https://doi.or g/10.31449/inf.v46i7.4236 Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 103 Automatic Question Generation using RNN-based and Pr e-trained T ransformer -based Models in Low Resour ce Indonesian Language Karissa V incentio and Derwin Suhartono Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University , Jakarta, 1 1530, In- donesia E-mail:, Keywords: natural language processing, natural language generation, automatic question generation, recurrent neural network, long-short term memory , gated recurrent unit, transformer , fine-tuning Received: June 14, 2022 Although Indonesian is the fourth most fr equently used language on the internet, the development of NLP in Indonesian has not been studied intensively . One form of NLP application classified as an NLG task is the Automatic Question Generation task. Generally , the task has pr oven well, us- ing rule-based and cloze tests, but these appr oaches depend heavily on the defined rules. While this appr oach is suitable for automated question generation systems on a small scale, it can be- come less efficient as the scale of the system gr ows. Many NLG model ar chitectur es have r ecently pr oven to have significantly impr oved performance compar ed to pr evious ar chitectur es, such as generative pr e-trained transformers, text-to-text transfer transformers, bidir ectional auto- r egr essive transformers, and many mor e. Pr evious studies on AQG in Indonesian wer e built on RNN-based ar chitectur e such as GRU, LSTM, and T ransformer . The performance of models in pr evious studies is compar ed with state-of-the-art models, such as multilingual models mBART and mT5, and monolingual models such as IndoBART and IndoGPT . As a r esult, the fine-tuned IndoBART performed significantly higher than either BiGRU and BiLSTM on the SQuAD dataset. Fine-tuned IndoBART on most of the metrics also performed better on the T yDiQA dataset only , which has fewer population than the SQuAD dataset. Povzetek: Za indonezijščino, četrti najpogostejši spletni jezik, so za poučevanje razvili jezikovni pr etvornik iz besedila v vprašanja. 1 Intr oduction The current education system requires a process to ef- ficiently evaluate students’ understanding of lessons by reading a text’ s content [1]. Preparation of ques- tions carried out by students can consume much time, while getting questions from external sources such as collections of questions makes it possible that they are irrelevant to the content studied by students [2]. In ad- dition, questions designed to evaluate students’ under - standing of textual reading can also be influenced by their ef fectiveness, which can be seen from the devel- opment of various strategies in preparing questions [3]. From the emer gence of these problems, many tech- niques have been investigated in the Question Genera- tion process based on content, generally known as the Automatic Question Generation (AQG) system based on NLP in the NLG branch from various approaches from rule-based to attention-based models [4]. AQG is a job that automatically generates queries from various inputs such as original text, databases, or semantic representations [5]. From this understanding, the input type can take the form of various forms such as sentences, paragraphs, and poetry [6]. AQG has various applications such as healthcare systems, auto- mated help systems, chatbot systems, and other AQG applications [7]. In this paper , AQG is the subject of research that requires text or related information to be processed using a sequence-to-sequence approac h, namely Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU), Bidirectional Long Short T erm Memory (BiLSTM), and T ransformer architectures, as well as using the pre- trained fine-tuning approach of the mBAR T and mT5 architectural models. 104 Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 K. V incentio et al. 1.1 AQG in English Cohen first proposed AQG in 1929 to represent a ques- tion’ s content in a formula with one or more inde- pendent variables [8]. Since then, researchers have become interested in developing AQG in education for educational purposes, mainly because asking ques- tions during teaching encourages students to under - stand what they are learning. One of the AQGs that W olfe proposed supported learning in 1976 [9]. Recent AQG work showed that leveraging linguis- tic representation approaches such as Part Of Speech (POS) and Named Entity Recognition (NER) through deep neural networks based on Bidirectional En- coder