of mine at this time, that we consider a future Plan to have our S.W.U. formulate a plans for a residence (geriatric center) for the older members of our organization in the midwest where there is dire need for such a facility. This would really be the most outstanding work an organization such as ours could do for our Slovenian pioneers who when reaching the autumn of their lives have need of companionship and housing. I sincerely hope that at some future time, we can lay plans before this Board for construction of our own S.W.U. Home for the Elderly. My enthusiasm for the SWU Scholarship Fund has increased in the past year with the announcements of great activity in this fund. This should be a primary target activity for the present time among all branches. The Scholarship Fund is one of our selling points. It's something we can show our pride in and give widespread publicity to - for no one can negate its importance in giving financial and moral support to our younger students. In this respect I would suggest a renewed effort be placed in the Scholarship Fund drive in the year ahead. When we speak of the future, it no doubt comes to all our minds that the good work of the past must be preserved in good and solid plans for the future. In this respect, I would like to suggest that serious and conscen-trated thought be given now and in the near future to the possible adoption of a fraternal insurance charter to give us a greater future and a new market for membership. Since our elderly members and those in the organization for many years are against any form of increase in assessment to offset the increases of operation, we must look to a new market for members and the only way we can open the market is to offer other types of insurance. This can only be done if we are a fraternal society and operate according to the rules and regulations of the major organizations in this country offering various insurance plans and benefits. I would propose that preliminary study be given to this for possible adoption at the forthcoming National Convention in Chicago in 1973. And, since the future is so important to our Union, let us consider some far-ranging plans to really give the organization a new page in history. And, let’s have as our goal the year 1976 when the Slovenian Women's Union will celebrate its 50th Anniversary and the United States of America its 200th Anniversary. At the Convention in 1976, we will all celebrate these grand two occasions! It will be up to us in the next 4 years to lay the foundation for a new and exciting future for S.W.U. in its next half century. ZARJA PUBLISHERS’ FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR 1971 BALANCE, 1970 $ 75.67 Income: Advertising Christmas $165.00 Yearly 405.00 Other 40.00 610.00 Subscriptions 41.00 Cut Donations 70.00 Donations in Memory of Albina Novak: Mr. & Mrs. Frank Turek Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Pucel Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ancel Hotel BLED, Rome, Italy Mrs. Mary Lenich Other Donations: Mrs. Rose Scoff Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Pucel Mrs. Olga Ancel Mrs. Josephine Erjavec TOTAL Expenses: Engravings for Zarja Postage Donations Reporters' Supplies Subscriptions 10.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 2.25 10.00 10.00 25.00 5.00 $85.25 $881.92 520.78 65.98 25.00 68.40 22.65 32.50 30.00 35.00 9.00 10.80 $ 820.11 $ 61.81 CORINNE LESKOVAR Report accepted as read. The state president’s reports were read as follows. STATE PRESIDENT OF CALIF.-WASH-ORE. Best wishes to all National Officer's for your first Board Meeting in 1972 and may your deliberations be most successful. At our March meeting we will plan a dinner in October which is the 45th Anniversary of Zveza. Our meetings have been small and we are having some difficulties in getting new members but we are hopeful as the days are getting longer that our membership will increase. At present we have one social member and that is a good start. We have two Charter members and lost two by their passing away. This means we will work harder for the good of our Branch. The cook books are beautiful and were easily sold, also the Great book "From America to Slovenia”. I sold as many as I could. The Zarja magazine is most interesting and keeps us in touch. Members of Br. No. 13 of San Francisco wish to extend their heartfelt condolences to Stella Dancull, Mary Tomsic and Jean Kurlich and their families. May God love you all and have a happy Easter. ROSE SCOFF Report accepted. STATE PRESIDENT OF MINNESOTA I wish to take this opportunity to extend my best wishes for a successful Board meeting and great progress. On Sept. 12th last fall, our State Convention was held in Hibbing with the Kitzville Branch as our hosts. About 300 members attended. Our main speaker was the Lt. Gov. Rudy Perpich of Minn. Mrs. Hermine Dicke was the guest who represented the National Board of Directors. I have sent in an article as an appeal to every branch in Minnesota to enroll new members for this campaign. Our enrollment is dropping and we must sign up some new members to keep up our membership. Our State Convention next year will be held at Ely on Sept. 10, 1972. Keep this date open to join us. I think at this time when all the Board members are together, we would like you to select among you our guest for this occasion. This is an invitation. More on the State Convention as soon as our committees are set up. I have noticed that the printing in the Zarja is larger and easier to read - that's good for some of us who have poor eye-sight. Thanks to the secretary who is a big help when I have to check my members and ages. Greetings to all for the new year and I hope you’ll all do your best. Wishes to all sick members and a quick recovery; our prayers are with you. BARBARA ROSANDICH STATE PRES. OF WISCONSIN My report for 1971 is rather short as most of my articles were in Zarja. In August I attended the Slovenian Chapel dedication in Washington. I was very fortunate to fill a Greyhound bus with members from Branches 12-17 and 43. Our trip was very interesting, educational and loads of fun. The trip took somewhat longer than we anticipated but everyone enjoyed the beautiful scenery. In October, the Wisconsin State Convention was held in conjunction with the 45th Anniversary of Br. 1. Again, I managed to obtain a busload of members from the three Milwaukee area branches. More than 100 members attended the convention meeting which turned out to be particularly memorable events. Open discussions are very interesting as they arouse both interest and opposition. My main topic was the membership drive, and the need for new members, emphasizing this point ever since I took office. There has been some encouragement shown, altho I am sure that more new members can be secured. There are good signs at present, that this campaign will go over the top. This concludes my report, wishing you a very successful Board meeting. ROSE KRAEMER Report accepted. STATE PRESIDENT OF PENNSYLVANIA-NEW YORK Heartiest greetings to the National Officers gathered at the annual meeting. I wish you God’s blessing and that you will deliberate in the best and most productive way. With our members in attendance, the 35th anniversary of our branch No. 71 was celebrated in connection with Penna Zveza Day. It was a wonderful day and we had a very nice turn-out. My thanks to the National President, Mrs. Turek, for her address and good ideas for the future progress of this organization. She gave us many inspiring thoughts. We also learned of the events of the Slovenian Chapel Dedication that then took place in Washington D. C. in August. Again, thanks to Mrs. Turek and her husband for their attendance. From Strabane we filled a bus to Washington for the big event and were ail very happy and content that we attended this memorable occasion for all Slovenians. This year we again hope to have Zveza Day but no plans have been made as of this date. We appreciate the work and suggestions of the National Officers to get us to enroll new members in the campaign. We also wish to thank Mrs. Prisland for her wonderful work with the book “From Slovenia To America" and the grand contribution in has brought to the Scholarship Fund. God bless you and give you good health for many years to come. We sadly miss our friend, Albina Novak. We pray for her soul and eternal happiness. In our branch we are happy to say that we have not lost any members this year. My sincere thanks to you for the fine leadership you have all shown in the past year and hopes for continuance in the future. Our thanks also to Corinne for the beautiful Zarja we enjoy receiving each month. Vi/e wish her many more years in this work. May God bless you all. MARY TOMSIC Return Address to Post Office Photos Bowling sponsorship Commission Telephone BALANCE, DEC. 31, 1971 STATE PRESIDENT OF COLO. — KANS. — MO. This is my first report for the year 1971. My sincere wishes that good spirit wilil prevail during your meeting and that the warmth of the holidays just past will stay with us for the entire year to come with God’s blessing on all of you, my dear officers. Surely you are at this time looking at the empty seats among you. It was last year that our two national officers Albina Novak and Josephine Železnikar were with you. God has called them to himself. May their memory remain with us. I hope that our new National Secretary, Fanika Humar is welcome among you on the Board of Directors and by her record we see she is working diligently. My main concern and suggestion to you at this time is that you find means and ways to attract younger members into our organization. Conducting meetings in both languages, Slovenian and English would help to give the younger English speaking members a chance to participate. Our branch has 165 members in the juvenile dept. What is your suggestion for us to follow to secure our future with these members? Fortunately, our branch is on good financial and spiritual ground. We do wish, however, to bring in more younger members into the fold and into the official staff. It is our duty to work for this end. The State Convention was a grand success and we are proud of the success of this event each year when loyal Slovenian members get together. In the new year of 1972, we wi'IU convene in Pueblo on Sept. 17th. We shall also celebrate the 45th anniversary of Branch No. 3. We will have more plans to announce later. You are all cordially invited to attend and we hope to see again our president and her husband who visited us last year. Your presence will indeed help to make this event a most auspicious occasion. We will have a wonderful program and interesting entertainment for all guests. Our member, Milka Henigsman has donated a beautiful bedspread to the branch which brought in a nice amount that will go to covering the expenses of the convention ond banquet next fall. Thank you, Milka. I have tried to carry out my duties to the best of my abilities and with punctuality. With this I conclude my report and extend once again, my heartfelt wishes to all. ANNA PACHAK STATE PRESIDENT OF ILLINOIS-INDIANA Sincere greetings to the Board and best wishes for a successful meeting. During the three years that I have been state president, I tried to do my work to the best of my ability. I visited Branch No. 95 often and I have found very devoted members at this branch. Also, I visited Branch No. 2 on the occasion of their penny social and found this group to be very active and devoted. I presided over two Conventions and was delighted to see increased attendance at each convention. I hope the members will keep up the good work. I would like to take this opportunity to offer a few suggestions regarding the manner of conducting future state conventions. I would suggest that the Mass be held at 10:00 a.m. after which a 45 minute period be allowed for breakfast followed by a meeting to be attended by delegates and members only. Then a dinner could be held and if desired, speakers and guests could be present. Our next convention will be in La Salle, Illinois and I am hoping we will experience a greater attendance than that of our previous conventions. I am working on a project to bring a busload of members from this area and hope we will get the cooperation of our neighboring branches No. 2 and No. 95. May God keep you all safe and well until I see you all again. ANN LUSTIG STATE PRESIDENT OF OHIO-MICHIGAN My sincere greetings to the Supreme Board. I'm sure all are doing a great job to help keep Zveza roaring. I hope you have a successful meeting for the good of the organization. T- I I would like to compliment President Antonia Turek for reviewing our ZVEZA, S.W.U. "This is your life”. It brings memories back. I wish it would be something like that now, but impossible is the word, although cooperation could be the word. However, there is a lack of good leaders; therefore good leaders should be held on to when we have them. It Is not easy to organize groups and bring life to them. Many compliments goes to our Supreme Secretary, Fanika Humar who does such a wonderful job. Also Honorary President Marie Prisland is really tops on her articles. All appreciate reading them. A few months ago, I was called to see if I still had my Zarja of Oct. 1970. They wanted to borrow it. They had misplaced theirs and they wanted the article, Janez u New Yorku, which was used as a sketch at one of their doings. After so long, I even had a laugh. Our Supreme Editor Corinne Leskovar is also tops. She does a wonderful job in setting up and getting out our Zarja to us in time. Hermine also does great in Pots and Pans. It, too, is well appreciated. Our Combined Branches will be busy this year. We will discuss many points for the good of our organization. One is very exciting as of now, it is the Cotillion. We are all trying hard for new members and are trying in every way possible. In April, 1971, Branch 73 celebrated their 35th Anniversary. I arranged a group to attend with me from other branches. They had a Mass which was followed by a reserved breakfast in a nearby, large restaurant. It was out of this world and we all enjoyed it so much because it was different. In June, 1971, Branch 47 celebrated their 40th Anniversary. They asked me to attend in place of the Supreme President because she had to go away. So again, I rounded up a group to help celebrate with them. We enjoyed ourselves ever so much. After the dinner was over, the ladies gathered together and started to sing their favorite songs. I admired them so much. Believe me, when some again will say, we can’t, I will have to tell them to get some ideas from Branch 47. I say, "Where there is a will, there is a way. If a branch is small, they don’t have to go into big ways. These branches still find a way to do well for themselves. Bless their hearts. We have a state convention, as you know, and we light a candle for all our Ohio and Michigan branches deceased members. I mail a card to everyone to notify them about the state convention. My warmest and best wishes to all. MARY BOSTIAN Report accepted YOUTH DIRECTOR'S REPORT On behalf of the junior members, we wish to extend greetings and wishes for continued success to all National Officers. The Euclid baton twirlers are again progressing, sometimes slowing up a bit, but then starting again. They have attended 5 parades this year. Carole Cook is still able to continue directing the children and her assistant is now Patty Graben. There are 40 in the group. We have another group on St. Clair which Frances Sietz was able to re-vitafee and now they practice every Tuesday and their instructor is Carol Komat who is Theresa Komat's daughter. They will join the Euclid group in the parades altho each remains separate. There are also a few pom pom girls. By doing this sort of activity is the only way to invite the young girls to join. Many of them stay in to be- come adult members. These children sell Christmas and Easter Candy for funds. This helps them to have their picnics and big parties. We also have junior bowling in Cteveland but at this time the group is not as large as it was. This fall we got a late start but are hopeful that next season will be more successful. We still have our parties and treats as usual. It is necessary to impress on each branch the importance to remain active when organizing any sort of youth group. If not, the children lose interest. Cooperation is very necessary. May God bless you all. MARY BOSTIAN Report accepted. Correspondence was read as received by the secretary. In a letter from Br. 45, Portland, Ore. the members are inviting an officer to visit them in accordance with a promise made some years ago. Br. 102, Willard, Wise, is hosting the 1972 Wisconsin State Convention and is inviting an oflicer to attend as offical representative. Br. 23, Ely, Minn, hosts of the Minnesota State Convention is inviting officia'I' representative and the committee for the Cotillion Ball in Cleveland (Euclid) Ohio in May is inviting Mrs. Marie Prisland to attend as official representative. The following schedule was made: Wisconsin: to be attended by Vice-Pres. Marie Floryan, Minnesota convention is to be attended by President, Toni Turek, Cotillion Ball is to be attended by Hon. President, Marie Prisland. Nlinois-lndiana convention, and Ohio-Michigan convention will be attended by local national officers. Mrs. Turck will visit Br. 45 when on the west coast in the coming year and she will also visit Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa., at some future time. She will also try to visit Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo, for the Colorado convention if it co-incides with the western trip. Greetings were received from Mary Lenich, No. 19 Eveleth, Minn. The meeting concluded on Monday at 7 p.m. * * * On Tuesday morning at 9 a.m., the oficers met for :he second session of the annual meeting. All officers were present. SWU COOKBOOK, WOMAN’S GLORY-THE KITCHEN The president gave her final report on the previous pnnting and distribution of the cookbook. There is now ample supply of new books from the printing completed in November, 1971. Costs and distribution of the new edition were outlined and the Board agreed heartily that the new edition is a beautiful and valuable addition to any kitchen. Compliments were extended to Mrs. Prisland as the editor and to Mrs. Ilumar, Mrs. Leskovar and Mrs. Tuiek for their help in expediting the printing and mailing. Another printing will be ordered at the end of this year. Songbooks, Let's Sing are still in some limited supply. Other methods of selling the books were discussed such as wide spread advertising on radio and newspaper. For the time being, the cookbook will be sold through the branches and members as in the past. Handling the distribution will be the president from her home in Cleveland and the secretary from the Home Office. SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Board reviewed the method of selection of candidates for SWU Scholarships. Each member of the committee is consulted as to their choices when the applications are in. Approval of the final winners is unanimous by all committee members, namely, Mmes. Prisland, T. Turek and F. Humar. The Board approved this method of selection and asked that the committee continues to conduct the selection as stated. The Secretary of the Scholarship Committee, Mrs. Hermine Dicke will also continue to send the scholarship award monies in two installments to each student so as not to conflict with other student grants. There were 5 Scholarships awarded in 1971 at $200.00 each. The Board acknowledged an additional gift of $200.00 from Dr. Adolph Žnidaršič of Cleveland, Ohio. YOUTH ACTIVITIES The Board recommended that branches take a more active interest in their juniur members and offer them more varied activities to bring them into closer contact with the organization. A branch is entitled to a 25 Cts. per member contribution once a year on the basis of their report to the secretary thai some sort of junior activity has been held. Additional expenses should be covered by the branches themselves. The Board regretfully accepted the resignations of two Youth Directors in the past two years, namely, Frances Sietz who was elected at the last national convention and Mary Bostian who was appointed in her place. Both resigned due to ill health and it is the firm wish of the Board that they be blessed wiih good health in the future and that they will continue to work for the benefit of the SWU in some capacity. Mrs. Bostian has retained her State Presidency to serve her whole term. INVESTMENTS The selection of quality investments was discussed in regard to future investments and the Board is grateful to the Investment Secretary Mrs. Ancel for her efforts. The Board also recognized the work of the National Secretary Mrs. Humar in this department and asked that she continue to work closely with Mrs. Ancel for future wise investments of Zveza monies. Former Finanec Secretary, Marie Prisland has been the advisor for Investments and promised to be also in the future if needed. WOMAN OF THE YEAR MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN The Board of Directors announced the beginning of a new membership campaign to commence July 1st, immediately after the close of the current membership drive. It will be held in conjunction with the 16th National Convention in May of 1973. The campaign will be similar to previous Convention Queen campaigns, however, the winner will be named WOMAN OF THE YEAR! The prizes will be cash according to the point system as in the past: One point or $1.00 for a new Class B member; One half point or 50 Cts. for a new Class A member; One fourth point or 25 Cts. for a new Junior Member. In addition, the WOMAN OF THE YEAR will receive a round trip fare to the convention city, Chicago, IM'inois for the convention and many other prizes to be given her at that time. In case the winner is not able travel to Chicago to accept the prize, an alternative amount of $50.00 cash will be awarded. The Board hoped that the officers and members will work hard for the WOMAN OF THE YEAR or pre-Convention Campaign. It was especially noted by the Board that in Slovenian communities where there is a large number of Slovenian families living, there is a wonderful new market for young members. Expansion of branch memberships is vital for the good of the organization. 45th ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN The secretary reported that the current membership campaign was doing well. The Board decided to add a special prize in recognition of their efforts to each branch that reaches its quota of one new member per officer. This will be in the form of a souvenir that the branch will be able to display at the meetings. Other winners will receive cash prizes as specified. The Board also agreed that in the current campaign the month of June, 1972 be called MARIE PRISLAND MONTH, in honor of our Founder whose birthday is June 21st. It 'S hoped that all members and officers will show diligence in the last month of the campaign to work extra hard for its success and to realiy achieve the goal of one new member per officer. HISTORY OF ZVEZA The Board asked Mrs. Prisland to bring up to the SWU chronical or history which is the official data book of this organization. It must be updated since 1961. Mrs. Prisland agreed to do this task. ILLINOIS FRATERNAL CONGRESS A brief report was given by the secretary and editor on the Illinois Fraternal Congress meeting held March 17-18 in Arlington llgts., III. The S.W.U., as a new member, of this organization, was well received and will bene- f't greatly from this association. U.S. LIBRARY IN LJUBLJANA The Board expressed great delight in the announcement that the United States will finally open an Information Library in the capital city of Slovenia, Ljubljana, this year. The arrangements are to be made by a good friend of Zveza’s, former Senator, Frank J. Lausche. The S.W.U. has had interest in the establishment of a US Consulate in Ljubljana and an Information Center since 1965 and has repeatedly asked the US government to consider this action. The latest appeal came from the Wisconsin State Convention assembly in Sheboygan last fall which issued a resolution in regard to the immediate need for an American presence in Slovenia. The Board shall continue to press for the Consulate which is needed for the benefit of American citizens who travel abroad. “FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA” A contribution of $100.00 to the Baraga Fund has been made from the Book proceeds of the history book, "From Slovenia to America” by the author Mrs. Marie Prisland. Previously a sum of $1,000 has been contributed to the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund from the proceeds of the book. ZARJA Advertising rates in Zarja were discussed as to the possibility of increasing them to pay for added expenses that are incurred each month iin connection with the printing of Zarja. If the ads could be increased to pay for themselves, it would greatly benefit the expense fund. Donations for cuts should be asked from each branch which sends pictures for publication. Articles in Zarja are still too long as written by some of the branch reporters. The Board asked that these be confined to business of the branch and kept to not longer than one column length. The Editor requested and was approved an additional amount of $15.00 per month as travel expense to the new printing shop located some distance from her home in Chicago. The Directors complimented the Editor on the fine work of editing or publication and are grateful to the new printing shop for doing very satisfactory work. CONVENTION & MEETING SCHEDULE The Board discussed at some length the site and schedule for the 16th National Convention to be held in Chicago, Illinois in May of 1973. The dates of May 20, 21, 22, 1973 were chosen and the local Chicago committee of Br. 2 will be in charge of hotel arrangements and the convention programs. Local National Officers will head the convention committees. Other suggestions included limiting the Convention meetings to two days, and Convention reports to only business matters on the agenda. The next annual meeting of the Board of Directors will be Feb. 20-21, 1973 at the Home Office in Chicago. CONVENTION PROJECT TICKETS This year as in past convention years, the SWU will supply a list of cash prizes for the Convention project tickets to be sold by the branches to enable them to collected funds for their Convention Delegate expenses. The tickets will be distributed in September, 1972 with prizes similar to the past convention years. The meeting of Tuesday was concluded at 5:30 p.m. with prayer for the living and deceased members of Zveza, in particular for our late National Officers, Albina Novak and Josephine Železnikar. The president wished all members a safe trip home. ANTONIA TUREK, President CORINNE LESKOVAR, Recording Secretary Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: When Do You Say “NO”! Many people face the problem today of what and how much they should do in meeting the many requests made of them to participate in activities of church or neighborhood. If you want to get something done, ask a busy man. The meaning behind this old saying is that people who get a lot done are usually well organized. To the question: "How much should I do? How can I choose between conflicting responsibilities?” these points of reflection may be helpful. If you are extremely busy, accept the fact that this is the way of life for generous people. There is so much to do; there will always be more than you have time for. Be glad of this challenge, and be glad of the opportunity that God gives you to serve God and your neighbor. For your peace of mind, however, you should avoid perfectionism. The perfectionist is a source of anguish to himself and annoyance to others. Certainly you should want to do things we'll, but it is wrong to fuss over final details endlessly when there are other more important things that need to be done. If we look at all our duties in life, it is obvious that some are more important than others. We should never forget the rule: first things first. Obligations of justice come before obligations of charity. Duties of your state in life come before volunteer efforts outside this sphere. Much unhappiness can be avoided if people pay attention to this rule in allotting their time and effort to requests that are made to them. As a follow-up on the advice contained in the last paragraph, it might be wise to make an effort to put order into your life. Plan the activities for the next week or month. Put your appointments in writing. Examine your conscience on all your obligations regularly. Check yourself on the amount of time that is simply wasted. You may find that you have more time for important things than you realized. There is, of course, no easy or magic formula for getting the affairs of life into perfect order. There are bound to be conflicts of duties now and then, and you should not be surprised when they happen. We will sometimes make mistakes in resolving these conflicts, but we can always learn from experience how to rate the importance of conflicting duties. Remember always the more important duties come first. Learn to make your own decisions in matters touching on you personal choice and responsibility. You have to choose; this is both your privilege and your responsibility. Seek advice from competent sources, and pray for guidance from God. But after that, do not expect a revelation on how to act. You have to learn to use yor own common sense. Do you best, and leave the rest to God. f-^reAiclenl 3 ^une ^flfleASac^e Beautiful Month of June is here and with it comes three grand events. GRADUATION, WEDDINGS AND FATHER’S DAY To all graduates I wish great success in your chosen career. Good luck and happiness to the newlyweds and a Happy Father's Day to all dads celebrating on June 18th. 45TH ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN Very happy to see where branches are working hard to get their quotas, in our 45th S.W.U. campaign. Compliments to Br. 17 of West All'is, Wisconsin who have reached their quota and had the honor of having their photo on the cover of May issue. Branches that have not received their quota yet should get busy as you still have time until June 30th which is the deadline. Any branch that will get ther quota in the month of June still will be have their picture in the cover of Zarja during the coming months. Come on all, and do your part for your branch. Members, you can also help. Don't re:y on your officers to do all the work and they would appreciate your help. With this nice warm weather it will be good for you to go out visit your friends and at the same time scout for new members and help increase the membership in your branch and also get your branch picture on the cover of Zarja. Deadline is June 30, 1972. Combined branches of Slovenian Women's Union of Cleveland are sponsoring a Recognition Day Dinner Dance which will be held on October 29, 1972 at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. at 4 P.M. State Convention also will be held at 1 P.M. More details will be given in next month's issue. Reminder to keep the date open for this grand occasion. All branches in Ohio and Michigan will receive letters pertaing this affair. Congratulations on the 35th Anniversary of Br. 83 Crosby, Minn., celebrating on June 8, 1972. Branch was organized June 8, 1937 by Caroline Kozina. Attended Mothers Day Dinner of Br. 21 —West Park, Ohio. Mother of the Year was the very pleasant, deserving and efficient secretary for twenty years and she is Stella Dancul. Branch presented her with a beautiful chain watch and also a book on this is her life. The book was compiled by member Helen Konkey. Helen worked very hard trying to get all information on Stella's life from her relatives and friends which she sure did a nice job. Stella's life was very interesting between her hardships plus all the good times involved during her life. She has a wonderful husband Michael (Mickey), son Richard and two grandchildren. Present also were her sisters and other relatives, so in the hall were 90 of her relatives, members of Br. 21 and friends. Happy Birthday to all celebrating this month and a speedy recovery to all ailing. TONI TUREK S.W.U. 45th ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN Enroll new members in the membership drive on now to celebrate the Slovenian Women’s Union’s 45th Anniversary. Campaign closes June 30th, 1972. Cash prizes for all new members. Get your application blanks from the secretary of your branch! 1972 SLOVENIAN WOMEN S UNION WINNERS Michael John Matichnich i Catherine Marie Perme Lynda Joyce Shine Geraldine Lous Kernz Natalie Mary Kastigar Lt; After reviewing the qualifications and the academic records submitted by candidates for a scholarship award, the scholarship committee of the Slovenian Women’s Union is pleased to announce the 1972 winners. Because of the generous contributions, five scholarships are again being awarded; one, in the name of Dr. Adolph Žnidaršič in the amount of $250.00 to be granted to the applicant with the highest grade point average; to the best student contemplating nursing as a career the $200.00 Marie Prisland Nursing Scholarship and three other S.W.U. $200.00 awards. We sincerely congratulate these five deserving young people whose high academic achievement lias qualified them for these scholarships. All have been members of S.W.U. for at least four years. The 1972 winners are: 1.—Mr. Michael J. Matichnich, the Dr. Adoph Žnidaršič Scholarship of $250.00. Michael is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Matichich; 1625 S. 11th St., Sheboygan, Wis. and member of Branch No. 1. He contemplates majoring in the field of Education at Ripon College. 2.—Miss Catherine Marie Perme, $200.00. Cathy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Perme; 925 E. 223 St., Euclid, Ohio and member of Branch No. 32. She is planning to major in the field of Data Processing at Lakeland Community College. 3.—Miss Lynda Joyce Shine, $200.00. Lynda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albin Shine; 821 Eastland S.E.; Warren, Ohio and member of Branch No. 54. She will study in the field of Government at Bowling Green State University. 4.—Miss Gerardine Lou Kernz, $200.00. Geri is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Kernz; 901 Mormon Street; Oglesby, Illinois and member of Branch No. 89. She will attend Illinois Valley Community College to major in Education. 5.—Miss Natalie Mary Kastigar is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kastigar, 1890 E. 227 St., Euclid, Ohio and member of Branch No. 14. Registered Nursing is Natalie’s chosen field and plans to attend Lakeland Community College. She will be awarded the $200.00 Marie Prisland Nursing Scholarship. Respectfully submitted, S.W.U. Scholarship Committee. Mrs. Marie Prisland, President Mrs. Antonia Turek Mrs. Fanika Humar M rs- Hermine Dicke, Secretary SHEBOYGAN JUNIOR CHOIR MEMBERS Children’s Choir - 40 voices, fourth through seven grade - of ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS SLOVENIAN PARISH SCHOOL, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Sister M. Frances is director, Patrick Ziegenhorn, the organizer, instructor and organist. He is a life long member of the Slovenian Women’s Union and a student of music at the Wisconsin University Milwaukee. The Choir presented its first concert on Easter Sunday. ACTIVITIES No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Our April meeting was well-attended. We were especially pleased to see our new members: Kay Turner, Rose Zielinski, Angie Koziarz, Irene Carter, Dorothy Frances Gora. A warm welcome to them! Our main concern at the meeting was the Mother's Day program. Our plans seemed great. Hoperfully we’ll be able to tell you in the next issue that the evening was as grand as our plans. For our June meeting we have invited the Sisters of St. Stephen's School to talk about the problems our school is facing. We are extending a special invitation to the mothers who have children enrolled in the school, this should be, and we are certain it is, their primary concern. The members who have no contact with the school would like to let the sisters know that they are interested in their important work. It is simply lack of communication that leads to many unnecessary misunderstandings and faulty assumptions. We received a letter from the Franciscan Fathers asking for contributions for their Vocation Fund. We all realize the importance of the work the Franciscans are doing and unanimously agreed to donate to their fund. If any member would like to make a private contribution, please notify our secretary. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. We hope the coming of spring with its sunny warmth and cheerful flowers will improve the health of our ill members. Mrs. Pecharich, Mrs. Helen Arko, Mrs. Rozich and Mrs, Mihaela Simrayh are wished a quick recovery. In our prayers let us remember them and any other member who is sick. Sincerely, KRISTA ARKO No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO Our May 3rd meeting was called to order by president, sister Olga Mesojedec. We honored our Mother of the Year, sister Mary DiNero. She was given a lovely pin as a memento of the day. Sister Mary is always on hand to help when she is needed. Congratulations, Mary, you truly deserve this honor! The refreshment committee served a lovely chicken plate. Prizes were given out to some lucky ladies. Discussion on the coming 45th Anniversary Convention to be held here in Pueblo on Sept. 17, the 1972. Sister Anna Pachak gave a report and appointed sister Mary Guzzol as delegate. Our sick members are Mmes. Margaret Tomiich, Mary Dolgan, Anna Slobodnik, Alice Škerjanc, Millie Pechek, Theresa Starr, Mary Zivora, Christine Bradish, Anna Horvat and Gertrude Arthur. We wish them all a speedy recovery. ROSE MARY KLUNE Reporter No. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS At our April meeting it was decided that the proceeds from our March party be donated to St. George’s Church and to the Franciscan Seminary Fund. Ann Lustig disclosed plans for a Penny Social to be held in June. Proceeds will be used to charter a bus for the Illinois State Convention in the Fall. Get well wishes go to Millie Skul who was confined to South Chicago Hospital. Angeline Novak is now a resident of Alvernia Manor in Lemont. Although Angie has made many new friends there, I am sure she would still like to hear from her old friends from Branch No. 16. In April we lost a long time member, Ann Holub. Our sincere sympathy is extended to her sons and daughters. Our condolences also go to Anna Lustig on the death of father-in-law, John Lustig, Sr. Three members celebrated their birthdays in April by baking strudels and cakes for refreshments at the meeting. "Happy Birthday” was sung to Helen Magnus, Alvina Sreboth and Frances Wine. The sunshine prizes went to Mary Brebrick and Josephine Blasovich. Our annual chiken dinner will be held in June. Ladies who attended six or more meetings during 1971 will be guests of honor and receive free dinner. Hope to see you all there. MARGE SPRETNJAK No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. First of all, a belated but sincere wish to all mothers for a Happy Mother’s Day and may you all enjoy good health and happiness. After a long absence, our members planned a lovely May meeting and we will have more on that later. Altho I was in the hospital for 5 months, all the members were well taken care of by our officers and I conducted the secretary's office, too, from my hospital bed. We hope for a better year ahead. My thanks to all my sister officers for your kindness, visits, cards In Chicago, Members Meet and Discuss Chicago Br. 2 meeting of March proved to be educational and interesting with guest speaker, Dr. Angela Che-mazer seen here on the right and artist Emilija Razman-Bucik whose work you have seen in Zarja often. New members Angeline Koziarz and Irene Carter, center and right, were greeted by Ann Mladic a member of long-standing and recording secretary Corinne Leskovar. Last year’s Mother of the Year, Julia Pavlin and her daughter, an officer of Br. 2, Lil Putzel and left and right with vice-president, Nežka Gaber, center. Caught in a moment of enjoyment are Sophie Bogolin, loyal member and Fani Humar, secretary. Hostesses were the young variety at the March meeting and they enjoyed themselves serving members Anna Stare, Angie Chemazer and Lucille Chemazer. The girls are Josie Bogolin, Rosemarie Orehek and Mimi Leskovar. Two lovely members, Tina Terselic and Mitzi Krapenc, auditor. . , Accent on youth was the idea so the March meeting hostessing was done by the trio above, Josie Rosemarie and Mimi, junior members of Br. 2. and help to keep our branch together while I was away. In the ilast half year we lost four members, sisters Bratulich, Mejasich, Kausek and Kvaternik. Our members prayed and attended their funerals. Mrs. Kvaternik passed away March 5th at the age of 89 years. To all the families of our dearly departed, sincere sympathy and may they rest in well- deserved peace. Among our happy news recently is that of the fine career of member Jean Primozich who is the daughter of Mr. & Mr. John Primosich and one of many members in her family. Grandma Primosich enrolled 9 of her family in our branch through the years. Jean graduated this spring from St. Cloud State College with a B. S. degree with honors. She was active in many college events ana was queen of Sherburne Hall for homecoming in 1969. She is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, an honorary sooiety for education students and beginning this fall will teach at the state college as well as further her studies for a masters degree. Our best to her. In a recent edition the Mesabi Daily News, our fine Sedey Brothers were featured. They have the big store on Grant Ave. and are a second generation business family. We salute the Sedeys and ther families and wish them good business and good luck for many years to come. Their mother, Mrs. Anna Seday is our loyal member of long-standing. Have a good summer and hope to see you all in the fall when we resume our meetings. Reminder for dues, please stop in at my home of you are in arrears with your payments. God bless you all. MARY LENICH Secretary No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Our April meeting commenced earlier this month since the school children had their Eeaster concert at St. La Salic Bowling Tournament Candids eland for the event held the day before the Board of Director’s meeting in Chicago. A great bowler herself, Nat'l Pres. Toni Turek joined in the fun with midwesterners gathered at the 36th Annual Bowling Tournament in La Salle in March. She is seen here at the left with Nat’l Treas. Liz Zefran who is sec’y of the Midwest Bowling Assn. and Nat'l Auditor, Jennie Feme. Mmes. Turek and Feme came in from Clev- Nat'l Auditor, Jennie Feme joined local officers Emma Shimkus of Br. 24, Lena Dawson of Br. 98, Alvie Jerin of Br. 2 and Josephine Livek, our past Nat’l President. Mrs. Dawson is the pres, of Br. 89 and bowling league director. MARQUETTE CHAMPS AGAIN WITH 70 WINS Joseph's Hall. Among the band members were Marie and Andrew Ancel, Helen Rozman and Roseanne Ruth, oiur members. Roseanne and her cousin Marie Ancel also played the flute. During the intermission, our pastor and spiritual director Msgr. Butala, gave an inspiring talk, especially to the parents present, to enroll more children in the school band as the fee is so small and the enjoyment is so large. The Parents Aid Olub from our parish also presented their annual Fashion Show at St. Joe’s Park and those from our branch who participated were Model Co-Chairman Mrs. Richard Demich, Model Chairman, Jo-nita Ruth, Publicity chairman, Olga Ancel and models were Vera Ancel as a bride, Olga Angel as Mother of the Bride, Janice Ruth as Bridesmaid and Andrew Ancel in the young boy’s division. Other models were Cheryl Camp, Helen Rozman, master Arthur Kraus and husband of one of our members Mrs. Richard Demich. The hall was packed and the show very enjoyable. The Parents Club worked enthusiastically for this project to help the school financially. After a long illness, Mrs. Frances Sega was called to eternity. She was well known and a member since May 1941 recommended by Mrs. Mary C. Terlep. She was born in Škofja Loka, Slovenia is survived by three daughters, Mary Facinelly, Frances Capitano and Bernice Zwirbliss, a son and numerous grandchildren and relatives. She worked until her retirement for 25 years at Lewis College. She lived here 50 years. Our condolences to the bereaved family and may she rest in peace. Her husband passed away in 1926. Mrs. Sega and her friend, Mrs. Pi-kush both visited Slovenia ten years No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. -BOWLING NEWS Marquette Super Service is well on its way to its third straight championship in the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league. As of April 18, with only one week left to bowl, the team had a record of 70 wins and 29 losses —11 games ahead of its olosest rival. Syn-sol Corp. was in second place with 59 wins and 40 losses. Close behind in third, Zefran Funeral Home, had 58 wins and 41 losses. Dr. Grill (54-45) and K. & K. Market (50-49) rounded out the top five teams. There were a few changes in the handicap leaders: high team series —Marquette, 2772; high team game— Barbara’s Beauty Shop, 980; high individual series— A. Vucko, 635; high individual game— D. Maes, 267. Once again, one of our new bowlers stole the spotlight during April. Kathy Sveda had a 424 series, with games of 136, 143 and 145. This was 91 pins over her 111 average. Angie Preskar and Chris Wrezzes were both ago — it was their first and last time to see their homeland. Since then, Mrs, Pikush also passed away in 1969. May they both be remembered by us in our prayers. As of this writing, Mrs. Mary Lesnik who was our former officer, is still in the hospital after two major operations while her husband returned to the home of his son for further resting and recuperation. Mary was always very good for the branch and never refused baking potices for the members. She also is a long time choir singer. May she soon get back on her feet. Also in the hospital was our member, Mary Lou Gruenwald. 84 pins over their respective averages. Angie had a 496 series and Chr.s nad a 414. Marilyn Zefran had a 4j2 series— 83 pins over her 123 average. Stelle Gorka again came up with the highest series of the month— 582. She also had a 550 series (21cS game) and a 566 series (257 game). Other high series of the month: S. Melissa, 525; E. Kroschel, 519; A. Vucko, 512 (201 game); H. Fitzgerald, 511; B. Kosi, 502; B. Zurek, 500 (203 game). S. Melissa also had a 207 game and D. Maes had a 208. Railroad pickups for April: H. Fitzgerald, 3-10 and 5-7; B. Selig, 3-10 and 3-7-10; A. Hozzian, 5-7 and 6-7-10 (2); S. Gorka, 6-7 and 3-10; H. Drobec, 5-7, 5-7-10 and 2-7-10; F. Zefran, M. Zefran, R. Swartz, 5-10; C. Wrezzes, G. Niedzielko, 5-7; L. Putzell, L. Zefran, 2-7; S. Villicana, 3-10; B. Jakubowski, 3-9-10; F. Smulski, 6-7; A. Persa, 6-7-9-10; L. Williams, 3-6-7-10. ; I'll see you next month when we wrap up the season! BARBARA ZUREK In a bad auto accident were Mr. & Mrs. Richard Strl from Cora St. They were returning home from a polka tour in a two day old "new car” and it was a total wreck after turning over three times. They are for some time at the Trinity Hospital in Cudahy, Wis. It will take several months for them to recuperate. It was a miracle they did not get killed. Mr. & Mrs. Art Kraus are vacationing in Kentucky and Florida these days. It is well to note that Mrs. Anna Kraus, our long time member, had nine of her grandchildren as members of our branch. Also, congratulations to Mary Kunstek who became great, great grandmother to a set of twins, while her daughter Anne Ariagno became a grandmother. At our April meeting we celebrated the members namedays: Emma and Karen. Our president, Emma Planinšek and auditor, Emma Nosse were the celebrants and each this time received a corsage of mixed flowers presented by our vice-president, Josephine Muster. The name of Karen was celebrated by the granddaughters of Anna Mihelič and Annette Mihelič their mother. Mrs. Planinšek and Mrs. Nosse both feted the members with delicious delicacies. Congratulations to all who were celebrating this month. With best wishes to ail - and stay well. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Dear members; Our recent meetings Jan., Feb., March have been well attended and a surprise each time. Rose Kosko and Stella, Jay Sanker have brought pastry and coffee for a snack after business. Marie Pivik and Stell have both celebrated birthdays, and treated with cheer. We chat and make plans this way, socializing. So have a birthday. We’ll help make it fun. Or bring a small token prize. Let’s go somewhere - a week - end by bus. If enough of us are interested, how about ideas? On May 3rd. our dinner party to honored a very dear LADY Remember how much joy our annual testimonials have been? We planned to make it memorable for Stella and hoped to see all of her members attending. Regards and best wishes to Mrs. Blatnik our beloved golden-age member recovering from surgery including Mary Hunter and all shut-ins. Make a visit and see the happy faces. If I can, I’ll soon gather all shut-ins for a visit with my mother —Got to get a bus soon—. Be happy for a beautiful promised Spring Love to all. HELEN KONKOY No. 23, ELY, MINN. It has been a long time that I sent a report in, although we have been quite active. Our meetings have been well attended. We have volunteers for each meeting who donate and take care of the entertainment and lunch. It really makes one feel good whenever you ask and they are always ready to help. At our May meeting we had a Mother's day party and entertainment after the 6:30 P.M. Mass in the St. Anthony's church hall. Every year we have a Mass said for the dead and living members of the Slovenian Women's Union. We usually dispense with our summer meetings but this year we won’t be able as our Branch will be the hostess branch for the Minnesota Zveza Day celebration to be held on the second Sunday of September. We really hope that we will be able to have one as good as the past Zveza day celebration held in the different towns. We will ready have to work hard to do so. If any of the Minnesota branches have any suggestions for the Minnesota Zveza Day program, please let us know. We are trying not to have any political speeches as this is our Zveza day and not politics, even though this is an election year. This past winter we had lost our members Mrs. Mary Deyak and Mrs. Mary Merhar who passed away after long ifllness. We offer the families our deepest sympathies. Barbara Rosan-dich and I lost a brother who passed away on March 21 at the age of 59. He had been ill for some time but his passing away was a shock as one doesn’t expect it. We are trying hard to meet the competition of other branches by getting 100% new members. I really hope and will try to do so before the campaign is over. Hoping you who travel this summer on your vacations all have a good time and safe journey home. MARY M. SHIKONYA, Pres. No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO We had a nice crowd at our meeting in April at Recher Hall. The members all enjoyed the atmosphere. It was a social evening, friendly and with punch being served which our president made herself. It was so delicious that everyone complimented how good it was. This meeting was different with our final discussions on the Mothers Day celebration May 10th at the Shellay place called Evropa. Tončka Skvarča passed her pictures around which she took in Europe. She was there 17 days and all her relatives visited with her. Just looking at the pictures made one see how healthy and red cheeked they are over there, even her step-mother, age 92 years young looked healthy! What good memories she has now and she really enjoyed her visit, short but sweet as home is home when you are in their midst. She was overjoyed with their friendly hospitality. We also had a bride, Mary Golobic, with us. For their honeymoon, Mary and her husband went to Hawaii. They were king and queen there, Hawaiian fashion. She laughed so much as she told us briefly how they treated them as a bride and groom. They were with a group and she won’t forget what a wonderful time she had. They were also at Pearl Harbor which is still a sore spot in history. Congratulations from all of us — good luck and best wishes to Frank and Mary Golobic. Rose Anne Rozinko’s mother passed away. Our sympathy. On the sick list was the husband of Josephine Novak, reported by Mary Drobnick and Genevieve Calta had an operation in April at Euclid General Hospital. Mary Drobnick had a beautiful get well card at the meeting and we all signed our names on it. We hope this will cheer her up and we’ll pray that she gets better real soon and out of that hospital too. We hope to see Genevieve at our meetings and all the Strumbly members. We always enjoy having them. May our Mother, Queen of May, hear our prayers for all our sick. And, happy birthday to all who had one and who donated to the good time treasury. Come to the meeting in June, our last meeting before 2 months vacation. We will have a pot I'uck luncheon and everyone is asked to bring some dish. Give us a call if you’re in doubt what to bring and spread the word. We’d like all our new members to come, too, this is on June 21st. A note to all — keep your dues paid up to date. Our secretary would appreciate this. If you have any news, please call or let me know, 481-3437. May God bless you all and hoping to see you in June. ANN TEKAVEC Rec. Secretary No. 33, DULUTH, MINNESOTA The Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 33 had a very good meeting for April. Many attended to hear Mr. Dick Herman from County Extension Office of University of Minnesota, an expert on agriculture. He talked about gardening and gave us many tips about plants etc. Many other important issues were discussed and tabled until later. The next meeting was to be our annual Mothers Day dinner, with a Mass for deceased and living members of the branch, supper and meeting following. This year we are honoring Mrs. Frances Pogorelec. Would like to congratulate Mr. & Mrs. Nick Borovac who are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year. Frances has been a member of Br. 33 for many years, and we wish her husband and her many more joyous years together. Greetings go out to our many members who are ill, in hospitals, nursing homes, and of course to those many wha cannot get out. Always a special place in our hearts for you. It’s wonderful to see the birds back and the flowers etc. trying desperately to come forth into spring. And now is the time for everyone to "Think Spring” and as they say “Try it you'll like it”! To this reporter, it is a joy to see people you haven't seen all winter or during the cold months. “HAPPY BELATED MOTHERS DAY TO ALU”! Reporter, FLORENCE BURGER No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Greetings to all the officers and members of our branch and Union. Our April meeting was held on ine 12th at which time we celebrated our Secretary, Angela Kozjan’s birthaay. Happy Birthday wishes and a big thank you for the goodies, also her daughter Angeline Voytko who helped and served us so well. Glad to see Angeline back with us after surgery and looking so well. Best of health to you. Our Secretary also reports her trip to Hawaii was a most enjoyable one. Traveling with her was her sister, Agnes Ursic and the group from Cleveland. We are all happy to welcome into our group two new members, Jean Balogh and Mary Kordeleski. Hope to see you at our meetings often and enjoy our parties after the meeting. Our condolences to cousin Mary Kordelesko and family on the loss of her father, Andy and mother, Mary Skopin who died within a week of each other. We all hope and pray that God will comfort you and we are all with you in this time of sorrow. Our sympathy to Rose Konzar and family on the loss of husband, Louis. To the families of Frank Soklich, father of Jean Jelenc and Mary Se-sak and Rev. Fr. Sebastian Soklich, our sincere sympathies. Speedy get well wishes are extended to Mary Kurjan's husband, Steve, who is recuperating at home after a sudden attack after Easter. Welcome back Mary Evanish from California. She staying with son, Eddie and family. Hope to see you soon at our meetings. Get well wishes to all of our sick members. Mary Plečnik is confined at home at age 92. Miss you at our meetings “Teta"! Antonia Škerjanc who also has been sick for a long time • hope you are feeling better. Frank Anzelc and wife Bertha - get well wishes to both. Our president, my mother, Agnes Jancar hasen't been feeling too well of late but still manages to attend and conduct the meetings. Stay well, mom. My sister, Albina Uehlein and husband, Milo, and daughters Elaine and Sue Ellen have just come home from a ski tour to Europe and they enjoyed their trip every much. An important announcement from our branch. At the yearly meeting it was passed and carried that instead of a card party or bake safe we all would give one dollar donation to the treasury to help with the expenses - to keep on with our Christmas parties, cards to members, etc. Many ladies have already given but still quite a few have not, so please, members, send in your money as soon as you can to our treasurer or secretary. It will be greatly appreciated. At our meetings, we have attendance prizes and the names called that are present receive their prizes. This month’s went to Mary Janezic, Antonia Skrjanc, Mary Klinar, Angeline Voytko, Rose Cerne, Stephanie Polutnik, Ann Gregus and Albina Uehlein. Attend our meetings regularly and you may be the winner next month. To all Mothers, belated Happy Mother’s Day. Again, thanks for giving me the honor of being Mother of the Year. God bless. Your reporter. AGNES BUCHER No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO We had a nice attendance at our last meeting and we want to thank our birthday girl, Mary Hočevar for all the good goodies she brought and our president Tonka Kastelic for the coffee. Belated congratulations to our Mary Hočevar and her husband, Charles who were married 50 years on May 7th. Bon vayage to our lucky people who are going to Europe: Carol Kastelic, her husband. Bob and their five children with Bob’s mother, our president. They are traveling all over Slovenia. Our Julia Lipnos and her husband, Louis sold their home here and are going to live in Florida; we wish them health and happiness in their new venture. For our sick ladies, we wish them a speedy recovery: Betty Kosak who had an unfortunate auto accident and our Margaret Lipnos who had a bad fall. June birthday girls — “Happy Birthday to You!” Jennie Intihar, Betty Ann Kastelic, Dolores Lipnos, Mary Ann Filips, Olga Ponikvar and Agnes Versek. We are planning a bake sale, so please come to our next meeting, ladies, because it will be our last until fall. The meeting is June 20th at 7 p.m. We’ll have a lot to talk about. See you then. MARY LOU PRHNE No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. It’s a grand a glorious feeling when you seen new faces and a good attendance at a meeting. And, that is just what our branch had at the April 6th meeting and with it lots of friendliness. Mildred Verbick was initiated and welcomed into our branch. For July, I have already chartered a bus for the Lemont Zveza Day. Anyone interested in going, please make your reservation with me as soon as possible. Bus will leave the Lily Club at 7:30 a.m. No meeting during July or August. A lovely and delicious birthday cake and coffee were donated by Rose Wallis who had a birthday and pretzels and beer by our very generous Betty Dvornik. Thank you, gals. The June and July birthdays will be belebrated together on June 1st at the meeting. June celebrants are Rose Mavko, Darinka Ožbolt, Christine Rebernisek, Paula Behling, Rose Lee Kraemer, Evelyn Schommer, Mary Bruno, Antonia Velkovrh, Frances Zortz, Josephine Strukel, Mary Wichgers, Dolores Talaska, Ann Hren, Ann Schultz, Anne Goggins, Amelia Zefran, Florence Genereau, Mary Hoffarth, Mary Ko-nowalski and one male member, Todd Kouchnich. In July, Dolores Walter, Amanda Esperes, Karen Guiffre, Ann Konczal, Anne Hiller, Eleanor Viduski, Anne Szczsny, Marsha Frangesh and Anne Weiselman. To all the lovely ladies and Todd, best wishes and a happy birthday. Several of our members were vacationing during the Easter vacation. Mary and George Wuky spent two weeks traveling to California where he bowled and then to Las Vegas. Mary, how'd you make out with those one arm friends? The Zawershniks, Joyce, Hans and their 2 boys spent 12 days in Florida with their aunt and uncle. The Trynik family went to visit folks and relatives up north. Josephine Verbick and daughter Joan spent 4 days in Las Vegas. Our hats off to Mitz Mohorko who won in doubles, team and all events in the Sloga tournament. Congratulations to the Al Tratniks who backed their men’s first place winning team at the Sloga tourney. Report of Combined Branches The Combined Branches of Cleveland had a nice meeting April 12th which was mainly concerned with the Ohio-Michigan State Convention on Oct. 29, 1972. I hope many keep this date open and plan to help us with the big celebration at the Slovenian Hall on St. Clair Ave. There will be more to report on later. Keep watching. All were excited this month about the Cotillion Ball. Chairman Jane Novak and co-chairman, Ann Hočevar were really busy gals on that project and I know that it was a beautiful occasion. Am sure it will be again repeated next year. Now, I have hopes that Ohio will come through in the current membership campaign and really show our stuff in the last month. Remember, it ends June 30th. Bring your branch a gift by enrolling a new member. I want to congratulate Mrs. Prisland for being honored by her city and I think it is wonderful when someone does something, that other recognize it. She is responsible for a lot of hard work and we should realize this. Now we must keep our Zveza up by enrolling new members so Zveza will always exist. May God bless you all and get well wishes to aM our sick members. Happy Birthday to all June celebrants. MARY BOSTIAN State President ON THE COVER,,, WISCONSIN HAS A GOAL! December 1971 marks the 45th Anniversary of our Slovenian Women’s Union. A 45th Anniversary campaign is in progress and ends June 30th! No matter how ambitious our aims may be, they can only be achieved by the steady growth of membership. I am asking the five Wisconsin branches’ support in reaching our goal of 1000 membership! I have been striving for this magic number for several years and with your support, this goal can be reached. Each of you is a member of a branch and the result of our work will only be as good as each member makes it. Our Wisconsin branches have been very fortunate to have leaders devoted and dedicated to the organization. I am hoping that each officer of the five branches and all members will enroll at least one new member! This will be the most rewarding campaign of my life and most rewarding gift to our Founder, Marie Prisland. Recipe for S.W.U. Membership: 1 Class A Member 1 Class B Member 1 Juvenile Member Give each a pink application blank to fill out at the bottom. Sign on the straight line. This recipe makes three new members. ROSE KRAEMER Milwaukee, Wise. Josephine (Peppy) Durand and Celia Vachetz are both at home convalescing slowly. Send these ailing members a card; they need your “lift”. To all our sick, and shut-ins, a speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathies to the Bentz and Pugel families. Mary Bentz' mom passed away after a long illness. Rudy Pugel has been in a nursing home for sometime and wasn’t feeling well. Lastly, check your dues - it’s later than you think. Don’t forget the June 1st meeting • a surprise. ROSE KRAEMER No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. At our April meeting we made final arrangements for our Mother’s Day Party which we hope will be a great success. We wish to extend our sympathy to Elsa Susin and her family on the death of her husband and father. Mrs. Do-lenz is in the hospital and Mrs. Franko is also ill we wish them both a speedy recovery. I hope you all have a wonderful summer. JO PREBIL Rec. Sec’y. No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO The highlights of our April meeting were about the near anticipated day of the Cotillion Ball promising to be a momentous success. Also, the for- mat on the Slovene Home for the Aged decided on by the combined branches meeting and our card party to be held in Sept. There will be more details on the latter two items in the future. Watch for them in Zarja. We do need 60 decks of cards. Anyone wishing to donate, please bring them to the meeting. Marie Prisland, our favorite lady and Founder of S.W.U. was Invited by our branch to attend the Cotillion Ball. We are very pleased to know that our branch will be represented by nine out of the eleven debutants. At our well-attended meeting, hostesses Mary Alice Primuth, Jo Mine-llo, Mary Petrovič, Agnes Bradek and Mary Chesnik prepared a generous and tasty variety of pastries. Nice prizes were given and there was piano playing by Jean Paik and members joined 'in to sing. Mary Chesnik brought some amusing snapshots taken during her last visit to Europe. Happy Birthday was sung to Irene Jagodnik and Julia Woda. Others who celebrated in April were: Julia Centa, Frances Debevec, Anna Dekleva, Donna Dekleva, Jennie Kepec, Sophie Kinney, Justine Klančar, Rosemary Luzar, Ann Markovič, Mary Okicki, Ann Pandovic, Mary Podlogar, Sophie Posch, Frances Urankar, Joanne Urbančič, Mary Vogrin. A warm welcome to our new members, Jennie Laurich and Olga Skodlar. Marie Azman and Bernice Somrack recently spent a few days in the hospital. Congratulations to Frances Jerse and her jusband, John, who celebrated their 32nd Wedding Anniversary. A Florida vacation was taken by Jennie Luschin and her husband. Molly Jurecic is happy with her new job. Her daughter, Teresa is going to graduate from St. Vincent Charity School of Nursing this month on June 18th. John Izanec, son of Ann, is going to graduate from Ohio State Univ. with a D.D.S. degree in June and then plans to join the Navy. Tom Minello, son of Josephine, and brother of debutante Madelyne is going to graduate from Cleveland S.U. and then is going to the Univ. of Texas to receive his masters degree in Marine Biology and Oceanography. To the above mentioned young people, we give our utmost congratulations and hope that they have every success in the future because of the achievements and endeavors that they have accomplished. Jean Tomsic, "Potica Queen” is doing volunteer work in the tea room at Our Lady of Lourdes. Mary Vukčevič is a hairdresser at Euclid General Hospital. Another beautician is hair stylist Pat Novak (Ser-nel), Betty's daughter and Jean Novak’s daughter-in-law. All the officers successfully got new members in the campaign. May I remind you to please send .in your checks for dues payments to Sec.-Treas. Juliana Gorensek and that our meetings at held every 3rd Tuesday at the Euclid Public Library at E. 222nd St. Warmest and best wishes to all. JEAN E. PAIK Rec. Sec. and Reporter No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. At the March meeting our turn out was not as great as usual. Sisters Celia Palitano and Frances Shega were on the sick list. Minutes were read by our rec. sec’y who had been absent for two meetings. We enjoyed the social after the meeting and a very delicious lunch was served by sisters Phylis Pavich, Muriel Sabatini and Frances Jerkovich. Cards were also played and awards given to the following sisters, Florence Techar, Jennie Crea, Genevieve Zidarich, Dorothy Russ, Julia Mancuso, Rose Chio-di, Ivana Prelesnik, Angeline Russ who also won the door prize. Dear sisters, we held our meeting for April at the Little Grove and there were about 25 members present. Our Minutes were not read because rec. sec’y Rose Trombly wasn’t present. Thank you cards were read from our sick members, Alberta Russo and Mary Bartol. They were both in the Hibbing General Hospital. We wish them both Gods speed to a rapid recovery. To sister Mary Bartol we hope and pray that she will soon be up and around and to sister Alberta Russo who underwent surgery, we pray that she will soon be on the mend and among us again. There is an empty chair at the meeting when one of the sisters is ill and we need all the smiling faces these days for there is too much gloom in the whole world. So, stay well and attend our meetings. Our business meeting was brief. Sister Josephine Oswald, our president, led us in prayer to olose the meeting and then we enjoyed socializing. Hostesses were sisters, Ann Mansfield, Josephine Oswald, Mary Barton and Ivana Prelesnik. Honors were given to sisters Frances Shega, Jennie Crea, Gertrude Kochevar, Alice Baratto, Angeline Russ, Pauline Germ, Celia Palitano and Rose Chiodi. A traveling door prize was won by sister Jos Oswald then on to Jennie Crea and ended up in the hands of Ann Roberts. This ended a very delightful evening. We would like to see a lot more new faces at the meeting on the first Wednesday of the month. And, do go out and bring along a new member. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Yours truly. Reporter. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR Miri® Prislmnd: c s*t>$\+ies r- i, MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN will olose this month. We sincerely hope that every officer has, or will this month, enroll her new member. We also hope that branches, which will not be able to reach their quota, will at least contribute some new members. Minois, Wisconsin and Colorado are a shining example of activity, but where are Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and other states, and where is Cleveland with its many branches? No doubt they are waiting to the last to surprise us with an armada of new members. We express our warm thanks to all the officers and other members who were active in this campaign. The past is prologue to the future. Let this membership campaign be a new start for vigorous Zveza growing. WOMEN’S LIBERATION. A movie star born in Germany comments: "I dont' know what American women want to be liberated from? They already dominate their husbands and families. It is well known fact that they control the nation’s consumer economy. If they want to be liberated it ought to be from the too dominating position of power”, she said. “If the American women think they’re oppresed or discriminated against on the basis of their sex, they should go to Europe. “European women follow their husband’s wishes to the letter. There is no question that the man is the boss in the family. “American women do not realize that they never had it so good as now”, is the opinion of this 29-year old movie star. I FOREIGN LANGUAGE press is struggling for survival, reports The New York Wall Street Journal. Lithuanian weekly circulation dropped from 22,000 to 5,000. Jewish Daily Forward with a circulation of 200,00 in 1920, is down to 45,000. German papers dropped from 180,000 to 12,000. Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian papers, which carry some materiail in English, are not mentioned. We are fortunate to have two Slovenian daily newspapers, namely, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA in Cleveland, and PROSVETA in Chicago. Our fraternal organizations publish their own publications which will continue in the future but will gradually be transformed into an all English Dapcrs, as the old people of the first and second generation pass away. So, let’s hold to our ZARJA's Slovenian Language Section as long as it is possible! YUGOSLAV REVIEW, published in Belgrade, reports that Albert Einstein, considered the greatest genius in the field of mathematics, was first married to a Yugoslav wife, a Serbian girt from Novi Sad. He met and married Mileva Marič in Switzerland on January 6, 1903. Later, after the birth of two sons, he returned to Germany and divorced her. Mileva Marič, herself a brilliant mathematician, worked with her husband on the theory of relativity. When Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in November 1922, he paid tribute to her work. Although divorced from Mileva he shared the honor and monetary award with his former wife. One youngster summed up in his home work: “Medicine has made wonderful strides lately. Although people still die, but they don’t die so quick”. o rlia net A l*\oAe ^Jestiva tPr i need A Young member of Br. 45 in Portland, Oregon is Julie Kathleen Sinovic. She was chosen as the first ROSE FESTIVAL PRINCESS of 1972. from 117 contestants of the district she lives in. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James Sinovic and the granddaughter of Ann Carlisle, recording secretary for Br. 45. Julie has two brothers, Mark who is in the Navy and Steven who has just joined the Army Reserves. The Portland Rose Festival is held each year in the first week of June and the Junior Queen was to be selected from seven finalists in May. At this writing, Julie was hoping to be chosen and she certainly looks like queen material! A lovely child with a sweet smile, Julie well represents our wonderful members in Portland! No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Our Vice President, Agnes Barkis, conducted our meeting of Branch 56; we had a nice turn out and we hope we have many more for our next meeting. To Ann Satovich, our president, who missed our meeting because of her trip to her daughter, who was seriously ill; we wish her well on the road to recovery. To our fine treasurer Mary Meadows, Sylvia Latick, Kay Marolt, we wish you all a very speedy recovery. In the month of May we honored our Selvo, encouraging the women to help and entertain the patients at the Leisure Hills Nursing Home. She asked for volunteers to aid those in wheel chairs. She also asked all the ladies to come out and have a Slovenian Sing-a-long, with the concertina player Anthony Babich. We hope to have a fine showing, so please all who can come at 1:00 P.M. Monday. In the month of we honored our beautiful, wonderful and fine member Frances Bernard; and hope have a lot to report next month. To our lovely members Mrs. Antony Paun and her daughters, and son who lost their beloved husband and father, we are sorry; may he rest in peace. Cards were played and the winners were: Mary Sporer, Rose Vukich, Mary Bovitz, Louise Drobnick, Amelia Domen and yours truly, Rose Maras. Hostess for the evening were: Mary Sporer, Rose Vukich, Mary Bovitz, Louise Drobnick, Amelia Domen and yours truly, Rose Maras. Hostess for the evening were: Man-da Butorac, Mary Brklich, Ann Rapi-nac and Margaret Skorich. ROSE MARAS, Reporter No. 62, CONNEAUT, OHIO Our branch was founded in 1935 and it was my pleasure to be the first secretary and organizer of this branch. In 1943 I attended the convention in Pittsburgh, Pa. and there had a reunion with my cousin, Mary Tomsic after a Jong absence. We looked at each other and didn’t recognize each other at first - after that, it was a most enjoyable time for both. Our most distinguished officer, the late Albina Novak I knew from Cleveland days. She was really the most pleasant and agreer.ble person. My deepest sympathy to all - she left us too soon. God grant her peace and happiness in eternity. Our branch has worked for 37 years and in this meantime, lost many members. In February we again lost a dear member, Jennie. God grant them all eternal rest. My sincere greetings to all the members and officers. Loving wishes also to Mrs. Prisland and our secretary, Anna Mundi. JENNIE KODELJA No. 63, DENVER, COLO Congratulations to our officers on their campaign victory. They reached their goal in new members hips. Thanks to alii of you. Welcome to our new members and we hope to see everyone of you at the meetings and some of our old members, too. Congratulations to our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Popovich. Wishes to all our sick members for a speedy recovery. Also, there was to be a dance at the Slovenian Hall in May and we hope that all of our members attended and enjoyed themselves. I wish to remind you of your dues, especially those who are not up to date. I wish everyone a happy and healthy summer vacation. We will not have meetings in June, July and Au- gust. So, be careful and enjoy yourselves. See you in Sept. God bless you all. MARY MUSICH Sec’y - Treas. No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. Our attendance in Feb. was small, there were 16 present. We would like the ladies to come and attend; it is only once a month, the Second Sunday at 7:30 P.M. You can visit together and exchange ideas or recipes before the meeting and give us some ideas to think about for our trip for this summer or next year. We have to start now. Some of the ladies would like to go to Canada. Come and visit with us. Ladies, look and see if your dues are paid up to date. You can pay your dues to Mary Brodesko, or Mary Perčič or better yet come to the meeting. We also would like each member to give a dollar $1.00 to our treasury instead of a gift each month. Will tell you more at the meeting. Pauline Ketchel was chosen Mother of the Year. Congratulations to her. Our Branch extends its deepest sympathy to the Potochnik family on the loss of their mother. We also extend our sympathy to Helen Peloza in the sudden loss of her brother; may they both rest in peace. We all wish Ceil Hulina a speedy recovery. We sure miss her at the meetings. Birthday greetings to our President Mary Snezic, also Mrs. Mary Zorinich on May 30. Happy birthday and many many more. We wish all of our members who are shut-ins and the ones that are sick, a speedy recovery and best of health. In conclusion, I hope to see as many or more of our members attend our meetings. Bless you all, MARY PERCIC Secy. & Reporter Julie Kathleen Sinovic No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HGTS. OHIO. Even though quite a few of our members were previously committed to other social or civic affairs the Sunday of April 9th, when the 36th Anniversary Commun i o n Mass for Branch No. 73 was held, twenty-six of our faithful members still attended. The members who attended are as follows: Betty Bayus, Alice Biscan, Irene Chase, Virginia Cherosky and Mother, Molly Danicic, Helen J. L>usek, Helen S. Dusek, Cleo Eble, Louise Epley, Ann Fike, Bea Hrabak, Jane Kaplan, Sylvia Kocjan, Ann Modic, Jean Novotny, Louise Majercik, Mary Ann Pikus, Mary Pelc, Ann Predovic, Mary Rivacuk, Mary Schneider, Betty Simec, Agnes Walters, Kay Yuratovac and Ann Yoger. Rev. Fr. Anthony officiated the Mass, and very sincerely congratulated the group for their perseverance and loyalty to keep the Slovenian Women's Union active for so many years in the past, and hoped and prayed for the group to stand together for many more years in the future. Most of the above-mentioned ladies then enjoyed breakfast together at St. Jude’s Commissary where such breakfasts are now open to the public every Sunday. My prayer and wish is mainly for good health which in turn wilt provide each member whether active or inactive, the desire to continue on for many more years to come, and our children after us. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krakora were blessed with a baby girl, “Tracey”, 8 lbs. 2 oz. on April 4th. Mr. Krako ra is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kozak, Jr. (Vera). The Kozak's daughter Marie Ann will be graduating from Warrensville Hgts. High School June 9th. Another of our active members become a Grandmother, in that the foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Chase (Irene), gave birth to a little girl "Cindi Lynn" April 3rd. Cindi Lynn's parents are Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Antoskewicz. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dusek (Gloria) and children spent the Easter holidays in Florida staying in Grandma Helen Dusek’s Oneca, Florida home. Jane Kaplan, President of the Ame-rican-Slovene Club, as well as all members, are engrossed in various charitable endeavors, but principally their major project being the raising of funds for the enlargement of the Slovenian Home for the Aged. We all wish this group luck in their efforts. We were all looking forward to our Mother's Day Pot Luck Dinner in May and hoped that as many members as possible would be in attendance. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. After all the April rain, it finally has warmed up. Everyone was anxious to start a garden again, especially the senior citizens since they had a long rest all winter. I hope it won’t be as dry this year as it was last year. We were saddend to hear that our good member and friend, Mrs. Frank (Helen) Kernz had passed away. Poor Helen had suffered for quite some years and was in the wheelchair at the end. She always attended meetings when well. She will be missed by many. Our members, as also members of other lodges she belonged to joined to pray in a body at the wake and attended the funeral. Besides her husband, Frank, she is survived by two daughters, Geri, an outstanding high school student and Caroline. May she rest in peace. Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kellett are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Lori Eileen to David Stanley Sudaj of Peru. The wedding will be July 1st in Holy Family Church, Oglesby. Mother and daughter are our members as is grandma Dusak. Don’t forget to attend the Zveza Day in Lemont as we will meet with friends from all over this area. And, our next meeting is June 12th. On the refreshment committee are Lena Dawson, Chairman, Frances Gorišek, Antoinette Munich, Betty Hamilton. See you then. Fraternally yours. JOSEPHINE LIVEK Reporter No. 92, CRESTED BUTTE, COLO Our meeting of April 9th was held at the home of Josephine Krizmanich. It was opened with a prayer by our president. The discussion was to sell candy and raise money for our branch. Our mystery box was donated by Ann Malenšek and won by Sherry Carri-cato. We are going to clean and shine up our little chapel we have in the cemetery before Memorial Day which is a beautiful ceremony. We planned to have our Mother’s Day Banquet on May 7th and each sister brought her mother as a guest. The evening was spent playing Canasta and telling jokes. Refreshments were served by Josephine and Myrna Krizmanich. All had a good time. We closed our meeting with prayer. JOSEPHINE KRIZMANICH Reporter No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. 51 enthusiastic members turned out at the April meeting. Traditions seem to develop in our branch when something becomes cherished for both its inherent values and the joy it brings when you have Evelyn Driscoll our Rec. Secty., Helen Golich, Tres., Mildred Poropat Secty., who are too often unsung heroines for their accomplishments. Then you have Mary Perkovich and Manda Dosen who diligently labored over the audit of our books, and found them in order. We are very pleased with your report. As always Ann Kompare gave her report in very good taste and in ad-ition Ann Lustig (State Pres.) gave her report for the up and coming State Convention. We happily welcomed Helen Chorak 9911 S. Exchange Ave. as a new member. REMEMBER! WE are launching a campaign for new members. Come on! Climaxing the evening Rose Kmeta, Ann Pave, Julie Hansen, Shirley Dulch, and Regina Buchanan donned their aprons and served as hostessess the refreshments prepared by Ann Nelson, Rose Krneta, Ann Pave, Midge Nicksic, Helen Hoff, and Marge Innis, which was delicious indeed. Cash donated by Ann Lustig ($2) State Pres. Marge Innis and Vica Rukavina ($1). Many thanks to you all! Our prayers to Ann Jovanovich, Katherine Klepich, and Manda Nosich whose hubby, Steve, who has been seriously ill in the past year. Our deepest sympathy to Mary Ann Toporis and son on the loss of her beloved husband and father, Vincent. He will always be remembered for his many contributions to the life of sports as a coach of our girls baseball team which I played and the life of our community. He will be missed even more as a kind and gentle man who was my friend. May God bless his soul and may he find everlasting peace. Birthday Greetings to the following in June: Alyce Kropel, Ann Starcevich, Eva Mesin, Mary Malcic, Manda Sa-rich (Texas), Victoria Tomich, Rosemary Latoza, Mary Kostecka, Irene Evans, Helen Hoff, Mary Rezek, Manda Mazar, Barbara Sambol, Katica Ja-kovich and Ann Cavlovich. At this time I can’t think of anything that is more important and vital a message than this: Evelyn Driscoll, Chairlady of our once-year-money-mak-ing-project earnestly urges the entire membership to accept our booklets which were mailed to you all in good faith; so please return them in good faith. Please make your returns at our June 7th. meeting when we will have on our program “MEATS” presented by Jewel. Tickets will be $1. Members and friends are invited. This is our last meeting of the year. A REMINDER! Our meetings are now held at Sacred Heart School Hall 96th. and Exchange. We encourage you to attend! Have a fun vacation in safety, so you all return to us in September. Bless you all! Happy father’s day! The well known band leader Roman Possedi and his orchestra are planning, their first tour to Slovenia; they will leave on June 30th. low price of $288. Arrangements by: Hollander World Travel 589 E. 185th. St. Cleveland Ohio 44119. Those interested may call Mary Possedi, RE 1-3214. MILDRED JAMES Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 prryin' and **A S When searching for a traditional Slovenian recipe especially for the beautiful month of June with all its graduations, weddings, picnics, Father’s Day, birthdays and many other fun gatherings I asked our president, Mrs. Antonia Turek, for a potica recipe. She gladly replied with her RAISIN POTICA. RAISIN POTICA 1 large cake yeast (2 oz.) or 2 small cakes or 2 packages of dry yeast. i/2 cup lukewarm water 1 tablespoon sugar Dissolve yeast in the lukewarm water to which one tablespoon of sugar has been added. Put aside to rise until foamy . Dough: 7 cups flour, sifted Yi cup butter, melted 4 eggs, beaten Vi cup sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 cups milk In double boiler melt butter; add beaten eggs, sugar, sailt and milk. Beat with egg beater for a few minutes. When lukewarm pour this mixture into flour. Add yeast mixture. Beat witii a large wooden spoon or by hand until very smooth. If dough is sticky add a little more flour and beat or knead a little longer. Put in large greased bowl-turn over dough thus greasing top. Cover and let rise in warm place until double in bulk............ about V/2 to 1% hours. Roll out dough to about */4 inch thickness in oblong shape on table covered with cloth and sprinkled with flour. Roll to 24 inches for two 12 inch pans and to 27 inches for three bread loaf pans. FILLING: 1 pound yellow or golden raisins 1 cup hot water Soak for half hour Drain. Add 1 tablespoon rum or grape wine. 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup sour cream (8 oz.) 1 stick of butter, melted % cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons of bread crumbs Beat eggs; add sour cream, melted butter, sugar, cinnamon and bread crumbs. Mix well together. Spread filling evenly over dough. Sprinkle raisins over the filling. Roll up the dough and if using 4 x 12 pans cut into two 12 inch lengths and if using bread loaf pans cut into three 9 inch lengths. Grease pans well. Cover. Let rise in warm place about an hour or until it has again doubled in size. Bake one hour — the first 20 minutes at 350 degrees and the rest at 325 degrees. It's delicious! The wife of a Wisconsin State Supreme Court justice likes to serve CASHEW NUT CASSEROLE because it's one of those hot dishes hearty enough for men to enjoy thoroughly and seasoned in a way their wives like. It's a marvelous family-type dish, too. A tossed salad and a simple dessert, like fresh fruit in season, completes the meal. CASHEW NUT CASSEROLE One pound ground beef. Onne large Bermuda onion, chopped One-half teaspoon salt One-fourth teaspoon pepper One-fourth teaspoon garlic salt One package (8-ounce) noodles One can (10*^ ounces) condensed cream of mushroom soup One cup milk One can (4-ounces) mush rooms (drained). Three-fourths cup stuffed green or ripe olives, sliced One-half pound American cheese, cut into small pieces One-half cup chow mein noodles. One-half cup cashew nuts Pre-heat oven to moderate (375 degrees). Brown the ground beef and onion; add seasonings. Cook noodles in large saucepan according to directions on package. Drain. Combine soup and milk; stir into noodles. Add mushrooms, olives, cheese, and seasoned beef. Turn into two-quart casserole. Bake uncovered for 25 minutes. Remove from oven. Stir in chow mein noodles and cashews. Bake for 20 more minutes. Serve piping hot. Yield: six to eight servings. The cashew nuts are absolutely essential to this dish. They give it character and zip. Mrs. Mary Bostian of Cleveland, Ohio has GERMAN SWEET CHOCOLATE CAKE as one of her favorite recipes. Mary writes, “It is out of this world. I have brought it to our meetings where the women rave about it”. GERMAN SWEET CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 package (4 ounces) Baker's German’s Sweet Chocolate y2 cup boiling water 1 cup butter or margarine 2 cups sugar 4 egg yolks 1 teaspoon vanilla 2Yi cups sifted Cake Flour 1 teaspoon baking soda Yi teaspoon salt 1 cup buttermilk 4 egg whites, stiffly beaten. Melt chocolate in boiling water. Cool. Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add yoJks, 1 at a time, beating well after each. Blend in van'illa and chocolate. Sift flour with soda and salt; add alternately with buttermilk to chocolate mixture beating after each addition until smooth. Fold in beaten whites. Pour into three 8 or 9 inrh layer pans, lined on bottoms with paper. Bake at 350 degress for 30 to 40 minutes. Cool. Frost tops only. COCONUT-PECAN FROSTING Combine 1 cup evaporated milk, 1 cup sugar, 3 slightly beaten egg yolks, Yi cup butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened — about 12 minutes. Add 1 l/3 cups flaked coconut and 1 cup chopped pecans. Cool until thick enough to spread; beat occasionally. (The frosting will become thicker as it stands, but it does need at least 12 minutes of cooking). It's a beautiful cake — absolutely delicious. Happy Father's Day, Fondly, HERMINE SLOVENIAN CHAPEL TO HAVE ADDED INSCRIPTION Visitors to the Slovenian Chapel in the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception in Washington D. C. will be Inspired and amazed by its beauty. To complete the information each visitor wishes to know, the Chapel Committee recently ordered the following inscription to be engraved into the marble entrance. Text to be incised on the right side wall: Text to be incised on the left side wall: THE CHAPEL OF OUR LADY OF BREZJE WAS BUILT TO COMMEMORATE THE TWELVE HUN-FREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF CHRISTIANITY AMONG THE SLOVENES AND TO HONOR ALL WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS HERITAGE. BISHOP ANTON MARTIN SLOMSEK (REAR SCULPTURE ON THE LEFT) INITIATED THE MODERN RENEWAL OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH AND INDIGENOUS CULTURE OF THE SLOVENES. HIS CONTEMPORARY, BISHOP FREDERIC IRENAEUS BARAGA (FRONT SCULPTURE ON THE RIGHT), DRAWING ON THIS HERITAGE, CAME TO AMERICAN SHORES WHERE HE BECAME THE APOSTLE OF THE GREAT LAKES INDIANS AND A CO-FOUNDER OF THE CATHOLIC CHIRCH IN THE UNITED STATES. THIS CHAPEL OF OUR LADY OF BREZJE WAS DEDICATED ON AUGUST 15, 1971, BY BISHOPS MAKSIMILIJAN DRŽEČNIK OF MARIBOR AND JANEZ JENKO OF KOPER IN SLOVENIA. AN ANNIVERSARY MASS WILL BE SAID IN THIS CHAPEL EVERY AUGUST 15 IN PERPETUITY TO PRAY THAT THE CHRISTIAN FAITH AND HERITAGE OF THE SLOVENES MAY BE PASSED ON TO SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS IN NEVER-CEASING RENEWAL. THE FRONT SCULPTURE ON THE LEFT SYMBOLIZES THE BEGINNING OF CHRISTIANITY IN SLOVENIA. THE REAR SCULPTURE ON THE RIGHT ALLEGORIZES THE GIFTS OF FAITH AND CULTURE WHICH SLOVENIAN IMMIGRANTS BROUGHT WITH THEM TO AMERICA. ONE MAN'S OPINION - and we share if... John V. Hinkel, Washington Correspondent of “TWIN CIRCLE” writes: “The new chapel of Our Lady of Brezje — the Slovenian Chapel, hailed af. one of the most beautiful of the 54 chapels at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception here, was the center of attraction at the First National Rosary Pilgrimage at the Shrine on Saturday, October 30th. An estimated 10,000 to 15,000 persons were expected from all parts of the nation to participate in the Pilgrimage, which was held in response to a request by Pope Paul VI to encourage greater devotion to the Mother of God.” No. 100 FONTANA, CAL. We had a terrific card party and our ladies are to be commended for all the effort that made a profitable and pleasant afternoon. We served apple strudel as only the Slovenians can made it - the delicious strudels were made by sisters Kurilich, Rupert, Omaits and Železnikar. Flancate were also on the menu and they were as light as feathers, you had to hold fast and bite quick, else they would fly away. Take a bow, each and every one of you who had a hand in making our card party the success that it was. Gertrude Rupert and her sister, Mary Železnikar are flying to Zagreb, Jugoslavia to Visit their sister, Frances Sckulic and other relatives too numerous to mention. Sister Jennie Stone and her husband, Warren are also planning a European trip with Jugoslavia as their focal point of travel. Sam Kurilich left for the old country yesterday and it seems that everyone I speak to is easily flying someplace while I have a difficult time getting to Cucamonga! While on the subject of trips, I must not neglect to mention the tour of Southern California, principa I I y Fontana, that is on the agenda of Josephine and Tony Squok. I haven’t seen these dear friends of mine in quite some time and I’m looking forward to their visit with a great deal of anticipation. Our birthday celebrants for the month of April were Louis Jones and Patricia Videgar. See you next month, God willing. EDITH DRAWENEK No. 103, WASHINGTON, D. C. The lovely days of April brought sadness to our Branch with the rather sudden death of our beloved member, Rosana Hugo. Our recolPection of her will always be one of warmth and graciousness. She is survived by her husband, Mr. Anton Hugo and a lovely young daughter, Linda, only ten years old. We express our deepest sympathy to them. Our own Helena Špacapan is Linda’s Godmother. She possesses all the attributes necessary to add comfort and solace to a child during such a time of agony. Our April meeting was quite a busy one and we had a good attendance. Miss Betty Polich of Alexandria, Virginia attended as our guest and a prospective member. Plans were discussed for our Mother’s Day Program. Miss Florence Gregorich, a former member of our Branch introduced sister Louise Elan-chet (P.S.S.F.) of the Papal Delegate’s Residence in Washington, where she is engaged in house-keeping duties. She arranged a display of beautiful hand carved articles made from different kinds of wood found in the Phillipines. She then gave us some background as to how she obtained them for sale. Her two brothers having been Priests, they were very concerned about the conditions of existing poverty. Since returning to the States they have made arrangements to have the articles sold and proceeds returned to the people who made them. During the latter part of the meeting, Mary Lipar, skilled in needlework, instructed us how to make some very atractive cushions with two brightly printed washcloths and contrasting yearn for the loop edgings. They are then stuffed with a type of styrofoam. One nice feature is that they can be put into the washer, stuffing and all. Thank you, Mary, for a job well done. Our regards and best wishes go out to Mrs. Mara Chokel v/ho is hospitalized at Cafritz Hospital. May you be home soon. Refreshments were served by my sister, Becky Nagel and myself. FREDA H. MICHELITCH President ZAPISNIK SEJE DIRECTORIC V GLAVNEM URADU V CHICAGU V DNEVIH 20. in 21. MARCA, 1972 Na letni seji direktoric SŽZ v glavnem uradu v Chicagu, so bile navzoče naslednje glavne odbornice: Častna preds., Marie Prisland, gl. preds. Toni Turek, gl. podpreds. Marie Floryan, gl. taj. Farni Humar, gl. blag. Elizabeth Že-fran, nadzornice: Ann Podgoršek, Anne Kompare in Jennie Feme, taj. investicij Olga Ancel in urednica Corinne Leskovar. Nadzornice so pregledale finančne knjige in našle vse v lepem redu. Celotni odbor je v Metropolitan banki pregledal vrednostnice in investicijske papirje ter našel vse v lepem redu. Zborovanja so se pričela dnevno ob 9 uri zjutraj ter po kosilu do večera. V tej številki so objavljena poročila glavnih odbornic, ki so bila podana v slovenščini. V prihodnji Zarji bodo objavljena ostala poročila v slovenskem prevodu. POROČILO GLAVNE TAJNICE Spoštovane odbornice: Zopet je prešlo leto, ko smo se zbrale na sestanku, da bi položile račune za minulo leto, da bi pretresle naše uspehe in neuspehe ter napravile nekaj načrtov za bodočnost. Z veseljem in strahom sem se pripravljala na to naše letno srečanje. Z veseljem zato, da bi mogla pred vas položiti sad enoletnega dela in truda, da so vse knjige in računi v redu, da smo z varčnim gospodarjenjem prihranile marsikak dolar; navkljub močni inflaciji in povišanju stroškov vseh storitev. Ni vam treba razlagati, da to zahteva trdo delo in veliko truda. Kar je bilo uspešno storjeno in doseženo, o tem nimam namena razpravljati. Veliko bolj mi rojijo po glavi stvari, ki jih nismo uspele uresničiti ali pa smo se jih le površno dotaknile. Prvi tak problem je, da nismo dovolj časa posvečale naši bodočnosti. Vse preveč se zibljemo v omamnih mislih. kar je bilo doseženega in po čigavi zaslugi. Mnogo premalo naraščaja opažamo v naših odborih. Skoraj nič nismo pisale v Zarji o volitvah v nove odbore po podružnicah. Voščiti vsem bolnim okrevanje in vsem, ki praznujejo rojstne dneve, vse najboljše, je odločno premalo. Deliti ljudi med "naše in vaše”, med “stare in nove”, je zelo škodljivo. Združiti preteklost z bodočnostjo, je zelo težko, a nujno potrebno, če hočemo slaviti obletnice naše Zveze. Vse to me skrbi, ker sem prepričana, da zmoremo veliko bolje. Sama zatrdno verjamen, da je naš slovenski rod nekaj najlepšega, kar mi je bilo dano po rojstvu. Hočem pa tudi verjeti, da je organizacija v kateri imam čast delovati, nekaj najboljšega v našem življenju, če katera misli, ali dvomi, da ni tako, je njena dolžnost, da ozdravi taks misli, ker naša ženska zveza je prav takšna, kakršno me naredimo. Vsaka od nas je zgled in slika. Po naših dejanjih nas ljudje ocenjujejo. Svoj obraz si lahko naličimo, lase pobarvamo, ali dodamo; a svojih dejanj ni mogoče skriti. Pravijo, da je svet danes zmeden, da ne loči dobrega od zlega. Po mojem mišljenju in spoznanju je ravno narobe. Še nikoli se ljudje niso toliko brigali eden za drugega, kakor danes. Mislim, da je to doba, ko lahko razmahnemo svoje delovanje. Vsa naša pravila še niso bila nikoli tako aktualna, kakor so prav danes, še nikoli se ni toliko pisalo o ženi, kakor danes in o njenih potrebah ter pravicah. Treba je le najti nove metode, ki bi bile vab- ljive v sedanjosti. Potrebe ljudi so danes čisto drugačne, kakor so bile pred pet in štiridesetimi leti, ko je bila osnovana Slovenska ženska zveza. Zelo smo počaščene, ker imamo v svoji sredi še našo ustanoviteljico go. Marie Prisland, ki nam bo pomagala s svojimi izkušnjami preiti na nove metode, ki bi bile primerne času in potrebam za bodočnost. Kampanja, ki je v teku, je spravila v kolesnice mnoge podružnice, še več podružnic se pa še ni nič prebudilo iz spanja. Pa poglejmo v naš glavni odbor sam, ker pregovor pravi, da je treba svoj prag prvo pomesti. Koliko novih članic je katera od nas vpisala? (Sledil je pregled) Ali smemo biti samozavestne? Ali ne zahtevamo od drugih da store to, kar same ne napravimo? Ta kampanja naj bi bila začetek na pripravo, ko bomo slavile zlati jubilej. Mnogo dela je bilo že opravljenega z močjo vas vseh, ki ste danes tukaj zbrane. Po svojih aktivnostih sem najmlajša med vami ter se prav zato z največjim zaupanjem obračam na vas, da ve s svojimi dolgoletnimi izkušnjami pomagate postopoma izročiti našo organizacijo v roke druge generacije, ki kakor ve same, hrani neizčrpne moči življenja in delovanja v dobrobit vseh ljudi. Lani smo zgubile močan steber ženske zveze. Dolgo let uspešna in neutrudljiva družbena delavka - predsednica in pozneje glavna tajnica celo vrsto let pri naši Zvezi - Albina Novak je odšla v večna počivališča, še na lanski seji glavnega odbora je bila prisotna; letos jo pogrešamo! Njena slika na steni nas spominja na privlačnost, ki jo je imela v takem izobilju, še trajnejši spomin so njena dela in bodo vedno zapisana v naši kroniki. Vsem odbornicam se lepo zahvalim za sodelovanje v minulem letu. Vnaprej se še najtopleje priporočam za boljše sodelovanje, da bomo mogle z zavestjo stopiti pred delegatke na konvenciji drugo leto in jim poročati, da smo izvršile dolžnosti, ki so nam bile zaupane pred dvemi leti v Clevelandu. FANIKA HUMAR POROČILO DRŽ. PREDS. ZA COLO., KANS. IN MO. Pozdravljene! To je moje prvo poročilo v tem letu. Moja iskrena želja je, da bi dobrota in dobra volja pravkar minulih praznikov, ostala z nami tudi tekom celega leta. Naj božji blagoslov sije nad Vašim delom! Drage moje gl. zastopnice SŽZ: Gotovo Vam uhaja pogled na sedeže, kateri so bili zasedeni pred letom dni z Vami, to je naših dveh spoštovanih gl. odbornic: Albine Novak in Josephine Železnikar, katere je božja previdnost poklicala od nas. Blag jim bodi spomin! Upam, da je nova gl. taj., Fanika Humar dobro došla moč v Zvezinem odboru, ker ima rekord pridnega dela. Moje priporočilo je, da bi čimveč mladih moči pritegnile v našo Zvezo. Potrebno bo voditi seje v obeh jezikih, da bi se mlajše organizirale in imele svoje seje. Naša podr. ima 165 ola. v mladinskem oddelku, kar je gotovo lepo številu in bodočnost organizacije. Naša podr. je v dobrem finančnem stanju in v najboljšem razpoloženju med članstvom. Prišel pa je čas, da vsi pripoz-namo, da je bodočnost vedtsvo in napredek Zveze odvisen od naše mladine. Na polju naše Zveze je odprta kampanja za pristop novih članic in dolžnost nas vseh je, da vpišeno vsaj eno aPi dve nove. Naše drž. konvencije so nam vedno v razvedrilo, kajti z najlepšim uspehom pokažemo, da smo zavedne Slovenke. Naša letošnja drž. konv. se bo vršila dne 17. sept. in podr. št. 3 bo imela v rokah obveznost, da bomo istočasno tudii dostojno proslavili 45 letnico naše podr. Ponovno ste vabljene na našo slavnost vsi častni gostje, da povzdignemo sJavnost, posebno tudi preds. Toni Turek in soprog Frank. Miilka Hemingman nam je podarila ročno izdelano postelno pregrinjalo, kar smo prodale na listke in nam je prineslo $208.00 za kritje stroškov drž. konv. Svoje obveznosti kot drž. preds. sem vedno točno izpolnila. S tem zaključujem svoje poročilo in želim uspešno zborovanje ter napredek SŽZ. Pozdravlja, ANNA PACHAK, drž. preds. POROČILO DRŽ. PREDS. ZA PENNA Strabane, Pa.: Lepo pozdravljene glavne odbornice, ki ste danes zbrane na letnem zasedanju naše Zveze. Vam vsem želim božjega blagoslova, da bi se Vaša zborovanja vršila v najlepšem redu in Vasi ukrepi in sklepi v korist SŽZ in vsega članstva. Pri naši podr. št. 71 v Strabanu, smo v marcu leta 1971 obhajaile 35 letnico in Zvezin dan. Udeležba je bila lepa in uspeh v vsesplošno zadovoljstvo. Lepa hvala velja gl. preds. Turek, ki je lepo govorila v korist in za napredek podr. in Zveze. Dala nam je tudi navodila glede obiska slovenske kapele Marije Pomagaj v Washingtonu, D.C. Iz Strabane smo imele poln bus ter je vse bilo zelo lepo, tako, da smo vse bile zadovoljne in srečne, da smo prisostvovale tej edinstveni prireditvi posvetitve slovenske kapele od strani slovenskih škofov. Za to leto, še nimamo dokončno odločeno kje bomo praznovale naš Zvezin. Gl. odbornice lepo priporočajo, da bi vsaka odbornica pridobila vsaj eno novo članico v teku te kampanje. PokJon in čestitke Mrs. Pnisland za njeno veliko delo s knjigami ter lep prispevek, tisočak v šotlninski sklad. Bog Vas blagoslovi in da ljubo zdravje, da boste še mnogo let vodile našo dično SŽZ. Še vedno zelo pogrešamo našo prerano umrlo pokojno Albino Novak. Ohranjen ji bodi vedno lep spomin! Pri naši podr., smo srečne to leto še nismo imele nobenega smrtnega slučaja. Gl odbornicam velja naša zahvala za lepo vodstvo naše organizacije in urednici Corinne Leskovar za lepo urejeno Zarjo. Bog daj, da bi še dolgo vrsto let tako lepo urejevala 'naše glasilo. (Hvala! Ured). May God bless you all! MARY TOMSIC POROČILA IN SKLEPI LETNE SEJE DIREKTORIC 20. in 21. MARCA KUHARSKA KNJIGA Predsednica poda končni obračun od naše zadnje izdaje kuharske knjige, ki je bila dotiskana v nov. 1971. Vse direktorice se strinjajo v pohvali, da je knjiga lepa in zahvala se izreče Mrs. Prisland za ureditev ter Mrs. Humar in Mrs. Leskovar ter Mrs. Turek za vso pomoč. Nova izdaja bo naročena koncem tega leta. Pesmarica "Zapojmo" se še vedno dobi. Sklene se, da bo nova izdaja kuharic zopet razpečana iz doma predsednice ter iz glavnega urada. ŠOLNINSKI SKLAD Odbor potrdi način podeljevanja šolnin, ki je soglasni sklep šolninskega odbora, Mmes. Prisland, Turek, Humar in Dicke. Tajnica tega odbora bo tudi v bodoče poslala šolnino v dveh obrokih. V letu 1971 je bilo podeljenih 5 šolnin po $200 vsaka. Odbor izreka posebno zahvalo dr. Adolfu Žnidaršič iz Clevelanda za dodatni dar $200. MLADINSKE AKTIVNOSTI Podružnice se poziva, da pritegnejo mladino k delu. Mladinske aktivnosti Zveza podpira tudi s prispevkom 25 cts. na mladinskega člana. Odbor je z obžalovanjem sprejel odstop dveh direktoric Fansko leto in sicer, Frances Sietz, ki je bila izvoljena na zadnji konvenciji ter Mary Bostian, ki je bila imenovana na njeno mesto. Obe sta odstopile zaradi slabega zdravja in cdbor jima želi blagoslov in zdravja, da bosta v eni ali drugi obliki nadaljevale delo za Zvezo, kakor sta v preteklosti. Velja jima iskrena zahvalo za ogromno opravljeno delo. Ses. Boštjan ostane kot drž. preds. za Ohio. INVESTICIJE Razpravlja se o investicijah Zvezinega denarja in Odbor izreka zahva-to tajnici investicij Mi s. Ancel za njeno delo skupno z gl. tajnico. Bivša tajnica financ, Marie Prisland je svetovalka investicij ter obljublja nadaljno pomoč, če potrebno v bodoče. ČLANSKA KAMPANJA “ZENE LETA” Odbor oznanja, da se bo po preteku sedanje članske kampanje pričela nova z dne 1. julija in se zaključi s 16-to vsenarodno konvencijo v maju 1973. Kampanja bo podobna kakor prejšnja leta za naslov konvenčne kraljice, toda tokrat jo bomo imenovali "ŽENO LETA”. Dobitki bodo v denarju, kakor vedno: Ena točka ali $1.00 za novo čla-razieda B; pol točke ali 50 cts. za novo čla. razreda A in četrt točke, ali 25 cts. za mladinski oddelek. Poleg tega bo "ZENA LETA” prejela prosto vožnjo na obe strani v konvenčno mesto Chicago in druge dobitke. V slučaju, da zmagovalka ne bi mogla potovati v Chicago, bo prejela $50.00. Odbor upa, da bodo članice šile pridno na delo in posebno v večjih slovenskih naselbinah je mnogo prilike pridobiti nove mlade članice. KAMPANJA 45 LETNICE Taj. poroča, da je tekoča kampanja na dobrem tiru. Odbor sklene še posebno nagrado zmagovalnim podr. Sklene se tudi, da se mesec junij tekoče kampanje imenuje MESEC MARIE PRISLAND, v počast naše ustanoviteljice, ki dne 21. junija slavi svoj rojstni dan. Upanje, da bodo članice posebno se potrudile v tem zadnjem mesecu, da dosežejo cilj eno novo članico za odbornico. ZGODOVINA ZVEZE Odbor pooblasti Mrs. Prisland, da nadaljuje z zgodovino Zvezinih aktivnosti od leta 1961. ILINOISKI BRATSKI KONGRES Tajnica in urednica poročata o poteku Bratskega kongresa za državo Illinois, v katerem je včlanjena tudi SŽZ. AMERIŠKA KNJIŽNICA V LJUBUANI Odbor izrazi zadovoljstvo nad ustanovitvijo ameriške knjižnice in čitalnice v Ljubljani, prestolici Slovenije. Bivši senator Frank Lausche je bil imenovan, da uredi vse potrebno za odprtje tega centra še to leto. Zveza je bila od v iilac; si*o>ii\ \IPO/\ll\l MATI Dne 5. marca, 1972 je umrla naša priljubljena mati Frances Kvaternik. Sliko naše nepozabne matere bomo vedno nosili v naših srcih. Solze bridkega žalovanja so spremljale blago pokojnico v onostranstvo; saj ste bili nam najdražje kar imamo na svetu. Mater, tako blago, zlato, kdo bi le mogel pozabiti. Smrt je kruta, kadar pride, čeprav že v lepi starosti 89 let. Naj draga mati počiva v miru božjem v hladnem grobu, katerega bomo krasili z rožami in se Vas vedno v ljubezni spominjali v naših otožnih molitvah. Naše upanje je, da se enkrat snidemo nad zvezdami v božji slavi večnih let! Žalujoče hčere, sin in vnuk Podr. št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. i (užt ŽlaSlužnct mati I! FRANCES KVATERNIK 64, nsai dihj, ^J^anA. Naša letošnja častna mati, MRS. ANNA PEREŠIČ, 427 No. 5th St., je bila rojena dne 21. jan. 1914 tukaj v našem mestu. V zakonu je imela enega sina ter je ponosna na dva vnuka. Mrs. Perešič je odlična podpredsednica pri podr. že 15 let in vselej rada pomaga pri vsaki dobri stvari. Prav rada kuha ter je izvrstna v tej stroki in brez njenih pohancev ni nobene društvene prireditve. Ona je tudi bila na konvenciji v Washingtonu ter lansko leto na blogoslovitvi slovenske kapele. Vsako leto rada poroma na slovenske Brezje v Lemont in je prav prijetna družabnica. Od vseh kuharskih knjig, ki so bile prodane v Kansas City, jih je ona največ prodala in tudi pri prodaji tiketov se je vselej dobro potrudila. S čestitkami ji pošiljamo najlepša voščila za zdravje in srečo še mnogo let med nami! Bog jo živi! ANTONIA KOSTELEC leta 1965 na delu z zahtevo po Ameriškem konzulatu v glavnem mestu Slovenije in upanje je, da bo temu informacijskemu centru sledil konzulat, ki je zelo potreben zaradi mnogih Amerikancev, ki letno obiščejo Slovenijo. “FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA” Pisateljica te knjige Mrs. Marie Prisland je podarite $100 v Baragov sklad kar se vzame z zadovoljstvom na znanje. ZARJA Razpravlja se oglaševalnih cenah za Zarjo in se priporoča, da se dobi več oglasov, ki bi poravnali ročne stroške slik in klišejev. Podružnice se prosi, da pošljejo prispevek za stroške klišeja, kadar pošljejo slike v objavo. Priporoča se, da naj bodo dopisi v Zarji kratki, ker nekateri so še vedno predolgi. Odobri se urednici dodatnih $15 mesečno za stroške potovanja v sedaj bolj oddaljeno tiskarno. Direktorice izrazijo priznanje urednici za odlično delo urejevanja Zarje in pohvalijo novo tiskarno, ki vrši delo v vsesplošno zadovoljstvo. KONVENCIJA IN SPORED SEJ Direktorice podrobno obravnavajo spored in kraj 16-te konvencije, ki se bo vršila dne 20. do 22. maja, 1973 v Chicagu. Krajevna podr. št. 2 je bila izbrana za gostiteljico in za krajevne programe. Predlaga se omejitev konvenčnih sej na dva dneva in da se držimo izključno zadev na sporedu. Prihodnja letna seja odbornic bo dne 20-21. febr. 1973 v glavnem uradu. LISTKI ZA KONVENČNE STROsKE DELEGATINJ Zopet se odobri, kakor prejšnja leta. da Zveza nudi lepe dobitke na listke, kar prodajajo podružnice v dobrobit podružničnih delegatinj konvencije. Listki bodo poslani v septembru tega leta. Pred zaključkom se direktorice z molitvijo spomnijo pokojnih gl. odbornic, A?bina Novak in Josephine Železnikar, nakar se zborovanje zaključi z željo preds. za srečno pot na domove. ANTONIA TUREK, predsednica CORINNE LESKOVAR, zapisnikarica \J iiouendlii hcipeli louendht kcipei Washingtonske katedrale, bo imel poleg škofa Friderika Barage, svetniški škof Anton Martin Slomšek, častno mesto. Slomšek je bil v svojem času narodu ne samo duhovnik, ampak tudi učitelj in narodni vodnik. Njegovi nauki so še vedno sveži in pomembni v našem času. Posebno je cenil in ljubil svojo mater in pod njeno sliko je bil napis “MATERIN POUK JE OTROKOM JUTRANJA ZARJA”. Wat, en n pou L Škof Slomšek je imel sliko, ki predstavlja mater, kako je nasitila otroka, otrok pa skuša napraviti križ; Bogu se hoče zahvaliti, mati pa mu pri tem pomaga. Pod to sliko je bil napis: “Materin pouk je otrokom jutranja zarja”. To besedilo je Slomšek sebi in drugim več ko tisočkrat ponovil, kakor je sam trdil. In vsakikrat se je spomnil tudi svoje matere, o kateri je pripovedoval: “Dobra mati, sama polna božje ljubezni, je imela zalo dete. Želela je tudi njega naučiti božje ljubezni, pa mu je govorila, ko ga je peljala na veseli hribček: "Glej, dete moje, kako danes lepo sonce vzhaja; vidiš, kako zlato je nebo, kako visoke so gore. Oj, kako mogočen in velik mora biti tisti, ki nam je sonce iin vse, kar obseva, tako lepo ustvaril. Le poglej, kako se od sonca sveti cerkveni stolp, kako so ljudje vsi urni, ker so se tako sladko naspali in hitijo na delo. Kako veselo skače živinica, ko jo ženejo pastirci na zeleno pašo, kosci si glasno brusijo kose in kosijo na hladnem travniku, žito na polju že rumeni, kmalu ga bomo želi. Oj, kako dober in ljubezniv mora biti Oče, ki vsakemu veselje deli in tako za nas skrbi, že tukaj nam je dal tako lepo zemljo, tam pri sebi pa nam je obljubil še lepše prebivališče. Oj, dete moje, kdo bi takega Očeta ne bil vesel Kdo bi ga ne 'ljubil in hvalil!”. Blagor otrokom, ki bodo imeli tako lepe spomine na svojo mater predvsem kot prvo učiteljico. (Slomškov List, leto III, št. 2). SOPROG-PRIJATEU MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET ČLANSKA KAMPANJA Koncem tega meseca bo članska kampanja zaključena. Vsem, ki so se v tem oziru potrudile, najlepše priznanje! Države Illinois, Wisconsin, Colorado so na glavni urad poslale lepo število novih članic, čakamo pa na ostale države, da se odzovejo. Silno smo radovedne, kako se bo postavil Cleveland, naša slovenska metropola, kjer posluje enajst podružnic in je dom treh odličnih glavnih odbornic. Ker je Cleveland ob vsaki priliki v ospredju, smo prepričane, da bomo presenečene z obilico novega članstva, saj je čas še cel mesec, da se zamujeno popravi. OČETOV DAN Meseca junija praznujemo Očetov Dan. Da, oče! S hvaležnostjo se ta praznik spominjamo tvcjega vstrajnega, požrtvovalnega dela in trpljenja, naj bo že v tovarni, v rudniku, na farmi, v trgovini ali uradu; v visoki ali nizki službi. Dan za dnem te ubija delo, razjedajo te skrbi, ti se pa ne pritožuješ. Skrb in ljubezen za družino ti dajeta pogum, te priganjata k vztrajnosti. Kaj zato, če je roka žuljava, telo izčrpano, družini je treba kruha, vse druga je zate čisto postranska stvar. Ljubi oče, stotera zahvala za vso tvojo neizmerno skrb in ljubezen! OČETOV BLAGOSLOV Ko prvič sem zapustil rodni kraj domači, slovenske kmečke hiše dragi krov; še nisem vedel kaj v tujini znači spomin na dom in skrivni čar njegov; da prvi trajni smoter ti zariše, postati vreden svoje rojstne hiše. Besede sem očeta vzel s seboj, ki blagoslovil me je pred odhodom: "Naj vedno Bog bo s Tabo, sinko moj in z vami vsemi, s celim našim rodom! Naj večni Bog pri delu vsakem vodi in spremlja dobrohotno te povsodi”. Sonce na nebu jasnem in visokem, bogato sipalo je svoj sijaj in zemijo srečno v čutu je globokem s krasnim cvetjem venčal maj, ko nesel v svet sem blagoslov očeta in s tem zaključil sem brezskrbna mlada leta. Očeta kmalu gruda je zasula. V domači zemlji našel je pokoj. Zanj zdaj pot življenja je minula, odprta stala pa je pred menoj. A vedno sem jo trdno, srečno hodil, ker me očetov blagoslov je vodil. R.K. Meseca junija torej praznujemo Očetov dan. Naj bo ta mesec praznik tudi naših soprogov, ki le malokdaj pridejo v javnosti v poštev. Me, žene, se malo zavedamo, da nimamo na vsem svetu boljših prijateljev kot so naši možje. Vsaka izmed nas ima prijateljice, ki pa niso vedno iskrene. Edini tvoj zvesti in iskreni prijatelj — draga so-sestra — je tvoj soprog. S tabo sočustvuje, brani te in zagovarja; s teboj deli male in velike bridkosti. V zavetju moževe obrambe se počutiš varno. Tvoj soprog je edini človek na svetu, ki ti je iz srca vdan in na katerega se lahko zaneseš popoinoma. Spoštujmo in ohranimo si tega našega najiskrenejšega prijatelja! Imamo močne, neodvisne žene; žene, ki se s svojimi deli lahko merijo z državniki in znanstveniki. Pri branju njih zgodovine spoznamo, da jim vsa veličina, vsa znanost in neodvisnost ni dala tiste sreče in tiste zadovoljnosti, ki jo najde žena v objemu in zaščiti moža, katerega ljubi in spoštuje. Prijateljica, kateri je smrt ugrabila moža, je potožila: ‘‘Nisem znala kaj mi je moj Frank pomenil, dokler sem ga imela. Zdaj šele vidim in vem, kako velik kos mojega življenja je šlo z njim v grob”. SLOVENŠČINA NA CLEVELAND UNIVERZI Zelo smo vzradoščeni, da je Cleveland State univerza na oddelku za tuje jezike vpostavila tudi slovenščino. Pouk se prične v jeseni. Slovenščina bo tako postala enakovredna vsakemu tujemu jeziku ter enakovredna vsem diugim univerzitetnim predmetom. V ta študij bodo vštete kreditne ure, ki so potrebne, da študent prejme diplomo (Bachelor degree). Čestitamo vsem, ki so k temu pripomogli, zlasti g. Jacobu Strekal, ki je vsejal seme za to akcijo. Ponosni smo na Cleveland, ki se vedno postavi v odliko slovenske narodnosti. ZDRAVILNI ČAJI Zdravniška knjiga priporoča zdravilne čaje proti staranju. Take čaje nam nudi narava. Vsak si jih lahko pripravi sam. Grenke snovi čajev prinašajo v kri velike množine klorofila, ki pomnoži rdeča krvna telesca in povzroča nekako pomlajevanje. Caj iz PRESLICE preprečuje vodenico in kamne v mehurju, ker preslična kislina poživi delovanje ledvic. BRINOVE jagode tudi ugodno vplivajo na ledvice ter odstranjujejo revmatične bolezni. PELIN učinkuje zelo ugodno na jetra in želodec in je za obnavljanje krvi velikega pomena. BEZEG deluje ugodno na vodo v telesu. Za krepitev živcev je dober čaj iz ŠENTJANŽEVE rože. Čaj iz METE in ROŽMARINA poživi želodec. Čaje osladimo z medom. Naj omenim, da je uživanje ČESNA, kot preprečevalno sredstvo proti poapnenju žii, splošno znano. Poapnenje žil rado zviša krvni pritisk. ★ Kmet s hribov je prišel prvikrat na obisk v belo Ljubljano. V mestu je videl hiše z več nadstropji, kar se mu je silno čudno zdelo. Domov prišedši je pripovedoval: “Jem-nasta, ljudje božji, kaj sem videi v Ljubljani! Hiša na hiši in še ena gor viš". p. Klaude Okorn, OFM: BOŽJA MODROST Z vsakdanjimi pridobitvami naša življenjska udobnost vedno bolj raste. Po tej udobnosti pa se oblikuje naše vsakdanje življenje. Ta udobnost se rada polasti naše duhovnosti. Zadovoljni smo, da nas nič ne premakne v naši komodnosti. To ni najboljše spričevalo naše vernosti kakor tud'i ne našega duhovnega življenja. Kristjani smo poklicani, da živimo iz božje besede, ki pa nalaga težave in odgovornosti in se upira komodnosti. Božja modrost oblikuje naše vsakdanje življenje. Božja beseda nas ne pusti, da bi živeli v udobju in se udajali užitkom. Odvrača nas od vsakdanjih tirnic življenja in daje našemu življenju popolnoma novo vsebino. Komodnost nas včasih pripelje tako deleč, da se niti ne zavedamo več, da smo zgrešili pot božjo in da ne razumemo več klica božjega. Beseda božja nas drami in sreči za življenje v božji modrosti. Modrost življenja je najdragocenejši dar božji človeku. Ta modrost pa n