ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 5 MAY, 1968 VOLUME 40 Krv. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: What Is Mother? Somewhere I read: The mother is the fire, the children the light. By the brightness of the light, we know how great is the fire. The mother is the vine, the children the branches. By the branches we judge the value of the vine. The mother is the tree of life, the children the fruit. The Savior said: “By their fruits you shall know them.” The mother is the clock, the children .he hands. They point out the time. The mother is the pen, the children the script. By writing you recognize the writer. The mother is the rudder, the children the boat. 'Pile boat goes wherever the rudder directs. The mother is the queen, the children, the subjects. Under the scepter of a wise mother, the children are satisfied and happy. The mother is the great enigma and mystery. The happiness of mankind, the suffering of mankind vibrate and tremble in that one word, MOTHEB. The mother is the Angel guardian, under whose outspread w'ings we are safely hidden, and under whose care we will find the right road in spite of the precipice and abyss. She is a ray of Divine Providence. But these are only pictures and comparisons. No one can really tell w h a t mother means to him. One thing he is sure of, that after God, mother is greatest grace and blessing. Mother is the sacred word, a blessed name, which is already on our lips when we can barely lisp. Enshrined deeply within the heart, it will remain as long as the heart heats. Il is a sacred and blessed name, ex'.ending bcyoml the grave, because it is the herald of earth’s most priceless pearl, niotlier-love. ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $3.00 — Naročnina $3.00 letno For social members $2.40 annually. Za družabne članice SŽZ $2.40 letno Publisher'. ZARJA. 1037 \V. Ormak Rd., Chicago 6060S Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-20X4 .III communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi zn naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. No. r>—Vol. XL MAY, 1968 Št. .»—Leto XL FLY TO SLOVENIA WITH K0LLANDER! SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION is proud of our annual excursions to the beautiful Slovenia in the dependable arrangement of Hollander World Travel which has spared no effort in the last few years to stimulate the airlines to establish a regular flight to Ljubljana-Brnik airport assuring good connection with the transatlantic flight. Hollander World Travel is now happy to announce excellent Jet connections to Ljubljana for the season 1968. Beginning in the middle of May in mere 6 hours’ flying time Slovenian groups will arrive in Amsterdam which boasts the most modern airport in Europe and after a short stop there fly to Ljubljana by jet arriving there in just 1 hour and 45 minutes. For this last portion of the flight HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL has made arrange ments for the Slovenian specialty “kranjske klobase” to be served to the passengers. Also, arrangements are made that each group upon arrival to Brnik will be met by musicians and dancers in Slovenian national costumes. After arrival to Ljubljana the passengers can either sightsee Slovenia, discover the beauty of the Adriatic Coast or go exploring through Europe by joining numerous Hollander tours especially designed to give the passengers all the highlights at most reasonable prices. The tours are by luxurious motorcoaches with English and Slovenian speaking guides and reservations have to be made in advance with Hollander World Travel. HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL celebrates its 45th business anniversary with opening of the new branch office which is located in the heart of the largest Slovenian-Cleveland community. With the expansion of the new facilities Hollander World Travel will sell trips and vacations in the United States, West Coast, Hawaii, Florida, Caribbean, South America, Orient in addition to the featured tours to Europe and Slovenia. Slovenian Women’s Union wishes the best of success to HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL in their future travel endeavors. We recommend to our members their new office located at 589 East 185th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119. Telephone: 531-1082. AUGUST K0LLANDER WORLD TRAVEL 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Tel.: 431-3148 589 East 185th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Tel.: 531-1082 HAPPY BIRTHDAY //V MAY Supreme Officers: May 1 Marie Floryan, Supreme Vice-President, West Allis, Wis. May 10—Mary Tomsic, State President, Strabane, Pa. May 15—Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer, Chicago Branch Presidents: May 2—Frances Anzelc, Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn. May 5—Ann Satkovich, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. May 9—Agnes Klarich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. May 10—Sophie Bevsek, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. May 11—Theresa Zefron, Br. 30, Aurora, 111. May 21—Angelo Voje, Br. 84, New York, N. \. May 24—Antonia Kastelic, Br. 42, Maple Hgts, Ohio May 2'5—Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 30—Mary Snezic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa. OUR SECRETARIES’ BIRTHDAYS IN MAY May 3—Anna Anderson, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. May 6—Gladys Buck, Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. May 10—Marie Beck, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio May 13—Mary F. Mejac, Br. 103, Washington, D. C. May 22—Ellen Nortnilc, Br. 63, Denver, Colo. May 22—Jennie Taucher, Br. 65, Virginia, Minn. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . May 1—Games Party, B. 95, So. Chicago, 111. May 5 -Mass and Breakfast, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. May 5—Mother’s Day Party, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. May fi—Pot-Luck Dinner, 6:30 p. m., Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio May 6—Dinner, Br. 101, Bedford Ilgts., Ohio May 8—Memorial Mass, 6:30 p. m. Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. May 9—Mother’s Day Mass and Social, Br. 2, Chicago May 11 — Card Party, Dawn Choral Club at Euclid Park Clubhouse May 15—Rummage Sale, Lily Club, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. May 19—30th Anniversary, Br. 89, Oglesby, 111. May 20—Anniversary Banquet, 6:30 p. m., Br. 2'3, Ely, Minn. May 21 —Luncheon and Card Party, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. May 21—Mother-Daughter Dinner, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio May 26 — OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION & 40th ANNIVERSARY, Cleveland, Newburgh O. May 28—Bake Sale, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio June 30—PENNA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 88, Johnstown, Pa. June 30—COLO KANS.-MO. STATE CONVENTION, Crested Butte, Colo. Aug. 18—Barbeque Chicken Dinner, Br. 43, Milwaukee Sept. 15 WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION and 40 th ANNIVERSARY, West Allis, Wis. Oct. 20—Card Party, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio Nov. 12 Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. OUR ANNUAL MAY DEDICATION Margaret Fischer No. 1 ,Sheboygan, Wis. The Sheboygan branch has for 1968 chosen Margaret Fischer, its secretary, Tor the Mother of the Year. Margaret deserves this honor. As the charter member of the branch she became the secretary two months after the branch was founded. She held this office five years, after which she was the treasurer eleven years. At that time she enrolled 26 new members. In I960 she again took the secretary’s office which she presently holds. In these years she has enrolled 77 new members. Margaret is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Prisland. She was a-mong the first graduates of our Slovenian parish school then attended the Vocational school and Business college. She was employed as stenographer at the Bank of Sheboygan. As a Girl Scout Leader for the Brownies she did outstanding work for five years. On September 5, 1936 Margaret was married to Robert Fischer. Four children were born to them. Robert and Margie are sit home, Mary (Mrs. D. J. 'Purvey) lives in Ishpeming, Mich., where her husband is the divisional Engineer for the Michigan E-lectric Co. They have three children. James, married to Mary Peasly, lives near Sacramento, Calif. He is ia Radar-man at the U. S. Air Force Base and is studying engineering. They also have three children. All the officers and members of our branch are wishing Margaret and her family good health and God’s blessings. Olga Saye, President Mary Krapenc No. 2, Chicago, III. A lady known for her dramatic abilities as a young girl with many plays and concerts to her credit is “Mitzie” Krapenc. All the old-timers remember her per- Mrs. Fischer formances on the stage of the St. Stephen school hall in the years when the whole community attended the many plays and concerts held there. . Mitzie is even memorialized In recordings of some of those old plays and operettas that are collector’s items today! Mitzie is also a straw hat maker since the year 1920 when she came to Chicago and went right into the hat-making factories. She was born at Žalec pri Celju on Feb. 28, 1901 and came to the U. S. on Sept. 8, 1920. She married her husband, Frank on July 6, 1935 and has a daughter, Rose Marie and si son, Henry also married now. They live at 2054 W. 22 PI. A member for many years, Mitzie serves as auditor of the branch since 1965. She is a very congenial member and participates in all activities. A hat ful of good wishes to Mitzie for a happy lifetime! Pauline Harherich No. 6, Barberton, O. — This lovely member is an Ohio native, born on Oct. Z, 1903 at Bridgeport. She resides at 278 E. Hopocan Ave. with her husband whom she married on Sept. 11, 1922. The Barberiches have one son, Peter and a grandchild whom they love very much. When she’s in the kitchen, Psiuline is most happy. She loves to bake many good things to eat. Sewing is another past-time that keeps her occupied. For the past 22 years, Pauline has served her branch as their vice-presi-dent and has contributed greatly to their progress. The very best wishes of all her sister members for a happy and healthy reign as Mother of the Year! Mrs. Barberich Mrs. Krapenc ft V V- Mrs. Fager Mrs. Novak Margaret Fager No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Margaret Fager was selected to represent Branch No. 13 of San Francisco, Calif., as Mother of the Year. Birthplace: Soudan, Minn. She was born May 7th the daughter of the late Anna and George Stephan. Her two daughters are Florence O’Mahoney, Margaret Slattery and son Charles Richard (Dick). Of her seven grandchildren, three are Junior members of Br. No. 13, Maureen O’Mahoney, Christine Slattery and Carol Fager. Margaret is at present recording secretary for Br. No. 13. She represented the branch as delegate at two Conventions, in Chicago and Washington, D. C. Her hobbies are numerous, particularly visiting the aged in hospitals and Convalescent Homes and assisting families in need at the parish of St. Joseph church. She is a member of several organizations and has held many important offices. Margaret’s lovely personality is cherished by every member who all join to wish her a most Happy Mother’s Day and Birthday this month! Angeline Novak No. 16, So. Chicago, III. With a tine love for her Slovenian language and Slovenian traditions, Angeline Novak is a great asset to her branch and her communty. As you can see by the photo, she loves to be seen dressed in native costume and always appears authentically in it. This photo was taken by Rev. James Sellak, pastor of St. George’s church in So. Chicago at the Christian Mother’s Christmas party where she assisted Santa Claus in her “narodna noša.” Here are some of the statistics on Angie. She was born Mar, 2'G, 190G at Pošta Radomjle, ŠkrjanCeva Vas, Fara Kamnik. She is a Gorenjka! On Dec. 12 1923 she came to Chicago, up to St. Stephen’s parish altho now she has resided for many years in So. Chicago. On Oct. 30, 1927 she as Angeline Cerar was married to Louis Novak and they reared two sons, both of whom were killed in accidents. A giandson, William, provides them with much joy and pleasure. The Novaks live at 9475 S. Ewing. They celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in 1967. Angie’s home is a showplace for some of the most beautiful and novel plants with something in bloom all the time under her loving care. She is a wonderful baker and has knitted some of the loveliest things that could go on any handwork display. Angie has a perfect record of attendance at meetings and has always contributed very generously toward all affairs. She is especially well-known for her “mačka v žakle” which delights many members at the meetings. They know that she is a real treasure and hope that she will have continued good health and happiness for many years to come! Julia Tael No. 17, West Allis, Wis. A fine member of Br. 17 is Mrs. Tael who was born in Graz, Austria but reared in the city of Maribor, Slovenia. She was born on Feb. 10, 1894. When she came to America the year was 1913. A year later she married her first husband, Casper Schift and reared 3 daughters, Victoria Kastelic, Mary Vopal and Joana Underdale. Her second marriage was to Frank Tael on Oct. 30, 1943 and this year they will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They have G grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. The family home is at 2860 S. 52nd in Milwaukee. As is true of so many Slovenian housewives, Mrs. Tael is an expert gardener. She also enjoys traveling and is often off on a trip somewhere. She is a very loyal member of the branch and supports every event. Best wishes to her for a lifetime of happiness! Mary Zeit-z No. 21, Cleveland, O. Mrs. Mary Zeitz, daughter of Mary and John Ho-chevar was born in Ambrus, Slovenia on Jan. 14, 1886. She lives with her daughter Marie Zeitz at 1829 Tuxedo Ave. in Parma, Ohio, in a home built by her sons, Victor and Joseph on vacant land bought by her and her husband Vinko Zeitz 55 years ago. She arrived in America in March, 1905 and was married to Vinko Zeitz on Nov. 11, 1907 After 15 happy years of marriage, but with a good share of hard knocks and having 4 children: Marie, Theresa, Victor and Jenny, her husband Vinko passed away at the young age of 40. After a difficult period of being widowed with 4 minor children, she met and married Joseph Slak. She had one child by this marriage, Joseph Slak, Jr. Her second husband is also deceased. Her two sons, Victor and Joseph are in the building trade, as is her son-in-law Laddie Skully married to Jenny. Her son-in-law, Joseph Ste-fanfk, married to Theresa works at Union Carbide Research Laboratories. Her unmarried daughter Marie, with whom she lives, is working at the East Ohio Gas Co. She has 13 grandchildren of whom she is also rightly proud. Her grandson, Dr. Thomas Stefanik, son of Jos. and Theresa Stefanik, received his Doctor of Medicine Degree at Ohio State University in 19G4. He is advancing in his profession to specialize in Ear, Nose and Throat and for the last 21/2 years has been a Resident Doctor at the University Hospital in Cleveland, O. James Zeitz, son of Victor and Ann Zeitz has been in the Jesuit Order for 10 years. He has been teaching French and Latin at the University of Detroit for the past 3 years. Mrs. Zeitz is looking forward to the day when her grandson will be ordained a priest, which will be in about 3 years. Her grandson Gerald Zeitz, has received his M. D. Degree in Philosophy in 1962 and taught Philosophy at Seaton College in Yonkers, N. Y. for 2 years, and at present is at the University of Indiana. Her granddaughter, Marlene Zeitz is teaching French and English at Bethesda, Md. Linda Zeitz is attending Ohio State University for a nursing degree and Gregory Slak is at the University of Dayton, a Math Major. Her younger grandchildren are doing well in their respective schools. Her hobbies are cooking, baking, gardening and reading. Her baking specialties are apple strudel, crackling bread and making žeenkroffee. She delights in making a few extra treats to give away to her family, friends and neighbors. Besides two deceased brothers in Cleveland, Joseph and John, she has a brother Victor Hochevar. He comes to visit her to enjoy a meal with her and spends a summer afternoon on the swing under the fruit tree. At the age 80, she took the Father Godina tour of Europe, with her Doctor grandson and his wife, Marianne. The trip included visiting Fatima, Portugal; Rome, Italy; Austria, and Switzerland and meeting her husband Vinko’s relatives in Ljubljana Slovenia. But most important, returning to her homeland and seeing her brother Anton Hochevar again after 60 years. She visited the resting place of her parents and her deceased brother Louis and sister Johanna. A highlight of her return was when she visited the church of her childhood, and the organ was played especially in honor of her visit. Festivities followed in the village tavern, with all her relatives, and friends of so many years ago. Mrs. Mary Zeitz keeps active and has an interest, energy and enthusiasm hi working and living a quality not always found in a younger person. Plus her hobbles mentioned a-bove, she has just recently joined a Retirement Club, which she enjoys very much. Last year she went with the group to Washington, D. C. She has a devoted love for her faith. “If God is willing”, if He gives her health and strength, she plans to visit her brother and relatives in Ambrus, Slovenia again. Theresa Koschak No. 23, Ely, Minn. The members of Br. 23 have selected their president of two years as their chosen Mother of the Year. A nice gesture. She is a native of Ely and was born on Oct. 1, 1907. She and her husband, John were married on Jan. 23, 1928 and have reared four children, namely, Theresa, John, Patricia and Veronica. Now there are 7 wonderful grandchildren. Tho Minnesota folks have a rather short summer season, Theresa enjoys her garden and is a great fancier of flowers. This year the family celebrated mother’s and father’s 40th wedding anniversary. A hearty wish for a very Happy Mother’s Day and every day to Mrs. Koschak! Ann Frankovic No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. A mother who basks in the successes of her family is Mrs. Ann Frankovic. She spends much of her time writing to her sons Edward in Ohio and Tom in Maryland; two other sons, Frank and Fred are closer to home. Son Thomas’ appointment as resident manager of the National Brewing Company’s western division and his move to Phoenix, Ariz. makes her very proud. She is grandmother to 5 with her youngest grandson, Phillip, only 4 months old. She is an excellent cook, too. For a hobby, Mrs. Frankovic does a very conscientious job as secretary of Br 26 which she has been doing since Jan. 1959. The members all respect her and are grateful for her good work. Mrs. Frankovic was born April 16. 1904 in Pittsburgh. She was Ann Stampahar then until 1924 when she married her late hnusband, Frank. Since 1939 she has been a widow. The family home is at 5332 Keystone St. All God’s blessing to her and her fine family. Anna Staudohar No. 28, Calumet, Mich. The history of the colorful Copper Country region of Calumet is well known to life-long resident Anna Staudohar. She has been there since 1910 as a new arrival from her native village of Črnomelj in Slovenia. Her maiden name was Pechawer before she married Joseph Staudohar on Aug. 11, 1911. He passed away in 1957. Their 8 children are all living, namely: Anna Klobucarich, Mary Jako-vich and Agnes Negro all of Calumet; Kate Hammes, Margaret Hibben and Paul Staudohar of Milwaukee, Joseph Staudohar of Superior, Wis. and John Staudohar of Buffalo, N. Y. She also has 24 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. A very fine member of Br. 28, she attends meetings regularly and her 2 daughters, Mary the financial secretary and Anna, recording secretary, are very faithful officers. Mrs. Zeitz Mrs. Frankovic Mrs. Staudohar Mrs. Staudohar enjoys planting and caring for her garden at her home, 106 Oak St., plays cards and makes decorative pillows for herself and which she likes to give to her family and friends. A lovely lifetime with her family and friends is the sincere wish of all her Zveza sisters! Lorraine Weber No. 30, Aurora, III. A young mother of 5 has been chosen to represent Br. 30. She is Mrs. Lorraine Aister Weber, of 845 Meadow Terrace in Aurora. She was born July 27, 1928 right in the same town. The Eugene Weber’s children are Beth, Barbara, Joanne, Timothy and Patrick. Having school age children necessitates activity in local PTA’s which Mrs. Weber loves to do. A few years ago, she served as secretary for Br. 30 for a short time. Sincere wishes on this happy Mother’s Day and every day! Mrs. Cooke with daughters, Kathy, Carol, and Christine Mrs. Rot Ann Cooke No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. One of our Zveza’s most energetic workers, Ann Cooke, has been named by her branch as Mother of the Year! Ann is really a second “mother” to 99 little tots, members of the combined branches of Cleveland Baton Twirlers group now in existence four years. With her 2 daughters, Ann carries on a twice weekly practice schedule so the juniors are always ready to perform and march in parades in the Cleveland area. And, Ann is always ready herself to sign up a new member for Zveza! She came in third in the Pre-Convention Campaign. Last May, Ann supervised a busload of the Baton Twirlers to Washington, D. C. for our 14th National Convention, a trip which was memorable to all. Among her hobbies is bowling; but she has three daughters and a son, Danny, husband Edward, at home to keep her busy. They live at 20971 Wilmore Ave. July 5, 1929 is her birthday and April 14, 1951 their wedding anniversary. Several years ago, Ann was the secretary of Br. 32 for 4 years and is currently serving as vice-president. On the photo with Ann are her daughters, Kathy, Carol and Christine holding the prize winning trophy won in the Euclid Christmas Parade by the Baton group. Zveza needs and appreciates members like Ann Cooke and we salute her and wish her all God’s blessings with her wonderful family. Mary Rot No. 33, Duluth, Minn. A quiet-timid person, Mother, Mary Rot is very well-liked by her sister members in Duluth. In her younger days, she always helped in preparations for church and Zveza dinners and is one of their esteemed charter members. She will be honored at their Mother’s Day party this month. Mrs. Rot is a liome-body, who loves her large yard and garden. She grows flowers of various kinds and her home is surrounded by apple trees. It's like an orchard. And this year, Mrs. Rot and her husband, Frank will celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary, in observance of their wedding day in 1920 on October 18th at the parish of Bloke. She was born on Nov. 24, IS93 at Vas Studanec pri Rakeku in the notranjsko region of Slovenia. The four children of this family are William, Ann, Edward and Verna. Ann’s married name is Gilbertson and Verna’s is Krall. There are 14 grandchildren to complete the large family. In the long cold winters of Minnesota, Mrs. Rot spends her time crocheting and knitting in her cozy home at 218 101st Ave. W. The love and affection of all the members to her on this very special occasion! Anne Sknla No. 34, Soudan, Minn. Another tribute to their charter member is seen here with the selection of Mrs. Joseph Skala of Tower as the Mother of the Year! She was born Sept. 4, 1913 in neighboring Soudan and has lived there all her life. Here is an intrest-ing report on Mrs. Skala from Br. 34 reporter, Barbara Yapel: My Mother Who taught my infant's lips to pray To love and serve God every day And walk in Wisdom's pleasant way? My Mother Who ran to help me when I fell And would some pretty story