320 UROLOGY, NEPHROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | July – August 2023 | Volume 92 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3413 Copyright (c) 2023 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Emphysematous pyelonephritis and sepsis in a diabetic female patient caused by extended-spectrum beta- lactamase-producing Escherichia coli – case report Emfizematozni pielonefritis in sepsa pri sladkorni bolnici, povzročena z Escherichia coli s podaljšanim spektrom beta-laktamaze – prikaz primera Vlatko Karanfilovski,1,2 Pavlina Dzekova Vidimliski,1,2 Olivera Gjeorgjieva Janev,3 Nikola Gjorgjievski,1,2 Svetlana Pavleska Kuzmanoska,1,2 Irena Rambabova-Bushljetik,1,2 Zvezdana Petronijevic,1,2 Gjulsen Selim,1,2 Biljana Gerasimovska1,2 Abstract Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is a rare, severe, spontaneous gas-forming infection of renal parenchyma and its surrounding areas. EPN was detected in diabetic patients. A 49-year-old female with type I diabetes mellitus presented with severe thrombocytopenia, acute kidney injury (AKI) and was in need of haemodialysis treatment. She had impaired liver function tests, with active urine sediment, indicating severe upper urinary tract infection with suspected sepsis. The contrast enhanced CT scan of the abdomen showed multiple areas of air density in renal parenchyma and perirenal re- gions, suggestive of left-side EPN. The blood and urine cultures reported growth of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli. The final diagnosis of emphysematous pyelonephritis complicated with severe sepsis and AKI was established. The patient was managed conservatively with wide-spectrum antibiotics, fluid resuscitation, consistent blood sugar control, and haemodialysis treatment. Percutaneous drainage techniques (PCD) and nephrectomy were postponed because of the initial clinical response to the antibiotics treatment. However, the patient experienced sudden clinical deterioration and died only a few hours after the established diagnosis. An autopsy was not performed upon the patient’s family’s request. EPN should be highly suspected in poorly controlled diabetic patients with urinary tract infection and should be promptly recognized and aggressively treated. The patients with multiple risk factors had high mortality, even with timely diagnosis and combined (conservative and surgical) treatment. 1 University Clinic of Nephrology, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia 2 Medical Faculty Skopje, Un. Ss Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia 3 University Clinic of Rheumatology, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia Correspondence / Korespondenca: Vlatko Karanfilovski, e: vlatko1994@live.com Key words: pyelonephritis; sepsis; diabetes mellitus; Escherichia coli; acute kidney injury Ključne besede: pielonefritis; sepsa; sladkorna bolezen; Escherichia coli; akutna poškodba ledvic Received / Prispelo: 27. 12. 2022 | Accepted / Sprejeto: 2. 4. 2023 Cite as / Citirajte kot: Karanfilovski V, Dzekova Vidimliski P, Gjeorgjieva Janev O, Gjorgjievski N, Pavleska Kuzmanoska P, Rambabova- Bushljetik I, et al. Emphysematous pyelonephritis and sepsis in a diabetic female patient caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase- producing Escherichia coli – case report . Zdrav Vestn. 2023;92(7–8):320–6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3413 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3413 doi 27.12.2022 date-received 2.4.2023 date-accepted Urology, nephrology Urologija, nefrologija discipline Case report Klinični primer article-type Emphysematous pyelonephritis and sepsis in a diabetic female patient caused by extend- ed-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli – case report Emfizematozni pielonefritis in sepsa pri sladkorni bolnici, povzročena z Escherichia coli s podal- jšanim spektrom beta-laktamaze – prikaz primera article-title Emphysematous pyelonephritis and sepsis in a diabetic female patient caused by extend- ed-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli Emfizematozni pielonefritis in sepsa pri sladkorni bolnici, povzročena z Escherichia coli s podal- jšanim spektrom beta-laktamaze alt-title pyelonephritis, sepsis, diabetes mellitus, Esch- erichia coli, acute kidney injury pielonefritis, sepsa, sladkorna bolezen, Escherich- ia coli, akutna poškodba ledvic kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2023 92 7 8 320 326 name surname aff email Vlatko Karanfilovski 1,2 vlatko1994@live.com name surname aff Pavlina Dzekova Vidimliski 1,2 Olivera Gjeorgjieva Janev 3 Nikola Gjorgjievski 1,2 Svetlana Pavleska Kuzmanoska 1,2 Irena Rambabova-Bushljetik 1,2 Zvezdana Petronijevic 1,2 Gjulsen Selim 1,2 Biljana Gerasimovska 1,2 eng slo aff-id University Clinic of Nephrology, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia University Clinic of Nephrology, Skopje, Republika Severna Makedonija 1 Medical Faculty Skopje, Un. Ss Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia Medical Faculty Skopje, Un. Ss Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republika Severna Makedonija 2 University Clinic of Rheumatology, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia University Clinic of Rheumatology, Skopje, Republika Severna Makedonija 3 Slovenian Medical Journallovenian Medical Journal 321 CASE REPORT Emphysematous pyelonephritis and sepsis in a diabetic female patient 1 Introduction Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is a rare, life-threatening, acute necrotizing infection of the renal parenchyma and perirenal tissues caused by gas-forming uropathogens (1,2). Kelly H. and MacCal- lum reported the first case of EPN in 1898. Since then, all the following cases have been described mostly as single case reports, predominantly in female patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus or obstruction of the urinary tract (3). Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia were the most common causative patho- gens isolated in up to 90% of the reported cases (4). EPN was mainly unilateral, with predominant left side involvement (60%) (1-4). The symptoms of EPN were nonspecific, and more than 70% of cases presented with the classic triad of upper urinary tract infections (fever, flank pain, and pyuria) (1,2,4). In patients presenting with sepsis, sep- tic shock, thrombocytopenia, altered consciousness, and acute kidney injury (AKI), EPN might have a ful- minant course leading to death in 54.4% of the cases, despite the aggressive therapy (5,6). The management of patients with EPN consists of fluid resuscitation, antibiotics, consistent blood sug- ar control, surgical or percutaneous drainage (PCD), and/or nephrectomy (3-5). There is no well-defined al- gorithm for management and treatment (conservative vs. PCD vs. nephrectomy). The treatment is guided by individual experience, severity of clinical presentation, risk factors, and evolution of the clinical symptoms (4). We report a case of left-side EPN in a diabetic fe- male caused by ESBL-producing Escherichia coli, who presented with sepsis and AKI with a need for hemo- dialysis treatment. Izvleček Emfizematozni pielonefritis (EPN) je redka, huda, spontana plinska okužba ledvičnega parenhima in njegove okolice. EPN smo odkrili pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo. Pri 49-letni ženski s sladkorno boleznijo tipa I so se pojavili huda trombocito- penija, akutna okvara ledvic (AKL) in je potrebovala hemodializno zdravljenje. Testi so pokazali oslabljeno delovanje jeter, z aktivnim urinskim sedimentom, kar je kazalo na hudo okužbo zgornjih sečil s sumom na sepso. Računalniška tomografija trebuha s kontrastom je pokazala številne zgostitve zraka v ledvičnem parenhimu in perirenalnih predelih, kar je kazalo na levostranski EPN. Kulture krvi in urina so pokazale rast Escherichia coli z razširjenim spektrom beta-laktamaze (ESBL). Končna diagnoza je bila emfizematozni pielonefritis, ki ga je spremljal zaplet s hudo sepso in AKI. Bolnico so zdravili kon- zervativno z antibiotiki širokega spektra, tekočinskim oživljanjem, doslednim nadzorom krvnega sladkorja in hemodializo. Zaradi začetnega kliničnega odziva na zdravljenje z antibiotiki so bile perkutane drenažne tehnike (PCD) in nefrektomija odložene. Vendar je pri bolnici prišlo do nenadnega kliničnega poslabšanja in je umrla le nekaj ur po postavljeni diagnozi. Na željo bolničine družine obdukcija ni bila opravljena. Pri slabo nadzorovanih sladkornih bolnikih z okužbo sečil je treba takoj posumiti na EPN ter jo nemudoma prepoznati in agresivno zdraviti. Pri bolnikih z več dejavniki tveganja je bila umr- ljivost kljub pravočasni diagnozi in kombiniranemu (konzervativnemu in kirurškemu) zdravljenju visoka. 