Scientific paper Osmotic Coefficient of Aqueous Solutions of Cyclohexylsulfamic Acid at the Freezing Point of Solutions Marija Bester-Rogac,1 Cveto Klofutar2 and Darja Rudan-Tasic2'3'* 1 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2 Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. 3 Krog-MIT d. o. o., Trzaska 43, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. * Corresponding author: E-mail: Received: 18-03-2010 Abstract The osmotic coefficient of aqueous solutions of cyclohexylsulfamic acid was determined by freezing point measurements up to the molality 0.65 mol kg-1. The osmotic coefficients were fitted to the Pitzer equation, and ion interaction parameters av P(0) and p(1) were evaluated. The mean ion activity coefficient of the solute was calculated, and the nonideal behaviour of the system investigated was characterized by calculation of the excess Gibbs energy of solution, as well as the respective partial molar functions of solute and solvent. The partial molar excess Gibbs energy of the solute is negative, like the excess Gibbs energy of its solution, while the partial molar excess Gibbs energy of the solvent is positive and increases with increasing concentration of the solute. The solvation ability of water was calculated from the difference between the Gibbs energy of solution of water in solution and that of pure water, and found to be positive and small for the solute investigated, throughout the concentration range studied. Keywords: Osmotic coefficient, mean ion activity coefficient, cyclohexylsulfamic acid, aqueous solution 1. Introduction The use of artificial sweeteners, which show greatly enhanced sweetness compared with sucrose and have very low caloric value, is steadily increasing.1 Non-nutritive sweeteners represent a large commercial market in the field of pharmaceutical compounds and bulk chemicals. Among them cyclohexylsulfamic acid and its sodium or calcium salts are one of the most widely used artificial sweetening agents in foods, beverages and pharmaceuticals. Although no plausible explanation of the molecular mechanism of taste chemoreceptor has been found, several models were proposed to describe the sweetener-receptor interaction, e. g.2-4. The exceptional role of water in the sweetness mechanism which takes into account the solute-solvent interaction in aqueous solutions of sweete- ners, as well as the effect of sweet molecules on water structure was first recognized by Mathlouthi et al.5 In the past many of solution properties of artificial sweeteners were used in interpreting the ease of accession of sweet molecules or ions to the receptor side. The hydrophilic and hydrophobic balance as well as steric factors in the molecules of sweeteners is thought to affect the mobility of water in the vicinity of the solute. From this point of view it is surprisingly enough, that the data about ther-mophysical and thermochemical properties of cyclohexyl-sulfamic acid (on the contrary of its sodium salt) are very scarce in the literature.6, 7 8 9 10 Therefore, we focused a part of our recent studies on cyclohexylsulfamic acid it-self.11, 12, 13, 14 A number of ionic interaction models provide the simples and most coherent procedure for calculating the properties of electrolyte compounds, e. g. Pitzer model,15 the Bromley model,16' 17 the NRTL model,18 and the SIT model.19 The Pitzer model yields an extended Debye-HUckel formula using a virial expansion to account for the ionic strength dependence of the short-range forces in binary and ternary ion interactions. The purpose of this work was to obtain the Pitzer ion interaction parameters from osmotic coefficient data of aqueous solution of cyclohexylsulfamic acid at high concentration. The obtained parameters enable us to characterize the non-ideal behaviour of aqueous solutions of cyclohexylsulfamic acid by calculation of the excess Gibbs energy of the solution, as well as the difference in the Gibbs energy of solvation of water in the solution relative to pure water. In addition, this study represents a continuation of our previous work on this matter.11 2. Experimental 2. 1. Materials Commercially available cyclohexylsulfamic acid (HCy) was purchased from Sigma. The compound was used as delivered without further purification and stored in a desiccator over P2O5. The purity of the acid was checked by titration with sodium tetraborate and also by analysis of the elements C, H and N (Perkin Elmer, 2400 Series II CHNS/O Analyser); it was found to be at least 99.9 % purity. 2. 2. Preparation of Solutions The solutions investigated were prepared on a molal concentration scale (mol kg-1) by precise weighing with double distilled water, on a digital balance (Mettler Toledo, model AT201, Switzerland) that was accurate to within ±1 x 10-5 g. Before use, the solutions were degassed by ultrasound (ultrasonic bath, Bandelin Sonorex, type TK 52, Berlin, Germany). 2. 3. Freezing Point Measurements The freezing point depression was measured with a Knauer cryoscopic unit (model 7312400000, equipped with a strip chart recorder, Knauer Model 733.41). The solvent and the solutions were supercooled and the formation of ice crystals was initiated by internal vibrations. The freezing-point depression was recorded as the difference in resistance of the thermistor, Ar (arbitrary scale) between solvent and solution. The reproducibility of these Ar measurements was better than 0.5 % of the measuring scale. The instrument was calibrated with sodium chloride solutions20 of accurately known molality over the same freezing-point range as for the solutions investigated, and the calibration was checked before and after each run. The freezing-point data of the sodium chloride solution were smoothed using the Lagrange interpolation method. The following relationship was obtained: 6 = k • Ar, where 6 is the freezing point depression and k is the calibration constant. The overall accuracy of the freezing-point depression of sodium chloride solution was ±0.005 K. 3. Results and Discussion The freezing-point depression data, 6 (K), given in Table 1, were used to calculate the osmotic coefficient on molality basis, m+\ny±) = (10) where: and: a~m L ' (l + a,mV2) (11) (12) The calculated values of GE are given in Table 2. The values of GE are negative and show the same tendency for non-ideal behaviour as the osmotic and mean ion activity coefficient. The negative sign of the excess Gibbs energy may come from non-structural interactions, through hydrophobic interactions which are largely responsible for this behaviour. The excess Gibbs energy of solution can also be given by Eq. (13):29 (13) where n1 represents the number of moles of solvent per kilogram of solvent, Gf (J mol-1) is the partial specific excess Gibbs energy of the solvent, and Gf (J mol1) is the partial molar excess Gibbs energy of the solute. Gf can be calculated according to Eq.(14):29, 30 Table 2. Excess Gibbs energies of solution, partial specific excess Gibbs energies of the solvent and the solute, and the differences in the Gibbs energy of solvation of water molecules at the freezing point of the solution. m (mol kg-1) -Ge (J kg-1) "iGE (J kg-1) -mGE (J kg-1) AAG* (J mol-1) 0.04655 101 55.5 158 5 0.09987 323 150 474 17 0.15403 602 250 852 30 0.20173 878 339 1214 41 0.26492 1274 461 1725 56 0.30426 1535 538 2061 65 0.35631 1895 644 2627 77 0.40904 2276 755 3122 90 0.45895 2649 860 3503 101 0.51019 3046 977 4023 113 0.56796 3508 1116 4635 127 0.62201 3954 1221 5232 139 (14) and GE according to Eq. (15): Gf = 2MxmRT (l -