tell Or kiss the place to make it well? My Mother How could she ever cease to be Affectionate and kind to thee Who was so very kind to me? My Mother Ah! No! The thought I cannot bear And if God pleased my life to spare I trust 1 shall reward thy care. My Mother Anne Skala is a mother of three sons, all of whom have served Uncle Sam. Joseph enlisted in 195G and served to 1958. Jack served from 1958 to 1900 after having been drafted and Jerome enlisted in 1966 and is at present in Vietnam. Jack and Joseph are married. Jack’s two daughters are Roberta and Jacqueline; and Joseph has a daughter and son, Joan and Joseph, Jr. Both are married to school teachers. Jack presently is an apprentice at the Oliver Iron Mining Co. at their Minn-Tac Plant at Mt. Iron, Minn, as an electrician and Joseph works for the Reserve Mining Co. in Babbitt. Mr. Skala, Sr is now retired from his long life as a miner in the region. Besides her hobbies, Anne and her husband, Joseph with their sons and families love to spend the summers at their Eagles Nest Lake Home midway between Tower and Ely. They have many family celebrations for birthdays of the various members of the family and at each holiday time. The Sr. Skalas celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary a number of years ago. “We are fortunate in having Anne with us, with her every day smile and cheerful disposition as she was stricken with polio in 1949 when Jerome was just a baby and in spite of this fact, she has been continually active after her recovery. We wish her a long life and much happiness in the years to come — and we salute her as our branch’s Mother of the Year!” Angeline Voylko N. 40, Lorain, Ohio. Family togetherness characterizes the Voytko family of Lorain. Angeline is the mother of five children, all pictured here along with grandmother Angela Kozjan, an officer of Br. 40. There’s always activity at their home, 1517 W. 29th St., and this June will be busy and happy with the graduation of daughter Georgene Mrs. Voytko with her mother and five children from Nursing School. Another daughter, Patricia will be married in October. When time permits, Mother Angeline loves to do hand crafts such as sewing and making jewelry and flowers. She and George Voytko married 011 May 3, 1941, so this year will be celebrating their 27th anniversary. Her birthday is March 4, 1920. Seen here are, from left: Arlene, Georgene, mother Angeline, grandmother Angela and Patricia. Seated are Nancy and Dennis. Heartiest wishes for an abundance of happiness and pleasure with all her beautiful children and good health for all. Sophie Bevsek No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. The Bev-seks are fun to be with! They are not only sociable, but leave it to Prank to provide the music on his accordian and you have the beginnings for a real party! Sophie and her husband do many things together such as traveling to Washington, D. C. for our Convention last year, and on many other excursions of Br. 43, we are always reading about their fine participation. They have been married since August 23, 1941 — 27 years already! Their two children are son Frank whose two children are a source of pride to grandma and grandpa and daughter, Dolores married last year. They live at 7001 W. Plainfield Ave., in Greenfield, Wis. The 10th of this month is also Sophie's birthday, so we extend wishes for many happy returns of the day. The branch feels fortunate in having her as their president this year after she was “promoted” as it were from the vice-presidency last year! She is a very active addition to their many doings. The most sincere wishes to Sophie this Mother’s Day and for all to come! Wilma Franciskovu'li No. 45, Portland, Ore. A very civic-minded person, active in many school and church activities is Mother of the Year, Wilma Franciskovich. She is the secretary of the branch for the second year and enjoys the admiration of all the membership! She was born Dec. 11, 1911 at Aberdeen. Washington and was married May 14, 1938 to Tom Franciskovich now deceased in 1966. Their two children are Dianne Covall and Dean Dianne was married just this past June in Portland and had a very lovely and large wedding. She is a medical secretary and her husband, Larry, is a college student. Son, Dean attended the Univ. ot Zagreb in Yugoslavia for two years and plans to continue studies in Oregon for his degree. But, he wants to return to Zagreb to obtain his degree in languages there. Their family home is at 3246 N. E. 57th St. in the City of Roses, Portland. Fondest felicitations! Katherine Petrovich No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Year 1920 was when Kaherine Tomec Petrovich came to the U. S. from her native Vas Primostec in Slovenia. She was married to Martin Petrovich on May 15. 1911 and made their new home in St. Louis. They reared five children, John Martin, Kay, Marie and Ann. With the growing of the family, there are now 14 grandchildren and 3 greatgrandchildren to keep them busy and happy. Mrs. Petrovich is a good member of Br. 46. At home she is an excellent housekeeper and loves her cooking and gardening. She is also an avid reader. The family home is at 4241 Ellen-wood Ave. Happy Mother’s Day, Mrs. Petrovich — a bundle of blessings to you! Mary Susnik No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — Mary Susnik was born in Barberton, Ohio and now resides in Euclid, on Marcella Dr. along with her husband, John, who is Supreme President of A.M.L.A. They have three sons Raymond, Kenneth and Dennis and five grandchildren. Her hobbies are gardening, sewing and specializing in baking. A good deal of travel has made her a very interesting person. She has visited such places as Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Florida, California and has been to Europe 4 times. A member of 30 years, her achievements are many. She was the sponsor of the Marie Prisland Cadets, a member of the Drill team, a singer Mrs. Bevsek Mrs. Susnik in the Gay Nineties group and is presently serving as Hospitality Chairman for 1968. In her spare time, she helps her husband at their appliance and furniture store. To know Mary is to love her, never too busy to give her sister members and branch a helping hand. Our very best wishes to her. Mrs. Petrovič Mrs. kusso Mrs. Lukz with four sons Alberta Russo No. 52, Hibbing, Minn. Keeping a lovely home seems to be the main work for Mrs. Lawrence Russo who loves to cook, bake, does knitting and is a talented painter. Her two children, Laureen and Larry, Jr., comprise the family along with Mr. Russo whom she married on June 22, 1946. They all reside at 124 4th St. She just celebrated a birthday on March 14th, and she was born right in Hibbing in 1921. Fond wishes to her from the members on this memorable Mother’s Day! Mary Lukz No. 55, Girard, Ohio Branch 55 has selected Mary Lukz as the Mother of the Year. Mary was born January 14, 1921 at Mingo Junction, Ohio. She was married to the late Joseph Lukz on her birthday, Jan. 15, 1944. Her husband passed away in the year 19G3 from a heart attack. Mary has four sons: Frank who was married this last year and is to graduate from Capitol University at Columbus, Ohio in June; Joseph who is in his second year at the University of Michigan; Louis who is to graduate this June from McKinley High School and the youngest Thomas, still at home. Her hobbies are baking and playing cards and many of her sons’ favorite sports. Their home is at 100 S. Cleveland St., in Niles. She was previously a Vice-President of the branch and still does much for the lodge. We extend to Mary our best wishes and may her year as our chosen Mother be a happy and joyful one! Reporter On the photo with Mother Mary Lukz are her four sons, from left: Frank, Louis, Joseph and Thomas on her lap. Mary Babich No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. This year will be the 35th Wedding Anniversary of Mrs. and Mrs. Anthony Babich and very appropriately, Mrs. Babich has been selected as the Mother of the Year by her sisters at Br. 56. She was Mary Shelko when she was married on Sept, 16, 1933 and the children of the family are Maryann and Anthony. Grandma to three, Ronald, Peter and Ann Marie, Mrs. Babich is very proud indeed of her nice family. She spends a lot of time in the kitchen cooking and in her garden tending her blooms. Anyone who has ever visited this region of Minnesota would be amazed at the beauty of gardens surrounding every home. It seems that flowers have much more meaning in this northern clime where the season for warm weather is rather short. Mrs. Babich was born in Oalumet, Mich, on May 18th 1901, so we say Happy Birthday and Happy Mother’s Day to her this very special month! Rose Spirko No. 57, Niles, Ohio. The city of Niles, Ohio is blessed with another wonderful Mother of the Year in 1968 and she is Rose Spirko, a member of Br. &7. Altho never an officer, she has served her branch well by contributing her time and effort to all their activities. She was bom in Austria on Oct. 14, 1895 and arrived in New York to begin her new life in America in January of 1912. She was Rose Blichowski when she married Steve Spirko on June 10, 1916. They had two children, son Paul and a daughter who is deceased. Two grandsons complete their happy family. The Spirkos celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1966. An excellent homemaker, Mrs. Spirko also spends much time beautifying her home with flowers and tending her vegetable garden which produces many items for their table. All this beauty arrd productivity can be seen at their home, 2012 Robbins Ave. where mother Rose is “queen" of her domain. All love and honor to her! Anna Ryszkotvski No. 63, Denver, Colo. Anna is a na tive of the “Mile High City of Denver" where she bom Feb. 3, 1895. She rightfully loves her city and the bea-tiful Rocky Mountains that surround it. When she was Anna Patrick, she met and married her husband, Isadore on January 7, 1913. They have just celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary! What a wonderful occasion! The seven children of this family are Amanda Boyer, Margaret Bezjak, Lucille Scaglione, Mary Ann Herone-ma, Betty Mae Volosin, Raymond and Robert. This Chosen Mother has 36 grandchildren! It is certainly a record number! Two of her grandsons are serving in the U. S. Navy, one has just returned from Viet Nam and a-nother is in the U. S. Army Reserves Eleven great-grandchildren is ano ther record number, we think! At 4920 Pearl St., in Denver, she occupies herself with keeping her home neat as a pin, crocheting and sewing. Daughter Margaret Is the Recording Secretary of Br. 63 and she Is also their auditor for the past three years. Mrs. Spirko and husband Steve Mrs. Babich All the best to Mother Anna Rysz-kowski from all In her "little army” of relatives and friends, and especially her sister members! Antonief Zupan No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Prom her beautiful native Slovenia , Antonia Horvat came to beautiful Canon City, Colo., in the year 1924. She soon became the bride of Anton Zupan with whom she reared six children, two now deceased. Two sons, Anthony and Joseph and two daughters, Josephine and Mary Jane are their loving children. And, eight grandchildren cowie to see grandma and grandpa often! Mrs. Zupan’s birthday Is Nov. 2, 1898 and she was born at Bela cerkev pri Novem Mestu. Her home Is at 1223 Elm Ave. where she likes to work on the farm and do crocheting for a past-time. Mary Jane Zupan is also a member And daughter is going to school in Hawaii. She was home on vacation for Christmas. She is in government work. Antonia Zupan is a very good member, never failing to attend meetings. She is very considerate, charitable in dealing with others. “We are very proud to have such a wonderful person among our membership and as our Mother of the Year. She has a smile for everyone,” say her sister members. God bless her for many years to come! Mary Kozul No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. With sincere thanks for her active membership In the branch and many contributions to their progress, the sisters of Br. 67 have chosen Mary Kozul as their Mother of 19G8. She is a native of Austria but was a little girl of 13 when she arrived in America in 1907. Her birthday, by the way, Is Feb. 24th. On Feb. 5, 1921, she married Angelo Kozul — her former name being Mary Schlosser. Two daughters, Anne Nelson and Irene Percic plus four grandchildren make her a happy mother and grandmother. African violets, so difficult to raise, are her extra special hobby and many other kinds of flowers, too. She is an excellent cook, much like our other Slovenian mothers who are inborn with culinary talents. Last fall the family helped to celebrate the 25th anniversary of sister Mildred Slavic whereas Mary and Angelo are in their 47th year of marriage. Hearty congratulations and may Mother Mary Kozul enjoy many happy years with her family and sistsrs of Br. 67! Mrs. Ryszkowski Mrs. Zupan Mrs. Kozul All About Mother’s Day While you may be among the thousands of Americans who will be sending flowers by wire to honor Mom on her day, you might be surprised to learn how far back in history the custom of observing the occasion with flowers extends. Ancient Greeks and Romans paid tribute to a universal mother—Mother Earth, by wearing leafy garlands as they danced in the streets on the Ides of March. According to information compiled by researchers at Florists’ Transworld Delivery Association, some historians contend that the germ of Mother’s Day was sown thousands of years ago when the people of the Near East and Mediterranean regions worshipped an Earth Mother by decking themselves with flower garlands at woodland festivals. During early celebrations of Mother’s Day in the U. S., sons and daughters wore flowers instead of giving them as gifts to Mom. Miss Anna M. Jarvis, who sponsored a church service in 1907 to honor her late mother and other mothers of the community, requested those who attended to wear a white carnation. However, as the custom spread throughout the country, with Mother’s Day being officially proclaimed a national holiday in 1914, celebrants stopped wearing [lowers themselves and started giving them in the form of corsages and bouquets. Setting a special day aside to honor “real life” mothers Isn’t new, however. A similar custom existed in England centuries ago. The day, which fell each year on the fourth Sunday in Lent, was called “Mothering Sunday,” and began as a festival honoring “Mother Church.” It wasn’t long, though, before people seized the same occasion to honor their own mothers with a gift of flowers and a rich cake baked specially for the day. It was also customary for many churches to hold services for children on this day, and these observances were marked by the bringing of flowers to the altar for a blessing. The carnation—white, red or pink —is the official Mother’s Day flower in the United States, because that was Anna Jarvis’ mother's favorite flower. But while carnations are still a popular flower to give on Mother’s Day, any seasonal flower is considered appropriate in a Mother’s Day corsage or floral arrangement. Is Mother’s Day a strictly American holiday? Hardly! The more up-to-date version of the occasion Is celebrated, according to the National Committee for the Observance of Mother’s Day, In such far-flung places as Mexico, Canada, South America, China, Japan and Africa! Mrs. Vehar Jennie Vehar No. 71, Strabane, Pa. Known for her gentle nature and willingness to help everyone is Jennie Vehar. Her members are cognizant of Mrs. Ve-har’s good deeds and consider her, “a very deserved Mother of the Year!” She was born on Dec. 7, 1898 at Novi Sveti Trih Kraljih in Slovenia. Since 1921 when she came to Gan-nonsburg, she has been a resident of the state of Pennsylvania. Her husband was Jacob Vehar who she married July 25, 1921. They reared seven children who are: Jacob, Lucy, Martin, Paul, Helen, Jane and James. Now there are 18 grandchildren! Mr. Vehar passed away in 1949. The outstanding quality of this chosen Mother is that she is very self-sacrificing and helpful to all her family and friends. She thinks nothing of baby sitting and ironing a basket of clothes at the same time for one of her family. The spirit of Motherhood is what she personifies and we salute her for this as Mother of the Year! Ann May Fike No. 73, Warrensville, O. This year, Mrs. Anne Fike was chosen Mother of the Year to represent Br. 73. Anne was born in Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 17, 1917, married to Ralph Fike in 1934. They have four daughters, two of them married and seven grandchildren. The girls are Yvonne, Carol, Helen and Linda. She loves to sew when able besides doing her housework at 2347G Sherman Dr. She is also employed at the Ohio State Employment office. Mrs. Fike never falters when asked to help and promote the betterment of our branch. She has been our vice-president for the past eight years. We extend to our Mother of the Year our congratulations and blessings and those of her husband and children and their families. Anne Yoger Marie Filak No. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. “God bless you all with good health and good luck to members of Br. 77 always!” That’s the wish from Mother of the Year Marie Filak to all her sisters and may we say in return, the same wish in abundance to you, Marie! Beloved grandmother and mother-in-law, Anna Filak, a charter member of Br. 77, is the one who enrolled Marie and then her two little daughters when they were infants. The girls are, Marilyn who will be 20 years old in September and is graduate of St. Benedict’s Academy now working for the Bell Telephone Co., and Joanne, who was just 17 years old in April and is a junior at St. Benedict’s Academy. Marie’s husband, is Albert J. Filak with whom she exchanged martial vows on Oct, 25, 1947. He is a steelworker and also a member of fraternal societies in the Slovenian Pittsburgh community. When it comes to satisfying her family with goodies, Marie can o-blige with anything from cookies and poticas to strudels and pohanje. But, her very first past-time is reading which she enjoys the most. On March 2, (191G), she celebrated her birthday right at home, 2126 Vine St. Felicitations and good wishes for happiness and joy in her role as Mother of the Year! Anna Widmar No. 83, Crosby, Minn. A 24 year officer of Br. 83 is Mrs. Anna Widmar, chosen for this year’s honor from Crosby, Minn. She has been their diligent recording secretary all this time. Many times has she contributed to the branch’s activities as a loyal officer. Mrs. Widmar is the mother of four children, Florence, Genevieve, Caroline and John. She has 8 grandchildren. A happy family is the result of her marriage on January 3, 1918 to John Widmar whe she was Anna Kraker. She was just 20 years old then, born in Virginia, Minn., on Nov. 3, 1898. At their home Mrs. Widmar is always making quilts for church and branch doings and sewing all kinds of other items. For her kindness and goodness, she is remembered fondly at this time and wished all God’s choicest blessings. Anna C. Forss No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. A Gold Star Mother, Mrs. Anna C. Forss lost her eldest son, Thomas Dukich, killed in the battle of Okinawa in 1945. The void left in her life and its sadness is understood by mothers evei'ywhere in the world. But. Mrs. Forss takes pride in her other children, Mary Ann, Gay of El Cajon, Cal., Peter Dukich of Minneapolis and Patricia Ann Forss of El Cajon, Cal. She loves her 11 grandchildren who' know their grandma likes to work in her flower beds, likes to travel, to cook and bake and is an avid bowler. She was born June 25, 1903 at Calumet, Mich., and now resides at 6 3rd St., in Nashwauk. Her husband of 27 years is Bernard Forss whom she married on March. 24, 1941. “We are very proud of our Mother of the Year,” say her sister members. May God love and fulfill her with happiness and contentment. Emma Casserly No. 89, Oglesby, III. A mother of 217 boys — all her boys In service, that’s what this Mother of the Year can be proud of! She was officially adopted as their "1110111” during the Korean war when Mrs. Casserly took time out every two weeks to bake cookies galore to send overseas. "I will always remember them,” says Mrs. Casserly of her boys. She was also the first blood donor in the Tri-Cities area of central Illinois. She traveled to Chicago every eight weeks to donate a pint of blood and also at each of the hospitals in LaSalle, Peru and Spring Valley, 111. Only illness stopped her from continuing this practice, but not until she had donated 30 pints. She has one son, William A., a career Marine of 22 years service who has just returned from 13 months in Vietnam. His two children provide grandma with happiness and joy. She was born 011 Dec. 31 1931 at Ixiwell, 111. Her husband, Hugh and she live at 132 Magnal St. in Oglesby. At home, she is often found in the kitchen baking goodies and happy to make new friends wherever she goes. This year she is holding office for the first time. With affection and deep respect, her sister members wish her the happiest of Mother’s Days ever! Anna Plesha No. 95, So. Chicago, III. We are fortunate, indeed, that Mrs. Anna Plesha, 2917 E. 97th St., Chicago, was selected by the membership as our Mother of the Year. She is a native of Celo Lesce, Yugoslavia, where she was born August 1, 1901. Her maiden name was Anna Bogdan. On November 23, 1923, she married Mr. Frank Plesha, and from this marriage eight children were reared, namely: John, Mike, Frank, George, Nick, Rose, Marie, Anna and Joseph (Deceased.) She is the proud grandmother of 13. Mrs. Anna Plesha exemplified so many things that are good, and that in this day and age seems to be going out of fashion, hard work, self discipline, fairness, and last but not least, possesses a combination of charm and above all a level head on her shoulders. By dent of her own personality, energy, and ability she has achieved a notable career as a homemaker and by sacrifice and devotion, attends our meetings regularly; she lias also attained a reputation of being one of the most charitable members in our branch. Anna is well known for her Mrs. Forss skill in cooking and baking, which she thoroughly enjoys. We are extremely proud of her for the many generous contributions to our branch and her family. For this we salute her as our outstanding exponent of all these qualities. I have known our Mother of the Year for the past 40 years, and it has been a privilege for me to be associated with her for that many years. Anna Plesha has given to our branch the many attributes with untiring devotion and fidelity. Few can match the honor and respect that is associated with her name. This is my tribute to a good, sincere member. It is my only hope, that she continues to enjoy splendid health and happiness for rest of her days. Mildred James Eva Eubin No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Coming from a large family has made Eva Lubin’s life very happy and fulfilled. In the fall of 1967, she helped arrange for a grand family reunion on the occasion of her mother’s birthday when all 68 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were present. Mrs. Lubin was born in the grand Rocky Mountains of Colorado, right in Crested Butte on April 23, 192,9. It was there she married Keith Lubin 011 June 26, 1948 and four children were born to them, Kenneth, Mark, Roxy and Monroe Lubin. They have seven grandchildren. A rather new sport called “snow-mobiling” has taken hold the past few years and Mrs. Lubin finds this sport fascinating. That and ice skating occupies much of her time during the long winters. She is the Vice-President of Br. 92 for three years and a fine and loyal member. It’s a pleasure to add Zveza’s salute with a fond wish for happiness and good health! Mrs. Lubin Julia Kukman No. 100, Fontana, Cal. The community at Fontana, Calif, newly settled by many Slovenians from other parts of the countiy who were searching for a lovely retirement