m pr«*nikoT. 1 Sunday. a* Holid^ PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NAJtÓDNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uredniški In uprsvniiki pro«tori: 2667 South Lawndal« A v«. Office of Publication: 2667 South LawndaU Ava. Telephone, Rockwell 4004 Cana lista Je »6.00 rnmttm Jmhit 1«, IMS. «t «he___„ at Ckiwee, UUMjb, u.dr Ik« AM at Om«nu of MtnS t. HT». CHICAGO, ILL., SREDA, 19. FEBRUARJA (FEB. 19), 1941 Subscription $6.00 Yearly 8TEV.—NUMBER 35 _Acceptanee^r mailing at »pecial rate of pontage provided fee If eection 1108, Act * Oct. 8, l>ir_»uUvorl»ed_^ Vesti z letne «eje »lavnega odbora SNP J I I članski in finančni napredek SNPJ v drugi polovici preteklega leta. Jednotina blagajna ie bliža devetim milijonom. Priprave za pri-h o d njo konvencijo, katera te vrii prihodnjo jcienvPitUburghu i,Glavni odbor SNPJ je zboro-UI zadnji četrtek, petek in JO-ll0 v jednotinem domu v Chi-Eu. slišal je poročila posamez-,B eksekutivnih odbornikov in odsekov o posl°vaniu J*1?01* v drugi polovici preteklega leU in deloma v, preteklem letu in je . sprejel več zaključkov, ki se v I davnem tičejo 12. redne konven-Iciie SNPJ. katera se vrši pnhod-Injo jesen v Pittsburghu, Pa. Glavni tajnik Vider je poročal nadaljnjem napredku članstva lin premoženja SNPJ. J Oddelek odraslih članov je 1. [januarja 1940 štel 37, 807 članov, W I. januarja 1941 je pa imel J,{8,M6 članov, kar pomeni 1139 članov napredka. Mladinski oddelek je imel 1. januarja 1940 14,112 članov, 1. januarja 1941 pa 13,458 članov, kar pomeni 654 članov nazadovanja v preteklem letu; če se ta izguba v mladinskem oddelku odšteje Anglija ne bo omilila blokade Hoover govori * o lakoti v Evropi London, 18. febr.—Načrt bivšega ameriškega predsednika Herberta Hoovra glede nasiče-vanja prebivalcev v državah, kater? je podjarmila nacijska Nemčija, ni dobil odmeva v angleških krogih. Velika Britanija ne bo olajšala blokade in dovolila dovoza potrebščin. V London dospela poročila iz okupiranih dežel pravijo, da Nemci plenijo polja, žitnice in skladišča potrebščin v Belgiji, Holandiji, na Danskem in Norveškem. Prebivalci trpe po-v miaaiusKeiH duuciru uujitjt , • Od napredka v oddelku odraslih, manjkanje, toda lakoU še ni zaostane 485 članov napredka na J«1» teh dežel- Angleške avto-flanstvu obeh oddelkov. , ritete Stoje trdno na stališču, da Skupno premoženje oddelka1 bi*0V0* ^ V deŽel?V k/ odraih Je ?. januarja 1941 šte- ^ ^Hi^evo oblast, le lo $7,935,204.05, skupno premoženje mladinskega oddelka je pa štelo $583,956.11; skupno premoženje obeh članskih oddelkov S. N. P. J. je torej znašalo ob koncu leta $8,519,160.16. — V letu Mi je skupna blagajna napredovala za $371.227.93. V letu 1940 je umrlo 368 članov, ki so bili zavarovani skupno a $263,600. Največ članov je u-mrlo za srčno hibo (105), na drugem mestu je rak (52), na tretjem mestu je pa jetika (30). — Dalje je bilo 720 članov operiranih v teku leta, in sicer je bilo največ operacij na vnetem slepiču (184), na drugem mestu pa na kili (105); vse operacije so stale jed-noto v skupni vsoti $47,112.50. - Nadalje je bilo v istem čaau izplačanih 34 odškodnin v skupni vsoti $6495; največ slučajev odškodnine (15) je bilo izplačanih za iz^bo prstov na rokah, na drugem mestu pa (12) za izgubo vida 01. bolniški tajnik Gradišek je poničtl. da je bilo v prvi polovici leta 1940 izplačane bolniške Hpore v skupili vsoti $209,324.-97 vdrut;i polovici leta pa $183,-^75, skupaj v vsem letu $393, 289.72. .Podrobnosti glede vseh teh iz-pnl bodo v uradnem zapisniku. . 0lavni porotni odsek je poroda je imel v drugi polovici p,.t spornih zadev pred "toj. kar pomeni, da je sporov ,n Prit0*b vedno manj med člani SNPJ. J*»la je spet daljša debata gle-•* rpnvete in večina gl. odbor- h!i ,Jf izu/ila mn*ni*. <*» bi J* bolje, če bi se ProsveU r"nk,xhv,n 'lopisih bolj ozirala W domače zadeve in manj »•vetovno politiko. JVi^ 12. redna konven- JL J***** <*bor P^ tem ^Hanju precej bavil * pripra-^S* konvencijo. Sklenjeno je bilo, da ae 12. red-SNPJ odpre 15. ^TZ V P^burghu, Wnu T V h°,e,u v »Z * kJ'r J* m C n. porotnik Ter- prMlaiial. da w konven-rJj 1 Slovenskem domu, oviral napore, katerih cilj je po raz Nemčije in Italije. (Hoover je na shodu v Chica-gu, ki ga je aranžiral Odbor za x>moč malim demokracijam, dejal, da 300,000,00 ljudi v Evropi trpi pomanjkanje, 100,000,000 več nego po treh letih prve svetovne vojne. On je dalje rekel, da je bil načrt glede nasičeva-lja prebivalcev predložen zavo-jevanim državam pred več tedni.) Domače vesti Etbln Krlaian bo spat govoril Chicago.—Etbin KriaUn, urednik Cankarjevega glasnika, bo glavni govornik na prireditvi kluba št. 1 JSZ v dvorani SNPJ dne 2. marca popoldne. Veatl la Norih Chlcaga Nor t h Ch}cago-Waukegan.— Rozi Skala je tako nesrečno padla po stopniçah, da si je zlomila roko.—Edward Garafol je bil zadnje dni prvi od društva 14 SNPJ vpokUcan k vojakom.— Mihael in Frances Čivka, člana društva 14 SNPJ, sta zadnjo so-boto zvečer obhajal« ob veliki udeležbi prijateljev in znancev 25-letnico svojega zakonakega stanu — Agnas Gosar in Frances JAPONSKA HOČE IGRATI VLOGO POSREDOVALKE Na pet o*t na Pacifiku m nekoliko polegla nove čete prišle v indokinoj Tokio. 18. febr.—Japonska se je danes ponudila za posredovalko v evropski ali kateri koli drugi vojni, "da se vzpostavita svetovni mir in civilizacija." Tako vlogo bo prevzela, če bo in kadar bo povabljena. Koh Išii, predstavnik tokijske Civk*. društva 14 SNPJ, vlade, je zanikal poročila, da je 8ta prejeli žalostno vest, da je v bila Japonska že naprošena, naj Dolenji vaai pri Polhovem grad-posreduje >f konfliktih, priznal cu Umrlft teta «Uiabota pa je, da je angleški poslanik Zdešar, po domače Hudetova, v Robert Craigie konferiral z Ma- starosti 80 lot. Nekje v Ohiu za-tsuokom, japonskim zunanjim P"**» sin». v Clevelandu dve ministrom. Razgovor se je nana- h6eri in v Minnesoti tretjo hčer, šal na situacijo v Evropi in na,v starem kraju pa sina in hčer. Pacifiku. Po konferenci je bilo naznanjeno, da se je napetost na Pacifiku nekoliko polegla. . Išii je v svoji izjavi kritiziral tu umrl Anton ¿oftič, star 84 lat poročila, ki prihajajo iz različ- in doma iz Primorjt..—Carli Ko-nih virov in ustvarjajo vtis, da v«čič, ki ima gostilno naaproti je nastala kritična situacija v postaje Union, je dobil krtpke-vzhodni Aziji. "Naglasiti moram g« sinčka, SNPJ p« novega čla ponovno, da so nameni vojaške- na.—Delavski odbor v Washing ga pakta med Japonsko, Nemči- tonu je odredil v tukajšnji jejo in Italijo miroljubni," je de- klarni vplitva za predstavnike jal. "Mi z zaskrbljen jem opažu- delavcev pri kolektivnem poga-jemo vojne priprave Velike Bri- janju. V pošlov prideta . unija tanije in Amerike na Pacifiku. CIO in kompanijika "unija," Popolnoma smo uverjeni, da se ampak zadnja ne bo upošteva-bo položaj na Pacifiku izboljšal, na od delavcev, če bo ameriška vlada omejila Novic* la Puebla Pueblo, Colo<—Pred dnevi je avoje aktivnosti na zapadno he- Mlnnaaotake vesti misfero. Končno želimo pojas- pujuth, Minn —V Evelethu je niti, da je Japonska pripravlja pred dncvl Q,|gor Pančur, na prevzeti vlogo posredovalke star 79 let v jS^iesoti je žive in napeti vse svoje sile v prilog 39 let in ^p«^ štiri hčere, 11 restavriranja miru ne aamo f vnukov in dva pravnuka.—V ANGLEŠKI KOMEN-IR BOLGARSKO-TDRSKEGA PAKTA Turčija ostane ne zavojev ana zaveznica Anglije nemški vpliv na balkanu narašča London. 18. febr,—Tu priznavajo, da je sklenitev nenapadal-naga pakta med Bolgarijo in Turčijo dokaz porasti vpliva na-cijake Nemčije v južnovzhodni Evropi, dasi komentarji v londonskih liatih, objavljeni danes zjutraj, naglašajo, da se situacija na Balkanu ni izpremenila. Turčija je še vedno nezavojeva-na zaveznica Velike Britanije. Sklenitev pakta je izzvala različna ugibanja v angleških uradnih in drugih krogih. Nekateri menijo, da ae obaeg nacijskega vpliva lahko razgali v nenadnem naznanilu, da ae bodo vse prizadete balkanske države postavile na stran oaišča Rim-Berlin in sodelovale z njim pri postavitvi novega reda" v Evropi. List Daily Expreas vidi možnost nove situacije na Balkanu, ki pri de kot posledica* bolgarako-tur škega pakta* Dally Mail zavrača sugestijo, da bo Turčija paaivna, če bodo Nemci napadli Grčijo preko Bolgarije, zaeno pa prltnava, da •-----------J— .....- --- ----------VIIURUV ui UVB pi BVUUM.- ▼ iUIVljB ■BIBIU.K ■ .«M Evropi, temveč tudi v Aziji in vir^iniji je naglo umrl George'aijo. Skupna turško-britska akci-Dovsod nn svetu. Vodilne vele- WPA «Ur 48 i« ni irkliučtma. če bodo vitalni Farmer-laboriti v Minnesoti v pesteh komunistov Minneapolis. — Ob koncu januarja se je v Minneapolisu vršila konvencija farmarako-de-lavske stranke v Minnesoti in komunisti ter njihovi sopotniki so s pomočjo svoje gangeške taktike ugrabili kontrolo zborovanja in vodstvo atranke. Na njihov diktat je bila poražena resolucija v prilog Roosevelto-vemu načrtu za večjo pomoč Angliji in poražen je bil predlog za sodelovanje z Rooseveltovimi demokrati. Bivši farmarsko-delavski governer Benson je danes popolnoma v pesteh komunistov in tako je tudi bivši kongreanik John Bernard, ki je zdaj generalni organizator komunistične podporne organizacije IWO. Temu polomu minne-sotske farmer-laboritake stranke ao precej krive unije AFL, ki ao stranko bojkotirale in ni so hotele poslati delegatov na zborovanje. povsod na svetu. Vodilne vele- Bogdanič, delavec WPA, star 48 sile nosijo ogromno odgovornost. let Tam je 4ivei 30 let in v Ame-Njihova dolžnost je, da store vse opušča sestro.—V bolnišnica vzpostavitev svetovnega mi- cl gt Mary's v Duluthu je do-ru." bro presUla' operacijo Agnea Salgon. Indoklna. 18. febr. — Čampa iz Chiaholma; .nahaja se Vesti iz Hajphonga se glaae, da v sobi 30». V isti bolnišnici ae se je več sto japonskih vojakov nahaja naš dopisnik Matija Po-izkrcalo v severnem delu Indo- gorele, ki ga muči precej huda kine v zadnjih 48 urah. Japon- "flu." Nacijski zarotniki na delu Mehika objavila senzacionalno poročilo Mexico City. 18. febr.—Senzacionalno poročilo, du ao Hitler-evi agentje in zarotniki aktivni v Severni in Južni Ameriki, e bilo tu objavljen^. To omenja, da so ti skovali načrte glede sabotaže ameriških obrambnih priprav. Poročilo še ni bilo uradno potrjeno. Glavni stan zarotnikov je baje v Philadel-phiji, Pa. (Državni department v Wa-shingtonu je izjavil, da je poro-1HI0 nejasno in sliči drugim, katera stalno prejema ta department.) Mehiški krogi opisujejo zaroto kot prvi korak v nacijskih naporih, katerih cilj je nacijska ekonomaka kontrola zapadne hemisferf. V zaroti je zapletenih več organizacij, katere tvorijo nemški naciji, komunisti In španaki falangisti (fašisti). Glavni namen zarotnikov je preprečitev ameriške pomoči Veliki Britaniji, sabotaža ameriških obrambnih priprav in podžiga-nje sovraštva proti Združenim državam v latinskih republikah, izgredov in stsvk. obstoječe turške obligacije smislu sklenjenih pogodb nana Šajo samo na Daidanele in da te alone na sporazumi!, ki ga je Turčija sklenila s sovjetsko Ru ska ima tam že več tisoč vojakov. V smislu sklenjenega sporazuma med vlado francoske In-dokine in Japonsko ne bi slednja smela imeti tamkaj več ko 6000 vojakov. Doznava se, da se več japon-skih bojnih ladij nahaja v bliži- SNPJ. ni otoka Hajnana. Na tem otoku in Formozi je zbrana japonska armada okrog 90,000 mož. Nov grob v St. Loulsu St. Louis, Mo —Dne 6. febr. je tu umrl Jože Friškovič, star 09 let in rojen v Gilu, Avstrija. V Ameriki je bil 39 let in tu zapušča hčer. Bil je član društva 107 ti;* toi; «a*, h. . K-h 1Jn!o\ P'Hlotf aviva toi Vit, . r, je. dobil aa-17. razloga, |qo tnmskih pojaani« , ^ »»«venska dvorana ¿¿¡' LMr«-bem naše kon- Ruskim delavcem očitajo lenobo Moskva, 18. febr. — Na konferenci r u a k e komunistične stranke so bile izrečene obdoh i-tve o nesposobnosti v induatii-jah. Te je izrekel Malenkov, tajnik stranke, v »vojem govoru ob otvoritvi konference. On je dejal, da ao ruski delavci leni, da preveč klepetajo pri 0elu in zvračajo krivdo na druge. Posledica tega je nizka produkcija in kvaliteta izdelkov. Skoro vse industrije in transportacija ao prizadete. Gl. odbor je sprejel več po-I famoHivja okolica ne pravkov v pravilih, katere bo P"'t Mm m delegatov priporočil konvenciji v sprejetje. ^"J >n hrane. Je pa| V petek zvečer ao čikaški gl. da Slovenski odborniki pogostili zunanje gl. p* konvencijo za za- odbornike z večerjo in pleano za-' " pnn-ditve ob ve- bavo v reatavracijl br. Pavla jBergerja. ««ib* Kanadski premier ; vidi novo krizo Brittki imperij mora biti pripravljen OM»wa, Kanada, 18. febr.— "Moment velike krize ae naglo bliža," je izjavil premier W. L. Mackenzie King v svojem govoru, ko se je parlament aeatal v novem zasedanju. Premier je napovedal, da bo sovražnik v bližnji bodočnosti napel vse sile, da zdrobi britski imperij. Naciji bodo skušali invadirati Anglijo, istočasno pa bodo prišli sunki proti Sueškemu prekopu. Možn'iet je, da bo Japonaka inapadla Singapor, strategično angleško pomorsko bazo na Daljnem vzhodu. Iz tega razloga mora biti britaki imperij pripravljen na odbijanje udarcev, kjerkoli pridejo. King je pohvalil ameriško vlado, ki pomaga Veliki Britaniji v njeni borbi proti Nemčiji In Italiji. Dejal je, da Amerika stoji visoko nad agresivnimi državami. Ona se zaveda, da njena bodočnost, vernost In demokracija rav»se od izida sedanje Is Montane Bear Creek, Mont—Dne 29. januarja je tukaj umrla Angela Mering, stara 47 let in doma ja ni izključena, če bodo vitaln turški interesi ogrožani. Salgon. Indoklna. 18. febr.— in v glavnih mestih drugih balkanskih držav, kjer prevladuje vpliv nacijske Nemčije in faši stične Italije, so pozdravili sklenitev nenapadalnega pakta med Bolgarijo in Turčijo. V tem vidijo možnost, da bo vojna v Južnovzhodni Evropi kmalu zaklju čena in da bosta Nemčija in Ita lija dosegli svoje cilje brez rabe orožja. Bolgarsko-turška pogod ba je po mnenju nekaterih krogov zagotovila mir balkanskim državam. Jedro pogodbe je prvi člen, k se glaai: "Turčija ln Bolgarija smatrata vzdržnost pred agresijo za nespremenljivo podlago svo- lz Browder mora odsedeti kazen Vrhovno »odilče zavrnilo prixiv VOJAŠKA LETALIŠČA VITALUI BOMBARDIRANA Faiitti pognani iz K en je in Sudana grki zasedli nove pozicije . London. 18. febr,—Angleška kampanja v Sredozemlju atopa v drugo fazo. Nekateri krogi napovedujejo, da bo italijanski polotok kmalu postal tarča angleškega bombardiranja s kopnega, morja in iz zraka. Tripoll, edino priataniščno mesto v Libiji, ki je še v italijanskih rokah, ogražajo zdaj angleške armade, katerim poveljuje general Archibald P. Wawell. Kairo. Egipt. 18. febr.—Tu poročajo, da ao angleški letalci metali bombe na Brindisl, priataniščno mesto v južni Italiji, Ca-tanijo in ComisO, Sicilija, kjer ao gnezda nemških bombnikov, na vojaška letališča in druge mi-litarlstične objekte v drugih italijanskih krajih. Bombe ao ras-bile mnogo vojaških letal na tleh In zanetile požare. Letališče v Geli je bilo tudi bombardirano iz zraka, pravi uradni komunike. Vsa angleška letala ao se po napadih arečno vrnila v svoja oporlŠČs. Ns drugI strani pa so Italtjaruikl in nemški letalci metali bombe na Malto, angleški otok v Sredozemskem morju, ki pa niso povzročile velike škode. Bombe, katere so vrgli angleški letaloi, so potopilo italijanski parnik v bližini obrežja francoske Tuni-sije. Anglešku armada je zaključila prvo far.o v svoji afriški kam- Washtngton. D. C.. 18. febr. Earl H-Browder tajnik in vo^ja nJ| Un|dno ^ ameriške komunistične stranke, ^ ¿ih .t ... P. je zunanje politike. Obe se za ----------------------------- vezujeta, da bosta storili vse za Ribnice. Bolehala je več let na ohranitev miru ln utrditev Ur srčni hibi in naduhi. Bila Je čla- p^bitev prijateljstva. Odločili nlca društva 112 SNPJ ln tu u-|t|KZI nadaljnji razvoj ln popušča moža, sina ln omoženo -pfi|itev medsebojnega zaupanja hčer, v Soudanu, Minn., brata ln y odnošajlh. To Je glavni sestro, v Barterju, W. Va., pa namen „UenJcnega pakta." polsestro. bo moral Iti v zapor, ker Je federalno vrhovno sodišče zavrnilo njegov prizlv proti obsodbi, kstero je izreklo federslno sodišče v New Yorku. Browder Je bil spoznan za krivega, da Je potoval v tujini pod drugim imenom in s ponarejenim potnim listom, nakar je .bil obsojen na štiri leta zapora in plačitev denarne kazni $2000. Vrhovno ao-dlšče je potrdilo tudi obsodbo Welwela WarszoWerJa, Brow-derjevega pajdata. Na obravnavi pred newyor-škim sodiščem je bila predložena evidenca, da je Browder dobil potne liste pod imeni Nicho-las Dozenberg 1. 1921, George Morris 1. 1927 in Albert Henry Richards 1. 1931. Browder, kl Je 1. 1934 ponovno vložil prošnjo za potni liat, je takrat prisegel, ds ni prej dobil nobenega potnega lista. Poučeni krogi pravijo, da pakt pomeni, da bo Nemčija držala svoje roke proč od Turčije ln Dardanel. Dardanelska ožina tvori vltalon člen med Črnim Veatt Is PennsylvanMe Hackett, Pa.—Dne 7. febr. je po težki operaciji v bolnišnici v Canonsburgu umrla Ana Flor- niorJ#rTl| ki J# pod aovjetsko do-jančlč, stara 50 let ln doma od ^^ ,n vxh()dnifn dtlom Blagovice pri Kamniku. V Ame- gredozemtk*gA morJa. Diploma-rlki Je živela 30 let ln »pviiča^ ^^ „ UJgvm ,.da ^ Qr6i. moža Maksa, dva slnovsjn hčer. ]^millu wd4?lll in gk|enlla Bila Je članica društva 901 SNPJ Ko ae bo to zgodl- ln društva 148 ABZ. Pokopana y ||kj| BriUf|ija Ugubtla je bila ob velikem apremstvu v ' Monongahell,—V Preatu, Pa., sta bila te dni poročena Anton bic ln Helena Roblč, oba člana društva 1M SNPJ. Obilo sreče? borbi* mod J diktatorji. Veliko Britanijo ln Is Clavelaada Cleveland.—Umrl Je John Novak, sur 32 let ln rojen v Clevelandu. Tu zapušča starše, tri brate in dve sèetrt. « Chicago. Čikaške -Poroke: Silvester teren za millUrlstlčne operacije na evropskem kontinentu.M Turški zunanji mlnisti i Sok ru Sararoglu je po pj>ila proti grupi 25 žensk, ki ao prišle pred kongres ln protestirsle proti Roose-velovemu načrtu, ln Jih razpršila. Elizabeth Dilling lz Kenll-wortba. 