84 Acta argiculturae Slovenica, Supplement 5, 84–88, Ljubljana 2016 24th Int. Symp. “Animal Science Days”, Ptuj, Slovenia, Sept. 21st−23rd, 2016. COBISS: 1.08 Agris category code: L01 THE FREEZING POINT OF BULK TANK MILK IN SLOVENIA 1 Anita ULE 2, Helena PREPADNIK 3, Marija KLOPČIČ 4 The freezing point of bulk tank milk in Slovenia 1 This article is part of a Master Science Thesis entitled »Analysis of the factors that affect the freezing point of milk«, issued by Helena Prepadnik, supervisor Assist. Prof. Marija Klopčič, Ph. D. 2 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science, Groblje 3, SI-1230 Domžale, Slovenia, e-mail: Anita.Ule@bf.uni-lj.si 3 Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia – Regional office Celje, Extension Service Celje, Trnoveljska cesta 1, SI-3000 Celje, Slovenia, e-mail: Helena.Prepadnik@ce.kgzs.si 4 Same address as 2, e-mail: Marija.Klopcic@bf.uni-lj.si ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper was to determine effects on freezing point of milk in bulk tank. The analysis included 90,579 milk bulk samples from Štajerska region between 2008 and 2013. The statistical model included milk purchaser, herd size, breed, interaction between pipeline material and milking system, calving interval, culling rate, milk cooling system, season, fat/protein ratio, production intensity and protein, lactose, and urea content as fixed effects. All effects significantly affected freezing point of bulk tank milk. The statistical model explained 32 % of the variance. The aver- age value of freezing point was −0.5209 °C. The permissible value of −0,515 was exceeded by 5.7 % of the samples. In summer an increased freezing point and lower protein content was recorded. The estimated regression coefficient for protein was 0.0069 °C/%. Key words: cattle, dairy cows, milk, freezing point, protein content, season effect ell, 1989; Kirst et al., 2000; Golc-Teger et al., 2005; Henno et al., 2008; Hanuš et al., 2010; Hanuš et al., 2011). Several studies (Rohm et al., 1991; Wiedemann et al., 1993a; Elchner et al., 1997; Golc-Teger et al., 2005; Henno et al., 2008; Sala et al., 2010) reported more prob- lems with freezing point in early summer caused by changes in temperature, increase in water intake, and transition from winter diet on fresh green fodder and grazing. Rohm et al. (1991) found that milk freezing point during winter was on average of 0.0008 °C lower than during summer. Furthermore, the freezing point can also depends on milk composition. Sala et al. (2010) presented that a decrease of protein for 0.1 % cause an increase of freezing point for 0.002 °C in cows aged up to six years. Moreover, Hanuš et al. (2011) supported that milk freezing point was improved with higher protein content. Babnik et al. (2010) studied relationship between fat and 1 INTRODUCTION The freezing point of milk is the temperature where milk changes from liquid to solid. It is rather constant and the freezing point of bulk tank milk is therefore used to determine whether water has been added. Milk has a lower freezing point than water and ranges from 0.520 °C to 0.560 °C. Higher freezing point of milk often demon- strate the falsification of milk with water. For example, 1 % of additional water increases the milk freezing point app. for 0.005 °C (Bajt et al., 1998). Nevertheless, higher freezing points can also oc- cur on farms where no water was added, due to cow re- lated factors like breed, stage of lactation, health (masti- tis), due to environment like climate, seasonal as well as weather changes, and technological solutions as feeding regime, water intake, milking system, storage time, and milk temperature (Buchberger and Graml, 1988; Mitch- Acta agriculturae Slovenica, Supplement 5 – 2016 85 THE FREEZING POINT OF BULK TANK MILK IN SLOVENIA protein ratio (F/P) and milk freezing point. Milk with F/P ratio below 1.1, reflecting a poor structured diet, has significantly higher freezing point while with F/B ratio above 1.5 has lower freezing point. Knowing effects on milk freezing point, farmers can avoid problems in de- livering quality milk in terms of suitable freezing point (Babnik and Verbič, 2006; Buchberger, 2000). Main goal of the research was to determine the most important effects on the freezing point of bulk tank milk on dairy farms in Štajerska region of Slovenia. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Data on bulk milk samples from Štajerska region was obtained from the records of the quality control of milk delivered to the Dairies Celeia and Ljubljanske mle- karne between 2008 and 2013, and from Cattle Business Association (GPZ z.o.o.). Information about herd size, breed, calving interval, and culling rate were provided by Central cattle breeding database on the base of milk recording data. Information on the farming system were obtained from questionnaires filled out by respondents farmers. All together, 90,579 records from 608 farms were used in statistical analysis. The statistical model includes milk purchaser (Oi), herd size (Vj), breed (Bk), interaction between pipeline material and milking system (CMlm), calving interval (Dn), culling rate (Zo), milk cooling system (Hp), sea- son as year-month interaction (Sr), F/P ratio (Rs), milk production intensity (It), and protein (x1ijklmnoprst), lactose (x2ijklmnoprst), urea (x3ijklmnoprst) content as fixed effects. Fat content and somatic cell count were not significant and therefore were not included in the model. yijklmnoprst = μ + Oi + Vj + Bk + CMlm + Dn + Zo + Hp + Sr + Rs + It + b1(x1ijklmnoprst − x−1) + b2i(x2ijklmnoprst − x−2) + b3(x3ijklmnoprst − x−3) +eijklmnoprst Data were analyzed by GLM procedure with statisti- cal package SAS® software (SAS Inst., Inc., 2011). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Average freezing point of bulk tank milk was −0.5209 °C (Fig. 1) with standard deviation of 0.0046 °C and very close to reference value of −0.520 °C shown as solid line on Figure  1. Tolerance for freezing point of milk is set at −0.515 °C (dashed line). Whenever the freezing point is higher, milk price is reduced. In the pre- sent study, the freezing point exceeded tolerance value in 5.7 % of cases, 28.8 % of the samples were found between the reference value of 0.520 °C and a tolerance value of −0.515 °C. Two third (65.5  %) of milk samples could be considered as normal. The sharp drop in frequency at tolerance value of −0.515 °C can be a consequence of removed low quality milk in order to keep higher prices. The statistical model used in this research, explained 32 % of total variance and all effects included in the mod- el showed significant influence on freezing point. Seasonal trends of protein content and freezing points of milk for all included years are presented in Figure 2. In summertime, freezing point increased and exceeded the average value of −0.5209 °C from May to October in almost all years. The highest average freez- ing point was found in July (0.5197 °C). The opposite trends were observed between freezing point and protein content. Protein content was low during summer and both results were related to environment temperature, feed and water intake as well as feed quality. Higher milk freezing point values during summer was also reported from Austria (Rohm et al., 1991), previous researches from Slovenia (Golc-Teger et al., 2005), Romania (Sala et al., 2010), and Estonia (Henno et al., 2008). The highest freezing point of milk (Table 1) were Figure 1: Distribution of milk freezing point Acta agriculturae Slovenica, Supplement 5 – 201686 A. ULE et al. observed by the purchaser 1 (−0.5199 °C). In smaller (1.0 to 15.9 cows) and larger herds (>26 cows), there is a slightly higher freezing point of milk (0.5212 °C). Also Wiedmann et al. (1993a, 1993b) indicate that the freez- ing point of milk in herds with 10 or fewer cows was higher (−0.511 °C). It was found in our study that herds, with more than 70 % of Holstein Friesians cows, had the lowest freezing point which is just the opposite to other studies (Babnik et al., 2010; Buchberger, 1986; Henno et al., 2008). Pos- sible explanation of this discrepancy in results might be in statistical model we used for analysing the influence of different parameters on freezing point, as milk com- ponents were include in the model. Herds with Holstein Friesians cows had lower freezing point of milk then other breeds probably as consequence of better feeding regime. Milk freezing point was the same in herds with Brown and Simmental cows, where herds were much smaller and cows were fed with less balanced feeding ratios. The worst results were obtained in mixed herds (with different breeds) where feed ratio for dairy cows were not well enough. The milking system might cause deviation in milk freezing points (Table 1). Lower milk freezing point was obtained on farms with bucket milking systems. Milk from farms with pipeline milking system had better freezing point than milk obtained from farms with milk- ing parlor. Higher freezing point of bulk milk was found in farms with milking robot. Kirst et al. (2000) explained that milk freezing point was gradually increasing when hand milking was replaced by milking machine, due to residual water in the equipment and pipelines. Rasmus- sen et al. (2002) and De Koning et al. (2003) agreed that the milk freezing point was increased by introduction of robot milking. Health status of milking animals has a significant impact on the quality of milk. Sick animal can reduce feed intake which consequently affects the composition of milk and freezing point of milk (Babnik and Verbič, 2006). In our analysis herds which replaced more than Figure 2: Least square means for freezing points (solid lines) and averages for protein contents (dotted lines) of bulk milk samples by years Figure 3: A share of observations for milk protein content and the relation between the protein content and milk freezing point Acta agriculturae Slovenica, Supplement 5 – 2016 87 THE FREEZING POINT OF BULK TANK MILK IN SLOVENIA Effects Level LSM SEE Milk purchaser 1 −0.5199 0.00006 2 −0.5213 0.00009 3 −0.5227 0.00007 Herd size 1–15.9 −0.5212 0.000066 16–25.9 −0.5215 0.000068 more 26 −0.5212 0.000069 Breed Brown −0.5213 0.000082 Simmental −0.5213 0.000081 Holstein Friesian −0.5216 0.000077 Mixed herds −0.5210 0.000077 Season 68 classes Interaction between pipeline material and milking system 1 −0.5223 0.000337 2 −0.5224 0.000065 3 −0.5208 0.000117 4 −0.5215 0.000062 5 −0.5204 0.000070 6 −0.5225 0.000066 7 −0.5216 0.000088 8 −0.5212 0.000127 Calving interval (days) 340–400 −0.5213 0.000068 401–420 −0.5215 0.000067 421–440 −0.5216 0.000069 441–460 −0.5210 0.000069 < 461 −0.5211 0.000071 Culling rate < 30 % −0.5212 0.000070 > 30 % −0.5214 0.000062 Milk cooling system Bulk tank −0.5210 0.000066 Tank −0.5215 0.000062 Other −0.5215 0.000095 Fat/protein ratio < 1.5 −0.5216 0.000130 1.1–1.5 −0.5215 0.000048 > 1.1 −0.5208 0.000093 Production intensity Top 25 % herds −0.5211 0.000067 25 % good herds −0.5217 0.000069 25 % lower average −0.5214 0.000068 Bottom 25 % herds −0.5210 0.000068 Regression coefficient SEE Protein content −0.0069 0.00009 Lactose content Milk purchaser 1 −0.0122 0.00015 Milk purchaser 2 −0.0196 0.00074 Milk purchaser 3 −0.0150 0.00037 Urea content −0.0002 0.00000 Table 1: Least square means (LSM) and regression coefficient for freezing points with standard errors of estimates (SEE) for studied effects (except seasonal effect) Acta agriculturae Slovenica, Supplement 5 – 201688 A. ULE et al. 30  % of the animals had higher freezing point of milk (0.5212 °C). We found higher freezing point values in milk of top 25 % and 25 % of the worst herds regarding milk yield. Slaghuis (2001) reported that a higher milk yield may contribute to increase freezing point of the milk. On the other hand, Wiedman et al. (1993b) reported that freez- ing point of milk more often increased in small herds with low milk yield per cow. Protein content in bulk milk was on average 3.34 ± 0.20 % (Fig. 3) with most observations between 2.8 and 3.9  %. Results indicate that the freezing point decreases for 0.00069 °C (Fig. 3), when protein content increases by 0.1 %. The estimated regression coefficient of −0.00086 °C per 0.1 %, calculated by the Babnik et al. (2010) is in accordance with our results. By increasing the protein content of milk decreases milk freezing point, as expected. Buchberger (2000) indicated that reduction of protein content for 0.1 % leads to an increase of freez- ing point for 0.002 °C. 4 CONCLUSIONS All fixed effects in the statistical model had sig- nificant effect on milk freezing point. In summer, milk freezing point was higher. The opposite trends were observed between freezing point and protein content. Protein content was low during summer. When protein content increased for 0.1 % the freezing point decreased for 0.00069 °C. For a more detailed analysis of the factors affecting the freezing point of milk, we would need data of individual cows. 5 REFERENCES Babnik, D., Verbič, J. (2006). Ali lahko z ustrezno prehrano molznic in z drugimi ukrepi znižamo previsoko zmrziščno točko mleka? Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije. Retrieved from: http://www.kis.si/datoteke/File/kis/SLO/Publikacije/dru- go/zmrziscna_tocka_mleka.pdf Babnik, D., Jenko, J., Perpar, T., Verbič, J., Ovsenek, M. (2010). Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na zmrziščno točko kravjega mleka. 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