spot, is the home of Mother of the Year, Julia Kukman. She is a former Chicagoan, living there long and even serving as an officer of a fraternal organization. Now she is active with Br. 100, attending meetings and assisting as possible. She lives at 8609 Bennett St., and Mrs. Kukman Mrs. Hajek celebrates her birthday on Jan. 4th. She was born in 1894 at Vinjivrh in Slovenia. When arriving in the U. S. in the year 1913, she came to DePue, 111. A year later, she was married to Joseph Kukman who is now deceased. They reared six children, Josephine, Mildred, Matilda, Maria, Glorlann, and Allen Joseph. She has now 13 grandchildren to enjoy and 8 great-grandchildren! Her garden is lovely and ever-blooming flowers are her special fancy. She is also interested in reading and singing. She is feeling fine after heart surgery a year ago and is truly a "sweetheart” to her friends and sister members. They hope for only the best in life to come for their Mother of the Year, Julia! Stella Hajek No. 101, Bedford Hgts, Ohio This will be a surprise for Stella Hajek, member of Br. 101 and chosen this year as their Mother of the Year! The secret selection is one of their annual events which creates a lot of interest and enjoyment for the members who gather at the May meeting to learn who is to be honored. Here are some of the things that have made Stella such a special lady this year. She has been their Sunshine Chairman for two years and auditor for two years. She is always full of new and useful Ideas and encourages other members to think a-long. Last year, Stella and her husband, James, celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary. They have four children, Mary Jane, James, Jr., Susan and Robert. This gives Stella many interests in such things as Girl Scouting and school activities. At home she’s tops as a baker and sews a fine seam! Every Christmas, since her parents’ death, she has been hostess for a family dinner in observance of the holiday. The Hajek home is at 5103 Joseph St., in Maple Hgts. This wish from her sisters: ‘‘We all agree that Stella is a very deserving Mother. She is always there to lend a hand. She is an active member of our branch, a necessary and good member. Many happy returns of this day to her and her loved ones!” Matilda Podborsek No. 103, Washington, D C. Since the establishment of Br. 103 in Washington several years ago, Mrs. Podborsek has been participating in every activity and always has positive suggestions. Our delegates and visitors to Washington for the Convention last May saw much of Mrs. Podborsek who was one of our bus guides and helpful in all respects. She is a ‘‘Ljubljančanka”, born In that capital city of Slovenia on March 14, 1893. She has been n U. S. resident 1912 and made her home in New York. Her husband, John, now deceased, took her as a bride In 1914 and they had a son, John, now expected back home from two months in Guam on business. Previous to this he was for 21 months in Bangkok, Thailand. A generous and thoughtful lady, Mrs. Podborsek, continues to keep a meticulous home at 1223 Mass. Ave. in the southeastern part of Washing ton. She is faithful in attending meetings and Is always cheerful and congenial. These qualities have endeared her to all. May she have a full and happy life in the warm sisterly affection of her branch! Anna Karun No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Anna Karun has been very active in many Slovenian organizations all her adult life. While her children were still very young, she went to work in the factory to help her husband give theii two daughters, Dorothy (Bernick) and Angeline (Bernick), now married to brothers, the things they did not have themselves as children. But, even holding down a full time job, she was never too tired to cook, sew and keep a neat home and to listen to their childish troubles. "Mom” Karun was always eager to listen and help. During World Wax II, she was a defense worker, with a 7 day a week shift including holidays — still she made sure her family had all the "fixin’s” for Thanksgiving. It was during this time that she donated her first pint of blood and has continued to do so to this day. She also contributes a generous per cent of her salary each week to the United Foundation which she claims Is necessary as, “if she didn’t donate what she actually doesn’t miss, someone would miss it dreadfully.” After 33 years of service, Anna has just recently retired from her factory work. But, that does not mean retirement from life, says Anna. For now she will have that much more time to give to her family and friends cooking those delicious Slovenian meals for which she is famous. She has also promised each member of her family a hand knit sweater for Christmas this year, so it looks like it will be a busy year for Anna. On Sept; 18th she will celebrate her birthday and Laurium, Mich is her birthplace In 1907. Br. 105 is indeed proud and happy to have her as their member and friend. God bless her for many, many years to come. POČASTIMO VZORNE MATERE ZVEZE Frances Ras pet Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Da imajo podružnice vsako leto priliko si izbrati zaslužno mater je izvrstna ideja, ker na ta način dobi marsikatera oseba popolnoma nepričakovano priznanje. Mrs. Frances Raspet, 305 Spring St., je bila pred leti ena najbolj aktivnili članic na zapadu. Ustanovila je podružnico št. G3 v Denverju, St. 66 v Canon City, št. 87 v Pueblo in št. 92 v Crested Butte. Imenovane podružnico lepo obstojajo, le št. 87 ni več. To je bila angleško poslujoča podružnica za mlada dekleta, ki so si ustanovile tudi vežbalni krožek ter nosile ime St. Mary Cadets, toda druga svetovna vojska je bila v glavnem kriva, da je zanimanje umrlo, ker so bile mlade zaposlene in nekatere še celo pristopile v ženski del armade ali stopile v zakon, ter se oprijele družinskega dela. Mrs. Raspet je bila vestna tajnica od leta 1932 do leta 1946. Udeležila se je tudi konvencije Mrs. Raspet v Pittsburghu leta 1943 ter bila izvoljena v glavni urad za en termin. Rojena je bila v Iški vasi pri Ljubljani 1. marca, 1892. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Janžel. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1908 ter se naselila v Pue-bli, kjer se je poročila 25. aprila, 1910 z Lojzetom Raspet. V zakonu so se rodili štirje otroci, namreč sinova Louis in Harry ter hčerki Frances in Heddie. Stara mati je dvema vnukoma. Mož je umrl pred nekaj leti. Njeno glavno zanimanje je šivanje ter sploh vsa ročna dela. Toda zadnja leta trpi na artritisu in šiva le za veliko silo. Najlepše čestitke, Frances, ter iskrene želje, da bi dočakala še mnogo let med svojimi dragimi. Naj Te Bog blagoslovi! Josephine Tomaselig Št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Izbrati najbolj zaslušno mater pri št. 5 ni teško, ker imajo v svoji sredi več dobrih in zvestih članic. Za letos je bila imenovana sestra Josephine Tomasetig, Mrs. Tomasetig Pri podružnici je v nadzornem odboru ter vedno rada pomaga pri vsakem delu za korist Zveze In članic s katerimi uživa najlepše odnošaje. čestitke in želje, da bi ji Bog naklonil še mnogo let. družinske sreče in zdravja! Mrs. Novak Cecelia Novak Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Priznanje zaslužne matere je bilo letos poklonjeno sestri Cecelia Novak. Rojena je bila novembra, 1887 v zeleni štajerski deželi iz Ptujske in Mariborske okolice. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Medved. V Milwaukee je prišla v starosti 20 let to je bilo leta 1907. Z Antonom Novak sta se poročila leta 1912. Y zakonu sta imela dve hčerki Marion in Bertha. Leta 1914 sta začela tz-govino z živili, katero sta vodila 33 let in za nekaj časa sta i-mela dve trgovini. Mož je umrl leta 1951. Pri podružnici je članica že 25 let ter je ves čas aktivna. Mnogo let se je udejstvovala v kegljanju. Njena hčerka Mary Starich in dve vnukinji sta tudi članici. Sestra Novak se rada udeležuje in pomaga pri vsakovrstnih prireditvah. Njeno zvesto sodelovanje je hvalevredno. Kot dobra družabnica uživa splošno spoštovanje. Najlepše čestitke In želje, da bi bila njena bodočnost vedno vesela in pri dobrem zdravju! rojena 30. oktobra, 1899 v vasi Poto-vrh, 1'ara Šmihel pri Novem Mestu. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Lužar. Spomini na šolska leta pri častitih sestrah N. D. v Šmihelu so ji ostali v neizbrisnem spominu. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1920 in se naselila v Indianapolisu. Leto po prihodu se je poročila, toda žalost je kmalu zadela družino, ko je leta 1925 umrl mož in pustil enega otroka. Leto 1940 je v starosti 18 let umrl tudi ta sin Joseph. Poročila se je drugič, toda tudi drugi mož je umrl in to leta 1934. V drugem zakonu se je rodila hčerka Dolores, zdaj poročena Konichnik. V družini hčerke so se rodili trije otroci, Linda obiskuje Marion College, Frank pohaja v Cathedral High School in Nancy v St. Mary Academy. Bog ji je poplačal s srečo, biti stara mati trem pridnim vnukom. Vsi trije in mati so včlanjeni pri št. 5. Leta 1939 se je trejič poročila in živi zadovoljno v lastnem domu na 949 No. Haugh, Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Terchek s enim izmed njenih petih sinov. Jennie Tercliek št. 7, Forest City, Pa. Med pionirji v tej deželi je zaslužna mati Mrs. Jennie Terchek, Iti je prišla v Ameriko 8. decembra, 1907, iz Slovenije. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Krasic. Rojena je bila 15. julija, 1887. Poročila se je 2. septembra, 1909. V zakonu se je rodilo sedem otrok, dve hčerki in pet sinov: Sylvia, Mary, Jack, Stanley, Frank, Edward in Paul! Stara mati je desetim vnukom. Njeno razvedrilo je v ročnem delu na posteljnih odejah (quilting) in kvačkanju. Ako bi štela sukanec na metre, bi lahko šla ž njim parkrat o-krog sveta, toliko ga je šlo skozi njene pridne roke. Pri podružnici ni v uradu, toda je zelo požrtvovalne vrste oseba, ki rada pomaga pri vsaki vredni stvari in je obče spoštovana po vsej naselbini. Želimo ji še mnogo let zdravja in zadovoljstva v krogu svoje družine in članic SŽZ! Louise Cebron Št. 10, Cleveland, O. Zia najbolj zaslužno mater je bila izbrana sestra Louise Cebron. Rojena je bila 27. maja, 1895 v vasi Ziberše pri Logatcu, dekliško ime Leskovec. V mladosti je zapustila svojo rojstno vas ter prispela v novo domovino 22. novembra, 1913 in sicer v Moon Run, Pa. Poročila se je 14. aprila, 1914 z Louis Jurečič. Prvi mož je umrl in se je drugič poročila 1. junija, 1932 z Louis Cebron. V družini so se rodili trije otroci in sicer Regina, Louis in Mary, zdaj odrasli in poročeni. Stara mati je devetim vnukom in prastara mati štirim. Mrs. Cebron je pristopila v Zvezo leta 3 928 in se dobro spominja pokojne sestre Mary Glavan, kako' se je trudila za članice. S sestro Glavan sta šle okrog za nove članice in se vozile v precej starem avtomobilu, kateremu je dala ime “Liza” in je rekla, da Liza gre kamor ona hoče. Spominja se sestre Mary Sluga, kako se je trudila skupno s sestro Glavan za nove članice. Spomini radi uhajajo na težke čase, ki smo jih imeli od leta 1929 do izvolitve predsednika Roosevelta, ki nas je rešil hudega. Predsednik H. Hoover nam je pred izvolitvijo obljubil, da bomo jedli samo piščance in purane v resnici pa ni bilo še krompirja, ko je on predsedoval. Rešil nas je pokojni predsednik Roosevelt, da so možje vsaj nekaj zaslužili, da smo imeli za hrano za otroke. Spomin nanj bo vedno ostal blag med nami, ki smo občutili depresijo. Sestra Cebron ni v uradu podružnice, toda vedno rada pomaga in je zelo požrtvovalna oseba za vsako dobro delo. Izrekamo ji čestitke ob i-menovanju častne matere ter ji želimo samo dobro v bodočem življenju! Jennie Zupančič Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), O. Med članicami je letošnja častna mati zelo dobro poznana, ker je posvetila mnogo svojih let v društvenem in cerkvenem delovanju. Sestra Zupančič, dekliško ime Blatnik, je bila rojena 3 decembra, 1892 v Cleveland, O. Poročila se je 10. februarja, 1919 z Martinom Zupančič (zdaj umrlim). V zakonu so se rodili trije otroci: Rudolph, Helen in Mildred. Stara mati je osmim vnukom in petkrat prastara mati. Pri podružnici je že dolgo let ter bila osem let tajnica. Kegljanje je njeno glavno razvedrilo. Pridno se vadi v tem športu ter s svojim vnetim zanimanjen navdušuje tudi druge članice v kegljanju. Zanima se tudi za lep potek kegljaških turnejev, katerih ne zamudi. Rojena je v Ameriki, toda vedno najrajši govori slovensko. Pred par leti se je podala tudi v Slovenijo na obisk ter uživala lepe kraje v domovini njenih staršev. Naše čestitke in želje, da bi imela srečno in zadovoljno bodočnost še mnogo let! Mrs. Tomazin Margaret Tomazin Št. 14, Euclid, O. Zaslužna mati Margaret Tomažin, je bila rojena 14. julija, 189G v fari Velike Lašče, Slovenija. V Ameriko je prišla z materjo v maju, 1913. Poročila se je 21. avgusta, 1921 v cerkvi sv. Vida v Clevelandu z Damijanom Tomažin. Dekliško ime je bilo Malovič. V zakonu so se rodile tri hčerke, ki so članice Zveze. Vse so poročene in to so: Ann Cadez, Margie Batis in Mitzi Globokar. Stara mati je desetim vnukom in enkrat prastara mati. Vnukinje so vse včlanjene pri Zvezi. Njeno največje razvedrilo je pri ročnem delu in vrtnarstvu. Bila je predsednica pri št. 25 več let in nato podpredsednica. Zdaj se pridno udejstvuje pri podružnici št. 14. Sestra Tomažin je zvesta članica Zveze in pride redno k sejam ter daruje in pomaga kjerkoli vidi potrebo. Posebno se zanima za mladino in SWU Twir-lettes. Ko je živela v okolici cerkve sv. Vida je bila aktivna pri vseh društvenih in narodnih poslih in uniformiranih skupinah. Njeno dobro dele bo vedno ostalo v lepem spominu. V domovini ima še živečega brata, katerega je že večkrat obiskala. Zdaj živi v okolici Euclid in zato je prestopila k podružnici št. 14, kjer nadaljuje s svojim vrlim zanimanjem in dobrimi deli. Naše iskrene čestitke ter želje, da bi dočakala še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let! Frances Ukovich Št. 20, Joliet, III. Članice so za letos poklonile naslov častne matere sestri Frances Ukovich, 1314 No. Hickory St. Sestra Ukovich je bila rojena 25. marca 1882 v vasi Rob, fara Velike Lašče. V Ameriko je prišla v februarju 1902 in se naselila v Biwabik, Minn. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Centa. Isto leto po prihodu, se je poročila z Mike Likovec. Mož je umrl. Drugič se je poročila leta 1935 in to v Jolietu z Martinom Mrs. Ukovich Ukovich. Rodila je sedem otrok. Šest jih še živi, umrl je sin Albin. Stara mati je 12 vnukom in prastara mati 20tim. Njeno glavno razvedrilo je v gospodinjstvu in zelo rada bere. Lansko leto je potovala z družbo na konvencijo v Washington odkjer je prinesla najlepše spomine. Za Zvezin napredek se resno zanima in je poskrbela, da so članice tri vnukinje, dve pravnukinji, dve snahi in nečakinja Pauline Adamic, ki je predsednica št. 105 v Detroitu. Sestra Ukovich pride redno k sejam ter radevolje pomaga pri vseh dobrodelnih prireditvah! Iskrene čestitke ter želje, da bi v krogu svoje spoštovane družine in prijateljic dočakala še mnogo srečnih let! Enima Znidarsich Št. 22, Bradley, III. Letos so članice izbrale sestro Emma Znidarsich, 39G No. Cleveland, za častno mater. Rojena je bila 16. januarja, 1913 v Bradley, 111. Deliško ime Yanesh. Poročila se je 12. novembra, 1947 s Frank Znidarsich. V zakonu so se rodili štirje otroci: Francis J.; Raymond A.; Joseph S. in Gerard M. Svoj prosti čas porabi pri katoliških šolah in univerzah, ker so njeni sinovi dijaki. Starejši sin pohaja drugo leto v Loyola University, drugi je v St. Mary College v Winona, Minn.; Joseph je tretji letnik v Bishop McNamara High School in četrti je v petem razredu v St. Joseph šoli. Sestra Znidarsich je po rojstvu A-merikanka, toda starsi se je podala v staro domovino in to v Globel j, fara Sodražica, pri Ribnici. Dobro so ji poznani vsi hribčki in cerkvice v okolici. Sestra Znidarsich ne zamuja časa, ker poleg svojega gospodinjstva hodi kuhat k Notre Dame sestram v Bourbonnais. To delo opravlja že štiri leta in pred tem je kuhala dve leti pri Dominikankah v Bradley V starem kraju se je izučila za šiviljo, toda teško je reči, da ji ostane kaj časa Mrs. Znidarsich s sinovi za šivanje. Udeležuje se tudi konferenc od Parent Teachers družbe in je tri leta leta bila aktivna pri delu za Bishop McNamara šolski godbi, kakor tudi pri Cub Scouts jim posveča svoje zanimanje. Oba z možem se trudita, da bodo sinovi vredni možje v cerkvi in narodu. To je njuna največja naloga, katero želita častno izvršiti. Iskrene čestitke, zaslužni in častni materi Mrs. Emmi Znidarsich. Želimo, da bi ji njena mnogotera dobra dela prinesla mnogo srečnih in zdravih let in da bi uživala sad dobrih del, katera tako nesebično posveča na vseh koncih in krajih! Mrs. Dezelan Molly Dezelan Št. 25, Cleveland, O. Članice, ki pridejo na sejo pri št. 25 so hvaležne svoji rediteljici, ki vedno poskrbi, da je vse v redu pripravljeno in so jo imenovale za najbolj zaslužno mater v letu 19G8 Mrs. Molly Deželan, 1140 E. 60th St. Rojena je bila v Clevelandu 14. februarja, 1917, dekliško ime Žigman. Poročila se je 4. novembra, 1935 s Frankom Deželan. V družini imata sina Franki. Kakor je bila njena pokojna mati Paulina Zigmund vedno pripravlje- na pomagati pri delu, tako je tudi Molly. Njo ni treba prositi, da bi pomagala, ampak sama vidi, kje je pomoč potrebna in delo je vselej storjeno. Na sejah tudi vedno pripravi, da imamo lemonado za grla namočit, da se boljše sliši, ko so številke klicane. Najlepše čestitke, Molly, želimo, da bi imela mnogo sreče in zdravja ter še mnogo let uživala delovanje za do-brodit podružnice. Maria Barle Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Častna mati pri št. 31 je Mrs. Maria Barle. Ona je bila krščena pri istem kamnu kot jaz, to je pri sv. Petru v Komendi, pri Kamniku na Gorenjskem. Rojena je bila 4. nov. 1890. Ko je bila stara eno leto ji je umrla mati in osem let pozneje oče. Tako je bila pri drugih ljudeh v zgodnji mladosti. Preden je šla v Ameriko je bila v službi v hotelu na Bledu, kjer se je učila gospodinjstvo, posebno kuhati in je še vedno izvrstna kuharica. V A-meriko je prišla leta 1913 in se isto leto poročila z Andrejem Barletom. V zakonu sta se rodili dve hčerki, kateri sta izšolani bolniški sestri. Mary je poročena na Hibbingu in Margaret je poročena v Chicagi. Sin, Frank, je nadučitelj v Californiji, sin Louis je nadučitelj v Aurora, Minn., sin An-dro je padel v drugi svetovni vojni. Kot vdova živi sama v svojem modernem domu. Na vsako toliko časa povabi sosede in prijateljice in jih pogosti z vsakovrstnimi dobrotami. S svojo družino ima najlepše odnošaje ter jo zelo radi obiskujejo. Ima £2 vnučkov, katere vedno bogato obdaruje. Pri podružnici je ustanovna članica. Na sejo večkrat prinese o-kusno pecivo. Tako je iz revne deklice postala velika žena. V svojih 77 letih je še vedno močne in čvrste postave, s srcem, ki je vedno velikodušno do vseh. Naj jo Bog ohrani še mnogo let! Tončka Lucich Jennie Gerk Št. 47, Cleveland, O (Garfield Hgts.) Ohio. V mesecu maju vsaka družina počasti po svojih močeh ljubo mamico. Tako je tudi vsaka mati srečna ko vidi, da ji svoj rod izkaže ljubezen. Saj ga ni srebra, ne zlata, ki bi poplačal materine dobrote. Edino čut spoštovanja in ljubezen je pravo plačilo do svojih roditeljev. Vrše se razne prireditve in slavnosti v počastitev mater. Ta dan bo povezana ljubezen v šopkih živim materem, za one, ki so odšle v večnost, se bodo darovale pobožne molitve. Pri naši podružnici smo izbrale svojo predsednico sestro Jennie Gerk za častno mater. Ona si je res zaslužila to čast. Pridobila je več novih članic ter z svojo velikodušnostjo pomaga pri vsakem dobrem namenu. Mrs. Barle s soprogom in sinom. Njeno lepo zanimanje za društveni napredek je odlično. Sestra Jennie Gerk, dekliško ime Kljun, je bila rojena 30. dec. 1900 v vasi Podgrad pri Divači. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1923. Leto zatem se je poročila z Jakobom Zadnik, zdaj preminulim. Rodili sta se dve hčerki: Elsie, poročena Spellacy in Olga, poročena Dorchak. Stara mati je sedmim, najstarejša vnukinja je redovnica, Sister M. Theresina. Drugič se je poročila leta 1939 s Joseph Gerkom, ki je nenadoma umrl pred 12. leti. V življenju so jo spremljali veseli in žalostni dogodki. Zadnji udarec je bil lansko leto, ko je meseca junija umrla sestra Mary Rusjan s katero sta skupaj živeli. Sedaj živi pri hčerki Olgi, v Solon, Ohio. Njeno največje razvedrilo je kvačkanje in vrtnarstvo. Spada tudi k pevskemu društvu Triglav, kjer je tudi zelo aktivna. Vse članice št. 47 so ponosne na svojo častno mater ter ji želijo, da bi jo sreča in zdravje spremljala se mongo let! Jennie Pugely Na sliki s setro Gerk so: hčerka Olga, vnukinja sestra M. Theresina in zet Mr. Dorchak. Mrs. Gerk s družino Ursula Kraf>el Št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas Za častno mater je bila letos imenovana sestra Uršula Kragel, 605 Splitlog Avenue. Sestra Kragel je bila rojena 23. oktobra, 1884 v Šmarjeti pri Novem Mestu. Dekliško Ime je bilo Krive. V Ameriko je prišla k stricu Johnu Krive 6. avgusta, 1906. Poročila se je v januarju 1907 s Frankom Kragel, v cerkvi sv. Petra, Steelton, Pa. V Kansas sta se vrnila še isto leto. V zakonu so se rodili štirje otroci, Frank, Anton, Mary in Anna. Anton je umrl v detinslcih letih. Umrla sta tudi hči Mary in sin Frank. Lani v jeseni je umrl tudi mož Frank. Zdaj stanuje pri svoji hčerki Anni, ki lepo skrbi za svojo mater. Za razvedrilo se bavi z ročnim delom, posebno rada kvačka. Želimo, da bi dočakala še mnogo let v zdravju in zadovoljstvu! Jennie Mohorčič Št. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Urad predsednice vodi zelo uspešno pri št. 68 že devet let sestra Jennie Mohorčič, ki je bila letos odlikovana za najbolj zaslužno mater. Sestra Mohorčič, 924 No. St. Clair Avenue, Palnesville, Ohio je bila rojena 15. maja, 1901 v Doljnem Jezeru, Slovenija. Dekliško ime je bilo Kebe. Poročila se je 7. julija, 1928 z Antonom Satej, ki Je umrl v letu 1937. Drugič se je poročila s John Mohorčičem 30. aprila, 1960. V družini je sin Anton Satej po prvem možu in pastork John Mohorčič. Stara mati je štirim vnukom. Njeno največje razvedrilo je v ročnem delu, najbolj se pa razvedri pri delu na vrtu, katerega zelo pridno neguje. Do letos sta z možem Imela farmo, katero sta prodala ln sedaj sta se naselila v mestu Painesville. Sestra Mohorčič je bila delegatka na konvenciji v Washingtonu. Pridobila je lepo število novih članic in odlično predseduje pri svoji podružnici. Vedno pazi, da je med članicam najlepše prijateljstvo, kar pomaga k lepemu napredku in zadovoljstvu. Iskrene čestitke in želje, da bi uživala najbolj srečno bodočnost in nad vse ljubo zdravje. Mary Sader Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Naslov Častne matere je bil letos poklonjen sestri Mary Sader. Rojena je bila 20. marca, 1891 v Sloveniji. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1910 in to je bilo v Everett, Washington. Dekliško Ime Je bilo Russ. Poročila je Antona Sader 25. januarja. V družini živi osem otrok, Mary, Victoria, John, Joseph, Charles, Donald, Lucille in Frances. Stara mati je 24 vnukom ter sedmim pravnukom. Sestra Sader je zelo veselega značaja ter ima rada o-krog sebe veselo družbo in v tem najde največ razvedrila. Nima nobe- Mrs. Mohorčič nega urada pri podružnici, ampak pride zvesto na seje in rada napravi živahno razpoloženje med navzočimi. Članice so ji hvaležne za dobro razpoloženje ter ji čestitajo k imenovanju častne matere in želijo še mnogo zdravih in veselih let! Frances Velicic Št. 96, Universal, Pa. Priznanje je bilo letos dano sestri Frances Veličič z imenovanjem častne matere. Sestra Veličič, dekliško ime Klemenčič, je bila rojena 24. marca, 1900 v vasi Hotavlje na Gorenjskem. V Ameriko je prišla 22. decembra, 1920, k bratu Andrej Oblak. Prvič se je poročila 8. avgusta, 1920 z Janezom Bajt iz Nove Oselice. Mož je preminul 27. marca, Mrs. Sader 1930. Zapustil ji je hčerki stari G in 4. Drugič se je poročila leta 1940 s Frankom Veličič. V drugem zakonu sta se rodili tudi dve hierki, Florence In Eva. Njeno najljubše razvedrilo je med cvetlicami ter skrbno neguje svoj vrt. Ob prostem času rada šiva in kvačka. Bila je ustanovna članica podružnice ter več let blagajničarka, kakor tudi nadzornica. Pri vsaki prireditvi zelo rada pomaga in večkrat povabi članice k seji na njen dom, kjer je izvrstna gostiteljica. Svoji vrli častni materi pošiljajo članice najlepše čestitke ter ji želijo še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let! Ksaver Meško: Sani nje O mati, spet prišla nocoj si k meni? Zadremal sem, in videl te v poltemi: Skoz izbo šla si. Tihi tvoj obraz ves zaskrbljen je bil ko tisti čas, ko še bodila živa si med nami z nikoli mirujočimi rokami. Saj šla s teboj je zmerom skrb za nas, kako naj bil bi ti vesel obraz? Trpela si za nas iz dneva v dan, da h koncu mir ti dal je grob tesan. In spet nocoj prišla si k meni? Doznala večnost si, kako trpim, in v mir tvoj se zasmilil ti je sin in si tolažbe mu hotela dati? In tiho, tiho zdelano roko na bolno tolažila si glavo in kot otroka vzibala me v sanje . . . Bile, o mati, so prelepe sanje! Zakaj tak naglo, naglo so prešle kot vse, kar osrečuje mi srce. 9?r?aari Hbmbers of ^Initrntan Unmnt’s Urnim - IBGT #1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Matesevac. Catherine Apr. 1 Sheck, Josephine May 30 Dusa, Louise Apr. 5 Mesich, Helena June 20 Mihelič, Mary Apr. 13 Kotnik, Josephine July 20 Ferlin, Anna May 18 Strmec, Mary Sept. 16 Petek, Antonia June 1 Planton, Christine Nov. 7 Tezak, Jean July 10 #2, CHICAGO, ILL. Stimac, Veronica July 27 Pogačar. Jennie May 14 Kobe, Barbara Aug. 13 Primozich, Johanna June 2 Plese, Amalia Nov. 27 Vastalo, Mary Aug. 8 Carpenter, Rose Dec. 31 #3, PUEBLO, COLO. #21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Snider, Frances Jan. 7 Šinkovec, Amelia Jan. 22 Škerjanc, Johanna May 14 Oblock, Mary Mar. 21 Fear, Theresa May 30 Oblak, Mary May 25 Cuzak, Agnes Aug. 1 Zakrajšek, Agnes Aug. 1 Golob, France« Aug. 22 #23, ELY, MINN. Skul, Johanna Sept. 3 Rozman, Frances May 14 SteblaJ, Cecilia Sept. 14 Jeric, Katrina June 15 Krall, Angela Nov. 14 Strucel, Katherine Nov. 9 Drobnich, Louise Nov. 20 Glavan, Mary Dec. 14 Galich, Alojzija Dec. 11 #24, LASALLE, ILL. #4, OREGON CITY, ORE. Mirtich, Dorothy Jan. 28 Maras, Mary Mar. 3 Hrovat, Caroline Jan. 29 #5, INDIANAPOLIS , IND. Strukel. Mary Feb. 27 Dreflak, Mary Oct. 10 #25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Cuffar, Mary Dec. 12 Terman, Frances Jan. 1 #6, BARBERTON, OHIO Kodrich. Angela Jan. 3 Gerbec, Elizabeth Feb. 1 Opaskar, Elizabeth Jan. 5 Mekina, Mary Mar. 16 Cerniloger. Theresa Jan. 20 Gajnar, Jennie Mar. 9 Fabian, Mary Jan. 20 Repar, Elizabeth Apr. 8 Kic, Apolonia Feb. 14 #7, FOREST CITY , PA. Hosta, Rose Mar. 1 O’Pecko, Marian Jan. 17 Jakomin, Johanna Mar. 13 Urbas, Gertrude Mar. 20 Gobec, Helen Mar. 21 Železnikar, Mildred May 25 Prijatelj, Mary Apr. 10 Petrich, Pauline June 8 Kolarič, Marfja Apr. 24 Pogorentz, Frances Sept. 11 Bartel, Mary Apr. 27 #8, STEELTON, PA. Zlgmund, Frances May 3 Marlslo, Ljuba Jan. 22 T -ampert. Rose May 18 #10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Fink, Mary June 9 Skebe, Gertrude Jan. 19 Budlch, Katherine June 21 Grill, Frances Mar. 14 Ausec, Josephine July 6 Rovtar, Josephine Mar. 19 Skerl, Rose Sept. 4 Jagodnik. Tina Mar. 28 Laseak, Frances Oct. 5 Marolt, Mary Apr. 3 Mramor, Mary Oct. 20 Ivanclc, Mary June 13 Zabukovec, Mary Oct. 20 Mersnik, Jennie July 16 Frank, Theresa Oct. 27 Kess, Mary July 23 Prebil, Antoinette Nov. 16 Pintar, Margaret Sept. 28 Mordus, Goldie Nov. 20 Sedej, Theresa Oct. 23 Suhadolnik, Frances Dec. 8 Certalic, Mary Oct. 25 Kuhel, Jennie Dec. 17 Kozel, Anna Dlec. 27 Skully, Anne Dec. 21 #12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. #26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Bevsek, Mary Apr. 14 Mihelclc, Christine Feb. 12 Rady, Lucy Apr. 26 Gaspar, Veronica Sept. 11 Prek. Anna May 8 Frankovlch, Barbara Dec. 20 Korpnlck. Mary July 27 #27, NO. BRADDOCK, PA. Wolovsek, Josephine Aug. 2 Stefanski, Mary Mar. 5 Pestotnlk, Margaret Oct. 1 #28, CALUMET, MICH. Koren, Katherine Oct. 19 Vertin, Mary Jan. 2 Rasbomik, Margaret Nov. 11 Gasperlch, Christine May 3 Hojnik, Amalia Nov. 20 Sustarich, Anna May 25 #13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Iilobuchar, Josephine Nov. 5 Kuhar, Agnes July 14 #31, GILBERT, MINN. #14, CLEVELAND, OHIO Neklc, Julia Feb. 3 Mestek, Margaret Jan. 20 Kashar, Mary June 7 Blatnik, Josephine Jan. 20 Trublroha. Sophie Nov. 15 Tekaucie, Caroline Feb. 2 Ambroz, Rose Nov. 17 PIrc, Mary Mar. 11 #32, EUCLID, OHIO Oklcki, Mary June 9 Skedel, Frances Mar. 26 Gerl, Mary Sept. 18 Sweet, Frances Apr. 1 Sopko, Mary Oct. 30 Božeglav, Angela Apr. 2 Vldrlck, Julia Nov. 6 Bukovec. Mary Apr. 15 #15, CLEVELAND, OHIO Hughes. Rose Marie Aug. 29 Krulc, Mary June 30 Rupar, Mary Aug. 81 Zupancle, Mary June 30 #33, DULUTH, MINN. #16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Vesel, Anna May 29 Marcec, Katherine Jan. 16 Skul, Johanna Nov. 6 Cheme, Helen Feb. aa #34, SOUDAN, MINN. Sefcik, Elizabeth Mar. 8 Sehwelger. Barbara Feb. 3 Putiell, Gertrude June 10 Grahek, Rose May 18 #17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. #35, AURORA, MINN. Jeric, Angeline Mar. 17 Jaeger, Agnes Apr. 26 #19, EVELETH, MINN. Turk, Frances July 6 Habjan, Frances Feb. 23 Mlklauclch, Agnes Oct. 31 Kapsh, Cecelia Mar. 14 #38, CHISHOLM, , MINN. Rakoveta, Elizabeth Mar. 29 Pender, Helen Apr. 5 Levstek, France* Nov. 26 Mar*lt, Johnnr.a Sept. 8 Drobnich, Margaret Dec. 10 Bruss, Frances Oct. 20 #20, JOLIET, ILL. #39, BIWABIK, MINN. Koncar, Frances Jan. 4 Pajanas, Frances Dec. 17 Russ, Mary Jan. 22 #40, LORAIN, OHIO Kemz, France® Feb. 8 Balo®, Eve Jan. 26 Urslch, Amalia June 14 LaVriha, Mary Aug. 1 Baraga, Mary Sept. 18 Ivančič, Agnes Nov. 16 #41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Oblak, Frances Jan. 18 Kosec, Fanny Feb. 21 Stakich, Anna May 18 Dobida, Mary Aug. 6 Marklc, Angela Oct. 19 Jalovec, Mary Dec. 10 Yakos, Jean Dec. 16 #43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Riffel, Helen Mar. 15 Hanrihar, Caroline May 20 Spraitz, Elizabeth July 3 #45, PORTLAND, ORE. Bozich, Mary Nov. 28, 1966 Bujas, Ann Mar. 6 Topich, Tomica July 14 #47, CLEVELAND, OHIO Muhl, Margaret Jan. 10 Miller, Agnes Feb. 8 Rusjan, Mary July 13 #50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Herbst, Anna Feb. 2 #54, WARREN, OHIO Horvat, Angela Nov. 19 #55, GIRARD, OHIO Rostan, Mary July 31 Sawicki, Nettie Oct. 26 #56, HIBBING, MINN. Mlakar, Agnes Jan. 5 Chrep, Anna July 9 Huzak, Julia Sept. 22 Filipcich, Antonia Nov. 27 #59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Rihel, Frances May 21 Stacko, Matilda July 21 #61, BRADDOCK, PA. Novosel, Cecilia July 26 #63, DENVER, COLO. Kovac, Mary Nov. 15 Škrbina, Mary Dec. 4 Gobster, Julia Dec. 11 #65, VIRGINIA, MINN. Miltleh. Mary Jan. 20 Buncich, Anna May 19 Krebs, Mary Nov. 19 #66, CANON CITY, COLO. Susman, Anna Feb. 19 #67, BESSEMER, PA. Bacic, Katarina Sept. 11 #71, STRABANE, PA. Rosman, Agnes Dec. 19, 1966 Tomslc, Gertrude May 3 Benlch, Josephine Oct. 10 Gruden, Jennie Nov. 28 #72, PULLMAN, ILL. Okorn, Anna May 8, #73, WARRENSVILLE, OHIO Kaezeak, Stella Dec. 1 #74, AMBRIDGE, PA. Anzur. Jenny Apr. 5 #77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, PA. Knaus, Anna Dec. 27 #81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Vesel, Frances Aug. 21 #84, NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. Rode, Jennie Feb. 17 Schleimer, Mary July 2 Geluk, Mary Nov. 15 #85, DEPUE, ILL. Kovačevič, Mary Jan. 17 #90, PRESTO, PA. Martinčič, Mary Jun. 20 #93, BROOKLYN, N.Y. Lackner, Mary Feb. 25 #95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. A*an, Manda Feb. 7 Malclc, Johanna May 24 Vuckov, Barbara Nov. 8 Svorcina. Antonia Dec. 16 #96. UNIVERSAL, PA. Sheffler, Gertrude Sept. 17 #99, ELMHURST, ILL. Lisjak, Frances Apr. 29 Remec. Mollie May 18 #100, FONTANA, CALIF. Petrlch. Anna July 5 Strnad, Josephine Aug. 12 MAY MESSAGE FROM THE SUPREME PRESIDENT SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FUND In the past few weeks we have received some very nice, large donations. To date we have $40,000 but still need $30,000 to reach our final goal. If there would be a few more individuals like those listed below, our goal would be reached very soon. Do YOUR part, members, and put your donations on the altar of Our I^ady of Brezje — Marija Pomagaj! Names of donors in March: Anonymous, Cleveland, Ohio $ 100.00 Rt. Rev. Msgr. M. J. Butala, Joliet, 111. 100.00 Parishioners of St. Joseph Church, Joliet, 111. 1,130.00 Chicago Committee sent by Albina Novak, Sec’y. 488.11 Mary Hutujec & Ant. Kastelic, Br. 64. Kansas City, 358.00 Mary Hutujec, Kansas City 100.00 Anna Trontel, Br. 2G, Pittsburgh, Pa. 178 00 Frances Simonieh, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. 152.00 Christine Kepic, Br. 84, New York, N. Y. 52.00 Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Guardia, New York, N. Y. 100.00 Rose Chandek, Cleveland, Ohio 100 00 Mary Otoničar, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio 2'2.00 Antonia Stokar, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio 50.00 Marie Prisland, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 50.00 Frances Novak, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio 40.00 Barbara Yapel, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. 42.00 Jennie Pugely, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio 14 50 Br. 39, Biwiabik, Minn. 10.00 Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. 5.00 Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio, proceeds from Card Party 300.00 Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio, individual donors 50.00 Cleveland Bowling Tournament collection 128.75 (Limited space in Zarja makes It impossible to print each donor’s name; however, they will be listed in the souvenir booklet for the Slovenian Chapel when completed.) Supreme Board Meeting Held in March At our Supreme Board meeting held March 25-26, all were present from the Board of Directors. Books and securities were checked and found in good order. Founder. Marie Prisland is investing our money in sound and highly rated investments. Since our cookbook, Woman’s Glory-The Kitchen is still in great demand, we have decided to have another supply printed. The New Era Membership Campaign is progressing nicely. All Board Members agreed that a book on the history of Slovenian immigrants to this country be printed. The author, Mrs. Marie Prisland, will write the book in the English language. All Board members were impressed to see the remodeled office which was needed very badly. We also were happy to see our Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak recuperating nicely from her eye surgery. One year of business was taken care of in two days and the meeting adjourned in good order with a successful meeting concluded. On March 25th, an evening meeting was held with the Chicago officers of the Slovenian Chapel Committee. President, Frank Kosmach, could not be with us as he was out of town. I gave a brief talk on the Chapel and the main subject was on raising the remaining sum. The architectural designs for the Chapel were also discussed and I explained that Mr. Kennedy of the Shrine will have final charge of the design and construction of the Chapel. To date we have not received any drawings but the central committee will approve of them before work will begin. All attending the meeting were in favor of having an original painting of Marija Pomagaj as the central focal point at the Chapel, much the same as she is pictured in the church in Brezje, Slovenia, which was seen on the December cover of Zarja. Congratulations to the following branches celebrating their 30th Anniversaries in this beautiful month of May: Br. 89, Oglesby, 111. on May 9, 1938, organized by Mary Meglich, Br. 90, Presto, Pa., on May 12, 1938, organized by Mary Usnik, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa., on May 12, 1938, organized by Mary Knafelc. Their 20th Anniversaries are being celebrated this month by: Br. 106, Meadowlands, Pa., on May 24, 1948, organized by Frances Tomslc Congratulations to all officers and members of these branches! Notes on National Bowling Tournament The National S.W.U. Bowling Tournament held in Euclid, Ohio at the Pallisade Alleys was a great success with 34 teams taking part. Teams were from Sheboygan, Milwaukee, Joliet, Chicago, Cleveland and Euclid. The Sheboygan “girls” traveled the farthest and I personally wish to compliment this fine team on their spirit and enthusiasm! The schedules and prize lists were given to each bowler. Liz Zefran and Lil Putzell are to be complimented on a fine job done. Winners and scores will be found in the Sports Director’s report next month. Here’s an excerpt from the Sheboygan local newspaper’s sporting column: “How about this for a collection of gals who don’t let a little thing like age stop them from having their sporting fun: eight ‘veterans’ recently hied themselves to Cleveland, Ohio for the Slovenian Women’s Bowling Tournament, all aged between 62 and 72. They were Anna Modiz, Christina Rupnik, Agnes Gergish, Johanna Zore, Mary Turk, Mary Germ, Gerdie Hudohmet and Anna Zavrl.” New Era Campaign The beautiful month of May is here — nice, warm, sunny days and the perfect time for us to get out and scout for new members. In Duluth, Minn., they have no trouble — they are leading the campaign! Try to beat them out and the only way is to get those members signed up! Time is creeping up on us and the deadline of Oct. 31st will be here before you know it. To all Mothers, I wish a very happy Day on May 12th and the best of all wishes especially to my mom! Happy birthday to all celebrating this month and a speedy recovery to the ailing. Toni Turek JOIN US IN THE “NEW ERA” MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. — May 9th will come early this month — for the annual Prayer Hour for Mothers, Daughters, Grandmothers and grandchildren — at St. Stephen’s church, 7:30 p. m. The Singing Litany and Benediction will be a very lovely ceremony when we pay tribute to our Heavenly Mother at her May Altar and all the mothers of our branch. Afterward, the social will again be a time for good refreshments — the best home baked goods will be brought by our members and Ann Zorko is in charge of refreshments. We shall fete our Mother of the Year, Mitzi Krapence with a few surprises, too. Donors’ names will appear in Zarja. The money-making project which we have undertaken for this year is well under way. Bach member is asked kindly, to participate in the spirit of sisterhood, so that we can realize a grand success. This is May, the month in which we celebrate many birthdays of our members, but among them is the birthday of our president of 20 years, and Supreme Treasurer for 16 years, Josephine Železnikar. We offer her loving wishes for many happy returns of the day — and to all our May celebrants the same. Come to the party May 9th and we will celebrate with you! Again, Happy Mother’s Day to all! Corinne Leskovar No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. This concerns all members. We are having two events taking place these months. On May 8th is our annual meeting honoring our worthy mother, Mrs. Prances Raspet, a long and good standing member who has been selected for this honor. I wish that we wou’d have a large attendance, mothers, so please bring the junior members long. They are the future of our branch and America. We will try our best to make it a pleasant evening. Will you try and be present? Next, we are going to have the State Convention at Crested Butte, Colorado in June. We will have information about the transportation and tickets. We also must have good cooperation so we can have a real convention. Please remember the date, June 30th, "State Convention Time.” Please come to our meeting. Thank you. Sincerely, Mary Guzzol, President No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. The March meeting was quite well-attended, but many of our usual faces were missing and we’re hoping to see more each month. Remember the meetings are held at 1:00 p. m. at the Lily Club on every third Thursday afternoon. As usual, the meeting opened with prayer, followed by various reports. The president asked for new ideas, and all that was discussed was a rummage sale to be held on May 15. Volunteers were asked to help get the hall ready the night before. We were lucky enough to get the Lily Club for the event, and it has a good location and is so easy to get to. The No. 18 bus stops on 22rd St. and National Ave. going both east and west. It’s a good chance to get rid of your old clothes or no-longer needed or wanted knick-knacks or housewares. Remember: there are always people interested in things you no longer care for! Our card party was a success and many thanks go to the various donors and helpers we had; I certainly appreciate all the help given by our officers and former secretary, Theresa Sukys, who has so willingly and graciously taken over in my place, since I have become so upset and helpless after the shock of my husband’s death and subsequent major surgery six weeks later. It’s good to have the interest and support of the members. Again, I thank you all for all the kindness and help. Our sympathies go to Mrs. Sagadin in the recent loss of her husband, as well as to the family and to Marie Floryan on the loss of their father and husband. Get well wishes go to Mary Krz-narich, Louise Greisbacher, and Mary Dobnik. Do hope you all are able to join us again in meetings and activities and can enjoy life for a long time. Last minute preparations for the trip to the Shrines will be discussed and our summer plans, so try to attend your meetings and join us in these discussions, so that you can help to strengthen your lodge. New members especially youngsters are needed, and always welcome. Mary Dezman, Sec’y. No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. With many plans in the offing it would be nice to give you our program at least to cover the coming summer. May 5th, Mass at 8:30 the Church of Nativity, followed by breakfast at the Jack Tar Hotel. This will honor our Mother of the Year, Margaret Pager. Call Fran Chiodo for a reservation, 824-8204. Have to know how many of you gals are ready for a nice time. State Convention “Zveza Day” in Fontana, is planned for over the July 4th Holiday. Rose Scoff is working hard to make this a really big celebration and asks for the help of all. More about these plans when the complete program is worked up. This will act as a stimulant and make you gals feel the travel bug. The end of last year we had a happy event to tell you about but It seems time gets away and we didn’t let you know of the very happy 25th wedding Anniversary June and Emil Patrick enjoyed. I remember when June and Emil had their wedding day, June was such a very young girl it seemed to me almost impossible she was old enough to marry but 25 years later she and her beloved Emil are as happy as on that day. Their children, Mrs. Gary Thomas, Michael, Karen and Gary Patrick gave them a Surprise Party. Mom Sophie Sullivan and Dad Chris were delighted (these are the two youngest great-grandparents I know) to honor June and Emil. June’s grandchildren Robin and Michael Thomas and Mark Patrick added to the merriment as children always do. June and Emil were married in the Church of Nativity, as was Grandma, Ma and daughter and son making four generations all married in the same church. I’d say this is quite a record. Whenever we have a Zveza breakfast you can count on the Sullivans, Patricks and all the family to attend; it is always so nice to see this lovely family. Needless to say all are members of Zveza and proud to be. Congratulations to June and Emil and may each day add beauty to your life which has truly been blessed. Mother of the 1968 Margaret Fager will be honored at. breakfast May 5th. She is very well liked and we know how happy this honor has made Margaret as she represents our idea of a Mother of a lifetime. Her children find in Margaret a “Pal” as she is a young mom in her ideas and active in her lodges and church. Margaret held numerous offices in church groups and society affiliations. Seems Margaret always has a broad smile on her face, and a kind word for all. She is happy with the slightest consideration and thanks each person who helps in any way. It would be difficult to write an article and not mention the many kindnesses she has extended to me and the many times she has called to compliment and praise an article I’ve written. This makes me very happy. We know Sisters Rose Scoff and Katie Lampe, both officers in Br. No. 13, take great pride in Margaret and we are pleased with the honor extended to her. Ann Palmgren and Agnes Lampe, her other two sisters also members of Zveza, share this pride. These girls have been inseparable for years: it has gotten so that when I see Ann I call her Margaret. We can only say we have chosen a real flower for our Mother of 1968. Congratulations, Margaret and may God bless you each and every day, and make your life a happy venture. Fran Chiodo, Reporter Branch 2 Bowlers’ Trip to Cleveland, Ohio ©ur trip to Euclid, Ohio, March 29, started from Zefran’s. All the women were on time but the bus driver forgot his clock and was a little late. The luggage and bowling balls (which we are selling again) were loaded, along with all the goodies and refreshments, and away we went. No sooner had we left Damen Avenue, and turned on to the Stevenson Expressway when out come all the food and drinks. The shrimp salad was made by Fran Zefran, with the able assistance of Joe Sinks. Here is the recipe for the “Shrimps” as requested by the girls. 2 small cans shrimps washed and cut up in small pieces. 