111., voditeljica grupe ln avtorica knjige "The Red Net- so bili Italijani pognani iz Egipta, kolonije Kenje ln angleško-egiptskega Sudana. Edini Itali-lijani, ki se še nahajajo tamkaj, ao vojni ujetniki, (Britika radiopostaja v Londonu Je sinoči naznanila, da ao belgijske kolonialne čete lz bel-gijsktfga Konga dospele do meje ang 1 eško-egiptskega Sudana. Te se bore na strani Angležev. Možno je, da bodo poslane v Abesl-nijo in italijansko Somalijo.) Atene, 18. febr,—Po srditem topniškem dvoboju so Grki zasedli nadaljnje hribe na centralni albanski fronti, pravi vrhovno poveljstvo v svojem poročilu. Italijani so utrpeli velike izgube v bitkah z Grki. Več sto italijanskih vojakov so Grki ujeli. Po grških četah zasedeni hribi kontrolirajo ceste, ki vodijo v Berat in Valono, zadnjo Italijansko pomorsko bazo v Albaniji. Rim, 18. febr.—Tu poročalo, da se zajeta Italijanska vojaška garnizija pri Giarabubu, libijski puščavi, odločno bori proti Angležem. Slednji rabijo tanke, topove (n letala v napadih na gar-nizijo. Rimsko |>oveljstvo pravi, du so bili vsi sngleški naskoki na garnizijo odbiti. Berlin, 18. febr.—A d m 1 r a 1 Kru h Raeder, vrhovni poveljnik nemAke bojne mornarice, ln admiral Arturo Riccardi, Italijanski mornartčni podminlater, sta se sestala na konferenci v Mera-nl, severovzhodna Italija, ln ras-pravljula o pomorskih operacijah fjroti angleški bojni mornarici. Poročilo o sestanku je objavila uradna časoplsns agentu-ra DNH Merana leži nekaj milj julnozapadno od Blfrnnerskege prelaza, kjei je meja med Italijo In Nemčijo. Socialistična stranka ~ dala članom svobodo T Iv New York — Ekaekutlva so-elslistične stranke je na svoji nedavni seji v Det rol tu sk lentis, da !mj še nadalje pobijala Rootieveltov "I eu Se lend bill," dala pa Je članom stranke svobodo, ds Ishko /sgovarjajo omenje- workH ln njena tajnica Jeanud načrt, kdor «a hoče Daljo Undfren sta bili aretirani. Obe je ek^kutlva aranžirala a^jo Uaita danes nastopili prad |*jI»- radiogoVorov za Thomaea sa rijskun sodiščem. 1 pobijanje pomožnega načrta. Uradne vesti društev SNPJ mu bo lahka ameriška gruda! Člani društva izrekamo preostalim iskreno aožslje! Peter Skoff. tajnik. Denver. Colo. — Društvo Co-11 um bine 218 SNPJ je izvolilo sledeči odbor zs 1941: Predsednik John Malovrh, podpredsednik Anton Podboy ml., tsjntk John Ambrose, blagajnica Mary Grande. Seje ae vrše tretji četrtek v mesecu ob 7:30 zvečer na 4463 Washington st. Obenem prosim člsnstvo, ds bi se udeležili društvenih sej v polnem številu, ds kaj koristnega ukrenemo za društvo in jedno-to, ker letos je redna konvencija. Prav tako vas tudi profim, ds redno plačate svoj asesment, ker drugače se bom mora) ravnati po pravilih. John Ambrose, tajnik. Žalostnega srca naznanjam sorodnikom, prijateljem in snsncem tušnovest da je sa redno »stisnil oči moj ljubljeni soprog ANTON MEDVED "PROLETAREC" Socialist ično-delavski tednik Glasilo Jugoslovanske soe. zveze in Prosvetne matice. Pisan v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Staae |J za celo, $1.75 za pol $1 četrt leta NAROČITE 81 GA! Naslov: PROLETAREC 2301 So. Lawndaie Avenue CH1CAGO, ILL. Umrl je dne 2. februarja 1941 v starosti 65 let Doma je bil u Zatične na Dolenjskem, rojen je bil 18. januarja 1176. V Ameriki je preiivel 47 let. Pogreb se je vršil po civilnem obredu 5. feb. t L na Oak Hill McAlister pokopališče. Prav lepo se zahvslim vsem članom društva št. 58 SNPJ in U. M. W. of A. lokalu 2112. mr. in mrs. Sivic družini. Frank Cirar Sr.. drušini Johnu in Joe Jerjs is Fort Smith. Ark. Mr. in mrs. Jack McAndrew. mrs. Anne Deine in družini iz Bonanza- Ark. Mr. in mrs. John Cirar in drušini. mr. in mrs. Math Klučevžek in drušini ter Charney pogrebnemu sevodu. Hvala predsedniku društva ss lep nagrobni govor. Srčns hvsla vsem. ki ste ga obiskali v času njegove bolezni in ob mrtvaškem odru. kakor tudi vsem. ki ste ga spremili k večnemu počitku na mirodvor. Iskrena hvala vsem- ki ste voztyi s avti brezplačno * sprevodu. Hvala mrs. Anni Backar in mr. Aleksander za prvo dano pomoč. Posebno se šelim zahvaliti Joe Jegliču in njegovi drušini iz Detroits Mich, za poslani lepi venec. Lepa hvala JLouisu Medved za poslani denar. Najlepša hvala vsem za darovane krssnc vence in cvetlice in vsem. ki ste se udeležili pogreba. Tebi. dragi soprog, pa šelim. počivaj v mhru in lahka naj Ti bode ameriška zemlja. Zapustil si me in odšel za vedno, ali spomin na Tebe bode oatal v naših srcih dokler tudi mi ne pridemo ss Teboj. —Žalujoči ostali: Terezija Medved, soproga in Tvoji sorodniki brata Frank Medved v C his holm, Minn.. Louis Medved v Kaliforniji, ter sestre Anne Derne v Bonanza. Ark.. Mary Povshe v Hibbing. Minn, in Josephine Klun v Floridi. Terezija Medved. Box 27S. A damson. Okla. VLOGE Vj^ v tej posojilnici savarevaae do 85,086.00 pe Federal Savings & Losa Insurance Corporation. Washington, D. C. Sprejemamo osebne in društvene vlog« Plačane obresti po 3% St. Clair Savings A Loan Co. 6235 St Clair Avenue - Hend. 5676 CLEVELAND. OHIO PHYSICIAN * SURGEON ornes nouas at 2724 W. 26th Street 1 iM—I «10—4 (SO—S (SO Daily Tet CnwM ttit at 1658 W. Cermsk Rd. 4:1»—«¡00 p. m. Dally Tel. Canal UN Wedneedar S Sunder by appointment only BeeMenee Tet« Crawford IUI ir NO ANSWaa~4ALL AUSTIN ITN Naznanilo in zahvala V blagi spomin druge obletnice smrti pokojnega soproga ANTON KONCIUA kateri Je preminul 17. februarja 1938 Zapustil si mene in odnesli so Te v hladni grob. Vse prprano Tebe Je usoda rietet MoJ dem Je prazen brez Tebe. ljubi soprog. - Spomin ta Te ostane v mojem srcu do konea Življenja mojega.—žalujoča oatala: Caroline Koncil ja. soproga. Joaepk Koocllja. brat In drušlna v Bpringdale, Pa. Anns Skarja, sestra r Hermlnle. Pa. Dve sestri in brat v Kresnicah v Jugoslaviji. Herminie, #2, Irwin, Penna. Žalostnega srca naznanjamo sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem tušno vest, da je po pet mesečni bolezni preminul naš ljubljeni soprog in oče Največji direktni razprodaja Ici finih avtomobilov v Združenih državah, nudijo vsakemu kupcu avtomobila presenetljivo nizke cene, kakršne vam ne zmore dati noben prodajala« na drobno. Tu je vsšs enkrat-v-življenju prilika dobiti Izvrsten avtomobil po neverjetno nizki ceni, katere ne morete nikjer drugje primerjati. GARANTIRANA PRIHRANITEV OD $100 DO «500 ZATO, KER KUPITE DIREKTNO Čez 450 dobrih avtomobilov, največja izbira rekord-prekosijIvih avtomobilskih cen, ki JU) dobite v vsem motornem svetu. 1941 BUICK AVTOMOBILI Imamo 10—1041 Sedan in Coupe Buick avte—najkrasnejši avto, ki ga morete kupiti, opremljen z radiom, grelocm, belo-stenskimi kolesi, nekateri čisto novi. Tudi 20—1840 in 20—1838" Buick avtomobilov, vsi tako kakor novi, po nizki $425 1941 FORD AVTOMOBILI Krafen majhen avto, kompletno opremljen z radiom, grelcem in be-lostenskimi kolesi. Tudi 11—1840 in 10—1838 Fordov (345 samo 1941 PLYMOUTH AVTOMOBILI Prekrasna Izbira 1841 Plymouthov, nekateri čisto novi, po skrajno nizki ceni. Tudi 1840 in 1838 Plymouth avtomobili, vsi v perfekt- $335 nem stanju, samo * Tudi 1038, 1037. 1836 in 1835 avtomobili, vseh modelov in is- tgB delkov, val garantirani, aamo ¥nt«tel)em mladim fantom kateri se nabrali aa cvetlice In asaže. Nadelte se sehvaKme enim ki ste voaUi a avtomobili pri pogrebu in veem kl se ae udeležili mriks vsem. ki ste ga obiskali eb mrtvaškem odru. Najlepša hvala vsem. ki ale nam pomagali in nas tolažili v loj žalostni url. že enkral naša prisrčna hvala veem «kupej. Tebi. dragi sin in bral. pe želimo, počivaj v miru v erersnem grobu Ia lahka nai TI bode ameriška aemlja. Odšel al COOK COUNTY IISTIIMTOtS V«e e^aiMve ee.ie.S» mi LEO ZAKKAJARK Glasovi iz I naselbin Odgovor n» odgovor p«.—Naj nekoliko na odziv tajnika na-Lipvonmn» Kosem Pmc ^dr^Wl SWFJ.^ 614, «I*. Ernest Marmor, 614, ^ TomenU bolniške obisko- Jm imel v mislih vse .„lee sem im „.l0 SečUneinne samega se^ SL da ne morete nikogar rT^jo hišo, je le izgovor. ** - zadnjič bolniški nad-em naročil članu, nAj ¿eni, naj obišče bolno Miklavcic, 614, Phil Sirca, 614, Petsy Krall, 590, Florence Bricel, 614, Frances PonikVar, 614, Sophie Jeric, 614, Theresa Jeric, Frank Slejko, 614, Eddie Tomsic, 614, Anthony Gerchman, 614, Cyril Traven, 667, John Taucher, 667. "Denar" v Pittaburghu Pittsburgh. Ps.—V nedeljo, 23. febr., priredi dramski klub veselo igro "Denar". Uljudno vabimo vse rojake iz Pittsburgha ¡Bjpm drugega ali pa grem k Qkolice na poseli igre. Do-ET Poslal sem drugega crana, sedaj ^ ni bila igrana v tej okolici in je zanimiva vseskozi. Videli boste, kako mrs. Pierce (Mary Skerlong) mrcvari svojega moža za denar in kaj vse napravi potem, ko obogati. Torej vsi, ki se zanimate za slovenske igre, ne pozabite priti prihodnjo nedeljo v Slovenski dom na 57. cesti in Butler st. ob 2:30 popoldne. Pridite in videli boste, kaj vse se lahko naučijo tukaj rojeni fantje in dekleta. Anna Klun. 665. ¡T* sem naročil članu nAj Osvoji ženi, naj obišče bolno Zco, e odgovoril da njegova ¡»a ne gre v tisto hiso in naj jgfga ali pa grem to,, Poslal sem (Trugega i J* ni izgovarjal. Takih sluca- ev sem imel vec. Vem, da ima vsak človek pribije in tudi sovražnike. Tako Hudi pri meni. Moj največji *protnik je tisti, ki sem mu nančno pomagal, ko je bil v ijvecji stiski. Je že star pre-ovor. ki pravi: Ako se hočeš iz-ebiti prijatelja, mu finančno (omagaj. Glede vprašanja, da bi imeli vojo dvorano, ja zelo dobra deja in jo tudi jaz z veseljem odpiram. Ali do tega cilja smo t daleč. Gotovo se še nekateri pominjate, da smo nekoč ogledali tisto poslopje poleg pivo-arne, ki bi ga bili dobili za ce-io stavbišča, in to v primernem asu. Kar se tiče prirejanja plesov i mladino, je dobro—teh je ploh dosti v mestu. Ampak na »lesih se ne more mladini razla-iti pomen in načela društva in idnote. Tudi jaz nisem naspro-društvenim priredbam. Za-ilsal sem, da se pri nas ne bri-amo za mladinski oddelek ka-or po drugih naselbinah. Pri sem imel v mislih vse člane •iega društva, tudi sam sebe. •otrebno bi bilo, da bi o tem azpravljali. Kot ustanovitelju roStva in večkratnemu uradniku, mi je članstvo dobro znano tudi razmere pri društvu. )ciu se mi, da se že dolgo ni-udeležil društvene seje in »i torej ni znano, kaj se godi društvu. Kar se tiče naših »j, še taki vedo, o čem se raz-l)a na njih, ki še člani niso. Dalje me javno pozivate, naj Tnem par društvenih knjig. Jaz em izročil vse knjige mojemu isledniku. Zadnjič sem videl no knjigo pri L. Bonu, ki je bil ijnik; takrat sem bil tudi vpra-»n. kje je druga knjiga, toda ni-wn vedel, kje je ostala. Ako mi do dokaže, da so se pri meni iz-ubile, sem jih pripravljen nado-»titi ali pa plačati, ker vem, 1 jaz jih nisem obdržal. Tudi vem, da ni nihče nič ža-tga doživel, ki me je obiskal na rojem domu. Postrežen res ni <1 nihče s kakšnimi dobrotami, » pri nas ne trgujemo ne s su-10 ne z mokro robo. S tem je ,v»r od moje strani zaključena. Malh Shuster. 581. "StraJk" kegljačev ib, Jvm S^Klaj P^P»«»™ SNPJ so sprejeli sledečo «učijo, o kateri vas prosimo, jo priobčite v Prosveti v o-«1 Jezikih: "Podpisani člani SNPJ smo «» do zaključka, da se letos J7ružim" drugemu letnemu ¡Mnemu kegijaškemu turnirja 1 M' vrši meseca marca v ¡/^ v prostorih Omarlo J^^ion. Naše odkritosrčno je, ker ima SNPJ velike je v kegljišču SDD na Z r rd-' da bi * mor«i ta ^.ti v teh prostorih. Ni-ji mor<™o razumeti, za- Bt rr v,'nxk» Priredba ^-v^rvteh kegljiških ^ bo naša last in v ^»»"venskih rokah. IjgJ «m^ujemo Edwarda Sežana riru£tk,& e«____ Za koledar Bsllsire. O.—Naše društvo 258 SNPJ je n^ zadnji seji razprav-jalo glede koledarja SNPJ in zaključilo, da bi bil velik udarec za jednoto, če bi ga prenehala izdajati. Stenski koledarji so za jednoto propagandistično orodje. Odkar jih izdaja, so pritegnili na letne seje že veliko članov. Tudi veliko novih članov so agitatorji pridobili s pomočjo koledarjev, ki krasijo stanovanja članstva. Zdaj pa je prišel izvršni odsek sred nas in pojasnjuje, kakor se članstvo naveliča vsake stvari, tako»se je menda naveličalo tudi koledarja. Ampak temu ni tako. Nekateri pravijo, koliko bi se ahko pomagalo starim in onemoglim članom s tisto vsoto, ki se izda za koledarje. Ampak nam se dozdeva, da bi se morali drugače žrtvovati za stare in onemogle. Če hoče članstvo pogledati v bodočnost, lahko vidi, kako velik udarec bi bil za organizacijo, če preneha s stenskimi koledarji. Caj nam pomaga, če se finančno razvijemo v multimilijonarsko organizacijo, če pa izgubimo bratske ideale in demokratične jrincipe, na katerih je osnovana SNPJ? Če bi bil upravni odsek potrošil tisočak več za'koledar, n bilo okey. Koliko pa bodo de-legatje potrošili, če pride ta stvar na dnevni red na konvenciji? kar bi znašalo po 3% $150,000 in to vsoto vložili v posebni sklad, iz katerega bi podpirali stare in onemogle Člans? Obresti iz tega fonda po 3% bi znašale $4500 na leto in ako bi članstvo privolilo, ds bi plačevalo po pet centov na mesec v t* sklad, kar bi prineslo okrog $22,800 na leto, bi skupna vsota znašala $27,300. Na ta način bi se beda onemoglih članov znatno zmanjšala. Vse to je seveda odvisno, ako nam dr- žavni sakon to dovoljuje. Ako vovrstne^a igralca, marveč tudi stvar zavisi samo od članov, je zadeva za nas enostavna; treba bi jo dati le članstvu na splošno glasovanje in ako bi se večina izrekla za, bi bil problem rešen. Našo organizacijo so večinoma zasnovali naši stari bratje pre-mogarji s sodelovanjem ostalih bratov in sester, ki so delali po tovarnah. In baš ti bratje so danes najbolj prizadeti, ker današ Ni pa računala kaj se lahko zgodi, če osramočeni snubcj napravijo zaroto proti takemu ošabnemu dekletu, ki daje snubcem košarice. Star je že pregovor, ki pravi, da kdor visoko leta, ta nizko pade. Da bo tudi županova hči plačala za svojo prevzetnost, bomo videli v igri "Ku-rentova nevesta." V glavni vlogi Kurenta ne bo nihče drugi kot Frank Plut. To je vloga, ki ne zahteva samo pr legatje vživall rajske oranžne nlco z banketom, na katerem bo- za pridobivanje novih članov, nasade, iz katerih puhtijo blago- do nastopili poleg govornikov kjerkoli je nastopil. Da nam je nja plutokracija gleda samo na profite, ki so ji omogočili, da je zadnje čase natrpala rove z razno mašinerijo, ki meče delavstvo na cesto. To premogarje danes najbolj tepe, kakor tudi ostalo delavstvo. Torej bratje in sestre, polagam vam na srce mojo sugestijo in se zamislite vanjo, ako imate malo samaritanskega čuta v sebi. Zakaj naj bi držali tako ogromno vsoto premoženja, na drugi strani pa gledali tako žalostne posledice starih in onemoglih Članov. Treba je, da vložimo večjo vsoto v prej sugesti-rani sklad. Moje mnenje je, da bi prenesli v ta sklad milijon dolarjev. Če "bi to storili, bi samo ta milijon prinesel okrog $30,000 obresti na leto, s katero vsoto bi se že dalo izdatno pomoči starim članom in bi ne rabili nobenega izrednega ali višjega asesmenta v ta namen. (Tega zakon ne dovoljuje, kot tudi ne prenosa obresti v smislu vaše prve sugestije.—Ured.) In tako bi bil volk sit in koza cela. Torej bratje in sestre, tukaj vam podajam dva predloga. Prvi ali drugi bi bil zadovoljiv in v korist vsem. Iz srca bi bil hvaležen, ako bi se to moglo zgoditi in tako urediti. Če je to izvedljivo, tedaj naj bi se pri vsakem društvu izbrali trije člani, ki bi preiskali okolnosti dotičnega člana, ki prosi pomoči iz tega sklada in nato rezultat predložili gl. tajniku, ki bi prošnjo odobril ali zavrgel po uvidevnosti. Glavno besedo bi seveda imel glavni odbor. Ako bi omenjeni sklad ne zadostoval potrebam, naj bi se starim in onemoglim članom pomagalo samo šest ali sedem mesecev na leto, kar bi pokazala bodočnost. Sedanji sistem, po katerem si vsak član lahko izposodi za ases-ment iz rezerve svojega certifikata, naj bi še ostal. To so moje sugestije. Vem, da pevca. On ji bo kos. Zupanova Veronika bo Berthu Erštetova. Ona bo imenitna. Župan in županja bosta naša dva priljubljena znanca August Komar in Jo-sie Močnikova, Trije ženini zarotniki pa John Cheh, Joe Draš-ler in Maks Traven. Louis Zor-ko bo kmet in Anton Eppich gostilničar. Vsak bo storil, kar sex največ da, da bo zadovoljil naše posetnike in delal kredit dramskemu zboru Ivanu Cankarju. Vstopnina je 35c. Zvečer za ples igrajo Vadnalovi fantje. Vas vabi— Tončka Simčlč. režiserka. Za pomoč društvu v Floridi Chicago, 111. — Čital sem apel društva 603 SNPJ iz Samsule, Fla., priobčen v tem listu dne 5. februarja. Podpisani odbor in pa še nekaj drugih tamkajšnjih kmetovalcev poznam osebno in vem, da so zaupanja vredni možje. Z dopisom vred je bils pri-občena tudi slika po viharju razdejane društvene dvorane, katero bi radi ponovno zgradili, pa nimajo dovolj sredstev, zato se obračajo na vsa društva SNPJ za gmotno pomoč. Ker pa so imeli posojilo že na prvo stavbo, in vsi vemo, da je v novejših slovenskih kmetskih naselbinah zelo težko spraviti skupaj denar za narodne domove, jim bodo brez-dvomno vsa naša društva po možnosti pomagala. Jaz bi celo priporočal, da jim dajmo v toliki meri pomagati, da bodo zamogli postaviti dovolj veliko dvorano, v kateri naj bi se vršila ena izmed bodočih konvencij SNPJ! V tem slučaju bi seveda konvencijo obdržavali po-, S. Livernois. dejne sapice floridske zimske klime .. . Mogoče se bo to zdelo nekaterim preveč fantastično, vendar pa je stvar lahko izpeljiva, če je članstvo v Samsuli zadovoljno; Prepričan sem, da bi to znatno pomagalo k razvoju naselbine, ker bi se marsikak delegat preselil tja, njim pa bi sledili še drugi. Zato pa se lahko zgodi, da se bo to zaobrnilo V srečo v nesreči ter postavilo naselbino "na zemljevid", kot se pravi po ameriško. Naj se zgodi glede mojega ugibanja karkoli, jaz vam, bratje in sestre v Samsuli, želim mnogo uspehov pri nabiranju tega fonda in pri gradnji nove in večje dvorane! (Drugo bo v dnevniku.