Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American- Sloyenians Vol. 107 No. 8 USPS 024100 •ISSN Number 0164-68X American Home Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Phone: (216)431-0628 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 Cf-mail: ah@buckeyevveb.coin /vJt* Great Accomplishment of Major Barre by JERRY ZUPAN NEW YORK, NY - If a person who saves one life has the same merit as if saving the whole world, how much more can be said of a man whose courage saved 6,000 lives? This rescuer died on Wednesday, February 2, 2005, just three weeks shy of his 99th birthday. His life and death would have passed unnoticed had not three fateful weeks in May of 1945 transformed him from a modest Canadian army officer into a honored hero with a permanent place in the annals of Slovenian history. Paul Herbert Barre was bom on Feb. 22, 1906 in Montreal, Canada. After Technical College, in 1927, this 21-year-old found employment with the Canadian Laundry Machinery Co. Ltd., and worked there until his retirement in 1971. He started as a factory worker, Progressed to mechanical drawing, advanced to sales, and culminated as the company’s provincial manager in Quebec. The upward-spiraling Pattern in his civilian career 'vas repeated in his military career. In 1923 at age 17, Paul joined the Royal Montreal Regiment as a private, and by 1927 was already commissioned as a captain. When World War II started in 1939, he volunteered, at age 33, and was Sent to Aldershot, England, "'here he was promoted to the rank of Major. In April 1941 he was appointed 2nd in command to Lt. Col. J. A. Calder. Paul’s managerial talent did not go unnoticed, for in Febmary 1943, he be-§an his training for Civil Affairs Staff. His first assignment with AMG (Allied Military Government) was in 1943 with *be USA 5lh Army, from blorth Africa to its landing at Salerno, Italy. From September 1943 until the begin-ning of May, 1945, Major °arre served as provisional Governor at Ferrara^ Italy. In early May, as World War II drew to a close, his next assignment took him to ^e British 8th Army (5th Corps) at the provincial city of Klagenfurt ^jCeldv^jA in southern Aus- tria. At a nearby village called Viktring, Major Barre organized a refugee camp for civilians, mostly Slovenians from Jugoslavia. In mid-June he was assigned to another location and returned to Montreal in October, 1945. At age 39, he resumed his civilian life at his former company, but remained active with veteran affairs related to his Royal Montreal Regiment. Major Barre received only one citation in wartime: an E.D. award (Efficiency Decoration) that acknowledged his success as AMG Provisional Governor in Italy in 1943. His role as savior of thousands of civilians in May of 1945 never received any official commendation. But Mr. Barre never aspired for awards or attention. He was a modest man, as can be proved by a look at how he wrote his own resume. He summed his life in only 28 lines. At the bottom of the page, two items were added almost as an afterthought. One phrase mentioned his E.D. award, followed by this humble sentence, “P.S. It was while at Viktring that I was of some assistance to the Slovenes in their not being forced to return against their will.” The modesty of this postscript belies the historical import of his act of courage, and deserves the following explanation. In the beginning of May, 1945, the Nazis surrendered, and the postwar phase of the reconstruction of Europe had begun. At this time. Major Barre was simply a Canadian officer in AMGOT (Allied Military Government of Occupied Territory) adjoined to the British 8th Army headquartered at Klagenfurt, Austria. He was ordered to investigate reports of refugees conglomerating at the village of Viktring at the outskirts of the city. Imagine his surprise, and consternation when he first caught sight of a sea of 25,000 people of all ages, plus horses and wagons of baggage, milling about the fields and hillsides, like the rim of a wheel with a Cistercian monastery as its hub. Twin camps were quickly formed: one camp controlled b/the British Army to hold 15.000 former military personnel, and one camp for the 10.000 civilians that fell under Major Barre’s jurisdiction. Barre’s first move was to organize a camp committee, presided by a renowned and respected Slovenian physician Dr. Valentin Mersol. The doctor had studied at Johns Hopkins University, thus conversations in English facilitated the forging of their bond of friendship. The hardworking and cooperative Slovenians were eager to help their solicitous Canadian Major who had no staff yet, but knew how to supervise. The major faced and immediately addressed critical needs: drinkable water, medical treatment, obstetric care, nearby housing for children and mothers, milk for infants, and unarmed camp police to maintain order and security in the still-dangerous postwar chaos. A pair of equally energetic Red Cross nurses and a handful of other humanitarian personnel soon joined Major Barre. Evaluations of the Major, whether from the diaries of his associates or from refugees, were of one accord: he was a “charming and self-effacing man, patient with the refugees, does his best for them...” If the story were to end here at the third week of May, Major Barre, as being a talented humanitarian, would have been only briefly remembered and quickly forgotten. But within a week, Major Barre would encounter a personal crisis: whether or not to obey a direct military order to participate in a secret postwar crime against humanity. Unknown to Major Barre and all refugees in southern Austria, wheels had been already set in motion for forced repatriations that spelled death for the thousands of anticommunist refugees soon to be dropped into communist hands. Top-secret was the keyword: the plan’s conception, its provisions, its execution, and most of all, its masterminds. Even 50 years after the deed, anyone who even approached the subject risked being muzzled permanently, such as what many believed apparently happened to his- torian Count Nikolai Tolstoy, whose research book was removed from every bookshelf in England. The world must wait for future historians to expose “The Last Secret.” Many a reputation might fall, but one person who will never have to hang his head in shame is Major Barre. In the last week of May, the civilian camp watched the military camp dwindle day by day as the Slovenian Homeguards were purportedly being transported by the British to Italy. A sinister ruse, since in reality all 11,000 were repatriated, sent to Yugoslavia, and massacred. In five days the military camp was empty. In the same five days, rumors and anxiety were increasing in the civilian camp, until the last day in May, when two news items spread through the camp like wildfire, leaving ashes of despair. First, the double-cross of the Homeguards was confirmed, but worse, word came that the civilian refugees would undergo the same journey starting the next morning. There was much despair since everyone had fled to Austria to reach British pro- tection to save their lives from the communists. Utterly defenseless, realizing that their last protector planned to betray them, they had no place else to flee except to the chapel at the adjacent Cistercian Monastery to make their final peace before the inevitable end. Late afternoon on May 31st, as Major Barre and Dr. Mersol were returning to the camp from a sick call, the major was summoned to report immediately to Military Camp HQ, where Lt. Hames, commandant of the military camp, announced that the civilians would be repatriated. He told Major Barre to have the first contingent of civilians ready for departure first thing next morning. According to the British plan, in three days, the civilian camp would be empty. All 6,000 men, women, and children would be sent to Yugoslavia. Major Barre was stunned. Dr. Mersol exploded his outrage at the death sentence, so much that Lt. Hames ordered the doctor to leave the room, but Major Barre defiantly countermanded the lieutenant’s order and told Dr. Mersol to remain. Col. (ret.) Thomas and JoAnn Strauss of Kileen, Texas, proudly announce their daughter, Jennifer, (left), has successfully completed the requirements tor a Masters of Counseling degree. She has fulfilled the necessary intern hours and taken two Texas state board exams, Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Jennifer, has worked for a non-profit organization that benefits disadvantaged children for JVi years. She is now a psychotherapist in private practice. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Ann Zgonc of Willowick, Ohio. Congratulations to all! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 A Salute AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 , AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) * /' James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor ■' biov vinih* Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovini Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir A (; 7 , . Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 .-letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland,. OH 44103-1692. NAROČNINA: No. 8 February 24, 2005 Reflections from Rudy: Meeting at Disney World to Slavko Avsenik Slavko Avsenik (Photo by JIM DEBEVEC) by RUDY FLIS This past week our company had its annual meeting at Walt Disney World, and a free afternoon spent at Ep-cot. There were about seven of us that hung out together that afternoon, having a good time together on the rides, eating and soaking up the sun. I stayed off the rides that spin, so I would not duplicate that old feeling I had on the ship Genefal Greeley while crossing the Atlantic on my way overseas so long ago. It seemed we walked forever. When we exited a ride, the next ride was never close. It seemed to be a country mile down the road apiece. The seven of us were like a convoy of supply ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean to England during WWII, with me setting the speed, a bit slow for the younger ones, but no torpedoes struck, and sailing through the park was smooth. We had to be off the last ride so we would be at the American location by seven o’clock for our company dinner. Boy, was I starved. I had a glass of wine on a very empty stomach, which eased my hunger pain a bit. The table was covered with a table cloth and a bunch of silverware and glasses and cups and it was elegant. We were a party of three women and four men, all friends from work. I was able to enjoy my dinner with a lovely lady seated on each side of me. They are both fun and I knew my dinner would be most enjoyable, as I had the best location at our table. The waitress came around with the salad. I was so hungry, I had a fork in each hand, patiently waiting for that tasty salad. The waitress served the two ladies on my left first. As my mouth flooded with juices triggered by the aroma of vinegar, the waitress went right by me and put the salad in front of the lady on my right, and broke my heart. Then she put the salad in front of me, finally which caused me to say, “I thought you forgot me. From behind me she surprised me with a big hug, and whispered in my ear, “Ladies first.” I felt like a jerk, and then my buddies started riding me about the hug they didn’t get. So what happened? The waitress came over behind me and hugged me again. Why? I don’t have a clue. But I completely enjoyed it. That gal made my day. The one young guy in our group couldn’t figure it out, as I sat there with my goofy grin, and I didn’t care. I am not a flirt, but I did enjoy those two hugs, which went perfect with a perfect day, and I’ll remember them for a long time. And it was great to get home to Therese and the delicious lemon meringue pie that was waiting for me with many more hugs. You have just seen the words of a blessed man. by NATAŠA MARVIN _____Sinfo____ The dean of Slovenian polkas and waltzes Slavko Avsenik, also known as the King of Polka and the Johann Strauss of .the 20Ih century, celebrated his 75,h birthday on the 26th of November last year. This world-renowned musician has recorded more than 600 songs with his band. With his accordion and his fresh melodies he has achieved the distinction of becoming part of European national popular music forever. The beginning of Avsenik’s music goes back to 1953 when Slavko . Avsenik established his trio in Ljubljana. This grew to become the Gorenjski Quartet in 1955 and then into the Avsenik Brothers’ Quartet. Together with his brother Vilko, he laid the foundation for a completely new and original form of national music. The Avseniks have for four decades been the ambassadors of Slovenia all over the world. The band of the Avsenik Brothers has in its many years of existence recorded more than 50 albums and received one Diamond, one Platinum and 31 Silver, and 31 Golden Discs. They have recorded more than 600 compositions, mostly polkas and waltzes; many are already considered as standard folk songs. Up until 1991, Avsenik’s compositions were played on more than 120 media outlets, and altogether there are more than 31 million versions of cassettes and LP’s sold. Avsenik’s “Na Golici” is considered to be the most played composition in the entire world. The dream story of the Avseniks success is mostly a story of the hard work and talent of the Avsenik brothers. The ascent of the Avsenik band coincided with the popularity of radio as a medium. Many other factors influenced their success: Slavko’s creativity, savoring musical traditions, Vilko’s music talent, the specific combiria-tion of instruments, the dancing quality and joyfulness of the compositions, their simple lyrics, the author’s immediate response to the reaction of audiences, market adjustments without lowering the quality level, quality production and showmanship. Last but not least, their humor is a fundamental component of their lyrics and stage presence. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina CHURCH BULLETIN BLOOPERS! (Found on the Internet, authors unknown) □ The Fasting and Prayer Conference includes meals. □ The sermon this morning: “Jesus Walks on the Water”. The sermon tonight: “Searching for Jesus”. □ Our St.Mary’s basketball team is back in action tonight at 8 PM. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King. □ The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled due to a conflict. □ Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. □ For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs. □ Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get. □ Barbara Jones is in need of A+ blood. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Father Joe. Q A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in church hall. Music to follow. □ At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be “What is Hell?” Come early and hear our choir practice. □ Scouts are saving aluminum cans, glass and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. □ Potluck supper Sunday at 5 PM - prayer and medication to follow. □ The eight graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet this Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend tliis tragedy. □ Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy . lunch. Two Millionth Renault 3 Major Barre... (Continued from page 1) Arguments of international laws regarding civilians, talk of humanity and accusations of British duplicity merely increased the lieutenant’s displeasure. He was asked to delay executing his orders until the Major and the doctor could drive to nearby Klagenfurt and intervene with AMG (Allied Military Government). The doctor recalled that the Major was in such inner turmoil from shock, disgust and shame that he was visibly shaking during their drive. To the doctor’s professional eyes, it was obvious that Major Barre had been unaware of the deceit by his superiors. At 6 p.m., they arrived at the D.P. (Displaced Persons) department of AMG. Major Johnson was already waiting. Dr. Meršol implored Major Johnson to intercede for asylum for the refugees to avoid persecution and death. Major Johnson asked the doctor to step outside in order to consult privately with Major Barre. History does not record what Major Barre said during the next several minutes. He was aware his military career was on the line; the penalty for disobeying an order was harsh. He also realized his honor and integrity were on the line. What words could possibly stop the official British pro-Tito policy and ail the secret machinations of forced repatriation of noncombatant civilians? Whatever words were said, Major Johnson was influenced to make a flurry of phone calls. Thirty minutes later, the doctor was recalled into the office and heard the following words, “No forced repatriations of the civilians.” Four days later, Field Marshal Viscount Harold Alexander, commander-inchief of the Mediterranean Area, traveled to this obscure civilian camp of Slovenian refugees. History does not record what compelled a Field Marshall to want to speak in person with a Slovenian doctor and a Canadian Major of AMG. History does record Alexander’s subsequent orders to prohibit any further evacuations from Viktring. Unfortunately, there had been no miracle for tens of thousands of other refugees, Russians and other nationalities held in other DP camps throughout Austria. At these camps, British guns faced inward insf ad of outward; brute force preceded repatriation, and death followed. If only these victims of Yalta had encountered a heroic savior of Major Barre’s caliber. In the middle of June, 1945, Major Barre was reassigned. In a farewell speech, Dr. Meršol thanked the Major for saving the lives of the civilians with these prophetic words: "Unfortunately, we are unable to properly thank you for your help rendered to us, except with cordial gratitude. But there is One above the stars who does not remain a debtor and who will recompense all of your good deeds.” Twenty-five years after. their farewell at Viktring, Dr. Meršol wrote the following words in a personal letter to Major Barre: “... the Vektring camp. Until the place of these great soldiers (Homeguards) and civilians is recognized by the world as having fought and died for their ideals and beliefs, there can be no freedom and justice for all as we Americans proclaim it. Thanks to you, most of us are alive today and free, so for your act of courage at that historic moment, you remain to us forever a friend. May God bless you always. Saving one person is like saving the world. Since you have saved not merely one person, but all the progeny of that person, Major Barre this tribute was written by a person whose life is somehow indebted to you. My parents were two of the 6,000 civilians you saved in 1945. My own five children know the story of your courage as will their children in turn and so forth. You can surely rest in peace and in history, Major P. H. Barre. Your act of courage has saved more people than you may ever know.___________ This article was submitted for publication by Mr. Zadnikar of St. Vitus Village in Cleveland. Catholic Mission Aid Dinner Catholic Mission Aid Society (MZA) will have its annual benefit dinner in the St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) parish center on Sunday, Feb. 27. Serving of roast beef and chicken dinner will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donation is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. All proceeds will help support the efforts of evangelization of Slovenian missionaries in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Ohio Genealogists Meet The Ohio chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society International will meet on Tuesday, March 15 at 7 p.m. The new location for meetings is Recher Hall, 20713 Recher Avenue off East 200 Street in Euclid. The topic for the evening will be “Passing on Family Lore.” You will leam how oral histories help researchers gain a better understanding of a family’s past; you will also discover some interesting techniques you can use to get the most out of an interview. Anyone interesting in finding out more about Slovenian ancestry is invited to attend. If you need directions to Recher Hall or have any further questions, please call Rose Marie Jisa at 440-230-2251. Housekeeper/-Cleaning Lady Needed Cleveland Heights and Gates Mills areas. Please call 216-402-9780. Must have own transportation. Home for Sale Lovely Brick Ranch on quiet cul-de-sac street in Richmond Heights. New R^f, Furnace w A/C, Carping, Custom Wood Cabinets in Kitchen - DW & Appliances; 3-4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Din Rm, WB fireplace in Liv Rm & Rec Rm, with 2nd Kitchen. Storage areas throughout, Attached 2 C Garage, Fenced Yard, Electricity in Storage Shed, $159,900. Call owner (216) 731-3282. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-486-1105 Automobile manufacturer Revoz on Wednesday, Feb. 9 produced the two millionth Renault car since an agreement was signed with the French car-maker in 1972. Through constant improvements in production, Revoz has become one of the most efficient plants in the Renault system, the company’s chairman Marecel Brouiller said. Revoz has recently introduced a night shift to increase production and added 400 workers to its payroll. According to Brouiller, 150 additional workers will be employed by the end of this month to increase the plant’s daily output to 800 Cilos. Small Slovenian hotels have set up an association in a joint effort to secure their future development. The idea sprang from the fact there are an increasing number of small, family-run accommodations in Slovenia. These are as a rule located outside major tourist centers. Although set up in 2003, the cluster will come to life only now when all the projects are on the table. The group currently has 30 hotels, but its head Janko Kac believes it should have at least 40 to 50 members. Even without utilizing the full night-shift capacity, 2004 was a record year for the auto-maker as almost 132,000 Cilos were produced. Cilos are made in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. The cars are mainly sold in Western Europe, notably France, Italy, and Germany. The car-maker started off in 1972 with the legendary Renault 4, followed by the compact Renault 5, which became one of the most popular cars in Slovenia. The plant has produced Cilos since 1993. Cilos have for years been the most popular cars in Slovenia - their market share last year was 12.37 percent. --Philip J. Hrvatin It is expected it will take at least five years to establish a new trademark of Slovenian tourism. The association intends to advertise small hotels under the working slogan, “Home with Slovenian hotel families.” The partners have agreed to develop 10 holiday packages, such as cycling and motor touring, hiking and riding, family packages, vitality trips, healthy diet programs, business and conference tourism, wine routes, fishing and gaming. —Philip J. Hrvatin Ažman & Sons Market 6501 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216-361-0347 E-mail: frankazman@msn.com We ship anywhere: Smoked Sausage - Fresh Garlic Sausage Želodec, Potica, Imported Foods from Europe In business at this location since 1924 TAX TIME IS HERE Come in or Call Us for an Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5158 BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216)481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 in Euclid, Ohio - - EMERGENCIES -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185th Area 531-7700 COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) Small Slovenian Hotels to Unite AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 ŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Street A Bit of Irish Humor 2 w 1 by RAY MLAKAR I am not going to say anything about the weather for it seems that whenever I do, the Good Lord throws more snow my way, but I guess at this time of year we have to take what comes. Perhaps all of our readers will have to agree this past issue of the American Home really tugged at the “heart.” 