, a»n r»w>n M M 'JJ ^*xnik0V* »obot, ae- » J-ilT «««P1 Satoidefv. PROSVETA Kutrrwi m Mcwnd-ciMa »t Chicha, lili nula. und*r oasilo slovenske narodne podporne jednote im im t ur Jtuuarjr U. IM), lh- ^t^ff^ ' ^ 5*-a=- •■ ■ ' ■■ --mes Uy Act Uf Coo«r^ uf M.fch1>7> Chicago, III., sreda, 15. avgusta (August 15), 1984. Urednilkl in upravntlkt proatort:| 'Mol S. Ltwndalo Avt. Office of Publication t South Lawndal« Ava. Telephons, Rockwoll 4W04 Sut Komentarji Lp- v naših naselbinah ^ ttpa8tU Chicago aa to-* ta« odpelješ v manjše ^ ^eli vidiš Šel«, da f* ni še »ikamor premak" fad^ morajo rojaki v pri krajih boriti z največjo £ Ko to vidiš na lastne rUo razumel, kako težko V imajo ' naša podporna Sva in naše delavske organu V splošnem v prizadetih JJbinah-in čuditi se moraš, U Ae obstoje IKnioio na primer naselbino wt na gornjem michigan-p polotoku. Stara naselbina. tfo naseljencev biva tamkaj J50 let. Tam je bil začetek Rtukega fraternalizma v A-pj prvo slovensko podpor-¿iištvo je bilo ustanovljeno hej naselbini. Mesto je ^¿U 40,000 prebivalcev, dar I jih ima komaj 20,000—veto» starcev in stark. Sloven-i naselbina je nekoč štela čez 100 oseb, krepkih mladih in feje starih ljudi; danes šte fuj 2000 — večinoma starin stark ter otrok. Mladina i drugam—'v Detroit, IMil-fce itd., čim odraste, [ij je vzrok propasti te najin? Kronična brezposelnost, ke ekonomske razmere. Bali rudniki niso več dobiČko-■ in zato počivajo. Včasi, ko lil Calumet na viAku prospe-le, je tamkaj delalo okrog KO rudarjev—danes pa dela do 300 družinskih očetov po ij dni na mesec. Večino rud-v io opustili za vselej in o-I se komaj gibljejo, liko tive ljudje? Na relifu. faivo je tole: v okraju Kee-iw so vsi prebivalci na re-lluti. Ves okraj živi od vlad-liioMine! V okraju Hough- Dunaj, 14. avg. — Štirje dunajski policaji, ki so se 26. julija udeležili hitlerjevskega napa da na kancelarjevo palačo in in-direktno povzročili Dollfussovo smrt, so bili včeraj obsojeni na smrt in obešeni tri ure po obscd-4a brez malega dve tretjini! bi S tem je število obešenih avr livalstva na relifu. k je gospodarska slika, ki se »aplicira na mnogo drugih «mrkih naselbin. Slika mize-. Ljudje so izgubili vsako u-je in nimajo več nobenih am-nobenega veselja za živ-je; čisto omrtveli so za vse. rje mogel, je že davno odšel, pa. ki so ostali—priklenjeni «oje domove, katerih noče Se kupiti—resignirano čakajo ti «ume se, da v takih razmeri mogoče misliti na kak toni napredek. V Calume-li okolici so tri društva SN-SO ta društva cvetela, je bilo veselje, danes pa še »j iivotarijo. Ni samo to, » morajo člani težko boriti, ®«gujejo asgsmente, tkoli-ftni na pasivni listi, temniti se morajo tudi z reak->«ni bila še nikdar tako za-'i predrzna kakor je da-' Kako s»* motijo oni radi-* kl mislijo, da težka kriza ^ljudi! Baš narobe je rea: tudi napredno misleca, utrdi pa reakcijo, ®¡* od nekdaj dobro bro-'T kalužah mizerije. Umiti* Klika se ne tiče le l "^ta. ('alumeta, temveč ■tornjega Michigana; o-PWnnHi rudnike j nižje " "'"'»nsinu je v enakem Prav tako lesna hidu-f. teh krajih «o na-kT* v t davi Ame-^Inanje je silno mrša- ***Mno' Edino ^ J^Hifna lista. Ko- ! w U vredna, lahko po- ^iir Mif i2kuHi,i io fcta*. piljenju municlje r * Nemčijo '•^iarton L- tki ,k Krr Jt IM'n«t- ^ ^M'HM-kavo municlj- ■aa, »ur |l * ■uV S Ute, w V ^ 'i »«awl" •r> trgovine prišel 1 številke tr-*rtmenta o poAi-' v Nemčijo ne-■ preiakavo sam. koliko muni-^ ,nJih treh letih lK»d raznimi m ,M, detel* ,ru- pri- anje«. " P»«M» Metlo« lid». 4M »I O*, t, m». Rezultat kampanje v juliju 1 oa Jaaa 14, 1911. ptton «4.00 ftTKV.—NUMBER 159 V petem mesecu kampanje prišlo 371 novih članov, skupaj v petih mesecih pa 1853 Meseca julija je jubilejna kampanja prinesla SNPJ 206 novih odras»h in 165 otrok v mladinski oddelek, sku-paj S7I novih članov ali okrog petdeset več kakor meseca junija. Skupaj v petih mesecih kampanje je prišlo 1008 novih članov v oddelek odraslih in 845 otrok v mladinski oddelek, skupaj 185S novih članov. V kampanji meseca julija se je ponovno najbolj odlikovalo drulitvo Reveliere št. 699, Ambridge, Pa., angleško poslujoče društvo, in na drugem mestu sta društvi št. 7 in 8, Claridge, Pa., M South Chicago, III., ki sta pridobili največ Članov za oddelek odraslih. Društvo 387, Traunik, Mich., je dobilo največ otrok za mladinski oddelek, namreč 31, društvo 323, Ironwood, Mich., pa 21 otrok. Vsa čast društvu Reveliers, ki že dva meseca nosi zastave v kampanji! Ker je to kampanja predvsem za mlade člane, > pravilno, da so angleško poslujoča društva v ospredju. Prav tako gre čast društvoma 387 tat 323 y Michiganu, kl ata privedli 52 otrok v SNPJ» In ti društvi sta v majhnima naselbinama, prvo na samih farmah! Dokaz je tu, da tiifll majhno droitvo v majhni naselbini lahko veliko doseže, če ima navdušene člana, kl se ne ustrašijo dela in agitacije. Katero društvo bo na prvem mestu v avgustu? Ali bodo Aa mladi Revelierji v Ambridgu, Pa.? Naprej* bratje In sestre! Na delo vsi, da SNPJ ostane ne le največja, temveč daleč največja slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki! Polovica kampanjske dobe je zaključena. Pred nami je še pet mesecev jubilejne kampanje. Dovolj je še časa, da popravite vaa-ko zamudo. Štirje nacijtkl policaji obišeni na Dunaju Pet drugih obsojenih v zapor. Drastične zaporne obsodbe v Gradcu in Celovcu strljskih rjavih fašistov do danes naraslo na osem. Dva druga policaja sta bila obsojena v dosmrtno ječo, dva na 20 let in e-den na 16 let zapora. Ob istem času so provinčna vojna sodišča obsodila dva naci-ja na deset let ječe v Welsu, e-nega na petnajst in drugega na deset let v Gradcu in enega na petnajst let v Celovcu. Dunajski listi poročajo, da je ameriško-nemška družba, ki o->ratuje manganeške rudnike pri Radentheinu na Štajerskem, financirala nacijski puč in mnogo njenih delavcev je sodelovalo v bojih. Več uradnikov te družbe je danes v zaporu. Berlin, 14. avg — Legija avstrijskih nacijev v Nemčiji, ki je štela 15,000 mož, je bila včeraj razpuščena. To so bili hitlerjev-ci iz Avstrije ki so pribežali na Bavarsko In se tam vojaško organizirali. Polovico legije je Hiter poslal na delovno fronto v Vzhodni Prusiji, ostale pa v IV meranijo in na mejo Danske. Voditelja legije, Alfred Frauen-feld in Theodor Habicht, sta pobegnila v Holandijo. Ameriški biznis v Kanadi naletel na nove ovire Ottawa, Kanada. Ce prodreta s svojo zahtevo Anglija in Avstralija, bodo morale ameriške firme v Kanadi rabiti v*aj 75%' kanadskega materiala in dela, če bodo hotele obdržati prednosti v mednarodni trgovini v okviru britske krone. Do zdaj je zadostovalo 507, kanadskega materiala in dela za eks-portne ugodnosti tujezemskih tvrdlc. Teh ugodnosti so se a-meriška ppdjetja v Kanadi bolj in bolj posluževala, ampak Anglija in Avstralija zdaj zahtevata 259? več "kanadstva" v a-meriškem blagu. DomHroMi Obiski razstave Chicago. — Cikaško razstavo in urad SNPJ so obiskali: Louis J. Kompare in Angela J. Kom pare, Ely, Minn. Novi grobovi Dillon, Mont. — Dne 4. avgusta je tu umrl Frank Mavc, star 68 let in doma iz Sodjega vrha pri Semiču v Beli Krajini. V A meriki je bival čez 40 let in tu zapušča enega sina. — Dalje ja umrl John Stefanič, star 28 let In rojen tu. Bil je muzfkant in zapušča tri brate in štiri sestre. Sheboygan, Wis. — Tu je u-mrla Antonija Krašek, stara 26 let. Pred pol letom ji je umrla mati, pred poldrugim letom p'a oče. V Iirinoisu zapušča strica in v stari domovini brata. V Ameriko je prišla pred cevetimi leti iz Štajerske. Nov grob v starem kraju Sheboygan, Wis. — Mary Li-pec, članica društva št. 344 SNPJ, je prejela žalostno vest, da je v Knežaku na Notranjskem umrl njen oče Anton Knafelc v starosti 82 let. V Ameriki zapušča tri sinove in eno hčer. Poroka Meadow I>ands, Pa. — Tu sta se zadnje dni poročila Jože Tomaž in in Ana Boben. Bilo srečno! Podržaja privedejo v Ameriko Dunaj, 14. avg. — Dunajska policija je bila obveščena da je RazrtdM vojna aa |»P čebule v Ohl« "FATHER" COX POSTAL NAVD0 SER FAŠIST Iz Evrope se je vrnil kot velik pristaš Hitlerja, Muasollnija in umorjenega Dollfussa. Za ameriškega diktatorja si je Izbral Roosevelta Oblasti izgnale 42 stavkariev in 25 otrok. Magnat! love otroke McGuffev, Oh Io. — č državna, vse drugo lastujejo poljedelske korporarije. Okrajne oblasti se do tega poročila še ni*o zmenile za izgnance—izgnal jih je šerif s svojimi pomočniki. Okrajni relifni direktor j* rekel, da je to stvar okrajnih komisarjev, namreč če ae ho če jo zavzeti za te žrtve ratred* nega izkoriščanja in boja. Tem bodo sledili tudi drugi. SUvkarji se skušajo boriti tudi na ameriška policija, ki prihaja po proti lastnikom na^ jj Ivana Podržaja. že na poti. Po-(sodišču. Prot, trem bo.nom > odpotovati držaj bo * moral New York enkrat prihodnji me- v bilo že izdano zaporno povelje radi ugrabitve otrok stavkarjev see. Njegova francoska žena ftu* Ugrabljeni - »»«I na en al. dru zana je izjavila, da pojde z njim gi način in poslani r* polje v" Ameriko. ike Pittsburgh. — Katoliški duhovnik "father" Cox, o katerem je pred par leti časopisje pisalo na prvih straneh radi njegovih versko-političnih eskapad med brezposelnimi, je zdaj zopet postal "novica". Iz Evrope, kjer je "študiral" politične in goapodar-ke razmere, ae je namreč vrnil let navdušen fašist, nacist in klerofašist. Svoj prvi govor je imel pred klubom Henryje Georgea v prostorih trgovske zbornice. V tem govoru, polnem kontradlkclj, Je pel ne le slavospeve Mussoliniju, Jlitlerju in po nacijih umorjenemu klerofašistu Dollfussu, nego je tudi propagiral diktaturo za Združene države in še posebej za Pittsburgh, kjer je bil pri zadnjih volitvah kot "progresivec" izvoljen za aaesorja. lamed vseh diktatorjev se mu je najbolj priljubil—Hitler, "ki je večji od Napoleona . . . "BU sem vedno za Žide, strokovne u-nije in za delavstvo — zdaj sem pa tudi za Hitlerja. On je bil prisiljen pobiti svoje nasprotnike, in s svojim umorom Roehma in Schleicherja se je izkazal za zmožnega voditelja — za moža akcije." Te beaede so mogoče nekoliko močne aa nekatere izmed tistih pristašev, ki so se pred par leti tako navduševali za "fathra" Coxa. Podobnih sentimentov je poln ves njegov govor. Rekel je tudi, da "biblija blagoslavlja vojno." In če pride do vojne sa mo med Francijo, "ki sovraži Ameriko", in Hitlerjevo (Nemči jo, je zmaga nemškega orožja zagotovljena vsled "velikega navdušenja" za krvok>čnega tirana med ljudstvom. O Avstriji pod klerofašistično diktaturo je "father" Cox rekel, da je "najbolj mirna deirla v Evropi." Ljudstvo, predvsem de lavstvo, je "Izredno zadovoljno." Tudi se ni vznemirjalo ob umoru Dollfuxsa. Na Dunaju je tako mirno, da lahko na cesti, kjer Je državna palača, "lahko vsak čas umoriš koga in umor Dollfussa je bil toliko ko nič." Tudi v Mussoliniji se cedi mle-od Dollfussom, ki je dal marca po-strelltl stotine «ociaila^čnib avcev, njih ojrok In žena, ti noče pa |K>slal v Ječe in koncentracijska taborišča, In čigar "umor ni bij nič," tako je tudi v Italiji "father" Oox opazil le "blagostanje in zadovoljstvo." O Hitlerju je rekel, da se bo kmalu pobotal z Aidi — "kakor se je s katoličani." Protentantovski duhovniki se itak "preveč vtikajo v politiko." Roosevelt bi bil po njegovem mnenju najbolj Idealen diktator, za Pittsburgh pa župan McNair. Slednji menda zato. ker je ob času generalne stavke v San Franciacu pozval mestne uslut-hence in druge delavce, naj odstopijo od unij in Ameriške de-lavske federacije. Pri zadrjih volitvah Je bil "fathei" "kl j za žlde, unije in delavstvo," proti McNairu, sedaj sta se pa že toliko pobratila, da ga "father" Coa hoče Imeti "za mestnega diktatorja." Grmel je proti ameriškim novinarjem, ki |>o4iljajo iz Evrope o Hitlerju neprijazna poročila. Ameriško časopisje ,e tudi pre-več naklonjeno Franciji, čeprav Francozi "sovražijo Ameriko". Ameriško »čeaopiaje M moralo biti na strani Hitlerja, "ki gradi Nemčijo." Vaekakor bo **fatb« r" Oix propagiral fašistično diktaturo tudi v Ameriki, "ker je to edini izhod ii krize." Proslave 30 letnice S, N. P. J. SUdeto federacij* In društva SNPJ to dotlšj ntunaniU tvoje proslav* tridesetletnice naše jednote. V«s proslave federacij in ved društev t hupa j bodo imele bogat program M govornike is gl odbora SNPJ: DRUŠTVA 10, 131, 177, 153, X67, 555, 863 in 630 SNPJ, Kock Springs, Wyo„ 18. in 19. avgusta. DRUŠTVA It, S3 in 639 SNPJ, Murray, Utah, »6. avgusta. FEDERACIJA društev SNPJ v severni Cali/omiji v Sem Franeiteu v eeptembru. DRUŠTVA 107, 659 in 679 SNPJ, St. Louit, Mo., piknik t. septembra. DRUŠTVO 667, Cleveland, O., piknik na Xornovi farmi dne S. septembra. DRUŠTVA 39, 131, 370 in 631 SNPJ, Chioago, lil., 3. sept, Ijxbor day, v Pileen parku, f 6. ulica, bluu Kedsie avt. DRUŠTVO 5t SNPJ, Broughton, Pa., i. sept. (Labor day). DRUŠTVO 7 SNPJ, Claridgt, Pa., piknik $. sept. DRUŠTVO 393 SNPJ Avtlla, Pa. (obenem 19-letniea drw a), 3. sept. DRUŠTVI 203 in 517 SNPJ, Bishop, Pa. (obtntm 30-lttniea ruAtva 903) 3. septembra. DRUŠTVI št. 463 in št. 615 SNPJ, Lot Angtlet, Calif., « scptemtruT~ FEDERAC1JA društev SNPJ v srednjem Illinois* v Spring* fieldu, U. oktobra. DRUŠTVO UM SNPJ, Pittsburgh, Pa. (hkrati tvojo 35 1st. nico) t banketom, in plesom 37. oktobra. DRUŠTVO 19, West Mineral, Kans., 33. oktobra. DRUŠTVO 88 i§NPJ, Moon Run, Pa., 39. novembra. Rasal odvatulki protesti- rajo proti failzmu Zahtevajo civilne svobodščlne aa vse enako, radikales In servatlvce New York. — (FP) — »kupi-na 26 najodličnejših ameriških odvetnikov obaoja v posebni izjavi divjanje vigilantov in oblasti v Califomlji, kjer ae kratijo pravice in civilne svobodščlne ne ie komunistom, nego tudi drugim delavskim organizacijam. "Kot ameriški odvetniki, kl verujemo v ustavo, protestiramo proti kršitvi v ustavi zajamčenih pravic do svobode Mitičnih vesti In civilnih avobodščin in proti nepoatavnim aretacijam". Namesto da bi bila |>oli-cija aretirala vigilante, o katerih Je vedela, da planirajo vpade v delavske klube, se je z njimi vred spravila nad "rdačkar-je". Postopala je |K>vaem Izven zakona, oziroma je kriva kršitve zakona in ustave, pravijo odvetniki. Kritizirajo tudi. župana Rossi ju v San Franciacu, kl Je zagrozil, da bo izgnal iz mesta vse politične nasprotnike. Izjavo so pod pisali med drugimi profesor Zacharlah Chafee Harvards, Henry T. Hunt, pravdni svetovalec PWA, profesor Jerome Michal s ColumblJe, bivši zvezni sodnik C. F. Ami-don, James F. Mlnturn, član (v pokoju) državnega vrhovnega sodišča New Jerseyja, Clarence lWrow, Morris Ernst, Arthur Garfield Hays In A. L, Wlrin »si civil Liberties unij«, Roosavalt obnovi 0WA7 Šestnajst milijonov oseb Aa vedno aa relifu Oče in Coughlln prodal srebro profitIral $12.000 Detroit, Mich. — Rev. Chas. E. Cough lin, župnik katoliške fare sv Teratlje male rollce, znani radijski pridigar, Je zadnje dni priznal, da je prodal vso avojo zalogo srebra še pi4«dno je vlada nacionalizirala srebro in naredil je $12,(HM) dobička. Neldo je poročal, da dobiček znsša $120,000, toda župnik to zanika. Coughlln Je v svojih radijskih ^ JfU7kl Washlngton, D. C. — Tu poročajo, da bo Roosevelt prihodnjo jeaen prisiljen obnoviti CW1A ali administracijo za civilna dela. Se več, vlada pripravlja program za uposlevanje brezposelnih delavcev v počlvajočih tovarnah, v katerih bodo proiava-Jali material za civilna dela. Unako jaaen in aimo je bilo štiri milijone delavoev uposlenlh pri CWA aa stroške federalna vlade. Ameriška delavska federacija poroča, da Je še vedno deaet milijonov delavcev brez dela, toda vladni krogi to zanikajo ln pravi* jo, da brez|>oselnih danes ni več ko sedem milijonov. Uradniki da-lavake federacije vztrajajo pri svojem poročilu, Da Je resnica prej na strani federacije, dokazujejo ra-llfne list« )n> deželi. Kakor Je razvidno iz uradnih imdatkov, je danes šestnajst milijonov o> seh, kl prejemajo direktni rellf in poleg tega Je 1100,000 delavcev pri rellfnih delih. Federalna vlada potroši |s>vprečno HA milijonov dolarjev tedenako za razne relife. Strašna suša, kl Je obu-Isižala na milijone farmarjev, Je silno pomnožila izdatke vladnih rellfnUi fondov. Nova Japoaoko-sovjatska kriza v Maadiurijl Jap«siri aretirali .10 Rusov Ifarhinu Sanghaj, 14. avg, — Ruako-Japonska kri/a je jionovno vzplamtela v Mandžuriji, ko so bila zadnji dni ustavljena pogajanj* okoli vzhodne kitajske ts-leanloe. Včeraj Je prišla v»st, da ao mandžurskl oblastniki a pomočjo japonskih milltarlatov aretirali trideset sovjetskih dr-v Harhinu, med temi .... . . . , ,ruakih uradnikov kitajske prWlgah vneto priporočal naclo-l^^ ArHarije so bUe izvr- nadziranje sreha — med tem je pa kupil za $20.000 srebrne ko-vine in jo držal toliko časa, da je pofko^ila cena Krvavi iagredi na Irske« Cork, Irska. 