—ured.) Frank S. Taucher. Apeliramo na vas da pod no- yag Q z yečjlm znanjem benim pogojem ne dovolimo da r imate če boljše 8Ugesti. bi izgubili stenski koledar, ker Pro8im y* da pomagate re- to je dar članstvu. Kdor jejproti ^ ^ blem za ^ gtarim njemu srečna mu pot Jednota lfan članom( ki so v je bratska in demokratična usta- • nova in vse to bučanje o stenskem koledarju je nepotrebno. George Vucelich. tajnik. Strugglers, društva rp tega odbora." * V fiU Fra^Cinko-Ifc*,. 1 Miklavcic, 614, Miki IT J;jhn Sont' M, uld- IV f j ! Theodore Lao- ^ « ^"V 8^ Mathew ■Coff r,\" 53. Edith K f ; %nf^msn. 53. Frank ^he Marolt, 614. ' 4 Heronim Sta- 13 *t>L n "nton «upnik Frank Sli S1'bar, 53, Ernest Vprašanje stsrlh člsnov Manafleld, O. — Kot 25-letni član naše dobre organizacije či-tam razne dopise od naših jed-notarjev. Nekateri so dobri, drugi zopet malo slabši. Med slednjimi smatram onega, v katerem je dopisnik menil, da priporočilo br. Ludvika Medveška iz Clevelanda ni vredno piškave-ga boba. Čital sem tudi dopis br. Jurce od društva 121 iz Detroita, v katerem priporoča, ,da bi nekaj ukrenili za stare in onemogle člane, ki težko zmagujejo ases-ment. Njegovo priporočilo se mi dopade. On sugestira, naj bi vsak član plačal pet ali deset centov asesmenta v* posebni iklsd, kar bi bilo hvalevredno, le žal, da je to jako malo. Po de-»et centov na mesec od člana bi prineslo $4560 na leto, ako nas ie 38,000 v odraslem oddelku 'Po lOc od člana bi prineslo 53800 na mesec ali $45,600 na leto na podlagi 38,000 članov — Ured.) Recimo, da bi bilo treba oomagati 1000 starim in j»emo-osojil 'HA v Clevelandu, v skupni vsoti $.'1850, zraven pa ček v znesku $21.28 in certifikst zs $508.18. Investicije. Soglssno sklenjs-no, da vsota $25,000 se vloži v za- cijskega načrta Terminal Tower zaeno z jednotlniml pomisleki, ki Jih Je vposlal, da se načrt a mendlra. Sklenjeno, da koplje teh se pošlje vsakemu članu od seka in da se v tej zadevi sedaj ne podvzame nobena akcija, Dalj« Je Videf pojasnil, ds novembrska sej s ms ni vršile zsto, ker nI bilo na razpolsgo nobene vsote, v ksr Je tudi privolils ve-člns članov odseka. Zupanov predlog, da se pojasnilo sprejme se odobri. Vider dalja poroča, da Izid pismenega glasovanja o na kupu obvezhic mesta Los Ange-less Je bil 6 proti 1 zs nskup Zs nsbsvo zadolžnlc Michigan Public Service v skupni vsoti $15,000 In z donosom 3 64 so gls sovsli: Cslnksr, Ollp, Zupsn, Lo-trtt In Vider, proti ps Petrovič Floridskl okrsj Dsde se bo reor gsnizirsl in donos na novih zs-dolžnicah bi» od 2A0 do 2.75. Soglasno ' se sprejme CalnkarJev predlog, ds se violi $10,000 v nove zadolžnice. Nove zsdolžnlce floridskih okrajev Lake In Volit i a a* bodo obrestovsle po tri sli tri in četrt odstotks. Building, to Je glede reorgsnizs- dolinice meats Trenton. N. J„ po 2%r/i, dozorelost 1. 1965, donos 2.4f>, polom bsnke Hsrris TVust and Savings, Sklenjeno s štirimi proti dvema glssovoms, da vsota $25,(KM) se vloži v zadolžnice meats Kansas City, Mo., do-okrog 1.85 In dozorelost 1. 1957. 9hi so glasovali Vider, Petrovič, Zupsn in Ollp, protl pa Csinkar in !/>trlč, Vlogs se izvrši potom 1st« bsnke. Soglasno Je sprejet predlog, ds vsots $25,000 se vloži v zsdolžnlce vod-nonapravne oblasti mesta Chica-ga, čijih dozorel««»tna doba je 1956 in donos okrog 2.00; vloga izvede potom firme E. H. Rollins ln sinovi. Dalje Je soglasno sklenjeno, da vsote $40,000 se vloži v zvezne *nkladnlške zadolžnice po 2dozorelost 1955-53. donos ps okrog 1 68, ~ Tajnik svetuj«, da se vloge a-tletskega klub« Iwike Shore In Winnett, Mont., umaknejo z liste nesprejemljive imovin« ln ds m odpišejo, ksr se potrdi. Zs-fejjuček sej« ob 2-30 popoldne Msll Petrovič, predsednik, F. A. VI¿m. U)«** D. J. Leirlč, zspumiksr. PROSVETA ; the enlightenment aUJULO IN LASTNINA SUIVKNSSB *AKODMI roUroKNB JKUNl/TU «-------- ■ M wi nMlAi« k> NtKrfalM M zsruérm 4HU». Ill«* chu*mê> I« MM m tet». N N HHhu, 9lf — M»*t Ma ; m «m««o 4 Ote*» r.M m Mia teto. MM m iwl teto; u ImnmmU« MM. rirtr-rr'i" - r.ua i for Um ll«m mtai (mmm oilwl Uh* M M fmt. C*teMK> Ctewv »7 M p* r—r. fwrricn MMlrta M** p*r y—r, f , ..-—------ ~~ Cm mm*»" 9» érnumarv mau*tel 4vpUuv In MMf» h4| •* rrMte »mMIIMMÜm te « »IwMte. tm te (mtteaii A«v>rUW>.« ml« oft »irrMMMOt ÜMMMripte U e.*.,mufti-■M Mttete> will mU I» wtomW (Xte rr*4* mm* m rf-rt—. t-uy.. pvmm, wU„ will i» rrt«rft«4 u» «r*4«* Ml, wW* ftMw«|«bte4 br *4t-m44rm—é m4 *UmM Nul» h w, kir te« ilk I IteU« J'HOHVKTA Mit-M S*. LammMte Am. i klnf*. Wto*te MINUI or TUB rBUICBATBD WIMM Uttua. V t*Ut»>u M |»rlm#f ( K«tru»ry M. IM1). lin--- M bmterm I. M «m te • u« MUmmj» poUhte m- MtelM. fMMVlU M M M na lte( I IM Kaj moremo mi? Dosti krst smo že zapisali v Prosveti, da je moč slovenskih delavcev v Ameriki omejena le na naša domača prizadevanja—ns nate jed-note in zveze, naše liste in kulturne stvari— dočim smo v politiki na splošno tako raztreseni in izgubljeni, da—izvzemši morda v Cleve-landu in še kje, kjer nas je več skupaj—ne štejemo nič. Po Ameriki na splošno nimamo nobene odločilnosti, ker nas je premalo. _______# ___________ Saj še sami med seboj nismo bili nikdar eili- j bi se lahko shajali člani ni in najbrže nikdar ne bomo. To so pravi, da Jate! j i in kjer se striktno delimo na tri tabore, katoliškega, svobodomiselnega in "nevtralnega," kar dokazujejo naše podporne organizacije, naši listi in našo kulturne aktivnosti. Na primer razdsljs med slovensko svobodomiselno nsselbino in slovensko kstoliško naselbino v Chicagu je za večino pripadnikov na obeh straneh tako velika kot je razdalja med Ameriko in Kitajsko— čeprav bi lahko prišli skupaj v 18 minutah, če bi hoteli. Samo v Chicagu šive rojaki 30 let in še več, ki niso še nikdar prišli skupaj in sploh se osebno no poznsjo ssmo zsrsdi ideoloških rszlik. To je nepobitno dejstvo. Ts dejstvs nss lshko uverijo, kako smo še sami med seboj razcepljeni in vsled tega im-potentni, da bi kaj dosegli kot Slovenci ali kot slovenski delavci v splošnem ameriškem živ-Iju—no da bi mogli fantastično računsti, da bodo Američani v splošnem nas poslušali, kadar se prepiramo med seboj v majhnih skupinah in skupinicah o splošnih ameriških problemih ali celo o svetovnih zadevah. Kljub temu se prepiramo, ognjevito prepiramo na primer, ali sili Ameriks v vojno sli ne, sli ima Roosovolt prsv ali no in o tisoč in eni drugi stvari, o kateri nimamo mi absolutno nobene odločilne besede. Ne rečemo, da se nas to nič ne tiče; sleherna Javna stvar, ki se tiče slehernega Američana, se prav gotovo tiče tudi nas. Vsi smo prizadeti, torej imamo vsi pravico, da v demokraciji povemo svoje misli, kako sodimo o vsem tem. Do tu je vse dobro. Ampak vsaka stvar ima svoje mesto. Politika je dobra na svojem mestu. Kadar imamo politično pritoibo, zakaj ne gremo h politiku, ki Ima vpliv? Zakaj no gremo k senatorju ali kongresniku in mu ne povemo, ds so njegovi predlogi zsnič in njegovo glssovsnje je škodljivo za nas delsvco? To bi več zaleglo kakor pa sto člankov in dopisov v naši Proiveti. Senator ali kongresnik ne čtta naših člankov ali dopisov in čisto nič ne ve, da se mi o nečem prepiramo in čemu se prepiramo, če mu pa povemo na ušesa, bo vedel. ml se prepiramo v naši Prosveti dan za dnevom in teden za tednom o vprašanjih, katerih ne bomo nikdar rešili, ker jih mi sami enostavno ne moremo rešiti; rešiti jih moremo le akupno z Američani vred. Zakaj torej ne gremo k Američanom, namesto da iztresamo jezo drug na drugega med nami In zbadamo drug drugega med sabo, kakor da smo edino mi tisti, ki odrešimo svet? — Premislimo malo to reč, bratje in sestre! Imsmo svoje pristne zadeve pri jednoti, prt naših domovih, naših kulturnih organizacijah itd Te zadeve so res naše in mi sami Jih morimo rešiti, kajti Američani na splošrfo se ne brigsjo za te naše m i ml pa te zadeve zanemarjamo. ker se preveč prepiramo o političnih vprašanjih in zanašamo ta vprašanja povsod- tudi tja, kjer nam več škodijo kot koristijo •j Ponavljamo. dobro je in potrebno v demokratični detel i, da ne zanimamo za politiko kakor je potrebno, da se zanimamo za podporne organizacije in za vae drugo, kar nam donaša korist kot pofcsmernikom. ampak vse to bi morali Učiti Za politiko imamo ali bi morali imeti politične klube in striktno politične liste, za drugr stvsri ps druge organizacije, tako da bo vsaka štvar na svojem maotu Nsša jednota ne bo nikdar dosegla stopnje, na kateri bodo vai člani enega političnega mišljenja. ker je demokratična- prakm nas pa uči, da politični spori v jednoti škodijo največ jednoti sami, obenem pa nudimo priložnost onim, t Dalj« t aedaji kaloal.l Glasovi K»«' iz naselbin Akcija za izletniške prostore |Dotroit. — Zadnjih par mesecev smo bili pri društvih in drugih organizacijah zelo zaposleni z volitvami uradnikov. Zadnje leto smo večkrat čitali pritožbe od detroitske federacije, da je premalo aktivnosti. Upam, da se bo v tem izboljšalo. Za tekoče leto sem tudi jaz prevzol zastopništvo pni društvu 121.? s prvo sejo federacije sem ml zadovoljen ln tudi pri volit- vi odbora ni bilo težkoč. iNa te asesment novemu društvene- dnevni red je zopet prišla sugestija, da federacija nabavi izletniške prostore pri kakšnem j ru za naša društva. Moje mnenje je, da bi bilo to zelo koristno za naše članstvo.' Večina naših ljudi ima zdaj avte in vsakdo gre rad iz mesta v poletnem času. Jezerov imamo v Michiganu veliko — 30 do 40 milj od de-troita Jih je mnogo. Gotovo ni lahko dobiti dober prostor, ker so že zelo razprodani, ampak u pam, da se Še dobijo. Seveda bi ga bjlo treba urediti, da bi odgovarjal potrebam. Mnogo naših rojakov in tudi jaz sam zahajamo le zadnjih 16 let ob sobotah n nedeljah v prosto nsraVo k jezerom, ampak do danes še nimamo avojih prostorov, na katerih in pri-bi se lahko bolj domače zabavali kakor pri tujih narodih. Nekaj naših rojakov si jo nabavilo lastne prostore pri jeseru in si zgradili msle poletne hišice In žrtvovali v to svrho tri do štiri tieočake. Ne vem zakaj ne bi mogH vsi člani 8npj imeti skupnega letovišča, saj nas je skoro tisoč v Detroitu. Nisem mnenja, da bi morali imeti prostor ssmo za piknike, ker z njimi je dosti dels n navadno malo uspeha; bolj so potrebni za razvedrilo naših članov in prijateljev. Dobili naj bi prostor pri Jezeru, kjer bi bilo pripravno tudi za kopanje, za i-granje toge in za balinanje; starejšimi smo že bolj podvrženi revmatismu, bi se pa lahko na solticu greli in jednoti bi mogoče ne bilo treba plačati toliko podpore. Jaz mislim, da bi bilo to coristno za vse. Seveda, prostori bi morsll odgovarjati, nekaj se bomo morsll pa tudi žrtvovati. Najbolj težko vprašanje je seveda, kje dobiti finance. Nekatera dhištva so pripravljena prispevati dolar za vsakega člana, lahko bi napravili 2fic vstopnine od vsakega avta kot 'imajo povsod), nekaj pa bi se tudi od posameznih članov dobilo. Po mojem mnenju je stvar zvedljlva. Imamo že odbor izvoljen v to svrho In upam, da bo našel kak primeren proator. Na društva bi apeliral, da bi razpravljala o tem, ako so priprav-jena sodelovati. Obenem telim tudi naznaniti dctroitskim društvom in roja-com, da priredi pevski zbor Svo->oda koncert z opereto v nedeljo, 80l marca, v Slovenskem delav-skom domu ns sapadtti strani. Želimo, ds bi društva ne prire-ala zabav na ta dan |n da nas prijatelji obiščejo v velikem številu. Voč o tem posneje. Pri Svobodi smo zadnje čase dobili precej mladih moči. Apeliramo na vse v Detroitu. ki imajo veselje do petja, da ae nam pridružijo. Kdor nima posluha in glasu, lahko postane podporni član Svobodo {10c na mesec) In s tem pomaga pevskemu sboru, ker vidi, da Jih že preveč stane in tudi kritizirajo, da je naša jednota preveč stroga pri bolniški podpori in nadziranju bolnikov. Naj so zopet povrnem k plačevanju asesmenta. Jaz sem moral nekaj članov vedno zalagati in doetikrat potrositi kak dolar. Končno som se odločil, naj ima še kdo drugi par let sitnosti kakor som jih imel jsz in kakor jih ima vssk društveni, tajnik. Torej, bratje in sestre, pošiljaj- mu tajniku Johhu Shafferju. Bratje, ne mislim nikogsr žaliti, toda obžalujem, ker so naše soje Uko slabo obiskane, da bi se skoro ne mogle vršiti. Naj bi se tudi mladina malo zanimaU, kar pa je odvisno od sUršev. Skoraj v vsaki Prosveti vidim dopise, ki kritizirajo letošnji stenski koledar jednoU. To izgleda bolj kot osebnost in naj bi bilo Uga enkrat konec. Ko-, ledarji so majhni in lušni. John Kauclc, 537. mu zavijanje resnice o Uj stvari? , Koliko je dotični bolnik igral za denar, mi ni znano, ker nisem bil nikdar obiskovalec igralnih lokalov. Ali je morda doticnik, ki ga je videl igrati, sam igral z njim? — Glede onega čUna, ki je "za-vihUl stol nad svojim bratom", ni br. Pečnik povedal vsega; ni povedal, s kakšnimi nesramnimi izrazi je bil ¿Un ozmerjan — vse je bil, samo človek ne. Ni pošteno, če se pokaže na prestopek, vzrok ps, ki izzove prestopek, se zamolči. Br. Pečnik piše, kako smo zanemarili agiUcijo za društvo in dali priliko katoliškim društvom, da so pobraU našo mladino. Zakaj ni zapisal, da ni bilo čaaa, ker "smo agitirali od hiše do hiše za druge stvsri, za druge klube in delali smo, da smo čim bolj diskreditirsli društvo o-rel . i ." Ker mu je Uko dobro Stfano koliko otrok so dobili pri društvuKSKJ, kje Je bil on Uk-rst, da ni tega preprečil in pri-peljal onih 300 otrok k našemu društvu? Kaj pomaga to klepe-Unje po tolikih letih? ■PfH IP „ že SNPJ in tukajšnja federacija Vzel je tudi številke iz drušV&skočili na pomoč s čednimi venih knjig in našul napredek fandevki. OsUlo pa je seveda za časa svojega Ujništva. Odde-v ¿jJjVečje mere odvisno nas lek odraslih je napredoval za 18 članov, mladinski oddelek je pa padel za 30 Članov. Res lep napredek! Da pokaže mojo nesposobnost, je navedel koliko novih članov je dobil prejšnji predsednik v šestih letih. Vidim, da je pozabil, zato mu obudim spomin, da sem samo v letu 1939 pridobil sledeče nove člane: ^¿osephine Babnik, Fr. Hribar in Mary Bol-tezar. Povedal sem Ujniku, naj gre k Zupančiču in dobil bo člana za mladinski oddelek, nakar ga je dobil. Zakaj ne pove imen novih članov, ki jih je on sam dobil? Resnica je, da so največ novih članov predlagali drugi lojalni člani SNPJ. Kako je to, da Ujnik ne more niti svoje žene pripeljati v društvo Orel v dvajsetih lotih? — Br. Pečnik je "zašpelal" svoj dopis s pozivom na braUtvo in prijateljstvo. O bože, kako ma- Pueblski prepir Pueblo. Colo. — Primoran sem nekoliko odgovoriti br. Pečniku, ki me hoče v javnosti pokazati za nepoštenjaka za časa mojega dolgoletnega predsodništva pri našem društvu Orel št. 21 snpj. v svojem dopisu pravi, da mi hoče obuditi spomine iz društvene zgodovine. Mojo društveno delovanje jo bilo vedno čisto in pošUno napram čUnstvu in načelom snpj. Ker se je br. Pečnik doUknil nekaterih društvenih stvari, glede IcaUrih ni bil nikdar moj namen, da bi prišle v Javnost, bom pa jaz osvetli te stvari z druge strani in brez vsakega zavijanja. Zadeva iz leU 1929. Nikdar nisem mislil, da bo br. Pečnik poskušal tisto reč obesiti ru mcjlo še sam drži Uga! jo osebo. Kdo Je pa orgahiziriJ;" neko kliko, ki je hodiU od člana* do člana s pritiskom za nove de-legaUke volitve, čeprav so bile prvo volitve pravilne? Kdo je pobral glasovnice z mize in jih potem poslal na konvencijo? To je treba pojasniti, če hočemo po tolikih letih spet mešsti staro godlo, katere Boltezar ni skuhal, a tudi ne bo pustil, da bi jo nje^ mu servirali. _ t Zadeva glede pekega trgovca, katerem br. Pečnik pravi, da sem gs jaz pripeljal na društveno sejo. Resnics je, da ga Jae nisem pripeljal. Prišel Je sam, kajti to pravico je imel kot član snpj in kot Uk je lahko dobil tudi besedo. Če Je pa u član kasneje grozil jednoti s tožbo za $20,000, kaj som imel jaz pri tem opraviti? Ali miali br. Pečnik, da sem jaz odgovoren sa njegove grožnjo? Mslo voč možatosti sem pa res pričakoval od njega. Sedaj pa k zadevi iz leta 1937. Kdo jo takrat hodi od člana do člana in pripovedoval, da je gl. predsednik Vincent Cainkar pisal, da Boltezar ne sme biti izvoljen za delogaU? Po čegavih na vodilih so Je to vršilo? Br. Csin-kar lahko pojasni, če je res u-ko pisal sli ne — in če ni tega nikomur pissl, kdo je zlorabil ime gl. predaodnika? Kaj pa zadeva glede Pape? No spominjam se. ali jo bilo Uu 1923 ali 1924 in tudi ne vem, če Je bil Papa član snpj. o, ds, Papa je ps lshko sgitirsl pred člsni snpj, ds naj zmečejo gL odbornike iz urada! Frank BolUaar. 21. Pripomba uredništva! Br. Vincent Cainkar je informiral uredništvo, da ni nikdar pisal nikomur v Pueblu, koga naj volijo za delogaU ali koga ne smejo voliti. Prosimo brsU v Pueblu, nsj prenehajo s tem pričkanjem, s katerim ssmo jemljejo prostor v glasilu zs stvarne razprave, sami pa ne bodo s tem dosegli ničesar drugega kot osebno mrž-njo, katero jo brez Uga preveč med nami. Ne verjamemo, da se naše članstvo po drugih krsjih zanima za te lokalne prepire, ki se zelo slabo podajo sUrim pionirjem in dozorelim možem. ko pomislimo, da je "štrajk" naših žena Uko popolen, da je približno le še 13% naših članic, ki se niso izneverile svojemu "pri-rodnemu poklicu". Kakor pri drugih društvih jednoU, je tudi pri nas kampanja za nove člane, in sicer ne samo začasno, pač pa sUlno Ako jednoU ne plača zdravniške preiskave novim članom, jo plačamo pa iz društvene blagajne; u-ko plačamo zdravniško preiskavo tudi onim, ki prestopijo iz mladinskega v odrasli oddelek in se žele zavarovati za voč kot $500 amrtnine in $1 dnevne bolniške podpore. Torej, ako izvesU za kakega kandidaU v Uj okolici, samo sporočite mi ime in naslov, drugo opravim jaz kot "sluga društva", nagrado pa prepustim vsm. » * Nsša skupna "Recreation" farma snpj bo, kot izgleda, letos dobiU električno razsvetljavo, s katero bomo lahko, ne le dostojno razsvetljili prostore, marveč jo tudi uporabili kot pogonsko silo za vodovod in deloma za proizvajanje godbe "v razvedrilo po-setnikom". v u namen nam sU splošnega tukajšnjega čUnstva. Torej, ako vas kdo pobara z listki, no odrecite mu tudi letos dati desetico narodnega davka. Na farmi bo letošnji posetnik že sedsj našel precej spremembe, za kar moramo dati priznanje oskrbniku farme, ki je presadil lepo število dreves, Uko da bo v doglednem času tudi Um sencs, kjer je bils do sedsj goli-čava. Tudi v dvorani je napravil več novih oken j, Uko da bo več zraka tudi za pleaalce v poletnem času. "Fantje se zbirajo ..Da, tudi pri našem društvu je več 'fejst fantov', za katerimi ne 'škilijo' le dekleU, marveč tudi Stric Sam jim je pismo poslal. Priporočam, da se pred odhodom zglasijo pri Ujniku, da urede vse potrebno v zvezi z njih statusom pri društvu. To bo za enkrat dovolj, člani Mira pa ne pozabiU priti na prihodnjo sejo. Frank Susiarslch. 