1 have to commend John Mercina for sending in the last article written by Ben Stein and the other fine editorial written by Hank Bo-nutti, “Reflecting on my brother Alex Bonutti.” It goes without saying that both articles were well written and tugged at the heart and without a doubt gave us words of wisdom to live our own lives. The Bonutti parents can certainly be proud of their family and without a doubt gave us a “pathway” to follow. I am familiar with where the Bonutti family first lived in the St. Clair -Bonna, and Glass Avenues and the Cimperman grocery store which closed down a few years ago. In that area is where my own mother first lived, working in restaurants before she moved to the West Park area. I just finished cooking veal with gravy and I learned my lesson and this time the veal as well as a pot of soup will make their home in my freezer. Since I purchased the computer I learned that you cannot do two things at one time for you cannot tend to the stove and play with the computer at the same time. If you do, I promise you what is cooking will go into the heap pile. I started on the early shift today, 8 a.m., and first closed the door to the computer room and then placed the phone on the answering service, and voila, five hours later, I had food fit for a king. Happy Harry, my Cairn Terrier, wanted to sample some of the veal but I told him, “No way, today is Friday and today we fast. Tonight you are getting pierogies or fish, take your pick,-' and to tell you the truth, I don’t think he was happy with either suggestion. But then that is his loss and my gain. Well, I won’t go on in this article about the Army Reserve Center, but have some timely tips for all our readers, so take out your scissors and cut away. These hints will put you on your spouse’s good side. Before we get into these, I did not gain this knowledge myself, so let’s put credit where it belongs. I owe this wisdom to my brother, Frank Mlakar * *. 1 vm.V' of Erie, Penn. (Thanks, Frank). Are you ready? Sealed envelope. - Put in the freezer for a few hours, then slide a knife under the flap. The envelope can be resealed (hmmmmm). Use empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. It keeps them neat and you can write on the roll what appliance it belongs to. (Frank you are always thinking.) For icy door steps in freezing temperatures: Get warm water and put “Dawn Dishwashing Liquid” in it. Pour it all over the steps. They won’t freeze. (Wish I had known that 80 years ago.) Crayon marks on the walls? This worked wonderfully. A damp rag, dipped in baking soda. Comes off with little effort. Permanent marker on appliances / counter tops. Try rubbing alcohol on paper towel. Presto, it is gone. Whenever I purchase a box of S.O.S. pads, I immediately take a pair of scissors and cut each pad in half. After years of having to throw away rusted and unused and smelly pads, I finally decided that this would be much more economical. And now a box of S.O.S. pads last me much longer. In fact I have noticed that the scissors get sharpened this way, too. (Hey, Frank; you are a genius.) Okay, one more. Blood stains on clothes? Not to worry. Just pour a little hydrogen peroxide on a cloth and proceed to wipe off every drop of blood. Works every time. (Now what to do with the body?) Well, I have a whole lot more from Frankie Mlakar, ^ Harry / but I don’t want to fill four pages of the newspaper all at once. Could go on, but I promised that during Lent I was going to cut the column short. In closing, May the good Lord bless and keep you all in good health. Virtues of Moderation French scientists studying 1,389 people in their 60s found that women who were moderate wine drinkers scored higher on tests of mental acuity than did teetotalers. Australian doctors who scanned the brains and tested the intelligence of 201 elderly men discovered that those who drank regularly for decades were just as sharp as abstainers. Their brains looked as healthy, too. The nearer you come in relation with a person, the more necessary do tact and courtesy become. --Oliver Wendell Holmes McQuillan walked into a bar and ordered martini after martini, each time removing the olives and placing them in a jar. When the jar was filled with olives and all the drinks consumed, the Irishman started to leave. “S’cuse me,” said a customer who was puzzled over what McQuillan had done. “What was all that about?” “Nothing,” said the Irishman, “my wife sent me out for a jar of olives.” A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink. “Why of course,” comes the reply. The first man then asks” “Where are you from?” “I’m from Ireland,” replies the second man. The first man responds: “You don’t say; I’m from Ireland, too. Let’s have another round to Ireland.” “Of course,” replies the second man. Curious, the first man then asks, “Where in Ireland are you from?” “Dublin,” comes the reply. “I can’t believe it” says the first man. “I’m from Dublin too. Let’s have another drink to Dublin. “Of course,” replies the second man. “What school did you go to?” “Saint Mary’s,” replies the second man. I graduated in ’62.” “This is unbelievable,” the first man says. “I went to St. Mary’s and I graduated in ’62, too.” About that time in comes one of the regulars and sits down at the bar. “What’s going on?” he asks the bartender. “Nothing much,” he says, “The O’Malley twins are drunk again. A Slovenian priest and a Rabbi get into a car accident. They both get out of their cars and stumble over to the side of the road. The Rabbi says, “Oy vey. What a wreck.” The priest asks him, “Are you all right, Rabbi?” The rabbi responds, “Just a little shaken.” The priest pulls a flask of whiskey from his coat and says, “Here, drink some of this; it will calm your nerves.” The Rabbi takes the flask and drinks it down and says, “Well, what are you going to tell the police?” The priest says, “I don’t know you are going to tell them, but I’ll be saying I wasn’t the one drinking.” SHELI6A DRUG, INC. Vbur Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX . Amertean'lltpress W* m0S* mai°r inSUrance Pla"S • Discover • MasterCard • Visa • WlC - Food Stamps » Manufacturers Coupons Visit Us! • Photo Finishing • Package & Mailing Center • FAX Service • Keys Made • Layaways • Contact Lens Replacement FISH FRY DINNER MENU ISH DINNER: Tavern Battered Pollack or Baked Cod $8.00 iHRIMP DINNER: Breaded Shrimp $9.00 MEROGI DINNER: Potato & Cheese Pierogi $6.00 :OMBO DINNER: Tavern Battered Fish ft Breaded Shrimp $10.00 All Dinners include New England Clam Chowder, ■ranch Fries, Cole Slaw, Bread & Butter, Dessert and Coffee •IDE8: lew England Clam Chowder $1.00 rench Fries $1.00 'ierogi-Each $1.00 lessen $1.00 Begins February 11, 2005 of Slovenian ^ona|HoinC FISH FRY PLACE: THE CLUBROOM 6409 St. Clair (Rear) 216-361-5115 WHEN: EVERY FRIDAY (During Lent) Dinner Served: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. (Take Out Available) Polka Music 7:00-till 7 Slovenian National Home 2005 Man of the Year Donald Slapnik Congratulations! Federation of Slovenian National Homes Annual Awards Banquet Saturday, March 12,2005 Doors Open 2:00 P.M. Dinner 4:00 P.M. Program 6:00 PM. Federation Man and Woman Of The Year ** Ken Zalar & Gene Drobnič Monthly Socials Last Wedesday of the Month Lower Hall $10.00 Ticket admits 2 Music and Refreshments _________Come Join Us!________ Join us for a Nite At the Races Friday. ApjrN 22. 2005 'TTVI ■'■'■i UvAr- sJ^>an Go lie. Funeral Homes Two Convenient Locations 28890 Chardon Rd. Willoughby Hills 440-944-8400 (Formerly Grdina) 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland (Collinwood Area) 216-486-2900 A Slovenian Family Serving the Slovenian Community. Dignified-Personalized-Professional Services Dan Cosic and Joseph Zevnik, Funeral Directors . •*«•*«.« * * » • « A- >. A.*..!* The Exemplary Life of Alex Bonutti Talk given by Roger Alan Swanson, Chairman and CEO of Ashen / Allen in Corpus Christi Church in Piedmont, Calif., on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2005 during the Mass of Christian Burial of Alex Bonutti. As we grow older we come to treasure the rare, the exceptional, the pure. It is that which we encounter rarely - maybe even only once in our lifetimes - that by virtue of its rarity, we ascribe great value. A person like Alex is one of those rare finds. And like most valuable things, we don’t always recognize what we have until we have only the memories of it. Alex was extraordinary in so many ways, not just a few. He was talented. He had integrity. He was always kind and caring. He had a sunshine smile, and an absolutely ice breaking laugh. He was a walking encyclopedia - he could talk about any thing - a true intellect. He was everyone’s big brother. In fact, I think he could have been a professional big brother. All of these extraordinary qualities are what made him such a good teacher and leader. Anyone of them would have made him good, but he had them all. The sum of these characteristics no matter where he went always made him an extremely popular and sought-after mentor. People saw such wonderful and unusual qualities in him, and such successful results in all that he did, that they wanted to learn how to be more like him. For those of us who knew him for a long time professionally, we came to know a Alex Bonutti very talented and dedicated architect. His greatest traits however didn’t exactly fall in the realm of creating architecture. His uniqueness really resided in the way in which he related to the people that were a part of the slow and often times painful-process of creation - clients, design colleagues, and builders. He was first and foremost a humanitarian, who deeply believed in a certain way of dealing with his fellow man. He made everyone that he dealt with feel important, heard, and respected. He was quite a master in handling sticky situations, and a consummate diplomat when it came to bringing contentious sides to common ground. Now when we have debates or arguments we can always bring into the discussion that which he might have said. And we can argue over what we thought he would have said. One thing about his arbitration skills was that he did this with an amazing amount of control. The only times I ever saw him get upset were when he had to deal with the unethical behavior of other people. This was a real af- front to his own unquestionable integrity. Even in these instances, however, he treated the offenders with much more respect than the rest of us would have. Of all that he taught us, I believe it is his humanitari-anism - evidenced in the way he treated everyone -that he would be most proud of if we were to try to be more like him. Alex had a lot of great work in architecture left in him that will never have a chance to come out and be expressed. When I think of all that could have been contributed by him in the coming decades, I am very sad that we will never enjoy that - that architecture has lost a great potential. However, there is one very wonderful thing to console us in this loss of possibility. Alex taught. People have learned. People have learned how he did things, and they have begun in their own lives to do things more like him. Alex’s work was great. But, Alex’s work is unfinished. All of the rest of us can now take what we’ve learned from him and go do it. Alex, we can finish it, and we will. Thanks for teaching us... Shade and Color. Thanks for inspiring us. We’ll miss you. FISH FRY Every Friday by Auxiliary of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo-Cleveland Fish - Shrimp -Pork Chops Goulash, etc. Take-outs: 216-^481-5378 Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry Two Convenient Locations • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 • CLEVELAND 5227 Fleet Ave. 1-440-473-1920 641-1760 Report of Arctic Warming WASHINGTON - Scientists say changes in the earth’s climate from human influences are occurring particularly intensely across the Arctic, evidenced by widespread melting of glaciers, thinning sea ice and rising permafrost temperatures. A study released Monday said the annual average amount of sea ice in the Arctic has decreased by about 8% in the past 30 years, resulting in the loss of 386,100 square miles of sea ice - an area bigger than Texas and Arizona combined. While the melting of sea ice, which is already floating, does not raise sea levels, it can speed warming because open water absorbs sunlight, which warms the water. Sea ice reflects much of the sunlight reaching it. Susan Joy Hassol, the report’s lead author, said the Arctic probably would warm twice as much as the earth. A region of extreme light and temperature changes, the Arctic’s surfaces of ice, ocean water, vegetation and soil are important in reflecting the sun’s heat. Pointing to the report as a clear signal that global warming is real, Senators John McCain, R-Ariz., and Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., said the “dire consequences” of warming in the ArctiCj underscore the peed fpjr. their proposal to require.U.S. cuts in emissions of carbon dioxide and other heattrapping greenhouse gases. President Bush has rejected that approach. In the past half-century, average yearly temperatures in Alaska and Siberia rose by about 3.6 degrees to 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit. “These changes in the Arctic provide an early indication of the environmental and societal significance of global warming,” says the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, a four-year study by 300 scientists in eight Arctic-bordering nations, including the United States. This most comprehensive study of Arctic warming to date adds yet more impetus to the projections by many of the world’s climate scientists that there will be a steady rise in global temperature as the result of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels and other sources. 5 Amish Cabbage Vi lb. sliced bacon 1 medium head cabbage sliced 2 small carrots chopped 2 large potatoes peeled and thickly sliced 2 tbs. all purpose flour 13/4 cup boiling water 1 tsp. ground pepper 2 tbs. vinegar Vi pt. sour cream Fry bacon in large skillet until crisp; drain on paper towels, crumble and set aside. Pour off all but 2 tbs. fat in skillet and add cabbage, carrots and potatoes. Stir until all ingredients are lightly covered with fat. Sprinkle with flour, add water, salt and pepper and vinegar. Cover and cook slowly for 50 minutes. Put in serving dish and top with sour i cream and bacon. X Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have and I only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful est I you let other people spend it for you. -Carl Sandburg --- -----J Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribai Attorneys at Law s*, u t'! Omni Bldg., Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue, near 1-90 Euclid, Ohio 44132 216 - 261 -0200 - fax 261-7334 - Probate, Estate Planning Real Estate, Trusts and General Civil Practice ■ •'.ž — • Visit- us st www. hribertaw. com AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 « All About Archbishop Alojzij Uran On Oct. 25, 2004 His Excellency, Auxiliary Bishop Alojzij Uran, archdiocese of Ljubljana and Titular Bishop of Abula, was appointed as the new archbishop for the archdiocese of Ljubljana. Alojzij Uran was bom on Jan. 23, 1945 in Spodnje Gamelje, by the parish of Smarta under Šmarna Gora. He was ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic Church on June 29, 1970 in Ljubljana after completing his studies under the Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana. His first priestly assignment was as assistant pastor, Cathedral of St. Nicholas, archdiocese of Ljubljana. He remained in this position until 1974 when he continued his studies in Rome, primarily in Catechetical and Pedagogical course work under the auspices of the Institute of Salesian University in Rome. He received a Master’s Degree in Catechetics. He then returned to the archdiocese of Ljubljana to become the Rector of Minor Seminary, St. Peter’s in Ljubljana. In 1980 he was appointed pastor, Sent vid, in the same archdiocese. His administrative background includes being assistant dean in the western section, archdiocese of Ljubljana (1981) and after a reorganization of the deanery, its dean. He has also served on the commission for priestly vocations in the same archdiocese. He was appointed and installed as the auxiliary bishop on Dec. 16, 1992. He has remained in this position since. Archbishop Uran is familiar with Slovenian communities worldwide as he has been the appointed bishop for Slovenians Living Abroad the past few years. In 2003 he visited various communities in the United States and Canada, including the Greater Cleveland community. He attended the Baraga Weekend last year in Michigan and was declared “Baraga Man of the Year” for 2004. Bishop Uran replaces Archbishop Dr. Franc Rode, C.M., who was in Febmary 2004 appointed as the head of the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, one of nine congregations in the Roman Curia of the Catholic Church. The Roman Curia is the bureaucratic institution by which the residing Pope of the Catholic Church administers the Holy See and carries out his functions as supreme “governor” of the Catholic Church and as a sovereign diplomatic entity. This congregation deals primarily with religious orders (creating, regulating, and suspending them). The archdiocese of Ljubljana as of 1995, has 304 parishes and 440 priests of which 370 are active in the archdiocese. There are also 248 religious men and 655 religious females with a general population of 877,000 of which 718,000 are stated as “Catholics.” —Stane Kuhar S Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 PERKIN'S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster The next total solar eclipse viewable in the U.S. won’t occur until Aug. 21, 2017. Its path of totality will stretch from Oregon to South Carolina. 12503 fltfDiSON m. SUPERMARKET WKCWOOb. OHIO 44107 216 521 4619 ATTENTION WEST SIDE RESIDENT: WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY (SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... - WE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS, - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 6 AM- 8PM SUNAY9 AMTQ^PM I ‘ua A A A JiUiMCM il ,i .4 i *4 ‘4 U J It 'J ’1 *1 *1 - Coming Events Friday, Feb. 25 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Wayne Tomsic. Friday, Feb. 25 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216)481-5378. Friday, Feb. 25 Fish Fries every Friday during Lent in the Slovenian National Home Club Room,6409 St. Clair Ave. (rear). Serving 5:30 to 8:30. Take outs available. Sunday, Feb. 28 Slovenian Mission Aid Society (MZA) Annual Benefit Dinner in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Parish Community Center. Serving of chicken/roast beef dinners from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Donation $10 for adults and $5 for children. Friday, March 4 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216)481-5378. Friday, March 4 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Stan Mejac. Friday, March 4 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St., Fish Fry, Walleye or Shrimp, pierogies, mac & cheese, potatoes, coleslaw, bread & butter, beverage, dessert. Donation $9.00. Serving from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 5 Moonlight Bowling, Slovenian National Home, Newburgh, 3563 E. 80th. $25 per couple includes bowling, meal and prizes, from 6:30 p.m. Reservations 1-440-243-4062 or 440-524-8915. Friday, March 11 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Frank Moravcik. Friday, March 11 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216)481-5378. Saturday, March 12 Federation of Slovenian Homes Banquet, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Tickets $22.00. Each Home has tickets. Genevieve Drobnič and Ken Zalar are top honorees. Sunday, March 13 A day at the races presented by Collinwood Slovenian Home. Donation $6.00. Includes sandwich, soft drink and beer. Doors open at 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 15 Ohio Chapter of Slovenian Genealogy Society International meets, 7 p.m., in Recher Hall, Euclid, OH. Friday, March 18 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Wayne Tomsic. Friday, March 18 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216)481-5378. Friday, March 18 Slovenian National Home, Newburgh, 3563 E. 80 St., fish fry, walleye or shrimp, pierogies, mac & cheese, potatoes, coleslaw, bread, butter, beverage, dessert. Donation $9.00. Serving from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 20 Slovenian National Home, Newburgh, 3563 E. 80 St., Easter Bunny Brunch with Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults $8, and children under 12 - $4.00. Friday, March 25 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216) 481-5378. Tuesday, March 29 St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Post 1655 anniversary dinner-reverse raffle in St. Vitus School Hall. Further information or tickets call Richard Mott (216) 531-4556. Saturday, April 23 St. Vitus Slovenian School perform play “Žogica Nogica” in honor of Mother’s Day in parish auditorium. Sunday, May 1 Annual Dinner-Dance of Holmes Ave. Pensioners at Coll. Slov. Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Dinner at 2 p.m. Dancing to Ray Polantz 3-7 p.m. For tickets see members or call (216) 531-2088 or (440) 943-3784. Everyone welcome. Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. Death Notices WILLIAM V. EDWARDS William V. Edwards of Phoenix, Arizona, passed away peacefully on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2005 at the age of 78. He is survived by his beloved wife of 55 years, Jean (Debevec); and his children Marie (Sam), Bill, Jim, (Kim), Cynthia, (Joe), Kathy, (Scott), Chris, (Neal), and his 15 grandchildren and great-granddaughter. The family requests memorials be made to Hospice of the Valley, 1510 E. Flower Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85014 or the Saint Vincent De Paul Society. Visitation was on Wednesday, Feb. 9 from 5 to 8 p.m., with rosary at 7:00 P-rn. at Messinger Indian School Mortuary, 7601 E. Indian School Rd., Scottsdale. Funeral services were held Thursday, Feb. 10th at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 2121 South Rural Road, Tempe. Entombment at Queen of Heaven Cemetery. JENNIE H. KOBAL Services were held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 19, 2005 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Collinwood for Jennie H. Kobal, 89, who died Saturday morning, Feb. 21 at Manor Care Nursing Home in Willoughby, Ohio. Jennie was bom on September 5, 1915 in Thomas, West Virginia, a daughter of John and Amalia Vidmar Lubelshek where she was a Member of St. Thomas Ro-ttan Catholic Church, the family moved to Johnstown, FA when she was five. Her husband, Stanley, whom she married in 1931 had a band called the Airlin-ers which performed in the 1940s and 1950s. Stanley and Jennie lived in Girard, Ohio for most of their married life and were members °f Trinity Evangelical Lu-theran Church as well as being lifetime members of SNPJ Lodge #643. Jennie Was also a member of the Coyalites Lodge of Cleveland. Jennie worked at the Youngstown Sheet and Tube as a crane operator during ^Yorld War II, managed Pa-gano Dry Cleaners in Girard