ANNALES - Ser. hist. nat. 10 • 2000 • 2 (21) original scientific paper UDC 595.4(497.4) received: 10. 10. 2000 REMARKS ON PUBLISHED DATA ON HARVESTMEN (ARACHNIDA: OPILIONES) FROM SLOVENIA Tone NOVAK Department of Biology, Pedagogical Faculty, University of Maribor, SS-2000 Miiribor, Koroška 160 Jürgen GRUBER Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 3. Zool. Abteilung, A-1014 Wters, Postfach 417, Burgring 7 ABSTRACT A critical review of the literature on harvestmen from Slovenia was made to evaluate the data. Where needed, comments and/or corrections were added to avoid further confusion. 57 of 63 species known to inhabit Slovenia have, been cited. In comparison to the relatively long reference list, only few harvestman localities in Slovenia have been published, hut there are many mistakes. Two major types of mistakes have occurred: errors related to inadequate determinations and those caused by using garbled locality names, especially by foreign authors. Thus the in-field collected data should be critically examined before further use. Apart from making use of the Atlas of Slovenia, consultations with native biologists, geographers and/or linguists are strongly recommended. Key words: bibliography, Opiiiones, Slovenia OSSERVAZIONI SUI DAT! PUBBLICATI SUCH OPillONI (ARACHNIDA: OPILIONES) DELLA SLOVENIA SI NT ESI Gli autori hanno etfettuato una revisione critica dei dati di letteratura sugli opilioni della Slovenia. Diversi dati sono risultati incorretti. Per evitare ulteriore confusione, gli autori hanno apportato correzioni e aggiunto commenti dove si sia rivelato necessario. Nel testo vengono citate 57 delle 63 specie note, in Slovenia. Vis fa la lunga lista di letteratura pubblicata sull'argomento, e risultato scarso il numero dei luoghi di ritrovamento in Slovenia, e mold siti citati si sono rivelati incorretti. Gli errori registrati risultano di due dpi: determinazioni inadeguate e citazioni sbagliate dei nomi dei luoghi di ritrovamento, pubblicati principalmente da autori stranieri. Parole chiave: bibiiografia, Opiiiones, Slovenia 281 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 - 2000 - 2 (21) Tono NOVAK & jaw GRUBFR. REMARKS ON PUBLISHED DATA OM HARVESTMEN (ARACHNiDA- OTOIONfS) FROM SLOVENIA, 281-308 INTRODUCTION In the present contribution, the aim was to examine the taxonomic value of published data on harvestmen from Slovene territory according to the present knowledge, and to replace the incorrect and old locality names with the correct and current ones, respectively. Where possible, the 10 x 10 km2 UTM code (Fig. 1) and the altitude (at entrances to caves) were added. The summit altitude of mountains is routinely given; the actual collecting localities may be situated at - sometimes markedly - lower altitudes. Two major types of mistakes have been published concerning harvestmen from Slovene territory. The first group of errors relates to inadequate determinations. Most of these mistakes arose in cases when a species has later been found to be an aggregate of two or more species. For this reason Hadzi's determinations of Trogutus and Opitio species, for example, cannot be taken into account at all. The second group of terrors has been caused through use of garbled locality names. Among them, authors' mislocations and misunderstanding of phonetically similar Slovene and other Slavic names are the most numerous [e.g. Mokrica Mt. in N Slovenia and Mokrec Mt. in C Slovenia; Slovenia, Slavonia /a region in Croatia/, Slovakia, etc.). Further errors were caused through using names of museum-towns for finding-localities themselves. In the region, the names of Ljubljana and Trieste were most frequently misused this way. In some European museums, further confusion has been caused by curators by using names of only a few famous caves ¡e.g. Postojnska jama cave) for some other caves. Some misinterpretations occurred via erroneously used and/or translated native names. So, in Austrian geographical maps of the Slovene territory the German name "Birnbaumer Wald" is used for both: Hrušica-Flighland (NE from Postojna; correctly) and Nanos Mt. (NWW from Postojna; incorrectly). In written Slovene language - called "gajica" according to its Croatian introducer Ljudevit Caj and adopted also in Slovene language around 1840 - some Czech letters are used. In some cases, transcriptions cause serious trouble. Thus, through the loss of the diacritic ' (= "strešica" in Slovene, from Czech "slfeSka", meaning roofiet) of the Slovene name SvinSka planina (- Lead Mt.) to Svinska /meaning nothing/ and misunderstood as Svinjska (Pig-), the translated German name of the southeastern Austrian mountains is Saualpen (« Pig-Alps) instead of "Bleialpen" (= Lead-Alps), in spite of the town Bleiburg/Pliberk in the vicinity. For unknown reason, some foreign authors have replaced the Slovene names with others (e.g. the translation of the Slovene word: jama /- cave/ in the Serb word: pecina j= cave/). Note that Hadži was a Serb and was not familiar with the Slovene language and native names when he came to Ljubljana. Si 1: UTM karta Slovenije. Some further mistakes could also be made via intentionally misleadingly named locations, mostly caves; it was found to be the practice of some collectors of hypogean beetles to hide in this way their commercially important sources (Pretner, 1974, 1976) A special case is Carl-Friedrich Roewer, who was not an obscure insect-dealer, but the leading authority on Opiliones in the first half* of the 20''1 century: his many notoriously confused or even downright misleading locality data therefore had a highly detrimental influence on the secondary literature. Comments on this problem can be found in Rebel (1938) and in von Heiversen & Martens (1972), Martens (1978), Gruber (1979, 1984, 1998), Acosta (1996) and Thaler (1996). This concerns especially the locations of the material kept in Roewer's personal collection (Acosta, 1996) - he rarely if ever named collectors, instead referring to mostly nameless "correspondents", which makes critical evaluation difficult, in some cases, clarification may be achieved by perusal of Roewer's catalogues (Gruber, 1984:264; Acosta, 1996). The dubious cases relevant for Slovenia are discussed below sub Travuniidae. Besides, in the last hundred years the names of some places have changed, therefore many more localities are cited in the literature in comparison to their real number (e.g. the name Lukova jama is the only known name for the cave used by natives, in the literature cited as God jama, Godjama, jodloch and Jagdloch from the 19th century till World War II). There 2rc some lapses in inscribing names, too (e.g. Velika /- big/ PiSnica valley instead of Mala /- small/ PiSnica) and some further errors could have arisen during printing (e.g. Častitljiva luknja instead of Častitljiva luknja). In the Slovene language the use of adjectives is common (e.g. Medvedja jama /= Bear-cave/), but some authors used only the adjectives instead of full names (e.g. Medvedja h Bear-J). 282 ANNALES - Ser. hist. nat. ¡0 • 2000 ■ 2 (21) Tone NOVAK S Jürgen GRUßES REMARKS ON PU8US+ IFp DATA ON HARVÇSTMEM (ARACHNIOA. OI'IUONES) FROM SLOVENIA. >ai -308 The geographical names of localities have- been checked in lakopin et ai. (1985) and in the geographic atlas of Slovenia, Atlas Slovenije (1985, 1990) As for caves, their first names from the Cadaster of caves in Slovenia (Institute for Karst Research at the Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Science and Art, Postojna, and Cave Association, Ljubljana) are used, synonyms being mentioned only if noticed in the literature. Data from works fulfilling the UTM-criterion (Hudrap & Pavlin, 1996; Lipovlek et ai., 1996 /Gyas/; Novak ef ai., 1984, 1995a, b - for the species cited in, see the Annex) are analysed here only in cases of mistakes, while data from some unpublished diploma works arc included to provide published evidence. General records for Slovene fauna, marked with dots, are mentioned only in some reasonable cases. The laxa which (very probably) do not inhabit the territory of Slovenia are marked with asterisks. Abbreviations and symbols used CM Coll. I. Marcellino JM Coil, j. Martens MSNG Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova NHMVV Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien R Coil. C. F.Roewer SMF Senckenberg-Museum, Frankfurt/Main ZMB Zoologisches Museum Berlin • inaccurate location citation (UTM coding impossible) not inhabiting Slovenia, or no record available SYSTEMATIC PART CYPHOPHTHALMI Sironidae Siro duricorius duricorius (JOSEPH, 1868) • Slovenia (Hansen & Soerensen, 1904-. Austria, provinces Krain, sub S. duricorius, Figs, 3a, 3b Plate IV and Figs la - 1o Plate V. Coll. Joseph: 3 mm, 3 ff, coll. Si MON: 2 mm, NHMW: 2 mm, Museo Hauniesi: 1 m; Roewer, 1923: Krain, sub $. duricorius; Madii, 1926/ 27: Krain, sub 5. duricorius, Figs. 1-11 Tab. I, Coll. Schmidt; Hadli, 1928, 1957b, 1961, all sub 5. duricorius; Bole ef ai, 1993 erroneously designated 5. duricorius to be troglobitic and endemic in W Slovenia; Rambla & jubetthie, 1994, sub $. duricorius; MriUc, 1 997a, sub S. duricorius: Fig. 528: female) • caves in Slovenia (Joseph, 1869: Krain, SLib Cypho-phlhalmus duricorius JOSEPH, 1868; Simon, 1879: Camiole, sub C. duricorius, Joseph leg.; Kuhnelt, 1950: Krain, sub .5. duricorius; Juberthie, 1971: une des grot-les de la C'arinthie; Moritz., 1971: Krainer Grotten, sub 5. duricorius, Joseph leg., ZMB 4189 - 3 syntype specimens) 1. the cave Volčja jama, Nanos Mt, VL27, Cad. No. 743, 1060 m (Joseph, 1881: Nanosgrotte - Volčja jama = Közia jama, sub Siro Cyphopselaphus, loseph leg.) 2. the cave Žegnana jama, Orehek, VL36, Cad. No. 960, 620 m (Joseph, 1 881: Grotte bei Nussdorf, sub C. duricorius, Joseph teg.) 3. the cave system Pred jamski sistem, cave lama pod Predjamskim gradom, loc. typ., VL37, Pi cd jam j, Cad. No. 734, 490 m (Joseph, 1868a, b: die mittlere /grosse/ Grotte von Lueg, sub C. duricorius, Joseph leg., Figs. 117 Tab. I, 02.08.1865: 1 ex.; Joseph. 1881, 1882: Lugger Grotte, sub C. duricorius, Joseph leg., the species also cited sub (Cyphophthalrnus) Siro duricorius: Bedel & Simon, 1875: la grolle centrate /U grand«/ de Lueg, sub C. duricorius; Roewer, 1923: Luegger Grotte /German correct: Lueger/, sub S. duricorius, types in Holmuseum Wien arid at Kopenhagen; Müller G. 1926: Crotta di Castel Lueghi, sub C. duricorius; Wolf, 1934 38: Luegger, sub S. duricorius; Hadži, 1973b: loc. typ.: Pred jama, sub S. duricorius; Martens. 1978a: Luegger Höhle, sub 5. duricorius; Novak et a!.. 1934, sub S. duricorius: Mršič, 1997b: Predjama, sub S. duricorius; Fig. 19) 4. the cave Krška jama, VL88, Krka, Cad. No. 74, 280 m (Joseph, 1868b: Grotte von Obergurk, sub C duricorius, Joseph leg.; Bedel & Simon, 1875: g rotte d'Ober-gurk, sub C. duricorius; Wolf, 1934-38: Obergurker Höhle) 5. the cave Lukova jama pri Zcfihovem, VL94, Podstene, Cad. No. 91, 520 m (Joseph, 1881: God jama bei Ober. Skril, sub Siro Cyphopselaphus and S. '= Cyphophthalrnus) cyphopselaphus; Joseph, 1862, sub 5. cyphopselaphus - Fig. 3 Tab. 1 in Joseph, 1868a, Joseph leg.: 3 mm; Hansen & Soetensen, 1904: God jama der Ober Skril: S. cyphopselaphus, species incertae sedis; Roewer, 1923: G od jama der Ober-Skrii. sub 5. cyphopselaphus - very probably a juvenile of S. duricorius: Wolf, 1934-38: Jagdloch, also sub S. cyphopselaphus; Hadži, 1973b: Godjama, Škrii) (Kočevje), sub S cyphopselaphusJ 6. at Š mar jet n a gora Mt.. VM42 /the summit altitude 646 m/ (Hadži, 1933, sub 5. duricorius, under stones, 04. 1929, Kuieer leg.} 7. the cave Boštonova jama, VM71, Cad. No, 757, 330 m (Joseph, 1881: Bostonova jama, sub C. duricorius) 8. the cave Sovenca v Giobičici, VM71, Škocjan, Cad. No. 772, 470 m (Joseph, 1868b: Sovenca jama; Joseph, 1881: Sovenca jama, sub C. duricorius, Joseph leg.; Bedel & Simon, 1875: Sovenca jama, sub C. duricorius: Wolf, 1934-38: Sovenca jama) 9. cave Ceiarjeva jama at Zalog pod Trojico near Moravče (Stražar, 1979: Ceiarjeva jama nad Kokošrijami; ANNA1.ES • Ser. hist. naf. 10 2000 • 2 (21) Tone NOVAK & ¡urge« CRU8ER: REMARKS ON PUBllSHEP DATA O!