Representations from T ransformers (BER T) can achieve state-of-the-art results. The model architec- ture consists of a two-layer bidirectional Long Short- T erm Memory (LSTM) encoder and a two -layer uni- directional LSTM decoder . The bidirectional LSTM encoder has been used for producing sequences of hid- den states, and the unidirectional LSTM decoder has then used the representation t o generate words [10]. Another recent work was fine-tuning a miniature version of a T5 transformer language model consist- ing of 220 million parameters using the SQuADv1.1 dataset, which contains 100,000 question-answer pairs. In order to generate questions, the model was trained by receiving the passage, and the 30% prob- ability of the answer was replaced with the [MASK] token [1 1]. Some open English question-answer pair datasets can be leveraged for transfer learning ap- proaches in creating AQG systems [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. 1.2 AQG in Indonesian V arious researches on AQG based on NLP have been conducted [17], but not many of them are observed in Indonesian. One study [18] that was conducted in Indonesian built a language model that utilizes a sequence-to-sequence approach and is trained on the SQuAD v2 [19] as well as T yDiQA [20] dataset, which has been translated into Indonesian using the Google T ranslate API v2 to the model with the T ransformer architecture along with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) such as BiLSTM & BiGRU [21]. This study found that the questions generated using BiLSTM and BiGRU were not significantly dif ferent. Meanwhile, the use of T ransformers found dif ficulties in under - standing the semantic context of the information pro- vided [22]. Figure 1: Related Research Modeling Process Dia- gram [18] 1.3 Models Benchmark in NLG T asks In this research, benchmark resources [23, 24] have not been involved in the results of the model studied for the Question Generation task in Indonesian [18]. Indonesian benchmark resources such as IndoNLU [25] & IndoNLG [4] can play a significant role in com- parisons and literature reviews by other researchers so that t hey can be a reference in developing Automatic Question Generation that is more reliable and by the information provided in the form of textual or reading content. In addition, because the IndoNLU benchmark only covers NLU tasks in Indonesian, such as sentiment analysis [26, 27, 28, 29, 30], which is similar to the GLUE [31] benchmark for English Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks, while the Question Gen- eration task is an NLG task, the GEM benchmark, which is a benchmark for various NLG tasks including Question Generation, should also be applied [32]. The resources of the GEM benchmark have selected and processed the most common dataset for the available NLG tasks. GEM also conducted baseline modeling using language models such as BAR T , T5 in one lan- guage, and the mBAR T model, mT5 for multilingual languages. Then GEM also provides a testbed in auto- mated evaluations, including metrics according to the task. The GEM benchmark feature, which is regularly updated, makes it easier for researchers in other fields of NLG to compare the model he built with previously developed models [32]. Recently , many NLG model architectures have proven to have significantly improved performance compared to previous architectures, such as generative pre-trained transformers, text-to-text transfer trans- formers, bidirectional auto-regressive transformers, and many more. Meanwhile, the previous study that raised AQG in Indonesian was only carried out on the GRU, LSTM, and T ransformer methods [18]. In this study , to develop research on AQG assignments in In- donesian, the performance of models in previous stud- ies was compared with state-of-the-art models, such as Automatic Question Generation on… Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 105 mBAR T and mT5. Although Indonesian is the fourth most frequently used language on the internet, the development of NLP in Indonesian has not been studied intensively [25]. The automatic question generation process is one form of NLP application classified as an NLG task [18]. Generally , the task has proven well, using ap- proaches such as rule-based and cloze tests, but these approaches depend heavily on the set of rules that have been created. So this approach is suitable for auto- mated question generation systems on a small scale and can become less ef ficient as the scale of the