for 20 years, and was a buyer f°r Charles Shops Clothing Store in Girard for 10 years. Ronnie moved to Willoughby ln 1998 to be with her children Norman and Sandi. She was a member of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Collinwood. Jennie is preceded in death by her husband Stanley, who died Sept. 8, 1997. She is survived by son Norman Kobal, a well-known musician and his wife Betty of Mayfield Heights, and a daughter Aleksandra (Sandi) Kobal-Habat of Denver and Euclid and her husband Mark Habat of Euclid. Another son Stanley Thomas and his wife Janice Parsons Kobal are deceased. Jennie also leaves a granddaughter Laurie Kobal Avey in Girard; daughter-in-law Marilyn Meyers Kobal of Girard; brother-in-law Rudolph Kobal and wife Rose of Girard; a granddaughter Sherry Nadler of California; grandsons Bradley, Gregory and Garth, all of New Jersey and Connecticut; and a granddaughter Sarah of Texas. A granddaughter Suzanne is deceased. Jennie also leaves 10 great-grandchildren including Emily Nadler for which Emily’s waltz was written by grandfather Norman. In addition, Jennie leaves 5 step-grandchildren in the Cleveland area as well as two step-granddaughters in Pompano Beach, Florida. A sister Mollie Terček is deceased. Friends called from 3 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 18 at Zele Funeral Home, 452 East 152 Street. Funeral services were held Saturday morning, Feb. 19 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Collinwood. The family requests all contributions be made to St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church (Holmes Ave.) or Trinity Lutheran Evangelical Church in Girard, Ohio. ELSIE ŠPORAR Elsie Šporar (nee Ger-betz), 87, passed away on Saturday, Feb. 19, 2005 at University Hospitals in Cleveland. Elsie was bom on May 17, 1917 in Marlinton, WVA. She resided in Highland Heights, OH for the past 49 years. Prior to that, she lived in Cleveland. Elsie was a former president of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Guild. She is survived by children Alice Šporar, Dorothy (Jack) Toma of GA, William J. Šporar and Maria (Thomas) Neff of GA; grandchildren Dr. Michelle (Phillip Harrold) Toma- Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 q li Jl li V„j| • V*i ^ Harrold of GA, and Michael Toma of AZ; great-granddaughters Danielle and Emily Toma-Harrold; siblings Isabel (Raymond) Šporar , and Daniel (Alberta) Gerbetz; sister-in-law of Marge Gerbetz and Clyde Whittemore. Deceased family are husband William C., siblings Zelda Whitemore, Frank, Paul, William and Joseph Gerbetz; sister-in-laws Ann Gerbetz and Katherine Gerbetz. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH on Wednesday, Feb. 23 from 4-8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 24 at St. Paschal Baylon Church, in Highland Hts., OH. ■ Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Thx Sewices 496 E. 200th St.. ' Euclid, OH 44119- (216)404-0990 Fax (216} 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccounting.com Enrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Servidn^JnrSviduals Corporations & Small Businesses. In Loving Memory of the 10th Anniversary of the death of our beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and sister Frances Novak (nee Orazem) Died Feb. 27,1995. In Life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place No one can ever fill. Sadly missed by: Children: Ray, Norb and Dolores In-laws: Lil, Jean and Tom Sister Marie, and y maining relatives ^tmnpsville. OH Thanks Please accept the $35.00 for one year subscription and $5.00, a small token of “Thank You.” I enjoy getting the A.D. to know what is going on in the Slovenian Community. Thank you for your dedication in preserving the Slovenian culture. --Vida Švajger Richmond Hts., OH Donation Thanks to Tom and Maria Štepec of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Likes ‘Refuge’ Series I would like to pay for my subscription and for my parent’s subscription to Ameriška Domovina. We both enjoy the newspaper very much. I have especially enjoyed the “Life in the Refugee Camps” series. It has made me appreciate even further the hardships my parents enduring their own DP camp experience. My parents are Stefan and Josephine Zorc of Rye, Colorado. --Tom Zorc North Canton, OH Large Donation Thanks to Rudolf and Victoria Kolarič of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a great $65.00 donation. Large Donation Thanks to John and Barbara Kamin of Middle Village, NY who renewed their subscription and added a wonderful $65.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Mary Sawyer of Brecksville, OH who added a $15.00 donation to her subscription renewal. She writes, “Enjoy the paper very much. Keep up the good work.” In Memory Thanks to Mary Cermely of Rocky River, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of parents. In Loving Memory of ROSE POPRIK Died Feb. 26,1999 Gone, but never forgotten. Miss you very much. Your dear friend, Emma Marczis In Memory Thanks to Amalija Champa of Richmond Hts., OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of her husband, Joseph Champa,:, Caroline In Memory Thanks to Brush of Parma, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of parents John and Caroline Koncilija. Caro- line writes,_ “We enjoy the paper very much.’ Donation Thanks to Ed and Olga dicker of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation. They write, “Included is a $15.00 donation to your fine newspaper. We enjoy reading it.” Lenten Fish Fries St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) community center will be the location for fish fries on Fridays during Lent beginning on Feb. 11 from 4 to 7 p.m. Fish dinners are $7.50 which includes home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, dessert and coffee. Shrimp dinners are $8 and this year they will also be offering crab cake dinners for $8. Combo meals are $8. Macaroni and cheese dinners and ‘A meals also on the menu. Take-outs will be available. Adult Surfers The following metropolitan areas have the highest percentage of adults, 18 years old and older, accessing the Internet. San Francisco .........72% Miami/Ft. Lauderdale... 67 Raleigh-Durham, NC ... 66 Houston............... 65 Seattle.................65 San Diego..............64 Washington, DC.........64 Austin, TX.............63 Cleveland/Akron........62 Atlanta................61 m JO c/5< Donation Thanks to William Skerl of Parma, OH who renewed his subscription and added a great $35.00 donation. 0 C s c < z > "11 K tr jo C > jo -< K> -fc. to o o LTl Donation Thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Novak of Milwaukee, WI who renewed their subscription and added a great $35.00 donation! hVl07 MA v VAKJčfi AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 24 2005 Students from Slovenska Sola pri Sv. Vidu recently delighted residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. in Cleveland with a singing performance of traditional Slovenian songs. John Srsen accompanied the group on guitar and Anthony Culkar joined in on the button box. Vitus Slovenian School) Words of Wisdom from Ray Mlakar He who serves others, serves himself. Great mountains of happiness grow out of little hills of kindness. Thanksgiving is when one species stops gobbling and another starts. The surest way to get somewhere is to know where you are going. Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t. Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece. Ml,:. I', Success usually comes to those who are too busy to look for it. Music is a picture painted on a background of silence. A cloud can’t cast a . shadow unless the sun shines behind it. A discussion seeks what is right... an argument seeks who is right. The one rowing the boat is never the one who rocks it. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. i n:i!tl I n '1 !!!!:■: i* I-J-.: Don’t do only what you like to do, but learn to like what has to be done. Compassion is what makes a person feel pain when somebody else hurts. It isn’t our position, but our disposition that makes us happy. The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without it. Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know. ,i ", ;; >.rit. Gewerkenegg castle, official headquarters and central exhibition area of the Indrija Municipal Museum. Gewerkenegg Castle Gewerkenegg castle was built between 1522-1533. Up until World War II, it was the headquarters of the second largest mercury mine in the history of the world. In recent years, the Idrija Municipal Museum, established in 1953, has renovated the castle almost in its entirety, transforming the castle complex into a spacious museum exhibition area, as well as the venue for numerous cultural events. In 1955 the museum set up an extensive exhibition titled “Five Centuries of the Mercury Mine and the Town of Idrija.” The exhibition covers most of the first floor of the castle with 11 exhibition rooms. Visitors are offered professional guidance and given the chance to reexperience five centuries of life in Idrija during its mercury era. The many documents, photographs, objects, models and an attractive exhibit entitled “Mercury Treasure” speak of those by-gone times. The second floor houses paintings donated by Valentina Orsini Mazza, the memorial rooms of the writer France Bevk and the politician Dr. Aleš Bebler, as well as an ethnological presentation of the life of a typical Idrija miner. A special attraction is specimens of Idrija lace, the fruits of a 300-year tradition, which are frequently exhibited by museums throughout Slovenia and abroad. The Idrija Municipal Museum has developed into a major regional cultural institution. Its achievements are gaining recognition in the broader European world. On April 19, 1997, Idrija Museum received the distinguished Luigi Micheletti Award in Lausanne, Switzerland. With this flattering award, the Museum was proclaimed the best European Museum of industrial and technical heritage in 1997. The museum presently cares for numerous natural attractions, technical and cultural / historical monuments such as the former miner’s castle Gewerkenegg, the Idrija Gallery, the Idrija miner’s house, Francisca’s Shaft, the Idrija Kamšt (water pump), Divje jezero (Wild Lake), the Klavze (water barriers) on the Idrijca and Belca Rivers, the Slovenia Partisan Printing Shop on Vojsko plateau, the Cerkno Museum, the Franja Partisan Hospital in Dolenji Novaki near Cerkno, and the home of writer France Bevk in Zakojca. --Slovenia Weekly Stock Market Update Helium was up, feathers were down. Paper was stationary. Fluorescent tubing was dimmed in light trading. Knives were up sharply. Cows steered into a bull market. Pencils lost a few points. Hiking equipment was trailing. Elevators rose, while escalators continued their slow decline. Weights were up in heavy trading. Light switches were off. Mining equipment hit rock bottom. Diapers remain unchanged. Shipping lines stayed at an even keel. The market for raisins dried up. Coca Cola fizzled. Caterpillar stock inched up a bit. Sun peaked at midday. Balloon prices were inflated. Saxophones blew a sour note. i Thanks to stock broker Philip Hrvatin for this humor. Hollywood Actress Learns how to Make Slovenian Strudel by MARIE TOLOMEN Tribune Press staff writer CHISHOLM, MN - Actress Sissy Spaček came to the Slovenian Home in Chisholm Monday (Feb. 7) to learn the art of making apple strudel as part of the production of the movie “Class Action.” Upon arrival, Spaček, the movie’s director, Niki Caro, and Sissy’s assistant Sally Harper found the women of the Slovenian Home kitchen in full strudel making mode. The apples were all Peeled and sliced to perfection, the dough was prepared and ready to be stretched, and a sugar and cinnamon mixture that would be sprinkled on top, was ready to go. With Slovenian polka music playing in