I^iukáms ^ id pravnikov. , >______ Sundaya asd HolidajS. PROSVETA m __GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uredniški In upravniAkl prostori: SSS7 South Lnwndala A.n. Offloe of Publication J SSS7 8. Uwndtli An. . Telephone, RockweU 4S04 jfl)—YEAB M ■wttar Iuhii 1«. mi. U Um AM ml Omm ml Ma rak «. tm. CHICAGO, LLU SHE DA, 26. MAJA (MAY 16), 1937. Subscription 14.00 Yurly ftTEV.—NUMBER 103 AccopUnoo for mailing at special rata of postage provided for la MCtioa UOS. Act of Oat. I. IB 17, author lied «a J ana 14, III«. — konvencije sodisče potr SNPJ v Clevelandu Zborovala sklenili, da bo prihodnja konvencija v jeseni, da se prične z izdajanjem angležke priloge v dnevniku, da upošteva vse proteste proti zunanjemu vmešavanju v jednotine zadeve in da podpira urednikovo delo na podlagi svobodne misli in delavskih načel 12. SEJA 1 24. maja, predpoldne Med delegati so se nabrali pro-tovoljni prispevki za nabavo Vruškove slike. Nadaljuje se razprava o predanih pravilih. Odbor za pra-ili predlaga, da konvencija iz-oli dva gl. podpredsednika in tiri dodatne podpredsednike s mkcijo distriktnih organiza-orjev, ki pa ne morejo naslediti rvega ali drugega gl. podpred-ednika. Sprejeto. Točka o zapadlih podporah in mrtninah, kjer pravila zabra-ijujejo izplačitev podpore ali mrtnine, ako je poškodba ali mrt povzročena posredno ali ne-oiredno v izgredih ali vstajah, i pa če je bil prizadeti član po-iodovan ali ubit v sodelovanju ri prestopku kakega državne-a, zveznega ali drugega zako-a, ae črta. Daljša razprava se razvije lede članske pristopnine, konč- 0 pa se sprejme predlog, da je rutopnina en dolar. Zaitz (Chicago) predlaga, da 1 volijo glavni odborniki na tor-ovi dopoldanski seji (25. mali po končanem dnevnem redu, i med štetjem glasov lahko po->c*jo ostali odbori. Sprejeto. Resolucijski odbor predlaga, i zbornica določi čas prihodnje onvencije in uradno dobo gl. dbornikov ter da se prejšnji klep o konvenčnem zborovanju maju poruši z dvetretjinsko Mino, ker daje gl. odboru samo ti mesec časa za pripravo novih ravil za nov termin. Vsled teli naj Re konvencije vršijo v runi polovici leta in uradna doto gl. odbornikov naj se zaključi 131. decembrom namesto s 30. "nijem. Sprejeto, da se resolu-ij« odobri in izroči odboru za nvila, da to vsoglasi s pravili. je sprejeto, da gl. odbor W«rfi datum bodoče konvencije. •N'a popoldanski (13) seji po-odsek za plače. Sprejeti so sledeči predlogi o plačah: Predsednik nadzornega odse-Sdobi $25 na mesec, osUla dva *Wniks i>a vsak $15. Predali porotnega odseka $40 na in štirje porotniki vsak J- Predsednik gospodarskega *40 na mesec in trije od-W0 vsak. Člani gl. od-ko se mudijo na sejah tega ®*>ra, dobijo $10 na dan. Clanl 'pravnega odseka, ko potujejo v ¡~r*u ^ganizacije, ne smejo Z*U ko *r> na dan. Konjupredsednik dobi za svoje r.^1 «n dva konvenčna pod-^Mnika vsak $20. Kon-tajnik $25. Števci glasov ,7 m- rl*ni '"»x>ra za pri-" m prošnje $10. Resolu-¿»' '"Uior: vnak član $10. ; / ' --rtacjakega odbora . 7** " Plače $10 vsak. i°dlK,ru » pravila se dolo- ""»na in sprejeU Je re-k ^ ?*' 'U nabavi PeruAko-Uv ' * J^noto na tekoči raz- on "d#,Vni odbor i Kal¡i1 ,( h,cw),TekauU '»^rejo aliko. h *J* »Prejeta resolucija, ki u ravnemu odaeku nalogo r. potrebno, da prične '1n**niku Prosveti an ^ * K ,„g* na enJ -tnuii ^ ,, , . ; " 1 Januarje 1*3«, i , ^ ' * M ustvari ladoeHe artgleiko poslu jo-, ' " u zviianje naroč- »sr ' * ** ** lUcl'° v an«lt 'Jl ,n društvi. fledt zunanjega vmešavanja je bila soglasno sprejeta. Ta resolucija določa, da konvencija upošteva vsa pisma in proteste društev in federacij ter poaameznih članov, ki so odločno protestirali proti vmešavanju v notranje jednotine zadeve iz Lemonta in poudarja, da je članstvo dovolj zmožno voditi SNPJ ter ne potrebuje nobenih priporočil glede urejevanja Mladinskega lista in Pro-svete. Obenem podpira urednika, da nadaljuje s svojim delom na temelju svobodne misli in delavskih načel. Br. Henry Previc iz Universal, Pa., dobi besedo in govori o proslavi dneva SNPJ, ki bo v Meyerjevem parku, Canton, O., dne 13. junija. • e e V nedeljo (23. maja) popoldne so angleško poslujoča društva SNPJ priredila zanimiv vari jetni program v avditoriju SND. Spored je vodil John J. Alich in Frank Slej ko je zopet nastopil s svojo violino, tako tudi Vadnalov kvartet iz Collin-wooda. Dalje je nastopil dekliški orkester, sestoječ iz pet Ber-gantovih deklet iz Lisbon«. Plesne in muzikalne točke so ls-vajale' Florence Novak, Roth Pierce, Margaret Zakely in Ann Zamik, naraščaj društva Comrades 666 SNPJ pa je uprizoril mladinsko enodejanko in eno člani odraslega oddellca istega društva. Za ples je igral Wa-garjev orkester, s katerim nastopa Judy Dell, slovenska* solistka. V pondeljek večer (24. maja) je mladina priredila simpozij. Družba kapituli-rala pred unijo Podpisala je pogodbo z Lewisovo organizacijo Pittsburgb, Pa., 25. maja. — Crucible Steel Co. je sinoči sklenila kolektivno pogodbo s krajevno unijo Zveze železarskih in jeklarskih delavcev, ki spada k l>ewisovi organizaciji CIO. Po izjavi Philipa Murrayja, direktorja organizatorične kampanje CIO v pittsburškem distriktu, pogodba sliči oni, ki jo je Lewi-sov odbor sklenil s Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. Ta govori, da jeklarska unija reprezentira le svoje člane pri kolektivnih pogajanjih. Organizacija CIO se je zdaj lotila naloge, da potegne jeklarske delavce, ki so uposlenl v tovarnah neodvisnih jeklarskih kompanij, v unijo. Te so Youngstown Sheet It Tube, In-land Steel in Bethlehem Steel. V jeklarnah teh kompanij je u-poslenih okrog 175,000 dclav-cev. Van A. Bittner, direktor organ izatorične. kampanje v čika-škem distriktu. je istočasno na-znanll, da je American 8tee! Foundries pristala na kolektivna pogajanja s zastopniki unije CIO. V tovarnah te kompanije dela okrog 7000 delavcev. NAROČNIKOM ProsveU Ja. »a izide v petek. 2*. Ba- ker PraavcU i veljak* Hi da«, ki Je MM zakon soci-alne zaščite Zgodovinski odlok vrhovnega tribunala NOVA ROOSEVEL-TOVA ZMAGA Waahington, D. C., 26. maja. — Rooseveltova administracija je včeraj ponovno zmagala, ko je federalno vrhovno sodilče proglasilo, da je zakon socialne zaščite, ki uključuje brezposel-nostno in starostno zavarovanje, ustaven v vseh ozirih. Provizija glede starostne pokojnine je bila razglašena za ustavno s sedmimi proti dvema glasovoma, določba o brezposelnostnem zavarovanja pa s petimi proti štirim glasovom. Odlok pomeni, da vrhovni tri-bunal ne bo oviral izvajanja Rooseveltovega socialnega programa, niti kongresa pri reševanju perečih problemov, ki so prišli v ospredje zaeno z dale-kosežnimi gospodarskimi in socialnimi spremembami. Razsodba je zgodovinskega pomena, ker je silno povečala avtoriteto federalne vlade. Stališče vrhovnega tribunala napram ,4newdealski" zakonodaji se je radikalno spremenilo od zadnjega novembra, ko je bil Roosevelt z ogromno večino ponovno izvoljen za predsednika Zdruienlh držav. Sodišče je od takrat podalo že večje število odlokov in vsi so bili v prilog Rooseveltovi administraciji. Portagalska za premirje v španski vojni Otvoritev zasedanja Lige narodov 2eneva, 26. maja. — Portugalska se je včeraj pri»dbara. Na petk/tvi seji j« bilo jrred-U,trnth in tprejetih tedem resolucij. Prva te ilčt dveh unij usluiltencsv v gl. uradu. Konvencija jt priznala obe in pooblastila gl. upravni odsek, da sklene i njima ¡Htgoého. Druga resolucija je odpravila bolniiki razred za SO eentov. Tretja rt-solucija naglasa načsU) induM-trijsksga tmionizma, ki ga predstavlja CIO. Cstrta igrata timpatijt vUdi épanaks republike in obsoja tpaneki, italijanski in nemáki fašizem V ptU Urška Upanft, de bo T<*m kmalu otvobodtn. Šesta govori o najtol diktaturi in etnzuri v Jugoslaviji. Gl. odboru nalaga, da podpira naprtdnt delavske kulturne aktivnosti in ustanove kakor tudi napredno gibanje tenstva in nate mladine. Sedma rttolucija jt najvai-nejia. Ta nalaga ukednittvu Prosvete, da te drti iUrokih delavskih smernic in naj pite za zdrutitev vseh demokratično u-smerjenih delavskih ttrank v masni farmartko-delavtki tiran ki, ki mora imeti odpravo prn fitnega sistema za svoj eilj. Mladinski list mora biti urejt-van v smislu svobodne misli in delavske izobrazbe. Konvencija j t določila naslednje plače gl. upravnim odbornikom: ^predsednik $60 na teden, tajnik $60, urednik $68, upravitelj $60, pomotni tajnik $60 in blagajnik $60. Plače gl. nadzor nikov: predsednik $M6 na mesec, ostala dva člana $16 na msstc vtak. Porotni odsek: predsednik $10 na meste, ottali porot niki $10 na mesee vsak. Gospo darski odsek: predsednik $W na mesec, ostali trije člani $80 na mesec vsak. Dnevnica vsakega gl. tpdbornika, ki tt udeleti te j t gl. odbora, $t0. Sprejeta je bila retoluetja, da Prosveta f/rinaAa eno stran angleškega čtiva dnevno nt pozneje ko /. januarja prihodnjega leta, to pa ftod pt/gojem, čt te pojavi močan eentiment za to med člani anglstko poslujočih društev. Dalje je bila spre j sta restducija proti vmešavanju v jedmttine pftsle « strani Lemonta in drugih zunanjih krogov, Na priporttčilo restplucijskegu ttdseka jt kon venci ja porušila prejšnji sklep glede prihodnje konvencije, ki tt ho vršila v jt» toni in ne p*pmladi Ista 19*1. Prav tako tudi, da sluihtna ditba | članov gl. itdhora poteče 81. de-, csmbra namttto $0, junija, Enajsta redna konvencija SNPJ Zapisnik četrte seje s dne 18. maja POROČILA GLAVNIH ODBORNIKOV (NsdaUavsnJe.) raamoisnjs ssstoji is i rmmtmph I« ................. ................................. fmrtn prvvMla mi (Mlalhav ...................................... Pm«JIU m ar«« vhniUfc«................................................ IWjll« na Srac* vfcnJUfc« .............................................. Pm*JIU na tavaravala« mM»« <«arllflbata> ....................... Svaaaa vladna MSalinlc* ..................... ............ t......,.,,.. Svaaaa vlada« atvaaalaa M. O. L. O............................ ...... Drtovna. «kraja«, aMIaak« In «aala« mMIdIn ......................... Drlavna, «kraja«, ablSuk« la m«ata« «aSallal»« v fcantarta ,,,,,........ hmmlilnlm ^mtmllt IMsilrttlsi akvMalc« v kaakaraa ....................................... fialavlna mm raki II. Saaamkra IM«...................................... Taka*l <««fcaval) raiaa ................................................ Dal« m Srailvanlk palrakMtaak ......................................... I>aaar«l« a naelalan« «kv««nlr« la aaSalial«« ............................ Davia« akv««al«a ....................................................... Para* Ivana vla«a .......................................................... SKUPAJ .................................................................. aKUPNO rSSMOftKNJB JSDNOTKi Pramatvaj« Mvaravalain«k«aa aSSalka ..................... ............... Prameftaaf« Pra«v«l« ........, .....i............. ».»•»•,•••••••• •,,, • • • • t akltd n«4aiatalk MUr«.................................................... SKUPNO PBKMOZSNJS JBDNOTK II. Saaaiafcfa IMS..................... SKUPNO PBBMOiRNJH JRDNOTK I. lanaarfe ... ..................... SKUPNI NAPKKDBK ..................................................... PRHGLRD DOHODKOV IN IZDATKOV POSLOPJA S. ss dobo od I. januarja I VSI do ti. derambra ItS« DOHODKI i . .9 TI.Mr II M.MSJI MM.M 1.111.11 I.MMM II .. 4M.Ma.l4 ., I.4S4.IIC.M 41». 14T .11 .. 114,III.M .. I4I.IT9.IT I,ITI.II .. lll.llt.T4 II.M ,. 141.IM.II I.4M.M 14.ITI.M •j—mi* ...|T,III,IHM . .IT.MI.MI.M , .44,ITI.14 M.IM.M in.ttit' ITJM.ll4.il l.tlMHif« ..II.III.IM.44 N.PJ. 1_^_1 Naja« nina araSavi Nai««nlna llakar a* i NaiaaialaaJ «varana i | I'l lal«i|»wlwa Ob,««lil SKUPAJ t « t,«M.M a.«M. M MM.M !,«•«,•• « i.sas.M MM.M MM.M MM.«« M.III.M MIT.TI j MTI.M j 1 .TM.lt I lat.M IT« J« MI.M •II.M IMM.M I.TM.II I.TIMT 1.14141 III,MM* II,Ml.Ia IMIMI II.MT.M SKUPAJ ........... SM^ao.oe •IMM.M BJaUaaSiM M.Hi-it MJBM ISD kTKIt --- Piala HarlakAšias rtnfw« eins as «Itlaelai Saaavatlja. «s. kar lava. Itavak. »•alas ari* «talkina, «a-valjanja, aa-varavalalna Paarsvlls. «er«4na «varan«. karvanj«, salva-njt SKUPAJ« 1 l,«T«.M I.ITI.M M44.M • IT« JI «IM« «SM« NkH TlmM 1 I.II4.M 1,441.ti MM.M MIMS ÜjkfllBBBS • Mll.íl M«««« III.«« Mlin I MI.M •II.U IIMI 1,111.TI 1 MM.M |.IM4T MKTJGI I 444MI 1 MRU IIMTIT« Pf^ilivs tai (^^iltvi IMINHI SKUPNI ISPATKI V 4 I.RTIM . M4II.IT 'LJMHP Skapnl r«Snl Skupni ratal I «I I. faaaarfa IM« é» II. émmmhn IM« aS » Jaaaarta IM« 4m II. S«r««kra MM.. «4T,«MM , M.«T«.T« Pr«kll«k ICKRDNI SKUPNI IZDATKI PRRSRUAJO RRpNR DO Mol) HS IM.MI.M »MIMT P. A. VIDKK, vi. tajnik. Poročilo pomoinega tajnika Cenjeni bratja In aestret Pripravil aem nekaj statlstiftnlh podatki* glade atanja in rasvoja bolni* ftklh rasredov sa dobo prošlih štirih lat. ksr aani mlalll, da bi utefnilo alulltl v" informativna tvrhe pri določanju anteni le sa nova prsvlls, po katerih »»e Jednota poalovala in nadaljevala s delom medaebojnefs podpiranja prihod« nja Miri leta. Atevilke, katere aam pripravil sa to por<*llo, Ukasujejo salo povoljen napredek. Kaktiftno atojimo v tem osiru na boljSem kot kdaj prej v acodovlnl j odrto te, ksr Je sanlmlvo In velikega pomena sa ¿lanatvo in Jednoto. Ts uapeh smo doaaffll na podlagi «prejetih aklepov na deaeti radni konvenciji, ■ bat» rimi je bjla sniftana plačilna leetvica in omajana podpora sa fotova holesnl. Računi iskasujejo, da je skupni bolnlškraklad finanfno napradoval v *U< rlh letih sa vsoto $S4M23.M, kar sna*l, da so bila dotl^ta «premamite « reenirl preeej draetline. Ampak to /a bil edini Ishod, In edini ns«tn, potom katerega jo bilo mogoče sgradltl saleljano In potrebno raservo. Ako ne Id sadnja konvencija isvrllla lega, bi ae prav gotovo mogli bavitl a tem problo-mom kaaneje, prav gotovo pa na tej konvamiJL Navedeni uapehi ao naa saankrat reSIII lm akrbl in na tej konvenciji nam ne bo treba isgubijati iaaa s snIUvanJem podpore ali svISavsnJem a~»«Trtenta. pa i pa poetoje molnoatl, da l*o na podlagi obstojallh ar«d«lev mogui« uveati nekaj isboljtav s svllsnjam |«dpore do gotova meje. Namen naAaga savs* rovanja tudi nI, da bi denar koplilll v liolnisklh akladih, abaolutno inHrebna pa Je, da vsak rasred iskasuje gr^ivo in «talno reaervo, kajti savarovalnlna Je algurna le tedaj, alwi ao v «lučaju potrel» na raspolago danarna aradatva. In tega se moramo drSati, Uko, da bodo naSi «kladi «lablllsirani in da bodo Alani dobivali podpora bres iirednlh doklad. Hprememlre sa vlljo podpofo aam predloill letni »ejl gl odbora, kaUrs je late odobrila. Vae spremesibe l*odo ukljutei* v provlaortinlh pravilih In le. lati Je, da bi Jih deUgadJa vj»-»«tavala, kar Ihi V lnlar»«u organl»a«iJe. V svrho boljftega rasumevanja in UlJSaga uitofl^la v «pramamba, «a ml sdl potrebno rasjasnitl, v koliko ja p.-lpora «vi«ana: Za ^lana, ki a«» aavarovanl so II, Ja cela |to«lpora Kvikana po latib od dO na dni. Na ta na/In bo lahko Han v tam ranradu dal*t*n v («ku 2S latna ¿laitaka dol« $I,ZSO.OO «kopne jHfdpore Polag (aga Ja imtona ^lanaka doba ks dva leti, ksr pomeni, da Je sniftana ¿lanaka doba plavanja aStoetenU, «kupna ali maslmalna vsota je pa «vliana sa 00. g na ko ja svlftana «ela ^»di^oa \»> letih sa 'lao* v $1' ratredu, In «Icar od 10 no 15. dni H «*m ja rela pra aklenlla, da «e ga odpravi. V taku «tirih let jo prietrrpilo v U raareri 2SI članov, a Se U mt> v«win"rne aavarovanl v Um ras-radu proti avojl volji. Zavarovalnina ja preeiska In ar na ispla/a. V aam tam ^lamon noj bo dovoljeno, rta ee atorjo tavarovaii sa $1 ali aamo sa amrlntno. Pre«relan«k Imetja tega resrada naj ae pr*a»ne v »asrad »naga dolarja Dalje je odpravljene dot«*be, na podlagi kaiara ao Mil 'lani sa naoadrav* Ijlva bokanl upravljani prejemati podporo «a dobu dvah lat, kar pomeal, da aa bo v bodoSe pla^avalo fKidporo doklar ^lan nr l«^i|*a dolo/aaa maaimalno vao4e, kar je popolnoma l«jgl#no, Ako ae #la*u ob priaiopa v jednolo pove, Sa bo v tabo W letna /laneka dolia lahko drlHUn v praaMkih «a rasna latlaaal la poSkodbe |l,ZS0 00 liolalSk« pral pora, ae moremo ta obljuba («aHI dr «ali. dru-gn/a noSe delo madaeliojnagfl podpiranja lagulrl p<>man hratetva. In «e ae Some po Um ravnali, ae bo niH/a mog«l ociutl. da jednola ne lavriuje Uga kar obljubo je. Ker aem le pri dolo/bab, hI aa tliejo vilja pod p«»re, naj omanlrn «e la, da v provlaorl#nlh pravilih al vblju/ena debVba. na pn4lagt kataro aa doaedaj al plačevale podpora «a «polna bolasnl, kar «*veda pomeal, da se bodo tspla« rila podprira v bodoAa nabollko «vikala tudi valad U «premembe, kar be kon. veartja gotovo odobrila. Ob oimnmm naj pripomnim, de je aaja gl. odbora sklenila, da ae sa bodo*» odpravi pristopnina v boJnlMU «klad. _________ i^ntlfuu^i _ \ PtOSTIT* Uradne vesti društev SNPJ _ Tu «o imen* odbornikov dvorane SNPJ u tekote leto: Anton Hterle, Krink ObvriUr, J. A. Ambro«*, L. J. l*mr, U. Ambroti*, J. Intihar. K. Lushin, M. K obal, K. Cerar, J. Sadej, A. Gornik, J. Beníina, K. BenU, M. Rs beti, J. Retnikar. J. Smrekar, V. Strukel in mri. Butal«. JACOB BIST NIK A K, »». ^ _ CSE8TEDBUTTK, MOM T -Pri- iaenitao SMjf Igrati, Uko d« hodsje aeje drsfttvs »n m bodo vrši- BRADDOCK. PA.—Društvo 300 priredi prvi sesonski piknik v n«delJo 30, mmim n« Cbureb Hillu, to j« na navadnem prostoru. Apeliram na va* ttanatvo in občinstvo naše okoli-et, da aa tega piknika udeletite. Gotovo n« bo nikomur tal, ako poseti nato aabavo. Kestre Brega nt, mlade BMisikaalk* is Lisbose, O., bodo U pot v sail nsselbini prviš naatepile. jib )e te sliteJ, dobro v«, kaks I aktivno ude jet vu j* t ns« «rfamu**-ji. Z* to ps ji moramo W val na roko, ' da dobi «* vai pogume iS v»podb«4a. Bratje w aaatra! Priteku* ae od «s-éa a t rate velika udeleáfcs na proslavi dneva SNPJ dne 13. junija v našem parkSkHM druiMS blagajne ta «asi» a*J» SP «Matu < _ _ dolar, ki H lahko dobi *tan sli «ani- došli med nami vsi «Uri ta mtadi «»- ca ako £ na «ji. Vak *tan bo „, nate velika SN PJ—Obenan» tel» «nS imel številko ta te bo njeg-, naananiU, da « je nate druttvo 316 va »tcvilks dvignjena, bo dobil dolar. 8NPJ sdrutita a vsem. tutaJtoO^j Ako ps n« bo nsvsol na seji, sra dolar juso.lovan.kimi arfs^-cijsmj to nazaj v društveno blarajno, na drugi- društvi v .vHm „Ji p. ae bo i ta .rajnemu ¿tanu, k«. rteU «li piknik« v korist trtvasl fa-UrlJs številk« bo dvignjena, oddal« «trn« v 6psniji T. .kupn» piknik a« dva teta* ta teko «£r.j do * do- bo vršil v netebo julija-larjt-v. Ako pa do pet dolarjev nibte| najte wm>i, w. ira.HPlr^tvi e* »K PJ j« 710 IW0 priredit* »kupni piknik s» JO. maja «S P»>»Uru te. G«e Thojpasas. V«n»od. W. Va. Peaivamo in v«Mm* va« nsw brat« i« teatre, da n«. poaetite in da .* kaj Prosveta pite. Mnogokrat imo t«' da irredo lahk« !P slišali, d« po dušn — peii-no avi-» njino in jagnjetino, pijač« ps tudi ne bo manjk«Ie. Društva j« najel« bua ga on«, ki nim«jo avtov. Iz North Bräddorka bo odp^jaJ ob 1-30 (d. a. t) in aa bo uatavil prod Hrvatskim domom v Braddocku. Lsbbo pa g« ustavite tudi na drugih krajih. Bu. bo nosil napis "Piknik društva 300." Uijvdno vas vabimo, da ae tega pikniks vai ud«letite in z nami zabavate. Ns voaelo avidenje 30. maja na Chircb II i II u! — Kon venci ja HNPJ je jsaao in odločno odgovorila leinont-akim patrom, d« vidijo kaj članstvu SNPJ teli, hote in zahteva. To je p«č zadoMten dokaz, ki kate, da a« članstvo zaveda pomena avoj« «rganizaeij« in pa neoanovanih napadov od strani patrov in njihoV« ilah-U Cm bodo pametni, jih bo t« ao-glasai odgovor čisnatva HNPJ «pa-metoval, da ne bodo ve« vtikali svo-jogs nosu v stvari, ki niso njihove. Sploh pa ao naredili dobro reklamo jadnoti ta Prosveti, k«jti naš« zavedno čtanst vo zna Uk« napade in lati adbij«ti a te večjim dalom za jednote! ANTON KOZANKC, tajnik. DETROIT, MICH.—Pr*d par m*-aeri a* j* tukaj ustanovilo novo ien-ako druttvo SNPJ z imenom "Cvet" in je dobilo številko 761. Zahval« gr* br. P. Benadictu in seatri Mary Bernik, kar .U dobila toliko novih članic in vse potrebno urodila ter dala novemu društvu potrebn« informacije. Želeti je, da bi prialopilo v novo društvo čim več novih lianic. Br«;: dvoma ja te mnogo alovenskih ien in deklet v Detroit u. ki niso članic« SNPJ in ki .ploh n« spadajo k nobeni podporni organizaciji. Ako katera teli postati članic« tega novega lanskega društva, naj m prijavi pri podpisan), ali pa naj prid« na s«jo, ki a* vrši na tretji petek v mesecu ol* a. zvečer v SN D na John K. št. — Da ai finančno malo opoinorrmo, anv. aklanlll, da naše novo društvo priredi veselico na 6. Junija, to je na m>-boto veter v SND na 17163 John K at. Uljudno vabimo va« rojake v ^ Dotroitu in okolici na to našo prv< priraditev. Pokatite, da ste priprav lj«ni kia»perlrati z nami. Odbor bn akrU-l, da a« boat« imenitno zabavali. Igrala la> dobra ir<»dhe. Vatopninu 2t* Oddala ae hod» tri darila brez plačno. Na .videnj«! Za društvo 761: MARY ANZICK, pr« priieUik ob ^^^ aejo, ki ae bo obdritaval« dn«' 80. Ju- in mr«čjMk«indelu! M» bomo pjrs-| ^ >|§ vsi ,£ ^^ nija- Ns tej «.ji mofmmo rešiti več fc.h proator vnatem gtasUu v boljše in OBtali ^ da 4 vatnih stvari, obenem ga se bomo po- .v,»ml Itedolph GoeJup, Ujnik. vrt|Mf ^SL V^nS * govorili, kako bi ozdravili našo dru- r — priliki pa uost-t vrnsa«, d • ^ it veno lita gaj no, ki zelo hira „a »ušlci. ^Mollne, I1L--Naše drultvo2^ I P,e(fu ^ ^ ^^^ Odločiti moramo, te lette prir«d,mo najodločneje »roteatira prot. vafb.ni, pol^ ^ bo uTj,! f4 piknik v korist dr tet vime blagajne ali beotene^ ki s« jo nam j»ed kratkim po-u.,jlla . nje seje v.i!—K. Erznoznik. Ujnik. piknik v korist drtetvmm smgigne 1«,«»^ io IpoaUMl» «dej« kot n^TV „e. Nekaj moramo ukreniti. Zete Jc pitali lemontaki patri! GL odbor 8N- ne pQZIlljUe na „aft * priporočljivo, da ae udeletlmo prihod- PJ lahko sam opravlja svoje delo-po, ja, m k * ,e I raro ^^............ , je(|noUneifa ¿lanitv>t brez vme.1 J "JJJ Ko», ujj in vanju od zunaj, pa as j pride % katerekoli strani. Dalje naše društvo odločno protestira proti Lemontu, ker se predrzne vtikati v nate napredno stranko. Mi -napredujemo in ne mara- Akron, O.—Naznanjam člsn.tvs društva 636, da m bo redna mesečna s*ja vršila dne U. junija ob 8. zvečer. To vel j« ssmo z« to sejo. Jok« Miaitigk, Ujnik. EVELETH, MINN.— Poteklo je «no leto, odkar so tukajšnja skupna društva SNPJ št. 00, 130 m 660 po stal« Instnik svojega l)ruštvcn«ga doma SNPJ. Zato j« na mestu, da a« poda nvkaj d«jatev in iraročilo n po drobnoatih, da InmUi v«d«li tudi tiati člani ta članic«, ki s« do aedaj niao dosti sen I m« 11 za stvar In ki s« iz rasnih vzrokov niso udel«šili prve letne sej« tega skupnega pod vnetja dne 0. maja. V prvem letu poslova n Ja je bilo priblitno 64000 dohodkov, od članov In članic, ki so poaudili po 926, se je nabralo okrog flSlH) in priblitno $2400 se Je pa nabralo a drugimi dohodki, z veaelicami, na Jemnlno aa drugo nadatropje in hite zadaj, aa najemnino dvorane in ne k«j prostovoljnih prla|»evkov. I^latki so bili povprečno s dohodki. Popra vil« in predelava naa Je atalo mnogo sUlo pa bi te vvllko več. ako n* bi imeli toliko potrtvovalnih članov, ki ao teko vneto in brezplačno delali ter še delajo. Vae delo, kar m tiče hiš nika in pri točilni mili, tako tudi čla nire v kuhinji in vae drugo delo, kat Ka pride, ga &av«dni člani in članki izvršijo radevolje, krr s« zavedajo, da dala jo za dobrobit vs*h. Niso pa bila samo popravila, ki so naa atala denar. Treba J« bilo nabaviti pohi štvoj stol«, miz«, peč, kuhinjako u premo, luč, gorkota, vinU Itd. Ikmti 'Haa stane tudi zavarovalnina |M»alop-ja in davek, ki Ir1«*a .nate celih 676 več nego prej, trel.a pa je tudi plat čatl ubroati <«l flavnire. - Torej vae skupaj, to Je nakup, predelava in dru go nas je sUlo aad ttNMN), plavali pa smo 64000 in v tem je tudi uklJuč*no tudi članako poaojdo. Is tega lahko vsakdo razvidi, kak» lep u*peh je bil v prvem letu skupnega dela. Zet» a« prttekaje. da ho napredek le boljtl v bodoče in da vaak član in vaaka čta' niča imenovanih treh druite« SNPJ tudi po »Vrtjl moči fmmttffm S pOMijill ta pa s tem. da pnhaja na pr reditvr našega doma. kajti le v a logi j* r»w«, na «a skupna atavlm pa lie Se« ča> vaem v pow»rf — Na glavni seji dni i. ntaja Je članstva tudi aklenlta. da a« priredi pnteava prve obletnice na šega Doma, ta sicer dne A. Junija Ker bo bi "zadnja večja veeellra v dvorani v tej soaoai, sle vabljeni v«, čtani in članle» \»r <«talo občiastvo. da se iate udeltelte. Nadalje ate vab Ijeni rojaki I« rojakinje u «««ednjik naselbin, da «as poselile aa vetet prve ol»letniee doma SNPJ. ZagoUv IJamo vam točno po«trešbe Vsi v dvorano SNPJ dn« 6. jusija svetel! SUGARITE, N. MEX. — Društvo 164 priredi pornla^ianako veselico v robotu 20. maja v koriat svoje blagajn«. Vršila m bo v dvorani nu Tank««ju, N. Mex. Društvo si j« leto« zbralo U najlepši letni čas, ki nam ga je podarila narava, za svojo prireditev. "Vse zeleni in po cvetju duhti." Društvo vabi vse svoje član« in članice, da se veeelice udeletite. Vabimo tudi vsa soaedna društva in rojak« Iz Colorada in ostal« prijatelj« ter znance, da naa na naši prireditvi obiščete, zakar vam ne bn tal. Na vaeh naših prejšnjih veselicah ao bili poaetniki dobro postreleni in so se dobro sabavali. Vcaellčni odbor jo letos pridno na delu, Uko da bo dobra post relba za vh In tako Mveda tudi zabav«, kajti oboje obeU nad-krifiti vae dosedanje. Servlrals ae bo najboljša pijača in pa dobra jedača. NaUkarJi bodo te dopoldn« vsak pri avojem delu. Za ples I »o popoldne igrala alovenaka godba, zvečer od 7. ur« do 2. po |M>lnoči pa Bubničev or-kvater iz Trinidada, Colo' Torej ne ¿«mudite te prilike in pridite vsi od tiHzu in daleč na našo društveno prireditev! Na veaelo avidenje! JAKOB SKRIJ, tajnik. MILWAUKEE, WIS.~Društvo št. 16 priredi domačo zabavo dne 6. junija v »obote večer v spodnjih prostorih dvorane 88T v korist svoje blegnjne. Člani dobijo vstopnice n« dom in pta-teti mors zs vstopnice sleherni član. Vatopnic« sunejo 40c, zraven pa dobite tiket za dva vrčka piva. Omenjena vsoU se plača prihodnji mesec z aaesmentom. Uključen je Udi prigrizek (maka). Pijača pri bari se-ved« ni uključen«. Igral« bo M«rtin-škova godba in vse bo veselo, staro in mlado, člani, zapomnite si U, da priredimo zabavo samo enkrat na lete zate, da se vsi čtani udeletijo. Nate členice bodo preskrbele vae potrebne j«-di z« mizo, to j«, d« n« l"*lo preskrbele aamo kranjske klobaae, ampak tudi potico, pečen krompir, krofe in drugo Uko okusno jedačo. Vse bo pripravljeno po najnovejšem in najboljšem siaUmu. Nate članice rade k«j dobrega skuhajo, ker znajo. Udeletite se vsi in prepričali se boste, da take zabave te nismo imeli v Uj sezoni! FRANK PERKO, Ujnik., SOUTH VIKW, PA. — Nasnanjam članom in članicam društva 266, da ae bo nate redna seja za junij vršila .1, nedeljo v mesecu, in sicer is razloga, ker s« na drugo nedeljo vrši v«tiko slavje dneva SNPJ v Cantonu, O., večina nalih članov pa se ho te proslave udeiešila. Zate pridite n« «ejo dne 20. junija. MARTIN URBAS ML, tajnik. ST. MICHAEL, PA. Tu je pogo vor med Franceljnoin in Jotetomt Franrelji llej. Jote, ali te veš, da priredi društvo Sinovi Slav* 1U0 pik-nlk dne rt. junija? Jote: Al' r*sT Na la piknik |»a gotovo pridem. t (udi drugi rojaki in br«t-•ka društva, da naa poe*lil* M*v«da ne a me manjkali 8h*ldončanav. Ved no ate m*d nami dobrodtelit MIKE KRULTZ, tajnik. IIA KM ARVII.IJC, PA. Društvo 47t je na avoji aadnji «eji sklenila, d« ae bud« naAe Imdate aeje vršile ob 10 dopoldne I zgodnji tea) «ra prej ko aed«J. Ker a* dosti ne zanima za »«Je. je bita skle-um pietekli mji, da ae daruje la W. ALigUIPPA, PA.—Društvo 122 ni obdrtavalo nobene prireditve te več let. Ker pa je blagajna prazna, »m« rklenili na zadnji seji, da priredimo društveno veselico v soboto večer 20. maja v znani Slovaški dvorani na Main at. tukaj. V.tepnina za moške in ten.ke 26c. Vstopnino plača vsak član in članica, če se vua«lice udeleži ali ne. Izvzeti so le bolniki. Dolinoat nas članov in članic j«, da se te veaelke udelelimo VSI! Vebimo tudi osUlo občin.tvo is naaelhine.ter član stvo in rojake iz zunanjih naselbin, da na. omenjeni večer poaetijo in da se Uko enkrat tudi v nafti naselbini par ur skupno z nami zabavajo. Igra la bo izvrstna godba, in sicer John Bizjak in .inovi iz Russelltona. Za vsestransko postrelbo bo najboljše preskrbljeno.— Izredni slučaj za naše društvo je bil 11. maj. Na U dan sU umrla kar dvu naša člana. Prvi Je bil Frank Mihčič, blagajnik tega društva, ki je umrl deaet dni po operaciji za turom. Star Je bil 66 let in eden najatarejših naseljencev v naselbini. Vodil je grocerijo in gasolin-sko postajo. Doma Je bil is va.i Ste-rod na Primorakem. Tukaj zapušča leno, tri odraale ainove in dve hčeri od prve len«.—Drugi je umrl naš član Robert Rutlič, hrvatake narodno.ti. On je podlegel .mrtnonoanim poškod bam, ki Jih je zadobil, ko ga je otga-lo vroč«* telezo, kakor tudi njegova dva aotb lavca. Va| trije .0 umrli In dali avoje tivljenje pri vsakdanjem delu za obstanek in za profil drutbe J. S L. Co. Obema pokojnima članoma Je društvo oskrbelo lep pogreb. G KO. SMKKKAR, predsednik. 8TRUTHERS, O —Društvo 277 bo p^oii. Mick.—Članstvo društva 121 obdrtavalo svoj piknik dne 20. junij« Jff imelo na geJi 16 mBja priliko videti v nedeljo n» Grimovi f«rmi, Center broiurico «trate, ki so jo skovali st. Ext., Struther«, O. Uljudno j« ( patrl v iemontaki lenobnišnici. S to vabljeno vae ll«n«tvo, vM_drttfttva in robo gmo im4fli veHko xabave. P«tre Jomi krč od .trahu, ker ae nas strašansko bojijo. Bojijo se nas pa zato, ker napredujemo in ker smo m otresli tistih vrat, k«tere oni te sedaj prodajajo nezavedni maai. Ali niso patri in dušni pastirji sami krivi, da njihove ovčke odpadajo? Zakaj pa so nas vrgli iz svoje jednote, ko pa nismo nič drugega storili kot to, da nismo hoteli potireti usiljene nam .povedi in ne podpirati vašo lenobo. Mi smo ai usUnovili našo jed noto in' svoje glasilo in korakamo in bomo korakali t duhom č«s« naprej, pa če se patri na glavo postavijo. Vemo, da se bojite luči in svetlobe, ki jo razširja na te jednoU in njene publikacije. VI hočete, da ljudstvo Uva v temi in blodi v nevedi, kajti od tega imate koristi vi. Tudi naši milijončki vam dišijo in bi radi z njimi razpolagali. Trdno smo prepričani, da bo delegacija enajste konvencije SNPJ odločno sU-ta za principi in smernk«mi, katere .0 h težkim trudom polotili naši pionirji SNPJ. Delegaciji priporočamo, da ostro protestira proti tem patrom in ob.odi početje v.eh naših sovražnikov in drugih reakcionarjev in sovražnikov jednote. Živela jednoU! Pozdrav deleguciji letošnje konvencije SNPJ! občin.tvo, d« m udekti. TAJNIK. 8YGAN, PA.—Društvi št. 6 in 669 priredita veliko .kupno veselico n« 30. m«j«. Društvo št. 6 ima na svojem koledarju te prireditev te od glavne seje. kakor vsako leto, izjem« p« je, «ko kako drugo društvo obhaj« ali praznuje avojo obletnico in potem odstopi Usti datum. Vsled tega pričakuje nate društvo in angleško poslujoče društvo, ki prirejata skupno veselico n« 80. maj«, d« se boste vsi udektili ter d« bodo ostel« društv« upoštevata nate sodelovanje in ne bodo priredita svojih veselic ali zabav na isti (tan, temveč da se bodo ude-ktila nate. Vabljeni ste vsi blitnji in oddaljeni roJ«ki in roj«kinje. Program se bo izvajal popoldne in bo obširen ter isredno zanimiv. Koncert bo na vrtu, zvečer pa bo ples. Manjkalo n« bo ne jedače ne pijače. Ne zamudite te prilike! V enakem slučaju «mo pripravljeni uslugo vrniti. Na svidenj« v zelenem Syganu! LOWRENZ KAUČIČ, 6. ZADNJI KLIC! Poktje prihaja in prisilj«ni ■■■■■I Prenehati s 15. junijem in do „,< mo črnuharjev in lenuhov v svojo oktobra s pošiljanjem nuunine. sredo. Oni se redijo n« račun nevedne > daj je še čas, da nam dantc vaie ^ mase in mi se pošteno borimo proti1 ročilo, da se založite črez poletja | vsem izkoriščevalcem, duševnim in telesnim! LemonUrji ti vi jo kakor tro-tje od del« pridnih čebelic! Proč z njimi od nešeg« poštenega dela! Za društvo 286 SNPJ: Anton Kkn-tek. predsednik, Martin Papiak, Ujnik, Edward Peaca, blagajnik. to po znižani ceni. 25 funtov tŠi\ pošljemo po 30c funt, pošUiii* ,(rill JOSEPH LKSKOVAR 420 High Str. . Kacine, Buffalo, N. T.—Pozivam vse cenjene člane in članice društva 406, da se gotovo udeletijo prihodnje redne aeje dne 13. junija ob 1. popoldne. Obenem vam naznanjam, da je bilo sklenjeno na majski seji, da se naše aeje v bodoče obdrtujejo ob 1. popoldne in to vaako drugo nedeljo v mesecu. Dosedaj so se seje vršile ob 2. popoldne. Ker pa čez poktje članstvo rajši vidi, da so seje ob 1. popoldne, Izleti v stari kraj Ambridge, Pg. Naznanjam član-članstvu društv«' št. 33, da prihodnja seja se bo vršita dne 6. junija, prite-Uk točno ob 8. popoldne. Dne 18. junija ne moremo obdrtavati seje, ker se bo nate čtanstvo udeležilo zleU SNPJ v Myerj«v park, Canton, O. Obenem nasnanjam sklep maj.ke seje, da za člana oddelka odraslih, ki se nameravajo udeležiti omenjenega skta v Canton,0 bo društvo iz avoje blagajne plačalo fl in za člane mladinskega oddelka p« 60c. To velja ssmo za one člane, ki »e bodo vozili s vlakom, člani, ki .e nameravajo ude-ktiti zleU, se naprošajo, da se iavijo druitvenemu tajniku. ^ Anton Ziberna, tajnik. Cleveland, O.—Cenjenim go.podom v Lemontu! Vzemite na znanje, da tenako društvo Svoboda 74H SNPJ .e ravna po pravilih svoje jednote. Tudi vi se ravnajte po vaših pravilih: "Ljubi .vojega blilnjega kakor samega sebe." (Pečat.) Društveni odbor. è0 j« ¿aa. da a* prlrlaalt« as s I «del a «kupna potovanja v atar« domovino; IS. junij» na parniku IIKRF.NGArIa pr«-ko Cberbomea in Partaa v aprematvu uradnika linij«. S«, junija na brsoparniku NORMANDIE preko Havr« v apramatvu alovanakesa aprem- Msvsim. M. junija na parniku AQU1TANIA preko Cherbourga in Pariaa v aprmnatvu uradnika linije. 14. JaUJa aopet na brioparniku NOR-Joseph Mibelich, predsednik, Leo mandie. Kar 1 aa tapa m o vaa linij« in pamika. Vam narama paatra/l tadf a drugimi parniki ia ob vaaka m ésaa. PMIU p* Vaani rad la ran» kart vaeh parnikov In draga podrobnoati na ■padaj navadanl naatav. TRPEČI NA MEHURJU IN OBISTIH Za balaiina v krita aU ia »r«' mokrvaja) uporabita maje Imata* rodno adra vila. Stana ti Ti. hin, dana» a valim polnim taupaajan: MRS. GRKTA LESKOVA* 667 K 73rd Street. New York. ] det Junko, Ujnik, Anton Jsrca, blagajnik. Moon Run. Pa.—Društvo št. 88 odločno protestira proti nečedni taktiki kmontskega kloštra, ki razpošilja U-se sami izdajo, da vemo kaj mislijo ke grde nspade na naša SNPJ. Tisto Strato bi morali patri lepo vreči na smetišče, pa si bi prihranili precej zasmehovanja. No, pa saj je dobro, da —o tistih milijončkih, toda leni patri se grdo motijo, če računajo na kaj Ukega. Naše članstvo je vedno in povsod čujoče! Pa se drznejo kričati, kdor čita Prosveto, da bo pogubljen. Torej bodo vsi flečkajnarji pogubljeni, ker jo vsi čiUjo, sicer ne bi vedeli POZOR! Slovenci, Hrvati in Srbi Horodnlka Ig • ta raca kraja i« aedaj nekoliko laija dobiti, ako Vala pretnotenj« nudi Ukdoatno garancijo u novaga priaoljenca. Paketa v JngoaiavlJo In Italijo tudi pošiljamo In afear do teie od i» funtov. Pilita po pojaanila. CENS ZA DENARNI POŠIIJM U II.—.. SM Din. Zal I.M... M Lir - 7.SS... »— " " S.4S... 1M " - 11.41... m " " 1I.1S... SM " " ____...l.SH " - »H... IN - " ------------ " " »T.—...I.SM - Pri valjih anaakib aaraamara» popuat. Pa-liljamo tudi v dolarjih.—Navado«» cena ao podvrlana apramambl garl ali doli. NOTARSKI POSLI V vaeh at» rok rajskih aaSavah aa obrnit* na naa, ker mi tpocijallairamo v poaradovanju 1 tla rim krajem. Vas platna in druaa poilljka naa I ovita aat Barton, O.—Društvo 662 je na svoji majaki seji sklenilo, do priredi piknik dne 27. junija na Primotičevem pro štoru. Blitnja društva so vabljena, da se natega piknika udeletijo in da ne prirejajo svojih priredb na i.ti dan. Joaeph Skoff, Ujnik. Plttaburgh, Pa.—Naznanjam Član-atvu društva 118, da prihodnja redna seja se bo tiklrtavala dne 6. junija. Vzrok premestitve Je velik zlet na dan SNPJ dne 18. junija, katerega s« bo udeletilo večja število članov. To bo proslava in piknik federacije an LEO ZAKRAJSEK General Travel Servie«, Inc. 302 E. 72nd SU New York. N. Y. Iščejo se • v •• mcarji Iščejo se delničarji in njili "Slovenskega Izobraževalnega Rodoljub" South Fork, IVnna. D ničarska seja je zaključila na seji meseca Februarja 1037. da«| Haljenim in odseljenim delnici n njih dedičem izpis«'» njih ddniee določeni vrednosti. Sledeči de in njih dediči so opravičeni d». pM njih delnic: Hči John SuhM Krayn, Pa., ki Hcd.j stanuje aekir okolici Cleveland., 0. Vdova La Teliča, kateri je bil ubit v prri vu Cardiff, Pa., blizo Ninij a Penna, tudi ona wtanuje mrada 1 kje v Clevelandu, 0. Nadaljr »te John Berdona, luki nekje v (levels du. O., ter Matij. !v».Ur. r« Hrvat, se nahaja menda nekje »I waukrju, Wis. S tem ae peiin p navedene, da se čimhitreje prijl»( na naslov: JOHN PRINCE, 200 Maple Street, South I «k. I'« IKti YUKON, PA. Društvo 117 Je na svoji redni aeji sklenilo, da priredi veselico dne 211. maja. članatvu se priporočit, du h« udeleti v velikem številu, ksjti ta veselica se vrš^ v koriat društvene blagajne. Vabimo tudi soaedna drultva in poaamosn« rojake, da pridejo v ¿«like« številu. 