142. m -a stroškov je vedno doatl, dohod- ji je bil tudi Pr. RihUr, zastop-kov pa malo. za jednotine publikacije, ki lledelf PotodMlk. 121. j» pa dobil aamo pet minut čaaa --M agitacijo. Ali je bilo to lepo? O društvu II? Seveda. RihUr je agitiral le za Crlvlla. Wla. — Naj tudi Jas koristi jednotc in to nt Štelo dt>. malo poročam is naše naselbine, sti . . . Kar tiče našega društva, se O zadevi tistega bolnika bi bil »korjJ p* morem pohvaliti, da br. Pečnik bolje%stortl, če bi bil napredujemo, ker tukajšnja mla- molčal. - O tistem bolniku sem dtna skoro bolj veruje v inšuren- pozneje čiUl v zapisniku Hrvat-ce kakor v podporne organizaci- «ke braUke /ajednlee. da je bil Je. Agentje Jih dobijo, plačajo kot delegat navdušen zagovor-*a tri mesece, potem pa pusU nik stalinovske klike . Vprašal Tako je tudi pri našem društvu, pa bi br. Pečnika. -kdo je dobil Unako leto «em pridobil šeat tistega bolnika v Pueblo» Ali novih članov, Ko so bili spreje- sem ga jsz? Ali gs ni vrhovni ti v jednoto, so dobili pravila, zdravnik spoznal sa jetičnegs in toda sdi ae mi. da jih ni nihče nr t poročil «1 odboru, naj ga po- poglodal Mogočo jih pogleda le šlje v Colorado? Ali ga nisvtTs _______ Udai ko Je na bolniški podpori, takratnim Ujnikom Jožetom Ho- nes skoraj edini dotok koliko ima dobiti od jednote A- čovarjem peljala k špectaliatu v ko jih nisem vedno opominjal Colorado Springiu ki je vzel sli-tudi a»e»menta nisem m«g*l do- ko njegovih pljuč in slika je bi-biti od njih. Drugi meoec se jim la potem na društveni seji» Ce- Od društva Mir Cleveland. — Na zadnji seji našega društva Mir 142 SNPJ smo Imeli v pretresu tudi vprašanje stenskih koledarjev, ki so letos dvignili toliko prshu med člsnstvom. Vsled pičlegs poaeU na seji smo stvar odložili na prihodnjo sejo. Po mojem mnenju so tudi letošnji koledsrčki zadovoljili pretežno večino članatva, iz j ems je le drobni tisk na njih. kar naj glavni urad v bodoče u-pošteva. Da bi radi tega nedo-k ta tka pri letošnjem koledarju o-puatili njih izdajanje, bi bilo nesmiselno, ker to bi pomenilo ko-rsk nazaj namesto naprej. Bolniki pri našem društvu se množe kot gobe po dežju. Nekateri pridejo do poškodb, kar je znamenje, da se nekoliko bolje dela, druge pa napade U ali o-na bolezen, zadnje čase pa se je pojavila tudi "flu". Torej člani. bodite oprezni in skrbiU, da bo vaš asesment plačan pravočasno, da vas ne doleti bolezen nepripravljene. Kot je razvidno iz poročila gU-vnega urada (priobčeno v zadnji obligatnl Prosveti), Je naše društvo po šUvilu članstva prikorakalo bfpv pred prsg društva Naprej št. 5. Ako se bo razmerje stopnjevalo v Um pravcu tudi nadalje, bo v prihodnjem polletnem poročilu naše društvo "way over the top" — seveda, če nas ne bodo prehiteli chicaškl Pionirji. ki nas že kar praskajo po petah Pri tem se imamo zahvaliti edino dejstvu, da ae je pri nas vedno pazilo na močan mladinski oddelek, is katerega je da- ■t odrasli oddelek Kampanja zlasti za mladinaki oddelek, ki je sedaj v Uku pri S ; N. P. J., jako dobro napreduje, a- Uspela priredba St^Louia, M o. — Dne 8. febr. so naši mladi čUni in ČUnlce priredili "bam dance", ki se je prav dobro obnesel. Prav lepo je bilo videti toliko mladine škupaj, ki se je veselo sukala pozno v noč. Posebno se je pokazalo tukajšnje angleško poslujoče društvo Špirit of St. Louis snpj. se na nobeni veselici jih ni bilo toliko. Hvala vam, ob priliki vam vrnemo. Tukajšnja društva so se pričela pripravljati na skupni piknik ki nam bo dal priliko, da se enkrat v poletju vsi skupaj snidemo in veselimo v prOsti naravi Pevsko društvo Zvon priredi zs-bavo lh. aprila. Zapelo bo več slovenskih in tudi eno sngleško Prosimo druga društva, da u večer ne prirejajo svojih zabav. a-ko bo mogoče, bo podana tudi kratka igra. ^ Opozarjam članstvo in ursdni-ke društva 107 snpj, da se udeležite seje četrti petek v mesecu, to je 28. febr., ob 7:30 zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Posebno pa plačaj u u dan svoj asesment, ker drugi dan, 1. marca, mora Ujnik knjige zaključiti in odpo-slati asesment v glavni urad. Tudi ne smemo pozabiti da je v teku kampanja za nove čUno in da je letoa konvenčno leto. Frank Zvanut. 107. . Maškerada 8ND Waukegan. 111.—Zopet se Je približal dan. ki mu pravimo "pustna sobota." Ta dan s. n. dom obdržuje maškeradni ples od svojega začetka in vedno dobrim uspehom, kar je znamenje. da občinstvo ljubi humor in razvedrilo. Oni. kateri se udele-žiu vsako leto in drugi, ki se še nisU prej udeležili, storiU to v soboto zvečer. 22. februarja, in vam ne bo žal. Za one, ki se ms-skirejo. je določenih $50 za nagrade. Poleg nagrad Je pripravljenih 5 dobitkov nm vstopnice (door prize). Da bo preakrbljeno z jeetvinami in pijačo, se samo razume. Vstopnina Je samo 40c. Vaa kdo je dobrodošen Frank Napode. Ujnik. od. Bi- Od catš iš haia H Poroča in komentira Milan Medvedk Zadnji teden se je vršilo zborovanje Bi bora snpj. O sklepih ne bom poročal L mam v Um trenotku dovolj čaaa na rtzash v Chicago prideva najprvo s Fredom mih jem, nato pa ostali odborniki. Zbor«,vam/1" je končalo v soboto popoldne, nakar ^o * takoj z avtomobilom napotili proti CleveltJ! diatriktni podpredsednik Cam Zarnick j Zupan, član gospodarskega odseka, ki nedeljo na proslavi 30-letnice društva št predvajal filme, in jaz. Pot je bila slaba dZ lo je vse skozi in tako smo se pripeljali v cImJ land v nedeljo ob treh zjutraj. Odkar tovarne hiU z naročili za narodna obrambo, je vsa industrija oživela in cestTio polne tovornih avtomobilov. To pa pomeni več avtomobilskih nesreč. Na potu «rJ strahovite avtomobilske liko videli štiri Človeku posUne skoro slabo ob pogledu zmečkane avtomobile ln ljudi. To pot sklenil, da ne bom več vozil z avtomobilom v Chicago v zimskem času. nt StlJl NajaanealjlveJAe levafce veoti ae v dnevnike "Pro evetf Ali jih čiUU rank dan? V nedeljo popoldne se je vršila proslava 30. letnice društva Zavedni sosedje št. 158 SNpj v Euclidu, o. Udeležba je bila krasna; sliial sem, da ni bila dvorana Slovenskega doma k dolgo časa tako nabito polna. Program je bil lep. Najprvo je nagovoril občinstvo Ahacij Prežel, predsednik društva. Predstavil je v k! pih besedah ustanovne člane in jim podelil v priznanje znake snpj. , Živeči ustanovni člani št. 158 snpj so bratje Rus, Žagar, mr. in mn Možina, sestra Lucija Leskovic in mr. in mn Badalich. Prežel je predsUvil tudi druge ¿line, ki so 30 let ali več člani snpj. . Med temi so Rotar, Kušar, Škrianc, Kuhel, Kane, Poje, Samsa, Oven, Mišič, Žele, Starman, Ivec in ne^ kaUri drugi. Za Um je v kratkih in lepih be-aedah pozdravil usUnovne Člane in ostale navzoče Jakob Zupan, član gospodarskega odi* ka snpj iz Chicaga. Takoj za njim pa jeni-stopil euelidski pevski zbor Adrija, ki je zapel neksj lepih pesmi. Za Adrijo je nastopil znani pevski zbor Zarja pod vodstvom Josepht Krabca. Zbor je prav dobro zapel tri pesmi in žel velik aplavz. Za tem zborom je pa naito-pil pisec in navzoče nagovoril najprvo v angleškem jeziku in nato v slovenskem. Končno je ' Jakob Zupan pričel predvajati slike, ki so vsem izredno ugajale. Ne smem pozabiti Vadntlo-vih godbenikov, ki so podali nekaj prav lepih točk in želi veliko priznanja. Po programu ie je vršila pristna slovenska domača zabava: petje, ples, debaU in drugo. Pri tej priliki naj omenim, da ima naša" jed-noU še vedno veliko ugleda v tej naselbini, baš radi tega bi morala euelidska društva ie bolj napredovati kot napredujejo. «„ > Mesto EijcUd napreduje v vseh ozirih. Gradijo nove cesU, tovarne, hiše. Tudi Slovenski dom zelo lepo napreduje. Ali ne mislite bratje, da bi morala vštric s Um napredkom napredovati tudi društva snpj? Sedaj te vrši velika kampanja, torej na delo za večjo SNPJ! Še se dobe novi člani, samo treba jih je poiskati! Da je priredba Uko lepo uspela, ims zasluge odbor, zlasti pa še blagajnik društva Frank Česen, ki je proslavo tako pridno oglaševal • e • . V nedeljo 9. marca bo podala Cankarjeva ustanova pod okriljem Delavskega doma in i kooperacijo naprednih detroiUkih društev krasen varietni program v Detroitu. Naši detroit-ski rojaki se bodo brez dvoma potrudili, dt bo dvorana dd nabito polna, mi pa bomo gledali, da bodo vsi navzoči zadovoljni z našo priredbo. Podali bomo Molkovo imenitno humori-stično satiro "Nevtralni Amor", pevske točke bo pa izvajal slavni kvarUt, ki sestoji iz članov Glasbene mstice, in sicer so pevci: Louis Belle. Frank Plut, John Nosan in John Lube. John Lube bo imel svoj koncert 2. marca v Narodnem domu. z nami bo nastopils tudi priint-ns elevelandska sopranistka Tončka Simčiče-va. Več o programu bom še poročal. Torej rojaki v Detroitu in okolici, posetite priredbo Cankarjeve ustanove. Ne bo vam žali Vi (Iz ProsveU, 19. februarja 1921) Domače veeti. v Bridgevillu, Pa., je vlak do smrti povozil 38-letnega Alojza Vodlana it k* lovraU pri Litiji, člana snpj. Zadeve SNPJ. Gl. Ujnik Turk poroča, d« •o bils v januarju 1921^wUnovljena tri nadaljnja nova društva snpj. Dela veke veeti. v delavskih unijsh v N>J Yorku so odkrili veliko število kspiUli*tičnii Špionov. Jnozematvo. v Nemški republiki so »p* sUvke in krvavi izgredi na dnevnem redu. Sovjetska Rusija. SovjeUki trgovinski «* stopniki so obiskali Chicago. (Dalja Is p res kolone. I ki izrabljajo demokracijo jednoU in prop*»* rajo med nami toUliUrški strup. v konvenčnem letu smo in lahko govori»* o reformah v jednoU in pri Prosveti Al« mislite, da bi bilo dobro, če bi mi izključlh « ProsveU vae politične spore in pričksnjt omejili Proaveto ns izobraževslno vsebin®* smislu kulturnih in znanstvenih vrednot novic m društvenih ter jednotinih stvsri? g.|r,„„«kayariižtui fohporna Irfmnta * 11» i un i ■S^TsTúw*»«* at^ glavni odbor izvbíbvalmi c hicago, Illinois ^ IZPLAČANE SMRTNINE JANUARJA 1941 DEATH CLAIMS PAID IN JANUARY. 1941 l—^JZlL Mjs»—- VST *u uJ. .Ml B. UnitU áis, I .......Nil B. Law»«ala A**.. Ol—». Wtaala .............MST 8. Laaa Sal« At*.. CU««*. lUlaala ..............SM7 LawaAaW At«.. CUm^ lUiaala ..............MST S LawtMala Ar,.. CMaua. nilaal« ..............MIT B. Law«4alo Ave. Chica«., IBIaata podpbrdbrdnikl» .,,.....•«••«•••••• .«Mi fWMl Ave, J«kaaliw», Ft. .............IM» A. W. Walkar Bt.. MBwaakaa, Wta. ......................Ba» SIT. Btrakana. P». ...........SM7 W. SMS «t. Clavalaa«. Otto ..............14t fimiS St.. Oclaaky. III. ...US W. 7di ac. Waiaaakar«. Cala. MMM a DOT'4 Mt n*aar> ...... Aataa StiUÉtr .... Praak CraMtl ...... Jahn RraljL....... Aataa Baatk ...... Mary Malaral ..... Jaha Majéll ....... La*rlk MBarac Krank Kalla .. Catata* . ■ ........ J« J. ^ urkk. »r—MB toat ViaUrick ^ TrWi •••• pnak ZtS*. yw4««4»» <;08p0darbki odsek: ......................SM k. II lat 8t. CUralurf. Okla ...............MST a. LawaAala Ave. Cldc^a. IlUaala ...............MST 8. Lawadal« At«.. CIO«f«. UUaala ...............MST a. LatraMIt Ava.. Cklaa«•. llHaala ..............Ml a. FnaiS Ave. Cia raa «an BUla. III. ....................1MT 8. Trata Sail At«.. Chica*«, UL ......r...«»...................1499 *> Ara.. Baraya. UL POROTNI odskki ............ ..........«14 W. Bay at.. BptMsWaM, OL .....................1M11 Maakaka Ara., CtoralaaS, OUa • • • a • • a • • • a • a a a a a a a a a a a a • a a • a • • • • »BMI IT| AfPS| KSMSI .............................Ill Tasar tč. Uwrai, Pt. ...................................Baa MT, Btrakaa«. Pa. NADZORNI ODaRKi ;:::::::::::::::::::.........waauia« AV^. pan! nnaaia .........................1«IM ArcaAa Ava.. CUtalaa«, Obla Predsednikova kolona M Um Ckaak«*i«k Jaka Vakarlck . Mat Palaak ..... .... ..I te-ii-i PS« Na. &aa •».-M «raltva — Mislil •> *- S Lads -at ■1 Vade MM t UBsBa, BL ..... ......... 1 «MM raa M Jaaay Umá. Ark. ......... »MM . BMt 4« Daran««. Cala. •. i<....... I.SSS.M 7»M IM Nana ima. B. C, 'ana«a ,,. ... I.MS.M 7M4 IM R. Botona. Maat. ...... 1.MS.M T»M 147 tlavatoa«. O..... ......... 1.M4.M itn 11« Varana. Pa...... .......t. •M.M 7M4 MT Sni Park. O- .. .......... ... T MM 7»M ist ___in. a. saca«®wvsssw, a S». « ......... ... 4M.M Mil III t'lovalan«. O. ... ......... ... •M.M MM 117 Rtpart. Pa. ..... ......... • i. •MM 1 TM» M« Batramaata. Calif. ........ •i • l.SMM »Mt M7 Partían«. Ora«. . ........ I.»M.M 7M! 1 7M R«aa«ap. Maat. . r LSMM BR IIP Ai—TOT AL V..». ......... •ii.M4.ia P. A. VIDRR. «L tajnik—41 . BaaV. OPERACIJE IN ODÖKODNINE ■nki januarja 1841 OPERATIONS AND DISABILITIES Paid ia Janaary. INI Cart. Na. I Osa «taltra - HsmEv Cart, ftt I *t—Na. TS" Praaaaa K ra ai lar . Mary Smuk ....... atar« 0*1« ....... Wllllaai Kkufra .. Praacaa Bamavah . Prane«« ilik« ..... Ana« Satnikar .... Katariaa Dararaaai INU MIT» ITtM •TIM •MI I STMT Jakaaaa Pra» Star« BMfantli ................. Laala KroUol ................... Mary Btak«r .................... Jonnl« Taka vae ................. Jaka laatrak ................... Juaopk Caciiirh Dopisnikov z raznimi sugestijami in priporočili za prihodnjo j^G* .»""»"-»I» konvencijo je vedno več in to je dobro znamenje. Potrebno je, da uruu fik.ri.ac".'.! !!!!'.! i; »nimamo za stvari svoje organizacije ter o njih pametno raz- W «j»£.................. invliamo v glasilu. In potrebno je to Se posebno, kadar se bliža Mm oaa«a»i»I tonvencija, ki ima oblast spreminjati pravila in vse v jednoti, kar "•«•» matra za potrebno. Razpravljanje in razglabljanje o važnih vpra-sniih jednote pa je navsezadnje tudi bolj pametno in bolj na me- 1 'X ' I___ _A. — - _ _ L atAAni L «AtNMt /IaUmA M A tU kakor pa razne kritike o stvareh, katerih včasih sami dobro ne »znamo, pa jih silimo v naš list, ali pa zabavljanje čez druge in zzivanje medsebojnih prepirov Ckarlaa Prapatnlk MIMra« Skirt ..... Aatkaay Lanrarirh Wallar Sma«ic ,.., Jaaaph Plat ....... česar je—žal—med nami veliko ii« ¡uklYr 7.7. ____I .11 * | Praak Mahlrh ... j Anton Zaca ..... Dopisniki so se že dotaknili nekaterih važnih vprašanj, precej ¡^^¡¡L ;; reč pa jih je še nedotaknjenih, s katerimi se bo morala baviti pri-1 aaaa Jaatarii .!. lodnja konvencija. Da pa ne bomo z zahtevami v razpravah se- ; ¡«Ii predaleč in gojili nedosegljivih iluzij ter od prihodnje kon- J carai k* Kro«orlcktown. Pa. IM Tir« NIN. Pa...... IM TIr« Mill, Pa. .... Ill Paarta, 111. ..r..... Ml Warraa. O. .>.«... Ml Warraa. O........ Ml Cklakalm, Mlaa. .. Ml Saatk Park. Pa.... MT C raat«« BatU. Cala. 4M Btaa4ar«vill«, Utah 4TT CUvalaa«, O...... III Hall. W. Va....... •M Naaaroth. Pa. ..... •M Cklcai«. Ill.....h. •M Chicas«. III. ...... •M Hl raka no. Pa. . .,., «11 SoalUo, Waak. .... •M Matkor, Pa. ., •M AmkrMfo, Pa. «M AiakrMgo. Pa. T4« Ctavalaa«. O. • VMS »as t».M TI.M TI.M •T.M M.M TI.M TI.M 1I.M T|M TIM TIM MM IT.M TIM TS.M TI.M MM TS.M TIM TI.M TIM TIM TIM t............ yi4*>t«< skupaj—-total . r. a. vidrr. TIM Tf.M •MM MM TIM TIM TIM TS.M MM TIM TLM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TI.M TIM TIM TIM kredit članom mladinskega oddelka RA ABRBMRNT v PRRRHARJU OB PBRBTOPI' V OPOBLBB OORABUa caaOIT POR ABBRaBMBNTB t.IVKN TO JUVBN1LR MRMRRRB WHO TBANSPRRRRD INTO TBR AIM)LT ORPARTMRNT IN PRRRUABT •1 m, «i. lajaik—Saar. Bac'y. ' = IZKAZ UPRAVNIH STRO&KOV ZA JANVAR 1S41 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES TOR JANUARY. 1941 Plače Plače eksekutivnih nameščencev uradnikov tir ......................................•.....••••»../».■•• y j..j............. .................«J. rešiti j' ■ « i^v.....r— ............... ........ ...../•• da se problema toliko bolj rtsrto ldthno in ga poskušamo d druitva *t. 238, kakor je razvidno iz dopiaa na da hmeStU' p^,poroč,l "atanovitev aUrostnega aklada na U navili «a p,enesh bresti od obveznic ali bondov ter s temi plače-^ rf^tno r^odptiro. On navaja tudi vsote in še nekaj drugih lutrorK ' • u Sl'veda zel° enostavno. In problem bi bil rea bl lo b"o tako enoaUvno in izvedljivo. Pa ni! Naše ^ , ne vzdriuiei° "mo z našimi mesečnimi priapev-' I Louio« Matual M. An nI« Novak »11.60, Jooophino Bokal III, Lou ko Spoli« |M, Honry BaSaj Ml. I John ToaMich 117, Prank R. Kayor SI«. JooopH Novak 111, Joa^h Hitom ||l, Jokn K ao to lir It*. John Kaauta Ml. Jaoaph Janooh M. Ralph Ruanlk III. Joaoph Manart |I4, Prank Miklaaal« SM. Anton Patarlin IM. Joaoph Btiaiac M*. Joaoph Prijatelj 14. Anion Roaotlav |7I. Juaoph Carta lic «IS, Joaoph Zabuko- Povnr^n« z obre8tm»' Prispevki so preračunani na podlagi •kuL^rf SleViU let' ki 86 Pričakuje, da bo član plačeval v ► Um !iajno: uključiv4» bresti, katere ae pričakujejo, da bodo " t asa od volac-anik irant na tudi z obrestmi. Ia let, ki ključivši Bm! t i T vf'lacar»ih vsot nabrale. Ako bi ae ne prištevale Sifilis. 14 vplačila veliko višja kol ko. Naši smrtninski * ¿tiri od ! " ;,ni v pričakovanju najmanj tri in pol, aUri pa celo Ishko ra/v ri ' u' kar P® * dand»n« n« ¿obi. Naše čUnatvo ^P»snikov gospodarskega odaeka, ki jih redno j* ,J teiavno i® * inveatiranjem jednotine imovine. ^ p"i »r, vl v la dobiti Mn«Uiv bond, ki noai več kot dva «...... ^memo v poštev vae to, amo lahko Ukoj na jaanem. " ' M'iMrr t ' -----oiiiu laiinu laauj Jmmt■"• K bilo , l * °bre,ti da Be od tu ne more vzeti, če tudi bi L dovoljeno, kar pa ni! r^^nslu.' !'„ tudi domnevanje, da nam ni potrebna oeem-«*> /ri, , erva' krr h0«10 vai člani hkrati umrli. Naše obli-l4« ^ l.i mriOR0 v«i kot to in razumno goapodaratvo zahteva. ^in sistematično; nt V"*dna /aupanja!