system grows [33]. In this context, deep learning approaches, especially NLP , have better generalizations than rule- based approaches [34]. Although the deep learning approach is relatively highly complex, the system can construct its rules and evolve coherently to adapt its dataset if adequately trained and properly configured [35]. In the previous related research [18], the Stanford question-and-answer dataset (SQuAD v2 [36]), which consists of 536 articles with 161,550 collections of question-answer pairs in English, underwent transla- tion and pre-processing into Indonesian and followed by improving some of the translations by using fuzzy string-matching to look for inconsistent translations, which then can be used for model training as well as model evaluation [18]. Language models based on RNN architecture such as GRU and LSTM in a bidi- rectional manner and language models based on trans- former architecture with a sequence-to-sequence learn- ing approach [18]. Several adaptations were made to the languag e model on the RNN-based (BiGRU and BiLSTM) and transformer from scratch, such as the use of several lin- guistic features (Ans, Case, POS, Named Entity (NE)), and the presence of a sentence embedding encoder . This research aims to measure how well the language model based on the RNN architecture and the state-of- the-art transformer -based models performs the ques- tion generation task in Indonesian [18]. Then, a vali- dation process was followed by testing the model us- ing the SQuAD dataset as it is the validation set to see how it performs on the same behavior dataset and fol- lowed by the evaluation on the T yDiQA dataset that is built naturally from Indonesian [20]. Overall flow can be seen in Figure 1. 2 Deep Learning Methods 2.1 RNN Based Models RNN is a widely used neural network architecture for NLP , which has been proven to be relatively accurate and ef ficient for developing language models as well as in tasks of speech recognition. Essentially RNN uses what is known as feedback loops which allow the input sequence to be shared to dif ferent nodes as well as allowing RNN to have an internal memory that can help RNN generate predictions based on previous in- puts. As much NLP research progresses from time to time, there are many novelty techniques, one of which showed that bidirectionally processing the input se- quence can achieve a better understanding of the con- text [21]. V isualization for each model can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2: RNN vs. LSTM vs. GRU In the first place, RNN was having a problem called the vanishing gradient problem, which occurs when using neural networks with gradient-based learning methods and backpropagation. GRU (Gated Recur - rent Unit) was introduced to overcome this problem that utilizes an update gate and reset gate so the model can store information longer and remove irrelevant in- formation for prediction. BiGRU is a model that uses two GRU in which one GRU will accept input by for - warding direction called forward GRU, and another will accept input by backward direction named back- ward GRU [21]. LSTM is an RNN enhancement that is capable of studying long-term dependencies [18]. This capability enables LSTMs to avoid long-term dependency prob- lems. LSTM uses three gates to protect and control the cell gates: input gate, for get gate, and output gate. In this research, BiLSTM will be used as the represen- tation of LSTM. The flow of each model in detail can be seen in Figure 3. 106 Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 K. V incentio et al. Figure 3: LSTM / GRU vs. BiLSTM / BiGRU Archi- tecture 2.2 T ransformer Based Models BAR T (Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive T rans- former) is a language model that is pre-trained by ap- plying noise or corruption to the input sequence, and then the model is assigned to reconstruct the actual in- put sequence [33]. After that, the results of the model predictions will be calculated against the loss function generally in the f orm of cross-entropy and followed by the back-propagation gradients process and updat- ing the model weights. A comparison between RNN with transformer architecture can be seen in Figure 4. Figure 4: RNN vs. T ransformer Architecture The BAR T language model architecture utilizes an encoder (see Figure 5) on BER T (Bidirectional En- coder Representations from T ransformers) [37] and Figure 5: Encoder -decoder Illustration a decoder on GPT (Generative Pre-T rained T rans- former) [38] capable