ZARJA * DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1966 VOLUME 38 40th ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN CLOSES APRIL 1ST SIGN I I A NEW MEMBER TCDAyj ZARJA - THE DAWN 2 Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. ficial Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America radno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 6060S Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo bili v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. VOL. XXXVIII — NO. 3 MARCH, 1966 LETO XXXVIII — ŠT.3 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois MEMBER OF NATIONAL COU Spiritual Adviser—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. President—ANTONIA TUREK, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago, Illinois 60608 Audit or—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, III. Director of Women’s Sports Activities: ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Director of Youth Activities: LOUISE EPLEY, 20294 Emery Rd., Cleveland. 28, O. Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois NCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K. K., Cudahy, Wis. State President of Ohio-Michigan— MARY BOSTIAN, 19617 Mohawk Ave., Euclid 19, O. State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President of lllinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota—- BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec'y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, Pres. HERMINE DICKE, Sec’y ANTONIA TUREK 3717 Council Crest ALBINA NOVAK Madison, Wis. 53705 * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60608 Tel. Bishop 7-2014 DATES TO REMEMBER . . . March 13 Benefit Concert, S.W.U. Scholarship Fund, Slov. Nat’l Home, Cleveland, Ohio March 20 Eastern Get-Together Bowling Tournament, Euclid, Ohio March 2C-27 Midwest Annual Bowling Tournament, Joliet, Illinois April 17 30th Anniversary Mass, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio at St. Jude’s Church April 2-1 - OHIO - MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, S.D.D. Hall on Prince Ave., 2:00 P.M. May 1 — 30th Anniversary Banquet, Br. 73 at Amer. Legion Hall, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio May 8 Corporate Communion for Memebers, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. at St. Mary’s, 7:30 a.m. May 12 — Mother’s Day Party, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. May 15 Mothers Day Program and monthly meeting Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. june 6 — Pot Luck Supper, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O. July 17 - Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, T.emont, 111. Franciscan Shrine Sept. 11 — 40th Anniversary and State Convention, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 12 - Cook-Out, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio Oct. 27 - Annual Birthday Dinner Celebration, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio HAI*PY BIRTHDAY 1I\ MARCH Branch Presidents: March 5 — Mary Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. March 5- Anna Kastelic, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. March 8—Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 8G, Nashwiauk, Minn. March 10- Helen Shuster, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. March 15 — Paula Kokal, Br. 9(i, Universal, Pa. March 20- Frances Hren, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. March 20 Betty Ann Murphey, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. March 23— Sylvia Stanfield, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. March 31 Mary Kolegar, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio OUR SECRETARIES’ BIRTHDAYS IN MARCH Ann Stich, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Anna Trdan, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Mary Podgornik, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. Julia Klemenčič, Br. 90, Presto, Pa. Mary Camloh, Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio Ella Starin, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio - Frances Kucic, Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. Catherine Musick, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. Fannie Ramshak, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Angela Strukel, Br. 24, LaSalle, 111. March 1 March 4 March 8 -March 9 March 21 March 23 March 25-March 26-March 29 -March 31 - S.W.U. 40th ANNIVERSARY Campaign Amidst the cheers of this grand 40th An niversary of Slovenian Women’s Union, our thoughts turn to IIOW CAN I HELP? You CAN, and MUST, to insure growth and progress for our organization! Join the many members who are enrolling their families, juveniles, neighbors and friends in this great Membership Campaign that carries the name “RUBY” in honor of the 40th or Kuby Anniversary! THE UST OF PHIZES IS GREAT, TOO! Individuals: Cash Award of $1.00 for every Class B Member; 500 for every Class A Member and 25c for every Juvenile Member. Branches: $20.00 Cash Prize for enrolling the most members in the Campaign; $15.00 for Second Prize, $10.00 for Third Prize and $5.00 for Fourth Prize. Meet the youngest member! He’s TIMOTHY JOHN PU-CHOWSKI, son of Janice and Dennis Puchowski o£ Raymond, Minn. A few hours after Timmy was born on January 2, 1966, his grandmother already had him signed up as the youngest member of the organization. Who is this enthusiastic grandmother who’s “on-the-ball”? She’s Barbara Rosandich, State President of Minnesota and secertary of Br. 23, Ely, which is the recipient of Timmy’s membership! We hope all grandmas will take a lesson from Mrs. Rosandich in this, the last month of the membership campaign! POINTS CAN BE EARNED FOR BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN S.W.U. Emblem Every worker, besides the Cash Awards, will be given the following points: Class B New Memeber, 1 point Class A New Member, \/2 point Juvenile Class New Member, \/2 point THE RUBY CAMPAIGN IS IN EFFECT UNTIL APRIL 1, 1966! AN INVITATION S.W.U. CONCERT THIS MONTH The Slovenian Women’s Union proudly presents Marija Kranjc-Fischinger, mezzo-soprano of Chicago, Illinois in concert on March 13, 1966 at the Slovenian National Home at 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. The concert will be held as a benefit for the SWU Scholarship Fund, instituted some 25 years ago to help young people of Slovenian descent achieve their goals in higher education. The Scholarship Fund has been subscribed mainly by members and friends of the organization. On March '13th the Combined Branches of SWU in Cleveland will again have the opportunity to support this cause that is so close to the hearts of all members. Mrs. Fischinger is a native of Yugoslavia and has received her musical training at the DePaul University in Chicago where she holds a degree in music. She is now in graduate studies at the American Conservatory. She is known throughout many areas of the midwest for her excellent and artistic presentation and will sing a varied program of classical and operatic pieces, among them beloved Slovenian folksongs. Accompanying her will be Mr. William Browning, an outstanding pianist who- has appeared as soloist throughout the United States and Europe. Tickets for the concert are available in advance from the Supreme President, Antonia Turelc, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092, the State President, Mary Bostian, 19617 Mohawk Ave., Cleveland 44119 from members of SWU or at the Jo Ann Sweet Shoppe in the National Home Building. They are priced at $2 and $1.50. Curtain time is 3 p. m. After the concert, a social time will be held at the SND annex hall with plentiful refreshments. Every member of SWU in the Cleveland area is urged to attend and bring their friends. A special recommendation to branches outside of Cleveland to organize groups to attend the event. It will be a most worthy cause. C. NOTICE TO HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS If you are interested in applying for a SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Scholarship Award, please write immediately to Mrs. Hermine Dicke, Secretary S.W.U. Scholarship Committee, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wis., for application forms. These must be filled completely and returned no later than March 3th. Since this form requests statements from your branch secretary and president confirming your need and abilities and also a confidential letter of recommendation from your principal or teacher, PLEASE HURRY! Because of the 40th Anniversary year since the founding of the organization, four awards of $200.00 each will be granted to qualified students who need financial assistance. Considered will be girls who are members for at least six months and the boys whose mother, grandmother or sister are members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. The applicant will receive $100.00 for each of the two semesters on verification of his or her enrollment in an accredited college or university (not Junior College). May this last year semester in high school be the happiest and the most satisfying one for you. Hermine Dicke Secretary ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. — Our changing weather here in Chicago never fails to dampen the spirits of 20 or so regular members who are faithfully attending our meetings. In February, we enjoyed the discussions dealing with the 40th Anniversary Campaign. New members we have enrolled this month are Frances Orehek, Angeline Vucko, Agnes Kovacs and the 3 sons of our Bowling Reporter, Barbara Zurek, Chester Jr., Alan and David. Welcome is extended to three former juvenille members transferred into Class B, adult department this month. They are Mary Ann Oblak, Millie Medved and Mary Catherine (Grill) Krcmarik. All three were signed up as youngsters and have earned the $50 Rider to their policies for 10 years of juvenille class membership. Best wishes and fond hopes that they’ll enjoy a continuing long membership with our branch! Mary Ann Is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oblak; Millie is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Anton Medved and Mary Catherine is the daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Frank T. Grill. Thanks to these loyal families. Socially, we have big program for the year. Our Mother’s Day program and party will be on May 13th, the Lemont Zveza Day pilgrimage is July 18th and then, the 40th anniversary on Oct. 30th. Much work and planning to be done. Members were told about the SWU Benefit Concert in Cleveland on March 13th given by our own member, Marija Kranjc-Fischinger and they were urged to attend. Perhaps some of our members do wish to go and if so, should contact the Home Office. The Bowling Tournament is this month, also on the 26-27th and we shall have several extra teams composed of grandmothers, etc. to join in the fun in Joliet. Spectators are also very welcome. It’s just a short Organized most branches MRS. ANNA PETRICH Mrs. Petrich organized a total of eight branches of the S. W. U. in the years of 1936 and 1939, In the Ohio-Pennsylvania area. She now resides in Fontana, Calif, with her husband John and family. Daughter-in-law, Dorothy Petrich is the secretary of Br. 100. Our heartiest thanks to the Petrich family for their long years of service! Health and Happiness to them all! drive to Joliet now, via southwest expressway; so, this encourage some of you to make it a day. The bowlers will appreciate all the cheering they can get! Liz Zefran, secretary of the Midwest Bowling Association, and our treasurer, is working hard for this annual event — this year we have hit the 30th anniversary of the classic. Good luck to all our fine bowlers! Our sick members are wished all the best and they are Millie Paisoli, Mary Reich and Molly Ceryanec, all confined at St. Anne’s Hospital and Amelia Russell now recovering from surgery at home. May they all get hack to good health very quickly. Members who generously donated Prizes and goodies at the Valentine meeting were the president, the treasurer, Mrs. Mathilda Sever, Frances Kozelj and Frances Petrovič. Her niother, Sophie, is our very faithful officer and was chosen this year as our Mother-of-the-Year. She is a career woman and has recently moved to Oak Park with her two daughters. But, Sophie still comes regularly to the meetings and is an invaluable aid whenever we have an affair. A-Sain, thanks to all the fine members for their donations. In April, we meet on the 8th for a business meeting and then, on May 13th for our Mother’s Day celebration. See you all then. Corinne Leskovar Supreme President’s Message Scholarship Benefit Concert This Month March 13, 1966 is the date of the SWU Scholarship Benefit Concert at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio with soloist, Marija Kranjc-Fischinger. It will be a marvellous affair, beginning at 3 p. m. and all proceeds will be for our future scholarships to worthy students. I’m certain that all parents know the value of education for their children, as they know the costs. The S. W. U. is trying to help as many young students as possible financially, but more than that, to give them the incentive to go on with their schooling. In the February issue, you read all the highlights of the career of our singer, Marija Fischinger. She has given quite a few performances in her young life and she herself was the recipient of scholarships to help her become one of our fine young artists. Attendance at the Concert on March 13th will be a way to help out the Scholarship Fund, and at the same time, lift - the spirit of our member, Marija Fischinger to further her career. Tickets have been sent to all our branches and have been selling fast. We have only a limited amount left. So, members, please get your tickets from branch officers or State President, Mary Bostian, 19617 Mohawk Ave., phone, 944-3996, at the SND’s Jo-Ann Confectionary, 6409 St. Clair Ave., or yours truly. Let’s fill the hall on March 13th and realy prove that we are women of action! We believe In the cause of SWU Scholarships! 40th Anniversary (Ruby) Campagin Hurry, hurry! You have one this month to join the 40th Anniversary Campaign Workers who are marching on to great success In the membership drive. With the weather breaking and sun shining, get out and visit that friend of yours who may be a potential member. All workers will be deserving of the awards and, if you are energetic enough to earn 10 points, the beautiful SWU charm, a golden disc with the emblem in red, white and blue, will be yours. All this plus cash prizes, too. Branches getting most new members will receive prizes in the a-mounts of (1st) a $20 bill; (2nd) two bills, a $10 and a $5; (3rd) one bill for $10 and (4th) one bill for $5. Branches, here is an opportunity to help out your treasury. Campaign will come to a close April 1, 1966! ***** The Eastern Bowling Tournament is this month. All entries are out and captains are urged to return them at once. Time and place of the tourney is March 20, 1966, at the Pallisade Alleys, 1331 East 260th St., Euclid, Ohio. Anyone who has not been placed in a team should contact either Alyce Arko of Br 15. or yours truly! The 20th Midwest Bowling Tournament is slated for one week later, March 26-27, 1966 at Joliet, 111. At this time, I wish all the bowlers taking part In both tournaments. GOOD LUCK and hope you all hit high scores! Congratulations to the following branches who are celebrating their 30th Anniversaries! Br. 70, West Aliqippa, Pa., organized March, 1936, Br. 71, Strabane, Pa., organized March 8, 1936. Both of these branches were organized by Mrs. Anna Petrich formerly of Warren, Ohio and now of Fontana, Cal. She organized six branches in the one year of 1936 and another In 1939. She was and still is the top organizer of the Slovenian Women’s Union! Congratulations, Anna, and wishes to you for good health and happiness! Br. 72, Chicago (Pullman), III., organized March 8, 1936 by the late, Agnes Mahovllch. Sincere Wishes to all branches and their members for a Happy Anniversary! ***** Have you done your part in being a true and active member of SWU? If not, and if you feel there is still something you could do to make you feel satisfied and proud of your membership, I’ll give you a little suggestion. You don’t have to leave your home to promote the sale of our famous cookbook, "Woman’s Glory, the Kitchen” or the little songbook, “Let’s Sing”! All you have to do is tell your friends about them, order a few and use them as gifts and pass the good word around. Everyone who has ever had a copy of the cookbook, simply raves a-bout It — and singers of all ages can use the songbook — it’s so handy! Order yourself some copies and see if I’m not right! Happy Birthday in March and a speedy recovery to all who may be ailing! Toni Turek Motels recomended for guests at Midwest Bowling tourney, Mar. 26, 27, 1966 JOLIET INN, 1G22 Plainfield Rd. — Phone 727-4611 Single $7.50 Double $11.00 Has 54 Ultra Modem Luxurious Rooms — The