14. avg. — Eden farmar je bil včeraj ubit ln o- šene pod pretvezo, da ao mand-žurske oblasti "odkrile zaroto zoper življenja visokih japonakih in mandftukuških uradnikov". Vzroki, zakaj so prenehala pogajanja med sovjttti In Japonci za prodajo vzh'sln* kitajske šs* krili drugačno lic« in zdaj dere aovitih vodopsdov v reki Nisga-.vsč %ed« na ameriško stran reke. DRUŠTVENE VESTI Neka) o slavje in drugih rečeh No. Chicago. III. — Dne 29. >ullj» »e je vriil piknik treh tukajšnjih druitev SNPJ _ 14, IHTI» 6« -ki »kupno štejejo &70 članov v odra-alem oddelku. Vršil se je v proslavo jednotinegs jubileja in za propagando na cd nato mladino in ravno te ai bilo ob času, ko je nastopil br. Kred A. Vider. Govoril je v angleščini in je dobro rsztolmačil v svojem kratkem govoru j>omen in na-oien SNI'J. Le da dotičnih, katerim j« bil govor namenjen, ni öilo navzočih. Kaj je pravi vzrok temu? Vatopnine ni bilo, tudi ni šlo za dobiček, da bi kdo denar trošil, ako j« /arij v HtiKki ali če ga noče. Glavno je bilo, da bi slišali govornika. Tako je (ta izgledalo kakor nekakino naaproUtvo napram druitvu Sloga it. 14. Dani je bil namen dober in odkritosrčen, da bi *e mladinsko angleško poslujoče društvo pridobilo za boljic spoznavanje, zanimanje in a-gitacijo HNI'J, se v polni meri ni u-»pelo. Ker pa je bilo zvečer veliko mladine navzoče, je pripisati največ vzroka temu, da je bilo premalo pojasnjen namen prireditve od atrani odbora in staršev samih. Prišel bo čaa, ko s« boste začeli bolj zanimati za SNPJ, samo če ne bo ie prepozno. Posebno se to tiče mladine. Na proili seji društva Sloga it. 14 SNPJ je bilo sklenjeno, da napravimo za jezerom, kakor lani, malo zabave, na večer 18. avgusta. Pri tem si bomo ohladili naše zadnje razočaranje s svojo kapljico in prigrizkom ob luninem svitu. To v*e bo za malo prostovoljno odikodnino. Na programu bo tudi petje o jezerih in luni. Vsi ste vabljeni! Čim več nas bo, toliko več bo petja in zabave, kajti pripravljeno bo za vse, kdor bo navzoč, Dne 4. julija ai je končal ftivljenje (v»aj okoličine tako kažejo) član na-iega društva Anton Umek, doma od Nabrežine na Primorskem. Dobili ao ga zjutraj v stranski ulici, ki je oddaljena od njegovega stanovanja kakih tisoč korakov, mrtvega t revolverjem polt*g njega. Kaj ga je gnalo v smrt, se ne more natančno vedeti. Nekaj časa je tožil, da ni zdrav in bil je nervozen. Bolezen in pomanjkanje spravita človeka v obup. Pogreb ae j« vršil dne 0. julija po obredih SNPJ. Zapušča ženo Mary in tri nedoraslo otroke, kateri se iakreno zahvaljujejo vsem, ki so darovali pokojnemu vencc in nudili pomoč, tako tudi vsem trem društvom za venec in udeležbo pri pogrebu, SNPJ pa za hitro in točno izplačitev njegove posmrtnim;. John Artach, tajnik. K proslavi v Wyomingu R«k Springs, o. — fte nekuj o proalavi 80-letnice SNPJ, ki sc bo vršila dne 1«. in 19. avgusta in ki jo prirejajo jednotina društva v zapad-nem koncu Wyominga. Za soboto večer dne 18. avgusta, bo vstopnina za moške 2Ac, za tenske pa 10c. V nedeljo, 19. avgusta, bo vatpnina prosta na piknik. Program bo sledeči: deklamacija, igra in govori. Naatopi kot glavni govornik br. Vincent Cainkar, jedno-tin predsednik. Po programu ples in prosta zabava. V zgornjih prostorih bo preskrbljeno z rasnimi Jedili: pecivo, potica, golai, pečenka, Atruklji, bobi, krompir in kislo zelje. To omenjeni radi br. Zaitza iz Superiorja, ki piše, da so inu kuharice namignile, da bo poleg kislega zelja tudi kaj boljšega. Dalje: v spodnjih prostorih bo dobre preskrbljeno s pijačami: pivo, vino itd., cigar« in cigarete itd. Torej ne bo res ničesar manjkalo. Drugi dan pa na pikniki Tudi na pikniku ne ho ničesar manjkalo. Imeli bomo dovolj r.a pod zob in tudi /.a suha grla. (V slučaju, da se bo kdo hotel "nazunaj" tudi namočiti, bo lahko skotil v (Jreen river.) Za mlndino bo seveda tudi vse lipo pripravljeno, tak<> «pnik«>v prizadetih društ«v potrebna. Kakor slišim )e prodanih še prihltšno lis.* vstopate v p razprodaji, šelim pa. da vsi oni, ki ste prav—H adfltivomaet distribucij« istih med člam, m in*s« te s seboj rezultat ne listine, rta *e ho vedel skupni odK«.r po tem ravna ti. ^lan««» etoeaiklk dmttrv SNPJ pa pripotočam, da «t ttai»a»t)o v «top nlf« v prrtlpr.nlajl. ker si • ,t«4»n pri krasit« lOe na v»U*m«i. «»ornrm pa olajšat« odbora akrb». k«r it s«' pri- bližno vidi te vnaprej, koliko udeležencev ae pričakuje, je laij« pripraviti vm zadevne potrebščin«. Glej»«« torej, da naredimo to proalavo im-pozantno z ne manj ko 2 tiaoé udeleženci. V prihodnji št. bo priobéen popolni program.-J«ikn 1'otokar, član društva 39. Proslava na Center Ju 16. sept. Center. Pa. — V nedeljo, 5. avgusta, j« bilo sklenjeno na seji društva 141 v Univerealu, Pa., da naše društvo skupno z angleško poslujo-čim društvom Cornets št. 715 priredi piknik v proslavo 30-letnice SNPJ dne IS. septembra na Center beachu. Vabimo vsa sosednja društva in posamezne Člane, da nas obiščete na o-menjeni dan. Imeli bomo ¡«vratno godbo, dobro pijačo in okusno pečenko. Prepričani amo, da bo vsak, ki se udeleži tega piknika, gotovo zadovoljen. Na svidenje 10. sept, na Centerju! Za odbor, Anton Kršen. Vai na aejo 19. avgusta! Irwin, Pa. — Obveščam vae člane in članice društva št. 41 SNPJ, da t«e gotovo vai udeležijo redne mesečne seje dne 10. avgusta ob 2. pop. v navadnih prostorih. Na dnevnem redu bo tudi volitev novega tajnika, ker je sedanji resigniral na julijski seji. Na prihodnji seji si bost« lahko isvolili tajnika, ki bo delal v korist društvu k) jednoti. Vsi na aejo dne 19. avgusta!- Thomas Milharčič, sedanji tajnik. Članom društva št. 131 Ckicago, III. — Naznanjam članom društva Francisco Ferrer št. 131 SNPJ, da je bil na prošli redni mesečni seji izvoljen za društvenega tajnika br. Rudolph Komater, čigar na-olov je: 2720 So. Ridgeway a ve. V vaeh društvenih zadevah se obračajte na novega tajnika in plačajte aaes-ment za avgust pri nov«m tajniku. Blagovolite upoštevati.—Andre) Cizej, začasni tajnik. To bo poaabno važen dan aa člane ■ SNPJ, ki ftivijo v tej okaifei — So. ' Chic«g», Hamraond, South Bend, Indiana Ilarbor. Ti ao a« še veda» odzvali vabilu, sato upamo, da nas bodo v nedelj« poaetili v obilnem številu. Saj pa ho to redko alavj« — 30-let-nica SNPJ. Pokažimo, da nam j« naša jed no ta resnično pri srcu. Vstopnina je prosta. Truk bo vozil od 46. in Broadway brezplačno. Prri odpelje ob 11. dop. in potem do pozne u-re naprej. Ako želita slišati dobre govornik« in aa dobro zabavati, pridite v nedeljo, 19. avgusta, na naše slavje. Postrežba bo dobra v vaoh «sirih. Naš« društvo je pripravljeno po-set vrniti. Na veselo svidenj« v nedeljo! Za odbor, Aadjr (Jnetick. Vsi na naš piknik! So. Chicago, lil.—Na 19. avgusta bo piknik društva Delavec it. 8 na prostorih Esstside Forest preserva, 114 ave. D. Pridite vsi člani in članice ter ostali rojaki iz okolice. Druitvu Pioneer: Pridite, da ie enkrat poskusimo moč pri vlečenju vrvi, da pokažemo, kdo bo dobil prvenstvo. Kažipot: s poulično, vzemite karo it. B, ki pripelje do 108. ceste in Bwin«, kjer bo čakal truk. Na veselo svidenje v nedeljo! Mas Marolt, član. ' SLUŽBO DOBI priletna ženska, da bi vodila gospodinjstvo na farmi, kjer je gospodinja pred nedolgp umrla. Vdovec je star 73 let in ima sir nova, zato lahko tudi vpraáa kaka, ki ima enega otroka; služba stalna. Oglasite se: Andy Kramer, R. 4, Eaat Worceater, N. Y. _ (Adv.) SLUŽBO IŠČE Pri mali družini, kjer nimajo majhnih otrok, želim dobiti službo. Vdova, stara 41 let. Za plačo se pogovorimo pozneje. Piiite na: Mary Koalier. AM So. Locust St., West Frank-fort, III. —(Adv.) zabava društv« »4 Miheaakoe. W%^-4>ruilvo Brato-ljub št. 2J4 je na proAU seji sklenilo, da priredi domačo satovo v sobot«, dne 18. avgusta, v prostorih br. M. E. Sosiarieha na Mf So. «th «t. Vabijo te vsa bratska druitva in posameani nam iskai«jo svojo bratsko naklonje-rojaki in rojakinj«, da s« udeležijo in nost. Vstopnina eamo 60c in to vključuje vso poatr«šbo: vino in okusen prigrizek. Igrala bo izvrstna godba, Uko da bodo vsi zadovoljni. Poaobno apeliram na članstvo tega druitva, da se udeleži v velikem itevilu, da s tem poksže Ijubeoen NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA S potrtim srcem nasnanjam anancem in prijateljem tuino veat, da Je po kratki in mučni bolesni »a pljučnico umrl moj ljubljeni soprog TONE ČUK t;mrl Je dne 12. julija 1934 v Memorial bolniinici v Johnstownu, Pa. Doma Je bil iz Planine pri Rakeku in ob smrti je bil sUr 54 let. Bil je član druitva it. 44 B.N.P.J. in it. 36 J.B.K.J. v Franklin-Conemaugh, |»a. MoJa najlepša hvala obema druitvama za kraane podarjene mu vence in za čaatno atraio ob krsti. Nadaljo lepa hvala organizaciji U.M.W. of A. lokalu it. 6393 za krasne mu podarjene cvetljice in za ginljiv poslovilni govor po Mr. Jk Feistu ob odprtem grobu. Nadslje srčna hvala za kraane podarjene mu vence in cvetljice sledečim družinam in posamesnikom : Sestri Agnea Urbaa in družini in njeni hčerki Mary is Clevelanda, Ohio, mr. in mrs. Jo«. Ule, Conomaugh, Pa., Joseph Hochevar družini is Detroit», Mich. Mr. in mra. Frank lile, Andreju Vičič in družini iz Lloydel, Pa. Frank Bordonu, družini Gregor Čckada mr. Joeeph Türk. mr. in mrs. Frank Petri*. Klančar, in Lantpert družini. Joseph Meie in družini, mrs. Zabric in njeni družini in družinam: mrs. Wagner in mrs. Semich. I^pa hvala prijateljem in rosedom iz Park Bili r.a podarjeni venec. Nadalje lepa hvala mr. in mrs. Anton Tomiiču iz Kkhart, Md., mr. in mrs. Kslister iz Clevelsnd, Ohio za poslani dar mesto cvetlic. Lepa hvala tudi sorodnikom Mati-čič iz l.lovdels. Penns. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste dsli ns rszpolago p ii lom «»bile in vozili «»b sprev«»dn brezplačno. t»f vaem akupaj bližnjim in oddaljenim, ki ste prišli in spremili pokojnika na njegovi zadnji poti na mirodvor. Teft pa ljubljeni Tone b«»di lahka ameriika jemlja in počivaj v miru! "Ilnltlll T »ki ilvlknj«. Na **«IH ■krt» is trpllmj«, I aprili al ae I« t» Miltnr dolin». Tvoj Suit pohitri J» v n»k»*k» vlila». Žalujoči ostali: Mary Čuk, soproga. Joseph, rejenec. Dve sestri Agnes I'rbas na Parkhill, Pa., in Frančlika PoK«čar v starem kr.Ju. Park-hill, Penna. VLAMOV MAUA>| /Vliti on j » ,)U A » KI r I " K IIVT <» 'VI VINO PfKSONtHl INC, t %o haiM i t1 «.nit^O. NA PRODAJ JR Proda ae farma. Tri prodaje svoj» mleko nadrobno in ima svoj« klijoa* telo. Obsega 154 akrov, 20 akro« šuma. Stala meri 40s»l. j« e»men-tiran tlak. mlekarna, prostor sa umi« j vanje steklenic, 0 sobna hiša. tO krav, 2 konja. Ford tnik, vsa oprava za ] mlekarne in vse potrebno km» t i Jako I O» vdu« in Stroji se dobi za 17*00. ta-I koj |e plačati le ftonft Imamo tu.li i druirr farme. st|l \NK IIKAI. FtRM AGKNft IU Mala Street. hiše falonti po katoliškem obredu dne IS. JaliJa. Lepa hvala gos. Jameeu r a obrrde pri pogrebu. Nsdalie srčna hvala dm-št%om. katerih Je bila člaaica in sicer: društvu "Orel** št, 21 S.N.P.J., Western Stars št. 16 1.SJL in podružnici Slo%. genske 7.vezf št. 3, ■a dsrnvsne kmsne venee In cvetljice. ki mi jih položili nokojnici ob njeni kruti v zadnji posdra« in ki mm vse teko lepo vredili ts pogreb. I^ps h»sls pevskega zborn "Movener' sa lepo zap*te žslostinke. Ukrrna hvala «arm. ki ste nam pomsRsli ns ksterikoli način in nss lolalili v uri šal««sti in še iswdise: mr. in mrs. John Novak Jr.. mr. in mrs. Mike Mišeiai. mr. In mrs. Joe Veršin in mr. in mrs. Joe Sker-Jane. Nadslje s» prsv lepo rah vallate verm, ki a» prišli k pogrrbu It druTih oddali«nth aril in sleer Is Grand Junrtton. I^advllle. i anon t It) ia is Florenre. < oko ado Srčna hi sls vara», ki ao dali svoje lalsMslxk in veaili hresplaciMi pri pogreb«. Nfdsl|e še enkrat lepa hvala v»*m sa darov sne vrnrr in sa darove «s msše. Ae enkrat eaj« lepša hvala vaem «kunaj In r a vee! Trbi draga «oproga Ia mama naš« pa telimo, pnčtvaj v mini Ia lahka na) Ti bade amrriika seml)s. žalujoči «Hitali: Joe \arslirh, »oprog Jennie ia Mary, hčerki ia Joe R. Jr.. sin. l«»ka Ia Mirt krlMlS. e«eri4i, tohn Kr>lin. brat. Mary Ni.vak, walri. ktaak \st»k, »Irk, Jmi. irta m Rafsrls Mstjsšič. trta. K ^tifrsi krstu tspuščs trd. r dir trt» in enega «trira in etara mater PiirMa. t ole NEW CO-OPERATIVE CO, * Oillonvale, Oh Dsievel ta «oU»k». mmi» ta in. Brta,.^ru. Oài. i. mííb pnskjte flnanéno poroüU ut. "NgW CO-OPERATIVE rîi^ haMidk k.un .»MU i. — • a-i_______. t ' Pr»deJ,|nr ,, ^ taMlt.dK kau«. »o4il» I. ¿la^T nitk l^L^Lf^^"»' n vaša S«ta*aka Utas, «a pWpIrai* I. ka»«l-t» , nS HT r.** •—*— «- ■——-— 1 jf <(>-oresATii co J ta IIhI aal«____ ___ •tetras ta ke na v körtet. iAmK kjer mm kaosoma» gltaaj« «1 M «néïZ I * "H .*j. delavci i. i»»v ----------«aktu ^ hte.u ira I. . ¿TJZZ?* * «H aléo* Mavd »nkr*t SoUial praik I. .»«M. »ri äofc.,, ■„ " l U ^ « iivlj»e*lk »Siaiii., Ml So.aiamo aa Um. ^ Ta ua pealara rmtmm+i pr^te«: ^ " TIIE NEW CO-OPERATIVE CO, BALANCE SBEET JUNE ASSETS CUHKENT ASSETS Cask la Bank»— Pint Nattaaal DUUavalc ......................... ............... 1 s^teo. DILLONVAL 30, 1934 Miasm a Merck. SmitkfteM ..... PoopUo Baak TUtoasvlll» ....... Pint Natimml Sollo i r« ......... Caak mm Han« .................... Noteo Bocdvakte ................. Accounts Bacrlvakte ...... ....... MrrchondUo Iavcntortes .......... TOTAL Cl/BBSNT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS 7M.M mM IH.IN US.N UH.S7 <.7*7.1* l,7«1.J| a.iu^t) 4MII.IT fl.8M.l3 I2J.H: .....V • Building» .......................................»49.773.23 Lra Depreciation .............. ............... 11,743.}« Fumltur» a Plstaroa .......................... It*.<77.34 L01 l>oprociatlon ......... ............ ........ lf.214.MI Delivery Eqvipairnl ............................. 7.If h.i» Low Depreciation .............................. f.4a«i» 1 vsem skupaj «a darovane vence in pred.edn.kom. » ™ ~ kl Lepa hvala vaem sordaikom. druitveni« ^ g. nsm nudili pomoč v tej t.ikl uri UUaU ,s h mi so kaj darovali. Prezgodaj ai se ločil od nas U« ( Spominjali se Te bomo i» Tvoj grob boao krM» X M naših dni. - Žalujoči ostali: - Aana fcriia . m«»«. ™ KriiaJ. polu eeetrl. Vsi v Ploaaant Valley. P« NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA S tužnim srcem nsznanjsmo prijateljem ia ( I ds Je po v«* meneč ni bolesai in po teikl opersr P ^ nišnici dne .11. julija 19J4 preminul moj aoprof • ANDREW ZLATOPEN M Posebno ae zahvalimo « " ao ae zanv«««"" — . jtrrfs"" aik Is Clevelaada A L JerHm is j adf- tairsvilU. Obi®- —t OH« \ lesi •e*" Rojen .10. nov. 1SS.1 v ( Irknem na Pri«er»krsi ^gêh najlepše zahvslimo vaeta. ki sa aam atali «* .re« * časa njegeve bolezni, i ins m: F. Kobal ia M. Reaaik J. članovru ia Akron. O. M J«r«-™« •» •— Res. Pa.. Dr. Martin is St. Clalrsvlll«. L jr,trr«al < J. Hmodlirk, ter društva Preaeota Vi S,.N » -J- J. Smodlirh. trr društvu Pr«ov«ta 17» « ^ ' ' iXpa k*fl» Kaglee Na. 9M in l'.M.W. mí A. Laeal šš. a»«'- ^ ia Jaa. Hnaju tat John Rebolu sa go«"" t%A%feta. f*« ki ste ae udeležili pagreka in g» sprem»» fi , bratama ae mirodvor. Te«, dragi soprog »n oče ps katar»» Ishks asj Ti bode ameriške semi)* ZalaW ^^ prr muenga. Jaarpk. Kmtmm. Jaha. Mary. »r.m Klale, tasltev in Klaine alr^. Majnard. Okn» u. AVGUSTA. POLLETNO POROČILO BOLNIŠKEGA SKLADA j HflÉ - T^Û*** *4»«L«j hftairL. dO soju"). „84 Pit 08 VET A MO It 1.7» 1.7« 2.45 2.10 2.80 4.20 2.45 2.10 2.10 1.76 • 10 »1» 70 41949 1««.70 1N.M 1.IM.70 lfl.W SM.10 M.1I SM.<0 tIB.40 lot.to ITtH tli. I» 1.1104« 11.80 1,409.80 »00.OO »1.80 102.80 718.80 114.8» 81.80 115.10 24.40 178.50 80.80! 44.10 181.70 11.00 Ml.80 949.19 8.40 200.10 88.70 168.SO 417.70 119.40 188.80 141.40 160.60 lfl.tO 87.00 360.10 807.80 80S.40 08.80 184.00 «7.00 1,147.10 111.80 88.80 111.10 128.80 81.80 110.00 881.70 »4.00 118.10 40.70 288.80 817.70 100.00 80.10 84.7» 616.20 89.60 21.00 76.80 68.10 80.10 184.80 80.10 80.00 110.00 1M.OO 117.8« 170.80 261.10 82.60 80.10. 128.00 218.80 100.50 411.20 176.00 186.20 140.80 140.70 12«. 100.00 818.40 274.40 168.10 888.00 42.00 247.80 600.60 66.10 276.80 8S8.1»| 886.00 81.60 640.10 286.20 104.60 85.70 106.00 »08.10 40.00 169.40 716.70 672.40 146.80 607.10 228.80 46.20 817.60 101.60 766.70 4.00 »4.80 »61.60 478.00 2M]20 224.70 107.80j 184.40. 17.80] 1,000.601 784.00| 166.20 121.20, 224.00] 1.187.20* 156 HO; 26.00! - 216.40, »2 00 447.1»! 46.20 188.701 1«.«» tl.Ofl» 140.00 70.80' 1174« 885.40 M4.00 »6 126.00 182.00 811.60 840.50 «1.60 271.50 460.00 488.00 208.60 280.60 90.0» 210.00 201.00 IV.50 ' 1««.«» 2&6.00 100.00 1*5.00 626.40 106.60 87.00 876.60| 40.50 206.60; 800.001 84.00 804.60 759.00 159.00 75.00 284.00 127.60 129.00 846.5oj 712.50! 27.00 857.00 771.0» 298.60 78.50 415.60 884.00 «27.00 9.00 II.«« 180.1« MIJO 74.40 18.00 107.40 87.20 17.20 155.00 18.«» 74.40 1I.«0 111.0» 18.60 74.40 •7.20 148.80 8.20 18.80 17.20 15.10 17.20 4040 48.40 228.20 •4.10 74.40 4940 »540 18.80 21.70 18.70 8.10 21.70 •7.20 08.20 • 1.00 21.70 111.80 •7.20 •7.20 •7.20 ».20 74.40 •7.20 •4.10 74.40 1840 1840 18.80 1840 18.00 18.80 74.40 1840 18.90 18.«0 71.80 146.70 480.00 124.00 74.40 «40 18.80 127.10 1840 18.00 228.80 208.80 24.00 •7.20 18.40 180.20 18.00 54.80 •7.20 «U. 82 lu. M • MS.00« U1.9QI "MO: 414.0»! 44 00 •• 00 si7.0»j ....... 19.90 ii.oo .... 741.00 UIT.00 110.00 11.00 * 17440 % 188.80 TM.00 •••40 0540 844.00 411.70 240.90 41240 21940 6S8.60 «4440 127.70 42.10 158.70 1,244 80 80.80 «8.00 118.10 1S7.90 88.60 780.60 «140 11140 284.40 647.60 117.00 404.20 840.80 464.10 91.60 417.10 888.HO 794.10 760.85 426.60 276.20 897.00 408.00 146.85 222.60 «76.80 «20.60 887 JO 986.90 140.40 274.80 004.70 114.20 580.00 «47.10 421.00 444.70 1,848.44 285.20 872.20 186.10 444.60 440.20 10«.«0 696.201 1408.90 •09.40 014.20 1,499.40 «01.10 115.00 761.90 486.60 1.510.80 18.80 •4.60 «29.60 881.00 «41.111 «71.10 506.00 ! MO.20 •7.00 1,111.10 1.710.70 MS .20 277.70 . 818.10 . 1,700.40 . 280.toi . 186.80' . M9.49. . 91.00 • 1,028.60 . 91.80 . 180.70 . 25.80 . 261.10, . 275.00 i • 897.101 • IM.OOl . M49Í . 0OO2OI . M.40 . 298.79 . 106 20, . «7.70, . 202.701 . 847.Mj . 147 20 . 458.401 , 14040 . 100.20, . 244.10 . 1»740, . 489.00, . am: 142.0» •7.10 2*0. M • MM . 141 M . la.at I«.M 48 40 . 