1 pint of Sour Cream Vi cup of Chili Sauce or more to taste. (Brand used called Home made Chili Sauce) 1 teaspoon chopped onions (fine or liquid onion juice to taste) 2 teaspoons lemon juice 14 teaspoon salt Mix ingredients together and chill in refrigerator (very good); serve with crackers or potato chips. Zef went to Jay’s for a large box of potato chips and pretzels plus the ice cubes. Sports Club donated all the Kathryn Beich’s candy that was passed around. Elsie Statkus, and Anne Vucko had potato chips and clean up bars. (Original recipe, chocolate chips and Brownies,) Mary Reich, cheese dip, Barbara Kosi and Shirley Melissa, assorted crackers, candy etc. We had hard boiled eggs and what-not! Boy! Did our diet go out the window that evening, but all in all we did have a lot of fun. Agnes Marrazzo and yours truly passed out the food, but I soon tired out and left Agnes passing the food, wouldn’t you guess that she walked the miles up to Euclid and back to Chicago on that bus. No wonder she was so tired. She has black and blue marks to prove it; but all kidding aside, we did have a wonderful bus driver, Mr. Helm, and we were fortunate in having him drive us both ways,. We will call on him again or shall we say, the Greyhound Bus Lines, and request his service. The singing was in harmony but some of it couldn’t be understood; I guess we were just tired. The bus pulled in at the Charter House Motel at 2:30 a. m. and our rooms were ready and awviy to bed we went. Saturday, Mrs Turek, our Supreme President, was there early, to help the girls get around. She took some of the girls to Richmond Shopping Mall while some of them got cabs and a few of us rented cars and got around Cleveland real well until I went looking for 200 St. As a Chica- goan who finds it by asking questions, we got to our destinations very easily. We had a surpise visit from Father Lawrence Grom, who came in to give us his blessing—for some high scores, but I won’t talk about the scores now, I’ll leave that for another issue. Saturday evening everyone went out, some to visit friends, and later to meet us at all the “Polka Palaces.” We sure had a good time and everyone is still talking about the places they went and it was a weekend to remember even though it was far to travel. But as the saying goes, it’s never too far to go and have a good time. The Bowling scores and the winners will be in the June issue, as all the verifications are not in. All the sheets are rechecked at home to find mistakes, so that when you get your verification sheets please have the secretaries verify your average and mail back to me immediately. Lucky Agnes Marrazzo was the first prize winner, a transistor radio. Other prizes were very well received, too. Don’t forget that we have another trip coming up for members and friends; it’s the two day pilgrimage to Our l^ady of Snows, July 6-7th. Call me for your reservations. Elizabeth Zefran, Director of Women’s Activities •»••••••••••• No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News. The Chicago S.W.U. bowling league rolled into the last month of bowling with most of the ladies trying to recover from the busy and enjoyable week-end in Cleveland. Is it bowling so badly that makes one so tired. I wonder? It’s almost an effort to write this column. But to get on with the news—as of March 26, Reliance Federal, with 59 wins and 34 losses, increased its lead over second-place Zefran Funeral Home, with 53 wins and 40 losses. Dr. Grill remained in third place with a record of 51-42. St. Paul Federal (491/2-43%) moved into fourth place, dropping Wagner’s Bakery (48-45) into fifth. The top seven teams are pretty close together so there still could be some shifting around before we end this bowling season. Shirley Melissa took over the spotlight in March with a 260 scratch game. With handicap, it was 275 and enabled her to take over the lead in high Individual handicap game. Shirley’s 589 series was 109 pins over her 160 average. Fran Smulski had a 507 series—87 pins over her 140 average. Fran shot a 200 game that night. Pat Mladic, who is improving every week, got a share of the spotlight again by shooting 72 pins over her 114 average, with a 414 series. Railroad pickups for March: M. Zefran, 4-5, 5-10, 3-10, 2-7; M. Rein-holz, 5-10, 2-7-8; E. Kroschel, 2-10, 5-7; L. Putzell, A. Fingerhut, 2-7; M. Zahorsky, S. Melissa, 3-10; M. Persa, 5-10; P. Mladic, 5-7; L. Zefran, 3-7; J. Grzetič, 6-7-10; T. Stanek, 5-7-9. That’s all for this month! Barbara Zurek No. 20, Joliet, III. — Bowling News Northwest Recreation Club is Btill holding the lead with only two weeks to go. For second place, we have a three-way tie between American Slovenian Home, Bluth’s Sausage and Merichka’s Restaurant. Dames Funeral Home is in fifth place and Shep’s DX Service Station is sixth. Gen Klainsek had a beautiful 574 series. Ag Verbiscer had a 514, Jo Mlakar, 512. Gen Klainsek also had a 507, Bernie Suski, 496 and Dot Jak-setich 494. Marilyn Nemanich had 209, Gen Klainsek 204 and Jo Mlakar 201. Converting some difficult splits were Virginia Guertln, Jo Mlakar, Kay Sukle, Millie Ellena, Mitzi Mro-zek, Gert Padovic, Ann Ariagno, Marje Wajchert, Ev Gregory, Bernie Bluth, Virginia Guertin Ag Verbiscer, Mary Rezick, Lil Anderson and Marge Gasperich. Our ten top averages are: Marje Wajchert 163, Gen Klainsek 161, Dot Jaksetich 153, Jo Mlakar 152, Vicki Bernickas 150, Marilyn Nemanich 149, Marge Gasperich 148, Therese Pavnica 146, Mitzi Mrozek 144 and Virginia Guertin 142. American Slovenian Home had an 811 “scratch” game. Nice shooting, gals. Theresa Pavnica, Reporter ••••••••••••• No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. With all the lovely weather ahead of us, we are hoping for a lot more ladies to attend our meetings. Our April meeting was fairly well-attended. The meeting was opened with prayer led by President, Theresa Skur, followed by the reading of the minutes, secretary and treasurer reports. After the closing of the meeting, we retired to playing our favorite games. Congratulations to Antonia Sustar and Mary Gerl on becoming grandmothers again. Mr. Jos. Stražišar (husband of Mary Stražišar, our Vice-Eresid«nt) celebrated his 75th birthday on April 10th. We wish him many more healthy and happy years. Jennie Rasberger was the winner of the door prize. Thank you Mary Leksan for your donation to our goodtime club. Get well wishes to all our sick members and to Mr. Jos. Zimmerman (husband of member Olga Zimmer- man) who is hospitalized after major surgery. Thanks to all members who have donated to the Slovenian Chapel Fund. There isn’t much more to report so I’ll close with a wish for a very happy Mother’s Day to all! Vera Bajec, Sec’y No. 15, Cleveland, O. Summer will soon be here and before it gets too warm, we will celebrate our 40th Anniversary on May 26th with a Mass in the morning at 10 o’clock at St. Lawrence church with breakfast after Mass at the Slovenian National Home on E. 80th St. Ohio-Michigan State Convention will take place at 2 in the afternoon with dinner at 5 and dancing at 7 till 11. So, we would like to see some of our nearby branches come and celebrate with us and especially to come to the State Convention. Hope to see you there and our best wishes to all our sick members of all branches and a speedy recovery to all of them. Fraternally yours, Frances Novak, Sec’y. No. 20, Joliet, III. Our condolences to our member, Theresa Pavnica, to her sisters, brothers and relatives upon the passing away of their father, Michael Metesh, age 83 yrs. He was preceded in death by Mrs. Metesh and a brother. Theresa is also a member of the Zveza bowling team. May he rest in peace! Our Joliet bowlers, headed by director and branch treasurer, Josephine Sumic and also Marge Gaspe-rich, along with friends and relatives of the bowlers attended the Midwest bowling tournament in Cleveland. — They had a wonderful time on their reserved bus, a time which was enjoyed by everyone. They also had a wonderful time in Cleveland. The picture of Jo Sumic and Marge Gas-perich in the local Herald News, gave us a fine idea of this trip to which they looked forward for many weeks. Since the results at this time are not known of the winners, may the congratulations of our branch be extended to the lucky and fortunate teams who took home the best wishes of all taking part. Our president, Emma Planinšek, is at this time vacationing in Washington, D. C. for her birthday invited by her daughter, Irene, whom we all know from the past year as our wonderful hostess. Mrs. Planinšek is there in time to observe the cherry blossoms in our great capital city. Those at the hospital at the present time are: our auditor, Frances Hubert, Josephine Martincich, Barbara Ivec; and at home from the hospital are Theresa ZJogar, Jennie Smrekar, Jennie Bambich, Katherine Butala at the Americana. We wish I hem all a speedy recovers7. At this time I am inviting all members to come to our May Day meeting where we will honor our popular Mother for our branch who is Frances Ukovich. This will be a gala affair with lunch and entertainment. So, do not miss this special meeting of the year. Sincere congratulations to Mrs. Ukovich and all mothers of our branch. May God preserve them for us many years to come. See you all at the meeting, May 19th. Josephine Erjavec No. 21, West Park, Ohio. I overlooked mentioning our Councilman, John Cimperman, President of the 22nd Ward who also attended the recent benefit Card Party. Thank you, John. Bowling News: Members of Br. 21 entered the National Tournament at Euclid, Ohio. They were Josephine Intihar, Captain; Fiances Meklich, Helen Konkoy, Mary Stevens, Frances Cimperman. Josephine and Frances entered single and doubles and came in 3rd place. Congratulations to all our Cleveland bowlers and those elsewhere for participating in the National Tournament. On the sick list, Mary Hočevar broke her wrist in a house cleaning accident and Alice Delzon, hospitalized recently, is now recuperating at home. Our best wishes for speedy recovery. Br. 21, West Park, Ohio celebrated their 40th Anniversary combined with Mother of the Year Party, May 1st. Br. 21 was organized by Cecelia Brodnik on June 12, 1928 in Teresa Zupaneic’s home. With No. 21 she was the first secretary for six years and held office most of the 40 years. Cecelia Brodnik was a true, loyal and dedicated officer of SWU. She always gave most of herself to help others wherever she could. One could not help to admire her complete unselfishness. Charter members still living include: Cecelia Brodnik, Frances Ko-zely, Bill Bunder, Teresa Zupančič, Ella Prisel. Officers of Br. 21 are Theresa Bach, President; Helen Konkoy, Vice President: Stella Dancull, Secretary; Josephine Weiss, Treasurer; Cecelia Brodnik, Recorder. Auditors are Theresa Kozuli, Anna Kosak and Frances Cimperman. A reminder — meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p. m. Make sure you nttend. Stella Dancull, Sec’y. No. 23, Ely, Minn.— Our March meeting was held on the fourth Wednesday instead of the third because the meeting room was not available then. The meeting was held on Mar. 27th at 7:30 p. m. in St. Anthony’s Church Hall with Emma Pucel presiding. At this meeting Mary Gotchnik gave her report on plans for our Anniversary banquet. It will be held on the 20th of May at Vertin’s Cafe. Cocktail hour will precede the banquet at 6 to 6:30. There will be a program and entertainment after the dinner. The calling committee will contact the members for their reservations. After the meeting, lunch and entertainment was in charge of the following committee: Rose Ferderber, Josephine Grahek, Ann Levar, Catherine Merhar and Molly Zupančič. Prizes were given to the winners. The door prize was won by Amelia Marolt. The April meeting was held on the third Wednesday with the following committee in charge of arrangements: Ruth Zaverl, Mary Knapp, Mary Evanish, Mary Berrini and Pauline Palyner. Ann Morrill is still confined in the Ely Community Hospital but is progressing. We all hope to see her soon at our meeting. Mrs. Dorothy Vidmar, mother-in-law of our members, Jeanette and Mary Vidmar, passed away suddenly. Mrs. Dorothy Vidmar was a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 23. Our sympathy is extended to the families. Mary M. Shikonya, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. — Lovely green spring has come and I hope that the weather will help to warm the spirits of our members so they will come in large numbers to the meeting. Now we are in the nicest month of May. This year we did not elect a Mother of the Year, so I extend wishes to all mothers to celebrate Mother’s Day in all the happiness possible. Hospitalized was Neska Novlan who had an operation and at home are Antonia Hoefferle, Mary Kastigar, Josephine Rodi and Mary Savnik. To all our ill members, best wishes for good health. May God bless you with it. Also, a visit from the stork in the family of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Vitting-ton left a darling baby girl. The mother’s maiden name was Marian Kobar. Our congratulations. Remember your dues, members, and come to the meeting to pay or my home. With best wishes. Angela Strukel, Sec. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. We had no meetings in January or February on account of the bad weather. In the future we probably will not schedule any meetings for those cold months. We really can’t expect our members to come to meetings on such bad nights. Our March meeting was well-attend-ed. At this meeting we all agreed to give an Easter donation to our MOTHER’S DAY by Edgar A. Guest Let every day be Mother’s day! Make rose grow along her way And beauty everywhere. Oh, never let her eyes be wet With tears of sorrow or regret, And never cease to care! Come, grown up children, and rejoice That you can hear your mother’s voice A day for her! For you she gave Long years of love and service brave; For you her youth was spent. There was no weight of hurt or care Too heavy for her strength to bear; She followed where you went; Her courage and her love sublime You could depend on all the time. No day or night she set apart On which to open wide her heart And welcome you within; There was no hour you would not be First in her thought and memory; Though you were black as sin! Though skies were gray or skies were blue Not once has she forgotten you. Let every day be Mother’s Day! With love and roses strew her way! And smiles of joy and pride! Come, brown up children, to the knee Where long ago you used to be And never turn aside; Oh, never let her eyes grow wet With tears, because her babes forget. church. I want to thank the members for nominating me Mother of the Year. A reminder to all our members, don’t forget the luncheon and card party to be held on May 21st at the Slovenian Hall. As usual, members are asked to bring a prize. Belated condolences to three of our members, Helen Kunic, Frances Moravec and Margaret Habonsek on the loss of their brother, Matthew Zunic. Also, belated condolences to two other members, Anna Ferlan and Catherine Flaynik on the loss of their brother and brother-in-law, Charles Flaynik. May their souls rest in peace! Get well wishes to Josephine Biz-yak who at present is very ill. Happy Mother’s Day to all members! Ann Frankovic, Sec’y. No. 32, Euclid, O. — Spring really came and it brought our good members to our meeting April 2nd. It was good to see and meet so many new ones. Thanks to our President Mary Bostian for inviting 'a foot doctor, Dr. Kaplan, who was a very interesting lecturer, very good when it concerns foot problems and is very pleasant. Our president was very happy to see such a big number attending and she already invited even more to come to the May meeting when she has another surprise in store for us. Please, let’s all show up because it’s really nice to have such an active president as she is full of ideas, too. We prayed for Fiances Cimperman who passed away March 5th. May she rest in peace. At the funeral, we wore white carnations, which means sorrow for a departed member. This is in the Ritual to wear white flowers which are paid for by the branch. We will have a bake sale on May 28th and 29th at Recher Ave. Hall, and request poticas, apple strudel, noodles, etc. Members willing to bake and donate will be greatly appreciated. Our president mentioned the Ohio branches’ Bazaar Oct. 13th. This is early enough so we can start making whatever we want to be sold there. Also, the Dawn Choral Group is having a Card Party May 11th at Euclid Club House. We wish good health to all our sick, our good worker, former vice pres, and recording sec’y, Frances Perme. She was operated in Euclid General Hospital and is recuperating. March 14th was her birthday and I’m sure we’ll all pray for her. Also, Annie Chinchar went to the hospital after Easter for an operation. Mary Drenlk broke her ankle. Katherine Skrobat is again in the hospital and operated. May our prayers for them be heard by our Blessed Mother. We dedicate ourselves to her especially during the month of May, the most beautiful month of the year. Our hostesses were Mary Drobnick and Louise Fabec. The lunch was delicious and donated by: Mary Drobnick, apple strudel; A. Tekavec, strudel; L. Fabec, potica; Mary Bostian, cake; Ann Itossman, apple cake; and tea was served. For May, our hostesses are M. Drobnick and Elizabeth Sudar. We hope all will come in May as we honor all mothers plus birthdays and don’t forget our surprise! Just a reminder, in July and August no meetings, vacation months. If I forgot to mention others, please bear with me and may God bless you all! Anne Tekavec, Rec. Sec’y. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Our April meeting night was to have been a very exciting one. Everyone was looking forward to it but the weather turned against us. It began to rain and snow with high winds which made the roads treacherous to drive or walk. Nevertheless, about 20 members ventured to come anyway. A short meeting was held with two new members enrolled namely, Izona Borich and Patricia Borich and her children. Welcome to our midst. We are happy to have you join us. Before our May 8th meeting night at 6:30 p. m. we hope each and eveyone will try to attend the Memorial Mass for all our deceased members of our branch. Come and remember your loved ones and our Sister members in prayer. We will sit in a group and receive Communion, if possible. May their souls rest In peace. Following the Mass, in the hall, we shall honor our Mother-of-the-Year, Mrs. Mary Rot, and all our members. The meeting closed with prayer followed by a very interesting wig demonstration, make-up and good-grooming. Two members were chosen as models, Donna Borich from the adult group and Frances Blatnik from our teen-age group. From all reports from those who attended, everyone had a ball! We are most happy to see Mrs. Mary Jaksha and Mrs. Florence Burger up and around again after their recent illnesses in the hospital. To all others on the sick list, we wish you all a speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathy to Frances Kosanovich, our member, and to the Železnikar family in the loss of their dear father after a long illness. May his soul rest in peace. See you all on May 8th. Happy Mother’s Day to all! Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — In spite of the cold weather and the newly fallen snow which made walking and driving hazardous, there was a large attendance at the March meeting of our Branch with Mrs. John Pahula presiding. The members were reminded of the program which the Council of Catholic Women was sponsoring on April 3, when a group of women from the Ely area Association for Retarded Children were to show slides of the activities of the Association, showing what can be done for educa-ble and trainable children, their class activities and Day Camp. All Tower-Soudan groups were invited to the program, and a lunch following. Mrs Anthony Yapel told the women she has taken it upon herself to solicit funds in this area for the Slovenian Chapel Fund Drive at Washington, D. C. Since the Dawn Magazine and other Slovenian publications are urging ‘‘individual’’ contributions to such a worthy cause, we want to do our part as we see how the Slovenian people and those of Slovenian descent are contributing so generous- MAY 26 — OHIO — MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION The Combined Branches of Cleveland had many subjects to discuss at the March meeting but due to inclement weather, we made our discussions brief. We do extend a most cordial invitation to all to attend the Oliio-Michigan State Convention May 20th which will be held in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary of Br. 15. Please come, as many members as possible. If the president of your branch cannot attend, send a representative or mail in a report of your branch’s progress. These State Conventions are for YOUR benefit. I try very hard to awaken your interest, but your co-operation is needed and cannot be duplicated. The State Convention will give us an opportunity to bring in new ideas or may be very instructive for you. Remember your State Officers are always at your service at these meetings. So, remember the date, May 26th with the meeting beginning at 2 p. m. at 3563 East 80th St., Slovenian National Home. Also, I want to report that the Ohio Bazaar is Oct. 13th which will again give every branch the opportunity to have a booth of their own. So, if you are interested, start now to make some sort of art, handwork, or what have you, for display and sale. The items most sought are things for Christmas giving. The Combined Branches will have a Bake Sale which is another money-making venture. Anyone wishing to donate baked goods is encouraged to do so. There will be more interesting plans which I will announce later. This is merely a reminder of the event and date. Frances Sietz, pres, of Br. 50, was back at the meeting after a long absence. We were glad to see her and hope she stays well and that the sun will start shining again for her. We are also sorry to hear that former president of Br. 25, Pauline Stampfel is hospitalized. We hope her illness will be a very short one and may God look over her. Our get-well wishes to her — I will miss Pauline at the meetings. Our Supreme President, Toni Turek, gave a report on the Slovenian Chapel Fund which was very interesting. She spoke of the Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Canada in June. Anyone interested in making this trip must get in touch with her for reservations. Also, we extend our best wishes to Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak. May God bless you all. Mary Bostian, State President ly throughout the United States. Any one wishing to donate, can mail or give their donations to Mrs. Yapel who will then send them to Frank Turek in Cleveland, secretary of the Slovenian Chapel Fund Drive. Following the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed by all. Winner at Cootie was Mrs. Ernest Mus-tonen and at “500” Mrs. William Vol-lendorf, Mrs. Joseph Jamnick and Mrs. Ernest Johnson. The hostesses, Mmes. John Zavod-nick and Frank Planton Sr., served a delicious lunch. Table decorations were in the Easter motif. Mrs. Za-vodnick was awarded the attendance prize, which was donated by Mrs. Victor Chiabotti. Our April meeting was after Easter —on April 17th with Mrs. Chiabotti and Mrs. Herman Mesojedec on the hostess committee. Mrs. Joseph Gor-nick donated the door prize. At this time Br. No. 34 members wish to express their deep sympathy to our member, Agnes Dragavon, upon the death of her dear husband Edward on March 7th, after a illness of 13 years. He was 45 years of age at the time of his death. Survivors besides Agnes (Erchul), his wife are his son, Edward a student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass. and two daughters, Mary Agnes and Rosemary at home, and 3 brothers and 4 sisters. He was preceded in death by one daughter, Jane in 1965 and a sister, Margaret in 1964. May God grant eternal rest to Edward, who was so patient and uncomplaining during his long illness, and may God comfort the loved ones who mourn his passing. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel No. 42, Maple Hgts, O. — We bid farewell to the Winter Season with a very successful bake sale held on March 9th. To those members who so conscientiously gave of their time to make this event such a financial success , we extend our sincere thanks. With the coming of spring, Carol Kastelic, her husband Bob and three of their children headed for Florida and a week’s stay with Carol’s parents. It was a happy occasion for all, especially since it gave Mr. and Mrs. Yinger an opportunity to meet Virgil, the AFS student staying with Bob and Carol. Last but certainly not least, we wish to congratulate both Mary and Fred Filips on the selection of Fred as Slovenian Man-of-tlie Year representing the Maple Heights Slovenian National Home. A very, very happy Spring and Life to all! B. A. Kastelic No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Our sec-retary-treasurer and Wisconsin Stote President, Rose Kraemer, has been in the hospital. On February 13th she underwent surgery and is now convalescing at home. We all wish a fine person like Rose Kraemer, good health and a speedy recovery. Sophie Bevsek, President Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Last month’s meeting was held at my home, and we decided not to go to Euclid for the bowling tournament as the time wis too short and the distance too far. Congratulations and best wishes to Sophie Bevsek who is the Mother of the Year; she is also the president of our branch. Mitz Tratnik is convalescing at home; drop her a card or visit her at home. We welcome two new juvenile members into our branch; the Hoffarth brothers. I am waiting for members to ask for those “pink application blanks” for new members. Our barbeque chicken picnic will be held on Sunday August 18th at Reb-ernisek’s Club 36. The address is 3400 W. Loomis Rd. Every member, their families and friends are cordially invited. There will be games for the children and prizes. Tickets will soon be available, and must be purchased in advance, so that we will know how many will attend. To Mrs. Kotar and Mrs. Meke, a happy and relaxing vacation as they are bound for Europe, and I am sure they won’t have a dull moment while on this trip. Our meeting date will be changed due to Mother’s Day. It will be May 5th, at Vicki’s house, 1105 So. 9th St., and if you are in arrears with your dues, you can pay. In the month of March the angel of death has snatched two life-long members from our midst, namely Rose Miklavčič and Mathilda Medvedovic. May their souls rest in peace! We wish to extend o-ur deepest sympathies to the families and relatives. I would like to thank and also express my appreciation to the president, pallbearers, honorary pallbearers and to Josephine Verbick who took charge at the funerals during my recent illness. To all our sick and shut-ins a very speedy recovery. To all the moms, celebrants, and communicants in May a very special congratulation. Rose Kraemer, Sec. No. 50, Cleveland, O. — Due to the snow storm we had again in Cleveland, our March meeting was cancelled, but it didn’t alter our plans as far as the Bowling Tournament was concerned. It was held at the Palisades Bowling Center and drew a tremendous crowd of bowlers. Sunday started off with Mass at St. Vitus church (10:30 Mass) and from there proceeded to the Lanes for a day of excitement. Sophie Volcansek, Theresa Komat, Vi Zak, Anne Hočevar, Emily Unik, Rose Roesch, and Frances Glavan, and myself were hostesses for Sunday’s events. Of course we had the “Hostess with the Most-est”, Frances Sieti, to guide us a-long the lines of entertainment, and what would we do without her? A project was held to raise money, and the proceeds went to the Slovenian Chapel Fund. One of the donors was Liz Zefran, from Chicago, who donated a FM—AM Transistor Radio. The other prizes were also donated, but I don’t know who the generous ladies were, so from all the ladies of Br. No. 50: thank you for your generosity. Theresa Komat, personally went to all the teams individually, and sold the tickets—we should have more girls with the energy that Theresa has!!! After the bowling, the ladies went next door to the Euclid Vets Club for supper. I am sorry that I could not stay to the end, as I already had previous commitments, but I’m sure that all the ladies from Br. No. 50 would like to take this time to thank everyone who participated in any way possible, and we are sorry that each and every lady couldn’t be a winner. Albina Smuck, sister of Frances Sietz and Carole Traven, was released from the hospital the day of our Bowling Tournament, and is on the road to recovery, Thank God! Josephine (Rudolph) Mole was hos--pitalized recently with a broken ankle, but is now home recuperating. Francis Stariha had a brief stay in the hospital also, but is back in the groove of things. She is planning a trip to Europe on June 24th to visit her home village of Logat-cen, Yugoslavia. And I must say that our lovely member, Vi Zak has certainly had her share of illnesses the past months, but always finds time to participate with group activities in one way or another. My son Robert Lube, (who is a member of ours), enlisted in the armed forces, and left for basic training in Fort Knox, Ky. He will then go to Texas for 34 wks. of schooling in the field of Electronics. He majored in Electronics in High School, and also was in the field of Broadcasting with none other than Tony Petkovšek. It broke our hearts to see him leave, but at a time like this, all we can do is pray for his safe return. Ladies, do try to attend this month’s meeting, as we have loads of activities planned for the rest of the year. Angie Lube, Reporter No. 54, Warren, O. — Happy Springtime and Mother’s Day to all our members and to all the other branches. We have made plans for our annual Mother-Daughter Dinner which will be held Tuesday, May 21st at 6:00 p. m. at Dino’s Restaurant on Youngstown Rd. In charge of arrangements are Mayme Sporich and her daughter. Rose Yurtin. We hope you all make an effort to attend because we always enjoy ourselves at this type of dinner. For more information, call Mayme or Rose. We will try to contact all of you before the dinner. Best wishes to Rose Mulato who had major surgery and is recuperating. Wedding bells for our member,, Elsie Persin’s son who was married to Cheryl Heath and to my cousin Carole Gorsick and Don Hutzler who had a lovely wedding after Easter. Congratulations to you both. I will report in detail next month. We will have no meetings during the summer and will resume again in September at which time we will continue to have our meetings at the homes of our members. To those of you ready for summer traveling, be careful and drive safely, so we can see you again in September. Joanne Ponikvar, See’y. OD made a world. of lovely things Each more precious than the last. ( And when the angels thought it done, \ He made a being unsurpassed. I A woman wrapped \ around in love, [ Tender, yearning as i no other God crowned the glory of the world, God gave each man a MOTHER. (S No. 55, Girard, O. -— Greetings to all our dear members from our branch. Sorry I was not able to report the activities taking place in our branch as I haven’t been feeling up to par — but here goes! The members decided at our last meeting that we would have a potica and strudel bake sale only, in the early fall. This would be one of our big events for this year. Now we have our fine bakers who willingly offered to bake. If those who are unable to bake would only donate a few dollars to help buy the ingredients for the bake sale, it will be appreciated. Really, we must say, this isn’t asking for too much. Members willing to donate can give their donations to our Rec. Secretary Mrs. Mathilda Cigolle. This will be held at the Slovenian Home. We will let all members know as to the day this will take place. Send in your donations. Now that Mother’s Day is just a-round the comer, let’s all get out to our Mother’s Day meeting in May when we will be able to honor the Mother of the Year of our branch, Mrs. Mary Lulcz. It will be a covered dish with the May Lunch Committee in charge of the main course. Once again, we send our “thanks” to Mary Mehalco, past reporter of our branch. She really did a splendid job on keeping us up on the happenings of our members whom we haven’t seen at our meetings at times. Many thanks to our newly elected officers who are able to lend me a helping hand. Nothing more for now, but please make it a must to attend our May meeting. We’d really appreciate seeing as many members as possible as this will be our last meeting till September. God bless you all. Barbara Umeck, Pres. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Our meeting was brought to order by our President Anne Satovich and a discussion on participating in Hibbing’s Diamond Jubilee celebration which will be held August 11-18 in which the membership voted to take part. If there are any members with native costumes or dress i>lease let us know as we would like to use them. Mrs. Anthony Babich will be honored as our Mother of the Year at our May meeting. She has been a faithful and helful member and we all have enjoyed the melodies of her husband’s concertina at many of our parties and celebrations. They have 2 children and 3 grandchildren and we all wish our Mother of the Year much happiness and good luck in the years to come. Cards were played with honors going to Mmes. Robert Genac, Joseph Passino, Louis Drobnick, Amelia Domen, Matt Kolak and Fred Meadows. Lunch was served by the following hostesses: Mmes. Anna Rapinac, John Rapinac, Elizabeth Gaige and Dan Skorich. Margaret Skorich, Reporter Hermine Prlsland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 and The second Sunday in May will always be Mother’s Day because it still is a day that’s well deserved. The idea originated in 1908 by Mrs. Anna Jarvis in memory of her mother. Six years later Mother’s Day became a national holiday. » * * Over a radio program in Madison, Wis. a top home economist gave eight of the most requested recipes from listeners. They include: Celery Seed French Dressing, American Chop Suey, Baked Chicken Salad, Apple Dessert, Baking Powder Biscuits, Carrot Cake, Mock Sirloin and Cookie Icing that can be frozen. Except for a few minor differences, the Carrot Cake is like the Carrot Bread recipe given in this column last August. The Apple Dessert recipe ap peared in the November, 1965 column. For those of you who may have misplaced these recipes: Carrot Cake: 1 cup sugar, % cup salad oil, 1% cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, % teaspoon salt, 1 cup grated raw carrots, 2 eggs, [/2 cup nutmeats or raisins. Beat sugar and oil. Add one egg at a time beating well, fold in sifted dry Ingredients, add carrot then nuts and bake in medium sized greased loaf pan at 350 degrees for 55 minutes. Apple Dessert: *4 cup butter or shortening, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, V* teaspoon salt, i/2 teaspoon nutmeg, % teaspoon cinnamon, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 cups chopped tart apples. Mix butter or shortening, sugar and egg, beat until smooth; add sifted dry ingredients. Mix in apples. Pour in greased 8x8 inch pan. Bake 350 degrees about 40-45 minutes. Serve warm with the following sauce: 1/2 cup butter, % cup white sugar, % cup brown sugar, % cup cream; mix in top of double boiler and heat until well blended. AMERICAN CHOP SUEY 1 pound pork shoulder (may be part veal); cut in % inch cubes 2 cups water 2 cups sliced celery 2 cups sliced onion 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons corn starch % cup water Fry pork and veal until light brown, drain excess fat. Add 2 cups water, simmer 20 to 30 minutes, (pork must be cooked thoroughly) add celery, cook 5 minutes then add onion and cook until barely tender, yet crisp. Add salt. If necessary, add water to cover vegetables. Mix cornstarch with % cup water, add to hot mixture stirring carefully until thickened. Chopped pimento or green peppers may be added. Serve over boiled rice with Soy Sauce. If you like Chow Mein, serve over fried noodles, canned or home fried. For Chinese Chop Suey add molasses beads, soy sauce, bean sprouts and water chestnuts. BAKING POWDER BISCUITS 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar Vt cup shortening % cup milk Sift first 5 ingredients 3 times. Work in shortening with pastry blender until mixture is like coarse cornmeal. Add milk, mix until all the flour is moistened, then turn out on a well floured board and knead lightly about 30 seconds. Roll or pat into % to one inch thickness. Cut in rounds or squares. (Squares can be cut with knife). Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake In middle of oven at 450 degrees for 10-15 minutes depending on the size of the biscuits. (The remaining four recipes from the radio program will be pub lished next month.) When my sister, Mrs. Robert Fischer, of Br. No. 1, Sheboygan, prepared the dinner for my mother and dad’s GOth wedding anniversary in February, she served a delicious salad with all the other good food. LIME-CHEESE SALAD 1 large package (family size) lime jello About 4 cups water 1 8oz. package cream cheese (room temperature) 1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple, drained 1 package Dream Whip; prepared Mix jello in 2 cups boiling water. Stir until completely dissolved. To the drained pineapple juice add e-nough cold water to make 2 cups. Mix into jello. Refrigerate. When jello has thickened slightly add cream cheese which has been creamed in the mixer at slow motion. Add the pineapple and fold in the Dream Whip prepared according to instructions on envelope Place in jello mold. Refrigerate several hours or overnight. Serve on lettuce leaves. It’s Wonderful Strawberry Time RICH STRAWBERRY REFRIGERATOR DESSERT 2 eggs 1 cup confectioner’s sugar 1/2 cup butter 2 cups Nabisco wafers, ground 1 quart sliced fresh strawberries 1 pint whipped cream Beat eggs. Add confectioner’s sugar and blend Cream butter and add sugar and egg mixture. Crush Nabiscos. Use half to cover the bottom of a shallow cake pan. Spread creamed mixture over Nabiscos. Cover with thoroughly drained fruit or fresh sliced berries. Cover with whipped cream. Sprinkle remaining Nabisco crumbs over the cream. Refrigerate 5 hours or over night. BEST EVER STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 2 cups cake flour 1 tablespoon baking powder Yz teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons butter 2 teaspoons sugar % cup milk Sift flour. Measure. Sift 3 times with other dry ingredients. Cut in butter until it is consistency of coarse meal. Turn milk, all of it, into mixture and stir vigorously about 20 seconds. Count to 20. Knead for 30 more counts. Bake in 2-8 inch greased layer pans at 425 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Dot tops with butter before baking. Put strawberry mixture between cakes and on top. To make mixture, wash 2 quarts of strawberries. Remove hulls. Reserve 1 cup of berries. Crush remaining berries; add about 1 cup sugar and mix. Let stand until juice begins to flow. Use whole berries for garnish. To all our wonderful mothers, a VERY HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Fondly, Hermine TO BUILD THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF “MARIJA POMAGAJ” WE MUST RAISE $30,000.00 FOR THE SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FUND SEND IN YOUR CONTRIBUTION TODAY. GIVE TO THE SLOVENIAN CIIAPEL FUND IN THE NAME OF YOUR FAMILY, A DEPARTED PARENT OR LOVED ONE, OR INDIVIDUALLY! MAY IS THE MONTH FOR THE CHILDREN’S COLLECTION Give a dollar from every child in your family! In the spirit of pride and devotion to the Patroness of Slovenians, Marija Pomagaj "Our Lady of Brezje" the Slovenian Chapel will he an everlasting memorial, huilt within the magnificent National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D. C. Today’s children and those to come, will have it to cherish and remember! National Shrine. HELP TO BRING THE SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FUND DRIVE TO A SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION! TARGET DATE FOR FUNDS IS DECEMBER, 1968! COMPLETION OF THE CHAPEL, SPRING, 1969! NAME ADDRESS CITY and STATE ZIP Please make checks payable to Slovenian Chapel Fund. Send to: Frank A. Turek, Secretary 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Frank Chokel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bogomir Chokel, and a junior member o£ Br. 103, Washington, D. C. holds the picture of Marija Pomagaj before the No. 63, Denver, Colo.— With deep regret our branch lost our Spiritual Director on March 22. As is always a sad parting in families, Father Leopold Mihelich has become a part of all our homes. He came to our Holy Rosary parish in June 1955 and for the past 13 years has been a part of all parish activities. He came at a time when Msgr. John Judnic was very ill then stayed to be Assistant Pastor to our Father John Canjar who is now our Pastor. Our children all have enjoyed his photography and music in the school. His singing at the Sunday Masses inspired a great deal more thought to our Holy Days and the Mass. Under his spiritual guidance our branch has been informed of the good things of Bishop Slomšek. The annual Slovenian Day dinner was always part of his year. A reception was held Mar. 17th so all of his many friends could wish him God speed. Father Mihelich has accepted the post as Assistant Pastor to Father Varga, a classmate of his from Slovenia, who has been named pastor of St. Lawrence parish in Cleveland, O. So all we can say is that our loss is Cleveland’s gain. May God bless you Father Mihelich in all hours of your days. Ellen Nortnik, Sec. No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. — We had a fairly good attendance at our Feb. meeting. Our Cleveland trip to the “Pust” Dance was very good; 31 persons enjoyed themselves to the music of the Balkan’s Tamburitzans, eating the favorite dish, “Bakalan and Polenta.” Others who didn’t like Bakalan, had steak. Father Bailey was present at our March meeting. You would have enjoyed hearing him speak. More ladies should have been there. Our President, Mary Snezic, presented him with a check for St. Anthony’s parish. Also, a check was mailed to the Slovenian Chapel Fund. Here I would like to add that Mrs. Frances Sankovicli is still our Vice-Pres. Her name was left out in the last Zarja report. Sorry that happened. Mrs. Snezic received the gift in Feb. and Ann Mediate in March. Mrs. Helen Yertich baked a cake and donated it to the club. Mrs. Mary Bro-desko baked one for the April meeting. We are starting to build up our treasury, our Social Fund, so we can go on a trip next year. Ladies, join in the fun and belong — come to the meeting and give us some new ideas on fund-raising. Congratulations, Clara Simončič, who has become a grandmother first time; it’s a girl. Now you can join the rest of us proud grandmothers. Belated birthday greetings go to Helen Snezic and Linda Romano. May the coming of spring be brighter for the sick and shut-in members. Wishes to all for a Blessed and Happy May. Mary Percic No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts, Ohio — Our meeting was held on the 11th of March. Birthday hostess of the month was energetic Josephine Turk. Many thank for her contribution of homemade noodles, so nicely packaged and ready to sell. What an ingenious idea to supplement our treasury! At this meeting we were preparing for our April 26th card party. The report of the committee sounded very promising. More details will follow in the next issue. With the new season of spring and warm weather, we hope you will all be able to attend our meetings. This is a reminder and an invitation to our May Gth Mother of the Year Pot Luck Dinner at 6:30 p. m., at 22714 Vera St. Let’s have a terrific turnout and why not bring a friend to enjoy our goodies? The ladies really out-do themselves. So who counts calories anymore??? Ann Yoger is the proud grandmother of a new baby girl born to daughter Gail McDonald. Congratulations to Betty Bayus, your regular reporter on the birth of her 4th son. Get well wishes to Supreme Secretary Albina Novak, who is on the recovery list and a speed recovery to all who are convalescing. We extend our sincere sympathy to Maiy Szabo, on the loss of her father. A very sincere wish for a Happy Easter, even if it’s a little late. Please members remember the next May 6th Pot Luck meeting. Estelle Ozog, Substitute Reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Hello again, all members! First of all, I wish to compliment our loyal members of Br. 74 for keeping up their dues by paying on an annual basis; this helps us to keep our small branch going. We do hope that the future will hold some renewed spirit and activities for our branch so we could have the same kind of good times we used to have in years back. In the period since I last wrote we lost five members. Also, my dear sister, Anna Petrich of Fontana, Cal. was called to her eternal reward. May the perpetual light shine upon them. A belated wish for happiness for birthdays and anniversaries and this month, to all our mothers and grandmothers, happy Mother’s Day. God bless all and thanks to our members for being so nice. Mary Habich, Pres. No. 85, DePue, III. — It was a beautiful day in Depue on St. Patrick’s Day, the day of our monthly meeting. Not too many members were in attendance. To those who have been ill or hospitalized in the past two months, we wish them a speedy recovery. With the coming of spring, we will have to start planning some activities for the year, so an increase in attendance would be greatly appreciated. Birthday greetings to the members who celebrated birthdays during February and March, namely, Josephine Slatner, Jennie Blatnick, Mary Ma-chek and Mary Zabovnik. Hope I didn’t miss anyone! Our sincerest thanks to Mary Zabovnik for her 12 years of faithful service to Br. 85 as treasurer. Due to ill health, Mrs. Zabovnik decided to give up her office. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to Mrs. Mary Benkse and family upon the recent death of her father. So members, let’s attend the meetings in order that we can make plans for our future activities. Frances Machek, Reporter No. 88, Johnstown, Pa. Our State Convention will be held on June 30th, at St. Ann’s Church Hall, Woodland Ave., Moxham. Meeting will be at 2 p. m. and Banquet at 4 p. m. Please have your reservations in by June 27th. We send our get well wishes to our Supreme Secrteary, Albina Novak, and to all sick, a speedy recovery. God bless you all. Mary Kuzma, Pres. No. 89, Oglesby, III. — The final plans have been made for our 30th anniversary on Sunday, May 19th. For those of you who are out of town and would like to share this celebration with us, we hope you can come. A catered dinner will be served at the Dickinson House following the 11 o’clock Mass at the Holy Family church. LaSalle and Depue members may send word to any of our members for reservations and they will see to it that the committee will get it. Other local or out of town members may make their reservations with Mrs. Lena Dawson, chairman. We hope to have members represented from many branches. On this day, some lucky person will be awarded the afghan we had on display at our meeting. This is a very beautiful afghan made and donated by Miss Mary Kernz. In May we will also honor the Mother-of-the-Year. At this time, I would like to extend my congratulations to all the mothers and grandmothers in our branch who have had special recognition recently in the achievements of their children and grandchildren. It was just recently that Dr. Kenneth LeCocq, who has already served 5 years, was re-elected to the LaSalle-Peru Township High School Board to serve another term. He is the grandson of our member, Mrs. Cecelia Hobneck. Mrs. Hobneck was at one time a very active member but is now confined more closely to her home. She also has another grandson, Dr. Frank LeCocq, who lives in Texas and is a doctor of In- ternal Medicine. He has done much medical research and has been a-warded special grants for kidney research and in obesity. Recently Lt. Col. Frank LeCocq has completed a year of Medical Service in Vietnam. We are also proud of the group of musical youngsters selected to make a trip to Dijon, France on July 1st. This is a state sponsored program. These students have been selected on the basis of tests given. There were 7 band members and 2 chorus members chosen from our LaSalle-Peru High School, serving a community of approximately 25,000 population. Out of this group, 3 were chosen from Oglesby, and all 3 have proud grandmothers in our branch. Our Junior member, Robert Schmidt was chosen to perform in the chorus. He is the son of member, Mrs. Josephine Schmidt and grandson of Mrs. Josephine Livek who was a past Supreme President and past president of our branch. Also chosen was James Kozel, who plays clarinet in the band, the grandson of our member, Mrs. Frances Kozel. Mrs. Kozel has recuperated nicely after a long illness last year. James Senica, a saxaphone player in the band, is a grandson of our member, Mrs. Mary Senica. She has also been confined to her home more recently. My congratulations to you all! We are very proud of our younger generation achieving such heights by hard work and perseverance on their part and on the many sacrifices the parents have made to help these boys. Angela Nico, Reporer No. 95, So. Chicago, III. During the brief and informal meeting in March and April which followed the delicious luncheon, hosted by Doris and Amelia Cuzella, the following donated the goodies which everyone thoroughly enjoyed: Rose Marie Cacich, Ann Granich and Ann Pave. The following donated cash toward our treasury: Rose Ballock, Mary Ashenbrenner, Ann Nagoda, Marie and Helen Zeffiro ($2) Helen Golich, Ann Pearson, Marge Innls, Mary Nicksic, Vica Rukavina, and Viola Spitz. Many thanks to all of you! Birthday greetings to the following who are celebrating in May: Mary Barsevac, Eva Cora, Mfery Prebeg, Marge Rozich, Lucille Svalina, Matilda Turioa, and Julia Drzal. Regretfully, we hear that Jennie Gaspar suffered a stroke. Send cheer to Mary Sambol confined to South Shore Hospital and is slowly recuperating after her operation, also to Barbara Sambol who is suffering a lengthy illness and is in Jackson Park Hospital. Kindly Include them and all of our shut-ins in your prayers. After the business session we had on our program Virginia Richman who presented "Fashion Two Twenty” the story of beauty and the best with the proper use of cosmetics, glittering facial make-up with blushes and Bhadows put in the right places, done by Mary Faron on the face of our model Mary Kostecka. To say the least "Fashion Two Twenty” gave our model a boost which made her feel attractive. In conclusion, the fact is that on May 12th, we will be celebrating Mother’s Day, and I would like to reminisce a little just as all of you who are mothers will do the same. I remember when my son stood in front of me many times with his new pants torn and muddy, presenting me with a horizon that is relatively exclusive. The thought that some day he would be a man in whose achievements you will rejoice is totally set aside in the moment of disaster to his new pants. The fact that my daughter is sitting at the table with spilled milk pouring down her clean dress is an event that limits your horizon to the everlasting now. He since grew-up to manhood and she blossomed into a understanding woman. These are the small moments of anxiety and frustrations that all mothers experience as they grow-up and help us to see our days against the background of our LOVE! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Mrs. Frances Zburin just returned from New York and reports that she had a pleasant visit with her granddaughter Mr. and Mrs. Snowden who welcomed their first child, a girl, Michelle. Our heartiest congratulations to Frances, her granddaughter and her great granddaughter! Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wills Jr. one of our young members, welcomed their first child, a girl, Kathleen Marie, January 23rd. The baby’s grandparents are the proud Mr. and Mrs. John Kopilash. Congratulations! Mildred James, Pres. No. 101, Bedford, Hgts, O. — Our April meeting was a real ‘‘Easter Party.” Our hostesses, Dorothy Kas-tellic and Ethel Rittwage, had everything in line with an Easter theme. They had Easter cupcakes, colored eggs, and little Easter baskets filled with candy for everyone. The evening was topped off with an Easter Egg Hunt. Winner was Mrs. Barbara Orlosky. An enjoyable evening was had by all, I am sure. Final plans were made for our Mother’s Day Dinner. Once, again, we are having it at Johnny Garneau’s on May 6th. We are to report that our branch lost its first member, Anna Strekal, on March 31. Several of our members prayed at her bier in a group. At her funeral, 6 ladies served as honorary guards. Our sincere condolences to the family and may she rest in peace. Dorothy Matjašič, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Our monthly meeting was held at Ann McGee’s home and a very good attendance of twenty members were present. We opened with a prayer, then the meeting commenced. Ann Karun was unanimously chosen Mother of the Year. Ann, you know, as I have mentioned in my previous article, has retired from many years of work from the Chrysler Corp. Now she will have more time with us. She is a very active woman. She can be of great help to us in our activities ... a very fine person. A husband of one of our members reads the Zarja every month and in our last month’s magazine, there was a mention of Mary Hutar of Ely, Minn, who has retired from her duties as an organist, choir director and housekeeper at St. Anthony’s parish. Well, this certain gentleman wrote her a letter as he is a lover of good music and she not only answered his letter but sent along some of her Slovenian songs which he certainly appreciated. We had some cash donations from Fulvia Rosa, Ann Lindich, Jennie Bole, and Ann Karun which brought, up our “Kitty” considerably. Thank you, ladies and when our next meeting comes up, I hope I will be able to attend so I can donate a part of my paycheck to catch up. Ann Lindich won the Hostess prize, a bottle of cologne with a lovely fragrance and also another prize do nated by Ann McGee was won by Jennie Vidmar. Alice Sheets donated a prize also. That also swelled up our “Kitty”. Thanks loads, ladies! Next meeting will be at Julia Pan zica’s home. Here’s hoping we will have a good attendance. Alice Becker is typing the birthdates and ad-desses of every member and it will be presented to all our members for future use. So, let us make use of them in the year ahead. That is quite a job for Alice and let us show our appreciation! Thank you, Alice! Meeting was adjourned and lunch was served. We won’t have too many meetings as summer will soon be upon us. So, until our next meeting, take care and God bless you all. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter No. 103, Washington, D. C. — With the coming of spring, our thoughts and energies tend toward planning activities, as evidenced by the productive meeting in March. Several items were discussed and tasks assigned for their accomplishment. We were indeed fortunate at this meeting to be honored with a very interesting guest speaker, Mrs. Howard Mill-ward, wife of Navy Lt. Millwrard who had spent several months in San Miguel, with her family. During their stay in the Phillipines, she collected a host of happy memories and experiences. While displaying the many treasures which she collected, she very picturesquely shared with us her impressions of places and the people with whom she was associated. This was followed by many questions from the ladles who were fascinated by her experiences. This delightful event was followed by a friendly social, and delicious refreshments. The table was arranged by Ana Cernelc and Dorica Voyatzis with a lovely white linen table cloth which was a striking contrast to the golden plates and napkins, especially lovely was the centerpiece of lovely golden forsythia. The potica and cakes were delicious, and our compliments go to Ana Cernelc who did such a wonderful job in making these delicacies. Miss Valerie Pintar announces wedding plans for June. Our best wishes to the bride and groom. May they know only happiness Do make plans to attend the picnic June IGth at Brighton, Dam, Md. Our first picnic in the Fall of 196G, proved to be such a success that a number of members and friends asked that another out-of-door festivity be planned before the cool Fall days and so our ladies decided on June, before the vacation season begins. We hope that everyone will try to attend this delightful day at scenic Brighton Dam. Transportation will be arranged for those having difficulties. The cost is a minimum of $2.00 for adults and 75 cents for children. You can count on a tasty buffet lunch, refreshments, games and prizes, all included in this price. Best wishes for good health and a speedy recovery are sent to the father of member, Helen Krotec, who underwent surgery in ApriL Helen went home to Pennsylvania in order that she might care for her father during his convalescence. May birthday wishes are extended to: Jean Zebot, 1st; Mary Mejac, 13th; Ana Menapace, 17th. May you celebrate many more birthdays, ladies! Another new member! We are indeed happy to extend a warm welcome to Mrs. J. Daly, who is also a member of the recently formed Washington branch of the K. S. K J. This reporter was joined by her mother, Emma Planinšek of Br. 20, Joliet, 111., for the Cherry Blossom Festivities and the Easter Holidays. It is a rare treat to have her visit and I must confess that my apartment now lacks the warmth, cheer and brightness which her presence radiated. Many thanks to the ladies who made her feel so welcome during her visit. Best wishes are sent in the month of May to the most wonderful people in the world—Our Mothers! Congratulations to Mrs. Matilda Podborsek, who was chosen as Mother of the Year from Br. No. 103. Irene M. Planinšek KAJ NUDI ZVEZA CLANICAM Umestno je, da vas seznanimo s pravili, likajoči se pristopa, asesmenta in izplačil v slučaju smrti. Pri Zvezi imamo več razredov za starejše članice in en mladinski razred, v katerega sprejemamo tudi fantke. V razred A se sprejema članice do 50 let starosti. A-sesment je 45 centov na mesec. Vsaka članica dobi mesečnik Zarja brezplačno. V slučaju smrti se izplača $100.00 dediču ali za pogrebne stroške, ako je včlanjena nad dve leli. Do dveh let se pa izplača $25.00. V razred B se sprejema članice do 60 let starosti. A-eesment je 70 centov na mesec. Vsaka članica dobi brezplačno mesečnik Zarja. V slučaju smrti se izplača po starosti pristopa sledeče vsote: $300.00 za vse, ki so v ta razred pristopile med 14. in 30. letom. $250.00 za one, ki pristopijo med 31. in 40. letom. $200.00 za one, ki pristopijo med 41. in 45. letom. $150.00 za tiste, ki v ta razred pristopijo med 46. in 57. letom. $100.00 za tiste, ki pristopijo med 57. in 60. letom. V slučaju smrti za članico, ki je bila včlanjena do dveli let se izplača $50.00. Mr. Jože Meglič Mrs. Alice Meglič V dne 21. januarja sta praznovala v cerkvi sv. Vida v Clevelandu zlato poroko Jože in Alice Meglič (dekliško ime Hrovat). Obrede v cerkvi je opravil nevestin nečak Father Louis Pižmoht, kaplan pri cerkvi sv. Kristine v Euclidu. Tovariš je bil isti kot pri poroki pred petdesetimi leti, namreč Ignac Zupančič in tovarišica je bila Rose Pižmoht, sestra od neveste. Pri slavnostnem kosilu je bil navzoč družinski prijatelj benediktinski pater Ciril Novotny. Župnik pri sv. Vidu g. msgr. Alojzij Baznik, je govoril v imenu pionirjev in starih prijatejev Megličeve družine. Udeležba pri kosilu je bilo izredno velika. Zlato poročenca sta dolgo let vodila mlekarijo na G4. cesti blizu St. Clairja. Vedno sta pomagala pri vseh cerkvenih in narodnih prireditvah ter se velikodušno izkazala za vsako dobro stvar. In tudi za našo Zvezo sta se vedno lepo izkazala. Mrs. Meglič je pristopila k Zvezi leta 1929 in bila vsa dolga leta zvesta in požrtvovalna članica št. 25. Iskrene čestitke zlatoporočencema ter želje, dabi še mnogo let zdrava in srečna obhajala obletnice. Njunin dom se nahaja na 7023 St. Clair. ZLATOPOROCENCA MATERINA ZVESTOBA Posebna odlika mater je njihova zvestoba do otrok, pa naj bo cena še tako velika. Pripravljenost na žrtve je vsajena v pravo materinstvo. V mesecu maju, ko praznujemo materinski dan, nam je veliki petek se sveže v spominu. Naša misel se ne ustavi samo pri trpečem Jezusu na križu ampak tudi pri žalostni materi pod križem. Žalostna mati pod križem je navdihnjenje in zgled vsem materam. Zgodba pripoveduje o neki stari ženi, ki je našla smrt na cesti. Podrl jo je neki avto. Pustil je ženo ležati, ne da bi se ustavil in poskrbel zanjo. Našla jo je policija. To se je zgodilo v Mexiki. Poleg njenega trupla je bil majhen usnjen kovčeg v katerem je bilo nekaj potrebnih stvari. Tudi v ročni torbici ni bilo nič posebnega. Iz položaja v katerem se je truplo nahajalo so sklepali, da je bila namenj njena v Texas. Njena obleka je bila ponošena a čista, v kovče-gu je bilo nekaj obleke in v ročni torbici nekaj drobiža. Kdo je bila ta žena? Kam je bila namenjena? Kaj je bilo tako nujnega, da je staro ženo gnalo v nepoznani kraj in na puščavsko cesto, skoraj brez denarja in čisto sama. Neki časnikar, ki ga je ganila ta zgodba si je nadel nalogo, da bo našel odgovor na to vprašanja. Čez nekaj časa ja časopisje prineslo ozadje te zgodbe. Žena je bila doma iz Los Angeles, ki je imela hčerko v San Antonio, Texas. Hčerka je bila ze- lo revna. Ko je zbolela, ni imela nikogar, ki bi poskrbel za njene otroke. Pisala je svoji materi v Kalifornijo in jo prosila, če bi mogla nekako priti in ji pomagati. Kljub temu, da ni imela denarja, da bi ga ji poslala za pot, jo je prosila naj le nekako poiskusi priti. Seveda se je mati potrudila, da ustreže. Matere vedno to storijo. Podala se je na pot. Ni mogla preslišati klica svojega otroka. Le smrt je preprečila, in to je edina stvar, da ni dosegla svojega cilja. Da zvestoba matere je nedosežna. Naj bo dobro ali slabo, tam je mati. Bog jih blagoslovi zato. DOPISI Št. 2, Chicago, III. — Dne 9. maja pridite zgodaj k molitevni uri v sveto štefanski cerkvi ob 7:30 zvečer. To je naša redna molitvena ura za matere, hčerke, stare matere in vnukinje. Pete litanije in blagoslov bo najlepši poklon nebeški materi in vsem materam naše podružnice. Potem bo sledila družabnost z o-krepčili in najboljšimi domačimi dobrotami, katere bodo prinesle članice. Mrs. Zorko načeljuje pripravam za o-krepčila. Počastile bomo zaslužno mater leta, Mitzi Krapenc. Načrt za okrepitev blagajne je v polnem teku ter vabimo članice, da sodelujejo v duhu sesterske ljubezni, ker samo na ta način bomo dosegle zaželjeni uspeh. V tem mesecu maju tudi slavimo mnogo rojstnih dnevov članic in med njimi je tudi rojstni dan naše predsednice zadnjih 20 let in glavne blagajničarke IG let, Josephine Železnikar. Pošiljamo ji najlepša voščila za mnogo let zdravja in sreče, — enako vsem majskim slavljenkam. Pridite na sejo 9. maja ter bomo skupno slavile. Še enkrat, vesel Materinski Dan vsem! Corinne Leskovar Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Drage so-sestre: Vsem nam se leta krajšajo, starost prihaja, bolezen se oglaša in lepa mladost nam je zapustila le še spomine. Tako je stari odhajajo, mladi prihajajo. Bog nas obvaruj bolezni, kateri smo vsi podvrženi. Takoj v začetku leta smo izgubile čla. Mary Ogulin, ki je bila dolgo let pod zdravniško oskrbo. Članice Vsem želimo ljubo zdravje Zbirka za slov. kapelo v Washing-tonu, DC, se nadaljuje. Če kdo želi kaj darovati naj me pokliče in rade volje bom prišla do vas na dom. Na jan. seji je bila izvoljena za zaslužno mater naše podr. Frances Raspet. Vse ji čestitamo k tej izredni časti, ker je veliko dobrega storila za našo SŽZ. Vsem pošiljam najlepše pozdrave. Vedno Vaša, Anna Pachak smo jo spremile do groba, kjer bo njen stalni dom. Naša čla. Frances Gornik je že število let v bolniški postelji. Pravi, da ji noge ne dajo, da bi hodila. Sin John ji lepo streže in lajša dolge ure bolezni. Soses. Gornik je pred časom umrl sin Andy Zaitz v Milwaukee, Wis. To je bila žalostna novica za bolno mater. Naša Frances naroča njeno zahvalo iz vsega srca vsem, ki so počastili njenega pokojnega sina in karkoli storili v tolažbo globoko užaloščene družine. — Vsi preostali sprejmite tudi naše iskreno sožalje. Na bolniški listi je Anna Težak, ki je bila operirana na žolčnih kamnih. Antonia Savorin je imela operacijo na nogah, Angela Škrjanec je pod zdravniško oskrbo doma. Mogoče je še katera bolna, da mi ni znano. Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Na dan naše seje je bilo prav lepo. zato smo imele lepo udeležbo. Srečni smo, da smo zopet dočakali to prelepo pomlad. Veliko jih je pomrlo to zimo, tudi moja sestra Beti Jerančič je nepričakovano preminula. Živela je v Trumbull, O., blizu, Ženeve. Naj v miru božjem počiva. Bolana je v tem času Mrs Sadar. Želimo ji, da bi se hitro pozdravila. V kratkem pridejo na obisk k bratu Stanleyu Jerman, Julka Kmičar in k teti A. Sustar. Tukaj ima mnogo sorodnikov. Isto tako bo piršla tudi k svoji sestri na Arrowhead k Mary Stražišar, Pepca Požar. Obe sta doma iz Ljubljane. Za naš jesenski card party so že priprave v teku. Sestre Jene Mihela, Rozi Rogers in Fanni Eržen so prinesle ta večer 12 lepih predpasnikov. Naj jim velja najlepša zahvala. Naše članice, ki so dne 24. marca šle na večerjo k Medvedovim, so se zelo pohvalile, da so imele veliko zabave. Drugih važnih novic ni bilo na tej seji. V denarju sta darovale Mrs. Leltšan in Mrs. Knaus. A. Sustar Št. 15, Cleveland, O. — Na seji dne 12). marca smo razmotrivale glede programa za naš Materinski dan. Razpravljale smo tudi glede priprav za našo 40 letnico ustanovitve, katero bomo obhajale dne 26. maja s slavnostnim banketom in sv. mašo, ki bo ob 10 uri dopoldne, nato bo zajutrek; ob dveh popoldne bo državna konvencija ter ob 5 uri popoldne se bo vršil slavnostni banket, članice ste vljudno prošene, da pridete po tikete za banket, ali pa pokličite Dl 1-3515, kajti vsaka članica je dolžna, da se udeleži ter tako pomaga k uspehu. Za blagajno so darovale sestre: Louise Siča, Uršula Jukič, Mary Novak. Vsem najlepša hvala. Bolana je sestra Anna Flak. Želimo ji skorajšnjega zdravja. Darove za slovensko kapelico v Wash, še vedno nabiram. Katera želi kaj darovati naj pošlje direktno Mr. Turek, ali pa izroči meni, kadar me vidi. Ses. Filipovič je še zmeraj pod zdravniško oskrbo. Želimo da bi bila toliko zdrava, da bi mogla priti na našo 40 letnico. Pozdrav in na svidenje. A. Stokar Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Ker zaradi slabega vremena ni bilo seje 4. aprila, čeprav je bila sklicana, pa smo morale dati na radio, da je odpovedana, ker je ponoči padlo nad 3 inče novega snega. Iz tega razloga, Vas pa še toliko bolj lepo vabim, da se gotovo vse udeležite seje dne 9. maja ob 1:30 na domu tajnice. Razmotrivati moramo več važnih zadev tikajočih se podružnice in Zveze. Ni še dolgo kar smo si voščili božične praznike, a sedaj je že Velika noč za nami in smo sredi cvetoče pomladi. Na omenjeni seji bomo Uidi praznovale Materinski dan, ki je tudi praznik naše slovenske matere v Ameriki. Malo pomislimo; koliko dobrih in spoštovanih slovenskih mater je že leglo v grob. Skoro sleherna je bila mučenica, ko je delala in garala od jutra do večera, da niso bili otroci lačni. Kako skrbno je vse to opravljala in to je bila naša MATI. Njena edina želja je bila, da bi se otrokom bolje godilo. Mati je kot svetnica na zemlji. Da, to je bila naša Mati, dobrodelna mati, ki je rezala kose kruha vsem, ki so bili v njeni bližni. Zato, hčere in sinovi, spomnite se svoje še živeče matere, razveselite jih na tako pomembni Materinski dan. Kateri pa imamo matere, ki jih že krije črna zemlja, spomnimo se jih v molitvah za vsa njihova dobra dela, ki so jih vršila na tem sveteu. Tudi vas, drage sosestre od podr. št. 19, ki je že legle v prerani grob, se bombo spomnili v naših molitvah. Vse ste bile enkrat vesele med na- mi, a vedite, da ste pogrešane med nami in med vašimi družinami. Naj vam bo vsem lahka zemlja. Sestrama Mary Klun in Rose And-rieh, izrekamo globoko sožalje nad izgubo dragega očeta. On je prestal vse trpljenje na tem svetu, dočakal je lepo starost 95 let, toda bil je še zmiraj pri polni zavesti. Mati jim je umrla pred leti in tako so hčere in sinovi lepo skrbeli za očeta. Več naših članic je bolanih, vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Čestitke Mr. in Mrs. John Primo-zich ob priliki poroke sina. Mlademu paru želimo obilo sreče v zakonu. Čestitke in želje za srečni zakon tudi sinu naše članice Mary Lushine. Naša preds. ses. Pollack je postala drugič stara mati, ker so pri hčeri, ki je tudi naša čla. Mary in John Jagonic, kupili zalega fantka. Oni živijo v N. Y., kjer je Mr. Jagonich učitelj. Iskrene čestitke. O našem potovanju po West pa bom drugič kaj poročala. Želim vsem materam-članicam vesel Materinski dan, da bi bile vse zdrave med sovjimi vam dragimi. Prav lepo se zahvaljujem za pozdrave iz glavne seje in to Albini, Corinne, Mrs. Železnikar, Otoničar in Podgoršek in vsem, ki ste bile na glavni seji, posebno tudi Mrs. Pris-land. Vesela sem bila, da ste se me spomnile, kajti vedno sem v duhu z vami na glavnih sejah ter obujam spomine, ko smo bile 18 let skupaj. Prisrčna vam hvala za pozdrave. Sprejmite pozdrave vse članice, vse gl. odbornice, duhovni vodja. Vsem še enkrat vesel Materinski dan, Zvezi pa mnogo novih članic. Mary Lenich, taj. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Naše sožalje članici kegljaškega krožka Theresa Pavnica, ki je izgubila očeta, 83 letnega Michael Metesh. Pokojni zapušča več 7 hčerk, sinov, vnukov, brata ter druge sorodnike. Pokopan je bil iz farne cerkve na domače pokopališče. Naj v miru počiva! Naše kegljačice iz Jolieta so se odpeljale s posebnim busom v Cleveland, da se udeležijo letne kegljaške turneje. Kakor nam poročata naša direktorica Josephine Sumic in Marge Gaspericli, so preživele na busu mnogo lepih ur potovanja. Pridružile so se jim tudi sorodnice in prijateljice. Tudi v Clevelandu so imele lepe dneve na tekmi. Na sliki in opisu v našem lokalnem listu Herald News, je bil opisan program in imena vseh udeleženk. Ker v tem času še ni znan izid tekme in imena zmagovalk, naj čestitam vsem, ki so bile srečne, da so odnesle zmage. Naša predsednica Emma Planinšek, se je na povabilo hčerko Irene, podala v Washington, DC., kjer je obhajala svoj rojstni dan in imela priliko občudovati krasoto narave v cvetju “cherry blossom”. Irena nam je vsem poznana še od lanskega leta, ko je bila na konvenciji izvrstna gostiteljica. V bolnišnici se nahajajo te dni: naša nadzornica Frances Hubert, Josephine Martincich in Barbara Ivec. Na domu se zdravijo Mrs. Theresa Žlogar, ki se je vrnila iz bolnišnice, Mrs. Jennie Smrekar, Jennie Bam-bich ter Katherina Butala v “Americana.” Želimo vsem bolnim hitrega okrevanja, kakor tudi vsem onim katerih imena so nam nepoznana, a so naše članice. Tem potem vabim vse članice na Majsko sejo, ki bo 19. maja. V tem času bomo počastile našo popularno mater, Mrs. Ukovich. Imele bomo tudi lunch in zabavo. Čestitam vsem materam naše podružnice. Bog vas ohrani še mnogo let. Lepe pozdrave, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, West Park, Ohio. — Drage sestre Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Najprej vas prav lepo pozdravim in vam vesela sporočam, da naše društvo prav lepo napreduje. Zadnja seja se je lepo obnesla. Veselica je bila izvrstna. Lepa hvala sestri Kozel in Mrs. Helen Konkaj, ki sta darovale lepa darila. Mrs. Kozel je prav lepo iz-štrikala. Vse sestre so vam hvaležne za trud. Sporočam žalostno novico, da je ses. Mary Hočevar tako nesrečno padla, da si je roko zlomila. Vse ji želimo, da bi se kmalu pozdravila. Naša Ančka Palčič se pa še vedno nahaja bolezna. Molimo za njeno ljubo zdravje. Sporočam tudi, da je naše društvo že precej darovalo za slovensko spominsko kapelo v Washingtonu. So že poslali lepo vsoto $500.00. Prav lepa hvala vsem za dar božji za kar vam bo Marija bogato poplačala na zdravju. Potrebno bo še mnogo darov, da celotna vsota zbrana, zato ste vabljene, da darujete darežljivo tudi naprej. Želim prav lepo pomlad in bodite mi vse lepo pozdravljene. Frances Kave Št. 24, LaSalle, IH. — Prišla je lepa zelena pomlad, kar upam, da bo prijetna pomladanska toplota ogrela tudi naše članice, da bodo lahko prišle v velikem številu na seje. Sedaj smo v najlepšem mesecu maju. Ker letos nismo izvolile častne matere podružnice, zato želim vsem materam, da praznujejo Materinski dan v največjem veselju v krogu vaših družin in prijateljev, posebno v zdravju in sreči. V bolnišnici je prestala operacijo Neška Novlan in na domovih so bo-lane: Antonija Hoefferle, Mary Kasti-gar, Josephine Rodi in Mary Savnik. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja. Naj vas Bog blagoslovi z zdravjem. Tudi teta štorklja je povasovala pri članici in soprogu, Mr. in Mrs. Ralph Vittington. Materino ime pe bilo Marian Kobar. Štorklja jim je pustila zalo hčerko. Naše čestitke. Tudi prosim tiste, ki ste zaostale z asesmentom, da pridete na sejo ali na moj dom in popravnajte. Z najlepšim pozdravom. Angela Strukel No. 25, Cleveland, O. — Zopet smo v lepem krasnem mesecu maju. Res krasni mesec, ker vse lepo ozeleni in se narava obudi v lepo spomladansko cvetje. V tem mesecu praznujemo tudi Materinski dan. Pri naši podr. bomo praznovale dne 13. maja, ker bo tega dne ob 7 uri zvečer naša mesečna seja. Pri naši podružnici tudi izberemo kraljico leta in jo tudi prav lepo počastimo in obdarimo. To skrb ima naša Vicki Faletič in naša sedanja podpredsednica, Sylvia Mihevc ter druge naše delavne mlajše sestre. Vas moram vse lepo pohvaliti, ker ste res dobre članice, ki gledate za napredek naše podružnice. Za častno mater je izbrana tudi ena mlajših žena, dobra in delavna, Molly Deželan, ki je tudi naša rediteljica in vsaki, mesec prinese, da nam ni treba žeje trpeti. Prav lepa hvala, Molly. Umrla je naša dolgoletna članica, Rosi Chandek. Sedaj je pa pristopila hčerka Rose Chandek, tako da je izpolnina vrzel ob izgubi. Prav dobro-došla med nami. Prav tako je umrla Mary Lube ter ravno tako je pristopila hčerka Mary Rodger. Enako Iskremo dobrodošla med nas. Z veseljem smo vas sprejele. Pristopila je tudi Florence Straub Ljubi maj ... Ljubi maj, krasni maj Šopek cvetlic povezanih imam Da ga ljubi mami podam, ki ima skrbi in dela iz dneva v dan! jutranja zarja jo zgodaj zbudi, da svojo družino z vsem preskrbi. Marija, prosim Te, daj mi moči, ker Tvoj blagoslov visoko slavi! Kakor bilka ka na polju dozoreva V vašem srcu ljubezen odmeva. Mehko čuteče je vaše srce, škrjančki v zraku vam pesem drobe! Frances Žibert, Chicago, 111. in njena hčerka in svakinja, to so hčerke naše pokojne Frances Ponikvar, ki je bila naša dolgoletna predsednica in vneta delavka za Zvezo. Umrle so tudi Anna Bajc in Jennie Dular. Bog jim daj večni mir! Resno je bila bolana naša mlada članica, Jean Drobnič. Hvala Bogu, sedaj se je obrnilo na boljše in želimo ji skorajšnjega popolnega oklevanja. Ravno tako je resno bolana naša mladinska članica, Julie Telban. (Julie Telban je umrla 12. aprila.) Naše sožalje!