•( HARVESTMEN (ARACHMPA: CPU 'ONES; FROM SLOVENJA, 261-306 not yet in the Cadaster, the name act. to the Rožič farm, natively Celar, 820 m 356" from the church of Sv. Trojica, alt. 410 m), VM31 (Joseph, 1868b, 1881: Ce-lerjeva jama, )osepb leg.; Bedel & Simon, 1875: Celer-yova jama, sub C. duricorius, Wolf, 1934-38: Celerjeva pečina) 10. a cave (which one?, the name not known today) at Moravče, VM81 (Joseph, 1881: V dolind, sub C. duncorius, Joseph leg.) 11. the cave farna pri gradu Struga, WL17, Cad. No. 4929, 130 m (Joseph, 1868b: Grotte oberhalb Struge, Ourrenkrain, sub C. duricorius, Joseph leg.; Bedei & Simon, 1875: grotte au-dessus de Struge, sub C. duricorius, Wolf, 1934-38: Struga jama) 12. Robindvor, Dravograd, WM06, 500 m (Hudrap & Pavlin, 1996, sub 5. duricorius) 13. the cave Knapovca, WM4b, 360 m (Novak et a!., 1984, sub S. duricorius: 04.1983; obstructed at least after 1994) 14. an artificial tunnel at Osek, WM76, 250 m (Novak et al., 1984, sub .5. duricorius: 11.1982: 6 ex.: 01.1983: 2 ex.) Joseph (1882) noted that. Fig. 3 Tab, ! in Joseph (1868a) does not relate to Siro duricorius but to 5. cyphopselaphus. The drawn chelicerae are typical for adult 5. duricorius, while those in Fig. IS are not arid probably relate to young specimen of 5. duricorius, as proposed by Roewer (1923). Roewer's (ibid.) notation that the types are deposited in Hofmuseum Wien is incorrect (the specimens are in the Catalogue labelled: Cyphophthaimus duricorius Josef - i.uegger Grotte 1862 - Crber leg. - W. Sbrensen deter. - 1877.1.7. 2). Unfortunately, in the cave Lukova jama pri Z.dihovem and in eight other caves in its vicinity no Siro has been found (July, August 1999, Slana, Novsk; see under: Erroneous locations for Ischyropsalis spp.). In dolines above the caves, relatively small specimens of S. d. duricorius were found; the small size probably tempted Joseph to describe S. cyphopselaphus. LANIATORES "Travuniidae *Peltonychia tenuis ROEWER, 1935 1. the cave Martinova jama pri Materiji, VL24, Cad. No. 963, 580 m (Roewer, 1935, loc. typ., type Coll. Roewer 5016/1: 1 m; kratochvii, 1946; Hadži, 1973b; Rambla & iuberthie, 1994: Fig, 13: approximate locality!. Martens (1978) noticed that the- holotype is a young animai. In spite of some- systematic investigations carried out each season, no further specimen has been found in the cave (Novak ef al., 199Sb). *Peltonychia gabria (ROEWER, 1935) The c ave Gabria jama at Basovizza/Bazovica at Trieste, Italy, 360 m (Martens, 1978a: Gabria jama bei Triest, Siowenien, loc. typ., Figs. 81-87; Rambla & Juberthie, 1994: Fig. 13: approximate locality) The identity of the cave (short description in Roewer, 1931b: Gabria jama) was revealed by Gasparo (1995). It is the obstructed cave Grotta dei Colombi di Basovizza, Cad. No. VG 32. After the description, the species has not been found there (Marcellino, 1987). Thaler (1996) discovered that the species morphologically complies with P. clavigera from France and Spain. * Peltonychia postumicola (ROEWER, 1935) 1. the cave Postojnska jama. VL37, Cad. No. 747, 530 m (Roewer, 1935: Adelsberger Grotte, loc. tvp., Postumia, sub Hadziana Postumicola: 2 mm, 3 ff, 1 iuv ; type Coil. Roewer 5018/3; Had2i, 1936, sub Hadziana postumicola ROEWER; Kratochvil, 1946, Sub H. postumicola; Prctner, 1968, sub Hadziana postumicola; Hadzi, 1973b, sub Hadziana postumicola; Guiorguiev, 1977: Postojna, sub H. postumicola; Martens, 1978a: Adelsberger Grotte, ioc. typ., Figs, 88-94; Marcellino, 1982: Adelberger Grotte; Novak et al., 1984; Marcellino, 1987: Adelsberger Grotte; Rambla & juberthie, 1994: sub P. posthumicola, Fig. 13, approximate locality). Groundlessly, Bole ef al. (1993) designated P. postumicola to be an endemic troglobife in southern Slovenia and P. tenuis in the Primorska region /southeastern part of Slovenia/; the same holds true for the sightings of the family Travunitdae for Siovenia (MrsiC, 1997a). Beside several other species, the three species of Travuniidae mentioned herein were described by Roewer in his "Biospeologica" paper (1935) - one of the less felicitous productions of this prolific author. In this case, the following facts are noteworthy: 1. In 1931 (a, b) Roewer published Arachnids from caves in the southeastern Alps, collected by Karl Strasser in 1929 and 1930, including a few opilioriids ("trivial species", no Laniatores). 2. tn 1935, 8 of 13 new Laniatorid species were described after the material in "Coll. Roewer" with no collector names given, as usual with this author. 3. Several "new species" (including Peltonychia tenuis and P. gabria) were allegedly found in the caves mentioned already in the 1931 papers. Since no other collector was named, especially not the "Biospeologica team", a naive reader would expect the material coming from Stiasser's collection. But why is it then not mentioned in 284 ANIMALES • Ser. hist. naf. 10 2000 ■ 2(21) tone NOVAK ft ¡Urgen GRUBER. REMARKS ON PU8USHED DA (A ON HAP.VESTMEN ¡ARACHNiDA: CPU. IONES] FROM StOVf NIA, 281 -308 1931, or - if the description had been postponed for a good reasons till 193S - is there no mention of the collector m the lastmentioned paper? 4. Concerning Peltonychia postumicola, the Postojnska jama cave system has been thoroughly explored since the mid 19i!~! centuFy (see Schiner, 1854) and it is one of the best known cave localities worldwide. It remains completely incomprehensible why nobody had found a Laniatorid harvestrnan until a mysterious sample cropped up to find its way into Roewer's personal collection. Furthermore, no specimen of Peltonychia has been found (JMarceliino, 1987; Novak et a!., 1995b) during more than 100 collecting visits by the authors and collegues to Postojnska jama and hundreds of excursions to other caves in Slovenia and in the vicinity of Trieste (Gasparo's, Stock's etc. researches), in the case of P. postumicola, one could assume that Roewer mismatched the name of Postojnska jama with actual cave names, but it could have hardly happened unintentionally for the other cited caves. 5- The catalogue and card indexes of Roewer's collection in the cases mentioned are not informative; according to Crasshoff (in litt 18.02. and 21.02.2000) the only entries read "Istrien" or "Triest"; collectors are not mentioned! 6. According to Thaler (1996) the penis of P. gabria is strikingly similar to that of P. davigera from the Cantabrian - Western Pyrenean - region, which makes the specific identity nearly certain. The penis of P. postumicola is of the same general type, too (the glans shape resembles that of P. sarca; Juberthie, 1972). fn Peltonychia, a natural disjunction at such a distance is improbable; the suspicion at "human help" cannot be avoided (compare the case of "Ncmastoma navarrense ROEWER", a further example of "fauna! interchange" between southwestern and southeastern Europe; Cruber, 1979). It may be concluded that the cited records of Travuniidae in the Southeastern Alps and Karst regions are not authentic, but cases of "illegitimate faunal enrichment" sensu Rebel (19.38) it is astonishing how many people were "taken in" by these "transfers" till Thaler (1996) provided conclusive evidence. In conclusion, Travuniidae are to be removed from the faunal lists of Slovenia and northeastern Italy. Cladonychiidae Holoscotolemon unieolor ROEWER, 1915 • Slovenia (Sket, 1979: 12, sub Euscotolemon novaki. Photo; Rarrsb'a & juberthie, 1994, Fig. 14: the locality placed in Slovenia; Mrsic, 1997a: Rg. 532) 1. Trenta valley, UM93-94, 500-900 m (Hadzi, 1973a, loc. typ., sub Trentania anioniana HAD2l, 1973, Figs. 10, 11, ethylene-glycol pitfall traps, humus soil, Picee-tum, Polenec log : 2 mm, 1 f; Martens, 3 978a) 2- the doline at Križna jama, VL56, Cad No. 65, 630 m (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 3. the cave Jama pri Riži, VL68, Mokrec ML, Cad. No 358, 850 m (Hadži, 1973a, b: loc. typ.: Brezno pod Mišjim plazom na Mokrecu, sub Sketia borisi HADŽI, 1973, Figs. 12, 13, Sket leg.: 1 m su bad; Martens, 1978a: Brezno Hohle/Mokrecu) 4. Golnik, VM43, 510 m (Hadži, 1973a: loe. typ., sub Poleneciana terrícola HADŽI, 1973, Figs. 8, 9, Polenec leg.; Hadži, 1973b, sub Polenecia terrícola HADŽI, 1973; Martens, 1978a) 5. Kriška gora Mt, VM43 /the summit altitude i471 m/ (Hadži, 1973a, sub Polencciana terrícola, Polenec leg.) 6. Tupaliče, VMS2, 450 m (Hadži, 1973a, sub P. terrícola: ethyiene-giycol pitfall traps, Polenec leg.; f m, 1 m iuv., If) 7. the cave Jama pri Votli peči, VM95, Ravne na Koroškem, Cad. No. 3263, 400 m (Novak & Sívec, 1977a, b; Novak & Kuštor, 1980a, sub Euscotolemon sp.) 8. the cave Pilanca, WM14, Cad. No. 520, 650 m (Hadži, 1973a, b: loc typ.: Pilenca, sub £. novaki I-IADŽI, 1973, Fig. 13A, 19.02.1972, Novak leg.: 1 ex.; Martens, 1978a: Pilenca; Novak & Kuštor, 1982b, sub E. novaki) 9. Huda luknja cleft, WM14, 500-786 rn (Novak & Kuštor, 1980b, sub f. novaki, Photo) Joseph (1882) also referred to the find of Scotolemon (Phalangodidae) with no locality cited. In Slovenia, 5. doriae is restricted to the coastal region that had not been explored by Joseph, therefore H. unicolor was probably observed. PALPATORES Nemastomatidae Nemastoma triste (C.L. KOCH, 1835) • Slovenia (Novak & Slana, 1996: endangered species; Mrsic, 1997a) Nemastoma bidentatum bidentatum ROEWER, 1914 • Slovenia (Hadži, 1926/27, sub Nemastoma bidentatum ROEWER, 1914, Figs. 81-93 Tab. IV and, sub N. quadripunetatum humerale C.L. KOCH, Figs. 94-98 Tab. V; Hadži cited Schmidt's determination, sub N. triste C. L. KOCH; Marcellino, 1987; MrSiC, 1997a, sub N. bicuspidatum (Figs. 525-527: female) and, sub Paranemastoma bicuspidatum (Fig. 533: female) « the surroundings of Ljubljana (Hadži, "\37?¡á, sub Nemastoma (Lugubtostoma) triste plurideniatum HADŽ1, 1973. Fig. 34b, Coll. Schmidt: 1 m) 285 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 10 2000 2 (21) Tore NOVAK ( lurgen GRUBER: REMARKS ON PUKIJSM6D DATA ON HARVCSTMtH IAKACH.NIOA: OPil.lQNSSI FROMSIOVEMA, 291 JOB I the surtoundings of Kamno, UM4»2, 200 m (Marceli¡no, 1973: dintorni di Kamno, 09.1915: 1 m, 1 f, MSNG; i m, 1 f, Andreini leg-, CM) 2. Divača, VL16, <540 m t'Roewer, 1917: Divača, sub N. bidentatum) 3. Nanos Ml., VL27/the summit altitude 1313 m/ (Gruber & Martens, 1968; Martens, 1978a) 4. Postojna, VL36, 550 m (Roewer, 1917, 1923: Adels berg, sub N. bidentatum; Gruber & Martens. 1968; Martens. 1978a) 5 the cave lama Sv. Janeza pri Prestranku, VL36, Cad No. 897, 600 m (Hadži, 1973a, sub N. (L.) t. piv-ridentatum, Fig. 34c: 1 rn; Novak et at., 1984) 6. surroundings of Cerknica, VL57 {Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 7. af the Podkorenski potok stream, VM05 (Hadži, 1931, sub N. bidentatum: pi.) 8. et the waterfall Pcričnik, Vrata valley, VM14, 860 m (Hadži, 1931, sub N. bidentatum, under a slone, 14.08. 192«, Had?.i leg.: 1 f; Grübet & Martens, 1968) 9. Bled, VM33, 500 m (Gruber & Martens, 1968; Martens, 1978a) 10 Ljubljana, VM60, 300 m (Roewer, 1917, 1923: Laibach, sub N. bidentatum; Gruber & Mattens. 1968; Martens, 1978a) II Šmarna gora ML, VM60-61 Alte summit altitude 689 m/ (Hadži, 1973a, sub N. (L.) t. pluridentatum, Fig. 34a, several times, Hadži leg.: pl. mm, ff) Nemastoma bidentatum spaisum GRUBER & MARTENS, 1968 • Slovenia (MrSič, 1997a) 1 2,5 km N from the railway station Pesnica, WM56, 260 m (Gruber & Martens, 1968) 2. Dolnja Bistrica, XM05, 170 m (Kovač, 1997, 17.08. 1996, Kovač leg.: 2 mm, 1 iuv. - 2 ff) 3. Dobrovntk/Dobronak, XM07, 170 m (Kovač, 1997, 18, 08.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 f, 1 iuv.) 4. SrediSte/Szerdahcly, XM08, 240 m (Kovač, 1997, 12 08.1996, Kovne feg.: 2 ti - 24.08.1996: 16 mm, 7 ff) 5 ßcnica/Benice, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 19.08. 1996. Kovač leg.: 11 mm., 14 ff) 6 Caberje/Cyetyänos, XM15. 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 2208.1996, Kovač leg.: 4 mm, 11 ff, 1 iuv. - 12.10.1996: 11 mm, 9 ff - 19.10.1996: 18 mm, 1 8 ff) 7. Banula/Banuta, XM16. J 70 m (Kovač, ¡997, 10.08. 1996, Kovač leg.: 7 mm, 6 ff) In the legend to Fig. 12 in Grübet & Martens (1968), Županja is placed in Slovenia ("Slowenien") instead of Slavonia (Croatia). Nemastoma bidentatum bidentatum x sparsum • Slovenia (Hadži, 1926/27, sub N. bidentatum RO- EWER, 1914, the pedipalp in Fig. 94, sub N. quadri-punctatum humerate, probably belongs to N. b. bidentatum x sparsum, Coll. Schmidt; Roewer, 19.1!, sub N. bidentatum) 1. Sneznik Mt., VL54 /the summit altitude 1696 m/ (Martens, 19783, Martens leg.) 2 Novo mesto, WL17, 190 m (HadZi, 1973a, b, sub N. (t.) triste pluridentatum HADZI, 1973, Figs. 33b, C, Karaman leg.: pl. mm, ff; Gruber & Martens, 1968; Martens, 1978a) 3. Mima gora, VVL05 /the summit altitude 1046 m/ (Hadii, 1973a, b, sub N. (Stridubstoma) setiskari HADZl, 1973, Fig. 37, 28,07.1948, SeliSkar leg.: 1 m) Nemastoma bidentatum ssp. 1. C.elje, WM22, 240 m (Roewer, 1917: Cilli, sub N, triste) 2. Martbor, WM55, 280 rn (Roewer, 1917: Marburg, sub N. triste) Nemastoma dentigerum CANESTRINI, 1873 • Slovenia (MRS1C, 1997a) 1. Divaia, VL16, 440 m (Gruber & Martens, 1968, Ver-hoeff leg.; Martens, 1978a) 2. Bukovje, VL37, 580 m (Martens, 1978a: Bukovje/ Selva di Piro, Sbordoni leg.) Nemastoma (t ugubrostoma) triste (C.L. KOCH, 583.5) and *N. (t.) tugubre unicoior ROEWER, 1914, mentioned for Slovenia and Croatia (Hadzi, 1973b), probably mostly comply with N. bidentatum sparsum, but partly maybe also with N. triste and N. dentigerum. N. (L.) bidentatum ROEWER, 1914 in HadZi's works couid be N. bidentatum bidentatum, N. b. sparsum, but also N. triste. *N. tugubre (MULLER, 1776) mentioned by Hadzi (1973b) does not live in Slovenia. Paranemastoma quadripunctatum (PERTY, 1833) ♦ Slovenia (Hadzi, 1926/27, sub Nemastoma quadripunctatum humerate (C.L. KOCH, 1839), Figs. 99-115 Tab. V.: 1 m, 4 ff; 1 Iad2i cited Schmidt's determinations, sub Phatangium iniacutatum var. quadri-maculatum KOCH: 1 m, 1 f, sub Ph. flavimanum: 2 ff, and sub Ph. hispidum: 1 f; Hadzi. 1973b, sub N. (N.) quadripunctatum (FERTY, 1833), N. (N.) aurosum (C.L. KOCH, 1869), N. (N.) stovenicum HAD/h, 1973, N. (N.) werneri KULCZYNSK), 1903, N. (Luguhrostoma) moesiacum (ROEWER, 1917); Mrsic, 1997a) * Triglav Mis. /the summit altitude 2864 m/ (Hadzi, 1973a, b, sub N. (N.) triglavense HADZI, 1973, Fig. 19: 1 m, Martens, 5978a) • Pohorje Mts. /the summit altitude 1543 m/ (Martens, 1978a: Bachergebirge) 1. cave BrimSca, VL25, Cad No. ¡132, 540 m (Roewer, 286 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 10 2000 • 2 (21) Tone NOVAK & Jiirgcr GRUBER: REMARKS ON PUBLISHED DATA ON HARVESTMEN (ARACHNID. OPILIONSS) FROM SLOVENIA. 2ft 1-308 1931a: Bresnica jama bei Basovtzza, sub N. nervosum ROEWF.R, 1923, 21.09.1931, Strasser leg.: 2ff; Wolf, 1934-38: Grotta di Bresovizza, sub N. nervosum) 2. Bukovje, VL37, 580 m (Di Caporiacco 1949: Crusizza, Selva di Piro, sub N. nervosum, 10.08.1938: 1 m, 1 f) 3. at lake Bohinjsko jezero, VM02-12, 630 rri (Hadži, 1931, sub N. quadripunctatum quadrípunctatum PERTY, 1833, Hadži leg.: 1 f) 4. at lake Črno jezero, VM03, 1350 m (Hadži, 1973a, sub Nemastoma (N.) sp., Fig. 72, noticed some characteristics of N. quadnpunctatvm and N. aurosum ÍC.L. KOCH, 1869), 07.07.1965, Pretnar leg: 1 m) 5. Koren mountain pass, VM05, 1073 m (Martens, 1978a: Wurzen-Pass, Martens leg.) 6. the hill Šišenski hrib, VMS0, Ljubljana, 429 m (Hadži, 1973a sub iV. (N.J emortertse HADŽ1, 1973, Figs. 21, 22, several times, Hadži leg.: pi. mm, ff - Hadži noticed that in 1926/27 lie mentioned the species Sub N. quadripunctatum humera le (C.L. KOCH, 1839)) 7. at Predoslje, VM52, 420 m (Hadži, 1973a, b. sub N. (N.) quadripunctatum carniolicurn HADŽI, 1973, Fig 20, ethylene-glycol pitfa'l traps, Piceetum, Polenec leg.: pi. mm, ff) 8. the cave Jama Sv, Janeza pri Prestranku, VL36, Cad. No 897, 600 m (Hadži, 1973a, b, sub N. (N.) mediosignatum HADŽI, 1973, Fig. 16, 29.08.1954, Premer leg.: 1 m; 23.08.1965: 1 m) 9. the pothole Brezno pri Veliki groblji, VL48, Cad. No 19, 520 m (Hadži, 1973a, sub N. (N.) sbvenicum HADŽI, 1973, Fig 18, material of the Društvo za raziskovanje jam/Cave research Society/, 02.05.1926: 2 mm, 1 í) 10. Snežnik Mt„ VL54 /the summit altitude 1796 m/ (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 11. Cerknica, VL57, 560 m (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) Paranemastoma bicuspidatum C.L. KOCH, 1835 « Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b sub Nemastoma (N.} bicus-pidatun 1 C.L. KOCH, 1835) 1. the cave Huda luknja pri Radljah, WM16, Cad. No. 3191, 450 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982b: Huda luknja nad Radljami, 1972-73; Novak et al., 1984: Huda luknja nad Radljami, Novak leg.) 2. pothole Sireiški pekel, VM74, 1200 m Cad. No. 4251 (Kranjc & Novak, 1978: Strelcev pekel, sub N. bicuspidatum, 05.1975, Novak leg.) r"Paranemastoma polom cum ROF.VVF.R, 1951" Starega (¡965) elucidated that "Nemastoma poloni-cum ROEWFR, 1951" does not inhabit Poland. According to his opinion, a mistake was made in reading as well as interpreting the location label, which should not be San Valley in Poland but Sava or Savinja valley, both being in Slovenia ("es kónnte nicht "San-Tal" sondern "Sau-Tal" oder "Sann-Tal" (beide Flusse in Slowenien) ..."). Starega therefore supposed that the species could inhabit the Slovenian E Alps. Hadži agreed (1973b: Slovenia?, sub N. (Dromedostoma polonicum) According to M. Grasshoff (in lift.), the relevant entry in the catalogue of the Roewer collection reads "Galizien Oberes Sav (or: Sau) Tal". (Let us note that the Sana valley NE from jajce in Bosnia sounds very similarly and is close to the areal of P. raaewt, though it has not been recorded from the valley.) As is often ihe case in Roewer's collection, no collector is mentioned; he shifted the responsibility to an "unknown soldier". In fact, only two Paranemastoma species: P. quadripunctatum and P. bicuspidatum live in Slovenia, and no further are expected. According to Roewer's (1951, Tab. 3) figs. 26 for P. re.dewi (sub Nemastoma radevii and 27 for P. polonicum (sub N. polonicum: cf. Martens, 1978a), and Star^ga's Fig. (1965: 302) it seems reasonable to assume P. polonicum to be the synonym of a very polymorphic P. radewi (cf. Starega 1976). histricostoma dentipalpe (AU55ERER, 1867) • Slovenia (Roewer, 1923: K rain, sub Nemastoma dentipalpe, M us. Wien, Berlin, Coll. ROEWER etc.: Hadži, i 973b, sub N. (N.) dentipalpe AUSSERER, 1896; Mršic", 1997a: Fig. 534) 1. at Podkorenski potok stream, VM05: pi. (Hadži, 1931, sub N. dentipalpe, Hadži leg.] 2. Podkoren, VM05, 850 m (Hadži, 1973a, b, sub N (Histricostoma) slovenicum HADŽI, 1973, Fig. 38, 13. 08.1928, Hadži leg.: 1 m) 3. Postojna, VI 36. 550 m (Roewer, 1917: Adelsberg, sub N. dentipalpe) 4. surroundings of Cerknica, VL57, 560 m (Martens, 1978a, Mortens leg.) Carinostoma carinatum (ROEWER, 1914) • Slovenia (Hadži. 1973b, sub Mitostoma (Carinostoma) carinatum: Mršic, 1997a: Fig. S35: male) 1 Divača, VL1G, 440 m (Roewer, 1917: Divača, sub Nemastoma carinatum) 2. Postojna, VL36, 550 m (Martens, 1978a, Tliaier leg.) 3. surroundings of Cerknica, VL57, 560 m (Martens, 1978a, Martens feg.) 4. Ljubljana, VM60, 300 m (Hadži, 1973b, sub N. (Dro-medostoma) bimaculosum ROEWER, 1951 /in the region, only C carinatum complies with the notation/) Mitostoma chrysomeias (HERMANN, 1804) » Slovenia (Hadži, 1973h, sub Mitostoma (M-) chrysomeias chrysomeias (HERMANN, 1804); MrSič, 1997a) 1. the neighbourhood of Podkoren, VM05 (Hadži, 1942, sub Nemastoma chrysomeias: 1 iuv.) ANNALB • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 2000 - 2 {21) Tore NOVAK i, linger) GRUBER: R1:MARKS ON PUBUSHEO DATA ON HARVESTMtN fARACHNiDA: OPR.rON£Sl FROM SLOVENIA, 285-306 2. Divača, VL16, 440 m (Roewer, 1917: Oivaca, sub N. chrysomelas) 3. Postojna, VL36, 550 m (Roewer, 1917- AdeJsberg, sub N. chrysomelas) 4. Kranj, VM42-52, 390 m (Hadži, 1973a, b, sub Mito-stoma (M.) chr. poleneci HADŽI, 1973, Fig. 44, Polenec leg.: pi ex.) 5 Dolina pri Lendavi/VSlgyifalu, XM15, 170 m (Kovač 1997, 19.08.1996, Kovac leg.: 1 iuv.) Milostoma alpinum (HADŽI, 1931) » Slovenia (Mršič, 1997a) » Triglav Mts. (Hadži, 1973b sub Nemastoma chrysomelas alpinum HADŽI, 1931, Figs. 1-3, 00.08.1928, Hadži leg.; Šilhavy, 1939: Triglavski masiv, sub N. chr. alpinum (HADŽI): 1 m; Roewer, 1951, sub M. chr-alpinum (HADŽI, 1931); Martens, 1978a) 1. Mangrt Mi , UM94 /the summit altitude 2679 m/ (Hadži, 1973a, b, sub Milostoma (M.) chr. multi-denticulatum HADŽI, 1973, Fig. 42, 13.07.1945, Pief ner leg.: pi.; (Martens, 1978a: Mangart, Figs. 222-2?8, Faltermeier, Ausobsky leg.) 2. Krn Ml., UM92 /the summit altitude 2244 mj (Hadži, 1973a, b, sub M. (M.) chr. michielii HADŽI, 1973, Fig. 43, Michieli, Carnelutti leg.: 2 ex.) Martens (1978) cited the taxon in synonymy, sub M. (M.I chr. michieli HADŽI, 1973. 3. southern slope of the Ciprnik Mt. above Mala Pišnica valley, VM04 /the summit altitude 1745 m/ (Hadži, 1931: Čipernik, Velika Pišenica valley, sub N. chr. alpinum, under stones, Hadži leg.: 1 rn) 4. a snowfieid under the Pršsojnik (= Prisank) Mt., VM04 /the summit altitude 2547 rn/ (Hadži, 1931, sub N. chr. alpinum, under stones, 11.-12.08.1928, Hadži leg.: 5 ex.) 5. Kamniško sedlo mountain pass, VM63, 1903 m (Hadži, 1931: Kamničko sedlo, sub N. chr. alpinum, under stones, 11.08.1928, Seliskar leg.: 1 ex.) Erroneous location Kratoehvil's (1934) mention of M. alpinum (sub N. chr. alpinum HADŽI) for Slovakia is probably wrong, though Martens {1978: Fig. 134) marked the locality without comments. Dicranolasmatidae Dicranolasma scabrum (HERBST, 1799) • Slovenia (Roewer, 1923: Krain, Mus. Berlin and Coll Roewer; 3 ex.; Hadži, 1926/27, sub D. schmidti HADŽI, 1927, Figs. 61-80 Tabs. Ill, IV; Hadži noticed that one specimen had been determined by Schmidt, sub Pha-langium hispidom: Hadži, 1973b, also sub D. schmidti, and sub O opilionoides (C I.. KOCH, 1867); Mršič, 1997a: Fig. 536) 1. Küharid, UM82, 230 rri (Martens, 1978a, Ausobsky leg.) 2. Divača, V116, 440 m (Roewer, 1950: Divača, sub D. opilionoides (L. KOCH) 1867: 4 (mm, ff), RII/216/7; Gruber, 1976; Martens, 1978a) 3. Markovščina, VL24, a doline, ca. 500 m (Gruber, 1976, Gruber leg.) 4. the cave Dimnice at MarkovSCina, VL24, (Gruber, 1976, Gruber leg.) 5. the cave Županova jama at Grosuplje, V179, Cad. No. 27, 340 m (Gruber, 1976, Brit. Mus.) 6. Jesenice, VM24, 510 m (Gruber, 1976: Aßling/' Jesenice; Martens, 1978, 2MB) 7. Begunje, VM33, 590 m (Martens, 1978, Figs. 236-2.38) S. the cave Štinetova jama, VM41, Cad. No. 240, 400 m (Novak ei al., 1984: 2 mm) Troguftdae Trogu I us tricarinatiJS (LINNAEUS, 1767) • Slovenia (Mriič, 1997a) • Triglav Mts., (Martens, 1978a, Fig 264) Trogulus falcipenis KOMPOSCH, 2000 I. Kobariški Stol Mt., UM82, eastern side, 1300-1480 m (Komposch, 2000: Kobariski Stol Ostselte, 46°17' (1fi')N, 13!,28'F, 01.08.1993, Komposch leg., Coli. Komposch: 1 m) ?. 1,5 km SE from Kamno, UM91, 200 m (Komposch, 2000: 46°13'N, 13°39'E, 31.07.1998, Slana, Novak leg.. Coll. Novak: 1 m) 3. Krn Mt,, UM92, eastern side, 1700-1800 m (Komposch, 2000: 46Q15'N, 13°39'F, 03.08.1993, Komposch [eg., Coll. Komposch: 1 m) 4. Nanos Mt., VL27 (Komposch, 2000: VI.27 45°46'N, 14°03'E, 25.06.-04.07.? NHMW Nr. 894 /right: the year 1894/, Gangibauer leg.: 1 m) 5. Medvedjck at Goteniška gora Mt., VI 74, 950 m (Komposch, 2000: 45°3?'N, 14a42'E, 10 10.1993, Komposch leg., Coil. Komposch: 2 mm, 2 iuv.) 6. Vršič mountain pass, VM04, SSE from the Alpine hut Tičarjev dom, 1600 rn (Kornposch, 2000: Vrsic, SSF Ticarjev dom, 46C,25'N, 1304't", 07.08.1993, Komposch leg., Coli. Komposch: 1 f) 7- Matajurski vrh Mt., VM11, southern side, 950-1150 rn (Komposch, 2000: 46*13lN, 13"521E, 25.08.1995, Komposch leg.. Coli. Komposch: 1 m, (1 iuv.)) 8. the cave |ama v Lipovici, VM91, Cad. No. 1182 (Novak et al., 1984: Lovrinova jarna, sub T. tricarinatus. 1 m I 288 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 2000 2 (21) Tone MOVAK A Wrgei» CRUSER; REMARKS OM J»U8i I5HEO DAt'A ON HAR.VESTMEN ¡ARAlHNIDA; OPK.IONESI FROM StOVENIA, iBMUR Trogulus nepaeformis (SCO POL I, 1763) sensu lato » Slovenia (Scopoli, 1763- Carniola, sub Acarus ne-peformis; Roewer, 1923: Krain; Martens, 1978a: Krain, mote finding-places: Neuffer, 1980: Krain, Fig. 29, Type III, and Fig. 38, Type III ext, both NHMW 5847; MrSic, 1997a: Figs. 529-531: Iuv.) • Triglav Mts. (Martens, 1978a) 1. Portorož, U184, seashore (Neuffer, 1980, Fig. 18, Type II. NHMW 5854) 2. Kostanjevica na Krasu, UL97, 300 rn (Marccllino, 1987: Kostanjevica (Kras-YU): 22 .06.1978: 1 5 mm, 12 ff) 3. Kobarid, UM82, 230 m (Marcellino, 1968: Caporetto (Alto Isonzo), 06.1315:1 m) 4. Kamno, UM92, 200 rn (Marcellino, 1968: Kamno (Alto isonzo), 09.1915: 3 mm, 4 ff, 1 iuv.) 5. Slavnik Mt, VL14 /the summit altitude 1028 m/ (Neuffer, 1980, Fig. 1 4, Type II, NHMW 5853) 6. Markovščina, VL24, 570 m (Neuffer, 1980, Fig. 15, Type II, NHMW 5855] 7. the cave Dimnice, VL24, Cad. No. 736, 570 m (Novak eta/., 1984:1 m); 8. Škocjan, VL25, 400 m (Neuffer, 1980, Ftg. 30, Type lit, NHMW 5848) 9. Cerknica, VL57, 560 m (Neuffer, 1980, Fig. 23, Type III, JM 1302) 10. the surroundings of Cerknica, VL57 (Neuffer, 1980, Figs. 31,32,35, Type IIIJM 1253, JM 1302 /2 Ex./, Fig. 52, Type IV, JM 1189) 11. Kočevje, VL85, 460 m (Neuffer, 1980, Fig 19, Type II, NHMW 5851) 12. the cave Štinetova jama, VM41, Cad. No. 240, 400 m (Novak etal., 1984: 1 m) 13. Razkrizje, XM05, 180 m (Kovač, 1997, 17.08.1996, Kovae leg : 1 m) 14. Dolina pri Lendavi/VSigyifalu, XM15, 170 rn (Kovač, 1997, 10.08.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 ft Trogulus cf. nepaeformis (SCOPOLI, 1763) 1. in the neighbourhood of Godovič, VL29, 400 m (Che-mini, 1984: dint. Codovic, MTSN, traps, 26.06.-18.09. 