2 Case presentation A 49-year-old female was admitted to our hospital with high inflammatory parameters, suspected sep- sis, severe thrombocytopenia, high fibrin degradation products, and acute kidney injury. The symptoms had started three days before admission, with high fever (up to 39°C), vomiting, diarrhoea, dysuria, and left flank pain. In the next few days, the clinical picture rapidly deteriorated with spontaneous bleeding from the mouth, dyspnoea, and oliguria. The patient had a medical history of poorly controlled type I diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary artery disease with PCI stenting (July 2022), surgically treated endometri- al carcinoma (year 2005), and frequent cutaneous sup- purative infections, treated with antibiotics. On phys- ical examination, the patient was febrile (38°C), with heart rate of 105 beats per minute, blood pressure of 110/65 mmHg, normal oxygen saturation, with slight petechial bleeding on the lower extremities, and pain in the left flank region on percussion. The laboratory investigations on admission showed high procalcitonin and C-reactive protein (CRP) lev- els with anaemia, severe thrombocytopenia, and high fibrin degradation products but normal haemostat- ic parameters. Urine analysis showed excess white blood cells (WBC) with nitrites and bacteria. The test for SARS-CoV-2 infection was negative. The patient had slightly impaired liver function tests with mixed hyperbilirubinaemia and high lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) of 1022 U/L (normal <248 U/L) (Table 1). Urgent abdominal ultrasound reported a slightly en- larged left kidney with increased parenchymal echoge- nicity and two small calculi in the left kidney with no hydronephrosis. The patient was diagnosed with acute 322 UROLOGY, NEPHROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | July – August 2023 | Volume 92 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3413 pyelonephritis, sepsis, and/or suspected disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The empirical double parenteral antibiotic treatment with ceftriaxon and ci- profloxacine was started immediately. On hospital day 2, the patient was treated with ur- gent hemodialysis due to oliguria and continuous rise of serum creatinine levels, with temporary clinical im- provement. The contrast-enhanced CT scan of the ab- domen reported an enlarged left kidney with multiple areas of air density in renal parenchyma and perirenal regions, suggestive of left-sided emphysematous pyelo- nephritis (Figure 1). The right kidney had normal CT findings. The peripheral blood smear revealed predom- inant neutrophilia (86%) with toxic granulations and rarely fragmented erythrocytes. After 24 hours, blood and urine cultures reported growth of resistant Esch- erichia coli (ESBL positive). Coproculture for Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli was negative. Direct and indirect Coombs test and serological identification for atypical pulmonary pathogens (pneumoslide) were negative. The final diagnosis of emphysematous pyelo- nephritis complicated with severe sepsis and AKI was established. The empirical double parenteral antibiotic treatment was changed to the intravenous application of carbapenems (meropenem 500 mg IV q8hr). A mul- tidisciplinary team consisting of a nephrologist, an in- fectologist, and a urologist decided on conservative pa- tient management because of the initial good clinical response with decreased serum procalcitonin levels. However, the patient experienced sudden clinical de- terioration with hypotension, bradycardia, respirato- ry insufficiency, and acute neurological suffering. The patient died only a few hours after the diagnosis was set. An autopsy was not performed upon the patient’s family’s request. 