Totem Cocktail Lounge — air conditioned —television — radio, only 5 minutes from Rivals Lanes on Rt. #30 TOWN HOUSE MOTEL, 832 Plainfield Rd. — Phone 727-4888 Two single beds 12.00 Double $10.00 One double bed $10.00 2 Double 14.00 One double bed $10.00 2 Double $14.00 Double bed lounge for 5 people $16.00 Plus 3% tax. Has 20 air conditioned units — Magic Finger mattresses — 5 minutes from the Rivals alleys. For the above turn off Rt. 66 to U.S. 30. The Housing Chairman recommends them very highly. Miss Mary Lou Bluth, 1025 N Center Street, Joliet, 111. Phone 722-3390 Miss "SWU ZEE” our tournament Pearl Queen Doll will be given to some lucky person on March 27th, 1966. FROM THE BOARD OF THE SWU MIDWEST BOWLING ASSOCIATION The Slovenian Women’s Union Midwest Bowling Association is celebrating the 30th “PEARL” anniversary of its institution. To make this commemoration a huge and fitting success the Association is extending an invitation to respective Branches, officers and everyone to make some effort to participate and attend the grand S.W.U. Midwest Tournament which will be held in Joliet, Illinois two weeks before Easter, on March 26th and 27th, 19G6. To make this possible, practical and most feasible the officers of the Association are on the alert and will be ready and eager to give any information and assistance needed to help stimulate and organize bowling interest. Feel most free to write them for any information you may need. The Board of Directors in your respective localities are: Rose Kraemer, 4304 So. K.K. Cudahy, Wis.; Elizabeth Zefran,, 1941 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111.; Lill Putzell, 3731 Home Ave., Berwyn, 111.; Ann Pelko, 1217 7th St., LaSalle, 111.; Marion Marolt, 1512 So. 53rd St., West Milwaukee, Wis.; Josephine Sumic, 1305 N. Center St., Joliet, 111. The first nation wide S.W.U. tournament was held under the auspices of the Midwest S.W.U. Bowling Association in Milwaukee 30 years ago and this was succeeded annually in almost every S.W.U. bowling center in the U.S.A. Each of these tournaments has been most successful and a splendid credit not only to the S.W.U. but also the the Women’s International Bowling Association. In fact, ours was one of the first tournaments sanctioned by this world wide bowling organ. This gives all of us the greatest incentive to make this “PEARL” 30th anniversary affair the greatest we girls ever held. Let’s start preparing now for the best time of our lives which will be assured us at this tournament in Joliet, Illinois. Besides the bowling programs the tournament becomes a virtual convention spectacle filled with the most gala events interspersed with diversified features of fun, frolic and amusement. The Joliet Branch is going all out in preparations for a most inclusive extravaganza of S.W.U. Spirit. We especially welcome the S. W. U. State Presidents who are doing so much good in advancing the real S.W.U spirit, to get on the band wagon with us and help to make this 30th S.W.U. Bowling Anniversary a most: eventful success for Joliet. Let’s keep bowling to roll along in Joliet, Illinois. Josephine Sumic, President, S.W.U. Midwest Bowling Ass’n No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News.— As February begins, the S.W.U. Chicago bowling league finds itself in the midst of the most interesting and competitive season in years. It has been a close race all along and if the standings as of January 25 are any indication we are still in for a few surprises before the season is over. The standings were: W L 1. Barbara’s Beauty shop 00 CO 27% 2. Marquette Serv. station 38 28 3. St. Paul Federal 38 28 4. Zarja 38 28 5. Reliance Federal 38 28 6. Dr. Grill 34 32 7. M. G. M. Lounge 29% 26% 8. Zefran Funeral home 28 38 9. Gold Cadillac Lounge 27 39 10. Wagner’s Bakery 21 42 Our league takes pride in the fact that Carol Waitkus, who represented Town Hall Bowl in the Beat the Champs West Suburban sectional on February 6, advanced to the finals of the competition. She added a 115 pin handicap to her 516 scratch series, for a 631 series, which placed her fifth in the contest. The top seven bowlers qualified for finals berths. Carol admits that she was ready to call it quits after the first game, 136, which was below her 152 average, but she came back with two exceptionally fine games, 201 and 179. Our best wishes went with her when she bowled again on February 27, and we’ll tell you if a celebration will be in order! Last month some new names were added to the list of those who have picked up those infamous railroads. Which just goes to show you that anyone can do it. January’s stars were A. Persa, 5-6-7 and 5-7; A. Fin-gerhut, 3-5-G-7; J. Vucko, 5-7; C. Tomazin, 5-7; L. Hasek, 3-7-10 and 5-7; T. Stanek, 5-10; C. Gospo, 6-7-10 and 3-10; F. Zefran, 5-6-10; C. Waitkus, 5-7; F. Smulski, 3-6-8 and 5-10; R. Litwin, 3-7. Barbara Zurek No. 20, Joliet, III1. Bowling News. — S.W.U. Bowling meeting was held recently at the Rival’s Club rooms. Regarding the coming Midwest Bowling Tourney, on March 26-27, 1966, plans were discussed to make it a fine event. Mrs. Emma Planinšek, Branch president, opened the meeting and greeted the girls; also present was Mrs. Josephine Erjavec and our bowling president Marge Gasparich. We hope and pray that it will be a nice affair with a big turn-out. I know that all the bowlers will be happy to meet everyone and ready to be of service. Our c.hairlady is Elaine Panian and her co-chairman is Evelyn Gregory also has donated the beautiful doll which will be given away at the tournament. It is trimmed with one hundred single dollar bills! All our girls will cooperate as usual and I know we have a wonderful group who will do their best. That’s all until we see you March 26-27! Your reporter, Mary Rudman ON THE JOB When it Counts Where it Counts REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. WORDS HAVE TO BE BACKED BY GOOD DEEDS Our religion reminds us quite often that there is a good deal more to the practice of faith than words. Through of the Christian era, there have been a conspicuous number of individuals able to do a fair job of convincing themselves that salvation can be reached through a great show of piety. True enough, the Church urges us to say our prayers, attend Mass and the other religious ceremonies faithfully, observe all the other forms of our religion. But we are warned by Holy Scripture that this can be an empty procedure unless the practice of our faith makes sufficient impression on us to mold our daily behavior in the right way. There is a variety of motives behind man’s desire to be good. Some people are good because they are afraid to be bad. They would like to be a little dishonest now and then, or cross over the bounds of decency occasionally, but they are afraid someone might find out about it.. Others do the right things out sense of duty toward their conscience. Even non-educated people in their primitive culture have this inborn guide within them. Another motive for good deeds is the natural kindness that people feel toward someone in distress. Neighbors will help neighbors and friends, even as a tiger in the jungle will help a fellow tiger who is wounded. But a Christian has another and much higher reason for doing good. . He does good because someone he loves wants him to be good. That someone is God. He knows that when God should really have punished him for his many sins, instead God loved him and sent His son Jesus Christ to suffer and die in his stead, and now offers him the free gift of eternal life. From a heart filled with gratitude to God and love to Christ the Christian strives daily to live as God wants him to live. This love to be true love should show itself in deeds. A good tree bears good fruits — which is to say that good deeds proceed from a good person. And “not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven.”. The “wages of sin is death” — and only goodness of mind and heart and act can bring us to salvation. God lays down certain rules of behavior for us, and He warns us that we may find trouble if we wander away from His path. But, at base, we are aware that He warns us because He loves and wants the best for us. No. 5, lindianapolis, Ind. — Our January meeting was well-attended. It consisted of a covered dish dinner for the members and their families. There was a short business meeting with the election of the following officers, President, Mrs. Sylvia Stanfield, Vice President Mrs. Mary Mar-kich, Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Josephine Turk, Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Joanna Sekula, Auditors, Mrs. Josephine Tomasetiz, Mrs. Dolores Konech-nik, Reporters, Mrs. Julia Zupančič, Mrs. Hermina Bruder. Congratulations to Mrs. Anna Trau-ner for being selected the Mother-of-the-Year. We wish a speedy recovery to our sick members, Anna Lambert, Ann II-lich, Agnes Rajer, with God’s blessings and our prayers, we hope you will be well again. Please remember our meetings are held every other fourth Sunday of the month and we ask that you keep your dues paid up to date. Hermina Bruder, Rep. No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Our January meeting was well-attended and we enjoyed the games that were Played and the coffee and doughnuts. Our meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at St. John’s Church basement hall, 1028 S. 9th St. I believe our branch is one of the older branches of the S.W.U. so we have quite a few older members. Many °f these are in Nursing Homes or living with their children, so I would like to say “Hello and we wish you •ill the best for the year ahead!” The past year has been quite an experience for me. I became secretary of Br. 12 and have received wonderful cooperation from all the members. For the benefit of those who pay their dues by mail, my home address is 1311 S. Layton Blvd. We are planning a Card Party some time in April. I will let you all know the exact date in next month’s Zarja. I wish all our sick members a speedy recovery. In the month of November we lost a member, Josephine Berginz. In January, 19G6, we lost two members, Mathilda Schober and Lucy Tevz. We want to express our deepest sympathy to their families. Some of our members are enjoying themselves in warmer climates. I hope they are having a good time and getting a lot of rest and sunshine. I do know some of the ladies are planning trips back to visit their homelands in beautiful Slovenia in Yugoslavia. Some of the ladies are planning trips to the shrines in the U.S. and Canada, too. Wherever you go, I wish you a wonderful time. In closing, I wish you all good health and a world of happiness. ..Theresa Sukys, Sec’y No. 16, South Chicago, III1. — It may be a little late to discuss Christmas Parties, but I just couldn’t let our last party held on Sunday, December 5th go by without mentioning some of our wonderful members who devoted so much of their time and contributed so generously toward milking this annual affair so pleasurable. To begin, our thanks to Jean Buck-civh who did another outstanding job of selecting, purchasing and gift-wrapping the many gifts for our juvenile members. Our thanks to Sylvia and Marge Spretnjak for the beautiful favors and center-pieces for the tables. Each year Sylvia and Marge create a new and different table favor which we all look forward to seeing. These girls not only have the ideas for these items, but are blessed with the expert skill of making them. They also showed colored slides of our previous parties along with many other Holiday scenes and for the first time at this party they accompanied these pictures with Christmas music which kept the children unusually orderly until the arrival of Santa. Our thanks to Mary Cohen’s husband who played the role of Santa Claus and distributed the gifts to all the children. Also thanks to the ladies for the lovely prizes which helped to defray a part of the cost of the party. Many thanks for the strudels, cakes and cookies as well as the cash donations which some of the members gave. To each and everyone who contributed or assisted in any way at this affair, our sincerest thank you. We feel we have some of the nicest ladies at Branch No. 16, for their generous responses to all of our affairs is outstanding and it is this kind of cooperation that makes our gatherings so enjoyable. Our annual Games Party will be held on Sunday, March 6th at 2:00 P. M. at St. George’s Church Hall, 96th and Ewing Avenue. We hope you will plan on joining us for the “once-a-year” event. Don’t forget the Monthly Meeting on Thursday, March 10th at 8:00 P. M. at St. George’s Church Hall — see you then. Gladys K. Buck, Sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. — A cordial welcome is extended to all bowling teams of the midwest who are coming here to Joliet for the tournament on March 26-27 at Rival’s Park. All friends of the bowlers, officers and members, will be warmly welcomed to Joliet. “RUBY” CAMPAIGN MEMBERS Classes Classes A B Jr. Total A B Jr. Total 1, Sheboygan, 1 4 — 5 46, St. Louis 1 — — 1 2, Chicago 2 2 7 11 47. Cleveland — 2 — 2 3, Pueblo — 2 4 6 50, Cleveland — 7 23 30 5, Indianapolis 1 1 — 2 52, Kitzville — — 1 1 7, Forest City — — 1 1 55, Girard — 1 — 1 10, Cleveland — 1 — 1 50, Hibbing — — 1 1 12, Milwaukee — 1 1 2 57, Niles — — 1 1 14, Cleveland — 2 1 3 63, Denver 2 3 — 5 16, So. Chicago — — 1 1 68, Fairport Harbor — 2 — 2 17, West Allis — — 4 4 73, Warrensville — — 9 9 20, Joliet — 4 — 4 77, Pittsburgh 1 — 2 3 23, Ely — 1 3 4 78, Leadville — 1 1 2 24. LaSalle — — 1 1 89, Oglesby — 1 — 1 25, Cleveland — 3 7 10 95, So. Chicago — 2 — 2 31 Gilbert — — 3 3 101, Bedford Heights — 2 — 2 32, Euclid — 1 19 20 103, Washington 4 9 4 17 33, Duluth 1 2 2 5 105, Detroit — 1 — 1 40, Lorain — 1 — 1 106. Meadowlands — 2 — 2 43, Milwaukee — 1 1 2 Totals 13 59 97 169 Albina Novak, Supr. Secretary For those wishing to stay over night, accomodations can be made by writing to the Housing Chairman, Miss Mary Lou Bluth, 1025 N. Center St., or phone 722-3390. Mrs. Josephine Su-mic has charge of all income. Mrs. Evelyn Gregory will donate a beautiful doll with Mrs. Elaine Panian in charge. Souvenirs are being handled by the bowling committee. We lost two members at one time in January. First was Mrs. Antonia Struna, our charter member who died after a lingering illness at the age of 79 years. She was born at Loški Potok in Slovenia. Her husband passed on a year ago. They resided on Wilcox St. Mrs. Struna was a member of various organizations. Besides three nieces and a nephew, she is survived by a cousin, Mrs. Frances Pikush, our member, also other relatives in Europe. She was buried from St. Joseph’s Church and rests at St. Joseph’s Cemetery. Mrs. Veronica Tadaj died at the age of 68 years. She lived at 1125 N. Hickory St. Her maiden name was Kolich. A son, Edward, survives and four grandchildren. Her husband passed away many years ago. There are also three sisters and other relatives surviving. She was buried from St. Mary’s to St. Joseph’s Cemetery. May both our beloved members rest In peace and our condolences to the bereaved. At our meeting which was well-attended, names were chosen for the annual $5.00 award to members who have their dues for the year paid up. Those chosen were: Mmes: Anna Le-novich, Anna Janezich, Jennie Stekar, Mary Ambrozich, Mary Spelich (Dawes Ave.) and Lil Berge. A scholarship fund contribution was collected and mailed to Mrs. Prisland who has charge of this fund. A prize was donated by Mrs. Planinšek, and went to Mrs. Antonia Sandal and a door prize (pillow cases) went to Mrs. Josephine Sumic. Our spiritual advisor, Msgr. M. J. Butala, installed the officers for the year of 19G6. We were certainly happy to have him as a guest. After the installation, lunch was served. Then, the members went in a group to pray at the biers of our deceased members at the Tezak Funeral Home. The following day, burial took place and members and officers escorted our departed members to their last journeys. Our sick members Include Frances Gaspich, who was missed at our meeting for everyone asked “Where’s our Secretary?" Also, Mrs. Mary Ylasich, Louise Dusa and Annette Petek are ill. We wish them all a speedy recovery. With best wishes to all. Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Our regular meeting was held on Jan. 19th at the Community Center at 7:30 P.M. A slate of new officers took over their offices, namely: Rose Novak, Pres.; Margie Gornick, Treas.; Jeanette Vidmar, Rec. Sec’y; and Ann Rowe, Reporter. We wish to thank the out-going officers for a job well done. The president opened the meeting with prayer. It was decided to have a card party for the Feb. meeting each member to invite a few friends as players. Various games were planned and prizes awarded. Lunch, too. Mrs. Anna Boldine was welcomed as a new member. The ladies will be serving the lunch for the Catholic Women Forresters Convention which will be here April 24th at the Community Center Cafeteria. Our calendar of events for the year Is as follows: MAY, our Anniversary Banquet with the chartered members of the club as our honored guests; JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, no meetings; SEPT., we resume meetings again; DEC., Christmas Party and Banquet. After the meeting, the members in charge served a delicious lunch and then card games were played. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Gene Merrill and other members of the Grahek family on the loss of their dear mother, Mrs. Ann Grahek, a member of Br. 23. To all who are ill, we wish a speedy recovery. _________________Ann Rowe, Rep. No. 24, La Salle, III. — We mourn the loss of a dear member, Mrs. Veronica Brate. She is survived by two sons, two stepsons, a stepdaughter, grandchildren, brother Frank Kaps and many relatives in the old country and here. To all the bereaved we extend our condolences. May she rest in peace everlasting. Mrs. Clara Petrowski mourns the loss of a dear brother, Casimir Mrgozki. Our sympathy and everlasting rest to the deceased. Many of our members are on the sick list. A speedy recovery to all! The cold weather has brought many illnesses. It won’t be too long when we will have warmer days. Please come to the meetings and help us in our important discussions. With kindest greetings to all! Angela Strukel, Sec’y No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — The attendance at our January meeting was very good. The members were given a special treat at this meeting. Martin Serro showed films of Slovenia. The members really enjoyed these colorful films. Our heartiest thanks to Mr. Serro for doing us such a big favor. After the movies, baked goods and coffee was served. Our luncheon and card party is planned for May 17 at the Slovenian Hall on 57th St. Donation will be $1.25 per person. May 17th is the third Tuesday of the month and is our meeting night, but on account of the luncheon on that day, there will be no meeting that evening. Dues will be collected before the luncheon. Members are asked kindly to bring a prize as for previous luncheons and card parties. Get well wishes to our numerous sick members and early Easter greetings to all. Ann Frankovlc, Sec’y No. 27, Braddock, Pa. — Greetings to all our members! We want to congratulate all the hearty members who braved the icy, snowy roads to come to our first meeting of the new year, at the home of our president, Mrs. Mary Stephenson. In spite of the awful weather, we had the best attendance we have had in almost eight years. This year we used the mighty telephone to inform our sixty-some members ol our meeting, and the success of our meeting, proves just how mighty the telephone has become. The lowly post cards we now relegate to the wastebasket (where most members must have tossed them when they received them). Quite a lew new members’ regulations and suggestions were accepted as rules for the future. (1st.) We shall hold a general meeting once every four months, at 7 P.M. on the last Wednesday of January, April, August, and December. For the present, meetings will be held at the Croatian Club, Braddock Avenue, E. Pittsburgh. How long this arrangement will be possible is questionable, because the building is slated for demolition, in accordance with the reconstruction of the area. (2nd.) A Flower Fund was inaugurated to cover the cost of our branch expenses and to enable us to send flowers as well as having a Mass said for our active members when they die. Everyone agreed that this is necessary and essential need to boost our depleted treasury. (3rd.) It was resolved that any member three months behind in their assesment would be notified and unless arrangements are made for immediate payment, that member would automatically be suspended. Some of our worthy members have become lax and have become a year or more behind in their dues payments. It is not fair to the members who pay on time to have members fall behind in their dues. (4th.) After our future meetings, we shall relax and play popular games — half of the proceeds to go to the winner, and half to be used to swell our flower fund. A light luncheon will be served by a hostess. The hostess for our April meeting will be our secretary, Mrs. Frances Kucic. At our meeting, we celebrated the birthday of our dear member, Mrs. Milka Tomasic. Mrs. Stephenson served cake and coffee to us, and we all sang loud and clear, “Happy Birthday, Dear Milka.” At this time we would like to offer our condolences to our member, Mrs. Agnes Dinda, who lost her husband during this past month. “Our deepest sympathy, Ag-gy.” We would also like to wish a speedy recovery' to Mrs. Luba Bolf who spent many, many months In the hospital recovering from a broken hip. Also a speedy convalescence to Mrs. Jennie Safran, who spent three miserable weeks in the hospital and to Mrs. Frances Lucas who is home now recovering from surgery. And also, Mrs. Mary (Beltz) Kucic, who also “served” time in the hospital. We would like to offer our deepest sympathy to the husband and children of our dearly departed member, Mrs. Catherine Pavlakovic. When a mother passess away, an empty spot is left in our hearts that time can ease, but can never be filled. Cod Bless you one and all. See you all at our next meeting on April 27th, at the Croatian Club! Frances Kucic, Sec’y No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Our December meeting and Christmas party had a good attendance and with such nice weather, it was a success. Our president opened the meeting with prayer and then thanked us for coming in her own sweet and special way. We were all in the Christmas spirit and enjoyed the good lunch and exchanging of gifts. We selected Mary Zele, Mother-of-the-Year. Then, election of officers and oh, boy! who will be elected was the question! There were some changes and the following is the slate of officers: Spiritual Director, Rev. J. Celesnik; President, Theresa Potokar; Vice-President, Barbara Baron; Secretary, Josephine Comenshek, 924 E. 223rd St., Euclid, Ohio, Telephone, RE 1-8698; Treasurer, Annie Godlar; Rec. Secretary, Anna Tekavec; English Reporter, A. Tekavec and Slovenian Reporter, Frances Perme. Auditors are Frances Perme and Annie Chinchar. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month except July and August and in November also as it is such a busy month. The meeting place is the same as before, the school hall of St. Christine’s Church. We ask you to come to the meetings and meet our officers in this new year. To our sick and shut-in members, we pray for good health. Wishes to Antonia Koraba, may she get well. Our deepest sympathy to Barbara Baron who lost her husband, John, so unexpectedly. Also, to Frances Klun whose husband, Anton, died on Jan. 25 very suddenly. On Jan. 31st, Mary Bukovec’s daughter, Rose, passed a-way also. Condolences to Rev. J. Celesnik, our spiritual advisor and pastor of St. Christine’s church whose sister, Pauline, passed away and to Rev. J. Ozimek who lost his brother. Our hearts are heavy and saddened in the loss of these people. May they all rest in peace and we shall remember them in our prayers. Now, on the cheerful side, Antonia Nemec just became grandma once a-gain. Congratulations. Going back to last fall and the Slovenian Day, we wish to congratulate Anne Cooke who was selected as the mystery lady of the day. Most of us didn’t know it and it was a lot of fun for the people to pick her out of the crowd. Anne is the instructor of our baton twirlers and has 5 girls to teach. If you have a junior member in your family, have her join the baton twirlers and if not, get a new junior member interested in this activity to join. We have a campaign going on now Robert Comenshak, son of Josepli- EASTERN GET - TOGETHER TOURNAMENT SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1966 Pallisade Lane«, Euclid, Ohio For Entries, see Mrs. Turek or Alyce Arko, of Br. 15. ine, our secretary, was drafted in the army on Jan. 21st. Best of luck to him. From our generous member, we have cash donations to the treasury. Those donating had birthdays since October: $2, (Treasury), Eleanor Gatewood and Frances Grjevlch; $1, (Birthday fund), Josephine Posch, Mrs. Mance, Mary Rupar, Frances Sokach, Angela Yarm, Caroline Peck, Barbara Baron, Pauline Vrh, Angela Barkovich, Jennie Jagodnick, Mary Erkul. I hope no one was forgotten. If so, let me know and we thank all of you. May God bless you. After the meeting, we had our Christmas party and we exchanged gifts. Goodies were donated by our good members, namely: Anna Tekavec, Edith Tegel, Annie Pozar and Josephine Comenshek, cake; Theresa Potokar, Jennie Gustinčič, Frances Gulich, apple strudel; Pauline Marik, pohanje and Frances Klune a potica used for a prize. Thanks also to Lillian Vehovec for making the sandwiches. We thank each and everyone who helped waiting on tables and making coffee. Thanks to all of you. In closing, let’s pay our dues on time; give our new secretary a good start. She’ll appreciate it very much. We have to give her a helping hand — new secretary, new year! May God bless you all and your families in this new year, 19GG. Anna Tekavec No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — This month I am filling in for Ann Podgoršek, our regular Zarja reporter. On Feb. 3, Ann and her husband Frank, left by plane for San Jose, California, where they will be guests of their son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. While there, they will visit their many friends and relatives. The extent of their visit depends on the duration of our cold weather here In Duluth. Prior to their trip, Ann and her husband Frank were patients In the same hospital at the same time. Ann attended our last meeting and the ladies were glad to see her back. May God place His healing hand on Ann and Frank and make them well and strong again. Everyone derives satisfaction from doing something well. Of course one does not boast about these things. Ann is certainly due some complimentary bouquets. Ann, with her flashing smile, infectious laughter and special way, is always ready to THE STORY OF WASHINGTON’S CHERRY BLOSSOMS Soon after William Howard Taft became President of the United States, his wife expressed an interest in planting Japanese cherry trees. In 1912, the city of Tokyo sent 3,000 flowering trees of a dozen varieties, all specially grafted for the transplanting, in answer to Mrs. Taft’s request. The trees were planted around the Tidal Basin of the Potomac River, surrounding the Jefferson Memorial. The Yoshimo blossoms are of the single white variety and form 90% of the trees. The other 10%, Akebones, are of a pale pink hue and the earliest of the cherries to flower. The blossoms cannot be predicted accurately until about 10 days before they are out. They usually appear between March 20th and April 15th; however, over the years, April 5th has been the average date. The trees then remain in bloom of the better part of two weeks, barring high winds and frost. Bronze markers commemorate the planting of the first two trees on March 27, 1912, by Viscountess Chin-da, wife of the Japanese Ambassador, and Mrs. Taft. Each year a Cherry Blossom Festival is held. It opens with the lighting of a 300-year-old ceremonial lantern and includes a pagent, a parade and the crowning of a Cherry Blossom queen, chosen from princesses representing the 50 states. The planners of the Festival must guess, even as you and I, when the blossoms will be out. In 1952, Tokyo’s courtesy to the United States had been returned. The parent trees in suburban Tokyo deteriorated from lack of care during World War II, and the National Capital Parks was able to send cuttings from the gift trees to replenish the parent stock. If you have never walked along the Tidal Basin under the low-hanging branches or cherry blossoms, then plan to be one of the 700,000 yearly visitors that witness this extraordinary event by attending the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. I. M. Planinšek lend a helping hand whenever and wherever needed; greatly concerned about others, a tireless worker for the good of the Slovenian Women’s Union and a very apt and punctual reporter. Love must be earned. This is readily done when we fill a special need in another’s life and Ann does just that. Have a nice time, Ann, and enjoy yourself and may the radiance of God’s Blessing shine upon you from above. Our meeting on Wed. Feb. 2 was very well attended, despite the cold weather. The week before we had temperature readings of 30 to 40 degrees below zero and it was cold! Our new officers are doing a tremendous job. On our sick list we have Reene Doble and Stephie Schumal. We all wish them a speedy and permanent recovery and will remember them in our prayers. Mrs. Ann Sever was selected, Moth-er-of-the-Year, a very deserving person and a loyal member. Congratulations. Josephine Gregorich No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — In spite of the cold weather 18 members were present for the January meeting of Branch 34; but unfortunately, I had to miss it as I am still on restricted activity — doctor’s orders. Mrs. John Pahula presided and during the business meeting all present officers were re-elected unanimously to serve the Branch another year. They are, president — Mrs. John Pahula; vlce-pres. — Mrs. William Vollendorf; treas. — Mrs. Mary Pahula; sec. — Mrs. Nick Tekautz; trustees — Mmes. Frank Planton Sr. and John Zavod-nick; and reporter, Mrs. Anthony Yapel. Mrs. Frank Planton Sr. was chosen as our "Mother of the Year” to be honored in the May issue of Dawn Magazine. A social hour followed and prizes at “500” went to Mrs. Joseph Stef-anlch and Mrs. William Lilya. Scrabble winners were Mrs. Herman Mesojedec and Mrs. John Bobence. The attendance prize donated by Mrs. Mesojedec was awarded to Mrs. Leo Wilson. Mrs. Mary Pahula won the extra prize donated by the hostesses, Mmes. Joseph Skala and Joseph Gor-nick who also served a delicious luncheon to conclude a pleasant evening. Hostesses for February was Mrs. Mary Pahula and Mrs. John Pahula; and Mrs. Ernest Mustonen was to donate the attendance prize. The sympathy of all the members goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mick-lech of Tower who lost their infant daughter, Katherine Margaret on January 12th. She was born on June 7, 19G5 and suffered from a heart defect since birth. Besides her parents, she is survived by a brother, Donald Eugene Micklech Jr. who is two and a half years old. Our sympathy to all the other relatives, also. We hope that 1966 will be a good year for all — and that our Union will grow and prosper! Mrs. Anthony F. (Barbara) Yapel, Reporter No. 47, Garfield Hgts., O. — Dear Members, of Slovenian Women’s Union No. 47: It has been a long time since I have had an article in the “Dawn”; but, now I think it is almost my duty to do so, as your newly elected president. First, in the name of all the members, I wish to thank our past president, Mrs. Rose Shuster, for a job well done. I shall try to follow in her faithful footsteps. We also wish to extend our deepest sympathies to her in the loss of her 90-year old father, who died in December in his hometown in Minnesota. May he rest in peace. I would like to urge all of the members to make a special effort to attend our April 3rd meeting, which will be held at 2:00 P.M. in the Slovenian Hall at 10814 Prince Ave. Please note that the meeting date has been changed for April only, inasmuch as the usual meeting day, the second Sunday, is Easter Sunday. The major item to be discussed will be final plans for our 35th Anniversary Celebration, which will be held on April 24 at the Prince Hall. This is also the date of the Ohio and Michigan S.W.U. Convention, which, incidently, is being held earlier in the afternoon in the same hall. Plans to date include a dinner to be served in the lower hall from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., coincided with a program in the upper hall, which will appeal to all ages. The group of members from Euclid, known as “Beatles” have been invited to entertain us, along with other local talent. After 8:00 P.M., we will continue our social to the accompaniment of Mrs. Frank Culkar and his band. On May 15, we would like to have as many members as possible attend the 10:00 A.M. Mass at St. Lawrence Church, which will be said for all our members, both living and deceased. At our annual meeting in December, Mrs. Jennie Bizjak of 9414 Parklawn Dr., was chosen to lie our "Mother of the Year.” This honor will be bestowed upon her at the June meeting. At this time, I would also like to thank Mrs. Vlchek for the very lovely corsage and cake she donated at our December meeting; proceeds of which went to our treasury. It was certainly very thomghtful of you! The women who baked all the various tasty refreshments for our annual meeting, are also to be commended. I am sure all the members present enjoyed the delicious goodies. Hermine Prisland Dicke: (iSTrnpn WELCOME BRANCH NO. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. During her recent visit to Washington D.C., to arrange convention facilities for Zveza, Mrs. Corinne Leskovar, Editor of Zarja, was wonderfully impressed with the lovely ladies she met from Branch No. 103. Many were wives of prominent Washingtonians while others were careerists themselves. Corinne says, “It was a marvelous experience and everyone my husband and I met during that three-day rushing trip were really great.” While on this trip, thoughtful Corinne arranged with Miss Irene Planinšek, a high school teacher and president of Br. 103, to solicit recipes for POTS AND PANS from her fellow members. Due to the enthusiastic efforts of Irene, nine Intriguing and varied recipes have been received. Some appear In this column while others are being saved for the April Issue. The title« alone should give you the “yen” to try them! Miss Planinšek writes, “A number of the recipes revolve more or less around the theme of "Cherry Blossom Time” since this is one of the most important and beautiful of events that occurs yearly in the Washington, D.C. area. The date is never definite as all depends upon when the lovely blossoms begin to burst forth. This usually occurs somewhere between the first and second week in April. A week of activities is planned from the most colorful and exciting of parades to numerous balls, concerts and finally the choice of a "Queen.” The first of these recipes submitted by Branch 103 is one of Irene Planin-sek’8 favorite entitled properly, “Heav-ly Hash.” HEAVENLY HASH This recipe can be used as a dessert or salad and is simple to prepare. 1 cup Maraschino Cherries (cut in halves) 1 cup shredded coconut 1% cups miniature marshmallows 1% cups pineapple tidbits 1% cups mandarin oranges % pint sour cream Liquid from pineapple, oranges and cherries (combined). Combine all ingredients in a 3 quart bowl. Add J cup of the combined liquid. Keep the remaining liquid to “refresh” your salad-dessert, if you serve hours or days after preparation. Serves 8 generous portions. As a dessert, serve over a slice of angel food, sponge or pound cake; as a salad, serve on a leaf of lettuce. MARTHA WASHINGTON’S CHERRY TANSEY Freda Michelitch who sent in this wonderful recipe writes, "This was a favorite dessert at Mount Vernon and originally called for two tablespoons of rosewater — a favorite sweet flavoring of that time.” 2 cups cooked, tart cherries 2 teaspoons lemon juice Vs teaspoon nutmeg 2 teaspoons cornstarch % cup water 2 eggs J cup sugar V\ cup melted butter or margarine 2 cups finely diced, day-old bread cubes. Drain juice from cherries into saucepan. Add lemon juice, nutmeg, cornstarch, and water. Cook and stir until thickened. Combine with cherries; place in greased 1 quart baking dish. Beat eggs, sugar, and margarine. Add bread cubes and mix well. Pour over cherries. Bake at 375 degrees F. for 35 to 40 minutes or until lightly browned. Serve hot or cold with cream. Makes G servings. (Note: For our family the water packed, canned tart cherries were used so added % cup sugar to the drained cherries.) ***** When one takes a long hard look at the meat counter, you find that poultry is still one of the few bargains in the meat line. This recipe from Matilda Ausich is, therefore, doubly appreciated for its economy and joyful change in preparation. CHICKEN MONTEGO 3 large chicken breasts, split 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper V\ cup shortening 1 can (4 ounces) mushroom buttons 4 ounces elbow macaroni 1 can condensed cream of celery soup 1 teaspoon marjoram V2 pint commercial sour cream 1 can (16 to 17 ounces) peas Paprika. Roll chicken breasts in mixture of flour and seasonings. Brown in shortening, remove from skillet. Lightly brown drained mushrooms in skillet. While chicken is browning, cook mac- K. D. aroni according to package directions; drain. Add soup and marjoram to mushrooms and stir until smooth. Add sour cream. Put macaroni in a shallow casserole. Add drained peas and half of the soup mixture, mix lightly with fork. Arrange chicken breasts on top and pour the remaining soup mixture over them. Cover and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) for 50 minutes. Remove cover and bake an additional 15 minutes until chicken is tender. Just before serving, sprinkle chicken with paprika. Six servings. ***** With this lovely “Sunshine Cake" from Matilda Podborsek, we wind up our Washington, D.C., “cordon bleu” cuisine for this month. SUNSHINE CAKE 9 eggs, separated 2 Vi cups sifted powdered sugar ŽV4 cups sifted all-purpose flour Pinch salt Vs teaspoon cream of tartar. After separating eggs, leave at room temperature for about an hour for higher volume. Beat egg whites until about half stiff, then start adding powdered sugar by the spoonful (plus cream of tartar and salt), while continuing to beat until whites reach a stiff peak. Then beat the yokes separately for about 10 minutes at medium speed until thick and lemon colored. Fold yokes by the spoonful into the whites, then fold flour by the spoonful, into the mixture. Pour into an ungreased angel food pan and bake at 350 degrees approximately an hour. (Bake until surface springs back when lightly touched.) ***** Thank you, Corinne, for making this Washington, D.C. column possible; to you, Irene, for your information, recipe and effort, and to Matilda Ausich, Freda Michelitch and Matilda Podborsek for sharing your favorite recipes. Greetings to members everywhere. Fondly, Hermine BR. 55. HONORS OLDEST MEMBER Congratulations are in order for our member, Mrs. Mervar, who became a grandmother for the third time, when her daughter, Mrs. Val Marie Potiva, presented her with a grandson. Also, congratulations to our member, Mrs. Margaret Bizjak of Newberry, Ohio, who became a grandmother for the second time when her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Shirley Bizjak, presented her with a granddaughter. These two new babies also made one of our past-presidents, Mrs. Teresa Bizjak of 8601 Vineyard Ave., a great-grandmother for the sixth time. May God bless all of you! As you know, we are in the midst of our 40th Membership Campaign. Slovenian Women’s Union was organized in 1926 by our Honorary Supreme President, Mrs. Marie Prisland of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Let us really pitch-in and try to obtain at least one new member each! Our branch No. 47 has members in not only Ohio, but, a few have moved west, as far as California, Arizona, Minnesota, and Illinois. Our member in Minnesota, Mrs. Theresa Niesen, is my grand-niece. She and her family were visiting in Cleveland during the Christmas holidays. It was certainly nice to see them again. I wish it would be possible for all of our members, those living in Ohio and out of the State, to be able to join with us in our 35th Anniversary Celebration on April 24. Also, we are extending an invitation to all of the members of S.W.U. and their friends to enjoy the afternoon and evening of April 24 with us. We would also like to congratulate our newest branch of S.W.U., No. 103, of Washington, D.C. May our dear Lord bless you with a lot of success. In closing, I would like to wish a speedy recovery to all of our sick members. Also, I want to extend wishes for a very happy and blessed Easter to all the members of S.W.U. Looking forward to a large attendance at our meeting on April 3, I remain, sincerely yours, Helen Tomazic 434 E. 264 St. Euclid, Ohio No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — Installation of officers took place at the meeting with the following officers taking their oaths: President, Frances Sietz; Vice-President, Antonia Turek; Sec’y-Treasurer, Marie Beck; Rec. Sec’y, Rose Želodec; Publicity Chairman, Angie Lube; Sgt. at Arms, Mitzi Benčini; Auditors, Theresa Komat, Marie Azman, Angie Lube and Hostess Chairman, Mamie Marin. Before I do anything else, or go any further, I would like to report on the December meeting and Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Toni Turek on Dec. 19th. There were at least 40 members present and most of them donated of all kinds of goodies. Toni No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — Greetings from Girard; the first meeting of the year was well-attended. Mrs. Barabara Umeck presided. During the business meeting, Mrs. Kathryn Futry, a new member, was welcomed into the SWU. Sorry to report that Mrs. Alice Umeck was hospitalized. Mmes. Emma Zore, Amelia Robsel and Frances Juvančič were sick at home so they were remembered with get-well cards and sent best wishes for speedy recoveries. Mrs. Gail Hlasta was chairman for the evening with aids, Mmes. Beatrice Brayer, Mary Solajko, Anna Leskovea and Josephine Gorenc. They served delicous erfreshments. Games were played and prizes went to Mmes. Frances Wodogaza, Sophie Kren, Barbara Umeck and Mary Solajko. At this time we would like to honor our oldest member, Mrs. Mary Ceku-ta, who will be 85 years of age on March 4th. Mrs. Cekuta attended the first meeting of our branch, when we were organized, at Mrs. Matilda Turek and Carole Traven were hostesses for the party. Toni served delicious roast beef sandwiches and whatever goes with it. She also served a scrumptious “punch” to the delight of the ladies. Christmas gifts were distributed by Santa Claus and her lovely helper but dressed as a devil, Theresa Komat. Everyone participated in the games that were managed by two of our outstanding members, Rose Želodec and Mary Bostian, Ohio State President. The beauty contest they dreamed up was a smashing success. Boy, what an imagination those two ladies have! They also donated the prizes for the games. Hvala lepa, ladies! I believe that almost every member present participated in the game, even our Toni’s husband, Frank Turek! How brave he was to get into the festivities! Am I right, ladies? Carole Traven helped Toni decorate her recreation room, or should we say "wreck room” as it looked by the time the games were finished! All of our ladies walked in with beautiful smiles on their faces, but when they left, they all had tears from all the laughter and gaiety. Maybe a few of them will come out of their shells to join us in our monthly meetings in the future and have just as good a time. All of our thanks go out to Toni Turek for the wonderful time and the grand tour of her new home, and all the ladies who planned the fun! At the beginning of the January meeting, Toni showed movies about Cancer. It was very interesting and I’m sure the women will agree with me. Plans for the bowling tournament on March 20th were discussed. Br. 50 will go all-out to get as many teams as possible. It’s the annual Cigolle’s home. Unable to get around very much in her later years, Mrs. Cekuta enjoys watching television and reading magazines. They tell me she reads every word of Zarja, first all the Slovenian, then all the English. So, you see, she really enjoys this little magazine and looks forward to its arrival every month. Along with these past-times, she has many wonderful memories of her late husband, Joseph, who passed away in November, 1958, and all the happy years they spent together. Mrs. Cekuta has three sons, four daughters, thirteen grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. She lives with a daughter, Sophie, and a son, Edward, who take wonderful care of her. All the members and her friends send their congratulations to Mrs. Cekuta. May God bless you, and keep you in His loving care always. May you be blessed with many more Happy Birthdays! Mary Ann Mehalco Eastern Get-together Tournament and always a lot of fun. We were all happy to see Sophie Posch at our meeting as she has been away too long. Mary Susnik’s rose colored suit was just as lovely as her attractive smile. Theresa Komat was her usual gay self despite the fact that her husband had been hospitalized during the holidays and is still convalescing at home. All the members say, “Get well, Frank!” The hostesses for January were Mary Bostian, Frances Sietz and Mamie Marin. The meeting lasted a little longer than usual, but the women didn’t mind staying when they saw the lovely and delicious refreshments waiting to be served. Thank you, ladies! See you at the next meeting, March 21st. Hope I didn’t bore you! Angie Lube, Rep. (A sincere Get-well wish goes out to Pres, of Br. 50, Frances Sietz, who suffered a serious illness and was hospitalized just as this report went into press. May God grant her many blessings in return for the goodness and energy she has given to her branch and the Union. — Ed.) No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — Dear Sisters, here it is, the year of 1966 already two months old! I do hope and pray that we will have a better beginning than the ending, for as you all know, we lost two members. Sister, Mary Tool also passed away in December. So, with this thought in mind, we would like to offer our deepest sympathy to all the family and friends. We know what her departure means and we hope and pray that in some way, we can console you all by expressing our feelings. May God bless her and grant her peace. OHIO-MICH IG AN STATE PRESIDENT REPORTS Hello to all! My dear members, this is the month of our Benefit Concert on March 13th, which as you know features the singing of Marija Fischinger. Let us fill the hall at this great event. Bring your families, relatives, neighbors and friends. Some of you have already heard the beautiful, golden voice of this singer, therefore you can pass the word on to others, so they can enjoy the program, too. And besides, it will be for the benefit of our Scholarship Fund. Wouldn’t you love to see some boy or girl thrilled by a SWU Scholarship, and helped to get started on the road to education? This is a must for their futures! If we show the youth that we are interested in them, then they may get interested in us and as you know, we need and want young members. We should work together and keep this grand organization going strong and alive. Again, I say, let’s all get busy! On April 24th, we will celebrate 30th Anniversary of Br. 47, Garfield Hghts., Ohio. We will have our state convention then, also. The event therefore, will be twofold, the anniversary and convention. The day will be a fine one — with all committees working hard to make it so. All presidents of the Combined Cleveland Branches should take special Interest in this important meeting and we expect a large representation from each branch. It will be held at the S.D.D. Hall at 10814 Prince Ave. at 2 p.m. I hope each branch is working hard on the 40th anniversary campaign! Bring in some good new members and some good new ideas. I wish all the sick members a speedy recovery. Our members of the Combined Branches send wishes to Mary Debevec and Nettie Strukel who are on the sick list and we hope they soon get well. Also, our very active and hard-working president of Br. 50, Frances Sietz is very sick and we all wish her a speedy recovery. May God be with her during this trying time. Say a prayer for all our sick. Again, a reminder about March 13th Conceit. Don’t forget, as I am depending on our members to give 100% cooperation in this as they have in all our many projects. We must have 1000 people in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. — then, we can say it was a success. Do you see what I mean? I hope so, and please take this invitation to heart! I wish all our bithdays happy years ahead and may God bless you all. Mary Bostiai' May her soul and all souls of our faithful departed rest in peace. To all our sick members, we wish a rapid recovery with God’s help. Also, to sister, Jenny Crea, who broke her arm, best wishes and hurry and get well. We missed you at the meeting. To sister, Florence Techar, our congratulations on being chosen as Moth-er-of-the-Year. It is a great honor and we all know that every mother should have the honor last all year long. But, as only one is to be honored, we find our Florence a very deserving mother. She is active in all functions for the branch and is very devoted to her family. So, I am sure she will represent us with flying colors. Again, congratulations. Sister Josephine Oswald led us in prayer thus ending the business affairs. Sister Rose Trombly was back with us after being away in California for a month; it was nice to have her with us again. Welcome home. A delicious lunch was served by sister Angeline Hrovat, Angeline Russ, Ann Roberts and Frances Oswald. Gifts were also awarded to sister Alice Barratto. Honors went to Rose Chiodi, Josephine Politano, Frances Shega, Florence Techar, Mary Techar, Margaret Andrican, Josephine Oswald and Ivanna Prelesnik. This brought a delightful evening to a close. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health. Gertrude Kochevar, Repp. No. 68, Fairport, Ohio. — At our January meeting we were happy to see so many members. We had a short business meeting. One of our projects discussed was to help the Slovenian Club remodel the kitchen. All our meetings and a lot of the social affairs are held at the Club, and we need a nice place in which to prepare things. After the meeting, we enjoyed playing popular games. Angela Braun was our hostess and the refreshments she served were delicious. Belated birthday wishes to Angela Braun, Mary Mahne, Marge Kapel and Mary Zalar. Hope to see you all at our next meeting. Betty Pirman, Rep. No. 72, Pullman, 111. — Hello everyone! Hope you survived the winter. First of all, I wish to report that Mrs. Sophie Nemanlch was ill this winter. She had surgery and was in St. Francis Hospital in Blue Island. However, she is doing well and we all wish you a speedy recovery. Mrs. Dolinar, Mrs. Arko and Mrs. Zadnik are still our ailing members, but we hope that the beautiful Spring that is now coming will also bring good health to you and all other ailing members whom I have not mentioned. I made a couple of errors in my last write-up in Zarja. First of all, our meetings are held on the second Sunday of the month and not the third Sunday. We will not have an April meeting. Our next meeting should be in May. However the second Sunday falls on Mother’s Day and most of the members would rather not leave their families on that day. So if you were not at the March meeting to hear what was decided about this, contact some of your fellow members to find out when the May meeting will be held. Also, in the list of officers, I want to make the following corrections: Mrs. Mary Dresher is Recording Sec- retary; Mrs. Wilma Zagar is Secretary and Treasurer. We are looking forward to seeing you at the meetings this year. And I want to remind you again — Please pay your dues on time. If you can’t come to the meeting, mail them to me or bring them to my home at 10445 Wabash Avenue. Wilma Zagar, Rep. No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. — We talked about our 30th anniversary banquet at the last meeting. It will be a family style dinner with dancing to follow at the Amvets Hall on Emery Ave., May 1st. Hope all will come to the affair and bring their families and friends. We hope all our sick members are feeling better and will be present at the anniversary, too. We all wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Ann Modic on the loss of her sister. May she rest in peace and may the perpetual light shine upon her. On our perfect attendance list we had four members: J. Turk, B. Adamovich, B. Bayus and M. Franchini. Congratulations and many more years of perfect attendance to you. Come on, members, try hard to make this a perfect year! You will get three months assessment paid! Mrs. Epley is going to Florida at this writing. Have fun while we button up our overcoats! Mrs. Rivacek is in the hospital and we hope she feels better now. We are having our Birthday Hankies again this year, you must be at the meeting! Also, we urge you to bring in new members and win the cash awards! We’ll have lots of fun with more members! Everyone have a happy St. Patrick's Day and wear your green! Betty Bayus, Rep. FIRST SLOVENIAN VERNACULAR MASS No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. — It is truly gratifying to see so many of our members attending our meetings in spite of the frigid weather we’ve been having. This reporter is sorry that no report of the last few meetings was sent in and I hope the other members will bear with me and excuse the laxity. You know by now, that I was away during November, so I’ll try to catch up on the news. In December, we did not hold a regular business session, but had a pot-luck Christmas party with an exchange of gifts. We also invited guests to this party. We sent a $5 check to our parish priest, Father John Dolsina and a similar gift to the assistant, Father Bisso-nette. We extend hartfelt sympathy to our sister, Mary Gram, whose husband passed away shortly before Christmas. January was the time for selecting our new officers and we elected the same slate as last year. We feel that they did a good job. The officers are: Mary Zakrajšek, Pres.; Katherine De-Petro, Vice-Pres.; Christine Meyer, Treas.; Marian Dergantz, Sec’y; Anne Mazar, Reporter. Mrs. Mary Gram was chosen as Mother-of-the-Year. Our group sent a donation to Father Joseph Varga of Cleveland, O-hio heading a drive to raise funds to have Bishop Slomšek elevated to sainthood. A total sum of $75,000 is to be raised for this cause. We also made a donation to the March of Dimes. After our business session, we enjoyed a social hour playing cards. Prizes were won by Rose Papatola, one of our new social members and by Mrs. Lena Smolich and Mrs. Caroline Crema, guests. Mrs. Steve Stimac and Mrs. Anna Bolf served a very delicious lunch. Anne Mazar, Rep. No. 89, Oglesby, III'. — The first meeting of the New Year was started with the installation of officers. Mrs. Frances Gorišek was the installing officer. Mrs. Sophie Frank was congratulated on beginning her 10th year as treasurer. We would like her to serve ten more years if she is willing! A big thank you to her for doing her work quietly and efficiently as is her nature. Mrs. Anne Vogrich kindly consented to continue with her duties as financial secretary even though she has been ill. Would all members take this into consideration and pay your dues on time so as to make it easier for her? Mrs. Emma Casserly and her committee served us a fine lunch, the coffee and sugar being donated by her thoughtful husband and the cream by the Komater family. We should sign them all up! Mary Kernz, Rep. No. 103, Washington, D.C. — The Feast Day of the Holy Family, Sunday, January 9th marked another important occasion not only for our members and their families, but for all Slovenians living within the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area. For the first time in this locale, a Slovenian Vernacular Mass was offered in the Crypt Chapel of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The largest gathering of Slovenians, thus far, was on hand to participate in this religious event, held in the largest Catholic Church in the United States. We are indeed grateful to Rev. F. Blatnik, SDB of Paterson, New Jersey, for prompting such an occasion, making the necessary arrangements and then traveling the long distance to celebrate this initial Mass. Father Blatnik’s sermon commemorated our special event, and encouraged Slovenians to cling together not only socially but religiously as well; to keep No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — As the temperatures dropped and teeth chattered, a good number of our members braved the wintry blasts and attended our winter meetings. We are an enthusiastic group and have many plans projected for the coming months. After all the annual reports were given by the various committees, perhaps the high point of the evening was the selection of our Mother-o’-the-Year of 19G6. Honors were abounding at our branch that evening when the members selected Rose Boener, 9632 Muskegon Ave., a well-deserving member as our Mother-of-the-Year. Congratulations Rose! The May 4th celebration is our biggest social event, and Evelyn Driscoll again, as always, volunteered to accept the obligations and responsibility of being our chairlady of this event. Yours truly will be her co- Slovenian culture alive; to preserve within family and community the religious ideals that have prevailed generation after generation; to be proud of our Slovenian heritage. Many of the key figures in this event are members of the SWU “men’s auxiliary.” Eric Kovacic and Cyril Zeb-ot served excellently as lector and commentator, respectively. Organist for the Mass was Miss Vera Dowhan and the congregation was led in Slovenian hymns by the fine voices of Miro Pregelj and Stane Susteric. Cyril Zebot, Jr. served Mass and ushering duties were efficiently handled by William Jagodnik and Mirko Javornik, Jr. Selected religious folk hymns were arranged for distribution by Conrad Mejac. Immediately following this impressive service, the group gathered outside of the Crypt Chapel to converse and visit with Slovenians thus far unknown to us. Publicity in the local chairlady. Both of us will be digging in and working hard on our book of tickets which is our only fund-raising project held each year. We were most happy to welcome two newcomers to our branch, Mary Matesich, 9527 Marquette Ave. and Emma Yergovich, 8844 Cornell Ave. You, the new members, are one of the links in our ever strengthening golden chain. We are counting on you to make another strong link. I’m sure that both of you will be good members. Election of officers were held and the same faces will be around for another year, but with renewed energy. After the business session we had on our program Joseph Peter of Holiday Magic, a hair stylist who presented the story of beauty and the best with the proper use of cosme- AT WASHINGTON’S FAMED SHRINE papers had brought forth a large number of “new Slovenians.” From the Shrine our regular and prospective members proceeded to the home of Agna Javornik only a short distance away. A brief meeting was held at which time officers for the coming year were installed by Father Blatnik. New members were then welcomed to our organization. Incidentally they all reside in Washington, D. C.: Antonia Urbančič, Celeste Spehar, Dorica Vetrih, Helena Špacapan and Ivana Trost. Our new junior member this month is Mariane Zebot. Following the meeting a delicious brunch was served, in a true Slovenian style, by the hostess, Agna Javornik and her daughter, Alenka. Potica, Sharkel, Ham, Cheese, Homemade Bread, Relishes, Cake and Coffee were on the elaborate menu and brought forth many compliments from the members. Next on the agenda was a slide tics. He chose Mary Possedi as his model and gave her a complete makeup and hair style. To say the least after the final touches of glamour were finished on Mary, this gave her a psychological boost which made her feel more attractive in the world of beauty. For the remainder of the evening, the ladies sat back and relaxed and enjoyed the goodies donated by the following members: Ann Hlacer, Agatha Mesin and your truly. Cash donated by the following: Victoria Rukavina ($3), Anna Nagoda ($2), Sophie Barbich, Polonia and Mary Ashenbrenner, Sylvia Mitchell, Eva Starcevich, Manda Yergovich, and Sylvia Werner. My sincere thanks to all of you for your generosity. Happy Birthday to the following who are celebrating in March: Catherine Alfirevich, Anna Bozich, Ann Buc- presentation by Rev. Blatnik. The 45 minute pictorial tour took us through Rome, the Vatican Churches and highlights of the Ecumenical Council. The scenes are too numerous to list but the beautifully colored slides and interesting commentary made the presentation exceptionally interesting as well as informative. For some members it was a time for reminiscing and for others a time to make plans for that future trip to Rome. We highly recommended Father Blatnik’s slide presentation to other branches who are eager for new and interesting speakers. Unfortunately, time slipped by so quickly that we could hardly believe it was time to> adjourn our meeting till the second Sunday in February. The entire group went home elated and well pleased with the many activities of the day, undoubtedly thinking in terms of the time when it would be repeated in the near future. Irene M. Planinšek kovac, Manda Dosen, Helen Golich, Ann Granich, Elaine Grankowski, Cecilia Isek, Mary Jurko, Mary Cutich, Rose Nowak, Ann Pave, Ann Pearson, Rose Marie Perpich, Catherine Placz-kowski, Helen Rapaich, Viola Spitz, Eve Starcevich, Dorothy Sleczka, Josephine Zadro, Matilda Jones, Lucy Kopilash, Helen Mazar, Kathleen Rose Quinn, and Marie Zeffiro. We have on our sick list the following members: Frances Hlaner, Anna Nagoda, Mary Plesha, Manda Yergovich and Eve Cora who is happily on the mend after surgery. To all of our sick members, God speed. Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brunski, 9C17 Exchange Ave. who recently celebrated their 60 th wedding anniversary. I would like to remind you to tune in Roman Possedi’s Happy Polka Time of Croatian and Slovenian Pol- kas, now on Saturdays instead of Fridays at 3 to 4 P.M. In conclusion, please try to attend one of our future meetings. Perhaps we’ll see you on April 6, when we will have a program planned for you. Mildred James, Pres. No. 100, Fontana, Calif. — The first meeting of this year was held January 6 and election of officers headed the agenda. Re-elected as president for another year was Jean Kurilich — ably supported by secretary Doro-try Petrich — recording secretary Mary Omatiz — publicity Mary Mor-ovic. Recorder and also Slovenian reporter is Mrs. Filips. Also nominated with honors as Mother-of-the-Year was Cecilia Harzen. One future event was discussed and that is having a rummage sale. More details and plans will be presented at our next meeting. Meeting adjourned after these important matters were decided with a social hour attended by all, celebrating the January birthdays of the members, Mrs. Paula Vidergar and Mrs. Kukman. May you both have many more. Refreshments were enjoyed and an enjoyable evening was experienced once again by all of us. The new officers, active club members and myself wish to extend an invitation to more ladies to take part in our monthly meetings and social hour, which will renew friendships. Yours truly, Mary Morovic No. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio. — It was good to see some old faces back at our January meeting. Hope to see more next month. On the business agenda was the selection of the Mother of the Year. As most of you know, the selected mother is one who does a lot of good for the organization and has greatly helped it along. A secret ballot was cast. Also at the meeting, committees were appointed and are as follows: Sunshine — Doris Burdyshaw, Publicity — Ethel Rittwage and Marge Hren; Refreshments — Elizabeth Merthel and Mary Bradac; Membership — Mary Mertle; Telephone — Barbara Orlosky, Mildred Hetzel, Stella Hacek, Pat Grau, Mary Lou Roch, Doris Burdyshaw. PLEASE contact Secretary, Dorothy Kastellic to pay your dues! Refreshments were served by Pauline Svette, Barbara Orlosky, and Betty Matjašič. I want to thank all the ladies who so helped with refreshments on New Year’s Day at the inaugural ceremony of our new Mayor Lucille Reed. To Mayor Reed, lots of luck in your new office. The Feb. meeting was held as a Valentine’s party. The hostesses did a tremendous job of keeping the refreshments in line. Our thanks to Doris Burdyshaw, Dorothy Cowen, and Mildred Hetzel, and to Mary Mertle for the beautiful corsages. Our hearts are out to Anna Mae Nicholls and Anna Strekal who both have lost their brothers in the past few months. A pleasant surprise at our meeting was to see our Mayor, Ducille Reed. She had taken a few minutes of her time to drop in. So glad to see her. Highways and by-ways are fine to some, but to some of our members, they do get annoying, especially when you are trying to get to a meeting and find yourself out in the wilderness. (How about that, father?) Mary Bradac’s family has been entertaining every Wednesday evening. An army buddy of her husband, Joe’s, whom he hasn’t seen for 20 years, came in to town on a business trip and looked them up. Happy birthdays and anniversaries to those celebrating! Hope to see you all at our next meeting. Your Reporter, Betty Matjašič No. 102, Willard, Wis. — We hold our meetings every three months — usually at the home of one of the members. Our last meeting was held at Mrs. Ann Perme’s home. It was a pleasant gab session, gift exchange and pot luck lunch. On July 25th of last year, our group, along with other interested ladies, chartered a bus and made a pilgrimage to Holy Hill, Wisconsin. We toured the grounds and church, taking part in some of the services and as a group, prayed the Stations of the Cross. Our journey home was spent singing Slovenian songs, as many ladies at one time or other belonged to the now "extinct” Slovenian choir. So, we all had a prayerful and enjoyable time. In the afternoon of Sunday, Oct. 24th, we held a social hour at wihich time games were played, prizes a-warded and delicious strudel and coffee served. Mrs. Ann Perme showed slides of Germany taken by her son, Jeffrey, while serving his country as a member of the U. S. A. P. Sophie Trunkel, Rep. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Our January meeting was held at Katherine Mustek’s home, although there were only a dozen members present. It really is unfortunate that some of our members cannot attend meetings due to transportation difficulties. I would not think of someone going out of their way to pick me up, but my husband drives over to Pauline’s (our FOUR GENERATIONS Four generations at Br. 102, Willard, Wis. show from left to right, Mrs. Mary Staut, former Secretary, Mrs. Mary Anne Friedman holding 2 week old Janette Marie and greatgrandmother, Mrs. Anna Volovsek. The family is extended heartiest good wishes! president) and there several of us meet and ride along with Ann McGee. Now, I think, if we tried hard enough, the same could be done by our other members. Just have your husbands drive you to a centrally located member’s home and then maybe one of our wonderful gals will take over from there. As simple as that! I know your husbands would not mind driving you, just to get rid of you for several hours, so they can have peace and quiet! Come on, give it a try! We had election of officers and it still stands as in the past. Pauline Adamic is president and Katherine Musick, secretary. We do have a treasurer now, Alice Kocjan. Her granddaughter, Donna, is helping out. She is a lovely young lady and very much on the alert. Good luck to you all. We had our usual donation of gifts. Ann Lindich donated a pair of red knitted foot warmers; Alice Becker was the lucky one to receive them. I received a gold color, lovely cosmetic bag and perfume. This article will not appear until March, so we have to say happy belated birthday in February to Julia Panzica and happy birthday in March to Katherine Musick. Ann Pazar, a long-time member, was voted unanimously as our Mother-of-the-Year. More of that in our future article. Gail Simon was unable to attend our meeting due to the flu. There is always a good logical reason why Gail misses a meeting. Take care of yourself, Gail. Whatever happened to Rose Jamnik and Anna Anzick? We missed them at the meeting. I’m sure they also had a good reason. I wish to thank all the ladies for the lovely birthday and Christmas cards I received, and also, a few belated cards. As I always say, better to be thought of late, than not at all! Mary Zimmerman and her husband, lulling in Califoma for the winter, also took time out to remember my birthday and Christmas. Thank you, Mary. I know you are both enjoying your trip and we are looking forward to seeing you in the springtime. Thank you again, ladies, I really appreciate it. A delicious meal was prepared by our hostess, Katherine. Chop suey with rice and Chinese noddles, hot, melt-in-your-mouth buns or rolls, fruit salad with sour cream, sliced cheese, three layer cherry cake! That’s one a month we discard our faithful diets and just eat! Every bit was delicious, Katherine. I speak for all of us. Thank you so much. Now I shall try to take up as little space as possible, altho I could write a book, about our president, Pauline Adamic, the lady with an abundance of energy. She has in so many different ways built up our treasury. She has sold tickets by the hundreds, cooked for various entertainments, is always willing to give a helping hand, belongs also to the SNPJ as I do, works at the club on Saturday nights until the wee hours of morning. She has helped me so many times and also helped many others. She will never turn you down! What’s more, she loves doing it. Pauline is actually happy when she can help. Good luck to you and John, Pauline, and thank God for your good health and good nature to do these things. Our condolences to Julia Panzica on the passing of her dear brother, recently. In closing, I would like to say, help those who need help. You will feel so much better for it. May health and happiness be yours. God bless you all. Stephanie Hometz, Rep. IF YOU MOVE, HERE’S WHAT YOU DO: Cut this out, fill out and mall Immediately to: ZARJA - THE DAWN — 1937 W. Cermak Rd. — Chicago, III. 60608 I am a member of Branch No...............and have moved: from___________________________________________________________________________ to_____________________________________________________________________________ Signed: P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. Duhovne misli Vsakemu ni mogoče vstreci So ljudje, ki skušajo vsakemu vstreči; tudi na škodo dobrega. Nočejo se nikomur zameriti. To v življenju ni mogoče. Še celo naš Gospod je rekel, da dvema gospodoma ni mogoče služiti. So načela v življenju, ki se jim ne moremo in ne smemo odreči, če nočemo sebi povzročiti duhovno škodo. Stvari ali so črne ali so bele ne moremo enkrat reči, da so črne potem pa zopet reči, da so bele, ker pač tako veter piha. Zato imamo v zgodovini junake, ker so cenili smrt bolj kakor pa da bo poteptali pravice za katere so se borili. V cerkve imamo zato mučence, ker so cenili vero v Jezusa Kristusa in Boga bolj kakor pa trenutni dobiček. Ljudem ne moremo nikoli ustreči. Saj jim se Bog ne ustreže. Nekdo si želi snega, nekdo lepega vremena. Nikoli pa ni tako, da bi bilo po željah vseh ljudi. Kadar imamo pred očmi društveno življenje imamo prav iste težave. Nekateri so za stavljene predloge, drugi so proti. Zakaj so proti. Ne zato, ker predlogi škodujejo stvari ampak zato, ker oni tako čutijo. Ker niso oni predlagali, zato so pa proti. Koliko dobrega na tu način propade, ker človeška užaljenost in napuh igrata veliko vlogo. Nekje sem bral sledeče zgodbo. Mlinar in njegov sin ženeta v bližnje meso osla naprodaj. Med potjo ju sreča kmetič na konju in jima reče: “Nista preveč pametna, da gre osel prazen in od vaju nobeden ne sede nanj.” Mlinar takoj posadi sina na osla. Malo potem srečata voznika, ki pravi: “Ali te ni sram, da ti jezdiš, tvoj o£e pa mora hoditi peš.?” Sin skoči raz osla in oče sede nanj. Komaj sta prišla malo dalje po cesti, kar ju sreča kmetica, ki je nesla poln jerbas na glavi in reče: “To je neusmiljen oče ki tako široko sedi na oslu, sin pa mora po cesti brusiti noge.” Nato vzame mlinar se sina k sebi na osla. “O, ubogo živinče, gotovo mora poginiti pod toliko težo,” zakriči ovčar, ki je pasel ovce ob cesti. Zdaj oba stopita z osla in sin reče očetu: "Kaj hočeva sedaj storiti z oslom, da ustreževa ljudem?” Mlinar odgovori: “Kaj sprašujeva druge. Storiva kakor se nama zdi dobro.” Vsem ljudem ni mogoče ustreči. Kako ta zgodba nazorno pove, da naj vsakdo dela po svoji vesti to kar je najboljše. Če bomo poslušali ljudi, ne bomo nikamor prišli. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Z bolestjo, pa vdani v božjo voljo, sporočamo sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, da je po kratki bolezni potem ko je prejel sv. zakramente za umirajoče, izdihnil svojo dušo naš nepozabni soprog, oče, stari oče inn prastari oče Iz srca se zahvalimo dobrim sosedom in prijateljem za vso pomoč v uri največje žalosti. Enako vsem tistim, ki so pripravili okrepčila po pogrebu. Nuša topla zalivala George McCarthy za skrbno postrežbo in vodstvo pogreba ter nosilcem krste. Naj IFrattk ftupar g Pokojni je bil rojen 31. jan. 1882 v vasi Lešnake, fara sv. Vid v Sloveniji, od koder je pred 60 leti prišel v Ameriko. Blagi pokojni je za vedno zatisnil svoje oči dne 11. novembra, 1965. Pogrebni obredi so se vršili 13. nov. iz cerkve Marije Pomagaj. Iskreno se zahvalujemo za duhovno tolažbo med boleznijo, zlasti Rev. Claude Roberts za v srce segajoči govor družini ob priliki molitve rožnega venca, za daritev sv. maše ter pogrebne obrede na Rose-lawn pokopališču, kjer smo truplo pokojnega izročili materi zemlji. Hvaležni smo cerkvenemu pevskemu zboru za petje pokojnemu v zadnje slovo. Prisrčna zahvala društvom Marije Pomagaj št. 42, ABZ, društvu Sv. Jožefa, KSKJ, govornikom preds. Joe Germ in John Butkovich pri odprtem grobu v nepozabni spomin. dobri Bog povrne vsem, ki so darovali za sv. maše in obilo krasnega cvetja in vencev, ki so krasili krsto. Hvala vsem, ki so pokojnega spremili na pokopališče. Če bi kdo po pomoti ne prejel naše osebne zahvale, prosimo, da nam oprosti. Naša globoka zahvala na vse osebne in pismene izraze sožalja. Hvaležni smo hčerki Angeli Graiffone, ki živi v San Carlos, Cal. za njeno navzočnost z nami v uri naše žalosti. Do konca dni se bomo spominjali našega soproga in očeta. Naj počiva v miru, ker naša tolažba je, da nam je tudi odprta pot, da pridemo za njim. Pokojni je bil marljiv društvenik, bil je taj. društva Marija Pomagaj, ABZ, celih 39 let. Njegova skrb za napredek družine je bila brezmejna. Njegov vzgled naj nas vodi, da se bomo videli v slavi večne luči in v trajnem spominu do konca dni našega življenja. Žalujoči ostali: soproga, Mary Rupar, sinova Frank in Ray, hčerke Mary Fassceco, Justine Mehle, Ann Allen, Theresa Leasure in Virginia Fellian, vsi v Pueblo. Hčerka Angela Graiffone v San Carlos, Cal. ter 16 vnukov in 3 pravnuki. Pueblo, Colo., 11. jan. 1966. Join Our S.W.U. Travelers Touring Europe This Summer Direct Flight To Ljubljana, $395.00 ! Departure June 14 Returning July 14-Aug. 11 Departure June 21, Returning Sept. 8 Departure June 28, Returning July 28 Departure July 12, Returning Aug. 12 NINE DAY EXCURSION THRU ITALY First Day— Leave Ljubljana for Venice through Trieste with short stop at Trieste (261 km). In Venice transportation by boat to St. Mark’s Square and sightseeing—St. Mark’s Church, Bridge of Sighs, Church of Santa Maria della Salute. Ovemite stay in hotel. Second Day— Venice-Florence (262 kin.). Longer stay at Padova. Visit St. Anthony’s Church. Overnight in Florence. Third Day— Florence-Rome (299 km). Overnight in Rome. Fourth Day— Rome-Visit St. Peter’s Basilica Chapel, Amphittheatre, Forum Romanum, etc. Fifth Day— Rome—Visit to Catacombs. Sixth Day— Rome—Tourists have opportunity to spend day as they wish. Seventh Day— Leave Rome early morning. Travel through Livorno, where there will be a short stop, then on to Pisa. Sightseeing—Cathedral, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Camp Santo with baptismal stone and cemetery. Eighth Day— Pisa—Venice (350 km.) with stop at Florence. Overnight at Venice. Ninth Day— Venice—Ljubljana (261 km.) with stop and sightseeing at Trieste. Excursion to Italy will be conducted by experienced guides, who will show interesting points of the country and explain its culture. Travel with Slovenian Women’s Union Tours for a carefree trip filled with fun and pleasure. For reservations and information, please write to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 19S7 WEST CERMAK ROAD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60608 PHONES: Bishop 7-2014 or Bishop 7-7999 Members who wish to travel leisurely on a luxurious ocean liner, we recommend May 25 or July 5 departures via S.S. Queen Elizabeth. All land arrangements by: AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 TEL. 431-4148 Marie Prisland: “Pride čas, ko bo tako hudo, da bi ne privoščila biti na svetu niti svojemu staremu šolnu,” je prerokovala Šibil ja. Ali se sedajni rod bliža takim časom? Ves svet je v neredu ter v negotovosti diha sem in tja brez vsakega cilja. Živimo v razdobju, ki bi ga lahko imenovali mir, z živčno in mrzlo, zdaj tudi z vročo vojno v Aziji pa svet divja naprej. Narodi, o katerih včasih niti slišali nismo, so zrevo-lucionirali. Povsod vstaje, rovanje in nered. Po vseh delih sveta nekaj tli. Celo narava revoltira. Povodnji, potresi, viharji so njen protest. Po svetu je milijone ljudi lačnih, raztrganih, pohabljenih in brez doma, preklinjajoč svet in svojo usodo. V Ameriki pomajnkanja še ne občutimo, ponekod vlada celo blagostanje, zadovoljni pa vseeno nismo. Bodočnost in ne-gotovnost, v kateri živimo, nas skrbi; zdaj tudi vojna v Vietnamu. — Časopisi so napoljeni slabih prerokb. Radio in TV komentatorji se pritožujejo nad sto in sto stvarmi, ki nam niso po godu. Mladina ni zadovoljna ter išče izhodov, da sama ne ve kje in kam. Nezadovoljnost narašča po vsem svetu. Kam nas nese duh časa . . . ? ***** Zvezine kuharske knjige so med narodom priljubljene. Dosedaj je prodanih okrog 8,000 izvodov. V prodaji se najbolj odlikuje gospa Anna Pachak, predsednica podružnic v Colorado, Kansas in Missouri. Razpečala je že 558 knjig. Priznanje takemu odličnemu delu! Istotako so se odbornice podružnic in nekatere članice s prodajo potrudile. V slovenski naselbini, Waukegan-North Chicago, Zveza žal še nima podružnice, čeprav smo jo večkrat poizkusile ustanoviti, imamo pa tam dobrega prijatelja, ki ima Zvezo rad in to je g. Joseph Zorc, poznan, spoštovan in uspešen trgovec z zemljišči, agent za zavarovalnino in predsednik glavnega nadzornega odbora K.S.K.J. Dosedaj je razprodal že 102' knjige. Za Veliko noč bo jih gotovo spet naročil. Naj omenim oba Zorcova sina, ki sta z odliko graduirala iz slavne katoliške univerze v Georgetownu, blizu Washing-tona D.C. Joseph je odvetnik in ima svojo pisarno v Wa-shingtonu, David pa kot član “Peace Corps” organizacije poučuje angleščino v Kalibo, Aklan, na Filipinskih otokih. G. Zorcu in njegovi odlični družini želimo sreče in zadovoljstva, ter se mu zahvalimo za njegove usluge in naklonjenost. ***** V mrzlem mesecu marcu bo na mestu pesmica Stanke Vinšek. Trije Vrabčki Trije vrabčki sedijo na strehi, kot kepice pernate tri. In eden se k drugemu stiska, ker iz megle ledeno prši. Kaj zimski jim dan bo prinesel? Želodček je prazen in kljun. “Uh,” levi prav tenko začivka. “Že grize me mraz, ta grdun.” Zdaj desni se vrabček potrudi, da še bolj postal bi kosmat. “Kje gnezdece toplo bi našel, iz žleba kaplja mi za vrat!” Čepi tretji vrabček na sredi, in ves zadovoljen molči. Se greje od leve In desne, in vse se Kar dobro mu zdi. Glavne odbornice tudi na počitnicah na Zvezo mislimo. Z gl. tajnico Albino Novak, sva lansko leto v Ljubljani razmotrivali, kako bi se dalo okrepiti naš šolninski sklad. Jaz sem bila mnenja, naj bi katera izmed Zvezinih velikih podružnic imela koncert ter presežek darovala šolninske-mu skladu. Imamo namreč odlično pevko-članico, Marijo Kranjc Fischinger, ki bo enkrat dosegla visoko mesto v svoji karijeri in bi morda hotela koncert podati. Gospa Novakova je bila mnenja, da bi clevelandske podružnice lahko dale pokroviteljstvo takemu koncertu. Na seji glavnega odbora je misel postala realnost, ko se je z idejo strinjala tudi gl. predsednica. V Clevelandu, v največjem slovenskem Narodnem domu v Ameriki, (2000 sedežev) se 13. marca vrši tozadevni koncert pod pokroviteljstvom podružnic iz Clevelanda in okolice. Koncert bo podala gospa Marija Kranjc Fischinger iz Chicaga. Na klavirju jo bo spremljal profesor glasbe Mr. William Browning. V imenu Šolninskega odbora se prisrčno- zahvalim clevelandskim podružnicam, ki se bodo potrudile, da bo koncert dobro uspel, kar se udeležbe tiče. Da bo koncert odlično podan, lahko- kar jaz garantiram. Gospa Marija Fischinger je namreč bila v Sheboyganu že dvakrat na programu. Vsakikrat si je s svojo očarljivo osebnostjo in visoko iz-vežbanim glasom občinstvo osvojila. Pričakujemo jo zopet meseca septembra, ko bo naša podružnica slavila 40-letnico obstoja Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Takrat bo Marija na programu nastopila ter zapela kot zna le ona, da bo vsak z navdušenjem poslušal. ***** Gospa Fischinger je prišla s starši v Ameriko pred 15 leti. Šolala se je v De Paul univerzi muzikalnem konservatoriju v Chicagu. Lansko leto je z odliko graduirala, to-časno pa študira za “Masters Degree." Njeni starši: Očka je rodom Ljubljančan in je inženir, mamica pa je bila rojena v Hercegovini in je umetnica v ročnem delu. Njen soprog, dr. Peter Fischinger, je znanstvenik v zdravniški profesiji. Točasno raziskuje vzroke rakastih obolelosti. Staršem “naše” Marije čestitamo k nadarjeni hčerki, g. soprogu pa k ljubki ženici, zvezdi slovenskega petja in glasbe. Torej slovenski Cleveland! Postavi se s tem koncer- tom! — Podružnice in prijatelji! Dajte priznanje nadarjeni Zvezini članici s tem, da 13. marca napolnite vse sedeže obširnega slovenskega Narodnega doma! ***** Spomin na zlata, mlada leta, izvabil vas iz daljnega je sveta da videle bi vaše spet oči, dragi kraj, otroških dni. Ko pod rodno streho boste spali, kjer kot otrok ste sanjali, želimo vam prav lepe sanje, kot so bile dni nekdanje. Zveza že več let prireja skupinska potovanja v staro domovino. Tako tudi letos. Priporočam potovanje 28tega junija. Pričetkom julija je v Sloveniji jako lepo. Sonce gorko sije, solata, fižol in krompir so na vrtu in črešnje so zrele; v gozdu pa slavček žvrgoli. Potniki, ki odidejo 28tega junija, bodo ravno pravočasno prišli za udeležbo na priljubljenem ameriškem pikniku 4. julija, ki se tam vsako leto vrši na kakem prijetnem kraju. Na programu je krasno petje in popularni narodni plesi poleg pozdravov od vseh strani. Potnike 28tega junija bo spremljala vešča vodnica. Zanesljiva Kollandrova potniška agencija bo vse potrebno oskrbela, kot to dela že 40 let. Na razpolago bo najnovejšo potniško letalo, pristanek pa na Brnikih blizu Ljubljane in ne več v Zagrebu kot prejšna leta. — Vsi, ki letos nameravate potovati v rodno domovino, se takoj priglasite pri: August Kollander Travel Bureau, 6419 St.Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44103. Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Čas je že, da zopet napišem nekaj vrstic v našo Zarjo. Žal so moje novice bolj žalostne. Zopet smo izgubile dve članice: Matilda Schabert in Lucija Terz. Bile sta naše dobre dolgoletne članice, zato ju bomo ohranile v lepem spominu. Bog jima daj večni mir. Žalujočim družinam pa naše sožalje. Gotovo veste, da bo Zveza obhajala 40 letnico ustanovitve, zato bi bilo zelo lepo, če bi v tej jubilejni kampanji se potrudile in pridobile nekaj novih članic. Vedno jih izgubimo, zato je potrebno, da jih nadomestimo z novimi članicami. Naša podružnica bo 17. aprila imela card party ter ste vse vljudno vabljene k udeležbi. V marcu pa bomo imele rummage sale v St. John dvorani. — Tudi nekaj kuharskih knjig še imam, če bi katera članica želela, jih lahko dobi pri meni. Je zelo dobra knjiga. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Najlepše pozdravljam vse sestre po celi Ameriki, posebno še pri naši podr. št. 12. Frances Plesko, preds. št. 14, Euclid, O. — Poročilo seje 1. febr. Tega dne smo imeli zelo slabo in mrzlo vreme, zato so bile mnoge članice zadržane, ker jim ni bilo možno priti. Vseeno se je dovolj članio udeležilo, da smo sejo lahko odprle. Mrs. Mary Prisland je poslala čestitke naši novo izvoljeni predsednici, Theresi Skur. Obenem ji je tudi čestitala, ko je njen sin pri vojakih postal odličen major. Mrs Prisland ji želi, da bi sin še naprej tako lepo napredoval in dosegal čin generala. V zadnji Zarji je bilo napačno poro-čano, da je k naši podr. prestopila od št. 25, Tončka Zabukovec in ne kakor je bilo poročano, Mrs. Zabukovec. Tončka je sedaj naša nova tajnica. Ta večer je prvič sedela pri glavni mizi in prav dobro vršila svoj posel. Tudi naša omenjena nova predsednica, je prav ročno in korajžno vodila sejo in se vidi, da se bo hitro privadila. Predlagala je za kakšno društveno prireditev, pa tega večera nismo prišle do pravega zaključka, kar je bilo odloženo za naslednjo sejo. Ses. Veronika Troha je resno obolela. Priporočamo jo v molitev. Obiskov ni več vesela. Mrs. Troha je bila ena naših najboljših članic. Mnogokrat je prispevala v našo ročno blagajno in zelo rada je tudi hodila na seje. Ta večer so darovale: Frances Plevnik, Margaret Baron in Mrs. Vrhov-šek. Vsem darovalkam naj Bog stotero poplača. Vsem članicam iskren pozdrav. Antonija Sustar, poroč. ČAS HITRO TEČE! POJDIMO VSE NA DELO ZA PRIDOBITEV NOVIH ČLANIC! Vsaka članica, ki bo pridobila skupno 10 točk bo prejela Zvezin znak in dodatno tudi denarne nagrade, kakor sledi: * Za novo čla. razreda B., I točka in $1.00. * Za novo čla. razreda A, l/2 točke in 500. * Za novo mlad. članico, !/2 točke in 25^. Tako bo vsaka članica v tej “rubinski” kampanji deležna denarnih nagrad in spominčka, če bo imela skupno vsaj 10 točk. VAŽEN OPOMIN! — Kampanja za nove članice bo zaključena 1. aprila. Ostane le en mesec za delo in za mične nagrade, ki se nudijo podružnicam in posameznim delavkam. Podružnica, ki bo pridobila največ novili bo prejela nagrado $20.00; druga nagrada za podružnice je $15.00; tretja nagrada $10.00 in četrta $5.00. Prosi se vas, drage sestre, da greste na delo in pomagate podružnici priti do ene izmed nagrad. — Albina Novak, gl. la j. Št. 15, Cleveland, O. — Januarska seja je bila lepo obiskana, toda danes ko pišem te vrstice, imamo veliko snega in strašno hudo zimo. Globoko sožalje naši tajnici Frances Novak, ki ji je umrla njena sestra Mary E. Wolske. Zapustila je bolnega moža, otroke, več sester in mnogo drugih sorodnikov. Vsem iskreno sožalje. Blagi pokojni pa večni mir in naj uživa plačilo pri Bogu. Bela žena je zopet vzela sina naši članici Mrs. Ozimek in brata dvema sestrama, ki sta tudi naše članice. Umrl je v starosti komaj 49 let in zapustil ženo, otroke, starše, več sester in brata. En brat je duhovnik, kaplan pri Sveti Kristini. Vsem globoko sožalje, njemu pa večni mir in pokoj. Več dni se je nahajala v bolnici Angela Gregorčič, sedaj je že doma. Želimo ji, da bi kmalu bila popolnoma zdrava in zopet prišla na naše seje. Vsem bolnim članicam, ki jih imamo veliko, želimo, da bi jim Bog in Marija skoraj zdravje podelila. Članice naše podr. so vabljene, da se udeležijo koncerta, ki ga bodo priredile skupne podružnice v Narodnem domu na Sentklarju, 13. marca ob 3 uri popoldne. Tikeci so na prodaj pri odbornicah. To bo lep koncert, pride odlična pevka iz Chicaga in lipam, da bo lepa udeležba. Prav ob koncu tega dopisa, sem dobila sporočilo, da je umrla članica Ana Jakič, ki je bila vedno pripravljena pomagati pri delu za podr. Bila je tudi v uradu kot predsednica več let. Žalujočim otrokom in ostalim sorodnikom izrekam iskreno sožalje. Ona pa naj uživa večno srečo kot plačilo trpljenja po dolgi bolezni. Najlepši pozdrav vsem in na svidenje na seji in na koncertu. Frances Lindich, poroč. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Iskreno se vabi kegljačice, odbornice in članice ter prijatelje od blizu in daleč na našo Srednje zapadno kegljaško tekmo, ki se vrši dne 26. in 27. marca v Jolietu v Rivals Parku. Kegljačice se pridno pripravljajo za to tekmo, in bo mnogo razvedrila za vsakega. Za one, ki bodo ostale tu čez noč, se Vam svetuje, da pišete na načelnico za stanovanje in to je Miss Mary i^ou Bluth, 102)5 N. Center St., Joliet, telefon 72-23390. Kar se tiče finančne zadeve ima pa v rokah Mrs. Josephine Sumic, blagajničarka. Torej, na svidenje v Rivals parku! Tem potom tudi sporočam, da smo takoj prvi mesec v letu imeli na mrtvaškem odru kar dve članice, ki sta ležale v enem kraju, vsaka v drugi sobi. Prva je Mrs. Antonia Struna, ustanovna članica naše podružnice. Umrla je 13. jan. stara 79 let. Doneski za Šolninski sklad Zadnji izkaz $402.00 Novi doneski : August Hollander, Cleveland, O., naš prijazni in zanesljivi potniški agent $50.00 Podružnica št. 33, Duluth, Minn. 25.00 Stanley Bratina, Pueblo, Colo. prejemnik Zvezine Šolnine v letu 1955-5G 20.00 Podružnica št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. 17.00 Podružnica št. 20, Joliet, 111. 15.00 Anna Pachak, Pueblo, Colo., gl. odbornica SŽZ, Pueblo, Colo 13.00 Podružnica št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio 10.00 Podružnica št. 40, Lorain, Ohio 10.00 Podružnica št. 105, Detroit, Mich. 5.00 Ella Starin, bivša gl. odbornica S.Ž.Z., v spomin Jennie Krall, Cleveland, O. 5.00 Josephine Erjavec, Joliet, 111. bivša gl. tajnica SŽZ. 5.00 Josephine Sumic, Joliet, 111., bivša gl. odbornica SŽZ., v spomin pokojnega soproga 5.00 Frances Tomsic, Strabane, Pa., v spomin pokojne Mary Kocman, Pueblo, Colo. 5.00 Antonia Turek, gl. predsednica SŽZ., v spomin pokojne Kati Bartol, Cleveland, O. 2.00 187.00 Skupno do 10. februarja 1966 $589.00 (Podružnica v Sheboyganu, Wis., ki je v Šolninski sklad prispevala $30.00, ima številko l, in ne št. 30 kot je bilo pomotoma v zadnjem izkazu označeno.) Za doneske v Šolninski sklad se v imenu Šolninske-ga odbora najlepše zahvaljuje, Marie Prisland, predsednica. Rojena v Loškem potoku. Poleg treh nečakinj tu v Ameriki in nečaka zapušča tudi sestrično Mrs. Frances Pikuš, ki je tudi naša članica, v stari domovini pa tudi več sorodnikov. Bila je članica raznih društev. Pred letom ji je umrl soprog, Frank Struna. Nato je umrla Mrs. Veronika Tadej, stara 68 let. Pisala se je prej Količ. Stanovala je na 1125 N. Hickory. Ro jena v Jolietu, zapušča sina, Edward, štiri vnuke, tri sestre in več drugih sorodnikov. Pokopana je bila iz hrvaške cerkve na slov. pokopališče Sv. Jožefa. Obema pokojnima, želimo večno luč in večni mir, sorodnikom pa naše sožalje. Na prvi seji v mesecu so tudi članice obžalovale, da ni bila med nami naša tajnica, Frances Gaspih, katera se je nahajala v bolnišnici. Enako se tam nahaja Mrs. Mary Vlasich, Annette Petek, in Louise Duša. Želimo vsem bolnim hitrega okrevanja. Dvignjene so bile srečke kot običajno za tiste, ki imajo celo leto plačan asesment. Po pet dol. so prejele: Ann Lenovich, Anna Janezich, Jennie Smrekar, Mary Ambrozich, Mary Spe-lich (Dawes Ave.) in Lil Berg. Na seji se je tudi pobralo prispevke za Šolninski sklad. Dobitek je dala preds. Mrs. Emma Planinšek. Srečna je bila Antonia Sandal. Door prize (pillow cases) je prejela Mrs. Jo Sumic. Duhovna vodja, Msgr. M. J. Butala, je zaprisegel odbor za leto 1966: predsednica, Emina Planinšek, podpredsednica, Josephine Mustar, tajnica, Frances Gaspich, zapisnikarica, Josephine Erjavec, blagajničarka, Josephine Sumic, nadzornice, Mary Lesnik, Jennie Sprengel in Anne Stefanic in redite-ljica, Theresa Muhich. Gospod župnik je lepo čestital podružnici in pa odboru za leto 1965 ter jima želel uspeha v tem letu. Govoril je tudi o slavnosti cerkve to leto, ko bomo obhajali biserno obletnico. Po seji sl je vršila prosta zabava. Lunch je bil serviran in dobre potice je spekla Mrs. Mary Lesnik. Cakes so darovale Mrs. Emma Planinšek in Josephine Sumic in rahle in dobre flancete je prinesla pa Ida Ranzin-ger. Vsem hvala za take dobrote. Po seji so se članice zbrale in skupno korakale k Težakovimu pogrebnemu zavodu, da skupno molijo za obe članice, ki so takrat ležale na mrtvaškem odru. Vas vse iskreno pozdravljam, Josephine Erjavec Št. 24, La Salle, III. — Sporočam, da je umrla sestra Veronika Brate, ki je bolehala nad leto dni. Zapustila je dva sina, dva pastorka, eno pastorko, več vnukov, brata Frank Kapš ter več sorodnikov v domovini in tukaj. Vsem žalujočim izrekamo globoko sožalje. Pokojna naj počiva v miru božjim. Žalost je obiskala tudi sestro Klaro Petrovski, kateri je umrl brat Kazimir Mrgoski. Naj v miru počiva, Preostalim naše sožalje. Mrzlo vreme kot ga še ne pomnimo je gotovo vzrok, da je več naših članic na bolniški postelji. Vsem želimo, da bi kmalu okrevale. Bližajo se gotovo toplejši dnevi in bi rada opomnila članice, da pridete na sejo, ker imamo več važnih zadev za rešiti in ni prav, da naložite vso odgovornost na odbornice. Najlepše pozdrav vsem sestram po širni Ameriki! Angela Strukel, taj. Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Lepo pozdravljene vse članice naše podružnice, posebno še tiste, ki tako redno prihajate na naše seje. Vabimo, da bi vse bile tako pridne, saj imamo na vsaki seji kaj zanimivega in malo razvedrila, zato pripeljite še druge. Naša decemberska seja je bila dobro obiskana. Navzočih je bilo 62 članic, pa vseeno ni bilo mogoče dobiti, da bi urade prevzele, zato vse tako ostane na starih ramah, ker smo navajene. Sedaj je zopet na mojih in drage članice, prav lepo vas prosim, da bi bile bolj točne s plačevanjem, ker to je v vašo korist in članarina je tako malenkostna, da res lahko plačate za celo leto. — V preteklem letu nam je umrlo 20 dobrih članic. Vse smo lepo počastile na mrliškem odru gremo moliti rožni venec in da- mo za auto, da jo spremimo na zadnji poti na pokopališče. Vse to je v uteho družini in naše prav sočutno slovo od pokojne sestre. Že v tem letu so umrle štiri sestre. Najprej smo pokopali Kattie Bartol, ki je bila naša ustanoviteljica in prva rediteiji-ca. Zapustila je hčerko Marie Kobe in drugo sorodstvo. Njej je sledila naša dobra delavka in večletna predsednica, Jennie Kral, ki je bila tudi delegatinja na Zvezinih konvencijah. Njena edina hčerka Jean Delmore je tudi naša več letna članica. Umrla je tudi Mary Svete, ki je bila naša dobra članica, nje ni bilo treba iskati za plačilo članarine, je vedno sama plačala v naprej. Izgubile smo tudi našo soustanoviteljico Mary Tekavec, ki je bila dobra, tiha in verna žena. Za njo žalujeta dve hčerki in en sin. — Bog daj vsem umrlim mirni počitek in večno življenje v nebesih. Žalujočim družinam pa iskreno sožalje. Sedaj pa bolj vesele novice. Mr. in Mrs. Michael Klemenčič sta 30. jan. praznovala zlato poroko v cerkvi Sv. Vida. Po cerkvenem opravilu so se zbrali gostje v novi veliki dvorani, kjer je bilo domače veselje s slavnostnim kosilom. Mrs. Klemenčič je naša dobra članica, kakor tudi njena sestra Angela Verhovnik. Vse želimo slavljencema, da bi dočakala še biserno poroko. Bog vaju živi še mnogo let! Sedaj je v teku “Ruby” kampanja v počastitev 40 letnice ustanovitve naše Slovenske Ženske Zveze, menda ne bo treba kmalu zapisati “Angleške.” Prosim vas, da bi pridobile nove članice, ker hočemo, da naša podr. napreduje. Vabim vas, da vpišete vaše vnuke, stane malo, a za otroke se dobro napravi. Poglejmo okoli sebe, pa bomo kaj pridobile. Seje imamo drugi pondeljek v mesecu ob sedmi uri zvečer. Asesment pobiram že od 5 ure dalje in 25«! dodatek na mesec. Dobrodošle ste tudi na dom, ali pa pošljite po pošti, kakor pač vam je bolj pripravno, samo, da ne bo potrebno prositi, veste prišla je zadnja mladost. Vse najlepše pozdravljam in želim ljubega zdravja. Pridite na seje. Mary Otoničar DOBRODELNI KONCERT IN PROSLAVA 40 LET. SŽZ Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Čas gre svojo pot naprej in ne čaka na nikogar. Zdi se mi, da sem komaj voščila božične praznike in novo leto, pa je že pred nami god Sv. Jožefa ter želim vsem Jožetom in Jožicam veselo go-dovanje. Naše seje so prav dobro obiskane. Na decemberski seji je bilo veliko število članic in smo se prav lepo imele. Obhajale smo božičnico, nakar smo imele okusni prigrizek ter tudi rujnega vinca ni manjkalo. Dobrote so prinesle sosestre. Potem je bila izmenjava daril, ali grab bag in vsaka je bila radovedna kaj bo našla v tako lepih zavitkih, tako da je bilo pravo božično veselje. Tudi na januarski seji je bila velika udeležba in odbor se je potrudil, da je poskrbel za malo presenečenje članicam. Povabile smo dobrega prijatelja Mr. Martin Sera, ki nam je kazal slike iz starega kraja. On je bil lansko leto z ženo in dvema hčerkama v stari domovini ter je posnel veliko lepih slik v barvah in z nami delil uživanje gledanja naše ljubljene Slovenije, posebno še tistim, katerim ni sreča naklonjena, da bi šli osebno v rodne kraje, kakor tudi tukaj rojeni mladi, da vsaj na platnu vidijo domovino svojih starišev. Posebna hvala Mr. Sera, ki je prišel 15 milj daleč in brezplačno, da nas je razveselil s krasnimi slikami. Potem smo servirale malo prigrizka in domačega vina smo imeli, prinesel ga je Mr. Sera. Mrs. Bahar je prinesla veliko ocvirkovo' potico in Mrs. Frlan pa orehovo potico in Agnes Veselič pa veliki cake. Zelo smo bile vesele, da se je tega večera udeležila tudi naša bivša zelo aktivna in dobra članica, Mary Coghi, ki je pred leti veliko storila za napredek Zveze. Če jo Bog ohrani bo letos majnika obhajala 85 let. Bog Vas živi in pridite še na naše seje! Ob zaključku naj še poročam, da bomo imele tretji torek, dne 17. maja luncheon ob 1 P.M. v slovenskem domu na 57 cesti in prosim članice že sedaj, da gredo na roke in pamagajo prodajati vstopnice in da pripeljete s seboj prijatelje med nas. Imamo tudi nekaj resno bolanih sester. Moimo za nje, da jim ljubi Bog povrne dragoceno zdravje. Najlepše pozdrave vsem sestram po širni Ameriki, posebno pri naši podružnici in na svidenje na seji 15. marca. ___________Anna Trontel, preds. Št. 30, Aurora, III. — V veselje mi je poročati, da vnukinja naše Mrs. Račič prav dobro napreduje v šoli za letalsko strežnico (stewardess). Za poskušnjo je bila poslana že črez morje v Pariz in zdaj bo šla pa še v Švico, če še to dobro prestane, bo nastopila svojo novo službo v letalu. Čestitke Jennie Račič z željo, da bi bila srečna v svojem lepem poklicu! Zima nas tudi letos ni pozabila. Do Novega leta je bilo res lepo, potem pa je začelo snežiti in ga je toliko padlo, da smo za dolgo časa preskrbljeni z njim. Meni se je zdelo, kakor Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. — Ne vem kam bi se pritožila nad sneženimi krilatci, ki so nam nasuli več kot dosti snega. Vsled tega je bila tudi udeležba na seji bolj maloštevilna. Vesele smo bile nazvočnosti ses. preds. Mary Debevec, ki se je nekaj dni pred sejo vrnila iz bolnice, kjer je bila več dni na zdravniškem pregledu. Ses. Mari Markel se kar dobro zdra- vi na domu. Ses. Ančka Kožel je bila tudi par tednov v bolnici na pregledu, sedaj se zdravi na domu. Ses. Nettie Strukel se je zdravje precej zboljšalo, želimo, da se bo s prihodom pomladi tudi ona vrnila na svoj dom. Ses. Rose Glavič se je pri padcu na domu težko poškodovala, da je že več tednov v bolnici. Vsem želimo čimprejšnega okrevanja in najboljšega zdravja v bodočnosti. Letos naša Zveza praznuje 40 letnico obstoja, to pomembno obletnico bomo v Clevelandu proslavile s koncertom 13. marca v SND na St. Clair Ave. Za ta koncert bo pela izborna solistka, mezzo-sopranistka, Maria Kranjc Pischinger, ki je tudi članica Zveze. Preostanek tega koncerta bo za naš šolninski sklad, iz katerega da bi letos imela tekmo med soncem in oblaki. Vsak dan je sonce posijalo za nekaj časa in stopilo kake pol inče snega, oblaki so pa rekli "njet,” sneg bo tukaj in vsako noč so poslali toliko ali več snega, kolikor ga je sonce stopilo črez dan. In oblaki so trenutno zmagali. Čeprav je zimska narava lepa, vendar vsi nestrpno pričakujemo zelene pomladi, ki je itak pred vratmi. Lepa hvala Tilly K. in Slanec v Calif, in še piši! Prihodnja seja bo pri Mrs. Florence Aister in pridite vse na sejo, ker bo zopet prijetni večer. Pozdrav vsem članicam in njihovim družinam. Frances Kranjc Št. 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio. — Naše seje se vršijo vsaki drugi mesec in sicer drugo nedeljo v mesecu. Ker pa letos pade na našo nedeljo Velika noč, se bo aprilska seja izmenova vršila na prvo nedeljo, dne 3. aprila ob 2 uri popoldne na 10814 Prince v S.D.D. Članice ste prošene, da se te seje udeležite polnoštevilno, ker imamo več važnih zadev za razmotrivati glede naše proslave 35 letnice, katera bo 24. aprila, isto v S.D. dvorani na Prince. Vaša navzočnost je potrebna, zato ne pozabite na sejo 3. aprila! Želeč blagoslovljeno Veliko noč č. g. duhovnim vodjem, glavnim odbornicam in vsem članicam S.