the background, the women proudly shared the baking tradition °f their heritage. As they revealed each step. Spaček and her crew watched intently so they wouldn’t miss any important details. After the first strudel was stretched to perfection, Spaček assisted the women m placing the apples in rows along the length of dough. Once the apples were in place and sprinkled with cinnamon, Spaček Stepped back as the women demonstrated how they rolled the dough. In just a blink of an eye, the women rolled the cloth supporting the dough to create the completed apple strudel. Spaček laughed with amazement as she stared at the finished leg of strudel. “Oh, my word,” said Spaček as she collected her thoughts. The women accompanying Spaček were equally impressed as this was new to them as well. Spaček, who admits she is a pretty good baker herself, was eager to try her hand at stretching the next strudel. Once she got the hang of it, she was able to stretch the dough with ease. “I bake pies at home, but only twice a year,” said Spaček as she concentrated on the task at hand. The Slovenian women looked on anxiously as Spaček made her turn around the table stretching the paper thin dough. After she had successfully stretched the dough, Spaček encouraged Caro to get involved in the fun. So the famous actress, Caro and the Slovenian women worked side by side to bring another leg of strudel to completion. Kitchen Chair Dolly Brusacoram was pleased with the day’s events. “She was really good,” said Brusacoram of Spacek’s ability to stretch the dough. “There were no holes and no mistakes.” According to Brusacoram, Spaček enjoyed the experience so much that she is having Brusacoram mail her a Slovenian cookbook so that she can make strudel at home without skipping any vital steps. The strudel making experience may have left a lasting impression on Spaček, but it wasn’t the only memory she took from Monday’s visit. “Getting to know these ladies was the best part,” Spaček said. Thanks to Edi Gobetz of the Slovenian Research Center of America for this interesting article. Cooking Corner Tips To Help You Stir Up A Healthier Meal In Thirty Minutes (NAPS)—Celebrated TV Foo Network chef Rachel Ray con hel you create healthier recipes i minutes, using yogurt mch has 83 percent fewer gram 1 mt than sour cream. Ray says, “So many times HUick meal equals an unhealth ne- I try tn show people that the eally can get a great tasting ealthier meal in 30 minutes ogurt is a great ingredient to us 8 o replacement to reduce th mount of fat and calories am ake your family’s meals mor autritious." n Try these easy tips from Kachc ■ ay that help make eating health r deceptively indulgent. *PS to Make a Meal Healthiei L Chicken Curry in i y Urry—Combine Dannon® Plaii a ®Urt> curry paste, lemon juici Sp otlantro in a shallow dish a jSon boneless chicken with sal n« PePPer- Add chicken to yogur CLUae ar>d coat evenly. Cool sid en ^°r ^ ^ minutes on eacl g 6 in two separate batches 'vitb6 ’nsi i.iH FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina Ti i a »i rj:. I- ^! r*Ti ^« AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (DSPS 024100) Thursday, February 24, 2005 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER - Vesti iz Slovenije - Barbara Brezigar kandidira za generalno državno tožilko - Velika verjetnost uspeha Slovenska predstavnica v Eurojustu, stalnem organu EU za pravosodno sodelovanje, Barbara Brezigar je pretekli petek na pravosodnem ministrstvu vložila kandidaturo za Prosto mesto generalnega državnega tožilca. rejem njene kandidature, ki je Brezigarje-Va ni hotela komentirati, so na ministrstvu Potrdili. Brezigarjeva kandidatura je bila pričako-',ana> saj se je o njej govorilo že od par-amentarnih volitev dalje. Mesto generalnega državnega tožilca je nezasedeno od apri-a lani, ko je takratna tožilka Zdenka Ce-^ar nastopila funkcijo pravosodne ministrice. Pjošno mnenje je, da ima vladna koalicija Več kol dovolj glasov v državnem zboru za ■zvolitev Brezigarjeva, ki ji utegnejo pod-Preti tudi nekateri poslanci iz opozicijskih 0z- nevladnih strank. Izbrisani” zopet v središču pozornosti Izbrisani se po začasnem zatišju vračajo jned vroče politične teme v času, ko se izajo obletnice, povezane z njimi. To so-oto bo namreč preteklo trinajst let od izrisa 18.305 neslovenskih državljanov, ki so 0 tega dne v Sloveniji imeli stalno prebivališče. V začetku aprila pa bo minilo dve f}1 02 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID Fg® THE AGED PRESCIPTlONS Številen obisk na letošnji Pristavski noči CLEVELAND, O. - Pripravljali smo se na Pri-stavsko noč in upali na lePO, ne premrzlo vreme. Ko se je bližala sobota večerje in plesa, so bili Ogledi na lepo vreme dokaj slabi. Pripravljali smo dvorano in kuharice so pridno kuhale. Sneg je malo pojenjal, a ceste so Kile zelo slabe. Tony Petkovšek je imel oddajo in Je poklical mojo ženo Sredo, če se bo zabava vseeno dogajala. Breda je rekla da kuharice kuhajo ln da zabava ne bo preklicana. Ura je zvonila 6. zve-^r in ljudje so zunaj dvorane že čakali. Metka Zalar je bila malo živčna, ker ni vedela, koliko ljudi bo prišlo. No in ljudje 80 prihajali in ob pol osmih nas je bila že Polna dvorana. Bili smo Presenečeni - manj kot ljudi je manjkalo, čez 400 jih je pa prišlo. Uvala lepa vsem vam Članom in prijateljem Slovenske pristave, da ste kljub neugodnemu vremenu vseeno prišli na Sristavsko noč. Večerja je bila okusna, kakor vedno. Po večerji Sva jazs in Marjanca Vo-§el imela nagovor. Največ v ljubeč spomin °K deveti obletnici smrti Jakob mejač 25. februarja 1996 Pozabili Te ne bomo Vse do konca naših dni; v srcih bomo Te nosili, dokler nam iivfjenje tli. Njegovi žalujoči: roj. Erzar - žena ~*ane> Edi - sinova denka Zakrajšek in rnarda Ovsenik - hčerki ,nda, Sonja - snahi Van, Tone - zeta ra»ce - brat v Sloveniji • ostalo sorodstvo Euclj.1 a’ Ohio, 24. februarja 2005. U30A .mr i ■* ■* *333* a ** **a Sjj* -*,3.3;*.* 8; sva govorila o novi dvorani, ki jo nameravamo povečati. Mislim, da sva vse prisotne prepričala, da je večja dvorana res potrebna. Še ta večer sta g. in ga. David Turk darovala tisoč dolarjev v namen gradnje, za kar se jima iz srca zahvaljujemo. Nato sta projekt podrobneje orisala Stane Krulc in Miha Košir s tkim. "power point presentation”. Če je kdo še dvomil o potrebni novi dvorani, sta nas Stane in Miha prepričala, da ni drugega pametnega izhoda, kot da se lotimo tega projekta. Slovenska prištava šteje čez 700 članov in je odbor mnenja, da bomo dobili njih podporo tako gmotno kot moralno. Po predstavitvi projekta je začel igrati ansambel Staneta Mejača in je bilo plesišče nabito zasedeno celi večer. Z veseljem smo opazovali, koliko mladih se je udeležilo Pristavske noči; to nam kaže lepo prihodnost in nam tudi potrjuje, da naš trud ni bil in ni zaman. Med pavzo smo imeli žrebanje dobitkov za vse navzoče. Dobitke so Pristavi darovala razna podjetja. Najbogatejši dar je bil televizor, poklonil ga je podjetje Pako Inc. Vsem podjetnikom za darila izrekamo najlepšo hvala. Kakor že ve veliko let, je tudi letos cvetličarna Jimmy Slapnik darovala nageljne za žene in dekleta, za kar so in smo mu zelo hvaležni. Točilnica Je bila dobro založena: tokrat smo prvič prodajali Union pivo iz Ljubljane. Mlajši so bili navdušeni nanj. Zahvaljujem se vsem odbornikom, ki so kakorkoli pomagali pri tej prireditvi. Vam pa, dragi člani in prijatelji Slovenske pristave, najlepša hvala, da ste prišli v tako velikem številu, in to še posebej kljub slabemu vremenu! Milan Ribič | BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš lisi! in.'vorrtoo n Dr. DUŠAN PETRAČ, strokovnjak pri Jet Propulsion Laboratory v Pasadeni, Kalifornija, o svojem slovenstvu... Tudi vesolje ima tisoč obrazov II. del - konec Skrivnost veselja Vaše specialno znanstveno področje je raziskovanje tekočega helija za vesoljske polete. Ste se za to področje odločili zavestno? Doktoriral sem iz fizike nizkih temperatur in začel razmeroma zgodaj uporabljati lasersko tehniko za zapletene detektorske metode. Ko sem se vključil v delo NASI-nega laboratorija v Pasadeni, so se pokazale potrebe po hlajenju infrardečih detektorjev pri temperaturi blizu absolutne ničle, in tako sem se vključil v projekt, ki naj bi po 40 letih raziskovanj dokazal ali ovrgel posledice Einsteinove relativnostne teorije. Sam pa sem tako postal pravzaprav edinstven specialist na področju raziskav tekočega helija. Ob omenjenih raziskavah smo razvili tudi posebno tehnologijo za nove poskuse v znanstvene namene, kar bi bilo brez poskusov s tekočim helijem nemogoče. Pomembno je bilo predvsem odkriti, kako uporabiti superfluidni helij za hlajenje infrardečih detektorjev. Tem odkritjem sem sam prispeval levji delež, saj sem bolj kot kdor koli drug na svetu razumel posebno uporabo superfluidnega helija v breztežnostnem prostoru. Je torej breztežnostni prostor vezni člen med vašimi raziskavami in vesoljem? Tako je. Infrardeče detektorje pri infrardečem astronomskem satelitu snu^ morali hladiti na minus 270 stopinj Celzija, tj. na eni ali dveh stopinjah Kelvina. To pa je bilo mogoče samo s superfluidnim helijem, torej s helijem v posebnem stanju. Poleg tega smo želeli s poskusi s helijem pri nizkih temperaturah odkriti tudi način in možnosti delovanja elektronike pri nizkih temperaturah. Mnoge snovi se namreč popolnoma drugače obnašajo kot superprevo-dniki; in prav lahko se zgodi, da elektronika, ki pa lahko le še ugibamo pri normalni temperaturi odlično deluje, pri nizkih temperaturah povsem odpove. Zato smo morali narediti celo posebno električno omrežje. Vse to je bilo seveda v funkciji raziskovanja vesolja, za morebitno uporabo na satelitih ali za poskuse na vesoljskem taksiju. S svojimi poskusi ste prišli do ugotovitve, da ima vesolje lahko različne podobe. Kako je to mogoče? Glavna sila, ki drži skupaj vesolje, je gravitacija. Z detektorji, o katerih sva govorila, pa lahko gledamo vesolje tudi v drugih valovnih dolžinah, ki nam odkrijejo drugačno podobo. Naše oko je na primer prilagojeno eni oktavi valovnih dolžin, v naravi pa imamo še celo vrsto drugih žarkov, rentgenske, ultrardeče, infrardeče, žarke gama in radijske valove ... In ker vesolje seva v vseh mogočih valovnih dolžinah, lahko v določeni valovni dolžini odkrijemo podobo vesolja, ki Je v drugih valovnih dolžinah sicer nevidna. Vzemimo, recimo, infrardečo svetlobo, ki je toplota. Vsi jo sevamo, optično pa jo zaznamo le s posebnimi detektorji. Kaj pa življenje v vesolju? Je mogoče še kje drugje razen na Zemlji? Doslej je bilo v drugih osončjih odkritih 121 planetov, morda večjih kot Zemlja. Obstajajo pa že projekti za raziskovanje vesolja, s katerimi naj bi odkrili planete, podobne Zemlji. Potem Joseph L. FORTUNA Modemi pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! po verjetnostnem računu: .