3 Discussion Emphysematous pyelonephritis is characterized by spontaneous gas-forming infection of the renal parenchyma and the surrounding areas (1,2). The ex- act pathogenesis and mechanisms of gas production in EPN are still unknown. The majority of published cases emphasized the presence of high tissue glucose in patients with poorly controlled diabetes as an ex- cellent microenvironment for severe infection and Classification On admission 2nd day Referent values On admission 2nd day Referent values White blood cells (x109/L) 5.4 11.1 4.0-9.0 Serum aspartate aminotransferase (U/L) 50 67 10-34 Lymphocytes (%) 10.9 10.5 15-50 Serum alkaline phosphatase (U/L) 81 101 36-126 Neutrophils (%) 85.6 85.6 35-80 Serum alanine aminotransferase (U/L) 18 23 10-45 Procalcitonin (ng/ml) 50.21 27 < 0.5 Total bilirubin (µmol/l) 65 111 < 20.6 C-reactive protein mg/L 358 411 < 6 Direct bilirubin (µmol/l) 33.7 73.2 < 6.6 Hemoglobin (g/L) 91 88 120-180 Serum glucose (mmol/l) 14.58 10.38 3.5-6.1 Platelet count (x109/L) 25 37 150-450 Serum creatinine (µmol/l) 326 45-109 Albumin g/L 33 34 35-50 Fibrinogen (g/L) 8.2 2.0-4.0 Serum lactate dehydrogenase (U/L) 1022 1464 < 248 D-dimer (ng/ml) 6791 9273 0-500 Serum creatine kinase (U/L) 73 419 24-173 Table 1: Laboratory analyses on admission and on the second day of the hospitalization of the patient. 323 CASE REPORT Emphysematous pyelonephritis and sepsis in a diabetic female patient growth of enteric gram-negative bacteria (E. Coli, Pro- teus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae) and fungi (Can- dida albicans) (7). The mentioned microorganisms obtain energy through the fermentation of glucose via the glycolytic pathway. The overgrowth of micro- organisms leads to glucose metabolizing with massive production and accumulation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen in tissues, with consecutive infarction and further renal parenchyma damage (5,7). The presence of diabetic microangiopathy also impairs the clearance of these metabolic waste products and promotes vas- cular thrombosis and tissue inflammation. In cases of urinary tract obstruction, compromised renal circu- lation due to an increased intrapelvicalyceal pressure leads to poor tissue perfusion that favours the growth of gas-producing bacteria and failure of the antibacte- rial therapy (7). The clinical manifestation of EPN tends to be non-specific and similar to the clinical presentations of classic upper urinary tract infections (uncompli- cated acute pyelonephritis). Thrombocytopenia, AKI, altered consciousness, sepsis, and septic shock with high mortality were present in cases caused by mul- tidrug-resistant bacteria (e.g., extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing bacteria) and/or patients with multiple risk factors (1-7). Diabetes, female gen- der, obstructive uropathy, and hypertension are well- known predisposing risk factors for the development of EPN and were found in more than 96% of all di- agnosed cases. Immunocompromising diseases, such as tuberculosis, alcohol and drug abuse, neurogenic bladder, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, were often present among non-diabetic EPN patients (2). Rarely, EPN might also be seen in patients with Figure 1: The contrast enhanced CT scan of the abdomen. Image is showing enlarged left kidney with multiple areas of air density in renal parenchyma, and perirenal regions, suggestive for left-sided emphysematous pyelonephritis: red arrow on image A and B – axial view and image C and D – coronal view. Image is from authors’ own archive. 324 UROLOGY, NEPHROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | July – August 2023 | Volume 92 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3413 autoimmune liver cirrhosis, hepatitis B infection, and hepatocellular carcinoma (8). Our patient presented with severe thrombocyto- penia, spontaneous mouth bleeding, anaemia, acute kidney injury, impaired liver function tests with mixed hyperbilirubinaemia, high LDH, and CRP levels, and active urine sediment, which indicated a severe up- per urinary tract infection with sepsis. The absence of fragmented erythrocytes in peripheral blood smear and normal haemostatic parameters excluded the dis- seminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) diagnosis. A fulminant course of the upper urinary tract infec- tion in a high-risk diabetic female accompanied