12(0 2MJ» . 474.M . 180 00 . 244 10 . «M» , •»»•«•» MM . •IM . 19710 . M.00 , « » a • • f »J 114.041 . MM •7 2» 174 .M ., 2« 40, Il «0 M4 7* . Mo J«- 11.00 419 M . 161 J» Nil Ml M .. 00.M . «M «0 . 52 J» a.M. 171.79 . 07M la M IMM . 14« Ml a» .a» 277 M . ll«J», 444.70 . ISJ*Í . 1 . UM • Ml M rs* 4M 10 . 241 M M.M 40l.lt . («.M! ........j 114 M . 14240 180.W 824.10 lb., 00 144.40 48740! 18.00 1,114.00 719.50 ........ 486.00 486.50 I6.OO; 186.OO 108.00 221.60 75.60 •8.00 47.00 171.60 411.00 1«0.00 187.00 •6.80 7.00 299.00 75.00 166.00 <11.00 «S.0O «0.00 1IS.OO 50.00 140.00 174.00 M6.00 218.60 190.60 149.00 Ml. »0 «9.50 169.00 149.00 88.00 426.00 12.50 408.60 IM4» «0.00 41.00 887.60 80.00 181.60 5.00 88.00 642.00 674.50 50.00 1.016.00 662.00 544.00 j 259.00 • 1.60 24.00 270.00 741.00 1M.00 l»2.0Oj ....... 281.001 IK.00 14.00 89.60! 9.00, 88.60 74.00 286.00 12.00 888.00 880.00 114.00 18.00 184.00; 277.00 96.00 920.00 j 429 001 76.00; 164.00 184.00 64.00 162.00 117.50 61.00 148.00 90.00 178.60 274.00 40.00 206.00 164.ooj .......1 .......I 7.00 6.00 117.00, 210.00 202.60 844.60 417.00 22.50 ««.00 465.50 442.00 •8.0» 28.00 92.00 170.00 10740 128.00 •9.00 100.00 11940 96.00 1M.00 20440 17.50 na.oo 11.00 21.00 iai40 46.00, 178.00] 462 00 160.60 264.60 104.00 168.00 224.60 78.60 414.60 «01.50 112.00 872.50 288.00 19.00! 144.00! 1«.00¡ 189.00 60.00 260.00 «89.60 101.60 112.00 582.00 222.60 101.00 16.00 404.00, 4.00 M.00 188.0» 600.60 •56.00 20.00. •7». 460.00 217.60 177.00 141.60 112.00 471.00 72.00 614.00 117.60 62.00 M4.50 12.00 490.00 27.00 40.00 9M.60 140.00 M.00 M440 91.00 72.00 608.601 211.00 250.60 297.6» 48.00 81.00 217.0» 221.00 687.00 •94.50 140.00 «0.00, 214.00, 200.001 841.00 ; JM.oo 114.00 44.00, 7H.0»! M.00 16.00 lM.SO' 590.00 62.60 640.00 •44.00 207.00 278.00 27.00 160.00 120.00 127 JO 126.00 17«.M, 18«.50 421.60 12.00 •01.00! H M, . ....... M M ......1 M.00 llt.M 141 00 . ......I 84« 40 244 00 I1W (I7J* 140 40 «2 00 MO Mi ■a . 4 ai (0 Mi MOM 84 M «4M 10 00 171. M «7 M It M M Ml 2a M| IKOM 1*4*0 MM 112*0 IIM . M M . MM . 44 »• M M M M» •7 M Ml M 4*4.44» ai*» |7* M tll M' 17 M H«t, MM III.«* 114 M» 177 M SlJ* J 278 1» rta M tn M»| 9« I-vie »P*j ! Vplalaito I 44449J 44t.49|| 914.10 ......... WOO 67.10 , " 00 240.60 119.20 •Wv. luv --- JjUn. oaàml Rai 5«J Boliiltka (MHiiMM-a Kti •! Ru 41 M0.00 88.00 M.00 247.00 170.00 800JO 1,14040 414.00 120.00 802.60 545.00 M4.60 471.50, 161.00 226.M 11.00 401.0» 111.50 46.00 260.00 966.00 167.60 682.00 168.00 165.001 589.00 12.00 MM .60 441 J» 647.50 1,051.50 612.60 288.00 104.00 417.00 880.40 280.00 182.00 874.50 902.60 101.60 612.60 829.60 194.60 81.00 604.60 221.00 1,203.60 17.60 87.00 2M.50 »88 50 624.00 90t.OO 881.60 •17.00 l.ltt.00 1,209.60 814.50 144.00 SIS »0 2.M4JO 219.00 S7.0»| 15.00 IMJO' 986.00 «4 60 71.00 SOS.00, 871.40 6S(i.00! 51 Ml, 70.0© M4.M S04 lo» 11149 ' ** 107 •08 1»0.80 18740 •7.70 ......... 44.70 ....... •M.74 197.14 7749 ........ 840.00 1,010.30 •••«•»*«• 41.40 tttlltll« M.I5 ....... 4M.79 114.10 ......... ....... 11149 282.65 *•*«••••• 159.96 ......... ....... ' 19.79 M.40 • * • * 9 • * • « 91.00 4.10 18« 40 »•«««•••A ....... 7149 Ol.tO ....... 1149 412.90 »••*•« 9 • » 41.10 • 1 9» * a * a « ....... 115.00 60.(0 ......... 186.70 ......... 221.56 ......... 284.40 ......... 17.70 lili...,, 1M.OO «7.40 ......... IL 464.40 25 90 ....... MJO 511.10 804.65. ......... ....... 191.90 54.00 816.00 ....... a. 49140 • .,...«.. • -M,.. 10940 112.10 M 50 •6.10 41.10 ......... ....... 257.00 117.20 102.00 ,,,,,,,,, ....... 41.90 MJO 40.10 ......... 104 JO 4 41,»..., ....... 7240 1.10 110.70 ......... MIJO ......... •10 SU SIS SIS 814 Sit S14 S17 818 •So SSI 122 288 224 885 826 IS7 SSH 880 SSI SSI SSI SS4 108.10 OSJO ••JO 81.60 4IJ0 101.40 •00.60 191.70 40.10 11440 1M40 297.85 264.60 61.20 SM.00 176.60 426.80! S9.80 864.90 ........I 801 21.10 «902 15.(9 >04 I Jtm m 716.96 •87.10 «6.00 100.80 04.00 091.40! 297.94j 421.70 «68.90 200.60 04.90 2M.40 264 60 30/..10 801.10 248.40 111.15 204.10 4IJ0 •7.00 9.10 410.20 III.70 ttO.70 fc««.*© 11.90 IM.90 841 40 »»» ...... 187.00, 140 SO into it« is 00 * 814 M 93 M. J* SMOO *60 M» , lit M 212 M. . ........ 1* «<» 72* Mi 1*9 £« MO Ml 14* I* . M.M 1*7 M . II«** . M»a M 04» 41 M» . IMt*4l . Il*« It M . Ml M • 1 M . 171 M 71 M . tl M MM» . 54 M M 1* . M *0 Il M) • al M M M . 102 M ' M 70 , «MM 171 M 121 M IM M . 4M M . IMM M*» - IM 70 «MM . 9S9.I9 Il* M» IMM , M* J* IMM MM M M» Ml M . 1 M •ra* 7«M . taoaa . ....>. »9 Ml II» IN II 144 «" M It It M 41 «« 8» •I, 90 10! 09 IS « M 78' s! 15! 98 41 M 22 40 40 36 04 87 SI 38 86 M 89 M M 17 40 II 4« M 17 11 IM 54 4 S3 18 t •9 .... Il sa s 1 1 u. I 151 II U 6 • • 8 8 17 9 • 1 10 4 3 84 lt M 5 1 4 5 • 9 '7 « * 1 SI » II • 5 2lj « 14 11 2 7 9 16 16 16 I 10 »«. 10 4 6 1 19 I M 4 I 16 • II • I I« I II I 17 4 10 M 4 loi 8 19 0 I • 82 I« • 10 18 44 1 9 8 18 66 14 8 I 15 4 «.M 1.7« 1.40 1.10 1.10 .70 4.00 1.76 1.04 1.06 1.44 2.10 t.10 S.10 1.4» 1.06 10.86 6.10 I.NO : a .. 4¡ . . 8 ., ■ 1« llj .. « ., Il .. 7 .'. "ii:: 1... «.., S 14 4.... 84 I ... 7 Il 4! ,,. Il 4 S» ... ( t ... 9 ... » .., II ... • Il ... Il ... I« . SI ... 4 • . Il ... Il .. « 5 ... I 4 « M . 18 14» I 40 17» i *** 7« 4 I.M 1 4M • 4M It 4M »1 14« ... Il» -, 4 •Ji 4«* M * ♦M I* 4 «Il II . 1 «7 Il » t «19 1« 1 . , «1« ' 19 ta .7* M 4 . «I« . «1 1* "l, il . MJO 1«0.M 170.8 M* 40 III 7 177.10: «9.91 1 117.00 MIK 4M.00 »t «( UOO; M.44 16*00 U«.«» 179 II tilt •7.00 49.94 M 00 1*4 JO 4100 14.00 14160 191.M 11100 114.1»¡ 886 8(1 17.10 116 4(1 810.70, S88J0, 1140 44 00 79.9»| M.OO 84.40 1.40Í II9.M •««.«u 71.10 •8.50 IMM Ml.M| 89.80 M.00 10.00 14.041 IN.90 IM 6t 160.4« >1 114 JO 98 00 16.04 1 I74.M 14t.ltl 1, ••JO 88.011 • 17.90 119.60 OOJO 1*9.00, M4.40 •1.00 44 JO 27.00 74.M 111.00 111.10 111.00, «4*0 104.00 111.10 I10.OO 100.10 41.00 M.40 M.00 60.40 71.00 70.M 134.0(1 107.80 A* AM 201.0O 79.40 86.80 l«.M¡ 81.»0 114.00 151*0 141.60 211.00 117.00 M.H« 111.60 117.40 188 J( 1*4.00 MJO •ta.m 904.60 60 |(» 1«2.00 lai.oo 110.00 71.10 108.60 41.40 67.00! 7440 112.00 110.10 199. (Ml 1MJ» 117.00 110.40 119.60 101 60 161.00 76.00 1.00 77.70 71.00 116.60 Ol.Otl 16.10 117.00 111.M 110.00 191.00 164.60 64.90 64.60 79.1(1 • 71.10 71.40 «9.00 117.00- 41 00 10.10 71.10 86.<0 ■1.60 80.80 156.00 t5.70 99.9») 144.10 161.90 117.80 160.00 ftll.lO 171.00 \II7J0 100.60 S* *0 «I 00 80S 80 111.00! 80.40 9.00 4.80 196.90 »0.00 1S1.10 tll.Ot 97.50 166.60 76.00 157.51 us.oo 400.61 170.80 496 Oí 86.64J •7 01 54.94 Il 0 > SS6.S1 775.5 1 98.M loi» D 17 80 M» J > 80.10 9 0( 101 00 I8».0( «m. sa 11.11 •840 lll.ot I0S.S0 61.94 •II. 10 641.9« 68 60 190.0(1 141 60 199.6« 114.40 164 .M 74.00 lOI.Ofl 174.10 176.00 M.MO »0.04 76.00 184.10 71.M0 119.40 819.00 6«! 40 87.00 106 70 107.00 1«0.M 1*0.00 7* MO 1MJ0 4«.10 71 00 64 00 100. M» • 40, ;,,,,,,, 18 90 7« 60 17 MO 19.00 NI.»41 •04 M Il 10 M Mi 116 •« 116 00 11.10 188 40 14« 50 II« 10 18 00 Il «0 17.00 2» 40 «140 2« 70 14 60 9« 60 JIJO M6 40 416.50 122 40! «I.M 8*0 ^ 1» 00 110 «0 »88 60 17 10 • 911 «0 80 MJO 60 40 17 00 14» 64. I» M 8M 10 110 40 Il M, 19« 00 l«l 40 14« M 11 JO 9 00, 77 4M» 71 00 Il 0« 10.10 94 10 IMIO; «7 10 4* 041 44 M IMM 47.«0 IM 90 toi «« 10« «0 If. »0 97 M Il 00 107 I« 171 M 101 M Ma M 17. M lit M tl *0 II* 044 IM I« 10*00, 1*041 •7 M 47 «4» IM 4M 71 14» •7.M' «8 •• IM M 17 40 IM M> 1* 84» MM * 1« M M 10« M 49» OU «7 |4» M» M» 7« «* t«4 M 14 IM M 110»* IMM! M M 1*7 M 111 M M*« M t* • 1 4M» 4« M M 40 I« M MM tli t« «M M M M lit M IM M 1*7 M II M» • M 172 1« M**» 71 M M a» * «4» MM 1*4 4« ~ 114 M «M 7949 MM 714* lit *' 1*9 M M M «I J* 949 M 4M M I* IM4* •4 M tut M «4 M •iaa| *vl*»*ne——-1 Hm M ! Rkut»«J_ IUaJ9« •T.M 18440 »1.79 MIJO •7.M 18.«0 48.90 65 8© 18.80 110.90 1.10 MM 10.60 49.00 14 MO «1.00 • 1.7» 41.4» •7.10 40J0 •7.10 18.60 18.00 18.00 •7.10 40.10 74.40 77.40 18.80 11140 14.80 16.60 87.10 18.80 44.80 48.90 18.60 130.80 87. SO 34.10 18.«o 18.00 84.10 «6.10 I OJO 8740 1.104 66.80 18.60 80 «O 114.70 |U«.80 \ 66.80 86«.«O 84 10 18.60 18 60 M.OO] I8 601 27.90 18 JO| 87 20 18.60 84 10 18 «0 16» 00 18.60 74 40 18 641 27 10 ,|8 «o IT .M j IM 80 ...... 75 40 40.30 I« »0 18 «O 66 80 77 t" 16» «o 5» M> 176 'Hi I» Mi III 407 I» I* 60 If 4" 17 t« 5» 4t M • I M -M M »4 I'' • I« 74 4* 161 M I* 4* 146.»0 ta« 1» Ml.90 IMJO Ml.46 7I.O0! MIJO, 4M.SO 69.S« 88.99 SOI. 70 SI« 50 178.40 M5.40 181.40 »71 20 MIO i«» so! M.00 870J0 lio.SO 881.80 98.10 40 40 884.10 487.10 114.00 M 1.701 •9 60 447.10 8« 1.00 401.94 71.80 174.80 M4.40 887.10 849.70 100.70 •».40 148.76 843.15 489 10 111.40 44.14 298.80 472.90 IM.90 898.80 809.60 800.40 «89.40 888.80 871. OO' 800.40 uo.ool 141.40, «47.90 41140 889.90 408.40 S1J0 188,80, 808.70 888.80 888.46 884.80 119.10 171.10 149.00 162.00 141,70 167.M 166.»0 lOO.80 4(1.60 88« SO «84.40 8SI.I0 98.40 611.SO M.40 4.SO 111.10 414.70 46«.70 888.10 «18.80 801.60 «6.60 71.40 1.870.30 Sou,60 142 95 89.10 860.00 111.791 164 SO 171.10 MI.80, 817.10 807.90; 807.60. 110.10! 4*1 15 1*7.40 »•4 10 79 10 400 00 «61 10 »67.70 ItM.OO 819 10 191.M 814.M 8.40 95 10 6» 80 804 60 ! • I lo! 390 Ml II .80 »14 86 117.70 68.8(1 90 9« 90 40 96 10 7«0 »0 rat 10 UJM 692 40, 86 80, «6 M. 77 40 MJO¡ 614 10 171 «0. 44».701 50 90 14» 00 41 7o! 381.70, 180.00' 119(0 III 86] Ml 10 SI9 I«' 51 M 178 I0| Ml 70 IK »( lit 40 811.70 76 M( 101 Jo M. 10 M4.40, 44« (0 74 40, 7» M •v« •■•»! 4M 00 900 M 1(7 M III Ml 171 40 M0 8« IM 4* 101 10 71 M» TIM« 4M I», 481 I« M 4M 10 IM '* II« M j 444 M Ot 14» l*' SM 4« 18» »• II« 70 8« <0 971 4« 101M •ultlllti |Ni|)H>r* H». II R«t M I 48.1 SM.I 141.M tOt .00 ISM 17100 111.00 117 00 JOf too: 00 SM.OO uputana- ■m. y] 10100 79.19 ......1 t»T 00 »kup*j ——■ vice — -. VfUianu I. |.u lan« 150 Ml 888.40 10 00 ««.Otfi 88 00 118 (Ml 1.00 78.00 80t.M, (I.Oo I« 00 38.00 74.00 74.40! 141.60 «6.00 81.0»' «4.50 413 0« IM 00 41.00 Moo! .......I 56.00 16.00 48 00 177.00 184.00 06.04) 9.00 ll.Mt 80.00 41.00 najo; 188.60 816.(Ml 1«S 00¡ 16.00, 178.60 78.00 150 00, 170.00 14.00 171 00 16.IM), SM.OO 148 60 114.501 • 14.60 • I 60 87.00 114.00 91.00 61 00 77 JO 10« 60 16 00 184.00 18 00 188.00 8« 00 146 60 68 00 889 60 III«.00 86.00 50 60 76.00 79.M 118.60 844 M ss 00 19(00 40 00 68 (Ml I75.O0! 1*8 M| 818.00 4« 00 SIS 00 91 00 388.61» III 00 144 (Ml 81.0© 440 131.40 8*8.00 5(1 04»! M.00 I 83.00 »7.00 88« 00 408 00 88.00 70.00, 74 00 74.00 48.00 170.M 40 oil 448.00 18.00, 115 (Mi 8«. 00 ««.00 831 00 74 00 *8.M| II« 00 102 M 180 00 4 00 178.(Ml •a. 00 874 00 81 00 109.00 880.00 (80 00 «I 00 ((.OO 48.00 ««0 00 88«.00 7« 00 171 00 80.00 «9.00 1(4.00 118,0(1 408.00 IM 00 •M.00 8(8 00 l.oso 00 4140 M.00 1(8 041] 471 00 18 00 .....Mil ........I 311 5o! 65.60 ........ 887 00 98 40 891.00 I 00 88.00 48» Oil llt.M 46.410 151.110 M OO1 607.00 14.Oo] 28 00 77 00 117 00 1,148 0(i . 141 041 98 40, 21 00 812.60 811 00 46 00 81.00 101 60 171 00 814 00 109 00 869 00 894 041 71.00 14 00 180 00 840 041 III.M 118 (10 M JO; 168.601 64 00 80 00 ..... 08 60 88 00 171 00 144 Ml III 0* 74 0« M 0« (SMI)» na I. »tram i 99 4HI 17« 0© ......J ........ «6 00 ...,..! 17 00 ....... Ml 00 M 1 00 M 00 II* 0(1 ""«M ........ 1 .....•>■! IM 041 «4.Mi ........ 1* 00 1« 00 4* 00 »9 «44 ..... 10«.041 Ifl 0% 14*00 II« 0« .... j 84. Ml 4« 041 MO 4M ..... Il M» «1 4M .....' 10« «0 110 4M M 4M .....1 9« <40 ,,,,,' 4« Mi III M 1*10(4 14« M ,..,.1 ....«.».i • tO ..... MM IM •« «ajo' IM Ml .....¡ llAoj M M» • 09 ..... IMM .....' U4M» 1*1 M .....I .....*»•] MM» .....j ........i 19«.M j tt'a* 417 M »••«»1 a 4 * • *» » • j IM M ... , 1 IMM IM» M ,,,,. 14*4« lia ©• MM II» M •I.M M M. III M I« M IM M I»* *" 19» M M4 M «7 M M M M M 71* M IM M 'MM 191 »9 M a» MM 179 M IM M 47 M II M 14 M IM M * lit M IMM. «IM IM J* 54.60 18 »0 14 00 ...... 849 (Ml 888 00 II Ml M.40 171 00 646 60 181.00 80 00 S70.00; 186 041 171 00 804 60 MO 00 IM 10 470 mi 114 Ml 4« 0« Oil Ml lot m IM Mi M M 10« M t 14 M 19.19! IM M ......... •MM »1.11 ......... 49« .60 44.40] ......... IM.M ........ 11.11 1 JI« M) 79.8« 111.11 ......... M« J* ....... •1.99 «4« 40 ..1,4.... • 19. M 4« 00 1110 ......... M.M 44 90 ......... 1*1.00 »7.7« 1 «»••«•••« • I7.MI ......... 90 60 1*4.00 IM 40 ......... 888 00 ........, III 00 • 74.M, ......... 111 10 643 60 18.70 ......... 14» 00 ........, 7I.70 «*J0 175.80 ......... 41 80 ... .■.... 1« JO »MJO 186 00 ! ,,,,,„,, 117 00 t........ 107.10 «6«. (m» ......... »SJO IMJO .... i.... II« 19 86 Ml 14 40 1 M.(m»! 118.10 1 ,,,,,,,,, 288.00 114.Id ......... ..... 114 00 87.60 114.111 97.OO: ......... 17.40 488 0© 14.10 ,,,,,,,,, «aa.uo, ......... Ml.00 846.UO .it.«.»,. 441 10 65.00 I« 80 ......... 70.00, 104.10 .»...... » 50.00 II« 49 NO. 00 11« «0 ......... 41 00 «0710 177.00 v ....... . U.IO ....... «» 40' ......... 151 00 ......... »JI l«9 (»0 74 16 lit 50 • I« «0 ......... 184 (10 11,99 19.00 I9.M 96.60 101 80 ........, MOJO 16 MU 140 60 198.40 ,,,,,,,,, MOJO ......... »III 116 Mj 94 6© t » « » I « • « « II 00 119 40 9 9 9 » t t 9 * 9 764 60 111.19 161 00; 79 10 ♦ t» » » » * * * 141 M» 19 04» 8 0« 00 ....... ,.J 16.99 101 00 17 00 ,,,,,,,,, 114.00 Idolo .......... 171.00 47IJO ......... 581.00 .....i.. .1 119.49 171 OO, «7.10 ......... 61«.60 84.00 HIJO 71*50 4«7«»i 98 00 I M . 00 41 00 761.00 5I.U0 77.60 IMJO 15 00 882 00 100.60 600.00 9« 00 80.00 4*7.60 61.00 408 00. II». 00] 60« (Ml 170 OU «08.50 699.60! 7» 50 IIIJO 1.149 00 74.00, III 00 808 (ill «30 00 171.001 I 00( 81 00 711 »0 414 »0 91 (Ml II« 00. Al« 6« 980 00 16 00 251 Oil , , 0(1 18« (»0 I 401 00 48* 00 1*8 60 14 11« 49' o<( 144 00 18» 00 10 041 II» 00 It 00 167 00 III nil 171 0« 9« 041, i, » m, mi »o 11 00 4,1» 00| II» «0, 4 «4 40 9» 60 IA 4M) I (4 4M 148 00 y» 11 »0 Ml <* »* 410 III« OH II «41 411 if 81» It) 171 M 841 00 17» 4« bit 'A II« I« 110 0« /14 0* II t M t 4M 19« <44> 8»41 4M» • 41 186.M II4J0 II« I0¡ 119.10 an eo 14110] 00.40 4«.«O M J« 79.59 106 70 74.40 186 10 Il 40 11,10 «8 40 18170 M 10 •09.80 HIJO III M 91 K' HIJO 111.90 IIIJO 141 40 41 loj I lo 814 00 mío! 194.40 10» lo M 80 I /« tu, 44 10 IM «o II lo |o| 14 48 10 141 00 «7.1«, 41 «O 117 «O 86 8« «I 48 40« I« SO 96 6» 00 41 7o III M MI (O II '»o loi »0 II« 7« 194 0« 1070 144 M» 14 10 I 40 '«7.10 417.80 80».SO »91 00 48 00 MIO 49 80 91 00 14.00 8» »0 17810 1.1IV.. (09 06 148.9« 880.00 «I JO 117 M l»< 40 lia.»« 7M »0 «04 4« 11.40 •««(I 4« 0(4 «7 10 IM «O 00 10 t* M 179 M, , «M M» (14 M IM M «M M 819 4M M M 147 M, IM M |«1 M IM 4«> «I «• IM M M M IM M III M , tV7 M' 48« 4M ' III «• 16 M »i ia M «o . I«« M> IM M «M M Ml M IM J« II« M « M M MM ..... f* M II« M IM 44* II« M M t M' «M M .5« IM 90 19 00 «I« «« III 40 1! II 4M 70 «4 M M I« MOO MM M 4« 10' 7« 14 M ta« iti 10 7« M 9*1 M ft M MM tta* IM M OM PK0BKEXX PROSVJETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT OLASILO IN I.A«TMIMA SLOVENSKI NARODNI PODPOBNB JfDNOTB Oriu •( uU paMtoM far It CUM») i» lm«i* M M m Uto. MM • 9* »7.M M Ml» tau. M7» M poi Uto; m to» Naro4nlMi m Mrutm drUw» (lirw IIA* u Mrt Uta; m CkiMK to «t*o |t. 00.—Sui**rt|»tWo rmU.: for Um UnIUd SUU> («SMpt CktM«o> «t>4 C«m4» M Ji paw. CUmiii «i-l CMMPO »7 M par mr, forcea euantriw M M p« m/. NmIvt m m. kir Im .tik ■ I Uto«: PBOBVBTA. IliT-M Bo. Lovilo At*-. MEMBEB OT TMS rCDEBATED P BESS Glasovi iz naselbin , . u Zanimiv» bstetk* k raznih krajev Protest Cleveland, 0. — Iz urada društva "Naprej" št. 5 SNPJ. Na redni mesečni seji društva "Naprej" št. 5 SNPJ dne 5. avg. 1934 je bilo predloženo vprašanje, kakšno stališče naj zavzame društvo glede kulturnega škandala, ki ga je povzročil odbor A-me ikansko - jugoslovanskega kluba s soho Ivana Cankarja? Po j»r< «j ga « oki hvaležnosti na« dolžnost ve?