—Ured. Bolnim želimo, da bi jima Majniška Kraljica izprosila ljubega zdravja. Vse sestre lepo vabim na našo majniško sejo. Kakor veste iz prejšnjih let, se bomo imele prav dobro. Opozarjam tudi vse tiste, ki še niste poslale svojega asesmenta, da bi to storile čimprej. Prosim, bodite točne, saj veste, da je težko vedno opominjati. Vas vse lepo pozdravljam in na svidenje na seji 13. maja. Mary Otoničar St. 41, Cleveland, O. — Vesele smo bile lepe udeležbe na zadnji seji. Le še tako nadaljujte! Lepa hvala našim članicam, katere so darovale 48 dolarjev za slov. kapelico v Wash. Ako še katera želi prispevati, lahko isto stori na eni prihodnjih sej, vsak dar je dobrodošel. Vsem mamicam želimo vse najlepše za Materinski dan. Vesele smo, da se se. Mary Rogell, Ann Koželj in Frances Vičič že dokaj boljše počutijo. Vsem skupaj želimo najboljšega zdravja v bodočnosti. V blag. so darovale ses. M. Debevec, R. Pujzdar, J. Markel, A. Maček, R. Šabec, F. Karis, N. Pintar, U. Ponikvar, A. Skok, K. Artelj in I .Grebenc. Vsaki posebej najlepša hvala. Ses. Louise Bergoč nam je sporočila žalostno vest, da je v domovini preminula naša članica Antonia Vog-lesh, poprej živeča v Clevelandu. — Vsem žalujočim iskreno sožalje, pokojna sestra pa naj sladko sniva v rodni zemlji in večna luč naj ti sveti. Vse ste prošene, da se potrudite pridobiti vsaj nekaj novih članic. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo. Iskrene pozdrave vsem. Ella Starin Št. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio. — Čas hitro beži. Smo že v mesecu maju, ko se je narava obrnila v zelenje in cvetje. Tudi me članice se pripravljamo, da počastimo častno mater za to leto. Dne 12. maja je materinski dan, zato smo preložile sejo na tretjo nedeljo, to je 19. maj. Skupno bomo proslavile z okrepčili in razdelile bomo darila, katera bodo oddana na številke. Zato ste vabljene prav vse, da se gotovo udeležite. Naše sožalje sorodnikom pokojne Frances Mlač, ki je po kratki bolezni preminula, dne 10. marca. Ona je bila nekaj let naša družabna članica. Začasno so bile v bolnici sestre Mary Barbič in Terezija Bizjak. Sedaj se zdravijo doma. Že več let je bolana Josephine Meserko. Omenjene bolnice so že dosegle častitljiva leta, so že vse čez 80 let mlade. Želimo jim, da se ji vrne ljubo zdravje čim-prej. Ta mesec je posvečen nebeški Materi Mariji in v tem času se ji najbolj goreče priporočamo za vse, posebno za zdravje in božje varstvo. Upam, da se boste vse članice polnoštevilno udeležile naše seje. Kakor je vsem že znano, se nabira sklad za kapelico v Wash, DC. Pri naši podr smo doslej poslale skupni znesek prostih prispevkov od članic prvi stotak. Hvala vsem darovalkam. Upam, da bodo še ostale sledile In prispevale po svoji moči. Želim vsem bolnim ljubega zdravja. Vsem mamicam lep ln vesel materinski dan. Sesterske pozdrave vsemu članstvu SŽZ. Jennie Pugely, taj. Dobrodošla mladina in častne članice MLADINSKI ODDELEK lepo uspeva, toda po številu starejših članic bi moral biti naš mladinski oddelek številčno vse močnejši. V mladinski oddelek se sprejema otroke, fantke in deklice od rojstva do 18. let starosti. Asesment je samo deset centov na mesec. V slučaju smrti se iplača vsota $100.00; do dveli let včlanjen ja pa $25.00. Od 18. let naprej lahko prestopi v odrasli oddelek in če je v mladinskem oddelku neprestano deset let ali več, dobi ob prestopu v odrasli oddelek dodaten certifikat v vsoti $50, ki je izplačljiv ob smrti. DRUŽABNE ČLANICE so tudi dobrodošle v Zvezo. Tukaj imajo priliko žene in dekleta, ki so nad leti, ko lahko pristopijo v redni razred; plačajo samo 20 centov hi.‘-sečno in s tem asesmentom dobivajo brezplačno mesečnik Zarja. Družabne članice imajo pravico do izletov in vseh družabnih aktivnostih pri podružnicah. Pristop v družabni oddelek je odprt vsem, ki želijo biti članice Zveze in ni treba izpolnjevati pristopne prošnje. Asesment se plača za leto skupaj. Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Zima se je poslovila od nas in smo sredi cvetočega mesera majnika. Pri naši podružnici vse bolj po starem, razen, da smo izgubile dolgoletno članico, ki je bila pred leti naša zabavna predsednica in je v resnici skrbela, da smo imele po sejah veliko zabave, ker ona nam je znala vedno kaj šaljivega povedati, ali kako luštno pesmico, to je bila naša Lucy Orešnik, ali Cilka kot smo jo vsi klicali. Mirno je v Gospodu zaspala na domu njene hčerke, Mrs. Mary Cox, po precej dolgi bolezni. K večnemu počitku je bila položena 30. marca na pokopališču Kalvarija. Poleg hčere zapušča tudi sina John Ko-vich, tri vnuke in sestro Johano An-žiček, ki je tudi naša članica in več drugih sorodnikov. Draga sestra počivaj v miru božjem, me Te pa bomo ohranile v trajnem spominu. Hčerki in sinu in vsem ostalim naše iskreno sožalje. Pokojna je bila rojena v vasi Gomila, Mirenska župnija pri Mokronogu. Dosegla je lepo starost 88 let. V zadnjem dopisu sem pozabila poročati, da je tudi naša dobra članica Anna Bratkovič že dolgo bolehna in kar je najhujše, da polagoma izgublja vid, zato ne more priti na seje. Želimo ji hitro izboljšanje in bodi najlepše pozdravljena, Ann. Naša dobra članica, Mary Majerle, si je pri padcu zlomila roko, ki se ji počasi zdravi, seveda bo vzelo precej času predno bo Mary zopet lahko pekla okusne potice, kakor je bila vajena. Poročam pa tudi veselo novico, da sta Mr. in Mrs. Peter Gergich dobila prvega vnuka, ki bo nosil ime Gerich, to je pri sinu Donaldu. Sin ček bo delal družbo trem sestricam. Regina Čop, ki je naša delegatinja je tudi drugič postala stara mama, ko so pri sinu v Arkansas dobili drugega sinčka. Vsem staršem in starim staršem čestitamo in novorojenčkom pa želimo ljubega zdravja in sreče v življenju. Mary Hotujec in jaz sva se zavzele In začele nabirati prispevke za kapelo v Washingtonu, DC. Najprej hvala Mrs. Mary Hotujec, ki je sama darovala sto dolarjev, potem od drugih nabrala črez sto, potem hvala Rev. H. N. Mejaku, ki je v našem cerkvenem listu priporočal, tako da se je v cerkvi dobilo sto in jaz sem tudi nabrala črez sto, tako da smo v naši prvi pošiljki poslale 458 dolarjev. Najlepša hvala vsem, ki so darova- li in kateri še niso, pa imajo priliko, ker bomo še naprej nabirale. In ljuba Marija Pomagaj, ki bo tam na oltarju naj nam vsem pomaga do nebeškega cilja. Najlepši pozdrav vsem uradnicam In članicam Zveze. Antonia Kostelec, poročevalka Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Zimo smo imeli precej dolgo in mrzlo, tako, da včasih skoraj ni bilo za iti iz hiše. Toda sedaj se je že lepo ogrelo, da je lepo iti v zeleno naravo^ Na naši marčni seji jee bila po-voljna udeležba. Največ smo razpravljale o pensilvanljskem Zvezinem dnevu, ki se bo vršil dne 30. junija v Johnstown, Pa. Gostiteljica bo podr. št. 88. Lepo ste vabljene vse podružnice iz cele države, da se gotovo udeležite tega pomembnega dneva. Program državne konvencije in Zve-zinega dneva se bo pričel ob 2 uri popoldne v St. Ann’s Church dvorani, Woodland Ave., Moxhani. Vse članice pošiljajo najlepše pozdrave glavni tajnici, Mrs. Novak in Vam želijo hitrega zdravja. Članice Frances Batista in Mary Chenik so bolane že več let ter njima in vsem bolnim članicam želimo to ljubo zdravje. Ses. Mary Delost je prestala srečno operacijo in se sedaj zdravi na domu. Prosim, da ob priliki obiščete bolne članice, ali pa jim pošljite bodrilne kartice. Vsem članicam želim ‘‘Happiest Mother’s Day.” Mary Tomsic, preds. K TEBI O MARIJA Rožna zarja je oblila jutranje nebo, da pozdravila bi svojo blaženo Gospo. Zlato sonce je poslalo žarkov milijon, da svetili bi Kraljici, ko jo bo pozdravil zvon. K Tebi, naša rajska Mati, srca zvestih zro otrok, iščejo pomoči tvoje., in oklepajo se tvojih rok Št. 77, Pittsburgh, (North Side), Pa. Zima je končno vzela slovo Pogrešale jo ne bomo, ker smo že težko čakali zelene pomladi. Po vrtovih se tudi že vidi vsakovrstne cvetlice. Tudi človek se prebudi iz zimske otopelosti in se veseli toplega sonca. Škoda je le, da se ne moremo pomladiti, ker naša leta tečejo naprej z neverjetno naglico. Sama sebi ne morem verjeti kako hitro so leta minula. V najlepšem mesecu v letu je tudi rojstni dan naše podružnice in to je 9. maja. Vse se vrši na isti način kakor prejšnja leta. Vabljene vse na to prireditev, ki je v korist nam vsem in bo tudi zadnja prireditev v teh prostorih. Nam je že povedamo, naj si iščemo drugi prostor. Če katera izmed članic ve, za kak primeren prostor, bi prosila, da nam daste vedeti. Vsaki dober nasvet bomo u-poštevale. Čeprav nekoliko zgodaj, vendar že sedaj opozarjam, da se bo naš piknik vršil letos dne 18. julija na istem prostoru, kakor prejšnja leta. Več o tem prihodnjič, samo da veste, kedaj si lahko vzamete počitnice. Ker je v maju Praznik vseh mater, ali Mother’s Day, želim, da ne bi bila nobena mati pozabljena. Skoraj sleherna je bila mučenica, ko je delala in garala od jutra do večera, da niso bili otroci lačni. Ponoči je šivala in krpala. Skrbna in usmiljena je bila naša mati. Veliko trpljenja je prenašala, samo, da je bila družina srečna in zdrava. V njenem čutečem srcu je bila želja, da bi se njenim o-trokom godilo boljše, kot se je njej. Bila je kakor svetnica na zemlji; da to je bila naša Mati, dobrodelna Mati, ki je rezala kose kruha vsem, ki so bili v njeni družini. Vsem bolnim članicam želim hitrega in ljubega zdravja. Na svidenje na seji dne 9. maja. Za podr. Minka Chrnat, taj. Št. 84, New York, N. Y. — Sem še vedno v Miami Beach, Fla. Imamo lepo vreme, vse je v polnem cvetju. Seveda v severni Floridi je tudi slana to zimo napravila mnogo škode. — Kakih 35 milj od tukaj sem obiskala krasne farme in v mestu Homestead sem občudovala lepo urejene nasade. V marcu so ljudje kopali krompir, sadje, zelenjavo, in pomaranče, kar potem v vagonih vozijo na vse dele sveta. Na morski obali sem opazovala kako lovijo šrimse in velike do 500 težke želve, kar potem prekuhavajo za konzerve. V Key West smo videli bojne ladje, mornarico in podmornice ter veliko majnih čolnov. Videli smo tudi kako so se Kubanci pripeljali iz Kube kakih 90 milj oddaljene od Key West. Videli smo tudi poletno “Belo Hišo” bivšega preds. Trumana in Eisenhowerja. Vse te lepote so res nekaj blagodejnega za starejše ljudi. Obiskala me je prijateljica iz L. I., N. Y. Mr. in Mrs. Ribic iz Deerfield, Parka, Fla. Lani sta bila v Sloveniji. Obiskala sva tudi Mr. in Mrs. Žolnir pri Hollywood, Fla. Mrs. Kvas iz N. Y. je njena sestra. Tudi žena mojega sina, Joan ter hčerka Betty z možem Frankom ter otroci so bili tukaj, da smo imeli lepo Velikonoč. Obiskale sva Mr. in Mrs. Tagnioli iz N. Y. Njeno dekliško ime js bilo Jančigaj. — Tukaj ostanem do 1. maja. Drage sestre podr. št. 84, ne pozabite seje dne 15. maja in vse, ki še niste plačale asesmenta, da to poravnate čimprej in pošljete taj. Miss Kepic. Enako vas prosim, da podprete akcijo za slovensko kapelo v Washingtonu. Tajnica bo sprejela vaše darove. Pozdrav vsem članicam naše dlčne organizacije ter vsem čltateljem naše priljubljene Zarje. Angela Voje, preds. Št. 96, Universal, Pa. — Končno se je tudi zima poslovila od nas in ko bo ta dopis prišel med članice, bodo tudi Velikonočni prazniki že za nami. Torej želim vam vsem veselje, zadovoljnosti, posebno pa zdravja v vsem letu, ne samo ob praznikih, kot imamo navado si voščiti drug drugemu. Na zadnji seji je bilo navzočih precej članic, toda mislim, ko bo toplejše vreme v prihodnjih mesecih, bo privabilo tudi one druge članice, katerim v mrzlih zimskih mesecih ni mogoče zapustiti hiše. Drage sestre, vi veste kako je prijetno se srčati s svojimi znankami in prijateljicami, malo pokramljati in se pozabavati s priljubljenimi igrami. Vse žene iz Universal so povabljene, da prinesejo nekaj za “auction sale”, ali licitacijo. Prinesite staro ali novo robo! Letos bomo šle v Johnstown na državno konvencijo dne 20. junija ter ste vse prošene, da nam sporočite, če boste šle, da bomo vedele kako veliki autobus najeti. VOŽNJA BO PROSTA ZA ČLANICE!, zato vas pa prosim, da pridete na licitacijo in sejo, ki se vrši drugo nedeljo v juniju ob treh popoldne v Center dvorani. To je June 9, ob 3:00 p. m. Upam, da se je pozdravila naša predsednica Josephine Perrino in vse ostale bolne članice, da boste zdrave in vesele. Podpredsednica Helen Richtiar, ki je vodila sejo, je nas vse presenetila, da je vodila tako lepo! Želim vsem, ki se boste podali na rajžo v Slovenijo to poletje, veselo potovanje in srečni povratek. Pozdrave glavnim uradnicam in vsem, ki prebirate našo priljubljeno Zarjo. Z Bogom! Paula Kokal FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY, 1968 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA HESEC JANUAR, 1968 Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Čeprav je dež dobro zalival, smo vseeno bile zelo vesele, da je prišlo precej članic na sejo in navzoče smo se prav dobro zabavale. Ako vam še ni vsem znano, da tukaj v Calif, nimamo dežja od aprila ali maja pa do oktobra, ali novembra, seveda je včasih precej vroče, pa noči so hladne, da se lahko spi, voda pa nikdar ne zmanjka, da zalivamo kolikor hočemo. Za starejše ljudi ni boljšega kraja. Imamo dva doma in veliko zabave in slovensko zavetišče, kar ne dobite nikjer boljše postrežbe kot tukaj. Le da bi bili vsi zadovoljni. Mogoče nisem v zadnjem dopisu dovolj pojasnila imena, ki so pristopile v odrasli oddelek in sicer so pristopile: Prances Kurilich, Barbara I-Iorzen, Patricia Roza in Carol Harly. V mladinski oddelek so pa pristopile: Lisa Vidergar, Lucille in Cynthia Petrich. Ses. Kukman in Ana Kokel sta prestale operacijo ter se zdravijo doma. Ses. Evanich je tudi bila v bolnišnici. Želimo, da ji ljubi Bog kaj kmalu vrne ljubo zdravje ter da se zopet vidimo na sejah. 6. aprila smo imele bake sale. V marcu so praznovale rojstne dneve: Mary Arneson, Gertrude Rupart, Josephine Sušel, Frances Martin, Mary Železnikar in Mary Omaitz, aprila pa Rosi Urtar. Želim vsem, da bi še veliko let zdrave in vesele živele. God bless you all! Kristina Filips, por. Branch Assesment Adult 1 $ 99.90 174 55 2 189.45 355 155 3 148.85 265 159 4 8.40 14 — 5 92.80 107 27 6 49.85 111 8 7 57.85 102 76 8 21.10 51 — 9 — 30 2 10 148.50 336 36 12 73 50 177 48 13 55.95 109 20 14 141.65 286. 24 15 110.45 221 12 16 67.65 127 75 17 78.20 151 67 19 59.40 124 25 20 140.70 319 28 21 62.00 119 46 22 — 19 — 23 111.20 230 55 24 78.65 157 78 25 355.55 668 175 26 44.50 101 9 27 — 57 3 28 44.25 79 9 29 11.25 27 5 30 — 18 — 31 47.70 97 29 32 66.35 112 103 33 105.80 177 109 34 18.40 36 6 35 34.40 62 40 37 — 24 3 38 48.15 140 — 39 21.05 47 10 40 51.60 101 3 41 92.25 255 33 42 21 55 47 — 43 81.80 145 70 45 21.35 49 7 46 14.25 30 5 47 56.55 112 31 49 27.35 34 9 50 123.80 186 113 51 7.50 15 — 52 31.50 55 15 54 39.20 72 55 55 32.80 66 6 56 41.40 94 12 57 39.75 67 33 59 — 32 2 61 — 10 — 62 31.00 30 — 63 120.90 108 34 64 — 49 2 65 23.90 52 24 66 27.80 50 16 67 39.75 69 10 68 38.75 59 17 70 27.40 14 3 71 59.00 103 22 72 — 27 3 73 62.85 112 76 74 — 35 3 77 25.85 53 32 78 31.90 26 15 79 35.90 23 21 80 — 19 — 81 — 30 — 83 10.90 21 — Jrs. — b Branch Assesment Adult Jrs. 84 26.80 64 2 85 17.55 38 2 86 11.70 21 — 88 10.30 47 10 89 35.20 79 28 90 22.70 47 22 91 33.90 56 12 92 15.75 25 2 93 83.20 61 — e 94 — 18 7 95 108.35 175 24 96 23.40 47 2 97 9.40 18 — 99 7.60 18 100 26.35 46 G 101 22.25 30 15 102 — 27 3 f 103 17.60 26 10 104 — 19 6 105 12.75 22 6 c 106 27.00 22 1 Totals $4,323.25 8,355 2,331 Asses, pd. a Jan. Feb; b Dec; c Dec. Jan; d Jan. Feb, Mar. Apr; e Oct. Nov. Dec; f Dec. Income: Assesments: $4,323.25 Rent, Jan. 1968 115.00 Interests 1,541.8 Total $5,980.13 Disbursements — Stroški: Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo, M. Ogolin $100.00 Br. 7, Forest City, A. Skubic 100.00 Br. 10, Cleveland, Anna Kozel 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, F. Urbiha 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Jennie Kuhel 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Anna Skully 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Antonia Nosse 100 00 Br. 20, Joliet, Rose Carpenter 100.00 Br. 26, Pittsburgh, B. Frankovich 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, A. Ozanich 100.00 Br. 39, Biwabik, F. Pajanes 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Mary Jalovec 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Jean Yakos 100.00 Br. 45, Portland, Luc’cia Babich 100.00 Br. 56, Hibbing, Antonia Filpcic 100 00 Br. 63, Denver, Mary Kukovich 100.00 Br. 63, Denver, Mary Škrbina 100.00 Br. 77, N. Pittsburgh, A. Knaus 100.00 Br. 84, New York, Miary Geluk 100.00 Br. 95, S. Chicago, A. Zvorcina 100.00 Zarja—The Dawn, 24 pp. 1,546.57 Salaries and administration l^OO.OO Director of Internal Revenue 741.68 Mimeograph office machine 778.72 Rental of Home Office 75.00 Fuel, Electricity 152.71 Telephone, office supplies 373.34 Property insurance (3 yrs.) 213.00 Total $ 7,081.82 Ledger balance Dec., 1967 $517,404.71 Income in January 1968 5,980.13 523,384.84 Disbursements in Jan., 1968 7,081.02 Ledger balance Jan., 1968 $516,303 82 Albina Novak, Sec’y. Ill BOYS and GIRLS, “April showers bring May flowers ” Flowers are nature’s most beautiful things, enjoyed by everyone for their beauty of form and color, for their sweet smell, and their usefulness. Except in frozen regions and snow-covered summits of the highest mountains, flowers can grow on steep mountain slopes, on the hot, dry desert sands, in swamps and marshes and along rock-bound shores. The tiniest flower is the duckweed, which can be seen only under a microscope, while the world’s largest is the giant rafflesia, with a single bloom spreading to a diameter of 3 feet. Since earliest times, flowers have often been adopted as national emblems. No flower has been officially adopted as the emblem of the United States but each State has a recognized flower emblem. The carnation, or “nagelj,” is the national emblem of Slovenia. Flowers symbolize emotions and i deas, as the four-leaf clover for good luck, the lily for purity and the rosemary (known in Slovenia as “rožmarin”) for remembrance. Love is associated with the forget-me-not, the rose and the carnation. Gardens, yards and landscape are brightened with their colors. They sweeten the 'air with their fragrance. Flowers furnish hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and various other insects with their principal food. Flowers are used at weddings, funerals, receptions, commencements and on various other occasions. The month of May is one of these occasions, when our Heavenly Mother is specially adorned with flowers, thus showing our Intercessor our gratitude. And on the second Sunday of this month flowers ate our expression of appreciation to mother — “a gardener planting the seeds of faith, truth, and love that develop into the fairest flowers of character, virtue, and happiness in the lives of her children.” A little prayer: May Mary bless you on Mother’s Day and the whole year through. Your friend, REGINA I! CORSAGE by Ethel Jacobson Mother, Mother, The florist’s boy knocks, With his hat in his hand And a great green box. Hurry, lift the cover; See, untie the bow . . . Four pink camellias Fastened in a row. Mother, Mother, Please, and shut your eyes! This is from me. This is a surprise. Yellow dandelions With tangly silk hair . . . Mother, Mother, Which shall you wear? This poet paints a portrait of Our Lady, using the world of nature as his palette. 011 cl til Robert Farren Thou art God’s sky, in which the Sun arose: Thou art His moon, the window of His light. Thou art God's earth, God in thee taking root; God’s seed: He was thy tree; God’s tree . . . thy fruit. Thou art God’s spring jetting out Life; through which His torrent rushed; God’s sea in which He spawned His sacred fish; God’s oyster secreting the pearl of Christ. God’s lake His cloud rose from to rain 011 earth; God’s cloud; by Him from these was lightning struck; God’s lightning blazing the encumbered Heaven; God's Heaven, for Heaven’s where’s God. Wliat Kules I he World William Ross Wallace They say that man is mighty, He governs land and sea, He wields a mighty sceptre O’er lesser powers than he; But a mighty and stronger Man from his throne has hurled, For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world MAY-TIME PUZZLERS from the Lookies 1. My suit is black. I eat weed seeds and grasses. Sometimes I also eat the farmer’s grain, and then he puts up scarecrows to chase me a-way. But I am not really afraid of them. I love to gather with my friends and raise my head and sing “Gurgle-lee, gurgle-lee” lor a long time. What am I? 2. My wings are long and strong. My tail is long and usually forked. I eat insects and catch them while I fly. My nest is made of mud. I am not a song bird. Do you know me? 3. I have a lovely light blue suit, and a very colorful red vest. I eat insects l'or breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But in the winter I eat wild berries and the seeds of weeds. My babies are black at first, and then they get blue feathers. People like to hear me sing, and say that I “warble”. What am I? 4. I come in early spring. My legs are long and strong, and my breast is yellow, with a black half-moon on it. My song is a clear whistle, and I build iny nest right on the ground. I help the farmer by eating bugs. Can you guess my name? 5. Alas, I live only one day! I have 110 need for food, and often I have no mouth or stomach. Yet I love light, and always fly toward it. Then in a little while, I die. I am very delicate, and have two slender threads floating out behind me when I fly. Can you guess my name? 6. I like to grow where the sun is bright and the grass is green. I bloom very early in the spring. I wear a cap of brighest gold, and my leaves are sharp as swords. But as I grow older, my crown of gold turns white. Can you guess what I am? 7. 1 grow best where the shade is cool, on mossy banks. My leaves are shaped like flowers, and my blue flower has five petals. They say I am shy and modest, because I hang my head. Do you know me? “Mom,” the teen-age girl asked, “may I hit the flick?” The mother was puzzled. “I’m a-fraid I don’t understand, dear.” “Hit the flick. You know. Go to the movies.” The mother thought a moment and then said, “Well, I think you might after you scour the shower, rub the tub, spread the bed, and swish the dish.” * * * IGioiA 'L '9 0 Jpjiqenia g Ja\o[ -p?MS Z Jp-iiqipina I : SH3MSMV [■ ranees Gorsa X 665 Woodwd Rd. Ridgewood 27, ! PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director* and Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois METROPOLITAN BANK & Trust Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois, 60608 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin GEREND — HABERMAN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 See the delicious foods listed in S.W.U’s Famous Cookbook WOMAN S GLORY -THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone Order your copy now! J Send $2.75 (postpaid) to:( ANTONIA TUREK 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 H.GRDINH&SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 62 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje lz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do naiega podjetja., prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT