SIDRAN, Abdulah Abdulah Sidran, born in 1944 in Sarajevo, is a poet, prose writer and author of screen-plays. He studied at the Faculty for Arts in Sarajevo and edited journals and magazines for young people. Until the outbreak of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina he worked for Bosnian TV as "leading dramaturg". His best-known collections of poetry are Chess-base, 1970, Bone and Flesh, 1976, Sarajevan Collection, 1979, Sickness ofthe Soul, 1988, and Sarajevan Open Coffin, 1993. For his poetry he has received a number of important awards. For the Sarajevan Open Coffin he was awarded the exceptional Freedom Prize by the French P.E.N. Centre (previous vvinners were Solzhenitsvn, Saharov, Havel). Abdulah Sidran is one of the most important names in ex-Yugoslav cinematography (he is the author of screenplays for Do you Remember Dolly Bell? and Father is Away on a Business Trip, both directed by Emir Kusturica, and many others). He is a member ofthe Academy of Arts and Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and lives in Sarajevo. Abdulah Sidran, roden u Sarajevu 1944. godine, pjesnik, prozaik i filmski scenarist, pohadao Filozofski fakultet u Sarajevu i uredivao omladinske listove i časopise. Do početka rata u Bosni i Hercegovini bio zaposlen na TV BiH kao "vodeči dramaturg". Važniji pjesnički naslovi: šahbaza, 1970, Kost i meso, 1976, Sarajevska zbirka, 1979, Bolest od duše, 1988, Sarajevski tabut, 1993. Za svoje pjesničke knjige nagradivan najznačajnijim književnim priznanjima. Njegova knjiga Sarajevski tabut nagradena je izuzetnim priznanjem, "Nagradom slobode", francuskog PEN - centra (prethodni laureati Solženjicin, Saharov, Havel). Jedan je od najznačajnijih filmskih autora (scenarista) u eks-jugosla-venskoj kinematografiji (Sječaš ti se Doli Bell, Otac na službenom putu, itd.). Član je Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine. Živi u Sarajevu. Sodobnost 2001 I 332 ABDULAH SIDRAN Why Venice Sinks To Peter Weir I look at the sky above Venice. Nothing has changed for the last seven billion years. Above, there is God. He created the Universe, and in this Universe seven billion worlds, in each world countless peoples, a multitude of languages, and one, only one - Venice. Nations he created different, whispering into their ears: "Now get to know each other." He gave them many languages to learn from one another, to know each other through them, and this has made everybody richer and better. Venice he gave us, like the birds and the fish, so that people and nations would believe in Him - marvelling at His works. / I look at the sky above Venice. Above, and everywhere, there is - God. One and only. Who created the Universe, seven billion worlds in the Universe, in each world many nations and languages, and one Venice. And one little nation, in one of the worlds, on a piece of land called Europe, in the flame of Southern Slavs. Here there is Border. Bosnia, Bosnia, Bosnia. They touch you, and beat you, Eastern cross and Western cross, born from one Cross. But the Bosnian nation is gentle. Thatfs why it accepts the hand of the Third Faith: in One God, Who is not born, nor has given birth, yet is the Master of the worlds and the Ruler of Judgment Day. Sodobnost 2001 I 333 Abdulah Sidran I look at the sky above Venice. Earthly masters have decided that the Bosnian nation - does not exist. Venice sinks. Europe sinks. The cradle sinks, and with it the baby. Continents sink. The rose in a vase made of murano glass sinks. Murano sinks. The hotel room sinks, and The Society ofDead Poets. Why shouldn't there be in the world the Bosnian nation? Among colours - one colour, among smells - one smeli less? Why shouldn't there be in the world - this Venice? Among many wonders - one wonder less? I look at the sky, above the Earthly world. One star, in a long are, is vanishing into the fathomless Universe. As if falling into the middle of Canal Grande. The Earthly world, one of the seven billion cosmic worlds, wants to remain poorer for one whole nation. Such is the will of earthly masters. In the Universe, then, one star is falling. That is why Venice sinks. The Universe will be poorer - for one whole world. Such is the will of the Masters of the worlds. Such is the will of the Ruler of Judgement Day. (Venice /Sarajevo, August / September 1993) Translated by Evald Flisar Sodobnost 2001 I 334 Abdulah Sidran Planet Sarajevo (an accompaniment to Schubert string auartet "Death and the Maiden") Listen to the breathing of Planet Sarajevo Listen to the Girl crving: "Death, don't take me along!" How many times have we whispered in tears our ardent pravers for peace? But Death cares not for the girl's tears, Death cares not for the human pravers. Listen to the breathing of Planet Sarajevo Observe howfull of bloom Planet Sarajevo is. Can you hear the blood rushing inexorably through its veins? People go - to have their teeth filled. Sodobnost 2001 I 335 Abdulah Sidran People go - to take children for a haircut. People go - and buy newspapers. The one over there breeds pigeons! This one, here, cannot live without crossword puzzles. See how people move along carried away with work! See howall ofthem have aged overnight! What has made them, ali of them, suddenh/ - so beautiful? On Planet Sarajevo I saw a man - smoking a pipe - and rushing by!... On Planet Sarajevo I saw a man eating - and crying! I saw a little girl, on Planet Sarajevo, in the park which was not picking flowers which were - not! Death is a thorough reaper, in vain the ghTs tears, in vain every prayer for peace! In the universe - it's name is Bosnia - a little girl, Sodobnost 2001 I 336 Abdulah Sidran with the hand she has not, picking the flowers which are not! This is not war - in a war, there are flowers everywhere -this is the Struggle from the Beginning ofTime! In it, two principles are fighting - from the Beginning ofTime to the Judgement Day - the principle of Good and the principle of Evil! Let there never be an end to the struggle between Good and Evil! Should Good disappear from this Earth Should the Girl kiss the hand of Death the Reaper? Don't you hear her crving: "Death, please don't take me along!"? Don't cry, my girl, don't cry, my beautiful daughter! Never, never will there be an end to the struggle between Good and Evil. (Sarajevo, 1 Februarj 1994) Translated by Bili Tribe Sodobnost 2001 I 337 ABDGLAH SIDRAN Zašto tone Venecija Piteru Viru Gledam u nebo iznad Venecije. Nista se promijenilo nije, posljednjih sedam miljardi godina. Gore, ima Bog. On stvorio je Svemir, u Svemiru sedam milijardi svjetova, u svakom svijetu bezbroj naroda, mnoštvo jezika, i po jednu, jednu - Veneciju. Narode stvorio različitim, na uho im šapnuo: "Sada upoznajite jedni druge." Sijaset jezika dao, da ih uče, jedni od drugih, kroz jezike da se upoznaju, i svi, od toga - bivaju bogatiji, i bolji. Veneciju dao, kao ticu i ribu sto je dao, da ljudi i narodi vjeruju u Njega - čudeči se Njegovim djelima. Gledam u nebo iznad Venecije. Gore, i posvuda, jeste - Bog. Jedan. Sto stvorio je Svemir, sedam milijardi svjetova u Svemiru, u svakom svijetu puno jezika i naroda, i po jednu Veneciju. I jedan malehni narod dao, u jednome svijetu, na kopnu sto ga zovu Evropom, u plamenu Južnih Slavena. Tu je Granica. Bosna. Bosna. Bosna. Dodiruju se tu, i tuku, Istočni križ i Zapadni križ, od jednog Križa nastali. A bošnjački narod je pitom. Zato prihvati raku Treče Vjere: u Jednog Boga, Koji nije roden, niti je rodio, a Gospodar je svjetova, i Vladar Sudnjega Dana. Sodobnost 2001 I 338 Abdulah Sidran Gledam u nebo iznad Venecije. Zemaljski su gospodari namjerili da bošnjačkog naroda - nema. Venecija tone. Evropa tone. Tone kolijevka, i dijete u kolijevci tone. Tonu kontinenti. Tone ruža u važni od stakla murano. Tone Murano. Hotelska soba tone i Društvo mrtvih pjesnika tone. Zašto ne treba na svijetu da ima naroda bošnjačkog? Medu bojama - jedna boja, medu mirisima - jedan miriš manje? Zašto ne treba svijetu da ima - ova Venecija? Medu čudima - jedno čudo manje? Gledam u nebo, iznad Zemaljskog svijeta. Jedna se zvijezda, u dugome luku, ruši u bezdan Svemira. Kao da pade - posred Kanala Grande. Zemaljski svijet, medu sedam milijardi vasionskih svjetova, hoče da ostane siromašniji za cio jedan narod. Takva je volja zemaljskih gospodara. U Svemiru, tada, jedna zvijezda pada. Zato tone Venecija. Svemir bude siromašniji - za cio jedan svijet. Takva je volja Gospodara svjetova. Takva je volja Vladara Sudnjega Dana. (Venecija /Sarajevo, avgust /septembar 1993.) Planeta Sarajevo (Uz Subertov gudački kvartet "Smrt i djevojka") Poslušajte * kako diše Planeta - Sarajevo. Poslušajte kako plače Djevojka: "Smrti, nemoj me uzeti!" Koliko smo puta plačuči kazivali naše žarke molitve za mir? Sodobnost 2001 I 339 Abdulah Sidran Ne haje Smrt za djevojačkom suzom, ne haje Smrt za Ijudskom molitvom. Poslušajte kako diše Planeta Sarajevo. Pogledajte kako cvate Planeta Sarajevo! Čujete li kako njenim žilama krv neumitno kola? Ljudi, eno, idu -popravljaju zube. Ljudi, eno, idu -djecu vode na šišanje. Enu, ljudi idu -kupuju novine. Onaj, vidi, uzgaja golubove! Onaj, pogledaj ne može da živi -bez ukrštenih riječi. Vidi kako ljudi idu zaneseni poslom! Kako su samo prekonoč ostarjeli! Od čeg su se, tako naglo, svi od reda - proljepšali? Na Planeti Sarajevo, vidio sam čovjeka -puši lulu - i žuri! Sodobnost 2001 I 340 Abdulah Sidran Vidio sam, na Planeti Sarajevo, jedan čovjek jede - i plače! Vidio sam djevojčicu, na Planeti Sarajevo, u parku kojeg nema, bere cvijece kojeg - nema! Nije ovo rat - u ratu, posvuda, ima cvijeca - - ovo je Borba od Iskona! U njoj se biju dva načela - od Iskona do Sudnjeg dana -načelo Dobra i načelo Zla! Neka nikad ne prestane izmedu Zla i Dobra borba! Zar da nestane sa Svijeta Dobro? Zar da Djevojka u ruku ljubi Kosca Smrtonosca? Cujete li kako plače: "Smrti, nemoj me uzeti"? Ne plači, djevojko, ne drhti, kčeri njepa! Nikad i nikad prestati neče izmedu Zla i Dobra borba. (Sarajevo, 01. 02. 1994) Sodobnost 2001 I 341