«, da se v imenu jugo-•dovnn kega naroda živečega v nevdnndu in okolici iskreno za-hvaMmo mestu Ljubi.,ani" itd. (Podčrtanje naše.) Društvo "Naprej" št. 5 SNPJ ni tega odbora nikdar pooblastilo, da nas zastopa pri eni ali Marsikaj pomembnega se bo videlo in slišalo na tej prireditvi, 10-mož-orkester pod vodst-vom Basla iz Milwaukee. Govorniki: Robert M. La Follette, župan Baxster in Fr. Puncer. Namerava se tudi prirediti raznovrstne tekme itd. Vstopnina v park prosta. Torej lepa prilika za razvedrilo in splošno korist tu živečim Slovanom, ker s tem se lahko pokaže moč in zmožnost ter. tudi upoštevanje. To je torej'razlog, da vsi Jugoslovani v State Fair park 19. avg. (v slučaju, da kdo želi priti na govorniško listo, naj se obrne na vodjo govorniškega programa, našega odvetnika Nick F. Ivucasa,1 telefon v uradu: Daly 1967, na domu Greenfield 3679.) Na svidenje v State Fair parku dne 19. avgusta! Pripravljalni odbor. čarke ter občinstvo ste vabljeni na obilo udeležbo. Pridite vsi is vse okolice, ne bo vam ial. Gre za koristi našega Doma. — Se to: Pevsko društvo Cvet priredi moonlight piknik in Mwie-ner roast" v soboto večer, 26. avgusta tudi na Zornovih prostorih. Vabljeni ste vsi Rose Vatovec, članica obeh. V soboto večer vsi v Willow Springs! Chicago. — Le par dni je še — prihodnjo soboto večer, 18. avgusta — ko bo vodila pot vseh prijateljev soc. zbora Save in večernih izletov v Willow Springs na prijetni Keglov vrt, na Savin lično enako število članstva, bi imel v gotovih slučajih iste težave upravni odsek, kakor jih imajo sedaj društva, ki se v to svrho sama združujejo. Ce je združenje za izvolitev delegata povolji članom prizadetih društev, je postranskega pomena, kdo jih združi, v nasprotnem pa, če se eno ali drugo društvo pro-tivi združenju z njim nasprotno skupino, ne bo zadovoljstva, pa naj združenje izvrši kdor hoče. Glavni odbor smatra za bolj demokratično, če si društva sama izbero združitev za izvolitev delegata ali če tudi zaključijo, da se v tak namen ne združijo in tako tudi sama nosijo odgovor- "moonlight" piknik. Kdor želi in<**- Prvi piknik in večerna zabava Cleveland, O. — Gospodinjski klub Slovenske delavske dvorane priredi svoj prvi piknik v ne-del/6, 19. avgusta, na Zornovih prostorih v Brooklynu, 43£8 Bradley rd. Uljudno vabimo vse drugI akciji, ali da govori v i-i skupaj, da se udeležijo in z nami menu našega društva. Ker se pa, veselijo. Vsi delničarji in delni-smatramo, da smo tudi mi del | *mmm—mmmm jugoslovanskega naroda, ker se v zahvali govori v imenu vsega jugoslovanskega naroda v Cleveland u, ker nočemo biti zastopani nikjer po tem odboru in ker ne priznavamo tega odbora in kluba za zastopnika jugoslovanskega naroda v Clevelandu, zato protestiramo proti njegovi akciji. Drugič: proti kramarskemu rsvnsnju s soho pokojnega Ivana Cankarja. Društvo "Naprej" št. 5 8NPJ razume kulturo in u-metnost drugače kakor jo pa kaže delo ti ga odbora s soho Ivana Cankarja. Mi smatramo, da Ivan Cankar stoji s svojimi deli j>re-visoko na stolpu kulture in u-metnosti, da bi se tak odbor norčeval iz njegovega spomina. Prostor, v katerem ima ta odbor shranjeno soho, govori v takem tonu, kakor da hoče ta odbor ponižati in norčevati se iz spomina pokojnega Ivana Cankarja. A ko odbor noče, ali pa ni zmožen dobiti boljšega prostora za soho pisatelja "Hlapca Jerneja", in če sploh nima VciČ čuta do u-metnosti, kakor ga je pokazal do-sedaj s soho Ivana Cankarja, naj prizna v javnosti, da je nezmožen in nskompi tenten izvršiti delo, katerega si je naložil na svoje rame v sled prevelike želje po osebni slavi! Končno naj vzame odbor A-merikansko - jugoslovanskega j kluba na znanje: če ne ljubi in ne spoštuje Ivana Cankarja kot na i večjega slovenskega pisatelja in dramatika in če ga noče. na i Ih> vsaj toliko pošten in naj |M>kažc vsaj toliko etike napram mrtvim, da vrne soho nepriljubljenega Cank irja na/ai. k er jo e d"bil al na Jo na izroči Iju-V g spvtujejo, ra umejo n ljubijo. Kar se je dogodilo s soho Ivana Cankar a potom tcKa odbora, nam dokazuje le, kako visok je njihov duševni nivo in koliko iti bolj zgodaj in nima svojega vozila, naj pride k dvorani SNPJ do pol šeste ure. Poznejše izletnike bo pobral Železnikar, ki odpelje od SNPJ dvorane okrog pol osmih in nekoliko prej od svojega doma, oziroma Johnnie Raka. Voznina je le 15c, vstopnina 26c (10c več pri vhodu.) < John Kochevar je tudi namazal svoj meh, boben, piščalko in kar vse bo že s svojimi muzikan-ti privlekel v Willow Springs. Plesali in prepevali bomo, dokler se bo nam zljubilo — navadno do ranega jutra! Torej ste na ta izlet prihodnjo soboto večer vsi vabljeni.—Odbor. Slavje 10 letnice S. N. D. Flnleyville, Pa. — V 144. številki glasila se je napačno glasilo, da bo društvo št. 90 SNPJ obhajalo svojo 10 letnico-dne 3. septembra. Glasiti bi se moralo, da bo S. N. D. obhajal svojo 10 letnico v Hackettu, Pa., dne 3. septembra. Uljudno so vabljeni vsi rojaki, da pridejo v velikem številu. Frank Pernishek, 90. INICIATIVA Cleveland, O. (West Park).— Društvo Delavec št. 257 SNPJ je na redni seji dne 17. junija obširno razpravljalo o I. Členu (konvencija) ter prišlo do zaključka, da je zelo potrebno, da se v celoti spremeni 4. točka tega ¿lena, tako da bo v splošnem ustreženo vsem društvom glede zastopstva na prihodnji konvenciji. Sedanji I. člen (konvencija) 4. točka ne glasi: "Vsako društvo, ki šteje prvega januarja konvenčnega leta sto ali več do-brostoječih članov, sme poslati enega delegata; društvo, ki šteje dvestoj>etdeset ali več Članov, sme poslati dva delegata; društva, ki imajo manj kot sto članov, pa se smejo združiti v dosego |>otrobnega števila članov, da izvolijo enega delegata. No->eno društvo pa ne more poslati več ko dva delegata in nobena skupina združenih društev več ko enega delegata. Društva, ki še a? postoje polne štiri mesece ob času volitev delegatov, nimajo pravice do zastopstva na konvenciji. Dobrostoječe člane He smatra le one, ki imajo točno plačan asesment in druge društvene ali jednotine prispevke." Naše društvo predlaga, da se 4. točka I. člena spremeni ali dostno število Članov, kot za)iAe-vajo sedanja pravila. Ker se pa mora pravilno združenje izvršiti le na rednih ali izrednih sejah, je to odvisno od članstva, če se izreče za združenje ali proti. I£er pa je naše društvo večje v članstvu od onega, s katerim sfcjte-limo združiti, se mnogokrat otfo* di, da tako društvo glasuje proti združenju. In rezultat tega je, da ostaneta obe društvi b^ez zastopstva. Iz tega razloga je torej priporočljivo, da gl. izvrševal ni odbor, oziroma gl. predsednik, ižvrti združenje. Nikakega dvoma ni, da ne bi bilo tako združenje pravično ali demokratično. Naše društvo je prepričano, ako si o-svojimo ta sistem volitev delegatov, da bomo izvršili koristno delo, kajti s to izpremembo bodo v resnici vsa društva zastopana na prihodnji konvenciji. S to izpremembo se bodo tudi odpravile potežkoče združenja lokalnih društev, obenem pa se bo tudi prihranilo mnogo časa glede nepravilnih poverilnic, kar se je še vedno dogajalo na prejšnjih konvencijah. Naše društvo vidi, da ta iz-prememba je potrebna in demokratična. Kajti ako društva (mala ali velika) plačujejo soraz- n me ud i ra, da se bo v bodoče gla- merno v konvenčni sklad, so to- sila: rej upravičena, da imajo svoje zastopnike na skupnih zborova- " Vsako društvo, ki šteje pr- .... , nur- vega januarja konvenčnega let a'o*1™™ k°nV_enCJ sto ali več dObrostoječih Članov, razlogov in namena, da pomaga- odbor združi v ga ilevlla članov, da izvolijo enega delegata. Nobeno društvo |va . . , ,|ne more poslati več ko dva dele- re n^nega razumevanja imajo ti u |n nobeni| ,kuplnil «druže- Uudje za kulturo in umetnost! |nlh društev več ko enega dekga- /.a društvo "Naprej" št. 5 SNPJ:—Frank Somrak, pr«is., Ludvik Mrdvetthek, taj. sme poslati enega delegata; driMmo izho,^lti H,"tem pri ™*i,or-štvo. ki šteje dvestopetdeset ali f^^jj1' pred,aRa na4e drU" ve? članov, sme poslati dva delegata; društva, ki imajo manj . . . ko sto članov, pa gl. Isvriev.ini l*n>A° ,nAn*° doaeffo potrebne- ,ninativo zadostno podpro, da bo ^^^ lahko šla tudi na splošno glaso- štvo gori omenjeno iniciativo in prosi, da se splošna krajevna Piknik Stoi. avditorija W«tf Allis. Wis. ftlovet .k. avditorij pripravlja velik piknik v State Fair parku za dan 19. avgusta. Na programu IhkIo odlični govorniki, naša mladina bo Igrala baseball, povabljenih je ptt pevskih zborov, dvorana za p!*« Je ,ena največjih t /!r ma wč n kxk< r vBaks pr v t n d\< -ranr K«r i« ta or ani*a , i ku' turna ustanova, so državni utad-niki rac'evolje odstopili |mrk za U. Društva, ki ne postoje polne štlrf mesece ob času volitev delegatov. nimajo pravloe do zastopstva na konvenciji. Dobro-stoječe člane se smatra le one, ki imajo točno plačan asesment in druge društvene ali jednotine i prispevke." Razlogi: — Olanatvo na»ega društva smatra, da sedanji sistem volitev d«k»gatov nikakor nLpravilen. Vzemimo ns prim r. ta namen. Zato »o vabljeni vel 11 Jiigoalovanl is okraja Milwauke In okolic« na to prireditev. da na¿e l'tev dt sto «'Is prtndse« s* üdrii egwtm in društvo štej« ob čas J vo. k g n tov I« nekaj man. ko nov. V Intern času gl. Inik i h. mve društva, naj žijo v nvrho izvolitve de-. Na*« društvo s« odzove • t nkrijo. <1* se zdmzi z bi tin j i m dr u»t m so mu dali "Zlata dolina" (Gold Valley). Grass Valley napreduje v vseh ozirih. Gradijo nove hiše bolj ko kje drugje, kajti okoliški rudniki (zlati)' obratujejo dobro. ' Tam se je zadnje čase naselilo tudi precej Slovencev, ki tvorjjo ugodno polje za SINIPJ. Zato smo prepričani, da bo mlado društvo SNiPJ uspelo ter da bo pridobilo še vse one, ki niso • v Jr,^ T v člani SN'PJ- «oj^i imajo tam seja odloži za nedoločen čas. Po Äiroko ^ tud- mfed seji smo bili gostje članov tega društva. Obiskali smo br. Geo. Basicha, kjer smo bili deležni dobre postrežbe. Nato smo šli z društvenimi uradniki k br. S. Persichu na farmo, kjer so nam izkazali pravo slovansko gostoljubje, on in njegova družina, sestoječa iz osmih članov SNPJ. V hiši so dekleta pridno pripravljala kosilo, ki je bilo vse hvale vredno. Po okusnem kosilu in dobrem kalifornijčanu smo se posedli pred hišo v senci in se zabavali na zeleni travi. Naj-tekrenejša zahvala obema ime- tako da njih mladinski oddelek postane lahko precej močan. Bratje in sestre novega društva! Od vas je odvisno kakšen bo uspeh novega društva. Vaša dolžnost je, da ne prezrete nobene priložnosti v pridobivanju novih članov in članic v oba oddelka. Polje je veliko in uspeh bo vaš, ako vsakdo izmed vas stori svojo ¿lansko dolžnost napram društvu in jednoti. Naprej! Vsi za večjo in močnejšo SNPJ! Anton Schukle, društvo 638. — ------ • puj mi ci in tako tudi pozabili na vsi težkoče, ki jih je menda po vw tu dosti. Približujejo nam se volitve, naj pazi, ra koga bo volil. Pomi delavaka stranka je le ena in y delavca dolžnost je, da voli i stranko oz. njene kandidate, bo velika armada, se bo naseli aprotujočih atrankah strah i bodo vsaj nekaj dovolili. Na svidenje na Syganu dne gusta! Jacob Dermota, i Poročilo in zahvala Clinton, Ind. — Proslava j nega jubileja, ki so jo priredil liika druitva SNPJ, nam bo v apominu ie mnogo let. Ak nas tlači dolgotrajna depresija la udeležba velika in priredite* jajno izpadla gmotno in moral Vider, glavni govornik na naj slavi, je napravil s svojim jed govorom j ako dober vtis na tul članatvo in naSo mladino. N beaede so segale do dna srca i bodo ostale v fpominu ie mno Želeti bi bilo, da bi imeli ie \ kih sestankov. V imenu »kupni itev se iskreno zahvaljujem vsi setnikom naše proslave in vsi kajšnjim članom, ki so delali I pomogli, da je naša prireditev sijajno uspela.—John Skoif, društva it. 50. UNSIIK SEJE GL IPRMIEfift OISEM z dne 25. julija 1934 Predsednik odpre sejo zjutraj ob 6:30. Navzoči so vsi odborniki razen brata Moika, ki se je oprostil. Prečita in z malimi popravki se sprejme zapisnik zadnje seje z dne 11. julija. Br. Cainkar prečita piamo Mozeleskega, v katerem sporoča, kar je pisal našemu odvetniku Seteckeju, da je dobil piamo od državnega urada radi neplačanih da-v-kov za Hrvatski dom v So. Chicagu in želi vedeti, kaj bo napravila SNPJ kot prvi vlagatelj na to posestvo. Pozvani smo, da nekaj ukrenemo. Odsek sklene, da je v interesu jednote, da ta zaostali davek plačamo in tako zavarujemo jednotino vlogo. Cainkar poroča, da ata govorila s hišnikom in ta želi na priporočilo neke družbe, da bi se "nazi" pri oljni kurivni napravi promenilo, kar bi stalo $35, in trdijo, da se bo a tem veliko prihranilo na olju. Vider predlaga, da se ponudba sprejme le, če se da na poskuinjo in če se izkaže, da je koristno za poslopje. Navadno so s takimi novostmi samo stroški brez koristi in nič drugega. Predlog Vidra sprejet. Cainkar predloži pismo od Indiana Fraternal kongresa, ki želijo, da plačamo članarino in ostanemo še na-rfalje čiani. Vsota je $10 letno. Odsek sklene, da se plača. Nadalje poroča br. Cainkar o neki tožbeni zadevi Vatanta in Sveteta iz Akrona, Ohio. V zadevi je sodnik odločil v prid jednote. Se vzame na znanje. Cainkar predloži pismo od št. 462 in 615 v Los An-golesu, Calif., kjer bodo tudi slavili 30 letnico jednote in tele govornika, oaebito br. Cainkarja. Odaek smatra, da še samo radi malega števila članov obeh druitev in bddaljenosti ne izpiača pošiljati govornika tako daleč, zato naj se jih obvesti, da *e ne more uatreči. Cainkar prečita pismo od br. Mike 2ua plakati v smialu pravil ta nataj. 4«* Tnvun VuJČ* je bil pasiven. Sedaj ko teli naiaj pristopiti, g* je vrhnovni zdravnik snital na bol. podpori I« 92 aa |1. on pa koče tmeti nazaj $2 bolni- ške podpore. Odsek sklene, da se ostane pri pri| lu vrhovnega zdravnika, da je zavarovan samo St. 98.—Br. Frank Golobič ima prošnjo za i) podporo. Bil je dolgo bolan a je dobil le malo bo podpore v smislu pravil. Je uboštvo in zato d| prosi, da se mu nekaj da. Odsek »klene, da I daruje $10. St. 317.—Stoja VisniČ je bila panivna in sedJ postati nazaj aktivna članica, ter se zavarovati je bila preje za $150) »mrtnine in nič bolniške pa Naš odsek sklene, da »e obvesti društvo, da b tem sklepali pozneje ko bo članica preiskana bimo prošnjo. St. 510.—To društvo ima prošnjo za bivšega in žele, da bi se ta prošnja razposlala na vsa d za bivšega člana Paul Poleša. Odsek sklene, da daj v teh razmerah ne pošilja prošenj nt društ mu pa da iz sklada izrednih podpor $15. ker je i no potreben. St. 120.—To druitvo ima prošnjo, da bi se I •lala prošnja na vsa društva jednote, ker so i« časa na stavki in so hudo zadolženi, žele prosi alati na druitva, da bi plačali dolg trgovcem, jih kreditirali. Odsek sklene, da se ne pošljejo p na društva sedaj v ti depresiji in krizi. Št. 43.—Gl. tajnik predloži pismo odbora D dvorane na Aurori, Minn., v katerem vprašajo, jednota dala oglaa na njih zagrinjalo in sicer xi 10 let za $50. Odsek to odobri. Gl. tajnik predloti spisek seje in pogovora nega odbora in članov gospodarskega odbora in Dne 17. julija smo prejeli ponudbo od Otis ar^ pany, če hočemo prodati za $20,000 I*a*hold ' Strausa A Hirshberg poslopja v YounK»townu^ za katero se je ponudilo nam M0 flat. Upravni odsek, upoštevajoč razmere in okuli ga posojila, katero je ritkirano in kateregs dritj varovalninski department ne priznava so tudi in pol zaostali z obrestmi—je M.gla*no miiHijaj ponudbo sprejme, obenem pa se obv« «ti aek, ki naj se izreče kaj mUli. Gospod«"1" bil obveičen in dobili smo sledeče odgovore: ntk odgovarja, da je za sprejetje ponudbe, ce atrinja tudi upravni odsek. < "vetkovič prav. oatali doltniki aprejmejo ponudbo, potem J' "JJ da jo »prejmemo tudi mi. Olip "r- 1 ,1 20. julija, da je proti ponudbi. Kad med i*>spoW.* or POPRA V KK K ZAPISNIKI t dne II. Jtilil* 1,14 V zadevi tea. Ivana Debeljt» 292, je pravilno sledeče: Ses. Ivana Debel Jak je rsd zmotnosti plačevanja aseanr-nts $1 dnevne bolniške podporr.-pr«-*' 1932 v ratred same smrtninc K' mere »boljiaJe. je telela bit dnevne bolniške podpore. Ma odklonil na podlagi tdravnrft' t upravni odaek, da j« vdeli v rsi" podpore. Vpoštevajoč, da je <*r •ek aklene. da »e jo edeli v rat^ podpore, ker ta $1 na podlagi je nemogoče ugoditi. Ta popravek naj društvo >• Idif < «Ma»»1 sn« . »dl f' ft * ,5. AVGUSTA. Podporni Jodioti lakorp. 17. juBik 1907 v driavi Affc. nt TA BoekveD 4894 GLAVNI ODBOR S. N. P. J. UPRAVNI ODSEKi rAtNKAB, pndMdBft....l667 8. Ijwndsls At«., Chicago, HL VIHER. «L tajnik.........8. Mlale Ar», Chicago. I1L ^ JbrF GRADISHEK. taj.bol.odd. »667 8. Lawndale Ava^ Chicago, I1L «d. blagajnik......8. Lawndale Av*^ Chicago, IU. LniNA uprsTi^lJ glaaila... .16W S. Lawndale Ar*, ChW*co, Ill aoLEK urednik glasila......8. Lawndale Ara, Chicago, HL * ODBORNIKI: onuT? A K prvi podpredsednik.......9M E. 74 th St., Clereland, 0. r U)KAK JR., drugi podpredaednlk. .119» E. 170th St., Cleveland, O. GOSPODARSKI ODSEK: «y PFTROVICH, predsednik...........»6 E. 140th St, Cleveland, O. 2/.UVrvETKOVICH..............•«« Seneca Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. oup................149 8* proflk>ect at'-< g**™«1"0 h tik, m. POBOTNI ODSEK: gorsek, predsednik..............414 W. Hay St. Sptni odsek je pre-^ vse predložene listine, ki ' "»naša j o na zadevo in na TO teh je soglasno zaklju-«|v nmislu 19. točke d) I ,,ravil seH- Bozich ijfrvifcng do nadaljnje bol- ie podpore od 29. aprila 1934 »m potrjuje razsodbo pr- * Sodišča. John Gorfek, predsednik; Terčelj, Anton Su-Krank Podboj, Frank Urbich, porotniki. ,xkAZ DKIŠTHV lu, . | K«. * «""merita zs mesec k 'u *«'t določeno v pravilih: b , ]K«, 194, 509, 566, k «ia mora biti dru- Nt.. ' " v menecu. Društvene hktt, da upoštevajo te A. Vider, gl, uj. ""USTVEHE ¥E$n L 't"!?! I, B».., .' • - Dne 11. julija 'i' čl.n društva Jakob Frank, ki i„ bil Je dober in zvest « «"di član IIBZ, 'V '''iranizacij*. p0. ,;ln" jul1JÄ. i »m. "i ¿n MB/ ne v^n^^» v rad-v' »inovi so pri-na očrtov po-!ru*tvo izruhilo "'"Veta tvrate^a • druátv» At. JH7 - ^ J'"»ga so brata poslovil podpisani, za druitvo it. 320 HBZ pa Geo. Solopek. Blagemu pokojniku naj bo lahka tuja zemlja, njegovi žalujoči ženi in otrokoma pa izrekamo naie iskreno sožalje! Marko Sabich, tajnik. Pozor člani društva it. 107! St. Louis. Mo. — Pozor, člani in članice druitva Planinski rsj št. 107 Ker bo 19. avg. zadnja seja našega društva pred vrtno veselico, ste na-prošeni, da se te seje udeležite. Člani in članice, ki so nabrali kaj imen za "Honor Roll," naj jih prenesejo na sejo in izročijo ses. DurJeviČ. Ako ne bo ona navzoča, jih bo podpisani pobral in izročil odboru za program. Za vsako ime se mora plačati določena vsota, ker drugače se ne more upoštevati pri programu. In kdor je dobil kakšen oglas, naj ga tudi prinese na sejo, tako da bo vs preavočasno v refltah odbora za program. Naproieni ste, da se požurite, kajti ča« je kratek in dela ie dosti. Komiteji so pridno na delu, zborujejo vsak teden, potrebujemo pa tudi od članstva pomoči, zato ne pozabite na sejo 19. avgusta ob 2. pop. Udeležite ne v obilnem itevilu. Zapomnite si, da to bo zadnja pred piknikom! Za druitvo it. 107, Ciril Medved, 4069 Bowen st. Vaina seja društva 107 «t. Louis, Mo. — Vabilo ns sejo društva Planinski raj it. 107 SNPJ, ki se bo vriila dne 19. avguata ob 2. popoldne v navadnih prostorih. Pikniiki odbor fteli, ds se bi člani u-deležili v velikem itevilu, ker ima več važnih stvari, o katerih bo poročal na tej seji. Čas se približuje za nai piknik in glejmo, ds na« dobi vse pripravljene. Na tej seji bomo določili delo za člane našega druitva, iato bosta storili tudi ostali dve društvi za svoje člane, tako da bomo vsi skupaj dobro pripravljeni za skupno proslavo 30-letnire SNPJ. Vsi, brez izjeme In izgovora: Ne zamudite te važne seje! I*uia Parlaa, odbornik. Zahvala (1+velaiMf. — Druitvo Naprej št. , SNPJ se iskreno zahvaljuje vsem, ki 1 so se udeleflli proslave 30-letnice in razvitja druge društvene za«Uve 8. i junija 1934, vsem. ki so na kakršen-koli na/m pomagali k uspehu »ote,1 vsem onim, ki so delali na Uj pri' redirvl in poaohno vsem društvom sa udeležbo in prispevke za saatavo, ku- Vsi na naiu proalavu! Gary, Ind. — Dragu braču i sesta i a! Molim, da ne zaboravite ugodne pfilice, koja vam se nudi u nedelju, 19. avgusta. I ovo je duinost svako-ga člana i članice, da se udeleži naše velike proslave 30-godišnjlce SNPJ, koju priredjuje druitvo Nova Sloboda broj 271 SNPJ na Mfrkolt-čevi farmi, 63rd i Broadway, čemo se svi zajednički zabavati. Pozivamo sva dobrotvoma druitva is Garyja i okolice, da nas izvole posjetlti. Nikoji, ne bude glsdan. Donta jedače In pijače za sve. Svirat če tamburaški zbor Zora. Truk če voziti nu prostor od 46th in Broadway ob 11. sata do-pudne. Ulaz Slobodan. Na svidenje, braču, u nedelju, 19. avgusta! Anton Zugel, 271. 