1983, Chemrni leg.) i rogulus closanicus AVRAM, J 971 1. Log pod Mangrtom, UM94, 700 rrt (Chemlni, 1984: Bretto, MFSN, traps, 10.08.1978, Stergulc leg.: 1 m) 2. in the neighbourhood of Godovič, VL29 (Chemini, 1984: dint. Godovic, MTSN, traps, 26.06.-18.09.1983, Cliemini leg.: 1 m, 2 fi) 3. Kočevje, VL85, 460 rn (Chemini, 1984: Krain, Gottschee, ZM8 12024:1 f) 4. Gornje Kamence, WL17, 210 m (Neuffer, 1980: Gome Kamince, Fig. 62, Type V - corresponding to T. closanicus, NHMW 5856) Trogulus tingiiormis C.L. KOCH, 1 848 • Slovenia (MrSiC, 1997a) 1. Snežnik Mt., VL54 /the summit altitude 1796 m/ (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 2. Grahovo at Cerknica, VL57, 570 m (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg,) 3. Kočevje, VL85, 460 m (Martens, 1978a, Gruber leg.) 4. (he cave Huda luknja pri Radljah, WM16, Cad. No. 3191, 450 m (Novak et al., 1984: Huda luknja nad Radijami, Novak leg.: 1 f) Trogulus Spp. • Slovenia (Hadži, 1926/27, sub T. nepaeformis and T. melanotaisus (SIMON, 1879), Figs. 12-42 Tabs, i III; different parts of more specimens were described and drawn, therefore only some drawings can be useful for identification: Tigs. 27, 43: T. cf. coriziformis, Fig. 32: T. cf. tingiiormis; according to the lengths cited: 7,2 and 7,5 mm, HADŽI 1931, sub T. tricarinatus noticed Iroguli ftorn the T. nepaeformis-?/oup) • Slovenia (very probably T. tricarinatus, but it could also be T. fa le i pen is ■ Hadži, 1926/27, sub T. niger C. L KOCH, 1839 - alleged size: 5 -5,5 mm, Figs. 43-60 Tab. Ill) 1. Zaplana, VI.49, Vrhnika, 600-801 m (Hadži, 1942: Zaplat, sub 'f. tricarinatus, Fig. 15b: 1 iuv.) 2. Ribčev laz, VM12, Bohinj, 530 m {Hadži, 1931: at the hotel of St. janež, sub T. tricarinatus - body size 7,2 with the legs II 9,5 and 7,5 with the legs 9,2 mm, 16.08.1928, Hadir leg.: 2 mm) - T. nepaeformis-group, including 7. closanicus 3. cave Cclerjeva jama (which one?, the name not known today) at Zalog, VM81 (Joseph, 1881, Joseph leg.) Considering drawings and size data: 8,2-12,5 mm, Hadži (.1926/27) confused Trogulus nepaeformis, T. tingitormis and T. coriziformis. Besides, the T. nepaeformis- species complex stil! has not been cleared satisfactorily. So, for example Martens (1978) regarded the T closanicus as a Synonym of T. nepaeformis, Neuffer (1980) supposed that hybrids between T. closanicus and T. nepaeformis may occur in Slovenia, while Chemini (1984) mentioned a syntopic existence of both species and alleged another one (T. cf. nepaeformis) at. Godovič. So far, in Slovenia T. nepaeformis s.s., T. closanicus and T. cisalpinus have been recognized from the group; further revision is needed. Besides, T. falcipenis KOMPOSCH, 2000 is very close to T. tricarinatus in size and shape, therefore small Trogulus specimens from Slovenia must be revised, loo. Anelasmocephalus hadzil MARTENS, 1978 • Slovenia (Mršič, 1997a) 289 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. ■ 10 ■ 2000 ■ 2 (21) Tone NOVAK & Itirgcn GRUBER-. REMARKS ON PUBLISHED OAT A ON MARVESTMEN (ARACHNIDA: OWLIONESl rfiOM SLOVENIA. 261-109 • the upper Posočje /the upper Soča valley/, 170-500 m (Martens, 1978a: o beret Isonzo) 1 Tolminski Kuk Mt., VM02 /the summit altitude 2085 nV (Marcellino, 1968: M. Kuck (Alto Isonzo), sub A. ! yeas in us; Martens, 1978: Mt. Kuck) 2. Vrata valley, VM14, /840- ca 1100 ntf (Hadži, 1942, sub A. cambridgei, Tigs. 17b, 18, 07.1940, Hadži leg.: 1 iuv.; Martens, 1978a) 3. I>aga valley at Begunje, VM33, 620-700 m (Hadži, 1942, sub A. Cambridgei, Fig. 17a, Kuščer leg.: 2 iuv.) •1. Snežnik Ml., VL54 /the summit altitude 1796 m/(Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 5. the surroundings of Cerknica, VL57 (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 6. Kočevje, VL85, 460 m {Martens, 1978a, Ganglbauer teg., NHMW) Ischyropsalididae Ischyropsalis hcliwigi hellwigi (PANZER, 1794) » Slovenia (Koch, 1848b: Kram, sub / Herbstii; Schmidt, 1851: Krain; Bedel & Simon, 1875: Ljubljana /the museum-town/, sub 1. Herbsli C.L. KOCH, Schmidt leg.; Hamann, 1898: Ljubljana /(he museum-town/, sub /. Herbstii, Schmidt leg.; Roewer, 1914: Krain, sub I. hehvigii; Roewer, 1923: Ljubljana /the museum-town/, sub /. herbstii C.L KOCH, 1848, Mus. Genf, Coll. Roewer; Mulier G., 1926; Hadži, 1926/27, sub I. pectin i fera HADŽI, 1927, Figs. 174-190 Tabs. Vli, VIII: 2 or 3 ex.?; Roewer, 1950: Krain, sub I. pectinifera H ADZ I 1928, Fig. 15a Tab. 2 - copied from kratochvil, 1934: 4 mm, and: Krain (Laibach), sub I. herbstii C. L. KOCH 1848; Martens, 1969: Krain, revised syntype of /. pectin ifera\ 1 rn; Hadži, 1973b, sub I. helwigii; Mrši C, 1997a) • a small cave at Kranj (Sever, 1900: unbenanrtte kleine Hohie unweit Krainburg, sub Jschyropsaiis rnijflneri) 1. Surrounding of Cerknica, VL57 (Martens, 1978a, Marten? leg.) 2. the vicinity of the cave Jama treh bratov, 800-900 m, Stojna Ml., V185, Cad No. 141 (Martens, 1969: Friedrichsteiner Vv'aid s. Gottschee, 06.1968, Gruber leg.: 1 iuv.; Martens, 1978a: Friedrichsteiner Wald siirfl. Gotischce /Kočevski rog is east, not south from Kočevje, the Stojna Mt. is not its part/, reconstruction of the locality acc. lo Gruber's diary) 3. Kočevje, VL85, 460 m (HADŽI, 1973b, sub i. heiwigi; among the synonyms, I. taunica HADŽL 1940, is noticed instead of: I. taunica A. MULLER, 1924 - Hadži, 1942) 4. Šmarna gora Mt., VM60-61 /the summit altitude 689 m/ (Hadži, 1954, 22.12.1941, Kii^er leg.: 1 m; Martens, 1969, sub /. muellnerierroneously cited Hadži, 1942) 5. cave Benkotova jama, ig, VL68, Cad. No. 325 (Joseph, 1082: Benkotowa jama bei iggdori, sub albiriotisches Phalangiurn ...dem Ph. cancroides Schmidt naheStehend. ) According to the description and geographical distribution of Ischyropsalis species, it cannot be but a juvenile Ischyropsalis h. hellwigii. 6. the cave Gadina al Črnomelj, WL14, Cad. No 235, 150 m (Hadži, 1926/27, sub I. pecbnifcra, Figs. 175190 Tabs. V», VII!, 1904, Kandare leg.: 1 m; Hadži, 1942: Gadina jama, sub I. taunica) 7. Kum Ml, WM0O (Hadži, 1942: Kum (Zlatica), sub I taunica, fig. 13; Hadži, 1954, sub I. taunica; Martens, 1969: Kuuia; Martens, 1978a) 8. Podčetrtek, VVM41, 210 m (Hadži, 1954, sub I. taunica, Figs. 9, 10, J;iger leg.: 4 ff; Martens, 1969: Pod-Cetrtek/Wmdisch-Landsberg) Ischyropsalis kollari C.L. KOCH, 1839 • Slovenia (MrSic, 1997a: Fig. 537: Mršič, 1997b: Fig. 18) « Triglav Mis. (Bote, 1974, sub /■ k. triglavensis; Fig. 6) « Pohorje Mts. (Hadži, 1954, Figs. 2, 3, Had*¡ teg.: Hadži, 1973b) t. under Sfenar Mt., VM04, ca. 2000 m (Hadži, 1954: Pod stenarjem, sub /. (O.) triglavensis, Fig. 1, D. Hadži ¡eg.; Martens, 1969: Triglav, Pod Sternarjem am Berg Skrlatica) 2. the cave Jama na prevalu pod planino Viševnik, Stador Mt., VM13, Cad. No. 368, 1680 m (Hadži, 1942 brezimna jama na sedlu nad planino Viševnik, sub I. triglavensis, 19.08.1935, Premer leg.: 1 iuv. f) 3. a cave at the Alpine pasture Viševnik, VM13 /very probably the cave ledena jama 1 na južni strani Stu-dorja (= jama n?, planini Viševnik), Cad. No. 645, 1600 m/ (Hadži, 1942: jama za mrhovino, 1600 m, sub /. cancroides. Fig. 23, 20.08.1935, Pretner leg.: 1 iuv.; Martens, 1969: Viševnik jama, sub I. hadzii, Pretner leg., 1953: 1 iuv.; Martens, 1978a: Viševnik jama, sub t. hadzii - determination not sure: 1 iuv.] 4. at the Alpine cottage Koča na Kredarici, VM30, 2515 rn (Hadži, 7954, sub /. (O.) triglavensis, Premet leg.: 7 iuv.) 5. a snovvfiefd between the Alpine cottage Stanifeva koča and Kredarica Mr., VM31, ca. 2200 m (Hadži, 1931, sub I (Odontopalpa) triglavensis HADŽI, 1931, Figs. 47, 30.05.1930, Seliškar leg.: 1 m; 31.05.1930: 1 f; Hadži, 1936, 1942 and 1954, all sub I. (O.) triglavensis, Roewer, 1950: Triglav Massiv (Schneefeid Kredarica, ca. 2000 m), sub /. triglavensis HADZt 1931, Fig. 8a, b, d Tab. 1 (copied from Hadži); Martens, 1969: Triglav, Schneefeid des Kredarico, D. Hadži leg.; Martens, 1978a: Kredarica) 6 at the Alpine cottage Staničeva koča, Triglav Mts., VM31, 2332 m (Hadži, 1942: Alpine cottage Aleksandrov dom. sub /. (O.) triglavensis, Fig. 2!, 20.08. 1935, Pretner leg.: I iuv-.; Martens, 1978a; Hadži, 1973b, sub /. kollari triglavensis (HADŽI, 193D) 290 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 10 • 2000 2 (21) Tone NOVAK i jiirgcn GRUBER: REMARKS ON PUB«iSHEP DATA ON HASVESTMFN fARACHN'IDA: OPIUONES! FROM SLOVENIA, ?«I-30B 7. the cave Potočka zijalka, VM74, Cad. No. 634, 1630 m (Novak eta/., 1984: 1 iuv.) 3. the neighbourhood of the Alpine cottage Ribniška koča, WM15, Pohorje Mis., 1507 m (Hadži, 1954, sub !. (O.) Irigfovensis, 05.06.1953, ca. 980 m /??/, Maij.utč feg.: 1 m; Martens, 1973a: Bachergebirge (= Pohorje), Ribniška koca) 9. at the Alpine cottage Mariborska koča, Pohorje Mts., WM45, 1040 m (Hadži, 1942, sub Ischyropsalis $p., Fig. 20, 24.07.1929, Hadži leg.: 1 iuv.) fschyropsalis muellneri HAMANN, 1898 » Slovenia (Müller A., 1924: Krain, sub ! helwigii: 3 mm from Coll. Roewer, Figs. 6 A, B Tab. 19; Kästner, 1928, sub /. helwigii male, Fig. 47; Roewer, 1950: Krain, sub !. hellwigit, Figs. 45a-d lab. 7: 1 m, 1 f, Rä/2116/16; Martens, 1969: Krain, Mus. Hamburg 1248, Mus. Berlin 986, SMF/Ril/2116, SMF/RI/972' 7 mm, 3 ff; Novak et al., 1984, 1995b, Fig. 9; Rambla & juberthie, 1994, sub /. mueftneri HAMANN, 1895;Mršič, 1997a) Martens (1969) found that the specimen cited and drawn by Simon (1872) sub I. hellwigi undoubtly belongs to I. muellneri. It is probably a specimen from Slovenia, as J. Stussiner, the curator of the Nst.-hist. Mus. Ljub/jana at that time, was obviously in close contact with Z, Simon (cf. Simon, 1885). • caves in the surroundings of Bled (Müller G., 1926, sub I. Müllneri) 1. the cave Jama v Molidniku nad Robičem, Matajur Mt., UM82, Cad. No. 824, 500 m (Hadži, 1954, sub I. helwigii mulineri HAMANN, 1 898, Pretner leg.: 1 m) 2. (he cave Majska jama, Pršivec Mt., VM02, Cad. No, 2016, 1705 m (Hadži, 1942: lama na Pršivcu, and: jama Pršivec, sub I. h. müllneri, Fig. 9: 4 mm, 4 ff; Hadži, 1954: jama Pršivec, sub /. />. müilneri: 4 mm, A ff; Martens, 1969: Höhle Pršivec, Zvan leg.: 2 mm, 2 ff, Coll. iiihiivy 15543; Martens, 197Sa: Hohle Pršivec, and, jama Pršivec, Fig. 1 5f, Silhavy leg., Coll. Silhavy) 3. the pothole Brezno pri Gamsovi glavici, VM72, Cad. No. 345.5, 1610 m (Novak ei a!, 1984, at the depth -300 m, Srnerdu leg.: 1 i) the cave Jama na prevalu pod planino Viševnik, VM13, Cad. No. 363, 1680 m, (Hadži, 1942: Jama na sedlu nad planino Viševnik. sub /. helwigii, 10.03.1935, Pretner leg.: 1 f) 4. a cave or artificial tunnel (?) at Viševnik pasture, VM13 (Hadži, 1942: Rov pri mostu nad planino Viševnik, sub "very probably I. helwigii", Fig. 22, 10.08.1935, Pretner leg.: 1 iuv.; Martens, 1969: Viševnik jama, sub !. hadzii, Pretrwr leg., 1953: 1 iuv.) 5. the cave laina pod Babjim zobom, Kupljenik, VM.23, Cad. No 129. 860 m (Hadži, 1942: jama na Babjem zobu, sub I. helwigii, Fig. 8a, 08.1920, Premer leg.: 2 mm; Roewer. 1950: Krain (Batji Zol), sub /. hellwigii: 1 m RI ¡/6440/34; Hadži. 1954, sub I. h. mulineri; Mar- tens, 1969: Berg Babji Zob/Krain, SMF/Ril/6440: 1 m; Martens, 1978a: Babji zob jama) 6. the cave Kristalna jama, Kupljenik, VM23, Cad. No 844, 990 m (Martens, 1978a: Kupljenk, Fig. 316, Deele-man leg.] 7. a cave or artificial tunnel (?) at Rudno polje, VM32, (Hadži, 1954: Rov nad Rudnim poljem /maybe the cave Luknja pod Rudnim poljem, Cad. No. 2185/, Pretner leg.: 2 ff) In spite of Hadži's note that the females from the cavity at Rudno polje "don't show signs of "i. mOllneri'" they should belong to the species. The only other species in the region is I kollari - well known to Hadži, as he analysed it in detail under l. triglavensis. 