_ Organizacija, ki ae za to VINCENT CAINKAR, gl. predaednik. • Prana« Kraaitar Mt. 7 Mary Saiuk M7. Joaoph Piv« lil. Jalta (iraaaman IM, Tony Ploronao IIS. Pran-aaa Florljanol» |t7, Lorrono Sturm M. I« Mary Plvlk IM. Mary Majhanoviah III. Biai Paatovrk Mi. MaUMa Hkorop IM. Mary Payirk III, Matt loankooiah II«. John Bokol Ml. Anton Kraoovlo III. Prank Tointn« II«. John Do Mark Mt. Laka P«rko 17» II Pra mo« Mataaak M. Jooopk Vratar IM. Aaaa Mao Rtaah MS. Jokn Likovio M*. Jokn Orill M. John Urlii l< Prank WMtwr IM. Jaka Bakolj IM. fotor Krof lir 114. Joaoph Stran. |4t M Mlko Bar lok III.M, Paal Otanioh M. William Baaalaakl II«. John Stlaiao 141. ti Jalta Smol lok «•«. 14 Rr^ootina MooUnlk M. ti Joaop^lbo Slapaak MT. Mary Bork Iti •I Emma Bllltaal M. •S Pra aaaa Raaaiah Mt «7 M smrti la Ha ukor M 4« William Skufta IM. Mary RoaUa III. •I Anton V.«mar Ml. Aaaio SoWmttaor Mt Cfcarla* Will •MM. A m Urn M Joka Aorla «II. M OortrwSo Prlmaatr SM. Traak PrtaMwkk Jr. M Pra 71 Praaam Lak M« 71 Praak BoatJaaoto Ml. J-ooah Bo4o •». M Mary Kartaar MS. Roao Wilitor« •»« M MarvaorWo UmUA Ma S— Nila* M. Mr«' Rmwltak «1«. Praak Nooaok SM. •7 j£Zo l>«a* M7. Jaka Mlakar Ml. Praak Bamark Ml. Praak Bakao SM M Aatoota trmmmr M |«| Jaka Poo Jak m. Barl lilto Ml PotofHa •<• tnaaa V Maketo* M IM Pranraa Krakar M. 107 Joaaph Priakovoe III, TaraaUa Prank« 111, TaraaJJa Bomaok Ml. Bhrr IM, Martin JurUU IM, Joaaph Skuki« Ml. II« Julia Mara M. 114 Aa«raw Buklieh IM. Aataa Klh.H. h Ml, Watro.lav Caaall« IIS, Joaaph Cuati Iloh Ml. Ill Matt Btarao«!« M. Matt Krpsa III Oaorao Viaia IM. Prssk Rapan M« 110 A nao 11 no Str lak a r M. 114 Anaataala Laaaao III. Mat Ooiono |M RbU Dolane IM AO, Kéwmrá SuMo Ml Mary PinUr "IM. Aataa Ooiono |M. Dan Mor lok «M. Oaarco Harkaah M*. Aaton ItaitM M4. 141 Koaania Stofanovlrh 111, Antan Pintar M». 144 Miliaa Kartalia 111. 147 Prank Bitjak IM. Jaaapk Vrno 17 Praak Oiaaar 17. Stafaa 141 Praak Vo«apl«ao |I4.M. I «7 Joaoph I no Olaaaic III, A a« row Bart IM Martin Olaaia |M IM Siman kan«lor »M M, Amalija Birk Ml JonnU Potrwvrkc »M.M, Praak Sfc«r«a M. Joaaph NrlU MS, Maaalam Bario« II 4M. ' Jaaaph Stonam SM M. Mary K rokolj I4S.M. 171 Ponara« Cvlra MI. Mary Parlakovir M 171 Jaka W. Cháñalo M. Mau Balaa II«. IS7 Jot no j K urnik Ml. Aaaa Boaaa |M, IM Mollio aiijaok M. ISI Anton Koraul ||7 Jaaapk Soalza |M Ml Marvaortto Palor IM, MaryaorO« Palor "M ^ 114 Jakanna M Marriaon M. vli Klofkwi MmIi Nit Ml Pranoaa Pri«.«I M-' , •M Joaophlno Boyhowokl M L. Ma. Pt »t K•••11' 9.00 7.00 14.00 14.00 2.00 18.00 Joseph Kosich .. (.. 80.00 Franoes Ar tac h ,14.00 Frank Perko............2.00 Frank Pechnlk .... 2.00 Lanhart Werdinek.. 18.00 Anton Ziberna 18.00 Frank Podboy ...» 14.00 Jeka Skarbae...... 14^0 Alois Ocepek ...... Louis Zelnick ..... ................... 2.00 ................... 11.00 Joseph f. Dura.'... 18.00 John Zufich ....... K a rol Derfan ...., 14.00 18.00 14.00 14.00 Frank Chuchek ... 28.00 10.00 14.00 14i00 Jaka Bata lo 114, Aa 171 «Moa Raataar M IM Cao Uta fator M« Um Mr Mar MS Mt Rtiaahoth Paalok M SM Jaka Kraaa M M tat Rila UM*no M •M Oaalal Plum |l*. Aaaa Simaa Vukmlor IIS. Bara tM Vlotot Truaal M ________ •M Jaka Patar «M M Jar«4aooia |M. Aaaa •IS. J aa« Mora» II« SM Mary ParrMk MS. Aatkwar J II«. I^adt Sasaaoir M4 . M7 Mary S «atomi» MT Aataa C •M Praak Jakiw M7. Mol«« Ptartaa som • M7 Halan Bakat M rrt joka Xa«» I Jerica Gorjup..... 88.00 John Just, Jr....... 14.00 4.00 14.00 14.00 8.00 14.00 18.00 14.00 18,00 John Shum ..., Anton Garden .. Frank Drnach . John Skoda .... Louls T. 8peck , Julia Models Joseph Peternfel Helen 8ternlsa ., ......%..............8.00 ........V.............14.00 Joseph Hrvatln,... 10.00 ..................v 8,00 ......................................9.00 Anton Gantar..........17.00 Kathryne Junko « .- Loais Sasso ...... , ' r , M • M I I I • • I • I I . I I M ...... I.... ,<(,,,,, > I I f M I I I I I I I I I I • I I John J. Gabrenjs.. Ursula Oradisek.... Peter Jellar ....... Jacob Zalts ....... Peter Bragant .... T^onard Hoi ask..., Helens KrlsUif..... f » » M M t I M 7.00 •51.00 14.00 14.00 7.00 86.00 14.00 14.00 10.00 14.00 9.00 2.00 10.00 M.00 Hlus Bresovsek ,... 18.00 Martin Klarloh..........2.00 John Malovasich... 4,00 Mary Paullts ............14.00 ..................i 18X)0 ..........................2.0o Philip Beber ...........J8.00 Frank Kauclc ..... 14.00 Rudolph Počivalnik. 14.00 Mary Jenlker ..........10.00 Mary Rom .........14.00 kJBL. 218 Jennie Shoemaker John Bake rich 288 Velma Miller 242 Matt Hoet 844 Zora Halusky 266 Štefana Tutin 267 Ruth Addis 289 Veronica Abramovich 276 Henry Bruno 289 JoMphlne Halapla 292 John H. Navish 297 Mary Cunja 299 Mike M a roao Frank German 800 Rose Posek 804 Henry Barich 808 Victor Kershul 817 Georfe Paich Daniel Yuris Sara Rebleh 826 Mary Rukse 888 Helen Zupanclch ö-k »ratal latalk .7 14.00 ................. ., 2.00 John Ambrose ... .. 16.00 William Miller .. .. u.od Frank Pervinsek ., 14.00 Anton Zafar .... .. 2.00 Mary Wolfe..... 18.00 Anton Tratnik .. 2.00 Mihael Bukovec . .. 14.00 John Zdolsek..... ,. '8.00 Fabyan Horvat.. .. 12.00 Fred Debelak ... .v 8.00 Jacob Sta ret* vie h .. 11.00 .. 1.04» ............. .. 12.00 Georfe Stiflieh., .. 18.00 An toa Rosanec .... Valentine Laharnar Tom Pavliok ...... I) II M I I II 8.00 9.00 14.00 2.00 12.00 12.00 680 John Andrews 681 Henry Kramar 888 Henrietta Mallnoski Goldie Eflar 884 Frank Staut 800 Dorothy Belihar 667 Antonia Traven Joseph Kravos 889 Bernadr Kramet 676 Nlek Rvantush ^ 670 Paul BuneU 688 Kreda Orlic 609 William Bono 718 Albert Pedan Stephan Stefano Edward Klais 720 Frank Vretarle 788 Donald Sajalovirh Jacob Bei......... 26.00 Louis Dornlk.....V 4.00 Anfela Sehnellar., 11.00 f 847 Ann Evanovich «..i............... 14.00 Jean Walnu ..............<•••• 18.011 26.00 868 Josephine Sobol Slavko Jerfovic..,. ía.tMi 888 Frances Merclna Thomas M reina ... 14.00 888 Olga Mesfec Frank Klemene.,.. 11.(Ml 872 Raymtinii Hodnik 18.00 Thomas O'Brien 14.00 Anthony Rosic..... 26,00 887 Mary Knaus ■ - * 12.00 Krances Shega 4.00 16.00 888 Frank Sajko 18.00 898 William Gerflch 14.00 898 Mike Maynarich Jacob YakMkovic... 7.00 408 Helen Novak Mary Kvaternik ,.. 8.00 419 Pauline Landsman Martin PrasnlRar., 14.00 482 Anton Kastelle 18;00 488 Anton Adleeich Marko Podnar .... 9.00 447 Vincsnt Hoyak Mary Pipan ....... 8.00 449 Bern Ice Sedlar Jacob Adam ...... 111.00 494 Marfaret Skoda Anton Zupanclch ,, 2.00 499 Anton Golob 8.00 608 Edward Pleaivee. Frank Kraaevich ., 18.00 617 Ella Krans * 18.00 680 John Yurleh Marko Govorcln ,.. 14.00 888 Anna Sparlah 1.00 686 Frank Kotnik Jennie Penehalk ,.. 14.00 669 Gladys Warblek ,,,.......,,,..1.41 18,00 Frank Jenko i II i in 111 11 11 ii O 14.00 Donald J, Lotrieh.. 27.00 John Sehneider.... 18.00 Gabriel Uljan..........4.00 ,.i...II.,......I.« 11.00 ,«,,.<.<'>.«•><<><>< 1 «Oí Joesph Klun ....... 12.00 Leo Setiwelfer ,... 9.00 Mary KonehSn .... 1.00 ..,i.,,>I,.......,, 14.00 N.00 Mary Durleko..........28.00 Kred 0*Karn ...... 2.00 Mike Staudohar.... 2.00 Krank Pavlatlch ... 6.00 Frank Juvan...... 8.00 Christine Gaul .... 8.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 Michael Roslfnoll., 6.00 Celia Zier ........ 4.00 Aufust Trt ton .... 8.00 TOTAL........81.188.00 f. A. Vidtr, Supreme Sec'y. 411 4M 4M MI 47« 117 IM IM M7 14* Vukwtor SM, MI MI SM MI aaph Potrorala II«, Prank Taihan IM, Joooph Buhaialalk IM, Praak Toaiatl« IM. Math l*ork MI. Jaaok Braaalnik 117 M. Suno Plak IHM, Praak Rlokuoar |7>. M«r«aroth Oratakaa IM. Antan Cama Ml. Annio Stovoaa M ViHaf tSfdff Sí®- Mlak SoAar III, J.amph Ma«al |M Praak Oarlan Ml Praak Maraa IM Mary Tuakar M4, VlatarU Aaiah »40 Batil K umor ||«. Mika O. Marank.« M«. Pkilip Bar« IM Patar Lakaalak |M Martin SakrajaaS |M A nato Brujloh M ata Paralo M. Dim ii ra Orara* IM, Mik» Bkaabarlak IM. Jaka Jaoana«Mi IM. Mlak Maltah «M. Juro Ba«oaaj MS Akmte Plaajak Ml. ■ -r Aataa Matlaak MS, Jaaapk Rrullook MS. Jaka bamlc SM, Letrraaaa patruaa 144 Mary lÁpmm M. Praaata Ra.no» 117, Mary Maaroar 117. Mary Uljoa M Marto Drak MS JaBn ( Motom a Ml Praak RaapataM M* Afidfewaeii 019 M Sa«ar lil, Aaaa Pa«araoa IM. Hary Baurti M», Ka«a r i na Jaak Ml. Aataa Po#o4 |M, tm Pa«a( lil Barbara Paala M Aaa Saaar #7. Raa« PMotalk Ml. Mar-garal Pa« |B. JaaapkMta MHhHIM IIS. Lautao BaMln#or M Marlla Akram |l« MS Jiaaehlna Kau* M« Mft I golilo Vlohor M. Rra Viaiaarljovioh M, Mary A. Simon trk IM «M (i«or«o Mlaj Ml. 7M William Knaat III. 71« Jeaaie K imatar I M. 711 Raao Pintar M 7M Aneo!. Auman NM. 7M Lauiaa Uatar IM. 741 Rllaan C, Kanohaa |l 744 Aana Kall M 7M Plaranoo MarUnao I» 7M Boa ir loo R. Poronoo MM. 7M Julia l>aar M BKI'PAJ TOTAL M MS M pomolal Mjaik -Aat'l Boo'y. et* JM^^i M Društvene priredbe Veselica društva 221 Edleon, Kana. — Pri nalem društvu Karl Marx 22ft SNPJ ae pripravljamo na predpustno veselico, ki ae vrli v dvorani v Campi »0 OTie 22. febr., priletek ob 7. zvečer. Vstopnina 2Ac in iSc. Uljudno vabimo vae ¿lana na-tega druitva, kakor tudi vae is sosednjih naaelbin. Tudi iz Minerala ne pozabite. Imeli bomo dobro godbo osmih mot, namreč orkester 'Polka Dota" Johna Kruaicha. Odbor bo tudi skrbel, da ne bo ničesar manjkalo za lajne In lačne, Člani našega društva ao vstopnine prosti, ker bodo plačali društveno dok lado 2A In ISc pri a-aeamentu, Zato vaa tudi proalm, da plačate aaeament v pravem čaau, ker Ima ta meaec le 2S dni. Torej na svidenje v soboto zvečer na veselici. Anna Jelovchan, tajnica. SLOVKNSKI ZDRAVNIK Offlae Pkaaai Oataria VIM Baa. Pkaaai N. CUm— 14M Dr. Herrjr M, Mentón PKVBICIAM a SUB4BOM 484 Tea til Street • Wsakafsa, IMael« Mourn i S.II A. M.. M A 14 P M. WM |.||, ans is.ll A. at. aaly POSKUSITI ČISTA PKIBODNA ZDRAVILA— ZRUSČNK ČAJB Stav. 1. PRSNI CAJ-aa aaa, SI trpe vsled kaklja ali Utkafs dihanja od prehlada. Cana $1 00 sa paket Stav. 2. IBLODČNI CAJ-aa íaa, kl trpe radi ftelodfnefa ali 8re-vasnsfS nerade i pllaa 8faviee VlUd IftlÄffRi i®* M14,112 members on st 8 p. m„ has been changed to Jan. 1, 1940, and a total of 13,458, Mance's Hall, which wss formally members on Jan. 1, 1941, which ^^TT1 i*? •will be furnished by Martin Kuko- meana a decrease of «54 mem bers during the past year; if we subtract the decrease in the juvenile department from the increase in the adult department, the total increase in both departments is 485 members. The total assets of the adult department as of Jan. 1, 1941, were $7,935,204.05, and the total assets of the Juvenile department were $583,956.11, bringing the total amount of both departments at the end of the year to $8,519,160.16,—The total Increase in assets in 1940 was $371,227.93. A total of 368 members, with a total insurance of $263,600, died In 1940. The grestest number of deaths resulted from heart disease (105), in the second place is cancer (52) and ln the third tuberculosis (30).—In 1940 there were 720 operations, the majority of these wer^ appendectomy (184) and in second place hernia (105); the Society paid out the total amount of $47,-112.50 for operations. In the same period the Society paid a total amount of $6495 for 34 disability claims; the majority cases of disability (15) were paid out for the loas of fingers and (12) for the loss of eyesight. Supreme Assistant Sccrctary CJ red 1 wek reported that during the first half of 1940 the SNPJ paid a total of $209.324.97 in sick benefit, and in the second half (wriod a total of $183.964 74, or a grand total of $393,289.72 for the entire year. All the details of these beno-fiU paid out will be published in the official minutes. The Judicial Committee had under consideration only five cases of complaints In this period, which means that disputes among members are steadily decreasing,- There was a lengthy debate concerning the Proevcta and the majority of the Supreme Board members expressed its opinion that It would be better If Pro-sveta in IU articles and letters would pay more attention to our own problems snd less to world politics. Since the 12th regular convention of the SNPJ is approaching. the Boafd devoted considerable time to preparations. ,. It was decided that the 12th regular convention of the SNPJ will open on September 15. 1941, in Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania, In a downtown hotel convenient to transportation* in the center of the city. A motion by Bro. Ter-¿elj. Judiciary Committee member, that the convention be held at the Slovene Home, received only two votes—because It was vich and his Commanders. This dance Is sponsored by our softball team. A cordial invitation is extended to all neighboring lodges, also our local lodge the Jadrsnska Vila lodge 317 to attend. We welcome into our midst Kay Brits and Ray Gebrosky to become active members. An effort has been made this year to bring all new members into our midst we possibly can. I urge all Marines to attend the regular monthly meetings each month, ror there will be many plans to discuss for the future ac-tivltles of our lodge. - JOSEPHINE NAPONIC, Lodge 708. Lodge 16 Will Stage Big Dance Feb. 22 MILWAUKEE, WIS.-SNPJ lodge Slogs 18 will sponsor s big dsnce Saturday evening, reb. 22, at the K. P. Hall, 102ft W. National A featuring good music. Refreshments will be served. Admmission is only 30c. Wo cordially invite all member« and friends to attend. This year our Lodge celebrates its 38th anniversary as a unit of our good orgsn last Ion—the Slovene National Benefit Society which is one of the best fraternal societies founded on decomratic and free-thought principles. We are glad to see our sged members coming to our monthly meetings and express the sstisfaction, that the hard Detroit Highlights DETROIT, MICH.—Recently, Bro. Milan Medvesek, supreme board member, paid Detroit a visit He digested much talk about our need for a new Slovene National Home. Three new members snd two transfers were accepted Into Young Americsn lodge 804, with three new proposals. The.s^mbership in good standing is 34£niut still our members sre not working herd enough during this campaign. Offices vacated by draftees were filled st our meeting. Brother Jane, who recently transferred from Lodge 121, and Bro. Ray Travnik were elected delegates to SNPJ Pederation. Bro. Bob Travnik was elected to represent Young Americans at the Slovene National Home Society. Brother Charles Kaitner was elected Chairman of entertainment committee, and Sister Lillian Grum, Asssitant sergeant-at-arms. Young Americans decided to continue the affiliation with J. S. P. The literature that was distributed was gladly accepted by the members. Young Americans Lodge went on record that the calendars for 1941 were very satisfactory and that they hope the SNPJ continues to print calendars of the same type in the future. We are sorry, Little Port Lodge, that your letter requesting an ad came a little late. We hope your 18th Anniversary was a success. Letters and cards from our first draftee, Bro. Hribar*who now is in California, were read by our members and enjdyed. Young American's girls and boys bowling teams, which consist of 80 girls snd 48 boys, received $200 from the lodge treasury for new shirts and dresses. Plans sre being made by team managers to send some teams to Chicago and Cleveland to compete ln the invitational tournaments. Brother Planick was elected to represent our Lodge on the National Bowling Tournament Committee, with Bob Travnik and A1 Peternal. Taffy Domovina band from Bar-berton, Ohio, will play March 18 at the Young America's 18th Anniversary Dance to be held at Slovene Workers' Home. Johnny Pecon Is to plsy st Hro-vat's farm for Young Americans picnic, Aug. 10. Drawing at meeting: Emma Ru-gel and Bob Bablch were not present to receive award. Our S. N. D. delegate reported that the Society will issue more shares, to be ready in a week. Many Young American members have been trying to buy shares, but none Were available for three years. ^ I had the privilege of seeing movies filmed by Anton Jutca Jr. on his trip around the world. They are the best I have seen yet. He has promised to show them to the Young Americans Lodge. OLD TIMER, Lodge 884. earned money paid for Insurance In SNPJ Is the best Investment Don't forget thst, members of SNPJ. We invite you sll to join with us snd be happy. ANTON TRATNIK, President StrugglerS CLEVELAND. —Our February meeting proved to be a very Interesting one even though a very small number of members showed up. What seems to be trouble? We have tried to make the meetings In the past very interesting but it seems as If something Is lacklng*-whst can It be? The officers of 1941 have In mind several novel ideas, but what is the use if so very few members attend the meetings. With such enthusiastic officers as Louis Marolt, Andy Htls and Louts Ysppel. your scribe feels confident that Strugglers are going plaees in IN I. You will help us. wont you? Remember thai oo-<>l>eistlon from the membership Is easentla! slso, so how shout you snd you coming down to attend our meeting on March 8 at the Slovene Workmen's Home? We'll be ex-Parting you. As an added feature the Strug-gler Lodge has again adopted the hank nlte award beginning next month, and the first sward will be two dollars. If the member wtwee name has been drawn first. Is present, he receives the sum of two dollsrs; If atieenl. then naime will be drswn until the name of a mem bfr who Is present will receive one dollar, the other dollar will added on the nest award. Every month two dollars will be thr Bank Nlte Award. Don't you think It » worth II? Our new president has to his credit one new member whom we Initiated at our last meeting. May I introduce Loraine Cebul. We are happy to have you with us, Loraine. and I'm sure the entire membership feels the same way. May you bring in a flock of new members! And girls, I heard she bowls s mean game; how about taking her with us to the National Tournament? And by the way, the Second Invitations! Tournament takes place on March 8 and B at the Omarlo Recreation. 8818 Superior Ave. All who are interested contact Andy Sila at 1430« Sylvia Ave., LI 2128. or Marolt at 884 E 140th as soon as possible On the matrimonial side we find two Srugglers who have taken that fstal step Congratulations from the entire Struggler lodge to John Telisman and Anna Vuga who were married on Jan. 18. At our laet Entertainment Committee meeting the members were surprised by a Valentine party given by Chairman Louis Marolt Here Is one member who has the interest of the lodge at heart and has gone out of his way to make Strugglers one of the most active of eny SNPJ lodge He has wonderful Ideas and carries them out too, so our hsta are off to you. Lou! Have you secured that ad yet? How about each member submitting a patroft ad in our SouVenir Buok-iet? t>6r Anniversary Dance should hea humdinger as each snd every memher of the Entertainment Com-! ForwardAH Loyalites! CLEVELAND.—By the time this column gets into print we'll be talking about the grand time we had In Detroit at the Wolverine Snow Frolic. Several cor loads of Loyalites followed Yankle to Detroit where he and his orchestra supplied the music and the rest of the Loyalites had a grand time. Another group of Loyalites attended the Barber ton's "Heart-to Heart'' dance. Needless to say that as always they too had one grand time. It Is our regret that we cannot be triplets or some such so that we could participate in all these functions which are held on the same day. On the same Saturday, the Universal Comets' dance also took place. Pittsburgh, by the way, was paid a visit by three Loyalites the proceeding Saturday. They arrived rather late but In time to spend a few hours in the compaSy of Mike Kumer, Dan Fabec and sisters, Frank Prevec, the gjkng from Struthers, John Rickert, and a great many others. We also rolled our duck-pin game with two Pennsy fellows, Rudy and Ed. I guess we better stick to ten-pins. We did our best to attend the farewell party for Beachey Bruce according to our promise but again we lost our way in the hills of Pennsylvanls, so we'll hsve to bid you goodby till next year by way of this column. Come to think of It, Beachey, why not coatinuc writing your column? You should have plenty to tell us about Uncle Sam and his men. Although this year the Loyalites do not have any official man bowling teams, yet the Loyallto fellows are busy bowling each week on Other teams. It Is certainly a four-star team thst bowls each Monday at the Waterloo Recreation. Cast your eyes on the following scores for their last.three-game series and youll se that these boys are going to give everyone some stiff com-petion at the National SNPJ Bowling Tournament in Detroit this year. Frank Cheligoy bowled 840, Andy Zadfll 524, Paggy Yakos 571, Stan Zupon 838, Marty Paul 887. NlcS going, fellows. Peggy, by the way, hit 8 strikes In a row which was pretty darn cfoSe to s perfect game. Hope you make It next time. All lodges are reminded that the Eastern Invitational Tournament Is to be held ln Cleveland March 8 and 0 at the Omlralo alleys. Get into the groove tee the National Tournament by attending this one f|rst All the Cleveland lodges are cooperating to show all those out-(of-towners one grand time over this weekend. Frank Yankovlc and his orchestra will provide the music for the dsnce Saturday evening. This week we'd like to send our most sincere welcome and best wishes to our neighbor lodge, the Strugglers. We've heard some mighty nice things sbout you recently. With the aetive leadership of Andy Sils and several others In the Lodge it shouldn't take long for the Strugglers to come out of their hibernstion. The Loyalites are going to be all there at the Smugglers' Headpin tournament on May 8 and a. FLASH! Encircle ln red this very day, April 13, Loyally Easter dance. The dance will start at 7 p. m. and it's no need to assure you that as in other years you'll be glad you earns. DOROTHY ROSSA, 800 SNPJ Midwest Pin Tourney^ and Dance, Saturday-Sunda Lucky Stars9 News IMPERIAL, PA. —The Feb. 9 meeting of Lucky Stars was well attended and all business carried out In good order. The Federation delegates gave a good report and stated the meeting was interesting and plenty of business was done. The 'lodge approved the payment of five cents per member to the federation. Work was started on the coming convention suoh as delegate, merger and a by-laws committee. The lodge agreed there are plenty of Improvements to be made in our Society and convention time is the right time to do it. A committee was elected 4e be in charge of the entertainment and meals at the April conference which will be held at Imperial. The lodge endorsed the coming federation bowling tournament to be held in Sygan on April 27. The next social affair of Lucky Stars will be a dance in the local Slovene Hall, Saturday, April 28. Kindly keep this date open and come to Imperial. From reports, our Jan. 28 dance was a success in spite of inclement weather. Many members affiliated with our Federation requested the publishing of the Fed. minutes in the Prosveta. JAMES M. MAGLICH, Lodge 718. Lodge 540 Enjoys Big Meeting Attendance ELIZABETH. N. J —Lodge 840 Is again broadcasting its news notes, In this the first srtide of 1941. The first two monthly meetings of the year. January and February, were well attended. We want to welcome Frank Pass rich and Frank Clpoth to our adult department and hope you both enjoy being with the rest of us Dan Cupid has fbund his mark In Sophie Clpoth. who is one of the very charming daughters of Joseph Clpoth Sr. She has recently announced her cngsgement to Eugene Schwelkert. The wearing of the orange blossoms will take place this coming summer. Congrstulstions to you both. Mary Skarl snd Mike Brstnik 8r were both reported on the sick list end we ere glad to hear both have recovered. Members, the next important meeting will take place Sunday. Msrch 9. at 2 p. m. All sre urged to attend Let's make this another well st tended gathering MARY PEZDIHC Lodge 840 1W treater Ike efelorle the Sbr> la a%srea*iag it -MOLIERE SNPJ Keystoners SHARON, PA.—Lodge Keystoners are Just as active as they were a year or more ago and are still progressing. We have some very good writers in President Joe Valentin-clc, A1 Cvelbar, A1 Gorence, Mrs. George Timko, our charming Evelyn Trobentar, -»and the Kvocak brothers. All they need is a little encouragement and they'll be as good as some of Prosveta's best writers. Our last meeting was well attended and very interesting. However, I noticed that some of our newly-weds are forgetting to attend the meetings as they used to. Don't let thst stop you. Mske her or him a Keystoner and come to our meetings together. For instance, Frances Bicek, our lightning bbwlerette, soon will be Mrs. Sammy O'Dell. Bring him in for our new member. We are very proud to wclcome a new juvenile member, Eleanor Zag-ger, Treasurer Jack Zaggcr's daughter, and with her lovely voice, Circle 21 is heading for more talent. We all hope that it will be the very popular Paulenich sisters and brothers for our next month's transfer members. The quartet Is one of the most popular out-of-town SNPJ dance supporters, since our traveling bachelors faded out. Frankie Rosman is really the "lone-somest" traveling bachelor around these parts. Much credit goes to our past President A1 Cvelbar for the capablc manner in which he brought our lodge to the front, and we are very glad we still have him in one of our offices. Girls! If youcronly knew what a Greek god we have tor president. Come to our Spring Dance on April 2« and convince yourselves. The Morning Star girls and boys have already given their promise and will be here 100*. The tickets are selling like hot cakes. Our girls arc also selling tickets for a bingo and card party to be held at the Slov. Home Sunday evening, March 2. Nellie Culina is the chairlady of the affair, and is working hard to make it a success. It took snowshovels and knee boots to get to the Morning Stars' dance Feb 8, but the Paulenich trio, Frank Cvelbar. Bessemer and Struthers gang and myself, got there just the same, not saying what time There were several others there slso. including Rose Mlakar, our nightingale. Rudy Locnlskar and our star bowlers, the Kvocak brothers and sisters. We met such other standbys ss Mike Kumer. Larry Caasels. Tony Progsr. A! Prevec. Msry Hallch. Chris Ksus. Rudy Kruk. Beeehey Bruce. Sylvia Fabec, the Paul Kluns and lovely dsughter. and many more names I can't remember. We were sorry to find our very good friend Johnny Ujclch In bed with the flu. (Hope he's well by now) Our thanks to Mrs Ujclch for the wonderful hospitality. Those planning to attend our April 28 dance and wishing to stay overmght, please get In too«* with yours truly at 1017 Cedar Ave.. Shawn. Pa . and arrangements will he made FRANCES NOVAK ' Lodge 788. y CHICAGO.—Sunday, Feb. 23, is that you are a real member by at, the time when the Midwest SNPJ, tending and helping at w ha lev» Bowlers will assemble in the South- post you may be asked to aid With1 west Alleys, 1889 S. Blue Island the success of the dance we have Ave., here in Chicago, to participate much to gain, also with the succJ ' of the tourney. Dp your part by do. ing your fraternal duty at this tw* day affair! Remember, to avoid sr*. cial assessment in our-lodge'* tlJ support your lodge affairs. Every member is requested to pay for all sold tickets, also for the tick, et for which each member must pay We'll be looking for you Saturday. Lodge News Sis. Helen Yanwlenich is on the sick list. Please pay her a visit. We wish her a speedy recovery. Su. Agnes Mejasch is nursing her in-jured hand. At our regular monthly meeting we had a fkfcpr number of member* present; after the meeting we had plenty of refreshments, and after that we went bowling. We all enjoyed a good and happy ending of a perfect day. So you "stay-away-members," can you spare a little of your itme for your lodge meeting!' We are sure that those who are married could attend meetings and induce single members to attend. Let's acquire the habit of attending thi meetings and thereby practice fra-ternalism by cultivating friendship at these monthly gatherings. MICHAEL R. FLEISCHHACKER, Secretary. in the annual bowling tournament. 30 Teams Entered The following eight lodges have entered teams In the Tournament: Pioneer lodge 559 entered nine teams, eight men's doubles and fourteen men's singles; four girls' teams, five girls' doubles and two girls' singles. Integrity lodge 631 entered five mens' teams, two doubles men's teams, five men's singles, and two girls' teams. Badger» lodge 584 entered three men's teams, four men's doubles, eight men's singles; one girls' team, two „girfik' doubles, and five girls' singles. Little Fart lodge 588 entered two girls' teams, four girls' doubles, eight girls' singles. Jolly Allls lodge 888: one men's team, two men's doubles, three men's singles. Mohawks lodge 573: one men's team, three men's doubles, six men's doubles. Lodge 88) one men's team. Lodge 14s one men's team. A total of 21 men's teams and nine girls' teams will perticipate in the tourney. Chicago is very well represented, with 12 Pioneer teams, 7 Integrity teams and one lodge 86's team, or with a total of 21 out of 30 teams entered in the tourney. This is not what it really should be; we should have more lodges and teams represented at this tournament. Prise Awards The prize money will not be announced at this time for certain reasons, for which the Integrity lodge Is not responsible. It will be Reported at the next Midwest Athletic meeting. you that what is coming to the winners—they will get the full share of it as soon as everything is straightened out. The Integrity lodge wishes to thank all lodges who sent in their entries. Tournament Dance A cordial invitation is extended to all lodges and friends to attend our Tournament Dance Saturday, Feb. 22, at the SNPJ Hall. Music will be furnished by the Omerza-Gradisek orchestra, which is well known to many SNPJ members in this section. We also plan to have John Benton's Trio in the lower hall. The refreshments stand will be well taken care of by our crews behind the bar and by our ladies in the kitchen. So on to Chicago Feb. 22 and 23! To the Integrity members: It is your duty to cooperate in this undertaking. We depend on you and your help. We need you! Do not fall us Saturday and Sunday! Show Bridgeport Cardinals Report Progress BRIDGEPORT, O.—At our February meeting we had a grand turnout; in fact, the last few meetings we've had a better attendance than usual. Keep up the good spirit, Cardinals! We had two members transferred from Lodge 13. Welcome, Mary and Nevertheless, we assure John Longer. After the meeting, we all enjoyed a Valentine party, with each member receiving one or more cbmlc valentine», followed by refreshments and penny bingo. On Feb. 1st, two carloads of Cardinals attended the Strabane Pio- I neer darttfe Music was furnished by Ohio's 4oost popular orchestra, Taffy and his Domovina band of Bar-berton. They are really one of the finest orchestras we've ever heard. And do they go to town with their polkas and popular tunes! They are very popular also in Pennsylvania. We are hoping to have them ptay j for one of our dances. Johnny UK, cich and his friends of Mornin| 1 Stars were also present. (Don't for- j get to comc to our next affair.) Secretary Helen Strauss is vacationing in Cleveland for a few J weeks, and we hope she is enjoying | herself to the fullest.—Our ne«t meeting will be held in the Slovene Hall on Monday, March 3. Let'» make it a record turnout. Mrs. FRANCES PARK, Lodge 640. , FLASHES CHICAGO. ILL. —All Pioneers aro urged to a(£end the next meeting of the lodge Friday, Feb. 21, at the SNPJ Hall. Among the important items to be taken up at the meeting will be the Invitational Tourney and the Tourney Dance of March 22 and 23. We expect to initiate a number of new members and thus continue our splendid stride. In addition, we sre going to have report on the bowling league, and a report on the selection of our social affairs for 1941. The Entertainment Committee has something special for this meeting. The cash award will include six dollars and an extra dollar for the juveniles.' Thirteen Pioneer teams will compete in the Midwest SNPJ Bowling Tourney Sunday at the Southwest Alleys. It is expected that the Pioneers will make s good showing in the Tourney which is under direction of Integrity Lodge 831. A good many of the bowlen^Will also attend the Integrity Tourney Dance Saturday night at the SNPJ Hall. If you have no other place to go Sunday, stop at the Southwest Alleys and watch the cream of the Midwest bowling crop go after the local titles. The annual meeting of the Jugoslav Savings and Loan Association is scheduled for the Slovene Labor Center Saturday. Feb 22. at 8 p. m The financial report will show a will recuperate at home much unproved condition for the J.\ sociatlon. The earnings have increased and the real estate ha» been liquidated to a great extent whj the reserves are being improved All members shoi/ffl try to be pro-ent Pioneers participated In three atrial affairs last week-end Fridtf night they helped entertain the Supreme Board members at a supper and social at Berger s Hotel Saturday night, a good many of thy «» sponded to the call of Nsda U** for their Valentine dance and part) And, on Saturday and Sunday many of them helped to celebrate Lit» Fort's 15th Anniversary at thr vene Hall in Waukegan Those wm drove their cars Included Frank v* mar, Frank Groser. Frsnk Zordaw. Frank Lotrlch. Ed Laben (who a s steady visitor in Wsukefai» the Pioneer Secretary Others r with the "pilots." Jean Beeufford announce U* rival of a youngster in the frj* Jean is visiting with her f»™*^ Livingston. Ill — Aathory who is residing temporarily * lywod. California, was in mobile accident recently and w-plared on the sick list -In Irene De&antis snd Ifna« »«"T are on the tick list Brother ^ man underwent an sppendi* tton at the Loretto Hospital has left the boitai ~ (CaeUBM« *a * / • y w*ek Oft the President's Bat By Louis Santo« F "SftSSy announced tail byi months of the It ress. . ^__^ „« in membership gain» ^ht month are common. -rftSSnhe eight-month *, ^ed the 1000 mart, J CTwant to reach the W « wewant to reach th« SÂÎ of 3000 new adult and ^ ' "L,-* by the end of efforts. ~~ of m 1 i, the anniversary year < ^SI/» as well as the convention •7 Vinciety Our lodges i we cannot be over-confident push the work to a sue i^ul conclusion. Henry Ford. Labor Union Enemy 1 stubbornly refuses to abide '¿Sbor laws. Last fall government contracts were awarded to Bev-«1 labor law violators, notably Itahnn Steel and the Ford com-JT Since then labor demanded yt'tbe government abide by its Uterm-nt to refuse contracts to violators. ¿Membership L official^ »J that the results 101 r~.\ sponsors. The program in the after- k* ™rJ nt the drive show deft pon,illted of „,„.. DreSent*d By J. F. Fifolt, 956 CLEVELAND.—Slovene Library's 35th anniveraary celebration Feb. 9 exceeded the expectation of ita h fluently the War Department enhanced that it had refused to grant t contract to Henry Ford because he vould not agree to obey the labor But old Henry is tricky prngh to circumvent any law as as the government will handle with kid gloves. The govern has power to force any recal-nt employer to bargain collec ¿vely and to sign the contracta. Last Saturday the 77-year-old ito king said that the United States give England and the Axis "the tools to keep on fight-until they both collapse." And "lincerely hopes" that neither England nor the Axis powers will the struggle. Evidently, he is ¡furmg on the reaping of fat prof by American money kings like limielf after the ruin of the Euro-continent. ^ Herb Graffis devotes his column the Chicago Times of February 17 1 Louis Adamic who last week was lonored with a degree from Tern University and the $1000 Anis prize for his book "From Many " Graffis states that Louie from Slovenia, and later on to him as "this Slovak kid." Bus sort of thing is encountered toquently, and never fails to be an-loyed. noon consisted of songs presented by various Singing Societies and its members, talks by Mr. Zorman and Judge Lausche, which 'met the hearty approval of the crowd in attendance. A one act also was given under the direction of Mrs. A. Simcic with A. Eppich in the leading role. Anne Cebul, member of the St. Clair circle, in a> supporting role continued to show promise of developing into a well worth while addition to Cankar's dramatic group. The dance in the evening drew the younger crowd, which sqd to say ahould have been more in evidence at the afternoon performance. - Johnnny Stritof, one of Comrades' most eligible batchlors, is wearing himself to a shadow dashing out of sight whenever mothers who have % eligible daughters ap pear. They all agree he would make a splendid son-in-law. Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. on Feb. 23 at the SND, dramatic ao-ciety Ivan Cankar will present "Kurentova Nevesta" (Kurent's Bride). In the evening a dance will follow with music by the Vad-nal group. You and I know the English interpretation of "nevesta" but how about "Kurentova." They tell me Frank Plut will play this role, likened somewhat to "Puck" in Midsummer Night's Dream or Robin Good Fellow, a character in English folklore famed for disturbing the peace of families. Mrs. Simcic informed me there is a surprised ending. Cankar deserves your sup port and certainly merits full at tendancc. No need to remind you a little more than a week from tonight you and your friends should be tripping the light fantastic at the SND to the music of Johnny Pecon. March lat is the date. Indicationa point to a capacity crowd. Fast and furious, that's our motto this year. The following Saturday, March 8, will the Cleveland Athletic affair with muaic by Frankie Yankovic. This will be in connection with the 2nd Eastern Invitational Bowling Tournament. If you have not as yet made it a point, send in your entry blanks now. by the local Slovenes and friends. The affair turned out very successful. Prominent Slovenes and sports notables were present Comrades who served on various committees and performed a swell job were, Mary Zak, Dani Fifolt. Alblna Ve-har and Heine Martin. Rather disagree with No. Calif. Federation's resolution criticising our friend the editor whenever he pens an item at the end of an article that rubs againat his grain I personally have enjoyed these always hoping a constructive argu-mentive war would reault. I'd never admire the man or any other editor if any remarks in my column againat the principles of the Society or against his personal ideas were paased by unanswered. All indications point to the fact that the Midwest Bowling Tournament Sunday, Feb. 23, should exceed any of their previoua undertakings. We wish them success. Glasbena Matica is rehearsing diligently for their Spring Concert to be held at the SND on March 16 The program will consist of Slo vene folk songs that should strike a responsive chord among old and young. Be sure to set this date aside. Juvenile Circles , Circle 22 Will Give Play and Dancer Will Meet February 28 MIDWAY. PA.—Circle "Voice of Youth" 22 held 'its first meeting of the year, Friday, Jan. 31. The following new officers were elected: Helen Prebeg, pres.; Steve Turkaly, vice-pres.; Rose Marie Koatelich, sec'y; Margaret Petach, rec. sec'y; Wilma Kosem, tre^s. Our members are embroidering patches which the ladies are going to quilt, and we are going to have a drawing. At the Federation meeting on Jan. 26 at Pittsburgh, it was suggested that we stage a short play at Presto. A dance will be sponsored by our Circle on June 28. Joe Kramer's orchestra will furnish the music Our next meeting ylll be held Fri day, Feb. 28. All members are asked to attend. ANN SALOUM, Circle 22. Roundup Circle 28 Will Hold Meeting Sunday. March 2nd ROUNDUP, MONT.—Circle 28 met at their regular monthly meet ing on Feb. 2. Wo discussed cur rent business and decided that the secretary send letters to Circles 18 and 26. Our play netted $2.70 We also decided to have a club meeting of our Circle the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p. m. Everyone is bringing his hob by along at this time, und we oil plan to have a good time. Adlinc Hilderman's name was called for jackpot, but she wus absent. Bingo was played after the meeting and a good time was had by all. All members are requested to at tend the next meeting. Sunday March 2. We plan to play bingo and have entertainment. VIOLA KERZAN, Secretary. On March 1st, while the Com rades are frolicking upstairs, v&nlson dinner will be served in the lower hall by Glasbena Matica It looks like a large evening that night. -y—- • J. Jrs.' Brig-hUpots LIBRARY, PA —SNPJ lodge 882 held a dance last Saturday. In the past few months, our members have attended many lodge affairs, namely, Harmarvtlle, Verona, Canons-burg, and reported a good time. The ES Fed. of Western Pa. plans,Circle 4 Plan 2nd Spring to hold a bowling tournament and,Concert; Lodge 16 Dance Feb. 22 dance at Sygan in the near future. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—As already Also, to have a large representation announced ln iait week's Prosveta at the tournament In Detroit May 3 clrde 4 ^ planning to sUge its sec and 4. A delegation of J. Z. Jrs. ond annual spring Concert on Sat are planning to attend. urday, April 26. ^t the SST hall. Art Peternel is down in Charles- AU members are'urged to attend ton on a job. Johnny Brebach is at slnging rehearsals ahd circle meet- an N.Y.A. school at WUliamsport. lngg And lhU Saturday, Feb. 22, Congratulations to two members of lhc SNpJ lodge 1(J wlu hold a dancc this lodge on being on the executive at the K p han( corner oi So. 20th board of the ES Federation, namely, and w National AW Let's support Frances Dermotta and Emily Krall, by aUendin'i and making this also to other officers elected or re- their biggest affatf. ft. Wilton Lodge Will Meet Each 3d Sunday LOS ANGELES. CALIF.—SNPJ ■odge Mt. Wilson 615 urges all mem-*rs to attend meetings which are each third Sunday of the 'th ^t 10 a. m. at Knights of Pythias Hall, 4623 Whittier Blvd. of 84 members the same few ■told meetings every month. Let's e a better attendance and get Wluaintcd. Dues and assessments are due the tot of each month. Brothers and »ters, it* is not the duty of the sec-KUry to pay your assessments, so P»7 by the last of the month and ro" won't risk being suspended. The are your own, the risk ■wM 1* also. Our Society is P«»pi in paying its obligations, and must be prompt in paying ours. p on time with your dues. A May dance is being planned by w committee for Saturday, gy J, at the IWO Croatian Hall, »■0 Ford Blvd. Let', get together make it a success. MARY KOTCHNIK, Secretary. So. Chicago's Column jolo Rockict Sponsor «ï Dance Feb. 22 £?? C0IX) -A a-11™und "J lti dance will be given by the kiC* lod«p Satur- Z bZT Frb- 22' Washing- birthday at the Slovene Hall, Cv d at -Atumtion out American Slovene centers there pttrlZt' J lod«* 240' The | will he an unwanted reflection of flrj(, .*UI ** beld In the our abilities Chicago Slovenes can lW. the unk building, best assume the leadership roles ex- Ui n' Am,'r»c»n I ¿eg km pretrd of them by greater partlel- JOjtN Cp.i4,'rnd pation In the activitaw of thrlr ACI1EN Secretary, n lodges and cultural institutions. the next meeting. Friday, Feb. 28. DOROTHY KARUN. Vice Pres are guests of the integrity lodge. The tournament will attract many members. Many who aren't going to bowl can have a good time at the' . .. „ j. ^ dance on Saturday evening. The ^J® 11 f"1"**. _ Sentinels will be there , . Last Next Meeting Sunday. March 2 year the Sentinels entered a team in ' GIRARD, KAN8 —The February the Pioneers' Handicap tournament. | mee ting of Circle 11 was held at This year we should enter s men's ( Breety KIR,1 Because of cold weath-and women's tesms. Interested mem- j #r the activities of our Circle are bers can speak U> lodge officers . . f] limited. Plans are being formulated Last week-end Sentinels ware at for an outing in the early spring. Nsda s Valentine dance. A friendly . Our next meeting wUI be held Sun-group were present f,. We're still ( day, March I. a democratic society: Noticed wives ■ The suggestion of Olga M. Kns-of Supreme Board members doing pich concerning a national Jamboree some of the work behind refresh-,^ managers and leprSsentatlvrs is ment and other counters at Nada's a very good Idea This would bring dance . . . Helping the ladies was ¡^creased »pint and activity among ulso Frank Alesh. secretary of tha our Juvenile circlet. I bellfve many Chicago Federation . We had our members will respond favorably talk about an active SNPJ-eT. now wjth additional nusgaations. deceased, with Don Ixrtrlch and Bro fjtfPJ lodgr 22» of Edison. Karu fibular last Saturday The late Bro,' w||| hold a dance Saturday Feb 22. I>Y*e if still rrmembered ?.", . So and ask eoopcml»«n of sit loeal lung, until again . - nwmhrrs and lodge*. Thia la one of j LOUIS KOSELE. 610 I the largest and most active lodge» ST. LOUIS, MO.—The "Spirits'" February meoting was Interesting, with Bro. Walter Youngmun, vice prexy, banging the gavel due to Bro. J. Spider's obsence on account of work. We must hand the orchid to Walter, being a newcomer, for conducting the meeting In a splendid manner. Chairman of tho Trustees, Bro J, Kaeln, read the annual report, and we were glad to hear the gain In all departments, especially our treasury which locks only one good dance to hit the $800 mark. The members decided to have a Spring Festival dunce April St at the Concordia Turner Hall, 11th and Arsenal. (If our dale conflicts with any local SNPJ lodge's affair, we are willing to withdraw, providing the daU* was set before this notice.) Our goul Is set, so let's hit the nail on the head by cooperating with the dance committee, setting no limit when it comes to work, for which the Spirits arc known The bowlers meet «very Wednesday nite at the Airway Alleys, Kingshighway and Arsenal. All members Interested are urged to be present, as a date will lie announced in next week's issue which will be your final opportunity to enroll and qualify for caah awards U> be given at the end of the season. The lodge has donated $4 towards the caah award fund for the bowlers. Come on and Join in on the fun. There are 24 alleys to pick from. Up to the present writing, the highest game bowled by the boys goes to SUn Hervatin, 191, and Anne Spll-ler, 142. for the girU. A "Pep Party" similar to our YuJe party will be held the latter part of March. We will have a good o|e time previoua to our Spring Festival instead of after so as to pep us up for April 26. and committee or no committee, we will all work as one for the Festival. Thia and That; Sis. S. Vertovsek in Kansas The »ffalr will br beld at Caaa Veeehla Hall at Camp 80, two mllM West of Arrria M i John Krusic and his Polka DoU of Prontsttar. Admiaslon is 28c and Iftc. The hall oprna at 7 and the da nee Starts at 9 p. m All members and fnend« arr invited lo att<*nd IfKNRY W jn/)VCHAN. Clrcle II. proposed Charlotte Ducote for the Juvenile Dep't, and Sis. Msry Rho dus promised for the Murch meeting two applicants Who's next? Did wo hear Jake Kacln say Mildred? Joe Gasperlch say Mary? J. Jurgcc say Mary, Alma Maurlch say John Chuperlo? Theae four proapoctf are within the graap of our hund, and we 1 letter grab 'am before "that man" Hurts knocking at their door We missed the Mahnlches, Sveg Itches und Petrovlch at our meeting but were glad U> aee Sis. J. liuck.i wltz and Joe Gaaperloh, A large number of Splrlta attend ed the Plunlnskl Raj barn dance Feb 3, and "We" reolly enjoyed our selves, Numbering the youth, in lodge 107, they should get Uigether more often, five affairs, etc., Ukt executive offices, to be able to take hold of the reins and carry the load on to road of success. The Spirits are always ready to lend a helping hand Likewla* to Lodge 309 In Granite City, ill., whoae youth spon sored a dance Feb. 8. It has Unreported that It was a huge success Here's hoping these younger »nam bers continue to take tnU>rest various lodge activities. News comes from "Boom Town, Central la, 111,, where Julia und John Cepak reside, that the stork paid these two Splrlta a visit and left them 0 »harming daughter. Con gratulations. with hopes you'll take the advantage of the SNPJ gift, and bring the lady in our Juvenile Dep't From California, we hear the stork la hovering around Gen and Charles Hogorelec's home (Anne Hplller brother). - Thanks for th«» compli ment. Joe Susin. glad to know you enjoy our e^jumni reserve April 28 and watch for our party daU». Would appreciate your and your family presence ¿bts of luck to Ann Spiller's brother Leo, who has^eeeptad a po sition In the Research laboratory with the Western Cartli Co. in Al ton, - III, Sia Roae Lonearle ta off the siek list Anne Kokal's mother Mrs Domttrovich, was certainly cheered by the Splrlta' flowers, altho not a member Her card of thanks we* ttcknowledged " Wake up. Lin eolnites' Did you forget you had an anniversary thia month1' F. ft periear» U a kar4 hat fuels »ill leari i" "«' other. because we have a definite need to . fulfill—or our gradual decline Into oblivion bccauae we have already served our purpoae. • ■ V*> a * It is an cstabliahed and Irrefutable fact that no organization or group or set-up can disassociate itaelf from • the general social order or society in which it thrives. If that la so. then, to establish ourselves on a firm basis, we must, first of all, try to determine the present status of the American aortal order and the direction into which It Is tending, ami, secondly, our purpoae and poaslbllittes In sufh w social order. Since the former is a topic for Investigation and report In Itself, we might, to get to the point, look at the latter. What does it mean? It mcuns that we must reexamine our "purpose" and "object" as stated In the present by-luws. It moans thut we must dtaw up a very clear and definite set of ohjoctlves— which, If they cannot tie enlarged upon In the by-laws must serve as our guide for those statements thut are Included In the by-luws. Theae objectives would be the plan ujion which the Society and each Individual lodge would be working regard 1ms of whether It would be possible for any or all the lodges to attain each objective. * Specifically; the first section of the present by-luws says (summari* ? ly) that the object of thia Society shall be to furnlah a system of Insurance (not for profit) and subject to tho laws of the State, etc. The second section says that the purpose of this Society shall be to , aid members culturally, and give moral and material aid lo worthy cultural institutions. Since It Is well-known that the State laws for Insurance eompanloa have become increasingly stringont und that the work in the general , office is becoming more and more stabilized—of necessity,—the final check>up all being done by outside expert accountants and actuaries (required by law), and that the lint* Its to which we are permitted to do . one thing or another ln the field of Insurance la dusely supervised by law, we would eventually« in respect to our Insurance interests only, fall intn a routine that would cease to be Interesting or even warrant any participation by the Engllah-speaklng generation into whose hands the work will fall. • A statement of objeetlvas, then, must lean more heavily toward s concrete purpose or working plan in roganl to m < imn 2 Are we fulfilling any definite need in the American soene as u Slovene organisation? Or la that same purpose already covered by other organizations? Can we serve as a group that will 1 preserve some of the best and ,tra- .. ditiotuil in Slovene culture, thereby lidding it as our contribution lo the general pattern of omulguniullon of America? Would an objective of this kind produce uny effect on our existing •• types of uctivitlea—spoils, Juvenile elides, official organ, dances, etc.? t Are we interested in bring a me« dJum tot giving background to second and third generations of a nationality group that is far removed -from the land of iia origin? Are we InU'iesled only In holding together the remnants of the Slovene group as s nationality—with the fraternal organisation as a basis —-und lot* the future lake care of itaelf? Is it our purpose to utilize all our present forms of activitiea lo sustain an inU*reat in our kind of fraternal oi gumption, that la, Slovene, and use every means available to auit our purpoae? Or are we interested In givlnc something to our members that is net available elsewhere and thus, In a larger aense, making a contribution to America as a whole? ln otitrr words, are we satisfied in being oationaiiatlc (so long as that is posaibla) or are we interested In making our nationalism serve a broader Ideal? These questiona, or objeetivea, it seems must be answered one way or another within our minds or by the Society as a whole failing to do thia, wa cannot motivate our work; we will become decadent; and wa will admit our refusal Ui cope with present problems. The way In which we answer these questions will also determine the type ami the plans for our artlv« ities They will suggest motifs for Juvenile circle programs; they will augg**«t ale us for daneee and enter* telnments, they will lend motlva* tion to sports activitiea; they aan enrich and enhance the type of material and cirfitmts of our official nrgeti <*rwl they can give tie a |Mir-M'mMHi—S mm Me* >1 rm PROSVET A Official Proceedings 8M»J EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting of Dw. II. 1*4« . Meeting vu called to order at 1 p m. In attendance were officers Yin cent Cainkar, P. A. Vider. Lawrenco be a fact in family life. A family of mittee workf hard make ten children and the same three West Pa. Fed. Items IMPERIAL PA.