7* pk. soprogi, bo igrala garku, katerega priredi fede-1 ar 1 je an«kško , poalujočih društev SNPJ sa aapadno 1'enn.i dne 18. junija- To Ik» drugo ktno slavje dneva SNPJ. Mi ae popolnoma savedamo naše deltnoati kot aUreiši člani HNPJ. da nudimo pri tem velikem podvaetju naši mtatlmi vso mogočo kooperacijo. da bo uaprh čim aijajnejši. Xn«no nam je, da nate mladina je nate bodočnost in nate mladina se Ob 16-letnici največjega te vrate podjetja v Detroitskl naselbini vam priporočamo veliko salogo ŽELEZNI- NE, BARV. STENSKI PAPIR. OLJ- _ NATE PREPROCE IN DRUGE I ......................................... STAVB1NSKK POTREBŠČINE. J»o-polno zalogo "OENKRAI, ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS" ledenice. Vacuum Sweepers, Pbilro Radios, električnih in plinovih štedilnikov. Edini saatop-nik za Maytag Washing Machine ia več drugih pralnih strofev. Ob ti priliki nudimo poaebno ceno na MGen. Electric Vacuum Cleanera," dva sa reno enega, večjega sa preproge in ročnega sa sedete, vrednost $15.00 pronto. Imamo najboljše izdelke in cene nilje kot dru|od. Ponlulile se samostojnega podjetja in unijskega izdelka. MAISEIAS HARDWARE 106.11 llarper - Detroit, Mich. Tel. JV. »427 Nimam v»4 nobena f*aaa a prajinjlmi lovarill. VMNO U VMUM « aiorl Halt heal i kraja 1 Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN & SUKt.KO* orrit'K stunts at 1714 W. 2tlk Street l] liSS—IS»«—:M Tal. Çrawferd till «t 1858 W. Oraiak UA 4:19—1:0« p. ■ D»"» t «l Cnaal um Wednaadar « Sun daj by " Raider. Tel.: 19 NO ANiWSS—CALL AtSTW^J* Vabilo na domačo vrtno zabavo katero priredita MR. in M RS. KEGEL na svojem vrtu—v nedeljo, 30. maja m v pondeljek, 31. maja 1937 WIIJ,OW HI^RINiiS, ILIa. |rfjh Za pks ho igrala dobra godba livralna p»* " VSTOPNINA PROSTA SAOAS podil Joto K ADAS *«■ nnmaajanl t A OA S «ona» bo«« la KARTE za izlete fClIC Ak« vsaa k laCnC (perila) lso«U ta ali ake > nered ao «U bótete. *«re#tte al aeiadama »«Ja «Ur« k rajsko glasovi!« adra vita Stase M. Pišite mi i pointa saupanjoaa MRS. GRKTA IJtSKOV AR Mî R TI H. New Vaek. N. T. PHOI.KTARKr Is ekveaeko gtaaita soetaltaUčoe •trank« v Ameriki. Vsak teta eae Is ra tak ki aa sani ma «a aeetattseei bi «« sm«sI vate« «tuti. ker v«« kale pravo si.iRo aonAinaiA N.ročnls« n>*U |IN M talo. 11.71 M M taU NMflMTt PIMMJCTARUC 2-WI fte, U«stek Aes^ CHICAGO. II. LI NOW I vse l'nt ni k I I našim peeredovsak"* Pote |e|«i nsjeeael« ta sadov«!)»«. IV«« rae nteiljk« It vrtel earn Ute ta «aaeeljtv« p« doe eneas tons V H'CnSLAVMO ? TT AU JO M IUI... IM Ma So I IS., ISLk • IN ., m " " MJI... m " " T .SS .. S«« - • SM.,, SM * • U.M.,, IM " • IT H . I IM • - MM . I.SM - - IHM . I.SM -" IM»...SSM • " la? M „MM " a» bora roMlamo lai «aone I e«n I» KH «nvelMteCI Is kri čtalilni Planinski Čaj I lavRbe 11 JO Ptetnlna prosta Mia a» b*e«na»#nl Hat Mdaa «Ma» la DOM Arm fDRAVII. tel» a boat« «amo«I MATH PTZDIR m m cup n«N su. Mest T «ft. N. T. U.OVKNIC PITRIJ8HING CO iC.laa Narad«-Travel |«nm} VI« M «• New York. N T TRPEČI NA 2EL0DCUI I« I MICA CRKTA IKMiOVšI M7 K 7lrd K, New V ark. N. T. VELIKO ZABAVO IN SLAVNOST — priredi — _ Westmoreland*!* federacija društev S.N.PJ. V PONDELJEK, DNE 31. MAJA 1937 V WEST NEWTON. I'A. PROGRAM: 1. Joneph Zofko otrori program ob S. «ri popoldne 2. Im /orniko« a sodba igra koneerlne koMade J. Pevski rbor •Savlea" poje peauii ^•osdrav" ia - 4. John Kradel, predsednik Pederarije govori a pe»ra« ' J. Mary I ou Povirk poje "PoJmo n« Atajersko* «. klunov mladinski orkester igra ra«ne komsdr 7. Mary Kradel govori v angleškeM jesika "Mladin« ^ ^ ^ 8. IVvakl sltor "Havica" poje peaMi. "Na«aj r ' . "Veirmici", pod vodstvom Joaepbiar May 9. Ol«vsi «ovornik. br. I»kilip Cadi««. apra»aik Pres»'«' 10. Aataigra "Sovrainlk še«ak" v enem drissju: Mita« I ««ar Oaebe: Jaba Kradel s* . JanlMK m* ' Htaolr» rr^ lirika, «jegova Ima (¿ravia. aovrsàaik šenak 7.A TEM PI.K« IN fHOIlTA f A»A*A Vstopnina k prograM« ta oba a pola j« J!ir. — «In« v aartela atertev ite , i, jjr V «topni na k plen« S v «ter m m mike lte ta sa ^^ Igrata ka livrâtes l^w Zoralkova orke«lrr t«dta " ad 7:90 te U- ere «veter —IlM«»* »aWme aU»œ . , aa* Miraje ekattee. 4« «an prelite v abltaeM števila ta ^ gRff) A, 26MAJA ínajsta redna konvencija SNPJ (Nadaljevanje ■ 1. strani.) . . aDrt>jete vse navedene spremembe, se bodo iapla¿ila pod-Torej, »ko bodo «P dohodki p» »nižali. Vsak delegat naj torej ali glaaovanju ta viijo podporo kot 'fi znatno «vitola. dohodki pa aniiali. ¡¿¡Íj¡ in premi|Ofi raapravi L_pripo PICIV1T1 SPLOŠEN PRBGLBD POSAMEZNIH RAZREDOV r- äu» »»rti. II*«. »I. I vpratfni anaeek i»aka»ll laáatki m tUmm ■ 1111 1 1 ■ hi PreMtek Pri-MaJRliaj in premisli pri opravi . priporočenih spremembah. d rej omenil se je premoženje bolniških skladov zvrtalo ta $248,-Kot «ni " P J morara povdariti, da ta vsota ne predstavlja či- M» Lj rednih prispevkov, temvei so vžtete že sledeče vsote: Is- H* P1*"11 ijj33 |20,566.00; isredni asesment. katerega so plačali U a"!"n"f? .12 597 00- obresti $28,663.94. katerih bi ne bilo bret rezyve 1,1 'iT'drtadu' Skupni isredni priapevki torej inatojo $68,815.94. Vai-^d*tO vntH», da ne bo kdo pod vtisom, da je reserva nastala samo po- Rednih prispevkov. dru»;h i!1 . . »»¿iti kar je bilo v moji moči, » I»» H I air* 1*14 I »« IMS t nr. IIIS ( aw. 1*1« 4 a«* UM II.MKII • Auv.il. v bol raí. 5 Or 91 91 M Hkapaj IT,4M 1 ...... 9 IT,Ml.IS 9 14 .«11.M 9 M.Mt.TI 9 IOI.OIT.tl IM,IM 4s.ro TI.St3.5S M.MS.M tt.MS.SS lKI.ttl.HI IM,«VI Ilt.lO TS.SM.M M«,«it.tO IS.tM.TS 1T0.0II.T0 j a.u»t 2HM.4« TT.TI«.a« M4.52«.tS 14.SM.40 1TT.MT.I0 M.OIf 4ZI.lt T0.0M.T0 Ml.I24.lt 14,01040 lTT.ttl.lt ¿».445 492.M« M.SM.M ai.Mt.M II.IM. MS I1I.0SS.M 2»,i«l ilt.M hl.T32.30 M.SS4.M II JIM. M 1TS.SM.M .... 2» »ST SNI.«i M.T1I.IS TS.STt.M lt.MI.IO 14S.SM.SG ■ t ......... I2.Í5I.&S 9M1.TM.T0 9SSS.4M.M 9114,111.M 9I.400.4M.M M I.IT0.M M.MI.M I.M1.M 3l.lit.00 11.11 lt.IM.4t I.IT8.M «MIS 2Í.SMS4 ........ Ttt.lS 1,543.10 tIT.«« 2,SM.M ;,,,........ M,M 1.ITI.I« 49«.«« «.M I.TM.SI INI 1SS4 ISIS ISIS Mi. « ill w 2»1 7Î7 A IS M 9II.SS « I» 12 11.11 I Iii He niná —— ♦s.is i ii.se! 4tl.lt isi.lt SUM! M0.M1 j¿mt_üLiif. M| si 0.40 ; s s.Iii.is,I MUÏ: s • ST.TSl« ....... us.»:........ ITS.II ........ ****** ........ II.II4.SSI ........ • 1 lUNi I4.M4 9IMT tlM.41l4l!fll!.tlt.M 1S.M1 III .IM.TS III.0M.M' 10.11 ¡ IM4I440 III.MI.M M.M, 1M.440.40; III,>44.M MI I.Sf SSI «.41 I 040ll0.l0l.lo9 IMS ISM 1SM 1ÜL Hkupaj S.TSS S.SM S.MI S.MT S.III 4,IM; 4, IM 4.STÎ ! •l».M|M»l.fM.TSlMTS.IM.I«! ■ II rur«4 SM 4l.4tl.TS 9.40 la.lM.44 JM>1 ».MI.M • li.M I 99.00 III.IIS.I4 U.U{|llUIUl!tllUÉUI M.Sl! IT 1,4TM.M I4I.MS.M M. as 14.4» [ 114.74«.M 14S.4TS.tt S.I44I IT,MS; ll4.MMM.41i.it • IS.ti I la.im i 44l.Mll I4I.III.TI ÜLHLíL U.II ll.ST Ü!L la. st ,hJ\ JIM St,414.M II.MI.T« jlüls. MM.MS.IT • M.M f Tl.M IT4.IM.tl UM IM4 UM UM Hkup.J •40! l.M« MU« T«0| 444 4T.M TU 4TI ««.M •M' Ml i 4.14 TTl| t.SM 9M.44 M raart* I it.aTS.il $ M.I1T.M ll.lll.lt II.4M.M IT.IM.4t M.MI.M Mt4T4.4S| llfaSI.M iui I IS.T4 IS.IT ta.li • IT.ll I IT.lt IT.tt iL» tll.T4l.lt I III.SS l.tM.ll ÜIÜL 1114 711.|l|fl4l.llllt IIT4.M 91*9«« I7 ITI4I «14.0T0.M UornJa tabela lakaauje »Uni« poaameanih rairedov. v dohudklti au vkljuirnl aamu rwliil prlapevkl. fovprMnl ttiriletni prebit.* na «lana « raaredu 10c mala «Il lu. « raarwlu an««a-dolarja M 17. v raaredu dvaitularja M.I4. V trlilularakem raaredu pa anata puvprMnl pri» niaiijkIJaj |25.5». fttevilo flanov ae Je v raaredu eiiacadolarja povprt*no «vital» na Mo aa til élanuv, v raaredu M pa anilalu puvprr«no aa tu« ilanov. In » maredu M «a M élanov. račun društev v kanadi od 1. jan. 19j3 du 31. dec. 1936 . SI.MS.Nl MIS.44S.4t «TIT.IM.M 9Ut.SSI.lt tl.4TS.SM.ST KtrvIU nakazil Me 91 12 M HkaeaJ 1(3) .... 7.141 t ...... 9 «4.175.M 9I1I.T4I.M t 42.ll7.it 9 211.240.00 l»3l 5.004 It.M 4H.W0.00 «T.345.25 22.2»«.00 117,110. M 1»3I .... i.4M 2 l.M iT. Ihm.M 1I.MT.M 17,t44.S« 14S.111.10 1*34 r.,o»2 MO.tl t4,TI4.il Si.TSS.M 14.S4I.M 194.S1l.1t IMS . . .... i.»IM IT«,10 Ot.ltl.tt 7I.M2.M 1 I.MI. 10 ltt.SM.lt I«35 .... 4.917 1M.M M 8I4.S4 14 .M 1.72 »,711.75 lll.MT.II 1114 .. . 5.572 121.10 M.SSS.tt T4.SSt.TS I«,2«2.M lil,Ml.M Itll ... .... 5,205 IM.Tt SI,S1S.lt M,111.21 1 l.M«.M 140.ITI.M »al I »Salti .......... hu k v »tirih Idili.... I. januarja 1*11 t MT.BS I474.12S.44 MtMSt.17 Il4l.2it.26 H.M4.III.M 91.712.11 9114,111.17 4S.S49.49 fttl.SSI.4S 2S,iU.M 9 1.94I.SS Il.2l2.es 2lH.MS.it SI.SM.IS UMA II. «-.rrmbra US« ...91,711.11 tUI.SSS.lt III4.T42.12 9 M.MT.tl 9 MS.SSt.TS Htav. ' DoliaSkl t 1 <1. II M M Skupaj prvih 9 mea. ISM..... .....Mt 9 111.19 9 I.M4.M 9 II«. Il 9 4.111.11 Srn«. 9. aaaa. IM1..... .....14« MI.«« 1,149.M la».M t.llt.M arvlh 0 »aa. 1114..... .....tst MI.M 1.T99.M 90.19s, 1,111.11 «ras- 9 mea. IM4..... .....ITI MI.M 1.941. tO T4.4« I.SSS.M »rvlli o mea. I«II..... .....114 211.«« 1.1 It.M i-Vat I.MS.IS 4ra*. 9 mea. mi...., .....2SS 301.7« I.MO.M M.Ht I.MT.SS prvih « mea. I«M..... .....IM MI.«« MI.M il.M 1.IT l.M Srae. 0 ■r? >»»•..... ,1,,,14« 4I1.M TI9.M 11.00 1191.10 ahapni rMal aaeami Mt......... . M.MI.M tlf.«11.M 9 OTt.TI II0.4IT.M lare» ni ai •ament,,, .. 1.M0.M IS.T4I.M 470.tu II.MT.M ahapni 4a haSki..... , 14.011.TU III.HM4 ai.Mi.it IM.M4.M «tat. ladatki : nahaal 1 II 91 M HkapaJ »rvlh S Mea. 1033..... .....IM 1 Tlt.M 9 S,SS«.M % 9M.0« I I.Mt.M 4rai. S Mea. IMI..... .....114 44«.M S,191.M 1*1.11 4.40» tU prvih 9 Mea. I«I4..... .....IM I4«.M I.4IS.S0 «T.i« l.atl.tt Im. 9 mea. I»14..... .....IM III.«« t.llt.M 141.«« S.tlt 5t prvih 0 mea. MIS..... ......IM TM.M I.Mtt.M ...... 3,it«.5« Orne. « Mea. IMI..... ..... «I » 4IT.M I.SM.M lia to 1,114.M prvih 0 Mea. 1»M..... ..... «1 MI.M 1.114.0« M«.«« l.TTI.M drug. S Mea. 1«M..... .....M MI.M I.IM.M II.M 1,991.11 dkmp »1 laSalki...... .........,,, II.TU« 9ll.«1t.M 91.31« M «M.KT.M prebitek . .......... ............ .9 102.20 9........ 9 71.25 t 119.11 pria» anjkljai '...... i ........... III.M ...... MI.M akap al primanjkljaj II. Oer. HM .......... ............... .. •.. ...9 uiti skupno vsoto $1,069,937.93. Spložno iaboljžanjs razmer pa tudi ugodno vpliva na td vrate investicije, in 90% teh inveaticij je v teku reorganlsirsnjs | in konaolidacije. V prvih dveh meeecih leta 1937 je bilo vapostsvljenih aa približno $80,000.00 investicij, ki ao bile v konkursu, na »dravo finančno po-dlago, kar je precej dober začetek sa tekoče leto, in ako nas snamenja ne > varajo, bo v bližnji bodočnosti večji del sličnih inveaticij enako vapostsvljenih ns zdravo finančno podlago. Ta procea sanacije Inveaticij v konkursu ac vržl | hitreje in bolj povoljno s municipalnimi (državnimi, okrajnimi, občinskimi in ' mestnimi) kot pa industrialnimi, in konaekventno bo izguba na industrialnih, 1 kolikor je pač bo, občutljivvjftg kot pa izguba na municlpalnlh zadolžnirah. Na podlagi izkušenj, katere imamo, je moje resno priporočilo, da I v bodoče vlagamo nažo gotovino v svvane vladne zadoižnlce in obveznice, in v ntunl-, | cipalne. Zadnja žtiri leta so dokasala, da je bil sklep sadnje (deavtv) I redne konvencije popolnoma na meatu, In Je Iz več razlogov »nako prl|M>rtv-čljiv i za bodoča žtiri leta. Imovina investirana na prve vknjižbe, t, j. posojila na domove In posestva, (aa v apložnem boljže obrestuje kot pa v aadolžnlrah toda sa nažo organlsaiij« to vrato inveatiranjv ni praktično. Delokrog nale organiaacij« ji> prevvč razžirjen žirom cele Amerike, in ako aadovoljlmo eno skupino članov, povzročimo nezadovoljstvo mod drugo skupino, In poalodira tega Je v žk«»do cele oiganiaacije. i1- Ker je celotno moje poročilo procej obžirno, aem opustil podrobnosti liliignj-nižklh poslov kot takih, tv j. urada glavnega blagajnika, ker o vsem Um ste lahko čitali v zapisniku sej upruvnoga odseka In glavnega odboru v tad-njih žtlrih letih. Naj bo pripomneno pri tem že to, da je moje finančno poročilo edino le za zavarovalni oddelek jednote, t. j, oddelek odraslih članov, mladinski odde lek In sklad nedoletnlh dedičev. Finančno poročilo Prosvete In tiskarne je pa podano od br. upravitelja Prosvete in tiskarne in Je istotako v poročilu hr. .glavnega tajnika, ki j« podal finančno poročilo u skupnem promoieiiju Izacije. fcelfč enajsti redni konvenciji obilo uspeha in »vetlo bodočnost NloftHtk MflrodNi podporni ¿rt/noti, JOHN VOOHICH, MspujNiAf. byli •T 2ele 1 uorod« —«XHiniT "A"— SLOVKNK NATIONAL BKNKFIT HCK IKTY INSURANCE DEPARTMENT ADULT STATEMENT OK RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOUR YEARS ENDED DKCEMHKR 31, 1936 V Kanadi i« nala Jrdnota tlela 1. Januarja IMS akupnlh ilanov udraal««a uddalka IM. končam Wta IMI pa «a UM, kar anatl. 4a aa ia «tavllo anilalu v ItlrHi lallh aa S01 4kane*. V »rok Ja Uradni aaaaniant, kateri ia bil racpiaan lata UM. In atear dolar na vaak dolar «varovalnih* Za endolarakl raarad ja bil prekllean t I. julijam USt Za M In 91 j« pa ta vedno v valja»!, U tornjlh ralunov ja raavlduo. da ao «lani vplaiali redna«a aaaamanU fU.4t7.V5, bolnitka podpore «o prejeli v l»«l dobi 91IS.1S7.I0 ali 9U. 7M 1.6 vei kot anata redni aaaaniant. Povprečni letni primanjkljaj anala 9S.U4.79, In to ja varok, da «lanalvo v Kanadi platuja laradni aaaament. IZKAZ dohodkov in izdatkov bolniških skladov PO državah od 1. januarja 1933 do 31. decembra 193» lluiva Ätrv. IL II. Ser. PLAČI 12 Ile"», nakar PLAČ M IIA t«r II 91 HkapaJ_ 1 Mr II 91 HhapaJ Vplataae lapla/ana AMkaaia 1 1 ...... 9 Í5.II 9 ........ 9 ..."..... 9 t9.lt I <..... 9 10140 t ........ 9 ........ 9 101. M 9 ........ 9 TS40 Arliana .... •i 5.25 441.10 1,071.M 2,TIT.M 4,Ml. M IM IM.M «Tl.M 140140 1,11040 1149 Arkannai .. M4 ....... l.lo«.M 1.MI40 44I.SI 1,090.91 "Iff ...... I.IM.M 14M.M TM.M 1,04440 I.0M.II t aillera la . . 542 33.»5 S.1ST.5« 12,01441 I.MT.M 11.41940 IM ...... I41S.TI 11,401.11 I.MT.M IT49T.lt 9,11041 f Ma râla ... . i.itm TI.«i is.ieo.se 10 410.M 0,040.M 41.4TI.M 1.191 • II.M 11,1414« 17,10040 I.IM.M tl.OM.IO I.Mt.M ..... l'IanSa .... IT ..r.. SIS.SO IM.SS ......... IM.M M ...... MI.M IM.M 0««t»«ttt MI.M 111.49 Idth» ..... M2 ....... coo.so 2,122.11 HT.M 1444.11 IM ...... IM.M 1.40140 M4.M 9.10I.M 4M.lt lilinuia .... . 4.IM4 IT«.M 00.ITR.S0 M,IM.Tt S.tlI.M lll.SM.1t 1404 1M4I 444««.«1 M4lt.1l «.MI.M M,114 49 14,11141 Ia4iaaa .... i«4 II.«5 S.1S4.M T 401.21 24S1.SS lt.ISS.SI OM tl.M I.SII.TI 740140 2,475.5« 19499.19 1,11040 ( ....... laaa ...... 142 ....... 1.040.40 1.11140 127.2« 5,0»!. 10 101 ...... I.0IT.M I.MO.M It.M I.MI.M 1401.10 ........ kaaaaa .... . I.M« II.M lt.410.S0 11.Tlt.M 1,41141 tt.1ll.4l 1411 •MV* 11,1IN.84 II.1II.M i.OM.IO M.MI.M • •IfM«., •49949 kratarky ,. 1« ....... SI.I0 I2S4S 41141 I.MT.M tl MM 401.M IMl.tt TT4.00 tlt.lt Hirylaad . . 41 ....... 4 20.M IMI.00 110.10 «11.1« 14 ...... MI.M IN4.M 01.M «IT.M ITI40 Mirki« a m .. 1.31« 12.«t 14.0Í4.M 20,01040 I.0TI40 40.742.05 1417 14.00 II.NM.I0 It,71«.t« I.MO.M 11,1 IT.M I.MI.M Dinar, «la , . 2 M2 »2.05 ll.Mli.i0 2T.T4I.M 1,144.11 11.80!.01 1411 ...... 11411.«0 I7.7I4.M 147«.M 41,IM.M 1140141 ... .... Miane-jri ,,. 202 111 1.210.10 2.14140 I4T.4I S.MIT4I IM ...... I.MO.M 1411 .M ««.«« 44I1.M I.IM.M ........ San lana ... TM3 4H.lt I0.440.t0 1241140 44M40 il.MO.M 70S IM.M «4ST.il It4ll.lt 1,1114« M,11041 4.4M.M t......, Nrkraaka .. I« S2.4S 240.M ......... 111.4« 9 ...... 103.5« IM.M „,t,i«l. 208.10 tl.M ........ N»»a«a ■.... 35 ....... IMI.3S S2T.M 901.99 I.MM.M II ...... tl.M I.IM.M 1««.M 144«. M a . 141.M Nr» J erar? TI 1.15 MM.SS IM.SS 110.10 1,471.11 !! ...... 203.00 IM.M MO.M MI.M TSI.St • a t » • Nr« Moi.. ITT ...,, 2.41140 S.ISS.M 1421.41 lt,IS«.ll Ml ...... I.SM.M I4II.M 4,i««.M 11,41040 t,ITI.M ........ N»» Vark . . t«2 4.9« 7.TS2.4S M.17I.M I.Mt.M I M.SM.M MT ...... 4.MS.M I.OTT.«« I.IM.M 1 I.MI.M 944S.SS «Hua ....... . «MT 20«.«« M.M2.10 M2 4244« ii.smIm 1M4II40 I.IM 11949 St, IM.M ll.SSI.tt 19499.91 141441.11 11,41140 aeooooos otlahama .. II ",...... 211.10 1ST.M 1141 STI.M M ...... IM.M l.lll.M 1,11440 >•>«»<•> i *' 91949 Orrgaa .... 10« ....... 1.1IH40 1,121.M M.M t.SIS.M II ...... 041.M I.MI.M I.Mt.M 1,001.M r»aa....... «.NM« IM.M 1 It.TTO.M IM40t.lt 20,00140 Mi.lTI.M 9.0M M.II M,IM.M 140,101.10 M4I0.M 10l.4M4lh M.MO.OI a •>«••• < 1 '»k .77777 42« 12.»5 4.MO. 10 0.1 II.M 2.M0.M 14.«41.15 IM l.M 141041 0,100. M 141440 11,104.19 1,01140 SaakincUnr ««« 21.2« «40040 12.417.00 1,102.4 i tt4IS.lt IM ,,,,,, 0.T0I40 10,011. M I.MI.M 91,144.90 I.0M.M ........ ». Vlrflala . «It .11 1441.10 1 I.Mt.M I.1II.M M.TSI.M 0M ...... I.Mt.M I04M.M «.IM.M t«,1 II.M 1491.40 * ixvnuia , . r.iki 12.11 27.M2.M 10,11040 t.OM 40 4T.IM.lt 1411 II.M 10,11140 II,IM.M I.MI.M M,M« .M 94*149 S vamlac ,, «i« .M I.M0.M 12,214.M «4M.71 M4I110 III ...... O.OM.M 11,444.11 I.IM.M M4I94I I.00T al 'aaaSa .... 2«« .TS 1.11 T.M 11.11140 0M4I 19.110.11 MI ...... l.M«. M II.IM40 I.MI.M M.IM.M ......... 11.40141 Sk.p.j 14.«M« 91.41141 I4M.IH0.M MIS.SS14S 9IM.IM.Tf OI.OMt.lOO.M 11,114 9411.11 9IM.9M40 «444.7aM.47 liav.4404« 9010,14141 f184.Tat.4« ttl.TM.O« KKCRIHTHi Hubordlnata Lodaaa ...... littereal and Dividende ., Uanaflta Haturnad ....... Mlaeallalieoua Reevlpta ,,, IMI ttu,74S.M 9 IS7.uM.1l H.4U.7U ti,MSI,17 1SI4 Stl.MI.lt I ttHI.MI 4S . S.MI SI «I.V7t.M ISM SM.S4S II 9 »11.7 llju 1,407 Ul ll.eit M Tal a I IMS Kaar Vaara SM.IM.OS 91,701,SIT.10 I40.STS.S« SSt.TIS «t 4,17« 41 9I.TM.M IM,YOU Ii 107.ITS 41 TOTAI. KKCKIPTM.....9I.4U.OM.T7 9l.U7.tMS.lMi fl.17S.ISw »I 9I.U0.4I7 SI 94.SM.T4V 10 ItISHI 'MHKMKNTN i Pay menta to Hanaflaiarlaa Uanaral ICapaiiaaa ....... "Priai veta" New a paper ,, Other Dlaburaamanla ,.,, 70S.401.SO 9 it .788 17 97.HttO.00 na,IM II 180,447 It 9 St,SOS SO IS,000 00 IS. 487. M 170.100 SI 9 T 1.811 ST 4U.HUU IM> NU.117 00 «01,841.88 9t.4M.4BSM 70.SU4.S0 MO,«OS 71 4 I.N00 IMt I4II.IMKMIU II,SIT M 180,888 81 TaUl UlaSaraamanla ,,, KXCKSH OK HKt'KII'TH OVKR PIHÜUKRKMICNTS 9 a«4.iro.lB 7UI.S4I.17 TII440 M 7M.0MS 44 I,0M,IM.IS Mi. sai.19 9 414,741 tt 9 4M.M0.il 9 HI.»» at 9l.8IT.