GEOLOGIJA 48/1, 117–126, Ljubljana 2005 Statistics of the Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 Statistika Geolo{ke karte Slovenije 1 : 250.000 Marko KOMAC Geological Survey of Slovenia, Dimi~eva 14, Ljubljana, Slovenija; Key words: geology, geological map, geological cover, statistics, Slovenia Klju~ne besede: geologija, geolo{ka karta, pokrovnost, statistika, Slovenija Abstract The paper gives the analytical results of the abundance of spatial and linear elements found on Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000. Six types of rocks, based on the genesis, and 17 classes of geological ages, were analysed for the area proportions. Linear elements (faults, thrusts and other elements) were analysed for their distance according to the spreading direction. Almost one half of Slovenia is consisted of clastic rocks and 40 % of carbonate rocks. Kenozoic and Mesozoic rocks cover roughly 90 % of Slovenian territory, with 44 % and 45 % respectively. Analytical results for structural elements suggest that the main spreading directions are in Dinaric and W – E directions. Izvle~ek V prispevku so prikazani rezultati analiz povr{inskih in linijskih elementov Geolo{ke karte Slovenije v merilu 1 : 250.000. Po pogostosti pojavljanja je bilo prikazanih {est tipov kamnin, glede na nastanek, ter 17 razredov kamnin, glede na geolo{ko starost. Analizirana je bila tudi pogostost pojavljanja prelomov, narivov in ostalih strukturnih elementov na karti glede na usmerjenost. Klasti~ne kamnine obsegajo skoraj polovico, karbonatne pa 40 % slovenskega ozemlja. Devet desetin Slovenije je pokritih s kenozojskimi im mezo-zoijskimi kamninami. Prve zasedajo 44 % in druge 45 % ozemlja. Analize strukturnih elementov ka‘ejo na dve glavni smeri razprostiranja, v dinarski smeri SZ – JV in v smeri V – Z. Introduction Data used The importation of the data from Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 into the GIS enabled for the first time an exact assessment of proportions of different geological spatial features in the area of Slovenia. The analytical results are useful for the general overview of geological properties of Slovenian territory and for a general estimation of numerous natural resources that depend on geological properties. The Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 (Buser, in print) (Figure 1) is a result of a over 15 years of field work and several years of GIS data preparation. The map was compiled form the “Basic Geological Map at scale 1 : 100.000” data and later updated and completed (Buser & Komac, 2002). 114 different lithostratigraphic units were individualized. Beside the geological boundaries six different structural elements 118 Marko Komac Figure 1. Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 in its final phase before the cartographic phase (after Buser, in print). Slika 1. Geolo{ka karta Slovenije 1 : 250.000 v kon~ni obliki pred pripravo za kartografsko obdelavo (po B u s e r j u , v tisku). are shown on the map. Slovenian territory is divided into 4550 polygons and nearly 8700 km of structural elements, not counting the geological boundaries. Methods For the purpose of basic statistical description assessment of geological features of Slovenia, simple statistical analyses were conducted. Area and area proportions of lit-hostratigraphic units based on six rock types, based on their genesis, were defined. The rock types were: clastic rocks, carbonate rocks, clastic-carbonate rocks, pyrocla-stic rocks, metamorphic rocks, and igneous rocks. The same analysis was done for the age parameter of lithostratigraphic units. The geological age was divided to: Quaternary (Q), Tertiary – Quaternary (Tc,Q), Tertiary (Tc), Cretaceous-Tertiary (K,Tc), Cretaceous (K), Jurassic- Cretaceous (J,K), Jurassic (J), Triassic-Jurassic (T,J), Triassic (T), Permian (P), Lower Permian-Upper Carboniferous (P,C), Carboniferous (C), Devonian (D), Devonian-Silurian (D-S), Siluri-an-Ordovician (S-O), Cambrian (Ć), and Precambrian (PC). Major linear element classes were analysed for their distance according to the orientation (N-S, NE-SW, EW, and NW-SE). These analyses were conducted for faults, thrusts and other elements (anticlines, synclines, domes, and basins). Results and discussion Statistical results for spatial elements Divided by the lithological type the 49,25 % of Slovenian territory is composed by clastic rocks, carbonate rocks cover 39,31 % of the territory, and the mixture of the two cover 4,27 % of the terrain. The smallest area is occupied by igneous rocks (1,49 %), little more by pyroclastic rocks (1,78 %), and metamorphic rocks compose 3,9 % of Slovenian territory. Figure 2 and Figure 3 represent the spatial distribution of rock types in Slovenia. The division of lithostratigraphic units by geologic times is a little more extensive, due to the 17 different age classes. Quaternary rocks spread over 20,02 % of the terri- Statistics of the Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 119 Figure 2. Spatial distribution of rock types in Slovenia (after B u s e r , in print). Slika 2. Kamninska sestava Slovenije glede na tip kamnin (po B u s e r j u , v tisku). Figure 3. Proportions of surfaces comprised by individual rock types in Slovenia. Slika 3. Porazdelitev povr{ine Slovenije glede na tip kamnin. tory, Tertiary – Quaternary rocks only over 2,1 %, and Tertiary rocks over one fifth of the territory (22,1 %). Only 0,64 % of the terrain is covered by Cretaceous-Tertiary rocks, 13,98 % by Cretaceous rocks, and really a small portion is covered by Jurassic-Cretaceous rocks (0,17 %). Jurassic rocks occupy 8,22 %, Triassic-Jurassic rocks 0,07 %, and Triassic rocks 23,14 % of Slovenian territory. Upper Permian rocks 120 Marko Komac Figure 4. Spatial distribution of rocks of individual geologic times in Slovenia (after B u s e r , in print). Slika 4. Pojavljanje kamnin glede na starost v Sloveniji (po B u s e r j u , v tisku). Figure 5. Proportions of surfaces comprised by rocks of individual geologic times in Slovenia. Slika 5. Porazdelitev pov{ine Slovenije glede na starost kamnin. constitute 2,08 %, lower Permian-upper Carboniferous rocks 3 %, and lower Carboniferous rocks 0,26 % of the territory. Except for Precambrian rocks that cover 2,68 % of Slovenian territory, Devonian, Devonian-Silurian, Silurian-Ordovician, and Cambrian rocks represent small portions of the territory. They represent 0,03 %, 0,62 %, 0,6 %, and 0,31 % of the area respectively. Figure 4 and Figure 5 represent the spatial distribution of rocks of individual geologic times in Slovenia. Statistics of the Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 121 When combining the age and rock type, the most abundant lithostratigraphical type is quaternary clastic rocks (20 %), followed by tertiary clastic rocks (16,8 %), Triassic carbonate rocks (16,7 %), Cretaceous carbonate rocks (10,6 %) and Jurassic carbonate rocks (8,1 %). Proportions of the rest are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Proportions of surfaces comprised by rock types for individual geologic times in Slovenia. Tabela 1.Porazdelitev pov{ine Slovenije glede na presek tipa in starosti kamnin. Age Klst/Clst Klst-krb/Clst-Crb Krb/Crb Pirok/Pyroc Metam Magm/Igneous Q 20,02 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % Tc,Q 2,10 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % Tc 16,80 % 0,17 % 2,85 % 1,27 % 0 % 1,02 % K,Tc 0 % 0,08 % 0,55 % 0 % 0 % 0 % K 2,63 % 0,74 % 10,59 % 0 % 0,01 % 0 % J,K 0 % 0 % 0,17 % 0 % 0 % 0 % J 0 % 0,16 % 8,06 % 0 % 0 % 0 % T,J 