8. the cave Častitljiva luknja, VM33, Cad. No. 395, 860 m, under the Jelovica upland at Lipnica near Radovljica /at first, the species was recorded in the cave sub I. hellwigi as evident from the label in NHMW: (sc.hyropsalis Helwigii Panzer - Ho hie Častit i a jama bei Radmannsdorf - Ober-Krain - Canglbauer leg. - Canglbauer don. - 1897.IV.1- pi./ (Hamann, 1898: Častitljiva |ama bei Leibnitz, sub /. Mulineri, toe. typ., Hamann, Mullner leg., 1898: ca. 20 ex. - Miillrer found the harvestmen in the cave at least 40 years before; SEVER, 1900: Castitljeva jama, sub Jschyropsalis mulineri, Hamann, Mullner, Sever leg., 06.06.1898, and afterward Sever leg. several times; Megušar, 1914, sub I. Mulineri, 05-10.1913: 8 ex., 12.10.1913: 7 ex., 25.10.1913: 3 ex.; Hadži, 1926/27: Lipice, slope of (elovec, sub I. mulineri and I. helwigii, Figs. 116 /not 115/-145 Tabs. V, VI: 6 nun, 3 ff, 1 f iuv. - Hadži alleged that specimens had already been found by Mullner in 1S58; Hadži (1926/27:18) and Roewer (¡950) wrongly ihought that the description of 1. mulieri in Hansen & Saerensen (1904) could be lapsus calami concerning I mulineri indeed; Hadži, 1928, sub !. helwigii mulineri: Wolf, 1934-33, sub /. mulineri; Hadži, 1942, sub I. h. mulineri, figs. 7a, b, Premer ¡eg., 09.1914 and 08.1920: 13 ex.; Kratochvil, 1946; Roewer, 1950: Krain (Casti-Jiova), sub /. mulineri, Figs 28a: 1 rn, Ri/I 1/977b; Hadži, 1954, sub I. h. mulineri; Juberthie, 1964: Častit» Ijtca Luknja, Radoviijca, sub I. h. mulineri, 07.1962 and 08.1963: ca. 20 specimens observed; Martens, 1969: Častitljiva jama, Figs. 15a, 15e and 61a, and Radmannsdorf /Krain, Figs. 15b, 61b and 62b /surely the cave, not the town Radovljica/: 2 mm, 4 ff, Hamann, Mullner leg., NHMW: 2 ff syntypes, Mus. Berlin 8057: 11 mm, 6 ff, NHMW, Mus. Hamburg, Berlin, Coll. Si Ilia v? 25928, SMF/RI/977 - /very probably the cave/: 7 mm, 3 ff: Krain, Mus. Hamburg 1248, Berlin 98G, SMF/R1I/2116, SMF/RI/972; Morite, 1971: Cantitljiva Jama bei Leibnitz, Mii liner, Hamann leg.: 3 syntype specimens, 2MB 7819; Hadži, 1973b: Častitljiva jama; Martens, 1969: Fig. 15a, and Radrnannsdorf/undoubtly the cave/, Fig. 15b; Martens, 1978a: Častitljiva jama, Figs, 324, 325, 327-331, 333; Novak etai, 1984) 291 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 10 • 2000 • 2 (21) "Jone NOVAK « ling*» CRUDER: REMARKS ON PUBLISHED DATA ON MARV&tMEN (ASACHNIOA; OPILIONES) FROM SLOVENIA. 281-308 Ischyropsalis hadzii ROEWER, 1950 • Slovenia (Martens, 1969: Krain, Cot!. Schmidt, 1 f; Mrsic, 1997a) • Boie at al. (1993) inaccurately stated i. hadzii to be endemic in the Karavanke and the Savinjske Alps Mts. instead of the eastern /limestone/ Karavanke, Savinja and K'arnnik Alps (cf. maps in, Novak et ai., 1984., 1995b: Fig. 9). 1. the cave Medvedja jama na Mokrid, Mokrica Ml., VM63, Cad. No. 375, 1550 m, loc. typ. (Schmidt, 1851: Knochenhöhie Ziavka, and Zjavka, sub Pha-langium cancroides SCHMIDT, 25.07.1849, under a Stone in the dark part, Schmidt leg.: I m; RobiC, 1B77: Mokriska jama, sub Ph. Hellwigi i, the end of 06.1877, RoblC, ¡eg.: 7 ex.; Joseph (1082) wrote that Ph. cancroides is perhaps only a more widely spread form of Ph. Hellwigii; Roewer, 1923, sub I. hellwigi wrote that the male designated as I. cavernosum SCHMIDT (Zool. Inst Univ. Wien) is Phalangium cancroides SCHMtDl from Slovenia: Krain, and that it is probably the specimen described in, Schmidt, 1851; Had2i, 1926/27 /surely the cave/, sub i. cancroides (SCHMIDT), Figs. 146-157 Tab. VI: 1 f, and I. manicata !.. KOCH. 1865, Figs 157-173 Tabs Vi, VII: 1 m - 20.06.1935, Preiner leg.: 3 mm, 2 ff, 1 m luv. - 14.07.1935: 1 m, 2 iuv.; l-ladzi, 1942: also: antrum Medvedja, sub I. cancroides, Figs. 7d, 11 and (fturn the cave?) 24, "from the same nest" /meaning: belonging to the same (axon/ as a juvenile from the cave "lama za mrhovino" /see at, i kollari/: 2 iuv.; Kratochvil, 1946: Zijavka jama, sub /. cancroides; Roewer, 1950: Casti'iova; Grober, 1964 found /. cancroides (SCHMIDT) and I. manicata L KOCH in Hadzi's works (5 926/27, 1928 and 1942} to be ¡. hadzii; Martens, 1969: Krain, and Knochenhöhie Ziavka /probably the type female/, Figs. 14a-d: "acc. to Hadii's (1942) data" /"nach Angaben von Haßin (1942)"; strongly adjusted/, Coll. Schmidt: 1 f, Höhle Medvedja; Bohinec, 1972: Mokriska zijavka, sub Ph hellvigii; Hadzi, 1973b: Mokerc, in synonymy sub /. manicata HAD2l, 1928 instead of: I. manicata L. KOCH, 1865 - Had2i, 1923; Martens, 1978a) 2. the cave Kamniska jama, VM63, Cad. No. 5058, 1400 m (Slapnik, 1996, sub I. milled) 3. the cave Velika Veternica (= Vetern i ca), Velika planina Mt., VM72, Cad. No. 121, 1590 m (lladái, 1942: Velika vetrnica, and Vjetrnica, sub I. cancroides, Fig. 12, 04.08.1935, Pretner leg.: 1 m: Fig. 12, Staudaeher leg.: 1 f; 1 iuv.; Martens 1969: Höhle Vjetrenica; Martens, 1978a: Velika Vjetrenica) 4. the cave Jama v Kofcab, VM72, Velika planina Mt., Cad. No. 120, 1510 m (Had2i, i 942: cave Kofce, sub !. cancroides, 30.06.1935, Pretrter leg.: 2 mm: Martens, 1969: Höhle Rofce; Martens, 1978a. Höhle Kofce}. 5. the cave Erjavceva jama (= Rjavceva luknja), LuCe, VM73, Cad. No. 466, 720 m, m Savinjska doliria /= Savinja Valey/ (Hadzi, 1942: Rjavceva jama, and antrum Erjaveci, sub I. cancroides. Fig. !0a, b, 16. 05.1937, Prettier leg.: 1 f; Martens, 5969: Hohle £rje-vaci. and Hohle Rjavceva, in Sannijska dolina; Martens, 1978a: Rjavieva jama) 6. the cave Trbiska zijalka, Luce, VM73, Cad. No 467, 600 m (l-iadZi, 1942: 16.05.1937, sub I. cancroides, Fig. 7c, Pretner leg.: 2 mm, 2 ff, Martens, 1969, 1 978) » a cave at Luce /Erjavceva jama or Trbiska zijalka/, VM73 (Hadzi, 1942, Fig. 7c; Martens, 1969: LuCe, under /. muellneri incorrectly cited HadZi, 1942) Erroneous locations for Ischyropsalis spp. I. hellwigi hellwigi 1. the cave Zlatica, VMT3, Cad. No. 1, 1525 m (Had2i, 1942: Kum (Zlatica), 18.10.1936, Pretner leg.: 1 m) -right t. muellneri or I. kollari Hadii (1942) mismatched the cave location and Kum Mt,, WM00. In the Zlatica !. muellneri is and /. kollari can occasionally be expected. 2. a cave or artificial tunnel (?) at ViSevnik pasture, VM13 (Hadzi, 1942: Kov pri mostu nad pianino ViSevnik, sub "very probably f. helwigii", Fig. 22, 10. 08.1935, Pretner leg.: 1 iuv.) - right I. kollari I. muellneri » Martens (1978: Fig. 350), Marcellino {1982: Fig. 1) and Rambla & I Libert hie (1994: Fig. 17) erroneously present the geographical distribution of the species from Slovenia to Macedonia. 1. Ljubljana (Roewer, 1950: Krain (Laibach), (non vidi) -rn i - CoU. Schmidt (sec. Hadzi, 1928)) - right I. h-heUwigi 2. Postojnska jama, VL36 (Roewer, 1950: Krain, Adel-berger Crotte, Figs. 28c, d: 2 ff) Aside Hamamvs label: "Hamann Typus", Roewer (1950) recognized F. Dahl's label, written by hand: "Adelsberger Crotte, Typen" /= Postojnska jama cave, types/. At. that time Dahl was the director of the Zoological Collection of the Museum of Natural History in Berlin. Two female I. muellneri were undoubtedly from the cave Castitljiva luknja. According to Had2i (1954:170), the mistake was probably made because Dahl - not familiar with original names and localities ■■ was toid by Hamann thai it was from a cave in "Krain", which according to Dahl's opinion could not be but the famous Postojnska jarna. Why Roewer (1950! made the mistake in spite of the citation of Hamann's description remains a mystery. - In the cave no Ischyropsalis is expected. Postojna, VL36 (Gueorguiev, 1977: Postojna, Gorenjsko, sub I. muelleri Ham.) - no Ischyropsalis expected 3. the cave Lukova jama pri Zdihovem, VL94, Cad. No. 91 (Martens, 1969: Jodloch/Krain: 1 m, Fig. 15d, NHMVV; Martens, 1978a). 292 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 10 • 2000 • 2 (21) Tow NOVAK « JBijjm GRUBER: REMAIiKSON' PUSUSHED DATA ON HAUVESTMEN CARACHNiPA: OPIUONE5) FF;OM SLOVENIA, 2ft 1 ."108 Where resting on cave wails, tschyropsalis specimens can easily be seen ("black- on white") from a distance of at least 10 rrt. Besides Lukova jama, in the same UTM square the following caves have been investigated (Slana, Novak, July 1999), but no IschyropsaUs was found there: Bilpa 1 (Cad. No. 6.10), lelovička jama (Cad. No. 727), Kotnička = Mihova jama (Cad. No 728), Kenina jama (Cad. No. 2570), Ledena jama pri Ograji (Cad. No. 400), Kobilna jama (Cad. No. 144), Al be I ska jama (Cad. No. 3852), under stones at the entrance of Prepadna jama (Cad No. 2566). Only !. h. hellwigi is expected to be found occasionally in these caves 4. the cave Medvedja jama na Mokrici, and Luče (Martens, 1969: Hohle Medvedja, erroneously cited HADZI 1942) - right: 1. hadzii 5. Šmarna gora ME. (Martens, 1969) - right: I. b. hellwigi i. hadzii « Rambla & jubertbie (1994: Fig, 17) erroneously placed the species range in the W-Hungarian lowland between the Danube and the Drava rivers. 1. a cave at the Alpine pasture Viševnik, VMJ5 /very probably the cave Ledena jama 1 na južni strani Stu-dorja {= Jama na planini Viševnik), Cad. No. 645, 1600 m/ (Hadži, 1942: jama za mrhovino, 1600 m, sub I. cancroides, Fig. 23, 20.08.1935, Pretner leg.: 1 iuv.; Martens, 1969: Viševnik jama, sub /. hadzii, Pretner leg., 1953: 1 iuv.; Martens, 1978a: Viševnik jama, sub /. hadzii - determination not sure: 1 iuv.) The published sites for many IschyropsaUs specimens (sub /. luteipes, !. manicata, I. nodulifera, /. koUari, i muellneri from the Alpine localities) are incorrect (Martens, 1969), and the provisional distribution (ibid.) of I. muellneri at the Balkans also turned out to be incorrect The map was repeatedly used by Marcellino (1982) and Rambia & juberthie (1994). Bole era/. (1993) erroneously mentioned the species to be endemic in Southwestern Slovenja. I. muellneri is endemic to the Julian Alps - NW Slovenia and NF Italy (Novak et a!., 1984, 1995b: Fig. 9). Komposch (1999, sec. Martens, 1978a, sec. Hadži, 1942) failed to notice the distributional map of I. hadzii in Slovenia (Novak et at.., 1984, 1995b). incorrectly alleging the Julian Alps could be possibly inhabited by the species, too. According to Hadži (1942), a male (in Fig. 8 depicted as a female I. mullneri) had been found on 26th July 1932 in a cave at Bjelašnica Mt. in Bosnia at the altitude of 1000 m by Kratochvil. Hadži (ibid.: 2.1) explicitly thanked him for the specimen and stated that this specimen was probably the one photographed in Silhavy (19.36: Fig. 2, labelled "IschyropsaUs mullneri HAMANN z cernohorskycb jeskyn"/7- m. from Montenegrin caves/). The confusion is complete because Kratochvil later (1946: 173) wrote: "Rod IschyropsaUs ... nebyl v ieskynnich Bosny, Hercegoviny, Dalmacie a Čeme Hory ¿astižen."/The genus IschyropsaUs ... has not been found In caves of Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dalmatia and Montenegro./ Hadži himself confused I. muellneri and I. helwigii-, therefore, only data based on published drawings and/or the revision of originally labelled preserved specimens can be taken into account. Only his determinations of I. kollari(sub /. triglavensis) are useful. In Hadži (1973b), /, taunica HADŽI, 1940, is erroneously cited to be the synonym of !. hellwigi, and I. helwigii ROEWER, 1914, to be the synonym of I. muellneri. Ptialangiidae Phalangiurn opiiio UNNAEUS, 1761 • Slovenia (Scopoli, 1763: Carniola, sub Phalangiurn Opiiio; Hadži, 1942, Figs. 29f, g; Hadži, 1973b) a Gorenjska /NW Slovenia/ (Hadži, 1936, sub "mountain form") 2. Bovec, UMÖ3, 460 m (Di, 1949: Plezzo, sub Ph. opiiio opiiio, 1 1.08.1931, Marcirzzr leg.: 2 mm, 1 f) 3. Kuk Mt., UM92, 950 m Ahe summit altitude 1243 m/ (Marcellino, 1987: M. Cucco (Caporetto), 22.08.1975: 2 mm) 4 Slavnik Mt., Vi.14, 1030 m (Di Caporiacco, 1949: Monte Taiano, sub Ph. opiiio brevicorne C. L. K. 1839, 1 2.09.1926, Stents leg.: 2 rnrn, 1 fj 5. Podkraj, VL23, 1050 m (Marcellino, 1987: Hrusica (Podkraj, Selva di Piro), 19.08.1967, Alberti leg.: 1 m, 3 ff) 6. Mal« Strane, VL37, 670 m (Marcellino, 19Ö7: M. Strand, Postu m i a, 13.09.1980, Alberti leg.: 5 rnrn, 6 ff) 7. southern slope of Ciprnik Mt., VM04 /the summit altitude 1745 m/ (Hadži, 1931: Čipernik, 05.08.1928, under stones, Hadži leg.: I m, pl. ff) 8. Vrata valley, VM14 /840- ca. 1100 m/ (Hadži, 1931: 23.07.1928, KuSCer leg : 1 i) 9. Gaberje/Gyetyänos, XM13, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 19. 10.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 m) Opiiio parietinus (DE GEER, 1778) • Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b) 1. Ljubljana, VM60, 300 m (Hadži, 1928b, Figs. 1-5; Hadži, 1928c: Mir je /the town district/, autumn 1926, Hadži leg.: 1 f) 2. Gaberje/Gyetyanos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 20. 08.1996, Kovaf leg.: T m, 2 iuv. - 23.08.1996: 3 mm, 1 f) 3. Gornji Lakoš/Felsolakos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 14.08.1996, Kovač leg.: 3 mm, 7 iuv,) A revision of Hadži's determinations revealed that ho confused not only Opiiio dinaricus and O. ruzickai, de- 293 ANNALF.S Ser. hist. nat. • 10 • 2000 • 2(21) Tone NOVAK S liirpjrr CRU8HK: REMARKS ON PUBLISHED DATA ON i JARVESTMFN (ARAO1NIDA: OPMONFS) FP.OM SL OVINIA. ¿«1-308 scribed later, but also O. parietinus and Q. saxatilis. The published superregenerated female (Hadži, 1928b, c) is not preserved and only distal pans of chelicerae are drawn, but according to the published data of the body and leg measurements it did belong to O. paiietinus. Hadži's statement (193 0 that O. parieiinus jives together with M. morio and Ph. opilio everywhere from valleys to rock wails at mountain peaks is erroneous. Opilio saxatilis C. I. KOCH, 1839 • Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b) 1. the surroundings of Kainno, UM92, 200 m (Marcellino, 1973: dintomi di Kam no, sub O. saxatilis (C.L. KOCH, 1839), 11.1915, MSNG, Andreiri leg.: 1 m, 1 f) 2. Gaberje/Gyetyanos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 20. 08.1996, Kovan leg.: 1 m, 6 ff, 2 iuv. - 24.08.1996; 1 m, 10 iuv.) 3. Gornji Lakoš/Felsolakos, XM15 (Kovač, 1997, 1-1.08. 1996, KovaC leg.: 4 ff) Opilio dinaricus SILHAVY, 1938 1. Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b) 2. Postojna, Vl„36, 550 m (Martens, 1 978a, Figs. 439-443, Thaler leg.) 3. Cerknica, VL57, 560 m (Martens, i97&a, Fig. 437, Martens leg.) 4. Kropa, VM32, 530 m (Martens, 1978a, Faltermeier leg.) 5. Bled, VM33, SCO m (Martens, 1978a, Faltermeier leg.) 6 the cave Podkrajnikova zijalka, WM82, Cad. No. 2697, 820 m (Novak eta!., 1984: 2 ff) Opilio ruzickai SiLHAVY, 1938 • Slovenia (Novak & Slana, 1996: rare species) 1. Radovljica, VM33, 500 rn (Hadži, 1973a. b, !oc. typ, sub Opilio pictus HADŽ1, 1973, Fig. 57, watering place, 02.06.1936, Hadi.1 ¡eg.: pi.) 2. the cave Gruška jama, WM40, Cad. No. 1374, 310 rn (Novak era/., 1984: Gruska jama: 1 m) Opilio transversals ROF.VVER, 1956 • Slovenia (Novak & Slana, 1996: rare species) 1. Goriška Brda, Ul.89, 100-321 m (Gruber, 1964: Brda, ground, 30.08.1973, Sive- leg.: 1 f) 2. Bilje, Miren, UL98, 50 m (Gruber, 1984: garden ground, 23.07.1973, Sivec leg.: 1 iuv.) 3. Nova Gorica, UL99, 90 m (Gruber, 1984: garden ground, 21.09,1973, Sivec. leg.: 1 m) Opilio sp. Gaberje/Gyetyanos, XM15, 160 rn (Kovač, 1997, 24.08 1996, Kovač leg.: 1 iuv.) Platybunus bucephahis (C.L KOCH, 1835) • Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b) • Triglav Mts. /the highest summit altitude 2864 rn/ (Had?.!, 1931; Martens, 1978a) 1. Krnica, Trnovski gozd, VL09, 980 m (Di Caporiacco, 1949: Carnizza, Tarnova, 07.1930: 1 m) 2. Snežnik Mt., VL54 /the summit altitude 1796 rn/ (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 3. Kočevje, VL85, 460 m (Martens, 1978a, Gruber leg.) 4. Vrata valley, VM14 /840- ca. 1 100 m/(Hadži, 1931, 23. 07.1928, KuSčer leg.; 1 m; Hadži, 1936: 1 m) 5. Grlo Ml., VM04 /{he summit altitude 1516 m/ (Hadži, 1931, 1300 rn, 12.08.1927, SeiiSkar leg.: 1 m) 6. the surroundings of the Alpine cottage Mariborska koča /1040 m/ and Ruška koča /1250 m/, Pohorje Mts,, WM45 (Hadži, 1 931, seen, 07. i 927: pl.) 7 Dolnja Bistrica, XM05, 170 m (Kovač, 1997, 17.08. 1996, KovaC leg.: 1 iuv.) 8. Gaberje/Gyetyanos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 24. 08.1996, KovaC leg.: 1 iuv. - 12.10.1996: 1 m,. 1 iuv.) • Platybunus pinetorum (C.L. KOCH, 1839) Hadži (1973b) generally mentioned P. pinetorum for Slovenia. No specimen has been found in the revised collections. The species is expected in W Slovenia (cf. Martens, 1978a). Metaplatybunus carneluttii (PIADŽI, 1973) Snežnik Mt., Vl.54 /the summit altitude 1796 m/ (Martens, 1978a, Figs. 486-492, Martens leg.) Megabunus armatus (KULCZYNSKi, 1887) 1. Mangrt Mi., UM94 /the summit altitude 2679 m/ (Martens, 1978a: Mangart, Faltermeier leg.; Komposch, 1998: Mangart) 2. Razor Mt,, VM04 /summit altitude 2601 rn/ (Martens, 1978a; Komposch, 1998) Rilaena triangularis (HERBST, 1 799) » Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b sub Platybunus triangularis) 1. the surroundings of Cerknica, VL57 (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) Dasylobus graniferus (CANESTR1NI, 1871) » Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b, sub Zacheus (Dentizacheus) rucnerianus I IADŽI, 1973, Fig. 61) Martens (1978) citcd the taxon in synonymy, sub Eudasylobus rucnerianus HADŽS, 1973 1. Tabor, VL16, 450 rn (Marcellino. 1987: Tabor (Sezana-YU), sub £. nicaeensis, 23.06.1978: 1 m, 1 f) 294 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -10 2000 2 (21) Tone NOVAK & |i}rS.on CRUBSR: REMARKS OK! PU8USHCD DATA ON HARVESTWEM (ARACHMiOA- OPU.IONES) FROM SLOVF.NtA, J&1-300 2. Veliki javornik Mt., VL46 /the summit altitude 1268 m/ (Di Caporiacco, "¡949: Monte javornik, Postumia, sub E cavannai (SIMON), 06.1930, Muiler leg.: 2 mm, i f) 3. Snežnik Mt., V1.54 /the summit altitude 1 796 m/ (Martens, 1978a, sub F nicaecnsis (THORF.LL, 1876), Martens leg.) 4. the surroundings of Cerknica, VL57 (Martens, 1978a, sub E. nicaeen$is, Martens leg.) L op h op i Ho palpinal is (HERBST, 1799) • Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b, sub Emonia labaccnsis HAD-Zf, 1973, Fig. 52; he alleged the synonym: LophopiHo tridentatus HADŽ1, 1931; Mršič, 1997a: Fig. 538) 1. Ciprnik Ml., VM04 /the summit altitude 1 745 m/ (Hadži, 1931: Čipemik, sub L. tridentatus HADŽI, 1931, Figs. 21, 22, Hadž: leg., 08.08.1928] 2. at the waterfall Peričnik, VM14, Vrata valley, 860 m (Hadži, 1931, sub L. tridentatus, 12.08.1928, Hadži leg.) 3. Vrata valley, VM14, by the pathway to Prisojnik Mt. /at least 1400 m/ (Hadži, 1931, suh L. tridentatus, 12.08 1928, Hadži leg.) 4. Podutik, VMS0, 300 m (Hadži, 1931, sub L. tridentatus: 1 f, holotype, Hadži leg.) 5. the surroundings ol Ljubljana (Hadži, 1973a, sub E. lahacensis, several times, t-Uiciži leg.: pi.) 6. Gaberje/Gyetyanos, XM1S, 160 m (Kovač, ¡997, 12 10.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 f) Egaenus convex us (C. L. KOCH, 1835) • Slovenia (Koch, 1835: Gegend von Laibach, sub Opilio convexus; Hadži, 1926/27: 1 m, 2 ft, Hadži published Schmidt's determination, sub Pfialangium bicuspida-turn; Hadži, 1973b; Mršič, 1997a) 1. Gaberje/Gyetyanos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 12 10.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 itrv.) Oligolophus tridens (C. I.. KOCH, 1836) • Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b; Mršič, 1997a) 1. Postojna, V136, 550 m (Di Caporiacxo, 1937: nella Cisterna del recintodi Palazzo Sclabss, 28.08.1936: 1 1) 2. Predostje, VM52 (Hadži, 197.3a, b, sub Odiellus po-¡enea HADŽI, 1973 - loc. typ., Fig. 53, ethylene-glycol pitfall traps, Piceetum, 1956: several times, PoJenec ¡eg.: up to 50 ex.) 3. cave Boštonova jama, VM71, Cad. No. 757, 330 m (Novak eta!., 1984: 2 ft) 1 Dolnja Bistrica, XM05, 170 m (Kovač, 1997, 17.08 1996, Kovač leg.: 1 f, 2 iuv.) 5. Razkrižje, XM05 (Kovač, 1997, 17.08.1996, Kovač leg.: 5 iuv., SL 99/1997 6. Dobrovnik/Dobronak, XM07, 1 70 m {Kovač, 1997, 1 8 08.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 iuv.) 7. Dolina pri Leiulavt/Volgyifalu, XM15, 170 iti (Kovač, 1997, 10.08.1996, Kovač leg.: 3 iuv.) 6 Banuta/Banuta, XM16, 170 m (Kovač, 1997, 10.08. 1996, Kovač leg,: 8 iuv,) 9. Gaberje/Cyetyanos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 13. 08.1996, Kovač leg.: 2 mm, 1 iuv. - 22.08.1996: 2 mm, 2 iuv. - 24.08.1996: 1 m - 12.10.1996: 1 f - 20.10. 1996: 1 m, 2 ff, 2 iuv.) 10. Petišovci/Peteshaza, XM15 (Kovač, 1997. 18.08.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 m, 2 iuv.) Lacinius horridus (PANZER, 1794) » Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b: the synonym Lacinius lahacensis HADŽI, 1971 /right: 1931/ was mentioned for this species instead far i. den tiger! • the Soča valley (Marcellino, 1987: Vaile delPlsonzo) • (Slovene '!) Istra (Roewer, 1957, sub L. echinatus (LUCAS, 1847), Sirasser leg.: 1 mm, Coll. RII/706/31) 1. the surroundings of Kobarid, UM82, 230 m (Marcellino, 1973: dintorni di Caporetto, 06.1915: 1 f, 1 iuv., MSNG, Andremi leg.) 2. Kuk Mt., UM92, 950 m /the summit altitude 1243 m/ (Marcellino, 1987: M. Cucco (Caporetto), 22.08.1975 2 tuv. 3. Radovljica, V.M.33 (Hadži, 1973a: the watering place, 02.06.1936, H adz i leg.) Lacinius dentiger (C. L. KOCH, 1848) « Slovenia (Hadii, 197.3b) • Triglav Mts. /the highest summit altitude 2864 m/ (Hadži, 1931, sub L. labacensis HADŽI, 1931, Figs. 1618, HADŽI leg.; Hadži, 1942, Fig. 28f; Martens, 1978a) 1. Ljubljana, VM60, 300 m (Hadži, 1931- Vegova ulica /'the street/, sub L. labacensis. Figs. 16-18, Hadži leg.: 1 ex.; Hadži, 1 936, sub L. labacensis) 2. Rogaška Slatina, WM52, 250 m (Hadži, 1936, suh L. labacensisi 3. Dobrovnik/Dobronak, XM07, 170 m (Kovač, 1997, 18.08 1996, Kovač leg.: 1 iuv.) 4. Gaberje/Gyety;$nos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 22. 08.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 iuv.) Lacinius ephippiatus(C.L. KOCH, 1835) « Slovenia (Koch, 1848a: Kram, sub Acanthohphus ephippiatus; Doleschal, 1 852: Krain, sub A. ephippiatus; Hadži, 1973b) 1. Sfojna Mt., VI85 /the summit altitude 1068 m/ (Hadži, 1973a, sub Odiellus rucneri HADŽI, 1973a, Fig. 54, Bole leg.: pi. ex.; Hadži (1973b) mentioned O. rucneri as an Croatian endernit) 2. Ciprnik Mt., VM04 /the summit altitude 1745 m/ (Hadži, 1931: Čiperntk, sub L. oligodentatus HADŽI, 1931, Figs, 19 /sexes confounded/, 20, 05.08.1928, Hadži leg.: 1 m) 295 ANNALES Ser. hist. nat. 10 2000 2 (21) Tone NOVAK & Jiitgen GRUBER: REMARKS ON PUBLISHED DATA ON HARVfcSTMEN (ARACf-IMDA. OPIUOUFSÍ FROM SLOVtlvlA. 2«I-JOS 3. by the road Podkoren - Korensko sedlo mountain pass, VM05, 850'1073 m (Hadži, 1931: road Podkoren -Koruška meda, sub L. oligodentatus, Hadži leg.) 4. the cave Štinetova jama, VM4I, Cad. No. 240, 400 m (Novak et al; 1984: 2 ft) 5. at Podutik, VM50, 300 m (Hadži, 1931, sub L. oügodentatus, Hadzi leg.) 6. Ljubljana, VM60, 300 m (Hadži, 1931: Mirje Ahe town district/, sub L, olrgodentatvs, Hadži leg.) 7. Banuta/Banuta, XM16, 170 m (Kovač, 1997, 10.08 1996, Kovač leg.: 1 m, 1 Suv.) 8. Gaberje/Gyetyänos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 20. 10 1996, Kovač leg.: 3 mm) Odiellus spinosus (I30SC, 1772) 1. Komen, VL07. 290 m (D) Caporiacco 1949: Comeno, 06.1913, Müller leg.: 3 ex.) 2. Kuk Mt., UM92, 950 m /the summit altitude 1243 m/ (Marcellino, 1987: M. Cucco (Caporetto), 22-08.1975: 1 m) 3. surroundings of Hruševica, VL07, 300 m (Marceli i no, 1987: dintorni di Hruševica (StanieJ-YU), 03.10.1969: 1 m, 1 f) Mitopus mono (FABRIC lUS, 1779) « Slovenia (Hadži, 1926/27: 1 ex., alleged Schmidt's det., sub Phalangium?; Hadži, 1942, Figs. 28a, b; Hadži, 1973b) • Triglav Mts. /the highest summit altitude 2864 m/ (l-fadzi, 1931, sub M. morio alpinus, Figs. 14, 15, Hadži ¡eg ; Hadži, 1973b, sub M. m. alpinus) » the surroundings of Ljubljana (Hadži, 1936) • Sava Dolinka valley, 500-830 m (Hadži, 1931: Sava gorenjka valley, sub M. m, alpinus, 08.1928, Hadži leg.) « Bohinjske (Fužinske) planine Mts. /the summit altitude 1782 m/(Hadži, 193!, sub M. m. alpinus, 09.09.1919, Seiiskar leg.) 1. Matajur Mt., UM82, I 643 m (Di Caporiacco, 1 949, sub M. morio cinerascens (C. L. KOCH, 1839), 24.07.1923, Müller ieg.: 1 f) 2. the surroundings of Kamno, UM92, 200 m (Marcellino, 1973: dintorni di Kamno, 09.1915: 1 m, MSNG, Andreini leg.) 3. M. morio 4. Jalovec Mt., UM94, 1300 m (Marcellino, 1987: Jalovec (M. Gialuz), 12.08.1968, Alberti leg.: 1 m. 1 f) 5. Kuk Mt., ÜM92, 950 m /the summit altitude 1243 m/ (Marcellino, 1987: M. Cucco (Caporetto), 22.08.1975: 1 f) 6. Podkraj, VL28, 1050 m (Marcellino, 1987: Hrusica (Pod kraj, Selva di Piro), 19.08.1967, Alberti leg.: 1 m, 1 f) 7. Tolminski Kuk Mt., VM02 /the summit altitude 2085 m/ (Marcellino, 1973; pendici oriental i di Monte Kuck, 09. 1915: 1 f, MSNG;) 8. Komna, VM02 /the Alpine cottage at 1525 m/ (Hadži, 1931, sub Mitopus m. alpinus, Figs. 14, 15, 11.09. 1919, SeliSkar leg.) 9 by the mountain cottage Erjavčeva koča at Vršič mountain pass, VM04, 1515 m (Hadži, 1931, sub M, m. alpinus, 12.08.1928, Hadži leg.) 10. Beli potok above Zadnjica valley, VM04, 1530 m (Di Caporiacco, 1949: Bieli pjotok nel gruppo del Tricorno, sub M. m. morio, 21.09.1928, Zirmich leg.) 11. the mountain pathway Tominškova pot, Triglav Mt., VM'i 4, ¡100-1800 m (Hadži, 1931, sub M. m. alpinus, 28.08.1928, Hadži leg.) 12 Prisojnrk Mt„ N wall, VM04 /al least 1700 m/(Hadži, 1931, sub M. m. alpinus, 12.08.1928, Hadži leg.) 13. Mlinarica valley, VM04, 1550 m (Di Caporiacco, 1949: Meinerza appie del Prisanig (Bois de Chesne) /probably: bois de chene: oak forest/, sub M. m. morio (FABR1C1US, 1779): pl. mm, ff) 14. Nadiža valley, VM04, 1100-1200 m (Hadži, 1931, sub M. m. alpinus, 08.1928, Hadii leg.) 15. Gozd Martuljek, VM05, 720 m (Hadži, 1931: Mar-tuljak, sub M. m. alpinus, 15.08.1928, Kuščer leg.) Mitopus glaciafis (HFER, 1845) 1. Kanin Mt., UM73 (Di Caporiacco, 1922, sub Oligo-lophus glacialis (C. Koch) assumed the mountain to he inhabited by /VI. glacialis: Vat Raccolana - esempiare ... sia slato transpórtalo ... delíe cime del Canin o del Montasio ...I Gyas titanus SIMON, 1 879 • Slovenia (MrSid, 1997a) « Pohorje (Hadži, 1973b) 1. the cave Huda luknja pri Radljah, WM16, Cad. No. 3191, 450 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982b: 1972-73; Novak et al., 1984; Lipovšek eta!., 1996: all Huda luknja nad Radljami) 2 the cave Huda luknja pri Gornjem Doliču, VVM14, Cad. No. 413, 510 rn (Lipovšek et a!, 1996: Huda luknja pri Poliču) 3. Huda luknja cleft, WM14, 500 786 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1 980b) Martens (1978) and repeatedly Komposch (1999) incorrectly noted that the species does not pass over the Karavanke/Karawankeri Mts. chain. Gyas annuhtus (OLIVIER, 1791) » Slovenia (Koch, 1848b: Gegerid von l.aibach, sub Opilio nigricans, Schmidt leg.; Doleschal, 18,52: Bei l.aibach, sub O. nigricans Koch; Hadži, 1942, Figs. 28c, d; Hadži, 1973b; MrSid, 1997a) ♦ Triglav Mts. /the highest summit altitude 2864 ml (Hadži, 1931, Hadži leg.; Bole, 1974) 296 ANNALES • Ser. hist, naí, 10 2000 • 2 (21) Tone NOVAK & liitgen C,RUBER. REMARKS ON PUBLISHED DATA ON HAKVtSTMEN IARAC1IN1DA: OPILlONESi fROM SIOVENIA. 281-30G 1. Mangrt, UM94 /the summit altitude 2679 m/ (Martens, 1978a-. Mangart, Ausobsky leg.) 2. the cave Predjamski sistem, Jama pod Prcdjamskim gradom, Predjama, VL37, Cad. No. 734, 490 m (Roewer, 1935: Luegger /German correct: lueger/ Grotte, 26.04 1914: 1 pullus; Nr. 773) 3. cave Planinska jama, VL73. Cad. No. 748, 450 m (Novak era/., 1984) 4. at the waterfall Savica, VM02, 750 m (Hadži, 1931: at the waterfall of the Sava Bohinjka river, 14 08.1917, Kuščer leg.) 5. Komarca - Sedmera jezera, VM02, 1360-1680 m (Hadži, 193 i, Hadži jr. leg.) 6. by a stream /which one?/ along the road leading to Vršič mountain pass, VM04 (Hadži, 1931, seen /permanent streams by the Kranjska gora - Vršič road are at 1040, 1190 and 1210 m/) 7. under the Prisojnik Mt., VM04 /at least 1400 m; the summit altitude 2547 m/ (Hadži, 1931, seen) 8. Gozd Martuljek, VM05, 720 m (Hadži, 1931, 15 03. 1928, Kuščer leg.: 1 iuv.) 9. Črna prst Mt., VM12 /the summit altitude 1844 m/ (Martens, 1978a, NHMW) 10. the Vrata valley, VM14/840-ca. 1100 m/ (Hadži, 1931, the valley of the Bistrica river, seen 14.08.1928: 1 ex.) 11. at the waterfall Peričnik, VM14, 860 m (Hadži, 1931, seen) 12. mountain pathway Tominškova pot, VM14. Triglav Mt., 1100-1800 m, (Hadži, 1931, 28.08.1928, Had* leg.: 3 iuv.; Nelima humilis (L. KOCH) was found to be the synonym of juvenile G. annulatus; Figs. 28, 29; t.uhan (1980) clarified that Leiobunum humilc (KOCH, 1876) /right: L. KOCH, 1869/is the synonym of C ttonus) 13. Bled, VM33, 500 m (Martens, 1978a, Ausobsky leg.) Dicranopalpusgasteinensis DOlESCHALL, 1852 • Slovenia (Hadži, 1957a; Mršic, 1997a) « Triglav Mts /the summit altitude 2864 m/(Hadži, 1931, Hadži leg., 1973b) 1. Mangrt Mt., UM94 /the summit altitude 2679 ml (Martens, 1978a: Mangart, Faltermeier leg.) 2. the snow-field edge on Triglav Mt., VM03 /ca. 2600 m/ (Hadži, 1936) 3. a snowt'ieid under the Prisojnik Mt, VM04 /the lowest part at ca. 1400 m/ (Hadži, 1931, Tigs. 11-13, under stones, 12.08.1928: 1 f, 7 iuv. - 14.08.1928, Hadži leg.: 1 iuv.) 4. above the Bistrica spring, V.VI14, under the mountain wall Severna triglavska stena /the spring at 1020 m/ (Hadži, 1931, Hadži leg.: 1 iuv.) Amilcnus aurantiacus (SIMON, 1881) ♦ Slovenia (Martens, 1978b, sec. Roewer, 1923; Hadži, 1973b, sub Nelima aurantiaca (SIMON, 1881)) 1. the cave Volčja jama, Nanos Mi , VL27, Cad. No. 743, 1060 m (Roewer, 1935, sub N. aurantiaca, 29.04.1914: 2 mm, Nr. 776; Kratochvíj, 1946, sub N. aurantiaca) 2. the cave system Postojnska jama, VL36, Cad. Mo. 747, 530 m (Schiner, 1854: Adelsberger Grotte, Khevenhüller ieg., sub Lejobunum rotundatum KOCH; Roewer, 1957: Adelsberger Grotte, sub N. aurantiaca, Sirasser leg.: 1 f, Coll. RIÍ/8492/83; Pretrier, 1968, sub N. aurantiaca) 3. the cave Črna jama, Postojna, VL36, Cad. No 471, 540 m (Roewer, 1935, sub N. aurantiaca, 27.04.1914: I m. Nr. 774, Kralochvil, 1946, suh N. aurantiaca) 4. the cave Logarček, Planina, VL47, Cad. No. 28, 500 m (Roewer, 1957: Logarček, sub N. aurantiaca, Sirassei ieg.: 1 f, Coll. Rit/8493/84) 5. the cave Mrzla jama pri Ložu, Bloška polica, Lož, VL56, Cad. No. 79, 610 m (Roewer, 1935: Mrzla jama, sub /V. aurantiaca, 28.04.1914: 1 m. Nr. 775; Kra-tochvíl, 1946, sub N. aurantiaca) 6. Ciproik Mt., VM04 /the summit altitude 1745 m/ (Hadži, 1931: Čipernik, sub N. aurantiaca, 05.08. 1928, Hadži leg.: pi. iuv.) 7. by the road Kranjska gora - Vršič mountain pass, VM04 /ca. 900-1611 m/ (Hadži, 1931: by the road leading to Vršič, sub N. aurantiaca, ¡408.1928, HadAi leg.: pi. iuv.) 8. Podkoren, VM05, 850 m (Hadži, 1931, sub N. aurantiaca, Hadži leg.: pi. iuv.) 9. Ribčev !az, Bohinj, VM12, 530 tri (Hadži, 1931: at the chuich of St. Janez, sub N. aurantiaca, fig. 31, 16.08. 1928, Hadži leg.: 1 iuv.) 10. a cave between Toško čelo and Babni dol, VMfiO (Hadži, 1926/27, sub N. aurantiaca, Schmidt's label: Grotte zwischen Toško čelo - Labni doí: 2 ex. /it could be the Cave Jama 1 v jurcelovih Percah, Cad. No. 366, 450 m/) 11. the cave Kamniška jama, VM63, Cad. No. 5058, 1400 m (Slapnik, 1996, sub N. aurantiaca) 12. the cave Jama pri Votli peči, VM95, Ravne na Koroškem, Cad. No. 3263, 400 m (Novak & Sivec, 1977a, b, sub N. aurantiaca; Novak & Kuštor. 1980a, sub N. aurantiaca! 13.the cave Špegličeva jama, WM12, Cad. No. 3512, 400 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982a, males sub Leiobunum rupestre) 14. the cave Zgornja Steska jama, WM13, Cad. No. 169. 370 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982a, males sub L. rupestre) 15. the cave Jama pod južnim vrhom Tisnika, WM14, Cad. No. 521, 730 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982a, sub N. aurantiaca, 1972-73) 16. the cave Pitanca, WM14, Cad. No. 520, 650 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982a, sub N. aurantiaca, 1972-73) 17. the cave Huda Suknja pri Radljah, WM16, Cad. No 3191, 450 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982a: Huda luknja nad Radi jami, sub N. aurantiaca, 1972-73) 18. the cave Fantovska luknja 2, WM21, Cad. No. 3967, 480 m (Novak & Kuštor, T982a, males sub L. rupestre) 297 ANNALES Scr. hist, nat- 10 • 2000 2 (21) Tone NOVAK & jiHgcn GRU8£R: REMARKS ON MJ81IS) ¡ED DATA ON HARVESTMEN lARACHNfDA: OPIUONES) FROM StOVEWIA, I-3f;8 AsWobunus laevipes (CANESTRINI, 1872) » Slovenia (Hadži, 1926/27, sub A. bernardicus simoni HADŽI, 1927, Pigs. 208-213; Hadži, 1973b, sub A. rneady (THORELL, 1876), A. b. simoni HADŽI, 1927, A. sfovenicus HADŽI, 1928 /right: HADŽI, 1927/, and A. roeweri HADŽI, 1928 /right: HADŽI, 1927/; Mršič, 1997a) 1. Slivnica, VL57 /the summit altitude 1114 m/ (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 2. Ljubljana, VM60, 300 rn (Hadži, 1973b, sub .4. ber-nardkus SIMON, 1879) 3. Gaberje/Cyelyanos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 22. 08.1996, Kovse leg.: 1 m, iuv. - 24.08.1996; 1 m - 12. 10.1996: 1 m) Astrobunus helleri (AUSSERER, 1867) « Slovenia (Hadži, 1926/27, sub A. shvenicus HADŽI, 1927. figs. 191-202 Tab. VIII; 2 ff and sub A. roeweri HADŽI, 1927, figs. 203-207 Tab. VIII; Hadži, 1931, Fig. 8, and sub A. sfovenicus, tig. 9, 10; Hadži, 1942, Fig. 26; Novak et a/., 1995b, also sub A. croaticus SOERENSEN, 1894; Mrsic, 1997a) • Triglav Mts. /the summit altitude 2864 m/, Karavanke Mts- /the summit highest altitude 2236 m/ (Hadži, 1927, 1931, 1973b) I the surroundings of Kamno, UM92, 200 m (Marceliino, 1973: dintorni di Kamno, 11 .-12.1915: 1 f, MSNG, Andremi leg.) 2. Trenta valley, UM93-VM03, 500-900 m (Martens, 1978a, Miirtens ieg.) 3. Divača, VLlb, 440 m (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 4. Rakov Škocjan, VL47, 520 in (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 5. southern slope of Ciprnik Mt., VM04 /the summit altitude 1745 m/ (Hadži, 1931: Čipernik, Fig. 8, 08.08 1928, Hadži leg.) 6. at the foot of Ciprnik Mt., VM04 (Hadži, 1931: Čipernik, sub A. sfovenicus, Figs. 9, 10, under stones, 800-1000 m, 08.08.1928, Hatlii leg.: 1 f; Hadži, 1942, Fig. 27) 7. Planica valley, VM04, 870-1100 m (Hadži, 1931, sub A. sfovenicus, 04.08.1928, Hcdži ¡eg.: 1 f) 8. at Podkoren, VM05, 850 m (Hadži, 1931: pi.) 9. by the road Podkoren • Korensko sedlo mountain pass, VM05, 870-1073 m (Hadži, 1931, sub A. sfovenicus, Hadži leg.: pi.) 10. at the waterfall Peričnik, valley Vrata, VM14, 860 m (Hadži, 1931, under stone, 14.08.1928, Hadži leg ) II .at Polhov Gradec, VM 40, 370 m (Hadži, 1931; Polhov grao, sub A. slovenicus, Hadži leg.: pi.) Kranj, VM42-52, 390 m (Hadži, 1931, sub A. slovenicus, Hadži leg,: pi.) 13. Ljubelj mountain pass, VM44 /up to 1060 m/ (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg.) 14. Mozirje, VM93, 340 m (Hadii, 1931, sub A. slovenicus: pi.) Roewer (1957) erroneously cited Kratochvil's (1934) work and alleged A. laevipes (sub Roeweriolus slavicus KRATOCHViL, 1934) for eastern Slovenia in place of Slovakia. Nevertheless, the species does live in eastern Slovenia, too. Hadzi (1973b) and Martens (1978, in synonymy) cited A. slovenicus and A. roeweri sub HADZI, 1928 instead of HADZl, 1927. Mrsic (1997) cited A. dinaricus Sll.HAVY, 1938, for Slovenia, but although expected it has not been recorded there. Leiobunum limbatum C.L. KOCH, 1961 * NW Slovenia [Hadzi, 1973b) Leiobunum roseum C. L. KOCH, 1839 ® Slovenia (Koch, 1839: Laibach; Koch, 1848b: Cegend von Laibach/und Triest/; Doleschal, 1852: Bei Laibach, sub Leiobunum roseum Koch; Roewer, 1910: Deutschland (Laibach), sub Liobunum roseum; Roewer, 1923: Laibach; Hadzi (1931: 141) noted that Trieste and Ljubljana (Laibach) are certainly the places, where Roewer (1923) indirectly got the material from /the actual Cause for the vague locality is rather Koch's (1839) description of the locus typic^s: "Aus der Gegend von Triest") » NW Slovenia iHadii, 1973b) » Triglav Mts. /the highest summit altitude 2864 m/ (Bole, 1974, sub Liobunum roseum, Martens, 1978a) 1. Mrzlj vrh Mt., Kamno, UM92 /summit altitude 1359 m/ (Marceiiino, 1973; Monte Merzli) 2. Pri Cerkvi, VM04, 85D rn (Hadzi, 1931: casa d'abstetg Santa Maria di Trenta, sub Liobunum roseum, Miiller leg.; Di Caporiacco, 1949: S. Maria di Trenta, sub Liobunum roseum, 19.1 1.1928, Zirmich leg.: 1 m, 1 f -20.11.1928; pi. mm. fi) .3. Komarca, VM02, 660-1360 m (HAOil 1931, sub Liobunum roseum, 11.09.1919, SELlSKAR leg.; sub Liobunum roseum - "Netimz nigripalpis (SIMON)", Figs. 26, 27, 08.1928, Hadii leg.: pi. iuv.) 4. DoJina Iriglavskih jezer valley, VM03, 1780-2000 m (Hadzi, 1931: Triglavska sedmera jezera, sub (.. roseum - "N. nigripalpis(SIMON)", 08.1928, Had» leg.: pi. iuv.) 5. by the road to VrSiC mountain pass, Velika PiSnica valley, VM04, /ca. 900-1611 m/ (Had2i, 1931, sub L. roseum - "N. nigripalpis (SIMON)", 08.1928, Hadzi leg.: pi. iuv.) 6. above the spring of the Soca river, VM04, 1000 rn (Hadzi, 1931, sub Liobunum roseum, Figs. 23-25, Mtiller leg.) 7. S and N side of the VrSic mountain pass, VM04 /up to 1611 m/ (Martens, 1978a, AuE&bsfcy, Martens leg.) 8. Prisojnik Mt., VM04 /the summit altitude 2547 nV 298 ANNALES Ser. hist. oat. • 10 • 2000 • 2 (21) Tone NOVAK £ Justin GKUHER: RtMARKSON PUBLISHED Data ON HARVBTMEN (ARACMNIOA* OPlUONESt HROM SLOVENIA. 2H1-MS (, 1931, sub Liobunum roseum, figs. 23-25, 05., 11. and i 2.0«.1928, Hadži leg.: pi i 9. Gozd Martuljek, VM05, 720 m (Hadži, 1931: Mar-tutjak, sub Liobunum roseum, KUŠČFR leg., 15.08.1928: -1 mm; Sub L. roseum = "N. nigripalpis (SIMON)", 08.1928, HADŽI leg.: pl. iuv.) 10. at the waterfall Peričnik, Vrata valley, VM14, 860 m (Hadži, 1931, sub Liobunum roseum ~ "N. nigripaipis (SIMON)", Figs. 26, 27: a juvenile drawn as a female, 08.1928, Hadži ¡eg : pl. iuv.) Leiobunum rotundum (LATREiLI. 1798) ® Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b, sub Liobunum rotundum) 1. Razkrižje, XM0S, 180 m (Kovač, 1997, 17.08.1996, Kovač leg.: 'i m) 7. Gaberje/Gy e ty anos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 13. 08.1996, Kovač leg.: i m - 22.08.1996: 1 i) 3. Lendavske gorice/Lendvahcgy, XM16 (Kovač, 1997, 17.08.