«|a uo —RKHINIT HliOVKNK NATIONAL BKNKFIT HOCiKTY INSURANCE DEPARTMENT JUVENILE STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOUR YEARS KNDED DECEMBER II RRCRimi Uli Mim ~.............. 9I0.MI.S4 Hubordlnata In lereat and Dividend, t H lier Raaalpta ........ Tatal Recálela .... 11,107 Ol IM.00 IMI 910,884 II U.I7I.TI 111.00 IMI 111.071.97 90.97l.il 1.M0I0 1936 ION 917,141 04 18.171.14 ijni.N Tatal Paar Taara 91 tu.MI 41 11,110 01 4. WM,10 .144,008 10 940.791 Ol 914.071 08 941,MI.18 IIMT»IS4 IIIMRtIRMRMRNTH I Ilea II. Halma Paid........ ........9 4.108 M 9 0.111.00 Raaarvaa Tranafarrad to AdulU.,.,. I.078 IO 0.100 M To Adult Department for Kapanaaa., Il,«OU «41 luA7u Uli (»Iber Dlatouraamenla ............... 1.402 M 8,81« 8l Talal Dlakaraemenla ............ 18.171.M 11,11111 911,sus so S.III.M 11 .«»Hl 00 I.MO.M 11,110 «« I 9U,1I0M O.OMH lO.OM.OO I OA»« SI 40.MI-4« 9 M,«I0 OU rrsioii 4i.um. IM M,004.49 110,048 17 ICXCKHM OK KKCKIPTM DIHUIJHMKMKNTH ........ OVKR t .......9M.M7SO 914,400 «0 911.71« I« 9 8.0M 78 I «7,84« 77 —RXNIRIT "IV— HLOVKNK NATIONAL BKNKFIT HOCIKTY inhurant K department funds held in tri I HT for minor beneficiaries statement of income and expense. four years endkd december ii, i»»6 In Ureal INI OMR i Received ..... IMI ,.,9 1,714 M 1114 9 S,077 M IMI 9 «.OU ST ISM I 4.114 IS •«irnja laijela predaUvlja napredek In naaadovanja holnliklh akladov v p) Itkszujočs zadolžnice, obveznice »»o^Mti organizsfije 31. decembra 1936. in poaojila na prve na krttlko "n*nčno statistiko in rasns pojssnib in pripombe H»r„finsnins poročils v svrho boljžegs pojssnils likat "A"—finsnčno poročilo o dohodkih in isdstkih oddelks ia Mértium. M^aitij fùfit i / K 1 lines vseh sklsdov k4SUH januarja 1 m bili '""^i 11./ da je od vaškega prejetega dolarja ostalo prebitks 34 69 J* prentotenje oddelks odraslih povečalo. * ' f>l>l>Kt.KK s i .h.afke in izdatke mladinskega oddelka isksznje izkaz "B Povprečni Povprečni letni letni dohdoki......... izdstki .......... V sots: $49,(199.73 . 32,737.29 Odstotek «lohodkov ; 100.00% 06.H7 POVPREČNI LETNI PREBITEK $16,962.44 84.13% RXPRNSKi In Urea t fredlU«! to MlSora' Aaeounu 9 I.MI 17 Other Rapenae and leuaaea .,,,,.,,, 1*7 «71 0« 110 07 9 I,IM M It,«M.SI 1,817 4« 14.91 Tatal Paar Vaara 9 11.810 I« I « III II II.«M 01 Tatal Rapenae S KT INt OMK OK IMI ,. I.Mi.04 I 1,21« 14 081 00 9 t.OM II IN.M7 40 117,11111 l.uMlu 9 1,101 80 M.01S.1« 9 11,111.11 —K*MINIT "tl"~ Ts izksz dokatuje, da Je od vsakegs dolarja dohodkov oatalo prebitka 34.18 centov, sa kolikor se je svižalo premoženj» mlsdinskegs oddelks. SKLAD NKDOLKTNIH DEDIČEV Izkaz "C" pokazuje z ozirom na stanje dohodkov in izdatkov sklada nedo-letnih dedičev naslednje: BILANCA PREBITKA NAD OBVEZNOSTMI L JAN. 1933 $22,606 19 Dohodki v zadnjih žtlrih letih .............................. ......... 16,989.16 8IX>VKNK NATIONAL BKNKFIT HOCIKTY INSURANCE DEPARTMENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF AHSEtN AT DECEMBER II, 19.16 AND DECEMBER II. 1988 ----------Adult I »epa rt men I • Par 'anl o# Total Dae. 91, Dec II, Inrreeae Dee. II Dee SI, PARTI4 III.ARR UM IMI Deereaee 101« I0M Inareaae mm Skupaj ........ Skupni izdatki (izplačila) $39,446.36 2*476.78 BILANCA PREBITKA NAD OBVEZNOSTMI s dne 31. de-cenihra 1936 .........»...................... $11,36X62 Na podlagi zgornjega obračuna so bili povprečni letni dohodki in izdatki kot sledi: Odatotek ■ Vaoto: dohodkov: ............... $4.23479 100.00* ............................. 7/119.16 166.76 U. S Government Hoftda and Obligation......91,104,Ulli I lióme O «v ñera' lioan Uvr- poratlona Ronda ...... 440,MS SI NUU and Munlelpal Renda 1,114,4M II II 1 i I I I f and Industrial Ronda ...........«... Real R a t a t a » »et MuHeaee Ixena .,».., Real KataU Ar.|ul»ed , Home iHlim* l^nd aed liuildma Net ........ Matured Ronda Unpaid I aa Warranta .,....,., loanmwn and P referred Stocka ................ t ¿mu» on üertlOeataa of ÜMakaes .................I,SMO« I neli iJefMalt < lileaa« TMle S T utrni Co............400 0a li ««Millai AeeoOnta lUeetvakU ,, ,,., ., 01 M I aab an Hand far De^eH 0,001 M I nas I« Rank. ........ »14 IM TT I,«40,714 M MO,110 «I 7M.S0« 01 IM,718 0« «4,SU« I* 7«.»MM 8S4MT 71 I.440 00 «4.171.ou T««,M« «« M.«M M tf Ut)h UH III M I«.««* M UT.4M 04 441,Ml 10 14 44% 1 Olli II 4S% 48« tat 01 1 M 11 » IM tM4ll.il 41 1« t» II IS.IT III4M II S M IS 14 T M Mt 444.11 S It IS tl «M «4 4M II «t m. ,99 1» »aa 10 1 II 1 m 01 IIISIT1« 10» 41 1 II I.4M aa 44 ... 44 S4419 0» 4t 41 I.MI M t/ ... e» la» m 01 ... 01 M.10 » ,,, ,,,, T 401 01 II ss 10 M 4M M 1 M IS» M Povprečni letni dohodki............................. Povprečns letns isplsčils »................. ~ IXPLAÔILA PRESEGAJO DOHODKE ia»o»'i laaaa $2.764.19 66.76% Gornji račun pokazaje, da so povprečns letna izplačila preaegala dohodke za 66 76%. Vzrok temu nazadovanju aklada nedoletnlh dedltov Je, ker ao bile nekatere Inveatielje izadoižniee in poeojlia na prvo vknjižbo) zadane na vrednosti. Skupni bančni promet ergaaiz4tfije v teku sinjih žtlrih iet presega vsoto pet <6) milijonov dolarjev, kot je rasvidno is nalsednjegs zkaza * ¿. TOTAI. AaaKTM MAM a«« I» It a»» tli It tl.«l7.MtSS ____________it'VR Nil.K DKP A RT MS «it U. ■ fjoeeeamant R»ad* and OMieatlon. 9 lion.» UaaM' l/aaa Ij». poeatton H»*4» ... ,, Ntate and Meno t*wl ¥■»•*• Il I II111 »«"I Inda»Ifta! a I MITU tanner la IMI L januarja 1938 ♦ -I k 4 v t^aj^ yy^ ..... t I t 117 4M M MJ0l.1M.ai KJM.IMM St.Itt.M» «a 9 f .TM-0T miMji a « Ma« A4 4 M IT4.IM »I 9 1,1 U.44 IIIJM.lt tlMJMM aarPAi 9 III NI II M T0* aM 14 IJSSJM.M $444,1441.21 . 19R.796.94 |.M IJWJ49 17 A Z (i NE 31. DRrEMBRA 1936 >*ga računa so bili povprečni letal dohodi' *.n Izdatki Mt.ANf A M MU RMMIA UM .....9 »14.10« TT I 14.410 »7 9 0 S0SM 9 Ml «T« M «ae^eev— ----- f' --------V WM fPW^pg presega lt% akepne I asee i- <«* m ManSe Iskat "O" 4peegied pitmcžanjs orgnnisneijsl pokazuje "4 prtjAnjlh aličnih tekaš»« preeejànjo spiemamb». Premoženje^ investiram* v svetnih vladnih Mdolžnlenh Hi ebenso i«« k ukosvsne "IU)iX ne jednele. kar je v soglasja t pravili j WM kn otoeank. ké je del u*a poročtU, iAasu).. da la*t«Js J zadolžnlc ia obveUtk, ki so v honkers« (de" •»«4) sa Meal R a < » 4 a Klint M"«i«ea« l^eaa ...,, Hanl Relate Ani«ira4 Malnrnd Ronda Dn»eM . Real Ketete Second MoHeaee .... i neti nn Mend fnr l«a»Qalt t'nafc I» Rank. ,,..>.., T01AL ASeKTS ,, Onnee» Inaan Mar-iMcatèo* Rond» .... I Sao M«airie*l Rmd» ü 4 1114 y and Ii dm Or tal Rond. fleet Moe»e»Qc l«aia ,, 04 4M 14 9 .........9 04.401 14 I« M*i ... % Ia M'4 M.lit 0« M III M 114 «T M 1 11 110,SM M «M.IM 10 t« Iti 99 M 41 II M 19,101 M »T.TM M ri4M M 1441 M 91 HI T* «I4 M lit IHM II «t «TI II I« 41 M 01 MM 10,Ml II l«.4ll II • M t M 0.MI4» 4481 M 1 07 1 01 lina I.IM 00 M .91 9M M 4M M 0140 41 M M 14.47041 f.T M 01 0,114 M 9 M 1 T« 1 M »aa aa i «M.IMK 1 01440 TT im »rt mm - J^jjJ mimos neMKKMIAR» DRPARTMRMT « SM »4 9 «I.MO II MJSOM I IS» M imR M.0M.M T1,T»1 M 11 Ul« 9.1 M M • SM 04 It aM f« 91,IM M li o» ta t ei t si m «i i M VI IM »M M 01 «T M 14 M IM » ra«« I H II «• 4 91 AesMTs Lisia I IIIMIII I l«4ATtM9 M.TMai «a»a»'< la»«a- I Dalja na I. str sni I Eksekutiva ADF napovedala vojno CIO Očitki o zvezi med Lewi« •ovo organizacijo in komunisti Cincinnati, O., 2.r>. maju. — ViKlitelji AmeriAke tlplavake fe-tieradje, ki ho hi» Hivtluli nu svoji h t? j i v tem muHtu, h« včpraj nil-Aull obdoliltev, du jo Odbor tu indUMtrijHko organliacljo, ki je na delu, du potegne delavce v induMtrijuh munue produkcije v industrijske unije, orodje kontu-niatov. Tega ne slednji poslužujejo v Hvrho organiiiranja močne politične ntrunke, ki naj (>i iMMituvilu komuniste na krmi« lo nmeriAke vlade. To oUiolftitev je itrekei John P. Frey, predsednik departmen-la kovliiurnkih unij Amerižke deluVMke IVdeiitcije. (iovoril je nu konferenci predsednikov in drt^glh uradnikov narodnih in mednarodnih unij, ki ho včlanjene v ADK. Njegova isvaja-nju je |M>bijal ('liarles P. Howard, predHodnlk tinkurnv unije in tajnik CIO. KkHekutivni Hvet ADF Je o-Hvojil program, ki med drugim določa tviAanje članarine na vnakegit člana federaciji pridruženih unij, da ho |Hivečajo dohodki ADK približno $30,000 na menee. Ta denar Imi ADF rublla »u financiranje organi-Kalorične kampanje In vojno proti TIO, ki poHetfa v njen delokrog. Dalje program določa drantičiio čižčenje v državnih dolavakih federucijuh in cen-I t alnih delavnkih unijah. Cilj legtt čiAčeuju je iMlntrunitev vseh elementov, ki v sedanji horbi meti A meri Ako deluvsko federu« cijo ill Lewinovo organ i/.uc I j o CIO podpirajo h led njo, Delavska zakonodaja pred kongresom Minimalne plače in maksimalni delovnik Wanhlngtiin, II. C„ 25. maja. — Predncdnik HtMinevelt Je včeraj nanlovil (Mislanico kongresu, v kateri pri|Mira najbolj» podati v p»*l Na*» droOito >Nitre |Mot4wtlra proti iak»mo |xrf»tjo l»moolakih patrov. Oni »tla«, giadlti nas» >ednote In lilao ée nikdar Ml# duür»gn Storili tu m» .1.1- »»... I j ii'lat v t. (»omagali po ao nevi<«Dt« drlali 0» » ve4jl temi. Xato naj s«n>» prst* držijo p rué od naAe HM*J? I rank Rrilalk. la)nlk. Mid«»», l'a. V moje, ptrrWiio in nasr«anllo sa /lanstv« druAlva R9 sa j» v gta»iio s Hue 19. maja vrinila pomniš |lrdr datuma aar j». Prihodnja r*dna «itmi/m aeja »e Im vržlla PMVO nealnljo v Junije, ne tretjo. To pa is raajoga, ker drogo nedeljo v Junija se Vržl velik sie4 fedemeije augležko peala Wik droite v MNPJ v Canton, O. Na »«Idenie na seji 6. junija! Jaka Utre, predsednik. Glasovi iz naselbin del« so navedene tudi cene voz-nine is rakfi kraje v Csstos in naaaj. U tega lahko razvidite, da ao vocninake cene zelo nizke. Paalntite ae torej te lepe prilike in pridite na slavje nafte mladine ▼ velikem številu! Povem vam, da ae beste imenitno zabavali, tako da ne boate nikdar pozabili nafte velike prireditve! Na veselo svidenje 13. junija ob veliki množici članstva SNPJ in prijateljev! HENRY PREVIC, predsednik. PROSVETA TU SfUCHTBNIOBfT rostne Prvi sezonski piknik Gowanda, N. Y. — Tukajšnja organizacija Slovenski dom priredi svoj piknik, ki bo prvi v tej sezoni, dne 30. maja. Pričakuje se velika udeležba. Preskrbljeno bo vse v prvi vrsti za posetnike. Za plesalce bo igrala domača godba. Vabijo se vsi člani tukajšnjih društev ter ostali rojaki od blizu in daleč. PikniH se vrši na navadnih prostorih, kjer ima Dom skupno s tukajšnjimi društvi posebne prostore. Na svidenje! John Matekovich. Burbonska vzgoja mladine Iz New Yorka prihaja vest, da tamkajšnja šolska oblast namerava oživeti ataro McGuffey-jevo čitanko v osnovnih javnih šolah. Šolski ravnatelj Campbell je baje rekel, da bi se U čitanka "zelo dobro prilegla današnji divji šolski mladini." Campbellova pobožna želja je Izzvala informacije glede te čitanke. McGuffeyjeva čitanka je bHa prvič natisnjena leta 1836, torej pred več ko sto leti, in od takrat do konca 19. stoletja Je bila v rabi v več ko polovici ameriških šol. Doživela je rekord 122 milijonov iztisov. Kaj pa je v tej čitanki tako dobrega? New-yorški šolski ravnatelj nas spet informira, da je to berilo več ko pol stoletja "mogočno vplivalo na ideje in dejanja Američanov in jih ob-diialo pri pravih in zdravih moralnih principih." TI moralni principi se najbolj svetijo v povestlcama o bogatem in revnem dečku. Vaebina teh dveh povestic za šolske otroke je na kratko sledeča: Bogati deček je uverjen, da ao bogati ljudje zato na svetu, da pomagajo ubogim. Tako je Bog določil! Ce bi ne bilo bogatih ljudi, bi reveži pomrli od same revščine , . . Bogati deček je srečen, kadar more iti • svojimi starši na obisk k revežem in če ima v žepu kakšen drobiž, ga rad razdeli med otroke revetev . . . Bogati deček ai želi, da bi imel doeti denarja, kadar odraste, da bi mogel pomagati revežem; zgradil bi jim lepe hišice z vrtovi in s majhnim hlevom, v katerem bi revež lahko imel kravko, prašička in nekaj kokošk, da bi revež imel tudi jajčka . . . Bogati deček bi kupil revnim dečkom in deklicam obleko, da bi lahko šli v šolo in se naučili lepega vedenja in bi Mil dobri in ponižni ljudje . . . Poveatica o revnem dečku je pa sledeča: Revni deček je srečen, da gre včasi s svojim očetom v tovarno In si želi, da bi kmalu odrasel v moža s krepkimi mišicami, da bo tudi on delal ... 8reč«n je vsak revni deček, ki tako želi In tako misli, kajti nič ni lepšega na svetu kakor to, da si more človek aam služiti svoj kruh. ... Ce revni deček vidi bogate dečke in deklice, ki ao lepo oblečeni in se vozijo v lepih kočijah, jim ni nevoščljiv, kajti on dobri) ve, da Bog hoče, da so nekateri dečki bogati, drugi pa revni... Bogati ljudje imajo teftke skrbi, ki jih reveži ne poznajo, in če bi revni dečki poznali te skrbi, bi zahvslili dobrega Boga. da so revni ... ■ m • « Takšen je moralni nauk, ki ga je več ko polovica šolske mladine v Ameriki zajemala desetletja. Nič čudnega ni potem, da je boj za ekonomsko in socialno pravičnost v Ameriki najtežji na svetu—in da je vsak nauk, ki količkaj diši po socializmu ali industrijski ter gospodarski demokraciji "anarhističen" in "nsjbolj zločinski" ... V dobi, ko je ta nauk bujno cvetel v ameriških šolah, so kapitalistični raketir ji izkoriščali delavce, največ imigrante, in farmarje do kosti In kopičili ogromna premoženja, medtem so se pa otroci revnih, izkoriščanih delavcev in farmarjev učili v šolah iz slavne MrOuffeyjeve čitanke. da je Bog dal denar raketir jem zato, da lahko pomagajo siromakom in dajejo zaslužek revnim Imigrantom: hunkijem. degotnm in In>-hunkom . . . Poleg tega so se učili, kako Ic|m> in po božjem navodilu so stari fevdalci skrMi za kmeta in sužnja . . . Končno so m* učili, da v Ameriki je vaak deček lahko prezident republike, samo če je doln-r, ttošten in |»onižen . . . In kadar so nesramni kapitalistični izkoriščevalci in Afiekulanti prignali Ameriko na kani: v strašno krizo in brezposelnost, so se otroci v šolah učili, da se morajo zahvaliti Bogu, ker so revni, kajti bogatini imajo težke skrbi, revež Je pa prost teh skrbi , . . Te sramotne, lažnjive in hlaixVvske nauke bi zdaj radi otivell v New Yorku in morda še kje, kajti današnja šolska mladina je "(todivjala"! Resnično: burbonci ničesar ne |«izabijn i« ni* česar se ne naučr! Oni so s svojimi nazori in ideologijami še vedno sredi devetnajstega sto-letja—zadnjih osemdeset let a<> poginoma prespali, svetovna vojna s svojim atrsinim potre-' som m i Al jen ja in preoran jem <'-lo%«>Ake družt»e je Ala mimo njih in povojni ekonomski in socialni prevrati, ki stara naziranja in ideje dan za dnevom rušijo v prah, jim nikakor ne gre enega iz gl. urada SNPJ in enega Is urada CIO. in to če le mogoče Philipa Murravja. načelnika CIO. Dalje bomo tudi slišali slovenske pev-nke zbore, ki ae hodo udeleštH pevskega kontesta. Kaj bo še vse na sporedu, ae lahko prepričate. ako pogledate v angleški del današnje Prosvete. Tam no navedene v* podrobnosti, o vsem tem pa bomo dodatno še poročali v prihodnjih dveh uradnih Izdajah Prosvete. dne 2. in ». junija. Za plen bo igral izvrsten ork««. ter. Postrešha v va*h »tirih ho solidna in točna. VI ae pa pripravit«. da v velikanskem številu obiščete veliko proalavo DNE-VA 8NPJ v nedeljo, dne 13. je-| «ija v C antonu. O. V angleškem Pred dvajtetimi VfLAÔILA - UPUAlU — It I Claaaàl MU. ¿teaafcl MkA §4. Claaaàl nias. ôteaakl MMl Sr.- 1 aSOei- «SSaL S». aSéat oAAaL Moae Ma. 1 Adult Jaeaalle 1 AdwH 1 M, Ma. Adult I Jaaoallel Jo*. 4T4 ... M.M l.M M.M ....... •M ... 14.1T l.M IMS 4TI ... «71 .4» ........ ....... •M ... 101.17 4.M 11.00 ...... 47« ... 8S.I4 4 44 114.00 •41 14.4« .48 .... Il 1. 477 ... , 1M.IÎ «.M 7a.M ....... Ml ... M. Il t.M ........ 47» ... Ml a .M ....... •M ... «7.M l.M ........ ...... m ... •4.74 l.7a ........ ....... M4 ... 44.74 IM ........ .'«t... 4M ... M.M .M 41.M M7 ... M.M 4.17 174 m ...... Ml ... 44.M Lia ....... •«• ... ni.«7 mi I4«.M ...... 4M ... 11.44 s ........ ......• Ma ... «4.1« l.aa ...... 4m ... «m 4M ... 1M.M •t.M 44.7« a.47 l.M .M 1M.m 1M.M 4M ... 444 ... M4 ... •l.M M.44 .48 .40 4.81 M.M 84.08 ■ „•Il 4M ... M.I7 ....... II. M 444 ... •l.M l.M ........ 4M ... M.M .M ........ ....... 4M ... M.M IM 84 00 ...... 4m ... M.M .ao ........ ....... «M ... 104 40 l.M III.M ...... 4M ... M.ta l.aa ........ ....... Ma ... lia. 4i 11.84 IMM ...... 4M ... MJM aa.M ....... oaa ... ta.m l.M ••..t. 4m ... 4m ... 84.7a M.4« 1.7»! I.U 74.00 ....... Ml ... M« ... 41.11 4a 71 m m mo» m.M ...... 4M ... 14.41 l.M MM ....... M» ... •1.70 l.M 148.M ...... M7 ... 1«.M M ....... M4 ... •M. 17 8.74 M.M ...... 4M ... M.01 l.M 17 00 ....... M4 ... M.M .80 4t.M ...... m ... •00 ... 4M M.M l.M 1m.00 •M ... ««7 ... M*.M MM l.M 1.74 m.M Ml ... M.lt 1.10 ........ ....... Ma ... •M.M • 14 ..... i • • ...... •M ... 70.47 114 41.00 ....... M» ... lits 4.M im.80 404 ... M.M 1.41 ........ ....... •7« ... M.M «.•1 ........ ...... 404 ... ltt.l« 1 1.14 174.00 ....... «71 ... M.M .18 ........ ...... •M ... I7.W .4a ........ ....... •71 ... m.M 1.48 178.M ...... •1« ... M.M l.M ta oo ....... •U ... aa.ai 100 M.M •i« ... M.«0 Ml 14.M ....... •71 ... M.ia LM ...... •14 ... 11.11 . lM ........ ....... •Tl ... M.M .M 17.M ...... •1« ... M.47 .M ........ ....... Ma ... M.M IM Ml J 40. M •17 ... 7«.«l 1.47 17. ao Ml ... 1M.M *««•«»• •1« ... M 1.11 10M , «.M ....... Ml ... 1M.M .7« IM.M • If M* •1» ... l.«l ....... ....... •M ... tt.«7 4.41 14.88 « « a a a a •M ... Iti» .M M.M ....... M4 ... IM.*7 • M IM.M ••••as •11 ... •7.1« >.lt •M.M 4M ... m.ai l.M ........ • i a s • a •M ... «1.M ' 1.17 M.M ....... Ma ... 1M.M 1.1« •M.M lissas 4M ... I «.m .4* ........ ....... M7 ... M.M ....... ........ a • • s t « M4 ... •m ... «4M M. If .40 1.00 ........ ....... Ma ... 4M ... «M.m 187. «a M7 .74 MM •••Iff »••.»as •17 ... 100.11 .M M.M ....... Ml ... •7.14 M • o s • a i •M ... m.m 1.7« ........ ....... •m ... M.I4 •A4 ........ •««•aa •H ... SO.M ........ ....... •M ... 14*41 «.M IM.M M0 ... m.m 1.74 M.M ....... •m ... M.M ....... IM.M Ml 4111 1.41 ... ..T.. ......r •m ... 41.M .M ••••#• Ml ... 11.M l.M ........ ....... •M ... M.M l.M 1,874.48 «M ... M.