0 % 0 % 0,07 % 0 % 0 % 0 % T 2,76 % 3,12 % 16,66 % 0,52 % 0 % 0,07 % P 1,68 % 0 % 0,32 % 0 % 0 % 0,08 % P,C 3,00 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % C 0,26 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % D 0 % 0 % 0,03 % 0 % 0 % 0 % S,D 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0,60 % 0,02 % O,S 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0,60 % 0 % C 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0,31 % 0 % PC 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 2,38 % 0,29 % Legenda / Legend: Klst/Clst – klasti~ne k. / Clastic r.; Klst-krb/Clst-Crb – klasti~no-karbonatne k. / Clastic-Carbonate r.; Krb/Crb – karbonatne k. / Carbonate r.; Pirok/Pyroc – piroklasti~ne k. / Pyroclastic r.; Metam – metamorfne k. / Metamorphic r.; Magm/Igneous – magmatske k. / Igneous r. Figure 6. Spatial distribution of geological boundaries of the Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 (after B u s e r , in print). Slika 6. Pojavljanje geolo{kih mej na Geolo{ki karti Slovenije 1 : 250.000 (po B u s e r j u , v tisku). 122 Marko Komac Figure 7. Spatial distribution of structural elements of the Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 (after Buser, in print). Slika 7. Pojavljanje strukturnih elementov na Geolo{ki karti Slovenije 1 : 250.000 (po B u s e r j u , v tisku). Statistical results for linear elements Figure 6 represents the distribution of geological boundaries and Figure 7 represents the distribution of structural elements found on the Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000. The total length of faults found in the Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 is 6733,843 km. The dominant direction of faults is NW – SE (47,35 %), followed by the W – E direction (26,11 %). 15,86 % of fault length spreads in the NE – SW direction, and the rest (10,68 %) in the N – S direction (Figure 8). The prevailing direction of thrusts is W – E (36,98 %), followed by thrusts in the NW – SE direction (25,04 %), those that spread in the NE – SW direction (20,04 %), and the least common direction for thrusts is N – S (17,96 %). The total length of thrusts is 1644,07 km (Figure 9). Among the rest of the structural elements, analysed for their direction occurrence, synclines are most common (58,95 %), followed by anticlines (36,2 %), domes (3,95 %) and basins (0,91 %). Considering only syncli-nes, the dominant directions are W – E (43,45 %) and NW – SE (34,47 %). 11,91 % of synclines spread in the NE – SW direction and the rest, 10,17 % in the N – S direction. The distribution of anticlines is similar to syncline distribution, with the change in the first two places. Almost half of anticlines spread in the NW – SE direction, 37,53 % in the W – E direction, 9,21 % in the NE – SW direction, and the rest in the N – S directi-on(3,58 %). Distribution of all structural elements, excluding faults and thrusts, is due to the proportion of synclines and anticlines, dominated by the two directions, W – E (41,1 %) and NW – SE (38,7 %). The total length of structural elements is 319,7 km. The distribution according to directions is shown in Figure 10. Conclusions The analytical results of Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 have been assessed in detail for the first time sho- Statistics of the Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 123 Figure 8. Faults distribution according to directions in Slovenia (length proportions). Slika 8. Porazdelitev usmerjenosti prelomnih struktur na obmo~ju Slovenije (dele‘i dol‘in). Figure 9. Thrusts distribution according to directions in Slovenia (length proportions). Slika 9. Porazdelitev usmerjenosti narivnih struktur na obmo~ju Slovenije (dele‘i dol‘in). wing the proportions of linear and spatial geological elements. Almost one half of Slovenia is consisted of clastic rocks and 40 % of carbonate rocks. Kenozoic and Mesozoic rocks cover roughly 90 % of Slo- venian territory, with 44 % and 45 % respectively. Analytical results for structural elements suggest that the main spreading directions are in Dinaric and W –E directions. 124 Marko Komac Figure 10. Structural elements distribution according to directions in Slovenia (length proportions). Faults and thrusts are excluded. Slika 10. Porazdelitev usmerjenosti sinklinal, antiklinal, dom in bazenov na obmo~ju Slovenije (dele‘i dol‘in). Acknowledgements Uporabljeni podatki This work was supported by the Geological Survey of Slovenia. Author would also like to thank Prof. dr. Stanko Buser for the permission to publish the analyses data. Author would like to apologise to the reader for the errors in the results (Figure 9), presented at the 17th Meeting of Slovenian Geologists, held in Ljubljana in April 2005 (Komac , 2005). The errors have been corrected and presented in this paper. Statistika Geolo{ke karte Slovenije 1 : 250.000 Geolo{ka karta Slovenije 1 : 250.000 (B u -s e r , v tisku) (Slika 1) je plod 15-letnega znanstvenega in strokovnega dela na pod-ro~ju geologije in nekajletnega dela priprave in zajema podatkov s karte v GIS. Karta je bila izdelana na podlagi podatkov Osnovne geolo{ke karte 1 : 100.000 in njihove re-ambulacije (Buser & Komac, 2002). Obsega 114 litostratigrafskih enot, ter poleg geolo{kih mej {e 6 tipov strukturnih elementov. Obmo~je Slovenije pokriva 4550 posameznih poligonov 114-ih litostratigrafskih enot in skoraj 8700 km strukturnih elementov neupo{tevaje geolo{kih mej. Uvod Zaradi zajema podatkov v GIS je prvi~ do sedaj mo‘en natan~en izra~un dele‘ev posameznih enot, tipov kamnin, enot po starosti ter izra~un dele‘ev dol‘in usmerjenosti strukturnih elementov. Rezultati analiz so uporabni za pregled splo{nih geolo{kih lastnosti Slovenije in za grobo oceno {tevilnih naravnih danosti, pogojenih z geolo{kimi lastnostmi. Metode Za namen pridobitve osnovnih statisti~-nih podatkov o geologiji Slovenije so bile uporabljene enostavne statisti~ne opisne metode. Ugotovljene so bile povr{ine in dele‘i povr{in litostratigrafskih ~lenov glede na {est tipov kamnin, razdeljenih na na~in nastanka; na klasti~ne, karbonatne, metamorf- Statistics of the Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000 125 ne in magmatske kamnine, na piroklastite ter na menjavanje klasti~nih in karbonatnih kamnin. Po enakem principu je bilo analizirano pojavljanje litostratigrafskih ~lenov glede na njihovo starost (kamnine kvartarne (Q), tercirano-kvartarne (Tc,Q), terciarne (Tc), kredno-terciarne (K,Tc), kredne (K), jursko-kredne (J,K), jurske (J), triasno-jur-ske (T,J), triasne (T), permske starosti (P), spodnje permsko-zgornje karbonske (P,C), karbonske (C), devonske (D), devonsko-si-lurske (D,S), silursko-ordovicijske (S,O), kambrijske (Ć) ter kamnine predkambrijske starosti (PC)). Glavni razredi linijskih elementov na Geolo{ki karti Slovenije 1 : 250.000 so bili analizirani glede na dol‘ino pojavljanja in njihovo usmerjenost v smeri osmih glavnih smeri neba. Tako so bile opravljene analize pojavljanja za prelome, narive in ostale strukturne elemente (sinkli-nale, antiklinale, dome in bazeni). Rezultati in razprava Statistika povr{inskih elementov Razdeljeno po tipu kamnine pokrivajo kla-sti~ne kamnine 49,25 % povr{ine Slovenije, karbonatne kamnine pokrivajo 39,31 % in enote, v katerih se ta dva tipa menjavata pokrivajo 4,27 % Slovenije. Piroklastiti tvorijo 1,78 % kamnite podlage Slovenije, metamorf-ne kamnine 3,9 % in magmatske kamnine 1,49 % podlage Slovenije. Sliki 2 in 3 predstavljata sestavo Slovenije glede na tip kamnin. Starostna razdelitev je nekoliko ob{irnej-{a, saj obsega 17 razredov. Kamnine kvartarne starosti sestavljajo 20,02 %, tercirano-kvartarne starosti 2,1 %, terciarne starosti 22,1 %, kredno-terciarne starosti 0,64 %, kredne starosti 13,98 %, jursko-kredne starosti 0,17 %, jurske starosti 8,22 %, triasno-jurske starosti 0,07 %, triasne starosti 23,14 %, zgornje permske starosti 2,08 %, spodnje permsko-zgornje karbonske starosti 3 %, spodnje karbonske starosti 0,26 %, devon-ske starosti 0,03 %, devonsko-silurske starosti 0,62 %, silursko-ordovicijske starosti 0,6 %, kambrijske starosti 0,31 % in kamnine predkambrijske starosti 2,68 % povr{ine Slovenije (Sliki 4 in 5). Analiza preseka tipa in straosti kamnin je pokazala, da so v Sloveniji najpogostej{e kla-sti~ne kamnine kvartarne starosti (20 %), po pogostosti pojavljanja pa jim sledijo klasti~-ne kamnine terciarne starosti (16,8 %), karbonatne kamnine triasne (16,7 %), kredne (10,6 %) in jurske starosti (8,1 %). Dele‘i pojavljanj ostalih kamnin po starosti so podani v tabeli 1. Statistika linijskih elementov Slika 6 prikazuje pojavljanje geolo{kih mej, slika 7 pa pojavljanje strukturnih elementov, prikazanih na Geolo{ki karti Slovenije 1 : 250.000. Med prelomi s skupno dol‘ino 6733,843 km prevladuje usmerjenost v smeri SZ – JV (17,91 %), 12,52 % prelomov se razteza v smeri S – J, 10,52 % v smeri V – Z in 9,04 % prelomov v smeri SV – JZ (Slika 8). Najve~ji dele‘ narivov (17,26 %) poteka v smeri S – J, sledijo narivi v smeri V – Z (13,62 %), narivi v smeri SZ – JV (12,1 %) in narivi v smeri SV – JZ (7,03 %). Skupna dol‘ina narivov je 1644,07 km (Slika 9). Med ostalimi strukturnimi elementi (sin-klinale, antiklinale, dome in bazeni), katerih skupna dol‘ina zna{a 319,71 km, prevladujejo sinklinale (58,95 %), sledijo jim antiklinale (36,2 %), dome (3,95 %) in bazeni (0,91 %). Osi sniklinal ve~inoma potekajo v smeri V – Z (43,45 %) in SZ – JV (34,47 %). 11,91 % jih poteka v smeri SV – JZ in 10,17 % v smeri S – J. Skoraj polovica osi antiklinal (49,67 %) le‘i v smeri SZ – JV, 37,53 % v smeri V – Z, 9,21 % v smeri SV – JZ in 3,58 % S – J. Slika 10 prikazuje porazdelitev usmerjenosti vseh strukturnih elementov, razen prelomov in narivov. Glede na dele‘e antiklinal in sinklinal sta temu primerno opazni dve prevladujo~i smeri, V – Z (41,1 %) in SZ – JV (38,7 %) Sklepi Rezultati analiz geolo{ke sestave slovenskega prostora, predstavljeni v tem prispevku, prvi~ natan~no podajajo dele‘e tipov kamnin in njihove starosti ter dele‘e linijskih elementov glede na njihovo usmerjenost. Klasti~ne kamnine obsegajo skoraj polovico, karbonatne pa 40 % slovenskega ozemlja. Devet desetin Slovenije je pokritih s ke-nozojskimi im mezozoijskimi kamninami. 126 Prve zasedajo 44 % in druge 45 % ozemlja. Analize strukturnih elementov ka‘ejo na dve glavni smeri razprostiranja, v dinarski smeri SZ – JV in v smeri V – Z. Zahvale Izvedbo tega dela je omogo~il Geolo{ki zavod Slovenije. Avtor se zahvaljuje prof. dr. Stanku Buserju za dovoljenje za objavo rezultatov analiz. Pri predstavitvi analiz na 17. posvetovanju slovenskih geologov, aprila 2005 v Ljubljani (Komac , 2005), je pri{lo do napake v prikazu rezultatov usmerjenosti linijskih elementov (Sli- Marko Komac ka 9). Za neljubo napako, ki jo v tem prispevku popravlja, se avtor opravi~uje bralcem. References - Viri Buser, S.: Geolo{ka karta Slovenije 1 : 250.000 = Geological Map of Slovenia at scale 1 : 250.000.-v tisku (in print). B u s e r , S. & Komac, M. 2002: Geolo{ka karta Slovenije 1: 250.000. - Geologija, 45/2, 335-340, Ljubljana. Komac, M. 2005: Statistika geolo{ke karte Slovenije 1: 250.000. V: HORVAT, Aleksander (ur.). 17. posvetovanje slovenskih geologov, (Geo-lo{ki zbornik, 18). Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehni{ka fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo, 2005, str. 61-62.