with no response to dual empyrical antibiotic treatment raised the suspicion of sepsis with ESBL-producing Escherichia coli. The patient’s initial antibiotic therapy was changed to an intravenous application of carbap- enems. ESBL-producing bacteria were responsible for 6.3% to 37.8% of cases with acute pyelonephritis (APN) (9). Park et al. identified acute pyelonephritis with ES- BL-producing bacteria as an independent prognostic factor for sepsis, septic shock, and poor treatment outcome (9). Almost one-third (31.7%) of EPN cases were caused by ESBL-producing bacteria (10). The ES- BL-positive E. coli and ESBL-positive Klebsiella spp. were the most frequently isolated strains (22.2% and 9.5%, respectively) (9). Highly virulent strains of ESBL positive E.coli, such as a special CTX-M-15-positive ST131 clonal group, have very high antibiotic resis- tance and were associated with emphysematous pyelo- nephritis with a fulminant course (10). Counterintui- tively, no significant association of ESBL infection was found with the patient’s admission to the intensive care unit or with increased mortality (11). Prompt radiological diagnosis is vital for patients with EPN as early recognition could expedite the med- ical treatment, potentially avoiding more invasive in- terventions, including nephrectomy. The abdominal ultrasound in EPN typically shows echogenic foci in the kidney with posterior “dirty shadowing” caused by a reverberation artifact from the air. However, in se- vere cases, as in our patient, the significant amount of air might completely obscure the kidney and make ul- trasound differentiation from surrounding bowel gas even impossible (12). Hence, CT is often necessary to make an accurate diagnosis of EPN. To avoid de- lay in diagnosis, Kone et al. proposed that a CT scan should be performed in all diabetic patients who have unexplained fever and systemic symptoms (13). CT provided better visualization and precise assessment of the amount of gas, the degree of renal parenchymal destruction, the presence of fluid collections, focal ne- crosis, and abscess (14). According to CT scan findings, Huang and Tseng et al. classified patients with EPN in- to the following classes: Class 1: gas in the collecting system only; Class 2: gas in the renal parenchyma with- out extension to the extrarenal space; Class 3A: exten- sion of gas or abscess to the perinephric space; Class 3B: extension of gas or abscess to the pararenal space; and Class 4: bilateral EPN or solitary kidney with EPN (14). The severity of the process increases with each class, with Class 4 representing the worst form of EPN. This classification has an important predictive value for patients’ outcome and is part of all prognostic scor- ing systems. Recently, Jain et al. proposed a prognostic scoring based on several adverse factors: age (>50 years), num- ber of comorbidities (>2), leukocytosis, body mass index - BMI (> 30 kg/m2 or < 18 kg/m2), thrombo- cytopenia, serum creatinine levels (> 265 µmol/l), hy- poalbuminaemia, Huang class II or III, hyponatremia, and multidrug resistance (4). The patients are further classified into three groups: good-risk group (0-4 ad- verse factors), intermediate-risk group (5-7 adverse factors), and poor-risk group (8-10 adverse factors) (4). Based on the mentioned prognostic scoring model for risk stratification of these patients, the same authors developed an algorithm for managing patients with EPN. Prompt fluid resuscitation, wide-spectrum anti- biotics, and consistent blood sugar control are corner- stones for effective treatment. Percutaneous drainage (PCD) and/or early or late nephrectomy is reserved for selected cases with initial conservative treatment fail- ure (1,2,4,15). In the mentioned study, patients in the good-risk group were managed with antibiotics, fol- lowed by double J (DJ) stenting in case of a document- ed obstruction or percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) if needed after stabilization. Percutaneous drainage was required in intermediate and poor-risk groups of pa- tients with at least > 3 cm renal parenchymal collection (4). Early nephrectomy (EN) was reserved only for non-responders to other treatments. Treated with this algorithm for EPN management, patients in the good- risk group showed no mortality, and only one patient needed surgical treatment. From the intermediate-risk group, 14 patients (66.6%) were salvaged with PCD, and 3 (14.2%) survived after EN, with an overall mor- tality rate of 19%. All three patients (100%) from the poor-risk group have died (4). Despite the morbidity and mortality of EPN, there are still conflicting reports regarding the most appro- priate management. Over the years, the treatment of 325 CASE REPORT Emphysematous pyelonephritis and sepsis in a diabetic female patient References 1. Ubee SS, McGlynn L, Fordham M. Emphysematous pyelonephritis. BJU Int. 2011;107(9):1474-8. DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2010.09660.x PMID: 20840327 2. Wu SY, Yang SS, Chang SJ, Hsu CK. Emphysematous pyelonephritis: classification, management, and prognosis. Tzu-Chi Med J. 2022;34(3):297-302. DOI: 10.4103/tcmj.tcmj_257_21 PMID: 35912050 3. Kelly HA, MacCallum WG. PNEUMATURIA. J Am Med Assoc. 1898;XXXI(8):375-81. DOI: 10.1001/jama.1898.92450080001001 4. Jain A, Manikandan R, Dorairajan LN, Sreenivasan SK, Bokka S. Emphysematous pyelonephritis: does a standard management algorithm and a prognosticscoring model optimize patient outcomes? Urol Ann. 2019;11(4):414-20. DOI: 10.4103/UA.UA_17_19 PMID: 31649464 5. Fernandez Felix DA, Madrigal Loria G, Sharma S, Ali M, Arias Morales CE. Emphysematous Pyelonephritis Complicated With Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State andSepsis: A Case Report and Literature Review. Cureus. 2022;14(5):e25498. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.25498 PMID: 35663692 EPN has evolved from early nephrectomy as a man- datory approach to less invasive kidney-sparing proce- dures (PCD). A recent systematic review of 210 patients with EPN demonstrated that the mortality from medi- cal management alone was 50%, medical management combined with emergency nephrectomy was 25%, and medical management combined with percutaneous drainage was 13.5%. The mortality was significantly lower in patients undergoing PCD compared to other treatments (Pearson chi-square p <0.001), and only a small number of patients treated by this approach un- derwent delayed elective nephrectomy (16). Similar results were also obtained by other authors (17,18). However, some studies, usually with a small number of patients, still recommended aggressive therapy due to the potentially life-threatening nature of the disease, favouring early nephrectomy (19). According to the mentioned prognostic system, our patient was in the high-intermediate-risk group (7 ad- verse risk factors) with a 3A class on Huang and Tseng radiological scale. A multidisciplinary team selected conservative medical therapy as an initial treatment of choice for our patient because of the good clinical response to the applied wide-spectrum antibiotics. Emergency nephrectomy might be a reasonable option in our case since there were no drainable collections on the initial radiological imaging suitable for PCD. How- ever, due to the growing number of studies favouring PCD as a golden standard for EPN management and the high risk of “on table dead”, our team suggest- ed a control CT scan and a new assessment of renal collections for PCD. The patient died suddenly, only a few hours after obtaining the diagnosis. 4 Conclusion Emphysematosus pyelonephritis should be highly suspected in poorly controlled diabetic patients with an upper urinary tract infection and should be prompt- ly recognized and aggressively treated. ESBL-produc- ing bacteria, especially Escherichia coli, might be the causative pathogen in a significant number of these patients. The patients should be promptly evaluated by CT scan and stratified according to their risk factors, which is a useful guideline for further management of these patients. Patients with multiple adverse risk fac- tors were associated with high mortality, despite the timely diagnosis and combined (conservative and sur- gical) treatment. Conflict of interest None declared. Inform consent of the relative of the patient The close relative of the patient gave informed con- sent for the publication of her case. 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