—Many members who did not attend the E. 8. Federation Conference have requested me to publieh In the ProsveU details of the meeting. With the cooperation of Bro. H|MH1 lH* mllltlllHI are as follows in detail_____ The annual meeting of the K. 8. Federation of SNPJ Lodgea of Weat-em Pennsylvania waa held in the Slovene Hall, Moon Run, Pa., Sunday, Jan. 19. Meeting was called to order by President Runup at 2:60 p. m. The chair appointed Emll Elffler ss temporary vice-preaident and Dan Fa-bee as sergeant-at-arms. Twelve lodges repreiented by thirty delegatea terra: 700 Moon Run, TI9 Clalrton, MV 8ygan, 666 Pittaburgb. 7I3 liar-mat villa, IWI2 Library. 734 Meadow-lands, 72I W. Altqutppa, 099 Am-bridge, ttao Verona, 7I6 Imperial, and 7I6 Universal. Mlnutea of the Oct. 20, 1940, meet-Ing accepted. President reviewed condition and raaulta of Federation, activity as to membership, cooperation with Senior federation, of less confllctlon In lodge program dales, of the Importance of our federation activity on convention committee work. Urged member lodges to give Saily consideration to election of del egates and urged »uppert for aecur ing Penna. legist|lion permitting beer and liquor at lodge picntee. Reported inembeiefclp Inrreasea and asked for continued membership campaign cooperation. v The secretary reported the need of approving again the reeently dropped policy of assessing member lodges five cents per member per year and supported this opinion with some very sound and undeniable reasons and facial repotted that the federation policy of paying ten dollar* for lunch treat at federation meetings and the SNPJ Lodge 184 Give Mask Ball Saturday SPRINGFIELD. ILL —SNPJ lodge 184 is sponsoring a masquerade dance Saturday. Feb. 22. at Patia's Place, 1667 So. Renfro St. Admission Iftc per person.. There will be good music and refreshments, also prises for the best costumes. All members snd friends are cordially invited to sttend. AGNES TOMIN8EK. Secy. SLC Social Club Plan Series of 3 Socials CHICAGO—The Social Club of the Slovene Leber Center will sponsor a series of three socisl affairs this year—April 20, Sept. 27 and Nov. 16. Free admission to all. Good refreshments will be served ut nominal cost and good muaic will provide both modern and old-time tunes. All lodges and clubs are ssked to kindly reaerve theae dates snd avoid duplications. The first sffalr being on Saturday. April 26. will be in oboervance of the fifth anniversary of the Social Club. It will be held at the Center, 2301 S. Lawndale Ave., the same must do the dishes every evening, I'm willing to work if the rest will support me by Showing up at the affairs. But When the motion was put to vote the majority won over to have a dance committee, to which all authority be given when a dance should be held, where, and all the details. So far the committee haa not gvien a thought to hold a dance. I also see that this is true not only of our'lodge but of other lodgea as wot), awl I feel sorry that I am not alone ia this battle. Just the this the very best dance in the history of the SNPJ. Of Course, you know What I am talking about, don't you? Well, it's the Strugglers' 14th an niversary dance which will take place at the Slovene Home on Waterloo Rd. on April 26. Make that a red-letter day on your calendar. Girls' Bowling League Thanks to my co-scribe for the compliment we received in last week's edition of the ProsveU. but Struglgers 2 lost three more games and that old anchor sur£ has us tied down to rock bottom. Ann other evening I en- Zlatoper has replaced Ann Yappel countered a 386'er (who was once on our team and we sure missed a Loyalite) and I said to him, "We her as we bowled wiht two blinds ought to start a bowling team in and your scribbler was 'way, 'way our lodge and beat the Loyalites." off. Theresa Jeric now holds the He said, "We would never beat the Loyalites, they are too good for us." Well, ray opinion is this—"Can't"' never did a thing. And, if one is high individual three 'game series with a total of 549 beating Anna Golob of the Comrades for the honor. Even though we did lose licked -s^itually, he is also licked we have a lot of fun bowling and physically. TVe've never had a being good sports we Just laugh »t team so how do we know how good off.. Every Sunday afternoon finds or bad we are? us wishing and hoping we could I have more "Pent up feeling" take at least three games away which I can't put on paper con- from any one of our rival teams, cerning our lodge and SNPJ, but Louis Murolt is getting to be quite what I hove put down so far is a steady rooter for our girls and It from the heart and I am disgusted. The SNPJ is to me something like the love I have for Nature and I love nature, trees, flowers, ground, birds, animals, the sunset and sunrise; moon, stars and sun. In the SNPJ it is the security, pleasure, loyslity of so many Slovene people, the Proaveta, M. L. snd other literature as an aid to culture, the place, likewise, of the other two so- J® lnl™t ^ the cutis. All members snd friends sre Clrc,M Yw' U to • §hm th>t cordially invited to attend. many, many people are wasting The purpose of theae aociala la to *nd .|!ttini 5 that bring members together and to pro- c-n * grMped and h#ld on to' mote a real senae of friendahip aa ' We have- Lod«« SM. several mem-well as to step up our cooperative ^^ on thr *ick >nd other work for our mutusl benefit. You csn become a member of the Club by taking out a membership card which coats only one dollar per year. It is the elm of the Social Club to eventually enlarge and improve the Center. One way to achieve this, is by aelling one hundred aha res of the Center at $26 each. All interested In thia project are invited to sign up with one of the officers. Let each one of us do his part in thia campaign; FRANK 8 TAUCHAR ~ Hi». 1 ¿ou tee Alle h fer temporary Jielp paying of five cents per mile travel-lire »alary would be a* that paid hei ' mg espense would need to be reap. pievMMisly. Approved proved or changed; placed special Manager Godina reports that E ' «tieas en the neeeeslty of properly <•«••(* inquired if it would be possible, filling voarhera for payment of ea- P'gh Women's Club to Enact Play Feb. 23 PITTSBURGH. PA—The local Slovene Ladies'« Dramatic Society will stage a hilarious play. "De-nar'f (Money), Sunday, Feb 22, at 2 10 p. m at the Slovene Hall. 67th and Butler ets. The plot of the play deala wtth a lady trying to awke money out of the war situation. All the surrounding lodges are Invited to attend, including J. I. Jrs. Comets* Veroniana. Ramblers. Mar-inea. Pioneers, etc About half of the coat in this play are members to obtain the daily and weekly Pro-, pense«; strongly recommended a ! of the Morning Star lodge 666. eveUs from I92U to lt»40, either bound »trtrlly federation membership bowl- You'll see quiet Hw Fabec on the or Ioom Decided to comply with hi* 1 in« event with dance following Re i stage, Mra Mary Rkerhmg In the »put. I ported %ere mushball awards sent, leading rule. John Fabec as a tail- Application was made for esemp-1 It was pointed eel that a by-laws ' or's apprentice, yours truly as a tmn of tas imposed by the Canadian committed should be elected for ! merry widow from Montana and government on the official organ; re-quoi «Ii granted, which mean* some aa»ing* fei tbe newspaper. rhangq» at the nest convent* The treasurer reported quarterly In-woine and rtpeaae with a balance ef several Others A good time la in atme foi all who attend ANNA KLUN, M6 members should be visiting the sick—are you? Bro. Matt Poropat haa an injured ahoulder, Sis. Msry Poropat ia down with the flu. Sia. Mary Rubcic has rheumatism. Bro. Anton Volk has an injured hand. My brother Raymond is s surgical patient in the Mongolia General Hoapital. Ray was admitted on Sunday. Feb. 9, and had an operation on Mondav. He is getting along very nicely, A juvenile application Is being filled for the Adult dep'L None other than Mary Pavlich. Glad to have you. Mary. The next meeting will be on Sunday. March 6, at 10 a. m in Zelecnik's Hall, Oaage. W Vs. VIRGINIA J. SELAK 3M. Flashes (CsathMM* ttmm ass* SI our girls are getting to be extra good bowlers. Us Mbu reeled off a 216 game last Wedneoduy. Val Tatar 190 Other good scores Included Jenho 1 SS Asm Howard IM. Teal Be ton 166 Mae Oeseev 161, Josephine Smeltk IM. Hole« Volk 167. 8«se Uichor 164. and DUta la-vertnik 162. About two-thirda of the schedule haa been completed In the twelve team Pioneer bowling league Already, we ere beginning to look forward to the National Tourney which will take place in Detroit In May. A copy of the Bulb-tin sent out by haa come to the ataie that we are uctually looking forward in seeing him and any other Struggler who cares to attend. ANNE ZELE. MARY GRAJZAR, 614. A Column iContlsuSd from pave 1) pose—which of itself is fundamental in cresting and sustaining interest among the members. A statement of objectives will also demand varied services from our supreme officers; we ahall look to them to furniah the plans and the guides which can be made available and usable by lodges. s This article is not intended as a dictum; its intention is to create discussion and help in formulating the decisions thst will demsnd concrete answers st the next convention. »_ Triglav Athletic Club Have Dance Saturday JOHNSTOWN. PA.—The Triglav Athletic Club. SNPJ lodge 62. ia sponsoring a dance Saturday. Feb. 22. at Moxham Slovene Hall, Lorain Boro. Music will be furnished by Bernie Dettling snd his Swingsrooa. an orchestra of young J oh na town musicians who play the modem and old-time tunes. Good refresh menu including kranjske klobaae will be served. All surrounding lodges ere invited to come and spend a pleasant evening with us. Admission 26c. MIMI." Lodge 62 SWH Women's Club to Give Dance Feb. 23 DETROIT. MICH. — The Ladies' Club of Slovene Workers' Home. 437 So. Livernots. Is having a pre-Lent Dance In the lower hall Sunday. Feb 23. starting at 2 p. m Refreshments will be served snd good music will be provided A rim it» ton free. Everybody welcome CLUB MEMBER lia Bogatay, sec'y; Rudy Potochnik, treas.; Olga M. Knapich, rec. sec'y. Auditors, A- Prasjnik and L. Kirn. Entertainment Committee, F. Pa-dar, O. Knapich, L. Kirn, F. Kirn, J. Bogatay. Publicity Committee, Bro. Mihelich „and O. Knapich. The first affair of our Fed. this year will be a big picnic on July 6 at Hrovat's farm. All SNPJ bowlers from far and near are called to get their teams in shape to enter the Nat'l SNPJ Bowling tournament in Detroit May 3 and 4. Detroit Welcomes you all. We extent a most cordial invitation to each and every SNPJ member to participate in the Society's largest indoor sports tournament. No doubt, the number of Bowling p|dnv The Ladies' SNPJ Bow J if*™ ^ if«"® elaborate^ hold an affair, or a serie« 0f J to provide enough money u, expenses of those fed*, JJ1 planning to attend the Tournament ia Detroit in the A11 thoae women who pUn] ter the Detroit Tournament get in touch with Christine on or before Thursday nifJl 20. In fact, come to the Little] meeting and btl Chris then 1 . The decision of the ladies'to vide most of the expense. Tournament is to be welc. Let's all get out and help them] it a success. Play Awsrds As an added feature of the ni. 'Balmy Days," Mrs. Mary HJS director, provided five award* sisting of tickets to the "Cow «S the Wind" production, to be g,Vtn? the five persons who portrayed tJ parts the mnst realistically tw, five judges were: Christine strhT Sylvia Kirn, Elsie Troha FrJS Kirn, and Christine Kobel. |2 The winners of the awards S Louis Zupancic, Lorraine Maw William Jereb, Edith Dobnikw avi John Celarec. Congratulation! (» your excellent work. "ACRES," Lodge 566. Sports CHICAGO. — Bowling tourntn time is here. The Midwest tour ment is the first to attract bovim from this section. Although entrin have closed, those who have «j signed up to bowl are invited to tend the dance, Sat., Feb. 22, tt ^ SNPJ Hall, and watch the bowk, in action Sunday, Feb. 23, at uj Southwest Alleys, 18th snd Bb Island ave. The Pioneers have it least 12 teams entered plus many ii* gies and doubles entries. The Pioneer bowlers invite all SNN bowlers to participate in their snnuit Handicap tournament and dance. TW dance to take place at the Lswndib Masonic Temple, W. 23rd st. and Millard ave., Sat., March 22, and the Bowling tournament Sunday morni* March 23, at the Ace Arcade Alleys at 26th and Hamlin. Entry blanb have already been mailed to lodga; if your lodge did not receive them and would like to participate, write for blanks and information to D. J. Lot. exceed that of last year. All indications show that this year's tournament will be a tremendous success. You're all welcome. OLGA M. KNAPICH, 677. Veronettes Will Mark Third Anniversary VERONA, PA.—The SNPJ Veronettes' 3d Anniversary Dance will be held on Washington's birthday, Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Nat'l Home featuring the well-known orchestra —Taffy's Domovina band. Come one and all to help celebrate two events at one time. Three years 6go a small group of Veronian lodge girls gathered together with the hopes of forming a club, to show that the Veronians are an active group. The girls would travel to different lodge affsirs to represent the Veronian lodge 680. At the same time dances were held by the Veronettes to attract neighboring lodges to the Veronians' affairs. The Veronettes were always on hand to help or donate to the Veronians, the Athletic Club and Juvenile Circle. During these past years we made many new friends, also hsd many ne*r lodges represented. At this point we wish to thank all who helped us up the ladder of success. Once a month the girls get together to discuss matters of interest both to themselves and to the lodge. Every Veronian girl member had the privilege of joining this club. teams entering the tournament will rich« 2694 s- Lawndale ave. Lant year 32 teams entered and should mon enter this year, some will have ti bowl Saturday afternoon. Entrin are open only to the five-person team of the male or female members. AH bowlers must be members of the uw lodge and must be SNPJ memben. All money will go toward prizes after expenses for bowling are deduetei The Wolverines of Detroit have already signified their intention* U participate, and should the Younf Americans fail to attend, some of the boys are talking of a "boycott." All proceeds of the dance will go towarf expenses for the bowlers going to tb National tournament in Detroit, u all keep March 22 and 23 in mind tnl visit the Pioneers. National Tournsment More specific details on the N* tional Tournament will be forthcoa* ing soon. Much interest is already being shown and the location of Detroit should make It possible to easily surpass the record entry of last ynt. New members joining the Society a February will be eligible to compete in the National Tournament if tb application is approved as of Marth V 1941. The Midwest Is sure to have a large entry, as are the Clew-land lodges. Lodges are advised u send in their entries as soon si po*» ble after they receive them, thie wii not only enable the bowlers to p* their preferred time, but will alse make the work of the Detroit Coe. mittee much easier. FRANK GR0SER. Athletic Board Scc'r day we ä --------- T°"' _ active girls. so'wo^^JLf oît Detroit SNH Dance6 you come out and help us mark this date in the Veronettes' history as one of the most successful affairs yet? (We are sorry our dates conflict. Export Marines. but our dsnce was planned early in the fall.) JUSTINE KRULC, JOSEPHINE BURSIC, 680. Little Fort News February Meeting WAUKEGAN. ILL.—The February meeting of the SNPJ Little Fort Lodge 568 will be held on Thursday night, Feb. 20, at the Slovene Hall. The meeting will begin promptly at 8 p. m., but the Secretary will be on hand to collect the monthly dues snd the specisl assessment from 7;30 on. The Ticket Chairman of the Fifteenth Anniversary Committee will also be on hand to take in the tick« ets snd money from the members Please bring your tickets and money ao that an accurate accounting of the net proceeds from the affair can be had withig a week. Numerous applicants will be admitted to the Ldoge, six in number; and a number of new applicant will be propoeed for membership. Be aure to come to welcome the new Lodge mwbai, The Executive Board will have a number of recommendationa to make, which will be acted upon by the membership. Plana must also he immediately started for the nest affair for the lodge. Each Sat. and Sun. DETROIT, MICH.—The Sloves»j National Home will sponsor danc* esch Saturday and Sunday, and tie hall will not be rented to ouUide*-This will give both the young m\ old the opportunity to enjoy thia* selves together. A good orchcfW will provide music. Admin** * tree. In order to hsve s bigg" m better Slovene Home, we mint ce operate. We extend our deepest iympstJJ to £ro. Schneller, member of SNWl lodge 564. on the sad loss ot » Wife. " While Bro. Anton Jurcs Jr.. number of SNPJ lodge 664. ws* cm W trip to India, he took some prf»** with his movie camera, and » near future we will have the npK tunity to see them. The Ladies' Club will be M^j bunco parties after their merttsJM Everybody welcome. And ** forget the SNH dances esch S»«** day and Sunday. ANNA TRAVNIK !*»• CARD or THANK» Verona. Pa^-We wish our aincete thanks to eur tr»nA' for their florsl trti^ and sympathy in "" sent ef falber and father. Tbla klnd»eas will YOUR and BOZIC fan*** \