če je v naši galaksiji, torej med 4 milijardami zvezdi, vsaj na enem planetu življenje, kolikšna je ta možnost pri milijardah galaksij? Če je v eni galaksiji samo ena Zemlja, pa jih Je v vesolju lahko kar veliko. Navsezadnje, le zakaj naj bi prišlo samo na Zemlji do takih kemijskih kombinacij, iz katerih Je nastalo življenje ... atom je pač atom ... Prepričan sem, da je življenje normalna posledica razvoja materije, ki ni nujno omejena le na Zemlji. Drugo pa je vprašanje dokazov o tem življenju. Razdalje v vesolju so tako zelo uničujoče velike ... Do najbližje zvezde, denimo, so štiri svetlobna leta, signal z nje pa bi do nas potoval štiri leta s hitrostjo svetlobe, 300.000 kilometrov na sekundo. Za primerjavo naj povem, da je Sonce oddaljeno od Zemlje okrog 500 svetlobnih sekund, Luna pa le dobro sekundo. In vendar razmišljanje o' možnostih naselitve drugih planetov. Marsa denimo, v ZDA za mnoge ni več znanstvena fantastika. Mars je naš najbližji satelit, na njem lahko zgradimo tovarne, ustvarimo umetno atmosfero, ustanovimo umetne kolonije ... Pravzaprav je Mars edino nebesno telo, na katerega se lahko v primeru ekološke katastrofe umaknemo. Če bi prišlo do atomskega spopada na Zemlji, bi se ljudje lahko umaknili tja, predstavniki človeštva pa bi lahko začeli vse znova, od novega Adama in Eve dalje. To je seveda fikcija, vendar močno na meji stvarnega. Ljubo doma, kdo ga ima Zadnja leta se radi vračate v Slovenijo, kjer ste navezali intenzivne strokovne stike. Kje je največ zanimanja za sodelovanje? Zaenkrat pri mariborski univerzi, s katero imam najtesnejše stike. (DALJE na str. 16) hm m m mm m m mm m • »' mmmmti^mm m mm m mm mm m mm mm m m a ■ m •STSVXgtFXri i Z diplomatskih opazovalnic - Cleveland piše IVAN SENIČAR - V. del - Politična emigracija in lopata usode V Beogradu, od koder sem prišel v Cleveland, sem vsak dan preživljal pestro sožitje Srbov, Črnogorcev, Hrvatov, Bosancev, Makedoncev, Slovencev. Jugoslavija se mi je zazdela kot reka, ki teče v več smeri hkrati in ima več bregov. Politiki, ki sem jih srečeval, so si srčno prizadevali za državno enotnost, ki pa naj bi temeljila na njihovih lastnih interesih. Razlike, tudi povsem človeške, so bile globoke, mostovi strpnosti so nevarno nihali, nezaupanje je bilo kot anestezija. Glavni so bili Srbi, ki so z večino v armadi branili državo in njen red. Slovenija je bila provinca, njeni voditelji niso bili srečni z državo, bili pa so zadovoljni s sabo. V ZDA sem ugotavljal, da so izseljenci, ne le povojni, tudi stari, ohranili vse zamere in spore vsaj zadnjih sto let, in to kljub topilnemu loncu Ameriške. Zvestoba izseljencev staremu kraju in domačim vzgledom je imela tudi svojo drugo stran. Šele v Clevelandu so mi postala nekatera nasprotja v Jugoslaviji bolj jasna, otipljiva, tudi razumljiva. ❖ V pripravah na delo konzula so me podrobno poučili o politični emigraciji, kdo je kdo in kakšne so nevarnosti njenega trojnega delovanja: mogoče diverzije v Jugoslaviji, vpliv na tuje vlade in kroge, napadi na jugoslovanske točke v tu- jini - od letal, ladij, razstav do diplomatsko-kon-zularnih predstavništev, torej tudi name in na mojo družino. Spomin na to, da sta mlada Hrvata aprila 1971 na Švedskem ubila veleposlanika Roloviča, je bil še živ. V pisalni mizi sem imel pištolo; vsa leta je nisem nikoli vzel iz pisarne, čeprav me je mikalo, da bi jo prestavil v avto, saj sem tedensko potoval v oddaljeni Pittsburgh. Ostala je nedotaknjena, hvala Bogu. ❖ Po informacijah iz Beograda (1970) naj bi bilo v tujini več sto nevarnih skrajnežev in na deset tisoče sovražnih oseb, med njimi 61 odstotkov Hrvatov, 18 odstotkov Slovencev, 14 odstotkov Srbov in sedem odstotkov Makedoncev. Samo v ZDA naj bi bilo okoli 35 “central” hrvaške sovražne emigracije. V nuji, da bi preživeli, so se emigranti zatekali v mesta, kjer so že bili izseljenci, pomagale so jim katoliške organizacije in župnije. Večina si je poiskala delo in domove, nezadovoljstvo, razočaranje pa sta ostala; zato so se sestajali, izdajali časopise in politizirali na radijskih urah. Pripadniki mnogo narodnosti so si najeli radijske ure, na katerih so predvajali svoje narodne pesmi, objavljali oglase in širili politična in druga stališča. Pozorno sem snemal ne samo zmerjanje Jugoslavije in grožnje It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) konzulatu, temveč narodne pesmi; še vedno imam nekaj deset kaset z glasbo iz vsega sveta. ❖ Clevelandska emigrantska slika je bila podobna. Prevladovali so Hrvati. Prirejali so demonstracije, za 10. april so spravili ustaško zastavo na drogove v mestni hiši, vse njihove radijske ure so bile sovražne. V eni od njih je vsa leta govoril sloviti Janko Škrbin: dokazoval je zločine proti Hrvatom, obsojal Jugoslavijo, svaril pred konzulatom, ob koncu oddaje pa je vedno zadonela Lepa naša. Srbe smo čuli samo od časa do časa, vsaj polovica njihovih radijskih ur je bila nevtralna ali prijazna do Jugoslavije. V Clevelandu je bil tudi sedež Organizacije slovenskih protikomunistov, a jih nismo čutili. Slovenci emigranti so bili sicer najbolj enotni, toda najmanj ekstremni, delovali so civilizirano, nobena slovenska radijska ura ni bila sovražna. ❖ Ameriška politika je bila jasna. Politična emigracija naj v svobodni državi deluje svobodno -razen takrat, ko to moti ameriške interese. Če se je Titu posrečilo, da se je približal ZDA, kot se je zgodilo leta 1974, so emigrantske strune privili, ko pa je zanihal nazaj k Moskvi, so orgle spet zadonele. Tedaj se je ob prazniki)^ v mestni hiši kot pomotoma pojavila usta-ška zastava in gospod Škrbin je zvečer po radiu razglašal, da je Amerika končno spregledala. Mnogo Američanov se je čudilo sovraštvu med Hrvati in Srbi, saj da so si podobni. Slovenci so bii tudi kot emigranti v njihovih očeh kulturnejši: obtoževali so se, zmerjali, pisali članke in knjige, za pretepe in napade med seboj in na jugoslovanske predstavnike pa, hvala Bogu, niso mislili. Zmajčka bo v kratkem zamenjala Karitas Ljubljana - Mestno središče je ostalo brez še enega lokala: Zmajčkovega butika na Nazorjevi ulici. Zaprt je že poldrugi mesec, prostor pa bo po preureditvi namenjen karitativni dejavnosti oziroma natančneje - razdeljevanju hrane in oblek. Za to bo skrbel Frančiškanski provincialat, ki je tudi lastnik lokala in večjega dela drugih objektov od frančiškanske cerkve Marijinega oznanjenja do podhoda v Mestno gledališče ljubljansko. V mestni upravi zavračajo očitke, da storijo premalo oziroma skoraj nič, da bi preprečili praznjenje središča mesta, še zlasti z lokali, v katerih ne strežejo alkohola (Zmajčkov butik na Nazorjevi Je bil eden redkih te vrste). Pravijo, da pri odločanju nimajo velike možnosti, saj so odločitve o tem, komu in zakaj oddajati kak lokal, izključno v pristojnosti lastnikov: v tem primeru torej Frančiškanskega provincialata. D. V. Delo fax, 10. febr. 2005 ❖ Naključno ali po nenaključnem sem se srečeval tudi z emigranti, največ slovenskimi in hrvaškimi, s srbskimi samo nekajkrat. Z nekaterimi slovenskimi, ki so delali v protijugoslovanskih službah, sem večkrat odprto razpravljal o tem, kako živijo ljudje v Ameriki, na primer črnci brez elektrike v njiohovih slu-mih, tudi v Clevelandu, in v socialistični Sloveniji, ki si jo je lahko skoraj vsak od njih ogledal. Včasih sem jim dal prav, včasih so pritrdili mojim pogledom. V Beograd o tem nisem poročal iz več razlogov: informacije, ki sem jih pridobil, niso bile zanimive za protiteroristično obsedenost beograjskih služb, hkrati pa nisem želel, da bi mi ob kakršnem koli nesporazumu med konzulatom in zveznim sekretariatom za zunanje zadeve naprtili sodelovanje s sovražno emigracijo. O nekaterih srečanjih z emigranti že lahko spregovorim. ❖ Kakšno leto po prihodu me je na izseljeniškem pikniku moški srednjih let zrinil ob ograjo in mi šepnil: “Kaj si ti? Slovenec ali Jugoslovan!” Mirno sem rekel: “Zakaj vprašuješ, gospod?” Povesil je temni pogled in močno brado: “Če si Slovenec - je v redu, če si Jugoslovan - bo pa hudič!” Dal sem mu vizitko: “Sem Slovenec in jugoslovanski konzul. Kaj bo pa zdaj rekel hudič?" Medtem so drugi opazili, da se nekaj dogaja-Stopili so med naju k1 ga odpeljali k mizi s kozarci. Še nekajkrat sem prestregel njegov lovski pogled. bro leto pozneje je prišel v konzulat: “Doma mi umira mama. Moram v Slovenijo,” mi je rekel-“Žal mi je, da sem vas napadel, a še vedno sem Slovenec. Upam, da me ne bodo zaprli takoj, ko bom prestopil mejo. Pr°' sim, naj mi dovolijo, da vsaj obiščem mamo. $ naj sploh grem?” Rekel sem mu, da nisem pozabil, a da nC vem več, o čem sva g0' vorila, ko sva se srečala-“Če imate krvave roke iz vojne, ne potujte. Če ničesar takega, pojdite! Odšel je in se vrnil P° nekaj tednih. Obiskal me je in povedal, da je 1113 ma ozdravela, ko ga videla. “Hvala,” je rekel. ^ a\,C vem sicer, kaj vse i to- jim sporočili o meni. da vsi so bili prijazni ** spet bom šel domov. „ do Pospremil sem gd izhoda, nisem mu ottie nil, da najinih sre^0. nisem omenil niti v veniji niti v Beogradu- ❖ Za srbsko novo ^ ne je v konzulatu skal četnik, o katere^ sem imel podatke-latezanjih sem ga sPr f’rinesel je domačo ra^ o. Pokazal mi je ^ tane papirje o s /isokem četniškem n se razjokal. " “Če bi zmagali i*0^, e rekel, “bi bil zdaj In memoriam ... Slavist in jezikoslovec Rado L. Lenček Trst (Novi glas, 10. febr. 2005) - Konec januarja Je iz New Yorka prišla žalostna vest, da je tam v 84. letu starosti preminil znani slavist in jezikoslovec, kulturni zgodovinar in etnograf, univerzitetni profesor Rado L. Lenček. Rodil se je leta 1921 v Mirni na Dolenjskem. Po maturi v Novem me-stu je študiral slavistiko in etnografijo na Univerzi v Ljubljani (1940-44), slovensko filologijo v Padovi (1944-46), študij moderne lingvistike in slovan-skega jezikoslovja pa je nadaljeval na ameriških univerzah v Chicagu (1958-59), kjer je diplomiral, in na Harvard University (1959-62), kjer je doktoriral. v naslednjih desetletjih Se je posvečal znanstve-norazis kovalnemu delu v Severni Ameriki, večkrat Je potoval na znanstvena srečanja v Evropo, tu obiskoval univerze, aka- demije in druge znanst vene ustanove v takratr Jugoslaviji, v Bolgariji h Sovjetski zvezi, prav tak< v Sloveniji po njeni osa mosvojitvi in še drugje. Njegovo življenjsko po So zaznamovale drug: Svetovna vojna in njem Posledice, saj je prot oncu vojne zapustil do movino in se nastanil n: rimorskem tostran (tj. a ^ijl) meje, najprej ^ . ricL kjer sta se mr r°dlli hčerki in kjer jt Poučeval na slovenskih lah, deloval pa je tudi °1 zunanji sodelavec na adiu Trst A z oddajami ^ina za Slovence, . sl°vensko-italijanskih turnih stikov. Po sle-e naših dedov itn. Pi-£ le Za Katoliški glas, emokracijo in Novi list. ^Javljal pa je tudi v slo-v ^skein revialnem tisku, urlanskem Ce fastu?, v vedarjU GMD in še kje. ohi Pomorskih letih je ^aVU ■'nj.go ob Jadra. in v. ^tnoS:r3fski zapiski d,) "diJe (1947) ter ure-iifj, °Vensko marijansko tlk° (1954). s0rTa !956 se je profe-Seli) en^e^ z družino od-Že o V ln tam po sketnmenJenem podiplom-najprpi Studiju predaval (llinoJ na University of ’ od leta 1965 do 1995 pa na Columbia University v New Yorku. V znanstvenoraziskovalnem pogledu je bilo ameriško obdobje za profesorja Lenčka najuspešnejše in najbogatejše. V tem času je objavil vrsto knjig in razprav, ki obravnavajo vprašanja slovenskega jezika, slovansko jezikoslovje in sociolingvistične probleme slovanskih jezikov. Pomembne so tudi njegove študije o delu velikih jezikoslovcev, npr. Jerneja Kopitarja in Jana Baudouina de Courte-naya, prav tako objave o etnografiji in o slovanski kulturni zgodovini. Naslovov je toliko, da jih v tem spominskem zapisu ni mogoče navajati. Še tako premišljen izbor bi bil omejevalen glede na obseg in pomen Lenčko-vega dela, izčrpno prikazanega v Primorskem slovenskem biografskem leksikonu. Prof. Lenček je sodeloval na mednarodnih znanstvenih zborovanjih (Praga, Varšava, Zagreb, Sofija, Oxford itn.) in je tudi sam priredil vrsto mednarodnih srečanj. Bil je član številnih znanstvenih ustanov in je bil leta 1973 med ustanovitelji in prvih deset let predsednik Society for Slovene Studies, znanstvene družbe v okviru kolumbijske univerze (to ne drži, op. ur. AD). Družba pospešuje slovenske študije v angleško govorečem svetu, sodeluje s strokovnjaki na področju slovenistike, posreduje znanstvene informacije, prireja srečanja in pripravlja slovenistične publikacije. S svojim razvejanim in smotrnim delom je Rado Lenček bistveno razširil vedenje o slovenskem jeziku, literaturi in kulturi v svetu. Posameznike in ustanove je seznanjal z dosežki slovenistike in slavistike. Njegova prizadevanja na teh področjih zaslužijo vse priznanje. Za svoje izjemno znanstvenoraziskovalno delo je prejel veliko priznanj, tudi v matični domovini. Bil je npr. dopisni član SAZU, ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo mu je dodelilo častni na- slov Ambasadorja Republike Slovenije v znanosti, leta 2001 je prejel častni znak svobode Republike Slovenije. Na svojih potovanjih po Evropi se je večkrat ustavil v Trstu in Gorici, obiskal prijatelje in z njimi shoval nove načrte. Na Kostanjevici pri Gorici je leta 1996 z gospo Nino, hčerko pesnika in pisatelja Joža Lovrenčiča, obhajal zlato poroko, saj sta se leta 1946 poročila prav v kostanjeviški cerkvi. To je bilo tudi naše zadnje srečanje z njim. Spomladi ga bodo položili k večnemu počitku v njegovem rojstnem kraju na Dolenjskem. Sadovi njegovega dela bodo ohranili svojo vrednost, njegov lik in spomin nanj pa bosta še naprej živa v vseh, ki so ga poznali in cenili. Lojzka Bratuž Z diplomatskih opazovalnic -Cleveland (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 14) neral z vilo na Dedinju, z avtomobilom in šoferjem. In veste, kaj delam tukaj? Čuvaj sem v živalskem vrtu.” Vstal je, udaril je s petama, obraz mu je otrdel: "Nadgledam maj-mune! Majmune!” Vprašal sem, kaj lahko storim zanj. Presenečeno me je pogledal: “Ničesar. Prišel sem, da vam povem, kako me je usoda potisnila na napačno stran. Tega ne morem povedati niti Američanom niti svojim. Pozabite!” ❖ V Clevelandu je več znanih narodnih gostiln, tudi slovenskih. Vedeli smo, v katerih se zbirajo politični emigranti - in se jih bolje izogibati, posebno zvečer, ko se gostje razgrejejo. Nekje na 5. cesti (sfc, možno 55., op. ur. AD) naselja St. Clair je živel tudi Čeh Janek, prileten in slaboten, potikal se je po gostilnah in gledal, kjer bi dobil kakšen kozarček ali dolar. Mlajši Hrvati, besni, ker je ustaški nogometni klub Croatia izgubil tekmo, so pozno zvečer ponudili Janeku sto dolarjev, če gre v najbolj zloglasno četniško gostilno, če si naroči viski in če trikrat zakliče: Bog i Hrvati! Janek je z veseljem sprejel denar in nalogo, zaklical pa je samo en- krat - napol mrtvega so odpeljali v bolnišnico. Z osebjem konzulata, posebno s tajnico in hišnikom, sem vsak dan razpravljal o tem, kako odgovarjati na izzivanje emigrantov po telefonu. Slišali smo nerodno zgodbo. V enem od drugih jugoslovanskih konzulatov je delal precej divji hišnik, Srb, ki je bil sicer partizanski^ junak. Provokacije je ostro zavračal in jih vračal. Hrvaški emigranti so mu pripravili past. Poklicali so konzulat zunaj delovnega časa. Ko se je oglasil hišnik z globokim “Jugoslovanski konzulat. Šta želite?” so mu prekleli mater, očeta, nacionalnost, Tita in Jugoslavijo. Hišnik je pomolčal in sprostil rafal, v katerem je preklel klicatelju tudi otroke, brate, sestre in starše, živino, če jo ima, avto in Ameriko, ki daje streho takim banditom. In na radijski uri smo potem poslušali samo tisto, kar je povedal razjarjeni hišnik. In v Clevelandu so se hahljali izseljenci, emigranti in drugi Američani - celo mi v konzulatu. (Konec 5. nadaljevanja se nadaljuje prihodnjič) Savings Account Life Insurance What’s Best For Funeral Expenses? 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On pričakuje od nas, da bi bili veseli darovalci. Ne samo, da damo svoj čas, imetje in naše talente temveč, da delimo vse, kar nam je Bog dal. Na zemlji smo samo kratek čas in to kot upravniki in oskrbniki; zato na Bog vabi, da velikodušno delimo s tistimi, ki so v potrebi. Dar, ki ga damo, nam omogoča, da lahko rečemo: “V čast mi je, da lahko delim božje darove s tistimi, ki od mene pričakujejo pomoči! Gospod, daj, da bom velikodušen, saj sem vse prejel od Tebe; hvala Ti. Skušal bom biti bolj velikodušen, kot sem bil do sedaj. In to bom storil prav sedaj v postnem času in ne bom odlašal. Od srca do srca iz misijonskega sveta Z Madagaskarja - mesta Vangaindrano - se je oglasil misijonar Klemen Štolcar: “Prav lepa hvala za vaše pozdrave in vspodbudne vrstice. Zahvalim se Bogu za vse in vsem dobrim prijateljem in dobrotnikom. Zahvaliti se mu moram posebno za odlično zdravje v tem okolju, kjer je polno tropskih bolezni. Gradimo, in cerkev z božjo pomočjo lepo raste. Velika cerkev tu v središču je vsako nedeljo premajhna. Tu v okolici bi jih bilo lahko še več, a je delavcev premalo. Prosite torej Gospoda! Trenutno tu v našem kraju že tri tedne stavkajo učitelji, češ, da je riž predrag, plače premajhne. Kar ves otok Madagaskar je prizadet. Država se sicer trudi, kupuje zunaj riž, določi ceno; trgovci pa jo po svoje dvigajo. Še s prejšnjega režima so vsi vajeni podkupljivosti in ta nadloga še dolgo ne bo odpravljena, to čeprav vsi vpijejo: Boj proti korupciji! Preprosti ljudje so najbolj prizadeti. Prosjakov na misijonu je več kot dovolj; da ne rečem preveč. Država nam bo dala nekaj ton riža. Morali pa bomo organizirati preprosto delo, da se riž ne bo delil kar tako, ampak bodo morali ljudje delati zanj in sicer: čistiti kraj, kjer prebivajo, popravljati ceste ipd. Poleg vsega pastoralnega dela, ki ga imamo duhovniki, bo to še dodatno opravilo za nas. Država tudi svojim ljudem ne zaupa in edino osnovno poštenost pričakuje od nas. Bogu hvala za vse. Naj ga sprejmejo tudi tisti, ki ga še ne poznajo, nam pa da milost, da ne bi ovirali Njegov prihod med ljudi. Vesel sem, da sva imela priložnos se spoznati na Srečanju z misijonarji, poleti v Sloveniji. V Gospodu vas prav iskreno pozdravljam in tudi vse sodelavce MZA, ki nam že mnoga leta tako velikodušno pomagate, prav tudi vse dobrotnike. Bog vas blagoslovi, hvaležni Klemen Štolcar.” Misijonarja iz Slonokoščene obale Pavel Bajc in Janko Kosmač sta se prav na kratko oglasila. Na tem novem misijonu sta šele nekaj mesecev: “Spoštovani misijonski prijatelji in dobrotniki! Najprej prav iskrena zahvala za pismo in velik dar, ki smo ga z velikim veseljem in hvaležnostjo prejeli. Še kako nam bo prav prišel, ker smo na novem misijonu in je treba vse prav od nič začeti. Toliko stvari se tudi zadnje čase dogaja, da nam zmanjkuje časa. Se ve, da smo še vedno v gradnji. Trenutno pripravljamo prostore, kjer bomo imeli duhovne vaje in tečaje za razne skupine: kuhinjo, obednico in spalnice. Seveda bo pa po skromnem standardu. Večina bo spala na preprogah, ker ni postelj. Politična situacija se počasi umirja, vendar bo treba še veliko časa in dela, da bo dežela združena in da bo mir. Veliko se moli za mir, vendar se naredi premalo, da bi naša molitev obrodila sadove. Po še drugič kaj več. Bog vas blagoslovi, vaš Pavel Bajec.” Gornjim vrsticam se pridružuje tudi Janko Kosmač in dodaja: “Globoko hvaležen sem vsem pri MZA. Za pokojno Angelo bomo opravili sv. maše. Molimo drug za drugega.” Poverjenica MZA v Windsorju Mimi Martinčič že 32 let, je tudi letos uspela povabiti s pismenimi vabili prijatelje misijonov, da bi po svojih močeh darovali za misijone. 1. - Darovi prijateljev iz hrvaške fare sv. Frančiška Asiškega v Windsorju: za vse misijonarje $185; za gradnjo cerkve sv. Lucijana v koprski škofiji $130, za misijonarja Mavriča $25. Skupaj 13 darovalcev - $340. 2. - Darovi iz Windsorja: za vse misijonarje $267.50; za gradnjo cerkve $70; za misijonarja Mavriča $270. Skupaj 18 darovalcev - $547.50. 3. - Darovi iz Detroita: za vse misijonarje $54; za gradnjo cerkve $173; za misijonarja Mavriča $74; za Radio Ognjišče 50. Skupaj 12 darovalcev - $351. Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanjem v slovenskem svetu Ljubljana - Zaradi novih demokracij na Balkanu, večnacionalnih operacij po svetu in drugih izzivov, s katerimi se spopada vojska v sodobnem času, je treba vojaško kaplanstvo preoblikovati v kaplanstvo 21. stoletja, je na mednarodni konferenci vojaških škofov in duhovnikov NATA in Partnerstva za mir v Ljubljani poudaril glavni kaplan ameriškega poveljstva NATA v Evropi polkovnik Vincent J. Inghilterra. V Slovenski vojski za duhovno oskrbo (vodi jo vojaški vikar, višji vojaški uslužbenec Jože Plut) skrbi pet katoliških duhovnikov, evangeličanska duhovnica ter štirje pomočniki. Delajo ekumensko, odgovorni so za duhovno oskrbo vseh vojakov, ne glede na njihovo vero, prepričanje ali svetovni nazor. Vojaki vseh veroizpovedi imajo na voljo večverske kapelice, na željo več vojakov pa pokličejo tudi duhovnike njihovih veroizpovedi, ki se lahko z njimi pogovorijo in tudi izvedejo obred. Vojaške duhovniki Slovenske vojske v BiH obiščejo en teden na mesec, podobno bodo skušali storiti tudi na Kosovu. V Afganistanu, kjer slovenskim vojakom zaradi praktičnih težav, kot so oddaljenost in sorazmerna majhna številčnost, ne nudijo duhovne oskrbe, upajo, da bi jih letos obiskali vsaj enkrat. Iz Delo faxa, 13. febr. 2005 Prisrčna zahvala, draga misijonska sodelavka v zaledju, za Tvojo zavzetost pomagati misijonarjem ter po njih ubogim. Naj dobri Bog Ti podeli potrebne moči, da boš še mnogo let mogla osrečevati potrebne. Za vzdrževanje bogoslovca v ljubljanskem semenišču $200 (drugi obrok) je dal NN iz Montereyja, Kalif. Še dober mesec pa bodo tu zopet velikonočni prazniki. Vsem in vsakemu posebej želim globoke priprave v teh postnih dneh na Gospodovo Veliko noč. Sonya Ferjan Dušan Petrač: Vesolje ima tisoč obrazov (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) Tam pogosto predavam, pripravil sem jim učne načrte za nekatere strokovne predmete, gojimo pa še druge oblike sodelovanja. Na ljubljanski univerzi teh stikov zaenkrat še nimam, vendar je tudi tu že kar nekaj odprtih vrat. Se pa dejavno vključujem tudi v razprave na teme, ki so mi blizu, in sem tudi tako navzoč v slovenskem prostoru. ^Se vam zdi, da so se odnosi na področju znanstvenih izmenjav po osamosvojitvi Slovenije kaj spremenili, sprostili? Tako povezovanje zagotovo ni več politično stigmatizirano. V času Jugoslavije sem ob obiskih doma naenkrat začutil močno diskriminacijo. Kolega, na primer, nenadoma ni imel več časa zame - očitno se je bal za svoj položaj -, pa čeprav sem v Ameriko odšel povsem zakonito. ’/t’ i • ■ »•,»» . i/ t.. Na Češkem se mi je tudi zgodilo, da sem prenesel pozdrave iz Amerike, pa se je družina ognila stika z mano, da ne bi škodili karieri katerega svojih članov in podobno. Tega zdaj ni več. Skorajda se strinjam s predsednikom Drnovškom, ko pravi, da lahko danes vsak govori, kar pač hoče. Sicer pa ste se že zelo zgodaj odzvali tudi vabilu Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa k povezovanju znanstvenikov iz sveta. Kaj vas je privabilo k temu? Sodeloval sem na vseh treh srečanjih Preko znanosti k edinosti Slovencev. Vodilo srečanj je bilo, da ne gre za politiko, temveč za povezovanje v skupnem interesu, kar mi je bilo takoj všeč. Zato se bom z veseljem še naprej udeleževal podobnih srečanj. Vsa posamosvojitvena leta je v Sloveniji v vA'i’-v«:!:• .';>v.vv *1«’. nJJ! To je res prava slovenska drama. Spravili smo se z Nemci in Italijani, ki so nas pobijali in razseljevali, med seboj pa se nikakor ne moremo spraviti! Zakaj do tega ne pride? Morda zato, ker skušamo spreminjati dejstva. In to je pravzaprav naša drama. To nas hromi in načenja slovensko enotnost. Vedno smo na eni strani mi, na drugi vi, sovražniki in prijatelji. V resnici pa gre samo za ljudi, ki imajo drugačno mnenje, zato sem med drugim močno presenečen nad izrazoslovjem, ki ga uporabljajo nekateri govorniki, ko steče beseda o spravi. Zgodovina govori jasno in dogodkov ni mogoče spreminjati. Zato mora vsaka stran sprejeti dejstva, sprejeti, da so se tako na eni kot na drugi strani zgodili nekateri nedopustni dogodki, in šele potem bo sprava mogoča. Kako odmevajo te razprave v svetu? Politične razprtije so se žal že davno prenesle tudi v svet. V ZDA imamo Slovensko narodno podporno jednoto, imamo pa tudi Katoliško za-jednico. Eni naj bi bili verni, drugi ne, eni pravi, drugi nepravi itn. To pa je za slovensko ljudstvo velika drama; navsezadnje gre za en in isti narod. Intervju je vodila Vida Gorjup PoslnkoviČ Slovenija.svet Januar 2005 NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 11) Leonard J. Sterle Umrl je 82 let stari Leonard J. Sterle, mož 56 let Jennie, roj. Jalovec, zanj žalujejo Marian, Kelsey, Susan Marano, Leonard in Thomas, 13-krat stari oče, brat Johna, Richarda, Eugenea, Edwarda, Lorette Zust, Mi' tzie Loftus in Pauline Lukash, veteran 2. svetovne >n korejske vojne, bil je tudi vojni vojaški ujetnik ter pre' jemnik bojnih odlikovanj-Pogreb je bil 21. februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. No-ela s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM