Welcome to PORTOROŽ, Welcome to TURISTICA! “Well-prepared students for a world-wide workplace” Welcome to PORTOROŽ, Welcome to TURISTICA! Welcome Guide for Foreign Students Edited by Žana Čivre, Aleksandra Brezovec Texts Mariana Rodela, Nina Lovec, Tina Orel Frank Cover Photo Žan Tomažič Photos by Turistica archives; www.slovenia.info; Tourist board Porotorož; www.le-potica.si; www.pixabay.com Design and Typesetting Face d.o.o. Published by University of Primorska Press Titov trg 4, SI-6000 Koper Editor-in-Chief Jonatan Vinkler Managing Editor Alen Ježovnik Koper, December 2019 ISBN 978-961-7055-87-0 (pdf): www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-7055-87-0.pdf ISBN 978-961-7055-88-7 (html): hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-7055-88-7/index.html DOI: https://doi.org/10.26493/978-961-7055-87-0 © University of Primorska Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID=303234048 ISBN 978-961-7055-87-0 (pdf) ISBN 978-961-7055-88-7 (html) Welcome to PORTOROŽ, Welcome to TURISTICA! Welcome Guide for Foreign Student Photo: Foto Video Coppo di Marco Coppo (www.slovenia.info) Table of Contents 8 Welcome to Faculty of tourism Portorož & Piran studies - Turistica 6 Welcome University of to Slovenia Primorska a Skubic Turistica in figures Our students 10 12 to: Anušk Pho a Emeršič to: Iv Pho 14 20 40 16 Studying at Student life at Turistica Tursitica 46 52 56 International Employment Enrollment for cooperation foreign citizens a Emeršič to: Iv 3 Pho Word from the Dean At the Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica we research, lecture and learn about a relatively fresh phenomenon, which in all of its forms attracts millions of people worldwide. We research this phenomenon which development and extent are synchronized with the degree of freedom, human rights and acceptance of diversity on our planet. What, more than tourism, can unite people and enrich individuals? Which phenomenon has gone beyond the understanding of the meaning of nature, its values and cultural heritage? I believe that the power of unification held by tourism has been transferred to our Turistica as well and is reflected in our mutual relations. If journeys have always been driven by curiosity, then our research in tourism is driven by wit on top of curiosity as well. If ever, today is the time to emphasise the vision of Turistica as a leading Slovenian multidisciplinary educational and research institution in the field of tourism and its related activities, i.e. to become a referential faculty in Europe by acting globally. We will strive towards this aim via synergy, responsible work and good mutual relations. The latter are based on integration, trust, optimism, transparency and reciprocal tolerance, i.e. on the same values, which represent the foundations of modern tourism. The success of a tourism faculty can only be built by content people, employees and students, as successful tourism can only be built by satisfied tourists, guests and tourism employees. To understand life, one has to live it actively, and therefore Dr. Janez Mekinc, Assoc. prof. we invite future students to join us and experience the life of our faculty. dean of Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica – the best fellow traveller – will accompany you on this journey. Turistica, University of Primorska Enter the world of tourism through the doors of Turistica. a Emeršič to: Iv 5 Pho Welcome to Slovenia SLOVENIA Green. Active. Healthy. Feel Slovenia, a country located between the Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian plain. Welcome to sLOVEnia, the only country with love in its name. Love has enormous power here. It connects the sea and mountains, forests and waters, fields and vineyards, the secrets of the underworld and the light of the sky. Ljubljana; Photo: Nea Culpa (www.slovenia.info) FACTS ABOUT SLOVENIA: • Population: 2,055,000 • Area: 20,273 km2 • Capital city: Ljubljana, population: 280,000 • Currency: euro (EUR) • Official language: Slovene; also Hungarian and Italian in their respective ethnically mixed areas. • Geography and climate: in a single day you can pick autumn fruits in the morning, bathe in the Adriatic sea in the afternoon, and go night skiing in the evening • Length of coastline: 46.6 km • Highest peak: Triglav, 2,864 m • Official tourist board: The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB); www. slovenia.info DID YOU KNOW? Source: www.slovenia.info . . that the Sečovlje Salina Nature Park is the only Slovenian wetland area on the UNESCO list of wetlands of international importance? Today only a small section of the saltpans, which are more than 700 years old, is still used to make salt. . . that Maribor, Slovenia’s . . that over 60 world Photo: Iztok Bončina www.le-potica.si second-largest city, is records in ski jumping and home to the oldest vine in ski flying have been set . . that a traditional the world? Although it is in Planica? Ski jumpers . . that Slovenia has over Slovene dish for special over four hundred years in Planica were the 7,000 kilometers of occasions is a type of old, its Žametna Črnina first to break the magic mountain hiking trails, cake called potica? This grapes still produce 25 100-metre and 200-metre along which there are has recently become one litres of wine every year. barriers. 