of performin g NLP tasks in the form of NLU and NLG. mBAR T is a language model modified from the BAR T model, which utilizes au- toencoder denoising and a s equence-to-sequence pre- trained model. mBAR T model was trained once us- ing a dataset of multiple languages that could be cus- tomized in a fine-tuning process [39]. The second one, T5 (T ext-to-T ext T ransfer T rans- former), is a pre-trained model that utilizes a unified T ext-to-T ext format from NLP using text [40]. By us- ing this model, when setting the configuration with hy- perparameters, then it will be applied to another task. The third one, GPT leverages what is known as masked self-attention, where it masks future tokens and only knows the present and the previous tokens. GPT works autoregressively by adding generated to- kens to the input sequence, and that particular new se- quence then will be used as the input to the model in its next step. 3 Materials and Methods The approach that is going to be used in this research is transfer learning, which is the approach where a model is first pre-trained on a data-rich task before being fine-tuned on a downstream task [40]. The re- search is divided into four main steps; the first step (planning phase) is to identify the problem, followed by the dataset preprocessing phase, which was done to preprocess the dataset in a configured format so that the dataset can be forwarded to train the language model. The third step is to train the model, which leverages several preconfigured language models such as BiGRU and BiLSTM. As for the pre-trained lan- guage models like mBAR T and mT5 will require fur - ther fine-tuning. Automatic Question Generation on… Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 107 3.1 Planning In the first step, previous research regarding automatic question generators using BiGRU and BiLSTM in In- donesian was reviewed and evaluated. Both of those models are based on recurrent neural network archi- tecture. This research explores multilingual language models based on the transformer (encoder -decoder) ar - chitecture such as mBAR T and mT5 and monolingual language models such as IndoNLG’ s IndoBAR T and IndoGPT [4]. 3.2 Dataset Pr epr ocessing The dataset we are using is preprocessed SQuAD dataset that has been translated to Indonesian from the dataset itself for all the models, resulting in 102,657 training data, 1 1,407 validation data, and 10,567 test- ing data for SQuAD, and 550 testing data for T yDiQA. As for the sequence-to-sequence language model, the preprocessed SQuAD dataset was first added with spe- cial tokens. Since some of the SQuAD question-answer pairs In- donesian dataset translation might be misleading from its true meaning because the translation pro cess for the passage and the context were done separately , some corrections need to be made. The correction pro- cess was done by leveraging fuzzy string matching to search the translated question-answer pairs for incon- sistent translations thoroughly . As long as the answer is found, it will update the start position of the answer , whereas if the answer is not found, then the start posi- tion of the answer will be set to negative one (-1) and removed. In this step, we preprocessed the enhanced SQuAD dataset from previous research [36] by reusing some of the main dataset attributes (context/passage, question, and answer) that are going to be used by the model for training, excluding some of the linguistic features such as part of speech (POS) and named entity (NE) attributes that will be used only by BiGRU, BiLSTM, and T ransformer model. For mBAR T , the input encoder structure will be formatted to , and decoder , whereas for mT5 the input encoder will be in format, as for the de- coder format is going to be . As for GPT since it is a decoder only trans- former language model, then the input se- quence will be formatted to . The flow can be seen in Figure 6. Figure 6: Process to Repair Answer T ranslation Result from Previous Research 3.3 T raining Model By utilizing the formatted dataset, these models were made by applying configuration from the Sequence-to- Sequence Learning method for the Indonesian Auto- matic Question Generator for several algorithms, Bi- GRU and BiLSTM. For the mBAR T and mT5, new fine-tuning models were made [41]. Alternately , the model training was conducted to ensure the computer uses the same resources. 