Ž.Z. Helen Tomažič, odbornica Št. 54, Warren, Ohio. — Januarska seja se je vršila na mojem domu. Udeležba je bila prav lepa. Sestra tajnica je prebrala pismo' za beatifikacijo slov. škofa Antona Martina Slomška. Odobrile smo $5 v ta namen. Razmotrivale smo kako bomo pro- se bo za Zvezino 40 letnico nagradilo 4 članice ali člane, in jim s tem pomagalo do višje izobrazbe. Namen je tako plemeniti, da ne moremo imeti izgovorov, poleg je pa cena vstopnicam naravnost malenkostna, cena je $1.50. Od vsake prodane vstopnice bo pa še 25f} za blagajno podružnice. Vstopnice so v prodaji pri vseh odbornicah podružnic. Pri naši podr. kličite ses. Debevec, ali pa podpisano. Pridite vse, z vašo navzočnostjo boste pripomogle k uspehu dvakratno, poleg tega, pa boste imeli nepozabljivi užitek. Prisrčna hvala ses. D. Ferra, J. Koželj, F. Zakrajšek, M. Sernel, R. Pujzdar, A. Skok, M. Raddell, M. Do-bida in Ann Winter za dar v blagajno. Tudi prisrčna hvala ses. Ančka Skok za pogostitev v počast rojstnega dne, in se. Debevec pa za kapljico. Ančki pa želimo še mnogo srečnih obletnic. Vse najboljše želimo ses. Angeli Vau-ter ob 75 letnici. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo, in pripeljite vsaj nekaj novih kandidatinj za našo organizacijo. S sesterskimi pozdravi, Ella Starin, taj. slavile materinski dan. Rezervirano imamo v Town in Country Motel na Youngstown Rd., kakor je bilo sklenjeno na letni seji se bo slavnost vršila 18. maja ob 6 uri zvečer. Na izbiro imamo puranovo ali govejo večerjo. Vse, ki se mislite udeležiti, pokličite Josephine Kassan, ki ima to v oskrbi, ali pa katero drugo odbornico. Vse smo vam na uslugo. Za častno mater je bila izvoljena Viktorija Žuga (Lunder). Ona je bila ustanovna članica in takrat najmlajša. Naše čestitke! Še vedno je bolana naša sestra v daljni Ariz., Frances Banozich in tudi njen soprog. Obema želimo ljubega zdravja! Članice se zahvalijo za pozdrave Mary De Filippo iz Tex. in želijo vsem vse najboljše. Pred kratkim sem prejela iz domovine žalostno sporočilo, da je 18. januarja preminula žena mojega brata Lojza, Frančiška, rojena Trdan. Ona je sestra pred 2 leti umrlega Franka, moža aktivne članice Zveze, Anne Trdan iz Chisholm, Minn. Dr. Franc Trdan je bil bratranec pokojne. Poleg žalujočega soproga Lojza, zapušča doma še 2 hčeri in 2 sinova ter 11 vnukov ter ravno tam v Sušjah pri Ribnici še enega brata Matevža. V Ameriki pa dosti sorodnikov. Ko sva bila G4 leta na obisku, smo živeli pri njih, kjer smo bili najboljše postreženi. Pokojna je užila dosti trpljenja v zdravju in dolgi bolezni. Naj ji sveti večna luč. Ko to pišem je še malo zgodaj, vendar voščim vsem članicam SŽZ, kakor tudi glavnim odbornicam in duhovnemu vodju Veselo Alelujo in vsem bolnim ljubega zdravja. Sesterski pozdrav. Rose Racher ŽENA IN MATI DVAJSETEGA STOLETJA Št. 103, Washington, D.C. — Žena današnjega časa ima večji pomen in tildi dolžnost, kot kdaj koli popreje. Pred leti je večino žen po sklenitvi zakona ostale doma in skrbele so za družinski red in vzgojo otrok. Danes pa veliko žen ostane naprej v službah in to v najrazličnejših poklicih. S tem, da opravlja dve službi eno zunaj in drugo doma, je vse v redu dokler ne pridejo otroci. S tem, da je rodila otroka in postala sama mati je prevzela veliko in težavno nalogo vzgajati, utrjevati in bodriti otroka za poznejše čase, ko bo moral sam stopiti v svoje stanovsko življenje. V naši novi domovini Ameriki pa matere pogosto pozabljamo na zgodnja vceplanja prave slovenske ljubezni in prepogosto pozneje pozabljamo poudarjati kulturne veličino slovenskega naroda. Kaj nam je torej mogoče storiti, da bomo ostale same sebi zveste in si ne bomo kdaj pozneje očitale, da nismo vse storile, kar je bilo v naši moči za naše otroke? Nikdar same ne pozabimo, da smo same hčere slovenskih mater. V tem duhu tudi vzgajajmo svoje otroke. Ko se še majhni jim berimo slovenska lažja berila in ko doraščajo, dajmo jim na razpolago večjih beril ali bolje knjige v slovenskem ali pa tudi v angleškem jeziku. S tem, da bodo brali knjigo o Slovencih v angleščini, o slovenski zgodovini, slovenskih političnih problemih, o zemljepisnih mejah, o sosednjih deželah v zvezi s Slovenci, bodo postali ponosni na domovino svojih staršev in prastaršev. Že dolgo je od tega, kar je Anton Martin Slomšek zapisal: “Kdor materin jezik zametuje, tudi matere ne spoštuje.” V Ameriki pa lahko še z vso pravico pridamo polek materinega jezika vsaj osnovno in splošno znanje o eni najbolj kulturnih deželah na svetu, naši Sloveniji. Učimo se dokler živimo, to velja tudi za nas žene dvajsetega stoletja. Naj ne bi bilo slovenskega doma brez vsaj ene polne knjižne police. Imejmo knjige, katere se tiskajo po širnem svetu o Slovencih v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Vsega nihče ne more imeti, lahko pa presodimo, kaj je za naše otroke potrebno in pomembno. Obradujmo naše otroke za njihove posebne dni s knjigo. Dobra knjiga je največja prijateljica človeka. Začnimo pri majhnih otrokih — nudimo jim tudi duševne hrane, da bodo tudi po duhu in ne samo po telesu postali veliki. Le mlado drevo se da upogniti. Matere bogato bomo poplačane, v naših srcih bomo zadovoljne in spokojne — oni, nekoč majhni, sedaj odraščeni pa se bodo vračali domov s hvaležnostjo in ljubeznijo. Ob koncu vam vsem skupaj še želim povedati, da se knjige o Slovencih v angleškem jeziku lahko dobijo pri Studia Slovenica v Washingtonu, D.C. Do sedaj je že izdanih 5 knjig, v pripravah jih je pa še več v bližnji bodočnosti. Knjige so napisane v angleščini predvsem zato, da se lahko tudi drugi narodi seznanijo z nami. Vsak znanstvenik, ki bo iskal podat- PRVA SLOVENSKA SLUŽBA BOŽJA V WASHINGTONU Dne 9. jan. so washingtonski Slovenci v velikem Številu prisostvovali sv. maši v prestolnični katedrali (Shrine of Immaculate Conception) katero je daroval g. dr. Franc Blatnik v slovenščini. Gornje slike so posnete med cerkevnim opravilom, ki se je vršilo na pobudo podr. št. 103. Na orgle je ograla gdč. Vera Dowhan in slov. ljudsko petje je vodil Stane Šušteršič; pri vratih sta sprejemala goste vrla slov. fanta Mirko Javornik, ml. in Vilko Jagodnik. Komentator je bil dr. Ciril Zebot in lektor, Erik Kovačič. Čestitke podjednosti našim washingtonskim članicam. kov o katerem koli narodu so bo obrnil na večje ameriške knjižnice in tam vzel vire, kateri so mu na razpolago. Knjige Studia Slovenica so že prodrle na vse večje univerze in knjižnice, toplo pa se tudi priporočajo vsem slovenskim posameznikom v A-meriki. Vsak vaš sin, hčerka, sorodnik ali znanec, ki študira ali pa se zanima za zgodovino* Slovencev, bi moral imeti te knjige. Za vsa pojasnila in naročila pišite v slovenščini ali angleščini na Studia Slovenica, P.O. Box 4531, Washington, D.C. 20017. Vsem članicam Slovenske Ženske Zveze pošiljam iskren pozdrav. Nika B. Kovačič Št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas. — Danes 1. februarja smo tukaj v srcu Amerike dobili prvi sneg, da ga je bilo treba kidati. Za Božič se nam je samo pokazal in je kmalu izgini). Ostalo je lepo ves januar ampak zdaj je pa sneg zapadel. Bili smo res srečni z zimo. Pri nas smo imeli samo en dan deset pod ničlo, takoj za tem pa spet 20 nad ničlo in tako naprej. Ubogi ljudje, kjer so trpeli vsled hude zime. Pri naši podružnici je zaspano in žalostno. Odslej imamo sejo vsak drugi mesec, to je po seji Materinskega društva. Gotovo je bolezen vzrok, da niste prišle. V zadnjem dopisu ste gotovo brale, da bo vsaka članica prispevala dolar v blagajno, iz katere se črpa za poslovne stroške. Prosi se vas, da gotovo plačate dolar, ko boste prihodnjič poravnale asesment. Prihodnja seja bo v marcu, po seji Materinskega društva in ste prošene, da pridete. Vsem bolnim članicam med katerimi je tudi naša častna predsednica, Mrs. Prisland, želimo, da se vam kmalu vrne ljubo zdravje. Globoko sožalje izrekam sestri Mary Otoničar v Clevelandu na Izgubo soproga. Z njo sva bili večkrat skupaj v Lemon tu. Končno najlepši pozdrav celokupnemu članstvu Zveze! Antonia Kostelec, preds. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Danes ko to pišem imamo zelo mrzlo vreme, 4 pod ničlo in 12 inčev snega. — Naša januarska seja je bila dobro obiskana. Po seji smo se prav lepo imele. Na tej seji je bilo sklenjeno, da bomo praznovale 30 letnico ustanovitve naše podružnice in državno konvencijo, dne 22 maja. Vse bo še podrobno poročamo v Zarji. Vseeno že sedaj prosim vse podružnice države Pensilvanije in New Yorka, da bi se vsaj enkrat vse udeležile državne konvencije in boste videle in slišale kaj pomeni državna konvencija za članice SŽZ. Izvolile smo tudi zaslužno mater podružnice, ki je Mary Kocjan. Ona je ustanoviteljica podr. in bila je dolgoletna zapisnikarica ter dobra članica. Vse ji tudi želimo vso srečo in zdravje v novem domu. Ses. Nemanich je še vedno pod zdravniško oskrbo. Izrekamo ji iskreno sožalje ob izgubi soproga, ki je preminil nagle smrti dne 9. januarja tega leta. Sestra Batosta je tudi še vedno bolna, njej in vsem bolnim želimo naj vam ljubi Bog vrne ljubo zdravje in pridite na sejo, ki bo važna zaradi državne konvencije. Lep pozdrav in na svidenje na seji 9. marca. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — Na naši decemberski seji je bila prav lepa udeležba. Hvala za tako lepo postrežbo, Mary in tudi Miklavžu gre zahvala, ker vse lepo razdelili kar je prinesel s seboj. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor z izjemo blagajničarko. Nova je Anna May Andersen. Naša prihodnja seja bo 13. marca in upam, da se boste zopet udeležile v tako lepem številu. Seja se bo vršila pri sestri Jennie Bever. Upamo, da bo mraz že za nami in ko boste brale te vrstice, upam, da bom že sejala solato na vrtu. Sporočam, da smo izgubile dobro članico, ses. Antonijo Kravajno. U-pam, da bomo nadomestile vrzel z pridobitvijo nove članice. S sesterskimi pozdravi, želim vse dobro in mnogo uspehov v tem letu vsem glavnim odbornicam in članicam. Mary Mihelič, preds. Ša. 84, New York, N.Y. — Na letni seji 20. dec. je bil izvoljen stari odbor. Ker je vedno slabo vreme v mesecih jan., febr. in marca, zato smo odložile sejo na 19. aprila. Prosim vse članice, da bi se te seje udeležile gotovo v velikem številu, ker bomo razmotrivali kam bomo šle na izlet to poletje. Prej ko bomo odobrile, prej si bomo rezervirale mesto, bodisi v soboto, ali v nedeljo. Članarino lahko pošljete, ali pa greste plačati na dom tajnice, Anna Svet, 1830 Cornelia St., Bklyn 27. Naša podr. je zelo raztresena. Imamo 2! članice, Barbara Rode in Mary Medved, oddaljene 200 milj. Mary si je lani kupila dom v Worchester, N.Y. Barbara pa je dolgo let imela veliko farmo, a sedaj sta si kupila manjšo. Dne 17. dec. je naša čla. Mary Judež izgubila svojega moža. Naše sožalje. Naša podr. je naročila sv. mašo v slovenski cerkvi. Pokojni se je rad udeležil vseh naših prireditev. Naj mu bo lahka hladna zemlja. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Ses. Frances Hočevar je šla k sestri v Florido-, jaz pa se sedaj nahajam pri svakinji in možu F. Vidergar v Fontani, Cal. To mesto nikoli ne spi. Skoro vsak teden je kaka zabava. — Nocoj so imele članice št. 100 SŽZ svojo sejo in so slavile kar 3 rojstne dneve, prinesle so cake, co-kies in kave, da je bilo res veselo in prav prijazni večer. Ob pondeljkih ig- rajo priljubljene igre v Slovenian Rest Home, ki je zelo lepo urejen. Mrs. Parkel je manager in kuharice res dobro kuhajo in pečejo potice in flancate in druge slovenske dobrote, da so odlično postreženi. Dom ima dobre odbornike, vsa čast jim. — 23. jan. pa so dobili precej snega. Večeri so tukaj hladni, a podnevi je precej toplo, toda kmalu bo pomlad in vse bo v cvetju. Seveda Slovenci imajo lepe vrtove in mnogo rožmarina, kateri tukaj tudi lepo cvete, kar je bolj redko videti pri nas. To je mali plavi cvet. Imajo pa tukaj tudi japonski rožmarin, ki raste bolj pri zemlji. Videla sem ga pri Kayser Steel Co., ker je mnogo ljudi zaposlenih. Jaz sem Fontano sedaj že četrtič obiskala in izgleda, da so delavci dobro plačani. Pošiljam vsem članicam št. 84 najlepše pozdrave, kakor tudi čla. št. 93 in vsem čitateljem Zarje in članicam naše dične organizacije SŽZ. Angela Voje, preds. Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Zečetek zime je bil nepričakovano lep in smo mislili, da bomo letos brez hudega mraza, ampak ni bilo tako v januarju, ker toplomer je padel na 18 pod ničlo in snega je bilo toliko, da smo eno nedeljo komaj šli v cerkev. Vemo pa, da se bližajo toplejši dnevi in kmalu bo spet delo po vrtovih. Predsednica Mrs. Kuzma je srečno prestala resno operacijo in se zdravi na domu. Cecilija Kraševec si je ravno pred božičem pri padcu zlomila nogo. Vsem bolnim želimo skorajšno okrevanje. Prisrčna hvala sestri Mary Škerjanc, ki se vsako leto spomni na našo ročno blagajno. Ilvala lepa vsem tistim oddaljenim članicam, ki pošljejo asesment po pošti, da mi ni treba skrbeti za plačati na glavni urad. I.epe pozdrave vsem članicam, Jennie Stusek, taj. Št. 90, Presto, Pa. — Moram napisati par vrstic za našo priljubljeno Zarjo. To pišem v New Smyrna Beach, Fla., kjer se nahajam že od 12. novembra in se mi prav dopade. Ljudje so prijazni in vreme je večinoma lepo, da se lahko zunaj sprehajamo. Sedaj pa nekaj od naše podružnice. Moja hčer mi je pisala, da je bila de-cemberska seja lepo obiskana, kar sem tudi lahko videla, ko sem dobi- lo božično karto s tolikimi podpisi od članic, za kar se iskreno zahvalim vsem in vsaki posebej. — Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor, kar je prav, ker vse delajo za korist Zveze. — Tudi tukaj članice Zveze, ki spadajo raznim podružnicam v Clevelandu in ko sem katero obiskala in videla Zarjo v hiši, sem se kar domača počutila, ker se nisem nadejala, da bi videla Zarjo tukaj v Fla. V teh toplejših krajih ostanem še par mesecev, potem pa grem zopet domov k moji hčerki. Pozdravljam vse članice Zveze. Johanna Aubel MARCH MEETING DATES 1st SAT. MAR. 5 Br. 62, Conneaut, O. 1st SUN. MAR. 6 Br. 6, Barberton, O.; 23, Ely, Minn.; 24, LaSalle, 111.; 27, N. Braddock, Pa.; 51, Akron, O.; 92, Crested Butte, Colo.; 99, Elmhurst, 111. 1st MON. MAR. 7 Br. 29, Broundale, Pa.; 73, Warrensville, O.; 83, Crosby, Minn.; 101, Bedford Hgts., O. 1st TUES. MAR. 1 Br. 14. Euclid, O.; 32, Euclid, O.; 41, Cleveland, O.; 59, Burgettstown, Pa. Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. 1st WED. MAR. 2 Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo.; 21, Cleveland, O.; 33, Duluth, Minn.; 35, Aurora, Minn.; 38, Chisholm, Minn.; 52, Kitzville, Minn.; 95, S. Chicago, 111. 1st THURS. MAR. 3 Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal.; 45, Portland, Ore.; 80, Moon Run, Pa.; 100, Fontana, Cal. 2nd SUN. MAR. 13 Br. 37, Greaney, Minn.; 43, Milwaukee. Wis.; 46, St. Louis, Mo.; 49, Noble, O.; 61, Braddock, Pa.; 66, Canon City, Colo.; 67, Bessemer, Pa.; 74, Ambridge, Pa.; 97, Ca-irnbrook. Pa.; 96, Universal, Pa.; 47, Garfield Heights, O.; 7, Forest City, Pa.; 72, Pullman, 111.; 103, Washington, D. C. Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash.; 2nd MON. MAR. 14 Br. 25, Cleveland, O.; S9, Oglesby, 111. 2nd TUES. MAR. 8 Br. 10, Collinwood, O.; 30, Aurora, 111.; 56, Hibbing, Minn.; 57, Niles, O.; 70, W. Ali-quippa, Pa.; 4, Oregon City, Ore. 2nd WED. MAR. 9 Br. 15, Cleveland, O.; 28, Calumet, Mich.; 31, Gilbert, Minn.; 40, Lorain, O.; 71, Stra-bane, Pa.; 88, Johnstown, Pa. 2nd THURS. MAR. 10 Br. 2, Chicago, 111.; IG, S. Chicago, 111.; 19, Eveleth, Minn.; 55, Girard, O.; 77, N. S. Pittsburgh. Pa.; 81, Keewatin, Minn.; 39, Biwabik, Minn. 3rd SUN. MAR. 20 Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.; 17, West Allis. Wis.; 20, Joliet, 111.; 64, Kansas City, Kans.; 68, Fairport Hbr., O.; 85, DePue, 111.; 90, Presto, Pa.; 102, Willard, Wis.; 104, Johnstown, Pa.; 105, Detroit, Mich. 3rd MON. MAR. 21 Br. 50, Cleveland, O. 3rd TUES. MAR. 15 Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 54, Warren, O.; 84, New York, N.Y.; 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. 3rd WED. MAR. 16 Br. 34, Soudan, Minn.; 65, Virginia, Minn. 23, Ely, Minn. (Dawn Club) 3rd TIIURS. MAR. 17 Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis.; 106, Meadow -lands. Pa. 4th SUN. MAR. 27 Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind.; 94, Canton, O. 4th TUES. MAR. 22 Br. 22, Bradley, 111.; 86, Nashwauk, Minn. 4th WED. MAR. 23 Br. 42, Maple Heights, O. Last THURS. MAR. 24 Br. 78, Licadville, Colo. Last SUN. MAR. 27 Br. 8, Steelton, Pa.; 63, Denver, Colo. No Specified Date Br. 9, Detroit, Mich each 3rd. Mo. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1965 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC DECEMBER, 1965 Branch 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1(5. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 31. 22. 33. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 4G. 47. 48. 49 50. 51. 52. 54. 55. 56. 57. 59. 61. 62. 63. G4. 65. 6G. 67. 68. 70 71. 72. 73. 74. 77. 78 79. 80. 81. 83. 84. 85. Assessments $100.60 187.35 151.85 4.65 52.00 G3.35 169.00 156.00 80.70 52.35 147.25 113.90 75.90 79.10 60.85 185.90 46.80 19.70 118.00 81.95 363.G5 48.55 234.85 43.25 11.95 24.30 49.80 Membership Branch Assesments Membership 86.90 19.15 35.75 9.00 57.35 2>5.65 47.60 103.40 24.15 75.75 15.30 59.80 3.50 113.05 8.45 29.80 40.65 34.45 44.00 39.35 35.40 62.50 43.GO 27.10 28.20 81.70 23.20 5G.40 11.95 56.45 22.15 28.75 15.25 19.40 S.95 11.70 180.00 12.00 107 / 86. 11.25 20 88. 24.75 45 11 89. 37.55 82 38 90. 23.80 49 19 91. 37.90 60 14 92. 14.30 23 2 93. G1.90 G3 / 94. 23.70 16 1