474 475 476 417 47b 47s 450 451 MS 4m 484 4ss 4m 4ss 4 SO 400 40t 401 404 406 407 400 400 600 501 50* 50S 605 600 600 610 611 616 616 617 610 610 MO 611 I» ml si4 61« 6s7 •10 62» aso Dvojno slavje Avella, Pa. — Proslava 30-letnice SNPJ in 19-letnice društva it. 292 se bo vriila v Slovenskem domu na A-velli dne 3. seipt. (Labor day), pri-četek ob 2. popoldne. Igral bo Symphony orkester iz A-velle in Martin Resnik iz Clevelanda, Ohio. Naotopi tudi pevsko društvo iz Canonsburga, Pa. Zvečer bo igral za ples Spallov orkester iz Cinons-burga in "floor show" iz Washing-tona, Pa., bo ob 10. zvečer. Apeliram na društvo in posamezne člane SNPJ, naj store kar je v njih moči, da bo naša proslava stoodstotna, nekaj velikega, kar bo v ponos nam in SNPJ. Gotov sem, da bomo imeli govornika iz Chicaga. Odbor s« bo trudil, da ustrežs stsrim in mladim, gladnim in žejnim. Nikomur ne bo žal, afeo nas obišče na omenjeni dan. Pričakuje se velika udeležba od vseh «trani. Paul Mkar, predsednik. Naznanilo novega tajnika Arma, Kana. — Naznanjam članom druitva it. 434, da sem podpi sani po dolgem času zopet prevzel tajniške posle tega druitva s 1. avgu stom 1934. Obenem apeliram na član stvo, da plačujete asesment in druge prispevke pravočasno in mi s tem o-lajšate delo. Martin Kruair, tajnik. Poziv na aejo Cuddy, Pa. — Društvo št. 319 8N-PJ poziva vse svoje člane, da se u-deleže prihodnje redne seje v polnem številu dne 2. sept. ob 2. popol dne. Razpravljalo se bo o rasnih zadevah v korist društva in jednote. Člani, bodite bolj točni in udeležujte se sej bolj v večjem itevilu. Sklep zadnje redne seje je bil, ako se član(iea) ne udeleži vsake tri mesece enkrat seje, da se bo s njimi postopalo po pravilih. Izvzeti sa ssmo tehtni vzroki in bolezen, člaae prosim, ds upoštevste to nsznsnilo. John Jenko, tajnik. Vaiaa aej« društva M. 888 Windsor Heights, W. Va, Ns zsd-nji redni seji društvs it. 36* )' blls sprožena ideja, da priredimo ie piknik v tem letu. Ker ni bilo i ke udeleitie na omenjeni sejt, vabim člane, ds s» udeleže prihodnje, ki se vrši dne 19. avguota, da bo vsem p'» volji, če priredimo piknik ali ne. Sa dnevnem redu bo tudi več dmgiH raž-nih stvari. Dalje opozarjam *tane, da mi isroče pravilne naslove, da bo vsak redno prejemal glasile. Voi na sejo 19. avgusta' praBk Kelea*. tajnik. en ali- •m 6s4 516 6m 617 610 M0 640 •41 ms •4« •44 •47 •40 660 ••S ms ••4 ••7 ms ••S •SO ml »m M7 •7« •71 • ara •76 $11 ■tO M0 Ml ■SI' sos •04 m7 •SI Ml •IS •II •II •I» •14 •M •M •17 •10 •10 POLLETNO POROČIIX) BOLNIŠKEGA SKLADA o vplačani ia isplačani bolniški podpori od 1. Januarja do 39. Junija 1914 , F a. naksall I a.io 1.76 «Ia». nakaall Bsa. »Oa •0 1« U tl 40 It 07 17 IM 7 •4 S 77 M M 10 7 M I I »0 44 46 7» M 14 M 16 19 •0 M S II U •6 16 0 4 10 M M 17 1 M •i 1 lk • 10 4 •0 «•J 17 m "i I» •0 >4 It 10 5 si 10 • •0 II IS m 40 I» 1 17 40 S U •1 ii« a 14 10 It • 10 lil m1 M ii 15 ii 10 10 s 40 bi 10 ii 17 M S s ii 17 10 71 10 14 7 17 17 • 4 40 17» 17 15 10 ii 117 10 100 •I 14« 4« II t •• 44 •t; II 10 47 M* ••' iii n •t. so, M OS .1! 10 M It ii • I. 41 . >* 10 H M "J: ii> m 141 I« 4 M 10 IS 10 1.10 rrr 4.10 a. io u 1.40 106 4.10 174 1.10 I Oft l.t» 1.1» .70' .1 :•::;:: »t i« o S •S II M 4» U 40 ml ml IS II I I 14 •H s : •I S! S I f I II • I Bul nI tki Baa. ||J IMMWa Raa. fl [ «atataai BkuoaJ Bufcltka MI. II IU. Ml lasUMaa-J- V BO - Na. u I ak«|Mj V ala 4a no | It»la4aa« M.SO II« 00 ta. ta ITI M llt.M tat.m 141 00 IM.M 81 OO - SIM 70.tO ........ II M ...... IM.M 4140 41.70 ........ lll.M ...... IM.M IM.M U.M St.M 17t.»0 M.M lll.M ...... 11.M MM IM.N IM.M M.SO IM.10 u.ie I11JS ...... U.M UM.00 ...... 1,114.00 I.0M.M ISI.tO MO tO iM.as lll.M ...... 168 M IM M 00 00 •M.M IM.H S0.M M.tMT ........ MM ...... ........ U.M 1S.M • II.M ......... SS.70 MOM 171.00 4» I.M ...... ........ •4.M UI.M IMJO IM.M M M« t.ts M.00' ai.to M.40 ...... ........ •4.40 ... ...... 40.M IM.00 uns tU.71 ...... 48.M ••4M I47.M ita.M 107.10 IM.00 •4M tut II.M ...... ....... ..... tl to MI.0O 4t.M Itt. 40 ...... 8 ll.lt 111,01 .....'.! 4M.M U.U II »0 IM. 10 •».»0 14.10 1M.1S ...... U.M 101.M •4M NIM M.M 111 JO i M.M MI.M ...... ........ tl M N.M IM M It.M 41.00 ........ M JO «...t. 8l.oo II.M a o I o a II.M H 40 l«.M ISt. M ■too' •4 00 ........ •US II I.M ...... . .. 4 .1. . 148.M M.M M.00 ........ M.M •U.M t 00 44 tO 4.M ........ ........ 4.10 ...... ........ • «• 4 4 4 4 4 10 111,11,1 4.M M.M SOU 11.00 ........ 11.10 1M.M llt.M M.00 MM M.M IHM I4.lt MU MI» lll.M 1IS.I0 HOJO ...... •0 00 MM • I.M let.M IM.M IOO.M 14t.00 M.OOI 61 tO _ j ........ ISI.M S0S.M ...... 177 60 M.M U.M ........ llt.M lll.M UI.M III. H M» 00 74.40 tu.ko1 II.M ........ 4M.40 M.40 ;;;;;; 4M.O0 UI.M ........ MI.M M.40 14 00 4.10 lll.M SI.S0 IM.Ml II.M 180.4! ...... IMJO ........ .ü'.r.ii IM.M M....... SI.S0 61 40 .......t a M.It ...... •I.M ........ ........ II.M ********* M.I0 ot.ko! 14.40 1M.10 ...... II M 188.00 ........ lll.M 4.M 110.00 Ill.kO •J« •M.70 ...... M.M M.M ..... Itt.N 141.10 101.M 14.00 ........ Itt.10 ...... 41.M M.M ... SI.N M.M ........ 11.00 71.10 M.M MM II.M lt.ll 11.10 ut.to ...... ........ 14 00 104. M IM.N 14.N IM.H llt.M M.60 10.00 ........ 44.10 ...... ........ .i.... i 44.00 ........, M.10 ttO. M 11.40 tll.U ...... M.M 401 00 MM IN. M 4M 00 41.00 100.00 110.00 ...... ........ 14 M ..... 14.M 86. M 17.M IMO, ••.70 tJO 110.00 17.10 II.M 11.40 MI.M 48.00 41.M • IMMKI St.M 11.10 11.40 IM.M M....... M. 10 07.tO ........ IM JO ...... ........ It.M ........ II.M 04 40 • « I » » 1 . •7 .M au to IUI •11.40 ...... M.M IM.M lll.M 1440 MM M«.» 40.70 a7.ao M.M 71.00 0.00 aa mí u.ie TO. M 1M.I0 I.M 1111 un Iti.M iti jo tl.W 0 00 IU UI.M Ill.it 4a.M 117.60 10t M 110.00 1IJS 111.10 llt.M ...... M 00 101 M 141.M 11,00 Vi l M h4.m ........ t •0.40 M.00 M.10 II4.M ...... ........ II.M M.M Itl.M 1...... M. 00 ........ M.40 ...... 11.00 oto ........ • It 11.00 •....... •JO II tO 10 JO 41.41 ...... 41 M i....... •I.M U.M 4.as • I.M 7I.M ........ 1U.10 v..... I....... ........ .i.....« 110.10 17 00 S4OJ0 14.40 11.10 •11.10 ...... •I.M tl.M II.M INN 11.10 44.M N1.N 14 1« III 00 1.41 40 40 41.00 ........ MJ0 ...... Uto M.M ....... II.M 40.M M. 00 ........ 11.81 ...... 10.00 ........ N.M 41.11 11.00 111.00 41.10 1M.M ...... ........ IM.M ........ 1N.M U Io i"....... 44.M loto ........ MM « ........ 106 00 ,,,,,,,, INN MM..f. . 4t.1t 4(. tO MM ........ SI JO ...... ......o HIN ........ UI.M HM 7M0 40.M ........ Itt JO 11 00 11.00 ........ II M M. 80 10.10 •4.00 11.M lll.M ...... 14.00 • i..... * 14 M ss.t« 4 • 0 t 9 M.00 UIOO 11.10 IUJ0 ...... tt.M ION ,,,,,,,, N.M 114.40 4 4 0 4 4 8 4 « aa.ao 71 oo II.M 1I4.M ...... ........ M.M ........ a 4M MJ« 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 f 4.10 10J0 ........ 14.11 ......... ........ M .... 1 1 14.11 4 titiitm 10.10 114.10 111.10 ltl.1l ...... ........ M.M 40J0 iet.it I4t.lt t 4 t 4 t t t « 9 M.40 71.00 II.M 110. M ........ Iti.00 MM.'.,, IM.N UN la.ao S.00 /j,,,,,,, M.M ...... U.M ........ I»..,... UM to.i« •••o lll.M ........ lotto ...... HIJO 110 00 ... 1 ... . a«ut «I.M 19.>0 111.00 11.10 110.lt •..... UJO It 00 ........ 40 00 IM It 11.10 M.00 M.tO U4.lt ...... •....... MM.,,. • •MM. 114.10 ® •4M lit JO ........ 170.10 ...... •....... ........ ........ M . .1 111.10 ....... * lit 10 1M.M 117 JO ...... 84.00 ......,, ........ II.M lll.M ........ lt.10 4t.00 ....... IIB ...... ........ M M M M M.M,... •I.M ........ 47.00 0 00 «10 It M ...... ...... Í7 • '1,4 M , , ...I..... II.M ........ 17 Jo ..t..... ' 74.40 ........ ........ 11.1,1., • . M 14 J« ........ M.00 101.00 ........ 117.00 ...... tt 00 ........ ,,,,,,,, M.M 11l.lt " ...... S.40 M.M 44.40 ...... ......... ,,,..... ,,,,,,,, 44.41 ........ •s.so •4M ........ II JO • I.M ........ MM.M. • I.M 41.N 111.40 tt JO llt.M . Illlll 88.00 ........ ........ UM III M 140.1(1 •M. 00 II.M Mt.1t IM 00 ,,,,,,,, IN.M 111.10 1.4« 10.K II.M ........ UN It.N IN 11.0(1 M. 00 ll.tt 14.11 ...... uo .. •.«i.. I1l.lt „ 171 M IHN •7.4« 1M.M ....... UI.0« .... i . -> lo 00 ........ It.N 141,N 11.4(1 ' M.M UJ« 184.0V ...... ........ ........ UM ItN IM.M UM II.M ....... II.M ..... • Hiiji. M.M M,.,... M.M m.mÍ M.(M ....... •IJ« ...... ........ .MM... UM 40.41 11.04 1 ....... M.M 1 ..... ....... •I.M ........ ••oo U.M .......... M.I,M.. •0.41 144 .M Ill J M».M ..... U.M ••1.0« II.M •NM II4.N • Mil,H, lit 18.04 ....... •I.« ..... U.0( ....... MM... U.M UJ« II.« 7S.I UJ 0 111.1 ...... t ....... ....... • MM M ,,,,,,,, l«1.t« 1 M M M M ......... 10.0 0 00.(K o uj 0 II« t 1) ..... 1.« 1 III.« l> ....... IM.M 144 »0 ..... II.» 0 SIJ 0 11.1 0 111.1 0 ..... 4 88.t I ....... , ,,,,,,, HM UM Il.l 0 M.o 0 loč 1 71 4 o • ....... ■ ....... M«,,,, ,,,,,,,, 11.41 j ' 17.1 0 01 0 0 40 1 0 160.6 I .(HI. . _ 74 o m MO Il.l IHM ,,,,..... 4M 11.« II ....... ........ III II ..... Ittt 1 ....... ....... U.M ........ MM II 100 t II 14.1 0 167.1 1 ..... mm ....... •01 M •i....... HU .......;, 00.71 104 J U ••• 0 880 04 ..... 111.04 II M.04 ....... r ih m UI.M ........ 04.11 s.(x II ....... 108 JI ..... «1 00 104 04 ....... UI.M U.U •JI »0 0 D 11.6 0 08.01 ..... ...... ••.04 ....... •t.M UM •7.IM to.t II 17.» u 168 84 ..... ....... ....... ....... •••lili. IUI« ,,,,,,,,, SIK •IJ( 1 ....... 141,11 ..... ....... MM ....... HM N.II III.Mill 8.4« ■0.(M II.C * »7 04 ..... ....... ....... 11.04 HM MM I.M, NN II 6( 10.(M J ....... MJ( ..... ........ IM.IK ....... INN ,,,,,,,,, 11.40 IIS« IOS. 04 74.4 10104 1 ..... ....... IHM ....... IHM II M M.(K M.04 ....... 140.4M ..... • 4M ...m, • ••MM t.00 188 O« ......... .....,,,, M.M II.M 1171 111.4M ..... 41.11 18/04 ....... 171 tli ,,,,,,,,, 44 M 71.0(1 •70 J« !0IJ( Ml.04 ...... .......i •M.M lll.M 840.M ,,,,,,,,, itf.ie tl.Sd •4.M ....... 106 at ..... U.M lll.M ....... Itt H • i•111 .■ i ll.lt • 11111 • i • ........ 116 (M i ....... IM 041 ..... ....... M.M MM... HM MM 0.0(1 17.0« IUI MM .... I ........ II.M ....... 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IN UM MM 81 M «00 M Itt aa • *M..I..I 44 M M 10 VI M M U MM IMMII.I M M M 10 M i •..i«a MM ihm IM aa 41 aa II.M, • IM MM M M M M MJ«J 7« 40 110 lo M.M U oa-; M 10 .., • ... a MM 164 M INH IM M Ul M IMN INN M M ""lllll M »v IM oa u ta IM M MM • 10 M 1 m| ■ ■"Mili 141 10 lis M MO H MM • U.M..I IIMMMl IIM lot 10 BN • M ..... . ■ I 41 M ........ ........ ,,i|lin 'I 41 M ,,,,,, ,„ 0 M SSM 41 40 ........ 41 M ....... .. ff.M|i •tas' 114 7« HM M..I...I H M IH 1«, • 'J « I ... • IM ... II M 'MMMMI ....'..'.) II M 04 oe M M MM "*■)' ' "I • MM.l.l M 00 M M, ......i «a MM ISM M M 4 «e J« «il.M.lj 4 M ' NM ?M-.n«a ' él aa 141 M 10 M IM M MM M »0 IH M IM44 M M M M' 10 M III M MM iMse MMIM.J 107 M HH •t 10 141 M( IM M tlt.M MM HM • ••Ml. I IM M 01 M .M.H.., IS M Iti M • 1 m ........ • *»».*,.1 II M INN H . i .••• 14 M -Msef MM i,......1 llMMIll MIMOZI m ee| •..••..,a (Dalje M 8. straaLj Our Society1 t 30th Anniversary Year F> IRO ETA Solicit Your F, for SNPJ Mtml ENGLISH SECTION PAGE SIX Oar Growth in My That the Jubilee Membershio drive fa going along at a merry pace, with Ifiaglinh Speaking I ¿edge«« vying for first place honors, is amply and convincingly demonstrated by the official figures just issued which show a remarkable increase in membership in July. And once again our Englksh Speaking unit, the Revellers, Lodge 699, Ambridge, Pa., have been doing "big things". They have again succeeded in capturing the firat place in July as-they did in June. Twice in succeeeion! Revellers, we extend our sincere congratulations to you upon your marvebus success! Our growth for July shows the following gain in membership: In July a total number of 371 new adult and juvenile members was admitted into the Society; 206 adult members and 165 juvenile members, or about 50 more than the previous month. , During the first five months of the campaign a total number of 1858 adult and juvenile members were accepted; of these 1008 were adult and 845 juvenile members. The following three lodges secured the most new members in July: Lodge 699, Ambridge, Pa.; Ixidge 7, Claridge, Pa.; and lx>dge 8, So. Chicago, III.; the latter two secured the greatest number of new adult members. Lodge 387 of Traunlk, Mich., procured the greatest number of new juvenile members, 31 —and l/odge 323 of Ironwood, Mich., 21 juvenile members. Repeating our felicitations we must again say that l^odge 699 deserves all the praise for their work being able to carry the campaign banner for two consecutive months. Since this drive is being conducted primarily for young members it is imperative that our English Speaking units emerge victorious. At the same time we offer our congratulations to Lodges 382 and 323 which succeeded in bringing in 52 new juvenile members into our fold. Both of these two lodges are located in small communities, the firat in a farm settlement! The fact remains that even a small lodge doing business in a small community can achieve great things if it has in its midst enthusiastic members who are not afraid to work and spend a little of their spare time for the Slovene National Benefit Society. But right now the most important question before us is, "What lodge will capture the campaign honors in August?" And yet another one. "Will it again be the Revellers?" Or will it he the Pioneers. Comrades, Young Americans or some other E. S. unit? It depends entirely upon the energy and the seriousness of your lodge membership. The Revellers have been doing honorable work, but there is no reason why you shouldn't offer them Home real competition. The first half of the campaign period is over; there remains before us the second half. The next five months of the campaign offer to you a swell opportunity in which you can increase your membership and win some of the priz.es offered hy the SNPJ during its Jubilee Campaign conducted in commemoration of its .10th anniversary. Nenolve at once that you will do your best to necure as many new Adult and Juvenile members In the next few months as you desire. You can do It. Set a definite goal and vtork for it energetically and dilligently, in npitr of adverse condition», and you may he Hiirr that the end will crown your honest effort. FOR MEMBERS OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES Weiw^my^,.^ Oividaads art Dot« SNPJ 30th Anniversary Celebrations Beacons Highlights The following Lodges and Federations of the SNPJ will observe the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Society with fitting Jubilee Programs in August & Sept.: Lodges 10, 13i, 177, S53, ¿67, 555, 663, and (¡.Ht, SNPJ, Hock Springa. Wyo., August 18 and at (¡reen Hiver on August 19. Lodgen 12, S3 and (¡39, SNPJ, Murry, Utah, August t!». The Northern Federation of SNPJ «« San Francisco, Calif., t'n Sept. Lodge* ¡07, fíS'J and G7V, SNPJ, St. Louis, Mo., jticmr Sept. t. Lodge 6H7, Cleveland, ()., picnic at Zorn's farm Sept. J. Lodge» 39, 131, t70 and «31, SNPJ, Chicago, III . ut Pilsen park. Sept. .1. Lodge Bt, SNPJ, Broughtom, Pa., Sept. 3. Lodge 7, SNPJ, Clartdge, Pa., picnic Sept. 3. Istdge Mi, SNPJ, Aiella, l'a., (also own lVlh anniversary f t%* pf It. l.oitgr* 203 awt tl7, SNPJ, lliehop, (also t(Hh anntr7 of Lodue Sept. 3. Attend these jubilee affairs whsnsvsr sibíe and add te their importance hy presence. H rip make them reed manifestations of the true spirti of the Slovene National Bene-fit Socity. ■ pot-y«»nr Cleveland.