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 m) Leiobunum rupestre (HER8ST, 1 799) * Slovenia (Koch, 1848b: Gegend von Laibach, sub L. ovale; Doleschal, 1852: Bei Laibach, sub Lejobunum ovale Koch; Hadži, 1942, figs. 29d, e; Hadži, 1973b, sub Liobunum rupestre) • Triglav Mts. /the highest summit altitude 2864 nV (Martens, 1978a) 1. Mrzli vrh Mt, UM92, 1359 m (Marcellino, 1973: Monte MerzSi, 10.1915: 2 mm, MSN.G, Andreini leg.) 2. the surroundings of Kamno, UM92, 200 m (Marcellino, 1973: dintorni di Kamno, 11.191.5: 1 m, MSNG: 1 m, CM, Andrei n i I eg. i 3. the cave Postojnska jama, Paradiž, VL36, Cad. No 747, 530 m (Di Caporiacco, 1937: nelia Grotta Paradiso di Postumia, sub Nelima nigripaipis, 08.02.1936: 3 if) 4. Cerknica, VL 57, 560 m (Martens, 1978a, Martens leg I 5. by the road to Vršič mountain pass, VM04 (Hadži, 1931, sub liobunum rupestre = "Nelima glabra (L. KOCH)", 28.08.1928, Hadži leg.: T m, pl. iuv.) 6. under Prisojnik Mt., VM04 (Hacfži, 1931, sub Liobunum rupestre: pl. iuv.) 7. Planica valley, VM04 (Hadži, 1931, sub i. rupestre -"N. glabra (I... KOCH)", Fig. 30, 04.08.1928, Hadzi leg.: pl. iuv.) 8. Gozd Martuljek, VM05, 720 m (Hadži, 1931, sub Liobunum rupestre, 15.08.1928, KUŠČER leg.: 1 m) 9. Ribčev laz, Bohinj, VM12, 530 m (Hadži, 1931: by the church of St. jane:', sub Liobunum rupestre, Fig. 30, 16.08.1928, leg Hadži: I iuv.) 10. Ljubelj mountain pass, VM44 /up to ¡060 m/ (Martens, 1973a: S-Seite des Loibl Passes, Auasobsky, Martens leg.i 11 Tošfco čelo, VM50, 590 m (Hadži, 1931, sub Liobunum rupestre: 1 m, 1 iuv. m) 12. Matjaževa jama, Pimice, VM51, Cad. No. 69, 420 m (Hadži, 1926/27: Gross-Kahlenberger Grotte, Schmidt's label: 1 m, Schmidt det., sub Phalangium) 13. the cave Pitanca, VVM14, Cad. No. 520, 650 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982b, sub Liobunum rupestre, 1972-73) 14. the cave )ama pod južnim vrhom Tisnika, WM14, Cad. No. 521, 730 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982b, sub Liobunum rupestre, 1972-73) 15. the cave Huda luknja pri Radljah, WM16, Cad. No 4191, 450 m (Novak & Kuštor, 1982b: Huda luknja nad Radljami, sub Liobunum rupestre, 1972-73) Hadži (1931) recognized juveniles of Leiobunum (sub Liobunum) roseum although he wrote that young L. roseum and L. limbatum are not distinguishable; at: the localities cited by him we found only I... roseum. He wrongly supposed (Martens, 1978a) Nelima nigripaipis (SIMON, 1879) to be a synonym of L. roseum. Nelima semproni SZALAY, 1951 • Slovenia (Hadži, 1973b, sub N. siivatica (SIMON, 1879!) 1. Ljubljana, VM69, 300 m (Hadži, 1973b, sub N. silvatica fasciata HADŽI, 197.3) 2. Bled, VM33, 500 in (Martens, 1978, [;aitermck>r leg.) 3. Podutik, VM50 (Hadži, 1973a, sub N. s. fascata, Fig. 50, Hadži leg., several times: pl.) 4. Mozirje, VM93 (Hadži, 1973a, sub N. s. fasciata, 10.07.1929, Hadži leg.) 5. Dolnja Bistrica, XM05, 170 m (Kovač, 1997, 17.08. 1996, Kovač leg : 1 i) 6. Benica/Benice, XM15 (Kovač, 1997, 19.08.1996, Kovač leg.: 1 m, 3 ff) 7. Gaberje/Cyetyanos, XM15, 160 m (Kovač, 1997, 22. 08.1996, Kovač leg.: 7 mm, 1 f - 24.08.1996: 2 mm, 1 iuv.) 8 Lendavske gorice/Lendvahegy, XM16 (Kovač, 1997, 18.08,1996, Kovač leg.: 3 mm, 1 f) Nelima doriae (CANESTRINI, 1871) ♦ Slovenia, Adriatic coast (Hadži, 1942, Figs. 28a-c; Hadži, 1973b sub N. doriae dalmatina HADŽI, 1973, Fig. 51) Incertae sedis ? Slovenia (Roewer, 1950: Krain, sub I heilwigii: 3 (m, t) Rt/11/972) ' cave Celerjeva jama (which one?, the name not known today) at the village Zalog, VM81 (Joseph, 1881, sub Lejobonum) - probably A. aurantiacus or L. rupestre ? cave Velika pasica, Krim Mt., VL58, Cad. No. 75, 700 m [Joseph, 1881: Velka Pasica, and Pasica'Grotte, sub Phalangium riiveum, loseph leg.) 299 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 10 2000 ■ 2 (21) Tone NOVAK A íülgrr ("RUBER: RtMARKS ON PUBUSBED DATA ON IIAfVESTMEN (AKACHNÎOA. OP t LIO «ES) T ROM SLOVENIA, MÎ-308 Annex The species cited in works with UTM-coded localities HUDRAP & PAVI.IN (1996): Siró chnkortus, Nemastama triste, Nemastofrh'j ¡7. bidentatum, N. b. sparsum, Tiogulus nepa-eformis, Phalfinghtm opilio, Opilio saxatilis, Platybunus bucephalus, Lacinius dentiger, L. ephippiatus, Mitopus rnorio. Amilenus aitrant'SCUi, leiobunum rupestre, L Hrrrbatum, Nelima seniprom LIPOVSEK nt a I. (1996): Cyas titanus, C. annubius NOVAK í'f al (1984): Siro dur/rorius, felionydve postumicola, P. tenuis, P. gsbria, Holoscotolemon unicolor, Nemastoma b bidentaium, Paranemastoma quadripunctatum, P. bicuspida-tttm, Mitostoma chrysomelas, Dicranolasma scabnim, Tro-gulus tricarinatus, T. nepaeiormis, T. tingiforrnis, IschyropsaHs hellwigi hellwigi, i. muellnerí. I. koilari. I. Iwdzii, Opilio dinaricus, O. ruzickoi, Riiaens triangularis, OUgobphus Indens, Lactnius dentiger, L. ephippiatus, MHopus rnorio, Gyas itt.anus, C annulaius, Amilenus aurantiacus, Asirobunus helleri, Leiobunum rupestre NOVAK ct ai, (1995a¡: Sito duriconus. Holoscotolemon unicolor, Nemastoma triste. Sí. b bidentatim. Paranemastoma quadri-punctaium, P. bicuspidatwv, Mitostoma chrysomelas, Trogu his tricarinatus, T nepaeformis, T. tingiforrnis, Isc.hyropsaiis hellwigi hellwigi, !. kotlari, f'halangium opilio, Opilio parietinus, O. saxarilis, O. dinaricus, O. rvzickai, Platybunus bucephalus, Rilaena triangularis. Lophopilio palpinalis, Oiigobphus tridens, Lac.tnius hórridas, i. dentiger. L. ephippiatus, Mitopus morio, iigaenus convexus, Cyas titanus, Amilenus aitrantiacus, Astrobunus laevipes, A. helleri, Leiobunum roseum, L rupestre, L. rotundum, Nelima semprom NOVAK el a I. (1995b): Sito chirrcorius, Peltonychia postumicola, P tenuis, P. gabria. Holoscotolemon unicolor, Scotokmon cioriae, Neniastoma b bidentatum, N. b. sparsum, N. den-tigerum, Paranemastorna qua dripuncta turn, Histricostoma dentipalpe, Carinostoma carinatum, Mitostoma chiysomelas, M. alpintim, Dicranolasma scabrum, Tiogulus tricar mains, T. napaeformis, T. closanicus, T. tingiforrnis, T. corixiformis. AneUsmocephalus hacizii, Ischyropsalis hellwigi hellwigi, i. muellnerí, I. hadzii, I. kotlari, Phalangium opilio, Me'a phalangium iirtaruim, (M, propinquuml. Opilio parietinus, O. saxatihs, O. dinaricus, O. mzickai, O. transversalis, O. cane-strmii. Platybunus bucephalus, Metaplatybumts carneJuttii, Riiaena triangularis, Dasylobus grarilfenjs (sub fudasylobus nicaeensis), Lophopilio palpinalis, Oiigobphus tridens, Odi-ellus spinoSus, Lacinius horridus, L. dentigei, L, ephippiatus, Mitopus morio, Gyas annufatus, Amilenus aurantiacus, Astro-bun us laevipes, A helleri (also sub A. croaticus), A. dinaricus, Leiobunum roseum, !.. limbatum, L mpesire, I. rotundum, Netima semproni, N. dor/ae DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS I it comparison to the relatively long reference list only few literature data on harvestman localities in Slovenia can be taken into account. Locality names in Slovenia used by foreign authors must be critically examined before further use. Consultations with native biologists, geographers and/or linguists are strongly recommended in the future to avoid further mistakes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Dr. Fulvio Gssparo (Trieste), who checked the identity of localities mentioned by Italian authors and added some further locations and to Dr. Christian Koioposch (Craz) and Prof. Dr. Dusan Devetak (Maribor) for critical remarks on the manuscript. We sincerely thank Dr. Manfred Grasshoff (Frankfurt) for information on the catalogues of the Roewer collection, Dr. Leos Klimes (Tfeboft) for his comments on Mitosloma alpinum in Slovakia and Prof. Dr. Konrad Thaler (Innsbruck) for literature support and his help in critical surveying of measures used in species descriptions by some arthropodologists of the ?8th and ¡qth centuries. We are indebted to Prof. Dr. Victor Kennedy (Maribor) for linguistic improvement. PRIPOMBE K OBJAVLJENIM PODATKOM O SUHIH JUŽINAH (ARACHNJDA: OPIL.IONES) SLOVENIJE Tone NOVAK Oddelek za biologijo, Pedagoška fakultete. Univerza v Mariboru, SI-2000 Maribor, Koroška ¡60 Jurgen GRUBER Oddelek zs zoologijo, Prirodoslovni muzej Dunaj, A-1014 Dunaj, Postfacb 417, Burgring 7 POVZETEK Avtorja sta opravila kritičen pregled literaturnih podatkov o suhih fužinah Slovenije. Izkazalo se je, da so mnogi podatki napačni. Da bi se izognili nadaljnji zmedi, sta tam, kjer je bilo potrebno, dodala komentarje in/ali popravke. Avtorji citirajo 57 od G2 znanih vrst v Sloveniji. V primerjavi z razmeroma dolgim seznamom literature je bilo objavljenih mah najdišč v Sloveniji, mnoge navedbe pa so nepravilne. Uvrstiti jih je mogoče v dve glavni skupini: napačne determinacije ter navajanje neustreznih imen najdišč, ki so jih objavili zlasti tuji avtorji. Ključne besede: bibliografija, Opiiiones, Slovenija .300 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. 10 2000 2 (21) Tone NOVAK i Jfitgcn CRU8FR; («¡MARKS On Pb'BUSHCD DATA ON I WSVESTMEN « REFERENCES Acosta, L. E. (1996): Die Typus-Exemplare der von CarlFriedrich Roewer beschriebenen Pachyiinae (Arachnida: Opiliones: Gonyieptidae). Senck. biol., 76(1/2), 209-225. Atlas Slovenije (1985): Mladinska knjiga in Geodetski zavod Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1985, 223 str. Bedel, L. & E. Simon (1875); Liste générale des Articulés cavernicoles. Journ. Zool., 4, 1-69. Boh i ne c, V. (1972): Simon Robič kot jamar. (Simon Rob i i as a caver.) Naše jame, 13, 11-16. Bole, i. (1974): Nevretenčarji Triglavskega nacionalnega parka. (The invertebrates of the Triglav National Park.) Proteus, 36(9-10), 442-443. Bole, J., B. Drovenik, N. Mršič & B. Skel (1993): Endemic animals in hypogean habitats in Slovenia. Naše jame, 35(1), 43-55. Cave Cadaster, Institute for Karst Research (Postojna) and Speleological Association of Slovenia (Ljubljana). Chemini, C. (1984): Sulla presenza di Trogulus cbsani-cus AVRAM in Austria, Baviera e Slovenia (Arachnida, Opiliones). 8er. Nat.-med. Ver. Innsbruck. 71, 57-61 Chemini, C. 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(Nemastoma)) 287 -, Paranemastoma 285, 287, 300 (Phatengium) 295 bidentatum, Nemastoma 285, 286, 300 { ■ -, (Lugubrostoma)) 286 - bidentatum, Nemastoma 285, 300 - x sparsum, Nemastoma 286 -sparsum, Nemastoma 286, 300 {bimaculosum, Nemastoma (Dromedostoma)) 287 (borisi, Skeiia) 285 {brevreome, Phalangium opilio) 2.93 bueephalus, Plaiybunus 294, 300 Cambridgei, Anelasmocephalus 290 (cancroides, Ischyropsalis} 290, 292, 293 ( -, Phalangium) 290, 292 canestrinir, Opilio 300 carinatum, Carinostoma 287, 300 Carinostoma 287, .300 - carinatum 287, 300 (-, Mitostoma (Carinostoma)) 287 ( Nemastoma) 287 carneluttii, Metaplatybunus 294, 300 304 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 2000 2 (21) Ton»! NÓVAK & jürgrn f.Rij'BER: REMARKS ON PUBLISHED DATA ON ItARVESTMEN (ARACHNIDA-. OPILIONES! FROM SLOVENIA, 261-308 {camiolicum, N. {Nemastoma) quadripunctatum) 287 (cavan na i, Eudasylobus) 295 (cavemosum, Ischyropsalis) 292 chrysomelas, Milostorna 287, 300 ( - alpinum, Mi tos toma) 288, 300 { - -, Ncmastoma) 288 (- chrysomelas, M. (Mitostoma)) 287 (- michieli, M. (Mitostoma)) 288 ( - michielii, M. (Mitostoma)) 288 ( - multidenticulatum, M. (Mitostoma)} 288 (- poleneci, M. {Mitostoma)) 288 ( -, Nemastoma) 287, 288 (cinerascens, Mitopus morid) 296 cirtanum, Metaphalangium 300 cisalpinos, Trogulus 289 clavigera, Peí tony ch i a 284, 285 closanicus, Trogulus 289, 300 convexus, Egaenus 295, 300 ( Opilio) 295 coriztformis, Trogulus 289, 300 (croaticus, Astrobunus) 298, 300 (Cyphopbthalmus) 283, 284 (- duricorius} 283, 284 (cyphopselaphus, Siró) 283, 284 ( Cyphophthalmus) 283 (Cyphopselaphus, Siró} 283 Dasylobus 294, 300 - graniterus 294, 300 dcntiger, Lacinias 295. 300 dentigerum, Nemastoma 286, 300 dentipaipe, Histricostoma 287, 300 ( Nemastoma) 287 < -, A/. (A/emasfoma)) 287 (DeFífizacfaet/s) 294 Dicrano/asma 288, 300 - opilionoides 288 - scabrum 288, 300 (- schmidti) 288 Dicranopalpus 297 - gasteinensis 297 dinaricus, Astrobunus 298, 300 Opilio 293, 294, 300 dorias, Nelima 299, 300 ( - dalmatina, Nelima) 299 Scotoíemon 285, 300 (iduricorius, Cyphophthalmus) 283, 284 Siró 283, 284, 300 - -, Siró 283 í-, (Cyphophthalmus) Siró) 283 (echinatus, Lacinias) 295 Egaenus295, 300 - convexus 295, 300 {emonense, N. (Nemastoma)) 287 {Emonia) 295 (- labacensis) 295 ephippiatus, Lacinius 295, 300 (-, Acantholophus) 295 (jEudasylobus) 294, 295, 300 (- cavannai) 295 (- nicaeensis) 294, 295, 300 (- rucnerianus) 294 (Euscotolemon) 285 { - novaki) 285 íalcipenis, Trogulus 288, 289 ifasciata, Nelima silvatica) 299 (flavimanum, Phalangium) 286 (gafaría, Peltonychia) 284, 285, 300 gasteinensis, Dicranopalpus 297 (g/abra, Nelima) 299 giacialis, Mitopus 296 ( -, Oligolophus) 296 graniferus, Dasylobus 294, 300 rjy¿5 283, 296, 297, 300 - annulatus 296, 297, 300 - litanus 296, 297, 300 (Hadziana) 284 ( - postumicoia) 284 (- Postumicoia) 284 (Had¿iana) 284 ( - postumicoia) 284 hadzii, Anelasmocephalus 239, 300 Ischyropsalis 290, 291, 292, 293, 300 helleri, Astrobunus 298, 300 {hellvigii, Phalangium) 292 helhvigi, Ischyropsalis 291, 292, 293 - helhvigi, Ischyropsalis 290, 291, 292, 293, 300 {heüwigii, Ischyropsalis) 291, 299 {Hellwigii, Phalangium) 292 (hclwigi, ischyropsalis) 290 {,helwigii, Ischyropsalis) 290, 291, 293 (Helwigii, Ischyropsalis) 291 (helwigii mülineri, Ischyropsalis) 291 (Herbsti, Ischyropsalis) 290 (herbstii, Ischyropsalis) 290 (Herbstii, Ischyropsalis) 290 (hispidum, Phalangium) 286, 288 Histricostoma 287, 300 - dentipaipe 287, 300 Holoscotolemon 285, 300 - unicolor 285, 300 horridus, Lacinius 295, 300 (humerale, Nemastoma quadripunctatum) 285, 286, 287 (humile, Leiobunum) 297