3.4 Evaluation The results fro m each algorithm are evaluated by us- ing BLEU and ROUGE metrics. From that, compar - ison and analysis results are conducted based on the results to choose the best from all of the implemented algorithms. The overall flow of benchmarking model can be seen in Figure 7. 4 Results & Discussion T okenization is a way to separate a piece of text into smaller units known as tokens, which can be words, characters, or subwords. In order to fine-tune the mBAR T pre-trained language model, the sequence that is going to be forwarded to the model will firstly be appended with some special tokens such as lan- guage id token for the multilingual model to identify 108 Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 K. V incentio et al. T able 1: Related Research Rerun Result on SQuAD T est Set Model Dataset BLEU 1 BLEU 2 BLEU 3 BLEU 4 ROUGE L Epoch BiGRU Cased 33.87 17.01 8.42 3.88 3 7.98 20 Cased-Copy 36.03 19.37 9.57 5.41 40.96 20 Cased-Copy-Cov 36.16 18.79 10.99 6.52 40.49 20 Uncased 36.96 17.23 8.46 5.1 1 40.08 20 Uncased-Copy 39.62 22.26 12.02 5.88 43.38 20 Uncased-Copy-Cov 39.56 21.99 1 1.34 5.99 43.41 20 BiLSTM Cased 32.16 14.61 7.73 3.73 3 8.00 10 Cased-Copy 36.67 19.28 10.85 5.29 40.67 10 Cased-Copy-Cov 35.86 18.69 9.21 7.07 40.27 10 Uncased 35.45 18.19 8.87 4.63 39.48 10 Uncased-Copy 40.60 21.35 10.93 5.73 43.79 10 Uncased-Copy-Cov 39.90 22.23 12.49 5.98 43.34 10 T ransformer Cased 30.72 12.63 4.44 2.46 3 4.25 300 Cased-Copy 36.14 18.81 9.52 4.75 3 9.58 300 Uncased 33.34 13.58 5.86 3.38 3 7.71 300 Uncased-Copy 39.09 21.21 10.83 5.39 43.69 300 Figure 7: Models Benchmark creation process dia- gram. the language, beginning of sentence token, end of sen- tence token, as well as separator token to be used as a separator between the answer and the question, which then can be used for the model to identify the label and the context. Then the tokenizer will tokenize the rest of the passage into token representation so that the model can understand the context. Unlike mBAR T , fine-tuning mT5 does not require a language id token to help the model identify the language that is sup- posed to be appended to the input sequence. Surpris- ingly when not considering the special tokens or skip- ping special tokens, the language model cannot parse the input sequence correctly; therefore, it performs poorly . T able 3 and T able 4 are some samples of the gener - ated questions in Indonesian from each of all the mod- els on datasets SQuAD and T yDiQA. “Input Sentence & Answer” is the context or passage as the model input followed by the expected answer , and “T ar get Ques- tion” is the expected generated question. RNN-based models evaluated on the T yDiQA dataset are performing lower than SQuAD dataset due to most of the text being translated on the SQuAD dataset, which consists of many faulty translations [18], while T yDiQA is in Indonesian by origin. It also applies to the transformer -based models, includ- ing those based on pre-trained multilingual and mono- lingual models. It can also be seen on the pre-trained models’ row that the maximum score on ROUGE and BLEU on T yDiQA is up to 10 points higher than the SQuAD dataset. This evaluation on the T yDiQA test set is done to obtain a more reliable and comparable evaluation score since T yDiQA is a more natural In- donesian dataset [18]. On the RNN-based and transformer from scratch re- sults, the T yDiQA and SQuAD do not show a signif- icant dif ference in the scores, but they dif fer signifi- cantly on the pre-trained models, especially the mono- lingual models IndoBAR T and IndoGPT . W ith these monolingual models, the T yDiQA dataset that is al- ready available in Indonesian while SQuAD is mostly Automatic Question Generation on… Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 109 T able 2: Related Research Rerun Result on T yDiQA T est Set Model Dataset BLEU 1 BLEU 2 BLEU 3 BLEU 4 ROUGE L Epoch BiGRU Cased 30.33 10.83 3.18 1.89 34.41 20 Cased-Copy 34.05 15.01 7.47 3.12 38.15 20 Cased-Copy-Cov 34.28 14. 72 6.60 2.63 38.30 20 Uncased 33.28 13.92 5.65 2.98 37.45 20 Uncased-Copy 37.42 17.96 8.73 4.65 41.71 20 Uncased-Copy-Cov 37.78 18.68 9.15 5.46 41.92 20 BiLSTM Cased 30.74 12.00 4.09 1.48 34.74 10 Cased-Copy 34.62 14.80 6.49 3.62 38.66 10 Cased-Copy-Cov 34.13 1 4.57 6.40 2.84 38.17 10 Uncased 32.92 13.02 4.81 2.28 36.98 10 Uncased-Copy 37.63 18.38 8.73 4.62 42.12 10 Uncased-Copy-Cov 38.14 18.54 8.90 4.55 42.59 10 T ransformer Cased 27.88 8.00 0.71 0.64 31.86 300 Cased-Copy 31.95 12.43 4.63 2.27 36.37 300 Uncased 29.39 8.62 1.12 0.52 33.27 300 Uncased-Copy 37.23 17.93 8.19 3.40 41.90 300 translation proves that monolinguals can perform bet- ter on datasets within the same language. Remembering that the finetuned pre-trained models such as mBAR T , IndoBAR T , IndoGPT , and mT5 do not use the linguistic features such as POS and NE pro- vided in the preprocessed dataset, these models out- perform the RNN-based models and the scratch mod- els. W ithout extra context in the form of POS and NE, the transformer -based pre-trained models have proven that transfer learning helps the models have a better un- derstanding than the models that do not have any base knowledge. Generally , monolingual language models have a smaller number of parameters than multilingual lan- guage models, resulting in faster model training and smaller model size, whereas, in t his research, mono- lingual language models were pre-trained on a lar ge monolingual corpus (Indonesian). On the other hand, multilingual language models were pre-trained on a lar ge multilingual corpus, hence the term multilingual. As for the performance of both languages, they only perform slightly dif ferently [4]. Furthermore, numerous incorrect and unnatural translations, especially one of the SQuAD datasets on the input sentences and tar get questions, impact our model predictions. Nonetheless, semantically , those sentences were still understandable. The same pro- jected questions were agreed upon by all models, re- sulting in highly identical questions. There were some variances in the verbs in the created questions, but they are all synonyms and have similar meanings. mT5 model seems to have the lowest automatic evaluation score among other pre-trained models. However , reading directly from the generated predic- tions, the mT5 prediction seems to have the most flu- ent prediction. mT5 encoders that could af fect this are based on BER T language models, known for their nov- elty through a bidirectional approach that was able to capture the context deeper of the input sequence [37]. These encoders also take account of the relation be- tween words, which helps capture its meaning [42], consisting of a self-attention layer and a feedforward network to process the sequence to the decoders. As for the decoders, it is similar to the initially proposed transformer language model [43]. The decoders were leveraging the auto-regressive approach, which will be used to produce the output sequence. mT5 were pre- trained on a lar ge multilingual corpus that covers over 100 languages [41]. The hyperparameters used for each model are con- figured in T able 5. As for the maximum sequence, the length hyperparameter was set to 512 for every fine- tuned language model. T able 5 shows the configuration used in each model 1 10 Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 K. V incentio et al. T able 3: All Models AQG T ask Sample Predictions 1 SQuAD Sample Pr ediction 1 - SQuAD Input Sentence & Answer Samudra Pasifik a tau Lautan T eduh (dari bahasa spanyol Pacifico, artinya tenang) a dalah kawasan kumpulan air terbesar di dunia, serta mencakup k ira-kira sepertiga permukaan Bumi, dengan luas sebesar 179,7 j uta km2 (69,4 juta mi2). Panjangnya sekitar 15.500 km (9.600 mi) dari Laut Bering di Arktik hingga batasan es di Laut Ross d i Antartika di selatan. Samudra Pasifik mencapai lebar timur -barat terbesarnya pada sekitar 5 derajat U garis lintang, di man a ia terbentang sekitar 19.800 km (12.300mi) dari Indonesia hingga p esisir Kolombia. Batas sebelah barat samudra ini biasanya dil etakkan di Selat Malaka. T itik ter endah permukaan Bumi—Palung Mariana —berada di Samudra Pasifik. Samudra ini terletak di ant ara Asia dan Australia di sebelah barat, Amerika di sebelah timur , Antartika di sebelah selatan dan Samudra Arktik di sebelah utara. Answer 179,7 juta km2 T arget Question Berapa luas Samud era Pasifik? BiGRU Uncased-Cop-Cov berapa luas samud ra pasifik ? BiLSTM Uncased-Copy-Cov berapa luas bumi p asifik ? T ransformer Uncased-Copy berapa luas air t erbesar di dunia ? mBAR T -Lar ge berapakah luas s amudra pasifik? IndoBAR T berapakah luas s amudra pasifik? IndoGPT berapa luas total wilayah lautan pasifik ? mT5-Small Berapa luas samud ra pasifik? to generate the sentences and the training time needed for the SQuAD and T yDiQA datasets. The train- ing step and valid for the mBAR T -L, IndoBAR T , In- doGPT , and mT5-Base pre-trained models are not listed because they are not explicitly defined in this modeling. Fine-tuned mBAR T performed the best with the av- erage BLEU 31.71 and ROUGE-L score of 46.27 on the SQuAD dataset (T able 6) for the Indonesian ques- tion generation task. Fine-tuned IndoBAR T also per - formed the best with an average score of BLEU 17.26 and ROUGE L score is 33.73 on the T yDiQA dataset (T able 6) for the Indonesian question generation task. On the other hand, RNN-based and transformer from scratch results on T yDiQA and SQuAD datasets do not show a significant dif ference in the scores, but they dif fer sig nificantly from the pre-trained models. W ith these monolingual models, the T yDiQA, whose origin is in Bahasa while SQuAD is m ostly transla- tion, proves that monolinguals can perform better on datasets within the same language. 5 Conclusions Based on the results achieved in this research, lan- guage models based on transformer architecture that leverage self-attention mechanisms were able to achieve state-of-the-art results in generating questions compared to language models based on bidirectional recurrent neural network architecture such as BiLSTM and BiGRU. This r esearch introduces a more extensive compari- son between RNN-based and transformer -based mod- els, including the state-of-the-art variation on the In- donesian AQG system. In the previous research, it has already been proven t hat the Indonesian AQG system can be built using an as-is machine-translated question answering dataset (SQuAD v2.0) with accept- able results, and this research is shown that better per - formance can be achieved with dif ferent varieties of Automatic Question Generation on… Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 1 1 1 T able 4: All Models AQG T ask Sample Predictions 2 T yDiQA Sample Pr ediction 2 - T ydiQA Input Sentence & Answer Kadipaten Normandia , yang mer eka bentuk dengan perjanjian dengan mahkota Pranc is , adalah tanah yang indah bagi Prancis abad p ertengahan , dan di bawah Richar d I dari Normandia ditempa menjadi sebuah pemerintahan yang kohesif dan tangguh dalam masa jabatan feodal. Answer Kadipaten Normandia T arget Question Siapa yang memerintah kadipaten Normandia BiGRU Uncased-Cop-Cov siapa yang memerintah pemerinta han normandia ? BiLSTM Uncased-Copy-Cov siapa yang mendirikan kadipaten normandia ? T ransformer Uncased-Copy siapa yang memerintah normandia di normandia ? mBAR T -Lar ge siapakah kadipaten normandia d i bawah raja normandia ? IndoBAR T siapa yang memimpin normandia ? IndoGPT dengan siapa prancis membentuk kadipaten normandia ? mT5-Small Siapa yang memerintahkan kadip aten normandia? T able 5: Model Configuration Model Dataset Learning Rate T raining Step V alid Epoch Batch Size T raining T ime BiGRU Uncased-Cop-Cov 1.00E-03 32.100 3.210 20 64 55m BiLSTM Uncased-Cop-Cov 1.00E-03 17.655 3.210 10 64 1h13m T ransformer Uncased-Cop 1.00E+00 120.600 4.020 300 256 5h40m mBAR T -L Uncased-Lar ge 1.00E-03 - - 20 8 40h42m IndoBAR T Uncased-v2 1.00E-03 - - 20 64 7h26m IndoGPT Uncased 1.00E-03 - - 20 32 10h36m mT5-Base Uncased-Small 3.00E-05 - - 3 4 8h4m transformer -based models such as mBAR T and mT5, as well as the monolingual models built on Indonesian dataset; IndoBAR T . 5.1 RNN-based vs T ransformer -based T ransformer -based models outperformed all the RNN- based models. As seen in T able 6 & T able 7, T ransformer -based models perform better in gen- erating natural Indonesi an questions on the T y- DiQA dataset, which contains 550 pairs of question- answering Indonesian. 5.1.1 Monolingual vs. Multilingual Since monolingual language models were pre-trained using a monolingual dataset, the model resulted in a lower number of parameters, hence faster training than multilingual language models. In terms of perfor - mance, it does not dif fer very much from multilingual language models and monolingual language models. 5.2 Futur e Impr ovements The system of building an Indonesian AQG can achieve better results with a more natural labeled In- donesian QA or AQ dataset. It should be followed with more robust preprocessing data to avoid syntacti- cally incorrect data and biases. Experiments on more 1 12 Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 K. V incentio et al. T able 6: Model Evaluation Metric Performance Comparison on SQuAD T est Set Model BLEU 1 BLEU 2 BLEU 3 BLEU 4 A verage BLEU ROUGE L Epoch BiGRU 39.56 21.99 1 1.34 5.99 19.72 43.41 20 BiLSTM 39.90 22.23 12.49 5.98 20.08 43.34 10 T ransformer 39.09 21.21 10.83 5.39 19.13 43.69 300 mBAR T -L 53.58 32.41 23.25 17.59 31.71 44.70 20 IndoBAR T 55.03 31.88 22.27 16.42 31.40 46.27 20 IndoGPT 54.07 30.56 21.21 15.72 30.39 44.31 20 mT5-Base 41.13 14.92 7.16 3.86 16.77 40.51 3 T able 7: Model Evaluation Metric Performance Comparison on T yDiQA T est Set Model BLEU 1 BLEU 2 BLEU 3 BLEU 4 A verage BLEU ROUGE L Epoch BiGRU 37.78 18.68 9.15 5.46 17.77 41.92 20 BiLSTM 38.14 18.54 8.90 4.55 17.53 42.59 10 T ransformer 37.23 17.93 8.19 3.40 16.69 41.90 300 mBAR T -L 36.85 15.96 9.56 6.05 17.10 32.64 20 IndoBAR T 38.65 16.01 8.95 5.43 17.26 33.73 20 IndoGPT 35.77 12.55 6.55 3.78 14.66 28.93 20 mT5-Base 32.23 7.98 2.39 0.92 10.88 36.10 3 precise hyperparameters can also help improve getting the best-performing models. 