« s.14 ........ ....... «M ... M.4« M.M •4.M «M ss ........ M4 ... 4M ... •.m 111.41 ' ' '».U Ml ... Ml ... .«A .4« 44« ... 114.44 lit 40 00 ....... «M ... M.M • M ........ • 1 • 1 a a •17 ... Ma ... m.M m.17 III l.M M.M ....... «M ... «M ... •1.14 is.st l.M «.M 41.M • a a « « « VPUČ1U nruCiu- vplaOila —— ] Ctenakl I Khi - WLAOILA - Ctenakl | MUA. •I» •Il •Il •Il «14 «U «I« •lî «I» Ut «H «r «si •M «m «ai «M «14 «M «40 «41 «4« «4« «41 «4« MO Ml Mî M» MT M* «Il «74 474 «7« •TT 411 »TI M« Ml Ml Ml M4 18 81 M 41.8» ..... IM.M l.M lia» ..... IM.M •M M 00 , ..... MM .80 U4I.00 ..... M.I7 1.81 ........ ..... 188.18 .ao IM.M ..... Ml.14 8 4« • 14« , ..... MM l.M •4M ..... 11.77 .48 ........ ..... MM •.87 17.M ..... M.M l.M ........ ..... M.tl ,,,,,,, ........ ..... M. M M 71.00 «.... 74.44 .88 .... •... , ..... •7.M M 44 M ..... •1.1« 1.00 M.M ..... IMM 11.4« ........ .. r,. • 18 80 M. 40 1.41 •11.71 18.88 «7.80 . ..... 14.«7 1.87 ........ , ..... lai.at 1.48 ........ ..... 41.87 100 ..... 48.M • l.M ........ , ••i.. 81 M l.M 41.M •i... 41.11 l.M 14.M , ..... M-88 M ..... 47 »4 ,,,,,,, 7«M M.»4 l.M ........ ..... M.74 .M l.M ,,,,, 17.11 M ........ . ..... 48.84 • 17 ........ , 181.84 ........ ..... 14 41 ....... ........ ..... 11.41 .M 71.17 M.M , ..... 1M.1I 1.1« M4M ..... •l.M 1.14 ........ ..... M.M .M ........ ..... 1«.ll • M .....,,, ..... MM l.M ........ IMM 1801 ,,,,, l.M ....... ........ ..... ia.M ....... M 00 ..... 4187 4.M , ,,,,, M.M • >•••« t 40 80 ,,,,, 118 81, IM M 00 ..... Mil 1.10 18.M .•... M.M •.84 ........ M t.,., le«, te t.M ........ an 1.81 ..... MM 1.00 ........ III.M 1.48 48.80 ..... •7.M 1.74 aa.M , Mil 1.18 M.M . « •.. ■I. UJnlk «vyrtm Sa*' ENAJSTA REDNA KONVENCIJA SNPJ (Nodal jo von jo i S. «tranl.) SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY*"" ' INVESTMENTS DECEMBER 81, 1*80 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS -Book Valu* «r Saaarlttee —— Juvenile Minor«' Adult Tata I INVESTMENTS—IN GOOD STANDING i U. 8. Government Bond, and Not m......II.I44.I44.II « 84.481 14 I ........ ll.saa.Ma M Horn» Owner*' Loan Carp Sand*......... 4M.llt.ll •«.•It.M 1,140 »4 M8.IM.M State and Muntel»al Bund*,,,«.,.. Ta» Warrante ................... Utility and Indue«rial Sonde .,.. Baal Katate rirt Mort«*«* Laana. Baal EaUte Acquired ............ CoMmun and preferred H torka,,,,, MoHiaaea Baal Batata.., INVESTMENTS—DEFAULTED i Slate and Muni.i,.al SonS» ........ Utility aad Industrial Bond«........ Matured Bonda UaaaM ............ Tatal ........................... TOTAL ALL INVESTMENTS...... .. 1.414.181.m 141,im.M 41,141.11 1,408.181 at 1.480 00 ..o.,,., ......... 1,400 »0 ., iiiam.1» iwmi4 17,«M M •ii.lia M .. ai8.1i» m 71,114»» I.7m.m 8m.18i »8 44,804 ii 10.001 II ,....., i, »4.0*4 ii •4,47t.M MlllMIl • 4.IMM ............ 1.100 00 1,100 m . II.«M,741,17 MH.IM.M | m.074.m M,1MJM.il ...» 10»||0i4 1 11,imm • ........ 1 48»,»47 II ... 811,178,87 imn.m 48,788 40 aïo.eie lî ... 114,447.71 ».»»1.40 ......... 14l.M» M ... Ml,IM.M M.M4.4« 11.1«» 40 l,M»,»IT »4 .. H.II4.IM.M |4M,l«i.t4 n«i,m.M M,•■•.•Mil SCHEDULE NO. 1 BONDS Owned December 31, It* ADULT DEPABTMENT Bate of Inter tet Valu* P«r Valu« U. S. $ 3»,M0.>>•••••••>...•••444 5M,A88.8S AA,000.00 1«« A7,100.00 1112 33 8.AA u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ .................>44 18,000.00 18,000.00 110 IO.SOO.OO 11-U-8I 8.8 A u. s. Tresaury Bonda................ ................. 444 , 87,100.00 86,000.00 1*8 48,700.00 I8IA 33 8 .AS u. s. Tresaury Bonda................ . ................444 R2,HI2.ftO 60,000.00 188 A 1,000.00 1-16-84 8.71 u. s. Tresaury Bonda................ .................444 4H.ft71.MH 46,000.00 1*8 64,000.00 8-88-84 S.A4 u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ .................444 28,087.60 80,000.00 188 84,400.00 \ 8-10 84 8.SA u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ ................. 444 r :<,1,3M.8ft 30,000.00 188 3A,AOO.OO 410 34 8.88 u. s. Troaaury Bonda,............... .................s A0,:il8.ft0 60,000.00 107 A3,600.00 6-18-84 80A u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ ................t Is 42,SS2,ftO 40,000.00 116 4A,000.00 A-lfl-84 8.00 u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ .................9% m^oo.oo 46,000.00 116 61,760.00 7-IA84 800 u. s. Troaaury Bonda......»........ • a...............4 A4,848.7ft 60,000.00 1IA AH ,000.00 *- 7-84 S0A u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ ................. Is 28,078.18 86,000.00 116 88,760.00 0-I8-S4 8.80 u. s. Troaaary Bonda................ ..<>,,«.«>.«.«».. 144 A,000.00 A,000.00 110 A.A00.00 0-17 34 A.SA u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ .................114 A ,000.00 ft ,000.00 100 A,460.00 * »8 8A 8.87 u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ >.,......,..,.... Iti 4A,S4A.SN 46,000.00 106 47,860.00 4-17-3» I.7S u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ .....•,••••••••*• IR 11,000.00 11,000.(M) 106 11.660(H) *- I SA 8.87 u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ • >>..<>>>,>...<>. Is 7A^I80JII 76,000.00 106 78,760 00 S-IA Sft 1.80 u. s. Troaaury Bonda................ ».«••• • ••••*••... In 4A,014.0A 46,000.00 106 — 47,860.00 0 IA 8A 8.87 u. s. Treaaury Bonda................ .................144 ft)|^7ft.00 60,000.00 100 64,600.00 ll-lft 3ft I.A4 u. s. Troaaury Notea................ ................. 144 11^)00.00 11,000.00 101 11,110.00 0 17 8ft 1 -AO u. s. Troaaury Notea................ • •••«•••••••<•««i 141 HA.08A.04 S6,000.00 101 86,660 00 1SIA-8A l.l* u. s. Troaaury...................... .................i\ A0,88A.00 A0,000.00 106 SX,000.00 1. • SA 2.MA u. s. Troaaury...................... • ....,,,.,.•,.... Is :W,:uhkh) 80,000.00 106 81,600.00 8- 8 SA Ml u. s. Troaaury...................... .................«H 40JIAO.OO 40,000 00 106 42,000 00 A- 1 SA 8.78 u. s. Troaaury...................... .................. Al ,4AX.A0 A0,fMM).00 106 A3,(MM) (M) 7-1A SA 8.71 u. s. Troaaury...................... .................l\ 80.8I8.7A »0,00000 106 31,600 00 0-17 SA tAl u. s. Troaaury................»..... .................2% 8A,8SP0S 2ft,(MM) (Ml 10,1 86,760 00 A-IA 3A 8A6 u. s. Troaaury...................... .................«% Sft.M7 ft.iH» Sft,(MMI.(MI 10,1 AA.OAO.OO S II SA 8 A3 u. s. Troaaury...................... .................»% 40.4A2.WI 40,000.00 10.1 41.8(H) 00 10 IA SA 8.A7 u. s. Troaaury...................... ................. 144 2ft,ftft4 -Att 86,000 (M) 108 86,760 00 11-18 SA 8A0 u. s. Treaaury...................... .................f% 7A.W2I.HM 7A,iMKI.iS» 10.1 77,260 00 I8-1A SA 8 60 H. 0. L. C, Bonda.................... >•>••••«.........S ft7,400.IMI M.mM 106 A0,870.(M) 11-17 14 8.00 H. 0. L. C. Bonda.................... .................*% 8SJ87.AO :»o,(MMiiM» 108 30,IHM) 00 10-17-14 8J6 H. 0. !.. C, Bond» ;................... .................*% ft7,087 AU 00,000.00 10.1 AI,S4M)00 M U 34 8.17 H. 0. 1,. C. Bonda.................... .................«% 48JI4M 4ft,(MMKM) 103 4A..1R0 (M) ll-ll 84 3.00 H. o. 1«. Ci Bsnds•»«»••»«•»•»»»•»••»• .................1% 1 H,|KMMMI IH.INSI (Ml 103 IP,4A7 (10 II- 0 SA 876 II. 0. L. C. Bond«.................... ftft^AIAS ftft.iMMMMI 106 »7.7AOOO 117 IA 8.00 * H. 0. L. C. Bonda.................«.. .................a SI.0S7A0 00,000,00 106 S* ,000.00 1 86 86 8.77 H. o. !.. C. Bonda.>.,..........*,.... .................« 2»M»V> 84/NMiW 106 81 ,(MMi 00 8 81 86 8 70 H. 0. L. C Bonda.................... .................s ,W,S4SSM :i0,000(KI 106 81.600 00 A 84 SA 8 73 H. o. L. C. Bonda.................... .................s A,100/SI ft/KM» «M» 106 6.260.00 7- A SA 8.76 H. 0. L. C. Bonda.................... ................« ; SA.XS4 0S Sft,000 00 I0A SS.2M) 00 10-10 SA 8 04 H. 0. 1.. C........................... .................1% .1,8*0 00 3,2ftOIMI 108 3 414 7.Ml 4> 0 SA 8.76 H. 0. L C........................... ...........tk A,460M ft,4ft0,(MI 103 ft.AI.160 6 80 SA 1.76 H. 0. L. C........................... .................1* MMiW MAO m 103 1,006 M • A 80 SA S.76 II. 0. L. C............................. ........i........«44 tjUMim 2/MWtOO 10.1 8,78» 60 |. A SA 8 86 N. 0. U C.,..,...................... .................tu Vkihm 8,676(10 103 8,AA2.8ft 1 IA SA 8*6 H. o. L. C........................... • +» ..••.......,,, 1% 2,62 r>.IKl 8AZ6(SI 103 ' 8/MKI 76 A. 4 IA 8*6 TOT Al. GOVERNMENT BOND*. ,,,,,,,,......... f2/164,74S 08 9I,UUOSOO(MI $2,164,204 00 STATE. i'OMMTY A MUNICIPAL BONDS: Akron, Ohio, Main Tmnk Sowar..................... Akron, OMe, Water Work* Katenaion ................ Arkanaaa Klale llirhwoy Refunding "A"............. Arkanaa* S ta ta fl Isti way Refunding "H"............. Arkanaaa Stele Iflgfcwey Bounding k ............... Arkanaaa State Hifk»4jr Refunding B............... Dlel. Refunding A............. Dial. Refunding .......... Dial Refunding A............. _________Dial. Refunding •.............. Arkanaaa State M If* way Refunding B-.............. Arkanoea K tele Highway Refunding R............... Aurora. III.. Sanitary DMrtet Sewer, ............... Barnwell Co., S. C- County Arkanaa* MaU Arkanaaa Stele Arkanaaa Stale Stale 4% 10 ,ir.*nm 10,000.Ot) loi I0.I00/MI 18 II 26 4 40 4H |0,IS6 Wl lO/MMI (S) loi I0,I00/HI 1881 26 4 40 A 86,000/NI 2A,0tSI/l0 INI 88.MMI (M) S A SA 6 00 «44 2,041 IM 8/141M 76 1,631 II S- A SA 8.60 6 2ft,000 00 têjmnm 00 28,600.00 8- 0 SA 600 S4* 1,70*86 1.70S.SA 76 I.8SIIS S- A-SA 8.60 1 là/mow J6/MOOO so li/MOOO S- A 36 8 00 M74 0O 1,874 00 47 A4A 20 1 A SA S J 1,000 00 11/100/M so 0/MIOOO 8-81-M 800 700.P8 700.08 47 876 SA 3 81 SA IVfc 376/10 17100 76 8SI.86 4- I SA 8J0 *44 . 876/M - 171/m 76 8SI 86 10 l-M 8J0 4 0»6iB> I0/K)0 0n ISS I0J00 00 114-11 6 00 6 2/ISA .03 - 8,000 00 KHI 8,rsio.oo 1«3«A 470 (Dsl^ep rMmfll.) t « f on » f 1 — ••■•«M PAGE SIX For Membra of Slotfim National BatmfU Socimty and Ammricam Stoones Convention News 'r In a Nutshell . The Eleventh Regular Convention of the Slovene National Benefit Society in session now in Cleveland at the St. Clair Slovene Home ivas constituted at its third meeting after all the convention committees were duly elected. We will mention here only Home of the main decisions tince particulars of the convention are being published daily and an English nummary will be published later. e e • In response to Tom Moonqfi me8nage $100 van contributed into hie defense fund. The assembly unanimously voted $600 for the victims of fascism in Sjtain. 0 0 0 , Pittsburgh was selected as the next convention city; the Itth convention will take place in i9M. It was a tie at first between Pittsburgh and Collinwood and the run-up election resulted in 126 votes for the first and lit for the latter. 0 0 0 The new finance committee will number seven members three of whom shall be members of the Suj/reme Administrative crmmittee —president, secretary and treasurer tif the SNPJ. The supervising committee will again consist of three members who are at the same time members of the Supreme board. 0 0 0 At the Friday session the resolutions committee submitted seven resolutions and all seven were approved. The first of these concerns the two unions of the SNPJ employees at the Main Office. The convention went on record apjtroving unanimously both unions awl gave the Administrative committee power to negotiate with them an agreement in the collective bargaining; the second resolution discards the SO-cent sick benefit insurance; the third enunciates the principle of industrial unionism represented by the CIO; the fourth expresses sympathies to the Spanish republic and condemns the Spanish, Italian and German fascism; the fifth eatresses hope for a speedy release of Tom Mooney; the sixth deals with the semi-dictatorship and censorship in Jugoslavia; it also empowers the Supreme board to supftort progressive labor cultural activities and institutions and progressive movement among women ami our youth, The seventh resolution is the most important one.1 It instructs the editor of the Prosveta to pursue broad labor policies and write for the merging of all democratic labor jparties into a mass farmer-labor party, which must have for its goal the abolishment of the profit system. The Mladinski List shall be edited in the jtrin-cijtle of free thought and labor enlightenment. The convention approved the following salaries for the members of the supreme administrative committee: president, $60 per week; secretary, $60; editor, $55; manager, $50; assistant secretary, $50, and treasurer, $50. The two vice-presidents, $15 each per month. The convention voted $U per diem to each delegate. 0 0 0 The convention approved I he by-laws committee recommemlation for four additional vice-presidents to serve as district organ iters without the right of succeeding the first or the second vice president. Salaries of Supreme board committees: chairman of auditing committee, $¿5 per month, and the two members $15 eaeh; chairman of judiciary committee, $iO ¡ter month, and four members $10 eaeh; chairman of finance committee, $iO per month, three members $$0 each; supreme hoarit members when in session get $10 p%r day. The assembly approved a resolution concerning the English section of the Prosveta, empowering the administrative committee to pro. vide for on* English page in the daily Prosveta not later than January 1,1 »3$, provided that enough sentiment for it is created among the English speaking lodges either through an increase m suhscrifdion or agitation in English section or among branches. The conven. turn also unanimously adopted a resolution concerning the Lemon! meddling scoring their tswtics and insults, and giving the editor neu (Continued it last rot urn a.) Tri-State SNPJ Play Day Myers Lake Park, Canton, Ohio, Jane 18 SNPJ Again Takes the Lead—SNPJ Youth Galvanized Into Action UNIVERSAL, PA.—Since the announcement of the SECOND ANNUAL TRI-BTATE SNPJ DAY at MEYRS' LAKE PARK, CANTON, OHIO, JUNE 13, a mighty machine has been built in the tri-atate area. It ia in motion! It is in action! It is diaaeminating the propaganda for the biggest SNPJ affair of the year. Letters of commendation, requests, inquiries have been pouring into the hands of the committee. Loyal SNPJers responding to the call. Volunteer» enlisting to assist in this great undertaking, anxious to make it another huge success. Practically every lodge in this area has engaged a committee to publicise, arrange transportation, sell tickets, and attend o other details in preparation for this mammoth affair. The "steeaing" committee has ikewise been energetically work ing, contacting varioua newspapers, members, federations, urging their cooperation. An elaborate program has been completed. Pinal arrangementa are being made for the thousands of people that will attend. Martin Serro's Radio Slovene Aces will furnish the dance music for the Slovene dance lovers. He can be heard bi-weekly (Mondays and Wednesdays) over the Oreensburg station, WGN. Hinging societies from tha tri-stata area will participate in a singing contest for a fifty dollar award. A championship mushball team from Cleveland and a champion mushball team from Western I'ennaylvania will via for sectional honors and a fifteen dollar cash award. A popular SNPJ girl will be crowned as the queen of tha TBI-HTATH BNPJ PLAY DAY, in the popularity quean contest. Every HNPJ girl is eligible. She will be presented with a beautiful trophy and a beautiful basket of flowers. Coma and cast a vote for your favorite! The speakers' program will consist of a CIO leader and an SNPJ Supreme Board member. Tha names of the speakera will be announced in a later issue of the Prosveta. Phillip Murray of the SWOC is being con-tatced to speak for flic (¡HO. A cash award of ten dollars will ha given to the holder of the lucky number. The universal ticket, which entitles each holder to unlimited rides on the purk'M fifteen amusements dancing to a nationally prominent orchestra for three hours—dancing to Martin Serro's Slovene orchestra for five hours—the cash drawing of ten dollars and a vote for your favorite SNPJ girl, can be purchased from your secretary, or from one of your members acting on this committee, or at the park on June IS. The price of the Ucket Is fifty cants. On each ticket Is a detachable atub, on one side of this stub Is a number, on the reverse side you write the name of your favorite SNPJ girl, this Is i vote for that girl. The number en titles you to a chanca for the ten dollars. This stub Is to be deposited in the boa at the park, set up for this purpose. From Cleveland comas the good news that the Comrades are hiring two buses to transport their mem hers to Meyers' Lake Park, June 18. It Is said that this will be the site of their annual outing. In this precinct ticket salee ana in charge of Hro. Truden. The Stragglers are paying fifty percent of the transportation for their members. They are traveling by bus In this precinct aae Bro. John K. li^Vcoulr the country for it. He's solrtfW it's a man that he even forgot toWriU laet weak. | Applications keep pouring in from all over the country to E. Terskan for the job as cook while Ms parenU ara in Europe. He aays he will have a hard job picking the right one. Pick out a good one, Emil, and Ull her to bring her transfer along. So long, THE OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAIN. Manor Cadets Lodge 749 MANOR, PA.—Campaign for new members ip open to the Cadets. The last affair held by the Manor Cadets brought a few members and several transferred members. There is no limit to the number, the more the merrier. We will soon be making plaas for the summer affairs, and they will require more help. The spring seems to do things to people so have it effect you in a way to get mare members; a mock wedding might do H. Try it. Those who get members will be awarded. All one needs is a leader to lead a whole organization, an organization of any type. Most promising of all signs for the future in increasing membership are the current signs of leaderahlp that will neither betray nor discredit our lodge. But there is one thing that cannot be controlled by no one person, and that is word-of-mouth gossip. Whether one be of same or different nationality, when people cannot get news, they creaU rumors. News, which at the end will leave friendless relationship among the once well-known friends. Leadership is put on a basis of acquiring a wise and efficient judgement of the things that are necessary in acquiring in building up a society. Cooperation Is a sysUm of business and social affairs to be carried on by an organization of broad-minded people. The response of different lodges has encouraged us remarkably and their atUndancc to our affairs has shown us that they really mean what they say. In a year or so, we will proudly write that we will be amongst the first three in toUl membership. Due to the great affair of June 13 at Canton, Ohio, the Manor Cadets wish to make known that the monthly meeting has been changed to Tuesday, June 8, at 7:30. Neighborly lodges are inviUd to atUnd. Any suggestion to better the lodge will be appreciated. ' _A CADET. Muskiteirs' Musings MOON RUN, PA.—June 19 and 20 are the set dates for the "Musketeers' Seventh Anniversary Celebration". To be or not to be absent from this mammoth affair must be answered within a few weeks. Will you deny youraelf of this granted privilege? Loads of enUrUinment are in store for you. Undoubtedly you are aware that this affair will be held at the beautiful Portman's Grove. If by chance you are In a sentimental or melancholy mood the newly erected parking benches will be at your convenience. The grand drawing of fifteen and five dollara will be given away U two lucky persons on Sunday, June 20. It's swingy, hot a ad jazzy. What? Can you gaesa? Of course you can —R'a the orcheatra that will far-niah you the music that will tickle your toee and make you swing high and swing low In the spacious gleaming pavilion. A hard fought Mushball game Is U be expected from the Musketeers and local girla. E. M. AMBROZIC, President, Lodge 70S. NATL HOME CIVRH DANCE VERONA. PA.—There will be dance given by the Narodni Dom hare on Satarday, May 89. Everybody welcome. Frank Pavreni's orchestra will furnish the music. Admission Sftc. RUDY POtMUHKNIK. - Lodge sa Solicit Your Friendi for SNPJ Membership WEDNESDAY, MAY*] Relief for Franco Michael Wiliams, editor of the Catholic axine the Commonweal, chose an apurota. moment to issue a Spanish Relief Numb? which he charged that the American p«*] been unfair to the rebels. The smokin* m of Guernica had scarcely cooled; the Brit and French governments were preparing evacuate from Bilbao—against the prottsL Franco—thousands of Spanish Catholic won and children to save them from the fate befell the innocenta of the "sacred city." now Mr. Williams has joined forces with' American Committee for Spanish Relief in appears to be a new drive to arouse symt for the rebel cause. Mr. Williams ha« general secretary of this committee, ih name is suspiciously similar to that of North American Committee and whose urer is Ogden H. Hammond, fascist sympat and former Ambassador to Spain. To§ with the Commonweal and the Calvert ciates, this committee is sponsoring a rm_. to be held at Madison Square Garden at wh_ "the truth about Spain" (including Guernica? will be revealed and a drive begun for $500,1 for "non-partisan," "non-political" relief in j surgent territory. Since Mr. Williams' Open Letter to Lei of the American Press seems to presage an i tensive pro-Franco campaign in this count the main thesis of his attack upon the which the United States still recognizes a« I legally constituted government of Spain worth examining. Mr. Williams obvioa gagged at supporting unreservedly Franco! fascism. He must needs find a formula-n it is the same old formula. Franco's rebellig he says, broke out just ahead of the "mas maaaacre revolution carefully planned by th reds." His authority? "The Salamanca ernment claims to possess evidence of this pbt . . . This evidence has satisfied many carefi European correspondents, military men, observers who visited Salamanca . . T names are given. "It is confirmed by an Am* ican witness of unimpeachable experience integrity as a journalist, whom I hold in s serve." Surely the only reason for holda such a witness in reserve at such a time on»« an issue is that his name might turn out to William P. Carney. "Perhaps," admits Mr. Williams, "this erl dence is not conclusive. Possibly it may k faked. ... We can remember Mr. Hearst's fata Mexican 'documents' ... and the Zinoviev Id ter." He does not mention the Reichstag fin But Mr. Williams, far from being disturbed h| his own doubts, calls upon the American pral to prove that his thesis is not correct! Men while he makes it clear that he does not into to wait for the verdict. After strugglii through heavy editorial seas he has droppi anchor in the harbor of the committee, wbs treasurer has no qualms. "I, personally.! everybody knows," says Ogden Hammond,"« in favor of General Francisco Franco" That is just the trouble with the AmericS Committee, which professes to be non-parti«-Mr. Hammond, according to his own admiM* has been raising money for Franco. Ban H#j ris, its chairman, was a sponsor of the m Belloc meeting at Carnegie Hall at which tf™ was raised for Franco. Another awocnUJ former Spanish Ambassador Cardenas. » has been accused by Senator Nye of part*« ing in pro-fascist espionage in the U^ States. J On another page of this issue an enced journalist whose name we do not m in reserve" pretty well demonstrates tha Franco who is planning—and carrym* « "mass massacre" of Spaniards. There < a ■ no objection to truly non-parti«an i relief of noncombatants in both loysi. the relief or noncomwuani* m .....'~vrttaH Insurgent territory. The American rn^ Service Committee is sponsoring such a pnjj and is thoroughly trustworthy. But an> ^ partisan," "non-poUtieal" campaign ins ^ coupled with such pro-Franco pro»*ii> Mr. Williams and Mr. Hammond are «B^g should be denied support by every *n. worthy of the name —The Nstion. EDITOR'S NOTE MORGAN, PA.. E. B.: » wai have the cut made for this un»«*- ^ ^ if .you wish to have it publinhed date. (Contineed fro- I* 1 ^ ^ support to continue in the light »< fr" and labor principle*- • • rfnA It was decided that the next >^ ¥ be held in the second half of ^ Supreme board decides thr t ract * j of office to mrrespondwgis ' $1 instead of June $0. k Mid covention Activities In Cleveland . tk« ouality and quantity' appealed in a number of dueU in the m„ beginning Sunday,«firat act. I On Thursday eLing, May 20. a .sstfrsted twm sNpJ i mw|tinir WM arranged by ' mftrCP°vi\itor v^ll be able tJ Branches Nos. 27, 49, and 28 of the Convention City withoSP „V with hi» an inspiration and fita lE .chievement. snd capa-Ei of hr* nationslity. None can ¡Tthst the lesdership responsible >SCSVIT* Badger News ■ritetiosthst the ideal, for which "»Sty ha* always stood art, a m practical thing. the banquet SatunUy eve-Mav 22 St the Slovene National _Lium was intended to be the ¡Lht of the convention programs, mZi nature of the affair and the ity crowd could not permit all variety of Cleveland's talent to -owtrste itaelf to the just and •dvsntage. This was accom-in the more extensive daily ims. The attendance at this however, probably exceeded of it* kind at any Slovene affair, t*jng Kenerally considered a vthe entire attendance. JSF. The speakers were: B. Parker, Donald Lotrich, Frank Zaits, and Chas. Pogorelec. Louis Zorko, Cleveland, was chairman. The attendance for this evening was exceptionally good and the speeches unusually well received. On Tuesday evening, May 18, the English-speaking lodge Comrades held its regular meeting, to which all delegates and visitors were invited. A large crowd was reported and visitors were called upon to give words of greeting. a The "big" affair of the week was the banquet Saturday evening, May 22. Around 860 people sat at the tables in the upper and lower halls of the Auditorium, and a crowd of over 3,000 people was estimated as max to be enacted. The characters of the play are. Justine Pevc, the yoang bride of fourteen days, John Kradel Jr., the jealous husband of his' —- young wife, and Stanley Pave, who' MILWAUKEE, WW—Our regular portrays the part of a man, who be- mooting thia past Friday was called cauae of a disappointment in a love to order by our Vice Prexy Otto Jereb. affair, la a woman hater. The play He eerUlnly la improving right along, will be directed by Mra. Mary FradaJ. A discussion was held and a com-The characters alone are comic apd mittee elected to promote and apon-you can imagine what to expect when aor in cooperation with other Slovene there la a play involving a young Lodges and Clubaloc an AL M1LNAK couple, especially when the one is day in Milwaukee. For the benefit jealous of the other. i of those who do not know who Mii- Another attraction of the program n«r * «P^n. He laaBlovens will be our main speaker, Brother *nd • Packer for the Milwaukee Philip Godina, member of the Supreme Brewers. Therefore I believe and the board and an active participant in B*d**r" th*tlw* «hou,d SNPJ affairs. Bno. Godina's manner "hoW *"d ,'TI of speaking is not only educational,1 and tkla attalr to the Hmit. lt but alao interesting for he combines wiU honor for Al *nd humor with cultural facts. Other features of the program are songs by a young aoloiat, Mary Lou Povirk, and muaic by the Klun chil-| dren. The Savica Singing Society of wiae for all KloveueH In Milwaukee. 8. S. Turn hall. All prepared far a record crowd aa we always had at our previous May Balls. How about some of the out-oMownera peying ua a visit for the week-end (and this goes for Lefty Lotrich, Luke, Hudalv and the rest of the gang). Our girls on this committee have purchased I beautiful prtsee for the Queen and 8 la-dies-ln-waiting which they say any girl would be proud to possess. Any girl may enter whether she be a Badger member or not, so come all of you lasaiea and bring your frlenda. Now in closing I wish to send my greetings to the officers and delegatea of the convention in Cleveland, and thank you, Milwaukee delegatea, for the cards. LEO SCHWEIGEIt, Lodge 584. P. 8. Don't forget bnaeball practice every Sunday morning at Vleau FLASHES May we count on your support? We playground. We do wont a baseball will be around to aee you. We also had a bank nito with the name of Eleanor Suban drawn. As she was not present, she naturally forfeits all West Newton will include several eiain and tkat money will be held over ■rvative estimate. One of the most extraordinary pro-t„, of the week was that of the tn-nt United Junior Chorus, Friday ninK, May 21, under the direction Louis Seme. An organised group 350 children in itself is unusual, t that i^me group trained in Slo- _„ Mng snd understanding in their rformance exceeds all expectationa. Th« chorus is divided into six oupi by localities. These are "Slav-• from St. Clair ave., "Škrjnnčki" im Euclid, the Collinwood Work-o'i Home, the "Kanarčki" from •bur*, the Holmes ave. group, and i Barberton, 0., group. Each aang w «m**, the groups arranged the simpler to the more ad-need. The assurance and knowledge the song« with which individual inbrri of each group aang is amax- Commendable, too, is the organixa-m and nmoothneHH with whkh each inge was made. Climaxing the »gram was the combined group kh was also heard on the Saturday >ning radio broadcast. Min Alice Artel accompanied all ijroupH except "Slaviki," who were ampanied by Mias Mary Gorenc. wb Zupan took moving pictures of l performsnce for the SNPJ. Everyone connected with this or-lization should be proud of the t>up achievement snd also be aware the possibilities of it. This is one in* of which Cleveland can justly of having which no other Slone center to date haa. High up in the Hcale of superlatives k>nga,the program presented by the went Workmen's Home, 16335 Wa-'k* rd.t on Monday evening, May This followed the supper given honor of the delegates. The variety i talent which composed the enjoy-k evening'« entertainment came al-*t u a complete aurpriae to the «tint delegation which had expect- only a few numbers between iifie*. The program opened with a most mSr "Živa HlikM'" ^presenting arranged by Vincent Coff. Jeannett* Perdan-Junttor, so- »o. accompanied by Mias Vera Mi-"" enthusiastically received XI her two aoloa. >'ink Slejko, member of Strug- d,,Played excellent musical *,ty Wlth hi* violin solo. He was "mjanied by Alice Artel. enlivening spirit that seemed "" th«" «"»tire audience to its feet - hiUated by the juvenile Inetru- «Ul MU.ntet "Vrtec" of the SSPZ. ' '»«I» sre performer* who must !*'" 10 be appreciated. Turning the attention from the program for a second, first mention for this evening must be given to the committees and everyone who helped in the arrangements to accommodate this enormous crowd so successfully. The auditorium was literally bulging with people and many were turned away. The highlight of the evening was the program of the United Junior Chorus and the United Adult Chorus, estimated around 600 people, and broadcaat over the Blue Network of the National Broadcaating Company. The directora were Louis Seme and John Ivanush. Vincent Cainkar, SNPJ president, gave a brief talk in Slovene. The toastmaster was Matt Petro-vich, of Cleveland, alao chairman of the convention. At the speakers' table were: Mayor H. Burton, Sheriff Martin L. O'Donnell, and Common Pleas Judge Frank J. Lausche, each of whom extended words of greeting. In addition to the long list of speakers, the evening's program consisted of the following: Soprano solo by Mary Ivanush— the Prologue and Epilogue to I. Mo-lek's "Hrbtenica," set to muaic by John Ivanush; vocal duet, Sophie Turkman and Tony Podobnik; vocal duet, Sophie Turkman and Josephine Turk; tenor solo, Louis Belle; vocal duet, Josephine Milavec and Frank Plut; soprano solo, Antoinette Sim-t\t, duet, Josephine Milavec and Mary Ivanush; quartette, composed of Louis Belle, Mary Ivanush, Frank Plut, and Josephine Milavec, which sang an aria from "Martha." Telegrams of the reception of the radio program were read during the evening. The Cleveland Sunday papers carried news and pictures of this climax program of the week, a H. Gregory Prusheck. Slovene artist, has an exhibition of modern paintings at his studio at 6411 St. Clair ave. This group of over 60 paintings consists of probably the best of the works by this recognised artist. Attracting special attention is his "National Satire" in which he has alle-gorically presented the discussion centering around Ivan Canker. Mr. Prusheck is also represented with two oH pointings in the current exhibit of Cleveland artists in the Cleveland Art Institute. Visitors and delegates should feel especially privileged to view the work of this man who has spoken his contribution of Slovene culture In America in terms of oil color and canvas. a On Saturday afternoon, May 22, the songs on the program to complete it Of course words cannot describe the program as it really will be, each and every SNPJ member and friend should attend. In the evening, Loo Zornik and hia orchestra will furniah the muaic for the dance. Both popular muaic and polkaa will be played therebv satisfying both the young and old. In order to spend the most enjoyable May 31 that you have ever had, come to the Slovenian Hall in West Newton to the affair sponsored by the Westmoreland County Federation at 2 o'clock in the afternoon when the first feature of an interesting program will begin. MARY ELIZABETH FRADEL, Lodge 725. Shiron-Farrill Niws SHARON-FARRELL, PA.—Everyone ia talking about that BIG SNPJ DAY tower trophy, dont we T—L. S. Ntid Fir ESL In Lit Anplu LOS ANGELES, CALIF.—tymlng to Los Angeles two years ago and joining or rather transferring to SNPJ Lodge 615, I waa told that thia was an English Speaking lodge before transferring, but I found It is not an English Speaking unit. To date, to my knowledge, I do not know of any SNPJ English Speaking lodge in Los Angeles and am disappointed. I find that an Itoglish Speaking lodge is urgently needWl In Los Angeles for us young English speaking Slovenes. The young Americans find no interest in the lodge here because they do not understand Slovene (I myself don't) enough. J. MALNAR1CH, Lodge 61». The Bowling Tournament in Review CLEVELAND. — Slovene National Home—Cleveland. Ohio.-Hello, folks! We're out here in Cleveland doing rescue work 24 hours a day. It hit us pretty hard during the first few days to stay on duty 24 hours a day (we'll aurely earn our pay), but by now we're getting used to It and In another week we'll not mind it any more. We've been constantly on the go since we arrived. The Clvvelanders received us graclpualy ami are treating us royally, so don't be surprised If some of us dunt care about returning home ao soon. a a a Everything got off to a flying start. Indications are that we may be able to wind up the convention earlier than anticipated. The delegation consists of msn and women of various ideas and opinions, but has shown up nobly on mure than one oc casion when it cams to support a worthy cause. It seems as If the open attack of the priests stirred our dele gatlon to the realisation that after all the SNPJ Is a working clasa or ganlaation and as such it must remain. Again and again It ha« been emphasised that we need no outsiders directing our institution or in structlng our membership on our in ternal problems. I firmly believe that those SNPJ members who were part and party to the conspiracy are occasionally. From New York to California the 2S5 delegates and Supreme Hoard membera rover the width of our land, some large, some small, aome serious and some not so* serious. Hence, we slso bring with us our own natures and accentuations, our habits and stylea. But, all In all, we dont differ so much and 1 am happy that moat of them understand that they are followmen of a groat struggling working class, And that'a Important. • • e We were guests of the Slovene Walkers' Hume on Waterloo rd. Monday, May 17. A fine dinner was served. We were also treated to an excellent program especially by a number of budding young artists. Tuesday night we helped pack the hall for the Comrades' meeting. It was pleasant to renew the old acquaintances and to watch the pro-coedures at this meeting. Incidentally, I waa Intereated In knowing that the Comrade« dealgnele a member to keep la eoalael wltk their juveallea. That'a something all lodges could think about. Some way must be found to bridge the gap between us and our younger fellow members. It's worth thinking about, this Idea of the Comrades. a a a Seeing la believing, so they say. DANCE AT CROATIAN HALL CLAIRTON, PA.—All you HNPJers are invited to come out and polka it out with your favorite, that one and only one, Al Morouae and his Radio Rhythm, who will be the main attraction at the local Croatian hall Sunday, May 30. A MEMBER. (Continued from last week) DETROIT.—lLe,t "f favor. Mem- 23, by the combined English-speaking If roup, well a. ' Well, let me see, where did we leave 4là ^j,. part u m.k. the evening off. First of all, I must tell — - Pi ipor. -re successful in "•'•. .. »vening, May 19, F Ivan Cankar" pre-omedy, -O. Ta '> which the follow-J'"WMhine M ila ver, A"*«* Smith, Am-t^blay, Krank Mah-•»»< Prank Plat, dl-^'eblay. faat. «aporially the " sense of in- kowever. the choice of ' krasit the actor« to ''"ir h»«t abilities. The ♦ " r t h y and '"nedy .urreufaL end Frank Plot lodges. A detailed report will be Included next week. MARY JUGG, Lodge 650. Latrobe News LATROBE. PA.—The Westmoreland Coenty Federation is eager to be the boat of each and every KNPJ member and friend on Monday, May 31. On this day. by attending this affair, each member may spend an enjoyable day with friendly people willing to ahow you a good tiose. Both the afternoon and evening have much pleasure in store for any individual who enjoys e day with a large group of SNPJ members and frlenda. Far-thernsore, this promises to be one of the largest annual celebrations whlrfc the Fi de rallan hea as yet sponsored The program la tbe afternoon In rlitdea a abort one-art play, ftoeraifdk ¿ensk. full of comedy and holding one's attention until the end, for the plot of the play holds one's saepielon throughout It will be perforated by three yenn* actors nf the Draamttr nub of the Federation Thia play portrays the life of a husband who la jealens of his wife. That fact slone proves that It will be romlr an tertalning Alao, tenae momento which an enger to bars the ell- you about the Spirits' last meeting. The mothers were the honored guests for the evening, and what a joyous evening It wasl I am sure that everyone present will remember the evening for some time to come. First of all: the mothers sat in the meeting and saw how their children conducted their ' business affairs. The attondanoe waa good so the mothers eouUI see that the young folks are fraternally minded. It was the Inst meeting before we sent our very capable delegate, John Spiller, to the coavention. Th* meeting was very iatoreetlng and 1 am sure that everyone eajeyed It l> the fullest extent. After the meeting we had a party with tbe mothera being the gaaato ef honor Kerb mother had a place reserved for her at the table. The table we» beautifully doeeratod In pink and white with a huge houqe* ef snowballs and spires forming the roatorptere. A large caraatiea waa placed et each plate that was reserved for the mothers, i After the lunch wes serv4l the Jevenlle members pat on a ahow and what a »bow H waa. We certainly arv proud ef the talent that they die-. played. We take thia opportunity to thank everyone ef the Juvenile members that took part in the show far tWtr very able aeelstanr* ia the en a success The committee wlshea to announce that they had aome difficulty with the invitations which wore sent out to the mothers. They were sent out in plenty of time but the ed-dresses were typed on colored paper' astlmeto,"too conservative pro!» and the postofflce would not aeeept gb|y fuf lrani|*rUtlon# etr„ »* them, so they were all sent bask to ^ wbk|| ^ Thl. oae of tbe committee members who toU|> ^ § aum of $1,061*0, which is ners, except through a regretful oversight, the Little Forts, were taken by M. Klarich, a very good amateur photographer. Boas Obed tried to get a picture token on the grounds that he was low man, which he undoubtedly was! . The 103M SNPJ Bowling Tournament waa awarded to the Chicago Pioneers over the Cleveland Loyalltes by the clone score of 00 votes to 43 votes. Moving over to the John R. Hall where everyone participated in the dining, dancing, ainglng, drinking, and vialtlng in a jovial manner. A small Informal meeting was held by representatives of the different lodges, in which it was favored that soft-ball and bowling would continue being the major sports In the SNPJ. Seeing the Milwaukee bus off, and promising Yersin that the Wolverines will be represented In Milwaukee on Ubor day by a ball team. Somewhat In the nature of a backfire: Andy Gium, Young American, was good naturedly putting the Wolverines on the |»an tu a group of tayalitos, with equal good naturedncss, stated that there wen only two good lodgea in the HNPJ the taynlitos and the Wolverines. Then Andy, without thinking, aaid "Yeah, but all of thi> good A. Y.'s have transferred to the Wolverines!", which makes us wonder, "Just what doe» that make you, AndyT" Sending off the Cleveland Uyal-Ites with promise that the Wolverine» will visit them with a ball team before the 4th of July. Sudden thought: The Gowande group must have allpped out on us without noticing them. Giving the Chicago bus a rousing send-off, but when everyone was finally aboard the bus and the doors cldaed. they had to be reopened to let out A. Klerich. Then when the bus had traveled about one half of a block it had to be stopped again to let eut Al "Capone". These guys! . . , Msny of the visitors seemed to enjoy theii visit to Detroit, and there were many promise« of returning here on July 25 for the Young American and Wolverine Invitational Soft-ball Tournament. Corning just at the convention time it might be a good Idea to let out dele gates know how our young people feel about ethletie«. There were 71 *i> tries In the singles spending |7M.!0, 43 entries in th* doubles spending 604.60; end 20 entries in the team event spending 9110. Then there were 100 visitors spending as a conserve took ell of them downtown with h«t| Had . . „ .1 tonalderable sem to spend In s two- I there readd"seed them aftor |od (|| t||# |||Ur#B< wf tUl|#tkii patting them in envelopes, so It is possible that one or more of them The above flgurea ao not Include may have lost and we sincerely hope the many practice gamos that were that the mother who should have get- honied oa May I and I, nor d^a It ton the said Invitation will forgive the committee and we hope that neth Ing like that ever happen a agaia. All In all everyone present had 6 grand and gWiuus time. Oh. my gash, I almost forget to mention thc.^H-™ fart that Peto ffcl*is furnished the meste far the dancing. Meny thank », Pete. We are sorry to hoar the! Mister H pi 1er Ha- Wen ill for the laet roupie ef weeka from the effect, of the extraction of an s ti» re seed tooth. We all wick her a recovery. In behalf ef the MNPJ Spirit ef Ik Uaés l-odg* and all ef ite members I wish to es proas oar slmpethy to the member* of Tommy Oaater's family, general ef oar membera were Include the aaiount speat by Detroit trs, with the exception of bowling, It can be seen that athletics in thw things, new avenue«, now ideas to help us Increas* th* prestlg* and puw* er of the HNPJ. And tried they ahall be, If I can rightly ju tlon and that th* problema of our young peopl* are receiving pro|»*r care and attention. Th* delegation senses the ne*d for *xpension Into the youth fl*ld and will b* willing to make concessions, no doubt,' The young peopl* thems*lv*s though of divvrsified opinions, ao far have worked together in cloa* harmony. We do have young p*ople who know how to u«* their thinking abilities unselfishly and w* can b* proud of them. Such a thoughtful young p«o-pie's group Is, end will continue to lie, respected by the delegation. To bieak th* monotony and dull- The convention Is conscious nf th* noss of th* str*riuous routine work th* Spanish struggle against fascism ami convention has Its ins and outs, Its coiitrlbut*d $500 in support of that tens* momenta her* and ther* and cauae. Tum Mooney waa grant*d whims, sobs and bursta of laughtor $100.-D. J. LOTRICH, Um ig* 550. Loyalite News CLEVELAND, OHIO,—The Nat'l through on top. Nie* work, Franki*. Howling Tournament held in Detroit j Joe Atislovsr, the man who practically May I and 2, was a great success in d*vour*d all th* chick*na in town, *v*ry reaped. Now ia th* opportune bow M aome nie* games, Pickle, tim* to congratulate th* Wolv*rln*s Marty, Htan, Chillgoy, Kogoy, I ¿»ule, arid Young Americans on lh* splendid Chubb!*, and Kruinar, to you fallows, manner In which they handled ell their I win or lose, w* are still with you. responsibilities. Th* man with the big black cigar, Raymond Travnik, held up his and in great styls. Know-ing quit* a few Wolverines it was not hard for me to s** that th*y were in the thick of »very activity ami they never lost any tim* on our arrival to mak* th* l/iyalltes feel right at hoin*> I would lib* to mention riam*s, but I do not know th*m all. All I can say In b*half of rnya«lf and all th* rest uf th* Uyalit*s Is, "Thanks a million." I would Ilk* to us* th* old familiar phrasei II* ram*, h* sew, he conquered. Hut ell I ran say is - we came, we bowled ami we've don* th* best w* could. Our boys went bom* singing. Frenki* Merslikar »ufe bowled a nice average In th* aingl* event, and with a few breaks would hav* com* H«tt*r lurk nest tim*. From th* standpoint of fun, juat everybody was ok*y. A formal meeting was held imm*dl-al*ly aftor th* Tournament regarding lh* awarding tit* 103a Nat'l Tournament to nnothvr city, and Chicago was awarded th* honor by a clos* vol*. Congratulations, Chicago, and w* only hope you will handl* It In th* succ*ss< ful marin*r in which the Wolverinea and Young Americans handled It. Don't forgtft your promlo*, and remember, In 1030 we ar* going to hold th* Nat'l llowling Tournament her* in Cleveland, Ohio. What do you say, Comrades, Mtrugglers, Commo-derea, Prugr*ssiv*s, arid HoeronaT loot's ell g*t going ami mak* bowling our major wlnUr aport. HUNK ZADKLL, l*d«e 500. The Reveliers' Column personally acqueinled with him and ^ ^JT •ed o shock im ua 1 eiade a suceesa, la every sena« of th* ^ 'word, ef the First Nstlonal HNPJ, T. HTftTFLM. Wolverine l*dge 677 his death was indeed WeH. the con rent lee i» way by aew. We en» aH ef the raealt* ef the AMHKIDGK, l'A- Th* Rewliers' monthly meeting waa v*ry brief, though active. Preparations for th* May 20 Dance were diecuasod. and e large out-of town delegation Is *B-poetad. Rev*ll*rs who ar* aaaignod to perform the various dutlea at th* dance will be notified by mall, and It Is hoped that there will b* a loo't response, Mkewlse, K< vellera might b* informed that If lh* profita of th* dene* exceed #75. «ach K*v*ller ueieg to the HNPJ PLAY DAY et Canton. Ohio, en Jun* It vie Mpoclel Train will receive 75« to defray fare capense. Remember that this la renditions! depending upon the sncce** ef Srd Mundey ef th* month at 10 a. m. Members are urged to visit Frenk I'osega, who ia recuperating la th* Vell*y hospital in H«wl*kley{ and Ann* ttoaenb*rg*r end Alvtn Mur-abets who er* 111 at their reapeetlve heme*. Wlakes for a speedy recovery go to ell of yoof TIIK MNPJ PLAY DAY haa stirred an uaaaoal amount of Interest locally! The Nat Do m l«dge has already ae* sored lU adelt member* $1 per per-aon end jn**niles 50c por persea if they take th* MPKCIAL BN P J TRAIN to Canton, Ohle, en Jane lit Congretoletlon* and thnaka to th* Nat Dutnors for their hearty 'I the daace ee put your shoulders to th* wheel. The date of Rev*liera' I ereltea! Ticket*, at sseetings was again changed to the I (Cant con b* aa page 6) r*o»V BT* Lodge Letters Ip «I tke p teak grouads, therefore' p ¡T • f 1 would Uke to eee «ore transfer KlfMtmrt LOQffê rda. I think there are more «em- ■ «-i-Kienr. wM o M K YES'S LAKE PAUK » SiaUr Agnes Mejasch that the same UNIVERSAL. PA.—One importait com ra ¡toe as that of last year acts in feature, requisite of every amuse- • making out the schedules for the com ment park is an up-to-date wimming pool to take care of the hundreds of help I carda. bere working around Newark from Pennsylvania and-Ohio who have net W. ALIQDIPPA, PA.—The Tri-yet transferred. Our Lodge 640 State 8NPJ Play Day at Meyers' meets every second Sunday at 10 a.1 Lake Park, Canton. Ohio, holds the m. at the Polish National Home, 111-' limelight in the ProevtfU pages. This 113 First street. Elisabeth, N. J.1 mammoth celebration, by the way. bathers that arc included in every picnic group. Meyer's l*ke Park goes all other parks one better by providing for its bathers, not a swimming pool, but a genuine bathing beach. A bathing beach which of course is not claimed to compere with the ocean reeorU, but which for an amusement park is claimed to be "the top of the pile." This beach which is over 1000 feet long is located practically in the heart of the activities of the park. Meyers Lake being a spring fed lake and the sanded bottom of the beach. coming season, was «ecowled by Sister P. Jereb. Carried. Bro. P. ing season was seconded by J. Cole. Carried. The committee were as follows: F. Groser, L. Baffetti and Leo Morella. It was also understood that the committee have full power in doing so. To make this a much simpler task for the committee to act, it was decided that the secretary from each i lodge was to send in their picnic dates to P. Groser within the next two weeks. A motion, made by J. Gole, that we sse the Natl Ass'n Softball Rules; and adopt the "no steel spike shoes" clause to the set of rules we're to use Coming from Newark, Uke the Electric Trolley Bus to the end of the line, then walk hack one block to the Pirst street. The ««at meeting of the SNPJ Atlantic Coast federation will be held in ManviUe. N. J., Juae 10 st 10 s. m. I hope that the lodges Nos. 284, 600, MS, 614 and 012 will be represented. ANDREW PBOGAR. coupled with tho "mechanical devices and conveniences" that the large beach possess« gives it a five star ratiag. The bath house locker roome, and rest rooms are strictly modern Grower then read the constitution. A motion was made by Leo Morella, that we accept it as read, end use it for the coming year. Seconded by day. June 4, at 9:30 p. m. Admission one dollar per person. Muaic by Ralph Harrison. For tickets contact either Miss Mildred Winovich, and are spacious enough U> sccomo- Hister Agne. Mej.«:h. Motion car.) Aliqulppa, or Miss Josephine De date several hundred bethers. No ** «••J Board as that of last year be had for bathers. No other swimming pool or beach for miles around can even begin to compare with the one at Meyers Lake Park. i The park restaurant which is a combination of restaurant and Night Clsb gives you the opportunity to go night clubbing la mid-afternoon. It ■ is amasingly large, accomodating 1100 people at tobies. Like all other night clube, it poesesses a fairly large dance floor, and in the afternoons and eveaings an orchestra is provided. In addition to this, a complete floor show with dancers, singers, and other entertainers will be there to render afternoon and evenings performances. It wouldn't surprise the writer one bit to find that here is where the younger set will eongregate whenever the activities at the regular dance pavilion have ceased. And why not? Don't we all like to attend night clubs occaslonslly? Some folks like their dsnring, others like their swimming, while still others sre fond of roller sksting. For those of you who sre in the letter clsss, Meyers Lake Park has a place for you also. You will find the roller skating rink located directly above the restaurant and constructed so as not to Interfere with the sctivitiee of the restaurant. Not being unlike the rest of the park, the the coming season was made by Leo Morella, seconded by Histor Agnes Mejasch. Carried. J. Kogovsek suggested that Be nee, Brownsville rd., Broughton. JOSEPHINE DE BENCE. LODGE NO. M MIDWAY, PA«—The Mers of SNPJ try and start the league by the latter Lodge W wish to thank one and all we part of June. The matter of who won the all-events title at the recent Chicago Bowling Tournament was then brought up. Through an error on the scoring sheet«, J. Terskan was deprived of the medal, whereas Stanley Kostnik received it. It was decided to discuss this matter at the next meeting. A motion to this effect was made by J. Kogovsek, seconded by Sister F. Jereb; carried. Meeting adjourned ab 12:80 p. m. ANTON KOSTANJEVEC JR., Bee. Sec'y, Mid West SNPJ Athletic League. ' INTEGRITY BROADCAST v-CHICAGO, ILL.—The monthly meeting was poorly attended. The Lodge needs your support, so please attend the next monthly meeting. And please pay your dues on time. The Chicago District Federation of SNPJ will hold its annual picnic on Sunday, June 27, at the Sterslnar's Grove. Music by the Original Gay Dons. Tickets are only 10c. 940 in i . u . OMfc prises. 1 have the tickets oa rink is also spacious enough to take ^ M >nd atUnd th# plc. care of any sise picnic gathering. ' n|f Being attractively constructed and __ equipped with the newest of skaters. I 8|§ A(rn„ MfJj|Bch u ,t th, ^ this skating rink will provide for vtnUon t|| (!kv,Und. „,„ Wphlne the skaters a really pleasant place to Kaltjll„r lB is not very far off. Therefore, are you planning to attend? Have you made trans-portatton arrangements? Have your friend« been informed of this event? Have you sold tickets to your fellow-workers, berroom friends, relativee, neighbors, "hello" friends, etc.? ; Henry Previe and his committee are actively engaged attempting to make this another SNPJ success. In- i?si■ vi/duitv nmrB creaelng in popularity as time goes UNIVERSITY DANCE by, we can suc*e»sfully conclude thst It HOUGHTON, PA—The Jugoslav the affair in question will be a great University Club of Pittsburgh cordi- occasion. Further, the program it-slly invites all to attend iu t>ummer| aelf u so inspiring that one cannot Dsnce for the benefit of the scholar- fail to miss its many features, ship fund. It will be held In the Rain- A 8injring c^^ with singin-bow Room of the Webster hall, Fri-' ^^ „„j^^ts from the Tri State area should be entertaining Dancing, both for the young and ok) folke is another feature. Then, there will be speaking by important, well-known individuals, a championship mushbsll game, popularity queen contest open for SNPJ girls, and fourteen amusements rides. Is it believable thst such a tentative program ia possible for a fifty-cent ticket?* Those of you who have not yet purchased your ticket can do so by contacting your local lodge representative as soon as possible. He probably has transportation tickets for sale too (via train). Due consideration should be given this affair by the affiliated Western Penns. Federation lodges as regards to publicity in their local newspapers. Lest we forget: In 1930, June 14, a similar affair was held by the same group at Idora Park, Youngstown, Ohio. This year's venture, it is ssid, will surpsss it in every respect. Quoting: "Last year's affair was a tea-party in comparison with this year's celebration. Final say: Every person who is told of this affair will tell another friends. Therefore, talk it up and tell others to join in the gaiety at Meyers' Lake Park, Canton, Ohio, on June 13. j; On the day of May 29th the local senior SNPJ Ledge 122 will unite their forces afcd hold a dance. Arrangements are being completed by The 1937 Picnic Committee wi|l get into action. Suggestions from members are requested by the committee. Picnic will he held on July 23-24. We igrge out-of-town, lodges to come to Gowanda and help us celebrate. What do you say Buffalo, Toronto. St. Marys, Pennsy, Ohio, Mich- and other Lodges? Let's hear from you I Four of Boosters' members reported well, namely, Michael Evans, Boris Hribar, Bose Matekovich and Lawrence Oman. On sick list we have wednksda Women's Round Table By MARY JUGG sister Ann Povhe-Hocevar. please pay her a visit! Members It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Mrs. Anton Bratush on May 8. She was the mother of two children. To the bereaved family the Boosters extend their deepest sympathies. who attended our dance held May 16 We premised everybody s good time, end we know you enjoyed the entire evening with us. Our Lodge is holding snother dance on June 12 and we are glad to announce we were fortunate in booking an excellent orchestra from Girard, Ohio, with good Slovene music. Keep' this date open on your calendar and come to Midway again for a good time. Don't forget the date—Saturday, June 12. JOSEPH JANESHEK, Treas. spend the afternonon. JOS. M. BERTOVIC, Lodge 711. THE REV ELI ERR' COLUMN (Continued from page 7) obtained from Jos. E. Becek. 123 Merchant street, or Anton Ziberna, 200 Locust street. Additional solicitors will be appointed to distribute the universal tickets, which entitle the purchaser to all rides and dancing ALL DAY, for the meager amount of 60c. ON TO CANTON ON JUNE 13! And a last minute item is the news that the CIO won a «mashing victory (2St to 1) in the Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation elections held under the supervision of the National Labor Relations Board in Aliquippa, home of the Excelsiors Ix»dg*t Excelsior! Escelsiort CIO! JOKEI'll F. BECEK, Iiodge 00». Mil) WEST ATHLETIC I.RAGUE WEST ALLIR, WIS. The meeting wss called to order by Preaident Prank Bolka at 10:16 Sunday morn ing, May 9, 1U37. Thoae reporting were as follows: Stanley Peiosa and John '¿etkovich from Ko. Chicago; John Kogovsek and Frank Babnik, Waukegen; Leo Morella and Sister Agnes Mejasch. Integrity; Frank Bolka and Sister France« Jereb. Badg ers; P.mil IIrest and Frank Groser. Pioneers, and John Gole and Anton Knatanjevec, Jelly A His. The first order of buslneaa wss that of the Bowling Tournament report. by l*o Morella. which was held in ( hlrago April 8 and 4. He stated that it was a «arrest even though a Kaltinger is spending one week in Willard, Wis., with her folks. Bro j Paul Rister and his fsmily sre going to Kansas. Bis. Mary Legault is | mother of a baby girl. Congratula-| tions. Sis. Augusta Alich and Bro. i Albert D( Censo will say ,MI do" soon. _ The Integrity Boys' Baseball team will have ito first practice on Friday, May 28. The time and place will be sent to you by mail. This is the place where the boys' spirit is needed. Play ball! MICHAEL PLEI8CIIHACKER, Sec'y, Lodge 631. ED. NOTE:-The omitted part will sppear later, space permitting. WEST POINT PIONEERS POWER POINT. OHIO.- We are all set for our dance that ia to be held on Decoration Day (May 31) at the Slovene Home In Chuck's Hollow, snd we hope to see some of the mem* bers from our neighboring lodges en this dsy, We are guaranteeing them all a good time. Don't forget that we always have the best of everything at our celebrations. Frank Barbie from Cleveland will furnish the music. So anyone that likes to dance, here is a chance to dance to the best of music, and the ones that dnnt know how, now Is1 the time to learn. We will be serving good old l*isey't beer snd the best of eats. We're sure that you won't want to miss our dance on this day. So don't forget, all roads lead to Power Point on this day. The admission prices are 30c for • adults and 10 cents for children from 12 to 16 years of age. That Is a very that ARE YOU AN ACTIVE MEMBER7 Are you an active member, The kind that's liked so well, Or are you just contented With the button on your lapel ? Do you attend the meetings, And mingle with the flock; Or do you stay at home, And criticise and knock? Do you take an active part To help the work along, Or are you just satisfied to be The kind that just belong? 0 Do you ever go to visit A member vho is sick; Or leave the work to just a few Yet talk about a "clique?" i. So eome to meetings often And help with hand and heart; Don't just be a member, But take sn active part. Think this over, brother. You know right from wrong; Are you an active member, Or do you just belong? The first picnic this season will be held by the Slovene Home of Gowan-' da on Memorial day. Music by George damson, Harry Hager and a drummer. We urge members of Gowanda Boosters to attend. The Boosters started their baseball season with victory over their opponents on May 16. John Bachen pitched 13 strikeouts in the game at High-* land Park in the first League game, in which the Boosters met Ellicott-ville, snd iq the ninth Inning, with three on, he pegged one home to Bsrnes for a double play. Johnny to Barnes to Corbertt. He allowed only six hits in the ninth inning. Good work, boys, we are proud of you! I AGAIN I URGE OUR MEMBER8 TO GIVE THE BOYS MORE SUPPORT! COME OUT AT LEAST WHEN THEY PLAY AT HOME AND CHEER THEM TO VICTORY! MEM-' BERS PLEASE DO YOUR PART! While I am on this subject of sth-letics I will ssy that our Lodge spent close to $1000 for it since it was or-! ganixed in 1931, and that without athletics we will never 1» able to build one of the LARGEST and most ACTIVE SNPJ lodges in the stote of N. Y. And for sll of thst we received from the SNPJ Athletic fund 826. We slwsys hear stories that you can not get something for nothing. Well, that goes to our SNPJ organisation also. We can not build E. S. Lodges without financial support for athletics. What was done here could be done in other places also, but there are eome lodges which ueiegaieB twice und, be courrted est^r On« mii|CiiiviiMi >ir uciiif wm|,ravw . ? — - -- - ■--»-- " ------ the committee In charge. In all prob-1 are not able financially to support NOTICE. CHICAGOAN8! I .awn bowling has always been a popular sport and pass time among the «embers of the Slovene Labor Center Socisl Club. There are two beautiful courts on the Center's grounds both of which are kept quite busy during ths summer timfc and will be especially so this summer when the lewn bowling league which If now being organised among the members gets into full swing. The only quslification necessary to get Into the league is that you are a member of the Social Club, On the committee in charge of organising ths league are tho following members: Joseph Turpin, Anton Andres and Justly Zajec. If you are interested in getting on one of the teams get ability, a very enjoyable evening will be spent by all* who attend. John Bisyak and his orchestra will ren-, der mueic for the evening. A large number of Excelsiors will no doubt help celebrate oli' this Msy 29 evo. The Iocs I seWidr Lodge 122 has lost s loysl meihber, namely, Frank Michic. He wai a well known Aliquippa resident, and at the time of, his death was treasurer of both the locsl SNPJ lodge snd lodge "Sokol." He wss also the father of our Presi- j dent, Joseph Michic. Our heartfelt sympathy to thé surviving family. JEAN SMftttflAR, Lodge 721. flowiwdi Booster» GOWANDA, N. Y.—Gowanda Boosters join in with all the other lodges in wishing the E. S. Federation of SNPJ lodges of Western Pa. succes for their second TRI-STATE SNPJ PLAY DAY. which will be held on June 13 at Meyers' Lake Park, Canton, O. We urge the Boosters to round out a contingent and participate In the festivities. How many Boosters will go? We will be getting all the information from Bro. Lawrence Andolsek, Louise Huch and Amelia Andolsek before this article comes out in the print. We have made some excellent trips, the last one only last in touch with this committee as soon | May (girls) to Detroit, and we have as possible. The closing date for always had a good time. We can receiving applicants is June 16. I make this a jovial trip, too. Let's —D. go. Boosters! sport activities from their treasuries. I^ets' hope that our convention goes on record to help us in this case in the future. It will bring a lot of new members into our organisation. Mr. Joseph Zelnik is our new csn-didste; proposed by hie wife, Frances. How about your sonny, Joe and Frances ? JOHN MATEKOVICH. Lodge 728. NOTICE TO MEMB8K8 Membera who submit itema audi aa a "Car* of Thank*," a "Memorial," a "Surprint Party NoUm," a "For Kai« Ad," or aay other similar Ham for publica t loti tai Prosvata, ptaaae nota that all saeh Itaam ara considered advertiaemaata and ara charged at regalar advertising ratea. No aad» itema, therefore, eaa be published fret of chavfa. Philip Godina, Maaaffar. Bttin Niw Sibttribtrs fir the "PIOSVETA P Convention Sideline« — Mr. John Slapnik, florist, furnished each delegate with a pink rosebud every day of the convention as well as decorating the banquet tobies Saturday evening. The convention voted him a vote of thanks for his pleasant, friendly gesture. — Women delegstes are few but active. Sis. Ambroxich serves as teller and Sis. Alesh on the by-laws committee. — A familiar figure is Mary Iva-nush, who records the daily progress as well as the humor of the convention for Enskoprsvnost. — It took two women to espy s forgotten bsllot in s hat—the ballot that tied the number of votes for Col-linwood and Pittsburgh as the next convention city. A roll csll vote resulted. — Every afternoon the Enakopravnost carrier distributes his papers with "Fresh News!" "Fresh News!" What other variety grows in Cleveland? — After the first roll call vote, two delegates insisted thst they voted thst only one vote should ¡d. Who didn't say: hon-One convention officer suggested they be nominated for Society treasurer. — Some of our English delegates are not lexicographers. They would arouse suspicion of an entire delegation over the usage of "executive" and "administrative" lest the one give more authority than the other! — Around 60 delegates accepted nominations on the committee for determining traveling expenses and per diem. Who said all the personal interests of our members have been trampled? — The Declaration of Principles along with ito clarifying amendment paased without dioeenaion and debate from the floor! What next, Lemont? — The Slovene Workmen's Home, of Collinwood, prepared a free supper for the delegates, Mondsy evening, Msy 17. The cooks and waitresses are to be complimented on their service and management. — One delegate was certain that great precaution was necessary in setting up the finance committee because in the future our Society would need to invest from 16 to 20 millions of dollars. So much for the optimistic spirit of the delegation. — A loud speaker helps to compensate the poor acoustics of the convention hall. It is connected with the kitchen where listeners csn sit at the tobies snd resd the newspsper while the proceedings sre hesrd—s Is baseball manner. — One delegate desires that it be clearly explained that the large num- ber of telegram« and from the Lemont interf,"* Chairman states tljgt H a¿i stood that none were epiJSjJ -In spite of th, hoiplt4llta tended, one deleft« p front steps of the evening. Maybe too much of thing is fatal, too. . — Why do not sll th« r^ reporters take sdvanug, ttf table furnished them i„ W, J Auditorium? Would that toa? «pnthat all cannot be heard si?! fore not all can be reporUd JJ — Yet in all tyrneu, jt ^ said that one delegate wan Lemont for the next convent«» He voted for it every t.me-^ roll call. ^ — For the firat time the a delegates held a caucu, and a to support certain section, in A laws pertaining to sick benefit. Seam tar fob« fetU.U i-o-Tl M Spranimi! zi m il pravimo, kupiti §| ksro TW ü. g Auto Financ* Co«,« TS aatoesckilska druiba * ChUsn 1. ¿3 *•« k* polovico. Vsska Urs. kl J, ri, ie praWIno Jimin aaiaj «srtjfti ■ »okli. Nad dv* ito kv u MMnajie re so d isto no»«. »• n|« sitost. T «prejeta od automobil trpovM*. ki ato Z N s platlll svojim tovsrnsrj«B Nsjflasjts is aajvsdja tsfcln -fnO ■ mobil modelov vsoh («dslkev. ps ms*, s ae dajo dspIlelrsU nikjer t taSaJai I vek. MI ABSOLUTNO JAMČIMO» IZJAVO M M le financiramo saks» HmM UaoAs ia tisoče ssdovdjsik «djnSw tudi vate jamstvo ssdovoljtvs. 1M7 Terra planem-i »H B.idu-IM S | Ckevroieta—lili Perde-lt!« rick«*-| Pontiacs—1IM P1rme«tfcs-ltM T.rmfal iti« Ded»es UM Ckrrsl«f»-IMt Gnk* t SM Lafsrettes—»e polertial «si k kateri cele manj ke peievitss mas. Imamo tudi UM—ltU-lMf Ckevrsiets. isdelkov ia modelov kar isdsissik Ml kar vssas ia se dobe ests is Ml vam JamiImo, da vam »rikrtslai i M VAM NI TREBA TAKOJ V GOTOVINI Ml vsamemo vala stan piadlle Ia vi laki •Besednik obrokih gor de Vsaka kara aaai ni dsevno jamstvo ia 1« datvae ae. NaeMe kje i i vite as vsa i*»isfe, «i oglodate te isredns ugodnosti. Odprto vsak veder vltevll «k mM* ( • :*> »veter. I.S.MT0 FIIMCECNNI 1249 W. *9rd St. Cer. Letak Chicage. IIL NAJBOLJŠE STAROKRAJSKE KOSE IN MOTIKE NA SVETU 1 •V Starokrajske koee »rane 8TONICH, katere eo rešila, da )!■ nobest« niso par—kakor tudi motike ia drugo—kar le še dobro snsao Blevteoaf vaej Ameriki. Poftiljamo na vee kraje, poštnino plavamo ml. Motike, ročno kovane, po............................ Kose, svane Stonich, s rinko 26-28-30-32 pslccv....... Kose polirsnke, oske, samo 32 palcev dolge........... KosiUa, lepo isdelana, javorjev les................... Brusilni kamni, Bargamo, po 60 centov, boljši po...... Klepalno orodje; kladivo teško, ostro na obeh koncih... Srpi, veliki........................................... ~ RibeŠni xa repo ribati s dvema nošems........I1-25 in V" $!JI 2.60 1J0 2.00 .7» IM JU 4J0 M J Ji Nemške britve $2.76 in po.......................... Starokrajske plošnato pile sa šage brusiti, velike po. Plsnksče, ročno kovane, 6 do 8 funtov po............. Priporočajte naše kose po naselbinah vašim trgovcem, saj jto f ' salogo, da jih bodeto lahko dobili pri njih po isti ceni. V rte «rti« "T šiljamo tudi posteljno in vso drugo pohištveno opravo. P»šiU p« m še dsnes. Prevosnino plačamo mi. Za naslov napište samo; Stephen Stonick, Chisholm, Minn. The John Smiths II..I - .i—I I iea»«»nahl«- pric«. For anyone littlr more rtpenae ««a required than . __, . I. .._______i . —r^ . .... f.n„.... attended i»ur dance on last Halloween predicted Th»- danre that followi-l • _. _ ____,L *_ . . ,___ a^i^k v.. »HI tel you that it waa worth the was a financial aucresa. AdolpH Yer. ' ,__ . _____. , . • a. wi1 ailmiasion just to listen to the music, sin then reported on th« NaU«»nal _ .... ... ^ SNPJ Bowling Tournament hrld in 1 ^ 'ur* ^ T-mKU iMroit on May I and 2 He al.o re-J ^ " ^ * "2,!? ™ „ „ ../,„ time. So we wil he seeing you on ¡KMted that a noting waa heW sfurj (,wors«ion day) the Tournament in regard to a n«w ■ ' athletic resolution He aleo reporte.! that the IMS SNPJ Tournament will be held in Otkago Baseball was the nest order of hua|. neas It was derided that the league have the same schedules as in the past season, and that the fee of 66 remains, a« that of tost yoai. The teams ex. perted to he in the league wete «a follows: Integrity, Pioneers. Was-krgan. Ito Uda ( U>dge *>. B«dgrrs. Jolly A Ilia, snd the La Kalte team, the latter being a new entrant to the kegue. A motion made by John Gole that we have a single round schedule, see* ¡ ____ «nded by Kogovsek. waa carried A 1 City. Pa At the (sat monthly meet motion, made by Y («rweer that a, ing K Heluga aleo proposed a I let's all so to the Pioneers' dane« un I let oration day, is our «logon and we hope that It will he yours, too. Hpeeial Notice I All members possessing admission tickets please return them to me on' Sunday, May SI. JACK POÏF.NEU Sec'y., Lodge 74«. ATI.ANTIC ( OAST FKOKRATfON j PICNIC EM7.ABKTH. N. J.—Hurrah! The (.ndge 640 gained another active member, Bra. Rudolph Draaler who transferred from l*dge ltd. Fereet trophy be given to the team winning the rhampMoehtp m this league It was seconded by J, Kogovsek, Carried. Bro F. (eraser's motion that the trophy should not exceed the amount of III, seconded by J. Gole, member; | Member« are preparing foe the Pirst Annual Ptrntr of the SNPJ Atlantic ('«sat Federation which will be held on July 4 in the Poliah National Home on ISth Av#.t near Speedway, WM tsrried. Á melio* was nad« bj j Ne«ajb, N. J. W« at« ia need (or By Harold Mw ftXvtXPLAlN IT ALU VAT**-! woht »mow <3bt thcw OVtn TO UNION MCAOQOA¡WV « «S I -croRE T»«e SVC o«! ^ a