165 mountain huts and of the more recognizable bivouacs? symbols of Slovenia Photo: Jošt Gantar Photo: Aleš Fevžer Photo: Jošt Gantar at a wide variety of (www.slovenia.info) (www.slovenia.info) (www.slovenia.info) international political, cultural and sporting events. Photo: Iztok Bončina The Official slogan of Slovenia: a Emeršič Photo: www.slovenia.info to: Iv Pho Photo: www.slovenia.info Photo: www.slovenia.info . . that the official symbol of Ljubljana is a dragon which, according to a legend, was killed by the Ancient Greek hero Jason and his intrepid Argonauts . .that 216 km² of Slovenia on their way through the is covered by vineyards? Ljubljana marshes? 7 University of Primorska The University of Primorska is a public university that operates not only in a bilingual area, but also right at the spot, where three great cultures – Slavic, Roman and Germanic – meet. When strolling down the winding streets of our coastal towns, where our faculties are located, you will notice a number of historic monuments testifying to our rich intercultural past. Situated just a stone’s throw from the sea, we have a wide horizon in front of us, literally and metaphorically. The sea implies lots of sun and a warm climate throughout the year, which means that you can take your laptops and books with you and find a sheltered nook to study somewhere outside our modern facilities. 8 The University of Primorska was founded in 2003 and is today attended by more than 6000 students. The core values of the THE UNIVERSITY University of Primorska arise from the University’s integration OF PRIMORSKA into the national area situated at the crossroads of historical, cultural, linguistic and global paths and its complete extroversion HAS 11 MEMBERS: towards the world. Seven faculties: Photo: Jošt Gantar (www.slovenia.info) • Faculty of Humanities • Faculty of Management • Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies • Faculty of Education • Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica • Faculty of Health Sciences • Faculty of Built Environment A research institute: • Andrej Marušič Institute And: a Skubic • Student Residences Photo: Iva Emeršič to: Anušk • University Library as well as Pho two associate members: • Faculty of Design Ljubljana • Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital 9 Welcome to Portorož & Piran Portorož, a beautiful town, hidden among the hills which protect it from the severe north- east wind, has been a spa resort for a long time now. The history of Portorož was written by the Romans, the Venetians, the Austrians and the French, each Photo: Tourist Board Portorož of the nations leaving its mark upon this place, yet all combining Blue, white and green are the colours that the joys of the sea with its would cross your mind, when you would think abundant riches: seawater, fango, about Portorož and Piran. Blue is the colour of salt water and the pleasant the sea, which embraces our peninsula, part of Mediterranean climate. Portorož; Photo: Anuška Skubic the Slovenian Istria, chilling us in summers and warming us in winters. White is the colour of salt, which comes from the sea, and brought Portorož; Photo: Žana Čivre wealth and growth to the town of Piran centuries ago. Green is the colour of the Mediterranean vegetation that boasts various pine trees, olive groves, vines and aromatic spices, which complement the region with gorgeous fragrances and exquisite flavours. 10 Piran; Photo: Živa Kirbiš Piran; Photo: Ubald Trnkoczy (www.slovenia.info) Piran; Photo: Živa Kirbiš The old sea town of Piran has preserved the clustered medieval structure with narrow winding streets and houses, huddled close together, rising in cascades towards the ridge of the hill, which gives it a typical Mediterranean character. The city architecture was strongly influenced by the Venetian Republic, the strongest naval and commercial Today, the town of Piran force in the Adriatic from the 10th century onwards. together with Portorož, is an important tourist resort with numerous museums and Photo: Matevž Kostanjšek in Gruna Zorn (www.slovenia.info) galleries, hotels and restaurants, offering cultural events for any taste and attracting tourists with its picturesque geographical position and rich cultural Photo: Matevž Kostanjšek in Photo: dr. Aleš Gačnik Gruna Zorn (www.slovenia.info) heritage. It is also where the Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica stands. Therefore More information about Portorož & Piran: Tourist Board Portorož students of Turistica have a great E-mail: info@portoroz.si opportunity to study and gain www.portoroz.si priceless experiences in the so- called tourism laboratory. Photo: Iva Emeršič 11 Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica Photo: Anuška Skubic The Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica – is a member of the University of Primorska. It is the only faculty of tourism in Slovenia that offers multi-disciplinary teaching and research of tourism and educates human resources for high-quality planning, management and an excellent tourism offer. 12 Univerza na Primorskem/University of Primorska Fakulteta za turistične študije Turistica/Faculty of Tourism Studies Turistica More information: www.turistica.si Obala 11a, 6320 Portorož, Slovenia @UPFTSTuristica info@fts.upr.si @ftsturistica Turistica has its roots in the year 1994, when the College of Hotel and Travel Administration was founded in the frame of the Tempus project. A year later, the first generation of students enrolled. Since 2003, Turistica has been a member of Faculty of the University of Primorska, and in 2008 it was transformed into a faculty. Twenty years later, Turistica is proud to have study programmes on all three levels, as the doctoral study programme Innovative Tourism was implemented in 2012. Tourism In addition to study activities, a wide range of other events takes place at Turistica, including the conferences Encuentros and TIM (Tourism, Education and Management), round tables FuTuristica, and the gallery AvanTuristica. Studies – THE MISSION a Emeršič STATEMENT to: Iv Turistica creates and transmits knowledge a, pho for the sustainable Turistica tic development Turis of tourism. ENTER THE WORLD OF TOURISM THROUGH THE DOORS OF TURISTICA. 13 Turistica in figures Photo: Iva Emeršič Photo: Žana Čivre Every year more than 600 students at the Bachelor’s degree, more than 100 at the Master’s degree and at least ten students at the doctor’s degree choose Turistica to be the institution that helps them become experts in tourism. 14 With more than 3000 graduates at the 1st level and more than 150 graduates at the 2nd level! More than 25 years of experience! 9 study programmes! More than 80 research, developmental and market projects! More than 50 publications on tourism! a Skubic Turistica is the only Slovene national higher education institution in the field of tourism offering bachelor (B.A.), master (MSc.) and doctoral (PhD) levels to: Anušk of study. Turistica is the only faculty in Slovenia in which tourism is being Pho taught and researched with multidisciplinary approaches. Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia (BTPS), a project designed at Turistica, was rewarded by UNWTO with a prestige award for innovations in 2009. Photo: Anuška Skubic In 2009 UNWTO awarded the library of Turistica with a status of a depository library of the World tourism organization. In 2014 the University of Primorska gained its prestigious membership in the UNESCO university network with the international operation of The Department for Cultural Tourism and Cultural Heritage at the Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica. 15 Our students Photo: Iva Emeršič At UP FTŠ Turistica we still hold a firm belief in the slogan Tourism is about people, therefore students are seen as equal partners in school management and play an active part. Every form of active student involvement may expect the support of the faculty leadership. Our students are engaged in tourist service practices and are obliged to do some form of research. Problem-based learning, fieldwork and odela excursions are among the priorities of the curricula. Through common values, like Our excellence in teaching, environmental awareness, tolerance and work ethics, the to: Mariana R Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica strives to achieve quality in tourism education Pho and research. students Photo: Iva Emeršič 17 FOREIGN STUDENTS ABOUT TURISTICA “Turistica offers the opportunities to achieve extraordinary results.” Nermina Vilić, Foreign student (Bosnia and Herzegovina) “ As a foreign student, I was attracted to Turistica because I knew it would offer the opportunity to work and interact with knowledgeable professors and brilliant students, and help me achieve my goal to become an expert in the field of tourism. Turistica offers many opportunities to expand talents in tourism business, to inspire and motivate others, and achieve extraordinary results. That is why, I highly recommend to study at Turistica. “ “The faculty gave me a warm welcome and the people there have helped me through my studies and that has got me to where I am today” Marsel Valiev, Foreign student (Russia) “I am now a third year student at Turistica and my story started in 2013, when I arrived to the Slovenian coast with my family to support my father at an Ex-tempore competition. I fell in love with Slovenia and promised myself that I would return some day. I applied to Turistica and I haven’t felt any regret because the faculty gave me a warm welcome and the people here have helped me through my studies and that has got me to where I am today: being fluent in Slovene and soon completing my Bachelor’s degree. To all the freshmen I would like to give a simple advice: follow your dreams, be independent and be devoted to what you want to do with your life. Keep it real and best of luck!” 18 “The best thing about studying at “European Turistica is that education in we have a lot of Russia is highly teamwork and appreciated” practical field work .” Anastacia Chemerys Tatyana Makarova, Foreign student (Ukraine) Foreign student (Russia) “I started my studies of hospitality and tourism in “I decided to study in Slovenia because European Ukraine, but when my mum moved to Slovenia, I education is highly appreciated in Russia. I am decided to continue at Turistica. Immediately the strongly interested in tourism, as I like working with faculty gave me the opportunity to attend a course of people in a dynamic environment. I learned the Slovenian language, which helped me a lot, and now, Slovenian language very quickly. Despite the fact after a year and a half, I am fluent in Slovenian. The that it is necessary to study a lot, I like Turistica best thing about studying at Turistica is that we have because we have a lot of field work and field trips, a lot of teamwork and also practical work. Students intercultural evenings and also some student parties. study very seriously, but despite this, the student life I find the Slovenian habit of socializing over a cup of on the coast is really nice. I like the fact that students coffee really interesting. Another thing that surprises tend to get together also outside class and study me is that Slovenians do a lot of sport activities. hours. Since Slovenia is a small country, you can travel Since flights are very affordable, because of the around it in one day and get to know its heritage and nearby Italian airports, I have so far travelled to many culture. Due to the central location of the country, I European countries, but many times me and my often visit the neighbouring countries with my friends, friends visit the neighboring Croatia.” we also frequently visit the nearby cities of Trieste and Venice. Turistica is engaged in international mobility of students and teachers and has implemented co-operation in research and study with universities and colleges inside and outside the EU, in particular in the Mediterranean area and the USA. Diverse international and professional events are organised - like FuTuristica, the bi-annually organized international meeting of researchers and teachers in tourism, or TIM – Tourism, Education and Management and Encuentros, which discuss current subjects in the field of tourism with numerous home and foreign experts. 19 Studying at Does studying in a pleasant Mediterranean setting sound interesting? Turistica Photo: Živa Kirbiš Turistica offers a wide range of modern and creative teaching methods, such as: • video conference lectures with IUPUI • outstanding number of guest lectures Indianapolis University, USA • study visits at Slovenian tourist • tutorials, problem based learning, companies e-learning, design thinking • international summer schools and • field work, case studies, research conferences workshops, excursions • volunteering in sport, cultural and • visiting tourism events and exhibitions eco events Photo: Žana Čivre a Emeršič to: Iv Pho 21 22 VISITING LECTURES Prof. dr. Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Visiting lecture by Ass. Prof. Vinod Prof. dr. Sara Dolničar researches Nobel Peace Prize winner (2007) Sasidharan, Ph.D. from San Diego at The University of Queensland in as a member of Intergovernmental State University, United States Australia. Since 2012 she has been Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of America, Turistica’s partner cooperating with Turistica, especially awarded jointly with Albert Arnold university for mobility. on the doctoral program Innovative (Al) Gore Jr. “for their efforts to tourism at Turistica. Prof. dr. Sara build up and disseminate greater Dolničar received a prestigious knowledge about man-made climate Ambassador of Science award, change, and to lay the foundations recognised by the Republic of for the measures that are needed to Slovenia for her outstanding research counteract such change”. achievements in marketing and (www.nobelprize.org) tourism. Globally she ranks among the 2% of the most successful researchers in the wider field of marketing. e ana Čivr to: Ž Pho 23 UP FTŠ Turistica offers two undergraduate university programmes: TOURISM In the study programme, tourism is observed from a perspective of being a special interdisciplinary science. Students get to know tourism as a combination of business, economic, environmental and social components. Graduates of the study program Tourism gain expertise and knowledge to be applied to practice, particularly by seeking new sources of knowledge and implementation of methods for understanding the operation and management of processes in tourism development and its services or activities. Through the integration of scientific research, teaching and studying expectations of students, employees, prospective employers, and society in general are being met. Graduates of the present study program can be Name of programme: Tourism employed in the private sector (national Level of study programme: 1 Type of study programme: university and foreign institutions such as travel Duration (in years and ECTS): 3 years (six semesters), 180 ECTS agencies, hospitality establishments, Degree awarded: diplomirani organizator turizma, etc.) as well as in the public sector equivalent to Bachelor of Tourism (B.S.) (ex. tourist organizations, information offices, development agencies, etc.). 24 a Kirbiš to: Živ Pho Name of programme: Cultural tourism Level of study programme: 1 Type of study programme: university Duration (in years and ECTS): 3 years (six semesters), 180 ECTS Degree awarded: diplomirani organizator turizma, equivalent to Bachelor of Tourism (B.S.) CULTURAL TOURISM Graduates of the first level university study programme Cultural tourism become experts with theoretical and practical knowledge for managing tourism and cultural organizations. Graduates will know how to connect tourism services with the dimensions of heritage and contemporary creativity on the regional, national as well as international level.With that they may contribute to the protection, promotion and development of local specialties as a base of contemporary tourism offer. They are capable of taking over the tasks in researching, analyzing, planning, shaping, developing processes in tourism business in connection with culture on the level of economic as well as public, non-governmental and cultural organizations. Their skills enable graduates in Cultural tourism to be employed in organizational institutions (travels, events, festivals), in museums and galleries, in promotions as well as in the media, as culture and tourism specialized journalists. 25 Name of programme: Tourism destination management Level of study programme: 1 Type of study programme: Higher education professional programme Duration (in years and ECTS): 3 years (six semesters), 180 ECTS Degree awarded: diplomirani organizator turizma, equivalent to Bachelor of Tourism destination management (B.S.) We also offer two undergraduate professional programmes: TOURISM DESTINATION MANAGEMENT Graduate of the study programme of the first level Tourism destination management are an expert in theoretical and practical knowledge for managing tourism organizations, managing complex processes in the field of tourism, methodological research knowledge, with which they can independently carry out research and are qualified for the management and implementation of professional tasks that fall within the scope of tourism services. At the same time, graduates are able to successfully enrich tourist services with cultural traditions of our society and environment. Graduates are able to work both at the level of business as well as public organizations as in travel agencies, local, regional and national tourist organizations, tourist information offices, agencies and as representatives in foreign tourism markets. 26 a Emeršič to: Iv Pho Name of programme: Tourism Enterprise Management Level of study programme: 1 Type of study programme: Higher education professional programme Duration (in years and ECTS): 3 years (six semesters), 180 ECTS Degree awarded: diplomirani organizator turizma, a Kirbiš equivalent to Bachelor of Tourism to: Živ Enterprise Management (B.S.) Pho TOURISM ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT Graduates of Tourism enterprise management understand the dynamics of domestic and international tourism markets, marketing activities in the tourism sector, and particularly, business, organization and management of business systems in tourism. The knowledge of operational and technological processes in tourism companies, relevant knowledge in economics and business management, knowledge of creating integral tourist products of destinations and knowledge of the language enable graduates to be important contributors in the tourism industry. Hence, they are indispensable in the development of tourism products and their marketing as well as in conducting business systems in tourism by working as experts in tourist accommodation establishments and in complementary tourist activities (ex. congresses, gaming, spa) as well as in tourist agencies. 27 Are you thinking about continuing your studies? Do you wish to expand your knowledge and gain extra competencies in the frame of your postgr 28 aduate studies? Name of programme: Tourism Level of study programme: 2 Type of study programme: master’s programme Duration: 2 years (four semesters), 120 ECTS Degree awarded: magister turizma, equivalent to Master in Tourism (M.A.) UP FTŠ Turistica offers three 2nd level study programmes: TOURISM The postgraduate study program of Tourism is interdisciplinary and looks upon the phenomena of tourism from socio-cultural, economic and business, environmental, science and research perspectives. Students develop the ability to shape new concepts and models of tourism, tourism products and services development. It offers the possibility to choose between two directions: business-organizational or social-environmental. Students are given the opportunity to conduct researches in tourism individually. They recognize trends and factors of influence, understand the functioning of tourism subjects, connect various perspectives of tourism development (social, personal, environmental, macroeconomic and enterprising factors) and are able to make decisions according to their understanding of this complex mechanism. Graduates of the Tourism program can work as managers in a Skubic tourism economy in private or public sectors. to: Anušk Pho 29 Name of programme: Heritage tourism Level of study programme: 2 Type of study programme: master’s programme Duration: 2 years (four semesters), 120 ECTS Degree awarded: magister dediščinskega turizma, equivalent to Master of Heritage Tourism (M.A.) of tourism. Both aspects exist as individual professional branches and HERITAGE TOURISM have not yet been intertwined in a study program before. Heritage Tourism studies combines knowledge and competencies from the (* in cooperation with UP Faculty of Humanities) fields of cultural and natural heritage with the know-how of tourism management. The applied aspect of understanding the importance of heritage in tourism comes in the foreground of discussion. Students gain knowledge filled with creative work in a prosperous branch of economy. The goal of the study program is to form a profile of professionals – Master of Science graduates - for the tourism industry in general and specifically for their own business activities The study programme aims to in tourism. This is an interdisciplinary study program, enrolment is incorporate natural and cultural resources open to students with an undergraduate degree (3 years) in the fields into the Slovenian and foreign supply of of humanities, tourism, natural and cultural sciences as well as from tourism products. This is the first study other study environments. The heritage tourism experts can work program which aim is to disseminate as highly specialized experts in tourist organizations, environmental knowledge of heritage into the sphere organizations, public and private sector, etc. 30 a Kirbiš to: Živ Pho Name of programme: Sustainable Development Management Level of study programme: 2 Type of study programme: master’s programme Duration: 2 years (four semesters), 120 ECTS Degree awarded: olajnar Magister managementa trajnostnega jaša P razvoja, equivalent to Master in to: T Sustainable Development Management Pho SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT (* in cooperation with UP Faculty of Management) This programme trains students to be policy makers of sustainable development in the community and/or companies, including various developmental aspects and components: economic, environmental with spatial and social with developmental components. Graduates will be able to understand a wider social and natural environment, globalization processes and sustainable development needs, to assess technological solutions for sustainable developmental needs and to solve current climate, social and economic issues with practical experience. 31 We also offer the 3rd level study programme: 32 a Emeršič to: Iv Pho Name of programme: Innovative Tourism Level of study programme: 3 Type of study programme: doctoral Duration: three years (six semesters), 180 ECTS Degree awarded: doktor znanosti, equivalent to PhD in Innovative Tourism diverse, multi-disciplinary field of tourism research. The 3rd level study INNOVATIVE TOURISM programme, Innovative tourism, is the first doctoral programme in the field of tourism in Slovenia. Upgrading the existing study programme on the 1st and 2nd level with a 3rd level study programme (doctoral study) is a response to contemporary tourist practices and, at the For all of you directed into research same time, the challenge of fast evolving tourism. Tourism as the or academic careers in the field of most propulsive industry of the 21st century requires experts for tourism we present a new doctoral in-depth research and development of competencies in the field of programme Innovative tourism. With this innovative processes, products and communications in tourism. With programme, which represents the highest the development of competencies in the field of innovation in tourism, level of study of tourism Slovenia has graduates can contribute new insights to identify and meet the genuine to offer, we enable students of Turistica needs of tourism, develop knowledge for competitive and responsible the continuation of tourism studies on management of tourism enterprises and new approaches for the all three levels. At the same time, we sustainable development of tourist destinations. The programme enables invite other post-graduate, doctoral in-depth and internationally oriented scientific research and develops new, students who see their opportunity in the interdisciplinary knowledge to promote innovation in tourism. olajnar jaša P to: T Pho 33 Student life The student life at Turistica is quite lively and seasoned with numerous extra-curricular activities. at Turistica 34 The student life at Turistica is quite Social events are organised by the Student Council of UP FTŠ Turistica: Freshmen party, Turizmijada lively and seasoned with numerous (International congress for tourism students from the Balkan region), Mind the Gap excursion to London, Summer schools, ITB Berlin, professional excursions to Slovenia and abroad, EIAT Belgrade (Serbia), The extra-curricular activities. International Congress of Students of Tourism and Hospitality in Novi Sad (Serbia), competitions in the frame of the University League (basketball, soccer, volleyball) and the Women’s rowing team. a Skubic to: Anušk Pho The faculty also hosts cultural events, like International evenings, and a theatrical group ArtTur. It as well publishes a student journal Flaneur. a Emeršič to: Iv Your studies will take place in the pleasant Mediterranean environment, where tourism represents Pho everyday life and in this way, you will experience the beat of Portorož. 35 Venice; Photo: www.pixabay.com 36 International cooperation Turistica strives towards internationalisation due to the internationality of the concept of tourism itself. Each year students show greater interest in gaining knowledge in the field of tourism abroad. More and more decide to experience the student mobility programmes for studies as well as placements and in this way complete a part of their regular studies at a partner institution (exchange student programme) or gain practical experience in a foreign country (student mobility for placements). There is an increase for staff mobility as well (teaching and administrative staff). In addition to student and staff mobility programmes, the faculty hosts also an outstanding number of guest lecturers. Each study year we host around 20 foreign lecturers, in the sphere of the mobility programmes as well as different projects. The integration of the faculty into the international environment brings an additional value for the improvement of study methods, the development of new study programmes, and the advancement in science and research. 37 a Emeršič to: Iv Pho 38 EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES – A PRICELESS OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS Facts about the student exchanges at Turistica: More than 100 students participated in the Erasmus+, Ceepus, EGP/NFM and other exchange programmes; Most students (60 %) decide for the study mobility; Most of the exchanges are in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme (86 %); and here 70 % are mobilities for study and 30 % for placements; Approx. 92 % of all mobilities are performed by undergraduate students; 84 % of mobilities are carried out by female students; The TOP destination for students of Turistica is Spain. It is especially interesting for practical experience, and it is followed by the Czech Republic, Austria, the Netherlands and Germany; The average duration of mobilities is 4.5 months. a Kirbiš to: Živ Pho 39 “I have many memorable moments of my Erasmus exchange at Turistica. What I liked the most about studying at Turistica is that we did a lot of field work. We went e.g. to Planica, the ski jumping world cup. I really liked the Turistica team I worked with there on the research about attitudes and experiences of visitors. Another interesting field work was to visit Strunjan Nature Park and Rodica winery visit, where “Coming to a new country with new people was an adventure for they presented their sustainable tourism aspects. all of us. We all knew very little about Slovenia. Throughout this Besides the study I won’t forget the events like ice semester we have learned a lot of new interesting things about hockey matches, concerts in Koper, social activities tourism. This Erasmus exchange is such a great experience. It gave like international evenings, movie nights, polyglot us a lot of great memories and new knowledge. Turistica really cafe and other ESN events. And of course, the surprised us. It is so much smaller than our faculty in Breda and trips around Istria and the whole Slovenia were just here there is a different kind of environment, more Mediterranean. amazing. I would like to express that I am very happy Smaller, but still very cozy. We are glad to say that going to Slovenia because I could be a part of Turistica. I am thankful and choosing Turistica was a really good decision. Since it all to the whole Turistica team, teachers, students, co-changed a little bit of us.” Meta Austen, Lisanne de Groot workers!” Márk Répászky, incoming Erasmus and Carline Vonk, incoming Erasmus students student (Hungary) (Breda, The Netherlands) 40 a Kirbiš to: Živ Pho a Emeršič to: Iv 41 Pho Employment “The knowledge, which we develop and provide to our students, ensures highly competent As tourism is one of the fastest growing branches of economy, the demand for well skilled professionals is high. The graduates tourism of the Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica are employed in tourism-related organisations locally, nationally and professionals.” internationally. They also work in regional planning institutes, in tourism development offices of municipalities, and in protected 42 areas of nature and culture. Being able to work both in management as well as in research, they can cover a variety of positions going from working in the branch of hospitality to organization of events, cultural organizations and in the complementary tourist offers such as congress or wellness tourism. A high quality and varied offer of foreign languages study enables our students to compete for job positions, which demand foreign language knowledge and communication skills at home as well as abroad. Furthermore, the graduates of Turistica are very competitive on labour market. There is a strong connection between the faculty and the tourism companies which enables the use of internship periods as a compulsory part of some study curriculums. Tourism is one of the fastest growing branches of economy and thus enables a wide variety of possible employments. 43 Jerneja Kamnikar, the founder and CEO of one of the leading and well known catering companies in Slovenia and South-eastern Europe, Vivo d.o.o. , considers her greatest success to be the lunch that was organised in cooperation with her company to host the English queen Gregor Povalej, the CEO of Kompas Touristik Elizabeth II. The greatest motivation for a successful International, Kft. in Budapest, considers the start of a day is her morning coffee, whereas tourism employment at Kompas abroad as his greatest motivates her because of its diversity. She has fond business success. In his opinion, that was memories of Turistica, one of her favourite is the enabled by being a graduate of Turistica’s memory of taking the English language exam. Her advice first generation. The biggest obstacle in his to students at Turistica would be to enjoy and network career was learning how to be patient with his during the study years. previous employers. Nevertheless he tried to The company is proud of every event, especially when learn from them as much as possible and that hosting eminent guests, like Queen Elizabeth II, former lead to “his one key moment”. His advice to USA president Bill Clinton, celebrities like Kevin Costner, future students at Turistica would be to study Monica Belluci, David Guetta, etc. hard, especially languages. 44 in career was an obstacle for her, which she overcame by gaining knowledge, suitable abilities and with hard work. Working with people, multiculturalism and a dynamic environment of tourism makes her happy, what can be seen in her motivation which she gets daily in new promotional projects for Slovenia abroad. Despite all this she takes time to relax in sports activities in nature. She loves to explore Slovenia but outside of our country she is drawn to Asia. She thinks of herself as Karmen Novarlič , head of Business a positive person because she believes that Communication Department at the Slovenian solutions can always be found. Her friend Tourist Board (STO), established first charter would also describe her as positive, persistent flights from Japan to Slovenia, brought and reliable but also a little bit too busy all the many ministers dealing with tourism after time. As a former student of Turistica’s first the independence as well as the highest generation she remembers genuine, open and China National Tourism Administration really good relations with the lecturers. Her to participate at the ministries meeting on advice to following generations at Turistica tourism among the middle and eastern would be: “Upgrade the theory with practice European countries and China. She says that and do as many student works in tourism as those kinds of business events represent her you can, because that will help you in your biggest success. She adds that progression future career.” 45 Enrolment for foreign citizens Foreign citizens and Slovenes without Slovene citizenship can apply and enrol to the University of Primorska in accordance with the requirements and criteria assigned by the Higher Education Act, Rules on Studies pursued by foreign citizens and Slovene Nationals without Slovenian Citizenship in the Republic of Slovenia, the Statute of the University of Primorska, the Pre-enrolment announcement and the Rules on pre- enrolment announcement and enrolment in higher education. Those foreign citizens with permanent Admissions Office of the University of Primorska (VPIS UP) residence in Slovenia who (or whose parents) Titov trg 4, SI-6000 Koper are taxpayers in Slovenia and citizens of the E-mail: vpis@upr.si, student.office@upr.si European Union are subject to the same application procedure as citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. 46 NOTES a Emeršič to: Iv Pho 47 NOTES 48 NOTES 49 NOTES 50 NOTES 51 NOTES 52 Univerza na Primorskem/University of Primorska Fakulteta za turistične študije Turistica/Faculty of Tourism Studies Turistica More information: www.turistica.si Obala 11a, 6320 Portorož, Slovenia @UPFTSTuristica info@fts.upr.si @ftsturistica