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Automatic Question Generation on… Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 1 17 Appendix A T able 8: T ranslated texts from Indonesian to English for all Indonesian texts mentioned above. # Indonesian English 1 Samudra Pasifik atau Lautan T eduh (dari bahasa spanyol Pacifico, artinya tenang) adalah kawasan kumpulan air terbesar di dunia, serta mencakup kira-kira sepertiga permukaan Bumi, dengan luas sebesar 179,7 juta km2 (69,4 juta mi2). Panjangnya sekitar 15.500 km (9.600mi) dari Laut Bering di Arktik hingga batasan es di Laut Ross di Antartika di selatan. Samudra Pasifik mencapai lebar timur -barat terbesarnya pada sekitar 5 derajat U garis lintang, di mana ia terbentang sekitar 19.800 km (12.300mi) dari Indonesia hingga pesisir Kolombia. Batas sebelah barat samudra ini biasanya diletakkan di Selat Malaka. T itik ter endah permukaan Bumi— Palung Mariana—berada di Samudra Pasifik. Samudra ini terletak di antara Asia dan Australia di sebelah barat, Amerika di sebelah timur , Antartika di sebelah selatan dan Samudra Arktik di sebelah utara. The Pacific Ocean or Ocean of Shades (fr om the Spanish Pacifico, meaning calm) is the lar gest ar ea of water body in the world, and covers about a thir d of the Earth’ s surface, with an ar ea of 179.7 million km2 (69.4 million mi2). It extends about 15,500 km (9,600mi) fr om the Bering Sea in the Ar ctic to the ice cap of the Ross Sea in Antar ctica in the south. The Pacific Ocean r eaches its gr eatest east-west width at about 5 degr ees N latitude, wher e it extends about 19,800 km (12,300mi) fr om Indonesia to the coast of Colombia. The western boundary of this ocean is usually placed in the Malacca Strait. The lowest point on Earth’ s surface—the Mariana T r ench—is in the Pacific Ocean. This ocean is located between Asia and Australia to the west, America to the east, Antar ctica to the south and the Ar ctic Ocean to the north. 2 179,7 juta km2 179.7 million km2 3 Berapa luas Samudera Pasifik? How wide is the Pacific Ocean? 4 berapa luas samudra pasifik ? how wide is the pacific ocean? 5 berapa luas bumi pasifik ? how big is the pacific earth? 6 berapa luas air terbesar di dunia ? what is the lar gest ar ea of water in the world? 7 berapakah luas samudra pasifik? how wide is the pacific ocean? 8 berapakah luas samudra pasifik? how wide is the pacific ocean? 9 berapa luas total wilayah lautan pasifik ? What is the total ar ea of the Pacific Ocean? 10 Berapa luas samudra pasifik? How wide is the Pacific Ocean? 1 1 Kadipaten Normandia , yang mer eka bentuk dengan perjanjian dengan mahkota Prancis, adalah tanah yang indah bagi Prancis abad pertengahan , dan di bawah Richar d I dari Normandia ditempa menjadi sebuah pemerintahan yang kohesif dan tangguh dalam masa jabatan feodal. The Duchy of Normandy , which they formed by tr eaty with the Fr ench cr own, was a beautiful land for medieval France, and under Richar d I of Normandy was for ged into a cohesive and formidable government in feudal tenur e. 12 Kadipaten Normandia Duchy of Normandy 13 Siapa yang memerintah kadipaten Normandia Who ruled the duchy of Normandy 14 siapa yang memerintah pemerintahan normandia ? who governs the normandy government? 15 siapa yang mendirikan kadipaten normandia ? who founded the duchy of normandy? 1 18 Informatica 46 (2022) 103–1 18 K. V incentio et al. Appendix B T able 9: T ranslated texts from Indonesian to English for all Indonesian texts mentioned above. # Indonesian English 16 siapa yang memerintah normandia di normandia ? who rules normandy in normandy ? 17 siapakah kadipaten normandia di bawah raja normandia ? who is the duchy of normandy under the king of normandy ? 18 siapa yang memimpin normandia ? who is in char ge of normandy? 19 dengan siapa prancis membentuk kadipaten normandia ? W ith whom did France form the Duchy of Normandy? 20 Siapa yang memerintahkan kadipaten normandia? Who ruled the duchy of normandy?