—Those few local E. S. lodge hustlers who contribute more than their share are now rolling up their sleeves; in preparation to state a grand comeback -by reviving local interest and put Cleveland hack in the limelight as ia the days of yore. Let's not be backward in contributing our bit. Put Cleveland in the front where U ahould be! LETS GO, CLEVELAND! f. Picnic, Dept. 2 Socially inactive since their dance last April, the Beacons are coming out of their hibernation and will do their part toward celebrating the 30th anniversary of the SNPJ by staging a picnic at Zorn's Farm, Sept. 2. It will lie the first big affair the Beacon» have sponsored out of doors since they were organized. A bis program is .being outlined nHoring a big picnic this Sunday, Aug. 1U, at Spec's farm. With Kosela, Becek, Grandovic, PelU, Towcimak and others behind the scene of activities you know you're in for a grand time. But if your disposition resents gaiety and hilarity, we advise and plead with you to stay away for tfeose ReveMers have certainly a reputation for "Just for Fun!" LET'S GO, CLEVELAND! DID YOU KNOW THAT:—The 8NPJ ESL of Cleveland are uprising in protest of the low excursion rates from Ambridge to Cleveland . . . Joe Tolar straining Ms vocal cords singing lullabys because of the new addition to the Tolar family last week. Congrats! . . . Rumors still persist that Rambling Joe is headed for the altar . . . The Beacons are finally going on a rampage for new members; let's hope they don't become meek . . . A new Cleveland E.S. L. federation WILL be formed . . . regardless of the opposition . . . Ladies' Club of-Newtbuxg will picnic at Zorn's farm Sunday, Aug. 10 ... The password of E.S. L. in Cleveland is, "LET'S -GO, CLEVELAND! ' * * * \ According to biblical history, Adam was banished from Eden for breaking the one law of the Garden and, from then on, he and his posterity were ordered to sweat for a living. Down through the ages man's calloused hands have been going through the perfunctory movements of elevating them to the brow to remove the culumated perspiration, then direct some ¿putum into a pair of aching fists to alleviate the procedure known only too well as labor. When compensation for a man's labor is inadequate for the better things in life he'Jl renege, and when there are enough of them of similiar opinion, they strike. To strike appears to be the latest thing for finally it seems to be sinking into Mr. Citizen's cranium that he can get the things he wants if he goes after it—by organization. But where there is a strike there is opposition of which (includes the state militia, police, strikebreakers, capitalist press, clnbs, bayonets, tear gas bombs and other citixentry and pleasantries at the disposal of the Big Boy? And every time a strike is declared bow the caipitalist press loves to put its paws into the pot and drag out the "red herring" or the "red alibi" in order to obscure the social and economic inequalities that all thinking people admit exist in the land of the free. The paper has, of course, its editorial viewpoint, but when it distorts and colors the news to make it appear that workers are rioters, wreckers and public enemies then it can be classified as "working class opposition." The movement a strike is declared a barrage of abuse is showered upon the strikers. Words like "rioting," "lootii*" "disorders," "destroy" and other negative phrases glare at you in the headlines. The red bogey used to be a very convenient alibi, but Mr. and Mrs. John Public in the last four years have received a very good economic schooling/ But whether they will really benefit by it is for us to wait and 8C8 what course they take in the future. So far as partisanship goes all political groups here have their counter party in other countries. You have Republican, Democratic and Communist governments. Politics and economics are international. If socialism is an importation so is republicanism, democracy ahd capitalism. At any rate blaming minority groups for the rising discontent of the American people 4s very unconvincing. All that is necessary is to take the social system that now prevails and give it a complete overhauling. John Aynik, Lodge 667. Excelsiors' Echo West Aliquippa, Pa.—Here I am back again with more news from the Excelsiors' Lodge. Another meeting has just passed with three more adult members initiated into the lodge, and George Markov^ proposed as another prospective member. For the past few' months the Excelsiors have not had a meeting without bringing in some new prospective members. Thus far in the campaign race the Excelsiors came in second for receiving of sdult members among the lodges of Western Penna E. S. Federation. Remember, we still have a few months before the campaign will come to a close, ■o why can't we climb to the top? Come on, gang! Let's get out and get some more new members. Many Thanks The Excelsiors wish to thank the Boosters for the marvelous time shown them on their visit at Gowan-da. Mere it is several weeks later and we still hear aome of the members chatting about the enjoyable time spent at a wonderful place, among wonderful people. "Leaping Lena" suro did make a hit with the Excelsiors. (Pa 4e how!) The Excelsiors hop« that they may, some day, return the royal hospitality shown them during their visit at Young American's News Sis. Valeria Koss, who wss recently operated on for appendicitis, is rapidly recovering and a visit to her home at 17467 St. Aubin will surely be Appreciated. Congratulations, Pioneers, on your recent celebration. Sorry we couldn't be present in large numbers. Notice. Young Americans: Our next meeting will be held at 1714» John R., instead of on Victor. The hall on John R. is open every evening for the benefit of all. What say we get together sometime and play aome checkers or pinochle. Fraternally— Raymond Travnik. Detroit, Mich. «.Have you secured your new member yet? If not, please hurry sa the Jubilee Campaign is gradually drawing to a cloae and there are so many persons that can still be gotten into our organisation Rnmember our battle with the Pioneers is not over and wa still maintain that we shall get more members than they. Keep in mind: The bigger the lodge, the better it functions and gayer Its doings. A few moments of your time and you've done your daily good deed. So a Up on it, Young Americans, and ahow the Pioneer» that the Y. A'a. are to be reckoned with before the final curtain la drawn. And as time t* drawing nearer the Med of Attgunt, we moat remamber the Tashmoo Steamer Exeuraton aponaored by the Young Americana for all the Slovenes in Detroit. In the peat th ^ Young Americans have given their co-operation to other lodgee and eluba in their doings, and in return they are aaktng all to at tend this event and a how their wil Itngneaa to co-operate also. And re member, Young Americana, unless you yeurself attend your Lodge dotngs, they cannot tie a eucceaa. Tickets for this event can be secured from moat Young Americans, at 17149 John R., or from the writer. But reasembei r»ur junta of ticket« ia limited and enleaa you get yours immediately, you may be too late Mo reesember tmth, young and old. all out f«r Roll rail en Aug K on the Sleemer Ta^m.«. and «how etr It,me In at re f,.r all *h> aiUh.J the erjrone that the ftl»ve**s are willing j Ubor day celebration by l^nlge tSt te create good feeling amongst their in Avella. Pa. respectlH ergamuiioaa. lop ■tit«*, Lodge «77. WolvtrlM Lodgt Detroit,—The drawing for the mangel iron was held on Sunday, August I, in the presence of about twenty-five persons, and the winner was Mrs. Herman Znidarsich, the wife of one of our best measbrra. In the soft ball game between the married men and single men, the Annual Classic, the single men csme out winners by a small margin. The game, although looeeiy played, was packed with excitement; but the most Interesting part was the partaking of Vhe eight gallona of beer which the tnarned men Were compelled to furnish after the game. \There are rumor* in the air that the Wolverines are planning to sponsor a danc* which will be different. W ateh for further announcements. Hound« like there will he a Gowanda. In conclusion the Excelsiors wish to thank Tony .Grandovic for having made this trip possible for the Excclsiors. Calling All Cara Calling all ears, all cars stand by •—the Excelsiors are going to celebrate their FOURTH ANNIVERSARY by staging a big dance on Oct. 13. A committee has been appointed to take care of *U the details. They plan to make this dance the outstanding event of the season. Further information regarding this dance will be given sometime In the near future. Are We Going to Have Fun— Say, you boys and girls, if you want to spend an evening of frolic, attend the Excelsiors' Wiener Roast at the Royal Plush Country Club. Every member is allowed to invite one guest for this special occasion. So leave behind all your worries and cares and spend an evening of making whoopee with the gang. We'll dance, sing, cat and drink until the wee hours of the morning. I .orating the Peripheral Line We do not know what "peripheral violence" means and no diagram ac-companics the article to explain it, but it has the air of profundity, of one who talks down to workers. Just where the periphery of the class struggle is located within the cap italist system wc do not know, but the word implies a line bounding a rounded surface or the outward surface of a sphere. Where is that line? We would like to find it and direct the class-conscious proletariat to occupy it when the final conflict begins. But we not only are provided with a peripheral line; we also have a "realistic technique." We must all have a "realistic technique" if we are to march out of our Egyptian bondage and we are assured that we now have it. All this academic pretenae is foreign to a proletarian movement. Can any Socialist concsive of Gene Debs, Victor L Berger, Meyer London or Ben Hanford writing or talking in this magisterial manner? ExreUiors' Ballyhoo Noticed that the Prosveta's spotlight is focused on Joe Becek's articles lately. We certainly got to bend it to him for his writing ability .. . Revellers' picnic on Aug. 19 looks promising, we'll be there . . . Find the Canonshurg lads to be a likable bunch. (Pa ft* how!) . . . Lev*'* (Nd Sweet Wrong. (Overheard in a local movie.) While the hero was doing his stuff in an intense love scene, a wifle nudged her hubby and said: "Why is it that you never make love to me like that?" "Say." he replied, "do you know the salary that guy gets for doing that?" . . . The old-fashioned women who used to boast about how many glasses of jelly she « '»uld get out of a gsllon of blackberries, has a daughter who likes to brag about how many miles sh* can g*t out of a gallon of gas. 31. Following the announcement 0f i5o0o profit taken by the steel trust out of tSi of its worker«, comes news that the Gei Motors Corporation has declared dividend of 50 cents per shatTn^l the regular quarterly dividend of 25 cent? That should be good news to aU W who vote to continue the Capitalists^ industry for private profit Regardless of how many people are exig on miserable doles, Capitalism is 8Uc *f the owners are able to reap unearned inco It is those incomes, you see, that are the , iPURiPO&E of Capitalism, ¿nd the we,t producers is of no consequence whatever Don't complain if you voted for it < hope and pray that he people who received extra money will spend it quickly so that wiM have the God-given opportunity to prot wealth for their satisfaction and enjoytp The privilege of producing for owners to sume is all that you want—if you are si minded enough to vote for the profit systei Socialists, of course, are not cheerimr announcement that the "New Deal" codes, i their price advances, have worked out so for the profiteers. Socialists are not eage work for the pleasure and enrichment of p sites. Socialists want to produce wealth the use of all who assist in the work of pro tion. But it's different with the "New Deak They think they're doing fine for the: owners by putting them upon relief i And, unfortunately, many workers think too. That's what most Americans vote for therefore, that's all they get. —Reading Labor Advocal Employs» Responsible Pointing out that the real problem of L relations has not been solved by the NRA o code authorities, the American Federatio Labor says in its current survey of businet "Since the Administration has not yet cored for workers their legal right to orga: strikes have become necessary in very n localities to enforce the Recovery Act. T canot help retarding business, but unlesi law can be otherwise enforced, we cannot ei them to cease until workers have won rec( tion." "Labor as an organized group," the Fed tion adds, "is emerging to perform its fun< in American society. This is a necessary of the reorganization for economic con without It we could not hope to keep the bal between producing and consuming power. Deep under the surface of all industrial troversies are the elements of discord rele by employers unwilling to arbitrate with bor. They are the ones responsible for sti and their tragic consequences. They do no! the headlines, nor do they receive the i harsh criticism invariably directed against strikers; but they are the ones who engei strife and turmoil. As long as employers deny the right ol •workers to organize, there will be strikes more strikes. As long as the employers r« to respect and obey Section 7a of the Natl Industrial Recovery Adt, men and women resort to their last refuge to gain economic tice. The moment the right of organizatu granted, one of the chief causes of all «tl •is automatically removed. These are selfevidertt facts, but theempl class apparently is blind to them. —Minn. Union Advocal Post-War IkvoMioas Twenty years ago the World War broke and in this period 45 nations have gone inn revolutions of one type or another, revolutions have affected the lives of » 1,300,000,000 people. Most of 1these have occurred in Europe and One type of upheaval came at the en World War and the other came as a teem the world depression. . j. nt| Surveying the whole period. the capitalist system is eonvuW nal diseases and these ill« willco^ its final extinction. Like a h^riW?J mare, It will become only a hi*»«* , for those who live iri the Social of the future.—New Leader. y- rjie, no I'1 If employment and psjross ^ on earth can hold M^^^pn* not rise, no power on earth can *y. The man with an year eats no more bresd than ^ ^ g $3,000. Thirty families winter market than one with H Perkins. Frf n fasteS" iSmall thieves Ii« in to*"■ m wooden blocks; big oce* ®ttle in Moon RuD I, and probably the Aliquippa ¿«orí, although an open chal-T it issued to any SNPJ lodge, Km Dom aggregation being ru-Lj u the possible "dark horse" Meanwhile, during the entire Lgnm there will be dancing for who prefer it, with music by t first unit. The second musical Lption will begin playing at five and continue until YOU say: Pennsylvania Day i V feature of the early evening, «ira, will be the awarding of fw# Silver Loving Cup Tbropbie«, ilk Inve been on display in a local it during the past week. One tfhj will be presented to the lodge nag the greatest representation life picnic, and the second trophy Ike »warded to the lodge repre-Itatives travelling the greatest luce to the picnic. Rules covering I contest were announced in last ik'i Prosveta in detail. (Ambridge ps will not compete for either Mr) Pennsylvania Day Importation will be furnished by |Rks, with stops at Maiplewood jftttn First. and Second streets, at the Slovene Home on Mer-itreet. Trucks will leave Am-it 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 o'clock, re-from the picnic at 8, D, 10 and [Mock. The fare will be five cents kip. Out-of-towners travelling by ■Mobile are asked to turn right pb Winker just before you enter mkt and continue out on the I Sewiciley Creek road following IMtie and White "Revellers" to the picnic grounds. W jo: with two mushball games, Irl» three; with two tug-o-war ¡teta for the Western Pennsylvania, with two differont dances; I ti» two silver trophies awaiting Itinera; with a large parking W*»waiting car« and couples; with ■¡»round for the playful, right J P'fnic grounds; with plenty IWreíhment» on board; with the J»t feature of all-free admission I?ln old ox road";, with a great m crowd-well, with, practically P4"* tht' SNPJ Pennsylvania LrbSt,r °U*ht t0 the ™ State at the head of the L»t for 1934. Remem- ber—it's at Spec's Picnic Grounds on August 19. Lot's see all of you there! Pennsylvania Day And for novelty here's a contest you'll all like. We're quite certain you won't be able to identify all of the following feminine visitors who will attend (we shall be billing to verify anyone upon request, but the request must be made at the Reve-liers' SNPJ Pennsylvania Day picnic at Spec's Farm on Sunday, Aug. 19!). Here are the "clues"; all feminine too! One who not so long ago was uffi-liated with the largest Slav fraternal organization in the United States; one who is a gem, sister of one who enjoyed seeing two bodies cremated recently; one who secretaried for a former tutor friend of many of the Revaliers; one whose namesake swam the English Channel several years ago; one who sold a certain Rev a lucky ticket for a quart of Ritten-hquse; one whose brother was nicknamed after the screen's greatest male attraction; one out-of-towner who is going to tie the knot soon; one who typed script for a school paper when most of the Reveliers towners should be able to make this trip because of the holiday following, enabling them to visit in Cleveland for the week-end. '^ following day is the date for tne official organiiation of the Scala Will take place and Flood City Johnstown, Pa.-The combined pic nn held by Naà» and y\tHH\ ■m«.«.» of HnJ .t^u Icrt>wxJ *tten4ad in the afternoon, but follow. How opening in event is to Scalawags? Our grand Cleveland on Sept. 3? The Early Bird gets the worms, or perhaps you don't like worms, but anyway, we're making an advance bid for a date, fellow iSNPJ-ltes. Please mark No*. .1 on your calendar as the date of the < omntodoree' First Anniversary Dance. Remember the gala event our premiere social debut turned out to be last February? Finis Hurray, here comas a sailor! Why, it if isn't the self-same galivantin' ship-mate. Give an account of yourself, Dot. What do you mean by about it, the evening brought us a surprisingly larva crowd. Nothing of extraordinary importance happened in the afternoon although the evening proved to Ik» quite interesting. The races, which were held in the early part of the evening, seemed to get things started. I believe many will agree with me that It's not such nn easy task carrying an egg on a »P»>on with your mouth without dropping it. The men fared much better in this respect than did the women; The tug o' war which was to be Chicago. O^r big August lodge meeting Comes Friday, the 17th, Pto-niers. He sure you attend. We are going to hear the report on the pie-nic, we will o tline our plans for the fall Janco which will be held on Oct. »igt> with a rush. Hilda Kremaner, residing at Mil W. amends? Oh—she promises to write faithfully for the next two weeks. That's fine—a good deal—so 1, with Dot at the wheel for a few weeks, think I'll heigh me.pff for some par- Were in school; one whose brother¡¡^ Ku,iv«"tin' ™y own, with was a former Revelier "boss"; si; Flood City, waa supposed to Ik» one breerino- ¡n -. » 'ti~ f the outstanding attractions. After 1 JustluL H*V rMI-y ® i^he teams were collected together, and «»lh Place, Chicago, was tho winner vn T' dryW'K the UK? K»ve Nasi» Sloga a few1 of the Pioneer picnic gate prise. The I hi r°Tll°n? What, lessons on what to do in order to you had shore leave, but you'll make win. an accident occurred. Sis. Fran- ces Langcrholc possessed just a little hit,too much strength, and as she tugged at one end of the rope with nonu other than Hro. Pod boy at Ou- ters of one whose nickname is found on all American money; sisters, part of whose surname corresponds to the first name of on? qf the RevellerV presidents; one whose name starts with an A, ends with an A, ind has an A in the seebnd name; sisters, part of whose surname ig the full surname of a prominent Struggler; siBters whose surname always means aunts and uncles; one whose first name deals with the supernatural; sisters of the one who believe3 the Bay state is the beBt resting spot; one, part of whose surname is the full surname of a famous detective; one whose "closest one" has a liking for aviators; one whose first name is the name of the world's largeit waterfall; one whose first name contains the description of all cigarette* advertised by radio; the one whose name corresponds to the name of a delicacy, especially nowadays; one whose name should be known to all who ever read "Caesar,, Boole I"; one .vhose surname means rest to anyone; one whose brother is a Rev ait-ist; one whose first name was often "starred." And to give you all a better clue for this novel contest, among the "type scrips" given, one can find represented: Excelsiors, Canonsburg Pioneers, Commodores, Struggle™, Comets, Musketeers, Lucky Stars, Library J. Z. Jrs., Burgettstown Cavaliers, Midway's Glas Naroda, and. of course, Reveliers—and all girls, too! Remember, girls, it might be anyone of YOU! Why don't you find out whether it WAS you? Pennsylvania Day REVELIERS: — Please report promptly to the monthly meeting which will be held on August 19 at 10 a. m. sharp, in order that business con be disposed of before picnic time. Girls' won't you be there? Licker *aid hc'B going to be present! Joseph F. liecek, Lodge 099. Naughticully yours, Marian. Friendly City News FRIENDLY CITY NO. AM CELEBRATES FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Johnstown, Pa—Boy, does time and ^ ' ? . ' years roll by fast! Here we are cele- tht? ',artlc»|)»nts tin brating our 5th anniversary and tho 30th anniversary of the SNPJ. ticket was sold to her by Mae Jure ric. A beautiful $30 watch now udorna Hilda's wrist. • • • Will you all be there? Where? At the all-star symposium on Friday other end, the rope gave in and she n'*ht, August 81, 19.14, Slovene l)om, went flying. After the dust sulwided Cleveland. We learn that France« and Frances collected herself to-' '•*»g*rholc, Eatok Menlon, Frank gether, it wan decided that perhaps J«rl«. Hayaiund Trav- it would lie best, since our strength Ton> ,,Jrf* 0Uw Tohaute, Donald was greater than that of the rope, |J' 1 «»""ich »»«I other prominent and that we just forget about the tug „',»» t've young Slovenes will participate, war for the time l*ing. . They will talk about the effects of It seems that no picnic is quite «roomie change upon young people, complete unless there is some dancing. IWh,t w*r dor" io wh> trade For that reason we engaged Louis' un,«»na »re desirable? Should th*y Ropier and his orchestra to entertain |,llkr Mitlca arrloualy, etc. You'll the evening. The singing society, Rodoljub, also contributed to the entertainment by »inging a number of selections in both miss tend. a great thing if you don't at Incidentally, a special group of Friendly City was organlrel H (Kloven» and English. This society Is *l,out 80 ^ ,fllv* f|,om Chicago Frl- ............ throughout Johnstown for d*y "'^J/ 81' for M three-day abilities it possesses. If Cl^eland. A epeclal fare of you hear them once, you always wel- 11 10 fVr rm,n(l lril' h»> Mro- come them back again ¡cured. Anyone wishing t<> g<» should Before proceeding any further, In ,U,llfy Jwhn Hak or ,>0,,,,<1 J' behalf of Nafta Sloga and Flood City, years ago this month, August 4, by well known Brother John ("Lindy") Lokar of Cleveland at a picnic at Park Hill. We met the same afternoon at the Cone« maugh Bled meeting room and elected the following officers: Pros.— Joseph Culkar; Vice Pros.—Louis Ro- I wish to thank the Rodoljub society vanaek; Sooty—Sophia Bricely; Rec. jand all the others who so ireneroualv ' A big broadcasting orchestra is be* I M— generoualy "'led UP for the Plonaer Annual Sec'y— Mildred Vldrich, and Treasurer aided us in making this an enjoyable '"'"N ,)amr °n Satjrday, Oct. (1. This —Tom Bricely. We held our first occasion. i ydiai It will be held at the Sokol Hav few meetings at the Conemaugh Slo vene Hall and later up at the Frank- Flood City Meet in if "*ll that we may be able to Our meeting, which was held laat »«»»odate Die groat throng of Pio lin Slovene Hall. We grew fast as,Thursday, was unusually Interesting. «'eneere. we were the fir»t and only English,It must have U-en the l>oauty of the thi .-•(peaking lodge at that time. Before newly decorated hall, where the meet-long we were ranked as the 10th largest EngfisTi Speaking Lodge. Do not lose sight of Commodores' Log tt* Ahoy, there! Where j* keigh-de-heifrh ,a «he? Say, you seen her? (To a be- b® "\u L°n ,ll'ck:> »ny, that galavatin'ship- Krhi. • WH1, keeV * W*Uh L I1 have to go up to my bJ n d" a little 'onesome "n* l,y myself. ^»nU AKain, Pioneers! Pflonem' affair «nd deserves f)u b Enabk was quite a Mr>iore than one 1 ll'Hi>w Commodores, ¡^'■■•wij, Catherine and Wally Ann Zawick HaJ,! m,',n,"'r' Jonni« Cergol, T]r tim* trcat- while y forget you Pioneers, ^vHand look us up " deaerv v«*s another." one MhZ "«»'t^iriK in Chi- LttUd bUnyP Inl° Ht the MÄu M0UrL0ld "«n- ^ ^ í^ti , »0 lonely), * Aebrwi!, « and Kowla !"'■ '••lint sorry for ^, the so-call«d "Acal- »hit-bai *Skpj n promises to be a ^ r *["UpLwith »n interstate C/ «g. we elected him '4*"g. with Marian K rasa, fellow in- L t/ V A ugust 10, "ded l»y a very >r ut we've notice 1 the sume upon visiting neighboring lodge meetings. An E. S. Federation could stir up a little more lively interest and keep the ball arolling. We're for an E. S. Federation in Clevc'and. Wee Miiderns Announcing the opening of our juvenile department. To Gloria K*al. ski and Eddie Zarnick go the honor» Our first boost towards the treasury was mnde by Brother Andrew Vidrlch and we believe he still is our best suppdrt amongst our cenlors. Much (cyepXration wn«< extended us by Lodge "Dnnica". We thank them and we realite we still owe thom plenty. We prospered rapidly until about 1930 when "ole man depression" started in on us. Many were forced to leave us because of being out of work, but they are all coming back slowly. We still rank first as the largest English Speaking Lodge In Johnatown and vicinity. Our first anniversary was held at Faith's Grove where we bad a record breaking crowd and we ware also fortunate enough to he able to have our organizer at this affair and many other out-of-town Brothers and Sisters and friends. Our second anniversary was also held at Faith's Grove; our third was at Good's Corner /picnic grounds, and our fourth at the Bon Air picnic grounds, We have struggled hard during this depression to stay where we are today.' Members were losing their lodge spirit because of the lack of response, our membership roll was going down fa«t, members dropping out or being passive a» long as th»*y possibly could. Many were knocking us and «till are -but in spite of all this we are still ahead. Our f»th anniversary celebration will be held Mt the M ox ham Slovene Hall on the 2f»th of this month. WV are going to sponsor a gala affair. Music will be furnished 1>y Vern Pal mer'a orchestra. Dancing will com mencc at 9, D.S.T. We »n^ry gl« I to announce that w< hbv« tin honor to present Mayor McClo-ky'* tnk was held, that made everybody patent feel Inspired. The dates for two dancse, to he held in the near future, have lieen set. A Halloween Dance will be held on Oct. 20, and our Annual New Year's Hall Will be held on Dee. 29. Friend» Pre asked to keop these two dates reserved for us, and watch tho Proave-tft for further deUils. Corn and Wiener Roast The next meeting day has been changed to Sept. 20, instead of the !3th. After the meeting the mem-bars will lie taken to Highland Park where we intend to have a corn and wiener roast plus beer. Members may bfing friends along. The committee behind the scenes pronviaei everybody a night worth while. Will yoti there? A Transfer and Congratulations! Another transfer, that of Hro. John Volk, has Jtecn received, and we as sun» Friendly City that we do appreciate getting him to In- with us. Sin. Anne Langcrholc, al«o a Flood | City mrmtier, and Hro. Jno. Volk, wera married recently in Cumberland. I'm not going to proceed In terms of flowing elegance to felicitate | Wl»y» «"ly. them upon their marriage for they've | been Hearing ro much of that. Never-1 thclcsx, I'm glad to seea them on tho road to haf/pineas, and wish them all the luck that is possible, Olive ( hucherk, Lodge 712. Two young damsels from llerml-nie, Pa., dropped 111 on us last .Sunday. They stopped off for (he fair und took in some of the city's sights. And- they were jolly company. Yes, sir, Alma Hhbar and Marge Kuba-rich arc great Keystonlan boosters, too. Now that cooler weather Is setting it\ our Social Study Club will become more active. We havent' done much dcring the past two months aud at last Friday's meeting we reviewed some of our past work and urged the committees to come in with a full winter program at the next meeting. And why not? The New Deal hasn't brought us any real changes. Nor la there anything in night for the future. Theresa Malnarlch has returned from her vacation as Mrs, Nelson. Happy landing. - Jennie Hustarkh Is lining up her hubby and her friend for membership In the Pioneers. Frank Jordan promised us a new member, too, and Anna Rychel her son. Come on, folks. Who Is next? ♦ • • Will we have fun ugain at Sava's Moonlight picnic Saturday, Aug. IH? You can- bet we will. Trucks will leave from the SNPJ Hall about H p. m. Are you coming? Some are leaving In the afternoon already to play hallina. Dancing and refresh* bents as usual. Come! see All of you Pioniers (and then» are a lot ,ti who haven't »quared up on yum Contest ticket», nlmuld do so. Don't wail do it now, Bring them to the meeting Friday. • • ♦ Our good booster, Elsie Mlklauta, aud her mother vacationed in beautiful Uke Geneva. Frank Harhic Hr. of Cleveland and member of Supreme Hoard sends us the name of a prospective Chieagoan for membership lit (lie Pioneer Lodge. ass Continuing the list of out-of-town visitors at the Pioneer Picnic we find Frank Prrtnar of the Strugglers, Marie Htefanle of the Comrades, Frsnk and Walter Ewalakl of the Commodorea, Frances Homes front Auburn, 111., Kstelle I'lople« of Ziegler, III., and Helen Price, Kansas. • • • One of our government men was against the Socialist Party's program of government ownership. He said there would he too much graft. Htlll he admitted that government pay was steadier and better (despite the graft) than most private enterprise«, How do yo.i account for that? he it ked. Because the government Is In business for service only, not for the pi'oflt af any Individual. Naturally enough, then, when you tack profit onto service, the cost Is higher and the job less steady and wages smaller. Integrity Broadcasts Chicago. The last six months, or ' 30th Anniversary of the NNPJ given years before, the Integrity lodge did not spend a cent for any political cause, but for the bene!it of our lodge and our members. We do not promote political organisations of any kind. It is up to the member him- he'self if he wihIii"- to-do n>, 'I'll In tegrity lodge. We believe politics have no place in a fraternal lodge. We have «pilte a few meml»ers thai " j do belong !<• political mganiiation* I of some kind. Hut I hey do not ask I the lodge, becnuae they know thai we are out of politic« in our lodge.' Every cent that we are able to spend It is for the en ise of promoting our lodge and the SNIM in fraternal That is why the Integrity lodge has opposition in some labor ugilators that do not know any better than to depcii'l on fraternal support. Of course they have their ways und we have ours, Fraternal-Ism is the battle cry of Integrity, not politic«, Pioneers of Washiagtoi by the four combined lodves, and also to bring the SNPJ better fraternal spirit in which (lies« lodges are try* lug to do their beat. The Blue Kugle girls and the Oscar Nelson girls will fight it out In tb« ball field. Many more attractions will he atlded. You can enjoy this celebration with a full mind of satis faction. Don't forget Johnny and his Merrymakers will In< there to fur», ničli the tunes. Tickets are only 2Ac. The Integilly lodge iu going to celebrate the 3uign In advertising this affair, ho that It may not lie forgotten that the Integrity lodge did Its part to reichtet« the 30th AhdI* ' vu nary of NNI'J. Some people do liot realise the value of Fraternal protection. Hy I noticed III la»*t week's Issue where | belonging to some fiaternal lodge or of being the first junior editions of ¡daughters who will entertain by sing the Commodores. This depsrtment offers us a new field for cnlsrging our membership. How about eoroll* Ing some of your younger brothers and aiatera, fellow Commodores? Outing By the reports of different committees and member», about 7f> people are expected to attend the outing at Crystal Lake. A few out-of-towners | ¿0 (h(. |(MjiM M„j RffnU, are also expected. By the time you |,-n,j.,.r *UM)ni.<« will E K t» k read thia» the Commodore« snd their friends will be recuperating from rprains, sunburns, Indigestions an 1 such other trifles so good-naturedly acquired at sich affairs. Reveliers Some Commodores are d stusamg a visit to the Reveliers' pitn»c in Ambridge on Aug. 19. Their publicity agent, Jos. Becek, is certainly ern*-ing out a warm and welcoming m-■Konchun, Frl., vit«. By the length of Joie'« articles, • for a basket, we imagine the toothpick business ia • the first year | pick in* up. or have you repaired th:» •II team due to, old machine by now, Joa? m : A Little Publicity for Those »carom Sapt. I is the date reserved on our "kallander- for, friends, the Beacon»' Picnic at Turn's grove. Dan ag to the Neuron«' Melody PiM«. * «H*«* luemg cup is to tie pr« wnl« I W> thr ^«K-ration out-of-town lodge travelling the fur »oma tbaat dutoac« to attend. '''* ing and dancing and poseibly 0« , Mayor will ruy a few words. W-I have also asked Brother Andrew VI | dricb, former vice président of th SNI'J, to be our guest rpeaker. 'f h i » progrsm will "commence at 10 D.S.T. We are go ng U» have a birthdav »"»ke for oui Lodge l'riendly City, whi'-b we v 11 give awa> at a cake walk race. We are giving a d'.or prie« both Sou verrr* e p'enty. On«»n"burg, Pa. The Pioneer*' la»t legular monthly meeting was nut attended u* well hi* It should have been. Wonder what Is wrong with our members. Do you suppose It Is the early hour thai the meeting is held oi that nnm» of the tat«' Saturday-nitcs <*au't get up In time to attend the meeting. Well, cheer up, we'll soon have the meetings running < n the old schedule as coon an the mush'aJI reason is over iind perhaps then more .mem* hers will atier.d. I^-tV hope so. At oUr Isst meeting we had the pieasuri' of. welcoming a new member, Hro. John Simisn, 'nto ur midst and also four new propped mtm'xri, < Hro, Frank Grnscr, lodge ftf»9, Is critl I clxlng some of his own members who are employed in the SNPJ office. This is not any of my business, but I am merely defending tin by-laws of FN IM ami members Dial are men tinned. If they should do what t hey are asked, their «alurieu »hould be doubled. AIno, every time i go down to the SNI'J headuarters, I notic« organisât ion you benefit by the frleiidthip at prirent, but protection In the future, Home say, "Oh what do I want II for." They are the one« that nine times out of ten need It flrut. Ami they don't give a darn for their loved opes, what may berime of them. What Is (be difference between i he banks aud fraternal insurance? Tb» diffeienr« is y ou put that revelu| of the members who»* money into h bunk to «ave and have name l A HÍ If t are 169. mentioned do work for Ii »me IJ II-nn fmMh, and d so sue-hut we're ' re «ure hut wl«c react e b>ra t ion Esta and drinks will also be plenti ful. let rs have all Oat is p<#s e'e coo;.e:ate wilh us at tliia affair. W< try to s' | por*. as many as we en, so let us have the response. Brother Donald lx»trirh, when her« on July 14. mentioned the posslbll ty of be fjg with ua. All our wtahea er* that he gets hia vacation so thai h* an coil Ixikir. being I t't h goes for »i rpr.re i Joh I.leu ( altar, P Editor's Rote id La narti«-ta>bed to e* please write per ONLY. Kniith, I Mike Kapestirn-ky, and Mis. Fiank Sarnsa. whorn most of you no doubt remember a« Angelipt Retael, Tie resighation of Joe Hu' htc a« our ! former pre«ident wa« aerepted at th# last meeting. The offne ia now being • filled in by an< ther n • mber wbo is ab« ettermeni. of tlie lodge, She is i one other than Slster Klitel»rth i'raytok, the former t res stirer. Her offie* ia belng now m-cupied by Kranre« Pn4ior, ( h*U«r find man Sridge att ... Rain ' a there . ' 'he Excel 1 «r Pb^ne g l^boi day is Rot very far off and many of t lie SNI'J members are won dering when- to spend tin« day. I'll t «-If you where to go, ( o me to the big célébrât Ion which will be held at Pllaeii I'm k on lebor day, Mth and Albany You will not legret Coming over. I/O Ige» 39, 111, 270 and Oil are spon'oring this combined affair, which will enable you all to have a Kala time Of cou fee tbo* depend* on you, too, If you «aie to enjoy If Wr aie looking forward to park filled to utm«>«t «■ Ufm yoursell have O pa« it>. «'ir í«rver ¡ of the nd ng t» August Pn peers Reveller ReveLer Pi will in Am s* pirnic I eaoe'-l tt We id* ,i 11 on 0> Thank w lie re »oine iff in put a apell , , , ft«»me if the » ,o!d I ke to k> ow how you do It . . • The pM.mer le»y« «ere »orreesful m e iniuog Ibe double h. a«l i I game with V. < elsiof '*àtu « . • Mary Tersbel. a gradua'e nurse, is now mil Ing bei f cm Wiiii the off over bj bieei« ' Ifeia* I baroei* much m jare, lb. b eat / J surely I until ». 10th. Ih < b»< ag« A,t at I foT the i in i I» leers aie r them . into U "Kaj te i of Kper f him , , ■ i ...!. « t ball/if , o , «idle J. »here •he ha« »e Here's wish The I, «ige If gone g »a> , fui m««l of now ! leing |»re« i«l* 1 , A ne« tune ha* en, " Kann. G riga" . , . Wi.at »ta« IV * Wr don't see . The a mailer tbey n ban»a»er, at •e Pres., «an in An i , . . Cbe#rP#,1 budge on tb»i i. adslMMil j It, The fraternal inauiance Is to pay for it and »«»rue «lay when you are gone, that your loved «utes may share the thing« that you paid for, and may | also learn the »ame »plrlt of fratef j nallam for protection for their loved .ones. Just look upon the well-to «1» folks. They sll belong to fraternal | organisation* They realise tha value I m It. So «very worker should do likewise. 14?t's go, liit«grily, after tk«« one« , who have n«« protection. Tell tb««ai j about yourself and the SNI'J And »onie day you will lie rewai'ied for your noble «Iced you've «lone to some tumii)/ by g«itiiig them to join the SNI'J MPkeel FMufbbeebaf. he» 'y. 1^'dg« Ml. Young W « e year since «pent that gl Tom (gleo I hep We'd lir verser y on On •'most every Reveller is as busy as a bee, making plans for tha Revellers' picnic day, August 10, and getting their friends lined up to be with them there. What a busy day it will be for all—a morning lodge meeting, a league mushball game, the afternoon picnicking, and an evening of reveling, What'do you say, members? Let's be at the meeting 100% strong and right on the dot, so that we can have a lively, Interesting meeting wind 'Up with a whooping rally that will take us to the grounds in full spirits and rarin to go. We would be glad to have many neighboring lodges take advantage of the chance to come early and visit with us at the meeting while they will be here for the picnic. Judging from reports and the interest stimulated, this picnic committee is surely up to par in their preparation work. And Joe Bicek must have taken those sly proddings seriously for he has been doing some very Interesting writing and publicity work lately. Another fellow that has been 'hiding his light under a bushel, so to speak, is our former president Anthony Grandovlc. Come on, Tony, let's see some regular contributions in the Prosveta from you. The Clairtonians have told us, in a fine way, how much inter-lodge spirit means to individual lodges holding affairs, and each lodge should take it upon itself promising to see game of Indian ball. Tony I'etro-vich'« All-Star team beat Al Kacin's «H many events as possible.' Scrub team by s score of fl to 8. Iiet's see more fellow« out there next Sunday. Brother Kramaraich of Lodge wrote a splendid article on the very common lodge problems—of attendance and co-operation. His description of conditions, and his fine friendlike appeal to their members for ,, , better co-operation, strikes a common They are none other« than Ida . , ' ' . , ,,__^____#____ ____chord with many of us and makes us feel to ourselves, "that's just how I feel, but I couldn't express it just that way." And once again, try to be with us at our picnic, and we will all have a grand time. Until August 10, co- long. — Fraternally, Martin F. Spec. Lodge 099. The Spirits are enjoying the presence of two visitors, who are taking much interest In the lodge'« activi-1 tie« and Alina Meurich from Gillespie, III. The Maurich sisters sie «pend-, ing the summer months with their aunt here in St. Louis, ami have at-1 tended many dances and other affairs given by the Spirits. We wiah to thank them for the help they have rendered in making the laat Spirits' j picnic m success. They are h couple of real boosters for the Spirit«' Sing-1 ing Society. ¡ Mi«. Sophie Vertov«ek to ik u trip home to vi»it her folk« in l.ivinifn-ton, III., for H few week«. We want to tell the Vertovwek family that we rnlaa lh. » regret Granite Oth An« ••y have * about I I begged not ta hold any aort of affair t. un NO. CALIF. FEDERATION NEWS Oakland, C«lif.—«Since condition« are getting once more near normal, the Northern California SNPJ Fed*, ration had ita meeting regarding the arrangement for the celebration of the :10th 'Anniversary of four Society and the 6th Annual Dance for the Federation. Tha outline at present ia for a program from 2 o'clock in afternoon till the wee hours next morning. It wUI be celebrated on Sept. 0 at the Slovene Proyreaaive Home, 2101 Maripo«a st., San Franciaco. Chairman for the day Is Peter E. Kurnick. On the committee are Valentine 1*. harnar. John Barich and Peter Kur* nick, and all delegates of the Federation are asked to give them a hand. During the afternoon program there will be some very good enter-tainment A play in 8lovene. Juvenile dancing and singing under the direction of Miss Anne Fabian. Alao many other surpriaea. Since at moat big anniversary events headquartera send one of its Supreme Official, it is hoped that we also will have one here for that day. (Due to distance It 1« impossible.—Editor.) Kach and everyone and their friends should reserve that day for the 30th Anniversary of the SNPJ. Since we have had all a good at rug gle lately, let our epirlt get • hold of ouraelves and make something that will he remembered for a while. Our committee is working hard, ami ao It's up to all of us to get there and show the entertainers that a good program is always appreciated. And dancing m still good lor young snd old. My last article was written before ; the atrike waa aettled, but other arribes and members from thia aee I lion af the reentry have given this issue a good account in the Proaveta in $lqvene and it would be a waste o{., space , to repeat what they have Brother Schuckle and myself had the pleasure of going to Grass Valley, Calif., a mining camp, about 100 miles from San Franciaco. Brother A. Miller, who resides there at present and is one of those gold diggers up there, requested us to come there on July 29 and help organize a new SNPJ Lodge. Brother Miller with tha help of Dolinar, Fon and others worked hard to get members together for the first meeting. 14 members from 7 different lodges assembled there and decided, since the gold standard is good and all the mines are working in that community and glenty of people flooding In, that.It wouldn't ba more than right to have an SNPJ Lodge in that community. The closest Branch is in Sacramento and that's 60 miles distant. Grass Valley today is and has been for some time past one of the busiest and most prosperous towns in 1 country. They never knew wfeat depression meant in that section. The only difference was, more houses bgd to be build eince mora people wire coming there. And during the past 5 year«, the town doubled ita atae in population. ( «AH mines are going full blast and everyone is working and producing metal which has a lot of meaning.,*» •II—but ot.iy a few can hold oji tp.lt. We all like to have it but Uncle Sam gets it. ______ The present and future looks good and chances are that a real strong lodge will develop there. The foundation 1« good there at present, since the biggest percentage are old, rail* able members who will aure give a good account of themselves. They named their lodge "Gold Valley." It's in harmony with the surroundings. You have the start now and I'm wishing you all the success in the world! But now let's keep in mind Sept. 9, 1934, and San Francisco's Slovene Progressive Home, where we will hold the Big SNPJ &Rh Anniversary Jubilee Celebration. We'll try and meet you all there. Everybody ia invited to attend. . Frank Slaby. . Chairman of Federation. n| Vtlaèam, | U.M >».IHi 2M« ' M m. u leu z« UMI 40.M loto Utr.Ts • M.SO 1.40 7.10 sin 1*4.40 71.11 71.2« bl.fcO lOMiO IM.00 64.20 04.00 «7 00 €7.80 1260 17.40 21.10 7010 74.74 214.(0 122.20! «6 50 MM M. 40 1M.M 127.00 14.110 «2.00 11.10; 100.M 24.H0 SMO 11.20 141.40 104.1« 29.00 14.80 ll.lof 4».W* 4.20 'I 41.40 4.1. 11.40 41.00 140.00 M ..] »17,244 00 »140.711.10. »66.110 0« » U Law ran c« Gradliak, pomota! FURTHER EXPLANATION Chicago, II).—It is with resentment that we read Bro. Fmtk Grower's ex planation lr\. the last issue of the off! cist organ, wherein he states that he did not expect his communication to be published but turned over to the people In charge of the SNPJ em ployees. Where does he get the au thority to make such complaints? Ha mentions the fact that he hears com plaints from members not willing to work because we do not work. Is Bro. Groser the complaint department? Does he not know where complaints should be filed? Also if hia com-munication waa meant as a complaint to the Executive Board why did ha not address it properly? Furthermore, we cannot comprehend why only the Pioneer members employed In the SNPJ home office ahould be active and why exclude the others who are members of other lodges, If that be the case it is beat that w« transfer to another lodge where we shall have the same righta and privileges that the other members have. With regard to requests sent out through the bulletin, the Prosveta and so forth, to work at different af fairs, we wiah to state that we have definite proof where several of us of fern! our help and it waa not wanted The aame appliee for committee«. If other members are put on them with nut asking, why must we BEG to serve on a committee? From all thia »» arrive at the conclusion that we | are not wanted on rommitteee. etc and that aome people write articles only to be in»*.c and use up spare la I the columns of the Prosveta. In reference to the remark "why should we work when the paid employees do not work," we kindly wish to inform the writer that we receive a salary for the work that Is done within the office and not for anything done on the outside. Whatever wa do for tha lodge Is dona with our own free will and not for tha reason that wa are getting paid. So everyone else getting paid who works, as we are not working for charity, no more than Bro. Frank Groser or anyone else. Bro. Groser also mentions that some people earn half the salary that some of us receive. We are not to blame for what he or others are receiving for their woilt; let us blame our present capitalistic system. It is peculiar that in tha time of prosperity, when salaries were much higher and opportunity of securing a position at the SN*PJ greater, there was ladk of criticism and difficulty in securing SNPJ help. As additional information we wish to say that some of us have been exceedingly active within the Society before Groser became a member of the Pioneers. The possibility exists that some of us might have been active at some other lodge before we transferred to the Pioneers. You must remember that the Slovene National Benefit 8ociety consists of 600 lodges, and is not composed of only the Pioneer membership as some of our people would lead you to believe. »•> This is.our finsl reply with reference to this matter, and we regret that it was necessary for Us to engage in dissension. Frank Zordani, Stanley Zele. Alice Artach, Sylvia Heasez, Pioneer members and SNPJ employees. CONVENTION RALLY Detroit, Mich.—At the last meeting of the Sub-Branch 114, J. S. F., it was decided that we hold a mon-sterous event in honor of the coming Jv S. A. convention to be held in Cleveland September 1, 2, 3. All delegates from Detroit are asked to be present at this event in order to insure ita success. Anyone having any suggestions or referendum! please present them at this time. Note:—the time and place is as follows: Date—August 18, at 17149 John R. Dancing and fun galore follow the dlscuaaipn of thi important forthcoming convention. Fraternally, Raymond Travnik, % Member Lodge 564. Two girl« stopped in front of s counter on which was a tray of toothpaste samples. • "How much are these?" inquired one. "These are gratis," said the clerk. "Yes, I know that," said the girl, "but how much are they?" Son: "I'll show you how stood under an umbrells and one got wet." Father: "How's thst?" Son: "It wasn't ruining." 3 NOTICE TO MEMBI Membera who mbi items such aa a "Card Thanks," a "Memorial," "Surprise Party Notks," "For Sale Ad," or any oU similar item for pabB tion in Proaveta, pi* not« thst all auch items l considered advertisemt snd sre charged at refi advertising ratea. No rt items, therefore, caa published free of chard Philip Godina, Minafl Siva's MooRlight Picnic this Satlrdcy All Invited to Kegel'a Grove. Willow Springs thia Weekend; John Koehevsr to Provide Music Chicago.—This Saturday night, August 18, at Kegel's Grove. Willow Springs, the annual moonlight picnic of the Soc. Singing Society Sava, whose singers made auch a Mt over the radio last spring when they performed for the SNPJ Federatien at the time of the 30th anniversary of the SNPJ, will be held, Johnnie's Merrymakers will furnish the dance music. The first truck leaves SNPJ Hall •t 8:30 p. m. (t'dovich's), the second {ZeJesnikar's) two hours later. You ran get Zelesnikar'a truck also at Johnnie Rak's, IK06 W. 2»rd St., at 7 o'clock. Fare lie, admiaaion 28c (dime more at the gate). You better come te Willow Springs thi« Saturday night and enjoy yourselves to your heart's desire. Committee. IN MEMORIAM In aad but loviag remembrance of our dear huabsnd. snd f«iM ANTON SINK0VIC, who left us August 15th, 1929. Gone but not forfotten. We miss thee from our home, dear, Our home is dsrk without th^ We miss thee from the place. We miss thee everywhere.. A shadow o'er our life is cast, Earth the lonely caaket w- We miss the sunshine of thy face, The sunbeams love to iwf j We miss thy kind snd loving hand, Where our huahsn.l snd ^ Thy fond and earnest care. five years sleep*. J Sadly miaaed by hia wife, Francea Binkovic. sona. snd r'l«,|f Breexy Hill, Kanaaa. 7 dni do Jugoslavije m NA GORNJIH «WO PANIKI« ^ Kkapre.nl vlak ob Breme« ia Barops \ »* ■ K tajamél udobno pet«van)e de U« All petajte a priljabl)eni. m A I II MBU* ml ekapreenimi parnlki: W V L V -, %n T DEUTSCHLAND - HAMfUR¿ NEW YORK - ALBERTBAUJK Ted i redna odpletja s de-bre s aaai Ml kahinekimi parnlki .. Za poiaanila v er aie He laàaleess sc" Isberne Ze ooiaanila vpraialte loaaine«. y C-AMERKAN LINE »NORTH GEW*'1 chicago h-** IM W. ftaadolph St